#i stopped myself bc i have so much (LOOKS AROUND FRANTICALLY
he-calls-me-kitten · 1 year
Thoughts on the brothers going on up to F!MC's room (And actually knocking for once since Simeon is over and they don't wanna barge in no matter how much they don't like them being alone) only for F!MC to open the door 🦆-ing disselved. Hair messed up, lipstick smudged, shirt halfway unbuttoned and hanging off their shoulder, her face flushed as she holds onto the doorframe yet totally unfazed by her current appearance as she just casually responds with a 'What's up' like it's normal. (Which probably is-) While Simeon is just on her bed in the background, shirt gone, covered in lipstick and bite marks from his face down to his lower stomach, face flushed as he pants and whines about them leaving
(Oh and MC being like short BC we love short dominant women 😋😋)
- M.🪭🪷
As a short fiesty girl myself, I very much approve this idea. Also um power up and get ready to tell "STAY" cause can you imagine the instant riot this is about to cause?
Or it might be more of a lengthy passive-aggresive couple of days for Simeon if this is the Nightbringer universe we are talking about.
"What's up?" You say with unbelievable nonchalance. The brothers look at you with widened eyes - at your newly exposed skin and the obvious signs of intimacy with someone.
They feel a burning inside them. Whether it's jealousy or the animalistic desire to rebrand you with their marks instead.
And if that wasn't enough - they actually see Simeon. Lying down and panting, with his face flushed and eyes struggling to stay open from the sheer bliss of it all.
His fingers were grasping at the sheets around you. "MC..." His needy voice slipped out.
Fuck. MC did that?
Suddenly everyone wants to be Simeon. They stare at the nails on your hands, your lips look even prettier with the smudged lipstick, your teeth peeking through your smirk - they want to feel it all.
Lucifer tries his best to remain calm but his eye twitches frantically as he calls out to Simeon to "have a quick word with him". And his face gets redder as he sees the marks you've made on Simeon up close, and glares at you. It should be him you should have been doing this with.
Mammon and Levi get into a tug of war, both trying to get you to their rooms. In the end, they both end up taking off their shirts and kneeling in front of you, silently begging you to bite them senseless like you did with Simeon. They promise they'll be good boys, way better than Simeon.
Satan's eyes dart everywhere in keen observation - as if trying to recreate in his mind whatever transpired between you and the angel. So he can imagine how it would feel if it was him. He imagines you on top of him, smirking the same way as you are now.
Asmo on the other hand shamelessly asks Simeon for details. How hard do you bite, how soft do your lips feel, how your tongue feel on his skin, what you do with your hands, what you say during - he gets aroused just listening to it.
Beel stands there stunned, cheeks flushed as he has a vague idea of what might have happened. Belphie full on hides his scarlet face in his pillow and groans. They're both about to have some very questionable dreams tonight.
And Simeon? Well he can't stop coming back for more. Even though you both almost got caught, he appears the next night, shirt almost off and his pants unbuttoned. You need to finish what you started.
You smile as he coaxes you back to your bed and on top of his lap. You tut at his impatience - "The door. We didn't lock it."
"Leave it be, please I need you now, MC." He breathes against your lips. You kiss him silly, hearing him whimper through it. You grab his shoulders much to his delight.
"They might see us in the act this time." You warn him. He pulls you closer, burying his head against your chest.
"Let them, I want you too much to care." He lets himself fall, at your whim and mercy. You oblige him and revel in his almost musical moans.
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maybank-archives · 10 months
Reader and JJ are in a relationship despite her father telling her to stay away from him. One day she gets a call from Sarah or Kiara that he’s in the hospital- his dad beat him within an inch of his life. Luckily her dad is somewhere on the mainland for the next two weeks so she can sneak out. She doesn’t leave his bedside for anything but using the bathroom until he can leave the hospital. Maybe he’s in surgery when she gets there, and/or has to have emergency surgery, maybe his heart stops a few times from like internal bleeding or something.
by your side - jj maybank
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warning: a tiny angst
word count: 0.4k
author's notes: i'm back! since kinktober i took a little break just to organize some personal/work related things but i'm back! this is one of my late request that i didn't posted on october bc of the kinktober works but now it can see the light of the day! hope yall like this! love ya :)
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The hospital room was eerily silent, so quiet you could've heard a pin drop. All you could hear was the steady beeping of the machines scattered around JJ's room. JJ looked like he'd been in a fight with a truck. The amount of bruises on his face and body was seriously scary. I took a seat in a chair right next to JJ's bed, gripping his hand like my entire world depended on it.
I’ve been glued to his side since I got the call from Sarah a day ago. I rushed to the hospital immediately, my heart was heavy with fear. I knew how shitty Luke Maybank was, but I would never imagine he could do something like this. When I saw JJ I collapsed into Kie’s arms, it was painful to see him like this.
I guess having a rough relationship with our father was like an invisible connection between me and JJ. Right after my dad found out about my relationship with JJ, I had been “forbidden” to see him, no matter how much I argued, my dad insisted on making the same stupid comments about how low-class, worthless, and dirty pogues are.
I couldn’t care less about his opinion, JJ and the rest of the pogues have been my family more than my actual family, and that’s why no matter what happened, I’m not going anywhere.
The door to the room swung open, the doctor entered with Pope, John B, Sarah, and Kie right behind him.
“You must be the persistent girlfriend, huh?.” He said picking J’s chart. “Well, he suffered severe internal bleeding, and his heart stopped a few times during the procedure. We managed to stabilize him, but, he'll need time to recover.” 
I nodded feeling the tears welled up in my eyes. Kie reached your shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“We will keep him under our watch until he’s better.” He added heading towards the door “He will be fine, kids.”
“Thank you,” I whispered sobbing.
“C’mon J, hang in there.” John B said with his eyes watering as well.
I sank my face into my hands; my mind was frantic, I kept reminding myself to take deep breaths to control my anxiety. 
I step out of the bedroom and head to the bathroom, I splash water on my face trying to stop the crying, I suddenly realize I haven’t left JJ’s bedroom since yesterday, Sarah and Kie were alternating bringing you food and water but besides that, you just sat there. 
When I walked back into the bedroom, I saw Pope, John B, Sarah, and Kie, all crashed out on the couch. I took my seat again, holding JJ's hand, as I got comfortable in the chair, I felt JJ’s hand twitch. I snapped my head in his direction, and there he was, slowly fluttering his eyes open.
“You're here,” he said with a weak smile crossing his lips.
My eyes welled up with tears, but I couldn't hide my own relieved grin as I leaned in to kiss his cheek. "Of course, I am," I murmured.
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© maybank-archives 2023 — no one has permission to copy or translate any of my works, if you see any of my work being reproduced in another platform please contact me! :)
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bluepluto03 · 8 months
Branch Sacrifices himself for Floyd AU
Summary: in which Branch sees Floyd getting the life sucked out of him and gets freaked enough to make a really bad decision
“I have a proposition for you. A trade.”
“Branch no!” Floyd yells
“Trade for what?”
“For me. You free Floyd, and you can use me instead.”
“Branch, leave, please.” Floyd begs.
Branch ignores him resolutely
Velvet seems to be considering. “Why should I trade?”
“Um… I won't die as fast?” Branch offers, caught off guard. He didn’t expect he’d need to convince her to kidnap him.
(Full mini/bullet fic under the cut)
Note: this is a cross between a actual fic and a bullet fic bc I have Other Projects I’m supposed to be working on and I’m trying to limit myself from going all out on trolls, but if people like this maybe I’ll try to clean it up some more and put it on ao3
Branch gets the bait letter sometime before the wedding. He panics badly, barely stops to leave a note for Poppy before running off to mt rageous.
JD has already spoken with Floyd and left to collect everyone
At first their Reunion is pretty similar to cannon with a bit more confusion and worry
Branch starts trying to get the cover off the vents so he can take Floyd with him- he doesn’t want to leave him there. But It’s a huge metal grate over a vent and he’s one tiny troll there’s only so much he can do
Floyd hears Velvet and Veneer approaching and tells Branch to run. Branch argues against him, keeps trying to open the stupid grate, ignoring Floyd’s pleas for him to run
In the hallway the voices of Velvet and Veneer go quiet but the trolls are too frantic to notice
Floyd points out Branch can’t help him if they’re both caught, and Branch reluctantly agrees to hide
Velvet, who’s been listening at the door, bursts in. She lunges at Branch but he escapes into the vents where she can’t reach him
Vaneer whines they’ll never be able to find him now
Velvet is like hmm… picks up Floyd’s crystal, Floyd seems scared, looking back up at her
“Such a shame. Im not sure this one will last until the next one shows up.” She says loudly
Her voice rattles around the vents and shakes the ground Branch is trying to stand on and he he grits his teeth against it
“Oh im sure another one will show up soon enough, but we have half a dozen shows in the next few days. This one’s getting pretty weak.” she shakes Floyd. “With two, well theres one for each of us! Right veneer?”
“Im sure two would be able to make it much longer…”
Branch knows what she’s doing. He knows she’s just trying to bait him out. The stupidest thing in the world he could do would be to go down there right now.
But all he can see is how pale floyd is getting, and the terrifying translucence of the tips of his fingers, and-
And. if he goes down there he’ll be useless to save floyd.
He’ll have to just figure out some other way to get floyd out
“We’ll have to keep him with us now, i guess, since theres some little critters running around. We don’t want them bothering our little guest”
Anxiety starts to choke Branch and he tries to push it down. Okay, that complicates things, but it’s fine. It’ll be fine. He’ll still manage to save Floyd. Before it’s too late
He can’t pull himself away from the edge of the vent. He realizes he’s been edging closer and closer on his stomach, out of the shadows, desperate just to see Floyd for a moment longer
Velvet looks around. She sees a shadow in the vent and grins to herself
“Well we’ve gotta get going to our next show. Time for a quick spritz”
She sprays herself
Floyd lifts up from the force of it, eyes rolling back in pain. His body shudders once with the wave, then goes boneless as he drops to the bottom of the bottle
“NO-“ the scream rips through Branch’s throat before he can catch it. Velvet looks at the vent with a predatory look in her eye. Floyd looks dazed and terrified on Branch’s behalf
Velvet takes one predatory step forward and instinctively Branch yells “DON’T MOVE”
Velvet stops, seemingly more out of surprise than anything else. She laghs. “Why should i troll? What’re you gonna do? Sing at me?”
“I’ll disappear into the vents” Branch says with much more confidence than he feels. “By the time you get to me, i can be deep enough that you won’t be able to grab me.”
Velvet frowns, eyes scanning the distance between them, but she dosn’t move forward
“Why not just run off then?” Veneer asks, though it sounds more genuinely confused, lacking his sister’s mocking undertone
Floyd is looking at him with a furrowed brow, confusion evident on his face as he struggles to figure out what branch is doing, even as he leans limply against the side of the bottle
“I have a proposition for you. A trade.”
“Branch, no!” Floyd yells as he figures it out
“Trade for what?”
“For me. You free Floyd, and you can use me instead.”
“Branch, leave, please.” Floyd begs.
Branch ignores him, resolutely pushing down the fear in his chest
Velvet seems to be considering. “Why should I trade?”
“Um… I won't die as fast?” Branch offers, caught off guard. He didn’t expect he’d need to convince her to kidnap him.
“Maybe, but pinkie here is pretty powerful. How do I know you’ll be anywhere near as strong?”
Branch hesitates then forces himself move forward “I’m stronger.”
“No he’s not! He’s terrible!” Floyd insists
“Excuse me?” Branch shoots back, indigent and caught off guard
But Floyd’s not looking at him hes talking to velvet. “He’s awful. If you use him you’ll sound like-” he grasps for how to convince them ”like a broken chalkboard, or nails in a clock, or- or a crying bird!”
“You’re mixing metaphors, babe” Veneer tells him
“Or something! It’ll be bad, okay??” floyd insists desperately
branch feels irrationally a bit hurt because he knows floyd is only saying that to protect him. He takes a deep breath, pushing down all the fear and hurt
“No it won’t. I have the voice of an angel.
Velvet raises an eyebrow. “Prove it.”
He sings a few bars
“Deal.” Velvet agrees to the trade
Now there’s the problem of actually doing the trade
They tell him to come down, he says no you’ll take us both, gimme floyd and then ill come down, they accuse him of the same thing, they agree on branch standing on the edge of the vent and them putting floyd next to him as they pick him up
They do it and branch tries not to shake in fear
They let Branch help Floyd into the vent because he’s so weak, but both Velvet and Veneer are hovering so close and they’ve figured out how to shut some of the vents so even if he wanted to leave he couldn’t
As floyd is placed down he beggs branch “branch please don’t do this, please.”
Branch can’t look at him. He wishes he had something, anything to say
Floyd’s hair wraps around his wrist weakly, it’s all Floyd can manage. Branch just gently takes it off and keeps going
As he steps into velvets hand he tries his best for a comforting smile. “I’ll be back. I promise.”
This time, when one of them walks away, they both know he’s lying
Note: that’s what I have so far! Cue very sick Floyd watching his brother suffer and desperately trying to save him while so weak.
Maybe I’ll continue if ppl like this maybe I’ll finish editing this into something a bit cleaner but we’ll see! Honestly depends if people are interested bc I have other stuff I really should be working on but the trolls hyperfixation hit me with a frying pan and dragged me into the fandom in a burlap sack.
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propertyofwhitney67 · 4 months
So we have Whitney comforting reader after they have a nightmare, yeah?
Now let's have Reader comforting Whitney after he has a nightmare.
(Nightmare could be based off of your Dark Whitney series (totally not copium because I don't want this blonde man to be sad and lonely))
You're Safe...
M!Whitney x Gn!Reader
Closed Prompt Event: Nightmares & Comfort
Words: 915
Tw: Nightmare, dark content, throwing up, dead body, angst.
Note: Dark Whitney series? Say fucking less, I know just the dream for him. I'm not sure how I feel about this one...something feels weird, but I guess it's bc I did Whitney's pov.
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I found myself in what looked like the moor outside of town, heavy fog surrounding me. A sense of dread consumed me as the fog parted, creating a clear tail to follow. I had a bad feeling that something was waiting for me at the end of this trail. 
Along the trail I found a shoe, your shoe. Those shitty ones you stole from the mall and always wore. I recognized the drawing I made on them, an ejaculating cock. I remember drawing it, you were pissed that I’d ruined your only shoes. I only laughed, finding your anger hilarious.
I also found torn pieces of clothing. I recognized the embroidery you always incorporated when you stitched your clothes back together. I picked up a piece, tracing the shitty embroidery I always made fun of. I pocked the torn fabric and continued along the trail with a pit in my stomach. 
The trail eventually led me to a large tree with what looked like a shallow grave beneath it. I took a step back and for the first time in a while, I was truly scared. Is this even real? It all feels so…wrong. Something was wrong, but I couldn’t place it. The fog swirled around me, threatening to close in on me. It was all so wrong.
I took a deep breath to calm myself, but only gagged at the sudden smell of a rotting corpse. I held my stomach and threw up, bile burning my throat. I wiped my mouth and stepped closer to the tree. I didn’t want to investigate, but I couldn’t stop myself. I kneeled next to the disturbed earth and began to dig. 
The feeling of dread only got worse when I found a hand wearing rings, rings that you always wore. It’s your hand, your cold dead hand. I froze, holding my breath and staring at the ring on your finger that I kept in my pocket. I was always too much of a pussy to give the ring to you. Why did you have it? How did you find it? I suddenly realized I was crying, tears dropping onto your cold hand. “Why…?” I choked out, bringing your hand to my cheek and nuzzling into it.
At night, when everything was quiet, you'd whisper your fears to me. That one day you’d die like this, that you wouldn’t be able to save yourself. I’d just say you were overthinking, and I had something to get your mind off it. Then I’d fuck you till you were dumb on my cock, no longer thinking of your fears.
Tears streamed down my face as I gently put your hand down and continued to dig, this time more frantically. I needed to see you, to hold you. I stopped digging when I found the rest of your body. I stared down at your naked body and began to sob. My hands shook as I pulled you from your shallow grave, holding you close to my chest. The fog started to surround me once again, it was so heavy I felt like I was suffocating.
I woke up in a cold sweat and gasping for air, trying to catch my breath. I reached out, frantically searching for you in the bed. I needed to make sure you were safe, that you were ok. All the movement must have woken you up, “Wha…What?” You asked groggily, propping yourself up on one arm. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and could see my face more clearly, tears streaming down my cheeks and eyes full of fear. “What’s wrong?” You asked, this time more concerned. I let out a quiet sob, “C’mere.” You held me close to your chest and rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. “What happened Whitney?”
I sniffled, feeling like such a pussy. I shouldn’t be acting like this, but that dream…It actually scared me. I was scared of losing you. “Just a nightmare...” I mumbled behind tears, trying to downplay the whole situation. “I’m ok.”
“No, you’re not.” You sighed at my stubbornness, running your fingers through my hair. “Do you want to talk about it?” You asked, wanting to help me through the fear I was feeling.
I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself enough to talk. “It…you…” I sighed, burying my head into your chest and wrapping my arms around your waist. “Remember your fear, the one you always tell me?” You hummed and nodded in response, “It happened…I found you.” I sniffled again, “I found you in a shallow grave under a tree…” I didn’t want to get too descriptive, not wanting to scare you and only fuel your fear. 
You kissed the top of my head and whispered, “I’m safe, Whitney.” You were trying your best to comfort me, “I’m right here with you, I’m not going anywhere.” 
I propped myself up on one arm, staring at you with glassy eyes. “We have to get out of here. I…” I closed my eyes, scared of what I wanted to say. I’m not the type to settle down with some slut. But you weren’t just some slut, you were my slut. I wanted to keep you safe, “I want…I want to leave this shitty town with you.”
“Really?” You asked, skeptical
Nodding, I laid back down on your chest, feeling exhausted. “Yeah…Now rub my back again, it felt nice.”
You rolled your eyes but obliged my request, “I’ll hold you to that.”
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hansensunshine · 2 years
hiii i love your writing a lot <33 i wanted to ask if you could write smth for mommy!rhaenyra x little sister!reader? maybe something where the reader is upset bc of alicent scolding her for spending time with rhaenyra and the reader goes to rhaenyra and feels really small and cries and keeps calling her mommy and rhaenyra cuddles her and tells her that shes her baby, maybe with some soft smut at the end if u want to write that, tysm <33
aw, thank you so much! and this will be really heartwarming to write!! (i think this is my favourite i’ve ever written) 😭🤍
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pairings: mommy! rhaenyra targaryen x little sister! reader
synopsis: you are rhaenyra’s little sister, but being alicent’s daughter means that you and rhaenyra have to keep your relationship secret.
tw: mommy kink
summary: alicent finds out why you’ve not being spending enough time with her, it was because of rhaenyra. your mother is less than forgiving with her attitude towards you and you couldn’t help but break down feeling small. you ran to the only one who knows how to comfort you when you’re feeling this small, rhaenyra.
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“you’re meant to spend time with your family, y/n!” alicent spoke quite harshly towards you. “but she is family, mother.” you almost had tears in your eyes but you were able to hold them back. “i meant myself, and i’m sure your other siblings would love to spend time with your too, y/n.” she lets out a sigh before placing both of her hands on your shoulders. “we hardly spend anytime together anymore, it’s like rhaenyra is taking you away from me.” you sighed a little before responding back to her “she’s doing no such thing, mother. i just happen to be in her company more than perhaps you would like.”
she looks down at you, god you hated the way she looked at you sometimes, this being one of them. “i don’t want you to put her over me, i’m your mother. she’s not worth your time, she’s such a bad influence. i don’t want you seeing her anymore, do i make myself clear?” you looked back at her, tears almost falling down your cheeks. you couldn’t take it anymore but to run.
you ran out of the room almost completely sobbing, but you held it in for the most part, trying to focus your vision on getting around. you wanted to go to your own room but you needed comfort, that’s when you decided to run to rhaenyra’s room. as soon as you got there, you knocked the door frantically almost breaking down in front of her door before you hear her. “come in!” you immediately opened her door before accidentally slamming it shut before facing her, wiping away your tears.
she took one look at you before her emotions changed, she knew something was wrong. she stood up from where she was just sitting and went over to you and wrapped her arms tightly around you, you couldn’t help but just sob in her arms.
“alicent.. she— she..” you continued to cry, before rhaenyra pulled away from you and crouched to your height, wiping your tears. “shh, it’s okay, little one. don’t force yourself to speak in such a condition, calm down for me first, okay? my poor baby.” you just nodded trying to steady your breathing as she rubbed your arm for comfort. you tried speaking again before it just came out as a jumble of words, she knew you needed comfort, she knew you were becoming small and couldn’t help it. “it’s okay, mommy is here to take care of you.” you smiled a little in response, she knew how to take care of your every need and you couldn’t thank her enough for it.
you clung onto rhaenyra, wrapping yourself around her before she picks you up, letting your legs wrap around her waist. she gently soothes you as she rubs your back. “mother doesn’t like us together.. she thinks you’re a bad influence and— and she doesn’t want me to see you anymore, mommy..” your face said it all, you were heartbroken from your mothers words. rhaenyra kissed the side of your cheek “your mother has no power to do such a thing. i will not stop myself from seeing my baby, if she says anything again, i will make sure she sees otherwise, okay?” she gave you a small smile as you returned it, playing with the fabric of her dress. “i love you, mommy.” “and you know i love you too, little one.”
she started to carry you over to her bed before laying you down, you giggled a little once you realised she was getting on top of you. “mommy will make you feel good, if you’ll allow me too.” she placed a kiss onto your forehead before you nodded. “i love it when mommy makes me feel good..” she smiled at you. “i will make you forget all the bad thoughts, just focus on mommy.” you giggled in a soft tone with a smile growing across your face as she starts undressing you.
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mayhem24-7forever · 2 years
The Littlest Cowgirl and the Mean Old Bull (Whumptober 2022)
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Whumptober Prompts (from this list): Lies - New Scars - Breathing Through The Pain
Character: Rhett Abbott (Outer Range)
Author’s Notes: If you are not over eighteen, this is not for you! I deserve a safe place to express myself and that includes not wanting minors to read my content, even when it is not sexual in nature. Thank you. I am REALLY sorry that this is late but I really am trying my best okay! I actually switched this with day 15 bc I had no inspiration for that day and I wanted to write this one lmao. HUGE thank you to @jostystyles for looking over this for me, this is for you baby. fic dividers by my darling @a-reader-and-a-writer, thank you so so much
Warnings: ANGST, bull riding, graphic descriptions of violence and injuries, blood and gore, low key religious trauma, hospitals, misplaced guilt, (AKA Jo traumatizes Rhett’s five year old daughter for 4.5k words)
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“Momma hurry up! We’re gonna miss daddy’s ride!” the little girl called, dragging her mother towards the stands and through the crowd by the hand.
“Slow down Annie!” Y/N laughed, shaking her head as her five year old daughter plowed through the crowd of adults without hesitation. “We have time!”
Angelica Abbott was definitely her father’s daughter, all attitude and sass, just like Rhett. She stomped through, weaving through the legs of the crowd, her tiny pink cowgirl boots kicking up tiny clouds of dust as she went. For her outfit that evening (she always dressed up for daddy’s rodeos), she had chosen to dress in a miniature matching version of what her father was wearing, a dark blue flannel and jeans, her hair braided into two tails under her pink cowgirl hat.
She didn’t slow down, not satisfied until her and her mother had taken their seats in the stands with grandpa Royal. The rodeo was on the other side of the state from Wabang as it was a big competition and so Rhett and his wife had decided to make it into a little vacation for Annie. Royal had come to see his son compete in the biggest competition of his career, Cecelia staying home to watch Amy as Perry had gone on another bender and as such was unfit. Annie climbed up the stands and hopped into her grandfather’s lap as her mother trailed behind her, out of breath from chasing and calling after the rambunctious child.
“Angelica, what have I told you about runnin’ away from your mama?” Royal asked as sternly as he could, struggling to stop himself from smiling at her adorably grumpy face.
Royal’s grandchildren were his weakness and one look from Amy or Annie would have him giving in to give them whatever they wanted, a fact they both took advantage of. Y/N huffed out a final breath as she sat down next to her father-in-law.
“Mama’s too slow!” Annie whined and Royal chuckled. “Daddy’s about to ride and we were gonna miss it!”
“Your father doesn’t ride for another ten minutes, little one.” Royal supplied and Annie giggled as she shrugged.
Annie settled back in her grandfather’s lap, leaning back against his chest and peering down at the ring and the bull pens behind it. The three of them played I Spy for a while to kill the time, Annie giggling when she chose to describe the same trailer for the third turn in a row.
“Oh look! It’s daddy!” Y/N said and Annie sat up, looking to where her mom was pointing at the back of the ring to find her father getting ready to mount the bull in it’s tiny pen.
“Daddy!” she squealed and Rhett turned to wave at her with a big smile, Annie waving back frantically.
“I love you, Angel!” he called back, his nickname for her barely audible from so far with so much noise around them.
Rhett turned to focus on mounting the bull when Annie’s face suddenly dropped.
“Oh no!” she cried out and her mother and grandfather looked to her in concern. “I didn’t give daddy his good luck kiss! I always give him his good luck kiss before he rides!”
“It’s alright sweetheart, just you being here to watch him is all the luck he’ll ever need.” Royal assured her.
She watched nervously as Rhett struggled to mount the bull, the handlers barely able to get him on it. Annie had never seen that happen and it made her stomach twist into knots. She turned to her mother, leaning practically onto her lap and got her attention as the man on the speakers started talking.
“Mama?” she said quietly and her mother leaned in to hear her daughter over the announcer. “My tummy hurts.”
“Oh, I’m sorry baby, we can go back to the hotel right after daddy finishes his ride.” Y/N assured her and Annie frowned.
“Need to go now!” she insisted, pouting.
“Sweetheart, daddy is about to ride. Eight seconds and he’s off and we can go, okay?” her mother asked and Annie reluctantly nodded, settling back into her grandfather’s lap uneasily.
Annie had seen a lot of her father’s rides over her very short life, whether it was in a sling wrapping her against her mother’s body, nestled on her grandmother’s lap, or perched high up on her grandfather’s shoulders. A few times, her father had fallen off or had a rough landing but he always got back up with minimal injuries, usually just some cuts and bruises, a sprain or two at the worst.
Whenever that happened, Rhett would sit on a chair in the kitchen as Y/N cleaned and bandaged his cuts and put ice on his bruises. Annie would be perched on the kitchen table or on his lap, using her little toy first aid kit to help her momma. She liked playing nurse to help her daddy feel better when he was hurt. Rhett would always end up covered in dozens of flowery and sparkly little bandaids, whether he needed them or not (and usually he didn’t).
“Daddy just got a little banged up by the mean old bull, baby.” he would assure her, her little fingers tracing over the scars, both new and old on his chest. “I’m just lucky I have you and your mama–best nurses in Amelia county–to always take care of me.”
Annie usually loved to watch her father ride bulls but as she waited for the ride to start, that bad feeling in her stomach got worse and worse. The bullhorn sounded and the gates were thrown open, the bull launching out of the shoot, Rhett hanging onto its back for dear life. She tried to count the seconds like her grandmother had taught her to do between lightning and thunder to know how far away a storm was.
One-one thousand. The crowd including her grandfather shot to their feet, hooting and hollering.
Two-one thousand. The bull bucked over and over again, bellowing in anger at the man on his back.
Three-one thousand. Rhett’s hat flew off his head, landing in the dirt below the angry bull’s stomping hooves and quickly being trampled.
Four-one thousand. The halfway point, Rhett still holding on tightly to the reins even as the bull got angrier and angrier, trying harder and harder to throw him off.
Five-one thousand. The dust cloud kicked up by the bull got bigger and bigger, almost hiding the image of Rhett perched on it’s back, his hand up in the air just like in the tattoo on his chest.
Six-one thousand. One of the ropes on the bull snapped, Rhett’s grip slipping as the entire saddle was knocked loose.
Seven-one thousand. Rhett’s body was flung off of the bucking bull, hitting the ground with a sickening smacking noise inaudible over the loud collective gasp of the crowd as the angry bull charged in to attack with swinging horns and stomping hooves.
The handlers were good at their jobs, getting the bull roped and pulled away from him in mere moments. Within seconds, Rhett’s unmoving body was swarmed by about a dozen handlers and blocking the crowd’s view of him. The crowd had gone deathly silent but as the bull was pulled back into its pen, they began to murmur in hushed whispers. Royal and Y/N were frozen in shock, unable to stop Annie when she wriggled out of her grandfather’s arms and took off down the stairs and towards the pen.
“Angelica, no!” Y/N screamed, racing after her but Annie didn’t listen.
“DADDY!” Annie screamed, sliding between the legs of some officials and into the ring before anyone could stop her, tears streaming down her cheeks as she ran towards the circle of bodies surrounding her father.
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Rhett’s brain was pounding in his skull, his eyes struggling to focus on anything but the bright lights of the arena as half a dozen dark figures hovered above him, their panicked voices overlapping.
“Don’t move Rhett! Just don’t move!”
“Jesus fucking Christ-”
“The paramedics are coming, alright?”
“Abbott, blink twice if you can hear me!”
“Oh my God…”
“Do not move!”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-”
He tuned them out, lying there in the dirt as he attempted to breathe through the agonizing pain on every inch of his body. Something warm and wet was pooling below his left leg and he couldn’t move his left arm at all. He blinked hard as the figures above him came in and out of focus, the same horrified look on every one of their faces. His whole body ached and he groaned in pain when someone tried to touch him. But he didn’t care. All that mattered was making sure his baby girl didn’t see him like that, especially as he heard a small but loud voice shrieking “Daddy!” and wailing in distress. He turned his head as much as he could to look between the legs of the others to see a tiny figure sprinting towards him from across the ring.
“Stop her… can’t… see me… like this.” Rhett rasped, a bit of blood coming out of his mouth as he wheezed in pain.
Luckily, one of the handlers was able to grab her before she got close enough to see him and Rhett could hear her screaming as she was handed off to Royal, who had been hot on her heels. Her voice got further and further away, her grandfather evidently carrying her away despite her loud protests. The men around Rhett parted enough to let Y/N through and she collapsed onto her knees at his side, her terrified eyes raking over his body and taking stock of his injuries. The protective vest seemed to have shielded his chest from the bull’s horns but his legs were not as lucky. He had a huge gash on his left leg, blood pouring forth through a tear in both chaps and jeans. His left arm was smashed, bones jutting out at impossible angles and he was having great difficulty breathing, his chest rising and falling unsteadily at uneven intervals with a rattling wheeze accompanying each breath.
“Oh my God, baby…” she gasped, shaky hands covering her mouth in shock, tears beginning to pour out of the corner of her eyes as she turned to scream at the men standing around. “Where the fuck are the medics! We need a fucking ambulance! Don’t just fucking stand there!”
Rhett chuckled a little at his wife’s fiery rage before the laugh turned to a cough, more blood spraying from his mouth which pulled her attention back to him. Her hands flew to his face, cradling him as she moved strands of his long hair off of his sweaty forehead. Grunting with effort, he moved to place his right hand on hers and she eagerly took it, trying to keep him from moving too much.
“It’s okay baby, don’t move. The medics are coming through the gate right now, okay?” she assured him and he nodded slightly, gazing up into his beautiful wife’s sad eyes. “Just hold on, baby. You’re gonna be just fine, Rhett.”
He squeezed her hand and gave her a small smile.
“I love you, baby. If I don’t get to tell you again, I love you so damn much.” Rhett said and she shook her head, shushing him.
“No, don’t think like that, okay? You’re gonna be alright and you can tell me again later.” she replied, crying as she looked down at her husband. “I love you and Annie loves you and you’re not going anywhere.”
“Our little angel didn’t see me like this, right?” he asked and she shook her head.
“No, your father took her outside the ring.” she assured him and he breathed out in relief.
“Tell her I’m okay.” he said weakly and they both knew it was a lie. “Tell her daddy is just a little more bruised up than usual from the mean old bull.”
Y/N nodded, unable to speak through her tears as the paramedics kneeled beside them, dropping his hand reluctantly when a rodeo official gently eased her up and away from him so they had room to work. She felt like she was in a nightmare as she was led out of the ring, glancing backwards every few seconds to watch them strap him onto a board and carry him into an ambulance.
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Everything had been a blur of tears to Annie ever since her grandfather had carried her out of the ring, ignoring her angry fists pounding on his chest and her screamed demands to be taken back. An ambulance with flashing lights and sirens pulled up to the gate of the ring and drove inside as some rodeo officials ushered Royal and Annie into an office in the back of the arena. When another official brought Y/N in a few minutes later, Annie was still blubbering into her grandfather’s neck as he shushed her and stroked her back. The second she saw her mother Annie reached for her and was pulled into her mother’s arms, Royal holding the pair comfortingly.
The officials talked with Royal and Y/N for a while but Annie wasn’t paying attention, instead continuing to cry as she clung to her mother. They were brought out to a car and driven back to their hotel, her mother telling her that daddy was going to the hospital but that they couldn’t see him until he felt a little better. Royal thanked the man who drove them, his comforting arm around his daughter-in-law’s shoulder as they headed for their rooms, Royal deciding to stay in their room for the night.
When they had made the reservations, Royal had his own room while Rhett’s family took a room with two beds, one for Rhett and Y/N and the other for Annie. Annie had been very excited to have her own big big-girl bed as a vacation treat, although most nights she ended up sleeping in her parents’ bed anyways as she found out she didn’t like sleeping in such a big bed all alone. Royal excused himself to go out onto the balcony to call Cecelia and let her know what had happened while Y/N struggled to get Annie through her nighttime routine.
Annie refused to take a bath and even threw her favorite bath toy (a rubber duck with a cowboy hat) at her mother, yelling that she wanted her daddy. Y/N tried to stay calm and keep it together, feeling just as upset as her daughter but unlike the little girl, she had responsibilities, trying to remember that Annie was only acting out because she was scared and she didn’t fully comprehend what was happening. Y/N was able to get her into her pajamas and coax her to lay down on her bed, falling into a restless sleep, crying in her mother’s arms, squeezing her favorite stuffed animal, Bessie the pink cow, tightly.
Rhett had been showing Annie all the animals on the ranch one day when she asked why some of the cows were black and white, but others were brown. He told her that the color of the cow showed what kind of milk they made: the black and white cows making regular milk, the brown ones making chocolate milk, and pink cows making strawberry milk. Annie had asked why they didn’t have any pink cows on the ranch and Rhett told her it was because they were “so super rare” only special pink cow farms could have them, which disappointed her. A few days later, she found a little stuffed pink cow sitting on her bed, her mother shaking her head and smiling at how much Rhett spoiled her.
Annie woke up a little bit later, the lights all off and she couldn’t stop thinking about her daddy’s accident, convinced it was her fault because she forgot to give him his good luck kiss beforehand. She crawled out of Y/N’s arms, careful not to wake her and hopped of the bed, kneeling next to it with her hands together in front of her like grandma had taught her.
"Dear Mr. Jesus, I know I don't pray to you as much as gramma wants me to but please save my daddy.” Annie begged, choking on her whispered pleas as tears began to stream down her face again. “I'm really sorry I didn't give him his good luck kiss before his ride but please make him get better. I swear i'll never forget to give him his good luck kiss again, I'm sorry. I’ll eat all my veggies without complaining and I’ll do my letter books for school and listen to mama when she tells me to clean my room. I swear I’ll be good, I swear I’ll be a good girl, Mr. Jesus sir, please save my daddy."
Satisfied with her prayer, she she padded across the carpeted room to the bathroom, dragging Bessie on the ground behind her. Once she had finished her business, she noticed that her grandfather was still out on the balcony with his head in his hands. She walked over and tried to open the heavy glass sliding door but couldn’t reach the handle. Gently, she tapped on the glass and Royal turned to reveal a tear-stained face. Wiping his eyes quickly, he leaned over and opened the door, giving his granddaughter the best smile he could muster as she stepped outside into the cool night air, her tiny feet quick to cross the cold cement.
“What are you doing up, little one?” he asked, voice hoarse and raw from crying as he lifted her up into his lap.
“Had to go potty.” she answered, reaching up to place her little hand on his cheek, still wet with tears. “Were you crying grampa?”
Royal nodded, eyes overflowing with tears again, and Annie gave him a big hug. She had never seen her grandfather cry before but she wanted to make him feel better so she did what he did every time she cried and hugged him tightly.
“Grampa?” Annie asked quietly after a minute and he pulled back to look at her.
“Yes, darlin’?” he asked and she looked up at him nervously.
“Is daddy gonna be okay?” she asked with wide eyes, the same blue eyes as her father and suddenly Royal felt as if he had been thrown back in time to when he had first held Rhett in his arms. “Are the doctors gonna make him all better?”
“I don’t know, darlin’...” he answered honestly, stroking her hair as she picked at Bessie’s fabric, avoiding his eyes. “The doctors are gonna do everything they can but ultimately we don’t know what’s gonna happen. But I’ll tell you what I do know…”
“What, grampa?” she asked, head snapping up to look at him as she listened intently.
“Your daddy is a fighter, he always has been, ever since he was as little as you.” he told her, trying to keep himself from crying again as he looked down at her, so full of fear and hope. “He’s one tough son of a bitch like me and he’s gonna fight as hard as he can to make it back to you and your mama.”
“You said a no no word, grampa.” she said with a little giggle that made him smile despite everything.
“I suppose I did.” he chuckled. “Don’t tell your grandmama I said that and I won’t tell your mama that you’re up this late. It can be our little secret, deal?”
“Deal!” she replied, curling up in his arms again with her head on his chest, holding Bessie tightly as she drifted to sleep listening to his steady heartbeat.
He waited until he was sure that she was asleep before he got up and carried her back inside, putting her back down next to her mother. He tucked them in, Annie instinctively curling up against Y/N in her sleep, and gave them both a kiss on the forehead before heading over to the other bed to try and sleep.
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“Annie, baby, wake up.” Her mother’s voice said, gently coaxing her awake and she opened her eyes to find herself looking up at her mother’s smiling face. “The hospital called. Daddy is okay and we can visit him now!”
Annie sat up quickly, eyes wide with surprise.
“Really?” she asked and Y/N nodded.
“We’re gonna go get some breakfast while we wait for visiting hours to begin and then we’re gonna go see him.” she told her daughter with a smile, stroking her hair comfortingly.
“The doctors made him all better?” Annie asked.
“Well, he’s still not feeling all better yet, he’s still hurt but the doctors said that he’s gonna be okay now.” Y/N assured her. “And in a few days, they’re gonna let him out of the hospital and we’ll all get to go home, alright baby?”
Annie nodded and gave her mom a hug before they got ready to go, Annie deciding she wanted to wear her pretty yellow sunday dress to go see him, Y/N grateful she had the forethought to pack it even though they hadn’t planned on going to church. After all three were ready, they walked across the street to a restaurant, Royal carrying his grand daughter as she rambled on about what kind of pancakes she wanted and how they had to bring some to Rhett. Royal and Y/N talked about adult stuff Annie didn’t understand while they ate breakfast, Annie tearing into her chocolate chip pancakes and drowning them in syrup. She was very excited when her mama let her order hot chocolate and she sipped away at it while her grandfather talked about medical and financial stuff with her mother.
Annie made sure they ordered a plate of food for Rhett, telling the waitress that she needed to please make sure the box was closed tight because they had to take it to the hospital for her daddy and she didn’t want to spill anything. When Royal was paying the check at the cash register up front, the waitress gave Annie a cookie and handed over the box for Rhett, which she said was ‘on the house’, although Annie didn’t understand how it could be on the house if they were in it. Either way, Y/N thanked her and the trio headed outside and across the street again.
The car from the previous night came to pick them up again and drive them to the hospital, dropping them off right at the front doors. They stopped in the gift shop so Annie could pick out some flowers for her father while Royal asked the staff for Rhett’s room number. Annie held her mother’s hand tightly as they took the elevator up a couple floors and a nurse led them down the bright hallways that seemed so endlessly long before they finally stopped in front of a door. The nurse knocked and opened the door.
“Mr. Abbott, you have some visitors here to see you.” she said with a smile and Annie was ushered into the room, the nurse shutting the door behind her when she left.
The first thing Annie noticed was how bright and clean everything was, a big window with the curtains thrown open taking up almost a whole wall. Then she saw the very high bed, big machines beeping beside it. There were so many tubes, cords, and wires everywhere that it took her a minute to realize that her father was lying in the bed with his head propped up on some pillows. His left side was way more bandaged than his right side and his left arm was in a cast but he smiled at her anyways.
“Hey Angel!” Rhett exclaimed. “Did you get all dressed up in your pretty dress just to come see me?”
Annie noticed the big bandages on his head and looked down at the floor, clinging to her mother’s leg shyly.
“Annie, go on baby, it’s okay.” Y/N prodded her gently trying to usher her towards her father but she just held on to her leg tighter with her eyes squeezed shut, little tears slipping out as she began to cry into her mother’s side.
Startled, Y/N looked to Rhett and Royal in confusion before kneeling down at her daughter’s level, pulling her into her arms.
“It’s okay, baby. Look, daddy’s alright!” she assured her, picking her up and carrying her towards Rhett’s bed, stroking her hair comfortingly. “I know it looks scary but he’s okay, sweetheart!”
Annie looked at her father again before bursting into tears and burying her head in her mother’s neck.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” she cried out and the adults looked to one another in concern as she blubbered on. “I’m sorry I got you hurt daddy, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!”
“Angel, what do you mean? You didn’t hurt daddy.” Rhett assured her as Y/N sat in the chair by his bed so he could reach out to comfort his baby girl, Annie turning her head to look at him.
“It’s my fault! I didn’t give you your good luck kiss!” she sobbed and her parents sighed in realization. “I always give you your good luck kiss so you don’t get hurt but I forgot this time and you did get hurt!”
“Angelica, look at me.” Rhett told her, holding her hands as she turned in Y/N’s lap to face him directly, blue eyes staring into blue eyes. “This is not your fault. This didn’t happen because I didn’t get a good luck kiss, okay? So don’t think for one second that you caused this because you didn’t.”
“R- really?” she asked, voice catching on her tears and Rhett wiped them off of her cheeks, her mother rubbing her back comfortingly.
“Yes, Angel. I’m sure.” he told her with a smile. “Now, come give me a hug, I missed my baby girl so much.”
“I don’t want to hurt you, daddy.” she said quietly, looking at his bandages worriedly.
“You won’t baby. Just be gentle and stay on this side and I’ll be okay.” Rhett assured her, referring to his right side and she nodded.
Y/N helped her climb up onto the bed and gently lay down beside him, tucked into his side under his arm as he held his wife’s hand.
“See? I’m alright, Angel. I just got a little more banged up than usual by the mean old bull and I’ll have some new scars but I’m okay.” he told her. “And I’m never gonna ride another bull again, okay?”
“Really?” she asked, half in surprise and half in happiness.
“I pinky promise.” he said, letting go of his wife’s hand to link pinkies with his daughter as she smiled.
“Oh!” she said suddenly, dropping his pinky and digging in her pocket as her parents looked at her in confusion. “I got it!” she exclaimed as she fished out one of her flowery bandaids. She carefully peeled off the wrapper and stuck it on his hand, looking up at him proudly. “All better!”
“Yes, Angel, thank you.” Rhett said, pressing a kiss to her forehead and grabbing his wife’s hand, smiling at Royal as he nodded affectionately from his spot in the doorway. “I’m all better now.”
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strwberri-milk · 2 years
I Know You'll Always Love Me (And I Wish It'd Be Enough)
Ex!Kaeya x AFAB!Reader || Smut, Angst no Comf || 2 825 words
additional tags: vaginal sex, blowjobs, mildly toxic relationship (you and kaeya are broken up but regularly fuck and its not good for either of you)
Forever was a promise that you made to him. You just didn't realise how much this version of forever could hurt.
a/n: idk why but theres smth about this,,,the mutual pining, the hurt, the "i love you so much and thats why im letting you go" and anyway this is kaeyas bday fic bc if i cant be happy on mine neither can he /lh there is a chance i write a second part bc i like happy endings but,,,,,
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A buzz interrupts your nightly routine, your breath caught in your throat as you know exactly what that means. 
The moon is high in the sky, slipping through your curtains to land on your bedside table. Your phone is alight with a message, another buzz reminding you that someone on the other end expects an answer. It isn’t until your phone is in your hand and you’re reading the text that you realise you’re already texting back, that lump in your throat refusing to go. 
As soon as the text sends you know you’ve only got a short amount of time to prepare, that churning in your stomach both anxiousness and excitement. You know how much it’ll hurt to go through with this, to let him back in even for this brief encounter but you need him here, even if it’s just to pretend that things are the same and nothing’s changed. 
The doorbell doesn’t even ring, the only word of warning you get is a turning of the knob as you remind yourself for the nth time you need to take his key back. You turn to the door of your bedroom, immediately engulfed in a familiar warmth you wish you could forget. His kisses are desperate against your skin, nails digging into your body as his heavy breathing drowns out your other thoughts. 
“Kaeya,” you gasp against his lips, letting him swallow your moans as he only gets more frantic. 
Kaeye doesn’t say anything, only pushing you down onto your sheets. Immediately, his grip brings your legs to wrap around his waist, pulling your core to rub up against his. Your hands push against his chest with a whimper, making him stop and look at you. His eye is unfocused, evidence of his arousal beginning to poke against your wettening entrance.
“Do you want me to stop?” he asks, already beginning to withdraw from your body. 
“No!” you cry out, pulling him back on top of you. 
You miss him so much, wanting nothing more than for him to look at you the way he used to. This is the only way you’ll get him now, and you’re disgusted with yourself for it. You can only have him under the cover of night, blanketed by desire at his behest. 
But you know there’s no way you can say no to him. 
“Then what’s wrong?” 
There’s no warmth in his voice, nothing like the man you used to know. Instead, there’s just a stranger in his body, someone who’s been long done with you but the body is so comforting you need it to take you. You shake your head and pull him back down, slotting your lips together. 
“I just wanted to breathe a bit,” you lie easily, knowing by the way his fingers twitched that he didn’t believe you. 
He only shakes his head before continuing, positioning your body to sit better against his lap as he begins to rut against your body. You can feel his erection growing against you, reaching down to touch him only to have your hand swatted away. 
“Don’t worry about me,” he says in a way that could almost be seen as caring. “If I want you to be ready then I’ll have to focus on you before myself.” 
Even now he was still giving to you, the sick and twisted irony being that he took everything from you when he left. That, or he just didn’t want to let himself melt into your arms to keep this cordial distance between you two. Whatever the answer is, you decide it doesn’t matter as much as his fingers against your wet slit does, biting your bottom lip as he begins to tease you. 
“I missed this,” he whispers almost reverentially, slowly beginning to sound more like the man you used to know. 
You keen into his touch, letting him do with you as he wishes, totally unaware of what’s going on in his mind. 
Kaeya’s quickly becoming obsessed with your body once again, loving the way he fits into his so smoothly. He knows everything that makes you feel good, how you’ll squeeze so tightly around his fingers if he crooks them up a certain way or even just kisses you with just the right amount of pressure. Your breath against his collar drives him insane in a way he thinks you’ll never know and imperceptibly, his grip around your body tightens. 
He doesn’t need to hear your noises to know that he’s right where you need him to be, only mildly listening just in case he hurts you. All of what he does is purely muscle memory, his mind never able to fully wean itself off of you during the countless hours he spends alone. The only thing he can do to make the ringing in his ears stop is to kiss you like this, hold you like this, pull his fingers out of your pussy to take your bottoms off for you like this. 
You get the sense that he’s moving faster than he normally would. Maybe he’s busy in the morning, or perhaps he has someone else he’s wanting to see. The thought makes you pause, tears beginning to spring to your eyes. 
In an instant, you feel yourself being pulled up and into his lap. Kaeya sits himself against the headrest of your bed, putting your face in the junction between his shoulder and jaw. You’re acutely aware of the fact that you won’t be able to look at him like this, wanting nothing more than to make him see what he’s putting you through but knowing that if he wants to avoid it he will. He doesn’t say much as you cry silently, only threading his fingers through your hair. 
Normally, the rise and fall of his chest would soothe you but now you can’t feel anything but anger. Anger at him, at some imaginary date he has, at the fact that you somehow managed to let him slip through your fingers as though he meant nothing when it was the furthest thing from the truth. You don’t know if he knows how much you love him, how much you feel like you need him. 
Instead, he just keeps you close against his body, sighing as you cry into him. After a few minutes he clears his throat. 
“Do you want me to leave?” 
“Stay,” you mumble, bringing your hand down to his crotch. 
He’s gotten soft but you know it’ll take you no time to get him back to his previous hardness. You crawl out of his lap, watching his expression carefully. When he shows no sign of saying no to you, you begin to palm at him before pulling him out of his pants, taking his hiss of satisfaction in stride when he throws his head back against the wood. 
“Just until we’re done. Just stay until then, then you can go,” you convince him, letting his fingers tangle themselves back into your hair. 
Your pace is slow, soothing his racing thoughts and pounding heart as you bob up and down on his length. Every move you make is practiced, down to the way you swallow around his thick girth to the teasing laps of your tongue when you pull off of him at the ache beginning to form at your jaw. You take pride in the way his hips buck into your mouth and let him guide your pace soon afterwards, looking up at him through your lashes. 
Kaeya wishes he could look away but you’re the picture of sin like this, mouth drooling over his shaft and balls. You look like there’s nowhere you’d rather be but between his thighs. His dick twitches with each descent your mouth makes, savouring the slight gagging noises you make against him. 
“Fuck - I’m gonna cum,” he warns, words turning into moans as you take him down your throat all at once. 
The noises that come from your mouth just get lewder, his eyes rolling into the back of his head at the sight of your hand sneaking between your thighs to touch yourself at his groans. He wishes it were him between your legs, hard dick thrusting roughly into your spent hole that he knows he needs more and more of. He wants nothing more than to rut into you like an animal, neglect all of his needs if it means you’ll whine his name so prettily it makes his head spin. The thought of it makes him cum deep down your throat, his voice almost drowning out the sound of you choking on his cum. He continues to lazily thrust into your mouth, the aftershocks of his orgasm making his muscles twitch. 
You sit up when he’s done, wiping the corner of your mouth and licking off the cum that comes off it with a cheeky grin, making his heart skip a beat. He huffs slightly, removing his pants and you know what that means. 
Without any prompting from him you turn around and rest your head on your forearms, arching your back and spreading your thighs so his hungry eye can take in your soaked arousal. You didn’t get to cum earlier, not properly anyway. The look on his face as he was fingering you was too distracting to focus on the way he felt, ruining any true sense of pleasure you could have derived from it. Besides, this way you don’t have to see him and he doesn’t have to see you. You know that’s why he likes it this way, at least that’s why he likes it now. 
Before, he was obsessed with feeling you up, wanting to watch your ass jiggle as he pulled you onto his cock. If you really got him riled up he’d pull you up, pull his arms through and under your knees as he repeatedly fucked up into you while whispering sweet nothings into your ear. It was intimate, warm. It made you feel loved. 
Now, it was a way for him to use you without seeing you. A way to continue building that wall up between you two and you didn’t mind. If it meant that just for a second you could pretend he was looking at you like you were the greatest thing he could have then you would take it. You would take all of him over and over again if it meant you got to hang onto your delusions. 
“Now, what are you doing like that? Turn around so I can see you,” he purrs, taking you by surprise. 
You remain still, unsure of what to do. He sighs, grabbing you by your hips and turning your body over. Sprawled out on your back like this he gives you no room to escape his body, teasing his cock between your pussy lips with a self satisfied smirk. 
“Well, look who’s ready for me. I can fuck you, can’t I?” he asks cockily. 
Your nod grants him entrance, arching your back as the delicious stretch of his cock entering your body makes your mind numb. 
This. This is what you’ve missed. 
The look on his face of rapture as he feels you squeeze around him, the way he kisses you like he loves you, the way he can’t breathe without moaning into your skin, the way his hips slowly thrust into you as he waits for you to adjust to his size. All of it makes even more tears spring to your face but this time he doesn’t stop. 
Instead, he just brushes his fingers against your eyes. Tenderly, your tears are wiped away and you can’t help but keen more into his touch as you grow even more desperate for him to touch you more. You need more of this intimacy you know he can give you, whining into his lips as he kisses you to keep you quiet. 
“Kaeya, Kaeya – please don’t tease me like this,” you pant against him, bucking your hips to tell him to move faster. 
“Come on, you really think I’m that easy?” comes his smooth response. 
Your nails dig into the sheets, not knowing if he’ll let you hold him. It’s all you can do not to mark his body, terrified that one misstep would lead to him cutting you out of his life entirely. That’s something you don’t want to gamble with, knowing that once this transactional relationship is done you’ll become nothing but a mere shell of yourself. 
All your efforts are in vain when he wraps his arms around your body, holding you tight against his chest. You cling onto him like he’s your lifeline and as far as you’re concerned he is. He doesn’t brush off your touch this time, letting your nails scratch down his back when his pace picks up. The grinding of his hips against your body in this position stimulates every part of you that he reaches, only making your noises become that much more desperate. 
Your senses are filled with him, pleasure mixing with an intense sadness that this will soon be over. That soon enough he’ll be gone and the only thing that will be left to warm your sheets is a memory of him that only cares when it suits him. As your focus wanes, his intensifies, refusing to let you slip away. 
He pins you back down against the bed, pulling your hands off of him just to thread your fingers together and keep them above your head. It forces you to look at him as he fucks you, navy locks falling down to frame his handsome features as he starts to ram into you. His dick brings you back to the present and you’re no longer holding back any of your noises. You know your voice is going to go hoarse with the way you’re screaming for him but you don’t know anything else when your brain is muddled like this, letting him slot his lips between yours when you cum around him. 
Kaeya feels you clench around him, pretending that the tears on your face don’t bother him as much as they actually do. It’s the only reason he can think of to hold back from the pleasure that threatens to overtake him, knowing that once he cums it’ll all be over. That he has no reason to stay here anymore, that for your own sake he needs to leave. It doesn’t matter that he’s clearly saying the right things for you, thrilled at the way your body reacts to his voice and if it weren’t for his own actions he’d be able to take his time and tease you to his heart’s content. 
Instead, he’s rutting into you like a wild animal, burying his moans into your neck as you cum with cries of his name. There’s little room for him to focus on those mundane feelings, the one’s he can reflect on in the comfort of his cold bed. Now, he can focus on you, focus on the way his body needs you, the release that he’s been craving all day satiated as he cums deep inside of you. Your breathless noises make his cock twitch wanting to indulge in you over and over again despite knowing he won’t. 
The encounter comes to an end, the unspoken rule between the two of you ever since your explosive fight coming into effect. Neither person says anything they’ll regret. Neither person asks for the other to stay. 
He wordlessly cleans the two of you off, finishing with a soft kiss to your lips. You’ve grown to expect it now, unsure if it’s because he’s so used to showering you with aftercare or because it’s a fissure of his facade. You don’t let him go as soon as he pulls back, instead chasing his lips to deepen the kiss. When he responds in kind you’re shocked, but you want to milk it for as much as you can, closing your eyes as you cup his face in your hands. 
When you both part to breathe you take a minute to just look at him, melting into his being and speaking without thinking. 
“I love you.” 
The three words hang heavily in the air, dread flooding your chest as you try to figure out how to remedy the situation. He sighs in your panic, shaking his head and pulling back from you. The tears spring to your eyes again and you wish that you could do something rather than just cry as he gets dressed and ready to go. You watch as he’s about to walk through the door, turning back just to glance at you. 
“I know you do.” 
And with that he’s gone, every trace that he was once here taken with him again. 
And with that, you collapse into yourself again, knowing that you’ll do anything if it means seeing him again, just for a minute. 
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satindregs · 1 year
Cannibal Kratos???
I have another draft!!!!
ofc it’s GoW and it’s abt Kratos struggling with, uh, uhm, cannibalism. Anyway!! it’s only like 2k and again a DRAFT so when I eventually post it it may look different(⺣◡⺣)♡
Anyway I'm proud of myself for writing this much cuz I went from 2-3 oneshots a month to 2-3 sentences...
Still thinking of a name! Either The Spartan General's homecooked meals OR The Bite Of '83 bc haha funny FNAF reference
Tell me how to improve if u read! (๑˘ ₃˘๑)
It has been a rough winter. The farmers were even beginning to struggle to feed their own households last Kratos checked. That does not make him feel better.
He attempts foraging, but the ever-falling snow does a good job of hiding what the god desperately tries to find, and for once, the rage heating his body does nothing to melt everything around him.
Faye pretends their bare cupboards do not fill her with worry or bitterness. (Kratos would not blame her for those feelings, as he feels them himself.) She feigns contentment, not showing her hunger.
“We’ll be okay, Kratos,” she mocks, voice too cheery for the somber occasion. “I’ve improved the snares,” The snares that Kratos himself had made. Had his been inadequate? “any rabbit or fox near won’t be able to resist!”
“They’re likely gone, Faye. It’s been weeks without any roaming game,”
“That’s why they’ll be out looking, you big grump,” she attempts to tease. Kratos does not answer her. It takes energy to keep himself calm, and he cannot afford to waste so much when he has so little. The god glues his gaze to his hands as if they hold the answers to his problems. It takes effort to not bury his head in them.
To think something as straightforward as hunger would be one of Kratos’s problems makes his palms itch. He does not take pleasure in what he is capable of, but he has long stopped trying to deny its benefits. One of the old, then new, benefits had been the ability to provide for his family. Whether he fought thieves in his mother’s home during the night, or fought to keep his wife out of lepers’ dirtied hands. When he slaughtered a mortal woman for attempting to run with Faye’s ill son (He has not yet told Faye of that incident, too ashamed of his frantic fear for the panting boy). Or even something as simple as being able to feed them.
He is proud of his ability to keep them safe from beings other than himself, but he cannot claim to be proud now, not when he can hear the boy’s hushed voice asking about the contents of their larders.
His mother responds in an equally quiet voice, offering exactly what her impotent husband begged her to. “Of course there’s enough, silly boy,” she ruffles his strip of hair as he giggles, vainly attempting to keep his voice down still. Maybe, in fear of what an angry Kratos might do.
“Though,” she continues, and this surprises Kratos. He lifts his head and finds himself staring into his wife’s eyes. He does not know what she will say and Kratos worries. “It’s just a snack. The rest will be saved for tomorrow, got it?” she whispers. Her son whines, as all kids do. But not all kids have suffered through the hunger pains he has, and is currently suffering through. Ultimately, the boy agrees.
Faye gives him their last strips of cooked venison and promises a more fulfilling meal later, “Perhaps tomorrow?” she smiles, conspiratorially. Kratos tries not to wilt into himself like a wildflower subjected to the strong winds of the north. His wife not only knew how incompetent he was, not being able to provide for his home, but so did her son. She even went so far as to set a deadline for the god. Has he been inadequate for so long?
Unable to appear completely unaffected, he winces, knowing he’s more behind than he’s ever been concerning food. If the gods here were anything like the ones in Greece, then they were laughing their asses off, surrounded by rich meats and cakes and drink. They’d laugh, while wiping the crumbs off their faces and onto the floor. He’d witnessed it many times during his stay with the pantheon.
Kratos loosens his fists and focuses on the fire’s embers. He should not bother them with his anger, not now. Not when he’s the cause for their own intense anger. Kratos drowns them out with thoughts and plans of how to keep his home alive. Plan after plan, all seem lacking when he considers what is at risk.
What will happen when his time is up? Will Faye leave? Oh, he hopes not; not into the biting winds. Atreus would not make the trip. So he thinks more, and more. He shakes, and shakes his head.
Wasn’t he clever, so long ago? Where is that general and his strategic plans? Then, Kratos remembers.
That man is long dead, perishing along with Sparta.
In his place is Kratos of Midgard. The god mourning the wife that will surely disappear into the night once she catches a stronger whiff of his limitations, and the boy so hungry he’d consider eating his own flesh if Faye would let him.
Kratos hears the snores of the boy. He relaxes, not feeling as watched.
Now that his body is slack, exhaustion slips through the cracks of the shield he had maintained throughout the day. Kratos looks away from the fire, only to see sunlight peeking through the hastily repaired roof. Kratos frowns at the beam and looks up further, meeting his wife’s eyes.
He wishes he didn’t. He wishes he’d kept his eyes where they were, but now it’s too late and his wife no longer has that smile on her face. Instead, it’s replaced with a nasty frown so deep it must hurt. “My love, do you feel alright? You have not eaten,”
“How could I?” he retorts, ignoring the snoring boy in her arms. He had to sleep on an empty stomach again.
“Kratos,” she continues, voice soft. “Do not push yourself,” she requests with a smile. Kratos has a feeling that if her arms were empty, she would’ve gathered him in them. It confuses him, but he does not dwell.
“I will check the snares”
Faye frowns once again. She seems to be doing it more often than not. “What? I only just set them out! You’ll mess with the scents I attached,”
“Then, I will hunt,” Kratos compromises. He cannot stay here, in this house. Not when he has a child to feed and a wife to please. Not when his wife cuts him deep with nasty looks veiled behind sweet buoying words.
She wishes to argue, he can tell. Kratos grabs a hatchet and one of the warmer furs they had (but still leaving the warmest) and leaves before Faye remembers how light her boy is.
As he leaves, he can hear his wife’s low and warm “Be safe, Kratos.”
He doesn’t know how long it’s been. In fact, he’s tried his hardest to lose track of where and when and why.
Kratos knows he is hungry. And he knows that in front of him is a rat feeding on a long-dead corpse. The rat is so plump Kratos can almost see it pop when it takes another bite of bruised flesh and chews slow. It seems to savor the taste; the flavor that, no doubt, is better than any scraps it’s had the fortune of ingesting.
It isn’t the first, and far from the last, time Kratos has seen flesh being gorged on. It also wouldn't be the first time he’d had the urge himself. Just seeing the rat have the privilege of such big bites has the god squeezing his fists and breathing heavier.
The noise is hard to miss, though the rat does not scurry back to its home. No, it cannot even risk it. It continues to eat, albeit faster; almost frantically so, as Kratos gets closer, like it knows this is the last time it’ll be granted such a delicacy. Soon, it is under his boot. It doesn’t squeak as it finally pops. Kratos briefly wonders if it had wanted to stop, but couldn’t find the strength. Had Kratos shown the rodent mercy by ending its life?
When he lifts his foot, it’s to a stain so large, made of only rat innards and bits of browned flesh. Kratos moves on but the image imprints itself in his mind.
As Kratos roams the ruins that make up the Wild Woods, he does not find any animals worth eating. Not even those unworthy of being consumed.
He does not find anything except rotting corpses turned dark from the chill. And draugr, who’ve long blackened and been reduced to almost completely soulless beings.
Kratos does not know much of Midgard’s gods, but to feed his son something so impure it oozes black blood should be a sin worthy of a fate worse than death.
When overworked soldiers were finally given reprieve, they would gather round a small campfire. Not that the warmth was needed, the sandy shores were not known for being cold, they would gather to tell sweet tales or eat or sleep. Though, it was quite unusual to do anything but sit there.
If they told stories, they were distracted; if they slept, they could wake up as a lost soul. If they ate, the others would get nervous. They would start to count the heads present. But that was a dangerous game, especially during a war.
Some of the soldiers were innocent, the only thing filling their stomachs being stale bread. Unfortunately, not all were merciful.
It was common knowledge to not sleep next to a starving man.
When overworked soldiers were given reprieve, they would gather round a small campfire. They would gather to tell sweet tales or eat or sleep. They would sit tightly together to stop hungry claws from stripping their throats of meat, stopping them from screaming out as blunt nails stabbed and clawed into their still warm flesh.
Kratos is covered in it. From his hands to under his fingernails, from the edges of his lips to between his teeth. It was everywhere. It stained him. If his poor boy ever found him like this, he wished he could say it was a mistake. He was out of his mind with hunger, he had no choice!
But he did, he realizes as he melts a hole through the thin layer of ice frozen over a winding stream. He slams his fists against the ice. Lightly at first, the thin morsels not enough to reawaken his strength. Then, angry, he cracks the ice to make a hole big enough for his head.
And he submerges his mouth and nose and ears into the hypothermic water. He forces himself to stay, even when, no, especially when his lungs start to burn.
In the end, he pulls his body up and out of the water. He cannot afford to lose his life, not yet.
The god can’t help but shiver at the gusts of chilling wind, the soaked fur doing nothing but aid the gods in punishing him. He staggers to his feet and continues his trek, not accomplishing what he wanted with the stream.
The yearning will continue because of his mistake. Kratos’s stomach rolls as he looks back to the desimates corpse stinking of burnt flesh. How much would it take? To make it stop.
His stomach is still full. His mind is clear, yet his conscience cannot say the same. But, it is too late to worry about that. Kratos must put his guilt behind him if he wants to focus, if he wants to sate his wife. If he wants to catch his prey.
Kratos waits, patient, on the balls of his feet, crouched behind vegetation to hide his figure. The animal senses his gaze, nostrils flared and braying, its ears pinned back.
The god tenses his thighs, ready to give chase. The animal rears high and makes enough noise to garner his prey’s attention. His prey lays a heavy hand on the donkey’s neck, trying its best to soothe the animal. It whispers words of encouragement, distracting itself from the rustling undergrowth.
The animal steps back, bringing his prey to full attention. “Who is there?” it shouts. Kratos readies his hatchet.
“I have nothing! Spare me!” it yelps into the trees. Kratos does not, in the moment, recognize the difference between the desperate Spartan soldier he once was and Kratos of Midgard.
The donkey’s incessant noise rises in volume as fresh gore splatters near its front legs. Kratos rises to his feet and steps over the shrubbery. The animal pulls and pulls at the rope attaching it to Kratos’s prey. Thankfully, the limp fingers do not give. He does not yet have the energy to chase after such an animal.
Its meat shall be a gift. It will provide Faye and her son the strength they need to make an escape from their disappointment and hunger.
The animal quiets down, but will not let Kratos approach it. The god pays it no mind, his attention instead focused on the steadily growing pond of red soaking into the dirt he stands on. He tries to hold himself back. He tries to stay on his feet, not letting his knees burrow into the dirt as his weight becomes too much. Instead of rushing forward, digging his claws into the dampness, he takes slow and steady steps toward the man. He doesn’t mean to lower himself as fast and desperate as he does, but it happens anyway. Kratos will realize this later and shame will overcome his body and mind, but now, nothing has ever mattered less.
He drags his heavy body toward the still warm man. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. The tang in the air makes his stomach churn and his palms sweat. Kratos digs his fingers into the dirt to stop them from doing the inevitable.
It is inescapable, this hunger. Kratos thinks, somberly. He is reverting.
His stomach is full and his mind fog is gone. The trek back takes less time than it has in many moons. The god was no longer forced to take breaks from the extra weight of game, or his own insolence, mounted on his back. Now, the only weight comes from the meaty animal draped over his shoulder.
Faye will be pleased and the boy will be fed. He could not ask for more.
Ever since the flood, Faye has been acting strange– twitchy. Though, when it is mentioned, his sweet wife will do all she can to avoid it. ‘I’m tired, Kratos,’ she will say. ‘You’re still thinking of that?’ She’ll question with a curl of her lip. Kratos does not like to bother his wife, but this seems important.
She lays down the fabrics she was attempting, and failing, to mend. “You’re like a kit, Kratos. Hell, If a vixen heard your yapping, I'm sure she’d swoop in and rescue you from my depraved clutches!” Kratos ignores the jabs.
“Kratos,” Faye lays a light hand on his shoulder, “Are you alright? You’re- you look exhausted.” Kratos wants to lay a hand atop hers; he wants to savor the affection and burn the touch into his skin, but he cannot. He cannot touch her with his sullied hands.
He twists his body out of her hold. “I have brought meat. Enough to keep us fed,”
Faye pulls her hand away but keeps it suspended in the air. The shock is evident on her face. Kratos does not look into her eyes. He can practically hear Faye holding her words back. So she does not worry the boy, Kratos reasons to himself.
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padfootastic · 2 years
hcs about miss pen coming right up—
(I'm so excited to type this cause it's like those art videos where they choose colours without light and then is skin is green kwim? )
1) can follow along with a recipe/good enough cook but don't do it often cause don't want to wash up (absolutely valid if tho– bartan are just not the vibe)
2) social actually like not daily put partying but have this group of 5-6 friends that you just have always have had you know
3) not teachers pet but also not a trouble maker. they used to have a soft spot for you but you were a bit sarcastic talkative in class or used to have longer nails or something that would make you occasionally get in trouble
4) either took 4 classes of art as kid or very good dancer.
5) I'm gonna go with favourite subject was EVS till 5th-6th
6) have never broken a bone but did have stupid injuries as a kid
7) type of person who complaints about it's too hot/too cold, says their favourite season is Mansoon but jab humidity hoti h you're like nah i think i actually prefer winter (it's a lie you don't like any seasons)
8) friends parents and relatives used to say like you're the role model (in the sense ki beta dekho ye kitni polite/ kitni achche se baat kar rhi h/ kitni helpful h/ basically auntie whisperer) and your friends/cousins would just look at the aunties that have they grown two heads cause ye ladki? ye — abhi do second phle hame aise harkaton ke ideas de rhi thi.
9) absolutely not a morning person (which If thai you are i would be so surprised cause your sleep schedule 😭)
10) like fashion to a reasonable extent like whenever you step out you're put together in an effortless way it's not a remarkable oh my god look at this person's style. but a second they notice you properly wow you look good today type.
!!!! omg ash, lowkey impressed at how right u are for some of these? like,,,now i’m frantically combing thru our conversations tryna figure out where i gave myself away lmao
1. is half correct—i’m a pretty good cook (if i do say so myself 💀) and i actually like washing dishes lol so that’s never stopped me—i am very chindi tho, so i reuse bartan all the time to minimise.
2. true!! i’m fully an extrovert and i have about 2-3 groups of solid friends from different periods of my life; 10/10 would recommend, esp girl gangs.
3. no but this is literally so on point?? i was a very well liked child but i also talked the heck out of everyone’s patience and i was always bouncing around to other classes + i’d exasperated many (including the principal) w my coloured hair & messy uniforms & general…rowdiness lol
4 & 5 are sadly incorrect :( i did take classes for almost everything as a child but i’m not great at any of it. and my fav class is and always has been english!! (until socio came & overtook)
6. beep! another winner!!! i have all sorts of scratches and cuts and scars bc i used to do so much stupid shit. i remember climbing this half-constructed structure once bc there were puppies somewhere inside and i rly wanted to see and ended up having this like. rebar rod thing fully slice into my forearm. u can still see the scar now, like over a decade later lol
and no yaar 😭😭 i like to think 7 is not me—i’m v accommodating and i try not to complain even when i rly wanna (growing up around whiny rich kids has instilled a fear in me to not be the same lol)
8 is very, very true. i take a lot of pride in being almost all my friends’ parents’ favorite; aunty whisperer is a v good name for it too bc grandparents love me ;) (and yes, i was also the one to corrupt almost every single of them. fun times)
u already know 9 is true lmao what can i even say
and 10–hmmmmmmmmmm i’ll give it a. 0.3. bc im a very. very staunch ‘grab whatever and put it on’ kinda gal which means i can (and have) live(d) off The Chair for months on end. it never looks terrible but yah. acceptable i’d say.
What do you think of me: HC edition
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crazybiaatch · 6 months
I'm going to sound like super emo rn but
why does no one in this home understand me???
again, not in like an emo "im just so edgy no on gets me" kinda way. they just act like im not speaking.
just had a convo with my mum, i asked if it would be cool if i made my own dinner tonight, and she flipped out and said that she cant keep making 100 differnt meals, i explained "nah, I'll do the cooking, its all g" and i went on to say i would rather i cook for myself bc i know what i like, and bc my (only by a year) older sister is allowed to do that. my mother said she pays, i said that i would be more than happy to pay for shopping, or do my own grocery shopping, my mum said i need to get a job first
i have a job
i literally work for her
i earn 50$ a fortnight, not a lot rn, but im looking for more work and it'll do for now, i can durvive off of 50$ a fortnight of food
she talks more abt cooking
she then says "well maybe if you paid you would be able to"
i point out i literally just offered to pay and do my own shopping
she says im not an adult yet
i point out that when she was my age, my sister had moved out and had a kid and was being treated like an adult, so what really counts as an adult?
she says my sister was paying rent
my sister hasnt had a job since she had the baby
the rent is coming from the government
this same thing happens when i talk abt school. I'll say "hey Italian is really hard, nearly failed out today, really need u guys to help me with the school staff since they intimidate me too much to talk to alone" and all they seem to hear is "if u dont let me drop out I'll stop doing my work"
why would i want to drop out
i graduate in september
i only have like 40ish school days left
why would i drop out now
I'm not trying to fail, im genuinely struggling with multiple classes and the school is threatening to kick me out because of it, and I Do Not Want That
or my struggles with finding a job
ill say "ive applied to every single retail job in the area, i have applied online, i have handed in my resume to every retailer in this town and the next one over, i am so desperate that i am moving on to fast food even though i have crippiling social anixety" and all they hear is that i applied online so clearly i wasnt trying hard enough. They didnt actually get how hard it is for me to get a job until McDonalds literally ghosted me, and they were there watching me frantically call and email them
i just
i cant deal with this anymore
I'm like actually on the edge of a breakdown and all im getting from the people around me is what feels like purposeful misinterpretation at this point
and on top of all of this my dog is fucking dying :(
0 notes
cosmosrival · 3 years
Wahhh. I love your MC and Belphie interactions! One question though, are they romantic partners in the normal obm verse? Or is it just Henry!MC and Lord of Emptiness Belphie?
(Resent message since my connection messed up. If this message is repeated, pls ignore.)
THANK YOU SO MUCH 🥺💖 DW I GOT UR MESSAGE ONLY ONCE AND YES THEYRE A SHIP IN BOTH theyre my fav altie ship to write about bc i made em both so easy and so complicated and so healthy and so toxic.... heh
IN TSL ITS NOT AS INTENSE THO its much more light-hearted bc Henry doesn't have as many issues as Altair does in the regular obm verse (I FUCKED HER OVER💖💘AND I FUCKED BELPHIE OVER TOO 🙄 THE LILITH PLOTLINE TOO🙄 AND I REWROTE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!🙄🙄🙄🙄)
The Lord of Emptiness obsesses over him both because he's never been loved so ardently before and because Henry promised he'd fill the void inside the LoE's heart with everything that he (Henry himself) represents. Making him a part of himself. Thus, the LoE would belong to him and wouldn't have to worry about anything else besides staying by his side. Henry's proposal was very serious lol he really fell for the LoE at first sight during their battle and decided he had to have him as his wife and also bc im insane!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY CALL EACHOTHER BELOVED OR SOMETHING... 🙄 !!!!!!! HENRY PICKS HIM UP BRIDAL STYLE EVRYDAY OR WHATEVER.....🙄🙄🙄!!!!!!!
They're straight up fiancés+married in that verse honestly because thanks to Henry's presence and love (unchanging, even after A Certain Big Drama Moment), the LoE finds it in himself to rebuild the House of Emptiness (even if its sole member, knight and retainer is Henry) and then help his twin's who was growing weaker and weaker without him. AND ALL OF THIS happens while an intense conflict between the Church and the Empire is brewing + another scheme that the Lord of Masks is plotting involving Outer Eldritch Gods + the Seven Lords' father hearing about their inner conflicts and wanting to take the 7 Houses and Lands he gave them back and get rid of them....!!!!! 🤒🤒🤒🤒 TSL AU IS A LOT cuz Simeon wrote 170 books which means i get to do whatever i WANT 😈
In the regular obm verse however.......... Altelphie are........... romantic but....... i decided to take it 20 steps further............ (stares at my 40 pages google doc)
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withahappyrefrain · 2 years
against a window
I am going to hell goodbye
Who on this website isn't going to hell, lbr. 18+, we got some breeding kink here folks bc I can't stop myself
You stepped through the empty room, looking around. It was a decent size bedroom, one that could be used in a variety of ways.
Peter was right behind you, as was the real estate agent.
"Here we have the second bedroom. The previous owners used it as a second bedroom. But it has the potential for so much more! Guest bedroom, home office, home gym-"
"Nursery?" You said, eyeing your husband. His eyes widened at your suggestion.
"Yes, this would make a lovely nursery!" The agent walked over to the huge window that was lighting up the room, "This bedroom overlooks the backyard, which gives you lots of privacy!"
"Privacy is always good, right Peter?" You asked, nudging your husband who was too caught up in your previous comment.
"Yeah, always good," He mumbled.
"I'll let you two discuss!" They said, walking out and closing the door.
Before you could even say anything, Peter's hands were all over you, as were his lips.
"Peter," You gasped, his grip forcing you to walk backwards until your back was up against the window. He grabbed your legs, hooking them over his waist while his other arm supported you.
Peter's enhanced strength often came in handy. Such as moving a couch up four flights of stairs. Or when he wanted to fuck you against a wall-or window in this case.
"Oh, like you didn't know what you were doing when you said that," he muttered, breaking away from your lips only briefly.
"They could walk in-"
"I think with how loud you tend to get, they'll figure it out pretty damn quick." Peter's hands fumbled under your skirt.
"Fuck it-"
"Don't you dare-"
The sound of fabric ripping signaled that you were too late.
You shot him a look. Peter was too busy stuffing your now ripped panties into his pocket.
"I'll buy you new ones, bug. I always do," He said against your neck, "But right now, I gotta put a baby inside ya, okay?"
The two of you both agreed you were at a stable enough point in your lives to start trying. It was why you two were touring houses. You weren't actively trying, the two of you agreed it would be less stressful to just let it happen.
What you didn't expect to "just happen" was for Peter to become absolutely feral at the mere mention of having kids and fucking you up against a window.
You'd be lying if you said it was the first time you and Peter had sex in a semi-public place. Your back had become familiar with many bathroom stalls and brick walls.
And fuck if it didn't turn you on.
"You're already so wet, don't even need to get ya warmed up," He cooed.
"Please, before that real estate agent-Fuck, Peter!" You said louder than you intended as Peter slammed his hips against yours, filling you up instantly.
He pulled almost all the way out before thrusting into you again at a bruising pace.
"Is this what you want? Want me to put a baby in ya?" He grunted into your ear. You nodded weakly, your head buried into his neck as your makeshift attempt to keep the agent from hearing you.
"P-Please. Want it s'bad," You whispered.
"I know, bug. Just gotta make you come first, okay?" You bit your lip as he began to draw fast circles on your clit.
You whined into Peter's neck, tightening the grip you had on his shoulders and his cock.
At that moment, you didn't care if the real estate agent or God themselves walked in. You only wanted one thing.
"Please, fill me up, please," You repeated, your voice reduced to a whimper. Peter's fingers became more frantic and desperate.
You came first, Peter quickly following you. You couldn't help but moan at the sensation of him coming inside you. It wasn't an unfamiliar act, but the intention behind it had changed.
"Please tell me this bedroom has its own bathroom," You said after catching your breath.
Peter looked around, his cock still inside you, "Uh...I have a handkerchief?"
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
“H she knows!” Harry’s face is deep in her neck lips kissing her soft skin “she doesn’t baby. Come back” angel’s eyes are wondering around locating where evie is. Harry’s hands feeling her waist she can hear evie scratching at their bed her arms wrap around Harry’s head pulling him away to face him “she’s mewing! She hates us h!” Lips all pouty Harry is smiling at her his hands cradling her cheeks kissing each one softly and pecking her nose :( “want me to take her out?” He asks containing a smile “don’t wanna lock her out. that’s mean we are not mean parents” her eyebrows are furrowed deep in thought Harry is laughing kissing her neck smiling at the “parents” part :( but Harry is mean kissing exactly where she’d crumble :( easing her back into it. angel’s eyes are fluttering feeling Harry’s lips on her skin as he whispers the sweetest things ever “so pretty baby” “smell so good, so soft” as he feels her skin “such a good angel and all for me” :(( just as she lets loose feeling Harry’s curls evie is running around the room angel breaks their kiss “okay lock her out please” his head falling in her neck laughing loudly “stop you meanie!” He turns around laying his back on the bed “you are the one that wants to lock her out! Meanie” she hits his chest “you suggested it! Which makes you the bigger meanie” he huffs picking up evie closing the door behind him. “Happy now, bug?” Angel is giggling nodding knowing exactly what’s going to happen next:( Harry is crawling over to her “got you all to myself” pulling her by her legs hands feeling her skin she’s laying under him breathing heavily her little dress is all messed up due to Harry kissing all over her :( her hair is disheveled pieces sticking to her lips Harry’s thumb laying on her pout pushing the little hairs away she’s looking up at him “oh angel” his eyes are all soft and light dimples showing “what did I do?” Eyebrows furrowed eyes all big Harry leans down moving her face aside with his fingers that are on her lips kissing her cheek slowly going to her ear “Harry please” kissing her earlobe she takes in a deep breath “you like that don’t you?” He’s so close to her his lips on her ears his hands feeling her waist pulling her close “tell me angel” slowly kissing down her neck :( “yes I-I like it” he’s smiling “do you?” She’s nodding frantically his lips go back to her earlobe whispering how sweet she is how she’s all his and he’s hers kissing her just the way she likes it. 🧸
BESTIEEEEEEE:(((( YOU KNOW ME SO WELL THIS IS SOOOOO GOOD:((((((( stop like they’re just kissing on his bed after they showered together and like they didn’t even think about evie being in there until y/n feels her step over her legs and omg the cat is still in here!!! And H we can’t evies in here and he laughs bc this happens anytime evie is anywhere near them when they’re getting a little 🥸 and “Baby relax she doesn’t even know what we’re doing” and y/n lets him kiss her again until she feels evie making bread at the blankets by their feet until and when y/n cracks her eyes open she sees evie just lookingng at them and “h!!!! Shes watching she knows!!!!” And maybe he just nudges evie a little to get her to stop and look somewhere else and “angel really its fine she doesn’t know just let her sleep and let me have you:)” and it works until evies circling on the bed and chirping now bc she wants attention and h already knows before y/n says anything so he pulls away and “let me take her out okay?” And :(((( “h no we can’t do that this is her room too that’s mean we can’t be mean parents:(“ and h just thinks shes the sweetest thing hes ever seen in hi entire life:( but youre so right at this part hes bringing out the big guns and pressing kisses over her neck and biting that spot that really works for her 🥸 and whispering to her telling her how gorgeous she is how much he loves her that shes soooo soft such a pretty soft angel for him 🥸 and its working and getting y/ns mind off it all and her thighs are around his hips and holding him to her and its so 🥸 but ofc evie is a sweetie so she chirps right up by their faces and nudges Harry’s head because she wants attention and “okay you need to take her out” and y/ns already about to give evie a little kiss and a pet so she can leave and h is just laughing bc “I thought that was mean????” And “well!!! We have things to do! Which is meaner: making her watch us or locking her out for a few hours?” And first of all h is 🥸 at the few hours part but also “ohhhh I see now you just want to kick her out of her room bc you want daddy” and “it was your idea in the first place!!” And they’re just being giggly and fun:( but once evie is gone and toddling around outside the room hes crawling over the bed and “happy now love bug?” And shes all big eyes like yeah thank you daddy but omg when he gets ro hover over her hes just giving her the most adoring look taking her all in w messy hair and swollen lips and hes just :( his perfect angel even when shes not perfect:( and “got you all to myself now don’t I?” And she get a little smiley like yeah:) but omg the second hes kissing over her neck and he gets her just right and she gets breathy and hot and “you like that don’t you? That’s your spot huh?” And shes got her hands in his hair and thighs around his hips and “come on angel tell me” and its breathless like “I do” and he can’t help hsomself but “do you baby? I don’t believe you” and thats the frantic little “uh-huh I really do h:(“ and thats just the beginning of the rest of their night him kissing all over her and telling her how pretty she is and how much he loves the feel and taste of her skin all sweet and pretty and ugh im so :(
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adoringhaikyuu · 3 years
hello!! i have a bit of a request! could i get oikawa bokuto and kuroo w a s/o who absolutely loves to cook and bake and does so a lot, but always always always shares the food they make? n they kinda slowed down in making food bc ppl arent accepting or wanting the food they make and its making them really down :(
ive been having this issue w my roommates bc i always cook for them w lots of love and they never eat what i make and its,, draining on me,,,,
but yea!! i just want oikawa bokuto n kuroo to make me feel a lil better :( thank u so so so much!!!! i love ur blog n ur writing so much 🖤
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CHARACTERS: bokuto + kuroo + oikawa + (gn!reader)
NOTES: i hope everything is ok and if not i hope it gets better!! <3 + i tried to make these a little happier ! they all take place over a week + i tried a new format with this we'll see if i stick w it sfkjhg
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bokuto honestly didn't not want to eat your food
it's just that he had to go on a new diet for the upcoming season, his trainer and nutritionist told him to try it out to see how it works with him
and the things you cooked and baked were on the no eating list
he just loved when you made food for him, it tasted amazing and he could feel the love you put into it
he was planning on waiting the diet out and stockpiling all the food you made for afterwards as a treat
but he may or may not have failed to tell you that
so when you noticed he wasn't eating the food you left for him when he came home late after practice, you were disheartened and not to be dramatic, but heartbroken as well
deciding not to waste anymore, you simply stopped
turns out, the diet wasn't really working with bokuto, his nutritionist decided it was unecessary since he was getting the same results when he wasn't on it––thanks to his genetics, metabolism and workout routine. if anything he was glad, he was beyond excited to come home and finally eat your cooking again.
he practically ran home with a skip in his step, shouting out cheerfully as soon as he stepped past the front door. "baby i'm home!" he put his things down and took his shoes off, before gliding in front of the fridge to open it. "what's for dinner?––" he trailed off when he noticed there was nothing cooking, maybe you were starting later? he looked through the shelves in the fridge, looking for something to snack on in the mean time and gasped abruptly when he couldn't find the containers of food he'd been saving over the past week.
he closed the doors and frantically looked around the kitchen, opening random cupboards that couldn't possibly keep any refrigerated food fresh.
you walked in to find him searching around like a madman and you paused. "kou? what's wrong?"
he looked up at the sound of your voice and ran over to you, placing his hands on your waist. he kissed your forehead to say hello, despite the pout on his face and the clearly pressing matter on his mind. "hi baby doll. i was looking for all the food that was in the fridge, did you move them?"
you paused, "well i––i threw them out?"
his eyes almost bulged out of his head, "what?! why??"
you were confused by his sudden outburst, it's not like he was eating any of it. "i mean you weren't eating, kou...it's been a week since you've stopped eating my food, i just didn't see the point in keeping it all in there...that's also why i'm not making dinner right now."
he stared at you, shocked and disappointed in himself, he had no idea you were feeling this upset. "oh my god...did i forget to tell you?" your brows furrowed curiously but he simply pulled you into his arms for a tight hug. "i'm so sorry bub––they wanted me to try out this new diet, that's why i wasn't eating! i didn't mean to make you upset! i was even planning on eating all of the dinners i missed afterwards...but the diet wasn't for me so i can go back to eating normally now!"
you pulled back slightly to look at him, not knowing what to say. "oh..."
he gave you a sad smile, "yeah," he brought a hand up to hold your cheek, "you know i love your food––it honestly hurt my heart when they told me i couldn't eat it!"
you cracked a smile and he gave you one right back, "i'm serious!"
you sighed happily, "okay...so i guess i should start making dinner then?––"
he was pulling you over to the fridge before you could finish your sentence, "absolutely! and i'm helping!"
you laughed and started getting the ingredients together, "how about i make your favorite tonight?"
he nodded like a child excited for ice cream and kissed you on the cheek. he wasn't really a chef himself, that's why he left it to you––he didn't want to burn down the kitchen. so he'd mostly be staying by your side, maybe handing you things or mixing things, but you enjoyed his company nonetheless.
you had started seasoning the food when he slid his arms around you from behind, leaning down to rest his head on your shoulder. "hey baby?" you hummed in response and his hold on you tightened a bit. "would you...mind making my favorite dessert tonight too? i've been craving it for a while now..."
you smiled to yourself and nodded, "i'd love to."
he squeezed you and kissed your cheek loudly, "yes! thank you i love you so much!–"
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almost every day you sent kuroo off to work with a baked good you made him
he loved them and you loved making them so it was a win-win
you'd put them in a little container with a cute note
and though he knew what to expect each time, they never failed to brighten his day
but earlier this week you stopped by kuroo's office to drop off the treat he'd forgotten to take with him today in his rush out the door
he was in a meeting so his assistant let you into his office
and you felt an ache in your chest when you noticed four of the treats you'd given him this past week all on his desk, unopened
that day, you went back home with all the uneaten sweets and unshed tears aching to fall from your eyes
did he just take them to please you? did he not really want them this whole time? was he just trying to be a good husband?
all these questions flooded your mind, only confusing and hurting you further
but one thing was for certain, you'd stop baking them for him
it didn't make sense for you to if you knew it'd be going to waste
kuroo was beyond done with his day and it wasn't even halfway over. he sighed, loosening his tie as he shut the door to his office, drained from the two hour meeting he'd been in.
thankfully, he had no more meetings today so he could sit and relax while he worked in his office. he sat down at his desk and shut his eyes for a moment, needing to calm down and regenerate himself. he reached over to his left blindly, knowing he'd left the treats you baked him there––things had been getting so hectic lately, he barely had time to eat them, but he was saving them for when he did have the time.
his hand smacked down on the desk three times as he tried to reach for the containers before he finally opened his eyes. his brows furrowed slightly, "what the..." he looked around the desk, opening the drawers and everything before giving up and calling his assistant in.
she knocked on the door and he signaled for her to come in.
"yes sir?"
"hi, do you know where the sweets i had on my desk are? i thought i left them here."
his assistant thought for a moment before perking up, "oh i believe your partner came and collected them while you were in your meeting, sir."
he frowned, "y/n was here? why didn't you tell me?"
"they asked me not to disturb you."
kuroo nodded, "oh alright...well, thank you, that'll be all."
he immediately pulled his personal phone out and called your number, you must have been back home by now.
you saw his name pop up on your screen as you were about to throw out the baked goods and hesitated for a good while before sighing and picking up. "yes?"
you could practically hear the smirk on his face as he spoke through the phone.
kuroo leaned back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling as he spoke. "you stole my sweets from me? where'd you hide them? or did you eat them?"
he didn't even feel bad that he'd just left them there?––"well you clearly weren't eating them kuroo," the smirk dropped from his face and he sat up, alert. woah––kuroo? why did you sound upset? "they were just sitting on your desk––anyway, i was about to throw them out."
"woah, what?? why would you do that?!"
he was speaking to you but you honestly weren't listening, too annoyed and too hurt to pay attention. "look if you didn't like them, you could have just told me so i wouldn't have to waste hours every day busting my ass to make them for you––were you just throwing them out this whole time, is that it?––"
he shook his head with each word you uttered before realizing you couldn't see him, he was just in complete shock. "what? no no, kitten listen to me, hey listen, okay?" you paused, mostly to catch your breath, but he took that opportunity to speak up. "i love when you bake for me, everything you make tastes amazing. i love eating the sweets you make when i'm at work because they remind me of you and of how much you love me––this week's just been a complete pain in my ass and i haven't had the time to sit down, eat and enjoy your treats, i love them and you too much to just scarf them down in a minute. i need to savor them, you know?" despite the adrenaline running in your body, you cracked a smile. "i finally had some time to myself and i was gonna eat them just now when i realized they were missing so i called you..."
he trailed off and you took that as your cue to speak up. "oh..."
you could hear his smirk again, "yeah, oh."
"so i...maybe...overreacted a bit."
he chuckled, the sound warm even through the phone. "no kitten you didn't, i get why you were upset––but, you should have asked me about it first."
you sighed, "yeah, yeah..." you looked at the open containers in front of you, only now noticing the notes you put in them were gone––he must have taken them out to read them even though he didn't have time to eat––"wait a minute, if you haven't had time to eat..." you could hear him clear his throat awkwardly, "kuroo you haven't been eating lunch?!"
he laughed awkwardly, "um, i mean, i eat after work––"
"that's not the same!" you rolled your eyes, "i'm coming back over there and i'm bringing you lunch and you're going to eat it, understand?"
he poked his tongue to the side of his cheek. "okay, kitten."
you sighed, "you're lucky i love you."
he leaned back in his chair again, "oh could you bring one of the––"
you cut him off, putting one of the already closed containers back in your bag. "already on it."
he grinned, "god, i love you."
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oikawa loves your cooking
and normally he scrambles home after practice to eat it
but this past week training was grueling and tiring, so by the time he came out every day, he was drained mentally and physically
and he was starving
he couldn't wait any longer as soon as he stepped foot out of the gym
so he went to the nearest takeout place, bodega, whatever to get something to eat quickly,, for the whole week
he thought nothing of it
but when he came home every night for a week straight saying he'd already eaten when you tried to offer him the food you spent hours making?
it hurt, a lot
so you decided you'd stop cooking
oikawa was aching to go home––he was exhausted and all he thought about to get him through the day was you, your cooking and your cuddles. he needed all three immediately. when his coach said they were all free to go home, he could almost feel a weight lifting off his shoulders.
he sighed loudly as he stepped into your home, peeling his sneakers off and setting his things aside. he padded into the house, going straight to the kitchen and frowned when you were nowhere in sight. he'd come home a bit early today, around the time you were usually making dinner.
he looked around and walked to the living room, smiling to himself when he found you sitting on the couch, looking for something to watch on tv.
you smiled up at him and greeted him, the sound of your voice making him feel warm inside. "hi baby, how was your day?"
he huffed and slid onto the couch, lying down so his head was in your lap. "don't even talk to me about the day i've had––i was thinking about you the whole time." he took your hand in his and brought it up to his lips to give it a soft kiss. "you got me through it."
he placed one of your hands on his cheek and the other in his hair, mumbling a thank you when you started playing with the slightly damp mess on his head. "mm that feels good baby." he closed his eyes and sighed contently, settling in comfortably to your touch.
after a few moments, he spoke up softly, trying his best not to fall asleep. "what's for dinner?"
"um i'm not sure," your eyes were focused back on the tv as you thought for a moment. "what do you wanna order?"
he paused and cracked one eye open, opening the other when he realized you weren't joking. "wha––order?"
you looked down at him and nodded hesitantly, "yeah? like takeout?"
he sat up abruptly and turned to face you, "what? why?"
you paused this time, unsure of how to respond. "well...every night for the past week you haven't been eating my food. i think it's fair for me to assume you don't want my food anymore."
he felt a piece of himself break on the inside, "oh angel..." he grabbed your hands, "no no––i love your food, you know that––i've just been so tired this week, i couldn't even wait to get home to eat, so i stopped by the nearest places with the boys." he scooted closer to you. "i'm so sorry i made you feel like i didn't appreciate what you do for me––i promise from now on i'll drag myself on my hands and knees if i have to to come home to you and eat––"
you laughed and shook your head, "tooru there's no need for that––"
he cut you off, almost offended. "of course there is! i hurt your feelings baby, i never want to do that again!"
you smiled and pulled him in for a sweet kiss that he quickly melted into. you pulled away to look at him earnestly. "it's okay babe. just...maybe tell me next time? i was just worried you were tired of my food, that's all."
he pulled you into his lap and held you tight. "i could never and will never be tired of anything you do for me, i promise." he kissed your cheek. "though it is my fault, i did miss your cooking this week––but if you're not in the mood to make anything i understand and we can still order––"
you shook your head, "i'll make your favorite, okay?"
he pulled you in for another kiss, "i really don't deserve you."
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lxstfuck · 2 years
Hey There :) saw that your taking requests so I thought i would ask away.
I was hoping to ask for either a Akaashi x Y/N (female) or an Ushijima x Y/N.
I don't mind the nature of the NSFW, just that the reader would be a little chubby (much like myself) and that they have a breeding kink. Have a little thing for that the moment 😆
You can chose which character, as they both on my top simp list at the moment 😂😂
If you want any more info jsut let me know :)
Looking forward to reading it soon :)
A/N: i decided to do both bc I'm a sucker for them as well. They're submissive and breedable
Tags: breeding kink (duh), top fem reader, chubby reader (Don't like, don't read), praise, titty sucking, pegging.
«Fill me up!»
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Akaashi was known for being a calm man. A man who had the girls lining up to get a taste of him but oh little did they know the skilled man was not interested. He had fallen for the girl he loved the most, y/n. She got a lot of hate because she was a little chubby but that didn't stop her from being with him. He adored her. Everyone thought he had you on his slim finger, when it really was the other way around.
“Mommy please!”
Yes. He was reduced to crumbs when it came to you.
“Such a good boy Keiji, taking me so well.” Praise rolled off your tongue and he repeated your name like a prayer as you slid inside of him. He was tired and he wanted nothing but praise and lots of love from you. “Open your eyes baby.” You said softly as you left a trail of kisses on his jawline and neck. He was facing you, legs wrapped on your sides and up until now his head was thrown back and his eyes closed. Whenever it came to you he couldn't keep in his excitement.
“Gonna look so pretty hmm, gonna make me a real mommy?” You ask even though you're inside of him. He nods hurriedly and he can't help but bounce on the plastic dick and bury his head in your neck. A bright blush covering up to his ears and gasp leaving him as his body shivered in pleasure.
“Cum! Cumming!” You chuckled and you snake your hand to his throbbing cock and start pumping him.
Loud moans left his lips and his slim body trembled in anticipation as he came. Both of your bodies covered up in his seed and sweat. You lick your lips as you look at the little mess he was.
“That load was supposed to go inside me. But you can do that again, right?”
Let's say it was a long night.
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It all had started with a simple action. Your husband, Ushijima, had seen a couple with a baby and it all came down to this. A hot night with his wife.
Right now you were on top of him, his cock sunk up inside you as he lifted his hips up and down in a hurried pace. Almost like he was in heat and he was longing for release. But he knew better than that. He knew he had an adorable wife that he needed to please as well and he does. He grabs your sides, plush thighs and sometimes his hands would travel to your breasts and play with them. He would suck at your sensitive bud and bite it softly.
“Gonna fill you up good mommy” He mumbles as he buries his head in your neck with a low grunt. “I can right? Please let me fill you up."
I between soft moans and breathy moans you tell him he's been a good boy and if he makes you cum first you would allow him to cum inside. And that only made him burn up in lust even more. Sweet boy was so focused on making you cum he started sucking on your tits even harsher and you couldn't tell him to stop or even to punish him because he was being so cute like this.
“Lay down" You say and he does. He whines when he lost the touch of your silky walls in his dick but eventually he got it back. “Let mommy milk you dry hm?"
He nods frantically as you start going up and down in his length. He just sighed and lowly grunted at the sensation and view. He loved your body. He loved every curve, every part and everything you hated, he loved it. He lifted his hips and grabbed yours to keep you there but you only slapped his hands away as he whined.
“me first big boy” you said greedily as you fastened the pace. Up and down. And sometimes in circles. He moved his hand to your clit, playing with it and you couldn't help but laugh at this because he looked so desesperate to cum. His eyes looking how his cock disappeared in between your legs.
You leaned in and kissed him while you moaned while cumming.
“Our babies will look adorable”.
Was the last thing you say before feeling full of him. You stayed there literally riding the orgasm.
Requests are always open and in my Master list you will find my other works and rules! Stay safe out there!
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pennylanewrites · 3 years
saiki kusuo x gn! reader
description: kusuo would be lying if he said he doesn’t enjoy visiting you in the middle of the night.
word count: almost 0.8k
genre: fluff
cw: implied insomnia
author’s notes: this was very self indulgent bc I had to gift myself something for my birthday and I needed some fluffy Saiki bc the amount of love I have for him is unreal and borderline concerning. Also, he’s kinda out of character in this, sorry about that. Pretend he can’t turn you to stone without his glasses lol :)
Huff. A blanket got thrown to the floor, hands fanned a sweaty face frantically. Oh, why is it so hard to just close your eyes and fall asleep?
Are you having trouble sleeping? A voice rung through your head, making you smile.
Don’t smile like a crazy person, it continued. You sighed and closed your eyes, focusing on the voice.
I can’t sleep at all. Can you come over and cuddle? you pouted at the ceiling, even though you weren’t sure he was still watching. You swore you heard a scoff as you opened your eyes, only to be met with absolute darkness. Stumbling out of the bed, you opened the window across from it and sat on the sill, looking at the empty street below.
You weren’t sure if it was your mind again, making stuff up because you were sleep-deprived, but you thought you caught a glimpse of dark pink hair and turned around quickly.
Shh. You’ll wake your parents up, he said as he splayed his limbs across your bed, making himself comfortable against the pillows.
“I really missed you.” You whispered, sitting down on the foot of your bed, playing with your thumbs awkwardly.
I’m here to help you sleep. He reminded, fingers drumming against his torso. He was so effortlessly pretty, wearing just a black shirt and gray sweatpants, not even his glasses were on and his hair looked slightly disheveled from sleeping.
“Really? You’re not here because you loooove-” your sentence finished with a yelp as a hand dragged you down on the bed, wrapping around the small of your back. Kusuo brought a finger to your lips, shushing you before his hand cupped your cheek.
“Thanks for coming. I know it gets really annoying, but I just can’t fall asleep.” You pouted, kissing the palm that rested against your cheek.
It’s fine. Your bed is really comfy.
“Mhm. And you loooove-” Kusuo cut you off once again, this time with a peck on the tip of your nose, making your eyes grow wide.
Sorry, couldn’t resist, he shrugged before bringing you closer, your head resting against his torso, probably to keep you from seeing him blush. I’m not blushing. He probably read your thoughts, making you hit his torso playfully.
“That’s a violation of privacy. Where’s your ring?”
Stop talking.
“Kiss me.” You said boldly, the need to sleep already forgotten at the excitement of your boyfriend being with you. He sighed and leaned down, leaving a soft kiss on your lips that only had you wanting more.
“Were you eating chocolate right before bed?”
His reply was that he was hungry as his eyes darted down to your lips constantly before he finally satisfied his hunger by bringing his lips to yours again.
Kusuo’s kisses were always like drugs, making you lose yourself completely in them, his hand making shapes on your back under your shirt as the other rested on your neck. No matter how uninterested he pretended to be, he always found himself needing more from you.
“Wait, more.” You whined when he pulled away from you, hands meeting the neckline of his shirt to pull him in again in a lazy, sloppy kiss.
Get some sleep, okay?
“Will you sleep with me?” You looked up at him with glistening eyes; how could he ever say no to you when you were so much sweeter than any dessert in the world?
I will. Goodnight.
“Say you love me.” You demanded like a child, earning the faintest of smiles from your boyfriend, who rested his chin against your shoulder, mouth blowing air on your neck to make you shiver.
“I love you.” He whispered into your hair before pulling away to get you more comfortable in his hug. You rested your head against his, humming with satisfaction as the fatigue of a school day finally kicked in.
“I love you too.” You said with a yawn before your eyes got heavier.
Oh, how you loved that Kusuo was the last thing you saw before falling asleep and the first thing you saw almost every morning. You’re not exactly a psychic, but you have a feeling that your boyfriend feels the same way about you. At least, you hope he does.
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