#i think i might make a fic out of this and then maybe share w the class idk
iwaasfairy · 1 day
I need to start posting the deranged things I think about on a daily basis instead of pretending like I’m well adjusted bc I ! Feel like im losing out on so much good shit to share w you guys because I don’t wanna be too manic but I’m going back to my roots no beta readers no full fics just absolute channeled horny
tw incest, coercion, grooming ish
Satoru nii who calls you into his room to help out while he’s already snuggled under his blankets, flush working up his neck. asks you to go here and there and please just hand him that water bottle and his phone he’s just so comfy rn and you’re so sweet you will, right? you’re a good little sister right? thank you for helping him!! but wait don’t run out yet
yea he’s holding onto your wrist and his palm is all sweaty and he looks too hot under the duvet but just slow down, he’s been thinking. you bend weird at the waist when you’re picking things up you know? can you show him how you do it? doesn’t matter that you’re just wearing an oversized shirt to bed, he’s not looking at you like a guy looks at a girl silly. just do it again for him. and while you’re at it, show him your tummy and the inside of your thighs
he’s not being weird, just making an observation. you look so womanly now, don’t you? you’re no longer the little tike storming into his room at the most inopportune times. yea, he’s flushed, he’s a little sweaty- don’t worry about it. you can sit on his bed, sit right here next to him. why don’t you lean in to let him see something. oh, yeah, your lips have become fuller too, they’re soft and plush and if he squeezes between his long fingers, doesn’t that feel sort of nice. weird, but nice right?
he’s got all kind of things he can show you. you’ve really been pretty sheltered sure, but he might be able to teach you a few things. it’s just satoru nii, you trust your big brother don’t you? you two love each other and you’re close. how about you stay right there as he sits up and let him hook his chin over your shoulder, like that— and now let him check something. it’ll feel a little strange but he’s just checking. because his hands just seem to fit soooo much better on your chest, look at that. you’re sooo cute arent you, so cute with your tits in his hands as he squeezes them. you ever notice how soft your body has become? yea, you’re way softer than big brother is, look. wanna feel? feel his strong shoulders and his arms and thighs. you’re so sooo much softer than him, he doesn’t wanna stop touching you.
he just wants to see without the shirt real quick, just for a second. it’s only weird if you make it weird you know, he’s your brother. let him see real quick, please? just a second. just slip - your shirt over your head and let him look at you just like that. you’re so cute and pretty. yea you are pretty, you really are. maybe he just loves you more now you’re not such a brat, but doesn’t it feel good like this? hm? doesn’t that feel good?
and do you wanna see something funny too? yea, come here, give him your hand. it’s really funny look, you made your big brother hard as a rock. don’t be so shy, it’s just because of all the touching! you’re siblings, don’t have such a spaced look on your face — you can touch him. doesn’t it feel nice to be so close like this?
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surftrips · 5 months
pairing: luke castellan x aphrodite!reader
request: luke x reader fluff w like an aphrodite!reader? reader is all sunshine and flowers and makes luke all soft/campers teasing luke abt the way reader changed him 🤭
word count: 1.6k
a/n: this is probably my favorite luke fic that i've written so far thank u so much anon for sending this request in! writing aphrodite!reader is so much fun, i'm such a sucker for the opposites trope. hope you all enjoy 🤍
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You were the human embodiment of sunshine, a real life angel. Gentle, kind, and lovely— in other words, the complete and total opposite of Luke Castellan. He was dark and broody, strong and rough, and not totally unfriendly, but definitely intimidating. 
But even if you weren’t the daughter of Aphrodite, Luke believed that you would still be just as beautiful. There was something in the way you carried yourself that had made his heart surrender the second he laid eyes on you. You became the one and only exception in his long list of grievances. 
So it came as no surprise to anyone at camp when the two of you started dating, just to the dismay of many of your admirers and a few of Luke’s as well. If there was one thing you had in common, it was your beauty. With his puppy dog eyes and curly brown hair, Luke was a sight for sore eyes, almost as much as you were. 
One day, you were walking hand in hand when one of the younger campers accidentally bumped into Luke. On any other occasion, Luke might have started an altercation, but today, he simply smiled and said, “Just be careful next time.” The camper stared at him, wide-eyed and shocked into place as you softly giggled.
“What?” he smiled, looking over at you as the kid took it as an opportunity to run away. 
“Nothing,” you mused. “Just that I think you’re getting soft, Luke Castellan.” You poked a finger at his chest playfully. 
“What?” he shook his head. “No, I’m not.” 
Though he attempts to keep a serious face, you could see the amusement in his eyes. He often looked at you like this, ready to go along with anything you said— no matter how silly or whimsical your remarks. 
“Okay, lover boy. Whatever you say,” you shrugged, offering him a kiss on his cheek that instantly causes color to rush into his face. Ignoring that he’s just proven your point, he attempts to hide his expression by seeking solace in the crook of your neck. He would never admit it to anyone, but he often thought his favorite place at camp was the spot in between your jaw and collarbone. 
Even though most of the campers were still a little frightened by the idea of approaching Luke, his closest friends were not afraid to speak their minds. 
“Dude, you’re like, totally whipped for her,” Percy remarked over lunch once. 
“And you’re like, totally fourteen years old,” Luke said.
“I think the fourteen year old’s right,” Chris jumped in.
“Dude! I thought you were supposed to have my back,” Luke throws up his arms in mock aggravation.
The two boys snickered, causing Luke to speak up again. “I am not whipped for Y/N.” 
“Oh, sure,” Chris began. “So the reason you’re practically skipping around camp and letting whatever team Aphrodite cabin is in win Capture the Flag is because…?” 
“Oh, and don’t forget the constant checking his phone to see if she texted back and sharing his blanket with her at the campfire!” Percy pointed out. “Meanwhile, I’m over here freezing…” 
“Maybe,” Luke scrambled to come up with an answer. “Maybe, I was just in a really good mood those days. It could have absolutely nothing to do with Y/N.” 
He barely believed the words himself, and Chris and Percy were certainly not convinced. Luke wasn’t even sure why he felt the need to defend himself. 
“Dude, it’s okay if you are, she’s literally your girlfriend,” Chris said.
“Hey! I have an idea, let’s ask Annabeth!” Percy declared.
“Annabeth? Why her?” Luke furrowed his brow. 
“Because, she’s a girl. And she’s known you the longest, she can give us a real answer,” Percy said matter-of-factly. 
Luke thought it over. The young boy was technically right, Annabeth was like a little sister to him. If anyone could tell if he had changed since dating you, it would be her. This came as both a good and bad realization to him, because what if he had changed? Gods, was it that obvious? 
Before he could agree to asking Annabeth, the young girl was already at their table. Percy must have called her over while Luke was thinking. 
“What’s up?” she asked, sitting down across from him with her plate of food. 
“Oh, nothing, just talking about how soft Luke has gotten since he started dating Y/N,” Chris explained with a grin on his face. 
“Oh?” Annabeth said, seemingly amused. 
“Yeah, we actually wanted to get your opinion,” Percy continued. “Would you say you agree or disagree, that you know, Luke is nicer now that he’s with Y/N?”
Annabeth seemed to think it over for a second. “Gods, you guys are such children,” she scoffed. 
“Thank you!” Luke cut in.
“I mean, all of you,” she looked at Luke pointedly. “Why do you care what a bunch of kids think about you anyway? And not that it matters, but you, Castellan, are most definitely whipped for Y/N.” 
That shut Luke up immediately, and caused cheers to erupt from Chris and Percy, who were clapping each other on their backs as if they had just won Capture the Flag. 
Annabeth smiled and shrugged her shoulders, as if to say “Sorry, Luke. It’s true.” 
Later that night, Luke snuck over to the Aphrodite Cabin to find you. You were surprised when Luke woke you up, it had been a while since he came seeking your comfort in the middle of the night. He used to have bad nightmares, but you noticed he had gotten better since you started dating. You’d like to think it was because of you, but perhaps that would be thinking too highly of yourself.  
In an effort to clear his mind, you suggested to go on a walk together. He agreed, and you climbed out of bed as quietly as you could.
You allowed him a few minutes of silence until his heavy breathing had slowed down and his grip on your hand had loosened. 
“What’s on your mind, hon?” you asked softly. 
Luke didn’t respond at first, distracting himself by tracing the lines on the palm of your hand. You were happy to give him as much time as he needed, placing your other hand on his back and gently drawing circles.
After a while, he did speak up. “Uhm, do you think that I’m, like, unapproachable?” 
Your heart sank and you stopped in your tracks. “What makes you say that?” 
“I don’t know, it’s just something that’s been on my mind recently.” 
“Luke, is this about what I said to you the other day? Because I didn’t mean it like that—” 
“No, baby,” he rushed. The last thing he wanted was for you to think you had done something wrong. He wasn’t sure that you could ever do wrong, not in his eyes. “I was just talking to Percy and Chris at lunch today and they were kind of teasing me.” 
You couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of your boyfriend, Mr. Tough Guy, being teased by a few kids younger than him. “I’m sorry, babe. Continue,” you placed a supportive hand on his chest as you regained your composure. 
“They said that I’ve changed since we started dating.” 
Though you were an expert in human emotion, there were still times you couldn’t read the expression on Luke’s face. You couldn’t tell if he thought of this as a bad thing, or if he was just curious to see what you thought. You decided on the latter. “Changed how so?” 
“They think I’m soft now because I’m always in a good mood and stuff…” he trailed off. Even now, in the dark of the night, you could tell he was blushing.
“Well,” you started, trying to find the right words. “You know, I was just teasing you the other day, babe. I think you’ve always been this way.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean, I think you’ve always been a giant teddy bear,” you grinned, unable to contain yourself. “Luke, you’re not as bad as everyone thinks you are.” 
By now, both of you had stopped walking. Ever since Luke arrived at camp, he had been characterized as the tough, stony, and slightly antagonistic guy. All because of a scar he carried and the stories of what he had gone through with Annabeth and Thalia. Many people were still intimidated by him, despite his position as the counselor in Hermes and his job to welcome newcomers. It had been so long, he wasn’t sure if this was the way he was, or the way that he was made to be. 
As if reading his thoughts, you said, “You don’t have to be what they tell you to be. Do you know the words I use to describe you when someone asks me about you?” 
Unable to speak, Luke simply shook his head. 
“Gentle, kind, and lovely.” 
Luke wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but certainly nothing close to the words you had chosen. “You do not,” he objected. 
“I'm serious, baby,” you placed your hands on his cheeks and pulled him in until your foreheads were touching. “I think you’re the most wonderful and caring guy I’ve ever met. I think you always have been, you just don’t always show it.”
He stared at you intently before pulling a loose strand of hair out of your face. You kissed the top of his head, “I must be one lucky girl.” 
“Hey, if there’s one thing I’m sure about, it’s that I’m the lucky one,” he said, before pulling you in for a kiss. 
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somepsychopomp · 8 months
Not an ask but I absolutely adore your Vampire au! After the whole ep with The Star, I was just constantly imagining of a scenario where Simon is alive and well, and joins the VK's court alongside Marcy.
I was waiting for someone to make a fic about that or just an au in general (I'm not the best at writing but I do consume a lot of fics lol), and then I stumbled on your blog and I found exactly what i've been looking for!!!
I just rlly like all the little tidbits you shared already, so I made some fanart for it, if you don't mind. It's mostly just V!Simon though :>
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I love all the outfits you made for him, I feel like they'd go really well with the ones we see Star!Marcy wearing! My favorite has to be the red one, its so regal and beautiful especially with those gloves and those ruffled cravat/sleeves/coat!
(That middle look in the second pic looks more like a survival outfit, me thinks Simon might don it during an escape attempt from the hive or maybe in the rare times he's out doing work for the king)
I also love the big fluffy braid but his BUN tho 🙏🏻. I've seen pics of Simon in the AT comics with his hair up but him w/ that & the white hair is just something else, its sooo good
I also really like his half moon glasses, a small shake up from his ordinary round ones. Its such a small difference but I really like the way they look on him!
Thank u so much for sharing your art!!
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m-ayo-o · 4 months
megumi and yuji sharing a cute bunny girl and yuji is so soft and sweet with her and gumi pounds her into the mattress 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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* ✦ ˚ . s t r a w b e r r i e s & c r e a m   ★⋆. ࿐࿔
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REQUESTS ARE STILL CLOSED : written in the past! 🍒 yuji + megumi 21+ x hybrid bunny girl reader 🐇 wc: 2.6k aged up characters !!! nsfw -> panty ripping, messy pussy eating, squirting mention, explicit food play, threesome, pussy sharing (i went on a side quest with this one) hybrid fics 💕 valentine's
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Another month has passed, with your heat cycle running its course, going up and down with your hormones.
Your owner knows every detail of your behaviour during the cycle. He knows when you need comforting and snuggling, he knows when you need a bit of space, and he knows when you're so pent up you never want to let him go.
And now his sweet best friend, who you've come to like very much, knows a lot about you too. He spends so much time visiting you and your owner, you've become close. You trust him- not as much as your owner, but enough that you feel very comfortable around the pink haired man.
Perhaps a little too comfortable, Megumi is beginning to think.
However, he continues to allow his visits because when Yuji arrives it looks like your birthday and Christmas have come at once. With that pretty, shy smile of yours, the excited shine behind your eyes; Megumi can't deny that.
And you're so glad, because now it almost feels like you have two owners. You know that's not true. It never will be. But two gorgeous men looking after you is a real treat. They're very different, but you can tell they both care about you so much.
After another cute day out with them, going to the movies followed by a bit of shopping (with some grunting and sighing from Megumi) you're finally back in your warm apartment, nestled on the sofa with Yuji.
Or rather, Yuji's sitting on the sofa. You're sitting on him.
He dragged you onto his lap after you got changed into something 'more comfortable' when you got home. It's just so warm and cosy, it's like your nest where you feel most content, so of course you put on a cute little night dress. You didn't take into consideration the two of their feelings when you selected this certain piece of clothing, only that it would help keep you a bit cooler.
But it's not exactly helping now your body is under Yuji's burning hot touches. He's always so warm it feels like he has fire under his caramel skin, deep in his body, that's released with every loving squeeze to your waist, your hips, your arms, your back- anywhere he can touch he is blazing a trail of heat.
He touches you on instinct; following the flow of your body. You're just chatting away and he can't keep his big hands off you.
"I really liked that store we went to, with the- uh, um-"
You forget what they called it. Your nose twitches and your ears flop to the side with a confused look on your dainty features.
Yuji studies your puzzled face for a moment, wondering which store you might mean.
"Oh, the lingerie?"
"Yes, yes!" That was it. All of those pretty, skimpy outfits, dresses and costumes, with the lace and bows and- you just can't contain your excitement- "it was so beautiful in there."
You say with a dreamy look on your face.
"Mhm," Yuji nods in agreement, his brown eyes giving you a long and loving stare, "and you would look so beautiful... in those outfits."
He admits a little bashfully, still with a soft smile on his face.
"Maybe we can go back and you can try some on?" He asks while tugging at the hem of your nightie you're currently wearing.
This one is cute enough, he thinks, with the way it barely covers your ass and reveals your sumptuous thighs to him. It makes him drool. He places his hands there now, on your thighs, absentmindedly squeezing.
You nod and say how much you'd like that.
"Good, oh good, I'd love it too," he gets excited now, picturing you in all the pretty lingerie sets his heart desires, until he hears a little squeak from your mouth and you tug on his brawny wrists.
"Ow- ow! Yuji~ y-you're hurting me-"
During his daydreaming, he started grabbing your thighs much too hard, simply forgetting to hold back the strength in his hands.
He jumps suddenly then starts caressing your legs.
"Oh-! I, I'm sorry, bunny, I didn't mean to-" he coos and dips his head down to inspect your legs with a sad look on his face. You tell him it's okay and stroke his soft pink strands till he's holding you closer and murmuring apologies into your chest. You hold the back of his neck, stroking down to the hefty muscle of his shoulders and pressing your body into him till he looks up at you with a little pout on his lips and asks-
"Can I kiss them better?"
You smile and let him sit you down on the sofa, watching him drop to his knees and stroke your legs, pressing his warm mouth over your thighs.
Megumi has been in the kitchen all this time, tidying up after dinner and whipping up some cream for dessert (mainly for you and Yuji). But now your soft chatting has ceased his ears prick at the silence and he wonders what you're up to.
Now Yuji is getting carried away. He's kissed every inch of your warm thighs, taking your soft skin in his calloused grip, licking you and squeezing you softly. His gaze has gone all mellow now you're in his hands and he starts kissing between your thighs, where he didn't even touch before, nuzzling his nose over your satin skin and spreading your legs wider. You just sigh softly, completely adoring all of his sweet affections, until he brings his mouth to settle over the warm centre of your pussy. Your skimpy panties still cover you up, but that doesn't stop him from kissing and licking you there, feeling the moist patch beneath the material and now starting to moan into you.
"You smell so good."
He pushes his head closer and buries himself between your thighs, stuffing his big hands under your ass to pull you into him and you hear a sudden tearing sound.
It makes you jump, but his soothing words comfort you till you sink into the sofa and let him do what he wants with you.
"Oh, we'll have to go to that store now, bunny-" he coos and shreds the last of your panties, tugging the remaining string out of his way, "get you some new pretty panties, hm? Can I choose them? 'Gumi can choose some too, right?"
You nod and watch his tongue slide over his lips, before returning all of his attention to your pussy that's finally bare for him to lick. He sticks his tongue out and connects to your lips with a groan, now feeling your sweetness over his tongue. He eats you till you're dizzy and squirting all over his stubbly chin.
He lets go and pants softly, licking up the mess and trailing his half lidded eyes over your body. He's so entranced with watching you squirm under his gentle tonguing that he didn't hear Megumi step into the living room. But you see him approach and he's carrying something, with a little smile on his face now he can see why you two were so quiet.
He gets closer, watching Yuji continue as if he weren't even there, and reaches out to you where you sit, with your legs open in Yuji's strong hands.
"Here," you notice he has something between his fingers as he brings them closer to your parted lips, "want a strawberry, bunny?"
You lick your lips then open your mouth for the juicy treat and he watches you with delight, nibbling on the soft fruit until it's all gone. He sees a bit of the pinkish juice trickle down your chin and he swipes it away lovingly.
"You want some dessert, Yuji?"
He asks his friend who's still enjoying his own dessert between your legs, but he moans in agreement and your owner heads back to the kitchen. He'd love to see this, anyway. Since he can't eat so much cream and knows you and Yuji both love it, he'll treat you two and watch you having fun.
He comes back with whipped cream in a bowl, holds a spoon out and tells you it might feel a little cold.
Yuji moves his head back with a string of slick juice connecting him to your pussy and watches the blob of cream land on your clit. You giggle and shiver at the wet feeling and Yuji looks up at his friend, thanking him then dives into his new meal.
He hums with excitement, lapping the cream from your sweet folds and telling Megumi to add more. He spoons it on, with a strawberry this time, which Yuji nimbly slides down your lips and presses into your hole. It feels funny, but the fruit slides in a little and Yuji giggles and slurps it right back out again, munching on it and swallowing every bit of juice down.
You have your fun with the dessert and Megumi steps away to clean up again, only to re-enter the living room with you sitting on Yuji's lap, this time stuffed full of his cock. He couldn't wait a second longer and loved how your eyes nearly crossed when he slipped his tongue inside you- he just had to get back on the sofa and pull you onto him, getting your pussy stretched over his fat dick.
"Yeah- yeah, bunny, oh you're so good at taking me now, huh? Got used to me really good, like you're mine~" he presses needy kisses to your throat and pulls your nightie off, licking your supple tits and telling you how crazy you make him.
But you can see it now, in the way he's starting to sigh your name and chant over and over-
"My bunny, mine, mine~"
-he's starting to forget who's watching. Without thinking, he keeps this up and opens his mouth to suck on your neck.
"Yuji," his best friend's voice cuts through the haze of his arousal, causing him to slow down the pumping motions of his cock.
Megumi has been very patient with his best friend. He knows that you adore him, he knows how Yuji feels about you, and he allows your horny antics for the most part.
"Do I have to remind you... who she belongs to?"
It's not jealousy that drives him. Oh no, Yuji is the only other man who's lucky enough to touch you, and he'll let him fuck you till the sun burns out. But he just wants to remind you both of his power as an owner.
Your owner.
"Bunny, up."
He commands and you jump off Yuji's cock without hesitation, leaving the poor man moaning and grabbing onto his thighs. He doesn't grab for you. He can't hurt you again, so he keeps his hands to himself.
"Cum, oh- good girl- on command? You're such a pretty little thing, and so obedient, too. Fuck, sometimes I think you're too perfect to share."
He spares his friend a glance, where he's leaning heavily against your bedroom wall with his dick in his hand. He knows he should've showed some self restraint and tugged his shorts back up, but he couldn't help following you and touching himself to the sights of you obeying your owner's every command.
"Bounce on my dick- yeah, oh well done, bunny-" he praises you and strokes your body while you move up and down.
"Now come here," he lifts you off and pats the bed, watching you crawl onto the mattress eagerly, "I'm gonna give you a special treat, ok?"
He gets on top of you and throws your legs over his shoulders, sinking himself in inch by inch and pressing his strong body down on you.
"You love this position, don't you baby?" He coos and Yuji starts to whimper, seeing how you're being folded in half by his best friend.
"Oh, sounds like someone else does too," Megumi muses and looks the pink haired man up and down before returning all of his attention to you.
"Now, for your treat," he hums with the corner of his mouth forming a coy smile.
"Treat?" You repeat happily, looking up at him as if he's your whole world. Which he is. And Megumi knows he is, and it makes him so proud.
"Yeah~" he's all the way in, struggling to control himself now he can feel the tight pressure of your sweet, wet pussy.
"I'm gonna give it to you hard, ok?"
You gasp and smile, eyes sparkling with excitement.
"M-Megumi- owner- owner-!!!" You squeal and have a dizzy look on your face before he's even started.
"Calm- calm down, bunny- I can feel you squeezing me, you're gonna make me cum-" he gives you a breathy laugh and then asks if you're ready, at which you nod and Yuji watches in awe.
He places a hand on your head, offering a buffer against the headboard, leans in close and starts up a rhythm of hard pumping. He starts off slow, but each thrust is more untamed than the last, and when he gets faster you slam a hand over your mouth to stop you from screaming. Your spare hand grabs the bedsheets for dear life and you watch your owner's descent into mindless fucking.
Sometimes you think Megumi fucks you like he's the one in heat, and your little mind starts to wonder how amazing that would be if he had heats, too. You wonder what he would be like. But you're brought right back down to earth again when your owner addresses you.
"Bunny," his voice is low and raspy, "hands on me."
Your little hands immediately release your mouth and the bedsheets and fly to his body. One lands on his chest, the other nestled in his jet black strands.
"Good," he presses his forehead to yours, "good girl."
He sinks into you so hard, with your knees by your ears, pushing closer and closer till you're completely overwhelmed by him and tears start to spill down your cheeks.
"Pretty," he kisses them away gently, "pretty bunny, are you crying because of me?"
"B-be-cause..." your eyes dart down to where he's entering you.
"'cause 'm fucking you too hard?"
You bite your lip, willing him to understand that it isn't too hard, it just feels so good you started crying. You couldn't help it.
"Want me to go easy on you?"
You shake your head rapidly.
"Ah- bunny- y-you're perfect, you know that- letting me fuck you like this~"
The wooden headboard starts smacking into the wall with his thrusts now and the boards start to creak dangerously underneath. You wonder if the bed will last.
He pins you to the mattress, giving you every ounce of pleasure, until you're gasping out that you're going to cum.
"Again? Oh, bunny, you're too good to me," he hums and praises you softly while delivering those forceful bucks of his hips.
Yuji never does it like this, and you start to admit you've been a little wrapped up in all of your soft and sweet sex with him that you may have been neglecting your owner.
"M-missed you-" he can feel you start to pulse and grip him harder now as you get another buzz of pleasure through your cute body. You kiss his pretty face as he guides you through it and he watches with pure adoration as you start to cry and tell him how much you've missed him doing it like this.
"It's okay, it's okay, Yuji come here," he beckons his friend as you come down from your intense high. Megumi lets up a little and starts giving you slower rolls of his hips, grinding his body into you.
"Let's take turns, ok? See how many times we can make you cum tonight, bunny. You can have both of us, alright? You don't have to choose."
Your owner kisses your head and releases you and the two men slide in and out of you all night till they're spent and filling you one final time before collapsing on the mattress either side of you, all flushed and dripping with sweat.
You feel relieved now, knowing that only a little while ago your owner may have got a bit angry with Yuji calling you 'mine'. But he knows only he can give you what you truly need. It's all fun and games with Yuji, but Megumi is your owner and there are certain things that only he can do to you.
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yuji | megumi | m.list
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satorusugurugurl · 3 months
i love ur work sosososisoso much <33 thank y for sharing ur writing ahh!!! could i request a satosugu fic where toru gets punished by sugu and reader??! maybe for like.. getting off alone or flirting w someone else?
Summary: You and Geto went to a local bookstore, leaving Gojo to fend for himself at home. It’s not like the two of you didn’t invite your boyfriend to join you on your outing. But shopping for books, of all things, didn’t spark his interest. But as the boredom of being alone settles in his bones, he decides to do the only thing that sounds remotely fun. Beating his meat.
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x FAB!Reader x Geto Suguru
Word Count: 2,876
Warning: Masturbation, cursing, oral sex, degrading, edging, smut, creampies, holy
A/N: Anon thank you so so much for the sweet words! I'm glad you're enjoying my stories! ❤️❤️❤️🥹This gave me brain worms and I just had to write it! Two of my weaknesses are SatoSugu x Reader and masturbation.
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Lazy Sunday Afternoon
”Are you positive you don’t want to come with us?” Suguru questioned, cocking an eyebrow at his white-haired boyfriend. “We were thinking about stopping for lunch after.”
”Nah.” Satoru is leaning against the wall, watching as you tie your tennis shoes. “The idea of a crowded bookstore makes my skin crawl. Plus, that's you guys’ thing. Books and reading.” He shrugged his shoulders lazily.
You hooked your arm through Suguru’s, leaning your head against his upper arm. “Okay, do you want us to bring you anything home?”
”Nope, have a good time. I’ll see you when you get back.” He waved his partners off with a smile before heading back to the living room to enjoy his Sunday afternoon.
The first hour was fun, trashy reality television, and the cupcakes you had made the previous day. Thirty minutes later, he groaned, flipping through Netflix to try to find something, anything to watch. Two hours into being alone, all by himself, Satoru groaned as he started to regret his decision to stay behind.
The apartment was so quiet and lonely with you or Suguru there. The room wasn’t as bright and full of the life it usually radiated. Jeez, was this what his life had been like before the three of you had gotten together two years ago? He was so used to going on dates, cooking food, and just existing in each other's presence now. What had he used to do in his tiny dorm when he was alone?
He would eat take-out, play on his phone, and jerk off to porn videos on Twitter.
Satoru sat up straight, a grin slowly tugging at his mouth. Yeah, he used to jerk off constantly. Since you three got together, he didn’t need to please himself. Seeing as either you were sucking him off, or Suguru was giving him a handy in the shower. It was like heaven, being able to experience pleasure with the two of you.
But thinking about wrapping his hand around his cock, going at his own pace, had him throbbing with excitement. You and Suguru wouldn’t be back for a bit. When you two shopped for books, you shopped—going down each aisle, flipping through pages, geeking out over your favorite series. He had plenty of time to jerk off and recover in case things got heated once his two partners returned home.
Leaning back onto the couch, Satoru turned the television to some random movie on Netflix. Mostly for background noise, and if you two were to come home in the middle of his solo session, this might cover him until he could readjust himself. With his eyes on the screen, Satoru slowly began rubbing his cock through his gray sweatpants. Up and down, just warming himself up.
Gojo was surprised that he was as hard as he was already. Was it the excitement of possibly getting caught or just that he hadn’t pleased himself in so long? Whatever the case, maybe he could care less. All that he could focus on with the warmth that was beginning to settle in his groin as he pushed his sweats down to his upper thigh to free his cock.
It was so hard, standing at attention with a slight twitch. “Oooh fuck.” Satoru pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. “Fuck, I’m so hard.” He spit into his hand before wrapping his bare palm around his shaft.
His hand slowly began moving up and down, coating his length with spit. He squeezed himself harder with each stroke. He was imagining it as you or Suguru’s hand. Both are so warm but different. Suguru’s hand was larger, more calloused. Y/N’s hand was smaller, more delicate, and her manicured nails always looked o pretty around his cock. The faster he moved his hand, the more the television sounded like white noise as his mind swam around his two partners.
Satoru found himself mimicking the movements you and Suguru would do. He gripped himself tight, like Suguru, stroking fast and hard. When he reached his tip, his pointer finger would tease his slit that beaded thick droplets of pe-cum, as your smaller hand would do so gracefully. Imagining his two partners worshiping his cock, was better jerk-off material than any porn video.
“Mmm, ooh fuck me.” Satoru’s hand squeezed his thick length hard, his hand moving faster. “That’s it, Y/N, just like that, Sugu.” Looking at his cock through his lashes, he gritted his teeth. His tip was leaking pre-cum, his balls were tightening as he felt himself getting closer and closer to cumming. “I’m so fucking close, so close, don’t stop.”
Grabbing his shirt, he placed the hem of it between his teeth. The last thing he wanted was to get cum all over it. Having a new shirt on when you two got back would be hard to explain, seeing as he stayed home alone. It would be much better to paint his stomach. It would be easier to clean up that way.
“Nnngh, fuck.” Satoru’s muffled moans grew louder, his cock twitching harder under each stroke of his hand. “Fuck yes, fuck yes.” The familiar burning coil in his abdomen tightened, and he never heard the door unlock. “Fuck, gonna cum—“ And tightened as his partners called his names. “Gonna cum, gonna cum!” And tightened before it snapped as Y/N and Suguru walked into the living room. “Cumming fuck! Fuck!”
Satoru jerked his wrist frantically. Ropes of hot cum coat his hand, stomach, and chest. His pace finally began to slow as his cock started to soften in his hand, his white seed shining under the sunlight flooding the room. Fuck, he didn’t realize how much he missed jerking off. Especially since he had the two hottest people starring in his dirty mind.
In the afterglow, Satoru lazily looked towards the end table in search of a tissue. To his horror, he found the two of you watching him. Your jaw dropped, cheeks flushed, as Suguru ran a hand over his mouth, dark eyes glued to the cum on his stomach. The three of you basked in the silence before Satoru quickly wiped at his cum.
“W-Welcome home!” He shouted, doing everything he could to avoid eye contact with either of you. “I didn’t hear you guys come in.”
Suguru chuckled darkly, his eyes narrowing. “Yeah? Maybe that’s because we were too busy listening to you cumming.” All attempts to finish cleaning himself came to a halt at Suguru’s words.
”I well, I gu—“
”There’s no denying it, Toru.” You joined in; faux sadness etched onto your features. “We caught you red-handed.” Your pout was adorable as you looked up at Suguru. “This is why he didn’t want to come with us Sugu.”
“Mhmm,” Suguru gently stroked your Y/H/C, “and to think we felt so bad for not including him. We stood in line for forty minutes at the cafe to get him the chocolate cake they're famous for.” Gojo swallowed as you lifted a bag with the cafe's name to emphasize Suguru’s words.
Slowly getting up on noodle legs from his orgasm, Satoru started walking towards you both. “It wasn’t like that. I just got bored. It’s not like I plotted to stay here to jerk off without the two of you.” The annoyance on both of your faces made him cringe. “I appreciate you guys thinking of me!” His hands reached for the bag, only for you to yank it away. “Oh, come on!” Satoru Gojo pouted, his eyes darting between you and Suguru.
“Huh, funny you did cum, on yourself.” Suguru barked out a laugh at your words. “And you didn’t even let me lick it off. I think that’s what hurt the most.”
”Y/N has a point, Satoru. You cleaned it all off right in front of her.” Suguru took the bag from you and placed it on the breakfast bar. “You know how much she loves our cum. My poor Princess.” You sniffled as Suguru pulled you tight against his side. ”Satoru has been a very bad boy, hasn’t he Y/N?”
”He has.”
Gojo ran both his hands through his hair with a sigh. “I’m sorry, guys. Is there any way that I can make it up to you?” Instant regret settled over him like cold rain. Both you and Suguru’s eyes darkened as sinister smirks tugged at your mouths. “Oh, oh fuck, please wait, have mercy.” He held both hands up, but he wasn’t fast enough to stop you from pouncing on him like a spider monkey.
Hours later, the automatic timer on the living room light came on. Illuminating the lewd scene in front of Satoru. You were facing him. Your back firmly pressed against Suguru’s chest as you rocked back and forth on his cock. Suguru’s hair was falling out of its bun, dark strands sticking out here and there, clinging to his skin. His lips were against the crook of your neck, biting and sucking at your skin. His actions made you whimper softly as you rode him faster.
Satoru wanted to join in, to get onto the floor and drag his tongue up Sugurus length, all the way to your clit. He hated being in the recliner across from you, his hand jerking at his cock. Fuck, you guys didn’t even let him get completely naked. He still had his sweats on and spit-damp shirt clenched between his teeth. He understood this was a punishment for jerking off and getting caught. He had to watch you two, and he'd already cum three times. But this was getting to be just cruel at this point. He wanted to join in!
Instead, you watched him, smirking at the flush dusting his cheeks and neck. The tears that formed in his oh-so-pretty blue eyes, and the way he fisted his cock to another orgasm. Arching your back, you gasped, Suguru’s tip hitting your G-spot as he bit your shoulder. Your arm reached over your head, fingers fisting in his hair. The sight of you getting closer to the edge made Satoru want to join in even more. If he could just get his lips around your clit, he knew you would squirt all over his face.
”Guys, pwease!” The cloth muffled Satoru’s words in his mouth. “I wanna help!”
You chuckled in between soft moans. “Sugu~nngh oh shit,” You watched as Suguru reached a hand around your waist, palming your thigh. “He wants to help~!” You laughed breathlessly as Suguru hummed, his voice vibrating against your sensitive skin
”Satoru,” your white-haired boyfriend perked up, “you wanted to jerk off so bad when we were gone. So you’re going to keep jerking off until we say otherwise. Dirty man whores don’t get rewarded.” Suguru’s hand, which Satoru wished was around his cock, slowly slid up to your clit. “Good fuckin’ sluts, like our sweet Y/N here, they get what they ask for.” You whined, your hand tugging at his hair. “Mmm fuck, baby tell me what my good girl wants~ yeah, be a good example to Satoru?”
”I wanna cum Sugu.” You whimpered, turning your head to face him.
He grinned, pressing a heated kiss to your lips. “You wanna cum?” You nodded your head, kissing him harder. “Go ahead, sweet girl, cum for me, Y/N.” His fingers rubbed circles around your cock. “That’s it; I feel you clenching cum on. Let it out, princess.” His gaze darted down, watching as you squirted hard.
“No, no, no,” Satoru whined like a spoiled brat. “I wanted to taste her cum!”
You were trembling, still coming down from your orgasm. Once you could form words, you tilted your head to the side. “See why we were so disappointed in you?” Suguru slowed his pace, his still-hard cock gently sliding into you. “I wanted to clean you up, but you used a tissue. I think I’ll clean up my mess the same way slut.” Suguru groaned, his cock twitching at your dirty fucking words.
“No! Please don’t. I’ll clean it up!”
”Oh, will you?”
”And how will you clean up Y/N‘s cum Satoru?” Suguru asked as you slowly began rocking back and forth on his cock.
The two of you watched as your partner stood, his cum coated chest and stomach heaving as he looked to the floor. There was a dark, needy look in his eyes, one a person would only see in a feral animal. You didn’t know what to expect. For him to grab tissues to clean it, like he had done to himself. Him dropping to his knees was something you nor Suguru had anticipated. With bated breath, you watched Satoru slowly slide onto his stomach, his eyes on yours as he stuck his tongue out.
“Holy fuckin’ shit.” Suguru’s cock throbbed harder inside of you as he watched Satoru lick and suck at your cum off the floor. Like some kind of desperate animal. Never once did he break eye contact. His tongue and lips kept moving, cleaning Y/N's essence off the floor in the most vulgar way. “T-That, fuck, Y/N wh—“
“Such a good boy.” You finished for Suguru. Your tight cunt twitched at the sight. “Cleaning up my cum like the horny dog you are.”
Satoru sat on his knees. If he had a tail, it would be wagging at your praises. “Yeah? I did good. Am I forgiven? Do I get to join in now? Please!” He watched Suguru’s face scrunch up as Y/N bounced faster and harder onto his cock.
”Hmm, Suguru, what do you think?” You asked, feeling another orgasm coming close as Suguru's hands gripped your hips, thrusting up into you.
”Let that dirty slut help. I wanna watch him lick your clit like he just did to the floor.”
Before you could change your mind, Satoru leaped into action. He was positioning himself between both of your legs. His tongue immediately went to work, sucking and lapping at your clit like a madman. The sudden added friction had you rocking faster, trying to feel more of his mouth on your sensitive sex. While Geto slammed up into you, chasing his release while driving you to your own.
Watching you both with lust-filled eyes, Satoru started jerking his cock once more. Fat and hard tugged as he took your clit in between his lips, suckling the bud as hard as he possibly could. That was all you needed to send you tumbling over the edge. You screamed so loud you were sure the neighbors would file a noise complaint against you again. Not that you cared as you felt Suguru’s chest heave as he buried his cock inside of you as he filled you to the brim with cum.
Thank fuck Suguru had been right against your g-spot. Because Satoru was bleed to have you squirt in his face. The sweet, tangy taste of you flooded his mouth. He sucked at your lips, tasting both your sweetness and Suguru’s slightly salty bitterness. Like a well-crafted treat just for him. The taste of you both combined had his hand stroking his dick, desperate to cum for the fourth time that day.
In the afterglow, Suguru grunted, kicking Satoru’s thigh with his foot. “Idiot, don’t forget what we just told you.” His best friend slowly smirked as you stuck your tongue out in between pants. “Don’t waste your cum.”
Not needing to be told twice, Satoru jumped to his feet, stroking his cock in front of your face. Only his hand was swatted away, replaced with Suguru’s. The sudden change of hand and pace had Satoru whimpering like the horny fucking dog he was.
“That’s it, Satoru,” Suguru purred, stroking faster, “cum on her face like a good boy.”
That sent your white-haired boyfriend right over the edge. Tears ran down his cheeks as he watched his load, which would most likely be his last for today, spurt over your tongue, chin, and the tip of your nose. You looked so pretty, cock drunk, glazed in his cum. It had him crying out in pained pleasure.
When the last waves of his orgasm faded, Satoru stumbled. Both you and Geto grabbed his arms, slowly easing him to rest on the couch next to the two of you. He gasped, his eyes shut, in post-orgasm bliss. You couldn’t help but smile, gently stroking his hair. Suguru kept himself inside of you, kissing your neck lovingly and putting the footrest up. You and your boyfriend relaxed in the silence until Satoru’s soft snores could be heard.
It's a perfect way for you to end a wonderful Sunday.
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lixie-phoria · 5 months
↳ ♡₊˚. tag, you're it ꒱
— skz helping 9th member reader w/ her paranoid personality disorder
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requested - yes // 9th fem!member who has paranoid personality disorder (PPD) and she always thinks that she isn’t alone in the dorms when she’s by herself? The boys don’t know anything about is as she hides it from them but one day the boys get a camera for the living room as weird things have been happening when they aren’t there... skz x 9th member fem!reader / warnings - angst w happy ending, mentions of anxiety, paranoia, stalkers, and paranoid personality disorder / 3.2k words / a/n - this is the longest fic i've ever written 😭
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you gasped in shock, stumbling back as hyunjin popped out from behind the couch, a playful smile tugging at his lips.
"did i scare you?" he giggles, standing up properly and making his way towards you, failing to notice how you eyes were still quivering with fright and your tight grip on your phone.
"why would you do that, hyunjin?"
you sound off, your voice an octave higher and trembling with an emotion that confuses him. was he sensing anger?
"it's just a joke ynnie. calm down."
it wasn't just a joke to you, though. it was much more than that. but you couldn't to explain it to him, so you leave him in the living room with an eye roll, staring at your retreating figure in confusion.
hyunjin doesn't bring it up after that. maybe he just happened to catch you on one of your bad days.
but he begins noticing things ever since - things that weren't necessarily normal. things that you have always done, but this time when he really thinks about it, they're a bit strange.
how you're always extra jumpy, flinching at every loud sound, refusing to leave the house without an unnecessary amount of security, being extra cautious when you went to public events, and straight up refusing to socialize with anyone more than necessary.
your members always labelled it on you being an introvert. but to the extent that you barely even spoke about yourself to your own members? as though scared to trust them with information? that wasn't normal, was it?
hyunjin thinks hard. he's a bit worried about you, but he doesn't know what to do.
tell chan? no. chan didn't need more problems on his plate.
confront you? no. you hated confrontation. it would worsen things.
talk to another member about it? maybe. but you might get mad at him. you always hated people meddling with your personal life.
so he stays silent for a while, observing from a distance.
and he begins picking up on signs soon enough.
you were paranoid. extremely paranoid. he caught you looking over your shoulder every few minutes, expertly dodging personal questions, being hypersensitive to criticism, having spells of moodiness that followed no particular pattern, suddenly giving your own members the cold shoulder, over analysing every little interaction you had with people. it was worrisome.
yes maybe hyunjin was looking into it too much and it wasn't that big of a deal. but he couldn't brush off a certain thought nagging him at the back of his mind. something was definitely up, and it was about time he spoke to the others about it.
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"I think yn has a stalker." hyunjin mutters, shifting uncomfortably in his seat under the blank gazes of the other 7.
"what?" chan sounds confused, eyebrows furrowed as he shares an unsure glance with lee know. "did she say anything?"
that was the problem. you didn't. so he had no solid proof other than his theories.
"well, not really" he rubs the back of his neck. "but something is wrong. I know it. she's been acting weird."
"weird as in?"
"it's the usual. she hasn't changed. but when you look into her habits, they're not normal hyung."
it's tense. nobody knows what to say until changbin breaks the silence.
"what do you mean by not normal?"
"I don't mean it in a bad way," hyunjin hastily defends. "it's the way she's so paranoid, always on the edge. it can't be anxiety. anxiety doesn't make you act that way. it's almost like she's scared of something or someone."
he leaves it at that, allowing for the others to ponder over it.
your managers hadn't mentioned anything. maybe it was a sasaeng bothering you? maybe you slipped up and you were scared to share it with the company? scared of their berating?
"we can't jump to conclusions, can we?" felix interjects, fingers anxiously drumming against the table.
hyunjin shakes his head. "we can't. that's why i've been observing her for the past few weeks, and this was the most reasonable explanation i could find."
"what exactly made you start looking into it?"
"i tried jump scaring her two weeks ago, when she thought she was alone at the dorms. and she was so livid she didn't even crack a smile. i thought maybe she was just in a bad mood but for a few days after she kept acting strange around me. she would barely speak to me and even when she did she wouldn't meet my eyes."
chan hums, a frown twisting against his features. if hyunjin's guess was correct, you could be in serious trouble. and if he thought about it, there may just be a chance the boy was right. if you really did have a stalker threatening you, the chances you told them about it were close to zero. you were never one to confide in people easily.
"let's not tell the managers about it, yeah? we'll all observe her too. try seeing if there's anything out of the ordinary?"
and so they all agree, leaving the company in a much worse mood than with which they had entered. you were alone back at the dorms. it was your first day off in a very long time. hence hyunjin had chosen that moment to tell the others.
the drive back is tense. nobody says much. a few of them scroll through social media, trying to see if there's any news about a stalker. but they come up with nothing.
everything seems normal.
that is until they reach their apartment.
the change is immediately obvious. when chan unlocks the door, he stumbles back in surprise when he sees their dinner table blocking the corridor of the entrance, preventing them from entering the living room. the couch had also noticeably shifted, turned such that anyone sitting on it would have a clear view of the windows and the front door. every window is shut, the latches bolted.
"what the fuck happened here?" seungmin mutters in shock, carefully lifting the table from one end and moving it to make space for them to enter. the entire layout had changed.
"where's yn?"
all of them are visibly terrified as they make their way deeper into the dorm, noticing the can of pepper spray lying on the center table.
no answer.
"fuck. I hope she's okay."
there's nothing they can do besides hope as they reach your door. it's locked. there's no sound coming from the other side.
"yn?" Chan's voice wavers as he silently knocks at your door.
no answer.
"yn! it's us!" lee know pounds against the door.
there's a moment of tense silence before they hear the unmistakable click of your lock.
your hair is ruffled and your eyes puffy. you had been asleep.
it takes you by surprise when jeongin pushes his hyungs aside to grab you by the shoulders, chest heaving with the fright you had given them.
"what's wrong innie? why do you guys look like you've seen a ghost?"
"what's wrong? you tell us yn. why is all our furniture completely rearranged?"
for the first time your eyes land on the living room, and you gulp.
shit. you forgot to clean up.
"there was a bee. I was trying to kill it."
it sounds ridiculous even to your own ears, but it's the best excuse you have.
"yeah. that's why the windows are closed. it got in somehow and I lost it. I was just trying to search for it." you shrug.
"what about the pepper spray?"
"I couldn't find the bug repellent."
the excuses come to you naturally.
"yn please-"
"it's not that big of a deal, oppa" you cut chan off, defensively crossing your arms. "you know I hate bugs. that's all there is to this. now will you please let me go back to sleep?"
you don't wait for their reply, shutting the door and locking it, leaving your members half confused and half exasperated. you were lying to them.
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"please tell me none of you believed her." hyunjin whispers into the silence of the afternoon, taking care that you don't overhear them.
"something's definitely wrong," han agrees, his foot bouncing unconsciously against the carpet. "she's hiding something."
"but what?"
the million dollar question. what were you hiding? was it really a stalker?
"should we tell the managers about it now?"
"I think we should," lee know adds, looking at the others for confirmation.
"don't you think she'll be angry? she doesn't like people meddling with her business. you know how defensive she gets."
all of them turn to chan. in the end, it would be his say.
"I think we should try figuring out the reason first ourselves."
"a motion detector and CCTV camera might work. hidden from sight, of course. it would alert us."
changbin hums, agreeing with their leader. "We could give it a try. It's better than nothing."
and so the plan is set. felix makes an excuse of buying parts for his PC and brings home the camera and motion detector. when you go to shower the next morning, the device is expertly concealed and motion detectors set in place.
chan insists you stay back that day too, going on for a long time about something related to your health and dark circles and what not. you agree reluctantly, and they don't fail to notice it. you didn't want to be alone. that was something.
"don't worry ynnie," jeongin reassures you as he ties his shoe lace while the others wait for him at the entrance. "the company is only 5 minutes away, we wont be far."
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"are we just going to wait around here with nothing to do?" lee know asks, leaning back into the couch in their dance room.
"we don't have another option."
and so they do exactly that - wait. but it's not for long.
fifteen minutes into their boredom the first alarm goes off. the motion detectors had been triggered and the bell rings from chan's phone - where the control system had been set up.
"quick, check the camera!"
all eight of them huddle around chan's screen, watching intently at the familiar sight of their living room, eyes scanning for any sign of someone trying to break in.
but it's only you. you're pacing the living room, hands wringing by your side as you keep looking over your shoulder, flinching every time a paper rustles or the curtains move from the wind.
"what's wrong with her?"
felix furrows his brows, looking at the controls on chan's screen to make sure that the motion detector outside their front hasn't been activated. that meant nobody was trying to break in.
"she seems terrified."
"call her."
seungmin wastes no time in dialing your contact, and they watch in unison as you very nearly jump out of your skin when your phone goes off, a hand going to clutch your chest as you collapse into the couch.
your voice sounds normal. they wouldn't have suspected anything if they couldn't see your leg anxiously bouncing.
"is everything okay there?" seungmin asks carefully. he can't giveaway that they're secretly keeping an eye on you.
"uh yeah- yeah sure. everything is fine. why?"
"no reason. I was just taking a break."
"alright stay safe. We'll be back in a while."
Seungmin is just about to hang up when you stop him.
for the first time a hysterical note seeps into your voice.
he's met with silence as they notice you pondering over something through the camera.
"nevermind. it's nothing. don't overwork yourself."
chan sighs deeply as he listens to you over the speaker, his fingers tightly gripping the edges of his phone.
you mutter your bye, and they watch you get up, carefully placing your phone on the table.
and then you do what they had been waiting for.
pushing your weight against the couch, you move it directly towards the wall, leaving no gap in between.
another alarm goes off on chan's phone.
then you angle it a bit, the same way they had found it the day before, such that you have a clear view of all entrances to the dorm.
all this while anxiously looking over your shoulder, once even jumping a bit as your foot got stuck on a fold in the carpet. your movements are tense, screaming with urgency, and it's the breaking point for them.
"that's it. we're going back," changbin huffs as he stands up, the other following behind quickly. chan maintains his concentration on the screen.
"she's turning on the t.v," chan informs, slinging his laptop bag over his shoulder and following them out of the building.
the ride back is silent. if their manager picks up on the strange atmosphere he doesn't mention it, and they're grateful to that. lying to their manager would be worse than hiding this from him.
it's only a five minutes drive, but it feels like eternity. when they finally enter the building, running up the stairs, it's eerie how peaceful their apartment looks from the out.
"do we knock or?"
"no. it might scare her."
seungmin pulls out the key from his pocket, trying to be as soft as possible as he unlocks the door, not wanting to startle you with any sudden noise.
chan quickly turns off his phone, stepping through the threshold.
you're sitting exactly where they saw you, some show mindlessly playing on the t.v. your eyes lock in on them as you scramble up.
"you guys are early. it's barely been half an hour."
should they tell you truth? confront you? try to coax it out of you? be subtle about it?
they snap out of their trance, their voices immediately breaking the silence of the dorm.
"yeah! we didn't want to leave you by yourself for long."
you take your place on the couch, and raise a brow as they all settle themselves around you too. they don't change or wash up or anything. they just silently occupy any empty space they can find.
it's strange.
"are you guys ok?" you voice, turning off the t.v to look at felix who's sitting beside you.
they all exchange glances. someone has to bring it up.
"are you okay?" hyunjin finally asks, turning his body to face yours.
"yn, please. just answer him."
"no no what do you mean hyune?"
you voice is an octave higher, hands digging into the leather cushion of their couch.
"yn," chan tries to pacify. they hadn't expected this to escalate over a simple question.
"what? why are all of you looking at me like that? i'm fine there's nothing wrong with me."
"stop interfering in things that aren't your business!" you finally snap, cutting felix off as you stand up, turning to face them. "this is none of your business so keep out of it!"
you're breathing heavily and a beat passes in silence.
"yn, what's wrong love?"
chan carefully gets up to put an arm over your shoulder, gently pulling you down to sit. you're trembling and barely half a minute passes before you crumble into chan's shoulder - suddenly - sobs punctuating the silence of the afternoon.
"i'm sorry," you manage between gasps. "i'm so sorry."
even chan look alarmed as he hurriedly tries to calm you down.
"there's nothing to be sorry about, ynnie. please talk to us."
but you can barely talk. you're all but wailing as the other seven huddle around you, their reassurances mixing together.
"i lied. i've been a terrible friend, snapping at you all the time. i'm so sorry it's all my fault."
"nothing is okay. everything is a mess and i don't know what to do."
the leader gently coaxes your face out from where it's nestled in his neck, and rubs a thumb below your waterline, collecting the salt streams streaking down your face.
"ynnie. please calm down, yeah? we want to help. tell us what's wrong."
"i'm- i'm messed up, chan. that's what is wrong."
"don't say that! it's not true."
you break down into another torment of sobs, and they hurry to calm you down.
"it's my head. it's messing with me. something is wrong. i just-," you voice breaks as chan leans to plant a soft kiss against your temple. "-i just don't know what."
"what do you mean?" hyunjin asks softly.
you take your time, elaborating through sobs and broken gasps about your suspected condition. if you had thought they would judge you, you were completely wrong. they listen attentively, comforting you through it.
"i don't want to, but i can't help it," you whisper, leaning into chan's touch. "my brain convinces me that there's always someone hiding just beyond my sight. everytime i speak to someone i'm wired into believing they'll use that information against me somehow, or they'll try to harm me. public events are a nightmare. i don't remember the last time i've been to an award show and felt alright."
"oh yn."
han all but pounces on you and chan, ruffling your hair as hiccups wrack through your figure.
they've never seen you like this. they've never seen anyone like this, in fact.
"it's so loud in my head. it started off small, i didn't even notice when i began thinking or feeling this way. but it just got worse and worse to the point where i've been an absolute pain to all of you - snapping at you, lying to you, fighting with you. i just- i don't know what to do anymore."
"hey hey, listen to me, yeah? this is not your fault. and you haven't been a pain. don't ever think that again," chan reminds you, coaxing you to face him, heart breaking a little at the tears streaking your face.
"nope. nuh-uh. no blaming this on yourself."
you chin wobbles as you try to control a fresh onslaught of sobs.
all of them are so understanding you don't even know if you're crying from all the love or the confrontation.
"we'll help you through this, yn. we promise. you don't have to suffer through this alone."
"you don't have to do this. you're all already so busy and-"
"your mental health is a lot more important to us than anything else," felix interjects flatly, rubbing a soothing hand over your back.
"yeah! you've been hiding this for so long and we just want to help you feel better again! no matter what it takes."
you flash a grateful smile to changbin through the tears, earning an encouraging grin from him.
"you're all too nice for your own good. thank you."
"don't worry you can repay us by letting me jump scare you!"
"yah hyunjin do you want to be stuffed into the air fryer?"
it didn't take a genius to figure out who the comment came from as you giggled softly.
it's going to be okay, you think. you know your boys will help you through it, and that itself was the first step of your recovery.
you'll be fine.
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©lixie-phoria, 2024
409 notes · View notes
navybrat817 · 1 year
Take You Higher
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Summary: Most people don't have an assassin waiting for them in the backseat of their car, but it's your lucky day.
Pairing: Assassin!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Word Count: Almost 3.2k Warnings: E/xplicit s/exual content, unprotected s/ex, car s/ex, p/ossessive behavior, w/eapons, pet names, canon divergent, feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (yep, he's a warning) A/N: Nix provided me with a beautiful edit of Bucky and I began a new AU, A Different Call. This is for you, Nix, and I can't wait to share more of this world.❤️ Beta read by the wonderful @whisperlullaby , but any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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It was later than usual as you made your way toward your car, your gaze darting from left to right before you checked your phone. There was just enough light illuminating the lot where you could see where you were going, but not much else beyond your path. Everyone said it wasn't safe to walk alone at night, but you took your chances. The keys between your fingers made a quick weapon for anyone who got too close. If anyone was dumb enough to put their hands on you, the sting from the brass would be the least of their worries.
It’s almost fun when people underestimate me.
Your gaze moved to the ground before you got to the driver’s side, satisfied that no one was underneath your car as you tucked your phone in your bag. There were no vehicles on either side of yours for anyone to grab you and pull you in. If people had the chance to look inside your head, they might think you’re paranoid. You’d argue you had your own reasons to be. Danger lurked in the darkness, waiting to strike the moment anyone let their guard down.
What people didn't know was that shadows often lingered by the light and the most trustworthy of people wore masks in the form of smiles. You learned to live in the shade and make your own fragments of light. While trusting people didn’t come to you as easily, there were a few you let in. Those who didn’t mind living in the gray.
But according to the one you let in the most, you were the one who brought color into the world.
Glancing at the passenger side seat, you smiled to yourself as you got into the car and locked the door. Normally you reached right for the seatbelt. Tonight, you sat still and took a deep breath. A combination of a sweet and musky fragrance greeted you. It smelled like home.
It was why you didn’t flinch when you felt the muzzle of a gun against the side of your neck.
"Didn't anyone teach you to check the backseat before you get in a vehicle?"
The deep timbre of the voice behind you sent a chill down your spine that settled at the base. Daring to glance at the rearview mirror, you were met with a pair of cold blue eyes and a face framed by long brown hair. His lips were set in a grim line that accentuated the scruff surrounding them. Even with how spacious the back of your car was, he took up a good amount of space with his massive frame.
Death in the form of the most handsome man alive.
James “Bucky” Barnes. A former Army Sergeant turned assassin for S.H.I.E.L.D.’s STRIKE team. Most of the intelligence community referred to him as the Winter Soldier.
You simply called him yours, like he called you his.
"Maybe I’ve been waiting for an assassin to try and take me out. Only for me to flip the script and have him spare my life," you answered, smiling when he pressed the gun a bit harder against your neck. You wondered if he felt your pulse race through the metal. "Maybe even make him fall madly in love with me."
He didn't smile back at your reflection, but warmth filled his eyes in a familiar and tender gaze. "What if this assassin is already madly in love with you?"
You swallowed as he traced the barrel down to your shoulder. "Then I guess I win."
“We both win,” he whispered, sitting back in his seat and taking his gun with him. “Get back here.”
“You don’t want us to drive home?” you asked, though you made no move to put the key in the ignition.
“I said get back here,” he growled, your heart beating faster. You knew what that tone meant. You’d be lucky if you were able to walk tomorrow. “Now.”
Huffing playfully when you caught his narrowed eyes in the mirror again, you still decided to push just a little. “Bossy. Give me a second so I can- Bucky!”
You weren’t sure how he managed, but he moved your seat back far enough to grab and pull you beside him. And he managed to put his gun away before you collided with him. It didn’t surprise you though. Your man had multiple skills and was likely pent up from waiting in your car. You were pent up, too.
“Missed you,” he whispered, forcing you to straddle him.
When he framed your face with calloused hands, you expected him to pull you in for a kiss. But his eyes searched yours for a moment and you knew he was committing you to his memory once more. The love of your life had his head messed with a long time ago to the point where he lost control of his own actions and memories. While he was in a better place now, you never questioned when he needed to look at you for a second longer than usual.
If gazing at me grounds you, I’ll let you stare forever.
“I missed you, too,” you breathed, moaning when he finally brought his lips to yours and parted them with his tongue.
You didn’t realize how fast your heart was racing until Bucky slid a hand to your chest, teasing your breast through the fabric. Knowing he was back home with you was both a comfort and a sigh of relief. In the line of work the two of you were in, the promise of tomorrow was never one you could make. It made each moment that much more precious.
“Not gonna make it another minute without being inside you,” he warned you, shoving your dress up to your hips and careful to avoid the knife strapped to your thigh. You wore the garment, and the weapon he gave you, with the expectation he’d be home today. “Tell me you need me.”
“I always need you, Bucky,” you said, grinding your hips in a slow rhythm. Your barely clad pussy rubbed against the bulge in his jeans and it was enough to make his head fall back. “You need to be inside me? Need to feel my pussy around your big cock?”
“Yes. When we get home, I’ll make love to you,” Bucky snarled, making you gasp when he grasped your underwear and tore it from your body. “But I need to fuck you first, so be good and take my cock out.”
You rubbed yourself against the front of his jeans again to leave a wet spot before you raised your hips. “You better not be hurt,” you teased, but your eyes flashed in a warning as you unbuckled his belt.
“You’re free to check me when we get home. After we're in bed,” he offered, bringing a hand to your face again so you’d look into his eyes. No one ever looked at you with such devotion until he came into your life. “But I’m okay."
In a world full of lies, you trusted him completely.
"If you're okay, I'm okay," you whispered, wasting no more time as you unzipped his pants and reached inside his underwear. The size of him never ceased to amaze you. It also left you in awe how hard he felt in your hand when you wrapped your fingers around him. You might not make it another minute either without him inside you.
If anyone walked by and happened to look in the window, they’d get quite a show. At least before Bucky got his gun out and pointed it in their direction. The man would be able to find a way to shoot someone and fuck you at the same time.
"Take me in," he ordered, gripping your hips as you guided him to your waiting hole. "Please."
Bucky wasn't desperate or a man who begged. But the strain in his voice and the raw need that shone in his eyes, it told you how much he needed you. It was a heady feeling to bring the often cold assassin to the brink. It was also an honor that he trusted you when he let those walls down.
"God," you moaned as you sank down agonizingly slowly, locking eyes with him as you did as he ordered and took him into you inch by inch. It didn't matter that he didn't stretch you first. The sting was one you welcomed since you both asked for it. Who cared if you were a little sore tomorrow when you knew he'd take good care of you?
He exhaled as he allowed you a moment to adjust. It wouldn't be long until he rolled his hips up. "Only name I want you to speak is mine. Because if there is a god here tonight, it's me."
Bucky may not be a god in the literal sense, but he had been the beginning of your salvation. You walked beside him when he offered his hand. It was the path you were meant to take.
And you had almost forgotten how good it felt to have him inside you.
"Then fuck me properly, Bucky," you said, kissing him again because you could.
A low and dark grunt rumbled against your lips as he moved beneath you. Your body enveloped him in a tender and heated embrace, welcoming him home. He'd encourage you to ride him and match his pace shortly. For now, you savored every thrust of his cock, thick and bare, nothing separating you. Both of you preferred it that way.
"Ride it. Show me how much you missed me," he groaned after a minute, bringing a strong hand to the back of your neck. Your heart raced as you watched his eyes darken more. "Look at me. Don't you fucking look away."
A whimper fell from your lips, eager to please him as you braced yourself on his shoulders and raised your hips. The slow slide of his cock along your slick walls felt heavenly before you moved back down. You'd bounce on his cock all night if he let you. "So full," you moaned, never wanting to be empty again.
“Still tight no matter how many times I fuck you,” he said, licking his lips as he leaned back against the seat. The slight shift in the angle had him pushing deeper inside you and you weren’t ashamed of the loud cry you let out. “Perfect pussy and it’s all mine.”
You clenched around him at his words, your body tingling as you fucked yourself on his cock. He met you halfway, a subtle indication that you were equals and partners. Two halves of a whole. Living, breathing proof that soulmates existed in some capacity.
A reward for the hell you both went through.
“I need you to come in me,” you begged, shuddering when the head of his cock brushed your g-spot. Unduliated pleasure rippled from head to toe as he swore in Russian. His release dripping out of you later would serve as a beautiful reminder of his claim. He had every part of you. “Please. I've been so empty without you."
"I need you to come on it first,” he groaned, fucking up into with enough force that you had to grip his shirt to hold on. You weren't just heading toward your climax. He was going to catapult you there. “Give it to me and I’ll give it to you. Come. Make a mess all over me.”
Bucky gripped your chin before your head could fall back, making sure you stared in his eyes as you came. Your pleasure belonged to him and you accepted that as you shivered through your orgasm, unashamedly gushing around him. Your pussy was exceptionally greedy when it came to him and you weren’t ready to come down from the high just yet.
“That’s it. Give me everything,” he demanded, holding you still so he could thrust deep and chase his own release. Your walls twitched, the wet, sucking sound adding to the addition of your soft moans and his grunts. You gave it all and were ready to take everything he gave you in return.
“Give it to me, too, Bucky," you pleaded through the haze. "I can take it.”
He pressed his forehead to yours as he moaned your name, holding you close as he spilled inside you. Bringing a hand up to grip his hair as his hips stilled, you smiled as he let out another moan. You breathed heavily before giving him a peck on the lips, smiling wider as he began to catch his breath. His eyes always took on a gorgeous shade of blue when pleasure clouded them.
“Welcome home,” you exhaled, trying to move beside him.
“Wait,” he whispered, firmly bringing your hips back down and keeping him around his thick thighs. You gasped at the friction against your clit, your body wanting more already. “Just. Stay like this.”
He buried his face against the side of your neck, nosing along your skin as he evened out his breathing. It was almost a ritual when he came back from an assignment to hold you this way. If you weren’t in your car, your clothes would have been torn to shreds or thrown on the floor. Which you fully expected once he drove you home.
And you would make him drive since he decided to ambush you in the best possible way.
“You sure you’re okay?” you whispered after a minute, his arms wrapped around you in a tight embrace. "Nothing went wrong on your assignment?"
“It went off without a hitch,” he answered, mouthing at your pulse. “It's just getting harder to be away from home. Away from you.”
The slight vulnerability in his tone made you pause before your fingers gently combed through his hair, your heart still beating fast. You didn't have a home until the two of you made one together. “I get it,” you whispered.
Before you, Bucky didn’t mind most of his missions. That changed once he took you under his wing. It comforted him to have someone else watching his back. But the rare assignments he had to take alone, he liked them less and less as time went on. He hated being away from you.
It pained you, too.
You whined in surprise when he bit down hard on the juncture between your neck and shoulder. “You didn’t look in the backseat. Why not?"
The post orgasm bliss faded at the slight growl in his tone, yet aroused you all over again.
"Because Steve gave me a heads up that he saw you before I went into the parking lot and I checked the motion detector on my car through my phone,” you told him as his tongue soothed the sting. He could avoid being seen, so he likely wanted his best friend or you to spot him. You were all careful otherwise. "You also left me the all clear signal on the passenger seat."
Spotting the bouquet tied with a single blue ribbon before you got in the car, you knew it was safe to get in and that he was waiting for you. He bought Peruvian flowers for you on your first date and chose them because of the beauty and color. He said that you brought those things back into his life. It became a signal for the two of you, as well as a token of affection.
Maybe one day, I'll have his last name as the ultimate sign of devotion.
Bucky always had those specific flowers for you when he returned from a mission and often bought them for you just because he wanted to. And if a day ever went by that he didn’t have the flowers upon coming home, or if the flowers were out of the ordinary, you’d know something was wrong. You had your own signals for him, too.
“That punk,” he said, kissing back to your lips. “He's lucky he's my friend. I wanted to surprise you."
He could count on less than one hand how many people he loved and trusted. You and Steve were two of the very few. It was only natural that the S.T.R.I.K.E. member and former Captain kept an eye out for you and vice versa. Someone important to Bucky was important to you.
Not to mention, Steve was a good man. It seemed like there weren't many left in the world. You saw why your lover respected him and called him a friend.
“And just when have you managed to surprise me?" you asked.
"The first time we saw each other face to face," he replied.
The day he was supposed to kill you.
“That's true," you agreed after a beat. "You don’t regret choosing to save me?”
Bucky pulled back with the softest smile on his face as your heart swelled in your chest. The look of love in his eyes nearly stole the oxygen from your lungs. His thumb brushed your cheek and it shocked you when he wiped away a tear. You didn’t know it had fallen.
“I regret a lot of things in my life, but you will never be one of them,” he assured you, kissing the spot where he brushed away your tear. “I’ll never regret loving you, Kitten.”
You raked your fingers softly along his scalp. He called you that before the two of you fought and the nickname stuck. You didn’t mind it. Your stealth, flexibility, and reflexes were catlike at times. He picked up on those things immediately.
“And I’ll never regret being yours, Killer," you swore. He'd never let anyone else call him that. "Or loving you.”
You understood the assassin better than most. To some degree, you knew what it was like not to be in control. Choices were taken away from you. People used the two of you for their gain, but he helped put you on a path of hope.
All because he made a different call that fateful day.
“Put your claws away,” he groaned when you moved your nails along his head again, making him rock inside you. His stamina drove you wild. “Or we’ll have round two here instead of in our bed.”
“But you promised you’d take me home and make love to me.”
"And I will, but I may need to ruin you here one more time,” he smirked, slipping his tongue into your mouth before you could argue.
If he wants to use sex as a weapon, I’ll happily accept every wound.
Before the night was over, he took you home and made love to you as he promised. He held you so close against him that it was as if you shared one breath. He even watched you as you fell asleep, an unexpected fear gripping him. In the back of his mind, he sensed that someone was still out there waiting to take you away from him.
But if anyone ever tried, he'd burn the word down to save you all over again.
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Let's hope no one is dumb enough to go after Kitten. Love and thanks! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ KoFi
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 8 months
AHHHH CONGRATS ON 5k!!! Ok ok, hear me out on this request because I think it might make a good little fic. I can’t decide between Hesh or Price for this one but I got a general idea: stoned Hesh or Price. You know those videos of husbands waking up from surgery and not recognizing their wife right away but knowing they’re the most beautiful person in the world (something like this: https://youtu.be/kV8KyeApBJY). Well maybe it’s something like he got hurt from a mission (hurt enough to require drugs/anesthesia for the plot) but is recovering back at base and imagine their wife is their medic and she’s trying to update his team on how he’s recovering and you just got a stoned Hesh or Price completely hopped up on drugs following his injury, just fawning over her and he just goes bananas when she “reveals” they’re married. The team got a kick out of it
—Keep The Sheets Warm, My Love Is Coming Home
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [If this wasn't enough to prove that you were the only person for Hesh, you didn't know what did.] ❞
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You walked around the room, tidying up what you could if only for the simple fact that it could distract you from the unconscious body in the bed. Realistically as a medic, you knew he would be fine—he was in the best hands possible—but Hesh had a track record for being unpredictable. 
He’d gotten into some trouble out in No Man’s Land again. Broken arm and ribs; a bullet through his thigh. He was so pumped full of medication and anesthetics from surgery that you doubted that he would be waking up soon.
But then again, Hesh was always surprising you. It was one of the reasons you’d married him, after all. Never a dull day.
Elias’s voice calls from the doorway. 
“You’re going to fall over at this rate,” you blink quickly, turning with an extra blanket in hand to spread around your husband’s comatose state. 
Your father-in-law has his arms crossed, and Logan slinks his way through the doorway with an arm looping your shoulders, a head pushed into your scalp silently. You sigh deeply, tension that you hadn’t realized was on your face lessening.
“Only if he keeps me from seeing those greens of his.” 
Logan huffs a laugh, squeezing you as his father grunts—the stern man’s eyes softening in a way they only would for you and his boys.
“He’d be more worried about you than himself if you did. Put my mind at ease, okay?” Your eyes roll but you nod with a small smile. You don’t argue with his point in the slightest. 
So, that was how you ended up here, in a seat by Hesh’s hospital bed—your hand in his and your head nodding back and forth with fatigue. Elias and Logan are casually playing a game of chess from across the room when David’s eyes flutter; his mouth releasing a low groan.
Your lids snap back, spine straightening, but before you can get a word out, your husband is pulling his hand from yours. His green eyes are loopy, pupils blown wide. 
He mutters something under his breath, lips grimacing and face pulling in at the sight of you. 
“Hesh?” The two men stand as you check his vitals, heart hammering until there’s nothing out of the ordinary and you can sit back down with a sigh and a relieved smile. “Take it easy, alright? You got out of surgery a little while ago—everyone’s here for you—”
“W…Where’s my wife?” His words slur, jaw loose as he rotates it; the unbroken arm with an IV chord stuck in it raises as jerky digits rub at his eyes. You’re left at a loss, blinking slowly in confusion before sharing looks with your in-laws. “No offense, Miss, you’re pretty and all, but…shit, why’s everything spinning?”
A hand covers your mouth, heated embarrassment lighting inside of your veins. 
“Hesh, Sweetheart,” your arm reaches to the brunette, trying to grab his wrist that he weakly moves away. 
“Stay away from me,” he grunts, head limply lulling on its pillow. “Thought I told you to keep it to yourself. My Wife’ll rip,” Hesh’s voice fizzles, a loud yawn peeling his bandaged face back, “you to pieces.” A pause. You hear Logan trying to hide his loud laughter behind his lips. “Did…the doctor send you?”
Your body turns to Elias, face beaming and expression exasperated. 
“Now that he’s awake will you get the other three? It’ll be easier to give the news to all of you at once.”
“Already commed ‘em,” the man states, watching his eldest with a raised brow and a slow smirk. “Least we know he’s a loose cannon on anesthesia.” 
Merrick, Keegan, and Ajax all file in, and as you continue to watch over a loopy Hesh, his small noises and babbling continue even when you give the breakdown of the patient sheet. You stand just shy of brushing the bed’s lower frame. You won’t lie and say it isn’t hilarious.
“He needs to keep out of the field for at least two and a half months, boys, and I’m not joking about that, alright?”
Your husband’s slow voice slashes through your speech, and the rest of the Ghosts snicker, sharing knowing looks as Hesh tries to lift the hand currently wrapped to his chest to keep it still. “You’re a real beautiful lady, Doll, y’know that? I’m sorry you like me so much, but I love my wife, you hear? Please don’t be angry with me.”
“Hesh, Darling,” you walk closer and bend down carefully. He blinked owlishly at you, finger coming up to poke at your cheek. Your hand grabs his as you hear Ajax make a quick remark to Keegan about the man being ‘totally whipped even when he’s high.��� 
“David, hey,” your voice prompts him to smile, perhaps now only realizing the familiarity of it. “I’m going to tell you something, hm?”
“Okay,” he watches, petting your neck with his thumb. 
“I am your wife.” The man’s eyes widen comedically as everyone shares a long laugh with one another. 
“No way,” Hesh breathes after a moment, awe-stricken. “Really?”
“Really.” There’s a moment of silence, and then the heart monitor begins to pick up its pace to a fast pound. Your face goes hot with love, and you bend your head forward in a long and honest laugh into his shoulder. 
Green eyes shift to the men, and Hesh beams, cheeks red and heart racing as he slurs out, “This is my wife?!”
It was safe to say they were never going to let him forget about this.
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elleloquently · 1 month
the wretched and joyful [ 3 ] : ellie williams
ellie williams x female reader | angst + slowburn
───⋆☆ And what the hell were we? Tell me we weren't just friends - This doesn't make much sense, no ♪
───⋆☆ All those sleepless nights - And all those wasted days - I wish loneliness would leave me - But I think it's here to stay ♪
| a/n - depending on how well this does, i'll decide if i'll be posting the rest of this fic or just leaving it here. thank you for your patience waiting for part three... please share ur thoughts bc that's my favorite part! i wrote this a little tipsy bc i wanted to get the right pacing of drinking so hopefully u get the vibe hehe | c/w - swearing, alcohol used as a coping mechanism, drinking, very small emetophobia warning! brief mention of sick (not detailed whatsoever), and a tiny dash of nsfw
you twirled and twirled in front of your dusted vanity mirror. the skirt that addie had made you was doing wonders.
you felt pretty.
what a ridiculous thing to say in this type of world.
the sky was streaked with orange, the promise of darkness growing closer by the second.
your stomach was in knots as you walked down the road. you tried to muster up excitement, telling yourself that was the reason for your shivers and shaking hands. if you forced it hard enough, perhaps it would be true.
perhaps you were a little too eager to drink, anything to numb your feelings or make you feel easy going, at least for a little while.
typically, you didn't like to drink much. you hated the taste, the way it constantly made you gag no matter how much you tried to like it. you hated feeling sick, too.
now, that didn't matter too much. if you were terribly sick the next day, so be it. maybe the sickness was the punishment that you deserved, and you decided that you would let it be.
dina's laughter echoed around you. you weren't sure what was said, but the ghost of a smile etched itself onto your lips anyway.
you pulled your gaze away from your feet, looking upwards to dina's grinning face instead. you had just caught the last second of a worried expression crossing jesse's face beforehand.
"stop dragging your feet," ellie complained, brushing your arm with her own. your skin responded almost instantly with chills. you could blame it on the cold weather, a cardigan wrapped protectively around your shoulders and arms. the days were certainly warming up, but the crisp air at night was an unforgiving reminder of the harsh winter everyone had struggled through.
you grumbled something inaudible in response, falling in line with your friends.
the four of you, a group of twenty somethings walking along almost happily as if the night could hold some sort of promise.
some older residents of jackson might chuckle, joking about staying out of trouble with a shake of their head. almost immediately their smiles would fall, remembering their own youth and how realistically, nobody would ever get to experience something like that again.
the light peeking through the tipsy bison ignited the fire in your nerves. jesse held the door open and you huddled in, giggling at the way seth loudly groaned once he set eyes on you and the three friends that followed. it almost could've been endearing if he wasn't such a piece of shit.
two older men sat at the bar turned and gave polite smiles as ellie claimed a rounded table in the corner. otherwise, it was pretty quiet. not for long.
"you look so cute," dina gushed in your ear, brushing her hands over your shoulder. "mrs. hollis really is a gem."
your lips slipped into a smile, cheeks burning. "thanks," you breathed out, looking at ellie out of the corner of your eye.
she had teased you quite a few times for saving a clothing item for a special occasion, but it didn't matter much. if you didn't go out of your way to try and make things special, how would they ever be?
dina pushed your back into the direction of the table where ellie and jesse were settling in. "go, sit. drink. be happy, or merry, or.. whatever they say."
you moved to the table as dina crossed to the bar. ellie's gaze raised, patting the seat next to her.
"hi," you said, sliding into the high top.
"so glad you could join us," jesse replied, charming and awkward and obviously testing the waters. he kept glancing between yourself and ellie and you wished he wouldn't. you hadn't even told him anything.
"you look pretty," ellie remarked, as if it were the most casual thing in the world that she could say. you felt feverish.
you opened your mouth to respond, but jesse drummed his fingers against the table.
"better go help my girl with our drinks," he announced, making things worse when he quickly stood up from the table.
"they're disgusting," ellie mumbled, watching as he joined dina and instantly snaked an arm around her waist.
you turned to look at ellie, watching as she watched jesse and dina. "you love them," you disagreed. "i'm glad they're back together."
"yeah. me too," ellie replied.
her tone sounded distant, causing your eyebrows to furrow as you turned and scooted closer to ellie. "what's the matter?" you questioned, just as music started playing throughout the bar. you both looked up at the same time, watching dina and jesse carrying drinks to your table. you wondered which was the one to sweet talk seth into turning on the music. you were almost certain that it had been jesse.
ellie went for her glass instantly, to which you glanced at her once again out of concern. surely though, you couldn't blame her. she had seemed so stressed lately. so.. tense. more than usual, at least.
jesse's filled glass matched ellie's, a flavor you certainly could never develop a taste for, no matter how troubled you were.
you stared down at your own beverage, swallowing hard. you could already taste it without even taking a sip. the anticipation was surely making it worse.
"cheers," you said suddenly, making your joke obvious by the way that you lifted your drink of choice. "to the happy couple."
dina groaned, reaching across the table to smack playfully at your hand.
"enough with that," dina pressed, but still tapped her glass against your own.
"cheers to this week of patrol being fucking over," ellie chimed in, sharing a knowing look with dina.
you wanted to ask about it, but the way that both of the girls took a long drink after the statement made you keep quiet.
the first sip was the hardest part. you knew how bad it would taste. you forced a straight face and took the biggest drink that you could manage. you swallowed down a cough, which didn't go unnoticed by jesse. he laughed, but didn't tease you.
falling into conversation was easy for your friends. you half listened, mostly focusing on the alcohol in front of you. it wasn't right, you knew that, but you wanted to get the drinking part over with quickly so you could just land at the end result.
get it over with.
"-don't you think?"
you tore your eyes upwards, wanting to locate the face that belonged to the voice just as you heard your name being impatiently called.
"i said, don't you think? you agree, right?"
ellie was looking at you expectantly.
"yeah. yeah, of course," you found yourself saying.
"oh jesus christ," ellie groaned, shaking her head.
"we've lost her," jesse concluded and you scrambled to sit up straighter in your seat.
"no, you haven't," you forced out. you had been preoccupied, but not lost. maybe your mind had just taken you for hostage, a thought repressed with every sip that you forced down.
your cheeks were starting to feel a little warm, but you were still painfully aware of ellie's body heat next to you and the way that you kept fidgeting with your hair.
"can you really blame him, ellie?" dina continued, not letting your short blip disrupt the conversation. "he just cares about you, that's all."
ellie snorted, and you knew the topic needed to change fast.
"can i try?" you questioned all of a sudden, eyes flicking to the glass held tightly in ellie's hand.
"you don't like it," she reminded you softly, the change in her tone genuinely catching you off guard.
"maybe i do now," you pressed, grateful for the way that dina and jesse began their own conversation from their side of the table. you scooted a little closer to ellie, as much as your chair could allow without swaying. you moved to grab the drink from ellie, but instead she raised the glass to your lips and tilted it. you took a careful sip, eyes scrunching shut as the flavor hit your tongue.
ellie laughed, moving away from you and taking a sip of her own. "that's what i thought," she mumbled, shaking her head with a smile.
"whatever, i'm empty. anyone need a refill?" you announced. it was maybe the third or second round of drinks, you couldn't tell who had what once drinks had started to be shared.
"please," dina grinned, sliding her own cup across the table for you to grab.
you nodded once in acknowledgment before attempting to hop off of the chair. it ended up being more of a slide, steadying yourself with one hand gripping the edge of the table.
"shit," you murmured, standing up straight and collecting the glasses in your hands.
clearly, you had underestimated things. it was only made apparent once you were standing up and moving.
you took focused steps, walking over to the bar and inwardly groaning as seth was very obviously trying not to make eye contact with you. he absolutely hated you, which wasn't much of a loss.. but still humiliating under the circumstances in which the negative feelings arose.
"you gonna drink me out of my own fucking bar again?" seth asked harshly, causing you to wince in reply. you simply shook your head, gesturing to have the cups refilled.
it had been two winters ago, maybe. a close call with ellie at an awkward sleepover had you running to the bison for something to help you cope. you shouldn't have been drinking anyway but you did and seth yelled at you, saying there wasn't going to be any alcohol left for the rest of the town.
the next day, you were horribly sick and ashamed. you spent the day throwing up, wallowing in your own pity.
you had told ellie that you had thought maybe you had the flu.
you debated on ignoring him altogether or making a witty quip, but you took too long to decide and the moment passed.
"just two of the same, please," you mumbled, setting the two glasses in front of him.
seth looked at you and breathed out heavily, squinting his eyes. whatever he wanted to say, he held back as he wordlessly refilled the glasses for you. once returned you smiled, or maybe grimaced, and began to turn away before a nagging idea entered your mind.
you drank, quickly, and had your glass filled once more. it only took a matter of seconds, and you had been convinced that was the last step required to rid yourself of the rather unforgiving thoughts plaguing your brain.
like nothing more even happened, you turned as quickly as possible to the table and made your way back to your friends without spilling any drops.
their boisterous laughter caused the appearance of a frown on your lips. a fear of missing out, why were they laughing so wildly now, once you weren't present for the conversation?
"what're you talking about?" your eyebrows furrowed together as you balanced your body back onto the chair.
"nothing," ellie shook her head, her lips slipping into an amused smile.
"that's not nice," you murmured, cheeks warm as dina reached across the table to grab her drink. "you're leaving me out."
"never," ellie responded, her voice dipping low into a mumble. her hand gently squeezed your forearm, reassuringly.
ellie's touch was gone as quickly as it had came and you held your drink up to your lips, hiding the flustered manner in which your lips twisted about.
ellie really was trying to focus on whatever jesse was going on about, but your cardigan kept slipping off of your shoulders and your laugh was ringing above the conversation.
her gaze kept wandering to where you were sat next to her, fidgeting with your fingers as you enthusiastically nodded along to the conversation. ellie could tell that you were drunk, or very quickly approaching it, by the way in which you were allowing yourself to fully ramble at the table instead of carefully thinking over and choosing your words.
truthfully, wholeheartedly, ellie adored the way in which you lit up when you told a story.
she leaned back in her seat, hand resting carelessly against her glass as she became more interested in your story than what she was meant to be listening to.
ellie could also tell when you were tipsy, at the very least, because you seemed to be a lot more prone to physical touch. every few seconds your elbow found itself bumping against ellie's. a hand on an arm, a head rested on a shoulder, your head in her lap.
you threw your head back while you laughed, a genuine, nose scrunched type of laugh. ellie quickly tore her eyes away and nearly choked on her drink when your head landed on her shoulder.
"you okay?" ellie mumbled. she might've accidentally interrupted dina, but ellie's words were quiet anyway. her body was tense at the contact and she found herself reaching for her glass once again, fingertips gripping at the rim.
you nodded, your cheek bumping against ellie's shoulder but your words came out in response to dina.
"-and did you see cat's new tattoo?" you asked, your eyes widening in an expression that ellie thought looked like awe.
"no," dina guffawed, and ellie felt you nod again.
"wait, another?" jesse questioned suddenly, and finally ellie had an excuse to join into your conversation.
a bigger gulp of alcohol burned its way down ellie's throat and she swore that she could feel her face flush.
you sat up suddenly, stomach nearly slamming against the table edge as you pushed yourself forward. your laugh was breathy now, as if it had taken all of the effort in the world for you to sit straight. you slapped your hand over your own shoulder blade in explanation. "right there," you clarified.
"what was it?" jesse asked, and ellie noticed that his face was looking a little red as well.
you shrugged. "i didn't get that good of a look," you sighed. "but it's probably something cool."
"damn," dina said wistfully. "she's cool."
ellie scoffed. "bullshit, i have never heard you say that cat's cool."
"what's wrong with cat?" jesse pipped in. you curiously raised an eyebrow, and ellie tried hard not to look at you.
"nothing," ellie defended. "but dina definitely never used to think cat was cool. you used to say quite the opposite, actually."
"did i?" dina teased. "i've never had a problem with her. you guys just weren't right for each other," she completed, settling seriously as her gaze met ellie's.
ellie could feel your eyes on her, and she could very nearly anticipate some smart remark from jesse. dina's gaze was practically unsettling, how intense it was all of a sudden. there was something there, something knowing between herself and dina. ellie brought her glass to her lips once more, a cop out from having to reply.
just like that, the gaze was avoided. your arm bumped against ellie's as you sank down in defeat.
how had you ever been sad?
the music had been turned up louder, louder than seth's grumbles and protests. it was something old, something with a lot of guitar that sounded like people would dance in boots to. ellie had rolled her eyes and swatted at you after your attempted description, but you didn't mind. you knew it was silly. the alcohol was too strong for you to mind.
you danced with dina, feeling like the most radiant person in the world while your skirt swished around your ankles. your own laughter sounded far away, echoing in your ears. your cheeks genuinely hurt from smiling, and if anyone were to place a hand across your forehead, surely you would feel feverish.
cardigan forgotten, your sleeves had been bunched up between your elbows and wrists. you twirled and twirled, laughing hysterically as your arms got tangled with dina's. you could hear ellie and jesse laughing too, somewhere far away and hazy. you knew in the back of your mind that they were laughing at you, but you didn't mind. you laughed along anyway.
the burn in your throat that tempted a gag with each sip was subdued. each taste no longer prompted a wince, which resulted in probably a sip too many.
you were happy. beaming, even. couldn't you feel like this forever?
time passed in seconds and years while you were drinking in the tipsy bison. had you been dancing ten minutes ago, or ten weeks ago? you looked down at your feet, trying to decide if they looked tired.
you squinted hard. were your feet always this blurry?
"you alright, kid?"
you squinted harder. a man was talking to you. you looked up, and raising your gaze took a few days, maybe.
it took a few seconds for his words to process in your ears.
"am i alright?" you questioned, your tongue numb. jesse laughed, so you laugh too.
so silly.
"time for her to go, williams." jesse says. you laughed, then realized he's talking about you, so you twist your lips into a frown.
"no," you disagreed.
ellie raised an eyebrow, in a way that almost looks lazy. she scans you over, almost pretending to be serious, before a lighthearted laugh escapes her.
"ease up," she tells jesse simply. you nodded once along with ellie.
yeah, ease up, you think, because you forgot to move your lips and say it out loud.
everyone seems to be satisfied because the conversation moves along. you sighed, content, and traced your finger along the edge of the table. you mentally searched your brain for the worried fuzz that previously clouded it, but found nothing. the ambience of chatter and laughter was like medicine for your mind.
you were the first of your friends to switch to water. you sipped it slowly, dragging your eyes between dina and jesse. you really did love them, the closest thing to a family that you had ever had. you felt an extremely strong urge to blurt it out then and there, but managed to swallow it along with your water.
you heard ellie laugh so you laughed too, like a reflex. your eyes found her now without even trying, but you never really had to try anyway. it didn't matter if you were sat right next to her or all the way across jackson, you always seemed to just find her. you were completely drawn to her, just as you had always been.
you felt like jelly.
ellie's features had you completely transfixed.
you weren't necessarily listening to the conversation, just studying ellie's features and reactions. the sounds around you had blended together and you blinked heavily, memorizing ellie's side profile as if you hadn't already had it memorized.
your eyes found the strand of hair following the curve of ellie's cheek and chin. the slope of her nose. she kept laughing, the corners of her eyes crinkling up. you stared for so long, your gaze was fixated.
at some point you must've laughed, because suddenly ellie was staring right back at you.
you forget to tear your eyes away, because you just don't really feel the need to.
"the fuck is wrong with you?" ellie questioned.
her eyebrows were knitted together in confusion, though the slow smile that grew on her lips made her look slightly amused, too.
"nothing," you breathed, and not even the alcohol could help the pounding in your chest when ellie looked at you like that.
"-think it's time to call it," jesse concluded, pushing his glass away from him.
"quitter," dina taunted, and she might've leaned in to kiss him but you weren't sure. you weren't looking.
"nothing?" ellie laughed, repeating your words. she squinted at you and leaned in closer, as if that would help her to reveal the truth.
"are you guys heading out too?" dina questioned, standing with jesse.
"in a minute," ellie answered, finally tearing her eyes away from your own.
sloppy goodbye's were given, giggles and thank you's despite seeing each other every day.
you ducked when jesse reached down to ruffle your hair, but you weren't able to dodge it.
ellie watched as dina and jesse left together, hand in hand. once she finally turned back to you, she laughed in astonishment.
"seriously, what?" ellie chuckled, shaking her head under your gaze.
"i don't know, shut up," you avoided, smoothing the material of your skirt over your lap.
"you're a bad liar," ellie said pointedly, leaning in closer with a determined expression as she scanned your facial features.
frowning at ellie's scrutiny, you caved under the minimal pressure that she had applied.
"your hair," you admitted softly. your answer obviously didn't clarify anything for the girl sat next to you. her brows remained furrowed, as if to imply 'go on..'
you shouldn't use alcohol as an excuse, but you did. reaching a gentle hand out, your fingers brushed against the strand of hair that followed the curve of ellie's cheek. her expression seemed to change a million times within the few, short seconds that the interaction lasted.
"i like when you wear it like this," you said simply, dropping your hand back onto your lap. ellie instinctively reached her hand back and touched her hair, cheeks reddening.
"shut up," ellie said, but her tone lacked any real authority.
"why?" you asked back, nearly instantly. "can't i compliment my friend?"
ellie shook her head, dropping her gaze and swallowing a chuckle as she finished off the rest of the liquid from her glass.
"what?" you asked, lips etching into a smile. you weren't sure why you were pushing now, but it was entertaining. "you said i looked pretty earlier, remember that?"
ellie coughed, eyes widening for only the briefest of seconds. "so what? you do look pretty." ellie doubled down, her gaze flicking over you. her voice was smooth, but her cheeks were red. it made you giggle.
"okay, thank you. you do too," you responded, fidgeting with the bottom hem of your sweater.
ellie pushed away from the table, rolling her eyes. "oh, fuck off," she snorted.
you scrambled out of your chair, thankfully grabbing onto the hand that ellie had offered out to you as you hopped down from the high top.
"fuck you, you look good," you insisted.
ellie dropped your hand, her nose wrinkling as she stopped to study you once again. "what's the matter with you?"
"oh my god, williams. you have got to lighten up," you laughed, looking away from her as you shook your head. you felt hot.
ellie was silent as you left the tipsy bison, and your stomach twisted.
was she actually bothered? you were being too much, right?
the sky was dark. everything outside seemed still.
you breathed in deep as the crisp air hit your face. something about the cold air burning your hot cheeks felt like a wave of reality. there was that lingering of the harsh winter still in the air, but something else, too. the promise of a warm spring to come.
"sorry," you said suddenly, concentrating really hard on the steps that you were taking. "i didn't mean to-"
"please. don't be dumb," ellie said. her tone was lighthearted. you were fine.
ellie's pace was relaxed as you both walked. it was a stark contrast from how tense she had seemed previously in the evening. you wondered if she had been using the alcohol to her own advantage too.
lost in thought, you nearly tripped over your own feet. ellie's laughter bounced around the empty road but she grabbed your hand immediately, helping to steady you. ellie didn't let go, so you didn't either.
you looked sideways at her, trying to step carefully so your steps didn't sound clumsy. ellie scanned her surroundings a lot when she walked, even now. it was less pointed now, but you could still notice it.
you thought back to the previous evening, ellie's body in your bed and the way in which she had looked at you. so close, so intentional.
you might've been anxious, but you weren't stupid. it had been a moment, right?
or at least, it almost was.
the alcohol wasn't pacifying anything. your heart rammed against your chest.
"where'd you go?" ellie asked, and the softness of her tone caught you off guard.
"nowhere," you answered, squeezing her hand. "just thinking."
"about?" ellie pressed, purposely bumping into you. you slowed to a stop, shrugging your shoulders.
"everything," you answered simply, dropping her hand. it almost wasn't a lie.
"ah, right. that narrows it down," ellie snarked.
"shut up," you laughed breathlessly, because her face seemed to be the only thing in full focus and ellie's stare was intense, even when it wasn't intended to be.
"what, we're keeping secrets now?" ellie pressed, her voice raising in pitch. her cheeks were still tinted, you could tell even in the dark.
a secret or two was fine to keep, you thought, especially if it was about potentially being in love with your best friend.
"please, as if you don't have any secrets," you retorted, almost a little too accusingly. ellie had been different lately.
ellie shook her head, eyebrows pinching together. "not from you," she answered, taking a step closer. her tone made your heart soar, but something about the way that her eyes changed made her words not entirely believable.
the smallest difference would make you spiral, but that's what the alcohol had been for. now, you could simply play along.
"well, me neither," you insisted as you continued down the familiar path to ellie's.
ellie scoffed in response. "aren't i special?" she said sarcastically.
"you are." your tone was straight forward, adamant.
ellie shook her head, which made you frown. you wanted her to reach for your hand again.
you lingered outside of ellie's, staying back a step as she fumbled with the door.
"i'll see you tomorrow, okay?" you said softly, not enjoying how much effort it was taking you now to enunciate your words.
"you're not coming in?" ellie asked, tilting her head at you. she looked disappointed, you thought.
"i don't know. you're making me nervous," you admitted without any time to regret it.
ellie laughed in disbelief. "what are you talking about?"
"you're being intimidating," you spat out, wrapping your arms around yourself. you wouldn't ever say that to her, but for some reason you did, and now you had to deal with the dejected expression that appeared on ellie's face.
"because im kind of drunk and i know i'll say something without thinking."
"something bad?" ellie questioned, eyebrows raised in concern.
"no," you answered.
"i think.. i'm gonna need an example."
you shook your head. "stop. you're being so... i can't handle it.
"i'm not doing anything," ellie argued.
"i know. you're just.. you."
"in a good way, or a bad way?" ellie asked, red in the face and obviously confused. you felt like you were floating, watching your body from afar and silently screaming at yourself to shut up! stop talking!
"a good way. a really, really good way."
brows still pinched together, the tiniest ghost of a smile appeared at ellie's lips. "what're you doing?" she asked slowly, her tone dropping.
"i don't know," you rushed out. you were dizzy. very dizzy, and you felt like you were burning up. you dropped your arms to your sides.
"are you being serious right now, or are you fucking with me?" ellie asked, stepping closer.
your body felt like it was buzzing. your words nearly came out in a whisper.
"i'm serious."
just like that, ellie's nervous guise was dropped. she was suddenly confident, smirking and invading your personal space. it was like all she needed was confirmation that she wasn't being misguided, and she turned into a different person.
"you could've just said so," ellie murmured, eyes darting across your own.
you bumped your back against the door for stability. your knees felt like they could buckle at any second. you wished that maybe you had drank more, because your nerves seemed to be taking control now.
"i don't know what i'm doing," was all that you seemed to be able to muster up with ellie looking at you like that.
your words had some sort of reaction within ellie, because the corners of her lips twitched and she let out a breathy laugh, the scent of alcohol consuming you.
kissing ellie wasn't how you had imagined it to be.
it was sudden and hurried, her lips crashing against your own. your breath caught in your throat once her tongue slid against yours.
you had imagined, maybe, that everything around you would quiet.
instead, all of your senses were on high alert. the taste of alcohol in her mouth, the wind stinging your cheeks. your stomach twisted and turned and your knees threatened to give out at any second.
you pulled away eventually, eyes wild and glistening.
"was that okay?" ellie's voice was low and you found yourself nodding before her sentence was even finished.
at your confirmation, ellie gripped your hip with one hand to keep you steady as she pushed the door open with her free hand. the door swinging out from behind you almost made you jump, so ellie tightened her grip.
ellie's lips were on yours again within seconds of kicking the door shut. you were blind, taking backwards steps into ellie's house.
your heart was pounding. you swore ellie could hear it. you squeezed your eyes shut, forcing yourself to not think.
you gasped once your back hit the wall and ellie tilted her head, deepening the kiss when you were steady once again.
her calloused fingertips slipped underneath the hem of your tank top, ghosting along your stomach and waist. the shaky sigh that you released into the kiss seemed to only encourage her more.
surely you would need to breathe soon, but you wouldn't dare pull away.
it wasn't anything like you allowed yourself to imagine, but that was fine. you weren't disappointed, it was just different.
you got the sudden urge to step back and look at her, to make sure that she was still your ellie, but you wouldn't.
stop. thinking.
ellie's hands were on your neck and then your shoulders, pushing your cardigan away from your arms and onto the floor. you dug your fingertips into the fabric of her shirt, pulling her body against your own. each breath apart was hurried and shaky, as if you couldn't collapse together again quick enough.
ellie's mouth attached to your jaw, kissing upwards until she was right below your ear. you gasped at the feeling, a small breathy sound leaving your throat and you could feel ellie smirk against your jaw.
butterflies exploded in your stomach. your hands were shaking as you wrapped your arms around ellie's shoulders, tugging her closer and pulling her lips back to yours.
this was everything that you had always wanted, right?
so you tried to push away the growing pit in your stomach and focus on the feeling of ellie's fingers tracing against your flesh.
goosebumps pricked over your bare arms and your body knocked against ellie's. one of her hands dipped to the waistband of your skirt and you nearly squeaked in surprise. ellie's other hand pushed your tank top upwards, exposing the underside of your bra.
you barely had one second to be insecure before ellie was mumbling against your lips.
"you're so-" ellie pressed a kiss below your ear.
"fucking," another kiss, on your neck.
"pretty," ellie concluded, kissing your collarbone before her mouth found way back to yours.
of course, ellie had complimented you before. but the low, raspy tone of her voice now was the cause of a deep warmth that spread throughout your entire body. despite it, you shivered at her touch, ellie’s fingertips tracing along your skin.
ellie’s name left your mouth as a whisper, though it still gained her attention. she pulled away, just barely, her eyes boring into your own as her fingertips pulled at your hips.
“is this okay?” she asked, her words serious and steady.
you nodded, trying desperately not to shy under her gaze. “promise,” you whispered.
ellie kissed you again, the movements bordering on erratic. you straightened your back against the wall the best that you could manage and lifted your leg, hooking it around ellie's waist to tug her closer.
she made a sound of surprise against your mouth, but the way that she kissed you showed you that she was more than okay with it.
the skirt that you were wearing was being bunched around your thighs, ellie haphazardly tugging it upwards so her hand could roam your thigh.
your breath hitched, every single thought in your mind ramming together and forming mush. you slipped your fingers underneath ellie's shirt, pressing your palms against her back.
you couldn't believe this was happening. and yet, it wasn't like how you had imagi-
her fingers squeezed at your upper thigh, so light it was almost like it hadn't even happened. you gasped once your body jolted in reaction, earning a small chuckle from ellie.
you hadn't drank enough, apparently, to save yourself from being embarrassed.
you kissed her to make up for it, swallowing a whine once the sensation appeared yet again. ellie's fingers trailed across your underwear, like she was taking her time.
it was a stark contrast from how you were kissing, as if each tiny breath was too much time apart.
you were nearly certain that your hands were shaking. your nails dipped into ellie's back, causing her to sigh against your lips. once her fingers slipped under the waistband of your underwear, you were done for.
you had never- obviously. ellie knew that. was she considering that now?
you assumed ellie had. though she never really seemed to like to talk about that sort of stuff with you. she had been with cat for awhile-
you deepened the kiss, speeding up to match the pace of ellie's movements.
not the time to think about the past.
ellie's fingers dipped lower and your breath was shallow, legs weak with anticipation.
"ellie-" you mustered, the words barely audible and practically swallowed by the kiss. ellie heard it, however, and something about it made her pull away.
ellie snapped back, her lips leaving yours just as suddenly as it had been when she first kissed you. she quickly pulled her hands away, taking a step back.
you nearly gulped the air, trying to catch your breath and make sense of the situation. you pressed a hand against the wall behind you, steadying yourself.
"ellie? what's-"
"shit," ellie murmured, taking another step away from you and shutting her eyes tight.
your stomach dropped.
the situation was unfamiliar to you, but anyone could tell that something was wrong.
this wasn't how it was supposed to be.
you froze, eyes wide and lips swollen. you watched as ellie raked her hands through her hair, pacing away from you.
"ellie, what?" you pressed, your voice coming out in a pathetic whisper.
"nothing," ellie dismissed, refusing to meet your eyes.
your heart hammered against your chest, a wave of emotions flooding over you.
shame, disgust, guilt, regret-
"seriously, nothing. it's just late. you drank a lot, right?" ellie accused, staring at the floor.
you shook your head, humiliation digging a hole into your stomach. "not too much, obviously. i'm fine, what's-"
"it's just late," ellie repeated. "i'm tired. you should probably get home."
and there it was.
you pressed your palm harder against the wall in an effort to prevent yourself from collapsing onto the floor.
every doubt, every insecurity, every reason preventing you from being honest with ellie about your feelings rang true in your head. your anxieties had been right, and now there was no taking it back.
you tried to catch her eye in the dark, but ellie wasn't budging.
"w-what?" you breathed out, tears pricking in your eyes.
"you should probably get going," ellie reinforced, her voice devoid of any emotion.
before you could get another word in or even process what the fuck had just happened, ellie turned her back and left the room.
you stood alone in the dark, hands trembling at your sides.
you stayed still for a moment, holding your breath and hoping that ellie would come back.
she didn't.
you gathered your cardigan from the floor, rushing to cover your arms and flee from the scene of the crime.
your body felt as though it was in shock when you were greeted again by the cold night. the unforgiving chill and the fevered warmth throughout your body were battling to win, each sensation fighting to take over.
you wobbled only a few steps away from ellie's house. your stomach lurched. you only had a second to keel over before you threw up, all of the alcohol and shame making itself apparent on the street.
you wrapped your arms tight around your body, trying to force your brain to wrap itself around what happened. you couldn't make sense of it.
you thought that you might throw up again, but instead a sob choked its way up your throat.
you waited just a second, sobs rattling your chest with your arms tightly wrapped around yourself. you stared at her house, willing her to come outside, tell you it was some sort of sick joke and comfort you.
you knew that she wouldn't.
you carried yourself home, steps heavy and uneven. you stifled your cries until you were inside, falling to the ground as soon as your door was shut.
nothing, you thought, felt as bad as this right now.
you rested the back of your hand against your forehead, willing this all to be some sort of alcohol, feverish induced dream.
surely that didn't just happen. it couldn't have, you didn't want it to.
even if ellie was just interested in some sort of drunken hookup and then came to her senses, you were her best friend. how could she suddenly be so detached, so casually cruel without another regard for your feelings? even if she didn't like you, you were her best friend.
you cried like a stubborn child having a tantrum.
it was all that you could really manage to do.
tags :
@skylerwhitwyo @muthafuckingstargirl @minustwofingers @mirrorballels @macaroni676 @sapphicontherun @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes @patricks-fabulous-face @bready101 @elliewilliamsonlygirlfriend
[ i know it's been awhile! if you would like to be removed from the taglist, please just let me know <3 same thing goes for added! ]
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chaithetics · 16 days
Sweeter Than Honey
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Pairing: Matt Murdock x f (afab) plus size reader Prompt: Smutty fic w/afab bi plus size reader & Matt Murdock. The smuttier the better! Word count: 4.2K Warnings: 18+ MDNI, smutty-smut-smut! I think this is the smuttiest thing I've ever written. Language warning, I think! No physical description other than reader being plus size. One reference to reader being bi. Established relationship. Not proof or beta read. I A/N: I'm so excited to share the 2nd Fics for Palestine fic (you can learn more at that link)!!! A massive thank you to @thatesqcrush for donating to PAL Humanity! I really appreciate it, and hope you enjoy it! I hope everyone else enjoys this Matt fic! I did write half of this loopy on pain meds and fuelled by sleep deprivation so be kind lol! I've had a pretty cursed week. Comments and reblogs are always welcomed and appreciated! 🫶 P.S. Keep doing what you can to support Palestine! It's all important, whether it's donating, contacting your local and relevant political reps, sharing and engaging with resources and posts, showing up to local events etc. Here is a post I made with free things to do from home to help Palestine. Much love 🖤❤️🤍💚 Gif by @cellophaine
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The city that never sleeps at night, is still humming with life. That’s all out of focus as you’re sprawled out in bed, enjoying the soft pitter-patter of rain against the windows of Hell’s Kitchen, it’s lulled you in and out of sleep throughout the evening. That and the body of the devil of Hell’s Kitchen. 
Matt and you had spent the afternoon inside, making love, cuddling up on the sofa watching some television and listening to the audio description voiceovers. After an early dinner of takeaways that had been delivered to the apartment’s doorstep and possibly another orgasm or two, Matt had then left for a patrol. 
The rest of your evening had passed pretty quickly with mindless activities and chores and now you were in bed. Dozing in and out of sleep, you’re well aware that your sleep wouldn’t be unbroken until you had the warmth pressed against you that only Matt’s body could provide. There was something about how it felt to have his strong arms around you to be his little spoon and how he’d press kisses against your neck and shoulders as he’d start to enter and then later on leave sleep. 
It wasn’t long after your next yawn and long blink that you heard the telltale signs of Matt’s body quietly but still audibly entering the apartment. It was impressive, he was a fox of a man but he also moved in such a fox-like manner, it was sneaky, elegant, and careful, you’re sure that to those against him, it felt sly and quick too. 
You blink a few more times before you see his figure come into the bedroom, he’s walking fine, which kind of surprises you, his senses are spectacular but he was never gifted with super healing or anything, he had to suffer and bear the pain just like everyone else. You immediately smile as you see him come in. He quickly strips off of his vigilante gear and shoves it away and then walks to the bed. 
He crawls on the bed until he’s close to you, he plants a kiss on your plump upper arm and then starts to trace his fingers along it, trying to feel any freckles or moles that he maybe has missed a previous night and is yet to commit to his memory. It’s something that might’ve made you feel a tad insecure years ago, once upon a time but now, you just take it for the peaceful moment of love that it is. “How was it? You don’t look like a wounded warrior tonight.” You tilt your head slightly to look at him, you can’t help the feeling of contentment as you move a hand of yours to run through the soft and now sweaty hair on his head. 
“Quiet. Barely petty even.” He says as he moves so he’s leaning more on top of you, resting his chin on your chest. You hum in response, it’s a bit surprising but you’re not complaining, he’s home earlier which is perfect. It might be hard to believe but sometimes there are even quiet nights in New York, somehow. “You didn’t have any gentlemen or lovely ladies come over to take my place and keep the bed warm while I was gone, did you?” He asks playfully as his fingers feel the soft material of your nightgown as his hand runs along your full hips. 
“No, not tonight.” You reply with a small chuckle as you look at his handsome face, taking in how each feature of his looks in the dim light. 
“That’s good because I missed you.” He says in that voice that immediately makes your cheeks heat up and you can’t help but feel every filthy thought you’ve ever had about him floating around in your head at this moment. 
“Is that so?” You ask in a whisper, you try to keep your voice even but it cracks with a bit of need and you know he hears it. He would’ve sensed it by now. “Of course.” Matt lets out a small breathless chuckle his expression morphing into a wider grin as he runs his hand down to your thick thighs, caressing gently with the midnight whispers of what’s to come. You watch his handsome face, taking in the expression, how there’s a playfulness in the quirk of his lips but there is also concentration etched into his brows and highlighted by the dim, evening light. Your eyes drop to watch his hand as you feel his rough, calloused hands gently push the hem of your nightgown up to more of your stomach. You don’t even realise you’re holding your breath until his fingers feel your now bare upper thighs and he squeezes them, you let out a short breath and quickly inhale again. Matt was absolutely in love with you and your body, he worshipped you, exactly as he should. You were a bit surprised that after the day you’d both had and then him coming back from a patrol he was already ready to go but as your cheeks heated up, he could be completely insatiable at times but you didn’t have a single complaint. “May I, darling?” He asks. “Yes, now…” You whisper with a smile to match his growing one. “Good, I need you…” He lets out a small groan as he moves so he’s now hovering over you as he spreads out your thighs and gets between them. He runs his fingers along the sensitive skin of your plush thighs. Matt brings his head down and leaves a trail of warm kisses inching up your thighs, you inhale and let out a little moan as you feel his hot breath on you and his soft, warm lips. You move your hand to touch the top of his head and run your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp as his kisses trail up higher and higher, getting closer to your core. He moves a hand up to lightly squeeze the beautiful love handles you have, he’s been enchanted by you from the very first beat of your heart that he could hear. He’s obsessed and his senses could just drown in you, he will happily shut out the rest of the world and all the responsibilities, codes of ethics and Catholic guilt that haunt him just to be fully focused on and overwhelmed by you. His hand that isn’t squeezing you moves up to get closer to your sweet hole. “You’re so perfect… So beautiful…” He says in a husky voice between the thigh kisses he’s showering you with. Matt’s fingers tease around your folds, more on the furthest parts of your vulva he can feel your arousal, he can smell it. He’s barely touched you but you’re already so needy and ready for him, he grins like the devil he is and his fingers edge closer to your core, he expertly teases his fingers through your slick folds. When he feels your juices and just how turned on you are, a deep groan leaves his mouth and you see his hips instinctively press into the mattress for a moment. You let out a gasp, it never takes him long to get you slick like this, just a few words and that infamous cocky grin that’s a frequent fixture on his face in the bedroom. You run your hands through his hair a bit more urgently now while he keeps teasing you with his digits, his fingers becoming coated in your juices. “Already soaking wet…” Matt teases in the sexiest tone you’ve ever heard, you let out a barely audible and desperate whimper, just needing more. You need more of him, as you watch Matt lift his hand away for a moment to bring it closer to his face. You watch him with heavy-lidded eyes as he licks it up, at first it’s slow and then he sucks the taste of you off his fingers more quickly and he moans. 
“You always taste so good, sweetest thing in the world…” He says as he then moves his hand back down and fingers now circle your sweet hole, teasing you and you let out a whine as you just want to swallow him up now. “You taste so good, and you’re just so wet, baby… That pussy is just begging to be licked…” He groans, a neediness in his voice that’s just as equal to the need burning inside of you. “Please, Matt…” You whine out, your nails scratching his scalp a little bit more roughly. You need him, every muscle in your body is craving to feel his sensual touch, each inch of your skin needs to feel his body and you just need to be filled by him. 
He quickly pushes his index finger in and you moan out. He closes his eyes as he slides it in and out, enjoying how your velvety walls swallow him, focusing on the other-worldly feeling of your body and the sweet musical moans each thrust of his fingers pulls out of you. You’re his soft and sexy instrument, singing out the most melodic tune. You moan out and tug his short hair as he keeps pumping his fingers in and out, he lets out a groan as he feels more and more of your juices. He slips another finger in, you’re that wet it slides in so easily and he groans at the feeling of how you just swallow that finger up and you moan yourself at the the fuller feeling it gives your hole. He can’t help it, he was right in his earlier statement, your body is just begging him to dive right in for a taste, he can’t resist it anymore, so he continues to pump his fingers in and out, pressing them in deeper and moving them at a faster pace as he brings his face closer to your core. Matt trails his tongue along the edge of your core, lightly running it along your folds as he moves his thumb to circle your sensitive little bud that is just begging for his attention. 
His tongue glides amongst your folds and he moans against you as his fingers keep pumping and his thumb circles more lazily against your bundle of nerves. He moans against you and the simple vibrations of that make your body shake slightly and you moan out as your breathing becomes more shallow from the pleasure. “You make me feel so good Matt.” You whine out as you buck your hips up to meet his mouth and fingers more. That simple movement drives him more wild and he pumps his fingers more intensely making you moan. He starts to move his tongue more through you and eagerly laps up between your folds, his tongue brushing against your clit. He’s savouring the sweetness of your pussy like he’s a man that’s been absolutely starved, that he hasn’t eaten in forever and he’s never had a meal as decadent as this, that he’s never even dreamed of something so delicious and perfect even though his face had been buried between your thighs only hours ago, not weeks, months or years like you might imagine with how eager he was. 
Matt licks your clit, circling it with the biggest need to pleasure you, he needs to devour this divine feast in front of him. He groans as he thinks about how he’d happily spend the rest of his life in this exact position, pleasuring you exactly like this. He needs to make you come, he’s feeling himself becoming harder and harder the more he thinks about making you come and feeling it on his tongue, his face, and being able to taste it. The feeling of Matt’s fingers curling inside you more makes you groan and your eyes widen as he sucks on your bundle of nerves and then hums, his mouth constantly going between lapping you up, licking and sucking on your clit. You’re getting closer and closer, you pull on his hair more and whine out loudly, you can feel the start of that incredible high kicking in. “I’m so close- I’m gonna-I’m gonna come Matty…” You frantically cry out as your eyes squeeze shut and your back arches as you tug on his hair, making you groan, he keeps licking and circling your clit and thrusting his thick fingers into you as you become undone and cry out as you release directly onto his fingers and tongue. You shake slightly as you come down from that high, your body overcome by pleasure and your sensitive spots becoming even more sensitive from release. Matt’s fingers move at a more gentle pace that pulls out another soft moan from you as you take some deep breaths. Matt licks you up, taking in each drop of your juices that he can just so he can treasure them on his tongue, let the flavour become a permanent memory for his mouth. One might think he’s licking you clean and while it’s a bit overstimulating his tongue is gentle, he isn’t done with you yet. He needs more of his sweet treat first before he can even think of moving on to having another part of him buried deep inside of you. He needs to make you come again first. You moan, and keep your eyes closed as all you can do is try to focus on your breathing, something you’re only able to do for four seconds, at the most. And you’re immediately back to only being able to focus on the feeling of his tongue working you through it. How it just makes you more aroused and wetter, you can’t help but think about how wet is mouth and chin must be, how they’ll glisten with your juices when he does pull away. “Matt…” You whisper and moan as you tug his hair lightly. “Come on baby.” He whispers against you before slowly licking through your folds again, the hand that isn’t slowly fingering you, moves up to your round stomach to caress it lovingly, almost reassuringly. “Just give me one more, please?” He asks as your cheeks heat up at that and you let out a little chuckle between moans. “It’s not going to take long for that.” You groan out as you feel his tongue apply more pressure to your hypersensitive bud. 
“I know.” He whispers cockily against your clit which makes you shiver. Of course, he knew. What didn’t he know, he was a sexy human lie detector, one conveniently buried between your legs right now. 
You’re feeling a bit overstimulated at the strokes of his tongue, but it also feels incredible as he keeps swirling his tongue, circling and sucking on your clit. He sucks a bit harder like his life depends on it as he applies more pressure with his mouth and also presses his fingers a bit deeper into your hole. You’re soaking him but he can’t help but moan against your core at the feeling of your needy, overstimulated bud and how your slick walls keep swallowing his digits up with each movement he makes. 
Matt sucks a bit more hungrily as he can tell from your heartbeat and breathing that he’s brought you right back to the cliff again and you’re not even moments away from being pushed over into another release. God, he loves working you up like this and you love it too. One hand is tugging on his hair, becoming rougher with each calculated lick of his and your other is up to the other side of the pillow, tightly holding it, digging your nails in as you moan and feel that feeling of an orgasm building up again in your core. Your hips buck more into his face as you moan and your back arches as you whine out, your eyes roll back as the warm waves of that sweet release overcome you. Any and all tension in your body leaves as his tongue laps you up through your release. He was so obsessed with the taste of you, it was so much better than any cheap beer that Josie’s could serve on a hot night, sweeter than any honey that’s melted on his tongue. 
His hand gently caresses your hip, tracing along an imaginary map as he licks you through the high and cleans you up with his mouth. He groans and comes up, leaving his second home for a moment. 
“You taste and feel so good, I need to feel you more, I need to be buried in you.” Matt pants out as he moves up so that his hips are closer to yours and his face is hovering just inches against you. His voice is needy and low, if you were standing up and not already lying down on the bed you would’ve melted into a puddle. “Mm… Let me feel you deep inside, fill me up, Matty.” You whine out quietly as you run a hand lazily through his hair and place the other on the back of his shoulder. “My fingers weren’t enough were they?” He asks as he moves each of your legs to wrap around the back of his waist. “No..” You whine out as you look at him with heavy lids, running your fingers through his soft hair. “Mm, say my fingers weren’t enough.” He whispers and your cheeks heat up. “Your fingers weren’t enough Matty, didn’t make me feel full enough baby.” You moan out as you feel him press in. He groans at the feeling, he slides in slowly but easily with your two recent orgasms and just how soaked you are. He takes a shaky breath as his eyes close and he feels your body adjust to his entry and how your walls swallow, tighten and clench around his member. 
“Mmm…” You moan out as your head falls back further into the pillow, Matt groans and starts to slowly move his hips against you which draws out a chorus of groans and moans from both of you. He caresses your plump thighs while moving and goes on a journey of kisses starting with your full cheeks to your soft jaw and along your sensitive neck, he groans and smirks at the way you moan when he gives those spots attention. His kisses are soft and sensual as he caresses and wraps his arms around you while he rocks in and out. “So perfect for me every time, you know that right? So perfect, and you swallow me up, and your body… I don’t need anything else.” He says and you feel his breath and each word tickle against your collarbone as he thrusts in and out. Your cheeks heat up and you groan as he thrusts in deeper and you feel yourself clenching around him, swallowing him up more with each perfect movement he makes. You love him, you love how he feels, how he makes you feel, you love who he is as a person and you love his body. Matt’s body presses closer against yours, flushing your bodies together, chest to chest, his forehead leaning against yours as he rocks in, his arms wrapping around, pressing your head closer ever so lovingly. He always loves this cuddling position, that makes your bodies feel even more like one. He moves deeper into you, enjoying this as he presses a soft kiss against your lips but he can’t help it. Your body is too goddamn perfect. Every bit of self-restraint leaves his body at the way that your perfect pussy keeps clenching around his thick member, he wanted to make this last, to fully bask in it, but when you clench around him like that, tug on his hair and moan like that he can’t help it. Who could? He groans hungrily and starts to move his hips quicker, the pace becoming deeper and more intense with each movement and he groans at the feelings. God, you feel incredible. He’s never felt so good with someone like he does with you, he knows it sounds silly but he’s convinced that your bodies were sculpted to perfectly fit together. There’s no other explanation. He groans and his eyes close as he pants thinking about it, he can hear your heart rate increasing at the change of pace. You’re so perfect. You whine out at the new depth and pace, tugging on his hair as you bite your lip. Your fingers dance across his back as you scratch it with each deep thrust of his that pulls a moan out of you. He has you feeling completely full and you can’t help but gasp out at the loss with each time his hips come back. 
“You always feel perfect, you squeeze me just right…oh…” He groans and bites his lip, his arms wrapped around you move slightly so that he can cradle your head more and caress your forehead as he pounds into you. His groans are deep and just show you how much pleasure he’s in. You whine out and claw his back more, you’re sure that in the morning when you shower with him, there will be faint red lines on his back from your hands. The thought about that turns you on more as you keep scratching and moaning. You were flooding him as he kept moving deeper and deeper, each snap of his hips pulled more moans from you and he was groaning and when you clenched around him he’d sometimes let out a little hiss. 
It felt so good, too good, it shouldn’t be possible for two bodies to be able to bring each other this much pleasure. Yet there you both were in the bed you shared doing it anyway. Matt’s body kept moving at a quick pace, he was fumbling any form of control he had over making this last, his hips were quick but now he was thrusting into you more deeply and frantically as your room became filled with the noises of your bodies meeting and all your moans. 
Matt needed to chase his high now, he was too close and he knew it was going to happen in mere seconds, not minutes. He keeps driving his hips into you as he cuddles against you, you’re tugging on his hair and moaning against his neck, sucking on it when you’re not too overwhelmed to cry out. You keep tugging against his hair and moaning, you can’t read his body as well as he can read yours for obvious reasons but you know he’s getting closer, his breathing is shallow and his hips are moving intensely and starting to sputter. Matt groans loudly and kisses you hotly, pushing his tongue in and dancing with yours as he groans and swallows up your respective moans as his hips keep frantically moving to thrust in and out of your sweet, sweet hole until he gives his last groan against your mouth and releases, deep inside of you. He’s so loud and his eyes snap shot as he’s overcome with the feeling of that release. The warmth of his come floods you and he keeps his lips pressed against you softly as his body stills and after a moment, he pulls his lips away. Matt caresses your forehead as he pants, pressing a gentle kiss there. “So perfect.” He whispers before pressing another. You pant out and kiss his jaw. Nobody made love like Matt did, nobody could ever fill you the way he did and take you to absolute pleasure like that. He was perfect and you press kisses against his jaw in between your pants as your heart still races. He’s still inside of you. Jesus Christ, he’s still inside of you. You groan at that thought and then Matt presses a long and gentle kiss to your lips, his lips are so warm and soft. You smile as you look up at him, there’s some sweat on his brow and in his soft hair and your cheeks heat up as you can see some of your juices still glistening on his mouth and chin. 
He’s smiling widely as well, it’s not a devilish grin but rather a happy, content smile. He loves you, words aren’t needed. He pulls out after a moment and then lays back and pulls you carefully into his arms to rest your head against his chin and he closes his eyes. “You’re sweeter than honey.” He whispers as his hand gently caresses your cheek. 
“I guess that’s lucky for me.” You breathlessly whisper while trying to catch your breath. 
“No darling, I’m the lucky one.” He says as he pants and presses a warm kiss to the side of your head. You smile and that and you both let out a small chuckle as you cuddle more into his warm body. You might’ve not had a taste of him tonight like he did of you but he’s equally sweet as honey you think.
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vampzity · 3 months
𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨?
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Pairing: ex boyfriend! Wooyoung x f! reader
Genre: ex boyfriend to lovers, valentine’s day, fluff, a lot angst, nudity (w/o smut), pet names (my love, baby), one shot, arguing, hint of violence, shaming(??)
Synopsis: The day before Valentine’s Day. One you planned to spend alone this year after a wreck of a breakup you had. However, the winter freeze had other plans for you. Forced to be stuck in an apartment with the one person you hated, you knew it was something you didn’t miss.. or did you?
Now Playing: The Way You Do - Crying City
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: I changed the idea of Woo’s fic about 3 times which is why it took so long.. was supposed to be all fluff but, was feeling like spicing it up this time around 😏 Sorry in advance! Yall might hate me or want a pt. 2 like San’s…
Mingi's Pt. Masterlist Jongho's Pt.
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You stood at the door patiently, a small packed luggage standing by you. The apartment hallway was quiet minus the hard rain that fell, as it was only 10 p.m. Growing impatient, you knocked on the door once again.
“Wooyoung?! Open up, I’m tired and cold!”
Who knew that after months of trying to get away from the person you deeply hated, you’d just end up back at his home? Not for reasons you think though. All that time, and he was still the very same from when you had left.
The door finally swung open to reveal a frustrated man before you. He stood there in his black sweats and tank top, hair held back in a small ponytail with minimal baby hairs framing his face. Small hints of blonde strands were revealed from under the ponytail. He rolled his eyes at you and turned his face away.
“Wow, trust me. I don’t want to be here either.” You huffed, shoving your way past him and into the apartment.
“Well, nice to see you, too.” He mumbled.
Wooyoung closed the door to his home, turning the locks. He watched as you set your luggage by the island table. You sighed heavily and placed your phone down, turning to look at him. He ignored your presence and walked towards the hallway, shooing you off. You scoffed at him, raising an eyebrow.
“So you’re just going to pretend I’m not here? For the entire 3 days? You can’t be serious.”
Wooyoung stopped in his tracks, letting out a deep groan. He turned around and glared before walking towards you. He came up to you, about 3 inches away from your face making you blush softly. Your eyes widened as he raised an eyebrow at you, continuing to walk until you were backed against the table.
“I could pretend. Just like how you decided to pretend that I didn't exist for months. So who’s really serious really, hm?”
You stood there in silence, unsure of how to respond. What exactly did he mean by pretending the love you two shared wasn’t real? He was the one who suddenly left you. No explanation, no warning. Why was he blatantly trying to play the victim in your face?
The silence continued to stand between you two for a bit. Wooyoung sighed and grabbed your luggage, beginning to walk to the rooms. You followed behind him as you were eager to hide the soft red tint in your cheeks. Wooyoung opened the door to a guest room, motioning for you to go inside. He refused to make eye contact with you, as he wanted to keep the distance cordial between you two.
You walked through the door, being met with a queen-size bed covered in black bedding towards the windows in the room. A white dresser stood across from it along with a closet a little further to the right of it. Sheer black curtains covered the windows, which stood floor to ceiling as a balcony was present outside.
You grabbed your luggage and rested it on the bed. You unzipped it as you continued to not respond to Wooyoung. If silent treatment is what he wants to give, he’ll only receive the same. Maybe it will make these three days easier for both of you.
“So I don’t get any, ‘Wow thanks Wooyoung for giving me a place to stay even though I severely hate your guts! Not even a thanks?”
You stopped from unpacking and lifted your head, looking towards the window as you sighed heavily. You hear footsteps make their way into the room, stopping a few feet away from you. His hand came up to tug at your shoulder.
“Hello?! I’m talking to you!”
Your body tensed up with anger, feeling every little tingling sensation of fire burn within you. Every moment you shared with Wooyoung, ones you tried so hard to forget came rushing back to you. Overwhelming you with so many feelings that you couldn’t control.
You turned quickly and backhanded Wooyoung across his cheek. He stumbled back and held his cheek in agony, looking down at the ground. You snapped out of your anger, blinking your eyes rapidly. With them now softened, you looked at Wooyoung as he stood up straight holding his cheek. He gave you a small glare, as he began to massage it.
“Omg, Woo.. I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you, I don’t know what happened to me, everything was so sudden!”
You took a few steps towards the young man, only for him to put his hand out to stop you. He sighed and removed his right hand from his cheek, revealing a bright red mark that slowly began to bruise. Your eyes widened, feeling even more sorry for what you’ve done.
“Don’t. The shower is down the hall. If you need anything, my room is across from it. Have a good night.”
With that, Wooyoung walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. You brought your hands to your face and sighed heavily. It felt like the way you two used to argue, loud and angry. Except this time around, it grew violent. You felt your heart sank over this, not exactly sure what to do.
As much as you wanted to hate Wooyoung, your heart longed for him and there was no denying that. No matter what happened between you two, you knew there was a reason he grew distant. Why he left so suddenly with no explanation. As much as you wanted to know, you knew that now you may not be able to, because you couldn’t control your emotions.
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Wooyoung sat in the kitchen holding a small ice pack to his cheek as you occupied the shower. He felt sorrow over what had occurred, not exactly sure how you’d both be able to last 2 more days together.
Thoughts continuously weighed heavily on his mind, wondering what had gotten you two to the point of hate. Especially when just a few months ago, you loved each other so dearly. He loved you so dearly, and he still does. He just wasn’t sure of how to tell you.
He knew he broke your heart, shattered it without a warning. Little do you know the reason. How the pressure between a relationship, comebacks, and a tour got to him. That he felt overwhelmed by leaving you alone for so much time, feeling that he was abandoning you. How he felt that if he left, it would give you a better sense of peace rather than constantly worrying over his rest or when he would have time to call you.
It broke him genuinely, and you didn’t even know it.
The door to the bathroom opened, signaling that you had finished your shower. Small sniffles echoed in the hallway as you made your way to the guest room. Wooyoung turned his head to the hallway, seeing you nervously opening the door and closing it quickly. His heart broke at seeing how hurt you were. Knowing that even after all this time, you never got the proper closure that you wanted. That you possibly desired.
Wooyoung let out a sigh and made his way to your room, feeling a small nervousness in the pit of his stomach. He was determined to work things out with you and as stubborn as he was, he knew he missed you.
Coming up to your door, he knocked softly. There was silence for a moment before he decided to knock once more.
“Y/n? Can we talk?”
You froze by the bed at his words, feeling small tears fall down your cheeks as the cry from your shower carried over. You brought your hands to your face, feeling an overwhelming sense of sorrow wash over you. How could you face him like this? Would he not just laugh in your face after how strong of a character you forced in front of him?
“Baby, please.”
Your stomach filled with butterflies at his words, giving you some sense of calmness that you haven’t felt in a while. He knew how it made you feel, how that one word easily brought you to peace. Why would he call you that? Especially when you guys are not together and haven’t been for a while. The calmness you once felt began to turn into worry as you remembered how the breakup went, and how hurt you were. No matter what your heart felt, you knew you had to fight it. Even if you didn't want to.
You removed the towel from your head, sliding back on your fuzzy slippers as you made your way to the door. As you were wearing a baggy shirt, you figured you didn’t need shorts. It’s not like you were sleeping with Wooyoung anyway. Sighing heavily, you opened the door and met Wooyoung’s eyes as he stood before you.
“Have you been crying??” He questioned, taking a small step toward you.
A worried look painted his face as you looked away from him, desperate to get him to leave you alone.
“What do you want, Woo? I’m tired, I just want to go to bed.”
You sighed heavily, walking back towards the bed to take a seat. He closed the door and kept his distance from you to make sure you were comfortable with him being there. He pulled his hair out of its ponytail, shaking it a bit with his fingers.
“You deserve a real explanation.”
Your breath hitched slightly, feeling your heart drop to your stomach. You stayed silent and nodded quietly, giving him an okay as you brought your legs onto the bed. He came up next to you, motioning toward the bed if he could sit down. Once again you gave him no answer, looking away from his presence. Wooyoung took a seat next to you, playing with his fingers in his lap.
“Look, you don’t need to listen if you don’t want to. You don’t even need to forgive me, you have every reason not to.”
He cleared his throat and looked towards you, feeling a slight frown paint his face.
“But you have every reason to know what happened. You deserve to know the truth.”
A small amount of silence remained between you. There were a billion things you had wanted to say, wanted to ask, but you refrained as maybe he already planned to answer it.
“I’m sorry for how we ended. It was my fault. I was worried, beyond worried, just completely out of it. With the tour, come back, back-to back-shows.. it was so much. I struggled mentally with the thought of leaving you alone for so long. I couldn’t do it.”
Wooyoung paused for a bit, feeling his eyes begin to tear up as he choked on his words. You looked up at him with a concerned look in your eyes. His breathing became a bit rapid as he began to cry, finally allowing the tears to stream down his face. Your face filled with worries as you quickly pulled him into a hug, running your fingers through his black and blonde locks.
Silence swallowed the two of you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you tightly. Both your heart’s beating rapidly as it’s been months since you last held each other. He sobbed onto your shoulder, apologizing repeatedly over and over. No matter how many times you reassured him that it was okay, he still didn’t hesitate to deny his wrongdoings to you. Seeing him like this genuinely broke you, saddened you even because he's never broken down like this in front of you. It panicked you a bit.
You pulled your arms away from him, cupping his tear-stained face with your hands and placing a small kiss on his forehead. You leaned your forehead against him as his hands remained at your waist.
“I’m so sorry my love. I didn’t want you to fall out of love with me. I was afraid, I didn’t want to lose you. In the end, I lost you and myself..”
You wiped the tears that continued to fall from his face, nodding softly so he knew you heard him. This was so heartbreaking for you. All this time that you sat here and hated Wooyoung, refused to speak to him because of how he ended things. It all finally made sense. You felt all the anger and resentment toward him leave in that instant. It was a relieving feeling that washed over you, but not Wooyoung himself.
“Woo,” You started, looking at him. He kept his eyes closed, refusing to look at you.
“Look at me.”
He sighed, opening his eyes at you. You smiled at him and caressed his bruised cheek softly, making him wince in pain.
“I didn’t mean to make you cry, I really didn’t. I didn’t mean to hurt you or make you hate me, even if I deserve it. I can only imagine what you went through.”
You shook your head, shushing him slightly.
“It’s okay. I forgive you, please don’t beat yourself up about this.”
His eyes shined glossy as he looked away from you, nodding his head. You lifted his chin to look back at you. You moved his bangs away from his face, leaning in to kiss him. It’s been a while since you felt his lips against your own. It was a feeling you craved for, longed for months on end. Even if you envied him, you missed him and his touch. His kind sweet words, the way he cared for you.
You pulled away shyly. Wooyoung’s face painted a bit red as he looked away from you once again, unsure of what to say. Silenced dawned upon you two as you sat in front of each other. You both knew what the other was thinking and yet, no one wanted to say a word. You sighed and smiled, breaking the silence.
“I love you, Woo. I have this entire time, even if I resented you.”
Wooyoung raised his eyebrows at you, surprised at what you had said even if your kiss had shown enough. He smiled and brushed his hair back, soon pulling you into a hug again.
“I’ve loved you for so long. I’ve been waiting for the day I would hear you say that to me again.”
Your heart fluttered at his words, wrapping your arms around his neck as you snuggled your head into the crook of it. You felt Wooyoung wrap your legs around his waist as he lifted you softly, alarming you. He stood up and began to walk out of the room and towards his own.
“Woo? What are you doing?!”
You two locked eye contact for a second, making a slight blush appear on your cheeks. He smiled at you, continuing to walk into his room. He closed the door behind him and placed you on his bed softly. You looked around the room, the setting still the same as when you had left it months ago. Not a single thing changed about his room, and it gave you a feeling of belonging. As if you were home again.
“You shouldn’t sleep alone when it’s cold.”
He turned the lighting in the room down a bit, giving it a soft calm feeling in the room. You cocked your head at him, not expecting this sudden behavior from him.
“Want to sleep with me, my love?”
Your eyes widened at his words, your face fully flushing with red. You nodded softly, beginning to crawl over to your designated side of the bed. Wooyoung walked over to you and wrapped his hand around your waist, pulling you back to face him. You two met face to face, about 5 inches apart from each other.
He smiled softly and rested his hand against your upper thigh. He brought his face to your ear and kissed your neck softly, making you tense a bit at his sudden action. He trailed his kisses down your neck, soon pulling your shirt up slightly to kiss you from under it.
“I love you, baby,” he muttered, still under your shirt as you moaned slightly.
He pulled his head out from under your shirt, meeting eyes with you. Your face remained red as his own. He came and sat next to you, soon laying down to leave you aroused and confused. He looked over at you and rolled his eyes playfully, pulling your arm to him.
“Come sit.” He mumbled as he dragged you on top of his lap.
You laughed slightly as his eyes widened the moment you sat on top of him, realizing he was trying hard to not give himself away. You leaned in to kiss him passionately as his hands explored their way up your shirt to fondle you. Pulling away to catch your breath, Wooyoung looked at the clock to his left, smirking. It read 1 a.m.
“Happy Valentine's, my love.” he whispered, caressing your cheek softly.
The love in his eyes was undeniable, and you knew that. You could see how much he missed you. How hard it’s been for him to give you the space you asked for, and how happy he was to have you in his grasp again. The hole you once felt in your heart was no longer. This was all you wanted, closure. Only this time, you got that and more. You got your Valentine. The one you craved for.
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divider creds: @cafekitsune
A/N: DID YALL CRY? This lowkey hurt my heart to write omg. I hope you guys enjoyed this one! I hope it doesn’t seem rushed?!! Anyways, Jongho is next and the final part to this series! :3
taglist: @skzline @evidive @kittykat-25 @amuromio @xoxkii @losrpark @classyrbf @sundaybossanova @owmoiralover @vrtualsins @sanslovesblog @honeyhwaaa @mingisbbokari @scarfac3
*comment to be apart of future taglists!*
244 notes · View notes
—a text away
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SUMMARY | in which you have a habit of blowing up wilburs phone
PAIRING | wilbur soot x reader
WORD COUNT | 1.2k+
AUTHORS NOTES | long distance fic. tagging @lyssys @zooone @beep-beep1
🍂 Masterlist 🍂 Navigation 🍂 Rules 🍂
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Technology is everywhere these days.
It's the one thing that's almost impossible not to notice anymore. From the stoplights that direct traffic, to the earbuds nestled tight in pedestrians ears as they go about listening to music. Even our microwaves have been a product of humanities thirst for creation. Or maybe it was the thirst for power that spawned that one. You can never decipher the difference between the two these days.
But, you think your favorite bit of technology might be the ability to text your partner. Even when you're sat hundereds of miles away, watching as he livestreams.
"Alright chat—no. No that was not funny. I don't know why I even turned on media share."
Wilbur sat in his studio, cheek smushed up against his foam covered mic as he glanced at the speedy chat screen, looking for a coherent group to words to string together.
"I thought today was a chill day yeah?" He pretended to chastise the people on the other end of the screen, smiling as he went for a sip of water. A bit spilled from his mouth as he attempted to speak again, laughing it off before swallowing this time.
"No making fun of that. An—hold on! Yes it was a laugh, but we're not doing you laugh you lose. I already explained this. It's just a talking day. Don't—don't boo me you hooligans. I could end stream, do you want me to end stream?"
Sometimes being a twitch streamer, eyes constantly looking and expecting you to do something, or slip up, was enough to wear down everyone. Wilbur has had his fair share of bad days, a few of them ending in the thought of him ending streaming completely. But then there were moments like this that countered it, where the heckling didn't really feel like heckling and he could just be comfortable.
"Mods, I gonna need you to ban the next person who says babybur. I am not being a baby. This is—hey! This is not a tantrum! Ban them too!"
It was the times like these, where his face felt sore from smiling for so long, that he really appreciated being able to do what he did for a living. And the best part of it? He had met you along the way.
"No, (Y/n)'s not with me here today." Wilbur was quick to change the topic from everyone spamming babybur to his partner currently overseas. Chat always loved to pester him about you. Not like he cared. After finding out you were okay with him talking about you on stream, he found every excuse in the book to include you into each and every conversation he had, proudly boasting about how much he loves you.
"You guys want to see them again? Yeah, me too. Maybe if their okay with it next time their here, I'll bring em back on for a bit, yeah?" Wilbur already knew the answer before he had even asked it, watching as his chats speed broke the frame rate on his monitor after mentioning it.
A few more minutes of talking passed before he felt the days hours catching up to him. Normally he knew when he was getting tired enough to sign off, but this time it had taken his legs cramping up for him to take the hint.
"Chat I've got to go. And don't say five more minutes becuase the last time that happened you tricked me into staying for an hour more and I was late to a wedding." Wilbur began his wave at the screen, smiling warmly at his camera before clicking the end stream button.
Pushing his chair out, he was quick to stand up and stretch his legs. The office he worked in was great. Most of the time. It would be perfect if not for the fact he was just a little above the height average that the room seemed accustomed to holding.
"Bloody fuck." He sighed.
His phone was quick to be picked up. Wilbur liked to keep it a couple arms lengths away as he streamed. He had most of what he needed at his computer, and his insesent need for doom scrolling was sure to get in the way if he didn't limit himself while live.
However this did seem to get in the way of your equally peristant need for blowing up Wilburs phone like it was the last thing you would ever do.
The line only rung once on your end before you picked it up.
"Really darling?" That was the first thing you heard, your boyfriends warm chuckle following it shortly after. "Fourty eight messages? That's a new record for you."
"I missed you Wil. Plus I was watching this time from my computer. Chat was funny today." Your smile was audible to him, only resulting in him shaking his head with a laugh.
"You think so? All they talked about this entire time was a really sweet and adorable sounding person. Said they wanted to see them again soon. Couldn't recall their name though. Did you happen to catch it?" He teased you, sinking into his desk chair while wiping the edge of his fake glasses on his shirt.
"Did it happen to be (Y/n)." You answered with false curiosity.
"That's it!" Wilbur snapped his fingers even though you couldn't see him. "And honestly I think they're onto something. They sound amazing and I'd really like to see them. Preferably soon?"
You rolled your eyes. He always did this when you were on call. Well, he always did this anyways, not just on calls. You didn't like being away from him anymore than he did. But Wilbur had always been the more antsy one out of the two of you.
"Just a week more Wil and I'll be back at your flat in no time."
"When have I ever lied to you love?"
"Well—" Wilbur cleared his throat. "—there was that time on Halloween when you said you were going to dress up with me, and when you lied about getting McDonald's without me, and don't even get me started on all the lies you said just to get that suprose party for me organized last year."
"Wow. You must be really proud of yourself for remembering all that Wil."
"I am, actually."
"Do you want a gold star."
"I know you're making fun of my but yes. Yes I would."
He listened as you laughed from the other end of the phone. He couldn't help falling in love with you. It was too perfect, the two of you. Like something out of his own songs. Wilbur wasn't one for the whole soulmates shtick, but he'd be damned if he said you were anything but that. His soulmate.
"I love you so much (Y/n)." He whispered. "And I hate I can't hold you right now. I hate that I can't kiss you and feel you in my arms."
Your laughing had ceased with a soft sigh. You knew what he meant and more. Too many a night you had laid awake, unable to sleep without the feeling of his hands around your waits and hoodie around your torso.
"I know Wil. Just seven more days and I'm all yours."
"Don't forget my gold star." It was quiet, but you still found yourself gently smiling.
"Seven more days, then me and that gold star are all yours."
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1K notes · View notes
shxtodxroki · 5 months
𝙽𝚘𝚝-𝚂𝚘-𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊
Summary: Your past friendship with Satoru Gojo is ancient history by the time you’re both well into your teaching years, the man a mere memory from your past you can’t help but reminisce on more often than you should. But when Christmas-time rolls around and you get roped into a faculty Secret Santa event alongside your sister school, your not-so-secret Santa causes old, unresolved feelings to resurface, and gives you a chance to finally rehash and truly release them. 
Warnings: Swearing, some angst, this fic was written as a gift so it’s a fem reader instead of my usual gender neutral reader! There’s also a few small descriptive details of the reader’s personality/likes since it’s targeted towards the person I wrote it for, but there are NO physical descriptions of the reader! Geto, Nanami and Haibara are also all teachers in this! (Nanami and Geto work w/ Gojo in Tokyo, while Haibara works w/ reader and Utahime in Kyoto!)
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 6.8k
Note: This fic is a gift that I wrote for @planetnini for this JJK secret santa event! :D Hi Nini, I was your secret santa! :D I had a lot of fun getting to know you and chatting with you through asks throughout this event, and I hope you like the final fic I made for you! I tried to take into account some of the things you told me and personalize it a bit, and I’d love to know what you think! <3 Happy holidays Nini and anyone else reading this, if you celebrate any holidays around this time of year then I hope you had a wonderful time, and even if not, I hope you’re having an amazing end of the year! :D
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The scent of the town-famous bakery always managed to fill you with a bittersweet sense of nostalgia, memories flooding your senses as flashes of bright blue eyes and teasing grins flashed behind your eyelids in response to the familiar scent. It makes your stomach twist in mild discomfort, pushing the fond childhood memories that spring up back into the crevices of your mind where they belong as you feel a small, long-residing pang of longing.
He had always loved sweets.
Being friends with Satoru Gojo, the honored one who took Jujutsu society by storm from the very moment he was born, was an experience you reflected back on far more often than you’d ever admit out loud. Considering how long it had been since the two of you last had any significant contact, it would seem odd to admit just how often your mind still wandered to him, to the many soft moments and bright memories you shared in adolescence, and to the one true best friendship you had ever known. People have come and gone through your life in waves since then, and you’ve had dear friends who meant the world to you, but nobody could ever come close to the role Satoru had once filled, the way he made your heart feel so full of affection and love that it just might burst. It was the kind of friendship you felt you would only find once in a lifetime, and thus the kind you could never forget. Maybe it wouldn’t sound that ludicrous after all, but you still kept this longing to yourself, and most days, you managed to dull it to a gentle simmer beneath your ribcage as you went about your days.
You have other things to focus on now. A job and your loved ones and the upkeep of your home, all essential parts of your daily life that keep you from lamenting on the mere wisps of memory of the boy you knew. Knowing that he wasn’t far away, living a life far busier than your own but in the same profession at your sister school, did come with the occasional urge to reach out, to reminisce or catch up or ask why your whole friendship had fallen apart in the first place. But you’ve always managed to resist the urge, to fight back the desire to reach out and pry yourself away from the open yet long-ago unfollowed Instagram page on your phone (though not always without help, you had to thank Utahime for keeping you from your nostalgic urges every now and then). 
So with all the work you had put into moving on from a friendship you honestly should have long ago, you would admit (at least to yourself) that you were less than excited to find out that you’d be participating in a winter retreat with the sister school where Satoru now taught at. You were even less eager when it was revealed that there would be a staff-wide Secret Santa event between the two schools, and as the days counted down towards the trip, you found yourself wishing that the universe would cut you a break just this once and give you anyone else besides Satoru to buy a gift for. You knew so little about the person he was currently, now that so much time had passed between the two of you, and truthfully, you had no clue if he even remembered who you were at this point. The sting of realizing that he didn’t remember you was a pain you truly didn’t long to feel, and having to get a gift for your former best friend under such uncertain conditions was simply a fate you wished to avoid at all costs.
“Quit glaring, you’re drawing attention to you, and me by proxy.” You mutter to your best friend as she glares daggers into the back of the man you wished to avoid. Luckily for you, the interaction was anything but uncommon for the two, so it was unlikely to truly draw attention to either of you. Yet it still wasn’t a risk you wanted to take, not wanting to face even the slightest possibility of being forced to suffer through awkward small talk with the man who had once known all your deepest secrets.
“How did that idiot manage to become a teacher? His students would be better off with a fucking rock as an instructor, I swear to god.” Utahime grumbles back from beside you, paying no mind to your words as she continues glaring at the man from afar. Her disdain for the man was amplified when you told her of your shared past, but she had held a strong dislike for him from the moment the two had first interacted at school functions, leaving you hopeful that he wouldn’t be phased from the typical distant hostility and annoyance he received from your best friend. These days, Satoru Gojo rarely managed to spare you as much as a glance, and it had been years since he had uttered your name (a fact you were ashamed to admit you had been keeping track of, in the brief and meager conversations the two of you had shared over recent years). The feeling of being forgotten stung deep in your bones, but you outwardly portrayed the same level of unbotheredness and nonchalance he did whenever the two of you would be put in the position to briefly interact, so most of your colleagues (including Satoru himself) were hopefully none the wiser to your inner predicament.
“Alright, everyone come draw a name! And there’s no switching or re-draws unless you pick yourself!” You suddenly hear Suguru Geto’s voice echo through the room, sounding controlled and put-together as always as he drew you from your reverie and back into reality once more. It didn’t take long for the air to grow stuffy as all of the evening’s attendees crowded together around the bag of names, the small crowd still managing to tightly press together as everyone crowded in to select their recipients for this year’s secret santa event. 
Some were more eager than others, but the process was still able to remain somewhat orderly as everyone pressed together and took turns grabbing a folded up paper from the bag. The rotation went counter-clockwise, and you watched as your coworkers and fellow faculty went one-by-one until the line reached Utahime to your left. As she plucked a name from the bag, you blurted out a quip that wasn’t meant to particularly be hidden, but one which you really only intended for her ears as a small grin made its way across your face.
“Thank god Gakuganji’s off on business this year, imagine what a nightmare it would be to buy a gift for him.” You laugh at your own comment, watching your best friend’s face light up in acknowledgment of the joke before opening the slip of paper in her hand. The voice you hear responding to you, though, is much lower than that of your friend’s, and the sight of her mouth not moving causes your stomach to drop as you suddenly grow aware of the presence to your right.
“God, I think getting a gift from that geezer would be worse. He’d bring five dollar socks and expect ‘utmost gratitude’.” His voice felt like honey coating your ears, deep and smooth as the scent of his cologne suddenly engulfed your surroundings. You couldn’t believe you had let his presence slip out of your awareness, that you had been oblivious to him standing right beside you even if only for a few moments. You were so used to being tuned into his movements during gatherings like these, doing your best to avoid him whenever possible and to maneuver your way subtly through awkward small talk on the occasions where avoidance wasn’t possible. And yet here he was, appearing beside you without a shred of awareness on your part. And he was joking with you causally, as if the history between you meant nothing to him at all.
He may not remember your history at all at this point.
You could feel heat rising to your face at the thought, the painful stab of acknowledging that you may not have meant as much to him as he did to you causing your form to grow rigid where you stood. You knew you shouldn’t still be so affected by him, so in tune to everything he did and so easily reactive whenever he was near. His quick remark to you showed that he held no similar reservations when interacting with you, and it had been plenty of time to let go of the torch you had been carrying. But you were the one who left the friendship with unresolved feelings you never got the chance to express to him, with an attachment deeper than just friendship. And he obviously wasn’t, which was clearly why he had managed to move on so much faster than you had.
You were thankful as you realized it was your turn to pull from the bag, eager for a distraction so you wouldn’t have to think of a response to Satoru’s remark. You needed to calm down, and hopefully you could occupy yourself with thinking of potential gifts for your recipient through the rest of the night rather than putting so much energy into a man who wouldn’t reciprocate. Your hand plunged in and out of the bag in a flash, just desperate for any name that wasn’t Satoru’s, and you let out a soft sigh of relief as you read the name inscribed on the paper in your hand.
“Yu Haibara”. 
Thank god, fate seemed to be on your side this time. Not only did you not pull Satoru’s name, but you were close enough with Haibara, as you saw one another nearly every day, to comfortably pick out a gift you knew he’d enjoy even without the list provided to you. He was easily one of those you were closest to among the participants, second only to Utahime, and despite the melancholy that had been simmering within you throughout the evening as thoughts of Satoru filled your mind, you felt a sudden wave of confidence and excitement as you thought of what you could get him that you knew he’d love. Perhaps this was what you needed, to stop focusing so much on a long-dead friendship by instead putting that energy into pursuing closer friendships with those you cared about now. This was going to be the Christmas to turn around your attitude, you were sure of it.
And in the self-improvement spiral you sent yourself down in that moment, for once you missed the small, almost imperceptible yet genuine smile that crossed Satoru’s face as he pulled a name of his own from the bag.
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The next morning, as you woke up and stepped out of your hotel room for the morning after dragging yourself out of bed at the sound of your alarm, you found yourself nearly falling face-first into the floor as you tripped on an unfortunately-placed object directly outside your doorway. The fall caused you to let out a shriek as you braced for impact, and though you were luckily able to catch yourself before you crashed, the event still left a small, tired scowl on your face as you pulled yourself up and took a glance at the item that had nearly left you bruised and sore first thing in the morning.
The sight in front of you, however, quickly melted your annoyance into curiosity as you saw a soft, pale yellow bag obstructing the walkway outside of your hotel door. Your mind was racing for a few moments as it tried to catch up with the morning’s events, and when you were eventually able to recall the secret santa exchange that you had signed up for the night prior, you felt a small giddiness bubbling within you as you grabbed the small bag by it’s handles and returned with it in hand to your room. Perhaps you could forgive whoever had left the bag in prime tripping position, as the excitement of receiving your first gift of the week outweighed any prior frustrations you held.
You opened the bag expecting a small gift to start off the exchange, maybe flowers or a nice snack. Your secret santa had only had hours between the choosing of the names and this morning, after all, and you would perfectly understand choosing to go light on most of the gifts even without the rushed nature of this first morning. So when you stripped the bag of its tissue paper only to be faced with a brand-new copy of a new game you had mentioned in your list of potential gifts, you couldn’t fight back the widening of your eyes in surprise. A brand new game surely wasn’t cheap, and to get it at such short notice felt like nothing short of a miracle. (Or incredible effort on your Secret Santa’s part). Taped onto the game was a note, short and simple:
“You’ve seemed extra stressed the past few days, so why don’t you take the day off and relax? Kick your feet up and have fun playing your new game ;)
- Secret Santa”
The note gave little away of the one who had left the gift, yet their kindness and effort was clear in both presentation and product as you grinned to yourself. Fate truly did seem to be on your side this holiday season, as you had seemingly been blessed with the loveliest secret santa in all existence. While the gift was much more than you had expected, and you had barely even gotten a chance to wake up that morning, you were quick to shoot a text over to Utahime telling her to come over to your room to share your excitement with someone. Though you unfortunately couldn’t play the game yet as your secret santa had advised, since you hadn’t brought your console with you on the trip to Tokyo, you still wanted to enjoy the gift in some way as you silently sent your gratitude towards your mystery gift-giver. You’d have to thank them when they finally revealed themself on Christmas eve, but for now you’d wait for your best friend to arrive so you could brag about your exceptionally generous secret santa and the gift you couldn’t wait to try out once you returned to your cozy home in Kyoto at the end of the week.
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On the second day, you thankfully did not wake up to a tripping hazard outside of your door, leading you to assume your secret santa would drop off your gift later in the day. Honestly you were thankful that it wasn’t left first thing in the morning like the day prior, as you had accidentally overslept after staying out a bit later than usual picking out a gift and writing a fun note for Haibara for day one of your secret santa exchange. 
You had offered to chaperone a sightseeing day around Tokyo for the students (one the Tokyo students would also be attending, though more on the basis of shopping than sightseeing) alongside Utahime and two Tokyo instructors, and after sleeping through your alarm, you were already short on time as you scrambled to get ready and meet your students on time. Having a gift to open would have only added to your hassle, and now you could look forward to receiving one at the end of the day instead as you rushed to the meeting spot, just barely making it in time.
Utahime and all of your students were already waiting, and you watched as your best friend’s face drew into a small smile as she saw you approaching. Your eyes quickly caught sight of Satoru and Suguru standing beside her, seemingly the volunteers to chaperone the Tokyo students for the day, but you were determined to stick to your new outlook of no longer fixating on Satoru, so you forced yourself to brush past his presence even as he mocked and teased your best friend beside you. The four of you set out with the students in tow, allowing Suguru to lead the way as a Tokyo native (and out of a lack of trust in Satoru’s navigational skills), and you did your best to stop your mind from drifting to thoughts of Satoru as you tried to keep your students engaged and having fun, while also taking some time to chat with Utahime and scan the area for potential gifts for Haibara.
You made many stops throughout the day as you passed through various shopping districts and interesting stores, and it brought a smile to your face to watch your students interact and have fun with one another as well as their sister school peers as they spent the day shopping and chatting altogether. The poor kids were faced with the monstrosities of the Jujutsu world on a daily basis at such a young age, and it warmed your heart to at least be able to give them the chance to simply have fun and act like teenagers every once in a while. For today they weren’t Jujutsu sorcerers in training, they were just kids hanging out with their friends, and the thought made you smile as you, Utahime and Suguru hung back and watched the kids do their shopping and sightseeing (as Gojo had turned his attention from Utahime to Megumi Fushiguro for the time being, much to the young boy’s chagrin.
The day was long and covered quite a bit of land, taking you all through the streets of Tokyo as you reminisced on your youth and saw places you hadn’t visited in years, since leaving Tokyo for Kyoto to become a Jujutsu instructor and get away from your (admittedly not that dramatic) past. Sure, the nostalgia of it all did bring memories of your childhood with Satoru to the front of your mind on occasion as you passed a shop that the two of you used to always visit with your allowance money, or a favorite restaurant you would visit together on special occasions.
 But you managed to keep your focus on the students and enjoying the night out rather than letting yourself drown in the memories, and you were proud to say you even managed to be friendly and courteous to Suguru despite your usual awkwardness around your former other half’s new best friend. You were so focused, in fact, that you failed to notice when Satoru’s watchful eyes fell on you and refused to leave as he saw you interacting with his best friend with ease, or the way his expression faltered into an unreadable look at the sight.
As the sun begins to set, and all the adults begin to discuss plans to turn in for the evening, you catch a brief whiff of a scent that sends you hurdling back into your adolescence full-force, your common sense momentarily leaving you as you step out of the ongoing conversation and quickly make your way to a place which was once your sanctuary, your home away from home in your younger years.
Your favorite bakery, a small, family-owned shop whose delectable treats you hadn’t tasted in years was still standing in the same spot it always had been, and the scent of the pastry that had been your favorite since childhood made its way to you as your eyes widened at the sight. You were so caught up in trying to keep yourself from drooling at the delicious scent that you failed to hear your colleagues approaching behind you, nor the way Satoru’s eyes were trained on you once again with the slightest hint of guilt reflecting in them.
“Mmmm, looks yummy.” Utahime praises as her eye lands on the pastry you had been staring down, the two men beside her nodding in agreement. You allowed yourself another moment to stare at the delicacy inside of the shop before turning to face your comrades, though you felt your stomach do a small flip as you finally registered the way Satoru’s gaze seemed stuck on you, and the unreadable look on his face. 
“Yeah…. Sorry guys, I just got a bit distracted. We should be heading back to the hotel.” You mumbled out your apology as you returned to your spot beside Utahime, trying to ignore the way thoughts of Satoru once again flooded your mind as you tried to make sense of his strange expression, or the unusual silence he was now emitting. 
But there was no way that bakery brought back the same feelings for him that it did for you, and you weren’t even sure if he remembered the time the two of you spent there so long ago at all. You were sure he had long-forgotten your love of that specific pastry as the years had passed, or the way he used to always steal a bite from you whenever you bought one for yourself. Those days had long passed, and you forced yourself to shake off his sudden change in attitude and assume it was a coincidence as the four of you saw all of your students to their sleeping quarters for the evening, before parting ways to get ready for bed yourselves. 
Though you were a bit sad to see the sight of an empty doorway as you made your way back to your hotel room alone that evening, you felt your heart rate pick up a bit a your mood turned to something more hopeful when you heard a quick knocking on your door as you finished up your skincare routine for the evening. Of course, your elusive secret santa was gone by the time you opened the door, but the scent that practically smacked you in the face as you reached for another pale yellow bag suddenly had your stomach twisting and turning once more as you felt your suspicions begin to raise.
And as you suspected, inside of the bag you were met with the same pastry you had just been admiring less than an hour prior, the sight making you a bit less happy than it usually would despite your gratitude for the gift as you began to realize that your secret santa had to be one of the other three people you had spent the day with. And despite your hopes that things weren’t as they seemed, the note taped to the side of the bag only caused your heart to sink further as it practically spelled it out for you, so early into the week of secret santa exchanges.
“These have always been your favorite, and now you have a whole batch all to yourself, so you don’t have to share. Though, I wouldn’t mind if you’d be kind enough to slip me a piece ;)
- Secret Santa”
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You spend most of the third day - another free day, thankfully - relaxing and trying to distract yourself watching all of your favorite movies and TV shows, doing practically anything to try and keep your mind away from your discovery last night. You did end up eating the pastry that you had received the night prior (at first the thought made you shiver, as the treat felt as if it weighed a thousand pounds with the loaded memories packed within, but the temptation had eventually been too strong to resist as it’s sweet scent bombarded your senses) but you were making it a point to stay in your room for the day unless one of your students needed you, determined to avoid Satoru as you ignored your emotions rather than attempt to process them.
The note he had left the night prior seemed to indicate that the self-depricating idea that you had clung onto for so many years of him forgetting your friendship was in fact false, and the thought alone had your head swimming with conflict and served to bring up more heartbreak than the reality you had created for the state of your relationship with him over the past ten years. 
If he had forgotten about you, drifted off to other friends and bigger responsibilities until your bond faded from his mind, it would at least be a pain you were used to. A pain you had desensitized yourself to through the years of pining and pondering of a friendship long lost within the seas of time. But the thought that he may still remember it all, could still recall the afternoons spent together and the secrets shared, seemed to hurt much deeper. Because that meant he had chosen something else over those memories, that they seemingly hadn’t meant as much to him even with the images still fresh in his mind.
It was a painful stab to the gut you weren’t quite ready to acknowledge, so you were content to play the fool for now as you distracted and tried to deceive yourself.
When another swift knock sounded out from the end of your room, late in the evening once more (just after you had returned from your brief venture out of your room to deliver Haibara’s gift for the day), you were truthfully hesitant to open the door at all. You were currently clinging on to plausible deniability that the note from yesterday may have somehow been a coincidence, that Satoru may not be your secret santa after all. But given how willing he was to completely give himself away as early as day 2, you had a feeling that you wouldn’t be able to live in denial for much longer once you saw what your secret santa had left for the third day. 
Nonetheless, you eventually worked up the courage to rise to your feet and slowly make your way to the door, staring down the baby-blue bag standing in front of you as if it were a weapon of mass destruction. A few minutes of deep breaths and self affirmations later and you were slowly, carefully removing the tissue paper from the small bag, only to be faced with a sight that instantly caused your eyes to sting with fresh tears.
A mint green DSI, and a small collection of games. An artifact you thought you had lost long ago, likely forgotten amongst some move between houses.
You barely even noticed the tears falling down your cheeks or the way your heart seized in your chest as you reached for the note, hand over your mouth in both awe and devastation as you read the inscribed words.
“Sorry this one isn’t new, I wouldn’t mind spending thousands on you but I thought you’d prefer this. You left it behind, and I haven’t quite found the time to return it yet. Figured you’d enjoy ;)
- Secret Santa”
This was a confirmation of every thought that had been spinning within your head over the past 24 hours, and as you held one of your favorite childhood toys in your hands for the first time in over a decade, you felt more conflicted than ever on how to handle your relationship with Satoru, or what your feelings for the man were at all any more.
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The following days went by in a similar rhythm, though the gifts thankfully became simpler and less nostalgic as time went on. (You weren’t sure if you could handle another late-night crying session as the result of any particularly thoughtful gifts).
Day four had left you with some typical teaching supplies, as Satoru had heard you complaining about the lack of traditional lesson plans within the Jujutsu education system and your desire to teach your students at least some of the things they’d learn in a typical Japanese high school environment over a faculty-wide dinner. 
Day five, he had gifted you with some skincare products he noticed were running low after showing up unexpectedly at your hotel room in the middle of the day, pleading with you to let him use your bathroom since he had forgotten his room key inside and Suguru was asleep. The two of you hadn’t spoken much, as he was quickly in and out of your room, but he breathed out a silent sigh of relief once he was securely outside your door as he thanked the universe that you hadn’t thought too deeply into his excuse. It would look pretty ridiculous of him to be insistent on the chance to see you for a moment if you had realized that he didn’t need to stay in a hotel in the city he lived in, after all.
Day six had been the most difficult for you to process since the emotional roller coaster of the third day, and it had been the catalyst for you to finally cave and explain to Utahime what you had discovered about your not-so-secret santa, and what he had done since your revelation. You had done your best to keep her out of it, as you knew she wasn’t particularly fond of Satoru on his best of days and had listened to many of your previous venting sessions about your forgotten friendship with Satoru prior to this exchange. But when you saw what awaited you in your bag on the second to last day of the exchange, and the note that accompanied the gift, you threw your efforts out the window as you finally sought advice from your best friend.
In the bag you were greeted with a complete collection of the Haikyuu manga and a small collection of high-quality lip balms (a collection you had been growing well before you lost touch with Satoru), along with a note much lengthier than the others.
“I don’t know if you’re still all that into this series, but I know how much you loved it when we were younger. Figured this would be better than that body pillow I always threatened to buy you, hopefully you’ll read through them and get to ‘experience the story all over again’ or whatever it is you nerds say.
The lip balms I remember you loving for some reason, but I’m hoping tomorrow I’ll give you a reason to use them. We’re supposed to reveal ourselves anyways, and I’ve got some things I’d like to say. So if you’re willing to listen to an idiot like me blab on about feelings and shit for a while, meet me at our favorite bakery tomorrow night at 7.
- Secret Santa”
You knew that you’d have to face him at some point, as you did eventually have to reveal yourself to your secret santa and exchange a final gift to one another. Yet you were unsure if you should go to this meeting or not, if you were ready to face Satoru’s feelings and demand the explanation you deserved for what had happened so long ago, especially in a place that held such sentimentality to each of you.
You had expected Utahime to talk you out of it, almost hoping she would as you went to here and finally explained to her what had been going on throughout this secret santa exchange. Truth be told, you were terrified at the thought of all your feelings for Satoru possibly being laid out in the open, and were hoping she would give you an excuse to bail.
Unfortunately, she did the exact opposite of what you had hoped, and encouraged you to meet with him in the hopes that you’d finally find some sort of resolution for the feelings you had been carrying in your soul for so long, and that they’d finally either be laid to rest or be given a chance to flourish into something much better for you. Curse her and her rationality, and the way she always had your best interests at heart.
It took nearly a full minute of standing outside the small bakery, your heartbeat ringing through your ears like timpanis ringing through your bones, for you to work up the courage to open the door and step inside, pulling off your winter attire as you glanced at the cozy Christmas eve decorations lining the walls. The bakery was quiet on such a late hour the day before a holiday, and it was easy to spot Satoru (early for once, a fact that made your heart flutter the slightest bit in your chest) at a cozy table in the corner, the same table the two of you frequented throughout your pre-teen years. He didn’t even try to hide the way his eyes lit up at the sight of you, overjoyed that you had actually shown up as he waved you over to your table. His greeting, however, was incredibly lacklustre compared to the week-long build up of tension and emotions between the two of you as an effortless grin spread across his lips.
“Hey.” Was the only word that fell from his lips as you sat down across from him in the booth, the same careless attitude that had always emanate from Satoru’s very being coming off of him now. But this time you refused to play along, refused to ignore the way he had tugged on your heart strings all week long and make casual, meaningless conversation the way you always did. 
“Don’t ‘hey’ me, Satoru. You know why I’m here.” You start, face fixed in a stern expression as you fought hard not to let your anxiety peek through onto your features. “Obviously I know you’re my secret santa, but I think we have bigger things to talk about here. Specifically, the way our friendship fell apart.”
Satoru wasn’t surprised in the slightest by the way you jumped straight into the heart of the conversation, he had seen the tension building on your face all week long as you received gift after gift from him. Hell, his own feelings had been much more difficult to contain than usual, with his desire to be close to you, to have you back in his life once more growing by the day. But Satoru was nothing if not unable to admit his emotions seriously, so his relaxed grin remained as he did his best not to let his heart get the best of it.
“Yeah, you’re probably right. I did say I had things I needed to tell you.” He ponders gently, taking a bite of a sugary cream puff laid on the plate in front of him before meeting your gaze with his aqua eyes. “Look, I was an asshole teen, and everything that happened was on me. None of it had anything to do with you.”
Now it’s your turn to be shocked, completely amazed that the Satoru Gojo who had never apologized once as a child was currently admitting complete fault. You were stunned into silence at his words, though your face suddenly showed a layer of openness to his explanation as he continued on.
“When we got to high school I got so wrapped up in making new friends and advancing my technique and all that shit. Honestly, I was a total jerk back then, I dunno if you’d have wanted to hang around me anyways.” He laughs at the remark, but you could tell that this was the real Satoru, briefly peeking through his walls that seemed to melt so easily whenever he was around you. “Plus I had always kinda liked you, but it never really seemed like you felt that way about me. So I used my new friends and my status as a way to not have to talk to you, I was just hoping that it would give me a chance to get over whatever weird crush I had because it would just be pathetic for you to find out about it. But then it went on for longer than I realized, and by the time I figured out how much we had drifted, my pride wouldn’t let me admit why I stopped hanging out with you in the first place. Dumb, I know, but that’s really all it was.”
Satoru seemed so casual throughout his entire explanation, as if he was simply recounting his work day rather than delving into the intricacies of his thoughts and feelings and the reasons why your friendship had fallen apart. And his reasons were stupid, a part of you loathed the way younger Satoru had been so stubborn in refusing to communicate his feelings that he split the two of you apart as a result. Yet another part of you felt so incredibly thankful that the split hadn’t been because of something you did, or because he had stopped caring. It was the most idiotic behavior you had ever heard of, yet you were quick to find it in your heart to forgive him when you heard the next words that fell from his lips.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled, though it was clear enough for you to hear amongst the white noise of the bakery as he tried to hide the bashful look on his face at his words. It wasn’t often that Satoru Gojo apologized, and in fact it was a sight you had never seen from the man in all your time together, and it took everything in you not to interrupt him with words of forgiveness as he continued on. “I considered doing something lame, like pulling a “your gift is me” or some shit, but I got you a real gift instead. I’m just gonna say that I know for a fact that I loved you back then, and I’m pretty sure I do now. So take this gift, and I’m just the bonus, if you’re willing to take it.”
You were practically on autopilot as you took the final gift of the week straight from Satoru’s hands, no longer hidden beneath any bags or bows as your entire body felt as if it were on fire from within. You were completely unable to muster words at the moment as you took in everything you had just heard, trying to fit what he had said into the puzzle pieces of your own emotions as you glanced at the two tickets Satoru had given you, tickets to a concert for your favorite artist. 
“Hopefully you’ll let me go with you, but if you decide to kick my ass to the curb and never speak to me again, then you can at least bring a friend.” He told you as he carefully watched your reaction to your final gift, though Satoru was unable to fully hide the way panic spread throughout his entire body like a plague when he noticed tears streaming down your cheeks in waves. Before he could get another word in or even ask you what was going on, though, your eyes met his once more as your voice wavered with emotion.
“You are a complete idiot, Satoru. I spent years missing you and breaking my own heart thinking that you had just forgotten about me completely, that you didn’t remember out friendship at all. I thought my feelings would just be stuffed down and elft unsaid forever.” You chide him as your tears pour out, though the way your hand sets the tickets on the table before reaching out for his indicates that you have more yet to say. 
“You’re just lucky that those feelings hadn’t been stuffed down into nothing yet.” You continue as you sneak your hand over to interlink your fingers with his, relishing in the genuine surprise that took over Satoru’s face at the warm feeling. “And the fact that you actually apologized to me for the first time helped too.” You add on, squeezing his hand gently in yours in order to prompt him to look into your eyes.
“.....Does this mean you do want the bonus?” The man in front of you mutters out after a moment, clearly feeling overwhelmed with how emotionally charged the moment is as he tries to lighten the atmosphere with a joke. And it makes his heart sing in his chest when he hears your sweet laughter in response, a sound he had missed most in all the years apart as the both of you began leaning in from across the table.
“......Yes, I guess I do want the bonus. It’s Christmas eve, after all.” You respond with a smile, before taking charge of the moment as you press your lips into his. The kiss is short and sweet, and you know you’ll have to take the relationship slow as you re-learn each other’s personalities and quirks now that you’ve grown into adulthood. Its’ obvious that it won’t be an easy process, that you’ll both have to put in the work to make the relationship work and move past the mistakes of adolescence. But you also know that there will be plenty more kisses to come, because if your childhood friendship with Satoru and the torch you still carried for him left you with anything, it was the knowledge that, to you, Satoru Gojo was worth the work if you could wake up to that gorgeous, smiling face every morning.
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A/N: It’s kind of crazy to believe that it’s already the end of the year, and that this will probably be the last thing I write and post this year. I’ll release a longer post being all sappy over the new year later, but for now I just want to say that I’m so happy I found the motivation and excitement to return to this blog this year and branch out into so many fandoms, I’ve had so much fun writing and posting here and I look forward to continuing in 2024! Thank you all for reading this and any of my other works you’ve read this year, I’ve really appreciated the support and I hope I can continue posting good writing in the future :> 
Taglist: @ace-lavender
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
Hey can I request a fic?
You can choose the partner. So readers past relationship was very abusive in many ways and the avengers helped her get out of there. One day the ex comes back, you can choose moment and place and when they (also choose gender) maybe tell reader to come with them reader starts to go shaking??? Like if the ex was so manipulative that we don’t have another option (like killgrave or something) then the avengers help again and happy ending.
Sorry for the confusing ask I just got the idea and wanted to share it with you. Feel free to ignore 😊❤️
Unwanted Visitor
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: When Natasha is away on a mission with Clint, you think you’re safe at the compound with the others, you think.. 
Angst | Comfort | Mentions of Abusive Past Relationship | Mentions of Trauma | Brief Mention of Domestic Violence | PTSD & Anxiety Mentions | Manipulative Ex | 1.3K | 
AC: So sorry it took me a while to get this out! I hope this was what you were after x
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"Oh, come on Thor, what's the secret?!" you chuckle, throwing yourself on the sofa after several attempts to lift Mjolnir from besides his feet. "How do I lift it?" you asked. Thor broke into a loud laugh, "you've got to be worthy of it" he tells you. "Oh, so you're telling me I am not worthy?" you cocked a brow, playfully crossing your arms over your chest. "Maybe one day you just might be" the god winked. 
"I'll show you, one day I will be!" you stood up from the sofa, "I'm going to take my afternoon walk before Nat gets back" you inform the Avenger. It's been well over a year since Thor and the other Avengers helped you leave your abusive ex. Since then, you've always made it a point to tell somebody what you were doing or where you were going. It was more for security than anything. 
While you were on your afternoon walk, Natasha returned earlier then expected. Thor told her where you were which gave her some time to shower and unpack her things. Your walk was peaceful for the most part, the fresh air was just what you needed to keep you from going insane while waiting for Nat to come home. 
Your relationship with Natasha was relatively new but exciting. Natasha did everything to make sure you were always comfortable, she never forced you to do anything, never second questioned you, never raised her voice at you and never, ever laid a hand on you. She understood that things would take a little extra time for you to come around and feel completely comfortable and she was always on top of your triggers. She'd been gone for a little over three weeks and to say you didn't miss her would be the biggest lie that would leave your lips. 
"There you are!" the familiar voice stopped you in your tracks, looking up from your feet you were met with the eyes that haunted your dreams for months. "I've been looking for you, I was just about to knock on the door" your ex added with a soft smile that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand tall. Your eyes were glued to them, the world around you came to a stop, your feet felt super glued to the ground as your ex took a few steps closer to you. 
"I know it's a bit of a shock but I'm back baby! I got the help I needed, we can go home now" their words went through one ear and out the other. The lump in your throat only grew bigger, screams for help echoed in your mind just hoping that Wanda was close by to hear them. "I'm so sorry I hurt you baby, you know I didn't mean it. I was just upset and wasn't thinking straight" the words left her lips like everything she put you through truly didn't matter. Gently she cupped your face and kissed your forehead while you stood, frozen and staring into space as if your soul had left your body. "Cutie pie, are you okay?" she asked, the triggering pet name brought you back to their eyes. 
"W-what a-are you d-doing here?" you asked in a stutter. She chuckled lightly, "I'm here for you baby, I want us back. I miss you, I promised you'd I'd come back" her eyes were cold as ice. She moved her hands from your face and placed them on either side of your arms, her grip tightened when your eyes flickered towards the main entrance of the compound. 
"Forget about them baby, they stole you from me. They don't want the best for you like I do, remember all the plans we made? We can finally go and make them relative, I've got the car packed, all your things you left at our apartment, let's just go baby, please" 
"I c-c-can't"
"You can. Do you think that the Avengers want you sticking around? You're not like them baby. You can't help them; they aren't good for you. Always running off acting like they make the world a better place, leaving you all alone. Anything could happen to you baby, who is there to protect you huh? Nobody" 
Your eyes flickered over to the compound once more as her words soaked into your racing mind. "If they cared about you, cutie pie, they would never leave you alone. Would they?" Her left hand cupped your cheek, forcing you to look at her, "would they" she repeated. Just like old habits, you remembered to keep her happy. "Never upset her" your mind told you as you nodded to her question. 
"That's my girl, come on baby. Let's just get out of here, okay" 
Again, you nodded, slowly. You felt your arms shaking as your ex turned you around, your back now to the compound and your legs felt like jelly as you took your first steps away from the place you felt safest. 
"Y/n?!" You heard Natasha's voice call. 
"Great!" Your ex sighed as they turned around. Natasha came walking in your direction, closely followed by the other Avengers. "Back off Natasha, she doesn't want to be here anymore!" your ex spoke, keeping a firm grip on your arm. 
"That's not at all what she told me" Wanda replied.
"You know, you're trespassing on private property and from memory, I think you're breaking the restraining order Y/n as against you" Tony pitched in. 
"A restraining order you all brain washed her to get! Leave us alone! Tell them baby, tell them you don't want to be here anymore" your ex harshly turned you around to face the people you called family. Your eyes instantly connected with Natasha; she could see the fear deeply in your eyes as she mouthed "it's okay" to assure you that nothing was going to happen. "Tell them!" your ex snapped, squeezing your arm tighter but even though you could open your mouth, the words couldn't come out. 
Natasha stepped forward, never taking her eyes off you. "Let her go!" Natasha spoke sternly. "Or what? huh?" your ex replied, pulling you closer into her side. A glow of red circles around the wrist of your ex, forcing her to let you go. Natasha caught you before you fell to your knees, pulling you closer to her as you broke into tears. 
"I think we should have a chat" Thor smirked as he walked towards your ex, taking her arm in his hand. "Hey! let me go" was all you heard your ex say before Thor had taken them above the clouds. "Get them inside, Nat. We'll take care of this" Steve looked at the two of you, your tears slowly starting to soak Natasha's shirt. 
Later that night you were cuddled up to Natasha, her arms wrapped protectively around you while you both watched your favorite movie. "I'm sorry, Nat" you spoke, your voice still shaky from everything. "Don't be sorry darling, it's okay. You know I'd never let anything happen to you, ever" Nat replied with a kiss on the top of your head.
"I'm not sure why I even thought about going with her"
"You weren't in the right headspace, you weren't thinking" Natasha assures you.
"But Nat, if it was that easy for her to have control over me again" you sat up and looked at your girlfriend with tears once again building in your eyes, "what happens it this happens again and none of you are here to save me again?" you added. Natasha brushed a lock of hair behind your ear and gently wiped your tears, "it'll never happen again, I promise baby" she gently strokes your cheek with her thumb. "Nobody is going to miss her, lets just say that" she adds. 
"Th-they killed her?" you questioned with a frown.
"No darling. She's in Asgard now, she won't ever hurt you again. I promise. Thor said she'll make for a great maid" 
You couldn't help but chuckle, "I'm not sure about that, they never were much of a cleaner" you joked before crashing gently into Nat, letting her wrap her arms around you once more. "You're safe now my beautiful love" Natasha whispered, placing another kiss on the top of your head.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @imnotslouching | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @marvel-madnessx | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @natashaswife4125 | @katiemay-025 | @aphrcdtes | @romanoffs-widow | @natsxwife | @maria-403 | 
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kopivie · 7 months
share some hades!wrio headcanons? I'm actually SO invested i'm going to die
oh! i think i can come up with a few! it'll probably be some facts about him, and maybe some writing? (note: i'm coming back after finishing this and.. i got so carried away.)
(also as a side note, if i were to write a fic about this, i might use a lot of greek/ancient greek terms and words, so if you see something like that, please don't be alarmed.)
first and foremost, i'm definitely clinging to That One Part of wriothesley's canon lore of him abandoning the name given to him before his murder trial. canonically, he just picked up the name "wriothesley" from an obituary because he didn't want to use the one his foster parents gave him. what that name was, we will probably never know (unless it's said in his story quest, which i haven't done yet.) that said, allow me to jump into my hades!wriothesley hcs :D
"wriothesley" is a name that very few actually use. much like canon, people often refer to him as "your grace". however, he has many, many monikers; "the duke of meropide" and "king of the underworld" are just two of many.
underworld residents (or to overworlders, meropide prisoners) coined a bunch of new terms to refer to the elusive duke: aides or aidoneus (meaning "the unseen" or "the invisible one"), orcus (meaning "killer" or "the one who kills"), ditis pater/dis pater/dis (all meaning something along the lines of "rich one"), or clymenus (meaning "the illustrious" or "the revered one")
note: these are all actual names used to refer to hades in greek mythology.
no one calls him those names to his face or in his presence. those names are spoken in whisper -- saying any of those names seems to evoke a physical reaction to anyone who may have been in the fortress long enough to understand the weight behind those names.
hades!wriothesley is not a benevolent being. he is extremely objective. he seldom makes emotional decisions, which leads people to believe that at times, he has no emotions to speak of. (which isn't true, obviously.) his impartial decisions have cost many a life.
i think that because he doesn't rely on his emotions when making many decisions, that is the reason why he goes overboard when it comes to you. it's a little like shaking an unopened soda bottle for an hour and then suddenly opening the top.
wriothesley's love overflows, it gushes, it stains everything it touches. it seeps into every pore and changes you from the inside out. the problem with this, however, is that you resist this change initially.
you are receptive to his... i don't wanna call it advances, since that often has a negative connotation. wriothesley is anything but pushy and inappropriate. he's gentlemanly and chivalrous, so much so that you almost want to scream sometimes. let's call it courting — you allow him to court you, although you keep him at a distance.
why do you keep him at a distance? i... don't really know. perhaps someone can send in a suggestion. but the point is that you don't fully indulge yourself -- sometimes you do, but you become slightly distant and apologetic afterwards. wriothesley understands and is happy to be patient with you, but...
i think my suggestion for your hesitancy would be that you can feel the love that he exudes, and it scares you. you're afraid of what might happen if you allow yourself to sink too deep.
and that... that is probably why you resent him when he takes you to the fortress. that's part of the reason, anyhow. you were afraid of drowning and he literally took you to the bottom of the sea. in a metaphorical sense, he basically tied a brick to your ankles and dragged you down to his own depths against your will. you can't fight, you can't resist -- you can only endure. that is why you're angry with him.
"why do you resent me so?"
hades has the audacity to ask you such a question as you study a flower that he'd brought back from his latest visit to the overworld. you hadn't known of his departure, but when he gifted you this fresh plant, you felt something ugly and bitter stir within you. you became fixated on it, deciding to hole yourself up in your room to spend time with the only thing that gave you peace. you don't react to his question.
he stays quiet for a while, but he doesn't leave. after about five minutes, he inquires again. "please, blossom. i must know. i just wish to make you happy."
you all but slam your hand down on your desk. "happy? you want to make me happy?" you haven't raised your voice, but your tone is as icy as the vision that dangles from his clothing. "set me free. let me go home."
wriothesley is quiet again. "...will you at least look at me?"
the wetness in your eyes forces you to shake your head. "you haven't earned my gaze."
"and what must i do to earn it?"
"i've already told you."
"what else must i do?"
that gets you to turn around. "why are you so stubborn? what is preventing you from letting me go? you yourself can wander between the realms freely, but i can't?" your eyes sting with unshed tears, though the sensation doesn't last long. your frame trembles as you cry, and wriothesley cups your face to wipe the tears away. "do not touch me." you hiss at him.
wriothesley gives you a humorless smile. "you're not pushing me away."
...he's right. why aren't you pushing him away? "you haven't earned the right to touch me."
"haven't i?" hades is leaning in closer. you can smell peppermint on his breath. did he drink tea before coming? his thumb caresses your cheek. your eyes list to the side. "blossom," he calls you. "please."
you have a hard time resisting when he begs you like this. you hate how you let him get away with murder. he's trapped you here against your will, denied you of your freedom, and yet you still allow him to treat you like a deity. you allow him to do as he pleases. you don't feel threatened by him, no -- what you feel is his sincerity. his longing. his love.
you lock eyes with wriothesley. he's sharing a breath with you now. "wh-what do you want?" you ask. "you've already taken everything from me. how greedy can one man be?"
wriothesley's eyes glimmer in the lamplight. you can feel his gaze drop to your lips. his voice is noticeably deeper when he asks, "do you want to find out?"
you're not sure what you feel when he kisses you. the kiss is soft, sweet, and tastes of peppermint. his lips are warm, as is the rest of him. he licks into your mouth slowly and patiently, and you don't fight him.
because really, you've never wanted to push him away. you want to accept wriothesley for who he is, bloodied hands and all. you want him almost as bad as he wants you. and yet you just can't accept him in his entirety-- not as he is now. not when he's secretive and evasive. but his affection gives you some reprieve; his love gives you peace overwhelming, so much so that you let your own feelings shine through in moments like these.
you end the kiss first. you pull away, breathless, though you notice that he doesn't move an inch. after a brief silence, you finally speak. "you're too much for me." you murmur. "you'll be death of me."
wriothesley takes your hands in his. "for as long as i rule the underworld," he replies, "death will never find you. and that's a promise."
(also obligatory catte tag bc i need a fellow wrio lover to see this 🫡🩷 @catcze)
(p.s.: lemme know if i shouldn't tag you in this stuff, okay?)
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ptergwen · 2 years
Hii :) first of I love your content ! But anyways could I request some fluff where Peter comes home after a long day and he sees y/n asleep on the couch wearing the I survived my trip in nyc shirt and they end up cuddling while he rambles about his day please ? Thanks, have a great day honey <33
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w/c: 527
warnings: peter needs a break
a/n: thank you thank you! i love peter comfort fics our boy needs it bad lmfhsjd daily reminder to once again join my taglist and happy reading
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peter is exhausted. he’s practically falling off his feet as he fumbles with his keys in the door. his steps are heavy coming into your shared apartment, a reflective sigh leaving his lips. he drops his backpack and throws his keys on the counter, padding through the apartment in search of you.
he wants nothing more than to crawl into the arms of the one he loves most after the day he’s had. when you’re holding him, everything is okay.
he’s okay.
peter finds you on the couch. you’re sleeping, face smushed against its arm and a textbook open in front of you. you must have fallen asleep while studying; it wouldn’t be the first time. you look so warm and snuggly wearing his old i survived my trip to nyc shirt and a pair of knee-high socks. he can’t wait to cuddle up to you, forget about his day.
peter moves your textbook and steps out of his sneakers. he gets onto the couch, inching his way towards you from the other side. he lays his head in your lap, arms winding around your upper thighs. your eyes slowly blink open. it takes you a moment to realize that you’d fallen asleep, and that peter is here. you look down at your boyfriend to be met with a frown etched onto his lips, puppy eyes gazing up at you.
“you’re home.”
you weave your fingers into peter’s fluffy curls. peter gives a small nod in response. something is bothering him, you can tell.
“you wanna talk about it?”
peter finally lets it all out.
“my schedule sucks. class ends so late, and i can’t switch because the others are full and i need it. i know it’s just a couple times a week, but i hate it. i barely see you all day.”
you stroke peter’s curls soothingly while he rants.
“the subway was running late, so i didn’t get to work on time and jameson was pissed. i was pretty sure he didn’t like me before, but he definitely doesn’t now. i have to photograph some event this weekend to make up for it. i should’ve just swung there.”
“you think?”
“i dunno, i guess that would defeat the whole purpose. if spider-man shows up and i’m not there to take pictures, it might give away my identity. maybe i should just start working freelance.”
peter rests his chin on your stomach, fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on your thighs.
“may called. said she wants us to come over for dinner. god, i don’t even have time for a dinner. i don’t have time to eat. i just…”
he trails off. you card your fingers through his locks, waiting for him to continue.
“sorry to put this all on you. and sorry i woke you up. i’ve just had a really long day, and things kinda suck right now, and i missed you.”
“don’t apologize, pete. you’ve got a lot going on. it’s overwhelming. i understand, and it’s okay to talk about it. i’m here to listen.”
peter smiles his first smile all day. he hides his face in your stomach, leaving kisses over your shirt.
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tags: @mystic-writings @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @lnmp89 @jenoslov @crvshnburnn @yourlocalomlette @starlight-starks @belovasheart @liltimmyst @eviewriites @hollandsangel @parkerctrl @eichenhouseproperty @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @varshhyy @ellebutnotwoods @magicalxdaydream @tayyx @parkerdadda @valluvsu @ronweasleysslut @peterficrecs @Winchestersgirl222 @sunf1ower-vol6 @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @niktwazny303 @marvelgurl @thismessymasterpiece @alina02​​ @sapphic_romanoff @It'sJaneDeLuca @lomlbuckyy
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