#i reserve the right to change the matchups
Cat color gene tournament
Round 1
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Mackerel vs Inhibitor
Orange vs Persian wide band
Spotted vs Extension
Dilute vs Dilute modifier
Agouti vs Color restriction
Brown vs Locket
Ticked vs Karpati
White spotting vs Siberian wide band
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yxstxrdrxxm · 9 months
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"Hello, wandering souls. Care to take a gander in having someone you can call yours?"
In the dating world, society views the fact that being alone is a stain of your life. Thus, you should be ashamed of choosing something that you ultimately did for years. This time, though, you had enough of the constant judgement and prodding and turned your head to a dating app.
You hoped that with renting a boyfriend, you may be able to deter those who were prying in your life. And maybe if you're lucky, you might just like that man you've been calling your 'lover'.
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If you are familiar on what match-ups are, you'll know what it means. For those who are unaware, match-ups work in the sense of filling out a form and sending the results to me to be able to be matched with anyone that fits your qualities.
This goes down the basics (name, age/age range, gender and sexuality, hobbies, and even small tidbits of yourself)! However, this time, I will change things up.
In the event, you must fill out this form to be matched: after all, that form will be your profile when the matchup has been made. Think of it like Tinder, for example. There are a couple of rules before you send your answers on the form, though:
No minors allowed. Sorry, but this event will go down the more NSFW side of each match-up. Also, keep in mind that these are yanderes, so I will refuse any submissions that may be from a minor.
Be patient. These match-ups take a lot of time, and I don't want to give you something so half-assed. Alongside that, harassment is definitely something I don't tolerate in this event.
When going as an anon and without a blog url/tagline, please give me your emoji as a name or anything to signify who you are. I will ignore any submission that doesn't have a sign-off of some kind ;v;
This is only reserved for Genshin Impact. I will also limit this for Genshin men, because I struggle a lot on women. In the future (and if many people wanted it/if I felt like it lol), I'll do the same event for women.
And... Well, I think that's it! Keep in mind that this will begin at January 5 and will end at February 18. However, if there are a lot of submissions, I will extend it to February 28. That also depends on my schedule too, if college will let me live. ^^;
If you have any questions, let me know! In the meantime, I hope you enjoy playing with a round of 'chance' in the dating pool.
Sit back and relax, user. I'm sure you'll find the partner just right for you.
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@.throw-letter-away | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2024
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coldhndss · 8 months
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──★ ˙ ̟ !! Blue Lock Matchup No.1 @mimomis
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Hello!! Thank you so so much for being my first matchup! For me, I decide characters based off who is most similar to you, then reversing the role and going for the exact opposite + making sure that it matches your personality based on the information I’ve been given. Also, thank you so much for basically matching the exact format I was looking for in a matchup <3
So, with that, I matched you with Rin Itoshi!
What did it for me, was the second part you sent in where you described yourself as ‘childish when you want to be, and that it’s terribly easy to make you smile or laugh’. I feel like Rin is easily misconstrued as a rude and unlikable person, but he wasn’t always like that; and I like to think that once he gets over this whole rivalry, he’ll most likely soften up again.
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 ―୨୧⋆ ˚ “I like to read and watch documentaries in my free time.”
I think you and Rin would definitely bond over these types of things. The two of you would suggest things to each other and watch them in your spare time, or together. You’d tell him about a new film of sorts that is coming out, and he’ll tell you he somehow already has free  tickets to go see it. He comes off as the sort of person who doesn’t really care much for others, but still puts effort into the things he notices you enjoy. 
―୨୧⋆ ˚ “..come off as guarded and that glacier blue best represents me as a colour.”
Adding a colour that best represents you was super useful, as I think people can easily be matched to colours based off their personalities, and in this case, I think Rin would also be matched to the same kind of colour. This kind of colour can signify clarity, and open expression of your feelings. Although you and Rin may come off as guarded, I think he’d see parts of himself in someone like you, and it may help him strive for a change. Funnily enough it’s kind of poetic.
Your old-type interests and reserved nature (correct me if I’m wrong) would add to the maturity in a person that I personally think Rin likes to see. You two would really get along as your personalities don’t clash but are not the exact same in that regard. Rin would tell you about his worries and vent to you about things that he wouldn’t feel comfortable telling anyone else. In terms of a school setting, the two of you would walk to and home from school, stopping on the way to sit at a café and work on homework, or at a mini shop selling pricey stationery trinkets, books, pens, markers, journals and the like. Something would catch your eye, but you’d decide against it because you can’t afford to splurge right now. 
The next day you’d walk into school and find it in your locker, covered in baby blue gift wrapping and tied together with a shiny black bow. A tag hangs off the edge of the bow with his name written in a pretty font.
―୨୧⋆ ˚  “I also tend to oscillate between intentionally talking nonsensically and analysing/overthinking everything.”
Just as I think he would vent to you; he’d also be there for your little analyses sessions. He’d maybe even agree with some of the things you say and tell you not to worry about bothering him with your talks. He’d listen to you speak and nod or murmur in agreeance here or there, opting to stay silent and only listen to you speak over talking himself.
Rin would value you as a reliable person who’s feelings he could never bring himself to hurt. Even if he’s cold at times, and seemingly wouldn’t want to talk to anybody at all, he keeps it at bay when it comes to you as he wouldn’t even want to imagine hurting your feelings. You’ve been there for him when he really needed it, and he wants to do the same for you.
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Hey I saw you were doing matchups and I've never done one so I was curious :) plus you seem nice
This is mainly for bg3 but I'm super into Hazbin as well if you feel like doing both 🫶
Gender- woman
Pronouns- she/her
Sexuality- pansexual
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Basically the best I could get without just putting a picture of myself. Keep my hair short, I love dyeing it, I've had it tons of colors but pink is my favorite. (having it up in two buns is my favorite style) I'm 5'2, curvy, my eyes are kinda downturned and brown. I have a freckle (mole? Kinda? Beauty mark?) above my lips on the left.
Mbti- INTJ
Personality- So I'm autistic, have trouble with certain social queues and expressing emotions. It actually caused a lot of problems growing up but I've gotten better about it now. I'm still really blunt at times and have been told my resting face looks really sad/upset 😅. I'm an optimistic realist, and generally difficult to upset. I cry when I get mad because I never learned to express being angry in a healthy way. I try to be sweet with people I'm familiar with, like making jokes and complimenting people, but I can be pretty mean/cold to people I don't like. I'm a writer, and an auditory learner, so I've always been told I'm an amazing listener. Which I do love listening to people, but I hate interrupting so I usually go entire conversations without saying much even if I have something to say- because I won't interject and by the time I get a word in the subject has changed. I'm a fast learner academically and like to think I'm open minded. Arguments annoy me, but I'm not above admitting I'm wrong. I am very passionate about the things I like, as well as morality based subjects. I also go somewhat nonverbal when I get overstimulated which happens mostly when I'm around a lot of people.
-Storms are my favorite weather
-Rabbits are my favorite animals, I grew up with a bunch of them they're super misunderstood from what I know and make amazing pets
-Word association games for some reason? Also puzzles. They're just fun
-Meat. I have trouble eating certain foods and most meat is in that. I'm not vegetarian but anything with bones or skin or chewy bits I just can't do 🥲
-Yelling. It just makes me upset even if it's not directed at me.
-When people don't think animals have feelings or make jokes about killing pets cause they think it's funny :(
Fun fact: I have photic sneeze reflex which means when my pupils dilate really fast due to a light change (usually going from inside to outside) it makes me sneeze!
Race: I'm a human obviously but I think I'd be a half elf (maybe a drow half elf even, just cause I don't prefer sunshine) in faerun just cause my ears are kinda pointy. I have connected earlobes so it makes them look somewhat more elfy.
Class: Probably an abjuration or conjuration wizard. Sorcerer would be cool but they're charisma based and I'm not very charismatic
Alignment: Lawful good? Or maybe just chaotic good I'm not sure, cause the law isn't always right funnily enough
Thanks, even if you don't get to this. I started posting on Tumblr recently and I know how difficult it is to get to a bunch of asks so no worries if you can't get to it.
You are so sweet, I am sorry it took so long to get to your request, but it is finally time to get your match out!
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
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~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Halsin is one with nature, so he enjoys all animals and people no matter what.
He finds your reserved nature interesting. As you are the leader of your misfits, your timidity doesn't quite match your fearless leadership of lives.
He realizes how sweet you are once he joins you in the hunt for the ones behind the illithids.
He struggled to determine if you were sad or if your face was just reading sad.
Halsin is just as awkward himself. Though he has lived for hundreds of years, it is hard to keep up with all the changes that come with that.
When he started developing feelings for you, he was very timid about expressing them. Though love is natural and part of nature, he didn't want to frighten you.
When he found you crying one day because a villager upset you, he was as wild as a bear at that moment.
He stayed back to comfort you but gave a piece of his mind to spare you the argument when you were elsewhere.
Halsin tries hard to help keep the peace among the others, especially after seeing you get overwhelmed by a fight that broke out between La'zel and Shadowheart.
When he confesses to you, he rambles. Because you don't say anything, he thinks you now hate him, so he rambles more. Once he lets you get a say-in and you confess back, he's the happiest ever.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You had been tending to the animals near the camp. Though you were soon to leave this area and venture further through Faerun, you wanted to make sure the little friends you made would be okay. You heard giant footsteps approaching behind you as you doled out nuts, berries, and some dried meats for the creatures. Turning gently so as not to frighten away the creatures, you find Halsin also helping tend to the animals.
His love and care for the world around him was so sweet to you. He was a fantastic man who flawlessly met your and the group's needs. Sometimes, you wondered about letting him lead as the new group's leader. Halsin had already turned that notion down since you were more than capable in his eyes.
Once the creatures were tended, Halsin walked up to you. He gently placed some fallen hair back in its intended spot before gently cupping your face. He was always so warm and protective, which helped put you at ease through this whole ordeal with the mind flayers. Nuzzling into his hand and smiling up at him, Halsin gently placed a kiss on your forehead. You two embraced this soft moment before the next battle took place.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(You had just finished a battle; only Gale came out scathed because he didn't listen to a call out from you or Shadowheart.)
Halsin: My Gale, how did you get so beat up?
Shadowheart: Maybe because he's a lunatic who doesn't listen to instructions.
Gale: Hold on, I don't know how this is my fault when you could have simply healed me on the field.
Shadowheart: Why would I heal you when you blatantly didn't listen?
Halsin: Everyone, you don't need to worry about fighting. It's okay. I will tend to the wounds.
Y/N: I also called out to him to move from the spot where he got shot.
Halsin: Never mind, Gale, figure it out on your own.
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Charlie Morningstar
~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Charlie is the embodiment of chaotic goodness. She just wants to help everyone and make the world a better place.
She loves animals, people, and really everything. If she could express her happiness and love any better, she would.
She was taken aback by how reserved you were when you came to the hotel. Usually, people in hell were brazen.
As she got to know you, she enjoyed the wisdom you offered.
She did everything to put a smile on your face, mostly because she enjoyed your happiness and because she couldn't tell when you were sad or just thinking.
She goes full momma demon mode when someone upsets you, with no hesitation the claws are barred.
She tries really hard to be a listener for you instead of you listening to her. Though Charlie tends to ramble, especially about her ideas, she always wants to hear your input.
When there is violence or issues in the hotel, she makes sure you are first safe and far away. Once things have calmed down, she will come and get you.
She didn't really confess to you. One day, you two were friends, and the next, she was talking to you about being in a relationship.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
Charlie had been diligently working at her desk on her next big plan to rehabilitate sinners. While she was working away, you had taken refuge on her bed, writing in your journal. You enjoyed the monotony of your growing relationship, where even if you two weren't actively doing the same thing, you still chose each other. As you got to the climax of your story, a frustrated groan was heard next to you.
Turning your attention to the princess, you noticed she had scrapped another idea of hers. Sitting up, you slowly made your way over to her to see what seemed to be causing the hiccup in her mental process. Charlie was full of amazing ideas; just some were far harder to attain than others, and you both knew that. So sometimes, just offering your own insights helped her reimagine an idea she was having.
Taking your spot next to her, you noticed that instead of working on sinners like you thought, she was working on your next birthday. You laughed gently at her, causing her to snap to her senses and look over at you. Knowing she had been caught, she gave up and let you look at what she had been working on. You smiled and gently took Charleis's hand in yours, "You know I would be happy with just spending the day lounging around with you, right?" This was enough to spread a giant smile across the princess of Hell's face.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(The new hotel had been built, and Charlie was eager to welcome new sinners. However, no one showed up the first day, making her sad.)
Y/N: Charlie, it's okay. I am sure there will be some tomorrow or the next day.
Charlie: But how will we beat heaven if no one gets rehabilitated.
Y/N: We can't force people to stay; we need them to come on their own.
Charlie: but I made cupcakes.
Y/N: How about I eat one with you?
Charlie: ( sniffles ) Okay.
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plasmasimagination · 9 months
(i hope this is the correct format now !!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 its the same thing soo)
hii i would love to have a go on your match up event!! it seems really interesting … the fandom is hsr !!!
im a libra sun scorpio rising, pronouns are they/she and im a esfp! im afab omnisexual (no pref) and demiromantic.
my personality is mainly carefree, sociable and chill. i can be chaotic and talkative, but i have mood swings often and can change to a entirely different person: quiet and aloof. i appear secretive and closed off at first but i love talking to people. i appear to be extremely chaotic, childish and energetic, but i’m very mature. i don’t hesitate to help people, and i’m very independent. it looks like i don’t care about what other people say about me, but im extremely insecure about myself. i strongly desire to express myself freely, without holding back or being made fun of. i appear to be optimistic to others, but i’m a pessimist, hating on myself for whatever i do. i can be quite unstable at times and can throw tantrums sometimes, but all it takes to calm me down is giving me my favourite food. i’m very clingy as well. i’m a perfectionist, working extremely hard to make my art look nice + studying hard 24/7. i overwork a lot, to the point i forget to take care of myself. anyway my self esteem can change a lot. i can go from comparing myself to others to being confident in myself. i overthink a lot. when i get angry i appear to be sweet still, but my tone and words are very much aggressive and rude. overall im a bubbly and sociable person ^_^
MOVING ON my interests are food, art, music (esp metal & rock genre), anything cute, bizzare and unknown things, and video games. i enjoy going to arcades, shopping, going to concerts and cosplay conventions, and lastly DRAWING!!! my fashion style is jirai kei, ryousangata and subcul jirai kei. i’m learning how to play the guitar and some piano. i don’t dislike many things, i just hate cockroaches, a few bitter foods and heights. i do taekwondo and a little bit of badminton.
love language is gift giving, quality time and physical touch.. i don’t like being touched though unless i initiate it.
SORRY THIS IS SO LONG… ty and have a good day !!!! or night
HEYYY THERE CUTIEPIE sure are right on track, and so here you have your matchup, oooohhh
Talkative partner x quiet reserved boyfriend trope on TOP!
Ok ok I get it you might say he's boring, and he's this and that blablabla
But listen I think he would balance your chaotic and childish personality out without watering it down.
Is very caring of you and kind of worried when you get burned out, so he will scold you
Two pessimists meet and the world collapses of the negativity /j
I think he'd go out shopping with you, he wouldnt complain nor like say anything, just follow you along, answer questions you ask him and occasionally ask some himself
Also he will very much try to boost your confidence, he's very subtle but adds small things like "you look pretty today" "I like your jeans" "beautiful." Just like small things through out the day when he sees you
He also likes that you can be independently mature and childish when the time is right
He appreciates that a lot actually, and thinks of it as a positive trait
Also expect more quality time and acts of service from him, gift giving here and there, and least of physical touch but he will give it to you if u initiate it
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yuuuhiii · 5 months
Hi!! I would love an AOT matchup!! :)
Description: INFJ, Taurus sun, Taurus moon, and Sagittarius rising. My pronouns are she/her. I have long wavy blonde hair and blue eyes, I’m also 5’8”
Personality: I am a very laid-back person, it takes a lot to upset me and I usually try to look for the best in any situation I am in. I’m super patient and independent. I’m a bit of a wallflower, and I tend to not be able to speak up for myself. I always want to keep the peace. I’m pretty introverted but I know how to be an extrovert when I need to be. I’ve been described as wise and a book-smart person. When I have a goal in mind I’m going to accomplish it. People tend to be kind of intimidated by me but I’m just quiet. I’m not super talkative unless you get me talking. I’m really responsible and love when I can help others out too. I love reading books, singing (classical music), and going on long walks.
Hopefully this gives you something to work with!!! Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!!! :)
I match you with ARMIN ARLERT
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Armin has always had feelings for you. Eren knew, Jean knew, Mikasa knew, everyone knew.
Except for you.
He had begged them not to tell you, in fear of you not reciprocating. But god was he in love with you.
The way you held yourself and the person you were as a whole had him falling in love with you each and every time he’d see you.
Youve only really shared a few words. Just like you he’s more on the quiet side and opts to just sit back and watch rather than talk. He wishes he had the courage to talk to you.
The next time he sees you, you’re studying, soft piano music coming from your phones speaker, as you sit under a tree.
He fiddles with the book in his hand, mentally hyping himself up to just go!
Once he finally has, a guy plops right down next you. His heart crumbles as he watches the guy get all over you, although if he had looked away, he wouldn’t have seen you try to push him off. Armin’s brows furrow, his hands gripping the book. You look stressed as your protests fall on deaf ears. Without a second to waste, Armin is rushing towards you.
“Come on, just give me your number, we’d make a cute couple you know.” You shake your head, gazing around the area.
A deep voice has you freezing and the weight of the guy is lifted off of you. “She’s saying no. Are you fucking deaf?”
You turn to see Armin holding the guy by the collar. His face is cold and his voice is low. You’ve never seen him like this, as he was always reserved and kind. The guy moves to retort but Armin pushes him to the ground.
“Get out of here.” He stands his ground and the guy leaves with a ‘fuck you’ Armin catches his breath and turns to you with a sheepish expression.
“Uh, are you okay?” He asks softly and you’re getting whiplash at how fast his demeanor changed.
“Yea, thanks.” You mumble and he gulps.
“I-I was gonna come and talk to you but then this happened and I wanted to tell you about this book.” He raises his hand for nothing to even be there.
He scans the ground frantically and finds it. Awkwardly laughing he holds the book out to you.
“You can sit down you know.” You smile up at him and he sputters.
“Oh! Right, yea.” He clears his throat, sitting criss crossed. He begins to pull at the grass, anxiously as he goes on about the book.
“How’d you know I liked these kind of books.”
He freezes.
“W—Well! Mikasa told me.” He smiles and you nod.
It’s quiet and instead of taking a steady approach he’s blunt.
“Do you wanna go out with me?”
Your guys eyes widen.
“Well like out somewhere! I mean I’d love to go out with you, y-you’re perfect! But I—uh, um.” Armin’s throat fails him and he lets out a pathetic whimper. He moves to get up. “I’m just gonna go.” He shuts his eyes but your hand clasps around his wrist.
“We could take things slow.” You suggest with a small smile. His heart skips a beat.
“S-Slow? Yea, that sounds good.” He slowly sits back down and you smile.
“Wanna go for a walk?” You suggest and he nods, a smile on his face.
Eren was right, all he had to do was just talk to you.
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© yuuuhiii 24 : don’t plagiarize, translate, or post my work on other platforms
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Hello! Could I get a romantic matchup for twst? I understand that there might be a ton of other requests, so take all the time you need :))
I'm an INFJ 1w9, Libra! I tend to change the way I act depending on the person I'm talking to, and I have this bad habit of saying what others want to hear instead of saying my own opinion,, I'm also quiet reserved most of the time. (my friends' first impression of me was that I was intimidating?? 😭) I try to keep up a good image most of the time, but I'm naturally very clumsy so my efforts are futile 😔 with the people I'm comfortable with, I'm a lot more enthusiastic! I end up being the one rambling about my interests to them and apparently I joke a lot with them. During school breaks I prefer staying in my room hanging out by myself. I get very tired of interacting with people (not that I don't like them, i just get tired!) and I need time to recover. I'm also a pretty hard worker and people say I push myself too hard sometimes 😅 I'm generally someone who's calm and not very prone to anger, but once I do get angry everything just starts to spill out.
In my free time, I like making art and do creative writing! . And if I'm not doing that, then I'm probably busy reading a book, playing RPG/Rhythm games or watching anime :) I also like to indulge myself in new knowledge? For example if I don't know much about Chinese mythology I'd end up just researching and learning more about it for hoursssss until I get a good grasp of it I really like well-written stories, RPG + rhythm games, all kinds of animals, coffee, art supplies, museums, aquariums, libraries/bookstores and shopping <3 I dislike overwhelming situations (like a loud party or fireworks) and people who are rude and inconsiderate for no reason,,
As for a partner, I'd like someone who's wits can keep up with mine, have a great sense of humor, and is willing to listen to me and understand me without judgement either— A sense of security would be nice. My love language is gift giving + words of affirmation, while I'd prefer to receive quality time and acts of service!
I'm so sorry for writing so much 😭 thank you in advance!
I match you with...
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What a shocker, hm? I chose Idia for you because of your shared interests and characteristics. I would've chosen Lilia, except I wondered if you'd prefer a more quiet company (who isn't surrounded by figures like those in Diasomnia). However, I did have a hard time, as Idia is pretty hardcore when it comes to his shut-in-ness.
Despite Idia saying that he'd want nothing to do with romance, we'll just say that he was a little bit emotional due to what happened in the ghost bride event, and ignore this.
Idia is the type of guy to not interact with others, and prefer to stay in his room, and since you enjoy spending time in your room, you could possibly stay in the same room and recharge together, but that's just an idea.
Gaming? RPGs? Anime? Sign him right up. Expect to go on anime binges with him, or spend the night playing games with him. While you might not be as hardcore as he is when it comes to these things, spending time with him will be satisfying, even if he would get rather embarrassed.
In the start of the relationship, it might not come as a surprise if Idia can barely look you in the eyes. I mean, someone like you with someone like him? He wouldn't be able to understand it. However, once further along in the relationship, it would be much easier to have a conversation with him.
Idia, when in the zone, can be a great conversationalist, taking some inspiration from the dating sims he plays, he'll try to do some "cringy romance stuff" if that's something you'd want, but please don't expect too much from this poor shut-in.
He most likely won't go on outings with you, but he'll gladly send Ortho with you if you need the company. You'll likely end up spending quite a lot of time with Ortho when you go outside. You'll need to accommodate for Idia's agoraphobia, but all in all, it should be a fulfilling relationship if you don't mind going into the family business with him.
Thank you for the request!! Sorry it's a tad short, I hope you enjoyed it!
Other character(s) considered: Lilia, Silver
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sugutoad · 5 months
matchup trade for @averagetoyakinnie ! 
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Your Significant Other
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I match you up with Sirius Black. I think I explained quite a few times and why this ship is almost perfect in the my eyes, so I’ll just leave the links of previous matchups with him for reference:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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Atiya Black
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Let’s begin with the kids shall we? Meet your oldest daughter — Atiya Black — the coolest sister to exist. She was actually born even before the wedding ever took place. She has the hope of a future marriage that will stay strong.  Two years older than Harry Potter, she was in her 3rd year when the boy who lived joined Hogwarts. To the joy of the Black family, Atiya was sorted into Gryfindorr and Sirius may or may not have been jumping up and down in happiness. He never really liked Slytherins as they reminded him too much of his family and he was always the black swan because of his House, but now his pride and joy is following his step. She is pretty and she knows it! You know who else knows it? Cedric Diggory. Despite being a year older than her, he was so quickly captivated by Sirius’s eldest daughter. I feel like she would be a part of the Quidditch team as a catcher and after Oliver left, he wanted Atiya to become the new captain, but she already had too many responsibilities and passed it to Harry Potter. 
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James Black
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Next on the list is James Black - the local emo. At first glance, he looks a bit intimidating to most. But can you blame them? He inherited the majority of the Black family’s appearance and height, alongside their scary aura. But behind that, he is actually a big sweetheart who spends the majority of his time reading in the library. Because of this habit, he almost knows everything and is fluent in multiple languages. He has an extreme thirst for knowledge — the main reason for the sorting hat to sort him into Ravenclaw just like one of his dads. His favourite class is definitely charms and he loathes astrology because it doesn’t make proper sense to him, where are the facts and rules? He has a little white cat that is usually coddled up in his lap, named Toru. He attends Hogwarts in the same year as Harry, though he tries to avoid the boy who lived most of the time and has a quiet life. He is currently going through his 5th girlfriend, Daphne Greengrass (much to Sirius’s disappointment)
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Julia Black
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Our preppy teenager, Julia Black! Is she normal? No. But compared to the rest of the Black family? She is extremely normal. She is almost always up in everyone’s business and shares gossip all the time. But she actually means good. She might me a bit mean at times but her dads raised her to be respectful towards others. Like one of her brothers, she wastes lots of her money on buying clothes for herself. She really wanted to be a seeker in the Slytherin quidditch team, but they didn’t accept female players. Julia was so mad when she heard that and even barged into Snape’s office, demanding that he change that rule. Unfortunately, that only got her in detention. She is extremely picky with her taste in men and it took her until she met Theodore Nott, who somehow made her heart skip a beat just by his gaze. Sirius was so upset when he learned that she got sorted into Slytherin. It just reminded him too much of his family, but he knows Julia’s heart is in the right place. She is a year younger than Harry.
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Joshua Black
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Joshua Black sometimes doesn’t feel like a Black. He is extremely anxious and introverted, especially compared to his family. While his family members tend to be reckless, he prefers to stay in the back and mind his own business. He doesn’t want to become a great wizard, professor or auror like his siblings. He wants to become a healer, to create potions and spells that can cure almost everything. In his later years at Hogwarts, he became Headboy and the prefect for Slytherin. But don’t take his timid and reserved personality too seriously because he is intelligent, secretly charming and extremely cunning. He is almost 3 steps ahead of everyone and knows exactly how to manipulate people with compliments and smiles. When Sirius looks at Joshua, he sees Regulus too much. He is literally Uncle Regulus’s and Aunt Anna’s favourite nephew. He is the same age as Julia because not only were both of them early babies, but their parents conceived him almost as soon as Julia was born. But because of this, his birthday is really late (December) while his sister was born in February. He isn’t with anyone as of now, but everyone wants to be with him.
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Haruka Black 
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Enter the twins! Haruka Black was the older one. She is so creative. Not only is she amazing at art, but she was taught how to play multiple instruments as a kid, blessed with an angelic voice and she is an extremely good actress. She has a photo genetic memory and has all of Shakespeare’s plays memorised by heart, quietly muttering scenes before falling asleep as routine. Another part of her sleep routine is eating from her secret collection of sweets — a huge perk for having her own room. And much to Jaxrel’s dismay, she eats those sweets before dinner despite not being allowed to. She has ADHD and autism, but she doesn’t let anyone hold that against her. Despite having a sweet face, her clothing style is heavily inspired by Lolita and Goth. She has the biggest crush on Cedric, the prefect of her house — Hufflepuff. He always used to help her with studies and she just fell for him. Unfortunately, he is way too old and is currently dating her older sister. She was actually so pissed when Julia told her that she caught Atiya and Cedric entering an empty classroom. Atiya was so confused when Haruka did not speak to her for the rest of the week. 
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Theo Black
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Enter the younger twin - Theo Black. Unlike his twin sister who excels in the art section of life, he dominates the sports section in his family. Theo and Haruka. Haruka and Theo. They may be so different, but they are never seen without one another. He loves to annoy his siblings, but he will literally get so mad if you ever hurt his siblings. He doesn’t really get physical, but rather he is verbally aggressive and will slander you so hard that you would want to bawl your eyes out.  He looks up to the Marauders A LOT. He remakes their pranks just to annoy the Head of his house, Gryffindor. He has a really pretty face, but he is always so angry and pissed about the smallest things that are ruined (kind of like Bakugou). He wakes up so early and gets bored easily, so he wakes up everyone else in the house. They literally hate when he does that. Only one who knows about Haruka’s crush and bullies the shit of her. But when he found her crying, he sat down with her, offered her ice cream and watched anime with her.
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Muhammad Black
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Rich boy Muhammad Black time! But seriously, he uses his father’s money a lot. Sometimes he even brings up his family name in situations even though he knows he shouldn't use his last name to help him. Don’t worry though. He can normally handle almost any situation himself. No one really knows how he does it, but they let the youngest boy of the house do whatever he wants. He is the third child in his family to get sorted into Slytherin and he knows of his father’s hate towards that house yet Muhammad holds that house precious to himself. Like most of his siblings, he can speak them more than one language — Arabic and English in his case. He has a slight Middle Eastern accent. He is excellent at Defense the Dark Arts. Originally, he wanted to go to Drumstrang,  but his parents refused to send him so far away in a place they barely know of.
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Sakura Black
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The baby of the house - Sakura Black. She is literally her dad and Atiya’s favourite child/sibling even when they insist they don’t have any. She is an identical copy to Jaxrel in everything. She is fluent in many languages, plays instruments, maintains her appearance and has a wide range of styles. She may be confident, but she is extremely sensitive and cries easily. She is easily the sassiest Hufflepuff to exist. She is a master of spells. Her spells leave everyone baffled, even her family because who even taught her all those skills? The secret is Samuel. Samuel is a creature created by dark shadows that has been around her ever since she was born. Samuel teaches her a lot of magic, though he keeps quiet and rarely talks. He would kill for her without a single thought unless she tells him not to. In that case, he would stay quiet and scare the person instead. No one is really sure how Samuel came to be, but some say that some curse was placed on her by Bellatrix or another death eater. She is currently low key in love with a muggle and tries everything to get her attention.
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Raising a Child — before, during and after Sirius’s prisonment period 
Sirius was only present during the birth of Atiya and James actually. But when Atiya was 3 and with James at 1, Sirius was falsely accused and sent to azkaban for helping Voldemort
Before that, Sirius and Jaxrel would spoil their kids non stop. Want a horse? Sure. Want a castle that looks like the one in Barbie? We’ll see what we can do
Atiya was harder to raise than James. Even as infants, Atiya would always climb on things and eat things that don’t belong in her mouth. James on the other hand was definitely more quiet and it was pretty concerning. 
Ok, don’t hate me, but I feel like the other kids would only be born in a happy au where Sirius never went to Azkaban. Especially if you want them in a similar generation as Harry. And after Azkaban, a part of Sirius would be to scared to have another kid because he is worried that he will leave them again
While he was away, Jaxrel tried everything to prevent her kids from forgetting memories of Sirius. He would place photos in their rooms and tell them memories 
Raising two kids was definitely hard. Both of her were different from one another and Jaxrel tried to make sure that both of her were always happy in their own way, but also educate them on certain aspects 
Sirius coming back was such a huge change. Both the kids and Jaxrel haven’t seen him in 12 years and all of a sudden he comes into their life? Well, they gladly accepted him with open arms. At that time, Atiya was 15 and James was 13
Include lots of tears and jokes ~
It felt awkward at first, Sirius almost felt like a guest at his house. But over time, things started moving along and he settled down again 
He would definitely sit with his kids and listen to them talk about what he missed. He was actually supportive of Atiya when he learned she had a boyfriend. She was old enough and could choose what she wants 
He plays quidditch with Atiya and jokes around with James
Overall, a really sweet family 
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Black Family: Honestly, none of them really cared when Sirius announced both his marriage and the birth of his children. They were never really involved in his life before and I doubt that would change. In any case, they despise him even more for not settling with the bride they chose for him. Andromeda was the only one who came to his wedding and would come over once in a while. And at some point, Regulus would come over out of the blue to spoil the kids and stay for dinner. 
Marauders: They literally love all your kids. Each one of them is a godparent to at least 1 of the kids, in some cases, 2 kids. James would definitely teach all the kids his pranks. Lily is the wine aunt who is low key pissed out of everyone all the time and scolds James for guiding the kids on the ‘wrong’ path. Remus is so scared he is going to hurt the kids by accident. Whenever he would hold them when they were younger, his hands would literally be shaking. I feel like Peter always arrives with like 30 pounds of sweets for each kid (much to Haruka’s delight)
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Family Dinner and Date Nights
Family dinners are so chaotic! At least 6 different dishes are always made each day because everyone has their own pick of foods. Occasionally, the younger kids would throw the food around.
Samuels presence makes everything worse. Imagine trying to eat as some sort of creature watches over all your movements? Luckily, the family is already used to it and barely react 
Everyone is speaking over one another about their day or gossiping in Julia’s case. Occasionally, Haruka and Theo would start stopping on one another’s foot and start complaining to Jaxrel
Family dinners actually happen often despite the size of the family and their different schedules. They try to figure out a time that they can sit down together 
Dater Nights are almost impossible to have with like 8 kids in the house. Usually, Regulus and Anna would come over and take care of the kids while Sirius and Jaxrel go out
But even during the night, a part of them is constantly thinking about their kids. It’s a bad habit they both developed ever since Atiya was born 
Date nights are often start at their favourite restaurant and they go on a small walk in the dark, hands intertwined, as they exchange jokes 
It is during those nights, where they can truly act like teenagers again and not like the stressed adult they are. 
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little-bunny-in-space · 3 months
Hello, again, thank you for messaging me for this trade! Here's the info (sorry if it's too long or confusing):
Personality-wise, I'm usually warm, affectionate, teasing (lovingly), and fiery. But I can also be cold, reserved, and slightly intimidating with or without intention. I'm respectful and kind to everyone but I take no shit. I'm confident enough to react or speak up to protect myself and my dear ones. It might not sound like it but I do have a big heart, I love giving affection and taking care of others. I enjoy both chaos and calmness, both banter and deep talks. I'm interested in people's feelings and ways of thinking. I'm in the medical field. My favorite thing is to make sure that the patients are alright mentally and emotionally first before any treatment or procedure. I'm also a geek about it, watch me spill random medical facts or studies. I can handle a lot but unfortunately, I also bottle things up until I break. Even then, I walk it off and keep going until it goes away. As a lover, I'm calm, and soft but still playful. I have their back and they need to have mine. I enjoy helping my partner relax from all daily stress and restraints.
Hobbies: gym, playing the guitar, singing, and martial arts from time to time. I also have this big interest in scents, perfumes, olfactory notes, etc.
Appearance: short height, blonde hair, freckles, hazel eyes. Aesthetically I go for either timeless pieces of clothing or futuristic looking ones. Bold, dark colors or plain white, no in between. Sometimes you'll see me in a soft pastel dress just for a change of pace. Oh and I have a crescent moon hidden tattoo and plan to get inked again.
Other facts: INFJ, Gemini. LOVE dark humour, flowers, cold weather, tea. Breathing exercises and going to the gym to push myself really help me let everything out (safely) and control my reactions.
Thank you so much for this matchup!! For Part 1, I match you with-
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Johnathan Joestar!
The first thing he admires about you is your courage, confidence, and love for others.
You are very adaptable to different situations- and I feel this is how you'd meet. I imagine Johnathan being bullied by the other boys and Dio, and you having enough courage to stand up to them- and the compassion to help Johnathan, possibly treating his injuries. He takes note of that and sees you as a respectable, brave, lovely person.
He genuinely admires you, so much. You make a perfect team!
Johnathan is very impressed by your knowledge and abilities- your emotional compassion and ability to sympathize with others while staying brave in the face of challenges is something he loves. He would happily listen and love to learn from you.
He would have the same capability to feel when something is not right with you, whether you are physically or emotionally hurting. He tries to coax you gently when he can tell you bottle things up, and is very affectionate with you.
"Please, love... do not worry about me. I want to know what is on your mind, whatever it may be..."
Loves to hear you sing anything. If you sing while doing something, like chores, he'll hug you from behind and hum along. <3
Absolute puppy dog. Loves to cuddle!
BEST workout buddy and cheerleader. "You can do it! I believe in you! You are so strong and beautiful, you got this!"
Silly boy. Loves to lift you as high as he can just to hear you laugh!!!
For Part 3, I match you with-
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Noriaki Kakyoin!
I think you two's personalities would meld very well together.
You both have a habit of being very cold and serious in some respects, and warm, loving and silly in others.
He is very attracted to your cold side, just as much- especially as a teammate in battle, you both have the same sort of fighting style.
I feel Kakyoin is big on intelligence, and very much enjoys your conversations together.
You both have very high emotional intelligence as well; I feel you two could communicate with eachother with a single look!
Loves your mind (and body) and very much enjoys exploring both. cough cough
Loves your eyes, and has a habit of staring. I think you noticing him staring would have something to do with how you meet. It seems creepy sometimes, but he genuinely just enjoys seeing you, almost like art.
Loves seeing you wearing his clothes- you both very much have the same sense of style, and he enjoys that!
Likes gift giving- especially picking you flowers- the most common being cherry blossoms. <3
Tries to have you teach him guitar. He fails, miserably, but you both have a great time. He gets the chords all whack and it sounds like a toddler... with anyone else, he'd be so embarrassed...
He is very introverted really, but specifically enjoys your company over anyone else's- and very much just enjoys hearing you talk... (I HC him living after the whole donut incident and proceeding to make jokes about it. While the rest of the group acts kinda nervous, you're the only one who truly appreciates his darker sense of humor...)
Would 100% be the one to stay up with you all night, staring at the stars, just to speak to you, getting to know you and your mind.
You are very nurturing and caring, and he loves that about you- it's the biggest reason he was drawn to you in the first place! You ease his anxiety and fear that comes with everything he has been through.
For Part 5, I match you with...
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Leone Abbacchio!
Big tiddy goth bf You and Abba thrive in both calm and chaos...
While Abbacchio is calm and reserved most of the time, you have the ability to go both ways.
While he of course enjoys your more reserved and intimidating side (and thinks its especially hot in the midst of fights...) you serve as an adaptable partner that counters perfectly with a more fiery and passionate side.
It awakens something in him. While he doesn't really show it much to the rest of the team, you awaken that passionate, fiery side of him. He usually becomes more extroverted when talking to you, and when someone points it out, he gets flustered!
But the truth is- he enjoys it. He loves having you around, he loves your playfullness combined with the fact you can counter both his stupid teases and more serious things.
He never really had anyone to listen- especially to his trauma and struggles. He is used to his teammates teasing him about it. You're alike enough to him for him to trust, eventually (even if it takes a while) and warm enough to let him know that you genuinely care about him and how he feels. He isn't used to this.
This goes both ways, and you both have the same way of reacting when something is wrong- to keep it hidden. He knows how painful it can be. You are a safety for Abba.
"You've been my sanctuary for so long. Let me be yours, Cara mia..."
His cold exterior melts when he is around you, but only in private- he is not one for much PDA, especially around his team. But he absolutely melts at your touch either way. He is tense and so used to holding things back, not being able to be open and comfortable. It's like his entire personality changes when he is alone with you. I feel you'd both have the same way with one another.
Is also a perfume nerd... would definitely try to steal yours secretly....
He likes having someone loyal and passionate that he can rely on and enjoys feeling wanted enough for you to rely on him.
You would both get tattoos together. :)
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hello! Could I get a romantic matchup for twst? I understand that there might be a ton of other requests, so take all the time you need :))
I'm an INFJ 1w9, Libra! I tend to change the way I act depending on the person I'm talking to, and I have this bad habit of saying what others want to hear instead of saying my own opinion,, I'm also quiet reserved most of the time— but with the people I end up being more comfortable with, I'm a lot more enthusiastic! I end up being the one rambling about my interests to them and apparently I mess around a lot with them. During school breaks I prefer staying in my room hanging out by myself. I get very tired of interacting with people (not that I don't like them, i just get tired!) and I need time to recover. I'm also a pretty hard worker and people say I push myself too hard sometimes 😅 I'm generally someone who's calm and not very prone to anger, but once I do get angry everything just starts to spill out
In my free time, I like making art and do creative writing! . And if I'm not doing that, then I'm probably busy reading a book, playing RPG/Rhythm games or watching anime :) I also like to indulge myself in new knowledge? For example if I don't know much about Chinese mythology I'd end up just researching and learning more about it for hoursssss until I get a good grasp of it I really like well-written stories, RPG + rhythm games, all kinds of animals, coffee, art supplies, museums, aquariums, libraries/bookstores and shopping. I dislike overwhelming situations (like a loud party or fireworks) and people who are rude and inconsiderate for no reason,,
As for a partner, I'd like someone who's wits can keep up with mine, have a great sense of humor, and is willing to listen to me and understand me without judgement either— A sense of security would be nice. My love language is gift giving + words of affirmation, while I'd prefer to receive quality time and acts of service!
I'm so sorry for writing so much 😭 thank you in advance!
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request and for your patience! I really appreciate it! I hope that you enjoy your match-up and have a wonderful day/night!
Request: Romantic Twisted Wonderland match-up
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I match you with........
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Idia Shroud
Honestly, the perfect break that this man has is staying in his room at all times....granted he does that anyways, but still
So count on either him being with you in your room and the two of you binge games
Or you are in his room, quite possibly doing the exact same thing... with a better set up
Let's face it, this man certainly has the better set up and chances are he built it
Also Ortho may be there, he's the support, Idia is still questioning how he got in this relationship so Ortho is the voice of reason until this man has the right amount of confidence
His wits can certainly keep up with yours, if his dorm uniform vignette is anything to go by
This man will give you a run for your money on that, that's for sure, but it's rather fun to see the banter going back and forth between the two of you
Another man who who is not a fan of being in an overwhelming situation. He can see it before it even happens so it's rather nice to have him around because he can always help you avoid it entirely
Idia is not a fan of public spaces, this much is known
But if it is possible to go to some of your favorite spots during the time with the least amount of people, or even finding a way to have it only be the two of you, you may be able to convince him
Yeah, he'll go, only because Ortho begged his brother to bring something back for him
He can't say no to that
Congrats, the man is whipped enough for you to go out into certain public spaces
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Thank you for your request!!
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 11 months
Hello, I see that you're doing matchups. Never tried these before, but here I go!
First up, things I like to do: I like to play Magic the Gathering, play video games(luv me Deep Rock Galactic), bake and cook, listen to music, thinking about various things while staring up at the ceiling from my bed, see new things(even if it's just a part of a building I rarely go in), and read wikis to get lore dumps on various stuff(like Cookie Run lol)
Next up, Personality traits: I am mostly quiet and reserved, but can be quite energetic towards friends. I am considered the "Black Sheep" of my family and frequently spend time cooped up in room although I am still very close with them and can still get some family time in. I am also quite a good listener.
I am relatively frugal with money and would rather invest or save most of it though I still can splurge occasionally. I am known to be quite patient. I also have a guilty conscience and sometimes the smallest stuff can haunt me for a long time. When not around people I talk to I just go about my business quietly (usually with my head in the clouds).
I am also autistic and have been known for things like running around the house or spinning pencils or not grasping social ques (which can possible contribute to the above guilty conscience). I am also quite easily flustered. I think that should be it for personality traits
Finally, dislikes. I do not like sitting in one place for a large amount of time, I don't like too much chaos in my life nor crowded areas. Lastly I do not like those large drop rides at amusement parks.
I hope this is enough
Tw: implied isolation, some manipulation
I match you with: Milk
Milk is a very chill dude, so he makes friends with most people. (If he can deal with both Yam and Dark Choco- I'm like 90% sure he can deal with everyone). So if you ever feel your guilt eating up, he's right there to fight against it. Honestly, shouldn't you just stay with him? So you don't keep finding yourself in these situations?
He's pretty extroverted, but if you guys are in a crowd, he'll leave with you to a quieter place. He prefers to talk to you individually anyway.
He's there for when you can't get the social cues. Either it's quickly changing the topic or telling you himself, he tries his best to help you. That includes trying not to fluster you so easily.
Oh your friends? Why do you keep wondering why they won't respond? How about you go on a walk with him, so you can tell him all your troubles.
(I was originally gonna put Werewolf- but then decided that was not going to help the situation lmao)
- Celina
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estelofrivendell · 1 year
rules & information
this is long overdue! i write one shots, preferences and headcanons! but before you request, i suggest going over this post :)
fandom & character list
only the lord of the rings: aragorn, legolas, boromir, faramir, éomer, frodo, sam, merry and pippin. maybe éowyn. the first three are who i call my prime characters since i know them the best. others, i’ll still be willing to write but requests for those may take longer.
crucial things to know:
i only write for f/m. i gave this a lot of thought and concluded that it’s really not my place to write m/m or f/f seeing as i cannot do it justice.
i do write for male readers as long as the pairing is with the opposite gender, see above
if you really want to, i’ll do matchups and ships. i expect you to give me a matchup in return. since i don’t feel like typing about myself, send me an ask and talk to me about this. all i need is enough information about you such as hobbies, personality, etc.
nothing too gory or anything out of the ordinary. this should be straightforward enough.
i don’t think i’ll ever write an entire smutfic but i will do smut headcanons and things like those. if you are a minor or simply uncomfortable, i’ll put a warning ahead of time and tag it with “lemon” so you can block it. keep in mind that i am an adult.
no crossovers, modern aus, etc.
english is not my first language. don’t be mean.
if you have any requests, don’t be afraid to send them in! i can’t guarantee how long your request will take. it can finish the same day, in a week or much longer. it just depends.
this is subject to change at any time and i reserve the right to deny any request.
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hi!! i was wondering if you could do a matchup for bg3 :-D my name is edward and im about 5’0 with a black curly hair that is short and i dont mind the persons gender! im also a trans man. my mbti is entp and im a scorpio. i like to anything to do with art, i love to do it all together. Im also a really big fan of music specifically mcr, tv girl, alex g, toby fox and dodie but i am open to listening to other artists if given a recommendation. Uhhhh i love to eat meat and im not really a big fan of eating veggies i hate eating them but idm potatoes or tomatoes, but i think tomatoes r fruits so nvm. I also looveee learning about history especially ancient times like greek history, i think its really interesting to learn about the past and how things were. i will waste my money on things i love, especially if it’s a show or novel or movie i will soend so much money on it. I'm also rather fond of animals and nature. And my love language has got to be physical affection and quality time. I also love trying new things even if I might have a fear of it, it’ll just take a me a bit to do it. I like to break the rules especially if it’s going against a group of people and or someone. I can be pretty reserved on the occasion but if im with someone im close too or if i feel comfortable enough i can be pretty hyper. A lot of the time though I listen to what people say and often a listener for people. Depending on the person im with and our dynamic i can be quite sarcastic. I can be very compassionate about people and even if someone did something horrible to me I can be rather forgiving unless it was toward someone i love. I am also rather forgetful and often will forget things with people I’ve spent time with even if it’s recent I can forget a majority of it. I have a short temper. Often I will be regretful of things I’ve done in the past even if it was a while ago. I have a rather low self esteem, if I feel like someone is going to abandon me no matter how close I’ll probably be silent about it and wait for a sign that the person still likes me and on rare occasions I will ask for reassurance. AND UH i think that pretty much it thank you for reading this if you are!!
A/N: For you Edward, I’m thinking your best BG3 matchup would be… Gale!
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☸ Gale would be a wonderful match for you! He’s more introverted and always interested in learning more about history, be it geographical or magical!
As an ENTP and a Scorpio, you’re a very intense person when you want to be. You seek out intellectual stimulation in your hobbies and your relationships. Gale, a fellow ENTP, would suit you well as he too, values an initial mental connection to a physical one. 
That’s not to say Gale doesn’t find you attractive, quite the opposite. He loves your sense of style and your hair. He especially appreciates having another person around camp who understands what it takes to keep your hair tamed when it’s on the curlier side. I know most people think of Astarion when they think of the part member who spends the most time preening, but Gale is right up there with him. After being dumped by Mystra, and infected with the orb, Gale entered a depressive state where he let himself and his relationships go. His insistence on taking time to care for his appearance now is a sign that his head’s in a much better place, and you are responsible for a great deal of that. 
Gale loves how excited you get when the two of you discuss ancient history. Not many people appreciate a good intellectual discussion about the everyday normalcies of the ancient Greeks or Romans, but you do, and Gale has never been happier to listen to all that you know. In turn, he shares what he knows of Faerun and its history, especially the founding and workings of Waterdeep which he calls home. Well, that the two of you now get to call home. 
Gale is very open and accepting of your gender. He also has a fairly extensive spell list on changing one’s appearance, should you ever want to go down that route. Of course, that’s only if you want. Gale thinks you look lovely, just the way you are. He would never want to change you and is very grateful you’d never ask to change him or his appearance (much to Tara’s chagrin lol). 
He is rather worried about your lack of vegetable consumption, however. He swears to you, that he will one day find a recipe full of vegetables that you actually like, just you wait and see. In the meantime, he’ll keep cooking meat-based meals, so long as you keep enjoying them. 
Gale is similar when it comes to going all in on something he likes or is fascinated by. (He can’t help it, he is a wizard after all.) Each of you can get carried away in indulging the other: you buy him a very expensive book on magic he’s been eyeing and he’ll buy you something equally costly you’ve been looking at. 
Gale’s love languages are the same as yours, so prepared to feel understood and cared for! He loves nothing more than spending quiet evenings alone with you at your home in Waterdeep, the two of you lounging in each other’s arms, just talking about your day. 
Gale’s self-esteem isn’t always the greatest either, especially after what happened with Mystra. He tends to think of himself as a burden, and the orb certainly did not help in that regard. But on his journey to save Baldur’s Gate, and on his relationship journey with you, his esteem has lifted greatly. Gale understands you’re in the same boat he once was in, so he has no problem reminding you how much he loves you, and just how worthy of love and respect you are. 
He loves you for you, there’s not a single thing he would change.
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in2thenewworld · 9 months
Hello! I'd like a genshin matchup please :)
I'm a girl, I use any pronouns and I don't mind getting matched with any gender!
I'm a Capricorn!
Appearance: I'm 5'4 and half, I have blue hair (blue microlocs) and I wear glasses. My fashion style is pretty all over the place, I'll put a link of my pinterest board! https://pin.it/25wJU40. I'm always seen wearing gold hoop earrings and a necklace that has my name on it :)
Personality: I'd describe my self as independent, passionate, reserved (most of the time), sarcastic, I'm always making snarky comments! I'm a chill person, I'm not that loud but it just depends who I'm with 🤷🏾‍♀️. If I'm really comfortable with someone I will flirt left and right, but I'll also bully them (not in like a mean way or serious way, I just like to make fun of people that I know won't actually take me seriously). I'm not someone who likes to ask for help (that's a flaw of mine), I will struggle but I like to do things my self and on my own so it's uncomfortable for me to ask for help. When I'm really comfortable with someone, that's when I'll start to be a little loud. When I'm with people I'm comfortable with I'm assertive, confident and outgoing. I'm also a really honest person, i like to tell people how it is and not sugar coat. I'd like to say I'm strong willed, I belive what I believe and it's not often that I'll let someone change my opinion but many times I will not speak up and keep my opinion to myself but that doesn't mean my opinion will change (y'know what I mean??). I'm also easy-going, I'm a person that's easy to get along with as long as you're not a bad person or annoy me or smth.
Interests: I'm a dancer! I love dancing, reading, playing the guitar, and playing video games. I like greek mythology, history and philosophy! I listen to many artists but my favorites are the cure, the smith's, and Tyler, the creator. I enjoy listening to persona music as well :) I like chess (even though I'm not good at all). I'm fluent in french!
In a partner/love language: my love language is quality time, I'm not someone who is big on physical touch but if I'm comfortable with someone I'll let it slide. I'd say my secondary love language is acts of service! I don't have any specific dates I'd like to go one, anything is fine with me mostly. An aquarium date, Musem date, late night drive, restaurant, staying at home, it's the thought that counts. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I belive that's it! Thank you and take your time!
hi!! another very easy choice for me hehe, i hope you enjoy c:
loading your match! *✧₊✪͡◡ू✪͡
your match is…
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Beidou first notices you, as shallow as it is, because of your looks. More specifically, your fashion sense and your hair. She only initially sees you from a distance but she is totally captivated.
Ever her forward self, the captain approaches you with a rather cheesy introduction, something about having an eye for treasure.
Speaking of as much, once you two are together she’s always keeping an eye out for new jewellery pieces she can get you to add to your collection. It’s not the only gift she’ll give by any means- you’ll notice this is a huge love language of hers- but it’s certainly her favourite to.
Quality time is also massively important for Beidou, and she’ll be so thankful for any little favours you do for her.
A variety of dates is exactly what you’ll get with Beidou. Teyvat is vast and constantly brings her on new adventures, so she’ll quickly rack up a list of places she wants to bring you everytime you two are apart. You’ll find yourself in quiet and serene wonders you never even knew existed, as well as lively towns bursting with life.
Her mind is quite the vault, and she always has a story to tell. She would love to hear of your interests in things like history and mythology especially. She’ll talk with you forever about that kind of thing.
You’re both so easygoing, it’s typical for you both to go with whatever is thrown your way. Impulse plans are far from uncommon whenever you’re with Beidou, but that’s what makes being with her so exhilarating!
Beidou adores your humour and sarcasm. Your minds exist on the very same plain. She’ll 100% bring out your more loud side whenever you’re together. She’ll poke fun at you, just as much as you do her.
She’s also highly observant, so although you’re an independent character, she can tell when you’re feeling down. Yet, she also understands the want to not ask for help because she’s always trying to prove herself strong and reliable. You can always rely on each other though, and you have this mutual understanding where no one makes a big deal, which is much more comforting than the alternative.
I can imagine once you’re more comfortable with Beidou’s friends and crew, you’d have lots of game nights, sat round a table. Or, you could always play one on one. You say you’re not very good at chess, but you’re bound to impress a few people at least. You’d be surprised.
They’d also love if you played some music for them! Beidou feels like the definition of a proud girlfriend just watching you. 😌
Your honesty and refusal to sugarcoat things resonates a lot with Beidou. She’s someone who would always much rather be met with the truth. She can’t stand being lied to, even if it’s with good intend and she understands it. She’s grateful you’re comfortable enough with her to let her know even when she’s out of line or you disagree about something.
Despite your nature to usually stand alone, Beidou can’t help but have a protective streak. No one lays a hand on her girlfriend, or they’ll have to go through her! You’ll assure her you can handle yourself. She trusts you entirely, yet there’s just something in her that loves to play the hero once in a while. (She’ll never want to embarrass you or make you uncomfortable though! She’ll always step back when asked, it’s just another way she tries to show her love is all.)
Overall, I think you both fit each other really well, and you’d get on perfectly. C:
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greenunoreversecard · 2 years
Hi! I'd figure I'd do an introductory post.
INTJ-T, enneagram type 8w5.
Virgo sun, Libra rising, Sagittarius moon.
Sirius kinnie. Also a rise! Leo kinnie.
• I'll mainly go by greeny online on this platform ^^
• I am neurodivergent, so I might have trouble with tones and processing things, please be patient with me when i ask for clarification.
• i am a minor, so please don't be to creepy. I'm fine with mentioning some light NSFW topics, and will tag a post accordingly if it has any. The reason I'm partially fine with NSFW is because I try and normalize stuff of sexual nature, seeing as it's normal. Just don't make any weird comments about me or other people, or my hyperfiaxtion.
• I'll probably do a lot of different writting things, headcanons and random thoughts I have.
• I use he/him pronouns, and am queer <3 and vv single lmfao
Link to my discord here
<Quick Fun Facts!!>
I love horror games.
Please talk to me about music it's my favorite ever.
on top of drawing, I also adore reading and writing.
I watch quiet a bit of game playthroughs on YouTube. (I watch a lot of eddievr, juicyfruitsnacks, slimecicle, ranboo)
《Things I'm not comfortable with:
●Pedos, rasicm, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, religious hate, and other stuff of this nature.
●Purposefully tracking me or others down and doxxing myself or others, and trying to make people uncomfortable on purpose.
●threatening mine or others safety, and any type of hate speech. I'm fine with general curiosity of why things are the way they are, just be respectful about it, and don't be a dick
●I'm fine with cursing, and venting, just be sure to add trigger warnings if you dm me a vent so I know what to look out for.
●no z00philia, b3ast!al!ty, r@p3 or sa comments, or inc3st.
●just generally don't be a shitty person and hate on other people because you got your tick tac dick in a twist, please. 》
~Fanfic guidelines~
I will write for
Tmnt specifically mutant mayhem and rise (strictly platonic)
Hazbin Hotel (romantic and platonic) NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Marauders Era (Harry potter subgenre)(platonic and romantic)
Possibly helluva boss in the future
Ninjago (platonic and romantic)
I reserve the right to deny requests.
And currently in time, I will only do light steam and no full on NSFW.
I will also only do gender identities that the characters are attracted to (ie, queerplatonic exclusively for alastor, male for angel, etc, etc)
I will ONLY write for gender neutral and male characters, as well as identities under the Trans umbrella as there is a severe lack of Trans and male character rep. That is also why some characters are strictly platonic.
If I am unaware of a characters identity, please let me know so I can be aware and change things if I need to.
Matchups are also a possibility, but I will not be doing them as of currently.
Same rules and guidelines go for my fanfics as for the boundaries I set for myself. (See above)
Also, absolutely no tcest or incest of any kind. I will block you immediately.
I am also a busy person, so I am limiting requests. I run with my inspiration which is mildly fleetig considering I'm always exhausted from everything.
Also, I will only take requests from the inbox, bc it's easier for me to manage that way
Rules are subject to change. Some may be added or taken off.
Current requests: 0/10
beta reader:
Anon list (ask to enter):
🐊 Anon
Characters I am willing to do per fandom:
Hazbin Hotel (no longer available for requests):
Alastor (platonic and queer platonic only)
Angel dust
cherri bomb
Sir pentious
Huskerdust poly
Charlie and vaggie (platonic)
Niffty (platonic)
Lucifer (platonic and familial)
hazbin hotel masterlist here!
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Sirius Black
Regulus Black
Barty Jr.
jegulus poly
Wolfstar poly
Moonwater poly
Poly! marauders
Marauders Masterlist Here!
TMNT (platonic only):
Mikey (mm and rise)
Donnie (mm and rise)
Raph (mm and rise)
Leo (mm and rise)
CaseyJr. (Rise)
Peepaw! Teetlz (romantic is allowed, but with limitations)
Ninjago masterlist here!
Types of fics I will do:
Oneshots and twoshots
Multi chapter fics
reader pov, character pov and 3rd/non biased pov.
Most tags. Literally just send it in and I'll let you know in the a/n if I can't do smth.
More boundaries will be added as time goes on and I figure myself more and what I'm comfortable with.
Anyways, hope yall have a good day/night/afternoon! Nice to meet ya! :)
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itskristal · 3 months
hey hey, you've found me!! this is a hybrid rp/nuzlocke journal for a KRIS muse, written by me, Dan!! (he/him, 30) Please read below before interacting, and enjoy the adventure with me! ❤️
First and foremost, this is NOT a typical RP blog. For the time being, this blog will serve as a first-person journal for Kris's trainer journey through the Kanjoh region. Afterwards, she will be more open to typical postgame/timeskipped RP. Journal entries will be tagged with (GEAR JOURNAL.)
HOWEVER, timeline-wise, she will be venturing out around the same time as other Johto protags--so this blog will still be open to relevant gameverse asks and shorter conversations during the initial journey, if relevant. Feel free to drop into her inbox!
This Nuzlocke will be run using POKEMON CRYSTAL LEGACY, an enhanced ROM of Pokemon Crystal. [If you want to try it for yourself, check out this video! Major props to the creator!!]
Nuzlocke rules can be found under the cut or in a separate [TBA] post!!
This run will use Crystal Legacy's Hard Mode. Leveling will be capped at the next strongest Gym Leader, and set mode will be used. (Items also cannot be used during battles, which is subject to change at my discretion.)
Once Pokeballs are able to be obtained, only one catchable encounter is allowed per area. (Static encounters--such as Sudowoodo and some legendaries--are excluded.)
There is no immediate permadeath in this run (see below.) The rules of the Nuzlocke may be bent, but only to make a better story. I have the final say.
All that said, Kris may not make it through the entire game, and that's okay. Not everyone can take on the League challenge and win!
++ Extremely well-studied - Kris is a top student and has knowledge of type matchup charts, Gym Leader Pokemon, and general battle strategy.
++ Resilient - If any of Kris's Pokemon fall in battle, they will make death saving throws following the fight. On success, they will live and one failure will automatically be counted towards any subsequent death saves by that Pokemon. Instead of granting one full revival from death, any Revive items will instead grant guaranteed death save success if a Pokemon should need it. (Revives are rare and cannot be bought in this run.)
[NOTE: Pokemon cannot be killed during League matches--battles in Gyms, the Elite Four, etc.--and will faint instead. These battles are probably highly monitored and regulated.]
++ Box Techie - Kris is a big Bill enthusiast and knows her way around a PC as a result. Any Pokemon caught over the party limit are put in storage and can be swapped out with active party members at any time, level cap pending.
+/- Overprepared - Kris can use items during battle. However, when entering a location with a Mart, she must spend all of her available money, if able.
+/- Curious - Kris will explore as much area as possible, and attempt to talk with every character possible, even rival trainers or enemies.
-- Fear of Growlithe and Houndour - Kris will automatically attempt to run from any wild Pokemon battle involving the above Pokemon, until that fear is overcome somehow.
I reserve the right to follow/unfollow who I want, at any time.
Mean or off-putting asks will be ignored. (Anon is off.)
Please be respectful.
Heavier themes may be explored on this blog, and will be tagged '______ tw' accordingly.
If you want to do something, or have ideas, please communicate with me! I'm available via Tumblr IM (or Discord for established mutuals.) I'm no Herlock Sholmes and I can't read minds. Yet.
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