#i remember thinking that bc of the italian suit thing
ghostofhallownest · 8 months
i have little complaint about the scene with charon and cerberus in practicality because i understand it was a detail that can be sacrificed to give scenes like Hades’ room to breathe, but
(a) did we have to lose “we all drowned in a bathtub” that’s An Incredible Line and wouldve taken the same amt of time riordan pls the replacement line was funny but not iconic :(
(b) the point of this post: i am SO sad they cut percy bribing charon, because like, percy’s a manipulative little shit when he wants to be, and it ends up scaring people! i dont have it handy but that scene in HOO where the character POV (annabeth? hazel?) is like… “did percy just manipulate that guy into this choice? on purpose? that’s…disturbingly calculating” —THIS IS A BASIS OF THAT. percy manipulates charon into letting them into the underworld not by throwing a sack of gold at him; he realizes charon wants to bitch and uses that bitching as a doorway in. “you deserve time off [clink] better pay [clink]” (i dont have my book rip the full quote is so funny tho 😭)
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like, first of all, the book stresses that percy gets how adults are with alcohol, guy time™️ (derogatory), and money. gabe wastes all their money on poker. he takes any change percy has on him the moment the kid walks in the door. but also, percy mentions throughout the series that he picked up a fair few unethical skills from his boarding schools, too. and this hinted at that, imo. even annabeth was impressed. and that charon ferried them across and then immediately was like “thx for the coin good luck w the dog” —the same couldve been accomplished with charon unlocking a gate for them and then cerberus is Right There. not much would’ve changed.
idk rip “it was a big bathtub” and rip the image of percy slowly stacking drachmas in front of a dude in an italian suit while the guy bitches abt his boss you will always be famous to me
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bigmack2go · 6 months
Did someone say Racer hc’s????
-He’s Italian
-he didn’t immigrate voluntarily
-some people just stormed into their families house one day, threatening them. They took him and his sister but he never saw her again. Any of them… he knows his grandma had heart problems and he wonders every night if she even survived that night, or if she had a heart attack.
-So this is probably a me thing but Racer (92’sies)-Antonio, and Race(live’sies)- Ed, are separate people
-ironically Race has his nickname from being fast and RacER has his nickname from selling at sheepshead. But that’s prolly just cuz racer was there before race came around.
-(yk joey? She’s Race’s cusin, not racers.)
- he doesn’t know that his sister isn’t actually too far away from him. Actually she’s a sewer rather near-by.
-the first time he sees her again is at the strike. He does a double take but doesn’t recognise her after all. He apologises and goes “sorry, you look a lot like someone i know.” Then takes off his hat and goes “you have very beautiful eyes, good day” and she smiles and they probably don’t find out:(
(I can deffo write a oneshot abt this is anyone cares to hear abt it, just tell me. Maybe they even actually do find out one day…)
-he curses in latin. (He doesn’t even know what it means and probably doesn’t even know that it IS latin) and it makes him come off like the biggest, most arrogant brat ever, he loves it. He probably thinks it’s italian bc it sound similar (…sort of…) he doesn’t even remember much Italian, he still speaks it but thats just sort if muscle memory
-does smoke, but only cigarettes, the cigar is just for fidgeting and maybe a few puffs if something special happens.
- He has a fancy suit that he was wearing the day they were taken from their home; they were playing around and he was wearing his fathers, way too big clothes. His cigar was behind his ear and he was playfully mocking him. That’s how the whole civar thing started in the first place. He also has one pocket watch that he found in the jacket. He doesn’t even know what it’s worth until years later but when someone asks him why he doesn’t sell it, he would be rich, “prob’ly richa den ol’ man rovavelt, Racer!” He doesn’t sell it bc he has hopes of using it to find his family one day.
-funfact: he was checking the time on the day of the strike and his sister too did a double take upon seeing his face in combination with the clock. But she wasnt like “oh i thought this was my brother” but instead “oh i thought this was my father for a second, but since he’s way young it isn’t him” and didn’t think about it any longer.
-besties with kidblink and boots
-they other olders make fun of him a lot for looking so much younger than he is. (He’s almost sixteen but looks like thriteen or something)
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roobylavender · 2 years
Why don't you like modern takes on Selina?
i don't think she really has the capacity anymore to survive as a character without needing to be supplanted by bruce. the long halloween gets a lot of praise as a standalone story but i think bringing it (and dark victory and when in rome by extension) into canon with hush was one of the worst editorial decisions made with regards to her character bc not only did it reframe the nature of her relationship with bruce entirely, it also hugely undermined the independence selina had developed as a character in the first decade of post-crisis canon. there's a recurring theme in that trilogy of books of selina looking to be saved by someone: falcone, bruce, even her brief italian lover who is so inconsequential i can't remember his name. it stands as a stark contrast to the selina of catwoman (1989) and catwoman (1993) who recognized that the only way she could survive in the world was to fend for herself bc no man would respect her first as a priority. the entire thesis of selina's grand entry into post-crisis canon rests on the idea that catwoman is an identity birthed from a defiance of men and their violence and greed. the humiliating cat suit her pimp tells her to wear is repurposed and reclaimed bc no man owns her or can control her at their leisure
i think a lot of people, esp these days, tend to argue that they're tired of women needing to be fierce and strong and cold and that they deserve to be soft, but i can never really swallow that argument when it comes to selina bc of how clearly it's framed to support a certain interpretation of her relationship with bruce. no person who genuinely cares for selina can say she's only capable of ferocity and coldness. she has her moments of compassion and love but they're merely kept for the people she truly cares about rather than doled out at leisure. people have an issue with selina being fierce and cold bc it acts as a direct obstacle to her relationship and qualms with bruce. i'm always surprised by how people are so eager for her to rightfully call out bruce's hypocrisies only to want for her to be falling at his feet the next moment. there's a running joke that the ideal relationship between them is cohabitation where selina gets to go on heists at leisure. on a surface level i understand it's entertaining, but it offers no real narrative value beyond fan service. even more than that it's not realistic. the selina of the early 90s would never have been comfortable in that world of riches knowing how she had lived and struggled her entire life. she wanted to survive and she obv stole to survive but wealth wasn't her goal for the costume; her goal was notoriety and recognized defiance of the system and more than anything a life lived on her own terms. i'm always confused why there's such an aversion to selina standing her ground and making bruce do the work to come to her side of things when it would make for far more compelling storytelling that would challenge bruce as a character in ways that are desperately needed and it would honor selina's integrity as a character by prioritizing her needs over those of fans who simply want to see their two favorite characters together. there is an enormous potential to write a compelling romance between bruce and selina that balances their contrasting sociopolitical ideologies but bc the popular perception of romance is consummation and marriage readers aren't satisfied by anything less or anything more complex
on a more minor note: i really really hate the plot development towards the end of catwoman (1993) where selina becomes obsessed with wealth and power. i'm not sure if it's a consequence of writers trying to bring in more of the queen of the underworld vibe from golden and silver age depictions of selina but i don't think it really fits with what selina is crafted to be in the early 90s. to me it's more than enough of a clever nod to older iterations of selina that notoriety and defiance are priorities for her in the costume. those are very much character traits the golden age catwoman exemplifies down to her last appearance written by bob kane. i don't think pursuit of wealth for wealth's sake needs to be added to her character at all and while i understand readers love her role as a philanthropist millionaire from catwoman (2002) onward i, again, don't think it does anything for her as an individual. it is very much a development used to parallel her to bruce rather than afford her personal worldview anything of substance (well, beyond her brief phase of remorse). and this may be stretching it a bit but i think it reflects on the shame some readers feel at the idea that selina is from a working class background. it kind of goes back to what i was saying about how people want selina to call out bruce's hypocrisies but they don't want her to actually have to exemplify any of them. they want her to be able to criticize bruce within the comfort of her own mansion rather than be witness to any of the circumstances that make her so angry and fiercely protective of the people like her. and when i pointed that out once for some reason people got angry and thought i was implying selina deserves no stability in her life whatsoever, but that's not what i'm saying at all. she does deserve to be stable. more than anyone in fact. but she doesn't need a mansion to be stable, and she knows that. if she could live in peace with the people she loved without the threat of violence from men she would be content. she's never asked for more than that and i don't see why she needs to
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tennisarchives · 9 months
14, 20, 24!
14. Favorite book you read this year?
oh my god i did not read a lot of books which in retrospect is really a shame! i want to change that next year. but okay let’s go with the odyssey translated by dr emily wilson bc i truly loved it a lot and i recommend it for anyone who’s interested in reading greek mythology/classics
20. What’s something you learned this year?
two things come to mind actually! one is crochet, which has become a lovely hobby. i’ve always adored plush toys and through crochet i’ve been able to make my own! i also just like craft work in general (i had a brief sewing phase and also a cross stitching phase at one point) so this really suits me i think :)
the other is italian <3 so i had zero experience with italian when the year started, just a tiny background in spanish and latin. but i started it as part of my uni studies and though i did struggle at times, i’ve grown to really truly love the language. i haven’t progressed much yet but i’ll be taking some more classes starting this coming year so that’s exciting!! (bonus points that i got so into jannik now and use italian tennis media as practice lmao)
24. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
i honestly don’t remember making any bc i know i never keep them KSHDKDHDKS
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ikoarts · 8 months
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July 2022 Art
whew this is a hefty one! idk when tumblr updated so u can upload up to 30 images now but its very helpful anyway
vvv dates + info under the cut vvv
1 - 05/07/2022 : Ru is bisexual. thats all really x
2, 3, 4 - 08/07/2022 : moar Rus, its funny to look back on when i didnt have her design down as solidified as i do now, esp with her hair down! Theres also that one where i was practicing my realism a bit (not my strongest suit, thats what i get for growing up influenced by heavily stylised character design), also the clown Ru which is still one of my fave doodles
5 - 09/07/2022 : boobs jumpscare
6 - 14/07/2022 : this one is fun, a concept for a roleswap au of mine, anything to get my squinkie mettaton more screentime, so he was swapped with flowey. i luv to feed his ego
7, 8, 9, 10 - 15/07/2022 : BOO! toni 8(?) BC (before cunt) (pre HRT)... also sum off model tonis idk what was happening there, but i luv baby toni shes so emo, she still is a bit, thats why shes fucking biting Rushada in that one,, ik im not the only one who was in the "i bite my friendz x3" friend group
11 - 18/07/2022 : toni remembers she was in that friend group too. and was that friend.
12, 13, 14 - 23/07/2022 : i think i wanted to draw some of my faves from spinterests ive had in the past (sonic, zim, koopalings), so there's Sally Acorn, Zim, and Iggy & Lemmy Koopa, one of these days i should do like a huge drawing of all the things ive been fixated on, that would be iconic tbh
15-22 - 27/07/2022 : (22 was actually done 28th but only coz i was drawing past midnight lol) More Ru ofc, also brief gem AU thingy with her and Toni, i forget what gems i thought theyd be oops. Toni as Samus, Toni as an Animal Crossing villager, Toni bimboing, and Toni taking the piss out of Ru for her accent x
23 - 28/07/2022 : dont fucking laugh at me for this one. snarl. i havent posted the previous doodles i did of this since i drew em in March 2022, tho ik they're on twitter here + here (enjoy), but heres one of my fuckin numberjacks gijinkas, the icon, the queen, the legend, the cutlery, Spooky Spoon x ,, she was a girlboss really
24, 25 - 30/07/2022 : italians are funny. and groni. greeni. (green toni)
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caribbean-ace · 2 years
Station 19 5x18 thoughts/reactions: spoiler alert
That is rough to relieve + i’m glad Jack and Andy have eachother + yes Andy stop reading the comments + they are going detective mode so hard + oh wow that’s promising i guess + lmao Carina is going to make a hole in her purse + i can’t believe Maya actually played her, i would have expected roles to be reversed + come on keep this italian goddess in USA + Vic is right + so we’re actually going for it okay, Travis you’re our savior + that dude is an asshole + it’s so horrible that we have to deal with these things
Showtime 19! Let’s keep those kids safe! + why is beckett hereee + OH BOY THE NERVES he’s looking at their photos😍 + the heart eyes! Lmao “i knew it i was going to sleep with this woman” i am crying😂 Maya i didn’t remember you being so nervious😂 and obviously Carina being super open about sleeping with Maya😂 i’m glad we get to know that they didn’t hook up the same night + christ Beckett is such a mess + Andy really said: i’m gonna be my own laywer if you’re not helping + this is stressful af + i really hope she helps! + maya & carina look so stressed😂😂😂 + also carina is rocking that suit + maya deluca-bishop those pants👀 + “do i answer now?” 😂😂 oh crap he shouldn’t have asked that she really went off😬 + carina is just thinking: “maya you’re sleeping on the couch if you don’t get me deported tonight” + duuude noooo stay back! + Carl is a hero + Beckett should be fired + lmao Maya😂 they are being so chaotic + yayyy she stays they were lucky tho because that was wild + That’s so fucked, i’m glad Andy punched his way to death
Andy is preaching nothing but the truth + lmao his face was like uh… Travis for Mayor! I’ll miss him at the station :( + but i love you Montgomery! Travic hugsss + lmao Maya your wife is a genius + uhhh + Maya is really punching low😂 + maya wants to enjoy but the chief is making it hard + yea right, you should get your ass fired and get maya deluca-bishop to do it bc i swear i can’t deal with sullivan being captain again + let’s goo Andy! + Pru is just so cuteeeeeee + Ben being so humble lol + i love Ben & Miranda so much😍 + it hurts so much just to remember Dean :( + yayyy Andyy is a free woman, good news all around + “aunty vic” STOPPPPPP ITTT I CAN’T TAKE IT + FUCK! YES MAYA BISHOP I NEEDED THIS + the episode just took a better turn! + “independent!” He was so proud of it + WHAT THE WHAT i didn’t expect this at all! That’s it? 👀
Folks that is it for season 5. Last moments of the episode really surprised, i didn’t see that one coming. Catch ya’ on season 6!
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spencersawkward · 3 years
hi!! i know this is random but today is my birthday and i was wondering if you could writ a small blurb about spencer surprising the reader for their birthday :)
quick content warning just bc there’s discussion of food/eating specifically in this blurb!
summary: reader comes home from work to a dinner that Spencer has prepared for them, along with a surprise gift.
pairing: fem!reader x spencer
omg happy birthday! i hope i made it in time i’m so sorry i’ve been so busy all day (actually part of it was visiting my friend to celebrate her bday too hehe). 
anyway yes omg Spencer would be so good at birthday celebrations and gift giving bc he remembers literally everything so I can totally see him buying you something super sweet and personal, wrapping it in your favorite color tissue paper, and getting excited to give it to you. 
when you get home from work that day, he’s already waiting in the entry with flowers and a big grin on his face. he made breakfast for you this morning and woke you up with gentle kisses, but he just wants to focus all his time and energy on you. it’s been keeping him going through this past week, knowing there’d be celebrating tonight. 
“hi.” you greet through his embrace, voice muffled by the soft material of his suit jacket. Spencer pulls away just enough to plant a delicate kiss on your neck. 
“you look wonderful.” his lips curl into a smile. 
“thanks,” you feel worn out from the day, but also excited that you’re able to be with your boyfriend now. and the smell of Italian food that wafts from the kitchen makes you hungry. “did you cook for me?” 
“kind of,” Spencer chuckles. you both know he’s not much of a chef. “Rossi helped me a little bit.” 
“that makes more sense.” you’re joking as you peck his nose and brush past to follow the delicious scent, which leads to a candlelit spread of food. it’s beautiful, warm, cozy. you love your small apartment with Spencer-- neither of you needs a lot of space to be happy. it really feels like your personal corner of the world together.
“I think I did pretty well as a sous chef!” he defends playfully, pulling a chair out for you.  
“and a gentleman, too. how did I ever get so lucky?” you take a seat. Spencer uncorks a bottle of wine and pours it delicately into the glasses, splashing the burgundy liquid inside while you watch. he moves with a grace that’s unique to him, sometimes awkward and sometimes fluid. 
he’s blushing when he answers. “I’m the lucky one.”
“what’s the layout here?” you gesture to the abundance in front of you, still warm from the compliment. 
“lasagna, something with prosciutto that I forgot the name for, garlic bread!” he points to each of them enthusiastically and watches as you tear into the bread with a hunger. it just looks so springy and warm, you can’t resist. 
for a couple minutes, you and Spencer talk about your days, crack a couple jokes. as usual, it’s like the stress literally melts away from your body when you talk to him. it’s in the slow build of his smile, the little giggle he lets out through bites of food when you say something witty. you keep him on his toes, and he loves it. 
before he serves your favorite dessert (crème brûlée), he reaches into his jacket and pulls out a long, black velvet box. your eyes widen at the expensive-looking packaging, but he’s trying to suppress a smile. 
“what’s that?” you point. 
“I wanted to get you something nice and I saw it the other day, and.... I don’t know, it just felt like you.” he frowns as he tries to phrase things correctly. in his head, he had it all worked out. but he’s not great at speaking those thoughts. it doesn’t help that you’re watching him intently. 
“Spencer, you didn’t need to do all this...” you’re smiling. 
“I want to.” he hopes that you know how deeply he means that. and when you accept the box and open it to see a beautiful piece of antique jewelry, you hold a hand over your mouth. 
“oh my god.” you breathe. it’s on a delicate gold chain, a pendant of your birthstone that catches the candlelight and winks with every flicker of it. it’s something straight out of a silent film, an exquisite piece.
“do you like it?” his eyes are unintentionally puppydog-like, and you nod vigorously. 
“it’s perfect. thank you so much, Spence.” your fingertips draw the necklace out until it’s hanging in the air. Reid practically leaps out of his seat to come around behind you and clasp it around your neck. 
you hum with satisfaction as the pendant rests coolly against your clavicle. it’s exactly right: you love collecting antique jewelry. in fact, your dresser is littered with rings and bracelets and things you’ve just taken off and haven’t had the patience to put away in their rightful place. 
but this is truly a nice piece, and you can’t wait to wear it every day. 
“happy birthday, baby.” Spencer leans down to plant a kiss on your cheekbone. butterflies flood your stomach still at the sensation, his curls tickle your skin. you grab his jaw and keep him there a bit longer so he can nuzzle into your throat. 
“I love you.” it’s the only way to sum up just how much adoration you have for him. but Spencer understands everything in it, the weight it holds when you speak so low. 
“I love you, too.”     
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Ship Song Inspiration
Rules: tag the song you associate most with your ship
Thank you @starry-sky-stuff for the tag 🥰
Nefele/Rafael - Only Love Can Hurt Like This
I have several songs for them -most of which I forgot bc I haven't saved them anywhere LOL- but I just stumbled about this performance on YT and it's perfect for them, especially since it can work from both their POVs.
Mira/Al - Torna A Casa
What can I say, I mostly listened to Italian music lately in order to try and learn a bit more of the language and there are a lot of great songs out there. But this one just hits me hard and I find it very well-suited for Mira and Al, although for spoiler-y reasons xDD
Now, my newest ship consists of 4 people, so fiding a song to fit all of them proved...impossible so far 😂 Instead, I decided to give each dynamic a song.
Idalia/Ovi - Paper Rings
Not a 1:1 fit with the lyrics, but the sound is perfect for them. I also get the vibe of the love story as being between two people that have a lot in common, you just wouldn't know that by simply looking at them. The lines "I like shiny things/ But I'd marry you with paper rings" fit Idalia/everyone, really, but since I have better songs for the other Idalia dynamics, this went here by default.
Idalia/Cesare - Viceversa
Remember what I said about Italian music? Yeah, well, I think Idalia and Cesare's relationship might actually have been inspired by this very song, I just didn't realize it until now. Anyway, 100% perfect for them even if they aren't always as tooth-rottingly sweet as this song implies. But they are one of the sweetest couples I wrote, probably because they are the only childhood friends to lovers I have. And I think it's telling that I can only write this kind of dynamic as part of a polyamory :))
Idalia/Selina - Boyfriend
This entire song sums up exactly what was going through Selina's head the first time she saw Idalia together with Cesare. How could I not put it here?! 🤣🤣🤣
Selina/Cesare - Dall'alba al tramonto
Considering both Selina and Cesare have deep trust issues -of which they aren't really aware of- this song is perfect for them. There are also a couple other lyrics that totally fit, but for spoiler-y reasons.
Ovi/Cesare - Bad Habits
Probably my least developed dynaimc (there is no woman involved, so...) which made choosing a song for them super hard. However Bad Habits gives me the vibe of "spy falls in love with the mark" which is kinda how Ovi met the rest of the band. And I do think Cesare was the first one with whom he ~crossed the line into unprofessional teritory hehe.
Selina/Ovi - If You Love Me For Me
A part of me wanted to search for something else, but I don't think I can find a song that showcases Selina's POV better than this one. Surprisingly, out of the entire group, Selina/Ovi are def the most unlikely pair for a list of reasons and falling for each other took both of them by surprise. Also, again, considering the circumstances they met under -read above- this adds an air of irony I adore xDD
I am not really gonna tag anyone bc idk who wants to do this, so if you see this, consider yourself tagged 😂
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momenacesage · 3 years
so,, hanseo and miri am i right. the ending never happened so take this headcanon-y / illiterate fic of thoughts as crumbs !!
okay, so, i was thinking, the reason why miri and hanseo don't get together straight away when they both realise their feelings is bc miri says no. don't get me wrong, hanseo has a lot of loyalty and love to give, and he's ready to give it to her. but she disagrees, bc she pushes him to talk through his traumas and realise where he sits in all of it. she wants him to understand himself first bc he's never had the chance to put himself first. she doesn't believe that it would be healthy with his current mental state to jump into another connection so quickly. instead, they take the time, they sit and study so that he can get better at being the chairman, she strokes his hair and protects him from his night terrors whenever he accidentally falls asleep at her place, and he talks to a third party to pinpoint who exactly he is amongst all the messes he's been forced through. she reminds him that there's a little jang hanseo sitting inside of him, in a little locked room that he's kept to himself because he doesn't want to see his true self get abused when his brother has taken everything else from him. he wanted to keep that side of him to himself, at least there was something that he could protect. honestly, going through therapy, he allows himself to realise that the idea of unlocking that room absolutely terrifies him. bc what if he retreats back into that dark place again? what if he allows himself to care for miri but he can't protect them like he couldn't protect his parents, or anyone else around him? and it takes a lot of effort to even get there.
but miri takes him aside, brushes her hand against his and tells him that she loves him for the first time. mind you, this is about a year after the events of the show, but they've been growing side by side this whole time, and when miri loves, she falls deeply. she realises now that she was so absorbed in the thrill of liking someone like vinny, after all, everyone seemed to be romantically interested in that man. but she understands that there wasn't really any truth to it. she's found it hard in the past to feel attachments or really any sort of attraction to people, living a very secular life. so that's why, when she sees these very visceral reactions to the man's looks, she honestly couldn't help but internally look at him the same way. it's like the awe that one may feel when they view a great piece of art, or an amazing scene in a film. there's always a disconnect between the viewer and the subject at hand. but it was a different matter when it came to her puppy.
she'd remembered the first time that she saw him, ducking behind pillars, looking like he was trying to be some goofy spy in that smart suit of his. he'd raise a hand to swipe away a few strands that would fall across his forehead and she couldn't help but wish that she knew what it was like to run her fingers through his hair. the attraction was like a lightning bolt that shot straight through her spine - and that was terrifying to her. so the initial times, she finds that she doesn't purposefully try to interact with the man. happy to stand and observe. miri has gotten so used to being the observer. never the participator.
that changed when he got himself sent to the hospital after being shot. the residents whispered behind palms about how the young man had saved their infamous lawyer pair, but she couldn't help but curse the italian. she knows of his prowess, she knows that he has ten times the fighting ability compared to hanseo. she would stomp back to her studio, something wild spreading across her mannerisms - utterly confusing any other resident around.
in all honesty, she's never been one for hospitals. but she makes hanseo food everyday. she doesn't trust whatever they give patients in hospitals anyway, and she knows that she has a few cooking tricks up her sleeve. they never really see each other, and she has always asked another resident to take the food to him. (a different one every time. she doesn't really know how she'd respond if anyone ever questioned her actions, especially when she's not completely sure why she's doing what she's doing either ... ) it takes a couple of days, but she slowly moves to his rhythm. taking notice of the foods that he likes, the ones that he didn't. now stopping outside of his hospital room to peer through the little window, elated at the look of sheer happiness that spreads across his puppy-dog features every time he sees a visitor with an entourage of containers for him. (maybe this is where his pet. name came from). even as things become a bit more normal, and he finds himself over in the plaza more often, the two would continue to peak glances at each other. her, wanting to see him smile like that again. him, mildly hurt that the only girl who had been playing on his mind for months had not gone to see him in the hospital. it's only after he finally asks her, and she abruptly poses whether he would like to study with her every night, does one of the other residents let miri's daily cooking habits slip.
she notices the distinct shift in his behaviour towards her, but he won't ever discuss the new nugget of knowledge till years later, and she'll get flushed and embarrassed at the fact that he's known all this time.
anyways, it takes a year and a half of talking twice a week to crack down on the deepest fears that hanseo has held onto for so long. all the residents know when it's happened bc they see the visible change. he's similar to how he's always been, but it seems like there's something lighter about him. like there's something that has been finally put to rest; the man looks like he has found a little bit of the peace that he deserves, at very last. when he visits the plaza, he's gotten rid of the stiff suits in dark colours. this rigid business attire had been his method of camouflaging into a wall of corporate faces - maybe his brother would aim a sharp object at the wrong person, one of those that he had cloned himself into looking like around him. it worked on some occasions. but this experience had taught him that these clothing decisions had become survival for him, and that was surely not a sustainable way to continue living. so most residents would stop to flick their eyes over the young man as he passes. his simple caramel turtleneck and blazer combo seeming too settled in the middle of the two extremes that the male usually fell in between.
rumour has it, the man literally dipped the apple to his eye, the woman who had waited for him to get healthy for a year and a half, the only sun he sees, nearly off of her feet when he steals their first kiss. they'd waited this long for it to occur, they may as well make it magical.
( are these crumbs okay?? hes not dead!! nope, that was false!! that never happened!!)
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aomi-nabi · 3 years
get to know me tag game
wasn’t tagged but saw from @mercurygguk and felt like doing it(i always miss the ones that ppl tag me in, im so sorry)
tagging: @chateautae @blue-sidez @v-hobi @thefanficmonster @honeytae @hantaev @venusiangguk and obv whoever wants to do it
1. when is your birthday?
october 1st
2. what is your favorite color?
lilac(purple in general) and light green
3. what is your lucky number?
47? idk how that happened
4. how tall are you?
173 cm but its been a while
5. how many pairs of shoes do you own?
6 prob
6. favorite song?
im all over the place with music but currently “people watching” by conan gray
7. favorite movie?
harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban
8. what would be your ideal partner?
idk honestly, just someone who is honest and that i can feel safe with
9. do you want children?
prob not, they r great dont get me wrong, just never saw myself as a mother
10. have you gotten in trouble with the law?
lmao nope but who knows
11. what color socks are you wearing?
black with bunch of gray and bluish dots on them, they r super warm
12. bath or shower?
showerrr, way too lazy for the bath
13. favorite kind of music?
whenever the mood takes me so most likely everything
14. how many pillows do you sleep on?
two, i put my face between and fall alseep immediately, dont know how i got there lol
15. what position to you sleep in?
either on my back or the stomach(ik ik unhealthy and everything but i cant help it)
16. what don’t you like when you’re sleeping?
complete darkness, i sleep with a night light(im not as cool as u think i am)
17. what do you eat for breakfast?
changes everyday but mostly either pancakes or eggs
18. have you ever tried archery?
nope, im useless at any type of sport ngl
19. what are your favorite fruits?
green apples, bananas and avocados(is avocado a fruit? im too lazy to google)
20. favorite swear word?
never thought of it but i guess “dick nugget” bc i call my friend that way😂 (also fuck, its like the most used word in my vocab)
21. do you have any scars?
on my left knee, fell from a scooter
22. are you a good liar?
i want to say yes but im not sure
23. what is your personality type?
INFJ-T(i literally took the test bc i was so curious, idk is this result a good or a bad thing?)
24. what is your favorite type of girl?
idk, it changes and honestly i dont think i have a type at this point
25. right or left handed?
right handed, my left hand is so useless sometimes
26. favorite food?
any type of potatoes, i love em
27. are you clean or messy?
clean all the way, sometimes procrastinate tho
28. favorite foreign food?
italian and mexican
29. how long does it take you to get ready?
prob 5 to 10 minutes
30. most used phrase?
“i dont know”, i mean u could prob tell😂
31. are you a good singer?
32. do you sing to yourself?
eh more like hum some random song that i dont remember
33. biggest fear?
prob fear of heights?
34. do you like short or long hair?
both r cool, but with my rounded face, only long suits me😭
35. are you into gossip?
no, but ppl always tell me gossip for some reason so idk
36. extrovert or introvert?
introvert all the wayyy
37. favorite school subject?
38. what makes you nervous?
driving and phone calls(ikr, have no idea how i survive this far)
39. who was your first real crush?
girl with bright red jacket in 8th grade, wonder how she is doing now
40. how many piercings do you have?
two(my ears basically), prob have more in future
41. how fast can you run?
ive been told im horrible at running but i try my best
42. what makes you angry?
there is always something new everytime so idk
43. do you like your own name?
yeah, i think its unique and cool, for short i prefer kam or kama tho
44. what are your weaknesses?
social anxiety and just anxiety in general lmao
45. what are your strengths?
good listener, patient ish, and prob napping during the day
46. what color is your bed spread?
light mustard, brown ish?
47. what color is your room?
rlly light blue
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costellos · 4 years
LOL A 401K IM DEAD but honestly...... tru
all that tax stuff, retirement plans.... nanami’s got it covered. and then there’s gojo, committing tax fraud 🤧 i’d compare gojo to salt as a seasoning but that’s kinda mean, he does have some flavor. like, sugar probably suits him better?? sweet, can be addicting, but bad for you if have too much of it 🙈 AND THEN NANAMI. man’s the whole spice rack, he wouldn’t have it anything less since he loves food so much 😤 he is, as we say, umami personified 🤌
yeah, it’s unfortunate lmfao but oh well. i do occasionally have them in a smoothie though, like you said!
alsjfhsha it’s def time consuming.... like i’d be sitting down w my family and when i’m finally done picking it all out, they’ve finished eating welp 😭 and yeah, the rational part of me knows that, but i’m that person someone has to go up the service worker for and be like “excuse me she asked for no pickles” (except i didn’t 🙈) i’m much better in restaurants bc the language barrier isn’t as intimidating so i will tell them to leave out an ingredient if it’s something i can’t easily take out
mmmmm i can see that! he’d be the guy who’d eat pizza with a fork and knife wouldn’t he lol. and dab all the excess oil off w a napkin. he probably only goes to the Legit pizza places too haha but i think if he likes you enough he can be convinced to eat almost anywhere
ofc!! ask games are more fun if it goes both ways 😌 and ooooo tsumu! interesting...... 👀 those are honestly such good date ideas w a guy like atsumu! that’d rly be smth he’d enjoy and ngl the moment i read ‘something physical’ i immediately imagined y’all racing LMAO. he’s a prime example of how competition can be good for you w the right person, so i can see you filling in the space osamu left after he decided to focus more on his food aspirations. like imagine making cute lil bets w him and the loser having to do what the winner wanted hehe. omg a double date w the miya twins would be sm fun tho??? from my impression of you so far, i definitely trust you to keep tsumu in line lmfao so catch me there. me and osamu are the ones spectating and judging your guys’ competitions and cheering you on to beat atsumu like we’re olympic commentators or smth LOL
aaaaa i’m honestly p shy but if anything can get me to come off anon, it’d be nanamin 😂 (it’s like we’re todo and yuji bonding over their shared type but w nanami skdjfjsjsjs) let me know if you prefer to keep it here or on discord and i’ll give you my account, whichever platform you like better! also congrats on 1k! much deserved!! 🎉
cut for length!
A;LDSKJ GOJO WOULD COMMIT TAX FRAUD. lmao salt is a lil mean!! sugar is more fitting <3 sugar is also used for more fun foods, and I feel like it matches him bc of his sweet tooth. but Nanami........ o lawd. definitely the whole spice rack yes. 100% agree. pls I would use him in everything. wait was that a weird thing to say?
ah I totally understand! well, u got this friend. the next time u go out for Mexican food, I’ll be there cheering for u in spirit!!
and yes.... ugh... I don’t think he’s particularly picky, he’ll try anything. he just doesn’t like foods that are excessive, if that makes sense? like what you were saying with the grease. I think he’s more the type to like subtle flavors. an obnoxious meat lover’s pizza from The Hut would be a no go, but he’s down for a, quote, Legit Pizza Place. the kind of Italian restaurant that’s authentic! but let’s admit it, by that point it wouldn’t even technically be “pizza.” authenticity comes with a price :’)
ty friend you’re far too kind 🥺 AND PLS YOU’RE MAKING ME BLUSH OVER MY LAPTOP HHHHHHH. I would love nothing more than to fill the Osamu-shaped hole in his heart once they both go into their separate careers. and god..... don’t encourage him. or me. I would definitely make bets w him. and I would win. but thank you sweet anon, I would do my best to keep him from annoying the shit out of you!! it would be an honor to have you and Osamu comment on our tomfoolery. 👉👈
MY GOD I WAS ABOUT TO KEYBOARD MASH AGAIN. we’re definitely Todo and Yuji.... u like Nanami and so now I’m obligated to imagine a whole life we coulda had together in high school together. even tho I graduated five years ago. and I’m assuming you did some time ago too since you mentioned you’re old...... lordt. anyway! thank you for the congrats!! I would love to discuss more headcanons and such w you over Discord! dm me and I’ll add you so that we can sob over Nanami’s absence in the anime <33
nanamin date anon said: me, rewatching eps 9-13 on replay until the new episode comes out: hahaha i love all the jjk characters equally! nanamin and *looks at smudged writing on hand* the extras
lol i love them all rly, it’s just super refreshing to have an adult like nanami in a shounen
haha yeah, i’m definitely glad i’m not the oldest (bc that’s way too much responsibility for me, idk how they do it) so being player 2 as a younger sibling isn’t too bad, especially since it’s the story that i’m usually more interested in rather than the gameplay itself. i don’t have to worry about remembering which buttons to press in a fight when i can just watch the plot play out lol. (it’s definitely a good game, i just suck at the controls 😅 my brother let me play a bit and i couldn’t get the web swinging down i was struggling so bad aslfjjfsjak) what sort of games are you into? 👀
even if it’s boring to some ppl, watching is a good way to experience the game for yourself as well, esp if it’s a single player game! ofc i do tend to prefer multiplayer games, but it’s not too dissimilar to watching someone play a sport tbh. AND NO KENMA IM PRO-SIDEQUEST LIVE OUT YOUR COMPLETIONIST DREAMS. if we gotta fetch that dude a super rare item to unlock his backstory we MUST do it ok
YEAH! mikorin is also voiced by noya’s va! it’s honestly a shame gsnk didn’t get a second season, it’s so good 😔
me: lol does that mean kuroo’s your tomoda
kenma: ok this date is over
LMFAOOOOO not my fault the popular choices are the ones that get you the good end 😤 and it’s all good, i’m also guilty of replaying to see how the other choices impact the story haha. if there’s no save system tho, i’d make him switch out w me every time we replay bc i’d zone out at all the repeat stuff (bless games that have a skip option 🙏)
UGH TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! ok so I love the other charas too but.... Nanami’s so good. so good. iono about you, anon, but I went back and rewatched his episodes from the dub and it made me Feel Things. and I agree, it is refreshing to see an adult like him in shounen. esp since he treats the kids like kids. and he makes it clear that their being kids is never a bad thing. I will reiterate: he’s so good.
ahhh friend that’s so nice!. your brother sounds really chill. plus it sounds like a good balance: you get to watch the story, and he gets to dick around!! win-win. and as for my fav games, I’m up for anything! I try to avoid co-op games like Overwatch bc I get too competitive and I’m a sore loser lmao (but they are fun!). the last games I played were the Last of Us 2 and Persona 5, two very different games, but stuff that’s a good time nonetheless. tbh as long as I can immerse myself in the story and there’s tons to explore, I’m down. what about you?? you’d kind of mentioned otome games and Animal Crossing, but I’m curious!
hm. interesting. that’s a nice way to look at it. I guess if it’s a really good game, it’s no different from an interactive movie! also Kenma would love that omg you’re going to save so many villages in the rpgs he plays w you.... gotta max out EVERYTHING. every side quest! every mundane task!! collect literally every feather!!! but I feel like he would pass the time by making idle conversation. like some dumb shit Lev had mentioned earlier that day. such a nice way to unwind at the end of the day, shit talking Lev w his fav person 😌
anyway! going back to completionist stuff: Kenma would have such a blast going back and replaying games w you! and yes bless games w a skip option hhh. thankfully he’d remember all your previous choices together, so he can help navigate where to go next. he has no qualms handing the controller over, I think he’d love to curl up next to you and analyze how you play! but I also feel like he’d be giving unwarranted suggestions....... thanks, Kenma.
also, about Mikorin’s va: WHAT. OH MY GOD. so many things to learn..... pls. indulge me w your trivia.
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ddaenggtan · 5 years
666 birthday candles | m
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a few of your friends help to make your birthday extra special. 
pairing | seokjin x reader x yoongi ft surprise at the end :)
wc | like 4kish? | also on ao3
warnings | HOOO BOY ALL THE WARNINGS, threesomes, unprotected sex, PWP, oral: male, oral: female, lots of oral, multiple orgasms, overtimulation, throatfucking, deepthroating in general, throat bulge, degradation, praise, Sir kink, voyeurism, exhibitionism, cum eating, dom!bts, part of the 666verse so Fae Jin and Werewolf Yoongi and Vamp Reader
a/n | this is absolute total complete filth, 100% written for @peekaboongi’s birthday, even though it’s late bc i suck but uWU i hope that you like it and also that y’all like it in general. this is part of 666verse, so features the same MC as the others, but this - like the others - can be read as a standalone
Walking into your apartment, it was immediately obvious that someone else was there that you didn't expect. You stop in the doorway, eyeing the shadows of your furniture and taking in whatever scents and sounds you can. There's a faint breathing echoing through the air, and a single waft of the air tells you who it is. Still, as you head toward the kitchen to check for any notes about your pet, something sits ever so slightly off about things.
"Should I hand you the bottle directly, or would you like me to fetch you a bowl?" You ask the air. There's a muffled laugh, which surprises you, and then a slightly annoyed huff as Yoongi catches the bottle you toss him. He's leaned against the wall of the kitchen, hidden from view of the door, and you wonder just how he got in.
"Ha. Ha." Yoongi's voice is dry as can be, a clear indicator that he's still not a fan of your dog jokes.
"So, what earns me the pleasure of your company tonight? Did you forget to take your medicine again?" The grin you give him is nothing less than shit-eating, a single brow cocked so he knows exactly what you mean. You try not to take too much pleasure in the way his cheeks turn slightly pink.
"It's nothing like that," He says, pouting ever so slightly as he fiddles with the cap of the water bottle. He hasn't opened it, which doesn't surprise you; it's mostly there as something that he can fiddle with while you two talk. "It's just...y'know. Thought you might like company tonight. Considering."
It takes you a full minute to realize what he's talking about, and when you do, your eyes narrow.
"Didn't realize that you still had a key." You raise your voice just enough to make it clear that though you haven't looked away from Yoongi, you aren't talking to him anymore.
"Didn't realize that you never changed the locks," A voice says from your living room. It's dark and shadowed, which is why you would have missed him altogether had he not laughed at your earlier joke. You just hadn't realized who, exactly, was standing there.
"Not much need for it when I don't have to worry about intruders." You cross your arms over your chest, ignoring the warmth already growing in your chest at the sight of him.
Seokjin always looks good, and now is no exception. The human world suits him, even moreso the bespoke suits he likes to flaunt around in these days. You almost miss the old days, with the crushed velvet and silk of his finery, but you have to admit that these modern clothes highlight his shoulders and waist in a way that the old ones never did. Your eyes never leave him as he turns from where he's inspecting the art on the walls. He looks at you just like he did that first night you met, in that ballroom in Italy.
"Happy birthday," He says eventually, a small smile gracing his lips. Yoongi hums in agreement, and you almost wish you could forget he was there. The memory of what happened in that alley is there whenever you close your eyes, though, and what happened after....well, it wasn't as forgettable as some might think from a werewolf on the smaller side.
"You didn't even bring me a present," You whine playfully, pouting your lips just enough to draw Seokjin's attention. His tongue darts out to wet his own and you bite back a smile. It's always nice to know that you can still affect him.
"We are your present." You turn at Yoongi's words, cocking a brow at him once more. "From a...mutual friend, I suppose. Although, I think that present might be more your type-" Seokjin quiets him with only a look, and the curiosity in you is piqued.
"Which mutual friend?" You ask. "We have several." Yoongi just ducks his head and grins, his slightly sharper than usual canines becoming more pronounced when the shadows hit them. A realization hits you all at once, and your eyes dart back to Seokjin.
"Yes," He says with a smile. "That mutual friend." You stay quiet, unwilling to let on just how excited you are about this turn of events. You'd had a private little celebration earlier, of course; a nice little dinner of Italian, with a Frenchman for dessert, before stopping by the club for a while. Namjoon's gift was particularly nice, though you'd left it in your office for those nights where you're too busy to come home.
"Where's my pet?" You ask suddenly, looking around for him.
"Taken care of for the night," Yoongi says. "Didn't want him getting in the way. Or whining at the door to be let in." He laughs a little, no doubt picturing just what that would be like, but you turn to Seokjin.
"We'd never hurt him," The fae prince tells you. "He's with Namjoon, and you know how they adore each other." You can't help but nod; they do adore each other, for many good reasons, and you know Joon will take care of him while you're otherwise occupied.
"Well then," You say, breezing through the room to stand at the entrance of the hallway. "Should I get things started on my own, or will you both be good little boys and come play?"
In an instant you're pressed against the wall, Yoongi's weight heavy against your back as he presses a surprisingly gentle kiss to the spot behind your ear.
"You sure are acting cocky tonight," He whispers. You can hear Seokjin moving around, distantly, but your focus is solely on Yoongi and the hard length you can feel pressed against your ass. "I haven't forgotten what it was like to see you bent over and begging for my cock in you, sweetheart. Should I give you a reminder?" His fingertips play at the hem of your dress, dancing along your upper thigh while his other hand is tortuously slow at pulling the zipper down your back.
You know Yoongi, you remember that night in the alley, and you are distinctly aware that while his control is impeccable, you can take more than the average human can. Which is why you're not afraid to poke the beast a little.
"I don't know," You tell him, a smirk growing across your lips as you do, "Do you really think you're up for something like that? You're so small, don't you need your rut to make you good at it?"
He growls into your ear and the sound shoots straight down to your heat. You think you might hear a chuckle from someone nearby, but you can't be sure because Yoongi's got your dress around your feet and flips you around so your back hits the wall. Before you can even breathe, he's got one hand on your hip to hold you in place, one hand teasing circles around your nipple, and his mouth pressed against yours in a kiss so hot you're surprised the sprinklers don't start. You've never been more glad that you decided to go bare underneath your dress.
"You," He groans into the kiss, pinching lightly at the hardened bud between his fingers, "Need to be taught some manners."
You whine when he pulls away, missing the heat of his body as the cool air of your apartment makes your nipples pebble. He doesn't give in, though; instead he simply pulls on you until you're both at the open door to your bedroom.
Seokjin looks up as you enter, and he looks entirely too at home lounging on your bed. His suit is gone, in a wrinkled pile at the foot of the bed, and the boxer briefs he has on leave little to the imagination. You can hear Yoongi stripping out of his usual flannel behind you, the metallic shink of his pants zipper following not long after, but your attention is focused on the golden skin and wide planes of the fae's body.
It takes milliseconds for you to settle in his lap and pull his lips to yours. It's been too long since you've tasted him, in any way, and the craving that burns underneath your skin is too strong to ignore.
"Patience, my sweet," Seokjin whispers, laughing slightly under his breath as he does. First we have to tell you how this is going to go." You frown, confused, until Yoongi settles in behind you, warm skin against yours and his voice low in your ear. It's almost hard to concentrate; his breath fans across your neck, leaving goosebumps in its wake, and you suppress a shiver.
"Do you understand, sweetheart?" Yoongi asks when he's finished. "Does that sound like fun to you?"
You glance at the nearby mirror, antique and treasured. You can't see yourself, just the way Seokjin's hands rest casually on your hips as he waits for your response, and how Yoongi hovers behind you, sitting back on his calves with one hand tracing patterns on your thigh. Even in the reflection you can see the messy desk behind you all, the way the chair's pulled out from where you'd been sitting there before your errands; heat pools in your stomach, wetness slips down your thighs, ideas swirl in your head of what could come after this, and you nod.
"That sounds perfect, sir," You tell Seokjin as you grind yourself back into Yoongi's length. It's impossible to tell who moves first; the three of you are a blur of hands and lips within moments. You think it might be Yoongi sucking bruises into your neck as best he can and Seokjin circling your clit with his long fingers, but then, it could also be Seokjin's hands kneading your breasts and pinching at your hardened nipples while Yoongi moans softly at the feel of you against him.
"Please sir," You whimper lightly, fixing half-lidded eyes on Seokjin. "Please, I want to taste you. Can I?" The fae prince smiles and pulls his hands away, sliding himself out from under you and Yoongi.
"Lay on your back," the werewolf behind you says. "Let him use that pretty little throat of yours."
You do as you're told, more than willing to give up control for tonight if it means they'll have their way with you. You get comfortable, letting your head hang slightly off the side of the mattress while Yoongi settles between your thighs, just running his hands along your soft skin.
Seokjin looks even taller from this angle, impossibly more broad shouldered, and it only turns you on more. He slides his dick out, situating the band of his underwear just beneath his balls, and your mouth waters at the sight. You'd almost forgotten how big he is; length and girth both, and you have enough experience with him to remember that he absolutely knows how to use it.
You rub your thighs together - just enough enough to relieve that pressure building between them - and Yoongi laughs.
"Look at this," He says. "We haven't even touched you and you're already wet. You're such a good little slut for us, aren't you?" You nod and your tongue darts out to lick your lips. Seokjin doesn't miss the action; his eyes are trained on your face, watching for any sign that you've changed your mind.
"Open your mouth for me, my sweet." You don't even hesitate to obey him, letting your drop open enough that he can slide the tip between your lips. Yoongi groans at the sight, no doubt remembering how it felt to be in that very same position, and his grip on your thighs tightens ever so slightly.
"Fuck, it's just as good as I remember," Seokjin breathes. You tease at his slit ever so slightly with the tip of your tongue, letting it ghost along as he sinks deeper into your mouth before pulling out almost entirely. The weight of him is absolutely superb and you want more.
"Thought you were going to use my throat?" You prod with a coy smile. "Or is it just Namjoon that does that?"
Something hardens in the fae's eyes, and you can barely prepare yourself as he sinks into your mouth once more, hitting the back of your throat with ease and yet still leaving a couple inches left. Your hand wraps around it before you can think, squeezing lightly as you moan around him. He lets out a soft curse, eyes fluttering closed as he pulls back out and then sinks in again.
"You really ought to behave," Seokjin warns. He looks up, away from where his cock disappears into your throat. Seconds later, your thighs are pushed up to your chest, baring your heat and ass to Yoongi. Pain explodes over the skin there, and your cry is muffled against the length in your mouth.
"That's the first of your birthday spankings, princess," Yoongi warns. His hand massages the area lightly, coaxing the pain away while Seokjin continues to use your mouth. "Remind me how old you are? Should we see if you can make it to that?" Another slap hits your ass, in a different spot, and Yoongi massages the pain away there as well. He doesn't stop with just two; he keeps going, until your back is arching up off the bed and Seokjin's dick is slipping all the way down your throat, buried to the hilt in your wet warmth. You can feel the fae shudder, no doubt holding back, and you drop your hand to squeeze lightly at his balls.
It draws his attention enough for you to lift an eyebrow at him; it's enough for him to get the message, hopefully, since your mouth is full of cock. You can feel pre-cum leaking down your throat, your ass is still smarting from the last spank Yoongi gave you, and you're so unbearably wet that you're humping the air.
"God, do you know what you smell like right now?" Yoongi asks you as Seokjin drills into your mouth. "It's like absolute heaven. You're so wet and ready for us, you're fucking dripping, and why? Because you've got a cock in your mouth? Because I spanked your ass until it's this beautiful pink, and you're choking on some fae dick? Is that how much of a slut you are, that all it takes is a little bit of cock and a few smacks for you to soak your sheets?"
"Fuck, is she really?" Seokjin asks, panting slightly. "I bet you taste so good right now, my sweet."
Something wet and warm makes its way up your folds and you hear Yoongi growl. "She fucking does." It's all you can do not to come on the spot as he pulls your thighs apart and attacks your pussy with his mouth.
His tongue is everywhere, all at once; dipping into your entrance, teasing your clit, licking broad stripes up and down before tensing so he can fuck you with it. You couldn't stop your moans if you tried, vibrations echoing around Seokjin's dick. One hand moves to wrap itself lightly around your throat, and you can feel how his dick meets his palm with every thrust.
His hips stutter ever so slightly, and you think you might hear him curse again - quietly - as he comes down your throat. It must have been the sight of Yoongi's face buried between your legs that tipped him over the edge, and that thought paired with the way Yoongi's conducting a symphony of your moans just with his tongue pushes you over the edge as well.
The werewolf doesn't let a single drop escape him; he laps it up as if it were the sweetest thing he's ever tasted, and keeps going. You ride the waves of your orgasm on his tongue, and before you even know it, he's drawing a second out of you as well. Seokjin pulls out of your throat as Yoongi dutifully cleans your cum and teases your clit once more. His grip on your hips is like iron, and actual bruises are starting to form where his fingers dig into your flesh.
Your hand tangles in his hair and you pull him up to look at you. The sight is incredibly erotic; his messy black hair gripped in one of your hands, your own wetness coating his lips and chin as his eyes glow that unnatural red and he growls lightly. Yoongi could eat you out for hours - you know from experience - but you've got something better in mind.
"Will you please fuck me, sir?"
The red in his eyes brightens even as its overtaken by his lust-blown pupils and his grip on you shifts so that he can pull you down the bed until your hips meet his. He doesn't even hesitate as he sinks his cock inside you, both of you moaning at the feeling. He pulls out and slams in again, and again, and again, driving you further across the bed each time. You're all too aware of your audience, even as your shoulder hits Seokjin's thigh, and when you look at him, he's got one hand fisted around his cock, pumping himself in time with Yoongi's thrusts.
You cum again, but the werewolf doesn't slow. No, instead he sinks as deep as he can and stays there, grinding his hips instead of thrusting them so that he brushes up perfectly against that spot inside of you. Electricity sparks in every nerve ending across your body, your orgasm doubling in force and making you clench so tightly around Yoongi that he's forced to stop moving entirely. It's that that truly does him in, and before you can stop him, he's pulling out entirely and letting his cum coat your thighs and pussy.
Seokjin comes not seconds later, warmth spurting across your chest and chin. Yoongi slides a finger through the mess he's made between your legs, gathering your cum as well as his before he leans up to gather some of Seokjin's as well. You watch as his fingers disappear between his lips, and his eyes flutter closed in ecstasy at the taste.
Still, you can tell that he's spent, and Seokjin's recovery period isn't quite what it used to be, so you're content to let them rest. They both settle at the head of the king-sized bed, leaning against the oversized headboard.
A hand encircles your ankle, tugging you to the edge of the bed. You shiver in anticipation and a finger presses hard against your clit. The overstimulation after so many orgasms is on just the right side of painful, and you have no doubt that you're growing even wetter.
"Did you like that, baby girl?" He purrs, slipping a mixture of Yoongi and Seokjin's cum into his mouth. You can just barely see the edges of his fangs, pressing softly against his bottom lip as his tongue flicks up his finger to gather every drop he can.
You nod, not trusting yourself to speak.
"Would you like me to fill that pretty slut pussy of yours with cum, then?"
You nod again. The dark hair is tousled and gorgeous, only slightly damp with sweat. That and the bulge of his suit pants are the only sign that watching the three of you had any effect on him.
"Use your words for me, please. Would you like me to fuck you full of my cum?"
"Yes, please, Sir," You whimper. He smirks, a wry and somewhat crooked expression as his head tilts ever so slightly to the side and he bites his lip, highlight the fang as it presses into the flesh there.
"Good girl," He tells you. The light twinkles off Jungkook's suit jacket as he peels it off, and you think that this might just be the best birthday you've had in years.
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juliandev0rak · 4 years
From the get to know my character questionnaire, 1 for all of them (bc I know you named stella after alcohol but i wanna know about the rest lmao), and 7 and 27... also for all of them? i just love them all, hit me with the lore. —leila-of-ravens
ahh thank you for asking about all of them I have way too much fun writing character lore 💗💗💗 @leila-of-ravens
from these asks
these will inevitably get long so I’m putting the answers under the cut!
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
Beatrice started off as a self insert character so I gave her my name and started playing the Arcana as “Bea”, but I soon decided I wanted to make her much cooler than I am lol, so I changed a lot of her personality and named her the longer version of Bea, Beatrice. I also love the name because it reminds me of Beatrice, Dante’s muse in Dante’s Inferno. He travelled through all of the levels of hell to rescue her and it just seemed to fit with the story of the Arcana. Long story short, I sort of named her after me lol.
I chose her last name Viano from googling “Italian last names” and choosing the one I liked the sound of best lol, there’s no deep meaning for that. 
I named her Freya because I love the name, but after looking up its meaning I felt it fit her really well. It’s a name from Norse origins and means “a noble woman”, and Freya’s whole aesthetic was built off of her being very dignified and elegant. She’s the type of person you’d expect to be nobility, even if she isn’t.
I googled “space names” because I wanted her to be star inspired and found the name “Astra” which means “of the stars” in Latin. I decided to go for Aster instead because I love the way it sounds. I also like how similar it sounds to Asra, I just think it’s cute that they have similar names lol. 
I decided not to give her a last name because I couldn’t find one I liked, and because I thought it would be an interesting part of her background. She doesn’t remember her family at all, and that includes not even knowing her own last name. 
I chose the name Camellia because I had the idea of all of Cam’s siblings being named after plants because they grew up on a farm. Camellias are one of my favorite flowers, and I like the way it can be shortened to Cam. Cam is nonbinary and basically defines their gender as “whatever feels right in the moment” lol, so having a name that can be less overtly feminine, like Cam, was important to me. I think both their full name and their nickname really suit them!  
Their last name is Giardini which means “gardens” in Italian, I chose it because it goes along with the gardening / farming theme of their background.
I know I’ve explained this before but here’s the full story: It was a Friday evening in August, I poured myself a glass of Stella Rosa Black, my favorite red wine, and started playing Lucio’s route for the first time. I knew I wanted to make a new oc for his route because Beatrice would really hate Lucio, so the idea of Stella was born. I just thought it would be funny to have a character based off of alcohol, who lived at a vineyard, and I think the name Stella is very pretty. 
I debated naming her Willow for a while because I wanted her to have a nature themed name, but I decided I like the sound of Willa better. It’s a sort of delicate sounding name which fits her. I chose her last name Clary because Willa is Irish-coded (because of course, there’s no Ireland in the game lol), and I thought it sounded good with her first name!
07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?
“Oh dear” is basically her catch phrase, she doesn’t curse much so it’s kind of her go to “oh no” phrase if something goes wrong. 
She has a very particular sigh that basically means she’s annoyed, she tries to keep her composure in front of people at all times so her annoyed sigh is the only sign she actively hates whoever she’s talking to.
She curses pretty much constantly but she throws in all sort of non-curse words, for example while fighting the Devil she turned to Asra and said “Fucking gumdrops my dude, this sucks!” which, although confusing, did make sense in the moment. She also says “oh worm” a lot ever since she heard Vlastomil say it. 
They have a very distinctive laugh which usually turns into snorts if they’re laughing super hard, which is pretty much always. 
She rolls her eyes a lot and says things like “Oh sure..” in a sarcastic tone of voice under her breath. You can’t blame her, she is dating Lucio after all which means she has to deal with him, and the courtiers, more than any one person should have to. 
Willa prides herself on being an “active listener” which means that if you’re telling her something she’ll be nodding her head and saying “Uh hu” to let you know that she’s listening. She also calls everyone “sweetie”.
27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?
“I would probably be arrested for aiding and abetting fugitives. I’ve met a lot of people at the Rowdy Raven who are supposed to be behind bars- but I’ll never tell.” 
“Tax evasion, money laundering, insider stock trading.. these are just examples of crimes not ones I’ve committed. I refuse to discuss this more without a lawyer present.” 
“It would probably be for the time I let all of the palace horses loose in the city streets.. or maybe when I accidentally set a building on fire.. or maybe from the time I helped pirates smuggle in certain illegal goods.. well let’s just say it’s a good thing Nadia granted me immunity :) ”  
“Hmmmm.. I stole a book once when I was a teenager, it was way overpriced and the merchant was super rude so I just took it when he wasn’t looking. The guilt has haunted me ever since...”
“I broke into Valerius’ house last weekend. It was for a valid reason, he stole something from my brother and I needed to get it back. Valerius called the guards but I just portalled out of there, he knows it was me but he can’t prove anything...” 
“I smuggled all of the vampire eels out of the city, they weren’t happy living in the canals! They need open water to thrive, everyone knows that!” 
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alwaysraineh · 5 years
author interview
tagged by @little-bi-kingtrashmouth sorry it took a whole day!! this was super fun tho tysm!! 
Name: rachel/rain, AlwaysRain on ao3
Fandoms: aaaaahahaha oh no this is an extensive question without meaning to be!! i’m in a lot of fandoms tho so i’ll just put down what’s currently holding my interest a lot as i try to write!! supernatural, the witcher, taz, omgcp  
Where You Post: ao3!! when i post, that is. i guess i sometimes post here also??? but it’s rarer bc honestly i’m a little apprehensive of trying to write for tumblr
Most Popular One-Shot: tell me, love (how destiny is bullshit) which is actually my most recent fic as well as my first witcher fic! i’m still absolutely blown away by the outpouring of love it’s gotten and this fandom is so nice that i just can’t wait until i finish another fic or two!! (’tell me, love’ is partially geraskier and partially found family but mostly self-indulgent fix-it fic)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: according to ao3 stats (both hits and kudos) i think it looks like just breathe (i will stay) which is still a wip but i’m close to finishing it!! i have a lot of love for this fic tbh but a lot of that is because i made friends through this fic!! (its a modern au taakitz with a subplot involving the twins!)
Favorite Story You Wrote: OKAY loaded question lol but i think my favorite might be fields of gold???? i wrote it for the 2019 dcbb and its not necessarily the best thing in the world but i have a soft spot for it and one day i think i’d like to adapt it into a book (destiel apocalypse au heavy on the found family and healing old hurts)
Story You Were Nervous to Post: aahhhaha i get nervous before i post literally anything and i honestly have no clue which was worst. i’ve never posted my original fiction but that!!! is definitely what i’m most anxious about whenever i share it!!
How You Choose Your Titles: i ammmmm SO bad with titles and EVEN WORSE with summaries so generally i use song lyrics and then pester @tennisxiu for help with summaries until she’s sick of me
Complete: ha. completion isn’t exactly my strong suit but here’s a list!! (sidenote: wow some of these are.... older than i thought)
meet me halfway (taz balance, taakitz, hurt/comfort in which taako grieves lup)
fields of gold (spn, destiel, apocalypse au, dean harbors a fugitive angel)
where the lightning strikes (spn, destiel, summertime on the farm!!)
Until You (spn, destiel, prohibition and reincarnation)
The Mission (spn, gen, cas rescues dean from hell)
tell me, love (how destiny is bullshit) (the witcher, geraskier, found family and apologies)
Never Leave You (vld, shatt, major character death)
Numb (free!, makoharu, anggggssstttttt with a happy ending)(some of my earliest published work and.... hm. i’ll leave it there.)
In-complete: i don’t think i want to expose myself like that butttttt the list is surprisingly shorter than complete so i shall (i think.... two of these will get finished. the others are likely just abandoned bc dang)
just breathe (i will stay) (taz balance, taakitz, modern au, healing from trauma)
take my hand, take my whole life too (vld, shatt, matt has amnesia)
Serenading an Italian (hetalia, spamano, human au with fem!romano)
Home Is Anywhere You Are (spn, destiel, fairies au!!!)
Hunter’s Creek (spn, destiel, wild child au, fem!dean goes to boarding school)
Calm Chaos (spn, destiel, sam is in rehab with cas who is a mute pianist)
The Edge of Night (lotr, merry/pippin, college au (of sorts))
Do You Outline: lol i wish. naaahh i maybe make notes of a couple things i really want to include in a story but mostly i just go for it and slap some words on a page (i do outline my original work, to an extent, but that’s just because i really really really don’t want to lose all that)
Coming Soon/ Not Yet Started: technically????? nothing bc i have a lot of started work but none of it is coming soon
THAT SAID i have two nurseydex, two/three geraskier, one destiel, and a whole series of taz balance based in the same au as just breathe plus a chalice au featuring the twins
Do You Accept Prompts: ....... in theory. i would love to!!!!! i’m really bad at remembering to answer prompts but i really like getting them!!! so. yes!! in theory
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: hmmmmm thats difficult bc my last three braincells are playing ping pong and taking turns with which one gets to be the ball so i regularly change interest and excitement BUT i am really really excited about my nurseydex fics and the witcher just in general so yeah
i have no clue how many people i’m meant to tag so @catladymarie and then anyone who wants to do this!!! its fun! feel free to @ me as the one who tagged you, i get really excited about other people’s work!!
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an-ordinary-roach · 4 years
Tumblr media
repost, don’t reblog
basics !
FULL NAME. Nathanial Montay Costa  Barbor PRONUNCIATION. Bah-Are Bo-or NICKNAME. Bor, Roachie, Pest  GENDER. Transmasc agender HEIGHT. Veries, [ 2′ - 4′ as a roach or small fae, 5′6″ glamored, normal-sized fae, happy buddy bor.  7′1″ Base bor,  8′1″ - 9′1″ Bug boss / Plague goat] AGE.  137 ZODIAC.  Gemini SPOKEN LANGUAGES. Italian, English, latin, spanish( still very new to it and confuses it with latin and italian), Sylvin(for when they’re in Jabberwock’s forest.)
physical characteristics !
HAIR COLOR. grey with a magenta/cyan shine when light hits it EYE COLOR. can turn white when surprised or excited but other than that it’s all black, plague goat got black sclera with white pupils BODY TYPE.  skin in bones in most forms, cockroach bor is pretty plump and well-fed, fae/ glamored/ happybuddy is athletic and lean, but looks a tad underweight ACCENT.  sounds like a new yorker’s accent though that hint of italian seeps in whenever they’re thinking out loud VOICE. Can’t verbally speak it but has an amalgamation Collection ( overlapping with young, old, femme, masc, androgynous)  small roachie and base form, this for  fae and glamored(dossa’s/first part), and plague goat/ bug boss DOMINANT HAND. ambidextrous  POSTURE. slouches in fae, glamored, base form and happybuddy, the rest is usually straight   TATTOOS. sigil of them on all their forms but base (can be seen when their asleep, them not thinking they can’t shapeshift in their base form keep’s it away)
BIRTHMARKS. As a human, they had a foot-shaped birthmark on their foot MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S). Proto eyes on all their forms( even happy buddy n glamored fae), face can split vertically in all fourm’s (even base form), can survive without a head(same as base form, they dunno they can do either of the face split or head removal), uses their wings to work their necromancy,  chewed up antennae(on the left I think),  back as a human they had  Heterochromia, the missing eye was hazel but they barely remember even having it since they lost the eye at a young age
childhood !
PLACE OF BIRTH. in or near the hospital’s elevator- HOMETOWN. New york, new york city BIRTH WEIGHT. average  BIRTH HEIGHT. chubby bab FIRST WORDS. ‘Fuck!’  supposed to be fork because they kept seeing their fam use it and they want it~
SIBLINGS. 2 older brothers, 1 younger sister (all deceased ) PARENTS. Mother &  Father (also deceased! ) PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.  mother and father were good to them, though their mother wanted Nat(pre-human bor) to keep them away from the mob life with the help of afterschool music classes and singing clubs. They oddly enough the only time they had fun in the church is when they're either playing the organ or singing in the choir.  While it took some persuading on Nat’s part to have him even allow them in some missions, though he eased up on his control on what they do once they got into the mortician line of work. They helped their dad get rid of bodies safely and discretely, patched up fellow gang members' wounds, and helped them get some extra money.
adult life !  
OCCUPATION.  Freelance Cadaver removal, on-call doctor, necromancer, jewelry maker, sells potions for Jeze at the Canopy Market, familiar  CURRENT RESIDENCE. has a heck ton of common rest stops!  Usually, in these places, they’re in their mammoth femur bone or matchbox hidy hole CLOSE FRIENDS. Eerie , Jeze,  Xaallo, Stanley, Burt, Kavi, Bill(another bill!) and a few others I may be forgetting?? ;w; RELATIONSHIP STATUS. single ( depending on the verse) FINANCIAL STATUS. if they can’t steal the money they’re middle class, but if so they’re technically rich?? DRIVER’S LICENSE. nope got wings and portals! CRIMINAL RECORD. petty crimes, theft, shoplifting, murder, arson, robbery, vandalism, restraining arrest, property damage, smuggling, trespassing, money laundry, accomplice to any one of these. (these are during their days in the mob, most of these are unchecked after being a demon, though magic places are a tricky spot too though) VICES. long-lasting grudges, impulsiveness, sometimes don’t learn from their mistakes, can be childish and a bit wishy-washy, sometimes putting their work before others, sometimes. (Only if they’re not friends with a person.) can’t really leave that gang mentality behind.
sex and romance !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. pansextual  ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.  Pan-aroflux? they’re romo positive but it isn’t always on their mind most of the time. PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. submissive  | dominant |  switch   PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. submissive  | dominant  |  switch LIBIDO. mid-high (spring-summer)  mid-low (fall-winter) TURN ONS.  peeps giving them gifts( doesn’t gotta be high end, could be things that the person reminds of them), confidence, peeps who know their way around science, smooches to their antennae or beak/snoot by their crush, peeps who are good with their hands(I’ve noticed the trend with them)     TURN OFFS. rich people, CEOs who think their hotshots, peeps on their grudge list,  there’s probably more to this list but I dunno ;w; LOVE LANGUAGE. gift-giving(It’s a grab bag of actual valuables or random knickknacks they remind them of the person), starts requesting to join in their activities, actively makes things for said person instead of poofing them in, loves to cook for peeps, allows close ones cover their small little eyes, please squish them full access, grooming is a big thing for them either by tongue or offering to paint nails, brush hair, etc RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  always eager to please( genuinely doesn’t mind the rejection or isn’t doing it out of anxiousness), can and will tease but mostly can’t take what they dish out(so it’s probably why they do it randomly), Does have a habit of dipping away without a word(mostly bc of work or a knoxonk hunt going on) Gets anxious about future commitment stuff may be reaaaally slow with that stuff (mostly bc of what happened to their last relationship as a human). or anxious if the loved one still enjoys being with them, the feeling comes and goes honestly. If sick will want to find a way to help you out first before seeing a doctor (if it’s not too serious. If they die they will revive them). They can be jealous if they don’t like someone and the partner does. will say ‘want me to fuck them up’ in case there’s a person giving their loved one a mild inconvenience. Will have a set form for that particular person, if it’s in a multi relationship it’ll still be a common set form. 
miscellaneous !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. 1. Superbug · King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard 2. Necromancin Dancin - Bear Ghost 3.  Gravedigger's Chant - Zeal & Ardor 4. Voltaire - The Headless Waltz 5.  Mr. Pinstripe Suit -  Big Bad Voodoo Daddy 
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. Jewelry making, music playing, spelunking, singing, urban exploring, working on their virus / fleshscape, testing on peeps(with their consent), medicine & illness research, collecting wine and variety of things MENTAL ILLNESSES.  not sure if this counts?? but they have ADHD,  if there’s anything else I gotta workshop and do research on! PHYSICAL ILLNESSES. visual snow syndrome( had it as a human but it’s non-visual symptoms carried over into their demon life: tinnius, brain fog, depersonalization(you’ll see them in roach mode aka: act like a common pest roach you’ll find in the kitchen, this usually last for a day if it does come about)  and the very rare occasion of tremors.) LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. right-brained FEARS.  phobia of dolls, rejection, future biz, some failure, being trapped against their will, being ‘fired’ and having their friends/family get the brunt of the punishment, this is specific but the saying ‘money survives all hardships’ SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  fake it till they make it (it fluctuates but it’s usually in a good place) VULNERABILITIES. iron, holy stuff, red rope/thread to make wards against knoxonks, some mystery substance to limit their power(mun gotta work it out), their kill word, magic nullifying items Stolen from: @idjibivdu​ thank!~ tagging: steal it!~
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Part 2 - Broadway’s Dance of the Vampires Commentary
Act 2
• And here we are again, after taking a week or two to recover from act 1
• I have no idea what’s going to happen but I’m gonna finish what I started, no matter what it takes
• Ok the video is ready, I don’t think I am but here we go
• Ok well the opening music was more like titanic than tanz
• Ooh ok we have lots of vague figures on stairs, probably vampires but it’s hard to tell with the 480p video quality
• Hmmm are we having a reprise of totale finsternis?
• That staircase is looking
• Glad to see the audience is cracking up again at the use of total eclipse of the heart
• Those couple guys are having a great time
• They’re like
• haHAAA
• Good for them
• Glad someone’s enjoying this
• I would be annoyed that this whole thing is seen as funny when the original scene is really cool but hey this whole thing is just one big old parody so what could I expect
• Distancing myself from it by calling it a parody is the only thing getting me through thiis
• I don’t think they’re using all the same lyrics as total eclipse so at least there’s that
• But the lyrics are too romancey and soppy ugh
• Michael your singing is actually quite nice aside from the hint of giovannui at the edges of your words
• NO
• The harmonies are the best part of the song noooo
• And I think his voice would probably harmonise quite well
• wHY
• there was no dramatic krolock walking down the staircase slowly
• but then again I don’t think giovanni could do that
• he’d probably trip on the second step, crash down the stairs and be like I’m a-fine! Hee hee!
• Oh
• Oh no
• I think they are doing harmonies but they’re just
• Wrong
• So wrong
• Or maybe good ol’ giovanni has just forgotten the key he’s supposed to be singing in
• Entirely possible
• I don’t think giovanni would particularly care about the rules of music
• Oh giovanni is literally just like come to the gates of hell with me and sarah seems chill with iy
• She’s singing along
• She’a having a good time
• NOOO they harmonised poorly during the verse where there should be no harmonies but they sTILL WON’T HARMONISE IN THE CHORUS
• -22/10 would not listen again
• But then that sums up the whole musical tbh
• The phrase ‘hold me tight’ should not be in this song
• Wrong vibes my friends
• This fails the vibe check
• Oh no they’re attempting a couple of the original harmonies
• 2 lines in and it’s not going well
• ???????
• Wait
• They’re both singing harmonies for sarah’s line but NOBODY IS SINGING SARAH’S LINE
• Sarah sing your own part
• What r u doing
• Sarah
• This is horrible pls stop
• Once again the staging is mostly just the two pigeons again
• Except the squawking is more evenly split between the two
• Back and forth
• Wait
• Hmm
• There appears to be either a cult or aa group of monks (is there a name for that? A flock of pigeons, a murder of crows, a prayer of monks?) gathering in the backgroubd
• Did nobody tell them yhis room was taken
• Or maybe sarah and giovanni didn’t book the room
• Maybe it’s just turned midnight and their hour is up
• Someone check the dramatic staircase room booking sheet pls
• Ok ok but there’s nothing you can do, a total eclipse of the heart??
• The whole point is that sarah is trying to choose to be free and make her own choices
• If there’s nothing she can do then that sort of defeats the purpose
• Oh wait yeah this sarah wasn’t locked up
• Never mind
• None of this makes sense anyway
• Really missing krolock’s cape rn
• Nothing looks as good without it
• If giovanni had a cape he might even make it from a -13/10 to nearly a 1/10
• Oh the cult is following giovanni
• Maybe he invited them..?
• Having that many candles on the stairs cab’t be practical
• And tbh is frankly quite dangerous if u ask me
• …and once again we end with some undeservinf applause
Round 4: the boys are back in town
• Ah here comes alfred with his self-narration
• Did he just lightly crack the fourth wall..?
• Oh god and the vampire hunting squad is joined by giovanni ‘buonasera’ von krolock
• Ew did he just say scrumptious? That word should be spoken by grannies and posh mothers alone
• I love how he’s just sat in a throne in the middle of nowhere
• Is this outside his castle? Inside? Somewhere else entirely? We may never know
• Oh sorry I stand corrected it appears I have been incorrectly naming giovanni this whole time
• His full name appears to be count giovanni coppolini travancoli von krolock (or something along those lines) of the sicilian side of the family
• Albus percival wulfric brian dumbledore anyone?
• I just.
• Why is he italian
• Krolock does not sound remotely italian
• Do vampires have a connection to italy?
• If so I am not aware
• Once again, I must ask: why is 75% of the staging of this musical just people stood at opposite ends of the stage facing each other
• Those bats look like family? I guess they would
• Oh my god why is alfred threatening giovanni
• I guess nobody’s gonna be pretending not to know what the others are
• Which gets straight to the point I suppose
• While not necessarily good at self-preservation, alfred sure is efficient
• But maybe too efficient because we still have an hour left to go
• This version of alfred is like a chihuahua with small dog sydrome yapping at a bigger dog, excpet giovanni is only slightly bigger than him and is probably a flea-infested chinese crested dog dressed in a halloween costume from wish.com
• …piccolo alfredo.
• This scene is really bringing out the offensively fake italian in giovanni
• Are they saying… erbert..?
• Oh yay he’s french
• Quick tip, directors: the french would not pronounce the t either unless you added an e at the end (I think)
• Also e is more like air rather than er from what I remember
• So really it would be airbair??
• Which is stupid
• Tl;dr: do not make him french and still call him herbert
• Oh and herbert wearing bright blue? No thx I prefer his purple sparkles and black
• His hair and wig aren’t even done well *sigh* herbert would hate this
• See giovanni made a joke and the audience clearly liked it but I could not catch a word of what he said
• Oh god this herbert is wrong
• Herbert never actually speaks to krolock in tanz
• Which tbh is a shame but i prefer it over… whatever this is…
• Huh so it is set in transylvania, giovanni and airbear are just italian and french bc y not
• Neat
• Cool cool cool
• Wait so they were in the library the whole time???????
• I’m so confused rn
• Why does his library have a coffee bar..? you know what, never mind
• Ah ambronsius is clearly about to sing his book song
• …or maybe not? Giovanni is apparently trying to seduce him too..?
• The staging is a bit like vor dem schloss
• It’s the right time for it but who knows
• And one of the first decent harmonies of the musical is a line between giovanni and ambronsius singing about books bc apparently this is a book club now
• Oh no is koukol called boris
• If it isn’t boris johnson I’m gonna be disappointed (or relieved)
• Apparently the throne just glides backwards
• Like a magic carpet exceot it doesn’t leave the ground so i suppose actually more like a chair with wheels, which is much less exciting
• That didn’t deserve a clap
• I can’t figure out if they’re being open about their intentions or not because they seem to change their minds every 10 seconds
• There’s suddenly a bed?
• Oh god ok let’s see if they mess up carpe noctem
• Well the music is for an entirely different song so this will be interesting
• Hmm ok it is that completly different song
• Is that airbear..?
• Or alfred #2?
• Bc it should be krolock singing that song but idek
• At least we get a cape and mostly good singing
• Ah here we go
• Carpe noctem looking its usual weird self
• I do not remember winged demons dancing on the bed in the original
• But hey there’s more capes
• Something to be grateful for
• I’m really not sure what’s going on here
• Oh ok I can finally see the dream krolock
• He’s doing all those jumps in a suit rather than shirtless with leggings so he looks a little less cool sorry to him
• But yh i still have no idea who is singing the main vocals
• And it’s over
• Ha alfred lowkey looks like brian david gilbert in that one bit
• Sorry alfred your i’m scared but i’m gonna do this for sarah song isn’t quite as sweet when you’re super confident
• One thing i never understood was how ambronsius slept through alfred’s singing
• Ah it appears he did not
• He’s hugging ambronsius..?
• Does he do that in the original?
• Ha ha very funny professor sibilance and homovampiricus
• Oh and alfred happily just whacks chagal on the head nice nice totally in character
• The coffins are empty???
• Why is chagal in a nice coffin
• Where does giovanni sleep
• I guess in his floating mansion of a coffin
• If anything herbert would have that
• Oh he’s finally turning magda
• ..and his wife?
• Apparently
• Are they in a polyamorous relationship now
• They will not all fit in that one coffin I’m sorry
• And here’s herbert
• Ew herbert is so cheap
• Like he was flirty in the original but this is ridiculous
• Ugh too many cheap gay jokes
• airbear is sO much worse than I could have imagined
• Huh maybe alfred is confirmed a little bi here
• Ok yeah alfred is definitely having his bi awakening here
• And at least the whole thing is a little more consensual here
• Oh yeah alfred’s bi as hell, he’s singing harmonies with airbear
• But he’s still trying to escape?
• I guess he is a bit confused
• Wait so airbear ended that thinking alfred wanted him? Different but more accurate to the events
• 40 minutes to go
• Mrs krolock is apparently a disguise he uses around sarah too? Ok
• Well the vampires are about to wake so this is where things really should start getting good but I’m sure they won’t
• I don’t like that one of them laughed
• I don’t think they’re even harmonising
• Lazy
• Ah ok here we go harmonies
• These are nice actually
• The lower part is louder than usual, which actually works quite nicely
• The vampires aren’t as jolty and creepy though
• Ew the guitar is bad
• What was that horrible whining between notes
• Oooh this should be sie irren professor
• Oh no, I guess giovanni has decided to bypass the threatening and has gone straight to physical assault
• There’s a prophecy? Alright then. Bit abrupt
• Dammit so they’re going straight into die unstillbare gier without sie irren professor
• Maybe it’s for the best… giovanni was never going to sound that threatening anyway
• Half an hour to go
• I can do this
• Let’s see how he massacres one of the best songs in the musical
• Also he’s starting the song at the front of the stage not the top, and it’s just weird
• When giovanni has been so comedic and dumb the whole time this song just won’t work
• …and the firsg two lines don’t rhyme… great start
• He has a cape though
• Pls I just want 1 cape swish
• Oh but the cape is pathetic
• Oh
• This song could have been good
• But the lyrics aren’t as good in places and he’s still got hints of giovanni’s stupid accent
• What a tragedy
• Well they’re giving a little more detail about his previous victims which is interesting at the very least
• The lyrics don’t have enough syllables
• And ugh they’re not very good either
• There are a few nice ones but most of them…
• I use my body just like a bandage, I use my body just like a wound
• And the prize for worst lyric yet goes to…
• And what makes it worse is that those replaced ich will frei und freier werden und werde meine ketten nicht los
• One of my favourite parts of the song
• And I just want to add that he’s barely moving too
• He doesn’t climb to the top and run down to collapse on the floor
• He just. Stands there.
• Like a badly dressed rock.
• Oh but the stage tilts now to form a straight wall
• So it’s not even like they couldn’t have the stage rise as he runs down
• They just left it raised for him to do nothing on and then got rid of it completely
• They replaced doch die with buuuuuut which does NOT work at all
• You need two syllables to separate the two notes
• This is awful
• They changed the tune a tiny bit which is fine I guess, not as satisfying though
• I just
• *sigh*
• His voice is good. With good lyrics and the original character, he could have done it really well
• I hate that potential was wasted
• Which, again, goes for the whole trainwreck of a musical
• I can’t make out all of the lyrics and I’m not sure if that’s a mild annoyance or a blessing
• Like, i have no idea what he said in the last little bit
• But hey that’s that
Part 3 - The Ball and Beyond
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