#i really mean it i don't wanna die XD
saintobio · 3 months
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Ummm.... Yeah no maybe it's my fault for opening my mouth xdxdsdgadvd (also for some reason it wouldn't let me take a screenshot so enjoy these shitty pics I had to take from my phone 🤡)
It's a side tangent but since you came back with sn, one of the most fun things have been to theorize and see other people's theories hehe. I honestly read sy so long ago and it had such an impact on me, so seeing you and honestly everyone back here; talking about series and excited about updates makes me feel so giddy and at home. It's been a while since I've had so much fun in a fandom XD
Ok now back to the ANGST, I want you to know this was my reaction the whole time,
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I was honestly scared of even reading the chapter but my GOSHHHH.
It was honestly so refreshing to see Satoru finally acknowledge what y/n means to him and no matter how much he tries she might still be the most important thing to him in the end. Honestly it was a cathartic moment they both needed at the lake but still 😭 my heart is hurting so much for them. To finally stand face to face and acknowledge the hurt, to hold each other 😭😭 They both really needed that. I might just be looking too much into it, but when Gojo threw his ring in the ocean y/n was able to get it back (even if geto was the one who found it) but when y/n threw the last part of Gojo; the necklace into the lake, he went after it but didn't get it back... it sounds like symbolism for something that I am not ready for
It was honestly so refreshing to see Satoru finally acknowledge what y/n means to him and no matter how much he tries she might still be the most important thing to him in the end. Honestly it was a cathartic moment they both needed at the lake but still 😭 my heart is hurting so much for them. To finally stand face to face and acknowledge the hurt, to hold each other 😭😭 They both really needed that. I might just be looking too much into it, but when Gojo threw his ring in the ocean y/n was able to get it back (even if geto was the one who found it) but when y/n threw the last part of Gojo; the necklace into the lake, he went after it but didn't get it back... it sounds like symbolism for something that I am not ready for TvT
They are both hurt, they are both suffering without each other; but they also suffer when they are with each other. TvT
Also, I understand Akemi's reaction but bitch 😭😭 Don't you realise this is exactly what y/n felt when you slept with Satoru. Her avoiding y/n to not make her angry or trouble her, I understand; but it just seems to me that she's making excuses to lessen her guilt and run away so she doesn't have to see what she did to her best friend. LIKE SHE'S SO FRICKING EAGER to play house with Satoru and when Sachi called her mama she was overjoyed. It's just so... sus. I might understand her but I lost all respect for her when she decided to betray her bff. I would never understand women who choose a man over someone who's been there for them through everything. I just think she's taking the whole "I can fix him" 🤡 thing too seriously but idk at this point.
And Satoru how THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP FUMBLING THE WOMEN YOU LOVE SO BAD. If you are gonna be an asshole atleast do it right!? I so badly wanna believe he only ran after Akemi to check on her and explain everything but... I just don't have enough faith in him now :<
I feel SO BAD for y/n. Girlll 😭, I don't even know what to say but I can only give her this message-
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(My asks always get so long so quick, sorry oof. But SIDE SIDE TANGET- I ABSOLUTELY LOVED RIDE OR DIE. I ATE IT UP FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER OH GODDDD. I was a certified Sukuna!hater but you have changed my ways... you have brainwashed me into falling head over heels for that gremlin xd the brainrot rn is so bad- like MOVE ASIDE GOJO)
thanks so much for sending this ask. yayy you finally made it to the askbox on time !! :’D and this was such a fun read for me. ty for sharing <3 it’s always nice to see such long asks abt sn/sy bc the theories and analyses are all so great, like how do u guys come up with those? they’re so detailed too!! 🥹
i agree i think what makes sy11 impactful is bcos it took so long for gojoyn to be honest with each other, only for it to crumble down the next day bcos of their trauma, external relationships, and distrust with each other 💔 like so close yet so far
and ooh interesting analysis on akemi! i like how you juxtaposed her reaction to gojoyn versus yn’s reaction to catching gojokemi. there’s definitely a big difference there :> but i won’t say anything more to avoid spoilers hehe
lastly, rod! omg thanks for reading, i thoroughly enjoyed writing it i was giddy the whole time !!! but same bb same that gremlin has me on a chokehold too 😆
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slaingelo · 5 months
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HOLY SHIT HERE WE GO !!!! somewhat world building dump as the prologue.
Chapter one will be longer and in parts, and will involve exploring Link's current life, more world building, and also !! HIS DAD !!
more rambling below;
So in case it wasn't obvious the whole "you'll die if the gem is broken" isn't TECHNICALLY true. no one's ever actually had the gem break while bound to it, so the thought that you'll die is just an assumption based on like... well. YOUR SOUL IS IN THAT. and it's been passed down as fact rather than theory.
the gem will get broken at the end of chapter one, leading to Link's soul being torn into four pieces. This technically kills Link which is why I do want to spend time going over his current place in life in chapter 1 before the DeathTM :3
also worth noting; they're young adults ! Link has no plans to go to college and is kind of a mess right now, Zelda rather than being any kind of princess is from a family with spiritual importance- ofc being taking care of the force gem. it's been a while since a hero had to be chosen !!
also, all the maidens are being given actual names, chosen after gemstones instead of colours because like,,, I mean, blue maiden is the most important one here, I can't really call her Blue lol.
I DUNNO HOW FAST UPDATES WILL BE, I wanna be careful to not burn myself out, so we'll see how it goes :3 I might post 3 or so pages at once per update instead of 9 each time aha;;
I hope this is interesting !! I'm really excited to tell the story I wrote for this AU and I hope you guys will enjoy the ride <3
consider this some exposition combined with experimenting with the comic process because this is the first time I've actually finished a comic that's longer than 1 page and it probably shows. I'll be forced to make it more interesting once I get to the action stuff don't worry XD I'll try to get better at making the talking stuff look interesting over time .. AND YOU CAN SEE HOW INCONSISTENT MY ART IS WAAH.
I ended up changing line thickness after 3 pages bc I realised I was going too thin and I was never going to finish it if I kept w/ it because I haaate doing thin lineart...
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amethystfairy1 · 1 month
hi I'm back again already lol, bc u really ought to know all the great things about ttsbc that I was too lazy to write out last time lmao.
Also! totally fine that ur not doing skizzpulse, you should write what inspires/motivates you (personally very motivated by them xD I've written ~90k words of skizzpulse myself rip)
Anyways, good things! You! you're the good things! I honestly can't remember when I last sent an ask in for the lil guys, so I'm just gonna say something I loved about each of their recent arcs.
First, Treebark. There's been so many identity reveals but I think this has been my favorite thus far. Ren going all protective boyfriend and fighting over Martyn was SO GOOD, plus soft kisses and they can just hold hands now without Ren being afraid he'll figure it out. Also loved Martyn seducing his entire family while being terrified out of his mind by big dog people with knives, like, I'd be a little out of it too. but the fam doesn't even notice but Ren did and is all supportive and comforts him, offers to take him home. I love how well they can read each other, like they're just in tune. they're soulmates, your honor. and, AND this means we can have double dates where they all know now! so excited :)))))
Zedango. this is what started me reading your stuff (the first fic I ever wrote was actually my own tt zedango ficlet, btw. that feels like an eternity ago now) I love how they've simultaneously progressed and devolved into slightly unhealthy relationship territory. something about not everything being perfect all the time just adds so much depth and realism to their relationship, as well as keeping the plot tense without feeling like you're making up problems just to have something to write about. AND THEN Tango doing the blazeborn courtship rituals was just so aaaaaaaa (THEY"RE SO ADORBSABLEEE) Tango setting aside his disgust with his claws to take care of Zed even tho its uncomfortable for him, and then Zed recognizing that and having all the warm fuzzy fondness for his bf was so sweet. Doc's notes about the rituals were on point, with how he reassures Tango that they're normal, healthy things and saying he's always open to having a conversation about it. (tho, i doubt Tango's ever taken him up on that offer lmao)
The other fic that's been in my head is ur most recent one, Handshakes and Headaches. I highly doubt we'll get a cub reveal in this next chapter, but ig we'll see soon enough. I loved how Cub just knew instantly that Grian was a hybrid and was just going in spirals putting it together that he was cuteguy, then him coming to the wrong conclusion about whether Scar knew, too, was just perfect. Tho, if he did think Scar knew and was cool with it, I wonder what he'd do first? Tell Scar his own secret, guess Grian's secret in front of them? I feel like he would think the safe thing would be to confront Scar about Grian being Cuteguy, and then if/when Scar admits it and says he's cool with it, Cub would feel safe(r) revealing his own identity. Maybe not right away, but sometime. Also, that would mean everyone in Hot Cave knows about hybrids and undercity, so he wouldn't have to glamor while he works (tho, that would also require revealing to Zed... they don't seem super close, but it's kinda obvious that Zed's chill w/ the undercity people, considering he's dating Tango and Cub knows that).
Also! now that Hypno knows G and Scar are safe, I really wanna see him revealing to Scar and Scar being all supportive and stuff :)))) Hypno wasn't someone I knew I needed in this world, but I'd die for him now. (ALSO the casual mention that his scales are dry and flaky rather than smooth and taken care of??? Hello?????? Someone get him some proper self-care ASAP, maybe take him swimming at a private pool or something idk. I feel like the moment Scar knows, he's going to be on it with the cookies and love and support. so excited hehehe)
anyways, I'm probably forgetting something, but whatever. I'll be back with more art soon (maybe I draw Hypno, since I've never done that before and electric eel hybrid sounds cool. Actually, I've decided, I'm gonna do it now. remind me what that looks like pls? or I go reread, whichever happens faster lol)
Ok that's all, have a good day!
Petition to get Hypno a private pool 😆
I'm so glad you love the slightly unhealthy but also very loving Zedango situation we have going on!
I LOVED YOUR TT ZEDANGO FIC! I'M STILL WAITING FOR THE SEQUEL!!!! 😭 /j you don't have to write one if you don't wanna BUT KNOW THAT I LOVED IT!
Ren being a protective boyfriend is all I need sometimes! It's just good fun! Thank you so much for telling all about everything!!!
I would actually LOVE to see how you would design Hypno if you do feel like drawing him! That sounds amazing! Electric Eel hybrid time!!!! 💖
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deafeningfanlight · 2 months
Okay, I think I will get a bit of hate comments for this TSAMS confession… BUT(T) IDC! I’m gonna say it anyway CUZ FREEDOM! >:D
So, over the past few weeks or so, I was often scrolling through Tumblr BECAUSE OF MY GODDAMN WRITER'S BLOCK [I wanna die :'D SO MANY IDEAS BUT MY BRAIN FLIPPED ME OFF AND SAID "I'm gonna make your life a living hell and you can't DO NOTHING ABOUT IT >:D"].
And with scrolling through Tumblr , YOU STUMBLE UPON ENDLESS AMOUNT OF DRAMA AND HATE! :’D And currently, I often read that apparently, a group of SolarMoon shippers, I think, sent people, who DON'T ship it and are most of the time MINORS, gore pictures through links or something??? IDK IT'S MORE CONFUSING AND MESSIER THAN FNAF LORE QWQ I think that's where the hatred towards SolarMoon shippers comes from: First, from the "the ChOsEn SolarMOon ShiPperS group" [Just a made-up name lol XD] and secondly, because of this debate wherever it's incest or not. But hey, that's just a theory, A TSAMS THEORY! :D
And to finally add my silly opinion to it because of this hate I REALLY MUCH SAW: This is JUST a toxic minority of the SolarMoon shippers! Yeah, maybe some will now type out "No WaY >:O" BUT YES, THIS ISN’T IMPOSSIBLE, I KNOW – SHOCKING REVELATION THAT WILL CHANGE HUMANITY FOREVER! >:D AND I HAVE A REASONING! BASED ON FACTS! The toxic minority is ALWAYS the loudest, but that doesn't mean that you, JUST SOME OF YOU DON'T TWIST MY WORDS, have to come to the conclusion that all are like that! It's like, idk, saying that all pizzas are bad because of one baker who put snake poison instead of tomato sauce on it QWQ Okay, that was a bad metaphor, but YOU GET MY THOUGHT-PROCESS XD
But report and block them if you’ve got such links or photos from those SolarMoon shippers though! What they do is inexcusable, stupid and just such a waste of time! And it’s SOOO immature, and that says a thirteen-year-old who was the mentality of a ten-year old! XD
And they’re also hated by the SolarMoon community and this group is barely part of this community and barely ever was, so don’t put the blame on them! You can’t just use them as scapegoats! They’ve got nothing to do with this stupid group! And this group seems like being barely SolarMoon shipper anymore – They’re just sending aimless gore pictures and hate towards people who just want to have peace!
So, if I got something wrong, please inform or correct me POLITELY! We all are just some TSAMS fans who wanna have silly and harmless fun! :3
Thanks for listening to my silly lil' opinion, AND TUNG!
qëndroni të sigurt! <3
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 months
Cuddled a cat in the first ten minutes. 20/10.
I sympathize with being tormented nightmares.
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I mean. Was Nehal just supposed to let you die, Basim? He's grieving, though. It's to be expected. Something is up with her though.
But I wanna hear more storytime! Ugh fine I guess we'll patrol. :P.
I love Roshan's voice and I don't know why.
Ugh I love me a good training montage mmmmm.
Why did the initiation ceremony give me tingles.
Everything is so beautiful and the scenery is incredible.
*Gets distracted gets distracted gets-*
So that's interesting. We do mini investigations to unveil our targets.And Basim sure did make sure his first happened with STYLE. Work smarter not harder!
IT'S Nehal!
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This game is so gorgeous and this cap I picked does not do it justice.
I'm definitely way more 'all over the place' with this game than the others, but I'm early enough in that I'm getting my bearings. It's definitely reminding me of AC1 with a bit more freedom while still contained. Which I vastly prefer to the bigger games like Odyssey and Valhalla.
"Did you find the pages??" Brother I know you're actively dying but these pages are ELUDING ME.
Basim is supposed to be one of the most talented thieves ever. And I'm sure he is!..When I am not playing him.
NEVERMIND I turned off the pickpocket QTE and that helped tremendously. XD
My good buddy Nehal always happens to conveniently appear exactly when I need her. I'm sure this is a coincidence yes.
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Darn. Assassinblocked.
"Those who came before are..?" Well, that's the Isu. But Basim doesn't know that so I can't blame him for needing to find a book instead.
The narration Basim gives after a big target is revealed is really neat. I like it.
Damn the assassinations in this one are really creative. I like it!
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Experiment on THAT, Doctor.
Nehal once again appears exactly when necessary.
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snootlestheangel · 1 year
Just A Dude!Ghost Monster AU
Side note before this post gets rolling, I love that my post with the highest notes starts with "I don't know who else" and I think that's very reflective of what Tumblr is like XD
We're doing it! We are writing a Monster AU featuring Ghost as the only human despite what everyone else thinks! As far as I am concerned, mostly gonna post it here on Tumblr, since I don't really have much right now for it, mostly just little blurbs but if needed for readability, I'll put it on AO3 (under my profile FeelzMaster)
I'm gonna go ahead and give y'all the rundown of what species are featured, kinda what this world's like, the stuffs, ya know? TW: talks of death (just how they can die, relax)
To be 100% honest, I really wanted to do the whole werewolf!Soap thing cause it's just so perfect for him, but I thought back to a post I made about him being lightning and thought HUH WHAT IF?
So, partially inspired by @tactax-art and their depiction of Soap dealing with fire 'n shit, I have made Soap a unique type of "nymph". Technically, nymph isn't the right word, but neither is elemental, and the true name of these things is so old it's real translation has kinda lost meaning so they stick to describing themselves as "nymphs" or "elementals".
He is a Lightning Nymph, which is rare but that's apparently what happens when you cross an "atmospheric" air nymph (his mum) and a less traditional water nymph (his dad). He's often seeing consuming/messing with things that have electrical charge in order to keep up his own energy (Gaz once had to watch him literally lick an exposed outlet and maintain a straight face). Every time it storms, he's outside somewhere as high as he can get so he can soak up the natural static energy that comes with storms. He can and will shock people for the fun of it.
As for abilities, he's obviously highly conductive, can manipulate electrical energy but it's pretty exhausting so it's more of a life or death thing, he can glow in the dark if he wants to, and he's hyper aware of changes (due to ~energy~). His diet is batteries... Jk, but seriously he does not eat like a human would, he straight up eats things that will help with energy. Like I said earlier, he's licked an exposed outlet like it was an espresso shot. Downside is he can't see for shit in the dark so he's reliant on sensing energies, nightvision, or having one of his buddies that can see in the dark guide him. Can be killed if his brain stem is destroyed, but is also very weakened by the typical stuff (gunshots, stab wounds, severe bodily trauama, etc). but can be severely weakened by being trapped in insulated rooms/wrapped in insulators. If exposed to these things and not able to find a sustainable source of electrical energy, he will die. (rubber, steel, copper are some good insulators)
I don't know why but I'm gonna make him a Siren. For some reason Siren!Gaz just melts my heart and I wanna hold him. I don't care if he can lure me to my death with his voice, I wanna hear him sing :'(
He's typically pretty human appearing, it's a natural instinct for Sirens, but when he's tired or distracted (like working out/doing paperwork), you can start to see some very fish-like qualities. Mostly very gorgeous iridescent scales around his ears, eyes, neck, shoulders, knees, top of his feet, and back of his hands.
Can breathe underwater, has the best vision in the dark, eats like a typical person but with more sea food cravings or cravings for fatty foods (like human), when in full Siren form he doesn't have a "mermaid's" tail, it's much more shark-like so he can accelerate really fast. Generally just more shark-like, except his scales are fish-like. His nose, like sharks, is super sensitive to certain changes, so booping his nose always throws him off if it's surprise, but he will also bump his nose into people/things without realizing it to get a better sense of it. Can be killed by things humans can, susceptible to parasites.
Honestly, his has been the hardest but I'm gonna do changeling. I honestly don't know a lot about them, and quite frankly I've already got one homebrewed monster here, so why not another?
He's definitely the one everyone mistakes for being human cause he's so good at keeping up appearances. But there are always times where Price manipulates his appearance/body just enough that it's a little startling for those that believed him to be human to suddenly realize he's very much not.
He's got better eyesight in the dark than a human, but nowhere near close to what Gaz has. He's good at picking up on scents though, as his nose is a bit more attune to sniffing out humans than anything. He's not a bloodsucker, but changelings typically feed on weakened/ill/very old/very young humans, so he's able to tell when something is wrong with someone. Stifles the more violent urges of his species by eating a primarily meat heavy diet with a lot of raw veggies for the crunch. Most susceptible to things with iron or salt (obvi) but can still be fatally wounded by stab wounds/gunshots. Most other stuff won't kill him but it'll certainly hurt and he'll complain the entire time.
Alejandro and Rudy
These two are werewolves and Los Vaqueros is their pack :'). Most Vaqueros are also werewolves, but they do have a variety of other creatures commonly found in North America.
And finally, the whole point of this: we got our boy Ghost as a literal human being. Nothing more, just a dude. A dude with so much fucked up shit happening to him constantly it's just assumed he must be inhuman. NOPE! He's just a dude, a very very unlucky, and probably cursed, dude.
So yeah, that's what I have so far! Working title is "Cheers to the Unknown"
Taglist (if you want added let me know in the replies/reblogs): @tacticaltaxonomist @cthulhusstepmom
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soulfarer23 · 9 days
Yapping about shifting even tho I should just shut it lol
First Tumblr post. No clue WTF I am doing. Just bear with me or don't. Random brain puke.
Please don't hate me, I am just letting my intrusive thoughts flow lmao. Not intending to undermine any opinions, just having strong opinions myself XD
Ok firstly, I feel like I am the biggest try hard on this version of Earth when it comes to shifting. Not the process of shifting, but the goddam SCRIPTING.
There is no way in hell I could ever just shift without a script. I mean, of course I COULD, but I don't want to.
I like to think that I am grasping the true vastness of infinity quite well for a human. And then I often realize I don't, and I really don't want to. It's the single-handedly greatest yet most horrific fact about reality.
You gonna tell me that every horror movie and every nightmare, every single horrific thought I ever had exists in infinite variations at all times? Yea thanks, I don't wanna grasp that. I don't wanna know that there is a version of me and my school class going through the fucking 'Midsommar' movie, and that's probably just the very tip of the iceberg.
But you know what, it's fine. As long as I convince myself that only those realities that I decide to be aware of are relevant, everything is fine. To be honest, I had those phases of wanting to have a horrific backstory to get all that main character pity. I am glad I stopped that before shifting. You can do that if you want, but I am done with that... mostly... ok I might do it once or twice just to have experienced it...
ok ok ok... back to the scripting.
I want you to know, firstly, that I've been deep into the 'Worldbuilding' hobby for about 10 years now. I love creating new worlds, I love finding solutions to potential problems, I love overthinking everything, I love DETAILS, I love perfection, I love both being absurdly creative or just steal shit I fell in love with.
This doesn't come into play a lot with those movie/anime etc. DRs because I actually like to keep those mostly in their 'original' form, just making changes to things that irk me.
I am very invested in scripting myself a Home Reality which I will declare my true 'original' reality, where I also will go If I were to 'die' in any other reality.
I like going for a cozy, magic, fairy tale, utopian theme. I've heard a lot of people say that perfection is boring, but then again, how would they even know? I don't believe that a utopian world would be boring, nor do I think I could ever get bored with existing (It's actually part of my script that I can never get sick of life)
I am planning to genuinely exist for all eternity, well we are all eternal, but I mean as in staying the same person with the same knowledge and past.
I feel like very little people take shifting as far as I do, not just living through the 'fictional' works of other people of this reality, but really 'creating' your own, in-depth reality.
Hell, I literally have a MICROCOSMOS section in my script. I literally made up microorganisms called Nova Protozoa and Opal Archaea.
I've learned so much about earth and nature just so I can remake it for my Home Reality.
So, well, right now I am really just affirming and persisting for the Void-State, so I am really just on here to expose myself to the internet until I am gone.
Comment whatever you want, but be warned, I don't argue, I just block lol.
I am just going to start posting random shit about my shifting brain or my DR/DR's.
I don't know if this is motivating or demotivating, or if anyone is ever going to actually read this. But none of that matters, just enjoying my last days of being aware of this shithole reality.
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sevi007 · 3 months
Tales of the Abyss part 10
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Call me paranoid, but that is not a "I don't want a war" that is simply a "I don't belong to faction B".
So far, out of everyone in this room, Van is the only man who was allowed to see Asch' face - something I think is being kept a secret from the player on purpose - AND he knows far too much for someone who claims to know he does not know what his troops have been doing. How can he arrive just at the right time to block Asch?
Distrustful looks engaged!
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Interestingly, in this regard, Tear and Luke are the same. They both have someone they look up to and follow orders from - for Luke, that's Van, for Tear that's Maestro Mohs - and who they don't want to hear a single bad word about. Both men are ALSO an important cog in a potential war breaking out, though, and I think that's going to fall back onto Tear and Luke.
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Uhuh... okay getting the part with the fonstones now. But if I understood that correctly, the seventh fonstone might be bad news, seeing as Yulia hid that one herself.
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Starting to sense bad history between Arietta and Anise here XD
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So we're just letting the head engineer die? Rude.
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Which part of "amnesia" is hard to grasp for you all? But now I really wanna go there.
Second reason being that this man has not yet earned my trust:
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*Cut while I sucessfully get lost several times while trying to find Choral Castle*
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You know what, fair. His only frame of reference is being cooped up and bored. He might actually consider this as insignificant and would love for people to stop talking about it. (Though that does not mean they can also turn around and give him grief for not knowing stuff when it was never explained to him in the past seven years)
Another cut here, because I took a minute to figure out the poltergeist with the colorful orbs puzzle. Traipsed through the entire castle once until I realized that I won't find a purple one and have to get red and blue instead XD
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Um. Giant Freezer? Death Ray? 3d printer? Jade seems to know what it might be but again, he is not telling us / me.
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Hmmmm. Either my zombie or clone theory might be correct. So if it's the later, it's a 3D printer. Yes.
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And at this point, I actually got annoyed with the characters - or more like, with the writers. Back at the port, we already see Jade again leaving Guy alone with a cling Anise, despite his knees literally trembling in fear. And now, this. What was that for anyway? Maybe don't jump from behind onto the guy who has been asking you not to touch him since moment one?
Ugh. This wouldn't even be a bad moment if they had not used his phobia as a joke earlier on.
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Is there even one person in this game without memory issues? XD
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Now see that's also something that got me stumped. Why has nobody ever tried to jog Luke's memories by telling him of his past? Did they think it's too much trauma for him? Or is there something else going on?
Hidden agendas all around I tell you.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
2077, April
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"You really think I can make it, survive this?"
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"'Course you can. I mean, you did already die and come back once, didn't ya?"
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The chance of a lifetime the Konpeki Plaza Heist should have been turned Vince's existence into a living nightmare. Going from "just living, day by day" to "sheer survival, at all costs" in the manner of moments and following a row of bad decisions made by everyone involved, this was now definitely his last chance to get his life back on the right track. A second chance, after so many other second chances he'd already botched... while the one who would've really deserved another shot was now gone from Vince's life forever.
Jackie, the one person he had never regretted to trust in, who had never let him down, helped him out of the greatest messes, wouldn't be at his side through his biggest challenge so far. Vince would often lie awake at night wondering "What if he'd just kept the damn biochip? Would he be here now, instead of me? Why am I still here when he'd deserved it so much more?"
But then again... Jackie wouldn't have deserved Johnny Silverhand, Vince's newly acquired brain parasite from days long gone, unwanted voice of unreason, and perpetual threat to his mere existence.
Vince was dying, losing himself, little by little, day by day, after it had taken him ten long years to get to a point of self-acceptance and recognizing his strengths, desires, what he truly wanted from life. It was the cruelest irony of fate imaginable.
Misty's words accompanied him through his darkest moments: as long as your heart's still beating, there is hope.
Vince never wanted to be a legend... but for Jackie's sake, he'd make sure everyone would remember their names. He'd survive this, get rid of the Relic, of the terrorist in his brain, and make it out alive. No matter the cost.
Vince through the years (7/9)
A handful of before and after screenshots this time:
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Some slight colour adjustments, and a little Relic-like glitch effect like it happens to Johnny whenever he's visible!
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Also these two didn't make it to the final set, but I still really love the flying sparks effect :O These are completely vanilla, done in vanilla Photomode without path tracing. There's a lot of particle effects going on at Afterlife that render very interestingly sometimes (I think only since the graphics update though, since pics in Photomode take a moment to render, creating this motion blur/ long exposure effect). Sometimes this a bit annoying when you want to go for a relatively clean shot, but these looked really kinda cool for once xD
I've also been playing around a lot with a free filter plugin (search for GMIC) for Photoshop that has some really nice glitch effects, chromatic abberation, amongst many many many others :o If you don't know it and use Photoshop (although I think there are versions for other programs available as well!), I can definitely recommend it!
Now, to what I wrote above the cut, briefly. This is a relatively short post compared to all others in the series cause it's obviously the one aligning with what canonically happens in game and there's no need to retell all that in great detail xD What I wanted to focus on though was Vince's shift of mind between pre-Heist and post-Heist.
Before the heist, when Dex asks him what he wants, a quiet life or a blaze of glory, Vince is internally leaning more to a quiet life. Assuming though that that's not what Dex would wanna hear, probably, he deflects, gives him no clear answer. But yes, after having to run away from home, struggling on the street, busting his ass for Arasaka and barely making it out of all of that alive, had it not been for Jackie, he has no intentions of just throwing all his growth and progress away by blowing himself up in some daredevil endeavour. He's reached a point where he genuinely likes himself, his body, his life, and while he's not perfect, still in recovery from his time at Arasaka, and has done messed up things to get here, he would've been content with just small-time, low-risk merc work for the years to come.
With Jackie gone though, who has been a constant guidance over the last 10 years, with everything that rains down on Vince during the post-Konpeki shitstorm, I think this would change. He's being told "you're gonna lose yourself, forget who you are", "the body you literally shaped after your own wishes will soon be Johnny's", whom he cannot stand, no one wants to work with him initially after such a legendary failure, he has "a few weeks, at most" left to live... fuck all that, so hard. He's gonna fight tooth and nail to make it out of it alive, forget the quiet life.
He's gonna make sure as hell that, if all ends up being in vain, people will remember him and that he didn't settle for the easy way out. If he has to die, he'll do so standing - maybe scared, but head held high. Cause everything else would be a disservice to how far both he and Jackie have come together, to who he is at his core: a rebellious kid who once rather would've taken on a whole Valentino gang on his own instead of calling his corpo mother for help, someone who quit his secure job because he refused to keep taking the abuse from his boss, who risked his life for his best friend despite sending himself down a spiral of despair in the aftermath. He's not scared of getting his hands dirty, of forging his own path (alone, if need be), and of taking risks if he thinks they're worth it for himself or the people he's loyal to.
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major-fukkup · 20 days
top 5 video game characters
Thank you for the ask!!! <3
These aren't listed in any particular order.
Spider from MegaMan X Command Mission!
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He starts out as a bounty hunter, just out to make money. He's super smooth and doesn't really care about anyone or anything except his one friend and hunting partner Aile who was severely injured as a result of Spider's actions (it is never stated exactly what happened). He comes after the player character, X, to discover that he has befriended Aile (who is now dead), so Spider decides to work together with him to take down his boss Jango and help them stop Epsilon, the Rebellion Army commander who is actually just a puppet under the control of Colonel Redips, the guy X was working for until he revealed that he was ACTUALLY the bad guy all along and is trying to rule the universe.
About halfway through the game, X and his friends are lured into a trap. Laser beams cover the door and the room is set to self-destruct, but Spider sacrifices himself by pushing their current enemy Incentas (also a Rebellion Army puppet) into the lasers, blowing up the wall (and himself) so the others can escape, despite everyone telling him to stop.
When I was a kid he was the coolest character I'd ever seen in my life. ...And he may still be.
Aloy, from Horizon Zero Dawn!
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She's very sweet (I mean there are a lot of mean dialogue options in the game but in my opinion none of them really seem to suit her) and very determined. Also she grew up as an outcast, like me, and eventually found people who accepted her.
I love her so so much and honestly I aspire to be like her.
Shadow the Hedgehog! (Art by me)
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I don't really have a reason other than I just think he's cool. XD
Cayde-6 from Destiny/D2! (art from a sticker pack that came with the Destiny 2 companion app)
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Like Spider, he's a very suave dude but infinitely more... high-octane.
Honestly don't remember much of his in-game lore but the player teamed up with him to go take down an enemy and... he died...
I guess I'll throw Jacob Hendricks from Black Ops 3 in here. (Screenshot by me)
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He's... what can I say? He's the best. He starts out knowing exactly what he needs to do, and then CORVUS takes over his mind and he doesn't know anything anymore. But he doesn't KNOW he doesn't know anything so everyone around him can tell that he's slipping but he has no idea.
I don't really know why I like him so much but I do. I would die for him
(Also he died as well! Funny how that seems to be a common element among my favorite characters.)
Bonus 6th one who doesn't really deserve to be part of this I just really wanna talk about him:
Messmer the Impaler from Elden Ring!
He's very pretty and he has snakes :)
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Sorry if some things don't make sense, it is now 3:19 AM and I'm posting this because if I wait I WILL forget.
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mrssimply · 2 months
19, 26 & 30 for the writer ask game pleeease 😘
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
Ok, you know what? When I reblogged this ask game, I didn't realise how interesting yet HARD those questions would be to answer! Hm, my first instinct was to say the mafia world for The Burning of Rome. Like a lot of us, I've always been kinda fascinated by this parallele world and how it can influence ours... John Wick is a mix of that and the vilains from James Bond movies, with the whole secret assassin vibe (Winston and The Continental always reminded me of the old versions of Q). I don't really like the movies like the godfather, but I love the "lore" around the mafias. So yeah, it was a good trip.
But I think the truth is: sex practices. I mean, I can count on one hand the number of fics that are not rated E on y AO3 account, and of course I had to expand beyond my own experience to write some of the scenes I had in mind. The logistics of car sex comes to mind, I remember watching a few videos about that, and then falling into a rabbit hole of people having sex in their tesla while it was driving iteself. Wild!
Of course, this journey into human sexuality was eye opening in a lot of ways, and I can really say it made me a better human being by widening my understanding of the human soul.
26. are you able to write with other people around?
If they're looking at the cursor from over my shoulders, no xD. But I've written on the train, so there is always the risk my neighbor will get a glimpse of whatever I'm writing, and it might be porn becaus eI have no shame. Since I live in France, not everyone reads english around me so it's a safety, but it's not foolproof either!
30.share a fic you’re especially proud of
I feel like a parent being asked which of their kid they prefer ahah. But since I'm an awful mom, I totally got an answer for that. I bet you know which one came to my mind first, but now it's a tie between W.A.R and the "Johnny goes to therapy" series, of which To the Day I die is part of. Those two are on top of the list. Then of course there is Until we Meet Again. But the one I wanna talk about now is The Mechanics of Grief.
I wrote this fic as a tribute: it was the first (and so far, only) time I was so inspired by someone else's work (yours) that I had to write the sequel. That fic really wrote itself, it was one of those instances where I felt like I was only a vessel for a higher form of creativity. Like Kerry had something to say and I was just here to listen and lend him my hand. That fic is fucking bittersweet, and I kinda tore my own heart out writing it, but it felt important to get that one out. Also it was the first time I wrote Kerry as trans, and it was also an important thing for me to do. So yeah. That one.
the Ask Game
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altraviolet · 8 months
Going off the last few asks, how would you alter MTMTE shockwave not necessarily to fit into TEG, but be more like a character instead of an empty shell? What kind of character development would you give him? How would you make him better?
ah ok so to answer this, which I am probably going to fail to do to be honest, I need to write out some stuff
MTMTE Shockwave was a fine character. he wasn't an empty shell at all: he was a Senator with a face and a color-changing hobby who groomed (?) Optimus Prime in some capacity that I never fully understood. he was vocal about... stuff... against the current regime (pre-war senate), and therefore was horrifically punished with the empurata procedure. his head and hands were removed so that he looked like his G1/usual design.
so, I wanna be clear that MTMTE Shockwave (which you specifically mentioned) is fine. the rest of the stuff IDW did with him was incredibly confusing. I didn't read all those comics, but it was something like: Shockwave traveled back in time and established himself as a god and then ??? and then he was a senator and then he got empurata'd and then he went back in time. also at some point he sent a bunch of magical ores out to different planets. IDW somehow wrote it so that Shockwave was, like, responsible for all of the major milestones of the IDW universe in regards to TF. or something. honestly, like I said, I found it incredibly and unnecessarily confusing
if you happen to know what shockwave did and you feel like replying to this or reblogging with the answer, go ahead, but please know, and I mean this in the kindest way possible, I don't care xD they couldn't make me understand it the first time and it's too late to appreciate it now. again, it is a respectful apathy, lol.
so I'mma re-imagine your question to be "how would you alter IDW shockwave... What kind of character development would you give him? How would you make him better?"
and to that I say... I'm honestly really tired, lol. ok ok I'll try. uh. so, IDW had a specific and (apparently) long-entrenched plan for him. he's a huge part of that universe. entwined with the fabric of its reality. what you're asking for is a very big question: what does Shockwave do? and the answer is like... infinity. there are a ton of things one could do. what would I do? I can't help but take this question very seriously, and that's why I mention the fact that IDW had a big plan for him. how could I have changed him and kept aligned with the canon? is that an important part of what you're asking?
if I'm not making any sense right now, I guess an equivalent would be: this pound of ground beef was made into a burger. what would you have done with it instead? and my answer is 1) I don't eat beef so uhhhh, and 2) are we at McDonalds? are we still adhering to the burger-ness? Or can I make something completely different, like stew? I prefer chicken: can I use that instead?
did that make any sense at all xD
ok ok but let's just say I don't have to fit Shockwave into the larger IDW universe. I can do whatever I want with him
again it's hard for me to answer because Shockwave works in conjunction with other characters. what is Megatron doing? what resources does Shocky have available to him? where is he? are we pre-war?
maybe the faster thing to do is tell you what I wouldn't do: I wouldn't have him time travel back in time and become a god and then ??? and then ??? and then be a senator.
maybe I'd concentrate on the senator aspect. maybe I'd take him in a different direction after the empurata. I think it'd be more fun to explore him with clearly-defined goals after empurata. maybe the empurata wouldn't work perfectly: he'd still care about some things. maybe he'd be himself, but really fucked up, like how in stories when people die and come back, they come back wrong. maybe I'd brave some Shock/OP and make you all cry until your tear ducts burned, with the yearning and the loss and the visceral pain of what Shockwave was forced to endure. Remember me as I was is fucking hardcore.
sorry, I realize this answer is really long and possibly a pain in the ass to read. I have a brain that sees infinity and worldbuilds until it eats itself, so it's hard for me to narrow down an answer for you on the fly. I hope something here was entertaining or interesting, and if you want to narrow down the parameters in a further ask, I can hopefully give a better answer
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adoredmarigold · 6 months
Questions!! Yay!!!!!! I've got a lot to ask about, I'm sorry
1. What are your favorite ships other than david and lingard (tbh in some way that ship reminds me of kirk x bones, not sure if youre into star trek tho xd)
2. Ava or Tripp?
3. Favorite S2 characters? Do you have any S2 ships?
4. What do you think are the best possible and your favorite endings of S2, S3 and S4??
5. And of course, I wanted to ask, whats your opinion on Bonnie.
I feel like I've been asking you some questions before but I dont remember excstly what it waasszzzzzzddsdszs if I already asked some of these questions IM SO SORRY but I cant say no to asking twdg questions
hello :) 1. VIOLENTINE!!!! It's such a lovely ship I will defend it with my life, istg Violentine haters have yet to bring up a valid point as to why they don't like it. I have some crack ships like Eleanor x Kate or Eleanor x Ava, I don't have much to say about them I'm just gay and wanna ship my girls together lmao. hmmm, I've been seeing some Mark x Lee stuff to and that looks pretty cute. Ermmm this is making me realize I actually don't ship much in twdg lmao, I guess I also ship Clouis and Gabentine Clouis is sweet and has good moments but I just don't find them as compelling as Violentine (sorry Clouis shippers). As for Gabentine I guess I would say I ship it, but more so in a "first crush/puppy love" kinda of way, The relationship never becomes anything serious they're just kids with a crush on each other and honestly I don't need them to become anything more than that. aaaannnd I know nothing about Star Trek but you're gonna make me look into Kirk x Bones now, thanks. 2. Well if we're just talking about the characters in general then Ava, she's so underrated imo. BUT, if we're talking about whether I choose to "save" Tripp or Ava during the execution, I always choose to let Tripp live. I'd rather have Ava die here than get that stupid fucking death she gets in ep 5, Tripps death in ep 5 is a lot better cinematically and writing-wise. 3. Sarah :) She's been my fav season 2 character since the season first came out and I will never forgive the writers/fandom at the time for how they treated her, SHE DID NOTHING WRONG. As for ships I guess I don't really have any for season 2, I mean Alvin x Rebecca I suppose though I'm not particularly invested in either character. Never been a Nick x Luke fan, I get the appeal but it ain't for me. 4. I can't really say which ending for each season is the best cause it's all pretty subjective, but I will give you my favs :) I guess I don't really have a fav ending for season 2? I choose the alone ending each time just cause I can't deal with Jane and Kenny's bs, don't hate either character but Clem doesn't deserve to put up with their bullshit anymore, she's the main character it's fine let's just ignore the logistics of an 11-year-old going off alone with a newborn. I also like the Wellington ending alot though! Not only because it's the best location for Clem and AJ to end up at but it also gives a satisfying conclusion to Kenny's character imo. Kenny spent all of season 2 trying to keep Clem and in the end AJ by his side for ultimately selfish reasons and he became extremely violent and unhinged in the process. So to see Kenny finally be selfless and be willing to give them both up to ensure their health and safety really redeems him for me. Kenny loves Clem and AJ but I really don't think he's fit to take care of them, this is the best possible Kenny ending for me. 5. Bonnies cool. It's been awhile since I've played season 2 and 400 days so I am in a desperate refresh of her character, but from what I remember she was interesting. I def think the fandom goes WAY too hard on hating her, from what I remember she's not really any worse or better than any of the other adults in season 2, she's extremely flawed but hell who isn't in The Walking Dead. I get being frustrated with her but the lengths people go to shit all over her character is kinda insane to me. So overall I guess I don't have much of a strong opinion on Bonnie, she's an interesting character with alot of flaws but I don't think she's evil or cruel. I hope her and Mike where able to get away and join a community or something. Also, I distinctly remember her being my fav 400 Days character and having a crush on her when I was a kid lmao. wowie okay that's all I gotta say, and don't worry you're all good! If you (or anybody really) send me a question and I don't reply it's probably just cause I forgot to or I'm stumped on what to say. CRIES
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manofmanymons · 8 months
Hey I don’t know if you’re still into Digimon Survive but if you are could you do some headcanons on Minoru x Ryo? Maybe like first kiss headcanons or something? But if you’re not into it anymore or don’t want to that’s totally okay! I just have brainrot over them lol
Have a good day!
all my thoughts about their general dynamic I already kinda ranted about that one time here. But a lot of that was more "once they're in an established relationship" hcs
so let's talk about early relationship and lots of firsts
I think them confessing would be repeated attempts by both of them that continuously end in them chickening out last second. Minoru tries to sound serious with a "I need to tell you something important " but Ryo shuts him down with "if you're gonna tell me about some random superhero thing again, don't," and he panics and says nevermind
Meanwhile Ryo only said that because he was about to try to confess and Minoru saying he was going to say something important made him get in his own head and he also panicked aldkfaj he didn't want to look too nervous or excited so he settled on mean instead ToT
Eventually Minoru just keeps texting this genre of picture
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until Ryo gets confused enough to ask if he's trying to ask him out (he is)
Very big "oh no I fell for an idiot" moment for our dearest Ryo, but hey, he still says yes XD
And here's my reason for thinking they'd have such a rough time confessing right (besides the fact that I personally just think confessing to someone you truly care about and are close friends with is always probably hard). I think in part because they both Caught Feelings they'd be a little scared to drop their acts around each other, so sometimes Ryo still can't tell if Minoru is joking or not and Minoru can't tell if Ryo is actually mad or not. They're both afraid of reading too deep into the other's reactions and getting their hopes up and that makes it hard to gauge each other's reactions to their failed confessions.
They get past it once they're together though ofc.
Idiots trying too hard bc their friends, possibly even partners, got in their heads insisting the way they normally talk to each other isn't romantic at all and that they can't keep messing with each other so much now that they're dating. It doesn't take them all too long to realize that that's stupid actually bc they like their dynamic and they didn't fall for each other by not liking the way the other talks.
Also think some of the awkwardness would come from the fact that it would be both of their first real date ever (no, "bro dates" don't count. no, the time Ryo was dragged to a mixer and was flirted with doesn't count either) and neither of them knows how to act. All is well once they both agree to be normal.
Their first kiss would be significantly less awkward. They have officially escaped the awkward zone, good for them. Genuinely think it would just happened. Y'know like a casual kiss goodbye after spending a day together that they only fully process happened and freak out over after they're alone.
They don't really talk about it. Minoru lies awake at night regretting his life choices and wondering "why did I do that" until Ryo kisses him back the next time they're together.
they kissed one time before that in the other world when they thought they were gonna die and then NEVER acknowledged it. Maybe it was a real kiss, maybe it was a "I don't wanna die before having my first kiss" kiss. Happened so fast neither of them really knows for sure who initiated it. Get cheesy teen drama'd.
First romantic holiday as a couple...Ryo does not think twice before making chocolates for Minoru. That's his boyfriend, why wouldn't he do that for him? Minoru has significantly more of a dumbass crisis of "but he's a guy, what are the rules if we're both guys?!" Luckily Takuma (nicely), Kaito (not nicely), and Falcomon (somehow even less nicely) all tell him not to overthink it.
Lowkey think Minoru would have a FEW moments like that in the very beginning. Wanting to do a gentlemanly thing like hold a door open or offer up his jacket only to worry too much about if he's accidentally treating his bf "like a girl." This time Ryo talks some sense into him. He admits that okay yeah maybe it's a little embarrassing, but only because he's not really used to being doted on by someone other than his parents, not because he's offended that his bf loves him and wants to do nice things for him adlkfaj
TLDR: I think they're both insecure little overthinkers who really don't want to do things wrong, but once they get past that they're really not much different as a couple than they were as friends (with the exception that they're a lot more open with each other now and also kith sometimes lmao)
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amethystina · 1 year
Spotify Tag Game
I got tagged by @sofapup17! Thank you so much 💜
The game: Put your Spotify On Repeat playlist on shuffle and post the first 10 songs!
Honestly, I'm the worst person to do this x'D I don't use Spotify all that often so right now all songs on my On Repeat list are from the Who Holds the Devil playlist I made. So this turned into less of a "what music do you listen to" and more of a "let me explain why I put these specific songs on my Who Holds the Devil playlist." BUT I guess there might be an audience for that, too?
So let's go, I guess?
1. Heroes Rise - Tommee Profitt, Sam Tinnez
Definitely more of a Ga On-focused song what with that whole "hero" thing he's got going on and his attempts to make a change in the world. But there are also definite hints of Yo Han in that whole "heroes never die" aspect. Because while what he did was technically illegal and he's more of an antihero than anything else, he IS definitely still a hero. And what he did will be remembered for a long time to come, if nothing else because it gave rise to new heroes (see what I did there? ;D)
This is just a very good song to convey the overarching plot of heroes and the power they hold — but also the amount of conviction and dedication it requires.
2. I Didn't Ask For This - Beth Crowley
I am OBSESSED with this song right now, specifically in relation to Yo Han. There are parts of this song that hits just right for his character, both in the original drama and Who Holds the Devil. I mean:
Take what's left Of my fractured heart Bloodstained 'cause The pieces are so sharp
*chef's kiss*
But also:
*pterodactyl screech*
3. The Sacrament - HIM
My teenage emo phase coming back to bite me in the ass x'D No, but really, there's just something with this song that vibes with the whole religious themes of The Devil Judge. And the longing, desperation, and reverence of Who Holds the Devil.
Also, I just really, really love that piano. So sue me.
4. Die For You - PENTAGON
This one is pretty self-explanatory, I feel. Very much Ga On at the start of Who Holds the Devil, desperately longing for Yo Han. It also perfectly conveys his recklessness and just how far he'd be willing to go to be forgiven for his mistakes.
5. Dancing's Done - Ava Max
Possibly added during a bit of a YOLO moment, not going to lie xD BUT, there are definitely parts of the lyrics that apply:
I wanna give into your dark temptation I wanna touch you like nobody does, oh People like you and me were born to run So where we going when the dancing's done? (Oh)
Because Ga On sure has hell wants to give in to Yo Han's dark temptation, even if he pretends that he doesn't.
6. A Little Bit Dangerous - CRMNL
Yo Han. Through and through. It also has a bit of the same cheekiness as the original soundtrack, which I like. And, I mean:
Let out of the cage, took my chains away I'm so tough to tame now Look at what you made me Look at what you made me do
7. I Want You To Want Me - Chase Holfelder
Another Yo Han song. Like, if you've read The Gentle Light? You know why this song is here. You know about the desperation and the yearning and the need. So, really, I HAD to put this on the list.
8. Let Me Be Your Armor - Assemblage 23
I am SO glad this song made it onto the list because this one actually requires an explanation. It's one that might not make a lot of sense in terms of style (it definitely has a different vibe than the rest) BUT. The lyrics. The LYRICS. Like, babes. Listen to the lyrics. Listen to the lyrics ALL THE WAY THROUGH and then tell me this isn't Yo Han (as he sees himself).
This is a song I've had in my folders for literal YEARS (a friend sent it to me as a mood song for one of my OCs) and the moment I decided to make this playlist, I KNEW this song had to be on it.
9. A Dangerous Thing - AURORA
Honestly, I'm not sure if I need to explain this one all that much. It kind of speaks for itself in a lot of ways. Though I WILL say that while the dangerous thing is Yo Han in most situations, just maybe, there might be times when it's Ga On. Especially in Who Holds the Devil.
(... you'll understand after chapter 37)
10. Addicted - MONSTA X
Look. I know we haven't really gotten to that part yet, but they be horny, okay? Desperate and horny. And very much addicted to each other. What more do you want me to say? xD
(for real, though, MONSTA X sure know how to make desperate and horny songs. Mercy is even worse, in the best way possible).
Well, I hope that was fun! Even if it turned into an advertisement for Who Holds the Devil and the attached playlist x'D
As for tagging, I tag @shi-toyu because I know you at least use Spotify ;) And everyone else who wants to do it!
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lilywily143 · 1 year
3rd Live-Blog: Ep 5 of Murder Drones!
Spoilers under the cut
hhhhh I'm so scared
WHAT HAPPENED TO THE INTRO IM ALREADLY SO NERVUOS I have the bubbles in my chest dont like
This has to be the tape N found last episode...
Gosh idk what to say yet, sounds like a average tape for the drones?? I'm so scared
No it's talking about disassembling drones :[
The "base form" looks of the drones in the tape are making me giggle
Fun x1? hhhh i dont wanna know
wait,.... it this a faulty look for the AS symbol
RAHHH Out of the tape and crow? there's a crow now
hhhh so many drone bodies
we zoomed on one, don't tell me it's that 4th DD
Oh no they're trapped :[ also it ain't Tessa Jr
hhh that place from ep 2
Restricted Sign with claw marks..
Oh! The teaser drones! they are all flashing the DD symbol
NAWWWW IT'S N!!! He's reading a doggy book awwwww
hhhh J stop being mean. She draws well!
oh N just threw that drawing into a pile of other drawings. Probably also J's
"Naww That's why they're good with kids." N you are presious
oh no a teaser drone
book "Danger"?
A LOT of books are falling
"ENTER" "The Spooky Basement" uh oh
The trapdoor is openeing I didn;t see that before!
A bug!!
"Big brother N"? What??
HBUHUGVUBHHUVGHBJL THE VOICE WAS THE FOURTH DRONE WHAT?!?!?! ANd ugH it was the edritch form for a moment RAHHH
Naww they are acting so sweet thou
HHHH "Climing! CrissCross Apple Sauce!" Stop being cute you monster! This drone has some wiggly movement, she's kinda limp
hhhhhh gross gross blood blood not oil
"Basement now!!! Stop ignoring me!!"? oh nooo
N just keeps ignoring, which is good. Be safe
HHHHH THe drone made her visor get a puppy on it for "Puppy Eyes" jngfakndv
Why are you so creepy and why is N always so cute?!
"Movie Niiightt!" N you sweetie
"sheepish nod" STOP BEING CUTE 4TH DRONE
They are staying close and safe with each other, I'm so nervous
Naww she just keeps saying "Shuffle"
Her head is just so limp? She tried to put it back up but it didn't work...
OOOOO I LOVE TESSA She looks pretty even as the silohete
Naww J and Tessa
Wait why did Tessa blinks sound like a clink of glass?
What is in the reflaction of those wine glasses?
NO DON'T BE SAD J She's worried about Tessa! I knew I'd like J even more
Tessa is such a sweet child She got so happy seeing N that she broke a glass
WHAT THE FUCK?! "when u about 2 frickken die speak aloud ID" WHO IS LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE AND SCARING N?!?!
NO Tessa don't hate the 4th drone
"Seems J forgot to let me out of my basement time out agian"? WHY WERE YOU THERE?!
"Annoyed expression" 4th drone oh you sweetie
NO N is sad 4th was locked up :[[[[
"Tessa James Elliot" Long name
"Dumpster pits"? THE DRONES ARE NOT TRASH >:[
noooo this mom sucks
4th please help out, don't get hurt
hhhhhhh oh thank god he's not being devorued, he's getting tickled by crows! Naww
He has a sweet laugh
He calls things goobers LIKE RON!!! YEAH I LOVE THAT
Why did the crows get green eyes???
He said the ID!
woah robot crow..oooooo the thumbnail one!
FUCK WAIT THAT SOUNDS LIKE UZI WHAT?!?!?! of course it was something goofy she says
hhhh J really doesn't want to upset the corprate... Also she's on a rocking horse ^-^
4TH IS CYN!!!!
She's tearing apart dolls. Wow she loves that solver
Gah J and Tessa are mortified
wait what...? N is in his past body relieving this stuff?!?!?!
"You cute weird weird butler" This has to be Uzi helping out
evil ghost witch HAH
PRESENT!!!!!! Oh gosh V is here to
okay so Uzi is hacking them to get memories and important information and Khan interupted XD
"NOT A SLEEPOVER" "It's life or death." THat bug and Uzi are epic
Nooo N wants to leave the memories....
What kinda red vines are all over the walls......?
Wait... ohhhhhh It is just past N with Uzi helping him??? idkkkk
help her N please... YOU PUSHED HER OUT OF THE WAY?!
noooo J has the key they need...
oh no V V V V WHAT?!
oh gosh back to J and Tessa. J IS HELPING TESSA... by chomping her chain...
GO J!!
They sneaking!
" It's a revolver IDK (shut up, gun nerds)" Oh that's funny
A nice gun for J~
and a sword for Tessa!
oop they swapped
Uzi really bragged that she killed J to past J...
Oh gosh Tessa and J KNOW Cyn will kill... but poor N...
"Not creepy! Sweet!" oh N
N you dork
V's wings look silver!
WHat did that guy say? It is just way too accented
"Why are you talking like that?" EXACTLY
Bleh bleh body horror drones...
That's a weird version of the Solver symbol...
XDDD N really called Uzi the goof name XD, fuck but he is so sad she got hurt...
"and J is useless" oh no V is back
"Is V okay in the future?" "Unfortunatly" DONT SAY THAT UZI
WHAT THE HELL?!?! Was Cyn designing the DD FORMS?!?!
oh oh that's the actual past N?!?!?! HHHHHHH IT"S SO GROSS
hhhhh N stop being sweet and concerning
slkjsanwef dvnk DOLL WHAT
what she got a button eyepatch for her eye!
no no no no PLEASE N
"well timed. Giggle" Cyn stop....
RAHHH THAT'S COOL [oh okay that leaked yt thumbnail put me in the wrong direction. It wasn't Tessa with claws, it was Cyn kay]
"You didn't have to-" Shot
Tessa tried again
XD Tessa keeps throwing shit at Cyn and it won't land XD
"You didn't have to see this." No Tessa what happens to you here?
Fuck Cyn can't pick up her weopons XD
"Solver of the Absolute Fabric" Whahat?
"This is the only clue to what is wrong with me!" No Uzi you gave that up to save N SGHDJKVNLBNDSKV MY HEART
Khan your awesome
Past V can't help Cyn with grabbies!!!
N gave V her glasses....
HHH V yes she's back!!!
Naww They [N and Uzi and also N and V] are so sweet
wait V didn't want this?
Nawww V
oop wait V wants to kill for the momery looking
The bug is a key?
oh gosh everyone is here?!?!?!?
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