#i think I heard her say ‘’he better eat cause I’m not making dinner ever again’’ cause my dad sometimes dosen’t what she make if he’s mad
yoohyeon · 2 years
If my parents learned how to apologize, 90% of the fight we have wouldn’t happen….
#but seriously my mom broke down crying over something hurtful my dad said#cause she kept bringing it up like she wanted a reason to fight or break down#wich she always do and he says he apologize when it happen my mom says no#and I believe my mom cause my dad never apologize or does it like ‘’arg I’m sorry 🙄’’#just to get rid of us mostly and not thinking it#and my dad is the type to say something really heartful if he’s mad#my mom sounded really mad but like she brought it back 4 times like ‘’you don’t know what he said to me’’#no i don’t but i can’t imagine and I knew she wasn’t not bringing it up to make light of it she just wanted to sound like a victim#cause I was telling her to calm down about something#i was telling her it was not worth getting work over and to not be mean cause it would just go against her#and she got at me thinking I was insulting her I wasn’t I was telling her the other person may get mad and to be better than them#cause they are in the wrong not my mom but yeah she took it like she wanted to#she’s really mad about her job lately and I think she needed a reason to break down cause that’s what not something she would break down for#now my dad went to their room watching tv cause I don’t think he dare ask for the one in the living room#and she’s making supper and she’s mad he went to the room 😭#you don’t want help cause you’re mad so he’s just making himself busy 😭#i think I heard her say ‘’he better eat cause I’m not making dinner ever again’’ cause my dad sometimes dosen’t what she make if he’s mad#but that’s not the case ??? SHE’s mad if he was mad he would have close the door which he didn’t 🥹#😭*#I’m tired I’m barely happy lately and this is making it worst#I was telling myself yesterday that I was to happy about something and it was weird and something bad would probably happen well 🤷‍♀️#I Hope she’s gonna be okay soon cause I’ve waited since midnight last night to tell something really awesome that happen#but I can’t bring myself to get excited about something right now I just stopped crying#alex.txt
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rootbeergoddess · 1 year
Our Love is Enough
Summary: You’re Tengen’s fourth wife. You pass out because you haven’t been eating and Tengen finds out. Furious, he confronts and later, confronts your bullies.
You woke up with a start. How long have you been asleep? God, you were so behind on your chores. You threw the blanket off you and were about to stand up when a wave of dizziness hit you. You sat back down, holding your head. This headache was still driving you nuts. How could you do your wifely duties while your head hurt?
“Ah, I see you’re awake,” 
Damnit, someone needed to put a bell on Shinobu. How long had she been in the room? 
“Yes, I am. How long have I been asleep?”
“Asleep?” Shinobu cocked her head. “Y/N, you passed out. You suddenly collapsed while making dinner for your husband and your wives.”
Oh no.
Your dizzy spells had been worsening, but you managed to hide them. When you passed out, you could always tell. Why had this one been so bad? Oh, and Tengen saw it! Tengen probably went ballistic; he was so protective of his wives. Suma was also so sensitive; she hated seeing people she loved hurt. God, this was such a mess. 
“Y/N, how long were you planning on not eating?” Shinobu asked.
You didn’t say anything for a second. There was no way Shinobu hadn’t realized what was going on. While she wasn’t the strongest Hashria but she was brilliant. There was no one smarter than her. 
“It was only three days,” You managed to answer.
“Oh, that’s fine. You only starved your body of nutrients needed to survive and caused yourself to pass out,” Shinobu’s voice had a bite to it. “Not only did you worry Tengen and your sweet wives, but you didn’t even think of poor little Zenistu.”
Shinobu was good at making your feel guilty. Granted, she was right. Zenistu had found out about you not eating; he heard your stomach rumbling. You explained and begged him not to say anything when he asked why. The secret was probably eating him up inside. Sweet Zenistu had always been so kind to you, partly because he had an obvious crush on you. What a terrible person you were to take advantage of him.
“I—-I—-” Your voice wavered. “I was trying to lose weight so I wouldn’t embarrass Tengen and the others.”
The first tear slid down your face.
“What?” Shinobu asked.
“Look at me!” You shouted. “My body is so unappealing compared to Suma, Makio, and Hinatsuru’s. I’m a fat tub of lard who doesn’t deserve four loving spouses! Tengen would be better off without me anyways!” 
Tears begin to fall, and you hide your face, sobbing. All you had wanted was to be a beautiful wife to Tengen and your three wives. Now, you had failed. You had failed completely. They would never accept you back. What were you going to do? Where would you live? The idea of them rejecting you was worse than death in your eyes.
Shinbou grabbed your hair and slapped you across the face.
“That is enough! Y/N, I’ll poison you if you ever speak about yourself like this again!” She said. “How could you doubt Tengen’s love? Do you think he’s so cruel?”
“No, but—”
“While I think four wives is too many, there is no doubt in my mind that Tengen adores you,” Shinobu continued. “I remember when he came to me, asking for advice.”
“He came to you? Why?” 
“He said it had been long since he courted anyone. He was nervous.”
“Nervous,” You deadpanned. “Tengen Uzui, the god of festivals, was nervous?” 
“I know, I can barely believe it myself, but Tengen was enamored with you. And your wives? Oh, they were beside themselves. Didn’t you notice how Suma would always follow you around?”
The memory brought a smile to your face. Before marrying Uzui and your wives, you were a nurse at the Butterfly Mansion. When you met Uzui, you didn’t think much of his flirting. How come could someone like him be interested in a fatty like you? Then, you met Suma, Makio, and Hina. They were each beautiful in their own way, and you weren’t shocked when Tengen revealed he was married to all three of them.
What was shocking was all four of them had taken an interest in you. Suma would show up at the butterfly mansion and just trail after you. Even though she was squeamish around blood and broken bones, she never stopped following after you. Makio had been a bit more awkward, coming off as mean when she interacted with you. Your sweetness had won her over; that she what she told you. Whenever Makio showed up, you always smiled at her no matter what she said.
Hina was much more subtle, but you had caught her blushing a few times. When you asked why, she brushed it off, but eventually, you noticed her staring. You were naive at the time; you hadn’t dated much. Being a bigger woman meant a smaller dating pool. You didn’t pick up on these clues until Tengen came to you with a massive bouquet of flowers. It was filled with some of the most beautiful and unique flowers I had ever seen.
“Oh, those are beautiful, Tengen,” You said with a smile. “Shinobu will love them.”
“These aren’t for Kocho-san,” He said.
“Really? I thought they were a gift to thank you for constantly patching you,” You teased.
“It’s true; she has been a great help in keeping me in tip-top shape,” Tengen said. “But these are you for.”
That made you freeze. Was this a joke? No one had ever given you flowers. Well, your father had, but that didn’t count. You looked at him, searching for a bit of malice in his smile. No, that smile was genuine. Tengen wasn’t a person to lie; he was always honest about his desires.
“For me?” You looked at the flowers. “But wouldn’t this be something you give to some you want to court?”
“Oh, so you’re finally catching on,” Tengen handed you the flowers. “Y/N, my wives have been begging me to ask you a crucial question. It’s not a question I ask just anyone. Y/N, would you allow us the honor of courting you?”
The world had gone still at that moment. You were speechless for an eternity before you squeaked out a small ‘yes.’
“Wait, did you suggest the bouquet he gave me?” You asked Shinobu. 
“I did,” Shinobu giggled. “He didn’t know what kind of flowers you liked, so he decided to get that big one, full of different ones. He was nervous even then. I had to push him into the mansion to get him going.”
This news was shocking. Tengen was the most confident man you knew. No one could even come close to Tengen’s bravado. He saw himself as a god and declared he was flashy constantly. But he had been nervous about courting you? That seemed impossible. It drove people crazy, but you personally found it charming. You wished you had at least a fraction of his confidence.  
Your conversation was interrupted when the door flew open. There stood your husband, panting and slightly sweaty. Oh, you were in for it. He was going to be so mad at you. He made his way toward your bed and then grabbed your face.
“Are you alright?” He asked. 
“There are no bruises from the fall? Did you hit your head? What about a fracture?” He turned to Shinobu. “I want you to run as many tests as you can. What if she contracted a deadly disease?” 
“When she fell, she fell hard! Was there any bleeding?”
“Do we need to contact any other doctors?”
“TENGEN!” You managed to shout. “Tengen, I’m fine. I just passed out.”
“Yes, because you weren’t eating,” Tengen said.
Great, he knew. Zenistu had probably told him. You winced as he gave you what was known as the ‘Husband Stare.’ He was angry.
“It’s no big deal, I just—-”
“No big deal?” Tengen repeated. “No big deal? No big deal!? You PASSED OUT! You could have been injured when you fell!”
“But I wasn’t,” You tried to interrupt.
“And do you know what starving yourself does? That is not flashy! It thins out your hair, and your complexion becomes dull. I will not allow it!”
“I just–I was trying to lose weight. I thought it’d be faster this way,” You admitted. “I don’t want you to be embarrassed by me.”
“Embarrassed? Why would I be embarrassed by you?” 
“Tengen, you’re so muscular and toned, while our wives have perfect waists. All of you are so perfect, and then there is me. I’m not even close to being on your level.”
“Who says?” Tengen asked. “Wait, were those assholes in town?”
“I—wait, you know?” 
“Of course, I know. The blonde hair wimp told me. He was worried about you and used his hearing to figure out someone in town had been harassing you. Beloved, I don’t care what others think. It’s their fault for not seeing how brilliant and flashy you are. I’m also hurt. Do you think I’d leave you just because you’re not skinny?”
“Tengen,” You sniffled. “I—I’m sorry, I just got scared. You’re the best thing to happen to me, and I love our wives too. I’m just always afraid of losing this wonderful life.”
“Why?” Tengen asked, caressing your face. “Suma, Hina and Makio love you. I love you. Can’t our love be enough? The rest of the world can be stupid and not see your greatness, but you never have to worry about our love.”
“Oh, Tengen!” You hugged him. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean you scare you or our wives. I love you all so much!”
“Please, don’t starve yourself to fit in. You don’t have to,” Tengen squeezed you. “Let’s go home.”
“Wait,” You looked over at Shinobu. “Shinobu, I want to thank you. Not just for your help but for talking to me.”
“You’re welcome. Normally, I’d recommend you stay in bed, but I have a feeling Uzui won’t listen to me,” Shinobu sighed. 
“You’d be right,” Uzui said.
Uzui picked you up effortlessly. You squealed, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I can walk!” You protested.
“The girls don’t want to be away from her,” Uzui continued. “Thank you for your help Kocho!”
“Tengen, I can walk!” You said again.
“Walking is for those who are unflashy,” He said, carrying you out of the mansion. 
Suma started bawling upon seeing you. The entire way back home, Uzui refused to put you down. When you entered the house, the wives all came running to greet you. Tengen put you down, and immediately, you were swarmed by the three women.
“I thought you were going to die!” Suma wailed. “You passed out, and it was so scary!”
“Stop smothering her; you’ll get snot all over her!” Makio said. “Y/N, don’t you ever do that to us again! You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“I’m sorry, Makio, Suma,” You said. “I wasn’t thinking.”
Your stomach growled loudly, interrupting the sweet moment. 
“I had a feeling you’d be hungry,” Hinatsuru chuckled. “We prepared a special dinner.”
“Would there be any tempura?” You asked, hopefully.
“Of course,” Hinatsuru said.
“Yes! I love your cooking, Hina!” You hugged her.
“Hey, where is my hug?” Suma asked.
Tengen smiled as he watched his happy wives. It was chaos, but god, did he love it. People usually enjoyed silence and stillness but not Tengen. He wanted his house to be loud, filled with laughter and love. As the girls ushered Y/N into the dining room, Tengen slipped away. He was going to join them, but he had something else he needed to attend to. 
Quietly as he could, he took off towards town. He reached the local bar; outside stood Zenistu. 
“Are they in there?” Tengen asked.
“Yes,” Zenistu said through gritted teeth. “Once you’re done with me, I want to a turn! Those slimeballs insult Miss Y/N’s beauty! They’re going to pay.”
Tengen chuckled; Zenistu was many things, but he didn’t take people disrespecting women. It was flashy. Zenistu entered the bar and pointed towards a rowdy group sitting at a table. Tengen nodded as he marched towards them. He stopped before the group, waiting for them to notice him. A sloppily, dull man with greasy hair looked at him, unimpressed. It took them a minute. 
“Can we help you?” One of them asked.
Tengen responded with a hand around the man’s neck. Without breaking a sweat, he threw the offender over an empty table. It shattered, and bar patrons took notice. The man gasped for air but had little time to breathe as Tengen picked him up by the feet.
“Daichi!” Someone yelled. “Hey, put him down!”
Tengen turned to look at the rest of the group. The rest of them froze as he gave them a cold, heartless stare. These were the people who harassed his wife; they had no rights. He dropped Daichi and strode over to the table.
“Which one of you said it?” He asked his voice low.
“S-said what?” One of them gulped.
“Which one of you called my wife a cow?” He asked. “Don’t act like you don’t know. Y/N Uzui, she comes to town frequently, and I was told that you unflashy lot are the ones who demeaned her. So who said it?”
The rest of the table was silent, giving each other glances. Tengen’s patience was wearing thin. He took his blades on and stabbed the table. 
“It was Shouji!” Daichi managed, pointing at a man in a green kimono. “He was the one who started it! He even said she looked like a whale!”
“It’s true! He even oinked at her like a pig!” Another added.
“Seriously?” Shouji said. “Okay, so I called the fatty a cow! So—”
Tengen grabbed Shouji by the neck. Shouji started gagging, but Tengen didn’t let go. Instead, he left the bar with Shouji in hand. He passed by Zenistu and merely nodded. The yellow-haired boy returned the nod and ran into the bar. He could hear the young boy screaming up a storm, defending Y/N. Shouji kept trying to breathe, but Tengen ignored him. 
Using his training, he jumped up into the air and landed on a building. No, it wasn’t high enough. Looking around, he saw a tower. Ah, that was perfect. He ran towards it, never releasing his grip. Tengen jumped up and ran up the building when he got close enough. When he reached the top, he held Shouji over the edge.
“Please, please don’t drop me!” He begged.
“Oh, I’m not going to drop you,” Tengen said with a twisted grin. “But you are going to suffer. I’m also going to make something clear. Don’t you ever interact with my wife again? Don’t look at her, don’t think about her, don’t even mention her name. Got it?”
Shouji nodded. Tengen brought him away from the edge and set him down. He got a kunai and held it against the other man’s throat.
“Get undressed, now,”
Shouji complied. Once he was down to his underwear, Tengen threw rope toward the man.
“Tie your arms up,” He said. “Hurry it up.”
Once again, Shouji obeyed. Once he was tied, Tengen grabbed the rest of the rope. He tied it firmly to the railing and then grabbed Shouji. Shouji started to beg for mercy, but it fell on deaf ears. Tengen tossed Shouji over the edge and watched as the man wailed. He hung there, naked and terrified. Tengen felt satisfied and decided to head back to his wives.
“Wow, you even made ramen? Just for me?” Y/N said.
“Of course! I even added extra pork,” Hinasturu said. 
“Hina, you’re the best!” Y/N said. 
“Hey, what about us? We helped you know,” Makio grumbled, crossing her arms.
Y/N laughed and gave Makio a kiss on the cheek. Makio tried to hide her face, but she was apparently smiling.
“I want a kiss too!” Suma pouted. “I was the one who made the dango!”
“There is dango for dessert? Hooray!” 
Y/N pulled Suma forward and showered her with kisses.
“Hey, no fair!” Makio said.
Tengen managed to sneak back into the kitchen without his wife noticing. He laughed heartily, seeing Makio and Suma fighting over Y/N’s affections. Y/N noticed Tengen, and she got up to run to him.
“You’ll miss out if you don’t come and sit! If you don’t, I’ll eat all of it!” Y/N teased.
“Now this?” Tengen tickled her chin. “This is what I like to see. I like to see my Y/N happy and silly like she normally is. No more starving yourself?”
“Nope!” She said. “Now come on, sit down!” 
Tengen sat down with his wives. He smiled as he looked down at his spouse. Y/N was feeding Suma a dumpling while Hinastru cleaned something off Makio’s face. Makio was blushing, trying to avoid Hina’s look. This was his perfect little family; he’d do anything to protect them.
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kingofpopmj · 6 months
can i get a request: daddy kink and age gap with him🤭 plzzzz
Oh, you’re naughty!!! Here you go hunni! This one was a challenge. I hope you enjoy it.. 🙈🫶🏻
Won't You Stay With Me Until The Morning Sun
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*Michael’s POV*
I woke up, looking around the room with a big smile on my face— a smile that faded once I reached out, finding the spot next to me cold and empty. The ruffled sheets and clothing that littered the floor was now the only tangible evidence of last night. Where is she?.. The phone rang loudly just as I sat up, my legs hanging off the edge of the mattress. I moved towards the noise, taking a deep breath before picking up the phone and holding it against my ear.
“Hi, little brother.”
“So, how are you? How’s the lovely Y/N?” I could tell by his tone he wasn’t asking because he actually cared.
“She’s great— I’m great. We are fantastic! How sweet of you to ask!” I responded sarcastically, if only he was here to see what finger I was holding up just for him. “How are you?”
“Alright, listen, mom is on my back, so that’s the only reason I’m making this phone call.”
“What is it now?”
“She’s not very fond of your lady..” he took a deep breath before adding. “She thinks Y/N is using you.”
“Well that’s not true.”
“I know and I told her that, but she insisted I speak to you about it. I mean I understand where mom is coming from, Y/N’s beautiful and young— like twenty and you’re all gross and old— like seventy..”
“I am not seventy! Or gross! You’re older than me you schmuck..” I cut him off annoyed with where this conversation was going. “Do you think she’s using me?” I asked, hurt laced within my voice.
“Honestly, at first I did, but she seems very sweet. I can see that she genuinely cares for you, god knows why. Regardless, she seems like a good one. I have no issues with her— just do me a favor and don’t go sucking face at anymore televised events. Mom nearly had a heart attack.”
“Well, thank you for that. I know how difficult it must be for you to discuss how incredible my life is. Fine. For you, I’ll do my best to keep it PG, but no promises… I mean have you seen Y/N?”
“Shut up. I have… and let me just say—“
“I’m gonna stop you right there before you say something that makes me want to slap the taste out of your mouth.” All I heard was his obnoxious laughter as I hung up the phone. Idiot.
Quickly, I freshened up before heading downstairs, where I was confident I’d find my better half. As I reached the bottom of the stairs the sound of cabinets opening and closing carried me to the kitchen. There, I found the woman of my dreams— she had her hair held up by a clip, a thin shirt covering a portion of her torso and a pair of my boxers gracing her hips and thighs. She looked good enough to eat…
“Hi baby!” Y/N chirped, as she made breakfast for the two of us. I felt a tug at my heart as I admired her every move, she danced around the counter humming along to the radio. I focused on the way her hips swayed, causing me to twitch in my pajamas pants, I couldn’t help but feel hungry again— for anything but food.
“Who was that on the phone?” She asked.
“Morning beautiful, it was just Jermaine, they all caught the VMA’s last night.”
“How is he?” She asked sweetly, genuinely waiting for an answer. I wish they could see this. I wish they could understand her more. She loves me so much— and that love naturally extends over to my family. She cares so much. She’s like no one I’ve ever met.
“Good. He and my mom send their love.” I smiled at the half lie I just told. I know in my heart my mom will come around, so to tell Y/N what the phone call was really about would only hurt her. It wasn’t necessary.
“They are so sweet! We should have a dinner next weekend and invite everyone. I’ll cook—“ I smiled at her enthusiasm, watching as her plump pink lips continued to move, the words lost on me, I was too far gone.
She’s absolutely mesmerizing.
I couldn’t help myself.
Slowly, I made my way over to her, placing my hands on her hips and rubbing small circles into her exposed skin. Oh, her skin, it’s so smooth— so delicate— so delicious. Goodness, I love crop tops. Don’t get me started on Y/N’s love for going braless. I desperately buried my face in her neck.
“Stop it…” she giggled, but didn’t move away, so I continued. Leaving small kisses down her neck and shoulder until suddenly she spun around. “Do you ever think about anything else?” she teased, oh, I love when she teases me.
I didn’t respond, instead I pulled her into me kissing her deeply. She let out a small yelp as she felt my tongue slip through her lips, her breathing becoming uneven as I massaged the inside of her mouth. Her small hands set firmly on my back, I carefully guided her backwards until we the bumped into the counter. With our lips still attached, I slid my hands down her curvy backside taking my time of course, earning yet another giggle from Y/N, I quickly connected my hands to the back of her thighs, lifting her up on the counter top.
“Michael!—” I didn’t give her the chance to continue as I sucked on her neck making her eyes roll back. “The food is going to burn.” She said breathlessly, I tore off the boxers she was wearing, slowly I began spreading her legs.
“I’m not hungry for food.” I answered, positioning myself to touch her where she needed me— wanted me most. I could feel her unraveling— it was a beautiful sight.
“Oh my—“ she whimpered, her eyes squeezed shut, her chest rising and falling rapidly.
“There you go baby.” I bent down leaving kisses along her hip bones as my fingers danced around her tender spot— I sped up, I was dying to hear her moan my name.
“Come on baby. Say my name.”
“Da—Michael! Baby— right there!” I watched triumphantly as she came undone, trying to catch her breath she reached out grabbing a handful of my shirt and pulling me onto her. She became rough when she wanted more— I loved it, I took it as a compliment. It boosted my ego to see that she wanted me just as much as I wanted her. She started tugging at my pants— I smiled at the sight of her hungrily undressing me.
Now, unclothed, I pressed against her again, my index finger leaving a trail of goosebumps across her chest. Oh, her chest— I rested my palm against her cleavage before bending down to leave my mark. I dragged my tongue across her right breast— feeling her squirm beneath me, I wore a smirk on my face because nothing turned me on more than teasing my girl.
“More daddy.” Y/N moaned in my ear. I stopped my movements, looking over her face curiously, unable to understand the effect she had on me.
“What was that?” I asked softly, my eyebrow raised, she finally opened her eyes, my fingers on her chin forcing her to look at me.
“Oh god.” She covered her face, unwrapping her legs from my waist and turning away from me. “I’m so embarrassed.”
I didn’t say anything. I advanced towards her, hovering over her once again, positioning myself in front of her sweet spot, hand wrapped around my throbbing cock I began exploring her folds. I kissed her again— more passionately, if that was even possible. She began frantically grabbing at my hair, as she nibbled on my bottom lip, reaching down and attempting to connect us like we both yearned for. Her delicate hand around me, gently pumping back and forth, guiding me to her entrance, it took everything not to explode right then. Her touch was intoxicating..
“Oh, Michael.”
“Who’s Michael?” I questioned, halting my movements and giving her a teasing smile.
“I- please.”
“Please what?”
“Touch me.”
I looked deep into her eyes as I placed just my tip into her, deliberately moving as slowly as possible, she squirmed against me desperately trying to pull me further into her. I held her off enjoying the sight in front of me. She’s perfect— she’s everything.
“Michael! More please.”
“Michael?” I grabbed her chin forcing her to look into my eyes. “Baby, Michael’s not here..” a soft shade of red taking over her cheeks, she narrowed her eyes at me, quickly understanding exactly what I wanted. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her voluptuous chest against mine with purpose, looking into my eyes as she licked her lips.
“Daddy?” Y/N said, batting her long eyelashes innocently, oh, she’s going to destroy me.
“Yes, my love?”
“I want more— I want you deeper please daddy.”
“Is that what you want?”
“Please, I need you daddy..”
“As you wish pretty girl.”
My hands holding onto her sides firmly as I pushed into her, the sound of our skin slapping together filled the air, along with numerous pops as our dishes were rattled off the counter smashing to pieces on the ground. A small appliance across from us, spitting out black smoke as the waffles continued to burn. The pan on the stove crackling uncontrollably, needing to be tended to as the eggs quickly became inedible. And the tea pot screeching to be shut off as hot water shot out of it.
Y/N and I didn’t bat an eye, only wanting to be exactly where we were. We shared a knowing look as we laughed against each other’s lips, refusing to separate ourselves and ignoring the chaos surrounding us.
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adoramita · 5 months
an ask meme based off of chappell roan's amazing 2023 album + her newest single . feel free to change wording/pronouns/etc as needed !!
Femininomenon “ Got so close but then you lost it. ” “ Should've listened to your friends. ” “ I'm so sick of online love. ” “ Um, can you play a song with a fucking beat? ” “ ​​you know what I mean, and you know what you need, and so does he. ”
Red Wine Supernova “ She showed me things I didn't know. ” “ Put her canine teeth in the side of my neck. ” “ I'm in the hallway waitin' for you. ” “ I just want you to make a move. ” “ I just wanna get to know you. ” “ Guess I didn't quite think it through. ” “ Fell in love with the thought of you. ” “ Baby, why don't you come over? ” “I heard you like magic–– I've got a wand and a rabbit. ”
After Midnight “ My mama said, ‘Nothing good happens when it's late and you're dancing alone.’ ” “ This is what I wanted, this is what I like. ” “ I've been a good, good girl for a long time. ” “ I kinda wanna kiss your girlfriend if you don't mind. ” “I love a little drama, let's start a bar fight. ” “ Everything good happens after midnight. ” “ I really want your hands on my body. ”
Coffee “ Can't meet you for dinner at the Italian place. It's where I met your family. ” “ I'd suggest the jazz bar, but you'd buy me a drink and we know where that leads. ” “ ​​If we have wine, you'll say that you want me, and I know that's a lie. ” “ If I didn't love you, it would be fine. ” “ I’ll meet you for coffee, only for coffee. ” “ Every place leads back to your place. ” “ But I'd rather feel something than nothing at all. ” “ We've done this before and I don't need it anymore. ” “ Let's not even try. It's better we leave it and give it some time. ” “ If we do coffee, it’s never just coffee. ”
Casual “ My friends call me a loser 'cause I'm still hanging around. ” “ I've heard so many rumors that I'm just a girl that you bang on your couch. ” “ We’re knee deep in the passenger seat and you're eating me out. Is it casual now? “ If it's casual now then baby, get me off again. ” “ I hate that I let this drag on so long, you can go to hell. ”
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl “ Never waste a Friday night on a first date. ” “ It doesn't matter though. He doesn't have what it takes to be with a girl like me. ” “ I know what I want. ” “ I need a super graphic ultra modern girl like me. ” “ Telling secrets there on the mattress wearing nothing but glitter and lashes. ”
HOT TO GO! “ I could be the one or your new addiction. ” “ It’s all in my head, but I want non-fiction. ” “ I don’t want the world, but I’ll take this city. ” “ Call me hot, not pretty. ” “ Baby, do you like this beat? I made it so you’d dance with me. ” “ You can take me hot to go. ” “ I woke up alone staring at my ceiling. ” “ I try not to care, but it hurts my feelings. ” “ What’s it take to get your number? ” “ What’s it take to bring you home? ”
My Kink is Karma “ Who knew that we'd let it get this bad when it ended. ” “ Karma's real, hope it’s your turn. ” “ I heard you’re losing it lately. ” “ People say I’m jealous, but my kink is karma. ” “ Wishing you the best in the worst way. ” “ No need to be hateful in your fake Gucci sweater. ”
Picture You “ Slip off my pretty dress down my chest. ” “ Counting lipstick stains where you should be. ” “ Oh, I need you around. ” “ I'm getting close now. ” “ Do you picture me like I picture you? ” “ Am I in the frame from your point of view? ” “ Do you feel the same? ” “ I'm too scared to say half of the things I do when I picture you. ” “ So, tell me now, all your perversions. ”
Kaleidoscope “ Here we go again, everything is fine. ” “ I guess we could pretend we didn't cross a line. ” “ But ever since that day, everything has changed. ” “ If you really wanna leave, I'll never make you stay. ” “ Whatever you decide, I will understand. ” “ It will all be fine and just go back to being friends. ” “ Love is a kaleidoscope. ” “ If you ever find someone who could write a better song for you, well, I’d love to see them try. ”
Pink Pony Club “ I know you wanted me to stay. ” “ I heard that there's a special place where boys and girls can all be queens every single day. ” “ It won't make my mama proud, it's gonna cause a scene. ” “ God, what have you done? ” “ I'm just having fun on the stage in my heels. ” “ I'm gonna keep on dancing down in West Hollywood. ” “ I'm up and jaws are on the floor. ” “ Every night's another reason why I left it all. ” “ You've been too good to me. ” “ Don't think I've left you all behind. ” “ You're always on my mind. ”
Naked in Manhattan “ I know you're probably busy, but I would love to see you. ” “ Don't touch, I'll never cross the line. ” “ I pushed you down a million times. ” “ I'd love if you knew you were on my mind. ” “ We both know we're getting drunk tonight. ” “ Touch me, baby, put your lips on mine. ” “ Could go to hell but we'll probably be fine. ” “ I know you want it, baby, you can have it. ” “ I wanna know, baby, what is it like? ” “ If I don't try, then it's my loss. ” “ Won't you fucking touch me? ” “ I just want to touch you. ” “ I want all of your love. ”
California “ I stretched myself across four states. ” “ Come get me out of California. ” “ Thought I'd be cool in California. ” “ I'd make you proud to think I almost had it going, but I let you down. ” “ It’s too hard to find reasons to stay. ” “ Even true love could not persuade. ”
Guilty Pleasure “ Sometimes I scare myself. ” “ But I can't help what I can't help. ” “ I fantasize what we would do. ” “ And how would it taste? ” “ Some good girls do bad things too. ” “ Can we drag it out and never quit? ” “ You are heaven sent. ” “ You give me guilty plеasure. ” “ It feels like pornography watching you try on jeans. ”
Good Luck, Babe “ You can say that we are nothing, but you know the truth.” “ I don't wanna call it off, but you don't wanna call it love. ” “ You only wanna be the one that I call baby. ” “ You can say it's just the way you are. ” “ You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling. ” “ I'm cliché, who cares? ” “ It's a sexually explicit kind of love affair.” “ I just need a little lovin', I just need a little air. ” “ Think I'm gonna call it off, even if you call it love. ” “ I just wanna love someone who calls me baby. ” “ When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night with your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife. ” “ When you think about me, all of those years ago, you're standing face to face with ‘I told you so.’ ” “ You know I hate to say it, I told you so. ”
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awhorrerstory · 1 year
I want to be with you
Annie Leonhardt x F!Reader
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Warnings: smut cursing and violence
I just want to impress her, so I worked my hardest to be the best and I succeeded. I knew Annie since she moved to wall rose and I instantly wanted to be her friend. Although we rarely talked, Annie always protected me from bullies when we were younger and stood up for me. Right now she was a cadet and so was I yet she barely looked at me. Today I decided that I’d sit with her and talk with her at dinner. I couldn’t help but admire her, ever since we were kids I always thought she was beautiful, not to mention smart and athletic. We all go to the mess hall for dinner and after I get mine I go to Annie’s table and sit next to her causing her to raise an eyebrow at her, “do you remember me?” I ask her curiously, “yes. Y/n right?” I nod and give her a soft smile, “I just…I always wanted to thank you for when we were younger, I never thought I’d have anyone help me and I never thought I’d have such a good friend.” Annie’s eyes widen unnoticeable by anyone else but I knew better. She sighs and shakes her head, “don’t mention it.” She says looking down at her food.
I smile at her softly and she looks towards me, “why do you want to be friends with me?” She says looking away and poking at her food, “because I know there’s so much more to you then what you’re showing.” I state causing Annie to shake her head, “You’re wasting your time.” She says getting up and starting to leave, “wait-" I grab her hoodie sleeve gently causing her to come closer to me, “teach me how to fight, like you.” She scoffs, “it won’t even be helpful against Titans-“ “please Annie, you’re so good.” She cocked her brow but sighs and nods. I smile and we continue to eat Annie surprisingly making small conversation about our training and asking simple questions about me and just listening to me talk.
After a few months of training after hours Annie and I got really close, close enough to where she told me about her dad, family and her life in her home town. She seemed tense talking about it but she kept telling me and seemed to relax when seeing me. She took me to a hill past the camp, she told me it was her favorite spot and told me she’d come here and look at the stars and constellations. We lay down on the grass and she’d point out constellations to me I’ve never heard of and told me about her love for astronomy, and that night as I stared at her beautiful profile illuminated by the moon I realized I was falling in love with her. My heart beat quickened and I look down at her hand wanting to take it in my own. She seems to have noticed and stopped looking at the stars to look at me, her beautiful blue eyes digging into my soul. “Y/n, what are you thinking about?” She asks bluntly though her voice seemed laced with nervousness. I glance at her lips but then to the sky, “I’m wondering how you know so much about the sky.” Annie seems to show a rare small smile, “every night after my dad trained me he took me to the back yard and taught me about the stars.” She says, “I’m glad all his training taught me how to protect you.” She says softly her eyes not leaving me and her expression unwavering from its bored state, although her eyes told me more. I turn to her fully and she blushes slightly, “you wanted to protect me?” I ask her softly. “I mean, it hurt me to see you get hurt every day.” She said. I push her arm teasingly as she chuckles, “shut up! You suck Annie!” I say as she giggles. We continue to look at the sky Annie pointing out as many constellations planets and stars as she could. I feel my head slowly falling to the side on something warm and soft causing me to smile and snuggle closer but then realizing it was Annie and pulling away in shock, “s-sorry Annie-“ “it’s…fine, I swear…” she says blushing but looking back to the stars and I feel her arm gently pull me to her. “Keep telling me about the stars.” I say softly as I snuggle closer to her. She does and I feel myself relax at the sound of her voice and begin to drift to sleep to it.
Annie was still quiet and reserved around others and just stuck to me, Reiner and Berholdt who was too touchy feely with Annie for my comfort. He always stared at her, touched her when he could and always became nervous around her. I see them talking alone and see Berholdt acting nervous around her significantly, “well see, I just wanted to know if you um wanted to um-" he stopped as I approached them angrily, “Annie I need to talk to you.” I say firmly, “I was actually talking to her-“ “its an emergency.” I say taking Annie’s hand and dragging her away. I brought her to our room and thankfully our bunk mates weren’t here, “what is it?” She asks cocking her eyebrow, “nothing I just can’t stand that dumb idiot talking to you.” I say huffing and rolling my eyes. She smirks with an amused look on her face, “what?” I asked annoyed, “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you’re jealous y/n.” She says smirking, “what?! No-I just-“ I pull away from her realizing my hand was still in hers causing her to smirk. “Okay.” She says leaving the room. I huff and lay on her bed letting out a groan as I inhale the scent of her from her pillow, a scent I now found comforting. I started to fall asleep and let myself. A few hours later I feel a weight on the bed causing me to whimper and snuggle with the pillow, “y/n, I need to sleep too.” Annie’s tired voice says. I turn to her and see her tired form in a tank top and short shorts. I begin to get up and she stops me, “it’s okay, we’ll sleep together.” She says causing me to blush deeply and look away from her as she gets under the covers with me. After about an hour I feel a cold hand on my waist causing me to blush. “Annie-“ “is this okay?” She asks her tone unchanging. I nod still blushing, “where were you?” I ask her softly. I feel her hand gently rub up and down my side soothingly, “with Reiner and Bertoldt.” She says sleepily, “you spend a lot of time with them.” I say with a pang in my heart, “I just feel like I have to, we used to be close before what happened.” She says. I sigh, “I don’t trust Bertoldt.” I state causing Annie to chuckle softly, “just admit your jealousy y/n.” She says with a smirk. I blush as I feel her hand tighten slightly around my waist, “I-I’m not-“ “I’d get it if you were…” she says her breath against my exposed neck, “I get jealous too when you’re hugging and teasing Reiner.” Her voice was tense as I feel her head resting on my neck, “after all, we are quite close…” she says kissing my neck shyly, “Annie…” I whimper out softly. She stops and pulls me over to her carefully turning me around to face her, her blue eyes different then before, something I’ve only seen a few times including the time at the hill. She gives me a real gentle smile and looks at me then down slightly thinking to herself before looking back at me, “y/n, I don’t want to hurt you.” She says. I get closer to her and snuggle against her, “you couldn’t…” I feel her sigh and begin to shake and could hear soft sobs coming from her, “Annie, no it’s okay.” I say holding her tighter, I’ve never seen her so vulnerable. “I don’t want to…” she kept saying as we held on to each other. I feel myself falling asleep as I held her, her sobs gently subsiding, “I’ll always love you Annie I promise.” I feel Annie give me a gentle squeeze before I fall asleep in her arms.
I feel her arms around me and her lips trail along my neck, “Annie?” “Were you expecting someone else?” She asks me in her monotone voice. I turn to see her and smile at her, “of course not dummy.” I say as her arms go around my neck and her lips press against mine, “Annie we have to go on patrol.” I say as her lips trailed along my neck, “I don’t care…” she says rubbing my sides going up to my breasts and grabbing them, “shit…” I gasp holding on to Annie’s tank top. She smirks and runs a hand through her hair as she kisses me, “y/n…” she mumbles as she continues as I close my eyes. “Leonhart, L/N, breakfast!” One of our comrades says through the door causing Annie to huff, “we’ll be right there!” I call back holding Annie’s hand as she dug her head into my chest. I got up causing Annie to groan, “c’mon babe let’s go.” I say throwing her military police uniform at her and grabbing mine. She rolls her eyes and watches me get dressed and put my hair up in a ponytail. “What?” I say as I look at her. She just shakes her head and gets up taking her clothes off and putting on her uniform then doing her hair. I kiss her and she smiles at me gently, “You mean so much to me y/n.” She says softly, “what’s going on?” I ask her worriedly, “nothing just…” she sighs looking away, “I might be gone for a few days, important business says the commander.” She says with an eye-roll. I frown and kiss her deeply, “you should’ve told me earlier, I would’ve given you a going away gift.” I say giggling causing her to smirk. “Annie…you’ll come back in one piece right?” I ask her softly. She nods and pulls me into a hug, “I’ll be fine, be back before you know it.” I nod and look back at her and kiss her again, “Annie, I…” “say it…” she whispers looking into my eyes, “I love you.” I look into her eyes worriedly, “I love you too…but don’t expect me to say it too much.” She says smirking gently. I pull her into me and we make out for a few minutes before pulling apart and walking hand in hand to the mess hall. We get our food and sit down and we talk about everything and after we finished eating I walk Annie to the gates, “come back to me when you’re home okay?” I say to her holding her close, “I will.” She says not looking at me, “Annie-“ I stop when I feel her arms around me, “I’ll come back to you.” She says as she hugs me. I hug her back and we just hold each other until I hear a male voice call for her, “okay, I’ll see you when I’m done.” She says giving me a gentle smile. “Annie wait.” I say causing her to turn to me and I kiss her and she kisses back and after a few long seconds she pulls away, “I love you.” She says, “don’t forget the promise okay?” I nod and kiss her one more time, “I love your t-“ “Leonhart!” The person says again causing Annie to roll her eyes, “I’ll see you soon.” She says with a small smile.
I go to Hitch and look at her worriedly, “have you seen Annie? She should be back by now.” I ask her nervously, “she was going back to your room last time I saw her.” I nod and thank her, “is there something going on between you two?” She asks smirking causing me to roll my eyes, “that’s none of your business.” I say angrily before stomping off. I go back to our room and see Annie’s bare back, her muscles tensing as she lets out a grunt. I see her covered in bruises and gasp causing her to turn around, “y/n…” Annie mumbles softly. I rush up to her and hug her gently, afraid I’ll hurt her. She flinches then hugs me back, “god what happened?” I ask her cupping her cheek. She ignores me and slips her hands around my waist pulling me to her, “I’m sorry…” she says, her voice cracking but her hands running under my shirt and sliding along my sides. We just sit there like that for a few minutes, ‘what was she sorry about? What did she do?’ before I could think anymore Annie begins to kiss my neck. Annie soon found the soft spot on the right side of my jaw. I lower my head again and kiss her. It becomes heated quickly and both of us fight for dominance. Her hands appeared on my uniform jacket, sliding it down from my arms. I reach towards hers too and soon it was on the wooden floor, I ran my hands along her shoulders and arms carefully, ‘her fucking muscles..’ I think to myself as I stare at her. We both had the straps on still, they were such a bitch to get on by myself but I loved when Annie took them off. Our uniform boots were already off, belts opened. My hands slide under Annie’s hoodie, just exploring her chest. Her fingers were working on my fly,
“I want to have my mouth all over you Annie, it’s been too long….“ I whimper, and I hear her catch her breath. “Then do it slut“ My insides throb at the nickname, feeling another rush of heat between my legs. I guide her to her bed, taking off her pants and sweatshirt. I grab her panties and slide them off as I trace my tongue from her inner thighs up to her abs and hungrily biting her earlobe. She rubs herself against me, cursing and softly digging her nails into my arms, “Tell me what to do Annie.” I whisper while kissing a way down to her lower stomach.
”Tongue, y/n please… fuck, use it already.” Shes breathing hard, her voice strict and demanding. I did what she was asking for, her legs spread for me as I slip my tongue inside her. She growls and grabs my hair to guide me a bit. I circle her clit with my tongue to tease her, then sucking hard. After few minutes, I got up causing her to whimper from the loss but stopped when my lips connect with hers. As I begin to pull away she sucks on my lower lip. She bites my lip as I pull away and she smirks, “fuck me y/n.” She says looking at me expectantly. I slip my index finger into her slowly; I’m always worried I’d hurt her. “You’re fine babe.” She says as she plays with my hard nipples. I whimper, grinding on her thigh as she kisses my neck and moans as I add another two fingers, pushing them in fast tempo. She moans grabbing my hand her nails gently digging into it. “Can I go down on you Annie?“ I ask nervously looking up at her, her eyes lidded in pleasure as she awaited my next move. She nods and whispers, “please…” and I lower my head to suck on her clit. She moans, her hand in my hair tightening as she squirms. I’m so wet and so close just from seeing her like this. “I’m so close y/n.” She mumbles as her hips buckle. “Cum for me Annie.“ I quicken my pace, and with the last lick to her clit, she moans out my name and cums all over my mouth and fingers. I was more than happy to clean it up, “Annie I need you.” I whimper the feeling between my thighs unbearable. She smirks, “of course you do.” She says coldly, “please baby.” I look at her pleadingly and she smirks pulling me to her thigh once again. I whimper at the contact and lean my body on top of hers, our bare breasts touching and lay my head in the crook of her neck. She grabs my ass and guides me so the rubbing is smoother, “Annie, oh my-oh my god…” I whimper before kissing her neck causing her to shutter. I giggle softly and suck at her neck which I knew was sensitive giving her little marks all over. She moves her leg a bit causing me to whimper and grind harder wanting anything I could get, “I missed you so much…” I whimper against her neck as I held onto her, “I missed you too y/n…” she mumbles kissing my cheek. My legs begin to shake and I feel Annie’s thigh muscles tense slightly, “you like that?” She mumbles cursing as her lips met mine once again. One of the hands that was guiding me by my ass raised and I looked at her slightly confused but understood when I felt a sharp pain on my left asscheek, “oh Annie!” I moan biting her lip by accident causing her to growl, “such a whore.” She mumbles doing it again causing my body to tense and rubbing against her faster, “oh my god Annie!” I moan as my legs squeeze against hers. “Cum for your girl y/n, show me how I’m pleasuring you.” I moan and my arms tighten around her as I cum on her thigh, “such a good girl.” She says stroking my hair gently. She kisses and bites my neck to mark me, “You’re mine.” She says as I think to catch my breath. I kiss her naked shoulder, pampering it with small kisses then going up to her jaw. Her fingers run gently along my back, the cold metal on her pointer finger causing me to shiver. She demanded me to look at her so I did. My chin was laying on her chest, our eyes locking in a special moment, “I love you y/n.” She says softly causing me to smile and snuggle against her. “I love you too Annie…” I say softly as she undoes my pony tail.
I feel rustling which causes me to wake up. I look to my arms and see Annie tossing and turning and whimpering. “Annie.” I say trying to wake her up without touching her knowing that would result in a punch. I continued saying her name but she wouldn’t wake up so I had no choice. I gently cupped her neck and her eyes immediately shoot open and she pushes me off of her and the bed causing me to land with an “ooof” Annie looks around frantically then soon relaxes, “sorry…” she mumbles looking down at me, “it’s okay, what was the dream about?” I ask her gently. She seems to think for a moment and shutters, “I killed you.” She says quietly, “it wasn’t real baby, I’m right here.” I say softly as I get up from the floor. She sighs, “I know.” She says leaving the bed and going to the bathroom. I hear the shower and get back on the bed knowing it would be a few minutes. I look around the room unsure of what else to do when I notice a green fabric under Annie’s bed. I go over to her bed and pull out the fabric seeing a bloody scout cloak. I look towards the bathroom as I hear footsteps and see Annie coming out and drying her hair with a towel, “babe?” I say to Her causing her to hum then look up. She gasps as she sees what’s in my hand, “where’d you get that?” She asks plainly though she seemed anxious, “I saw it under your bed, where’d you get it?” Annie glanced around then back to me, “Bertoldt.” She says casually. I look at her confused but then felt hurt as a terrible thought came into my head, “Annie, were you with him?” I asked sitting on her bed slowly, “not like that y/n, I just met up with him and Reiner before I came back. I don’t like him like that y/n.” She says looking into my eyes seriously. “Why didn’t you tell me, and why do you have this?” I ask her as I feel tears stream down my face. She’s cheating. My brain constantly chants causing me to continue crying, “because it wasn’t important.” She says sitting next to me on her bed. “And I didn’t want his stupid poncho he just wouldn’t leave until I took it, that’s why it’s under my bed because it’s not like I care about it.” I say nothing but Annie comes closer to me and wraps her arms around me, holding me and allowing me to cry on her bare shoulder, “I wouldn’t do that to you y/n, especially with Bertoldt he’s too stupid for me.” She says with a snicker. I look up at her and her eyes softened and she gave me a small smile, “Annie.” I say then kiss her causing her to sigh happily. “I meant it when I told you I loved you, you’re the only one I give a shit about, you know I don’t get close to anyone.” She says stroking my cheek. I nod and we lay down together and she held me and kissed me until I fell asleep.
I walk with Annie, Armin, Mikasa and Eren through the streets until we stop at a tunnel that leads underground, “alright, we go through here and it’s all good, are you two ready?” Eren asks us. I nod and walk into the tunnel then noticing Annie isn’t coming, “Annie?” Armin questions as we see her stand there, “I can’t go down.” She says causing me to panic, “what? C’mon Annie, please, it’s not that far.” I plead with her, hoping my girlfriend was innocent, “I’m sorry y/n, I can’t.” I feel my heart break and confusion flows through me, “why is that Annie?” Armin asks. “I’m afraid.” Annie states. I knew she was lying, she wasn’t afraid of anything. I go to her and hold her hands in mine and she refuses to look at me, “Annie please…” I say cupping her cheek, “I thought we’d have more time y/n…I’m so sorry…” she says softly placing her hand on mine and giving me a sorrowful smile, “remember our promise.” She says, “y/n! Move!” Mikasa yells as people fall from all over the place and approach Annie who lifts her hand to her mouth, “Annie!” I yell panicked and confused, they gag her and grab her arms and I just watch as she cuts her finger with her ring a flash and lightning surrounded her and I feel mikasa grab me and pull me back into the tunnel, “Annie!” I scream before the tunnel collapses. I wake up in a dark cave and get up using my odm gear to get out and see the female titan getting sliced by the scouts, “fuck…” I say angrily, I’m confused, I love Annie so much, I can’t believe she didn’t tell me, I can’t believe she’s been a traitor this whole time, don’t forget our promise…
I’ll always love you Annie.
I fly over and get on Annie’s shoulder and she looks over to me and then looks back to the wall, and keeps running until I’m swept away by Mikasa, “Mika?” “Don’t worry y/n, it’ll be okay.” She says as we fly away. I hear the scream of another titan and see Eren’s titan hit Annie. “Annie!” I scream trying to break away from mikasa, “y/n, stop! What are you doing?!” She asks confused, “Saving my girlfriend, I’m sorry Mikasa!” I say before zipping off. I get to the fight and see Annie getting Eren down and beating the shit out of him before leaving once he’s out. I smile and continue to run over the rooftops and am almost to her when Eren begins to get up, “ANNIE!” I scream as he runs at her, she turns around in time for Eren to grab her face and squeeze, “NO!” I scream as I hook on to Erens nape and boost to it and slice causing Eren to scream out angrily, “shit…” I mumble as he lets Annie go and goes to grab at me but I jump off and Annie punches him and runs off, her hand out towards me to zip on to. She holds me gently as she gets to the wall and puts me on her shoulder, “y/n!” What the fuck are you doing?!” Mikasa yells at me as she runs along the wall, “I’m sorry mikasa, I won’t leave her!” I yell back. “I don’t want to kill you!” She says to me, “I won’t let you hurt Annie.” “Then I’ll have to.” She runs at me and I run at her and we begin to fight with our blades and odm gear. Annie makes it over the wall and then let’s out a yell to tell me it’s time to go, “I’m sorry mikasa.” I say cutting her odm wire, before she falls backwards she stabs me causing me to scream and Annie to too. She grabs the hook attached to the wall and pulls me up onto her shoulder. Once again as we run away. We run for a long time until we get to the forest and annie places me on the branch then gets out of her titan form and sits with me, drenched in sweat and panting heavily. She looks at me and puts her hand to my stomach putting pressure to my wound, “Annie,” I whimper with a gasp. She takes the string of her sweatshirt out of the hood and wraps it around me, “hopefully that’ll help…” she says worriedly, “maybe we can find some medical supplies in wall Maria.” She says laying back, “I’m going to kill mikasa.” She says angrily. I snuggle against her and she sighs holding me, “why’d you stay?” She asks softly, “I promised.” I say rubbing her sides, “and I love you Annie, and even though I feel pretty betrayed I’m not leaving you.” I say making myself comfortable in her lap. She smiles and holds me and I feel her crying as she does, “get some rest, we have to head out later tonight.” She says stroking my hair. I nod and she lays down a bit, taking off her jacket and putting it around me.
I wake up in a warm soft squeeze and open my eyes to see Annie in her titan form running. It was dark and I could only tell it was her by her blue eyes. She sees I’m awake and stops for a minute placing me in her hair and I hold on as she runs. We soon get to the ruins of wall Maria and we slow down Annie hit any titan in her way, as we make our way to one of the smaller outer cities that weren’t flooded with Titans. She sets me down at a house and then morphs out of her titan form. She seems exhausted as she gets out and I carry her inside the house. I lay her on the bed in the master bedroom and go to the kitchen to see if I can find anything that’s still edible. I find some water bottled up in the destroyed fridge and bring it into the bedroom, letting her drink then myself. “Babe go look for some medical supplies.” She says softly, “and check the basement.” Her hand squeezes mine and I go downstairs and look around the room. I find some wine, persevered fruit, bandages, and more water. I go upstairs and give Annie some fruit and have some myself. After a few minutes Annie seemed better and got up taking the wine and bandages, “can I?” She asks pulling at my shirt. I nod and she takes my shirt off and puts it to the side causing her to wince, “is it bad?” I ask her worriedly. She shrugs, “I don’t think so, good thing it was a quick stab.” She says nonchalantly. Annie looks around and finds a random shirt in the dresser taking it out and putting wine all over it then pressing it to my wound causing me to groan in pain. “It’ll be okay.” She says softly as she dabs the wound then pulling it away and begins wrapping the bandages around my stomach, “You’re so beautiful…” she says softly blushing once she realized what she said but still dressing my wound, “where are we going Annie?” I ask her softly. “home…my home. You’re going to meet my dad in Marley.” She says looking up into my eyes. “It sounds wonderful.” I say gently, “it is, well, it will be.” “He’ll be so proud of you Annie.” I tell her causing her to smile and hug me, cuddling. “Y/n, I don’t have much time left.” She says quietly, “what?!” I say sitting up quickly, “what do you mean Annie?” “In Marley, we have to give our titan power after 13 years to someone new, so the Titans don’t die out.” “What? Annie I’m not letting them kill you.” I say looking into her eyes, “no y/n, it’s not that it’s…after 6 years, I’m going to die.” I feel tears well up, “Annie, y-you can’t-“ “it’s not up to me, it’s Ymir’s curse.” “What does Ymir have to do with-“ I sigh slightly, “y/n, I’ll explain okay just…” she kisses me holding my face in her hands and trying to keep me relaxed, “I’ll try to stay alive okay? I just never heard of it being possible but we can try after we get home.” I held Annie tighter and begin crying causing her to pull me closer, “I love you y/n.” She says running her hand through my hair.
When we get to the ocean Annie looks at me, “we’ll have to walk, I can with my titan form.” Annie says but I don’t respond as I stare at the waves hitting the shore, “y/n?” “This place is beautiful.” I say looking at Annie. She gives me a gentle smile, “we’ll stay here til the morning, we can head out then.”
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eadanga · 2 years
The First Christmas Together Part 3
Summary: After a year married Chris and Anna have their first Christmas together 
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Anna and Chris walked into the living room where everyone was chatting. Chris sat down as Anna grabbed a tray of hot chocolate from the kitchen and set it on the table.
“Oh yum An I love your hot chocolate” AJ grabbed a cup
Anna smiles “Thanks”
“Are you ever gonna tell us the recipe we need to know it” Kyle grins as he sips his drink
Anna smirks “Sorry I will never give it out thought I think I put too much coco I can really smell it from here”
Barb picks up her drink “It’s fine to me dear you put the right amount”
“Huh must be just me then”
Chris takes her hand and whispers “You feeling alright baby?”
“I’m fine Chris don’t worry”
“You sure you don’t want to lay down I mean earlier you literally spilled your guts out”
“I’m fine Chris it’s cute you worry but I’m fine” Anna raises an eyebrow “You’re not just trying to get out of this are you?”
Chris stiffens up then looks away “No I’m not”
“Good now say something to him”
“What do I say?”
Anna sighs then turns to Sam smiling “So Sam tell us how did you two meet?”
Sam grins “We met at the store I was working and I saw this beautiful woman in need of help”
Barb blushes “I’m glad he was working there and I had his help he was amazing and right there and then he asked me out”
“Then we had coffee and been hanging out a lot the last month”
Chris grits his teeth “He asked her out that quickly?!”
“Chris is something wrong?”
“No Chris is fine right Chris?” Anna gives him stern look
Chris slightly opens his mouth then closes it “No nothing’s wrong”’
Anna smiles then stands “Good now let’s go eat everyone” Everyone shuffles into the dining room Anna grabs Chris’s arm “You promised to be nice”
“I am being nice”
“I heard you muttering under your breath”
“He’s a predator he targeted my mom”
“How do you know that? He sounds like a nice guy”
“I don’t trust him Anna”
Anna sighs “Chris you’re being paranoid”
Chris shrugs and walks off to the kitchen as Anna rolls her eyes Chris is bring drama and it’s making my head hurt
They all sit down at the table and eat dinner as Anna gets up to go to the kitchen to get more coco
“Let me help you” Anna turns and sees Same grinning
“Oh thank you Sam” Sam gets the cups and sets them on the tray “Sorry about Chris he’s just being overprotective”
Sam nods “I know I have a daughter she’s in law school I’m pretty sure she would do the same thing”
“Oh where is she? Why didn’t she come too?”
“She couldn’t get a flight out cause it’s snowing where she is she’s coming tomorrow”
“I can’t wait to meet her I bet she’s amazing”
“She is excited to meet you all I hope it’s not too soon”
“Too soon? Nope she’ll be welcomed”
“I’m glad”
As Anna and Sam continued to talk and laugh Chris stood behind them watching his fists clenched around the dirty dishes he was carrying Can’t believe this guy first he preys on my mom now my wife?!
Anna turns around and spots him “Oh Chris” Anna walks up to him and grabs the plates “Why are you standing there?” She puts the dishes in the sink “You could have come in”
Chris pulls Anna behind him “Get away from my wife”
“What are you doing Chris? We weren’t even doing anything”
Barb walks into the kitchen “Christopher Powell you know I can hear you from the dining room why are you acting like a lunatic?!”
Chris turns to her “Mom why did you have to bring this guy here?!”
“You better watch your tone how you speak to me!”
“First he preys on you now he’s coming after Anna!”
Anna rolls her eyes “For the last time Chris we were talking nothing more”
Barb huffs “And didn’t prey on me Chris”
Sam raises his hand in surrender “Look Chris”
Barb walks over to him “Best if you don’t say anything Sam we don’t want anymore problems I’ll handle this”
“You can handle it by making him leave”
“Christopher Powell when did you learn this disrespect?!”
“Mom I’m trying to save you from getting hurt from people like him”
“Well I don’t need no saving”
“Chris please stop yelling”
Barb nods at her “Listen to Anna she’s speaking more sense than you”
“Mom he’s brainwashed you”
As Chris and Barb continued to argue Anna felt lightheaded and the room began to spin What’s going on? She felt her knees go weak “Chris…”
“Anna!” Chris catches her before she drops to the floor “Anna baby wake up!” He shakes her but she doesn’t respond Chris begins to panic he scoops her up in his arms and carries her to the bedroom “We gotta get her to the hospital mom!”
Barb comes over and checks her pulse “She has a pulse and she’s breathing I don’t think that’s necessary”
“But she fainted what if something’s wrong with her” He grips her hand as tears come to his eyes “This is all my fault I knew she wasn’t feeling well and if I hadn’t been arguing with you”
Barb places a hand on his shoulder “Don’t blame yourself for this dizzy spells happen she’ll be ok” Barb felt her forehead “She’s running a fever let me get a cold towel to put on her forehead” Barb steps out the room as Chris nods then turns back to Anna
“I love you baby please be ok” He kisses her forehead softly
A couple of hours later Chris changes the towel and puts another one on her forehead he curls up next to her holding her in his arms trying to keep her as warm as possible.
Chris looks up and sees her eyes slowly opening “Anna baby you awake?”
“Yeah what happened?”
“You fainted a couple of hours ago” He cups her cheek “Are you alright?”
“I feel weak but I’m ok”
“Probably from your fever I’ll get you some medicine”
“Thanks Chris” She looks over at him and sees the pained and angry expression on his face “Are you ok Chris?”
“I’m sorry”
“For what Chris?”
“For arguing with my mom I shouldn’t have done that especially when you’re not feeling well”
Anna smiles then wraps her arms around him “It’s not your fault Chris partially mine for being so stubborn and telling you I was ok I clearly wasn’t”
Chris smirks “Yeah maybe next time you’ll listen to me hm?”
Anna giggles “Yes my captain”
Chris chuckles moves closer to her “I love it when you call me that”
Anna stops him “Hold on baby I don’t want you catching whatever I got”
Chris smiles “I’ll be fine baby besides that means you’ll be my nurse hehe”
Anna giggles “Oh what an honor”
Chris grins then gets out the bed “Let me get you some meds you stay here till you’re feeling good”
Anna nods and smiles as Chris walks out the room then she leans over and pulls out a pregnancy test from the nightstand drawer I really don’t want to be disappointed again but can’t hurt to check
Tags: @indiacater​​ @mfackenthal​​ @the-soot-sprite​​ @jared2612​​ @darley1101​​
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BATTLE BEAST Singer NOORA LOUHIMO Opens Up About Weight Struggles And Depression
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BATTLE BEAST singer Noora Louhimo has opened up about struggling with generalized anxiety disorder and weight.
Louhimo, who last year released her debut solo album, "Eternal Wheel Of Time And Space", under the NOORA LOUHIMO EXPERIENCE banner, joined BATTLE BEAST in 2012 with no previous experience as a metal vocalist but quickly acclimated herself as the replacement for Nitte Valo (a.k.a. Nitte Vänskä).
Earlier today (Monday, December 12),the 34-year-old Finnish-born vocalist took to her Instagram to write: "Have you ever thought of losing weight? Are you depressed or anxious? I have, ALL MY LIFE.
"I have been struggling with eating disorders and my weight since I was a little child and still trying to find a balance. I have been depressed and anxious sometimes 'without a reason'. Just resently it appeared, most of this was caused by the imbalance in my body that was caused by life without routines and bad decisions. I wanted to start a journey to myself and what I COULD DO to make myself feel better in my skin and in my head.
"SO HERE, this method is worth trying:
"1. Go to sleep and wake up everyday the same time (for example: I wake up at 7 am and go to sleep 11 pm) AND sleep everyday at least 8 hours. There can be exceptions like when I have late shows. But 90% of the time my goal is to keep the same sleeping rhythm.
2. Eat at least 3 times a day, 3-4 hours between the meals. (For example I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and evening snack) Your blood sugar stays steady throughout the day and there are less cravings.
3. Move your ass - Find your sport and do it at least 3 times a week. (For example I love dancing, gymnastics and running (with Bobby my dog.) The most important thing is that you have fun.
4. Talk nicely to yourself and avoid judging - if you keep talking to yourself as you would talk to your best friend (supporting, loving, kind way) this will make your thinking into doing eventually and you have more believe in yourself and what you are doing. It is important to be the kind parent to yourself - Sometimes it is okay to have a sweet snack or lay on couch and watch a movie. But sometimes it is time to say to yourself: Enough is enough, now go and seize the day, enjoy life. After all, we all are here trying to do our thing, trying to succeed in life, enjoy life, make life, be inventive, be something, BE HUMAN.
"Today is a good day for thinking - What kind of life I WANT and HOW DO I GET IT. OR I am part of life on this Earth, what kind of part do I want to play in it?
"Have a nice thinkful Monday".
In an interview with Metal Divas, Noora explained how she ended up fronting BATTLE BEAST: "[In] September [2012], I got a call from [then-BATTLE BEAST guitarist] Anton [Kabanen] that they want me to join BATTLE BEAST. I had heard their music and loved the sound and the vocals, so the next day I called Anton and said I'm in.
"Anton found me by accident on YouTube when he was searching for the new vocalist," she continued. "He had been looking for a vocalist — male or female; [it did not] matter. The only thing that mattered was can that [he or she could] sing his songs without compromises.
"I've been singing since I was four years old," Noora added. "While being a huge fan of heavy metal of '80s and a teenager, I had some classical singing lessons when I was 16 years old. Then at the age of 19, I started studying music in pop/jazz line. At the same time, I started doing some jam sessions at bars. There I found my first band (ADMIRAL OCTOPUS) in the blues bar. We used to play rock and blues music from '60s-'70s and Janis Joplin was the reason I got the rasp in my voice. After ADMIRAL OCTOPUS, in 2011, I took part in a singing competition ('Wanna Be A Rock 'N' Roll Star') at Henry's Pub of Tampere and won it with Janis Joplin's 'Piece Of My Heart'. That's how my single 'Relax' was born."
Photo credit: Terhi Ylimainen
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pinertecno · 2 years
Enneagram type 2
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When you meet them, you immediately feel they’re a safe place. They’re a warm, loving space for people to open up about hard things in their life. They can make you feel like the most loved, important person in the world. In your time of need, a Two show’s God’s heart by making you their top priority-even if it means completely abandoning themselves. Twos were designed to love fully and freely, without keeping score at all. Peter even said, “Lord, you will never wash my feet!” Among other things, Jesus was showing them that loving, serving, and sacrificing is a core part of God’s personality.Īnd when we watch Twos, we get a crystal-clear picture of it. It was such a lowly duty that the disciples felt embarrassed and confused. Twos reveal the part of God’s heart that caused Jesus to wash his disciples’ feet. Listen to me, and eat what is good-delight yourself in abundance!” (Isaiah 55:1-2). They’re called the Helper or the Provider for a reason-because they reflect the part of God that says, “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters. Watching them, you get a glimpse of God’s unfailing love for us in a way that no one else does. If you’ve ever doubted that God loves you deeply, unconditionally, and with utter abandon…just look at how He made Twos. Which keeps them from being effective lovers. That tendency leaves them empty-emotionally, spiritually, and monetarily. Because secretly, they believe that asking for help means they could lose the love they’ve earned. So they’ll never address what THEY need.Īnd then, when they need help, they often have trouble asking for it. When they have needs themselves, they’ll feel bad about it. “Helpful” is how they long to hear others describe them.Īll this focus on others can trick the Two into thinking it’s not right to care about themselves. That because a Two’s default setting is to attempt to earn love by providing for people. Twos thrive off the gratitude they get when they give you something. Ian Cron says, “They’re the first to respond during a crisis and the last to leave a dinner party if there are still dishes to wash.” They’re generous servants, fabulous hosts, and loyal friends.įor a Two, the words “thank you” are the most beautiful words a person can ever say. We all understand love better because of the way Twos love us. They have this way of making life all about the people around them, and it’s infectious. Even if it means inconveniencing themselves. Twos are naturally warm, loving, and empathetic-quickly figuring out what you need and doing whatever they can to help you get it. It’s not hard to see why everyone gravitates to her. If you get a promotion, she’s there to celebrate-and she’s already planned a party in your honor. She quickly takes interest in other people and does everything she can to make them feel understood and provided for. Once, heard her say, “It seems like everyone I meet feels like I’m their best friend.” You have a huge heart and can’t stand seeing anyone or anything in pain.You prefer to make decisions based on what feels most right rather than what seems to make the most sense.You feel valuable when you’re able to give your time, energy, or possessions to someone.You’re an award-winning host/hostess-or should be, anyway.You wish people were as attuned to YOUR needs as you are to theirs.But it does bother you when they don’t even say “thank you.” You’re very generous and do a lot for people without asking for anything in return.People open up to you quickly because they trust you quickly.Everyone you meet seems to think you’re their best friend.You’re more tuned into other people’s feelings than most other people.You check in regularly with loved ones because you’re deeply interested in how they’re doing.Even when it’s at your own expense, you’ll often still gladly do it. You absolutely love taking care of others.If they’re not careful, though, they can depend on their ability to love as a way to earn love in return. Twos are pictures of love-they are the first to give, serve, encourage, or listen to you anytime they sense that you need it. Twos are remarkably attuned to the needs and feelings of others, often before people are aware of them themselves. This causes them to manipulate others by figuring out their needs and desires, and then using that information to try and make them dependent on the Two. When they fear being unloved, twos try to earn that love by doing things for others in hopes that they would be loved in return. Subconscious childhood message: “Your own needs are not as important as the needs of others.” Original Design: They love the people in their life fully and freely, helping other people realize they are valuable and wanted.įear: Being rejected and going unloved by the people they care about.
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fieldofsecretss · 2 years
Never princess-D.M
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Fluff / lil angst / comfort
Pairing: Draco x fem!reader
Warnings: personally idk but: crying, dark thoughts, mentions of bad relationship with food and body, ED, sh.
You were woken up by the golden light caused by the morning sun, the birds chirped their everyday morning song per usual. You turned to your side just to find the love of your life, the one and only Draco Lucius Malfoy. The boy you couldn’t live without, and he could say the same about you. His light snores and relaxed facial expression made you smile a little, knowing that you were his and he was yours.
You decided to let him sleep a little longer and walked out of bed to go to the bathroom to get ready for the day, one of the benefits of dating a Malfoy, private dorm plus a private bathroom!
You brushed your teeth and tamed your hair after a too good night of sleep and some…other nightly activities with your boyfriend… but when it was time to put on your clothes you walked in front of a big mirror, you knew better than to be a brat and complain about your body and yada yada…but how could you not?
You stood only in your underwear, a pair of blush pink panties and a matching brah, you looked at your legs, then your thighs, the old scares on your inner thighs had started to pale a little, giving away a faint glimmer in the light. Then you looked at your forearms, the scares were fresher there probably around a couple months old. You stood there tracing the scares with a blank expression, not noticing Draco in the doorway you just stood in your own dark thoughts. He cleared his throat which startled you making you jump in place.
“Oh, good morning Dray!” You greeted Draco with a warm smile on your lips as usual. He looked at you with a knowing look before he walked in and hugged you from behind.
“Good mornin’ princess, slept good?” He asked and turned your bodies so that you were facing the large mirror.
“Yup! I’m sorry if I woke you up” you said, but the truth was that you had barely got a chance to fall asleep last night, and it was your dark thoughts to blame. But you knew you’d just make Draco more worried about you than he already was, so you sneaked in a white lie together with your warmest most convincing smile you had.
But Draco wasn’t dumb, he could sense your bad lies but decided to let it be and talk about it later.
“Don’t worry baby, just noticed you’re missing s’ all” he said letting go of you and started to get dressed.
Later that day
Lunchtime came fast today, you sat next to Draco at your table as usual. You had a very bad relationship with food and nobody except Draco knew about your eating disorder that you developed two years ago, in your fourth year in Hogwarts. He has helped you through the struggle at dinner time and you were beyond grateful for him.
“I know we have been taking baby steps, but today I’ll challenge you to eat a whole piece of chicken and vegetables” he said while handing you the plate with a little piece of chicken and greens. It wasn’t much for a ‘normal’ person, but for you it was very stressful and challenging…
“N-no Draco, it’s to much” you faced him with a worried expression. But you got calmer once he gave you a reassuring smile and a pat on your back.
“Don’t worry, princess. I’ll always be with you, let’s do it together hm?” He asked.
You nodded your head, you just wanted to make him proud of you for making progress in this subject. But just when you picked up your fork you heard Pansy Parkinson giggle with her friends a few seats away from you and Draco.
“Look! I think it’s the first time I ever seen y/l/n eat something” she said loud enough for you to hear
“About fucking time, look how her clothes are falling of her body” her friends said, joining her in a fit of cocky giggles.
You dropped your fork as fast as you picked it up and stood up from your seat.
“Y/n, don’t listen to pug face over there! Please sta-“ he grabbed your arm in a attempt to make you stay and finish your well needed dinner, but you yanked your arm away from his grip
“Please Draco, just leave me alone!” You said with a weak tone, your smile was long gone and your y/e/c eyes welled with tears. Draco let go of your arm and watched you hurry out in a horrible state.
He stood up aggressively and looked towards Pansy and her minions with a face red of anger. She just looked at him with a raised eyebrow and arms crossed.
“Thank fucking you for ruining her life! I’ve been trying to get her to eat for the longest time, and just when she was about to take a big step in her recovery you and your brain dead fucking minions tore her confidence and progress down!” He screamed at the raven haired girl, ignoring all the nasty looks he was given by the whole great hall.
“Woah, calm down Malfoy . I am sure she can stand up for herself, the truth lasts the longest. Like have she ever looked in the mirror? Like we wasn’t lying about it”
Pansy said with a gross amount of confidence.
“Honestly, what the hell is wrong with you?...” Draco said while he left the great hall to go looking for you.
Just when Draco opened his dorm room, knowing you never felt at peace in your own. He heard sniffles from the bathroom, he felt panic rise as he thought you’d hurt yourself. He took long and fast strides towards the dark wooden door and knocked.
“Y/n, love? Can you please unlock the door?” He only heard sobs which only scared him more.
“Alohomora” he walked in and immediately found you in a corner with your legs pressed to your chest and head down.
He walked over to you and pulled you in for a warm hug, you buried you face in his chest and let all your tears spill. He grabbed your wrists and examined them, he did the same with your legs. The gesture broke your heart.
Draco saw that his move hurt your feelings, but he had to make sure you were not hurt in any way.
“I’m sorry...” he heard you whisper.
“No stop that, you don’t have anything to be sorry about” he said while his eyes watered knowing how bad you felt now.
“ I-I was going to try to eat but I lost my appetite…” you sniffled. Draco rubbed your back and kissed your forehead with a sympathetic look.
“I don’t blame you princess, I’d loose my appetite too if I saw Parkinson’s pug face” Draco said and was relieved when you let out a little laugh between your tears.
“I just wanted to make you proud. I do want to eat Draco, but it is so hard for some reasons, I don’t want to be this thin believe it or not!” You said and he listened attentive to every word that came out of you.
“I just can’t find myself to eat, and every time you check my legs and wrists a piece of me always dies, because I know its my fault that you don’t trust me anymore. M’sorry” you sobbed out
He picked you up in his arms and put you down on his bed and tucked you in, he gave you a kiss on your cheek, he walked towards the door
“Wait where are you going?” You asked, you thought he was going back to his classes
“Don’t worry, love. I’ll hurry!” He said before he closed the door
Almost 20 minutes later he returned with a tray of different fruits, berries of all different varieties, steaming fresh pasta and a lot of snacks and soft drinks
“What are you up to now, Draco?” You asked as you watched him struggle to close the door with his hands full of things.
He walked up to you in the bed and placed the tray in your lap, he then changed into pajamas pants and a white t-shirt and sat in front of you in the bed with a grin on his face
“ okay princess, this is our plan. You and me are going to eat this pasta together, a also brought fruits and berries because I know you love berries. Then we are going to eat all of these snack while I read to you aloud. Is that okay?”
You just looked at him with so much love so that you wouldn’t be surprised you had hearts in your eyes when you looked at him. You nodded your head.
“Good! You don’t have to eat all of it, don’t feel any pressure because I’ll always be here with you.” He said.
You two ate the pasta together and he was very happy that you ate all of it! And you ate some berries while Draco ate a green apple, of course! Now you laid on his chest while he read aloud, like the cherry on the top he picked your favorite book! He traced small hearts on the exposed skin on your arm and paused his reading to look down at you
“What’s on that mind of yours, love?” He asked, you looked so deep in thought so that he just had to ask.
“You have been amazing to me Draco and I appreciate you so much. But someday you’ll probably grow tired and irritated of my problems, and I want you to know that I don’t blame you if if you do, I get tired of myself” you chuckled at the last part.
“But I don’t know how to live without you, it sounds stupid and dramatic, but it’s the truth.” You looked up at him, he had put his book down and sat himself up against the bed frame.
He grabbed your hands and kissed both of them.
“Y/n, I don’t even want to hear such bullshit, excuse my choice of word but that’s just rubbish! I’ll never in my entire life grow tired of helping you! I could never live with myself if I just left you all alone to deal with those dark thoughts on your own. I need you as much as you need me. I can’t live without you y/n, and I’ll never leave you.” He said while keeping eye contact.
Tears of happiness rolled down from your cheeks.
“Don’t cry princess” Draco said with tears rolling down too
“Now you’re crying!” You laughed as more tears looked like a waterfall in a rainforest
Draco leaned in and gave you a assuring kiss, a kiss that showed so much love it almost overwhelmed you. He pulled away and picked you up and held you in his arms like a baby.
“I’m never leaving you, never princess”
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devildomdisaster · 3 years
Idk if you read Lore Olympus but chapter 129 gave me an angsty request idea.
So Persephone, who’s the goddess of spring, goes into a hibernation-like state and when her emotions go out of control, she ends up growing her hair really long and her body sprouts a lot of plants from her; to the point of covering her and whatever area she’s in with her plants.
So I would like to request head cannons of the Brothers reacting to an MC who gets really sad whenever the brothers insult or threaten them and after several weeks of being berated by demons it causes MC to shut down and go to their room but mistakes a comfort spell with a plant curse that causes their hair and plants to grow continuously long. The plants fill up MC’s room and while they would normally be surprised at the mistake, they don’t care any more. They allow the plants to to grow, even wrap around their neck and body, and hopes the curse kills them off before the brothers notice as they go in the “hibernation” stage of the curse (The curse causes the victim to grow a lot of plants and vines from their body until they die, which can take a few days).
I’m sorry for being so long and descriptive, I just wanna see the Bros panic and feel guilty that MC felt pushed to do this to themselves but I understand if you don’t want to do it
I don't read Lore Olympus but you described the situation really well so I hope this is something close to what you wanted.
Comfort spell gone wrong
Lately, nothing seemed to be good enough for the demons. No matter what you did one of them would find something to berate you for.
“Mc, your grades are subpar even for an exchange student. You’ll have to try harder in order to not be a disappointment to Diavolo and myself.” Lucifer warned over breakfast.
“Mc, you burned dinner. You should learn to be a better cook.” Beel grumbled. As if you had ever seen any of these ingredients before ending up in the Devildom.
Even Mammon seemed to be in a particularly unpleasant mood. A never-ending string of complaints about how hard it is to protect an ordinary human. “Geez, you’re such a hassle human.”
Taking refuge in the library to study and to give Mammon a break from you proved disastrous and nearly deadly. Somehow you’d managed to spill your cup of tea all over an old somewhat rare text after Asmo had barged in and startled you. Your string of bad luck continued when Satan rounded the corner and saw the soggy tea-stained pages you’d been trying to decipher. In his fit of rage, he’d called you several unpleasant names and asked if you were “capable of doing anything right or if all humans are as stupid as you?” You’d left as quickly as you were able to avoid any more of his wrath.
No matter where you went you kept walking in on Belphie napping and without fail he’d say something nasty to you, that would make tears burn the backs of your eyes.
Levi had angrily called you a “useless normie,” who he wished would “never come back.” and had pushed you from his room with a slam of his door.
Even Asmo who usually just ignored you when he was upset found every reason imaginable to critique your every aspect. Physical and personality. Not a single one of which made you feel any more than worthless.
So was it any wonder when at the end of a long week you’d locked yourself in your room and decided to try that comfort spell you’d heard Solomon talking about? It seemed simple enough. But then your tears had blurred your vision as you’d recited the words and your Latin was still shaky at best. But it was just a few lines! And there was no way you were going to go to one of the brothers for comfort when they had seemed perfectly happy to make you miserable for the last few weeks.
You’d read the spell aloud and curled up hoping that the spell would kick in and you’d feel even just the slightest bit better. The blinding green light and sudden drop in energy was the first and only warning the spell had gone wrong. But being new to magic meant it still sapped your energy, so you didn’t stop to think something might be wrong. By the time you realized what was happening, everything was out of control. Plants had begun to sprout from your skin and the floor around you, growing and growing. With each inch they grew you felt your exhaustion creep up and consume you. You were just so tired. Your eyes fluttered closed. This was wrong! You forced your eyes open again. You need to fix this. The spell! But a short nap wouldn’t hurt, would it? You’d have more energy after you woke up. Then you could go get one of the brothers. Satan would know how to fix this. Or Lucifer! He’d clean the spell up easily. Yes, after you woke up…
Lucifer hadn’t seen you all weekend. He figures you’re most likely studying. But you don’t show up for meals and none of his brothers have seen you either… and oh Diavolo! He can feel the spell from the dining room. How did he not notice sooner? The cold pulling sensation of the spell, like it was sucking the warmth and life from its surroundings.
When Lucifer reaches your door Mammon is already there. Knocking and shouting for you, but there's no answer. He all but breaks your door down, his brothers behind him, and finds you at the center of the spell. Unresponsive and covered in the plants using your energy to grow. The plants had begun climbing up the walls and twisting through your hair, sending out snow-white flowers.
“Beel! Don’t!” Lucifer warns as Beel reaches out to pull a handful of plants from you. “We don’t know what did this and what will happen to Mc if we just rip the spell off like that.”
“Lucifer, Mc did this to themself,” Satan points to the open spellbook. “It looks like they got a comfort spell mixed up.”
Fortunately, your last tired thoughts were correct and Lucifer is able to break the spell quickly. You wake surrounded by the brothers.
All this happened for a comfort spell? Because you didn’t feel like you could come to him, to any of them?
He’s so sorry Mc. Enough that as he leans down to pick you up out of the mess of withering plants you can feel tears fall onto your face.
“Nothing I did was good enough for you Lucifer. Any of you. I just wanted to feel… I just wanted-”
His heart breaks when he realizes this is his brother’s fault, his fault. “You are always good enough, Mc. Much more than I could ever ask you to be, and if I ever made you feel like you weren't. No, the fact that I made you feel like you weren’t, means I have been truly terrible.”
You’re choking back your own tears now and you curl further into his arms as he carries you down the hall. “You said I was a disappointment.”
“My dear Mc, you have never been, nor could you ever be a disappointment to me. Forgive me for ever making you feel as if you were.”
Lucifer takes you to his bathroom and draws you a bath to wash away the last of the plant matter from your body.
Afterward, he’ll bring you anything you ask for. He wants to wrap you in his arms but doesn’t want to push you, so he asks softly if he can hold you.
He’ll spend weeks trying to make this up to you, even after you forgive him, he’ll be sure to tell you how much he loves you more often than he did before.
Shit human! Why didn’t you come to him? He loves you so much and oh. He made you feel like a burden.
How could he be so stupid when he knows how his brothers make him feel?
Mammon begs for your forgiveness in front of all his brothers.
“Please can ya forgive me? I never meant to make ya feel like a burden. You're the only human I- I want to protect you Mc. I’m so sorry.”
Mammon helps you up and since your room is covered in plants he offers to let you sleep in his room for the night.
He wraps you in blankets and brushes the hair from your face with trembling fingertips.
There are still a few stubborn leaves sticking to your face and in your hair so Mammon takes a warm washcloth and wipes them from your face before gently untangling the plants from your hair.
You’ll be getting little gifts and tokens of mammon’s affections for the foreseeable future.
He threw you out of his room when you came to him for comfort and the guilt at seeing you almost die because of it is eating him alive.
He feels frozen
Maybe you would be better off without an otaku shut-in like him. He starts avoiding you like the plague.
You start to think that Levi is so disgusted with the fact that you did that spell that he doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.
Despite this Levi still checks up on you. He wants to know that you are ok, he just does it without you knowing.
He’ll ask his brothers about you and discreetly glance at you during meals to make sure you’re eating enough and look healthy.
A few days later when your favorite and manga anime start showing up outside your door you confront Levi. “Are you mad at me? Do you just not want to be around me after what happened? Levi, I miss you!”
He is shook, and he can’t believe he messed up so badly.
He’s happy that he can invite you to hang out again, and he makes sure to spend long nights gaming or watching movies with you until you fall asleep against him. He’ll even stutter out how much he treasures his time with you, blushing fiercely all the while.
Satan feels anger swell up inside him. How could he have let this happen? How could no one have seen how upset you were?
Once the spell has been dissolved he is at your side instantly. Brushing vines from your skin. His fingers are shaking in anger but his touch is so gentle.
When both you and your room are cleaned up Satan sits at your bedside, book in hand, reading to you.
He just wants to be close to you now. He wants you to know how much he cares about you but is still too worked up to get his thoughts out properly.
Eventually, his thoughts calm and he stops reading in the middle of a sentence. “Mc, I am so sorry. I never meant to make you feel unwanted. Every day I spend with you is infinitely better than a day without you. I know the spell was a mistake but… we almost lost you. I almost lost you.”
He wants to talk about what pushed you to do this. He won’t push but he really does think that he will be better able to help you if he understands.
Satan makes sure to spend more time with you from now on. He makes a conscious effort to check his temper at the door and be with you when you need him.
Sometimes he’ll just read to you until one of you confides in the other in quiet voices.
As you blink your eyes open Asmo gently brushes some plants from your cheek.
You are so pale and his heart breaks as you flinch away from him. You feel like a mess and you know you must look like one too so curl your body away from him trying to hide. Trying to avoid his critical gaze.
This is the moment Asmo knows he screwed up.
He draws his hand back, for a moment, before reaching out to you again. Cupping your cheek and wiping your tears away with perfectly manicured hands.
Lucifer has him take you to his bathroom to clean up while the rest of the brothers work to clear the plants from your room.
Asmo is quiet for a long while as he untangles plants from your hair.
“You’re so loved, Mc,” he says softly. “You are.” he insists when you shake your head no.
“More than you could ever know, and it’s our fault for not telling you. My fault for not making you feel worthy.”
After this incident, Asmo wants to make sure you know how beautiful you are. He starts self-care days once a week that soon turn into whole family affairs. Each week different combinations of his brother attend and you all work to pamper each other.
Asmo makes sure nothing like this happens again, he never wants to be part of the reason you feel unloved ever again.
At first, Beel thinks you did this on purpose. Once the brothers realize you messed up the spell he is less angry but no less distraught.
Once you wake up, he wants to take you to get desserts. He’s heard humans eat Chocolate/ other sweets to feel better. And this makes sense to him, food does make everything better.
But you don’t want to go to Madam Screams or the kitchen to make your own. You’re still so tired. Not to mention embarrassed that you screwed the spell up this bad.
And now they are all staring at you like they care so much when none of them had any time to notice how they were making you feel before.
When you become unresponsive to the brother’s questions and apologies Beel scoops you up in his arms and walks away with you.
Something about the way he holds you close to his chest and his warmth causes you to finally let go.
You bury your face in his shirt to muffle your crying.
“I just… I felt so alone! And… I...but no one” you gasp out shakily between sobs.
Beel soothes you with soft murmuring as he gently cards his fingers through your hair and strokes down your back.
Once your crying quiets he starts to speak “Don’t do that again. You can always come to me Mc. I’m so sorry you felt like you couldn’t”
Belphie thinks it’s a joke at first. “Man, how could they mess up this bad?”
Then he sees Lucifer’s panicked expression and it hits him how serious this is.
Belphie is immediately by your side. Hands frantically feeling your wrist for a pulse.
After Lucifer breaks the spell and your eyes flutter open Belphie is filled with relief until a wave of guilt washes through him.
He can’t believe he fucked up so badly again. Sure this time he didn’t directly cause you physical harm, but he did play a role in causing you to almost die again.
“I am so very sorry Mc, I never meant to hurt you.”
He does everything he can think of to make it up to you. Anything you ask him for, as long as it’s within his power, is yours. No questions asked.
He asks permission just to hold your hand for weeks afterward as if he thinks you’ll come to your senses and decide you don’t want anything to do with him.
He wants to comfort you so bad.
To make sure you don’t feel like this again Belphie pulls you away to nap with him as often as he can get away with it. Most likely only a few times a week (much less often than he would like). Sometimes he uses this time just to talk with you. Others you really do nap, and Belphie curls himself around you. Occasionally he enters your dreams while you nap together to make sure no nightmares can touch you.
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
My dear [S.U]
Sam Uley x Fem! reader!
Summary: “Did you have a hard day? You can complain to me. Did something make you almost cry? It’s alright, look at me. Starting from now, think of three really good things: the warm air, the dazzling weather, and me outside your window.  I told you, you can see brightness only when it gets dark”
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, death, heart dissease and such. English not my mother language so pls let me know if something’s wrong
gif’s not mine
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"Sorry to bother you, Chief," you said following the man's moves through your house. Charlie Swan was carrying a reclining chair with ease leaving it in the middle of the living room while you stood at the bottom of the stairs with your little four year old daughter in your arms. Cassie was exhausted. It had been a long plane ride and a bit more road travel, which knocked your little girl out as soon as you set foot in your new home in Forks. It was a long time since you had seen that place but of course you remembered Charlie Swan as kind as he had always been. Even when you were just starting to think about moving back to Forks he was the first to help you get a safe home for you and your daughter. You remembered looking up for Charlie's old phone number hoping it was still the same and when you dialed and heard the man's voice behind the phone you sighed in relief. At last life seemed to be smiling on you after a long time and Charlie was quick to offer to help you if you decided to return to town.
He told you about a house for sale next to his. The owner was elderly and preferred to live with one of her children and earn income from the house near the forest that could be bought by curious tourists so Charlie convinced her to sell you the house and at a lower price than she was originally asking because the house needed some repairs that he could do. So you thought no more about it and packed your things to return to Forks after the horrible years you had lived in Brownsville.
Charlie picked you up at the airport in his police cruiser and avoided turning on the siren cause Cassie was already half asleep in your arms when you got off the plane and he didn't want to disturb her, but Cassie had the strength to stay awake long enough to make him promise that next time he would turn on the siren as they drove around town.
The truth was that Charlie Swan was an angel. He arranged everything so you would have a quick return and even now he was bothering to get all your stuff out of the moving truck so you wouldn't have the worry of doing it later.
"Nonsense, I'm happy to do it. Besides, it's my day off."
"And that's why you shouldn't be doing all this. I know vacations for police officers are non-recurring."
"I'm the chief, I have certain privileges."
"Well, I wasn't going to let you do this on your own" he replied, carrying the boxes with your and Cassie's clothes. He set them down on the kitchen island and leaned back against them to rest. You walked over and settling Cassie better in your arms you sat down in one of the chairs Charlie had given you "Billy and Jacob will be here in a little while to get all this settled so you can have your first night here without any problems."
"I still think it's too much. Stop spoiling me like this, Charlie, you even gave me part of your dining room!"
"Ah, it was nothing. Bella and I recently bought a new one and we didn't want to take it to the dump cause it still has some use. The table is made out of good wood and the chairs are freshly upholstered. Look at it, it suits perfectly!"
"That's not the point" you said, glancing sideways at the newly arranged dining room near the kitchen "The point is that you're doing a lot for me and it's not fair."
"Your father would have done the same for Bella if it had been about me" he replied reaching for a bottle of water from the installed cooler. A sudden tension appeared in the room as you both remembered what your father's life was like in Forks "Jackson was my best friend for a long time and when he died...I promised him that I would seek you out and support you as if you were my own and that is precisely what I am doing."
"You wouldn't have if I hadn't left and hadn't abandoned him. He died because of me"
"That's not true."
"He was left alone when I left. He died of grief"
"He died from the heart valve disease he had. Your father suffered it from a young age and even so, you had a right to look for your mother"
"I wish I hadn't" you murmured, cooing to Cassie who was beginning to get annoyed by the noise of your voices "I abandoned my father and didn't find anything worthwhile"
"Well, that doesn't matter anymore, stop tormenting yourself and thinking you killed your father. I was with him. He loved you and he died peacefully, remember him as the good man he was, child."
You sighed. Cassie went back to sleep peacefully
"You're right. I'm sorry."
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I know it's not the same, but you have me now and I'd rather die than let you leave again, do you hear me?"
"Easy, I have no intention of doing that" you half smiled "I'm running away from the tracks I left in Brownsville, I have no desire to go back under any circumstances. What I'm worried about is that the tracks won't rub off and show the way to the one I'm hiding from"
Charlie clicked his tongue.
"That should be the least of your problems. I have a gun and I know how to use it. He'll have to deal with that first before he gets to you."
"Thanks, Charlie."
"Although, if Chief Swan is as good at shooting as he is at fishing then you'll have to learn how to handle a gun yourself, honey" a voice appeared from the doorway followed by a young man's laughter.  You looked up meeting the unmistakable face of Billy Black next to his son Jacob. Billy entered your house being pushed by Jacob leaving him next to Charlie as he rolled his eyes "Be a little more modest, buddy."
"There's nothing wrong with bragging once in a while."
"Yeah, but you do it all the time."
"Shut up."
"Make me"
Charlie got up from his spot lunging towards Billy who ina swift movement spun the wheels of his chair avoiding Charlie's attack thus beginning a chase through the house dodging the obstacles of boxes on the floor. Jacob laughed taking Charlie's place in front of you.
"I thought we were coming to help with the move, not to watch them play like preschoolers?"
"Me too. I think Cassie will get along with them."
"Your little girl will beat them up right away"
You giggled quietly avoiding waking Cassie as Charlie and Billy finished their game to go back to the truck and get the last boxes, then you could finally get everything settled at home. Jacob smiled, looking at you
"I'm Jacob. You may not remember me but..."
"Are you kidding? I used to give you the bottle."
"No you didn't."
"Of course i did! My dad used to visit your parents a lot and he used to take me with him. You were a newborn baby and I used to volunteer to help Sarah feed you. You were the worst baby ever. You cried too loudly and squeezed the bottle with your swollen gums. Then you'd throw the milk back and you used to get really messy. Your poop was the smelliest I could remember."
"Don't say that!" he replied, embarrassed "I see you do remember me."
"And Quill and Embry. Tell me, are they still the same old fools?"
"They haven't changed at all."
You laughed.
"Ok, these are the last boxes" announced Charlie walking into the house carrying with him a small box with Cassie's toys. Billy came in behind with some boxes on his lap "I think now we can get everything organized and finishing in time for you to get some rest."
"I'll clean up the little girl's room" offered Jacob standing up "then I'll fill the closet and set up the bed so you can lay her down, you must be tired from carrying her around for so long. is that okay with you?" he asked you. You nodded
"Yes, thank you Jacob."
"You're welcome. Give me that" The boy took the boxes off his father's legs and picked up Charlie's, all with one arm and with the other he carried the folding base of the bed. You opened your eyes wide 
"Easy, big guy, when did you get so strong?"
"I don't know. It just... showed up" he replied disappearing up the stairs
"It showed up" said Charlie "Ah, I hope shows up something like that to me"
"Don’t hold your breath as that happens" Billy joked.
"I should do something for lunch" you said trying to stand up. You were going to put Cassie down on one of the couches and put some cushions around her, but Charlie won't let you. Billy agreed 
"None of that. We'll order something."
"Nothing" interrupted Billy "We'll buy pizza"
"You guys really need to stop doing this" you reproached. Billy picked up his phone
"Ah, sorry, you had to say that earlier, I'm already on the call."
"You guys are unbelievable"
Charlie smiled
"We know. oh I'll get Bella, she hasn't said hello yet" Charlie walked out before you could say anything else and closed the door dismissing the moving truck. Billy smiled complicitly, placed the order, gave the address and left the cell phone on the kitchen bar
"Dinner is served."
"Thank you."
"They had children's menu, so I ordered it for Cassie. I hear their brownies are delicious. Maybe I'll steal it for myself."
"I'll keep it as a secret"
Billy nodded with a smile and as the food arrived you chatted animatedly about what had happened in your absence, he also told you things about your father and all the times they went fishing together before his death. You were enjoying Billy's stories when time began to pass and Charlie didn’t return with Bella as he promised. Jacob was finishing Cassie's room and when the pizza arrived he came downstairs immediately, asking about Charlie's whereabouts.
"He went to get Bella, but he hasn't come back yet."
"That's strange, his house is right next door."
"Maybe something came up for him at the station" Billy shrugged.
You  decided to wait for the Swans to eat, but seeing that they didn't show up Jacob offered to investigate what was going on when suddenly the door opened and a very worried Charlie Swan walked in wiping the sweat from his brow
"Bella’s missing."
Jacob suddenly became alert and Billy remained static in his place. You felt a knot in your stomach. While riding in the police cruiser that morning, you had heard something about tourist disappearances and wild creatures killing people in the woods and you feared Bella might be in that kind of danger. You were never close, but you knew her and occasionally went out together to talk or share a movie night. You still hadn't seen her after the years you were away and the least you wanted was for something bad to happen to her.
"Did you talk to any of her friends?"
"She was with them during classes, but they lost track of her on her way here. I'll call the Cullens, maybe..."
"You didn't know?" asked Billy "The Cullens left Forks, Charlie."
"Where did they go?"
"We'll find her" encouraged Jacob "But we have to go out and look for her before dark."
"I'll go with you" you said "I'll take Cassie to her room and..."
"No, no, stay" Charlie asked you "I left a note for Bella at home in case she comes back she’ll know that she has to come here and wait for me. If she does, call me right away, please" you nodded
"I'll call Harry and ask him to join along with the boys" Billy said and wheeled away down the hallway holding the phone to his ear. Charlie and Jacob left and you decided to take Cassie to the room, go down to the kitchen and make some coffee for the Brigadiers and Bella. If she was alone in the woods and the night was catching up with her then she was going to need something hot to get her strength back. 
You hoped with all your heart that she was all right. For her, for Charlie.
Hours passed one after another with no sign of Bella. Your driveway was carpeted with people and police cruisers specially brought by Charlie to search for Bella. The entire town was scoured by officers from the early hours of the night, yet there was no trace of the chief's daughter. You decided to join the search taking the opportunity that Sue Clearwater was playing with Cassie - who was awakened by the ruckus of the patrol cars - asking if it was a good idea to search for her in the woods, but Harry refused.
"It's too dangerous, we don't know what might be among the trees. We can't risk losing any more people."
You were about to object his words when Jacob came up to you putting a hand on your shoulder telling you that he was right and that the forest was something not to be taken lightly. So you gave up, deciding to go back inside and refill the coffee pot when Jacob alerted Charlie that someone had found Bella.
A tall man walked in a straight line toward the Brigadiers where Billy and Harry watched him with restrained relief. He had a stocky frame and Bella unconscious in his arms seemed to weigh no more than a feather. His cropped black hair was messy and his lack of a shirt told you that the icy cold of the city didn't affect him at all
You knew him. His face was very familiar yet strange at the same time. You were back in Forks after a few years, but you knew that no one could change that much in that period of time.
Sam Uley was holding Bella and Charlie took her in his arms as he came out of the stupor and relief of having found his daughter. The Brigadiers sighed in unison and Billy thanked them all. You wanted to do something, to approach Charlie, to ask him if he needed help with Bella, but your eyes were caught in Sam’s. 
They were dark, wild, like the forest behind him. You remembered him perfectly. 
Before you left Forks you two were close friends and came to like each other as something more, but your leaving ended that and what you might have been up to that point.
You tried to look away, but then Sam's huge body began to shake, his knees buckled and he fell to the ground resting his hands on the dirt. Harry Clearwater reacted and approached him asking if he was okay.
"Tired" you heard him whisper causing you to shudder. Harry helped him up, whispered something in his ear and after taking one last look at you he disappeared into the woods. Harry walked back towards you.
"I thought the forest was dangerous"
"For us."
"What do you mean?"
Harry looked at you. Then he looked at his wife with Cassie in her arms standing at the doorway . He smiled.
"You'll find out soon, child"
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thearvariblues · 3 years
The Mysterious Case of Jaskier's Immortality
Word count: 3601
“So nice to see you again, Yennefer,” Jaskier says, putting on one of his many fake smiles.
“Jaskier,” she replies with a smile that almost looks genuine but Jaskier is pretty sure that it’s not. Which she confirms a few seconds later by saying: “Shouldn’t you be dead already?”
“I see you’re as kind as always, my dear. But don’t you worry, Geralt is doing a very good job when it comes to protecting me.”
“Hm,” Geralt sighs resignedly, clearly regretting his decision to spend the night in an inn instead of the middle of a forest.
To be fair, it was Jaskier who suggested it, claiming that he refused to be eaten by angry drowners, no matter how many times Geralt tried to explain to him that the probability of finding a drowner in the middle of a very dry forest is extremely low.
If Jaskier knew they were going to run into Yennefer in the inn, he would have risked the drowners.
“I don’t doubt that,” Yennefer smirks. “But seriously, how old are you, bard?”
“No idea. I stopped counting after fifty, I think.”
“You know, you don’t look fifty,” she says.
“Oh, well, my mother had an elf lover before I was born, so there’s a fifty-fifty chance that I’m not gonna age anytime soon. Sorry,” Jaskier smiles again, sweetly – and this time, it’s genuine.
“As if,” Geralt grunts.
“I’m sorry, dear?” Jaskier blinks.
“Come on, Jaskier, it doesn’t work like that. You’re a viscount, that means your father must have been a viscount, too.”
“You don’t know much about nobility, do you, Geralt?” Yennefer snorts.
“Hm,” Geralt grunts. “Still, he’s not a half-elf.”
“Let me guess, you’re a Witcher, therefore you could smell it if I was? I hate to break it to you, dear heart, but you’re going to have your nose checked.”
“You’re not a half-elf, Jaskier,” Geralt repeats. “You’re not immortal, you just… look young.”
“Yeah, right, you got me,” Jaskier shrugs. “I just look good because I moisturize. Happier now?”
“Much,” Geralt nods. “See? You can be honest if you want.”
“Yup,” Jaskier nods. “Honesty personified. Now please excuse me, I need to go and moisturize some more. Internally. With ale.”
“I’m actually a mermaid, you know?” Jaskier grins the next time he’s asked, this time by a very confused and very old Valdo Marx.
“A siren, Jaskier. Not a mermaid,” Geralt sighs, praying to Melitele to give him strength. “And you’d know that, of course, if you actually were a siren.”
“Just so you know, the term siren is actually quite offensive to my people.”
“You mean idiots?” Geralt chuckles. “You’re not a siren, Jask.”
“Can you prove that I’m not?”
“Well, last week you tripped and fell into this creek that was like… knee-deep, and you nearly drowned.”
“I was in shock!” Jaskier proclaims dramatically. “But I have a proof that I am, or at least could be a siren.”
“What proof?”
“Well, my lovely voice, of course!”
“Not as lovely as you think it is,” Valdo Marx snorts.
“Come on, Jaskier,” Geralt sighs, ignoring the old troubadour. “You have much better voice that any siren I’ve ever heard.”
“Geralt of Rivia!” Jaskier gasps, clutching his chest. “Was that a compliment?!”
“Fuck,” Geralt mutters. “I didn’t mean…”
“Really though, Jaskier,” Valdo says. “How?”
“That’s a secret I’ll take to the grave, I’m afraid,” Jaskier grins. “Once I manage to reach it.”
“Keep on with the bullshit, Jaskier,” Geralt growls, “and you can reach it tonight.”
“Fifty years traveling with him, and he still thinks he can scare me. Cute, isn’t he?” Jaskier laughs. “Oh, Geralt you could never.”
“Try me.”
“All right, I’ll tell you my secret,” Jaskier winks at Ciri, who lifts an eyebrow. “I’ve got this neat… magic ring.”
“Hmmm,” Ciri observes. “Looks like a normal signet ring to me.”
“Well… Yeah, well, it looks like it, all right, but actually–”
“Jaskier, I was born a princess. This is clearly a Pankratz family signet ring.”
“Damn,” Jaskier groans. “Like father like daughter, eh?”
“Sorry,” Ciri shrugs.
“I got myself cursed.”
Triss Merigold lifts an eyebrow.
“Somebody cursed you to live forever, is that so?” she asks and her voice is almost dripping with disbelief.
“More like cursed me,” Geralt murmurs.
“Oh, shut up, Witcher, you know you couldn’t live without me,” Jaskier smiles brightly, and Geralt has to bite his cheek to stop himself from smiling back.
“Hm,” he says instead.
“Eloquent as ever,” Jaskier nods.
“Would you like me to...” Triss clears her throat. “You know, try to lift the curse?”
“No!” Geralt yells before he can stop himself.
“See?” Jaskier beams. “You could never live without me!”
“A bruxa,” Jaskier repeats to a young man who claims to be his son, but looks older than his supposed father.
“You’re not a bruxa, Jaskier!” Geralt whines.
“Excuse me, and how would you know?”
“Because I’m a fucking Witcher?!”
“Well, you’re clearly a fucking horrible Witcher if you haven’t noticed until now!”
“I think I’d notice if you tried to sneak out of the camp at nights to feed,” Geralt comments, crossing his hands. “You can’t even sneak out to take a piss, Jask.”
“Maybe I do that on purpose!”
“Besides, bruxae are mostly women.”
“Mostly being the important word here.”
“Fuck’s sake, Jaskier. You won’t even eat a piece of meat if it’s not so well-done that it’s almost cremated.”
“Do you know how disgusting the blood is, Geralt?!” Jaskier groans, and then immediately blinks when he realizes what he just said. “I meant…”
“Case closed,” Geralt nods, satisfied.
“Oh, dear,” Jaskier mutters. “I fucking hate you sometimes.”
“Uhm, my lords, if I may,” the young man says.
“Hate to break it to you, kid, but if you’re aging like a normal human, you’re probably not my son,” Jaskier shrugs. “Sorry. I get it why your mum might be confused, though. It was quite a night, with at least four–”
“And that’s enough,” Geralt says, grabbing Jaskier by the collar and pulling him away from the man. “You know, lifting the curse seems like a good idea now.”
“There isn’t really a curse, Geralt,” Jaskier laughs.
Geralt sighs, his lips curling into a tiny smile that Jaskier cannot see.
“Thank fuck.”
“You see, we were in a crazy mage’s tower and I saw this bottle and I thought it was slivovitz, so I drank it, but it seems that it actually was some sort of an immortality potion,” Jaskier explains to a lady at the ball, whose grandmother he’d apparently fucked once, when said grandmother was still a young, unmarried woman.
Geralt only blinks, because it’s the first truly plausible explanation for Jaskier’s mysterious immortality.
“Oh, that must be so horrible to watch everyone you love die!” the woman nods enthusiastically. “Perhaps you’d like to tell me about it in private?”
“Of course, my dear…” Jaskier smiles. “Just… wait a second. How old is your mother?”
“Forty-seven, why?”
Jaskier’s lips are moving silently for a few seconds while he counts, and then thy turn into a wide grin.
“No reason, dear,” he says, offering her his arms. “Shall we?”
When Jaskier and the lady flee the ball, Geralt pulls out his flask of White Gull and pours its contents into his empty tankard.
So, a potion…
“There is no such thing as an immortality potion, Geralt,” Yennefer shakes her head.
“How can you be so sure?” Geralt asks. “Maybe this mage really did find a way to at least make the human life longer!”
“And why would he do that?” Yennefer scoffs. She has been doing that a lot since she finally ended their relationship for good about twenty years ago. (He later found out that she had left him for none other than Triss Merigold, but Yennefer still doesn’t know that he knows, and he’s having way too much fun with it to break the fact to her. So right now, he is pretending he doesn’t notice that Triss is eavesdropping on their conversation behind the door leading to Yennefer’s bedroom, and that he absolutely believed Yen when she claimed that the loud thud a few minutes ago was caused by a cat.) “We are immortal, Geralt, unless killed. There is no reason for any of us to make a potion that would make a human live forever.”
“Well, perhaps this mage fell in love with a human and wanted them to stay with him!”
Yennefer pauses, inspecting Geralt from head to toe and back again, and then she sighs.
“Oh, Geralt. Really?”
“Really what?” Geralt blinks, genuinely confused.
“Oh,” Yennefer murmurs. “Oh, no. Really?”
“Really what, Yen?”
“You mean you don’t… Oh, dear gods. Really?”
“Yen, I swear that I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Geralt grunts, frowning.
Yennefer rolls her eyes and tries counting to ten to calm herself down. She doesn’t even get to three before Geralt’s eyes go wide.
“Oh,” he whispers. “Fuck.”
“Fuck, indeed, Geralt,” she nods solemnly. “Fuck, indeed.”
“I found a djinn, he granted me a wish,” Jaskier says when Geralt asks him, about five minutes after his meeting with Yennefer. (He agreed to use a portal to get to the bard as soon as possible. A fucking portal!) The bard is sitting in a tavern and eating his dinner, utterly undisturbed by the sudden appearance of an angrier-than-usual Witcher.
“You never mentioned a djinn,” Geralt growls. “And after your last encounter with one, I sincerely doubt you’d engage with another.”
“You clearly don’t know me at all–”
“Besides, Valdo Marx, as far as I know, had an apoplexy while fucking a young student on his desk, and I don’t think you’d ever let him die like that if you had a choice.”
“You see, that was kind of a my mistake, since I didn’t specify the time and the circumstances of his apoplexy in my wish, so…”
“What was your third wish?”
“Pardon me?”
“Your immortality, Valdo Marx dropping dead, that’s two. What was the third one? And don’t even try to mention the Countess de Stael, since you’d have to dig her up first.”
“That was disgusting, even for you, you know that, Geralt?”
“How are you immortal, Jaskier?!”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
“Try me.”
Jaskier puts a piece of bread in his mouth and grins.
“Maybe some other time, Witcher.”
“I am a fae,” Jaskier replies a day later.
“You’re not a fucking fae, bard.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because you fucking lie, Jaskier. All the time.”
“Fuck. Didn’t think of that.”
“You see, there was this artifact–”
Geralt closes his eyes, turning Roach around.
“Let’s consult Yennefer about this.”
“Oh, mother of…” Jaskier whines. “All right, no artifact, there was no artifact! Geralt, I’m telling you, there was no…”
“You’re not a succubus.”
“But it would be a perfect explanation, wouldn’t it?”
“You’re not succubus, because if you were, you’d know that a male one is called an incubus.”
“Oh, you and your stupid Witcher terms again.”
“You’re not an incubus, Jaskier, because if you were, I could never let you near Eskel.”
“All right… Explain, please?”
Geralt grunts.
“I’d really rather not.”
“A dragon,” Jaskier grins victoriously.
“No,” Geralt says, shaking his head.
“No,” Jaskier agrees with a sigh.
“You know you could just tell me the truth and be done with it, right?”
“Hm… No.”
“All right, enough is enough,” Jaskier growls that night in their rented room, tossing his doublet aside. “You’ve asked me three times today, Geralt. Why the sudden interest in my immortality?”
“As you said, enough is enough. You’ve been traveling with me for what, a hundred years?”
“A hundred and four.”
“Yes, and you still look the same as the day I met you in Posada!” Geralt growls. “And it drives me mad!”
“It wasn’t driving you insane for at least fifty years, so why the sudden change of heart?”
“Fuck off, bard. You don’t have to tell me. I don’t care.”
“But you do, Geralt,” Jaskier says, taking a step towards the Witcher. “Why?”
He’s standing in Geralt’s personal space, his chemise half undone, and he’s watching Geralt with those sincere blue eyes, and Geralt can’t fucking think…
“Because I love you, you idiot!” he snaps. “Because I fucking love you and I need to know if I can love you, or you’re gonna just drop dead one day without a warning!”
“Oh,” Jaskier whispers, his lips forming into a huge, happy smile. “Oh, fucking finally.”
“Fucking… what?” Geralt blinks, his arms suddenly full of an enthusiastic bard.
“I love you too, you silly Witcher,” Jaskier laughs. “I’ve loved you for a hundred years! Well, a hundred and four, but who’s counting?”
“You…” Geralt mutters.
“Silly, silly Witcher,” Jaskier repeats, pressing his lips against Geralt’s in a kiss that could be described as chaste, or at least the chastest Jaskier has ever been capable of. “We’re going to Lettenhove in the morning.”
“We are?”
“Oh, yes,” Jaskier whispers. “See, I’ve told you the truth about the source of my immortality once. But I think you need to see it to believe me.”
“Wait, you have? When?” Geralt asks. “Was it the artifact? Just tell me, I promise I won’t make you consult it with–”
“Shut up now,” Jaskier says, kissing Geralt again with way less chastity than before. “And in the meantime, believe me this – you can keep loving me, and I’m not planning on dropping dead anytime soon. Also, I’ve spent the last hundred years imagining fucking you senseless, so if you’re not opposed to the idea, perhaps we could, well…”
The kiss that this idea gets him is as far from chaste as one could possibly get.
And Jaskier definitely isn’t about to complain.
“You sure this is a good idea?” Geralt asks as they march towards the Lettenhove castle’s gates. He tugs at his doublet’s collar, way too tight for his liking. He’d much rather walk in there wearing his usual attire, but Jaskier insisted that Geralt must look presentable if he wants to meet his family.
It turns out that it only takes a single I love you to turn the bard into a manipulative bastard. Who would have guessed?
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Jaskier replies, grinning cheerfully. “And stop frowning, you’re gonna scare the servants, love.”
“How long it’s been since your last visit here, Jaskier?” Geralt says, his frown deepening. “Who rules Lettenhove now, hm? Aren’t you only going to be a distant relative, a great-great-uncle risen from the grave?”
“I sure hope not,” Jaskier chuckles, stopping in front of the guards by the gate. “Good afternoon, gentlemen. Viscount Julian, here to see the Viscountess Madeleine.”
“How can you still be a viscount?” Geralt blinks when one of the guards promptly disappears inside.
“We kind of decided to, you know, share the title,” Jaskier shrugs. “Seemed fair. Besides, father, well, the former viscount, insisted that I inherit the title, but he never mentioned anything about Mads not inheriting it, so…”
“How could your father have known who the viscount is going to be in almost a hundred years?”
“He really didn’t,” Jaskier chuckles. “See, it will all start to make sense once you meet her.”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m hoping for.”
The guard returns a few minutes later, telling them that the Viscountess will meet them in the garden.
Geralt, knowing a thing or two about nobility, think it’s a little weird, but isn’t about to protest. He only thinks he could have left the fancy clothes at the tavern.
“Oh, shut up, you,” Jaskier chuckles when Geralt voices this thought. “You look gorgeous.”
“I know. You’ve mentioned it a few times. But I didn’t have to look like that, because we’re going to meet the ruler of this land in a fucking garden, and–”
A woman in a long white dress throws herself at Jaskier, who happily catches her. Geralt’s first instinct is to reach for his sword, only to realize that he (luckily) left it in the tavern – because Jaskier insisted, of course.
“Madeleine,” Jaskier chuckles. “You haven’t aged a day.”
“Oh, yes. Shocking, isn’t it?” she laughs, pulling away from him, and for the first time, Geralt truly looks at her.
The woman is shorter than Jaskier, slim, and her dress is much, much simpler than Geralt would have expected considering the fact that is supposed to be a viscountess. She has dark, long hair and her face is so beautiful that it almost – but only almost – takes the focus off her pointed ears.
“Lady Madeleine,” Jaskier grins, “may I introduce Geralt of Rivia, my Witcher. Geralt, this is Lady Madeleine, the current ruler of Lettenhove and my younger sister.”
“You’re…” Geralt blinks.
“A half-elf, yes,” she nods. “Julian! You haven’t told him?”
“Hardly my fault. I really tried,” Jaskier shrugs. “But he just wouldn’t believe me.”
“So you brought him here to prove it to him, rather than to visit your beloved sister? You are a horrible, horrible sibling, Julian!”
“Your… sister,” Geralt mutters, all his thoughts speeding through his head, colliding and falling down, one over another.
“Yes, we definitely share a mother,” Jaskier confirms. “Most likely a father, too, and trust me, it wasn’t the old viscount. Madeleine got the elvish looks, I only got the non-aging bit. Well, apparently.”
“But…” Geralt blinks. “Your father. The title.”
“Yen was right, dear heart, you really don’t know shit about nobility,” Jaskier snorts. “But I admit that even though our dear departed noble father knew that Mads wasn’t his daughter, obviously, it never occurred to him that I might not be his true son.”
“But you don’t age!”
“In his defense, that only became clear after his unfortunate passing.”
“And you aren’t going to start to age anytime soon,” Geralt mutters. “You really aren’t.”
“Told you so, didn’t I?” Jaskier winks, letting go of his sister and wrapping his arms around his lover instead.
“I… I…” Geralt stammers. “Fuck.”
“Maybe later, love,” Jaskier smiles. “Madeleine, my dear, wouldn’t you say that my return calls for a feast?”
“Absolutely. In fact, I have started the preparations the second my spies informed me that you have crossed the border.”
“Oh, so we have spies now?”
“It’s really only a net of nosy old ladies, but it works wonders,” Madeleine laughs. “I must admit, though, that I was only planning a feast to celebrate you coming home, but now I see we have a much better reason to party. Tell me, brother, did you finally get your stupid Witcher?”
Jaskier smiles brightly, turning his head to Geralt.
“Yes. I finally got my stupid Witcher.”
“Party,” the Witcher in question growls. “Is that why you made me dress like a pompous prick?”
“No, that was because while I find your usual self extremely attractive, you still look much better when your hair is properly combed and you’re not covered in monster blood.”
“Hm,” Geralt hums, but wraps his arm around the bard to hold him close.
“Oh, yes, about monsters,” Madeleine says with the most innocent expression Geralt has seen since Ciri broke Vesemir’s favorite vase at Kaer Morhen. “You see, we have a tiny problem with a cockatrice…”
“Right,” Geralt nods. “I’ll go grab my armor from the tavern.”
“That won’t be necessary. I have already arranged for your things to be brought to the castle. And your horse,” she adds before Geralt can even open his mouth. “You can leave for your quest as soon as the servants get here.”
“So much for you not being covered in monster blood,” Jaskier sighs.
“Hm,” Geralt grins. “Lady Madeleine, I suppose you happen to have a bathtub somewhere in the castle?”
“Of course. In fact, there is a private bathroom right next to Julian’s bedroom.”
“Geralt of Rivia,” Jaskier purrs. “You know me so well.”
“Yes, and I expect to get to know you even better. In another hundred years or so.”
Jaskier laughs, pulls Geralt closer to him and kisses him.
“Another thousand years, I’d say.”
“What… the… fuck?!” Geralt croaks, staring at the smouldering remains of the cockatrice that would have surely killed him if Jaskier… If Jaskier…
The bard looks at his hands, then at the cockatrice, and then back at his hands again.
“Geralt? I have a feeling that I’m not really… A half-elf.”
“No shit.”
“I think I might be… Uhm…”
“Oh, shit,” Geralt whispers.
“I suppose, uhm, you know…” Jaskier stammers, wiping his palms on his trousers like he could wipe away the feeling of literal flames shooting out of them mere moments ago.
“Yeah. We’re gonna have to consult this with Yen.”
“Splendid,” Jaskier sighs. “Can it at least wait after the feast?”
“After more than a hundred years of you not even knowing, I think one feast will be fine.”
“Thank the gods. Madeleine would kill me if I tried to leave now,” Jaskier chuckles. “Let’s go, then. We need to get the fried monster remains out of your hair.”
“You’re… I was fucking right! You’re not a half-elf!”
“Yeah, you’re a great Witcher,” Jaskier nods, grabbing Geralt’s arm and dragging him away from the monster. “Didn’t notice I was secretly a fucking mage, but otherwise a great Witcher.”
“Explains a lot, though.”
“Does it now?”
“Yeah. I always had a thing for mages, you know.”
“Oh, Geralt. You’re such a fucking idiot,” Jaskier chuckles.
“Made you laugh,” Geralt shrugs, smiling.
Jaskier shakes his head.
“I’m so, so gonna drown you in that bathtub.”
“My love,” Geralt grins, “you’re more than welcome to try.”
Tagging @lottelorelei - I’m sorry I always forget to reply to your lovely comments, but believe me, they always put a big smile on my face! :)
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rommahh · 3 years
{Harry in sparkly black….Harry lemme **** *** *** for free}
You hadn’t talked to Harry all day. Not that you were mad at him or anything but your therapy this morning left you feeling a little spacey. There was something about talking about your emotions that left you feeling emotionally drained.
You missed Harry terribly and though it’s only been a short week, you felt very lonely. But on another note, your anxiety wasn’t as bad as it was. You were starting to feel like your normal self again but missing something.
You loved the tight knit life you have with Harry. You like being around him most hours of the day. You two were inseparable. If you were in the shower, he was in the bathroom reading a book from the lounger chair in the corner. If he was writing music on the beach, you were somewhere on the shore collecting shells. If you were going to the grocery store the least he could do was go for the drive with you. You two were close and it was something the both of you were ok with.
Some couples don’t like being so close but it worked for you and Harry. Being away from Harry was a weird experience. It’s only been a week but you feel like it’s been a lifetime. You haven’t minded being on your own but you wanted to be with the person you felt most connected to.
So being you, you purchased a ticket to Chicago. You didn’t know how Harry was going to react but you could only assume it would be a positive reaction. You told Jeff that you were coming so he could get you a hotel key and backstage pass.
As you sat in the airport you felt your back pocket buzz- your music pausing for the call. Your hand slipped into the pocket roughly pulling out the small phone. Harry’s icon, him in a fluffy robe looking as grumpy as ever, met your eyes. You cursed because you were quite obviously in the airport and if he saw you, the surprise would be ruined.
You answered anyways but only for audio. You made sure that your airpods were snug in you ear and there was no chance of them falling out.
“My lover!” Harry greets you a in sing song voice. You could hear his humph as he recognizes that you didn’t answer with the FaceTime video on. “Turn your camera on.”
“Can’t, I’m not feeling good.” You fib nervously. Harry frowned, nervous that he may have done something to upset you.
“Oh, alright. What’s wrong then?” He asks. You chew your lip trying to think of an answer.
“Uh, period.” You stammer.
“Your period doesn’t start for another few day…saw it on the tracker.” Harry may have your period tracker on his phone but it was because he wanted to make sure he was able to comfort you the best way he could when he needed to.
“Must be the meds-“ The sound of your boarding attendant sounded over your head cutting you off. “Hey bubs, I’ve actually got to go but we can’t chat later.”
“Sure, that’s fine I guess. Love you.” He mumbles, confused by the phone call. You hang up leaving Harry a little lost in his thoughts.
Later, Harry sang through his rehearsal carelessly, his head clouded with thoughts. He even sang through TBSL and though he was in the worst of moods, fans waiting at the venue thought he never sounded better.
You on the other hand had just sat through the worst flight of your life. There was a woman in the flight who didn’t want to wear her mask causing commotion before the flight could even take off. You had the worst headache halfway through the flight and because of the lack on supplies, the flight couldn’t give you any ginger ale or accommodations.
You didn’t let any of it get to you though as you directed for the chauffeur Jeff sent for you to go to the venue for show.
Harry sat in the common room backstage with the band and Jeff eating dinner grumpily. His fork was stabbing every little piece of lettuce of his salad, everyone watched worried that he may break his bowl.
“HS3 is trending on Twitter today, pretty exciting.” Jeff says to Harry breaking the silence. Jeff just received a text from you saying that you arrived to the venue and were walking towards Harry’s dressing room.
“Mmm great.” Harry grumbles. Jeff rolled his eyes at the diva.
“Someone’s a little pissy this evening. How about you go fix that mood before you greet your fans with a bad attitude.” Jeff scolds him like a child who just got caught doing something they shouldn’t have. Jeff really didn’t care about Harry’s attitude, used to the moods at this point, but he needed a way for Harry to leave the room and see you in the dressing room.
“Fine, didn’t want to be around anyways.” Harry shrugs.
Back in Harry’s dressing room, you rolled your suitcase into a corner where Harry’s outfit for the night resided on a hanger. You smiled at the sparkly black top that you helped pick out. You walked around his dressing room from the hair and makeup table, past the bathroom/ dressing area, and back around to the couch’s and coffee table where you took a seat. You snagged one of his green juices needing the boost of energy from being on the flight.
You heard the door knob jiggle but stayed planted in you seat sipping on the juice. You never made a peep as Harry barged through the room, scowl covering his face. He stormed past the couch not batting an eye at you. He went to the mini fridge where his juices were before letting an exasperated sigh.
“Who fucking took my juice?” He whines. You quietly giggle in your hand at his tone.
“Im sorry, thought I could have it.” You chuckle. Harry leaps from where he stands letting out a yell. He turns to look at you with wide eyes, hand over his chest as if his heart was going to explode from his chest. You stood from the couch waiting for him to react more but he just stood there in shock. When the realization of you actually being there kicked in he let out another yell before bounding over to you.
Before you knew it, you had two strong arms wrapped tightly around you. Your wrapped around his neck, hands and fingers spread through his hair. His face tucked into your lower neck peppering desperate kisses all over just to feel something.
“What are you doing here?” You hear him cry. You pulled away from him to wipe his eyes of the tears that streamed down his face.
“I needed to see you.” Was all you could muster. He pulled you down on the couch, your body cushioning his larger frame. He laid in between your legs, your back flat in the body of the couch.
“Im so happy your here.” Harry couldn’t even put his excitement into words. He knew you were coming in a week but to have you here earlier than that made him feel things. He sat up from suffocating you into the couch, allowing for you to sit up beside him. “What about your therapy? I hope you’re not jeopardizing your mental health to be here with me cause I would much prefer if you put me on the back burner and took care of yourself.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “I’m ok. I still will see my therapist virtually, I’ve got all new meds that are working fine, and if all goes to shit I will go back home. It’s ok bubs.” You reassure him.
He grabs your face with both hands pulling your face to his. Your lips meet with need. His lips slotting with yours, moving slowly but with rigor as if he was scared you would slip from his fingers. Your bottom lips fit between his lips leaving for him to suck on it slightly. You moaned at the feeling making Harry pull you in tighter. You sat slightly upon his lap, chest against each other tightly. Your tongues pushed at one another, lips loving in tangent.
You pulled away when you felt his lower presence awaken. He whined at the loss of contact making you giggle.
“If we go any further you’re gonna be late for your show. I’ll give you more back at the hotel, yeah?” You say lowly trying to catch your breathe. He groaned resting his forehead on yours chasing your lips with chaste kisses making you smile.
“Fine, you owe my though. This is level three apology situation that can only be resolved with these things; sloppy blowies, butt stuff, or face masks if you catch my drift.” He chastised. You let out a deep belly laugh pushing yourself away from him. You two still sit facing each other, your legs slightly on top of his.
“You’re so nasty, but I may be able to arrange one of those.” You wink making Harry let out a triumphant laugh.
“Are you staying for the show? I understand if your not.” He questions fiddling with your fingers.
“Think it would be best if I didn’t. I’m really tired and I obviously need a nap if I’m going to be up for your post show antics.” You joke giving his nose a poke. He jokingly pretends to bite your finger in retaliation.
Harry went on stage that night happier than ever. He started plotting proposals from the second he walked you to the car with your suitcase and waved goodbye to you. You went to the hotel room and “accidentally” fell asleep wearing one of your most recent purchases curled up in your tour bus blanket.
Let’s just say that Harry not so accidentally woke you up after that concert ready to love all of his adrenaline off in you.
Part 2👀
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dumdumsun · 3 years
Lost and Found
A/N: Welcome back. I just wanted to say, that in case anyone is confused, Doc (the reader) is adopted. You don't have to worry about race bc you are not Mike's blood-related sister. I realized it could've been read wrong bc I don't outward say it until, like, the third chapter, I think. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. Enjoy!
Warnings: none that I'm aware of
Word Count: 2148
Chapter Two: The Search for Will Byers
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Jim Hopper and Officer Callahan watched in disinterest as the four children before them overlapped each other in their explanations for the whereabouts of their friend. After almost an entire minute, Hopper sighed out. “Okay, okay, okay. One at a time, alright? You.” He pointed at Mike, who nodded to indicate he was listening. “You said he takes what?”
The Chief turned to Callahan. “Have you ever heard of Mirkwood?”
“I have not,” The officer shook his head, looking up from his notepad. “That sounds made up to me.”
“No,” Lucas spoke up. “It’s from Lord of the Rings.”
“Well, The Hobbit.” Dustin corrected Lucas, who slowly turned to him in annoyance.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“He asked!”
“‘He asked’!”
Mike and Doc rolled their eyes as Jim sat forward. “Hey, hey, hey! What’d I just say? One at a damn time! You.” He indicated Mike again.
“Mirkwood, it’s a real road. It’s just the name that’s made up.”
“Yeah, it’s where Cornwallis and Kerley meet.” Doc added, Mike frowning at her.
“How do you know what Mirkwood is?”
“I just do. We can show you, if you want, Chief.”
Jim sighed and leaned back in his chair. “I know where it is.”
“We can help look.” Mike stated with a look of determination, the three beside him agreeing.
“No,” The Chief shook his head before the kids spoke over each other again, this time to prove they could help. “No. After school, you are all to go home. Immediately. That means no biking… or skating around looking for your friend. No investigating. No nonsense. This isn’t some Lord of the Rings book.”
“The Hobbit.” Dustin corrected again, earning a blink from Hopper. This caused Lucas to lean over the Wheeler siblings and hit Dustin, scolding him for being so snippy with the Chief of Police.
Doc exhaled through her nose as the two boys reached over her and her brother to fight. Their roughhousing ended up shoving her and Mike into each other harshly, so she grabbed Lucas by the wrist to halt his actions, Mike staring forward with an exasperated expression. “Do I make myself clear?” Hopper quietly asked.
With no answer, the Chief slowly stood to his feet and took two steps forward, towering over the children who now stared up at him with big eyes.
“Do I make myself… clear?”
“Yes, sir.” They whispered.
Once the four were dismissed, they were in the hallway, Lucas and Doc straying behind Dustin and Mike. With a bit of hesitation, she skated to his side. “Lucas, don’t you think we should do something?”
“You heard what the Chief said, Doc. Besides, it’s better for you to stay home, anyway.”
“Why, because I’m not in the Party?”
“What? No. I-I just meant it’d be safer for you.”
“Because I’m a girl?” She raised her brow, Lucas widening his eyes.
“No, no! I just… I meant, um…” It was then that he decided to give up and ran to catch up with his friends, leaving her behind the three, as usual.
“We should be out there right now. We should be helping look for him.” Mike hadn’t yet touched his food as he spoke to his parents during dinner. Karen sighed and turned to Holly to assist her eating.
“We’ve been over this, Mike. The Chief says-”
“I don’t care what the Chief said.”
Karen snapped her head up to him. “Michael!”
“Mom,” Doc cut in. “We’re supposed to just sit here and do nothing while Will is out there? I mean, we don’t know what he’s going through, he could be in danger.”
“More reason to stay put, sweetie. End of discussion.”
The dinner table fell silent, save for Ted’s utensils scraping against his plate as he ate without a care in the world. Karen stared at her husband, awaiting his say in the matter, but got none when Nancy spoke up, “So… me and Barbara are gonna study at her house tonight. That’s cool, right?”
Karen shook her head. “No. Not cool.”
“What? Why not?”
“Why do you think? Am I speaking Chinese in this house?” She looked around at the family with raised brows. “Until we know Will is okay, no one leaves.”
“This is such bullshit!”
“Language.” Ted decided to say his first word since dinner.
“So we’re under house arrest? Just because Mike’s friend got lost on the way home from-”
Doc felt rising anger as her lungs constricted. “Don’t blame Will for this just because you wanna lie to Mom!”
“(Y/N), deep breaths. Nancy, take that back.” Karen tried to calm her children.
Standing up from her chair, Doc walked around her siblings to leave the kitchen. “I’m sorry, I can’t listen to Nancy be an asshole tonight.”
“Language!” Her father called out to her as she rushed up the stairs. After distancing herself within her bedroom, she approached her bulletin board on her wall. Nancy had helped her make it last year and she added a photo to it each time she got one. Her eyes fell upon a photo of her and Will, standing in front of the movie theater after watching Poltergeist. She was ruffling his hair, their smiles frozen in time.
“Were you scared at all, Will?”
“No! Of course not!”
“Oh… Well, I was.”
“Really…? Uh- Well, I guess there were some parts that made me jump…”
Smiling softly at the memory, she shook her head. “You better be okay, Will.”
Unable to sit beside herself for longer than ten minutes, Doc made her way to the basement, careful of her footing so as to not alert her brother, who was sitting at his D&D table. Stalking closer, she noticed he was talking to one of his friends on his walkie. It was most likely Lucas, since he was in closer range than Dustin. Silently standing a few paces behind him, she carefully listened to their conversation.
“I was thinking… Will could’ve cast Protection last night, but he didn’t. He cast Fireball. Over.”
“What’s your point? Over.” Lucas’s voice was heard over the slight static of the walkie.
“My point is… he could’ve played it safe, but he didn’t. He put himself in danger to help the Party. Over.”
Doc could’ve sworn her heart stopped beating for a second. There was a moment of silence before Lucas responded.
“Meet me in ten. Over and out.”
Mike pushed down the antenna of his walkie and stood up from his seat. Doc watched as he gathered his flashlight and jacket, stuffing the former into his backpack, all while unaware of her presence behind him. Wringing her hands together, Doc contemplated asking if she could join. With how frantic he was, she figured he wouldn’t have time to argue and would allow her to come in the end. When Mike spun around, he frighteningly squealed, making her jump as well. “What are you doing?!”
“I’m coming with you.”
“No, you’re not,” He slung his backpack over his shoulder and brushed past her. “Stay home.” Hurrying up the stairs, Mike snuck almost silently through his garage, grabbing his bike on the way out. He had rounded to the front of his house when he heard noises coming from the side. Turning his head, he saw Steve Harrington trying to climb up to Nancy’s window. When Steve noticed him, the two made awkward contact before Mike rolled his eyes and pedaled away.
The Wheeler boy made his stops at the Sinclair and then Henderson residences before they were off, riding their bikes toward Mirkwood. As they biked, Dustin nervously glanced from Mike to the road before him. There was an elephant in the room, or rather in the woods, that needed to be addressed, but he knew it would set his friend off if he brought it up. Nonetheless, he still asked, “Uh… Mike? Where’s Doc? I thought she’d wanna be apart of this, too.”
“She’s home.”
“You wouldn’t even let her help look for Will?”
“It’s not safe! Why would I let her come if whatever got Will could get her, too?”
Lucas rolled his eyes. “Doc isn’t a baby, though. She’s not even your little sister, you guys are the same age!”
“That doesn’t matter! She’s gone missing once and she was traumatized enough from that. I’m keeping her safe.”
Dustin and Lucas glanced at each other with concerned looks as Mike pedaled harder. The remainder of their route fell silent until they reached their destination. “Ah, man. This is it.” Lucas sighed before the three of them hopped off their bikes and walked over to the road barricade blocking off where Will’s bike had been found hours ago by the police.
Thunder rumbled above before the sky began to leak. Dustin felt a drop pelt his skin and stared up. “Hey, guys. You feel that? I think maybe we should go back.”
“You’re gonna let a little rain stop you, Dust?” The voice of Doc made the three boys whirl around. Said girl was pedaling on her bike towards them (a rare sight), a triumphant smile on her face directed towards Mike.
“Uh, what the hell are you doing here? I told you to stay home.”
“I know what you told me,” She came to a stop in front of him, hopping off her bike and putting out the kickstand. “You told me to get out of the basement, you told me your hangout was ‘boys only’, you told me to leave your friends alone. But you are not gonna tell me I can’t help look for Will. He’s my friend, too. So let’s go before Mom realizes we’re gone, yeah?”
Doc smiled at her friends before walking past her brother and ducking under the barricade. When she didn’t hear anyone following, she turned to see them staring at her in shock. Rolling her eyes, she flicked up her hood and clicked on her flashlight before shining it on them. “Hello? Am I left out of not finding Will now?”
“Shut up.” Mike hissed before he and the boys ducked under the barricade and followed her. Once he was at his sister’s side, he gently grabbed her by the elbow. “Stay close. Stay on channel six. Don’t do anything stupid.” He told his friends as he tugged Doc closer to him.
The further the quartet ventured into the woods, the bigger the raindrops fell and the harder the thunder rumbled. Despite this, they still screamed at the top of their lungs for the missing Byers boy. Doc would shine her flashlight in a certain direction and attempt to investigate, but Mike would tug her back to him by her elbow. It had been the third time she’d done it and Mike had just about enough of his sister’s behavior.
“I said stay close.”
“I am staying close.”
“No, you keep walking away.”
“I’m giving us some space,” Rolling her eyes, Doc turned her head away from Mike. “Will! You out there?!”
“Will! Will!”
“I’ve got your X-Men 134!” Dustin called out before heavily sighing. “Guys, I really think we should turn back.”
Lucas shook his head as he continued forward. “Seriously, Dustin? You wanna be a baby, then go home already!”
“I’m just being realistic, Lucas!”
“No, you’re just being a big sissy!”
Doc’s ears perked at a distant noise she heard over the pelting rain. Her footsteps grew slower as a throbbing ache settled its way into the back of her head, Mike’s hold eventually leaving her arm. Quietly hissing, she reached up and cradled her head, hoping to take some aspirin when she returned home.
Mike seemed to have gotten distracted as well, for he wasn’t listening as Dustin continued, “Did you guys ever think Will went missing because he ran into something bad? And we’re going to the exact same spot where he was last seen? And we have no weapons or anything?”
“Dustin, shut up.” Mike whispered.
“I’m just saying, does that seem smart to you?”
“Shut up. Shut up.” He quieted his friend at the sound of rustling. Doc joined Mike’s side again as he looked up at her. “Did you guys hear that?”
The rustling grew louder, pressure building up in the side of Doc’s head the closer whatever creature in the woods got to them. Just beside Lucas, a few branches snapped, the four shining their lights on whatever had prowled into the night.
What they didn’t expect to see was a kid, no doubt their age, with a buzzcut and in nothing but a large yellow shirt. She was drenched by the still-falling rain and her chest heaved, presumably from the running she had been doing. She stared forward at the group, eyes running over each of them. When her eyes landed on Doc, her fingers twitched.
Unbeknownst to her, Doc’s fingers had twitched as well.
Taglist: @yurtletheturtlehenderson @crybabyalex @sapphicsyn @shydestinymoonalexa @nailbatbitch @that-one-multifandom-chick @ariyabella
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 3 years
You don’t want to miss dessert - Rio (Good Girls)
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Ok so let’s be honest, last night’s episode was just pure teasing, the hands, the smirks, the bedroom scene. God have mercy I’m about to bust 😂 The thought of Rio making you cum into his hands in his own family home while everyone is waiting outside is just 👅 Enjoy this one 😏
Warning : Smut
Word Count : 1.6k (Not proofread)
Being in business with Rio was definitely a challenge for you. You’ve had your arguments over the past 2 years, them not always ending well. You had wanted out after 8 months, but he wouldn’t let you do that. He had threatened you for you to come back to work with him. The problem with your relationship, was that both of you always wanted to be right and have the upper hand. He loved that you were daring and confident, but he often needed to remind you who was boss.
You could say your relationship was complicated. It was only business related, even though the both of you had slept together a couple of times before, not making it a recuring thing. Three times, you had slept together three times since you had met him, each time better than the other. You would be lying if you said you weren’t drawn and attracted to Rio. Hell, even his name made you feel puddy. He wasn’t like anyone you’d ever hooked up with before. Maybe it was the fact that you never really met someone like him, which is normal cause Rio is unique.
People wouldn’t necessary imagine the both of you working and being together, but that’s why it made perfect sense. Neither your entourage nor the FBI would suspect you to be in business with a guy like him. By the look of it, you seem to live in two different worlds, but you were very much alike. You needed to be in control, just like him and you had a certain way to plan and do things, which matched his way to do business.
He thrusted you, and he had spoken to you about meeting important people, which you were nervous for. You didn’t want to imagine someone more dangerous and intimidating than him, but you tried to prepare yourself for the worse. You were supposed to meet later that day and he had texted you the address. Parts of you was always being skeptical about his next move, fearing something bad could happen to you, not that you had anything to hide.
Being on your way to meet him, you felt the palms your hands getting sweaty, wiping them off on the black dress you chose to wear. Just like Rio, dark colors were your go to, often wearing dresses and skirts to show your legs. You got out of the car, walking slowly towards the red door, knocking on it lightly.
“Hey mama” a deep throaty voice startled you, making you turn around to see your boss boarding a slight smirk on his face, eyeing you up and down.
You felt your cheeks getting warmer as he motioned for you to follow him through the backyard. You got nervous for a minute but once you passed the wooden door, you saw kids running around and the smell of grilled food making your mouth water calmed you down. He walked towards the table, putting his arms around an older lady’s shoulder, bringing her closer to him.
“This is my boss” he said, looking at her, then diverting his eyes towards yours quickly
“I’m just his grandmother” she said, chuckling lightly before looking back at you. “You must be (Y/N)”
“I am” you answered, nodding softly
“Well, both of you come take your seat, you arrived just in time for dinner” she said motioning her hands towards the table, where a few plates were already laid down. Rio pulled your chair as you sat down, mumbling a quick thank you, string at him as he took the seat next to you. You were getting slightly less nervous as all of you ate your delicious food while talking and laughing.
“So how do you know my uncle?” a 10-year-old kid asked you, taking a bite of his chicken.
“She’s just a work friend, bud” Rio answered for you
“What’s she do?” the kid asked again, looking at his uncle
“Um, she helps me out” he said looking at you “That right?” Rio smirked at you as you nodded
“That all?” the guy in front of him asked, stepping into the conversation, looking devilishly at the both of you. “Heard a lot about you (Y/N)” he continued as you felt Rio getting tense beside you.
“Um yeah, that’s all” you said slightly blushing, feeling Rio’s hand on your back, rubbing it slowly. He changed the subject, knowing his cousin was making you uncomfortable. You continued eating quietly as they all laughed and talked together. You could feel his hands on your back still, pushing back your chair before excusing yourself.
“I’m sorry, is there a bathroom I could use please?” You smiled slightly at Rio’s grandma, as she gave you direction. You made your way inside, finding the bathroom easily. You did what you had to do, and washed your hands looking at yourself in the mirror, reapplying your lip gloss. You could hear the sound of their laughter from where you were, making you sight lightly.
You got out, making your way through the hallway, passing a bedroom, which seemed to be his grandmother’s. You stopped by the door, seeing some picture frames placed neatly on a bookshelf, making you walked closer into the room to look closely at them. You picked a picture of a young Rio graduating into your hands and it made you wonder what he studied. You didn’t picture him as a big school person, so you were surprised to say the least. You jumped slightly as Rio’s husky voice, interrupted you.
“What are you doing?” he said, leaning against the door frame, looking at you, deeply.
“I don’t know, I just got curious” you shrugged your shoulders, watching his every moves. He moved closer to you, making you hold your breath, nervous and aroused. He made you weak in the knees and you could hardly speak without getting flustered. Even thought you were a confident woman, his body close to yours always had that effect on you, and he knew it. You turned towards the bookcase again, feeling his firm chest pressing against your back, as he picked up a smaller picture frame, the both of you looking at it.
“You find anything interesting?” he asked, his mouth next to your ear, sending down shivers down your spine. He put the frame back, his arms brushing yours lightly, making you turn around to face him. His eyes burned into yours, waiting for your answer. You licked your lips, looking at your fumbling hands before meeting his dark eyes again
“I don’t know” you said, feeling bold you dropped both of your hands on his chest, sliding them down until they could rest on the waistband of his pants “You tell me” you stated, before unbuckling his belt.
He stopped you, grabbing your wrist softly, making you look at him a blush creeping onto your cheeks. He shook his head slightly, putting your hand down and dragging his towards your thigh. His finger danced on your soft skin, goosebumps rising onto your body. He lifted your leg slowly, resting it on his waist. His face now in the crook of your neck, his hot breath fanning over throat, making you close your eyes, appreciating the moment. You felt his long fingers trail up to the side of your emerald, green lace panties, before making his way to your dripping core, spreading your juices, letting out a throaty groan.
The sound of him only making you wetter, his finger making its way into your warm tight flesh. A quiet moan erupted from your mouth as you grabbed his shoulder firmly, bringing him even closer to you. The room was silent, except for the sounds of his digits pumping in and out of you quickly. Your breathing was getting heavier, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip, trying to keep your moans to yourself. His thumb found his way to your clit, massaging it slowly, putting just enough pressure to make your body quiver.
He inserted another finger inside of your leaking fold, fastening his pace, making you clench around him. One of your hand traveled to his neck, digging your fingers into the back of it, as he let out a deep groan next to your ear.
“R-Rio” you mumbled quietly, clenching your eyes shut, feeling your climax approaching by the second.
“I know mama” he whispered “let it go” right when the words left his lips, you felt yourself relax into his embrace, as your orgasm took over you. He helped you ride it out, pumping his fingers slowly, before removing them from your inside. You faltered your dress as he moved towards the door.
“Hurry up, you don’t want to miss dessert” he said smirking before leaving you all flustered into his grandma’s bedroom. You waited a few minutes, before following behind him, joining the others around the table outside.
“Ahhh here she is. We wondered where you’ve been” Rio’s cousin exclaimed as you sat down. “Pie?” he handed you a plate, not waiting for your reply. You took it, placing it in front of you listening to the older lady speak. As you all finished your dessert, you saw Rio from the corner of your eyes, dig his finger into the whipped cream remaining on his plate, and popping them into his mouth sucking slowly on them. You could feel his eyes on you, and you could only imagine him smirking as his tongue lapped at his finger, the same fingers that were minutes ago buried into your tight pussy. Just the thought of him tasting the remaining of your hot fluid made you clench your thighs together, Rio not missing the sight of you getting flustered again.
“Mhh … I think this must be the best dessert I’ve ever tasted”
Thanks for reading
Hope you liked it, let me know what you think
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mysunnylemonade · 3 years
insecurities | lee jeno
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↳ pairing: lee jeno (nct) x fem!reader
↳ genre: slight angst, mostly fluff & suggestive but only if u squint rlly hard
↳ word count: 1482
↳ warning: reader being insecure about her looks i guess?? (love urself ppl yall beautiful <3)
song recommendation: met a girl by tarune
Hate was a strong word, but you felt it was appropriate to say that you absolutely hated nights like the one you were having on this particular day. Standing half-naked in front of the full-body mirror situated in the corner of your shared bedroom, your eyes swept over your body once more. You despised the way your gaze lingered on the stretch marks that tainted your skin.
Wallowing in self-pity and stressing over your physical flaws wasn't exactly a standard routine for you, especially when Jeno was around. But your boyfriend wouldn't be back until late at night, having texted you he had something to do that would require him to stay at the studio longer than usual.
You turned to the side, pressing your palm over your stomach, rubbing up and down as if it would magically flatten your abdomen. Nothing happened, of course, leaving you feeling sick and fed up with the thoughts you were having.
You wiped the tears accumulating in your eyes, not allowing it to trickle down your cheeks. You could see your boyfriend's face in your mind and briefly wondered whether you were truly good enough for him. You didn't blame your insecurities on him, never. Your boyfriend was nothing but loving, and he showered you with gifts just as much as he showered you with loving words, but there were times when it was remarkably hard to believe his kind words.
You wished you could miraculously switch off your mind and climb out of this self-loathing pit you had willingly put yourself into. It was your fault, you would admit that. If you hadn't decided to strip into your underwear and scrutinise yourself in the mirror then maybe you would've been in the dining room enjoying the dinner you had made by now.
As you were stepping closer to the mirror to get a better lock at your face, you heard the turning of a key in a lock before the front door was pushed open. The realisation that Jeno had come home much earlier than you expected kept you paralysed on the spot. It wasn't until you heard the front door shutting that you were finally able to move, hastily wiping the tears from your reddened eyes and shrugging on the robe you had carelessly tossed onto the bed.
You heard him call for your name but you didn't respond, scurrying into the bathroom to wash your face in hopes of being able to get rid of any evidence that you had been crying. Jeno couldn't know. You weren't going to drag him into your mess.
You cursed to yourself as you studied your reflection in the bathroom mirror. Your cheeks and nose were flushed, and your eyes were unmistakably bloodshot. There was no way Jeno wouldn't notice.
"Baby, you in here?" Jeno called out from the entrance of the bedroom. You heard shuffling as he took off his jacket. When he spoke again, his voice was dangerously close to the bathroom, and you immediately faked a smile. "Hey, why haven't you eaten dinner yet? Were you waiting for me?"
Turning your head, you were met with your boyfriend's figure standing in the bathroom doorway. It tugged your heart to see him look so beautiful, even after a whole day of working. You just couldn't understand why he had chosen you. Why hadn't he picked someone with less baggage and imperfections?
You watched as his small smile transformed into a frown. Without any hesitation, he stepped forward to grab your hand. "Hey, have you been crying? What's wrong?"
You forced a quiet chuckle. "I was watching this new romance movie that just released." You watched his face closely, swallowing when you saw that his worried expression hadn't dissipated at all. "Have you eaten dinner yet? Go shower and come eat dinner with me."
You squeezed his hand assuringly once more before walking past him to give him some privacy in the bathroom. "Were you really just watching a movie? You look like you've been crying for hours."
You plopped onto the bed with a huff and looked up to see Jeno had walked out of the bathroom and was slowly approaching your sitting form. "Babe, we've been dating long enough for you to know I'm sensitive when it comes to tragic endings."
He stood in front of you, cupping your cheeks in his hand to tilt your head up. "Yeah, and I also know my girlfriend enough to know whenever she's lying."
You managed to smile and shake your head as he pressed his thumbs to caress the irritated skin underneath your puffy eyes. "Jeno, I'm okay."
Leaning down, he pressed his forehead against yours, causing your noses to brush. The both of you stayed like that for a few more seconds, and you welcomed the distraction. You wanted to forget the cause of your previous breakdown and Jeno's presence was helping tremendously.
Feeling the gentle brush of his lips against yours, you gasped, hands flying to grasp his arms. "Jeno," you breathed, pulling away slightly to look into his eyes. They were dark, wild, so lovely.
"Tell me," he muttered softly.
Unable to look into his eyes as you confessed, you looked down at your lap. "I'm sorry," you began. "It's just so stupid. You're the best boyfriend there is, you treat me so well, and you're just so beautiful, Jeno, and I don't know how to... compete with that."
Once again, he forced your head up so he could look into his eyes. "Baby, we're not competing for anything. What are you trying to say?"
"I just can't understand why you're still with me. I'm so flawed, and you can settle for someone who's so much more good looking, someone who can give you so much more than I can."
Jeno's face remained expressionless as he gazed down at you, but you could tell the gears in his head were all turning. His silence worried you so you shifted in your seat awkwardly.
He seemed to notice your slight movement and finally snapped out of his train of thoughts. "Wait, you're not messing with me, right?"
Groaning, you tried to stand up, but he held your waist before you could walk away. "Okay, I know it's stupid. Can we just forget about it? Please?"
His eyes widened and he pulled you closer to him until there was no space left in between the two of you. "No, no, this is far from stupid. If you feel this way, it means I haven't done a good job at being your boyfriend. I'm supposed to be making you feel loved, but—"
"No! You've been a perfect boyfriend, you're perfect. It's not your fault, seriously, it's mine."
"If this is about the way you look, then I'll have to disagree and say that it's not your fault. Everything you consider imperfections or flaws, they're a part of you, and I fell in love with that a long time ago, and I'm not falling out of love anytime soon."
"I'm sorry for being so insecure. I just... I feel like you deserve better."
His lips broke out into a soft yet wistful smile. "You're not in any position to tell me what I deserve and don't baby," he mumbled lightheartedly. "Being with you was a choice that I made, loving you is something that I choose to do until now. All these choices that I made are all choices that I made deliberately, not because I'm forced to."
Unable to say anything else, your tears began to blur your visions once again, but this time it was because you were thankful. You felt so blessed that out of all of the people in the world, you ended up with Lee Jeno—a boy whose smile shone as bright as the sun and whose heart was beautiful and kind. "I love you so much," you managed to splutter out.
Sensing the oncoming tears, Jeno bent his knees a little so that he was eye-level with you. "Hey, don't cry, I love you too," he spoke, his smile now reaching his eyes, turning them into the little crescent moon that you adored so much. "You make me happy, and that's more than enough for me. Is that enough for you?"
You nodded. "All I ever want is for you to be happy, Jeno."
He visibly relaxed at this, and gone was the solemn atmosphere that once lingered in the air. "That's settled then. You're not getting rid of me that easily because you want me happy and I'm the happiest when I'm with you. So, will you lie down on the bed for me now?"
Tilting your head, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "Why?"
"I still need to show you how beautiful you are to me and I don't think words are gonna cut it."
"Lee Jeno!"
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