#i really hope none of my irls see this dude.
fucksupthesexiest · 1 year
This is not a cry for help, I’m fine.
Now, read my depressing suicide ideations.
Oh, and, TW: suicide ideations, and suicidal thoughts. Mild family drama brought to you by a depressed, bipolar 18 year old with suspected autism, but we don’t talk about that last part.
The World Would Be Okay.
From an objective standpoint, I feel as though I could kill myself and the world would be okay.
And it would.
I’m not special, I’m not much of anything, to be honest.
I don’t have many friends, I’m not even all that nice. I’m shit at school, I stress out my sister who is taking up the mother role in my life, as our mother is actual shit. I’m not close with my brother, despite my efforts, and despite him being my oldest friend. I kind of love and hate my oldest sister the same way I love and hate my mother. I can never really decide, but we’re so similar, and we’ve hurt each other so badly, I suppose it doesn’t matter. I’m not close with my other sister, we barely exist to each other. I barely speak to my grandma. I haven’t even said thank you for the birthday card she sent. My birthday was in December. My dad’s family doesn’t care, and that’s valid. I don’t quite care about them all that much, either. Though, I’d like to. I’d really, really like to.
I’m slowly losing it.
Or, I have been.
Might have wasted some time with the little I’ve had left, but.. I don’t know. I had to try, I guess.
I’m not very nice, I don’t like to talk, I don’t like to touch, I’m not very pretty, I have few friends, few family. Nobody to really miss me, in the end.
The world would be okay.
The world would still turn, the sun would still rise and fall, and the sun will still explode one day to kill us all.
My sister and her family would be relieved of a lot of stress, my sisters wouldn’t have to consider me, and my brother would finally be allowed to forget me.
And, in the end, they’d be okay.
I can think of three people whose world may take a tumble if I did kill myself.
Two of them would likely never get over it, but they’d survive. I’m not so sure about the third one. Maybe that’s my vanity making me out to be more important than I am, but who knows.
Objectively, everything would be fine.
Better, even.
And the world would be okay.
The world is okay, even if I’m not.
And I’m really, really not.
The world would be okay.
The world will be okay.
I’ll just count down the days ‘til I finally reach the point where I’m just.. so very not.
And then the world will still be okay.
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—reading glasses
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SUMMARY | schlatt might not seem like the guy to help you with your insomnia, but sometimes an act of kindness can come from where you least expect
PAIRING | cc!schlatt x reader
WORD COUNT | 1.6k+
AUTHORS NOTES | id like this to happen to me irl please and thank you <3
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If there was one thing you knew, it was that insomnia was a bitch.
Sleep had always ben unkind to you. Sprouting up and disappearing just when you had gotten settled in for the night. Lingering like a poisonous mist before bleeding into your morning routine when you would have to be at your sharpest. And most certainly plaguing you at the most unfortunate of times—like during the middle of an important lecture for exams. Or the one time when you had gotten up at night to use the bathroom, only to find yourself still on the toilet come morning with numb legs and a sore back.
But it seemed tonight that sleep was the one thing you wouldn't be getting a lick of—if the dark circles under your eyes weren't already proof enough.
"Jesus Christ toots." Was the first thing Schlatt said when you lumbered into the living room, looking like an extra from the set of The Walking Dead. His ide eyes and parted lips told you nothing new, just that you were as tired looking as you felt.
"Carful. Not in front of the cutout. What would Pope Francis say?" Your joke hit about as hard as a feather to the arms, humor missing Schlatt by a mile as he cringed while taking in your current state.
Said man had been reading a book before you so graciously entered the room, only setting it down once he had heard the shuffling of feet against carpet.
"It's one in the morning dude. Didn't you say you were going to bed like five hours ago." He poked his tounge around inside his mouth, eyes softening a bit while looking at you.
"I did say no promises." You flopped on the couch parralel to him while referring back to the last conversation you had had with the brunette. Where, indeed, you had responded with 'no promises' to the call of you to get some rest.
"So, what. Did you just sit in there doing nothing?"
"I mean, Jambo came in at one point and slapped my face a few times before leaving. If that counts."
"No. No, my bastard of a cat terrorizing you does not count." He ran a hand through his hair with a cackle, scrunching his eyes up at the lopsided smile you tossed his way.
As more seconds ticked by, you could feel exhaustion practically seeping into your bones like a weird form of gray matter. But it never seemed to sink it roots into you, the feeling always clearing up for a few minutes before appearing again with twice as much intensity. Rinse and repeat for a couple of nights and you had yourself some good old fashioned sleep issues.
"Fuck, you look dead on your feet." Schlatt's hands found a home in his pant pockets, bundling up the fabric while swaying back and fourth on his heels. "Do you want to uhm, stay out here for a bit? I could turn the light on for you."
A breathy laugh made its way out of your lips. As dead beat as you were, it was heartwarming to see his attempt to make you feel better. It was a softer side of him you rarely got to see, so you'd treasure every moment.
"No need big man." Your arms reached for the skies in an attempt to soothe the ache between your shoulder blades. "I'll pass out eventually. I just have to hope it isn't in the shower again."
"Sure there isn't anything I can do? I've spent one too many nights of my life pulling all nighters editing videos, or god forbid—" He shuddered dramatically. "—playing five nights at freddys."
A joking response was halfway out of your mouth before you suddenly stopped, brows dipping with consideration as you actually considered his offer for a moment.
"Yeah, you could do something for me actually."
"Really? Becuase you know how people say things to be nice but don't really mean it?"
One deappan look at the foul mouthed man had him shutting up, a small grin staying despite your efforts to burn holes into his head.
"What were you reading before I got in?" You asked with a clearing of your throat, shuffling around on the couch to sit up straighter.
Schlatt seemed confused at the sudden turn in conversation. But he reached for the paperback he had tossed down at your arrival, holding the front up for you to see.
"It's upside down genuis."
"Shut the fuck up I knew that."
He flipped it back round to a legible position, his turn to scowl at your bemused grin.
"Seriously?" Small giggles filled the room as you read the title as clearly as you could in your sleepy state. "Business 101 for beginners? Committing to the bit I see."
"You forget I'm planning to buy Gamer Supps this year. Gotta lock and load the old noggin with the proper information." He paused to blow out a resigned sigh. "And I realize that the last sentence made me sound like a fucking boomer."
"All the greatest businessmen are Schlagg, my boy. But they're also heartless asshole that's probably get off on watching landlord's raise rent." You were straight up rambling from the lack of rest at this point and you both knew it. But to be honest Schlatt didn't really care. He was probably one of the only people able to keep up with your antics, one of the reasons you appreciated him so much.
"Who says I dont either?" Schlatt joked, watching as you rolled your eyes.
"You only jerk off to men. We all know that. Besides, would a heartless asshole offer to read to me until I fall asleep?"
"I am?" His voice rose at the question.
"Yes. Yes you arem"
Schlatt noticed his blunder as soon as a tired, but still annoyingly smug, smirk made its was across your face.
"You know you could have just asked me instead of twisting my words. And taking some hits to my ego." He scoffed in fake frustration. But your grin of victory widened as he picked up the book and began to flip back to the page he had previously left on.
"Well that's not as fun is it. Besides—" You swiftly moved couches to throw yourself down smack dab across from Schlatt, the latter barely looking up in the process. "—I have a feeling I'll really sleep this time."
"As opposed to what. A warm glass of fucking milk?"
"Can you just read already? And try your best to sound boring, I really want you to nail home this college proffessor roleplay situation we have going on."
You blinked. That had come out a little wrong.
"Sorry. I had this proffesor in college, boring guy super dull, always managed to make me fall asleep in class and—" You cut yourself off, face warming as you noticed that Schlatt has only been teasing you about your previous sentence. "Eat shit Schlatt. Just read the damn book."
"Whatever you say."
Five minutes later and halfway through a paragraph about the importance of not making your business seem like a pyramid sceme, it was just Schlatt sitting awake at the foot of the couch as he quietly observed your snoring figure.
"Jeesus." He winced as another loud snore ripped its way through the late night air. "You could cut trees with that fucking chainsaw."
But he would be lying if he didn't admit he was happy you were finally getting some rest. He had been in the same situation before too many times than he cared to count, so Schlatt knew you would wake up the next morning feeling better than you had in days. Something he liked seeing, although you could pry that confession out of his cold dead hands.
"Fucking asshole, making me get all soft jusy so they can fall asleep." The lamp light behind Schlatt was shut off as he grumbled under his breath, smoothing the blue hoodie he had been wearing down in preparation to leave the couch before faltering.
With a sigh he resumed his position on the couch, pulling a baseball cap that he had seemingly gotten out of nowhere over his head only after making sure to toss a blanket over you.
As he continued to softly watch over you, a little blob of orange entered the corner of his eye, freezing him for a moments notice.
Schlatt turned slowly to be met with Jambo, who he sternly pointed a finger straight at without hesitation.
"Tell anyone about this, and you're not getting any of that shitty catnip for a week."
He just got a meow in response.
Jambos tail swayed back and fourth. He watched as Schlatt curled up on the couch next to you, doing his best to respect your space before giving in and stealing the tail end of the blanket around you.
"Night Jambo. Wake any of us, and you're a dead man."
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molsno · 7 months
yeah finnster fucking pisses me off why the hell wouldn't he. every fucking tranny I know has been bullied and beat and abused and raped by every tme bitch in their lives and then when I try to talk about it by posting about transmisogyny not only do I get held to this impossibly high standard but even when I meet it I STILL get treated like shit! a bunch of fucking cis bitches and terfs and cuntboys and theyfabs will harass me, bait me into fucking up, call me a man, call me a rapist, make up stupid bullshit lies about my sexuality so they can turn people against me, tell me to kill myself, and they do this not just to me, but any tranny who dares to stand up for herself and her community. for fuck's sake, I'm so fucking privileged for a tranny just because I can afford to rent an apartment all by myself and I have a cozy office job and nobody irl can even tell that I'm trans, and I STILL get subjected to this shit! and then I'm forced to see every other tranny, people I love and care about doing so much worse, people who can't afford homes, who are being abused by their partner or their family, who get harassed and stalked irl, and THE MOST I CAN DO is to write fucking tumblr posts explaining our oppression and PLEADING for people to recognize how fucking aeful we have it.
and then along comes this fucking cis dude who wants to make a quick buck by capitalizing on the transmisogynistic culture war. he starts dressing up as a girl and streams himself playing video games and going on omegle to trick straight dudes into thinking he's a "real woman" for clicks, and he makes fucking bank for doing it! he wpild be fucking NOBODY if he didn't do this shit. he'd be just another fucking white dude streamer. but no, instead he has hundreds of thousands of fans who won't fucking shut up about him! the dude posts his fucking birth certificate to "prove" that he's really male, he keeps releasing these stupid fucking trap videos, and people fucking send him clothes and makeup and all kinds of shit that none of us could ever hope to afford! he lives so fucking comfortably and every fucking time that ANYTHING inconvenient happens to him he receives loads of support from his stupid fucking fans. and then when we complain about how he's fucking exploiting our struggles for cash those bitches rush to call us gender essentialists, terfs, gatekeepers, all this stupid fucking bullshit that they don't even understand because they don't have to deal with ACTUAL gender essentialists, gatekeepers and terfs. I get it! you think cis men make for better trannies than us! it's so much easier when you can jerk off to him and let it be your dirty little secret. you don't have to contend with the fact that you like girls with dicks, because if you did, then you might have to think about seeing us as actual people and giving a shit about us! I hope finn dies but I hope all you bitches die too you seriously make me so sick
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adorewo0 · 6 months
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SUMMARY : You are gifted barricade tickets to a Seventeen concert by your best friend. Woozi ends up taking your phone leading you down a slightly hectic and confusing love story with someone you never thought you would meet.
PAIRING : Idol!Woozi x Non-idol!reader
GENRE : Fluff, delulu, idol au/smau(?)
FEATURING : All of Seventeen
WARNINGS : None :)
NOTES : This is my first story, so any feedback on things I need to improve on would be helpful. Also some parts will be set up like a smau. It’s all based on what I’m feeling in the moment/what I think is visually appealing. THIS IS PURE FICTION AND NOT RELATED TO THE IDOLS IRL!
AN : At this point its Follow Tour Woozi cause he been looking too good. But I hope y'all are enjoying this! Originally it was for my bsf which is why its really cliche but I never finished. I'mma try and get chapters out more often so you don't have to wait. If you want to be notified when I update just tell me and I'll tag you!
Thank you<3
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Chapter 2
“No cause vocal unit’s performance of Habit ate!” Kya emphasizes, “I swear a few tears dropped.” We are having our little debrief session at the airport waiting to board our plane.
“No cause S.Coups in Fire?” I point out, “That’s what did it for me.” So did S.Coups helping me. I force the thoughts of the many weird interactions from the night before out of my head.
Passengers for Plane ### may start boarding now. Please recall the information…
I tune out the rest of the information from the intercom knowing I don’t need it. Kya and I gather our things and get in line.
We ended up getting separated in the process of her booking our plane tickets, so I had to say a short “Bye” to her on the way to my seat.
When I get to my seat I put my luggage overhead and sat down. I’m sitting next to this dude with relatively long hair and a mask on. From what I can see of him, his face looks promising. I say “Hi” but he ignores me, looks out the window and turns up the music in his headphones. Oh.I decided to not let it bother me and focus on what movie I should watch from the plethora of options I downloaded beforehand.
Another person sits next to me, but I’m glued to my phone so I don’t pay much attention. I hear a deep voice say “Hey” and my head shoots up. I recognize the voice and as I stare at his mask-covered face more, the face matches as well.
“Oh hi! I didn’t expect to see you here.” I say dumbfounded.
“I didn’t expect to see you here either, you live in Atlanta or just visiting?” he asks incredulously.
“Yeah. My friend and I flew up to NY to see you guys since there was no ATL tour date.”
“Thank you! But sorry about that, we decided to do a last minute pop-up at a music festival in ATL a few days ago.” He says with a sorrowful look back.
“No it’s okay! We really enjoyed ourselves and the money was all worth it.” I say warmly.
“Thank you again for enjoying it.” I nod my head and the conversation dies down a little bit, but a few mins later he asks, “Do you wanna come to our sound check before the pop up? You can bring your friend and just hang out with us.”
“For real?” I ask in disbelief.
“Yeah! I thought it would be fun for you plus I think your chill and a couple of the other members think the same as well.” The information he provides me with is kind of surprising, but I go with it.
“Sure then! I’ll bring my friend Kya.”
“Great!” We continue talking on and off, my movie getting ignored for the most part the whole plane ride.
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Kya’s POV
I get to my seat after my small wave to y/n. I’m trying to put up my suitcase, but I’m struggling due to my height being on the shorter side. The man who was waiting behind me stops me and takes the suitcase and puts it away. I let out a short sorry feeling self conscious. I sit down in the middle seat and he also puts his bag over my row and comes to sit in the window seat. I push my legs in, out of courtesy, and he slips past me. I distract myself with my phone and later the plane starts to take off.
I decide to fall asleep out of boredom after take off and lean my head back against my seat. I soon doze off but my head moves all the way to the left into an uncomfortable position. I feel someones’ hand grab my head and move it to the right on something hard. I look up and stare at the man from before and he slowly starts to look familiar. Minghao? Nah I’m trippin. I fall back asleep on the man’s shoulder which feels heavenly to use as a pillow.
He wakes me up when the plane has landed and I look up at him confused. I soon realized that my “dream” was not a dream and that was truly Minghao. Wtf… I decide to be chill about it so I don’t expose his identity. I let out a small thank you and move out of my seat to get my things.
Of course I struggle again, so he helps me with my bag and gets his at the same time. Fuck it. I make small talk with him while we're walking out of the plane which turns into a really chill conversation. Laughing with Minghao, we walk into the empty gate where I see y/n standing with 2 men. oh- I walk up to her with a questioning look and she does the same back.
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imagine--if · 2 years
Could you write something where the reader is a chronically online watcher of the Riddler stream and falls in love with him despite the fact that he's a literal terrorist and they have a really sweet online chat with each other and decide to meet irl? Thank you!!
A/N: So I’ve got a few requests for dad!riddler hcs.. u guys up for that? 😅💚 side note: by the end of this month I’ll be able to catch up on a lot more matchups/earlier requests/To My Hope since I’ll have a laptop by then 🙃 thanks for all the requests and ur patienceeee
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Warnings: Fluff, stalker stuff (reader’s a bit unhinged 🥰 )
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•❥ Gotham is a near-hopeless city for you, always dark and gloomy and selfish, full of corrupt people in power. So you most likely found The Riddler through his streams after trying to find advice on how to cope with it or something, and once you saw and heard the impact the mystery man is gonna make and his sinister way of describing the world, you were hooked.
•❥ You try commenting advice on stuff he mentions or asks for, and are borderline obsessed with everything he’s doing. Even though the dude’s a literal murderer, you think that the immoral people he’s targeting deserve it.
•❥ What you didn’t expect was for The Riddler to message you privately after him as Edward Nashton saw you drop a notebook or something with his iconic question mark symbol drawn on or as sticker as you rushed out the diner one evening…
•❥ He sent a riddle where the answer was loyalty when you first chatted, and you being you got it right, which cussed his reply to be: > Clever thing, aren’t you? There aren’t enough people like you in a cesspool such as this... >
•❥ Which led to you basically telling him your life story and answering how you ended up in Gotham in the first place, you’re flattered and kinda shook because The Riddler’s talking to you?!? He’s interested in you????
•❥ Little do you know that Edward Nashton has literally grown obsessed with who you are: so pure and pretty, but with the perfect attitude to life as you aren’t blind to the disgusting stuff of the city that makes it so unbearable.
•❥ With not a lot of time The Riddler sometimes let’s you preview the traps and locations he’ll be catching his victims - and even The Batman once - in. The ominous green sprayed messages on the walls, codes and the like. It’s fascinating and amazing to you, horrific to anyone else.
•❥ You usually speak to The Riddler through his special site, but you don’t quite realise that he’s hacked into the camera of your laptop and tracks the location of your phone 😏 he’s not so much a psycho stalker, more of an overprotective soft yandere who makes sure none of the scum get to you and you can see everything in the front seat while chaos erupts. You’re his new inspiration 💚 he’s even sneakily mentioned ‘A new hope’ in one of his lives, but never gives too much away, he’s careful.
•❥ Even though The Riddler trusts you to a pretty large extent by now, he’s still somewhat insecure that the idea that you have of him might be shattered by actually revealing his face and meeting up in person, but you assure him again and again that you could never think badly of him one bit, he’s your hero 😍
•❥ Edward loves that idea
•❥ You do eventually end up meeting though, just before he goes ahead with the final Batman plans for Gotham, and he’s really a lot like you expected… a little nerdy and blushy for someone who screams in a crazed rage and bashes peoples’ heads in, but looks can be extremely deceiving
•❥ You got your first kiss from a very bashful and overexciting Eddie Nashton that night, you could see the madness and overbearing love in his green eyes.
•❥ “I’ll clean up the city for you… my clever thing~”
•❥ Damn, I hope you’re ready for the relationship you just signed up for, cus now you’re The Riddler’s partner in love (and possibly crime) he’s gonna treat you in such a beautiful and crazily clingy way….
•❥ 😍😍
.・ Taglist: ・.
@sweetums0kitty @beel-mcburger @cml-san @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @r4iner @bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @vaylordd @dangerouslittlefairy @katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @callsigncrash @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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netherfeildren · 8 months
hello vic, it’s vatican garden anon again back from my european vacation…. i’ve been trying to figure out how to put this in words and will probably come up short on what i want to express BUT lemme give it a go.
i know when you replied to my initial ask you said “take that back” in regards to me saying your words matched the artwork i was viewing but no girl, i stand by that statement wholeheartedly. a couple days after being in the vatican i visited the borghese gallery and got the chance to see bernini’s rape of proserpina, a piece i have been wanting to see irl for about 10 years and was finally able to do so. and though it’s beauty and magnificence struck me like a dagger to the chest i couldn’t stop remembering your words in TCC when din is chasing reader and finally catches her. i couldn’t stop seeing them in the stone. the way you are able to help create distinct images in your readers’ minds rivals that of published authors. i’ve read so many books and fanfic through the years and none of it has stuck with me in such a deep way like your pieces do. like dude, i’m out here looking at sculptures and paintings and what comes to mind is something you wrote and i read weeks ago.
i don’t know much about anything but i do know your writing matches thousand year old masterpieces AND that i will be here tooting your horn whenever you post new pieces. you are a gift to this community and i hope you continue being unhinged as hell here and on twitter cause man do you give me some laughs with the stuff you post over on that hellhole.
ps PINK — fantastic magnificent jaw dropping panty soaking piece of writing there. i don’t know how you came up with that idea but girl am i GLAD you did. the daddy kink the slight breeding kink the fucking your ex-husband’s DAD, my god. you ticked a good chunk off my list. i can’t wait to see how you bring it all together in the last chapter.
hugs and kisses,
vatican garden non 🫶🏽
hello, my friend. apologies for sitting on this for a few days, but you’ve truly left me speechless this time. a mere thank you seems entirely ineffectual and redundant so i’m only going to say it once and not go on and on and that’s it. thank you truly from the bottom of my heart so much. your words and your kindness mean everything to me because to be honest my writing means everything to me and for you to share the way you feel about my work with me… there are no words. i really truly appreciate you so much.
i love the borghese, one of my favorite museums in the whole world. i feel like the focus is always on proserpina’s face, so tragic, unbelieving, etc. but pluto’s expression is what i always remember the most, that evil smirk like he knows he’s caught is prize and is so triumphant in it. i have a lot of bernini saved in the tcc pinterest board so it seems as if i’ve somewhat captured the atmosphere i was going for.
i hope you had an amazing time on your trip and i’m so glad to hear you’ve finally gotten to see the sculpture. i hope it was all you’d imagined and more. and please, let’s not draw attention to my very personal private internet diary where i act completely normal and sane and not at all unhinged.
one million hugs and kisses in return :)
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youregay · 5 months
If you talked to me irl abt gender, womanhood, femininity, gender presentation, sexuality, etc without knowing me you would assume I'm a very repressed trans woman. I'm stealth trans guy (using that phrasing cause 'passing' makes me gag) and there are a lot of aspects of femininity and womanhood I really enjoy. I fall into the camp of "I wish I were a woman" and if you heard me say that w/o context you'd prob be gearing up to make scrambled eggs. But truly, I'm a drag queen in a [trans] man's body.
I've only ever experienced attraction in a queer way so the idea of being with women as a man is so confusing; my first gay realizations were about women after all. I'm so used to my attraction being reflected in my gender presentation, loving men enough to be one and loving men because I am one and be attracted to men because they look like me and because I want to look like them, that the idea of that not carrying over to women is confounding. Women are so beautiful who wouldn't want to be one? boobs soapy in the shower, etc. Why wouldn't you want to reflect the image of the people you're attracted to? It doesn't help that internalized notions of being a 'predatory queer woman' have carried over into both adulthood and manhood, not helped especially by the fact that women have a genuine reason to be cautious around me as a strange man.
As it stands, I have little interest in presenting feminine save for in a theoretical world with shapeshifting or conprable high effort drag. Even when I cross dress I do it expressly to look like a man in a dress and I earnestly hope more people start recognizing how attractive it is when men/masculine people dress fem/slutty as a way to enhance their masculine features. Unfortunately, we live in a world where deviation from gender norms makes you less of a man; even in queer circles being multiple genders is often seen as percents of a single gender; being part man and part woman makes you less of either instead of two things wholly. I never mention my complicated relationship to gender because I am 100% a man and want to live exclusively as a man and no aspect of my identity or self can take away from that, but other people don't see it that way. Se la vie, my gender is my own and only for me.
Funny enough the thing I miss most about being passably a woman was 'tricking' men into being attracted to a dude. I realize though that men are openly attracted to me so often now that any insecurity about men still being attracted to me post transition is gone. I only miss the period of time where I knew I was a man and was basically in drag full time; there was an odd power that came with that. The other thing I miss was being able to more easily hit on women.
Just to end on a confusing note, none of this is helped by my strongly held conviction that I would be transfem if things had been different.
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why-what-no · 2 years
Ok, So… Y’all are getting (some of) my thoughts on the Rings of Power content we’ve gotten. (Because I am a hardcore Tolkien fan, and am very excited). You have any (polite) disagreements or just want to get excited about the show with me, just DM me. I love conversations.
- Was that a scene with the Feanorians?!?! Do I get to see my favourite Tolkien character on screen ???? (It’s Maedhros, yes i know he’s problematic)
- Beautiful cinematography and music, I’m obsessed
- Watching assholes get triggered over there being diversity in the show is so fking funny. Their anger only makes me stronger.
- Celebrimbor being a main character!!!! Celebrimbor being a main character!!!!
- Very Attractive People, and I’m a little excited for the romance subplot they’re planning (im a romantic, don’t judge me)
- Harad Content! Harad Content! Harad Content! Please tell me more people are as excited to see Harad as I am. I love seeing different fantasy cultures and ways of life between different lands in shows.
Don’t know enough to have any more opinions.
- Bigots and Purists can F off. I’m tired of your dog whistling and superiority complexes. Let people be excited, don’t ruin this.
- Bigger beard for the dwarf princess, as well as longer hair for the elves. Amazon could have given their OC elf the most stunning braids but they were cowards. (Although, I’m kinda into Elrond’s look? Don’t hate me?)
- Kinda wish Celebrimbor looked more elf-like and not just a older dude with pointy ears? He’s one of my fav Tolkien characters so I’m gonna give him a chance tho.
- The actor who plays Gil Galad is married to Kaya Scodelario who is the love of my life and so I’m very jealous of him for being married to her and for being in this show. (I have high hopes for his role tho, so I’ll give him a pass)
That’s it for serious cons, since I haven’t watched the show yet and don’t wanna speculate on stuff I’m not informed about (unlike an irritating amount of “fans”)
- Don’t know if that pale character is really Sauron. If yes, cool, hope they do well. If not, I’d be really interested to see what the show does with the character. Since I assume they’ll be a dark Sauron cultist or something. And I don’t mind the design actually. I think they looks cool, although if they are Sauron, if that’s his “fair” form, it could be a lot less sketchy.
- Interested about how they’re gonna go with Galadriel. Not super picky about it tho.
- Really hoping the asshole Tolkien fans don’t review bomb this show, because if it gets cancelled before all 5 seasons are aired Imma be heartbroken.
Again, I need someone to talk to about all this (none of my IRL friends are Tolkien fans). Although keep in mind that this is a side blog so I can’t respond to comments on this post so DM me.
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xflippinfrogx · 7 months
1, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 22, 33, 40, 50, 56, 57, 58, 67, 68, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 81, 82, 96, 97, 100, 101, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 127, 128, 133, 134, 135, 137, 142, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? My best friend because we’re both clingy 🤭
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Honestly it was probably you ash, I haven’t gotten too deep irl recently. 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? 1. Stick season~ Noah Kahan 2. New Year’s Day~ Taylor swift 3. Kiss me~ Sixpence none the richer 4. The end~ Phoebe Bridgers 5. Bags~ Clairo
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? People don’t normally play with mine I’m usually the hair player bUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH AGHHHH
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Hmmm not sure about miracles but luck sure! I myself have pretty awful luck so we can only hope miracles do exist so it stops😂
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? I’m sure there probably is somewhere in the universe. It might not be exactly like us but cmon there has to be SOMETHING out there?!
22. Where would you like to travel? YOUR HOUSE👹 33. Spell your name with your chin.
40. What do you want to do after high school? I want to go to college maybe start a band or something like that. Honestly I don’t really know I just can’t wait to move out and have my own little apartment somewhere or something. 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Uhhhhh does it count if I’m wearing it right now? Because it’s grey. 56. Favourite colour? Light green and dark red like cherries
57. Favourite food? I love chicken rolls more than life itself🤤 58. Last thing you ate? Funny enough it was a chicken roll- 67. Facebook or Twitter? I don’t actually have twitter so Facebook? I hardly use it though 68. Twitter or Tumblr? TUMBLR 100% I spend half my life on here
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? UH DUH
75. Favourite animal? CATS AND PIDGEONS 77. Chocolate or Vanilla? I love both but for different things
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Cookies and cream 81. Favourite tv show? I watch so many but maybe the owl house 82. Favourite movie? Juno 96. Favourite actress? Maya Hawke but mainly because I have a big fat crush on her x 97. Favourite actor? hmmmm maybe Matthew Perry 100. How are you feeling? Im actually really hungry but it’s like 2am so I can’t just go get food rn 101. Do you type fast? If you know me at all you’ll know I absolutely do and my fingers move too fast for my brain sometimes and I tend to misspell things lmao 113. What was your childhood nickname? My mum use to call me Lany but she doesn’t anymore 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? *County and yes I have loads of times 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? I LIVE LAUGH LOVE CHICKEN SO YESSS 118. Do you like Chinese food? Yeah it’s alright, tbh the Chinese takeaway here isn’t amazing but I like the wontons 119. Favourite book? Cemetery Boys 120. Are you afraid of the dark? No I find it really peaceful. 127. What makes you happy? Seeing my friends happy<3 128. Would you change your name? I don’t think I would now but I didn’t like it when I was younger. 133. Favourite lyrics right now? Will you still want me when I’m nothing new?- Nothing new Taylor swift & Phoebe Bridgers 134. Can you count to one million? Let’s see shall we 1, 2, 3, 4….. (five million hours later) ONE MILLION I DID IT 135. Dumbest lie you ever told? i use to pretend I was a fairy and I told my friends I was friends with the tooth fairy or something 😭 137. How tall are you? Like 5’2? I could be wrong but yeah
142. Favourite month? OCTOBER OMG I LOVE AUTUMN AND HALLOWEEN AND MY BIRTHDAYS IN OCTOBER ITS JUST OERFECT 145. Tea or Coffee? Iced coffee and hot tea💕 146. Was today a good day? Today was kinda boring but yeah it was pretty good 148. What’s your favourite quote? This is one from my music teacher “If you’re only feeling 60% then give 100% of your 60%!” Another one from him, “GUYS THE CARBON IS ALL OUT OF WHACK” 149. Do you believe in ghosts? Id love if they were real because that would be so cool!!! 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?  All my books are in bags rn because of the renovations so I can’t do this one😭
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ask-chef-teruteru · 10 months
Les go
Plushie part 2!!! Electric bugaloo!!!
(Side note sorry if this is too many plushies and too much plushie l o r e)((also also sorry if this is really long and annoying))
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This is yunobo!
He used to be a dog toy but i deemed him too cute to be a dog toy so i stole him <3
He's also used to be boyfriends with this other plush but i felt bad for liking yunobo more then the other plush so i broke them up lol
He was named after my irl bird yunobo
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This lil dude
Unfortunately he was REALLY skittish and i wasn't prepared to take care of him, i barely did any research and it didn't help that my mom was scaring him more by tyring to make him be around people
He just wasn't a people bird so i had to give him to a bird sanctuary, i hope hes happy there :>
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This is coment (star) and coral (crab) i got them at edisto and i plan on taking them again when i go back this year (maybe, idk its not set in stone)
They're siblings but its more like coral adopted coment as her brother, also coment thinks he's from the stars but he's really just a star fish and coral doesn't have the heart to tell him otherwise
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This is sticks (hedgehog) and twig (sloth) my gran gave me sticks from her trip and she gave twig to one of my little brothers but they're not very good at taking care of they're plushys... and we have dogs who like to chew up plushies.... and i found him on the floor... so he's mine now :)
Also they're boyfriend and partner (sticks goes by any pronouns but twig is a boy)
Also sticks like to find metel in the woods with coment so that they can make a space ship so that coment can "go back home"
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This is tutu! I found this one dirty cat ballerina at the thrift store so i bought it, cleaned it, tore its face off and turn it into tutu!! Also he's not hostile :)
He's like kitty (that one backrooms guy) he just likes cute stuff, he means no harm <3
Also I'm suprised nothing has fallen off him? I'm not the best at sewing but i am still kinda proud of him
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This is blondy! My mom made her for me when i was really little, she made everything from the pants to the shirt to well... the rest of her lol
My mom also made another doll that looked more like me and her name was dolly, unfortunately i don't know where dolly is but shes like blondy but with brown hair and green eyes
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This is... i don't know yet i haven't thought of a name! I got this plushy today actually at the thrift store
I remember being a lil teensy bit jealous of my sister cause she had a star projector when i was little and now i can be like: who's the cool one NOW B]
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And finally, heres amari
Shes not a plushy, but she is kinda dumb and lays around a lot so i guess shes plushy like
Shes got a nub tail, a mustache, thumbs and also looks like a football
Shes also a stinky little freak :]
Well thats... a good chunk of my plushies
I hope you liked them all :))))
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“Aww, they’re all so cute! I think it’s real neat that they all got their own stories n’ lore! It’s clear that ya love n’ take good care o’ all your lil’ guys. I appreciate you sharin’ ‘em with me! It always warms my heart seein’ the things my lovely lovely patrons feel so strongly about!
They’re all precious! I think it’s sweet that Yunobo used to be a dog toy that wound up with a much more cherished existence. Givin’ Tutu a new face must’ve been no small undertakin’, and I think y’all did good! Your mama makin’ Dolly for y’all is real nice too— stuff that’s handmade with love like that is always so meanin’ful.
Amari might not be a plush, but she’s cute n’ I’m happy to have gotten to see her too!
It’s kind o’ y’all to share so much with me— I don’t think it’s annoyin’ in the slightest, so don’t worry your pretty lil’ head about that none, okay? I appreciate you n’ I hope y’all have a wonderful day— and I hope all your lil’ friends do too!”
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birlwrites · 2 years
your writing is so good. there is so much nuance in the characters and I genuinely enjoy reading about the machinations and ramifications, which can be dry if not handled well. (I am also immensely amused by the black brothers' situation, if only because Regulus has to be every indignant older sibling's worst nightmare) (not gonna lie, i kinda want to see Dumbledore try to have a heart to heart with Evan about falling for budding Dark Lords)
sfjghjdfhjghj i want to hear more about the indignant older sibling's worst nightmare - i am a younger sibling (which i feel like should surprise nobody at this point although i often get people irl who are shocked that i'm not the oldest), so while i don't have a really personal insight into this indignation, i imagine it's at least partly because regulus did the equivalent of taking sirius's bedroom when he left for school except Way Bigger. and also because he actively wields every single tactic he has to piss sirius off. and also because he's a BUDDING DARK LORD???????? *sirius voice* WHAT THE FUCK DUDE, I GO LIVE WITH THE POTTERS FOR 6 MONTHS AND THIS IS WHAT YOU GET UP TO WHEN LEFT UNSUPERVISED?????? WHY DID OUR PARENTS THINK YOU WERE THE GOOD CHILD THIS OUTWEIGHS EVERYTHING I'VE EVER DONE WHAT THE F U C K
side note i've recently been talking to my friend a lot about the possibility of little regulus looking like a positively angelic child who is making an adorable attempt at being Serious and has very good manners. which he drop-kicks out the window the second sirius suggests something fun. and i feel like that also plays into it
and dumbledore having a heart to heart with evan about falling for budding dark lords made me CACKLE so here, have this:
"I'm afraid you have a difficult path to walk," Dumbledore says. "Feelings can seem... all-consuming, when one is young."
Evan is starting to think this meeting is unrelated to his academic performance.
His brain is full of a stunning lack of coherent ideas for a response, so he sits there and waits. Regulus can get plenty of information out of people by just watching them expectantly. Evan's going to follow his example until he figures out what, exactly, he is doing in the headmaster's office.
"I would like to advise you against basing rash decisions on such things," Dumbledore continues.
(The words are practically going in one ear and out the other. Can Dumbledore tell? He used to be a professor—of Transfiguration, at that—so he must know when students are retaining precisely none of what he's said.)
"Let me be plain, Mr. Rosier."
That would be nice.
"Your situation is... complicated," Dumbledore sighs. "I happen to possess some personal insight from an experience in my youth. Should you wish it, I will share with you what I learned, in the hope that I might spare you some unnecessary pain."
Unnecessary pain sounds bad. Figuring out what Dumbledore is talking about sounds good. So Evan musters up a wide-eyed, vacuous expression and says, "What do you mean?"
Silence falls, which is unhelpful.
Dumbledore has set his elbows on his desk, the tips of his fingers steepled together. It's a posture that screams I'm thinking important thoughts. He's probably playing for time, which is ironic, considering that this whole meeting was his idea. He could have asked Evan to come by tomorrow if he didn't feel prepared.
After a long pause, Dumbledore says slowly, "I am referring to the nature of your relationship with Mr. Black."
Evan is filled with the urge to reply Which one?, followed immediately by dizzying, stone-cold comprehension of what Dumbledore wants to talk about.
Although actually, this is probably a measure to gather information on Regulus's activities from a seemingly reliable, easily cracked source—Evan is obviously close to Regulus, and Dumbledore has probably interacted with Barty enough by now to know that he has no compunction about telling outright lies to the headmaster. Evan would seem like a good option, in comparison to Regulus and Barty and their glinting, razor-sharp edges, if Dumbledore wanted to find out about Regulus's dark-lord-y plans from someone close to him—
What did Dumbledore mean, he has personal insight from an experience in his youth?
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xjoonchildx · 2 years
Hey Ana! Um, this is going to be a long ask, and it may be kind of stupid and if you choose to ignore it that's totally fine too - it's just that I'm feeling very lost and I can't talk to any of my irls about this, and since your blog is a comfort place to me and you give me very comforting big sister vibes, i thought I'd come here for advice.
So I started my master's degree about three months ago, and i immediately made a big group of close-knit friends, including this one dude that I developed a massive crush on. Crushboy and I have since become very close friends, we sit together in class almost all the time, I save him a seat on the bus, we remind each other to have meals on time, we've worked in multiple group projects together, we've fussed and scolded each other when we both fell sick one after the other, you get the idea.
None of this helped my crush on him, and I still like him a lot. All of my other friends (they haven't met him) who I've told about him think I'm being an idiot and i should ask him out.
Here's the problem: he's hot, and he knows it. He's worked hard on his body, and understandably, he's been very vocal about wanting to be with a girl who's as into fitness as he is. I am... literally the opposite lol. I've been a fat girl my whole life, tried multiple times to get fit but it's never quite worked out. The only thing in common his fantasy girl and I have is curly hair. I had just about made peace with the fact that I'll never be the model type, and just about started feeling comfortable in my body, but because of this my anxiety about my figure has jumped back up again.
I'm never going to tell him I like him because I know that'll break our friendship, so that's out of the question. I guess what I'm asking advice about is whether or not I should continue being as close to him. I value our friendship too much, but I know it'll hurt watching him dating around, and I'm scared of seeing him fall in love with someone else.
At the same time I'm anxious that I'm irritating and annoying him by trying to be so close to him, and that one day he'll just yell at me and break our friendship anyway. He's already pointed out the fact that I constantly touch and pick on his hands, so I've stopped doing that (I'm very conscious about physical touch, and I'm only touchy with people i feel comfortable with, so this was a huge deal for me).
Idk, I'm just exhausted :/ - crushed anon
crushed anon!
as an only child, please allow me to luxuriate in your compliment about big sister vibes 💕💕💕
okay, so first -- i want to congratulate you on the work you've done in your master's program. that's a major accomplishment and i hope you're patting yourself on the back as much as i am.
it sounds like you have a really great interaction/relationship with crushboy. leaving the romantic aspect out of it, it's great to have a supportive friend who you can lean on through what i'm sure is a stressful time.
i don't know enough about your situation to be able to know if there is more than friendship between you and crushboy, but it certainly makes sense that you would feel that way about him given what you've told me here.
the number one thing i want you to accept -- no matter what happens with crushboy in the future -- is that being plus-sized or curvy or whatever term you want to use absolutely does not stop you from being attractive. i see attractive people of all shapes and sizes on IG getting love from people all over the world. they carry themselves with confidence and rock the bodies they have and you know what? other people see it and love it.
this idea of a fantasy girl/guy is just that -- a fantasy. it doesn't necessarily translate into real life wishes and wants. i come on here and regularly simp for a man who's 5'10, 110 pounds soaking wet but my IRL guy is 6'4, 225 pounds and i assure you i am very attracted to him 🤣 don't be discouraged by this idea of a dream woman or man, because what we love/appreciate in celebrity culture isn't necessarily what we want in our own personal lives.
i think it's very likely crushboy is attracted to you. there are probably a lot of things about you he appreciates, beyond your friendship. and while i can't know if he's attracted to you in a romantic way, i want you to accept that he absolutely could be -- despite his fitness level and yours.
there are so many pieces that make up the whole and they all play a part in how we feel about the people in our lives.
i'm glad that you said that you're becoming comfortable with your body and i think your confidence (and obvious smarts!) are only going to grow.
we (speaking to myself here, too) are often our own worst critics and i promise you, the version of us other people see is probably much kinder than the one we see in ourselves 💕💕💕
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anotherghoul666 · 1 year
For your "which ghoul type am I" post, voila le breadown bc I ran out of room :))
Hybrid Ghoul
It may not be super Canon, but I see you as a triple-threat hybrid. Something rare. Something uncommon, in a good way. Something special! A compilation of multiple talents, more than a "jack-of-all-trades master-of-none" Multi. A certified class act! I tried really hard putting this together so appreciate it, dammit!
Fire + Air + heavy on the Quintessence...
Fire - you are brave and bold, with (what I interpret as) a 'tell 'em like it is' personality. That may have gotten you into trouble when you were younger, honestly it might still, but folks prefer honesty to sugar-coating. Also, I imagine you are short and fiesty irl. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong (I am NOT tho, I can tell).
Air - when I think Air ghouls I think of the ghoulettes - classy, a little silly, kind, great style. Take ur pick, dude. Like, you can be so cool, calm, and collected (a la Cirrus, especially the dom attitude). A little fireball of energy and ideas - how very Sunshine of you. Don't forget comforting and gracious - Cumulus.
Quintessence - you have this wonderful ability to foster friendships and make meaningful connections with folks who would otherwise be complete strangers. You're supportive, considerate, thoughtful of folks' feelings and ideas. Even if you don't understand, you make a point to try and see things from another perspective. You have such a wealth of knowledge and share it willingly.
Q ghouls are a model for how folks should act - kindly and with empathy - and this is very much how I see you! I see you as a pillar in the community (in more ways than one) and people are all the better for having known you.
CAAIIITTTTT!! Darling? what?! This is SO SWEET?! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this in such details for me ❤️ I appreciate it alright, so so much.
The idea of a triple-element hybrid is so cool!
Fire: so my reflex is to bat away the "brave" trait immediately, because I feel I'm much more of an avoidant person than a brave one. That being said, if I look back at all the shit I went through and still pushed, I have to admit there is an amount of bravery there. So while I would never use that term to describe myself because my automatic thoughts say I don't deserve it, I'll accept the compliment and sincerely thank you for it. I sure am bold. I am 100% a "tell it like it is" person, and yes indeed my brutal honesty has gotten me in trouble consistently to this day. You'd be surprised but most people I find, like it better if you coddle them and you cushion what you say. The shit sandwich communication tactic and all that. But I can't do that. I treat others like I want to be treated, and I want direct and transparent honesty, so I have to give that same thing. It's all about internal coherence. I am both indeed short of stature xD and short of temper, though it's for minor annoyances. I'm difficult to legitimately anger, but I am short fused when it comes to being frustrated or irritated, yeah. You're not wrong!!
Air: besides stylish (because I do not give a fuck about style or looks 99% of the time XD) I appreciate the other compliments and feel flattered you think of me this way ❤️ The idea that I'm comforting like Cumulus is hits a lot, I aspire to be cause she's such a comfort character ❤️
Quintessence: isn't it funny how irl I can't maintain friendships for shit, all my life I've been the person with no friends that's "too weird" for people to tolerate. And yet online, contact is so easy with yall. I can be who I am here, I can speak how I speak and give my opinions and hot takes and it's valued. Instead of being problems that makes people uncomfortable, my directness, my transparency and honesty, my hyper-empathy, my hyper-sensitivity, those are things that yall are accepting of here and that you appreciate. This little corner of the internet we made for ourselves is so welcoming and warm. I'm honored to contribute to it in the way that aligns with my values of radical acceptance, open-mindedness and holding space for the marginalized. It's as you said, I don't always understand, and I don't always agree with people, but I believe there are ways to have civilized conversations people can grow from about everything. I'm happy that shines through and yall can feel a bit of the good I'm trying to do. I approach life, people and spaces with a "leave it better than you when you found it" mentality. So be it by sharing knowledge, educating, supporting, etc., I just wanna leave yall with more than before I crossed paths with you in the end. 🥰
This means the absolute world to me Cait, and Imma keep it close to my heart. Thank you for your valuable input ❤️
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gauchestardust · 3 months
i hate people who harass others over fiction, over pixels on a screen. if i tell those idiots that "dude harassing others is wrong" they'll harass me too.
my friend went thought that over an anime character, he suffered because of those.
i don't think i can stand those people anymore, people that are so dumb to the point they can't separate fiction from reality.
why can't they be just...normal? just don't harass people over a CHARACTER. a character. "but he's a problematic character!" a problematic character who isn't hurting anyone irl. a problematic character who's not real.
but people are SOOOOO dumb they can't understand something as simple as that
dude, i'm tired of people like this. people who want to keep everything "PURE", honey, we're on the fuckass INTERNET, the internet is not even for children, is it that hard to understand? do i really need to act like a kindergarten teacher explaining the most basic thing to you?
i really hope none of my friends see this, because if they do, they'd surely leave me. and they are the only ones i have...
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rainbowsuitcase · 5 months
I do often wonder what it feels like to like the popular thing.
"Dude what are you talking about, you're literally a Marvel stan-" I know, that's not what I mean.
I mean like... Okay, example, Destiel. You don't have to search it out, you don't have to force your algorithm to show you, it just does, because it's popular (on Tumblr anyway). I don't follow anything Supernatural related and I still see it.
And I like the jokes, but I honestly couldn't care less otherwise. The only SPN character I actually care about is Sam and maybe Jack (but he's in the later seasons that I didn't really watch so...). And so much of the fandom is focused on Destiel that is sometimes frustrates me when I have to go out of my way to see what I want instead of it.
That kind of thing.
What does it feel like for your opinions to align so much with the popular fandom consensus? To not have to go out of your way to see your faves and biases, to not have to be careful about what you interact with, lest it fucks up your algorithm and you have to do it all over again. To not have it even work most of the time.
More examples.
I really like Louis Tomlinson but I've never been on a site where the algorithm didn't try to shove Larry and Harry Styles down my throat when I started interacting with posts about him. (Naturally, I ignore those posts, but they're such a big part of the fandom that ignoring them makes the algorithm stop showing me posts about Louis too. I've honestly given up.)
My BTS bias is so far from the most popular member that my FYP doesn't even show me posts with him, like, period. (Not to mention how many people who don't stan BTS actively hate them and/or the fandom, and/or make awful jokes about them)
And then there's my whole thing with Captain America where none of my irl friends even like him and so when I have to ramble about him I have to go scream into the internet void and hope it screams back.
So, as someone who always seems to fall for the fandom underdog... I just wonder what it feels like to not have to do all this.
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x4ver1a · 11 months
Yeah it was a rant, sorry i was frustrated. No he’s not my boyfriend. One could say it’s kind of those trendy ‘situationships’. I can’t even be 100% open about him since, of course, you don’t even know this dude… cuz also that’d be like doing him dirty, which he’s done so many times to me. Sad part is.. He NEVER realises anything as he always views things only from his pov. Always. He always manipulates situations, just to view himself as the right one & making me a clown. If i were at his place and he was on mine, I don’t think he could’ve even done 2% of action n active effort, so frkn regularly! as i’ve been doing. He’d have stayed quiet (he’s the type to write the shortest sentence possible irl). I made it so obv, so clear n was always well-intentioned (he never sees any of it). While he can’t even afford ‘not being vague’.. i mean.. he never even had that intention, ever.. like once life did it for him, yet he still.. idek ugh (2nd time, life did it for me). None of this could’ve happened if i had more experiences to compare this with (i so wish i had em) It’s so heavy for a first experience, that’s y only i think i was never able to decide or have a sense of, if this is smth that should be dropped or worked through. I’ve been tolerating it for so damn long just in hopes of some light at the end, which is so gone, i now realise. Just realised now it’s much easier for him to make me a clown. Who could’ve done so much, just out of.. especially when they didn’t really have a reason to, when they could always exit! (he himself has this “im not approaching anyone, approach me” & “if we’re not really in one, why should i” kinda mindsets, i wish even i had ‘em). I’m damn sure now i cant continue with this game and his sheeps cuz i genuinely went crazy.
Im just ranting n it’s alright if u discuss this on your servers. I dont mind if it’s a topic for you lol. But anyway THANKS A LOT, for having patience :) You won’t even understand majority of this..its just a rant, dont have to take it seriously. Yeah im done now💀 haha.
Damn I have no words, for me I would just straight up make it clear tbh, i had cloudy people, people that give mixed signals. You could have just been like "dude stfu" or smth lmafo 😭
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