#i remember being in first grade and getting into arguments w my friends cause their families watched teleseries from a different channel
remicilline · 1 year
im not that picky w dramas because ive been watching national and international (mostly brazilian and argentinian) teleseries since i was born*
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takalzuoom · 2 years
twst boys i would avoid irl and why
jade : he’s weird. like- really weird. he’ll come up to you, say some morbid shit, then leave. would actually be the teachers pet. would giggle in the middle of class cause he saw smthn on youtube. DEFINITELY SMILES AT HIS PHONE- creepily. has 2 tiktok accounts. one for terrariums, other for those really weird thirst traps. french coat kid. “any questions for this years science class?” “are we going to dissect frogs?” “…no-“ HE MAKES A DISAPPOINTED FACE AS HE LOWERS HIS HEAD.
idia : ooc but he would be one of those people who wore the hentai sweatshirts. “you’re not like others girls, your different”. slouches. i hate slouchers. the person you try to befriend but after you talk to them you don’t wanna be in the same room as them. perks up if someone mentions anime 😭 HES THAT ONE WEIRD KID WHO HAS ARGUMENTS WITH POPULAR KIDS- LIKE AT FIRST HE DIDNT BOTHER BUT NOW HE ACTIVELY LOOKS FOR THEM.
malleus : giving me trench coat vibes. being honest, would you try to talk to the loner? would you? that’s what i thought. one time you asked what he was listening to it was angel with a shotgun…night core. what everyone wanted to be in highschool. bart simpson pt1
ace : gym try hard. popular kid try hard. has a new girlfriend every other week. the kid in class who moans. ‘ben rover’ in kahoot. that one kid who tries to be friends with the popular people but usually get excluded 💀💀 unironically uses ‘🥶💯😈’ actually- probably that childhood friend that drifted and now he’s ‘popular’ lol. choked on a vape trying to be cool. senior friends so when he’s a freshman he’s trying to make new friends- it’s a never ending cycle 🧍🏻
rook : the actual weird kid. you sat next to him in class kne tjme, and when you snuck a peek he was looking at you… smiling. “your hair smells good’ 😐. what the fuck. don’t feel comfortable standing behind him. I THINK HE SITS ALONE AT LUNCH. if you look at the door during class he usually walks by making eye contact. everyone thinks he’s a perv lol. heated debates about his sexuality. needed up with pan
riddle : teachers pet. no one likes a teachers pet. i remember this time in choir where i told my teacher i got into this prestigious out of school choir- then this BITCH (teachers favorite) said she got into one too right after me. BOY IF DONT- reminds teacher of homework. “ MR.SMITH! MR.SMITH THEYRE CHEATING! THEYRE CHEATING MT.SMITH” SHUT YO BITCH ASS UP. pretentious bitch pt 1. “i do violin, piano, tennis, boy scouts, college prep, ballroom dancing, saxophone, and-“ “bruh we’re literally in 6th grade. all in all, i’d feel bad for him until i met him.
vil - mean girl mean girl mean girl. literally heather macalmore and regina george. the person to put their gruesome history notes in rose gold pen /w glitter. heather. perfect body, perfect grades, perfect everything. the mean girl you fucking hate. that person in school you wish will fail in life. but 10 years later at the reunion he’s still hot and skinny, turns out he’s a ceo. OFF HANDED COMPLIMENTS.GIVES YOU DIRTY LOOKS FOR NO READON. THAT ONE UNFILTERED KID. “yeah so we went to peru for summer break”
ruggie : would steal your shit. don’t leave your backpack around or else he’ll take a pencil. if you drop your eraser and go to pick it up he’ll put his foot over it. and if you ask him to lift it up it suddenly won’t be there anymore??? rook part of that trend where people stole the schools toilets / sinks. just a prankster in general. you’ve seen him run away from staff multiple times. FUCKING GRILLS DURING CLASS- LIKE YOU COULD BE TAKING A QUIZ AND YOU EITHER SMELL SAUSAGE OR HEAR A SINGLE CHIP CRUNCH. BUT NO ONE SNITCHES CAUSE HES THE SCHOOLS HOOK UP. seems very condescending.
sebek : the ACTUAL wanna be popular kid. looked over and saw him watching inspirational ted talks. EVERYONE fucking hates him. like no joke sits alone at lunch (or with sliver lol) fun days are when he’s not there. “ACTUALLY it’s pronounced-“ “that’s wrong cause you have to round up.” ONE TIME I RAISED MY HAND IN HISTORY TO ANDWER A QUESTION. AND AS I WAS ABOUT TO ANSWER THIS KID YELLED THE ANSWER AND ME THE THE TEACHER SHARED A LOOK- THATS SEBEK popular kids usually mess with him. if you want friends don’t settle for him. he’ll ruin your social life. gets mad when he loses in gym. “FUCK” “sebek language” “ NO CAUSE THESE LAZY ASSES DIDNT TRY AND WE LOST” “it’s literally high-school gym class”
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 4 years
prompt 16 from the angst list w/ childe (“you’ve changed”) but is it possible to have a happy ending 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Pairing - Childe/Tartaglia/Ajax x Reader
Warnings - None I don’t think?
Word Count - 2.5k
Other Comments - I’ve tried to write this like five times now oh my god, also yes I know the header looks dumb I slept on it and now I hate it but I didn’t wanna make you wait any long I’m so sorry! ANYWAY I love this prompt and I love writing angst with all my heart hehe. ENJOY! No I did not proof read this I am currently late for work LOL
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       Life used to be so simple when you were younger. You had a lovely close knit family, you went to a great school, you had great friends. All around you were a happy little kid. The best thing you will ever remember from your childhood was your best friend Ajax. Everything was so simple.
��Ajax was the poster child of a “perfect kid”. He was well liked by his teachers and peers, he had superb grades, he was becoming a young prodigy in his combat class, and above all, he was your all time best friend. You two were inseparable ever since you had met when your parents had all gotten to know each other once at an event. 
      No one ever really saw one of you without the other, and if they ever did come across such a sight, it would never last long. You two also almost went through the entirety of school being in the same class, and if you weren’t, Ajax would always find a way to catch you right as you were being dismissed. You two had the most innocent yet cliché childhood friendship, as you two played with each other or hung out day after day. 
      “One day (y/n) I’m going to marry you! I promise!” Ajax enveloped you in a hug as the two of you giggled.
      This lasted for quite some time, that was until Ajax had turned eighteen. His combat skills had skyrocketed since his adolescent classes and competitive matches. Combat came like second nature to him, and that didn’t go by unnoticed. Very quickly Ajax got an offer for a job, one that he would never tell you details about. You remember the shock that enveloped you when Ajax excitedly spouted the good news to you.
      You didn’t know whether to be happy or sad. You wanted to be happy for your childhood friend because this was an amazing offer for him, and an incredible opportunity to keep growing. But on the other hand you wanted to be sad because you knew you would see him less and less as time went on, not only that but you were still just so uncertain about this job. Ajax never withheld information about what was going on in his life until now; what if he got himself into something awful? Nonetheless you quickly plastered a shocked and excited expression on your face, as you rambled different forms of congrats and praise for being so good. Before Ajax left to go back to his home you gave him the tightest hugged and made him promise to stay close. Ajax was floored that you valued your friendship with him so much you would make him promise something he would never give up. 
      Time had passed and you noticed yourselves slowly drifting apart. It went from calling each other less, to only texting, then to texting less until you guys barely talked. You understood Ajax was busy, but it still stung seeing you what you thought would’ve been your life long friend slowly forget about you. That was until you had received something in the mail with a very familiar name on it. Ajax.
      A small black box containing what looked to be a hand made scrappily hammered ring along with a letter at the bottom landed on your desk in your bedroom, assuming one of your parents must’ve dropped it off in there. All doubts about Ajax in your mind had been eased as you delicately slid the heavy polished ring on your finger. After you did you giggled in excitement as a delicate pink blush found its way to the tops of your cheeks and ears. You had almost forgotten about the note neatly folded, awaiting to be opened and it’s contents to be discovered.
       You gently unfolded the letter, almost scared that you’d rip it. Inside was the most beautifully written borderline love letter you had ever read, it was almost like romantic poetry, and at the very end was a sentence you wanted to burn into your memory ‘remember that promise?’. Your mind was immediately flooded with all the fond memories you had with Ajax, blushing more and more as you uncovered them. By the end of your daydream session butterflies were fluttering around excitedly in your stomach. You didn’t want to be friends with Ajax anymore. You wanted to love him.
      It had been years since you last heard from him. Not a day has gone by that you haven’t worn the ring Ajax had given you so long ago. You moved away from Snezhnaya after you turned eighteen, now residing in Mondstadt whilst you were going to college; you planned to move back after getting your degree but you made some great friends and the carefree culture of the windy city really called to you. Though after one of your parents' health took a turn for the worst you had made quick plans to go visit with your family.
      It had felt like ages since you last stepped foot out into the familiar icy air, looking around to see the sheets of snow and ice covering the ground. Luckily the streets were plowed, which allowed you to maneuver through the city. Your visit has been great since setting foot in your childhood home. You were happy to be home for the time being, happy to relive the nostalgic moments of your younger days. Everything had changed so much since then. You had barely even thought about Snezhnaya or even Ajax for that matter despite wearing his ring every day, wanting to start fresh when you left for college.
       You suddenly realized you had let your head drop accidentally dozing off, jerking yourself out of melancholy memories. You decided it was probably jet lag, but it was far too early to go to sleep so coffee sounded like a good solution. You remembered an old coffee shop you used to study at whilst you were in high school, that was conveniently within walking distance to your house. With a quick five minute walk to the outdoor shops that littered the local streets you lived by, you located the coffee shop taking a minute to stare at the outside. It hadn’t changed at all.
      Smiling to yourself you walked in and politely ordered a coffee before sitting down at a high table by the window. The stand for the table had a heater built in, keeping you warm as you looked out the thin glass shielding you from the icy winds. You took in the old streets, smiling as you once again lost yourself in the nostalgia of everything. You hadn’t noticed a strikingly tall ginger walk into the shop, and you also hadn’t noticed the considerably loud gasp and call of your name. You only noticed the man's presence when he tapped on your table, causing you to jolt and promptly turn in his directly. It took you a minute to realize who you were staring at. 
      “(Y/n)? What the hell are you doing here?” Ajax. There he stood, at the side of you bent over at the hips slightly so he wasn’t completely towering over you. Ajax didn’t want to see you here. He didn’t want to see you at all. You were still fresh in his mind just like you were the last day he had seen you. He missed you. His eyes fell to your hand where he saw the ring he had made and sent to you still on your finger after all these years.
      Your face was almost unrecognizable after all the time that passed, you had grown so much since then. Something unsettled Ajax about your demeanor, you were like an open book to him when you guys were younger as you wore your heart on your sleeve. Looking at you now though, there was no glimpse at the emotions you were feeling in this moment. Were you happy to see him again, since you wore his ring? Were you upset with him breaking his promise? Ajax couldn’t tell as you stared blankly at him for what seemed like ages, giving it enough time to make the air solidify and turn stale and uncomfortable. You finally shook yourself out of this trance you were in, as you suddenly stood up.
      “Wha- Hey, wait a minute (y/n)! What are you doing here?” You didn’t acknowledge Ajax’s voice, subliminally yearning to fall into his strong arms. You were upset. How dare he ask you what you’re doing here. You weren’t the one who had completely abandoned everyone in your life for some sketchy job. You grabbed your coffee before swiftly beginning to exit. Something in Ajax was different. He didn’t really take kindly to you ignoring him, as you felt a vice like grip grab onto your wrist, causing you to flinch and whip around to angrily rip your arm out of his grasp.
      “Don’t touch me Ajax! How dare you have the audacity to ask me what I’m doing here! This was my home! I didn’t abandon everyone I knew and loved on some sketchy ass whim!” Ajax stared at you. Were you joking?! Some ‘sketchy ass whim’?! You supported him when he first told you!
      “What the hell is wrong with you (y/n)?!” Your eyes narrowed as you grit your teeth, you grip on your coffee tightening. Without even thinking you threw it in his face.
      “What’s wrong with me?! You’re so fucked up Ajax! We were best friends and then you completely vanish from reality! You promised me we would stay close!” Now it was time for Ajax to grit his teeth. So you were upset with him about that.
      “(Y/n) that was years ago!! We grew up! That was just a stupid childish promise!” As soon as those words left Ajax’s mouth, he went silent as his eyes widened in horror at his on voice. The entire coffee shop was silent as they all watched your argument break out. Ajax didn’t mean to say that, he knew he had fucked up his promise with you and he hated himself for it; he just didn’t know how to explain what he was doing without scaring you off or pushing you away. Turns out he was already doing that by vanishing. He wanted you to forget about him, he knew that when he took the job to join the Fatui and serve the Tsaritsa he would never be able to give you what you deserved. A normal and happy relationship. Ajax was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a sniff and realized you were beginning to cry.
      “Ah… So that’s what it was. Just a way to get me to get off your back. I suppose the ring served the same purpose? Whatever Ajax, you’ve changed and I don’t ever wanna see you again.” You quickly ripped the ring off before throwing it in the trash as you stormed out, trying not to audibly cry, as you had already embarrassed yourself enough in that shop. Ajax stood statuesque still. Holy shit he had made everything so much worse. He sighed before snapping out of his position to grab some napkins, to hopefully dry himself off before venturing back outside. He had to fix this.
      It had been a couple days since your argument with Ajax and you were in shambles. This could not have come at a worse time. You were just happy that this Gods awful trip was coming to an end soon. You sighed as you flipped onto your back in your childhood bedroom, trying to reminisce on the old memories you had here, but all of them had gotten tainted by Ajax. He had ruined everything for you. You regretted everything with him, with getting so close to him. Tears had started to well up in your eyes but you quickly blinked them away before they had gotten the chance to fall. You hadn’t noticed before, but there was this weird tapping sound coming from your window; which caused you to anxiously investigate. You pulled your curtains back to be greeted with Ajax, who looked at you sheepishly. You blankly stared at him for a moment before closing the curtains and going back to lay on your bed, trying your hardest to ignore Ajax’s protests and calls of your name. After a while everything had gone silent, until your door opened and Ajax emerged one again.
      “Uh… I’m sorry about coming into your room uninvited but one of your parents called me inside and said I could just come in. In hindsight I probably should’ve knocked before coming in and-”
      “What the hell do you want Ajax.” You cut off the young man's babbling without looking at him, you were on your side laying down on your bed with your back facing him.
      “I wanted to make everything up to you. I want to explain everything and I want to tell you about my job finally.” Ajax was hopeful that you would allow him the opportunity to explain himself.
      “No. Now get out of my house.” Ajax’s heart sunk. No… No no no you had to let him explain himself, he needed to explain. He needed you.
      “Please (y/n) I know you don’t owe me anything, not even your time, but please I owe you this.” You sighed, before slowly sitting up and facing him finally. You stared at him for a moment before speaking.
      “Fine. But you have two minutes, so you better speak quickly.” Ajax’s heart fluttered. He spent those two minutes exactly, explaining everything that happened. You were silent for the most part, staring at your hand and you fiddled with your fingers. Ajax waited anxiously for your response. When you didn’t give him anything he took this as a sign to move onto faze two of his apology. For the last couple of days he had been running all over Snezhnaya spending preposterous amounts of mora. He had presented you with flowers and food; but above all he presented you with a ring.
      “That is one promise that I am going to keep true. Please (y/n) forgive me and make me the happiest man in the world and marry me.” You stared at him with large eyes and Ajax took a hold of one of your hands and gently slid the beautiful ring onto your ring finger. Tears once again began to well up in your eyes, and suddenly your arms were wrapped around his torso as you cried into his chest. You missed this. He still felt the same way he did when you hugged him last, he even smelled the same. 
      “Is that… A yes?” You nodded furiously, face still buried deep in his chest. You were willing to forgive him, but above all, you were willing to love him again.
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yourmcu · 4 years
Wish You Were Here (i)
Pairings: Tony Stark x daughter!reader, Avengers x Stark!reader
an Infinity War/Endgame AU where Tony Stark’s daughter (you) is one of half the population that vanishes in the snap, Tony finds out later on when he arrives back to Earth, devastated, then you come back like the others to help fight Thanos.
Word count: 2,030
A/n: (moved to the end of the fic!)
Warnings: angst, death, swearing, a lil soft!Nat in the beginning bc I love her, mentions of anxiety/anxiety
read on ao3!
Part 2
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gif not mine! credits to the owner^^
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You wanted to help in whatever was happening, you weren’t quite sure still, but it had something to do with the infinity stones and how you guys needed to find them before some guy named Thanos does.
It took a lot of convincing for Steve, Natasha and Rhodey (they were the ones more protective over you) to let you come, especially with Tony not around to scold you since he was in space.
“I’m coming with you guys whether you like it or not - no, I know what you’re gonna say, I can handle myself. I’m sixteen! Did you know Peter’s in space right now with Dad? Outer freaking space. You’re not the only one who has a suit, Rhodey-”
The argument ended with, “if something happens and I-” you dragged your thumb across your neck, “then it’s on me. None of you are to blame. Can we go now?”
So they didn’t have any other choice. You went to Wakanda with them to get the mind stone out of Vision and intend to destroy it afterwards.
Things got a *bit* out of hand though, there was an army of creatures - they’re from space, you assumed, working for Thanos - trying to get the stone. You fought alongside Sam and Rhodey, sometimes even fighting with Bruce who was using the Hulkbuster. You also helped the Wakanda tribes when they got overpowered by the creatures.
Even Thor came back to fight and he brought a raccoon and a tree with him.
The battle was going really messy, until - “Everyone on my position. We got incoming.”
You fly to where Cap and the team are, and there he is coming out of what appears to be a cloudy, blue grayish portal, Thanos himself.
“Cap, that’s him.” Bruce says as he hides you behind the Hulkbuster to shield you. He slowly walks over to the purple titan before saying, “stay down, [Y/N], alright?”
Did all of them suddenly forget that you, if not more, are stubborn like your father?
Because when all of them attack, you fly behind Thanos when he's distracted and wrap both your metal covered arms around his neck in stupid attempts to strangle him. He effortlessly uses his gauntlet to throw you back to the ground, knocking you out.
He eventually got all the stones, snapped his fingers when Thor failed to kill him, and left.
“What did you do?!”
“Where did he go? Thor, where did he go?”
“What’s happening?” You get off the ground as Bucky turns to dust. You look around and saw the air filled with the same dust, just from different people.
What the hell did that snap do?
People are vanishing, disappearing, are they dying? Why are they dying? You’re pretty sure you're panicking. Your lips start to quiver and you feel your chest tighten, making it hard for you to breathe.
Natasha notices right away. She's the one who could help you with your anxiety attacks besides Tony. She comes to you and places her hands on your shoulders, looking you in the eye. “Hey, it’s going to be okay, you’re fine, just breathe with me,”
You watch Wanda, one of  your best friends, turn to dust too which did not help in the slightest. What’s worse is when Natasha holds your hands to calm you down,
They start turning into dust particles.
“No no no no no no,” you grow weak, holding onto her. “Nat, I’m scared - I don’t - I don’t know what to-”
“Y/N, just breathe like we practiced, okay?”
You try copying her breathing but it’s no use. It doesn’t change the fact that you’re still fading away. You look at her, tears threatening to fall out of your eyes, “I’m so sorry.” She has no choice but to hug you tightly until you get dusted completely.
The Avengers just lost a kid. Not just any kid, for them you were special. You always supported the team no matter what. They couldn’t even imagine what Tony’s reaction would be.
When Natasha told Pepper of course she didn’t take it well.
You were Tony’s own flesh and blood (and some one night stand chic that we won’t mention anymore starting now), but Pepper helped raised you when Tony first took you in and treated you like her own. Sometimes you even called her ‘mom’.
She was so relieved when a spaceship came by the compound to drop Tony off - he looked weak and skinny - she didn’t know how to break the awful news to him while he was in that condition.
“I lost the kid,” he meant Peter. What he doesn’t know was that he actually lost two.
“It’s been twenty-three days since Thanos came to Earth.”
Bruce and Natasha keep looking over one another as images of the people they lost in the snap took turns popping up as holograms. Rhodey feels tense and keeps tapping his foot - nervous of what his best friend’s gonna do once he sees-
Tony abruptly stands up from his wheelchair. “Stop. Stop there.” (“Tony, you need to sit down,”) “No.” He stumbles over to a particular hologram, the one with his daughter’s face.
Y/N Stark.
The room is awfully quiet. Despite you telling them that it isn’t going to be any of their faults if something happens to you, they still feel responsible for you.
“Was anyone going to tell me?” He speaks softly. Too soft and calm for all of them that they remain glued to where they're standing, avoiding eye contact. He clenches his fists and sends a look to  everyone in the room. “You better not be shitting me I already lost Parker and I - I can’t - I can’t lose her. I can’t.”
“Tony,” Natasha says. “We couldn’t do anything to stop it.”
It's like being stabbed with his own blade all over again. She tells him everything that happened, how you got dusted like Peter, and Tony just stares blankly at your photo, looking very pale.
Tony takes a deep breath and pushes his glasses further up his nose, holding in  tears. Good thing his glasses cover it up. He mutters ‘okay’ over and over as he takes a seat back in his wheelchair. Steve hesitates to continue the discussion but Tony encourages him to go on, even though he feels like he was literally dying inside.
His mood definitely went downhill from there - Tony's furious with himself. Furious with them, with Steve, that he takes it out on the super soldier. By the end of it he's on the floor, passed out.
“Dad, come in, it’s [Y/N]. Everything alright out there?”
“Oh y’know, typical day in the city - pair of aliens came to visit again.” Tony sounded breathless.
You paused briefly. “...what? W-well, do you need help? I can help, and Peter’s probably on his way there - he just made a lame excuse and hung up on me so, I figured he sensed something was wrong.”
“Yeah. Stay where you are and when things get worse, find Pepper and get to safety.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“Nope. Deadass serious. Stay out of this one.”
Tony opens his eyes and takes in his surroundings. He's transferred to a bed with the same wires poking his arm. He dreamt of his last conversation with you - before and while he was dragged to space.
“Hey, I’m still here, you know,” you cut him off while he was arguing with Strange.
“[Y/N]? How is this still connected?”
“I made the earpiece set myself - I guess it has really long range, huh?”
“You’re a nerd.” Tony cracked a small smile.
“Hi [Y/N]!” Peter shouted from a distance.
“Peter? You’re in space too? I’m so jeal-”
The line completely went out, guess the range wasn’t that long.
“Tony?” Pepper says gently. “You shouldn’t be up - it’s only been an hour since you passed out.”
He looks at her for a moment then returns his attention to the wall, eyes bloodshot. “Have I been a good father to her? ‘Cause I feel like she deserved more. Way more.”
“Of course, she loved you! Tony, [Y/N] loved you as much as you love her,” Pepper reassures, running a hand through his hair. “I know you’re upset but you really should be getting bed rest right now.”
He sniffles and gave a small nod, “okay.”
He closes his eyes again when she left the room and sigh, mumbling “goddammit kid,” before letting the tears flow down. Tony rarely cries. Barely cries. He usually keeps those stupid emotions in but this - the fact that his little girl is gone, it's too much for him. He realized never fully showed how much you meant to him and he regrets it.
Can't help but think that it should've been me Either way, I still wish you were here.
Fast forward to five years later: Tony now lived at a lakeside cabin with Pepper and their daughter, Morgan.
Moving on was better than to be sad and depressed for the rest of his life. That’s what you wanted for him anyway, to be happy.
So that’s exactly what Tony did.
He spent time with his family, made new suits which he enjoyed to do, living his life peacefully. That doesn’t mean he forgot about you. Sure the last few years were hard, he missed you every single day, but he had to face and accept it.
Tony moved your stuff from the compound and into a vacant room in the cabin. Sometimes he’d look through your crazy inventions, your journals that were filled with ideas for future gadgets and he hung up framed photos of you and him (some with Pepper) on the walls.
He told Morgan all about you. How awesome you were, how you were energetic and enthusiastic in everything you do, and how the both of you would be best friends if you two met.
“I wanna meet her,” Morgan says, looking at pictures of you.
Tony smiles sadly and looks at the photo of you and him. It was at your school’s science fair and your invention won first place (he remembered laughing at all the science teachers’ shocked faces because of your advanced gadget, way advanced than the grade you were in). Both of you looked really happy.
If a picture is all that I have, I can picture the times that we won't get back If I picture it now it don't seem so bad Either way, I still wish you were here.
“Someday, maybe.” He replies, giving her a warm smile.
Steve, Natasha and a new guy Scott visited him one day. They basically told him bringing back everyone who died in the snap was possible, hinting time travel.
Tony was torn. He didn’t want to risk losing what he had now, but bringing everyone back... that was something. Everyone in the universe that vanished, the other Avengers, the guardians he met in space, Strange, Peter, you.
That same night he thought about you, and Peter when he stumbled upon a picture of both of them. That same night, he figured out time travel.
“Hey legacy,” he chuckles a bit, remembering how you always frowned or pouted whenever he called you that. He likes that nickname on you though. “I... uh, this is just a little video. For you. Sure you won’t see this but... I like to pretend I could still talk to you. I miss you, a lot.”
“It’s been five years, hun. Morgan, your sister... you have no idea how much she talks about you. She wants to meet you someday,” he looks at the camera. “I know I can’t tell her the real reason why you’re not here with us, not yet, but anyway, ‘couple of old pals came to visit me. They want to try to get everyone back, that includes you.”
Tony sighs, looking away. “As of now I don’t know if we’re ever gonna pull off something like this. I figured it out, just a couple minutes ago actually. Time travel. It’s dangerous, very risky...”
“But we’ll see. We’ll figure something out. I hope to see you soon, [Y/N]. I love you.”
so I’ve cut this lil idea into two parts - I’ll probs post part 2 soon right after this one - if everyone likes it of course :)
oh, and I listened to this song by Neck Deep while writing this, which is where I got the title too, you can listen here. (I also put in some lyrics from the song to the story, just because it fits well hehe)
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years
Three times he said it as a friend and once as something more
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Hello, hello. I’m still working on the Nick Robertson request but wow I don’t want you to hate me for it because it is actual trash right now and I’m sorry. But I’m also working on B&W part 3, so there’s that!
This was requested from that fluffs prompt list, which I think I’m done with now because honestly, it’s so far deep at this point, and I’m so lazy.
I hope you like it!
46. Why should we date?
47. Because we’re attracted to each other
48. I’m attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.
“Next time I see you, I really do expect you to be a professional athlete,” you tell Charlie, the two of you laying on a blanket in his backyard, enjoying the last few hours of sunlight on his last night in town. The next morning, he would be leaving to go to BU to play hockey. It wasn’t even that far, but him not living at home, and you going to school in Vermont meant him no longer driving you to school each morning, you no longer going over with dinner your mom made when she knew he and his parents were running around because of his games, no more walking next door whenever you needed to talk to instead of calling him. The memories would last forever, but those moments were now just part of the past.
“Are you not gonna come see me play at BU at all? What about when we play UVM?” he says, turning his head to look you.
Turning to him, you roll your eyes, “Ok, fine. Then I expect you to be a professional athlete in the next three years.” 
“Whatever,” he says, laughing. 
You sit there in silence, taking in what is probably one of the last moments for a while that you two will be able to spend a lot of time together. 
“Remember how we became friends?” he asks, sitting up. 
You follow suit, laughing at the memory that he just triggered. You were neighbors since your family moved to Weymouth, but you weren’t automatically friends because of it. “Well, duh. We sat across from each other in Family Consumer Science. We, of course, always finished the work early because we’re great, and we played pencil hockey for like thirty minutes before Mrs. Grace yelled at us for distracting the other two at our table.”
“The fact that you ever finished your work fast in that class is still amazing. You get distracted by everything and can’t focus on anything.”
“Yeah, well,” you shrug it off. You sit there thinking of all the other good memories you had with him; sitting across from each other in US history and joking about all the mistakes you made while texting, the nights when you would walk around Boston Common once your parents trusted you out on your own, the last minute Bruins tickets he would get and force you to go along with him to the games.
“Did you ever think about what our lives would have been like if we dated?”
“What?” you ask, shocked. There was no way the two of you would ever date. He was destined to be a professional hockey player, traveling the US and Canada with whatever NHL team wanted him. You could never date someone that wasn’t going to be there when you needed them. And you couldn’t ask him to give up your dream for you. Yes, you were overthinking this, but best case scenario is that you had dated throughout high school and ended things tonight.
“Most people thought we were dating, anyway. What if we actually had?”
“Then we probably would have broken up tonight because long distance relationships from high school never work. Look at Andrea and Eric from last year, she went to Holy Cross and he only went to UConn and they could never make it work so they broke up. Or Josh and Maggie two years ago; he went to Ohio and ended up transferring to UMass so he could be with her and he loved Ohio State.”
“Too bad we never even gave it a chance.”
You look at him, shocked. “Did you want to?”
His only response was shrugging, a smile on his face as he lays back down on the blanket. You stay sitting up, thinking about what he just said. Did he want to date you all this time and never said anything until now? And why the hell would he do something like that anyway? You weren’t going to see him until at least Thanksgiving, which means that now you have to hyper fixate on this one memory until you see him again. 
“Hey,” he says, snapping you out of it.
  “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” 
Your phone lights up, causing you to tear your eyes away from the essay you had been writing that’s due in a few hours. Due to your great talent for procrastinating, you were, of course, finishing the paper at the last minute. The picture of you two in the Coyle’s front yard on your first day of school in six grade shows up on your screen, meaning Charlie was calling you. It had been forever since the two of you last talked; with you being in school and him trying to make it as a hockey player in Minnesota, your schedules never gave you a free moment to talk for more than a passing moment. 
“Hey, stranger,” you say, not hiding the smile on your face even though you were out in public. You hated showing any sort of emotion that would provoke someone to come up to you and start talking to you, but seeing Charlie’s name come up on your phone with something other than a text automatically made you smile. 
“Stranger? You know who I am.” You could tell by his voice that he was jokingly acting offended. 
“Yeah, you’re Zach Parise, right?” you tease.
You hear the laugh you miss so much on the other end, “How have you been?”
“Uh, stressed, lately, so nothing new.”
“Homework, papers, and exams.”
“Oh, my.” You both start laughing at the accidental joke he made, “Why so much stuff?”
“It’s midterms, babe.” 
“So I assume that you’re working right now?”
“Yep, it’s eight pm, the paper is due at midnight and I still have four more pages to write.”
` “I’m so glad that your work ethic hasn’t changed since high school.”
“Ok, rude! I have good work ethic, I just also have strong procrastination skills.”
“You probably have ADHD,” he says.
“Well, yes, but that’s a different story.”
“What’s your weekend look like? I want to catch up when you don’t have a lot of work to do.”
“Uh, I should be good.”
“Alright, get back to the paper.”
“I will. Love ya.”
“Love you, too.” 
“Oh, come on! We practically live together. You can’t deny that something is going on between us!” Charlie argues, pacing around the kitchen as you make dinner. This conversation between the two of you was becoming a weekly one, slowly getting on your nerves to the point where you would consider moving just to get away from it. 
“Because what happens if we break up? We’ve been friends since we were in middle school. Do you really want to throw all that away?” you say, turning to him, putting your hand on your hip. 
“I just think we should go out as more than friends just once.”
“And how would that be different than all the other times that we go out together?”
“Because then I could do things like hold your hand and flirt with you?”
“I’m like ninety percent sure you already flirt with me.” 
“Why should we date, Charlie?”
“Because we’re attracted to each other?”
“And I’m attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie,” you roll your eyes, turning your attention back to the stove. 
“You’re seriously equating me to pie right now? I have never seen you eat pie, therefore, that argument is invalid.”
“Since when do you say things like therefore, and invalid?” 
“Seriously, Y/N. You know I have wanted to date you since we were in middle school, but something always came up. You know I love you. You know I always have.”
You turn back to him, trying to make eye contact, but something in you just can’t. Your timing was never right. Once you were old enough to date, the two of you were never single at the same time. Actually, that isn’t true. You were both single for a brief period of time while he was playing with the Sea Dogs and you were still at UVM. This was the first time that both of you were single and in the same town. 
“Charlie, you know that I love you, too. But this can not happen. We can’t risk breaking up and ruining what we have.” 
He exhales, obviously disappointed. You were, too, but you couldn’t let that show. You wanted nothing more than to be with him, but you couldn’t let all those years of friendship go away if things didn’t work out between the two of you. “Fine.”
“Remember when you wouldn’t date me?” he asks over the sound of everyone around you.
“Remember when you were less annoying?” you roll your eyes. You look around to see so many other couples and families filling in the tables around you. Everyone looked so happy, just like you were. 
You and Charlie had been together now for a year, him finally wearing you down and convincing you to let him take you on a date. He promised you that even if you stopped dating, your friendship would never end because, at this point, you were in too deep anyway. He told you he had this whole evening planned for your anniversary, complete with a walk around the Boston Common like you used to do when you were kids, dinner at Terramia, your favorite restaurant, and for dessert, he was taking you to Mike’s Pastries for the cannoli you loved so much. 
“No, never,” he smirks, reaching out across the table to take your hand.
You had to admit, all the things he had said trying to convince you to date him were right; nothing was really that different between the two of you besides the intimacy that wasn’t there before. “You’re never letting me live that down, are you?”
You roll your eyes at him. You didn’t want to inflate the ego of the man who didn’t even know how to use the oven by telling him he was right that you two dating was fine. 
“Hey,” he says, like that last night before he went off to college.
“I love you.”
You smile, thinking back to all those times you told each other those three words, them meaning something completely platonic. “I love you, too.” 
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years
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10 Terrifying True Ouija Board Stories
1. Ask Zander
Oh Lord. I was about twelve when a friend and I were playing Ask Zandar (a board game with an electronic wizard that makes sounds and talks) when the batteries died. I tried to find replacements but with no luck.
So my amazing friend says “hey that Ouija board could be fun! Let us play and become possessed by demonic entities for all time”…or something along those lines.
We’re going along and asking questions, pushing the little eye around and having a grand old time. Until I say “if something is there, prove yourself”. THE MOTHERFUCKING NO BATTERY ASK ZANDAR WIZARD SAYS “Dun dun dun, you win!”. I flipped that board, tossed it in the trash, and absolutely refuse to have one in my house again.
2. Obviously Possessed
We were goofing off in a neighbor’s house playing with the Ouija board, and we asked a “demon” to talk to us (shut up, I know.) Five minutes into our “conversation”, the girl next to me vomited then fell off her stool and bashed her head on the counter. We called her mom and she took her to the doctor. She came to school the next day (with a huge knot and bruise on her head) and said the doctor said he didn’t know what caused it but she was fine, although she said she still felt a little funny. It was most likely unrelated, but I haven’t touched a Ouija board since, nor have I hung out with that girl since she is obviously possessed by a demon.
3. Night Time Visitor
The night we played, something came through and was calling me horrible names – I thought it was my friend doing it so I made my younger brother try it with me and it was most def not her, my brother was 7 and didn’t know about those words or how to spell them. I asked it to do something to prove it was real and nothing happened… fast forward to next morning, we were all sitting in the family room, watching TV when our fireplace (which we were not using), literally exploded into flames. We were all freaked out and swore we’d never use the Ouija again but, it didn’t matter, the door was opened.
After that, I had many episodes of sleep paralysis, things in my room would move on their own, something would come in my room and sit on my bed while I slept, I could feel it and see the depression in the bed.
4. The Gun Shot
Yeah. Went to this house that burned down with a whole family inside with 2 of my friends at 1 am. It was a still night, no wind or anything. We were in my truck doing the Ouija and it started to get mean, so we stopped, then it sounded like someone shot a large gun outside the truck window, and it felt like a huge gust of wind blew over us because the truck rocked, and then we all started freaking out. I tried to start the truck, and it wouldn’t go.
Then, we did it again at a friend’s house, one of the 2 people there with me the first time, and we were in the basement. Shit started getting weird again so we went to turn the lights on, and they wouldn’t turn on, and the basement door locked. None of us ever did it again.
I don’t even believe in that kind of stuff, but it was really creepy.
5. KILL!
I’ll never forget. I was 13 and my three friends and I wanted to try the Ouija board. It was the middle of the day, so we went into my friend’s walk-in closet where it was dark and we brought flashlights. We were just playing around. Eventually this “spirit” named Michael came on and we starting talking to it. Of course each of us starts joking that someone is making it move. But the more we started talking to Michael, the more it was apparent that none of us were pushing the navigator around. It was really creepy, but fascinating, too. One of my friends asked the spirit where it was in the present moment. It started to spell C-L-O-S when one friend hit the navigator off the board, started freaking out and screamed, “Closet! He was spelling closet!!” We were spooked, but in a fun way. The friend who freaked out wanted to stop, but we insisted that we keep on talking to Michael as we at least had to say goodbye and close out the session. We got the navigator back on the board and said we were sorry for interrupting him. He was not happy. He said to not do it again. Then for some stupid reason I asked Michael what was he going to do in the closet with us. It started to spell K-I-L and then the same friend threw the navigator off the board again and started screaming, “KILL! He’s going to kill us!!” and ran out of the closet. We all got really freaked out and ran out too. We didn’t close out the session so there was an argument between those of us who felt we needed to go back in and say goodbye so Michael would be sent away, and those of us who refused to ever touch the Ouija board again. We ended up not going back in and I had nightmares about Michael following me around and wanting me dead.
6. Look In The Shower
In seventh grade, my friends and I went over to “Mary’s” house intent on playing with her mom’s Ouija board that night. None of us had played with one before. Mary’s mom was an extremely spiritual person who believed in energies, witchcraft, stuff like that. Before we used the board, Mary warned us that her mom would be really pissed if she found out that we were playing with it because Ouija boards can attract bad spirits into the home. With full knowledge of this, we decided to proceed anyway. This Ouija board was not like the average Ouija board you had ever seen. Along with the usual characteristics (the alphabet, “yes”, “no”, “goodbye”), there was an entire array of symbols and signs that were all arranged in a circle. This was some seriously intricate stuff.
We started just goofing around and “communicating” with random spirits here and there until we finally met one that had us in tears the entire sleepless night. First, we asked the spirit if it was a man or a woman, to which he replied “M-A-N”. Then we asked how he was killed: “M-U-R-D-E-R”. That freaked us out only a little bit but we were mostly excited. All of a sudden, before we even asked another question, the glass goes to the eyeball symbol, then spells out “I-N”, and goes to the water symbol. We didn’t have a clue what that meant. It wasn’t too scary until the spirit spelled out “S-H-O-W-E-R” and my best friend realized that the spirit was trying to get us to look into the shower.
We froze.
I’ve never been so scared in my entire life, especially sitting directly in front of the bathroom with the shower curtain all the way closed, faced in my direction. We all screamed and promised on our friendships that we had not moved it ourselves (very important promise). I felt like I was being watched and my friends thought so too. It was only 4 of us and I believe with all my heart that none of them had moved it because we were all too nervous to do anything.
I’ll never use a Ouija board again because of how crazy and intense that night was. I understand that people say Ouija boards are controlled by your subconscious but f**k that. I know I felt something in that room with us. I know it was dangerous.
7. Get The Boy!
My friend had mentioned that she had one, so I asked her to pull the board out so I could check it out. At first she said no, but then agreed to do it as long as she didn’t have to participate. After she had the board set up I asked “Is there anyone in here”…. Nothing. So, being a dumb teenager I said “If anything is in here and not talking, you’re a coward”. The board was put away after that.
Fast forward about a week later and have me sleeping upstairs on my couch. I wake up on a stereotypical “Stormy Night”. Thunder and lightning, wind and rain..the works. I look around to see why I woke up and couldn’t see a thing, and decide to try and fall back asleep. After laying there for about 30s I hear from downstairs “Get the boy” in a very raspy, wispy voice. I open my eyes and listen… Nothing. Start to go back to sleep…”GET THE BOY”, it was MUCH louder this time. Then my downstairs door SLAMS shut. I freak the F*ck out because nobody slept down there and we had no drafts.
Nothing really happened after that… I learned my lesson.
8. Are You For Real?
A lady I worked with brought one in to play around with one day. We messed with it and didn’t really think it was doing anything weird or moving on its own. So my coworker goes to lunch and leaves me all alone at the store. I didn’t have any customers so I went to the back where the board was. I put just my index finger on it very lightly and said, “are you for real?” That thing moved straight up to yes on its own! I ran out of the back room freaking out. Never touched one since.
9. Answers
A few friends and I mucked around with ouija boards a lot as teenagers. It had always been harmless fun. One night we were “speaking” with a young boy called Niall who had told us he had been murdered by his father. We “spoke” with him for a while and then got bored of the conversation, “left”, and eventually tried again. We started to speak with someone we assumed was an elderly lady, when actually it turned out it was Niall again. Someone must have asked “what do you want?” because the ouija pointer spelt out “Satisfy my requests” and then continuously spelt “answers” over and over again until we freaked out and just abandoned everything: the board, the house, the street.
I have never touched a Ouija board since. Early last year, a few of us got together again (having all gone our separate ways since high school) and we brought that night up – and everyone swore again that they hadn’t moved anything on purpose that night. Of course, someone could still be lying, or we could have inadvertently been moving the pointer without realizing, but just remembering the force of the pointer moving so rapidly – and what it spelt out – freaked me out enough not to want to mess with it again… just in case.
10. The Eagle
One of my best experiences involved talking with a spirit of air, which happened back when I believed only in the mental aspect of magic, and thought that the ‘spirits’ I was talking to were were just parts of my psyche. To test this I asked the spirit to show some kind of sign of its existence, which I did not expect to manifest. When I asked this a huge eagle (birds being part of an air spirit’s domain) landed right outside my window, stared at me, like, really stared into my eyes, looked down at the board and flew away. Maybe it was coincidence, but I closed down the communication, did a Rose Cross Banishing ritual and noped the fuck away from magic for a while. Good Times.
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butterbeeryuta · 5 years
interview with me • lee taeyong
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photo credits to owners 
Niki: Good morning Mr. Lee and Ms. ______, thank you so much for taking your time off this morning to do this interview. 
Taeyong: No, no, it’s not a problem at all. 
________: This interview was bound to happen anyway, so it’s all okay. 
Taeyong: Yeah… 
Niki: Both of you attended the most prestigious high school in the island of Jeju, known for its socialite students and tremendously high standards. Can you please give us a bit of background from each of you. 
You and Taeyong looked at one another smiling, knowing that the two of you will have to repeat the exact same story again and again. 
________: Uh, well, my mother is the owner of NCT Kitchen, so I guess that it the main reason behind my current social status
Taeyong: We own Lee Industries, known for its, you know, agricultural production. Same reason as ________, probably the reason behind my current social status
________: Except that Taeyong over here is actually taking part in his family business, meanwhile I am working as my mother’s personal assistant. 
Taeyong: Well you’re at least putting effort into working now, very different from the ________ that I dated back in high school. 
________: That is true, I was quite a mess back in high school. Still am now, but less drinking and lashing out against people.
Taeyong: That was indeed one ________ experience. If you did not see ________ plot an evil scheme or sort against anyone, that was not this person sitting beside me. 
You could only nod and smile at Taeyong’s words. There was no possible way that you could deny any of the things that he said since most of the shenanigans that you caused made it to the media. 
Niki: Well from what I remember at least when I was reading the magazines and such during high school, you did come out a lot Ms. ________. Now that we are on the topic of your characters during high school, could you give us a bit more on how you two were during your time at Jeju for our readers here at Seasonies?
________: Well, as you said, I made a lot of appearances in magazines, newspapers, online articles, and so much more— and not all of them, in fact the majority of them, were either me being really drunk, or being pulled out of the car looking like I haven’t slept in decades. I put my mum under a lot of stress, and I do feel really terrible about the amount of money she had to pay to refrain the family business from being at risk, and most importantly, just putting up with me. 
And you were being truthful, for the most part at least. There was no doubt of how much trouble you caused during your high school days. You deliberately sent a picture of your ex’s previous girlfriend sucking the soul out of your Biology teacher in the lab to the so called ‘Gossip Girl’ of your school, creating a huge scandal within the school, risking the school’s reputation. You also hosted a party at your own house, having three of your ‘friends’ calling the entire neighbourhood, only leaving a mess in your house; and not to mention, the smell of alcohol remaining for a good whole week. Your mother was disappointed in you in many things, but this was probably by far one of the worst things that you had done. 
Taeyong: But don’t you think you improved a lot since then?
________: I hope I did, definitely tried to stay out of being the cover page of every magazine to be found in Korea. 
You and Taeyong chuckled, looking back at one another knowing how many times you have been featured in every possible media-- both physical and digital. 
Taeyong: I, on the other hand, was a perfect little boy—
________: That is complete bull, he always skipped lessons. I may have been a perfect epitome of chaos, but I at least got somewhat decent grades and did attend most of my lessons. 
Taeyong: Honestly that’s probably the only reason why you didn’t get expelled.
________: Hey! 
You two laughed again, his sparkly eyes being the same since the last time you saw them. 
Niki: Well, I can assure that you two were the commonly talked about duo in that school, and it’s not only me who says that. But, I’m pretty sure the two of you already know that the point of this interview isn’t really to talk about how you were as individuals, but rather together. 
Both of your laughter slowly died down, knowing to yourself that the interviewer was indeed not really that interested in who you have become. It was more of what happened between you and Taeyong. 
Niki: It’s been 6 years since the two of you went your own ways to different universities. In fact, I believe that one of you went to Yonsei University, and the other went to University of Leeds. Many thought that you two were still together, but it wasn’t until 3 years ago when we saw ________ being with Nakamoto Yuta, a well-known Japanese rock star—
________: Which ended after 5 months of fooling around, thank you
Niki: Yes, sorry about that. So, what happened?
Taeyong noticed your sudden change in posture, the atmosphere of the room gradually darkening; he knew how much of a painful and serious topic this was for the both of you, especially you. It wasn’t that your relationship ended badly, you two decided amongst yourselves hours after the two of you threw your Oxford cap up in the air. 
________: It w-wasn’t that that our relationship ended badly. Nobody cheated on anyone, nor was there hot ‘tea’ behind it. 
Taeyong: It was more on the fact that we couldn’t—
________: Understand each other properly 
Taeyong softly smiled at your words, somewhat proud of you for being brave to talk about this. You two may have decided amongst yourselves and thought it was best for you two part away, even though the two of you did not like it at all. 
________: Yeah… 
Taeyong: I guess you could say that I assume things too easily
________: Whereas I do things without thinking, which only led us to fights and disagreements
Taeyong: And although we were able to solve things and have our couple-y moments together,
________: it did get tiring… 
Taeyong could only nod his head as memories of countless, petty yet intense fights rushed through his mind, clearly hearing the amount of frustration and anger you had in your voice. And it would be a lie to say that you were not thinking of any of your past arguments as well. 
________: So I guess that’s what happened. 
You gave a little laugh, hoping to lighten up the mood. 
Niki: Oh… but I must ask about one thing, and I am really sorry but the company wrote these questions so, how do you still think of each other now? 
Taeyong: ________ has definitely improved, from what I hear and see from media outlets at least. There are more smiles now, and I think that you should continue since you have a really great smile. 
Taeyong wasn’t lying about this. Your smile was everything to him; it made him feel that he made you feel happy and vice versa, regardless of how cheesy that sounds. You immediately crouched your head down from the sudden compliment, only causing the person beside you to laugh. In his eyes, you haven’t changed at all. Maybe a bit more mature, but still the same. 
________: T-thank you? Umm, the first thing I noticed about Lee Taeyong was his eyes. I think everyone can agree that he has one of the most beautiful sets of eyes, and my thoughts haven’t changed about that at all. And still now, despite the 6 years of us being away from each other, I guess you could say that there is still that sense of… umm… 
Taeyong: Comfort?
________: Yeah, comfort… and warmth too… 
Taeyong: Yeah… 
Niki: Well thank you for joining us for Seasonies today, and I am really sorry to bring up such a serious topic. I hope the two of you for the best, and again, thank you so much! 
You and Taeyong got off your the black stools, walking out of the studio set, feeling somewhat exhausted from the pretty short chat. 
‘Even after 6 years, we’re still being contacted, huh?’ Taeyong asks you, cutting the silence in between the two of you. 
‘Yeah I guess so, but I’m not surprised to be honest’ you answered, looking up at the boy, your first love. The silence and awkwardness between the two of you slowly developed back to its place, not a single word exchanged with one another. You said your goodbye to Taeyong the moment you got out of the building, wanting to leave the odd environment you were just in. Or perhaps, you were trying to not fall in love with him all over again. Then again, you would never admit that to yourself. Not now at least. 
a/n: so my exams got cancelled which means that (1) this bish is done with high school 💅and (2) i have time to write YASSSSSSSS. omfg i’m actually so excited imma have another social media au coming up soon, and my plan for the ‘that guy’ series has JUSt been finalised, and imma start writing it later today. alright okay pls continue to stay safe and practice proper hygiene alright i wuv youuu <3 -niki 
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| kinda like you | j.jh
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pairing: jaehyun x fem!reader genre: fluff + highschool au a/n: it’s been a while since i posted another oneshot. idk where i was going with this but anyway, hope you enjoy reading! (might be badly written idk haha)
the hallway bustled with students who stood by their lockers; laughing and giggling about the new hot dean, or sports clubs promoting their game in the season. endless whispers and murmurs tickled your ears even at far distance. admiration filled their eyes as you walked past them and it became the normal encounter everyday; you got used to it. no you weren’t the sharpay evans of your school, just someone everyone said they looked up to.
you twisted the digits clockwise then anti-clockwise onto the metallic blue box, each screech unlocked every peg in it. the books aligned so neatly that it was only ruined when you took your maths book. as you shut the locker to a close, an arm leaned on it, making you flinch at the presence.
“vice pres! you scared me.” you sighed, taken aback at the bunny smile. he ruffled your hair into a slight mess when you rolled your eyes.
“you’re always like this.” doyoung grinned as he nudged you softly. “i kinda need your help on something?”
you lifted a brow at his sudden request. doyoung rarely asked you any since it was you who have asked for favors; and heck he always fulfill them. the books in your hands soon were in his. “okay?.. not sure if i could do it but sure?” your questioning tone made him let out a soft giggle.
“c’mon.” he gestured you to follow him to a classroom where his friends have gathered for a daily study session.
the library was definitely better to cram several topics but you thought maybe a classroom would be better for today, considering there were guys huddled up together at one group table. doyoung closed the door behind him as you entered first, his hand onto your shoulder to push you in.
“stop stressing me out jaehyun!” mark rubbed his head in frustration.
“i guarantee you it will appear in the test.” jaehyun taught the boy. “just remember what i told you earlier.”
“why did you take japanese when clearly you couldn’t form one simple sentence?” yuta and sicheng were at the far end of the table.
“it should be easy for me because it has chinese characters!” sicheng pointed at some notes of the worksheet, insisting how he could do better even without the boy’s help.
“uhm didn’t i make myself clear about the stress?” you heard mark groan with his arms folded, gesturing that he couldn’t take it.
“hey are you trying to mess with my mind?” sicheng raised his voice.
you raised your brows at the stubborn responses. doyoung sighed beside you, bringing out a folder to give you. the folder named you as tutor. “so who am i helping exactly?” you asked.
“you’re helping me.” jaehyun approached you and took your books in hand. “mark can’t do math.”
“uh-huh. if he knows the basic formula then it’ll be easy to apply it for the rest.” you sat onto the seat beside jaehyun. mark inhaled and pursed his lips at the pressure the two humans in front of him have given out. the thickness of the math book scared the boy, but interest began to show in his eyes— more than it did when jaehyun taught him.
jaehyun now looked at your side profile with hair loopies dangling on each temple. your long lashes flickered every time you try to explain the methods to the younger boy. man, even the sun radiated the light in your eyes. he was seeing an artwork made from the heavens.
your fingers pointed at the algebraic formulas that finally made mark understand. “hyung, how come i get it when y/n teaches me?” he looked up to the male.
“you’re just fascinated because it’s your first time being taught by her. i’ve been tutoring you since grade school.” jaehyun stated, fixing his cap to wear it backwards.
“says the one who’s also fascinated by her.” mark smirked which caused jaehyun to flinch in his seat. you could hear the gulp of his throat.
you smiled at the innocent and yet amusing conversation exchanged between the two. doyoung gave a ten-minute break and you stretched your arms up high, only to feel your cheeks a little damped from the cold can. “a refresher.” jaehyun offered a drink.
“thanks.” you said and took it and to your surprise it was already opened for you.
“forget what mark said earlier. he teases me a lot because you’re here.” his ears turned red but you weren’t sure if it was the sunset’s doing from the outside.
“it’s okay. i’m not a slight bit offended.” you drank from the can.
“w-well i can’t deny that y-you are pretty.” he scratched the nape of his neck. “everyone else thinks so too.”
you blushed at his cute smile as he complimented you. jaehyun was one of the model students so it was rare to even hold a proper conversation as you both had busy schedules and cramming hours. “how about you?” he heard you ask, where you slightly turned sideways to face him and you rested on your palms for support.
jaehyun’s lips agape but closed them again when he spotted mark approaching the desk. “i’ll tell you later.” you saw him mouthed the words, and heck your heart anticipated for the answer— more than the exam results.
you sat aback of your chair, giving yourself a quick rest before continuing your own cramming hour. you spotted jaehyun on your side, sleeping with his arms as a pillow. the sight of him caused your lips to curve that it took your seconds to realise you were staring at him.
mark had left for the make-up test and in half and hour he’d be done. so you stood and decided to wake jaehyun up from his deep slumber by tapping him softly on the shoulder. “hey jaehyun.”
the boy awoke where his eyes fluttered. his still-asleep self stared at you before his brain registered that you were in front of him. he wiped shyly at the possible drools even if there weren’t any. “sorry i slept.”
“it’s alright. i managed to put in some sleep too.” you yawned. “mark will be here soon, i guess we can pack-”
jaehyun held your wrists and you felt your body falling slowly but not entirely. he made you turn to him where you noticed his ears turning red again.
ah, it wasn’t the rays from the sunset then..
you didn’t know how long you exchanged stares yet it felt nice. his chocolate brown eyes soften and you were sure you mirrored too. your heart thumped at his dimples.
“i.. kinda like you..” he confessed in a low, warm and welcoming tone.
you felt your face burn in all kinds of temperatures and heavens know how hot it must’ve felt like. “oh-”
“that’s my answer.” he cut you off with the same smile prior to the slumber.
the door slammed open. mark had his hands in the air with papers. a sign of victory and probably successful test. “oii your boy slayed the test!”
his friends donghyuck, jaemin, jeno and renjun followed from behind.
“let’s see yours!” mark asked the rest. “oh wow that’s like amazing in its own ways.”
jaehyun stood up to the younger ones. you soon followed and nearly giggled at their troubles faces. “what’s wrong with aiming for a passing score? i just needed one more point.” donghyuck glared at mark. “you’re confident now because y/n taught you. this isn’t fair.”
“how about i teach you too?” you offered. “you might get a higher score than mark.”
“i want y/n to teach me again.” mark scoffed as he later looked to jaehyun. “hyung you teach the rest.”
the heated argument from them continued on as they left the classroom, leaving you and jaehyun alone again. you sighed at the energy. “i might want you to teach me too.” jaehyun nudged you gently.
you laughed so elegantly that it made jaehyun’s ears attentive than before. “what for, mr. jung?”
“teach me to be better at teaching them.” he said in a questioning voice. “they might brush me off now that they like you already.”
you walked a little close to him where you were inches apart. “okay sure.” you fetched your belongings from behind him and wore your bag.
jaehyun uttered a soft ‘yes’ and girl you’d be lying if it didn’t make you skip a beat. he pursed his lips when you turned around, biting his lips at your sudden move.
“i’ll help you because i think i kinda like you too.”
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thequeenofcronuts · 5 years
Uncertainties - A Royal Romance AU Story Chapter 3 No Rest for the Wicked
Uncertainties- AU The Royal Romance
Uncertainties main location Silicon Valley California.
AU Summary - Career life is busy for a group of six friends when they meet a captivating woman with a beautiful soul. New friendships are forged and new romances revealed. All the while hearts are torn and closets are cleared of skeletons. True love always wins in the end, right?
AU Warnings - This Stand Alone will include the following 18+ subjects: Language, NS*W, Verbal Abuse, and Abortion. If ANY of these subjects will cause pain or hardship in reading, please skip reading Uncertainties. That being said, each chapter will include its own specific warnings.
AU Uncertainties Pairings and Characters: Pairings and Characters: Drake x Riley /  Liam x Riley  /  Liam x Olivia  / Drake x Olivia / Maxwell x Savannah, including Hana, and Madeleine, and OCs
Chapter 3 Summary - What made Madeleine, Madeleine?
Chapter 3 Warnings - None
Chapter Word Count: 1,590
**All characters from the Choices Book: The Royal Romance are owned by Pixelberry Studios (Any other characters are the product of my brain…I probably should apologize now. 🙃😉)
Madeleine’s First Grade Class Play
“Maddie, again from your first line.” Madeleine's father urges his daughter.
Stomping her foot Madeleine replies, “But father, I can't do this anymore. Amanda and the other girls went to the playground. Why can't I go with them?” Madeleine’s father has been drilling her on her lines for the upcoming school play while Maddie is invited by her friends after school to play everyday, and everyday she is told no.
“Madeleine dear, you know your mother wants you to be perfect in this play. We can't embarrass your mother, can we now?”
“But father, I want to play. Katie said at school today we can't be friends if I don't play with her anymore.” Madeleine’s little tears begin to fall as her father’s heart aches for his child. Unfortunately, during this exchange, Madeleine’s mother walks by her room.
“Madeleine, I have told you everyday that the more you whine the more you will practice. You can't possibly be memorizing your lines through your consistent refusal. You will not embarrass me in front of the entire school in which three generations have attended. Do you understand, my daughter?” Her mother scolds with a cold, stern tone.
Madeleine, with arms behind her back, looks down at her feet and replies “Yes.”
“Try that again. Eyes on me this time. And for heavens sake stand up straight.” As more tears fall, Madeleine looks up to her mother.
“Yes, ma’am. I understand that I will not embarrass us in front of the family's alma mater.”
Pointing at Madeleine before she turns on her heel, “Good. Remember that before you whine again.” Madeleine begins to recite the last words she was working on, as her father follows his wife, Allison, into the hallway.
“Allison, she's only in first grade. Our friends all have children Maddie knows and could be playing with. Let her enjoy this time with her first grade and pre-school friends. I know we talked about how important this is, but everyday Madeleine is forgetting things due to the pressure we are putting on her. She needs at least a break.”
“Richard, you’re correct in that we’ve spoken about this before, but you are incorrect when you tell me she needs a break. What Madeleine needs is to get her lines correct. I work each day so you can stay at home with her since you think a nanny is inappropriate. I make that sacrifice, you will be sure she is perfect in this play.”
————— Madeleine, Age 16
“Mother, I don't like him. Why must I be dating him?” Madeleine asks her while stomping her foot.
“Madeleine, quit acting like a spoiled child. You are dating him because he is currently in line for valedictorian and you are for salutatorian. You are dating him because he is the most accomplished son of the most important family friend of ours. You are dating him because I tell you to do so. No more talking about this!” Madeleine slams the front door on her way out of the house.
Twenty minutes later she’s in an argument with her boyfriend Kyle. “I’m done Kyle, were done. I can't remember the last time we went on a date where you didn't leave me to be with your friends. Then you pick me up and suck up to my mother when you drop me off at home like we're actually on a date? No more.”
“Fine Madeleine, except you know we can't breakup. Trust me, I would have broken up with you ages ago. Your mother and my father will kill us if we ever did.” Kyle now paces. He always paces when he's mad. Meanwhile Madeleine's mind is plotting.
“Kyle, why do they have to know? If they can play games with us, why can't we do so as well?”
“Hmm. Huh, true. It's just a few lies.”
“We'll been seen together in public when the occasion calls for it.”
“And we're done when we go off to college. Madeleine, it's an easy plan. Let's do it.”
Madeleine looks Kyle in the eye as she reaches out her hand out to him. “Shake on it. Deal?”
————— Madeleine’s Collage Acceptance
“Madeleine, explain to me why I am holding this acceptance letter from the University of South California.” Madeleine’s mother raises the paper into the air while shaking it towards her.
“Simple, mother. I’m attending USC. You know, I’m surprised it took this long for you to find out. You’re loosing your touch.” Madeleine gives a bitter laugh, “You should have snuck into my room much sooner and found this letter.” Madeleine shrugs, “Now it is too late.”
“Hell it is, child! What do mean it's too late?! You can't go if I don't sign the admission papers.”
“Oh, but mother you did. Just like you've signed so many other things you don't know about. You see, mother darling, I perfected your signature quite a while ago.” Madeleine's mother tries to keep her stoic facade, “Is that so, you insolent chid? Well then, do really think you can get away with it this time, once I prove it was you.” Madeleine’s shrill laugh just excites herself more as she looks her mother in the eyes because Madeleine knows she has won.
“Oh mother, mother, mother. That would be problem, except the final paperwork was notarized and also signed by ‘Kyle’s’ mother as the witness. You have friends, well I have friends too. Friends that want out from under their parents thumb as just as much as I do. It's amazing the plans our little group is able to execute. We simply learned from the best, our parents. You should be proud.” Madeleine scoffs as she folds her arms in front of her, while her mother finally loses her composure and throws the nearest vase to the floor.
“Then share with me your perfect plan to pay for four years at a university which you cannot afford since I will cut you off from any financial support, dearest.” Her mother takes an aggressive step forward, accentuated by the crunch of the glass.
“Oh, mother. Just a few minutes ago you called me a child. I do believe eighteen is considered an adult, correct? Fortunately for me my trust fund from farther’s parents only required me to be eighteen on withdrawal. You know how much they left me, more than I need for this, actually. I thank you and father so much for signing the funds over to me.” Now Madeleine takes a step towards her mother.
“Your father wouldn't dare.”
“You are correct, but” as she speaks Madeleine rolls her eyes. “really mother think through this. If I can forge your signature what about father’s and others…” Madeleine trails off.
“You couldn't without us actually being at the bank. It's impossible!” Madeleine takes another step toward her mother, with a smug smile.
“I guess we children have outsmarted the masters. See, wielding your name everywhere whilst demanding the same kind of special treatment your…” Madeleine pauses as she looks for the word, “….flavor of speech to those below you majorly worked against you. Karma's a bitch, isn't she. It was too easy. Just a notarized letter from you and father, an unsuspecting newer bank employee, and the promise of your wrath so easily did the trick.” Smirking, Madeleine continues.
“You remember the account you opened for the transferring of funds to me as payment for following along with your schemes? Well once the trust funds were transferred into that account, I wired them to a new account. A new account I opened at a different bank in SoCal where you don't know anyone. Banks just make opening accounts online so easy these days.” Madeleine shrugs and walks past her mother looking over her shoulder with a wide grin, stopping when just behind her.
“So, Mother dearest, thank you for teaching me these life ‘lessons’ I’ll take with me wherever I go.” Madeleine’s mother stands in shock as her daughter turns to give her a sarcastically loving pat on her shoulder.
“Oh, and mother dearest, you may want to look over some of the changes you faxed your lawyer in your upcoming divorce from Daddy. Again, it's amazing the hoops and laws your friends will break when threatened by ‘you’.”
————— Madeleine’s Freshman Year at USC - End of Fall Term
Madeleine just finished her last final exam when she walks to her dorm room to find mismatched boxes in the hallway in front of her room. A smirk crosses her face as she sees her roommate furiously packing up all her belongs.
“Madeleine, I can't take being around you as you design all your plots while your little henchmen, er, hench-girls, fall at your feet. I’ve been a target way too many times as well.”
Madeleine’s smug smile is accented by her tone. “Aw, but Kasey, I have had so much fun with you.” Her shrill laugh fills the room. “Although it's true the fun I love most is with my roomie at her expense. None the less, I will be so sad to see you go.” With a new serious tone Madeleine continues.  “Ugh, a new roommate to break in now.”
“Except, Madeleine,” Kasey flashes a winning smile, “no one will room with you.”  Once again, Madeleine's shrill laughs fills the room.
“Oh Kasey, Kasey, Kasey, even better. That's one goal I’ve been working toward. Think of the things I can plan now that I'm alone.”
“You know what, Madeleine? Someday all your skims will catch up you. The wicked never truly find rest.”
Tags - @client-327 @dcbbw @carabeth @drakensworld @purplegreyshrimp @ownworldresident
It's been ages! Sorry! This is the last tag list I have for Uncertainties. If you would like to be removed or added, please just message me. 😊
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witheringvoice · 2 years
Homeless - A Poem + Vent
TW: I don't know if this has anything triggering in it, but I don't usually trigger cussing? I know for a fact this one has cussing, idfk about others...I'm a person who cusses when I feel like messing around, or when I'm emotionally distressed. If cussing bothers you, I'm warning you for at least this poem? Also, this has some...normal venting depressed shit in it so yeah? Maybe I should just do TW: VENT at least on all the ones when idk if there's a trigger in them but know they're depressing? Yeah probably idfk- ANYWAY ONTO THE POEM
Why does everyone make it look so easy, why not build us to be strong?
You're causing falsity and destruction, we'll be destroyed by the inevitable.
We'll be crushed without confirmation. fuck I grew up silently but not the worst.
I was on the bad side, but not the end.
I was quickly taught based on my circumstances, what I thought I should and shouldn't do.
But I'm a people pleaser so that might be a bit biased.
How important it is not to screw up and choose wrong, I learned the most.
I learned good advice, but used it too aggressively, making it unhealthy.
Mistakes are the way of life, after all.
I've been taught to expect things to disappear, like stability and bonds.
How come it still hurts and surprises me?
It started off with measly things, little items.
To people, my happiness.
The roof over my head has crumbled and disappeared more than once.
What's next, how have I survived this long?
It makes me laugh because I cried and listened to yelling almost daily back then.
But I laughed, smiled, joked, and felt happily distracted.
Was it hope, optimism, innocence, ignorance?
Maybe, but it was also not stopping and focusing, not realizing the pain.
I had glimpses with panic attacks, flinching at loud noises, social anxiety, and breaking down with little comments.
But I ignored it all, the pain, until that day I first noticed.
No house? Optimism is the key to happiness.
New school, new friends? Could be worse.
Realizing I was bullied and manipulated? I just won't let that continue.
At least I was rescued before I broke, for brief months I was okay.
But that small taste of peace was ripped away in an instant.
Lockdown took away my biggest coping mechanism, school.
All my depression surfaced quickly, but I tried to stand tall.
Why is it now unbearable and why can't I handle it now?
Because I take it for granted, I'm not as strong as I thought.
I can't handle feeling or being it.
My mom's a cigarette addict, funny I'm allergic, she gave me asthma lol. She's also addicted to gambling and dating douches who don't always get a job and she dated a pot addict once when I was in third grade who just played video games all the time, she bought everything. We ended up losing our house, my brother and I, and him, and her, lived in our tiny ass car for a month or so? I don't remember, but eventually, she sent us off to live with our grandma. The next time we lost our place was during the pandemic, the summer of sixth grade I think? I don't remember. We moved in with her very unhealthy boyfriend in a different state, and she had to drive me a long time to school when school started up. We stayed until they broke up in like spring break of seventh grade and then couch hopped between her best friend's place and her friend's place in our hometown. We ended up just staying with her best friend until they got into this stressful argument, then we just stayed with the other. Luckily, I don't remember when, we ended up getting our apartment which is in a shitty area, in November! But we might go homeless again, oh, and between this time my brother moved out moved back in, and moved out again, as well as my mom getting custody of my sister, her moving in and then moving out, and my other sister staying off and on twice. A lot has happened, I'm the only one with her, we might lose our housing help, but she says we might be okay, then tells everyone else we're probably going to go homeless again. What are we gonna do if that happens? I'm scared...I can't worry about that though, haha...It'll be fine...Right?
0 notes
petri808 · 6 years
At Long Last
Ed/Winry AU Story for Day 6 Protect
Edward Elric hated feeling like a charity case but that’s what she made him feel like.  Winry Rockbell, had been his friend since they were 8 and one could say they were close, living only a few houses apart and spent much of their free time together.  But times had changed and that was three years ago, well at least in Edwards eyes.
1 year ago.  
When he awoke in that hospital room, Winry and his brother Al were sitting next to the bed, his father and her grandmother standing off to the side.  Winry was pale, eyes puffy and red as if she’d been crying for quite some time, and when Ed asked her what was wrong, his father answered instead; they had been in a car accident.  
The young child couldn’t remember anything, normal according to the doctors for such a traumatic event, that a truck had slammed head on into the passenger side, their mother Trisha died at the scene and Edward’s left leg had been pinned and crushed so severely they were not able to save it.  
The loss of his mother and his leg, the months of healing and rehabilitation that followed left him broken, angry with the world, at a God that in his view no longer existed if it could be so cruel to a child.  
After the rehab, came the prosthetic leg and that only made things worse.  Ed was embarrassed, ashamed of how he looked now, how was he going to face the world?  So long sports, good bye girls, who was gonna want a freak, like him?  His misery and depression settling dangerously inward.  
Through it all Winry stuck by him, visiting during his convalescence no matter how many times he’d tell her to go away, she was determined to see him get better.  But sadly, it only grew worse once he went back to school.  
Edward’s growth spurt was alluding, making him smaller than many of the other boys, and having to walk with a crutch most days, he was constantly bullied, taunted with cruel names and physically assaulted.  Winry would defend him against as many of the bullies as she could but it only made the teasing worse when she wasn’t around, how sad, they would mock, that he was being protected by a girl.  
For the next 4 years it went on like this.  Edward would never physically lash out at Winry, his mother raised him better than that, but they would fight.  Epic arguments that sometimes drew the attention of their families to stop coddling him, she wasn’t his mother, he didn’t want her help, to leave him the hell alone!  
Ed was retreating further down the road of depression and anger but Winry refused to back away for she feared he’d do something senseless like commit suicide, and she did not want that on her conscious.  
As crazy as it may have seemed to outsiders, the arguments worked enough to keep him from doing something irrational, the bickering was at least an outlet rather than keeping all the anger bottled up inside.
Unfortunately, during the summer before high school, Winry’s parents were offered residency positions at a hospital located two cities away and moved the family, leaving Edward alone again.  
Good riddance was his response when she told him the news, before putting his headphones back on and shutting his bedroom door.  She tried to stay in contact with Edward, but he refused to answer any of her calls and messages, going so far as to block her on social media and by phone.  His brother Al would sneak updates to her but as soon as Ed found out, threw such a fit that he relented to his older brother and all contact ceases.  
Winry was so heartbroken that her family sent her to a counselor to try and help her move on and while it made some difference, he was never far from her thoughts and she just learned to hide those feelings better.
But without Winry around anymore, Edward retreated even further into the realm of self-pity and despair, staying locked up in his room only leaving to go to school.  He managed to maintain grades to keep from failing but got into fights so often his father was forced to enroll him in an alternative school for troubled kids.  At first this made Ed even angrier, how was he to blame when most of the fights were started by bullies that he was defending himself against!  He lashed out at the teachers and counselors at this new school.  
One teacher refused to put up with his attitude.  With years of dealing with troubled teens under her belt, she could see this boy wasn’t a bad kid at heart but one whose pain and loss had simply driven him down a destructive path.  Mrs. Izumi was determined to help Ed, whether he liked it or not…
Two weeks into her Sophomore year of college, Winry is walking through the library searching for a book when she bumps into another student.
Staring at a chest, “Oh my, I’m so sorry,” she starts to look up, “I wasn’t paying… attention,” and is rewarded with a smiling face and unusual golden eyes.  ‘Wow he looks a lot like Edward, but this guy is so tall…’  
The young man laughs, “It’s alright.”  ‘No way, could this be Winry?’  Blonde hair and blue eyes were quite common in their area but something about this girl’s smile was familiar...
She blinks again, as the two stares at each other for a few more seconds in awkward silence, processing each other’s appearance.  To Winry it looks like her childhood friend, older of course but his demeanor is so different than the one she remembers.  
He was fairly certain this girl was his old childhood friend, and now his mind switches gears, all the years of practicing what he would say to her returning.  Smiling, he finally breaks their stalemate, “You wouldn’t happen to be Winry Rockbell?”
“Yes, but how do you know that?”
“Cause, it’s me, Edward.”
Moisture brims in her eyes as a smile graces her face, “Oh, my goodness it is you!” she jumps up and hugs onto him so tightly as if he’d disappear if she let him go, but he holds her up, clutching her to his chest and resting his head against her shoulder.  It felt so perfect.  This was the moment he had thought about for such a long time.  How would she react to seeing him again after all these years?  Would she be angry, resentful…  And now here she was, in his arms, happy to see him.  It was surely the best reaction he could have ever hoped for.        
“Thank you,” he whispers in her ear.
The tears that had built trickle down at those two words, “Ed, you don’t have to thank me…”
“Yes, I do,” he pulls back and sets her on her feet again but keeps his arms around her waist.  “I treated you so badly for so long and all you were trying to do was protect me,” he smiles, “it took a teacher to kick me in the ass, but I finally realized that.”  
“I’m glad,” sniffling, “and you do look so much better, it’s nice to see you smiling again.”
“In therapy we learned to pick something that would make us happy and to focus on it whenever we start feeling down, do you know what that was for me?”  Winry shakes her head, “It was you.”
“Me?  Why me?”
“My goal was to one day thank you for sticking it out with me, and I wanted to be the guy you always thought I could be when I did.”  
“So that’s what you focused on, you wanted to impress me?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles, “I guess you could say it like that.  But I’ve always had one question, why were you so nice to me?”
Her cheeks flush, “W-Well you were my friend, a-and of course I cared about you…”
“Is that the only reason?”
She blinks, “What other reason could there be?”
He grins, “Because you had a crush on me.”
“No, I didn’t!” her face grows crimson, betraying her feelings, and his eye brow raises, “Okay,” she looks down embarrassed, “maybe I do, I-I mean did.”
Edward tips her face back up, “I think deep down I felt the same way, I just couldn’t get past my own stupidity to realize how much I was in love with you.”
Her eyes grow moist again, “What, wait y-you were in love with me?”
“Still am,” Exhale, “Winry, I know this seems sudden but, I’ll make you a promise, I’ll give you half of me, if you give me half of you and I’ll spend the rest of our lives taking care of you for a change.”
“Edward,” cupping his cheeks, “I’ll give you all of me, but how about we take care of each other from now on.”
Grinning, “I can live with that…”
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raeswritings · 7 years
She got hot!- Peter Parker
Author: raeswritings
Pairing: Peter x reader
Requested: Yes, by anon
Request: Can u write about Peter and reader being friends and she moves away around middle school and come back junior year and she glowed up alOT and Peter is too scared to talk to her thinking she changed but she's still in love w him.
Warnings: angst? fluff
A/N: It feels good to be back writings!! This is my first peter imagine. Hope you guys enjoy it xx
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For as long as anyone could remember, Y/N, Peter and Ned have been the three musketeers. The best of friends who always caused mischief everywhere they go. Their friendship dates all the way back to first grade when six year old Y/N dissed Ned's and Peter's favorite movie, Star Wars, claiming that it was stupid and that Star Trek was way cooler than Star Wars. This caused an argument between the three. Ned and Peter telling Y/N why Star Wars is superior to Star Trek. Which led them to Peter's apartment where they watched both Star Wars and Star Trek. The rest was history. 
It wasn't until in the middle of 7th grade when their lives changed. One afternoon Y/N got a call from her parents. Y/N, Peter and Ned were in Peter's room. Peter seated on the chair by his desk, Ned was sitting on the floor with his back leaning against the bed and Y/N laid out on her tummy with her homework and textbook in front of her. The three were working on homework, helping each other with each subject they weren't that good in. While they were so engrossed in that week's homework, the sound of Y/N's phone scaring the trio as they jumped up from their positions.
Y/N looked at the caller ID then to the boys. "It's my mom, I'll be back." Getting up from Peter's bed, Y/N left the room. Both Ned and Peter didn't think much of it and went back to helping each other. Knowing that Y/N's mom was most likely checking up on her. Hearing a couple of shouts coming from the living room, Ned, Peter and even Aunt May came rushing into the living room. They went into the living room to see Y/N throwing her phone on the sofa while soft sobs escaped her mouth. Immediately, Aunt May went to comfort Y/N, holding her in her arms as Ned and Peter stared at the two shocked.
They have never seen Y/N cry. Y/N was known for her happy, bubbly personality. There was never a day where you wouldn't see a smile on her face. "What's wrong sweetie?" Aunt May asked the young girl in a motherly tone.
"M-my dad got transferred to H-Hawaii. We leave t-tomorrow." Y/N spoke in between sobs. She was devastated. She hated that her dad was in the army. With him always moving from place to place it was always hard on Y/N. Even though she was very young when they moved frequently, she thought that New York would be her forever home. It didn't help that she was basically in love with Peter. Peter was her home.
"You c-can't leave Y/N! You-You can stay with Uncle Ben, Aunt May and Me. Please Aunt May, can Y/N stay with us? You and uncle Ben love Y/N so that wouldn't be a problem and she can have the top bed if she wants please!" Peter rushed, desperately wanting Aunt May to agree.
"Peter honey, as much as I would love her to stay, you know she can't be away from her family." May softly told Peter.
The rest of the night was spent with Ned, Peter and Y/N watching Star Wars and Star Trek. Y/N's parents agreed to pick her up in the morning. When that time came for Y/N to leave, both her and Peter clinged onto each other as if it was the last day on earth. As they were embracing Y/N worked up the courage to tell Peter how she felt. "I love you Peter. I never told you because I was afraid. Afraid that you wouldn't feel the same, but since I'm leaving I thought this would be the perfect time. I love you Peter Parker. Don't forget me ok?" Y/N said in a whisper, her voice so soft you'd have to lean closer to hear. Due to being already so close to her, Peter heard every word. Shell shocked at her words. With a final hug and a kiss on Peter's cheek, Y/N got into the car.
Peter couldn't believe what he just heard. His best friend and long time crush just told him that she loved him. The sound of Aunt May's voice snapped Peter back into reality. He took off running after the car as it left the Parker household. "Wait! Wait! Y/N!" Peter screamed waving his arms as he ran. The burning in his legs and lungs made him stop. His knees hitting the ground as he watched the car disappear into the horizon. "I love you too." He whispered helplessly.
Years has passed since you left. Peter told Ned what had happened between you two. Ned tried convincing Peter to call you and confess as well but Peter shot the idea down claiming that he will never see you again. A lot has happened since you left. With uncle Ben's death and becoming Spider-Man, Peter tried to get over you with girls like Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy and recently, Liz Allen, but none of them lasted long since Peter would constantly think of you. He knew deep down that he would never hear from you again, but boy was he wrong.
It was the middle of junior year when buzz about a new girl who transferring from out of state made its way to Peter. Peter was at his usual lunch table when Ned came rushing in to tell him the latest gossip around school. "Dude have you heard about that new girl from out of state? Everyone is talking about her. I heard from this guy in history that she's really hot and smart too!" Ned's voice filled with excitement made Peter a bit interested.
What was so special about this girl that everyone talked about? Sure besides the obvious that people claimed her being beautiful and smart. "Have you seen her?" Peter asked Ned, taking a bite of food.
"No but the word is that she has the same lunch as us. She should be around her somewhere." Coincidently, after Ned just said that, you walked into the lunch room.
The shout of your name got the boys attention, turning to the sound their jaws literally dropped. "Peter, isn't that Y/N?" Ned asked making Peter nod his head. He couldn't believe you were here. He couldn't believe how beautiful you've gotten. Last time he's seen you, you had large glasses and braces. Now here you were before him. You ditched the glasses and braces, your hair was perfectly styled in curls, your outfit was simple but stylish and your makeup. GIRL YOUR MAKEUP. Your makeup was, to be short, on point.
"Dude, she got hot!!" Ned said a bit louder than usual making Peter to slap his hand over Ned's mouth. "Ned, she'll hear you!"
"You should go talk to her." Ned said turning to his best friend.
Peter shook his head. "Nope not happening."
"Come on dude. This could be your chance and finally tell her how you feel!" Ned tried convincing Peter.
Peter looked at Ned like he had two heads. "Are you crazy?! Just look at her Ned. She's changed. She might not even recognize me. I doubt she still has feelings for me."
"Who has feelings for you?" Michelle asked as she took a seat next to Ned.
"No one!" "Y/N!" Both Ned and Peter looked at each other. Peter glaring at Ned, while Ned looked smug.
"Y/N the new girl aka the love of Peter's life. That's the girl I told you about. The one who always stops Peter from having a love life." Ned told Michelle as her eyebrows raised in interest.
"If you won't talk to her then she'll talk to you." Michelle said. Before Ned and Peter could ask what she meant, Michelle called Y/N over due to already meeting in a class they had together.
You greeted Michelle with a hello and smile. Michelle then introduced Ned and Peter. When she said Peter's last name she froze. Y/N couldn't believe it. Peter was there right in front of her. Michelle and Ned left the two as they both were lost for words in their own worlds. The two taking in each others presence. Neither of them speaking until Peter spoke. "Hey Y/N/N."
Without a word, Y/N wrapped her arms around Peter. Her face in the crook of his neck breathing in his scent. Peter was shocked at first but then composed himself and wrapped his around her shoulders. Neither of them speaking, just enjoying each other's company. After a blissful moment of silence Y/N broke it. "I missed you Peter. God I missed you so much." She spoke into his neck, her words coming out muffled but he heard her loud and clear.
'Fuck it' Peter thought as he held Y/N tighter. "I missed you to Y/N/N. I know I'm really late and you might not feel the same anymore but I love you too. I love you Y/N Y/L/N." Peter said, his voice low. At this Y/N froze, she didn't expect this.
Pulling away, she looked at him. His curly brown hair and matching chocolate brown eyes that always pulled her in, much like they were doing now. "I love you too. I never stopped loving you Peter. I've been in love with you since that day you admitted that Star Trek was better." She smiled causing Peter to smile as well. Both of them looking from each other's eyes to lips, slowly closing the distance between them as their lips met in a much anticipated kiss. Both blissfully unaware of the eyes and smiles coming from Michelle and Ned, who were on the other side of them lunch room watching the whole thing.
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purplesurveys · 7 years
Can you remember the first survey that you ever took?  I don’t remember taking it but it’s permanently on the Internet on my old survey blog also on Tumblr. It was in 2012 and I was a completely sociopathic person back then...I can’t even do a then-and-now version of that first survey because my answers were dreadful as fuck. What did you spend the majority of the last night doing?  I took forever to answer one survey that I ended up finishing just now, and then I watched a new episode of my show. Have you ever had a particularly disturbing dream? About?  I have had a lot but the ones that’ve been most disturbing are the dreams that involve me or Gabie getting shot. There was one time last year that I had a streak of dreams, all of them about Gabie being shot different ways. Safe to say I often woke up heaving and crying and having to call her. What goes through your mind when someone threatens suicide?  I panic, honestly. I’m not necessarily the go-to person for suicide threats, being suicidal myself. It’s just going to cause me to be overwhelmed; but I will try my best to be instrumental in convincing them not to, of course. Have you ever expressed that you wanted to kill yourself?  Yes. [trigger warning] The worst of it was a few months ago when I let my closest friends know that I had everything planned out, all their questions answered, have my things designated for certain people. It had to take some pretty persistent and harsh convincing for me to finally change my mind.
Should gay marriage be legalized? What are your reasons?  As common sense dictates, yes. I doubt it will ever happen in the Philippines any time soon though as we have, for the longest time, been a Catholic, traditional, and conservative country. If the tides ever turned, it wouldn’t be for a long, long time, and with brutal opposition from the Catholic majority.
As for my reasons, I mean isn’t it simply so that everybody has equal rights in marriage? It’s more than ‘people can love who they love’–at the face of the law it’s really just so that everyone has the same opportunities when it comes to marrying the person that they’re with, deeming discrimination useless. Traditional people are a huge pain in my ass for this.
Would you ever consider getting an abortion, under any circumstances?  If the baby was already in such a debilitating condition even before birth that there is no chance of them surviving childhood, yes. I don’t know about other cases and I’ll only ever know about how I would react if the situation was already right in front of me. What do you think of people who get abortions?  I can’t make a blanket statement about something like that. Let’s just say I believe it needs to stay legal and available. < Yep especially to the first part. I always just say to myself that every woman had their reasons. What was the last bug you killed?  An annoying one that kept walking all over my laptop screen last night. Do you ever argue or debate with people about your beliefs?  At the most minimal level. I don’t really like getting into arguments nowadays, plus it’s really helpful that all of my friends have homogeneous beliefs when it comes to touchy topics in the country like politics, religion, sex, etc. If yes, when was the last time?  Probably at the dinner table a couple of months ago when my dad unfortunately started defending our perverted murderous fascist of a president. When was the last time you felt turned on?  Two weeks ago... :/ Didn’t see Gab at all last week so. When was the last time you felt disgusted with someone/something?  A couple of hours ago. I was reheating my pasta when I unconsciously drooled... Do you typically finish all the food you put on your plate?  Yes. Do you continue eating even when you are full?  I do that in buffet restaurants so I could get my money’s worth. What is the most wasteful thing that you do on a regular basis? Coming from a school that was really strict about staying green and eco-friendly, I’ve always been more conscious about the things I use and how not to waste them. What is one weird eating habit that you have?  I dip everything in mayonnaise so long as there is mayonnaise available. What is something other people tease you about?  My chest. It was annoying as a teenager but I don’t mind it at all now when they brutally roast me on my lack of a chest. Does it bother you to be teased about this?  No, because to be fair the jokes they make about it are funny :(( Would you rather suffer from anorexia or bulimia?  What the actual fuck. < This is the worst question.  What is the worst question a survey could ask you?  The previous one is one of them. Do you think it’s okay for a survey to ask if you’ve been raped? Why?  It always surprises me to see it, but I guess survey takers tend to overshare anyway so maybe it’s not too far out there. < Agree. It just becomes concerning to me when it becomes a trigger to some. Would you answer such a question honestly, if faced with it?  I always have. If you are a vegetarian, do you look down on people that eat meat?  I’m not a vegetarian, but I wouldn’t look down on omnivores if I ever converted since I ate meat once too... Why do you think some vegetarians behave that way?  Dunno. Maybe because they’re overly proud and believe they’re on a whole other higher level that they were able to get over meat, something most people love to eat and live on. Kind of the same case with some straight-edge people who get very preachy about drinking, because a lot of people drink for fun and for socializing. At the end of the day I think it’s sometimes about the human tendency to think they are cool because they aren’t doing something popular haha but idk that’s just how I see it. Some vegetarians lay out respectable arguments and knowledge though; that I have no problem with. If you eat meat, what do you tend to think of vegetarians/vegans?  I have loads of respect for them for living such a lifestyle that takes lots of restraint and willpower at first. I like their dedication, especially if they are doing it for ethical reasons. I know I would have a reeeeally difficult time trying to change my entire diet, which I’m planning to do once I’m capable of sustaining myself. If you paint your nails, what color do you generally choose?  I don’t know. A nice shade of dark pink would be nice though. If you could spend a day as the opposite gender, what would you do?  Get a boner, masturbate, hahahahahahahahahaha. What are some good things about your gender?  We are generally more caring and warmer. I also like the fact that we are emotional, since it helps build relationships more. Most of the women I know are empathetic too, which I admire. What are some of the downsides?  Women love tearing women down. It has always baffled me. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to start life over?  Yes. Sounds perfect to me. What might you do differently?  The better situation would be if I lived a different life altogether, and not starting the same life over. All of the horrible things that happened in my childhood were not my doing and thus it would be pointless if I just had to relive another decade in a house that didn’t help my well-being at all. If you could spend a year living in a foreign country, which would it be?  South Korea. Why did you make this particular choice?  Just because I’m biased. And I’ve watched too many Korean programs to know how to survive there at the most basic level. What is the next big event you have planned, if any?  Not really an event and definitely not something I planned, but I’m going on a field trip to Pampanga with my art studies class this Saturday. What do you do to entertain yourself on long car rides?  A good playlist would help tons. I don’t like talking to my family so that’s useless. Occasionally I would bring my own movies to watch, but there are times that I get dizzy more easily than usual. What do you say to someone who is annoying you?  I don’t usually waste my time talking to them. How do you let someone know you don’t like them?  I don’t talk to them in the first place. If that can’t be avoided, I’m usually able to keep it civil until they do something that’d piss me off. When was the last time you felt insecure? What happened?  Last night. I don’t really want to go into detail about it. How did/do you feel about learning to drive? Who taught you?  I was scared and heavily convinced at first that I would never learn and never get past driving inside my village. My dad taught me, but eventually I got enrolled in driving school, where he paid for only three days’s worth of lessons. What do you think of people that like the Twilight series?  I think that we ought to talk about it together heh. I don’t like the crazy fans though, if they still exist these days. What do you think of using lyrics to express how you feel?  I have no problem with it. I use that on Twitter sometimes; coping becomes easier that way. Do you prefer profile pictures by yourself of with someone else? It doesn’t matter, whatever just looks best at that time. When’s the last time you had Sunny D? I don’t know what that is. Is there anything hot pink within five feet of you? My notebook. Have you ever told someone you hated them and meant it? Nope. I said it to my siblings as a kid but obviously those weren’t meant. I’ve never said those words to someone in this age. Do you and your friends ever make up ‘code names’ for people? We did that in fifth grade for our crushes. Would you rather go out to breakfast, lunch or dinner? Dinner. Do you know how to work a barbecue? I don’t. Do you find it rude when people text when they’re talking to you? It’s the worst. I always, always put my phone away when talking with someone. What would you do if the last person you spoke to on the phone asked you to marry them? Yes, but get back to me in like eight years. What’s the longest you’ve ever been out of your state/province? A week and a few days. Do you know anyone who has written a book? Yep, my professors. Would you rather have eggs or waffles for breakfast? Waffles. I love eggs equally, but that’s what I have all the time so it’d be nice for a change. How many people could you fit (standing up) in your kitchen? It starts to get cramped by the time 20 people are there. How long would it take to walk to the nearest McDonald’s? Right now? It’s probably a 30-minute walk. Does your best friend have any pets? Yes, they both have dogs. Is there something that happened to you ages ago but seems like only yesterday? Yuh. A kid never forgets seeing their relatives in a drunken stupor every night. Where would you go if you wanted a fake ID? I don’t know any resources. I’m too honest to have my own made :// What would you do if the last person you laughed with dated your best friend? “Duuuuude. Why?” Who’s the last person you shot a dirty look to? Not a person, it was a stupid 10-wheeler. What was your second to last conversation about? Forgot. I haven’t opened my mouth to talk for a while now. Do you drink milk/juice from the carton if no one is around? [continued from a few days ago] No. Mostly because of an incident when I was a kid - I drank milk from the carton once and it turned out to be spoiled. Never tried it again. Do you know anyone who broke a limb from being in a car accident? No, but they broke their nose. Have you ever burned a photo of you and a person you were angry with? OMG no, that’s super theatrical though hahaha. Would you prefer working at a grocery store or an ice cream parlor? Why? I guess an ice cream parlor. It seems more chill and I like dealing with kids anyway. The grocery is always filled with rude old people. Has anyone ever told you they liked you in a realllly sweet way? Yes. Is there any ice cream in your house right now? What kind? We do have a tub of cookies and cream ice cream in the ref. What’s the best part of sleepovers? All the stories that come out of them. What’s the most comfy thing to sleep in? A blanket. Does the last person who sent you a message online wear makeup? Dunno, maybe? I don’t know her all that well yet. Would you rather have an overly cheerful cashier, or a completely silent one? Cheerful. It does wonders to my day. Do you cry at weddings? No...I was a kid for most of the weddings I’ve been to so it was just me waiting for it to be over. Still, at this age I still don’t think I would cry. Do you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night frequently? Yeah. I just wake up. Do you bring pillows on road trips? We already have pillows in the car so that we don’t have to take out the ones from the house.  What’s the most important thing for a road trip? For me, cellphone signal. I always want to be talking to my girlfriend when I go somewhere far away. Has a member of the opposite sex ever given you jewlery? No. Do you like camping, or would you rather stay home? Camping if it’s with a bunch of people I love and only if it’s well-planned. Other than that, I would rather be home. Do you know anyone whose name is your middle name? I have never met anyone with the same maiden name. Do you think Super Bad was as funny as everyone said? I haven’t even seen it. If you wanted a hamburger right now, where would you go? Burger King just across our village. What about a new pair of shoes? There’s a place called Just Things but their prices are outrageous, so I’d rather go somewhere a little farther but is more affordable, The Playground. Do you find sleeping in cars easy? That’s only posisble if I’m too tired. Usually I’m unable to. How long would your hair be if you cut off eight inches? My hair might just reach the tip of my head then... Would you do that? I’d rather fully shave my head than have an awkward chunk sitting at its tip. Have you ever woke up with someone you didn’t know next to you? Nope. Has a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s parents ever gotten mad at you? Why? No. I’d never want to do anything that would piss them off...quite the contrary. I would do everything they asked me to and more. Her mom has told me she loves me. Her dad is less affectionate but clearly approves of me. Have you ever been friends with a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s siblings? I was closer to them when they were younger. They’re now teenagers so they’ve been more shy around me these days, but I love them and am always working on getting closer to them. Who’s the last person you told to shut up? Probably my sister. Do you know who Blair Waldorf is? Only because of the media and my friends. Do you own any hot pink clothes? Nope.
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get-the-treasure · 7 years
school log #1
Happy last ‘first day of high school’ I’m finally a senior let’s fuck shit up.
Assembly: i came in and first went to hug taylor cause jahsbfjfaks i havent seen her all summer nd did i tear up? yeah kind of lmao i missed taylor sm what a gem. then i went by like. the squad (for memory reasons: ???? ppl on the side, jade, bean, yadi, eren, rye showed up, dalon showed up, sammy showed up, ashley showed up, might be missing someone?). eren gave me a bitching smoothie (bless ty) nd i think we all just talked like we normally would. its nice to just slip into normal conversation with people wou havent seen in what feels like forever.
Hour 3 (Homegroup): sat in hg for like 2 hours. we got some new freshman of whom i only can name 3 because i missed the others names. nd i also only kno one of the sophomores by name cause i forgot the others. maybe we should talk w maya sometime? ive seen her around a few times and she looks like shes mostly alone? we got our lockers too. sike some middle schoolers took our lockers and now we have to wait until tomorrow to figure out if we can get them b a c k. then i knocked over the smoothie eren gave me nd like a little came out but not much so um thanks god. we filled out this helping sheet thing that were going to be checked on every monday soooo better keep up on work i guess. also there was a lot of talk of grilled cheese up the ass???
Hour 1 (AP Bio): i turned in my poster board and we just went over the same rubric we went over when i signed up for the class smh. doesnt seem like itll be hard tho? sammy might have to drop it if she doesnt do her entire thing over and turn it in tomorrow and even then he might say no. so heres to hoping. also sabastion sat by our table nd honestly w h y do we have to have mutual friends i hate my life.
Hour 2 (ROPE): went over like oNLY the autobiography part of the rope packet tbh. also amy said we should know who our thesis paper advisors are but 1. i didnt even know what the thesis paper was and 2. the day ended and i still have no idea who my thesis advisor is weLL GUESS ILL SUFFER. im worried i wont have a good autobiography and that i wont be able to keep up with rope, but if i just dont goof around (lol) then it shouldnt be a  w  f  u  l. i notice a big student mood is being like ‘i want to die’ when school starts but christ its not rlly that bad? u get a normal ish sleep schedule, its easier to hang out w friends imo, and the work isnt even that hard you just have to pay attention and do it. it kind of bugs me honestly when school breathes and someones like THIS IS THE WORST THING ON EARTH FUCK SCHOOL FUCK ALL THE WORK THIS SUCKS cause its literally not that bad if you just idk. dont goof off all the time. sometimes u can goof off im sure everyone does sometimes. just. do ur work nd dont get so uppity about it. also idk if nyone will even read these but this isnt directed at anyone.
Hour 4 (English 12): our class is huge lmao. sammy and i got seats by jimmy, josselin, and ariel but i think eren wants us to get to class earlier tomorrow so we can sit together w yadi at the back of the room. but we get out of hg when peter lets us out soooo we cant rlly control when he lets us out.
Lunch: there was a lil spider where i sit so i kind of shooed him away so i could sit and i ended up cramping a lot. the worst part abt school imo is the chairs are just as hard as the floor and i have awful pelvis issues so my entire lower half starts to freeze and lock up and it hurts rlly bad getting up or shifting after sitting still for a while, so i fidget a lot and shift positions a lot so i can try and reduce the pain. nyways i played music nd sidney nd alexis sat down by us and theyre really quiet (whenever i would see them in the halls on the way to class and they had a free hour or it was lunch nd id see them they were always quiet then too) and sidney left her chapstick and i hope she remembered to grab it (i told her at the assembly at the end of the day because i forgot to grab it to give back to her). i cant rlly remember what else happened honestly??? thats of noting at least.
Hour 5 (Free): eren and i are probably going to sit in michelles room for this hour since she has chairs and 3 hours in a row on the floor is going to bust my ass so bad. eren started doing work but we ended up just talking and eating and listening to a vine comp.
Hour 6 (Free): sammy came down and we did basically the same as the previous hour but more talking and laughing. i cant remember what we talked about tho?? or nything else?? (edit: we tlaked about fucking and spanx)
Hour 7 (Government): eren sammy nd i had put our stuff down in michelles room early to save our spots (but i bet ill be the only one still at the table tomorrow because they have to go to the front) and then eren nd i left to go to the bathroom then fill sammys water bottle and by the time we came back in michelle was like ‘please arrive on time’ like 1 we were in here first nd 2 the bathroom was packed nd were supposed to go between classes i couldnt piss any faster thanks tho. we got the syllabus and an intro to the class/classroom and thank god jared isnt in this class fuckkkk. also we have to do debates like in front of the class?? no t h a nk you i hate it
Hour 8 (Advanced Drawing/Painting): we just sat around ny amy was like ‘heres what well do’ but ariel sammy nd i basically talked the entire time we all know how art works.
Assembly: a final assembly to wrap everything up with all grades together (since middle nd high had separate assemblies this morning) and i dont kno if we got any important information i think it was just things only 6th graders nd new students need to know cause we hear the same spiel every year. then i guess we all left??? 
After School: my dad picked me up and hell be picking us up every day from now on (unless like smthn comes up u kno its whatever). he didnt say anything on the ride home unlike when he and mom would both pick us up and theyd both ask a lot of questions. i thought he was angry and i ended up being right. he and my mom got into a bad argument she told me later on and now shes changing the locks so he doesnt have a key. its kind of upsetting how she said i should be civil with like whoever my parents may end up dating nd the entire family and whatnot but she (vise versa) cant even be civil with him or the rest of our family so??? nice example you set for your kids, parents. anyways my dad is also apparently switching up stuff he says like what hell pay and what theyll keep asset wise and how theyd cooperate for our sake and now hes changing what he said during court and all this mess and i feel like hes doing it to spite my mom but hes also spiting us in the process because we rely on our mom. ughhhhh this is stupid difficult to deal w id rather just not have to hear this stuff but moms always on the phone talking about anything and everything and were forced to hear. nyways lol
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Sk8er Girl CH4 (Trixya)- Squeaky Pink
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Trixya!HS AU. Trixie is a nerdy, girly girl with bows and frills. Katya is a skater chick with scuffed knees and a flazeda attitude. When they’re assigned as lab partners, can they discover chemistry together?
(AN: LAST chapter! We did the angst, hurt, comfort, and fluff. Now - smut! Hope y’all enjoyed the ride)
“I’m getting back my test back in Chem today,” Katya whispers in the back of English class. Sharon raises a brow as she puts her black leather boots up on the desk.  
“Oh, you go from wanting to drop out of school to giving a shit about your classes. This is quite the transformation. In my experience, there’s only two things that can motivate someone to step up their pussy game- love or drugs. So tell me…which one’s Barbie offering you?”
“W-we’re just friends,” Katya stammers.
“Buuuulll shit. You’ve been missing out on practices to ‘study.’ Mh hmmm. I’m guessing that your interest in chemistry is a little more…biological.”
Katya rolls her eyes and tosses her book at Sharon’s head.
Max suddenly turns around to face them-
“What were you doing with Trixie this weekend?”
A couple of eavesdropping kids ‘oooohhh’ at that. Katya narrows her eyes at them and crosses her arms.
“Studying?! Jesus, why does nobody believe we were actually looking at our notes and not at each other’s tits? Has Hollywood really over sexualized studying?”
Katya feels like she’s being ganged up on from all sides now. If only she really were hooking up with Trixie, this interrogation would be justified; every time she tried to make a move though, Trixie had gotten so flustered. It’d be cute if it wasn’t so frustrating.
Max’s lips are tight: “I don’t really know anything about you, Katya. Just trying to look out for my friend.”
“Oh, ‘cause Katya’s the big bad wolf?” Sharon jumps in to defend her. “I don’t know shit about Prissy Pink Princess either, so don’t come up in here and judge my friend.”
Their argument is interrupted by Ms. Thor, who tells them to close their books for a pop quiz.
Question 1: Why are Romeo and Juliet star-crossed lovers?
Cause their family and friends are dicks closed-minded. All they understand is themselves. For example, Mercutio, Romeo’s friend, and that other Capulet are fighting it out on the streets. Literally killing each other. Why can’t they just chill and let Romeo and Juliet be happy?
Katya bull shits her way through the next five questions, but she keeps coming back to the first. She doesn’t understand a word of Shakespearean English, but she understands what it means to love someone when everyone around you doesn’t approve.
When they go out for a smoke break, Sharon does a dramatic rendition of Max. Alaska and Willam laugh, but Katya crosses her arms. This is why she’s never formally introduced them to Trixie.
“Hey, is Barbie that important to you?” Willam asks as she slings a hand over her shoulder.
Katya nods as she takes a drag of her cigarette.
“Then it’s time that the gangs merged. What do ya think?”
She remembers Max’s tight lips and judgmental eyes and how close Sharon was from snapping. Fuck, no.
“I think that’s an awful idea destined to end in stabbing.”
“So…this Friday?”
Katya crushes her cigarette under her heel and sighs. If she wants to go any further with Trixie, she has to formally introduce her to the crew. It’s part of girl code: don’t date someone unless they’ve met your friends.
“I’ll ask Trixie. But her friends don’t smoke or drink…what would we even do if we all chilled out?”
“Orgy?” Alaska suggests, and Sharon shrieks with laughter and buries her face in her girlfriend’s neck. Oh god, she can picture Max’s nose wrinkling up at all this ‘vulgarity.’ Maybe she and Trixie are destined to just be too star crossed lovers…not that they’re even lovers.
“Most of you failed. This was a HARD test. I didn’t want to go easy on you because it’ll be harder in college. If you didn’t do as well as you’d like, remember that I will drop the lowest grade this semester.”
Katya stares up at Ms. Del Rio, trying to read her for any clues of her grade, but she’s got the perfect poker face. The blank back of the test mocks Katya. Fuck, this is why caring about school sucks.
Trixie reaches under the lab desk to squeeze Katya’s hand.
“No matter what, Kat; you did your best.”
“Yeah,” Katya sighs. “That’s the worst part. If I don’t do well, it’ll prove that I’m just too stupid-”
Trixie cuts her off by bumping her leg.
“I’ll have none of this belittling talk before you’ve even seen it. Let’s not grade ourselves before we’ve seen the grade.”
“After then?”
“Just look-”
“I can’t, Trixie!”
She can’t concentrate if it’s bad, which it probably will be. Not that she’s paying much attention now. One, Trixie’s soft hand is in her’s. Two, there’s a big skating competition this weekend, and she’s practicing the moves in her heads.
Katya lets go of Trixie’s warm hand to hide her flushed in her hands. Her leg nervously jiggles. She needs to pee. At least Sir Anxiety never gives up on her. What a gentleman.
“Keep it together, baby,” Trixie reassures her. “Whatever letter it is, we’re going to get ice cream anyway. Maybe I’ll let you lick it from my…belly button.”
Katya smiles into her hands even as her stomach twists. She knows in her heart that it doesn’t matter. The world isn’t going to explode whether or not she flips over the test. Still, Trixie has spent so many nights curled up in her basement, tirelessly teaching her…she just wants to make her proud. No, Katya wants to do this for herself, to prove that she can do it.
The bell rings, and Katya’s paper is still firmly turned over.
“Oh god, Katya, please just look. The anticipation is killing me, and I can’t die before lunch ‘cause Kim Chi’s bringing in cupcakes to celebrate her birthday,” Trixie begs as she packs up her bag. Katya hugs the paper to her chest and bites her lip.
“Save me one for my funeral.”
She slumps into the hallway and only sighs as Trixie wraps her arms around her. Katya’s hands are shaking, but it’s not from cigarette withdrawal. Come on, please be a C. Please be at least a C-.
“Quick. Like a band aid,” Trixie whispers. Katya shivers as Trixie’s glossy lips accidentally brush against her ear. Oh.
“Fuck this test. It’s going to be my bitch, and I’m going to turn her over and look straight at…”
Katya stares, struck speechless.
“It’s…” Trixie gasps. “A B+”
A hot flush creeps up her cheeks as she stares at the red letters and smiley face. Katya doesn’t even realize that she’s crying until she presses Trixie against the locker and buries her wet cheeks into her shoulder. They’re in the middle of the hallway, in front of everybody, and Katya’s sobbing. Trixie rubs her back. Kids veer around them, and, distantly, Katya hears Laganja’s ‘okur!’
“I- I did it,” Katya hiccups.
“Shhh, I knew that you could. You’re more capable and wonderful than you realize.”
Trixie’s eyes meet hers, and it’s not the time or the place. Face flushed, Katya hesitates and then leans in to press a lingering, thank you kiss to Trixie’s cheek. Oh, every single cell in her body is fired up. Trixie’s hand is resting lightly against her back, and it wouldn’t be much further to lean in and kiss her-
Cock blocked by the bell.
“Wait, Trixie,” Katya, still flushed, grabs her wrist. “Do you want to hang out this Friday? I mean not just me and you. With the whole crew. Everyone. Bowling or something?”
“Yeah, sure, why not? Sounds fun,” Trixie says and smiles like it’s all no big deal. Meanwhile, Katya’s moved from one thing to worry about to another. Maybe it’s something about how narrow these high school hallways are. It’s so hard to breathe with them constricting around her.
“Cool, I’ll text you the details.”  
Feeling light headed, Katya clutches the test to her chest and watches as Trixie’s pink bow disappears into the crowd. If only she could grab her one last time and just say what she’s been thinking these last couple week. She swallows. If only.  
Katya snaps Trixie and Willam a picture of her outfit. She hooks her finger in the belt buckle of the white washed skinny jeans as she takes the picture. Katya curses, deletes the snap, and poses again.
Cute <3 It looks a little tight… but if that’s what you were going for -T
Where ya dick gonna go? -W
She laughs. There are really two types of friends in this world. She’s spent about an hour picking out her outfit like they’re going out to a club and not bowling alley. Katya checks her lipstick to make sure that none has smudged on her teeth.
“Mom,” she calls as she climbs the basement stairs.
“We have to go in ten! Mom, please,” Katya calls. She looks at the fridge where her ‘B+’ has been put up with rainbow magnets. The sight makes her smile.
“I’m coming, sweetie! Just excited to meet all your friends, so I thought I’d dress up a little,” her mother sweeps down the stairs in a brown floor-length skirt that’s in such poor taste that she must have stolen it from Katya’s closet. Oh, god, this almost makes me wish I’d asked Dad to drive me. Almost.
“Mom, please change.”
“Oh, come on, sweetie. I thought I’d look my best. I don’t get to wear much besides scrubs at the hospital-”
“Please,” she groans but then stops when her mom shoots her The Look.
“Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova. Do I give you grief about the clothes you wear? You won’t be giving me any future grandchildren in those tight pants, but I’m not telling you to go change. Now, let’s go,” she says and jingles her keys. “I gotta go meet this darling Trixie who keeps sneaking into my house and turning my daughter’s grades from frowny faces to smileys.”
“But you’ve met Trixie, Ma. She lives next door.”
“Yeah, I waved at her in passing, but I haven’t really met her. Now, get your booty into that car and not another word about my fashion taste.”
Katya bites her lip. She bounces from one foot to the other, and her hands are starting to shake. But she doesn’t dare pull out her cig pack from her bra in front of her mom. She doesn’t want to die. Not yet.
She squirms in the shotgun of her mother’s Lexus as they pull out of the driveway and head to the bowling alley. They could have carpooled, but Trixie wanted to get there earlier to get “everything set up.” Katya wonders if that’s code for “pep talk Max to act nice.” Maybe she should have done that with her crew, too.
Sharon and Alaska are out front doing tricks in the parking lot. The fact that they’re not inside with the other girls worries her. Anything at this point would have worried Katya though. She’s running on worry fumes.
Her mom parks and tries to link their arms as they walk to the front. Nope. She can’t lose all her street cred in one day. Instead, she races forward to confront the blonde couple.
“Hey, why aren’t we inside?”
“Max is the worst,” Sharon grumbles. “It’s not my fault she’s never watched anything rated R. She’s like the Disney version of me.”
Alaska shrugs like and I’m here to keep my baby company. They’re low key couple goals in their matching leather jackets, but also Katya needs them inside pronto.
“How about y’all come inside, and I buy you ices? They have a concession stand in the back,” her mother offers. Sharon fucking Needles can’t say no to free food, so she slings her skateboard over her shoulder and heads in.
Mother- 1. Sharon- 0.
As her mother goes to get them drinks, Katya trades her Converse for bowling shoes. Willam’s grinning and saying something that makes Max, Trixie, and Kim Chi all go red. Oh, Jesus, Katya bites her lip. She and her anxious bladder aren’t going to make it through this shit storm.
“Take good care of my daughter, huh?” Her mother says as she comes back with the drinks. She looks at Trixie when she says it and dramatically winks. ‘Please go’ Katya mouths. She loves her mom, but she’s kind of cringe.
“Of course,” Trixie replies like the good girl she is. “I’ll keep her out of trouble, Ms. Zamo.”
They start bowling as her mom waves them goodbye and everything seems to be going fine. Crisis averted. Willam tones it down, and Katya lets go of her breath. Okay, maybe I can do this.
“So, you two fucked yet?” Sharon Needles asks and Katya chokes on her drink.
“Needles, I know that you were raised in a barn by Gothic Vampires-”
“Or my trailer trash parents-”
“But can you please not…” Katya trails off and wildly gesticulates at everything and nothing. God, she glances over at Max’s unimpressed face, this isn’t going well. Trixie’s friends all probably think hers are hooligans, which to be fair they are but…
She excuses herself to go pee for the third time, but it’s the first time she’s needed to go all night. Honestly, she just wants to hide in this bathroom stall the whole night. Hide from the world and her anxiety. Katya buries her face in her hands. What’s with her and having mental breakdowns in the bathroom stall?
She struggles to get out of her tight, tight pants and sighs in relief as she goes. What if she just stays here for the rest of the night? Or for the rest of her life?
“Katya? Is everything okay?”
“Y-yeah, one sec.”
She squeezes back into her pants, flushing at Trixie’s presence, and unlocks the stall door. The concern in Trixie’s eyes is so sweet, and it makes her heart tighten. God, she doesn’t deserve that kindness. All she and her friends have done is make it weird.
“I’m sorry, Trixie,” Katya says as she goes to wash her hands. Tears are forming in her eyes without her permission. “Sorry that this is such a mess.”
“What? It’s going great. What are you talking about, Kat?”
She tries to blink the tears away as she shakes her head: “Sorry that I’m a mess then. I’m trying to prove to you that we can all be friends but right now it just feels…oh god, we’re like those dumb-ass Romeo and Juliet.”
“Katya, no one’s stabbing or poisoning themselves. And our respective ‘houses,’ both alike in dignity, will have to learn to get along,” Trixie reassures her and pulls her into a hug. Katya sighs and buries her wet cheeks into Trixie’s warm shoulders. She holds her for a long time, stroking her back, and when Katya looks up, Trixie’s looking at her.
“What?” She asks, cheeks flushed. “Is there something on my face? Besides my face? Oh god, stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” Trixie teases as she gently rubs her thumb against Katya’s face, brushing away a tear. How far they’ve come since that day in the park. Katya knows it’s silly to trust someone after barely knowing them for a month, but Katya can feel herself falling for this pink princess.
“Like you want to…” Katya’s eyes flicker down to Trixie’s lips.
Willam bursts into the bathroom: “Hey, losers! Done fingering each other yet?”
Katya and Trixie jump apart, flushed at being caught, and they awkwardly nod.
The rest of the night continues much the same. Katya realizes that she sabotaged herself with the whole breakdown, but she keeps returning to that moment, wondering if Trixie wanted to kiss her too? There’s obviously something there between them. She comes up behind Trixie, who’s struggling to get a strike, and wraps her arms around to help.
“Bet you’re going to be doing a lot of chemistry homework tonight,” Sharon Needles winks but then goes to high five Max, who’s surprisingly smiling along to the implied vulgarity. Maybe there’s hope for all of them.
They’re curled up on the couch in Katya’s basement, and Katya is regretting these tight pants more than ever.
The soft curve of Trixie’s body is pressed up into her, and Katya squirms against the cushions. Thank you merciful lesbian gods that there’s a blanket to hide her erection. Trixie shifts against her, large breasts pressing closer to Katya’s own chest, and Katya bites her lip.
“It was a good afternoon,” Trixie says as she lowers the volume of the movie they’re watching. Correction: the movie Trixie is watching and Katya is blankly staring at. She nods and hopes Trixie doesn’t notice how flushed she is. Because she was this turned on, Katya didn’t dare to get up and, uh, take care of herself in the bathroom.
“I think Sharon and Max might actually become good friends,” Katya laughs.
“Yin and yang, huh?” Trixie whispers, and her breathy voice brushing against Katya’s ear makes her shiver. The ghost of a touch makes her cock twitch against the prison that is her denim jeans.
“Listen, about in the bathroom…”
“Oh, yeah I wanted to apologize for barging in when you were peeing for like the third time, but I really didn’t think you looked alright and-”
“No, at the end I…and when I got that B+ I wanted…”
Trixie moves a breath closer, eyes soft. Katya rubs the hand that’s around Trixie’s shoulders as she works up her courage. It’s hard to do this in her state of heightened arousal, but, fuck, it’s now or never, huh?
“I wanted to kiss you.”
“Guess what, skater girl?” Trixie leans in so it’s like she’s speaking right against Katya’s lips. “I did too.”
Katya is the one who finally leans in and takes it. She whimpers at the softness of Trixie’s lips against her, and she curls her hand through Trixie’s hair. Because she was already aroused before, the sudden smack of Trixie’s lips against her own makes her stomach clench.
“Katya,” Trixie pulls back, and it’s obvious she’s felt the hardness.
“S-sorry I just was excited and didn’t want to, uh, so I could-” she starts to get up, but Trixie grabs her wrist.
“Don’t be an idiot,” Trixie mumbles as she pulls her back down, so they’re pressed chest to chest. Oh god, this has just gone from zero to a hundred real quick. Katya’s heart is pounding as her smaller breasts are pressed up tight to Trixie’s larger pair. The squish of their chests together and the hand guiding her face down makes Katya whimper as she straddles Trixie’s waist.
The hard outline of her cock is pressed to Trixie’s stomach, and Katya squirms in her jeans: “Is this really okay? I know you’ve never been with… someone like me.”
“I was nervous before, but I think I’m ready now, Katya. If you are?”
“But are you sure?”
Trixie shuts her up with a kiss. Now, they’re making out for fucking real; kissing Trixie is nothing like kissing a boy. No, Trixie is all soft sighs and steady pants. Katya moans into her lips as she ruts against the soft curve of Trixie’s stomach. She couldn’t help it even if she tried, so she just gives into the passion. She can’t stand the erotic sight and she’s afraid her mom might walk down the basement stairs, so Katya pulls the blanket over them.
Trixie’s moving up into Katya as Katya presses down into the gentle slope of Trixie’s stomach. Oh god, she’s never done anything like this before. And with the way that Trixie kisses her…
How Katya hasn’t cum yet is a medical mystery.
“Trixie,” she gasps, “We have to slow down or I’m gonna…”
“Gonna what? Cum in your jeans?” Trixie teases, and her hands curl around Katya’s ass. There’s a soft meow behind them, and Katya groans.
“God, I can’t cum in front of Lucky. She’s our sweet summer child.”
“That’s what the blanket’s for,” Trixie continues. “Besides, I’m sure she’s happy that her moms are getting along, hm?”
“Trixie,” Katya whimpers, not sure if she wants to stop or just continue to rock against Trixie.
Katya buries her face into Trixie’s shoulder for the second time tonight. Except now it’s because she’s embarrassed by her straining arousal. Katya has sucked a lot of dicks at the skate park, but this is hands down the most erotic thing that she’s ever done. There’s just something about the way that Trixie is stroking her back as Katya helplessly ruts against her, toes curling under her. She feels safe and wanted.
Katya buries her face even deeper into Trixie’s shoulder as she loses control of her own hips. They’re shaking without her permission as she feels herself cumming. Her tears drip down her cheeks. Her loud moan is muffled by Trixie’s shoulder. Her body tightens and then, finally, relaxes.
“I can’t believe I just did that,” Katya gasps, but it’s difficult to be too sad after just having the fucking orgasm of her lifetime.
“I’m so turned on right now,” Trixie admits.
“You want me to…? Return the favor?”
Trixie shakes her head as she goes to check her phone. Katya can see ten missed calls over her shoulder.
“Not right now. It’s almost midnight, and my mom’s freaking out. I don’t know what she thinks will happen if I stay out.”
“Turn into a pumpkin?” Katya teases as she gives Trixie a grateful kiss. “Cinderella style?”
“Maybe we can arrange an official sleepover,” Trixie says as she lets her eyes linger over the wet stain between Katya’s legs from the cum. Katya covers her waist up with the blanket, flushing, even though she secretly loves it.
“It’s a date. I’ll be your skater girl if you’ll be my princess?”
“I do.”
Lucky ‘meow’ed his approval, and they both laugh.
Katya can’t stop thinking about it. How sloppy and messy it was. How, for a moment, she had left her body. How she had let herself go so completely in Trixie’s hands, in a way that she’d never let herself come undone for some skater punk boy.
She sits on top of the washer as it thuds away and cleans the cum stains from yesterday. Katya curls one naked toe over the other as she texts:
Can u come over? -K
(and cum?) tonight? -K
It wasn’t even the sex that had been intimate, not with the layers and layers they had on. No, it was the gentle rub of Trixie’s finger down her spine, slow and sensual. It was the brush of those soft lips against her earlobe.
Mom said yes -T
So yes -T
Katya stares at the three dots at the bottom of the screen. No one else can make her worship and dread the ‘waiting’ icon like Trixie can.
I’m bringing my Barbie blanket, and if you laugh, I’m leaving -T
Lips zipped -K
Zapped shut -K
Also bringing my chem, so we can do some work too -T
All work no play is noooo way to spend our day -K
Er, night -K
Oh, you’ll be working…your fingers ;) -T
One text from Trixie, and her mind is as coherent as the tumbling laundry below. Katya bites her thumb. It’s not even a dirty sext, but the idea that Trixie, in her pink bows and skirts, is typing it…that’s what makes it dirty.
The memory of last night combined with the sweet hint of tonight makes her start to get hard. Oh, or maybe that’s from the steady thud, thud of the washer. She crosses her legs.
I’m sorry I didn’t finish u off -K
Don’t blame urself. We didn’t have time. Plus, I think I was a bit nervous -T
But we’ll have all night, right? -K
Wait. -K
Why were u nervous? -K
Katya can’t help but replay in her head everything she said to Trixie in the moment. Did she say something wrong? Was she too forward?
Cause…no one’s ever. You know. -T
Gone down on u? -K
Yeah, I mean I was so turned on, but…ugh, I don’t know how to say it. It’s just hard to let myself be naked like that -T
We can turn off the lights? -K
Duh -T
Be sure to wear pants that you can breathe in -T
Great now Katya is anxious because the more she thinks about the last night the more she wonders if Trixie liked it as much as she did. Well, of course she’d been into it, but Katya can’t help but worry she didn’t do enough.
She puts that bad energy into tidying up her basement, cleaning the floors of red bull cans and wiping away the questionable stains. As she changes her sheets, her mother makes an impressed whistle.
“My daughter? Cleaning? I feel like we’re expecting royalty.”
Katya flushes.
She’s never met anyone as regal and pristine as Trixie. True. But Katya just gives her a mom a look as she fills up a bowl with popcorn and pretzels. Her dad comes downstairs and doesn’t say anything while she fixes up peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Fuck, it’s so awkward.
“That, um, Tracey girl is coming?”
“Seen her round here with her books. Smart girl,” he says and clears his throat.
“Yeah, she helps me study and uh, yeah. She’s nice.”
“Glad you’re finally hanging out with a nice girl not those trailer trash-”
Katya nods and leaves before he can finish his thought, and this might be the first time he’s spoken to her in weeks.That he vaguely knew who Trixie was impresses her. Not that his fuck-face approval means shit, but it does make her smile anyway.
Trixie arrives in a flurry of pink. She’s all pink bows in her big hair and nightgown that goes all the way down to her knees. Katya lets her eyes linger over the shape of Trixie’s soft hips through the nightie.
“Hey, girlfriend,” Katya says because she likes the feel of the word on her tongue. She likes the way that her mother claps in surprise and throws Trixie into a bearhug. The way her father doesn’t say anything one way or the other, but he nods as he heads back upstairs.
“Hey, skater girl. I brought you something. We can’t we girlfriend’s without….“
Trixie fixes a red bow in Katya’s hair, and Katya flushes.
Katya opens her mouth to say thank you but instead blurts out, “I got a bow, bitch!”
Trixie laughs and tugs her even closer: “Come here. I’m done with you and your ‘bad ass giggles.’”
She tastes like sour jolly ranchers, and Katya could get drunk off the bittersweet flavor. Katya only stops herself from deepening it because her mother’s just a room away brewing them hot chocolate. The thought of Trixie right here, before her, and the smell of the hot chocolate makes her heart tighten. What’s this feeling?
“Love the pink boxers,” Trixie says as she pulls back.
Katya tugs her shirt down, but the slight bulge is still visible through the thin fabric. When she looks up at Trixie, she’s awkwardly fixing the bow in her own hair.  
“Listen,” Katya says as she shifts from one foot to another. “I’m cool if we just watch movies, you know, and we don’t have to… do anything you’re not comfortable with. We can keep the lights on and just, you know, cuddle.”
Trixie flicks her on the forehead: “I said I’m nervous, Katya. Not that I don’t want to…there’s a difference.”
“Okay, I’m just saying that we can go slo- thanks, mom,” she cuts herself off as her mother brings them both white kitten mugs filled to the brim with hot chocolate. They all sit at the kitchen island, and, as Trixie talks about her dreams to go to “Moscow’s School for Cosmetic Creation Science,” Katya lets her foot sensually rub up against Trixie’s leg. Trixie kicks her to stop and Katya giggles.
Trixie really did her Barbie blanket, and she spreads it over them as they cuddle up on the couch in the basement to watch a movie. And by “watch a movie” Katya means “start to kiss and grind again.” With Trixie’s thick thighs wrapped around her waist, she can’t pay any attention to anything Nicolas Cage is saying.
Trixie pulls back: “Impressed at your stamina. Haven’t cum all over yourself yet?”
“At least I came once! You haven’t cum at all,” Katya shoots back, and Trixie crosses her arms.
Uh oh. Why can’t I ever shut up?
“Uh, Trixie, I mean- sorry. I just I’ve never made a girl cum either, okay? So…this is new to me, and I’m- I just want to make you as happy as you make me.”
“You make me happy, Katya. Don’t worry,” Trixie reassures her and leans down to press a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Let’s go to bed.”
They turn off the lights and make their way under the covers. Katya’s already semi hard from before, and she squirms as she lies down in the darkness next to Trixie. She can hear the soft sound of her breathing, and it’s crazy how crazy that drives her.
Trixie’s bare toes brush against hers again as she moves closer: “Can you, uh…can you undo my bra?”
The trepidation in Trixie’s voice, the shaking vulnerability, only makes Katya harder. God, her heart is speeding up in her chest as she pushes up Trixie’s nightie to get to her bra. She can’t see Trixie’s face, but she can feel the heat of her breath curling around her neck. Katya leans forward, like it’s their first time, to press a kiss to her lips. She fumbles with the strap. Snap.
“God, we’re fumblin’ around like a bunch of teenagers.”
Trixie giggles and kicks her leg: “We are teenagers, genius.”
They just did this yesterday, kinda, so why is she so nervous? Katya waits as Trixie pulls her bra out and tosses it over her shoulder. Trixie takes Katya’s hand and guides it to her breast. Katya touches the softness of Trixie’s breasts over her nightie. She rolls her thumb over her nipples until they harden and listens to Trixie’s breathing getting more and more ragged.
“You’re so beautiful,” Katya breathes.
“It’s dark,” Trixie whines against her lips. “You can’t even see me.”
“No, I don’t mean your face- even though that’s a pretty nice face. I mean you. Everything about you is beautiful. I just want to be against you forever.”
“Forever’s a long time, Katya.”
“Yeah? I didn’t go to schools for math, but I think forever is maybe more than a week.”
Trixie snorts and playfully rubs their foreheads together: “Yeah, might be more than a week. Maybe two.”
They’re giggling, and it helps to dissolve the tension. Katya scoots forward, so the length of her is pressed up against Trixie’s tummy. She loves the contrast of her hardness against Trixie’s softness. She loves slowly dragging herself, breath hitching, against Trixie, but she doesn’t want another repeat of last night’s ‘cum-and-done.’
“Show me how to…how to make you feel good,” Katya whispers.
Trixie takes Katya’s slightly trembling fingers in hers and slowly moves them down towards her thighs. Katya rests her calloused hands there, rubbing and down. She slowly, ever so slowly, lets her fingers dip down, so they’re ghosting over Trixie’s panties. She can feel moisture around Trixie’s inner thighs, and she rubs over her wetness with her thumb.
“Ah, K-Katya, th-that’s,” Trixie’s voice goes up a pitch, and Katya stops, worried she’s done something wrong.
“Is that good? Or?”
“Y-yeah! Really good,” Trixie gasps. “God, your hands are so big.”
“Guess what else is big?”
Trixie groans and leans in to rest her head against Katya’s shoulder: “Stop killing the mood, you dope.”
Katya smirks even as her heart pounds in her chest. She continues to let her thumb move in slow circles, listening to the soft, needy noises Trixie makes into her ear. Her cock twitches at the erotic sound.
Then Katya switches to using her pointer and middle finger, rubbing Trixie over the wetness of her panties. ‘Good?’ Katya whispers, and Trixie only replies with a shaky whimper and urges her to ‘go on.’
Katya works up the courage to push Trixie’s panties down and slip a tentative finger inside of her. Trixie gasps, body clenching up, and then relaxes into her. Katya leans in to steal a kiss as she rubs between Trixie’s wet folds. Oh, she tastes even better when she’s starting to come apart. Trixie’s thighs tremble as she pushes in a second finger, and Katya’s amazed that she’s doing this right on her first try.
“Good?” Katya asks again, but this time she already knows the answer. Trixie only bites down into her shoulder, and the pain makes Katya’s fingers curl inside her girlfriend.
Trixie moves her own hands down from Katya’s hip to rest over the bulge between her thighs. As Katya moves her fingers inside Trixie, she slowly returns the favor by rubbing the heel of her hand against her bulge.
“A-ah, Katya,” Trixie whimpers as she pushes in the third and last finger inside her. God, Trixie’s so soft and wet and needy under Katya’s trembling grip. The sounds of Trixie coming undone push Katya to speed up her pace.
Trixie’s back arches, and she moans Katya’s name into her neck as she cums all over her fingertips. Oh god, the sound sends a shiver down her spine. She pulls her fingers out and licks Trixie, trying to see if it tastes any different from a boy. A little less salty.
Trixie curls her hand around Katya: “You’re a natural, aren’t you? Can’t let you show me up…”
Then, before Katya can ask her again if it was okay, Trixie’s disappeared under the covers. Katya bites her thumb as Trixie presses a soft kiss against her boxers. She’s already stained them with precum, and, judging by the heat of Trixie’s mouth, Katya won’t last long.
“That’s it,” she whispers and curls a hand through her girlfriend’s soft hair.
Trixie tugs down Katya’s boxers and place a kiss against the head of her cock. Katya gasps as Trixie goes slowly, painfully slowly. She just sucks at the tip, and Katya jerks when her teeth accidently scrape against her.
“Uh, n-no, not like that-”
Trixie pulls the covers up: “I could use a little bit more instruction here.”
“The student has become the teacher?”
Trixie snorts, “You wanna get your dick sucked or what? Help a virgin out.”
She knows that this is Trixie’s first time doing this, so she needs to help guide her through it.
“Ok, now make sure to open wide, so your teeth don’t scrape. You want to work with your, uh, mouth and tongue to like create suction.”
Trixie follows her instructions, and she seems to have the hang of it as she goes down on Katya. The feeling of Trixie’s wet mouth moving down the length of her makes Katya’s toes curl. Trixie’s bobbing her head up and down, occasionally pulling back to breathe because she hasn’t mastered doing it through her nose. It’s sloppy and messy, but it’s oh so fucking good.
Katya’s hands curl in Trixie’s hair. She can feel that she’s close and doesn’t want to scare Trixie by just cumming in her mouth. “T-Trixie. I’m gonna cum. Y-you can stop if you want.”
Trixie stops sucking for a moment. “Can I taste you?”
Katya just nods, post-verbal at this point. As soon as she feels the heat of Trixie’s mouth on her cock, she can’t help but cum.
Trixie swallowed the first bit but then spit the rest out onto her palm.
“Ugh, s-sorry,” Trixie says as she stands up on shaking feet to grab a tissue. “Didn’t like the taste.”
Katya smiles. “Eh, it’s an acquired taste. That was good for your first.”
“You can just say it was shit,” Trixie snorts as she climbs back up into bed with her. They’re both exhausted after finishing each other off.
“It was good,” Katya insists. “And we’ll have a long time to practice.”
“Please don’t say forever,” Trixie giggles against her as she pulls the blankets up around them.
Katya kisses her forehead: “Not forever. Maybe more than a week, though.”
Lucky jumps up onto their bed and curls up by their feet. Katya falls asleep, feeling warm and safe in Trixie’s arms.
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247krp · 8 years
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— Rejoice, little lambs! We have recovered our own Choi Jinri, spotted prancing about in the Southeast Side. I remember seeing her with The Empire back in high school, but I’m not here to spill yesterday’s tea. So straight to the rundown: can you say passionate and naive? Apparently now she spends time as a model and a fashion editor at W Korea, and keeps skeletons buried at Geumsang Apartment Complex, A304. But those won’t stay hidden for long, if you and I have any say on it. Welcome back, Golden Girl; we missed you so.
In case you don’t remember the devil’s name, here’s to refresh your memory:
best known for her charming smile and star like personality it wasn’t exactly hard to see why Choi Jinriseemed to have it all. Whether that was because of her natural beauty and good grades, growing popularity and wealth or because no matter what, she could always get her hands on the hottest club opening invitations and most extravagant red carpet events in town. during her time at Cheongnam she had quickly become the definition of an ‘it girl’, someone that everyone looked up to or aspired to be like and if that wasn’t enough she along with her friends made up one of the most talked about and exclusive groups at school ‘The Empire’. for a long time the group seemed to be almost untouchable from even the likes of gossip girl, almost, until she found herself in a relationship with not only one of her closest friends but fellow empire member. and as naive as she was, never realised the cracks that ultimately lead to the fall of the empire.
Nevermind the memory lane though, the present is always the ripest fruit:
after Cheongnam, not much changed for Jinri other then fact she was whisked away to university and whisked even quicker into the modelling world (which was no surprise due to her incredibly good looks). she grew into an even bigger ‘it girl’ as she matured and expanded into the fashion industry, however what people don’t necessarily realise is that after the dismantle of her social group she went on a downwards spiral. partying, alcohol, guys. she became a wild child and not only did she do a complete 180 but she also seemed to disappear for a  few months after graduation, with only the odd whisper of a rumour as to where she had actually disappeared too. and without gossip girl on her tail 24/7 she was able to stay under the radar as well as her darling parents paying too keep magazine and newspaper stories about her out of the headlines. when she did eventually return back it didn’t take long before she was once again labeled as the it girl everyone knew and loved.
But we are nothing if not open books – my job is to ensure you get to the best pages:
from the moment she took her first breath in the world, Choi Jinri had always been a dreamer and a girl passionate about what she wanted from life. and getting into the prestigious Cheongnam high had always been her top dream (with the exception of getting into the fashion industry) ever since she was a little girl.
she can remember the stories her mother and father (both alumni of the school) would tell her when it reached bedtime. she always loved to hear about what life was like when they were teens and much preferred their stories over the tales of princesses and far off lands that other girls her age enjoyed. her favourite story was always how the two of them had met, she found it so romantic and charming and hoped that one day the same thing would happen to her.
Naturally Jinri found no trouble in getting into the school, especially since she came from such a wealthy and well known family, had good grades and not to mention all of her friends were attending the same school as well.
with her first year at the school, everything seemed to be going according to plan. she had a boyfriend, a great set of friends and had practically everything she could ever want in her life, however that was until the rise of Gossip Girl. where things seemed to change a lot quicker then she could realise and like most people who ended up on her radar, Gossip Girl had become the source to all of her problems. naturally the infamous blogger made no arguments in making that fact known to everyone else in the school.
for the first time in her life, Jinri had someone who was willing to share all of the bad things about her that threatened to spoil her perfect ‘golden girl’ image that she had acquired (ironically the same name Gossip Girl referred to her as) spreading rumours and white lies at any given opportunity she could get, of course not all of the of the things that had been said we’re true but that didn’t mean at least some of them weren’t.
not only did Gossip Girl have a negative impact on her image, but also seemed to reflect on her clique, the empire as well. the group seemed to face face heavy consequences, with Gossip Girl being the symptom rather then the cause, and brought to light the jealousy and the lies that seemed to hide behind their almost perfect perception they had built, until they came crashing down from their pedestals and went their separate ways after graduation (a mystery to those who did not know them close enough).
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