#i think lucy would not know how to deal with that if she ever found out
sugarcarnation · 4 months
can’t believe lucy is canonically the queen on dazais chessboard and yet we’ve never even seen them interact
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koolades-world · 9 months
Helloooo it's me again back with another obey me request :)
Could I get the Demon bros with a depressed MC? I'm having a rough time rn and I just need some comfort but ofc feel free to ignore if u don't do requests like these!!
Have a nice day/night!! ♡☆♡☆♡
hi! of course! sorry I'm so late on this!!! also love your pfp (huge pjsekai fan)
Part of the reason I took so long is because I just didn’t know where to start
I love the demon bro I wanna squeeze them like a squishmellow and they’ve gotten me thorough some tough stuff
it's hard for me to articulate anything relating to depression just because I struggle to open up about it especially after my diagnosis. I don’t think anyone except my mom knows only because she was in the room at the time, and all you guys now of course haha
sorry if that was worded so weird and if anything below is worded weird but it’s just hard for me to find words to put together how I’m feeling but writing is my therapy so thank you for this request :)
Brothers with a depressed Mc
would def notice something was up right away from the first meeting, not because of how you acted, but just because it's Luci
once he officially found out, he made all arrangements needed right away
you need a few days off school? you got it, he's already talking to diavolo
you need a break from chores? you got it, he distributed the work among the rest of the family
there's only one thing you feel like eating? you got it, it's what everyone is eating for dinner
supportive in a quiet way, and does all sorts of little things to lighten the load
as your first and best man, he acts as your knight and is willing to do anything to help you out
he tries his best to correct his own bad habits so you can work together on yourself
like, for example, if you struggle to get out of bed in the morning, he will get up and moving earlier so you can be up at the same time
nobody is perfect! he tells you this all the time because he knows how dark everything might seem sometimes
he partially understands how you feel since being the family punching bag for hundreds of years takes a toll on someone
he’s with you in every step of your journey, ups and downs, no matter what
he often has his own self deprecating thoughts, so he knows what you’re dealing with
everyone copes in their own ways but he hopes by sharing all the things he loves, he can bring some happiness
he shared everything with you, both his physical possessions and his thoughts
if you prefer to just sit together, he can do that, but if you want to talk about it, he will do his best to also share how he’s feeling
he wants you to be able to use him as a support system and as someone to fall back on
he always tries to bring a smile to your face and to be someone you trust, despite his own flaws
he shows you the little joys in life, the ones you might struggle or forget to see like sunsets and how the clouds change color with the sky, or how soft flower petals can be, or how a smile can change someone’s entire day
often he invites you out to places, for no reason at all so you can enjoy everything, especially the sun
he takes you on trips to the human world to visit your favorite places and occasionally see your favorite people if he’s allowed
he helps you with school work and takes the load when ever he can
if you asked him, he would do anything for you <3
he always helps you out with your personal hygiene since often, that's what goes first
it's much easier to keep a routine if someone is doing it with you, and Asmo would never forget, so he help keep you on track
but, he's also not pushy about it. if you'll let him, he'll do some of the tasks for you, no strings attached
he's with you at your worst and best. he's not going anywhere
he's determined to be your personal cheerleader and will celebrate all the small things with you
at first, he's a little shocked at the changes in eating patterns, but supports you when ever and where ever you need it
if he knows there's only one food you will eat, he will physically restrain himself from eating it because he knows how much it means to you
exercise helps but he knows it's probably the last thing you want to do, so he helps you though little bits at a time and takes you out to get a reward afterwards
spending time with you makes him happy, so he figures it must be the same the other way around so he makes an effort to just be with you, even if its just sitting together while you do different things
often finds himself seeking you out just to ask how you are by instinct, proving what a sweetheart he is
an interrupted or strange sleep cycle is something he would for sure notice
he becomes the biggest cuddle bug and will often give you sleepy kisses
when you're resting, he'll give you sweet dreams that will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy afterwards
he makes an effort to make the bed just how you like it, and before long makes it a habit to join you in your room for naps and bedtime
he doesn't mind if you wake up at weird time and will wait with you as long as you need to get up
thank you again for such the long wait! hope you enjoyed and hope you're feeling better now <333
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mrchiipchrome · 1 year
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W.C. - 3 k
“Language” Lucy replies.
Joining Barcelona at the age of 14 last season had changed your life for the better, sure the balancing of schoolwork and professional football was difficult to say the least but you had the most amazing women around you helping. You moved from a small club in the south of Spain to the giants during the summer transfer window, over the moon as soon as you got the call that they wanted to sign you. Your parents gave you the ‘okay’ for the move, though their jobs were too important to leave so you would get placed with a teammate as a solution.
So when you had packed up what little you needed from your childhood bedroom in your backpack, you set off for the train. One tearful goodbye with your parents later and you stepped foot on the train taking you to the city of dreams.
When you arrived, you got picked up by a member of staff and directly to the training grounds where you would meet the team for the first time and sign the paperwork. It felt like it took 1000 years to sign all the papers but when you were finally done, you could feel the excitement coursing through your veins. 
Meeting your teammates was a success and the prospect of living with any of them had you excited. You instantly got the hint that you would live with the two English women when they were asked to stay after practice. Not making too much of a fuss when they realized they had a teen to take care of was good for you, the two of them already having known that you would join their residence for a couple weeks. And so you moved in, creating an unbreakable bond by the end of the first week with the two women.
“Can we go out for ice cream after training? I finished all my assignments.” No one could ever resist your puppy dog eyes, infamously adorable, so when you threw them into the mix you were sure that you would get your sought after ice cream. Lucy slings her strong arm around your shoulder, walking a little faster than she normally would to be able to keep the pace of your long lanky legs. Keira slips her arm around your waist at your other side, the two older women sandwiching you between them as they ‘think’ about your offer.
“Sure, but only if you promise to brush your teeth extra carefully tonight. Wouldn’t want you to get cavities-” Your cheers cut her off as you suddenly take off in the direction of some of the younger players, happy that you would get your sweet treat. 
The two women left walking look at each other with a certain softness expressed through their eyes. They hadn’t been expecting to be thrown into ‘parenthood’ so suddenly but life works how it does for a reason, and to be fair Keira did have a bit of experience, dealing with Georgia and all.
Later that day, Lucy’s followers are blessed with a picture of you sitting across from them at the ice cream parlor eating your ice cream before a picture of her and Keira doing the same. It was a sweet moment between the small family, you had really found your true parents in the two women.
Trekking around with a knife and an apple was not an uncommon feat at the Walsh-Bronze household, especially not recently. Keira had banned you from using knives after you had accidentally cut off the tip of your pinky while cooking and had to go to the hospital to have it reattached to the rest of your finger. So now you were stuck with the ugly bandage on your hand and another reason for Keira to not let you do something, but you’re sure that she’s been looking for a reason to ban your use of knives for a while now.
You had already looked everywhere for the midfielder, Lucy had gone out to grocery shop so Keira was the only choice but you had exactly no idea where she was. Just as you’re about to break the hard imposed rule she had set and cut the apple yourself, you hear talking from the living room.
Walking into the room, you immediately spot Keira sitting on the couch talking to someone. At first, you don’t know who’s on the other line, but that is before you hear the heavily accented raspy voice of Keira’s best friend. Leah Williamson.
Both Keira and Lucy think your obvious crush on the defender is hilarious, always teasing you and speaking about introducing the two of you. Yet you had always been able to escape the premises before Keira had ever pressed the button under Leah’s name, going over to Vicky’s or in dire cases your captain’s house.
Your eyes widen drastically, but with Keira not noticing your obvious presence you slowly start to back away and out of the room. You see how Keira’s head snaps up in your direction as you accidentally step on one of Narla’s squeaky toys, producing a sound akin to that of a dying pig. Looking down at your feet and the offending device, the only thing you can think about is how the next few minutes are going to be pure hell and embarrassment for you. The next time you look up at the redhead she’s staring back at you with a teasing look in her eyes and a smile full of mirth, and you just know she’s thinking of ways to torture you.
“Y/n, just the person I was looking for! Come say hi to the people” Her eager movements indicating she wanted you to come closer simply don’t give you another choice, especially now that they know it’s you who entered the room. Walking over to the couch which she sits at, you’re careful with the knife still in your hand as you flop down beside her.
“Need help with my apple, please.” Without even responding, she hands you her phone while taking the things from your hands in a swapping gesture. The first thing you notice is how Leah's face only takes up half of the screen instead of the whole screen, clueing you in on what Keira meant by ‘the people’, it wasn’t a facetime call but an instagram live.
“Hi Y/n, I've heard a lot about you, all good things I promise” The wink she throws you isn’t a flirting one by any means, it’s one of those you throw out haphazardly at the end of one of those sentences like the one that just fell from her lips. And like anyone would in your situation, you stutter out a reply all while a blush overtakes your face.
“H-hey Leah” You pair with a wave as you hear Keira sigh beside you at your obvious awkwardness around people you thought of as attractive. “Keira talks about you all the time, so I’ve heard a lot about you too.”
“Keira was just telling me about her new habit of banning things around the house-“
“I have nothing to do with that-“ Keira cuts you off before you can continue lying about your clear involvement in doing things that you later get banned from.
“Excuse me, wasn’t it you who just had to spend nearly two hours in the ER to reattach the tip of your pinky after an accident in the kitchen? Wasn’t it that whole ordeal that made me ban your use of knives in the first place?” Her exposing you had the blush on your face turning a deeper shade of red as you relent, holding up your non-dominant hand covered in bandages from your wrist up to the tips of your pinky and ring finger. 
“To be fair, it wouldn’t have happened if Luce hadn’t distracted me in the first place. She’s too good at that.” If Lucy hadn’t made you look up by calling your name, then you wouldn’t have sliced through your finger instead of the cucumber and Keira wouldn’t have needed to pick up the bloody piece of flesh to put on ice while the distractor herself wrapped your finger tightly in a kitchen towel.
“What about the time before that, huh? The oven incident? Who’s fault was that?” She speaks as she hands you the now cut up apple and takes her phone from your unsteady hand, the phone displaying Leah’s clearly amused expression at the bickering happening in Spain.
“Gracias Kie” You cut yourself off as you take a bite of the juicy apple you’ve waited for so long before continuing what you were about to say. “That was mostly my fault, but how was I supposed to know that the baking sheet had been in the oven when there were no indications of it being hot” Keira just rolls her eyes at that, having told you multiple times before you picked up the metal that it was hot.
“As clumsy as Alessia then, are you?” Leah reminds you of her presence with the rapidly strung together sentence, and while you just look on confused as you hadn’t ever met any of Keira and Lucy’s national teammates she understands exactly what the blonde means.
“No, Alessia’s more clumsy clumsy while this one” She points at you with her thumb, “is dangerous clumsy. Less trips and falls over her feet casually, this one is barely allowed to use the butterknife ‘cause she might accidentally cut herself. Yeah, them two together would be chaotic. We would need double the manpower to keep them from injuring themself.”
Just as you’re about to retort, you hear the front door open and Lucy calling out for you. Sighing, you begrudgingly say goodbye before taking your leave to help Lucy with the groceries. You hear Keira say a quiet “She has the biggest crush on you” to Leah, but you simply can’t be bothered to react.
“Lucy, Luce, Roberta, wake up damnit” 
Being shaken awake by a frantic 15 year old is not something many do, usually at that age you’re more sophisticated and careful as you wake people if you do at all. And yet, Lucy finds herself in the predicament of having to decide whether to wake up or not, but as she hears the fast breathing and feels the hands on her still she decides to wake up.
“Hey, hey, calm down. I can’t help you if you don’t calm down, you know.” Now sitting up and more alert, Lucy pulls your shaking form down onto the bed she shares with the other English woman who has miraculously managed to stay asleep through all the ruckus. Holding you in her arms, she feels you calming down little by little until you’re completely still in her hold. She’s nearly convinced that you’ve managed to fall asleep as your steady breaths puff against her neck, but as you speak her assumptions are proven wrong.
“Had a bad dream, I wanted to make sure you and Kie were alright. If it’s not too much to ask for, could you tell me the story of the moon and the sun again?” Lucy had to hold back from letting the exclamation of adoration out at you immediately looking for her and Kiera after experiencing a nightmare. She remembers telling you the story her own mother had told her when she was a kid.
"Of course I can, it’s no problem” She waits for you to stop shifting around so much and to find a more comfortable position in between her and her girlfriend. When you finally still, she starts retelling the story she’s heard so many times before.
“Before there was anything, before me and you and everyone else on this planet existed there was a moon and a sun. Every night right before the moon would go to bed, it would notice the sun lighting up the sky with its incredible glow. As the moon woke up, the sun would go to sleep and its shine would be gone, the moon would miss the very thing it so longed for. So the moon devised a plan, a plan to not miss the bright light of its long lost love, a plan of great excellence and intrigue. And so the night of the plan came, the moon waiting for the rays of sunshine to overtake the dark of the sky it had been so used to. As the sky lit up with soft rays of orangey yellow, the moon couldn’t think of anything other than how much more beautiful everything was when it was lit up by the sun.” 
Lucy felt the way you had slumped against her halfway through the story, now sure about your unconscious state.
“You’re good with her” Keira speaks from the other side of your body and Lucy smiles at the sound of her voice.
 “Thank you”
When you heard that team bonding would take place at the zoo, you couldn’t have been more excited. On the contrary, both of your team moms were less than happy about the choice of location for the activity knowing they were going to have a hyperactive Y/n on their hands. But as luck would have it, the kiddie leash they had ordered for these occasions had come in the week prior. It was one of those backpacks with the leash attached to the back of it that you would see parents with unruly children use. 
After a bit of bribing, they got past the initial protests of you not being a child and got you to put on the dinosaur backpack, they tightened it to make sure it wouldn’t fall off before walking out of the house together.
They made sure to use the backpack function as well, stuffing it with your drinks and snacks. You’re nearly at the zoo when they realize the absence of the memory of you taking your medication that morning, and at that moment they are incredibly thankful for making you wear the backpack.
Watching as you flip Mapi off for making fun of your new accessory, they don’t have the heart to tell you off for the obscene gesture. Not when it was their fault you were getting made fun of in the first place. 
Like always, you gravitate towards the younger members of the team while Keira does the older ones. This leaves Lucy to go with you to your friends and Keira to walk over to hers. 
“Vicky look at my backpack, isn’t it cool?” You skip over to her, clutching onto the fabric hanging over your shoulders as Lucy tries to keep up with your overly energetic self.
“It’s really cool Y/n” Vicky’s words mean a lot to you, her becoming a close friend and a sisterly figure for you with her being so close in age. 
When everyone is rounded up, they buy their tickets one by one and wait on the other side of the gates for the rest. Once inside, you’re rushing around buzzing to see all the animals that you can’t see normally. Like the saying goes, time goes faster when you’re having fun, you soon find yourself eating lunch with half the day being spent with different animals. You and Lucy are throwing teasing comments at each other like usual when an innocent comment starts an onslaught of funny statements.
“Y/n when I was your age-” She doesn’t get to finish her sentence before you start.
“Luce, when you were my age I wasn’t even born yet. In fact you made your senior debut for Sunderland a year before I was born.” That shut her up, not knowing that you had done your research on her. 
The rest of the day goes off without a hitch and as you walk home, you can’t help but wonder why life has been so good to you lately. But you don’t think for too long, instead being happy with the course your life has taken.
But everything everyone can talk about when the pictures of the day are released is how you had to wear the kiddie leash. 
Lately you’ve been using TikTok a bit more often, not much more than before but there was a difference. This meant that you had discovered new trends and edits of your teammates, you had even followed a couple of accounts making videos of your teammates to show them later. 
But when you saw the video on your recommended page, you just knew it would be perfect for you to use with Lucy and Kiera. The perfect opportunity to strike comes up when they ask you to join them for a walk with Narla later that day, to which you agree. 
You let them walk in front of you as you slow down, TikTok open on your phone ready to record the interaction. You hold your thumb on the red button as you start by recording yourself mouthing the words before turning it to them and recording them in time with the sound.
Slipping your phone back into your pocket, you decide to edit the clip later and enjoy the walk you currently were on. 
Arriving home, you go to your room and type out the in video caption of ‘when they take you out on walks with their dog’. Before posting the video you type the usual caption, ‘walks with Robert and shaKeira (narla was there too)’.
An hour later the two victims barge into your room and unexpectedly hug you, expecting them to be ‘annoyed’ at you but that wasn’t the case.
“You think of us as your parents?” You see Lucy discreetly wipe a tear from her eye, but you pretend not to notice it.
“Well yeah, you guys have been more like my parents these last few months than my biological ones have been all 14 years they had me around.” The two just embrace you harder at that, and you can feel their love seeping through their actions.
“So I take it you like my mama y papa video then?” The two of them just press a kiss to either side of your face, and you feel truly happy for the family you have gotten since you moved to Barcelona.
Nearly took longer to post this, my hand is burnt. Hope you enjoyed, this was a pretty shit one. Promise the next one is Lessi
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shiny-crocodile · 3 months
the best person i’ve ever met
lucy bronze x ona batlle
lucy and ona origin story; semi-slow burn, semi-quick; multi chapters that will get a little smutty
chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 8, chapter 9, chapter 10
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Chapter summary: disguises, scarves and a photobooth
Notes: first time writing smut so would love to get feedback (good or bad)
Over the next few weeks Ona did everything she could to keep the flirting to a minimum, showing real will power to not answer Lucy’s late night face times, knowing if she saw her wrapped up in bed she would not be able to keep up her friendship rule.
The English girl would send sweaty gym selfies, knowing exactly what she was doing. Ona was completely floored every time she saw a new one sent through.
Like how could someone be that attractive? Lucy was regularly in just a sports bra and some short shorts, dripping in sweat that made her baby hairs curl slightly and her face flush in the most cute but sexy way. But it was the ice bath videos that really got Ona. Lucy would send her videos of her entering the tub, abs on full display as she submerged herself in a way that gave Ona all the butterflies.
The Spanish girl often rewatched the videos or zoomed in on the gym photos as she had her “me time” on an evening, imagining it was Lucy’s hands on her.
So of course it would be rude to use Lucy like this and not give anything back. That was true friendship, right?
Lucy never had to know about how Ona used what she sent her, just like Ona never had to know that Lucy regularly found herself with her hand between her legs at the photos she got in return and even just the thoughts of Ona, their kisses on that date replaying over and over in her head.
Lucy loved the chase, she loved slowly bringing down Ona’s walls. But 2 months had passed and she desperately needed more. She finally cracked after being sent a particularly mouth watering selfie of Ona on a jog in a sports bra, the camera angled perfectly to catch her soaked, tanned abs and defined arms.
“Right,” Lucy said to Narla sat beside her on the sofa with her favourite frog toy, “we’ve gotta get out of here.”
Lucy - you look good!!! and I miss you x
Lucy - think it’s time I paid a visit back to Manchester… you free this Saturday?
Ona - Mm, apart from a little game called the Manchester derby
Lucy - ah yes, I remember those. So do you want an extra fan in the crowd?
Ona - you’d support United for me?!?! Wow, you’re down reeeeeeal bad
Lucy - Good point, will have to be something in it for me then…
Lucy - If you let me take you out after the game you have yourself a deal
Ona - well that’s not fair, you know I’d do anything to convert someone from blue to red..
Lucy jumped off the sofa, much to Narla’s alarm, walking back into the room a minute later with her old City top in hand, draping it over Narla’s reluctant head before taking a quick photo and sending it through to Ona.
Lucy - what if I sweetened the deal by adding another city fan into the mix?
Ona - done deal, signing on the dotted line now. I’ll see you Saturday!
Lucy jumped off the sofa again and fist pumped the air, grateful there was no one around to see her embarrassing outburst of joy.
Now she had to book flights and plan. She wasn’t going to let this time be anything like the last, desperate to make sure Ona has a great time and there are zero tears.
Ona on the other hand was feeling apprehensive. Keeping it friendly over messages was one thing, she didn’t know how she was going to cope face to face with Lucy again.
As Lucy rocked up to the game she was geared up in her best undercover look. Black cap pulled low, wide black sunglasses covering half her face, and a black hoodie to match. She looked more like a bank robber than a football fan, but at least she’d go unnoticed.
She didn’t particularly mind fans seeing her or asking for a photo, but she didn’t want to take the attention off the girls or the game today.
She glided through security and made her way up to the concourse before she heard a shout from behind her.
“Lucy Bronze is that you?” Yelled a Dutch accent, and Lucy turned around quickly to see Sarina walking towards her, so much for her amazing disguise.
“Hi Sarina, Hi Anton,” she said, giving her England manager and coach quick hugs in greeting.
“What are you wearing and what are you doing here?” Sarina asked bluntly, in typical Dutch style.
Lucy removed her sunglasses, they seemed silly now she was inside and had been exposed. “Well I thought I’d try go under the radar, and I played yesterday so thought I’d use the weekend to come watch my old team,” Lucy said, her answer seeming rehearsed.
Sarina smiled, knowing all too well that female footballers rarely flew to other countries on their days off just to watch ‘friends’ or ‘old teams’.
“Well I’m sorry for blowing your cover, I’m going to go one further though,” Sarina asserted, “you’ll have to come sit with us, we want to get your thoughts on the players.”
Lucy wanted nothing less than a camera inevitably being pointed at her for 90 mins, but she could never say no to Sarina. She also loved chatting football with Sarina so maybe she would have some fun despite the attention.
As the game kicked off, Lucy had her eyes glued to one player and one player only, even when she was nowhere near the ball, she couldn’t help it. She looked perfect as she moved around the pitch, switching from sprint to jog, everything she did was mesmerising and she was having an amazing game.
Sarina would ask her questions and Lucy would do her best to answer but the answers about her England teammates were pretty generic, as she was hardly watching them.
Midway through the second half, Ona pulled off an incredible sliding tackle on Lauren Hemp, forcing Lucy to clap aggressively loudly. She saw Sarina nudge her assistant manager and say, “so that’s the one then.”
Lucy ignored her, smiling a cheesy grin as she watched Ona’s teammates congratulate her for the tackle.
The English girl loved watching football, she had to watch a lot of it of course, but watching Ona was a whole different experience. She was honestly gutted when the 90 mins were up, until she realised this meant she could go and see the Spanish girl.
Ona collected her Player of the match award and looked over to the seats where Lucy was meant to be sat, but had no luck in finding her.
Lucy felt a warm fuzzy feeling watching Ona look for her, with her confused and searching facial expression. She knew Ona wouldn’t see her thanks to Sarina abducting her, and she watched the Man U player trudge off the pitch to the changing rooms.
Ona picked up her phone as soon as she got back into the changing room, something she usually saves until after the showers.
Ona - did you come?
Lucy - thought you’d save that question for later 😉
Lucy - oh god I’m sorry that was too much 🤦‍♀️ 😂
Lucy - I’m here, want to meet me in the car park? Unless you need help carrying that player of the match award? X
Ona - you are way too much. I’ll see you in the car park in 20mins, just need a shower x
Lucy - yeah, no smelly girls in my rental car thank you. See you in 20 x
Ona laughed as she placed her phone back down and headed towards the showers, trying to make this the quickest turnaround ever so she could go and greet her visitor.
“You coming for celebratory drinks, Ona?” Tooney asked as Ona finished getting dressed.
“Not today, sorry Tooney,” Ona said, picking up her things before heading towards the door, “I’m seeing a friend visiting from Spain.”
Technically it wasn’t a lie, Ona thought as she left the room, saying goodbye to everyone on her way out, as they gave her another congratulation.
As she made her way to the car park in the lift Ona gave herself a pep talk on the descent. She was determined to keep this PG. She obviously fancied Lucy but she wanted to take this extra slow, wanting to make sure Lucy was 100% over the ex and 100% focused on her before pursuing anything.
The pep talk was all for nothing when the lift doors opened to show Lucy leaning against the side of a car, on her phone like something out of a movie. Ona had to catch her breath, she looked insanely good.
Lucy had ditched the hoodie to reveal a well fitted white t-shirt, not too tight but tight enough to show off her torso and chest. To top the outfit off she had a half and half scarf. Half Man United, Half Man City.
“What the hell is that?” Ona called over, giggling away at the sight of the girl at the end of the car park.
Lucy looked up quickly to see the Spanish girl. She could listen to that giggle all day and she wouldn’t mind looking at the wet haired girl all day either, she looked beautiful, even after a 90 minute match for Man U. ( 😉)
“Do you like it?” Lucy asked, taking it off to start waving it above her head, making Ona laugh harder. She started walking towards Ona now to meet her in the middle.
“Not sure about the blue part.”
“It’s the best I can offer, even if it is a footballing sin.”
The girls finally came within a meter of each other.
“Hey,” Lucy said sweetly, tilting her head to the side.
“Hey,” Ona responded, stepping up to Lucy and wrapping her in a tight hug. Lucy smelt as good as she looked and Ona didn’t want to let go, breathing in the floral but woody scent.
Lucy was doing the same to Ona as she was overwhelmed with the smell of peach conditioner. Lucy couldn’t help herself from saying, “you smell so good.”
She felt a bit embarrassed, letting that thought loose.
“I was thinking the same about you,” Ona said, always finding a way to put the northern girl at ease and remove any awkwardness.
They stood back from the hug and Lucy took Ona’s bags from her and slung them over her left shoulder, wrapping her right arm around the smaller girl as they made their way to the car.
“So what do you have planned?” Ona asked as they drove away from the stadium, having no idea what the older girl had arranged.
“Well dinner didn’t go to plan last time so I thought I’d do a 360 and booked an activity bar,” Lucy said, deciding to make light of the last date early into the evening.
Ona laughed, thankfully for Lucy, “Ooo fun, little bit of competition!”
“I know, brave move competing against the best player in Manchester,” Lucy said playfully, smiling over at the girl in the passenger seat. She nearly swerved off the road, unable to take her eyes off Ona as golden hour had well and truly arrived, setting a glow on the Spaniard’s face.
Ona grabbed Lucy’s chin and turned her face back to the road, “killing the competition feels slightly like cheating,” she joked, drawing a belly laugh from Lucy, eyes firmly back on the road.
By the time they parked up at the bar Ona’s hair had pretty much dried. Lucy jumped out quickly to run round to Ona’s side and open the car door, in serious grafting mode as Ona chuckled at her keenness.
The bar had loads going on, from mini golf to arcade games, there was plenty of opportunities for the girls’ competitive sides to come out.
Lucy quickly decided that she would leave the car to pick up tomorrow, in favour of joining Ona on the drinks. They had to celebrate after all and Lucy was told she was extra charming with a bit of liquid confidence, so she headed to the bar and got them two mojitos.
“What’s first then?” Ona asked, looking around at all the options.
“Axe throwing?” Lucy offered.
Ona looked round at her, “got some anger to get out?” She asked, thinking the Keira-Lola situation might still be on her mind.
“Not at all,” Lucy said, because she honestly didn’t, “they don’t let us play that one after our second drink as it’s a deadly weapon. Also I’m good at it and you won’t be able to cope seeing me with an axe in hand.”
Ona laughed, “that sounds like a threat.” She felt slightly scared of the amount of willpower it might take her to resist Lucy for this round.
The younger player was right to be scared. This version of Lucy was proving impossible to resist. The English girl placed her half half scarf around Ona’s neck, now fully showcasing how good she looked in that white t-shirt, the tightness meaning her shoulder and back muscles were now also on full display. Ona’s mouth watered as Lucy threw the first axe, it landing perfectly in the middle, of course it did.
Ona was as competitive as Lucy and she groaned seeing how good Lucy was at this on her first throw. Although she knew losing might not be so hard when she got to drool over Lucy looking that good.
As the Spaniard stepped up to the plate, her first throw went embarrassingly wide, and she turned away in frustration, making Lucy chuckle at her cute annoyed face.
“Here, let’s try another, I’ll show you,” Lucy said, picking up another axe and handing it to Ona.
“No, no, no, I don’t need help,” Ona resisted, “it’s your turn.”
The younger brunette was firstly too stubborn and competitive to receive help, she couldn’t give Lucy that satisfaction. Secondly, she knew that Lucy would make the demonstration as sexy as possible and that would seriously mess with her promise to herself of keeping this PG.
“Suit yourself,” Lucy said, stepping up to the plate to take her second shot, another great one. Ona avoided staring at her this time, instead playing with her straw to occupy the mind.
A few more turns and Ona still wasn’t getting it, getting frustrated with herself while Lucy was keeping up her excellent tally. The older girl leaned herself against the side wall with a cheeky smile as Ona lifted her 6th axe.
“You sure you still don’t want to take me up on that offer?” Lucy asked with a teasing tone.
“Fine,” Ona said, fed up of not being good at this, “but you can instruct from over there.” She wasn’t going to make it that easy for Lucy and needed to keep some distance for her own sake.
Lucy chuckled at the girl’s continued stubbornness, but did her best to direct her from the side.
Ona still wasn’t getting it and her shot still went wide.
“Come on, let me show you,” Lucy insisted.
Ona agreed reluctantly, fully aware of what she was letting herself in for while Lucy bounced over with a spring in her step.
Lucy started the training by working on Ona’s standing position. She moved Ona’s legs, one at a time into a stance that put them level with each other and shoulder width apart, before moving round the back of Ona to work on her posture.
Obviously for this part it was absolutely necessary for Lucy to push her front into Ona’s backside, not being able to see Ona roll her eyes at how obvious she was being, but of course the Spaniard didn’t stop her.
The older girl slowly ran her hands up Ona’s side, from the outer thigh, making her giggle as she went over her armpits to get to the upper arms where she gently lifted Ona’s arms above her head.
Ona was heating up with all this touching and pressing, feeling Lucy’s breath on her neck, nose brushing against her ear as the English girl left a tender kiss on the side of Ona’s neck. “Perfect,” Lucy said, Ona unable to respond and forced to bite her lip at the praise.
Lucy moved around Ona to face her now, not missing how flustered the younger girl looked. She moved Ona’s body as she instructed her. “Right, bring the axe back now and I want you to eye up the mark just above the target rather than the target itself. Then give it what you’ve got, extend your arm half way and release once your elbows pass your ears.”
If Ona was thinking straight she would have admired how Lucy could turn down the flirting for a moment to actually give her decent instructions, but she could still feel Lucy’s mouth on her neck from a few moments ago so she wasn’t thinking straight at all.
Despite that, she followed Lucy’s steps and somehow managed to hit the target!
“MVP! MVP!” Lucy exclaimed as she picked Ona’s lighter frame up and spun her around.
Ona was so happy to hit the target that she just wrapped her legs round Lucy, allowing herself to be lifted before Lucy slowly lowered Ona, the distance between their faces now about 10 centimetres.
“About time,” Ona said, relieved to finally get a point on the board. She stepped back to reestablish the distance between herself and the English player.
They finished their round, Ona never missing now and Lucy looking on as proud as punch before returning to the bar for another drink and looking around to decide their next activity.
They moved from mini golf, to basketball hoops, to shuffle board, Lucy taking any opportunity to get close to and touch Ona. At some point the spaniard stopped even trying to warn Lucy off, the alcohol making it harder and harder.
“Let’s go take some photos in the photo booth,” Ona said, dragging Lucy by the hand to the booth in the corner of the room, both sliding in as Lucy pulled the curtain behind them.
They took some shots in different silly positions before the last couple where Lucy tilted Ona’s face towards her, leaning in extra slowly to give Ona the opportunity to say stop or push her away.
Ona gave a small nod and Lucy took her signal, attaching her lips to the younger girl’s. They both deepened the kiss as the shutter went off for the final photo.
They continued through the sound of the printer, not halted by their time in the booth being over, it wasn’t like there was a queue or anything.
The English girl was the first to slip her tongue in. This kiss was nowhere near as gentle as their first, both feeling equally desperate after the weeks of flirting and working each other up.
It was hot and heavy as the curtain shielded them from the rest of the bar, offering some privacy to let their hands roam.
Lucy bit on Ona’s lip, drawing a moan from the younger girl that Lucy was desperate to hear again and again and again.
She sat back on the seat, gripping the back of Ona’s thighs as she lifted her into her lap so the Spaniard could straddle her. The older girl ran her hands up Ona’s back, removing her top over her head, discarding it along with Lucy’s jacket onto the floor of the booth, leaving Ona in her bra.
Lucy looked up and down the girl in front of her, biting her lip.
As the kissing got steamier both girls were now so wet for the other.
Ona started grinding down on Lucy’s lap, desperate to take this further and find some kind of friction.
The desperation not going unnoticed, Lucy moved Ona’s head to the side and attached her mouth to the younger player’s neck, open mouthed kissing and sucking as Ona let out another moan, louder this time.
“Holy shit,” Ona whispered, she couldn’t get enough of Lucy who hushed her moans while pulling down Ona’s cargo trousers to sit mid-thigh, moving her hand over Ona’s clothed pussy.
While keeping up the attack on Ona’s neck, Lucy slipped her fingers into the Spaniard’s knickers. “You’re so wet,” Lucy whispered, the roughness in her voice only making the younger girl wetter.
“Can you blame me?” Ona asked, gasping as Lucy’s fingers brushed through her folds and up to her throbbing clit.
Both girls were on cloud 9, Ona couldn’t believe she’d gone from a promise of friendship to having Lucy’s hands between her legs in a photo booth in the middle of a bar. But she felt way too good to care.
The Spaniard let out her loudest moan yet as Lucy pushed a finger inside Ona with little resistance and started gently pumping. Lucy halted, remembering they were in a public place and not wanting Ona to be embarrassed later over the sounds she was making. She grabbed the half-half scarf and pushed it into Ona’s mouth to muffle the moans, the taking of control making Ona’s pussy ache.
Ona threw her head back as Lucy picked back up the pace, slipping in the second finger, feeling the tightness this time, Ona’s walls clenching around her.
“You look so fucking good right now, I’m so obsessed with you,” Lucy said, her words making Ona’s head spin and pushing her further to her peak.
Lucy saw the effect her words were having on the younger girl, continuing, “my MVP on the pitch and now in the booth, you’ll never know how perfect you are.”
“Feels so good” Ona mumbled through the scarf as she was hurtling towards her high now, hips bucking as she pushed herself deeper onto Lucy’s hand, but she needed more. She temporarily moved the scarf out of her mouth.
“Lucy, please more, my clit, please.”
So turned on by Ona’s begging, the older girl’s the wet patch was growing between her legs and giving her no choice but to comply. She used her thumb to rub circles around Ona’s clit, applying the perfect amount of pressure.
Ona moaned into the scarf, Lucy could feel how close she was and moved her hand from the younger girls waist and up to her chest, massaging her left boob through the bra as she began sucking on the right.
That was it, Ona was done for. Her head flew back a final time, cries muffled as Lucy helped her ride out her high.
Spitting the scarf out of her mouth, she wrapped herself around Lucy. The English girl slowly removed her fingers while the younger player nuzzled into her neck as they both caught their breath.
“I’m obsessed with you too by the way,” Ona said once she regained a little composure, kissing different areas of Lucy’s face and shoulders in gratitude.
“Yeah?” Lucy asked, a rare moment of self doubt, needing extra reassurance after being the one to do the chasing recently.
Ona brushed the older girl’s hair out of her face as she kissed her lips lovingly.
“Oh completely,” Ona admitted, wanting to make the English girl feel appreciated after the beautiful orgasm she’d just given her, “I so wanted and tried to keep this friendly but it’s kind of impossible when you’re you and I feel like this about you.”
Ona gave Lucy a final kiss on the forehead before removing herself slowly from Lucy’s lap, still feeling sensitive.
Lucy leaned down to give the front of Ona’s knickers a soft kiss before pulling up her cargo pants.
The tenderness didn’t stop there, Lucy helping to put Ona’s top back on, again giving Ona all the butterflies at just how caring the English girl was in everything she did.
The Spaniard took the photos from the tray and laughed, turning them to show Lucy, “I mean I think it’s pretty safe to say from these that we’re both equally obsessed.”
The photos were 1 of them facing the camera, 4 of them taking turns to look at each other lovingly as the other did something silly, 1 of them looking deep into each others eyes, and the final was of course of the kiss.
Lucy whipped her phone out to take a photo of them, smiling like a cheshire cat. “These are amazing,” she said, Ona nodding in agreement.
The taller girl leaned down to give Ona another kiss before taking her by the hand and leaving the photo booth.
As they walked away Ona stopped, remembering something.
“Wait,” Ona said as she turned back to the booth, returning with the scarf. “We’ll need this for later,” she teased, winking at Lucy as she rejoined her and walked them over to the bar.
“Food?” Ona asked, picking up a menu from the bar.
Lucy agreed looking over Ona’s shoulder at the menu, “it’s needed.”
As they perused the menu, neither girl was wowed by the options. “This is all a bit boring, should we go back to mine and get a takeaway?” Ona suggested, “maybe we could try sushi again.”
Lucy chuckled, “yeah let’s do that. Let me just grab my bag out of the car.”
Ona raised her eyebrows, “overnight bag in the car? Pretty presumptuous no? Someone was confident they’d break down these walls.”
“I mean I had hoped so,” Lucy said between laughs, “but I just didn’t have time before the game to drop it at the hotel I’ve booked. Is it good if we swing by there first and I can drop it off?”
Ona shoved her playfully, “don’t be stupid, bring it to mine.”
Lucy couldn’t hide her delight. She was telling the truth about not having time to leave it at the hotel, but was obviously beyond thrilled that she would not have to use that room at all.
110 notes · View notes
clarisse0o · 1 month
Camp Wiegman-Part 40
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
TW : Homophobia
Monday, January 18th; 7:50 AM - School Grounds.
Anxiety slowly takes over me. I’m about to meet my new class in a few minutes. Fortunately, I won’t be doing it alone. Both  Leah and  Lotte are accompanying me on this new adventure, thank God. I would have gone crazy otherwise. As if I hadn’t already had a disastrous night… Nothing is ever normal at home anyway. Everything always happens at once. My nightmares came back stronger than ever. I found myself drenched in sweat in my little bed at three in the morning. I was lucky not to have woken up Lucy. I was in a terrible state. I even had to get up and change. I think she noticed I wasn’t wearing the same pajamas this morning, but she didn’t ask me about it. She’s understood my need for space since her rejection. I don’t want to deal with her until I’ve sorted things out in my head. It’s painful, but I have to look at things positively... I’ve finally granted her wish to sleep in separate beds. Even though it worked against me last night, it’s also what I want now. It was a mistake to get used to being in her arms. I should have known better. I suddenly remembered why I keep my distance from people. But now it’s too late. Too late to regret what’s been done. The problem is, I’ve become dependent on her. That’s an undeniable fact. I found myself lying in bed staring at the ceiling, unable to fall back asleep. Her steady breathing calmed me, reminding me that I wasn’t alone, but I still couldn’t sleep. The realization that it was her, her presence against me, that I missed completely overwhelmed me. I had never reached this stage with anyone before, not even Mapi. Instead of swallowing my pride by waking her up or joining her, I locked myself in the bathroom and slid down to the floor. I was on the verge of breaking down, realizing the situation I was in. Everything hit me all at once, and I hadn’t seen it coming. I let her into my life, and now there’s no turning back. I could have cried out in sheer pain, but I didn’t. I held it in because I had no right to do otherwise. I put myself in this situation. The rest of the night gave me plenty of time to reflect with my tormented mind. I ended up spending the rest of the night on that floor until it was time to sneak back to my bed. I didn’t want  Lucy to notice my suspicious absence. My plan worked, and it’s likely to be very effective next time. Though, I doubt my body can endure this for long. I’m already struggling now. I noticed dark circles in the mirror this morning, and my eyes sting.  Lucy couldn’t see them. I rushed to the bathroom as soon as the alarm rang to cover my face with foundation.
“Relax,  Ona,”  Leah chuckles, pulling me out of my thoughts. “You’re acting like we’re going to a funeral. Your stress is palpable from miles away.”
“You’re funny,” I grumbled. “You both know everyone here, unlike me. It feels like I’m starting school all over again.”
“You weren’t even this tense when you first arrived here,” she mocks.
“I didn’t care about being here back then,” I say, shrugging. “Remember, I was looking for a way out.”
“Not anymore?”  Lotte asks.
“Looks like things change.”
“Little Batlle is evolving!”  Leah jokes. “I thought we’d finally get to see a rebel.”
“Pff, nonsense. Of course, Bronze managed to train her student again.”
That unknown voice was harsh. I look around to find the person who dared to listen in on our conversation. I spot a student I don’t know at all. She seems to be mocking me.
“Got a problem?” I reply.
“Me?” she answers, feigning outrage. “Not at all. I was just saying  Bronze succeeded again in taming the camp princess.”
I furrow my brow. Camp princess? What kind of nonsense is this? How do the students know that nickname? An inexplicable rage builds up inside me. So this is what they think of me here? That I was a little rebel that  Lucy managed to tame? If Alessia hadn’t had her hand on my arm, I would have grabbed her collar by now to make her regret her words.
“Let it go, Athenea,” scoffs a girl who just arrived. “The rumors about her must be true. She’s probably a lesbian who can’t resist the charms of our dear instructor.”
I clench my fists so tightly that my knuckles turn white as snow. This is really not the time to provoke me about that. I take a deep breath, telling myself they don’t know what they’re talking about, but that girl’s smug smile is infuriating. Looks like I’ve already found someone to despise in my new class.
“Let it go, Ona. Let them think what they want.”
I take Alessia’s advice and turn my back on those two troublemakers. I’m not going to stoop to their level by getting provoked. They’re just trying to irritate me, but I won’t give them that satisfaction. The best response is to ignore them. I was ready to continue our conversation until I felt a presence behind me.
“By the way, my name is Korbin,” she whispers in my ear. “You’re going to remember my name very quickly with all the trouble I’m going to cause you… filthy dyke.”
She walks past me, turning around to give me one last malicious smile before entering our classroom. Great. This couldn’t have started any better. She clearly doesn’t know who she’s messing with.
“We should go inside,” Alessia gently reminds me.
I nod without taking my eyes off the doors she just walked through.
“Are you okay?” she murmurs.
I sigh, nodding again while trying to hide my slight tremors. This is the first time I’ve experienced a direct homophobic remark. She pats my shoulder before I follow her into our new classroom. Most of the seats are already taken. Luckily,  Leah and Lotte got in before us and saved us seats in the back. I sit next to Alessia, taking the spot by the window. I take out my supplies and put my bag on the floor, then lean against the wall to get a view of my new class. I quickly spot the infamous Korbin, who gives me a twisted smile. Looks like I’ll have to find out more about this girl.
“Good morning, everyone, to your new Business Management class,” my new teacher’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts. “I’m Mr. Tompson, your new homeroom teacher for the rest of the year.”
I’m surprised to see a young teacher at the front of the class. He’s nothing like any teacher I’ve had before. I’d guess he’s in his early thirties at most. He has a certain charm with his slight beard and tousled chestnut hair.
“I’ll be your management teacher for the rest of the year. We’ll start off slowly by taking roll,” he continues as he heads to his desk. “Just so you know, I have notes on each of you from your previous teachers as well as instructors. This will help your new teachers and me to understand you quickly.”
 Lucy didn’t mention anything about that… Damn. I’m going to be labeled right from the start. I wasn’t particularly liked by my previous teachers.
“Well, let’s get to roll call,” he says, sitting down. “I want to put faces to the names I’ve read about.”
I sink into my chair as he calls the first name on the list. I glance at Alessia, who smiles at me. I was disappointed not to be in the same class as Alexia for the rest of the year, but maybe this will give me a chance to get closer to others. It might be a blessing in disguise. Maybe I’ll be able to forget  Lucy in the process. I furrow my brow when Alessia nudges me.
“ Batlle, Ona?”
“Sorry,” I say aloud, realizing what’s happening. “Here!”
I look my teacher straight in the eye. His are a very plain brown. He gives me a warm smile. I feel like he’s judging me in some way.
“So you’re the famous  Ona I’ve heard so much about,” he says. “I have mixed opinions about you,” he tells me. “A lot of people seem to believe in you. Let’s see how that turns out.”
“She must have slept with Bronze to get positive remarks,” the bitch from earlier snickers.
“Shut up!” I snap without thinking.
I glare at her to emphasize my words. She just smiles at me maliciously. This girl is pure poison, it’s unreal. Many laugh at her stupid joke. I really didn’t need any more rumors about me on top of everything else.
“Hey, that’s enough!” the teacher shouts. “Quiet down,” he demands, silencing the class. “There’s no place for that kind of remark here, got it?! Next time, you’ll explain your inappropriate comments to the principal.”
“Oh, come on, I was just joking,” she giggles.
“Real funny,” I growl.
- "I said that's enough!" he lectures. "I’m going to finish taking attendance, and then we’ll start the lesson right away as a punishment."
Discontented sighs are heard. They better not even try to blame me. The entire class acted childishly. I rest my head against the palm of my hand until attendance is over. I feel like this day is going to be even longer than I expected. My lack of sleep isn’t helping, but it’s best if I don’t draw attention to myself on the first day. Once attendance is over, he follows through on his threat by starting the lesson. This day isn’t much different from other Mondays. My schedule is almost identical. It’s just the content that changes. Today we have two hours of management, then two hours of math. Since it’s the first day, the hours pass more quickly. The teachers take their time getting into the thick of things. We lost half an hour in each subject listening to their spiel and their attendance list, as they don’t know most of us. Finally, lunch arrives. I was chatting with Alessia on the way to the cafeteria until a brown-haired bundle jumps on me, making me lose the little balance I have. I catch her by the thighs to prevent us from falling to the ground.
- "Oh my Onita, I missed you so much!"
- "Alexia," I chuckle. "It was just a morning!"
- "That’s already way too long. I want to see my crazy friend in class!"
I laugh as she hugs me tighter. This position must look hilarious to the others. It’s exactly what I needed after this disastrous start to the day.
- "Putellas, get down immediately," a voice I know too well commands.
My roommate must still be traumatized by Lucy to have listened so quickly. I turn to see her with a stern expression on her face. I simply adjust my backpack properly, then turn on my heel towards the cafeteria with Alexia, who places her arm over my shoulders.
- "Is there any tension in the air with Bronze?" she asks hesitantly.
- "We’ll talk about it later," I reply simply. "How was your morning otherwise?"
- "Calm... Too calm," she sighs. "I really missed you. Plus, I’m with Alba now. I have to behave seriously."
- "Oh, don’t say that," I laugh. "I’m sure she’s not as serious as she pretends to be, little Alba."
- "Oh, not her... But she makes sure that I am."
- "Hey! I’m not that bad," replies Alba, who must have overheard us.
- "Prove us wrong then," I challenge her. "Let your sister live a little!"
- "Well, she lived with you! She only had comments about talking too much in her file."
- "Oh, they gave you your comments? We weren’t so lucky. They only said they couldn’t agree on me."
- "Not surprising," Alba mocks. "Do you have a good class?" she continues.
- "Eh. I have a bitch who’s taken me as a scapegoat."
- "What’s her name?"
- "Korbin, if I remember correctly."
- "Ouch..." she comments. "Avoid her as much as possible. She’s a pain."
- "I noticed. Do you know her? If so, you’ll need to tell me everything you know about her."
- "No problem," she smiles. "We’ll talk about it at the table."
She winks at me before moving forward in line. I realize this is the first sensible conversation I’ve had with Alba. I mean, I talk to everyone around the table, but never one-on-one. The only people who’ve had that privilege are Alexia and Leah. They were the only ones I focused on because I feel close to them. I regret not opening up more to others. I now understand what Mapi meant when she said I was so hooked on Lucy that I could barely talk about my friends. In reality, I gave her so much importance that I didn’t give the same to the other people around me. I think this distance will show me all the things I’ve been missing out on.
Monday, January 18; 5:00 PM - Classroom
I pack up my things as soon as the Alba rings. I absolutely hate my first classes. I just endured two hours of accounting, and I’d be lying if I said I understood anything. It’s a subject that bores me so much that I don’t wait for permission to start packing my bag. I’m the first one standing when the teacher gives the green light to leave.
“In a rush?” Alessia asks, holding me back.
“Uh, yeah. I need to see Wiegman about something personal. I’ll catch up with you in the common room when I’m done.”
“Didn’t you say you’d study in Bronze’ office after your classes?”
“Oh, right. I changed my mind. I’ll study with you guys, so you can help me with what I didn’t understand if that’s okay.”
“No, not at all. I’d be happy to.”
“Cool,” I say with a small smile. “See you later then.”
I quickly escape from that hellish classroom, heading straight to Wiegman’s office as I mentioned. I know the way perfectly, having been there several times already. I don’t hesitate to knock on the
 door. I open it when I’m given permission to do so.
“Good aft-”
I stop in my tracks when I see not one, but two pairs of eyes staring at me.
“Well, hello,  Ona. What brings you here?”
“I wanted to discuss something with you. I can come back later if I’m interrupting.”
“Don’t be silly, we were just finishing up,” she says. “Come sit next to your supervisor. It shouldn’t bother you to talk in front of her, right?”
She couldn’t have picked a worse time to be here. I must be cursed; there’s no other explanation. Having no other choice, I shake my head before closing the door behind me. I move as slowly as possible to the empty chair next to  Lucy, placing my bag between my legs. My pulse quickens, and I can’t control it.
“What did you want to discuss?” she asks.
How did I end up in this situation? I should have left. The topic I want to discuss isn’t one I should address in front of  Lucy. Anxiety takes over me. I lower my head to avoid facing them directly, but it doesn’t stop me from feeling their eyes on me. I shake my head briefly to regain my composure. Her presence should not influence my decision. I’ve had enough time to think it over during the night. I take a deep breath. I’m ready to defend my point if necessary.
“I want to go back to my room,” I blurt out like a bombshell.
With my eyes lowered, I can’t see their reactions. Judging by the silence that follows, I doubt it’s a good one. Surprise, maybe. I gather my courage and raise my head to indeed see that expression on their faces, at least on Wiegman’s.
“I’m feeling better,” I assert confidently. “I still have restless nights, but I’m not having any more episodes. I’ve already caused enough trouble for those around me because of my personal issues.”
Laughter fills the room. I quickly regret meeting my supervisor’s gaze. It’s hard and filled with anger.
“Are you kidding me?” she hisses. “Are we talking about those dark circles under your eyes? You can hide them all you want, but it doesn’t work with me. I absolutely do not agree with this room change.”
And there it is, as expected. I’m screwed. Damn observant! I thought she hadn’t noticed. We both turn to Wiegman, waiting for his decision. She scratches his head while observing us closely. I’ve noticed it’s a habit when she’s thinking. She looks back and forth between us before finally focusing on me.
“Why do you want this change, Ona?”
“I’ve already troubled my supervisor enough. She’s losing sleep because of me, and I don’t want that to continue.”
“She volunteered for this. She’s doing it willingly. Unless you’ve changed your mind, Ms.  Bronze?”
I sense agitation next to me. She’s probably seething right now. I won’t come out unscathed from this meeting.
“Absolutely not,” she growls.
“Good. In that case, it’s up to you to decide what’s best for your student.”
“Her episodes are unpredictable,” she responds. “There’s no way she can return to her room right now.”
The tone she uses sends shivers down my spine. I don’t even dare look at her anymore. She’s going to hate me after this… Maybe that’s what I was aiming for when I made this decision. I raise my eyes to our principal when she speaks again.
“So the matter is settled,” she says, causing my shoulders to slump in defeat. “Don’t feel embarrassed about such small things,  Ona. We’re here to help you, don’t forget that. We were just talking about the remarkable progress you’ve made in your behavior.”
“Um… right,” I respond indifferently. “Can I go now? My friends are waiting for me.”
- "Yes, of course, you can go."
- "Thank you for seeing me. Goodbye."
I stand up and sling my bag over my shoulder. I head for the door, feeling the weight of  Lucy's eyes on my back.
- "You can leave too, Miss Bronze. We were finished."
I suddenly pale. Damn! I hear her thank Wiegman as I make a run for it to get out of there. I was on a good track until I heard her after slamming the door.
- "Not so fast, Batlle!"
Ouch. It's not a good sign when she uses my last name. I do the exact opposite of what she asked, running towards the exit. I was about to reach the door when  Lucy couldn't control her momentum in the chase and ended up crashing into me as I stopped. Her body pins mine against the door before she grabs me by the collar of my jacket. She forcibly drags me to a room I recognize as the restroom when we arrive. She immediately locks the door behind us to prevent me from escaping.
- "What the hell is your problem?" I snap.
- "My problem?!" she exclaims. "What about yours? You've been avoiding me like the plague since this morning! You haven't said a word to me, and now I find you in Wiegman's office asking for a room change? When exactly were you planning to tell me, huh?"
I've never seen her this angry before. She's so red with rage that I don't even dare to speak. I'm paralyzed. She seems to notice my fear because she closes her eyes for a moment. I could have taken the opportunity to slip away if she weren't standing in front of the door. I don't feel ready to face her now. I probably never will be. But I know she won't let me out of here without getting her answers, thanks to those two determined emerald jewels of hers.
- "Answer me. Explain yourself, or... I don't know. Do something!"
Her tone is harsh, and she's losing patience.  Lucy has never been someone who loses patience. My silence is affecting her more than I imagined. I lower my head, trying to come up with some reasonable excuse for what I've done, but what's the point? There’s none that can replace the truth.
- "I-I can't,  Lucy."
- "Can't what?"
- "Act like nothing happened! You rejected me, and I accept that, but... But don't blame me for distancing myself. I've been hurt by rejection enough in my life. I don't want it to happen again."
Her shoulders slump at my response. It was like she just realized the consequences of her decision.
- " Ona..." she says in a strangely calmer voice. "I-"
- "No, shut up. I don't care about the reasons, okay? I don't even know if there are any, but I understood your choice. You can't or you won't. I don't know, but the result is the same. Either way, I can't let myself develop any further feelings for you."
- "It's my fault we've come to this... I should have maintained my professionalism and avoided giving you false hope."
I laugh bitterly. I don't regret how I feel about her at all. It's her reaction I regret. I say nothing, preferring to play along with her.
- "Yeah, maybe you should have, but it's too late now."
- "I never wanted things to get to this point,  Ona. I-I thought we could stay friends, that I could help you. That's all I was trying to do."
- "You don't get it," I spit out.
She doesn't understand that it's her that I need, the relationship she's denying me. She reignited something in me that had been destroyed in my downward spiral. I'd never felt as good as I did with her by my side. I take a deep breath as I see her watching me curiously. If she thinks I'm going to make it easy for her by saying all this, she's dreaming. Who knows why she doesn’t want me? Maybe she’s seeing someone else, like that girl from the other night. They seemed close and she was pretty cute. I shake my head to get that image out of my mind. It’s none of my business.
- "Forget it. I-I... You know, today I realized that I've deprived myself of so much by focusing on you. I never wanted to feel these things for you, but it's not something you can control. I can't turn back now. Just when I thought I had finally discovered the real you..." I murmur thoughtfully.
- "Nothing is stopping us from continuing..." she murmurs, almost desperately.
- "N-no... I-I'm really sorry... B-but, I need to step back. That’s all I’m asking. If you care about me even a little, then... Stay out of my life until I need you again."
These words hurt, but it's the only solution I've found if I don't want to lose her entirely and waste the progress I've made. Running away has always been my way of protecting myself. I know  Lucy can understand that. She’s always been able to read me with unsettling ease. That’s probably why she looks so sad. She knows it’s the only way to keep me intact. She’s the one who transformed me, but she could also be the one who destroys me in the blink of an eye. That thought terrifies me. I should never have gotten so attached to her or developed these feelings. And then my friends wonder why I don’t open up anymore. It was to avoid moments like this that I stopped trusting new people. I should have kept going down that path. You always end up disappointed, even with someone as perfect as  Lucy.
- "Okay," she resigns. "I want you to know that I never wanted things to get to this point, but I'll give you the space you need so I don’t lose you completely..."
I avoid looking at her so she doesn’t see how much her words affect me and how they sting my heart. She doesn't even try to stop me or change my mind. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive her for putting barriers between us. No matter what she says, I know our relationship isn’t meaningless to her. Or maybe it is. Maybe I’ve been wrong all along.
- "Thank you for respecting my choice..." I say, not without difficulty.
- "It’s not without conditions."
My jaw tightens. How dare she ask something of me? Seeing that I’m not planning to respond, she continues.
- "I’ll give you the space you need, but you’re still sleeping in my room. I’m also offended that you wanted to talk to Wiegman about it before consulting me."
- "To forget about this whole thing, I need to cut ties completely..." I admit. "I knew you’d never let me leave, which is why I went to her directly without consulting you."
- "I figured as much, but that’s not going to happen," she says, frowning. "No matter what happened between us, there’s no way I’m going to let you spiral down again."
- "I’m not spiraling."
- "I know you. This is my condition,  Ona. I also want to keep our evening classes. Just because we had this little falling out doesn’t mean you should jeopardize your education."
I scoff at her words. So this is just a "little falling out" to her? I doubt she understands my feelings for her, then.
- "I’m not planning to jeopardize my education," I reply coldly. "But I’m not keeping those classes. I asked Alessia to help me instead, and she agreed."
My answer seems to surprise her. She doesn’t realize how thoroughly I’ve thought this through. She almost looks disappointed. Knowing that I’m still attending classes, she has no reason to forbid it.
- "I guess that’s non-negotiable...?"
- "Exactly. I need to spend time with my friends and distance myself from you."
- "Very well..." she sighs. "But don’t completely ignore me like you have the last couple of days. I want you to talk to me at least a little."
- "Yeah, whatever you say, Commander. Can I go now that the negotiations are over?"
- "Hmm... I’ll see you tonight," she says as she opens the door.
- "Yeah. I’ll probably be with Alexia before I come."
I walk out with my head held high. I feel relieved of a burden after confessing my feelings and proud of not backing down for once. But that confidence fades once I’m away from her. I have no idea how I’ll feel in the coming days... I’ve focused so much on her these past few months that it feels like I can’t live without her, and the consequences are starting to scare me. I take a deep breath when I get outside. I’m determined to prove to her—and to myself—that I can live without her. If I can make her regret her choice in the process, that would be the ultimate goal. I stop thinking about her when I reach the common room. All my friends are there. I join Alessia and Alexia, who are sitting around a table working. Well, if you can call it that. It looks more like they’re chatting than anything else.
- "Oh, Onita!"
- "Don’t start calling me that," I grimace.
- "I think it’s a cute nickname," Alessia comments.
- "Would you prefer ‘Princess’ instead?" Alexia teases. "I heard that one’s making the rounds at school."
I sigh and nod. Unfortunately, I think I’d rather it be "Onita" spreading instead of the other one. It’s going to remind me of  Lucy, and that’s exactly what I would have preferred to avoid. The first days are going to be very long. I take out my notes while replying.
- "Yeah, it seems so... I wish it weren't the case. I don’t even know how they could have found out."
- "Who knows," Ale smiles. "I heard you were at Wiegman ’s?"
- "Yeah. Bronze was there too."
- "And...?" she asks hesitantly, which makes me shrug.
- "If you want to talk amongst yourselves, I can step out," Alessia offers.
- "No, don’t worry. We’ll talk about it tonight."
- "Hey Ona, you’re finally here!" Alba enthusiastically says. "Want to play a game of foosball?" she suggests.
- "Not tonight, sorry. Alessia owes me some tutoring and it might take a while... I’m really completely lost in my new subjects."
- "To that extent?" Alessia asks. "It’s not that complicated."
- "Oh yes! It’s like Chinese to me, seriously! How can such things even exist?" I grumble.
- "Okay, I get it," Alessia chuckles. "We’ll review everything from the beginning."
I nod with a small smile. I move my chair closer to her with my stuff. I just grab some scratch paper, as I used to do with Lucy... Alessia returns my smile and gets into the groove of going over our lessons for the day. I hope the motivation will be with me; otherwise, I’ll never make it through the year.
Monday, January 18; 8:30 PM - Ona and Alexia's Room
- "How could I have missed so much?"
I’ve just confessed everything to Alexia. When I say everything, I mean the entire story between Lucy and me. I couldn’t keep it to myself knowing how I’m going to feel in the coming days. She would have found out something was wrong anyway, and I doubt she would have stayed quiet without getting answers this time. All I can say is that she is not at all happy. She’s upset that I hid the progress of this relationship from her. I bite my lip, realizing the stupidity of excluding Ale from my life. I should have confided in her rather than Lucy. Her eyes did light up when I admitted that I’ve been sleeping with her recently or when I explained how much I care about her, even now.
- "Are you in love with her?"
- "No... I said I care about her, not that I’m in love with her."
- "It was just a simple question... You know, you’re allowed to be."
- "No, I’m not allowed," I sigh. "I just told you she turned me away. Developing feelings for her would destroy me..."
- "Good grief," she sighs. "Can’t you hear yourself? It can’t be like this. Didn’t you see the way she looked at me at lunch when I was on your back? I thought she was going to kill me with that hurt look!"
- "You’re exaggerating," I roll my eyes.
- "No, I assure you... There must be another reason she doesn’t want to develop your relationship."
- "Whatever... I extended an olive branch for her to change her mind, and she didn’t take it. She accepted me stepping away rather than keeping me by her side. It’s pretty clear as a response, don’t you think? Besides, this break won’t hurt me. She just made it clear that I need to continue being wary of people."
- "I doubt she wants you to react like this..."
- "I don’t care. I just need to clear my mind, and this is the only way I can do that."
- "Alright... If you say so."
I put down the pencil I had between my fingers and let my sketchbook fall between my thighs. It’s been so long since I touched my drawing materials that I’d forgotten the relaxing effect they gave me. As far back as I remember, they were always my best means of escape. Staying in my room with Alexia was probably the best idea I had to escape Lucy for the evening. Lucy hadn’t forgotten that I owed her an explanation, so she dragged me to come with her, but I admit I should have thought of that from the start.
- "Lucy had become my pillar, but I need to prove to myself that I can live without her."
- "You’ve become addicted to her, huh?"
I frown when she says that. It’s not the first time someone has said that to me. Mapi was the first, and I’m starting to question it.
- "No... Haven’t you been talking to Mapi?"
- "Oh, no... Not at all," she mocks.
- "Of course! What did she tell you?"
- "Nothing. She wanted you to tell me yourself. I assure you," she smiles. "But now that you’ve explained everything, I can finally understand what she was talking about, and sorry for you, but I can only agree with her. You’re in love with Lucy, and you’re denying it."
- "That’s not true," I protest.
- "Yes, it is. Just admit it."
- "Definitely not."
- "Say it. It will set you free, you’ll see."
- "No," I say, shaking my head. "You don’t understand," I say desperately, making her sigh.
- "Come here."
She pats her bed. I sigh but join her, grabbing my pillow and hugging it like a stuffed animal. I then curl up when she forces me to rest my head on her shoulder. My eyes fix on a point as I lose myself in my thoughts. Ale’s strokes in my hair, meant to relax me, have the opposite effect. I hate her. That’s how I feel about Lucy right now. All the recent moments of my life are related to her. She has taken up too much space, and now I have to live with this idea while trying to resume my life before she came along. The problem is, I don’t know how it works anymore. She took care of everything. It’s as if she did my thinking for me. I wasn’t ready for everything to turn out like this. I suffocate as I release the lump that had been stuck in my throat for too long.
- "Let it out."
That’s all it takes for my tears to start flowing down my cheeks. I can’t control myself anymore. Everything comes like a tornado. I let myself fall against Alexia, who opens her arms without hesitation. I never thought it would hurt this much.
- "I love her, damn it."
I close my eyes as Alexia encourages me to let go of everything my mind has prevented me from doing. I haven’t cried this much since I’ve been in this damn camp. I’ve felt sad more than once in my life, but I’ve never expressed it so much to others. I feel like I’ve become sensitive to everything. I collapse onto my roommate’s lap as she lets me unload my emotions. She achieved what she wanted. I feel drained. I’ve poured out everything I could until I ran out of strength. Alexia holds me against her, giving me soothing pats on the top of my head to calm me down. I look pathetic with my pillow clutched against me. We stay like this for a while until a muffled noise is heard at the door. I straighten up with my back to it to wipe my face as best as I can. The door opens without permission.
- "Oh, hello Bronze..."
I freeze at Ale’s clearly deliberate hint. I can only mentally thank her for making me realize it was her behind me. I was expecting her if I came too late to her room. I think curfew must be approaching. I squeeze my eyes shut to compose myself before facing her.
- "I was told I’d find you here," she says. "Curfew is coming soon, and it seems you still need to take a shower."
- "I was about to come," I mumble.
- "Hmm... I just wanted to make sure. I was afraid you might skip out on me despite our conversation."
I haven’t discussed this part with Alexia. I didn’t want to rub salt in the wound for now. I guess I’ll have to talk to her about it tomorrow now that she has brought it up.
- "I’m coming. You can go. I’ll tidy up first."
- "I’ll wait."
I sigh and grab my sketchbook from my bed with a brusque motion. I put it away in the cupboard with the rest of the materials, taking care not to turn around even once. It’s only when I pick up my jacket from the desk that she’s likely to see my disheveled state. I approach Alexia, who has already gotten up in the meantime. I give her a huge hug of thanks. I struggle to detach my head from her neck. I imagine her smiling to give her a rare and intense contact from me.
- "Rest, " she whispers in my ear. "It will be okay."
I nod and give her a lingering kiss on the cheek. She smiles softly as we wish each other goodnight. I put my hood over my head to hide the aftermath of my evening. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Lucy, who immediately comments as I pass by her. I simply keep my head down so she doesn’t see my face as we walk.
- "I thought you weren’t coming..." she murmurs. "Sorry for barging in."
- "Trust reigns," I snap. "But it’s no problem."
- "How was your day?" she tries to continue the conversation.
- "Great. Yours?"
- "Good... And your new class?"
- "I’ve had better."
- "With Alexia, I assume."
- "Not just that."
My short, undeveloped responses make her sigh. I would have loved to tell her about my day, but I promised myself to keep my distance from now on. It’s always her who gets my debrief normally, but today it’s not the case. I’ve done it with Alexia and Amba for once. We talked a lot about that pest Korbin. I learned a few things about her, but nothing crazy. All I learned is that she’s not a person worth hanging out with. We finish the walk to her room in silence. I directly look for my pajamas and clothes for tomorrow before locking myself in the bathroom. I stay there for a good half hour for a shower. When I come out, Lucy is already ready for bed but absorbed in her laptop on her lap. I ignore her and lie down on my small bed. I still wish her goodnight before turning my back to avoid the small light she left on her side. She seems determined to leave me alone, as she responds with a simple goodnight in return.
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jaegeraether · 9 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 34)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (32)
Masterlist (other parts here)
That was not what she’d expected at all. YFN had done her research and put her own puzzle pieces together, though her theory had missed the mark by a significant amount.
“I know what you’re thinking.”
YFN couldn’t even close her mouth.
She walked closer, lightly treading with elegance as if to not scare her away. When she was close, her eyes lingered on the scar cutting her eyebrow with empathy.
YFN managed to find herself and cleared her throat. “Your misdirection was very believable.”
“I was worried the voice would give it away.” She said almost shyly. Her voice was more regal now, less…common? Clever.
YFN’s relief must have been clear, and she didn’t realise herself just how worried she’d been. “And my misdirection was not entirely untrue…” She gestured around her. “This is her house.”
They were standing in the house of JK Rowling. The woman she’d assumed she was meeting. It all made sense, didn’t it? Joe. Lumos. When she’d originally started researching the company, she’d come across the other Lumos, the charity founded by Joe. Though, she made sure to not hold any assumptions going into their meeting.
“Why her?” She asked, knowing it was a little rude to do so. “Why hide behind someone the public hates so vehemently?”
“I needed someone with power, someone rich, someone people could believe had the capabilities of doing so.”
“So Lumos is a branch of her company?”
“No…it’s my company, my money. I spoke to Joe about the idea of using her as a bit of an alias, as well as using the same name as her charity.”
“But…why hide at all?” She really didn’t understand. She was wealthy, powerful and beyond all else… “People adore you.”
“I thought about it, trust me. But how would that look, having me try to lift the women’s game? It would look like a publicity stunt, like they needed me when they don’t. I need them to show that they can do it themselves. They have the motivation, the will, the support and now they have you. At least, I still hope they do?”
YFN was fully aware now that up until this point, she’d been disillusioned as to the identity of ‘Joe’, right down to the reason that she’d chosen her. She was a writer. Exactly what Joe herself would have done. This was a better scenario, though the fact that her guise was the infamous author would not be well received. She didn’t try to understand the complexities of it all. Looking beyond all of that, she knew that the person she’d spoken to on the phone was genuinely passionate. Caring. Hard-working. She understood that she had been a victim of her title and knew deep down that they could accomplish incredible things together.
“They still do...”
“Tea is prepared in the estate room, ma’am.” Benjamin interrupted politely.
“There’s hot chocolate too, YFN.” She promised with a lovely smile that begged to be photographed.
How did she know?
“Thanks, Kate.”
“Cath, please. Only the media calls me Kate.”
“Did you ever have any intention of meeting me?”
To her credit, Catherine was very similar the person she was presented as in public, however the more time they spent together, the more liberated she became with her thoughts. YFN realised how much of a burden it must have been, stuck under the thumb of royal obligation and public expectation, though in this room, there were just the two of them.
“No,” she allowed herself a little smirk as she took a sip of tea. “No, my intention was most definitely to stay invisible in this. And besides you, I plan to keep it that way.”
“You’re not worried about Mark?”
“I knew that hiding behind Joe would mean the possibility of people assuming she was directing this, and furthermore that she would have enemies try to pull her down. She did warn me about Mark. He’s…persistent.”
“A business rival I’m assuming?”
“I believe Joe managed to ruffle his feathers a little with a business deal a few years back. She said he’s forever since been adamant to undermine her achievements, and to make matters worse, he doesn’t care that Lumos is a charity. See, I originally assumed we’d be safe if I created a company with the same name, because who would attack a charity? As it turns out, Mark would.”
“And I’m guessing the idea of you having a personal conversation with him to quietly nip this in the bud is out of the question?”
YFN bit her lip as she thought about the situation she found herself in. She wanted to ask if her husband knew, but knew it was the wrong question for the conversation. What Catherine was doing was separate from that. Separate from her life as a royal, as a mother, as a leader.
“No, William doesn’t know.”
YFN’s eyes shot up to find Catherine’s. David wasn’t wrong, she was intelligent. She had those rare gifts of intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence, the types that YFN felt she also had; the ability to truly understand herself and other people. It was perfect for Catherine’s main role, really.
“A personal project then?”
“Of sorts.”
“With…very high ambitions?”
The conversation was quick witted and much more was being said in the words they didn’t vocalise.
“I’m Australian, so forgive my lack of knowledge…but I wasn’t aware you were so passionate about football?”
“It does tend to be William’s passion more than mine, however I do love sport. And while football may not be my favourite, it is England’s favourite, and it’s where the change needs to happen first.”
First? Her eyebrows raised. “You plan on expanding Lumos to other sports?”
“Gradually, yes. The focus begins on all things football and will grow to encapsulate all female sport.”
“Not male sports?”
“Potentially in the future, if we ever reach equivalence, however that is not my intention. My main goal is to focus on the female perspective. I find sport to be one of the largest places of gender inequality and male dominance. It’s going to be a tough field to make change.”
YFN couldn't help but feel that her choice of JK Rowling as a hidden alias was detrimental to her success. Catherine read her thoughts again, she seemed to be good at that.
“Joe…is a friend. I’m unsure of your opinion in the matter but I don’t agree with her opinions and I did think that using her would only be of benefit to her if people had dug deep enough to assume she was behind it. “
She wanted the best for Joe, even at the sacrifice of a little face. Even after her controversial opinions. The admiration must have been written on her face from Catherine’s returning look.
“And Joe did also help me choose you.”
“That explains a query of mine. I’m a writer, first and foremost.”
“Please don’t think that I only chose you because it’s what Joe would have done. It’s not. I looked into you and your work meticulously. It took me a long time to find you, and it wasn’t just for your work as a writer. It was the way you interviewed people, the way you approach questioning, your ability to be both affable and determined. You know exactly what you want, and how to get it without sacrificing the comfortability of the people you speak to.”
It was the nicest compliment she’d ever received, and she felt herself blushing a little. Catherine put down her tea.
“Also, I found some of your photography. I understand you moved away from it and over to the publication side of your previous workplace. Photography happens to be a passion of mine. I believe it to be an important artform, and it did motivate me towards pursuing this project. Without it, I wouldn’t be here with you. I’d be off with the other duties that are required of me.”
Catherine had studied Art History, if YFN remembered correctly. It began making even more sense.
“What…is the timeline you had in mind?”
“The only timeline I’ve considered so far is that of football. I want us to have coverage of all of it by the end of next year. I hope that it’s a fully run operation by then, and we can expand into tennis and cricket.”
The hot chocolate did its job then and YFN yawned so hard, she worried she was being rude.
Catherine gave a polite chuckle.
“It’s getting late. We have a few days to talk this over more, Joe is in the US for another week, and I’ve managed to wriggle out of some royal engagements for the next few days. Shall we pick it up tomorrow?”
Things had begun to come even more into focus the next day after they’d spoken a little more. It was her passion project, and one that YFN felt honoured to be a part of. The only people who were aware of it were her Lumos management, Joe, several staff, and now YFN. Catherine’s management team for Lumos was kept small and tight, and their main jobs were not limited to networking throughout the sports, optimising their business and even planning for the future of the company.
In the early morning, they’d all taken a meeting together in the conference room on Zoom. As the meeting began, YFN was surprised to see a few of the individuals had been people she’d met at the charity event. Catherine really did have people everywhere.
“It’s a good thing that it became a necessity to meet.” Catherine admitted. “I think now that we know each other better and you can fully see our goals, we’re going to benefit from it.”
YFN agreed with that. And now that she realised just how much influence, wealth and power were behind the company, her confidence grew as well as her appetite for more.
The meeting went for hours with so many points of business that YFN didn’t really understand. Luckily, they hadn’t expected her to, as her focus was primarily on the actual product they were providing. She hadn’t realised just how much effort went into the secrecy of a company, or the background decisions, compromises, and discussions that she’d previously thought of as trivialities.
The money of course would be noticed by William who knew his wife had a passion project, but didn’t know what. It was her baby. The way she led her group made that very, very clear, and although she wasn’t used to running a company, she was so well-read and had educated herself so well that she wasn’t just a figurehead, she was leading them and not afraid to ask questions to the more experienced businesspeople.
The meeting became interesting when the team unanimously agreed on the expansion of the employees after their successful first round and had already had many candidates lined up which they filtered through together. Catherine encouraged YFN to get involved in that as she actually worked on the ground with them and managed them.
Following that, management went back onto other business details and Catherine used the opportunity to give YFN a phone very similar to her own, and it was purely set up to work with her and the management team. No wonder why she’d always been so quick at replying and holding that boundary between Lumos and her other duties, she’d had an entirely separate phone for it.
With the need for more people, came the eventual agreement for an office space. London made sense as it was central, and most games would be there. They’d already acquired the space and were just waiting for the final go-ahead which Catherine gave that approval for. YFN was grateful that the discussions moved onto design and architecture, furniture and parking which gave her the perfect opportunity to decide how to use the multiple sets of cutlery with her different lunch dishes.
Catherine had laughed at that, and it was warming to see her so relaxed outside of the public eye.
Listening to them talk about the office, she was pleased to see that it wasn’t too far from Lucy’s apartment, knowing it would be convenient, though she knew it would be best for her to stay central in Birmingham for the meantime, just until they became a lot busier. She could deal with the drive until then. Besides, she wondered if Leah and Jordan would be back together anyways. Thinking of that, she messaged Jordan.
YFN: Where's my update??
She was at training so didn’t expect a response until that night, however.
“…background checks.”
YFN’s head shot up. They were talking about background checks for the employees they were deciding on. She wondered how in depth they would be and didn’t have to wonder for long as they began to discuss them in depth. Her eyes widened knowing that they must have done the exact same for her. Catherine noticed that.
“It’s standard procedure, I’m sure you can understand.”
She nodded. Of course, she could understand. They wouldn’t let anyone sit next to or run a business with the future Queen of England.
The day dragged on, though Catherine had made sure they all had several breaks and took the time to show YFN around Joe’s property. It truly was beautiful, yet she couldn’t miss the amount of security who were wandering around the estate, a few with their eyes on the pair.
“Can you…understand why I’m wanting to stay a silent figure in all of this?” She asked gently as they wandered through the garden. It was actually a day of decent weather, the sun poking through the clouds.
“I can, and I respect it. I’m also glad we’ve met. Everything makes much more sense now.”
“Fantastic. Now I know we’ve already agreed to keep this between just us, however there’s Lucy, correct?”
YFN nodded. She didn’t like the idea of keeping anything from her.
Catherine stopped and turned to her, taking her hands gently. She was taller than the little Australian of course, even more so with heels. “YFN…I know what it’s like to have to keep secrets. It’s not fun. I’ve seen it tear relationships and families apart…”
They way she held her eyes and spoke was so… motherly. So royal-like. Beyond that, she could see the pain in her eyes and she wondered just how much this woman had been through.
“I’m okay with you telling Lucy. I don't want your relationship to be affected, and I trust your judgement, but please stress to her to importance of secrecy. One leak and all that we’re trying to accomplish disappears.”
YFN relaxed a little. She could tell Lucy.
“Thank you, Cath. I really appreciate that.”
They were just settling down to dinner when Catherine was pulled aside for a phone call. Their meeting had ended shortly before that, YFN full up on information and motivation for the upcoming work she had to do. She worried a little about Barcelona.
Dory: We may have had sex. Then I cried and kicked her out at 10pm.
YFN choked on mashed potato. How had she managed to choke on the least chokeable form of potato?
YFN: What?!
Dory: When are you home?
Catherine walked back in then looking a little stressed and apologetic.
“I’m so sorry, duty calls back in London. I’m afraid we’ll have to cut this trip short. You’re more than welcome to stay here another day...”
“That’s okay, I can leave tomorrow if that works.”
It did work. Catherine finished her dinner and left apologetically and this time, with a gentle, motherly hug and promises of a bright future working together. It was strange being left in the large house alone with just Benjamin and a few staff wandering around. Her phone buzzed and it was her flight change being emailed, a change to tomorrow morning. YFN checked in and then replied to Jordan.
YFN: I’ll be home midday tomorrow.
She pocketed her phone. Another buzz. She pulled it back out.
Lucy: Hi, little one. Can I call?
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ch4osworld · 7 months
A Lucifer x fem!reader ff
This is my first time writing a fanfiction, or writing in general plus my native language isn't english so sorry for any mistake! Critiques are welcome as long as they are respectful and reblogs and comments are well liked! I am planning to make this a series so tell me if you like it!
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You were in the garden of Eden, long (h/c) hair flowing behind you. That's when you were created, when you begun living. You were made to be the first wife of the man Adam. You truly loved him, at least you thought you did, you did everything he told you, always being good...then why were you taken and put into heaven?Why did you have to be taken away by your one true love?You stood there, confused, scared even, with only your long hair covering your nudity. That's when you met him, an oh so wonderful and stunning angel, Lucifer was his name. He dressed you, took care of you, cared about you. It didn't take long for you to catch feelings for him. What was a lady supposed to do when some handsome was so caring to you, so touchy even. You still remember the times he took you flying with him, the look of adoration he gave you, it was just you two, flying in the sky peacefully. The comfort he would give you, his touch always lingered on your skin, oh how you wanted him to hold you like that forever.
You stood there, high in heaven, observing Adam, the one that was supposed to be you husband, with another woman. Lilith was her name, how could he do this to you? Did he not love you? No you were sure he did. But if you were so sure then why did tears start falling from your eyes? Why did you start crying like that? You felt horrible. If the man that was supposed to love you for eternity didn't want you, who would have? You hear rustling behind you, and that's when he came: "Y/n? Are you ok?" You didn't respond to him, you didn't have the strength to, you felt so embarassed, you were so vulnerable,what would he think of you now: "Oh sweetheart what happened to you? Who hurt you? Please don't cry I hate seeing you like this. I know that whatever the problem is we can deal with this togheter" and there again, the usual hold he would give you in those moments. He treated you with such a care, you felt bad for him. You used all your strength to mutter some shaky words: "Why is he with another woman, who is she?"  He answered, holding you closer to him: "Dear, is this really the problem that's taunting you every day? Don't be sad, please, trust me he doesn't deserve your love. He doesn't deserve you! You are the most wonderful woman I have ever laid my eyes upon, it's not your fault he doesn't see your beauty. It's not your fault he doesn't love you". You sobbed back: "No, no he does love me. I was made for him he surely dose. He just doesn't understand it yet". He watched you with compassion as he kept comforting you.
Lucifer, or Luci, as you would always call him, always talked to you about all his plans and ideas. You never understood them much, you were too naive, too dumb and stupid to understand, but you would always support him through it no matter what. You always encouraged him to expose his ideas, you were his number 1 supporter. You loved him oh so much, you always did and you always will. Nothing would have prepared you to the day he got casted down from heaven, and with Lilith too. Not only have you lost the one you REALLY loved, he loved someone else too, the same one that stole Adam away from you. Damn Lilith, if only you were as pretty, if only you were so captivating maybe it would have been you who got casted down with him. After that you came back to the life at Eden, becoming Adam's wife again, but you couldn't be happy, not when Lucifer was gone for good, you longed for his grasp once again, and so, you did the unimaginable, you decided to fall down for him. You always liked to explore places, you saw a lot of heaven, it was bound that you eventually found the entrance to hell. You were afraid, but your love for him guided you into the pits of that horrendous place. You did it for him, and him only. you jumped and fell for who knows how long. You landed in a place full of Sakura trees, it was beautiful, absolutely stunning. The petals on the ground where as soft as snow and it was so calm you could easily fall asleep in there. You didn't have the time to savor the space you were in at the time. Too focused on the pain all over your naked body. You couldn't give up yet, you had to find him, you had to find Lucifer. You were trying to move from the ground, to get up peraphs, that's when he found you.
Lucifer was relaxing among the trees when he heard a loud thud. Startled, he went checking what the source of the sound was, and that's when he saw you: "What the- Y/n? Is that really you? Oh god what have you done! Why are you in here? Are you hurt? Here let me help you dear" he got you dressed and picked you up, you could hear the hurt in his voice as he murmured you comforting words and whys: "I am sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking. I missed you Luci, I missed you so much I just wanted to see you again" you cried to him. He replied: "Please don't apologize, there is nothing for you to be sorry about. I am just glad you are with me again, I missed you so much, you know?Don't worry sweetheart, me and my wife will take care of you, we will teach you all about this place. Oh there is so many things I have to tell you! Lilith will be super happy knowing she can finally put a face to the name, she always wanted to know you!"
It took you a lot to adjust to the situation, and Lucifer and Lilith being all lovey dovey didn't help you one bit. You were forced to see them togheter, you lived with them after all. It isn't that you had any place to go other then his castle. You enjoyed living in there, and you savored all the alone moments you had with him, but oh it hurt you so much, but if you really loved him, you'd let him go, so you kept staying with them as your heart broke and shatteted more, the longer you were with them. The thing you didn't know though is that you weren't the only one suffering from all of this .
Lucifer's pov
As he brought his friends to his castle, his heart was flooded with a torrent of emotions, absorbing his every being. The flames of love once felt for her burnt with a passion he never felt before in his life, peraphs that flame never extinguished. As y/n lived there, his life had changed in an unimaginable way, as he lived in a never ending desperation. A desperation born from the knowing that his heart belonged eternally to his wife, but every quick glances, every alone time spent with y/n, served as a poignant reminder of his unceasing adoration for you. Yet, in the depths of his agony, he found solace in the the devotion and trust he vowed to always give to his wife, that he would never betray her, not when she lived an oh so happy life with him by his side. There was no other choice, he must let you go.
Y/n's pov
The more you learnt about hell the more you felt confident navigating it's depths of your own. You began forming a sense of identity, you started to know yourself, something you were never permitted to do in Eden, you even dared to cut your beautiful, long hair. You didn't like them, they held too many harrowing memories you needed to let go of. Your free spirit was finally able to show itself, the decisive step happened when you decided to leave his castle for good. The agony you felt seeing them togheter becoming unbearable to you. You ventured into the steppes of hell, explored all you had to see, seeked every secret of it. Your hunting never stopping, as the inferno kept increasing in size. The more it got bigger, the more you wanted more, you soon got hungry for it, and you ate all your discoveries. You didn't have a home, you'd rather sleep and get food from the people of this place, also making the usual visit to Lucifer and Lilith. It didn't take long for the demons to get used to you, you also managed to make a few friends. Only a select few knew your real name, the majority of people simply called you
The Passenger.
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thatlovinfeelin · 1 year
Half a Heart - One - Jake Hangman Seresin
Blaire Montgomery moved away from all she ever knew at eighteen to conceal a secret. Now nearly fourteen years later, her secret is finally out of the bag when her and her thirteen year old daughter, Lucy, quite literally run into Jake Seresin, young Lucy's father. All three lives are forever changed due to one fateful encounter, and two hearts are once again made whole.
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Blaire Montgomery walked along the street, hand in hand with her daughter, laughing at a joke that the young teenager just told. Together, they made their way across the board walk of Virginia Beach, towards their intended lunch destination. 
“Mama, just once, you really should try it.”
“Nope, not going to happen Lulu.”
The younger girl, Lucy or Lulu, just frowned, but continued walking alongside her mother. They were best friends, maybe something stronger than that. Blaire was just a child herself, not even nineteen when she had Lucy. They grew up together, making their bond stronger than anyone could ever really understand. 
Lucy didn’t know who her father was, and probably never would. Blaire was counting on never seeing the man again. Which seemed funny, considering they lived in a military dominated area. But she never imagined that the man would be stationed here. 
She was eighteen when she found out she was pregnant, just after graduation. There was no way she could tell the father, not when he was planning on being so much more than just the small town boy he was. She didn’t want to hold him back, she couldn’t be the reason he never saw his dreams come true. So she lied to him and broke up with him. Blaire even went as far as moving shortly after, so he would never know. 
Her own family didn’t know who fathered her beautiful little girl, though she was sure they had their ideas. She would never confirm or deny them, only changing the subject whenever they asked. It helped that she hadn’t heard from him in nearly fourteen years too.
She grew up, she moved on. Going on a few casual dates here and there, but never anything serious. It was hard to be serious with someone when she had Lulu to look after. Even now that she was old enough to be left home alone and take care of herself, it was hard. Blaire couldn’t really think about bringing any man home who wasn’t the man she gave her heart to all of those years ago. 
Because the truth was, she might have broken up with him, but she never really got her whole heart back. 
“I’m staaaaarrrrvinnnggg,” Lulu said, dramatically dragging out the word. 
“Which is why we’re going to get lunch before we keep shopping,” Blaire reminded her daughter, “C’mon, just a few more minutes.”
“I’m going to die before we get there,” Lulu whined, “Die of starvation. Wither away to nothing right in front of you.”
“God, how did you get so dramatic?” Blaire questioned, “I swear I was never this bad when I was your age.”
They rounded the corner, restaurant now in sight and Lulu let out a loud sigh and tugged her mother along faster. They were seated almost instantly, making Lucy extremely happy. They ordered appetizers and fell into a comfortable conversation about school. 
Lucy was in middle school now, which seemed almost impossible to Blaire. It was hard for her to realize that her daughter was growing into a fine young woman and was almost an adult of sorts. 
“So Liam Mackey tried to ask me out yesterday,” Lulu said, taking a bite of a mozzarella stick. 
Blaire had to keep herself from choking on her water, “Oh really? What did you say?”
She was hoping her daughter said no. She wasn’t ready to deal with dating yet. Middle school drama was one thing, but boyfriends and heartbreaks were something else entirely and Blaire might just have a heart attack if she had to navigate that part of parenting right now. 
“I told him no, obviously,” Lulu rolled her eyes, “He asked out Marlee Parks two days ago, I’m not some sloppy second choice.”
Letting out a deep breath, Blaire reached for her water again and took a large gulp, “Well…good for you for knowing your worth.”
“Liar. You’re thrilled you don’t have to deal with me having a boyfriend yet,” Lucy teased. 
“You’re right,” She sighed, “So no dating till you’re thirty, okay?”
“What about you? You’re like thirty and you aren’t going on dates.”
“Okay don’t make me ground you.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Lucy countered, sticking out her tongue.
Blaire sighed again, knowing her daughter was right. She wouldn’t ground her. Blaire wasn’t one to ground or really punish her daughter at all. Not to say that she didn’t when she had to. But she hated every minute of it. 
When their food came, Lucy wasted no time digging in and eating every bite she could. Blaire almost had to laugh. Her daughter loved food, so much it was almost comical in fact. She was like her father in that regard, the man could eat like no one else. No one except maybe his daughter. 
“We’re still going shopping, right?” She questioned. 
“Yes, we’ll go shopping after lunch,” Blaire laughed.
“Good,” Lulu smiled before taking another bite. 
“Slow down before you choke, honey.”
Lulu made a face and continued to wolf down her food. Blaire couldn’t do anything but laugh at her little girl. Her sweet daughter. It was hard for her to come to terms with the fact that soon enough she would start really asking questions about her father. 
So far she’d been able to dodge any question Lucy asked about him. Somehow, it had been easy to lie to her. But Blaire knew that time would soon be over, and she would have to tell her daughter the truth sooner or later. Which meant finding him and telling him the truth too. 
They both deserved to know. Blaire knew that. But the thought of them knowing made her chest hurt. She couldn’t imagine the look on his face when he found out, she didn’t want to imagine it really. But she knew that time was running out. 
“C’mon kiddo,” Blaire said, putting money down on the table, “Let’s get going.”
They were hand in hand again on their way out, when Blaire ran into a strong body. She stumbled back. The man in front of her reached out, catching her arms to steady her for a moment. 
“Mom, you okay?” Lucy grabbed ahold of her mom too. 
“I’m fine honey,” Blaire replied, giving her daughter a small smile. 
“Blaire?” The man questioned, eyes widening. 
His head spun, the little girl, who wasn’t so little, called her mom. Which meant if this was Blaire, she had a daughter. A teenager by the look of it. He swallowed hard. He knew those eyes, because they were his own. 
“Holy shit.”
“Mom?” Lucy questioned before looking between her mom and the man. 
She saw it then, the way her eyes matched his. How they had the same cock to their head. Lucy was a smart girl, maybe too smart for her own good. She could see it in the way her mother looked between her and the man. In the way her mom held onto her hand even tighter. Lucy couldn’t help it, she was staring into the eyes of her father, and it seemed like he didn’t quite know it himself. 
“Holy fuckin shit,” Lucy mumbled. 
“Lucielle Grace!” Blaire hissed. 
But then it was his turn, staring into the face of the girl who looked just like him, and the woman he loved more than life itself, “Holy shit.”
That made three. Mother, Father, and daughter, all stunned to be in one another’s presence at long last.
In a panic, the second she heard the man speak her name, sounding so broken and shocked, she grabbed her daughter and pulled her out of the restaurant, not stopping to look back.
He followed them of course, forgetting the lunch date he had. He would apologize to his old friend later. This was more important, this was Blaire. His Blaire. The one girl he could never get out of his head. The one that he still carried a photo of whenever he flew. Because she was his, even if she broke his heart almost fourteen years ago.
"Blaire!" He called, trying to catch up with her.
She slowed when she saw her car come into view. He would catch them there and then there would be no more running away. She licked her lips and stopped, grabbing her daughter's other hand.
"I need you to go wait in the car," She told Lulu, not looking away from her green eyes.
"Mom who is that guy?" Lucy was worried that he was some creep, here to try to hurt her mom.
Maybe he was one of the Tinder dates gone wrong. The ones that Blaire always seemed to be too quiet after she came home from them. Or maybe he was one of the good dates that Blaire blew off because of Lucy, because she was too scared to bring anyone else into their lives.
"Please Lu, go wait in the car," Blaire begged, "It's okay, I promise."
The man was getting closer, almost reaching them when Lucy finally agreed and made her way to the older 4runner parked in a far space under a tree.
Blaire only had a moment before he was on her, grabbing her shoulder to gently turn her around. She didn't force herself to look up at him, knowing she wouldn't be able to handle the look in his eyes when she did.
He was always much smarter than he liked to let on, he had to have put the pieces together. He had to know that he was just staring into the face of his daughter.
God...his daughter. Even thinking it made Blaire shiver. This was never supposed to happen. That's why she moved to Virginia, far enough away from Annapolis or Texas.
"It's you," He breathed out, holding her at arm's length, "God, Blaire, it's really you."
She keeps her eyes tightly closed, too afraid to open them. She want to look at him though, she's aching to see the man he's become. How much he's changed from the boy she once knew. But she still can't bring herself. She can't even speak.
"Say something, please," he begs her, bending down to try to catch her eye.
"Jake," She breathes out, almost like a sigh. It cuts him to the bone to hear her say his name again.
"Who was the girl?" He asks, even though he somehow already knows exactly who she was.
Her eyes open now, looking up to meet the same green eyes that her daughter has. His brows were furrowed in the exact same way, just like the way he was cocking his head to the side. They were so alike and yet they never officially met.
She swallowed the thick lump growing in her throat, "That was my daughter."
He breathes out, like he'd been kicked square in the gut, "She had my eyes."
That's all he could think to say. Because every time he blinked he kept seeing her looking up at him with the eyes that mirrored his own. The same way he had his mother's eyes, and she had her mother's eyes. There was no denying there was some semblance between the two.
"Blaire," he said urgently, "She had my eyes."
"I don't-"
"How old is she?" He asks, taking a step forward.
"Thirteen," Blaire nearly winces as she says it.
He does the math in his head. It'd been nearly fourteen years since they last saw one another. She broke up with him out of the blue and moved away weeks later, never to be heard from by any of the Seresins again. Now here she is with a thirteen year old who looked just like her, aside from small little details. Like how she had freckles dotting her nose, just like Jake and his sister's had when they were younger.
"Is she mine?" He asks her, almost afraid of the answer.
"Jake, please," She begs so quietly.
"Blaire, is she mine?" He asks again.
She licks her dry lips and tried to gather the courage. This was never meant to happen. She was never supposed to see him again, and he was never supposed to know about having a child. Jake Seresin was supposed to go about his life without her tying him down with a little girl. But it seemed like fate had other ideas
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pewpewkachuuboo · 7 months
So I had a thought about what if Lucifer is full of shit and is actually the one Alastor made a deal with because Alastor is the big bad because isn’t Luci chilling with the Overlords during extermination in the pilot? Like…. There’s no way he doesn’t know Alastor at all.
So I wrote how I thought their original meeting went - if y’all like the idea I would love to write how the interactions during the season would look if this were the case. That could be fun, actually - I may do that regardless.
I don’t really think I believe it, but I do love the idea that Alastor is in debt to Lucifer and the deal was protecting Charlie’s dream which means he can’t actually do harm to those that don’t deserve it period.
The throne room of hell was vast and empty. The room consisted of a pair of large ornate doors that led to a red-carpeted walkway straight to the throne of hell that sat upon eight large steps that represented the eight rings of hell.
Lucifer sat comfortably on his throne, leaning against his staff as Alastor considered his options.
“So… I will be all powerful after a seven year sabbatical.”
“You will have access to powers beyond your means after I send you to train with my brother for the seven years that it takes for completion - on the condition that when you return, you protect my daughter and her dreams at all cost.”
Alastor chuckled deeply, his voice crackling in interest, “I will not sacrifice myself for another person - especially not blue blood scum. I think I can find how to conjure power on my own, thank you.”
Lucifer’s eyes glowed red in irritation. He stood from his red throne and slammed down his staff. The sound echoed as golden chains restrained Alastor from leaving as he had intended, “I seem to recall that it was you, radio demon, that came to me seeking power. Not the other way around.”
Alastor gave a light sigh, “No need for the restraints, sir, let’s come to another agreement.”
Lucifer did not move to remove the chains, “You’re much more charming in this position- maybe I should put you on your knees and make you beg for that power you crave instead.”
With a tut of his tongue Alastor retorted carefully, “I want power. I will agree to do whatever it takes when I return to see that your daughters hopes and dreams are not crushed. I will protect her but I will not die for her.”
Lucifer hummed thoughtfully at the offer and snapped his fingers to release Alastor from the golden chains before reaching out a hand, “You also cannot let her know of this deal or that we know one another at all.”
Alastor stood still for a moment before finally nodding and closing the distance between them, his hand slipping into the king’s, “Deal.”
Lucifer flashed his devilish grin, a golden glow and dark shadows blending into each other around them, “Good luck and I’ll see you in seven years.”
With that the light and shadows engulfed Alastor and when the colors faded, the radio demon was nowhere to be found.
Lucifer chuckled, “He should have been more careful with his wording - I thought he’d make it harder than that.” He clicked his tongue before sitting back atop his throne, eyes darkening as his wife entered.
Lilith looked calm, “It’s done?”
“Yes. What is Charlie going to say when she figures out that you decided to go to heaven to live and left behind a radio demon to protect her but don’t intend to say goodbye yourself?”
Lilith smiled sadly, “She won’t because you love her too much to tell her and break her heart. Adam promised the exorcists would leave you and Charlie without harm no matter what comes.”
“Just the exorcists?” Lucifer snorted, the grip on his staff tightening, “If Adam kills your daughter himself what do you intend to do?”
Lilith shook her head, “I don’t have time for what ifs, Luci.”
Lucifer spit on the ground at his feet angrily, voice coming out in a harsh and gravely whisper, “You have lost the right to call me by nicknames or pet names. Get out. If I ever see you again, I’ll kill you myself.”
With a sigh, Lilith left the room leaving Lucifer on his own once more.
Lucifer took in a ragged breath, tears falling down his cheeks as he sobbed in loss - they had separated years ago because Lilith had left him to wallow in his misery and instead of being understanding, she took his daughter and left to take charge of hell on her own because he wasn’t motivated or loved like she was.
Something about this moment felt more final, however, and so he allowed himself to transport to his working quarters so he could mourn the loss of his family a final time before distracting himself fully. Charlie, after growing up with her mother, was never close to him despite how desperately he craved that relationship, and she hardly reached out at this point in her life so she clearly didn’t need him - so when Lilith approached him explaining the deal she had made with Adam and asking him to seek out the most powerful overlord to make a deal with him so that Charlie would be protected he hesitated, but ultimately was able to manipulate word of mouth to convince Alastor to seek him out for more power. Sinners were always hungry for more power.
And so Lucifer kept to himself, willing his phone to ring with Charlie’s profile picture so he could try to mend their relationship. He missed her desperately, but felt in the depths of his heart that any attempts he made to reach out first would lead to rejection from the only person he had left.
He wouldn’t survive if Charlie rejected him like the rest of heaven and hell had.
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ghouly-boiiiii · 4 months
A Light in the Dark 🕯️
Chapter 1: Throwing Stones
Lucy x Cooper Howard / The Ghoul
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Summary: Takes place directly after the end of Season 1. As they begin their journey, Lucy is understandably very angry and fearful towards the Ghoul. She hates him, and is only joining him because she wants answers. He, however, is harboring secret feelings for Lucy ever since she saved his life. Having not been with anyone since Barb, and believing she would never feel the same, the bounty hunter has to deal with these feelings on his own. Little does he know, Lucy finds herself having inexplicable feelings for him as well, and struggling to make sense of them.
Tags: Slow Burn, Romance, Angst, Enemies to Lovers, Casual Sex Lucy and No Wait Let Me Court You Cooper, Cooper is touch-starved and rusty in bed, He's also self-conscious about his body, Ghoul channels old romantic Cooper, Lucy is confused by strange surface dweller mating customs, She helps him discover his old self, He helps her discover her true self, Did I mention there would be angst
Rating: Mature - Word Count: 1,742
SPOILER WARNING: Contains all the spoilers. No trigger warnings except eventual sexy time with a zombie man and lots of angst.
In this chapter...
To her horror, the rock shot straight forward and bounced off the back of The Ghoul’s head.
She threw her hands up in front of her. “I’m sorry! I-I didn’t mean to hit you! Please, don’t…”
“Don’t worry…” To her surprise, his voice was gentle and unthreatening. “I ain’t gonna do nothin’ to hurt cha’… But…” The Ghoul kneeled down and picked up a rock, then looked up at her and threw it in her direction.
She watched as fell to the ground at her feet.
“Huh… I missed.” He shrugged with an odd smile, then turned back around and kept walking.
Authors Note: This fic starts out somewhat similar to my other fic, My Name Is Cooper, because it starts directly after the end of the season. They have similar conversations at first, but the tone is much different and the story goes in a completely different direction. This one is more serious (still with some humor though, of course), and is probably going to be longer. I really wanted to do a more realistic, slow burn romance. I know there's a ton out there already, but I wanted to do my own version because idk, reasons I guess lol. But I really wanted to dive deep into how these two navigate their relationship and the very complicated feelings they might have for each other. This is what you might call another free-writing project, so I don't know *exactly* where it's gonna go, but I will do my best to make sure it has a decent ending when the time comes! Inspired by the cool peeps on Discord and touch-starved Cooper headcanons lol.
Lucy felt the cool night air fill her lungs as she took a deep breath and tried to still her mind. It was silent. Nothing but the soft crunch of leaves and dirt under their feet, and perhaps the occasional frog or cricket.
The vault dweller looked out at the distance before them. A fog rose up from the earth, illuminated by the faint glow of a thousand lights that mirrored the stars above. She was in awe, even thinking that it was beautiful. But it was only a distraction from all the pain and confusion she felt.
Her whole world had turned upside down. Nothing was as she believed it was. Nothing was as it seemed. Everything she thought she knew had crumbled into dust within a matter of minutes. She was numb. Overwhelmed. Everything felt surreal. And now she found herself once again alone… with him. 
As Lucy stared ahead at his silhouette in the darkness, she felt nothing but disdain. The young vault dweller was taught to forgive and forget. But she was fairly certain the people who taught her that were never fed to a giant salamander or tied up by their neck and dragged around a desert or sold for organs. How could she possibly forgive, let alone forget, such horrible things that were done to her?
She couldn’t. But she had to stuff down her feelings and let it go… for now. 
“So… where are we going?” Lucy finally asked. They must have been walking for at least thirty minutes at this point. And he hadn’t looked back even once, only reacting to the dog when she came up to him, and even then with barely more than a glance. Lucy wasn’t even sure if he knew she was still following him anymore.
The Ghoul didn’t answer right away. He waited a moment, before he took a breath and said, “Can’t say for sure yet… but looks like yo’ daddy might be headed for New Vegas.”
“...That’s a town?” 
“Big town.” 
“Okay…” Lucy took a deep breath. The conversation seemed to be going… okay so far. “So…  what’s in this town? Why do you think he’d want to go there?”
The Ghoul didn’t answer.
The vault dweller swallowed hard. She wanted to push, but she knew she had to be cautious. “How do you know my father? Are you going to tell me?”
The bounty hunter seemed to be ignoring her.
She huffed. He was so rude. So rude and inconsiderate and unaccommodating, it sickened her. Maybe if she started with something simpler… “Okay, so… do you got like a… name or something?”
Again, nothing.
Lucy frowned, her tone getting exasperated. “I’m just… wondering what I should call you… You really not gonna answer that either?”
“I don’t give a good goddamn what you call me.” He snapped, sounding a bit angry.
Lucy fell silent and her throat got tight, a bit of fear rising in her. She truly didn’t know what kind of madness compelled her to follow this man, after everything he did to her. She was hypervigilant about his every movement. Knowing that at any moment, he could turn around and try to do... something to her. 
With her hand on her pistol, she kept her distance. This one, armed with actual bullets. She wasn’t sure if it would do much, but it was something. 
Truly, every fiber of her being told her to get as far away from this… creature as she humanly could, but…
He had answers. And so did whoever they were going to find. She needed those answers. There was no question about it. Sure, she could just turn around and go home. Go back to her life in the Vault with Norm and Chet and Stephanie and everyone else. But she would never be able to live with herself. Those questions would never stop haunting her. She would never stop feeling compelled to seek the truth. Lucy knew this about herself, and her body acted almost automatically as she took one step in front of the other behind those of this two-hundred year old cowboy. 
“Look… you don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want to. Obviously, we’re not friends. But if we’re going to be working together… we need to at least communicate effectively...”
The Ghoul was silent for a moment, then finally responded, “Well, then… I got a question for you , Vaulty.”
“What happened to the doctor?”
“...The doctor?”
“Yeah. How’d he end up with no head?” This time, he did turn his head slightly, although not enough to see her. “...Who cut it off?”
"Uhh... Well, uh... I-I did..." Lucy's eyes fell to the ground.
"You did?" The bounty hunter said in surprise.
“Uhh… well…” She swallowed hard, as she remembered the task. She’ll never forget having to cut off someone’s head for the first time… and, well… hopefully, the last. “He asked me to.”
“He asked you to cut off his head?” This time, he did look back at her, peering over his shoulder questioningly with a raised brow.
“Yes… he… he took cyanide and told me… He told me it would be easier… if I just… brought his head…” 
The Ghoul turned to face ahead of him, then just said, “Huh…”
There was silence for a moment, before he asked another question. “What about the Super Duper Mart? What'd you do in'ere?”
Lucy blinked, then narrowed her eyes at him, flustered by the fact that he would ask that, considering he put her in that situation. “...Why do you wanna know?”
“Curious, I guess.” The Ghoul said simply. "It's just kinda funny... what with all that 'Golden Rule' talk, how many people seem ta' end up dead 'round you."
“It was an accident!" The vault dweller quickly retorted. “I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt... I just…" She paused and looked down at the ground somberly, remembering Martha. "They... they were holding all those people captive… I... I couldn’t just leave them there…”
“You mean those ghouls?”
“They’re people. Maybe they have a condition, but they’re still people..." She snapped, then added under her breath. "Unlike you...” 
Dangit. That was not a good thing to say. Lucy bit her tongue, hoping he didn't hear.
She swallowed hard and tried to play it off. “But I did have to kill some of them. So, you know…” She said, trying to sound confident in her ghoul-killing skills. "I'd, uh... watch out... if I were you."
"Heh. Well, good for you, Vaulty." He snickered. “…Anyways, how did you get the–”
“Now! Now, hold on!” Lucy said, holding up a bluish-grey finger. “If you get to ask me things, I get to ask you things.” She lifted her head a bit higher. “A question for a question. That’s only fair.”
The Ghoul peered over his shoulder at her again for a moment as he continued to walk, then turned back. “Alright.”
“Yeah… so…” She looked down at the ground and exhaled, then back up with determination in her eyes. “So I get to ask you—”
“Two questions.”
“That’s right. You technically asked me five questions. Actually, six.”
“Well, that don’t sound quite fair to me, Vaulty.” He said with a smirk. “I asked you two questions. The rest were for clarification. They don’t count.” 
She huffed in dismay. It was worth a try, she thought.
He chuckled. “Tell you what. You can ask me however many questions you want. But I get to pick which ones I answer.”
“No! That’s not fair! I answered the questions you asked me, now you’re gonna answer mine.”
“Well, you didn’t have to answer my questions. That was your choice.”
“What!? I–” She huffed, unsure how to counter that.
“Alright… question for a question.” The bounty hunter said, raising his voice, and two fingers.  "You got two. Have at it, sweetheart.”
The vault dweller jumped, then quickly ran up closer, but still stayed a few feet behind him. Out of arms reach. “...Name?”
“How do you know my dad?”
“Hard pass.”
She huffed. “This isn’t fair.”
“And what is, darlin'?” He scoffed, holding his arm out beside him. “What in God’s Green Earth made you think that anything in the wasteland is ever fucking fair? It’s every man for himself out here, sweetheart. Thought you might’ve figured that out by now.”
Lucy growled, and as she momentarily lost her cool, she kicked a rock in front of her. To her horror, it shot straight forward and bounced off the back of The Ghoul’s head.
He froze, and she took a sharp gasp. Oh, no… now she’d done it.
As she watched The Ghoul slowly turn around to face her, she threw her hands in front of her. “I’m sorry!” She said in a panic. “I-I didn’t mean to hit you! Please, don’t…”
The old bounty hunter stood there and just stared at her a moment. “Don’t worry…” His face was in shadow, but she could see the gleam in his eyes. To her surprise, his voice was gentle and unthreatening. “I ain’t gonna do nothin’ to hurt cha’…” 
Lucy rose her head and lowered her arms a little, relaxing somewhat.
“But…” The Ghoul kneeled down and picked up a rock from the ground. He tossed it in his hand once, then stood, looked up at her, and threw it in her direction.
She watched as it weakly flew towards her, then fell to the ground at her feet.
“Huh… I missed.” He shrugged with an odd smile, then turned back around and kept walking. 
She looked up at The Ghoul and raised an eyebrow before she continued to follow, wondering what the hell that was all about.
“One thang you gotta learn, Vaulty…” He said, raising his voice commandingly. “Caps ain’t the only form of money up here. Everything you have is potential currency. That includes information.” He said. “You see, that Golden Rule a yer’s only works if other people agree with it. Now that might be all peachy down in your vault, but up here, you don’t wanna be givin’ nothin’ away unless you know you gettin’ somethin’ in return. If you don’t do that, you’ll be eaten alive out here.”
“So… You’re giving me survival lessons now?”
“Yeah… I guess I am.” He said as he turned to smile at her, then tipped his hat up with a single finger. “...But those you can have for free.”
To be continued...
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honeyjars-sims · 2 months
3.15 Fitting In
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Johnny was a couple of weeks into his new job and he was mostly feeling positive about it. He still felt like The New Guy, but he was starting to become more familiar with his coworkers. He knew by now that Clara and Robi were inseparable; cool-headed Robi often played the straight man to overzealous Clara which played out well on camera.
Lilly had a sister who also worked on set as a director. Flora, or Flo Flo as Lilly affectionately called her, had a goth vibe and was obsessed with vampires. Despite the dark clothing, she was just as bubbly as her sister.
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Johnny spent the most time with Lacey due to the proximity of their work stations. She’d been kind enough to introduce him around and help him get acquainted with the building. She floated effortless between different social groups but was closest to Quinn.
While Lacey was a social butterfly, Quinn was more introverted. Lacey helped get Quinn set up with a private work area so she could have a place to write in peace. Johnny thought it was nice that the company was willing to accommodate her work style.
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The one person whom Johnny hadn’t been seeing much of was his supervisor, Lucy. He’d taken on a few tasks, like distributing call sheets and schedules and making sure materials were properly stocked, but he still found himself without much to do during the day. He hung around some on set, learning about the equipment and the filming process.
At first he was happy with the downtime, but as he noticed Lucy was still running herself ragged around the studio all day he began to wonder if there was a reason she wasn’t delegating more tasks to him. If she and Damien had really seen potential in him, then why not let him take on more responsibilities? He decided to be proactive for once and talk to Lucy about it.
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When he saw her walking out of her office, he sprinted down the hall to get her attention.
“Hey, Lucy!” he called and she turned to greet him.
“Oh, hi, Johnny,” she replied, nearly out of breath. “Is everything still going ok?”
“Yeah, it’s good. I’m feeling a little more like part of the team.”
“Great! I’m glad you’re liking it so far.”
“It seems like you’re in a rush, do you need me to do anything for you?”
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“Oh, no!” Lucy waved her hand. “I don’t have that much to do. I’m just going to run over to the set and make sure the issue with the lighting is fixed. I’ll probably stop by editing on the way back to review some thumbnails, unless Damien still wants to discuss budgeting, in which case, I’ll-”
“Lucy,” Johnny interrupted. “It sounds like you need some help. At least let me check on the lighting for you.”
“You don’t have to do that,” Lucy insisted. “It’s on my way.”
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“Do you not trust me? Wait, you’re not one of those control freaks who thinks they’re the only ones who can do things right, are you?”
“No!” Lucy’s face reddened. “I know how to delegate, and I don’t want to be running around like a chicken with its head cut off.” She took a deep breath, relaxing for the first time that Johnny had seen since he started. “It’s just harder than I expected to be the one in charge. I’m a social person, but no one wants to sit with their boss in the break area, you know what I mean?”
“So you want…friends?” That wasn’t quite the explanation that Johnny had expected.
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“I just don’t want to walk into a room and feel like everyone else is trying to look busy or they’re just being polite. I want my presence to be welcomed, not a burden.”
Johnny could relate to that sentiment. “So you thought if you gave me too much work, I would treat you like everyone else does.”
Lucy wrung her hands. “It sounds so stupid when you spell it out like that, but I guess so. You’re the first person who’s worked directly under me, so I didn’t want to put too much on you right off the bat.”
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“I don’t think that’s stupid,” Johnny assured her. “It’s hard when you’re surrounded by people and still feel lonely. I’ll make you a deal. If you let me take on more duties, then I’ll talk you up to everyone.”
“You really think that will work?”
“Sure, I’m very charming. I’ll just tell everyone how chill you are and they’ll be like, ‘Well, if Johnny says she’s cool, then it must be true.’”
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Lucy snorted. “I don’t think anyone’s going to believe that I’m chill at this point.”
“You’re probably right about that. I’ll think of something else.”
“Good deal. Thanks, Johnny.” Lucy turned and started walking away.
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“You’re welcome . . . boss,” Johnny called behind her. He laughed when she raised a middle finger in the air in response.
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If you could rewrite 5 chenford scenes, what would they be and why? 😊❤️
Oh my gosh, I love this question, thank you!
After much thought, here we have it
1.) The Laundry Room hook up (or lack there of...)
Look, if there were ever a scene that needs to be rewritten, it's this one right here!! Without a doubt. This was absolutely the first thing that came to mind.
The first time I saw this scene unfold, I felt like an absolute idiot😅 when Chen says, "Wait. Lock the door first." And then it just ended, I was like ???? My husband goes, "They're going to hook up." Are they?? Because that was not obvious! I stupidly thought she was meant like lock the door when you get home or something. I don't know😅
What needed to happen IMO:
"Wait. Lock the door first."
Tim's eyes widen in surprise, but he quickly gets the picture. He walks backward to the door, his gaze never leaving Lucy's, before flipping the lock between his fingers.
He saunters back over to her, his hands and lips on her instantly, touching every bit of skin he can get his hands on.
He backs Lucy up until she hits the washing machine, and effortlessly, Tim lifts her up onto the machine.
They pull back from each other, and Tim rests his forehead against Lucy's, their labored breathing the only sound to be heard.
Tim leans back in to kiss her as he begins to unzip Lucy's jacket.
Fade to black...
2.) Tim and Lucy's first time
Listen, it was great for what it was. It's pretty much the only heat we've ever gotten on this show in 6 seasons. So I don't have a lot of notes.
The one thing I would have changed/added, was Tim's discovery that Lucy kept her DOD tattoo, which, although not confirmed, is canon in my mind.
I really feel like we needed a scene where either mid hookup Tim brushes against her tattoo and Lucy gasps, and they have a conversation about it, and she gives Tim permission to touch it.
A scene post hook up where they're snuggling in bed and Tim says "you kept the tattoo" and they have a conversation from there.
Either way, I'd just like some confirmation that she kept it.
3.) The kiss that could have been, interrupted by Wesley's phone call.
I think I speak for all of us in the Chenford fandom when I say we were all on the edge of our seats that episode. There were no words needed, it was all in their eyes! Lucy's especially!
I would have loved to see the start of a hook up. Both Tim and Lucy were dealing with grief and trauma and I could picture Lucy looking up at Tim and saying, "I just need to feel alive again. Even if only for a little bit."
I actually still would have been okay with Wesley's phone call interrupting them, but after they at least shared a kiss. I think it really would have added to the stakes in their relationship and can see Tim trying to dismiss the whole thing as Lucy being lost in her grief and how he was wrong to even entertain the idea and to just drop it. Which, as we all know, shs never would. Lucy Chen drops nothing.
4.) "Freak in the Sheets" comment
I feel like this is an unpopular opinion, but I found this comment sooo cringy😬 I'm sorry, I can't help it.
I feel like the writers know they don't give us anything physical, so they try to add in comments like this as a way to make up for it, but it comes off so juvenile and cringy in my opinion. Like, it's (supposed to be anyway) a show geared toward adults. You can show physical intimacy tastefully. These off handed comments just aren't my style.
I appreciated the joking nature and how it showed they were in a place where they could joke with each other, but I could have done without that comment.
5.) Tim sitting in his truck during the stake out, unable to answer Lucy's calls or texts.
I would have loved a throwback to S1 where Tim, waiting for Isabel's UC op, is watching a video of the two of them right before they get married.
A moment where Tim thumbs through his photo gallery, looking through he and Lucy's pictures together and fighting internally to reach out to her, knowing he can't and needs to protect her.
Like, we obviously know what's at stake, but seeing pictures of them together in that moment would have brought it to the next level IMO.
Whewww, thank you again, this was fun!
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americaswritings · 2 years
My Tim & Lucy stories
The collection
* my personal faves
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Safe place
Lucy realizes that she was wrong; Her safe place is not a place anymore, it's a person.
It's Lucy's last day as Tim's rookie. But instead of spending it on the streets of LA fighting crime, they are trapped in an elevator together. This brings some unwanted memories back for Lucy.
Where the heart belongs
"You and I both know that there have been three people in our relationship from the beginning and I can't keep pretending to not notice that your heart belongs to someone else." (Rachel breaks up with Tim & Lucy is the one to read the message to him.)
Losing control
“I think Caleb- he-he put something into my drink”, she stuttered, and she heard Tim take a sharp inhale at the other end of the phone." (What if Lucy realized Caleb put something in her drink and called Tim for help?)
Dream a little dream of me
A familiar song is played at Angela & Wesley's wedding. Tim won’t let it break Lucy.
Found that person in you
Lucy tells Tim what happened with Chris. He finds out she hasn't just watched the video of herself in the barrel, but the body cam footage of her rescue too.
No place I would rather be *
"It's about Lucy. She uhm- she had a bad day. She's not coming out of her room anymore. I don't know what to do." He inhaled sharply, his eyes closing for a second as he swallowed. "I am on my way." (Lucy deals with the aftermath of watching the video, Tamara is worried & calls Tim.)
Can’t help falling in love (multiple chapters) *
Her gaze locked with his, brown met blue, and it was like a wave of calmness washed over her. He was studying her, his eyes fixed on hers, an intensity in them she had rarely seen from him.  Why wasn't he looking away? And when had she stopped thinking about the lyrics? (Lucy agreed to sing at Angela & Wesley's wedding and shares an intimate moment with Tim.)
Can Beauty come out of Ashes? *
“You should get cleaned up”, he told her softly, letting his hand fall back to his side as he realized the dirt he had tried to rub away wouldn’t come off. He wondered if she would ever not look beautiful to him. (Tim and Lucy share a moment after the explosion nearly took Lucy's life.)
The Reality of Losing you (multiple chapters)
“Can we talk about something else? About your engagement perhaps. Congratulations by the way.” Her words sounded more forced than delighted and Lucy bit her lip, willing herself to get her emotions under control. (Tim doesn’t directly clear up his proposal is a prank and Lucy has to face the reality that she might lose Tim.)
No regrets
Prompts: "I'm sorry I kissed you" & "I'm not with Ashley anymore"
Head in the Game
"Hey." His arm came up to her shoulder, a firm touch to bring her back to reality yet gentle enough to show her she was not in immediate danger. She startled at the gesture, her head snapping towards him, and he could see unshed tears in them. Shit. If Lucy cried right now, it was over. (Tim & Lucy find out that Rosalind escaped while being undercover together.)
Never Alone With You By My Side *
"Come on, you can't say you didn't enjoy it!" She was teasing, of course, but there was a strain on his face. "Could have been worse." "Wow!" Lucy grimaced mockingly. "Way to make a girl feel special, Bradford!" "You know how special you are." (Now that it's all over the apartment feels too empty. So Lucy calls Tim.)
When will this nightmare ever end?
"Lucy-", he began, but she shook her head. "Don't tell me it's all going to be okay, because it's not! Chris almost died, because Rosalind wants to get back at me. I can't- I-" She closed her eyes, exhaling. "When will this nightmare ever end?" (Lucy waits for Chris to wake up and Tim is by her side.)
I thought you never saw me that way
Prompt: “I thought you never saw me that way."
Some things matter more
“I only wanted space, because I thought that’s what we both needed. Time away from each other to think.” Lucy tilted her head, biting her lip. “And did it help?”, she asked, her voice wavering slightly. Tim closed his mouth again, his jaw twitching. “No.” (Prompt: “Some things matter more.")
Always find you
5x03: Lucy gets trapped. With her radio signal blocked, Tim is left with nothing but his imagination about what could have happened to her.
Where our story begins
“Vegas- it wasn’t just pretend. Not for me anyway and I...I think it wasn’t for you either.” (Prompt: "I can't be your aide anymore.”)
One Good Reason
"Then why are you pushing me away?", Lucy asked. "Don't you want-", she bit her lip. Their eyes met and she saw the question in his eyes, the need for her to finish that sentence. "Me." (Prompt: "Are you afraid to be with me?")
"It might take a while but eventually it will feel real", Tim told her, referring to her words as she had stared at Rosalind’s lifeless body. Lucy looked at him, a mixture of emotions flickering over her face. "It just- seems too easy." (Tim makes sure Lucy is okay after they found Rosalind’s body)
If Tomorrow never comes
When the nurse had left and Lucy met his gaze again, his brows were lifted. "Boyfriend?" "I said partner."  "If I recall correctly, I'm your superior", Tim pointed out. "No sign of amnesia then." (Tim asks Lucy to lay with him in the hospital bed)
Sick Days
Lucy gets sick, but goes into work anyway, because she's already taken a lot of sick days due to what happened with Caleb. Of course Tim notices.
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I received an anon ask which I found to be... well, really interesting. I agree with a lot of the points they make. But I also disagree with the way that they've presented their argument in many aspects.
I considered not responding to it, but it's my policy to answer all asks which are sent in good faith (at the moment, at least). And I could just answer it as-is, but I didn't really want to do that either.
So, instead I'm answering it with this disclaimer. Opinions of anonymous users do not represent the beliefs of Kipperlillyforpresident.tumblr.com, etc etc. With that out of the way, here is the ask:
I want Gorgug to go to Artificer class and try to explain to Henry why his nephew wasn't worth saving, but Aelwyn was. Ragh was. I want Fabian to sit alone at his house because Mazey won't talk to him, and think about how his last words to Ivy just reflected his own thoughts about himself, because he'd never learnt anything about her. Fabian is a vindictive, vain, sex obsessed rich kid with no person in his life who wants to really listen to him. I want Fig to see Henry in the corridors on her way to Paladin class, not meeting his gaze because doing so she would have to explain to him that his nephew wasn't worth the justice her Goddess promises. I want Riz to go to a psychiatrist – not Jawbone – and I want him to talk about the fact that he hates a version of himself so much he couldn't possibly allow her to live, and he in fact relished in the idea that she'd never come back. I want Lucy to come back and hear what The Bad Kids did in her name, and I want her to absolutely tear them a new one. I want her eyes – that they all thought of as sorrowful and deep while never having paid attention to them before her death – to be cold and unwelcome as she looks them up and down and asks them to explain their actions. I want her voice to raise well above the level of what any of them had envisioned of her when they studied her desecrated and fragile body in the woods. I want her to ask them if they knew where Mary Ann lived, or if Reuben had any siblings that would miss him. I want her to hear the podcast episode written about her by a person having a wild guess based on her lifeless form and a handful of anecdotes from her now deceased friends. I probably won't get it, but it's nice to imagine.
So to start off with: I really do like the premise of this. Dealing with the consequences of rage is the part of the story - both in TRG and TBK - that I'm most interested in. And a part of my frustration with the narrative is that I don't think we'll be getting any consequences along this line, and that everything is going to be tied up in a neat bow for a happily ever after.
I do agree/find myself interested in almost all of the scenarios you present. Gorgug and Henry in particular - I think that really needs to come back and haunt the narrative. My personal headcanon is that Henry strongly recommends he take dual credit classes for Artificer at the local community college, because he knows he'll be unable to be fair to him.
And god, Fig and Ankarna! How is she going to justify redeeming the one who caused all of this conquest and rage, yet brutally and cruelly torturing people who were infected by it? It's really compelling. Although for the Riz thing - I don't think he'd willingly go to a psychiatrist at any point, lmao.
And Lucy, holy shit, Lucy, I hate so badly how TBK talk about Lucy. I always talk about her being "dead wife montage", because that really does feel like how she's been treated. Going into battle and murdering all of her friends and claiming its "for Lucy"??? It's really dark. I do NOT want Lucy to like TBK after everything is over.
All that said... I really don't enjoy the way anon has characterized Fabian here. I've been on the record as being deeply uncomfortable with how he treated Ivy. And I want him to face consequences for it. I want him to realize he never learned anything about her, and that the fact she rejected him is almost certainly a part of why he hates her so much. I want him to remember that we "don't talk about women like that"!
But to call him a "vindictive, vain, sex obsessed rich kid"...? It doesn't fully sit right with me. I suppose that it's not entirely wrong, but it's leaving out a lot of aspects of his character. It's painting him exclusively in the most negative light possible.
This ask is treating Fabian - and TBK in general, I suppose - in the exact same way that most of the fandom treats TRG. Exclusively focusing on their worst aspects and ignoring any extenuating circumstances.
And if I'm going to crusade for TRG to be treated with more respect in the narrative, then I suppose my natural inclination is to do the same for TBK. Not that anybody is mandated to do so. You're allowed to engage with media however you'd like, and if fully despising TBK is what brings you the most enjoyment, then go ahead. But it's not my own philosophy.
I appreciate anon for sending this ask, because it did make me think about a lot of stuff! I hope that everybody interacts with this post in a respectful manner, but if discourse happens, it happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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fordchen · 7 months
My forever bestfriend
I shed a few tears writing this. I hope you like it!
It had been a long day at the Mid-Wilshire police station. Lucy had recently received a Golden Ticket and after a few days, she chose to become a detective in the Juvenile Division after realizing that undercover work wasn’t made for her. Ever since dating Tim, undercover work stopped making sense to her. The Juvenile Division made perfect sense for her because of what some coworkers had deemed her superpower — her empathy.
Yet, it had been a draining day. She faced hard cases after the other and after days of doing overtime, she needed some time alone. She texted Tim to let her know she had to make a stop before coming back home before she headed to the cemetery. She slowly walked through the cemetery until she reached Jackson’s headstone. She smiled weakly as she sat down, tears immediately falling down her face. It had been a long time since her last visit. Work had been so busy that she never found the time to visit her best friend. It had been 5 years since Jackson’s death, yet it still felt like yesterday. She could still hear his voice at times or picture his reactions in certain situations. Saying she misses him would be an understatement. Life was unfair. “Hey Jackson.” Lucy said as she wiped her tears away, staring at his name and the fresh flowers in front of her. “I’m sorry I haven’t visited in a while. Work has been insane. I actually got a golden ticket recently and became a Detective in the Juvenile Division. It’s been a lot but I am very happy. I know I said for the longest time that I wanted to become an undercover cop but it didn’t make sense, Jackson. I can’t do that to Tim, and it’s honestly too dangerous.” She said, letting out a sigh. She swore that she could sense his presence and closed her eyes for a few seconds, embracing the silence. “Speaking of Tim, we got engaged last weekend. I know you weren’t too far, I sensed your presence and made the moment even more special. He is my everything. I know that you would tease me, and you would be absolutely right! Can you remember how much I complained about him during our rookie year? and how he absolutely drove me crazy?” She let out a wet giggle. “He is the love of my life and my biggest supporter. He has grown so much since I have met him and I am sure you would absolutely love him. I… I actually am keeping a little secret and I wanted you to be the first to know.” She said as she placed a hand on her small stomach bump. “I found out I was pregnant today. I had been sick for a few days and didn’t think much of it, yet after talking to Angela, I decided that maybe taking a test would be worth it and it definitely was. I can’t wait to tell Tim. He has been waiting for this moment for so long… Other than that, everyone is doing well. Baby Jackson is turning 5 in a few weeks and I’m in charge of organizing his birthday party. Angela and Wesley have faced some hardships lately, struggling to deal with their jobs and kids but they figured it out. Your parents have been amazing and become my parents in some way… We constantly talk about you, your dad is retiring soon. He realized how precious life is and that he wants to enjoy every second possible. I think I’m going to ask your dad to walk me down the aisle since my parents rejected me.”
It slowly became darker outside as the sun was setting. She felt her phone buzz as Tim texted her to check if she was okay. She knew she had to get going and got up, not really wanting to leave. “I miss you, Jackson. It has been really hard recently… I’m going through every life event we once dreamed about together and it has hit me all at once. You should be here with us, life is unfair. I forget your voice sometimes and have to listen to videos for hours to make sure I won’t forget it again. I love you and I promise I will visit you soon okay?” She put a hand on his headstone and gave it a weak smile before she suddenly felt two arms wrapped around her from behind. She immediately relaxed, knowing it was Tim. Tim placed a kiss on her head as he held her close to him, rocking her gently to soothe her. “Come on baby, let’s get you home. It’s been a long day. See you soon, Jackson.” He whispered before walking with her to his truck.
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Pls could i make another Quinn request😭😭
sorry i’m just so in love w her✨
here goes:
R and Quinn met as kids but then R had to move away. They reunited in college. They actually got paired as roommates! Then when R is unpacking Quinn comes in the door and says her hello, R turns around and is having a gay panic bc she’s so beautiful but can’t help but recognise her from somewhere.
Quinn knows instantly who it is and whispers ‘y/n?’ making sure she’s right. Then it clicks for R, ‘Lucy?’ then Quinn jumps into her arms and they fall onto the bed being all happy they finally found each other again. They date then when the glee club gets shut down she invites R to go back to Lima w her and she does. The day she gets introduced to everyone Puck has a problem w her (for no reason except he’s in love w Quinn still) and starts shit w her and she just remains calm while Puck is yelling at her.
“are you done?”
Then proceeded to calmly go on a rant about how she loves Quinn and tells story’s about their time together (Puck realises that she really does love Quinn, a lot better than he ever did or ever could) and she lets it slip that she wants to marry her and was hoping everyone would support it bc she knows how Quinn sees all these people as her family.
Unknown to them Quinn heard it all from down the hall with Santana and wanted to run and break up their argument until Santana stopped her to see how it would play out. Then teases Quinn about how much R loves her. But she never heard the proposal part bc R lowered her voice and had her back to the two girls.
R and Puck hug it out and he apologised, then leads R to the rest of the team to make a plan to propose to Quinn and flies out her old high school glee club (bc she’s a queen) plus they all love Quinn and met her since most of them went to college w R and are all their friends.
R proposes, Quinn says yes and they have a party in the choir room where Mr Shue finds R in the corner just admiring the smile on Quinn’s face and has a ‘dad talk’ w her since Quinn doesn’t really have one and Mr shue kinda was that for her. But he only says positive things making R v happy.
They live happily ever after🥰🥰
A/N: Oh, don't feel bad about sending requests. I also love Quinn.
Quinn x Reader
Quinn takes a deep breath as she stands at the door of her new Yale dorm room. This was a new step in her life. High school and all of its past drama is behind her. This was terrifying and exciting and as soon as she opens the door, it begins. She can hear the shuffle of her roommate inside. A new person in her new life. Her hand is on the doorknob. It's time to start anew.
When the door opens, it draws your attention from fighting with command strips. As soon as your eyes land upon the blonde at the door, your heart stops. This girl was stunning. You're seeing the embodiment of Aphrodite in front of you. You're staring and you almost don't care.
Because now you're thinking about whether this girl is queer at all. Thoughts of having to deal with the girl dating around with mediocre guys make your skin crawl. You're already floored by the girl's beauty, so seeing this girl every day was either a curse or a blessing. But there's also something else. Something oddly familiar, but you can quite place it. At least, not until the angelic voice breaks you from your thoughts.
"It can't be... Y/N?"
The words were quiet, almost to herself. You weren't sure whether you were meant to hear it, but you did and it blasted you into the depths of your memories.
Your ten year old self is crying, not wanting to move away. To leave your best friend behind. You had gotten along so quickly when you met at kindergarten and were thick as thieves. You stood up to bullies and made sure your friend felt loved. Even at this point, she was your everything. Being forced to leave her was heartbreaking and it was an unintentional traumatic experience for you. You never forgot her. It was impossible for you to forget your...
"L-Lucy? No way..."
The blonde lets out a soft sob. Tears flowing from her eyes and a wide smile on her face. She launches herself at you, flying into your open arms as you embrace for the first time in years. The impact causes you to lose your balance and fall onto your bed, but you couldn't care less. Your best friend, your first love, was in your arms again. And this time, you had no plans to let her go.
You were so happy to have Lucy, or Quinn rather, in your life again. Just like when you were kids, you two were attached at the hip. You marveled at how different she looked. You always thought she was pretty before, even when she was more on the hefty side. It was her eyes. They always shone with emotion whenever you looked into them. Even now, with her by your side again, it's those hazel eyes that catch you the most.
Now that you're older, you also recognize that the feelings you had for Quinn were romantic. Before, there was just pure love. Child-like and innocent. Now, it wasn't so innocent. But you also didn't want to ruin the renewed relationship. You didn't want to lose Quinn again. So you bide your time and it was time well spent.
As you spent your time together, your physical affection evolved tenfold. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence for someone to see Quinn sitting on your lap or leaning on you in some way. People often thought you were already going out and neither of you really tried to deny it.
"Hey, Luce?" You called. While Quinn preferred her current name, the old nickname made her smile.
"Hm?" She was at her desk, while you were on her bed.
"I'm curious. Does it bother you that people think we're dating?"
Quinn just tilts her head. "No. It doesn't really." She eyes you warily. "Does it bother you?"
You were about to shake your head, but then you thought about it. If it was any time to confess, it was now, you guess.
"I mean... Kind of." You sat up and looked at the blonde. She waited for you to continue, slight fear in her eyes. "Just because we're not together... Even when I want us to be."
You hear a soft gasp from the stunned blonde. There's a bit of a staring contest before Quinn stands from her seat and barrels into you, forcing you back into the bed and buries herself into your neck. Her next words made you the happiest you've ever been.
"I want us to be too..."
Walking the halls of your girlfriend's high school is definitely a weird experience. You can feel the history in the halls, knowing the drama from Quinn's own words. You make your way to the choir room, knowing you'll find your love there.
You had followed Quinn to Lima when she found out that her Glee Club had disbanded and her friends were trying to build it up again. Having been a part of one yourself, you joined to help out as well.
Entering the choir room, you didn't find Quinn. Instead you ran into Noah Puckerman, along with some of the other Glee alumni. Ever since you arrived with Quinn in your arms, he had been antagonistic towards you. He reverted back into his bully tactics and it was frustrating you. Hopefully you can maybe clear the air.
"Hey guys. You've seen Lu- uh Quinn around?"
Tina's the one who answers you. "I think she's with Santana. Something about the Cheerios, I think."
Puck chooses then to walk up to you, trying to intimidate by looming over you.
"You think you're gonna get into our good graces just cuz you're with Quinn?" He growls.
"Noah, stop it!" Rachel tries to interject but he ignores her."
"Quinn's just experimenting. We've known her longer. We've been around when she needed us. We saw her at her lowest and we still love her. I still love her. You don't deserve the Quinn you have now. You weren't there when she had her baby. You weren't there when she had her car accident. You weren't there for her so what makes you think you deserve her?"
You just stood there, taking the verbal assault with your head held high. The man in front of you heaves from his rant and you give him a moment to cool down before replying.
"You done?" Puck jerks his head back in surprise. You continue on.
"I love Quinn. It's as simple as that. She's been a part of my life since I was five, even when we parted ways. I lost the light of my life the day I moved away. Finding her again, by complete chance, made me feel like we're fated to have each other in our lives.
"I may have not been a part of her recent life, but I knew Quinn before all of you. I knew Quinn as Lucy. Before the expectations of life changed her appearance and her view on life. I loved her then, and I love her infinitely more now. Her growth in life shaped her to be her very best and she's just going to get better. And I intend to be there every step of the way."
You stepped closer to the group, anxiety suddenly filling your heart. But it bolstered you to continue on knowing that this was your Luce's chosen family.
"I don't intend on losing my light again." You start in a low voice. "We may have not dated for long, but I know my love for her spans years. I intend to marry her." The girls around, and Kurt, let out a soft gasp. "And I would like the support of you all, her family. Because you mean the world to her and who am I to tear her away from that."
Puck steps up again, sizing you up. You stand tall with resolve in your eyes. There's a beat of silence before he opens his arms and pulls you into an embrace.
"Just take care of her. If you don't, I'll come after you."
You return the hug with a chuckle. "If I don't, I'd throw myself off a cliff first."
The rest of the group join in on the hug, surrounding you with a welcoming love.
Quinn watches from the doorway, Santana by her side. They had heard Puck's ranting from the hallway and came to investigate. While the blonde wanted to intervene, the Latina stopped her to see how things would play out and she's glad they didn't step in.
"She looooves you," Santana teases. "She wants to kiss you." Quinn just shoves the other girl away with a smile.
"Shut up, San. I know she loves me." She looks over at you and her family. "I love her too."
Quinn makes her way to the choir room after talking to Sue. It was a normal conversation to have with her, the younger blonde leaving just a little more confused than she was initially. Typical Sue Sylvester.
When she enters the choir room, she's greeted by the entirety of the New Directions and your old Glee friends who had joined you in Yale. They were all crowded on the steps where the chairs usually are. That left you standing in front of them, by yourself.
"What's going on?" She asks, a confused smile on her face. You just return the smile and nod to the group behind you. Suddenly, they start to sing and Quinn is enthralled.
I swear
By the moon and stars in the skies
And I swear
Like the shadow that's by your side
You started your verse, holding your hand out for Quinn to take. As soon as she takes a hold, you pull her into a simple dance, more swaying than anything. You twirl her gently, letting the mood of the song take hold. Her soft smile gives you the courage to continue as your friends join you in the chorus. With a deep breath, the second half is yours and with a final twirl, you drop to one knee, pulling out a small, velvet box. Quinn gasps as you sing the next lines.
For better or worse
Til death do us part
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
And I swear...
You see tears in Quinn's eyes when you open the box, revealing a simple, elegant diamond ring. You try to still your shaking hands as the room falls silent.
"Lucy Quinn Fabray. I lost you once because of reasons out of our control. Years later, Fate brought us together again. Now, I refuse to lose you again. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?"
Almost immediately, Quinn nods and lets out a weepy 'yes.' With a wide grin, you place the ring on her finger and pull her into a tight embrace. Your friends surround you with cheers before charging in for a massive group hug. The room fills with laughs and joy before a party starts with a pop of sparkling cider.
As the party continues, Mr. Schuster, the New Direction's teacher, comes up to you.
"Hey, Y/N. Congratulations."
You smile in response. "Thank you, Will. I'm glad everyone's supportive."
The man pats you on the shoulder. "Just treat her well. She's been through more than enough to last a lifetime." You both watch her chat with your friends. "She deserves the best life and I hope it's with you."
You tear up at his words. "Of course. She's the light in my life, my Luce. There's no one else I'd rather spend my life with."
Mr. Schue pulls you into a hug in thanks and lets you go so you can mingle with the others. When your eyes meet Quinn's, you swear you could see the rest of your lives together in a short span of time.
And it was perfection.
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