#i refuse to believe they are the same man
yuesya · 2 days
The Lord of the Vortex.
There is none who does not know the name of Osial, That Which Lies in The Deep. The most powerful god of the Hydro element. He who commands authority over the tempestuous seas, who controls the monsters of those very same waters.
The bird remembers that the– the–
Remembers that the Mistress of Dreams had treated the Lord of the Vortex with honeyed smiles and wary caution. Knows that the Lord of the Vortex is a god of war and battle, even despite the genial countenance that he dons an agreeable demeanor, complete with cold eyes that make it clear the god will not suffer any disagreement to his commands.
“Will you not say anything, little bird?” The Hydro god arches an eyebrow coolly. “Answer. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
Involuntarily, the bird’s hands twitch. Its throat tightens, and words simply –refuse to rise to its tongue. The bird does not know the reason why.
Quicksilver images flash through its mind. White hair, and blue eyes.
I don’t have orders. Just go.
… The new Master –Not-Master?– had not made any demands for obedience, nor compelled any vows of secrecy from it. And yet, the bird finds itself reluctant to speak of the young god to the Lord of the Vortex, who has already slain countless foes whom it deemed a threat, monsters and gods alike–
“Who killed Malphas?” Impatience is beginning to creep into the sea god’s voice. The faux-friendly air about the god is fading swiftly; the Lord of the Vortex’s mood is known to be as mercurial as the storms that rise over the seas that he rules. “If you will not sing for me, little bird, then clearly you do not need that useless tongue of yours.”
The threat is crude, and unsubtle. There’s a faint tremor of fear that the bird can feel fluttering inside its chest, but even so, it remains silent.
A cruel smile splits across the god’s face. Jagged teeth elongate into fangs, as the manifestation of the Lord of the Vortex’s power destabilizes the human shape that the god has chosen to take. “So be it. Die knowing that your loyalty to a dead, worthless god is what killed you.”
(Its god isn’t dead. Not dead, and not worthless)
You can wake up now.
Anemo swirls around the bird’s feet in a violent gust as it summons the last dregs of its power in defiance of the Lord of the Vortex. Truthfully, to one who’d been forced into the service of the Mistress of Dreams, death is not the frightening prospect that the Lord of the Vortex appears to believe it is–
“Osial. Cease your posturing.” An authoritative voice suddenly rings out from –above? The bird glances above, just in time to see a golden shower of Geo energy coalesce and condense into a human form. Tall, male. There is an air about this new arrival that makes them seem implacable, and immovable.
… Another god.
“If a single human who has been displaced here dies to your carelessness,” the Geo god states, amber eyes glowing, “Then know that I shall revisit this upon your seaborn kin threefold.”
The Lord of the Vortex’s form shimmers like the haze of a watery mirage, then smooths out into the image of a blue-haired human man once more. One who appears bored and unaffected, instead of ready to release its power mere moments prior.
“Ah, Morax.” The Lord of the Vortex smiles, bright and insincere. His delight upon seeing the new god who’d just arrived is genuine, but it’s the sort of delight that’s associated with bloodshed. “I’d wondered if you’d be coming to take a look at this interesting little spectacle as well. Haagentus isn’t around to keep ahold of your leash today?”
“We are allies of equal standing,” the other god does not sound amused. “Return to your waters, Osial.”
Morax, the Groundbreaker. One of the most powerful among the host of adepti in these lands, a god of Geo whose mastery over the manipulation of earth and stone was unparalleled. Another god whom the Mistress of Dreams had been rightfully wary of, especially since the Groundbreaker was in an alliance with Haagentus, the Lord of Dust. Haagentus was a gentler god of Geo, who was not known for her physical might, but rather the keenness of her mind instead.
“You and what army?” The Lord of the Vortex retorts, and sweeps out a hand around him with an exaggerated flourish. “Or do you care nothing for your precious land-bound humans, hmm?”
The Groundbreaker’s eyes narrow. The Lord of the Vortex laughs.
“Little bird,” the sea god says, not once lifting his gaze from the other god even as he addresses it. “I’d advise you to start talking. Morax isn’t nearly as patient as I am.”
The Groundbreaker’s gaze turns towards the bird. “… You know of what transpired here?”
The bird tenses.
“Knows, and refuses to utter a single word about it,” the Lord of the Vortex chuckles. “How very loyal, isn’t it?”
The Groundbreaker’s attention shifts towards the dark barrier stretching up into the sky behind the bird, assessing. “That barrier…”
“Don’t break it.” Somehow, the words blurt out from its mouth. The bird is seized with the urge to duck its head as soon as both gods immediately look towards it, but… this is something that must be said, before either one of the powerful gods decide to do something that would be deeply regrettable.
“Oh? And why not?”
“This barrier, it…” Body folding into a bow before both gods, the bird recalls what the white-haired god had explained to it. The god who’s still doing her best to combat the lingering traces of the Mistress of Dreams’ powers, even now. “The… aftereffects of the Mistress of Dreams’ death is being contained within. Please don’t break it.”
“Hm.” The Groundbreaker frowns. Then, stiffens slightly, because–
“How interesting,” the Lord of the Vortex smiles. Beneath his feet, the ground ripples, with a texture not unlike that of rippling waves. “Morax, if you and Haagentus are dealing with the results of Malphas’ unfortunate demise, do you think Chi might be grateful for the opportunity to finally feast with his darling children?”
Amber eyes widen, then narrow in fury. “You dare–”
“You should not have slain my bride-to-be’s brothers and sisters,” the Lord of the Vortex’s smile darkens. Hydro energy engulfs its body fully, a blue glow that causes the humans around the god to attempt to scurry back even further, to start running–
The bird is already moving before it fully realizes what it’s doing, forcibly swallowing bitter guilt and reproach over the words that it should not have spoken. Fierce winds whip beneath the bird’s feet, hastening its movements as it lunges forward to get the fragile humans out of the way, as many as possible–
Water erupts from the ground, amid the Lord of the Vortex’s delighted laughter–
“Osial!” The Groundbreaker roars thunderously, and the very earth trembles in response to the god’s outrage.
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nectardaddy · 1 day
aftermath - higuruma hiromi
cw: blood, death, homicide, manga spoilers (I mean, if you know who tf he is you're fine tbh), language
notes: established relationship, gender neutral, inspired by if I killed someone for you by alec benjamin (was gonna put the song in but I refuse to put the gigantic eyesore that tumblr auto gives me and idk how to fix it)
synopsis: how should one react when their lover shows up on their doorstep covered in blood?
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You didn't mean for your breath to hitch in your throat so violently, creating an audible gasp from the air that lodged itself. Your fingers gripping the edge of your opened door with a grasp so desperate your hand already began to ache. Nails digging into the hard wood as you tried to decipher the pressing image before you.
"Hiromi-" you choked out. Voice wavering as his presence alone was enough to make your knees buckle. Dark, unwavering eyes boring into you. Seemingly nothing within them but a glimmer of something primal, macabre, and- desperate. You weren't a stranger to the unyielding looks, always transfixed on something well beyond his reach, but this was different. A look of a monster, and his attire following suit.
He was usually a well dressed, dapper man. But as he stood upon your doorstep, your opinion flipped instantaneously. A ruffled, crumbled suit jacket littered with dark blotches around the cuff, his white shirt underneath being the tell tale sign of what the mysterious blots were. A stark contrast, red on white, staining the previously ironed shirt right down to the threads. Cheeks splattered with the same red, a large spill just under his eye, like he had tried, unsuccessfully, to wipe his face. "What have you done?" You whispered, speaking softly as if it would untangle you from seeing him so heinous.
"Can I come in?" A gruff, almost uncaring, voice in comparison to your own. You didn't know why you hurriedly nodded, why you shifted out of the way for him to enter your home, why you thought letting this man back into your home was a good idea. It was against your better judgment, but you wracked your brain about the thought of 'there has to be a good reason.' This was the man you loved after all, not a cold hearted killer, or so you came to believe.
Hearing the door click shut and the lock engage, his eyes scanned his surroundings before returning to you. Tired eyes once again looking into you, almost trying to see through you with the intensity of it. "I killed them," he said bluntly, without regard and without further context. His words made your shoulders slump, your body creating shivers as his words hit you so profoundly.
"Who?" Was all you managed to ask, the word escaping your lips so quietly you hoped he would be able to hear it at all. Not asking why, not asking where or when. Who.
"The retrial was today," he said simply. It was all you needed, an impactful statement to which your eyes widened and your mouth opened. Quickly shutting it as no words were found on the tip of your tongue, your throat suddenly dry at the revelation, you could only stare. Looking over him to find any sort of answer, your eyes stopping at the collar of his suit jacket. There once was a small sunflower pin on the lapel, one you had gifted him years ago to replace the former. It was gone. It came off. Could the man you love really be so violent? So much so his beloved pin was ripped from him in the heat of the moment?
You couldn't say what had possessed you to step closer to the man, your lover, the murderer. Each step becoming easier as you neared him, stopping just before him and looking up. So close you could smell the gruesome, irony twinge mingling with the scent of his cologne. It made you nauseous, wanting nothing more than to spill your guts right then and there. But you swallowed hard and forced yourself to look upon the man who had sworn he'd love you to the end of his days. "Are you alright?"
A man of his situation might have said no, should have said no. "I've never felt better," he answered honestly. Looking down at you with a ghost of a smile, a mind fraying image now engraved in your psyche. Your fingers reached for his shoulders, letting out a shaky breath as your hands came in contact with him. It was damp.
"Oh my god," you spoke, forcing yourself to close your eyes at the sensation. You feared to lift your hands to what you would see on your palms, subconsciously pushing down the thoughts to the deepest part of your mind. "Oh my fucking god," you repeated, unable to form a single coherent thought as you couldn't stop yourself from circling back to the feeling.
But the hand, drenched in the same crimson, that gently touched your cheek made your eyes snap open and you inhaled sharply. There was blood on his hands, staining his fingers in sin so much so it was under his nails. That blood was now on you, ripping your stomach right out of your body as you wanted to heave. Desperately searching his features for any sort of answer, but only coming to the same conclusion.
The man you loved killed two people - and liked it.
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oh I'm definitely making a part 2 are you kidding??? I wrote this shit in an hour that's a new fucking record for me
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thefallennightmare · 19 hours
Can I request a Noah Sebastian head cannon please?
This is about the reader about to get married to someone else, but has been desperately in love with Noah and wishes for nothing more than for him to finally confess his feelings because she knows he loves her, but he won’t do anything because he truly believes that she is happy with her relationship and doesn’t want to ruin it .
He pays her a visit in her dressing room before she walks down the aisle your choice if he confesses his feelings and if they decide to run away together or not 
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@thescarlettvvitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @lookwhatitcost @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @pathion @flowery-mess @tashka @Karenfranco @its-inourblood @amelia-acero @xxkittenkissesxx @cncohshit @xserena-13 @collidewiththesavannah
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This was so wrong.
Every part of this.
Your makeup.
Your hair.
The dress.
The groom.
This wasn't where you were supposed to be.
Your life was different six months ago. But now, you stared at a shell of someone you used to know.
Your last relationship broke you, and you couldn't stop the fast pace of this new one.
It was only supposed to be a fling to get over Noah but now you stood in a wedding dress about to walk down the aisle towards a man you didn't love.
However the man you did love didn't feel the same.
He made that clear when he chose life on the road over you.
You wanted to be upset but when you saw how successful he became, you couldn't.
Noah deserved it. He deserved everything good that came into his life.
You just wished you were a part of it.
You took a large breath, holding it in for a few seconds before letting it out slowly. It was now or never.
Preferably, you wanted it to be never.
Your eyes snapped up to the mirror in front of you, seeing Noah's reflection in it.
His eyes looked bloodshot like he'd been crying. And the dark circles under them gave way he hadn't been sleeping.
"Noah," you breathed while turning around to face him. "What are you doing here?"
His hands shook at his sides and the black shirt and shorts combo was wrinkled.
Almost all of his tattoos were on display and you couldn't help but think about how they tasted when you ran your tongue over them.
"You can't get married."
Your gaze locked with his. "What?"
"When Jolly told me you were getting married today, it felt like my world dropped. My heart ached for the love that I let get away. I should have fought harder for us months ago but I'm here now, ready to fight for you, angel."
Your heart pounded wildly in your chest, hearing his confession. This is what you wanted, what you yearned for.
But there was something else you needed to hear.
The words he refused to say when you were together.
Your lips parted, ready to speak, but he was quick to cut you off.
"I love you, angel. I'm sorry it took your wedding day to get me to admit it but I do," he took a tentative step towards you to rest a gentle hand on your cheek.
You folded into his touch, your soul desperately missing how it felt.
"I fucking love you," he breathed before crashing his lips to yours.
Your laughter echoed into the sunset-filled sky, painted in orange and yellow hues, as the ends of your wedding dress flew behind you while Noah held onto your hand. Both of you ran down the steps of the church towards the awaiting tour bus.
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donutwatches · 2 days
MHA Movie 1- Two Heroes (Two Gay Dads) - part 1/3
I said I wasn't going to make full posts about the movie, because it will take too much overwhelming work. But, well...you know me, I can't help myself.
My first thought is, why did no one tell me how gay this movie is? It can't possibly just be me seeing this vision through rainbow tinted sunglasses.
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Hello, handsome old 'friend' from college. So the movie opens with gorgeous bigger budget animation, and my eyes were drinking it in. The same way that Dave's eyes are drinking in the sight of his lover hero shining in the sun.
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This can only be described as the beginning of a beautiful gay love story. The whole movie is a romance between these two, that is occasionally interrupted by the class 1A and some random villains, and I can not be convinced otherwise.
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Oh my god, shut up! All might invited Deku on a plus-one trip with him, that is so precious! The way Midoriya is basically fishing for confirmation that All Might sees him as family is so sweet.
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They are father and son for real. I refuse to get teary eyed this early in the movie.
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Hey guys, new Queen just dropped, and she calls All Might UNCLE. Just like the adopted daughter of a single gay man might call her Dad's 'partner'. If you know what I mean.
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"SOMEONE YOU LOVE, PAPA." - I could not make this sh!t up. This is not fan fiction, people, this is the real deal.
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And are those feeling one sided? Hell no they are not, Dave's got our big buff hero, "SHAKING WITH EMOTION".
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NOT IN PUBLIC! Melissa looks so pleased, lol, the girl set this up! I can't believe the plot of this movie is single gay father's daughter noticed her Dad was lonely, so she staged a reunion with his old college days flame. This is incredible.
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They are going to be such a happy family. <3 Midoriya can use all of the Dad's he can get.
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No one told me motherfking GODZILLA made a cameo in this movie. The mere presence of Godzilla makes any movie an instant 10/10. The implication that Godzilla is a guy with a quirk is wild.
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Why did they frame this like the girls caught Deku red-handed having an affair? This cracked me up.
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Is it gay to stare longingly at picture of your old college buddy on your phone? Is it gay to do that when said buddy was just in the same room talking to you not .5 seconds ago?
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Guys, guys, guys...is it gay for the picture on your phone to trigger a flashback of the one time your buddy's shirt fell off, and you checked out his nipples?
Part 2 coming soon!
@setfiretotheshadows, @bicheetopuff, @hyperfixations-and-cringe
@champion-prism, @blackaquokat, @jessiedead, @granny-griffin
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yanderes-galore · 2 days
Could you do a romantic Naoya Zen'in with a female!sorceror!reader please! Thank you!
Oh he's going to be such an asshole... so I hope you know what you're expecting- I'm on Chapter 143, so some info may be wrong.
Possible JJK Manga Spoilers within this for chapters after where the anime (Season 2) leaves off!
Yandere! Naoya Zenin with Female Sorcerer! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Controlling behavior, Sexism, Condescending/Degrading behavior, Possessive behavior, Attempted forced marriage/courting, Stalking, Violence, Blood, Murder, Toxic masculinity, Threats, Forced relationship.
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You just know he's going to be horrible to deal with due to his family's principles.
The Zenin family canonically has sexist views, seeing women as just wives.
This is seen with Maki and Mai in the series, Naoya's language only confirms it.
It's canon that he views women as wives and thinks if they aren't three paces behind a man, they should be stabbed in the back (Actual quote, you wish I was joking.)
So it's safe to say Naoya is going to be hell.
He's such an entitled brat, tone and behavior often dripping in arrogance.
He would refuse to see you as skilled.
Being around Naoya as a female Jujutsu Sorcerer often comes with... comments.
Comments literally no one asked for.
Naoya would be degrading and condescending towards you.
He'd often view you as weak.
You could never measure up to him in a battle.
Like he did with Maki and Mai, he likes to break you down.
But here's the worst part.
Naoya would be the type of person to bully you because he likes you.
He definitely finds himself wanting your attention, so he'll get it in any way he can.
It's so easy to hate him, he doesn't even mind all that much at first.
Naoya would hunt you down just to mess with you.
At first it's just because he finds your goals to be stronger preposterous.
Although... before he even realizes it, he may follow you because he finds you attractive.
He likes that you're strong for a woman and might even see you as good wife material.
Naoya stalks you around, watching you kill Curses before stepping in to essentially steal the glory.
It's like in some twisted way he's trying to impress you.
Naoya treats you like you can't do anything alone.
He acts like he should be the man in your life.
He's so possessive... he thinks he owns you.
If he doesn't, he knows he will at some point.
Naoya is a nuisance to you due to both his beliefs... and the growing attraction he has.
You hate his guts... but Naoya feels he can't live without your attention.
He loves it when you look at him, he loves it when you react to him, he finds it cute when you fight him.
He believes he is leagues above you in power... yet adores you all the same.
Naoya would definitely put you down, then try to pull you into relying on him.
He tells you you're weak on your own... that you need him in your life.
In reality, it's the other way around.
Naoya feels he needs you.
However, Naoya is a prideful man and would never want to admit to that.
Naoya would often claim himself to be your man, be that boyfriend or husband.
In fact, Naoya may just jump straight into husband territory.
He's unwilling to believe you have any other choice.
Hate his guts? Sure... but you'll be married someday in his eyes.
He hates it when you disobey him to make him upset.
You want nothing to do with him, you want to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer without Naoya breathing down your neck.
Naoya is a Sorcerer who quickly turns to violence to get what he wants.
In the manga we see him quickly deciding to kill Megumi and Yuji to become head of the Zenin clan.
Imagine if you had a suitor already? Y'know... one who supports your career?
Naoya won't stand for that.
I can see Naoya stalking you until seeing your lover, only to confront them.
As I said, he feels he's the only man and partner for you.
So Naoya would probably kill them... with no regrets... in front of you.
The blood covering his clothes means nothing to him.
All that matters is making you his.
He's such a hypocrite, telling you to rely on him as if you need him.
You're capable on your own, but it's like he refuses to see that.
He wants you to listen to his every order, to beg to be with him.
In reality he's projecting, wanting to do that to you yet his pride won't let him.
At some point he gives in to the fact he loves you.
He loves you, he needs you, why can't you obey him?
The fact you're a woman who won't listen to him breaks him at times.
Yet he's determined to make you his wife.
It doesn't matter what you think of him...
Naoya is a selfish entitled brat who's used to getting what he wants.
He knows at some point he'll get you.
It doesn't matter how much blood he spills to make it happen... or if he has to break you mentally.
He'll make you his... his perfect little wife... who needs him as much as he needs you.
Naoya could drag you into his arms kicking and screaming, the blood on his clothes staining your skin as he grins down at you.
He doesn't care if he has to drag you to your wedding bound.
Naoya knows he'll have you... that you'll be his and you'll give him strong heirs...
You'll learn your role like every other woman in his clan... forced to stay by his side like the good wife he knows you are.
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theflyindutchwoman · 2 days
I got asked this question and loved it so much, I wanted to open it up to the group.
If you could choose 5 Chenford scenes to rewrite, which would you choose, and how would you rewrite them?
Oooh thank you for 'tagging' me, Becca ♡ It is a great question! Let's see…
4.17 - The ending So technically, this isn't a Chenford scene… But this is partly why I would want it to be rewritten. Let's start with the most egregious part : having Lucy apparently forgive Chris and act like he hadn't just callously triggered her… or like she hadn't just watched the video recording her own death… That ending bothered me so much. Ideally, I wish she would have kicked him to the curb - or, at least, ask for some space after what he did… and I would have loved a final scene between her and Tim. One where she would have confided in him about watching the cam footages, where they would have talked about that day and her trauma… I love that she was able to work through it all by herself, that she found her voice so to speak and refused to play Rosalind's mind games… But somehow, I can't help but think that not having a single Chenford scene was a missed opportunity.
5.04 - The ending Since we're on that topic… Now, this was an even bigger missed opportunity. I still can't believe that we didn't get a scene between Lucy and Tim following Rosalind's death. And by that, I mean, a proper scene with some emotions and some feelings… I get that during the episode, they were too busy trying to find a way to save Bailey. I also get that things were still awkward between them. But come on, I don't believe for a second that this would have stopped Tim. This is the same man who didn't even think before grabbing her hand in the middle of their undercover op when they found out about Rosalind's escape… the same man who was panicking when Lucy was radio silent… I needed that same energy here. What we got instead was a bit too cold for me.
5.13 - Missing scene : the morning after You have no idea how much I was hoping for this scene… Something soft and domestic… with a reference to the DOD tattoo!
5.16 - Their fight about the five-player trade That scene still puzzles me. It felt forced and clunky. We didn't really get to see Tim's perspective and why he was mad at Lucy. In the shop, it sounded like he was upset with how her move would reflect on him… But in his office, they only talked about her going behind his back. So, in the end, it felt superficial. I'm not saying he was wrong by the way… I just wish his point of view could have been explored more. Both of their perspectives actually. Especially since Lucy paid a hefty price in the end. I guess the point was to show the cracks in their foundation, but it could have been done in a better way.
6.01/6.02 - Their fight Lucy's anxiety and potential doubts about UC were just swept entirely under the rug and the narrative simply focused on Tim's own issue with UC. But one issue doesn't negate the other. There were two problems here and only one got addressed - and barely at that. After all the crumbs from s5, all the times Tim walked away from having a real conversation on the topic, I needed more than 'I will deal with this' / 'we'll figure it out'. It's great that he was finally honest with himself but it still didn't go any further than that. And then, there's Lucy. I was hoping her anxiety would be the precursor for a bigger discussion about Lucy's future and her mental health, about her feelings about UC outside of Tim… but nope. Her spiraling was already forgotten in 6.02. And it is a bit frustrating.
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dramioneasks · 2 days
Draco's Birthday (2024)
The Pretense by vinewrappeddragon - M, one-shot - SCANDAL OF THE CENTURY: GRANGER ENSNARES MALFOY IN SORDID LOVE TRAP! War heroine Hermione Granger and former Death Eater Draco Malfoy have shocked the wizarding world by entering into a torrid romance no one saw coming! In an explosive exposé, The Daily Prophet's roving reporters uncovered the unlikely pair's secret affair - complete with candlelit trysts, heated public rows, and a sudden whirlwind engagement that has left tongues wagging across Britain. But is their love the real thing or merely an elaborate ruse to advance their own agendas? The answer may surprise you...and shake the very foundations of our society!
A Long Time Coming by ahuie19 - E, 5 chapters - Nearing both Draco's birthday and their first wedding anniversary, Hermione works on a secret present.
Boring Birthday by AutumnFWoods - E, one-shot - All Draco wants to do, is spend is 30th birthday with his new girlfriend, his friends have other ideas.
It’s My Party (I’ll Cry If I Want To) by magicalsydney (magicandmanuscripts) - G, one-shot - Draco Malfoy having a no good birthday party until his wife gives him his favorite gift to date.
Emerald Green Ribbon by Ashabadash - E, one-shot - Draco was simply trying to have a productive day at work, but apparently, that's too much to ask when the day in question is also his birthday. or Draco receives a surprise package for his birthday and now he can't focus on anything else.
Twisted Affairs by itsnotpomegranate - E, one-shot - Draco Malfoy prided himself on being an individual that didn’t believe in absolutes, at least, not anymore. However, there were two things he was absolutely positive about. Number one, he hated the day of his birth with passion. He hated celebrating the bloody date. Nothing good ever happened (were it not the day of his birth). But what really consolidated the bad omen of the 5th of June was the fact that he had become a death eater that same day. From then onwards, Draco preferred to forget the date completely and if he never had to celebrate his birthday again, he’d be a happy wizard. Number two, he was not at all deserving of the love of the one and only, Hermione Granger. (Not a hard deduction really, being that he was a former death eater and she the fucking Golden Girl.) So, it came with no surprise, albeit with considerable loads of pain, that on the day of his 29th birthday, his girlfriend was going to end things up with him. It was worse than that, actually. He knew she was having an affair with another.
Of Piercings and Perversions by vinewrappeddragon - E, 2 chapters - no summary
Draco Malfoy's Correct Comportment for Courting by multiimoments - E, one-shot - Three times Draco was a gentleman and one time he wasn't.
She Put a Bow On It by MissusB - E, one-shot - Draco hated the attention. There was only one exception and this wasn’t it. Still, Blaise had conjured a birthday party out of his arse faster than Draco could tell him not to bother. --- OR Blaise throws Draco a birthday party to get him and Hermione back together because they're both pining idiots who refuse to just say so.
Happy Birthday, Old Man by Biirdiee_Rose - E, one-shot - Draco can't help but feel old after not being able to party like he used to. His darling wife decides to cheer him up with a little birthday treat.
hummingbird heartbeat by riddikulus_puff - E, one-shot - “You give me that hummingbird heartbeat. Spread my wings and make me fly.”
Pizza Puns & Granger's Buns by peoniesandcedarwood - E, one-shot - The one where Draco delivers more than just pizza to a hungry Hermione.
Gold Around The Edges by mysterydragonss - not rated, one-shot - Draco knows he won't get the one thing he really wants for his birthday, and makes it everyone else's problem. Who said long distance was a good idea again? *** He’d been dating Hermione Granger for three years, seven months, and fifteen days (not that he was counting), but he hadn’t physically seen her in over a year. She’d been offered the job of a lifetime, researching rare creatures in the deepest darkest parts of the Amazon, and he’d actively encouraged her to go, even if that had been akin to carving out an organ. He’d been selfish for a lot of his life, and had been working on it. He would never understand why people raved about being ‘good’ so often, it was tiring, painful, and made him want to break things.
Alone Together by PotionChemist - E, WIP - On Draco Malfoy's fortieth birthday, he receives an unexpected lunch invitation. He finds himself in a complicated situation with the Minister for Magic and her ex-husband.
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i love my mom but man does it suck when she starts talking to me about god shit. because it always leads to her trying to guilt trip me into being more religious, saying things like, “it makes your dad and i very sad that you don’t believe in god” and “you’re depressed like this because you don’t talk to god.” when i tell her that choosing not to go to church anymore is one of the few choices in my life that i don’t regret, she gets upset with me. sorry, going to go on a little bit of a rant about family and religion here (specifically catholic/christian), but i’ll stick it below the cut.
usually this convo comes up when my cousin is mentioned, because my mom and my aunt will gush about how my cousin goes to church every sunday. this happened today actually. they ignore the fact that my cousin is still a horribly spoiled, selfish, honestly terrible person who yells at/doesn’t bother to help her physically disabled, sickly mom. my “wonderful church-going” cousin who left to go on a vacation to hawaii with my shit uncle, leaving my aunt alone at home even though she had covid AND had recently broken her back. which led to me having to take 2 weeks off of work at the last minute to go stay with my aunt and take care of her. during those 2 weeks, my “wonderful” 20-something-year-old cousin would repeatedly call my aunt to cry and complain that she wanted to come home because she “didn’t feel good.” and my aunt, laying in bed with her broken back and various other health issues, would baby her. oh, but my cousin goes to church, so that means she’s such a good person! i just don’t get it.
one of the reasons i refuse to go to church anymore is because of this backwards-ass hypocritical way of thinking so many people there seem to have. there’s just this feeling of insincerity to it all where people show up once a week to pat themselves on the back for being “good people”, then gather in the lobby after mass to gossip about the one trans woman who recently joined the congregation (unfortunately this isn’t an example i made up). or later go to the supermarket and yell at an underpaid employee. or go on a hawaii vacation and leave your mom home alone with a broken back.
i attended church from age 1 to age 18. as i grew older, church started to feel more and more suffocating. it got to the point where i was having anxiety attacks during mass. i tried distracting myself with drawing on the pamphlets given out at the front door. and when i was banned from that, i resorted to drawing on my skin, which didn’t last long. i ended up sneaking earbuds in and hiding the wires under my hair and clothes so i could drown out the sounds of church with music. i would just stare at the floor and try to just focusing on breathing, but it was just all too suffocating. i was told that the reason i was feeling and acting this way in church was because “the devil was talking to me.” “the devil” was trying to take me away from church and god, so i needed to stop feeling like this and just pray. that time i started crying in the pew because it all became too much and i felt incredibly overwhelmed? that’s the devil. pray about it. uh, actually, mr. jesus, it was because i have bad social and generalized fuckin anxiety. and also very likely autistic but i haven’t been officially diagnosed until this day. so yeah.
thinking back on it now, it was kind of fucked up. but i don’t blame my parents for how they acted. sometimes i feel a little angry and disappointed about how they handled things, but i don’t blame them. because as i watched kids be baptized, i would hear the priest tell the parents that it was their responsibility to raise their kid to be a good god-fearing person. that it was their responsibility to keep their kid from “straying from the light” and avoiding damnation. i know my parents were told the same thing when i was baptized. that it’ll be their fault if i “stray from the light” and end up getting sent to hell. i just see it as guilt-tripping bullshit. it was my choice to not go to church or follow the religion. i hate that this system has told my parents they should feel guilty about this and that it’s their fault that my soul won’t be saved, because they didn’t “guide me in the lord’s way” good enough. i hate that this system has made me feel like i’ve failed my parents. it’s bullshit.
i’m sure there are churches out there who contain genuinely good, accepting folk. and i’m sure there are people who find comfort in having a religion. i’m glad for them. i’ve just personally have some negative experiences with religion and I’ve learned that it’s just not for me.
i try my best to be a good and kind person. i try really, really hard. i just don’t go to church anymore. the fact that i don’t do this one thing shouldn’t devalue all my efforts.
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swanmaids · 13 hours
the care and feeding of an elven high king
for @tolkienekphrasisweek day 2, culinary arts. remix of @welcomingdisaster 's a note on the pecularities... ao3 link. this is a fic about trauma-induced eating disorders.
Many in Gondolin, from the servants to the lords, will say that His Grace the king was never the same since his crossing of the treacherous Ice; that he was so changed by its horrors that he became almost a completely different man. It has become something of a cliche within our city to say that Turukano of Tirion died on the Grinding Ice, and Turgon of Beleriand was born in his place. 
As for myself, I have never seen the Blessed Realm or the long march to Beleriand, and so I can offer little insight into who His Grace may have been before he reached the shores of Vinyamar where my people joined with his host. But I have no reason to doubt the words of those who did know him then. And If I were to ask one of them: how did he change? They would probably provide me with a great list of examples. The way he speaks to his friends and his subjects and his daughter, the way he carries himself, the way he sleeps, the way he eats. 
The latter is the only example that I have any kind of authority to speak on, but I would hardly be surprised as to its accuracy. From what I have heard of the bounties of Aman, it seems truly impossible to me that anybody could be presented with the spoils of the Great Hunter, the King of the Seas and the Sisters of the Earth, and still maintain the same austere diet that His Grace tasks me with preparing these days. 
Just how austere is that diet? His Grace has almost too many rules concerning what he will not consume for one to keep up with - and he is wont to change them on a moment’s basis - but over the centuries I believe he and I have come close to an understanding. 
First and foremost, His Grace will eat no meat nor fish, and requires that all of his meals be prepared separately from any meat or fish in the royal kitchens. He claims that even the smell and sight of it turns his stomach; and I am inclined to believe this, having witnessed myself an incident in which, when seated next to Her Grace the princess Aredhel while she ate a dish of venison, his skin turned clammy and his hands visibly shook. He did not even attempt to pick up his utensils, and left the table with his own plate totally untouched. 
Regarding what may have resulted in this particular peculiarity, I want to be clear that I have no wish to comment on the rumours surrounding what may or may not have occurred among the Noldor as they fought to survive the Ice. His Grace is a fair and just king, who treats his subjects of every station well, and has suffered a great many tragedies since the Noldor fled Aman. There is nothing to be gained by spreading salacious rumours that would only harm his good name. 
Let us instead return to my original topic. Meat and fish are not the only foods that His Grace refuses to eat - he would not be so unusual here in Gondolin if they were, though his aversion is stronger than most. Instead, His Grace is greatly concerned with only consuming that which he does not consider to be “unclean”, seemingly concerned that such “impure” foods will cause his person to become unclean from within. In practice, this has resulted in an aversion to milk, eggs, butter, yoghurt and cheeses, oils, sweets, pastries, many strong-tasting roots and spices, and excessive salt. His Grace despises appearing intoxicated in front of others, and will drink only a small amount of watered wine on special occasions. Coffee, however, he consumes frequently and in great amounts. 
I will admit that it has not always been easy to cook according to such rigid restrictions, but I should like to think that over time and with hard work, I have been able to reach some workable solutions. His Grace tends to favour simple meals, typically steamed grains and vegetables such as winter squash. Nuts are often eaten, and I try to include them in as many meals as possible for the extra energy they provide. Though His Grace eschews sweets, as previously mentioned, he is able to enjoy most fruits, and a dish of pears poached in almond milk is a favourite. This is quite doable, as the soils of Tumladen provide us with a rich bounty of fruits. If nothing else, the lembas baked by Her Grace the princess Idril is of course suitable, but I try to avoid this as much as possible as His Grace is wont to become agitated over the state of the city’s lembas stores. Yes - Gondolin may well be the fairest and most wondrous of all the elven realms, and the greatest work of His Grace’s hands, but the king’s table is one place where extravagance is firmly eschewed. 
I aim too to plan meals well in advance, for His Grace is known to ask me what I have planned for him to eat in the near future, and to become visibly unhappy if I cannot answer. 
As much as I can, I endeavour to serve His Grace within his private chambers,  with his daughter and his closest lords at most as guests, as he greatly dislikes eating in front of others. However, a king must, on occasion, feast with his subjects. During such feasts, His Grace has become very adept at performing the appearance of eating for his audience, while in reality consuming little to nothing. It is likely that I am one of very few citizens who has noticed this. Still, I do my best to help His Grace on such occasions. After last years’ Tarnin Austa , I sent a kitchen maid to His Grace’s chambers with a plate of figs and walnuts, so that he would not go to bed hungry. Finally, it is worth noting that His Grace’s particular anxieties regarding food and its consumption are not fixed, and are wont to wax and wane in severity. When the Eagle came to Gondolin and told us to prepare ourselves for an assault on our enemy, this goal seemed to energise His Grace and loosen the hold of some of his anxieties - I was even able to prepare small amounts of eggs and dairy to supplement his training at arms, as long as it was hidden within porridges and broths. But during times of tragedy, His Grace is known to become even more restrictive, to the point of what seems like self-punishment. For instance, in the aftermath of the horrible killing of Her Grace his sister, he undertook a weeks-long fast that left him exhausted and skeletal, spreading rumours and fear among the whole population. In the days after his return from the Fifth Battle, it was only due to his daughter pleading with him not to fast again that His Grace did not repeat this disastrous ritual.
Please do not mistake me here, however - Her Grace the princess Idril is quite often just as difficult to cook for as her father. In fact, if I were to describe her own peculiarities, we might be here all day.
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ohtobemare · 11 months
what hormones did they give val kilmer he goes from fluffy sweet boy in real genius to full out stud i want to breed in top gun in a YEAR please someone explain this. his audacity
feel like i need to add that this is definitely a rhetorical post, it's fine
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chessb0r3d · 6 months
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i cracked the code.
#believing dirk is the worst guy because its what dirk thinks of himself#ignoring daves bisexuality and think hes a gay man in denial even when he explained hes bisexual#believing john 'im not a homosexual' egbert is explicitly straight while he makes out with his mcconahey and cameron posters more#than he kissed women(literally only once)#believing that rose is an edgy psyhcotic little bitch when she was neglected. she speaks elegantly to cover that shes silly and a total ner#and how did people forget that rose also writes gay wizard fanfiction. reads Wikipedia. and her beautiful artstyle as a result of neglect#(and by neglect meaning having SO MUCH TIME to draw)#jake wasnt into dirk. he also told di that he didnt like how brobot getting touchy with him during strifes#but as part of the repression 4(prospit kids). he refused on changing the bot settings#what jane said about roxy being better when she was drunk. it was fucking sarcasm. its the least insane shit you could say to a best friend#all the kids have issues and of course people get mad over a girl being sarcastic.#when KARKAT said THE SAME THING to rose when she was drunk on the meteor nobody bats an eye#trolls are just grey humans that are bugs. he doesnt get an excuse for being an alien. humans were made from KARKATS BLOOD#jade isnt all silly girl and is so FULL OF HATE towards the trolls. she called karkat a fuckass (VERY FUNNY) to do her a favor#“jade would rather have punched karkat in the fact then had a pleasent conversation with him.”#“she viewed the trolls as rude mean and cruel. and even thought that nepeta was just making fun of her.#despite it being that nepeta just wanted to roleplay and have fun."#dred.loki#I HAVE YET TO ADD MORE. THESE ARE JUST NOTES#homestuck#chss
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strawberrypinky · 2 months
basically a shower thought BUT:
When Gortash speaks to Durge about the Temple of Bhaal, he says he does not know where it is located. However, the Temple of Bhaal is basically right next to the same boat which takes the player & party to the Morphic Pool of the Elder Brain.
Does Gortash teleport to the Morphic Pool of the Elder Brain? Are there multiple entrances from which he can access it? Because if not & he takes the same old boat Tav/Durge take to reach it —
How did he miss the Temple of Bhaal?? It is literally next door???
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ohitslen · 1 year
I am here, once again, with my Ao No Flag propaganda
These two specific panels of Toma were the thing that made me think over a year ago “Man. I want to be like that too” as in KAITO drawing expression because—
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The subtle shift of emotion, it’s present all throughout the manga, but this is what sold it for me. For no particular reason, it’s not even the best example, it was just what sealed the deal to me
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yoihino · 2 months
I'm finally readin the webnovel of Omniscient reader's viewpoint, from the beginning, and I'm sorry, am I supposed to somehow believe that Kim Dokja has never once drawn fanart, written fanfiction or fantasized about a self-insert in three ways of survival?? This man made a badly written novel the reason for his continued existance and he didn't even like how it ended. Also, chapter 95 - Singularity (4), "In the first place, the ending I wanted was impossible. Yet if I changed small impossible things one by one, I might end up changing it to the impossible ending". Don't tell me that doesn't scream fanfic fix-it of the 'for the want of a nail' variety to you.
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
which sibling dynamic be reminding you of daylight by david kushner? i honestly think it could fit ANYTHING
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So since I can't shut up about invisible characters in Wizard101, I'd just like to bring all of your esteemed attentions to That One Cabal Soldier
So context and spoilers for Karamelle and Novus, there was this just One Dude. Like idk how we even got to that point since I'm still in Mirage but like our Wizard just walks in a building and we're ambushed by a bunch of Cabal members and THIS ONE GUY is like "EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP so we finally meet wizard >:)))))) you may be a nationwide hero who killed Satan and his spawns and **(goes through the entire first 3-4 arcs in one speech)** BUT NOW YOU HAVE TO FACE ME" and he wasn't even a boss. He was just like a mob level dude. And we beat his ass in .02 seconds and he's like "well damn I really thought I could do it" before he flips the switch and is like "I'LL BE BACK FOR YOU BITCH" and scuttles away
And like the next (and hopefully not last) time we see him is in Novus where it's been said that he has been literally obsessed with us since we kicked his ass and when we see him he goes "AHA! >:))))) REMEMBER ME, WIZARD??? I TOLD you I'd BE back, AND I HAVE A PET LIKE YOU!!!! Prepare to die!!!!1!" And we kick his ass one more time and he literally goes "DAMMIT I HATE THE CABAL ANYWAYS I want a vacation ugh >:((( anyways still hate/love you bestie byyeeee ❤️✨" and fucks off
So if you guys have stuck around here for at least two weeks then you know this is my bread and butter. My wine and Cheetos. Pathetic men with a superiority complex against literally an all powerful being. Obsessed enemies/rivals with someone who could Care Less.
Regular Surfer Dude really thought he could.
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