#i saw the lights on downstairs and i went down to check what that was for and i found him in his office reading
britneyshakespeare · 8 months
did i tell you guys i got my dad to start reading jane eyre
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froggoon · 7 months
I’ll love you in every multiverse I Five Hargreeves x Reader
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Post Apocalypse Au! ( Yes Im writing another one )
Pt2 WC: 1,791
Summary: The Umbrella’s can understand jumping through time and all its rules, yeah fuck with the timeline and it’ll fuck you right back. But what happens when a portal opens up in the middle of the academy and outfalls a girl who claims to be Five’s wife from a different universe.
Disclaimer: This takes place after season one if Viktor didn’t blow up the moon. ⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。
The Umbrella Academy had saved the world from its supposed end. The siblings had lounged around the academy slowly letting reality set that they had avoided their demise. It was the next morning when each of them woke up to check their surroundings, making sure that doomsday wasn’t there.
Five went downstairs for his morning coffee when he saw Allison scrolling for flights on her phone and Klaus checking where was the next place he could buy drugs.
“Leaving so soon?” He questioned.
Allison looked up at him although happy to see her brother, guilty because he was right.
“I have to go see my daughter. After everything that has happened I need her now just as much as she needs me.”
Five nodded his head, understanding where she was coming from, although a little irked she wasn’t wasting any time running away.
A loud zap was heard and wind swirled toward the top of the room. A red portal had opened above the living room. The rest of the siblings (Luther, Viktor, Diego) had rushed down to see what the loud noise was. It was deja vu, like when Five had returned for the first time. In the portal, they could see a fight happening. Figures that had looked like them in a place that looked like their home. A woman’s back came close to the portal, they could see she was in combat but stood observing. Another man who they couldn’t identify, rushed forward and pushed the woman through the portal.
A girl who looked to be in her early twenties had fallen through. Her face was covered in soot, her hair black as night, and her eyes closed in pain. She was wearing a navy body suit that clung to her figure, and blood, not her own, stained the fabric.
The Hargreeves gathered around to observe this strange phenomenon trying to assess the danger. They were so used to people being against them, so why would this time be different.
You coughed loudly before sitting up, and each sibling tensed with adrenaline. The girl looked around the room with blazing blue eyes before she landed on the youngest Hargreeves.
“Five?” you questioned.
Everyone turned to look at Five.
Luther spoke up first, “You know her?”
“I have never met her in my life.” Five retorted.
The girl dusted off her suit before standing. “Well if you never met me, you either will meet me or I’m dead in this universe.”
“The names y/n , y/n Hargreeves.”
“I don’t remember our father adopting anyone else,” Diego said. He raised his knives, carefully ready to strike at any move she would make.
“That’s because I wasn’t adopted into this family. Married actually.” And with this, she held up her left hand, a beautiful diamond ring shone in the light with a gold band beneath it. The diamond was embellished with 2 smaller emeralds on the side, perhaps representing her lover’s eyes.
“Married? To who.” Viktor questioned.
“To him.” She looked back at Five.
“Well not to him, an alternate version of him. We met a few years ago and got married, nice seeing the family again,” she nodded her head towards the siblings.
“So what are you saying you guys are married in a different timeline?” Klaus asked.
“No, not a different timeline, a different universe.” She sat down on the couch.
Your brain felt like it was rattling against your skull, and your body ached. You took a minute to think. Fuck, it was going to be difficult to get back to your Earth, and to make things better you had no idea where to start.
“Alright before you all start firing questions at me, someone get me a cup of coffee, black please.” You threw a jacket that hung over the couch on you to hide the state of your clothes. "Allow me," The alternate of your husband said. Five quickly blinked the two of you into the car and began to drive, leaving his brothers and sisters dumbfounded. "So you and I, are married in another multiverse."
"Correct." "You look to be about my age, how come I haven't met you yet here." Surely he would remember someone as beautiful as you. "Well it's as I said, my version here could be dead or you might not have met her yet. That being said although 18 out of the 20 multiverses I have visited, we are together." "And the other two?" "In Earth 216, we are strangers, never have crossed paths, and never will. We simply live our lives with other people." Five's eyebrows furrowed. For some reason even if he didn't know you, he didn't like the idea of you with someone else. "In Earth 894, we were madly in love but our egos destroyed us, and we were never the same since." Five could tell there was more to that story but didn't press any further. "So tell me about us, how did we end up together." "I was Diego's friend first, he and I met in the police force. Diego kinda took me under his wing as I was the youngest graduate out of the academy. Perks of having a high IQ." Five raised his eyebrow at that. "Anyways, he invited me over after your father's funeral. " "Long story short, you fell in love with my charms and I was the only one who could tolerate you. We got married not too long after. It was a small wedding but it's my most precious memory. Our families had gathered together at the church no too far away from here. You cried on our wedding day by the way." Inciting a side glare from Five.
"But...that's where we had some problems." "Do you remember when I fell out of that portal?" Five nodded his head remembering seeing a fight in the alternate dimension. "Well, apparently some of the 43 are not too happy about their powers, nor happy about living among the common people, they believed themselves superior and it became chaos." The two of you arrived at Griddys. Five walked over to the side of your door and opened it for you. "Thank you, darling." You said with a smile. Five's heart spiked at the nickname. He shook his head at the feeling, obviously, it's just what you were used to calling YOUR Five. The two of you sat at the counter and ordered your coffees and sweets. You signed before pulling out a small stack of photos from inside your suit. "This is us and your family." The photo was a picture of you and Five on your wedding day. Five had never looked so happy. Beside him was Luther who he assumed was his best man, next to him was Viktor, Diego, and a man who looked like you. You must have caught his staring, "That's my brother Damien." He nodded and looked beside you. You were wearing a long white dress with intricate lacing, the dress was strapless with a square neckline and had a small slit on the side. Your veil was flipped over your head and flowed down your back. Beside you, was Allison as your maid of honor and two other women who he assumed were your friends. You weren't looking at the camera but at him. The next picture you gave him was a close-up of the two of you. You were the one taking the photo. His alternate self was older and had longer hair and facial hair, but he faced your side kissing your cheek affectionately. "This is my favorite photo of you." You handed him another photograph but this one didn't have you in it. This one was a picture of just Five and in his arms a little girl. She looked like you. Five gulped, a million questions ran through his head. Could this... could this have been his future if he didn't make that stupid jump? You said that not all multiverses are the same, you and him could never meet in this one. But that didn't stop his heart from hurting at the thought of missing out on a life of happiness because of his arrogance. "Before you jump to conclusions, she's not ours. She's my niece that we were babysitting. You just looked so sweet with her. You had always told me you wanted kids before but I wasn't ready." You had looked away sadly. In your home, Five always wanted to settle down and raise a family of his own, but you felt like you weren't ready. Now you regretted not because you weren't sure if you would ever be able to get back home. The two of you sat in silence drinking your coffee, both thinking about the what-ifs. "So...how did you end up here. I've been able to time travel but I've never thought about the possibility of multi-dimensional traveling." "As I said there was a fight between us, your family, and some of the 43. They called themselves the Ascendants. Believe to be the superior race." You took a deep breath before continuing. "The Ascendants had a man who could travel the multiverse with his own power, no special gear or machine need. We had planned to capture him but miscalculated. He was ready for us and he aimed to take out me, his biggest threat."
You took another breath before looking into Five's eyes. "I can warp reality. It is essentially in the name. I can manipulate reality itself, altering the fabric of existence according to my will." "But not without a cost," you continued. "Each time I control something, and the bigger it is, the more of my life force I use." Five sat in silence. This was a lot of information to take in. "So what now. How do I help you get back home." "I have...no clue. You were always the smarter one of the two of us. You were the one who had built the machine, of course before it was destroyed when Viktor took out the house." You sighed. It was going to take a lot of research and time to figure it out. "Well, I'm newly retired and have nothing on my plate so let's start at the library." He hopped off the stool and made his way to the door. "You coming?" He said turning to look at you. You smiled, he was a great man. Even if this Five wasn't your husband you loved him no matter what. You ran up looping your arm in his making your way out of Griddy's. ⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ Pt 2 of this story is out now!
Author's note: I got tons of drafts just full of ideas I've had and never gone through with. I've been rewatching the MCU films and Spiderverse so that was kinda my inspiration for this one. If you like my work check out my other Five stories here! I also always appreciate comments and feedback! It definitely keeps me going. She's my Angel Pt1. Shes my Angel Pt2.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
thinking about frat!peter leaving a conversation with someone or a group to take you upstairs because you looked at him with “fuck me” eyes
god i fucking LOVE frat!peter
You were Peter's girl. 
He’s made that clear, every party he has has his arm thrown around your neck. He’ll press his lips to your temple or cheek when you walk away for a moment and return. He talks to you during beer pong games, ignoring his teammate entirely. He always comes to find you when you’re supposed to arrive and he always, always kisses you hello. 
It was odd when you didn’t have him all over you when you walked in, even weirder when he wasn’t in the kitchen or garage. You texted him but was left on delivered, you wonder if he had made a run to the liquor store and forgot to tell you, you wouldn’t dare entertain the idea of him hooking up with another girl. 
No, you were his girl. He made it clear. 
You stomped up the staircase off from the kitchen, upstairs was mostly off limits during parties. The only exception being the first bathroom on the right of the stairs, Peter’s room was to the left off the side. Without even glancing at the line you took a sharp left and paused at his door. 
You took in a breath and pressed your ear against his door, you heard nothing but his standing fan running. Still not convinced you knocked lightly and pushed the door open, you blinked at the dark doom and flicked the lights on. His room was empty and his bed made, you grinned, at least he listened to one thing you told him. 
In defeat you shut the door and head back downstairs, you check your phone for a response and frown. Peter’s never ditched you at a party before, and it especially hurt because you hadn’t seen him in a week since he’s been so busy with school and the frat. 
“Have you seen Peter?” You tugged at the arm of a fraternity brother, he pulled a thinking face then nodded. “I think he was with Mallory, he said to let him know when you were here.” Your face screwed up, “who’s Mallory?” His friend smiled, “Trent’s friend! Parker’s been chattin’ ‘em up, they seem to be getting along pretty cool.” 
So much for being ‘his girl’.
“Oh. Well, if you see him let him know I went home.” 
His friend grabbed you when you turned to leave, “naw, don’t leave! Parker had specific instructions to let him know when you get here.” You scoff, “I don’t want to bother him and Mallory.” In an instant his friend slapped his forehead, you winced at the clap. 
“Aw shit, you think Mallory’s a chick. It’s Chuck Mallory, Trent’s friend from back home.” 
Oh. Well, that makes things better. But, still. Why isn’t he finding you himself? You were his girl!
“Where is he?” 
Jarred shoves you towards the living room with an elbow, “outside, I think Mallory got him to smoke some weed.” You oo and thank him before walking away, high Peter was your favorite. When Peter was drunk he was loose and lovey, when he was high he was giddy and cuddly. 
And cuddly Peter was exactly what you needed, you haven’t seen him in a whole week! You were itching to have him in your hold, let alone feel his lips on yours or have his body on yours in his bed. 
Your legs felt light when you reached the back patio, you saw him across the yard hovering near the jungle gym, a small playhouse and swings crawling with drunk friend groups. His arms covered in a white and black flannel, his right arm was across his chest as he scratched at his left shoulder, the hand dangled the neck of a beer bottle. 
You walk down the three steps and bumped shoulders with another guy, Adam, you share an astronomy class. “Hey!” His hands balance your shoulders, you wobble and hold on to his wrists, you laugh at the small adrenaline rush and smile, “hey!” 
“You’re walking how I felt after that test wednesday.” You laugh and put your weight on one hip, Adam’s hand dropped to grab his drink, the other fell to a casual hold on your elbow. There was no inkling of attraction, just a friendly gesture. 
“If you don’t feel confident I don’t have a chance.” 
“Nah, I wouldn’t sweat it. I’d put four bucks on the line you got higher than me.” 
You look over his face and hold out the hand he was grabbing, “I’ll take you up on that,” he grins and shakes your hand hard, “bet it is.” Adam looks to his side before holding tighter and pulling you in, “I’ve got a frat boy on my ten about to burn my head off.” You turn to look but Adam’s hand cups your face to keep you looking at him, “make him jealous, c’mon. It’ll be fun.” 
You grab his hand off your face and grin, “for you or for me?” Your classmate shrugs, “my date bailed, entertain me.” You rolled your eyes but brought him in for an exaggerated hug, “mine made me come find him, all because his friend brought some new, cooler than me, guy over.” 
When you pulled back you peeked a glance at Peter, his eyes narrowed in on the side of Adam’s face like you weren’t even there. He’s made it clear you were his girl and this guy doesn’t get it. You tapped your hand on Adam’s chest, “my guess is when I walk over there he’s going to make a big gesture of grabbing me and kissing me, making sure you watch.” 
The blonde steps away, “I’ll be watching, and waiting on my four bucks!” You turn with a gasp, your hand over your heart, “you said I’d win!” Adam waves you off, “that’s before it was a real bet!” 
You smirk and turn back around to your boy, his lips pulled into a neutral state. Peter’s pulled from the pack, standing on the outskirts facing you two perfectly, his eyes flash between the guy on the porch and you sauntering closer on the grass. 
You approach him with a wide smile and wrap your arms around him, his arms stay glued to his side, he’s trying to be upset but you hum and tilt him side to side. “Careful, if you don’t hug me back he may think I’m free game.” Immediately he tugs his arms from under you and presses you tight against him, his lips pressing tiny kisses to your head. “Who’s our new friend?” 
You snort and squeeze tight before stepping back, Peter wraps his arm around your neck. “Adam, we share astronomy.” 
Your boy drops a breath dramatically, “thank god it’s not chemistry.” You grip at his love handles and he pushes you away, “you’re lucky I even came to find you! Jarred told me all about you and Mallory.” The exaggeration of the name lets Peter know you thought it was a girl he tsks and shakes his head. 
“C’mon, trouble. You know you’re my girl.” 
“Do I?” The not so subtle quip made Peter give you a faulty smile, more and more you’ve been dropping hints that the lack of a label but the implication of one was bothering you. 
“I’d hope so, here. Trouble, meet Mallory, he’s staying with us for a few days. His dad is a web developer.” 
Suddenly you understood why he ditched you, his two most favorite things in one room. Nerding out and networking. 
Mallory, with shaggy brown hair and green eyes stretched out a hand. He shamelessly looked you up and down, a cocky smirk spread, “oh, hello, trouble.” 
Before you could respond Peter pulled your back into his chest and wrapped his arms around you, “oh no, this one’s my girl. My trouble, not yours.” You relaxed in his hold, his possessiveness made you feel jittery. 
“Easy up, Parker. I’ve got my eye on the blonde.” You followed his eyesight to the window, a group of blondes hovered. “Which one?” His smile made you happy to be in Peter’s arms, you snuggled in further with the answer. “Yes.” 
You blink submissively and plaster on a dumb smile, “it’s honestly so nice of you to have such an unspecified type. You’ll give anyone a shot, huh?” Peter gripped your hip but didn’t say anything, his new friend had an amused grin, he wasn’t used to a girl challenging him. 
“Some of the girls I’ve fucked could be concidered charity work, maybe I could collect one more?” 
Trent shoved on Mallory’s chest, “cool it, prick. Parker’s girl is good to have around, apologize.” 
You could feel how stiff Peter’s chest was at his comment, the boy apologized and you nodded but Peter still felt seized up, until Mallory broke the silence. 
“Yo, Parker. Did I tell you about the internship program?” And you could feel Peter’s indecisiveness, he wanted to bark back at him but he also could use an internship, you pulled away from him and nodded at the shaggy hair. 
“Pete, you were just talking about that like, two weeks ago.” 
And the conversation flowed, the group talked back and forth and even with the jab, Mallory included you in the conversation and you could see the charismatic side of him, as much as you didn’t want to. After twenty minutes the group walked to an empty picnic table, Mallory sat on the top of the table, pausing mid conversation to lick his wrapped blunt, pressing the seal. 
Ethan, Chris and Trent sat on the left side of the table, you, Peter and Dylan sat on the right. Dylan was also perched on the top of the table, his feet on the bench. Peter sat with his back to the table, his neck turned to the left to look at his new friend, your right shoulder rested on the side of the table, your legs thrown over Peter’s lap as he ran his hands up and down your shins. You rested your head on your fist, your elbow on the table as well. 
You stared at Peter’s face as he made conversation in the group and laughed, you weren’t paying much attention but felt your heart lurch at every grin he casted and you laughed when he did. 
Peter felt eyes burning a hole through him, he looked at you and grinned. ‘What?’ he mouthed, ‘nothing,’ you replied. He gave you a look that said ‘you’re being weird,’ you leaned in closer and tapped his cheek. As if you’d have to ask, he met you and pressed his bottom lip against your top, his hand holding onto your knee. You smiled against his lips, then pressed another kiss, “I missed you,” Peter hums, “missed you too.” 
“Oi! You helped Trent cheat?” You shook your head when you pulled from Peter, Mallory smacked against your arm. Peter looked at you surprised, “no! Don’t- Don’t say it like that!” You looked around and hissed, “I just helped him understand a few questions better. During a test. For a final. By passing notes. But absolutely no cheating!” 
“Trouble, what?” You grinned back at your boy nervously and looked at Trent as if you’ve been betrayed. Peter patted the side of your thigh, you ignored his call and Trent grinned with his hands up, “you won cool points forever, sorry babe.” 
You groan and point around the table, “that never happened, okay!” 
Mallory lit the blunt and passed it down the line, Ethan laughed at the quick silence. “If you guys think that’s funny I should tell you about the time she helped Parker study for an anatomy quiz.” 
“Peter!” You gesture to his friend at the far side of the table, the others getting a laugh at your reaction. You sputter and shove at his arm, you can’t help but smile yourself. Peter jolts when you attack his side, you’re letting his friends see his ‘boyfriend side’, the one that giggles when you tickle him and leans into your touch, breathless and smiley when you end the attack. 
“Stop making fun of my girl, she takes it out on me!” You prove his point and tickle his side again, he pulls your hips and throws you to straddle him. You can’t help but yelp at the sudden movement, you oof when you slam against his hips, his hands bolt your own down on your thighs. 
If you could’ve clenched your thighs you would’ve, you forgot how quick he could throw you around. It’s been the longest week of your life since you met him. Dylan whistles and his gang claps, you roll your eyes, “Parker just earned top dog of the week!” 
Dylan noogies Peter’s hat, you smack his hand away and place a protective hand, “leave my baby alone.” Ethan holds his hand across the table, “tell your baby to take a hit,” you extend your own, Peter takes the time to wrap his arm around your back, you return with a smile, you raise the blunt to his mouth, “take a hit.” 
You watch Peter lean his head forward and take a hit, your look down and your warm smile melted into one of admiration. The lit end engulfed in red and orange, a single stream of smoke raised, his eyebrows furrowed as he took a longer hit, his eyes flashed up and saw the ardor in your eyes. 
His fingers pushed into your thigh and you pulled away, you watched him blow out the smoke slowly while you took your own inhale, your only thoughts on Peter, no interest in the other conversations. You held the tobacco back up and bit your lip when his fingers brushed yours for another toke, “you’re looking at me funny,” he spoke between his inhale, you took the hat off his head, his head tilted at first, pausing to stop you but letting you do it when you flashed a frown. 
You set the cap on the bench next to you, your fingers immediately fixing his curls and adjusting his hat hair. “You’re smokin’ babe.” You shook out his curls, you curled your fingers into them, his lips shot up to kiss your wrist, “thanks, honey.” 
Your heart clenched, more and more he’s like your boyfriend. He’s laying it on thick tonight, you press a kiss to his lips, neither one of you a fan of heavy pda, him more than you, especially in front of his brothers. Peter holds the blunt behind your back and tugs you closer, he breaks away and his glazed eyes peered at your lips and to your eyes, “I love…” You listen closer and tug his shirt, he stops himself, “I love kissing you,” 
You press a soft kiss to his cheek, your lips graze to his ear, “that all?” You looked back at his face but he cleared his throat and looked behind you to hand the blunt off to Dylan. You’re teasing, that’s all. You poke at his cheeks, “don’t get all freaked out, I’m kidding, petey.” 
You humph when his hand covers your mouth, his eyes shoot to his friends. He’s in the clear, no one heard. If any one of his friends heard the pet name they’d bully him to death, simp him to shame. He’d never ever hear the end of it. 
Peter’s eyes burrowed into yours, “absolutely not.” 
“Petey.” You mumbled it into his hand, he pressed against your mouth harder. He gave you a death stare, you giggled and pulled at his wrist, he gave you a warning glance but let it fall away. 
You took a deep breath and leaned to whisper in his ear, your hands cupped around your mouth. “petey, petey, petey.” His fingers dig into your sides, as you curl into him he pushes your hips away. 
“You’re being a menace tonight, trouble.” 
You wheezed against him and pushed his hand away, “I’m sorry!” 
And the moment you looked back up at him he understood, you had a look on your face only he was lucky enough to see. It was the same look you gave him when he was pushing into you, as you dug your nails into his shoulder blades and cried out his name. The same look when you lay breathless, your fingers tangled in his hair pulling as tight as you could grinding your hips against his face. 
“I just missed you this week,” you whispered the words and fixed his collar, he missed you too. 
Peter grabbed your fingers and kissed them, “okay, then go pee, baby.” He spoke loudly and laughed, catching the attention of his friends but they continued with the conversation. You furrowed your brow, you went to speak but he continued, “okay, then let’s go.” He patted your thighs and you scrambled to get off them, he stood up and grabbed your hand to tug you up. 
Peter gave a salute to his friend group, “be right back,” you nodded and followed his path inside. Your boy tugged you up the stairs and to his room, his hat was tossed to his dresser and he ripped his flannel off. 
You smiled when you realized what he did, you told him you hated how his friends jeered him on when it was assumed you were about to have sex. It makes you feel icky. You give him a sudden hug, he stills but wraps his own arm around you. 
“You okay?” 
“You did that for me?” 
Peter kisses the top of your head, “you give me the look, I make the excuse.” 
Then smacks your backside, “now get naked, if we take longer than thirty minutes they’ll ask questions.” 
You pull your shirt off and flop on the center of his bed, “yes, sir.” 
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mctakahashi · 2 months
Kenji x Pregnant reader.
Your hair fell into your face as you began to wake up in the dark room. Curtains drawn shut. Covers pulled over you. You yawn looking at the time on your watch. It showed 4:38 in the morning. You groaned looking around the rest of the room, still trying to wake up. Then you turn to your other side. The side of the bed where your husband normally would lay. Although the pillow was gone and the blankets were ruffled. ~where on earth did this guy go.~ you said scoffing and trying to get up out of the bed. Except it was sort of hard with a 7 month pregnant belly. You finally get yourself pulled up out of bed and threw on a a silk robe and began to look around the huge house for your husband, Kenji sato.
First you look on the couch. Then the other guest room. Nothing. So finally you head downstairs to his secret area. The elevator went down and soon you made it to the basement floor. You walk out, socked feet dragging along the floor. One hand on your back. Other on your belly. The huge room that looked out into the middle of the sea was cold. The lights were dimmed. But the room attached to it where Kenji would sometimes go to get away was on. You walked in with a smile and saw Kenji flipping through old magazines while drinking a can of his fancy fizzy drink and leaning back onto his couch. This room was like a nice little living room for Kenji to be alone.
“Hon.” You said seeing him look not as tired as you.
He glanced up and immediately stood up walking over to you. “What are you doing down here?” He said concerned that you walked this whole way. One of his hands lay solidly on your belly and you couldn’t help but smile at his concern.
“You weren’t in bed so I thought I’d come check it out down here, and guess what. Here you are.” You smiled, taking a seat with the help of his guidance. “What are you even doing down here? Doing big bad Ultraman stuff?”
“Come on you know I won’t put us in danger like that.” He said and then motioned to the magazines. “Nah I was really just looking through old baseball magazines.”
“Ah, I still remember when I first made it here to Japan, I wanted to be a reporter so bad that hell. I went to the first big guy in town and got an interview. I’m just happy you gave me a chance.” You said laying on him a bit. “Ooo she kicked!”
Kenji smiled gently feeling for the kicks as well as with the other hand running it through your hair. “Honestly I didn’t think I’d end up with a reporter. I hated so much to go to interviews. Especially private ones. I felt like they knew I was ultraman.” He gave out a chuckle.
“Then the day you told me about ultraman! God. It was like I knew. I mean. I did. I was dating the ultraman.” You looked up at him.
“Did I ever tell you about this kaiju I saved?” He said with a smile, almost a smirk.
“Ugh not another long story. Give me a second I might have to go pee first for this one.” You chuckled leaning in closer. “No im kidding. So tell me what was it like?”
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oceantornadoo · 10 months
ghost comes home
the 141 needs a place to sleep for the night and your house happens to be here. (simon introduces his secret wife to the task force, and it gets steamy after)
ghost trudged up the hill, already regretting his decision. the 141 needed a place to lay low for the night, and of course they happened to be a mile from your remote summer home. he had a feeling you’d be there too, and here he was bringing four killing machines to your door in the middle of your summer vacation.
they had stopped before the door, and soap was itching with curiosity. it was a cozy lake house, two stories tall and perfect for a small family. there was a car in the driveway and the front porch lights were on, but he didn’t have any clue as to what, or who, awaited them inside. even though ghost had his mask on, soap could still sense how reluctant he looked. “don’t ask questions. come here.” ghost led them around the house to a small shed, wood on the outside but surprisingly modern on the inside. he opened up a military standard weapons storage unit and pointed at it. “every single gun, knife, grenade, weapon. in here.” price had started removing his weaponry but gaz and soap did a double take. “l.t. you’re saying go completely weaponless? what if-“ “if you can’t defend yourself with your bare hands that’s your problem, not mine. if you want to sleep outside, go ahead.” ghost said definitively. gaz and soap complied, and soon the group looked a lot closer to four guys on a camping trip than a ruthless task force. they went to the front of the house again, and ghost pulled out a key. “don’t make noise, don’t touch anything, don’t sit. the lights are going to be off. shoes off at the door.” the anxiety was getting to soap, he had no clue where they were but with how protective ghost seemed, he had a feeling he was going to know a lot more about his l.t. soon.
ghost opened the door, instantly greeted with the after smell of those lavender candles you always lit. it was dark except for the lowlights he had installed last june so that you could see when you came downstairs at midnight for a snack. he saw your books on the breakfast table and your slippers in the living room, the comforting feeling of home covering him like a warm blanket. he took his shoes off and walked quietly to the stairs, knowing every squeak and how to avoid them. a door upstairs opened and he swore underneath his breath, not wanting to wake you until the morning, but of course you’d seen his location and wanted to say hello.
it was midnight, and you had just finished a particularly smutty chapter in your romance book when you got the notification that the door had been opened. you checked simon’s location and of course it was him. you flung of the covers and opened your door, greeted with a silent house except for the sounds of fabric moving. you looked down the stairs and there he was, skull mask shining in the moonlight. you rushed down the stairs and jumped into his arms, reveling in the feeling of home. “hi si.” you said breathlessly, legs tightening around his waist. “hi, dove. did i wake you?” you pulled up his mask for a long kiss, heart beating finally finally. “no, i was reading.” “aye, one of those dirty romance books, hm?” you giggled as he knew you so well. “maybe so. you’ll just have to come upstairs and…” you trailed off, having looked over his shoulder into the living room where three giant men stood awkwardly. you climbed out of his arms (simon huffed), intrigued by the situation at hand. “you brought company?” you turned on the lights to reveal the three strangers.
soap blinked and couldn’t believe his eyes. there was his l.t., a 6’4 killer on the battlefield, with his mask half up his chin, hand around your waist, and love in his eyes. and of course, there was you. you didn’t seem nervous to have three intimidating men in your living room, if anything you looked excited. you seemed molded to ghost, your movement reflecting each other for maximum physical contact at all times. quickly, you pulled down ghost’s mask so the team didn’t have the chance to glimpse his face. you moved forward with a small smile, head cocking as you analyzed the men in front of you. “dove, this is-“ “the 141. i’ve heard a lot about you. didn’t expect to meet you all in my pajamas.”
“you’re much better looking than us anyways.” soap replied, diffusing the tension. he didn’t miss how ghost’s hand tightened on your waist and his eyes narrowed. this was going to be fun.
“well it’s lovely to meet you all, though i’m not sure why it’s right now. i’m -“ “mrs. riley.” ghost cut in. “you will address her as such.” you smacked his chest playfully as he looked down at you, eyes switching from cold protectiveness to endearment. “nonsense. you can call me by my name.” you said, extending your hand to price. “you must be captain price. and you’re wearing your hat!” the greetings continued in a similar fashion as you remarked upon everyone’s unique physical indicators, known from simon’s constant stories about the group. after realizing the military was in fact in your living room, a slight tension curled up your spine. simon noticed immediately, of course, and turned you both around, giving you a sense of relief. “guns in the house?” you whispered, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. that was the one requirement you had. “never, love. they’re in the shed.” you relaxed instantly. “okay, they can stay. are you staying?” your thumb laid over his hand, tracing the veins you had memorized thousands of times before. “you’ve got me for one night. transport comes at noon tomorrow. you sure you’re okay with this? we can camp outside. just happened to be near the house and needed a place to sleep.” “of course i’m okay with it, si. i trust you. and now i have you for one night.” you ended with a smirk, knowing your husband would not get a lick of sleep tonight. “we have two guest bedrooms, so you’ll have to share.” you announced, turning back to the group. “i’ll go ready the rooms.” simon whispered into your ear, squeezing your waist once before going upstairs. he didn’t want to leave you alone but he trusted his men, and didn’t want you to work more than you had to. he never did.
“well,” you plopped down in your favorite chair, the men still standing awkwardly. “sit down. we’ve got about five minutes to answer your questions before my husband whisks me away for the night.” soap sat down eagerly, bouncing with energy as he readied all his questions. gaz took in the scene before him, and only had one burning question. “captain, why aren’t you surprised?” price turned to him with a small smile, taking his hat off out of respect. you answered for him. “john and i have talked before, just never in person. there’s a lot of paperwork to do when you want to marry a ghost who’s in a secret task force.” you played with your ring finger unconsciously, and though your ring was off as you had been preparing for sleep, they could all see the tan outline on your fingers. “i���ve known about mrs. riley here for a while, but her existence is the only thing ghost told me.” price added in. he was big on respect, but even he was excited to meet ghost’s secret wife. the one who has extended secret protection whenever he was deployed, the one whose ring he wore next to his dog tags. 
“i think you want to rapid fire interrogate.” you said with a smile, turning to soap. “let’s do it”.
“where’d you meet?”
“i spilled my drink on him in a cafe. might have been on purpose to get him to talk to me.”
“you’re the perfect lass for him. how long have you been together?”
“four together, two married.”
they all exhaled a breath at that. for four years, ghost had been carrying a secret. with his past, or as much as he told them, they knew why, but it was still a blow.
“he loves you guys. he wanted to tell you all, we’d been planning it. just not like this. he kind of hoped someone would notice the ring on his dog tags and bring it up, but i had a feeling you all were a bit scared of him.” you could sense the tension and wanted to show simon’s thinking process to them as much as you could without spilling his secrets. with his past, he had been so worried about you being in danger. it was one of your agreements that he’d tell them in his time, and never before.
“what do you do?”
“i’m an author, hence the books.”
there were books everywhere. the shelves, the tables, the floor. in fact, with the lights on, soap now noticed a small ball of fur cuddled with a book under the coffee table.
“did ghost build this place?”
“basically. it was a fixer-upper. he gave it to me for our honeymoon and he’s been working on it ever since. it’s my getaway when i want to write.” soap spotted ghost coming down the stairs, and wanted to make the last question less personal, just in case.
“how do you deal with the bad jokes?” you opened your mouth to reply, but simon’s hand rested on your shoulder and you closed it. “enough. your rooms are ready.” simon said in a gruff voice, wanting to be alone with his wife already. you knew what that tone meant, and you rubbed your thighs together in anticipation. you guided the men to their rooms, gaz and soap splitting one, making sure they had everything they needed. then finally, finally, you went into your room with simon and locked the door.
“hi again.” you said shyly as he gathered you into his arms. “you good? overwhelmed?” he asked, knowing he had intruded on your solitude without warning. “i should be asking you that. are you okay?” you guided him to your bed, sitting him down on the edge. he sighed, and you slowly pulled off his mask, giving him time to stop you. with his face finally revealed, you pulled him in for a deep kiss, moaning at the taste of your husband. “i’ve missed you.” simon finally said, avoiding your last question. “me too.” you kissed his forehead, his hairline, trailing down to his cheeks and chin. reverent. it had been two months, not the longest you’ve gone without him, but still you never got used to the time alone. his hand twitched as he showed the number three with his fingers. a while ago, you had a long conversation about showing your emotions. when either of you were too overwhelmed, you used your hands to show it. one meant needing alone time, two meant panic attack, and three meant being together and moving to a different subject. you gave him a small smile, running your hands through his hair, shorter now that he was deployed. “let me make you feel good.” you whispered, and he nodded, putting his trust in you easily.
you unclipped his gear, slowly, surely. slipping off his vest, guiding his arms. you slid off his gloves one by one. simon loved how you treated him delicately, so different from his life in the military. there were no threats, no enemies to think about, just you and him in this quiet room. he’d soundproofed it last year after the incident with your parents, so there were no worries about disturbing his teammates. with his gear off, you took off his shirt, bringing it over his head and throwing it into the corner. his scars were fully visible, and you kissed each one with pleasure. “let” kiss “me” kiss “make” kiss “you” kiss “feel” kiss “good” kiss. he was slowly coming back to his body, the overwhelmed feeling disappearing with your love and affection. “yeah, love? gonna make me come?” he grinned, pushing the hair out of your face as you lowered yourself to his crotch. 
he helped you take off his jeans, leaving him only in his boxers while you were still fully clothed, the contrast making him hard. you breathed over his hardness, a contrast to the cool ac. he gathered your hair in one fist, giving him a full view of you hungrily looking at his cock. “take it out.” he ordered, and you complied, untucking him from his boxers. “i’m glad you introduced me to everyone today. you did so well.” you said, your words warming his heart. he liked praise, sometimes, and you were trying to make this as good as possible, not knowing when you’d see him next. “had to make sure they knew my wife who sucks my cock so well.” he replied. “you gonna actually suck it, or you just gonna kneel there, looking so pretty on your knees?” you chuckled at his words. slowly, you licked him from base to tip, satisfied with the groan he gave you in return. “spit” you said, offering him your hand. he complied, and you brought it down back to his cock, working your hand up and down. you started with kitten licks, feeling him jerk in your hands at every touch. wetness pooled in your pajama shorts, and you shifted, letting the seam of the fabric work at your aching clit. “stop teasing or i-” he stopped with a moan as you put his entire length in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks. you hummed and his cock twitched. you worked your mouth up and down, using your hand when you couldn’t go all the way. seeing him undone was turning you on as you shifted on your knees, letting your shorts work your clit. you swirled your tongue around his tip and went back down, your other hand gripping his balls with a short squeeze. 
he bucked into you, and you knew he was close as he started fucking your face. he reached the back of your mouth and tears streamed down your face, but you didn’t make him stop. your hand left his balls and went down to your clit, pushing your palm against it to find the friction you were chasing. “does getting your face fucked turn you on, dove? my little wife?” you whimpered and he moaned, pulling you closer to his cock. “gonna come on your face, open up.” he withdrew, sticky strings of saliva connecting your lips to his cock. you put your hand back on it and stroked, ropes of cum landing on your face and neck. your tongue darted out to taste him and he groaned, laying down fully on the bed. “that was so good, lovie. you did so well, come ‘ere.” you climbed on top of him, thighs messy with your own wetness. “need you inside me, si. need to come.” you stripped off your shirt and shorts, tits bouncing in his face. he took your nipple in his mouth and you groaned, hands pushing against the headboard to keep yourself upright. simon’s hands came to your hips, sitting you down with his half-hard cock against your ass. “give me a second.” he said in a raspy voice. “okay, old man.” you replied cheekily. he slapped your ass and you giggled. laughter turned to moans as his hand slid down, putting two fingers inside you. “look at you, so greedy for my cock. have you been fucking yourself with the toys i got you?” his other hand tweaked your nipple, a bit of pain in a rush of pleasure. “i have, thinking of you. been missing your cock.” his thumb circled your clit just the way you liked it as his other hand went up from your nipple, choking you. “show me.” he withdrew his fingers and you whimpered as he licked them. you shifted backwards, impaling yourself on him. “si, its too much.” you had forgotten how big he was, and you felt so full, stuffed with his cock. “you can take it, wife.” you both sat there for a minute, letting your leaking cunt adjust to his cock. his hands massaged your nipples, getting you wetter and wetter. “wait, i have a surprise for you.” you leaned over to your bedside table, still full of simon, and pulled out a small box. simon sat up a bit and opened it, smirking as he took in the contents. he withdrew the gold clamps, setting the box aside. his hand grasped your left tit as he sucked it slightly, then withdrew. he opened the clamp and closed it around your hard nipple, an electric shock of pain running through your system. “you like wearing jewelry for me, hm? looking pretty, all stuffed with my cock while the boys are sound asleep next door. wonder if they’re thinking about you, wife.” you gasped, images of being shared with simon’s teammates running through your mind. you had had threesomes with simon before, but never with that many participants. while you were distracted, he closed the clamp around your other nipple. he tugged on the chain connecting them, bringing your mind back to him. “they wouldn’t fuck you like this, though. won’t get you dripping after they fuck your face.” his hips started moving upwards now that you were adjusted to his length, hands resting on your hips. with the feeling of the clamps, his dirty talk, and your stimulated clit, you were right on the edge. “si, i’m gonna come. please let me come.” his hand moved from your hip to your clit. “come for me, dove.” you shattered with a moan, glad for the soundproofed walls. your thighs trembled as you sat back down on his cock, and simon could feel you weakening. 
he flipped you both over, staying inside you, and started fucking into you with abandon. his hand slipped under your head to protect it from hitting the headboard as he got rougher and rougher. your tits bounced, the clamps holding steady with every thrust. your hands came around his neck, pulling him closer to you. “my husband.” you groaned, never tiring of calling him that. your hands scratched his shoulders, urging him into you more and more. he changed the angle so he grinded against your pubic bone, and you could feel your second orgasm coming. “si, come with me. i want you inside.” he moaned into your shoulder, keeping the pace. “right there, love, im right there.” he panted, needing just a bit more. “fill me up, si. i’ll be making breakfast for the boys and they’ll see your cum running down my thighs. i’m yours.” you both came to that image as he pumped into you, making you leak with his cum. “fuck.” he collasped into you, holding off his weight as to not squish you. cock still inside, he removed the clamps, licking each nipple after. “did you think of me when you bought these?” he said, growling. “i got so horny i had to get off in the public bathroom right after. thinking of you the whole time.” you replied. “gonna make you wear these all the time now so your cunt is always ready for me.” he slipped out and you both sighed. 
he left and came back with a warm washcloth, cleaning you both up. you yawned, so tired from the night’s events, glad to have your husband home. simon turned off the lights and tucked you both in, ready to sleep with his love in his arms. “i’m home, dove.” he whispered, kissing your forehead and tangling his feet with yours.
“i’m home.”
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skipper1331 · 6 months
Spider // Alexia Putellas
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a/n: inspired by a tik tok I saw, but sadly can’t find anymore!
Early on in your relationship, you learned that Alexia wasn‘t afraid of anything - the complete opposite of you.
It was you who hid in the crook of her neck when you watched horror movies,
it was you who sent her downstairs when you heard some weird noises,
and it was you who had a night light on when she was away.
Seeing Alexia scared or frightened had never been on your agenda as you had tried to scare her multiple times already, her reaction always the same, "I know you‘re there" or "don‘t even try it, mi amor, I heard you"
But the one time you did see her scared was in a way you never expected it to be.
You stood in the kitchen as you debated on what to cook tonight.
You weren't the biggest fan of cooking nor the best at it, but since it was an unspoken rule that one night you would cook and the following day Alexia, you naturally stuck to it, especially when you knew that she had training until the evening.
So, as you leaf through the cooking book, you stopped at every recipe you knew Alexia enjoyed, checking if you had the ingredients.
With the music playing softly in the background and your daydreaming, you didn‘t realize that your girlfriend had entered the room. Silently, she walked up behind you, resting her chin on your shoulder while her arms looped around your midsection as she pulled you against her front, "what got you so distracted, mi amor?"
Your body tensed and froze - being frightened before you quickly melted into her embrace.
"I don‘t know what to cook" closing your eyes, you rested your hands over hers.
"What about some simple pasta?" she proposed as she started to press featherlight kisses along your neck, making you melt even further in her touch. In responds you nodded, turning in her grasp, "how was training?" you asked, putting your arms around her neck, the two of you swaying to the music.
Tiredly, she smiled "good but exhausting. I scored some goals"
"Something new" you teased, pinching her cheeks, grinning widely at her expression.
Biting your lip, "Hm? I‘m not doing anything. All I was saying was-"
Leaning in, the Catalonian locked your lips, preventing you from finishing your sentence. Immediately, butterflies erupted in your stomaches while your minds went blank, only focusing on each other.
"If it was always that easy to shut you up, hm?" the girl grumbled jokingly, pulling you back in. Kissing you would always be her favourite activity.
That girl was obsessed with and addicted to you - she could never get enough of you.
She loved kissing you,
she loved hugging and holding you,
she loved talking and listening to you,
she loved protecting and claiming you as hers,
she simply loved you.
After a few kisses, the midfielder excused herself to change into more comfortable clothes when all of sudden a hair-raising, terrifying and horrific scream came from upstairs - Alexia.
"Ale?!" you shouted, grabbing the nearest weapon - a fork.
Running to your bedroom with adrenaline pumping through your body, you prayed that she was alright.
Please let her be okay.
As you threw the door open - ready to fight whatever was behind it - your girlfriend stood on your shared bed, gripping the sleep shirt in her hand and screaming.
"Are you okay?! What‘s wrong?! Are you hurt?! Why are you screaming?!"
Alexia had a look of disgust and fear displayed in her features, "araña!"
At this point, you really should have continued your duolingo strike because you didn‘t understand what she was talking about at all.
She pointed to the wall, her body tense and slightly shaking.
Sighing in relief that it was nothing dramatic, you walked to the wall where she was pointing at, the spider not visible until you were one step in front of it.
"la araña is huge!"
"It‘s tiny" you laughed, shaking your head, putting down your 'weapon' "baby, I thought someone was in here"
"She is!"
"yes but she probably lives here" walking towards the bed, you held out one hand for her to take, leaving your guest alone "she does not pay any bills! She‘s not allowed to live here! Kill it" your girlfriend demanded, crossing her arms yet her eyes not leaving the gigantic monster, "I will not leave this bed until it‘s out of my house"
"Okay" you stated, walking towards the door, intending to get an item that would help you remove the spider.
"Where are you going?!" Alexia‘s voice shrilled, more fear appearing in her eyes.
"Getting a glass" your voice was calm and gentle, not wanting to stress out the footballer even more.
Which didn‘t seem to help.
"Why do you need to drink something now?! Kill the monster!" she panicked, "don‘t leave me alone in here"
"I want to-" you cut yourself off, there was no point in explaining what your plan was as everything seemed to freak out the Barcelona player. So instead of walking out of the bedroom, you walked towards her, offering your hand once again.
She clinged onto you, her legs wrapping tightly around your waist, arms holding you around your neck as she hid in the crook of your neck - something that had never happened before.
Roles were reserved - you were the protector and she was the one to be protected because the 'I’m never scared'- girl was in fact scared and very so.
Gently, you sat her down on the couch, pressing a kiss to her forehead before you got a glass and a piece of paper, heading back to your bedroom. You felt Alexia‘s eyes burning holes into back of your head until you were out of sight.
The tough girl was seriously afraid of a tiny tiny spider, somehow ironic.
When you arrived in the room, you walked towards the spot were the spider was - it wasn‘t there anymore.
Slightly in panic, (not afraid of the missing spider but your girlfriends reaction) you thought about what to do. Telling Alexia was definitely not an option and neither was searching for it. The spider was tiny and compared to your bedroom, it would take hours to find it, so there was only one option left: leaving the spider wherever it was and acting like you removed it.
And even though, you were the worst liar and you hated lying, was this an acceptable lie - after all, it was about her safety and peace of mind.
With a plan in mind, you headed to the bathroom. You knew Alexia would hear the flushing toilet and assume you killed the spider, exactly what you needed - for her to think the spider was gone forever.
All you could do now was to hope and pray that you would eventually find it and not her.
Making your way downstairs, Alexia waited patiently at the edge of the couch, "is it gone?" she asked.
"Yes, baby"
"Gracias amor" she got up, keeping her distance as the items the spider had touched were still in your hands.
She followed you in the kitchen where you threw away the paper, about to put the glass in the dishwasher, "what are you doing?!" the midfielder‘s eyes wide, voice high-pitched, "put the glass in the trash!"
"What? Baby, it’s perfectly fine"
"No no no, this will not stay in my house!"
You admitted defeat as you also threw away the glass. The lady needed her inner peace back.
"Maybe we should get some takeout tonight?" you proposed, taking her hand and walking in the living room.
"Sí, that‘s good"
The midfielder collapsed on top of you, hugging your figure as she pressed soft kisses along your jaw, "my hero" she smiled, finally interlocking your lips, showing her appreciation of protecting her. She purred every inch of love and affection into that kiss, thanking you yet also shutting you up as she knew you had a teasing comment resting on the tip of your tongue.
After puling away to catch some air, it left your mouth anyways, "never scared, hm?" you giggled, her cheeks turning red.
In responds, she just kissed you once again, the spider long forgotten as the touch of your lips made her forget everything in the world.
If the spider had still been there, you would have gotten rid of it to protect your girl and though, the plan had changed, the intention stayed the same, so you happily accepted the thank you and love you were getting at the moment.
next day
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Live on Air - Lando Norris
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<word count - 2063>
As you drove home, under the street lights illuminating the road beneath you, you spotted a notification on your phone that was on the seat next to you. From what you could see, it was Lando messaging about something, but you couldn't read the fine print of the text.
Thankfully, your phone was connected to your car and it wasn't long before the message popped up on the center console of the vehicle. 'Hey baby, I'll be on stream when you get home, so feel free to come and say hi!' the text read, but you weren't really feeling like being on stream today. 
You were home within a few minutes, so you parked the car and walked up to the front door. You found it was still locked as Lando wouldn't be able to hear if anyone came in or not. Unlocking it, you slipped your shoes off and put them orderly in the rack. 
Walking up the stairs, you heard Lando talking to someone, so you assumed he was doing the stream with one of his friends, most likely Max. You stripped off your work clothes and changed into some grey joggers and a baggy hoodie that you probably stole off Lando at some point. 
As you didn't want to disturb his stream, you went downstairs to the living room to watch some TV to wind down. You snuggled up on the couch with a blanket and all of the pillows you could possibly find, and scrolled through Netflix to find something you hadn't already watched.
After around an hour of reverting back to watching Friends for what felt like the tenth time, you felt your stomach rumbling and remembered that Lando probably hadn't had dinner either. Shooting him a quick text, you pressed play on the controller again and waited for his reply.
Checking your phone a short while later, you saw that Lando wanted pasta, and you also felt like having some garlic bread, so you didn't object. You paused the show, and started boiling the water in the pot. 
Meanwhile, you let the chopped tomatoes, garlic, peppers, chorizo and basil simmer away in the pan as it made a tasty sauce. As you poured the pasta into the boiling water, you were careful not to let any splash on you, but a huge droplet jumped onto your hand as you yelped in shock.
You ran to the sink, running the cool water onto your hand. the droplet left a little red circle that still hurt slightly. You grabbed a plaster from the cupboard to stop the burn from getting dirty, and stuck it to the back of your hand.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted that the pasta was boiling over and onto the stove top. "Shit!" you said, striding over to the cooker and turning the pasta down. You fished around with a fork and plucked a piece out, finding out that it was a bit too soft. 
You drained it and plated it up, pouring the sauce out over the pasta. You realised that you had forgotten to put the garlic bread in the oven, but you thought it was fine to put it in now and have it later. 
You picked up Lando's plate and made your way up to his room so that it wasn't cold when he got it. You knocked on the door, hearing a muffled 'Come in' from inside. You opened the door and watched as Lando spun around on his chair to face you.
"Hey, baby! Chat, look who it is!" he spoke, opening his arms out for you. You set the plate and cutlery down on his desk and perched down next to him. "I forgot to put the garlic bread in, so it's going to take another then minutes," you smiled, balancing yourself on the armrests of his chair.
"That's fine, where's yours?" he asked, pushing his keyboard back so he could bring his plate forward. "Mine's downstairs," 
"Do you want to come up here and eat? Max is having dinner too," he said, and there was no way you could say no to him. Some of his brown curls had fallen onto his forehead and the lights in his room cast the perfect light on his skin.
"Yeah, I'll go and grab mine," you said, doing exactly that. When you had gotten back, you found an armchair next to his gaming chair. Sitting down, you saw that Lando had taken his headphones off and had the audio sounding out through the room.
"I know guys, I know. She's brilliant and I am very lucky to have her," he smiled, reading the messages from chat. He meant every word of it and felt like the luckiest man alive to be able to just have you in his life.
"Lando, what the hell are you doing?" Max yelled, Lando laughing and tears streaming down his face.
"I was gone for 2 minutes," you laughed, sitting down and tucking into your pasta. They always got up to some shenanigans, but you didn't think things could happen that quickly.
"Stream is crazy, what can I say," Lando said, also tucking into his pasta. "Babe, chat is asking what we're having," 
"We are having pepper, tomato and chorizo pasta with garlic bread that is coming in a few minutes," you giggled, watching as chat told you what they were also telling you what they were having for dinner.
As you were about to finish, Lando noticed the plaster on your hand. "Hey, what happened here?" he asked, taking your hand and swiping his fingers over the plaster. 
"Oh, I burnt it," you shrugged, trying to go back to eating. 
"You burnt it? How?" he panicked, checking you all over as if you had burnt your entire body. "The water from the pasta got onto my hand when I was pouring it, no big deal," you told him. He brought your hand up to his lips and planted a soft kiss over the area. 
"Awww he does have a heart," you heard Max mock and chat was going out of their mind because of how cute you were. You were racing against Max and Lando a few minutes later, and you were battling with Lando for the win. 
You knew he could absolutely beat the living hell out of you on this game, so it was obvious he was just going easy on you. Suddenly, a loud beeping rang out through the house and it instantly hit you what it was. "Shit, the garlic bread!" you yelled springing out of the chair and running down to the kitchen.
Opening the oven, you saw the charred garlic bread and flung it out and onto the counter top. You plated the blackened bread up and took it to Lando. "Do you want some crispy garlic bread?" you giggled, showing the plate to the camera. 
"Oh my god that is horrendous," he laughed as you pouted at him with your pitiful plate of bread in your hands. "I just wanted garlic bread," you complained, putting it on top of your dirty plates and reading all of the funny messages from chat about your fail.
"We can order some in, if you want," he said, feeling just as heartbroken as you were about the lack of garlic bread. Well, he wasn't necessarily disappointed at the absence of the bread, he was saddened by the look of discontent on your face. 
"It's alright, there are a few bits that aren't overly crispy," 
You were enjoying yourself, racing with Max and Lando, talking with the fans, providing the comedic relief. You were squirming about in your seat as it had gotten uncomfortable after a while. Lando gently grabbed your wrists and tugged you over to him. 
You sat yourself on his thigh and laced one of your arms around his shoulders. It was nice just to spend time with him, his best friend and his fans - who meant the world to him. 
You let yourself lean into him as his scent enveloped you. It made all of your worries melt away and you quickly forgot about the carbonated garlic bread. "You look pretty," he said, shifting beneath you to make it more comfortable for the both of you.
"Thank you, baby," you said, just as the 5 red lights appeared for the next race you were doing. 
"What do you guys wanna do now?" Max asked as you had just finished the final round of racing. 
"Eurotruck Simulator," you said, looking Lando dead in the eyes. For some reason, it was one of your favourite games and you always got really into it. Neither of them disputed, and you were tanking down the road in your truck before you knew it. 
"Chat, how long do you think it'll be before Lando crashes the truck into another car?" you asked, watching as the replies from chat came flooding in. The general consensus was around 10 seconds, so that was what you betted on. 
Lando took over from you, his arms entrapping you on him. Just as you suspected, the truck was careened into a car beside him, "It doesn't turn! How am I supposed to not crash when it doesn't turn?" he raged, causing you and Max to cry of laughter. 
"Lando, it does turn, you just have to-" you started, but were cut off by another fit of laughter as Lando banged his fist on the table in frustration. This was a man who drove insanely fast cars at hundreds of kilometers an hour, but he couldn't drive a truck in a PC simulator game. 
You took over again, trying to pay back the debt Lando had racked up by crashing the truck a good three to four times. After a while, Lando noticed you were talking less and yawning a bit more. "Hey, you tired?" he whispered in your ear, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
"Just a little," you responded while everyone was focused on something Max was doing.
"Do you want to go to bed?" he asked, resting his head on your shoulder and gently kissing your neck. "Yeah, I think I'll go. I'll take the plates then head off," you nodded, getting ready to say goodnight to chat and retire for the night. 
"OK everyone, we're going to head off now," Lando said, the chat becoming filled with messages saying goodbye. "You can stay if you want," you quietly said to Lando as Max also said goodbye. 
"We've been on for a few hours no, it's alright. You head to bed, I'll get the plates," he said, waving as they turned the stream off and said their goodbyes to each other over the call. Then, silence settled over the room. 
You clambered off Lando's lap and straight into your bedroom. You collapsed onto the bed and nestled yourself in the sheets until you were comfy. When Lando came in, all he could see was the outline of you in bed and your head poking out of the top. 
He smiled at how cute you were, and he was incredibly happy that you came on stream with him tonight. He knew you were too tired sometimes, which was completely fine and understandable. The chat loved you, and you certainly knew how to work the camera. 
All it took was one flash of your dazzling smile and everyone was happy.  "You need anything before I get in?" he asked, stroking your hair from behind. 
"Nope," you shook your head, wanting nothing but for him to get in and cuddle you. As if he read your mind, he turned off the lights and shuffled in bed beside you. You tucked yourself underneath his chin and wrapped your legs around his waist. 
His hand snuck up the back of your hoodie and his fingers gently trailed the skin on your spine. "Are you streaming tomorrow?" you asked through the darkness.
"Not planning on it, why?" 
"I just thought we could go out or something," you said, your eyelids drooping heavily as sleep was slowly taking over your body. "Sure, we could go for lunch, or ice cream. I'm pretty sure the fair is in town so we could go tomorrow night," he said, waiting for a response. 
He quickly realised you were asleep, and grinned to himself. The fair could wait till tomorrow, he thought.
A/N - Do you guys want to see part 2 when they go to the carnival? Let me know <3
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alotofpockets · 8 months
Midnight comfort | Lucy Bronze
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Pairing: Lucy Bronze x Lioness!Reader
Summary: You experience frequent nightmares, and only your usual camp roommate knows about them. What will happen when the staff switches up the rooming situations, and you've been roomed with the girl you have a crush on?
Warnings: Nightmares
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | Words: 2.5k
The hotel lobby was filled with your fellow Lionesses, waiting for their roomings to be announced. After a long trip, all you wanted to do was lay down for a bit. Since there were no free chairs in the lobby, you had opted to sit on the floor, too tired to stand while waiting. You grabbed your phone, to pass some time, and laid your bag down on the floor, with your head propped up on one of your bags.
When the staff started listing off the roommates and their hotel room numbers, you realised instantly that they had switched up your usual rooming situations. You hadn't thought this was a possibility as you've been rooming with Beth for two years now. When Beth's name was called alongside Leah's you started to get stressed. Beth was the only one on the team that knew about your nightmares, having calmed you down from many of them over the years.
You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard your name being called. “Y/n with Lucy in room 305.” Great you thought, now not only would you have to let another one of your teammates in on your nightmares but it was also none other than the girl you have been crushing on.
Lucy picked up both of your room keys, and headed your way. “Come on, let’s get you a proper place to lay down.” Lucy says with a hand reached out to help you up. You take her hand, and let her pull you up. She noticed how tired you looked, and without question grabbed your suitcase as well as her own. “Thanks, Luce.”
You fall down on the bed closest to the door, usually you would’ve asked which bed Lucy would have preferred, but you were too tired to think about any of your actions properly. It wasn’t long after you lied down that you felt yourself dozing off. Lucy decided she would unpack her stuff later, and give you a quiet room for yourself.
Soft knocking on your door was what woke you up about two hours later, you didn’t realise you had fully fallen asleep until you noticed that the sun had gone down. You open the door to find Beth and Leah, “Hey, we were about to head down for dinner, are you coming?” You quickly grab your phone and key, and follow them downstairs. Beth sits with you, Leah went off and sat with Kiera at a different table, so she got you alone for a moment. “You look tired, is everything okay?” You could hear the worry in her voice. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.” Beth had figured that was the case, “Nightmares again?” You nod. Before you can say more, Ella and Alessia sit down at your table as well.
You loved all three of them dearly but they were some of the loudest people you knew, and in your current state, you couldn’t really handle the loud chatter and laughter. So, you excuse yourself once your plate is empty. When Lucy noticed you leave the dining hall, she quickly followed you to make sure you were alright. “Hey, wait up!” She called after you when you entered the elevator. You hold the elevator, and Lucy jogs your way. “I saw you leave, and wanted to check if you were doing alright.” You smile at her softly, “Yeah, I’m alright. It was just getting a little loud in there.” The elevator doors closed behind Lucy, and you realised you hadn’t pushed the button to the floor that you wanted to go to. “I have an idea.” Lucy pressed the button to the roof.
“I was checking out the hotel, when you fell asleep, and I found it rather relaxing up here.” She showed you around the roof that was filled with big bean bag chairs, plants, and a lot of string lights. “It’s perfect.” You say as the slight breeze meets your face. Lucy sits down on one of the bean bags, and you join her on the one closest to her. The two of you fell into easy conversation. It didn’t feel like you had been there for a long time since you were so comfortable, but you knew it was getting late. You hid a couple of yawns from Lucy, she had noticed them anyways but figured you weren’t wanting to give in yet, since you had napped before dinner. So, she stretched her arms above her head, and faked a yawn. “I think I’m gonna head to bed. Are you coming to the room too?”
You were thankful for your exhaustion, since the nightmares stayed away. Fully rested and full of energy you head to breakfast and then your first day of training. It was great to be back on the pitch with your teammates, the dynamic was always different than playing with your club, it was nice to have the switch between the two. Playing with your England teammates came with a lot of messing around, you loved these people, and you were very happy to be with them again.
That night the nightmares weren’t as kind to you as the first night. Lucy woke up from a noise she heard, and noticed you tossing and turning. “Y/n?” She got no response, so she got out of bed and sat down on the edge of yours. When she saw the panicked expression on your face, she placed her hand on your shoulder and started trying to wake you up. You awoke suddenly, sitting up in the bed quickly. You were still trying to catch your breath, when you noticed that Lucy was sitting by your side. “Sorry I woke you up.” The girl shakes her head, “Don’t worry about it. Nightmare?” You nod, “Yeah, and I guess I better warn you now, I get them quite regularly.”
“No need to warn me, you can’t help having nightmares. Is there anything that makes you feel better after?” She was so sweet, it was only making you crush on her harder. “I usually get some water just to calm down, and then try to fall asleep again.” Lucy was up before you could protest, and she was back in a couple of seconds with a glass of water in her hand. “Thank you, Luce but I could’ve gotten it myself, you didn’t need to do that for me.” She hands you the glass, “I know.”
You fell back to sleep after you had taken a couple of sips of water, and had placed the glass on your bedside table. Lucy had made her way back to her own bed, and was quickly able to fall back to sleep as well. It was six in the morning when you woke up from another nightmare, when you looked over you saw that Lucy was still sound asleep. You finished the glass of water and decided to just get up at that point. After quietly changing into your training gear for later, you made your way up to the roof again, with a book in your hand.
When you got to the roof, the sun had just started to set. You leaned on the rooftop railing, admiring the way the sky started to light up in bright orange and pink tones. 
y/n_y/l/n just posted to their story
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You read a couple chapters of your book until it was time to head downstairs to have breakfast with the team. “How were you up early enough to catch the sunrise?” Alessia said looking up from her phone, clearly just having seen your story post. You shrug, “Not all of us need to be dragged out of bed, Less.” The rest of the girls laugh as Alessia rolls her eyes.
After another day of training, and a competitive game night with the girls, you find yourself back in bed. Another night also meant another nightmare, this time you awoke with a scream. You were still disorientated when Lucy was by your side, she pulled you in for a hug, hoping it would ground you. It took a few moments but Lucy’s hold on you, along with her soft voice telling you that you were okay, helped you a lot. Lucy noticed you had started breathing regularly again, and slowly let you go. “I’ll be right back.”
She came back with a glass of water and a wet washcloth. You had woken up in sweat, so you gratefully took the washcloth, and cleaned off your face with. “I’m-” You started, but Lucy was quick to interrupt you. “Don’t you dare apologise.” She laughed, making you feel slightly less guilty. “Okay, okay, well thank you then. I really appreciate it.”
Lucy stood up to head back to her own bed when you put the glass water back on the nightstand, before she reached her bed you asked her, “Hey, Luce, would it be too much to ask you to sleep in my bed with me? When you were holding me earlier, it really helped. If you don’t want to, that's totally okay too, of course.” She made her way back to your bed, “Yeah, I don’t mind.”
She gets into your bed, and lays down under the covers with you. You weren’t expecting anything more than her laying down with you, but when you lay down on your side, you feel her move closer to you. Your breath hitched when her front pressed against your back, and she moved her hand to your side. “Is this okay?” You knew your voice was going to give you away, so you answered by saying, “Mhm.”
The rest of the night you slept really good, and the nightmares stayed away. When you woke up, Lucy’s arm was still wrapped around you. You wanted nothing more than to think that this meant something, but you knew that she was just doing this because of your nightmare. Still, you were too comfortable to have the moment end, so you kept laying there until Lucy woke up.
Lucy moved even closer and held you tighter, you realise that Lucy doesn’t know that you are awake yet, so she was doing this for herself, and not just for you. You blush at the realisation. However, the moment was abruptly ended by your alarm going off. You reach out to turn it off, sadly having to move out of Lucy’s hold to do so. “Good morning.” Lucy says from behind you, stretching her body. “How did you sleep?” You turn around again, facing the girl. “Pretty good actually. How about you?” She smiles, “Me too.”
For the rest of camp, Lucy laid down with you in your bed, instead of using her own. You slept great, and your nightmares stayed away as well. You started falling more for her every day.
It was the last day you would stay at this hotel, before you would head to a new one after today’s match. Once you had both packed your bags, Lucy asked if you wanted to enjoy the view from the rooftop one more time before you would leave.
lucybronze just posted to their story
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Lucy posted the picture with you looking out over the railing to her story, the word view having a double meaning. She pocketed her phone, and moved closer to you. You divert your eyes to Lucy, “It’s beautiful up here, thank you for showing it to me.” Lucy smiled and you let your eyes wander to her lips for a moment before you quickly looked up to her eyes again, but the moment did not go unnoticed by Lucy. She lifts her hand up to move a fallen strand of hair behind your ear, her hand lingering on your cheek. You both start slowly leaning in, but you part quickly again as the door to the rooftop flies open and a bunch of people enter the roof. 
Your heart is racing as you look out over the railing again. Besides you, Lucy’s is doing the same thing. “We should probably head down.” You say to break the silence. “Yeah.” Lucy says, and follows you down.
There was no time to talk about the almost kiss on the roof, as you had to head straight to the bus. From the bus you were heading straight into the stadium where you would play tonight. In other words, you would be constantly surrounded by your teammates. 
It was an amazing feeling to be playing with your team in a big stadium again. The match was mostly equal possession and equal shots on goal, with the score still being 0-0 in the 85th minute.
Lucy managed to intercept the ball from the opposing team and started running forwards with it along the sideline of the field. With her fast pace, and quick footwork she managed to walk the ball far up the pitch, where her eyes found yours. You made the run, and Lucy shot the ball your way with perfect accuracy. A good first touch, and powerful strike, lead to the ball hitting the back of the net, and the crowd erupting in cheer. 
You turn around and run to Lucy, jumping into her arms. She twirls you around in celebration, and when she puts you down your faces are only inches away from each other. The whole stadium around you disappears as you share the moment with Lucy, though your moment is quickly interrupted by your teammates huddling around you.
Your goal with a beautiful assist from Lucy, won you the match. The celebrations on the field with your team, and the fans was something you had missed dearly, so you took in every moment. 
When you and the team were walking through the tunnel back to the dressing room, Lucy grabbed your hand and pulled you to the side. She found an open door to a physio room, and pulled you into it, closing the door behind her. “Hey you.” You say as she stands in front of you. “Hi.” She says back, her hands finding yours. “I’ve been thinking about this morning all day, and I was really hoping to get a moment alone with you.” You give her hands a squeeze, before you pull her in closer. Lucy takes that as her sign, and lifts one of her hands up to your cheek, before pulling you in for a kiss. You melt into the kiss. It was sweeter than you had ever imagined. Lucy’s lips were soft on yours. She let go of your hand, only to place it on your hip, and pull you closer into her. Your own hands wrapped around her body too, as your lips continue moving in sync. Lucy breaks the kiss first, leaning her forehead to yours. “I’ve been wanting to do that for so long now.” Your smile grows, “Me too.”
You wanted to stay in the moment with Lucy but you knew that the team would wonder where the two of you had gone, so you headed to the dressing room. Though, with the continuous looks that the two of you shared in the dressing room, it was hard to believe that your teammates wouldn’t suspect that something had happened between the two of you.
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selineram3421 · 3 months
*has a headache* It's ok, I took medicine.
The Observer
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Alastor X Godlike Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ reader can shape-shift to blend in, mention of blood, eye getting torn out, and wings ripped ⚠
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You rolled your eyes as you watched your youngest brother sit atop his thrown, surrounded by angels.
Admittedly, his realm was beautiful but it was quite boring and filled with stuck up persons, but at least there were a few nice souls roaming about.
"Brother, please tell me you have something fun to do?", you asked but did not get a response.
You groaned and shifted into looking like an angel, now visible for the others to see.
Flying down, you approached one of the winged creatures and they stared back at you.
Blink blink.
"Hmm.. Nope. This got boring.", you sigh and shift back. "I'm going downstairs since you are 'so busy' with work.", you say to your brother and make quotation marks with your fingers.
You still don't get a reply.
With that, you cut open a portal and step through it. Shifting into looking like a sinner as your feet touch the grounds of Hell.
Maybe I should visit my nephew.. You thought as you walked down the street, blood, garbage, and some graffiti littered about. Lucifer is quite fun.
Before you could start heading to Lucifer's castle, a startling loud introduction to a tv show began.
A sinner with a television for a head started talking in a fast pace, talking down on what you assume is another sinner.
"Hm..", you crossed your arms.
Then there's a crackle. Turning to the sound, you find a radio behind a glass window.
"Oh! What a lovely vintage!", you say with sparkling eyes.
Humans were very interesting but then they became repetitive and you only checked in when there was something new. You collected quite a bit of the items that were made for fun.
"Salutations! Good to be back on the air.", a voice came through.
You didn't notice the crowd that formed behind you as the two sinners started going back and forth. The radio man not really talking to the other, but the television man trying his best to get the last say.
Then the power went out, the only light coming from the radio that was somehow able to stay on.
"Let's begin~ I'm gonna make you wish I stayed gone. Tune on in. When I'm done, your status quo will know its race has run. Oh, this will be fun~", the broadcast finished.
You were grinning, hiding it behind your hands.
Oh what a funny little fight! I want to see what the winner looks like! I can visit Lucifer after, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. You thought and made your way into a dark alley before shifting.
Now invisible, you glided over to follow the trail of static like magic, finding it connected to the radio that went towards a tower.
It was such and oddly paced thing, looking like it would fall over any minute.
Hm. I should walk through the door of the building it's attached to. You decided and shifted again, looking different than the form you took earlier.
This time you were taller and had a tail like a little devil. Your arms darkening to look like the night sky, with little speckles that looked like stars. Long horns sitting atop of your head that twisted in curls before straightening out.
"Oh, I like this one. I'll save this to wear again.", you said before knocking on the double doors.
It took a second before one of the doors was practically ripped open.
A blonde smiled widely up at you, reminding you of your nephew with the pink on their cheeks.
"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!", she greeted and stepped out of the way. "Please come in!"
Entering the building, you saw it was a fancy but run down hotel. It was quite nice but could use a little fixing. Too bad that you couldn't do anything to alter any of the realms you visited.
There could be so much you would fix.
"What is your name?", you asked the blonde woman, turning to look at her with a soft smile.
"Oh! My name is Charlie and I am the founder of the hotel! It's purpose is to rehabilitate sinners.", Charlie answered with a beaming smile.
"My! That is very interesting."
You followed her into the lobby and let her speak more about the hotel. Then, as Charlie was speaking, you saw an angel enter the room. Her long white hair flowed with slight movement as she stood next to the blonde.
"Who is this?", she asked, crossing her arms.
She glared at you like you had done something unspeakable.
Oh, what have they done to you? You wondered. If an angel is down here, they must have done something wrong or someone from upstairs unjustly cast them out.
"Oh, um..", Charlie looked at you. "What is your name?"
"I am just here to look around, see something new.", you said. "I have no name but you can call me Penjani."
"What do you mean you have no name?", the angel asked.
"It's alright.", you wave off Charlie's concern. "I was never given a name, I was just created and left to wander."
It was somewhat true.
You did not get a name, but the humans and other creatures of the universe named you many things or didn't even know about you. But that's how its always been.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..", the angel, Vaggie looked at the floor.
"It's alright, no harm done.", you patted her shoulder.
With contact, you saw why she was down in Hell.
Adam, the first man, had abandoned her after she defied orders. Her wings cut off and her eye tore out by another angel, an exorcist. You took your hand back after seeing all that you needed too. Finding out Charlie was the Princess and family.
"I actually came to see something else too.", you said with a closed eyed smile.
The two looked at you, curious.
"What else did you want to see?", the Princess asked.
You pointed up. "Who occupies the tower?", you asked. "The black one with red tinted windows."
That is when you actually started to feel the buzz from the static you were following earlier. It crawled across your skin, leaving tingles as it passed down.
Then a new voice spoke up.
"That would be me."
Looking behind you to find where the voice was coming from, you saw a red deer demon. His hair, clothes, and eyes were red. A handsome face that you remember seeing before, around the nineteenth century if you recall. He was a dashing human and now he was a devilishly handsome demon.
He grinned once your eyes were on him, as if he was satisfied with your attention.
"I am Alastor, The Radio Demon."
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A song helped me get the rest of this typed out. Thank the Dolly Parton song, Jolene.
~Seline, the person.
Taglist@@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koiolii @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @luxky-aish @ceafighter @xalygatorx @xangel-8 @big-brother-problems @mistpurpl3 @chewbrry @willowbrookhoot @briethekitsune @alastorthirsty @sir-aadiboii @fuzzyturtlepaws @+?
ML II Alastor🎙
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guccixstyless · 10 months
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Pairing: Ryu Shi-Oh x Reader
Word Count: 1058 words
A/N: Sorry for the long hiatus, currently I'm obsessed with Ryu Shi-Oh, well Byeon Woo-Seok in general, so here's a lil one shot of his character. Also its been a minute, so I apologize if the writing seems rushed.
The loud sound of alarm wakes up Y/N, she groans waking up and turns off the alarm before turning beside her to see Shio sleeping peacefully. Oh how she loves seeing him asleep, he looks like a baby. She wishes she could protect him from all the stress he faces in his office, she knows how pure his heart was and how genuine his love was for her. She starts to wake him up gently by peppering light kisses all over Shio's face.
"Mhm... babe let me sleep," Shio mumbled sleepily.
"Wake up sunshine, you will be late for the office," she replied.
Reluctantly he opens his eyes and once he adjusts his eyes to sunlight he smiles at his lover. His dimples on display.
"Good morning," he smiles fondly at her.
"Good morning, lets have breakfast together," she suggests.
He looks at his phone that was on the bedside table and complains about how he is running late, "but we will have a dinner date tonight," he takes her hands and kisses sheepishly.
"Okay fine," she sighs, "but baby I'm worried about your health."
"I'm fine, I promise," he replies before going to shower.
She went downstairs and goes to the kitchen and makes herself a cup of coffee. She hears footsteps Shio's hurried footsteps after a while, while she was making a toast.
A smile tugged in her face as she felt Shio's arm snake around her waist. She turned around and felt his lips on her, a gentle yet passionate kiss was shared.
"I'm leaving, see you tonight darling," Shio smiled.
"Can't wait, I love you," she smiled.
"I love you more," he smiled and kissed her quickly before rushing towards the door.
Shio felt anger bubbling when he learned that one of the jackets were missing. His day was going awful and all he did since morning was yell at everyone. Everything is frustrating and he was on the verge of breaking down.
He also had to attend meetings and was trying to figure out what to do with the missing jacket situation. He will be working late by the looks of it, he sighed and continued working stressfully, completely forgetting to inform Y/N about rescheduling the dinner date.
Y/N kept waiting for Shio to call, she got all dolled up and since he was taking her out and didn't say where yet so she waited till Shio could pick her up.
Shio was supposed to be home by 7pm, it was nearing 9pm, she got worried and tried to call Shio multiple times but every call went straight to voicemail. At this point she wasn't even worried about missing date, she was extremely concerned about his whereabouts. She called Shio's manager and got to know Shio was staying late because of an urgent matter.
She understood his situation and felt bad for him. Her poor baby love was so stressed, she decided she wanted to go surprise him at the office by bringing him some food as well. She knows how much he overworks and how he tends to forget to eat when stressed.
She called an Uber and made a stop at his favorite chinese takeout place and got his favorite items, then she proceeded to go to his office. She checked the time, it was 10pm by the time she reached Doogo headquarters.
She was greeted by his assistant, the office was empty and dimly lit, and only his bodyguards and assistant were there. She went inside his office room, as soon as she entered she felt chills run down on her spine. Shio looked different, he looked paler than usual and as she got closer, she could see his veins- long and darker- she made eye contact with him. He had this fierce look and she saw his hands were in a fist.
"Don't come closer," he said lowly, the voice itself was something she never heard before.
He went outside taking long steps. She was horrified, she never saw him in this demeanor. She started to think what was happening, she couldn't figure out what made him act like this, and what was with those veins?
He came back after half an hour, while she was lost in her thoughts. She snapped back into reality and observed his movements, he quickly went to his office table and drank a blue liquid, he then turned his back away from her and it looked like he took a deep breathe before turning towards her.
She was seated in one of the sofas placed in the middle of the room, he quickly came towards her and knelt before her, she slightly flinched. Shio felt hurt... was she scared of him?
"What are you doing here, love?" Shio asked softly, "how did you get here?"
"I-i took an Uber, brought food for you," she replied.
"Uber?! Don't you know how dangerous it is to travel late at night?" he slightly raised his voice, he was always so overprotective of her.
She closed her eyes, slightly scared, considering his early behavior.
"Hey, hey, look at me, what's wrong babe?" he asked.
"Nothing, I'm sorry I came, I'll just go," she said starting to get up.
"Wait no," he stopped her from getting up.
"Why are you acting like this?" he gulped.
At this statement she got angry, she shoved him away before saying, "are you just gonna pretend now that you didn't act weirdly when I entered? What was that? Where did you go for 30 minutes and why was your veins popping?"
Shio sighed before trying to take her hands, "baby calm down, I can explain."
"You better explain," she huffed.
"Please can I explain later? I'm just too tired now, it was a long day," Shio begged.
"What are you hiding, Shio?"
"Please trust me, its better if you not know."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"I don't want to lose you, I cannot lose you," he sobbed.
"Shio, you're scaring me, what's going on?" she argued.
"Please just let it slide, I will tell you when I'm ready," he cried.
"You can tell me anything, you know that right?"
"I'm involved in mafia...."
Link to another fluff Ryu Shio Story
First love fic
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the-froschamethyst4 · 5 months
Pink Silk and Baby Shoes
𖤐Pairing: Father! Alex x Pregnant! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: fluff, strong language, baby, kissing, married couple, pregnancy, comfort, pregnancy cravings, birthing,
𖤐Summary: Alex is absolutely whipped for his pregnant wife, any little thing she asks for he does it for her, she craving something he gets up and gets it for her just to keep her happy
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It's midnight, fucking midnight and Y/n is in bed wide awake with the cravings again. She groans and rolls on her side facing her husband, he was peacefully sleeping and it kind of pissed off Y/n, that he was sleeping just fine and she couldn't sleep.
She ran her fingers through his hair and then his eyes fluttered open.
"Baby, why are you awake?" He asked, through a yawn.
"I'm hungry..."
"Okay, what do you want?" He asked, looking at her.
"Pickles and peanut butter, Oreos and jelly, and Cheetos," she says.
"Cravings?" she nods. "Baby as much as I would go and do anything for you and the baby, but no store is even open-"
"Yeah huh."
"Where?" He asked.
"The store on 45th street, it's a 24 hour market."
"How do you know that?" He asked, sitting up on the edge of the bed getting ready.
"I drove past it with my sister when we went out last week."
"Oh great," he yawns. Y/n taps his back as a 'don't get smart with me' he chuckles and turns around leaning over her and kissing her forehead. "I'll be back, text me if anything changes."
Alex is trying to get use to be woken up at midnight for his wife's pregnancy cravings. It started a few weeks ago when she woke him up for ice cream and chocolate syrup which was a tame craving but they started to get weird almost every night.
Alex got into his Branco and drove to the 24 hour market, he let's out another yawn and pulled out of his driveway. He yawns and made sure the volume was turned down almost to a whisper, he was still to tired and didn't want to blast music at midnight.
He saw the market, getting out of the Branco and walking through the automatic doors. He was greeted and he picks up a basket walking around the store to find everything he needs for his wife and her cravings.
As he was walking he also saw a few other husbands looking tired as hell getting weird food that don't go together, must be other fathers-to-be.
He grabs double-stuffed Oreos, crunchy peanut butter, Y/n's almond milk, that she likes, along with a few other things, he knows Y/n will probably text him on getting.
He went an checked out and headed back home, as he pulls into the driveway, he sees the living room light on, knowing Y/n moved from the bedroom to the living room.
"Baby, I'm back," he says, dropping some of the bags on the counter. Y/n got up, she had some whipped cream and strawberries in her hands. Alex chuckles at her. "Baby, I was coming back."
"I know, but I was hungry now," she says, placing everything on the counter and she pulls the stool out from under the bar and grabbing the double-stuffed Oreos, peanut butter and almond milk. Alex yawns going back upstairs to change into pajamas.
But once up there fell asleep on the comfortable master bed. Y/n moans in satisfaction when fulfilling her cravings. She was done eating and headed upstairs after turning off the lights downstairs.
She rubs her big belly and sees her husbands passed out on the bed, ankles off the bed, arms wide open, and small snores coming from his mouth, she giggles at him, she kisses his temple and got on her side of the bed and fell asleep finally satisfied.
Next Morning (8:00AM)
Alex had woke up to the sound of the shower going, he rubs his eyes and rolled on his side again, he sat up knowing he can't sleep all day. He goes to the bathroom seeing Y/n's silhouette behind the shower door.
"When did you wake up?" He asked her.
"Oh a few minutes ago," she says, turning off the shower, she slightly opens the door and grabs the soft white towel off the towel rack and wrapped her body with it. She steps out and stood next to Alex, her hair dripping on her back and shoulders, as she grabs her toothbrush and brushed her teeth with him.
"So...I was thinking...names...we know...the baby...is going to be a girl..." He starts in between brushing his teeth. "What names were you thinking?" He says after spitting out the toothpaste and wiping his mouth.
"Well, I had a few names picked out already, Maddie, Bailey, Chloe, Eden, and Lana."
"I like Maddie." He says.
"Really? I thought it was kind of basic. A few names I was going through all sounded basic to me..."
"Well, she is our daughter, and besides I like the name Maddie, reminds me of my grandmother, her name was Madison but we called her Grandma Maddie, because it was easier for us kids," Alex says with a chuckle.
"We can do Maddie." Y/n says, looking at her husband.
"Maddie Keller...what about a middle name?" Alex asked looking down at her.
"Why don't you come up with a middle name, figure out what goes with Maddie Keller."
"What about this?" Y/n held up a baby onesie with little lions on it.
"It's cute...what's the size?"
"4 months, she can grow into it," Y/n says, placing it into the cart.
"Baby, we have around 10 different outfits for when she grows up, but what about clothes she needs after she comes home?"
"Oh right!" Alex chuckles.
Y/n started to go through all the clothes for newborn baby girls and as she's looking...she noticed something between the baby boys and baby girls. All the girls had something on their clothes saying 'keep me away from boys,' 'my daddy is the only boy in my life,' she looks at some and placed them, Alex was a little confused with them because he thought they were cute, but he didn't realize there was a problem.
"What was wrong with that one, baby? I liked it."
"But look at them Alex." She grabs a baby girls shirt and a baby boys shirt.
The girls was in a bright pink with it saying 'daddies only girl' and holding the baby boys next to the girls, it was a dark blue with it saying 'I'm a ladies man.'
"Do we see the difference now?" She asked.
"Oh yeah, now I see it-why the fuck do they do that?" He asks.
"I don't know, but it pisses me off, I even looked on Amazon for newborn baby girl clothing and every single one had some wording on it something sexist like daddies girl, daddy is the only boy in my life, daddy this, daddy that, keep boys away from me, why can't I get some simple for my daughter and almost every single newborn clothing has words on it. I'm about just order something off ETSY for my daughter," Y/n made some good points and Alex sees how passionate she is about it.
"I understand baby," he says, cupping her face. "You do what you think is best, baby, and I will support you, you know I will," he kissed her lips.
Alex then walks behind Y/n as they looked around some more for their baby girl. Y/n rubs her belly as Alex watched her, like she is a goddess. Y/n turns to her husband giving him a soft smile.
"I think we're done for now," she says as they went to go check-out. Alex pays for everything for his wife and daughter.
A Week Later (10:15AM)
Y/n had sat on the couch eating and Alex was messing with his Branco outside in the garage, he needed an oil change, and to clean his car, he needed it badly. He also wanted to be prepared for when the baby arrives. Getting the baby carrier settled into the back, making sure it was secured.
"Alex!" He looks on the porch seeing Y/n, she was shaking and he sees water between her legs, he rushes her into his car as he runs into the house to get the overnight bag.
Alex rushes into the hospital asking for a nurse and doctor, they came out with a wheelchair and helping Y/n get into a room, they gently helped her on the bed and were getting her prepped and ready for delivery.
Alex looks at his wife who was sweating, she was trying to push and all he could do was for her to have a hand to hold, he gave her encouraging words, but she didn't hear them at first, she was only focused on making sure her daughter was going to be okay, and once the doctor said they saw her head, she listened to Alex and his soft words.
"You're doing so good, baby...keep going, she's almost here," Alex kissed his wife's forehead. Y/n did everything she was suppose to and listened to the doctors.
"She is here!" The doctor says as nurses cleaned the baby up and quickly brought her to Y/n, letting her rest on Y/n's chest, Alex looks at his crying daughter, cupping her tiny head and kissing Y/n temple as he also had tears in his eyes.
Y/n was asleep, Alex sat on the light tan leather couch, looking at his sleeping baby girl in the clean little tub, wrapped in a light pink blanket, a small beanie on her head. Alex was nervous to be a father, but he knew he was going to do his absolute best to be the best one.
He sees her stirring in her sleep, he stood up and loomed over her clear tub, he gently picks her up, he removes his shirt doing skin-to-skin, gently removing her blanket, and holding her close to his chest. He used the blanket to keep her warm while she was against him.
"I will do my best to be the best father I can be," he says, kissing her forehead. Maddie let's out a soft yawn, a smile on her face like she knew it was her father talking to her.
She yawns again and snuggles her face into his chest.
"She's so cute," Alex looks at his wife, who was looking at them.
"She looks like a baby version of you," he says, standing up and walking towards her, Y/n scoots over letting him sit next to her. Y/n looks at her baby girl, cupping her face rubbing her cheek with his finger so gently.
Alex gives Maddie to Y/n. It was like Maddie knew Y/n was her mother, Maddie smiles and opens her eyes and looks at her mom.
"Her eyes are open, Alex," he smiles and kisses her temple.
Maddie soon closed her eyes again, snuggling into Y/n's chest.
After a few days, Y/n and Alex were getting ready to take baby Maddie home. Y/n was getting some comfortable clothes on, a sweatshirt, and sweatpants. Alex was in a t-shirt and sweatpants. Alex was getting Maddie settled into the baby carrier, he made sure she was buckled up safety and also making sure she was warm, she looked so comfortable.
Y/n came out of the bathroom, she grabs all her things and Alex grabbed the baby carrier with a sleeping Maddie in it, and they headed to Alex's Branco.
Alex made sure Maddie was secured in the back and Y/n was in the passenger seat trying to get comfortable, she wanted to sleep.
"Are you hungry?" Alex asked her as he starts the car.
"Yeah...I'm tired of hospital food," she says as Alex chuckles and heads to a fast food place to get something for his tired wife.
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tamas-love · 4 months
( 제목 ) MR PARK.
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PRESENT.⠀⟡​⠀your boss offers you a ride home?
( 박종성 ) — pairing = fem!employee x ceo!jay ୨୧ warning = none ୨୧ wc = 618
a/n : this is my first time uploading one of my works on tumblr… i hope you enjoy! all my works are on wattpad @ tamas-love so you can check it out there <3
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ㅤ𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓 midnight as you walked towards Jay's office. Most employees had gone home already, but you had to work a little later than usual. All the lights were off except for his office and the cubicle you worked in. The small knock at Jay's door caught his attention, to which he spoke out a quick "come in." Before going back to flipping through papers.
ㅤOnce invited into his office, you open the door and walk in. Surprised to see he was still hard at work.. "Mr. park, why haven't you gone home yet? It's very late.." You say with a more softer voice, sounding stupid since you did the same. "I could ask you the same question." Jay says, raising an eyebrow at you and squinting his eyes.
ㅤTo his surprise, you were wearing a formal skirt-he wasn't exactly surprised about the fact you were just wearing a skirt, but more about the fact that you're wearing a skirt in this weather. "May I ask why you're wearing a skirt? It's cold outside, adding the fact that it's pouring out there." Jay's eyes scan your outfit, not judging but more confused.
ㅤ"Oh, my skirt? Uhm.. you might not believe me but I thought it would be nice out today, I forgot to check the weather for the night and only checked for the morning." You mumble, adjusting your skirt by pulling it down. "Are you not cold?" He asked, tilting his head and furrowing his eyebrows. "That's absurd. Check the weather thoroughly from now on."
ㅤHe says, sounding like a protective dad or boyfriend. "Okay, yes.. I will. but, Mr. Park. when are you going to go home? You should go home especially if you haven't eaten dinner yet!" You say, sounding concerned which made him smile a little bit. The smile was subtle, and before you could notice the smile he went back to a straight-poker-face.
ㅤ"Don't worry about me. You should go home. Leave, go home, now." Jay ordered, pointing to the door behind you with his pen. You quickly bow in goodbye before leaving, the door closing behind you. "Did she even bring an umbrella.. or a coat at least?" He mumbled to himself, subconsciously worrying for your health.
ㅤAfter an hour or two, Jay eventually came downstairs, exiting the elevator and entering the lobby. He stopped when he saw you standing by the window, peering out and just staring at the rain. "What the hell.." He mumbled, making his way to you and tapping you on your shoulder. "Y/n, you shouldn't be here."
ㅤYou look at him in surprise when he taps your shoulder, adjusting your purse strap. "Oh- well.. I was waiting for the rain to stop so I could go to the bus station-" You attempted to explain yourself but the look on Jay's face told you to shut up. "Are you stupid? I'm genuinely curious as to how you got this job.."
ㅤ"The rain doesn't stop until the morning," He took a pause to look at his expensive watch. "The last bus has left by now," He stopped once more to look you up and down. "And you're wearing a skirt and some heels. Please, use your brain." Jay sighs, putting his bag down and taking off his coat before wrapping it around your shoulders.
ㅤ"Wear this so you don't get cold.." Jay's voice softens, adjusting the coat around you before buttoning it up. Your cheeks were slowly gaining a redder color, but you couldn't help but admit how warm it was.. and how it smelt like his cologne. "Oh- thank you.." You mumble, his big coat engulfing you in warmth.
"I'll drop you off home, don't catch a cold.."
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© tamas-love on tumblr, © tamas-love on wattpad ㅤㅤ𓈒ㅤㅤ𓈒 taglist open.
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sunrise-imagines · 1 year
Can we pretty please get something for taking care of fw Finn after the scarab fight?
I almost made myself cry with this one, hit me right in the feels. Hope you enjoy!
TW: Angst, mentions of violence, mentions of blood, eventual fluff, hurt/comfort
Farmworld Finn x Reader The Aftermath Of The Scarab Fight
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•Now I know we’re all worried about him considering Scarab legit stabbed him in the head, but considering that we saw no visible blood, my opinion is that his hat protected him from taking as much damage as he could have.
•Keeping that in mind, he still probably has some internal bleeding and a concussion from being slammed into the ground.
•After Finn found out that Jay and the others had gone to the crater, you were instructed to stay with the rest of the kids and barricade yourselves inside the house.
•You rounded up all of them and waited for his return, but after a while of no one coming back, you sensed that something was wrong and told Bonnie to watch her younger siblings while you went to the crater to check.
•By the time you arrived there, Scarab had already found them, and you were forced to watch horrified as his sharp limbs dug into your lover’s head, gasping as he was slammed into the ground and lay not moving.
• Scarab then lunged towards the group of travelers, and with a flash of colorful light, they were all gone.
• You almost tripped over your feet as you slid down the side of the crater, running over to Finn and kneeling down to check his pulse. You take his wrist in your hands, praying to whatever gods were out there that he was still alive.
• You let out a sigh of relief as you feel a shallow but strong pulse through his skin.
• With the Destiny gang having run away, the ones left were Jay and Little Destiny, the former of which ran up next to you, eyes wide with fear and worry.
• “Is…is dad…?” He stutters, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. You reassure him that he’s still alive, but he’s going to need help.
• The three of you work to carry Finn back to the house, where Bonnie and the others wait with bated breath.
•When they all see Finn unconscious in your arms, they break out in a chorus of tears and frantic questions, and you tell Jay to keep his siblings downstairs while you take him up to the bedroom.
• You and Little Destiny drag him up the stairs, and she helps you lay him down on the bed.
• You thank her for her help, and she scoffs, “I-I’m just repaying him for saving me, it’s not like it’s a big deal…”
•You smile at her, putting a hand on her shoulder and telling her to go back downstairs and check on everyone, to which she sheepishly nods and leaves.
• You take off Finn’s hat to asses the damage, revealing his shock of white hair, the only physical semblance left over from his days as The Snowman.
•To your surprise you don’t see any blood on the side that was stabbed, and you figure that his hat must have taken the brunt of the impact for him. There is, however, a large patch of purple bruising on the side of his head, along with some small nicks and cuts from where the rock dug into his skin.
• You do your best to carefully clean each wound, applying antiseptic and bandaging the right side of his head.
• For the next three days you sit by his bedside, making sure to feed him and replace any bandages that had gotten dirty. You sent a letter to Doctor Princess (her farmworld self) explaining what had happened, and she replied that she would be coming as soon as possible, but the trip would take a few days. Occasionally the kids would come in and tell him about their day, or just lay with him for a while.
• Jay and Little Destiny, who had started living with you all since her father pretty much disowned her, were big helps with helping take care of the other kids. You were especially proud of Jay, knowing how hard he was working to stay strong for his little siblings despite being scared himself.
• Then suddenly, as you were preparing to change the bandages on his head, you heard a soft groan coming from behind you.
• You whipped around at the noise to discover that Finn had finally opened his eyes, and was currently trying weakly to sit up.
• You rushed over and threw your arms around, saying how much you love him and how glad you are that he’s awake over and over. He’s still a bit dazed, but he’s lucid enough to hug you back.
• Suddenly the events of that night come rushing back, and he pulls away from you, eyes wide as he frantically asks where Jay and the kids are.
• You reassure him that everyone’s fine, and no one was hurt. He sighs in relief, letting himself relax before wincing at the throbbing pain in his head.
• You gently coax him to lay back down, telling him that he still needs to rest and that the doctor will be coming soon to check on him. He admits that, before he blacked out, he was sure he was going to die, wondering to himself how he was still alive after such a savage attack.
• Leaning down and kissing him softly, you say that the how or why doesn’t matter, all that matters is he’s alive and he’s going to be okay. He smiles up at you, the biggest you’ve seen in months, and tells you that he’s glad that he has someone like you to look after him.
• You chuckle and agree, before leaving him to tell the kids the good news. He silently watches you go, thinking about just how lucky he is to have found someone as kind as you to love him.
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morgana-larkin · 5 months
Prompt: The reader wants Melissa to be a little rough with her in bed, but doesn’t know how to ask. Melissa figures it out when she walks in on the reader watching porn. The reader is so embarrassed, but Melissa asks to watch with her. And when she sees there’s spanking, light choking, biting, and hair pulling and then sees how turned on the reader is, she decides to give her the night of her life.
Anon, I must say thank you 🙏🏻. I’ve been feeling in the mood lately to write smut for whatever fucking reason and I loved this. I hope it lives up to your expectations! As always, is to edited? Fuck no, lol.
On another note: I got 2 more Melissa prompts and I got 2 chessy prompts. Keep sending them in for either Melissa or Chessy!
Safe Word
Warnings: SMUT, its literally half smut, kinky smut, hair pulling, light choking, biting … there’s one more *checks notes* , spanking
Words: 1.9k
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You love your life right now, you have great friends, great family, great job and best of all, a great girlfriend. Melissa Schemmenti.
You’ve been with her for almost a year and things have been amazing. There’s just one small tinny tiny thing that could make it better. You have a kink that you haven’t gotten the courage to tell Melissa about, you want to try rough sex. You aren’t complaining about the sex so far at all, she always manages to give you a mind blowing orgasm each time and you do the same for her.
One evening, she stayed behind to meet with a student’s parents about their child and told you to not wait for her to go home. So here you are, laying on your stomach, on the bed, facing away from the door, looking at your laptop. Then suddenly you feel a little tingle between your thighs and you thought you’d have a peak into your kinks. You searched for rough sex porn and started watching one that tagged everything you wanted to try. You got so enraptured in it that you didn’t hear Melissa get home or hear her enter the bedroom.
Melissa got home after meeting with the child’s parents, it was a good meeting, they were willing to try anything to help their child. She entered the house and didn’t see you downstairs so she went upstairs to see if you were there and when she got to the top, she heard something coming from the bedroom, guess you were watching a video in there. When she entered the bedroom, she immediately saw what you were watching and closed the door quietly. She walked over to the bed and slid down right beside you, to watch the video with you.
You got startled and slammed your laptop closed, completely embarrassed that Melissa caught you. “Hey Tesoro, whatcha watching?” She asked you and your cheeks turned pink.
“No-n-noth-nothing.” You stammered out.
Melissa quirked an eyebrow at you. You haven’t been scared to tell her stuff before. “Really? Because to me it looked like you were watching porn.” She said and your cheeks went from pink to red in a second. “No need to be embarrassed, Tesoro. Can I watch it with you?” She asks.
“You want to watch it with me?” you asked her confused.
“Ya.” she said and you nodded and opened up the laptop, restarted the video and pressed play.
The further into the video you got, the more it caught Melissa’s interest as to why you were watching a video with spanking, choking, biting and hair pulling. She looked over at you once in a while and saw how you reacted to it. Your cheeks were flushed and she felt your legs move and knew you were rubbing them together. You were getting turned on by it. Melissa put 2 and 2 together and saw that you get turned on by rough sex and might want to try it. She wondered why you never brought it up though, she knew you looked embarrassed when she found out and she didn’t know why. Melissa decided to try this with you, and she knew when to do it too, your one year anniversary is in a few days, and by some miracle, it was on a Saturday.
Saturday came pretty quickly and Melissa wanted everything to be perfect for you. She cooked your favourite meal, got you a present, she studied your kink a bit more to know what she was doing, and wore a dress that was the colour that you told her looks magnificent on her, green.
You walked into the house at 6, Melissa basically kicked you out for 2 hours so she could prepare everything. And when you say basically, you mean she gave you your car keys, walked you to the door and told you not to come back until 6. You walked in and she ran to you, picked you up in a hug and spun you around. “HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY Y/N!” She yelled, practically in your ear.
“Ah!” You yelled in surprise. When she put you down you saw her dress and licked your lips, “That dress looks stunning on you.” You told her and she smiled at you.
“I got you a gift!” She said and picked up the gift behind her on the couch.
“Oh I have one for you too, let me go grab it, it’s in the bedroom!” You told her and bolted there and back and you exchanged gifts. Melissa gave you a custom made necklace of the first letter of both of your names in a heart. While you gave her a photo of the 2, both of you with big smiles at a Philly’s game, and your kissing her cheek and she has her mouth wide open in surprise, and you put it in a picture frame. The picture frame was a beautiful gold and at the bottom it had writing on it saying, ‘I love you with all my heart’. Both of you smiled at the gifts and you leaned in and kissed each other.
After that, you both had the meal she made you and then dived into a bit of conversation as you digested. After half an hour or so, you both went upstairs to the bedroom and you told her to turn around and close her eyes. She did as you instructed and you got out of your outfit and changed into a lingerie piece that you got for today.
When you were finished you told her to turn around and look and she smiled at the sight. You, in a purple see through lingerie dress that just covers your ass, there was no cup bra so she can easily just slip off the strap and take your boobs and you decided to forgo a thong or any type of underwear.
“Happy Anniversary love!” You tell her and she walks over to you.
“Definitely a happy anniversary to me.” She said and licked her lips before picking you up and gently dropping you on the bed. “Remember the safe word?” She asks and you nod.
“Eagles. Or tap or snap twice.” You tell her and she smiles at you.
“Good girl.” She tells you and those words always turn you on. “I wanted to try something new tonight.” She tells you and you look at her. “I’m not telling you, you’ll just have to find out. But if you want to stop then just give the word ok?” She tells you and you nod.
She straddles your lap and leans down to kiss you on your lips. When she moves down to your neck, her right hand moves to the back of your head, gathers as much hair as she could and pulls it while she bites your neck. You gasp and buck your hips as she does that and she smirks. Melissa pulls back and then removes her dress and she’s left in a bra and underwear. She unclips her bra and you sit up and suck on her nipples. After you sucked on both, Melissa grabs your hair and pulls you off of her chest and back on the bed. She gets off and instructs you to get on your hands and knees as she slips off her underwear and puts on a strap on.
She then gets back on the bed behind you, and since you obeyed her and are on all fours, she has full access to your ass. She first checked to make sure you were wet enough, and when she deemed you ready, she lined the strap up with your entrance and pushed it in all the way. You moaned out as you felt full, then she started moving in and out of you, and started smacking your ass while doing so.
When she knew you were close, she grabbed your hair and pulled it so that you sit up. She yanked the lingerie off and grabbed your left boob with her left hand and put her other hand around your throat, squeezing it lightly. She started playing with your nipple with her hand and you were moaning like crazy at this point. She switched it up so that her right hand is on your right boob and her left hand is around your throat, and she moved the front of your face to hers so she can kiss you. While kissing you, she bit your lip until you bled then went down to your neck and started biting your neck again.
Melissa smiled as she knew you would have come by now if she gave permission but she’s having fun and wants to see how long it’ll take you until you beg for it.
She didn’t have to wait long, 20 seconds later you started to beg. “Mel, I want to come, can I please come?!?” You whined out. Melissa smiled, she’s gonna let you but you won’t be done after you come. She moved the hand that was on your boob down to your clit and started rubbing it, you were bucking your hips like crazy and tried to close your legs with the over sensitivity but she wasn’t letting you.
“Go on baby, come for me.” She whispered in your ear and you came immediately with a gasp.
Right away, Melissa pulled out of you, sat down against the headboard and instructed you to come sit on her strap. You went to her lap, she lined the strap with your entrance and you sat on her lap, taking the strap as you went. You started moving back and forth on her lap while Melissa was slapping your ass. She then took a nipple in her mouth and sucked on it then bit it and you gasp, she then did the same to your other nipple and got the same reaction. After she was done with both, she brought her hand to your hair and grabbed a bunch then lightly pulled and then put her other hand around your throat. You slowed your pace down slightly and Melisss noticed and frowned a bit as you were both close.
“Go on keep going, I was so close, make me come baby.” She told you and you sped up again. “That’s it, keep going.” She breathed out. She took the hand off your throat and grabbed your ass, and pulled your hair slightly again. You then came and she came a few seconds after. You both took a few seconds to catch your breath and then you gently got off her strap and then she took it off of her so she could cuddle you. But first she went to the bathroom, grabbed a cloth and cleaned you both up then went back to the bed and cuddled you.
“Hey Mel?” You said to get her attention.
“Ya Tesoro?”
“Thank you for tonight and trying those things, I liked it.” You told her with a smile.
“Of course my little Tesoro, I’d do just about anything for you. I enjoyed it too.” She told you and you smiled. “And in the future, come to me with anything, sexual or otherwise that you want to try and don’t be scared or embarrassed to ask ok?” She told you and you nodded.
“Ok, I love you Mel.”
“I love you too baby.” She told you and you cuddled even more into her and you both fell asleep.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
If you want to be added then let me know!
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mariposa-drowned · 1 year
Some purely indulgent period comfort bc I feel like death rn.
Abby x Fem!reader
Abby walked through the door to your shared home, a cozy house in the safe haven of Jackson. She eagerly toed of her boots and dropped her pack onto the floor, relief flooding her muscles as she relaxed for the first time today. Her brows furrowed, finding the atmosphere oddly quiet, normally you'd be in the kitchen trying a new recipe, or in the living room rewatching one of your many DVDs and VHS tapes that you had traded for over time.
Abby checked around the downstairs, calling out your name a few times, trying not to panic, but she knew for a fact that you were home today, as this morning you let her know that you felt as if you were coming down with something and politely asked if she could let Maria know that you'd be out today. Abby had offered to stay home aswell to look after you, but you stubbornly refused, assuring her that you'd be fine, and it was nothing major. She made her way upstairs letting out a sigh of relief when she found your normally closed door slightly open, your shared silent signal that one of you was home and welcome to come into the room. You had this odd system to communicate easily when one of you was feeling a bit too overwhelmed. If the door was closed, you didn't want to be bothered, and it was best to check back in another 15 minutes. If the door was open, it was a green light.
Abby slowly pushed the door the rest of the way open "Angel? You alright?" She spoke softer than normal, being cautious of a possible headache.
You grumbled, rolling over in your queen sized bed to look up at your beautiful girlfriend, her braid was a bit messy from patrol, the lightest sheen of sweat still remains on her skin.
Abby's eyes widened. That would definitely explain your recent feelings and attitude with her lately. You met her gaze, looking down to the bed and seeing a small bloodstain right where you were laying before you moved to see Abby.
"fuuuucckkk this is not what I needed today" you groaned out, hopping off the bed you started stripping the sheets off the bed, throwing the blankets and pillows aside.
Abby came up behind you gently peeling you hands off the sheets "how about you go start a bath for yourself and I'll take care of this hm? I'll join you in a bit if you'd like, just leave your clothes outside the door and I'll throw em in with the sheets."
You smiled at her kindness, "thank you my love but it's my blood, Im sure I can handle it" you gave her a peck on the cheek and reached back for the sheets, before you could get your hands back on them you felt an intense cramp bloom throughout your lower abdomen causing you to clutch your stomache and fold in on yourself to try and relieve the pain.
Abby quickly caught you before you could make it to the ground, she picked you up like a toddler, you holding on tightly to her front as you buried your face in her neck. "never said you couldn't handle it sugar, just said to go start your bath, bein all stubborn and sorts" she set you down on the bathroom counter, moving to the tub to start some water, throwing a small amount of your soap in there to create a sheen of bubbles.
Abby went back to standing in front of you, you leaned forward to give her a kiss, her hands coming to your hips and rubbing gently to try and soothe your pain. She pulled away first, knowing she had to go out the sheets in the wash before they were permanently stained, not that she'd mind, but she knew you would always feel terrible about it and she couldnt have that.
Your gaze drifted down to her pants where you saw a small red spot on her cargos, her eyes followed your line of sight, "I'm sorry" you muttered out dropping your gaze to the floor in shame.
Her hand moved to grab a hold of your chin, making you look to her "hey, none of that, s'not your fault, I'm the one who picked you up, I'll just throw em in with everything else, totally not a big deal. Speaking of which, let's get you into that bath"
Abby helped you strip your clothing, easily lifting you once again to the bath, causing you to mumble out "I have legs y'know."
Abby smiled, setting you down in the bath, "I'm aware grumpy, but I like carrying you, and I didn't feel much protest, so looks like your stuck with me."
Settling down into the bath, the water soothing your aches you stuck your tongue out at Abby, to which she quickly reciprocated before beginning to rid herself of her stained pants. She could feel your eyes on her, drinking in every detail, appreciating her muscular legs covered by her boxers.
"You keep staring like that there's gonna be more than a lil' stain on those sheets" You blushed at her comment, quickly hiding your face in your hands, even though you were sitting in the bath. Abby smirked at your reaction, quite pleased with herself that she could still do that to you even after years together.
She walked over to you, bending down to give you a loving kiss on your lips, pulling away before you could pull her back into you.
"I'm gonna go throw this stuff in the wash, I'll be back to check on you in a bit"
You gave a small nod, watching her leave the room and close the door behind her to trap the heat in, you sunk back down into the bath, focusing on how the warm water slowly soothed your cramps, helping your aching muscles. You closed your eyes, letting the time pass by as you drifted in and out of consciousness.
You were snapped out of your daze by a small knock on the door, followed by the creak the old door made as it opened.
"hey sweet girl, the water is probably getting a bit cold now yeah? You ready to get out?"
Not that you had really noticed, but now that you were activley thinking about it the water was getting colder.
"yeah I think I'm ready to get out, my stomache is starting to hurt again"
"alright you pull the drain for me, do you want some help out?"
A small silent nod was all you could muster
Abby gave you a sympathetic smile, knowing how easily embarrassed you got, and not the biggest fan of asking if asking for help unless it was absolutely necessary. She slowly helped you out of the bath, wrapping you in a fresh towel.
Giving a small peck on your head she left you to continue drying off, disappearing once again into your room.
She came back with a set of comfy clothes and a washed period cup that Maria had gifted to you and many others. Setting them down on the counter she looked back to you as you started to towel dry your hair.
"You want help changing as well? or do you want me to come check on you in a few minutes?" Abby said
"I think I'll be okay to do it myself, thank you abs. love you"
" 'course baby, anything for you. I'll come make sure you aren't dead in a few minutes alright? I love you too."
A few minutes had passed and just as Abby was getting up to come check on you, the bathroom door opened to reveal you in one of abbys oversized t-shirts and a pair of your own comfy underwear, her shirt practically looked like a dress on you so you didn't mind the lack of pants.
"Hi beautiful, you wanna come lay down?" abby asked as she pat your side of the bed next to her, the sheets changed and abbys attempt at making the bed.
"ugh please do not call me that right now. Im barley passing as human at the moment"
Abby snorts at your comment. "oh no! should we take you to get tested for cordycepts?!! If you go down I'm coming with your ass, you arent getting rid of me that easily"
Her comment causes you to let out a small laugh "haha very funny. I forgot to do the dishes last night and i need to finish them, so ill come lay down after."
You turn around to walk out of the room before baby could start protesting. You genuinely thought you had gotten aways with it too, reaching the top of the stairs before being tugged back into the solid chest you knew by heart.
"in what world do you think I'm going to let my ovulating girlfriend go do house chores when she almost collapsed earlier from her own cramps" Abby eyed you down as you tried to avoid her gaze.
She bent down a bit before tapping the back of your thighs, signaling you to jump. "Cmon sugar, no getting out of this one, lemme take care of you like you deserve."
You huffed, but jumped up regardless, Abby walking the both of you back to your room.
Abby set you down gently on your shared bed, situating the blankets over you til you were comfortable.
"Thank you for taking care of me" you smiled up at her
"always" abby returned the smile, leaning down to give you a kiss on the lips.
"Will you come cuddle and hold my stomach please"
"course i will. you want something to eat first though?"
"not right now, i think itll only upset my stomach more. maybe we could make soup together for dinner"
Abby slid in the bed behind you, her warm arm coming around your lower abdomen "That sounds great baby"
you hummed in content at her comforting embrace, letting out a deep breath as her warm hand helped soothe you cramps. "will you read to me? please?"
"you want me to read one of my medical books to you?"
"I dont care what you read as long as I get to listen to your voice"
"yeah I'll read to you"
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vintagexherry · 1 year
5 ways to say "I love you" without words.
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Serial Killer!Miguel O'Hara x Reader
//Multiple Scenarios, Both reader and Miguel are unhinged, heavy Gore, blood, murder, torture, expirements, possessive themes, graphic depictions of wounds, Fluff, Suggestive themes
A/N: This is a collection of scenarios of you and Miguel's married life, heed the warnings
[Way #1: Gift Giving]
You exhaled a breath of relief once you enter your house, removing your shoes and replacing it with house slippers.
You sigh as you set down your bag and groceries on top of the kitchen counter.
Today's work wasn't that busy but the amount of meetings made you tired. Atleast that pesky co worker wasn't there to harass you to date him.
You look up to the clock seeing it's perfectly time for dinner and a few minutes till your husband comes back from his work. You can't wait to eat and sleep at the arms of your husband.
Gabriella was still at her friend's house, having a sleepover. You chuckled at the memory of her painting his dad's nails. You wonder if she's doing that with her other friends right now.
"Y/N? Are you home?" Miguel called from upstairs.
"You're home early today?" You watch as Miguel comes downstairs to greet you with a kiss while you hung up your coat.
"Yeah, leaked gas occured, and all of us got dismissed early today. How's yours?" Miguel asks as he unloads the ingredients of today's dinner to the counter.
"Well, wasn't that busy aside from meetings." You kissed his cheek as a thank you while you put on your apron.
Miguel smiled as he went back to the living room, wanting to check the news while he waits for dinner.
You nodded and headed to the fridge, but as you opened the fridge, you froze.
There sat a decapitated head of that one pesky co-worker you always told Miguel about, his head was inside a jar full of unknown liquid, his eyes wide open, almost making his eyeballs pop out and his jaw slacked open wide as if he was killed before he could even screamed.
"Miguel!" You called from the kitchen and Miguel arrives a second later.
"Si, Mi amor?"
"You shouldn't have~" You cooed
Miguel smirked at your reaction.
"Surprise" He went closer to you, kissing you on the forehead.
"No wonder my day at work is brighter than usual." You kissed him back on the lips.
"Cualquier cosa por ti mi amor" (Anything for you my love) Miguel smiled.
He's glad that you enjoyed the gift he got for you.
[Way #2: Acts of Service]
Miguel was at work today while it's your day off today.
Not wanting to feel bored, you decided to clean the house since dust started to gather.
You changed the bedsheets in yours and Miguel's room, dusted the bookshelves, arranged the items of Miguel's home office table, and finally sanitized the kitchen counter.
All of these chores don't compare on what you're about to clean next. All of these chores didn't even made you drop a sweat.
But you know what will.
You prepared your mop, your cleaning chemicals, your mask, and elbow length gloves so you don't inhale or touch unnecessary bacteria.
You bring all these items downstairs until you reach your basement.
You hummed a tune while you opened the basement lights.
On the bed, you saw was a naked woman near your age. Her ankles and wrist were strapped by leather belts into a metallic bed table. Her body is covered in cuts, some dried and caked with blood, while others look like it's been stitched.
The basement got renovated to look like a hospital room, complete with a medical bed, cabinets of surgical equipment, a table by the side, and a bookshelf full of thick medical related books.
An IV was plugged into her arm, keeping her alive, while a monitor next to her shows her heartbeats.
She seemed to be awakened by the harsh bright light and her panicked wide eyes landed to your form.
"Pl-please, I do-I don't know... Who you are but please, help!" Her voice wheezed out, and you could just hear the dryness of her throat.
You ignored her pleas as you headed straight to the table next to the bed, arranged with medical tools like scapels, a kidney tray, and some forceps, but what caught your attention was a cup of empty Starbucks coffee.
You sigh. How many times have you told your husband that there's a trash can for a reason? For a medical type of expirements he's running he doesn't seem to know how to keep a station clean.
You grabbed the coffee cup and swayed it to the face of the lady.
"I swear! He never listened to me when I told him to throw his trashes properly. Husbands amiright?"
You chuckled at the end while you threw the cup away.
The woman seemed to be taken aback by your carefree attitude to the whole situation, talking as if it's just another Friday afternoon.
"Ple-please!" She tried begging again.
"You gott-a to he-help me!"
"'fraid can't do that hun, that's what you get for not teaching your child any manners."
You held yourself back from slapping her.
Miguel took the opportunity to kidnap her at the dead of night, when both of you found out during yesterday afternoon that Gabriella got reportedly bullied by some kid during soccer practice.
He left the kid sleeping on his bed, unaware that his mother was here bleeding out. He also tried to find the father, but found out they were divorced and the dad is living in another state and could only take his child during holidays due to custody reasons.
You and Miguel only met the dad a few times, but he seemed to be a better role model than the mom, so maybe taking her out of the picture will be better for the child.
You turn your back from the woman and decide to clean the floor, which you could see a few dried droppings of blood.
You started to hum again while you pour chemical solutions on the bucket and dipped your mop into it.
"Ple-please I-Im sorry!"
You still ignored her, continuing your moping duty.
Your thoughts start to drift off to what lunch you could make before Gabriella returns from school.
While you drag your mop on the floor, your eyes land on the wall of the basement where you can see framed pictures of your family, and so is a few drawings of Gabi.
Your heart always melts at the sight. How could you get so lucky with a man like that?
"I beg you ple-"
You groaned, getting tired of her incessant whining.
"Look, sweetie, my husband always tells me not to touch with his work, but you're making me break that rule." You said as you turned to face her.
She whimpered, You wonder if she could feel the pain of her wounds, but knowing Miguel, he probably didn't give her anesthetics.
Her hands started wiggling around the straps around her wrists.
"I suggest you stop doing that, Im not a doctor, but you might reopen some of those wounds." You suggested as you put back the mop on the bucket and turned to the wall so you could wipe the framed pictures.
While you back is turned, you didn't notice the straps on her wrist loosened. You didn't notice her sudden silence. You didn't notice her taking the scapel from the table. And you didn't notice her quiet steps towards you.
"You bitch!-" She shouted, and that gave you enough to turn around in surprise and move out of the way, but the scapel still grazed your cheek, leaving a bleeding cut on its way.
You wince from the sudden sharp pain on your face, but there's more important things to worry about, like a naked bleeding wounded lady coming at you with wobbly yet swift steps with a scapel.
You immediately stepped back and grabbed the forceps off the table.
"Fuck you! and your daugh-"
She didn't get to finish that sentence since you drove the sharp end of the forceps to her left eye.
Blood sprayed on you while she screamed loudly from her throat while stumbling back, holding her eye that's still has the forceps dangling from.
You quickly gathered your bearings and ran up to the lady, pulling out the forceps out of her, making more blood spray onto the floor and onto you.
"Don't you dare talk about my daughter!" You angrily spat. The nerve of this woman.
Both you and that woman started to go at each other's throat.
You dodge the upcoming scapel that was aimed at your neck and she dodged the forceps too.
You gotta admit, for a heavily wounded woman this bitch got spirit.
"Fuck you!" the woman swung the scapel, cutting a tear from your dress. Dammit Miguel just brought this one for you.
While she moved desperately to kill you, her stitched wounds reopened one by one. Her movements started to become wobbly due to blood loss, but that didn't deter her from leaving another cut to your exposed forearm.
You swinged your forceps to her other neck.
This time you were successful.
You seemed to hit a vein since blood sprayed everywhere, some to your face up to your body.
Her screams sounded bloody while she started to choke on her blood, and her legs started to move backwards, making her trip on her own foot.
She fell backwards, and that seemed to deal with her enough. Her body started swimming with her own blood, and her one eye showed no light.
You started to breathe heavily, the smell of blood with chemicals made your head foggy, so as the event that transpired.
The straps on her wrists seemed to be loosened, and you hated yourself for not noticing it sooner, but right now, anger is still coursing through you. The fact that she tried to talk bad about Gabriella seemed to make you move automatically to her dead body.
dropping the forceps, you kneeled and took the scapel next to her and started stabbing her chest even more. Anger did nothing but blind you that you didn't notice Miguel coming down.
"....amor! I heard screaming what happe-"
You froze.
You turned around and immediately stood up, dropping the scapel. You somehow forgot the words of Miguel about touching the expirements.
You looked at Miguel, who froze at the sight of the bloody scene, the while porcelein walls were covered with speckles of blood and the floor wasn't any better.
But his attention was mostly on you, covered with blood all around, especially the new dress he got for you. Your arm and cheek seemed to have cuts but weren't that deep.
Miguel's gaze made you nervous. This is the first time you have broken a rule. You felt nervous about what's to come. It grew more as he started approaching you.
"Mi-Mi-Miguel, Im-im so sorry, I know what you told m-me but-"
Your words were cut off when a pair of strong lips covered yours in a passionate deep kiss.
Your eyes widened at the action, taken a back, but his lips continued to lick and bite yours, the taste blood seemed to spur him on, and you felt something twitch between his legs.
He finally let go of your lips, his eyes looked at you with nothing but admiration, your name fell from hips in whispers, as if calling you like a mantra.
"Oh mi amor, mi amor....You...I...I love you." He breathed out while he smiled down upon you, his hands caressed your face lovingly, and you melt from his touch, relieved that he isn't mad.
Miguel froze at the sight of you since this was the first time he ever saw you covered in blood, he usually does the dirty work but seeing you all bloodied up with a corpse behind you just seems to do something to him.
"How... Did I ever get so lucky to marry you, huh?" His eyes seemed to be still in daze.
You were about to say something but was cut off when you yelp, seeing that he carried you over his shoulder, heading straight back up the stairs and to your bedroom.
Safe to say, that you had to clean both basement and bedroom all over again.
[Way #3: Quality time]
You and Miguel have been busy with work and "other things" (depends on you how you interpret that.)
So when the weekend came, it was finally time to enjoy each other, especially with Gabriella.
Miguel couldn't wait to pick her up from school to finally bond more without distractions from work.
During the drive, Gabriella excitedly talked about her biology class.
"Oh?, and what did you learn?"
"The anatomy of human beings! Our teacher said we have this upcoming contest, and the best project gets to have their work displayed."
"Project? I can help with that."
"Thanks, Papa! And after that you and Mama have to come with me to see the winner."
Few hours has passed and Miguel and Gabriella were doing the project.
What he didn't expect was it's supposed to be clay.
After buying supplies and planning the entire thing out, Miguel didn't expect to work with clay to be harder than disecting a full-grown adult.
So he did the best thing he could think of.
Call for your help.
Now, all of you three are on the floor, moulding and sculpting organs of the human body. You mould the kidneys, Miguel moulds the heart and Gabi the lungs.
Having a husband that specializes in the human body, he made sure each organ looks the best they can be.
And both you and Gabi think it's too much. The way Miguel stares down at the model of the heart his creating, the way he moulds each aorta, and the way he mixes clay to get the right tone of red. Whatever he's making, it could pass enough to be the real thing, and you know for sure Miguel has experience with the real thing.
Time passes by, and after moulding the kidney, heart, lungs, and other organs you all need a human cutout to place and glue the clay models on.
And what better model for the cutout other than Miguel O' Hara himself.
You and Gabi giggle as Miguel spreads his body out on a flat piece of cardboard, and both of you start tracing an outline of body. After tracing and giggling in the process, Miguel took the responsibility to cut out the cardboard.
After molding more organs, tracing the model and cutting the cardboard. The three of you arranged it accordingly.
Once done, Miguel placed it upon the wall for all of you to see the final result.
"Woah...It looks real," Gabi admired the project.
"Maybe not real. We could put blood on it."
You chuckled at his words, you admired the finished product and the organs done by Miguel looked too real, making it stand out like a sore thumb.
"I'm sure it looks real enough." You mused.
But Gabi seemed to like the idea of blood on her project, you laughed.
Like father like daughter.
So with that, you took the food colouring off the kitchen shelf and gave it to Miguel, who coated the organs with as much red he could put, Gabi cheering him on the process.
The next day came by, and everyone was on school showing off their projects. Once you and Miguel arrived, Miguel puffed his chest in pride when he saw other projects don't compare to the ones you three made.
You were glad Miguel made (threatened) his job to give him a free day so he could attend. While the school staff displayed each work and judges picked the best, Gabi went off to find her friends while Miguel entertained you on criticising the other work done by others, and you can't help but be amused
"Psh, That liver isn't even big enough"
"Tsk, that one didn't even try on the brain."
"Someone get this person a proper reference. That kidney looks like it got murdered. And that's saying something from me." He whispered the last part to you, and you had to cover your mouth to hide your laugh.
Time passed by, and while Gabi sits with her friends, the parents sit at their designated chairs.
The announcer applauded everyone of their hard work (Miguel rolls his eyes) and proceeded to announce the winner.
Everyone applauded as Gabriella's name was announced first place, and you and Miguel excitedly stood up to give her the medal.
Miguel could admit he enjoyed the time he got to spend with both of his loved one.
[Way #4: Physical Touch]
Miguel is fully aware that he isn't a people person.
Miguel is fully aware his mouth spits nothing but fire to his co workers.
Miguel is fully aware his eyes aren't meant for looking for affection, always set in a permanent glare to whoever looks his way.
Miguel is fully aware that his hands aren't meant for soft caressing and touches.
Yet here he is.
His mouth sings a soft lullaby for the newborn in his arms. Something that he once heard from his mother.
His eyes looked at admiration for your hard work to bring a new life to your and Miguel's already perfect life.
His hands cradled you and his daughter in his arms, his world in just the palm of his being.
He never thought how he would get to this, never thought he could be a better man. Never thought redemption was a thing until you came.
His calloused hand, rough from his work, rough from the murders he committed. As of right now, he used to feed the baby that babbles incoherently at him.
"Si, si mija. Here you go"
In one swoop of his hands, the spoon arrives at the destination of Gabi's mouth, and she babbled happily.
He finds himself smiling, something he thought he stopped doing since forever.
That night, Miguel and you put the baby to sleep, admiring her peacful face, her nose just like his father.
You two prepare for bed, but Miguel wants more time with you. The day has been hectic with work and duty to care for the baby.
During the bath, his hands scrubbed your body gently, contrasting the way he scrubs himself off the blood of his victims.
Miguel dries the both of you off, and after some persuassion, you let him choose your clothes for the night.
That should have been it.
But Miguel is a selfish man, always wanting to get what he wants whenever he wants to.
His hands looked for his phone and automatically played a soft and sensual music.
His hands lead you to dance with him while you chuckle at his invitation. The song progresses, and Miguel leads you to spin, to dip and to sway.
The song progresses even more to a romantic tone, but both of you didn't notice when the two of you were busy touching and caressing each other's naked body.
His hands roamed around yours, his lips kissing each scar and beauty mark he could find. He found all of them,for his eyes memorise the dips and curve and every inch of skin he could caress.
He thought he would never be close to a person this much, sure there were women who warmed his bed. But that's only temporary, temporary feelings and temporary touches that would soon be replaced by another.
This felt different, intimate even. The way you held his both in both your hands after an energy draining night felt different. And his glad its permanent this time.
He has someone to wake up to, look for, touch with and to talk to.
And with Gabi in the image?
He couldn't ask for more.
[Way #5: Words of Affirmation][this has inspiration from Corpse Bride]
Large church bells, a grand cathedral, bountiful amount of guests, a three layered cake.
And don't forget the Bride and Groom.
This day was the day you felt true happiness. You felt as if the world did revolve around you, at least just for this day.
People watch in awe as you walk down the aisle, a flower girl leading you in, leaving pink colored petals on the floor.
Your dress flows behind you eloquently. Your veil hides your face, but everyone knows you're the happiest you could be.
You look forward, and you see your soon-to-be husband, standing by the altar, watching you with awe more than the guest, and his eyes speak of emotions no great poetry could describe.
Everything that transpired that day felt like a blur.
You said your vows, and he said his
The priest declared both of you husband and wife, and Miguel didn't waste time holding your veil and gently yet swiftly put it behind you and kissing your lips.
Reception came in, and it was time for you and Miguel to have you a moment by dancing together and cutting the cake.
Miguel would sometimes mingle with other guests but would mostly stay by your side and you did the same.
You both had fun dancing, eating, talking, and throwing the bouquet as you and Miguel drove off to your honeymoon place.
That was a year ago, and now both you and Miguel are placing boxes on top of boxes in your new home. Where memories could grow.
After your honeymoon phase, Miguel surprised you with his own wedding gift, a house both of you could live in, three rooms, an island type kitchen, a backyard and a basement, You couldn't ask for more.
More years passed by, and you felt yourself living the dream.
But something feels off.
You would sometimes blame it on the passing of the honeymoon phase, but it feels bigger than that.
He would come home normal.
Tired but normal.
But instead of going to the bathroom to freshen up, he would head to the basement.
At first, you brush it off, thinking he was redecorating the basement to his liking of some sort. You asked him about it, but all he said was for you not to go down due to dangerous equipment.
But now you feel like as if you're missing something. Something that tells you that your husband isn't saying something to you.
You first feared that maybe he was cheating, but after making sure, he doesn't go home late, and if he does, he would tell you, second, there's no foreign smell of perfume or a stray lipstick mark. Third, you trust him, perhaps as deep as the pacific ocean and he trusts you too.
You decided maybe he's still renovating the basement and doesn't want you to see and wanting it to be a surprise.
Headaches start to form when you think about it deeply so once again you brushed it off.
Until one night.
You and Miguel were sleeping in your bedroom.
Until you thought Miguel was sleeping.
Your body jerked away when you heard a distant scream of a woman downstairs.
It was loud and sounded desperate.
You felt scared and it increased more when you didn't see your husband next to you.
The screams would continue, and you got concerned. You put on a robe to cover yourself and head downstairs cautiously. You quickly head to the kitchen to grab a knife in case something bad happened.
You start to notice the screaming would continue down to the basement and you hesitated.
Your husband isn't with you, there's a woman screaming and he told you not to go down.
But more pressing matters made you ignore that rule and went downstairs, clutching the knife tightly.
You winced at the volume of the screams, and the more you descend, the more the screams sounded choked.
But all that attention to the sound was immediately thrown out the window when the sight in front of made you freeze.
There stood Miguel slicing and cutting a woman alive, her torso covered in so much bloof you don't know which cut it orignated from. Her eyes are bloodshot and wide, and her throat sounds choked from the screaming.
The basement seemed messy with empty boxes scattered and the walls covered in dirt, grime, and dried blood. The odour didn't help much since all you could smell was iron and rotting bodies.
He seemed to be focused on what he's doing, and you didn't realize that the woman was an ex of Miguel who started bad mouthing you when she found out you two got married.
"te mereces esto perra" (you deserve this you bitch) you hear him murmur himself over the choking woman.
Yet your focus was still straight to your husband, who seemed to not notice your presence. His face held anger you had never seen, his eyebrows turned down, and his mouth formed a deep frown.
The woman seemed to die when her screams suddenly went to a full volume to wet chokes, and then finally nothing. Yet you felt no remorse for some reason, no guilt when you realized your husband killed a person.
"Mi-Miguel?" You stammered, testing the waters.
Miguel's body jerked up as if he got electrocuted. His body turned immediately to face you, and he froze.
"Mi-mi-Vida...." He stammered, his body shaking in horror as if he was the one who found you killing someone instead of him.
"Kill me."
You paused, taking in his words. You realized his eyes were set on the knife you were grasping.
"No I-"
"I... You...Mi Vida, you weren't supposed to see this, I..."
"Mi amor if it makes you feel better, please." He shouted, and you froze, confusion set in on you when he demands for you to kill him.
You waited for him to finish.
"Listen, I-I know you're confused, but por favor...." He seemed to be holding back tears
"Don't leave me, please... You can kill me, report me to the police but please don't leave me mi amor.."
You didn't say anything, but your feet find themselves walking straight to Miguel.
Miguel's eyes seemed to beg you. He never wanted you to find this side of him, and if you did, he swore to never forgive himself. You were the best thing to ever happen to him. You accepted his perfection so as his flaws, but he fears you will never accept this. He can handle being killed by hands, thrown behind bars by your order, but you leaving him? He couldn't bring himself to accept that.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, mi vida, just please kil-"
His words were interrupted when he felt a pair of lips pressing onto him, your hands on each side of his face. Feelings and promises seemed to fill out from that kiss, and he couldn't help but melt.
After a while, you paced back a bit letting go his lips, and he held himself back from grabbing you again.
"Do you... Do you remember our vows?" You asked as you grasp both of his large hands on your palm and carresed the wedding ring. The knife long forgotten on the floor.
He seemed to pause for a while. You don't seem to be scared nor hesitant to talk to him. Which is good.(?)
You chuckled.
"Well...Do you remember when I said."
"I, Y/N L/N will promise to take all weaknesess and make them your strengths, I promise to take your soul either be it perfect...."
"....or flawed." Miguel finished the sentence for you. His eyes seemed to glisten with tears. And you smiled. it seems like he remembered
Everything felt as if it's your wedding all over again. This time, it was in a basement with a dead body. But just like your wedding, both of you only focused on each other and nothing else. His eyes find yours, although a bit blurry from the tears his holding back he still looks at you, and you look at him.
"Y/N...." His eyes bore into you with a longing gaze, His hand took your hand with the ring.
He paused for a while, seeming to take in everything, and you watched him with tears already flowing down.
"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup shall never empty for I will be your wine...." He paused for a moment. He felt a tear coming down while yours started streaming slowly but surely.
".....With this candle, I will light your way to darkness...."
"With this ring... I ask you to be mine."
His hand lifted yours to kiss your ring, after, he lifted his head,awaiting your answer.
Your words are choked due to the tears flowing down, and Miguel smiled widely at you.
"I-I do.." You continue to cry happily.
Miguel didn't waste time lifting you up to his height and kissed your lips as deeply as he can, both of you closed your eyes, and tears were streaming down. Everything felt like your wedding day, except this one felt lighter, even better. A weight on his shoulder has been lifted with you.
The two of you always find different ways to say "I love you" without words.
The End
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