#i saw the boop thing last night before i went to bed and was like oh that looks like fun! i'll do that when i get up tomorrow!
minimoll7 · 2 months
The boop thing looks fun and I do want to participate in it but.. I am so exhausted. Had a rough week, still recovering from that and then today was genuinely awful. Rip to anyone I would have otherwise booped and rip to me for not receiving any. I am so tired
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Would You Love Me If.....
First Lady of Private Garden Blurb
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AN: These two lmaoooo
Synopsis: You ask Jack if he would still love you if you were a worm
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
First Lady of Private Garden Masterlist
It was around 2 in the morning and your husband was sound asleep while you were wide awake scrolling through your phone. You didn't know why you were having so much trouble falling asleep and knew that you would regret it later.
When this happened, usually Urban would still be awake so you would go and bother him but when you peeked into his room he was also knocked out cold.
Then your mind suddenly decided to run rampant with your thoughts which was the last thing you needed.
You turned over to look at Jack and called out to him since you had been facing away from him as he had his arm wrapped around you.
"Baby?" You said as you poked his cheek.
"Smush?" Now you booped his nose.
"Pookie?" You started playing with his beard and could see him moving indicating that he was finally awake.
Jack didn't open his eyes to look at you, but he did hear you and immediately answered,
"Yes, baby? Something wrong?"
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
It took Jack a few seconds for his mind to register what you had just asked him, but when it did, he opened his eyes to look at you.
"Ba.... what?"
"Would you still love me if I was a worm? I need to know." You asked again and Jack was just looking at you like you were crazy.
"You woke me up at 2 in the morning to ask me that?"
"Yes, because I couldn't sleep. This is very important and I'm going to need for you to take this seriously. Urban is sleeping so I'll ask him later when he wakes up."
"You better not ask him that dumb ass shit and you shouldn't have even asked me! How the hell could I have married you if you were a worm? Explain that."
"Oh, so your answer is no."
"Baby, I didn't say that. I just needed clarification because WHAT?"
"You don't love me."
"For the billionth time, WE ARE MARRIED."
"That doesn't mean anything!" You said as you were now straddling Jack as he was now laying on his back and you were pouting.
"What the? SERIOUSLY?" Jack said while rubbing his eyes before running a hand through his hair.
"I'm kicking you out. Go life with Druski since he's your life partner." You responded while rolling your eyes.
"Baby, are you seriously upset over this?"
You stayed quiet and Jack noticed your lip start to quiver.
"Oh hell no, don't tell me you're about to cry. Babe! Is your period coming because that is literally the only time you ask me outta pocket shit all times of the night and then cry when you don't get the answer you want."
"Maybe it is, but I just find it funny how I would love you if you were a worm, but I don't get that same treatment in return!"
"Baby girl, I will love you in this lifetime and all of the other ones after that, now please go to sleep."
"I am having a crisis and my husband is not supporting me through it."
"Just go back to sleep. Dua and Clay wouldn't treat me like this." You said while attempting to swing your leg back over, but Jack immediately stopped you.
"They would probably look at you the same way that I'm looking at you now. But baby please go to sleep because I already know what this is."
"Fine." You said as you plopped down face first onto his chest.
It was 10 in the morning when you had woken up to an empty bed. You figured Jack was somewhere with Urban, but you were definitely going to ask Urban the same question when you saw him.
You went to the bathroom to see that Jack knew exactly what he was talking about.
Your period had started.
No wonder why you were crying so much.
This happened every damn month and still surprised you.
Once you had taken a shower and put on comfy clothes, you walked back out into the bedroom from the walk-in closet to see Jack coming in carrying a basket.
"Ooohh, what's this, pookie?" You asked as he leaned down to kiss you before showing you what was in it.
"Here my little worm. All your favorite snacks, painkillers, heating pad, tampons, the works. And you get ultimate cuddles from me. I looked at the date and it's the 7th so I already knew so I woke up early and got prepared."
He set the basket down on the bed and sure enough your eyes started to water.
"You make it hard not to since you're so cute. Now go ahead and pull up Titanic."
"I have to put it in the group chat that you would still love me if I was a worm. Big husband energy."
"Don't push it. PG will never let me live that down."
Not even three seconds later, you heard Urban yelling down the hallway.
All Jack did was sigh and shake his head.
"Just three days, just three days." He muttered to himself.
FL Blurbs Taglist
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myshipsintheharbor · 2 months
I first saw this whole boop thing happening like *right* before I went to bed last night and I went to your tumblr SO fast but you didn't have them on yet and let me tell you I was SO excited when I woke up this morning to boop the heck out of you now that you have it on!! Bestie boop!! 💗💗
i almost didn't even catch it until just now!! when i woke up today i saw some mentions of it but i didn't realize it wasn't just one fandom's inside joke until i scrolled more, so i quick turned on the button and went to work 😂😂 now i'm home and ready to send more boops!
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beloveddawn-blog · 9 months
Teleri sat up suddenly, and Nathanial groaned next to her. "Wha tim iz ih?" He slurred, turning himself back into the pillow.
She smiled at him, charmed by his very human mannerisms. "Early." She replied. "Probably too early." She ruffled his hair softly. "Or we were up too late last night. Either way."
He curled around her waist somewhat, still half asleep. "Worth it." He muttered, kissing her spine. She laughed and slid out of bed. He pouted into the sheets. "Come back here." He tried to cajole, but she simply laughed again.
"Not happening." She replied, pulling her dress over her head and looking for her boots. "I think Roza might actually murder me if you're late for another morning inspection. It's apparently 'a bad example' when the Captain shows up halfway through and with his surcoat on backwards."
"That was one time." He protested, shooting into a sitting position himself in outrage.
Teleri smirked at him. "Only for the surcoat." She finished pulling on her gloves and gave her husband a quick kiss before reaching for her headphones. "I'm off. I've got things to do, and I wanna drop by Nel'Vari and give Sera that warming baby blanket I made. I'm gonna have to make more of an effort to go there, since she's getting a bit too far along in the pregnancy to be watching my animals for me." Her eyes grew slightly distant. "Maybe I'll ask Iris to check in on them for me. She's at the pastures all the time anyway, and I can offer the farm for her to work with her experiments on. Wesley's been a bit high strung from all of this and it's showing in his discomfort with her work. This should help both of them."
"It's too early for plotting." Her husband insisted, getting up to find his pants. "You need to wait until I'm at least fed if you want sensible feedback."
She laughed again, gave him another quick kiss, and headed for the door, headphones sliding into place as she went. Nathanial quickly finished dressing himself (making sure his surcoat was the right direction this time) and grabbed both a cup of coffee and a meal out of the fridge on his way to lean in the doorway and watch his wife work (fried fish is absolutely the breakfast of champions and no, he is not taking criticism).
There he watched a sight he would never tire of: his wife, the most powerful mage he's ever seen (don't tell Lucia. She'd skin him, all while crying about 'traitors' not appreciating all she does) call upon the forces of heaven and earth... To water the seedlings and till the soil. For all she hadn't been able to access it before Elios awoke her latent ability, Teleri used magic like she breathed. It was a part of everything she did in a day.
And that was all by design.
She saw him watching her and pulled her headphones down, a slightly quizzical look on her face. Finally, on this unspecial day that was just like any other, he decided to ask.
"Why do you do that?"
"Do what?" She replied, tilting her head in confusion. Cute was all his brain supplied for a moment, but soon enough he regained enough of his original train of thought to continue.
"Use magic for everything." He replied. "I know you used every trick in the book to gain the power you have, but everything you do with it could be done by hand almost as well. You're somehow both the laziest person I know, as well as the most productive."
She threw her head back and laughed, and laughed, and laughed. He felt his one eyebrow raise as she slowly got herself under control, even wiping away a tear. "Really, Beloved? All those years getting to know me and you still don't understand the nature of water?" She had been walking towards him before, and now she was close enough to slide one arm around his waist (and how he wished he wasn't in his armour...) and boop his nose with the other one. "Water always takes the easiest path. Always. And if there isn't one? It will cut through anything to make one." Her smile was back to sly and knowing, and he couldn't help dropping a soft kiss on it. "But it's also never still. Even contained, stagnant water has movement within it. It's not in my nature to stay in one place."
"But you will for me." He answered back, knowing the truth of this. It was what he held to while everyone around him fell for his beloved, and he knew it was true.
"I will for you." She replied, honesty shining through her eyes. She would outlive him, they both knew, and eventually move on. But for now she was his to love and cherish, and it was the greatest accomplishment of his life. Then she smirked again and drew out a whistle. "But not now. For now," She blew a short tune, then swung herself up on the owlbear that manifested and held a hand out to him, "You're going to be late if we don't get a move on. Come on, I will drop you off at the barracks."
Nathanial grabbed her hand and let himself be hauled onto the beast, the one greatest truth of his life ringing in his mind: I'm so in love with this woman.
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
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Elijah - 2000+ words - @i-boop-you
It's the Stick or Twist recoupling, and Elijah is in for a shock.
🎵 you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor🎵
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“So, Gary, you can see that Chelsea has decided to stick with you,” the host announced, smiling between the pair after Gary came strutting out from inside the Villa and down to the firepit, all on his own. He already looked confident before he even laid eyes on Chelsea, but when he saw her on her own, waiting for him apparently, that smile brightened right up to his eyes. “How are you feeling?”
Gary let out a contented sigh as he waited beside the host, eyes pinned on Chelsea, their shared stare glistening with happiness. “Yeah, I am happy. Real happy. Honestly, this couldn’t have worked out any better.”
With a small smith of her own, the host turned to Chelsea, standing at the firepit dead centre around the other girls. Her hands were to her face, clasped over her mouth like she was keeping herself from squealing. “Chelsea, anything to add?”
With a giggle that would come off as dorky had anyone else snorted it out, Chelsea bent double at her own fortunes, her giddiness overcoming her. “No, no, I am so happy! Like Gary said, it couldn’t have worked out any better! Casa Amor was fun, but it wasn’t home!”
Elijah stood there, in the line up of the other boys who hadn’t been selected yet either. His head was bowed down, taking it all in. Since those words poured out of Chelsea’s mouth, it was like led being poured into his ears. Her words kept spinning around in his head.
“It was like a little holiday within my holiday. So much fun, but I’m super glad to be back, and get back into the swing of things here … and that means with Gary, too. We had something special before I left, and I don’t want to jeopardise that. So, for that reason, I’m going to stick with Gary.”
Jeopardise? She didn’t want to jeopardise her relationship with Gary? Some guy she’d known barely longer than she’d known Elijah, yet somehow - his gaze trailed up from the ground to shoot daggers into the back of Gary’s head - Elijah knew he wasn’t the only mug used by the bubbly blonde.
Gary engulfed Chelsea in a hug as everyone applauded them. Elijah was the only one to hold back, watching on silently and still as Chelsea jumped up into Gary’s arms, acting every bit like someone who hadn’t just spent night after night in bed with another man, kissing him and getting up to all sorts.
Elijah couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so heated.
The ceremony went on, and Elijah was left behind, losing even Arjun. He was the one person Elijah had struck a connection with outside of Chelsea. He, Arjun, Chelsea, and Minnie had formed their own little bond, becoming their own little group within the group. The four of them had been nigh inseparable during Casa Amor, only drifting off to spend time in their couples or their genders (which was just them gossiping about their couples). God, the anger was burning him up inside.
Elijah held his tongue until the end of the ceremony. He stood among the rejects, the boys who had known they had never done enough, who knew going into tonight that their chances of being picked were slim to none. Carl, Felix, and Kassam were all as shocked as he was at the turn of events. Arjun, Elijah, and Graham getting into the main Villa had seemed like such a sure thing.
As the four rejected girls came out to join them, the eight Casa Losers stood, ready to say their goodbyes.
“Well, it’s fair to say that while none of you will be sticking around, it was good to have you here for as long as we did,” the host cooed, trying to lessen the blow, but it wasn’t working for Elijah. “How are you all feeling?”
As the murmurs of ‘good’ and ‘fine’ echoed out the mouths of the others, Elijah straightened up, making himself look nothing but assured. He wasn’t about to mirror the others in trying to dull this blow. This was shit. It shouldn’t have happened this way.
Elijah wasn’t going to be quiet anymore.
“Pretty angry, to be honest,” he said, making sure he spoke loud enough to be heard over the quelling mutters.
Silence. Everyone was absolutely silent. Elijah could only hear his heart pounding in his ears and the chirping of the cicadas in the bushes.
Breaking the heavy silence, the host tried to clarify this sudden shift, asking him, “Angry, Elijah, how come?”
Licking his lips, Elijah stared at the flames flickering out of the fire pit, thinking very carefully about how he was going to word this.
“I guess,” he said, working to keep his voice steady, to not let it waver like the melody of his heart, “because I feel like I’ve just spent my entire time here being lied to.”
Only briefly did he let his eyes wander over the safe Islander’s, taking in their shocked expressions; eyes were wide, mouths hung open, the men were rubbing their chins while the women were covering their faces with their perfectly manicured fingers.
“Lied to? How so?” The host asked, like she had no idea what he was talking about, like she hadn’t been avidly watching the antics going on during Casa Amor like the rest of the nation, like she couldn’t understand how Elijah might be feeling right now, almost making him feel like this anger and his betrayal wasn’t justified. “Would you care to explain some more?”
He breathed deep, steadying himself. “Yeah, sure … so,” he looked around the Islander’s once more, catching Chelsea’s eye. She looked as puzzled as the rest, like she was completely oblivious as to what he was going through and how she might have played a part in it all. “Basically, from the get go, from day one, me and this girl … we had a connection. There was no question that we would be sharing a bed together, and when we did, there was no holding back. Even outside of the challenges, she was all over me, no hesitation in kissing me. There was no chance for me to get to know the other girls because, like I said, from day one this girl was all over me. I’m not the only one of the lads here that are shocked that I’m still standing.”
The Islanders were dead silent, waiting on bated breath. The boys were glancing about, eyeing up the girls, clearly trying to work out if it was their girl who had betrayed them, that if what they’ve said is true, that if they’ve been getting into bed with a player this whole time.
Well, for one of them, that was certainly true.
“So, you had a good connection with this girl, and you were basically set to come back in after Casa Amor?” The host clarified, sounding far more sympathetic this time around. Elijah could hear the dramatic music that would no doubt be playing over this moment when the episode aired later.
Elijah nodded.
“And … which girl was it that you had a connection with?”
The money question.
Elijah faced forward, no regrets at all, and locked eyes with her. She was staring back at him with her angelic looking doe-eyes, like a little lost puppy. Once that would have got him, but right now Elijah did not feel sorry for her in the slightest.
“It was Chelsea.”
The gasps went ringing from the guys. Noah sucked in a breath as Ibrahim screwed his face up. Bobby whistled low, and Henrik reached over to squeeze Gary’s shoulder.
Chelsea just looked back at Elijah like she couldn’t believe he would betray her this way. Elijah was moving on though, just as fast as she had. His eyes were now resting on Gary, watching as the crane operator took it all in.
He was sitting still, one arm around Chelsea, staring ahead at the flickering flames like they held the answers he needed, like he would find the truth of the matter within the radiating heat.
“Gary, mate…” Ibrahim said, leaning over his new girl, some tall girl with ginger hair that Elijah hadn’t cared to catch the name of.
The host seized control of the situation. She turned to the safe Islander’s and prodded Chelsea, asking her, “So, Chelsea, do you have anything to say to what Elijah’s just told us?”
She bumbled her words, her lip quivering, searching the girls to back her up, to offer her solace, to rescue her after she's realised she’d gone overboard with no life line.
“I - I … I mean,” she said, sitting up straight, hands in her lap like she was being told off in school, “I mean … I never once said I would take Elijah back, I don’t know where this is coming from … Did I do something wrong? I was just trying to get to know you, Elijah.”
Elijah wasn’t budging from his stance.
“You should have known how I’d feel about you running back to Gary, then. Who was it that consoled you when that video came through and you went into hysterics about him saying he could bring one girl home to his nan? It was me. And didn’t we spend every night staying up chatting? Didn’t you kiss me every single day we were there? It was you who had told me that you hadn’t even kissed Gary yet, either. How strong is that connection, you tell me.”
Minnie stared off, eyes wide, blanching and pale. Next to her, Arjun held up his fist in solidarity with him, assuring Elijah he was doing the right thing.
“And, Gary, do you want to tell us how you’re feeling now?” The host went on, making sure to squeeze this moment for every drop of juice the show could get.
Well, if Elijah wasn’t getting into the Villa then at least he would have one of the most memorable moments of the series. He’d certainly made himself more noteworthy than the other seven people standing in line with him, waiting patiently to leave the Vill and see how much they could get out of one Instagram endorsement after three days on Love Island.
Gary blinked away the shock. He was silent for several moments more as he took in their host, as he took in Elijah, his mates, and then finally Chelsea. The shook his head, and said, “Chelsea’s a nice girl and … I don’t know, mate, I think you might have got the wrong end of the stick here.”
Chelsea nods at his side. “Yeah, sorry, Elijah, hun! I never said I would be bringing you back! We were just having fun!”
He swallowed back the vitriol he wanted to spew, knowing he had to hold back and be careful in case it ended up reflecting badly on him. “Well, Chelsea I hope it was worth it for how you’ve made me feel now. It may have been fun for you, and you might not have made any promises about taking me back so you could keep getting to know me, but you never said that you wouldn’t take me back or that I shouldn’t get my hopes up. Is it because you didn’t want to risk me acting differently? Who would you have had fun with then, right?”
Priya was staring at the ground as she let out a low, “Wooft.”
The only one looking at all unabashed was Lottie, who was grinning gleefully, rejoicing in this attempt at Chelsea’s downfall.
Felix reached out for him, putting a hand on his shoulder, letting him know that it was over, that it was done. The damage had been exposed, the truth was out.
“Well, congratulations to the new couples,” the host said, a forced smile returning to her face. “And Casa Islanders,” she turned to the rejects, “sadly, it wasn’t your time, so you have thirty minutes to say your goodbyes. See you all very soon!”
She turned to disappear into the Villa as the Islanders, dumped and safe, were left to pick up the pieces of the latest Love Island ploy.
Arjun was the first over to Elijah, swallowing him up whole in a comforting hug. Minnie and the other girls were quick to come over too, to assure him he hadn’t done anything wrong by speaking his truth, and even Graham had an approving nod for him. There was an odd moment with Gary, where they acknowledged one another. All Elijah had to say to him was, "Be careful with that one."
And finally it was time; Chelsea was waiting for him.
A look on her face like a little lost lamb in a dark and scary forest, she let out a sympathetic, “Babe.” She stood before him with her hand on her heart. “I never realised I was hurting you so bad! Like, honestly, I never imagined you were actually catching feelings.”
He snapped back, “I never imagined you weren’t.”
“Elijah, I’m so sorry, can we -?”
Whatever pleads and promises were about to crawl out her mouth, he wasn’t interested. Elijah held up one hand to bring silence. “Save it,” he said. “Maybe in a couple of days, there won’t be any bad blood, but until then, you reap what you sow, Chelsea. Put that one on a cushion.”
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acurlygirlamy1 · 10 months
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So, last week, something pretty tragic happened in our household. It's taken me until now to wrap my head around it and find the words to describe the horror. It started off simple enough - something that's probably happened to most of you.
Sometime between midnight and 1:30am, our puppy Evie pooped on our rug in the living room. This is the only time she's done this, so it's probably just because we forgot to let her out before we went to bed that night. Now, if you have a detective's mind, you may be wondering how we know the poop occurred between midnight and 1:30am. We were asleep, so how do I know that time frame?
Why, friends, that's because our Roomba runs at 1:30am every night, while we sleep. And it found the poop. And so begins the Pooptastrophe. The poohpocalypse. The pooppening.
If you have a Roomba, please rid yourself of all distractions and absorb everything I'm about to tell you.
Do not, under any circumstances, let your Roomba run over dog poop. If the unthinkable does happen, and your Roomba runs over dog poop, stop it immediately and do not let it continue the cleaning cycle. Because if that happens, it will spread the dog poop over every conceivable surface within its reach, resulting in a home that closely resembles a Jackson Pollock poop painting.
It will be on your floorboards. It will be on your furniture legs. It will be on your carpets. It will be on your rugs. It will be on your kids' toy boxes. If it's near the floor, it will have poop on it. Those awesome wheels, which have a checkered surface for better traction, left 25-foot poop trails all over the house. Our lovable Roomba, who gets a careful cleaning every night, looked like it had been mudding. Yes, mudding - like what you do with a Jeep on a pipeline road. But in poop.
Then, when your four-year-old gets up at 3am to crawl into your bed, you'll wonder why he smells like dog poop. And you'll walk into the living room. And you'll wonder why the floor feels slightly gritty. And you'll see a brown-encrusted, vaguely Roomba-shaped thing sitting in the middle of the floor with a glowing green light, like everything's okay. Like it's proud of itself. You were still half-asleep until this point, but now you wake up pretty damn quickly.
And then the horror. Oh the horror.
So, first you clean the child. You scrub the poop off his feet and put him back in bed. But you don't bother cleaning your own feet, because you know what's coming. It's inevitable, and it's coming at you like a freight train. Some folks would shrug their shoulders and get back in bed to deal with it in the morning. But you're not one of those people - you can't go to sleep with that war zone of poop in the living room.
So you clean the Roomba. You toss it in the bathtub to let it soak. You pull it apart, piece-by-piece, wondering at what point you became an adult and assumed responsibility for 3:30am-Roomba-disassembly-poop-cleanups. By this point, the poop isn't just on your hands - it's smeared up to your elbows. You already heard the Roomba make that "whirlllllllllllllllll-boop-hisssssssss" noise that sounds like electronics dying, and you realize you forgot to pull the battery before getting it wet. More on that later.
Oh, and you're not just using profanity - you're inventing new types of profanity. You're saying things that would make Satan shudder in revulsion. You hope your kid stayed in bed, because if he hears you talking like this, there's no way he's not ending up in prison.
Then you get out the carpet shampooer. When you push it up to the rug - the rug that started it all - the shampooer just laughs at you. Because that rug is going in the trash, folks. But you shampoo it anyway, because your wife loved that damn rug, and you know she'll ask if you tried to clean it first.
Then you get out the paper towel rolls, idly wondering if you should invest in paper towel stock, and you blow through three or four rolls wiping up poop. Then you get the spray bottle with bleach water and hose down the floor boards to let them soak, because the poop has already dried. Then out comes the steam mop, and you take care of those 25-ft poop trails.
And then, because it's 6am, you go to bed. Let's finish this tomorrow, right?
The next day, you finish taking the Roomba apart, scraping out all the tiny flecks of poop, and after watching a few Youtube instructional videos, you remove the motherboard to wash it with a toothbrush. Then you bake it in the oven to dry. You put it all back together, and of course it doesn't work. Because you heard the "whirlllllllllllllll-boop-hissssssss" noise when it died its poopy death in the bathtub. But you hoped that maybe the Roomba gods would have mercy on you.
But there's a light at the end of the tunnel. After spending a week researching how to fix this damn $400 Roomba without spending $400 again - including refurb units, new motherboards, and new batteries - you finally decide to call the place where you bought it. That place called Hammacher Schlemmer. They have a funny name, but they have an awesome warranty. They claim it's for life, and it's for any reason.
So I called them and told the truth. My Roomba found dog poop and almost precipitated World War III.
And you know what they did? They offered to replace it. Yes, folks. They are replacing the Roomba that ran over dog poop and then died a poopy, watery death in the bathtub - by no fault of their own, of course.
So, mad props to Hammacher Schlemmer. If you're buying anything expensive, and they sell it, I recommend buying it from them. And remember - don't let your Roomba run over dog poop.
Edit 1:
I wrote a book! It's called The Becoming, and it's a contemporary fantasy. Give it a try:
Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0716C4HFR
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thebecomingbook/
The Amazon link is for U.S. readers - international readers should go to their own country's Amazon site, then search for the book.
Edit 2:
If you want more of this stuff, I have a Facebook page now:
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By Your Side
Consider reading this on my AO3:
Ship: Hasumi Keito/Tenshouin Eichi
Word Count: 772
A slap to the face is what woke Keito up the next morning. He sat up in a hurry as if he was under attack, but what he saw beside himself calmed his racing heart in an instant. 
Eichi was all sprawled out on the bed, like a starfish, hence the unfortunate way he woke up. But he couldn’t even be upset as a sight like this was precious, once in a lifetime. He reached for his glasses on the nightstand, to be able to see and appreciate it better. His fingertips traced along the soft skin of Eichi’s jaw, just barely brushing it so he wouldn’t wake up.
The events of last night were still fresh in his mind, thus his touch was even softer than usual. The feelings that remained welled up in his soul poured into his gaze as he watched how the light shining through the window hit Eichi’s face just right. He always thought he couldn’t be more beautiful, but he was proven wrong each and every day.
It wasn’t like him at all, to be tempted by desires, but Eichi owned his heart. He could ask him to do anything and he’d jump to fulfill his wishes. Besides, those wishes were his as well. As long as he could see Eichi up close, right there, with him, there was nothing else he would need. He’d even throw away his pride, as he had done, by the embarrassing noises he made last night. 
He pulled the blanket up to Eichi’s neck, then laid his head back onto the pillow. This was the one moment where work could wait a while longer. Because there was no chance he’d let his gaze drift to anything other than his lover’s sleeping face. As he continued to caress him, all over, his face, his neck, down his body, and back up, he got lost in the admiration completely.
The only thing on his mind was how lucky he was.
How lucky and-
“Keito…?” A soft mumble left Eichi’s lips, calling out the name he spoke last before he drifted off to sleep, the name that belonged to the person whose touch was so sweet. Half asleep still, he nuzzled right into it, burying himself in his palm, taking in his gentleness. 
“Did you sleep well?” Keito wanted to keep a semi-professional tone, but it was doomed to fail while he gazed so fondly and scratched Eichi behind the ear as if he was a cat. 
“Mhm… I slept like a log! Though after how you exhausted me last night, no wonder!” As Eichi became more awake, he giggled at the intoxicating memories, unable to hold back a little teasing.
“I apologize. It wasn’t my intention to tire you out, but rather to show you… How I feel.”
Eichi let out a dramatic sigh and rolled to his side to face the other, booping his nose. “Relax, Keito~ I’m tougher than I look!”
“No, you really are not. I should’ve made sure I-”
Before Keito could so much as begin his monologue, Eichi kissed him on the lips, thus any word Keito may have wanted to string into the sentence got stuck in his throat as he tried to return it to the best of his abilities. 
“You took such good care of me, Keito. You always do.” Eichi took on a more serious tone, but his touch was still light and playful as he caressed Keito’s chin.
“I tried my best.”
“But did you enjoy it too?”
Keito leaned in, stealing one more kiss from his lips, just barely brushing them together. “It’s always my greatest honor to be by your side. No matter the circumstance.”
“And? Is there something else I’m supposed to say?”
“Hm~” Eichi pretended to think, rolling onto his back. “For example, ‘Of course I enjoyed it, you are the hottest, Eichi!’ or ‘You have the nicest body I’ve ever seen!’ Those types of things. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to say after this?”
Keito went red in the face, right up to the tip of his ears, clearing his throat. “I will not use such language.”
“You weren’t so averse to it last night though~” Eichi continued to tease, only to be the one cut off by a sudden kiss and Keito moving on top of him.
However, instead of perhaps another round, Keito just laid down on him, with his head resting on his chest. “You have a bad influence on me. But I suppose it’s not a sin to enjoy a moment like this.”
“As long as I am by your side.”
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salty-jade · 2 years
Disco Time
Pairing: Tom! Peter Parker x Fem! Reader
Theme: Fluff, Slightly NSFW, back to the 60's 70's 80's vibe you name it.
Summary: Peter need a vacay from being an animal wrangler, so you and peter go on a date, disco style!
Note: I'll admit, I'm in a disco vibe phase right now and I just needed to write this idea before my brain explodes from too much disco and fluff.
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“Please Peter! Can’t you take one day off from being Spider-Man?”
Peter closed the refrigerator door and continued to walk to his room while you were trailing behind him. You’ve been trying to convince him for weeks to take just a day off from patrolling and go on a date with you. You can’t even enjoy ten minutes of alone time with each other before his phone alerted him of an emergency. Peter still gives you attention and hangs out with you, but those moment were usually spent in his apartment and they only lasted about ten minutes.
“I don’t think I can, remember the last villain that attacked the city? He’s still out there and I can’t let my guard down” he said as he opened the bottle cap and took a sip of his drink.
“You mean the Rhino man? Oh please, I saw what you did. His machine was broken because of you, and I don’t think he can come back in less than a day.” You took a seat on his bed while maintaining eye contact with him to show that you were really desperate to hang out with him.
“Yeah, but I can’t just assume he’s going to stop attacking just because I broke his toy. I still have to find a way to stop him and bring him to the authorities.” Peter sat next to you on his bed and gave you his signature sorry look. This was your weakness. He would always put on his puppy dog eyes and smooth his way out of your anger. But right now, you weren’t so much as angry, but just a bit disappointed by the fact that you couldn’t spend time with him more. Also, his reasoning wasn’t something you could refute as well.
You let out a groan while letting yourself fall to the bed and looked up at the ceiling. Now it was Peter’s turn to be sad. He knew that if he really went on a date with you and disaster strikes, he’d have to abandon the date and become the super hero persona he was and save the city. Neither option was good, but he rather not breaks a promise that he swore he would keep then ditch you 80% of the time. He scooted himself so that he was now next to you and held your hand in his. Peter hovered himself over you so that you could see the sincere look he had in his face right now.
“I’m really sorry. But I can promise you that the next time he comes back out into the city, I will stop him and make the police arrest him so that he doesn’t disturb our date night” He squeezed your hands tight and gave you his tight-lipped smile. This was also something Peter always did, and this was something you could always trust on. You sat up from your position and gave Peter a quick peck on the lips along with a smile.
“Okay...” You gave his hand a squeeze. You both giggled at the gestures and just stared into each other’s eyes. You never doubted Peter when he made promises like the on right now. This is one of the things that made you fall for him. He always knew when to make the right promises and not just empty ones. You got up from the bed and placed you knee on the bed next to Peter’s legs, continuing to wrap your arms around Peter’s neck while giving him a suggestive look. Peter took the hint and pulled you closer to himself and let you fall into his lap. His hands found your way to your hips and made tiny circles with his thumbs.
“But you, have to give me something to work with before I have to wait what could possibly a week or more for our date to happen...” You touched his nose with your finger and made a ‘boop’ sound. He always liked that gesture.
“Oh, and what might that be” Peter pulled you closer, your body aligning with his. You placed your forehead on his own and whispered the words to him.
“I think you already have something in mind, Tiger”
Peter shot his webs to a fallen brick and swung it at the Rhino, sending him tumbling to the ground. Rhino’s suit was now falling into pieces and he was running out of energy, but so was Peter. If he was being honest, the promise he made to you was the adrenaline that was pumping through his veins right now to put an end to rhino and his antics.
The rhino was on the ground, but Peter could tell he still had some energy left, he just didn’t know if he himself still had any. The rhino made a small laugh as he noticed Spider-Man was running out of energy.
“Foolish Spider-Man! In the end you are just a small human, while I myself am a G-” Just as he was about to finish his sentence, Peter shot multiple strands of webs on the rhino before finally triggering an electric shock to the suit and Rhino himself. Finally, he was down and Peter could let out a sigh of relief.
“Man, this guy never shuts up.” The sound of police sirens reached Peter’s ear; he quickly webbed the fallen rhino so that he wouldn’t try anything funny in case he woke up. He shot a web into the distance and swung himself from roof to roof. Just as he was about to land on his apartment roof, the wind picked up and sent a flyer in Peter’s way, causing it to get stuck on his face. Peter lost control and accidentally let go of his web. Luckily, he was already hovering over his roof, but he still had a bad crash landing. Great, first a broken rib, now a dirty old flyer is stuck on my face, he thought to himself. He let out a groan and took the flyer out of his view, he was about to just crumble up the paper and throw it across the roof, until the title of the flyer caught his eye. He took of his mask and had a grin plastered on his face. Peter took out his phone and dialed your number before anything else interrupted him
You checked yourself again in the mirror and adjusted your outfit one last time. You wore dark blue bell bottom jeans that had a streak of red running from the top to the bottom of your jeans, pairing it with a simple cropped tank top that had a subtle floral pattern to it. You felt the outfit was appropriate, considering the theme of your date.
“a what?” you asked. You were watching the news and saw that Peter had just defeated the Rhino. When that news dropped, you jumped up from your couch and cheered. knowing that your boyfriend finally put an end to a villain’s antic, but also knowing that now you had a date night with him. Your parents were in the same room and looked like they just saw a crazy person. Thankfully, Peter called at the right time and you excused yourself to your room.
“I found this flyer about a grand opening of a roller skate rink this Friday! I thought that this could be our long-awaited date night. I did make a promise to you after all.” Hearing him say that he remembered the promise he had made, sent your heart flying. Honestly, you wouldn’t mind if he deviated from the promise a little, but the fact that he fulfilled it made you melt.
“How ‘bout this Saturday? My parents are going to be out of town until Monday, so we have the weekend all to ourselves...” There was something suggestive with the way you stretched that last sentence. But Peter was too excited to take you out on your anticipated date that he didn’t catch that.
“Great! so I’ll see you at Saturday. I’ll pick you up at six!” and with that Peter ended the call and left you dumbfounded. You stared at the phone in your hand, looking at the screen that was now blank.
And now here you were, adjusting the headband on your head and tugging the ends of your top while looking at yourself in the mirror. Your phone vibrated on your night stand and showed a message that came from Peter.
Peter - I’m outside!
You took one last look in the mirror and grabbed your shoes and purse. Taking your house keys along with you and finally locking the door to your apartment. Peter could hear you running down the stairs as your high heels kept tapping against the floor. Once you finally made it out of the front door lobby, Peter swore he forgot to breathe. He still couldn’t believe he got a girl like you. You waved goodbye to the guard in the lobby and went down the small flight of stairs. Once you saw Peter, you picked up the pace and gave him a big tight hug. You haven’t seen him since he arrested the Rhino two days ago, and now not only do you get to see your boyfriend again, but you get to see him in a new style.
He would’ve usually worn a hoodie or sweater and a pair of jeans. Sometimes he would ‘mix it up’ and go for a plain graphic t-shirt that had science puns written on them. You didn’t hate them though if you were being honest. No, the man standing in front of you was like a totally different person. He had his hair styled in a way you could only describe, Danny from Grease. There was no denying it, his hair still maintained his usual style you see every other day, but the clothes he wore just sold it to you. He had a plain white T shirt under him that looked like he wore it tight on purpose so that you could see his toned body still. You now for a fact that Peter does not own a leather jacket, so seeing him wear one now made you think he probably just bought it. The black pants and shoe he wore just completed the look for him.
You backed away from Peter and clapped your hands at his fashion choice.
“Damn Parker! If I knew you were going to dress up as Danny, I might as well change and turn into your Sandy!” Peter gave you a chuckle, a hint of blush was on his cheek right now after the comment you just gave.
“Actually, May helped. Like a lot! she kept complaining that I always wear the same clothes so, might as well give a new style a try.” He shrugged his shoulder.
“Well tell May I love it! she should style you more often. Now c’mon stud! take me to our date.” Peter offered you his arm for you to loop around. You taking the gesture, responded by holding unto his arm with the biggest smile on your face.
Moments later, you both finally made it to the roller skate rink. The place was quite packed, but Peter assured you that you both would still be able to enjoy the experience. The cool air hitting your face as you swung the door open. Laughter filled the room, along with background music that dated back to probably the 60’s or even further keeping the theme of disco alive. Now you were definitely sure you wore the right costume. You both went up to the counter to rent a locker and two pairs of roller skates.
You were genuinely nervous, since it’s been a long time since you’ve skated but at least these had four wheels, so what could go wrong. Tying the las knot on your shoes, you got up from the bench and walked carefully to the rink where Peter was already waiting for you by the entrance.
“I have to warn you, I’m not much of an expert in roller skating.” You said as you put one of your feet on the rink, already feeling the wheel start to take over. Once you settled your other foot in the rink, your body started to wobble and lose it balance. Peter noticed you struggling a bit, but he was quick on his feet and caught you before your butt met the floor. Your hands holding unto his arm while the other circled his neck for more support, Peter chuckled when he met your nervous gaze.
“I can see that, but no worries. I promise I won’t let go.” You gave him a sheepish smile and slowly stood up while still holding unto Peter for support. Peter slowly guided you to the middle of the rink, still holding your hand as you moved your legs left and right. You were still kind of shaking, but once you got into the rhythm of it, you were doing ok so far. Though, you really didn’t want to let go of Peter’s hand. The song that played throughout the rink were ones you were familiar thanks to your parents. Songs from Earth, Wind and Fire, Elvis Presley, ABBA and many more were playing while you struggled to keep yourself balanced.
Once both of you were in the middle of the rink and you could stand on your own with both of your hands still in Peter’s, a familiar song starts to play. The opening sound of the trumpet assured you that it was the song that your grandparents and parents still listened to. The beat from the song helped you sway your feet, making you more stable on the rink. Peter noticed that you were in the groove and let go his right hand from you, but the other still intertwined with yours.
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
You'd be like heaven to touch
I want to hold you so much
You noticed Peter was no standing right next to you and was nudging you to start skating forward. You both swayed your feet to the beat, your hands holding each other so that they won’t let go.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
Peter was glad that he now had the time to enjoy your company and go back on your little dates. He was so busy ever since the Rhino came and attacked that he realized that he had been away from you for far too long. Now all he could do was stare at you and how happy you looked while skating.
Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothing else to compare
the sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak
You noticed that Peter had been staring at you for quite some time. You turned your face to him and saw him have his sweet smile plastered on his face. Your cheeks started to turn pink, and you could only give him a goofy smile out of embarrassment. You treasured this moment with him, you never know what would happen to him with his kind of job. So, you swore you would enjoy every second you were with him.
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
“I missed this.” You spoke.
“Me too.” Peter responded and gave your hand a tight squeeze. You both have been circling the rink like the other people. You could tell there were mostly couples, but also some little kids enjoying their time with their friends. Peter let go of your hand and placed them on your hips, bringing you closer to his own.
I love you baby,
and if it's quite alright I need you baby
to warm the lonely night
I love you baby
Trust in me when I say
You both slowed down, wanting to just enjoy the moment together, while the other skaters were enjoying their fun. You skated your way in front of Peter, to get a real look at him. You held both of his hands, now as if you were the one guiding him. Peter skated a bit closer to you, closing the gap that was once in between you. Both of your skates losing the momentum and come to a full stop. Y
Oh, pretty baby,
don't bring me down I pray
Oh pretty baby,
now that I've found you stay
and let me love you baby
Let me love you
You wrapped your arms around Peter’s neck, bringing his forehead down to touch your own. Still staring into each other’s eyes, you both had a silly grin. You swore you saw a glimmer in his hazelnut eyes, as he also thought the same about your own. Peter slowly leaned into your face with his eyes starting to close. You did the same to your own and waited for his sweet lips to touch your cherry lipstick. Both of your harts beating at the same rate, wanting nothing more but a sweet kiss to happen after a tiring week of not seeing each other as often as you both would like. Your faces getting closer and closer, the sensation of both your lips together sent you body into a frenzy.
“I WIN!” the sound of a giggly toddler rang in your ear, along with the impact of the toddler’s skates that made you trip on your own skates, interrupting the moment you had with Peter. Luckily, his hands were on your hip, so he was able to catch you before you slipped and fell. The toddler noticed that they accidentally tripped you and apologized sincerely. Usually, you would glare at someone for interrupting you and Peter, but you let it slide since you were in a happy mood. You assured the toddler that it was okay and they continued to skate away.
You heard the sound of laughter coming from your boyfriend. You also thought that the whole scene was hilarious, so you joined in and laughed as well.
“C’mon lover boy, we still have the whole night to enjoy ourselves” you said, holding his hand once again and continued to skate along to the song hand in hand.
The night went on with you and Peter skating around the rink, either hand in hand or chasing each other just for the fun of it. You didn’t mind though; you cherished the moments whenever you could.
The sound of two teenagers giggling in the middle of the night filled the air. You and Peter were such in a bubbly mood that you two started to sing Whitney Houston’s iconic song, I Wanna Dance with Somebody. one legged swung, followed by the other. You were starting to wonder if people would call the cops on you for a noise complaint, but you both didn’t care. Peter forgot how it felt to let loose with you. He was always so tense after every battle with the Rhino, that he forgot what fun meant. Lucky for him, you always reminded him what it meant, like the night right now.
Suddenly, a you heard the sound of your ringtone from your phone that was inside your purse. You and Peter stopped in your tracks so you could answer the call.
“Hello? ~” the sound of your laughter was still present in the way you greeted the person on the other side. Once you recognized the voice on the other side, your face morphed into confusion. Mumbling a couple of yes and okays, you said the words “I love you! drive safe” into the phone and ended the call. Peter saw the frown on your face and shoulders slumped.
“That was my mom... She said something went wrong so they had to cancel their trip. They’re gonna be back by tomorrow evening...” Peter knew what that meant. You both were looking forward to spending the two nights alone together, catching up on the days you missed each other because of the Rhino. Now the pacing of your feet was slow, hinting at the disappointment you were having due to your plans now ruined.
Peter caught up to you and put a hand on your right shoulder, placing a soft kiss on your head for reassurance.
“If I may add something,” Peter said
“They did say evening tomorrow. Not morning...” You stopped again in your tracks, slowly a smirk started to form on your lips knowing where Peter was going with this. Hands folded on your arms, you rested your whole-body weight on one end of the foot, making your hips stand out. Peter couldn’t wait to tell you that those jeans just highlighted the features from the waist down. Maybe you should wear that more often.
“Parker, are you thinking of what I’m thinking.” As if a switch flipped in your head, your voice, the way you walked towards him, and the aura you were giving off was now a totally new personality. And you knew Peter liked it.
His hands now placed on your hips; eyes now filled with something more than what it was back at the rink.
“Your place isn’t that far if I just swing us there.” You chuckled, placing your hands on his shoulder to hold unto.
“Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and swing me Tiger!”
A/N: the song is Can't take my eyes off you by Andy Williams if anyone was curious :3
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Reflection Of You | Chapter 1
Genre: Historical!AU, Timetraveller!AU / Different Dimension, Romance
Pairing: SUGA x Reader, Yoongi x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Idol!Suga, King!Yoongi, Guard!Seokjin, Guard!Jungkook, RoyalAdvisor!Namjoon, Servant!Jimin, Servant!Hoseok, Prince!Taehyung
Summary: Confirming you were dating the famous Min Suga of BTS, you knew you were bound to make some enemies. But what you didn’t expect was to be cursed, going back to meet a cold-hearted, arrogant king that shares the same face as your rapper lover.  
The nightmare the both of you feared had finally come true. 
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“Thank you, ARMY!”
“We’ll see you soon!” 
“We love you forever! Goodnight!” You watched the monitor with proud eyes, your hands clasped together. After a long world tour, the boys had their final concert in Korea, their home country. You, along with the other staff, clapped as the 7 boys stepped off the stage.
“Good job!” There were exchanges of hugs and pats on the backs. Technically, you weren’t a member of staff, so you respected the distance, standing at the back of the crowd.
“There you are.” Someone said, almost like a sigh of relief. 
“Great job, as always.” A smile slowly widened on your face as you opened your arms to hug him, resting your cheek against his peck. 
“I’m sweaty.” Was all he said. 
“Like I ever minded.” You chuckled, pulling away to look up at him. He gave a soft smile, leaning down to peck your lips. It was quick but endearing. You knew for him, doing that in public was already a large feat. 
“Noona! You’re here!” You were yanked out of your beloved’s arms. 
“Of course, Kookie. It’s the last show of the tour, I wouldn’t miss it.” You patted his head as he lifted you off the ground.
“Yah, look at the scowl on hyung’s face after you stole his girl.” Taehyung appeared, slinging his arm around your maknae’s neck. You giggled, shaking your head. Someone stood beside you, holding your hand. Speak of the devil. You turned your head to see him looking at his phone in his other hand, totally nonchalant about holding your phone. 
“Great show today, guys. You were amazing.” You told all 7 of them as they packed up, ready to head home. 
“Thank you, (y/n).” Jin pinched your cheek lovingly. 
“As much as I love spending time with ARMY, I’m excited to have some time off, as well.” Jimin yawned, adjusting his hat in the mirror. You nodded in agreement. The boys deserved a nice break. 
“The vans are here.” The managers informed. 
“Let’s go, aegi.” He called. You walked hand in hand with him. Before you stepped out, he stopped you. 
“You forgot again?” He chuckled, taking a mask out of his pocket. He gently hooked the elastics over your ears, adjusting the fabric on your face to make sure that it was comfortable. 
“Thank you.” You said sheepishly. 
“Hurry, love birds!” Hoseok called out, being the one to share the van with the two of you. Even if you were all boarding the van privately, you were still cautious, wearing a mask when you went out in case any fan manages to slip past security and saw you.
“We’ll sit at the back.” You were yanked into the seat, making you blink in shock. You felt your lover’s headrest against your shoulder.
“Any plans for the break, Hobi?” You asked. 
“Hmm, besides going home? I would like to travel but I don’t really have a destination in mind. What about you? Are you and hyung going to do something?” He asked back. 
“He’s visiting his family. Unfortunately, I have work but I’ll try to join him for a few days. After that, we might take a few days off to travel too.” You smiled. 
“Must be nice to travel with a companion.” Hoseok teased. 
“Not when your companion just wants to sleep and eat all day.” You giggled. There was a grunt of annoyance from beside you. 
“Hey, you sleep just as much as me. We hardly stepped out of our hotel room the last vacation because all we did was sleep then nap all day. Besides, I deserve to sleep and eat all day for how hard I’ve worked.” He scoffed. You nodded your head, you couldn’t argue with that after all the hard work the boys have put into the tour. 
“Touché.” You booped his nose. 
“Still hard to believe hyung is the first one to get a girl. We all thought he was too much a gramps to get one.” Hoseok laughed. 
“That’s part of his charm, I guess.” You smiled. Looking down, you saw that said male had fallen asleep against your shoulder. A slight frown was on his face as he crossed his arms. 
When the car stopped in the gated apartment complex, the 3 of you were dropped off at the front of the dorm building. 
“I know, I know. You won’t be spending the night in the dorm. Goodnight, you two.” Hoseok waved you two off. You giggled and gave him a hug before parting ways from him. 
“I can’t wait to just spend the next few days in bed.” 
“When are you going back to Daegu?” 
“Next week. What, can’t wait to get rid of me already?” He teased. You scoffed, entering the lift together and tapping the resident card, pressing the lift button. 
“If I wanted to get rid of you, I could just return to my place.” You shook your head. 
“As if I’d let you.” He said from behind you. Pressing the code into the keypad on the door, you pressed your finger print and the door unlocked. The two of you shuffled into the big apartment. You turned the lights on and placed your bag on the couch. The first thing you did was put away the washed dishes from your breakfast this morning. 
“You can do that tomorrow.” His voice groaned. 
“It’ll take less than a minute. Go ahead and shower.” You chuckled. Once again, you were yanked away from the cupboard. He rested his chin on your shoulder, arms loosely looped around your waist. 
“What’s wrong?” You whispered, stroking the back of his head. 
“Is it too early for post concert blues?” 
“You are such a workaholic. You’ll be on stage again soon. Besides, ARMY wouldn’t want to see all of you so tired out. They would want you to rest well and have a break too.” You comforted. 
“When I’m with them, I just feel like I have the whole world.” 
“ARMY is lucky to have all of you. You’re their world just as much as they are yours.” You smiled. 
“You’re forgetting something. ARMY gives me the whole world. But right now, I know I am holding my whole world.” He placed a gentle kiss against your temple. 
“Cheeseball.” You shook your head with a laugh. You shooed him away to shower while you finished the chores for the night like folding the washed clothes, filling the coffee machine for tomorrow and arranging the few fan gifts from ARMY around the house. 
“I’m done.” He called from the bedroom. You entered, seeing him pull a plain white shirt over his head. He rubbed his wet hair with a towel. 
“I’ll go shower.” You said, picking some fresh clothes and bringing it to the bathroom. You were quick with your shower, blowing drying your hair afterwards so you wouldn’t have to wait for it to dry. 
“Hurry, I want to sleep.” 
“You don’t have to wait for me!” You replied. 
“Alright, alright.” You shook your head, hanging your towel back on the rack to dry. You closed the bathroom door, slipping under the covers. Immediately, you were drawn into a warm embrace. 
“Don’t wake me up tomorrow.” He mumbled, eyes closing. 
“Wouldn’t dare to.” You joked. He opened one eye to glare at you while you smiled innocently at him. He yawned, tucking his head into the crook of your neck comfortably. 
“Goodnight, aegi.” He placed a kiss against your skin.
“Goodnight, Yoon.” You replied. 
You’ve known Yoongi for years now. When you worked at a music store near BTS’ old dorm when they had just debuted. He would come at night, just before closing to browse the shelves. Even if you came to know the whole group through Yoongi, you and Yoongi connected on a whole new level, you understood each other through music. 
It was about 2 years ago that he had asked you out on a date. Of course, you were unsure, considering how popular he was and you didn’t want to burden him by keeping your relationship a secret. 
But you trusted Yoongi. When he told you he would protect you, you gave him a chance. And you’ve been happily together ever since. 
It scared you when Yoongi threatened to leave BigHit when the management found out about you. You told Yoongi that you wanted him to prioritise BTS and ARMY before your relationship together. That was your only condition. 
“Because ARMY and BTS were there for you before I was. You need to be there for them just like how they are there for you.” You told him. 
With that, the management and Mr Bang approved of your relationship. They also appreciated how you made Yoongi happier and were a positive influence when he had his low times. 
It was around 4 am. You woke up, feeling the space beside you still empty. The sheets felt cold, meaning that Yoongi hadn’t returned. You sent a message to Jungkook, who you knew would still be awake since he was working on releasing a surprise song cover for ARMY. 
“Yoongi hyung? He hasn’t returned.” The youngest informed. 
“Thanks, Kookie.” You hung up. You respected Yoongi and his work, never wanting to interrupt him or stop him but you knew you had to step in at certain times. 
‘The number you have dialled is currently unavailable-’
You sighed as you were directed to voicemail again. Putting your shoes on, you left home to visit his studio. 
You pressed the doorbell, waiting for an answer but to no avail. Even if you knew the code, you wouldn’t just enter. Just like everyone else, you would always ring the doorbell first and wait for a reply. You pressed it again.
“Who is- Oh, it’s you.” Yoongi poked his head out. 
“Hey.” You greeted. 
“What are you doing here? I’m busy.” Yoongi said. It came out colder than he would have liked but after working for hours and not getting the results he wanted, he was getting frustrated. 
“I know. Just wanted to see how you were doing. Can I come in?” You asked. Yoongi looked back into his studio. 
“I’d rather you not. Like I said, I’m busy. I can’t have another person here, it’ll only distract me more.” He said. Yoongi wasn’t someone that dealt with emotions well, you knew that. When things weren’t working out, his defence mode was to just push everyone away and hide alone. That’s just his way of dealing with emotions. 
“I understand.” You nodded, not wanting to push him any further. Without another word, Yoongi just closed the door, retreating back into his studio. 
“Hmm...” You roamed around the lounge area. You smiled as you came across the famous picture of Jimin that Yoongi got as a prize during the photography episode of Run!BTS. 
“Time to go home.” You went back home. Even waiting for Yoongi outside his studio, you knew he would feel guilty later on and you didn’t want that. You laid in bed but was woken up by Yoongi pressing his face into your back.
“Yoon...?” You tried to turn around to face him but his arms held you in place.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled, burying his face into your back. You reached over to put your hand over his. 
“There’s nothing to be sorry about.” You said, sleep laced in your voice. You yawned, finally turning around to face him. You cupped his cheek with your free hand. 
“The songs weren’t working out, the lyrics were trash, I just... I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. After you left, I just-” 
“Shh, you don’t have to explain. I understand how frustrating it must have been. Everyone has their own down times. Don’t worry, I’m just glad you’re back to rest. Maybe after a nice sleep, you’ll have a clearer mind to write better, hmm?” You smiled softly. 
“Next time, be angry with me.” 
“Why do you want me to be angry with you? I mean, I have times when work frustrates me too. We aren’t perfect.” You laughed. 
“You’re too nice to me.” He pressed you against his body, inhaling your comforting scent. You loosely wrapped your own arm around his middle, letting out a yawn. 
“Go wash up. I’ll wait for you.” You promised. 
Yoongi was usually an early riser but after the concert last night, he had slept in until the afternoon. When he woke up, he realised that you weren’t beside him. He sat up, running his fingers through his hair as he looked for you. 
‘Fridge empty. Went out to get groceries. Iced Americano is in the fridge. - (y/n)’
Yoongi smiled at your note, folding it and tucking it into his pocket. He never told you but he keeps all the notes you leave him, even for ones that just say, ‘gone to work’. He shuffled to the fridge, taking the glass of cold coffee out, adding ice before sticking a straw in. He sat down by the kitchen island, scrolling on his phone. 
‘BTS’ Suga seen holding hands with mysterious female after concert.’
‘Insider releases photos of BTS’ rapper and a female embracing each other, said to be his girlfriend.’
‘Has the cold, savage rapper finally met his match?’
Yoongi’s eyes widened as he saw the alert news. He felt his heart stop when he clicked on one of the articles. There were blurry photos of you holding hands with him, leaving the venue last night. 
“PD nim.” Yoongi called his boss. 
“It seems a fan had snuck in under the guise of a staff member. We’ll handle the press for now and tell you what to do next.” 
“How can this happen?!” 
“Calm down, Yoongi. We have apprehended the culprit and will be turning her over to the authorities. Just make sure (y/n) is safe. The two of you should stay indoors for now.”
When he hung up, his phone rang again, it was the members. But right now, he couldn’t answer them. He was too worried about where you were and whether you were safe. Quickly, Yoongi dialled your number. Fortunately, you picked up, totally ignorant that your relationship was now public. 
“Good morning, or should I say, good afternoon?” 
“Aegi, are you okay?” He panicked.
“Okay? Of course, I am. Didn’t you see my note? I just finished paying for groceries, about to leave the mart.” 
“Stay right there, aegi. I’m coming to get you. Don’t talk to anyone, alright? I’m coming.” He said as he grabbed his car keys, putting on a mask and a cap.
“Okay, now you’re scaring me. What’s wrong, Yoon?” 
“They found out. I’m so sorry I let this happen. I’ll explain more when I come get you, alright?” He said and hung up. He got into his car, speeding to where you were. You were standing by the mart entrance.
“Yoon.” You sighed in relief, entering the car with all the groceries in your lap. Yoongi sped away, back to the gated community. True to that, as he passed the security, he saw some fans standing at the post, trying to enter. Luckily, fans didn’t know he owned this car and the windows were tinted so he could drive past without anyone suspecting. 
“Let’s go. Hurry.” He grabbed the bags, pulling you with him to the apartment. Only when you reached, you finally stopped him. 
“Yoon, calm down. It’s okay, I’m okay. Now tell me, slowly, what happened?” You led him to the couch to sit down. He buried his hands into his palms while you rubbed his back. 
“Someone snuck in as a staff member last night and took pictures of us. It was in the press this morning.” He explained. 
“Does PD nim know about this?” 
“He said he will handle the press and tell us what we have to do next.” He shivered, his breathing quickening. You knew that was a sign of Yoongi’s anxiety so you pulled him into your embrace immediately. 
“It’ll be okay, Yoongi.” You comforted. 
“Have you spoken to the boys?” You asked softly. He shook his head. As he said that, your phone rang. It was Namjoon. 
“They’re just worried and want to know if you’re okay. Let me tell them that we’re okay.” You told him, answering Namjoon’s call and putting him on speaker. As you predicted, the other boys were on the other line, bombarding the both of you with questions. 
“We’re okay, just a little overwhelmed. Thank you for your concern. We’ll just wait for PD nim’s instructions.” You told them. 
“Do you want us to come over?” 
“Maybe later on but not right now? Just let Yoongi and I grasp the situation and calm down first. If there’s anything, we’ll be sure to keep you all updated.” You promised. 
“We’ll see you later then.”
“I’m so sorry I let this happen, aegi.” Yoongi cried, cupping your cheek and rubbing it with his thumb. 
“Hey, it’s not your fault. We will get through this. I know it’s a little earlier than we would have liked but we knew the risks we were taking by having this relationship, Yoon.” You wiped his tears. 
“You don’t understand, aegi. Those people that could hurt you, they aren’t really ARMY. They’re crazy and obsessed. I’ve seen what they have done to others before. I will never be able to live with myself if I let the same thing happen to you.” He shook his head. You knew what Yoongi was referring to, the ‘sasaeng fans’ that the media always talked about. 
“Let’s not think of the worst.” You hummed. Yoongi’s phone ringing broke your embrace. It was PD nim, along with the PR team. 
“Yes. I understand… I’ll speak to her and let you know. Thank you.” Yoongi said and hung up with a sigh. You tilted your head, hoping they didn’t give Yoongi the ultimatum. 
“They said I either publish a note to the fans, explaining everything. Or let them deny the photos, say that you are just a family member.” He explained. 
“I see...” Those were reasonable options. 
“What do you think is the right thing to do?” You asked Yoongi. 
Series Masterlist
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xsugarysweetsx · 3 years
congratulations on 2k, sweetheart! you truly deserve with your amazing works!
i was wondering if you can do a pair your life with kojiro from sk8🥺 i’m a sucker for domestic bliss. especially during the honeymoon period 😌 he would be a goofball for a husband and smother you with love in the morning (after he basically smothered you in your sleep. he’s a big man)
you can put smut or just make it pure fluff if you want!
again! congratulations on 2k sweetheart!
A/N: Thank you so much, I’ll put in both ;) I hope I’ve captured the right idea here!
Warnings; smut; riding; language; slight dirty talk (?); just for a scene but everything else is fluff; all characters are over 18+
Please enjoy~🍰
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“Morning sugar~“ you hear whispers in your ear in the early morning. Only you were practically under a boulder of a man, other known as your husband. You both have recently gotten married about a month ago. You honeymoon was a week long on this beautiful resort. You both were still a bit in the honeymoon, especially Kojiro. Although in his words he says 
“Have to have a full balanced meal every morning and night.“ and that went for both you and him. 
“Mmmm what time is it?“ you asked stretching out your limbs from their stiff positions. 
“Uhh, 6:30 am“ he said, you wanted to sleep more but he was basically fully awake now. You sat up and yawned your sleep away, you turn to him and smile sleepily. His large arms come to wrap around you to bring you to straddle his hips “mmmm so pretty” he said with lidded eyes
You play with his seaweed bangs while his hands skim your thighs. You were in your panties and his t shirt, his favorite thing on you. Last night was one of those long but lustful ones.
“You know,“ he said catching your attention “We still have time until the shop opens up“ he raised a brow. Yes, you both worked at his restaurant, you were a waitress and he cooked of course. Some customers have tried to pick you up only for Kojiro to come out and kiss your cheek. Just a little something to get the message across.
“Mhm, what are you thinking?” you tease 
“Well,” without effort he pulls your panties to the side and smiles “I need a little energy boost before I start the day, don’t you think?”  he had that look in is eyes
“I’m still tired tho..” you whine in protest just to see where he goes with it 
“Don’t sweat it sugar, I’ll do the all work” and truth be told he actually liked doing it too. Sure you liked to treat him every now and then but he was the dominant type. Moving his boxers down slightly his cock springs up, intertwining his fingers with yours you bring your hips up. Aligning yourselves you lower down slowly.  As said before, he’s a big man, and somethings were just bigger than most people. 
“You good there?“ he asks 
“Mhm“ you nod as you start to rock your hips “mmm“ you sigh rolling your head. Maybe this was a good way to wake up in the morning. Looking down at your husband you sometimes think of all the women that crowd and fling themselves to him. Ugh, you loath how they did it even when you were there. However, it was moment like these that reminded you, he was yours.
He was your husband
He came home to you
He was the one who made love to you.
No one else, and that fact made you smile as pride filled your chest. He knew that look and smirked as he made a buck with his hips. His large hands grip your hips as he bucks upward. The bed creaking bellow your combined weight
“Mmmm Jiro~“ you call his nickname “right there! Fuck! Harder!“ your brows knit together as you could feel your high coming soon
“Yeah baby? Need a harder pounding?“ just as promised he held on to you and bucked you into the stars. After a short but passionate session you both get into the shower. You just adored how he washed and massaged your scalp. He’d leave little kisses here and there while he washed and rinsed your back. You both actually love to dress each other, Kojiro does this silly thing where he narrates everything
“And now she slips on her blouse to button them up. If only she could leave about 2 open for me to see.“
“Kojiro!“ you gently punch him.
At around 8 am you both were ready, fed and off to work. Some of the other store owners called you two, the perfect couple. Married at a good age, work together and you two were just so cute together. You’d open up the shop and start prepping the foods. One of his favorite sights was you in his element. He was an amazing chef and one of his favorite things was when you cooked with him. For whatever reason the meal just tasted better when you helped him. 
He actually met you here, you had ordered something and he honestly couldn’t stop looking at you. In fact he almost burned the food daydreaming, which rarely happens. By the time you finished with you meal he gave you your receipt with his number and a note 
“Paid for! Enjoy your day beautiful“ you rolled your eyes at first. Just another flirtatious guy you suppose. However you flip it over and see a longer note 
“I genuinely think you’re stunning and would love to take you out on a nice date“ followed by his phone number at the bottom. You ended up texting him and the rest was history. Now you were married, worked together and your life with him was happy. While you were dicing up some veggies and other ingredients he started on things such as soups and breads that can be served as small sides.
“’Scuse me my wife“ he said coming behind you to reach into a high cupboard pushing himself against your ass. He thought he was slick
“I know what you’re doing Jiro” you giggle pushing him back with you butt 
“I have no idea what you’re implying my lady“ he teasing booping your nose with his finger moving back to his spot. The jiggle of the bells from your front door went off. Meaning it the was the first customer of the day 
“That’s my cue.“ you grabbed your small notebook and pen and off you went. Meanwhile he stayed to cook sighing as he watched you leave. Listen thing may be all fun and games with you both but he really did love and cherish you with every fiber of his being. After a year of dating he knew he wanted you by his side until his dying breath. Of course like every couple you’ve had your rough patches along with your good ones. At one beef some girl wouldn’t get off him no matter how many times she was told. 
You had told him “I’m not going to fight for you if you’re not willing to fight for us.”
He almost lost you that night, luckily he had caught up to you. Ironically it was raining and he stopped you in the middle of the road. You each pour your heart out and he slipped the proposal along the lines of 
“I don’t want anyone else but you!“ he still upset that he wasn’t as strong back then but it was in the past. Looking over his shoulder he saw you greeting a family. The woman who had changed him and his life, you were smart, funny, gorgeous, dedicated and just down right perfect for him.
This entire day was all he wanted in life. To wake up to you everyday, make love to you and even start a family with you. Of course you and him still go to beefs together only this time he wore his ring proudly on his necklace. At the end of the day he loved to just relax on the couch with your feet in his lap. He massaged the sore soles of your feet while a cheesy rom-com played on the tv.
“Kojiro..” you called his attention making him look your way
You hum “mm nothing...just love you is all” you smile. Letting go of your feet he crawls between you legs to rest his head on your chest. His arms encircling your waste as he resting comfortably. Your fingers caress his locs as you smile softly. This was bliss, just here in this moment with him 
“mm your heart sounds nice“ he sighed snuggling into you “can we just stay here? Forever?“
“Forever? What about cooking and skating?“
“I love those things but“ he looked up at you “you’re much better. Better for kisses and cuddling..and other things“
“Oh god“ you chuckle
“What? I was going to say company“ he scrunched his nose at you with a smile 
“Oh Jiro, never change please.“
“Only if you don’t, my perfect wife~“
I hope this was okay!❤️
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falcqns · 3 years
PLEASE d o a pet 2 to winter loves you too. god, the whole concept is amazing. maybe showcasing winter waking the s/o up at night & needing love & then maybe him & bucky reconciling?
Winter loves you too ll
pairing: soft!Winter Soldier x Reader
warnings: fluff, Winter is his own person and just sharing a body with Bucky, Bucky and Winter getting along well, almost little!Winter?? idk how that happened tbh, slight angst. 
a/n: hope you enjoy!
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it always started out with his breathing changing. 
when he was Bucky, his breathing was full and healthy. when he was Winter, his breathing became erratic, and more shallow, as if he was expecting a hit. 
then, the gentle fingers pushing your hair back. as you opened your eyes, you immediately knew it was Winter. Bucky never woke you up in the middle of the night despite his nightmares, and he never woke you up by playing with your hair. that was only reserved for Winter. 
you’d give him a smile, and ask the same question you always did. “can I touch you?” he’d give a slow nod, and you’d sit up. once you did that, he got a sad look on his face, and you knew he needed love. 
“did you tell Bucky?” you asked, and he shook his head. ever since Bucky found out what Winter had been doing, Winter had been making more of an appearance, and it wasn't limited to the middle of the night. he’d also been communicating with Bucky more, and you’d often find Bucky doing things you normally wouldn’t, and you knew that it was him entertaining Winter despite Winter being inside. 
before, he never spoke properly. It was incoherent mumbling in a mix between Russian and English, and hand gestures. you often though of Winter as a child in an adult body, and the more he was out and given the chance to act as a human, he was able to communicate more. 
the shifting between the two of them seemed to be smoother now, and you learned that to Bucky, it felt like falling asleep. so when Winter was out, Bucky was able to rest his mind for a little. 
you reached out toward Winter, and he leaned into you. your hand came to cup his jaw, and his head melted into your touch as you felt a tremble run through his body. 
he whimpered, and you tried to decipher what he needed. you found his eyes were locked on your chest and smiled. it wasn't a sexual look, it never was sexual with Winter. he was much like Bucky in the way that he loved your boobs, but he loved them for comfort reasons. you sat back against the headboard, and opened your arms. 
he crawled in between your legs and settled his head against your left boob, his ear listening to your heartbeat. that was another way he was different was the preferred boob. to him, your heartbeat was his grounding tool, but Bucky’s was skin to skin contact after being deprived of gentle and loving touch for so long. 
once Winter was settled, you ran your fingers through his hair. you let it be quiet for a few moments, before speaking. 
“why are you awake, my love?” you asked in the most motherly voice you could muster. he shrugged his shoulders. you sighed, knowing it was deeper than that. you altered your next question so that a childlike mental capacity could understand. 
“what emotion are you feeling?” he snuggled closer before speaking.
“scared.” he whispered, and you nodded. “s-sorry.” he followed up with and you shook your head. 
“its okay to feel emotions. you’re not going to be hurt here. you're safe.” you reassured him. he often felt like he was going to be punished for needing something, and you always assured him that you were not going to punish him, for anything. 
“what is making you scared?” 
you felt him tremble, and wondered if he was going to cry. the last time he broke down as Winter, he hid himself under the bed and all you could do was sit and listen to his pained wails because he wouldn't allow anyone else near him. 
“bad. gun.” he said, in his gruff voice, and you immediately understood. 
“you’re scared of the bad guys with guns?” he immediately nodded, and you hugged him closer to your chest. “no ones going to hurt you, Winter. you’re safe here. I'm going to protect you, Bucky’s going to protect you the most. everyone here is going to make sure your safe and the bad guys with the guns don't take you ever again.” you reassured him. 
“Buck. Nice.” He said, and you smiled. 
“Bucky’s nice?” you asked, and he nodded. 
“tells me jokes.” you let out a laugh at that. 
“is that why I see him smiling and laughing to himself?” and Winter nodded, a giggle escaping his mouth. “I’m glad you two are getting along.” 
“I tell him sorry.” he said simply and you smiled. 
“I am very happy that you told him sorry, even though none of that was your fault sweetie.” he looked up at you and touched your face with his metal hand. 
“I'm proud of you,” you said, and felt warmth spread through your chest when when he smiled and tears spread on his face. 
“proud?” he questioned, and you nodded. 
“I am so so proud of all the progress you’ve been making.” then you recalled a memory and wanted to praise him for it. “I am especially proud that you apologized to Tony for what happened to his parents. it was very brave of you to do that.” 
you hadn’t even asked him to do it, but he walked up to Tony one day and hugged him. Tony looked alarmed, as the only person other than you that Bucky would hug was Steve, but melted into it when you told him it was Winter, not Bucky. 
“I sorry for hurt.” He said simply, but Tony seemed to understand what he was saying and forgave him instantly before giving him a popsicle, which wasn't the best idea because he started zooming around the tower with both you and Steve running behind him. you had deliberately left that out of your ‘report’ to Bucky when Winter went back inside. 
you looked back down at Winter and his finger booped your nose. 
“love you.” he said, and you smiled.
“I love you too, Winter.”
he placed his finger on your lip and you kissed it, before you saw his eyes fluttering shut. you smiled, and fell asleep moments later. 
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the next morning, you woke up before Bucky, but only by a few moments. Bucky’s blue eyes met yours a few seconds later, and he looked confused at the new position. 
“did he come out last night?” he asked, and you nodded with a smile. 
“yep. not for long. just needed some cuddles, and fell back asleep. it was 5 or 10 minutes at most.” you said. “is he awake yet?” you asked, since Bucky was able to communicate with him when he was back inside. Bucky focused for  second, but shook his head. 
“nope.” he said simply, and a smile spread across your face as you recalled last night. 
“so, he told me that you tell him jokes?” you asked, amused and Bucky chuckled. 
“little traitor. he promised me that was our secret!” 
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Not a prompt exactly, but Fenrys filming drunk Lorcan being soft and silly with Elide and then showing him the next day
What Happens in Vegas... Part 2
Elide Lochan x Lorcan Salvaterre - Answered Prompt
Elide and Lorcan wake up to find a video Fenrys took of their wedding ceremony.
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Part 1 | Masterlist | Read on Ao3
Warnings: Language
1658 words
The first thing Elide noticed when she woke up was that her head felt like it was being crushed by a cement truck that was playing dubstep.
She groaned and then winced at the noise before turning to bury her face into the solid chest of the man lying next to her.
Lorcan wasn't any better. He felt like his head was going to explode if he moved too fast. But when he felt Elide press closer to him, he instinctively wrapped an arm around her, wincing, too, as the movement sent a wave of nausea through him. He used what little coherency he had to keep the stomach-churning feeling at bay.
They both slept restlessly for another hour before managing the harrowing act of sitting up. Well, Elide sat up. Lorcan tried to lift himself and deemed it too much work, so he threw his head back down into Elide’s lap, groaning as the movement made his head spin. She could hear a distant buzz that sounded like a phone notification.
Propped against the headboard, Elide took a steadying breath and slowly started to feel like herself again. She let one hand rest on Lorcan’s head while she ran her fingers through his hair and had the fleeting question of why she was wearing one of his earrings on her finger.
The buzzing kept coming and she saw her phone on the nightstand light up as message after message came in.
Wanting nothing more than a large cup of coffee, Elide grabbed her phone to see why she was being bombarded with messages. If the sound from across the room was any indication, Lorcan’s phone was also receiving dozens of texts. It made her pause a moment to wonder what the hell happened the night before.
The moment Elide opened the group chat, memories of the previous night flashed in her mind.
The casino. Drinking. Lorcan. A chapel. Elvis.
Oh gods. Elide looked down at the hand still in Lorcan’s hair and stared at the ring on her finger. Her pinky, not her ring finger, because it only fit on her pinky; she cringed as she remembered how Lorcan had removed his earring as an impromptu engagement ring.
Engagement ring.
Holy Hellas. Holy fucking Hellas. Engagement ring. Wedding. She and Lorcan had gotten married. In Vegas. By a fucking Elvis Impersonator.
She couldn’t stop the hysterical laugh that escaped her. This wasn’t a situation she ever thought she’d be in. She kept laughing even as Lorcan twisted his head and looked at her in bewilderment while groaning at the loud volume of it. She couldn’t help it.
Her laughter soon died as she realized she wasn’t freaking out. It was insane and impulsive and totally not like her to do that, yes—but it wasn’t bad. She wasn’t upset. When she thought about being married to Lorcan...her heart felt happy.
She smiled down at his face which had turned to press into her stomach as he wrapped an arm around her so he could use her to block out the light. The situation was unconventional, but so were they. And it made for one hell of a story
Elide went back to scrolling on her phone and tried to find the start of the messages from last night.
The first few were with Fenrys. It seemed she or Lorcan had called him to be the witness for their ceremony—why him and not someone else, she didn't know—and he responded immediately telling them not to say ‘I do’ before he could be there to record it.
And then he sent a video.
Elide shook Lorcan’s shoulder and waited until he grumbled something incoherent and turned his face towards her phone before pushing play.
The video was shaky but it clearly showed Elide and Lorcan standing in a chapel next to a man wearing an Elvis costume. Elide had Lorcan’s earring on his finger and Lorcan...Lorcan was wearing a veil pulled back over his hair. All the while Fenrys flipped the camera back and forth to show the couple and then his own excited face.
Lorcan’s arms tightened around Elide as he watched the video. He blinked once and sat up, rubbing a hand down his face, before looking pointedly down at her finger that still held his earring. When his eyes met hers again, they were worried. As if he was unsure what her reaction to all this would be.
“Did we…” He asked, brows furrowed,
“Yeah,” she nodded, glancing down at he finger again “we did.”
“We got married.”
“In Vegas, drunk off our asses, by Elvis?”
“Yup,” Elide answered with a ‘pop’ and finally let the grin that’d been aching to show itself, spread across her face.
Lorcan searched her face for any panic, but finding none, offered a small smile in return before resting his chin on her shoulder and gesturing for her to play the video.
“Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Elvis said, monotonously.
The Lorcan in the video nodded vigorously and replied “Yes, Mr. Elvis, sir. I want to make this woman my wife. Elide, El, ‘Lide, you are the coolest, most badass lady I know. Way better than Gala-what’s-her-face and more beautiful than...than..”
“Fenrys?” Drunk Elide suggested, giggling as Fenrys protested and shook the camera.
“Yes,” Drunk Lorcan agreed, “you are so much more beautiful than Fenrys.”
And then Drunk Lorcan lifted his hand and booped Drunk Elide on the nose, sending her into another fit of giggles.
Sober Elide was trying her absolute hardest not to laugh at the recording because Sober Lorcan looked like he was going to throttle Fenrys for getting evidence of this on video.
“And do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Elvis droned on.
Drunk Elide swayed as she laughed and then abruptly got herself back together before nodding. “I do. I do. Yeah, I take him to be Mr. Lochan. Mr. Lorcan Lochan,” Drunk Elide and Drunk Lorcan laughed while Sober Lorcan glowered and Fenrys hollered a cheer from behind the camera.
Drunk Elide kept talking. “Lorcan, I loooooove you,” she slurred the words, “I love that you’re a big ol’ grump to everyone but me, cause I’m adorable as fuck. And how when you hug me I feel like I’m wrapped up in the best blanket. And I really love your dic—”
Sober Elide snorted and Fenrys almost dropped the camera from laughing, effectively cutting off the rest of Drunk Elide’s vows.
“By the power vested in me, by Hunka Hunka Burning Love, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may—”
Drunk Elide and Drunk Lorcan ignored the rest of what Elvis was saying, by pulling each other into a frenzied kiss. She had one leg hitched around his hips with his hands gripping her ass as her’s clawed at his back.
The camera suddenly flipped around to show Fenrys’ grinning face as he wiggled his eyebrows. “There you have it, folks. Mr. and Mrs. Lochan.” He grinned at something behind the screen, most likely Drunk Elide and Drunk Lorcan trying to stumble out of the chapel.
“Hey, man!” the sound of Drunk Lorcan’s voice echoed throughout the video as Fenrys narrated about him talking to a stranger passing by. “Have you met my wife?”
A moment passed and they could no longer hear Drunk Lorcan or Drunk Elide, but Fenrys kept grinning maniacally into the camera as he said “ Aelin, Rowan, you might have to give up the newlywed suite tonight!”
Then the video cut off.
Elide was quietly laughing as Lorcan groaned into her shoulder. He grumbled, “I am going to kill Fenrys. He sent that to everyone didn’t he?” And almost as an afterthought, he asked through clenched teeth, “Was I wearing a fucking veil?”
Elide couldn’t hold it in any longer and hunched over in a fit of laughter. “Lorcan, you make such a pretty bride.”
He growled and nipped at her shoulder. “Not funny.”
“Extremely funny.” She corrected and pulled the group chat back up. Sure enough, it was filled with responses.
“Rowan says 'Congrats, I hope you both have massive hangovers.'” She snorted at his next text, “'Aelin is pissed you ran off and got married without inviting her.'”
“Why did we invite Fenrys and not anyone else?” Elide asked.
“No fucking clue.”
She rolled her eyes before going back to the texts. “Aelin then writes 'I am so PISSED at you, Lochan, for not inviting me to your wedding! How can there be a ridiculous, Vegas wedding without ME involved....but congrats, I guess. I expect all the details once you and hubby sober up.'” Elide laughed, making a mental note to call Aelin after she has some coffee. “Then she sent a winky face and a bunch of eggplant and donut emojis.”
Lorcan grunted in acknowledgment.
“Aedion sends a thumbs up, and Lysandra writes 'My favorite part—besides Lorcan in a wedding veil, which will forever bring me joy—was when Elide talked about Lorcan’s dick.' And then more eggplant emojis.”
“Why are these people your friends?” Lorcan asked as he sat up again.
She laughed and caught the smirk on his face, “Don’t even try with that, Lochan,” she winked, “they’re your friends too.”
He rolled his eyes and snorted. “No, I am not going by Lorcan Lochan, no way.”
Elide laughed and got out of bed, finally noticing the piece of paper that had fallen to the floor. She picked it up and turned back towards him grinning.
“Lorcan Lochan, it has a certain ring to it.”
Lorcan just rolled his eyes but gave a small, resigned smile to his wife.
Lorcan let a broad grin emerge as he thought about the diamond he had stashed in his sock drawer at home and realized that he’d get to replace the earring on Elide’s finger very soon.
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andreafmn · 3 years
I'm Not Afraid - Chapter 5
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xWord Count: 3,374
Characters: Female Reader Argent Character, Original Male Argent Character, Derek Hale, Allison Argent, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Chris Argent, Jackson Whittemore
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Teen Wolf, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and MTV Network. The only thing I own is Argent Reader insert, her immediate family, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ storyline.
Chapter: 5/?
A/N: If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 5
I woke up to a heavy and warm wight around my waist. As my mind started registering the scene around me, I noticed the soft snores that were filling the room, the strong smell of cologne, the rough skin encircling me, the chest in front of me that raised and fell at a slow pace. At some point during the night, Derek must have crawled into bed, and I couldn’t say that I minded.
He looked peaceful when he slept. No supernatural problems, no feuds, no hunters, just peace. My hand unconsciously landed on his cheek, softly stroking his cheek. Still succumbed to slumber, he leaned into the touch, nuzzling his head onto my hand like a puppy. I wish this could be the way it always was, but now that I knew the reality of the world we were in, there was no chance it would ever stay this way.
Deciding to let him sleep longer, I tiptoed down the stairs to the kitchen where breakfast had already been prepared. I looked around and noticed that their car keys were gone, which meant they had left early in the morning to do whatever it was that they always did. I greeted Brody who had trotted my way from the living room, and filled his dog bowl, adding a few tasty treats. While I served two plates, I put the coffee machine to run, ensuring the freshest pot for the morning. I looked around for a tray to take the breakfast upstairs in case my parents came back at any moment, eating my food as the coffee brewed. Placing some cream and sugars on the tray, I made my way back to the bedroom where Derek was starting to wake up, Brody following behind.
“Morning, sour wolf.” I softly pushed open the door, the tray in front of me. Derek was rubbing the night from his eyes, a soft smile playing on his lips. Upon seeing the man, Brody jumped on the bed greeting him with slobbery kissed. Derek laughed and petted his head as he laid at the foot of the bed.
“Morning,” he yawned. “Whatcha got there?”
“Some eggs, bacon, and hash browns. Also, some coffee.” He took the tray from my hands and set it on the bed. Taking one of the coffee cups, I sat over on my desk to work on the homework I had left pile during the week. Derek grabbed the plate and came to stand behind me, leaning down to rest his chin on my shoulder.”
“What are you doing?” He inquired, downing the food from the plate quickly.
“Homework. You know, the thing people my age have to do to be able to graduate from high school with good grades.” I looked to the side, my heart beating faster noticing the closeness of our faces. “I’m sure you wouldn’t know much about that.”
“I’ll have you know I was a good enough student.”
“Emphasis on good enough.” I booped his nose with my pen and continued my work. “When you’re done you should head home, don’t want my parents catching you here just in case.”
“Why? We’re not doing anything.” He sipped his coffee and sat down on the bed, Brody laying his head on his lap. I turned my chair and faced him, a laugh escaping my lips.
“I think you’re forgetting who you are and who my family is. Apart from that, I don’t think my dad will particularly enjoy the fact that a 21-year-old werewolf is in his teenage daughter’s bedroom, alone.” I grinned. “But suit yourself. I’d love to see how it will play out.”
“Alright, but can I at least take you out some time this week?” My heartbeat quickened, the sound loud enough for me to hear. “Is that a yes?”
“It’s not a no,” I grinned.
“I kind of need an answer,” he pressed. A grin played on his lips by the point he had stood and rested his hands on the arms of the chair.
“How about, I’ll let you know?”
“I’ll take it,” he smiled. “I’ll text you.”
“Alright, I’ll be waiting.” He kissed my cheek and grabbed his jacket to head towards the door. “Where are you going?”
“Not through the door you’re not.” The dumbfounded look on his face was hilarious. “what would I do if my parents walked in.”
“I’m fast, you know. Like supernaturally fast.”
“Mm, I’ve seen you. Not fast enough.”
“Fine,” he surrendered. “Keep watch of your phone.”
“I will,” I smiled. He took a step back and in the blink of an eye, he was gone. Brody got alerted by the sudden move and jumped off the bed to bark at the window, standing on his hind legs to prop his eye out. I joined his side and saw Derek standing normally in my backyard as if he hadn’t just jumped out of a two-story window. He waved and I waved back as he became a blur, vanishing before my very eyes.
I slumped down on my bed and ran my hands over my face. What was I doing? There were so many things that were pit against us. My 18th birthday was still a little less than a year away, he had something going on with Erica, my family and he are natural-born enemies, we are currently under the terror of a reptilian shapeshifting Jackson, and that was just scratching the surface. I couldn’t scrutinize why he would ask me out too much, it was probably not even in a romantic way. It could just well be that he wanted to keep an eye on me since I was new to this whole werewolf, Kanima, hunter thing.
A couple of hours went by where I took Brody out for a walk, finished what was left of my homework, and started watching a movie when my phone went off.
“Hey, I heard the good news! You’re staying in town.”
“Hey, Allison. Yeah, it looks that way.”
“Well then, I believe you owe some people an apology.”
“What could you possibly mean?” I scoffed. But she was right, as hard as it was to admit.
“Don’t act dumb, (Y/N). You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
“I don’t like it when you’re right,” I sighed. “What do you think I should do?”
“I could invite them over to your house and you could apologize to them. They never object to free pizza.”
I was glad. Instead of sulking on the 'he likes me, he likes me not' nonsense, I prepared the house for Allison and her friends, the people I hope to win over. One by one they arrived at my doorstep. Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Allison. I had put out some snacks and the pizza I had bought. Scott and Stiles were not shy about their hunger as they dove in right away.
"So, what's the purpose of this meeting?" Lydia asked, her usual cocky attitude on full show.
"Uh, well, I wanted to apologize for being such a bitch these past few weeks."
"Hm, understatement of the century." Stiles chuckled with his mouth full.
"Actually, she can be 1,000 times worse. That was just level 1 bitchiness."
"Point taken. But why would you apologize? We get it you don't want to be our friend."
"That's not it, it's just... ugh... Look, it’s honestly a very long story, but moving around it’s hard to cut ties and start over for so long. After a while it’s easier to builds walls up and maintain everyone at arm’s length." They all stared at me. Hopefully I was getting through to them. "But this time I'm changing that. I want to be your friend and that's why I'm apologizing."
"Well, I don't know about the other guys, but I've always considered you my friend. I mean, I've considered Lydia my friend and she hates me."
"Oh, please, Stiles. I don't hate you, you're just, um.... special."
"I'll take it."
"We understand. And of course you're our friend, (Y/N). You were just too stubborn to notice." Scott smiled at me. "Now, is there more pizza?"
"How the hell did you two boys just finish two boxes of pizza?"
"We're growing?" Stiles said with his mouth full.
"Barely," Allison mumbled.
"You know I can hear you, right?"
"That's the point, Scott."
The whole room laughed and continued to enjoy a very pleasant afternoon. It felt weird to finally feel like I belonged somewhere; that there were people around me that cared for me despite my flaws. As I looked around the faces of the group that had welcomed me with open arms, I couldn’t help but feel that someone was missing; the person that had first accepted me.
The clock had hit 4 o’clock when the last piece of food was gone, and the gang had gone home. After cleaning up, I decided it was time to call Isaac. I didn’t like the person he had become after the bite. But I couldn’t say I didn’t understand. He felt confident, strong, but he was using the wrong outlet. Just like I was.
“So, you’re finally talking to me,” Isaac chuckled, a cocky tone to his voice.
“Only if you’re done being a douche.”
“What do you mean?”
“Ever since you turned into a werewolf you’ve been nothing short of unbearable with your cocky behavior and holier-than-thou attitude.” I could hear him shifting on the other line, the news taking him aback. It seems Derek hadn’t told his pack that I knew everything.
“H-how… who told you?”
“Derek, your alpha. He told me everything the other day. I know all about werewolves, kanimas, hunters, pack, blah, blah, blah. But none of that excuses your behavior,’’ I sighed. “So, are you done being a dick?”
“Maybe,” he chuckled. “Can I see you?”
“Sure. Why don’t we go grab a bite? I’ll pick you up.”
“Alright!” He sounded excited. “I’ll text you the address.”
After hanging up I decided to take a quick shower before leaving. I threw on a white t-shirt and jeans and paired them with my leather jacket. As I tied my boots, I reached for the keys of my dad’s Chevrolet Suburban. Hopefully, I didn’t crash. In the car, I typed in the address Isaac had sent me. It was an industrial loft not too far from my own home. I honked my horn to notify Isaac I was there as well as sent a text.
“Are you stalking me now?”
I jumped at the sound of Derek’s voice and the knock he left on my window. . He appeared like a ghost and leaned on my door. “I could say the same about you. I’ve never been here before.”
“I live here,” he laughed, pointing at the building. “It’s my loft.”
“I’m here to pick up Isaac,” I said sheepishly. “So, he’s been staying with you. I thought you live in the woods.”
“It’s my family’s house and it’s under my ownership, but it’s not under livable conditions. And, yes, Isaac has been staying with me.”
“Hey, Derek.” Isaac finally emerged from the doors and jogged up to my car, patting Derek on the back. The man’s expression rapidly changed as soon as Isaac joined the conversation. The playful smile he wore had been replaced by a menacing scowl. “We’re going out for a while. I’ll see you later.”
We said goodbye and as I drove off, I stared at Derek. His body was tense, and his jaw was clenched. He was angry, but I didn’t know why. When we were alone, he was a completely different person than what he showed to others. There was this terrifying façade that was impenetrable by everyone else, yet he was a completely different person with me; he was an Alpha to the others, but he was just Derek to me.
I parked the car at a small burger joint Isaac directed me to. It wasn’t too full, so our food came out quickly. We sat at a table in the back, far from any prying ears.
“So, what did you mean about this cocky attitude?” He popped a french fry into his mouth, playing around with his food. “You seemed quite mad about it. Mad enough that you avoided me for some time.”
“Ever since you transformed you’ve been carrying yourself like you’re above everyone, you don’t even bother to be respectful of teachers or anyone for that matter. I miss the old Isaac.”
“You mean the pushover wimpy kid?” He scoffed. “I can’t say the same.”
“That’s not what I meant.” My hand reached out to his clenched fist and his hold softened. “You were nice and respectful, and knew how to treat others because you knew how it felt to be mistreated. Of course, you could have done with more confidence, but that’s not what this is. It’s almost as if you’re turning into Jackson, heaven forbid.”
His eyes softened and I knew I was getting through the wall he had built up.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N). It's just… this is the first time in my life that I have felt powerful, like nothing and no one can touch me. I've dealt with so much shit that I thought I deserved to act like that," he sighed. "Can you ever forgive me?"
“You’re practically my best friend, how could I not?”
“Thanks.” He gave me a smile that I happily reciprocated. For the first time in a while, I was seeing the Isaac I had met some time ago. “So, what is it that you needed to speak to me so eagerly.”
“Remember how I mentioned that I would be moving at the end of the year so you shouldn’t get attached?” He nodded. “Well, it seems you’re gonna have to put up with me for a long time. Beacon Hills is now my home.”
“What?! That’s great!” He exclaimed a little too loud. Heads turned towards us and Isaac tried to hide his blush. “Does that mean we can truly be friends now? Not just study partners or casual conversation acquaintances?”
“Yes, Isaac. That’s exactly what that means,” I laughed. His face had lit up as the hard mask he wore finally broke apart. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you, what happened the night that I picked you up? It was such a weird night.”
His whole demeanor changed, clearly a sore subject to talk about. "If Derek told you what we are I presume he told you about everything else." I nodded. "The Kanima. It killed my father. We, um, had gotten into a fight and I ran out. It seems he went out looking for me but didn't get to me. I found him dead in his car, but I ran and called you."
" Isaac, why didn't you tell me? I mean, I know why you didn't tell me, but something; you should have told me something.” I looked into his eyes, worry evident in them. He had gone through such a traumatic event basically by himself. “Is that why the police were looking for you?"
He nodded. "They thought I had something to do with his murder because of something Jackson said. He was unfortunately my neighbor and had seen me running out of the house, but there were no tracks leading to me. I'm not a fugitive anymore." He smiled softly.
“I’m glad, Isaac, really. And I’m truly sorry for everything you’ve had to endure alone for all these years. You didn’t deserve it.”
“Thanks, (Y/N). At least that part of my life is over.”
“Now we just have to get that damn Kanima and get on with our lives.” We laughed.
Before we knew it, the sky outside had turned dark, signaling the arrival of the night. The car ride back was filled with mindless chitchat and soft background music. It had been a long few days and exhaustion was evident in both of us. Soon enough, the grey building had come into view.
“Do you want to come in for a bit?” Isaac leaned into the open window of the driver’s side.
“I think I’m just gonna head on home. I’m a bit tired and we have school tomorrow.” I smiled. “But, I’ll take you up on the offer someday.”
“Isaac, good to see you’re back,” Derek announced himself, his two betas following behind. “You’re late for training.”
“Sorry, Derek. Time slipped away.”
“Sorry won’t cut it.” His voice was commanding and a bit intimidating. I could see why everyone around me feared him. “Go with Erica and Boyd. Get started.”
'‘Bye, (Y/N). I’ll see you tomorrow.” I smiled and nodded, trying my best to comfort him.
“See you.” Derek stood back as we both watched the three figures disappear into the building. His chest moved, heaving, and he reeked of jealousy. “What’s your problem?”
“What?” Did he truly believe I was that oblivious? “I just…”
“You’re acting like a prissy child, Derek. You knew where Isaac was, who he was with, and that there was a possibility that he would come back late. There’s no need to grill him that hard.”
“He’s old enough to manage his time correctly, (Y/N). He needs to learn discipline. This has nothing to do with you.”
“Clearly, that’s not what’s happening here,’’ I laughed dryly. “Look, pardon the metaphor, but this whole alpha male act is gonna get very tiring, very quickly. If this is how you’re gonna be, don’t bother on scheduling that date this week.”
“Don’t be like that, (Y/N). I swear this has nothing to do with you. There are certain rules that we have to abide by, a different life. It’s complicated.”
“You’re not making any sense, Derek.”
“It’s hard to explain.”
“Yesterday we said no secrets, Derek. What changed in the hours that have passed?”
“Nothing’s changed. I’m sorry if I seemed too harsh on Isaac, but I have to be. They’re young and reckless, and it’s my job to make sure they stay safe. No matter the cost.” He ran his hands across his face as he let out a loud sigh. “Why don’t we just keep the supernatural and our personal lives apart.”
“We can try that for a while, but they’re bound to intersect at some point.”
“I know, but…”
“Let’s play it your way and see how it goes, okay? And lay off Isaac and the others? They are just kids.”
“I’ll try,” he smiled softly. “Text me when you get home, okay?”
“If I remember.”
I backed the car up and sped back to my house. When I opened the garage, my father was sitting on the spot where the car usually went. I had forgotten to tell them I would be gone, and my phone’s battery had died a while back. I was in so much trouble.
“Good to know you’re alive, darling daughter.” The sarcasm spewed from my father’s mouth, and it stung.
“I’m so sorry. I went out with a friend and my phone died. And I know I forgot to say I was leaving the house, but I rarely do that, so please forgive me.”
“Calm down, (Y/N),” he laughed. “We just wanted to make sure you were okay. You weren’t answering your phone, so we got worried. But remember, there’s a tracker on the car. We figured you were out. And I’m glad to hear you have a friend. It’s about time.”
“Thanks, dad.” He wrapped me in a hug and patted my head. If he knew who my friends were I’m sure he wouldn’t feel the same way. “But, if you knew where I was, what was this whole scary setup? I for sure thought you were going to kill me.”
“Nothing like that, honey. But your mother and I have something we have to talk to you about.”
“What is it? You can’t take back that we are staying.”
“It’s not that, but it is serious. Let’s go, your mom is waiting in the kitchen.”
My heart was beating at a rapid pace, a million thoughts running through my head. Although, at the bottom of my heart I knew what this talk was going to be about.
Tag List: @hellowinterlane​ @lokisgoddesofpower​ @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @malar-region
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An anonymous lover (part 7)
Summary : Y/N goes on a date with Ben, a few weeks after the detention with Sirius. The end does not go as expected, and Sirius's plan to earn Y/N's apology is a disaster.
Warnings : Slytherin!Reader, female!reader, not proof read, swear words, arm grabbing, a bit of gaslight if you squint
Word count : 2.5k
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - You're here
English is not my first language, sorry if there is any mistakes
It’s been a few days since the detention with Sirius, his last words were stuck in her head. He wanted to make it up to her, he didn’t mean all the atrocities he had said. Bullshit she thought. It wasn’t the first time she had to face this, face someone who hurt her and was saying all the apologies in the world just to stab her again and deeper. She wasn’t going to fall for that again. So she did everything to avoid him.
That turned out to be harder than she thought, because Sirius definitly didn’t give up on her. She constantly catched him looking at her, especially when she was with Ben.
The two slytherin got closer and closer each day, learning more about one another, he quickly admit to her he was interested and asked for a date at Hogsmeade, and she agreed, and the day has come.
However, she felt bad, still thinking a lot about Sirius, sure she wanted him out, but she couldn’t stop her smirk when she noticed his jealous look when she was with Ben, or search for his eyes in a crowd, after all, getting over someone whom you gave your heart was a hard thing to do. She sighed, and stood up from her bed, it was pathetic she told herself, she was mad at him but was still craving his attention from afar.
That was very unfair to Ben too, the slytherin was nothing but kind with her, and she felt like she was simply using him as a replacement to Sirius or a bondage for her heart. She gave herself little but firm slap on her cheeks to wake her up. She will get ready for her date later that day, and they both will have a great time !
Their date was only in the afternoon and it was still way too early, so she went to the great Hall to take her breakfast, she was starving. Once she got there, she sat with her friends, who were already there.
“OOOoooOOH here is our little date girl !” said Olivia, Y/N simply rolled her eyes and respond with redish cheeks, “Shut up”. Jacob gave her a warm smile, “Excited for your date ?”
Y/N gave him back a bigger smile and cupped her own face, “Yes ! He’s so sweet, I can’t wait !”
“It’s good to see you doing great after the whole Sirius desaster”, that made Y/N groan, slamming her hands on her face and Jacob shot dark glares at her, “What did I say ?! It’s the truth !”
Y/N sighed, “Let’s just not mention him ever, okay ? I really don’t want to think about him ESPECIALLY today”. Y/N talked to her friends about what have happened with Sirius, well, the big lines anyway, they just knew that they had exchange some letters and when Sirius had found who she was it didn’t go well. Now, she didn’t want to deal with him again.
They talked about something else and the discussion drive to other subject without anymore mention of the gryffindor boy. Olivia insited to help Y/N get ready, giving her the perfect dress “to seduce that boy to the star and beyond”, that just made them laugh, she was very cute indeed in her little dress, she opted for a light makeup and Olivia did her hair. Y/N was absolutely perfect, no doubt Ben will love it.
By the time they were done, it was the time for the date, they were suppose to meet at the fountain so that’s where she went. But the way there wasn’t so restful, because she came accross the very person she didn’t want to see; Sirius. Usually he would not talk to her, but this time he clearly had something to say. However, he stopped himselof in his trac, looking at her up and down, she took advantages at his confusion to go past him but she wasn’t fast enough. “I- hum- where are you going ?”, he couldn’t resist looking at her.
Y/N groaned “I have a date, now let me go, I’m going to be late”, Sirius frowned and whispered “A date ?”, he let her go and watched as she walked away. He mutered something under his breath, not liking that one bit, going in his own direction.
Y/N sighed in relief when she arrived and saw Ben waiting for, happy to notice Sirius hadn’t followed her. Ben looked at her with sparkling eyes, “Wow Y/N you.. You look amazing”
She blushed at his compliment, “Thanks, you don’t look bad yourself”, he smiled looking down at his hand, “Thanks, shall we go ?” he offered his arm and went side to side to Hogsmeade, more precisely at Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop.
Y/N loved that place, she went a few time in the past, sometimes with friends, sometime with –not so good- dates, they sat down and each ordered their tea and pastry. The date went amazingly well, they laughted, joked, flirted a bit and debate if pudding was really that good or not. Y/N was incredably satisfied with the way it went. Ben insisted to be the one paying, since he invited her, and as a response she invited him for a new date where she will got him back, making him blush.
They went outside, saying goodbye to Madam Puddifoot and walked around town, Y/N needed new ink so they enter the shop. She always felt at home there, the shop owner loved her, they saw she knew her stuff and it always a pleasure to talk to people who are passionate by the same things, isn’t it ? That got her to have some discount here and there, Y/N was not complaining. She eyed a set of quills and notebooks but she didn’t have enough money, having discounts from time to times, but it didn’t means she had infinite incomes.
The owner advise a new ink that she took, a dark glittery blue whom looked like the night sky, a great choice. She paid her purchases, Ben offered to take the bag and they walked to the exit of the town, ready to go back to the castle, on the road, Ben slowly slowed down, taking Y/N’s hand, making her turn. She looked down at their linked fingers and then at him.
“Yeah ?”, he looked around, crimson red, “I- Hum- Well... Can I... kiss.. You ?”. Y/N widen her eyes, mouth agape. It was her turn to be red, and he gave her the biggest smile, “I’d love it”
Ben looked at her, smiled, getting closer, but before their lips could touch, they got separated by something big. Ben frowned “What the-”.
Y/N turned to see what it is and gasped, “A dog !!” she immediatly got on her knees, raised her hands in front of her, waiting to see if the dog will come which it did, and she made an happy high note, petting the animal. “Are you a good girl ?”, she laughed when the dog seemed to make a face “A good boy then !”, the good boy jumped on her, making her fall and laughed, licking her face.
Ben just stood there and looked at them, a bit uncomfy, “Y/N we should go back to the castle it’s getting late”, she whined, “Pleaaase, can we stay a bit ?” giving him a pouty face, the dog simply looked at him, unsettleling Ben. “No, we should really go”. The dog growled at him, but Y/N booped his nose.
“Hey, be nice. C’mon Ben, it’s not that late yet”, Ben sighed, getting impatient, he grabbed her arm and forced her to stood up, “I said let’s go”, Y/N frowned and was about to complain but the dog groaned to the boy, showing his fangs, moving fast toward him, letting the idea he was attacking him. Ben let go of Y/N but also of the bag, letting it fall. Once the bag touch the floor, a loud shatter noise could be heard.
Everyone stopped, dog include, Y/N let out an irritate sigh, taking the bag to look inside, not having high hopes, already knowing what she will see. Obviously, the ink was spillep all over the paper bag, making Y/N groaned. “Just great”.
“It’s that fucking dog !”, Y/N gave Ben a hard glare, she kneeled to be at the dog’s high, extended her hand like before, the dog did look unbievably guilty, with his ears down and big puppy eyes, looking down. He slowly went to her, getting pet in return.
“It’s alright buddy, thanks for trying to protect me”, speaking the second part lower so Ben couldn’t hear, she gave him a kiss on the top of his head, his tail wiggling uncrontollably. Ben rolled his high, but before a sound could even pass his lisps, Y/N got back up and walked fast back to Hogwarts. Ben rushed behind her, “Come on Y/N you are not going to be mad after me for what a stupid dog did !”
She turned to him, flames in her eyes, “He wouldn’t have jumped on you if you hadn’t grabbed me like some caveman”, she got scared when he gripped her so harshly, it had hurt on the moment. He rolled his eyes, “If you had followed me I wouldn’t have grabbed you ! And come on it wasn’t hard you are exagerating”. Y/N was completely shocked and disappointed, not even bothering to respond, she just run away.
Before Ben could go after her, he felt something grabbing his pants and pested when he saw it was the dog. He kicked him the face “Get the fuck away you dumb slack !” The dog yelped, and groalled, locking eye contact with him for a few second, before going away when he saw Y/N was out of sigh. Ben pested and walked back to the school.
Farther, the dog hid behind some trees, away from people’s sigh and transformed. Sirius stood up, massaging his jaw, glowering at Ben going away. Before he was simply jealous because he was close to Y/N, he even almost gave up when he saw the date was going just fine from where he was, in his animagi form, but when he saw Ben getting closer to kiss her, he felt his blood boiled and he couldn’t stopped himself from stepping in.
He was now smiling like an idiot, he did got a kiss from her personnaly in the end. He sigh, Ben wasn’t good for her, he felt bad at first, intervering like that, uninvited, but the way he had talked to her, gripped her, he clenched his jaw thinking of it. He had to keep an eye on him, making sure he didn’t hurt her.
Sirius decided to go back to Hogsmeade and enter the shop where she got her ink and bought a bottle, it was his faults if she had lost it, he even took the set of quill and notebooks, the little surprise was ready and he wanted to put some more gift so that was the occasion.
Y/N had went to bed pissed, she couldn’t believe Ben had acted this way. Laying down, looking at the ceiling she sighed, could it be her ? Is it her fault the boys she likes are like that ? Was she asking for too much ? She fell asleep, those questions spinning in her head.
The wake up however, was nothing like the day before, it her roomate who shook her up, confusing and iritating her. “Look !!”
With a groan she sat up, leanning on her elbows, looking around. Her mouth dropped, her eyes widden, her bed was surrounded by mounts and mounts of flowers, poenis, sunflowers, roses, and more, all her favorite flowers, there was two gifts baskets, one filled with her favorite candies. The second one had to be her favorite, it was filled with letter writing supplies, inks, parchments, notebooks, quill, she gasped when she saw a new bottle of the ink she has lost yesterday, and the pack of quills and notebooks she saw at the shop.
In that basket there were a little box, with a little message on top, “I’m sorry, I am an idiot :(”. When she openned the box, her and her friends jumped a bit, gold glowing animals figure got out of the box and fly around, it was beautiful. In the box, a beautiful necklace, a red heart pendant. “Who send it ?”
They looked all around, searching for anything but it wasn’t signed, making Y/N pout. “I don’t know !”. She sat there for a moment, thinking, looking at the ink bottle and the packs. It has to be Ben right ? Only him knew about that ink and the quill and notebook, and he did act like an idiot. She smiled, maybe yesterday was an accident and he just act wierd around dogs ? The gifts were nice of him, and he showed he had put attention in what she is saying when they talk.
She put on the necklace and quickly got ready for the day, running to see where he is. When their eyes locked, he went to her, “Listen Y/N I-” but he got cut off when she squeezed him into a hug. “Thanks !”
He put his arms around her, putting his head on her shoulder, a puzzled look on his face, “Hum, what for ?”
She laughted, “The gifts ! And the flowers, and the animals flying, everything !”. That didn’t enlighted up his mind, what was she talking about ? But he thought for a moment, whoever send those didn’t signed it, since she was sure it was him, maybe that was the perfect oppertunity. “That ? You don’t have to thanked me, it’s normal, I was unfair to you yesterday”
She lift her head to look up at him, “Of course, you didn’t have to do this much ! How did you do all of this so fast ?”
Ben left out an akward laugh, “Well, anything for you babe”, he cup her head, looking into her eyes, smiling at her. She rose on her tip toe and they shared a kiss. Ben smirk, well, thing were going better than expected. They left the slytherin common room hand-in-hand. Her toying with the pendant. They both went to the Great Hall and ate together, she put her head on his shoulder.
Sirius looked at them coming in, and fixed their linked arms, not understanding how that happenned. But then she saw the way she touch the necklace, the one he got her when she had her head on his shoulder. Fuck. He put his face in his hands. She thinks it’s this asshole. He hadn’t sign the gifts, he didn’t realise the altercation of yesterday would make her think it was him !
He groaned, he had fucked up, and now she was in his arms, he was sure now he was no good, which asshole would take credit for something they hadn’t done ? He had to keep a close eye to him, he felt something bad was going to happen.
@blackpinkdolan  @jentaculargums @bruxa0007 @deathkat657 @theincredibledeadlyviper @bleh-bleh-blehs @whiskeypowder @edithsvoice @weasleybeb @auggie2000 @the-mess-in-my-head @abundanceofcarolines
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inredunderlinedx · 3 years
I dont want you like a best friend… Dick Grayson x Reader
A/n: this fic will use she/her pronouns! As always requests for different pronouns in a new fic are welcome!
Why on earth did I let him talk me into this. Oh that’s right because no one can say no to Dick Graysons charming smile and deep blue eyes.
I was currently shopping for a gown to wear to a Wayne ball.
Ah yes. Wayne Balls. A lovely affair filled with rich old men with mistresses and playboys looking for a good fuck.
But I couldn’t say no to Dick’s dreamy eyes. I couldn’t say no to him. He was my best friend—who I was absolutely in love with.
That’s how I got here. Standing in front of a mirror with a blue dress on, that’s way too expensive; all for Dick Grayson.
The dress was beautiful. It was a deep navy blue, with a long slim sheer skirt, and a sparkling blue top with two spaghetti straps on each shoulder. (If your Muslim or not comfortable with skin or hair showing they you would have long sparkly sleeves and a a blue head covering that matched the skirt)
I looked beautiful. But the dress cost more than my kidney at a whopping $295,000.
But thankfully my stepdad was Uber rich. He wasn’t that bad but I never really got to know him.
After purchasing the dress, I got into my car and headed over to Dick’s to prepare for the party mere hours away.
• • •
I stood in front of the mirror in Dicks room. He had already put on his suit and lent me his room to get ready.
I put the finishing touches on my look before exiting the bedroom. I bumped into Alfred in the hall who informed me Dick had already joined his brothers in the ballroom.
As I made my way down the hall towards Dick, I couldn’t help but wonder what he might think of the dress. Would he finally notice me? Would he tell me how he felt? Would he kiss me like I’d longed for, for so long?
I knew how delusional I sounded but I couldn’t help it. Dick was all I wanted. My mind couldn’t help fantasizing that he might feel the same way.
As I approached the large doors that led to the ballroom I noticed how loud it was, then how many people were actually there.
“Oh god.” I mumbled under my breath as I tried to make my way down the stairs without being noticed.
However the noise settled substantially as I tried to descend the stairs. When I looked up from the carpeting I noticed many eyes were on me. I searched for Dick in the crowd, and started to panic when he was nowhere to be found.
As I continued my somewhat frantic search I finally noticed him at the bottom of the stairs with a small smirk.
I grabbed his arm at the bottom of the stairs and followed him to the buffet
“You don’t have to be a dick all the time you know.” I said glaring at him as his smirk became bigger.
“But it’s my name sweetheart.” He said, making me blush at the nickname in embarrassment
“You’re so annoying.” I said rolling my eyes and walking away to find Jason.
I saw him across the large room at the bar talking to a guy about his age.
“Jason your brother is being a dick.” I said before grabbing a glass of champagne and drinking it in about 5 seconds.
“Woah, are you even legal L/n?” Jason asked
“I’m 19 Jason I’m an adult. Plus I need it to deal with your idiot brother.” I said
“I see, no need to explain yourself to me, it’s not like I’m one for sticking to the rules.” He said with a grin.
“Don’t I know it.” I said laughing, I turned to go find Dick before he gets too drunk.
“There you are Y/n!” Dick said wrapping an arm around my waist.
“Miss me?”
“You know it.” He said giving me a boop on the nose.
“How much longer is this thing anyways?” I asked
“We just got here y/n” he said with a laugh, “plus you look beautiful so I’m keeping you here as long as possible to admire you.”
“Alright” I said smiling
I followed Dick around for the rest of the night. He spoke with many business men and women about Wayne Enterprises while I zoned out; daydreaming of how it would feel to have Dicks arms around me all the time.
“Y/n?” Dick said snapping me out of it
“Huh? Yeah?” I said
“I asked if you wanted to get some food before we go back to my room.”
“Already? Wow, sure!” I said happy to get out of these shoes.
Dick managed to grab chicken nuggets from the kids table before sneaking out the doors with me.
Once we made it back to Dick’s bedroom I immediately took of my shoes and collapsed onto his bed.
“Tired already?” He asked sitting next to me, which turning on the television.
“I don’t know how you do that.” I said, “is that Netflix?”
“Yup.” He said with a smile “wanna watch New Girl?”
“Yes!” I said, we only watched New Girl together since it was out favorite show.
I grabbed some chicken and sat up as the episode began to play.
“I still think Jess and Nick are soulmates,” I said glancing at Dick, “but if she doesn’t end up with Nick she should be with Ryan. They are perfect together.”
“Are you kidding?” He said looking at me with bewilderment, “Jess and Sam were so good together. That should have been her second choice.”
“Whatever Grayson.” I said knowing we would never stop arguing if I continued to debate it.
As the show went I slowly lost focus and all I could think about was grabbing Dick’s face and kissing him.
I tried to push the thoughts away but the fact that I was leaning against his shoulder with our faces almost touching made it hard to ignore.
I knew this was the last thing he was thinking about, I knew he didn’t feel this way, but come on, how could you not fall in love with him?
He was my best friend and all I could think about was effectively ruining our friendship.
As the episode was ending I meant to glance over at him, but I couldn’t look away once I noticed he’d been staring at me.
The room was completely silent as we stared at one another.
My eyes widened when he began to lean towards me bringing his hand up to cup my cheek.
“Dick…” I whispered trying to stop him before he did irreparable damage to our relationship, and me.
“I know what I’m doing, y/n.” He said in a low voice, “but kissing you is all I could think about once I saw you tonight. I tried to ignore my feeling for so long but I can’t. I saw the way they all were looking at you tonight and I couldn’t take it. I never want anyone else to look at you the way I do.”
“I’m in love with you, y/n.” Dicks voice seemed vulnerable, for the first time since I’d met him, he seemed scared, terrified even.
“I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember,” I said, “but if we do this there is no going back.”
“I know that.” He said finally pressing his lips against mine.
The butterflies in my stomach were impossible to ignore, I couldn’t believe this was actually happening.
With Dick’s hands on my face, as he kissed me like I was his last meal. This absolutely had to be a dream.
But it wasn’t.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Nobody's Perfect (part10)
Warnings - mentions of baby loss / smut
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers
The following days of filming were tense to say the least. Helen had tried talking to Cillian but refused. He also refused to come back to your room, having booked himself his own in a different hotel. You'd tried talking to him onset but he kept his distance from you as much as possible, having arranged with Steve to push back his scenes with you until a later date. Steve hadn't asked questions, fortunately.
You had the weekend off, and had planned for the two of you to spend it with your sister and her husband in Liverpool. As you were packing your bag on the Friday afternoon, you heard your hotel door open. Turning round, you saw Cillian, bag over his shoulder.
"Hey..." You almost whispered, choking up at the sight of him. He looked like he hadn't slept for days.
"Hey. Listen - " you stopped him.
"No, you listen. I never should have said those things Cillian.. I never should have shouted at you. I never should have shut you out.. I just didn't know what to say! All the hurt, and pain.. just bottled up inside me and I couldn't keep it in any longer.. being Clara again, knowing she was having a baby, it broke my heart... I'm sorry.. I'm so fucking sorry..." He put his bag on the floor and took you in his arms, holding you as you cried for the first time in front of him. You could feel his body shake as he cried too. Months of pain and anguish came crashing out of you both as you sunk to the floor together. He hadn't realised he'd left the door open, and Helen rushed in to you in a panic, finding you kneeling on the floor together in pieces and wrapped her arms round you both, shutting the door so as not to alert anyone else. You both fell into her, as she calmed you both and stood you up.
"Now listen to me, both of you. No one deserves what you're going through, no one.. but I can't watch you both destroy yourselves over it any longer. What are your plans this weekend?" You wiped your eyes and told her you were going to your sisters for the weekend.
"Well you better let me call her, because you're not going." You both looked at her, confused. "Here's my keys. This is my and Damien's holiday home in the Lake District. Completely private, no neighbours for miles. It's yours for the weekend. Fully kitted out, groceries already bought. The girls and I have it all taken care of."
"But my sister - "
"Will understand when I call her and explain what's happening. We have every weekend off now, you can go to your sisters next weekend?" You looked at Cillian and he smiled.
"Maybe it's not such a bad idea y/n?"
"Your sister's the one I met at the premiere, right? Tall, blond, drinks like a fish?" You laughed, remembering how well Helen and your sister had got on that night doing tequila slammers and dancing like maniacs to the Macarena. "It's only about an hour away from here. If you leave now, you'll be there in time to watch the sun set over the hills. Turn your phone's off, and reconnect. Talk. And change the sheets before you leave." She smirked, before Cillian pulled her close for a hug.
"Love you Helen. You always know what to do..."
"Aunt Pol knows everything. Give me your sisters number y/n and get out of here!"
Hand in hand, you walked into the cottage and instantly blown away. It was simply beautiful. Rustic yet elegant, olde worlde yet stylish.. it screamed Helen McCrory and you both loved it. Setting your bags in the living room, Cillian made his way over to the record player in the corner and chose a record he knew you loved. Putting it on, he held out his hand. You giggled, taking it, as he pulled you close, swaying with you to the music. No words exchanged, they weren't needed.
As the song drew to a close, he lifted your chin up and leaned in, his lips meeting yours for the first time in nearly a week. Your arms pulled him closer, as your tongues met, and he slowly pushed you over to the sofa. You pulled his jacket off his shoulders before he lifted your t-shirt over your head, puling back to admire you. Reaching behind you, unclasping your bra with one hand, his eyes and hands roamed slowly over your chest and shoulders like it was the first time he'd ever seen or felt them.
He slowly unbuttoned your jeans, letting them fall to the floor along with your underwear. As you stood completely bare in front of him, you felt slightly self-conscious, and covered yourself a little.
"Don't. Let me look at you. You're beautiful, don't you know that?"
"I haven't felt it for a while."
"And that's my fault. Let me make you feel beautiful?" You nodded as he guided you to the bedroom down the hall. Walking in, you both saw rose petals over the fresh bedsheets, as well as a bottle of champagne on ice with two glasses.
"They went all out didn't they?" You smiled as he lay you down onto the bed. His lips carefully caressed over your neck, down your collarbone and over your breasts as you arched your back at his touch, sending tingles down your spine.
He kissed over your belly, down to your hips, and parted your legs slowly. He blew softly against your core, making you shudder, as his tongue lapped from the bottom up to your clit, circling it gently. You were panting now, desperate for release. His fingers brushed over your thighs and into your groin, before easing two fingers inside you, sliding in effortlessly as if they were made for this purpose alone. His mouth was torture on you, you could feel your orgasm building.
"Please... Cillian..." You begged, raising your hips to meet his tongue. He responded perfectly - upping the pressure and speed of his tongue as he drove you over the edge, you came crying his name. With one more gentle kiss to your clit, he stood up, once again admiring you silently. You sat up and pulled at the zipper on his jeans. Pulling them down with his boxer shorts and taking his hard cock in your hand. Giving it a few gentle pumps, watching his mouth fall open slightly, you smirked as your mouth took him in, he gasped when he felt the back of your throat. Licking up the shaft and over the head, you swallowed him down again, his hand on the back of your head, pulling the pony tail out so he could grip your hair. You groaned into his cock, feeling it twitch in your mouth as he pulled your hair, you could hear him groaning above you, spurring you on.
"Y/n.. I'm gonna come..." You bobbed your mouth faster, and felt him cum deep down your throat, swallowing every drop down.
"Fuck woman... Your mouth is incredible..." He pushed you back onto the bed and lined himself up against you.
For a man over 40, he had the libido of a 25 year old around you, it wasn't long until he was ready to go again.
Pushing you back, he lined himself up against your entrance and pushed in slowly, savouring each second feeling you clench your muscles around him.
"Missed this.." you gasped as he bottomed out, and he kissed you again, moving his hips back and forth easily. A steady rhythm, his forehead against yours as you breathed heavily against each other, looking into each others eyes. Your legs wrapped around his body as high as you could get them, he hooked one of your knees up with his elbow and thrust a little harder, sending you spiralling again. A few more strokes and you came together, you held him tight against you until he'd softened completely, not wanting to let him go.
You'd talked most of the night about everything, in-between more love-making and drawing pleasurable moans from each other, before falling asleep finally around 2am. The following morning, you were making him breakfast in the large kitchen area when he came through wearing his boxer shorts and stood watching you from the doorway.
"You know, I was gonna head to Ireland last night before Helen came in," he confessed.
"I know. I saw the plane ticket on our online banking app. I thought you were leaving me..."
"No, I just needed space. But now I know it isn't space I need, it's you. Only you. I'm sorry I've put you through this y/n..." You turned the hob down and made your way over to him, linking your body against his.
"You know I've never once blamed you, for any of this? I thought we were a team?"
"We are, but you're not the one who's infertile y/n."
"WE are going through this - not ME. We. We have one more round of IVF to go, and if that doesn't work then we'll work it out - okay?"
"I'm worried you'll end up leaving me.."
"Shut up Murphy for the love of God!" You laughed slapping his chest. "Nothing would make me leave you, okay? I could have 100 babies with anyone, but I want one with YOU, and only you. No more talk of leaving, deal?" You booped your nose against his and grinned.
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