#i realize i no longer emphasize the dancer part of them as much
calixtegr · 2 years
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Born in Golmore, perfected in Thavnair 💃🏽
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patricedumonde · 11 months
Deep Dive: Maria Koshkaryova’s Debut as Gamzatti
21 October 2023 — Masha's debut as Gamzatti in La Bayadere was a shock to many, and for good reason. This role requires not just technical proficiency but also maturity, and heavy acting. To make things more interesting, she was side by side Ekaterina Krysanova who became principal in 2011 and Vladislav Lantratov who became principal in 2013. For a dancer who just graduated 4 months ago, this wasn't just a challenging task, it was also impossible.
That said, let's go through some scenes that could have easily been corrected prior to the debut.
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On the left, Maria Koshkaryova and on the right, Eleonora Sevenard.
This might be a hot take, but despite male dancers not being the center of attention in a pas de deux, I actually fully expect them to lead (Like in ballroom dancing.) In the movement above, I expected Vladislav to at least initiate eye-contact with Masha; this way, Masha would feel more comfortable to look at him as well. You'll notice the difference with the partnering of Elya. Instead of the movements looking hurried, you can see that there is a slight pause when they look at each other.
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Here, there is clearly a lack of blocking. Masha should have turned instead of shuffling back. This way she can 1. See where she should go and 2. Look confident in doing so. This was likely from a hasty preparation for the role. There's simply too many moving parts for her to learn.
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On the bright side, I thought her Italian fouettés were good. Excruciatingly slow, just how I like them! The fouettés, she played it safe by going with all single turns and honestly, I thought that was a smart decision. Incoming explanation on why.
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Falling off balance here wasn't an accident, it was a blunder. She went for the 2.5 turns instead of a clean 1.5 you see on the right side. The clip on the right is perfect. Good preparation, clear spot, and solid landing.
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One of the things I love about Gamzatti is that you can add a lot of embelishment to every movement. Maybe it comes with time and experience, but instead of just switching profiles here, Masha could have really emphasized more with her hands. Literally, a swish and flick could have added a lot.
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JUMPS. The height is there. The look to the audience on the second jump could have been held much longer. Most importantly, the arms should be more controlled. When Masha braces herself before each jump, it isn't clear if she's passing through first position or even at a bras bas. When there's too much change and lack of clarity with the arm movements, the jumps don't seem effortless.
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Here's a clip of Elya in the same part of the variation and she chose to be more consistent. (This is the part where the author realizes that she is a big fan of cleanliness and clarity which extends to her preference of risk-averse dancers)
Let's move on to arguably the hardest part, which is why I won't dwell on it too long. I will stand by my earlier statement, I cannot believe they would let her go against Ekaterina Krysanova, who is 20 years her senior. Especially in a confrontation scene like this, the disparity is palpable. Masha needed more confidence here and instead, it looked a bit apprehensive.
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On the left, she should have been more "in your face" and she should have invaded Ekaterina Krysanova's space a lot more. After the first arabesque, that must have been 2-3 feet, she should have approached much closer than that.
Throughout this scene, I felt that Masha's facial expression remained unchanged. At the beginning, Gamzatti should be more accusatory and by the end, she should be full on, taunting. In all fairness, I can somewhat see it in the movement.
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I saved this for last as it really stood out to me. The fall did not make sense. However, it would have made a lot more sense if she already came from a kneeling position! I would have preferred if she decided to beg on her knees, AND THEN fall in the manner that she did. It just seemed physically weird because of the way Ekaterina pushed her.
Honestly, this is all I am willing to go over. The first person to blame here would be whoever casted this. The second, maybe, would be her coach who agreed with that decision.
I see that the consensus here is that this debut is premature, and it is. Masha is a talented dancer. If you have seen her other debuts and felt that she was unprepared, surely it makes sense now, right? Imagine learning all those new roles on top of learning the entirety of Gamzatti's in La Bayadere.
C'est impossible.
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
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I had expected to speak with him some time, only, i had not known when. I would seek him out soon; it had been so long since we had spoken... The briefest of meetings in the house proper almost did not seem real...
Zael, my old friend... How much of a comfort it is, to know you are not only well, but here...
Zael Rehw-setlas knocked on the door, each rap hard but controlled. "Sv-- Eir, you in here?" he called out before opening the door to peek in. "Thought I'd stop by and see how you were doin'." Of course, as he entered, he carefully sidestepped the plants, trying to keep a decent distance...
Eir Fellfrost's attention immediately snaps to the door. Knocking was something of an omen, often reserved for guests he had not expected. At the sound of the handle, his breath his held... And slowly, released in a sigh of relief as Zael pulls into view. "--Zael! It is good to see you." His smile is genuine, returning the watering can to the shelf and hopping down to the sofa to better greet him. "...You have been well, i hope?"
Zael Rehw-setlas gave the Viera a bright smile, one that easily met his eyes as he still oh so carefully avoided the clearly well tended plants. "Well enough! Dealing with loose ends for the Maelstrom while I get ready to shift things to here, mostly. They aren't too happy but I don't really care," he laughed heartily, lofting a shrug. "Settling in well from your trip?"
Eir Fellfrost: "Most things have returned to relative normality, yes. Sayuri trains with the commander, i attend to my performances and whatever duties Mist asks of me... It is a peaceful life. Within reason." His smile is warm, only fading a little at the corners as it lingered. "Please, sit if you wish. It... has been too long. Our meeting in the house was all too brief." He reaches for an orange, sitting comfortably on the sofa, legs kicked up on the pillows.
Zael Rehw-setlas took a seat nearby his friend, breathing a sigh of relief once the plants were no longer in immediate danger of his presence. "So you're still actively performing? I'll have to come see sometime." He nodded once to emphasize his point, though as he made himself comfortable, there was a clear sense of tenseness to him, as though relaxing was a bit difficult. "I wonder if the commander would let me train, as well... once I'm part of the company, at least."
Eir Fellfrost, however, seems completely at ease; at ease enough to recline into the pillows as he pressed his thumb into the peel of the orange to open it. "Indeed i am. I still use the moniker i did back in Thavnair... If you managed to catch it. I... Do not know how much you learned of me, when... Trying to find me." Eir slowly shakes his head. "It is almost difficult to believe you had searched for so long..." A small pause, as he glances up from the fruit. "...I would not see why not. Though from my understanding, both she and Sayuri opt to train in Coerthas." A quiet half-pause that seemed to linger in the air a little too long. "---Or Garlemald."
Zael Rehw-setlas lofted a vague shrug, a chuckle following. "I caught a few things... enough to keep track of you for some time, if not a few paces too far behind. Sure put my tracking skills to shame," he laughed, leaning back against the couch with his arm hooked over the edge. He blinked at the following information before realization dawned. "That actually makes sense with their aether. Not my favorite weather, but it seems as though it suits them, at the very least." His eyes flickered brightly as he looked over his friend. "You seem healthy - I'm glad. Not that a professional dancer wouldn't be."
Eir Fellfrost: "...It does. They venture there often. I do not begrudge it, even if i do not go with her. It is better to keep her skills sharp, if she is to be on the battlefield as frequently as she is." A segment of orange is bitten into with a hum. "...As healthy as i can be. No complaints." He smiles, gazing over his friend. "What of... Yourself? I... Hope life has been kind to you, these past hundred or so cycles."
...I hope his life has been kinder to him than it has to me, on occasion, but... Suppose i cannot complain so much.
I have lived a happy life, within reason. With B’nhara, and Lilya... Their passing was sad, but not tragic. They were not taken from me any more cruelly than it could have been. Just... Time, and many cycles of love and laughter.
Even... In the military. Though the horrors i witnessed were many, there was kindness there still. Friends, and... People i cared for. It could have been so much worse.
And now, i have another place to call home. A quiet life, but i have never wished nor wanted for more. I have a humble duty i find peace with, and i perform for enjoyment and coin.
And i have Sayuri, without whom i am so unsure i would have found the peace that i did.
Zael Rehw-setlas took in just how calm Eir seemed, recalling his memories of the timid, flighty boy he used to be. Granted, that last part was still a current 'problem,' but he'd certainly seemed to have calmed in the presence of these people, which brought a smile to his face. "Eh, militant life isn't easy, but it's not like it's killing me. I'm just ready to be on land more than water... Sometimes I still feel as though the ground beneath my feet is swaying, no matter how long I've stood on solid ground."
Eir Fellfrost: "I... Can understand that. In... Places..." His hesitation was evident, gaze dropping to the fruit he'd busied himself with. "...I cannot say i have been on so many boats, and those i have set foot on have rarely been a good experience. I am glad you are opting to stay, Zael. A hundred cycles might pass, but... We are friends, still. Even if much has changed."
Eir Fellfrost: "...It is so strange to hear you speak Eorzean. But it is not unwelcome."
You beam with delight at Zael Rehw-setlas.
Zael Rehw-setlas only knew so much about what had happened... but sadly, not enough that he would understand fully. Still, he nodded, idly tapping on the wooden platform behind him. "Yeah, I can understand that... I'd sorta prepared myself to hear you speak it, considering how much you vocally hated the jungle. I didn't think you'd continue to speak our mothertongue all this time. At least we both seem to have a solid grasp of it now, rather than fumbling in the beginning... Imagine trying to talk then."
You laugh at Zael Rehw-setlas.
Eir Fellfrost: "---My pronounciation was terrible, then. But i learned all the same. From books, no less. But... Living out in the world, it was easy enough to pick up." Silver eyes meet Zael's own, a remorseful sort of curiosity lingering in them. "How... Long did you stay? After i had... Left." His head hangs slowly. "...I am still regretful of the manner we parted in. I... I hope you do not resent me too terribly for it."
Zael Rehw-setlas lightly scratched his jaw in thought at the question, though he didn't seem discomforted by it. His own once green eyes shone a pale gold now, almost seeming to hold a gentle glow. "Not long... maybe a couple of weeks? You were the only person I considered a real friend, so when you left... I really had nothing to stay for." Shaking his head, his smile remained. "I don't resent you. I wouldn't have come all this way all this time if I had, right? More than anything, I'm relieved."
Eir Fellfrost: "...You do not know the comfort it brings for me to hear that. I... I would have told you, but it... I...." He trails, as his voice quietens. "...I was afraid. I... I saw what they had done to the others. Those they had... Caught." A small lump is swallowed, only now noting the change in Zael's eyes. "...I did not leave alone, Zael. You... May have surmised."
Zael Rehw-setlas reached over and gave Eir's ankle a gentle, encouraging squeeze. "You don't need to apologize... What's done is done. Now is what matters, right?" He grinned, giving a single nod, though it shifted into a curious line at his friend's statement. "I had wondered, but I never knew for sure. The last few weeks of either of us being there were a bit... messy, it felt."
Eir Fellfrost: "I... I know i became distant. I wanted you to know, it was never because of you." Some comfort is found in the squeeze, a fleeting smile at his lips. "...A... Woman. She was lost in the jungle. I could not... Bring myself to hurt her. And instead, i sheltered her. Moons passed, and the thought of her being discovered by the others and subsequently killed, i... Could not bear it. The sun i asked you to watch my things, when i took off in the name of errands...? The sun i fled?"
Eir Fellfrost: "It was not solely for my dissatisfaction that i left. But for her safety."
Eir Fellfrost: "...We were wed, in the end."
Zael Rehw-setlas silently listened, taking in every bit of information as though committing it to memory were top priority... however, at the news of them being wed, he lofted a brow. "...Was it age that took her, or...?" he asked softly, almost timidly, as though he were afraid to hear the answer.
Eir Fellfrost: "...It was." Eir's voice is soft, bittersweet, almost. "...We lived a long and happy life. I regret not a moment of my time with her." He gazes to Zael, sighing quietly. "...Did... You find anyone so special, Zael?"
...A hundred cycles is such a long time, even for a Viera. I was not a happy man, when he knew me last. But Zael? He has always seemed upbeat about his lot in life. He shared many of my views, back in Golmore... But i never knew if it was enough for him to leave.
...I am glad, that it was.
Zael Rehw-setlas sighed in apparent relief, glad to know that his friend had found some happiness... even if it wasn't long lived. He shook his head, laughing softly. "Hard to when you're a sailor. I found someone I fancy... but she's seeing someone else. Nothing I can do about it, so I might as well not let it get to me, right?"
You smile weakly at Zael Rehw-setlas.
Eir Fellfrost: "...I suppose. That... Sounds a difficult situation. But suppose if she is happy, it... Should be enough?" The expression falls only a little, tearing the orange in half to offer part to Zael. "...I am lucky enough to have found Sayuri. Though we have known eachother but a cycle, she... She is... Special." Eir's dissatisfaction with his words is apparent, as it is followed by a small sigh.
Zael Rehw-setlas reached over to accept the orange, fiddling with it slightly before popping a slice into his mouth. Being a sailor seemed to affect his manners, as he spoke with his mouth full. "So long as she's safe, that's all I care about," he shrugged, shifting his attention back to his friend as he spoke. Another raised brow was given. "Sounds like you're conflicted about something," he nodded, leaning his cheekbone against his knuckles.
Eir Fellfrost: "...Special is not an adequate enough word. Not even close. So many words, so many books i have read, and still i cannot find anything that comes even close to describing her. I... I want to tell her. But... I do not know how." His head is slowly leaned to the pillow, as though quietly sulking, even as his silver gaze met with Zael's for the duration.
Zael Rehw-setlas watched him with interest as he poetically attempted to explain his affection for the woman, a near amused smirk on his lips. Still, he let the man finish before even attempting to talk. "I'm not really a master of this sort of thing... sounds like you love her, to me. Have you said that to her yet?"
Eir Fellfrost: "...I do love her. I love her dearly. I have told her every sun since the first time, and those words have never lost their lustre. But it is... Something... More than that." He struggles again, a somewhat frustrated sigh given from the pit of his throat.
Zael Rehw-setlas: "Do you want to spend the rest of her days with her?" he asked pointedly, wiggling his left hand, ring finger specifically.
Eir Fellfrost: "I---" Eir looks away sharply, colour rising to his cheeks. "---Yes." His answer isn't even a hesitation, and no sooner is his gaze diverted, it is brought back. "---You must not tell her, Zael. Not a -word-!"
---I could trust him with such a secret. I could!
...Even for all our time apart, it feels like mere moments, now. Whatever has happened to him in those many cycles has not warped him into a bitter man, and for that i am so... Glad.
...And it eases me, to be able to speak of this to him. I have others friends, of course i do. But Zael is... There is a comfort in such longlived loyalty when i speak with him.
Zael Rehw-setlas barked out an amused laugh, lifting both hands in defense. "I wouldn't dream of ruining such an important moment, don't worry. I take it you're struggling to figure out how?"
Eir Fellfrost: "...The particulars of it. I... I have the ring already. I have thought of so many places, and yet, none of them suffice. But the moment.... The words. It is easy enough to tell me to simply say how i feel, but my words, they... I... I am not so good with them, and less so with such... Pressure."
Zael Rehw-setlas reached up and lightly scratched at the base of his own ear before ruffling his hair, a thoughtful breath leaving him through his nose. "I'm probably worse with frilly words than you are... I wouldn't be much help there. Have you considered actions? You're a dancer, perhaps you can do something along those lines?"
Eir Fellfrost: "...Perhaps? I... Have not thought of that. Hm..." His head slowly cants to the other side, considering. "...That... Might be easier. I need not worry about stumbling over my words, if i do not speak them..."
You smile at Zael Rehw-setlas.
Eir Fellfrost: "...It is a good suggestion."
...How would one propose with a dance? I... Am sure there is a way, no? And if not, i can surely make one...
Zael Rehw-setlas beamed, seeming proud of himself. "Hopefully it's a lot easier! I can't say I know the woman, but surely she'd be happy to be proposed to in a way that was special to you. I feel bad for anyone I end up asking to marry me, with my thick skull." He chuckled, knocking on his temple.
Eir Fellfrost extends his foot to lightly push as a reprimand to Zael's leg. "---Why should you feel sorry? What person would persue someone across continents and time with nary a word for a -hundred cycles-, Zael? You are a kind man, and your loyalty knows no bounds. Do not speak ill of my friend, Zael!" His retort is delivered with a smirk, even with the seriousness of his tone.
Zael Rehw-setlas practically snorted at the chastising, grabbing hold of Eir's foot to hoist it up in the air, tilting the man back playfully. "I'm hardly a romantic, even if I'm loyal! I've bedded plenty of people but never once pursued someone sincerely. Who knows? Maybe I'll finally have time once I'm not in the Maelstrom."
Eir Fellfrost makes a face at Zael, lofting a brow as the foot is hoisted. Half tilted back, he doesn't seem to mind, especially, not since the cushions were comfortable on his head. "Perhaps you have just not met the right person. A battlefield is hardly the place, for..." His voice unknowingly trails, as his words seem to gutter out, before speaking again. "...And perhaps you will. Anyone should be happy to consider you their beloved."
...I hope he finds someone like that, some day. Someone kind.
Someone that will not hurt him. I...
...Perhaps i can understand, some, the actions of the Commander... Even if i do not condone them.
Zael Rehw-setlas couldn't just very well tell Eir that he'd once held feelings for the man, though in a sense, that wasn't really a battlefield regardless. "If it happens, it happens. I'm not... really all that concerned with it." Placing down Eir's foot, he sighed, kicking his legs up onto the couch just beside his friend. "I'm sure you noticed the eyes, yeah? The girl I like... I saved her life. She had too much light aether welled up inside, so I took some into my own body through some weird process. I'm like your friends, but instead of fire or ice... I'm also light. Just, probably not as concentrated as they all are."
Eir Fellfrost shuffles back up to sitting, comfortable for Zael sat beside him and allowing room for his legs. "...I noticed. They are... Paler." He leans in, as though to look a little closer. "...I... Cannot say i know the intricacies of such things well, save for a base understanding." Concern worries his brow, then. "How... Does it affect you? You... Are not in danger, are you?"
Zael Rehw-setlas smirked, shrugging. "I'm not sure how it works either... I just agreed to it. Remember when I said the Maelstrom ain't too happy that I'm quitting? It's almost impossible to mortally wound me because my natural healing abilities have improved so much from it. Their little super soldier -can't- leave, right?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "There haven't been many effects... though plants don't seem to like me."
Eir Fellfrost: "---They cannot stop you leaving, can they?" A note of almost defensiveness hit his tone, as he inclines his head sharply with a frown. "--So you... Cannot be wounded? Or, at least... You can, but you will recover. If i am understanding right?"
Zael Rehw-setlas: "I'd like to see them try," he smirked, finally reclining fully, allowing himself to relax properly. "I can be wounded, but I recover quickly. Barely any time to bleed... It's kinda handy, really. Especially with the dumb shit I tend to get into."
Eir Fellfrost: "...It is a comfort. At least when you go to fight, the likelihood of you returning is... High." This, however, does not stop the knit of his brow. "...Have you... Been wounded often, Zael...?"
...The thought of him fighting is a little frightening, but he will be well. Moreso, now i hear of his abilities...
...It will not stop me worrying, mind. I know this all too well.
Zael Rehw-setlas shrugged. "No more nor less than any other sailor, I think. Clearly nothing fatal, if that's what you're worried about." He patted his chest in show, signalling that he was hearty and hale. "Funny thing, though, is that my eyesight came back with the light aether's influence." He pointed at his scarred eye, while pale, matched the other.
Eir Fellfrost: "...You lost your sight?" Eir asks, intrigued. The furrowed brow doesn't move an ilm, peering up to better see where he gestured.
Zael Rehw-setlas: "Just the one eye," he assured Eir, smiling. "Early on in the Maelstrom, during a skirmish. Someone got me good... but it didn't bother me. Made me look cool, the ladies said." He scoffed again, crossing his arms as he chuckled. "Got a lot of scars over the years, but I'm still kickin'."
Eir Fellfrost: "I... Am glad to hear it. I am not without my own, as you can plainly see." Eir leans back with a small waver of a sigh, his torso littered with varying scars, new and old. "...Have you... Always fought? Since you left Golmore?" The curiosity was muted, but present. "...You were always far better than me. Not that it took terribly much to best -me-, of all people..."
Zael Rehw-setlas looked over the scars, though he didn't see them in a negative light - they were fights that were won, or at least survived. "For the most part, yeah, be it beasts or men. Depended on the situation and if it was necessary... Then, the Maelstrom happened, and I was paid to fight. Not... the worst living, but a living nontheless.”
Eir Fellfrost: "Not... The worst, no. Consider many beneath this roof do much the same." Another anxious pause, with a question on his lips. "...How... Did you come to fight for the Maelstrom?"
Zael Rehw-setlas hummed as he recalled back, his toe 'tapping' in the air. "Around the time they were first banding, they were looking for soldiers... I happened to be in the area at the time, so... being able bodied, no leads to where you had gone from there, and no job... it felt like a good idea at the time.”
Eir Fellfrost: "...It makes sense. It would be stable coin. And... You are good at fighting." He gives a small nod. "...I worked in the markets for various merchants, before dancing. In truth, dancing was more of a pasttime back then, even if i did garner the occasional performance. But here, in Eorzea, is where it has become my means of employment. Aside from the duties i have running messages, here."
Zael Rehw-setlas nodded, surprised to hear him working as a merchant, but a job was a job. "I can see you being a good messenger... You've always been quick on your feet, I'm sure you made communications easy for many." He gave Eir an encouraging smile, nodding once.
Eir Fellfrost: "...I... Did." Eir glances away. The smile was comforting, but Eir's features knit with guilt. "...It is a much kinder affair, here in Eorzea..."
...Better now i need not flee from the encroaching gunfire. That my recipients are alive to recieve my messages.
...That it no longer feels so... Life or death.
Zael Rehw-setlas nodded, having just been about to say something... but he blinked and placed a pair of fingers to his ear, listening in before rolling his eyes. "Speaking of..." he groaned, coming to a stand. "I gotta get going for a bit... but I'll be back to bother you eventually." He winked, grinning.
You smile at Zael Rehw-setlas.
Eir Fellfrost: "...I am hoping for it. Be well, yes?" A softer, warmer smile. "...It was good to see you."
Zael Rehw-setlas nodded, his own smile softening. "You, too."
...And it was. It was so good to see him, happy and well, even after so long. I only wished we had longer to speak with eachother, but... There will be time, yet. Hopefully not another hundred cycles...!
I do wonder for all that has happened to him, in our time apart...
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buckysgoldenheart · 4 years
Unexpectedly Bitten
Vampire!Henry Cavill x Reader
Summary: Your ex gets into some trouble with Vampires, and his mistakes lead the bloodsuckers back to you. After seeing you, one vampire gets a little attached and he’s taking his time deciding what he plans to do with you, but whatever it is, you’re not afraid. In fact, you might just be a little attached to him too.
Warnings: cursing, POORLY WRITTEN smut (Haven’t done it in forever!!!!), violence. (Count on spelling mistakes or repeating words too often. it’s very likely.)
Notes: Let me emphasize this: there is little rhyme or reason to the way this story is broken into parts. I did my best though, and I stuck to 7. I tried not to make each part too long.
This is a Vampire!Henry x Reader story where each chapter, while chronological, is a different conversation or event during the course of their evolving relationship. 
Words: 1643
Part 5: Forty-Eight Hours
Even days later, you couldn’t stop thinking of him, naked in front of you, looking at you the way he was. You couldn’t stop imaging what would’ve happened if he had kissed you, and you couldn’t ignore how much you wanted him to. But of course you wanted him to. When hadn’t you wanted him to? You were certainly ready for it the very night he dragged you to his home. It was embarrassing to admit, but if your kidnapper had kissed you right after tossing you in his bedroom, you never would have stopped him.
But kiss or not, the odd look he had on his face after he told you he could hear your heart beating, nagged at you. It was partial shock, you could tell, but you didn’t understand why. As stories told, Vampires could hear the hearts of humans whenever they wanted as some sort of tracking method, but Henry acted as if it were rare.
It had changed him immediately. Suddenly, it was like he knew your every thought--how much you wanted him in that moment—and decided to test you to see if you’d act. But…he wanted it too. He wanted you, until he pulled away and ordered you back to your room. And he hadn’t spoken to you since; only sent Chris to make sure you ate and slept like a good girl.
But this became the new irritation. You no longer cared for the answers to the questions you’d had since he brought you. You wanted the answer to the question you had now. How long did he think he could keep avoiding you? You would search the whole damn castle until you found him, but then you heard voices through a crack in one of the many doors.
“The plans did not change. He is coming, Henry, in two days. Two. We knew this was happening and now it’s time,” Chris said.
You dared a peek through the sliver of space the door allowed to see Chris leaning against a desk with his arms crossed, looking at Henry, who sat in a chair with his elbows braced on his knees and head in hands.
“Hell,” Chris continued. “We tricked her boyfriend into finding us offerings for this specific situation. Which we still have none of.”
“He wasn’t her boyfriend,” Henry said, looking up. “You know that.”
“Fine. Whatever. But Elias is to be here in forty-eight hours, and he will not take this well.”
“I’ll protect her.”
Chris groaned. “Henry—”
“I heard her heartbeat.”
Chris’s head jerked and his arms dropped to his sides, then there was a long pause. “That…How? That doesn’t…that doesn’t happen anymore. Humans don’t develop those kinds of feelings for us, Henry. Not with how things are these days. I know Y/N isn’t scared of us, but still--”
“I heard it, Chris,” Henry stressed. “It was unmistakable.”
The blond blew out a long breath and shook his head. “All the more reason to get her out of here, then,” Chris said. “I get it, ok, you know I do. You don’t want to let her go, but think clearly. If she’s here when he arrives and we refuse to hand her over, he will realize how you feel and break her.”
Henry’s head fell as he cracked one hands knuckles with the other. “…I know.”
“Then, fix this. Preferably before we’re all screwed.” Chris walked over to Henry and squeezed his shoulder. “I care about our little human too, Henry, but this is safest for us all.”
You took in a shaky breath, but it was just loud enough for the vampires to hear, and Chris was swinging the door open before you had another chance to inhale. He looked at you, then back at Henry, who appeared in the doorway alongside Chris a moment later.
“Chris…” Henry began. “Can you—”
“Yea,” He replied, giving you sympathetic look before disappearing down the hall.  
Henry took you by the hand and led you inside the office, shutting the door behind you. He eyed you up and down and then shook his head to himself with a sigh. “I’m taking you back.”
Your eyes widened. “What?”
“You don’t belong here,” He said. His voice was turning stony; hardened. He was building a wall to shove you away. “This was a mistake.”
“No.” You stepped back, pulling your hand out of his grasp.
“You can’t be here when he comes.”
“Why? What if I hide, or stay quiet, or—"
“Henry, I’m not scared of some big, bad vampire!” You all but stomped your foot in defiance.
“I’m scared!” He yelled. His voice boomed off the walls and rattled in your ears, its intensity matching the flare in his eyes. Your whole body seemed to jolt back as if the mere force of it could knock you off your feet. “He…” He began as he stepped closer, raising his hands to touch you but thought better of it and clenched his fists. “He will try to take you from me and drain you. If I refuse to give you up, he will snap your neck in front of me to make me suffer. Do you understand? I am not allowed to have you.”
“No.” Henry looked down, unable to watch the devastated look as it took hold in your eyes. “You are going back first thing in the morning.”
“Henry, please.” You put your hands on his cheeks to try to get him to look at you, but he remained stubborn. “I don’t want to go back. Don’t make me.”
“I don’t care what you want right now. You are--”
You leaned up and kissed him hard, just to get him to shut up, to stop him from saying the words that dared to break your heart. “Let me stay,” You whispered against his lips as you slid your hands over until they settled at the back of his neck.
“Lamb,” He muttered, still averting his gaze. He sounded tortured, but you couldn’t bring yourself to feel sorry for what you had done. You wanted to stay with him. You needed to stay with him, desperately, and that trumped all else. “Why’d you have to go and do that?”
“Let me stay…” You said again, giving him another quick peck. He wrapped his arms snuggly around your waist like a possessed man, pulling your bodies close, your chest to his.
His eyes remained closed, but his eyebrows pinched together as he touched his forehead to yours. “Fuck…I can hear it again.”
“Hear what?”
“Your heart.” With a light groan, Henry inched his head down to your chest and placed a kiss on the top of your left breast, then peppered a slow trail of kisses up to your neck. His lips sucking at the spot just under your ear forced a small cry to tear from your throat. It was the final piece he needed to fall off the edge. You both knew he wasn’t going to stop now, and you thanked even the Devil himself for weakening Henry’s composure.
His fingers traveled down your sides, and when they reached the hem of your dress, they sharply yanked the fabric up around your waist. You were lifted in his arms and whirled around until roughly placed on the cherry wood desk.
You separated your kiss to rip his shirt over his shoulders, and he dragged your underwear down your legs until he could toss them to the side, then he settled himself between your legs and grabbed under your knees to hike them up around his hips. One of your hands fisted in his short hair and pulled his lips back down to yours when you could no longer take the distance.
When you couldn’t reach the buckle of his belt, you groaned and tugged at the waist of his jeans until he stopped his kisses and looked down at you. “Off,” You said.
“Yes, Lamb,” He breathily chuckled and did as you asked, making your eyes go wide as his cock sprang free from any confines. As you gaped, he reached up and slid the straps of your dress down until it bunched at your waist, uncovering your breasts. “So perfect,” He whispered and kneaded them in his palms, running his thumbs over your nipples until they peaked for him.
“Kiss me,” You said.
“Anything you want,” He hummed and nudged his nose against yours before connecting your lips again. As he lined himself up with your entrance, you quivered in anticipation, unsure if you could take it. But he didn’t give you much of a chance to worry whether or not he would fit, stuffing himself deep inside of you before you could think and forcing stars at the back of your eyelids.
You moaned at the mix of pleasure and pain, biting his lip until you tasted his sweet blood, but he didn’t even flinch. He just kept kissing you, his blood smearing on your mouth the way your lipstick would on his until you were sure you looked like a vampire yourself, right after draining your latest victim.
Each thrust destroyed you entirely. You felt fulfilled in a way you never knew you could. You felt right, as if everything in your life prior to him inside of you had been wrong. Never before would you think something so ridiculous, that you could care less for the life you had solely because of a man. But this man was different. To you, he was more than a man. He was protective, yes, but he didn’t force his claim on you despite your willingness to give yourself over. You weren’t his human toy, and he didn’t want you to be. Because, to him, you were more, too. And you knew that now.
Tags:  @agniavateira​ @tumblenewby @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @summersong69​ @starlite13​ @mstgsmy​ @purplelove75​ @defffcc​ @the-soot-sprite​ @kissthatlifeaway @atomicpaperhairdouniversity​ @aquariuslavenderhoney​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @the-problem-of-leisure​ @jimmypagesandbrianmayshair​ @readermia​ @angelofthorr​ @itmejado​ @caro-jean​ @raven-black102​ @itty-bitty-dancer​ @grungeisntmything​ @wolfiepirate​ @scuzmonkie @heartfullofl @wanderlustkitkat @maan24​ @furievonalexandria​ @posiemax​ @sweetybuzz25​ @iamthetwickster
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wordsoflittlewisdom · 4 years
Watching bop again
I kinda forgot Cass was at the roller derby game. Love how all the characters are connected
Why does Roman’s voice...sound like that
Boss Bitch is weirdly nostalgic now
I like that the whole roller derby team is wearing like. team jackets. and harleys got her whole fringe sleeves thing going on
The chemical plant blowing up as fireworks was a very Harley choice
“So I’ll start where I fucking want” four minutes ago
huntress huntress huntress huntress huntress
I read somewhere that this huntress and Montoya scene was one take and they just changed the lighting to show the change
romans middle name being beauvais is probably the clearest clue they could have given that he was from a rich family
Love that Renee finds the necklace and knows Harley and the joker broke up. I like this idea that superheroes/villains are kinda like celebrities in this world
The egg sandwich scene is great what more can I say
Love that there’re cars and people just living their lives in this city
It’s a crime that we never see Harley wear this glittery fanny pack
The music is really good in this
It’s neat how the line between her narration and her dialogue is blurred, like how she’ll say the first part of something in narration and the second part in dialogue
Huntress’s little flute theme
And Montoya knows Cass; c o n n e c t i o n s
Montoya’s been going after Roman, too
And now we’re flipping back to the bertinelli massacre and diamond
Even if the whole missing diamond plot isn’t that unique, everything’s woven together so neatly
And now Dinah and Renee are on the phone about Cass and the diamond
It’s all connected
Harleys whole “I’m here to report a terrible crime”—she could have just run in there but she wanted to be Dramatic
I do wish the vocals were a little louder here maybe?
Big fan of this fight choreography
Harley pausing on a frame where she’s making a weird face before rewinding to explain about the diamond—it’s so rare to ever get to see women like. making weird faces in movies. All the women in his this are gorgeous but they don’t always have to be; they look beat up after fights and get dirty and make weird faces and it’s great
Dinah singing? Exceptional
“Loans, liquidity, laundering” ah yes the three L’s of illegal business
I unironically listen to Black Canary’s man’s world.
I like that everyone just calls Dinah “Canary”
“I’m all on my lonesome. It’s great” Harleys even an unreliable narrator when she’s just talking
I’ve really never seen a movie that feel like it’s from the female gaze visually as much as this one—all the rings and earrings, the hair, the makeup, it feels like what women might fantasize about dressing like
Dinah yelling “you motherfucker!” While beating some creeps up is quality
What time of day is it? Dinah would probably be leaving early in the morning, but I Refuse to believe that Roman would be awake particularly early any morning
She either canary is leaving her nightclub singing gig in the late morning/early afternoon or roman is still awake from the night before and is going to go to sleep soon
Cass and Dinah in the same building. (Bernie voice): I am once again talking about the connections
I’ve riffed on this before but i refuse to believe that Roman can drive
This Dinah and Renee scene establishes character, backstories, and moves the plot along all at once
Jesus some of ewan mcgregor’s acting in this is painfully bad
I love that Cass has a big bomber jacket and longer, looser shorts
Jurnee’s abs wow
The lights from behind the hands with the eyes behind Harley, who’s surrounded by people and then Roman and Victor emerge from the back, whispering to each other? Beautiful
One of the grievances roman has against Harley is “constantly interrupting him, like I’m doing right now”
Harleys “you’re really not as complicated as you think” bit is almost satirical of this cult we’ve created of “complicated” white male movie villains who have massive fan followings (cough cough joker)
Interesting that Roman holds the knife to Harleys face but hands it off to Victor to do that actual cutting
Someone handed Roman a bowl of popcorn
Harleys pocket tampon
It’s diamonds are a girls best friend yeah babey!
The male backup dancers are wearing muzzles/masks (Roman has one too for a split second) is an interesting flip on the way women are typically the ones being silenced, as well as Harleys desire to silence the men around her and be the one telling and controlling her own narrative
“Hey! you’re that singer no one listens to!” “Hey! You’re the asshole no one likes!”
Harley with her glitter gun
Harleys reaction when the sprinklers go off is perfect—Margot makes her feel like a living cartoon
This cell block fight scene is a showstopper
I like that cass doesn’t immediately want to stay with Harley. It gives her some agency in a story where she’s mostly just following the curveballs life throws her
Harleys little stare straight into the camera when cass admits to eating the diamond
Harley at the grocery store really emphasizes that she’s a total weirdo
I think I heard somewhere that the pic of child Harley with the nuns is a pic of young Margot??? Not totally sure though
Cass not knowing who the joker is goes with the whole supers are like celebrities thing—cass probably follows a whole different group of them (like how most kids follow different celebrities than their parents)
Huntress huntress huntresssss
“Give me number 32. Mild”
This kid in helenas flashback doesn’t really look like she’s grow up to look like Mary Elizabeth Winstead
This filming in this flashback has so much style
Helena practicing in the bathroom mirror with her drawing and her multiple bottles of travel mouthwash
We’re in the scene where Roman makes the girl dance on the table and oh god it’s so uncomfortable
No no no no no not this hate this
Alright that nightmare’s done
“and that’s why you should never pay federal income taxes”
Harley offering to bring cass to Roman after hearing doc say “business is business is interesting
Dinahs car is yellow because it’s...canary yellow
Roman putting on the mask is cool and all but he’s just gonna have to take it back off to get changed
This Harley vs Renee fight is fun because they keep mirroring each other—they’re fighting each other, but they’re really on the same side
The way the women all kind of circle each other at first and don’t immediately get along
Cass popping up with the gun also gives her some agency—she’s at the end of her rope with the diamond and being betrayed by Harley
The way Huntress sounds so uncertain when she says “...and now I’m done” Mary’s acting really popped off
Roman’s a bitch but I like his outfits
Helenas little smile when Harley says “you just killed his BFF”
I love how excited Harley is when they all agree to work together
Roman’s giving his little speech in the back of a pickup truck?
When all the guys turned around with masks on I got chills
“I love this chick she’s got rage issues.” “I DONT HAVE RAGE ISSUES”
Huntress stabbing the guy while going down the slide is peak cinema
This set lights up as the scene progresses and reveals more
I love love love that Helena is genuinely caring towards Cass and recognizing that children shouldn’t have to go through trauma like her
“When the fuck did she have time to do a shoe change?”
Forgot to mention this but it’s a stroke of genius for this place to be called the booby trap
Love me some canary cry
“Told ya she had a killer voice”
Harleys chase was a real group hurrah—the canary cry cleared the way and pushed her forward, Huntress towed her, Renee gave her the gun with one bullet
Cass and Roman are just sitting in the back seat. That must have been an awkward car ride
Cass pulling the gun away from Roman when he tries to shoot up at Harley when Harleys on top of the car is elite
Damn this is one foggy pier
When Harley starts with “your protection is based on the fact that people are scared of you” you expect her to say that it’s wrong or something but she says “I’m the one they should be scared of” this movie messed with tropes so much
That also includes the whole “one bullet” thing—Harley misses with her one bullet, and you don’t really know what’s gonna happen next
“I took your ring”
You can pinpoint exactly when Harley and Roman realize what Cass did
I’d put the entire taco scene here if I could
Renee moving the drink away from cass shows her caring side—she doesn’t want a kid to get into alcohol and make the mistakes she did
“Does she always talk like the cop in a bad eighties movie?”
Harley and Cass stealing the car is a fun way to show that she may be on the side of the good guys sometimes, but that doesn’t necessarily make her one
“Woman” by Kesha
Wow the outfits in this scene are iconic
I mean they are in the whole movie but I especially like these
Cass riding around with Harley and a hyena, wearing cute outfits and learning the ways of chaos
Harley got her sandwich!
The credit art for this movie is cool
Especially how they represent each character
In conclusion this is still my favorite movie
I know I’ve been kinda absent recently, but watching this again has really reminded me how much I love it. I got really busy but I’m going to Make An Effort to be a contributing member of the bop fandom again.
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hoodoo12 · 4 years
Stiffed (3/3)
Beetlejuice on a stage with a pole, stripping.
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OCs mentioned: @beetlebitchywitch​ ‘s Mal; @humanransome-note​ ‘s Niphera; @jeuchrit​ ‘s Ivan; @memedemonhours​ ‘s Lyra; @neitherworld​ ‘s Bambi; @clairjohnson​ ‘s Lamia; @vicunaburger​ ‘s Lollipop; @go-commander-kim​ ‘s Lorelai; @beetlewise-and-pennyjuice​ ‘s Zia; @turtlepated​ ‘s Evvie; @pennytrash​ ‘s Beatrix; @lazifyre​ ‘s Vivian; @strange-n-unbluusual​ ‘s Punkin; @texasblues​ ‘s Anais
Part 1 here, Part 2 here
Use the stage. That was easy, since the group with their eyes pinned to him was a literal circle around the edge of the elevated floor. Although at first unsure of himself and dismayed that he was put on display just for the measly excuse that he sometimes was a little short on cash, he did like attention and no one’s wandered. Not even Madame’s although she watched from a distance, allowing the girls to have the front row. This song was a long one, but he had been given no indication how long he was going to be required to stay up here. Slowly, he mapped out the breadth of the stage, learning where the spotlights hit more frequently and their patterns. They were multicolored and he marked which color was where. As he walked, his feet and hips moved of their own will to the music. Madame hadn’t been wrong; his ass was good for dancing. When he first swayed to the music, he earned a giggly round of praise. He saw a few of the girls elbow their neighbors, and more than one of them whispering to each other, even as their eyes were still locked on him. Grabbing the pole made the whispers stop temporarily, but he didn’t capitalize on it. He knew a tease was better than giving it all away at the beginning. The song was half over, and he hadn’t done anything but walk the stage. Casting a glance over to Madame Bouriseau and seeing her drop her chin like she was going to reprimand him, Beetlejuice took the hint and loosened his tie. That caught everyone’s attention. Quickly he thought back over what he’d seen strippers do and how they worked their audience . . . okay, so he’d never watched male strippers--much--but a slow reveal of skin was always more fun than an immediate disrobing. With that in mind, instead of taking it off completely, he left the knot loose and the tie hanging down his chest. His fingers working automatically, he undid the top buttons on his shirt as his lower half got more into the music. At least this song was explicit and almost like an instruction to guide his hips. He didn’t doubt it was a deliberate choice, maybe to make it slightly easier for him at the beginning. Each button pop lead to an increase in noise around him. Seeing that he had everyone’s rapt attention, Beetlejuice lost his reservations. He was being forced to dance for their enjoyment? Then he’d pay his tab in full. Maybe even put himself in the black. By the end of Nine Inch Nail’s telling everyone how he’d penetrate them, he’d found his groove. He hadn’t lost much of his clothing yet, just a teasing show of pale skin and suggestive thrusting that many watching him knew intimately. He was well warmed up for the next song to come up, “Horns” by Bryce Fox, and then to everyone’s delight, he did start dropping clothing. He tossed his jacket to Beatrix, who shook her head but smiled and wrapped it over her shoulders. There was no sexy way to get rid of his shoes or socks, so he called Vivian and Lyra closer. He actually sat down on the edge of the stage and paid them direct attention as they unlaced his shoes and stripped him of them and his socks themselves; he figured the rule of “no touching” was negated when he got a bouncer to be the one to do it. As a reward, he kissed them both lightly, teasingly, as he got back to his feet and resumed. A song sung in Russian--courtesy of Ivan? Beetlejuice wasn’t sure who was selecting the music--came up, and he used the rhythm of it to extract himself from his shirt. He may not have the build of a typical dancer, but this reveal made all them laugh and cheer. To his surprise, Lorelai whistled and held up a bill in her fist. Zia, who’d come out from behind the bar to join the crowd, laughed and held up her own money. Emboldened, Beetlejuice dropped to his hands and knees and took their money with his teeth. Back on his feet, he shoved the paper money into his pants, earning more cheers. Suddenly more people were offering him bills. “Poison” from Alice Cooper came on, and that was good enough to move sensually, making sure to make eye contact with each and every one of them, and start to get rid of the rest of this pesky clothing. His belt was gone, each jerk through the belt loops in his trousers emphasized with the beat of the music, and by the time he popped the button on his fly, the next song-- “Army of Me”, by Bjork--started, his hand was on his zipper. When he paused, he felt someone shove their hand into his back pocket. Running his hand over his own ass, he came away with more money. Evvie winked at him and he spun into a crouch, planting a kiss on her too. This song was slower, which helped with this big reveal. Unlike Madame’s prediction up in her office, he was wearing underwear tonight. Nothing fancy and more grimy than not, but he hadn’t had time to prepare. They were going to get what they got. Making sure they were all watching closely, Beetlejuice undid his zipper, and took an inordinate amount of time shimmying out of his pants, deliberately bending over and making eye contact with as many of his audience as he could. They all waited with bated breath, their hands still in the air but not vying for his attention at the moment. Then, with every eye in the place riveted to him, he dropped his pants and kicked them over the ring of girls around the stage. Anias had to duck but shrieked in laughter. The roar that went up was worth it. Beetlejuice continued his circuit, feeling pumped up, allowing his audience to run their hands over his legs and chest and ass. More random money was shoved into his briefs. Dancing was hardly a term for what he was doing, but that didn’t seem to matter. He just found whatever beat from whatever song was playing--”Hourglass” by Set it Off, “Girly” by the Refreshments--and let it guide him. When he slowed for a moment, letting his hips move in half time, someone shouted over the noise, “What about that pole?” It sounded like Lamia. “This pole?” he replied, grabbing his crotch, to everyone’s ultimate delight. He caught her eye, and with a cheeky grin went to the pole she actually meant, standing astride it and running his hands over it like it as a substitution for what was in his underwear. A much thicker, shinier substitution. The music from one song was blending to another and although he stroked the pole, he waited until he knew what he was working with before moving more than that. “You Spin Me”. But harder than the original. Perfect; he couldn’t have asked for better. He grinned and blew a kiss to Lamia, then mounted the pole. That earned him the wildest cheer and encouragement yet. Graceful, no, but enthusiasm played better for his crowd. He hadn’t realized what strength it took to use the prop, and before he knew it his arms were shaking. A thin silk cloth fluttered to the stage and he took a moment’s break to wipe his hands. Looking upward, he caught Xanthe’s eye and realized she’d been watching the show from a different vantage point. He tied the silk around his waist. Before going back to the pole, he walked the edge of the stage again, letting the colored lights play over him. The girls made rude suggestions and that made him laugh. More bills were slipped under the silk and into his underwear, and more than one hand fondled his junk or ass. In fact, he spun to the girls nearest him--Lollipop and Punkin--and offered them his hands. “Come up?” With quick shrugs and squeals, they did. Then he offered the same invitation to all of them, assisting them up if they weren’t close to the stairs. Anais he caught by the waist and lifted her up onto the stage; she shrieked in laughter and squeezed his upper arms as he moved her, He extended hands even to Zia, Niphera, and Ivan. Dante’s barkeeps hesitated, then joined the group on stage. The bouncer stayed on the floor with his arms crossed, although he looked amused. Beetlejuice waded through the group to the edge of the raised floor and gave Madame a saucy smirk and an eyebrow raise that invited plenty. She declined taking his outstretched hand and stepping up with a shake of her head, but smiled as well. By the time he’d frowned his disappointment the stage was full of laughing dancers he had been tasked to entertain. Hands roamed over him. Bodies pressed against him. He touched and squeezed and ground back. Maybe this was supposed to be some kind of lesson, but it was starting to feel more like a reward. A song about snakes came up and the used that to his advantage, moving sensually through the crowd of them, making contact with as many of them as possible. When it finally stopped, a single pair of hands clapped for the group. “I think he’s paid you back,” Madame Bouriseau announced to them. She was met with groans of dismay and that maybe he hadn’t quite yet. She smiled indulgently. “He’s danced for forty minutes,” she replied, because of course she’d kept track of something as mundane as that, “and that’s longer than a standard set for any of you.” There was nothing to do but agree. Slowly they exited off the stage. They all got a moment’s personal attention, and it was Mal who helped him off the stairs so she could return to the pole herself. 
Ivan had collected his discarded clothing and escorted him back to Madame. With one arm holding his balled up clothing, he picked bills out of his underwear with the other hand as he went. “You’ll return all that to the girls,” she informed him. Beetlejuice glanced up at her, about to argue. Then he shut his mouth with a snap. “Perhaps if you’d like to earn your own money, we can find a time for you to return and dance for real customers. That might go over very well! I’m sure we can design a costume that riffs on your favorite suit.” As if a concerned mother, she straightened his tie, which had never come off. “You did well up there, Lawrence,” she praised. “If you’d like, we can retire to my private quarters for the evening. You deserve a little pampering after all that, I believe.” She didn’t often extend an offer like that to him. He usually spent time behind closed doors with one of the girls, and that was fine. But tonight was unique-- “|Yeah. I’d like that,” he replied. With a smile, Madame led him by his tie through the club and back up the stairs. 
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
Can you reveal any more background about Quinn? Hobbies, music taste, childhood etc? Or are you planing to cover these in a fic?
Yes, absolutely! I feel like you guys should know that if you ask for information about a cricket (or an honorary one), I’ll provide it no matter what. Because the thing is: the well of information is bottomless.
If you want Quinn facts part one, from a previous ask, click here! And here’s part two, which is mostly about how he’s from Michigan. Now let us commence Quinn facts part three.
- I forgot to tell you his full name last time. It’s Quinn Michael Cooper.
- We’ve established that he uses ASL (American Sign Language), but something I didn’t mention in the last post that has since become a thing is that every time he greets somebody he’s never met before, he signs hello at the same time he says it. It kind of looks like a salute. He does it just in case somebody else is deaf and knows ASL. And yes, this means that when he meets Nando at that Halloween party, he signs hello. Nando definitely doesn’t pick up on it in the moment, but remembers it later when he starts to realize that’s something he does all the time.
- His hearing loss has definitely gotten worse as he’s gotten older. It’s congenital, so he was born with it, but it’s also been progressive, so he was able to learn early speech patterns before it started to get so bad that he could no longer comprehend speech. He can’t pick up any sound now without his hearing aids in. He’ll tend to turn them off/take them out when he’s not in an environment that necessitates communication. So like, if he’s alone in his room, just chilling, he doesn’t have them on. (Remember that whiteboard on his door from the screw fic? He’ll write, like, if you knock, I’m not ignoring you; I just can’t hear you! and probably leave his phone number.)
- Anyway. I know I keep going on about Quinn’s Deafness, but it’s because I always have a soft spot for differently-abled rep.
- Let’s move on. We sort of did the whole “Quinn’s tragic backstory” thing in parts one and two, but as a general note: he grew up without a support system. He and his sister are close, mostly because they had to be to survive growing up, but he does make the active choice to go away to college while she’s still in high school. I want to emphasize, by the way, that Quinn wasn’t going to leave unless his sister told him it was okay.
- He dresses really nicely, but he makes a lot of his clothes, because there’s no way he’d be able to afford to dress like that otherwise. I think you could say he learned to sew and knit more out of necessity than boredom.
- His scarves hang in a nice, color-coordinated rainbow on a coat hanger in his closet.
- Theatre is his biggest hobby. He’s been doing it since elementary school productions, and he’s very much been self-sufficient in that regard, walking himself to and from school and other rehearsal venues because no one is bothering to drive him. He latches onto theatre so much firstly because he’s very good at it, and secondly because it’s an escape.
- If anybody wants to talk to me about Quinn as Evan Hansen, AKA the greatest thing to ever happen, HMU.
- He’s your typical triple threat. I think his best is singing, but dancing and acting come a close second. He’ll do non-musical shows, but musicals are where his heart is.
- As an extension of that, by the way, he’s a very good dancer in general, and even though he never, like, took dance classes on their own, he’s efficient at choreography and it shows.
- And… he’s extremely flexible?? For that reason? He can bend over and his nose will hit his knees.
- If you think this is a cause of some Strong Feelings for Nando, you are absolutely right, but let’s save that for later, shall we? :)
- As for music taste, remember how @hockeysometimes made this post with playlists for the main three crickets? She’s making a Quinn playlist, so: coming soon! I’ll make sure you guys know when it goes up.
- I think I mentioned last time that he’s pre-med, but I haven’t yet shared with y’all that he wants to be a pediatrician. Quinn loves children. He’s very good with them, too. When he goes home for the summers, he runs youth theatre programs at his local auditorium.
- He’s a tea person.
- Also a cat person. He really wants a cat. He tries to convince Nando help him adopt a kitten and sneak it into his room. Sebastián, think about it! I have a single, so no one will know! I can set up a scratching post and keep canned food in my room, and—
I think that might be all for now, but my ask box is always open! Thank you very much for enabling me to ramble some more about this proper, prissy scarf boy.
Ask me anything about the crickets & company!
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bxoken-heartss · 4 years
A/N: Hey everyone! So this is part 2 of the Harry Oneshot I posted. Sorry for the long wait Mamita and hope you enjoy it!
WOrds: 2000+
Warnings: Cringe?
Genre: Cute, Fluff.
Pairings: Harry x Samantha (@papichriscnco)
Samantha’s P.O.V:
I woke up to the loud tapping (more like thundering) at my bedroom door. lazily open my eyes and before I can utter a quiet ‘Come in’ the door flew open as I jerked up and sat on the bed in shock.
“Wake up you lil shit…” yells a voice as I shielded my poor ears
“Well hello to you too loser….Now leave me alone Stella…. You’re just too annoying..” (I’m a bit of a conceited jerk..Forgive me) I reply as I rub my eyes stretching my arms up a bit
I absolutely hated being disturbed in my sleep..
“Okay DArLin’…You can sleep and I’ll tell of your BOYFRIEND to leave you alone…” Stella says as she smirks emphasizing on boyfriend
Shit…So all that confession wasn’t a dream! I mentally thanked the guts I had gotten a week ago.
Things turned out pretty good for us.. Our parents were more than Happy (at least mum was…Dad looked a bit protective…but eventually agreed)
Yesterday at Dinner he had asked me if we could go on a date..And I obviously agreed…cause why nOt??
But it wasn’t any date…It was my FIRST date…That’s why it bothered me so much…
“No! Oh my goodness! I can’t believe I slept through! I just thought I’d rest my eyes for a while…”
“If I were you I’d keep myself busy with something else…Cos’ I wouldn’t trust myself..”
“Ha.Ha.Ha…So funny Stel..Sometimes I wonder if you’re my best friend or my rival.” I reply as I get off my bed
“Your best friend definitely..or wait…I’m your savior…You would have slept through and kept Harry waiting.Thank Me!” Stella remarks as she shoves a towel and a lot more things into my arms as she pushed me into my washroom.
“Freshen up quickly!! We can’t waste anymore time..QUICK!” Stella yells as I lock the bathroom door.
I asked for a best friend…not a god damn mother or a loud speaker. I wish there was a volume controller in her or something. Don’t mind me.. I’m just grumpy I didn’t get enough sleep.
                                                      ~ ~ ~
“Aha! Looking Fresh and Gorgeous Sammie!” Stella remarks as I walk out of the bathroom in a bathrobe
“Okay…Now what do I wear? What hairstyle do I do? What shoes do I wear? What nail polish do I wea- -” I begin rambling,my anxiety kicking in as soon as realization sinks into me
“Done, done and done…” Stella remarks as she points at all my requirements for the night
“Oh my! Stel…You’re just…” I begun
“Amazing, Awesome, fantastic…I know!” Stella finishes off as she does a sashayed her hair
“You’re a lifesaver!” I reply gratefully
“Yeah yeah…I know…Now go change into these and I’ll help you with your hair…”
“Okay sure…” I reply as I go back to the bathroom to change into the dress she had given me.
                                                      ~ ~ ~
“Umm…Stel…Why am I wearing this again?” I ask her staring at my own reflection in boredom
“Let’s just say I know Harry..And he wouldn’t like anything fancy..so maybe a picnic or maybe a I don’t know..some cozy place…Nothing fancy.” Stella replies as she does my hair
“So…did he tell you something about the date?” I ask her hopefully
“I may or may not have helped him.” Stella replies as she smiles smugly
“Come on Traitor…Spill the details..” I threatened
“Oh come on… It’s a surprise darlin’.. and Harry would probably sue me if I did to…so ehh…Can’t do..” She replies merely shrugging
“At least give me a hint…” I insist
“It’s a Date…Ta daa!!!” Stella replies stupidly yet with pride.
“That’s downRighT obvious!!” I reply rolling my eyes
“Come on Sammie!! Just waittt a bit longer… It’ll be worth it..”
“I remember you texted me the day I confessed…At midnight or something.. how did you know I did…?”
“You told me you were going to confess and besides I was there spying on you…”
“You were what??” I asked surprised
“Ah…What? I said nothing! Did I??” She asks nervously looking away
“You were there??”
“Duh! I had to check if you messed up or not…If you did, then I had to obviously butt in and make sure you don’t mess..Somehow you had gotten the guts and nope! No you couldn’t mess up so as a supportive caring respectful bestie- -” Stella begins
“You DeCiDe to SpY on ME and HARRY?!?” I ask as I wear my sneakers
“Tsk..Tsk…you make it sound so stalker- ish…I was just observing to make sure nothing went wrong.. That’s all..” Stella replies as she folds her arms
“Okay okay..Thank you I guess?” I reply
                                             ~ ~ ~
We began talking about abSoLuTe nonsense trying to pass time and it was considerably working. Suddenly I hear the doorbell ring.
“Go get it!!” Stella ushered me as she practically shoved me off the couch
I quickly hurry up and open the door only to reveal Harry standing in front of me, looking as perfect as usual
“Hey…Manna…” He breathes out surprised as he continues “You look.. Beautiful..I mean you always do..But I don’t know..you look even better today..” Harry says as he hands me a box of chocolates…not just any chocolates..my favourite chocolates.
“Haz…You didn’t have to..” I reply as he leans down and pecks my lips
“PDA!!! MY EYES ARE BLEEDING!” Stella says as she shields her eyes
“Sorry that you don’t have a boyfriend Stella…”
“At least I had the guts to go and confess and not waiting for my crush to confess because I was too scared, eh Styles?” Stella remarks proudly as Harry stayed silent
“Oh will you stop harassing my boyfriend for heaven sake Stel.” I reply rolling my eyes playfully as I handed Stella the chocolates “Keep them somewhere…”
“No promises Sammie!! Well you kids have fun..but not too much FuN…” Stella replies as she shuts the door.
We both walk over towards Harry’s car…He being the obvious gentleman he was opens my door for me as I smile gratefully at him..
The ride was comfortable and quick too.
“Where are we going Haz?”
“It’s a surprise! Did Stella tell you about it already? As you already looked rightly dressed for the venue..”
“She just gave the clothes to me..No explanation..”
“Thank goodness…I thought she’d ruin it.”
“She didn’t…” I reply
                                               ~ ~ ~
Harry parks the car and gets out, opening the door for me again as I took a hold of his extended hand..He locks the car and guides me towards the venue linking each of our arms’ together.
“Hey…Could I blindfold you? I want this to stay a surprise!” Harry admits a bit nervously
“Oh okay! Sure.” I reply as Harry ties a blindfold around my eyes restricting my vision as he holds my hand, guiding me through.
                                                    ~ ~ ~
“Where are we going Haz?” I ask within like two minutes of blindfolded walking
“Well…we’re…We’re here…” Harry replies excitedly as he removes my blindfold
I let my eyes adjust to the lighting. It was an ice skating rink arena sort of things, a few couples skating around.
“Surprise? I thought…this would be nice…” Harry says as he looks at me
My face just looked absolutely surprised as I gaped at the ice skating rink. Probably one of the biggest ones I’ve ever seen
“D- -do- -err..do you l- -ike it?” Harry asks nervously
“Haz!! I love it!!! This is absolutely amazing!” I reply hugging him
“Now let’s go get our skates and we’ll be all set to go…” Harry says as he takes my arm
                                                 ~ ~ ~
“How are these?” Harry asks showing me a pair of ice skates as I tried them on
“Too loose…” I reply as I remove them
“These?” He asks
“Too highlighter ish Haz…My eyes!” I reply as he softly giggles
“This one?” He asks handing me a pair of ice skates
“Perfect!” I reply as I put them on
                                                  ~ ~ ~
You make it look effortless Haz..“ I say as I skate beside him
“Oh come on babe…You are a natural.. I’m just awestruck by how terrific you are at this..” Harry says as he hold my hand spinning me around…
“I really like this a lot…I hope you realize that.” I say as I spin around  and stop.
The laces of my ice skates come off. Before I could even bend down to tie them, Harry takes up the initiative and kneels down
“Allow me babygirl…” Harry says as he ties them tightly safe and secured.
“Thanks Haz” I reply as I plant a quick peck on his cheek, a tint of pink evident on his cheeks.
“Anytime princess…” He says as he holds my hand
                                                    ~ ~ ~
We try skating around as if we were dancing. Both of us were naturally talented dancers so we skate elegantly whilst dancing around carefully with grace, well most of them time Harry was just goofing around like a clown showing me super cool tricks.
Harry stops after a little bit as his gaze turns to a couple who tried out super wacky poses that would be hard even on bare ground.
“Manna…Look at that! We should totally try that out!” Harry urges as his eyes gleam with happiness
I really don’t think that’s the cleverest idea Harry had come up with..but I didn’t want him upset.
“Are you sure it’s going to work out? I mean, it looks super risky..we could end up hurt or something..”
“We’ll be careful..come on let’s try it out…It’ll be fun!!” He remarks
                                                      ~ ~ ~
We observed the entire steps for a solid ten minutes as we mildly practiced it. The last part was the hardest….It involved a lot of lifting and spinning around.
It was fun…well it would have been perfect…if the both of us hadn’t fallen and broken a bone or two?
“You don’t know how sorry I actually am right now…” Harry almost whispers, tears glinting his eyes “ I just wanted this to be perfect..” He breathes out as a nurse patched up the sprain in his left arm with a huge white plaster
“It’s okay Harry…I had a lot of fun.. Dates were never meant to be movie perfect, eh Haz? It was fun! I absolutely enjoyed how you goofed around… honestLy,it was perfect… I couldn’t have thought of anything better.” I reassure him whilst squeezing his hand softly
“But I hurt you…” He said as he looked at my ankle, which was sprained
“So? Your arm’s sprained too… It’s fine! We are both used to ending with up injuries one way or another!” I replied laughing as I remembered the endless amount of times we had gotten injured..
“I’m sorry…” Harry mutters and before he continues to ramble on, I interrupt him with a kiss…
Well a simple kiss slowly turning heated..until a cough snapped us back to reality.
“Look y'all..I appreciate young love and stuffs..But can you continue this after I patch her up?” The nurse asks Harry with a smirk on her face
“Oh right..sorry..We got a bit carried away..” Harry admits sheepishly
“Well too obvious..” The nurse muttered as she plastered my sprained ankle
“The night is ruined all thank to me..” Harry grumbles to himself
“Nope Haz…The night’s still young. How about we we take out some food and go over to your place and have a movie marathon?” I suggest
“That sounds great…But are you sure you enjoyed the…now ruined date?” Harry asks as he looks down, evidentially disappointed
“Haz…Come on…I li- - loved it.. nothing was ruined. So what if it was a bit messy? We can learn from these silly messes so that our future dates turn out good…It’s completely fine Harry!” I reassure him
He smiles shyly at me as he quickly pecks my cheek.
                                                  ~ ~ ~
Our drive back (I drove, because my left ankle was only sprained, as Harry couldn’t steer the wheel and control the gear) was comfortable…I mean, everything involving him was obviously supposed to comfortable.
We took in a lot of takeout, drove our to Harry’s house as I parked the car and helped him out. He helped me walk in and shut the door behind them.
“Let’s get changed into something more comfortable…you can use the room downstairs.”
“Okay..Thanks…I can help you if you need help..” I offer
“I’ll manage…” Harry replies as I walk into the guest bedroom changing into one of his oversized t-shirts as I walked out only to see him changed I to a loose shirt
“Wow…You look cute in my shirt..I mean extra cute..” Harry smiles as I settle down next to him, our food laid out in front of the mini table laid in front of us.
“Thanks Haz…” I reply blushing a bit as he wrapped his arms around me
“Which movie are we watching?” He asks as he hands me the remote
“I was going to ask you the same..” I reply as I look at him
“Well… We’ll just watch anything then..” He says as he switches on the TV and flips through the channels as he found the opening credits of Titanic playing…
“Titanic? Aww!! Yes please!” I usher him as he keeps the remote down
I grabbed a few snacks and handed a few to Harry as we shared everything, cuddling each other just simply enjoying each others’ presence and watching a movie…
Nothing Fancy…nothing out of the ordinary apart from the amount of excessive love surrounding us…this was all I’ve ever wanted.
I looked at him, as he looked at me… Our gazes fixated on each others’ eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he pulled me for a passionate kissing, our lips moving in sync as my hands trailed into his brown curls..
“I love you Manna…” He breathes out as he looks at her
“I love you too Haz…” I reply as I pull him into another kiss.
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spaceokase · 5 years
so my girl wrote a letter to her mom and it’s recently ended up biting her in the ass b/c a crime lord got hold of it lmao
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And since it’s been put it out there, I thought I’d share it here! I’m always pretty wary about sharing my writing as it’s not something I’m super experienced with, but I was encouraged to do so this time. And in general. 
“Dearest Maman, 
I hope you are doing well! It has been a while since I’ve written, I know. But, not without reason! A lot has happened and it has been hard putting it into words.  But, I will try my best. 
Before you worry, I am doing well. I’m healthy, I’m happy, I have been sleeping and eating properly, I’ve made numerous friends and I’m surrounded by people who care about me. 
Most importantly, I found the friend I was looking for! Though truth be told she is my love, my partner, my heart, more than a friend. I am sorry I didn’t say so sooner, as at the time I wasn’t entirely sure where our relationship stood. I knew how I felt, but with what Lemaire had done, I wasn’t sure how Therila felt at the time. I know now, though, and she loves me, too.
That is her name, by the way. Therila Varghast. She’s lovely. Sharp and witty, passionate and wise… she keeps me grounded, but never weighs me down. She lifts my spirits, lifts my soul, makes my heart soar and even as I write these words down I feel like they could never do her justice. Even through everything, she’s been nothing but supportive and wonderful.
I just know that you’ll love her. I hope that you will get to meet her soon. I want you to. She’s even the reason I’m writing this to you. Not the reason I’m writing! Nothing could stop me from writing you for long, as you know. But she is the reason, or part of the reason, this letter is going to get... particularly lengthy. She has encouraged me to be honest with you.
You see, Maman, I have not told you everything about what I’ve been doing while I’m here. At first, I just wanted to avoid making you worry, but then it became… well. I need to tell you now. So much has happened while I’ve been here.
When I said that I came here to find Therila after Lemaire did what he had, that was the truth. I did also hire a mercenary, as I said. I do not believe I told you before, but her name is Surina, and at this point I view her as a friend. She’s a force of nature and everything that phrase entails, and she’s wondrous and sweet even if she doesn’t admit it. She stuck with me until Therila was safe, when anyone else in her shoes would have left long before. I was, as it turned out, a terrible employer.
Even before we set sail, I wouldn’t let Surina just do her job on her own. When she boarded the slaver ship, I went with her, pretending to be a buyer. When we got to Nyx, I chased up leads with her. When we ran into trouble, I fought alongside her. Or I attempted to, anyway. Strangely enough I was not a particularly good fighter, magic or no. Still, it felt wrong to just stand idly by and let her get hurt on my behalf. It felt wrong to just do nothing when Therila’s life was on the line.
Looking back on it now, I think I did more harm than good at first, but ultimately I’m glad I took a more hands-on approach. My magic has improved tenfold, for one! I’ll have to show you the next time I see you, but I’ve been able to do things I’d never thought I’d be able to. And not a single exploding bird! But more importantly, with the friends I’ve met and made here, I’ve been able to help people and I’ve slowly been finding out a lot about myself.
There’s been a lot going on in Nyx since I’ve arrived here. There were disappearances, for starters. Caravans were getting attacked, and people vanished. There was a plague, there’s been slavers. It’s been kind of a mess. I’m still not entirely sure what caused the disappearances, but I suspect it’s to do with the people who’d started the plague. It was something that was made by a group of wererat cultists who are really disgusting and like to spread disease and death wherever they go, and… I realize this probably sounds ridiculous, but I promise it’s true. And my friends and I ended up getting involved, and we, for now, stopped them from spreading the plague they’d made. We also stopped a group of slavers from selling off a bunch of innocent townspeople, saved a town from a hag... We’ve even saved and made friends with a local noble, Lord Victor Garland, whose estate I’m currently writing from. We also went through the Feywild at one point. Yes, that one. It’s okay, we made it out perfectly fine!
I’m hoping you’re starting to realize why I did not write to you about this earlier. Writing this out makes me feel like a crazy person, even when actually I lived through all of it. I cannot imagine how it feels to read this all the way in La Rochelle.
I suppose what you really you want to know, though, is why I’ve been putting myself in these situations.
Before you worry too much, Maman, I want to emphasize here that my friends have kept me safe, and I trust them to keep doing so. I’m not alone and I don’t see myself being alone anytime soon. There’s been a lot to process, but they have been and will continue to be here for me.
I’m sure you’re wanting to know who they are, and I’ll do my best to not turn this into more of a novel than it already is. Currently, with our group, there are five of us who work together, myself included. There’s Encore and Rask, who have been with me since the last time I sent you a letter, and now there’s Helena and Koda. Helena’s a cleric of Sarenrae, who I worked with briefly before the plague business really took off. So I’ve known her as long as Encore and Rask, really, though our time together has been more on and off. She’s sweet. She reminds me a bit of Anton, but more religious. Koda is new, and I don’t know him as well, but he’s a bard, very skilled with a sword, and most importantly an absolute sweetheart. A little nosy, but a sweetheart. 
Rask and Encore have been here the longest, and although we don’t always agree on things, they’ve always been here for me. They, along with Surina and a mercenary named Myra, were the ones who ultimately saved Therila from the person who’d held her captive for months. I’ll be forever grateful to them for that. 
Rask is from a remote tribe in the Wilds of Haldis, and was a warrior when he was there. He left to redeem his honor, for reasons I haven’t asked about, but I personally don’t feel like he has anything to redeem himself for. Although he can be fierce in battle, and sometimes I think he has trouble seeing the bigger picture, he has been nothing but sweet to me. Encore is currently working for the local Merchant’s Guild, and like Koda, he’s a bard as well. A talented singer, for sure, and a good dancer. (We even won a dancing competition together!) He’s also rather clever, and sweet as well, but should you meet him, don’t tell him I said that.
I know you’d probably like to know more, but I think it’d be best to meet them in person someday. I’d like you to meet them. They’re an odd bunch, but I’m part of that odd bunch and they’re all worth protecting, loving, and fighting for. There is not a doubt in my mind about that.
They have helped me a lot, and I’ve tried to do the same for them. I’ve also tried to assist the people we find who would not have help otherwise. I guess that is what I have been doing, in general? Finding people who need help, and helping them, making things better for them. It’d started with helping an information broker, Torvald Silverbelt, with finding his missing daughter, then it turned into investigating the plague in Nyx, stopping the people responsible for creating and spreading it… At the time, and even now it simply feels like it was the right thing to do. I never thought I’d be able to make a difference, before, but now that I’ve seen that it’s possible… I feel like this was what I was meant to do. It feels right, and it feels meaningful. It feels like, for the first time, I have purpose. I don’t know how else to describe it.
Which leads me to write what is perhaps the hardest part of this letter. When I mentioned that I have been learning things about myself since coming here, I was referring to several small things, like the fact that I enjoy getting people out of trouble and making things better for them, but also, there is something much larger. It’s not… unrelated. It ties in with making things better for people, I believe.
It started when, not long after meeting Encore, Rask and Helena, we stayed at an inn outside the city. When we were there, I apparently awoke in the night in a trance. I don’t remember much of what happened aside from waking up, floating in the air as a mark manifested itself on my arm, and collapsing to the ground.
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That’s what the mark looks like. Or it sort of looks like that. You can better tell they’re dragons on the mark itself, and they’re made up of my scales, but differently colored. It’s not a burn or a brand, but a part of me, and as you can see, it’s a mark of Tiamat.
Before you freak out, I’m fine. I’m okay, and I’m still myself. I was understandably upset and scared when it appeared, and at first I was hoping to get rid of it somehow. As I’ve learned more about it and about Tiamat herself, though, I no longer want that, and I am no longer afraid. 
You know how the less you know about something, the scarier it seems? It’s kind of like that. I had prioritized saving Therila at the time, but as soon as I could, I bought a book about Tiamat and the people who worship her. I thought whatever I found about her would be bad. Initially, I only thought to use the book to find a way to get rid of the mark. What I ended up finding, though, eventually made me not want to get rid of it all. The mark itself at this time also started helping me. It would warn me of incoming dangers, it helped translate text I couldn’t read normally, it amplified my magic. It saved my life, and my friends’ lives, on multiple occasions. Then, I realized it wasn’t really the mark at all that was helping me. It was Tiamat herself.
I know this sounds crazy. This entire letter sounds insane, and this part sounds the craziest, but I promise you that it’s true. You know that I have never been the religious sort, Maman. I’ve left the occasional offering to Sehanine and given the occasional prayer, but you know that I’ve always felt that people are what influence the world in the way that matters, not the gods. 
But she appeared to me, and she spoke to me! It was through my dreams, at first, and initially I was not sure it was her trying to reach me. The first dreams were very cryptic, but were usually a warning of some sort, or a hint of what I should do. I am still unsure what some of the dreams meant, but others were very clear. She warned me of several things I ended up running into and without her advice, I am not sure how well I would have fared. She also insisted, both indirectly and bluntly, that I should seek her out if I were to get answers.
Because of course I had questions! What was the mark? Why was it on me? Why was she helping me? What did she want from me?
When I mentioned her insistence, what the mark had done ,and the dreams I’d had to my friends, they were rightfully skeptical and scared for me. They warned me not to channel the magic from the mark, and they assured me they would find a way to stop it. I didn’t agree that it was something that needed to be stopped. I felt there was more to this than me being some unwitting puppet of a supposedly evil god, but looking back I should have explained myself better.
I also should have told them before I eventually tried a ritual to contact Tiamat, but I did not. It was stupid, and reckless. I regret not telling them, but I don’t regret doing it.
When I contacted Tiamat, she had answers to the questions I wanted to ask. She was more forthcoming than I expected, yet more vague than I wanted.
I am, as it turns out, the next Hierarch. Yes, that Hierarch. The one in Tiamyra that people try not to speak of.
The mark on my arm is my physical connection to Tiamat, a part of her that is now a part of me. It is both a symbol to show others who I am and a means of channeling her divine energy. No more, no less, though why it’s on me specifically is rather interesting.
Tiamat claims my parents offered me to her before I was born. I don’t know why. I wasn’t given a reason, but was told it wasn’t something they did lightly. I want to believe her… or more, I do believe her, but I find it hard to wrap my head around. I cannot imagine what could possibly drive them to offer up their child to a god. Like most things regarding my parents, I am just left with more questions than answers. I suppose it ultimately doesn’t matter.
What does matter is what I intend to do with this. Tiamat says that she wants me to invoke change in the world. She says that her people hide away as the world fears and reviles them, and they do themselves no favors with their isolation. She says the upper echelons of society have grown complacent and indolent, and that the common people suffer for it. She says I am what they need, and that I can change things and lead her people to a better future.
I would have to see Tiamyra in person to know for sure what it is like, but I have seen enough through my travels elsewhere  to accept the possibility that these things are true. I have seen enough suffering, I have seen nobles abuse their power and their people,  I have seen the people who commit acts of cruelty and I have seen the people that ignore it. I don't see why it would be different elsewhere.
But perhaps, you want to know why it is that I felt even remotely inclined to believe the goddess of deception.
It all culminated in one of her temples that I eventually visited. I wish I could show you what I saw there. Even with all the beauty in this world, in the places I’ve seen, nothing could compare to what I witnessed in that temple. I had seen glimpses of it in my dreams, but even as breathtaking as it was then, nothing could compare to seeing it in person. It was grand and old, maybe even ancient, hidden away underground and long forgotten, yet not only still standing, but in absolutely incredible condition once I entered the main doors. Impeccably. carved and crafted, with pillars at such a scale that from the ground they seemed endless. Flowing water, all around, waterfalls carving into the natural cavern surrounding me. Purple flames lit, unwavering, lighting everything around me in their pale arcane  glow. On the walls of the long halls inside were carvings of all sorts, intricately and lovingly detailed, each telling a story. I saw dragons, and monsters, I saw beloved kings, horrible tyrants, I saw people like you and people like me, and everywhere I saw change. I saw common people overcome tyranny, I saw new rulers rise and old ones fall, I saw people take fate into their own hands and I saw the goddess, ever-changing herself, one moment the fearsome five-headed beast we are taught to fear, but as a protector, the next a more subtle form, almost indistinguishable from a large dragonborn, being a guide, an inspiration for her followers to take matters into their own hands.
As incredible as it was, though, seeing her, the actual her, was infinitely moreso. When she appeared to me, it was not as the five-headed dragon, but as the elegant dragonborn... half-dragon? She was tall and imposing, yet refined, seemingly flawless. Every movement she made felt both calculated and natural, as it seemed effortless yet perfectly precise. And her eyes… her eyes were like looking into infinity, made of magic and stars and time itself. Her presence was invigorating, refreshing like a breath of fresh air, or a cool breeze on a hot summer day. I was in awe.
In the moment I saw her, I knew she was infinitely more than what I’d been told, and I knew then that her mark was not a curse, but a blessing, a connection that felt utterly priceless. I was excited, I was elated, relieved, loved… I had found... faith, I suppose. It felt right, in a way I can’t even begin to describe. It felt so incredibly right.
Tiamat gave me the option to walk away, but I stayed. Our connection strengthened that day, and I made a promise to inspire, to change things, to make a difference in the world and to be her Hierarch and all that entails.
I don’t regret it.
Admittedly, now that I have had more time to process it, I realize that I have a lot to do and am not entirely sure where to start, but I don’t regret it. I believe I can use the opportunity I have been given to make the world a better place. I believe I can use my connection with Tiamat to help people, and I believe it is also what she wants me to do. She is not the horrible monster I and many others have grown up believing she is. Her spheres include deception, yet I have found deceiving terrible people to be useful on my journeys. She encompasses magic, and is ultimately where my magic comes from, and exploding birds aside, I have never felt ill towards my magic. Most importantly, though, she represents change, and people taking their fate into their own hands, and I think that is what I believe in most.
I believe the world needs change, and I believe it needs it especially right now. There is so much beauty, such beautiful people, and so much potential… and there are other people who wish to hoard it for themselves or crush it entirely. There are the nobles who get fat, who squander everything they’ve been given while the common people starve. There are people like the chevaliers, who have the power to do good, yet they abuse that power to hurt others simply because they can. There are those who watch while this happens and do nothing because they feel it isn’t their problem.There are slavers, criminals and cults running rampant, those who hurt and kill and abuse because they believe in something darker, or they enjoy it. Then, there are those who see all of this, all of the darker, unjust, horrid aspects of the world we live in, and feel utterly hopeless. 
I want to, and intend to give these people hope, but I intend to do more than just offer them weak platitudes. I want to actively make the world a better place. I want to protect the innocent, bring justice down upon the wicked. I do not want to simply tackle these problems one at a time and hope for the best, I want to make sure they do not happen again. I want to end suffering before it begins. I want people to have the opportunity to grow and change, regardless of their status. I want a world where people do not have to worry about simply surviving and getting by. I want them to prosper and thrive and be the most they can be. I want to do more than simply distract people from their suffering.
Although… I must admit, I am not yet entirely sure exactly how I am going to change the world. It is a rather lofty goal. I am sure it seems both daft and extreme. If it is any assurance, I know that in reality, I can only change so much. I have not lost my mind entirely, Maman. I promise.
That said, I do not know how much I can do until I actually do it, and my ideals, utopian as they are, are important. They are dear to me and someday I hope they are dear to others as well. I want to give people a brighter future to look forward to.
Try not to worry about me too much. As I said before, I am not alone. I have friends, and support, and currently a very fancy roof over my head. Also, despite all of my grand and lofty claims and ideals, I am taking things one step at a time, and starting small, by helping people as they need it. No grand attempts at changing society just yet. Just a bit of adventuring which I am now infinitely more adept at than I ever was.
Again, I am sorry I was not honest with you before. I got so wrapped up in not wanting you to worry, that I failed to remember that you only worry because you care. Also, that you tend to be able to sniff out when I’m hiding something and really, I should always be honest with you regardless. I promise to be honest with you from here on, though I will warn you now, Maman, that I… well, no. You already know I have a habit of getting into trouble. I will try to get into less of it if I can help it, though. For you.
Giving you grief aside, I hope someday soon I can see you again. It has been far too long. I know I won’t be able to immediately, as I have responsibilities here in Nyx, and I think my friends need me, but I promise you I will find a way to visit as soon as I can. I miss you, and I love you. My heart yearns for the day I can hear your voice once more, for the day I can hold you in my arms and see your face again. You are always, always in my thoughts. 
Love you, love you, love you,
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saltylikecrait · 6 years
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A Long, Beautiful Dream - Nutcracker AU
For @finnreyfridays​; it’s a little early to post a holiday story, but I wanted to get this out while the movie was fresh in my mind. This is more of a darker, re-imagining of The Nutcracker and the Four Realms and the works the film was based around, including the original stories.
You can also read this on AO3.
When he arrived back to the palace that night, the Christmas celebrations were in full swing. It was a beautiful winter night to share with friends and family, a calm, snowy night where the moonlight illuminated the snow and the white of the palace’s architecture. Bright and illuminated, decorated with gold and silver moldings, the palace was a fantasy come to life to the eyes. And as he watched children run down the hallways, playing with their newest toys, Finn wondered how he was so blessed to have made it in time to be there that night.
But his return to this place had nothing to do with the celebration itself.            
From her private box in the balcony of the palace’s theater, Queen Rey lounged in her seat thoughtfully as the dancers from the Realm of the Snowflakes twirled effortlessly across the stage, the white tulle of their costumes resembling the natural wonders that their Realm took its name from. From his place down below, Finn could tell that their waltz was mesmerizing to Rey as she tried to figure out exactly where she should be watching. He saw her eyes flicker back and forth on the stage. The Queen was strong in her own regard, known for her great skill with a staff and saber, but even Finn would be hard-pressed to believe that Rey could match the movements of the dancers and still remain graceful.
Rey was alone in a box that could fit a few more people in the seats beside her and Finn could tell by her frown and tired eyes that she had been listening to the whispers of her subjects as they criticized their queen, knowing very well that she could hear them. Rey was nothing like her mother, they were probably saying. If her mother were still alive, the Realms wouldn’t be falling apart and on the brink of war. Too bad she didn’t inherit her mother’s mind and not just her knack for inventions.
This is partly why Finn came back tonight, even though when he left her earlier, she had told him that she didn’t want to see him until the celebrations had ended.
The war had taken its toll on the both of them. When Finn’s uncle had asked him to accompany Rey to check on her late mother’s grand creation, he had no idea that it would lead to kingdom of talking toys, betrayal of her mother’s first live creation, and a curse placed upon him to forever look like a nutcracker soldier. And despite their misgivings, he and Rey had overcame every tribulation and figured out how to lift his curse. To destroy the Sugar Plum Fairy had seemed to break Rey’s spirit, for if she couldn’t trust her mother’s first creation and her kind words and beauty, who could she?
Yet the death of Sugar Plum didn’t end the war and the Realms had yet to actually reach a real treaty; too much damage had already been done. Mother Ginger was still hurt by the betrayal of her own friends and her son that she wasn’t sure if she was ready to allow her Realm to unify with the others. Finn and Rey respected that choice. Their only comfort was the thought that they did manage to agree to an armistice over the period between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day. It would be a time where no troops would go to the battlefield and a time where everyone would try to put the war behind them.
But Rey, it seemed, could not do so and Finn wondered if she felt that the old problems of the Realms had something to do with her own failures as a person. As the year went by, he watched as the light in her eyes, full of life and wonder and promise, dulled. When he wasn’t out on duty as Captain of the Guard, Finn was always by her side – it was where he wanted to be – and tried to do whatever he could to bring that light back. That light was something that he fell in love with and watching her suffer in silence made his own heart ache. Rey went from the brilliant young queen back to the broken girl he had met on the night that his uncle took her in, the night that her parents died. The Realms and all the adventures they provided them made Rey almost into a new woman, but now the illusion of perfection had faded and heavy was the head that wore the crown.
“I thought I was clear that I wanted you to go back for the week,” she told him without looking away from the stage. He had not entered her box yet and somehow, she knew he was there.
Finn adjusted the collar of his uniform – white brocade with gold embellishments for this week of celebrations instead of the scarlet tails he usually wore – and pushed back the curtain to make his entrance. He bowed to her before sitting next to her.
“That’s not why I’m here.”
She tore her eyes away from the ballerinas, staring straight into his eyes with a hint of alarm. The whites of them were tinted pink.
“Is the way back to our world… gone?” she asked.
He shook his head. “It’s still there. Don’t worry.”
“So then why are you here?”
Trying to take her hand, he sighed as Rey rejected him and kept her hands neatly clasped together in her lap. “I came back here so that you wouldn’t be alone for Christmas, Rey.”
“I’m hardly alone.” And to emphasize this, she waved her hand towards the audience in the seats below them.
“Could’ve fooled me.”
The glare that she shot at him would have been deadly if it looks could kill. He thought that she was going to say something more, but instead she ignored him and resumed watching the ballet until it ended. Then, after showing her gratitude and approval to the dancers, she stood up and left the box, the white silk of her dress and the pastel blue of her capelet trailing behind her.
Finn almost felt like he needed to jog to catch back up to her. The colors of her dress had shocked him at first, no longer being accustomed to seeing light, delicate colors on her. When she first arrived here, Rey had taken to pastels like all the locals in this Realm, but after the death of the Sugar Plum, she abandoned the light shades for darker blues and reds, pinks and purples reminding her too much of the pain that she had felt.
But to Finn’s relief, she didn’t try to run away from him and stopped after she reached the last step of the grand staircase in the palace, looking up at the massive Christmas tree in the center of the hall. The lit candles and the array of ornaments and colors seemed to make her thoughtful again, and Rey stepped closer to the tree, her heels echoing against the hard floor.
“I haven’t seen you in white forever,” Finn commented. “I almost forgot how pretty it could be on you.”
Once, this might have made Rey blush until her entire face went red and she stammered out of a desperate attempt to hide her embarrassment, and once, Finn would have found himself charmed by this side of her, but Rey made no acknowledgement to his compliment and he felt as if his heart had been physically squeezed in his chest. How was this the same woman that he had fallen in love with? Had the war really hardened Rey’s heart to the point that she might no longer love him back? She had made a promise to him and he would have never taken Rey for a woman to break her promises.
“I always did love that uniform on you,” she finally observed and Finn felt his heart almost beat in relief. Looking down at the white brocade sleeves, he realized that he had only worn this uniform one other time, and that was on the day of Rey’s coronation. When she knighted him and named him Captain of the Guard, she had summoned him to her side on the throne and seemed to not be able to take her eyes off of him until he kneeled in front of her. He had always hoped that he would see that devotion and longing reflected in her eyes, for surely it was the same in his.
He stood at her side now, hoping that she would accept him as his equal again. “I’m worried for you, Rey,” he confessed. “You haven’t been yourself in a long time.” Then, he realized that he couldn’t beat around the bush any longer. “I came here for a few reasons.”
“Not just so I wouldn’t be alone on Christmas?” She arched an eyebrow.
Frowning, he decided he couldn’t lie. “No… Well, that was a part of it. There have been talks from the Realms about your state and whether you are still fit to rule.”
“I’m well aware.”
“Then you know that your subjects are growing angry with your sudden disinterest to govern?” He reached for her hand again and to his surprise, she let him take it. “Rey, you are my queen, and I will always be loyal to you, but I need to know why you are no longer taking audience with your counsel and locking yourself away all day.”
“So, you think I should step down and let the regents take over again?” she asked. Her eyes met his, and he understood that she really did want his honest opinion.
“Only if you don’t want to be the queen anymore,” he said. “It’s hard to see you like this and I don’t think you’re happy. When you were crowned, everyone thought that you were going to bring the Realms together again. Now, there are doubts that you can even rule.”
Bending down to pick up an ornament that had fallen off of its branches, Rey placed it carefully back on the tree. “It’s harder than I thought it would be,” she confessed. “It wasn’t like Mum left me a manual.” This last part was almost growled and Rey paused to stop speaking, surprised by her own tone of voice. “I’m not sure if I really want this,” she finished.
“Then we can give the regency back and leave,” he offered. “Go back home.”
“I thought you came with me here because you didn’t want to go back home?”
She had a point there. For all it was worth, one of the reasons why Finn felt so content in the Realms was because he had simply been unhappy in his old life. Like Rey, they had been running from their problems only to find that they could never escape them and that new problems would eventually find them. But now it seemed like Rey was ready to run again and Finn was growing tired.
“Is this about the Sugar Plum Fairy?” he guessed.
She shrugged. “Not really. Well, not just her.” Rey began to walk around the tree, inspecting the presents left for the children underneath it. “Mother Ginger assured me that her son’s betrayal was no fault of mine and that she does not hold him against me and the rest of the Realms.” But then, as she flipped over a tag and read a name off it absent-mindedly, she said, “Too much has happened in the last year, and before that. My mother hid so much from me and now I have to learn all of this on my own. It’s not what I expected.”
“We’ll help you,” Finn affirmed, trying to grab her attention again. “No one wants you to fail, Rey. We all want to end the war.”
Saying nothing, Rey looped her arm through his and led him through the halls. In any other occasion, Finn would have loved to be this close to her, but her pace was urgent as she led him up another flight of stairs, up to the apartments where the palace residents lived.
“So what?” she snapped at him once they were out of earshot. “You came back to… tell me that everyone wants me to step down under the guise of wanting to be with me tonight?” She stomped her foot. “Why didn’t you go back to your uncle’s house for the week?”
But he stopped her from continuing by holding up his hand in a gesture to ask her to quiet. “Actually, on my way there, I was given something that I think you might need.”
She looked at him with disbelief. “What?”
“I got you a present,” he clarified. “Though really, I wasn’t the one to find it. On my way through the Christmas Tree Forest, I came across Commander Dameron and he told me that Mother Ginger had found something that she wants you to have. When I saw what it was, I realized it might help you and that I needed to come back right away.”
He then took the lead this time, taking her back to the French doors leading to her private suite. “I left it here before going to look for you.”
A small package lay on the foot of her bed, wrapped in a simple brown paper and adorned with a silver ribbon that almost matched her bedspread.
Finn grinned sheepishly. “Sorry about the wrap job. Didn’t have proper wrapping paper on short notice.”
But if Rey minded, she didn’t make it known. Instead, she sat on her bed and sat the package in her lap. When he looked at it now, he realized that its odd shape might be a giveaway if Rey had any inkling of familiarity to the object inside. But when she made no movement to open it, Finn tried to coax her into undoing the ribbon.
“Shouldn’t I wait until tomorrow?” she half-teased.
“I think you might need this now,” he told her.
So Rey pulled on the ribbon, untying it and allowing the paper to come loose.
“Oh,” she sighed as she looked over the object inside the gift. “Finn, it’s beautiful.”
Turning the egg-shaped box in her hands, she admired the white and gold coloring though she looked a little confused. “What is it, though?”
He was a little disappointed that she had no knowledge of the gift, but he understood that there had been a chance that this would have been the case. The box might have been in the possession of Mother Ginger for decades, for all he knew.
“According to Poe,” he began, “it was your mother’s.” Then he frowned. “It looks like there’s supposed to be a key for it, but no one seems to know where it is.”
Rey’s eyes widened as her hand drifted up towards her neck and collarbone where a necklace rested against her skin. The pendent itself had not been large, but the rose quartz butterfly that had been her mother’s had turned out to be a key to the giant machine that brought the toys of these Realms to life. Finn understood what she was thinking and watched as she removed the necklace and held the pendant up to the slot where the hinges on the egg locked together.
A small click told them that the egg had opened, reveling a small ballerina figurine in an arabesque position twirling in a circle as a musical chime played. Rey sighed and her eyes filled with tears as she listened to the song.
“My mother used to hum this to me when I was a baby,” she said. “I haven’t heard it in years.” Then she began to sob, holding a hand up to her face to try to wipe the tears away.
Finn sat beside her and wrapped an arm around her waist as he pulled her closer to him. This time, she did not try to pull away as they listened to the song together.
When it came to a slow right before the final note echoed and faded, Rey gripped the egg in her hands again and remained quiet for a moment, lost in thought again. Finn waited.
“I think I know what she would have wanted me to do now,” Rey finally said.
“And that is?” Finn wanted some clarification.
“I’ll try harder,” she explained. “And if I still am not the right person for the job or I get like this again, I’ll bring back the regency. Mum would have wanted me to try, but she wouldn’t have gotten angry at me if it turned out I just wasn’t good at the ruling part.”
Finn nodded. “I know you can do it.”
"I’m sorry I haven’t been nice to you lately. There wasn’t an excuse for it.” She didn’t look him in the face again, ashamed of herself and her actions of late.
He accepted her apology but something still hung in the air that needed to be addressed. “Do you still want to marry me?” The thought of her answer made him nervous as he wondered if the past couple of months had changed everything for them. Originally, they had planned for a long engagement until things had settled down and they felt the time was right. They were young after all and Finn had asked for her hand earlier than he would have liked – a spur of the moment choice. No one thought poorly of them for wanting to wait.
“I promised you, didn’t I?” she whispered.
But Finn shook his head. “No, you promised that you would love me regardless of how I looked.” He thought back to the time when he was a nutcracker soldier, insecure over the thought that he would be that way forever and that Rey would never look at him the way he looked at her. It was just like Sugar Plum to base a curse around appearance. “You never promised to marry me.”
“I believe accepting your proposal is something like a promise.” She held out her hand, punctuating this statement by showing him the engagement ring on her finger. “We just need time to work things through it. You’re giving me another chance to be a good queen and I want to take that. I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“You haven’t disappointed me,” he told her as he brushed a stray strand of hair from her cheek, tucking it back behind her ear.
He stayed with Rey while she changed out of her dress and into her nightgown. The wispy material of the gown hung loose on her, making Rey look more like herself than any of the gowns and military regalia did.
Finn stood up, ready to excuse himself when Rey stopped him.
“Are you coming to bed?”
Finn grinned. “Am I welcome?”
“Well you know, it’s Christmas Eve and you did come back so I wouldn’t spend the time alone.” She gave him the first warm smile that he had seen out of her in weeks.
And what could he say to refuse her?
“Well,” he lowered his voice. “If my queen commands.”
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Game Over (1/?)
Author’s note: This is a collab with @starlighttaek8. This is the the first time i ever did anything VIXX  and it was really fun writing it, especially being able to write with @starlighttaek8 We hope that you all like it. Posts are going to alternate between this blog and her blog.
Genre: Angst/fluff (Leo x reader)
Summary: Your dream of being a professional dancer was now a reality. All the more worthwhile was the fact that you were a back up dancer for your best friend’s kpop group. So everything was perfect right? Wrong! Your emotions take a hit after forming a crush on a particular someone.
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The music was blasting.
It was just you in this beautiful practice room.
It was your first time being inside Jellyfish Entertainment and you had made sure to be extra early for your first day. You loved it so far. The building was so nice and clean and the dance room was perfect. It was all more than you could have ever dreamed of. Even the security guard was nice enough to escort you to the room to make sure you wouldn't get lost.
Being the only person in the room however, you thought it would only be proper to get a bit of your warm up in before your fellow dancers showed up.
Arm down.
Leg out.
Turn up and slide.
Jump and-
Suddenly the door opened, a figure appearing in the reflection of the mirrored wall. 
"Oh sorry we thought- wait! Y/N?!?" the sound of that voice was all too familiar for you.
You looked back at the boy in the reflection. "Hyuk?!?"
It was him. You almost couldn’t believe it. It was really him! Your wonderful stupid childhood best friend. It had been years since you had last seen him in person but now he was standing  just a few feet away.
Without a second thought the two of you ran to each other, engulfing one another in the biggest hug.
"What are you doing here?!?" He asked still holding you tight.
"What do think? I'm here as a backup dancer!"
"Since when?!?"
"Since ten minutes ago!”
He broke the hug only so he could look you in the eye "Really?!? This is great! This is awesome! Why didn't you tell me!" He whined with a playful shove.
"Because someone got a little too famous and became untouchable a few years ago!"
You attempted to shove him back... But that didn't play out too well. He was no longer the scrawny little “Hyukkie” you used to know. Your little push did nothing to him.
"Darn it! You are too big for me to push around now! Look at you, you're practically a giraffe!"
"You're just jealous cuz you haven't grown at all since I last saw you!" He teased, sticking his tongue at you.
"yoU’rE JuSt jeAlOus cUZ yoU’rE ShorT! Whatever! I will have you know that I am slightly above average!"
"Uh, that's still short!"
"Ahem, excuse me! Would either one of you, preferably Hyuk, like to update the rest of us on this little reunion?" One of the five boys standing by the door asked.
You were so excited about seeing Hyuk that you hadn't realized the rest of VIXX was in the room staring at the two of you.
"Oh yeah! Guys, this is Y/n! She’s a childhood friend of mine!" Hyuk said proudly.
Before you knew it, he grabbed your hand and dragged you over to the rest of the guys.
"We met back in elementary and we were best friends for years! Y/n, I am sure you know the rest of the guys, right? Cuz, like, if you were actually my best friend you would be a fan of VIXX and know us all."
You only threw him a quick side glare. "Of course I'm a fan of you guys! And yes I know all of your names." You said pleasantly as you turned to everyone else. "It's nice to actually meet you all." You said as you bowed.
“Prove it.” Hyuk suddenly challenged.
“Prove what?”
“That you know everyone!”
“Challenge accepted!” You exclaimed and began to point to each member.
“You are N aka Cha Hakyeon, you are Ravi aka Kim Wonshik, and you are Lee Hongbin, and Ken aka Lee Jaehwan, and last but not least, Leo aka Jung Taekwoon!” You finish proudly, giving Hyuk a nudge.
“Is that good enough? Or do I need to go into birthdays and blood types? What's my prize?”
“You won! And your prize is continuing our friendship!” Hyuk exclaimed as he wrapped you in a hug again.
“Hyukkie! You're gonna kill me one of these days with these anaconda hugs of yours.” You relent.
“I haven't seen you in five years! That's five years of hugs that I need! And five years that you need to tell me about! Oh!!! You should come to dinner tonight! Is that alright N-Hyung? Can Y/N come? Please?”
“That should be fine but we came here so we can practice our new dances. So we should start soon.”
“Awesome!” Hyuk was nothing but smile. “I can’t wait to see you dance, tell me you actually got better? He laughed some more.
“I’ve seen you all live, Trust me Hyukkie, I’m better than you now!” you spat back just as the rest of the back up dancers arrived and the practice was going to begin.
“Hyukkie, are you sure I can still go? Like I said it’s fine, you guys enjoy the rest of the dinner.” you said into the phone.
“No! I really want you to get to know the rest of the guys!” he whined
“Fine, Fine, but what do I have to say again?”
“Table for Hakyeon.”
“Alright, see you all in a bit.” you said before you hung up.
You were speed walking down the sidewalk to the restaurant Hyuk said they were at. Originally you were supposed to walk with them, but you and the other backup dancers went to practice with Gugudan and that practice was longer than expected.
Now here you were, getting at the restaurant probably half an hour after they ordered their food. Following Hyuk’s orders, you went up to the hostess and politely asked for a table under the name Hakyeon, then you followed her to the back of the restaurant near the kitchen where she opened a small room for you.
There were six boys all sitting comfortably, one with the biggest smile on his face.
“Finally!! You made it!” Hyuk practically shouted as he tackled your tired body with a hug.
Before you knew it he was dragging you to the spot between himself and Ken and loading your empty plate with some of the food that was still left on the tables.
“I am so sorry I am late you guys.” you said with a bow.
“Don’t worry about it.” N began “We know how practices are! Eat, you must be hungry.”
As you were eating, the conversation lulled into slurping noodles and cooking meat. Suddenly, Ravi, who has continuously stolen glances at you all evening broke the silence. "...Say, Y/N, do you have a boyfriend? I can't help but notice you're awfully pretty."
Hyuk threw a warning glance at his hyung, but you answer anyways.
Heat rushed to your cheeks in heartbeat. "Uh- No, no boyfriend. I'm usually too busy to date. I'm sure you understand being in a band and all so I'll leave it at that."
You quickly took another bite of the noodles, hoping to avoid further conversations about dating. You had nothing against it really. It's just that you've never had a boyfriend, so conversations about dating usually became awkward.
When you finished, Hyuk who had been glaring at Ravi since he asked, said:
"Hyung, back off. She's my friend. You're not allowed to date her."
“Woah, woah, woah! Who said anything about dating Y/N? I was just stating a fact. Is there something wrong with pointing out how pretty she is? Taekwoon-Hyung, you think Y/N is pretty also right?” Ravi was really trying to get the attention off him, but his tactic only resulted in a glare from Leo.
“Y/N is off limits!” Hyuk emphasized some more.
“Oh why, does little Hyukkie like Y/N and he wants her all for himself?!?” Ken teased.
“Ewwwwwww no!” Both you and Hyuk gagged “That's disgusting!” again you both said in unison.
“You even say the same things! There must be some feelings here!” Hakyeon laughed.
“Y/N is like my sister!” Hyuk explained. “And I don't want any of you getting your grubby hands on her.”
“But what if I want them to~” you said only to make Hyuk mad.
Your comment got a roar from the other boys who mostly laughed at Hyuk’s expression of disgust. Even Leo chuckled a bit.
“Y/N if you only knew these guys like I know them, you wouldn't want to touch them with a ten foot pole.”
“That's because you're a guy Hyukkie.” You snicker.
“Well.. Still! If anyone is going to date Y/N.. It's not gonna be Ravi-Hyung.” Hyuk stayed with his original thought.
This comment from Hyuk made everyone else at the table burst into laughter at Wonshik's expense.
“Your just jealous cuz I'm the best looking one here!” Ravi said under his breath, a comment that got the other five boys shoving him back and forth
“Says who?!?”
“You wish!”
“Dude, you ugly”
“Get a mirror!”
You only watched them as you ate. It was entertaining really, a dinner and a show.
“Now that that's taken care of,” N began after the beat down on Ravi, “Y/N, tell us about yourself. We'd like to get to know you more considering how close you used to be with Hyuk.”
“We mostly want to hear the embarrassing stories.” Hongbin peeped.
“No they don't!” Hyuk almost shouted. “... But update me! What is new since we last saw each other?”
You did so, letting everyone know how and why you became a dancer, letting them know all your other hobbies and interests and even throwing in an embarrassing pre-teen Hyuk story now and then.
For the most part everyone seemed to like you… Expect for Leo. He kinda just sat at the end of the table staring over at you and everyone. He didn't talk much, didn't laugh. He actually seemed a bit annoyed by you.
When it came time to goodbyes, everyone bid you a warm farewell , N and Ken even gave you a goodbye hug after Hyuk did so. But again, Leo didn't seem to care for you as he barely waved when he walked off with the rest of the members.
-Admin Boat and @starlighttaek8
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montpelierhqs · 6 years
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halloween event full transcript
set in a beautiful, gothic turret adjoined to montpelier academy, the halloween masquarade ball was supposed to be magical. whimsical. for many, the best night of their lives. however, a bowl of spiked punch, a secret or two, and a vengeful ex-student had a little so say about that...
Salem | Rhiannon/HarleyLast Friday at 12:04
Rhiannon felt slightly uncomfortable. All of this was so nice and fancy, she had never been somewhere or even in a place like this. She adjusted the deep green of her lace mask and looked at the poofy gown she rented. It reminded her of poison ivy  the beautiful flowers embroidered in it made her smile.
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Friday at 12:06
Andrea was still high as fuck, but she was feeling good. She smiles when she spotted Rhiannon, heading over. “You look fucking great” @Salem | Rhiannon/Harley
Salem | Rhiannon/HarleyLast Friday at 12:07
Rhiannon looked at Andrea and looked down at herself  "Thank you, you look good too!" Rhiannon felt happier here than anywhere else, even if she weren't as cool as everyone else or as fancy. @paige || catalina&kennedy
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:07
Mason had just finished his drink and he has had so many at this point he lost count. He walked to the dance floor and started to do the chicken dance.
cam // ashLast Friday at 12:13
The music was blaring loudly enough that Ash could definitely tell that it wasn't playing the chicken dance song. They opened their mouth to point this out before the realization struck that the chicken dance required less up and down than what everyone else was doing. So they joined their roommate in doing the chicken dance in an offbeat manner. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:14
@cam // ash mason smiled at his roommate and kept dancing. “Ash yes! Someone else understands that awesomeness of the chicken dance.”
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Friday at 12:21
[montpelierhqs main] @everyone welcome to the halloween event ! we're very excited to have you. this is a reminder to everyone to post your costumes to your character blogs, taggged 'montpeliertask002', as tomorrow an additional task only involving those that completed their costumes will be included. this task will include an in-character reward for the winner, so if you would like to take part, ensure that you have created your costume and have posted it before 8pm est tomorrow. best of luck, and enjoy the dance ! ( but beware the punch... )
paige || catalina&kennedy
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Last Friday at 12:22
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:23
Kenya already feeling a little drunk saw Mason dancing and had to join. "A dancer here we stan!" @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:27
Mason laughed and shook his head at Kenya. “Come join!” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Pau (Claire & Nic)Last Friday at 12:27
Nic had only a few days to prepare for this masquerade event since arriving at school, and because he didn't really know what else to do, he just grabbed a Peter Pan hat and dressed in boring colors to play the part, looking more like some staff than a student as he stood drinking punch and watching—more like judging—those dancing, amused. "They're actually dancing the chicken dance?" He asked whoever stood beside him.
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:28
Noah shook his head and laughed. “I’m baffled that such kids know the chicken dance. Thought they only knew the highest class of dances.” He joked, laughing at the sight of the students dancing. @Pau (Claire & Nic)
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:32
She smile back at him, Kenya doesn't usually dance but she was drunk so what new. "I'm coming, this dress is ready to go." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:32
Cleo was out in her element, drunk and on the dance floor. To say her dance moves weren’t pg-13 would be an understatement but then again, her sense of boundaries no longer existed and she was feeling the music. She didn’t know who was next to her but she didn’t care and she just kept on dancing.@Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya ) Mason smiled and laughed, welcoming the girl into the dance party. “Yes! Let’s go!”
Pau (Claire & Nic)Last Friday at 12:34
Nic just stared at the people engaging in the dance and shrugged, not really one to speak out his mind right away but finding everything too amusing, a light curve shaping his lips at the other's remarks. "It would be better if one of them had come as a chicken." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:35
Noah laughed and laughed hard at the boys comment. “That would the icing on top of the cake. That would make this night ten times better.” @Pau (Claire & Nic)
cam // ashLast Friday at 12:35
Ash threw their head back in laughter, drowned  out by the music even as they did so. "It is a beautiful dance but it certainly doesn't beat the macarena!" To emphasize their point the started dancing to the macarena, complete with the dramatic hip shaking at the end of the sequence. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:36
Mason laughed and shook his head. “Yes! I love the Macarena, but the chicken dance is way better.” @cam // ash
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:39
After moving her body side to side, Kenya was laughing every time she try to do something extra with her dress. "Yo, bad guy! Own the dance floor." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:41
Mason couldn’t remember the last time he let himself be this free and relaxed. The alcohol was a very nice helper to him tonight. “Killing it with the moves.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:43
"I'm telling you now, the punch really kicking in." She said grabing his arm spinning herself.  Today really bring out a loose side of her really. "How much did you drink?" @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah(edited)
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:44
“Me too.” He said and laughed. “I have no idea. I lost count.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
cam // ashLast Friday at 12:44
"No way! The Macarena is the best dance aside from the cha cha slide." They exclaimed, hands still doing the dance even as they argued. "Although the chicken dance does have the wings. A fusion would be perfect." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
lattie || Harper and CamLast Friday at 12:44
After their conversation with Ash, Harper had found their way back to the punch wanting to get so drunk that they didnt remember anything from this night besides the fact that tomorrow the two of them would be discussing the rules to their fake relationship. @everyone(edited)
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:46
"Harper, you do know that you gotta so many drink here right?" She said giving a cup of punch while she was giving some out @lattie || Harper and Cam
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:46
“You are delusional my friend!” Mason exclaimed and continued to dance. He stopped when Ash suggested a combination of the two dances. “That’s ingenious! We gotta do it!” @cam // ash
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:47
"Same, Cam really did put alot." She said  trying to copy his moves. "I seen you came here with Claire." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
lattie || Harper and CamLast Friday at 12:48
"I need all the fucking punch I can get." Harper replied, their words slurred as they took the cup. "Stupid fucking Ash with their curly dumb hair and rather attractive face." @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:48
“He did but it’s awesome!” He said and laughed. “I did. Isn’t she the best? She’s a great person.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:51
"Well then, here some more." she smile hearing what Harper said. She didn't know Harper like Ash or that they were dating. "Ash is a keeper. EVERYONE HARPER IS CUFF NOW, ALL YALL DIRTY BOYS AND GIRLS BACK OFF!" @lattie || Harper and Cam
bee // wyatt & emma-janeLast Friday at 12:51
As concerned as Emma-Jane had initially been with wanting to win the costume contest, her competitive nature getting the better of her at times, she’d all but forgotten about it by the time the dance actually started. A majority of the school had turned up for the event with all sorts of outfits, varying in style and complexity. The upside at the very least was that she had a good time with Holden picking out their Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl  duo. It has taken a fair amount of encouragement and a little bit of pleading, but Emma had persuade him on to the dance floor. Something she instantly regretted upon witnessing what Holden considered dancing. “You’re worse than I thought you’d be!” Emma laughed, practically having to shout to be heard over the noise. “What is that?” She mimicked him, putting her fist in the air and jumping up and down. (@maaria ✨  libby / holden )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:52
"She is and she hot too. Good catch my friend." She took her phone out trying ti record Mason. "Mason dance for the camera." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
cam // ashLast Friday at 12:52
"It is, isn't it? So do we do both of them just like switching or like one move then another," they pondered, still yelling to be heard over the music. Demoing a little version of the sequence dance, they looked over to punch table and shrugged. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
lattie || Harper and CamLast Friday at 12:53
Smiling, they downed the glass before taking the second from her. "What? No... Im the catch in the relationship." They replied before shaking their head. "Fuck... relationship. Thats so weird to say." @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:54
“Good catch? What do you mean?” He asked her, slightly confused. He smiled and danced for the camera like she said. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )“I don’t know. We can just combine them? I’m too drunk for this kind of thinking.” He said and laughed. @cam // ash
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 13:00
"Exactly that's why I'm single right now." She laugh making a cup for herself. "Cheer to fuck relationships." @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Friday at 13:01
"What? Its not a fuck relationship. We are like proper dating." Harper mumbled looking out in the crowd to try to spot Ash. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 13:02
"You got a good girl. You're seriously didn't know that?" She gave him a confuse face before hyping him up.  @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 13:03
“I don’t got a good girl. We’re... we’re just friends.” He said and chuckled. “Did you think we were together?” Because boy, did he wish they were. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )(edited)
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 13:04
"Ahhh Shhh," She said putting her finger to keep quiet. She wasn't uses to getting drunk often really. "I'm drunk so my words tend to get a little crazy." @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Zakiyah was sitting at the table eating her cake while trying to keep herself awake. She look to the side seeing someone sitting next to her. She gave an awkward smile before going back to her cake.
Dex || SawyerLast Friday at 13:11
"So," Sawyer started, sliding next to Zakiyah, dressed as Dr Facilier with a cup of punch in his hand "Since you're the first person I saw, I have a few questions for you. One, I'd like you could rank your top five Halloween costumes at this party and two, what flavor is this punch?" He asked, tapping his finger on the brim of his cup @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
maaria ✨ libby / holdenLast Friday at 13:13
Holden was an absolutely atrocious dancer. It was a shame, seeing as his mother had spent the majority of her life as a trained ballerina. She'd always joked that Holden had inherited his fathers two left feet, and her own charming looks. He was fairly sure that she was completely correct in this assumption and it was validated any instance he found himself on a dancefloor. Without even realizing, he dancing ridiculously as Emma-Jean, his kind of sort of date and friend, was gawking at him. Too proud to blush, he just grinned stupidly down at her and shrugged, carrying on with his hopelessly fist-pump action. "Oh, don't be such a critique! I don't see you dancing, Ems," he pointed out, reaching out for her hand to twirl her. "What're your moves, huh? The sprinkler? The macarena?" ( @bee // wyatt & emma-jane )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 13:16
She chuckled seeing that the punch is having an effect. "The punch is strawberry but my brother spike it so you'll get drunk." She look at his costume and around to see which was the best. "My favs are, Cassidy & Andrea outfit from clueless. You of course because Dr.Facilir gave me the creeps in the movie. I saw someone dress up as Jessica Rabbit and Blue a power ranger so that all I can think of right now." @Dex || Sawyer
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 13:17
Mason shook his head and laughed. “Trust me, if we were together, I’d probably be telling the world.” He said and laughed. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Salem | Rhiannon/HarleyLast Friday at 13:21
Rhiannon held the cup her hand, weaving through the people at the ball. She was having fun for once and it was kind of a release to be out and away from the dorms. "That is a very nice top hat " she was trying to place the character. She knew it was Sawyer from the yearbook, but was unsure what he was dressed as. "Who are you dressed up as? A magician?" @Dex || Sawyer
bee // wyatt & emma-janeLast Friday at 13:38
The extent of Emma’s hand-eye coordination was being able to raise her hand the fastest in class. When it came to actual physical activity, saying she was clumsy was being generous. She had a habit of not only tripping over flat surfaces, but bumping into things or people as if they hadn’t been directly in her line of sight. Leave it to Holden to call her bluff about not actually being able to dance. “That is so rude!” She gave a very unconvincing scoff, sticking her arms out in front of her and rotating them in a circular motion. In a very poor attempt at doing the twist, she added her hips into the motion. “You don’t know anything about this.” Bright and full of mirth, Emma-Jane went into a rendition of the Charlie Brown dance that was even more poorly executed than her first one. “I’ve got rhythm for days.” ( @maaria ✨  libby / holden )
Dex || SawyerLast Friday at 13:44
Sawyer's eyebrow quirked up as he glanced into his cup. So that was why it tasted weird. He should be surprised but he knew this school too well, "Well, I should be glad this is my first cup then. I'd rather not puke all over my  nice new shoes. And, I'll keep your choices in mind. It's for science reasons, of course and I'm glad you like the outfit. Maroon, wide-shoulder suits aren't the easiest to come across."  He turned to look at the new comer, taking a hesitant sip of his cup now that he knew what was in it, "I'm Dr. Facilier. You know the guy who goes," Sawyer jumped into an exaggerated Dr. Facilier voice, "the cards, the cards will tell! That guy. So while you're wrong, I do you give points for being close. Have you never the movie the princess and the frog?" @Salem | Rhiannon/Harley  @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )(edited)
maaria ✨ libby / holdenLast Friday at 13:58
Holden was well aware of Emma's clumsiness, in fact, he had witnessed it with his own eyes many times. It wasn't like this behavior of hers was a secret, it simply was who she was. Holden found her stumbling and staggering endearing, the traits provided balance for her clean, and pristine personality. It gently reminded him that despite her collection of fun facts and tidy clothes, she was still a human being. As he watched her attempt to dance, he couldn't help but laugh. Not to tease her, but simply because he could not hold it back, the mere sight of it just being too much. The dance was completely uncoordinated and messy, however, it was apparent she was trying her very best. It was adorable, really. "Rhythm for days, huh? You do know you're supposed to like, match your movements to the song, right?" he quipped, wrinkling his nose at her and getting closer to her height to better read her expression. "You're like that one vine. The freestyle dance instructor one." ( @bee // wyatt & emma-jane  )
27 October 2018
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Saturday at 08:59
Blue could be considered a king of bad decisions. He'd made enough of them  so he should know better, but here he was in a power rangers outfit, his lipped affixed to a flask he'd hidden in his 'utility belt', everyone keeping a healthy distance from the lad. Where Blue was independent, no one was there to stop him from doing the things that usually your subconscious tells you not to do. But in that moment - Blue was simply too inebriated to care. He wandered over to the stage where a local band was playing music, before scrambling onto the stage like a spider fighting a hairdryer. Some students looked up at Blue, others were lost in their merriment. Blue looked to the band and whispered into one of their ears, before floating towards the microphone. The band began playing a track behind him. "Now.... I'll tell ya what I want what I really really want..."
lily / char&theo&vivLast Saturday at 10:10
charlotte made her way to the dance floor, twisting a strand of her brown wig around her finger. she’d had a few cups of punch and lost her friends somewhere during the night. “spice girls! my jam,” she laughed, busting out her most ridiculous moves.vivienne stood on the edge of the dance floor, nervously playing with the hem of her dress. “you know, two days before the biggest party of the year is probably the worst time to start a new school,” she said to no one in particular.
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Saturday at 10:14
Noah was a few cups of punch deep and was having a time. He was on the dance floor and was kind of dancing if you could call it that. “This song is always a classic!”
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Saturday at 10:21
Blue watched a sea of people form as he drunkenly began his best spice girls rendition. No one had seemingly stopped him, not even the band, so he continued to sing. And even to Blue's surprise, he was actually quite... good at it. Not great by any space of the word, but good enough to warrant a room-wide evacuation. He let the song continue, surprisingly still standing upright. Blue looked into the crowd, looking further out to try and make out any faces. "Come on, sing along with me!" He beckoned to someone, he hoped. Nathaniel was reluctantly amidst the festivities. He had forced the ball for one reason only - should any pictures be taken for the yearbook, he was in them. It looked good at prospective colleges to be part of school life. So, sullen with hit plights, Nate had resorted to reading on his phone. He could feel Vivienne in his peripheral vision, and in that moment he regretted his decision to come at all. Nate ran a hand through his hair, not meeting her gaze. "Well, it's not much of a party really. But then again... I'm not a huge party person, so...." he awkwardly trailed off. @lily / char&theo&viv
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Saturday at 10:27
Cleo was having a great time at the dance but was feeling like she needed to do something wild. “We need to do something crazy! Something wild!” She said to whoever was next to her.
28 October 2018
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 07:02
Zakiyah was sick of it already, someone threw up on her. After punching someomne in the face she had to change. Thank god for drama teacher having any costumes legt from previous plays She was able to change. "My night is shit, I'll be honest though. I look good in blue."
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Sunday at 07:31
Blue’s solo had finished, and he found himself swaying as he left the stage. Some people clapped, some people laughed, but most people ignored him. Still heavily inebriated, he scampered to the drink table to grab something when his eyes fell on the person beside him. “You look good in me? Wait, you mean the colour...” It was very clear Blue was drunk. “Weren’t you a cheerleader before ? What happened ?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 07:37
"Well the punch amd food doesn't match for some people so they threw up. I gotta find out what my brother put in the punch." She sigh as she was wearing a prirate costume on. Seeing everyone one having a good time she was upset, she still kept a good mood throughout the whooe dance. "I was a hot cheerleader, now i look like a girl verson of captain hook." @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Sunday at 07:44
“Bloody lightweights ruining it for everyone.” Blue probably wasn’t far off that stage in all honesty, but he was too numb to care. “Also let your bro know he’s a hero!” Blue thought to himself that Zakiyah was still able to smile. Said a lot about her. “I think the costume’s great,” Blue giggled. “But the colour is better.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 07:50
She smile at his remarks on the color since it is his name. "You like it because it your color. " She yelled eyeing him on the stage. "My brother is an ass but he knows how to make a party more fun. I want to fight someone, you'll down?" @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 07:56
viv turned in surprise hearing nate’s voice. “me either,” she agreed with him quietly. “i mean, i’d honestly just rather be curled up with tea and books,” she spoke slightly embarrassed. “but i have to meet everyone, you know?” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Sunday at 08:21
“Maybe I like it because it’s a good colour. Maybe the fact my name is the same is only a coincidence.” This conversation was like rocket science to Blue - with his intoxicated state, he was finding it difficult to pay attention. “F-fight ? Why would you wanna fight somebody ? That’s not very nice...” he drunkenly drawled. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya ) The fact that Viv was here was still so lost on Nate. It was like the child inside him had been beckoned, and years worth of nostalgia struggled between them. Nate, for once, had no idea how to proceed. “Thank you, finally, someone who gets it.” Nate couldn’t help but look at his feet, the awkwardness tenuously pulling the pair together. “I mean... I’d offer to introduce you to people. I only really know people on debate or decathalon though...” Nate had no idea how to tell Vivienne, the girl he had admired for so long as a kid, he grew up to be surly and mostly disliked by his peers. The sinking feeling in his stomach wouldn’t go away, and he wondered if maybe tonight was the night that he had a drink. “Can I get you something from the beverage table? You must be, uh, parched.” @lily / char&theo&viv
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 09:11
after her little adventure with Nate, Kennedy had decided to head back to the dance and socialize a bit. It was fun, sure, but when she spotted Nate again later, she decided to go over to him. “There you are,” she smiles, stepping up and taking a sip of her drink. “I lost you when we got back” She paused. “Who’s your friend?” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @lily / char&theo&viv
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 09:15
"Well I'm nice when I need to be sweetheart." She took a sip what was in they cup and hand it back. "I want to get rid of some anger plus I want to use the braids as weapon." @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 09:38
Noah was getting a bit bored with the dance and was seated at a table. “I don’t think the punch could make this dance not boring.” He said and sighed.
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 09:41
“don’t you remember when we used to do that? drink hot cocoa and read the harry potter books?” viv teased nate. “i guess nothing’s changed for us,” she added, knowing nearly everything had. “i’m okay, thanks. not sure i want to end up doing... whatever that is,” she shrugged, gesturing to the boy drunkenly singing spice girls with a sly smile. “i’m vivienne,” she smiled warmly at the girl who had approached them. “i’m nate’s-“ she paused, not exactly knowing how to describe what they were anymore. “uh, nate and i knew each other when we were younger. we were like, best friends.” she explained. “are you one of nate’s friends?” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @paige || catalina&kennedy
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Sunday at 09:46
Blue had gone from drinking his alcohol to chewing the cup. He wasn't sure why, it was all his mind was capable of at this point. "B-but... punching people isn't very nice." He looked at the girl seriously, and felt bad that someone had thrown up on her. But he was also somewhat terrified of her imposing physical dominance, and Blue was a football player. "Why can't... you just hug people. It feels great." Blue looked to his left and saw someone kitted out in a costume he didn't quite understand, and Blue beckoned him over ( not wanting anyone to be on their own ). "Aw, dances are fun ! Don't be harsh," he looked at Noah seriously, as he started to refill his cup. "You know, I know how to fix BOTH your problems.... the dance floor." @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )  @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah Nate wanted a piano to fall out of the sky and squash him. He watched as Kennedy and Vivienne looked at each other. Sure, it was civil, but a strange feeling swirled around in his chest as he saw them interacting. He didn't understand why he cared, or why he felt so damn awkward. But he couldn't help it. "Kennedy Pritzker, daughter of the headmistress and quite the intellectual, meet an old friend of mine, Vivienne Hugo. Also an intellectual." Nate wanted to punch himself in the face. He desperately scrambled to change the subject, because the last thing he needed was these two girls discussing him. "Uh, so the dance.... Viv, you enjoying it ? Prtizker, are you... also having fun ?" @lily / char&theo&viv @paige || catalina&kennedy
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 09:49
Noah rolled his eyes before moving closer to the boy and girl. “No, no, no! I will not be going to the dance floor. Are you kidding? That’s the worst thing at this dance.” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 09:49
Kennedy could feel the thickness in the air when she approached, and with Nate’s formalities and vivienne’s uncertainty, she felt like she was interrupting something. she felt awkward, and she wanted to dip out and never come back, but she didn’t care. she was too drunk to. “Uh, nice yo meet you,” she said, nodding her head. “What’s with the full name, Nathaniel?” she asked, tilting her head. @lily / char&theo&viv @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )(edited)
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 09:59
“nice to meet you too,” vivienne spoke with genuine enthusiasm. even so, she couldn’t help the growing feeling of dread in her stomach looking at this girl with nate. “so you’re on the debate team? do you two argue against each other?” she questioned.
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Sunday at 10:04
Blue furrowed his brow. "The worst thing at the dance... is a dance. I'm confused." It's not like Blue was keen to get on the dancefloor either ( especially given everything ), but he wanted others to have fun. He felt guilty that there seemed to be a radius of sullen individuals surrounding him. "Okay, why did you come tonight ? I promise we'll find something you enjoy... it's my mission." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah "Arguing. Against each other. Well, it's something we have certainly done !" Nathaniel tried to laugh, but it only made the situation more tense. There was a lot to unpack in this situation, given everything. Nathaniel wasn't always as arrogant and self-absorbed as people believed him to be. In fact, there once was a time he was considered kind and somewhat jubilant. That's the Nate that Viv remembers, and that's the one he wanted her to remember. But then there was Kennedy, a girl that... well, Nate couldn't describe their relationship in any capacity. But the very foundation of their relationship was the fact that Nate was kind of an asshole. They both knew Nate as different people, and Nate... it was complicated, but to say that his feelings for both were mixed would be an understatement. He had found himself in a live mind-field, with no reverse button to save him. "So, uh, Viv, you're new. Um, let's talk about that! Let's just, talk about you. And Kennedy, we can talk about you too. And just get to know each other... I mean, we all know me ! So who cares ! Let's talk about you guys." @paige || catalina&kennedy @lily / char&theo&viv
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 10:05
“I came because I figured it was better than sitting in my room.” Noah said and shrugged. “I’m just not big in the whole, everyone dance to this weird music.” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )(edited)
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 10:09
Kennedy tilted her head, still completely and utterly confused. She wasn’t sure why he was acting like this, and it made her uncomfortable. “Yeah, we do debate together,” she said“So you’re new. That’s cool. I’ll probably give you a tour at some point, that’s my job, according to my mom” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @lily / char&theo&viv
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 10:11
“classic nate ramble, right?” viv teased the boy, remembering the times when they were younger and nate would get so excited about a topic that he’d trip over his words. “i mean, me being new isn’t exactly that interesting,” she shrugged. “but that sounds good. i’m glad i met you now - i’ve been getting so lost every time i try to go to class.” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 10:20
“Uh... right...” Kennedy couldn’t say the same, knowing nate that way, but she had a feeling that she was... interrupting something. She bit her lip, looking between the two of them. “So you know each other from childhood?” @lily / char&theo&viv @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 11:16
“yeah, we grew up in la together,” vivienne explained. “i moved from paris and nate was my first friend. he was the only one who didn’t tease me about my english,” she spoke with a small smile. @paige || catalina&kennedy @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )theo stood next to the punch table, taking a sip of his drink to steady his head. “i feel really sick,” he spoke to no one in particular. “i think i’m gonna go get some air.”
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 11:19
Cleo was standing next to the boy when he said he didn’t feel well. She followed him outside with a bottle of water and pretzels. “Hey, Theo you okay?” @lily / char&theo&viv
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 11:20
"Yeah I on Noah on that," She said while getting another cup and drinkimg it. "Fucm people, they never do shit. They might as well stab me in the back." @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 11:22
“Right....” Kennedy said, looking up at Nate. “You know i think i’m just gonna... go. Leave you two alone. it was nice to meet you, vivienne.” She looked at Nate again,  hurt look in her eyes, and turned to leave. @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @lily / char&theo&viv
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 11:23
“yeah.. i just... i don’t know,” the boy spoke, sitting down on the ground. “i feel dizzy.” @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 11:24
“Ok I think she has had enough to drink. You’re getting to the stage of aggressive drunkenness.” Noah said and laughed. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya ) @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )“Okay, here I grabbed a bottle of water and pretzels.” She said and sat next to him, holding out the two. “How much did you drink?” @lily / char&theo&viv(edited)
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Sunday at 11:40
Blue took another long sip of his drink. “Noah, your bedroom can’t be fun. I’m sure your room doesn’t have skeleton,” he giggled, wiggling a decorative skeleton that dangles before them. Blue then turned toZakiyah, his face a little more solemn. “Sounds like you’re hanging with the wrong people. You really need to hang around some party masters. Like me!!” He declared, downing the rest of his drink. “Come on guys, let’s get smashed.” @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya ) Literally beads of sweat were forming on Nate’s head. He had long since removed his snorkel mask, but soon enough he may need it again. But the thought of Kennedy leaving made Nate’s chest hurt. “Kennedy, wait,” he rushed out, looking at the two. “Please don’t... please don’t leave. Hey, I’m sure Viv has lots of questions only you can answer. And I don’t... we don’t want you to leave. It’s early. Plus we gotta see if we can get Viv to join debate with us.” @paige || catalina&kennedy @lily / char&theo&viv
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 11:57
vivienne was nothing if not observant, and she saw the hurt look in the other girls eyes. not wanting to cause trouble, she chimed in with nate’s protests. “no, nate’s right, you should definitely stay,” she spoke, nodding her head eagerly. “i’m sure i can come up with a question or two for you. and i’ve been meaning to ask someone about debate,” she tried, offering a kind smile to the other girl. @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @paige || catalina&kennedy
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 11:58
Noah groaned and shook his head. “Why can’t we just sit here and hate everything? It would be nice. Better than dancing.” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 12:00
theo shook his head. “i don’t. i don’t know,” he slurred out, stumbling to his feet. “i’m gonna take a walk,” he decided, heading off in the direction of the woods and disappearing into the dark trees.
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:02
Before Cleo could stop and run after him, it was like he disappeared. She was scared that he’d get hurt and ran back inside to get someone to help. “Uhh can someone help, Theo just ran off into the forest and I will be no help in these heels. He’s very drunk too.” She said out loud hoping someone would hear her.
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Sunday at 12:05
[ montpelierhqs admin ] the power flickers. the light dims. the music stops. the faculty of montpelier look around in confusion as students remain blissfully unaware of what had just occured. suddenly, everyone’s phones start to beep. an alert from the gossip blog. panic sets in. rain starts to pour. @everyone
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 12:12
"WHAT THE FUCK, MY HAIR." Zakiyah yelled as she push people out the way trying not to be wet. "Sorry not sorry,"
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 12:12
vivienne glanced out the window at the dark sky. "uh, is this like a normal thing here?" she spoke nervously, the truth glaring out at her from every phone screen in the room. "i mean, he's okay, right? this is a joke, right?"
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:13
Cleo was shocked by what she read on the phone, letting it drop as she ran for a trash can, feeling like she was gonna be sick at the thought of what Troy or Hallie was doing to Theo.
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 12:14
charlotte noticed her friend making a break across the room and went to her. "oh my god, cleo, are you okay? what happened?" she asked her, hand on her shoulder. "was it the punch?" @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah(edited)
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 12:14
Kennedy went to protest when the lights flickered, and she looked around confused. “Uh, no, it’s not a normal thing,” Kennedy said to Vivienne, looking to Nate with big eyes. @lily / char&theo&viv @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 12:15
"V this is Montpelier, nothing never normal here." She look at her with a angry face. She wants to know what happen to Theo.  @lily / char&theo&viv
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:15
Cleo looked up at Charlotte and shook her head. “I was the last one to see him. I just let him run out to the forest.” She said and shook her head. “He didn’t look good so I followed him, but..” She said and ran a hand through her hair. @lily / char&theo&viv
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 12:16
"Noah I feel you on hating everything." She said while laying down on a chair feeling a little sick @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:16
Noah looked at the girl concerned. “Are you okay? Do you need water?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 12:30
"I might need some." She close her eyes trying to gain conscious. She wasn't having a good time at the dance the only thing she doing is drinking really. "Blue I hang with you but I'm still crazy as thier is." She said falling on the chair bumping her head. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:33
Noah was just about to turn to go and grab water for the girl but stopped. He ran to her side, looking at her concerned. “Zakiyah are you okay? Blue, you need to go get some water please?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya ) @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
bee // wyatt & emma-janeLast Sunday at 12:34
Earning a genuine laugh from Holden is enough to make Emma-Jane not care that she’s making a complete fool out of herself. That isn’t to say that he takes himself too seriously or has given her the impression that his usual amusement is dishonest in anyway, but there’s something about this laughter that entirely changes his face. His smile appears brighter and there’s a sense of enjoyment between the two of them. “Yeah! You heard me!” She wrinkles her nose back, fighting the urge to stick out her tongue. Childish, yes. Emma is so rarely allowed to be so carefree though, this whole night feels elating. Again she scoffs, only stopping her dance at the flicker of the lights. Her initial thought is that someone must be playing a prank. It is a Halloween dance after all, and what better way to enjoy it than scaring a few people? With the music gone, a ripple follows through the crowd, until everyone has stopped dancing. There’s a momentary stir of confusion, until the buzzes and the pings starts. In the darkness of the ballroom, everyone’s phones start going off. Almost instantly, she goes rummaging through her purse. “It’s Troy,” she says flatly, expecting the latest blast from the gossip blog as she reads. “That’s so not funny.” Her laugh is slightly shrill, as she shoves her phone in Holden’s direction for him to see. ( @maaria ✨  libby / holden )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 12:38
"If a big headache and a bump counts as fine..... then yeah." She smiling as she laugh it off. She put her hand on her head when she feels her bump. She sees Noah near her side, raising her hand up to get help. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:43
Noah picked her up, not wanting her to get up. “Come on, let’s get some ice and water for you.” He said and started to walk toward the table with drinks. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 12:47
“oh my god.” charlotte spoke, her mouth open in shock. of course cleo was upset, everyone knew her and theo were friends. “cleo you have to know it’s not your fault. don’t blame yourself,” she said softly. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:49
Cleo could feel tears starting to brim at her eyes. “But what if I could’ve done something? I shouldn’t have let him run off. God, what if he never comes back Charlotte? What if he’s just gone?” She rambled and sank to the ground. “I feel like punching someone but also emptying everything from my stomach.” @lily / char&theo&viv
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 12:49
Walking with Noah, she sat in a chair and lay her head. Today wasn't her day she just wanted to get this over with and she haven't seen her brother any where. "Thanks, I literally hate this and the damn blog made some shit worst." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:51
Noah grabbed water for her and make an ice pack with ice from a cooler. “Seriously. How this person is getting away with this is nuts. Keep your head up and put this in the bump.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 12:57
"I don't know but she is and bitch bring revenge." She grab the ice pack from Noah and slowly put it on her head. She got the water too and drank some of it then left it on the table. "I honestly don't know what people going to do at this point. Pretty sure those tasks are real hell is coming." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 13:00
“Well she needs to kindly fuck off.” Noah said and sighed. “Well hopefully they find her before anything bad happens.”@Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 13:09
"Let pray nothing bad happens or else it be like the purge." She gave a small chuckle and drank some water. "I feel like hell." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 13:11
“I swear, nothing like this happens in North Carolina.” He said and sighed. “Maybe you should see a nurse?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 13:14
"No I can't because my my intoxicated level is through the roof I think." She shake her head a hard no, she rubbed her eyes trying to fight through the headache. "North Carolina sounds peaceful,  New York is lowkey hell." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 13:22
“Yeah and I’m sure all the teachers here are as well. It’s more about you being healthy. You could have a concussion.” He said and sighed. “It was.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 13:32
She could care less about the teacher knowing about her getting drunk. The only reason why she caring because her name wasn't going to be drunk bitch. "Health never normal, it's called life beating your ass." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Pau (Claire & Nic)Last Sunday at 13:32
Nic had enough that night between coming face to face with his past and his present—neither of which he was all too excited to see at Montpelier. Everyone else seemed to be having a far worse time than he, though, the moment all phones went ringing. He was so confused, and to be fair, he wasn't even sure which one was Theo in the first place. At least he recognized the name.  And Troy. He found it ridiculous but  it was, apparently, a thing. But the other name... "Who's Hallie?"
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 13:33
Noah sighed and shook his head. “Fine but no falling asleep okay? That isn’t a good thing to do after hitting your head.”@Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 13:43
"I can't promise you that. The headache is hell, my feet hurts, I'm cold and I just really wanna get out of here. I can't because I can't leave without Cam." She vent trying to stay up after walking all night. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 13:49
“What if I walk you back to your dorm and then come back for Cam? That way you’re both taken care of.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 13:57
"That would be nice but I'm staying at my house during weekend." She said putting a fake smile on her face. "Cam has the key to the house. Your my hero right now thanks." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 13:58
“Oh well you don’t have a spare at your house?” Noah asked, ignoring the hero part. He was just concerned for the girls well being, especially after the blog post.  @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:14
"I did but I lost it. I really don't remember what happen to it." Zakiyah mind had been a blur throughout the whole night and the rest of her life apparently. "I'm mess right now huh?" @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:15
“Ok well, then lest find Cam.” He said and smiled. “You’ve just had a rough night is all.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:19
"Please do, I really looked for him all night and he not texting me back." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:23
“Maybe he’s with a girl?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:25
"I don't know where or care whoms he with. I really don't want to feel drunk and alone." She pouted resting her head on her purse on the table. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:25
“Hey hey, no laying your head down.” He said and helped her head stay up.@Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:27
"But it hurts," she said keeping her eyes close while Noah trying to keep her head up. "What can a laying down do to me anyway?" @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:28
“I know it does but if you fall asleep and you have a concussion, you could accidentally slip into a coma. Now we don’t want that right?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:31
"No we don't." She said shaking her head agreeing with him. "Can we get away? My head hurts with all the yelling." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:32
Noah smiled and nodded. “Yeah, here grab your water and ice. We can go sit outside.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 14:35
Cam was well within his high at this point, the edibles and molly keeping him in a great mindset as he searched out Cleo. "Hey... hi.. hey." He commented softly before smirking. "You still warm?" @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:37
"That all I want really." She smile slowy getting up and get her water and ice pack to head outside. "I will probably freeze my ass off with the skirt." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:38
Cleo looked up from the floor and smiled at him. “Yeah, still warm thank you again.” She said and stood up. “I’m just a little freaked out right now is all.” @lattie || Harper and Cam“Don’t worry, I have a jacket you can use as a blanket. Plus the cold will wake you up a bit.” He said and started to walk towards the doors. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 14:39
Cam nodded slowly before wrapping his arms around her again. "I was serious when I said Id kill them with they hurt you." He stated softly before nuzzling her neck. "You want to go somewhere else?"
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:43
Cleo welcomes his hug and hugged him back, nuzzling herself into him. “I know.” She said and squeezed him. “Yes please. I need to clear my head.” @lattie || Harper and Cam
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:43
She walk towards to the door and took off her heels during the process. "New york weather will kill you. My head feels like a bitch." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:45
Noah took his jacket off, thankful for the long sleeves under it. “Yeah well, it’ll probably hurt for a few days.” He said and handed her his jacket. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:47
She gratefully took his jacket and put it around her. "I don't even remember how I fell. Pretty sure I slip." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:48
“I’m not sure, my back was turned when it happened.” He said and shrugged. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 14:48
Pulling away, he took her hand and moved for the door. "Im great at helping people clear their minds." He reasoned before looking at her. "It will be okay." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:49
Cleo followed him and sighed. She didn’t know how much she needed fresh air till it hit her. “Will it though? Theo got taken by Hallie. If it even is her.” @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 14:50
Stopping as they got outside, Cam bit his bottom lip. "Things always work out how they are suppose to." His voice soft before he leaned in and kissed her. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 14:50
Andrea was outside, getting some fresh air when she saw them—Cleo and Cam. Her heart broke, seeing him with someone else, especially after telling her they’d have tonight. @lattie || Harper and Cam @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:52
Cleo at first was caught off guard by the kiss but then all the worry and negative thoughts slipped away and she kissed him back. She snaked her arms around his neck and played with the hair at the nape of his neck. Se hey notice that they weren’t alone. @lattie || Harper and Cam @paige || catalina&kennedy
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 14:56
Wrapping his arms around her to pull her in close, he smiled softly as she kissed him back. Pulling away from a moment, he smirked. "You feeling better?" He went to say something else before he noticed Andrea. "Shit." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @paige || catalina&kennedy
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:57
She smiled as he pulled away and nodded. “Much.” She said but then looked at what he saw and looked back at him confused. “What?” @paige || catalina&kennedy @lattie || Harper and Cam
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 14:58
Andrea had tears in her eyes—it was stupid, she knew they were broken up, but it still stung. Wiping her tears, she walked past them, purposely bumping into the two of them hard. She wasn’t normally like this—not the jealous type—but the weed and alcohol in her system was making her do it. “Sorry,” she mumbled, not sincere. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @lattie || Harper and Cam
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:58
"Me either," She said right walking with Noah before heading outside seeing her brother. "Oh shit." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @lattie || Harper and Cam
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:59
Noah stopped and looked at who she was looking at. “Why do I feel like we just walked into drama?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:00
Cam closed his eyes tightly before watching Andrea. "Drea.... im sorry. I..." He knew no apologies would help fix this as he looked back at Cleo. "Sorry." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @paige || catalina&kennedy
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 15:00
She turn to Noah then back at Cam. "Shit, every drama has a damn love triangles." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:01
“Don’t call me that” she snapped instantly, still looking like she wanted to cry. “You broke up with me, remember? you don’t owe me anything” she said, walkingoff  @lattie || Harper and Cam @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah(edited)
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 15:01
Cleo stumbles a bit as the girl bumped into her and Cam. She instantly felt awful, not wanting to be that girl. “Seriously Cam?” She said and shook her head, more mad at herself than anything. “Go talk to her.” She said before storming back inside. @lattie || Harper and Cam @paige || catalina&kennedy“So I’m guess this is Cam?” Noah asked and looked at the scene that was unfolding. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:02
Flinching as she snapped, Cam nodded slowly. "Yeah.. yeah, we are broken up." He mumbled before shaking his head. Hearing Cleo, he moved to walk after Andrea. "I didnt want... I dont know what I wanted." @paige || catalina&kennedy @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:03
Andrea saw Zakiyah and headed over towards her and Noah, sniffling “I guess i did this to myself?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya ) @lattie || Harper and Cam @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 15:04
Cleo walked back inside and slammed herself down at a table. Holding her head in her hands, she let herself start to sob for all the messed up stuff that happened tonight.
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 15:05
"That my brother," she said looking at him with a guilty smile. She saw Andrea coming towards her with tears in her eyes. She gave her a hug trying to get to the bottom of this. "Cam what the hell happening?" She ask walking towards him. She forgot she was wearing no shoes other then socks. It was right before she step on something making her fall. "Fuck sakes." @paige || catalina&kennedy @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @lattie || Harper and Cam
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 15:06
Noah looked at the girl and back at Cam. “Seriously? What the hell dude? You made one girl cry, I’m pretty sure that other girl just went in there to cry.” He said and walked over towards him but stopped to see what happened to Zakiyah. “What’s wrong?” @lattie || Harper and Cam @paige || catalina&kennedy @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:07
Cam watched his ex and his sister before shaking his head. "I dont.... I dont know." His voice small before he huffed, trying to ignore the other boy. "Shut the fuck up Noah." Turning to Andrea, he bit his bottom lip. "Im sorry Andrea. I really am." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @paige || catalina&kennedy @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:08
Andrea flinched when Cam snapped, arms wrapping around her middle. “No you’re not” she mumbled, looking down. @lattie || Harper and Cam @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 15:10
"All of yall shut the fuck up." She yelled right before turning to Noah trying to get up. "My foot is in pain." She sees Cam and tries to get up but her ankle couldn't cooperate. @lattie || Harper and Cam @paige || catalina&kennedy @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 15:11
“Look dude, I’m not the one making people cry!” He snapped at Can and shook his head. He looked back at Zakiyah and nodded. “Ok you sit here, don’t try to get up. Let me look at it. Is it ok if I take your sock off?”  @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya ) @paige || catalina&kennedy @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:12
Cam looked away from her for a moment. "Can we just like go somewhere to talk or..." He didnt want to be around his sister and Noah right now. @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:12
Andrea shrugged, looking down. “I guess,” andrea mumbled, looking up at him through long eyelashes @lattie || Harper and Cam
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 15:14
"Yeah sure." She said sitting down moving her leg towards him. "What a shitty night, Im supposed to turn 17 in a few days and today hell. Sorry for dragging you down with me. " @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 15:14
He took off her sock carefully but looked up at her. “Hey don’t worry about it. We all have bad nights sometimes.” He said and smiled. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:15
Cam moved to take her hand, wanting to go somewhere away from everyone to clear his mind and figure out what he is doing. As they walked away, Cam looked at Andrea. "Look... I am sorry and I know that doesnt mean much... not right now and im sorry for that too." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:16
Andrea pulled her hand away instantly, still following him. “You just don’t care” she’d say “About me. you act like you do but god—cam i fucking love you and you’re making out with other girls” @lattie || Harper and Cam
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 15:19
"Yeah it does," She gave a small smile before realizing a tear about to come out. She wipe it away before Noah could see it. "What wrong my foot? It is bad that I can't feel it." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:20
As she pulled away, he let his hand drop, instead moving to wrap his arms around himself wishing he had his jacket back now. "I dont fucking care. Its just hard.. I can't explain it.." He didnt want to explain it. "There is a lot going on up here and I dont know." He mumbled, tapping his head. @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:20
“Then talk to me” she’d snap at him “god, i’ve dumped so much shit on you, you can do that with me cam. don’t you get it?” she was crying now, yelling at him @lattie || Harper and Cam
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 15:21
Noah looked down at her foot and noticed it was bleeding. “I think you just stepped in some glass. Shouldn’t be too bad.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:22
"I cant." Cam replied quickly, looking up at her. Fear present in his eyes for a moment before he looked away. "I can't talk to anyone. I cant let it all out because then it fucks everything up and I cant deal with that." Letting out a shaky breath, he sighed. "I didnt mind... I dont mind carrying that stuff for you." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:23
“it doesn’t fuck everything up” she’d snap “do you not understand how much i love you, cameron?” @lattie || Harper and Cam
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 15:23
Zakiyah nodded after hearing what Noah said. Thank god it wasn't broken, or else she be in crutches for a few days. "Thanks, why was there glass here anyways?" @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:26
"It will though." Cam replied before shaking his head. "I know. I understand how much you love me, Drea. Love me enough to know I can't talk about whats going on with me." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:26
“But do you lvoe me?” she snapped “No, you don’t. and that’s the problem” @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:27
"I do... Fuck, Ive never been sure of anything else." Cams voice raw as he looked back up at her. "Im sorry." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:27
“fuck you” she snapped at him, clearly crying, turning to walk away @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:29
"Fuck me because I wont tell you things I cant tell you?" Cam snapped grabbing her wrist. "Thats real fucked up Andrea. You wouldnt love me if you knew. You wouldnt.... no one can know." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:30
“of course i would lvoe you!” she’d shout “but fuck you for telling me we have tonight and making out with cleo” @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:32
"You wouldnt." He replied after a moment before letting her wrist go. "I am sorry. You dont deserve that." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:35
“don’t make decisions for me!” shes shouter at him @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:38
Cam looked at her. "Im sorry." Was all he could say at this point @paige || catalina&kennedy
Jaimie (Wil)Last Sunday at 15:44
Wil was in a panic now. The shitty things that had happened throughout the night, the message from the gossip blog, the chaos of the crowd, and whatever the hell was in that punch were all combining into something bigger than Wil could bear. His breathing became heavier. Tears stung his eyes, but didn't escape. He felt like he was going to explode, or implode, or collapse. He pushed through the crowd, not caring who he rudely shoved aside. He just wanted to get out. He pushed open the doors and breathed in the cool air from outside. He paced frantically in the dark, trying desperately to collect himself and his thoughts. The tears were running now, and he didn't really even know why.
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 16:50
“you’re sorry?!” Andrea shouted at him, voice cracking @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 16:55
"For everything." Cam admitted softly looking away from her. @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 16:55
“God Cam,” Andrea breathed out, full on crying at this point. “Why can’t you just lvoe me like i love you?”
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 16:56
"I dont know. I love you. I do." He mumbled trying to hide the hurt in his voice. "Just not enough, I guess."
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 16:57
Hearing him so hurt, Andrea hated herself. She was too drunk to be responsible, taking his hand and tugging him towards her @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 16:58
Looking up at her, he let out a soft sob. "I dont think I know how to love something like that, Drea. I dont think I know how to love you like that." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 16:58
“Oh Cam,” she breathed out, cupping his face in her hands and wiping his tears with her thumbs @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 17:00
"Im sorry. I really am." He mumbled trying to blink back the tears that dared to come.
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 17:02
“sh sh,” she whispered, shaking her head as tears fell down her cheeks “it’s ok” @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 17:02
Cam wrapped his arms around her, letting out another sob. "Its not okay. You deserve better." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 17:03
“I don’t want anyone else” she whispered, holding him close “don’t you get it cameron?” @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 17:11
Cam looked at Andrea before rubbing his eyes quickly, trying to wipe away the tears. "I dont get it. I dont get why you want me but I want you too." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 17:12
“Then be with me,” she practically begged him, pulling him close. “If you want me, be with me. we can figure the rest out later” @lattie || Harper and Cam(edited)
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 17:14
Cam watched her for a moment before nodding. "Oh-okay." He trusted her, only hoping his secret didnt ruin everything when it came out. "We will figure it out." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 17:15
“Okay?” she whispered, a hopeful look in her eyes as she nodded. “Yeah, we’ll figure it out” @paige || catalina&kennedy
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 17:16
Cam gave a small smile before nodding again. "Yeah, okay." Wrapping his arms around her tighter, he rested his head on her shoulder. @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 17:17
Andrea let out a soft sigh, wrapping her arms around his neck and running her fingers through his hair “everything is going to be ok” she whispered, kissing his head @lattie || Harper and Cam
29 October 2018
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Yesterday at 07:52
Zakiyah was mad she couldn't control her anger. She was walking around school with glass in her foot, she could careless about it but her adrenaline came through the roof. "WHERE THE FUCK IS WYATT?"
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raulsparza · 7 years
Ghost Quartet 11/4/17
I can’t stop reliving every little bit of Ghost Quartet in my head so I figured I would share with everyone! I was sitting on a cushion on the floor, right in the middle across from Brittain and Gelsey.
-@louarn kept mentioning that the theater was in a random part of town and when we went into the lobby area outside the actual theater she said it was absolutely a liminal space. Then she saw the sign ‘part of ghost quartet takes place in complete darkness’ and was like where tf have you taken me. Quite a wonderful start
-I was sitting on my cushion, happily absorbing the atmosphere of it all, when suddenly Gelsey was right in my field of vision. I almost screamed. And then Brent and Brittain and Dave were all there too and I fully realized just how close they were and how small the space really was like wow my dudes. They all just walked out and poured whiskey for themselves and got ready to start.
-Dave’s pre-show announcement sounded just like the one he does on the McKittrick hotel live recording he’s just always awkward it’s wonderful. And I kept just having little moments of realization like oh Dave Malloy is here and talking and real. It was nuts.
-I don’t know was super sped up and I kept looking over to watch Brent absolutely kill it on the cello. What a star. And him and Dave kept making eye contact across the room. And Brittain and Gelsey are just ethereal human beings words can’t describe them
-It was probably just from the AC/not intentional but there was a tiny breeze in the theater that would ripple the hanging strings on the lampshade between Brittain and Gelsey and it felt perfectly spooky
So much more under the cut this is v long 
-Brittain sounded so lost/annoyed/confused for the camera shop scene. Like absolutely a customer not wanting to deal with a store worker/a generally stressed human not wanting to be around others
-Brent shook his head back and forth a little to help emphasize his bear voice. I fell in love with him during this show. Its casual
-Starchild was surreal and I never realized Gelsey played the metallophone during it so that was neat to see!
-Subway was startling and scary. The floor vibrated and the sound grew and surrounded us and closed us in and I was shooketh
-There was a special mic for Lady Usher that made her sound ghostly and echo-y and far away and Dave probably also had an echo mic (though I couldn’t see him very well) (save for his fluff of hair bouncing when he moved) and it was so unnerving to hear all the reverberation/lingering sound in such a small space
-What the heck was soldier and rose omg! I don’t think Gelsey is real?? Her voice is so loud and clear and all-consuming she had no mic and no music and she just went for it like damn. She also kinda conducted herself using her fingers on her left hand which was adorable. Brittain’s flirtations were too much. I think my heart stopped.
-Gelsey scurrying around to hand out instruments during any kind of dead person was far too adorable. Shoutout to @louarn and @hawkeyeing for sharing their shaker and cowbell with me! Such a fun atmosphere to be a part of!
-Dave made sure all the instruments were collected ‘especially that big one (drum), get that out of here!’ and he put his hand to his ear really dramatically to hear brent playing Thelonious monk what a nerd, and then assumed his position in the front of the room for the astronomer. He sang it like such a full-of-himself fuqboi rockstar it was hilarious. At one point he did a silly riff that wasn’t on the album and I laughed quietly and he NOTICED and nodded his head and smiled
-before family meeting starts Gelsey poured dave a drink and brought it to him over at the piano and dave says ‘thank hon!’. And then brittain just haphazardly bangs her hands on her keyboard while shes ‘playing’ as Roxie. Brent was so flippant and annoyed. This will always be my favorite spoken scene in the show.
-Four friends was wild suddenly dave was placing whiskey bottles along the top of his piano that he then passed out to everyone. pouring myself a cup of whiskey in a tiny little theater while four beyond talented performers sang their hearts out was practically an out of body experience  
-I drank my whiskey really slowly to savor it all. feeling the burning warmth in my chest was a welcome addition to the intensity of fathers and sons. Brent and dave brought drums to the middle of the room and slammed on them while glaring into each other’s eyes. Brittain and Gelsey each held mics for them. When Brittain and Gelsey sang about the man on the platform together Brittain looped her arm under Gelsey’s arm so Gelsey could continue holding the mic for Brent and her and brittain could sing into brittain’s mic together
-Gelsey sat with her legs up next to her for the beginning of tango dancer and then danced with her arms wrapped around her a little. She is a mesmerizing human
-Brittain and Gelsey dancing together during monk was so sweet. And seeing this played out live really helped me to solidify the understanding that Scheherazade is telling the story of parts of ghost quartet itself to Dunyazad, similar to how Edgar tells the subway story to Lady Usher in usher part 3
-Dave said lights out and then all the lights went out, save for the exit signs and a couple pieces of glow tape on the instruments and furniture (‘too many little lights’). I actually loved the glow tape because it was small enough that it would seem to vanish if you looked at it directly, and it would jump around as you moved your eyes. I also fully closed my eyes for a couple seconds to experience complete complete darkness
-all of side three was so haunting because every once in a while someone would be lit for a second with a distant light that made them kinda fuzzy with a ghostly aura. And sometimes there was a bit of an afterimage the second after the light disappeared. I don’t remember specifically when the lights came on because it happened so suddenly and intermittently, but I know that all in all it was a perfectly disorienting experience and I want to hug the lighting designer
-Prayer specifically was so chilling because I was so hyperaware of the gentle sound coming from every corner of the theater. I always wish that song was longer it’s so beautiful
-and then the lights came back on and brittain picked up her mic stand and moved directly! In front! Of me! for hero and geez I was not prepared for that to happen. I was stunned and starstruck and trying to hold back tears so I definitely looked like a mess and she was so beautiful and her voice was so full and then she cried for real and I just wanted to hug her omg. Also Gelsey plays accordion during this song?? I was so distracted by Brittain but then suddenly I saw an accordion in the background and like. alright. Classic dave malloy.
-@joannachristie got a drum during wind and rain and was kind enough to let me tap it a few times! And then Gelsey looked up and made direct eye contact with me and she picked up her metallophone and put it in front of me and crouched down to show me which key to play and I was in shock and disbelief and had so much fricken fun. It probably went on for like two minutes after they left the area
-Talked to everyone after the show and handed out letters to all of them and took pics. They are all such wonderful, sweet, genuine people. louarn went around telling them all it was my 21st birthday and they were all cute and excited for me
-Brent helped me pick out the best tee shirt size and he excitedly told me about cello techniques and I asked what he was using instead of his bow at one point and turns out he just uses a drumstick bc it’s easier during a transition lol. he has such a gentle speaking voice
-Brittain hugged me immediately after she found out it was my birthday and im pretty sure i left that plane of existence. I asked her what she was singing during Pearl’s death speech in usher part 3 and she said she switches it up each night, it’s usually some sort of folk song. She couldn’t remember the name of the song she did that night so she just started singing it! Directly to me! for like, a while! It was so beautiful I am so beyond blessed
-gelsey told me I could develop my own scream if I practiced (and I joked about not practicing enough) so now any time I scream, ever, it is dedicated to her
-while I was still standing with Gelsey dave leaned over to me, extended his hand for me to shake, and said ‘hey I heard it’s your birthday! Well done!’ he said well done a couple times. I couldn’t handle it then, and I can’t handle it now. Well done. Also he said he liked the dragonflies on my scarf im in love. We talked about moby dick a little and I just thanked him for like anything hes ever done ever
so thankful and elated to have been able to experience this incredible show
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izloveshorses · 7 years
Here's everything I love about the Anastasia Musical (Part One)
So!! I've finally collected my thoughts and was able to list out everything I love about this musical (this was supposed to be limited to like 5 songs but I couldn't pick just a handful bc they're ALL SO GOOD). Keep in mind, I haven't seen it live yet, just listened to the album and watched that First Look preview hundreds of times. Pleeease don't mention any spoilers or anything bc I really wanna go see it for myself some day! Warning: long post lol
The first few notes of Prologue: Once Upon a December gave me chills omg
I love how they really touched on just how much Communism affected everybody. Life was pretty crappy for everyone and it's important that it's discussed. Like, the exchange between Anya and Gleb ("I can't lose this job...") really highlights to me that they were all hungry, desperate for work, etc. and it not many people had any hopes for a better future...
"The skies are grey, the walls have ears and he who argues disappears!"
"We're good and loyal comrades and our favorite color's red!"
"Two cans of beans, comrade?" "... doNE"
The collective "SHHH!!"
Christy's voiCE I CANT
When I was first listening to this I was like "ohhh boy... I'm already crying on the 3rd song.... this is gonna be an emotional ride"
"Call the child anYA"
"Is it Pariiiiis? Paris..."
"You don't know what it's like not to know who you are"
"But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreammmms"
"I know it all will come baaaaack ONE DAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!"
Anya/Christyyyyy you're breaking my heart stop it just started
Honestly the whole song is beautiful
All of Learn to Do It is great too bc wow that's a mood changer from the last song lol
"How do you become the person you've forgotten you ever were?"
"Am I floating?" "Like a sinking boat"
"I never cared for stroganoff!"
"I don't like being contradicted." "That makes two of us!"
"I've hAD it!! And I hATE YOU BOTH!"... "Don't forGET I don't remember anything! Get OUT and let me be!"
She takes a big breath before she lists everything she learned lol
Ramin's so talented what the heck
"I heard the shots.... I heard the screams... but it's the silence after I remember most."
"A revolution is a siiiimple thiiiiiiiiiing" my guy, my dude, my man,, no.... that is false,,,
"Funny when a city is all you know, how even when you hate it something in you loves it sooooo!!"
"There's a boy, growing up, all I've been, all I'll be..."
"Funny how a BOY CAN GROOOOWWWW! Funny how a city tells you when it's time to goooo!"
"But tonight, there's a sky and quite a viewww... welcome tooooooooooo..... My PetersBUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG!!!"
I know that Once Upon a December is exactly the same as the movie but Christy's voice is so gorgeous so I need to talk about it
"Accross my meeemoryyyyyyyy...."
The piano rising in a crescendo
Christy's voice at the end my lord
The whole orchestra in this song is amazing
OKAY SO. STAY, I PRAY YOU. IS VERY UNDERRATED. LIKE. WHEN I FIRST LISTENED TO IT I WAS JUST SITTING ON MY COUCH WITH TEARS ROLLING DOWN MY CHEEKS AND WAS LIKE "why.... am I crying... about crossing the russian border.... when I'm not even Russian.... what the heck...."
And!!! It emphasizes the fact that this is communist Russia. You don't leave!!
Constantine's voice here is so haunting and The strings are lovelyyyyyy
This is like that one song from Sound of Music when they cross the mountains lol
Christy's and Derek's harmonizing is b e a u t i f u l
"How to go wheRE IIIIII HAve never gone befoooorrre..."
"Let me have a moment, let me say goodbyyyyyye...."
My absolute favorite part is how it slowly fades from the entire cast singing and repeating "iiiii'lll bless my homeland...." to just the trio, to dmitry and Anya, and finally until it's just Anya left.... "iiii'lll bless my homeland... tillllll I diiiiieeee..." It's so chillingly beautiful I'm never gonna get used to that
We'll Go From There is so pure and happy!
"Some women say I look distinguished this way"
"Meet the royal. Mess!"
"Why did I say? yes?"
Again, Derek and Christy's harmonizing is amazing how--
"Getagripandtakeadeepbreath and soon we'll know what's what"
"Oh what a lovely ride! And what a lovely dayyyyy! For a totally illegal geeeeetawayyyyy!"
"From theeeeeEEeeeeeeEEeeeeerrreeeee! We'll go from there!!" Bum
Ramin is baaaack with more angst and beautiful vocals in Still!
"A son becomes a man! At his faaaaather's knee..."
"But then you see her eyes, and something in them tells you that she ABSOLUTELY LIES"
It's so empowering I'm PUMPED like every time I hear it I have to get up and run around like I'm the one performing or making a music video
"Peo.ple always say, Life is full of choices, but no one ever mentions. fear..."
"Home. Love. Faaaamily. There was once a time I must have had them tooooo... Hoooooome, loooooove, faaaamily! I will never be complete until I find youuuuuu!" (Brb crying)
I'm always out of breath when this song is over lol
Paris Holds the Key always pumps me up omg
"Everything is is avant-garde, or chic!"
Dmitry's part tho...
"There's hope in the aaaair!"
The one and only thing I'm kinda bummed about is that they didn't include that one part from the original where everyone is singing in the final chorus and then it's just dmitry singing "toooo... Herrrr...." and then the ensemble finishes it off. Idk it's so heartbreaking but that's probably my favorite part from the original song and I'm kinda sad they cut that bit (but it's ok bc DEREK)
Crossing A Bridge is VERY underrated too omg
The orchestral part is beautiful and again CHRISTY'S VOICE
"Halfway between where I've been, and where I'm goiiing..."
"Me on the left bank, you on the riiiight!" And then Her voice at "every light is like a promise.."
I love how the middle it's kinda loud and emotional but it ends really soft and quiet
Watching Christy's "Royal Misfits" vlog made me love Mary Beth Peil bc she kinda reminds me of my Nanna, so Close the Door broke my heart a little
I love the mood of Land of Yesterday bc they're complaining that they're no longer rich lol and Lily's like "well we're not dead now!" And my favorite: "RUSSIAAAAAA!!!"
IN A CROWD!!! OF THOUSANDS!!!! I SOB EVERY TIME I LISTEN TO IT. The chemistry btwn Christy and Derek is magical (I mean I haven't seen them but) I can hear them smiling and their harmonizing is just... good lord. And the tension is so real
"You're making me feel I was there too." "Maybe you were, make it part of your story"
I love that you can hear the shift in Christy's voice from playful and humorous to a dawning, frightening realization ("and I tried not to smile, but I smiiiiled... and then... heeeee bowwwwed...!!!!!" "Um, I didn't tell you that" "You didn't have to!! I remember!!!!" And then a heavy pause)
"With the sun in my eyes you were gone... but I knew, even then, in a crowd of thousands... I'll find you... aaaagaaaaain....." AIGFHGKVNID THEY FOUND EACH OTHER EXCUSE ME WHILE I GO CRY
"Your highness..." !???!???? WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING TO MY HEART
Meant to Be is beautiful (especially the orchestra) but I'm gonna skip to QUARTET AT THE BALLET. BC HONESTLY ITS ONE OF MY FAVORITES. The striiiings....
"My past and my future so neeeeear..." and then Dmitry breaking my heart again with "next to me this frightened girl, holding tight as the dancers whirl"
The whole part where Dmitry and Gleb are singing together omgggg "ITS FATE!! THAT BROUGHT US HEEEEERE"
And don't! Get me started on the part where they're all singing together it's so intENSE it's honestly one of my favorite parts from the whole musical. And!! DMITRY'S PART OMG HE REPRISES JOURNEY TO THE PAST "hooome, looove, faaaamily.... she will have all of it!! I will help her..." AKFJOND HE KEEPS BREAKING MY HEART HE LOVES HER SO MUCH #OTP
Again Dmitry just loves her... Everything to Win messes with my heart. "I didn't know, she mattered to meee... but now I can see, she doooeees..." (and later Anya says the same thing omg what kind of romantic crap is this, "conman and princess get their wish and fairytales come truuuue!" *clenches fist*) and "with everything to win, the only thing I lose... is youuuuuu..." :(
I love how Gleb interrupts Anya's pining for dramaaaaaaa. "If you really are Anastasia do you think history wants you to have lived??" "YES, why don't you!?"
"All but one. Finish it, I am my father's daughter." "AND I AM MY FATHER'S SON!" ( I can actually hear Anya standing with her chin held high staring at him straight in the eyes, a challenge, a dare) and a gun clicks and omg my heart started racing
"Look at their faces in mine, hear their screams, see their BLOOD." ... "Do it! Do it and I will be with my parents and my brothers and sisters in that cellar in Yekaterinburg all over again!!" GOOD LORD ITS SO INTENSE
The ending is absolutely perfect... "she was a dream. A beautiful dream." And then "the case is closed. But still...." and the ENSEMBLE COMES BACK. They didn't have to go so hard, man
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balancegym · 7 years
Class Of the Month: YOGA
This month, Yoga is our Class of the Month! This month, we chatted with five of our Balance yoga instructors to learn why they love yoga, what their classes are like, and why you should try them out!
What’s your name, where do you teach yoga, and how long have you been teaching?
SF: Shayna Frankel, Balance Gym Capitol Hill. I’ve been teaching yoga for 4 years.
AH: Alexandria Hall, Balance Gym Thomas Circle and Foggy Bottom. I’ve been teaching yoga for 4 years.
RH: Rebecca Holland, Balance Gym Glover Park. I’ve been teaching yoga for almost 4 years.
AW: Amanda Wilson. I’ve been teaching yoga for three years.
BH: Betsy Huffman, Balance Gym Glover Park. I’ve been teaching yoga since 2005.
Tell us about your background - how did you discover yoga, and why did you decide to start teaching?
SF: I first discovered yoga during a previous career in a very fast paced, stressful setting. After many practices, I realized my true calling was moving away from my current job and towards something more fulfilling. I immediately jumped into teacher training, the practice spoke to me more than anything ever had and I knew that this was the path for me. I started teaching as soon as possible and life has forever changed for the better.
AH: I took yoga in college as an elective and found it exactly what I needed to stay grounded. Then I went to a yoga retreat 5 years later in Costa Rica and realized my purpose in life was to share yoga. I ended up my corporate life cold turkey and here we are. With lots of faith, tears, struggle and joy I’m living my purpose.
RH: I truly discovered yoga at Balance Gym actually, taking Betsy's classes on Tuesday and Wednesday every week. I started to expand and take more teachers at the gym. I eventually pushed myself to do yoga teacher training just to learn more. I had no intention of teaching when I started on the journey; however, it turns out I did enjoy it. When I was offered a class at the gym I jumped at the chance and have been teaching it ever since.
AW: As a lifelong dancer, I have always connected to movement as a way to manage stress and express myself. In college, a friend introduced me to yoga and it soon became a staple of my daily routine. I decided to start teaching yoga to deepen my practice and increase my understanding of yoga philosophy and anatomy.
BH: I was a competitive swimmer throughout my college career and have worked out ever since. I discovered yoga in the late 1990’s as a perfect way for me to maintain strength and length in addition to working out in the gym, and let go of a little bit of my competitive nature to find balance on and off my yoga mat. I learned so much from that early yoga practice that it led me to want to share the benefits of yoga with as many as I could.  
Why do you love yoga?
SF: I love yoga because it is one of the few places in life where theres no competition, no ego, just a chance to search deep inside learn more about the person you are.
RH: I love yoga because it is moving meditation. You can push yourself or you can take it easier on your body. There is no competition to be the best, just do what is best for you. I was doing Crossfit when I started, so it helped me move on off days and feel like I did something, without it having to be all my energy. 
AW: I love yoga because it helps me find peace and balance in a chaotic world. The skills I have learned on my mat, have been immensely transferable to the rest of my life. From the mat, anything is possible.
BH: I love yoga because the work we do on our yoga mats is a perfect metaphor for the work we do in our lives. We put our bodies into difficult and challenging yoga poses and learn to use our breath and our minds to find trust in ourselves and find personal power through them.
Why should people add yoga to their workout routine?
SF: Yoga is an amazing opportunity for the mind to take a break. Constant thoughts and stress puts a lot of pressure on the mind and body, give yourself time to relax, explore and breath.
RH: I added it as a way to de-stress. Sometimes I would do heavy lifting before and consider it my warm down. And sometimes all I did was yoga and learned a new arm balance or better alignment. It is great, because depending on what you want to get out of the class, usually you just need to adjust your mindset and tell yourself "Today I will just breathe" or set a goal and say "today I will try the challenge pose". There are always so many options you can take to challenge yourself or to take an active rest that it was perfect for me, and probably perfect for others as well.
AW: Yoga is a great way to compliment other exercise routines. Many rigorous forms of exercise can be taxing on the body; yoga helps recover and restore the body, specifically by focusing on ligaments and connective tissue. Additionally, breath work is one of the most transferable skills fromyoga to other forms of exercise. For example, many runners find that yoga helps them control their breathing better while running and makes their strides longer.
BH: Power yoga is the perfect companion to a lifting regimen because it offers strength, flexibility, balance and most important, strength in length – holding muscle strength at the fullest extension of movement. In a lifting program, muscles tend to get tight with limited range so a good yoga practice gives them room to find a fluid range of power.
What are your yoga classes at Balance like? Why should people come and try it out?
SF: I teach the Monday night Vinyasa yoga class @ 7:30pm. We work through our practice to link breath and movement and to bridge the gap between the mind and body. My classes are all levels so even if you are a beginner, I welcome you to join us a learn how yoga can positively affect your life.
AH: I teach Soulful Yoga classes. I ask you to open your hearts to change via movement, breathe, Meditation and self awareness.
RH: My classes start out a little slow, but usually I try to have a creative standing sequence in there somewhere. I try to keep it similar enough week to week so everyone can see when their strength or flexibility increases. I cue breath a lot, because I know when I started I held mine a lot, and one of the most important parts of yoga is breathing. I love sequencing, so if students have requests I try to prepare a new sequence to help them open hips or get deeper into the poses they enjoy.
AW: I teach an all levels Vinyasa flow class that emphasizes alignment and breath work. I offer variations of poses so that students can increase or decrease the intensity of their practice. Students can expect to work hard and feel great. 
BH: My classes are a blend of strength, balance, and an aerobic challenge. Oh, and they’re fun too! We have an amazing group of Balance yogis.
What’s your number one tip for someone who’s new to yoga, or someone looking to make their practice more challenging?
SF: I would say, "let it go". Theres no need to compare your ability to others as yoga is not a "one size fits all" type of practice. For someone looking to make the practice more challenging, I offer tons of intermediate and advanced modification options in my classes.
RH: For someone just starting I would say to find a pose that you are comfortable in and pause there whenever you need to. There are no goals. Once you make it to your mat you've done all you need to do. For someone looking to challenge themselves, I would tell them to listen as the teacher cues. You can always go deeper into a pose just by small adjustments. We also love to offer our students options, so you can always let your instructor know what you are working on and we will usually try to incorporate it into the class to give you the opportunity to practice.
AW: Continually pause throughout your class to take internal assessments. I recommend that students check in and ask, "How does my breath feel? How does my body feel? How does practice change the way my breath and body feel?" Periodically checking in with yourself during class allows students to cultivate not only a practice of strength, flexibility, and balance, but also one of awareness.
Anything else you think people should know about yoga?
SF: Yoga is a spiritual journey, in order to get the most out of the practice, approach it with an open mind and an open heart.
AH: Every teacher is different every style is different you will only find the one for you when you start exploring! And when the student is ready, the teacher arrives.
AW: Don't take yourself or the practice too seriously! Don’t be afraid to push your limits and try something new, yoga is all about self exploration.
BH: Check your ego at the door and be willing to experience yoga as a personal journey. Yogis will learn new poses, breathing techniques and their personal power through challenging poses and great work. We might not get into crow post on the first day of practice but yoga is exactly that, practice!
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hazydreamerneko · 7 years
Report of LH Live Tour 2017「Shingeki no Kiseki」8/7 Concert in Chiba (PART I)
Original Report (Chinese) found here
Original Text (Chinese) by:初霜翼 Image report by:-流曰-
Translations by: HazyDreamerNeko/LostNeko  (Referencing Lyrics Translations by marchen-v-friedhof)
It’s been a while since I have done any translations, but I was very excited to read the report and have thus sought permission from the Sound Horizon Chinese Wiki site to translate and share the cuteness that is Revo with overseas Laurants ^^ 
It’s SUPER LONG so I will split it to 3 parts, this is part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Any use of the original text please contact the Chinese site/writer to seek permission. Any mistakes with translations please feel free to contact me!
Before the Concert
Day 1 merch sales start from 11am in the morning. Perhaps due to the reservation system employed for the Premium seat audiences, the queue for the merchandises is not very long, it’s possible to see the head of the queue.
Right after 11, announcement was made by staff to conduct the sales of merchandises: We will now begin the sales of「Shingeki no Kiseki」Tour merchandises. Shinzou wo sasage yo!! (Offer up your hearts!!)
Linhora Corps Members: …?! Ha!! (Did the Heart Salute by reflex)
It took a moment for us to realize what we did, and everyone started laughing and clapping. This time, the staffs also did the heart salute to customers as they sell the merch. Entering the venue, purchasing the merchandises, getting the stamp, and taking a seat all happened as usual. My seat for day 1 was on row 13, which was rather close to the stage. I could even see the preparations going on behind the screen before the performance began. I could also easily identify YUKI who took his position with his guitar.  
Announcement before the opening. As expected of Linhora opening announcements, even though it was not SH and there wasn’t Sascha making use of various popular SH lyrics, there were still bunch of settings incorporated to emphasize the story elements. The announcer is a female voice, and introduced herself as “Linhora Corps Relay team Recruit Isuka (TN: Iska?)”
Iska: Everyone from Linhora Ichihara branch, good evening. Welcome to the Live Tour organized by Linhora Corps, 「Shingeki no Kiseki」. I am Linhora Corps Relay team recruit Iska. I heard from our squad leader, Vial, that there are a lot of creatures bigger than Titans in the Ichihara branch. They are  called “Elephants”. Even though they are not a species that eat people, I still get very frightened when I see gigantic creatures!
Subsequently it was various precautionary announcements. These were repeated twice, the first time emphasizing that photos and recordings are not permitted, and the second time to test the wristbands. Unlike Sascha, there are not much lyrics thrown into the announcements at these parts. Iska explained everything in a very proper manner. Her sentences always end with 「~dearimasu」(TN: indicating formality (?)).
After the second round of announcements, it was about time for the concert to start. The screen was still down, and the image of the (shingeki) wall was projected upon it. As we waited, a row of people came up behind the screen, presumably the singers, and they stood neatly in a row. Subsequently, someone whose silhouette closely resembled Revo walked to the center of the stage. Everyone screamed and cheered while clapping.
All the songs from the main performance were fully accompanied by videos from SNK anime, it’s quite extravagant. Moreover the contents of the anime and songs are matched almost seamlessly.  
After the show, someone commented that it is “An Ojisan that loves SNK and is a diehard fan of SNK. He brought together the singers and musicians he liked to create the best SNK music from his heart. This was coupled with the best edited anime clips to form the “official” huge MAD with concert music onsite.” That’s true wwwwwwwww.
Especially in the songs for the female supporting characters, the key sound effects completely match with the anime clips. Regardless if it was the sound of Carla being eaten by the titans, the sound of Ilse being eaten by the titans, the sound of the Petra’s body being tossed from the cart, or the sound of Annie’s female titan fingers being sliced by Mikasa, all these scenes was shown on the screen.
01.   Nikagetsugo no Kimi e (To You in Two Months)
The sound of wind and the sea started after the venue darkened. The wristbands turned blue.
The prelude began with the scenes on the translucent screen. Across the wall, through the Titan Forest, and thereafter is the scene from the first episode of the anime. The wristband turned orange. At the same time the stage lit up, revealing the person behind the screen.
The main singer is Commander (Revo), 5 singers stood alongside him for the harmony. This included the chorus part at the beginning, and the refrain. The choreography is the same as ToLH (Theme of Linked Horizon), there’s a strong sense of déjà vu.
Commander’s clothes are the ones on the album cover. The five singers’ clothes are mainly white, with the Linhora style napoleon jacket in black with gold accents. Their hair are styled similarly to the main character of their songs. The other musicians’ clothes are also of the same standardized style.
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At the part「Guren no hi wo matoi (Wreathing yourself in crimson light)」the huge screens inside of the stage lit up, showing a red sea.
「Ji ni moeru kusa no me ni wa ( grass buds sprouting from the earth)」the images were of fields with flowers
As the screen in front played clips from the first episode, the screen at the back shows the sea. At around the interlude the translucent screen opens and the anime clip transfers to the screen at the back. The dancers appeared at around「Korekara mo tsudzuku tatakai wa (This battle will only grow harshe)」, performing as though in combat with hand lights that looked like silver lightsabers to express the “Battle” here. There’s a total of four dancers here, theres seven on the concert publications. Unless more people are added during subsequent concerts, it should be alternating between the seven dancers.
The band also appeared during the interlude. During the guitar solo, Commander played along with air guitar.
When Sascha announced the song title in German, it was shown on the screen with the handwritten animation effect.
The dancer’s props were super cool this time. During this song we thought it was just normal silver lightsabre representing the blade of the omni-directional mobility gear. But the light effects are actually adjustable, and it was used in various unexpected ways as the concert progressed…
- MC -
After Nikagetsu , Commander made the scissors hands gesture before he even started speaking. It’s super cute!
He spoke too much during this MC and I can’t remember everything, so this is just the rough idea.
Commander: Good evening. We are Linked Horizon. The tour finally started. Ahh, the rehearsals passed in the blink of an eye. I wanted to practice for a while longer, but on one hand it’s the desire for more rehearsals, on the other hand I still wanted to meet all of you sooner.
Commander: This tour is already longer than the rehearsals. That rarely happens for my concerts.
Commander: I’m very happy to be performing with such excellent members. I hope this tour will become one that makes everyone increasingly love SNK.
Commander: Ah from my perspective the lights on the audiences are so bright. Even with my sunglasses it’s so bright! There should still be a lot of people in the back rows, right? Shine some light there for me to have a look~? Fighting for the opening tickets should have been an intense battle for you all, the seats should be quite full, it should be fine to shine the lights there I hope? If it happens that the back rows are not filled, I am going to feel uneasy.
(The lights are adjusted brighter towards the back)
Commander: Oh oh~ Among those seated here, regardless if it’s for Sound Horizon or Linked Horizon, who is the first time seeing us perform today~?
(A show of hands, mostly among the back rows)
Laurants: \Oh oh oh~/ (Claps)
Commander: Thank you, but I can’t see the show of hands like this! Stop clapping for a while, sorry, can the first timers raise your hands again?
(A show of hands)
Commander: Ah quite a few. For this performance, it doesn’t matter to what extend you like or understand Linked Horizon, you can enjoy it so long as you like SNK. Although I trust that there will be a lot of people here who know us very well, the concert today are irrelevant to past concerts! Everyone is on the same starting line. Perhaps the ones who know us well will feel that I am being too long-winded. But I hope to make this as easy as possible for the unfamiliar ones. (He repeated things to this effect several times)
Commander: We intentionally rearranged the CD song sequence for the subsequent set list. Please anticipate what the next song will be.
02.   Moshi Kono Kabe no Naka ga Ikken no Ie Dato (If Everything Within These Walls were Just One House)
The moment the prelude’s pendulum sound began, everyone started cheering.
Although I had expected them to play this song, I didn’t expect it this early!
In hindsight, it made sense since both Nikagetsu and Guren are Revocal. It might be too tiring for him to sing back to back in concert, as per the sequence in the CD. Thus, it was necessary to insert a song by another singer between them. Inserting this song before Guren is seamless both in terms of music continuity and story timeline. After all, the ending to this song matches the beginning of Guren - it is the most suitable under all considerations.
It’s still fully accompanied by anime clips. The beginning is the same “door” as in Jiyuu e no Shingeki (TN: gate? I’m not entirely sure what they are referring to..) , with a young Armin beside the door.  The subsequent video focused on the trio when they were young, and the part in ep 12 where Armin was shouting at Eren after he lose his mind in his Titan form. There were also home Eren imagined (?) and Armin knocking outside the window. The lyrics「Water made of flames, lands of ice and snowy fields of sand are expanding」were perfectly matched with the images in the video.
Unlike in the CD but akin to all the other songs in 《Shingeki no Kiseki》, Sascha’s German narration of the song title was added, with the title simultaneously displayed on screen with animated effects.
03.   Guren no Yumiya (Crimson Bow and Arrows)
Moshikabe logically flowed into Guren no Yumiya.
The narration is of course the album version. The TV Size part of the song used the season one OP animation, thereafter it’s from the first few episodes of season 1, the start of the first episode and Eren vs Colossal Titan etc.
Narration for「That day mankind received a grim reminder…」used the same scene as where the narration appeared in the anime.
The Dancer’s hand lights which we initially thought to be silver blades changed in this song to look like they were spitting fire, such that when they swung them around they looked like burning arrows. What’s even cooler was when they spun it - the afterimage looked like flames!
The「Jäger」and「Eren」were standard Call & Response,「Wir sind der Jäger」also continued being audiences’ chorus.
Commander’s actions were also the familiar set of actions. Yet they seem subtly less than what I remembered from Kouhaku… 
04.   14 Moji no Dengon (14 Lettered Message)
Sung by Eiko Matsumoto.
Scenes are of Carla’s highlights, so of course it’s mainly from ep 1 and ep 2.
During the thunder background sound effect at「Mata kikime no usui kogoto o kurikaesu (I scold you again, as ineffective as it is)」, the stage lights also flashed, imitating lighting.
During「Jikan'yotomare (if only time would stop)」, the images turned to black and white, and the lights on the wristbands faded away.
It switched to Carla’s final scenes at「Tatoe anata ga (Even if you eventually…)」. The rhythm and the sound effect of the titan’s footsteps starts to be almost in sync with the video.  
The melodica at the end was live by Igarashi.
Finally, the sound effect when the Titan bit down M A T C H E S  P E R F E C T L Y with the scene in the anime.
What was already a very impactful scene became even more emotional with live music accompaniment.
How daRE.
In the end the screen showed CG of three birds flying across a sunset sky, recreating the final image in the BK.
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05.   Guren no Zahyou (Crimson Coordinates)
The translucent screen is down. There’s the sound of rain at the start, and there’s also drizzling projected on the translucent screen.
At「Rakuen o samayoeru awarena hitokage (Pitiful silhouettes that wander in paradise)」the four dancers imitated the mindless roaming titans.
「Jäger」and「Krueger」are again standard Call & Response。
The two parts「Sono ishi wa Muda janai (Their dying wish won’t be in vain), Kono mama ja Owarasenai (I won’t let it end like this)」and「Kono ishi yo Toki o koe (Let their dying wish transcend time), Nandodemo Uketsuga re (To be passed on over and over again)」switch between the left and right channels as in the CD, and the light position also change according to the sound channels.  
06.   Saigo no Senka (The Final Battle Deed)
Sung by Tsukika
During the first part of the song, scenes from when Survey Corps depart for the 57th expedition beyond the walls were shown.
They start to use the OAD scenes in the second part.
After「Watashi wa saigomade kusshinai (I will never give up)」,「Kidachi chino kage ni (…from behind the trees)」was immediately matched to the scene of titans appearing. 「Yumiru no Tami… Yumiru-sama.. yokuzo (“…subjects…of..Ymir…” “…great….Ymir…” “Well met…”)」fully correspond to the image of the titan talking on screen. Tsukika will make the gesture of writing everytime she sings「Kusshinai (never give up)」
The second last part of the song fully correspond to final moments of Ilsa in the OAD, the sound (TN: of the notebook dropping?) and the image are totally in sync.
For the last part of the song, the stage was lit with purple lights.
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- MC -
When the darkened stage brightened again, Commander is back with a change of clothes.
Commander: Thank you
Commander: As we kept singing, were you all thinking “Are there no MCs anymore”?
Commander (Turning to look behind): Ah-! Why did everyone disappear from the stage once I come up for MC? Is it because everyone at the Ichihara branch are too uncooperative?
Commander: Nah (Laughs). The next song will be one that is religious in nature. This song doesn’t need the band, instead there’s a choir – (turns around) Even though the choir is not here today, the singers will sing it with the audio of the choir. There’s no accompaniment, so there won’t be any band performing. But it would be boring if it’s only like that, so the band members will be here dressed as believers (Wallists) . They are now preparing backstage, so I’m here to buy time.
Commander: Does everybody know about the Church of the Walls? I don’t really understand their doctrine, but roughly it’s just that the walls are untouchable! If you touch it, you will provoke them! You can only look at the walls, but not touch it! If you touch it, you will offend them! You will be punished!
Commander: Since we can’t touch the walls, can we dig a tunnel from beneath it? No! Even though tunnels are really convenient, isn’t it? You have all travelled on things like Shinkansen right? Like the Tokaido Line (makes gesture of a straight line). If we can’t dig tunnels things will become very difficult (Gestures a squiggly line)!
Commander: In summary, the wall is sacred, you can’t do anything to the walls!
Commander: Has everyone seen the anime? (Image of the Wallists praying is shown on screen) That’s the feel of the Church of the Wall. Does it give you a sense of foreboding? Despite having considered that it might be fun for all of you to sing it, the song requires splitting the singers into different groups. I’m afraid once we start singing you might get confused like “eh? Which part was I supposed to sing again?”, and some will not be able to keep up. So for now – and it’s only optional! If you want, you can do this Wallists action, and link like a chain with the person next to you. It’s entirely voluntary! Absolutely do not force yourself! It’ll be bad if I’m suddenly telling you to link arms with the strange old man beside you, and in hindsight it becomes “I didn’t want to do it at all! We were sweaty and sticky and didn’t want to touch at all but this bastard Glasses Oji-san forced us to do it!” No, it’s voluntary. The band members know each other so it’s fine. For all of you, casually introduce yourself to the person beside you and ask each other “Do you want to do it?”. If yes, reply “Jäger (Looking very passionate)” , if not, say “No Jäger (Looking very disdainful)” like this. I hope I can let everyone have the sensation of being in a great church. After we are done we will be accepting everyone’s complains ––  it will be received and managed after the tour ~
But from my observations, at least most within my field of vision linked arms.
07.   Kami no Miwaza (The Work of the Divine)
The five female singers were wearing white robes with necklaces of the Church of the Wall. They sang while standing on the stairs in the middle of the stage.
The band members stood on both sides of the stairs, cosplaying as Wallists.
There were three steps of stairs, the singers stood in the formation of 2-2-1 from top to bottom steps respectively. At the 「Thou~Thou~Thou~」part, the singers on each step repeat it once. At「Maria」「Rose」「Sina」, the singer on the first step sings 「Maria」, the second step「Rose」, the third「Sina」, symbolizing the three layer of walls.
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(Continues in Part 2)
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