#i tell him that i dont need to hear ot
armandism · 2 years
not me crying because my fathers an asshole lmfao like whats new weve all known that
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pup-pee · 7 months
this is basically my kyle playlist
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california girls is rlly carrying the angst so sad((she eants me(2 b loved) is not the sadest song ots just the 1st))
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thrashkink-coven · 5 months
okay I don’t love ranting about Christians on this page because I try to keep this space free of religious shenanigans but I need to rant about this because it’s actually SO irritating. This is coming steaming hot right off the top of the dome so excuse my grammar and all caps.
Lately my instagram page (thrashkink_art check me out I’m awesome) has been getting a lot of attention from Christians for some reason, and I’ve been getting dmd by people wanting desperately to debate and/ or convert me. They all come at me with the assumption that I’m either an extreme atheist that’s just super mad at God or a complete dumbass that’s simply never read the first few pages of Genesis. I must either be angry or stupid. There’s no way I could have read the Bible and known the story of Jesus without subscribing to it. Anyone who isn’t Christian must not know the story! “Have you heard about JESUS? DID YOU 🫵 KNOW He died for your sins? 😃” Whatever
The thing that is so frustrating is that, EVERY SINGLE TIME I share some information with them about the Bible or religion that they didn’t know, they immediately BLOCK ME. EVERY TIME. And it’s like??? If you want to have a debate and go bar for bar then I’ll humor you. Hey, who knows! Maybe I’ll even learn something new and convert! I’m always open to new information! I love learning about religion! But apparently it doesn’t go both ways because the second I present information they can’t grapple with, they IMMEDIATELY BLOCK ME. AAAAAA
Some Christian dude: If you read the Bible you’d know that doing witchcraft will land you in Hell!
Me: well if we’re really going based off of the Bible, the entire concept of Hell doesn’t originate in the Isrealite religion. Actually, there’s no mention of a Hell in the OT at all, Hell is a Greek concept and so is Lucifer.
Christian: What? No?? That can’t be true it completely distorts my worldview
Me: You… don’t have to believe me just look into it yourself
*You can no longer message this person*
Some Christian dude: Women are just naturally subordinate to men, if they weren’t then we would have worshipped a female Goddess alongside YHWH.
Me: Well… They did. The Israelites worshiped Asherah alongside YHWH before her worship was abolished
Christian: This is blasphemy *you can no longer message this person*
RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAA. I have countless examples like this! A dude called me evil because I told him Jesus was Jewish. I’ve been called a degenerate for explaining how YHWH originated in Canaan. Im so tired of ignorant Christians shitting my pants because they’re too lazy to do any research on tHEIR OWN RELIGION!! IF YOU NEED TO HAVE AN EXISTENTIAL CRISIS BECAUSE YOU JUSG LEARNED ABOUT THE HISTOY OF YOUR RELIGION THEN THATS ON YOU BITCH! DONT GET MAD AT ME BC YOUVE BEEN FED A LIE !!!!!! THATS NOT MY PROBLEM !!!!!!!!!!
There have been so many times when I’ve taken the time to go through all this bullshit with people because I really don’t want to be close minded. But holy shit it’s like they’re allergic to conflicting information. They immediately accuse me of trying to push blasphemy onto them. and when i’m like hey dude don’t take my word for it, please I encourage you to do your own research, they’re immediately so offended and appalled. How dare I tell them something about the Bible that they didn’t know.
Listen bro, I’m fully supportive of your Christianity, live your life, worship your God, I honestly do not care. But if you’re going to try to convert me at least be somewhat prepared for an actual discussion. Don’t block me because you can’t handle the reality of the situation mother fucker.
ok. I’m better now. Merry Venus Day! Ave Lucifer! 🔱 💀
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sincerelyyadere · 4 months
Beta testing review (no spoilers)
Toxic, love triangle, nsfw, yandere but in a bad way, omegaverse, alpha x beta x omega, top x switch x top, secrets
TW: nsfw, rape, drugging, abuse
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This is the worst shit ive read in a long time, mostly because for 40 fucking episodes nothing was happening. Boring as hell, and you see this black haired guy? Fuck him, hes trash.
And after those 40 episodes of mindless scrolling, couse i was like “well, they said there will be a yandere here…” author thought it was boring too, apparently, and out of nowhere we got rape, drugging, emotional and physical abuse and… yandere? But in the worst way possible. So, in the first half i was hating just the black haired guy, now i hate the violet too. What the actual fuck, how can you manage to make all of your ML undesirable?
Main character on the other hand is perfect. I loved him so much, and i liked his trauma history, how it was unrevealing and how we got to understand his choices better.
Nonetheless, i feel bad saying this, but with all this raping and drugging and god knows what else, at least this shit got sort of interesting, and it was not so boring anymore (i was literally scrolling through sex scenes, how boring can a manhwa be that you skip sex scenes???)
Of course, no trigger warnings in the manhwa itself, but thats a given at this point. At least characters point out that the rape did happen, and dont just act like ot was nothing and just a “rough sex”.
I think i will be reading new episodes as they come out, since i struggled through 70 chapters of this shit, but if any of you want to read this, just skip to chapter 37, i will tell you what was happening before that so you dont waste time:
Jihyuk is the main character who works in a bar for exclusive members, his boss is going out w/ his brother who is an omega.
Jihyuk fucks around a lot and then he meets yoo-jun who is of course wealthy as fuck (the black haired guy). He is an alpha in heat so jihyuk helps him and fucks with him. Yoo jin doesnt remember that but he helped jihyuk’s brother years ago, so jihyuk wants to pay him back. Yoojun convinces jihyuk to keep fucking with him, since he needs someone to reguraly fuck. It turns out he imprinted on some omega ages ago and when this omega dumped him, he was left alone with his horniness all over the walls.
Jihyuk agrees to be his fuck buddy, but reluctantly - he is scared of falling in love and he can feel himself falling in love with yoojin, who is still in love with his “hyung” - the omega he was dating.
COINCIDENTALLY JIHYUK HAS A FRIEND WHO IS AN OMEGA. His name is eunsong, but jihyuk calls him hyung of course. Jihyuk doesnt know that this hyung is the same hyung yoojun is in love with. Eunsong however is in love with jihyuk (here we have this shitty triangle).
So jihyuk is in love with yoojin, yoojin is in love with hyung and hyung is in love with jihyuk
So now:
Important facts:
Yoojin will drop everything if he hears that he can see his hyung somewhere which breaks jihyuk’s heart.
Jihyuk took hyjngs virginiy but he doesng remember that
Right befor the action of 37chapter starts, hyung found out that jihyuk is fucking with yoojung. Sp he invites yoojung to some bullshit party and the only condition is that he has to brong a date (to check if what jihyuk and yoojung have is serious - of course they come to the party together)
I think thats all, i really dont reccomend reading it from the begining, but, i guess you can try???
Hope my colourcoding helped😭😭😭
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pinkpicket · 1 year
What do you need to let go?
Ok, hi it has been a really long time since i posted last time. BUT IM BACK! and im about to spoil u all.
So what do u need to let go to finally start moving, to stop being stuck? Bc trust me ur not the only one that been feeling like this (me too) especially with the retrograde season coming ( 7 planets in retrograde man we are so done).
Choose ur pile wisely between
(i love women as u can tell)
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Pile 1
So ur my babes. You all are carbon copies of me, bc my friend, you and i we struggle the same, we drink the same poison, everyyyyday and night. U see we are too much of hopeless romantics with too much of optimism and need (infinite) amount ot expectations of love. But you see that's our biggest most stupidest characteristic, bc in this age and time of situationships and all this new bullcrab, love is hard to come by. The things whether it's love, appreciation, and that sole amount of focusness almost doesn't exist ( it does dont worry and will probably find it one day but baby the time is not now).
Our night with his shinning armor is not here yet, he might take a bit longer than the average ( he needs to hurry the fuck up or else i as in we will lose it ) nor is our happy ever after. I feel like we have so much left to do, so much left to explore and experience within ourselves and outside that the universe or whatever thats planning our fates is saying that it's too soon for him to arrive yet.
So my advice? Chill out. Let go of love rn. Focus ok urself. Ur happy ever after and true love is yet away. So enjoy this state that ur in. Embrace yourself. Go out more. Show ur self more( maybe post on ig bro?)
Pile 2
Okay my lazy pile is here. U see babes y'all need to understand that money dont grow on trees nor do they fall from the sky.
Oh so you want success and money? That's great. Very much possible but not with the way ur living rn. Bro ffs put ur talents into work ( i see this pile as people with too much of good placements in their charts TOO GOOD almost to a point where it made yall lazy) so yes, u can have all u been "manifesting" but not by sitting on ur ass all day long and writing in ur little manifestation notebook all the wishes u have. Bc idk if u know but this is the material world, this is saturn world and u know what saturn loves more than anything? A hardworking humble babe. So pls shift ur perspective, ur hands are not tied, your just being lazy. I love you but this a hard truth that ur pretty ass needs to hear (u give of harddd harddddd purva phalguni vibes lmao)
Pile 3
So you seem to mirror pile 2, but very different too. Different sides of the same coin. U r afraid, very much but listen here what u need to do: LET GO OF THAT. start being more spontaneous, take risks TRUST ME IT IS WORTH IT.
Take risks regarding what? Money. U need to ask for more. U seem like a very shy person, u take what u given even if it is just crumbs. But enough is enough, it's about time you start demanding what u deserve.
And the best thing? U will be given what you ask for. Now this could be from anyone, mostly i see a male figure but could literally just be im general, you know how when u are familiar with something so u r adviced to start small and familiarize your self with the said thing? Yup, this is the same thing. Gradually learn to ask for more. Let ur childish side show (look how adorable kids are when they ask for something, u know why they're adorable? Bc they're nit afraid to ask, they never faced rejection after all. Maybe that's just what u need).
Now why start asking now? Bc whatever this thing is that ur lacking, it is holding u back. Unlike the others piles, it is ur lack of something thats holding you back. You will especially need this maybe for a project? Something artistic, maybe it's just that the lack of this thing in ur life is holding back ur creativity and ur light. So start asking, even if it's small. Trust me you deserve it.
Pile 4
Stop it. Stop acting like you dont care. Drop that mask off, this nonchalant attitude is not getting you nowhere. Humbleness looks best on you. Get down from ur high horse. Stop being so afraid to show ur real self. Bro trust me being a stuck up mask faced, real self hiding babe wont get you anywhere. Stop being so offended. Lmao ur pile has the most to let go. So i will keep it short and simple- be humble. Ur ego is not taking you anywhere u wanna be at. Trust me.
Also yall dont take none of this personally. Dont shoot the messenger im just delivering what im told.
So peace out, bye.
Oh also this has shit ton of grammatical and spelling mistakes but i have a combusted mercury in 8h ofc im dumb. Dont judge.
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this-should-do · 2 years
i think whats funny the way hl games work, is how theres only one patg forward, so jn the citadels alyx is like "lemme plot a path to the reactor room"
but if u dont hear that line it just seems like ur wanderjng with gordon otting the way forward and happening upon tge place they need to go
even tho woth that line it seems more implied that alyx would be telling u where to go, but since shes not aaykng anything and gordons the one leading the team and just speeding off i cna only imagine thebthoughts and realizations about how gordons probably been functioning all this time,
just looking at this giy who takes the first open path infront of him and by chance succeeding on what hes dokng like,,,
christ man,, sjmultaneously luckiest and unluckiest guy in the world
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cheeseandbretboy · 9 days
the painting i continued (from longer than a year ago) has too bright white highlights so i need to get rid of them AND quite possibly it would be nice to just give up and do whaeter and get on the train just ot look at all the stations i havent seen before nd cvt and listten to whip your kids on repeat again and again and have no money to afford to eat and find someone who is just so ?? and mean but not in that non self absorbed self absorbed way and stupid because everyone has too much to look forward to and too much to complain about and that makes everyone so yucky and hypocritical and ughghurejne me whenni have work tmr ALSO need to print out more movie photos AND anyone i meet gets so human and i get sick of them so easily but not myself so i will always be alone and thats a good thing unless im not listening to music then it is not so good bc i can hear my breathing an feel my skin also what even is life without music its just ------------------ no ty i do not want to be like amber or ritchie but oh i did thrift their shoes and also jasons but hes kind of an L WAIT that makes so much sense anyway that scene where they are walking in the store with the heavy combat boots that have been discontinued (why?) and a shotgun wow! imagine being tricked by a soda can what a loser anyway the sehleves ive built are really nice and after doing that with hands blistered and joints sore i realised i can fit everythign insdie it and oh god im gonna lose absolutely everything! and thn something even WoORSE hit me that none of this even means anytnign, what the flip, imagine this format will stop and we only live in the real world what then maybe just maybe musicals make sense and then i bash my head into my desk HOW COULD U FOR A SECOND THINK MUSICALS ARE OKAY blood is spurting just likein that scene in longlegs dilf, jokes no maybe nicholas cage hes too pasty this has gotten long uve recently discovered this rly underground and unpopular artist michael jackson yea nobodies really heard of him sigh WHY DO I HAVEA FRENCH BOOK OH GOD IM GOING TO HELL people should put everything ive ever ever made into a bible because that is all i am and i am so happy that is true so yea put this in as well and all my assigmnets and paintings and digital art from 2019 and old drawings and scribbles and south park doodles and short stories ad gore and all the deleted notes of measurrements (sigh why phone) and dont forget all the photos and the annotations i rubbed out later cuz they sounded dumb and too personal remember always to make ur writing as obscure as possible because people always look to make everything about them hey emotions are really stupid our brains are amazing at finding information so much of it but our conciousness is preoccupied with other stupid stuff like education and being horny so all we get is emotions that have been processed information so hey our thinking brain really is in the back seat and we cant change it yk im bnad! im bad! u knowit really really bad megamind... evan peters is eyeing me rn.. i did a really good job of diverting my mental problems its actually really good but i am hoping we can get back to them once they get fixed and maybe this dependence wiol go away too right maybe and wait a darn second are you telling me i wont find myself a tim burton anti hero what the flip unbelievable may i get a refund never sell your doc martens just break them in please the blisters and pus and blood will pass and they will be great i swear unless theyre the max platform types then u might have to keep getting pain but thats okay god dont tell me i need to work in the future although when i watched the movie for the 2nd time in cinemas there was 3 seconds where there was a doctor with a mask and wowww maybe i shld become one of those but i dontthink i have the right motivation maybe neurobiology maybe quantum mechanics mabe maybe even both like quantum mind god thats interesting but only after biology i need to get worried abt climate change and then realise OH MY GOD NOTHING MATTERS BUT OUR MINDS and thats
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indigo474 · 1 year
they say the the right one comes along when you least expect it. they.. who is they? maybe there is no right one.. my lover is being sketchy as hell and i'm kind of over it and him. he texted me that he wanted to do things with me.. in my head i thought he meant like things.. stuff, activities.. he meant sex.. my soul wants and needs more than just sex. i want the whole package. someone i can call and tell them about my day.. hear about their day and just share life with. the sex is so good and i'm honestly thinking i won't find that again.
work has been horrendous- dealing with my bitch coworker. it's so triggering for me because dam if her behavior isnt like that of x's.. what is it about me that makes me a target for this type of person? i am perceived as being weak. is it my kindness? i'm a pretty transparent person in work and I dont know.. but ive had issues with this person from the beginning.. shes been with the company for 20+ years but trans to my location around when i started. i saw Marci yesterday and told her what happened this week and she said -- there is a major HR case against the person and the company is trying to force her out by having her take an early retirement. I called my manager and let her know what went down-on thursday.. i also met with her on tuesday and told her the nonsense that happened while she was on vacation. I let her know both times i didnt want to do anything as of yet just wanted to let her know what was happening. she was very very supportive and she basically told me to continue to document everything and have my rep do the same. so, i guess i'll see what happens on Monday.
i have no idea what im doing today and really really need to find something to occupy my time- like a job.. if i could work the OT at my job id be working weekends. i cant stand not having anything to do..
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forgosun · 1 year
Spencer and Gluck are the funniest fucks
Gluck basically fell in love with Spencer because of paperwork so half of their fucking dialogue is "I want you (for work), be mine (for the company) and stay forever (on the team). I'll take care of you (as your boss)." And Gluck fell in love in the weird shit way and has no other reason other than he was born like that.
Meanwhile Spencer is the stupid bitch that gives into his vices of "hot man who is work oriented and insanely persistent enough to chase him down like 3 fucking cities and maybe like 2 secret identities because he wants him." Has commitment issues, highly traumatized, healing cause this weirdo with his conspiracy wall with paper and string won him over with fucking stupid ass bouquets and corporate ppts and needs him (to n ot get caught up in overtime at the office.
I hate and love them so much.
Austin also telling Spencer, "your boyfriend looks like a chicken" and Spencer hating the fact that he's right. Cladio telling his bestie that "your boyfriend likes chickens and you kinda look like a chicken" was the double whammy.
I'm also normal about the fact that Gluck's method of punishing Spencer is trapping him on his lap and saying things Spencer said in secret about him but was too embarrassed to admit. Like "You're embarrassed that you can't live without me can you? You just dont want to admit you like my dedication and attention to detail. You even like the way I hold you like this." And spencer has to sit there screaming inside wondering if his boyfriend/husband is a mindreader cause he'd like to kill bite and maim in that moment.
Spencer also knows Gluck can hear the recordings on the chicken and has learned to be tender in secrecy but telling him he loves him then goes back to goblin mode.
Gluck and Austin belong to Typhra.
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levisgirll · 3 years
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
text: hello everyone! first off wanna thank each and every one of you that liked and enjoyed my writings <3 this honestly makes me happy and I’m glad to know that! so I decided to write this out for everyone as I had many ideas about this cute idea! you, y/n is levi ackerman’s first lover! it was stated by hajime isayama (author/illustrator of attack on titan) in a interview that levi has never been in a romantic relationship, but that all changes when he met y/n. It was also stated that when it does come to romance and love, isayama said that he expresses levi as awkwardly/clumsily when it comes to his lover. So find out some cute headcanons about him in his first relationship with Y/N!
synopsis: how’s it like for levi ackerman to be y/n’s boyfriend? and not only that but it’s also levi’s first partner ever, and including you! But you both don’t know that :,) so, what are the things you both would do as newbies in a relationship? (incoming real cute fluff- and levi trying his best to be your best boyfriend.)
fluff, headcanon, aot world ♡ —
To start off, you guys are both confused. Not sure what to do. Levi Ackerman’s first relationship and his first time having a partner actually makes him feel quite nervous as he wants to make sure he comes out as an ideal boyfriend for Y/N. Would definitely also start to overthink a lot at his start of his new relationship.
That’s cause, he wants to show you he is cool and got things under control and also even stronger towards you, he tries his best.
BUT, he doesn't know that it’s also y/n’s first relationship! and when they joined the Levi squad after Eren was taken in by the survey corps. Levi caught their eyes, and their causal interactions, talks and bond started to grow and slowly developing feelings.
Eren would definitely figure out that you had a crush on Levi and he would say in a shocked tone “Seriously...out of all the men. It’s the scary captain you like!”
After you guys got together, he started at first to show you some of his affections which is ruffling your hair, and he would do that whenever he catches you looking down or not smiling. He wants the best for you, and to smile instead. He wants to see that on your face cause it was one of the many things he loved about you. You lowkey liked that everytime he would ruffle your hair and you could feel his soft and gentle fingers on the top of your head, so lovely it makes your heart race.
He would let you call him Levi at first and he would kinda get upset sometimes when you say captain.
Whenever you go outside the walls, he knows you will be on the other side sometimes and not in his zone and that makes him worry like shit. He cant even focus on his mission and would think “Y/N, please dont die. Please.” Begging that you would be safe. When everyone regroups, he would look for you and and in a split second he recognizes you from afar and that makes his whole tense body relax. “Fuck. What took you long?” he would say that and go up to you, “I went to get some water for my horse, are you alright Levi?” He just stood there, studying your eyes which would make you blush and you guys....end up giving butterfly kisses to each other! and that now become your thing. And guess what, he REALLY likes them, it ironically gives him butterflies in his stomach too.
Once you guys part away, he would touch his eyelashes softly just to feel your touch again and sense that are you still by his side. alive. (please give him more hugs)
Whenever you get a cut, even the smallest ones, he would always say and bring his hand out towards you “Come here”. “Levi, dont worry its a small cut!” You shyly say, “I see the injury, so come here.” and he would proceed to treat you so carefully and his full focus and attention while treating you makes your mind race like crazy. His sharp grey eyes on your knee and his finger tips would be cold when he touches your skin and that would make you shiver but you felt his love. And it made you love him again and again.
He would take any opportunity to treat your smallest injuries just as his ‘excuse’ to be really near you. And when he is done, he would look up and glance at your eyes and you guys just sit there looking at each other so loveling. He wants to try kissing you so bad and you can tell by the look of his eyes on how he focus on your pupils as it dilates, and he gets lost in your beautiful eyes. You both were about to kiss until someone calls out your name and that broke your focus and jolted up so quickly, blushing like crazy. He gets also lowkey embarrassed, and both of you get up. “O-Okay, I have to go....thanks Levi.” and he would nod with a slight blush.
Whenever he sees you carrying stuff as he would pass by, he always offers to carry it for you but still takes it away from you either way. 
He notice he is such a gentleman towards you especially and he is actually a loyal and a great man for you (too great).
He knows he stutters a lot whenever he tries to talk to you, so he doesn't trust himself to talk much to you cause he always fucks up, so he would rather listen.  When you guys meet up and talk about your day, Levi ends up being such a good listener and he loves hearing what you always had to say. “Go on, tell me more.”
Later in the relationship, he starts to feel less nervous after having many talks with you during late nights in his office and he open up to you. About his past, his life in the underground and then you later realized he is quite talkative. Would  definitely bitch about you with others and he does that on purpose cause he wants to see you laugh about it, and when you do he feels so great, you boost his ego. 
Once he was with the other soliders to train them combat style training, and he did such an impressive move that you saw from a distance. You would later go up to him and he noticed you, "Wow you're awesome when you did that move!" you would say with such an amazed expression and that actually makes him happy inside but then said “...and when I don't?" This man is always concerned, and he kinda lowkey wants you to complement him more?? Becomes needy about it.
Mentioning that, you guys slowly started to use pet names for each other. He really takes pride to it and feels so lucky to have someone to call him that and not anyone but you saying it to him meant the world for him. but, once you did not say love just once, and he actually went back to his office and really though about it for the rest of the day. He becomes really quiet in the evening and you can’t figure out what it is. So you asked. “Love what’s wrong?”. And there, he started to talk a lot more now. He realized then he can act like a kid sometimes but you found it so cute.
He also memorized and remembers your knocks and footsteps and just calls you in before even addressing anything. He was secretly waiting for you to come and he got the tea ready, and of course the table clean and even the chair extra clean cause he doesn't want any dirt on you. And of course, you are his lover so he wants the best for you.
You and Levi planned to go out to the city to buy some stuff, but he wanted to surprise you and take you to wall sina instead to this small shop to buy you an accessory that you liked. But that failed since it started to rain, “Great, shitty fucking weather.” 
Always touches your cheek tenderly and ask what is wrong when he sees you down. “Love, tell me.” He would keep looking at you and you would suddenly forget what made you upset and start to get timid . “Come on...stop you are making me shy..”. He just loves looking at you especially your eyes. “Y/N”. Suddenly he got all serious, and he gently grabbed your both of your shoulders. “I really…l-like you…” he tried to say all clumsily while leaning close to your face, but you know he is trying his best to show you his affection and love.
Whenever he gives you his back and you would see his neat and clean undercut, you would leave small kisses on it. That’s when you found out thats his soft and sensitive spot and he blushes like crazy, not expecting it but doesn't say anything. Once he was in his office alone, he would cover his face with his left hand and start to nervously say ‘Fuck...why is Y/N so damn cute, I’m gonna lose it.’
Levi loves to tease you sometimes, when they tell Levi to cut it out, but he would turn around and give you a small smirk and...chuckle a bit? You would think, wait actually nevermind let him continue.
Anything, literally anything you ask Levi to do or bring something, he is already up and willing to get it for you. “Hey love, could I please-”. “Here.” He knew what you wanted, a snack, so he just open his drawer and gave you your favorite pack of biscuits. “Have it all.” It was one of his ways to show affection and would actually feel good once you thanked him. Watch him giving you more next time.
Keeps. every. single thing. you give your man. He even has a separate drawer for you and he cherish the things you give him. You are the only one who does that to him and he loved that you were the one.
Outside, in the training area, when no one was looking he would push some of your hair that was hanging on your side behind your one of your ear. And you both would exchange glances, a look which both needed the other and the love was real.
Surprise, but he loves it when you kiss his Adam’s apple and would close his eyes while hugging you tightly.
You are the only one he trusts to have his keys to his office and once when Levi entered his office, he saw y/n laying on the coach, sleeping so quietly it warmed his heart. “Y/N waited for me this whole time?”. He would sit beside y/n and cover them with his jacket. He secretly then takes your hand and kisses it.
Overall, Levi has finally found the one, which is you, y/n. And this man would risk his life just for you. He would love his partner so deeply and wants to always be by your side and make sure that as long as you both had each other, things will be okay, and once everything is over he already thought that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. 
well this was longer than I expected!! I really do hope you all enjoy this and somehow you felt some love and fluff from Levi c: please do leave a like or a reblog if you liked it! 
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matan4il · 2 years
Hopefully this makes sense. But as Buddie shippers I think sometines we get shit for reading between the lines. Like we never saw them give each other keys but we know clearly it happened early because Eddie just lets himself in at the end of S2 and has no problem busting up to Bucks bed. We didn't see ot happen but we get the level of intimacy that holds.
So moving on I feel so validated because it is bot at all just Buddie that the writers are doing this. Its a pattern for all of them. That look Bobby gets when May says he saved her. Inlegit bawled!!! Like you know it was such a full circle moment and it's clear the writers know they dont have to beat us over the head.
The same way with Eddie calling Buck amd Buck just being like here take this hose I gotta follow my husband for whatever he thinks we need to do. They will always have each others back and that trust between them is just very beautiful.
Hi Nonnie! Thank you and don't worry, I totally got everything that you were trying to say! :D *hugs*
Yes, I agree! I mean, 911 IS a good show on a lot of levels, it's well written, well directed, well designed, well acted... And a good show, especially with good writers, is always going to deliver some of its punches in the subtext. It's how it builds up revelations that still makes sense and aren't done for shock value alone. I think Buddie's shippers motivation is questioned, but to question that 911 does write things for its characters in subtext? Nope, doesn't make sense. Also? Same about Bobby in that moment when he gets to hear that it's not just him considering May to be his kid, it goes both ways and she acknowledges and accepts him as her dad. 'Coz Harry back in 508, saying he has three dads? You could tell Bobby was impacted by that, but maybe later he figured Harry's still young, he might not get the full weight of what he said. May knows exactly what she's saying, what it means, and she still insisted Bobby's her dad. Yeah, Bobby didn't have to wail and sob, or say anything, we all got what hearing that meant to him and why.
LOL I loved that so much! Good God, I missed their teamwork SO MUCH, and I honestly think it's a thing of beauty how they work together. It was one of my fave things to weave into my Buddie fics, that these two are husbands on the field in every conceivable way. And I have so many thoughts about that perfect synchronicity they have and the intense connection it represents.
Thank you again for this, lovely! Hope you have a great day! xoxox
(I got an influx of asks, I WILL answer all of them, but it might take a sec. If anyone wants to check whether I've already answered theirs or to read my replies, here's my ask tag. Thank you! xoxox)
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
The Deal Part Three
Summary: august doesn't know how to lose.
Warnings: Adult Situations +18, Slight Smut, Mentioned Threesomes, M/M, M/F/M, poly relationship, Toys, Seduction, Dom Sub, BDSM, Praise Kink, Swearing.
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August hummed running a finger back and forth on the rim of his glass as he watched the screen,you were on the bed rocking onto your new toy like crazy.
"She really does this everyday?" Clark asked from beside him with a frown, but august could see the kid was turned on, licking and biting his lip as you fucked yourself desperately with your new vibrator.
"Everyday, for a week now..." august hummed twisting his chair to and fro flicking his gaze from the subby on screen to the soon to be sub sat beside him.
"... am i? Am i not enough?" Clark asked tentatively blinking at agaust in a way that made the agent smile smugly.
"Its not that kid, shes gone without playing our game for soo long she forgot how addictive it is, how much she needs it" he explained.
"Needs? Have... i mean shes missed it?" Clark uttered feeling less confident in his ability to satisfy you by the second.
"Probably not, well not untill our little experiment"
"Why?" Clark asked still not understanding
"Being a sub is... more then just sex, subs need to submit its therapeutic for them... when in a scene they just let themselves go, all worry and stress disappear. All they need to do is live in the moment and obey" august began slowly as he stopped swaying his chair and faced clark head on pinning him with a look.
It was there, the curiosity. Good. Its what he hoped for, it was why he'd called clark there to 'catch up'
It was time to make his move, top the man of steel whilst having you making your own little porno in the background to help things along.
"So she cant truly relax without it?" Clark muttered still unaware of the agents motives.
"In a sense yes. She craves being dominated, its as natural to her as being a goody two shoes is for you" august purred placing his drink on the glass computer table fendingnoff a smirk as clark took the bait.
"Hey! Im not a goody two shoes-" the kryptonian grunted offended.
But august was prepared, he'd planned this meeting meticulously and his anwser rolled off his tongue with a laugh.
"Your thirty five years old and have absolutly no run ins with the law, no parking fines no speeding tickets hell you never even had a single detention in your entire shcool life! Or have you handed in an assignment or book report in late"
"But i killed a man- i took a life" clark tried to argue but was waed off with another laugh.
"Zod was no man, he was a fucking alien... no offence, you took a life to save billions... so its not really making you a badass"
"Lazer vision is pretty badass..." clark huffed slumping back in his seat now looking like a classic putig brat.
"Oh? Is my litttle clark sulking?" August cooed gravely voice making clark pause at the sultry tone... he must be hearing things.
"Im not sulking! And im not your anything!" Clark growled snapping at the agent.
"Behave yourself!" August growled leveling him with a look, and couldnt help smirk again as clark shut himself up and flushed.
Your desperate cries called out over the moniter as you rutting onto the toy the wet sounds adding to the scene.
Clark flushed finalky turning away from august making the agent preen. Oh he had him in the palm of his hand already~
"Good boy. You are arent you? A very good boy clark- the best" august purred leaning forward gazing at the younger man with a cheshire grin, that only grew wider as clark flushed brighter and shuddered.
"I.. err well yes" clark panted shiftingnin his seat tryingmto keep his eyes on the screen as you wailed and yelped trying to draw out a climax.
"Oh whats this? Your going all shy on me? Tell me is it because i called you a good boy~ do you like praise clark?" Augusut grinned leaning closer still to the now frozen younger male
"N-no its err... i should go-" clark started shuffljng backwards needing to get out of here, because it was true. He loved praise especially in the bedroom, he loved being told how good he was.
August purringnat him whilst he eyes were fixed on you rollingnaroundnin bed toying yourslef into a sexual frenzie was... making him think of thingsnhe probably shouldnt.
"No. Sit, stay... thats it, theres nothing to be embarrassed about, many powerful men enjoy being praised" August growled latching onto clarks arms holding them to the arms of the seat.
"Being taken care of, told what to do~" august purred standing befor the mighty man of steel leaning close to his face.
Clark gulped but didnt move back, he didnt pull away like he should have.
Instead he eyed augusts lips, clark had the overwhelming urge to.aste them.
It confused him, he'd never ever dabbled in same sex relationships, never experimented. Never shared a woman with another before that fatefull night.
But for some reason august was apealing, drawing clark in. August was apble to overpower him, not physically but he commanded obedience.
August held a dangerous cocksure demeanor that clark rarely saw.
"Is that what you want? Clark~ do you want to be controlled and praised just once? More then once?" August hummed dippjng closer and closer, clark couldnt help tipp his head up.
"Y/n is always such a brat. Just look at her, desperately trying to fuck herself into a coma, despite knowing we hadnt allowed her to touch her pussy" august pulled the pffice chair clark was sat in to closer to him, making the kryptonian drown in his scent, the cologne and sweet arousal that was alreading sworling arohnd him.
Clark swallowed dryly, unsure what was happeningnto him, the sounds of yu moaning a crying ot so sweetly, the praise and authority radiating off august in waves.
It was the same dominant aura and comanding deep voice that had made crks cock twitch in both threesomes they had indulged.
Clark had tried denying it at the time, convincing himslef he was cuaght up in the erotic forbidden act. It was just a thrill of the moment thing. It didnt bmean he wanted the older dominating alpha male and all his bravado.
August grinned shifting forward again filling clarks vision, for a human auguast was large, almost as large as he was.
"Sure she'll listen when she feels like it but... I can't help thinking she needs a role model..." clark hummed absentmidely nodding agreeing falling further into his own haze.
"Someone else to show her how she should behave... someone who will get rewarded for being soo good... maybe a good boy?" August purred finally taking the plunge and weaving jis way around the man. His words coiling around the younger male ensnareing him in his carefully constructed web of teasing words.
Clakr gasped as his chin was captured by the agent forcing him to look him in the eye.
"Would you like that clark? Do you want to be not just a good boy, but my good boy-our good boy?" The words hung in the air, winding the man of steel.
"W-what?" He stuttered tryingnto fathom what the older man meant. But couldnt deny the excitment in his gut.
Did he mean it? Would he really include clark in this kink? Make it official and let these forbidden threesomes continue?
"Oh dont play coy, i know what your thinking~ its natural to be curious, just think we could all be one~" august whispered movjng his thumb over clarks bottom lip.
"We could all play together and all get what we need." He purred smirking as clark gave all the right signs, eyes wide, pupils blown wide shifting in his seat as he cock rose, curtesy of both his praise and the loud wanton moans from you bringing yourslef to the edge of rapture yet again.
"You get the praise and love of a little brat, and a strict dom, y/n gets a role model, a dom and keeps her life partner" august listed shifting on his feet again reeling clark in with low coos full of promise.
The agent curled his hand, cupping clarks cheek coaxing him closer luring his face closer.
"A-And you?" Clark dared to utter, feeling both excited, anxious and overwhelmed, he wanted nothing but to jump at the chance, but was frightened at the same time.
He would admit he'd been a little jealous of all the praise you'd got from august in both encounters.
Closingnhis eyes imagining it was him! That the older influential man had been calljng him a good boy, had been teling him how impressed he was, how proud he was!
Clark was embarrassed and had quickly shook away the desperate thoughts. He wasnt gay, why would he have such thoughts?
He summarised he was just too needy and had gone without. You told him how brilliant and big he was, how sexy and strong and fantastic he is in the bedroom but... with august it was different.
The older male praised down at him! Cooing and fussing at him in a different way. Treated him like a sub and clark liked it. Probably too mucn.
"I get the little brat i've been missing and a very very good boy"
"So what do you say, do you want to let go? Be free and experience things you'd only dreamt of?" August preened keeping clarks attention fixed on him asmhe manipulated him, august had noticed clark had a praise kink.
A weakness. A need who was august to pass up useing the little kink to get the subby he wanted~
"I...I'm..." clark hesitated looking passed august to you on the screen who was digging around beside your bed looking for something.
"All you have to do is say the words clark, just say yes sir and you can have all the pleasure and praise you could ever hope for~ both you and y/n we could make this permanent"
"See look? Just watch, y/n needs her dom, needs to be tamed again we could do it clark... you can show her how to be good again~" august breathed over clarks cheek side steppjng him to reveal the screen.
And clark did look, groaning as he saw that you had rolled over and was straddling a different suction cup dildo stuck to a little hand mirror face up on the bed slapping your own ass as you bounced frantically.
"Just say those words and we can help her together" august hummed into his ear like the devil on his shoulder, tempting him
Clark gasped feeling augusts breath on his neck, his wisters ghosting the delicat skin.
Then in a bold move the older man pressed a soft feather light kiss to the kryptonian's neck.
And it worked
"I... y-yes, can we? Please sir" clark breathed out stuttering and jumbling his words unable to hold back his pleading.
"Good boy clark~ such a good seet boy you are~ i knew it, knew youd be brave enough, you've made me soo proud" august showered him with praise biting off a victorious grin.
Clark mewled closingnhis eyes for a second beaming a smile feeling this strange relaxation take over, suddenly he felt free, and small.
It was a feeling he craved, being the strongest all the time was a heavy burden to bare, now he could feel powerless for once.
August chuckled and pressed another kiss to clark this time on his cheek making the younger male's cheeks glow.
August couldnt get enough, the power trip of having the man of steel under his command was far to intoxicating.
"Now why dont you go get our little brat and we can tie her up and show her that good subby's get rewards" august prompted him stepping around clark completely letti g himstand up.
Clark nodded and shot off out onto the balcony and leapt into the sky eagwr to please his new dom and do as he was told.
August took his seat agin wrappjng his fingers around his glass of scotch and raised the glass to the screen that now had both his subs onscreen, as clark wrangled you into his arms wrapping the bedsheet arohnd you.
"Mission accomplished" he hummed smirking as clark wrapped you in your soiled bedsheet before you both disappeared off screen.
He stood and knocked back the last of his drink and padded across the pent house heading to the play room just as he heard both of hos little subs land and enter his home.
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rosachaotic · 3 years
Remember when i said Talbott and Cereza werent over? Yeah.
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I promised yall i would write a continuation of this. For those dont remember that happend, here
Anyways enjoy the fanfic!
Warning: none?? Its more just angst then fluff.(but sorry for my bad english and wording im not very good at writing and I wrote this on mobile)
It's been two months and few days since the big argument Talbott and Cereza had on the hospital wings.
This all happened because Cereza tried to do all the investigation and take down R by herself, but of course that plan failed and it backfired on her very badly. She fought the wizard in white and almost died because of it, losing her consciousness after he ran away, fortunately she was found by Moody who was searching for her after her twin brother said she went missing and was taken to the hospital wings.
She was scolded for it of course, and after that her friends went to visit her. All of her friends were worried for her, especially her twin brother Michael who jumped into her hugging her tight, crying, not realizing her whole body was in pain before he quickly let her go.
After a long chat with her friends and twin brother Talbott got in but he didn't look happy, he asked for everyone to leave him and Cereza alone because he wanted to talk to her, everyone left confused to what was going on.
Outside people could hear both Talbott and Cereza arguing with each other, Talbott was disappointed that Cereza lied to everyone including him about not having any information that could be useful for Circle ot Khanna and that she did is by herself he thought she was dead she could have died because of her reckless decision, Cereza tried to explain herself by saying she thought what she was doing was the right because she wanted to protect everyone which didn't make Talbott feel any less worse but the opposite. Both kept arguing with each other until Talbott storms out of hospital wings not looking at his friend's faces who were waiting outside, Penny tried to stop him but he just ignored her and walked away, once everyone back inside to the hospital they saw Cereza holding back her tears but she did a very job at it once everyone was inside and started crying.
Cereza rarely saw Talbott after what happened, she only saw him on the classes they shared but even then he didn't even talk to her, she decided to let it be not wanting to bother Talbott and she thought that this was the end of their relationship. This broke her alot, the happy girl that was always smiling and giggling all the time wasn't there anymore, not only she felt bad for what she did but she thought she lost one of the people she loved the most.
That was until Cereza got a letter in the morning, Andre gave it to her and said "It's from Talbott." She quickly opened the letter and read the paper that said:
"We need to talk. Meet me after dinner in the courtyard."
She thanked Andre for the letter who nodded and said "I hope everything works out for you guys." And left, Cereza also hoped that things would work out but she couldn't help but feel anxious about it. What did he want to talk about after dinner? Why did it have to wait?
"Does he want to end our relationship once and for all?" Cereza thought all day, Cereza knew how to be patient but this waiting was killing her.
During dinner she barely ate anything, Rowen(M!Rowan) was trying to make her eat something but she couldn't.
"You have to eat something, you can't sleep with an empty stomach." Said Rowen, worried for his best friend trying to make her eat. He knew about the letter, Cereza told him about it and he knew how nervous and anxious she was because of it.
"I can't, this wait is killing me.'' Cereza said anxiously.
She then looked around, noticing that Talbott wasn't at the ravenclaw table or at any table of the other houses.
"Did you see Talbott walk in?" Asked Cereza, still looking around, Rowen shook his head.
"No, I didn't, I don't think he is coming for dinner today." Rowen took a bite of his food as he said that.
"Why? Do you know about something??"
"No, no, but...Penny said she didn't see all day, he didn't go to any of his classes." Cereza felt her heart drop, this wasn't like him, he would NEVER miss any class, if there was something Talbott was proud of himself is that he was an excellent student.
"This isn't like him…" Whispered Cereza."I cant, i have to go."
"Wha- B-But dinner time isn't over yet!"
"I'm sorry Rowen, but I have to go."
"...Okay, good luck Cere!"
Cereza nodded and left the great hall running, she opened the big door to the corridor and rushed past the students to the courtyard.
As she got outside she looked around.
There he was, sitting on the tree trunk looking at the stars just like he would when he waited for her for their dates.. Cereza sighed with relief knowing that Talbott was okay...or was he?
She took a deep breath and walked toward him, stopping right before him.
"Hey…" Talbott jumped at hearing Cereza's voice, he was probably so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear her walk in.
"Oh, Sorry I didn't hear you coming in…" Said Talbott awkwardly.
"Its okay…"
"Penny said she didn't see you all day, you also didn't come for dinner as well."
"I felt sick all day and I wasn't hungry."
"Oh...I'm sorry, I hope you're better now."
Silence took over, the only sound they heard was the cold night wind, making things kinda awkward. Until Talbott coughed and said
"Sit here with me." He tapped right next to him, Cereza then climbed the tree trunk and sat right next to him.
Again, the awkward silence.
Cereza then looked at the sky, it was a pretty starry night, she could see some shooting stars.
" The night is beautiful tonight isn't it?" Asked Talbott, breaking the silence.
"Yeah. It is beautiful."
"It reminds me of when we used to have our dates here, you would make wishes for the shooting stars."
"Stupid wishes, I know." Cereza giggled at her own stupid self.
"I never thought they were stupid." Said Talbott.
"Even the one where I wished for a giant puffskein?"
Cereza shook her head smiling a little bit and she also noticed Talbott was smiling a little as well, she missed seeing him smile, but they weren't there to watch the stars.
"Hey, if that's your wish, who am i to judge?
"Listen, I-I know you said you wanted to talk to me in your letter, but I want to say something first." Said Cereza nervously, while staring at the floor.
"...Go ahead."
She took a deep breath and then looked at his warm striking hazel, who met her golden eyes. Then she finally said:
"...I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry for what I did, Talbott. It was very dumb of me try to all of that on my own and it was and it was insensitive and bad of me not to tell you guys the information I had about R."
"I should have trusted you all to defend yourselves without my help, I shouldn't have lied to you guys about not finding anything."
"Cereza listen-"
"I shouldn't have done that, I could have died and i didn't thought about how you, my family and the rest of our friends would feel about it if I died, you were right when you said things wouldn't get any better if I-"
Cereza jumped at Talbott who raised his voice at her, he gripped her shoulders and made her look at him, his eyes staring at her but he didn't look angry he looked sad.
"Just...listen to me please."
Cereza nodded and whispered "sorry" and let him talk.
"Look...after what happened, i couldn't stop thinking about that night on hospital wings. That night kept playing in my head over and over every time I went to bed...I felt awful"
"I felt awful, Cereza. After I calmed down I realized what I just did and how I shouldn't have talked to you that way, but it was too late, I was already at my dorm and I couldn't bring myself to come back."
"I was ashamed."
"Is that the reason why you were avoiding me?"
Talbott nodded, he took a deep breath as if was holding himself to not cry.
"I thought you hated me."
"So I avoided you and everyone else as well, it was painful."
"Tal I-"
"I should have thought of your feelings, how were you feeling that made you do all of that yourself."
"...You had all the rights to react the way you did, it was a stupid and dangerous decision that I made."
"But I still shouldn't have said those things to you."
"I let my emotions take over me, my heart dropped when I saw Moody carrying you to the hospital wings....blood all over you and you unconscious and i thought i lost you..."
"When i heard you were alive, I was so happy and relieved...but when i heard about why you did that when I heard Michael talking to Moody I...I dont know what came over me, i was angry and disappointed"
"...I know-"
"Not only on you, but mostly on myself"
"..W-why? Why were you angry at yourself??"
"Because I thought I failed you, I couldn't protect you, I couldn't be there for you."
"But it wasn't your fault-"
"Let me finish..."
"But that doesn't excuse what I did, i didnt think about what you were feeling, how you were feeling. Your feelings that made you do this and your feelings after it...I called you selfish but I was even more selfish…"
Cereza's hand went to Talbott's cheek, who jumped at her touch but then rested his face on her hand holding her hand even more close to his face. He closed his eyes while he felt her warmth on his skin again after so long.
"I'm sorry Cereza, I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry for everything."
"I forgive you."
Talbott's eyes quickly opened as he looked at her, he was surprised but it also looked like a heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders. She continued:
"But...do you forgive me as well?"
"Of course I do."
Cereza also felt as if a heavy weight was lifted off her shoulders as well, she smiled as she felt tears run down her face and she had to take off her glasses to clean it.
"I-I thought...I thought you called me to end everything between us." Said Cereza as she cried while she tried to clean her tears off her face. She was shaking a little and her breath was also shaky.
"I would never do that." He whispered. "If anything, I was more afraid of you wanting to break up with me."
Talbott got closer to her and hugged tight on to his body, catching her by surprise.
Cereza returned the tight hug, smiling while tears rolled down her face, Talbott also had tears rolling down his face who tried to hide by hiding his face on her shoulder but his shaky breath and the way he sniffed quietly gave it away he was crying. Cereza's hand went to Talbott's hair and was caressing his hair.
"I thought I was going to lose you." Whispered Talbott, not wanting to let her go.
"I thought the same thing…" Cereza whispered back, kissing his head.
Both of them stopped hugging each other as they cleaned their faces but still kept close, Talbott's hand travelled to Cereza's face and caressed her cheek, his hand was cold as always but Cereza never cared about that, she liked his touch.
They both stared at each other, they both knew it was awkward the way they stared at each other but they did not care, their gazes were filled with intense love.
Talbott kept his hand on Cereza's cheek and kissed her other cheek gently but his face didn't move away, in fact he kept face very close to hers moving only a little to her lips, their noses were touching each other and they could feel their heavy breaths, Cereza closed her eyes as she felt her heartbeat go very fast and her face was red, Talbott heart also felt like it was going to jump from his mouth and even his ears were dark red. He brushed his nose on to hers but then kissed her nose, he caressed her cheek once more smiling, Cereza then opened her eyes and saw his smile and smiled back at him. Both of them giving loving smiles at each other.
"I love you." Said Talbott.
Cereza's hand went to Talbott's face and to his cheek as well, as she sighed and smiled again.
"I love you too, meu amor.'
Talbott's smile grew as he heard again the loving way Cereza called him using her first language, while they didn't have their first kiss yet what matters is that they were both together again.
"Just promise to me that you will be more careful." Said Talbott.
Cereza nodded.
"I will...but, do you promise to never leave my side?" Asked Cereza, Talbott chuckled and said:
"I promise, my sunshine."
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qnfpanel · 3 years
ahh batman
anyway my name is skeppy i wanna talk to you abotu a girl named debbie you should be my wingman tonight. “hi my name is debbie. im a person that is very very nice. and im looking for a boyfriend. do you have somebody that i could possibly meat ive been really lonely you might be my last hope tonight” “oh im sorry but skeppy is taken talk to that guy over there quackity i know he’s not. ooohhhh heres skeppy oh hes really nice he has really nice hair a really nice car and he’s kinda out there cause hes really cool and really poppin hes really poppin and hes a million times better than quackity so theres a lot of reasons to luke spekppy. number one is that he hangs out with me. thats really awesome and really fun so you cant have skeppy sorry go talk to quackity instead i know hes alone go talk to quackity i know that hes home. dont talk to skeppy or else. but you can talk to quackity thats fine” i am looking for a man i am willing ot give him my hand im a very sexty girl looking for a sexy guy who is that skeppy i know him from his youtube videos im actually going to die in two days and my last wish is to meet him tday i erally want to go on a special date with this boy badboyhello you know skeppy you could complete this wish of mine. you could hep me im about do die all i want is one date with skeppy. just one dat im about to die my parents left me this is all i need.” “fine you can go on a date with him if hes okay with it first you have toask him” but badboyhalo would not allow this girl to go unsupervised on a date with skeppy so every time this girl said something questionable to skeppy badboyhalo has to come and step in on this date. i would come chaperone but- “hi skeppy you look sexy” “hey girlie you also look sexy” “thank you skeppy. were very in love with each other” “these past few days have felt like a decade. it’s too bad youre gonna die tomorrow ooowwwoooo” "I wanna leave a mark in this world i want you to give me your babies” “i have to tlak to my friend talk to my friend hey bad” so it turns out im a lying girl and im not actually gonna die and you know this buy you cant stell skeppy ebcayse he’sll be hreartnboken so you have to tell him lsihgtily that eferyhting she’s csating is a load of horse crap alright? “i love you skeppy im gonna die” “not she lyin” “what is it halo” “skeppy she is a liar” “why would you say that im gonna die” “lets leave her here and go somewhere else” “ill go with you guys” “badboyhalo i thought you were a friend. why are you being mean to me im gonna hang out with her to the end” “skeppys nicer thatn this hes not a muffinhea dlike you. skeppy smells like the sun and you smell like poo so why dont you go off some where.” “hello guys its me the doctro tuns out that girl was actually dying her last wish was to date skeppy and your last words to her were that she smells like poo. this gurls is delad and she was miserable she had one wish was to the world through skeppy” “why did you hurt me. she wass o lovely. she was my baby” “im sorry skeppy i didnt emant to do i t i understand if youre upset forgive me please sorry” “im not that sad because i know somehtijng to be tryue. im not the one that is hated most by you. you hate your fans you hate your fans now youre gonna go and make an onlyfans.” guys do you hear that guys do your hear that do you hear that. “hello guys its me debbie i am calling you from heaven. i am here now to tell the truth about the day we had with you kseppy i actually was not sick i actually was not in trouble but when i went to buy some thrublle from the sevent eleven a man came in and frobbed the store. this man wanted some gunmmy worms it seems that he forgot his credit card it seems he didnt want to payyyyyyyy so he shot the cashier and then he shot me im lying dead on the gloor oh god im bleeding and then i walk to the chip asile escaping this psycho he notices i am a witness so now he just walks up to me. he says something to my face ‘i cannot leave you breathing’ he aims the glock at my heart whoah and then he presses the glock trigger and its a yoy gun its not a real gun he actually was not gonna kill me but the nerf got me and now im fucking dead. i got so worried about my death that i actually died” no therapy could fix this. “badboyhalo i forgive you.” “thank you” “youre not as bad as they all say’’ “awww” “and i have one surprise for you. i can predict the future and that s what im gonna do. twenty years for manslaughter. thirty years for negligence. twenty more years for carrying a fake gun. and fifty hyears for making skeppys livfe hell. he could have made it he couldve been happy he couldve had anyone that had me skeppy skys the limit you can blame badboyhalo for your awful life you can blame badboyhalo for all that you lied. badboyhalo i hav eone thing left to predict.you should know this before all of it goes to shit theres one thing you should know about your future self your piss is actually gonna come out the color brown. after your alcohol addiction when youre forty youre gonna have a lot of problems you will see. you’ll have kidney stones and youll have a hard time pissing out everyhting you have inside kibdaye stones kidney stone kidney stoneess”  “not kidney stones” “kidney stones kidney stones kidney sonteess.  you have kidney stones in your body. you are gonna die YOU HVE KIDNEY STONES IN YOUE BODY AND YOURE GONNA DIE you are gonna pizz color brown. youre gonna PISS color brown in your deathbaed. the last mometns of ryour life are pretty grim. youre in your deathbed and the lights are getting dim after your big issues with kidney stones ‘badboyhalo itls me skeppy i hear youre dying and i thought no this cant beim gonna get close to you if thats firne” “aw its fine” *spitting noicese* “i coulda had a happy life but you took teh only woman that i liked i coulda been a really good life BUT YOU TOOK THE ONLY BITCH I HAD I FUCKING HATE OYU I HTE YOU I HATE YOUS O MCUH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” *beeping sound* hes dead. thanks for coming to my story about the ballad of badboyhalo. he is old, he is sick, and now he’s dead. thta was really sad that was really sad but actually that wasnt really sad because he took all the women away from skepypy and didnt have his best interests in mind
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japan national team x reader | w.c 1.3k
a/n: omg guys here’s the super cute epic collab fic i made w all my frieednsies <33 we all worked superrrr hard on this so pls don’t be mean!!!!!!!!! pls enjoy its xoxox and don’t forget to follow everyone here on this kidnapped by hq collab <33333333333
warnings: not proofread bc who does that xD (guys pls free me from this hell i’m in so much pain i didn’t even look at this i skimmed over it i left it as is, gg)
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Read this while lsitening to the best song evar!!!!!!!!!!!1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_cXhBy78T4&ab_channel=JonasBrothers if you dont listen whil reading ill eat ur family MONCH MONCH MONCH
i go dwnstars, yelling ‘by mum!’ bfor laceing up my wite convrrse hightops (NOT blck becauz u cant sharpi on it) wth 1d lyrics scribbled on it. i rmb to draw a directioner infinite sign on mywrist. perfect, i think to mysdlf.
I never thot i would get to go to the olympics all the way on the other side of the planet in toky o japan! It was a dream come true for a simple, average, run of the mill girrl like me, who is 5’7 with naturally wavy hair, that’s not curly or strait and eyes as blue as the dark blue part of the ocean. 
I been dreaming of the olypoics since fetus. I just knew I had to be here, but I never thought it would actually happen. The only thing that would make it better is if I had a smezxy smexy boyfrwend! (A/n: Tee-hee! Maybe even two! (Or five! <333) haha! Aren’t I so quirky? <3)
I’m Wearing A Mint Green Crop Top That Ties In The Front And Some Denim Shorts With Black Converse. I Don’t Need Makeup Because My Skin Is Naturally Smooth And Clear And My Lips Are Already Red #wokeuplikethis And I Listened Only To MCR And P!ATD On The Plane Ride. I Bet You Dont Know Who They Are, THey’re My Favorite Banxds And Are Super GOod And Like Underground Bands. (A/n: Okay But If You Don’t LIke Welcome TO THe BLack Parade GTFO Of My FIc I Don’t Need YOu Here xoxo) 
ok so like,, im on my way to the olympics but then like, i get kidnapped !!! the car i was in was like super expensive and i cant see anything with the blindfold on. i hear voices of men all around me though, for like, a whole 30 minutes before they bring me somewhere and tie me up? "Take Her BLindfold off," one of them say, i hear. and im so nervous. but it's like a dream when they tug my blindfold off and im met with the prettiest emerald orbs ever looking back at me.
my stomach knotted in fear (more like an angry swarm of butterflies fluttering around ) i feel like screaming or squealing or both bc those eyes belong to someone so gorgeous . even more gorgeous than harry styles. hes like a god. i woukd so worship his foot. or something. (squee omg i can’t believe this is happening. i bet you wish that it was you huh?) 
bro who tf has emerald orbs green eyes im blanking rn
^ yo i was gonna ask i cannot for the life of me remember who
his #afff14 sppheres peered into my soul i really just felt seen. i took a deep breath before fainting he was just so pretty. *one hours later* i woke upa nd saw the pretty viridescent peepers staring into mine. like he was literally two inches away from my face omg i could feel his minty breath on my lips it smelled so good.
“My name is atsumu miya,” he said gruffly, the gruffness in his voice so gravely. “And me and me mates here think yer the most gorgeous girl weve ever seen. I blink up at him, orbs gleaming amd full of tears. 
“What do u mean, i’m just a normal quirky girl?” I say shakely, biting my lip. I bit my lip as the piss blond man spoke.
“U may be a normal quirky girl but ur OUR nroaml quirky girl now” his friend said with a deep voice. It was so deep that i almost thot it was like the ocean, he had curly balck hair and his eye were sooo mysterious (a/n i loooove sakusa i can’t believe him and his friends kindapped me omgggg XD)
“Stop it go away” osamu said (hee hee i can never remmber  tell which twin is which LOL i think its osamuuu) “no u have to share” sakusa responded angrily. I starred at them and didn’t know what theyd do next!
I looked over to he side ans see sakura pulling out hand sanitizer passing it around to his teamates. The green orbed boys huff as they put it on. i wished i could see his whole face hes so sedy, look over here pretty girl, i gasp pulled from my thoughts by their captain kita walking into the room with his hands on his hips and was theat aran? “You look even better in peroiusn” aran said to me, walking over to me “how do you know who i am?” i ask.
“listen bbygurl...” he yealls, pulling out a chair to sit acros from me. “you dont get to ask the questions, we are your new masters, and you shall do as we say.” i gulp nervously, my stomach feeling like a sharkndao is happening inside. “we hope u will be worth every penny we payed foru.” 
“M-m-m-masters?” my head felt like it was spinning in a teacup from disney land as i thought about what he just said to me. what did this mean? was i gooing to miss the olympics?? I wanted ot hate him with his super smug look on his face but i cant deny that he looks kind of hot and i’m into guys who look just like him,, the other guys r also relly attractive it makes my heart race. I look around trying to find answers when i make eye contact w a really really reall y tall guy who i thinks name is gao only to see another really really relly tall guy next to him,, hyakuzawa?
“what are yo going to do to me then?” ((*lenny face))
you ask, stomach bubbling. maybe i shoudnt have ateen that stale pizza earlier and washed it down with watermelon-lemon minute maid because now i felt like it was gonna come up. ((ew gross um tw vomit mention hehe)
“Dont worry were going to grab seme din din soon lil one,” one of them says. His name espapes me. Hes a ginger. They wont answer me for some reason and i suddenly miss my freedom when i would go to school (i go to an expesive private school for rich kids ahahah).
“WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH ME??” i yell again batting my fists against the ginger but he doesnt even blink. Ive decided hes hot but in a short king kinda way. His hair reminded me of of like cheeto coloured fine thread woven into waves.,,, like the ocean xD (ans...this has an ocean theme)
sudenly there was another voice it was yalling “BOKE HINATA BOKER” i looked with my stricking dark blue orbs and there wasd inother pair of stricking dark blueor bs like the ocean and blck hair. his voicde was veryy deelp an sexxcy (a/n lololol i luv u gakeyama kun *w*)
theres suddenly a loud voice in ur ear screaming directly into ur eardrum " BAKA KAGYEAMA BAKA"  (wtf our they communicating ????  ? )    i cringe at the yellign and another pair of strong arms bulls me away . i land against a hard, solid chest, i can feel the six pack thru his track Suit. 
and then my alarm clock playin what makes u beatyful goes off n i woke up. 
i rub my eyes wakng up, starrn into the mirror at my super borng brwn ugly eyes and brsh my equaly borng brwn hair. i lok up at m wall and see harey stylz and niallr starinf back at me on t walls. i sigh dreamily. they wud twll me my brwn uairs beatufil. 
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
okok here it is, i don't have a working title yet lol and i wrote the first like three paragraphs a year ago and only now finished it
but uh here it is ig (it's long so below the cut)
oh and i named the characters before i read chog believe it or not so there is no correlation lol
Prologue - Cordelia
May brings with it the memory of battles fought and won and the ever looming presence of a war not quite lost but certainly nowhere near done. As I hand out threadbare blankets around the flickering fires of the temporary war camp, I have to force my mind not to stray to all the people who should be here but are not. Well, the one person, really. I don’t allow myself to dwell, for I know that if I let my heart open to loss, there will be no hope at closing the hole left behind. No one here will tolerate that.
Yet no one criticizes Halen when she fumbles and breaks her fragile composure, storming out of the planning tent, the memories glistening in her eyes threatening to spill over. No, when it’s her, they rush to comfort her, to appease her, and they tell her to take all the time she needs. After all, has the poor girl not been through enough? they whisper pityingly as though we all haven’t lost others to this fight. But, of course, it’s not my place to comment on the actions of the mighty Chosen One. Even if she is my friend.
I look down to find my hands are empty. Tir has taken the last blanket from me without my noticing, and he’s settling down against his pack with his bare feet at the fire. I scowl; he isn’t allowed to speak against Halen either, despite being her older brother.
Heaving a sign, I slump down next to my friend and pull a corner of the blanket over myself. Tir shifts slightly so I can lean against his shoulder. We don’t speak. There are no words big enough to dispel the cloud of grief that hangs over us.
I know Tir is thinking of Zo today, just like he knows I’m thinking of Cherry.
Both of us, I’m sure, are also thinking that Halen ought to be here. She ought to be spilling those tears she always threatens and apologizing meaninglessly for deaths that aren’t her fault. Since when did she choose to be distant and calm? Couldn’t she at least have the decency to break down with the rest of us?
I scowl at a gecko as it skitters through the dirt toward the treeline to the west. I should say something to Halen. I should scream at her, sob at her, cry out until she understands that we need her as a friend, not just a commander.
My mind made up, I stand quickly, earning a confused stare from Tir. “Where are you off to?” he asks, his voice thick.
I shake my head. “Somewhere that isn’t here.”
He chuckles and reaches up to squeeze my hand. It’s enough. He was never one for many words.
I smile sadly down at him and set off to the eastern shore, where the purple and gold tents of the Eneris royal tents have been set up. Their fire and sun emblem shines bright on the tent flaps behind guards dressed in layers upon layers of robes and wraps and blankets. I scoff. The army settled just twenty yards away is shivering under thin blankets and dying fires while the royals and their company dine on mutton and venison. Not that I’ve come to expect anything else from them. They recruited Halen and built this army from the ground up—of course they believe themselves worthy of a few more precious coins exchanged for better conditions.
Even today, the first anniversary of Monvira’s troops storming villages and uprooting lives, they haven’t so much as acknowledged the flood of pain that’s sweeping through their army. I wonder if they even know what May first means to their people.
I stop mid-stride, staring straight ahead at the Strategy tent, where I know Halen spends most of her time these days.
It hits me: May first. The sky is clouded and the birds are silent, but it’s May first and no one bothered telling me that I forgot my birthday. Which was April thirtieth. No one noticed.
Weariness pushes at the back of my eyes, and I blink heavily against the tears blurring my vision. Memories from last year flood my mind as I turn and hurry towards Halen’s private tent. It bares the same colors and seal as the others.
I collapse on her bedroll and let out a single sob.
Last year, on the night of my birthday, Cherry had wrapped a blanket around us both as we stumbled back to our village after a whole day spent together at Renton Lake. She’d kissed my hand and twirled me toward the hut I shared with Halen, giggling in the moonlight, her dark unbound hair spilling over her shoulder like a waterfall of night. The memory rips through me, forcing another sob out of my quaking body.
The next morning, she’d been gone.
I’m not sure how long I lay there, my tears collecting in a pool around my head, but eventually the shaking subsides and leaves behind a solemn heaviness. Only when I hear the tent flap ruffle do I stir. There’s a small gasp, then: “Delia?”
Halen’s nickname for me only makes the smallest dent in my sorrow. I push myself to a sitting position, sure that my face is red and splotchy and my hair wild and tangled. All in all, I don’t blame her for looking taken aback. “Delia, what is it?” she gushes, crouching before me and taking my face in her hands. “What’s wrong? What can I do?”
This is exactly what I wanted when I stormed in here. Now, I nearly laugh. It’s pathetic, really, all this time I’ve spent cleaning up after Halen, chasing her, thinking maybe she could do something that would fill the cavity growing inside me. I see it now, as her hazel eyes rake my face. “Nothing,” I tell her. Her thumbs are soft as they wipe away the tears that trickle down my cheeks. “Not anymore.” My voice is scratchy, and I push down against a wave of shame. I’m better than this. I’m better than breaking down in my friend’s plush tent. I’ve never been the emotional one—that was always Halen.
I wipe away my tears, feel myself stand and walk out of the tent, my mind still occupied with hazy revelations I’m too exhausted to fully pursue. There’s a feeling in my gut, the only one that matters right now, and it’s an overwhelming cry to get out.
The grass is silent under my feet as I walk, and I’m distantly aware of Halen calling after me. Her cries of “Wait!” and “What’s going on, Cordelia?” follow me, even after she stops.
I keep walking.
I don’t look back.
so uh yeah that's it 👉👈 i can give u the idea of the book if u want or you can just take this offering and run lol <33
Im gonna give you my unfiltered thoughts with no order or organization
1) i have a basis for how the crown is unfair (based on cordelias description) ALSO HOW CORDELIA DESCRIBED "i wasnt even sure if they knew what may 1 meant to their people" IDK BUT I LOVED HOW OT WAS WRITTEN. Its not explicit BUT LEAVES THE MESSAGE SAID
2) basis to whats going on? C H E C K
Artie i've told you a million times but I adore your writting style, i always adored it BIT READING YOUR ORIGINAL WORK
Your style is perfect
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