#i think i'm opening some real doors for them and isn't that what matters?
insertdisc5 · 8 months
✨ The In Stars and Time Spoiler Q&A ✨
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I hope you are aware of The Secret Final Boss because I'm also gonna spoil the crab out of that. If you haven't,
1. Did you know the events for interacting with your souvenirs are randomized for some of them, and also change depending on how far you are in the game.
2. Did you know there's a way to show souvenirs to a certain character.
3. Did you know you can go back to Dormont during the Epilogue.
Figure that out, and come back here! Or watch a let's play online. You can also do that.
I will also try to adopt a ~mysterious cool voice with no exclamation points~ for Effect. Come with me on this journey.
Now. Questions time!
✨ Will you ever make a sequel to ISAT, or make a game in the same universe?
Nah. This was always intended to be The Story. This is your turn to imagine things now.
✨ But so what happened to the Country? What was its name? What about the wishes? What about the colors? What did Siffrin say as an openphrase to open the door to the King's room? What about--
I will not answer those. It's your turn.
Ok fine. Here are some facts that I alluded to in-game, that I am confirming now.
-The Country disappearing and the events that made colors go away are not related.
-The colors disappeared a loooong time ago, which is why knowing they even existed is a relatively new find.
-A wish made everyone forget the Country.
I will ALSO say that ISAT's map operates on Final Fantasy/General Fantasy rules (i.e. in-universe locations are based off of real ones when it comes to culture, but are not one to one parallels, especially for geography), so no, the Country isn't based on the UK oh my god please do not say that to me again or im deleting ISAT out of your computers and putting legos at the foot of your bed. It's based on another place. You can figure it out, I believe in you.
✨ But why won't you give more info on what happened :(
Can you imagine if I did answer. Wouldn't that be a bummer, whatever my answer was. Sometimes things need to stay a mystery. And also, I don't want to answer <3
✨ Does the world Loop came from still exist after they left? Or is this a get mystery'd situation?
There is only One Timeline and it's the timeline that goes from the prologue to ISAT. Every timeline that gets rewound does not exist anymore, and that includes the prologue's timeline.
✨ What's the deal with Siffrin's dream at the start?
It's Siffrin's dream, but that doesn't mean our Siffrin is the main star.
✨ Is [specific missable game moment] canon?
Every moment that you personally experience in the game is canon.
✨ Is there a reason Siffrin remembers their name but the King doesn't?
What makes you think Siffrin does?
✨ At the very very end of the game, if you look out the window behind the Head Housemaiden, Sif mentions seeing an island in the distance. Is that his country?
It is. It's always been there, for the whole game. You can see it in the distance, too.
✨ Who was the King, before?
He was just a guy!
✨ With the King left remembering in the end, does that in any way change the redaction effect for other people in the world going forward?
That's a fun idea. Maybe!
✨ One thing that never really clicked for me is: Is the sweet smell Time Craft or Wish Craft? Or is the sweet smell TIme Craft and specifically the burnt sugar smell is Wish Craft? Other way around? Does this question even matter since without Wish Craft you can't attain Time Craft in the first place? (To me, yes.)
Wish Craft smells sweet. Time Craft doesn't have a smell per se, but it does do something.
✨ Does Mirabelle retain her immunity to being frozen in time after the events of the game or does it go away after the Head Housemaiden is saved? Or does it persist for a while and eventually fade away?
I imagine the immunity slowly faded away. But no one's left to do Time Craft, so it's a moot point anyway.
✨ How was Odile able to stop Siffrin from looping back during the fight against Siffrin?
In the Discord channel I stated that it's because "she's just that cool", but really, she does have access to some skills that heighten the efficacity of Rock/Paper/Scissors attacks, so it's not too much of a stretch to imagine she could lower the efficacity of Time Craft as well. In this last loop, while listening to Loop and observing, she could figure out Siffrin was looping way earlier than she could in even the Sus Quest, so she made plans. She is Very Smart <3
✨ Will you ever share everyone's full names?
That's artbook content <3
✨ In the ending, what happened to Siffrin's hat?
Flew away. It's gone now.
✨ Looking back at the original comics, and seeing how comic!sif has both eyes at the start of their loops, but in ending sequences is shown with his eye patch...did you ever consider making that concept of sif losing their eye a part of the main loop in either of your games? and if so, was there any reason why you decided against it?
Early on, I did think about making that whole event an event that happens during the loops, but quickly let that go since 1. it would be a pain to write and code (two different sets of Siffrin portraits!) and 2. if it happened, the player might want to look for a way to NOT make that happen and so 3. it would be a pain to write and code
✨ How was Siffrin's homelife before?
Pretty good!
✨ How old were Nille and Bonnie when they ran away? How old was Sif when their home got zapped?
Both were teens.
✨ How old IS everyone?
Siffrin is mid-late 20s. Mirabelle and Isabeau are early-mid 20s, with Isabeau being slightly older. Bonnie is a preteen. Odile is Too Old For This. Petronille, Bonnie's sister, is late teens-early 20s. You can ignore whatever I said in the prologue's artbook, whoever wrote this was Wrong!!!!!!!!!!
✨ Regarding the book that talks about someone who crafted a copy of themself using wish craft: is that meant to imply someone we know is the author (and/or the copy), or is it not directly related to any of em? or is it a "who knows ;)" situation where we can just speculate and theorize either way?
Please check the book again during Act 5! This applies to most items/map events by the way, like the pendant. You can check those during Act 5 and 6 for some fun new dialogue!
✨ Why are Siffrin's clothes so warm looking?
The Country got cold at night.
✨ What's up with Siffrin's pins?
They're made out of a special material. And also, they make Siffrin look cool <3
✨ I want to know the story behind Loop’s different eye shades!
They're blind in one eye. Also, fun foreshadowing <3
✨ What determines whether someone is paper/rock/scissors craft? Is it assigned naturally at birth or something else (and how do you find out)? Does it make you more inclined to use that specific craft or is anyone generally free to use whatever craft they want?
Astrology rules, It Just Is A Thing. Being Rock Type means it is way easier for you to do Rock Craft, but that doesn't mean you can't learn other types of craft, although it's way harder. Doing Craft of your type is instinct, doing Craft of another type would take some time and resarch.
✨What crimes has Odile committed before. I need to know.
Odile just smiles.
✨ Why did the King specifically target the House of Dormont?
I had a reason in mind, but adding it to the game would've added a layer of Explanation that really didn't need to be there. It's just a nice House.
✨ Who was Odile's hatecrush...
Dunno. It's your turn.
✨ What is loop's body situation. like is the surface of their "skin" solid? they did poke siffrin that one time, and we know they aren't cold, but...
I have some idea. But it's your turn!
✨ Would Sif still have looped if they hadn't made the wish he made in the beginning? As in, would Vaugarde's combined wish have made him loop until managing to beat the King?
No. But without time powers, you can imagine what would've happened next.
✨ During the Loop Hangout, how did the rest of the team make it all the way to The King? What about during Act 5?
During the Loop Hangout: with difficulty. During Act 5: Loop was there to guide them.
✨ Is Loop: 1. Actually comfortable with both he and they, but only gave the one pronoun to emphasize the distance? 2. Only using they/them because a large life event led to a shift in identity/ how they'd like to be perceived? or 3. time lops stole he from they they :(
Mostly that first one. But all three of those reasons have a bit of truth to them.
✨ Who cooked crab in the House of Change???
This is a very funny question! I've never thought about it. It's your turn.
✨ What are the Orbs that open the gate? Did the King create the Gate or was it there before?
(did not think about the orbs or the gate beyond "plot that proves there was a journey before") Stop Asking Questions,,,, It's your turn,,,,,,
✨ Bonnie's dialogue is *extremely* accurate to how overexcited kids talk, which is really rare to see. Was that something that took a lot of effort to achieve, or did it come naturally to you?
Thank you <3 I'm just that good. Really, Bonnie is an adult with no filter, and less general knowledge. I'm very glad I managed to write Bonnie well, especially since. I haven't talked to a kid. Since I was one myself
✨ The Spoilery Concept Art. Blease
oh yeah. here have it all. this is what I gave Mimi to do the animated trailer!
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✨ So. What's everyone's favorite shade.
FINALLY the question. Plus I can say shade names now. White = darkless, Black = lightless. Light and Dark is like light grey/ dark grey. Oh my god I'm checking my notes and I wrote a small event I never used about hair dye colors like "midnight dark", "tomato grey", "snow light" past me that's so fucking funny
Anyway, Siffrin loves darkless, Mirabelle is more of a light shade lover, Isabeau loves that lightless (BECAUSE ITS FASHIONABLE OK), Odile likes darker shades, and Bonnie also loves that lightless (BECAUSE ITS AS DARK AS MY SOUL OK)
✨ Are there any bugs you found during developments that you've made into features?
Two! The first one was the ability to ask Loop to just silently hang out during Act 4. I messed up the code and the game softlocked there, with Siffrin and Loop sitting there silently. I thought it was very sweet. They deserve a little quiet time.
The second was in Act 5 - the House map had a lot of issues with the Act 5 map bringing you back to the normal House map. So one of the testers got brought to the normal House map and didn't notice, and interacted with the Mirror on Floor 3, and it gave them the normal interaction with everyone seeing the mirror and taking a picture, and when they went to look at the picture in their inventory, it gave them the actual Act 5 picture. A little bit after they realized the game bugged out, and told me about it, and begged me to keep that in because they were very unsettled by it. So here it is! Beforehand, it was just Siffrin silently taking a picture, so I'm glad I changed it.
✨ Did you ever have emotional difficulty writing the more sensitive parts of the script, like Siffrin’s intrusive/negative thoughts, for one reason or another? Moreover, did you worry the script may be darker than your initial vision for it anticipated?
Not really. The Mirabelle and Odile hangout scenes were the hardest scenes by far because I really wanted to get them right, but everything else was about the same amount of difficulty. And actually, I wanted to go a little bit darker for the script, but I was worried it was going to be too dark... When it comes to the dagger event, I had a whole tangent about Siffrin thinking about the best way to strike, so to speak, but I deleted it because it was getting A Little Too Detailed. T rating come back to me
✨ For the questions you WON'T answer, did you have your own answers while making the game? Or were they left blank?
Some of them I do, some of them I don't!
✨ I loved this game and I want to replay it but I don't want Siffrin to go through everything again!
Here's a little fun fact I decided: if you hit the credits, you helped a Siffrin escape. If you start a new game, you are creating a new Siffrin that you can emotionally tortu-IIIIIIII MEAN, a new Siffrin that you can help. Do not worry about your Siffrins they are fine
✨ A lot of those answers ended up being "It's your turn", huh.
Yea <3 The answers to some of those questions ARE there if you look. Some just aren't. But you can imagine whatever you want. It's your turn! I finished the game! I'm done working! It's your turn!!!
✨ I loved ISAT and it made me feel so many feelings!
Thank you so much. I'm sorry if you sent a message or ask and I didn't answer it. I read every single one and cherish it! Thank you for playing and thank you for writing me a message!!!!! When I get a little down I look at all of those and I feel better. Thank you. I'm sorry I can't answer them all.
✨ What will you work on next?
I have a project I'm currently in the preproduction stages of. I don't want to talk about it until I feel like I have some stuff to show. Plus I still have to make the ISAT artbook and some other stuff, so it won't be for a while. Nonetheless, I hope you will enjoy it!!!
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suna-cerely-yours · 2 years
i know ft kiyoomi
warnings: fem!bodied reader, dirty talk, public indecency, mentions of bondage, unedited.
“kiyo would you rather fuck someone wearing a black dress or a white one?”
sakusa lifts his eyes from his phone, fixing you with an incredulous look.
"why are you asking me that in the middle of a very public dressing room, which i'm probably not even supposed to be in right now?"
"it's literally 2pm and the store is practically empty kiyo. besides, i doubt the workers are paid enough to care anyway."
"that's not what i asked."
rolling your eyes, you push the door of the dressing room open further, revealing the short, white dress you had on.
"i haven't been laid in such a long time, and i have a good feeling about this weekend. i wanna make sure i look, y'know, fuckable or something."
a muscle in sakusa's jaw twitches as he glances over the dress, still leaning against the wall opposite to your dressing room, phone clutched in hand.
"okay, first of all fuckable isn't a real word. secondly, what sort of bastard are you dating who'll decide if he likes you based on your dress?"
pressing your lips together you squint at him, walking forward to grab his arm.
"ki-yo-omi, it's not that deep, just tell me if you would rather fuck someone in a white dress or a black one."
"if it's someone i'm interested in, their clothing would not matter."
hiding a grin, you shake your head slightly. your best friend really was leagues apart from most men you had met.
"okay so the white one then?"
shrugging, sakusa straightens, slipping his phone into the pocket of his dark slacks. "get whatever dress you want, if you'd like i could buy you both."
"kiyo, just say you wouldn't fuck me next time," you whine, "stop avoiding the question."
a hand catches your wrist as you turn to go back to change your clothes, sakusa's fingers warm against your skin.
"i never said i wouldn't fu- i wouldn't have sex with you. stop putting words into my mouth."
"fuck kiyo, fuck me. say it properly c'mon, we're not kids anymore."
scowling he lets go of your hand, "don't be a brat."
"oh yeah? and what are you going to do about it?"
you hear him scoff as you move to close the door, only to have the door be pushed back and find yourself pushed against a mirrored wall, the door clicking closed behind sakusa.
"kiyo, what the hell-"
"you think i don't want to fuck you? you think i don't fantasize about tying you up and making you beg for me?"
he moves closer, pressing a hand to the mirror beside your head, the other hand slipping inside your dress to grip your hip.
"do you have any idea what you do to me? how i feel like a complete caveman, devoid of any sense of rationality every time you show up in those little skirts? all i can ever think of is how much i want to flip them up and fuck you until you cry."
you whimper, pussy clenching around nothing as sakusa's lips brush against yours', his thumb lazily stroking hipbone.
"every time you come whining about how some boy couldn't make you cum, or left you unsatisfied, all i can think of is how i could make you cum without even making you take any clothes off- how i could make you cream around my dick so many times.
your lips part, as you moan, sakusa's fingers now slipping into your soaked panties.
fingers lightly tracing your pussy, he sighs into the crook of your neck.
" i would fuck you in each and every one of your dresses."
your eyes slide shut as he presses down your throbbing clit, head hitting against the mirror with a thud.
however instead of continuing, he moves away, "i'll pay for both dresses and meet you outside, i'm sure he'll fuck you regardless."
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gavisfanta · 9 days
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summary: after gavi left the spanish camp during the world cup some people get scared, but he returns with an unusual surprise.
warnings: shittalk?, not proofread
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"Where's Gavi?" Pedri looked around the table after he found the empty chair which was Gavi's place.
"I don't know, ask Lucho." Ferran answered and Pedri immediately looked to their coach.
"He'll tell you himself." Enrique shortly answered and then went back to typing something on his ipad. Something specific about the spanish coach is that every day, he eats an apple for breakfast and drinks a cup of orange juice. The boys have never seen him eat anything else before lunch.
So after Luis had told the boys that Gavi was 100% gone and he's gonna tell them himself, Pedri wanted to call him. Yet it doesn't matter how many times they tried to call him, it always went to voicemail.
Gavi's phone was turned off and nobody knew what he was doing, Ferran was afriad that he might have gotten an injury or he's sick.
"He wouldn't have left then, we have a whole medical team here!" Ansu threw his hands in the aur as he stood up and made his way over to the table where all the flod was. He grabbed an apple and then went back to sit down.
"Well, the best we can do now is wait." Pedri shrugged his shoulders and zoned out. Ferran shook his head, they were obviously worried what happened to their teammate, but Pedri was right, if Gavi wasnt picking up, they had to wait.
"Hey Sergio did you hear that Gavi left camp?" The newsreporter in the tv said. The whole Brazil squad sitting infront of it, waiting for the game to begin in 20 minutes.
"Yes I did hear, but I sadly don't know why." The other guy named Sergio answered.
"Well fans are worried for their starkid, maybe he picked up an injury, it also may be something with his family. Footballers have done this before during an international tournament." The other guy began talking but Rodrygo shook his head as he leaned closer to Vini.
"Good that that shithole is gone, hm?" Rodrygo nudged Vini's shoulder as he laughed. Both Real Madrid players looked at eachother and smiled.
"No more Wonderkid for him." Vini answered and laughed, however he soon received a hit on his shoulder. As he turned to look around he saw Raphinha sitting behind him.
"I know you dont like him but there's no need to talk about him like that." Raphinha leaned forward and ltold Vinicius. He wanted to open his mouth again but decided not to, so instead he just turned around and looked at the tv.
Not even two days later as the Spanish team was sitting at breakfast, they heard the door open. Every member of the staff was at breakfast so everyone suddenly shut up and looked at the door. To their surprise it was nobody other than Gavi himself, a wide smile spread on his face.
"Hola." He smiled and then Enrique stood up and went to hug him. While he did that he whispered into his ear: "Congratulations."
Gavi just returned the smile and looked at everyone while his coach stood besides him.
"Well, I think Gavi owes everyone an apology and an explanation to why he disappeared so suddenly." Enrique said and everyone began clapping their hands. Gavi cleared his throat, he hated talking infront of so mamy people, especially when he saw the camera running in the opposite corner, but he decided to bite through it.
"First of all, I'm sorry I disappeared so quickly and that I didn't answer any of your phone calls. But I have a perfectly fine explanation." Gavi explained in a loud tone so that everyone could hear him. "I don't know if some of you guys have noticed, that you didn't see my Girlfriend in like 6 months," He stopped for a second and most people nodded their head. "That isn't because we broke up, thank god, but I'd like you to meet someone." Gavi said and then turned around to look at the door where you walked in, a newborn baby in your arms, his eyes closed and peacefully sleeping. Everyone gasped as they saw you stand next to your boyfriend, with his child in your arms. Gavi looked at his son proudly and then put his finger up to his mouth. "He's sleeping." He said just loud enough.
Many of his teammates faces were covered in huge smiles and they just looked at the baby in your arms. You then looked at Pedri and saw him smiling while both of his hands are pressed against his cheeks, then you turned to Gavi again.
"I'll go back now, you talk to them."
"Okay, I'll go to the hospital after we're done eating." Gavi explained to you and you nodded your head. You turmed around one time to everyone and waved your head with a huge grin on your face.
Most of them waved back, they waited until the door closed until everyone jumped up and ran towards Gavi.
Gavi laughed as everyonenwent over to him and congratulated him.
"Hermano this is insane!" Pedri smiled as he shook Gavi's shoulders back and fourth.
"I know, I know." Gavi answered with a smile and hugged Pedri.
"How did you keep this a secret?" Ferran asked, everyone was still smiling, everyone was more than happy for Gavi.
"It was so hard." Gavi laughed out as he shook his head. "She didn't wanna leave the house after like 5 months of pregnancy cause she was scared someone's gonna see her." He laughed and Pedri couldn't help but smile too.
"How is she even on her feet just two days after giving birth?" Ferran asked, simply amazed by how fast you recovered.
"Bro I have no idea, I told her to stay a day more but she wanted to show him to you guys." Gavi explained further.
"What's his name?" Morata asked and looked at the midfielder.
"Can't tell you guys yet." Gavi shrugged his shoulders and then began walking backwards.
Many of his teammates told him to stay but he went outside where his dad was waiting for him together with his sister.
"How did it go?" His dad asked and patted his sons shoulder. Gavi smile couldn't have been wiped off of his face by anything.
"It went amazing," Gavi said and looked around before shifting his gaze back to his father. "Where is she?" Gavi asked after he noticed that you werent around.
"She went to the car to feed him, don't worry, she's fine." Aurora calmed her brother and he nodded his head while pulling out his phone for a second.
"The posts will go online in 4 minutes." Gavi mumbled under his breath. There were posts scheduled for his account, revealing that you gave birth to your child. Of course you and Gavi have talked about announcing it, you both thought it was the right thing to do before someone sees you two walking around with a child.
But after all of you had arrived at the hotel you were staying in, Gavi went to your room with you.
While he held his child in his arms, shaking him to sleep, he looked at you with a smile. "I'm so proud of you." Gavi mumbled, but just as you would've gotten time to respond there was a knock on the door.
"My god why is that child sleeping in your arms? Here, I'll take care of him." Gavi's mother hurried over to her son, taking her grandchild out of his arms and leaving the room. You smiled a little as you watched her close the door again.
"She's-" Gavi scoffed while shaking his head, he smiled as he walked closer to you and kissed your temple. "But I'm so proud of you amor."
"Why are you proud?" You laughed out and ran your hand along his jaw, caressing his soft skin.
"You're not normal, why are you walking around two days after the delivery. You shouldn't be on your feet, your body needs to rest." Gavi said and grabbed your hand as he walked you over to the bed.
"No, Gavi I'm fine-" You began but he cut you off before you could've finished your sentence.
"No you go back to sleep now." He mumbled and then kneeled down besides you while kissing your cheek.
"I love you" You mumbled while running your hamd through his hair.
"I love you more." He answered with a smile on his face.
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edenianprincess · 9 months
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INTRO !!      ❤︎ ׄ                                               Different ways to say I love you .ᐟ
Sweet gestures that demonstrate their love to a gender neutral!reader. Characters chosen are Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Tomas. Content warning: none, just fluff. Please, respond to the poll at the end!
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Bi-Han !
He lets you call him by stupid nicknames, he acts annoyed when you're using them, but he won't admit to anyone or even to himself that he is fond of them. Everything you make him feel is so unusual for Bi-Han, he doesn't know why he seeks for this warm fuzzy sensation every time he has your attention and affection, when his body as well as his soul are made of ice, but he does, and your foolish nicknames provide them. So, if someone else uses them, he would not only see it as an attack on his honor, not hesitating to put them back in their place, reminding them of whom they're talking to, but also, who do they think they are to call him like that when they’re not you. He prefers if you only use them in private, for plenty of reasons which include that he thinks your love life should be kept private, it isn't a subject of chatter for everyone to be entertained with, but also a matter of respecting his clan's honor as he is its head. He'll be grumpy if you do, but let’s be real, when is he not.
"How many times do I have to apologise for you to move on, snowhan?" Your voice whispers in his ear as your body is glued to his back, an arm hugging his neck while your fingers are twirling a loose strand of his hair that escaped from his bun. The man in your arms lets out a grunt. "Those champions lack senses for making fun of me, Liu Kang wouldn’t have stop me I would have knock them some of it in their head. And you.. my own partner disrespecting me in front of them." Despite his back facing you, you can feel his glare that is meant for you when he spits those words. But, even with the anger within him, he doesn’t move on from where he is, not even moving an inch when you take his clenching fist and start doing circles on them. "I thought I made it clear but apparently it wasn’t enough for you to get it. How can we bring glory to the Lin Kuei, when my companion lacks perspicacity and respect for their husband, out of all people you should know better than putting on a foolish act… " His voice fades away, it seems like he was going to continue his rambling but loses himself instead in your fingers gently brushing his silky hair, his bun long gone since, causing his grunts to become quiet moans. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again." You suddenly remove yourself from him. When he feels your fingers being taken away from his hair, it catchs him off guard as he turns around to see you smiling innocently but also playfully, which he returns with a dirty look that questions as to why did you stopped. You tell him that you’re just respecting his space like a good spouse should. "Nonsense, there's nothing preventing us here. Continue what you were doing. Now.” He pulls you back with ease in his embrace going back to the soft moment where for once he let his guard down, and that’s a sight no else should be able to see.
Making sure you sleep well. Rest is important, he doesn't want to have a weak lover by his side, you must keep your energy in check and if you don't do it, he will. When he goes to bed at the same time as you, he'll wait for you to sleep first before he does, making sure you don't go on a sleepless night, and it gives him a moment alone to appreciate your features. If you can't sleep, he'll help by brewing warm tea or if necessary, draw a bath, anything that will help he’ll do, it’s one of his rare soft moments where he lets the cold facade fall for once, it’s in the night where it feels like you and him without the world or the worries. When he is occupied during the night because of his role as Grandmaster, he'll go check up on you, always, to see if you're sleeping safe and well. 
He opens the door slowly of your shared bedroom and walks at quiet steps to your sleeping figure, when he is next to the bed he let the blanket he searched for fall on your body and make sure to cover the exposed areas. The night is colder than usual and you aren’t used to the cold like he is, he doesn’t want you to end up ill and weak.  After he finishes tucking you in, he takes a moment to trace the features of your face delicately, his finger travelling from the lips he enjoys kissing to the cheek he loves holding, but it doesn’t last long as he has to go, with one last stroke he moves away to the door that he closes after looking at you again. Each times, seeing the moonlight illuminating your soft features in the dark night reminds him that seeing you being so peaceful is one of the reason he wants to strengthen the clan even more, the universe is full of threats from every realms and now even from every timelines, it gives him unspeakable worries if one of those threats reaches you, it’s too late to go back when the Lin Kuei was being held back and weak, time is changing and he needs to go forward with it. 
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Kuai Liang !
Using his powers to make you feel better.  Whenever he sees you shivering cold, he'll automatically wrap his hand around your waist, offering to share his body heat. But, if that's not enough he'll slightly heat himself up, making sure to not burn you but still bring enough warmth. You're free to lean on or snuggle to him whenever you want to, he isn't one to reject his lover when they are in need, and it would be a lie to say he doesn't find it adorable when you seek for him to warm yourself up, sometimes you’re throwing yourself on him so he has no choice but to hug you back, not that he complains, his arms are always open and keep their high temperature for you. He is also your personal heating pad for stomachache, it saddens him to see his loved ones in pain, so he's happy when he's able to help ease it even for a little, by rubbing where the pain is.
It is a particularly cold day and nothing that you found could bring you enough heat. You know it is the day for Kuai Liang to train the recruits so you go to the training place and seek for him. When you find him, you lightly tap on his shoulder without saying a word, and just by the look in your eyes Kuai Liang knows you need something, so he follows you into a secret hiding from the rest of the clan where you can talk. “What is it, my lo-” He is about to ask, but you interrupt him by throwing your arms above his waist and push your face into his toned chest that you can feel through the fabric. It takes him by surprise but he quickly laughs and returns the hug, you feel his hot touch on your trembling body, causing to send shivers of excitement down your spine. A sudden wave of comfort and heat rushes through your skin as he uses his power. You don’t want to hog him just for yourself but it feels so good and you don’t want to leave him for the moment either, his strong but gentle hands slowly start doing small caresses on your back as if you were the softest and most precious thing he ever held in his hands. “Does it feel better, love?” His lips whisper close to your face, so close you can feel his breath warming up your cheeks. You can think he is using his power in his smooth voice to make your heart melt like that. “Yes.. yes, it does.” Your voice drifts away as you let Kuai Liang’s warmth embracing you fully, enjoying it as long as it last.
Letting you do his hair. Every morning, you have the habit of brushing his hair until every knot is untangled, then putting them in a high and tight bun so he won’t be bothered when he goes to work. He can do his hair alone, but he trusts you with it, besides from his parents when he was a boy, nobody has ever touched his hair. It feels intimate and relaxing whenever your fingers pass through his hair which feel like silk, for once it’s like he puts a pause on everything and lets you manage the moment, with nothing being able to interrupt it. It’s impressive, even for him on how can you put the pyromancer in a vulnerable state just by your touch, while his enemies had train all their life to get even an once of his vulnerability, it’s like any fire within him extinguish with your presence. He really wishes to pay you back in some way, if you have long hair he’ll do them if you let him, styling you in hairstyles that he thinks embellish your natural beauty. And of course, his hair ties and pins become yours and vice versa.
“And, here you go.” You say as you rearrange the bun making sure no hair escaped. When you are finished, Kuai Liang turns around to face you, you feel the rough skin of his hand passing over your hand and gently take it to pull it lightly to bring you closer to him. “Thank you, beloved. I can't think of anyone better.” His gaze who holds sincerity it doesn't leave your eyes, still holding your hand he intertwines your fingers in an unbreakable link between his. “It's a simple gesture, however I'm happy to be the one to do it.” You smile at him, you really feel lucky to be the only one who can share this moment with him even for how simple it is, passing your fingers through is hair is almost like a small addiction, his smooth hair framing perfectly his handsome face is a sight you can't get tired of. “It may not be much but it means a lot to me.” His hand strokes your chin before pulling it and his lips capture yours in a kiss. It feels sweet and soft but you can feel the deep emotions he is putting in it, he is not letting your face go from his hand until his lips leave yours and smile tenderly at you.
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Tomas !
Being your number 1 fan. This man is quite easy to amaze, but nothing amazes him more than his sweet partner that is you. Everything that you try receives a compliment from Tomas, some may say he is a fool in love, while he’ll say that he is simply proud of you. His significant other kicking ass? That’s my bae for you! Showing off a new trick you just learned? It’s impressive, could you teach him how to do that? (Definitely not an excuse to spend some time with you) While the praises are genuine, they’re also here to make sure you don’t fall into the rabbit hole of insecurities, which unfortunately he has sunk in too many times. He would hate for you to feel bad about yourself, it means for him that he failed as a boyfriend and by extents, he failed you, that’s why he needs to cheer you up and show how much you’re incredible in his eyes.
It is one of those days again, where a gloomy feeling overcomes your mind and manifests itself when you're looking at yourself in the mirror almost defeated by its reflection, the more you look in the mirror the more you are able to see each imperfection and you suddenly start to feel like a mess. Tomas who has just arrived to check on you, notices your weird behavior, how you twirl your clothes, and look at yourself in every angle with a frown on the mirror that you have been looking at for a long time now, he knows what this means and he knows he needs to put a stop to it. Your investigation is suddenly brought to an end when you feel a pair of strong arms around your waist. “Hey, you look particularly beautiful today, have you done something new?” Tomas asks with curiosity and a small smirk, he is looking at you in the mirror and you notice his eyes are filled with fondness which makes you smile in returns. “I just woke up, Tomas. I didn't even brush my hair yet.” “Oh, I suppose it's your natural charm that makes you beautiful then.” When he says that you can't help but kiss him on the cheek, no matter how many times these bad feelings come back they could never surpass the feelings that your boyfriend is making you feel.
Making you surprises. Tomas is always trying to show that he cares for his partner, he fears that he may not show it enough so he tries through little pleasant surprises that he knows you will like. For example, bringing breakfast in bed, it’s convenient that most of the time he wakes up before you, as the way of teaching from the clan does not allow to sleep in and wake up after the enemy does. He’ll cook your favorite food of course, and somehow the fact that it is made by him makes it even more appetizing but also he learned from the best cook that he knows who is Madam Bo, honestly you don’t know who is sweeter between the breakfast or your boyfriend. He also likes to leave love notes when he is on duty in places he knows that you go and sometimes those notes are attached to cute gifts like plushies, chocolate or flowers.
Good morning, Love! I hope you slept well and did beautiful dreams (hopefully about me). I regret not being with you here but we had to leave early this morning and I didn’t want to wake you up so early. I made you a quick breakfast before leaving and this time it didn’t burn! I promise I’ll make up for my absence but for the time I wish you a nice day and can’t wait to hear about what you did tonight. With love, Tomas :) Your smile grows when you re-read the notes that Tomas left, you kept a small pile of them in the drawer and like to go through again when you’re in an emotional mood. Some of them are small, others are longer, they can be funny or romantic with a deep otherwise cheesy love quote, either written by Tomas or this ‘anonymous’ person who signs as ‘The King Of Smoke’ and hopes to not be caught by your boyfriend so he can keep sending you gifts that represents his love. Whatever those letters are, they always contain his sweet nature in them and never fail to touch you.
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‘𝓣𝐇𝐄 𝓔𝐍𝐃  Please don’t copy/translate and don’t reblog if you’re a yand3r3 blog/reblog account, or you’ll be blocked. Besides that, likes/reblogs/comments are appreciated.  Imagine Tomas leaving a love note and Bi-Han finds it accidentally, you can’t even imagine the disgust that he has on his face, he is even more displeased with Tomas than he already is, why can’t he keep his personal stuff private and not expose it to all the clan.
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the girl next door 19
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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You stare straight ahead, to humiliated to look at the man next to you. You haven't since you woke up. 
You wallow in confusion, trying to piece together the void in your mind. It's all blank after the shower. No matter how much you try, it just makes your head hurt. 
"You didn't eat much. You feeling okay?" He breaks the silence as he comes in view of the hospital. 
"Yeah, not very hungry," you murmur.  
"You know, I read the insert with the pills, that's one of the side effects. Plus it can really knock you on your butt. Must be what happened last night." 
"Please," you beg; just the mention has you squirming. 
"And fatigue can be a symptom of depression so that might also be why--" 
"I'm sorry," you hide your face in your hands, "I don't remember. I don't want to talk about it." 
"I told you, sweetie," he slows and finds a spot among the lot, "we just slept, alright? I just wanted to keep an eye on you otherwise I would've let you have the bed." 
You curl your fingers and dig them into your eye sockets. He doesn't get it. She doesn't hate him. 
"Please," you sniffle and sit up, "don't tell my mom.' 
"Don't tell--" he hits the button to kill the engine and unbuckles his seat belt, "there's nothing to tell, right?" 
"Yeah, but if... if she thought..." you stammer as you swipe away a glimmer of tears, "she's sick. I don't wanna m-make it worse." 
"Alright, sweetie," he reaches between the seats and squeezes your shoulders, "it can be our little secret." 
You nod a gulp. Your chest racks with the air trapped inside. He lets his hand brush down your arm. 
"Sweetie, it's okay. I'm going to take care of you. You and your mom," he retracts his touch, "now let's go say good morning." 
You undo your belt and get out as he opens the back door. He takes out the balloon and flowers he stopped to pick up on the way. He had you sign the card but your mom will know it wasn't your idea. You're too stupid to think of that. 
You offer to help but he waves you off. You go through the visitor's entrance and up the elevator. He approaches the nurses' station and greets them easily. He makes you feel worse for how sure he is of himself. The world isn't scary to him. The world doesn't mind him being there. 
As you get to your mother's room, you stop short. He nearly collides with your back and he chuckles. 
"Here, honey, you take the flowers," he offers the bouquet, "she's going to love them." 
You turn and take them without argument. They're your only defense. You enter slowly and Steve follows. 
"Morning, honey," he chimes past you, "surprise!" 
"Emf, Steve?" She gurgles as she turns her head one way then the other, "oh, Steve, you're here." 
"Just like we promised," he goes to her and kisses her forehead then gives her the card, tying the balloon to the bed rail. "Brought some flowers." 
"Shouldn't have done all that," she's back to her act, smiling for him as she sits up with an exaggerated effort, "I'll be coming home." 
"I know, just wanted to brighten your day," he shrugs, "we were real worried. Both of us." 
Your mother's eyes skim in your direction and narrow, "she didn't give ya too much trouble, did she?" 
"She's perfect, hon," he assures. "Really, she's been a lot of help. I was in a state and she took good care of me." 
"She did?" She wonders.  
You try not to react. He's lying but you wouldn't want him to tell the truth. You just keep your mouth shut and come forward to offer the flowers. 
"Here," you say, "love you, mom." 
She takes them with a brittle silence then quickly resumes her preening, looking at Steve as she inhales the scent, "oh, so lovely." She lowers them and rests them on her lap, "you didn't happen to bring coffee? I'm dying for a cup." 
"Ah, gee, you know, it slipped my mind," Steve says, "guess there were bigger things." 
"I'll... I'll go to the cafeteria and get some," you offer and feel around your pockets. You forgot your change purse. Shoot. "Erm..." 
"Here," Steve reaches in his back pocket, "it's on me. If you can grab me an orange juice and something for yourself. Thanks, kiddo." 
He hands you a folded twenty from his wallet. You take it reluctantly and glance at your mom. Her eye twitches but she keeps a placid expression. You turn to leave as she quickly forgets you. 
“I missed you so much,” she whines. 
“I know, honey, but we should talk...” 
Those words chase you out the door and prickle the hair along your neck. What are they talking about? He said he wouldn’t tell her. 
You can barely see straight as you walk the halls, losing yourself several times before getting to the elevators. When at last you’ve reached the cafeteria, you struggle to remember what you’re there for. You grab the coffee and an orange juice and pay, keeping the change clutched tight. 
You head back up, lightheaded from the motion of the elevator, and float through the halls, unseen and unbothered by the bodies around you. You feel invisible. Sometimes, you wonder if you’re even a part of the same world. 
You stop outside your mom’s room, the door open. 
“Steve, it’s a lot...” she mutters gloomily. 
“Trust me, Holly, alright?” 
You cough and step through. You put the coffee on the table near your mother’s bed and turn to offer Steve his juice and change. He accepts them as they both stay quiet, almost as if they’re not telling you something. 
“Thanks, kiddo,” he speaks at last and tucks the money away, “you didn’t get anything?” 
“No, it’s okay.” 
You glance at your mother, expecting a gripe. ‘Good you don’t want her spending all your money’. She just reaches for the coffee, a tick in her cheek as she finds no sugar or cream with it. Another mess up.  
“Well, I’ll go get the doctor, have him check you out and see if you’re ready to go,” Steve claps his hands. 
“Sure,” your mother hums and pops the lid off her coffee, “you’re a life saver, honey.” 
Steve drives you and your mother home, a layer of exhaustion settling around all of you. You don’t think your mother got very much sleep at the hospital and your own did little to nip away at your constant sluggishness. Even Steve yawns as he pulls onto the avenue and pulls into your mother’s driveway. 
You get out as he helps your mother from the front seat. You trail them up the porch and skirt around to open the door. Even as you try to be helpful, you feel like you’re in the way. 
Your mother’s hand is shaking pretty bad as Steve gets her into the recliner. You watch from the archway and wring your hands. It feels like forever since you’ve been home. The break in routine has you restless. 
“I’ll stick around for a bit but I got a buddy stopping by later. I’ve been putting it off and he’s starting to get pushy,” he explains, “but you can always call me. Kiddo,” he stands straight, hands on his hips, “you got my number? So you can text.” 
“I don’t have a phone,” you frown. 
“I’ll call ya,” your mother insists over you.  
“Okay, well, I’ll make you something to eat before I head out. Did they give you your meds at the hospital?” He asks. 
You see your mom hesitate. She’s never been one to be coddled. She always told you to back off but with him, she can’t break the facade. Her cheek ticks and she flutters her lashes, her tremour worsening. 
“Oh, Steve, I don’t feel so well. Do you have to go?” She moans. 
“Honey, did you take your meds?” He repeats more firmly. 
“Ugh, yes, okay?” She huffs and drops back on the recliner. “You don’t have to remind me I’m sick.” 
Steve crosses his arms and tilts his head, “I’m making sure you don’t get worse. Don’t talk to me like that.” 
“I’m sorry,” she heaves and hides behind her hand, “I’m so stressed and it’s just... horrible to not be able to stuff on your own.” 
“Doesn’t mean you get to take it out on everyone else,” he reprimands. He sounds mad. You’ve never heard him like that. “Look, I gotta get moving around here. You think about what we talked about.” He turns and winces as he sees you, almost like he forgot you. “Kiddo, why don’t you go chill out? It’s been a long morning.” 
You nod and quickly retreat, thankful for the opportunity to be alone. 
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tossawary · 10 months
You know, the more I think about it, the funnier I find the concept of Monkey D. Luffy /& Boa Hancock (especially paired with Aro-Ace spectrum Luffy and Aro-Ace spectrum Hancock) just for what it must look like from an outsider's POV.
For the record, personally, my favorite Luffy ship is Zoro/Luffy - also with Aro-Ace spectrum Luffy, that's basically non-negotiable for me, I don't care whether he's sex-favorable or sex-repulsed, but he's definitely ace. It is so funny to me to think about Luffy's incredible pull with aro-ace spectrum folks. People who once thought "sucks for you fuckers obsessed with sex and/or romance, I'm built different" (Roronoa Zoro, Koby, Trafalgar Law, Boa Hancock, Bartolomeo, etc.) find themselves fascinated by this little rubber man, who regularly declares war on the government and can swallow a roast chicken whole. Some of them are happier about this than others. Some of them WISH they just wanted to fuck or marry him, that would make more sense than this shit.
But, okay, back to Luffy and Hancock (as a friendship or queerplatonic situationship, whatever, doesn't matter). Like, let's pretend this is some kind of Modern College AU (Luffy is probably not IN college, tbh, he's just there to hang out with his friends and for any food anyone makes the mistake of leaving out). You are on your way to class and you see this woman walking down the street and she is - hands down - the Most Beautiful Woman In The World.
Super tall, with incredibly long, muscular legs in shockingly high red heels, a short skirt, artful cleavage, a waterfall of sleek black hair, beautiful face, striking makeup, gorgeous jewelry. Looks too old to be an undergrad student. She looks like if a martial artist became a supermodel. Walks like that too. The phrase "please step on me" comes to mind, but not to the lips, because that's sexual harassment, and also this woman looks like she could stab you through the heart with a kick and her shoe heel, killing you instantly.
She sees someone and her entire face lights up. She runs forward (how is she running in those shoes) squealing in excitement and embraces this guy you didn't even notice before, shouting about how much she missed him, and kisses him on the lips. He is... uh... three-quarters of her height at the tallest. A real Mr. Short King.
Wow, he has a babyface. And a scar on his cheek and on his chest, which you can see because he's wearing an open button-up, in eye-searing rainbow colors and decorated with monkeys, and jorts with fur at the cuffs. And mismatched flip-flops on the wrong feet. And a straw hat on a string around his neck. It looks like he hasn't brushed his hair today. It is impossible to judge his looks because his outfit is too distracting. Now the Most Beautiful Woman in the World is blushing bright pink as she clasps one of his hands in both of hers. Mr. Short King is using his other hand to pick his nose as she talks.
They walk hand in hand together over to where an incredibly expensive-looking bright red car is parked. Mr. Short King opens the driver's door for the Most Beautiful Woman and she apparently nearly swoons at this chivalry. She climbs into the driver's seat and he gets into the passenger's side (Luffy cannot legally drive and also cannot actually drive). They drive off together. What the fuck kind of Roger-and-Jessica-Rabbit-ass Sugar Mama relationship did you just witness?
Boa Hancock keeps a photograph of Luffy as her phone background and also on her desk at work. Everyone is always like, "Is that your... son?" And Hancock is like, "No, that's my number one choice of future fiancé! Isn't he sooooo handsome?" And people can only be like, "...Okay, but why are there police lights in the background? And something is on fire? It kind of looks like he's in the process of being arrested..." And Hancock responds dreamily, "They didn't catch him! He climbed into my exercise duffel bag and I carried him out."
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vioartemis · 1 year
Act 5
(Amber Freeman x fem! reader)
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Summary: After joining a discord server, you meet a girl... Warnings: (+18), smut, oral, fingering, blood, violence, injuries, characters are 18+ (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
As far as you could remember, you had always been a horror movie fan. Halloween, Friday the 13th, Saw, The exorcist, Stab... you enjoyed watching these movies. Recently, you had even joined a discord server for Stab fans.
It was really fun talking about these movies with people you knew liked them as much as you did, and it felt nice sharing your passion with others.
There were only two rules in this server: 1. If you were to make video calls, you would all wear Ghostface costumes and masks; and 2. Never, under any circumstances, say your name.
At first you thought that was weird, but it was a matter of safety. Stab fans were considered crazy after what happened in 2011 -and other side events.
Keeping your identity secret had become a must, if you didn't want other people online to hate on you and/or accuse you of crimes.
Fortunately, in the server, no one seemed to have a problem with the rules. And neither did you.
Until that day.
There was this girl on the server, with who you had been talking to in private for some months now. You may or may not had developed a little crush on her.
She was so nice, and it was so easy talking to her. You had the same opinion about almost everything too. But you didn't tell her. What if she thinks I'm weird? you thought.
You were currently on call with her, and the fact that you lived in Woodsboro just slipped.
"Wait- you live in Woodsboro? Me too! Maybe we know each other? What about we meet in real life?"
"I- We're not supposed to do that... Remember the rules? No personal information, so identity reveal or whatever..."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. But you trust me, right? 'Cause I know I can trust you"
"Of course I- I trust you but-"
"Well if we both trust each other, why not meet? It's better talking face to face, don't you think? Plus I'm dying to see what you look like. I'm sure you're super pretty"
You blushed at her words, and stuttered a quiet ‘okay’.
Two hours later, you were waiting in front of the high school, nervous. What if she didn’t like you irl? What if it was awkward? What if-
You turned around as you heard your name.
You couldn’t help but stare at her. She was gorgeous. The most beautiful girl you had ever seen.
"It’s so nice to finally meet you!" she started "And I was right; you’re really pretty"
You spent the whole day chatting and laughing together. There was definitely chemistry between you too.
"That’s my house" you said softly
You were a little sad your time with her was already over, you wanted make it last more.
"Oh, okay… We’ll meet again, right?"
"Yeah, of course! I’d love to!"
You smiled at each other, and waved goodbye, before you started making your way to the door. But you couldn’t just go like that.
"Amber I-" you started as you turned around
Before you could finish your sentence, her lips were in yours, soft against your own. It took you a second to register what was going on, but soon you were kissing back.
Amber pulled away after a moment. Her lips were inches away from yours, her eyes not leaving your own. Then she leans in for another kiss, more passionate.
Her hands were on your waist, keeping you close, as her tongue slipped past your lips. You made for a while, before running out of air.
When you pulled away, you could see that her lips were red and swollen, and so were yours.
"Maybe we should continue this inside, hm?" Amber said with a light smirk
You blushed and nodded, before trying to open the door. Your hands were shaking a bit in excitement, and Amber being flush against your back, arms around your waist and kissing your neck didn’t help.
Eventually you managed to open the door, and as soon as you closed it behind you both, you got pinned against it, Amber’s lips back on yours.
As the kiss grew more and more feverish, you felt her cold hands sneak under your shirt, and going up to your ribs, stopping right under your breasts.
"Is this okay?" she ask in between kisses
"Yes" you hummed in response
You could feel her smile against your lips as you let out a moan when she groped your tits through your bra. Then, her lips dipped to your neck as her hands made their way under your bra.
Before she could go any farther, you pushed her slightly away.
"Wait- let's go to my room"
You grabbed her hand and led her to your bedroom.
As soon as you were in the room, she reached down for your shirt and took it off you before unclasping your bra and pushing you on your bed. She straddled you, and started to undo her belt with a smirk.
She grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head, before tying them to the headboard with her belt, making sure it's not too tight.
Then, she sat up and looked down at you, biting her lip.
"Look at you; so pretty all tied up under me..." she whispered, brushing your cheek softly
She leaned in to kiss you once more, her hands sliding down to unbutton your jeans, before going back up to play with your now hard nipples. Again, her lips dipped down to your neck, where she sucked angry red marks.
This, and your nipples being rolled between her fingers made a series of moans leave your throat. You wanted to run a hand through her hair, but with her belt around your wrists, you couldn't move at all -which turned you on even more.
Your eyes flutter closed when you felt her lips wrapping around one of your nipples, and her tongue running over it, before she started sucking gently.
Your back arched slightly as you moaned her name, encouraging her to continue.
After a moment, she released your nipple with a 'pop'. You looked down just in time to see a string of saliva linking her mouth and your hard bud.
She smirked and kissed her way down your body, taking off your pants slowly, her eyes never leaving yours. She took her time, kissing the inside of your thighs, slowly getting closer to where you needed her the most.
You whined at the tease and rolled your hips slightly.
"Amber... please..."
"Please what, baby?" she teased more, sly smirk spread on her face
"Please I need you so bad... please fuck me..."
"How can I say no if you ask so nicely?" she hummed, sliding your underwear down your legs and throwing it somewhere in the room
She looked down at your dripping cunt with a hungry gaze and licked her lips before diving in to get a taste of you.
She hummed against you, loving the way you tasted on her tongue. She hooked her arms around your thighs, keeping you in place while she ate you out.
Her tongue was driving you crazy, you were a moaning mess, and felt you wear already close to the edge. But all of a sudden, she stopped.
You let out a frustrated whine at the sudden loss of contact and pleasure, before she placed her index on your lips.
"Shhh... Don't worry, I'm not done with you"
She quickly replaced her index with her middle and ring finger, which she pushed into your mouth gently.
"Now be a good girl and get my fingers wet"
You complied, and once she was satisfied, pulled her fingers out of your mouth to slide them into your pussy, eliciting another moan from you, before starting to thrust in and out at a fast pace.
If you thought her tongue was skilled, her fingers were even more. She hit all the right spots and curled her fingers just right.
You were so overwhelmed with the pleasure that you couldn't even form a coherent sentence. But she didn't need you to say it to know you were close; she could feel you tighten around her fingers in the most pleasant way possible.
She stopped marking your soft skin and brought her other hand to your throat, squeezing slightly, while her thumb was circling your clit in rhythm with her thrusts.
"Cum all over my fingers, don't hold back"
You came hard, in a white blur, seeing stars as your orgasm crashed in.
Amber continued to fuck you through your high, watching you with a lustful look in her eyes. She had waited so long for that. She had dreamt of it so many times, and now you were truly hers, looking oh so pretty coming undone under her.
When she pulled away, you had recovered enough to see her shove her fingers in her mouth and lick them clean, before leaning in to kiss you lovingly and untying your hands.
"Ready for round 2?" she asked with a smirk
"Fuck yeah" you replied, already taking off her shirt
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
It had been almost a year since Amber and you were together, and only a few months since Stab 8 was released. Let's just say that you were thrilled to go to the movies together, and that you were terribly disappointed.
You both thought the movie was terrible.
"What are you doing?" you asked gently as you rolled over to your girlfriend, who was scribbling on a paper at the other end of her bed
"I was thinking... Maybe we could do our own Stab movie? Or at least do things to give the producers better ideas. What do you think?"
"What do you have in mind?"
She gave you a slight smirk as she turned to you and exposed her plan.
"So let me get this straight; you want to kill your friend to force her sister -the daughter of Billy Loomis- to come back here, and then kill everybody and blame it on her?"
"That's the idea" she replied, visibly excited "Are you in?"
You sighed and shook your head.
"What wouldn't I do for you, huh?" you smiled and cupped her cheeks to place a soft kiss on her lips "Are you sure we have to kill Tara though? She's my favorite out of all your friends... And if she dies her sister won't necessarily come back"
"You're right! So we just attack her then. Or I just attack her, I don't want to force you into hurting/killing people. I'll do the killing, and you'll make the calls if you want" she offered
"I don't want to let you do all the dirty stuff..."
"Don't worry about that, baby"
She smiled and kissed you again, this time pushing you into the mattress, unbuttoning your jeans and slipping a hand into your underwear with a smirk.
"I don't mind doing the dirty stuff"
Surprisingly, so far, everything went as planned; Amber attacked Tara, her sister cam back to Woodsboro, and the killing spree was continuing. The only thing that wasn't planned on was Sam's boyfriend, but he was just another pawn to kill.
"You ready babe?" Amber asked, adjusting her mask "I kill Judy and Wes, and then I'll go to the hospital to attack Tara and you"
"Don't forget to slash my arm -not too hard if possible!"
You helped her, and pressed your lips at the top of the black mouth of the Ghostface mask as a good luck kiss.
Once again, nothing went wrong. Until the moment where Amber was supposed to slash your arm.
When Tara saw Ghostface behind you, you turned around, just as planned, and lifted your arms up to 'protect' yourself. But instead of feeling the blade on your arm, you felt it sink in your stomach.
Your eyes widened, and you tried to kick her away, a hand on your wound to stop the bleeding.
Why did she do that? you thought, grabbing Tara's wheelchair to head to the elevator. That's not the plan!
Before you could reach it, you got thrown into the nearest wall, hitting your head hard against it.
The shock had the world spinning around you; you struggled to stand properly.
Ghostface took that opportunity to make Tara fall of her wheelchair and was ready to stab her when Sam and Dewey arrived.
You were waiting for Amber to come to the hospital after a nurse called her to warn her you had been hurt. You had so many questions.
When she finally arrived, she looked concerned, worried. She wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug.
"What happened?" she asked
"I don't know, you tell me. You were supposed to slash my arm, not stab me in the stomach...!" you whisper-shouted
"It wasn't me, Y/n..."
You blinked, and pulled away to look at her, confused.
"Fuck you mean it wasn't you...?"
"I couldn't make it to the hospital in time, my car broke down... I never would've hurt you baby..."
She hugged you tighter after saying this.
"If it wasn't you... there's another Ghostface in town..." you whispered
"That's a bad thing for our plan..."
"Not necessarily... If they get caught, we can get away with the previous killings. The police will think they did it too... And we'll be out of suspicions!"
"Yeah but what about our big finale...?"
"Well have to pass on that, I'm sorry my love... But think about it, we'll be the first Ghostface to have survived!"
"You're right baby, both of us living is better than having our ending"
She smile and placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
"Who do you think it is?"
"Hm... It can't be Tara, that's for sure. I don't it's Sam either, or Chad"
"So that leaves Mindy and Liv..."
"And Sam's boyfriend, don't forget about him"
"You’re right, I don’t like him. He didn’t give me a good vibe"
You nod at her words.
"What do we do now? Do we still throw the party?"
"Yeah. If the other Ghostface is a Stab fan too, he’d never miss the occasion to recreate the og party in Stu Macher’s house"
Amber drove you to her house and you both got ready for the party. You had already stolen Tara's spare inhaler when you were in her room before being attacked, so you were sure she would come to Amber's.
And as expected, half an hour after the party begun, Sam, Richie and her came. Your girlfriend dismissed everyone else, and led Tara upstairs to look for her inhaler, leaving you with Sam and Richie.
Mindy was in the living-room, you heard her talk to Liv a few minutes ago, and Chad should be near too.
Sam received a phone call, and Richie walked towards the living-room. You decided to follow him, pretexting you had to rest.
"I'm gonna get some beer, anyone wanna come with me?" he asked after you sat next to Mindy
"No, but you were right to ask!" she replied, her eyes not leaving the tv screen
So he went to the basement alone while you stayed with Mindy watching Stab. When the scene of Randy being attacked arrived, you felt a shiver run down your spine.
While Mindy was busy screaming at Randy to turn around, you looked behind you, just in case.
Ghostface was behind Mindy, ready to stab her. You pulled her away from the knife right before she could get hurt badly, but her shoulder got slashed anyways.
You both screamed, hoping to get the others' attention while you tried to fight the killer. He managed to corner Mindy. You grabbed the lamp next to the sofa and slammed it on his head.
He didn't seem to like it, and punched you in the stomach, reopening your wound. You grunted in pain and pressed a hand on your bleeding stomach.
You were about to come at him again when Sam entered the room, scaring him away. You looked at each other and rush to Mindy, to make sure she was okay. She lost a lot of blood and passed out in Sam's arms.
A scream behind you made you jump. Amber and Tara just came downstairs. Sam opened her mouth to say something but got cut off by a sound of glass breaking; Richie was back, and just dropped his beers.
"Oh my god!" he said
"Where were you?" Sam asked him
"I was getting mor beer!"
"You went to the basement alone?" you girlfriend asked
"I asked them to come with me and they said no!" he replied, gesturing toward Mindy and you
"I was with Tara, and Y/n was with Mindy but the rest of you were wondering around. One of you is the fucking killer!" Amber spat
Liv suddenly barged into the room, looking panicked, hands covered in blood.
"Why is there blood on your hands?" Sam asked her
Liv looked down at her hands and seemed even more panicked.
"I- I found Chad..."
"He's... he's..."
"You're the killer...!" Richie said
"No I-"
She looked at everyone in the room, seeking support, but neither of you knew if you could trust her.
"I'm not the fucking killer!" she finally yelled
"I know."
You all turned to Richie as he pulled out a gun and shot Liv in the head.
You felt someone grab your hand and drag you away as another gunshot resonated in the room. Amber pulled you upstairs, to her parents' room.
"Are you okay? God, you're bleeding again..."
She started looking for something to bandage you up with, but you stopped her.
"We don't have time, we need to kill him before he can do his speech about his motive, or he'll say that he didn't do the first killings..."
"I'm okay, I promise" you reassured her "Let's just make it quick and I'll be fine"
She looked at you hesitantly for a second, before nodding and coming back next to you to place a soft kiss on your lips.
"What do we do now?" she asked
"Do you know where your dad hides his gun?"
Fortunately for the two of you, Sam stabbed Richie to death before he could say anything about another killer, after Amber shot him in the chest.
You made it to act 4, just like Jill Roberts 11 years ago. But you weren't going to screw everything up like she did, no.
And that's how you became the first Ghostface to get away with it, to make it to act 5.
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jangofettjamz · 10 months
Are You Okay?
Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader
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Summary: Jenna noticed you've seemed a little down lately, she intended to find out why.
Themes/Warnings: Abelism
Words: 832
Jenna POV
Y/N's been really quiet lately, I mean more quiet than usual anyway but never like this with me. He's usually never afraid to speak his mind, in fact he's usually brutally honest but now... just silence... and I don't like it one bit. I need to figure out what's wrong.
He's currently building a Lego set upstairs, he's a real collector for that sort of stuff, he has his own room separate from our bedroom that contains his gaming setup, action figure collection and lego collection. To say my Y/N is a nerd would be a massive understatement, but I wouldn't have him any other way because he's absolutely perfect. I make my way over to his other room to try and talk to him and figure out what's bothering him.
I knock on his door twice to announce my arrival "babe you in there?" I call only to be met with a small "mmhmm", not unusual behaviour from him; like I said he's quiet but it worries me none the less. "Can I come in, sweetie?" I ask polity.
"Okay" he says quietly 'whats with the quietness' I thought to myself.
I see him sitting at his desk building some Legos, he said it was a very relaxing hobby for him and gives him a sense of accomplishment. "Hey hon' watcha doing" I say cheerfully and lean down to kiss his temple because I was genuinely happy to see him.
"Building" he says bluntly, seemingly annoyed by my presence.
"I see that, is it from Star Wars? I know you really like--"
"Look Jenna I just wanna be left alone, okay?" He says bluntly, his tone sharp as a knife. He's never spoken to me like this before especially in this harsh tone.
"Y/N, sweetheart what's wrong?" I say a little heartbroken by the way he just spoke to me.
"Nothings wrong just leave me be." He says sharply again, he'd give Wednesday a run for her money honestly.
I noticed the dry tear tracks on his cheeks, he had definitely been crying and by the looks of it, fairly recently too. This would explain his mood. I press on a bit further, determined to find the problem.
"Y/N, are you okay sweetheart?" I say.
He quickly glanced at me then returned his gaze to his Legos "I'm fine" he said but his voice betrayed him as I heard the sadness within it.
"I don't think you are fine, sweetie. You've got tears tracks on your cheeks babe, you're not fine at all, please talk to me baby boy" I say desperately trying to get an answer.
"You wouldn't understand" he says barely above a whisper. I turned his head to face me and cupped his cheeks.
"Please" I say softly.
His eyes turn glassy, wetness forming in them as he sniffles softly "Percy called me retarded" he said quietly.
"WHAT?!" I'm in complete disbelief. Despite my numerous rejections, Percy has been trying to get with me for months but I explained to him that our relationship was professional. He's said and done a lot of things but THIS is unacceptable.
Y/N broke instantly, the tear floodgates had truly opened and were spilling down his face like a dam. He's a fragile person and calling him such a vulgar slur with such malice is disgusting.
"Y/N can I hold you baby" he nodded erratically and threw himself into my arms, burying his face in my neck.
His tears were making my neck wet but it didn't matter he was all that mattered. "Why can't I just be normal?" He sobbed out, anger swelling within me; not towards him but towards Percy Hynes White.
"Shhhh don't say that babe, there's absolutely nothing wrong with you, being autistic doesn't make you less of a person." It seems to calm a bit so I continue to speak while stroking his back. "What he said was absolutely vile, sweetheart and it isn't true. He's everything wrong with the world put into one person and you're the exact opposite of that."
He lifts his face out of my neck. "You don't think I'm retarded?" I felt my heart shatter, Percy really got in his head.
"No sweet boy, you're not retarded. Never think of yourself like that, it breaks my heart that you'd even have to question that." I say with absolutely sincerity.
"You really mean it?" Pull him into a kiss on the lips, we pull away and he got the message that I meant what I said.
He sniffled and wiped his nose. "Thanks babe, you're too kind to me" he says making me chuckle.
"Nonsense you deserve every ounce of love in this world and I'll give you all of mine" I say "C'mere sweetheart" we embrace each other, my lips kissing the top of his head.
"Can I build legos with you" I ask and his eyes brighten and nods enthusiastically which makes me kiss all over his beautiful face. He so wonderful.
My sweet boy.
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noirsfantasy · 10 months
On the sixth day of Christmas...
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𝔐𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔩𝔢𝔱𝔬𝔢 𝔐𝔞𝔡𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔰
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Gregory Eddie x Black!Fem Reader
𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔥 ➛ Fluff
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 ➛968
𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 ➛ It’s Christmas time, but you felt that there was something missing. It was festive enough. You wanted to do something that would blow your boyfriend’s mind away. So you hid mistletoe in every corner you could reach, and even in some you couldn’t. This is definitely gonna spice some things up.
𝔞/𝔫 ➛ Y’all, let me tell you. Gregory Eddie? He’s so fine and I don’t know what it is about awkward men, but it’s so fun to mess with them. I feel like when I was writing this, some might think y/n is modeled after Janine. But I assure you, that is not the case. Honestly, I feel like, if he were in the real world, his girlfriend would be something like this. It really would be so cute. But yeah, just keep in mind that y/n is a bit on the shorter side. It’s up to you how short😌 Enjoy!
12 Days of Christmas Masterlist
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The festive spirit fills the air as I scurry around our home, determined to turn it into a winter wonderland. I've put up lights and every decoration I could find. But my true masterpiece is the rows upon rows of mistletoe. There isn't a single spot without mistletoe somewhere near it. And, despite my short stature, I even managed to get them in the high spots. Of course, as a finishing touch, I placed the final sprig right on top of my head. Brilliant!
One might wonder, why do I need this much mistletoe? But I've got a plan in place. As I stand back to admire my handiwork, I can't help but grin with anticipation. Gregory Eddie, my lovable and slightly clueless boyfriend, is about to walk into the ultimate Christmas surprise. And I'll finally be able to get what I've been longing for. Endless kisses.
I hear the front door creak open and I can barely contain my excitement. I'm currently in the kitchen, having just put some cookies in the oven, but I wait to hear Greg's reaction.
"Um, Y/N?" He calls, setting his bag down by the door as he takes in the appearance of our apartment. "Why does it look like Christmas threw up in here?" I giggle and make my way over to the door, attacking him with a hug.
"Oh, you know, just spreading some holiday cheer! And, uh, just hoping for some mistletoe magic." I say with a mischievous smile as I point to the mistletoe on top of my head. He looks at me with confusion.
"Mistletoe magic?" I nod, deciding it's time to reveal my secret weapon, needing to step up my game to get him to realize. I pull out another hidden mistletoe from behind my back and hold it above my head.
"Ta-da! Now, according to my brilliant plan, you have to give me a kiss." I say, matter of factly. Greg stares at me for a moment, before bursting out laughing at my plan. However, he can't resist my charm either, so he leans down and gives me a sweet kiss. I smile into the kiss, doing a small victory dance when he pulls away.
"So, is this going to happen every time we walk under mistletoe?" He chuckles as I nod enthusiastically. "You and your mistletoe antics, Y/N. You're something else." He leans down for another kiss, this one deeper than before, "I love you, crazy."
"I love you, too!" I reply with a bright look in my eyes. Greg lifts me up into his arms and carries me to the couch, sitting down and pulling me into his lap.
Surrounded by the glow of Christmas lights, Greg eyes the strategically placed mistletoe with a bemused smile. "So, how many of these did you put up?" He asks me. I shrug my shoulders, counting on my fingers and pretending to ponder.
"Well, let's see... I lost count after twenty. But I just figured that more mistletoe equals more kisses."
"You know you don't need to set traps like this to get me to kiss you right?" He tells me, his thumbs drawing circles on my hips.
"I knowww, but at least, this way, it's more festive!" I give him a cute smile as I explain my reasoning. Greg can't help but grin at my adorable face. He pulls me close, pecking my lips.
"Maybe next time, instead of hanging mistletoe, you could wrap yourself in tinsel and wait in a present box for me." He suggests jokingly. I smirk and raise an eyebrow.
"Don't tempt me now." Greg chuckles, kissing me on the cheek.
"You're such a mischievous little monster, you know that? Even when I think I have you all figured out, you always come up with some new devious plan to make me fall in love with you even more."
"What can I say? I am a woman of many talents." I say with a casual shrug. Greg grins back at me.
“That you are… That you are. Do you think you’ll still be pranking me when we’re old and gray?” He raises an eyebrow and sighs, “Who am I kidding… Of course you will be.” I laugh loudly at that.
"I mean, come on, it's obvious this is only the beginning." I give him a playful nudge as I lean forward and wrap my arms around his neck. Greg laughs along with me, pulling me closer.
"And I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you, Y/N, with your pranks and your silliness and your mistletoe and everything about you." I kiss him longingly, enjoying the soft feeling of his lips against mine, even if I've felt it a million times.
"I love you too, Greg... even when you're a little slow to figure out my pranks." I tease causing Greg to laugh again. I pull him in for an exaggerated kiss. It's playful at first, but then it transforms into a deep passionate kiss that causes me to blush. Just when things are getting good, I hear the ding of the oven, signaling that my baking is finished. We break the kiss and I sigh heavily, sliding off of Greg's lap and standing up.
"I need to go get those before they burn," I announce and he stands up, a cheeky grin on his face.
"It's okay, babe, you go get those, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. Then we can get back to the program." He wiggles his eyebrows and I laugh as I nod, heading into the kitchen. As I remove the cookies from the oven and turn it off, I hear Greg from the bathroom.
"REALLY, Y/N?? IN THE DAMN TOILET?!" He shouts, causing me to burst out into laughter. I forgot I left that there.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 5 months
CW Gore-ish stuff (blood and organ talk I suppose)
Simon who thinks any attempt to help is an attempt to get in his head, especially after Roba.
Simon who hands his bleeding heart to someone and waits for them to do something. Put him back together. Break him further. Push him into darkness.
Simon who hands it to Price. Delicate hands holding the thing keeping him alive, beating against calloused flesh. The touch whispers that he'd be okay. Price can take it and let him bleed out if he wants, yet he slowly puts the object back where it belongs. Settled perfectly between damaged ribs.
It whispers to him to keep living. Price whispers to him that this isn't it.
And when Simon's heartbeat on it's own, and his lungs fully expanded, he was helped to his feet. Price guided him, although Simon shook. Blood stained their clothes, his own blood. Not an enemy's. In a way, it felt new. Like he had real time to figure out what to do. Like those little whispers would guide him to keep going.
Simon let's his own blood stain his hands, Price's undoubtedly coated in the substance too. The phantom sensation of the gentle touch on his heart, promising that it would be okay eventually. He just had to follow, walk with Price. That's it.
Simon walked with Price. Ragged breaths coming and going, warm hands enough to pull him far enough out of the water to see.
"This isn't it. Stay with me, Simon, yeah? We'll make it."
Simon didn't know what they were going to make it to, but he trusted Price.
It's dark and he knows it. Each time his chest heaved, Price placed his hand on Simon's chest. Firm touch, but not a push. Something Simon could focus on.
"Not too long now. I'm here with you."
His arm wrapped around Simon's back, supporting him, while the other rested on his chest. Their steps paused until Simon could manage a full breath. This was on his time.
Price didn't let Simon sway as they stood with what felt like grass underneath their feet. The blades of grass tickled against Simon's bare feet. He inhaled.
"That's it."
Focus on something different to keep going. Shift his attention and let it take up space in his head. Simple. Slow. Exactly what Simon needed.
Some time again when they started walking, the grass turned to concrete, then tile as cool light flooded his vision. Dark stuck to his back, remained in his mind but Price's soothing hand guided him further into the light.
"Almost there." He's told softly.
They walked. The light didn't carry recognition, everything blurred together. Wet eyelashes sticking together when he blinked with what he realized were tears as the internal air conditioning cooled the tears.
Almost there. Almost there.
A door clicked open, Simon gently guided inside. The room felt warm around him, unlike the chill of the outside wind. Like how Price's warm hands had cradled his heart in his hands, shielding it.
"Rest, Simon. I'll be here with you."
Hands eased him to the edge of a bed, a soft blanket covering the standard ones. The fluff easily brushed under Simon's hands as he touched the blanket. His shoulders loosened considerably.
"I'll stand guard."
Price is assuring him, promising him, that he will be okay. Guided, protected, and safe. The journey to being okay is a long one, and would be incredibly long for Simon. But Price wasn't going anywhere, he would not make him do this alone.
He shifts to lay underneath the covers. It didn't matter if he was a little dirty from being in the grass so long. It didn't matter how the blood stained his clothes. Because it would be okay. Eventually. Some day.
Simon falls asleep with Price sitting at the end of the bed, a hand rested on his shin. Each tremble Simon had was quickly soothed by a little bit of movement from Price.
His heart settled back in place, not ripped from his veins. His mind calmed as much as it could. Price would make it okay.
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that-basic-simp · 6 months
Not Alone
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Mizu X Fem!Reader CW: Bit of angst WC: 1.4k+
"I'm on the path of revenge. There's no room for love, friendship, or weakness. Now, I have a man to kill," Mizu said as she walked away from me.
Where was she going to? I know she was going to Fowler's castle, but alone?
"Alone?" I asked her.
"Yes. Alone," she said.
"After all we've been through," I said.
She stopped and turned her head over her shoulder, "Do yourself a favor, Y/N, forget all about me. Go back home, where you'll live a nice and happy life, marry a nice man, and live a life that isn't drenched in blood and hatred."
"What if I don't want that?"
"What if I don't want to marry a nice man? What if I don't want to get married at all?"
She turned her body to face me, "Y/N, what the hell are you saying?"
"I want to be with you, Mizu. No matter what."
She shook her head, "You deserve someone better than me. Someone who will actually love you."
"So your feelings towards me weren't real?" I asked, my voice breaking slightly.
"T-That's not what I meant. I-I," she stopped, her eyes moving back and forth before she shook her head once more. "My feelings for you were real. I-I just can't understand them at this current moment in time. I-I can't love you because of my revenge. I want to love you, but I-I just can't."
"You're going to get yourself killed," I said.
"Better die trying," she said and turned around, stumbling off.
"I hope to never see your face again, Mizu!" I yelled, knowing deep down, that wasn't true.
She stopped just for a moment, but then started to walk off again. Tears streamed down my face as I sat down on some steps that were beside me. Ringo came over and offered comfort as he placed one of his arms on my back.
"Are you going to be ok, Y/N?" Ringo asked.
"I'll be fine," I sighed, standing up. "If Mizu is going to get himself killed, he'll get himself killed."
I walked off in the opposite direction of Mizu, even though she was long gone. Although, I couldn't help but turn back to look in the direction she walked off in. Even though she wasn't going  to be there and wasn't going to come back. Shaking my head, I turned and continued to walk off in the opposite direction.
"Is Mizu dead?" I looked at Ringo as he was carrying a cart with Taigen and Mizu's body on it.
"I'm too scared to look."
I turned and faced Mizu, her chest slowly rising and falling. Taigen's was too. I let out a sigh of relief, but I walked off, Ringo following behind me.
"Do you know where to get help?" Ringo asked.
"I do."
Reaching a lone forge in the middle of the woods, I started to bang on the door of Master Eiji's.
"Hello? Master Eiji? W-We need your help. Mizu is not in the best shape."
There was nothing. Ringo sighed and I turned towards the cart. Grabbing her sword, I hit it against the ground, an odd ringing coming from it. The door opened and Master Eiji's head emerged.
"Mizu. Come inside."
Ringo grabbed the cart and wheeled the two inside.
"Master Eiji, Mizu is in bad shape. Along with Taigen."
"Do you know how to treat wounds?"
"Then get to treating," he said, starting a fire.
Ringo started to make some medicine for both of them while I started with Taigen first, since his injuries were more severe. Ringo came over and stitched up Mizu's wounds since I was still working on Taigen.
"Who knew one man could bleed so much," I said as I wiped the blood from his body before stitching the wounds.
Once we were finished, we let them rest for a while. It was Mizu who came to first and she was starting to walk around the forge. I almost bumped into her when I was bringing in wood for the fire. Her eyes had a pang of guilt in them. Turning away from me, she stepped aside so I could walk into the forge.
A few days had passed and Mizu was still not talking to me. She was off doing something with her sword and whenever we passed by, she would avoid looking at me. I think she wanted to say something, but didn't know what. She infuriated me at times, but she couldn't help it. Her past was a rocky one and it was justified. I just hate it when we're not talking to one another.
"Y/N?" she came to me one night.
Looking up at her, there was a guilty expression on her face as she sat down in front of me.
"Now you want to talk to me?"
"I am sorry," she said. "Sorry for everything I said."
I sighed and shook my head, "I can help, Mizu."
"I know you can, but I can't afford to lose you. N-Not after everything you have ever done for me."
"Mizu," I reached for her hand, but she pulled it away.
"You deserve someone better. Someone who will actually love you and will show you that they love you. Someone that deserves your love."
"And why do you think you're not deserving of my love?"
"Look what I said to you before I left. I basically told you I didn't love you and that you don't deserve me."
"You did say that," I said in a flat tone.
"And I meant it. You really do deserve someone who will truly love you."
"I always thought you truly loved me."
"I do," she quickly argued back. "I-It's just that, fuck."
"Mizu, you're not an easy person to love. And you're not an easy person to show love. But there is one thing I do know about you."
"What's that?"
"You know what you want. Easily. And when you don't know what you want, you come to terms with it and think it over. So all I ask of you is one thing."
"What is it?"
"Think us over," I said and stood up, walking out of the forge.
The following night was back to us not speaking. I wasn't surprised. I did kind of tell her to fuck off without telling it to her face. She still needed to reforge her sword and from what I saw the other day, it wasn't working out well for her. But when I saw smoke rising from the woods, I knew she was back at it. Sighing, I was about to step outside to get some wood for Master Eiji, but I saw her walking towards me. She had her blue haori on and her hair was down to its natural length. I have only ever seen it once and she was absolutely stunning when she let it down. There was writing all over her body.
"Do you know the Heart Sutra?"
"The body is emptiness, an emptiness body. All things are only empty. Nothing is born, nothing broken."
She nodded her head. Raising her hand, she offered me a brush. Grabbing it, she turned around, her back facing me. The haori slid from her shoulders, revealing her bare back.
"There are some things I can't do alone," she said.
Raising the brush, I wrote the words of the Heart Sutra on her back.
"Mizu," I said as I began writing.
"I have been thinking, about us."
"What were you thinking about?"
"I still believe you deserve better. That you are deserving of someone who will love you back. But, maybe once this is all said and done, I can be that person who gives you that love. Shows you what it is like to be loved by someone."
"Mizu, you're the one who needs to be shown what it is like to be loved by someone."
"And that someone, I want it to be you."
I smiled slightly, finishing up. She turned to face me and I placed the brush down on the fence post. Taking her face in my hands, I brushed the soft skin with the pad of my thumb. Thankfully the ink was dry on her face or I would have to redo it for her. I smiled at her and she smiled in return. Pulling her towards me, our lips lightly met one another's. It was just a quick peck, nothing more from it. I pecked her lips a few times before she pulled away.
"I-I need to get back to reforging my sword."
"About that," I reached into my pocket and placed something in her hand.
Her eyes widened to find it was the necklace she had gotten me whenever we first started this relationship.
"Y/N," she said, picking her head up.
"I loved that necklace. Truly I did. But, it was a sign of our love back then. Let it be the reason you're able to forge a stronger sword."
She smiled once more, nodding her head.
"You're not alone in this, Mizu," I said, placing my hand on her cheek once more.
She reached up and grabbed my hand, caressing the skin with her fingers.
"I know," she pressed a soft kiss to my palm. "I have you."
"You always had."
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slashthrashandcrash · 3 months
GhostMeg/JedMeg Phantom AU where Meg isn't Christine, but a very competent stagehand who's good at running around and managing props and lights, and keeps getting closer to her sweet stagehand friend, with an excellent knowledge of the theater they work in, while getting menaced/seduced by the murderous Phantom, who also has excellent knowledge of the theater. Consider?
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Literally been hoarding this ask for weeks because I didn't want to part with it without any art because I'm so insanely in love with this concept bestie you don't understand I'm feral right now--
Meg thinks Jed is just teasing her with ghost stories as a way of flirting, like he's making up this excuse on the fly as a reason why they should totally stick together to make sure neither of them get attacked by the elusive Ghost haunting the theater. Or maybe Jed does think these stories are real and wants to be extra cautious, which honestly makes him even dorkier and cuter to Meg, so it's still a win for him either way.
It's all fun and games until the body of a skeevy stagehand is dropped from the catwalk to be hanged by rope pulleys, which what the hell!!! Meg had those perfectly set up for the next show, man!!! Who's fucking with her hard work and ruining her gear??? Oh yeah also there's a dead guy that's kind of Not Good...
But that's the thing about ghost stories, they always insist to be true. And the Ghost himself is very eager to make Meg believe in him, no matter how much she tries to wave off Jed's concerns that she's being "haunted". What's more likely -- some kind of vengeful spirit living in secret catacombs tormenting the theater for sick pleasure, or simply a series of explainable accidents due to old equipment and careless workers? The reason nothing bad has happened to Meg and Jed is because they're actually good at their jobs, clearly.
Anyways, hey, did you ever notice that crack in the wall in the prop storage can be popped open to reveal a full door? Meg's gonna go check it out now, finding a basement space would be great to put spare lighting equipment (:
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wizzdot · 2 months
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description: lots of action here guys. Hope it’s ok - I haven’t checked for any mistakes because your gal needs to sleep 😆🤦🏼‍♀️ Graves is a wanker!
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Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
I wake up to the sun peeking into the room. I flutter my eyes, trying to blink away sleep. Johnny is wrapped around me, both arms clinging to my waist along with one of his legs thrown over me for good measure. I couldn't move even if I wanted to. I try to lift his arm but, if anything, he just grabs me tighter while growling. I whine slightly, starting to feel a little claustrophobic..
The Lieutenant is nowhere to be seen. I assume that he left during the night. It makes me wonder if our conversation last night was real..
I try to unlatch Johnny from me for another couple of minutes, not wanting to wake him prematurely but also not wanting to feel trapped for too much longer.
The door clicks open and the Lieutenant marches in. He grunts at the scene in front of him and then barks in our direction "JOHNNY! Let the girl go - time to get up!" Johnny jolts awake with a jump, momentarily dragging me closer towards his body as if to subconsciously protect me from whatever had woken him.
"Awkt, LT.. ever heard of a lie in??" Johnny complains, with a deeper than usual morning voice. He gives me one final squeeze and deeply inhales the top of my head before releasing me. "Sorry Lass... did no one tell ya that I'm a cuddler..?" he teases. I huff a small giggle, blush and roll away, moving towards the bathroom.
Ghost doesn't say anything whatsoever. Just sits down on the other side of the large bed, facing away from me. I really am starting to draw last night's conversation off as imaginary.. the hanky in my hand suggests otherwise though..
When I return from the bathroom, Johnny and the Lieutenant are discussing something. I overhear them mention El Sin Nombre.. hang on a second... something sparks in my memory. I close my eyes and try to think back through the haze of my prior missions and intel I had collected.. think, Laika, THINK...
"Got a headache, Lass?" Johnny asks - do I really look like that when I'm trying to think...? Thanks Johnny..
"Oh, uhm.. no, just trying to remember something..."
"Don't tell me you to took a bang to the head that you dinnae tell us about as well, lass?"
"No. no no, nothing like that.. it's just that name.. El Sin Nombre.. 'the nameless..' - it -uhm - it's familiar.."
The Lieutenant perks up.
"Familiar how?" he growls.
"I - I don't know yet.. I might just be confused" he eyes me suspiciously but doesn't say anything. His deep grunt ends the conversation.
*Alejandro's POV*
Rudy and I show the visitors to their rooms. Rudy had caught me up about the Garrick girl earlier, I still can't put my finger on why I feel like I know her. I settle in bed while Rudy showers, mind running at a million miles a second.
The sniper..
The fucking sniper. The one that missed the shot. I was a sitting duck. And the sniper missed. Her eyes. I can see her eyes..
"what's the matter mi corazón?" my Omega's voice snaps me from my thoughts. "Rudy.. the girl. She's the sniper.." I growl.
"Yes, she had the sniper rifle slung over her back, remember..?" No! He isn't following..
"No, Rudy.. the sniper.. when the Cartel had you and I was cornered.. remember I mentioned a sniper?"
"Oh.. No, Alejo, that couldn't have been her..? You didn't mention the sniper was a girl.."
"I saw the eyes. Nothing else, Rudy.. just the eyes and her shadow.. there was smoke and flames everywhere.."
"Alejo.. I think you must have mistaken her for someone else.. She was nervous with her weapons today.. not some lone assassin. It doesn't make sense.." Rudy tries to calm me down.. but I was a wolf with the taste of blood now. I know that it was her. I just need to prove it.
"Rudy.. I don't trust her. Promise me you'll be careful. She could be undercover... treat her suspiciously until she proves otherwise, ok , Omega?.. I mean it!"
"Yes, Alpha.. I understand.."
Good. I was not going to take any chances. Having so many new faces in my HQ makes me territorial. I had to watch my soldiers and, of course, my Omega.
Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
A few hours later, we rendezvous on a rooftop in town. I stay completely silent and plan not to say anything during the meeting. I step forward with Johnny and place myself slightly behind him when I notice that Graves is in attendance.
"Some view from up here, eh Lass?" Johnny whispers to me. I just nod, glancing around nervously.
"My sources tell me all the VIPs in Las Almas will be there tonight. Some are invited, others are, umm..." Alejandro begins, nodding toward a large mansion house over on a hill.
"What's this meeting about?" Graves asks, smirking, pointing a scope at a building beyond the wall.
Alejandro glances towards me, with a suspicious look in his eye. I furrow my eyebrows slightly and face the ground.
"She leaves.." He growls. Johnny's head snaps down to look at me "What, Alejandro..? Why, she is part of our team..?" he argues. My stomach does that lurching thing that it likes to do when someone scares me or makes me nervous. "This information is top secret. I don't need any extra ears listening in.. that includes her" he growls.
I nod and obediently turn away from the group. I whisper to Johnny "It's ok" I gulp "I'll be in the room.." I say as I walk back in the direction we had arrived from.
"Sweetheart, wait!" the smooth drawl of the American Alpha hollers at me. I stop in my tracks. "Hang fire, I'll get one of my boys to escort you back.." he smiles. It looks more genuine than his previous smirks. Maybe he was better when he wasn't in the heat of a battle or interrogation.. I decide to put a tiny bit of trust in the Alpha and nod my head at his offer, not wanting to cause any more of a scene.
"That's a girl" he grins, squeezing my cheek, softly. "Oz! Take the 141's girl back to their room, please!" Graves orders down the radio on his shoulder. "Yup Yup" a voice responds back and within seconds, another Alpha, dressed in all black, appeared in front of me.
He nods his head in the direction he wants me to walk, and with one final look back to Johnny, I leave with the unknown Alpha.
The meeting on the roof continues without me. Alejandro is onto me.. he knows..
About half way back to the Fuerzas Especiales Headquarters, 'Oz' starts trying to make conversation with me.
"So, how'd a little girl like you find her way into the SAS..?" I gulp "they found me.." not a lie, technically..
"Why'd they send you to Las Almas..?" - "I don't know.."
"You don't talk much.." - "You talk too much.."
He goes quiet for a few seconds before laughing heartily.
"That big fella with the skull mask, he's a scary son of a bitch, huh?" - "Yep.. he is"
"He ever take it off.." - "I don't know.."
"we've all heard stories about the Ghost. Dude's a killing machine.." - "Cool.." I wish he would stop fucking talking..
"So, what're you called again.. didn't catch your name.." - rude - "You didn't ask my name.."
"Well I'm asking for it now aren't I?" the Alpha is getting pissed but I don't think he is a threat..
"Laika.." I reply bluntly.
"Russian then..?" shit, he is smarter than he looks..
"No, just the name.." I gulp.
"Why'd they call you after a poor little stray mutt..?" Bile rises to my throat but I swallow it down.
"Just did I guess.." I shrug ending the conversation.
We arrive at the room and he drops me off and turns, leaving me alone. I lock the door as a precaution and curl up on the bed and cry. At least I hadn't broken down in front of the fuckin 'Oz' guy.
*Simon's POV*
I hardly listen to Alejandro and Graves' meeting, too concerned and distracted with the girl being sent away. I'd been clenching my hands so tightly for the entire meeting that my gloves had burst. I can tell that Johnny isn't fully concentrating either. Fuckin' hell.
It was one thing sending her out, another issue entirely watchin' a fuckin' unknown piece of shit shadow Alpha 'escort' her back to our fuckin' room.
As soon as Alejandro tells us to gear up for the mission, Johnny and I practically run back towards the room. The fuckin' door’s locked. I contemplate kicking the fuckin' thing down before she whimpers from the other side..
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
I hear the door rattling and then growls and grunts from outside.
"Guys.. is that you..?" - "It's us - open the fuckin' door" the Lieutenant bellows. Great, I'd pissed him off again..
I open the door and the pair of large Alphas quickly step into the room, sniffing like crazy. "You alright, Lass? Dick didn't try anythin' did he?" Johnny growls.
"He was fine. Tried to chat but I didn't really feel like talking.." I reassure him that I am ok.
"Why have you been cryin'?" - "I haven't.." I lie.
The Lieutenant scoffs from behind me. "Stop tellin' lies girl.."
Shit, Alejandro told them.. shit shit shit... The Lieutenant wrinkles his nose and turns away from me.
*Ghost's POV*
Ergh, that fuckin' bitter smell she gives off when she is scared. I have to turn away this time. Why is she scared..? Why did Alejandro kick her from the meeting. There is something going on..
Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
"What - what is the plan..?" I ask, trying to change the subject.
"I'm goin' in, pretendin' to have intel.." my eyes widen.. "What?! Johnny.. that's dangerous.."
"Tried to tell him that.." Ghost grunts
"Awkt, I'll take my chances, plus, Graves gave me this to sell the act.." he holds out a Shadow company insignia..
"El Sin Nombre should be there.. I'll take him down" Johnny says confidently. Him... my brain repeats, unhelpfully.
"Graves is in the air, I'm on overwatch.." the Lieutenant grumbles, clearly not happy with the plan.
"And me..?" I question, wondering my place in this shit show.
"You stay here and wait for us to come back, Lass"
"That's an order" the Lieutenant says with finality. I spin around and run to the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it.
El Sin Nombre, come on Laika think! Think like the Asset again.. you know this.. you need to know this...
I stay in the bathroom, plotting my next move. I wait until I hear the obvious sign that Johnny and the Lieutenant had booted up and left. I quickly scamper out of the bathroom and down the hall. I follow the long corridor, turning three lefts and then finally a right hand turn. I was in the area that the Shadows were staying. I sneak up and down the halls, it was pretty much empty. They must have moved out to catch this 'El Sin Nombre' guy.. guy? my brain, once again, uselessly adds. Why does it keep doing that..?
I head into the room with a 'female' sign on the door - weird. I hadn't seen any female shadows but they must have had a couple at least because this room had certainly been slept in. I rifle around in drawers and bags and eventually find a well fitting uniform. I quickly get dressed, flying back down the hallways to my room. I bump in to a Vaqueros soldier. SHIT.
He laughs at me running - "looks like you've missed your shift, little Shadow, eh?" he teases in a heavy accent. I freeze. What do I do..?
"I'll catch up.." I shout back, in a rubbish American accent. It seems to work. "If you're quick.. they went to the huge mansion house at the back of the town.. you better run along, now, little Shadow" he chuckles.
"Thank you - I will" I sprint to the room, dropping off my clothes. I carefully tuck my hanky underneath Johnny's bag, electing that it was too dangerous to bring it with me if I was pretending to be a shadow.
I rush back to the main entrance of the headquarters and, as fast as my feel carry me, run towards the final car getting loaded up. I am carrying my sniper and assault rifle. I keep my head down and pull the black mask over my chin and nose, covering half of my face. I pull the goggles and helmet down over the top half of my face. I hope they don't bother to look.
I step into the final seat, casually and calm, as if I was supposed to be there. Inside, my stomach is twisting. "Shadows.. Commander Graves has had a little.. change of plan.." the commanding officer of this group says, as if he is planning something. My entire body tenses.. This doesn't sound good.
"Graves has ordered for us to form a road block. When - if - the 141 and Vaqueros arrive back to base, we will have taken control. Understood, Shadow Company?" he cheers.
"yup yup" - "yup yup, sir" - "yup yup" my eyes dart around. I join in "yup yup" I say, pretending to be cheerful and excited.
"Now, listen up, Shadows.. Shepherd has put Commander Graves in charge of this operation from here on out. It's time to let the pros finish this. Any resistance from the Mexican's or the Brits and it's lights out for them. We have full execute authority - HOWEVER we would prefer them alive. Shepherd believes that they could have useful intel and he also wants the girl. Oz reported back that her name is Laika - we have done some digging and have reason to believe she has links to Makarov - stay alert, stay ready, stay sharp, Shadows on three!"
I feel sick to my stomach. Everything goes blurry. I almost pass out.
"THREE" - "SHADOWS" they roar in unison.
C'mon Asset, screw your head back on
"The girl - where is she..?" one of the Shadows ask. "We have sent some boys down to take care of her. She will be safely... detained. I don't believe she is much of a threat, anyway.. just scruff her and she becomes anyone's bitch, ain't that right boys..?" he jokes, all of them laughing loudly.
The armoured jeep jerks forward, and the Shadows thankfully go quiet. They park just outside the main gates.
It's pouring with rain, but the Shadows all step out from the armoured vehicles so I follow suit.
We must be standing in the rain for around thirty minutes. Thirty minutes that is filled with screaming, yelling and gunfire from inside the facility, My heart aches. I hope Rudy is ok.. he had been left behind to organise emergency exfil if they had needed it - the shadows were rounding up the Vaqueros. I cringe and try not to whimper. All of a sudden, there is a crackle through the man in charge's radio.
"Shadow-1 to standby. They all made it, amazingly. They are in the third vehicle. Stop them and, if they come willingly, we will be kind. If they try to fight, we.. well y'know.."
Graves.. Fucking snake. I will kill him myself if I get the chance.
"yup yup" the leader of my group replies.
"three minutes out"
It must be the longest three minutes of my life. I am drenched down to the skin. Shaking like a leaf. Please come willingly I pray, knowing that the Shadows had given themselves full execute authority.
Headlights shine from the dirt track. Three black jeeps roll in. They let the first jeep through the road block but step in front of the second and third.
Graves steps out of the middle truck, standing right in front of me.
Doors slam from behind me, Johnny, Simon and Alejandro step out of the third jeep. Two Shadow soldiers also step out, immediately circling behind them. They were surrounded.
Alejandro marches forward angrily.
"What's this??!" he barks, getting in Graves' face.
"This is the immediate future. Step away from the gate" Graves replies cooly.
"What?!" Johnny says, confused and angrily - "You heard me.." he taunts back.
The Lieutenant stays behind, observing. I swear his eyes settle on me for a second longer than the others. Shit...
"You're crazy.. this is my base..!!" the Mexican Alpha shouts, stepping closer again, to Graves. One of the Shadows beside me, readies his gun. I gulp, all eyes dart to the sound of the safety being clicked off.
"It's not a base. This is a sizable covert facility and I admire it- So, I'm taking it. You boys have been relieved. Thank you for your service" - bold fucking bastard. Backstabbing, snake son of a bitch.
"No no no, I don't take orders from you.." - "Didn't Valeria say that..?" Graves teases back, aggressively. My mind flashes - Valeria.. Valeria.. I know that name...
Alejandro suddenly rushes forward, pushing Graves slightly "What the fuck did you just say to me, pendejo..." he growls.
Johnny then steps forward to pull Alejandro back.."You're out of line, Graves.." Johnny growls in the most dangerous tone I had ever heard from the Alpha.
"Don't do that. Don't... do that. No one needs to get hurt here.." Graves says in a mildly suspicious way.. I gulp again and ready my gun with a small click. The lieutenant's eyes definitely flash towards my small movement this time. He finally speaks up.
"ARE YOU THREATNIN' US?!" he barks. A couple of the Shadows step a tiny bit backwards. I remember that Oz had said that they'd been talking about Ghost - how they thought he was terrifying. Good. They should be fuckin' scared of him...
"Soldier" Graves warns.. "I don't make threats. I make guarantees. So, let's not do this"
Johnny turns abruptly and growls "I'm calling Shepherd"
"General Shepherd sends his regards" Bastard. bastard. bastard.
Johnny freezes.
"He told me y'all wouldn't take this well" Graves practically jokes... I grind my jaw underneath the mask.
"He knows about this?" the Lieutenant barks. I could tell that he was absolutely seething.
"He's put me in command of this operation from here on out. So, y'all need to stand down. It's time to let the pros finish this" - condescending slimy wanker.
Johnny and the Lieutenant glance sideways at each other. I try to tap into their thoughts but I wasn't used to being up close and personal with a ticking time bomb. I was used to sniping and sneaking...
"And why the hell are we talking like this is some kind of a negotiation? It's not. I've got my orders and now you have yours" Graves continues, adding salt to the wound..
That comment is what breaks Alejandro's , already fragile, resolve. He lifts his upper lip and growls "And who the fuck do you think you are, cabron? My men are inside!"
Graves chuckles, "I'm afraid not. Your men have been... detained"
I see the absolute death glare Alejandro gives Graves before he launches himself at him.
Graves and one of the Shadows standing beside me push Alejandro against a vehicle and restrain him with a zip tie.
"Graves, what the fuck?!" Johnny shouts, still confused and shocked. Poor Johnny - why did he seem shocked? The guy's been creepy from the beginning..
The Shadow beside Graves opens fire on Johnny, I audibly gasp. All hell breaks loose.. I fire messily to begin with - not sure where everyone was seeing as they'd all moved so suddenly.
Alejandro screams "Get your fucking hands off of me--"
Graves grabs him by the hair and knocks him out with the butt of his rifle.
Graves then turns his attention back to Johnny. Johnny manages to grab a shadow's sidearm and fires at one of Graves' men, killing him, he aims at me, and fires. I jump, in fear before remembering that I am a Shadow right now. And they're gonna shoot at anyone that looks like a Shadow. I needed to be smarter about this now.
I glance to where the Lieutenant kills a Shadow with a knife. Man's a killing machine, alright..
My attention is snapped away by a sharp roar.
Graves had shot Johnny. My body convulses and I shoot three Shadows in quick succession. Pure terror and rage taking over my insticts.
Johnny falls backward to the ground with his dead hostage Shadow on top of him.
Graves steps away from me to his right to look around the vehicle. He was looking for the Lieutenant. I spot Ghost, who pops his head out from the vehicle's rear corner and finds Johnny on the ground.
I hear him shouting "Go, Johnny!, get out of there! Soap - Go!"
Johnny pushes the dead Shadow off of him and launches himself over the concrete barrier sliding down the hill as Graves' men fire on him.
shit shit shit
"Get him - Now!" Graves shouts. I feel a hard push on my shoulder and turn to face whoever had shoved me. It was Graves. "Pull your fuckin' weight Soldier" he growls at me, hanging me by the Shadow standard tactical vest. FUCK.
"Yup Yup" Where the fuck did that come from. He drops me and shoves me towards the direction that Johnny had fallen. I see multiple Shadows on his tail. Think Laika, THINK!
I hear a loud "Fuck!" from up ahead. It was Johnny. I run past a dead Shadow but then notice a discarded gun. Johnny must have ran out of ammo. I've got to catch up with him...
"You there, Ghost? That was a big mistake, brother. It did not have to be like this" I hear from behind me.. fuck, they'd caught him.. he had to be surrounded...
There is a long silence with no words spoken or bullets shot.. Sorry for leaving you, Lieutenant... I hope he is okay...
"SONOVABITCH... Find 'em!" Graves barks...
Had he escaped..? had he actually managed to trick them..?
I find myself praying to any God that will listen that we somehow all manage to get out of this shit show alive...
A radio that I didn't know I had crackles to life inside my mask reminding me of my current situation.
"Shadows - We've lost em' all... FUCK - FIND THEM.. FUCKING FIND THEM" Graves roars down the comms. Lots of 'yup yups' stream back through, along with distant gunfire and yelling.
"We've got Alejandro - no fuckin' Omega of his though! The task force are gone - got a good hit on Mohawk though.. he won't last long.. FUCKING GET MOVIN' BOYS. I want them by morning".. he continues, angrily screaming instructions.
I feel elated that Rudy has escaped.. but then my heart sinks when he says that Johnny won't last long. I need to find him.. and fast...
"And the girl.. I want her... ALIVE, understood?"
My blood runs cold.
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frauhupfner · 21 days
My 19 years old daughter ran away from home 3 weeks ago. At first she said that she only would want to pick up her friends from school and I always knew that she would be home the next day. We still had contact in the first days but that stopped since that Saturday. My mother had the idea to visit her one friend to see if she is there since my daughter still wasn't home and didn't reply anymore. The mother of her friend was there and said my daughter wouldn't be there anymore- but we heard her in another room. No contact since that day- I only saw that she saw my Insta-stories and liked posts from pages we both follow, so I knew she is alive. On Friday, after nearly two weeks without any contact, my parents notified the police if they could check on that family if my daughter is still there and that she is well. Today my parents got the information that the police finally met someone there (the family didn't open the door the first few times the police was there), that my daughter is still there and they also talked to her. She told the police that she doesn't want to come home, that something had happend at home why she doesn't want to come home but she didn't wanted to tell them and she wants an own home. There wasn't anything terrible the last days before she left. When we got home from vacation she had a lot of letters from the jobcenter (they knew that we aren't home) and also from the health insurance. Since June she is unemployed and has no more school, she just didn't tried to find anything. And so she should have informed the jobcenter so she could at least get some money and help in finding a job or school or something. She also doesn't have a health insurance anymore. I always told her that I want to help her with that on the weekend or when I'm back from work- but she wasn't home on the weekends and when I got home from work she also was already gone to meet her friends. The evening before she left we got into a little fight because of all this (she has asthma so it would be better to have a health insurance) and I told her again that I want to help her with all this before she gets in real trouble. She told me that she wants to meet her friends the next day but that we could do this all when she is back. Well, she never came back home. I totally understand that she is 19 which means she is an young adult now but why is she telling the police that something bad had happend that she didn't want to tell? What does she mean? We just had a fight because of all those paperwork that I wanted to manage with her, that's all. No beating, no abuse or anything else. Just a helpless mother who wants to help her only child to get her life back on the tracks. And this is such a bad thing to run away from home? She always wanted to work at a hospital or doctors office, she wanted to work with blood and real wounds and such, she wanted to help people. And now she isn't doing anything, which means she doesn't get any money not even from the jobcenter. The only money she has is what she got from her father who passed away nearly two years ago (the last amount I know about was 20.000 Euro, but since she left with only the clothes she was wearing, her phone and such things I guess she bought some new clothes). That's never enough for rent and furniture and bills, esp. when she is not working and doesn't get any money. I feel horrible, I can't sleep or eat, I'm crying alot, none of my hobbies can let me think about something else. I miss my daughter, I love her and I really hope she is not doing anything that she will regret or get into any deeper trouble. I would be here if she needs me, no matter what. No matter if she is 9, 19 or 39- she is still my daughter and I always only wanted the best for her. It's so hard to know that I can't do anything. I miss her so much. 😔
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frickingnerd · 1 year
words that never reached you
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pairing: katsuki bakugou x gn!reader
summary: after failing the license exam, you want to give up on being a hero. but bakugou believes there's still one reason for you to stay at UA... him!
tags: hurt with an attempt at comfort, angst (reader wants to leave ua), confession (bakugou to reader), use of y/n, bit of swearing, bakugou spilling out his whole heart, open ending
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you had failed as a hero. 
after training so hard, you failed the license exam. this was it, the end of your career as a hero, before it even had begun. maybe you weren't made for this. maybe your quirk didn't work for a hero. maybe you should've tried your luck as a member of the support faculty. maybe you would have succeeded there. but now it was too late to change things. without a license, you couldn't continue to attend UA. you'd never be able to take part in an internship without a license and you'd always be left behind. you'd always be the one out of class 1A who failed to obtain her license…
while the other students were celebrating their victories, unaware that you had failed to obtain your hero license, you were alone in your dorm room, packing your things. if you'd hurry up, maybe you could finish packing everything by tonight and have your parents pick you up, before anyone even realizes you were gone. 
though there was a certain hotheaded blonde boy that you didn't factor into the equation, who showed up at your room unannounced…
"oi, dumbass! come outside, i wanna see ya!"
you froze as you heard bakugou's voice. immediately, you started to worry that he had figured out why you weren't celebrating with everyone else. that you were just lying to your friends when you told them you got your hero license. 
"i-i'm coming…!"
you didn't let bakugou wait too long. you didn't want him to start suspecting anything, if he didn't already know what was going on. and you certainly didn't want him to open the door and see all your stuff in boxes. so, you quickly opened the door and slipped outside into hall in one swift motion, giving bakugou no time to catch a glimpse of your room. 
"why aren't you with the others? you should celebrate that you finally got that license! you're a real hero now~!"
bakugou said exactly what you didn't want to hear. you weren't a hero, far from it! you were just a failure who couldn't even be honest with their friends. 
"i don't feel like it, i'm sleepy… can i go back to bed now?"
bakugou's eyes were glued to your face, inspecting you closely. with every second you just stood here, having to think about what a failure you were, you started to get closer and closer to crying. and bakugou noticed it too. 
"don't fucking lie to me…" he mumbled softly. "what's wrong? you can talk to me!" 
you couldn't hold it together anymore. knowing that the usually rough and blunt bakugou was now being so kind and soft with you, when you didn't even deserve it. tears started rolling down your cheeks, as bakugou gently wiped them away. 
"i failed the license exam! i didn't make it! i'm not a hero and i never will be…"
you sobbed quietly, breaking bakugou's heart as all he could do was just stand there and watch, knowing he couldn't do anything to cheer you up. even as he spoke up to comfort you, he knew his words wouldn't reach you. 
"this isn't the end, y/n! you can just re-do the exam next year! or you'll ask if they got any extra classes you could take! surely there has to be some way…"
"i'll always be a step behind! i'll never be able to catch up to someone as great as you. i will always just stay a mediocre hero if i continue staying at UA…"
bakugou stopped. the way you were wording this, it sounded an awful lot like you didn't plan on sticking around until the next semester. 
"dumbass, don't tell me you're actually planning to leave? are you fucking stupid or what? this is your dream! you said you always wanted to be a hero, so you can't give up now! no matter how long it takes, you gotta keep going!"
you sobbed quietly. you knew bakugou was right. of course he was right! you were a failure and a coward, who wanted to run away when things got hard. 
"without the hero license, i might be forced to repeat the entire school year. i'll have to start at zero again and without my friends by my side! without all of you, i won't be able to make it. there's no reason for me to stay…"
bakugou could only watch as you rushed back into your dorm room, locking the door behind you. he didn't attempt to open the door, even if he could've easily broken it down. instead, he rested his head against the door, as he spoke up again. 
"what about love?"
he said quietly, unsure if his words even reached you. 
"i know the timing is bad, but perhaps if i had made clear how important you are to me, maybe you'd realize that this is where you belong. and then you wouldn't have to go. because you'd know how in love i am with you…"
you didn't reply. perhaps you didn't even hear him. the thought of him pouring his heart out to you without you even hearing him made bakugou angry, causing him to raise his voice. 
"you're good enough, dumbass! you're good enough for this school! and you're good enough for me! i think you're a great hero already! it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, i think you're the greatest hero ever! so please, open the door and talk to me!"
still, nothing. the thought of what might happen behind that door was killing him. you were probably curled up on your bed and crying and he wouldn't be able to comfort you! 
bakugou sighed softly, his forehead leaning against the door as he closed his eyes. 
"if you can hear me, let me just say how much i want you to stay…"
bakugou waited. but he didn't get an answer…
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lovelyd0gg · 2 months
BoB hc!
Finally have a good headcanon!! How would the BoB boys react on your birthday and how they would plan it when you're at work.
Warnings: none<3
Extra: I'll try and post this today if I am able to think of the ideas, I'm also using the boys I normally use and adding a couple more. I'm not using all of them but I'm using the ones that are seen more on the episodes<33
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Richard Winters.
•He wants to make sure you have a really nice birthday.
•He would buy you presents like 1 week before your birthday and checking up on them from time to time to make sure they are good before he has to wrap them up.
•When you go to work, he starts working on the cake, wrapping the gifts and just basically hard work.
•He made sure to wrap the gifts perfectly and neatly, making sure there were no rips, wrinkles or anything out of line.
•And he tried so hard on the cake.
•He isn't a really good Baker but he went on a trusted site to learn how to make a good cake and he decorated it with your favorite colors and stuff that you'd like.
•When he hears the keys jingling outside the door he immediately went into action and put the cake on the table.
•You entered the house and were so happy to find out that he made you a cake and did all of this for you!
•He gave you a hug and the rest of the day was just you both chatting about some things that you both find interesting.
Y/N: "How did you make the cake so good?"
W: "You don't want to know how long it took to find a a website for a good cake.."
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Lewis Nixon.
•This man knows a lot about you.
•He knows what you like and immediately goes to buy that.
•Originally he was going to buy some vat 69 but then remembered your birthday was just around the corner and he started buying you the gifts.
•As soon as he came home, he went straight to work.
•He made a couple of wrinkles on the wrapping paper and tiny rips but from afar, it looked perfect.
•He made the cake and he looked left and right and behind him and everywhere to make sure nobody was there... He sneaked in a little bit of vat 69 in the batter... Shh. Don't tell anyone.
•He decorated it and when you came home, you were welcomed by a smiling Nixon with a cake in his hands.
•You laughed because of how silly and adorable he looked but you knew how much time he was spending to make your cake and wrap the gifts.
•While you were opening the presents, you were ecstatic and excited while he leaned on the couch watching you open them with a smile.
•The rest of the day, you both were laughing and cracking jokes. It was a nice birthday:)
Y/N: "Nix, why does this taste like alcohol?"
N: "Eat your cake, birthday girl."
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Ronald Speirs.
•Let's be real here, he'd definitely mess up on the cake by accident no matter how hard he tried.
•He was never a baker and you couldn't blame him, sometimes cakes were hard to make.
•He would also end up ripping the failed attempt of wrapping paper when he tried wrapping your gifts.
•He was so stressed and angry, he just wanted you to have a perfect birthday.
•When you got home, you weren't greeted by a cake at the table or presents neatly wrapped.
•You saw Speirs on the couch trying to wrap your gifts then ripping the paper when it went wrong.
•He saw you and immediately aapologized for the mess and he shouldn't have acted this way.
•But you just hugged him and laughed.
•You told him that the birthday was already amazing because he was there for it.
•Of course, his mind thought that was really weird...
•But then he understood and hugged you back.
•The rest of the time you guys were talking and laughing about how work for you was.
•It wasn't the perfect birthday he was hoping to give you, but if you liked it, he liked it too.
Y/N: "It's okay Speirs. You matter more than my birthday."
S: "I never heard anyone say that before."
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Carwood Lipton.
•This man made everything perfectly.
•Kinda like Winters but a little better.
•He made the cake perfectly, decorated it perfectly, wrapped the gifts perfectly.
•Everything was done perfectly.
•Well of course everything was perfect, you're so precious to him that he wants to do everything perfect for you!
•He made sure that the dinner table was nice and neat and everything was in place.
•And by the time he was done, there was still so many hours left until you came home!
•So he cleaned up the house a little and when you came home he surprised you!
•You enjoyed the gifts and the cake! And he was happy that you enjoyed everything.
•You both talked the rest of the day and how your day went, etc.
•He enjoyed the day and so did you :)
Y/N: "This was an amazing day, thank you Lip."
L: "I'm glad you enjoyed it, my dear."
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Joseph Liebgott.
•He messed up at times and sure, he did have to give you one present without the wrapping paper because it was in a weird shape.
•But he was hoping you'd find everything he did for you sweet.
•He knew the flavour you wanted the cake batter to be and at least he made the decorations on the cake pretty.
•He also managed to get some of the things you liked as gifts. Sometimes he accidentally bought you a gift that you got a long time ago since he didn't know.
•But it was cute and adorable how he forgot and how he smiled at you nervously when you said he bought the same thing you got a long time ago.
•He apologized but there was nothing to be angry about anyways so it was fine.
•Then the rest of the day, you both watched a movie while eating popcorn.
•You guys were so invested since it was an ACTUAL good movie.
•At times you both had to pause the movie because of how good it was💀
•The day was nice and relaxing for both of you in the end.
Y/N: "WOA--"
J: *hand over your mouth* "SHUT UP IT GET'S BETTER!"
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Joe Toye.
•Joe was angry, at himself, because he forgot to get you gifts and make you a cake.
•There was 5 hours till you came back home, that should be enough for getting the presents and making the cake right?
•It took him an hour in the store to get you the gifts, making the cake took another hour, decorating the cake took maybe half and hour and wrapping the gifts took 2 hours.
•He was so frustrated at himself, not knowing how to wrap gifts! Forgetting your birthday! Everything!
•When you came home, you noticed a messily decorated cake and badly wrapped gifts and a very exhausted Toye.
•He was on the couch, he looked like he gave up on everything and felt like the worst boyfriend in the world.
•You smiled and laughed at how he tried his hardest for you.
•You told him that it was okay and all that matters is that he tried as hard as he could.
•He smiled a little and trusted you. You always knew better, so the rest of the day you guys ate the cake and went to sleep. Cuddling :)
Y/N: "It's not a big deal To-"
T: "I am the shittiest boyfriend ever."
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Bull Randleman.
•He knew everything you liked and was determined to make this a good birthday.
•His big hands making something so soft and cute like a cake was so adorable, sadly, you didn't see it :(
•He managed to wrap the gifts nicely, and putting ribbons on it for the nice presentation.
•He put the cake in the fridge carefully, making sure he didn't mess up or smudge the cake by accident.
•After everything was done, he was waiting for you to return from work.
•Once you came home, he greeted you with a kiss and told you to follow him in the living room.
•You saw presents and a cake on the table! And everything looked so amazing!
•You were quite impressed by his skills.
•You guys tried the cake and it reminded you of your parents cake whenever it was your birthday.
•It hit the nostalgia part of your brain and it made you cry a little.
•He chuckled a little, crying over a cake? Seemed a little silly but you were the good type of silly.
•The rest of the time, he was watching you using the gifts he got for you.
•He thought that you probably loved this birthday.
Y/N: "How long did all of this take you?!"
B: "Not a long time, darlin'."
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Eugene Roe.
•He wanted to make sure you loved everything about this birthday.
•You got lucky there, didn't ya?
•He made the cake and decorated it with your favorite colors and added sugar paste for it.
•Making sure it was perfect and nothing bad happened.
•He tied ribbons on all the presents, making sure the ribbons were tied beautifully and the gifts wrapped nicely.
•He made sure everything was beautiful and perfect just for you.
•When you came home, you were ecstatic and kissed his cheek.
•He closed one of his eyes and smiled. Happy that you liked the things he did for you.
•In his opinion, he would've done all of this even if it wasn't your birthday.
•You tried the cake and had to put the fork down to actually process the perfect amount of flavour.
•You opened the gifts and jumped up and down repeatedly due to him remembering what you wanted and liked.
•You gave him tons of kisses and cuddling him.
•You definitely loved this birthday<3
Y/N: "This was the best birthday ever..."
E: "Maybe I'll repeat it again next year."
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Donald Hoobler.
•He was determined to make this AT LEAST a good birthday.
•He was very clumsy and was praying to god that he wouldn't drop your cake when he handed it to you.
•He did get the right presents, and he wrapped them well but then after he made the cake, his balance immediately became wobbly.
•Perfect timing am I right?
•He heard you enter the house and when you entered the kitchen, he looked at you with those innocent sweet eyes.
•He held the cake out for you. And you smiled at him because of how sweet it was...
•You guys tried the cake and it was good, especially for a person like Hoobler who made it.
•Then you opened the gifts and you were happy to have them!
•You decided to tell him "But you're the best gift." And he blushed HARD.
•He hugged you and was happy that you were in his life<3
Y/N: "But you're the best gift."
H: "Don't tease me! You're better!"
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Donald Malarkey.
•He was stressed out because he wasn't 100% sure of what you liked for gifts.
•So he went with the classic, candy and legos. (I know it's childish and some of you don't like legos but please don't shit on me for this choice, alright? Thanks <3)
•He wrapped them nicely but when he decorated your cake, it was clear there were wobbly lines, due to his hands shaky and how he was hoping it would be a good birthday.
•When you came home, you noticed he wasn't done decorating the cake, you saw actual sweat droplets going down his face, which he wipes with a towel because he didn't want you to taste his sweat!
•He noticed you were there watching him and he chuckled nervously.
•He didn't know you were standing there! And for a good five minutes at that!
•You chuckled but told him to not work so much just for your birthday. Especially since you wanted him to relax.
•Relax? What's that? He HAD to finish this cake for you!
•But you stopped him and told him not to overwork himself.
•He nodded and chose to obey you.
•The rest of the day was just you two talking together and laughing. Just enjoying each others companies.
Y/N: "Don't overwork yourself next time, okay?"
M: "...I'll think about it."
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George Luz.
•No, you don't understand. He NEEDS you to have the best birthday known to man kind.
•He won't just get you a cupcake and two gifts, NUH UH, NO WAY.
•He bought you tons of presents and when the cashier asked him why he bought so much, he told the cashier to just keep scanning.
•He wrapped the gifts as well as he could, scared that he would mess up any second.
•Luckily he didn't. And when he made the cake he made it colorful for the decoration and he was relieved.
•As soon as you opened the door he ran to the door saying "happy birthday, babyyy!" Then hugged you.
•He covered your eyes and led you to the living room.
•You opened your eyes and your jaw DROPPED.
•twenty presents?! What?! Is his bank account physically okay?!
•You ate the cake and he was admiring you, watching you eat as he asked you how it tasted.
•Then he watched you open the presents and smiled happily.
•After the birthday shenanigans, you both cuddled on the bed and gave each other small little kisses on the head and cheek and lips.
•He was happy when you told him that it was the best birthday ever<3
Y/N: "I love you Luz.."
L: "I love you shortie~"
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David Webster.
•He wants to make sure you have a great birthday!
•How hard could it possibly be?
•He makes sure that the presents are nicely wrapped, made the cake with nice flavours and a pretty decoration. He even decorated the house a bit!
•Putting those hanging "happy birthday!" On the window and all sorts of things.
•He even takes a picture of the cake, gifts, the house after everything is finished so he could have it in his gallery.
•Once you come home, he welcomes you with a kiss on the cheek and leads you to the kitchen (where the decorations and stuff are.)
•You guys had a nice dinner as well then went to the cake.
•Don't judge him for this, but he still sings happy birthday for you before you blow out the candle.
•And he asks you if you made a wish.
•Childish? Yes. Do I care? Nope!
•He loves to sing happy birthday for you.
•After opening the gifts. He watches you use the gifts happily and while he sat on the couch peacefully.
•You both talked for a while then went to sleep after all of that.
•Pretty normal guy <3
Y/N: "Webster, you're like over 20."
W: "I like singing it. Don't judge me."
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John Martin.
•Kind of like Lipton, but he doesn't make every single thing perfect.
•But he does get you the right gifts and he does wrap them pretty well.
•And the cake was nicely decorated and made.
•He patted his shoulder as a good job, hoping that you'll like the gifts and the cake.
•When you came home, he greeted you and smiled.
•He led you to the living room and smiled when you looked excited at the gifts and the cake.
•To be honest, this was his first time actually trying hard for someone's birthday.
•He only tries for like relatives and close friends. But when you came in his life, he tried extra hard for you.
•The day was perfect in your brain but of course, because Martin being Martin, thought he could do better.
•But you told him that he did everything amazingly and you enjoyed the day.
•He eventually agreed with you and then for the rest of the day watched a movie.
•It was a nice day for the both of you<3
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Frank Perconte.
•Bless this poor short man😭
•Nobody takes him seriously and he thought you wouldn't too for your birthday.
•He was already humiliated at the grocery store when he was buying ingredients and gifts for you.
•The cashier didn't see him at first and then saw him paying with cash.
•He was embarrassed to say the least but when he got home, he started making the cake and wrapping the gifts.
•At first he wanted to give up on wrapping the gifts but he didn't, he was determined and he had a mission.
•He decorated the cake and stood there just looking at it, scanning it for any mess ups or what it needed.
•He put the cake in the fridge and then he places the gifts from big to small. The big presents on the bottom and the small presents on the top.
•When you came home you were greeted by him and he told you to open the presents first before having the cake.?
•Weird but sure!
•You opened the gifts and then had cake. No time for dinner honey.
•After the day was done. You both got in bed and watched a movie. He passed out first..
Y/N: "Was there a reason I should've opened the presents before having cake?"
P: "I'm...not sure."
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Bill Guarnere.
•He was very late. He forgot it was your birthday.
•"OH SHIT." he shouted at the store.
•He didn't even care that people were watching him, he RAN to buy the gifts.
•There was only 2 hours until you'd come home so he had to do things super sonic speed.
•He ran home and then immediately started wrapping the gifts. His hands shaky and fast as he wrapped them, making little wrinkles there.
•He then made the cake which was quite messy and fast. He was horrible at baking😭
•He tried decorating it but he decided to only put frosting on it instead of all those fancy things on it.
•As soon as you came home he hid the cake behind him.
•You tilted your head and asked what was behind his back and he moved out of the way. Revealing a white frosted yet messy cake.
•You could tell on his face that he tried his hardest and he felt ashamed for forgetting your birthday and not knowing.
•You loved how he tried his hardest but he kept mentally putting himself down🥺
•But you told him it's truly okay and the thing that mattered was that he tried and was there in your life.
•You guys have a good time, cracking jokes, laughing and having fun. It was a nice day despite his small mental breakdown<3
I really hope you guys enjoy this. I'm really surprised i managed to do this all in just two days. Music helped me actually finish it LMAO. tell me if you have more ideas! Love you! Mwah😚
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