#i should use more pride scarves they look so good
rainyheartscrown · 6 months
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not-cat outfits ii
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chaoticrobotics · 2 years
what do all of the animatronics do on june, aka pride month?
Any special things with pride they do for people?
Idk if you get what I mean but, yeah-
Freddy: Oh there's a big parade every June that happens outside the Pizzaplex! During the parade, and on weekends, there are special sales that go on! We also do change out holograms from the standard purple-y color to a more rainbow color!
I will also wear some cute rainbow ties I have, and Chica will tie a pansexual colored ribbon around the base of my hat! I will also change the red to my face paint to match those colors as well! We get a lot of people complaining, but thankfully when it does come to Pride Month, the company actually backs us up in our decision to celebrate!
Chica: Oh I LOVE Pride Month! All the colors and flags and people wearing all kinds of cute outfits is just amazing! I like to change my leg warmers to different colors of flags that like multiple genders! Such as bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual and others like that!
Sun and I also make these cute little ribbons that I will give out to kids, teens, and adults for free! We have all kinds of flag colors and every year we end up adding more and more! It's so much fun! Especially when a first time being out person ends up finding their flag! Oh they look so so so happy!!!
Roxy: I will dye streaks into my hair with the colors of the lesbian flag and then the green part I do a rainbow gradient! We also change the checkered flag that waves to the rainbow flag when someone's on the last lap.
Honestly, I think we should keep that change all year round, but we already get so many complaints already during that time. It's so annoying, but we get to tell them to shut up thanks to the company's no tolerance rule for homophobes and transphobes!
Monty: I usually dye my hair a rainbow color and add tons of pride stickers to my bass, we also offer special rainbow golf balls for the month that people can use to play with. We lose SOOO many by the end of the month hahaha!
I also hang up a bunch of other flags all over Monty Golf! Mainly on the big Monty heads or cutouts. I like making them look like capes or neck scarves! It's pretty cool! Maybe I should wear a neck scarf? I bet I could rock it!
Oh! Yeah. I also TRY to be nicer to Freddy, you know, show kids to be kind and what-not during the month. Some of them could see I wasn't good friends with him and one time a kid accused me of being homophobic to Freddy, like kid. I'm queer. I hate Freddy for different reasons, not because of his orientation.
DJMM: I believe the staff change the lights from their normal colors to rainbow ones. At least that is what I am told, I'll have to make sure next time with the others to see if the staff was lying or not.
But I personally will play more LGBTQIA+ inclusive songs. Especially those made by individuals who are out and proud, but there are plenty of songs made by cishet individuals that plenty of the LGBTQIA+ identify with. I do take plenty of suggestions during that time and play as much as inclusive songs as I can!
Sun: Oh we decorated the whole Daycare with lots of rainbows and smiley faces and will even change out neck and waist ruffles to be rainbow colored!
Moon: "Usually I would read books that show off queer families, especially transgender ones. Though now Sun has to read the stories since I'm not allowed out near the kids anymore..."
Sun: You shouldn't say queer, not everyone likes that word.
Moon: "For the last time Sun, queer is not a slur. It's fine if some people don't want to use that word for themselves, but plenty of people use it as an identity. Gay and dyke, and many other words, were also use as slurs, but now they have been reclaimed and people who identify as those labels can and should be proud to call them that. We shouldn't police how people talk about themselves."
Sun: Right, sorry. I just see it so much online...
Moon: "The discourse in the queer community is so bad... We try our best to let kids figure themselves out and not be sucked in to the bad side of the community."
Sun: Yup! We do our best to give them the proper resources and make sure they know they are not alone, not broken, and don't need to be fixed!
Mapbot: Rainbow maps!
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Via a bunch of people ( @marelicina @paperback-rainbows @chaosofbattle and myself who know some stuff about cold temps)
Have a bunch of water stocked up in big bottles (ONLY USE WHEN POWER IS OUT)
Layers, layers, layers!! It’s been said before but they MATTER. Warm hats, socks and gloves! Multiple layers of everything makes it awkward to walk but It Doesn’t Matter because it’ll keep you warm
Wear scarves, hats, winter coats, and even shoes indoors
Old clothes that are too big are good for later layers
You should sleep in the layers you wear during the day, but you can take off a few layers, as you might get too hot
Minimize the amount of time you’re naked/wearing less clothes
Silky stuff doesn’t hold heat well, it gets cold easy
Being cold with protection and cold without protection is VERY different
If you don’t have neck warmers/bandanas, masks keep your face warm
You lose the most heat from your head, feet, and chest
Minimize surface area by curling into a ball or laying facedown
Sleeping does help preserve warmth, but too much can cause more harm than help
Face, fingers, toes, hands, feet, ears tend to get coldest fastest. Arms and legs take a bit more work to get cold (when covered)
Keep your chest, head, feet, and hands warm (cold hands lose functionality fast)
Please please please keep your hands warm. You do everything with them.
If your fingers/toes go from being freezing to not having any feeling that is FROSTBITE SETTING IN. Warm them up FAST.
Again; fingers, nose and toes get cold fast
Layer your chest as much as possible
Wet hair/skin is BAD. Avoid as much as possible. It makes you 100x colder
Shower less because if you lose power it’ll be BAD
If you get wet: take off the wet clothes IMMEDIATELY. Dry off and put something else on ASAP
Snowy clothes are wet clothes, even if it doesn’t feel like it
If the power is out long-term. Do not shower/bathe. Wipe yourself down really fast with a damp cloth and leave it at that.
Sanitary wipes are much better than showers/baths
Wood flooring is better than tile and stone but not by much
Carpets/having blankets on the ground are/is better than bare flooring
Sitting/laying on the floor is Not Helpful. The floor gets colder faster
Bringing mattresses and cushions into one small room to sit on helps
Heat goes to the top of the room, so having your feet/hands up/off the floor is better
Again: get everyone in the same room. Pets, plants, EVERYONE. The smaller the room, the better. Large rooms are harder to keep heated.
Enclosed/small spaces are warmer
Close your windows. Close the shades and curtains. Heat escapes through windows
Get all the blankets possible in the room you’re all staying in
Clothes too. It’ll make a mess but all else fails, you can use them in a way similar to blankets, or as more layers
HUDDLE TOGETHER FOR WARMTH. You don’t have to be touching (if you’re touch averse) but the closer you are to people, the more heat you share
Keep younger children, the elderly, and pets near the middle of the huddle. They get cold faster
Conserve your energy as much as possible. Cold saps your energy FAST
BUT do move around every once in a while to keep circulation going. The cold will fuck it up.
If you go numb that is BAD. VERY VERY BAD. Move around if you start to go numb. Take care of your circulation
Candles give off a bit of both heat and light, but use them carefully
Battery and solar powered things will help a LOT. Keep them charged
If you get power back for even a short bit, charge portable chargers to use later
Your phone will die so much faster if it gets cold
If you can, turn off bluetooth on your phone, and close all unneeded apps. If you’re not going to be online, turn off your wifi and put it on airplane mode. It’ll conserve battery
If you get power back, make hot drinks and keep them in thermoses
Drinks made in hot dairy will probably give you more energy and warmth rather than just hot water
Holding said thermos will also help keep your hands a bit warmer
The food coolers you’d fill with ice and take to the beach can keep food hot, so you can put food in there to keep it warmer longer.
Peanut butter and bread provides some nutrients and energy and doesn’t require energy to make
Hard to prepare food is Bad. Any food should be easy to make
Having pre-prepared food that you don’t need to heat up is important
Eat the unhealthy boxed meals with a shit ton of calories. Whatever diet you’re on doesn’t matter, you need food. (Allergies don’t count obvs)
If you can make bread, do it. Download a recipe and make sure you have it. It usually requires power, but bread is a good base thing to eat.
If doesn’t have to be loaf bread either!! There are flatbreads that are easier and faster to make
If things have an expiration date, try and eat those first, but make sure you have enough food to last for a while
Canned stuff is good too, especially if you don’t have to heat it up
Please don’t start fires to cook things if you’re indoors. If you have a to-code fire pit in your living room, you might be able to use that, but please, please be safe
Eating snow is a HORRIBLE idea. It’s dirty as shit and it’ll make you so much colder.
You can boil it in an emergency, but it’s not reccomended at all
Don’t drive in snow, especially blowing snow. Don’t.
If you absolutely have to drive, at least double the distance between you and cars in front of you.
Be super careful. Don’t get distracted by falling snow. If you can’t see through the snow, PULL OVER. Keep near the shoulder of the road so you can get traction if needed.
Start slowing down before you get near stop signs/traffic lights. Ice tends to build up around them.
Ice can and will fuck your shit up. Google tips on how to survive ice, ESPECIALLY black ice.
Make sure your car doesn’t freeze over. It can really fuck with the internal mechanisms. They do not react well with cold temperatures.
Keep a blanket and flashlight in the back seat of your car, even if you don’t think you’ll need it. You might, and it’s better safe than sorry.
If you are going to drive, do not dress for the car. I do not care how hot you will get in the car, dress for the outside temperatures, because if your car breaks down, you are FUCKED.
If it looks like your power might go out, tell someone, but make sure they don’t come to check on you. Nobody should be leaving their houses.
Direct wind is BAD. Windchill makes everything worse, and can cut through all of your layers.
Morale is important. I know this sucks, and it’s hard to stay positive, but the more down everyone in the house is, the harder it gets to keep staying safe and to have the energy to stay safe
METAL IS BAD. VERY BAD. It gets cold very fast, and your skin can (and will) stick to it.
WET METAL IS EVEN WORSE. That is a guarantee that you’ll get stuck to it.
If you do get stuck to metal, WARM water poured over the area of contact should help you get free.
Putting salt in front of your house will help keep snow/ice off.
If you’re going down/up an icy/steep place, going sideways is good. Always keep one foot on a steady spot.
In general, when moving on ice, move slowly, keep your body low, shuffle or take small steps, and if you have to crawl, fucking crawl.
If you are crawling, DO NOT put your bare hands in the snow. Don’t put bare ANYTHING in the snow.
There is no time for pride to get in the way. If it helps you stay alive and safe, it helps you stay alive and safe.
Snow in shoes is BAD. Always look for the path with the least snow.
Wrapping cloth around your shoes can help you walk on ice/slick surfaces. If you don’t have any winter shoes, this will help.
If you do the above, don’t use things you want to wear. It’ll take forever for it to dry.
That’s all for now, Texan friends please stay safe and take care, we’re all here for you <3
Editing to add: check through the notes! A bunch of other people have added some other really helpful advice!!
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
Hide and Seek
Relationship: Steve Rogers x Reader Warnings: N/A Summary: You come home to your husband and son in an intense game of hide and seek. A/N: Based off a writing prompt: "He knew he must keep very still while he waited."
Steve knew he must keep very still while he waited. A soldier at heart, this task should’ve been a small feat but for some reason this time it was tougher.
He was crouched in your shared closet, way behind all the boxes of sweaters and scarves you stored away during the summer months. His foot was starting to cramp in this position but he just knew any small move could potentially send shockwaves throughout the apartment.
He didn’t know how long he had been like this — 20 minutes? 30? An hour, maybe? The ache in his bones made it feel like a whole day had passed but, alas, he tried to keep his body still and eyes glued to the door.
However — when the cramping in his foot became too much he decided one little tweak of it could be okay. He didn’t hear anyone even near the room. If done real fast it would be alright, Steve concluded. Ever so slightly he worked to maneuver to a sitting position but didn’t account for the weakness of his cramped foot. Ungracefully, he fell to the ground, kicking one of the sweater boxes.
Within moments, feet were padding their way to the bedroom closet. The door was swung open confidently and a tiny voice let out a shriek.
"I found you!"
Steve chuckled at his son’s excitement. The young child stared at his dad from the doorway, eyes glimmering with pride, hands clapping wildly. Steve worked his way from out behind the boxes and picked up his son, who was still giggling at his accomplishment.
"You did, buddy," Steve chuckled along, giving his son a high-five. "Nice work."
"Now I hide," the child demanded and started squirming to be let loose.
"Hang on, bud," Steve said, readjusting for a better grip on his anxious son. "It’s getting late. Mom will be home soon. We should start getting dinner ready."
His son shook his head, blond curls bouncing in the process, a real interesting display of yours and Steve’s genes at work.
Steve sighed, "One more round and then we start dinner, okay?"
The child had no protests as he squirmed again to get out of Steve’s arms. Steve placed him back down and let him waddle off throughout the home. Turning his back, Steve began to count.
However, unbeknown to your husband, you had got off work just a little bit early. It was the weekend and your boss was in an interestingly good mood for the day. You didn’t question it and jumped on the chance to get back to your husband and son.
Finally out of traffic and back home, you unlocked the front door and waited for the squeals welcoming you home but it never came. You looked around the living room and kitchen only to find it deserted.
Fearing your husband had put your son down for a nap and the very last thing you needed was a groggy child, you didn’t call out. Instead, you went right to placing your items on the counter and shedding your shoes and blazer. As you went to return your shoes to the front door mat, a sudden, clear thud came from the pantry in the kitchen.
Placing your items down, you slowly crept back into the kitchen. The thud occurred again again but this time just slightly quieter. It still happened, though. You weren’t going crazy. Quite bewildered, you mentally prepared yourself for whatever this could possibly be (Rats? With your luck it was going to be rats eating all the snacks) and slowly opened the pantry door.
Amazingly, you weren’t greeted by rats and instead found your son cuddled up under the bottom shelf, knees to his chest, trying to tuck himself away.
"Honey?" You asked, getting more questions than answers by this. "Are you alright?"
"Shh!" Your son exclaimed, bringing a finger to his mouth emphasizing the fact you shouldn’t be talking.
"Doll, you’re home!" Another voice called to you. You turned away from your hiding son to be greeted by your husband. As he was walking towards you, your son quickly got up and slammed the pantry door shut, making you jump.
"Is everything okay-,"
"Have you seen our beautiful son around here?" Steve asked knowingly. His eyes were serious but his playful smirk told you to what was going on.
"Oh!" You chuckled. "You know what? I have not. Maybe he ran away."
Steve nodded, "Hmm, really? Now, that’s quite unfortunate. I was thinking we could make his favorite for dinner."
You couldn’t help but giggle at the exaggerated faux disappointment radiating from him. "Darn, I guess we will just have to enjoy all the dino chicken nuggets. Maybe even a little ice cream for dessert."
Steve hummed appreciatively at the idea.
"Hey!" A tiny voice came from the pantry. In seconds, your son was stomping out into the kitchen, hands on his hips with face full of anger that was just too cute. "That’s not fair."
You and Steve let out a laugh and both crouched down to your frustrated child’s height.
"We’re just kidding, honey," you said, brushing his curls through your hands and giving him a kiss on the forehead. "You can have the chicken nuggets and ice cream tonight."
"No," He frowned. "I meant that’s not fair because that’s not how you play the game, dad. You have to come find me. You gave up. You asked mom."
Your eyebrows raised in surprise as you glanced at Steve. He, too, shared quite the interested in look in your child’s protest. He was turning in to quite the genius with a knack for following rules — the rule aspect being part of where similarities between the two diverged.
"Well, bud," Steve sighed, unsure what sort of explanation he could give. "Sometimes you have to get creative. There’s lots of different ways to play games."
"But it’s called hide and seek," He insisted. "And we were playing. Not with mom."
Steve nodded, "You’re right. I cheated which is a very wrong thing to do and you know what they say?"
Your son cocked his head in confusion.
"Cheaters never win," Steve explained. Your son’s eyes lit up at the realization.
"So, I won!"
You couldn’t help the smile forming on your face watching your lovely husband interact with your son. It was something that always warmed your heart and you doubted you would ever get used to. Just the way they looked at each other, each seemingly amazed by the other, was unreal.
"You won, buddy," Steve chuckled.
Your son let out cheers at his victory making you two chuckle in awe. When calmed, Steve picked him up and started looking around the kitchen.
"Now, I think we promised our little winner here some chicken nuggets."
You stood, heading to the freezer. "I believe they are dino chicken nuggets."
"Yeah, dad," your son said, arms folded, pouting. "Dino chicken nuggets."
"Oh, I am so sorry," Steve humorously apologized, which your son nodded in appreciation of.
"Yeah, get it right." You smiled as you spread the frozen nuggets on a tray. In retaliation for the teasing, Steve came up behind you and squeezed at your side earning a squeal from you. When you faced to turn him, he captured you in a loving kiss.
"Ugh," you son frowned at you two, earning more laughter which rang out through the household.  
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readyplayerhobi · 3 years
Flower | Drabble 4
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; Word Count: 1.3k
; A/N: Just a random drabble I thought up, aimless fluff to give you guys a glimpse into the Flower couple a few years down the line 😀
"How does someone that hot end up working in IT?" Clarissa asked, her voice a mixture of incredulity and wistfulness. There's a snort of laughter from next to her as Jihyo giggles whilst Chaeyoung tuts her disapproval.
"Don't be mean, there's plenty of hot guys who work in IT. Besides, it's not like management is swimming in Calvin Klein models." She says, fingers tapping away at her keyboard.
"Err, yeah, but that's definitely model worthy."
"Okay, okay, before Chaeyoung explodes with indignation about you eyeing up our head of IT...you should know that he's married. So...please don't try anything." Jihyo laughs as Clarissa makes a sound of outrage.
"That was one time and it was a mistake, I wasn't gonna do anything. I don't need the reputation of being a homewrecker!" 
"Good, because from the photos I've seen on his desk...they have a good relationship. From what I've found out, they've been together for a while and married a few years or something. She's pretty." It's a good job that Hoseok is underneath a desk so that no one can see his smile at their words. 
He's used to hearing that people find him attractive, used to the looks and the desire that lit in people's eyes. Many years ago, he used to thrive on it.
Now, it's just nice to hear but it isn't necessary.
There's only one woman who he cares about finding him attractive, and thankfully he's already married to you. It's unusual for him to hear someone calling you pretty in his workplace, though, and he feels dual pride and happiness bubbling up inside of him.
There's the quiet sound of the television playing as Hoseok enters the house, kicking off his shoes and laughing as Ciri bolts around the corner. As usual, her paws have no purchase on the floor and she scrabbles desperately.
Crouching down, he opens his arms and let's her jump into them, squeezing tightly as she yelps and licks his face excitedly. Her tail whacks into his stomach repeatedly, the sound audible and he takes a moment to appreciate how great his life is.
There's nothing better than coming home to his wife, his cat and his dog.
"Okay, okay, calm down. Cal-calm down you little butt!" Hoseok laughs, putting Ciri down and finishing his routine of putting his jacket away. It doesn't stop her from jumping up at his legs, desperate to try and get back in his arms.
"Alright, alright!" He chuckles. "Let me get in, you little demon. Where's your mommy, huh? Where is she? Where's mommy?"
As he expects, your retort is quick to his blatant attempt at getting Ciri even more excited.
"Don't you dare rile her up! If she gets too excited to go to sleep later, then you're taking her for a late night walk!" 
Entering the living room with a huge grin, Hoseok takes a moment to look you over. You're curled up against your favourite arm on the couch, the soft and fuzzy patchwork blanket you love so much covering your knees whilst your fingers move the knitting needles in intricate patterns.
It's your favourite hobby lately, and Hoseok has plenty of scarves, hats and other items of clothing to prove it. The TV has an old episode of Chicago Fire playing as background noise and there's a delicious smell of tikka masala in the air.
"She'll be fine, you know she can't keep up this energy. Too small for it, aren't you, my little pumpkin?" He coos, scratching Ciri behind her ears and grinning at her obvious delight.
Moving around the couch, he sits down and let's his body relax into the soft cushions. The two of you had bought this new couch only a few months ago and he still wasn't quite used to it.
Before he can even say anything to you, Kasumi jumps up onto his lap and purrs her own welcome to him. Running his hand down her spine, he pays extra attention to the spot on her back behind her tail and chuckles as she arches into it, tail high in pleasure.
"Hey old girl, how're you?" He coos, kissing her head before pulling her into his arms for a cuddle. She's content to do so and begins to knead his arms, purr growing in volume.
"How was your day?" You get the question in before he can and the conversation he overheard earlier comes to mind immediately. The grin that spreads on his lips is hard to control, and it's not surprising that you notice it.
Eyes narrowing, your socked foot reaches out from beneath the blanket to poke at his thigh in suspicion.
"What's that smile for?"
"Nothing, I just overheard this woman at work saying she thought I was hot." Wriggling his eyebrows, Hoseok has to restrain himself from snorting at how you roll your eyes.
"Oh yeah? Did you tell her that you also leave shavings in the sink? Women don't tend to find that so hot." There's careful neutrality in your voice and he knows you're playing along with him.
Many years ago, he would've never told you something like this. You wouldn't have coped well with the knowledge and it would've likely led to stress and anxiety on your part, even though you would've known he had no intention of doing anything with anyone else.
Now though, you were confident and secure in your relationship with him. The very fact he was being so open about it was something that he knew you appreciated, that he didn't feel the need to keep it some clandestine secret. It meant he trusted you with the knowledge, trusted that you knew he didn't care about this other woman and trusted that you wouldn't get upset over it.
That didn't mean you wouldn't tease him, though.
"Hey, I have a reputation to keep up!" Hoseok says in mock outrage and you simply give him a droll look.
"You have pictures of Ciri and Kasumi on your desk, not to mention the gazillion photos of me on there. Any reputation you might have as a ladies man is gone when they see your desk." Now it's Hoseok's turn to narrow his eyes, looking you over suspiciously.
"How do you know about that? I've never told you what my desk looks like…" He trails off at the look of triumph on your face.
"I didn't, but now I do! Oh my god, that's so cute. Don't worry, I have pictures of you too." You give him that beautiful smile that he'd fallen in love with so long ago and sighs, shaking his head at how well you played him.
"Anyway, someone thinks I'm hot. But then one of the other women pointed out that I'm married and that my wife is very pretty. Which I totally agree with." There's no sarcastic response to that and he smirks at you, brow rising in challenge.
You don't say anything though, simply bite your lip shyly and look away. It makes his heart twist as he recognises the embarrassment of hearing that but also the fact that you still don't quite think you're beautiful. At least it had come from someone else this time, though.
"Anyway, that was the main thing that happened. Thought I'd let you know. Is that tikka a store bought sauce or did you make it from scratch?" Changing the subject quickly, he smiles internally as you accept his unsaid offer to move on from your moment of uncomfortableness.
You may not be there yet in terms of believing you were pretty, but he still had plenty of years to prove to you that Jihyo, and he, were right.
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willowbleedsonpaper · 4 years
Ron was right
Theo Nott x Reader
W.C. : 3043
Requestd by @herstory-study​:  Ok I kid you not(t) another idea just popped into my head.. I hope you like it... the gist of it is Theo and the reader have that relationship where they are best friends but also dating but nobody can tell bc they’ve always been super close so I imagine like a bunch of pple (including the twins) have placed bets on whether or not they are dating and I just imagine one day they come back from a date and pple in the background are either groaning/cheering cause they got $ u can take it from there
A/N: I hope you like it, Puff! Feedbak and reblogs are very aprecciated. Happy reading.
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*Not my GIF. Credit to the creator.*
It had been a quiet day the first time Theo noticed you. Grey clouds move fast in the evening sky, the light breeze comfortable for every student out in the courtyard to show their house pride and wear their scarves around their necks. His friends talked about the Golden trio and what had they done that week to ruin their mood. Nothing new really. Theo never added much to those conversations, what was the point of complaining about something when you could ignore it. He too was bothered by Potter and his friends adventures and misadventures, but Draco and his friends weren’t the target. But that was just the way Theo saw it.
“Wait until I write my father,” grumbled Draco, sitting in the middle of the bench where Theo had been sitting with Blaise. “ Potter is going to regret it.” he said with a huff.
Pansy arrived just a second after he ended rambling, rolling his eyes as she sat on the grass without a care about her robes. She gave a pleading look at the other boys as she cocked her head towards the Slytherin prince. When neither one of them said anything she scoffed glaring daggers at both before she smirked “Draco darling, Why don’t you tell Blaise and Theo here what Potter did. I’m sure they’d love to hear it.”
Blaise’s protest died down on his tongue when Theo shut his book close “No need.” he said, looking straight in Pansy’s eyes “We saw it all.” 
And it was true, it was hard to miss one of their disputes when they shouted at each other, standing at opposite extremes of the hall as the crowd gathered to witness the latest drama between Slytherin and Gryffindor.
“Doesn’t matter if they know.” Draco said desperately, leaning to rest his arms on his knees “I already have a plan for them to know their place. And plan B in case that one doesn’t work.”
“Maybe you should try plan D for dumbass.” 
They all turned around to the large tree, their gazes lowering to the base of it. There you sat, an annoyed look on your face as you straightened your robes and stood. Your movements were sharp, taking your bag on your shoulder as you stormed away from them, all of them in a state of shock to even try to stop you. 
 “Who does she think she is.” muttered Draco, already jumping to his feet when Theo placed a hand on his chest.
“Leave this one to me.” he said lowly, his eyes never leaving your form as you walked away. Draco hesitated but gave him a slow nod as he sat back down. 
Theo smiled triumphantly, hiding his face quickly so no one would see him and his true feelings. He took off and ran after you, keeping enough distance so you would walk away from the eyes of his friends. 
He kept running, your back facing him as he came to a halt. “Hey!” he yelled, your eyes glancing back at him as you picked up your pace. “Wait, stop.” he yelled again, catching up with you as he stopped in front of you. 
“What?” you said sharply, looking down at his hunched form as he breathed heavily. You raised an eyebrow at him, crossing your arms over just your chest as you leaned back. “ Don’t tell me, Draco sent you to do his dirty work?”
“You…” he smiled, trying to keep in a laugh as he shook his head “You just called him a dumbass.”
You frowned, taking in the boy in front of you. Well kept brown hair, milky skin and the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen, his smile reaching his eyes as he stood to his full height. 
“Aren’t you his friend or something?” you asked confused.
He shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked around. “Even I can get annoyed at him.” 
You squinted your eyes, eyeing the boy before you looked up at him “Who are you?”   
He extended his hand with a smile, one you hesitantly took “Theodore Nott, but everyone calls me Theo.”
You raised both your eyebrows, shaking his hand with a nod “Right.” you said “Well, if you’re not here to avenge your friend…”
“I’m not.” he smiled as you mirrored his look.
“Maybe you’re not a dumbass.” you told him, staring into each other's eyes before you realized you had been in silence for too long “I’m going now.” you turned on your heel, resuming your walk to a more quiet zone where Slytherins weren’t complaining when his voice made you stop.
“You didn’t tell me your name!” 
You turned to see him with a smile, a glint in your eyes as you said “Goodbye, Theo.” He stared at you as you disappeared in the halls of the castle, breathing out a laugh as he returned to his friends.  
It was difficult to not think about you after that. Your two minute interaction had him wondering more about you, who you were, what did you like. He started to pay more attention to you after that. 
He thought getting your name wouldn’t have been a difficult task. He felt like the detective he read about when he was younger, sneaking in the middle of the night to behind his father’s back to read the muggle novel he got his hands on not a while ago, reading until his eyelids could barely stay open with only the moonlight to accompany him. He wanted to feel the rush of Sherlock Holmes, and he wanted you to be John Watson. But as he actually tried to get something about you without interacting with you he realized why everyone praised Holmes so much, it wasn’t an easy job.
You always seemed to be with someone, but in utter silence. Muttering a few words with the people around you as you always had something better to do. You were the mystery he couldn’t get out of his head, the thought that kept him up at night, the dream that had him drifting away as his friends talked. He wanted the honor of being your friend.
You worked on your herbology research, a pile of dusty books at your left side as you read the one opened before you. Your study partner was someone gathering more information, probably found someone and got stuck in the chat. Nothing new, really. You were used to initiating the study date with your partner and ending it alone. 
You felt someone walking behind your back. Expecting to hear your partner’s voice, your head snapped up at the sound of someone else.
“So,” said Theo Nott, taking the chair next to yours with a proud smile on his face “How are you, Y/N?”
You dropped your quill on the table, tilting your head with a curious look “Who told you my name?” you asked.
“It’s written on your parchment.” he pointed towards your handwriting on the upper part of the paper. “I got to say, it was difficult. Not many people really know you, you're like a ghost in the castle.”
“Maybe to the people you asked, I am very well known here.” you said daringly, and he nodded. “Well you know my name, you can leave now.” You took your quill back up, following the line you were previously reading with your finger when the thudding sound against the table made you raise your head slowly with a glare. “What are you doing?”
“Homework.” he said simply, opening a book as he silently began to read. Not once looking back to you, not saying another until he finished. Taking his things inside and wishing you goodnight, leaving the library without another word. 
It became a routine after you realized he wouldn’t give up. He would always show up, sitting on the chair he did that first night and working on his homework. There were times when you would get there and he was already sitting, books scattered all over the table until he saw you, moving his things to make some space for you. He didn’t bother you, so you allowed it. His presence  warm and welcoming as you studied, you even helped each other sometimes.
A year had passed by since that night, and you didn’t realize when you started to think about him as a friend. The only person you actually felt comfortable calling  a friend. He had been there for your happy days, your rough days. He took genuine interest in you. Telling you about him and his life, sharing his candy and food as you walked through the castle side by side. He asked you about your life before Hogwarts, how was your childhood with a muggle parent. You told him all about your past school, how you lost your friends through the years as you never got to see them and you couldn’t explain your sudden change of school and life. Theo became your best friend and you couldn’t be more happy. 
“What are you doing this weekend?” he asked you.
“I don’t know.” you shrugged, putting a raspberry in his hand as you ate one “Sleep sounds good.” you said with a smile and he laughed.
“Are you sleeping for two days straight?” he said in disbelief, and you scoffed hitting his face with another raspberry.
“Is that a challenge?” you dared, sticking you tongue out to him.
He scrunched his nose, catching the berries in his mouth until you stopped “Stop, your Gryffindor is showing.” he said with a fake look of disgust. You only laughed, shaking your head as you drifted back to his question.
“I’m not doing anything, then.” you commented, waiting to see what he had to say.
“Do you want to go to Hogsmeade?” he asked simply, your heart beating fast in your chest in both nervousness and excitement. But once you saw  the carefree look in his face your heart dropped. Why were you feeling that way?
“I don’t know.” you said, trying to put the hurricane of emotions inside you at ease “I’ve never seen the fun in going.”
“That’s because you’ve never been there with me.” he said with a smile, tilting his head with a sigh at the hesitance in your face “C’mon, Y/N. You’ve told me you have never been with your friends…”
“They’re not really my friends.” you corrected with your lips pursed “They hardly are the people I hang out with. They’re just there in a silent agreement of company.”
“Am I not your friend?” he asked and you knew you had already lost the small debate.
“You know you’re my best friend.” you said with a small smile, one he returned as he held your hand, a warm tickle in your hand where his skin touched yours. 
“Then it’s settled. I’ll go get you from your common room.” he said and you nodded, praying that the emotion flowing inside you was slipping in the look of your face.
Little did you know that Theo was feeling exactly the same. His stomach was doing flips inside of him as you smiled at him. He wanted so bad to tell you it was a date, that he had just asked you out on a date but you had just said it, that word that left a bitter taste in his mouth. 
You’re my best friend.
Maybe he had been in the beginning, but not anymore. Or maybe he was, but he didn’t want to be your best friend. 
Many had noticed how the Slytherin and the Y/H/H had grown closer over the past year. Theories of what was the core of their relationship were made. How did Theo Nott get close to you? Did you have a deal no one knew about. Where you friends, partners, lovers. No one knew, and neither did you. 
The weekend arrives and just as promised Theo walked you from your common room to Hogsmeade, hand in hand as you talked through the snowy streets full of students. 
You were oblivious to the crowded mess, talking inside a bubble no one could bother you. Not even the redhead pair that stared at you as you walked past them. 
"Are you seeing what my eyes are seeing, George?" 
"We wouldn't be twins if I wasn't, Freddie." 
"MAKE YOUR BETS, MATES!" yelled George from the top of the table in the middle of the Gryffindor common room. 
"Our lovely Y/N."
"Or lovers."
"With none other than Theodore Nott." 
They said, finishing each other's sentences with the invisible link the pair shared, that invisible string that made them shout the exact same words at the end. They wore grins on their faces as more bets were placed. 
"What do you think, little brother?" asked George jumping form the table 
"Friends or lovers?" 
Ron rolled his eyes, turning to Harry who was already making his bet with a smile in his face. Ron scoffed "I don't care about snakes business. They can be whatever they want." he said bitterly. 
"Someone jealous?" taunted Fred as Ron turned with a red face to his brother. 
He angrily pulled some coins from his pocket, slamming them in Fred's hands as he muttered "Lovers." 
You had the time of your life at Hogsmeade. Theo was right and you told him so when the sun started to set, a few stars shining on the sky as you walked back to the castle. He smiled, hugging you closely with genuine joy in his face as he promised to take you again on the next trip there. 
However the next day, the murmurs and eyes from everyone in your year followed you everywhere you went. 
You were never shy, but the constant attention had you on edge the entire day. Finding refuge in the far table of the library, hidden in between the shelves where the only source of light was if you had a candle with you. 
You stayed there until late, waiting until the library was practically dead, you doubted madame Pince was still there, but you could never know. You had made it to the end of the day. 
"What are you doing here?" Theo's shushed voice came from behind you, his eyebrows scrunched together as he sat next to you, closer than he usually did. 
"I'm hiding." you whispered. 
For a moment his stomach dropped at the thought that you might have been hiding from him, that he might have let something slip on your day together and you knew how he felt. But you started ranting about your day and the looks you received from everyone and he understood, he had gotten the same looks all day long. 
"Don't worry." he murmured, opening his arms for you and you leaned on his side. "Draco probably said something about you again. I'll talk to him later" he sighed and you chuckled. 
He looked down to you, a loving look in his eyes as you kept chuckling. How could someone be so breathtaking just by doing such mundane things like leaning against someone and talking? Since the first time he saw you he knew you were beautiful but, Merlin, now you were gorgeous. 
"He is never forgetting about that, is he?" you laughed. Staring at the table, you frowned when Theo didn't say anything. 
You turned your head up to him, finding him already looking back at you. You didn't realize when you had leaned so close to him, his breathing blowing softly against your face as you gazed into his eyes. The little flick in them waking up all the butterflies in your stomach as you could have sworn his eyes moved to your lips for a fraction of second. 
You froze, realizing what that could mean when you felt him lean closer to you, his eyes closing before someone cleared their throat behind you, making you jump apart from one another. 
"The library is about to close." said professor Snape, looking at you with a glare before he settled his eyes on Theo. "Take your friend with you Mr. Nott. Directly to your common rooms." he said painfully slow.
You both nodded, clumsily taking all your stuff as you walked around him and practically ran out of there. No one said anything, your eyes on the floor as he walked you to your common room. 
"I'm sorry." he said once at the door handing you your books, your hands brushing against one another, making the blush in your face deeper. 
"No, I… You don't have to apologize." you stuttered before the words left your mouth. 
Heavy silence settled again between both of you, the tension making your stomach turn as you wished your feet would move and get you out of there. Of course, they had other plans. 
Theo wished you goodnight in a mumble, turning around and walking away just as you dropped your books on the floor, calling his name. 
"Yeah?" he asked, never meeting your eyes. You felt your mouth go dry, your hold in his wrist loosening as you breathed heavily. You brought your hand up to his cheek, smiling as he leaned in. He had closed his eyes and you ran your thumb across his cheek bone, waiting until he looked back at you. You started to lean in, his eyes widening as he realized what you were doing. His smile widened, cupping your cheeks as he closed the space between the two of you in a soft kiss. His hands wandered to your waist, pulling you closer to him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He slowly pulled away, resting his forehead against yours with a smile that reached his eyes. 
"Remember when I told you I wanted you to be my Watson?" he breathed out with a smile "Well, I'm not so sure anymore."
You chuckled, moving to kiss his cheek as you rested your head on his shoulder "Funny, I always thought Sherlock Holmes and John Watson were lovers." you whispered in his ear. He smiled at you, kissing you once more. 
Completely unaware of the audience not so far away, hiding behind a wall with wide grins. "Ron was right." 
TAGS: @fanficflaneuse​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @lupins-sweater​ @accio-rogers​ @gloriousrebelrunaway​ @slytherinprincess03​ @not-today-anxiety​ @strawberriesonsummer​ @infinity1o1​ @haphazardhufflepuff​​ @deafgirltingz​
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hobidreams · 4 years
march 1858.
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a visitor you never expected; a day you will never forget.
pairing: joseon king!yoongi x reader genre: fluff words: 1.3k contains: historical au, child!yoongi, softness historical context: korean tradition dictates that people age up at the start of the new year (Jan 1), not on their actual birthday. traditionally, they also add an extra year as they consider the baby 1 year old at birth, not 0 years old.  a/n: this drabble is sponsored by a donation to Black Lives Matter.
moonlit throne index. this is drabble four. start from the beginning?
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For the entire week leading up to March 9th, as it has been for the past eight years, the palace lights up with an anticipatory hum, a buzz of excitement. Queen Jeonghui is in especially high spirits as she oversees the thorough cleaning of the grand hall and the preparation of the customary celebratory dishes, made with lavish ingredients especially imported from foreign traders. For the eunuchs, the guards, and all the palace occupants, it’s a relief to see the queen so pleased after what had happened a few months prior. Even as she cradles her left arm, hidden by a swath of silk, the smile never leaves her lips as she thinks of the prince and his impending, official tenth birthday.
You don’t pay much attention to the festivities. Or to be more accurate, you don’t have time to. As much as you’d like to pretend, the decorations aren’t for you. Anyhow, your mother has been overwhelmed with work lately as one of the few uinyeo in the palace, and as the head of them all. You are but a fledging apprentice, still learning how to diagnose and properly treat the illnesses that so easily strike the ladies of the court. If only the male physicians could ease your mother’s burden. But social convention must be followed. Even tonight, on Prince Yoongi’s official birthday, she cannot join the feast even though she has been invited personally by the queen.
“Mom, Da-ri-nim’s cramping has gone down,” you report happily, steps a little lighter as you walk over to where mother is hunched over an assortment of herbs. She’s crushing ingredients together with a mortar and pestle.
“Oh? That’s wonderful.” Mother brushes away a few strands of hair from her face. “She should be stable for the rest of the night, but we should keep an eye on her.”
“To make sure she doesn’t bleed too much?”
She smiles. “That’s exactly right.”
“Is the new medicine done yet?”
“Almost there.”
You lean against the desk, watching how the small pot of water simmers above the fire. “I reeaally hope this one works.”
“Me too. The extra amount of mugwort should be effective. Do you remember its effects?”
“Hmm. Most useful for thinning blood, increasing circulation, and…” You look hopefully at her. “Relieving muscle pain?”
Much to your relief, she nods, pride swelling in her chest. “Smart girl.”
The music outside does a crescendo then, notes floating through the cracks of the doors with sounds of laughter. The drums pound out a practiced beat, seeming to shake the ground itself with revelry. You’ve seen the dancers practicing out in the courtyard a few days earlier, and you can only imagine how lovely they must look now, all dressed up in handcrafted skirts and gauzy scarves. You wish you could see it! You’ve always loved to dance. Used to try on mom’s only fancy pink hanbok even though it was much too big for you, then spin round and round and round in front of the mirror to watch the skirt float. She’d scolded you harshly after: how could you possibly dirty or ruin a present from the king himself?! The first gift she had ever earned for her essential help with delivering the precious crown prince. But there are always more dances and performances. This is more important, and that’s okay too.
“We’ll go next year.” Mother says as if she can read your mind (or maybe you’re just bad at hiding your disappointment). “I promise.”
Before you can respond, the door slides open.
“What’s wrong?”
One of the newer eunuchs stands in the frame, his face pale. “A dancer has collapsed! We didn’t want to move and bring her here, so please come with me!” He bows quickly, fingers twisted in the long folds of his sleeves.
“Understood.” Mother reaches aside for the parcel she keeps for emergencies. “Let it boil. Take care of the patients. We’re still going to celebrate after I get back, okay?” she says to you, then disappears with the eunuch.
You do as you’re told, checking on the women who lie on the beds. You replace the damp cloths on their foreheads that have become lukewarm with sweat, and help those who can up, so they can have some water. Many of them are recovering well from the ruthless winter sickness that swept through a whole group of maids; their fevers are mostly subsiding and coughs calming. Still, anything could happen.
When another noise comes from outside, you turn your head. Standing, you put one hand on the door handle and pull.
“Mom, did you forget—”
Your mouth drops slightly as you meet a dark gaze, one at your eye level and marred with a thin scar.
“W-Wangseja-jeonha!” You immediately drop into a bow, ninety degrees, with your back as straight as you can make it. You hold it for five long seconds. He’s still staring at you when you come up again. “M-May I ask why you are paying a visit here…?”
“I made Eunuch Kim sneak me away.” Despite his age, he sounds composed and mature, befitting a future king. He gestures casually beside him to where an exceedingly tall man stands, holding something covered with cloth. “Tray.”
Eunuch Kim steps forward, his cheek slightly indented from his polite smile as he takes away the covering to reveal a bowl, with silver utensils lying aside it. Steam rises immediately, transparent as it curls into the air alongside a comforting smell.
“This is…”
“Janchi guksu.” Celebratory noodles, which must have been brought directly from the feast. Undoubtedly prepared with the highest quality ingredients, and delicious. “It’s your birthday too, isn’t it?”
That was probably one of the last things you thought he’d say. Your heart squeezes; it’s a sort of weird, nervous glee at being unexpectedly seen. “T-That is—Yes! Oh, yes, it, it is!”
While you always thought it was fascinating coincidence to share the same birth date, you’d also long resigned to be overlooked by most in favor of him. Mother always brings you a new hairpin from town, and makes you savory seaweed soup in your own private celebration, and that’s enough. But now, to have the crown prince himself here! You haven’t seen him since that November night, and never this up close.
While his face remains impassive, it seems to soften at your smile. “Good. Then take this.”
You accept the tray that Eunuch Kim offers with grateful hands. You stare into the bowl with your heart pounding. “Can I ask… how did you know, seja-jeonha?”
“Mama told me.”
Your grin grows wider. Next to your mother, the queen has always been your role model. Kind, beautiful, and endlessly caring. Even that night, she had been willing to sacrifice herself for her son. And it seems the prince has learned compassion from the very best.
“I don’t know how to thank you. You didn’t have to trouble yourself, coming all this way.”
“Seja-jeonha. We only have a minute left,” the eunuch reminds in a soft voice.
The prince nods his acknowledgment. You expect him to walk away immediately, but he stays. “A king must protect and take care of his people. And… it’s a thank you. For that night.” He shifts his weight from one foot to another, almost nervous. “Eat well.” Only then does he stalk off with a swish of his opulent navy robes.
You stand there for a minute longer, watching him with admiration in your heart until your grumbling stomach makes you turn in.
Tonight, as the delicate noodles and light soup warm your body from the inside out, you make a promise to yourself. As you renew your fealty to the royal family, you add a new caveat, a second, private oath: unabridged loyalty to the crown prince, to the future king, to Min Yoongi himself.
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flirtyhyuck · 3 years
; how jaemin expresses love without saying it directly
; jaemin x gender neutral reader
; love languages, pure fluff
; 3k wc
Words of Affirmation
Jaemin doesn't have a way with words, something clear since the day you met. With his simple vocabulary consisting of mostly sound effects, you wonder how he's able to melt you with the slightest mumble of praise. It's everything about him - everything other than his actual words. It's his compliments coated in honey, slipping from his wide grin beneath gleaming eyes, so earnest and loving, that has your chest tightening.
"You're even more gorgeous in person," he cooed when you first met, blinking in appreciation but not straying away from your eyes at all, not even when you stare back in shock. Everyone loves a compliment or two but online, no matter how much you appreciated it, Jaemin's emojis and capital letters were no match for the cheesiness of his physical expression.
He never learns to tone it down, always sending you an appreciative once over along with a wave of adoring words to last you for a month. Whether that be in the form of text messages, shouting across the hallway, romantic whispers, Instagram comments, or even bragging about you with his friends, Jaemin loves to talk.
"Hey, princess," he greets you sleepily, feet dragging across the kitchen tiles with no energy to put into actual steps. You smile at his messy black bed hair and turn back to your coffee, stirring with an absent mind. He never learned to stick to one pet name, always bouncing around the few he's become accustomed to. You think he's picked up on your favourites though, usually choosing to call you princess with a proud lick of lips.
"Morning," you chime back, finally lifting the cup to your lips with a hesitant sip. Hot, you think, but let the boiling drink into your mouth anyway, too tired to care about the pain.
Jaemin seems to notice it, sending you a playful giggle as he pops his favourite sunflower seed bread into the toaster. You glare back and put the mug down with a roll of eyes, clicking your tongue at his teasing through a fond smile. Your boyfriend sighs, leaning back against the counter with crossed arms and a soft gaze before humming out, "have I ever told you how cute you look in the mornings?"
You halt for a moment before your lips tug up slightly, shy, and you bring the coffee back up to hide your loving reaction. "You have," you groan in exasperation, raising a brow at the man to ask what of the comment. As if an embarrassed school girl, you avert your gaze and twiddle your thumbs, attentive to his response but becoming more and more flustered when you meet his eyes.
"It seemed like a good time to tell you again then," he chuckles with a shake of his head. With a tilt of his head, observing like an innocent puppy, the corner of his lips tug up into an attractive smirk. His words are knowing when he coos, "my princess is so pretty in the mornings. Still sleepy and in my clothes."
"Yours," you sigh back in a daze, pupils shaping into hearts at the very sound of the word. The hem of his jumper rolls between your fingertips and you drown in the familiarity of the comforting fabric, worn down and mixed with both of your scents.
"Adorable you are," he lulls, turning around to pop out the toast impatiently. It hasn't gotten brown yet. Jaemin spins back around after putting the bread back in with a groan, giving your sleepwear a once over before silently thinking to himself, contemplating. "You should wear that blue shirt you bought last week," he suggests.
You'd never thought about wearing it to work before.
"I really like how it looks on you," he compliments, genuine and whole-hearted about his appreciation.
"Thank you." There's those butterflies again, the cloudy feeling in your head as your confidence raises just the slightest, reassured. Accepting compliments is always a struggle but with Jaemin, there's not even any room to ponder the praise, a statement said with so much simplicity and care that doubt just isn't correct.
Jaemin adds, "though I think you look good in everything.*
Acts of Service
When they say chivalry isn't dead, they're talking about Jaemin. There's no doubt his pride when it comes to helping you out, so in love with receiving a thankful kiss or smile that he'll go out of his way any time he can. Dishes after a dinner party, making the bed every morning, stocking the groceries, making breakfast, dropping you off to work or school - the list goes on but by far his absolute favourite is giving massages.
With an echoing, exhausted groan you fall into the hot bathtub with closed eyes, allowing your body to slowly submerge and get used to the heat. The water is a pastel purple, white glitter floating on the top with tiny daisies bobbing up and down with every wave your fingers send their way. The air is filled with an artificial lavender similar to that of your car freshener but you appreciate the effort anyway, taking in a deep breath letting the scent flow through your brain like peach fuzz. Candles are lit on your sink counter, the closed lid of your toilet, and the corners of the bathtub itself. Jaemin asks if you'd like the lights off with that and you nod softly, listening to the switch flick as soft music lulls through the air, reverberated by your bathroom walls.
"I made a playlist for this too," Jaemin grins proudly at his Spotify playlist listed as a single bathtub emoji. How appropriate. He sets it down on the floor at a low volume and lets the world fade away, only orange candle wicks slowly burning away with the movement of water to fill your blank minds.
Jaemin sits outside the tub, fully clothed but just as content, with an adoring gaze laid upon his open palms. "Do you like it, princess?" he asks, already knowing your answer but dying to hear it himself.
"Oh Nana, how much I love this," you lilt through an exhausted smirk, eyes fluttering open to appreciate his skin glowing in the fire light, "you must've worked so hard on this just for me. Everything is absolutely perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything more, you didn't even need to do this in the first place."
He beams, satisfied, "as long as you like it then all the work is worth it." You hold back an adoring grin, biting on your trembling lip so painfully that you try to grip at the cloudy purple water. He's kind and you just feel so special. "How was work?" he asks, redirecting the conversation.
"Ugh," you deflate at the thought, twirling a daisy stem into Jaemin's hair distractedly. He accepts it with a cute smile. "I was assigned to sort out bills in the afternoon so my neck and shoulders are killing me. I never want to look down again." Your neck tilts back with the words and there is a small pop in your neck, bones cracking grossly to show Jaemin just how awful it has actually gotten.
"Oh, baby, do you want a massage for that?" Jaemin's not the best as massages, hands always a little too gentle and wandering with soft touches rather than helping to release stress. Yet you accept anyway, absolutely lovestruck that he'd even offer after all he's done to set up the bathroom alone.
His hands awkwardly twist around your shoulders, the angle of the bathtub not leaving much room for his arms to be properly placed. The tips of fingers meet your shoulders first, pushing in awkwardly to try and undo the knots in your muscles after a long day. God, does he suck at this.
"Thanks, Jaemin," you whisper, genuine and appreciative.
Receiving Gifts
Everything always seems to remind Jaemin of you; planned or spontaneous, big or small, expensive or cheap, bought or handmade. The feeling of a fluttering heart never fleets when the man offers you a gift, his adoration for you held in the palms of his hands, ready to be taken by your own.
Sometimes the amount he offers is concerning, both because of how empty his wallet is getting and in exchange, how much space is it all taking up. The bathroom drawers are filled with lipsticks and eyeshadows Jaemin wanted to see you in, the sink right above it with two rubber ducks in matching scarves that he'd bought because "look! They're just like us. Duck couple!" The wardrobe is getting packed and packed with every new shirt the man buys for you, knowing that you've been looking for something like that for a while now. The jar is going to overflow soon, rocks that Jaemin collected by the seaside all packed for a mix of colour and texture through the glass.
"Y/n!" he calls out, the tone of voice familiar, the same eager excitement of a child getting ready to show their parents a painting they did in class today. His footsteps pad up loudly, practically stomping as he sprints, and you turn around to a familiar sight.
Jaemin stands tall, not at all affected by the running, with strong shoulders and hands behind his back suspiciously. You pretend to be clueless, wouldn't want to ruin a surprise after all. "Yes?" you reply, fond but unaware.
He becomes overjoyed by your unknowing attitude, heels bouncing up and down in an animated manner as he does his best to hold back the giant grin growing on his lips. He fails miserably, obviously. If holding the gift behind his back wasn't enough, Jaemin's eyes always glow in an overjoyed thrill when giving you something, curious of your reaction. "Guess what I got you."
He's practically shining, glimmering with the way he's staring up at you with stars spinning around his head. "You got me something?" you chirp, lifting yourself happily and trying to take a peek behind the boy's shoulder. Jaemin, like always, dodges your advance and takes a step back, a playful smirk on his face when he shakes his head with a click of his tongue.
"No peeking," he bites his tongue, "I said guess."
You blank at him, blinking with absent eyes before grunting out a "no."
Jaemin gives up easily, shoulders drooping down before he rolls his eyes. Through a wistful smile, he mumbles, "I got this for you."
This is the same too, his timidity whenever actually giving it to you, regressing into a shy attitude once the time for your reaction comes around. It's probably when he's most anxious in your relationship. His feet fall flat and he watches with curled shoulders as you gape at the tiny cupcake that finds its way from behind his back.
It's red velvet in a white paper liner and pink hearts iced all over top. "It's adorable," you peep, bending down to get a closer look before taking into your own grasp first, "this is for me?"
"Well I was hoping we would share," he chuckles, "but yes, I bought them with you in mind."
The cake is room temperature in your fingers, feeling like butter as you peel off the wrapper. "That's so sweet of you," you gush, looking back up at Jaemin feeling like you're about to burst.
"There's more." He rushes back to the hallway and bends down for a small white box that you hadn't noticed before, too distracted by the singular cake that Jaemin originally approached you with. It's cardboard with a silk red bow wrapped around the handle, draping down the prism with romantic waves. You almost want to keep the box too. There are all sorts of red velvet cupcakes, all the same paper but with different rises, sprinkles, icing patterns, and colours.
They're too sweet to eat.
Quality Time
Jaemin is busy. Extremely so. Stressfully so. Any time he has to himself are balanced halves dedicated to you and sleeping. Sometimes you feel like a burden, always taking up every second he isn't working, time he could be using to unwind alone, but he insists.
Jaemin pushes that he loves to be with you, even when he's too emotionally drained to chat or stressed to even be touched, Jaemin accompanies you. It's the small walks together to the SM building before late night practice or the new restaurant he's wanted to try in Itaewon. He's around.
"I'm sorry we didn't watch the one you wanted," you apologise yet again, kicking at the footpath sadly with your hands folded behind your back. The movie you begged profusely to see was definitely not at all what you thought it'd be and now, regretful, you realise that maybe that comedic drama Jaemin originally took you out for might've been the better option.
"I already told you to not be," he groans playfully, knocking his shoulder into your own until you stumble at the edge of the footpath, toeing onto the road before hopping back up to push him aside in retaliation.
"I wasted your time though," you sigh, solemn again. The sound on Jaemin's feet on cement pause and you look up from your own shoes to see him standing behind you, arms crossed and lips in a pout. You rush to explain yourself, panicked by his displeasing expression, "we just don't know when you're going to be free next so the only time we had was used stupidly…"
Jaemin stands stoic, unmoving, until you slow yourself down and he softens at your shy purse of lips. "Don't be sorry," he begins, moving into your personal space with a reassuring tug of lips, murmuring, "any time spent with you is enjoyable, I love being with you, don't ever feel guilty, okay?"
You worry at your lip, eyes darting around the cinema's screens to observe every other movie's showing times. Jaemin frowns even deeper at this, taking your silence badly and brushing a delicate thumb down your jaw to grab your attention.
Holding eye contact, stare holding so much intent, Jaemin repeats, "okay?"
A shaky sigh runs out your chest but Jaemin is pleased, dropping his hand to grin down at you encouragingly, patient. "Okay," you chuckle, awkward but just as happy with yourself as he is.
"Now let's go to the arcade, I'm not done with you yet."
Physical Touch
Jaemin loves to touch everyone. His friends, family, strangers, and especially you. It's his encouraging pats on the backs in place of 'good job', his hugs that make you forget the entirety of anything that isn't his hold. It's his delicate kisses on the cheek that light up anyone's mood, teasing yet loving all the same. His hands are always everywhere, it's always weird to see Jaemin on his own, not connected with another.
His hands are always wandering, finding home on any bareskin they can find, bare or under fabric. The touch is warm most days, other than when it's dry and cold outside, his fingertips taking on the temperature, but otherwise Jaemin's hands are clammy and rough, padding against your skin gently.
"Hey!" Jaemin yells, kicking at Donghyuck, who had slid into the seat next to you right before your boyfriend could. They bicker over the spot, pushing at one another like children until Renjun cuts them off in annoyance, shoving the youngest to the front seat with a curt glare.
"It's okay, Nana," you pout, leaning toward the passenger seat with a reassuring smile. Your fingers tug at his sleeve lovingly, twirling the fabric around your thumb and watching it fall loose before Jeno politely asks you to buckle up already. "We can sit together on the way back."
There wasn't anything to be lost, his shoulder is probably cramped from reaching into the backseat the entire car trip, holding onto your own outstretched hand or your ankle, fingers dipping into the cuff of your jeans tenderly. Only thing more he needed was to lay on your shoulder on the drive home.
Kisses of all kinds are Jaemin's thing, he puckers his lips, all ugly and chapped, before leaning in with mischievous eyes to pepper any surface of skin with kisses. It's especially dreadful when he's just gotten his makeup done, tacky lip tints and glosses pressing marks of pink and glitter.
"Y/n! Come here," Jaemin waves his hands at you, calling you over to his vanity in the waiting room as the details of his hair get fixed for the second performance recording. His skin gleams grossly with sweat but he smiles so purely with so much affection that you can't help but approach the man with a mirrored look of adoration. It's hard to not ruffle his hair when he peers up at you cutely, the stylist pulling away until his head is facing the right way again.
You think of complimenting his performance but bite your tongue. Today isn't a praising sort of day for you and Jaemin. "What's up," you reply off handedly, tapping Jeno on the arm as he walks by to send the other man a thumbs up. He receives the gesture with a curt nod before going to get his own clothes fixed up.
Jaemin clicks his tongue and reaches for your hand, your fingertips now mildly damp from Jeno's own sweat, before pulling it up to his lips to place a small, sticky kiss. A small line is left on your knuckles, sheer red with silver glitter, and you cringe at the sight, internally melting at his sudden affections. Your boyfriend's lips tug up proudly before his hand weaves into yours silently, humming along to their song that plays in the background as your locked fingers settle on the arm of his chair.
Renjun steals Jaemin's attention from across the room but his thumb rubs along your pointer, gentle and present.
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
Out of Time
Cedric Diggory x Fem! Ravenclaw! Reader
Requested: yes
warnings: mentions of death, nausea, and one curse word (ass)
Word Count: 2508
Summary: Cedric’s crush is chosen to be Hogwarts champion and he can’t help but put off telling her about his feelings. But when he finally does, is it too late? ✧✧✧
Cedric moved quickly, he was on the edge of the right side of the castle and sure to be late to arithmancy that was so unfortunately held in the complete opposite side he was on.
He knew it was stupid, ridiculous really. The way he’d started to learn your schedule in order to casually bump into on your way to class. He’d never tell his friends about it either, rather answering that it just happened by chance, everyday, almost every class.  
The worst were the days when you didn’t even notice him. Usually when you saw him you’d offer a quick wave, gentle smile, anything that let him know you were aware of his presence. But some days you were in too much of a hurry, nose shoved in a textbook trying to cram the last bits of information into your pretty head before the test.
“Lovely of you to join us, Mr. Diggory.”
It was with seconds to spare that Cedric made it to class, and he kept his head low with a sheepish smile at the professor's jab. He got to his desk without any further issues and continued to daydream about his favorite girl.
He didn’t understand why he couldn’t just tell you of his feelings. You were friends, barely, but Cedric thought it enough to permit a date. And you never shied away from him, never rejected the hugs or cheek kisses. But something was stopping him, and each time he thought he'd mustered up the courage to ask you out on a proper date something in his mind would tell him that it just wasn’t the right time.
Cedric huffed as he pulled out his quill, having put off the inevitable long enough, and got to work on the first few arithmancy problems put on the blackboard.
“Oi! Ced, you gonna put your name in the cup?” Ernie Macmillan called from a few feet away.
Cedric and his friends had a free period, all of them deciding to go take a look at the elusive Goblet of Fire.
“Not unless you do it first.” Cedric laughed.
There was no way he’d compete in some tournament, he had enough responsibilities as it was.
Ernie gave a sarcastic laugh as he caught up with Cedric’s group, “Oh I’d love to, really, the possibility of getting killed always seemed rather exciting, but I’m under age. Right shame, that is.”
“Oh sure it.” One of Cedric’s friends commented before pulling Ernie into a headlock, a friendly gesture for sure, but Ernie did not appreciate the manhandling seeing as it messed up his robes and hair.
“Ced, I’d walk tall if I were you.” The same friend that had Ernie in a headlock whispered to Cedric.
Cedric didn’t need to ask what he meant, not when he walked into the room where the goblet was and there you were sitting with a few of your housemates, all adorned in the blue and silver scarves evidently to keep warm from the fresh rain that fell.
You were whispering about something with your friends, a square of paper held carefully between your finger tips. He connected the dots and assumed you were deciding on whether or not to put your name in the Goblet, and that was enough motivation for him.
“Ernie give me a piece of paper.”
“What? You're serious?” Ernie asked incredulously.
Cedric nodded, as he turned around hastily, “Yeah, come on mate, give me a piece of paper.”
You were making your way to the goblet already.
Cedric was quick to write his name and school before jogging toward you, only hoping the cup could read his rushed handwriting.
“Y/n, are you putting your name in?” He attempted to make small talk, watching as you paused just before the age line.
“Huh? Oh, yeah. You too?” You asked, the task at hand and now the boy making you rather nervous.
Cedric looked down at his paper with a nonchalant shrug, “Oh yeah, thought I might try my luck.”
“Come on, Ced!”
“Yeah, put it in Ced!”
He cringed at the calls from his friends, but relaxed as he watched you giggle at their antics.
“Together?” You asked, a small smile playing on your lips as you nudge your head in the direction of the goblet.
Cedric nodded and you both walked past the age line and to the cup, hands reaching up simultaneously. He gave a countdown before you both dropped your names in, and lucky you did it when you did because the Weasley twins were running in and starting a raucous around the area.
“I’ll see you later, Ced.” You waved at him as you walked back to your friends.
The time had come and Cedric sat at the Hufflepuff table with his knee bouncing. Truthfully he regretted putting his name, what if he is called? He can’t handle school, quidditch, clubs, and a tournament. So he begged Merlin his name would not be coming out of that list.
With two down and one to go, he got even more nervous. This was it, and he did not have a good feeling about this.
“And the Hogwarts Triwizard Champion is… Y/n L/n.”
He let out a breath upon first realization that it wasn't him. Then he paused for a moment as he thought about the name that had been called, your name had been called. He whipped his head around to find you in the crowd of cheering Ravenclaws, somehow spotting your wide smile just as you were being pushed to join Dumbledore. He caught your eye and offered a thumbs up as you just shrugged, face glowing with excitement and pride.
With the first task Cedric watched from the edge of his seat. You were battling a dragon and he wished it were him instead of you. And as you managed to get the egg, leaving the battle with a few burns and bruises but alive, he planned to ask you out. He’d finally be able to ask you out on the date he’s been planning in his mind for so long.
But then he saw you celebrating with your friends, and as you turned to look at him with soot on your face and a beaming smile he thought,
Maybe I should wait, let her celebrate then I’ll ask.
Then the Yule Ball was coming up and he decided he’d just have to ask you, only every time he tried his mind stopped his mouth from forming the words, and each time he had to live through the flash of disappointment that would cross your face when you realized he wasn’t going to ask you.
And when he did ask you to the Yule Ball, it was completely not how he thought it would go, the day still haunts him.
Cedric was on his way to your first class, he was planning to ask you to the Yule Ball. Today was the day, he decided, today was the day he was going to suck it up and start a relationship with you.
You were waiting just outside of the classroom, he had five minutes.
“Y/n, can I speak to you for a moment?”
Nodding, you broke away from your friends to a secluded area a few feet away.
“What’s up, Ced?” You looked up at him and he could’ve sworn he’d melt.
“Would you- Do you want to go to the Yule Ball… with me?” He asked, the heat on his cheeks making him more nervous.
“Oh, Cedric.” That was not the tone he was expecting.
You hated to tell him, really you did, and you wished he would’ve asked sooner but he didn’t and there was nothing you could do without being a complete ass.
“Someone’s already asked me. I’m going with George Weasley.”
It was one of his more embarrassing moments that he wished not to talk about. He left you to go to class with assurance that all was well and the next week he asked Cho to accompany him.
The dance was fun though it would’ve been better if he didn’t have to watch you and George dance together, leaning impossibly close to each other as you tried to speak over the music, and the slow dances were by far the most painstaking, but Cedric got through it.
The second task came around and again Cedric found himself, knee bouncing, lip biting, on the edge of his seat as he waited for you to come up from the water. His cheers were deafening the moment he saw you break through the surface of the water, best friend in tow. You had come in first place and Cedric was more than happy upon noticing that George was not the one you were saving from the lake, meaning you were still free and single. He decided the perfect time to tell you would be after the entire tournament, stress of the tasks gone, he’d be able to finally ask you out.
When the third task started rounding the corner, Cedric realized his crush had turned to something more. The way your hair fell, your laugh sounded, and voice floated through the air like the sweetest song. He was completely in love with you, your kindest and your wisdom, and your terrible habit of procrastinating that caused you to walk around with your know shoved in a book on certain days, a telltale sign that you had a test in the coming class. And maybe if he had told you about his feelings sooner, he would’ve known that your feelings mirrored his exactly.
“Ced, mate, she’ll be fine. Stop bouncing your leg, you're shaking the whole bloody row.” His friend tried to assure him, the annoyance of Cedric’s movement evident in his tone.
Cedric didn’t have the heart to tell him that it wasn’t her safety that had him anxious, he knew you were beyond capable of not only getting through the maze but getting through first. What made him anxious was that this was the last task and he no longer had the safety net of telling himself he’d wait until after the tournament to tell you about his feelings. He was less than excited about a possible rejection.
The task went on, hours turned to minutes, and now his anxiety was starting to tilt more toward your safety as the time ticked. It didn’t help when Fleur and Viktor forfeited, each looking worse than the other. But he was able to calm himself enough to listen to his friends gab on as he waited for you and Harry to make your way back.
The scream was what caught his attention, he had been turned listening Ernie talk about anything and everything to pass the time. The scream sounded painful, an ear splitting, blood curdling scream that made him wince. His eyes followed Fleur's eyeline, and his heart dropped as he caught sight of you on the floor with Harry shaking over you.
Cedric was out of his seat instantly, making his way down to where you were. He wasn’t shy with pushing people out of his way, making sure he got to you, making sure you were alright.
“She told me to bring her body back. She told me to bring her body back and then she just stopped moving.” Harry cried.
Cedric felt himself freeze at the words. Your body. He had never heard of anyone referring to someone as a body, at least not someone living. The words flashed through his mind as he threw himself to the ground next to you. Your body, not you, not Y/n, just your body, as if you weren't there.
“Get Madam Pomfrey, she’s not dead. Not yet.” Dumbledore said to Snape, his voice carrying a deadly seriousness as he went from telling people what to do for you and listening to Harry as he yelled about someone being back.
Everything happened very quickly, within the next hour you had been taken to the medical wing and had been treated for your injuries. Hexes and dark magic Cedric had never even heard of, you were now being treated for and he couldn’t help but curse himself as he was losing hope in you recovering.
Now at hour five, you had been in this room longer than you had been in that maze. Cedric refused to leave, no matter the pushes and pleas from Madam Pomfrey and even his head of house, Professor Sprout.
He wouldn’t leave, not now, not ever. He had wasted too much time waiting and now he was paying for it as you made him wait, wait for an answer as to whether or not you’d pull through.
The chair he was sitting in was unforgiving on his back, but the dull ache was of no importance to him at the moment. With his hand holding your smaller, colder, and paler one, he couldn’t bring himself to care about his dull pains.
“I’m too late.” He admitted to himself, suddenly feeling the tears sting his eyes.
“I always thought I had time, time to tell you that I love- I love you, Y/n.”
You were silent, hand still limp and it made his heart hurt.
“My beautiful Y/n,” He brought his hand to gently caress your face, “I fell in love with your smile, it was always the best part of my day, and the look you give me in class whenever something funny would happen. I fell in love with the way your hair would glow in the sun, giving you a halo that seemed so natural around your head. And I fell in love with the way you procrastinate, yet somehow manage to get incredibly high marks on your tests, and the way you’d light up any room you walked into. I fell in love with you, Y/n.” He gave a sad laugh at his rambling that turned to a choked breath.
Cedric feared the worst, that he had truly wasted his time waiting.
He froze. The sound was small, almost missed but it most definitely was not from him.
You let out another sound, and your eyebrows furrowed this time.
“It’s alright, I’m here.” Cedric cooed as he moved closer to your head.
“Yeah, it’s me, it’s Cedric. You’re ok, love, just relax.”
You shook your head as you tried to sit up, eyes opening just barely, but the movement made you incredibly nauseous so you decided against it. You had heard him, you heard everything but it was difficult for you to tell him you felt the same way at the moment.
“Mmm,  love you.” It was all you could manage before you had to close your eyes again and take a moment to recuperate.
“Yeah, love you, can I get you any- what?” Cedric paused.
“Love you too, Ced.” You smiled, eyes still closed.
Cedric felt his heart soar, you were alive, you were alright, and you were in love with him.
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palbabor-writes · 3 years
Haikyuu Kink/Fetish Headcanons pt. ii
☞ includes: Tōru Oikawa, Takahiro Hanamaki, Hajime Iwaizumi, Issei Matsukawa, Shinsuke Kita, Aran Ojiro, Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya, Rintarō Suna
this will be a four part series! part i part ii features Aoba Johsai & Inarizaki
✎ notes: hi. sorry for the delay. as some of you might have seen on the news, the state of Texas, uh, froze over last week - i’m still getting everything back together so bear with me!
also. completely left out Matsukawa & realized it right before i posted this - fixed & added now but might have gone a little ham on his so...yw?
this is all post-timeskip. all boys are their 2021 ages - so most 3rd years are 26 - 27 & 2nd years are 25 - 26. didn’t do any of the 1st year boys because most still feel like small rays of pure sunshine to me.
once again, massive, massive shoutout to @albinoburrito - she and i have been working on these for weeks & she is amazing with her help, edits & ideas - love yew sis!
⤫ warnings:  again, if the title didn’t give it away, this is fulllll of sexual kinks - they will switch up for each character, for all parts, but there will be mentions of bdsm, overstimulation, degradation, power play, exhibitionism, and many, many others so SMUT/18+ only please & thank you
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☞ Aoba Johsai:
Tōru Oikawa
Certainly has a praise kink & there’s nothing he loves more than hearing how much you like his pretty face and fit physique - he’ll tell you it’s all for you, but you should always call him on that lie - ‘really Tōru? you do all that for me and not because you’re, I don’t know, a professional volleyball player?’ ‘ugh, how dare you - are you insinuating I don’t also do this for you?? for the woman I love?? I guess romance really is dead, huh.’ though it’s not just physical traits he wants praise for - tell him how good he makes you feel, how appreciative you are of him, as a lover and as a partner - after all, he’s someone who has worked hard his entire life and hasn’t always reaped the benefits of that effort - having the person he loves tell him they’ve seen his struggles and they’re supporting him 120% - there’s nothing more that makes his heart swell and, at times, his dick twitch
So, so much cock worship - like it is expected, likely given to you in writing when you first get together - it’s a must, must, must - he’s the worst person you’ll ever meet, but you know you wanna travel the world with him - hell, you’d go to Argentina for this man and, let’s be honest, for his impressive dick - so make sure you tell him this, and constantly
Super romantic with everything he does - sometimes it’s over the top, he’s scattered rose petals at least ONCE and yes he was offended when you had the audacity to laugh at the cliche, but his actions are always so heartfelt because when he falls, it’s hard and it’s deep & he wants to hear how much you liked it, gasping and grinning at each other, and how much you love him 
With looks in mind, katoptronophilia is a given - he has two mirrors in the bedroom, one is by the window (to check if outfits look good in natural light, really Tōru?) and one is placed catty corner to the wall but has the perfect view of the bed, and one of his favorite things to do is to pull you up and fuck you in front of one of them - you both look so fucking good & how can he not want to see all of that?
This man is a bratty switch, bottom leaning - he is in control of the court and his team all the time and I think he would enjoy taking off that crown in the bedroom - however, he wants you to put some effort in to dominating him, what do you expect from a man who works hard for everything in life, and if you’re with him, you probably enjoy the challenge - sometimes he’ll do the whole: ‘of course, it’s all you!’ & then halfway through he’s whining that it’s not fair that he has to put up with this - ‘why are you being so rough??’
He does like the idea of play wrestling, too, but he’d act so whiny during it ‘oww, that really hurts! don’t hurt the man you love!’ ‘okay now you’re just being mean here, this isn’t fun anymore’ - though that’s all part of his plan - he’ll totally flip things around the second you let up to chastise him - however, he’ll never object to letting you rightfully win so he can enjoy being pinned under your thighs
Edging is something he certainly likes - namely, for him - he enjoys when you get him right up to that release, where he’s starting to throb and is so close, just a little more, and ahhh - you just let all of the pressure and tension still, holding his hips down and watching him squirm as he tries to gather himself back together - he’ll complain, breathlessly, but that flush running up his neck and those moans and whines he keeps giving you say something completely different 
Breath play - he’d be open to receiving it more than giving it, though I don’t think he’d like a hand wrapped around his throat because that is a little too aggressive for his tastes- he would enjoy it with scarves or stockings, your thumbs pressing into his pressure points, less actual choking and more of the teasing aspect of it - the competition of seeing how long he can last with this tightening pressure, and that measured control you have on him, it’s all very sexy (you will have to remind him, though, of keeping his safety in mind and not, I don’t know, trying to outdo his record of breath control during your last session) 
Totally has a lingerie/stocking/ thigh high sock kink - if you go out of your way to wear a set of lingerie that accentuates your everything, he’s not going to just take, or god forbid, rip, it off - he’s going to have you keep that shit ON, it looks so good on your body, it feels so nice against his skin, and he will be enjoying it for as long as he can
So as you can guess, down for clothed sex for sure - you’re both dressed to kill, you look so sexy, so let’s appreciate this moment more - most of the time it’s because there’s no way he can keep his hands off of you for another second - not when you look that good!! *note: none of this plays out outside the home
Big into aftercare - likes the pampering and the extra-ness of it - it’s more of a shared activity, whatever you’re doing to him, or he’s doing to you, he’ll want to reciprocate at all costs - you both draw a bath together and massage sore muscles - taking care of each other after getting wrecked is something that can be so romantic…
Speaking of massages, he’d like prostate massages - they feel oh so good especially while you’re also going down on him - but, if you’re wanting to try pegging, he’d need to be worked up to it - however there are times when he cannot resist seeing just how much you can make him submit to you - that power looks good on you and pegging is the ultimate form of domination to him
Begging, but just for you? He lowkey loves when he can get you to a level of frustration that he gets to pull some ‘oh...what was that? I’m sorry, can I get that again?’ ‘I really couldn’t hear you, babe, can you say that again - do you need something?’ he just wants you telling him how much you want him, no need him, and it boosts his ego tenfold
lights on kinda guy - also lowkey scared of the dark - ‘wait, what was that?’ ‘Tōru, calm down.’ ‘NO! what that’s in the corner!’ ‘uh, a chair, it’s been there.’ ‘but what’s ON it!?’ ‘your jacket...’
Cunnilingus/Face sitting kink HARD - he takes absolute pride in getting you off with just his tongue - likely has it timed to a science and can read every twitch and jolt that your body makes - absolute king level shit, knows just what you like and what to do to have you orgasming hard, thighs squeezing his head and hands gripping his hair for dear life
He loves to put on a show for you and is likely very into mutual masturbation - just having you work yourself into a gasping mess while he’s looking on makes him so hard and he likes to see how long you both can hold out - he will balk at exhibitionism however - he’s a little too famous for that as the captain of the Argentinian volleyball team & I do see him as someone who would be possessive of you - so he wouldn’t like anyone walking in on the two of you and it’s just not worth the risk - ‘oikawa, diva!’ is what a fan would say and I feel like he would just shove you back where you can’t be seen and literally strut away, internally panicking
No marking or leaving big hickies - again, he’s got an image to keep up here
Sorry ladies, no impact play - omg he hates being hit & i don’t think he’d hit you - like, literally you asked him to slap you once, and he just pressed an open palm to your face with a winced look, gently pressing on your cheek & you were like: ‘wtf did you just do???’  it was so embarrassing for him that sex was over for the night - he can’t do this, the conviction it takes, he does not have    
Takahiro Hanamaki
Begging, yes - he likes to see how you react to him, especially when you’re at your neediest - come on, let’s be honest, you sound so good when you’re whimpering for him, how could he not like it? He won’t goad you too much, but he can’t help giving a few prompts of ‘hmm? got something to say?’ ‘man, you should see yourself - and hear yourself too’
More of a mental bondage kinda guy - he’d rather give you instructions, tell you to keep still for him, and see how long your resolve can hold - it’s so fun to see how focused your expression looks while your body twitches reactively to his touch
Breath play, always - his preference is to do this on you, rather than it being done to him - he always starts with his hand lightly wrapped around your throat, which he likes to do just to check if you’re down to indulge him in this - soon as he gets the green light, it’s all about those pressure points - he’ll grip your neck in just the right spots that have you writhing and seeing spots in your vision, your fingers tapping out the rhythm for release - as a rule, he never uses his entire hand because he likes to see how steady he can keep his control so he only ever uses a few fingers to create the pressure - in general, he’s an observant guy & I think he’d like to watch as you come back down from that high, body jolting and reedy moans leaving your throat
Breast play- if you can’t tell, this man lives to see you arching and contorting under his fingertips - loves, loves, loves to see you squirm - so whether it’s with his fingers or teeth, he’s going to be flicking, pulling, licking, nipping, and sucking along your breasts and giving special attention to your nipples - plus, you let out the sweetest little mewls and gasps and those are his favorite sounds!
He’s very into clothed sex - there’s just something about the way your breath hitches and he loves when you shiver into him - biting on your lower lip and letting out those shaky exhales - so he enjoys to tease you under your clothes - see how far you’ll let him get and if all that heavy petting happens to turn into a quickie against the nearest surface with your dress hiked up to your stomach? well, that just sounds perfect, dont’cha think? Speaking of which…
He’s very down for exhibitionism, and it often ties into his kink for clothed sex - he really love to tease you in public and get you into a breathless, half aroused state - keep in mind, while he’s doing all this, he’d give you such a hard time when you want to try and fuck in the corner, or down an alleyway, or in a bathroom - ‘babe! stop! we’re in public. what’s gotten into you?’ and he just keeps that up, even as he is pressing you into the closest wall and teasing at the top of your pants. ‘stop! I don’t know why you’re being like that!’ he says all of this with such a shit eating grin on his face
Cunnilingus kink & loves to use it for that sweet, sweet control - he really gets off on seeing you gasping and moaning as he tongue fucks you right to the edge and then leaves you there - you know it’s gonna happen, you know, he always does this, but you hold out hope this will be the time he lets you cum all over his mouth - he’s great at using your desperation against you 
If a dildo and his dick in your pussy makes you a sopping mess, then fuck yes he’s down for double penetration - he loves how tight it makes you - He wasn’t sure if you’d be as into this one as he was but he’s so glad he mentioned and you were down, and even better, you were just as into it as he was - In fact, he just bought a new toy this last week and is so excited to try it out on you
When it comes to play wrestling, he lets you think that you’ve got him, that this time you really have pinned him down and are taking control this time, and sometimes it really seems like you did, because honestly he’ll let you have your moment of domination every once in awhile - but the moment you gloat or try to push too hard, well, you’re forfeiting your position in the blink of an eye and he’s back on top, grinning at the indignant look on your face
If you’re ticklish, he’d get into foot play - it’s fun to lightly run fingers along the soles of your feet and watch your entire leg kick reflexively into his awaiting hands - he loves to snatch you by your ankles and pull you forward when he’s got a hold of your jolted leg - he’ll also find your feet in mid air and tickle them to watch your legs strain and hips jump from the teasing - plus he’s never against massaging and kissing your toes until you’re a giggling mess under him - it’s all about seeing how you react to him
Totally into impact play - he likes how it sounds - the soft pops and the sharp whacks and watching how your body responds to the sudden sensations - he loves to play around with speed and tempo, and you never quite know what he’ll do - he wants to see how much you can take and what kind of moans he can draw out with each smack
Hajime Iwaizumi
Begging? yes, always and forever - tell him how badly you want him and he will do everything he can to get you past the point where you won’t be able to do anything else besides babble his name - so, be warned - he won’t be doing much begging for you, though, I mean, he will try, but it will mostly be over-dramatic and come off insincere ‘baby, pleeeease, give it to me, ugh….’ ‘hajime, you sound like a bad porn star, you can stop’ he’s not trying to be rude or funny, he’s just not wired that way & likely never will be, sorry, not sorry - if you’re with him & you have a begging kink, well...
Bondage, duh, yeah cue obligatory all of it - he’s into the works: blindfolds, rope tie ups, handcuffs (fuzzy and metal are both allowed and encouraged), maybe a little bit of suspension play too - for one thing, he thinks it looks really sexy & I’d see him being game to try anything and everything with this kink - I would even see him being into some of those more avant-garde and uncommon forms of bondage - think full four poster spread that has you completely at his mercy and the way you’re displayed has him rubbing his hands together in excitement when he pulls back to see his finished work - he’s always willing to try new things, so open for suggestions, ladies….
With all this in mind, he is certainly into breath play - loves to see your lips trembling and likes how you bare your throat  as it arches under his fingers - he loves how imposing and powerful his hands look as they wrap around your neck - that’s probably the biggest reason why this kink attracts him so much- he’s got some pretty fine looking hands, attached to some even better looking arms - he’s worked hard to maintain that muscle as a trainer, and he loves to see your eyes following the line of his forearms that lead to his biceps - plus the way you grip onto those arms while he’s gradually squeezing around your neck really gets to him - he’d let you do it to him too, especially if you happen to be riding him, he enjoys feeling all of your control and doesn’t mind you using his neck to help yourself stay balanced as you’re shifting up on your knees and lowering yourself back onto him
Rather than edging you, he’s going to want you to come well, and often - he’s always doing his best to make you an overstimulated, quivering mess - he likes the feel of you fluttering around him and how you can’t keep your hips from bucking no matter how hard he holds them down - he likes seeing you lose that control and it lets him reap all of the benefits of your many releases
Total boob guy - worship is a must, must, must for him, he loves them, no matter the size or shape he thinks they’re so soft and beautiful….so he’s out here kissing, licking, sucking,  and even pinching sometimes - just honestly going to town on them every chance he gets  - & absolutely would have a lactation kink - thinking of them even plusher, filled, and leaking mmm
Speaking of licking and sucking - this man will leave you splattered with love bites and mismatched patches of lip sucked skin - this isn’t limited to his mouth, because his hands are always leaving behind some fingermarks and bruises all along your hips and upper thighs - he likes the possessiveness of it all - seeing those marks, especially if they’re juuuust visible under your shirt or ever your shorts and skirts, it’s a visual representation of his want for you and shows that you’re all his - he’ll also like you to reciprocate this - feel free to bite against his biceps when he’s pinning you down, or leave him a nice scattering of hickies across his neck and shoulder, please? *ok, maybe there’s one thing he’ll beg for :3c
Impact play goes hand in hand with his marking kink & he honestly can’t help it? If it looks good, which all of you does, well, he’s gotta hit it, literally - besides just hearing your moans and those breathy gasps whenever he lands a solid pop gets him so hard - and if that smack leaves a nice, bright mark, all the better
Breeding kink/Cream pie kiiiink to the max - he wants to fill you up until you’re absolutely soaking and loves watching it as it runs down your thighs - but some days he likes to trap it under the flat of his palm, holding you still as he makes sure you keep every last drop - the mating press is totally his second favorite position - he’s not necessarily trying to get you pregnant, but he can’t help himself, it all goes back to that possessiveness - ‘look at you, such a dirty girl, taking all my cum like that’ ‘you want me to give you more? I can - I can go all night.’ 
When it comes to clothed sex, could totally see this man rushing home to you, dropping his gym bag at the door, kicking it shut behind him, and pinning you down, or up, no matter what you’re doing - you can worry about taking everything off later, right now he just wants you anyway he can get you - he’ll shove whatever he needs to to the side or down to get to you - don’t worry, he won’t let those pesky panties be in his way for too long!
Honestly Aoba Johsai grads are all the reigning champions of pussy eating, so it should come as no shock that he thinks about your cunt constantly - to the point where you’ll finish taking a shower, walk into the bedroom, and he’s not even pretending to pay attention to the book in his hands, his eyes sharp, nose flared, tongue tracing his lips hungrily, watching you move toward him - you won’t even have a chance to gasp before he’s trapping you under him - he loves to spread you out and eat often and well
Degradation: omg. he will degrade you to the moon and back if you’re comfortable with it - loves to call you his slut, his whore - ‘look at you, all fucking panting for my cock, you’re such a pretty bitch and you’re all mine’ 
His proclivity for discipline will certainly come into play every once in awhile - usually he reserves this for more playful interactions - not things that happen in everyday life, but if you start to fight against his control in the bedroom, well, he’ll need to make sure you know there’s a surprise that’s in store for you soon - keep in mind, he loves when you fight against his control! there’s nothing he loves more than seeing you resist him - he likes the back talk and that snarky brattiness you slip into - besides, it’s a lot more fun when you’re giving him a run for his money 
Speaking of brattiness, he loves to play wrestle with you - but don’t not fool yourself, this is a losing game - for you that is - however, he does like to see you get all worked up and breathy - it’s so cute and when you try to trash talk him whenever you do get the upper hand for those precious few moments? he lives for it, knowing he’s going to flip you right over and keep you there
While he would like to face fuck you, he wants you to be prepped for this specific kink - so be ready for lots of practice - he’ll sink a little further each session, make you get used to gulping and heaving around his dick, but he’ll never rail into you without a warning - but once you’re both ready? oooh, it feels so good when your throat is clenching around him - and if you sneak a few peeks up at him? god, you look so beautiful like this, he’s not sure he can ever get enough of it  
Issei Matsukawa
He is a shell you’ll have to crack into - be mindful of that - & it helps to be friends first - many of these kinks he’ll need to work up to, but if he has that trust and established comfort built in from the get go, you’re golden - he strikes me as someone who is purely monogamous, dedicated and loyal - and he would more possessive and private so don’t expect exhibitionism, likely under any circumstances - you’re for his eyes only and he’s not about to share any of that perfection with anyone else
More of a switch, I think he’d be fine with you in control - he’d like the back and forth, the pseudo-struggle, the snappy comments and teasing, but I don’t think he’d be too preoccupied with who wins, or who happens to lose these little power struggles - if you’re having a good time, than so is he 
He’s got something of a massage fetish - the second you start to rub your warm hands over his broad shoulders, he’s already half hard and ready for more - he really likes it when you make it into a whole deal, asking him to lay down on the bed and popping out the scented oils - there’s something about that pressure of your fingertips and if you sit across the dip of his back, oh fuck yes - he loves when he can feel your thighs tensing and shifting over him as you move upward to reach that patch of tense muscles by his shoulder blades, hands slick with oil, that will cause some deep, low moans to rumble from his chest 
He loves the reactions that sensation play can drag out of you - however, when he brings this kink out he likes to take his time - so he usually saves it for longer sessions - all that extra planning and care is worth the wait and lets him go nice and slow, which is just what he likes - he’s even found the ideal blindfold for you - it wraps perfectly around your head and blocks out all possible light, plus it’s so soft - once he’s dimmed your vision he’ll start out with his fingers, tracing them up and down over your skin until you’re leaning forward, chasing after his touch, leaning forward to try and pinpoint his next move - then he’ll move onto other stimulants like warm massage oils, or sleek, stainless steel toys that he can heat up over your flushed skin, rubbing them up and down until you’re a gasping mess    
The blindfold play alone has opened new worlds for him with other forms of sensory deprivation as well and he’s always eager to try out something new -  namely ear plugs or headphones to utilize music - he’s got a playlist that he likes to break out for the two of you while things are getting heated - and he’s played it so often now that even hearing those songs outside of the bedroom can get you twitching and wet and him half hard - for earplugs, the sensation of touch goes through the roof when he pairs it with the blindfold and he just can’t get enough of how your reactions are intensified from it all
While the sensation play can tie into bondage, he usually prefers to hold you down with just his hands rather than ropes or handcuffs - he’s a tactile guy and there’s just something about watching you arch and writhe under his palms alone - the shift as he readjusts you and the long line that your body makes when he pulls you up, stretching you against the sheets - ugh, you look so good, he’ll take a minute to admire that form a little longer...
However, with all of this in mind, if you’re really into something and have some kinks of your own, he’d take the time to indulge you in what you like - he’s a go with the flow kinda guy, and frankly unless he really doesn’t like it, he’ll be good for whatever you want anytime you want it 
Cock worship - he was not expecting to be as down for this as he was - it slipped out of you one day and he felt all of the blood in his body run directly to his dick - ‘what...what did you say?’ ‘that I love your cock, it’s so thick and god, you’re practically leaking all over my hand now, I can’t wait to taste it’ ‘oh. uh, I mean, fuck...can...can you say that again?’  
Does he have a cunnilingus kink? um, yes, yes he does - this man does be loving to eat and your pussy is the perfect meal - usually, he likes to catch you when you’re distracted - ‘you can keep watching that...i’ll just be down here…’ kinda thing, as yanks your pants and panties down, spreading your legs along the couch and helping himself
Another thing he loves indulging in when he’s eating you out is edging - there’s something about the idea of holding out for the big finish - his hips bucking upwards as he ruts into thin air - it makes him feel tingly and lightheaded and that final push to release is always worth it, even if it comes hours later, leaving him tired but completely sated and satisfied  
Dirty talking? this man will dirty talk you within an inch of your life - and if he finds out that you have a thing for his voice, babe, you’re such a goner - ‘feel good? do you like how that feels? want more? lay back for me, oh fuck, your pussy’s so tight like this. look at you, you’re practically dripping all over my hand. such a good girl, taking me so deep.’ just on and on and on until all you can hear is his voice
Total titty and ass man - if it’s soft and round, he’s down - he loves running his hands along your dips and curves and sinking his calloused fingers into your plush softness, fuck, that feels good
Teasing is one of his favorite things to do with you - this can slip outside of the bedroom, but it’s usually limited to whispered murmurs or veiled promises of what’s to come - he’s slick about it too - stepping over to your side and wrapping his arm around your waist as he leans down, the gentle push of his breath making your skin prickle with excitement - in a blink, he’ll be stepping away again but he loves seeing you bite your lip and that sweet laugh that will echo his declarations - and once the two of you are alone, damn, he will not let up, easily falling into some wickedly smooth jabs and bursts of dirty talk as he strips you down  
He’s got a huge hyphephilia kink - he just loves how your skin warms up as he slips his palms or his lips over whatever’s been bared to him - he knows it’s likely bordering on an obsession and sometimes it’s all he can do to keep his hands off of you, but he can’t help it - you’re intoxicating and he can’t believe how lucky he is to have you 
Definitely into play fighting and wrestling - he’ll let you win the bouts - how could he not? do you even realize how pretty your face is when you smile? and you always give him the best ones when you can knock off his hold - how could he possibly not let you win? ok, ok, sometimes his well honed competitive streak will come out, he can’t help it, but he always goes out of his way to give you a chance - besides, what’s better than being trapped under your thighs? nothing, that’s what 
For food play he’ll likely prefer things that he can lick off of you - think peanut butter, melted chocolate or light dustings of granulated sugar - this kink will go hand in hand with his doraphilia proclivity - the heady taste of something sweet on your skin sends him, literally, he’ll be so hard after a few laps of his tongue that he can hardly wait to get the rest off of you, drunk on the deliciousness of your splayed body 
Enjoys a good deal of frottage while heading to the bed room - if things get heated in the kitchen, or the living room, you better believe that he’s rutting up against you as much as he can - it helps to lessen that pressure and he loves the sensation of the rough push against his dick even through all his layers
For a clothed sex kink, well, he’s a busy guy and sometimes it’s all he can do to keep his hands off of you the second he drops his bag off his shoulder and kicks the front door shut - doesn’t matter what you’re wearing, or doing, he wants you and he wants you now and he’s not about to let a few layers get in his way of that - ‘come on, damn get this shirt off,’ he’s been missing you and he thinks he’s gonna bust if he has to wait any longer - he does strike me as a ‘fuck off frustrations’ kind of guy & if you’re down to indulge him in that he’ll be so, so happy - he’s not trying to hurt you but sometimes it’s nice to just slack all of that stress off between your slick thighs and rut against you as fast as he can with all of that pent up energy
Impact play is a must - once more it’s all about the way your skin heats up under his hand, but the satisfying clap of his palm against your curves is nothing to sneeze at either - it just feels so good and look at how you shivered when he made contact and...and was that a moan? yeah, you better believe he’s going to love working you up as he steadys you to sit over his dick - that’s right, he much prefers that you’re riding him when he lets loose - it gives him the best view of your face and that clench and answering wetness from your cunt is too addictive
Speaking of hands, can see this man having a quirofilia kink - while he likes how his broad grip stretches across you, he likes the way your hands look even more, especially when they’re nicely manicured and wrapped around the thick girth of his cock - that curl and stretch of the digits and the feel of them as they work their way up to the tip is heaven and he’ll never tire of that sight - he also loves interlacing his fingers with yours, so expect a lot of hand holding and stroking when you’re out and about
Very into pampering for you both - while he’s content with his job, it is one that can be mentally taxing - there’s a lot of emotional build up that comes with working in a funeral home - so I think he’d be over the moon if you made a special evening or weekend for him - it doesn’t need to be fancy, or over the top - just something that the two of can share together, without any real obligations where you’re just giving him some undivided attention - if you’d mentioned a movie you wanted to see with him, a new bar you wanted to check out that you’d both love, or even just an uninterrupted get away together (think a small daycation) he loves that you thought of him when planning these things and wants to be sure to make that time absolutely perfect for you, too - he’s very, very into self care & time spent with you is its own form of that for him
Like’s marking but only on places you can’t see - you gave him a hickey on his neck and all of his other coworkers didn’t stop ribbing him for a week - deadass, they gave him the makeup you put on corpses to cover it up so it wasn’t showing for a funeral they were hosting and he regretfully has had to tell you to never do that again, go a little easier next time, but sometimes he still lets you get carried away - he likes the fact that the marks signify he’s yours and you’re his - don’t worry, he’ll get you back for any stray love bites, how can he not?
*omfg. it’s so long. we really said Matsukawa supremacy, huh? jesus. well, too late now...
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☞ Inarizaki:
Shinsuke Kita
I do see him having a deep seated fascination with bondage - the first time he tried it with you he was absolutely insistent on mental & command based restraints only - but something was missing - sure, knowing he had that control over you was a heady rush but he wanted more - the first set of ties are loose - they tickle against your ankles and your wrists & he’s cautious to let you know that at any point, you can wiggle your way out - but when he leans back on his haunches and sees you, hoisted and pinned - completely at his mercy - oh. well, this is it - and if you suggest that the two of you indulge in this kink for your next romp that sly grin and brightening of his sharp eyes is just beautiful
For body worship, his actions speak louder than words - every chance he gets he’ll rest a broad palm against your curves - his fingers pressing and squeezing until you’re sucking in those quick little gasps that he loves so much - if he had to pick a favorite part of you, he’d always gallantly tell you that he adores everything about you, but again, his actions tend to echo back to what he truly prefers - and he has a deep, deep fascination with the slopes of your breasts - he’s not concerned with the size, the shape of your areola, or the sensitivity - he just can’t help but suck and kiss them; they’re perfect and, best of all, they’re all for him
This guy, this guy right here, would love it if you told him how perfect his cock was - the first time you let your praise slip out he’d blinked down at you, mouth agape, eyes wide and asked if you’d elaborate, please? - he wasn’t expecting that shiver to travel up his spine and the way you smiled as you repeated your words had him giving a low groan, his cheeks heating up  - you might have created a monster here because now that he’s had it, he doesn’t think he can live without it anymore
A cunnilingus kink is an emphatic yes - at first he didn’t think he was that good at it, but practice makes perfect, right - and this man is nothing if not a perfectionist - he makes eating you out part of his routine, something that’s so ingrained and expected that you can feel yourself dripping each day, cunt pulsing out a broken tattoo, waiting for his hungry lips - he comes in for his daily break, wiping sweat from his brow, and fixing you with a pointed look - be ready to stop whatever you’re doing around the farm since you’re his afternoon snack 
I do see him having a bit of a discipline kink - nothing too crazy, he’s not about to lock you up, or bring outside frustrations into the bedroom - but I think he would love to smooth out some of that roughness that you give him at times - those lazy taunts and snappy flexes against his control can’t go unanswered, no matter how much he secretly loves them - since you deliberately ignored or provoked him, it’s only fair for there to be some kinda reaction for that - you do all of that on purpose though, since there’s nothing better than hearing the timbre of his voice drop and see his lips quirk into a small smile
When it comes to play wrestling - mmm, you might want to elaborate on the rules of it all - when you’d first attempted it, shoving and pressing at him until he found himself knocked onto the edge of the bed, brows furrowed and body tensed, he’d been so, so confused - ‘wait, are you upset?’ - it’s a genuine question and you can’t contain the exhaled laugh that bubbled from your lips - ‘it’s just for fun. if you don’t like it we don’t–’ ‘you’re not mad?’ ‘no.’ ‘and all i need to do is...fight back?’ - it’ll take some strict outlines and a few more bewildered blinks from him but he’ll catch on & I think he’ll look forward to the days when you nudge a little too hard against his shoulder, eyes gleaming with poorly concealed mischief - he might get a little competitive - so don’t expect to win these bouts most of the time - but he likes the back and forth and there’s nothing he loves more than showing you who has the stamina and intensity to come out on top
For food based kinks I do see some rice play - no. get out of here. shoo.
If you did talk him into any kind of food play, he’d strictly keep it to the kitchen & you better believe you’re helping him to clean it up afterwards - he likes it more than he ever imagined possible - there’s something about all of the textures and the lingering taste of your skin - plus those sucking moans and gasps that you give him when he flattens his tongue and traces it over the planes of your stomach, or the plush rise of your breasts - he likes to see how long you can hold out before your hands are pushing against his grey head, so wet and overstimulated that all words are gone 
Definitely loves taking care of yourselves with massages and baths - once again, it’s a  scheduled thing - & he will get irritated if you miss it for whatever reason - self care is vital necessity - you’ve got to do it everyday & he wants you to share in those luxurant moments of peace with him - it’s kind of addictive - that cozy haze that the two of you slip into & he can’t imagine a better end to a long day than having you nestled between his arms, warm, scented water lapping against your heated skin - afterwards, he’ll help you dry off, making sure he’s caught every last drop and the two of you will finish up your nightly routine; brushing your teeth, scrubbing your faces and tucking into the bed - he always reminds you to set the alarm, but it’s more of a gentle nag rather than an annoyance, something that makes him, him - then, when the lights are out & darkness engulfs the two of you, he’ll coil himself around you - a quick peck pressed to your temple - yeah, this nurturing & pampering kink will always be at the top of his list 
Aran Ojiro
When it comes to begging he absolutely loves to feel powerful & knowing that you will go to your knees for him, your lips wet and swollen from his kisses, eyes hooded, watching his every move, listening to each drop of encouragement like it’s the last thing you’ll ever hear on this earth - God, how does he say no to that? he wants to hold out, to tell you to give him more, give him another round of gasping pleas and soft lilts of his name - the ones that steadily drip into full voiced cries - he’ll do his best, biting his lip and flaring his nose, jutting his chin so he looks a little more imperious - but those overtures of control aren’t for you - they’re for him - to remind him that he needs to keep going - you like it when he does and how can he do this half-heartedly? especially when you’re giving it your all 
For body mods, would loooove to look at and feel your piercings - he likes the gleam of the silver and the flash of the soft gold - or if you prefer to wear colors he’ll enjoy the variety - liking how they pop against your skin - they look so good on you & he loves when you keep them on in the bedroom, watching how they catch in the low light - tattoos are something that he needs to warm up to - it’s not that he doesn’t like them, but he hasn’t seen many throughout his life and it takes him a beat to adjust - it’s so...well...permanent - an ultimate commitment to a design or an idea - like everything else about you, they’re beautiful and he can’t deny that he likes to trace them when he’s stretched out beside you - fingers feather light as they run up and down the darkened ink - and if they’re in places that only he can see? well, that makes them something special - something that lingers, as soft as a secret, between the two of you 
What about breath play? Oh, yes, yes - he does like this to be done to him, more so than him doing it to you - not that he won’t, but he prefers the feel of you fingers as they tense and press against him - it’s a warm feeling and he likes passing off this piece of control to you - watching your face as you loom over him, your eyes hazy, thighs tight around his waist - he can feel it so clearly - the twitch of your feet as they curl under your legs, the light brush of your breath against his heated skin, the blurring of the colors as you give him another squeeze - ugh, that lightheadedness is second to none and when he taps his fingers over yours, signalling that he’s reached his limit, that first gasp is heaven - the feel of his pulse and your scattering of kisses as he comes back to himself - yeah, he likes this best when it’s you doing it to him 
Loves to tease you as much as he possibly can - this fully escapes the bedroom as well - in his mind, it’s like that sweet taste of the meal that’s to come - so if that means he’s pressing up against you on the train, cupping your ass on the street, trailing his fingers up and down your waist, pulling at the band of your panties, or tickling you under your shirt, you better believe he’s going to take full advantage of these little moments and get you nice and flustered - he likes watching you as you worm away from him, swatting at his curious fingers and smattering of kisses - he never thought he’d be a PDA guy, but something about you makes him completely lose his head & he doesn’t care who sees it
He is the fucking ace & I feel would like some form of cock worship - he loves when you tell him how big, how thick, how perfect his dick is - ‘how does it make you feel? come on, gimme some more. you like it? do you like that?’ - he wants to hear about all of those details - just how he can take your breath away and how he can make it better - he wants you to be absolutely lost in the sheer feeling of it all - he’s always sure to give you plenty of feedback - letting you know that he loves how your tongue traces along his shaft - swirl it, ahhh, just like that - ‘it’s all yours, just for you baby’ ‘you’re doing such a good job.’
All that cock worship did lead into face fucking during one particually heated session and once he felt you sputtering and gasping for air as you were going down on him - well, he can’t get that picture out of his head now - he’ll look into some methods, cuz he doesn’t wanna hurt you, but he’ll love sinking his fingers into your hair and thrusting up into your spread lips until you’re a drooling mess
Big, big discipline kink - he gets off on telling you what to do and making sure that you know just who you owe your sexual gratification to - ‘keep still for me’ ‘don’t move a muscle, you’re perfect like this.’ - this kink he fell into naturally and it always gives him such a hard on when he sees you listening for his next command - ‘no. stop. spread them wider. yes, just like that…’ - if you push back against his control, oh, he secretly likes that most of all - thinking up that perfect punishment, his fingers itching to smack against the curve of your hip in the meantime - he’s always sure to scold you, but he likes to take his time and let you settle in before he enacts his plans 
Loves to see you in some heels - he’d like boots too - anything that makes your calves and thighs flex - oooooh, that looks so fucking sexy - ‘you can leave those on, in fact do leave them on. I don’t think i’ve seen enough just yet.’   
Atsumu Miya
Begging, yes - for HIM - he adores when you make him absolutely mindless with want - he prefers when you use soft whispers at first, your mouth tickling beside the shell of his ear, your teeth nipping at his neck, asking him how much he wants you to move on as you tease your nails up and down his dripping cock - ‘ugh, come on! yer’ not being fair!’ he’ll grumble, thighs stuttering upward, not caring how strained his voice is becoming - he’ll always push back, it’s too encoded in his DNA for him not to, impatient and eager for you to work him to that edge already - so expect him to whine and grunt out his displeasure - hips rocking disobediently into your clenched fist - he knows you’ll snap at some point - he can hear it in your tone - yes, just a little bit more and you’ll be sinking your fingers into his blonde hair, jerking his head back and fully voicing your warnings, asking him if he thinks he really deserves more - he does of course and he knows you’ll give in once he starts to chant your name, lacing it with a few ‘please babe, let me fucking cum, I’ll be good! I swear!’ - he’s a total liar, but how can you possibly refuse him when his voice hitches into a high pitched whine and he pleads so nicely?
SUB SUB SUB - did I mention that he’s a sub? there’s just something about handing the control over in the bedroom that makes his knees quake - however, he’ll fight back & give you a good run for your money - he’ll come across as very boisterous, and will use that braggadocio initially to act as though he plans on dominating you, tossing out incendiary comments and digs - but all of this is a facade, and he’s just trying to rile you up, seeing how long it takes you to take control - he likes seeing your eyes flash when he flat out ignores or thwarts your commands - he wants you to knock him back down, your tensed thighs holding his toned muscle underneath - trapping him, holding him still, forcing his rambling taunts to quiet - it feels so good when you’re like this and he’s never been one to deny himself something that felt right - especially when that control 
comes wrapped in an alluring package, complete with the knowledge that you’ve got him all to yourself
When it comes to sensory play, he prefers the blindfold - likes having to listen and try and keep up with where you are - plus the gasping shock of your lips and teeth, tugging on his earlobe, nipping at his collarbone, sucking on his pectorals, licking his nipples, tonguing teasingly his bellybutton, or even biting against his inner thigh - it always makes his heart pound and he likes to try and give you a cheeky peck each time he can feel you shifting nearer, grinning wildly when his lips smack against your skin wetly - yeah, yeah, keep still, he knows - it’s not his fault yer’ irresistible 
For a clothed sex kink he loves, loves, loves when you can’t keep your hands off of him - and when you’re rubbing yourself up against that rising bulge in his pants he’s gonna absolutely melt - it’s just a bonus if he gets to return the favor - the idea that you’re so into him that you cannot wait, oh fuck, that’s better than anything - and he means that - anything - and if you happen to come on to him right after a game before he’s had a chance to change out of his uniform, sweat sticking the wicking polyester to his skin, your hands pushing his shorts up his tensed thighs and tugging his jersey up, pretty sure his soul will leave his body and his dick will be painfully hard, instantly - you’ll pull away when his teammates start to follow him down the locker room corridor, giving him a cheeky kiss on the lips with a carefree ‘see you in a little bit!’ as you walk off - great, he was looking forward to a hot shower but looks like it’ll have to be a cold one before heading to the post-game interview
As with Oikawa, it’s in writing and contractual, you’re going to have to say you like his cock - well LOVE his cock - often and repeatedly - let him know just how much you need and adore it - how you like sucking him off until he’s a shivering mess, precum leaking from the tip, staining your hands and dripping between your fingers - tell him, keep telling him until he can’t think - so lost in all of that praise and hungry want that he’s holding his breath even tensing his muscle - not wanting anything to get in the way of him hearing your heaping appreciation 
Cunnilingus and face sitting game is on lock - this is something that he wants and honestly, needs, sometimes even more than you - when you shove his face down and tell him to get you off, right now - damn it, that makes him so fucking hard - he’ll whine about your grip, or why can’t you keep yer’ hips still? he can’t do his job when you’re bucking like that - but don’t be fooled, he likes when you trap him between those silken thighs, your fingers carding and yanking through his blonde locks - he loves seeing that blissed out look on your face when he’s done - yeah, he did that, go on, tell him how good he is, his warm cheek resting against your quivering thighs
Baby, in this relationship, you get to degrade him - call him a dumb fuck, a stupid man whore, you’re such a little bitch for my cunt, you want more? i don’t think you deserve it so you better up your fucking game - now, all of this is all said with a teasing tone and a hint of challenge, you and he both want him to prove you wrong - these kinds of taunts and half serious snarks really fuel that competitive spirit that’s always lurking within him - he’ll flex those honed muscles - trapping you under him and slinging one of your legs over his shoulders - fingers already slipping over your clit - ‘what’s the matter? ya’ told me to up my game, maybe watch what you wish for, hmmm?’ 
A quick face fucking is one of the ways this man tests you - he’ll give you a swift pump of his hips when you least expect it, shoving his cock toward the back of your throat and groaning as you sputter and heave around him - but he doesn’t want to go too far - no, he knows this will lead to something else - something with a little more bite - maybe a shove - or a smack against his ass - perhaps your nails digging into his hips, leaving bright crescents in his skin - it’s all about that small jolt of pain that blends with the pleasure - but he doesn’t like prolonged pain - he mainly does this so he can see how you’ll scold him for his impudence 
This man lives for play wrestling - just the whole back and forth and the grabbing and cupping and touching - feeling your skin warm up - sweat starting to sheen against your brow -  watching as you grapple for that oh so important control - it’s so fucking fun - he wants to lose though - so, so bad - please, make him end up under you - he’s begging you, it’s so hot
Food play would be kinda a joke to him? ‘Like, babe, hey, hey look, I got some cheese whiz’ - just the silliest food items - staypuff marshmallows - let’s see how many chips he can janga on you, to the point where this isn’t even about sex anymore, it’s now just a competitive game for him - would attempt to do a body shot but it would totally be in a terrible spot and it would just spill all over you, his tongue desperately trying to lap the alcohol off your skin - but ahhh, it would be so fun & any kinda laughter from you is sexy to him
Sexy video calls are his thing, especially when he’s away with the team - it’s the only time you’ll see the facetime notification from him & he does at the worst times - no regard for time zones either - doesn’t check, or ask what you’re doing that day - doesn’t even give a warning text - just calls - and then, when you hang up, or deny the call - cuz ya’ know you’re running errands, driving, out with friends (a planned event that you KNOW you told him about) he’s just dialing and re-dialing & getting so upset - finally he’ll call you, normally, only to panic and berate you - ‘hey! are ya’ UPSET? is this a fight? Are we fighting right now? oh God, are you trying to break up with me??’ and you’re just like, no, babe, i’m trying to check out, stahp & you can hear his pout over the phone and lets out a long: ‘‘uuuugh, i have to WAIT?? man.’ - worst of all, he knows he’s bad at it, so he always has the time to wait - ‘you know you can get off by yourself, you don’t need to do this’ ‘but it’s not the saaaaaame...i want to see you, is that so WRONG??’ - it’s just this strange ingrained harassment that you have to deal with - but it’s worth it, kinda... 
Another thing to watch out for during away games; he never fails to steal your favorite, or lucky, pair of panties that you like to save for special occasions - when it’s missing and you accost him about it he’s just, ‘yeah i took it. i need it for the game!’ - basically any pair that you like, or if it’s got a cute saying or image on it, he’s yinking it and will tell you, out loud, that he is taking it - and he always lets out an audible ‘YONK’ from the bedroom when he does it - apparently, he needs both you on call AND your panties to get him through these “lonely nights” - ‘you are only gone for one night….there is no plural.’ ‘sorry fer’ loving you!’
Osamu Miya
Would absolutely be down for some good, old fashioned bondage play - this proclivity will extend to you, rather than himself - he doesn’t like that confined feeling - it puts him too much into his head & when he gets like that his mind wanders - and the last thing you want is a fully distracted Osamu - you might be able to salvage the session, but if he starts thinking about new menu items to add to the shop, eh, sorry babe, game over - but when it comes to you? oooh, you look so good when you’re twisted around and contorted like that - he can keep you to any position that he wants and if he decides to wrap a blindfold over your eyes, damn, it’s almost too much - the way you shake, your breath coming out in little puffs as you wait for his hand to dance across you once more, fuck, ain’t that just so pretty
For breath play you’re pretty much on an even playing field - that sense of breathlessness, the hunger for the air, for the feel of your lips as you let him rise back to himself - the kisses are just so much sweeter, the taste savory, almost bittersweet as they linger against him - he also enjoys all of the unbidden reactions it ekes out of him - that twitch in his legs - the arch of his spine - it’s unexpected and a little intoxicating - when it comes to you though, he doesn’t like to use his hands - while he does see himself as someone who is a little more tactile, he’d rather be tensing a strip of cloth, or the slick coolness of a leather collar - he likes that they give him the ability to focus on you - grey eyes trained on your heaving breasts and glowing face - he also likes that the collar or binding free up his wide palms, letting him rub them along your sides, cupping your curves, tweaking your nipples as he lets you slip into that foggy state
While I don’t think he’d mind hearing how much you like to suck and worship his cock, he can’t help that look of wonder that falls over his stoic face the first few times - he’ll shake his head and give you that quirked grin, eyes shining with quiet pleasure as he tells you to knock it off - ‘what? yer’ crazy. honestly, you wanna make me blush?’ - however, every once in a while, he’ll ask you to tell him again - quietly with a pale dusting of pink staining his cheeks, eyes half lidded, waiting - ‘it’s just nice, can’t i like nice things?’
This man is the fucking tweet: ‘girl i’ve been eating pudding cups without a spoon all my life, i will make you cry’ levels of good at cunnilingus - You’ve got this flavor that he just cannot get enough of - and he’ll be fully vocal about this as he goes down on you - ‘fuck! how do ya’ taste like the best thing i’ve ever had?!’ ‘stop squirming, get back here! i’m not done.’ - on and on. like, to the point where you’re having to shove his face away because you cannot feel your clit anymore - that’s the other thing, he gets so off on that - he can read every twitch of your legs, the way your hips jolt upwards, he can taste when you’re about to gush all over his waiting face, can tell when you’re seconds from the edge of another orgasm - plus, there’s the bonus of knowing that no one else could ever, ever do this for you - how could they? how could anyone else ever appreciate this delicious pussy like he does? - yeah, he’s cocky as fuck about it - what are you gonna do? tell him no? there’s no way you’d ever turn this down
So, unsure if this fully counts as exhibitionism, but I can see you coming in one night as he’s closing up shop and him just ushering you to the back and absolutely railing you against the three tiered sink - he’d do the usual, ‘shhh, shhhhh, you want em’ to hear?’ as he’s planting your hands down against the cool stainless steel, grabbing hold of your hips and tilting them up just right, teasing his dripping cock through your folds until you’re moaning - I mean, it’s his store - all the employees are gone for the night and he owns the cameras, so why not take advantage? Besides, you look too damn cute in that little outfit - don’t wear stuff like that if you don’t want him snatching you away 
Food play? Yes, for sure - someone who thinks about & likes food that much would enjoy indulging with this kink the bedroom - I also see him as very orally inclined - so things that he can lick or suck off - Oof, he’ll love doing that - how far you wanna go? you wanna try out some new things? cut some fruit or spread some creamy peanut butter over yourself? he’s got ideas and he’s always up for some experimentation - he’ll let you tell him when to stop cuz he can go for a loooong time - think of it like a very prolonged, tasty, exercise in foreplay - it lets him work up a killer appetite too - so be prepared to go out for some food after these sessions - hurry up, hop in the shower - he’ll take one with you if your promise not to distract him too much - he’s starving and he can’t wait to tuck into some delectable foods - he saw there was a new food truck by the stadium, if you get a move on they might still be open - he likes when you come with him on these ventures but if you want to lounge around in bed after the clean up he won’t complain, just don’t expect the best pickings - he told you, he’s hungry
He’ll do his best with discipline play but he gets lazy about it - sometimes he’ll let you push your luck for awhile, sucking his teeth and tutting at your impudence as he warns you about your cheek - but he’s not fooling anyone - he’s easily distracted and most of the time he forgets all about his threats, too absorbed by the feel of you against him - look, it’s a lot of work, ok? cut him some slack, he’ll get you back later...maybe...if he remembers  
Would certainly love a good massage - he works with his hands & if you massaged his fingers and rubbed his upper back - your nails scritching along his shoulders, fingers pressing all of those aches away as you kneel over him, thighs caging in his narrow hips - oh, he’ll turn into putty & will do anything you ask - ehhh, actually it depends on what you’re asking - he’s not about to give the whole of the Black Jackals free meals, or all of your friends - don’t look at him like that, it’s a business  
Rintarō Suna
Begging, yes - are you kidding? do you know who this is? yes, he wants you to be absolutely broken & sobbing for his dick - he’s quiet about it though, cat like eyes watching as he leaves you trembling under him, waiting on bated breath for your pleas - you know what he wants, you can practically see it, shimmering around his angled features, lingering in that arched smile he’s giving you - come on - how’s he supposed to know what you want if you don’t ask? he’ll give it to you - in good time  
With bondage? he’s bordering on a full out BDSM kink, for sure - he has all the toys and the trappings - cuffs? he’s got at least 4 - some are metal, some softer materials, and others are makeshift, carefully tucked away and waiting for you - same goes for blindfolds, collars, bedpost restraints, thigh cuffs, paddles, you name it, he’s got it - likely has it in a few colors, too - don’t worry, he’ll make it easy for you - all you need to do is listen and he’ll position you perfectly - yes, just like that. you’re perfect when you’re spread and waiting
Now, with all of these toys and demands and shifting positions keep in mind that he always takes the path of least resistance - secretly, he’s hoping you’re too distracted by the sensations he’s eeking out of you to notice that he’s hardly putting any strain on himself - and how is that fair? this man is the literal king of contortion - he’s got excellent core control - so why are you the one who’s bent like a pretzel? when you point this out he’ll give you a sheepish look, eyes widening and lips pursing - alright, alright, you’ve got a point - he’ll do better, making sure to show you that you’re not the only who who can bend into those tense positions - but keep an eye on him - the second you start to get comfortable he’ll slack off again - he can’t help it 
He likes for you to be bound when he face fucks you - he wants to see how much you can take before you’re trying to suck down those gulping heaves of air as he pushes more and more of his cock into your mouth - the hungry slide of your tongue as it slips heavily along the underside of his dick, pressing into that one snaking vein that he likes you to play with - this is the ultimate, ultimate display of trust - that you let him hold you against him, your hands pinned behind your back, face completely disheveled and those vibrating moans echoing from your lips, flooding his pulsing cock with the sheer sensation of you 
Breast teasing is likely one of his first moves - as soon as your shirt’s off he’s shoving your bra under your chin and going to town - he’ll use a mix of his tongue and teeth, sucking and nipping - tawny eyes watching over the curve of your breast - he likes to look for those sensitive spots and you can feel his grin each time he discovers a new one - he’ll leave you a saliva streaked mess before he moves on - lips smacking as he finally relents 
I don’t think he’d like hearing how much you like his cock; I think he’d love it - there’s just something about those low murmurs that you give him as you pause in your sucking and licking, fingers still curled around his straining length, thumbing some precum off of his tip - tell him how good it looks, how it feels, how you like the throbs and twitches it does when you lower your lips to him - the excitement that he feels, that swell of burgeoning pride, oh that will be reflected in each groan and hiss of pleasure that he gives you, fingers sinking into your hair, helping you along and pulling you away when he wants to hear more  
Somehow, you’re not quite sure how, Rin made cunnilingus into some kinda game - he’s the guy who will tease, tease, tease - to the point where you’ll be locking your legs around his shoulders and trying your best to force his tongue back and he’ll be stubbornly shifting back, eyes blazing up at yours, dark hair askew from the grip of your hand - he’ll fill you with his fingers, to ease the ache and then lightly skirt his lips along your soaking folds - waiting until you start to shiver - sometimes he’ll switch things up, content to dive in head first and work you through blinding orgasms that leave you twitching, your hands pressing at the top of his head, trying to get him to ease up - you’re never sure which option he’s going to go for - his face utterly impassive
Totally has a soft spot for giving you instructions - like a, ‘plant your hands on the edge of that table and spread your legs,’ or ‘you better not cum yet, be a good girl for me & wait’ - they’re always said in that deliciously sinful lower octave too - and he makes a point of keeping his voice steady, completely controlled, never letting his own eagerness bleed through - he likes when you listen, body automatically snapping into position, your eyes hungry for more as he paces around you, a pleased smile lifting his lips - so, so good, how can he not reward such exemplary control and compliance
He does enjoy the teasing aspect of play wrestling - he likes the back and forth and loves the expressions you make when he shocks you with his agility and flexibility - it’s likely the one time he’ll willingly use his expert control and contortion without being asked - it’s honestly a bit of a training session - seeing how long he can hold you when he’s bent like that, powerful abdominal muscles rippling with the effort - yes, this is another game for him but he does want you to know that you’re only getting as far as he wants you to - there’s no way he’s gonna back down, not when he can work you under him, or trap you onto of his lap, sighing as your slick pussy eases over his straining cock
You probably guessed this one - yes, he does like to film and photograph you in and outside the bedroom - at the beginning of the relationship, he loves to take candid shots of you - he likes to have your pictures on his phone, unfiltered, and normally it’s just you, though sometimes you can coax him into a selfie - but mostly it’s just of you, he doesn’t like to “mess up the shot” as he puts it - he’ll post, in his opinion, the best ones and if that happens to be of you, mid-sneeze, well that’s on you - stop looking so cute, maybe? - he also always captions these “bae xoxo” it’s infuriating - as the relationship deepens, so do the amount of pictures and videos on his phone, which go from sweet and candid to x-rated very quickly - in the bedroom, he legitimately has a stand for his phone - & he did try to bring a boom mic in for, you know, for the creation of a potential sex tape, but you flat out told him no - after realizing, this dream will never be allowed to play out, he takes enjoyment out of scrolling through the photos and rewatching (or re-admiring as he calls it) the videos as often as he can - if that happens to be on the subway literally on the ride home, well, who can blame him? 
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*next up: Shiratorizawa & Fukurōdani 
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ladeaeveld · 3 years
Notes on Tevinter Nights
I finished reading Tevinter Nights not so long ago, so here is an overview of what is happening in Thedas. There is probably nothing particularly new since I'm a bit late to the party. However, I find such overviews convenient to refresh my memory when needed. Perhaps it will be useful to someone else!
This overview was meant to be short, but there were so many interesting details... now, it is huge.
Also, since I’ve read the translated version, any help with wording clarifications is greatly appreciated!
The post is under a cut due to Tevinter Nights spoilers (and length).
Global events
- There is a war between the Qunari and Tevinter.
- Three branches of the Qun do not agree with each other. The Antaam, the military branch of the Qun, attacked Ventus and continued the invasion without the permission of the other two. It results in faster progress of the invasion as the other two branches were a moderating influence on the Antaam. The Ben-Hassrath holds a neutral position.
- In Tevinter, the Venatori are still a problem.
- Smaller countries like Rivain and Antiva are under serious threat of the Qunari’s invasion.
- The heads of the Antivan Crows, eight Talons, held a meeting to join their forces, protect Antiva, and withstand the Qunari's invasion. The meeting was disrupted, and four out of eight Talons were murdered. New heads of the Crows will be chosen soon.
- The king of Nevarra is on the brink of death. The Mortalitasi, who have always had great power in Nevarra, continue to interfere in politics.
- All the Grey Wardens were summoned to Weisshaupt.
- We were introduced to a considerable amount of characters from the guild of treasure hunters, the Lords of Fortune.
- Regarding the Inquisition, little is known. All external issues of the organization seem to be handled by Varric Tethras. He gives quests, monitors their implementation, hires new people.
- One of the Executors, or ‘those across the sea’, showed up in the flesh. Solas said they are particularly dangerous and cautioned against interacting with them.
- By now, many have heard rumours of the Fen’Harel’s cult.
- A demon or something far worse is imprisoned under Minrathous. With the help of the Venatori, it is now unsealed (will probably be sealed again later). Yet, to awake it, some blood-magic ritual must be performed.
- The creature was sealed with eight blood-bonded enchanted clay disks. They showed a long and thin four-winged dragon rising from the dark waters.
- It is said that ‘demon’ is not the best word to describe this creature. It is something ancient and mighty, unnamed, something that will subject to god only.
- This ‘demon’ was a part of Corypheus’ plan of making Tevinter great again. According to this plan, Minrathous was to become the cradle of the new world. If Minrathous had not surrendered to Corypheus, the ‘demon’ would have left the city no choice.
- Most of the population of Minrathous could have perished as a result of this creature awakening.
- Enchanted predators and monsters resulting from magical experiments seem to be common in Minrathous.
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Elven experiments
- In Nevarra, under a mountain with three asymmetric peaks wrapped around each other, there is a dwarven thaig. This thaig is called Hormak, and it was lost to the darkspawn hundreds of years ago.
- In Hormak, Grey Wardens have found elven halls, where experiments on living were conducted. And it is quite lively in these halls now.
- There is a huge pool with a greyish fluid that reeks of brine. It creates hybrids.
- There were different types of hybrids: darkspawn with other darkspawn, animals with other animals, darkspawn with animals, and even a centipede and a Grey Warden hybrid.
- When a hurlock stepped in the greyish fluid, it was enveloped and then transformed into a drake and a hurlock hybrid.
- The transformed Grey Warden said that the fluid affects ‘them’ (sentient races?) differently. To be transformed, it is not enough to touch it. The fluid should get inside the body.
- All over the place were large repetitive bas-reliefs depicting ancient elven. There were three types of them. The first one showed majestic elven kings and queens with reverent supplicants. The second one showed elven mages healing sick. The third showed big aravels, drawn by herds of hallas, going to distant mountains (one of the mountains had three peaks wrapped around each other).
- Later, those bas-reliefs were described differently. On the first one, elven rulers were arrogant and despised their subjects, who seemed to be in great terror. On the second one, mages weren’t healing sick, but on the contrary, they were injecting corruption into bodies. On the third, a halla had a strange rounded body and very long and ridged horns, and an aravel had bars on its windows, which made it look like a cage.
- Somewhere at the entrance of the halls was one more type of repetitive bas-reliefs. It showed three figures: a supplicant, a priestess, and a monster. On each subsequent bas-relief, a supplicant and a monster were different, while the priestess remained the same. It seemed that with each subsequent bas-relief, her grin grew wider.
- The experiments are directed by some will, which is referred to as a female. ‘She’ is not yet there, ‘they’ are waiting for ‘her’.
- Symbols of horns of a halla are present on each column in the halls.
- According to bas-reliefs, there are twelve such places in total.
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The Inquisition members and allies
For completeness, this part should have included information from the comic, but I tried to avoid that.
- According to Tevinter Nights, Varric and Charter remained in the ranks of the Inquisition.
- Charter mentions her lover, Tessa.
- Vaea and ser Aaron show up but without a clear relation to the Inquisition.
- There are two mages, Vadis and Irian, who saved a peaceful Qunari settlement called Kont-aar from an agent of Fen'Harel, thus keeping the chance of subtle peace between the Ben-Hassrath and Tevinter. The Ben-Hassrath returned the favour by directing said mages to Kirkwall, to a certain dwarf, where they intend to go after seeing Val Royeaux.
- Sutherland and Company are still loyal to the ideals of the Inquisition.
- Quentin Calla, who was a bearer of the enchanted clay disk for a while, provided the Inquisition with some information.
- Philliam, a Bard!, (formerly) Sister Laudine, and Brother Ferdinand Genitivi, with the help of the Lord of the Fortune, Mateo, accepted and completed the quest from the Inquisition.
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Fen’Harel and the red lyrium idol
- The red lyrium idol's adventures ended. It is now in Solas' hands, or at least he says so.
- There are three descriptions of the red lyrium idol's appearance. The first one, made by the dwarf, the Carta assassin: two figures, too thin to be dwarves, caressing each other. The second one, by Mortalitasi: two lovers or a god mourning the sacrifice. The third, by Solas: crowned figure comforting another one. (Note: I remind you these are not exact quotes but a translation of the translation, and nuances might have been lost.)
- Some qualities of the idol: red lyrium weighs more than the usual one; the idol is liquid inside; it reacts to other lyrium.
- The idol created or revealed a ritual blade.
- Solas calls the idol his.
- The Mortalitasi recounted the events in the Fade in which Solas took a form of a giant wolf the size of a high dragon. He had burning eyes like those of a pride demon and wings of fire which later resolved themselves into lesser demons. The Fade is called his natural home, and it is said spirits serve him gladly.
- Solas pays special attention to the actions of the Inquisition.
- Members of Fen'Harel's cult would rather die than be captured.
- The ritual the Dread Wolf performs already affects the Fade.
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Random interesting facts
- The Qunari slowly cut down a part of the Arlathan Forest.
- The Ben-Hassrath are said to know the most about Solas’ actions.
- Among four killed Talons was Giuli Arainai, Eighth Talon, and this might be a good time for Zevran to show up somehow.
- There was a lyrium crystal that produced a light with shades of green and yellow in Hormak.
- Dorian no longer has slaves, only hired labourers.
- Josephine sent Dorian some good Antivan wine. :)
- Vaea now possesses a healing artefact, which seems to be able to heal anything except death.
- There is an example of a dwarven metal prosthetic of a leg, which does not seem to restrict movement in any way.
Since I’ve read Tevinter Nights after the last Dragon Age Day... - Evka became a Grey Warden and did rescue the next one!
- The hunger demon that turned a person into a werewolf in the village called Eichweill was not completely defeated.
- It seems those elven artefacts do strengthen the Veil, after all.
- The Randy Dowager is Ferdinand Genitivi. Five scarves fluttered in shock out of five.
This is all for Tevinter Nights for now. I did not include plenty of curious facts, probably enough for another post. I hope you enjoyed it anyway!
If you have any corrections regarding facts, or grammar, etc., don’t hesitate to DM me! Or you may leave a comment in my ask box if you want to stay anonymous.
Thank you for the attention, and have a nice day!
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starkerforlife6969 · 4 years
Starker - Superior Tony, Controlling Peter
A summer fling, Tony thinks, is just what he needs.
Sunlight streaks through the air, the air conditioning blasts cool gusts of wind onto flustered, heated, dripping skin.
Extremesis glints like gold in the summer light, his eyes like glass, and the people of New York are even less likely to meet his eye.
When he glides into his lab, his little ants scuttle into position, and Bucky salutes him in greeting, ever the soldier.
“Good morning, Sir.” Bucky nods, arm glinting, veins blue.
Is it morning? The heat is stifling. Summer tinges the sky with a late day hue. Tony slips off his sunglasses, smiles at his scared little recruits. “Morning, Bucky. How’d my little bees do last night?”
There are so many secrets still to human DNA. So many different configurations of Extremesis updates. His worker bees, his little ants, his little army of scientists that scuttle about his labs are- well, slaves is a term thrown around. Tony doesn’t like that. They’re his little helpers, his little bees.
They stand, trembling in line. Eyes smudged with dark rings from another all-nighter. He finds Peter, small, compact, beautiful, sun-kissed (how odd, Tony thinks; amused, has the boy been catching sunlight in his skin? Wandering outside? How quaint. How very Peter).
“Anderson success rate: 13%.” Bucky reads off the list. Anderson flinches. Tony tuts.
“Well now, that’s hardly promising. What was it last week?”
“15%.” Bucky says dryly.
Tony shakes his head. “That won’t do, will it?”
“Please, Mr-“
The guards come in, take Mr Anderson away for punishment.
The other recruits shake in the sunlight.
The other success rates vary but never impress him. How well Extremsis will mesh is a matter of science and guesswork, a pinch of luck, and-
“Parker success rate: 88%.”
The recruits seem to hiss in awe and jealousy and Peter bows his head.
Tony beams like the sun.
“88%.” He rejoices loudly, voice making them flinch. He claps, delighted. “My Peter, my prized Peter, 88%. See? It is possible. My precious Peter, he never lets me down.” Tony glides over to him, puts a large, dark hand on Peter’s slender neck. The boy swallows, Tony feels it, but he doesn’t flinch.
Tony smudges his thumb across that Adam’s apple. Wants to inhale the boy.
88%. Goddamn.
“Clever little angel,” Tony croons. “Pixie of the lab, Peter, weaving your magic again, hm?” He noses at the sharp jaw, Peter smells like suncream. Smells like dandelions.
“Riley success rate-“
“Bucky.” Tony growls, voice so cutting that Bucky pales, “I’m not finished praising Peter. Am I not allowed a moment to bask?”
Bucky takes a breath. “Of course, Sir. I’m sorry.”
“Good. Peter here is a fine example for the rest of you. Look at him.” Tony forces his fingers under Peter’s chin, makes him look up. The summer brown eyes are full of slyness. Danger. Insubordination. It makes Tony’s blood sing. He drags his fingers over those plush, wet lips. “Well done, Peter. You’ll be rewarded.”
A summer fling, Tony thinks, seeing Peter woven in the blankets of Tony’s immense bed.
He’ll keep Peter for the summer.
Summer passes.
The days cool, and so too should Tony’s affections, but they don’t. Peter flips the glass slide under the microscope, makes a note, and Tony watches.
It’s overcast outside. Grey clouds. Leaveless trees.
Peter works up here, in Tony’s private lab.
Summer is over. Fall is here.
“Come here, Peter.” Tony orders, trying to figure it all out.
Peter looks at him, huge brown eyes through lab goggles, and turns away. “I’m working.” A moment. Tacked on. Cheap. “Sir.”
Infuriating. Insufferable. “What’ll it take then, poppet? Come sit on my lap.”
Peter sniffs delicately, resumes working.
Anyone else would be dead. Anyone else would never take such liberties.
But it’s because of Peter that the next Extremesis update is ready to launch. Because of Peter that Tony’s own core is self-sustaining.
If Peter loathes him as a God, he shouldn’t keep bringing gifts to Tony’s altar.
“Peter.” Blue crackles around him. “Come here.”
Peter gives him a long side-look. “Summer is over, Mr Stark.” He says. “Will you be sending me downstairs?”
No. Tony feels like a caged up lion. Wants to growl, wants to roar, he can’t figure out if Peter is an antelope or a Panther, curled up in the leafless trees, waiting to pounce.
He can’t leave Peter Parker in Fall. Not when his eyes match the amber leaves, not when he moves his hips with Tony’s, not when Bucky reads:
It snows.
Extremesis is being used by a record number of people.
Bucky tosses Peter onto the floor at Tony’s feet.
The boy looks up at Tony, split lip, snowflakes on his lashes, shackles on his wrists.
“He was trying to leave the tower, Sir.” Bucky says.
Tony sighs, running his fingers through Peter's hair. “He has permission, Barnes. Did he not show you his pass?” He turns to Peter then, lifts his eyebrows, “Did you show Mr Barnes your pass, sweetheart?”
Peter grunts, wheezes, like he’s been punched. Tony frowns. “Tried to. But…” he shows Tony his shackled wrists.
Tony slices them them with his fingers. Peter gets to his feet.
“With Peter, Barnes, give him the benefit of the doubt.”
Tony can recognise a cliff edge. As he sits on the edge of the bed and watches Peter dab at his lip and tuck himself into a winter coat, Tony knows he is standing at the cliff edge.
It’s winter. Peter wears ugly scarves and drinks hot chocolate and tucks his cold feet into Tony’s knees.
If Tony doesn’t leave him now-
“Here.” Peter hums, passing a well-wrapped box over. It’s tied with a silver bow.
Tony stares at it, uncomprehendingly for a moment.
His storeroom is full of presents for Peter.
He opens this one.
They’re cufflinks. Designed like little double-helixes. There are blips in the DNA-
“Is that Extremesis?” He marvels, plucking one out and holding it up to the light.
“A molecular representation.” Peter confirms. “I know cufflinks aren’t that unique, but what do you get the man who has everything?”
He does have everything. With Peter here, still decorated with the remnants of New York snow, he will have a Christmas with everything. A winter with everything.
He’ll back away from the cliff edge in Spring.
Peter cleans dust off the TV in Spring.
He’s wearing hideous flannel and no shoes, Tony’s underwear, love bites on his neck.
He’s no worker bee. Tony can admit that. Peter is something else. Hisin a different sense. In a sense that doesn’t mean possession. Property. Peter is his- like he is Peter’s.
Is Peter a Panther? Does Tony control him? Does Peter love him? Fear him? Plan to kill him?
Peter meets his eyes. Tony remembers the boy he used to touch in line down at the lab.
88% Peter.
Such pride. In seeing one of his possessions do so well. What is that now? Four seasons later? It’s love.
Tony wants him. Would do anything for him. He’s tumbled off the cliff. He wonders if Peter knows-
“I want you to use Extremesis for good.” Peter says, smiling. “I want you to be Iron Man. Not Superior. I want you to be a hero.”
“Baby, I’m a god.”
“I don’t want a god.”
It stings. Tony snarls. He’s a lion-
“I want you to save people. I want you to be a hero, come back here and take me. I want the people of the world to love you. Not fear you. I want you to stop hurting them and start saving them.”
Tony laughs, but he’s afraid. Trembling. “You're in the wrong business, sweetheart-“
“You’ll enjoy it. You love being worshipped, let it be for goodness.”
“I already have worship-“
“Tony.” Peter smiles, summer, fall, winter, spring, “I wasn’t asking.”
A lion master.
Tony goes to kiss him, but Peter turns away.
“For every life you save, the more of me is yours.” Peter promises.
Tony’s hungry.
Peter’s love is a gift. A reward. Tony risks his life to feel the rush of Peter’s affections on him once he returns. Peter is intoxicating, a drug, a rush- this must be what it’s like for those who had become addicted to the diluted Exteremesis.
Tony would do anything to get more of him.
And there are always people to be saved, and Peter always rewards him.
He becomes a hero, on an invisible leash, and Tony doesn’t notice when Bucky says:
“Sir, may I have the weekend off?”
And Peter says, “Of course, Bucky. See you Monday.”
When the lab turns its attentions to research and development, away from nano-tech and control, when the weapons division closes down, Tony lets it wash over him.
He has another summer, another fall, another winter and another spring with Peter.
For that, he would do anything.
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
Baby Fever
Tumblr media
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: ~2.4k
Summary: Sometimes, all you need to work up your courage is a little push. And Steve receives just that. When the two of you go to babysit Morgan, he gets a little sneak peek into what a future with you could be like - and he doesn`’t want to let that thought go.
Warnings: this sucks lol, but it’s just a bunch of fluff
A/N: so a lot of my oneshots are about getting INTO relationships instead of being in one prior, but I just couldn’t resist this trope ugh. I CANT RESIST DAD! STEVE UGHHH. also i decided to start making moodboards, inspired by @marvelsswansong teehee. dedicating this to @rynhaswritersblock​ , who recently joined tumblr! I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU 
“Are you guys sure about this?” Pepper looked back and forth between you and Steve as she packed up the last of her things, rolling the suitcases to the front door. "She's a lot to handle...and I know you guys already have a lot on your plate and all.."
"I'm sure," you gave her a reassuring smile, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. "We're going to have fun, right, Morgan?"
"Yeah!" the little Stark giggled, raising her arms in the air, "We're gonna have so much fun together!"
"We'll be back by tomorrow night," Tony informed you, leaning down to kiss Morgan's forehead, "Bye, sweetheart. Make sure to behave for them, okay?"
"I can't thank you guys enough," Pepper stated. "It's been forever since we were last able to get a break like this."
"You deserve it," you nodded, "now go! Shoo! Don't worry and just relax! That's the whole point of you going on this trip."
"Alright, alright," she chuckled, "see you soon, then!"
As soon as the door closed behind them, Morgan immediately jumped up into your arms. "Let's go play!"
"What do you want to do?" you asked.
"A tea party!"
"Well..." Steve looked down at his watch, "it's getting close to lunchtime, so how about we have something to eat first, and then we'll play, okay?"
While you kept Morgan busy, Steve got set to making a simple lunch of grilled cheese for you all to eat. When he brought the plates to the living room, he saw saw you sitting in between Morgan's legs as she was plopped down on the couch, pulling your hair up into a high bun.
"Now, what's this?" Steve raised an eyebrow as he set down the food on the coffee table, ruffling Morgan's hair. "Did you bother her?"
"She didn't," you laughed lightly, "don't worry."
"Do you like it?" Morgan giggled. "I think she looks super pretty!"
"I approve," Steve nodded, giving the little girl a thumbs-up.
"So, Morgan," you cleared your throat, "Who's your favorite Avenger?"
"Daddy is!"
"Besides your dad."
“And why is that?”
“Because you can shoot lasers out of your eyes and control the weather! And that’s really really cool!”
“I think you just hurt Steve’s feelings,” you reminded her.
“He’s my second favorite!”
“Really, kiddo?” Steve raised a brow, “after all I’ve done for you? Who took you out to ice cream after your dance recital? Who let you have dessert before dinner when your dad was too busy working? Who let you go sledding with their shield?”
“But Y/N is the cool auntie!”
"See that, Cap? She likes me more than you," you smirked, nudging Steve in the shoulder. "I'm her favorite."
Steve scoffed. “I’m right behind you. I’m her second favorite.”
"I'm better than you are, though."
After you were all done eating, Morgan grabbed Steve’s hand, then motioned for you to all follow her upstairs to her room. Within five minutes you were all dressed up with feathery boas, colorful scarves, bejeweled sunglasses, and bright pink birthday hats.
"You look ridiculous," you snorted as you adjusted Steve’s fuchsia feather boa and sunglasses. "I could just take a picture of you right now and store it for future blackmail use."
"Don't you dare," he warned.
Too late. You already had your phone out and he blinked in surprise as the flash went off. You giggled as you saw the surprise evident in his face.
"Ooh! Let's take a group selfie!" Morgan jumped up and down. Steve let out a sigh but as soon as he saw the eager look in her eyes he couldn't resist. You crowded together as you quickly took the group picture, making funny faces because she insisted on doing so.
Pepper was right in saying Morgan was a lot to handle. If being an Avenger was the most difficult thing to do, this had to be the second hardest job to take. By the time dinner rolled around, you were tired out of your mind from running around the backyard throwing a Frisbee back and forth, commentating on Barbie movies together, cartwheeling through the halls, climbing trees, and her undoing and redoing your hair.
"Why don't you take a break. I'll get dinner ready," Steve offered. "You need to rest."
"But St-" you began.
"It's fine," he waved you both off, "you deserve it."
"Thank you," you yawned, stretching your arms up in the air. As soon as you flopped down onto the couch, you drifted off.
“Auntie Y/N? Where are...oh!” Morgan hopped over and peered over the sofa, seeing that you were fast asleep. She picked up the blanket that had been strewn aside from earlier, and carefully pulled it over your body, before patting your forehead and skipping off to the kitchen to find Steve.
“Uncle Steve!” She tugged on the super-soldier’s pant leg, and he looked down from where he was chopping up cilantro at the counter. The heavenly smell of Italian spice blends began filling the air. “What are you making?”
“Garlic tomato basil chicken,” he responded with a soft smile as he set his knife down and washed his hands, crouching down to her eye level. “It’s almost ready. Is Y/N still asleep?”
“Uh huh.”
“Why don’t you wake her up for me, while I go set the table. Sounds good?”
"Y/N, WAKE UP!" she began jumping up and down wildly. "Wake up wake up wake up wake up!"
You groaned and stirred awake, rubbing your eyes as you stood up. "Who woke me u- oh, hey!"
"Were you tired?"
"Yes, Morgan, very," you gave her a tired smile, "so I took a nap. Are you not tired?"
“Alright,” you exhaled, picking her up. “Let’s go eat!” She instantly rested her head against your shoulder.
Steve watched you pick Morgan up and spin her around as she let out a squeal - and felt a rush of pride wash over him in seeing you being so playful with the little girl. You'd make an excellent parent to his future child, he thought to himself. All you needed now was a ring around your finger. 
He felt his heart race at the thought - since when did he start feeling this way about you?
"Dinner's ready!"
"Uncle Steve, are you one of those chef guys on TV?" Morgan's eyes widened in awe as she slid into her seat, looking down at her plate. "This looks super cool! How did you do this?"
"No, I'm not," Steve laughed, "This just takes a lot of practice."
For the majority of dinner, Morgan retold little memories along the lines of 'Remember when that one time you came over for Daddy’s birthday and then Uncle Steve came too and I went sledding with his shield? That was so fun!" 
The five year-old was definitely talkative, but nobody minded at all. She was too adorable that it didn't matter how chatty she was - even you, the tough, seemingly coldhearted Agent Y/N had warmed up to her.
After a long, jam-packed day, Morgan was completely knocked out, splayed out across the couch clutching her favorite stuffed duck. You quietly crept towards her and picked her up, carrying her upstairs to her room and gently laying her down in bed.
You lingered in the doorway for a moment, watching as her brown hair fell around her face like a little halo, her chest rising and falling with each breath she took. A small smile found its way onto your face as you stood there.
Suddenly you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind.
"Hey," Steve exhaled, resting his chin on top of your head. You could feel his warm breath against your neck as he spoke. "What're you standing here for?"
"Hmmm...just watching, making sure she's alright..." you hummed, placing your hands over his as he gently rocked you both from side to side. "Uh...what time is it?"
"Wow. Who knew she could tire you out so quickly," you let out a yawn. "I normally don't go to bed until 1 or 2, or at all for that matter."
"You should get ready for bed, too," he suggested, leaning down to kiss your temple. "Come on. You’re sharing the guest room with me, if you don’t mind."
"Sounds good," you yawned again as he released you from his hold, closing the door before turning around and following him down the hall.
You were too worn out to change or wash up, crawling underneath the covers and pulling them up to your chin. Steve slid into bed besides you, and within minutes you were both fast asleep.
"Yeah!" Morgan squealed, jumping up and down on the mattress. "Auntie Y/N! Uncle Steve! Stop cuddling and get up because it's time to eat!"
The two of you slowly stirred awake, then when you realized the compromising position you were in you quickly pulled apart, sitting up as you rubbed your eyes and ducked your heads slightly to hide the blush on your faces.
"Are you guys dating?"
"No, we're not!" you and Steve replied in unison. 
"Uh huh."
Much to Morgan's delight, you ended up eating Mickey Mouse-shaped pancakes for breakfast. Afterwards you took to playing Frisbee and several other games outside for a couple hours before heading back in and bingeing several episodes of Sofia the First while eating macaroni. 
Though sometimes when you glanced over at Morgan laughing and enjoying herself throughout the day, you felt a pang in your chest. You'd missed out on so many years with your parents - your early graduation from Penn State, being promoted to commander of SHIELD’s strike team at just 21, becoming an Avenger - only being able to experience a fraction of your life with them before their lives were unfairly cut short.
"Are you okay?" Steve glanced at you worriedly, placing a hand on top of yours.
"Yeah...I'm fine."
"No, you're not. Come on...what's up? Just tell me," he pleaded. "I don't like seeing you sad. It makes me sad, too."
You bit your lower lip, squeezing your eyes shut. "I miss Mom and Dad...seeing Morgan reminded me so much of what I was like as a kid...the memories came flooding back. It’s been so long since then, but..."
"I know. I miss my Ma and Dad, too," he sighed. "I know it hurts, but...don't worry. Time heals all wounds. You’ll be alright."
You lifted your head from where it was resting on his shoulder, smiling slightly at him. "You know, I think that's the wisest thing I've heard you say. Not Captain America hasn’t said a lot of wise things, though."
"You think?"
"Well, I'm happy to help...you know I'm always here for you, right?"
"Mhm. I love you."
"I love you too."
When Tony and Pepper arrived the next day, they saw all of you sprawled out across the living room, cuddled up together amidst fluffy blankets and pillows. You were clinging to Steve like a koala, while Morgan was using his arm as a pillow as she hugged her stuffed duck close to her chest.
"They must've been exhausted," Pepper chuckled, resting a hand on her husband's shoulder.
"They're completely knocked out."
Morgan was the first to wake up. "Daddy!" she giggled, rushing forward and jumping into Tony's arms. "You're back!"
"Hi there," he ruffled her hair, "how did you like spending time with them?"
"It was awesome! They were the best!"
Tony's expression immediately softened as he glanced over at the still-dozing you and Steve. "I'm glad to hear that, sweetheart. Now. Let's wake them all up so they can head back to the compound."
"Hey, Cap? It's time to head home," Pepper gently shook Steve awake. He stirred slightly before sitting up, blinking several times in confusion before he saw her in front of him. "Hey."
"Oh, hi, Pepper..."
"It looks like Y/N isn't about to wake up anytime soon, though..." her brows furrowed together in concern. "She must've done a lot, huh."
"Yeah...she did..."
You stirred awake, sitting up and yawning loudly. “Oh. Tony, Pep...hey! Did I...”
“You knocked out completely,” Steve laughed. “I’ll drive. I know you’re tired.”
"Thanks,” you yawned again, placing a hand over your mouth. “I owe you.”
“No worries.”
He nodded, carefully scooping you up into his arms as Bucky woke up.
"Alright...let's get going. And Tony...it was great seeing you again."
"Likewise, Rogers. We still up for Barbados next month?"
After a last round of goodbyes, you were on your way back to the Avengers HQs, leaning your head against the cool glass of the window as Steve drove.
"So,” he exhaled, adjusting his grip on the wheel, “you did good over there, putting up with her. She was a lot to deal with.”
“But we had fun, didn’t we?” you turned your head to the side, giving him a soft smile. “I now have a dozen new perfect blackmail photos of you to bring back with me.”
Steve just laughed and shook his head, “I have some of you too, you know.”
“Are you serious.”
"It’s nothing bad, you just fell asleep and I took a picture. You looked cute, if anything.”
You felt heat rise to your cheeks. “Oh.”
“You’re really good with kids, Y/N.”
“...Thanks. You are, too...Morgan loves you.”
“I’d think you’d be an amazing mother to my child someday.” The words came out so swiftly, so smoothly that he didn’t realize what he’d said until he saw your reaction.
You froze in shock. “What did you...what did you just say?”
“When can we have kids?”
“Did I just...hear you correctly...”
“But if you’re not ready to start a relationship, then I understand...I’m in it if you are. When I saw you playing with Morgan...it was like getting a little glimpse to what life with you would be like in the future, of starting a family together...and I don’t want to let go of that idea.  I can't imagine doing that with anyone else other than you."
"What's with the...sudden...confession?" you spluttered, cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red.
“I love you,” he said softly, gazing at you out of the corner of his eye, “I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know it seems early for me to be saying something like this but I couldn’t be more confident in my answer. And if you’re willing to let me in, then...I’d be more than happy to become that ideal man you’ve always wanted to have.”
“I think I’m falling in love with you, too.”
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hadestownmodern · 3 years
persephone takes hades and junie to the farmers market
A shorter version is posted on AO3 :)
“Excuse me, Miss Junie Bee, what did I tell you ‘bout running up there? You gotta take your time.” Persephone warns, her hand flexing open and shut to signal her young daughter to take hold of it. Junie beams at her mother, stopping to take both her hand and wiggle her hand around her father’s as well.
“Sorry Mama, I’m just excited!” She explains, skipping her feet ahead and tugging on her parents arms. “Amma said we could find loooots of things to make dinner with here!” Its pure excitement leaking out of her, the prospect of her favorite activity, cooking, pulling her along.
It was certainly unexpected for Persephone, when her toddler took to a love of all things food at a young age. It hadn’t surprised her that she had a taste for the finer things, but rather how much she enjoyed making them. Not to mention how, as she approached four, she was more capable in a kitchen than Persephone was herself.
Junie runs forward, curls bouncing on her shoulders as she tugs her parents ahead. “Daddy,” comes out in her sweet voice, as she tilts her head up at the sky to meet her father’s Gaze.
Hades looks back down to her with an eyebrow raised, and a smile creeping onto his face. He had found that his daughter was always full of  interesting questions, an inquisitiveness that would serve her well.
“Why did you wear a suit to the farm today? Your shoes are gonna get muddy, Amma makes me take mine off. She says it’s ‘cause you don’t know anythin’ about being here, but I told her you’re wrong because you know EVERYTHING.” It’s innocent and exudes pure childish curiosity. Junie is asking out of genuine wonder, but the question makes Persephone snort. She has to cover her face with her free hand and look the other direction, to avoid laughing directly in the face of her husband. While she certainly didn’t agree with her mother, especially the part of her telling Junie these things, she had to admit she had a point.
“Yeah, honey, tell your daughter why you wore business casual to the farm?” Persephone teases, as she reaches down to scoop Junie onto her hip. They smile at him, with identical expressions, though Persephone’s hints at a bit of taunting under it. “Since you know everything.”
Hades narrows his eyes at his wife as, as if reminding them as of dignity, adjusts the buttons on the front of his suit jacket. “Because, you can tell Demeter, I am here to patronize the community. Farm fresh produce is excellent. Other’s grow it and pick it, and I pay them for their goods and time. And, we cut out the middle man of the grocery store. It’s economically responsible. Supporting people who grow and sell the products…” He clarifies, before he tucks one hand into his pocket and gestures with the other. “And besides, Junie, why are we here?”
“Fresh Vegetables.” Junie responds with a single nod of her head, proud of herself for remembering the goal of their trip out (besides, of course, visiting her Grandmother).
“And why do we want them?” Hades questions, the inflection of his voice already filled with pride.
“Because if they aren’t fresh we don’t want them.” Junie recites with pride, kicking her feet in time with her parents walking ahead. “Mama, have you ever been here?”
“Good pocketbook lesson on Economics, Hades.” Persephone grins, kissing Junie’s cheek as she begins to direct her curiosity towards her mother instead. “Hmm? To this market? Yeah of course, baby, I grew up at Amma’s house. Me and Amma used to get up early every day and she’d make me go out to the garden with her- I was only about your size- and we’d pick our own vegetables for the day. Ask your daddy, even when he met me, I was growing tomato plants in my window.”
It had never dawned on her that her daughter may not associate her with planting and harvesting, the way the people who grew up on stories of Persephone and Demeter and the way the two of them seemed to make anything grow with just luck. “We never sold anything, but we could grow anything we wanted. We came here, too, though. For those things we couldn’t make ourselves. Cheeses, Eggs, Soaps..” She trails off, looking at the booth in the corner, now belonging to a woman selling scarves that once belonged to a family selling honey. Persephone doesn't realize the excitement that creeps into her voice as she talks about her town, doesn't realize that she is beaming as she explains the things she and her mother did in her early life. She makes a note to herself mentally, to bring Junie here more in the summer. Maybe it would serve her well, to run barefoot among the chickens, or eat grapes right off of the vine. Not like she could really do those things back home, Persephone would remind herself, as she realizes now how deeply that shaped who she is.
“My daddy used to sell honey up there,” Persephone points ahead at the replaced booth, “ he had a whole hive of Bees..” She trails off, voice catching in her throat.
“Bees like me! Junie BEE.” She emphasises for her, a look of wonder on her little face. “What happened to him, Mama?” Junie asks her mother, her voice gentle and soft, intuitively knowing to offer that comfort to her mother.
“Yeah baby. Junie Bee.” Persephone takes a deep breath, debating how to explain to her daughter, it seemed so blunt to discuss death to such a young girl. But, Perspehone supposed, there is no use in hiding it. “He died when I was really very little. I was smaller than you were.” She feels her husband’s hand on her shoulder in support as he gives her a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “You should ask your grandmother about him. I bet she’d love to tell you.”
Junie nods, aware of the way the tone in the air shifts, ever intune with the people around her. She decides, then, to bring some joy back into her mother. “Why don’t you grow plants at home, mama?” Junie inquires with big, chocolate colored eyes, as she wraps her arms around her shoulders in a hug, before she begins to wriggle her body a bit to be let go to walk again.
“I’ve.. never tried, baby.” Persephone realizes, though she now has the idea swirling in her head. “I don’t know if it could grow with all that concrete.” There wasn’t really dirt and soil back home, concrete and steel were more common than trees and plants. Maybe window boxes? Persephone considers sliding Junie so she can walk again.
“Can you and ‘amma show me how? I bet I can make them grow back home.” Junie suggests, again, grabbing both their hands before tugging ahead. “I can do anything.”
Persephone nods in response, “I think we could make that happen.”  She links eyes with Hades, and they share a knowing look. With a little work, they’d give her whatever. They’d give her the world. “You sure can, baby.”
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Auriana's Take On Love
Auriana was a romantic at heart. Yes, it's true her ventures in romance were many, and she admits that she may not stick around for long. But she loves love nevertheless. There's just so much to love about it afterall.
Falling in love, for one, is always a blast. A sudden bout of carelessly slipped passion that has her cursing underneath her breath. Playful foot fights and knocking of the knees, leading up to shy shoulder brushes, and the ever hinting touch of the fingertip. The tell-tale rhythmic pulse of rushing blood and drenched palms. Stolen glances from the other side of the room that either break off immediately or turn into heated stare-downs with neither wanting to back off.
Ah yes, the falling. Ironic, seeing as it isn't a fall at all. Rather, when her heart jumps onto the cart, there is no falling but anticipation until the top. Unsure of the new course as she reaches further and further up, until she is hanging off the edge. It's always the highest hill that's first, the one that takes up your whole view because all you can see is down. A guaranteed promise of risk and adrenaline, and a slight bit of stomach turning. Exactly the kind of ride she signed up for. Auriana knew this since her first kiss with the court magician's son. (He tasted like Iris's attempt at lemon curd pie)
But as nice as the metaphor is, whereas a rollercoaster, with all their dips and loops, can never satisfy her needs with a single monotonous attraction, her loves had no such blueprint. They may buck like an untamed stallion and throw her off the rails, damn safety. They may tease her with a swerve as she settles into the dips. They may ease her with steady winds lapping her face as they cruise with leisure. Auriana prides herself to picking only the interesting after all. (Her standards are not recommended to be followed)
So is it all a sport for Princess Auriana of Volta? Does she simply ride until another catches her eye? Or until she decides that this one has not the strength to move her heart no more? Many would say yes, her bandmates included. But nay, the lady herself thinks otherwise.
Although she has been called flippant in her attitude towards love, there's a lovely hope, deep in her heart, that this one would be her last adventure. For them to be her last ride.
Of course, she has had no luck thus far. The trail of broken hearts and cut strings are plenty proof of that. Indeed, there were many sweet Earthlings that pulled at her heartstrings, some rather spicy ones that intrigued her curiosity, not to mention the roughened Ephedians that come by and remind her of home.
Despite that, she still dreamed of cuddles late at night, gazes meant for only one other so often shared by lovestruck couples, holding hands to the annual Dawning Festival in hopes of future luck, sharing scarves to shield from the cold, lazy bedtime kisses…
Maybe her expectations are too high. Or perhaps, as her close friends have hinted many times, too low. In Auriana’s hopeful (albeit unlikely) opinion, perhaps the Great Destinies of Volta had put her in a lover’s path and she has guided them to a better part of life in what seemed at the time to be an insignificant, now fateful action and would thank her for the rest of their life? A stretch, but not one without evidence. They have gathered at least three Oracle Gems from her voyeurs afterall.
For now, as Auriana sips her strawberry kiwi smoothie, she still hasn't quite found "the one." But that’s alright, she mused as she purveyed the small sandwich menu. Iris’s shanila just passed, Talia hasn't murdered her for tardiness yet, and Lolirock keeps getting more and more popular. Time is everything, and everything moves in due time, as her Father always said.
Maybe she should take a break from love. Focus more on sightseeing and taking back her kingdom after they defeating Greymore.
“A steak and cheese sandwich please,” Auriana ordered to the part-timer, deciding on the first sandwich that caught her eye after all. Checking her phone, she realized that for once, the schedule was subjectively free. (subjective because Talia had scheduled a strategy meeting; like they ever actually use any of the strategies against the twins in the heat of the moment.)
Sucking down her smoothie as she waited, she considered her options. Iris and Nathaniel are going on their not-double date with Carissa and Lyna, so she can't risk interrupting the romantic atmosphere. Talia was studying Borealis spell formations back at the house so no way in hell was she going near that place. Ticking off names off her mental list of friends, it was then that she realized that everyone else that came to mind all had plans or were her exs. What to do, what to do…
Settling down onto the stool, the newcomer looked at the menu nervously. She looked to be around Auriana’s age with long blonde hair and a face that reminded Auriana of Earth’s bunnies.
Turning to Auriana, who was faking choosing a drink but was secretly side eyeing the new girl, she seemed to be quietly debating to herself about whether or not to risk talking to her before making a decision. Stuttering a quick accented greeting and introduction, the blonde turned to Auriana.
“Uhh.. Do you know any... good food?” asked the girl slowly, peering at Auriana through her lashes. Her head was faced down, most likely from the nerves talking to a foreigner. She’s cute, Auriana thought as she turned toward the nervous girl.
“Oui, les smoothies sont à tomber par terre,” Auriana answered cheerfully. Whipping her head up, the girl grinned toothily, happy in finding someone to communicate.
“You know French?” she asked, switching to her mother tongue.
“Yep!” Auriana said enthusiastically, just as happy to find someone to talk to.
“I went to France for work and picked up the language. It’s pretty cool how you can go from sounding like a gorbleck to a swiggle in a sentence, Like right now,” Auriana said, thinking back to the days when she and Talia were still searching for Iris.
The girl giggled, thinking it was some kind of joke. As the two talked, it wasn’t until she got the French girl’s number that Auriana remembered that she had left her sandwich at the smoothie bar.
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the-soupiest-artist · 3 years
Legend of Zelda: Lost and Found
Chapter 2: Choosing to Follow the Call
This series of fics contains spoilers for SOH! You have been warned!
Also thank you to all who have been supporting me through this endeavor!! This wonderful story wouldn’t have happened without the beautiful minds of @s-kinnaly and @ridersoftheapocalypse
A quiet hum filled the courtyard of the palace, as the citizens of the grand capital started to fill the courtyard, and as the people gathered the quiet hum, turned into quiet singing. What was at first a small gathering turned into a choir of Healer and Hylian voices. All singing, waiting to see their chosen leader.
 The singing never ceased even in the grand hall of the palace. The walls lined with the elders of each district, each one singing, waiting for the leader and her family to enter.  As the side curtains to the main hall parted, the singing seemed to crescendo as the three daughters of Orlaithe entered. All dressed in white and gold but each had their own accented color.
 The eldest daughter present, Lilija. Dressed with accents of a cool purple. Her jewelry and flower details shimmering with an almost iridescent shimmer and complimented her brown curls. The youngest, Camelia, accented in a mixture of bright fuchsia and soft pink, her reddish hair dotted with her patron flower, Camelia. Finally, the Leader entered. The middle child and 3rd child of Orlaithe. Amaryllis, Her black ringlets under control and pulled up into her gold crown. Her dark indigo waste scarves flowing down to the floor, much like the statue of Din. 
 The elders bowed, their singing didn’t falter, the stone-faced leader outstretching her arms towards the crowded hall. The oldest of the elders, Sister Zillah, stepping forward. The other elders following, they all met in the back of the hall, Sister Zillah ahead of them, and in her aged freckled hands sat Akane’s Token. The necklace was gold, as was the color of the healers and of the divine goddesses who breathed them into existence. A beautiful green gem, set in the center of the gold metal of Akane’s Token, glinted in the light streaming through the curtains of the hall. Amaryllis stepped down from the marble platform she was standing on, meeting Zillah in the center of the hall. The Sister smiled and before her frail hands dropped the token into The Leader’s hands, she leaned in a whispered, “es deveenes weorkin behere fores netortum tore cheorsere hera.”  
The goddesses would be fools not to choose her
As the gentle touch of cold metal fell into Amaryllis’s palms, the leader nodded. Her eyes still cold and serious, as Amaryllis turned around and went back to the platform, the line of elders parted, yet they did not hug the walls as closely as before, instead, they lined the aisle. 
The double doors to the great hall opened, three young girls, entered. Each represented the golden goddesses, all of them dressed with their patron colors. As they walked down the aisle, each girl tossed a handful of colorful petals on the aisle. The girl representing Din, throwing petals of red. Nayru, petals of deep blue, and the girl adoring the green of Farore sprinkled her green leaves and flower petals. The young girls bowed towards the leaders as they came to the end of the great hall, the group giggling quietly to themselves and lining up against the wall. One of the elders, Oryn, shaking his head with a smile as he continued singing with his brethren, knowing the girl dressed in blue was his daughter and probably started the giggling. 
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Entering last, was the chosen girl. The one whose entrance everyone anticipated. Stepping into the dim hall, Mara. Dressed beautifully in the garments Camelia designed and crafted for her. 
Her palms sweaty, and nervous. The outside much more graceful than the inside, Mara felt like she was going to puke. She wanted to run by GODS RUNNING AWAY SOUNDED SO MUCH MORE FUN THAN THIS
But it was her duty….what would her mother say?? She was doing this for her, and her family. As she continued to walk down the aisle Mara couldn’t help but miss her parents.
The warm smile of her mother and the strong hugs and words of affirmation she used to give. Her father’s kind but determined voice telling her that she was the greatest thing since sliced bread. She missed them….she wished they were here, encouraging her..telling her that everything would be just fine.
She thought all these things to herself, then stopping at the platform her aunts looking down at her with so much pride and hope. Mara knelt as Leader Amaryllis started whispering the sacred prayer, Akane’s token held high above her head as the words of blessing in their native tongue were whispered on her lips. 
Amaryllis finally unhooking the clasp and attaching it around Mara’s neck her aunt tilted her chin up by her fingers with a proud smile. “I’m so very proud of you,” Amaryllis whispered.
Amaryllis was never one for feelings of any kind. So when Mara heard those words and saw her smile, she knew her Aunt was telling the absolute truth. Mara did well.
In fact, she did very well!!
That approving gaze and smile was all she needed to make her believe, for that moment, that she was ready for this weight that seemed to settle on her as soon as the little necklace hung around her neck. 
As Mara rose from her kneeling, Amaryllis composed herself as if that split moment of actual emotion was never there presenting her nice before the eyes of their goddesses and people. “GREAT COUNCIL OF OUR PEACEFUL NATION!” Leader Amarylis’s commanding voice boomed, “I PRESENT TO YOU OUR CHOSEN LEADER! MAY THE GODDESSES LIGHT HER PATH WITH COURAGE, WISDOM, AND POWER!”
Amaryllis raised her arms to her court as Mara stood before the council with her head lifted high, although her eyes flickered with anxiety. 
“AND WHEN HER TIME COMES MAY THE GODDESSES CHOOSE HER TO CARRY OUR PEOPLE INTO A BRIGHTER FUTURE!” The council cheered in response, “WE ACCEPT HER SHOULD THE GODDESSES CHOOSE HER!! LONG MAY SHE REIGN!” ~~~ The party and celebration went on without a hitch! Camelia got very drunk and ended up staying the night at some unknowing suitor’s home, which was not surprising to any of the family.
Amaryllis went to bed as soon as making the required appearance was met. She wasn’t a fan of parties, or rather any fun for that matter. 
Lilija made sure everything went according to plan after Amarylis went to bed, she even straightened out the beginnings of a drunken fight between a Hylian and a Healer. Lilija of course escorted the Healer to the infirmary while she healed the Hylian instantaneously with her magic. Although it seemed all the authority had excused themselves to other matters the celebrating did not stop, even the guard was off duty and spent their time drinking laughing, and singing harvesting songs with tankards in hand. The same songs their ancestors, and even the people still sang today while harvesting their herbs from the hanging farmland built into the side of the mountainous valley the Healer Capital was birthed in. 
As Mara laid in her bed the echoes of joyful singing rang in her head as she drifted off to sleep with a smile. Although she was forced to socialize without Link by her side, she still had a good time. Which she spent in the courtyard of the palace, watching the dancers and various magical shows of the many other talented citizens of the city.
Her head full of good dreams and the Healer CIty went to sleep for the night, all windows dark and the mood shining at its full beauty, there was an unsettling air that started to settle, even Din’s fiery light flickered and went out as the winds of change kicked up and swept through the palace or more specifically in the room of their newly Chosen. The call
There it was again…
Like a beautiful call to war, or an eery temptation the sound echoed and interrupted the slumber Mara had just started to drift into. She pushed the noise away, turning over in her blankets trying to fall back asleep. Again the voice called out to her, a bit louder. Mara groaned and snuggled her head beneath her pillow, hoping that would stop the intrusion into her pleasant dream. 
But the determination of this call penetrated all logic and shattered the state of unconsciousness that Mara really wanted to fall into. With a frustrated sigh, she sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking sleepily around the room. “I can hear you,” Mara mumbled. “I don’t want any trouble I just want to sleep.” 
Looking around the room, seeing as it was still empty, and yet the curtains that swayed with the eerie wind, the wind beckoning her to leave her room and into the hall. 
“Whoever you are…” 
Giving in to the voice’s alluring demand she slid off her bed, her white nightgown joining the curtains in their trembling dance. Mara peered into the hallway, it was empty, dark, and quiet. A little too quiet for Mara’s liking.
The call tempted her father into the hall, she followed the call that seemed to resonate and shake her soul pulled her body outside of the palace. Not in the courtyard, but in one of the side entrances. It was like a secret meeting as if whoever was calling her wanted to lure Mara in private. Like an assassin, or thief in the night. Mara’s breath hitched out of a new fear from her anxiety’s newly formed thoughts. Even still she followed. “What do you want? Is this a trap?” As if whatever this call was could sense her unease, a trail of Healer Flowers, her people’s symbol, appeared and lead her exactly in the direction in which the alluring call in Mara’s heart wanted to go. Mara’s eyes grew wide as her mind tried to make sense of what it was seeing, and what magic was being displayed. “Honorable Goddesses…” she exclaimed quietly, “Hylia is this your doing?” She touched the token that hung around her neck, there was no answer, she followed farther into the unknown. The voice guided her farther up the mountain and to The Great Thorn wall. The wall that secluded their city from whatever the outside world held. There the path that was once lit faded behind Mara and trapped her in a ring of Healer Flowers. Mara does a quick turn to determine the fact that she was indeed in the center of these flowers.
The voice echoed its trill
Mara waited silently for something else to happen. The notes the voice sang echoed again, begging her to sing. Without thinking for one second she sang the melody the calling had been repeating to her. The call harmonized with her as Mara sang with it. As she sang the golden flowers, Mara noticed, they were releasing their pollen, at first in a gentle sprinkle, and then in a thicker sheet as Mara felt herself fill with magic. Is this supposed to happen after The Choosing??
Are the Goddesses asking her to lead NOW??!!
OF ALL TIMES NOW?? Before her mind could swell with more anxiety Mara was given several obscure visions. She seemed to run on another force as she was frightened but the song still carried out through her lungs without any interruption. War
A land scorched, hurt, and trampled by battle, she could feel the very earth in the vision weep in sorrow and pain. 
A towering king with fiery hair and yellow eyes and his queen, wise and sure. She looked an awful lot like some of the paintings her people displayed in their palace. Several Other figures she didn’t recognize but all of them stood in front of the king and queen. 
The Three Goddesses. Din Nayru
And Farrore, split in half with a single swipe of a blade.
And Spring, with petals of pink, new life, and a promise for a bountiful harvest. That image stayed strong in Mara’s head as she sang, the power that seemed to course through her veins grew in its potency and Mara had no way to channel it, it was too much. She was a weak Healer as it was and this divine power, if she couldn’t get it out of her system fast, it could tear her apart from the inside out. As she belted a final note, all of that power was released. Mara forcing her hands down and a forceful golden flash scattered across the space. The divine power leaving her and Mara felt normal once more. The Healer Flowers disappeared as if they were never there, to begin with. Mara stood there, panting. She...she wasn’t dead, she even pinched herself to prove it. Mara lifted her head from staring at the ground, her jaw-dropping and her blue eyes glowing with excitement as she saw what laid before her. The Great Thorn Wall had been compromised.
As there, caused by Mara’s blast of power, stood a small gash in the wall. It was enough for a horse and rider to pass through. Whatever mysterious call she followed and whatever divine power it gave her in that moment, it gave her and Link their guaranteed safe passage to the kingdoms beyond the Healer Capital. If there even were Kingdoms anymore in the land beyond.
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