#i noticed this while i was on naydra
radiodread · 1 year
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a constant reminder.
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shinystealingbirb · 2 months
Notes about Link’s Frostbite Armour!
Hi, I’m Robin, I’ve done this before- see the Lynette outfit analysis. This time I made the Frostbite outfit, and I’ve noticed a few things.
-the “dress” closely resembles a Vietnamese ao dai, and so do the pants. The rest of the outfit is more aztec-inspired, information that came from a dude who came up to me during the convention. Thank you to that dude
-that crown of horns that are meant to resemble Naydras? I had trouble fixing them onto me, and apparently Link did too. There are three straps on top of his head to keep the horns from dropping into his eyes while moving.
-the centerpiece on his chest is probably an imitation of Naydras face. Every Zonai outfit has one, with the exception of Zelda and I think Sonia? There’s a face on it- this one looks vaguely owlish, and the nose has a mustache. This may be our only image of pre-Dragon Naydra. Just speculation, though.
-the markings on the bottom of Links robe, from its start to the little bone-things near the bottom, are identical on every Zonai object, including Zelda’s and Sonia’s. The motif can also be found in shrines, and once you know it, you’ll see it EVERYWHERE.
-you may not have noticed, but Zonai really like their eyes. Link has five eyes on his headpiece, and on the back of his dress, there’s a line of beads leading to an eye that looks almost exactly like the Sheikah eye. Oh, and Zonai eyes have teeth at the bottom.
-his wrap is not pleated. Its tassels
-the iconic backless diamonds, they need to be ironed in place to stay in their shape.
- his belt goes under the dress. It goes around his hip and connects to both the charges and the quiver. The one around his chest connects to his sheathe.
-there are tiny little teeth on his armbands
-the six teardrops on his face are not makeup, like Sonia and Zelda. They’re little gems. He’s a diva
-there are seven horns total, if I counted right
Concluding notes, the costume is light and breathable and you don’t have to worry about favbric getting in your way. Easy to move around, the most difficult thing to keep in place is the horns. I imagine it would do fine for movement in totk battles, and shit for warmth, which tracks.
Here’s my costume!
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hello-eeveev · 1 year
I’ve tagged this for general spoilers, but I want to specify that this post will contain spoilers for the Dragon’s Tears questline in Tears of the Kingdom. So proceed with caution.
So I’ve been collecting a lot of dragon items for armor upgrades, and you wanna know what is such a tiny little game mechanic/detail that has me in a chokehold lately?
All the dragons have an updraft around them so they’re accessible, and with Naydra, Dinraal, and Farosh, that updraft can really send you flying up high—to the point where you’re not in their atmosphere and maybe you can’t even hear their music anymore. It’s not difficult to land on the dragons per se, but if you’re trying to be precise and to not take fall damage, it can be a little finicky. They are docile creatures who let you hang out on their noses for hours and clean up their spikes, but they are also constantly pushing you away.
The Light Dragon’s updraft doesn’t behave that way. Once you are up there, you can keep your paraglider open and cruise along her back at a pretty consistent altitude. No wind to blow you a dozen meters in the air, no hazards to knock you off, no vertical dives into chasms that will send you plummeting if you’re not holding on.
And it’s such a minor detail that I didn’t notice it for a while (other than vibing on the light dragon was always a relaxing time), and if it had just been another dragon, I don’t think I would have thought much more on it.
But. But it’s Zelda 🥺
She has—ostensibly—lost all sense of self, what with turning into a dragon and then flying waaayyyy up in the sky for 10,000 years, but something within her allows you close and doesn’t push you away 🥺🥺🥺
(I choose to believe that all the dragons are my besties—especially after saving Naydra from gloom/corruption in botw—but that doesn’t erase the fact that their very design necessitates precaution, if not distance. Not so with the Light Dragon.)
Tl:dr dinraal, naydra, and farosh have features that keep you and literally push you away. The light dragon gets you close and lets you stay there and I’m emotional about that bc something in her recognizes me as a friend. As someone safe 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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draco-reviews · 5 months
wait shit i just noticed you already did the light dragon well what about the rest of them
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hard to get images of these guys. okay lets go in order ^_^
heres dinraal! i have the same compliment i had for the light dragon about the 6 legs, and this will apply to all of them!
the fire on her head is sick. the twisting horns are awesome. love the glowing crystal spike things. though i do think the body color isnt the BEST choice
i am now realizing it seems maybe all the botw and totk dragons have weird goofy eyes. i guess ill see if the others do too
i think she could be a tad better, lets go with...7/10?
the rest will be under the cut!
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naydra! while i definitely think the body color works better with the rest here immm not the biggest fan...she seems a bit too...basic?
i love the crystalline crown upon her head, but besides that not much else is too special about her in looks. and thats all i have to go by
not much to say, 6/10?
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farosh! love the colors, love the horn on her head, it resembles a lightning rod! big fan of this animal...not much to say that i didnt for the others though. 8/10!
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demon dragon. this fucking rules. the crown of horns on his head. the colors. just look at him dude. 10/10.
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Tears of the Kingdom hot take; It’s not actually the latest in the canon… it would’ve been the first in a repeating cycle.
I’m not talking about like how Majora’s Mask does it with the Song of Time reverting Link to the start of the three day deadline. I mean a cosmic repetition. Let’s break it down:
Bomb Flowers are commonly seen around the caves and underground, yet only super tech from an ancient civilization can make explosives artificially. Bomb Flowers are also nowhere at all in BotW, but plentiful in TotK. It may be true that the BotW had bomb Arrows and barrels, but no organic bomb flowers.
The master sword broke and was ‘restored’ by the light dragon who (it’s already been a few months since the game came out so spoilers are a go ahead), in other words Zelda, an incarnation of the Goddess Hylia who is said in multiple places to be the Goddess of Light and/or Time. The sword is now filled with so much holy, godly energy that if Link didn’t have his arm on loan from the original king he probably wouldn’t have been able to handle.
Notice how Ganondorf was specifically called ‘Demon King’ in multiple accounts of TotK’s plot and takes an appearance similar to the original Demon King Demise. If Zelda hadn’t been able to restore the Master Sword over 10,000 years, he might’ve conquered the world or had to be sealed by the gods all over again.
Ganondorf is also the origin of all monsters. Bokoblins? Moblins? Hinox? All from Ganondorf’s malice.
Bokoblins in both BotW, TotK and Skyward sword hold similar appearances. About human sized goblin creatures.
While the Moblins of BotW and TotK don’t look like Moblins in SS, the Boss Bokoblins do. Large stocky body that lumber over to whack the incarnated hero with lots of sticks.
Freaking floating islands that no doubt would have been Skyloft and it’s accompanying islands a few thousand years down the road.
The map of the regions in SS matches pretty well with BotW and TotK. Eldin Volcano matches up with Death Mountain in the Eldin and Akala regions to the NE.
Faron’s woods matches up with Lanayru, Nacluda and Faron regions being a mix of both a well forested and very watery region.
Lanayru Desert matches up with the Gerudo region pretty nicely with the exception of the robots and greenery, but oh oh the Zonai have a depo deep underground and a swarm of well learned ladies who could easily learn how to reverse engineer the technology for agriculture and mining especially given the Gerudo highlands that are literally a light jaunt away.
The boss Scaldera is eerily alike a pillbug version of a Talos or more likely to be akin to the Marbled Gohma, a similarly single eyed creature that lives in a volcanic region.
The Mucktorok is a being that creates vile sludge that could poison the resilient Zora, likely would be able to even poison a legendary dragon in a strong enough dosage.
The Gibdos in TotK may be more humanoid and more similar to moths, but Lanayru Mining facility has had an awful infestation by a seemingly immortal species of Scorpions.
Rito species could easily be seen as an evolutionary upgrade to the Loftwings, but could also be seen as a predecessor. The Loftwings aren’t simple birds, but a clever species able to respond to complex instructions and respond to the unique whistles of their chosen riders. This is especially likely as the region might’ve just kept growing colder and colder until the Rito race have to adapt to new surroundings.
Nit every Goron had been corrupted by the Marbled Gohma. The young could have fled Death Mountain after all the corrupted Gorons killed eachother over the Marbled Roast. Maybe becoming a race of nomads like they were in SS.
Zelda was able to restore herself with the help of Link, Sonia and Rauru at the end of the game, so it’s likely the other three roaming dragons that loop around Hyrule (Farosh, Naydra and Dinraal) could regain a modicum of sense in time to help restore a few regions to sense, and all three relate to the elements of the sacred dragons of Skyward Sword (Faron and Naydra have water and ice based abilities respectively, Eldin and Dinraal are fire based, Lanayru and Farosh are electric based).
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom: The Final Analysis
Part 9
Part 8 here
Back to our contraption, let's take a look at it now that it's active:
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It gives off lasers in all directions. These lasers DO have a range, though
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They seem to extend about as long as the ones that've hit the floor do. What purpose these higher lasers serve here, where the only enemies are bokoblins, I don't know; maybe they're here in case moblins spawn.
Something else that drew my attention here, though, was this:
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That orange glow there. Lava? A deactivated Sheikah switch? I backed up a few frames to get a closer look:
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This bokoblin has a juice backpack.
I have no idea what it does. My first thought is "ranged weapon," but maybe it's something meant to dismantle Ultrahand's adhesive. Do the enemies here learn from Link's strategies?
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Moving on, we see this HUGE monster, but before we focus on that, there are two other things I want to point out.
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First is Link's armor here. It's blue, with a spiked crown and luminous cuffs. It looks remarkably like Naydra, the ice dragon.
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But how do you get this?
The dragons must play some more significant role in the story, even if it's a side quest that rewards you with the chests for it. That's three rewards, all together, presumably from each dragon unless Naydra gets special treatment (which isn't outside the realm of possibility; it was the only dragon of the three to be cursed).
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The second thing I want to point out is Tulin. He's giving off glowing threads as he falls—why? What does he have that's doing this? What is it doing for him? He has wings, so it can't be a flight-related thing; is it a treasure he's carrying in a backpack? A spell that's currently active on him?
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Back to our boss monster, there are a number of things this guy resembles.
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There's Twinmold, from Majora's Mask; their mandibles look similar, and they have the same needle-like square mouth of teeth.
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Gohma's Wind Waker incarnation, for similar reasons.
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The Minish Cap's Gyorg, with its many eyes and curved mandibles, and its relation to the sky.
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And, while not a boss, it does resemble an ice-white version of a Skytail from Skyward Sword.
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It also appears to be coming out of a portal, though that could just be part of the effect of this thing tearing through the clouds.
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The next clip has malice spiraling outwards like a fireball, consuming everything in its path.
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We saw something similar when Zelda sealed Calamity Ganon away at the end of Breath of the Wild, so this might be the seal giving way.
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We then cut to Zelda—"I know why I am here. It's...something only I can do." Her appearance here is just like it was when her mentor figure was talking to her. However, if we look at the background-
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There is nothing behind her. No settlements, no towers, no sky isles, nothing. Wherever this is, it's fully immune to the absolute chaos that's currently going on—OR she stands on one of the sky isles, though a very plain one, with nothing else to her left.
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It's further evidenced here, by this stone, which we get a better view of in the next shot.
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Her hands, cupping the golden tear we see at her neck in the mentor shot, stand on an interesting background. We can see that she stands on a stone pedestal of some kind; likely a Zonai structure.
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But why does she have the Master Sword, wherever she is?
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Let's take a look at that tear, as well. See the runes etched on the surface?
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It's the "Recall" glyph we saw in the gameplay trailer, but turned. Thus, the "right side up" for this tear is like this:
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This is important later, I swear.
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Malice rises in the next shot, and it happens so quickly that it's hard to see the source.
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That's Corpse Ganondorf, his arms stretched upwards as he releases it all.
But then the trailer does a very, very clever switcheroo that's impossible to notice at normal speed.
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You see these two screenshots? Flip between them for a moment, back and forth. They look like they're from different moments, right?
The second one is exactly one frame after the first. These are two different shots, spliced together.
What does this mean, as far as we're concerned here? I see two options:
The pillars of light happen at multiple moments, possibly whenever the blood moon rises.
This is a different cut of the same cutscene—omitting a point in the middle between Ganoncorpse unleashing the beam and the beam going into the sky.
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Regardless of which it is, the beam goes into the sky, surrounded by the malice sparks that accompany the blood moon.
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And it explodes.
And I'm out of space yet again. Look out for part 10!
Edit: Part 10!
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anartweirdosworld · 6 months
More Pony Zelda AU
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So I’ve actually been loving this au so ima bug y’all with more!! These messy as hell drawings display how Zelly turned into a pony so here’s the backstory!! Remember that Zelda doesn’t get her wings until much later when she unlocks her powers!
While visiting the two available springs in hopes to gain her powers, Zelda decided to visit Lurelin Village to check up on it and to get away from the castle for longer. She is accompanied by at least two guards at all times as this was before Link was assigned to her. On her way back to Kakariko Village for a pit stop, Zelda and her guards were ambushed by the Yiga Clan, and she was separated from her attendants. Zelda tried to run as far away from the Yiga as she could, and accidentally ended up setting foot on Mount Lanayru in attempt to loose them in the ice and snow. Zelda was eventually cornered by the clan, and just as they aimed to strike her, a low, power growl shook the mountain. Naydra, the Guardian of the Spring of Wisdom flew down from above them, roaring loudly. Everyone was frozen with fear as the dragon came to a stop, floating above them. Naydra made one final roar, directed at the Yiga clan, her magic freezing the foot soldiers in ice, and shattered only a second layer from the mighty roar. Naydra then came down straight towards Zelda, and she could only watch in fear as she was engulfed by the dragons mouth. The next thing Zelda could remember, was the slight breeze flowing around her, and a wonder ours amount of pain flowing through her body. She was found by Sheikah soldiers who heard the commotion, only to find dead Yiga and royal guards, and a light blue unicorn sitting on top of the Princesses clothes. To the shock of the kingdom, they’re beloved princess had somehow been turned into a unicorn, and there was no way to turn her back. The priests called it a curse, a punishment or setting foot on the sacred mountain before her 17th birthday. Her father forbade her from leaving the castle until further notice, and Zelda isolated herself from everyone. It wasn’t until 8 months later, when her father decided it was time for her leave the castle yet again, out of need for his daughter to still seek the sacred springs, and out of the hurt of how his daughter has been handling her new form. In order to keep her safe from attack, he decided to assign a new guard to her, the young solider, and hero of the land, Link.
This au was heavily inspired by a fic I’ve read, I believe it’s called Dragon Knight, that’s probably wrong but I will update it if I find it again lol; where Link is turned into dragon, and Zelda is stuck with a little Sky Noodle as her companion. It’s awesome and completed and I highly recommend it! But instead this is if Zelda was turned into a pastel horse and Link is the only one he doesn’t think it’s a curse. Please enjoy my fast and bad art and my rambling on what I think the backstory is lol
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a-pale-azure-moon · 1 year
Random TotK Thoughts #2
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I've gotten a bit further, having completed one regional phenomenon, found a few more dragon's tears, and done some sidequests and exploring. I am having so much fun!!!
Specific things under the cut just to be safe.
-Something I forgot to mention in the first post, but how awesome is it that your horses carry over? I love that the devs included this little bonus. I spent so much time catching horses in BotW just for fun, so it's extra nice having all of my favorite ponies around for another tour of Hyrule.
-Where did Zelda find that gold horse though? How does a gold horse even exist in the first place? It even looks metallic with the way light refracts off of its coat. Bizarre. xD
-Penn's "Soar Long!" is the best/worst catchphrase ever.
-The journey up to the Wind Temple was great. Just climbing higher and higher, using the islands as "stairs" to reach the eye of the storm. I can't say I was very impressed with the dungeon itself though; it's an improvement over the Divine Beasts in terms of design, as it feels like it has its own identity rather than just repeating the same aesthetic as the shrines, but the puzzles and layout were very basic and once again, the goal was to activate five things. It's still a downgrade from a more traditional Zelda dungeon.
-I did like having to fuse a giant icicle to a broken handle though. That was a neat idea. And the Colgera boss fight was good and very fun, if a bit easy. I'd rate the whole sequence as like, a B overall, i.e. good but still has room for improvement.
-Tulin is cute as heck and his skill is useful. His headshots are even more useful (except when the enemy falls off an edge and I lose the drops, which has happened a lot). I've still found myself missing Revali's Gale a little though. :/
-I killed my first Frox in the depths on my mission to get Autobuild. It was almost completely dark since I hadn't found the next Lightroot, so it took me a minute to notice the ore deposits on its back. I kept shooting its eye and wondering why it was barely doing any damage, lol.
-Imagine my surprise when I ran into a Yiga down there, and then when Kogha showed up. I like how this is a "logical" way for him to have survived his confrontation with Link back in BotW. And that he's still an idiot who's easy to beat.
-Did Link just give Zelda his house in Hateno? (Also, I appreciate that the photo from the Champion's Ballad is still on the wall. Another nice little continuity touch.) Interesting though that the table is set for two but there's only one bed....
-After I visited Robbie at the lab and got the shrine sensor (finally), whom did I see casually flying by but Naydra! And man....I'm so psyched that you can actually land on the dragons now. I hitched a ride on her for quite awhile, and it helped me reach a couple of towers and scout for some other points of interest. And I harvested a few of her parts too, of course.
-I was surprised to discover that she goes into the depths (I assume Farosh and Dinraal do as well). I almost fell off when she started diving and then I realized we were entering a chasm. Neat!
-Also, I love how her body undulates as she flies, and she makes this soft purring/growling sound too. It's the little details like this that make the game world feel so real and immersive.
-Knowing now that Mineru tinkered with the Purah Pad in the distant past, I'm getting a headache trying to figure out if Sheikah technology derived from Zonai technology, or if it's actually the other way around because of time travel shenanigans.
-Also, you can't tell me that Zelda, the massive history nerd, didn't take at least one selfie with her great-great-great-great (etc) grandparents and many, many pictures of ancient architecture and technology while she was in the past. Somewhere on the Purah Pad is a hidden file filled with hundreds of photos that she took. Change my mind!
-I have a mighty need to know how Rauru and Sonia met and what their courtship was like. This two second interaction in Memory #2 begs for elaboration.
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(She hit him with a closed fist! The look he gives her just sends me, and then he rubs the spot afterwards like it bruised.)
-I like how Sonia's reaction to Zelda is basically, "I'm taking her home with me and adopting her."
-I'll confess to my idiocy that I didn't immediately notice that Rauru has three eyes; I thought its lid and lashes were part of his facial markings (tattoos?) until I looked more closely. Does he keep it closed by choice or does it only open as a reflex in certain situations? I'm guessing the latter since Mineru's third eye is closed as well.
-It's funny to me that he literally has hair down to his heels and his sister's hair is cropped so short it's almost unnoticeable under her ears and visor. xD
-Also, bless the animators for actually using Rauru's magnificent ears to show some of his emotions. The way they twitched in Memory #3 made me grin so much.
-I think I've figured out what the major plot twist of this game's going to be. It can't be a coincidence that Mineru mentioned a forbidden power of draconification and that there was a dragon that flew right next to the Great Sky Island to allow Link to descend to Hyrule, can it? Hmm...
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embyrinitalics · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 No. 9 — Ritual Sacrifice
Masterlist Word count: ~1410 Universe: Breath of the Wild, prequel to “No. 14 — Fire” Pairings: Zelink Rating: T Themes: Mating instinct, nonconsensual kissing Read on ao3
By the time Link was born, Father was very, very old.
“My time is coming,” he would often say. “I need to teach you while I still can.”
He taught him the importance of control. He taught him the power of instinct. He taught him the art of disguise, and the destructive potential of carelessness. He taught him the necessity of loneliness. But most of all, he taught him that when he heard the song, he would be absolutely powerless to resist it.
Link fought him tooth and nail on that count. If the call of the song would overpower him anyway, what was the point of control, of loneliness, of disguises? Father would shake his head and tell him that his youth and inexperience needed to be burned out of him by fire.
And then Link helped him out to the West Mire, where he changed back into his true form and left his bones among the Ones who came Before, and Father was gone.
He slipped into his disguise and slipped back into the world, and even though he was surrounded by men and creatures of all shapes, he thought for the first time in his life he truly understood loneliness.
For years he wandered on his own, drifting among cultures and cities, watching and learning what he could. The Rito taught him to listen to the wind. The Gorons taught him the language of earth and fire. The Zoras taught him to tame water. The Hylians he avoided, though he masqueraded as one. They were the singers of the song.
Sometimes he indulged in trueshape, when he was in the most isolated places—in Hebra, or beside the Akkala Sea, where he wouldn’t be noticed or bothered. And sometimes he thought, for all the strangeness and diversity of the world, those were the times he liked best: the stolen moments of peace, of silence, where his nature didn’t feel so burdensome.
Maybe that was why Father taught him that loneliness was necessary—not just for the safety of others, but because he knew, in some small way, it would mean his own contentment.
And then he heard the song.
It struck him like a mallet to the spine, so earth-shattering his vision went red and milky and he fell to his knees. He sloughed off his disguise, writhing into the air, obeying the call. Following it east, east, east, where he could hear it clearest, where the pounding in his head eased enough that he could see where he was flying. Following it straight to Mount Lanayru.
His eyes were sharper in his trueshape. He could make out the posts they had fastened to Naydra’s altar, and the girl, dressed in white, tethered to them by the wrists, her arms spread in offering. He could see the way the ropes dug too tight, the way the exposed flesh on her arms pebbled in the mountain air, still frigid in the midst of summer. He could see the way her eyes, green, glistening, turned skyward hopelessly, the way her golden hair tangled across her shoulders when the wind struck her back. He could see the crowds around her, chanting to the rhythm of so many drums, their song torturously similar to the one screaming in his head. The one that was coming from her.
He could see his reflection looming in her irises as he got nearer, shadowy, fearsome, leathery and scaled and his wings full spread as he angled his talons to tear her from the altar.
Run, the last, lucid part of him said. Don’t do this.
But it was such a small voice, and the song was so strong.
The dragon ripped her from the mountaintop and carried her as far from there as he could.
He flew mindlessly toward Hebra, toward the loneliest peak, the loneliest place. Toward the closest thing he had to a home. The song still pounded a fierce refrain in his head, coloring his vision rosy, but it wasn’t as bad as it had been. It wasn’t dragging him east or in any other direction. It was with him, pulsing out of the girl clutched in his claws.
He barreled into the cave nestled beneath North Peak and set her down. She was shivering and gasping, her skin too red and raw from the flight and her breath escaping her in puffs of mist. He leaned closer, letting his breath wash over her in a great, white whorl and block out the perpetual Hebra winter. Her scent rushed up into his nostrils as he made to breathe on her again, heady and perfect, fueling his drunken stupor. It made the song pulse louder. It made the fire in his chest burn brighter. The ambient temperature in the cave must have gone up a few degrees.
But oh, her scent. He couldn’t get enough of it. He wanted more. He wanted to taste it. He wanted—gods, what did he want?
He shed his trueshape in a flutter of wing and shadow, receding into his disguise.
“You’re Hylian,” she breathed, and her voice and the song weaved over one another in perfect harmony.
“I can be,” he murmured, very disinterested in talking even if her voice was so lovely, closing the sudden distance between them and kneeling.
He brought her hand to his mouth, inhaling, tasting, letting her fingertips spread softly over his eyes as he experimented with her palm, tasting with his lips, with his teeth, with the flat of his tongue. It went straight to his head, clouding it until he was dizzy, until his chest was alight and bothersome. He tipped his head back and loosed the fire in a great spiral, singing his own lips in his haste, and the cave warmed a little more.
He was on her again quickly, sliding down to her wrist, and exploratorily sucked the soft flesh there. She gasped from the heat when he swirled his tongue over her pulse, and the haze got thicker, hotter. He dragged her closer by the back of the neck, ignoring the startled cry that shot up into the cavern ceiling, searching for her heartbeat in other places, savoring that tantalizing flavor when he found it in the artery in her throat. He trailed upwards in a daze, sipping her jaw, her chin, dismissing the strangeness of the salt on his tongue as inconsequential.
It was the song, drowning out everything else.
The song.
He blinked sluggishly, his eyes drawing properly into focus for the first time since that hypnotizing aria had brought him to his knees, lingering inches from her mouth. Her people had offered her up to the dragon, and he had taken her, dragged her across the world into Hebra—to what? Assault her? Devour her? He didn’t know.
He let her go. She stayed perfectly still, her breath shallow and quick—and not necessarily looking terrified of him, either, he noted with an ugly mix of curiosity and self-loathing. He stood to give her some space—to give himself some space. And as soon as he did the song crashed down on him again like a hammer, crippling and painful and insistent.
He gripped his head, falling to his knees again, and tried not to listen. He tried to hear the wind, hear the language of earth and fire, hear the mountain whispering all around him, but it was no use. The song was a river he couldn’t tame, roaring louder, and louder, and louder. He blocked his ears and clenched his teeth as it reverberated down his spine, as it shook him so hard he was sure his bones would crack. But the more he tried to get away, the farther he tried to drag himself from her, the more ear-splitting the sound.
He trapped himself against a wall and collapsed beside it, hands still clawing at his head even though he knew it wouldn’t make the slightest bit of difference. His throat was parched and his lungs were seared from the heat. His skull felt like it was splintering. He wanted to melt back into his trueshape, but he was afraid of thrashing, of accidentally crushing the girl with a whip of his tail or beat of his wing.
He looked for her, watched her rise to her feet through dappling red and blinding flares.
Even through all that, he thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
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dramioneasks · 4 years
HP FESTS: Dramione Height Difference
Dramione Height Difference 2020:
Arithmancy and Quidditch by grace_lou_freebush - E, one-shot - Hermione and Draco are partners on an Arithmancy project during their eighth year, but Draco fails to meet up at their agreed upon time. When Hermione finds him down at the Quidditch pitch, she just might change her mind about how upset she is." She hadn't seen him up close in his Quidditch kit since second year, and the sight made her snap her jaw shut and swallow. Her eyes trailed from his massive hands and his covered forearms up to his square shoulders. His emerald green robes fit over his light pads snuggly and hung like a second skin down his slim torso. Quidditch robes were designed to be trim, without excess fabric, for speed and agility, and Hermione was reaping the benefits of that now. At the waist, the robes parted to showcase the tight trousers he wore to cover his lower half. The white fabric almost glowed in the twilight, and shadows at his groin left little to the imagination as the fabric bunched at his hips, creating an impressive display of his package. He'd slowed down as he approached the locker rooms, and Hermione drank her fill of his body before snapping her eyes up to see his face lit by the lamp at the Slytherin entrance."
The Borrower by magical_traveler - T, one-shot - Malfoy looked up at her and scowled. “What have you done to me, Granger?” he squeaked. His face grew red as he heard his voice and he glared at Hermione. He began to pace in the seat of the chair. Hermione began giggling.
Chains by Aneiria - E, one-shot - 'Draco,’ Hermione crooned, making her voice sound as soothing as possible. She reached up to wrap her hands in his soft blond hair, tugging firmly to try and force him to look down at her. His hands were holding her tight around her waist, almost meeting around her middle, but he looked over her head to where the official was now lying sprawled on his back. ‘Look at me, Draco,’ she tried again, tugging his hair harder. Finally he tore his eyes away and looked down at her, still breathing heavily. Hermione gasped when she saw the usual silver of his irises had brightened to an ethereal blue, his pupils narrowed into elongated slits.‘Oh, Draco…’ she breathed, concern building in her as she reached up to stroke his cheek. Draco purred and rubbed his face against her palm. ‘We need to get you home.’
Fun Sized by EarlGreyPanic - E, one-shot - Hermione gets hit by one of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes famous "Fun Sized Spray" and lost a couple of inches of her height. She decided to make the best of it and use her height for some "fun-sized" activities. Posted for Musyc's Dramione Height Difference Mini-Fest
Height by SenLinYu - E, one-shot - “Tall? That’s what you think I should notice about Malfoy? His height?” Ginny quirked an eyebrow and licked the tip of her quill suggestively. ”Well, isn’t that your thing? Lockhart. Krum. McLaggen. Ron. The only thing they have in common is being tall enough to give me a neck ache.” Hermione felt her ears grow hot, and she gripped her book tighter. “I don’t have a thing for tall men. Their height is—completely coincidental.” Dramione Height Differences Minifest 2020.
"I will always catch you" by Takingflight48 - E, one-shot - "A huff drives out of my open mouth as he slides me up into the ceiling, but I have little time to consider logistics as his mouth is gliding up my right thigh, hot and needy." Malfoy's do not wait for anyone. That has not changed, a fact Hermione was banking on as her hunk of a man takes her to heights unknown.
The Longer The Wait The Sweeter The Kiss by hslades - E, one-shot - “I’ve missed you so much,” Hermione whispered in the crook of his neck, a few tears running down her cheeks, wetting the skin of his neck. “I was so worried.” “Shhh, it’s okay,” Draco assured her, running his large hands down her hair. “I’m safe, I’m home now.” Draco has been away on a mission for the resistance longer than expected. Hermione longs for him to get back to her safely.
Ministry Business or Minister's Pleasure by mxstyassasxin - E, one-shot - When Minister For Magic Hermione Granger drops her children off at Kings Cross for another year at Hogwarts, she has two problems on her hands. One, her imminent divorce from another third of the Golden Trio and two, the fallout from her removal of funding for a certain blonde's research project. The first is a given: Her marriage just hasn't been the same since Hugo started Hogwarts, since the emptiness became much more obvious. The second though? Maybe she can use the free time she suddenly finds herself with to help in some way...
Mismatch Miracle by diamonddaydream - T, one-shot - For Dramione Height Difference Mini-fest 2020. Hermione Granger always seems to make the first move, but only because Draco Malfoy is always already there.
One Moment in Time by PixieKisses - E, one-shot - Uncertain as to what her life held now that Voldemort was gone, Hermione heads up to her favourite place at Hogwarts. However, she's not the only one to seek sanctuary within the walls of the library. Can a moment of curiosity bring them clarity, or are they destined to be ill-fated for the rest of time?
Perfect Fit by granger_danger - E, one-shot - “What’s the height difference like, when it comes to sex?” Ginny waggled her eyebrows suggestively. Feeling eyes on her neck, Hermione looked up to find Draco staring at her from across the room. He appeared to be multitasking; while chatting amiably with Harry, he was also sending her a secret message with his gaze, another psychic missive detailing how her dress, lovely as it was, would look much better on his bedroom floor. “You know I don’t kiss and tell.” Hermione lifted her chin and fluffed her hair, grinning like the cat that got the cream. “But it does have … certain advantages.” *A fluffy, funny, filthy smut-biscuit written for Musyc's Dramione Height Difference Mini-Fest 2020 and featuring a tol!Hermione and a smol!Draco*
Persephone's Adjustment by riane_b13 - M, one-shot - Hey Mom! I’m so excited to see you and dad again. I just got the approval to get two weeks off so I’ll be home for Christmas through New Year's Eve. I can’t believe it’s really been a year since I’ve seen you. There’s so much that has happened since then. Ginny and Harry have finally set a date for their wedding. You would think that after seven years of dating Ginny would’ve forced him down the aisle. Molly almost did. The Harpies set their schedule to start spring season March 1st so they decided on February 1st. That way they have time for a honeymoon before Ginny starts back up training. Unfortunately for me, I need to find a new place to live. You can only imagine who practically demanded I move in.
The Peruvian Strike by ExpositorRevan (Naydras) - E, one-shot - The Wimbourne Wasps experiment with Quidditch innovation under Oliver Wood’s tutelage. Wood, desperate to defeat his former team the Schemers of Skye, enlists casual ballerina Hermione Granger to whip his inflexible chaser into fighting form. Porn with a side dish of plot. Dramione
Restricted Rendezvous by Musyc - E, one-shot - Draco looked up from his book in the library and caught her staring at him. Deliberately, he met her eyes. She looked down, her cheeks turning a soft pink. He folded his hands under his chin, waited until she looked at him again, then dragged the point of his tongue across his bottom lip. Draco follows Hermione into the Restricted Section.
Shifting Perspectives by Misdemeanor1331 - E, one-shot - Being a woman in a male-dominated profession is hard; being a woman and below average height is even harder. Fortunately, Hermione Granger has developed a strategy to counteract these unconscious biases. Unbeknownst to her, Draco Malfoy has noticed and formed his own opinions on the matter.
Untidy Souls by JelenaD - M, one-shot - Draco Malfoy is back for Eighth year. He wants a girl too large for her small size to get out of his head, but she’s persistent at the best of times.
This fest is closed.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
i did some research into eldin location names a while back after noticing that dinraal didn't have an area, and it turned out that ordorac quarry (which is right outside the spring of power) derives from dinraal's japanese name! i guess it didn't get translated the way that farosh hills and naydra snowfield did. that being said, your analysis is way cooler so i am choosing to ignore that fact from here on out haha
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oh but WAIT it’s not over yet folks. I probably should have mentioned this in the original post, but every notice all the Guardians that swarm the entrance to the Spring of Power? And hey, why is there a QUARRY right next to a sacred spring? It’s almost as if people were mining and destroying this area because they didn’t respect the powers that it represented hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and it’s also strange that Ganon would bother to have the Guardians there corrupted and patrolling that place... it’s almost as if he want to protect the area where Dinraal would come and grace the land with the strength of the Triforce of Power and he didn’t want anyone interfering hmmmmMMMMMMMMMMM
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 155: Zora’s Domain
 Before we could head out Dantz needed some help. Sidon was preoccupied with admiring the sheep so I didn’t think we were going to leave soon anyway. I want Sidon to enjoy himself while he get’s to be here. Dantz needed some deer to be hunted. They started overpopulating and were now destroying the forest. Normally the wolves would keep them under control but bokoblins and the like had been on a rampage, killing them lately.
With so many deer there was a lot of meat for the village. The leather smith offered to quickly make some winter gear for us. He doesn’t know how to make ones that can withstand extreme cold on mountain top, but it should still help.
Tokk, Uma, and Ralera taught me so many recipes to use the deer meat for. Sidon struggles quite a bit, being too big for the kitchen. He profusely apologized every time he knocked over something. Hateno does have some open-air kitchens but Sidon was still too tall for those. I made a fire for him to cook with and used a bunch of stones for a makeshift oven.
Ralera used to live in Lurelin Village, the village by the ocean. She taught me some recipes from there, and the alternatives for ingredients that she uses from around here. Sidon was absolutely fascinated by this. I can certainly see why, it’s harmony between two different cultures, something he so desires for his own people and others. I think he was also excited to see a Hylian’s take on sea food. We were able to recreate the original recipes by going to the beach by Hateno to collect crabs and get fish, though they certainly aren’t as plentiful here as they are in Lurelin.
When we got there Bossa Nova kept bucking me. I think he was trying to say ‘I told you so’ in a way. He kept trying to drag me to the village and I was too afraid to even look in it’s direction when we passed through here last.
Sidon adores the ocean, it’s like another world to him. Unlike the rivers and lakes on the mainland it’s just so open, there are different kinds of plants, fish, and other creatures. Even how the water moves is different, not to mention there being so much salt in it.
… not only is the ocean salty it also stings my eyes. It’s also still very blurry like land water.
Sidon wondered if I could have something like glasses for under the water so I could see in it, instead of having to look from above.
Sidon also wonders if there are other zoras out there, in the ocean. He wondered how different their culture could be like the differences between Lurelin and Hateno. Though we’re the same species we live very different lives simply because of where we live and what we do or do not have access to.
One difference I can enjoy is how warm it is! Maybe it’s just because I’ve been in the cool Domain for so long, but I love the warmth here!
Sidon is so elegant and graceful in the water, and so incredibly fast too! He was able to catch so many fish easily. He also like my complimenting his abilities so much.
Aster, Azu, and Sefaro ended up joining us for the meal. Good thing too since Sidon caught a little too much, though I could have finished them I think. I love all the different tastes there are. From place to place food is just so different and exciting! I think I’m looking forward to seeing how the Rito cook. Maybe I’ll ask Kass if he could teach me one next time we meet.
When the Leather smith finished our clothes we set out. We had to sneak away so the zora guards wouldn’t notice.
There’s this forest next to the lab where we started, it’s right by this shallow area of Madorna Mountain, it connects to Lanayru Range. Unfortunately it was starting to get dark due to many clouds over head, they practically blanketed the sky. We spotted some glowing stones on the range.
This really tested Sidon’s climbing skills, especially when the wind picked up and it began snowing. We also had to use the pully system on the steeper areas to carry Bossa Nova up.
There were many monsters about Lizalfos, Chuchus, keese, wolves and more. Thankfully with Sidon none of it was any trouble at all.
There are these strange ice things that just shoot up. There are also ruins, old stone staircases and pillars.
The higher we climbed the better look we got at the strange pulsing glows that just rested at the top.
At the peak, collapsed and haggard, was Naydra. It’s like Farosh, but instead of a being of lightning, it’s of ice. That black oozing stuff I find in the Divine Beasts just covered it. Black smoke poured from it’s mouth, I was half expecting one of those nightmares to form from the stuff. From the goop glowing black and orange eyes peered out. It looked like the stuff was burning and eating away Naydra, even drops that fell off it instantly decayed the goddesses statue that sat at the end of the stairs.
I’ve fought the eyes before, its best to just pop them with an arrow and not touch the stuff, but When I destroyed one, silently Naydra just flew away. Surely the stuff had taken control and was trying to survive. The wind picked up, almost tossing us into the air. Just almost. Sidon threw me high into the air, and I used my paraglider so the wind could carry me the rest of the way up. It just kept going higher and higher into the sky, I needed to finish this quickly. More of that smoke poured out of Naydra from every place I removed the black gunk.
Then when I got in that last shot, Naydra was consumed in a pale, teal light, and with a mighty roar, all the poison was gone. It’s black and purple fur and scales turned white and teal.
Unfortunately, in the chaos of trying to shoot, being blinded by the light and wind and snow I lost my paraglider. Thankfully Sidon caught me. Naydra even landed again, and placed my paraglider before me. The water surrounding the goddesses statue began to glow, like when I placed Farosh’s scale in the water surrounding the other statue back in the Faron region. Naydra just sat there and stared at us.
I don’t know why, but seeing it just broke my heart. It conveyed so much with its eyes. Even with the malice gone, it was still trapped in a way. I talked to it. I don’t remember my exact words except for the first part. I first said to it, “You’ve suffered a terrible fate, haven’t you?” Something stirred in my memories. I had been here before. I know I have. All of this is just for me. Naydra is trapped here, for me. Trapped here as just another test for a shrine. Naydra just sat there, waiting for me to take on of its scales so I could open the shrine and it finally being freed. That’s why Naydra and Farosh have appeared now. Farosh had legends, even seemingly a society dedicated to it but then disappeared for who knows how long, only to return now, just for me. And now because Naydra was stuck here, Naydra had to suffer under that poison, just because I didn’t get here soon enough so it could leave. All these shrines and tests and whatever are all just for me. But why? Why am I of all people so special. What did I even do to deserve any of this? Because I once held the Master Sword? Because whoever wields the Master Sword is the goddesses chosen hero? So the Goddesses just liked me, and I get all this?
No, not me. The Leather smith was right when he said I think selfishly.
It’s for the hero of Legend.
Being shackled into a role you never asked for… yet you still want to fulfill it, even when it feels you just fail and make everything worse for it, like not trying may be better for everyone. At times it feels that what you do is disingenuous because you have to even though you wanted too. It get’s you to doubt yourself and your motivations to do anything. It really is a terrible fate. Isn’t it?
I’m sorry princess Zelda.
I’m so sorry.
People say I’m a hero and you a reincarnation of the goddess, but we’re both just trying our best, others may see me as a hero, but I don’t see myself as such. I just know people need help, and I want to provide it. Just like you, when training so hard to unlock your powers. But you’re no princess or savior, you’re just a person who got unlucky and are trying their best within the box you were shoved into at birth.
At the very least I could free Farosh and Naydra from their roles.
Kass said he saw a fire one by Rito Village once. I think I found the spring it’s scale goes already, so I just need to get to the village and wait for them, then it’ll be free like Naydra and Farosh.
Though once you’re free what will you do after? I know I’ve been thinking of it lately, but… it doesn’t feel real. After all, being in this role, whether I like it or not, is all I know.
Sometimes it feels like I’m just in a loop when it comes to my thoughts.
Why can’t I just be over this already?
Yet, I almost feel better this time around, and not as hurt.
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argothiathedreamer · 5 years
Been playing Breath of the Wild and I figured I’d tell you all about my experiences:
-Accidentally jumped into a freezing pond without realizing what the temp was and drowned.
-Tried to see if I could take out a Guardian on the plateau with nothing but bombs and arrows, *spoiler* I COULD NOT and wound up having to book it the fuck over a wall to get away from it. Immediately ran into a bunch of stalkoblins and got annoyed so I ran away from them too.
-Called King Rhoam a bastard under my breath every time I saw him.
-Let the guy at the Dueling Peaks Stable tell me about how to catch a horse while I sat there on the back of a horse I just caught, because I figure I need to make sure the NPCs know their programed lives have some purpose right?
-Game: “There’s a super simple way for you to get over this barracade between you and that shrine beside the Dueling Peaks Stable~” Me: *Climbs an fucking cliff and dives off the top of an waterfall, paragliding down to the shrine with no way of knowing if my stamina will hold out* Game:”... Okay yeah, I mean you could also have just used the power we gave you at the start of the game, but you do you, I guess.” (I made it flawlessly btw, but yeah I didn’t even consider using the freeze ability until I was actually inside the shrine.)
-Caught and tamed 4 horses but only registered 2 (Latin and Shadow), discovered I’m a natural at taming horses since I also ran out and caught Horse #1 (the first horse I didn’t register) in under 2 minutes.
-Climbed all the way around Mt Lanayru from the Hateno side towards the Naydra Snowfields on a quest of my own design unable to actually go up and over the top since it’s too cold, once I got around to the other side however I saw a Lynel AND a Hinox at the bottom and NOPED back to Hateno.
-I have taken a shot at or otherwise tried to kill every single goat I have seen in this game. I don’t know what my vendetta against goats is, but apparently I’m compelled to immediately draw my bow upon sighting one. It’s like an instinct... I have also killed a lot of birds, but like... that’s just business I need drumsticks for cooking stuff. Whatever I’ve got going on with the goats... that feels personal. In my alternate universe past life I must have been a Hylian who got harassed by goats.
-Killed like... 6 Bokoblins at an encampment with a single Bomb Arrow. Pretty proud of that one.
-Drowned like 12 times, not so proud of that one... (I have bad luck with water)
-Cooked so much food I think the NPCs are starting to worry about me.
-Made my way down the entirety of Lanaryu road from west to east, and spent more of it climbing walls to get around enemies who were definitely too strong for me than I did with my feet actually on the ground.
-Went out onto Hyrule Fields, was minding my own business, saving horses from Bokoblins, murdurizing goats, the usual. Then I ALMOST RAN FACE FIRST INTO A FULLY OPERATIONAL GUARDIAN WHO CAME CRAWLING OUT FROM BEHIND A ROCK LIKE A NIGHTMARE SPIDER/OCTOPUS. Made it up a huge rock and out of its sight in record time, proceeded to have a mini meltdown at the top. I don’t think it even noticed me.
-After that I left Hyrule fields and went back towards Lake Hylia, saw Farosh and was sitting there admiring it, while also planning how I was going to deal with the local Bokoblin Tree House of Horrors when BAM! I got struck by lightning. Probably would’ve been my first major death, except I very luckily had like 3 fairies in my pack. Anyhow I got revived and just start running back the way I came hoping I can outrun the storm and get somewhere safe (in the rush I forgot that I could just unequip my metal weapons) ultimately remembered that teleporting was a thing and went back to Dueling Peaks Stables.
-After that I decided the Guardians weren’t all that scary and set off across Hyrule Fields in search of Hestu.
-Rescued Horse #2 (who shall not be registered, but is still my buddy) from a bokoblin and rode him all the way to the Wetland Stable, where I found Hestu!
-More importantly I also found Kass!!!!<3
-Was going to head up to Zora’s Domain and meet Sidon <3 but after trying to head out 3 times in different directions and each time running  into a freaking lightning storm that chased me all the way back to the stables (I am grateful that Horse #2 is FAST AS HELL) I decided it was time to call it quits. Saved in the inn at the stable and put the game away for the night.
-Poor Horse #2′s out in the rain... I feel bad for him, but then again he’s hanging out in a pretty ass, super safe forest... He’s fine... as long as he doesn’t get struck by lightning.
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k1tt3nhau5 · 7 years
Tips I learned while playing BoTW
Update! Somewhat. Very minuscule update.
These are stuff I learned when I was playing. I'm on mobile so it won't look so organized, but this is stuff I learned and I felt they might be really useful. It'll be a list of things I feel people might not know but since the game has been out for a while, most people already know what to do.
They suck but you only need 441 seeds to max your stash
If you have the Korok Mask, it helps a lot!
With the mask, if you move a little ways and it stops singing no matter your direction, it's above you or below you.
If you see three trees with two of the trees having one apple, it's a possible Korok. You have to match the third tree so it's the same as the other two.
Update: The same is with the Cacti in the Desert.
Using Stasis helps locate the rock you need for the rock puzzles.
If you see the pinwheel and don't hear or see the target balloons, it's usually the clay pots.
Lizalfos are terrible and I hate them. They never sleep.
If you can freeze the Enemies, the weaker they are, the longer they'll stay frozen. Golden Enemies don't freeze too long.
Using Chuchu jellies are useful when paired with Shock weapons. Pop the blue chuchu jelly around the enemies and hit them with your shock weapons to create the thunder dome to get multiple enemies.
If a Lizalfos ends up in the water, shock arrows are good if you are not good at aiming like me.
Spin attacks are good when you have a heavy/two-handed weapon because it'll keep hitting the enemies without them moving so much. USUALLY. Sometimes they'll still hit you.
If the enemies hit you and take more life than usual, the weapon might actually have more attack power. Or your defense is lower than usual.
Lynels are vicious but more manageable when you're up close and personal. If they pull out their bow and shoot straight on the air, it'll likely get you 95% of the time. (If there is an update that fixes that, disregard this.)
Flying Guardians suck. Careful when you reflect their laser beam because it might not hit your shield, but just above you.
If a Hinox's leg guard doesn't burn, it's metal and if you use a shock arrow, it'll shock them long enough to hit their eye or wail on them.
Using Remote Bombs to roll along the sand will force Molduga to eat them and you can detonate the bomb to stun it. When it begins to move, you can move just out of the spin attack and stay there. Usually it'll burrow under the sand but breach out to surface as it circles you so you can shoot it with a bomb arrow and repeat the process.
As I mentioned above, if an enemy hits you harder than usual, it's probably a stronger weapon.
Black Hinox's carry the Royal Weapons and are useful if you need one.
If you like hunting Lynels, you can score some pretty good bows.
Enemy camps can be pretty good to find stronger swords or bows.
Molduga can also be useful too.
If you have more than, I think 60 or 70 arrows of any kind, the stores won't sell them until you have around 20 or 30. Maybe. I'm not quite sure the number but they won't sell you arrows if you have a lot.
If you want to farm for regular arrows, going along Zora Domain's path and killing all the Lizalfos will drop over a 100 for sure. You can stop at the great bridge after the small camp with the black Lizalfos.
The Royal Guards weapons are beautiful and awesome looking, but they suck at durability, which actually annoys me because I love the black color. However! They do have some pretty high attack power compared to the Royal Weapons. So if you still wanna make the most use out if them, sneak attacks are your best friend. The shield can be useful in a pinch and the bow has a great fire rate.
Materials and Meals
Satori Mountain is pretty good for getting all kinds of good plants like Endura Carrots or Hearty Durians/Radishes.
The Faron region is also a pretty good place to get all three beetles and definitely Hearty Durians.
Riola Spring spawns Farosh from the water. Easy place to farm its dragon parts.
Naydra is a jerk. But if you want to farm parts from it, I learned that a good spot is around Lanayru Heights, facing towards where Zora's Domain is. When it drops the part you hit, instead of flying down into the water to pick it up, you can get it from the grass. I usually go towards the West Gate, the highest I can go, and face away from the bridge towards the plains where deer are.
Drinaal is a bit easier than Naydra but the same thing can happen depending where you are. A good spot is along the Deplian Badlands where the three Lynels are. North of the Thyphlo Ruins (The Dark Forest) and Death Mountain. It flies low enough to almost hit you if you're not careful. Another spot, though not as good as the Badlands, is at the very end of Tanagar Canyon. If Lynels make you worried, this spot is well enough that you don't have to drop so far to pick up its piece. It's at the end towards the Gerudo Highlands.
From Hateno Tower towards Firly Plateau, there's a pond next to a giant tree where you can get at the very least 4 Hearty Bass. At max, 6.
Darners > Butterflies.
You can mix food items of the same stat as the insects to make elixirs! Just don't forget the Monster part!
So far, Lynel Guts have a lot of potency but I'm still experimenting.
Update: Modulga Guts and Hinox Guts seem pretty good as well. 
Dragon Horns guarantee 30 minutes of your stat. So make sure you use highly potent ingredients.
Monster Extract can do the same, but it's a gamble. You might end up with 1 minute or 30 minutes. Use it during a Blood Moon.
Blood Moons makes your cooking critical, so use it to your advantage when cooking up stat meals. Extra hearts or Stamina doesn't seem affected by it. 
Sometimes cooking a meal like Rice Balls will bump up your stat time more than just using five of the same ingredient. At least I noticed that.
Silent Princesses is highly potent steal ingredient. 
Fleet-Lotus seeds are the best Haste ingredient.
Endura Carrots > Endura Shrooms
If you set fire to a Spicy Pepper, it can cause an updraft. Use it for a quick boost!
Making an elixir gives you more time than a cooked meal from what I noticed. Example: 3 Mighty Porgies + 1 Bladed Rhino Beetle + 1 Lynel Gut gives you more time than 5 Mighty Porgies. (Health/Stamina boosts don't count)
Cooking during a Blood Moon works at 11:30 pm game time. It's when the critical cooking is in effect.
Climbing Gear is so useful with the Climbing Bonus. You use less stamina when you jump.
Update: Majora’s Mask acts as a disguise for Lizalfos, Moblins, Bokoblins, and Stal Children. It works with Lynel’s, but they see through it pretty quick.
The Soldier Gear/Ancient Gear/Hero's Gear maxes out at 28 Defense per piece. Very useful to have. Champion's Tunic maxes at 32 defense.
During a Blood Moon, if you want more time to cook or you need the shrine that requires it, hop into a shrine before the animation starts, usually at 11:55 pm before the animation cuts in, and wait it out. The game will not register a Blood Moon actually happened and will do it again the next night. So far it's worked all the time for me. It will not bring back the enemies but it's a good way to make some meals or get more ingredients for them.
If you do the Master Sword Trials, your boons will carry over. Extra Hearts, Stamina, and attack/defense/etc. will carry over.
It also works with the Stranded on Eventide shrine quest.
The Shrouded Shrine quest, or that pitch black forest north of Great Hyrule Forest, is that if you don't want to drop a weapon you like for the torch, using a Remote Bomb helps. I noticed if I use the Magnesis Rune on a metal object, it illuminates better around you but your camera is pretty fixed.
Ancient/Guardian Items don't conduct electricity. Feel free to use them during a Thunderstorm.
That's all I got for now, but if you found those useful, I'm glad it helped. Though I didn't really look hard to see if anyone posted some of the stuff I mentioned, I think some of it can be new that some people didn't really know about. I did mention stuff that I have seen but it was just in case. Thanks for checking it out if you're reading this! (• u •)b
Spoiler Warning just in case
The Shrouded Shrine quest, the Pitch Black forest, you can go straight ahead, you'll see a giant bird statue and a small bird statue you can light up, and climb over the wall. You'll land where the shrine pops up. When you see the blinking arrow, that's the Hinox sleeping. Get the orb, by stealing it or killing the Hinox, and plop the orb into the pedestal.
If you go to Zora's Domain through the back, Akkala Region, you will see a new Cut Scene for Prince Sidon if you don't speak to him at the bridge.
If you go along the path when you meet Prince Sidon at the bridge but fly down to the domain before meeting him at the entrance and meet the King, Sidon will not be there. You can go to the entrance where he is waiting for you and he'll give you a different reaction when you sneak up on him.
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todonintendos · 7 years
Top 5 Best and Worst Shrine Quests in Breath of the Wild
A few days ago I listed my favourite and least favourite shrines from Breath of the Wild, however I focused on what was inside of each shrine itself rather than what players must do in order to get to them, and this is where Shrine Quests become important. There are 42 of those in the game, and they’re missions that need to be completed in order to reach or unlock a shrine. For this list, I will be excluding all quests in which the shrine is already accessible before triggering the mission, as I’ve found a lot of those by just randomly exploring, so here it begins!
Also, spoiler alert, just sayin’ you may want to complete all of these quests by yourself before.
#5 (Best) - Shrouded Shrine
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To kick off this list I could have picked any of the three mazes, but instead I went for that dark forest north of the Great Hyrule Forest because it’s more original and better designed than any of the three labyrinths. The gimmick is pretty much using whatever you find or is in your inventory to light up your way to the shrine in a completely dark forest. There are many treasures spread around, but nothing too interesting on the chests except a ruby. As you advance, you’ll begin to hear growls that become louder and louder, and when you get to the end the mystery unravels: someone at Nintendo decided it would be cool to put a Hinox right there, but you can just skip it and enter the shrine. 
This shrine adds a sense of mystery and, why not, fear to the game, which you won’t see anywhere else in the vast wilderness of Hyrule, which is mainly why I like this quest.
#5 (Worst) - The Ceremonial Song
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I know most of you actually don’t find this quest to be that bad, but it straight up confused me to the point I had to give up and come back way later in the game. The quest triggers when you talk to a Zora girl, and she sings a song containing all the clues you need to solve the quest. I was a bit early into the game so when I read “scale of light” I immediately thought of one of the three dragons, but which one? The question answered itself when I tried putting all three scales on the pedestal without success, only to find out later “scale” referred to the weapon, so I began looking for it when that old Zora told me he dropped it off a bridge... but what bridge? I looked under every bridge on the way to Zora’s Domain, didn’t find anything. He was actually talking about the “bridge” he was standing on, which I don’t even consider a bridge in the first place. 
But this doesn’t end here, the final step was going to the pedestal and doing what the Mipha statue was doing. I don’t think I have to mention how much time it took me to figure out what she was actually doing and what I had to replicate... and that I had to do it from a certain height. As soon as I saw the shrine pop up... ugh... screw this quest.
#4 (Best) - Recital at Warbler’s Nest
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Despite the urge to talk about how terribly cute the small Rito are, I’m gonna have to focus on the quest. It triggers when you talk to one of the five sisters at Warbler’s Nest. She will tell you that her four sisters met up to sing with her, but didn’t come, so you’ve got to look for them. All of the missing Rito are in Rito Village (shoutouts to the one sitting on the cliff that literally took me ages to find) and each of them will give you an ingredient, as the green bird won’t go sing unless you prepare her favourite meal: salmon meunière, which you do by mixing the three ingredients you get from the other sisters.
Once this is done, the five sisters will be finally reunited at Warbler’s Nest and they’ll play their song. Now the player must memorize the order in which they sing, and use a Korok Leaf to enter that pattern using the numbered rocks as a reference to reveal the shrine. This quest mixes two of the main attractions of any Zelda game: exploration and puzzles, and the shrine you get is not a blessing one... but it has a huge staircase.
Now that I’m done talking about the quest... please take a minute to appreciate the cuteness of the five sisters, specially during the cutscene in which they fly back to Rito Village. Also my apologies to the blue one for being an unhatched egg, never forget.
#4 (Worst) - Watch Out for the Flowers
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The fact that this is one of the first shrines you’ll encounter after exiting the Plateau doesn’t save it from being among the worst. I’m talking about that infamous quest featuring the mad flower woman, who literally takes away part of your health is you step on her flowers too much. And by stepping, I mean just touching one single flower a little bit. Or you can also wait until you get Revali’s Gale and screw all the process up, but that still makes it too cheap. Get frustrated or skip everything, you decide what to do. 
And don’t forget to burn all of the flowers from a certain distance when you leave using bomb arrows. She somehow won’t notice and you’ll feel like you’ve recovered all of the time you may have wasted with this one.
#3 (Best) - The Stolen Heirloom
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Unlocking this one takes some time, as you don’t just need to defeat Master Kohga in order to trigger it, but also complete every secondary quest in Kakariko Village. Once you do, you’ll notice something strange at Impa’s house: that big fat orange ball is missing and that girl that gets shipped with Link way to much called Paya will tell you, sobbing, that someone stole it. After falsely incriminating a random woman who just wanted to cry the death of someone he loved (this is your fault Nintendo), if you head to the pedestal that’s next to the Great Fairy Fountain, everything gets suddenly real. Even more if you consider the lore of Kakariko Village.
Basically, the big fat ball was stolen by a big fat Yiga who is suspiciously stronger than the other big fat Yigas. I could talk about the fact that you just have to defeat him in order to unlock the shrine, but it’s the lore what gives the bronze medal to this quest on my list. Dorian, one of the guards in Impa’s House, is a former Yiga member who left the organization to look after his family, so the Yigas killed her wife as a revenge, and as they weren’t done yet they came back to steal the big fat ball which the game likes to call heirloom.
After kicking the Yiga’s butt, the first thing that came to my mind was that boy who was seemingly playing hide and seek with her mother for like, forever. You could think it’s just another NPC cliché, but everything changes when you find out that’s one of Dorian’s children. Then you’ll come across the game’s lore silently cutting onions in a distant corner.
#3 (Worst) - The Lost Pilgrimage
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If you’ve played the game, you know what I’m talking about. All Koroks are cute, I must admit, but this one gets on my nerves, Scolting missions in videogames are generally bad, and this one is no exception. This mission is one of the three trials in the Korok Forest, and you have to follow a Korok without letting it notice you and, of course, trying not to lose track of it as he knows the way. And you don’t. The way becomes more and more dangerous as you progress, to the point where he runs back after getting scared without even telling you, and there’s a wolf ready to make things harder. And it’s not a short way.
The first time I did this quest I somehow managed to get to the shrine, but not complete the quest because I didn’t talk to the Korok once I was there. All I can tell you is that I tried again like 100 hours of gameplay later.
#2 (Best) - The Spring of Wisdom
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Though you don’t really need to trigger an actual shrine quest in order to unlock the shrine, I just couldn’t miss this one. You’ve probably already seen Dinraal and Farosh flying around Hyrule, but what about Naydra? All the pieces of the puzzle put themselves on its place when you get to the summit of Mount Lanayru: the big blue dragon is possessed by that purple goo thing with eyes. And suddenly, a boss battle appears!
To defeat the evil forces taking over Naydra, you just have to fly next to him and shoot the malicious eyes with any arrows you have. Not too hard, yet not too easy, as Naydra moves and turns pretty fast and you can’t touch its freezing body. Despite the apparent simplicity of the battle, the setting is what makes it unique and different of anything we’ve played so far in any Zelda game. Once Naydra is defeated, you have to take a scale from its body and put it on the fountain to reveal the shrine. Make sure to say hi to Naydra whenever you find it while exploring!
#2 (Worst) - Test of Will
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The main attraction of this shrine is three Gorons that don’t even know who you are and aren’t aware of you possessing either Fire Elixir or an entire suit that protects you from extreme heat in your inventory. This quest requires a bit of exploring to find, so you may already have any of the stuff required in your inventory... or you can rely of food, as it somehow prevents you from burning to death.
Now, just stand still for way too long until the Gorons notice you can handle heat better than they do. Don’t worry, they won’t notice you’re technically cheating, but they won’t give you back the five minutes you wasted by simply waiting.
#1 (Best) - Stranded on Eventide
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Like if there were any doubts. Stranded on Eventide is the only quest where it just doesn’t matter what weapons or what enemies you’ve killed during your adventure (only hearts and stamina do), so it doesn’t really matter when you do this quest. This quest begins right when you step on Eventide Island for the first time, and the game takes away all of your clothes and weapons so you’ve got to start from zero, using anything you find as a weapon. The aim is to find three orange balls and bring each one to any of the three pedestals.
This is a challenge known for its rather hard difficulty, as it’s not about killing enemies as you’re probably used to do, but about avoiding them. You don’t want to face them though the balls are in the most dangerous locations possible. Heck, there’s even one on a Hinox, and the only alternatives are either climbing to his belly using his hand, or throwing something at his eye when he wakes up. But you can’t deny that the satisfaction of beating this is certainly worth it.
#1 (Worst) - Under a Red Moon
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If the main problem with the previous worst quest was waiting, then you’re instantly going to understand why this is the worst quest in the game. You can be lucky and be able to unlock this shrine right away, or be like me and talk to Kass the night after the blood moon happened.
As you might have guessed, all you have to do is stand on the pedestal during a blood moon. And you have to do it naked. Unneeded detail that I bet at least someone missed and got even more frustrated... as unneeded as the quest itself, gotta be honest here.
And that was it! Those were my five most and least favourite shrine quests in Breath of the Wild... hope y’all agree! (probably not, though)
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thegeminisage · 8 years
a long fucking post (sorry)
bc my browser quit so i just copied it into notepad and kept going and didn’t break it up bc frankly i couldn’t be bothered lol i’ve #struggled today anyway:
i...i dont have any stuff to make spicy food with?? oh my god..........
where do i even...find
lol i could go back to the plateau but i’d probably be Sad.
i guess i have no choice :/
wow i miss the old man
pfft i can see farosh from here but it’s so close i’d never make it in time
SOMEDAY /shakes fist
seeking out shelter from a lightning storm inside the ruined temple of time makes me Very Sad
man. man. there’s nothing i wouldn’t do to set this right
except the main story, i guess, hahaha
just for a short moment i didn’t even have time for a picture...wow wow wow
all right i’ve got enough peppers and i’ve had MORE than enough of the plateau im outta here
i fast traveled back to that one shrine i couldnt figure out before
i realize now i was probably supposed to use my paraglider hahaha but i just didnt think of it
theres a chest in here that i cannot. get. oh my god
[death montage]
lol and all that for a little sword
BACK TO THE MOUNTAINS thank god i have a fast travel point now
and that’s all done! time for more of The Story
normally i’d cut this off here but it’s p short so far so w/e
except.......idk where to go next. i know i want to find the zoras, but
which...direction are they. like, i even googled it
i’ll ask my brother and attempt the naked island again while i wait. i read somewhere you can drop your stuff before you properly set foot on there and it helps a bit. plus it’ll be something he hasn’t done, haha
well, so far so good - i managed to drop a few of my best items and a  small amount of food - apples and raw fish - before i stepped on, but i forgot to drink the defense up elixir. i DID remember to eat the extra hearts food, though, and a good thing, bc i came on during a fucking storm in the middle of the night and nearly got killed by some weird yellow octorok popping up out of the ground. fine now tho, all out of extra hearts but other than that good - found some shrooms, a sword, and an axe
oh my god i hit a barrel and DIED bc there was an electric chuchu in it!!!
okay trying again...in the storm again...forgot to drink my defense bonus again...Greay
one orb down!!
lol and i died AGAIN bc i underestimated a bokoblin...i can't take out camps from afar with no arrows!! maybe i can try bombs next time, sigh
i hate getting out to this island
i hate everything ABOUT this island. it is deisnged to kill you. endless skeletons and fire chuchus are great if you need materials and weapons but the chuchus set everything on fire. and there are octoroks ringing the whole island AND on the actual island - there's no safe ground ANYWHERE!!
remembered to drink my elixir but nearly left the stuff i dropped floating in the ocean lol
one orb down AGAIN. 
gotta be a smarter way to do this bokblin camp on the hill. i can't take them all on at once and i can't detonate any of the explosive from afar with arrows, and bombs get me noticed. i can't take that swarm of enemies with no armor. no way.
YES camp down lmao i blew up the barrels with my own bombs since the fucking chuchus noticed me anyway
now i can COOK THINGS thank you thank you
YES now i have hearts up and attack elixirs!!!!
time to fight the blue hinox (:
he has so much defense even with my elixir ;_; im too afraid to get close enough for an attack
i wish i had a defense booster!!
NO oh god a lightning storm now of all times!!! no!!!!!!
oh my god can he follow me into the water...?
wow it's lightning for the next three hours what the fuck?
aaah the music stopped..he's laying back down...i hope his fucking health doesnt refill
i tried using chuchu jelly to make explosions but they didnt hurt him, only my weapons did bc of my elixir...but im sooo afraid to get close to him, if he kills me i have to do ALL this again
i wanna wait the storm out before i fight him again but i get the feeling the storm was triggered by him waking up bc it's nonstop lightning on the little forecast thingy
god there's not even anywhere to take shelter i just have to pray i dont get struck
yeah it changed back to normal rain as soon as he started snoring...he BETTER not have his health back
at least it isnt storming
nooo i hid in the water again and he slept and some of his health came back )))): i am never gonna get him, this is gonna take hours!
as if that wasnt bad enough there's another bokoblin camp with a MOBLIN on top of this big ledge
maybe i can get some arrows at least :/
good news: managed to cheese the bokoblin camp up top. have in my possesion 13 arrows. bad news: hinox is definitely back at full health rn
ok. so im up here where hinox can't actually go (i hope...) and i have my bombs and 13 arrows, plus all these extra bows and weapons and even a pot to cook some more stuff in. i can do this. i can do this.
ok he can't get up here he can't even hit me with projectiles but IMMEDIATELY the lightning started up again so lmao (:
luckily i have found the perfect position from which to roll bombs down at him lol
so this is only gonna take all year ASSUMING i dont get sturck by lightning.
no no no no no NO NO NO
the blood moon!!! why now!!! oh my god!!!!!! can ANYTHING go right oh my god!!!!!!!!!!
at least im far enough down on the ledge the camp up there cant see me
but i'll have to clear out the other one again if i ever manage to kill the hinox and get his orb
:| he keeps trying to go to sleep lol which. no bitch no more health for you jesus fuck
he can't get any of his rocks to land on me and only about every third bomb lands on him lol
his health is sooo low im so tempted to go down and take a swing w/ my weapon, but if i die now and lose all this progress i won't be able to deal so im gonna stay patient and cheese it til the bitter, bitter end
I PERSEVERED!!!!!! STAYED DETERMINED okay now if not for the blood moon that'd be the end of it but no i gotta clean out that one camp AGAIN without dying
i can do this i can do this i can do this
i......i did it
all thats left is to drop my items and put in the last orb
oh my god!!!!
oh NO if you drop too many they start vanishing ok....choose carefully then
lol ALL THAT FOR A SHRINE TO SOLVE this better be one of those no-puzzle chest only deals
LMFAO i have to reclear the big camp to get in the shrine...oh my god...oh my god
ah well maybe i'll get some more shields i accidentally glitched all mine away
should be easy with all my stuff back
aaaand im stuck down here at the camp i cleared out bc its storming. at least the blue moblin got struck by lightning in a stroke of what i can only assume is divine justice
ok the storm has FINALLY passed
i am FINALLY inside the shrine and have a fast travel point
i got 300 rupees, which is garbage, and i got to watch that stupid monk turn to dust.
ooh whoa there's a rito out here!!!! hi!!!!!
lol a training course for flying...20 rupees a pop. now i know what the fucking chest was for. god.
ah i can't do the course and im so tired of failing at things...i guess i'll leave them for now altho i bet you get a SICK upgrade
no wait i looked it up and its just rupees LMAO no thanks
im never coming back to this fucking island ever again
also: forgot that i did not actually explore the sunken ruins earlier bc of Weather, am going to do that quickly before quitting
oh god oh no i landed right here and there's some fucking masked walking beast getting ready to attack me Why God
god okay we're doing this i guess jesus fuck
if that wasn't bad enough farosh is flying above us LMAO and i still can't shoot him
I! KILLED HIM! bc i had a DEFENSE elixir
i wish i had snapped a better pic than his dying body tho :/
o h w e l l
oh!! i found a memory while exploring!!!!!
oh my god...oh my god...
so it was the four pilots of the original jaegers and two are dudes and two are ladies!!! so there was an even mix in the scene #nice
the voice acting was good and still so unexpected
and the MUSIC oh i love the music when he's remembering something
it felt like a scene from any zelda game, but one near the end—except i'm still at the start
it's so similar to how everyone like, rallied behind link at the end of tp to help him beat ganon, but...this time we already know link failed
god!!!!! this is so good!!!!
every time i find myself thinking "this is an amazing game but it just doesn't feel much like zelda" it comes back and gets me
and i found a shrine here!!! #nice
altho i'd really like to be done for the night lol
it was super easy thank goodness
omg no the dragon flying earlier must have been naydra bc there naydra is :'))) hey bud
ah and i ran into kass the accordian playing rito again ;w;
anyway now that im FINALLY done with this pronvince tomorrow i can go find the zoras!! yay!!!!
fun fact my very first username was "[not my name, some random one, not telling what it was] of the zoras" bc i love them so much
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