#i probably have more of him lying around but cant find it
time-slink · 6 months
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lvrxly · 11 months
singledad!Ghost who lives next door with his little boy, he asks you to babysit constantly due to his job and constant busy schedule full of who knows what, he doesn't trust anyone else to know what his kid needs and likes since he grew up around you.
"Thanks again for this y/n, I should be back around 9pm, please try and get him to bed before then," Ghost says frantically as he passes his son over to you along with his diaper bag and favorite blanket.
He had a date scheduled tonight with a lady he met through his best friend, John MacTavish. You nod and wave Simon goodbye, shutting the door with a sigh as you put his son down and watch him run towards the corner you have filled with toys just for him. What the hell were you doing...
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
singledad!Ghost who has to let himself into your house at 10pm because you weren't answering the door. He got back later than expected but still, he expected you to be up. But he freezes at the door, the key still in the lock as he stares at your couch.
The door clicks open as Simon uses the key that was poorly hidden under your doormat. He's told you to change the location countless times but you don't listen, you never do. With a soft sigh he is about to speak but freezes as his eyes land on your couch.
There you laid on your back, an arm falling off the couch and a leg propped up on the back cushion, snoring lightly. That position couldn't have been that comfortable. But that's not what made him freeze. It was how his son was laying on your chest, fast asleep with his favorite blanket draped over his back. You looked as if his son was your own.
Simon has been so dumb..You had been treating his son as your own all this time, and he never saw it. He also never had seen how much he loved how you looked with his son in your arms...
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
singledad!Ghost who drops his son off with his parents for the weekend, coming over to your house with a single rose and a bottle of champagne. It's not a date, he states, more of a friends hanging out without the ruckus of a little boy running around.
"No really, you're such a big help, I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. And he loves you a lot." Simon is more soft spoken than usual as he sits at your kitchen counter, twirling the rose between his fingertips. You're frantically searching your cabinets for those champagne glasses you got all those years ago that you've never used. You swear you still had them.
"It's no biggy. He's a good kid, a joy to have around and probably one of my only friends!" You laugh, sighing after you cant find those dumbass champagne glasses and grabbing two mugs out of the cabinet instead. Not quite what you'd normally drink something like champagne out of, but it would have to work.
"So I'm not considered a friend?" Simon says with a hurt tone, taking the mug with a raised brow and a laugh. He then looks down at the mug to which it read "Male Tears" in black lettering on the front. His shoulders shake in silent laughter.
"Eh, I kinda like your son more than you, he's less broody," You tease, pouring the champagne into each of your mugs. Your mug saying "Reading is Sexy" with blue lettering. You would be lying if you said you didn't have some questionable mug choices.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
a/n: kinda wanna turn this into a fic...should I?
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
Yandere Batfam x reader who cant feel pain
HEhehehe i just remembered a disease and I just had to write about a reader with it x yandere batfam.
Have you guys heard of CIPA? Its "Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis" which is basically a genetic condition when a patient cant feel pain to any noxious stimulus and can also not sweat, and yall are probably like "but SNoWWW, that doesnt like a diSEase. More like a superpower!!!" um no. You need to be able to feel pain or else you wont know what part of your body has been injured and get help before its too late. You could have thumbtack plunged in your foot and u wouldnt know unless it got infected and u probably saw ur foot changing color.
And now yall are like "but SNoWw, the anhidrosis part, where u cant sweat, sounds nice! who would to look like a sweaty pig in this age????" NO! Sweating is a necessary physiologic phenomenon because it lets your body cool down as it releases heat. If you dont sweat, you'd overheat and DIE!
Okay now that we've covered the basic info, lets get into it:
So, Batfam finds out about reader when she's just running into danger with little to no care for self preservation, and they dismiss it as you being just another dumb teen wanting to be hero and "change the world". Time passes by and Bruce is impressed by your passion and decides to take you under his wing.
It isnt until months later that Bruce discovers something odd about your behaviour. You were standing in the kitchen with the rest of the batkids, laughing and having a good time when he saw Dick had pulled out a hot pan of cookies from the oven and placed it on the aisle. The pan slipped, and without thinking, you had grabbed the hot pan with your bare hands very calmly and placed it back on the aisle, without so much as a hiss of pain or even a sweat.
And now that he thinks about it, Bruce has never seen you sweat. Not during training, not during summer, not even when after you ran laps around the mansion.
With a quick search on the Internet, he finds out about the disease and of course its Dick who he confides in first about his suspicions. Soon, the rest of the batfam has heard the rumours and now they're all watching you keenly to see if its true.
But Jason is the one who tests out the theory quickly by spilling some hot tea on your hand when you were busy talking to Tim about the importance of sleep. The room goes dead silent as they watch your hand turn red, yet you fail to react. It took you a few seconds to realise that they're all looking at you, and when you follow their gaze, it takes you a few seconds to react.
Or fake a reaction.
You shriek, pulling your reddening hand as you run to the sink and run it under cold water, your mind trying to come up with an excuse. But you know its too late when Bruce's hand comes to clasp your shoulder, pulling you away from the sink as his eyes examine your injured hand and... you.
"Bruce I-"
"I know, Y/n." He gives you assuring nod, carefully bandaging your hand as you sat in his office. "You have CIPA, hm?"
You looked down. Why bother lying? He's Batman, he'll find out anyways.
Bruce lifted your head and smiled gently at you. "Its okay. I'm not disappointed in you. I just... you could've told me." You shook your head. "If I did, you would've treated me differently... like a freak."
He sighed. "You are different, but I would've never treated you like a freak. You're not a freak. If anything, between us, I'm more of a freak than you." He was talking about being a hero, but you giggled at the thought of him referring to being a rich dude who cosplays in spandex.
Bruce cupped your cheek and smiled. "I promise, no one will treat you like a freak. But we will have to take some precautions for your safety."
He lied. You've never felt more like a freak than you do now.
Every single day would start off with Dick waking you up and sticking a thermometer in your mouth because he needs to make sure that you're not overheating, even though Bruce has set a thermostat in your room that he controls and he's programmed it to turn your room temperature change by the hour.
Then Dick would start checking you all over for any bruises or injuries, even a scratch, that you may have caused yourself in your sleep. Originally, Damian was the one who had a whole checklist as he examined your body, but that all ended the moment you smacked him when he asked you to lift your shirt. Dick would just have you go and check yourself in the bathroom and trust you when you said you're all good. Also, you're much nicer to Dick than you are to the rest of the brothers (its his puppy dog eyes and that sweet voice that compels you to do as he asks. He's just too nice.)
Dick would then lead you to down for breakfast with the family, where Alfred already has your glucometer out because of course, they must check your blood sugar level every day, lest they find out you're diabetic or something. Only then would you be served your meal, which is a highly nutritous, perfeclty seasoned, balanced dish because they want to make sure you dont have any vitamin deficiencies (because how would they know???? you dont feel pain). But you cant eat just yet. No no, whichever brother is closer, most often Jason, will first taste your food to make sure its not too hot to consume (because you dont realise you've burned the roof of your mouth that one time when Tim ate a slice of pizza that was fresh out of the oven and huppahhuffpuhh the morsel out). Jason would then give you the go to eat and you finally do. You make sure to finish the whole plate (because otherwise Bruce will make note of it and then interrogate you "medically" why you didnt feel like eating all of it?)
After breakfast, while the rest of the batkids get to go to school and work, you dont (because Bruce thinks that your immune system could be weak and he cant risk you catching any diseases from the outside.) No, you get a special trip to the infirmary where Bruce and Alfred do a more thorough medical check up, taking your vitals, JOTTING IT DOWN, while Alfred hooks you up to an IV drip of vitamins. And even though they go to such extents to ensure that you're healthy, they still take you to a skilled doctor once a week for regular check ups. Bruce wanted to keep the doctor in the house to do daily check ups, but you talked him out of it that you dont want to feel like a lab rat who has her blood taken every day. Once a week is fine, Bruce.
Once the medical check up is done, Bruce would then take you with him, either to Wayne enterprises where you sit in his office as he imparts you "business education that no school can teach you." which you believe because... well he has managed to triple the Wayne wealth even after his parents death. If he's working from home, then he'll let you accompany him in his home office where you can either read a book he chose for you (because Bruce prefers to homseschool you himself) or do a puzzle/case he created specifically for you. If he's working in the batcave, then he'll let you tag along but you can only work here by brainstorming or doing some computer research, but in no way are you allowed to ever go on field and fight. No, not since your last incident.
Just 2 months ago, you were patrolling with Jason (because Bruce refused to let you go alone now. He just wont risk it) and you encountered some bad guys who were a little more well equipped than you two had expected. A fight broke out, and in the process you got hurt badly. Of course, you didnt realise it because you didnt feel any of the punches or the bone fracturing. Jason could only look at you in dread as you smashed your head against the villain's head until the guy passed out, all while your nose bled, you were covered in bruises from top to bottom, AND you had a bone sticking out of your arm.
"Jay? I think I'm hurt?" You asked as blood coated your teeth.
After that, Bruce forbid you from going out on the field altogether because you just dont know when to stop. If it werent for bones sticking out or blood dripping down your face, you wouldnt know that you've been injured.
Anyways, at lunch, almost everyone has returned from work/school and you get yet another balanced meal (temperature tested by another brother). You're now scheduled for some exercises, usually conducted by Damian (under Dick's supervision because otherwise, you'd just be smacking that devil's spawn.) You guys use the gym in the basement, where Damian makes you run on the treadmill for some time, during which he does not take his eyes off you once because he needs to know when he should stop you, especially since you dont sweat or are even huff. If he didnt keep time, you could probably run for a long time and not realise that your legs or lungs are begging you to stop and take a break. As you hop off the machine, he's immediately taking your temperature. He does it after every exercise he makes you do.
After that is done, you spend time with Tim who likes to have you try on little gadgets that should "help you feel pain", but so far, he hasnt had any luck (but he doesn seem to be doing good in disguising trackers in your daily wear things). Oh and Damian loves to join in because he gets to sneak up on you and prick you with needles to help Tim see if your sensory pathways work. They dont, but you dont need your pain receptors to detect Damian coming up behind you as you smack him when he tries to prick you.
Then dinner is served, and then you're ushered straight to bed where Dick, or more often- Bruce has you do a self check like the one Dick does in the morning, but Bruce also makes sure to check your eyes to see if you "accidentally scratched your cornea" or whatever, tucks you in, tells you that he's so proud of you for how youre handling this and that you can come to him anytime, for anything. He kisses your forehead, wishes you goodnight, and leaves.
Half an hour later, Jason sneaks into your room with the goodies- junk food and video games. You two have the strongest bond because Jason is the one who treats you the most normal, and Jason does it partly to piss off Bruce but partly because he cares about your mental health. He knows it cant be good for you to be cooped up in the mansion under supervision like a bird in a gilded cage.
So sometimes, he sneaks you out of the mansion and takes you out on late night rides on his bike. You can even watch him fight villains, but you're sat far away and can never interferre.
Unfortunately for you two, this sneaking out will have to end because Bruce had recently decided to set up some cameras in your room because he wanted to make sure you slept well without any abnormal breathing patterns. Bruce hopes he doesnt have to use restraints on you, because he's not blind. He knows you're uncomfortable with this intricate routine and knowing your impulsive self, you'd probably break your own bones to get out of these restraints. And then he'll be forced to use sedatives and he really doesnt wanna rely on drugs... he likes your company when you're not droopy.
And as Bruce had anticipated, you broke down. You finally tried to leave, and he could see the color draining your face as you realised that there is no leaving.
"Why isnt the door opening?" You asked Bruce, as his four sons slowly surrounded you.
"You dont have to run away, Y/n-" He tried to calm you down but you flinched away, eyes wide as you looked at him like he was going to harm you.
"Bruce, why isnt the fucking door opening?" Your voice trembled, shooting him teary glare before focusing your eyes back on the boys who were closing in on you.
"You're meant to stay here, inside, where its safe." He answered, heart aching at the alarmed stance you took, your fight-or-flight was going to kick in. He took another step towards you, hands raised in surrender. "We can keep you safe-" thats all it took for you to bolt as the boys began chasing you. Realistically, you knew you couldnt escape them but something about their intensely concerned calls for your name had you jumping out of the window.
Glass shattered and sharp shards embedded themselves in your skin and feet, but you didnt react to them. No, your brain wasnt screaming in pain, it was screaming for you to get out!
Adrenaline pumped you to run into the dark woods surrounding the mansion, but you were soon knocked to the ground by Dick, who cushioned your fall by placing you on top of him as his hands wrapped around your form like a cage. "Y/n, calm down and listen-"
You began thrashing in his arms, screaming in agony. "Let ME GO! YOU'RE HURTING ME-!" Dick's arms loosened instinctively and you took that as a chance to elbow him in the throat and run, thanking some deity for letting Dick forget that you cant feel pain.
But your relief is short lived as Damian catches you and pushes you to the ground harshly. "Damian! Be careful! She could break a bone-"
"Bones can heal, Drake." Damian barked back, pulling you up before he pushed you against tree. "Let me go, you maniac-" Damian's hand clamped around your throat, making you shut up. "You're the one who's a maniac. Look at you! You've fucking hurt yourself because if your astounding stupidity!"
You whimpered, clawing at his hand wrapped around your throat. "Dami- p-please let go- you're hurting me!" You cried out, but your eyes went wide as he squeezed your throat and bared his teeth at you. "Not falling for it, dumbass." So... fooling Damian wasnt as easy a feat as it was fooling Dick.
You stopped the act and looked at him dead serious. "Let me go, Damian, or-"
"Or what?"
Or what? Or what? Did he think you were out of options? Out of escape plans?
You dont know why, but that triggered something inside you.
Damian and Tim could only watch as you suddenly slammed the back of your head against the tree. "Y/n-" He gasped in horror as you leaned your head forward before slamming it back against the hard rough surface. This time, Damian's hand that was wrapped around your neck felt your blood around his fingers.
"Its my life and I get to decide how I should live it." You sneered before raising your head again to bash it, but Damian's hand quickly slipped from your neck to the back of your head, cushioning it when you smacked it back, the skin on the back of his hand breaking as it made contact with the bark.
You pushed him away and tried to make a run for it, but Tim grabbed your wrist. You tried to pull away, but he had a death grip on it. "Y/n, stop! You need to listen-"
"Oh is that so? I think I need this." You used your other hand to punch yourself in the face (because Tim would've dodged it if you punched him), making your nose bleed. But you didnt feel any pain, and now you were acting like a super soldier zombie that has no concept of self preservation who is going through fucked up lengths to prove her point.
Your eyes caught the sight of a glass shard poking out of your thigh. "Wanna see something cool?" You pulled out the shard, not paying mind to the blood oozing out. "Y/n, stop-" Tim begged, and you saw Damian froze in the back as you raised the shard.
They didnt know what your next target was- slashing your wrists, slitting your throat, or stabbing your stomach, but fortunately, they didnt have to find out as Jason came up behind you and injected you with a tranquilliser.
Sadly, you never felt the prick or sensed the hero sneaking up behind you.
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thoughts? also, what other diseases would u guys like me to write for. i just adore these cool medical abnormalities lol
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faggy--butch · 5 months
sorry to ramble in your inbox but its kinda fucking me up how "trans man with a cishet boyfriend who misgenders him behind his back" is like seen to be a person to make fun of in the general queer tumblr space instead of a person who is in a vulnerable situation. i know that there is trans men who are also women and there are trans men who are genuinely okay with dating a cis man who considers himself straight but people talking about these hypothetical couples arent talking about these situations but rather about "haha stupid trans man doesnt realize hes dating a bigot"
theres this attitude that the hypothetical cishet boyfriend is actually a conservative so it should be obvious to trans man that he doesnt respect his identity but i feel like its less "oh its obvious that this specific man is a bigot" and more "obviously cishet white men are bigots" and its weird how people laugh at this person instead of acknowledging that even if you are dating a bigot its usually not a big win for you personally. like the bigot cishet boyfriend isnt going to be okay with his trans man boyfriend starting testosterone. like we can sympathize with emotional abuse happening towards other groups but when its gay and mspec trans men its like "oh he should have known that would happen" or "its his fault for dating a bigot"?
of course people have the same making fun of the victim narrative with afab nonbinary people who date cishet men who misgender them [and im sure this bleeds over to affecting all nonbinary people if people arbitrarily decide theyre afab if the nonbinary person refuses to tell them personal information about themselves but the larger narrative always specifies that this is an afab person] and its almost like a "this is what you get for being attracted to men" sort of thing.
and also i theres something to be said about warning people for signs their partner or potential partner doesnt respect their identity but considering i imagine its a common anxiety among trans and nonbinary people who are into that sorta thing to wonder "am i ever going to find someone who loves me and is also accepting of me for being [insert gender here]?" its sort of fucked up for it to be common to basically claim "yea if youre dating a cis man who said he was straight before he started dating you but says he respects your identity hes probably just straight up lying to your face" and then laugh at the person getting misgendered for not knowing they were being misgendered.
anyway sorry for this big ramble i cant even remember specific instances of this to reference so i might seem like im making up a guy to be mad at but i swear this is like a general attitude and almost running joke i see around. anyway. have a good day.
I absolutely see that too, and I think it's a mixture of straight up victim blaming, because oh noo how dare you WANT to date *gasp* cis men
but it come with an intense transandrophobia and exorsexism because there's a lot more sympathy when it comes to cis women dating cishet men "poor things uwu" but when it's trans men or in this case non binary people assumed to be women, it's always "see I told you so" smug superiority. (cis women get this too, because of misogyny obviously, but it's different and worse for trans men) People are just waiting for a chance to be misogynistic and trans men are an acceptable target. This is honestly extra fucked up when we remember that trans men experience some of the highest rates of domestic violence and rape in the community though.
being trans is such a vulnerable place to be in, and a lot of people, trans or not are insecure or just want to be loved, that's normal. A lot of people are willing to accept certain behaviors from their partners that are bad, because of those reasons as well, victim blaming, and ESPECIALLy telling trans men to toughen up or "what did you expect" is apart of the toxic expectations that get placed of trans men as well. I could honestly go on for hours about this. good ask,anon
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tojisun · 8 months
this is purely self-indulgent (in a twisted way*) but i cant stop thinking about a military man falling ‘in love’ (born from obsession and dependency) with a nun :/
જ how simon never goes to church because he doesn’t believe in all that but johnny’s been going through tough times and simon did promise their captain that he’d be there for johnny, and that included going to church with him.
it’s the local chapel, one that acts as an extension of the abbey in the city, and johnny mentioned that wednesday night services aren’t packed which is why he likes going at this time. simon saw it for what it was—an olive branch for having to put up with johnny.
simon huffed and said, “don’t worry about it.” because johnny really shouldn’t. it’s not like he’s forcing simon anyways. but johnny was still apologetic, quiet, and simon tried to move past it.
so there they were, sinking into the shadows and away from the half-filled pews. the mass hasn’t started yet but the organ is already playing, readying for the first hymn, and that’s when simon saw you.
he didn’t even know nuns functioned in chapels too, so it’s probably there where his fascination first started. he watched as you fluttered around with a few other nuns, saying hi’s to churchgoers, smiling and holding their hands like you’re all longtime friends.
simon would look back to this day and think that maybe that was what drew him to you—the gentleness in which you talked to people. the starved awe in which they looked at you.
simon wondered if their admiration was a form of their desire.
જ how simon keeps going after that, sometimes with johnny, but oftentimes alone. he doesn’t see you all the time, but you’re there on more days than not and simon’s been the talk of the chapel, he knows, so he also knows that he isn’t imagining the short looks you’ve been sending his way, your eyes alight with curiosity and hesitance because simon’s simon. he doesn’t need a uniform to know that he looks dangerous. that he looks like the very man you’re told not to talk to.
but you still did. and simon doesn’t know why your attention feels like a, well, sweet reward.
જ how simon finds a companion in you. you look at him with such gentle eyes, he feels like hiding. he feels like lying. but then you ask him about his life and simon can’t stop himself from spilling his past, the blotchy ink of his life staining the unblemished canvas that you are.
simon’s voice is hoarse by the end of it, his head downturned in his shame. he doesn’t know what it is you must be thinking, he doesn’t know if he even would want to, but then he hears you sniffling and he whips his head up to look at you, his eyes wide in surprise because why are you crying?
why are you crying for him?
“oh simon,” he hears you say, your voice wobbly from your tears. “come, let us pray.”
simon listens to the prayer, listens to your voice, and thinks that maybe he can start to believe.
જ how simon realizes he comes back not because of faith but because of you.
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* i was raised in a catholic school and instead of strengthening my faith, what it did was make me wanna consume sacrilegious works lmao so uhh yeah! this is kinda a fulfillment of that indulgence :’>
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charmercharm3r · 11 months
i cant NOT think about jeongin asking the 9th member for help with/practice kissing (the phrasing is weird but i lovee this idea 😭)
prev: three, next: five
“It’s not that I haven’t wanted to… It just never happened.”
Jeongin was defending himself like his life depended on it. Not that he needed to, no one blamed him or thought it was weird— more of a pride thing on his end.
“You don’t have to explain yourself,” you crumpled the empty water bottle in your hand and turned to Jisung. Raising and bringing it down playfully onto the top of his head, Jisung didn’t run from the scolding. “Why’d you put him on the spot like that! What’s your dating history like then, hm?”
Jisung immediately skipped over to Jeongin to take him into an embrace while the younger attempted to escape. “Ew, hyung— get away! You’re sweaty!”
When he managed to catch him, Jisung rubbed his cheek into Jeongin’s shoulder, “don’t feel bad, Jeonginnie. I’ve kissed people, but don’t worry, it’s not that fun.” Jeongin looked at you with a face that begged for mercy but not attempting to push him away.
“He’s lying, kissing is really fun,” Hyunjin chimed in and took a seat the open space beside you. “Kissing me is even more fun. C’mon Y/N’ie, just one?” He shoulder bumped you and puckered his lips.
“Kiss each other.” With that, you excuse yourself to the bathroom, only to come back minutes later to find Jisung pinning Hyunjin to the floor trying to take your words literally. You turned around and left again before witnessing anything that’ll make your eyes burst into flames.
What was probably hours had passed and everyone since forgotten about what had been said in the practice room, entirely too preoccupied with other things. Like singing lessons, for example. The session just didn’t go as you had hoped, that one high note was kicking your ass. As you walked through the corridor towards the exit, you could hear a soft voice from another occupied room.
Peaking through the small sliver of window, Jeongin was sat alone in the tiny confined space. You knocked twice before letting yourself in. He wasn’t startled, but surprised to see you, though the happy expression he wore quickly changed to something more melancholic.
“You’re still here? I thought your lessons ended an hour ago?” You stood in the door frame not wanting to invade too much of his space. Jeongin was always emotionally delicate, though he put up a hard shelled front.
“Yeah, just wanted some quiet before going home.” He twiddled his fingers, mind clearly not in the same room.
“Okay, wanna head back together? I can wait for you, I’ll grab us something at the convenience store.”
“Actually, can you come in?”
You closed the door behind you and sat in the spare chair. “Are you okay?”
He hated talking about his feelings, let alone things as personal as what Jisung had brought up earlier today about kissing. Jeongin has no idea how to go about it. He can’t articulate that he thinks you’re so pretty and that the way your nose crinkles when you laugh is adorable. It’s hard to put into words that he’s never kissed anyone because he didn’t want to waste his first with someone temporary because, “I only get one.”
Your eyebrow raised, “one what?”
His voice caught in his throat, hardly able to push the words past his lips, “one first kiss.”
“Are you still thinking about what Jisung said earlier? It’s nothing to feel bad about.”
Jeongin fidgeted a second longer before deciding to bite the bullet. “Take it. I don’t want it anymore.”
Fuck, he scared you. You’re looking at him like he has two heads and is speaking in tongues. “When you say it like that, I don’t want you to jump into things just because everyone else does. Don’t rush—“
“I’m not rushing. Like, the total opposite,” he sat on the edge of his seat and that much closer to you. “There have been people who wanted to kiss me, and I’ve wanted to kiss them. But I felt like I couldn’t? If I’m going to kiss someone, I want it to stick. Those people, they were temporary and I knew that, it wouldn’t have been fair to them. Now, I’ve been putting it off for so long that I think it’s not even an option anymore. But… then I look at you, talk to you, exist around you. It feels, for lack of a better word, right?”
At a complete loss for words, how have you not crumbled around him earlier? Let alone noticed he felt that way? You sat still with your lip between your teeth, running through all the possibilities that could follow if you were to go through with what he’s asking for. There was the fact that you already kissed one of them— briefly recalling your stolen moment with Felix— and that Jeongin hasn’t shied away from complementing you when he could or being all together boyfriendly. Even if you didn’t think of dating him, what harm could kissing him really do? If anything, doing it will satiate that need for the both of you, then close that chapter.
“Okay, but don’t tell Hyunjin. It’ll make him jealous.”
“More than when you kissed Felix?”
“How do you know that?!”
“I live with him?” He said it as if you were the stupid one to believe none of them would find out. Case in point.
You sighed, “yes, more than that time.”
As you moved and got more comfortable, he copied in sitting up straight and puckering his lips. “What’re you doing?”
“Getting ready to kiss you?” You rolled your eyes.
Jeongin came from a good place, even if he was entirely clueless. You suppose he was just parroting every time Jisung exaggeratedly tried to kiss the next nearest person. It was kind of endearing, a little geeky, but heartwarming nonetheless.
Putting your hands on his shoulders, you pushed them down to get him to relax. Then scooting your chair closer to his, you spread his knees to let your own take up that space. Jeongin let you maneuver him however you pleased, breath hitching as you stole his hands to place them lightly on the tops of your thighs. His hands were huge, not new information, but definitely a new feeling now that he was touching you. He was on the taller side, broader shoulders and probably able to wrap around your entire body if you hugged him properly. All those thoughts briefly swam around your brain just from the image of his hands on your thighs.
Jeongin was felt as though he was sweating bullets, but still immensely excited. Physical touch wasn’t his most favorite thing in the world, but he enjoyed it when it was you. These small, lingering touches, like where his hands were now, he probably enjoyed it more than he should.
“I’m going to put my hands on your neck, is that okay?” Jeongin nodded immediately, holding his breath. The warmth of your palms on his pulses made him shiver. “Don’t over think it. Kisses don’t need to be aggressive, they also don’t have to be too gentle. Just find a balance, not every person you kiss will want the same thing.” He nodded and absorbed every word that dripped from your perfectly plush lips. At some point he almost stopped listening and focused on your lips all together.
“What do you like?” He blurted out nervously. You giggled, oh so beautifully.
“We’ll get there,” your fingers traced back to comb through the hair at the back of his head teasingly, Jeongin almost fully leaned into it like a puppy. “Be calm. All the time in the world.”
Jeongin’s hands lightly kneaded the flesh of your thighs in anticipation, in need and desperation and longing to just feel your lips on his for the first time. He didn’t realize you were slowly drawing in closer and closer, then he could feel your breath fanning across his mouth and suddenly all the air was sucked from his lungs. “Make sure they want this as much as you. Look into their eyes, hold them tenderly, then ask. Can I kiss you?”
Glassy, watered over with all the stars staring back at you, “please.”
“That’s not a confirmation.” You were so close that the heat radiated off your body made Jeongin overheat in the best way possible.
“Yes, please kiss me.”
You were slow to press your lips to his, whereas as soon as the contact was made, Jeongin leaned further into you, almost shoving you out of your chair. Quick to push him back, you held his neck a little tighter and reined him in. Taking the hint, he put his excitement into his hands that now squeezed your thighs tighter and tighter, not that it hurt. His lips softened more, less eager but just as excited, he followed your lead.
The simple peck ended far too quickly for his liking, chasing as you pulled away. “No, no, more please.”
He moved to grip the bottom of your chair and tug the entire thing closer with the scrape of the legs on the floor echoing with a screech. Now you had nowhere to go, further trapped between his legs where you’d put yourself and Jeongin now reaching for your waist with one hand and the other cupping your jaw. And you didn’t hate it. Actually, you loved it. Getting attention from the one person that hates giving or receiving attention feels so rewarding, which is why you let him take what he wanted.
Long fingers threaded through your hair and tugged you to meet his lips half way, you fell forward into him and let your arms wrap around his neck. For his first time kissing, he was surprisingly well versed. Everything you’ve told him up until now he applied in his rather scattered yet charming kissing technique. He was everywhere all at once and it made your brain fuzzy.
Close lipped, simple, safe, eager, yearning, wanting, warm, fervorous, you didn’t want to let go almost as much as he did. Jeongin lightly whined when you pulled away, chasing after you again and keeping your upper body pinned to his. You hadn’t realized that your knees were pressing against his pelvis until you leaned a little back and he softly whimpered one more time.
“I don’t think you really needed kissing lessons.” He shrugged, smug. “Did you just wanna kiss me?” Another shrug and a crooked smile. “You little shit.”
“Don’t worry, I don’t kiss and tell.” You couldn’t tell if he lied, but truthfully you didn’t care, it didn’t matter.
Rolling your eyes again, he leaned in for a soft peck, molding your lips together sweetly, honey like moans being swapped between mouths.
That is, until the door to the vocal room was being burst open. You jumped in Jeongin’s hold, the both of you looking at who had just ruined your lovely moment.
“Oh, come on! Jeongin?! That is so not fair!” Hyunjin took up most of the doorway with Jisung peaking on his tiptoes over his shoulder.
A sigh fell from your mouth, patting Jeongin’s shoulders and reluctantly slipping from his grasp. He sat still, shriveling into the backrest of the chair as you gathered your stuff. “Aren’t you coming?” You asked him. Sheepish, he scratched the back of his head and pulled the hem of his shirt lower. “Nevermind, see you tomorrow, Jeonginnie.” He avoided eye contact again as you ruffled his hair and pushed past Hyunjin and Jisung.
The two followed behind you, bombarding you with question after question, mostly about how good the kiss with Jeongin was. Hyunjin was dramatically livid, nothing out of the usual, storming ahead of you and Jisung down the stairs to head home.
Jisung lightly pulled you back to a stop, curious eyes looking at you. “What is it?”
“I— I know I joke about kissing, said it’s not that fun and everything but…” he trailed off as though he couldn’t trust the words that he truly wanted to say. You waited patiently until he could articulate himself. “Can I be next?”
A/N: it’s been a minute..hoping posting this can jumpstart me into posting more!! i really missed writing and finding this in my inbox after a month was so fun n cute to write, thank u anon!!!
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slutforleeminho · 8 months
your work is so amazing, you're such a good writer! i have no idea if your taking requests, but if you could maybe find time... could you write part two of 'the other woman' please?
it was so well written, and i love some good angst with an even better plot 🫶🏽
also another 'no idea' but if you do anons... could i be 🍧 anon?
tyyy and ofc you can be 🍧 anon
The Other Woman • Hwang Hyunjin
ft. lee felix
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"Nice to meet you, Felix."
"Felix stop it!" Your chest was hurting from the force of your laughing. His fingers dug into your sides, causing your body to automatically jolt from the ticklish feeling. "Seriously lix I'm actually going to pee myself if you don't stop." you barely got the words out through your continuous giggling. only then did he cease his antics and let you breath.
"Eww don't do that. I don't want to have to wash the sheets again." he shifted his body until he was facing you, lying on his side with his arm supporting his head. "That would be the third time this week."
You could hear the smugness in his voice without even looking at him, but when you did, what did you see? a big toothy grin plasterd across his beautiful face. "Shut up." you playfully nudged his shoulder. But the drama queen in him came out as he gripped the place that you hit him with both of his hands in pain, as if you had just shot him.
"Ah, what the hell. are you trying to chop my arm off?"
"Oh, shut up you big baby." you wrapped your arms around his torso and pulled him closer until his nose was basically touching yours. His big brown eyes were staring deep into your soul, expectantly.
"Only if you kiss it better." He whispered against your lips, the warmth of his breath against your skin made you shiver. he had a way of making you feel so safe and protected from the world, like nothing could touch you as long as you had him. He leaned even closer in attempt to connect his lips with yours, but the harsh sound of your phone ringing startled you both out of the little bubble you created. You both huffed a breath of annoyance in unison. "It's him again, isn't it?" felix rolled over on his back. it was more of a statement than it was a question.
You grabbed your phone off of the nightstand just to see that there was no caller id so yes it indeed was him.
After Hyunjin walked out on you, you cried and cried and then cried some more, then after that you blocked his number, along with all his other social media accounts. You thought that would be the end.
You were wrong.
The phone calls from unknown numbers started a couple of days after you met Felix. Only once every few days, you never answered of course, you knew as soon as you heard his voice, you'd be right back in the place you're trying so hard to crawl out of. Then you started getting comments on all of your old Instagram posts:
"I miss you."
"Pick up the phone."
"Baby, please I love you."
"I can't stop thinking about you."
Seeing that made you both angry and hurt. How could he even say that? You gave that man everything you had while he was only giving you a few days a week. You made sure not to dwell on it for too long, deleting the comments and blocking those accounts.
Then the calls came more frequently, mostly late at night when he was probably alone and horny.
Once you and Felix made your relationship official, you came clean about everything. The affair, the phone calls, the comments, you wanted no secrets between you two, nothing to get in the middle of something that has the potential to grow and become something beautiful. He was shocked but he tried his best to understand and made sure to tell you how proud he was of you for being strong enough to be the one to end things.
"I'm going to kill that guy if I ever see him." Felix said before standing up from the bed.
"Where are you going?" You rushed to say, the worry in your voice was too thick to hide. The anxiety that he'd get sick of you constantly being interrupted by your ex haunted you, and he knew it.
He smiled and walked over to your side of the bed. "To make us some breakfast, I know how hungry you are in the mornings." he leaned down and pressed a kiss on the tip of your nose. "Don't worry, okay? Nothing can stop me from loving you."
The past six months have felt like a vivid dream, you started working for a very famous clothing designer - as an assistant but it was something - and you loved every second of it, you had basically ripped your apartment apart and replaced everything in it and made it your dream home. But the best part was the person who was by your side the entire time, Lee Felix. Of course, you started out as friends but you both knew it wouldn't stay that way for long.
You had a perfect schedule: date nights on Monday, sleepover at his place on Wednesdays, and movie night at your place on Saturdays, where he'd spend the night and leave Sunday morning after brunch. You both agreed not to spend every day together because you're still healing from your past relationships and Felix has never been in a serious relationship. But of course, if one or the other got a text saying they missed the other, it only took about ten minutes before there was a knock at their door.
But today is Saturday and you haven't seen him since Tuesday morning since he had to work late on Wednesday. To say you were excited was an understatement, you were practically pacing around the kitchen waiting for him to get here, until he finally appeared on the other side of the island. "That spare key you gave me comes in handy."
"Felix!" you squealed and quickly made your way around the bar and wrapped your arms around his neck. "You took way too long to get here."
"It's ten a.m., did you want me here before daylight?" he was teasing you, but his hands caressed down your back to pull you closer against him. He missed you too.
"I expected nothing less."
"Why did you pick a sad movie?" you sobbed behind your hands.
"Baby, it wasn't that sad." he tried to argue but you saw him wipe away that stray tear right before the movie ended. He thought he was sneaky.
"Tell that to the girl whose best friend just died." you gestured to the tv. Another cry coming from your lips.
"Aww baby stop before you make me cry." he grabbed your shoulders and pulled you down on his chest, and combing his fingers through your hair. "Hey," he tilted your head up until you were nose to nose with him, the tears immediately stopped. "it's okay, honey it's all fake."
ring. ring. ring.
"Ughh," you pushed yourself up and grabbed your phone. "It's like he fucking knows!" you put it on Do Not Disturb and shut it off completely. You were pissed now. "I don't know what to do Felix." You plopped back on the couch and he pulled you back to him once again.
"it's okay, love. We'll figure something out, I promise." there wasn't a trace of hurt or annoyance in his eyes, just genuine concern for you. This time when you leaned forward your lips met his and it felt like ages since you were this close to him. He pulled you closer to deepen the kiss, as one hand moved to cup the side of your face.
At first you thought you were hallucinating from all the stress, until Felix jerked away from you and stood, dragging you up with him and stepping in front of you to shield you from the intruder.
"Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?" Felix yelled.
Hyunjin looked between you and Felix, confusion all over his face. "Y/N, baby who is this?"
Oh, hell no. You grabbed Felixs hand and squeezed it reassuringly before stepping out from behind him. He was hesitant on letting you any closer to this random man until you said: "He's my boyfriend, Hyunjin." Oh.... Its Hyunjin. Your ex boyfriend.
"How did you get in here?"
He held up the spare key you had forgotten you'd given him while ya’ll were together. You snatched it from his hand before he could pull away. "Why the fuck are you in my apartment?"
"I-" his eyes started to water. "You're with someone else?"
You turned to look at Felix, his jaw was clenched as he watched Hyunjins very move. "Yes. Now leave."
"But I- I thought you loved me," his voice broke. "And I still love you. Y/N, I left her. I left her so we could be together." He said that with a smile as if that would change your mind. No, it made you want to vomit.
"Good, she deserves better. And so do I."
He nodded his head, processing what you just said. You could physically see his hurt turning into anger. "So," he looked straight into your eyes. "Did you tell your little boy toy over there what we did on that couch that you were kissing him on? Hmm? How much you loved it when I leaned you over it and I fucked you till you were begging for m-" He was cut off by you harshly slapping him across the face, the force making him stumble back a bit. In the corner of your eye you saw Felix launch forward just in case hyunjin decided to replicate your violent energy.
"How dare you come into my home and degrade me like this, let alone Infront of someone I care about! I did love you, Hyunjin, but not anymore. And you never loved me. You may know my favorite designer brand or what I like in bed but that's all you know. You don't know what my favorite color is or my dream job, so you definitely don't know who I want. So let me tell you. It's. Not. You. And it never will be. It'll always be me. I am who I want to be happy, and nobody else can make that happen." you stopped to take a deep breath to calm down and hyunjin took that as his que to speak.
"I should've never left her for you, all you are is a cheap slut." This time the smack you heard didn't come from you. It was Felix lunging forward and punching him in the face. A loud crack came from the impact, and you couldn't tell if it was Hyunjins nose or Felix's hand. But judging from the blood gushing from Hyunjins nose, it was definitely broken. Hyunjin stumbled to the floor while holding a hand over his bleeding nose.
"Felix stop!" you grabbed him by the arm and pulled him off of hyunjin. "You," you pointed at hyunjin and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yanked him up and towards the door. "Out!" Opening it you pushed him out, slamming it in his face, but not before getting in the last word. "Nice going hyunjin, you just earned yourself a restraining order."
Once the door was closed the reality I what just happened came crashing down on you like a bag of bricks. you pressed your back against the door and slid down it and let all the emotions show themselves. “Felix, i’m so sorry.” you sobbed into you hand. you couldn’t even imagine how he felt right now, but still he came to you and took you in his arms as you cried.
“it’s okay, love, you did the right thing. Don’t worry, ok? i’m here, i’ve got you.”
I feel like every time i post I’m apologizing for not being active, but i had a good reason this time😭
@caitlyn98s @bangchansbae @fawnpeaks @yumiblogs @katsukiswife @seung-mine @sungprotector @soephiphanymain @minnieslover@kjr-army @gingerblade @ebbaskz @nqvgue @sl6gszn @erisuna @jenniferzipsblog @broken-glowsticks @superiorbrownskinn @skzstaykatsy @laexoticlunatic @vrslvts1
not all of y’all are on my taglist but were some of the people asking for a part two so i hope you don’t mind, just wanted to make sure you saw it☺️
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 5 months
matilda - m. murdock
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a/n: hey guys i have back pain and i have daddy issues so i wanted to write a quick blurb about it. so. sorry if you guys cant particularly relate to this one it's for me <3 warnings: ANGST, reader cries a lot, probably cursing, lots of daddy issues, lots of being upset, mentions of fathers being drunk, matt picks up the reader but matt in my brain can lift like 250+ so, uhhhh i don't know guys just angst and daddy issues ! word count: 1.2k summary: you have daddy issues and back pain. matt does his best to help. pairing: matt murdock x gn!reader now playing: matilda - harry styles "i don't believe that time will change your mind/in other words, I know they won't hurt you anymore/as long as you can let them go"
Matt finds you on the floor of the kitchen, your knees hugged against your chest. He is so tired, bruises starting to really hurt after sitting all purple and blue on his ribs and his arms. He’s just in his boxers his hair damp from a shower.
You are just in a pair of boxers and a muscle tee. Your knuckles are white, and you are staring into space in the most literal definition. It’s four a.m. You are a twenty something year old adult, you have not slept in your mother’s bed in years.
And yet, you feel like a child.
And your back is fucking killing you.
Matt sits next to you on the kitchen floor, goosebumps shooting up his skin as his feet and palms feel the cold, rough tile floor. His hand finds your arm and gently rubs his thumb against your skin.
“What’re you doing on the floor, sweetheart?” His voice is low and thick with sleep. He is so tired, that his words aren’t nearly as poetic, sappy or flirtatious as he wants them to be (maybe not all at once, but he most certainly wished they were better than that).
You consider lying to him for a moment. Really, you do. You could tell him that the floor is just more comfortable, that you want him to fuck you right here against the tiles, that you just could not sleep, that there is nothing deeper than a busy brain that cannot calm down.
“My dad called me while you were away.” You tell him, your voice soft. Matt will be able to hear it no matter how loudly or quietly you say it. And at your confession, he tenses. He has a complicated relationship with your father, but his relationship is calm compared to the raging waters that make up how you feel about the man.
“Okay,” he starts, rubbing your arm gently. “And what did he say?”
You blink.
“Nothing. Nothing that should have made me feel like this.” You tell him, a horrible taste in your mouth. From what, you do not know. Matt doesn’t respond right away, waiting for you to tell him more. “He was drunk.” You say quietly.
“Oh.” He knows you don’t drink. He knows you have a very complicated relationship with substances. “I can understand why that might be upsetting..” he tries, and you shake your head, your face twisting into frustration, anger, and perhaps a hint of sadness.
“He’ll never change.” You whisper, too afraid to be any louder, too afraid that maybe from miles and miles away, your father will hear you. That maybe if you say it any louder, it won’t be a secret anymore, and that you’ll start crying if you say it any louder. “He’ll never ever change.” You say, and your head turns to look at him.
And you stare at the man that you love, and you stare and stare, and you think about Jack Murdock who loved his son so much that he was willing to die for him to have a better life, that he was entirely selfless when it came to the person you are lucky enough to call yours.
And you think about how your father wants nothing to do with you. He never did. Not really.
That’s when you start to cry.
It starts with a few tears rolling down your cheeks, salty and fat, as if they hold all of the memories your brain has locked away to protect you. Then, the tears come out faster, and faster, until you are choking on your own breath, racking with sobs. Matt’s arms are around you in an instant.
He pulls you close to him, and you feel bad for getting tears all over his skin. He’ll tell you it’s his fault for wearing just briefs. He pulls you into his lap, and while you cry into his neck, his hand comes down to your back and slips under your shirt, gently rubbing it up and down.
You twitch at the feeling, your back still aching as you sit with him, the pain contributing to your tears. Matt’s lips kiss your forehead, and he just holds you for a long time. Your breathing becomes short with how violently you’re sobbing.
“Hey, easy..” he says softly before he tilts your head up to look at him. “Your breathing isn’t healthy. Come on, watch me,” and he takes deep breathes in and out, expecting you to copy his attempts. When you’re finally at a point where you an breath on your own, Matt begins wiping your tears gently.
“Sorry…” You say quietly. He just shushes you softly and leans in to kiss your cheek.
“You never have to apologize for your emotions.” He promises, “I love you so much. I am so sorry he’s like that,” and now Matt is crying and he’s not sure why, but you feel awful about it, so your shaky hands come up to wipe his tears and he wants to laugh at your attempt at gentleness because he wonders how often you were shown the same kindness and his heart aches at the most realistic answer.
“Honey, you never have to worry about him again. You made it out, he can’t hurt you anymore..” He tells you, and you try to believe him. “You’ll never feel anything except safe and loved, I promise.” He says quietly, before leaning in to kiss you gently. “Is there anything else?” He senses that you are in physical pain too. Partially because he can tell by how your jaw clenches that you are tense, but even without his super senses, he just knows you aren’t feeling well.
He knows you too well.
“My back is killing me.” You confess, and he frowns. “And my head now.” Your head always hurts after crying.
“Okay,” He nods, “Hold tight,” and somehow, your fucking angel of a man picks you up off the floor and carries you to bed. He steps away only to grab you a glass of water and some Advil. You take it quietly, chugging the water before he sits on the bed next to you.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” You whisper, still upset, but so so grateful. He just smiles sadly and leans in to kiss you gently. Then, he pulls away to ask,
“How about I give you a quick back massage and then we get to bed? You must be tired. I know I am.” You sigh and nod, shifting so you’re laying on your stomach.
Matt leans down and kisses your shoulder before whispering, “I meant it you know. You made it out. You’re safe. You’re loved.”
And even without being a human lie detector like him, you can tell he’s telling the truth. It makes you cry more, but Matt stays to wipe the tears away. He’ll always stay. And he’ll always tell you as much when you need the reminder.
You’re safe.
You’re loved.
These words echo in your brain as you drift off to sleep, Matt holding you close, fingers tracing patterns into your skin as you fall into a dreamless sleep, focusing on the warmth that radiates off him.
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shadesslut · 1 year
Hi!! I have a suggestion for kinktober! Could you please write a fic about ethan and y/n being childhood bestfriends then taking eachothers virginities in college? Please make it very sweet and fluffy
𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 DAY 7
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Pairing: (Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader)
Content Includes: (Fluff, smut)
Main Masterlist
𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
Y/N could say her life was pretty good and she wouldn’t be lying. She had a good group of friends, enrolled in classes she actually liked, and was happy with herself. The only problem was that she was madly in love with her best friend of eight years. 
He was currently on his stomach as he watched a movie peacefully on her bed. She was at her desk working on homework. 
Ethan groaned for the umpteenth time, causing Y/N to roll her eyes. She spun around in her chair, stopping to be facing him. “What is it now?” 
Ethan rolled on his back, his arms sprawled out. He bent his head backwards to rest on the edge of the bed and looked at her. His curls bounced back as he pouted. “I’m bored. You said it’d take thirty minutes, not thirty hours.” He complained. 
“It’s been an hour.” 
“So you admit it’s been more than thirty minutes?” 
She dryly laughed before spinning back to her desk, earning a groan from Ethan. The truth was, she hadn’t got a single drop of work done. The whole time she had been texting a boy from her class, Greg. 
He sneakily walked over to her and peeked over her shoulder. His face dropped upon seeing her phone. Ethan looked at her sadly, but shook it off as he grabbed her phone. 
Ethan giggled mischievously as he held her phone in the air away from her. She pulled on his arm, but she knew he was ten times stronger than her. 
“Who’s Greg?” He cooed as he teased. He scrolled through the text thread. 
“Ethan give me my phone back!” She yelled as she clawed at Ethan’s chest. His stomach only bubbled with laughter as he held his free hand out to push her away. 
Opposite of what Ethan thought he’d find, Y/N was scared Ethan would see the texts from Greg giving Y/N advice on asking Ethan out. “Wow you’re sending him outfit ideas?” Y/N’s eyes widened as he teased further. “You never send me outfit ideas.”
“Ethan please,” she pleaded. 
Ethan only put on a faux smile as he continued to scroll. His thumb froze on the screen, and his smile faded. His eyes rolled over the words as his arm lowered, allowing Y/N to snatch her phone from him. 
She nervously looked to her phone, seeing Ethan stopped on the texts she didn’t want him to see. 
you won’t be happy until you tell him y/n
9:45 pm
I cant
Hes my best friend everything would go to shit
9:46 pm
Just give it a chance
Maybe he likes you!
9:48 pm
I doubt it
He’d probably hate me if he knew
9:51 pm
Her face turned warm as she read the messages, and Ethan stood still. “How could you think I could ever hate you?” Ethan asked smally. 
“Because it’s weird,” she slumped her shoulders, turning away from Ethan. Ethan placed his hand on her shoulder, and he tilted his head to look around her shoulder. 
“It’s not weird. I like you too.” Ethan smiled nervously. “I have for a while.” 
“Really?” She asked, finally turning to him. He nodded and placed his hand on her cheek. They looked at each other for a moment, and then she yanked on his collar, pulling him into a rough kiss. Ethan moaned softly as her lips moved against his. 
It was better than she could ever imagine. His lips were soft and felt as if they were molded to fit against hers. She snaked her hands up his chest, and Ethan’s hands went to her hips. He pulled her closer to his body, earning a gasp from her. 
He backed them up towards her bed, pulling her down with him as he sat on the edge of the bed. His cheeks glowed a light shade of red at their position. 
“Y/N,” He trailed off in a whisper. He played with the hem of her shirt as he looked down. 
“Yes?” She answered softly. 
He pecked her lips. “Are you a virgin?” 
She laughed slightly, and she ran her fingers through his curls. “You know I am.”
“I didn’t know. I thought you and that one boyfriend…” She shook her head. “Good. I-I wanna be your first. I wanna be the one that takes your virginity away. I wanna be the first one inside you.” Her face grew warm at his words. His hands slowly moved under her shirt, reaching to the waistband of her shorts. “I wanna be the first dick you ever feel stretch you, hell, the only dick. I’m all yours, and you’re only mine.” 
He ravished her neck with his lips, and his hand reached to her panties. He smiled against her neck as he felt how wet she was. 
“Y-You’re a virgin too, right?” Y/N asked. 
Ethan nodded as he pulled away. He stretched her with two fingers, slowly curling deep inside of her. She whined softly as her eyes closed. “Please, Eth, I need to feel you.” 
“You are feeling me, sweetheart.” 
She shook her head. “Need to feel your cock inside me, please.” 
He smirked, pulling his fingers out of her. He let her unzip his pants as he pulled her shirt over her head. His eyes froze on her tits, and he practically drooled. “Fuck,” He held her shorts and panties to the side with his fingers, and he pulled his cock out, teasing her entrance with his head. 
“Wait,” Y/N suddenly said, voice lacing with concern. Ethan immediately retracted his hand as his cock bounced against his stomach as he let go. “What if I’m not good enough for you?”
“Babe, I don’t know what I’m doing either. I think you should be a little more worried than me.” 
“I guess, but,”
“Nah,” Ethan cut her off. “I promise you, you will make me feel good. Even if you’re the worst at having sex,” she slapped at his arm playfully. “I will love every part of it. Because I love you, and I will feel all of you. And that’s enough for me.”
Y/N sweetly smiled at his words. “Okay, I’m ready.”
Ethan looked at her longingly, before continuing his previous actions. His head was barely in her entrance, his precum dripping into her hole. Slowly, he thrusted his hips, shoving half of his dick in her. She inhaled sharply at the pain of the stretch. Ethan stopped, letting her adjust to his size. It took everything in him not to throw her on her back and pound into her. But he knew he had to be patient, he needed to be slow for her. So she could feel good her first time too.
After a moment, he thrusted his hips upwards, going deeper inside of her. She gasped, but rolled her hips with him. Ethan shut his eyes as she clenched around him. 
“Fuck, fuck, wait,” Ethan whimpered, pausing his movements. Y/N froze in fear as she looked at him. Did she do something wrong? “I’m gonna cum soon, fuck.” 
She dryly chuckled and kissed his cheek. He nodded, and he started moving again. Knowing that he’d probably finish soon, she reached her hand down to start rubbing circles against her clit. Ethan’s eyes flicked down as he panted. He replaced her hand with his, and he used his free hand to grip her hip, moving her forwards and backwards against him. 
Soft moans and grunts came from the two of them. Both of their bodies moved against each other, sweaty skin slapping. Y/N felt it, felt her stomach heating up, twisting. She was making love for the first time, with the boy she loved, and she was actually going to finish. Ethan was getting close too. He bounced her on his cock as he whined, his fingers still rubbing her clit. 
First it was Y/N, she came around his cock, clenching tightly around him with her walls. Ethan jerked his hips, and his mouth parted open to groan loudly. 
“I love you, fuck, I love you so much.” He whined as he kissed her sloppily. He moved his hips again, stopping as he was all the way inside of her, cumming. She ran her fingers against his chest soothingly as he breathed heavily. “Did I, mm, did I do okay?”
She kissed him in response, sucking on his bottom lip. “Amazing.”
“By the way,” 
“Hmm?” Ethan hummed, his eyes gazing at her lips. 
“I love you too.”
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
nude model!gojo who honestly became a nude modeller for fun. the man already had a successful career as a cat walker, cataloguer and a social media influencer but it just wasn’t doing anything for him.
“satoru, i just dont think it’s worth the indecency to move down that career pathe. plus it’s just tacky.”
safe to say, that personal assistant was sacked! that was nude model!gojo’s trigger to pull away from the agency life and is now a freelancing nude model — yippee!
but unfortunately, nude model!gojo found out the hard way that freelancing wasn’t easy and that maybe he kinda underestimated the power of a pa scouting all those gigs for him. not very yippee at all. but not to threat! nude model!gojo has connections of his own — friends who owe him favours, models who looked up to him, fans who revered him! luckily, the first person nude model!gojo could think to turn to was his trusty best friend who also happened to be an excellent networker.
“you want me to find you a nude gig, right?”
your face glowers blue from the light of your laptop. your eyes peer over the top to watch at nude model!gojo who appeared to have no concern for a couch that wasn’t his own.
“yes. nothing catwalky or social media-y. that shit actually acquires work.” nude model!gojo groans.
“i hear it…” you continue tapping at your laptop but after a few minutes youre shaking your head.
“no luck?” nude model!gojo mumbles.
“there’s barely anything paid for this typa stuff. at this point you’re better off creating the content yourself to build a portfolio.” with a shrug you close your laptop screen.
sitting up, nude model!gojo suddenly has an enthusiastic spirit. something in you tells you that’s a bad reaction.
“then why don’t we make a portfolio now?!”
you sigh, because you somehow knew he’d suggest something along those lines, but anything to help a creative in need you guess.
backdrop out, lamp lights on and nude model!gojos walking around butt naked in your living room turned-studio.
“gojo, you can’t be bricked up for this typa shit.” you half sigh as you try and avert your eyes. now that you think about it, this was your first time seeing nude model!gojo in this light and youd be lying if you said you weren’t impressed.
with a huff, nude model!gojo sits down on the chair propped up between the lamplights and backdrop, manspreading as if he was fully clothed.
“hows that my fault?”
he grumbles but theres a glint in his blue pupils once he sees your wandering eyes that always seem to watch back at his curved cock. with a sly smile, nude model!gojo holds his member at the base and languidly strokes a hand up it as he watches your wanton reaction.
“well?!” he teases at you to gauge your attention. when your eyes meet his, he knows you’re both on the same page. “its not gonna go down on its own now, is it?”
nude model!gojo moans with his head backwards at the feeling of your mouth indulging around his cock. the soft wetness of your tongue and hollowed cheeks are so addictingly sweet that he cant help but buck upwards into you.
“oh…my love, you’re just perfect.”
nude model!gojo is even more enamoured once he realises that you dont even let your gag reflexes stop you from spatting up onto his cock, your saliva bubbly white and phlegmish as you the continue to fist the rest of his length.
“dont need no gig…” he moans as he ends up fucking your face. “you’re enough” is what he ends up garbling before he’s spilling down the length of your throat.
hes so pleased. so so pleased at your performance. nude model!gojo almost jokes that you should probably start a channel with him — give the audience something they dont even know they want yet.
“let’s focus on getting your portfolio done first.” you croak, as you wipe your lips with your palms but when you look up at nude model!gojo from your position on the floor, shivers run down your back.
“problem hasn’t been solved yet though.” nude model!gojo says as he sweetly taps his once again semi hard cock against the dip of your lips.
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lesbiamano · 4 months
the way i can see either enki, ragnvaldr, or cahara taking up the role of girl's parent/guardian EXCEPT d'arce,,, like ive tried but i feel like throughout the entire dungeon crawling experience she is too out of it to like be a proper parent figure to the girl. not to say she wouldnt take her in if she found her and protect her, i feel like she would, because its funny seeing her take in le'garde's child without knowing it. but either way she'd be too stuck in her own head and her want to reach le'garde as soon as possible/revive him that she wouldnt be able to give her the proper parental love im sure girl yearns for.
ragnvaldr used to have a child, he probably sees his kid in her, and he takes her in not just as some child he found that hed take care of until they got out or until she died, hed see her as HIS child and would truly care about protecting her and not letting anything come her way. she'd feel like a way to make up for the fact that he could not protect his own child and im sure that one day when he realizes shes the child of the man who ruined his life and family, it'll be extra painful.
for cahara, hes already expecting a child on the way, and so whats one more child to pick up and take home too? enough of cahara dying in the dungeon after girl ascends to godhood, he gets his treasure and gets out of there with her. he can give her and his newborn child the best life he possibly could, and i feel like hed definitely raise her as his own child, so his newborn gets an older sister. shes part of his family now!
for enki, hed begrudgingly take her along with him on his path to enlightenment. at first hes not really fond of her, but eventually, realizes he cant just let her go after he gets what he wants! i mean, gods, thats a waste of an assistant, right? as much as he hates admitting it, hes found some sort of fulfillment and contentment in teaching her spells and seeing her do them decently as she follows him around, and nosramus definitely wouldnt let him just sacrifice her or something. so he keeps her. and shes his child now, even though he only says shes his assistant/student.
but for d'arce, as much as i WANT to give her a happy ending where she gets out of the dungeon and live her life with her three weed smoking girlfriends, i feel like that just wouldnt happen. and even if she does care for the girl and keep her safe, its not the maternal sort of way that the girl probably desperately seeks, even if not specifically from d'arce, but from anyone. d'arce cannot stop and think that perhaps it would be better if she and the girl turned around and left the dungeon when she finally gets to le'garde and sees his corpse lying there. no. she absolutely loses her mind. she has to get le'garde back, he had so much left to do and she trusted that he knew what he was doing. and besides, shes never been one for the children. with the work she does as a knight, be it a knight of rondon or a knight with le'garde's group, settling and finding a partner and even having kids felt like a distant reality. even with le'garde, hes always been out of reach for her and she knew that she couldnt have something like this. she's committed to this. because if she does back out, where would she go? she abandoned the knights of rondon and her family for the sake of the knights of the midnight sun and for the sake of le'garde. she cant go back home. she cant give girl the life she deserves outside the dungeon. she digs le'garde out of his grave and lies in it for the sake of everything she chose to leave the life she knew for.
tldr. d'arce i will not allow you to have a happy ending
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cupiohearts · 7 months
I WISH YOU LOVE ! - reminiscing with gun.
(cant catch me now series). GUN VER. dg ver. goo ver
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they see you everywhere. james, jonggun, joongoo. they find bits and pieces of you lying around in their pockets, their houses and memories. it depends on which one it is which scene they see you in.
for GUN, he cant figure out for the life of anyone why they would wish someone that moved on in life the best of luck. he was a selfish man. when you disappeared from him, he mutters bitterly to himself wishing curses upon your name. the tear drops on the letter you wrote to him being the symbolism behind it all.
why would he want you to do well without him? why did you have to leave him?
did you not care as much as you said you did? he furrows his eyebrow. taking another drag out of his cigarette while he watches the stupid couple on the street pick out matching items for each other.
"jonggun! jonggun! look come here! hurry up!" you hiss at him as you press your face against the glass of a window. it was the pet adoption center. a calico cat taking a nap in the window as you cood at it.
that was the ugliest cat hes ever seen. it's eyes looked a bit too similar to the one you always give him when you want him to do something ridiculous for you.
"its cute" he gruffly says. you raise an eyebrow at him and made a face "youre a big fat liar. when we grow old with joongoo and james! we should all get a cat together!"
you giggle as you wiggled your finger at the cat. your breath fogging up the glass and when you pulled away he could see a slight bit of lipgloss- or lip tint- or whatever you were wearing on your lips that left it all glossy and shimmery left on the window.
he didnt say anything about it. he probably shouldve. you left the window dirty with your makeup. the same lips he imagined himself kissing from to time.
he thinks again. gun is a selfish man. when he read the letter you gave him, he thinks to himself for a far longer period of time than what he would appreciate.
he picks up the small camera you left behind in your apartment. he kept it with him for some reason. it was to keep videos and photos of yourself so he wont forget all of the times hes had with you.
"gun stop! stop! stop- what in the world happened here?!" your voice can be heard from behind the camera. the camera work a bit shaky as you walk closer to the restaurant.
there were a lot of bodies on the floor. a lot. "did you take them all down by yourself?" you ask him. you already knew the answer. he didnt need to respond but he did "yes"
you let out a deep sigh "this was supposed to be a cute video! you just ruined it. i wanted to send my mom and dad videos of me while im still here!"
you never sent it. he almost wished you did. so your parents knew what your friends were in korea. gangsters hanging out with the most.. sane one. sane is a strong word. hed think more like you were the glue.
you held everyone together, but at the same time. you were the one keeping them in the past.
that wasnt what he thought as he read your note though.
while he reading the shaky lines with splotchy text. the tears you left on the paper made it all crumbly and the words were hard to read.
he could only wish you the worst time without him. you better not be happier than you were with him. thats how you made him feel. he felt like the vines growing around the fence around you. his growth was hindered by the boundaries you had. if you werent there, he wouldve probably never grown in the first place, but you were also the reason he couldnt get better.
even as he read the lines 'jongun, you are the one who destroyed me the most.' he felt a small smile come to his face. he really is the most selfish person he knew.
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sooooo... im here. I DID THE SECONDPARTY YIPPEE 😋😋 is it messy idk
i havent proof read so im assuming its ok. if its ooc mb brother.
their personalities are hard to capture anyways live laufh love the lookism blondes <3 the hottest in the game frl
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zyhkoo · 3 months
little spark ☆ ー REGULUS BLACK X READER. chapter 1
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fluff, angst, regulus reunites with you, friends to lovers, co-parents
synopsis: with james and lily dead and sirius’s false conviction. regulus had escaped the death eaters with harry in his arms. his last resort was go to you, his former best friend and james’s sister. mlist
A/N: hi everyone! I hope you liked this :) feel free to ask to be in a taglist.
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It was a full moon tonight, Regulus was dragged by you to watch the night sky. James had tricked you into thinking that there was a meteor shower tonight, Regulus convinced you so hard that there wasn’t going to be one today but you were just so convinced that there was one.
Regulus looked at you, the moonlight reflected your skin and your hands held the railings. The cold wind blew in your (length) hair and you had your Gryffindor scarf wrapped around your neck. You were focused on the beautiful starry sky, waiting for the meteor shower that was probably not going to happen.
“This is stupid.” Regulus muttered behind you, you looked back with a smile. “Well if James was lying, we could do some star gazing.” Regulus walked towards you, he laid his arms against the railings.
“What do you plan for the future?” he asked.
The future, Regulus was not sure if he was prepared for anything. After graduating, then what? Will he continue to stay with his parents? Or follow his own path? Well, he doesn’t even know what he wanted. So what was the point?
Meanwhile you were tough and independent, you were everything Regulus wanted to be. You placed your cheek to your palm and faced him “Me? I want to be a performer.” you answered his question. Regulus was quite puzzled “..A performer?” you answered innocently “Yeah!” you placed your hands back in the railings.
Regulus paused for a moment, furrowing his gaze. “Well, if you had enough money to support you till you die. What are you going to do?” Regulus asked once again, but your answer remained the same “I’d still be a performer.”
He was baffled by her response “So all that freedom and you choose to perform for what? Is it your love for magic? Or are you trying to gain more recognition?” he questioned. You hummed “You can say that.” he noticed the change of your tone and cleared his throat.
“Sorry.” he murmured, you looked back at him with a soft expression. “It”s okay.” you replied. “I want to perform because, the look of happiness in someone’s face makes me feel so warm.
Regulus looked back at the night sky “If that’s what you wish then, why don’t you make yourself feel loved?” Regulus questioned.
“What about your happiness?”
You paused to think for a moment, “You have a point, you cant love someone if you cant love yourself.” Regulus nodded “Exactly.” He agreed. “It’s very easy to love others, but hard to love yourself.” He added with a sigh.
“Why do you ask this?” you asked. He was silent for a moment. He did not like talking about himself; but for some reason you made him say things he did not want to say.
“I do not find it simple loving myself. I am aware of my flaws and that does not make this process simple.” Regulus admitted quietly. “Maybe soon you will accept yourself. In my eyes you have great qualities.” you reassured, staring back at the beautiful sky. Regulus looked at you, a small tint of pink formed on his cheeks. He didn’t answer, why do you care anyway? This could be just some mindless baffling, but yet.. he can’t help but smile softly at your compliment.
“Reg! Look!” his smile disappeared and his jaw almost dropped down the floor. An actual meteor shower displayed at the night sky. “See, I told you.” you playfully elbowed his arm, he softly sighed “Yeah, yeah, you’re right.” he smiled.
That was in the past, this was the present. Three years have passed after Regulus graduated and it had not been so well. James and Lily has passed, leaving their son Harry to be orphaned. The godfather, Sirius convicted wrongly of their murder and as well as many others.
Though Sirius was the godfather, he was not the one chosen to raise Harry. Instead they chose Petunia because no one was able to find Y/N’s location. But Petunia had only abandoned the boy, leaving him in the orphanage.
Before Sirius was convicted, he asked one request from Regulus. To take Harry and raise him, Regulus had to choose between keeping his loyalty to the death eaters or take care of Harry.
Regulus chose to take care of Harry.
Regulus escaped the Death Eaters and fled to find Harry. At night, Regulus tracked down the orphanage Harry was in then secretly took him away from the muggles then attempted to find.. you.
He couldn’t just raise the boy on his own, it was a lot of responsibility. And since he was wanted by the death eaters, his head was practically on the line. You said that you wanted to leave your past in Hogwarts behind and start a new life, the reason for this was because you thought living amongst muggles would be a better life because you felt so isolated.
You did not told a single soul where you were going to settle from now on, but Regulus.
It was a cold and stormy night, Regulus was soaked. Regulus laid his head down to protect Harry from the rain. Before he left, Regulus tried to find letters that hinted on where you lived. It was a little difficult to navigate where you lived, but eventually he found a street you described.
Regulus opened the gate in your backyard, and rang your doorbell. “We are here.” Regulus whispered to the sleeping infant on his arms “We just.. have to wait.”
Regulus heard the door opened, he looked up to see you. You had a night gown with a jacket to warm you, you now had (length) hair and you grew a little taller. But your beautiful face never changed.
“Regulus?” your face was a mix of shock and fondness. “Y/N.” Regulus replied “I need help..” he pleaded.
His hands moved the cloth covering Harry’s face to show you what he was carrying. Your eyes widened, you moved closer to take a good look at him. You stammered a bit “What, Reg? Why do you have a baby with you? Is this yours?”
Regulus inhaled before he spoke, his shoulders dropping ever so slightly. He was tired, that much was evident. The bags under his eyes were dark and heavy, as if he hadn’t had a proper nights sleep in weeks. Raising an infant was no easy feat, and it was one Regulus had never been equipped to face.
"What makes you think it’s mine?” Regulus told you, he gestured for you to take the baby in his arms and you gladly accepted. You take a good look at him, his face looked familiar..
“Who’s baby is this Regulus?” you asked.
"That.." Regulus began, "That’s Harry." He murmured.
He hoped you wouldn’t ask how Harry arrived in his care. At the same time he was aching to tell you. But how could he? How could he tell you that the child’s parents were dead? James and Lily’s lives were over.
Your stomach dropped “What? Where's James and Lily?” you questioned. Regulus closed his eyes and inhaled through his nose, his shoulders falling as a heavy sigh left his lips.
"James and Lily are dead." He revealed quietly, opening his eyes to look up at you once more. His expression was laced with sorrow, an emotion you hadn’t thought possible from the man standing before you.
"I wasn’t going to tell you. But I can’t lie to you, N/N."
Your eyes clouded with pain. “How.. why” you looked at the small baby in your arms. And there it was. Regulus feared this question. He dreaded it more than anything.
"Voldemort," Regulus answered, "He’s the reason. He found out about a prophecy about a child that could end the war. He believed that child was Harry but, as you know James and Lily had just had their baby. He suspected it was Harry but.. there was no actual way of knowing for sure."
His lips pursed, his expression growing dark as he went on.
This was so much for you to take in, you did not want to cry. Not in this moment, you needed to be tough. “I’m sorry, I.. I don’t know how to take this in.” you apologized "Don’t say sorry." Regulus implored, tilting his head ever so slightly as he looked at you, "You don’t have to stay strong, Y/N. If you want to cry, then cry."
Regulus was never one to encourage emotional vulnerability, but with everything that had occurred? He’d say you had a good reason to. You forgot you were leaving Regulus freezing outside your doorstep.
“Merlin, I’m sorry. I was getting distracted, why won’t you come inside?”
Regulus nodded, "Or course, thank you.." He answered with a small smile, "I haven’t gotten much sleep lately. A cup of tea and good conversation would be nice." you returned a smile “Nice to see you again, Reggie. I missed my best friend.”
Regulus’ eyes widened a fraction as he was addressed by that nickname. He hadn’t been called that in a long while. But he couldn’t say he didn’t like it. Not when it came from you, anyway.
"It’s nice to be back, N/N." He responded with a faint smile of his own.
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lovlive · 5 months
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ midnight insomnia' - c.yj
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SYNOPSIS - its the middle of the night and you have 2 problems; no.1 you cant sleep, and no.2 you miss your boyfriend. PAIRING - choi yeonjun x f!reader GENRE - fluff, established relationship WARNINGS - reader is depicted with a pink colour, reader is called ‘baby’ and ‘girlfriend’, just yeonjun and y/n being really cute with eachother <3 requested from anon: hi! i dont think you've posted yet, maybe your busy or just dont know what to write about since your a new blog, but i want to put in a req.. could you do reader x yeonjun with the prompt “i can’t sleep, come to my bed” id actually die AAH im so curious what you could turn this into, thanks :}
notes: thanku sm for the req! yeah, i havent been writing yet since my brain was blank tbh i had no ideas for a fanfic in mind 😭😭 but now youve added fuel to my fire and ill try start writing more often :3 (and yes, the 127 in the fic was on purpose)
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The moon cast a soft glow through the small sliver between your curtains, painting the room in hues of silver. In the quiet of the night, you tossed and turned under your soft blanket, unable to find solace in slumber. As you battled with your insomnia, you just couldnt keep your mind off of one thing; Yeonjun. You couldnt stop thinking about the way he would hold you through these chilly early-spring nights, and how much you missed his warm body next to yours. At this point you’ve realised just how starved you were from him despite only seeing him a couple of days ago.
You gave up on your slumber, rolling like a log from one side of your bed to another to pick up your phone. The sharp glow from the screen hit your eyes, your face instinctively scrunching up since you werent used to the brightness. Your fingers lazily glided over to the message app icon, and then tapped on Yeonjun’s contact. The time at the side of the screen caught your eye, and your realised it was 1:27 AM. You were a little weary of texting your boyfriend at this late hour; you knew that he was probably tired after a long day of practicing and you didnt want to seem selfish or too clingy. But you shook off your bad feelings since you knew that Yeonjun wasnt the type to be able to fall asleep easily either. You began to type your messages…
“baby… ☹️”
As expected, Yeonjun was of course awake. Your one word messages were opened by him a minute later. He looked at the texts, a little confused on why you’d be texting him right now. Any how, he started typing back.
“y/n? why’re you still up. you better not be up to some weird shi 😐”
“jjunie, i cant sleep. come to my bed.”
“baby, its half 1 in the morning.”
“please..😔 i really cant sleep and i need sum1 by my side 😞”
“y/n you’re going to be the death of me... but what wouldnt i do for my beautiful girlfriend”
“ill be there in 5”
“yippee! 😇 i love you ❤️”
“love you more baby ❤️”
Your face lit up as your boyfriend agreed to come over. You immediately put your phone back on your side table and plugged it back into charging, then quickly tossed the dirty socks that were lying on your bedroom floor underneath your bed to appear a little tidier. After a little while, you could hear a quiet knock echo through your small apartment; your face lighting up once again. Your feet quickly brought you to your hallway, where you rummaged your drawer for your keys. Eventually finding them, you jammed the correct key into the keyhole, twisiting it and gently opening the door. As your boyfriend appears from behind the door, you immediately pull him into a hug, shutting the door behind him. “Whats up with you today?” He teases as he feels your arms lock around him tightly, wrapping his arms around your waist in response. “Just missed you baby.” You responded, taking in his soft scent which you missed badly. “Y/n, we just saw eachother a few days ago..” His chuckle landed right in your ear, warm breath brushing right up against your ear. The sensation of course did not fail to make you blush a little. “Yeah, but ‘just a few days ago’ feels like an eternity to me.” You whisper into his shoulder, finding comfort in just burrying your face in his shoulder and hiding from the world. You feel his hands come away from your waist and up to your back, rubbing small circles. “You really arent a patient person, are you? Now, lets get you to bed.” He whispers as he takes your hand in his and begins to lead you over to your bedroom. You obviously dont resist, and grip his hand back as you walk behind him. None of you made a sound as you walked to your bedroom. Both of your social batteries were drained from the long day you’ve survived today, and all you wanted to do was to hold eachother in peace as you tried to fall back into a slumber.
You walk into your bedroom, and Yeonjun leads you straight to your bed. He lets you crawl in and under the covers as he takes off his jacket and throws it onto the chair you have by your desk. He came just wearing his pajamas, since he knew all you were going to do together was snuggle and sleep. He climbs onto your bed, arms wrapping tightly around your body as your face hides in his chest. His hand runs through your soft hair in a consoling manner, trying to get you to feel more tired and sleepy. His hands work like magic, your eyes beginning to feel heavier by the minute. But before you fall asleep, you give his hand a gentle squeeze and manage to whisper a set of three familiar words.
“I love you.”
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sixosix · 1 year
could you please write a soft drabble where toge helps the reader sleep? (i mean sfw ofc <3) My babygirl needs more appreciation 😔 its okay if you cant i love your works thank you <3
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( a/n ) !!! toge req!!! dropped everything to write this, wc 700
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you’re not quite sure if you can cross this line.
you and toge have been closer these past few weeks, but does it warrant a free pass to his bedroom? probably not. definitely not. you wouldn’t march into nobara’s room without warning beforehand, and you’ve been friends with her for longer.
but maybe it’s different. maybe it’s because it’s toge and it’s why you aren’t as nervous as you’re supposed to be.
( or maybe it’s the lack of sleep catching up to you, blurring words together to the point where you can’t tell right from wrong. )
a moment of hesitation, then, knock knock.
“…toge?” you call out, pressing your forehead against his door. there are beats of silence before you hear the shuffling of feet and stumbling here and there.
and, finally, the door opens, with toge unused to the soft light, blinking slowly, eyes half-lidded.
“sorry,” you mumble, finding yourself entranced at the way strands of hair stick out from his head. “you were sleeping, i don’t know why i—”
a hand catches your wrist before you even think about turning away. “bonito flakes,” toge says, his voice sounding rougher than it usually is.
your neck prickles with heat. “it’s… nothing serious. i just… you know…”
he pulls you closer—in hopes of making you look at him, probably, but embarrassment creeps in, and you can’t bring yourself to look at him any longer.
toge whispers, as if sharing a secret, “tuna mayo.”
it should be a little funny that he’s trying to comfort you with rice ball ingredients, but all you can focus on is how your heart is pounding, his skin is warm against yours, and his voice—rarely there, rarely spoken—has never sounded sweeter.
you take a deep breath, staring at your intertwined hands. “i can’t sleep. i don’t know why, but i thought of going here.”
you feel toge shift. you look up, and he’s looking away. maybe it’s a trick of the soft moonlight, but his ears are a bit red.
toge gestures inside his room with his head, asking, “tuna?”
“you wouldn’t mind?”
“fish flakes.” he sounds almost offended that you even asked.
in the darkness, you two stumble into his room. toge kicks his door closed, still refusing to let go of your wrist, and you let him, realizing that you didn’t have to stand outside his room for five minutes overthinking.
he leads you to his bed. he sits there first, then shuffles to the other edge of it to pull you onto it.
you follow suit, and now you two are awkwardly pressed against each other, shoulder to shoulder. you’re stiff, unsure of what to do with yourself. toge makes a soft noise, and belatedly, you realize it’s a chuckle.
you can only hope he doesn’t feel your pulse when his fingers wrap around it.
two beats of hesitant silence later, you are lying in a much more comfortable position, your backs pressed against each other. you exhale, content; toge hums in agreement, shifting so his hand finds its way to lace itself around yours.
he seems to really like holding your hands.
perhaps knowing that someone is right there makes you feel more at ease than you were earlier in your own room. ( or, perhaps—and you didn’t want to think about this for too long—it’s because it’s toge. )
you don’t know how, but toge must’ve realized that you still aren’t sleeping and turns to the other side. he is a heavy breath away from mouthing your neck. don’t make it weird, you chant in your head, before you do the same; you’ll only make it weird if you think it is weird. don’t make it weird.
but looking at how the barely-there moonlight from his window reflects shadows and lights on his face, your breath hitches. you’re definitely making it weird.
“salmon,” toge whispers, shuffling closer.
you don’t know what he means by that this time, so you wordlessly pull closer in response.
toge smiles, pleased. you blink in confusion—disappointment—when he tugs his hand away from yours, only to find home in the back of your head.
you stare at him, wide awake, and toge is gazing back, eyes half-open. he’s looking at you like you’re something precious: fond and sweet. you’ve never felt more adored than when he has eyes on you.
his fingers start moving, carding through your hair. it feels nicer than you expected, and inumaki huffs a soft noise—a laugh again, you realize—when you nuzzle closer to him.
you have your eyes closed. toge inches closer. there’s warmth on your forehead; when toge pulls away, it disappears just as fast.
sleep comes easier this time. you wonder if there are other lines that toge is willing to cross with you.
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i wrote this in an hour forgive me if it’s written weirdly LOL <33 rbs and comments fuel me
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invertedheaven · 2 months
If You Really Love Nothing
chapter 4: its personal
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“So uh, about my brother he’s just… like that don’t take it personally” Yuji awkwardly laughs as he warns megumi about sukuna
He’s always been used to having to warn people about his brother because he knows he can be a bit… off putting to say the least. He understands megumi doesn’t want to hang out at his own house because apparently the niece you babysit is really annoying but he doesn’t think sukuna is any more pleasant to be around
Megumi cant find any words to say so he just nods his head in response. If this was any other person he really wouldn’t care but its the fact that he knows something he shouldn’t and he would be lying if he said he wasnt the least bit curious about sukuna.
Yuji hesitates as he unlocks his front door, he too knows something he shouldn’t and its an awkward moment of silence between the two boys. Megumi feels eyes on him as soon as they enter the place, the man he can only assume is sukuna, eyeing them as they take their shoes off. Sukuna is sat on the couch with the tv only becoming white noise with the clear interruption. Yuji thought his best option was to just walk past sukuna without introducing megumi but with the way he’s staring it probably wont be possible.
Yuji looks back at megumi and then nods in sukunas direction “fushiguro this is my brother, sukuna” megumi makes eye contact with said man and he feels his eyes slightly widen because airi is a carbon copy of this guy, aside from airi having your smile your genes put up absolutely no fight
Megumi clears his throat before introducing himself and adding “thank you for letting me come over” he swallows thickly after he says that because sukunas glare only grows worse and megumi swears he can feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up
Sukuna says nothing and turns his attention back to the tv and yuji motions for megumi to follow him to his room. Megumi wonders if sukuna has really always been like that because he cant imagine you stepping within 6 feet of that guy. He doesn’t linger too long on the thought because Yuji speaks up
“Thats just his face, I don’t think he’s capable of smiling” yuji jokes but also laughs uncomfortably because yes while sukunas face is usually one of disinterest he doesn’t usually glare that intensely without reason but yuji knows why he did. He debates whether or not he should mention to megumi that he thinks you and sukuna used to date but he decides against it because its not technically his business and he’s not even sure that megumi would know.
Megumi just shrugs “its fine, I didn’t take offense” and he’s not lying in fact, the only thing he’s thinking is that airi often glares like that (obviously not as threatening) whenever she’s forced to eat vegetables or when she has to go to bed and while he wants to laugh at the thought he keeps it to himself
Sukuna sat sulking, annoyed that someone related to gojo in any sense was in his home
He tells himself over and over that he doesn’t care about you or what you’re doing but the prospect that you’ve actually moved on— with gojo of all people, makes his blood boil. The truth he cant admit to himself or to you is that he regrets breaking up with you, at the time he was so sure that he didn’t want to be tied down anymore that he was wasting his youth in a relationship that he didn’t feel he could handle anymore.
You looked at him with a gleam in your eyes that he couldn’t bare to be in the line of sight of anymore because whenever he looked at you he couldn’t find it in himself to deny you of anything you asked for. He swore that's not who he was, and that he wasn’t made for the domesticity of it all.
It wasn’t always like that he felt he never knew peace or happiness like he felt when he was with you, he just had to start looking for excuses. As time went by it became harder to live up to the expectations you had for him, even if you never directly told him anything he could feel the way you wanted a life with him that he wasn’t emotionally capable of giving. He didn’t know how to keep loving you, not because of you specifically, it just wasn’t something he knew.
The first month after the breakup he swears he’s happy, that this is the life he was made for. No attachments or responsibilities, just sleeping around, drinking and gambling. He fools himself into believing it was fulfilling in a way a relationship wasn’t. A month turns into 2 and he finds himself at your apartment telling you to go out with him, one last time. He’d be lying if the state he saw you in didn’t pull at his heart— bags under your eyes, having lost a noticeable amount of weight and your smile wasn’t even present. Seeing you one last time was what he thought he wanted but having to leave you the next morning, as you clung to him in your sleep like you felt he’d be leaving he knew it was a mistake.
He doesn’t even notice he drifted off to sleep on the couch while his thoughts were filled with you. He only awakens a few hours later when he hears yuji and megumi come back down the stairs laughing at something as he sits up irritated that his sleep was interrupted
As Yuji leads megumi to the door megumi turns around before speaking “it was nice to meet you sukuna” it wasn’t but he knew if you were here you’d chew him out for not having proper manners as a guest
Sukuna still remains silent so yuji just ushers megumi out the door as he rolls his eyes at his brother. By the time yuji returns from walking megumi outside sukuna is fully awake and starting up dinner in the kitchen, which yuji has found the only thing his brother is for sure good at— cooking.
“Did that white haired bastard pick him up?” Sukuna speaks up
Yuji furrows his brows in annoyance “his name is gojo and no he didn’t, he just paid for a ride”
“Cause I don’t want that idiot knowing where I live” Sukuna mumbles
“Well it doesn’t even matter because gojo didn’t pick him up, he also doesn’t know I’m your brother” yuji responds none the wiser about the fact that everyone obviously knows each other
Sukuna just scoffs because he knows thats not true gojo may be a lot of things but that idiot was always observant
“I don’t want that kid coming over here anymore”
Yujis eyes widen not expecting that at all “what? why? He didn’t even do anything”
“Because I said so” sukuna replies like his word is final
And yuji is so angry and annoyed that he lets your name slip out of his mouth and he notices his brother stiffen up and turn around to look at him
“its because of her, huh?” Yuji asks quieter this time but as he sees the look in his brothers eyes an anger he hadnt expected to see from him. He regrets not thinking before he spoke
“What do you know” sukuna asks with a monotone voice like he’s trying to keep calm, he knows yuji met you but how does he know that’s the reason he doesn’t want the fushiguro kid around? as far as sukuna knows he’s never mentioned you to yuji
“Nothing” yuji decides thats a half truth so it should be enough
“Did she tell you about me”
“No, she doesn’t even know I know her” yuji responds irritated
Sukuna finds himself slightly disappointed though he doesn’t know why, maybe because if you knew he was back he expected you to be at his door asking to get back together. What’s even worse is the possibility that you already know because of gojos big mouth he was sure to mention the run in at his job and that pisses him off more that you haven’t even made an effort to search sukuna out.
“Hes gonna come around sukuna, whatever happened between you and her isn’t my problem” yuji says before he can stop himself
“Watch it brat” sukuna warns before agreeing to letting fushiguro come over even if he doesnt necessarily want him here, he can’t let you get to him like that
Megumi returns home feeling a little awkward having seen sukuna now, he wonders what you saw in the guy, yeah he wasn’t ugly but that personality sure was at least from what he saw.
You greet him as soon as he steps into the house, you’re cooking while airi colors at the table
“Hey megumi, how did yujis house go?” You ask but you didn’t turn to acknowledge him
“It was fine” he leaves it at that because he’s not entirely sure what to say if he can even say anything in front of airi
Airi gasps excitedly “gumi, come color with me!”
“No baby let him relax, maybe later” you respond on his behalf you feel bad cause you know his social battery is little to non existent
“After dinner sounds good to me airi” megumi half smiles as he walks by ruffling her hair before disappearing into his room, thankful you gave him an out
The rest of the evening went as smooth as it usually does, all 4 of you now sat at the table, megumi and airi coloring while satoru sorted through some paperwork he brought home for the weekend
You cleared your throat “so satoru… anything for your birthday this year?”
Airi heard ‘birthday’ and immediately perked up
Satoru began “I was wondering why you hadn’t bought that up yet, but no not that I can think of… I’m sure ill be working anyways”
You nod, satorus birthday was always a bit sad he never felt truly happy and you cant say you blamed him you speak up quieter “it’s still not til next month but the usual then?”
He nodded back “the usual”
For reasons you didn’t know but felt like you understood there was more to it, Satoru would always choose to go to the beach around his birthday even if it was freezing cold he insisted on just walking along the shore or parking in front of it. You feel bad in a sense that satoru didn’t have the youth he probably wanted and each birthday is a simple reminder that this is a future your past selves probably never saw. You joined him once while you were pregnant but after that it became harder considering airi was too young, so it became a thing for him to go by himself then all of you go out to eat and have his choice of dessert afterwards
“What are we doing?” Airi asked excitedly
“We’re gonna go out to eat to wherever toru chooses for his birthday” you responded
“When is his birthday”
“In December, thats still a little bit away” you know she doesn’t quite grasp months and weeks yet
Airi pouted and felt a little disappointed because if it wasnt “tomorrow” it simply wasn’t fast enough for her yet said nothing else
Satoru cut in “you can help me choose the dessert” he smiled at airi, she simply nodded in response
“And you megumi?” you ask
Megumi never really liked his birthday the older he got and neither you or satoru forced him to do anything, if he wanted to do nothing then that was up to him but you would always get him a cake
He stayed quiet for a few seconds before speaking up “um yeah I might hang out with yuji”
You and satoru glanced at each other thoroughly surprised megumi actually wants to celebrate his birthday
“That sounds nice! Im glad, do you have any ideas?” You didn’t wanna scare him out of it but you were curious, he just shook his head in response
You changed the subject “okay airi, its time for bed lets clean up”
Your daughter, ever the defiant just glared at you with great distaste to which megumi laughed briefly which made your daughter even more upset because she thought he was laughing at her
You glanced at megumi confused because he never acted like that before and he just looked at you and shook his head, waving the laugh off. Airi after much protest finally cleaned up and you helped her get changed and tucked her in. As soon as you came back megumi spoke up
“Sorry I wasnt laughing at her, its just…” he trailed off and you had a feeling you knew what he was gonna say after all he probably finally met sukuna so you give him a soft yet sad smile, so he decides that he can speak again
“They just look so much alike I was kind of taken aback when I first saw him, although he’s much more…” he decided not to say anything more cause he didn’t want to offend you
You laugh “I know he was probably rude, I’m sorry for that but don’t take it personally he’s just like that”
Megumis eyes widened before he let out a laugh of his own “yuji said the same thing, but I don’t know he really stared like he had a problem”
This prompted gojo to speak up who had been suspiciously quiet since the topic of sukuna came up “oops that might be my bad” he turned to megumi “I think sukuna remembers you, and if he didn’t he definitely saw you get into my car at the movies”
“I doubt he saw you satoru” you cut in
Gojo shook his head “No, he definitely did especially cause yuji yelled my name and yours from across the parking lot, not just that but-“ he cut himself off deciding against telling you about the job run in
“But what” you asked impatiently
“Relax, I didn’t do anything if that’s what you’re thinking, he was at my job the other day, we didn’t speak he was just there for business but its odd it happened after the movies”
You and megumi looked at each other the same look of worry on your faces
You groaned “I don't understand why he’s all of sudden everywhere”
3 weeks go by and you’ve worked out a system with the yuji issue, you find out when he’s coming for how long and you plan entirely around it. Taking airi out of the house opting not to spend extended amounts of time outside since the weather was colder, you didn’t like to risk her getting sick too much especially since she was so susceptible to it.
Megumi also goes over to yujis house mostly after school if he does cause its harder to hide airi on the weekdays. Megumi finds sukuna is hardly there and when he is he’s intent on ignoring megumi so it just resorts in awkward silence. Other than that, it was working much better than you could’ve imagined and it helped that yuji never really strayed outside of megumis room.
Theres been a few close calls where sometimes he comes out of the room the moment you come home with airi or forgetting to close airis door to her room. All small moments that seem to slip yujis attention, he chalks it up to you being busy with babysitting, and the kid laugh he hears sometimes is just more proof.
Seeing as airi was out of the house with satoru, megumi and yuji head downstairs for a snack
You speak up “hey megumi so any clue about your birthday yet?” You mainly asked because you’d like to get him a cake yet you’re not sure it would work out if he’d be busy
He nods “yeah I’m thinking bowling, we have a few other friends who’d probably come but I’m not sure thats a lot of people already”
Yuji laughs “it’s like 4 people Fushiguro that's not too bad”
“To you” megumi mumbled
You smiled to yourself “what about you yuji when’s your birthday?”
“March 20th, I know I want to go to the movies and eat a bunch afterwards though” he says proudly
And you know your face went pale and so did megumis, because airis birthday was March 21st. How they managed to be a day apart was some hideous trick of fate and yuji noticed both of you looking stunned
“Uh is that a bad day for you or…” yuji began
You laughed nervously “Oh no! Thats my best friends birthday, the one I baby sit for its just crazy”
Yuji furrowed his brow because he doesn’t think that required such a shocked reaction but he just shrugs it off “I guess, yeah thats cool though”
Megumi changes the subject “so next week for gojo right?”
You nod “yup, Saturday the usual”
“I wonder what dessert he’s gonna torture us with” megumi joked
“Oh is it gojos birthday too?” Yuji butted in
“Yeah Decembers a busy month for us” you smiled
Yuji felt a pang of sadness, he finds that you seem very kind and he wishes for family moments like this. Sure he has sukuna but he hardly counts and growing up he just had his grandfather, his parents having passed away shortly after he was born. It’s something that feels unfamiliar and out of reach for him
“I can imagine it must be fun though” Yuji doesn’t mean to sound as dejected as he does when he responds
You and Megumi glance at each other before changing the subject to the movie marathon they’ve been having, some scary movie series that in your opinion didn’t sound scary at all but you guess if its entertaining thats what matters.
Yuji leaves soon after and you're left with your heart feeling heavier than before because he truly seemed like a good kid and if things had been different you would've loved for airi to grow up around him
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