#i never realized how fun it was to write for hina
gratuiciel · 11 days
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(making a new post so i don't have to scroll for days getting to the bottom of it skjdfh) @ttkinnie
hell yea i've started writing it (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) except now it's hanma, takemichi AND naoto being dads skfjsh i just HAD to include that guy. i thought it'd make sense (somehow) for all three of them to get transported to the past after a time leap gone wrong. long story short naoto and (unconscious)takemichi got kidnapped shortly after naoto killed mikey, and izana wants to use their power to prevent shin's murder in the past. except izana's been torturing naoto while waiting for takemichi to wake up bc he's not exactly the most stable guy out there, esp after mikey's death. when he sees naoto's state, michi runs to him and tries to shake his hand so he can make sure this future never happens, but hanma (who was tasked with guarding takemichi while he was out cold) tries to stop him, and the moment the three of them come into contact they get sent to the past, in like 1998. now they have nothing left but the clothes on their back, and they'll have to start from scratch in this nostalgic era... and eventually realize their past friends are still there, but they're all baby. i think hanma and naoto would have some nice parallels, each living essentially for one person, giving away everything for them (hanma following kisaki's orders and naoto trying to save his sister) but now that person is gone and their version in this world doesn't even know they exist... the angst. plus naoto really looks like kisaki at times. he's got them cold blue-grey eyes too. i think hanma would like him (he's got a thing for short (average-sized but everyone's short to him) kings with murderous thoughts). naoto would just wanna kill him & kisaki & izana though (even though the last two are still kids. getting tortured really didn't help fix that side of him). takemichi is gonna have to handle these two absolute menaces to society now skfhdf (watch me make this a romantic comedy + found family somehow despite the fucked up setting i started out with)
i understand the need to make your special guy suffer u_u that's just how it is sometimes (my current fave guy to hit with hammers is naoto, i hope i can write some good stuff with him for the server too)
absolutely love these murder plots for kisaki (a normal sentence) especially the part where he makes takemichi watch helplessly *giggles cutely* and him jamming communications is a+ evil mastermind stuff (people being completely at a loss for what to do the moment you take away their usual technology from them is always super fun and scary to think about). mikey being used to lure the others into a trap?? hell yeah B-)
hehehe there's just something about villains being a little good and heroes being a little bad :^) it's unexpected it's exciting and it just freaking rules tbh
wakui writing tr's main antagonist and tr's main love interest: "what if they were both obsessed with takemichi, to the point where we find out that even a dozen years later they still hadn't moved on from him at all? yes perfect." (need to write ot3 fic for them eventually... either this or hina gets a gf. i have GOT to stop making her sit it out in the cuck chair when she could have two utterly dedicated and loving husbands instead)
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maybenotmei · 2 years
hiiiii!!! can u do hina & kokoro saying ily to the reader for the first time? ^_^
i love you!
ft. hina hikawa, kokoro tsurumaki
—> notes at the end!
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the first time she says i love you would definitely be a slip up and something you really wouldn't expect, especially when it was right during a fan-sign event.
now, hina says "i love you" a lot, especially to her fans. she never means any of them romantically, well up until she met you.
if you paid attention to every word she has said to you (which is almost impossible unless you have photographic memory— this girl rambles and talks a Lot more than you might think), she has never said "i love you" ever, it was always a simple "you're the best!" or "you're so boppin♪"
you never really questioned it. though it did start to hurt when you gained feelings, though.
as an avid pastel*palettes fan, you bought tickets and attended fan handshake events, signing events, and really any sort of tour or one to one idol interaction to support the five, especially hina
this time, this event was a handshake event. you nervously waited in line, waiting for your turn to talk to hina. (though, you talk to her all the time...? well... uh... feelings... yeah feelings) soon enough you made it, and hina greeted you happily.
she looked a lot happier. she was smiling wide, and it looks like she was about to jump out of her seat. you gave her a gift for support, and she felt something so strong that all she could do was say "thank you!! i love you so much!"
you're not too sure if she meant it romantically or platonically, but it did cause the other four to turn their heads a little before going back to usual schedule. you swore you felt people staring at you so hard that it felt like they were shooting lasers at you...
hina doesn't fully understand why she just said that either, okay? she was so focused on figuring out why that the next person in line had to stand and wait for a bit because hina was mumbling to herself a little
you did confront her about it the next day, and well, you figured out a lot of things. like "oh yeah i do love you a lot!" and the fact she did love you romantically. wait, what?
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the first time she said i love you was publicly, at a concert.
now, i think kokoro's a very vocal person when it come to declaring love or showing love. i also think she likes expressing her love physically and vocally, like by telling you how much she loves you and how certain concerts are dedicated to you.
this takes place right before you two got together.
harohapi planned another concert this time. it was spring, and kokoro thought it was the best time to perform during the peak blooming of the cherry blossoms. she was able to book an outdoor stage near a ton of these trees, and urged misaki to "help" her plan out stuff
she (and misaki and the rest of the band) had planned out two concerts— one during the day, and one during the night. during the night there would be brighter lights and fireworks, because "it would look cool"
enough worldbuilding kokoro gave you backstage passes for both shows and said you could attend both shows with it. you agreed, and your schedule was free enough that you could attend the night concert.
the concert was dazzling and put smiles on everyone's faces. the venue only added to the joy— despite it being dark, there were spotlights pointing to them so you could see the cherry trees at full blossom.
at the near end of the concert, before their final song ended, fireworks shot up at the sky. they were all different colors, and the main one was a huge pink heart-shaped firework. (if you're sensitive to loud stuff you're wearing earplugs, so it's not all that loud)
and kokoro shouted your name, as well as "everyone," and followed it up with an i love you. (to imagine it, it's like, "everyone, (your name), i love you!")
you walked backstage, where you were greeted with a joyful blonde who immediately ran towards you and grabbed your hands, intertwining them and putting them up to chest level.
"i love you!" and that's where everything began.
notes: here you go!! hope you like it <3 for hina, i wasn't too sure how to fit that sudden "i love you" for a while lol
it's 12:45am forgive me... i am listening to meteor by divela & i got inspired by it for kokoro's part lolz its so good it makes me feel sparkly but like not physically but happy iykwim
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tomanpeach · 3 years
help me remember then help me forget – college au! draken x reader (part 1)
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summary: you wake up the morning after a party and realize you might've had too much to drink. thankfully, draken is there to help you piece the night back together..
a/n: contains mentions of alcohol and drinking!! i've literally never had so much fun writing anything so this really got away from me so i decided to split this fic up into parts lmaoo i am simply so deep in the draken brain is all for u kenny babey <3 please enjoy
you wake up to an unbearable pounding in your skull. squeezing your eyes shut, you make a silent vow to never drink again. worse than the headache though, was the sinking feeling that washes over you when you realize that you can’t even remember why you’d gotten so drunk in the first place... you had only ever blacked out a few times in college and only when it kind of made sense– birthdays, new years eve, the end of finals week. but a random friday night house party with mikey’s friends from the art department? you feel like a bit of a mess.
you try to put together the night from the pieces you do remember: arriving with hina, finding mikey, taking shots. playing beer pong in the backyard, meeting mikey’s best friend, then…. black. you roll onto your back and squint up at the ceiling. wait, what the fuck? the ceiling… the sheets that are against your skin…for the first time since you woke up, you realize that this is not your room.
“hey, you’re awake.”
you almost jump out of your skin hearing another person in the room. bolting upright, you stare back with wide eyes at the source of the voice: a half naked man in a towel that’s slung dangerously low on his hips. he’s pretty huge, too. tall and muscular and taking up most of the doorway to what you assume (from the towel and his wet hair) to be the bathroom. the realization of who this guy is hits you like a slap in the face. you didn’t remember a lot from the party but you sure as hell remembered him. mikey’s best fucking friend.
“jesus christ,” you blurt.
“it’s draken, actually,” his grin is teasing. “but i’ll forgive that. you did have a lot to drink last night. how do you feel?”
you blink back at him. what the fuck was going on? did you fuck mikey’s best friend last night?? why else would you be in his bedroom??? you take a quick inventory of the situation. of course you had found draken unbelievably hot when you met him at the party. you had the fuzziest memory of playing a round of beer pong on his team, but that was it. and, clearly, you’d gone home with him.
a glance down tells you that you’re fully clothed... though not in anything that belongs to you. shit. you look back up at draken. your eyes linger a bit too long on the outline of his muscles on his broad chest and down his toned stomach. no, focus. you desperately want to sprint out his front door and call a lyft home, shower in your own apartment, and sleep for 3-5 full days. but the thought of clearing up a few things about last night before you go proves more appealing.
“i blacked out,” you finally mumble. “and i feel like shit.”
a deep chuckle bubbles out of draken. it’s a throaty, sexy sound and, under different circumstances, you probably would have blushed at how charming you find it. “i’m not really surprised,” he crosses his arms and leans against the doorframe. “you tried to outdrink me and… well, clearly i won.”
“i what?” you gasp. “why the fuck would i do that??”
he lets out another chuckle, and shrugs, “i don’t know either, babe, i’m twice your size. very admirable that you tried, though.” drunk me is an idiot, you think. were you trying to flirt, dummy?? by getting alcohol poisoning???
draken goes back into the bathroom and out of view. “so you really don’t remember anything?” he calls out to you. his towel drops to the floor in a heap. you gulp hard as you stare at it in the doorway. “no,” you answer back, mouth feeling dry. “nothing after beer pong.” when draken steps into the room again, you see that he’s put his long hair back in a single braid but missed a small section at the front. you can see his face more clearly now than in your woozy drunk memories or when his wet hair was down earlier. his features are sharp and angular. his expression is much more stoic when he’s teasing you or chuckling at your misfortune, too. it made you want to know what he was thinking, and to really study his features up close. his lips, his eyes. made you want to tuck the stray piece of hair out of his face. he's also dressed now, thank goodness, in a white t-shirt and dark, beat up jeans.
he walks over to his desk and collects his phone, keys, and wallet in his hands. “so,” you clear your throat. he starts to shove the items into his pockets and looks up at you expectantly. “last night… did we…you know…” he raises an eyebrow at you but says nothing. “draken, you’ve gotta help me out here. me and you… did we have—“ “no, nothing like that,” he shakes his head, cutting you off. you let out a breath of relief you didn't realized you’d been holding in. there’s one question answered at least...
draken pulls out his desk chair and sits in it backwards facing you, “you swear you don’t remember leaving the party with me?” you shake your head. “really?” he sounds incredulous. “begging to come back to my place? throwing up in my kitchen? all the personal shit you were telling me when we cleaned you up?” throwing up?! and what personal shit would you possibly have told to a complete stranger?!?
“aaaah god!” you cry, clamping your hands over your ears. “no! none of that! this is literally so humiliating. i don’t remember any of it. can you…” you take a breath to calm down. “can you please give me the sparknotes on last night? i want to know what i need to apologize to you for so i can get out of here and wallow in my shame forever?”
the look on draken’s face was impossible to read. you can just barely remember your first impression of him from the party. you remember thinking that he seemed so much more mature than most of the other college guys you knew. and he was definitely a stark contrast to free-spirited, laughing-at-everything, giving-everyone-cute-nicknames mikey. they’re kind of a weird pair, you’d thought. i wonder if mikey would set us up… a tiny part of you was honestly kind of bummed to have learned that you hadn’t fucked him. don't you want to actually remember it if you fuck him? the rational part of your brain butts in. right, good point.
“uh, okay, i can catch you up,” draken’s voice brings you back to the present. right. the present where you are in his clothes, in his bed, with no memory of how that happened. you tune in to his words. “you, me, mikey, and your friend were playing a round of beer pong. nut then your friend really hit it off with one of our friends, takemichi, and they ended up leaving together–” you make a mental note to yell at hina for leaving you unsupervised “–but you stayed with mikey and me and our friends. and, like i said, for some reason you wanted to try and go shot for shot with me. so we did a couple shots but i was getting ready to leave, and you begged to come with me. something about wanting to sober up to try again.” you wince as he lets out a laugh.
“mikey said you lived near me anyway so i thought, whatever, the walk and the cold air would probably help you sober up, too. but you were still pretty wasted and wouldn’t tell me where you lived so we just went to my place and talked for a bit. kind of a while actually. it got really late but you were still refusing to go home and then you threw up so i–” you grimace and wave your hand dismissively, “you can skip that, i get it. i was gross, you made me ungross. i’m so sorry and i appreciate that.” “no problem,” he looked slightly amused. “well, it was really fuckin late then and once you were cleaned up you passed out in my bed. i was exhausted so i just let you stay."
“in your bed?”
“mhm. i slept on the couch.”
“wow that is…” you searched for the right words.
"more innocent than you were imagining?" he gave you another teasing grin. your eyebrows knit together, cheeks heating up, "no! i mean... i don't know! what was i supposed to think?! I woke up in your clothes and i saw you in a towel and–” “i can’t shower in my own home?” the teasing makes your stomach flip, especially coming from draken. your pride couldn’t take much more.
"i need to leave," you decide, getting up abruptly. "hey, i didn't mean to make you upset," he says, sounding like he genuinely feels bad.
"no, it's fine," you spot your shoes and sit down on the floor to tug them on. "i didn't remember how i ended up here and you told me. i appreciate you babysitting me and i'm really fucking sorry for behaving badly and throwing up and... well, all of it.” you stand up and grab your phone. “i promise i’m gonna buy you coffee or a meal or a fucking bmw for being so nice to me but i really need to go home now."
“i understand," he nods. "and no worries, really. we all have our nights.” you try to manage a grateful smile but, honestly, as your headache gets worse and everything sinks in, you just want to sob. draken walks you to the front door where you mumble an awkward thank you as your feet propel you out to the sidewalk. you barely make it to the end of the block before you start to cry.
part 2
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Heya! Can I have the thh girls with a male s/o who is a juvenile delinquent? Like he'll break the school rules constantly and get into fights?
Of course, anon! This is my first time writing a whole slew of characters from the cast (I included the ones that aren't on my list as well!), so I hope it's enjoyable and in character. Before we start, I'd like to add that I've omitted Chihiro because I know people interpret this character's gender differently-- but if you'd like I will add Fujisaki as well! Just let me know. Please have a wonderful day :)
-Mod Celeste
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THH Girls with an Ultimate Delinquent male! s/o:
-She worries for you, mostly because she doesn't want you to get hurt. You're on her mind constantly.
-However, she's one of those girls who secretly enjoys when a boy fights for her (cue "Fight for Me" from Heathers the Musical).
-If you're in a bad mood, she'll sing to you! She knows all your favorite songs and knows you'll join in eventually.
-She is the greatest backup you'd ever have. In trouble with the principal? She'll defend you. Fights with rivals? She will scare them with her intellect before you even begin.
-Kyoko doesn't necessarily condone you getting into trouble, but will at least show you how to do it without being caught.
-She actually helps you with cuts and bruises, putting bandages on you and the like. You've never seen such a caring expression on her before.
-She wouldn't ever say it to her face, but she thinks you're incredible. A talent like yours is full of action and drama, and she couldn't be happier to be a part of it.
-The two of you make quite the intimidating couple. If you cross one, you will definitely face the other's wrath.
-Sometimes she plays an active part in your shenanigans. "Let's make a bet, shall we?" She'll say, with a devious yet haughty grin.
-Like Sayaka, she worries about you frequently. The only difference is she'll try to get herself involved to prevent you getting hurt!
-She does admire your spirit, though. Your determination is something she'd love to learn herself.
-Hina, when she knows you're feeling blue about something, will make dozens of donuts for you and bring them over to share. It does the trick every time, just like she says.
-Sakura does not condone needless violence or chaos. However, she understands that you usually have good intentions about it, so she tries to understand-- sometimes she'll even have your back in a tough situation!
-This is another true power couple. When each person will do anything to protect the other, it's a sight to behold.
-She will spar with you on occasion, and always has ice packs and cold drinks when you need them.
Junko (non-despair):
-Honestly, she thinks it's cool that you break rules and cause trouble. She'll help you sometimes, if she thinks it'll be fun.
-She has a way of persuading people, so she is ready to get you out of trouble. Though, she'll joke "Jeez, where would you be without me?" Before giving her trademark smile.
-Junko may like to cause trouble but she also wants you to be okay. As her partner in crime, you're incredibly important to her!
-Unlike her sister, she doesn't like to involve herself in other people's problems. Though, she has a soft spot for you.
-Every once in a while, she'll suggest her tips on how to win a fight. She's a bit of a scary girlfriend, really.
-She's the protective type, but also loves to feel protected herself! It's why she loves being with you.
-Initially she's a bit skittish around you, but she soon realizes that you're like all those bad-boy love interests she's read (and wrote) about.
-She loves that you're a rebel, and will talk you up to all of her classmates. You're the only thing she brags about!
-Toko will absolutely find inspiration from you. Her next novel features a rough around the edges but sweet on the inside mobster who falls for a quiet, unassuming journalist. How subtle, Toko.
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tacticaldiary · 4 years
Having a relationship w/ Oikawa based on a bet and the gf heard it when the seijoh 4 talked about it making oikawa panicked when he knows his gf heard it.. ahh angst to fluff? Hehe thank youuuu
This was fun to write. :)
Betting on You
Pairing: Reader x Oikawa Tooru
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, a lil fluff
He couldn’t lose her, anyone but her. He shouldn’t have accepted the bet. Needless to say, Oikawa Tooru has a lot of regrets right now. Opening up and being vulnerable to his partner was thankfully not one of them, even if it had ended up with them crying in each others arms. 
Mumbling incoherently, Y/N reaches out next to her in the bed, trying to find the warm body that usually occupied the space next her. Frowning when she feels only the bedsheets, she opens her eyes and squints. There’s no one next to her. 
“Tooru?” she mutters softly, yawning and sitting up. He was always there, clinging to her, holding her close. Strange. She decides to wait for him, wanting his warmth to fall asleep with. The guy was like a living heater, which was useful during cold winter nights like this one. 
Twenty minutes pass and he still doesn’t come back. Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/N sighs and pulls herself to the edge of the bed, slipping on a pair of slippers. She shivers a little when the cold air hits her skin, but continues slowly towards the door to their shared bedroom. Opening it with a quiet creak, she immediately hears voices. A little confused, she quietly keeps walking, stopping at the doorway to the living room. 
She tilts her head in confusion when she sees Tooru laying on the couch, tapping away at his phone. It appears he’s on a voice call on speaker. 
“Almost three months.”
“Honestly, none of us expected you to last this long.”
Her eyes widen as she hears familiar voices. Matsukawa and Hanamaki?
“You’re still keeping him to that?” Iwaizumi? What were they doing this late at night? The clock on the wall tells her it’s 2 in the morning. 
“Obviously. I thought the money was pretty much guaranteed.”
“Can you blame us? He’s never kept someone around for more than a month.”
“Shut up.” Tooru's quiet voice reaches her ears. What money? What was going on?
“You’re not going to win.” comes Iwaizumi’s annoyed voice. “It’s Y/N.”
“Yeah, but before her it was also Mika-Chan and Yui-Chan and Hina-Chan and Aiko-Chan and-”
“Alright, I get it. Iwa-Chan’s the only one who’s on my side.” he pouts, cutting off Hanamaki’s annoying high-pitched imitation of him. 
“We still don’t know why. You’re obviously going to lose the bet. It’s inevitable.” Matsukawa claim confidently
“I’ll win in a few days, if you haven’t noticed. Nothing’s gonna happen in a few days.” Tooru rolls his eyes.
“And then you’ll dump her?”
Y/N suddenly feels cold, and it has nothing to do with the weather. Dump her? Bet? WHat was going on? Her mind was racing. Tooru hadn’t indicated that he was unhappy, or wanted to break up. He was always telling her how much he loved her. Was he lying? She felt a little sick at the thought.
“Yeah, the bet was to keep someone around for more than three months. You’ll be done in a few days. What’re you gonna do then?”
“A bet?” she says aloud, her voice hollow with shock.
Tooru jumps and drops his phone, quickly turning around to see his girlfriend looking at him in horror. 
“Y-Y/N-Chan...” he scrambles to his feet and ends the call, wondering how much she had heard. “I thought you were asleep?” he quickly moves towards her, reaching out to touch her shoulder. He freezes when she backs away, shaking her head in disbelief. 
“A bet, Tooru? A bet?” 
“What-? Wait, Y/N...it’s not what you think-”
“Keep me around? You were dating me for a...bet?” her voice starts shaking a little, as she remembers how mere hours ago, he was holding her, assuring her how much he loved her.
“No! I-”
“Am I a game to you? A bet? Are you fucking kidding me?” She nearly laughs, because of course he would only date her for a bet. Of course. 
He frantically shakes his head, reaching out for her again, but thinking better of it when he glares at him with eyes full of unshed tears. His eyes widened. This wasn't supposed to happen. It wasn’t supposed to go like this. “Y/N-Chan, listen to me, please, let me explain.” he sounds panicked. 
She clenches her jaw. “I should have seen this coming. Of course the Oikawa Tooru wouldn’t go out with someone like me.” She lets out a bitter chuckle at his stunned expression. Before he can interrupt, she pushes on. “Why would you, when you have girls, so much more perfect than me, throwing themselves at your feet all the time?”
“Y/N-” he’s trying desperately to get a word in, wincing when she raises her voice to overpower his. 
“Mika-Chan and Yui-Chan and Hina-Chan.” she imitates, recalling the phone call. Tears she’s tried to keep at bay finally start trickling down and Oikawa’s heart twists painfully, knowing that he was the one who caused it. “Obviously, the only reason you’d consider me was because of a bet, a fucking bet, Tooru.” she cries out angrily. 
“Y/N-Chan, listen to me.” he says seriously, grabbing her shoulder and looking her in the eyes. “I love you. I’ve loved you since the beginning. The bet means nothing to me.”
Her next word feel like a punch to the gut. 
“Bullshit.” she whispers, before repeating herself louder. “Utter bullshit. You never loved me.”
“I did, I do!” he insists. 
“If you did, it wouldn’t have taken a bet for you to ask me out!” she roughly shoves his hands off her. Taking a deep breath, forcing herself to ignore his hurt look. “It’s my fault too, isn’t it? I should’ve known better than to accept dating the Oikawa Tooru, the school heartthrob, notorious for playing around.” her words are laced with venom and self-pity. “There’s always gonna be someone better. Someone prettier, skinner, funnier. I was stupid for thinking you would ever fall for me.” All her insecurities come spilling out, accumulated from months of dating him, enduring the comments whispered under the breath by jealous students, girls openly flirting with her boyfriend. She was stupid to think she would ever be enough.
Pushing past him, wiping her sleeves across her eyes, she storms back into the bedroom, Oikawa at her heels behind her. She grabs her pillow and a blanket, turning back around and moving to the couch in the living room. She does her best to ignore her boyfriend's desperate attempts to gain her attention, begging her to give him a chance to explain. She sets up the items and lays on the couch, pulling the blanket to her chin and turning to face the back of the couch.
She refused to sleep anywhere near him. When he doesn’t stop talking she says coldly:
“Leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you.”
She pauses. “No?”
“Not until you hear me out.” He crosses his arms.
“I’ve heard enough.”
“It’s a misunderstanding. If you’d just let me explain-”
“I’ll be out of your hair tomorrow.”
He was dreading that. He really does love her, so fucking much. He doesn't want to lose her.
“I’m going to sleep.” She had never spoken to him in that tone before.
She hears a sigh after a few moments of silence, in which he realises that she was going to be stubborn till the end. Y/N hears him walk away and she buries her face in the blanket, silently crying to herself. She freezes when she hears the bedroom door close with a ‘click’ and footsteps approaching her. She turns around a little, to see Oikawa sitting at the foot of the couch with his own blanket and pillow. He doesn’t look at her, focusing on fluffing his pillow and pulling his thicker, warmer quilt over himself. He was equally as stubborn and wasn’t going to leave her alone like this.
She scoffs and settles back down again, still crying. If he notices, he doesn’t comment on it. The two lay in silence for a good thirty minutes. Y/N had stopped crying, but was still awake because how the hell was she supposed to fall asleep after what she had learnt? 
She’s startled when she suddenly hears Oikawa’s soft voice. “I love you, you know? I really do. Ever since I saw you in Chemistry last year. You caught my eye so quickly, and I flirted with you for weeks before you got the hint.” he laughs breathily. “You didn’t want my attention like everyone else, and I was curious. It felt different to be the one trying to get someone else’s attention.” he takes a deep breath, and she realises with a start that she’s never heard him this vulnerable. He probably thinks she’s asleep. 
“I was planning to ask you out before and I told the others and they laughed at me.” he frowns at the memory. “The assholes thought I was kidding, that I wasn’t serious. Iwa-Chan was the only one who took it seriously. I don’t blame them, cause I’d only ever dated for fun before.” He breathes in deeply again, steadying his voice and Y/N’s eyes widen when she realizes he’s holding back tears. 
“So when they bet that I couldn't last more than 3 months with you, I agreed, but only because I was going to ask you out anyway, and I intended on staying as long as I could. As long as you’d let me stay by your side.” He lets out a sad, watery chuckle, and Y/N feels her stomach drop. She never wanted to hear that sound from him again.
“I...shit, I don’t want to lose you. I can’t. You’re the only one for me. I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you.” A strangled, muffled sob, reaches her ears, and it takes all of her willpower to remain still. 
“I’m serious about you...about us. You’re not a game, you never were. I just wanted to be with you. I want to be able to hold you again.” another muffled cry, as he buries his face in his hands. He’d never willingly let anyone see himself like this, not even Y/N. He was glad she was asleep. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, princess.” he stays where he is, sitting up leaning back on the couch, calming himself down, letting out soft hiccups every now and then. 
Y/N is wide awake, thinking over his words. They had to be genuine, right? He had no idea she was awake. He had sounded so...real and vulnerable, nothing like the strong façade he usually put up in front of others. Taking her chances, she discreetly moves, eyes widening when she sees the state he’s in. 
One of his hands is over his mouth, muffling his small sobs, Y/N wants to cry as she realises it’s probably so he doesn’t wake her up. His other hand is clenched tightly in his brown hair, his knees drawn to his chest. His face was blotchy and red and wet with tears. She’s never seen him like this. She moves and he doesn’t notice. 
Sitting directly behind him, she gently grabs the hand in his hair, to which he nearly jumps out of his skin. Y/N would usually laugh at the reaction, if not for the way he was looking up at her. She eases his hand out of his hair and holds it, tugging him up to the couch. He hesitates, before climbing up, sitting on the cushion next to her. 
“You-” his voice wavers, and he tries again. “You were awake?”
She nods, glancing at their connected hands, before staring at the ground. She hears his sharply take in a breath. 
“Y/N...love, I meant it. I meant every word, I swear.” 
“We’ll talk tomorrow.” she mumbles, tugging on his hand again, until they're both laying on the couch. She reaches over and grabs Oikawa’s quilt and pulls it on the two of them. She relaxes against him when his arms automatically wind around her waist and he buries his face in her hair, pressing small kisses on her. Each was an unspoken apology. 
She knows he’s crying when she feels the tears hit her skin. 
He knows she’s crying when he can feel her shaky, irregular breaths.
They lay there, eventually falling asleep clutching each other tightly, both of them hurting on the inside. They would have to have a serious talk tomorrow, but both had a blooming hope that they would pull through. 
Requests are open and Welcome. Thanks for reading!
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Hey I was wondering if u can Wright headcannons of byakuya togami dating an ultimate scientist reader :))) have a nice dayyyy☺
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Of course. Byakuya is an... interesting character, to say the least, so I had fun writing him.
Not a bufoon, unlike the rest: Byakuya Togami x Ultimate Scientist! reader
•Oh boy. The start was a bit rocky
•He thought you were unimportant, like the rest. He didn't care about you.
•He did find your talent worthy, but he was simply not interested in you.
•However, you did peek his interest during the first investigation. You were pretty much useful, being able to find the note that Sayaka gave the killer, as well as quickly realizing who it was due to the message on the wall. (I mean, it was pretty obvious-)
•His interest grew since you liked hanging out at the library, and you both liked reading the same books.
•Ended up becoming friends and bonded over that. You also like tea as well, so.
•He's not good with emotions at all, so he didn't realize his feelings for you u til he found a picture of you two kissing, him looking slightly flustered, while Hina and Sayaka gushed over how cute you two were as a couple.
•He ended confessing after chapter 3's trial. It took him a while to get the words out.
• "Listen, S/O, I... I think I... No I'm sure I... GOD, this is difficult."
•It was kinda cute-
•EVENTUALLY, he finally says it. You couldn't help but giggle at that, but you did return the feelings. Now you just gotta survive the rest of the game :D
•He doesn't know how to give affection other than holding hands, so you're in charge of that.
•None of the rest find out except Kyoko. She's the Ultimate Detective AND one of your closest friends, of course she'd figure it out. (the other was Chihiro, and that went wrong, so)
•Byakuya, despute what he says, loves cuddles a lot. Not only does he like the warmth, he also feels like he can protect you.
•Anyone flirts with you? He just needs to approach and they'll leave you alone. The Togami family is one you should never mess with
•You're his personal stress reliever, good luck.
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
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Trigger Happy Havoc Girls with an S/O who is like Mikan
Warnings: Mikan's personality/actions
Mod Ibuki: Hey hey hey!! Sorry for the long wait on this :/ I hope it was worth it, though!
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Kyoko was immediately worried for your safety
She had a lot of questions
Why were you so shy? Had you been through something?
She kept those questions to herself though
If someone ever made fun of you, she’d glare
Literally just walk up to you, wrap on arm around your waist and the other on your arm
And glare
If you ever took a fall in front of her she’d carefully lean down and help you up, suggestive or not
Although she might blush a bit if it was a suggestive position
“There, you’re alright. It was just a small trip, thankfully.”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she would be appalled
“Love, I don’t want you to take your clothes off because I’m not in a particularly good mood. Bad moods are normal, that doesn’t mean you take your clothes off every time it happens. Don’t offer that to me unless you personally want to do it.”
Kyoko is not someone you can look at and feel as if she’s mad at you, because she makes it clear if she is
But if you did think she was, she’d be pretty upset
“No, love. I’m not mad. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Nothing at all. I honestly don’t think I can be mad at you. You just seem to make everything better.”
Kyoko’s heart skips a beat whenever you’re around <3
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The minute you two met she did not let you out of her sight for long periods of time
She was just worried someone would hurt you or take advantage of you
If someone ever made fun of you, she’d be so mad
No one wants to deal with mad swimmy baby
“That is so rude, you know!? That was completely uncalled for! There was absolutely no reason to say that! Now apologize!”
If you ever took a fall in front of her, she would honestly fall too just to make you feel less embarrassed
She’d cover you if need be, though
Either with clothing or with herself when she “falls”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d be in shock
Mainly because you offered it to her because you thought she was upset
“What!? Please, S/O, no! Don’t say that! Taking your clothes off won’t make me feel better, cuddles will! Get over here! Because of that statement, I demand you let me cuddle you!”
If you ever thought Hina was mad, which is rare, she’d he so upset
“Baby! No! Not at all! I could never be mad at you! I swear! Your face is just too adorable to be mad at!”
Swimmer baby just wants your happiness above all
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Celeste would never admit it if anyone asked
But she loved you the minute she laid eyes on you
Your personality only made her want to be with you more
Not many people dared to bother you, but if an unlucky soul did try to do such a thing…
Celeste would give them a run for their money
“Are you fucking kidding me!? How dare you!? Why don’t you crawl back into whatever ditch you crawled out of and leave my significant other alone! Do I make myself clear!?” She’d turn to you and give you a soft smile. “Come on, dear. Let’s go get some tea to cheer you up, yes?”
If you fell in front of her, she wouldn’t be able to catch you without falling herself, but she’d immediately take your hands and help you up
“Come now, darling. Don’t cry, it was an accident. Everything is alright.”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, it would take a second to click
But once it did her reaction was similar to Kyoko’s
“Darling, I don’t wish for you to take off your clothes merely because Yamada put me in a foul mood. I would much rather you keep said clothes on and have a cup of tea with me, maybe some conversation as well. Please don’t offer yourself to me out of pity.”
If you ever thought she was made at you, she honestly thought she was gonna cry
“W-What? Dear, no. Not one bit. Not one ounce of me is angered by you. I love you far too much to be mad at you. Now, come here and let me hug you.”
Celeste truly does care about you, more than she has cared for anyone before <3
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That’s it
Sakura wants your safety above all, because she knows how shy people can be taken advantage of easily
If anyone dared to make fun of you, oh boy
Sakura is fucking terrifying
“I suggest you run before I snap you in half.”
That’s all it takes to send them on their way
If you fell in front of her, she would definitely be able to catch you
And she would!
But if you did manage to miss her arms, she’d pick you right back up and hold you
“See? I got you. Everything is okay.”
If you offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d be calmer, but nonetheless upset
“Hey, don’t do that. I don’t want you because of your body. I want you because of your personality. That’s what I fell in love with. Don’t offer yourself to me, or anyone else. Ever. It’s your body, you can most certainly choose what to do with it.”
If you thought she was angry with you, she’d be so quick to tell you otherwise
“No, not at all. I am not mad in the slightest. Even if I was, I’d never take my anger out on you. That’s wrong, and I love you too much to even think about doing that.”
With Sakura as your girlfriend, you will always be protected. And that’s a promise
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Mukuro is shy, but definitely not as shy as you
Like Sakura, she wanted your safety above all
Let it be from others or her cruel sister
If someone ever made fun of you, she’d be pretty angry
Hell, she may put those skills of hers to good use
“Hey. Don’t let me hear you say something like that again. Ever. That’s just plain disgusting.”
If you ever took a fall in front of her, her reflexes are extremely fast, so she’d try her absolute best to catch you
More often she does, but on the off chance she’s unsuccessful, she’d apologize with a bright blush
“I-I’m sorry, love. I tried to catch you, uh, I’m sorry. Here, grab my hands.”
If you offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d immediately say no
“S-S/O! No! No, I-I don’t want you to do that! I-I’m not in a bad mood, and even if I was I wouldn’t want you to take your clothes off just to try to improve my mood! Please don’t offer that to me, that’s practically violating you! And I don’t want to do that!”
If you ever thought she was mad at you, poor girl might cry
“L-Love, I’m not mad at all. I-I promise. Even if I was mad, I don’t think it could be caused by you in all honesty. I love you, okay?”
Soldier baby’s heart go brrr
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Shy or not, Sayaka’s a cute blushy mess around you
She still teases you in a friendly manner, but always makes sure you know she’s only playing
If anyone over bothered you, she’d be incredibly salty
Like, pettiness and all
“Oh, so that’s how you’re gonna be? Well, I’ll have you know that my significant other is NOT gonna do that. You’re a rude person and I hope karma hits you hard.”
If you took a fall in front of her, she’d screech so sound and try to catch you, but would most likely fail
When she saw that you were embarrassed, like Hina she would trip to make you feel better
“See, S/O? It’s fine! Now we both tripped, hehe! Isn’t that funny!”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d hug you immediately and try to make you happy
“Nope! I don’t want that, okay? I want to kiss your cute face! Not rub up on you because you want to make me happy! Now c’mere, so I can kiss your cute face!”
If you ever thought she was mad at you, though, she’d be really sad
“What? No, I’m not mad at all! Let alone at you! I promise, S/O. Even if I was mad, I’d have a peaceful conversation. Not a screaming match about it! Now, give me a hug!”
Sayaka will hug you as much as you please, as long as it makes you happy <3
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Toko thought you were annoying at first
But then she realized how similar you two were
Not long after, she fell in love with you
Just like in those cheesy novels she writes
If someone ever bothered you, she’d get pretty mad
Lowkey considers letting Syo out
“H-Hey, asshole! T-That’s a r-real d-dick t-thing to say! S-So w-why d-don’t you just g-go back to w-whatever ditch y-you crawled o-out of a-and d-die!”
If Syo was around when someone bothered you, well I think we know how that'll go
They aren't around anymore, especially if they were a pretty boy
If you ever fell in front of her, she’d lowkey get second-hand embarrassment, but would help you up anyways
“Hey, l-look, you’re fine. N-Not a scrape or anything. Y-You’re okay.”
Syo would leap into action immediately and pull you to your feet
"See!? It's like you never even fell! You're okay! No tears, I hate seeing you cry!"
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d freak the fuck out
“W-What!? N-No! D-Don’t do t-that! K-Keep your clothes o-on! I-I’m n-not mad! E-Even if I w-was, I w-wouldn’t w-want you to s-strip! Y-You’re t-too p-pretty for t-that!”
If Syo was around, she would as well
"What!? Oh no no no, this just won't do! You're body is far to marvelous to be shown so willingly, y'know that? Don't let others see it so easy! Even if it is just me! Doesn't matter!"
If you thought she was mad at you, she’d scoff at first, but then realize you were being serious
“What? I’m not m-mad at you. W-Why would I b-be mad at y-you? I-I have no reason to b-be. D-Don’t say that, I-I’d tell you if I-I was mad at you...S-Speaking as if I-I c-could g-get mad at y-you.”
Syo would latch onto you and hug you, giving you a little spin
"No, dollface! I'm not angry at all! See? I'm happy! So happy! Especially because my baby-cakes is here! Now, c'mon! Gimme a smooch!"
Even though she’d deny it at first, Toko really does love you
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meili-sheep · 3 years
Inazuma friendship headcanons with Diluc??? (from the diluc and ei ask)
I actually have head canons for Diluc and people from every nation. I did think about doing a Liyue relationship chart then a Inazuma one. But I don't have the time but anyway.
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Kazuha and Diluc
These two would be kind of along the vein of Diluc and Albedo. They don't really talk but get along wonderfully well. They don't need to say anything to understand each other.
The Kamisato Siblings and Diluc
Both would get along with Diluc. Ayato and Diluc would bond over being duty-bound. I can see them together at official parties, being the two that actually get long and making fun of really annoying officials at the parts. Now Ayaka and DIluc. Diluc would always want a little sister. And I think Ayaka would see the similarities between Diluc and Ayato. And really, I can see Diluc becoming an unofficial third sibling.
Thoma and Diluc
I'm on the childhood friendship train. And I think even that's part of what drew Thoma to Ayato was similarities to Diluc. But Thoma understands Diluc better than most anyone. And around Thoma, Diluc feels freer to express himself. And drop a lot of his masking habits. Thoma is a certified Diluc translator and can often tell what Diluc wants by how Diluc will pinch Thoma's sleeve.
Kokomi and Diluc
Neurodivergents united. They both love talking to each other about birds and fish. Diluc loves Kokomi's energy system and might maybe have taken some tips about avoiding burnout from her. And Kokomi loves Diluc's strategies as he never leaves room for error without writing whole-ass books. He has confidence in his plans, and Kokomi tries and brings up things that might happen. Diluc is just looking at her and smiles, pats her head, and is just, "That won't happen. And sometimes the best plans come when you are on your feet."
Gorou and Diluc
I think again, with Diluc and Kokomi getting along, Gorou would also get along with Diluc. And you know Diluc is also really good with animals. So you know, but I think Diluc would still see Gorou as a person who can make his own choice and deserves respect. Which is feeling a lot of people don't give Gorou and just see him as a puppy boy!
Itto and Diluc
Ditto baby. Honestly, this relationship would be so funny to me. Shipping or not. Itto would defiantly be the kind of guy who would take care of Diluc whether he likes it or not. And I know Diluc used to get into his own trouble, so being with Itto would remind him of this youth. And he defiantly feels a lot safe opening up to Itto.
Sara and Diluc
Diluc probably can control Itto's energetic nature. And Sara will always respect Diluc for that. Also, for his hardworking nature and strong sense of justice. I think they wouldn't really be friends, but they both have a lot of respect for each other. (With Aunty Ei, though. Sara is an accidentally big sis lolol)
Sayu and Diluc
For some reason, I see them being like this. And that's all I got
Yae Miko and Diluc
I can 100% see Yae Miko making another Miss Hina out of Diluc. Especially since Diluc already kind of has some feminine features. I could also see them having a deal where Diluc helps run a gossip column because of his info-gathering skills. And he uses it to push his own agendas, and Yae Miko knows and accepts it because he gives her good honest info, and Miss Dawn, the mysterious foreign lady with the hottest gossip and foreign news, is pretty popular. With Aunty Ei, Diluc probably saw her most like a fox, and it took him forever to realize Miko and the little fox are the same person.
Yoimiya and Diluc
Yoimiya loves talking, and Diluc loves listening to her. I can definitely see her becoming another little sister and helping her with her pyro vision. And sometimes Yoimiya will ask Diluc about his travels, and he's actually a pretty good storyteller and gives her great ideas for new fireworks. She's been trying to make a special one for him that's just like his phoenix but hasn't managed it yet.
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laventae · 4 years
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Summary: You accidentally bump into Suna once, then a second time, then a third time.... before it starts seeming like fate has already decided its course for the both of you.
Pairings: Suna Rintaro x F!reader
Genre: Mostly fluff, College/Uni au
Word count: 3.4k words
Part: 1 , (2) , (3) , (TBC)
(A/N: I suck at writing summaries but anyways. This is/was supposed to be part of my [HQ Boys - Pretending to be your boyfriend] series, but I really wanted to make this slightly longer than my usual one-shots. Also, this story will probably have every cheesy trope you know, so, proceed with caution and I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself.)
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‘Okay, what the fuck is going on?’ you think as you slowly try to open your eyes. 
Looking at your bedside table, you reach for your phone and check the time
7:35 A.M
‘Ugh... it’s too early for this shit...’ you think as you yawn.
You remember your shift at work starts at about 9 a.m., so you decide to sleep for a bit longer.
You place your phone back down on your bedside table, and turn in bed, covering your face with a pillow.
“Goddammit, what’s going on outside?!” you exclaim, getting out of your bed and heading for the front door.
You open the door hastily, and find your landlord standing in the hallway of your apartment building, then notice multiple moving boxes scattered around, and movers talking some of the boxes into the apartment opposite yours.
You’re both startled when you open the door, but she softens as soon as she notices it was you.
“Good morning, Mrs. Saito. What’s going on?” you ask her sleepily.
“Goodness, I’m sorry they woke you up as well, sweetheart. The new tenant told me they were moving in today but I didn’t know the movers were coming this early and causing this much of a ruckus!” she exclaims, looking like she was just as annoyed by the noise as you were.
“Well, the new tenant certainly didn’t make a good first impression, huh?” you say, trying to lighten the mood.
She chuckles softly, “I guess not. They’re not even here yet, so I’m just going to have to stay here until the movers are done” she sighs.
“Want me to make you a cup of coffee?”
“Oh, that’s alright, sweetheart, you should go back in and try to get some more sleep” she says, waving you back into your apartment.
You try to insist, but you feel too tired. Instead, you just nod and go back in, closing the door behind you.
Sighing, you head to your bedroom again; you figure you should try to get a bit more sleep in before you actually start getting ready for work.
After tossing and turning in bed for a couple of minutes, the noise wouldn’t get any quieter, so you thought you might as well get out of bed and head to your part-time job a bit earlier than usual.
You start getting ready, and make a quick cup of coffee to give Mrs. Saito on your way out. She thanks you and you go on your way.
When you first moved into your apartment about 2 years ago, you were able to find a pretty decent part-time job working as a barista at coffee shop nearby. It was only about two blocks away from where you lived, so it was super convenient; and a plus point, you were never late.
Checking your phone again, you notice the time
8:35 A.M
“It’s still so early...” you yawn as you take out your headphones and play some music to listen to while you walk to the coffee shop, talking your time.
After about 15 minutes of enjoying your morning walk, and window shopping on the stores along the way, you reach your destination and open the front door.
“Goodmorning, y/n!” you hear your boss call out to you as soon as you enter, “Early as usual, I see”
You chuckle as you head in his direction, “Oh, you know me, always excited to get to work!” you joke.
He laughs, “Yesterday was your last day of your second Uni semester, wasn’t it?” he asks you.
“Yeah, made it out in one piece thankfully”
He laughs again, “I’m sure you did well, I've seen how stressed out you’ve been about it but I also know how hard you’ve been studying, don’t worry” he assures you as he points to the chairs in the shop, silently asking you to help him out with setting them up.
“How do you know that?” you sigh, grabbing a few chairs and setting them down.
He stops what he’s doing and looks at you, “You think I didn’t notice the dark circles you kept coming in with, during every shift, for the past couple of weeks?”
“Was it that obvious?” your eyes widen.
“Definitely” he answers and you both laugh.
After setting up the last few chairs, your boss speaks up again, “Alright, why don’t you head in and get ready, I’ll just be out here setting up the register before we open in a couple of minutes”.
You nod and walk back to the staff locker area.
The day goes by slowly, as usual, and after a few hours, you take your break and head to the staff room locker area to relax and have a (late) breakfast.
‘I really need this right now’ you sigh as you take a sip of your coffee, feeling more tired than usual, and blame it on having to wake up super early that morning.
You check your phone and notice a text message.
You open it.
FROM ‘Wifeyy <3’: “Heyy! Call me when you're on your break!”
You smile and shake your head, dialing up her number.
It rings a couple of times before your best friend picks up.
“Hey y/n!!” she yells excitedly
“Hey Hina,” you laugh, “What’s up?”
“Just wanted to remind you that we are going out tonight to celebrate my birthday, you still remember, right?”
“Oh, was that today?” you joke
“I’m kidding, I'm kidding, you know I'll be there” you shake your head
“Good! I'll also be inviting some of my friends from Uni, but I want us to hangout still. It’s been a while since we’ve actually caught up. And I'm finally gonna be able to come to your city!”
The both of you actually met during your first year in University through mutual friends. Even though you both were in different majors, you hit it off right away. And after that, the both of you always tried to make time to hang out, whether it was between classes, during lunch breaks, or whenever the both of you had the time.
However, it was sometimes hard to meet up during weekends, since she lived in the city next to yours, so whenever she had the chance to come to your city, or you were able to go to hers, you guys would always spend it together.
“Yeah, I guess with exams and all it was hard for us to actually see each other”
“Exactly, anyways I’m excited for tonight!”
“Yeah, me too..!”
“Hey, do you sound more tired than usual, or is it just me?” she asks you, sounding worried.
“Oh, it’s nothing, I just woke up super early today, not willingly though” you sigh, “don't even ask, I'll tell you about it later”
“Alright... if you say so”
“Anyways, I gotta get back to work now, so, I’ll see you tonight, okay?”
“Alright! Dress sexy, okay? You promised we would dress up!”
“Yeah, yeah, I'll try my best” you both laugh before hanging up.
It was about 5 p.m when you finally reach your house, after leaving your part-time job, and finishing up some outdoor chores you had for the day.
You sigh as you get off the elevator to your floor.
You notice the empty hallway as you walk to your apartment; you suppose that the movers were already done and have left at this point.
You glance over to the door opposite yours at the end of the floor’s hallway.
‘I wonder if they're home yet...’ you think before you unlock the door of your apartment and go in.
You sigh as you place your groceries and bag on your kitchen island and start putting everything away.
You were supposed to meet Hina later tonight, at around 7 p.m, to celebrate her birthday. That meant you had a couple more hours to spend at home, so you decide to make some lunch/dinner and watch a movie on Netflix.
“Hey Hina, I’ll just go outside and answer this call real quick alright?” you try to call out to your friend as you get out of your chair, but she looks at you confused, the music playing loudly in the pub and the bustling of the people inside made it hard for her to hear your voice from across the table.
You point to your phone, and as realization hits her, she nods.
You attempt to make your way out of the pub, trying to worm between the people inside and make your way to the door. However, you suddenly run into someone before you reach the door, and accidentally drop their drink.
“I’m so sorry!” you tell them, looking up and noticing it was an old man, long white hair settling over his shoulders.
He looks annoyed at first but then his face relaxes when he sees you.
“I can pay for the drink!” you tell him apologetically.
“Oh, that’s alright, gorgeous, it was just a mistake” he answers you, smiling.
‘Okay...’ you think as you get a weird feeling in your gut.
“Would you like me to buy you-”
“Okay, Bye” you cut him off, smiling awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable with the way he was looking at you; you reach for the door and leave the pub.
It suddenly gets much quieter, and you feel yourself relax, finally being able to breathe.  
Honestly, you didn’t really get a call from anyone, you were just feeling tired, and wanted to take a break from all the noise.
You check the time on your phone,
11:54 P.M
You sigh, ‘I wanna go back home...’
It’s not that you weren’t having fun with Hina and her friends, but you were frankly not that close with them, and even though they are all very nice, having to be social for a long time takes a toll on your mental and physical strength sometimes.
Startled, you turn around when you hear the door of the pub open again behind you.
“Hey,” you hear Hina say as she approaches you, “is everything okay?”
“Yeah sorry, that was just my mom checking up on me” you lie to her, putting your phone back in your bag.
She nods, but you know she's slightly suspicious of your answer as she eyes you carefully
“You tired?” she asks you.
You chuckle nervously, ‘well, that didn’t take long’.
“Yeah, I'm really sorry, it’s getting late and it’s kind of been a long day”
She chuckles, “It’s okay, I thought your battery might have run out by now”
You couldn’t help but chuckle as well. Then you look at her apologetically.
“Yeah, I think I might head home for the night, is that alright with you?” you ask her, feeling bad you couldn’t stay longer.
She laughs and goes in to hug you goodbye, “You know it’s fine, I’m just glad I got to see you today! But, promise me we would hangout together again soon?”
You sigh, relieved, “you know I'd cancel any plans I have, just to see you” you shake your head as you hug her back.
“And promise me you’ll think about that date I wanna set you up on” she giggles as you both let go.
“Yeah, yeah, I'll think about it” you reply, used to her trying to set you up on these blind dates that you don’t necessarily really want to go to.
“Alright. You want me to call you a cab or walk you home?” she asks as you turn around and start leaving.
“No! It’s fine, my house is literally a couple of blocks away, go back! Have fun!” you say assuring her, and waving her to go back and hangout with her friends.
“Are you sure, y/n?”
“Yess! Go!” you tell her, and turn back around, walking away again.
After walking for a few minutes, you notice how quiet it was outside, except for the few open pubs you passed by earlier. I mean, it wasn’t really a huge surprise, it was getting pretty late, and almost all stores in the area were closed at that point. But, because you weren’t usually out that late at night all alone, it somehow made it feel even emptier and quieter.
You look up at the sky as you walk on the sidewalk and notice a few stars scattered along the night sky. It makes you smile and you close your eyes and take a deep breath.
‘I wonder how many of those are actually just satellites...’ you think to yourself as you open your eyes, and you can’t help but let out a small chuckle.
You feel your phone vibrate and notice you got a text message.
You open it.
FROM ‘Wifeyy <3’: “Heyy! Text me when you get home safe!”
You smile as you read the message, but then feel a sudden chill down your spine.
You put your phone down and suddenly start hearing faint footsteps behind you.
‘Alright, that’s fine... it’s just someone walking home as well’ you try to assure yourself but can’t help but still feel anxious.
After a few minutes, you still hear the foot steps behind you, slowly getting closer. That, somehow, making you feel more anxious.
‘I’m just overthinking this right?’
You try to increase your pace, to check if they really were following you. Even if they weren’t, you hope to try and lose them all together. It didn’t help that the way to your apartment would be to keep walking straight, and the alleys around the buildings on the way were blocked off at the ends, not making it any safer for you to try and find a way around.
But then you hear the person behind you increase their pace as well.
‘Fuck’ you think, feeling scared and panicked, ‘they're definitely following me, aren’t they?’
You panic as you think of what to do next, then decide to take out your phone and call someone.
‘Who the fuck do I call? Hina? The police? I-’
Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear someone yell something from the sidewalk on the other side of the street you were walking on.
Your head snaps to where the voice came from and you notice a guy running up to you, “Babe?”
You try to back away before the boy reaches you, but, “I’ve been waiting for you, what took you so long?” he asks, pulling you in for a hug.
“I don’t know yo-!”
“Someone’s following you” he whispers in your ear before letting you complete your sentence.
Your heart stops when you hear him say that and you begin to feel your eyes tear up.
He pulls away, looking at you, and you suddenly notice you stopped hearing the footsteps coming from behind you.
You look back and see a man standing in the middle of the street, your eyes widen when you notice his long white hair.
‘That’s the fucking creepy old guy from the pub, I knew he seemed off!’
“My name is Suna. I was just in that supermarket over there, on the other side of the street, when I noticed him following you” he tells you quietly, as he subtly points at a store behind him. You look over his shoulder and notice a small, old looking supermarket, with an ‘Open 24/7′ neon light flickering over it. “Do you want me to walk you back home?” the boy asks you, and your eyes snap back to him.
You’re then able to see him much clearer, his pale, yellow eyes looking into yours. He had a blank expression on his face but you could hear a hint of worry in his voice.
You feel a tear roll down your cheek and you hesitantly nod at him.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I'm here” you hear him say as he puts an arm around you, pulling you closer, and walks with you in the direction you were originally going in.
After a few moments, you hear the footsteps behind you, again, but this time they started to sound more distant, as if the creepy, old guy was walking away.
Your heart starts calming down a bit as you both walk silently for a few minutes.
You then feel the boy remove his arm from around you and you slightly stumble.
‘Was he supporting me this whole time..?’ you think to yourself as you try to steady yourself back on your own feet.
He turns around, “I’m sure he’s gone by now” he tells you, looking back at you.
You turn around to check as well, and feel yourself finally be able to breathe again when you don’t see anyone behind you. You look back at the boy and nod.
“You live around here?” he asks you and you finally notice where you were.  
Realizing you were only about a block away from your house, you stop.
“What?” the boy asks as he turns around to face you, when he realizes you weren't walking next to him anymore.
“This is me” you answer quickly, pointing to a random building you were standing in front of.
He was nice enough to help you back there, so, it's not that you weren’t thankful, but you were still feeling a bit anxious, and you didn’t want to take any chances.
“Oh,” the boy says, looking up at the building you pointed to, then looks back to you, “I'll watch you go in” he continues, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Oh, uhm, okay..” you nervously say, turning to the building.
‘Shit... I hope the entrance door isn’t locked...’
You reach for the door and push it.
‘Oh, thank god...’ you sigh, relieved.
You quickly turn back to look at him again, and notice his eyes following you.
“Thank you”
He just nods at you, a blank expression still on his face.
You get inside the building and the door closes behind you. You weren’t sure if he was looking so you make your way to the elevators. You pretend you pressed a button, hoping he stopped looking at you through the glass door at that point.
You look behind you and notice he wasn’t there anymore, so you run slowly towards the door and see him walking away.
You place a hand on your heart, and sigh again. You close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
‘Why does it feel like it’s been a really long night...?’
You decide to wait for a few minutes, making sure he wouldn’t still be around the area when you try to run to where you actually lived. It was probably a couple of buildings away so, if you make a quick run for it, you think, you would definitely make it.
You open the glass door slowly and take a quick peak around the street.
‘Nobody’s here...’
You take a quick breath before you make a run for it.
As you thought, it easily took you a minute or two to get to your building. You quickly push the entrance door and run to elevators.  
As soon as it arrives, you get in and press the floor you lived on.
A few moments pass before the elevator doors open and you can't help but breathe a sigh of relief as you’re welcomed with your usual empty, but now comforting hallway.
You step out and head for your apartment when you notice someone standing at the door opposite yours at the end of that hallway, trying to unlock it.
‘Oh, it’s probably the new tenant...’ you think as you walk to your door.
It was pretty silent so you decide to at least welcome them, hoping it would make the awkward silence less... awkward.
“Hey,” you say turning to face them when you get to your door, “You’re the new tenant, righ-” but you quickly stop and your eyes widen when the person turns around to face you.
‘Wait, isn’t he the guy that just walked me back ‘home’??’
He still carried a blank expression on his face, but you notice his eyes slightly widen when he notices who you were as well.
‘Fuck, Fuck, Fuck... What do I say?’ you panic as you both stand there, looking at each other.
“Oh, you live here?” he breaks the silence, sounding pretty calm.
“Oh, yeah,” you say turning around and quickly unlock your door and go in, “Goodnight!” you yell, panicked. 
You accidentally make eye contact with him one last time before you swiftly close the front door, leaving him there, looking blankly at your apartment door instead.
‘He’s my new neighbor??’
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(HQ Masterlist)
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Bro Bonding Time
Hey hi hello! I'm like 12 hours late with this but I fell asleep writing and then had to run errands this morning, but like I've said before I'd rather post late than post something I rushed and didn't like.
So fun fact, Leon Is actually one of my fave's from the first game, and I thoroughly enjoy Lee!Leon because oof this child deserved so much better than he got. (All my favorites did. ;-; Apparently it's a requirement that If you become my fave you have to suffer--)
Characters: Lee!Leon, Ler!Mondo, Ler!Taka
Word count: 2324
Part one: Mercy
“For our first hang out,” Mondo said loudly, on purpose. He locked eyes with Leon. “Wanna help me get revenge on a certain Redhead?”
“Yeah, Let’s get him.”
The two newly united ‘Bros’ advanced towards Leon, who was still hiding behind Sakura. “Come on Mondo, It was totally fair! Taka never tickled someone before!” He tried to defend himself.
“He’s right. You had a brother growing up so you had more experience In that field, Taka didn’t.” Sakura spoke up, Trying to help the aspiring rockstar.
Taka stopped. “I guess you’re right…”
“Fuck that. Move outta my way Sakura, Or I’ll take you down too.” Mondo threatened, Standing directly In front of the Martial artist.
“Come on, Let’s let the boys do their thing.” Aoi sighed, getting up and moving towards the door. She stopped however when she realized Sakura wasn’t following her.
Sakura locked eyes daringly with the Biker. “Bold words from someone who just submitted.”
Mondo’s face flushed with embarrassment, he was taken off guard by her defiant demeanor. “W-What the hell did you just say?!”
“Sakura, Let’s go.” Hina tugged at her friend’s arm.
The Martial artist looked to the Swimmer and let out a small sigh. “Fine.”
“No no, Fuck that. You think you can take me?”
“M-Mondo! I thought you didn’t fight women!” Taka panicked, Sensing the rising tensions In the room.
“Sakuraaaa.” Aoi narrowed her eyes up at her.
She glanced at Mondo then back at Aoi. “Let’s go.” She mumbled. “I achieved my goal and gave Leon enough time to run away anyway.” She smirked at the Biker and left with a mischievously giggling Asahina, Who had realized her plan and played along.
Mondo’s eyes snapped back to where Leon had been hiding and found only an open door. “SHIT!” He swore as he bolted out the door after him.
Leon was running as fast as possible towards his room, He could hear footsteps barreling like roaring thunder behind him though, He knew he was about to get caught. “STAY BACK!” He yelled over his shoulder.
He skidded to a stop by his door and went to dive into the safety of his room but Mondo threw himself Into the doorway, hooking his arms around the rockstar as he fell to the floor inside the room, taking Leon down with him. “Where do you think… You’re going… Ya little shit?” Mondo panted as he began to catch his breath, tightening his grip when Leon started squirming.
“M-Mondo! Come on man, This Is so not cool! Let go!”
“Nice try, But Sakura overestimated how fast you can run.” Mondo smirked as he stood, pulling Leon up with him.
Taka poked his head into the doorway. “Oh, There you are!”
“Get In here bro, Let’s start our hangout.”
Leon yelped as he was tossed haphazardly onto the bed, he tried to roll off the bed to evade them but Mondo was quick to block his chance at escape by jumping onto the bed and tackling him to the mattress.
Taka shut the door and approached the red haired student who was throwing out strings of swears and protests at the biker pinning him down. Mondo was half laying on his side, propped up by the arm he was resting on, he used that same arm to ensnare both of Leon’s.
“Not cool man! Let me go!” He intended to sound angry, but his words came off as nervous instead.
“No way, you brought this on yourself. Ya shoulda stayed out of our business, Twerp.” Mondo chuckled evilly as Taka joined the two over on the bed, settling on the opposite side of Leon.
“Okay, Time to give you a real crash course In tickling.” Mondo smirked, adjusting his hold on the red head. He moved so that he was holding both of his arms over his head with one hand and shoved his shirt upwards with his free hand. “Now bro, Kuwata here Is hella ticklish. His worst spots are his hips and his feet. But ‘lemme teach ya a trick.”
Taka nodded attentively, hanging off of every word Mondo spoke as though his life depended on it.
“When you’re tickling someone, anticipation and build up are your friends.”
The Hall monitor blinked. “Anticipation and build up? What do you mean by that?”
Mondo grinned wickedly. “Well, with some people It’s most effective to just dive into their worst spot full force… but for other people, you need to start off slow, target less sensitive spots and psych them out.”
“Oh! Kind of like with you!” Taka nodded, Mondo paused as he felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. Leon snickered at this.
“Sh-Shut up bro… But you get the idea, Yeah?”
“I believe so. It’s the lingering feeling of impending doom that makes them more sensitive, Correct?”
“Bingo!” Mondo gave a thumbs up. “Things like teasing verbally and through action will make it worse for a lot of people… Leon, Is one of ‘em.” He winked.
Leon choked back a whimper at the borderline evil grin he received from the biker. “Guys c’mon… I was just playing around earlier!”
“Just as we’re playing around with you now.” Taka smiled mischievously, causing Mondo to chuckle.
“That’s exactly right bro. Alright, enough talking. I’m better with actions than words anyway.” with that Mondo unceremoniously dug his fingers into Leon’s stomach, causing the Ultimate Baseball star to yelp as he buried his face in his arm to muffle any further embarrassing sounds.
“What you wanna do Is…” Mondo glanced over at Taka, who had just been intensely staring at the two as if deep In thought. He blinked his red eyes and met Mondo’s gaze. “Start at his sides, and slowly work your way up to his ribs. But just before ya reach his ribs, go back down his sides and keep repeating until ya think he’s gonna get caught off guard.”
“How do I know when to do that?” Taka inquired curiously.
“Oh, you’ll know.” was his unhelpful answer.
Taka sighed softly at that and gently began skittering his fingertips up Leon’s sides, he watched with interest as his body trembled and twitched under his gentle touch. But oddly enough to the Moral Compass, He wasn’t laughing. “Mondo, Is this normal? For someone not to laugh…?”
“Yeah bro, some people are stubborn and try not to laugh.” he nodded.
“Oh, Kind of like what you tried to do earlier but started giggling after a few--”
Leon let out a few snickers at the exchange before him.
Mondo narrowed his eyes at the aspiring rockstar. “Oh, Ya think that’s funny huh?” he lightly ran his fingers across the exposed bit of his hip bone, causing the trembling student to flinch violently away from his touch with a mangled squeal. Unfortunately his attempt to flinch away didn’t make him any safer, It only made his body shift more into Mondo.
“Whatsa matter? Don't cha like that spot?” He asked teasingly, tracing his fingertips ever so lightly across the hip bone. He glanced up at the other attacking student and nodded at him.
Taka took this as his cue and attacked Leon’s ribs, this resulted In the redhead yelping and bursting out laughing. “Shihihihit! Ahahahaha! Stohohohohopp!” He whined through his laughter, trying to jerk away from both Taka and Mondo, which again only made him press more into Mondo.
“Why should we? Seems to me that you like this.” Mondo smirked. “Seeing as ya keep snuggling more into my hold.”
“Ihihihihihim nohohohot trying tohohoho!” He protested, blushing. “You’re tihihickling my hihihip!”
“Bro, What do you think? I think he’s enjoying this.” Mondo ignored Leon’s reasoning, still delicately tracing the hyper ticklish spot.
“I must agree bro! Why else would he instigate and constantly talk back? I believe deep down he wants to be tickled!” Taka agreed, smiling in amusement.
Does Leon enjoy this? Hmm… No, Not really. It all depends on his mood, he does have days where he gets in a lee mood, but those are kind of uncommon. And he certainly doesn’t like getting wrecked when he gets tickled. (Unless he does.)
He normally doesn’t like being tickled by Mondo because he gets destroyed every single time, he prefers to annoy Hiro until he tickles him if anyone because normally Hiro isn’t merciless.
“I dohohoho nahahahahat!” Leon argued, blushing more.
“I don’t know... Your face is quite red, Leon! Perhaps you are just embarrassed to be called out about It!” Taka teased, his fingers ghosting across his ribs slowly.
Mondo grinned, squeezing his hips briefly before his fingers trailed back up to his stomach. “Good point!”
Leon shrieked, his body jerking as if he were shocked by electricity. He squirmed to the other side away from Mondo, but unfortunately this put him closer to Taka and his evilly teasing touches.
This action was rewarded with much more thorough tickles to his ribs and the spots between them from the Moral Compass. “Well, If ya wanted Taka to tickle you more, ya coulda just asked.” Mondo chuckled, switching to lighter tickles against his belly.
“Kyahahaha! Thihihis ihihis bullshihihit!” Leon laughed, flustered. He wasn’t sure which one was worse. As soon as he’d squirm to one side, closer to one student, they would tickle him much more viciously and the other would be lighter to lure him back to their side.
Taka laughed. “Yes! I would’ve been more than happy to oblige!”
Leon squirmed back over to Mondo’s side more out of reflex than actual want, and just like before Taka lightened and slowed his tickles and Mondo began tickling much more vigorously.
Though unexpectedly, Mondo leant down and blew a raspberry against his stomach, giving a few quick squeezes to his hip when he did.
When I tell you Leon screamed.
“FAHAHAHAHACK! NAHAHAHA!” He cackled, tears welling up in his tightly shut bright blue eyes.
Taka paused, taken off guard by the reaction.
Leon’s body flew away from the mean biker, his midriff knocking against Taka’s leg. “GEHEHEHET AWAHAHAHAHAY FROM MEHEHEHE YOU DIHIHIHICK!”
“Ya think he’s gonna save you from me?” Mondo laughed sadistically, blowing another raspberry against his heaving stomach.
Taka felt a tinge bad for the rockstar, remembering how horrible the intense tickles to his sides were. But he pushed those feelings aside for a moment when Mondo paused his ticklish assault on Leon and looked at him. “Uh Bro? Ya good?”
“Y-Yeah, Sorry. I got lost In thought again.” Taka responded.
Leon just laid there giggling tiredly and gasping for air, his body felt weak from all the squirming and laughing he was doing.
“No worries.” Mondo grinned. “Let’s wrap this up then. You want his hips or his feet?”
The panting student beneath them felt himself pale at the thought of both his worst spots being tickled at the same time. He would have tried to escape at that moment when he thought Mondo wasn’t paying attention, but he didn’t have the energy to.
Taka thought about it, devising some sort of plan of his own in his mind. “Hips.” he said carefully once he came to a decision.
“Aight, make sure you keep a good grip on him.” He instructed, releasing the redhead as soon as Taka had a hold of him by the hips.
This action alone garnered giggles and small squirms from the tired student.
Mondo grabbed his ankles and unceremoniously tore away the only two layers of protection from his weakly kicking appendages. “Ready?”
“Ready.” Taka affirmed, loosening his grip on Leon’s hips. Something he took notice of immediately.
Though he didn’t have time to react thanks to Mondo’s hellish tickle attack starting on his feet, Taka made it appear as though he was tickling Leon’s hips, but wasn’t actually.
When Leon opened an eye to look up at Taka hesitantly, He winked at him. Silently assuring him that he was going to help him rather than help his Kyoudai.
Catching on quickly, Leon latched his hands onto Taka’s wrists and made It appear as though he was trying to rip his hands off of his hips.
“NAAHAHAHAHAHA!” Leon laughed loudly, throwing his head back and arching his back to sell it further.
Mondo glanced back at Taka and grinned at him. “Good job, Bro! You catch on quick.”
Oh you have no idea. Taka thought to himself with a smile. He leaned down to whisper In Leon’s ear. “We need to catch him off guard, So make some kind of--”
“AAACK! NONONO!” Leon jolted away from Taka, laughing hysterically. Taka blinked in surprise but followed. Apparently, his neck was very sensitive and Taka accidentally brushed against it. “DOHOHOHON’T! PLEHEHEHEHEASE!”
Mondo paused what he was doing to look back at Leon and Taka curiously. “Ohh yeah, I forgot his neck Is hella ticklish.” he chuckled in amusement.
Now was their best chance as Mondo was turning his attention back to his feet. Taka quickly released his ‘hold’ on the rockstar, who in turn immediately launched himself at Mondo’s back with newfound strength, sending them both flying off the bed and crashing to the floor with Leon on top of Mondo’s back.
“Ow! Fucking hell!” Mondo swore into the carpet, slightly disoriented from the fall.
Leon jumped up and bolted out of the room as though he were being chased by a serial killer. (Or a singer with a knife--)
Mondo sat up, rubbing his head tenderly. Confused as to what just happened.
Taka got down onto the floor next to him, feigning surprise. “B-Bro! Are you okay?? I am so sorry! He slipped out of my grip, I wasn’t expecting such a violent reaction out of him. Do you want me to go after him??”
Mondo patted his shoulder reassuringly. “Nah don’t sweat It bro, I’m fine. C’mon, Let’s go find something else to do.” He stood up and offered a hand to help Taka up, he took It with a smile.
“Yeah, Let’s.”
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hpcprecure · 3 years
Happy Campers Precure Chapter Thirteen: Friendship Blooming! Adelaide’s First Day Gardening!
Adelaide ran to the garden she had been a few days before, being greeted by Sumire and an unfamiliar boy with jet black hair. "Sumire!" Adelaide yelled as she got closer. She pulled out a paper from her backpack excitedly,  smiling. "I'm officially part of the gardening club!"
Sumire jumped to her feet, smiling. "That's great!" Adelaide stuffed the paper back into her bag, and Sumire led her to a cart. "This is the supply wagon, there should be some gloves and watering cans in there." Adelaide pulled out a pair of blue gardening gloves and a silver watering can. "Even though a counselor comes, we usually just have them sit aside and supervise us." She pointed towards the boy with black hair, who waved. "That's Akio. He usually plans what were doing for the day." She led Adelaide towards a small chalkboard leaning against a shed. "We always write our routine for the day on there, just to make sure we stay on track." She walked towards an empty dirt patch, various bags of flower bulbs beside it.
"What flowers are you going to plant?" Adelaide asked, looking at the variety.
"That's the problem, we can't decide!" Akio inserted himself into the conversation, picking up the bags in confusion.
"Akio wants to plant carnations, but I want to plant dahlias!" Sumire explained, looking at the bags of flowers.
"Can you be the tie breaker, Adelaide?" Aki asked, Adelaide immediately panicking.
"Sure!" She said, looking at the two bags closely, determining which one was a better fit. "Umm...I'll pick the carnations, I guess?" Akio quietly celebrated, and Sumire sighed.
"Fine." She said, getting out the bulbs. "Now comes the fun part!" She dug into the ground gently, placing the bulbs in and covering them up again. "Adelaide, do you want to do the honorary first watering?"
"First...watering?" She asked confused as Akio handed her a decorated watering can. Adelaide took the watering can to the gardening faucet and filled it as the two others watched in anticipation. She lightly sprinkled the dirt with water, both of them clapping as she did so.
"Okay!" Akio said as Adelaide placed the watering can on the ground. "Now we can tend to the other flowers."
"Usually Akio and I each do one half of the garden, but now we can split in into thirds!" Sumire pointed towards an area towards the back of the garden. "You can water there!"
"Okay!" Adelaide picked up a watering can and ran over. Beautiful Hydrangea bushes adorned the side of a stone path, the flowers being a dazzling blue. Adelaide leisurely strolled along the sides, sprinkling water near the roots pf the bushes. "Who knew nature could be so gorgeous?" She asked to herself, gently touching one of the flowers.
"I know, right?" Adelaide turned around and saw Akio walking along the path.
"Sometimes I feel embarrassed about my hobby, but every single time I come back here, I realize why I love gardening so much."
Adelaide nodded, "I'm so glad I discovered this garden!" She yelled, covering her mouth with embarrassment after she finished. She took a deep breath, and continued. "Because of where I'm from, I've never really been able to do outdoor activities, but I love it!"
"So that's why you're so pale." He replied quietly, Adelaide scowling at him. Adelaide saw Sumire in the distance, running up to the two of them.
"We should go eat lunch before it gets too crowded!" She said, the two of them running to the mess hall with her.
"I can't believe it's lunch already!" Adelaide exclaimed, taking a bite out of her sandwich.
Sumire swallowed, then nodded. "It always comes so fast!" Adelaide suddenly felt someone hugging her from behind, and looked up to see Hina.
"Hina!" Adelaide said surprised, Hina grinning at her.
"How is gardening going? Is it fun?" Hina asked, as she plopped herself down next to Adelaide.
"It's super fun!" Adelaide replied, smiling. Adelaide looked at her confused club members, then at Hina.
"Sumire, Akio, this is Hina. She's one of my cabin members, and she loves plants! Not flowers, though."
"Nice to meet you guys!" Hina exclaimed, standing up and shaking their hands.
"Nice to meet you too, Hina." Sumire replied, looking at her watch. "Oh! We should probably go back to the garden now, if you both are ready." Akio and Adelaide stood up, Adelaide waving goodbye to Hina as they walked back to the garden.
Sumire ran up to the chalkboard, crossing out a majority of the tasks. "Now, to do the one we've all been dreading." She sighed, looking at the final task.
"Cleaning the garden shed." She and Akio said in unison, Adelaide tilting her head.
"Why don't you want to do it?" She asked confused. Sumire opened the door to the shed, and all Adelaide could see was mounds of dust and tools scattered around.
"Oh, now I get it." Adelaide said. "Well, we better get started!" Adelaide put on gardening gloves to use as cleaning gloves, and the three of them got towels and soaked them with water, Sumire also carrying a broom and dustpan. They went back to the shed, and Adelaide started pulling out old, rusty tools to get out of the way. The three of them soon entered the dirty room, Akio coughing as dust drifted past the three of them.
"This place is a disaster." Sumire sighed, as she cleaned the windows, letting rays of sunlight in.
"Well, I suppose it's better to get this done now then later." Akio said, sweeping mounds of dust into the dustpan. Adelaide cleaned off the small shelves, catching dust bunnies floating on them.
"How often do you guys clean this place?" Adelaide asked as she picked up a broken shovel.
"Once a year." Sumire said, as Adelaide mumbled, "That makes sense."
After an hour, the team had finished scrubbing every last inch of the place and putting everything back in it. Adelaide clapped her hands together, wiping off additional dust from them. "I think were done!"
"Thanks for all of your help, Adelaide!" Sumire exclaimed, high fiving her.
"Yeah, this would have been a lot harder with just the two of us." Akio added, closing the doors to the shed.
Sumire ran back to the list of tasks, erasing the board contently. "I think we're done for the day! Gardening club, dismissed!" Adelaide waved goodbye to Sumire and Akio then walked back to the Hydrangea garden, sitting under a tree. She relaxed in the cool shade, closing her eyes. When she opened them, the sun was setting, and Adelaide panicked. She sprinted out of the garden and to the mess hall, where her roommates were waiting.
"What took you so long?" Hina asked, eating a chip.
"I accidentally fell asleep in the garden." Adelaide admitted, embarrassed.
"Well, you must have had a tiring day there. Was it fun?" Mei asked.
Adelaide nodded. "So much fun! The people in the club are so nice!"
"That's a relief." Airi sighed as the other girls laughed.
"Airi was worried you wouldn't make any friends!" Hina laughed.
"I think it was a bit of self projection." Mei whispered, Airi looking crossly at her.
"Anyway, we're glad you liked it!" Airi interrupted the two other girls.
The four suddenly heard a boom in the distance, and looked over. Near the tennis court, a book taikutsu was causing havoc.
"Looks like dinner's over." Airi said, standing up.
"I didn't even get to eat anything!" Adelaide wailed as they ran over as quickly as they could.
"Oh, you've arrived." Sofia stated, the taikutsu looking over.
"Girls!" Airi yelled, the four forming a line and pulling out their compasses.
"Creative Compass, start!"
"Running, laughing, and all things fun, Cure Spirit!"
"The plant that thrives forever, Cure Fern!"
"The light that shines in the darkness, Cure Luna!"
"The hope that flies through the clouds, Cure Mariposa!"
"Lets Go! Happy Campers Precure!"
Spirit jumped at the taikutsu, kicking the cover of it. The book opened because of the impact, and Luna ripped one of the pages out, the book losing balance. Luna folded the paper into a ball, and Fern covered it with vines.
"Fern super cool ball!" Fern yelled as Luna kicked the ball at the book.
"What an amazing attack name." Luna said sarcastically.
"Hey, it's better than none at all!" Fern yelled back, the book getting back up and taking advantage of the distracted girl. Mariposa ran at her, holding the book up just barely, so that it didn't crush Fern.
"Stay on task, guys!" She yelled, pushing the book back up.
"Right!" Spirit yelled, punching the inside of the book. A few more pages fell out, and Fern seized her chance. She covered the balls with vines, and the girls kicked them at the taikutsu.
"Precure super cool ball!" They yelled in unison as the taikutsu fell over.
The girls pulled out their wands, yelling, "Precure Sunset Burst!"
Mariposa pulled out her wand to fully finish the monster off, yelling, "Ruby Butterfly Shower!" The taikutsu disintegrated, and Sofia disapeared.
The girls noticed a crowd had formed around them, and they all rushed towards Mariposa, who was overwhelmed by all of their questions.
"How did you become a precure?"
"Your attack was so cool!"
"Why didn't we see you fight the last time?"
Mariposa leapt in the air, yelling, "I've gotta go!" She found a safe spot to transform back into her human form, and sighed.
"Seems like you're the new center of attention, Adelaide!" Adelaide turned around to see the other girls had found her.
"Now I get why you guys wanted our precure abilities to be secret." She sighed, remembering the crowds of people surrounding her and stressing out again. "That was crazy!"
Adelaide stomach rumbled, and she remembered she hadn't eaten since lunch.
"Well, I suppose we should head back to the mess hall." Mei said, the four of them running as the sun set behind them.
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
PLS PLS LIST THE SWAPS!! TELL ME ABOUT THE SIBLINGS AND ALSO HIFUMI BECAUSE I LOVE HIM (IF YOU WANT!) I will also send more questions in the morning too, excited to see what you’ve been working on!!
OK OK OK !!!!! AHH! So, before assigning talents, I swapped the pools, so for the first game, I use the talents from the second game, and vis versa! For some i listed gender, sexuality, or neurodivergencies, though this isn’t all of them, and I haven’t developed them all to the same level!
This is SO long. I didn’t even bother mentioning things like my plans for the killing games. (I have DR1 planned out in full, but only parts of DR2 and the v3 anime)
Trigger Happy Havoc (first game)
Kyoko Kirigiri- Ultimate Luckster- Mastermind (: Sometimes lesbians can be evil okay! was trained as a detective like everyone in her family and didn’t get the ultimate :) she’s definitely not mad about that :) her luck cycle depends on how far she plans things ahead. her good luck is when she’s spontaneous! She hates when ‘normal’ people are accepted by ultimates.
Makoto Naegi- Photographer (Mostly wildlife and nature photography, with Sayaka helping him for some animal photography (: trans and bi <3 One of sayaka’s birds nests in his hair like all the time)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru- Ultimate Swordsman (AUTISTIC ICON, has trained in kendo since he was a kid, then was essentially given away to the Fujisaki clan by his very stressed dad. Semiverbal, rarely speaks.)
Chihiro Fujisaki- Ultimate Yakuza (Taka is her bodyguard! His family is in debt to hers, the Fujisaki clan is the most powerful in Japan. trans icon, of course, dates Sayaka! Very direct, though she’s far more delicate and polite when talking to taka, her best friend)
Sakura Oogami- Ultimate Nurse (Works as an EMT- her clan still is in martial arts, so she’s still very buff, she assists in injuries at the family dojo. Autistic Icon)
Asahina Aoi- Ultimate Gamer (ULTIMATE ADHD. streams and has a ton of fun, will ramble while breaking records, demigirl who loves her girlfriend sakura :)
Mukuro Ikusaba- Ultimate Chef (Works best with ‘cheap’ food, and making them taste good. a byproduct of growing up on the streets with junko, and junko being bored of the same old food they dug out of the trash. now works closely with junko for her teams’ nutritional needs! autistic and sapphic.)
Junko Enoshima- Ultimate Team Manager (there are SO many sports she can never get bored, and the professional scene is always changing! prefers coaching womens’ teams, because being an ultimate brings them more publicity and usually higher pay :)
Mondo Oowada- Ultimate Prince (OH MY BOY. trans adhd icon. now the crown prince of Novoselic, with a reagent in his place until he comes of age. His service dog Chuck is a maltese and an absolute sweetheart. Chihiro takes him under her wing to teach leadership. also dates taka later OF COURSE, though they’re poly and I may add more ppl to their relationship later.)
Celestia Ludenburg- Ultimate Musician (specializes in violin, most strings, though she can play any instrument. grew up poor, dedicated herself to an instrument and persona to cope)
Byakuya Togami- Ultimate Musician (Yep. two musicians. two catty trans gay icons about to throw down. they HATE each other and grew up as rivals. specialize in classical, they literally tore a professional orchestra full of grown adults apart trying to make them side with who was the best musician. they’re so good that they’re matched, and Hope’s Peak accepts them as one student and combined ultimate. they room together. they fight. Literally if one of them gets expelled, the other does too, so they’re STUCK. eventually they become literally inseparable and insufferable together like the WORST siblings. I love them.)
Sayaka Maizono- Breeder (animal handler) (Specializes in birds!!!!!! has songbirds on her shoulders all the time. will give unsettling animal facts without realizing they’re unsettling. sends her songbirds to serenade chihiro when they start dating <3)
Yasuhiro Hagakure- Gymnast (you see this tall goof who acts like an older brother to everyone and wonder HOW he’s a gymnast. he’s completely different in competitions, though still lighthearted. becomes a big brother figure to mukuro and junko especially <3 also trans bc i say so.)
Leon Kuwata- Traditional Dancer (he just. kinda hates it. it takes SO much work and effort but he takes to it naturally. his cousin kanon is NOT like in canon, instead she’s helpful. he’d literally rather be doing anything else. doesn’t know how to do anything like... basic either. can’t cook. cant do his own laundry. everything was dedicated to traditional japanese dancing before he attended HPA.)
Toko Fukawa- Engineer (writes schematics and is very good at it. gets VERY upset when her plans go wrong. her notes are orderly and perfect. host for their system!)
Syo- Mechanic (a factive of genocider syo, NOT an actual killer. she’s a protector mainly, and also is more adept at hands on skills when it comes to fixing things, her hands are less shaky. Her notes are a disaster and she does it to spite Toko.)
Hifumi Yamada- (???) (reserve course) Protagonist! My BOY. HIFUMI IS GOOD OKAY. He’s autistic and loves anime and gaming! he’s not particularly ultimate-leveled at them, or anything else! Attending Hope’s Peak as a reserve course student! At one point he joins the student council as a reserve course representative even if he’s only a freshman :) He’s also a moderator in Hina’s livestream chat, under the username of JusticeHammer, fastest ban hammer this side of the internet. He's internet friends with hina and sakura, and doesn’t realize Oh We Go To the same SCHOOL until he bumps into them. and realizes hina doesnt know what he looks like. but sakura does. its hilarious. he’s aroace, and during the year they’re locked in HPA, is in a queer platonic partnership with Hina and Sakura, while they’re dating each other. it’s great.)
Goodbye Despair! (second game)
Peko Pekoyama- Lucky student (ohohoh. her luck relies on her conviction. if she has doubts her bad luck strikes HARD. trans!, was taken in by Fuyuhiko’s family when she was a baby, grew up as just another kid in the family. They all expected Fuyu to go off to HPA on his own and then BOOM acceptance letter)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu- Programmer (He. gets so angry while coding. He has an array of rubber ducks to talk to and work through his coding issues with. trans of course. Very protective of Peko when people say she doesn’t have a ‘real’ ultimate. ADHD and Autistic)
Sonia Nevermind- Writer (Literary Girl) (Her family immigrated to Japan when she was young! She writes a lot of serial killer novels, murder mysteries and horror and all that! Trans and bi :)
Gundham Tanaka- Detective (YEAH my guy is a detective. still talks Like That. Trans and bi and he and Sonia were kinda-dating (t4t autistic power couple in the making) when things started happening. He spends some time with his cool older sister who he looks up to a LOT. He and Sonia talk through things together a lot, they both have those red string walls, one for murder cases, another for a fictional plot lmao.)
Mahiru Koizumi- Moral Compass (my GIRL. autistic. Her morals rely a lot on people taking responsibility and being reliable, and she ends up having to work through some biases she didn’t realize she had when she arrived at HPA. Is still protective of Hiyoko, though that protectiveness is spread a bit thinner to extend to the rest of the class.)
Hiyoko Saionji- Clairvoyant!!! (HI YES I COULD TALK ABOUT HER FOR DAYS. Has actual visions in dreams and when she suddenly faints, but doesn’t really realize they’re uhh Real Visions for a WHILE. uses her status as an ultimate clairvoyant to trick and bully kids when in school for a LONG time, though her homelife wasn’t great with her grandmother trying to find ways to make her visions more consistent. SHES ALSO 12 WHEN SHE JOINS THE 77TH CLASS. she’s just so advanced in academics and her ultimate is so interesting hope’s peak cant HELP but scout her early. she has SO many issues guys no one appreciates hiyoko enough, autistic gifted kid hiyoko my beloved.)
Akane Owari- Gambler (started gambling to help out her family and Got Good at it. is very very conscious of money and food like all the time. Runs the hope’s peak betting pools once she arrives. these ultimates bet on a lot of things. she ALWAYS wins. until she doesnt!!!)
Mikan Tsumiki- Martial Artist (ohhhh Mikan. Still anxious and clumsy (though not like THAT in canon) and literally no one looks at her and thinks Oh The ULTIMATE martial artist?? it isn’t until you see her in the ring that you understand. She started learning self defense as a kid because her (bad) parents essentially said she had to rely on and protect herself and no one else would help.)
Kazuichi Souda- Pop Idol (OH TRANS ICON? he’s nervous and paranoid about Everything still, though now it’s like. oh the entire world is always watching my every move this is Okay (: has the brightest neon album eras. he literally keeps up a like. weird chad persona when interacting with people because he’s masking how hard he’s constantly just internally screaming.)
Nagito Komaeda- Soldier (AHAHAH my mans got issues problems disorder he’s a messssss, this trans guy, this absolute gay. this boy leveled a city of thousands of people with his own hands and some bombs. Still has medical issues, but most of his like. treatments and medicine is hold hostage as long as he stays in line. believes the ends justify the means and anyone who dies to him is obviously weak, because look at him! he’s weak, but that doesn’t matter because he doesn’t have to be the strongest, he just has to be stronger than the weakest scum.)
Chiaki Nanami- Heir (OOF. Agender, uses any pronouns. Doesn’t really. enjoy being the heir. grew up with Byakuya in the same circles. she treats the economy and stock market and stuff like games. enjoys gaming but isn’t good at them. collects so many things. has halls full of collections. Her parents stopped controlling her once she was able to prove she had more money than them and could literally bankrupt them if she wanted.)
Hajime Hinata- Baseball Star (Chiaki’s best friend, his family was upper middle class until he hit it BIG as a baseball star. wants to do BIG things and wants to attend hope’s peak more than anything!! Doesn’t really think of baseball as his THING, just a means to an end! trans :)
Teruteru Hanamura- Biker Gang Leader (started with shaking down some jerks who didn’t pay their food and drink tabs at his mama’s restaurant. now he RUNS their tiny town. His siblings are essentially gang mascots, he works hard to keep them out of trouble (while bringing them to like. meetings where he ends up beating a dude almost to death. its fine). most of what he does it to get more money to keep the restaurant afloat and care for his mama with her health conditions.)
Nekomaru Nidai- Fashionista (the drama. the CHAOS. most people are like ohhh we can never understand this artistic genius when he’s literally just. vibing and has ADHD and a love for coffee. Works a lot on accessible clothing lines for disabled people! Also he and Kazuichi work together sometimes, Nekomaru is good at calming Kaz down and seeing like, the root of whatever problem and making it better. ALSO A TRANS ICON and just flaunts it.)
Imposter- In the hope’s peak days they are impersonating Ryota Mitarai, as a part of the 77th class. In the Killing Game they impersonate Mondo Oowada as the Ultimate Prince. They’re doin’ their best.
Ibuki Mioda- (???) (Izuru Kamakura) Protagonist! Gundham Tanaka’s older sister (though they’re in the same school year). Nonbinary and using just. an array of pronouns alongside she/her, and jokingly fights with gundham for neopronouns like MOM said it’s MY TURN on the rawrself pronouns. She attends the reserve course to stay at her brother’s side. She dresses loudly and acts even louder because !!! she wants to stand out!! in the middle of this drab reserve course hell!!  but when things go down, she wants to be someone, to be worthy of being her amazing brother’s big sister. so she accepts some offers.
Ryota Mitarai- Ultimate Analyst (stays in his room. He’s terrified of the outside world but fascinated by it. watches hope’s peak academy through security feeds, picking up on little details. he just wants to understand things but never looks at the big picture.)
Chisa Yukizome- Ultimate Boxer (Homeroom teacher!! She’s working really hard and believes in everyone! Some are intimidated by talent, but she’s never hurt anyone outside of the ring! Dating Kyosuke)
Juzo Sakakura- Ultimate Student Council President (Has anger issues, though his work at reigning them in assisted in becoming an Ultimate. Was responsible for security and the Hope’s Peak student council. Dating Kyosuke)
Kyosuke Munakata- Ultimate Housekeeper (Meticulous, works himself to the BONE even if he’s good enough to not have to do that. Is working on establishing another Hope’s Peak! Dating Chisa and Jozu!!!)
Seiko Kimura- Ultimate Blacksmith (GIVE MY GIRL KNIVES!! She’s an anxious gal, always wearing a facemask that filters the air in her forge because she has some respiratory problems. she prefers making more decorative pieces like an artist, but sometimes can create utilitarian pieces or tools to fit specific needs. Still a doormat)
Ruruka Ando- Ultimate Pharmacist (She constantly asks Seiko for new tools for her developments in medicine, saying its all for the advancement of humanity, so Seiko denying any request is SELFISH, though she never thinks to make anything for seiko’s health issues. Dating Izayoi. Specializes in medicine for mental health. Not Doing Great :)
Sonosuke Izayoi- Ultimate Confectioner (He loves sweets. LOVES them. Creates things that look plain, ordinary. but taste so GOOD you CRY and maybe ascend for a little bit. sometimes Ando makes cool new drugs to put in the sweets, who knows! It’s a mystery! He always has like. a huge refrigerated case of fresh cakes, and constantly has a lollipop in his own specialty recipe in his mouth.)
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the-peak-of-despair · 4 years
Asahina, Akane, Kaede, and Tsumugi with a Male S/O teaching them to play DND
megatron720 said: Alright, can i get the Male S/O of Hina, Akane, Kaede, Tsumugi (separately) teaching the girls how to play Dungeons & Dragons.
Me when I saw this request: Oh, this is easy, I have some experience with DND! Me when I realized 3 hours ago that I have never played once and am asking my half awake friend and using old notes from a oneshot I didn’t ever do for references: fuck
I loved writing this, though!! I’ve never played DND before and I’ve missed a couple chances, so I hope I did it justice, but it’s super interesting to me!! I hope you enjoy! -Mod Akane
-Aoi Asahina 
”Dungeons & Dragons..? Sounds cool! What’s it about?” 
-She’s excited to get into it, and loves listening to your explanations!
-She gets really confused though, since it gets so complicated sometimes. She’ll just enjoy joining your group for short one-shots.
-Given the chance, she’ll play either a ranger or a fighter. 
-Literally has no idea how to roleplay, so everything she does is just a natural reaction. Also gets very attached to her characters and basically the entire party. If she fucks up a death save she’s going to get emotional. Will demand cuddles later.   
-She doesn’t have the best luck with the dice. You might wanna fudge a couple rolls for her or she’s gonna die by your second session.
“These are cursed, I swear!”
-She cares more about the emotional moments than the combat and the fighting. Guaranteed both your characters are usually in some sort of romantic relationship almost every time.
“(Y/N), can we play some more? This is really fun!”
He chuckles. “Well, the next time we all get together..”
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-Akane Owari
”Dungeons and huh? Is this sexual?” She laughs. “I’m just playing! What’s up with it?” 
-She doesn’t really understand a lot of things and you’ll be repeating yourself a couple of times until she gets it. 
“Akane, you can’t just kill it automatically, you have to roll the dice..” “OOOH, hahah, my bad!” 
-100% always plays a barbarian. You should not be surprised. This was to be expected of Akane. It’s Akane.
-She gets roped into it because of the fighting and battles, and her urge to play and overly strong character. She isn’t too good with the emotional moments, so she tends to just sit back and watch. But she certainly gets invested watching the others interact. 
-She gets super passionate during battles and bosses. She will accidentally throw her dice with full force. Yes, they will rocket across the room. Sometimes, they are not always obtainable again. Keep spare dice on hand.
-Ruthless. Absolutely ruthless. Will be grinning wide every time she defeats an enemy, and sometimes the party has to stop her from fighting every NPC you encounter. 
“Come on, man, make these bosses harder! I want a challenge!”
“Akane, choose your words carefully..”
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-Kaede Akamatsu
“Dungeons & Dragons? Ooh, I think I’ve heard about it before.. What’s it about?” 
-She’s really attentive, and listening to all your explanations really closely. Also probably taking notes. She’s super invested and interested! 
-She plays a bard. No hesitation. All you had to say was “music.” She’s hooked. 
-She’s in love with the atmosphere, the worlds you create, the creativity of it all! Kaede’s one of the girls who’s more likely to really look at and appreciate all of these things. She especially loves when the group stops at taverns, and meeting the NPCs the DM creates.
“Come on, Kaede, we need to go..”
“But (Y/N)! The music here is so niiiice! And I haven’t finished talking to this guy!”
“We have quests to do, sweetheart…”
-She gets really absorbed in everything, and super into the roleplaying! Though it’ll take her a little while to get adjusted towards combat. But she’s powerful as shit once she gets adjusted. The dice are on her fucking side. Throw those fuckers in the freezer. Something. 
-A general group leader. It’s just a natural role for her, and she’ll be holding back some people from charging into things blindly. 
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-Tsumugi Shirogane
“Oooh, Dungeons & Dragons!? I actually know a bit about it!” 
-Bold to assume Tsumugi, Queen of Really Specific And Niche References, wouldn’t know about DND. 
-She hasn’t played in a long time, so she’s happy to have your help to get back into it, and to have any new advice! 
-She’s able to play just about any class, but she defaults to rouge. It’s just what comes naturally. Y’know, sneaking around, mastery in trickery, doing whatever’s necessary…
-She’s into the whole thing. Dedicated player. Master role-player. Will walk into that DND session both perfectly dressed up as her character while also carrying tonight’s snacks. It’s expected of her.
-She’s super into all the characters and will make costumes for everyone in the group. She loves dressing up with all of you. It makes her super happy! 
-Her character tends to stay in the background when she plays a rouge, but in this game she’s really a jack of all trades. She’s at least got experience in most classes and characters.
“Come on, (Y/N)! Cosplay with me! Our characters look so good together!”
“Well, I don’t know if I’d do well...” “You’ll do amazing! You’ve got me with you, it’s just plain to see!”
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Nothing changes
Just to make things clear... (go on) Last night, I was attacked by someone wearing a mask... (yep) And whoever that was--now they're... I don't know why, but now they're laying dead in front of me... (I can neither confirm nor deny this query)
Makoto: what is that supposed to mean.
Siramay: I can neither confirm nor deny this query sorry you’re on your own.
So after seeing the corpse they began to investigate what could possibly have happened and then they tried to tell who it was and take of her mask and then
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...there was a blinding light, and a deafening roar. The body...blew up. It blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up!
Needless to say the survivor gang tried to put out the fire, but the damage was done WAS HER DEATH NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU! YOU GO AND DAMAGE HER BEAUTY TO!? Well even so may she still be an angel at first they all thought it kyoko, but they did bring up the possibility of it being the mastermind.
Makoto: Is it the teenage girl Kyoko told me about? The Ultimate Destrawberry...?
Siramay: you still doing that?
Makoto: you can never be to sure, also its funny
Siramay: true
Then makoto told the others about mukuro ikusaba the ultimate des-…. I’m running out of food… destarfruit.
Byakuya: There's another student here, and it's a female? That *would* match the body's characteristic...
Aoi: And that phrase, the Ultimate Des-
Siramay: NOOOO!!
Aoi: Desblackberry--it sounds super mastermind-y, doesn't it?
Makoto: what did you do this time siramay?
Siramay: now no one can say desboysenberry MAHAHAHAHHA.
yasuhiro: Okay, so...the mastermind is this girl Mukuro? And she's a student here? And she's the Ultimate Desdragonfruit? But if she's been hiding here in the school like some teenage Bigfoot...how'd she wind up burnt to a crisp!?
Well needless to say they went to investigate the body, also toko is ok what makoto saw was a strange key on the ground, then bayakuya kicked makoto out to look for the door the key opens.
Siramay: it opens the data center.
And makoto immediately went to tell them, REALY NO CHECKING!? then when they went they forced makoto to open the door incase it blew up, rude and so he opened it.
Siramay: behold…. THE MASTERMIND LAYER!!
Dramatic pose Epic thunder sounds
Makoto: where that come from?
Siramay: where do you think.
So yeah they saw all the cameras and such the mastermind uses to watch everyone.
So they all think mukuro was the mastermind BASELESS SLANDER and that shes dead, eh I don’t care I got a David bowie stash to find and steal then they wanted to investigate the data lab to find out secrets since they think zetsu was murdered.
Byakuya: Naturally. The state of the corpse makes it plain as day. There is absolutely no doubt the mastermind was murdered.
Siramay: ah not clearly they laid down put their coat on top of them and stabbed themselves in the stomach.
Makoto: really?
Siramay: no!
Well anyway they began to investigate the room like how the monodoor was locked and oh look a tv antenna witch they had yasuhiro use to connect to the tv which showed them and on every channel to how confusing oh and look monokuma was here.
They also said he’s acting different, but I don’t get that they seem the same to me, must be the madness of isolation.
Makoto: Oh yeah, that's it. Puhuhu... The look on your faces right now is sublime!
Siramay: it is kinda funny.
Monokuma: That's what I wanted to see--the moment you went from hope to despair.. I can say it myself naegi!
Then siramay jumped away in a portal in fear
monokuma: Well, it's almost time to cut off your past so full of hope and begin to DESPAIR at the future ahead of you! I want you to all have way more fun in this killing game!
Then monokuma said other things
 This life isn't all bad ya know! I mean, there's stuff you won't like about life no matter where you are!
Siramay pops his head out of a tiny portal.
Siramay: that’s fair
Toko: Are you s-serious? This place is the w-worst...!
Monokuma: If it's the worst, does that mean you're in...despair? Ahh-hahahahaha!
Siramay: man you’re running millage on that word guess it makes sense its all you have left.
I say holding the secret stash of David bowie music I could burn this all right now in their face… no I shouldn’t I could use this later anyway also as a music man the songs are indeed quite good so anyway monokuma talks about how the tvs a clue.
Monokuma: Everything has a meaning, you know... All those hints I gave you, all those tantalizing tidbits about the school's mysteries... Even me luring you here right now... Why would I do any of that without a reason?
Siramay: ah so you admit it!
Monokuma: It was all for my captive audience--to show them true despair like they'd never seen it before!
Siramay: riiiiiggghhtt all right keep your secrets and ignore me not like I care!
Monokuma: I became the director of a despair-based production! This is the ultimate reality show! The best in despair entertainment!
A single tear sheds from siramays eye from being ignored.
Course monokuma went on and on about there evil but then he stopped cause after all if there still alive that means there not the body and if there not the body that means there’s another murder a foot and if there’s another murder a foot that means A TRIAL SHALL SOON COMENCE BUM BUM BUUUUMM
And then...he was gone. Reality was incomprehensible, the truth hopelessly out of reach. All we were left with...was despair. (monokuma: GOT IT! New ringtone!) We stood there for I don't know how long, frozen in place. I couldn't think- AW I COULD HAVE SAID DESPUMPKN GOSH DARNIT! (monokuma: you lose!) (it’s not over till the despair lady sings!). It took everything I had just to keep myself standing upright.
Yasuhiro: I don't understand any of this... What's "deswatermelon entertainment"? (monokuma: don’t start this again!) (to bad!) And...how is he still alive!?
Also byakyua thinks kyoko is dead cause his blatant and disrespectful slander of saying mukuro is the mastermind SLANDER I SAY! Course makoto refuses to believe it WITCH IS FAIR AS ITS AS FALSE AS ZETSUS HAIR COLOR and so the investigation begun, and so makoto went back to the garden, he saw fragments a knife, also makoto got all worried about murdering them awe no baby boi you didn’t do that then they checked the chickens.
I count four chickens.
Makoto: really?
Siramay: no
Then he recalled how the body looked before the boom, then they talked about the body was found, and byakua was suspicious about makoto thinking he’s the killer witch is not true at all, though I will admit it’s a fair point BUT MAKOTO IS AN ANGEL HE’D NEVER KILL and then makoto looked closer at the body..neeeeeerrr
Siramay: sad dragon noises
Makoto: … yes?
Siramay: look at those fake nails shed never where them she was forced to she couldn’t even have the honor of dyeing as herself what sick twisted monster would do that to a girl sob.
Makoto also noticed the wolf tattoo.
Siramay: yee I say she liked wolfys makoto but uh it had a more bisunessy reason but can’t say but shes a good girl she deserved head pats and love I hope she gets all the love in heaven, because she never got it here sob.
The upper half of the body got set on fire in the explosion, so it's totally blackened... Also, the top half of the body is wet.
Siramay just kinda stayed looking at the body in sadness.
Makoto also saw a tarp in the toolshed, then makoto wanted to investigate kyokos room, but first he realized the thing about the bomb but then they were allowed to go to kyokos room saw a woodblock key, then after talking to byakuya he recalled kyokos last will and testament sadly instead of giving makoto money or at least a boot to the head all it said was “under the sheets” in which makoto found a note about mukuro.
Siramay: aaayyy that’s my giiirrllll.
“Name: Mukuro Ikusaba
Sex: Female
The Ultimate Soldier (so coooool)
Although small for her age, she was a military specialist trained in every weapon type imaginable. (she could crush your skull with her thighs!)  She showed an interest in the military from childhood and soon found herself completely absorbed in it. In elementary school, she won a survival game tournament and began writing for military magazines. (soooo cooool oh I already said that…well its true)
Just before entering middle school, while she and her family were on vacation in Europe (Ireland specifically shes half Irish don’t ya know makoto)...she disappeared. The story of a young Japanese girl being kidnapped quickly took over Japanese media outlets (her grandfather died! But he had it coming). An intense international investigation turned up no information, and she was never found. (she must be smart to stay hidden or at least I think so clever girl but never appreciated)
However, she reappeared in Japan three years later (could have sworn it was 4), alone and completely unannounced. She revealed that she had joined a mercenary group known as Fenrir for those three years. She insisted that she hadn't been kidnapped, that she'd received battle training of her own volition. However, she never revealed why she decided to return home when she did.” (…its complicated you know hard to explain with parents dying and your father figure telling you not to give up on family and siblings who may or may not have turned super evil while you where gone….. I don’t wanna talk about it)
Then byakua said how he recognized Fenrir
Siramay: oh yeah I know about it to!
Makoto: can you say anything about it.
Siramay: awe yeah its multiverseal! I’ve heard in many words I traveled to of the infamies Lycan family and there gang of fighters who follow the wolf loving war and all that heard about them all the way back in the 1800s with the great vvulf from the DD dimension though maybe they are older then even that and of course I can’t forget that cunning Worriz and the twisted gang in the 1980-2000s nearly killed a good friend of mine that guy did, though in your time in this world it was run by a Mr. Wayne Lycan he was cool a bit on the scrawny side though that’s why he worked twice as hard to prove the worth to his father that he could leady the business named ATM to Fenrir how fancy oh he was like the father mukuro never had and always wanted though I do have to question how sensible the man was to just allow a 10-11 year old into a mercenary gang but he did care about her he cared about her greatly he was so proud to see her fight and be victorious in battlefield… he must be just as sad as I about her death and what that cruel excuse for a sister did to her he said it himself he said “if anything happens to mukuro I’ll kill everyone on the battlefield then myself” so if he wasn’t already dead I assure he’s dead now
Makoto: how do you know all this
Siramay: I know everything makoto and also nothing at all.
And then monokuma showed up and was all mad about rule breaking and making a fuss about it.
Monokuma: Of course I am! A proper school life is built on the dedication to organization and order! Which is why even I, as the school headmaster, have to follow the regulations myself!
Byakuya: Oh? So you're saying you have to follow your own rules, as well?
Monokuma: Absolutely! I can't have you complaining about how unfair it all is, now can I?
Siramay: riiiigggghhhttt
Makoto: ?
Siramay: I’m just saying makoto there are two types of villains, villains who will literally kill themselves when their world order is broken and villains who will fuss about it but when the time comes will break the rules as easily as they made them, now just look at monokuma and everything he’s done and ask yourself which type he looks like
Then monokuma admitted how there where 16 students and he is one of them then he also revealed kyokos secret about her KFH (kyoko fried hands)
Monokuma: You know how she wears those stupid gloves day in, day out, all the time? Well, don't tell anyone I told you, but... She wears them to cover a bunch of hideous scars that she doesn't want anyone to see!
Makoto: ...What?
Monokuma: Puhuhu. Okay, NOW that's all you get! Ahh-hahahahaha!
And then they left
Siramay: how rude talking about kyokos hand scars I bet you wouldn’t like it if I talked about your back scars.
Makoto: they have scars?
Siramay: yeah but it aint like kyokos that come from burning hers come from FLAELLATION!!
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Siramay pulls out said tool above you know classic family abuse I would talk about it, but I feel its cliche, so I don’t wanna be rude.
Makoto: they used that!?
Siramay: oh no her parents used more a basic stuff like riding crops and their fist though he did have big fist like bigger than a mug I think, there was this one tool, but I can’t recall the name OH WAIT!
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THE SJAMBOK! these things hurt like death…. but as I was saying oh yeah that old whip was more used by good old grandpa damian, he was the old Irish one I was talking about he was a flagellant and a sado-masochist, so he was delusional but still she was just 10.
Makoto: TEN- makoto covered his mouth as not to react deeply.
Siramay: at least he never got to use the metal ones like this thing!
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makoto almost fainted at the thought of what siramay brought up but siramay with a portal grew another hand to catch makoto.
eh its ok makoto whats a little mental damage between friends eh? After all scars may be forever (unless you get scar removal surgery witch they possibly did) but psychological damage will last even longer
anyway with monokumas info makoto realized the corpse can’t be kyoko, cause clearly me constantly calling the course mukuro was totally not valid proof…. Then again mukuro does mean  corpse in Japanese maybe makoto just though I was being weird again, but no he would know her name yes! eh I digress anyway byakuya talked about mukuro and kyoko honestly it was pretty confusing.
Byakuya: We thought Mukuro, the Ultimate Despair, was the mastermind's true identity.
Makoto: don’t say that word!
Byakuya: why?
Monokuma getting aroused in the background.
Byakuya: But if that's true, Monokuma's behavior makes no sense. Why would the mastermind go out of their way to reveal themselves to us?
Makoto: That's a good point...
Well anyway they went to investigate the dojo to look at the locker and there where arrows and tape then they went to the archive to learn more about mukuro.
Yaaahhh more mukuro lore
Byakuya: "Fenrir is an elite fighting unit base out of the Middle East (it’s always the middle east why can’t they spice it up by fighting somewhere like Canada) (makoto: Canada really?) (I couldn’t think of anything but man that’s far from Europe don’t yah think. I think they were on draft world tour you know how it is). Unlike military contractors, they are a fierce group of soldiers who engage in direct combat. (fierce wolfy woos) They claim that a single member is equivalent to an entire company of regular soldiers. Just like Fenrir, the Wolf of Ragnarok, their mere presence is enough to strike fear into any enemy. They have been involved in countless military battles and operations, most of which are highly classified. (ou like the great battle of the heart of darkness a literal Eldredge abomination… wait that wasn’t them they were just commissioned by the cultist who found it oh, but they were defeated by the team who did defeat it I can still remember how they sliced vvulf in half)
"However, some time ago, they completely ceased all activity. At present, their continued existence cannot be confirmed. There are unconfirmed reports that the key members of the group were all neutralized. Rumors indicate they were killed to keep them from revealing the many state secrets they'd acquired. Some, however, believe there was mounting internal tension within the group, and they simply imploded." (WAYNE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) ……(PLEASE DON’T BE WHAT I THINK HAPPENED) (makoto: what do you-) (IM NOT SAYING!! As long as I don’t think it happened it didn’t happen, no no… oh no I can see nonononononoon! MAKOTO DISTRACT ME)
Makoto: ...
Siramay: at least Wayne and mukuro can reunite in heaven…
Byakuya: ...What is it?
Makoto: This all just sounds like some kind of...alternate reality.
Byakuya: Well, it isn't. This is *our* reality, the *only* reality (that’s not exactly true!). These people are part of our world. Their battlefields aren't much different from our lives here. An unpredictable, unimaginable world...
Also makoto realized the Fenrir people getting tattoos and that mukuro had a wolf tattoo and then it was time for the class trial, so as makoto went to the red doors siramay…started to beat box.
Siramay: bum bum bum bum bum bum bum a body’s been discovered a person has been murdered one of your fellow students is dead there’s a giant pool of blood and your names dragged through the mud gotta prove who is messed up in the head.
Well despair starts coming and it don’t stop coming don’t break the rules or you better get running dosent make sense why you’re trapped in here not what you expected from a new school year.
you’ve called it quits you’ve had enough so whats wrong with picking the knife up you’ll never leave if you don’t kill you’re gonna die if you just chill.
hey now! you’re the blackened! time for trial how sad!
Hey now! look what happened you got found out to bad.
And not its punishment tiiimmmee killers have to pay for their criimme.
Eh? Eh?
Makoto: …that was actually pretty good.
Siramay: YEAAHHH
Well when makoto got in the elevator everyone assumed him and byakuya where being gay (NO THEY WENRT) yes they were makoto, and so they where waiting for the elevator to go down… but go down it did not, it was a little over ten minutes, then monokuma showed up to explain the predicament, and then, like a hero in the climax of the movie, like a great explosion in a mine KYOKO WAS HERE ALLLIIIIVVVVEEEE even if yasuhiro thought she was a ghost so the others went to the elevator but makoto had a heart to heart with kyoko first, where makoto ask what kyoko was doing and she says how she was on the second floor dorms revealing that the key she had was a master key that could open any door in the school but they didn’t have much time to go further as they had to go to the trial, then kyoko sounded suspect but that ok cause it was trial time
Being the last one left, I stepped into the elevator. And the doors slid shut... This time, the clunking was loud enough to hurt my ears, and the dread began to consume me once again... I can't imagine ever getting used to the mental pressure that comes with preparing for an execution. In that dusky darkness, nobody said a word. We just stood there, silent, and still. After an immeasurable period of time, the doors opened without warning... A dazzling light penetrated every depth of my eyes. But it wasn't the illuminating light of hope... It was the blinding light of descarrot.
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Siramay: I’ve heard of eyestrain but my word.
Monokuma: …rude Ahh, I've been waiting for this! I feel like it's been forever since we got together like this... The time for pointless jokes and jabs has passed. Let's get on with the show!
And so, the curtain opened for the fifth time... A deadly judgment... A deadly deception... A deadly betrayal. A deadly riddle, a deadly defense, and deadly faith... A deadly...class trial...!
SOOO COOOLL so the trial started.
Started with hagakure saying kyoko was dead and the one on podium was a GHOOOOOSSSTTT hahahahahahah thankfully makoto proved that argument wrong as they now needed to identify the real body victim …not thinking about it I guess that’s why he needed other not me proof to prover her identity he can’t just say “its mukuro cause the magic dragon only I can see told me so” hahahah they think he’s crazy so they talk about her tattoo.
Toko: Her master m-must have made her get it...to be like, "You're my *censored* ."
Crying cause shes not entirely wrong in a sense
But yeah so they all realized the corpse is mukuro.
Monokuma: Ah-ha-ha-ha! You sound surprised! But you're absolutely right! Yes, indeed! The trial this time is to solve the murder of Mukuro Ikusaba!
Aoi: But I mean...being the Ultimate Des-
Makoto: HINA NO!
Aoi: uh des…lettuce seems like a pretty mastermind-y title to me... sorry we’ve been out of fruits we have to go with vegetables now.
Monokuma: I don’t like this idea that’s spreading…
Byakuya: : Maybe we shouldn't have been thinking of her as the Ultimate Despair (makoto: EGGPLANT) in the first place.
Monokuma: I heard it~
Needless to say as they were talking about masterminds and all that and how mukuro wasn’t the big bad monokuma wanted to avoid the subject and move on to the fact the only 2 subjects that could have killed mukuro are kyoko and makoto, despite neither doing it but I digress so makoto had to clear his name so he explained cause the body’s dry (besides the water outage) that it had to have happened during 7:30-9 course that leaves kyoko without an alibi but kyoko wants to live to solve the school mystery says it’s a trap by monokuma (witch it is) but byakuya does state she had a motive
Byakuya: She thought Mukuro was the Ultimate Des-(makoto: GOARD). In other words, the mastermind behind everything... So she killed her to try and put a stop to all this. Isn't that right, Kyoko? But you made one catastrophic mistake--Mukuro wasn't the mastermind at all.
 So in this scenario kyoko opts to bunk makotos alibi unintentionally pining blame on him
And thus began the game OF BLACNKED TENIS where makoto and kyoko kept throwing the title of blackened back to one another stating why they went the killer framing the other in the process crazy right?
Like saying the blood on the body was actually chicken blood to make it look wet when it could have been dry
Makoto: wait why did they have to stab a chicken for the blood couldn’t they just stab the body?
Siramay: blood coagulates sometime after the body dies though.
Makoto: well how long?
Siramay: uhhh I donno, OH like at least 10 hours or so
Makoto: that would have been plenty of time!
Siramay: … cringing cause he knows mukuro was dead for over a month so her blood would be long past coagulated but unable to tell makoto cause if he revealed that he would be spoiled for knowing something is suspicious about the trial right.
So they continued with this argument and then kyoko brings up the ultimatum that they couldn’t have had the dojo key cause the dojo key was in their room and they couldn’t get in their room cause byakua took their key, but makoto knew otherwise since she had the master key and so makoto was left with a huge choice call kyoko out or keep it to himself.
Makoto: siramay what should I do
Siramay: well I can’t say due to the universe but what I can tell you is to follow your heart for you are an angel and your word will always be divine even if not at first glance.
Makoto: what does that mean.
Siramay: you’ll soon find out.
...I've made my decision. I have to believe in Kyoko. There's no way she would kill someone! There has to be some secret here, something that has to do with the mastermind's trap that Kyoko mentioned.
But sadly by holding that info the suspicion crashed down finally on him and stayed there despite makotos please that something is wrong but monokuma wouldn’t have it and ended the trial.
Monokuma: Now, who will be chosen as the blackened? Will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one?
Makoto: Hey, hold on! siramay! Is this supposed to happen?
Siramay: …
Siramay just sat in silence looking at makoto.
Monokuma: What's it gonna be? What's it gonna beeee!?
And so makoto was deemed guilty.
Makoto: What...? You think *I'm* the killer...?
Yasuhiro: Sorry, man...
Aoi: Yeah, s-sorry...
Toko: It's all your f-fault...!
Byakuya: ...
Makoto: Everyone...you're wrong...! You've got it all wrong! I didn't do it!
Monokuma: Good job, everyone!
Makoto: G-Good job...?
Monokuma: Yeah. They got it right!
Makoto: N-No, I know that's not true... None of this makes any sense... This whole trial doesn't make any sense!
Monokuma: It makes perfect seeeeEEEENNNSSSSSEEE!!! It's the same as always! It's just like all the other class trials! And I'm gonna end it the same way! It's time for your heart pounding, positively thrilling punishment!
Makoto: W-Wait! Why do I--!? siramay!
But siramay just looked at him and started to sing.
[SIRAMAY] Poor, poor Makoto, what'cha gonna do? Things look bad for you, hey, what'cha gonna do? Poor, poor Makoto, what'cha gonna do? Things look bad for you, hey, what'cha gonna do?
Makoto: ... Kyoko--!
Kyoko: I don't expect you to forgive me. I know this is all my fault...
Makoto: Kyoko...?
Monokuma: Let's give it everything we've got! It's...PUNISHMENT TIIIME!
And so he was dragged off to his execution and I could hear him beg.
[SIRAMAY] Why the struggle, why the strain? Why make trouble, why make scenes? Why go against the grain, why swim upstream? It ain't, it ain't, it ain't no use You're bound, you're bound, you're bound to lose What's done, what's done, what's done is done That's the way the river runs
So why get wet? Why break a sweat? Why waste your precious breath? Why beat your handsome brow?
Nothing changes.
Nothing changes, nothing changes Anyhow…
And at the final moment when it seemed all hope was lost for makoto alter ego showed up and opened the trash shoot saving makoto just as expected thank goodness its still sad to see though did have to scream it truly scared me to death I’m glad he’s safe though.
[SIRAMAY] Oh now survivors, how low can you stoop? You make a sordid group, hey, how low can you stoop? Poor, poor makoto, sent off to his grave Situation's stay, hey, sent off to his grave.
And so siramay jumped down after him.
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sokkathebluewolf · 4 years
A review Why you do that? Making Sokka mention 28 in his vows now everyone think he slept around after the best time of his life? They both dont deserve this June slaves Hina Tylee now this Please don't make more girls fall for him involve with him feels like the whole fic turned around this Haru deserves better Tylee is flirting around
Don't get me wrong This is your fic and you can do anything you feel fit I'm merely giving an opinion ''cause Gladiator has things which you handled the best There is a Reason for this success I just hope this plus 1 girl thing in Sokkla relationship Stops But I always respect you with your great work(:
You do realize how utterly laughable it is to tell me “DON’T MAKE MORE GIRLS FALL FOR HIM IT FEELS LIKE THE WHOLE FIC IS TURNING AROUND” and then say “you can do anything you feel fit, I respect your work (:”, right?
This is not respect. This is not “constructive criticism”. This is not an opinion so important and valuable that it warrants being repeated about a million times across A YEAR. Most people? They give out their opinions, negative or positive, ONE TIME, and leave it be, because what matters to them is CONVEYING how they feel, not forcing a writer to constantly explain themselves or write whatever they would be comfortable with. Actually? Most people who have given me negative opinions so far have been like that, except one guy who was outright flaming my story because he wanted to wank to it, and he couldn’t believe he had to read 97 chapters to finally reach the smut. That I’m comparing you to this reader and reviewer is PROBABLY a bad sign, don’t you think?
Sokka didn’t MENTION 28: Sokka acknowledged his past mistakes because he’s a grown man who knows to feel remorse when he hurts people he loves. That he brings up having hurt her, to this day, isn’t in the purpose of going “HEY HEY AZULA REMEMBER WHEN I BROKE YOUR HEART LOL”, it’s in the purpose of saying: “I’ve learned from my mistakes and, as it has been for YEARS, I will devote myself to NEVER hurting you again”. That, anon, is a PERFECTLY VALID SENTIMENT for a wedding vow, and one that requires far more character growth and complexity than “Lol I’m so happy we were both virgins because that is the only kind of pure love that has ever been valid in the universe, anything else doesn’t count”.
Hell, you’ve literally made me go right back to the chapter to look at what he says, exactly: “I messed things up between us over my damn stupidity”, he... is literally beating himself up about this. To this day. He’s not talking about it proudly. And yet you’re here complaining as though he were?
SPOILER: More people will have feelings for Sokka in future chapters. In fact, I want to make it even MORE people than I’d originally planned after receiving all these asks. I’d rather derail my story into something you can’t stomach reading than cater to you. Azula will outright JOKE about being “jealous” in a future chapter, and Sokka will know it’s a joke! :D And I’m NOT lying about this to mess with you, it IS going to happen and your persistent asks absolutely WON’T make me alter my content. And why is it going to happen, you’ll ask? Why, because nice, charming, charismatic guys like Sokka attract people whether they want to or not. It’s what they DO about attracting others what matters to me! :’) And that Sokka rejects other people who attempt to be with him should be, I think, a much more important message about loyalty to someone you love than “I ONLY EVER ATTRACTED ONE PERSON IN MY LIFE AND MARRIED THEM”. Because I know that’s virtually the only thing you appear willing to accept, going by the first ask.
And holy crap, Ty Lee is... flirting around? Flirting around... with Haru. The guy she’s in a committed relationship with, whom she’s going to marry. The whole situation is meant to be insanely ironic considering Ty Lee is with the guy she SHOULD be with but it looks like it’s something else? (Hell, nobody even KNOWS it was Ty Lee, Mei Xun didn’t stick around long enough to discover the woman’s identity, so her reputation’s actually safe?) But you’re just so emotionally compromised by anything regarding Sokka being with anyone else, even if it’s 1. not true because he’s MILES away, with Azula 2. a joke 3. a plot device for a FUTURE EVENT, that you just can’t grasp this irony at all?
Ty Lee, by design in this story, has ALWAYS been pretty damn liberal about flirting and relationships. Despite we’ve mainly just heard such relationships mentioned on the side, rather than witnessing them directly, she is objectively the cast member who’s had the most relationships, whether serious or casual or just occasional, with other people. And even then, she’s getting married. Even when she’s had so many people in her past, she’s settling down with Haru for good. And Haru? Haru is THRILLED. Because he loves her. Because she loves him. Because HER past does NOT have a single thing to do with THEIR future. And yet you seriously read these chapters, where Ty Lee is having a lot of fun with her fiancé, and your brain just translated this as “OMG TY LEE IS A SLUT HARU DESERVES BETTER!”? Seriously?
I feel like I’m getting asks from a childish version of Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy. Everything that isn’t straightforward needs to be explained point by point, apparently, and even then, you don’t get it. I literally went to literature school and was told to write intelligent fiction so readers would feel compelled to unravel its complexities themselves... apparently that was a big fat lie? :’) Your persistence actually has convinced me that it is.
Oh and, for future reference (because I KNOW you’ll come back, that’s all you ever do): not because you throw compliments at me later to “cushion” your complaint does it mean you’re respecting me and my story. You can’t slap someone in the face and then go “Oh your cheeks are so plump that I bet it doesn’t hurt”. You can’t just disregard my request that you keep these sorts of questions to my PERSONAL blog rather than the fic’s blog, and pretend you respect me. You can’t come to me time after time with the same complaints and attitude, watch how I’ve basically gone from initially responding with discomfort (because, in my personal blog, there are MANY asks that predate yours, where I’d already explained my reasoning to someone else who apparently didn’t get it, which means the subject wears me out, A LOT), then seeing that I started ignoring your asks, then seeing I closed the inbox so I could regain some sense of normalcy in my life that you refused to let me reclaim, and then seeing that I’m answering with outright hostility, and pretend that it’s ME who has a problem. 
If someone I respected responded in any similar manner to ANYTHING I said to them, I’d basically feel like shit and never talk to them again because I don’t want to be a burden or a problem for someone whom I value in any way. You, apparently, would rather be a problem, and to no avail, because all you’re achieving so far is convincing me to continue writing things that will make you riot until you stop reading my story. If you CAN’T stop reading regardless of the horrifying, amoral, dreadful decisions I’ve made? Congratulations: you still don’t have the right to tell me what to do with my story. And until you GENUINELY understand that, your compliments don’t mean anything to me. I have readers I value who have conveyed complaints, MANY TIMES, in an actual respectful manner. Readers who are even bothered by the same thing you are. And yet I’m even FRIENDS with them. Imagine that :’) It’s almost like the problem isn’t having whatever opinion you do... but rather, the intent of IMPOSING your opinion constantly and persistently until you’ve driven me to lash out as bluntly and cruelly as I may! To the point I’m outright saying I’m going to rewrite my story into becoming EVERYTHING you don’t want it to be so you leave me alone!
And if you’re not the one who’s been here for a year, and this is not really an echo chamber (despite all of these messages have the same complaints, wording, tone, format, style, punctuation and grammar mistakes), yet you SAW that other people have been doing this for a long time, and thought it was PERFECTLY FINE to join the party? You’re no less of an asshole than the rest of them. No matter if it’s your first time voicing your “opinion”. Because it’s NOT about what you’re saying: it’s about HOW you’re saying it. It’s about trying to guilt trip me into writing whatever you want and claiming the story is going off the rails because something makes you personally uncomfortable. This is NOT objective criticism. This is SUBJECTIVE, ENTIRELY. This isn’t a real problem in storytelling, it’s a personal problem for you because it clashes with your moral values. And NO ONE is forcing you to continue consuming content that goes against your moral values, you’re choosing to do that yourself.
If you’re to live by any of the words you said in these two asks, make it “This is your fic and you can do anything you feel fit”. Because that’s literally what I’m going to do. It’s what I’ve done over EVERY complaint in poor faith I’ve gotten, ranging from “quit writing so much happiness it’s boring” to “where’s the sex you prude”. And it’s what I intend to continue doing. What kind of criticism do I value? “This particular scene features a factually contradictory line with a previous event”, such as Zuko claiming he never went to Sokka’s house when he in fact did, and I plain and simple FORGOT about it. What more kinds of criticism do I value? “You need to work out the Gladiator League’s system better because it’s not a solid business venture”, and this one was right? And yet it was too late to fix it, despite it’s 100% spot-on and I should’ve worked it out way better than I did. Another? “Sokka may have gotten over the fact that Azula captured him and tossed him in a slave market too easily”, because? It’s a perfectly valid sentiment? I disagree because Sokka is canonically shown to get over grudges relatively quickly, and yet I CAN see why it seems too fast for some people. What else do I value? Maybe suggestions on wording problems! I’ve made a lot of stupid wording mistakes, in virtue of being a non-native speaker. I’ve done my best to amend those, but it’s a work in progress even now.
Point and case being: in literature, and thus, in fanfiction? Constructive criticism isn’t “WRITE WHAT I WANT TO READ BECAUSE I WANT TO BE PERFECTLY COMFORTABLE WITH ALL I CONSUME”. Constructive criticism is given by people who KNOW storytelling. So I’d only consider it constructive criticism if it’s given by people who can read those chapters and see that the ENTIRE purpose of that conflict is to trigger growth and development as both Sokka and Azula realize their own mistakes and shortcomings with each other. So, someone who’s giving actual constructive criticism wouldn’t come to my inbox a million times with the same complaint... someone who’s giving constructive criticism would come to my inbox, ONE TIME, and say “Hey, maybe this alternative to conveying Azula is instinctively jealous over her canonical insecurities about being a monster and earning people’s love and loyalties COULD have been preferable, despite I know you can’t change that anymore as it’s fundamental for your story”, or “Hey, I thought of another way for Sokka to convey that he realized their interest in each other could result in something TERRIBLE if they ever acted on their feelings, a way for him to not act on that specific impulse to flirt with Suki to push away Azula, but to act on ANOTHER, believable, IC Sokka-compliant impulse that might still convey exactly what you needed to”. But again, even if it were complaints like THESE? I can’t change anything anymore. It’s TOO LATE. If I think it’s too late to fix Zuko saying “lol I never went to Sokka’s house” when it’s not true? It’s WAY TOO LATE to rewrite chapters that are over SEVEN years old, and I don’t even want to do it to begin with. But I WOULD concede these criticisms. I would accept them. I wouldn’t consider them offensive to me, or my work, or disrespectful in any way.
Constructive criticism is NOT about forcing an author to agree with you, or to do whatever you ask them to. Constructive criticism is about helping an author convey what they were conveying in a better, smoother way. If you CAN’T understand what the author was conveying? You don’t qualify for offering constructive criticism. If you need explanations as to why the author did anything they did? You’re, again, not qualified to offer constructive criticism. Your criticism, in any such cases, is NOT constructive, no matter what you’re telling yourself. This is a VERY important distinction, and one you can’t pretend isn’t valid just by throwing a bunch of compliments at me after telling me I’m ruining my story.
Until the day you DO understand the difference between constructive criticism, and subjective complaints? Your opinions will not be considered valuable enough to affect my story in a positive way. And the more disrespectful you show yourself, by continuing to disregard my DIRECT request for you to stop coming back with these complaints, as well as the direct request to stop sending these questions to this blog? The less your opinions will count for me. I don’t bend over backwards for anyone. And I’m definitely not going to do it for you.
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takerfoxx · 4 years
When trying to write a big balloon of good feelings with the EXPRESS INTENTION of bursting it... how big is too big before it's just cruel?
A very good question, and it comes down to purpose, execution, and follow-through.
Now, given my history and reputation, those sorts of situations are something of my forte, and I’ve had a lot of experience and trial and error to work things out, so here’s how you get maximum impact out of your dark, cruel plot-twists.
First, ask yourself why are you doing this? Is it purely for shock value, or does it serve some greater purpose for the plot and characters? If it’s the second, then go ahead and skip to the next section. If it’s the first, then go ahead and put that idea back in the oven because it’s totally not ready yet.
Look, as a writer, I get the appeal of shock value. Shock value got Imperfect Metamorphosis on the map. Shock value is in my blood. But if all you have is that shock and nothing else, then it’s shock value for shock value’s sake, which is just shallow and useless. You want to shock and disturb, yes, but you also want your audience to keep going to find out what happens next! Dangle that emotional catharsis in front of them! Give them some measure of hope that this is leading somewhere satisfying! Even stories like Chinatown and The Mist, which ended with the protagonists losing in horrible ways despite all their efforts, still felt like they were saying something bigger about the human existence and didn’t feel like they were cheating the audience.
For example: Marisa’s death in IM. I’ll freely admit, the idea first occurred to me and became part of the plan for the shock value, a way to throw down the gauntlet and show that no one is safe. But since the idea came to me early in IM’s run, I had literal years to refine the idea, build towards it, and map out how the fallout would go down, so that by the time it came around, it had turned into an essential part of the plot, from which the rest of the story would lead.
See, here’s the thing you need to understand about dark plot twists: they follow the same rule as edgy humor that breaks societal taboo. And that is this: the twist is not the payoff; the twist is the set-up. Think of the difference of between a rookie “comedian” who thinks that saying shocking things that you’re not supposed to say constitutes as “funny” and those who are offended just don’t have a sense of humor, and a genuine master like George Carlin, who used edge subject matter and taboo breaking not as the punchline, but as the set-up to the bigger joke and thus earn the big laughs when he managed to land the punchline and say something bigger about the topic at hand. It’s a wire act without a net, something that is spectacular if you can pull it off and lead to something greater, but will end in disaster if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Now, let’s move onto the next part: execution. Here you have to be careful, because while it’s perfectly acceptable (and in fact encouraged) to break the rules and conventions of the story’s genre, you still have to ensure that it’s keeping with your story’s internal consistency and rules, and that it makes sense! You want such-and-such a character to betray their friends and turn bad guy? Okay, but it has to make sense and be consistent with their backstory and motivations. You want to pull the rug out from under the heroes and ruin everything they had been working toward? Okay, but it has to be consistent with the rules that you had set up.
I’ll give you a few examples. Now, Game of Thrones might be in the doghouse due the dumpsterfire of a final season, but there was a time when it was upheld as the gold standard of dark plot twists, with the two big examples being Ned Stark’s execution and the Red Wedding. The reason why those moments were so shocking and effective wasn’t because they came out of nowhere, but because they broke the conventional rules of storytelling. OF COURSE the main character would survive! They even gave him an out by having him sentence to the Wall where his bastard son was, where they would no doubt reunite and plan their next steps! Ned’s the hero, after all! Except no, this isn’t that kind of story, Joffrey is still a sociopathic narcissist, doing what sociopathic narcissists do.
And the Red Wedding? OF COURSE it would work! Walder Frey had accepted the compromise, and we’ve put a lot of time and investment in Rob and Cate and their retainers. Rob was practically the new main character, and the driving force against the Lannisters. What was more, he was winning, and he was going to keep winning, even with his one or two slip-ups...except no, he wasn’t, because he had been warned about Walder Frey’s easily bruised ego, he had broken his word, so there was going to be consequences when the Frey’s cut a deal with the Lannisters, so welcome to Medieval-style skullduggery!
Hell, you can have some real fun with this too! And if I may toot my own horn, let’s look at the most recent dark twist from IM: the return of the Shadow Youkai.
Now, I know what my reputation is, and what people expect from me. As such, I can use those expectations to play a sort of follow-the-cup game with the plot. Everyone knew that the Shadow Youkai wasn’t gone for good; the epilogue of Fires of the Sun pretty much showed that. But no one knew when she’d be back, and that let’s me play with expectations a bit.
So I put together a big beach trip, where Rin takes all of her friends, new and old, out into public. And since this is Rin’s story, everyone expects it to go wrong. She expects it to go wrong. Because things always go wrong for Rin!
Sure enough, here comes Hong Meiling and Koakuma, two people with reasons to ruin Rin’s life! Surely they’ll catch and bust her! In fact, it turns out that Koakuma is Elis’s cousin, so surely that would mean she would...except no, they have a short chat, Koakuma doesn’t expose them, and they all go their separate ways. Nothing happens.
Oh shit, here comes Reimu! Not only does she know Rin, she also knows everyone in Team Nineball, and has fought most of the other girls as well! This isn’t good, how will Rin wriggle out of this (no pun intended)...except she doesn’t need to. Reimu and Rin’s various friends walk right past each other over and over without noticing, she chitchats with Hong Meiling and Koakuma for a bit, and then she’s called away to the next chapter’s plot. Rin never even so much as realizes that Reimu was there. Nothing happens.
But wait! Flandre is still a problem, and Seija’s still loose out there! And there she is, taking advantage of Rin’s absence to trigger Flandre’s madness! Surely THIS is the big disaster that’ll...except no, Kogasa quickly gets Seija to piss off and Wriggle coaxes Flandre back to sleep. Nothing happens.
Wait, the beach party was...a success? Nothing bad happened? Everyone had fun and made friends like they were supposed to? And it ends with Rin actually saving a stranger’s life and getting praised for it? Which story was I reading again?
Oh hey, there’s Minoriko, someone who hasn’t been seen a long time, and she says that Hina successfully devoured the Shadow Youkai’s essence, so there’s nothing to worry about. Well, that’s a relief! Strange though that a little curse goddess could handle something of the Shadow Youkai’s caliber, seeing how Sariel already mentioned how unsafe it is to use anything other than the original sword to do so, and how Rhapsody of Subconscious Desire already established that the Shadow Youkai is capable of taking over a secondary host, provided that she had access to their subconscious, and-
So if you’re going to do it, make sure you set up believable reasons why it would happen in advance, even if the audience doesn’t notice them at first. Otherwise, you get Vince Russo’s booking of late-90′s WCW, where everyone was switching allegiances on a dime left and right just for the sake of having a SHOCKING SWERVE! Remember: it’s a highwire act without a net. Know what you’re doing.
Also, for the love of God, if you’re going to have a bad guy do a really bad, shocking thing in one part of the story but later join the good guys later on, don’t just sweep said bad thing under the rug. If Cain the Bloodspiller butchers little Timmy in book one but becomes Cammy the Bloodsaver in book five, then don’t let little Timmy be forgotten. Make sure that there’s still consequences.
And finally, the follow-through. Justify this shocking twist. Have it mean something. Take your time to explore the consequences. Show how it affects the characters. Dig deep into their psyches and make it feel real. The reason people STILL talk about Aeris’s death in Final Fantasy 7 is that the gameplay itself was designed to make you feel her loss, both from the viewpoint of the characters and you, the player.
One of my favorite dark twists is Mami’s death in PMMM, because it follows all of these conditions and does so spectacularly. It sets up how dangerous fighting witches is and explains that someone could really die while doing it, while tricking us into not expecting that to happen by already showing us how Mami kicks ass and establishing her as a main character with a promise to form a lasting bond with Madoka right before pulling the trigger. And afterward, it takes the time to really dig into the consequences of her death, from Madoka’s depression to Sayaka’s increased recklessness to being the catalyst that brought Kyoko into the story in the first place. Everything that happens after does so as a result of that moment.
So yeah, by all means, do that shocking thing, but make sure you put in the work to both earn and justify it.
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