#i think they just wrote themselves into a corner cause like its really awkward to have ash start at the bottom for narrative reasons
vaugarde · 8 months
im gonna go out on a limb here and say that like. i get the frustration with how the world championship plot was handled overall, but at the same time i can’t quiiite blame the writers for struggling with these early bits especially considering ash is plopped right in the beginner class when he’s supposed to be a regional champion, so its hard to write episodes that are meant to build tension and have ash struggle to the top when he should probably be in the hyper class right away and have the audience naturally believe that it wont be anything but a cakewalk at this point
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The Crown, The Sword, and The Gay
Meant To Be Good News
A/N: ... heyyyyy- its been a bit. I got rapped up in exams and i felt like being productive today so u get a chapterrrr and i wrote another one so u have about two chapters guaranteed ill try to be more consistent lol (also long chapter as compensation)
(also let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist!)
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words: 2286
summary: Virgil doesn't want to deal with this mess but he was sent to deliver a message so, theres not much he can do
pairings: eventual prinxiety, eventual intrulogical, eventual moceit, Remile
warnings: some potty language (not much), stress, anxiety, negative self talk, food mention, worried for a characters safety
(let me know if there's any other)
They went up the steps in silence.
As they entered through the door, Roman grabbed the basket that was abandoned during the argument. He left it on a table near the entrance, he headed towards the corner with shelves, grabbed a brown book, nothing interesting in the cover, just a plain brown book and headed towards the window seat to read.
Virgil was struggling to decide if he should try to speak or not, he absolutely despised small talk but if he didn't talk he didn't want it to get awkward. He looked over to Roman because if he did decide to talk to the prince, what in the hell would he even talk about?! Virgil saw the royal glance up from his book to look at the small table near all the shelves that had a single red book, it was simple like the one he was holding, it just had a title, yet it caused more intrigue than the other.
When Virgil took a good look at Roman he looked somehow defeated, like he had lost- no, given up on a 100 year long fight. The monarch glanced once more at the table with the red book, this time however, he caught a glimpse of the stormy knight, “ You should sit down, the trip back alone takes a few hours, it's gonna be some time before you get to go back.” Virgil looked up at the prince who had resumed his reading, “Uh… yeah” he took a seat near the desk Roman kept glancing at.
Virgil decided to take a glance at the book. It seemed to be a fictional adventure book...seems interesting. Roman looked at the table again and spotted the tall knight carefully opening the book. “It’s an adventure book. Just a fairytale.” Roman’s voice seemed to startle Virgil as he immediately slammed the book shut.
“Y-yeah sorry, I didn't mean to open it without permission, that was so rude of me and-” Roman stopped him mid rant “It's alright, you can read it. One of my personal favorite books.” The prince smiled at him to show he didn't mind “I’m not much of a reader. I just uh… got curious, I guess?” Virgil didn't seem sure of his answer. “Well, I can give you a small summary! If you’d like me to, of course.” Roman backtracked pretty quickly, snide comments about how excited he got over meaningless things forcing themselves into his head. But Virgil’s “Sure, Why not?” Made him a little less apprehensive.
“Ok! So, the story is focused on this boy named Aaron. He is a poor farm boy living with his family in a village that was overthrown by the guards, they became corrupted and betrayed the royal family and took control for themselves.” Virgil just nodded along.
”They treated the least wealthy of the kingdom the worst, they didn't have money to bribe them with so to them they were useless, it got to the point where they were becoming the robbers, they would never steal from people with money because they were cruel people. Aaron and his father wanted to make a change but his mother didn't want them to, she wanted to play it safe and just gather enough money to leave for a better place.”
Roman rambling about the story not realizing how little of a summary it actually was since he definitely wasn't being concise, “I agree with the mom. Her plan sounds safe and effective.” Virgil didn't really mind, at least he wasn't going to be bored while he waited, “Maybe so! But where's the fun in that, dear knight?” Roman didn't really get the knights perspective “May not be fun but at least they'll get outta there without a problem” Virgil thought he was in the right and that the main character would make stupid reckless decisions for the drama and suspense.
“Aha! They went back to the mom’s plan anyway! There was literally no need to try and do all that heroic shit.” Virgil was now fully invested in the story, he probably wouldn't have been if Roman wasn’t such a good storyteller.
“Well yeah... But it was worth it! If they didn't try they would have never known the outcome of that situation.” Roman was happy the knight seemed invested, he was mostly happy because he finally got to discuss the book with someone, and that someone had very different opinions than himself.
There was a knock on the door.
They both looked at each other, It didn't feel like they had been talking for that long. So, who in the hell was at the door?
Virgil stood up, hand fidgeting with the hilt of his sword. Roman stood as well, they both walked towards the door. Virgil opened the door, only to find Ruth on the other end of the door. “Oh, it's the lady from earlier.” Virgil turned to Roman as he let her in.
“Nurse, how did you get back so quickly?” Roman spoke up. “I wouldn't say it was that quick, it's been a few hours. But we found someone along the way so that did speed up the process.” Ruth talked as she noticed the untouched basket and started nearing it.
Roman and Virgil on the other hand looked at each other with confusion. It didn't feel like they had been talking for more than half an hour. “I'm sorry, I must have been talking your ear off.” The royal felt a need to apologize, “Hey, at least you made the wait entertaining.” the knight did not deem it necessary.
Ruth turned and glared at Roman. “So, you haven't eaten?” Roman glanced at the untouched basket and cursed under his breath, he completely forgot. “ Well…” Ruth was not having it “You brat.” She walked behind him and started pushing him towards the table.
“I had an excuse!” Ruth stopped pushing him “And what is it?” Roman turned to meet her eye and said, “I get nauseous when I eat too early.” Ruth looked unimpressed “I'm fully aware Roman. But it's almost noon.” Roman’s brain scrambled for another excuse “I was reading and I lost track of time.” She was still very much unimpressed. “As long as it wasn't the book you always read, fine by me”
As Roman’s nurse made sure Roman ate she noticed Virgil standing a few feet behind them. “I wasn't able to introduce myself earlier. I am Ruth, the brat’s nurse.” She extended her hand with a smile. Virgil shook her hand while he chuckled, which was interrupted by Roman’s overdramatic offended noises. “Nurse! You’re making him think I'll be a nightmare to care for!”
Ruth turned to him “Was I supposed to lie to him and tell him you’re a delight? My apologies, sire” Roman put a hand on his chest and gasped. “Now I understand why Trent called you a witch!” Ruth laughed, “You’re just basically proving my point.” Roman could only grumble and go back to eating.
Ruth took a look around the tower and spotted the red book on a table. “I see you've decided to become a liar huh?” Roman turned to her “Whatever do you mean?” She walked towards the table and picked up the book “Seems like someone was reading the same book they always read, I don't understand why they read it if they've memorized the whole book!” Roman knew Ruth was only joking but he didn't appreciate being called a liar “I wasn't reading it this time it was just out in the open! You can ask him!”
Roman pointed at Virgil, Ruth just looked at Virgil expecting an answer, “He wasn't reading that book, he was reading the one by the window” it wasn't a lie. “You better not be covering for that devil.” Virgil noticed there wasn't any malice behind her voice, her words portrayed something different. “Are you accusing me of being a liar? I thought that was reserved for the prince.” Ruth started laughing “Hey! You’re supposed to be on my side!” Virgil just chuckled.
Roman’s nurse sat next to the window, looking out worriedly. Roman knew his nurse fairly well, “Has Remy not gotten back yet?” Ruth sighed and turned “My son and his tardiness again”.
Roman went over to his nurse, giving her a hug “I’m sure he’s just a little late..” Ruth tried to smile at Roman “I know Roman. I'm just a worried old hag.” Roman rolled his eyes and sat by the window
Ruth looked out the window one last time and took a deep breath. “Well I have to get going so we get there some time before sunrise” Roman stood up to say a proper goodbye to his nurse. “See you in a few days…” Roman really didn’t want to let go but he didn't have much of a choice.
Ruth started packing what she had brought in silence, once she neared the door she spoke “Roman, his and her majesty will have to be informed about this incident..” Roman was obviously not content because this would surely somehow be put partially on him. “Yes, I understand.” Ruth smiled sympathetically and turned to the storm eyed knight only a few feet away.
“Virgil, you’ll have to stay with Roman for a while longer. Commander Arlott sure didn't expect the need to find a replacement for Trent and truly not a day after being stationed here.” Virgil just nodded, he understood the circumstances and was glad to be able to witness such a sight. “The Commander insisted it would take quite some time to take someone off their post, he insisted he wasn't worried.” Ruth opened the door ready to leave, while Virgil was just trying for the pressure to not get to him.
Ruth said her final goodbyes and exited the tower.
Virgil then turned to the Royal, who went back to the same spot he had been before Ruth arrived, and just stared out the window as his nurse left.
As Roman sat near the big window just looking out he started wondering why Virgil had even come here in the first place. He vaguely remembered Trent mentioning him being a messenger but that could just be some Knightly insult he was unaware of. So… he asked “Virgil, if you don't mind me asking...why exactly did you come here?” Virgil looked alarmed for a second as he had just zoned out for about 20 minutes “Commander Arlott, wanted me to deliver a message to Trent” Roman just responded with a simple “Oh” and resumed his staring out the window.
“So… how did the book end?” Virgil felt a little embarrassed to interrupt the silence to ask but he got extremely invested, to the point that if the Prince refused to share the information he might just read it himself. Roman just laughed, he knew how intriguing the book was “Well… In the middle of the mother’s plan being in motion they actually got word of a rebel group that had been inspired by their attempts to take the crown back.” Virgil sat down right across from the Royal nodding for him to go on.
Roman continued speaking but he kept getting distracted by a tapping sound. At first it was nothing, but then it got so prominent he couldn't ignore it anymore. Mid-rant he stopped himself and started looking around to see where the sound could possibly be coming from.
Virgil was confused as to why the heir had stopped speaking but then he started to hear taps. They didn’t sound like just a regular forest sound and they would surely not hear minuscule noises from such a height.
“Dear knight, are you hearing that?” Virgil nodded and stood up to see what could possibly be causing the ticks, Roman stood right along with him and then suddenly pointed towards the balcony doors. “Virgil, it's coming from the balcony.”
Virgil stopped to listen carefully “Yeah, but what's causing it?” They then saw a little pebble hit the glass doors of the balcony and make the tapping they had been hearing.
Roman went to the balcony with no hesitation and opened the doors.
Virgil started having his thoughts race a mile a minute, what if this was to lure the prince out to assassinate him? If the prince died on his watch he would be hung no doubt.
As these thoughts crossed his mind, he moved forward to follow the prince. He then quickly realized the prince was leaning over the balcony having a casual conversation with his possible murderer.
“Remy, what are you doing here? Ruth is going to kill you if you don't get there by sunrise!” Roman screamed down to the man in a black cape with dark tinted glasses covering his eyes. “Well yeah! But I had to make a stop here! I have something for you!” That made Roman start jumping with anticipation as to what Remy could have brought him from his trip
“What is it Rem? Is it something fancy? Is it food? Is it a book?” Though his eyes couldn't be spotted, not only because of his glasses but due to the height, it was very apparent he rolled his eyes. “No! It's a letter.” That got Roman even more excited. Could it actually be him? Roman haven't received anything but it could actually be! Finally some good news!
“Who’s it from?!” Remy looked down at the letter as if inspecting it “I don't know.” That caused Roman’s excitement to dull immensely. He would have surely marked it. There’s still a chance it could be him, right? Roman’s anticipation quickly turned into more of an anxious feeling.
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moonlit-han · 4 years
you can’t learn that from books ↠ kim seungmin
genre: friends-to-lovers, college au word count: 2.4k warnings: suggestive as hell, swearing request: yes (anon) a/n: I hope this lives up to your expectations for passionate kissing with Seungmin, anon! It turned out a lot longer than I expected. Enjoy a study session of a different kind~
✧ masterlist in bio ✧
You hurried along the walkway to the library, your shoulders hunched against the fine mist that was covering every inch of you, and your things, that it could get to. Sighing in relief, you yanked the main door open. It was so nice and warm, and most importantly, dry. After slithering out of your raincoat, you passed a hand through your hair, trying to soak up the clinging moisture with your sleeve. You grinned as you spotted Seungmin sitting by the windows, hunched over his notebook and occasionally chewing on his pencil.
Right after class on Friday, Seungmin had asked you to study with him and you’d gladly agreed. You were really quite excited to study with him, since you needed help editing an essay and Seungmin’s meticulous nature would be a welcome benefit.
You sat next to him in two out of your three Literature classes, and talked incessantly with each other. Well, more like talked, whispered, wrote notes, drew hilariously bad pictures, and even perfected the two-people-stare-at-each-other-and-suddenly-they’re-telepathic form of communication. Your professors had resigned themselves to the fact that you would quietly giggle in the corner together no matter what. However, you still managed to come up with the right answers and take surprisingly detailed notes.
Seungmin made classes that you already enjoyed even better—it was like he could magically brighten a room with just a smile. And, he flirted shamelessly with you, making it painfully clear that he had a crush on you. You’d kind of glaze over whenever he smiled at you, and more than once, he’d had to wave his hand in front of your face to get your attention. Those were not your finest moments, and included much spluttering, blushing, and shakily constructed bravado.
This was all because you had had just as intense feelings for him as he did for you. In short, you were sunk for Kim Seungmin—absolutely smitten.
Surprisingly, there were fewer people in the library than you’d expect on a rainy day. Not that this was a bad thing, though. As you approached the table Seungmin had chosen, he looked up, his eyes sparkling with a smile.
“Hey, Y/N,” he chirped. “Wet enough out there for you?”
“You’ve no idea,” you said, sighing dramatically. “It’s like mist can get through anything. I feel like a drowned rat and it’s not even raining properly.”
“At least it’s warm in here, though, right?” Seungmin said, pulling his bag up onto the table.
You grumbled in agreement, pulling out the chair across from Seungmin and slumping into it. He just watched as you extracted your laptop and several books from your bag.
“So, what’s up?” Seungmin rested his chin in his hands. “Didn’t you want to work on an essay or something?”
“Yeah, let me pull it up.” you said, relieved he’d brought it up, so you wouldn’t have to go through the awkwardness of asking for help.
Seungmin was patient and kind as he helped you edit your paper. He let you learn from experience and through thorough examination of what you were trying to convey, rather than just telling you what to write. It was a good system, and you were pleased with how the paper was turning out. The entire time, you were keenly aware of Seungmin’s presence next to you: the warmth of his arm as it brushed against yours when he went to type something, the resonance of his voice, the way he stared intently at you while you were rambling about what you wrote. You tried to ignore the warm feeling growing inside you, but couldn’t—it was just so damn distracting.
Once you were done, you went to roam among the shelves as Seungmin tried to complete a few paragraphs on an essay of his own. The library was quiet, the smell of the books and the glue used in their bindings a calm counterpoint to the frenetic energy of students researching and writing. You liked the muffled silence of the library, and you imagined you could feel the combined knowledge of thousands of books surrounding you like a cocoon.
You leaned against a bookshelf, opening a book of Korean mythology, specifically on tricksters. After a while, you felt a presence behind you and a light touch on your shoulder. You nearly jumped out of your skin with surprise.
“Sorry, Y/N,” Seungmin said sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to startle you so much.” He kept his hand on your shoulder, though.
“It’s okay,” you said softly, not daring to move with Seungmin so close.
“Is that a good book?” he said, now resting his chin on your shoulder. You weren’t quite sure what to do with him so close, but, then again, you weren’t complaining. Suddenly, you felt like someone had shaken you up like a fizzy drink and that you’d burst from the bubbles of excitement now careening through your body. Trying to calm your pounding heart, you nodded, turning your head slightly.
The brush of Seungmin’s lips against your cheek was so light that you weren’t sure it had really happened, that is, until he kissed your cheek again a little closer to your mouth. You smiled and turned, Seungmin’s hands resting solidly on your shoulders as you held the book of mythology in front of your chest as if it could somehow stop what was already in motion. Seungmin looked down at you, his expression open and completely honest. You could almost read his feelings in his eyes as you saw them flick down to your lips and back up to meet yours.
“Um, can I put the book down?” you asked, causing Seungmin to chuckle and let you go.
“Yeah. Ooops, didn’t think about that before—” Seungmin stopped himself, a blush creeping up his face.
You placed the book back on the shelf, careful to return it to its proper place. “Before?” you prompted with what might have been a smirk, stepping close to him again.
“Before doing this,” Seungmin murmured, and leaned in to kiss you.
It was a fleeting kiss, tender and sweet, just a brief brush of lips together. Even so, you felt like a jolt of electricity passed through your body and gasped a little at the contact. Reaching up, you twined your arms around Seungmin’s neck, completely forgetting that you were in the middle of the library. You couldn’t help yourself—this was exactly what you’d dreamed of in the small hours of the morning.
Seungmin drew back slightly, whispering, “I like you so much, Y/N. Is this … May I ….” He let out a shaky breath, a question in his eyes, and you pressed your lips to his as an answer. He gently moved his mouth against yours, catching at your lips over and over, sighing happily as you hesitantly ran your fingers through the soft hair at the nape of his neck. Seungmin moved one hand to between your shoulder blades, while the other cupped your cheek—his hands were surprisingly soft and you could practically feel the tenderness flowing from him. You swiped your tongue along the crease of his lips, smiling as he opened to you immediately. Each of you eagerly explored the other’s mouth, feeling, tasting, savoring.
By now, you were sharing breaths as you kissed. You knotted your fingers in his hair more firmly and he moaned, roughly pulling you to his chest. Every place your bodies met felt like it was on fire, as if just one more point of contact would surely make you blaze up like a bonfire. With a gasp, Seungmin reeled back from you, his cheeks flushed and his hair cutely mussed.
“Woah,” he breathed, running a hand through his hair to try to straighten it. You put a hand to your cheek, trying to keep your composure. “I wasn’t expecting that,” Seungmin continued. “Um, we probably shouldn’t make-out like that in the library.”
“We could go back to my apartment, if you want,” you suggested as you caught your breath. You couldn’t quite believe you’d just said that so boldly, but now that that ship had sailed …  “My roommate isn’t going to be back until Sunday night—she had to go home for the weekend.”
Seungmin’s eyes widened and he nodded. “I— Could we? Even if we just watch a movie and cuddle.” His voice trailed off, the implication of what you might do instead hanging in the air between you.
“Yes, definitely,” you said, and took his hand. “Let’s grab our stuff and go before someone comes over here.”
Twenty long and tension-filled, not to mention wet—it was actually raining now—minutes later, you opened the door to your apartment and ushered Seungmin inside to your living room. You both dropped your belongings onto the floor and stripped off your raincoats as fast as you could, not caring how eager you seemed. As soon as he’d kicked off his shoes, too, you pulled Seungmin toward you, crushing your lips to his. You hooked your fingers into his belt loops as Seungmin cupped your face, one hand at your neck. His kisses were addictive, like if you mixed the slowness of hot caramel with the effervescence of sparkling water. You wondered how you’d ever survived without them.
After a moment, Seungmin broke your kiss. His pupils were blown wide with desire, and you knew yours were, too.
“Y/N, are you sure?” he asked. “Do you want to do this? I only want to if you do.” His tone was serious, and you felt a swell of emotion at how earnest he was. (That would definitely be twenty points to the Future Boyfriend tally. Not that you’d actually made one …).
“Yes,” you breathed as you stood on tip-toe to kiss Seungmin again. You could kiss him more slowly now, and lingered at the corner of his mouth, teasing as you then switched to bite at his lower lip.
Suddenly, you were against the door with Seungmin’s arms braced on either side of your head. You let out a surprised “Oh,” liking the confidence radiating off of Seungmin. His mouth met yours once more before he kissed along your jaw and down your neck, pressing kiss after kiss to the sensitive skin. You leaned your head back, exposing more of your neck for him, and moaned as Seungmin stopped to suckle where the curve of your shoulder began. Your breathing quickened as you felt the heat of his body against yours, and you held onto his hips to steady yourself.
“Min, oh my god,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady. It was quite difficult as Seungmin now drew down the collar of your shirt to kiss across your shoulder. You hadn’t even realized how good that might feel.
You wanted to be closer to him, wanted to feel the extent of his desire. Reaching up to grab ahold his wrists, you ducked your head to kiss Seungmin again. He smiled against your mouth. You placed Seungmin’s hands on your waist, then began to walk forward as you continued kissing him. He almost stumbled, catching himself as he was still holding onto your hips. Finally understanding, Seungmin moved backward into the room, trying to navigate around a chair and a lamp, until he bumped into the coffee table.
“Ouch,” he muttered, frowning, but went back to kissing you all the same. You giggled and kissed him more thoroughly as an apology for any pain he felt. At last, you reached the couch and Seungmin sat heavily, drawing you down with him.
You knelt above Seungmin’s lap, holding onto his shoulders for balance. “Are you comfortable?” you asked, not wanting to hurt him. He nodded.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” Seungmin said in wonder as he gazed up at you. You looked away, shy at the compliment. He reached up to stroke your cheek with a finger. “No, Y/N, you really are.”
You sat back on Seungmin’s knees, covering his hand with yours. “You are, too, you know,” you murmured, then leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “And you have my heart.”
You shifted a little so you were closer to Seungmin on his lap and you felt a slight, hard pressure under you. You settled yourself more squarely on him, grinning as he let out an involuntary groan. As Seungmin moved his hands to your hips—nearly to your bottom—you kissed up his neck and, feeling bold, nibbled at his ear a bit. A shot of excitement coursed through you when his slipped his hands under your shirt—his hands were smooth and warm against your skin.
You nuzzled Seungmin’s neck as he asked, “Is this okay?”
“Yes, your hands feel good,” you said, then brought your lips to his, combing your fingers through his hair.
Seungmin slowly ran his hands up and down your back, leaving little tingling lines all over your skin. You still couldn’t believe you were doing this, but, then again, you and Seungmin had been very obviously courting for months now. He continued to caress your skin, moving steadily upward, until his fingers found the clasp of your bra. You sucked in a breath, drawing back from Seungmin.
“Not yet, please,” you murmured, looking down and away.
“Of course,” Seungmin responded, immediately withdrawing his hands from your back. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”
You smiled. “Min, no, don’t worry. I didn’t mean never—just not in this moment.”
“Okay. Just tell me if you want to stop or do something differently or anything, okay Y/N?” Seungmin gently threaded his fingers through your hair as he spoke.
“Same goes for you, Min,” you said, leaning into his touch, and he nodded. You enjoyed the feeling of your hair being finger-combed for a while longer. “You can hold me again, you know,” you said, and leaned forward to ghost your lips over his.
Seungmin chuckled and returned to rubbing small circles over the planes of your shoulder blades before slipping his hands back under the hem of your shirt. You sighed against his mouth, and Seungmin pulled you closer, tipping his chin up as you were above him. You could feel Seungmin’s heart racing as you ran your hands over his chest and shoulders, even as your kisses remained languorous.
You gently ground your hips against Seungmin’s, feeling that the hard pressure underneath you was no longer slight. Seungmin groaned low in his throat and kissed you with renewed vigor, continuing to explore the shape of your body with his hands. His hands were now dancing across your belly, your sides, all your curves. Your tongues fought for dominance as you tried to learn each and every part of each other. Feeling as if you’d melt from kissing Seungmin, you let yourself get lost in the feeling of him.
Seungmin pressed his hips up to yours, seeking some sort of friction, which caused the deep well of heat inside you to grow. You rocked back and forth a little over his lap. You cupped Seungmin’s face with your hands, kissing him hard, and pressed yourself against him as closely as you could. Even though he looked at you like you were the most precious, delicate treasure, Seungmin’s grip on you was firm. You shivered at the sensation of his hands digging into the skin of your hips, just under the waistband of your jeans.
You wanted—no, needed—more now.
You drank hungrily at Seungmin’s mouth, your kisses becoming more heated, even desperate. It felt like little bolts of lightning flitted between you. His lips were warm and soft, yet firm and insistent on yours.
“God, oh Seungmin,” you moaned as he sucked and bit at your neck again. “That feels so good. Shit. Please,” you breathed, “more. You can do more—I want you to. I want you.” As you spoke, your heart was pounding so hard that you were sure Seungmin would be able to hear it. Self-consciousness be damned, you pulled at your shirt and, suddenly, you were sitting on Kim Seungmin’s lap in just your bra and jeans.
Seungmin was a little stunned at how needy you’d become and a hard knot of pressure built below his stomach as he was, yet again, amazed by your beauty. He couldn’t deny that he was just as eager as you—he had, after all, wanted this for longer than he cared to admit.
“Anything for you,” he promised, moving his hands to your back again, then kissed across your collarbone before dipping his head lower.
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scribomaniac · 4 years
Something Wicca This Ways Comes Ch 11
Killian hissed as he rolled onto his back, feeling as though he’d just been hit by a freight train. Mary Margaret was here, his mind informed him as he blinked slowly and tried to right himself. Mary Margaret was here and she used magic. How was that possible?
Wait. His heart stopped. Did she say daughter? Pushing himself up off the ground faster than was advisable, Killian got to his feet just as Mary Margaret removed one of the crystals keeping Emma in her cage.
“Stop!” Liam shouted, his hands flying up to freeze the room.
Nothing happened. Mary Margaret opened her arms, a wide, watery smile on her face as she stepped forward to embrace Emma. Killian couldn’t see Emma’s face, but he saw the half step she took away from the older woman, saw how tense her shoulders were. Before Killian could move forward, before Mary Margaret’s arms closed around Emma, and before Liam could try to blow something up this time, Emma shimmered away.
“No!” Mary Margaret cried, her hands clawing at the air where Emma once stood. “No, no, no! I am not letting this happen again.” Setting her eyes on them, their hazel color burning with determination, she barked, “Scrying crystals—now!”
“I’ll try to follow her,” Tink—how long had Tink been there, standing in the corner?—said before orbing out of the attic.
“What the bloody hell is going on?” Liam asked what Killian was thinking. Their bodies were bruised, their attic trashed, Mary Margaret was rummaging through their storage like a mad-woman, and their white-lighter had just gone to find Emma with no explanation as to why. Catching Will’s eyes behind Liam’s back, Killian found his younger brother just as at a loss as he.
And of course, because things weren’t getting hectic enough around here, Nolan ran through the door. “Is she here?” He asked, wildly out of breath, as if he’d just ran a marathon. He looked at his wife who was still busy ransacking their home, and then to them. “Is she?”
Running a hand down his face, Liam growled, “I’ll ask this once more—what the bloody hell is going on?”
“I’ll explain later,” Mary Margaret snapped. “But first where are your scrying crystals. We need to act fast before she gets too far.”
Liam threw his hands up in the air and turned to pace. Killian looked at Will, who shrugged, obviously at a loss.
Shaking his head, Killian opened the chest full of their maps and crystals, “It’s all over here, love.”
Mary Margaret lunged for him. She just barely missed knocking into him as she knelt beside the chest and pulled out a map of the city and the first crystal she could get her hands on.
Looking up at Nolan, Killian found himself asking, “Did you know your wife was a witch, then?”
David swallowed. His breaths were still shallow and there was a fine sheen of sweet on his skin. Still, his eyes were clear and sharp as they bore into Killian’s. He nodded.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Will asked.
“I gave up magic a long time ago,” Mary Margaret muttered, her eyes still steadfast on the map before her.
Will rolled his eyes, “Obviously.”
“David,” Liam snapped, his voice hard and firm. Killian had to stop himself from flinching. “What is going on?”
Shaking his head, the detective huffed out a laugh, “A lot.”
“Dammit,” Mary Margaret swore. She stood up and threw the scrying items back into the chest. “I can’t find her.”
“It’s okay, Snow,” David quickly pulled his wife into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “Tink’s on her trail right now .We won’t lose her again.” David sighed, then looked back towards the brothers. “There’s a lot we have to tell you. So,” he looked around and frowned, “is there anywhere we can sit?”
After moving their party down to the first floor, with Will scurrying off into the kitchen under the pretense of making tea, Killian and Liam found themselves sitting across from the Nolan’s in awkward silence. “Alright, we’re all comfortable now.” Liam leaned forward, staring David straight in the eye, “Start talking.”
David winced and looked at Mary Margaret. They were silent for a moment, as if having a private conversation that only they could hear, and then Mary Margaret spoke up, “I used to be a witch.” She blinked, then broke her gaze with David and turned it onto them. “I mean, I guess I still am, but I used to be a practicing one, when I was younger. Before I met David.”
Will returned carrying a tray of mugs. When he handed one to Mary Margaret she nodded her thanks and took a sip. “I was like you boys. I brewed potions, wrote spells,” she paused to wet her lips, “I vanquished demons. And then one day,” she took in a deep, shaky breath, “I killed an Innocent.”
“It was an accident,” David immediately defended, tucking Mary Margaret away under his arm. “The guy, he knew what he was doing. He knew that trap was there and still he—”
Mary Margaret placed a hand on David’s knee, silencing him. “I was trying to hunt down the Seer.”
“The Seer?” Will asked, his brows furrowed. “We haven’t heard of her—she’s not in the book, right?”
Both Liam and Killian shook their heads.
“No, no, she wouldn’t be. She’s too smart for that. The Seer’s been around for a long time—longer than almost any other demon—and she gets others to do her dirty work for her.”
Killian frowned, “So the human, was he one of her pawns?”
Mary Margaret shivered and closed her eyes, “No, worse. He was her lover.”
“Wait,” Will asked, his brows soaring up to meet his hair line. “What?”
“His name was Daniel,” Mary Margaret shook her head, as if she herself was at a loss. “And they were in love.”
“But demons can’t love,” Killian stated. He knew they couldn’t. Everyone said so. The book, Tink—hell, even some demons themselves had said it.
Mary Margaret nodded, “That’s what I thought too, but,” she covered her face with her hands and took a deep breath, “I guess there’s an exception to every rule.”
 l Emma l 
 Run, run, run, run, Emma’s mind kept chanting; a steady beat in the back of her head. But run where? She couldn’t go back to the Underworld. By now the Source must have known she’d been compromised and failure was unacceptable. She couldn’t go to her apartment—demons were surely crawling all over the place by now. She thought about go back to the manor, back to Killian, but knew that was out of the question too. His eyes . . . god, they had looked so hollow during their conversation. Her heart couldn’t stand the thought of going back to him and having to watch his heart break in real time.
And then there was also that woman. She was so small and gentle looking, with her jet black hair and kind, round face. There had been something familiar about her, something that had made Emma yearn for a home and a family that she knew never existed.
But then the woman had called Emma her daughter, had walked towards her with open arms as if she were about to embrace her, and Emma couldn’t stand it.
It was bullshit. It had to be. Her parents had abandoned her as a baby. So either that woman was lying or was a worse monster than the Source himself.
Shimmering to a stop, Emma found herself outside in a park and fell into a nearby bench. She needed a game plan. She couldn’t just keep shimmering away for the rest of her life. So she’d failed at killing the Charmed Ones—a so had a hundred other demons! She could—she could always go back and try again. Try a more direct approach this time, like shimmering into their rooms at night and cutting their throats. Or she could poison their food. Or maybe she could lock them in their house and burn it to the ground!
Or, or, but no, she realized with a strange sense of sobriety. Of course, Emma could do all those things, but she found that she really didn’t want to. She didn’t want to kill Killian or his brothers. She didn’t want to keep hurting people, to or lying. She definitely didn’t want to be the Source’s bodyguard anymore. Regardless of whether or not he’d even take her back.
So where did that leave her?
And why did she feel so crappy all of a sudden? Her muscles ached as if she was fighting off a cold, but that wasn’t possible. One of the perks of all the powers the Source had given her was that she never got sick. Wrapping her arms around herself, realizing belatedly that she was shivering, Emma tried to remember the last time she’d felt this way.
“You were eight,” a voice answered from the darkness.
Emma was on her feet, looking into the dark of the park where the lights didn’t reach. “Who’s there?” She barked, ready to defend herself. There was a pounding in her head now. It was in the back of her skull and growing louder and fiercer with every second.
Out from the shadows walked Tink, her pale skin glowing ethereally against the night. “You were eight years old the last time you felt like this,” she said again. “It was the last day of spring, the last time I could sense your presence. And the last time you could feel your humanity.”
“What?” Emma sucked in a sharp breath as the pounding in her head shifting the front of her skull. It felt like someone was trying to pry her open with an ice pick.
“That will pass, soon enough,” Tink said calmly. “Once your body purges the last of its demonic energy.”
Clutching her head now, Emma shook her head. “No—no, you’re doing this. You stupid white-lighter!” It had to be her. Emma had no idea how the semi-dead woman could be causing her pain, but that had to be it. “You’ll regret this!” Pulling on that fire that she always relied on, Emma felt her magic burn its way up to the surface, ready to do her bidding.
Instead of a golden-red fire, though, what erupted from Emma’s body was a blinding white light. Car alarms blared, the park lights sparked and then died, and the force of it propelled Emma back, slamming her body against the park bench.
Emma gasped, and the light disappeared, leaving her and the white-lighter in near darkness with only the light of the moon to illuminate their surroundings.
Chest heaving, Emma looked around wildly, trying to figure out what happened. “What—what the hell was that?”
Tink took a step closer, then another, and another after that. “That,” she said slowly, her green eyes never leaving Emma, “was your power. Your real power.”
Shaking her head, Emma tried to shimmer away but found that she couldn’t. Her body felt heavy, in fact, as if a new weight as holding her down. “No, that’s not—”
“Emma,” Tink took a seat beside her but thankfully didn’t reach out, “I want to help you. Will you let me?”
Mouth agape, Emma found herself nodding in acceptance.
 l Killian l
 All five of them—Mary Margaret, the Charmed Ones, even David—were up in the attic, each with a map in front of them and a crystal in their hands. All of them were searching with the intent to find Emma. Although really, only four of them had a chance. What, exactly, David was playing at Killian wasn’t entirely sure. He supposed the man wanted to be helpful even in a situation where he could never be.
“Maybe Tink found her,” Will said, his neck still craned to keep eye on his map. “Maybe they’re on their way back right now.”
Liam hummed dismissively. Killian had to wonder if the eldest Jones brother was even really trying. He’d listened silently to Mary Margaret’s story, his face stony and unreadable, but Killian had a feeling the man was unimpressed by it all.
Perhaps if they could just find Emma, then all of this would get properly sorted. If not for his sake, then at least for David and Mary Margaret’s. Killian looked up to watch the couple. He saw the way David’s jaw ticked with stress, how Mary Margret’s crystal shook in her hands. Firestarter or not, Emma was their child. After everything they’d been through, they deserved to find each other again.
Perhaps they’d even find their happy ending.
“Killian,” Will cracked his neck, “could you toss me a bottle of water.”
Nodding, Killian reached for a bottle from the box of supplies they’d gathered before hunkering up in the attic. As soon as his fingers curled around the plastic, he gasped and his eyes shuttered closed.
A demon stepped out of a wall of fire, locking eyes on the figures in the room. He had short brown hair and a mean glint to his eyes. His focus narrowed on Mary Margaret and with a throw of his arm, he sent an energy ball straight into her chest. Her body flew across the room, and when she hit the ground her eyes were open and lifeless. Then, before Liam could even raise his hands, the demon sent a ball of fire straight at David, killing him instantly.
Eyes snapping open, Killian yelled, “Incoming!” just as a pillar of fire appeared before them.
From the fire stepped out the male demon Killian had seen in his vision. The demon’s mouth curled into a Cheshire smile and he locked his gaze onto Mary Margaret. Know what was to come next, Killian lunged across the room and tackled the dark haired woman to the ground. Killian heard a crash behind them and then splinters of wood falling onto his back.
“Will!” He shouted, keeping both himself and Mary Margaret close to the ground, “Get Nolan out of here!”
The sound of Will’s orb was a relief to Killian’s ears. “Stay here,” he told Mary Margaret before standing to help his brother.
Liam blew the demon up again and again, but it wasn’t working, merely slowing him down. The demon’s smile widened, showing off his shockingly white teeth, as he laughed. “Oh,” he said, “This is gonna be fun.”
Will orbed back in, ready to help, but the movement caught the demon’s eye and quick as an asp, sent a wave of black and orange particles towards the youngest Jones brother. The swarm surrounded him, attacking his clothes and skin like a plague of locusts.
“Will!” Both Liam and Killian yelled. Liam tried to freeze the swarm but nothing happened. Killian grabbed an Athame from the floor and threw it at the demon, but that only made his laughter grow.
Will’s screams grew louder and louder, and Killian didn’t know what to do; how to help. Liam threw open the Book of Shadows, desperately trying to find something that could save Will.
The sound of another orb caught Killian’s attention. Spinning around, his heart jumped into his throat, hoping that Tink would know what to do. “Tink—”
But it wasn’t just Tink standing behind him. It was Tink and Emma. And Emma’s eyes were set on the demon across the room.
Eyes ablaze, Emma’s lip curled back as she yelled, “Baelfire!”
“Emma!” The demon—Baelfire—smiled, “so glad you could make it! Help me finish off these other two won’t ya? Dad will be ecstatic!”
“Go to hell!” Emma body began to glow, and for the first time since his arrival, Baelfire looked unsure. Extending out her arm and aiming her hand right at the demon, Emma shot a beam of pure white light straight into his chest. Baelfire’s chest rippled, his brows furrowed, and then he exploded into nothing.
“Will!” Liam ran over to their youngest brother, Killian not far behind. The swarm of particles was gone, but his brother’s skin was shredded and bleeding fiercely.
“Tink!” Killian yelled, and she was by his side in an instant. Placing her hands against Will’s face, they began to glow as her magic healed him. When Killian saw that his little brother’s chest still rose and fell, he let himself fall back onto his rear. “Thank god.”
“You have a lot of nerve coming back here,” Liam growled, his blue eyes locking onto Emma. He stood up, stalking towards her.
Mary Margaret was up and at her daughter’s side, “Now hold on—”
“See what you’ve done? You almost got Will killed,” he was in Emma’s face now, but she wasn’t back down. Emma stared right back at Liam with her chin held high. “I don’t care whose daughter you are, if I ever see you again I’ll—”
“Oh, will you knock it off?” Tink, having finished with Will, stood up and gave Liam’s arm a good shove, forcing him to back away from Emma. “She just saved Will—she saved all of you. Just like you saved her.”
“What?” Killian ran a hand down his face. There was a lot happening and he wasn’t sure he was following it all. “What are you talking about Tink.”
“Haven’t you lot figured it out yet?” She looked between Liam and Killian, her eyes wide and incredulous. “Emma’s the savior!”
Killian’s eyes snapped to Emma. The words short circuited his brain, and the only thought he was left with was this; bloody hell.  
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americas-golden-boy · 4 years
Worth a Thousand Words
Summary: “Steve Rogers, every inch of his All-American glory, was looking at her expectantly with that same boyishly mischievous expression he had been sporting the few times she had seen him up close. One that really shouldn't blend in so easily with the rest of him but was an integral part of his persona, or at least that's what she gathered from the bits and pieces of conversations about him she'd been subjected to hearing.
Because that was definitely what she had predicted, and definitely made all the sense in the world.”
AKA Steve has never talked to the woman that sits in the front row of his lecture hall twice a week but that doesn't stop his hopeless crush on her.
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Reader
Word Count:  3,159
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She was being watched.
She had absolutely no proof other than a gut feeling, but the sensation of eyes on the back of her head burnt with a heat strong enough to brand her, and more than once has the skin of her arms and neck prickled uncomfortably with goosebumps despite the surprisingly warm temperatures of late fall.
It made her feel silly, really, and more than a little narcissistic, to think that anyone would invest time in watching her. She couldn't even write it off as the uncomfortable leering that she had been victim to on a couple of occasions she had gone off-campus at night.
No, it was the most random of times, in the most obscure places, always busy enough that she could never pin down the source of her unusual company when she chanced a scan of the area.
It's a Thursday night, and after three weeks of enduring this cat and mouse game she's found herself in, she's strongly considering just going up to each person in the common room when she feels the sensation tickle its way down the nape of her neck again.
Before she got the chance to weigh all the pros and cons of embarrassing herself, the cat made itself known.
By sitting right across from her at the otherwise empty table.
Startled by the sudden presence in front of her, her eyes snap up from the book they'd been buried in, the hand which had been steadily dictating her notes pausing in the middle of a line as her train of thought came to an abrupt stop.
Sharing her space with unfamiliar company was not an uncommon occurrence, for her or any of the other people that frequented the open areas available to students at all hours of the day, but at a little past 11 P.M., there were few people spread out across the expansive room, and even fewer reasons for anyone to sit so close.
She found herself being thankful for carpeted floors as the man abruptly pulled the chair out, spinning it around and sliding forward to straddle it all in one movement, draping his crossed arms across the back with a practiced sort of elegance that did not quite match the situation or his size.
And his size was, frankly, quite hard to ignore.
Her immediate response was to be intimidated by the broad expanse of solid chest and wide shoulders that made the chair look almost uncomfortably small as the muscles in his arms strained under the stretched material of his shirt—really it was almost another layer of skin, as tight as it was—to prop his chin on an open palm.
But then she met his eyes and—
Oh, she thought dumbly.
Steve Rogers, every inch of his All-American glory, was looking at her expectantly with that same boyishly mischievous expression he had been sporting the few times she had seen him up close. One that really shouldn't blend in so easily with the rest of him but was an integral part of his persona, or at least that's what she gathered from the bits and pieces of conversations about him she'd been subjected to hearing.
Because that was definitely what she had predicted, and definitely made all the sense in the world.
With the way his smirk grew, she had a feeling he was perfectly aware of the confusion he was causing in her.
Perfectly justified confusion, she reminds herself before any misplaced guilt can creep up on her, considering they had never interacted properly.
In fact, as she tried racking her brain for any reason he would have for approaching her, she came up with exactly zero. Possibly one, if he was trying to bum notes off of her for the lecture they shared two days a week.
Not that he made a habit of doing that to people, as far as she knew anyway, but she wouldn't put it past him to use his charm and prestige for his own benefit.
As unfair as she knew it was to him, her expectations of the widely popular were subpar at best, and considering his reputation stretched far enough that even she recognized him, he certainly fit into that category.
Seemingly satisfied that he had her full attention, he reached out the hand that he had been leaning on, smirk stretching out into a full smile, laugh lines pulling on his cheeks matching the soft crinkles in the corners of his eyes.
He really is handsome. It's almost unfair.
"(Y/N), right?" He said by way of greeting, breaking the near silence of the room with ringing clarity even with the low level of his voice.
The fact that he knew who she was added a fresh layer of bewilderment to the mix, and she couldn’t even begin to sort through the possible implications of him possessing that information.
Looking between his hand and his face, she placed her pen down and took it in her own, just a moment shy of an awkward pause before nodding.
His grip on her hand was confident but gentle, shaking it once before letting her retract it back into the safety of her lap, leaning on the top of his chair with crossed arms once again.
"I'm Steve, it's nice to meet you."
Of course, she already knows that, but isn't sure if admitting it would be awkward or a boost to his ego, and since neither one really sounded like a good option, so she opted for another weak nod of acknowledgment and a half-smile.
If her lack of response was odd to him, he did a good job of hiding it, face still as open and unfaltering as the moment he sat down.
"So, I admit, this is...odd. I'm sorry for disturbing your study session, I just haven't had a good chance to talk to you before or after class and I saw you while I was cutting through on my way to my friend's dorm so..." he trailed off with a soft huff of a laugh, eyebrows faintly pinching together with the slight tilt of his head.
He wanted to talk to me? She repeated to herself. He doesn't seem angry, so I probably didn't upset him unintentionally. Not that I would have had a chance to, I don't think I've ever even sat by him before.
There was a long string of questions that she'd like to unload on him but with the way his smile was starting to falter she decided to put them both out of their misery and settle for one to start.
Flipping the notebook laid out in front of her to a blank page she wrote as quickly as she dared, aiming for both speed and legibility, knowing from experience that her nerves can reduce her handwriting to chicken scratch if she wasn't careful.
Are you the person who has been following me?
She lifted the note for him to see, watching his eyes flick across the line before his eyebrows shot towards his hairline, wide eyes meeting hers as his hands rose to wave almost frantically in front of him.
"No!" He exclaimed, the sudden volume of his voice drawing a wince from the both of them as she glanced at the only two other students in the room, who had both paused to look over at their table.
Steve's head dipped in an apologetic nod in their direction before turning his attention back to her.
"No, I wasn't following you," he started, voice much quieter but not lacking any of the conviction of his initial outburst. "I promise, I really haven't been, I just—we have a class together, and we live in the same building. The campus is only so big, so I, uh, I see you around sometimes," he rubbed at the back of his neck, eyes dropping from hers briefly in a moment of sheepishness that was a stark difference from his usual self-assured bravado.
"Honestly I didn't think you would have noticed, and I'm really sorry, but my friends, they uh—" he continued on, his words beginning to come out in a rush of air— "when I mentioned wanting to talk to you they took it upon themselves to tell me if they saw you around. Trying to help me find an opportunity I guess. I would have made them stop sooner if I had known it was making you uncomfortable," he reassured quickly, taking note of her baffled expression.
All she could do was stare, eyes flittering around his face in an attempt to find a tell that he was lying. When she found none, she was honestly relieved, not just because he didn't seem to have any malicious intent, but also because she now had confirmation that she wasn't crazy.
Now that I know I'm not just paranoid, what is it you needed to talk to me about?
She flipped the notebook around once again, watching as he hesitantly turned his attention to it, his fear of a negative reaction clear as day across his face. It was endearing, really.
"I just wanted to—actually, if you don't mind me asking first, why are you writing your responses? I feel like I need to get my own pen out, breaking the quiet all on my own."
The question wasn't an unexpected one and she was frankly surprised it had taken him as long as it did to ask. That didn't stop the uncomfortable pang in her chest that usually came with that line of questioning. While it wasn’t necessarily uncommon for her to use a pen and paper to communicate, the select group of people that wanted to converse with her had more efficient ways.
I can’t speak. Most people don't know ASL, and I thought a text-to-speech app might be too awkward if you weren’t expecting it. Sorry.
And she was, really. While she knew it wasn't her fault, she also knew how tedious a transition process it could be for someone who had never held a conversation with her before to adjust to the pacing. Some people just weren't patient enough, or it made them feel awkward.
He read the note, and then reread it, and then read it once again. He gently worried at his bottom lip, releasing it as he opened his mouth, only to shut it once again as his lips pinched together.
He seemed to finally decide on what to say, straightening his shoulders a bit and clasping his hands together.
"So, you're...mute? Is that the correct term to use?" He asked , articulating his question slowly while watching her face.
She found the corners of her lips quirking up at his concern of possibly offending her. That alone was already more than she got out of similar exchanges.
I personally don’t mind it much, but it’s normally frowned upon. Non-speaking is your best bet.
She slid over the notebook, trying to gauge his reaction for a hint of how the rest of this conversation is going to go, if he didn’t simply excuse himself to avoid a situation that he most definitely did not predict or ask for.
And then felt like she would have tipped straight over from the way he beamed at her, if not for already being securely supported in her seat.
There has to be something wrong with him, she found herself thinking.
"Okay. I’m glad I didn’t offend you, thank you for telling me. I honestly don't know much about what to do to make this easier for you—" was he pouting now?— "would yes or no questions be better? I don't want to make you write a lot if you don't want to. Or...would you like me to leave?" By the time he reaches the end of his ramble, his nerves had obviously caught up to his mouth, head dipping and jerking his thumb in the general direction of the door leading to the outdoor walkway.
If anyone else had asked her that, she would have assumed it was asked as a chance for an out, a polite way to say, "I think it would be best if I left, are you going to let me?" But with the way he prefaced it so naturally with eager attempts at maintaining and extending their time together in a way that benefits her, she couldn’t find it in herself to immediately presume the worst.
In fact, the entire situation was so absolutely bizarre and random and Steve is staring at her with this disarmingly charming expression looking like he is about five seconds away from bolting for the door, and she just can’t help it.
She laughs.
She’s laughing.
Or at least that’s what he’s assuming, with the way her head tips back and the warm flush across the bridge of her nose spreads to her cheeks as she smiles. They’ve been in the same lecture and dorm for months and he’s not sure if he’s ever seen her face light up quite like that.
The sounds that push their way past her lips are short and clipped, raspy in a way that suggests disuse but warm enough to be melodic despite their discordant nature.
Just as suddenly as she started, she stops. Slapping a hand over her mouth, she snaps her head back down to look at him with wide eyes before quickly checking across the room where the last students had been sitting previously, shoulders slumping with obvious relief to find the seats empty.
For a moment he truly feels ashamed, because as wary as she seemed to be about the sound, he’s already dying to hear it again.
The hand that had been resting over her mouth moved to her brows, tilting down enough to hide her eyes from his view but not the harsh scarlett that was crawling across her visible skin, from the tips of her ears to the base of her throat. If he wasn’t feeling ashamed before, he certainly is when he has to cut off the burst of curiosity that cuts across his mind wondering how far the flush could go.
Shaking his head like it will physically remove the risqué thought, he reaches one hand forward to softly tap the table near her notebook.
“You okay under there? I’m not quite sure what I said, but there’s no one else in here but you and me.”
He feels like he’s done something very wrong and he’s not even sure where to begin to backtrack as he combs over his last statement.
She thinks you’re an idiot, you probably managed to offend her.
He really, really hopes that isn’t the case though, because he’s been trying to build up the courage to talk to her properly for months and while he’s become a bit better about socializing since he got back from the army, he’s still absolutely hopeless with women, something that Bucky likes to remind him of frequently.
The second Natasha found out why her attempts at getting him to go on blind dates were being shut down so quickly, she was absolutely ruthless in her ribbing, as harmless as it may have been.
Before he can fully consider standing to leave, she’s dropping her hand to her pen, meeting his eyes with a slight pull at the corner of her lips before leaning down to write.
Waiting for her to finish writing is the most nerve-wracking thing he can remember going through in recent memory, and the soft thump of his heel against the carpet is almost as fast as his heartbeat by the time the action even registers and he forces his leg to still.
Coming to a stop almost halfway down the page, her pen rests against the paper for a beat before she hastily caps it with a firm nod and pushes the notebook onto his half of the table.
This might be the most thorough rejection I’ve ever faced, he thinks sardonically, spinning the notebook around.
Then he reads the first line, and his head shoots up to look at her. He must look a bit ridiculous, if the growing smile on her face is anything to go by.
She gestures with a wave of her hand towards the notebook and he clears his throat with an awkward chuckle as he looks back down at the paper.
I would really like it if you didn’t leave. I’m sorry for laughing, but you’re just so nice I was surprised. I would be lying if I said I didn’t already know who you are, but I just didn’t expect you to be interested. This whole situation is very random but I think that’s the first time I’ve laughed out loud in a long time. I understand if you change your mind, or if I’m overstepping, but if it’s not too forward, I think I’d like to talk to you too. Maybe when it’s not the middle of the night.
As soon as she slid the notebook across the table she itched to grab it back. She nipped at the tip of her thumb between her teeth to fight the urge, pulling her other arm to curl around her stomach.
What if I misunderstood what he was trying to tell me? He seemed so nice but maybe he’ll regret it now that he’s actually been around me a bit. When was the last time you even went on a date? Oh god, he’s already reading it, maybe I—
“Are you busy tomorrow?”
She’s abruptly pulled out of her spiraling doubts so fast she gets mental whiplash, and she focuses back on him as she considers if she misheard.
He’s beaming at her again, the corner of his eyes crinkling and one side pulling on his cheek just slightly higher than the other, the same boyish charm from earlier peeking its way through. He tilted his head as he leaned in towards her, and the cage holding her butterflies was absolutely demolished, sending her heart fluttering at a pace that’s almost painful.
The question finally caught up to her at his expectant look, and with a shake of her head, he let out a satisfied hum and smacks the table lightly with both hands before reaching to grab the pen, scribbling down a hasty addition to the bottom of the page before putting both items back in her space.
Pushing himself to stand, he spun the chair back into its original position before addressing her.
“I’ll see you tomorrow (Y/N),” he said with a wink, walking backwards a few steps before turning and making his way out of the doors.
She stared at his retreating back with a small smile that only grew as she peered down at his note.
Text me when you’re free, hopefully I’ll have enough time to learn to greet you properly next time.
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cauliflowercounty · 4 years
Weasley vs Weasley Pt. I (Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader) [Tumblr Remaster]
Blood Status:  Half-Blood or Pureblood 
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N:  Weasley vs. Weasley was a series of imagines I originally posted on my Wattpad.  It’s one of my favorite series of imagines I’ve made, but I wrote it years ago; I wanted to make an updated version with a few new twists and in second person instead of third.  I’ll be releasing it in multiple parts :)  Enjoy!
You are the Molly and Arthur Weasley’s adopted daughter and in the same year as Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
Not proofread, it’s 1:30am when I’m writing this!  Woohoo! Enjoy!
The compartment sways gently side to side as the Hogwarts Express barrels down the Scottish countryside train rack.  You sit silently in the train car scrunched in between Harry and the wall. Ron and Hermione sit across from you.  Hermione, of course, has her nose in a book while Ron sits awkwardly, thinking of how to make conversation since the initial excitement of getting on the train has worn off.  As you feel the train turn the corner, the twins knock gently on the glass of the door and slide it open, giving everyone a wave while shoving themselves in between Hermione and Ron.  Ron lets out an audible grumble as Fred pushes his brother into the window.
“Hello, everyone,” Fred and George say in unison.  
“Lee’s off trying to persuade some second years to be our test subjects for some prototype sweets,” Fred says, smirking.
“Yeah, our initial line was brilliant, but we’re expanding our offerings. It’s what the student body deserves,” George adds on.
“We’re also thinking of firecrackers,” Fred continues.  “We’ll charm them to make shapes.  Maybe a Chinese Fireball?  What do you say, y/n?”
“That sounds brilliant, Freddie.  You should write it down before you forget,” you smile, knowing their products have been a much-anticipated aspect of their lives lately.  “You wouldn’t want to deprive the public of some much-needed mayhem causing items.”
“While we love mayhem, we’re also thinking of selling some seriously useful items.  We’re thinking of importing some items from Peru that will help with being sneaky.  Maybe also some muggle magic that people can use casually.  We also want to be practical.  Not everything will explode,” George smiles, thinking of how all their products and dreams will be soon realized.  
“But wouldn’t that be brilliant if everything did explode?” Fred laughs. “Also love potions will be sold at our shops.”
“Did I hear someone say love potions?” Ginny says, poking her head in through the door.  “Is that one of the products you two are cooking up?”
“Well, dear sister, we’re not brewing them.  We’ll buy them from someone who’s gotten into N.E.W.T. level potions unlike us two,” Fred chuckles.  “We don’t want to be liable for disastrous love potions because I’m sure they’ll be popular.”
“Our sisters won’t need them, though.  It’s for the more desperate general public.  They’ll have no problem finding a special someone,” George says encouragingly, shooting his two younger sisters a smile. With his words, your chest tenses, the someone you’d like to have as your special someone coming to mind. Fred and George notice your reaction immediately. They look over to you and notices how you’re clutching the hem of your jacket roughly.
“What’s with that reaction, y/n?” Ron asks, picking up on what the twins are noticing.  Internally, your nerves jump. Hopefully they can’t tell who you’re thinking of.  
“Nothing, Ronald,” you say almost too quickly. “I was just thinking of a dream I had about school the other night.  I failed all my O.W.L.s.  I’m just suffering from residual anxiety.”
“I find that hard to believe, y/n,” Fred smiles.  “You don’t have stress dreams like that and you suddenly got tense when we started talking about love and special someones.”
“Do you have someone you’re hiding?” George asks, leaning in to look you in the eye with Fred.  They bore into your eyes, inquisitive and intense.  
“... or got anyone you fancy?” they say in synchronicity. “Come on… Tell us.” 
Hermione and Harry look up from what they were doing, now completely invested in the new development.
“N-no…,” you trail off.  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.  You’d think badly of me.”
“We could never,” Ron butts in.  They all lean closer to you, putting on the peer pressure. Fred and George suddenly tackle you, starting to clobber and tickle you.  Hedwig and Pigwidgeon both hoot in protest at the sudden disturbance to their mostly peaceful journey.  You struggle against the twins’ grips.
“Fred!  George!  Come on!” you shout protest, half laughing.  You try to dash between them, but they’re too fast and lock you between them in a tight full-body hold.  You squirm in their grasp but to no avail.  “Fred.  George.  Let go.  Please?”
“Not until you tell us,” they say in a sing-songy voice. You sigh.  This is what you get when you have so many siblings: inescapable, coercive hugs.  
“You’ll regret asking once I tell you,” you say.  They shake their heads.
“Not a chance,” they say back.
“It’s…,” you start, hesitating.  This’ll ruin you. You open your mouth and whisper, “it’s… Malfoy...”
“DID YOU JUST SAY ‘MALFOY?’” everyone in the compartment gasps in unison as the twins drop you. 
“I told you you’d regret it,” you grumble to everyone. “Happy?”
“Not really,” Fred responds cheekily.
“Why?” Ron asks, feeling bewildered and utterly betrayed. 
“I-I don’t know… I just know he it’s what he seems. I saw him one time a while ago… His owl was hurt and he was bandaging its foot. He seemed to care for it so much. There have been a lot of little things,” you explain, realizing it’s sort of hopeless as everyone stares at you, disgusted.
“Little things count for nothing,” Ron scoffs, roiling usinehes and propping his head up on a clenched fist
“It just grew. I don’t have a good reason. I’m sure it’ll fade,” you defend, “but I think that in the end, Malfoy may not be as bad as everyone makes him out to be. I’m sure we’d all have turned out like Malfoy if we had Lucius as a father.”
“But everything he stands for is so vile,” Harry says, infuriated. “I can’t believe it…”
“And what about all the stuff he’s done to Hermione?” Ron adds on.
“Come on. Now you’re ridiculing me. You walked into this one,” you quip back. “I didn’t want to say anything, but you absolutely had to know.”
“Dad’s head is going to blow off,” Fred comments, taking a seat once again.
“Percy’s also going to be furious… You know how protective he is over y/n...,” George adds, everyone nodding in agreement. Ginny, flustered, turns around and leaves the compartment in a huff. 
“Is it okay if we don’t talk about this again?” you ask shyly. “I’m sure it’ll pass. This Malfoy thing is temporary. It’s stupid.”
Hermione and Harry nod in agreement, but Fred and George notice a look in your eye as you gaze out the window. They know you. They know that you lied just now. It’s not temporary.
As soon as it came, autumn went and turned into soft blankets of snow. You smile as you look out of your dorm room in Gryffindor tower, the icicles hanging down in front of the panes of glass. It’s been months since the awkward mishap in the Hogwarts Express. Nobody’s said a word since and things have been normal for the most part, but Ginny hasn’t looked at you the same and you’ve noticed the twins whispering to each other in low voices and suddenly stopping once they notice you. Each time, you’ve shrugged it off, assuming it’s about a prank, but a prank never came. 
Today, you head out of Gryffindor tower with plans to go get a book from the library to read at breakfast and then go to Hogsmeade for a butterbeer. After getting dressed, you slip through the portrait hole and head towards the library. As you round the corner on your way, you crash into someone else.
“Oh!” you exclaim. “Sorry. I didn’t- I wasn’t looking where I was going…”
Looking up, you realize you just walked staring into Draco Malfoy, and your throat goes dry with nervousness and embarrassment. 
“Uhh… Sorry, Malfoy,” you say lowly, attempting to duck to the side of him and forget that even happened. You weren’t in the mood for a nasty one on one confrontation with Draco Malfoy today.
“Wait!” you hear him say from behind you. You turn around to look at him as he walks closer.
“What are you doing? Are you going to insult me for being a clumsy lowlife?” you ask, your heart sinking. He’d never say anything nice, not in a million years no matter how much you wanted him to. “That’s what my siblings and I are used to.  I wouldn’t be surprised. After all, poor people like us don’t have manners. We weren’t raised right.”
“Is that really what you think of me?” Draco asks a bit too softly, his steely grey eyes looking right into yours. You back up a step, not expecting him to look at you directly and not be shouting in your face. This is new and unexpected, but it’s what you’ve wanted for a long time.
“Well… I’ve come to anticipate it,” you reply honestly. 
“That’s too bad,” Draco replies. “I’ve got a lot to learn I guess…”
“What do you mean by that?”
“I’ll tell you if you come to Hogsmeade with me,” Draco smiles. “Will you come with me?”
“Now?” you ask. “I’ven’t had breakfast yet.”
“We can get it there,” he shrugs. 
“Why do you want to take me to Hogsmeade?  You’re Draco Malfoy. I’m y/n Weasley.”
“All your questions will be answered there, y/n. I just want to talk to you. Do you trust me?”
Hesitantly, you nod. He holds out his arm and you take it. He leads you down to the courtyard and towards the carriages to Hogsmeade. None of them have left yet, and you both climb into the first one and then you’re off.
You both hop off in the village and go striaight to the Three Broomsticks. Draco holds the door for you and lets you sit down in the booth and get comfortable first. Madam Rosmerta comes and takes your order: two butterbeers and some food for breakfast. He smiles at you from across the table as you take a sip of the mug of butterbeer, thanking him quietly for paying. He clears his throat.
“So…” he smiles.
“So…” you say back. “Will you answer my questions?”
“Of course,” Draco replies. “I got a small note in my bag the other day. I don’t know who it’s from. It just appeared all of a sudden. It just said ‘Tell y/n the truth. Go for it, Malfoy.’ That’s all. You’re probably wondering why that brings us here. Truth is… I’ve liked you for a while now, y/n.  I just needed some encouragement to say something.  I’ve been so caught up with what my father wants for me for the past few years that I forgot to think about what I want to do with my life. I’ve fancied you for a while. I reckon it wasn’t obvious because of how I’ve treated you. I was just so, so obsessed with being like my father and I was confused. I needed to sort out my priorities. I’ve done some thinking lately and it’s time to make a change. That’s why I said ‘I have a lot to learn’ because I do. I just wanted to tell you the truth. I’m done being so unpleasant toward you and your family.”
Your mouth hangs completely wide open. You didn’t expect this. This might even be a dream. Draco Malfoy saying he was confused? And he’s making a change? No. You always thought that Draco would be cold and indifferent towards you for the rest of your years at Hogwarts, you’d graduate and then forget about him, settling for another person, but no. He just confessed to fancying you. 
“Y/n? Please say something? I’m going out on a limb here. I’ve never been this vulnerable in my life… I know it’ll take a long time to unlearn my bad habits, and I know that not all people are willing to be that patient with someone, but I’ve known you for years. We’ve been in the same classes. You’re kind and considerate and easygoing with people. You’re compassionate and when you laugh you make me want to smile. I understand if history is against me and it’s alright if you reject me here and now, but… I just wanted to say ‘I’m sorry. Will you give me a chance?’” he pleads, reaching over the table his hand hovering over yours, scared to grab your hand and have you pull away. Still flabbergasted, you look off to the side and see nobody’s come into the Three Broomsticks yet.
“Wow… Draco… I don’t know what to say… This is so sudden,” you gasp. “I’m completely taken aback. I had no idea that you liked me… Nothing you’ve done in the past would have hinted at it. Nothing.”
“You’re right, y/n,” Draco sighs, ready to admit defeat, thinking this is hopeless.
“Are you serious about this? Your confession?” you ask. “ Tell me the truth.”
“Absolutely.” His reply is sound. His eyes look into yours warmly. With remorse. You begin to smile softly at him. 
“Okay, Malfoy. I’ll give you a chance,” you decide with a nod.  With your words, Draco explodes with glee, slapping the table with excitement.
“Thank you, y/n!” he blurts out. “You will not regret this.”
“I sure hope I don’t,” you smile. “Now, how about we finish eating and walk around a bit?”
Draco grins like a kid who’s just sneaked five handfuls of cookies from the cupboard and nods, taking a sip from his drink. As you two sit across from each other, you share pleasant conversation, laughing about family and school. You laugh about how you’re both almost complete opposites. He’s a Slytherin; you’re a Gryffindor. You have seven siblings; he has none. You’re adopted; he’s not. You laugh and joke. You share stories from your past and your heart warms, enjoying having someone new to talk to who makes you feel unlike you ever had before.  You can’t remember a day that you smiled this much.
After you’re done in the Three Broomsticks, you both walk around the village, going into Honeydukes and Zonko’s. The day comes to a close and you both agree to do it again sometime. As you both go your separate ways you both fail to notice Fred, George, and Ginny spying on you from around the corner.
“That’s what I call a success,” Fred smirks to his siblings. Ginny scowls in your direction as you disappear down the hallway towards Gryffindor tower. 
“I’m glad the note worked. The three months of spying on Malfoy to see if he fancied her was exhausting. We had to use Omnioculars to see him writing in his paper his initials and y/n’s with a heart in his notebook from above,” George sighs, exhausted. He looks over to his sister, whose grumbling to herself under her breath.  “What’s gotten into you, Gin?”
“Why’d you two go to all this trouble for someone so toxic?” Ginny asks.  “This will only end in disaster.  Y/n and Draco Malfoy together can only end in a dumpster fire. He’s not a good influence.”
“You sound like Mum, Ginny,” Fred retorts.  “Y/n seemed to be satisfied with today and that’s enough. I haven’t seen her smile so much in a long time. Last time she smiled like that was when Georgie and my products first arrived.”
“Why are you going to so much trouble for her?” Ginny asks glumly.  “She was perfectly happy before.”
“Well… Georgie and I talked about it.  Y/n’s always felt a little bit alone and in the middle of things.  Even though we love y/n and she loves us, she’s self-conscious about being adopted sometimes. When we’re all together, she can be quiet sometimes.  She gets lonely and doesn’t feel like she belongs even though she completely does.  She’s a Weasley, after all, but she feels like the other Weasley.  We’ve noticed her feeling like that lately and we wanted to make her happy.  Someone she can maybe identify with on a personal level other than us,” Fred explains, careful of his wording.
“What’s there do identify with when it comes to Malfoy?”  Ginny grumbles, refusing to believe that y/n could possbly relate to someone as vile and cruel as Draco Malfoy
“Maybe not identify with.  Maybe just to have around.  Having that other person that you enjoy the company of,”  George adds.  
“Why did it have to be Malfoy?”
“Relationships can stem from the most unlikely of places,” George reasons.
“This is trouble, you two.  Y/n doesn’t need him. She has her family.  How can she feel lonely in our family when there’s so many of us.  You’re meddling with y/n’s emotions because you don’t think ahead.  This needs to be fixed,” Ginny decided, turning on her heels while trying to compile her course of action.  The twins look at each other with a worried expression.  What is Ginny thinking of doing?
Read Part II!
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spellnbone · 4 years
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Contrary to what some people think at first sight of his description, Edgar is not someone who rejects emotions. He might be driven by a mind that craves logic, but his heart is a loyal one and contributes to his decisions greatly. Following positive nihilistic philosophies, he knows the importance of love, of loving, and of living in the moment freely. This being said, while he does enjoy a night full of quick-lived romance, he is mainly a terrible serial monogamist.
Age Fourteen - Ainsley
He was in year four when the kids around him began trying things out. Drinking, flirting, kissing. Removed from everyone as he was at that time, he saw no reason to participate, but when he heard that Amelia too had played such games at a recent party, he grew jealous. The two were still in a process of detaching themselves from the other and the idea to be so purposefully excluded from her adventures lit an angry little fire inside of him.
So he stomped up to one of his (very few) friends, Ainsley, who was herself reading a book in a corner at a Ravenclaw party, and prepared a whole speech about why logically it’s of fundamental use to try some of those games yourself, for the sake of both philosophical and physiological development, and then -- never got a single word out. Instead he just pressed a kiss to her mouth.  
“Thank you.” “You’re welcome.”
And they never spoke of it again.
Age Fifteen - Tsi / Fabian
It was in a similar line of thinking that Tsi, a Slytherin, chose Edgar to be her boyfriend. They’d been transfig partners for almost three months, working on a project together, and eventually she decided he’d be good for snogging. Seeing how Amelia, too, just had gotten a boyfriend, Edgar wasn’t very hesitant to agree. He thought it rather agreeable that Tsi didn’t care about his opinions or wishes and just told him what to do, when and how, as it at least alleviated any form of awkwardness -- and taught him a lot.
She broke up with him when the Summer holidays came, with the words: “You’re probably gay anyway.” He was a little upset as to how one could possibly come to such a conclusion, and then spent the Summer drunk and making out with Fabian.
Age Seventeen and Eighteen - Wandering Philosophers
After graduation, Dell invited Edgar to join his little group of Wandering Philosophers. If one has ever seen one of those Summer of Love hippie bus drug montages, one can image what this year abroad was like for Edgar. It was perhaps 1971 and not 1967 but that did not stop the excess of free love and free drugs.
By the end of the year, Edgar had made more experiences than his mind cared to remember, had massively changed his opinions on friendship and other people, and had -- somehow managed to find a steady girlfriend?
Age Nineteen - Janis
Said steady girlfriend came with him back to Hastings. It’s not entirely clear what came first, her or the end of Edgar’s travels, but either way, the moment he’d spoken his first I Love You, he knew he wanted her to come to England with him. As he worked for the West Sussexian Wizarding Paper, they rented a small apartment by the sea, and he was the happiest one could be.
She was not. The American Witch often hinted at him how small the world had become, how the routines felt so terribly familiar, how there was no newness anymore -- and he thought she meant it in a positive way. It turned out, she didn’t. When Edgar stumbled upon Ainsley one day, she suggested he’d join the Daily Prophet in London, and when he told this to Janis, her cry of relief was great.
“Yes, please, Edgar, go!” she said, and in between words of reassurance that she did love him, that she just hated the small town life, she was already packing her own bags.
Age Twenty to Twenty-Two - Lucienne
It took a while for Edgar to recover from Janis basically fleeing from him, but it was all the easier now that he’d moved to London and was close to Amelia. The two had barely been in contact since graduation, and while he’d done nothing but smoke weed and discuss heatedly if Camus or Sartre were superior, she’d worked herself up to the top of the Ministry of Magic. He couldn’t be prouder. But as he waited for their very different lifestyles to clash, they only grew closer and closer again.
This process was brusquely interrupted when Edgar met Lucienne. She was an actress from one of the underground Wizarding Theatres he wrote about regularly, and (as he’d written in one of his reviews) she needn’t no spotlight to make her shine. She was a bright firework herself, wherever she went, people turned heads, and Edgar never fully understood what she saw in him, why she picked him.
But it mustn’t have been pity, for she was the one to suggest he move in with her. The fact that their greatest obsession was also their common interest helped. While Edgar joined the Order and had his mind growing clouded with the dangers of this war, Lucienne always managed to remind him of the world’s beauty as well. They could rehearse, discuss and analyse plays for hours and hours without it ever growing boring, and while the city outside grew dark, at least inside their apartment Lucienne’s light illuminated everything brightly.
Age Twenty Three - London
It was in the Fall of his twenty-second year that Edgar witnessed the first death of someone close in the Order. Some even said he’d been the cause for it. It changed something in him. After the funeral he saw Caradoc cry for the first time. Had the two hated each other up until that point, something connected them over the grave of their friend. Edgar brought him home, not to Lucienne, but to Amelia. They told her about the Order and about their loss, and till this day, Edgar is not sure why he chose Amelia to comfort them. Perhaps if he hadn’t, if he’d brought Caradoc to Lucienne (who was, after all, an anti-bloodpurism activist) everything would’ve been different now.
But as it were, he stayed with Amelia for days, perhaps weeks, incapable to face Lucienne again, until, about a month later, she sent him his things. No letter, nothing attached. Just a clear sign: they were over.
This was the only time that he and Amelia shared a flat, and along with the truth of his political endeavours, this truly sealed their relationship with wax. Ever since having been sorted into two different houses at Hogwarts, they’d slowly but surely grown apart, but now it was as though they were in Mexico all over again. They cooked together, went out together, slept together -- that is in the same bed, of course. Sometimes they brought home someone from a pub, but it was never until they fully reached the bedroom that it became apparent for who that person was meant for. Amelia? Edgar? Neither? Both? Either way, the moment the person was gone the next day (or same night -- after all, the Bones twins were quite good at being hostile to unwanted people) they were clinging together again.
It was during this time that Edgar remembered why he’d changed his writing hand from left to right, once upon a time: it was to hold Amelia’s at all times.
Age Twenty-Three to Twenty-Five - Genevieve
(Un)fortunately, there were still moments they had to spend apart, namely at work. And it was during work (visiting a Muggle play on Drury Lane) that Edgar met Genevieve. She was different from anyone he’d ever met. She was of royal blood and knew her manners, spoke of luxuries and her own charities with ease, while at the same time showing no sign of vanity or arrogance. She loved theatre and due to being a Muggle, knew nothing about the war that was slowly but surely devouring Edgar’s mind.
Edgar realised quickly that if he wanted to keep up with her, he needed to leave Amelia. And so it came that only after about three months of dating, Genevieve bought them an apartment and they moved in together. He was enamored by her every move, every word, every sight. He was incapable of reviewing any plays but romances, began writing terrible poetry himself and -- neglected everyone but her. Had Amelia been the center point of his life only half a year ago, he now barely remembered to reply to her letters, and was the war still raging, he struggled to see its somber colours through his pink glasses.
So it came, that when it turned out that Genevieve was no Muggle at all, but a Muggleborn who’d chosen to live amongst Muggles, something changed. On the one hand, he loved her even more, now capable to show her the House of Bones and introduce her to his family, on the other hand he knew what this meant. And indeed, it didn’t take long until her family was attacked by Death Eaters. The family had once upon a time been closely connected with a family from the Sacred 28, but after the Statue of Secrecy had been established, the ties had been cut. However this didn’t change the fact that the family knew of the Wizarding World, being reminded of it ever so often whenever a new magical child was born.
“My family is in danger and I don’t know what to do.” “Have you heard of the Order of the Phoenix?”
It was the first time Edgar told someone about the Order, other than Amelia. But while Genevieve thought he’d now ask her to join the fight (she was eager to), he told her about this pilot project of theirs, about taking in refugees and helping them to flee.
“You want me to leave?” He wanted to say no, because never had he loved someone as earnestly and deeply as her, but he said “Yes,” and she was too noble and dignified to fight. After all, it really was the smartest decision.
Age Twenty-Six - Tsi
Yes, Tsi from Year Five. What happened in between Genevieve and the heartbreak she caused and Tsi, should be of no mystery anymore: Amelia. They didn’t officially live together this time as she had her own boyfriend, but they still very much spent every waking moment together. Eventually the boyfriend left. Neither of them really acknowledged it. What mattered was that Amelia forgave Edgar for leaving her so suddenly, and he promised to never to it again.
About four months later, Tsi found Edgar. She had barely changed. She was still a fierce and stubborn Slytherin, hungry for power and control, and all too earnest about her urges and desires. So Edgar, still nursing his heartbreak, was willing to submit himself to her demands once more. She was so different from Genevieve it was easy to forget her in Tsi’s commands and willful ideas.
It ended abruptly when Edgar learnt she agreed with Voldemort’s ideas.
Age Twenty-Seven - London Again
Once again heartbroken, Edgar found himself with Amelia again as well. But this time she made him promise to never hurt her again properly.
“No one must come between us again.” “No one will, I promise.”
Amelia was by now an affiliate of the Order and because Edgar was almost certain that the Other Side knew his face and name, he didn’t want to put Amelia in danger by living with her. So he got his own apartment, a little thing in Muggle China Town, and on the nights he doesn’t spend with Amelia or working, he does bring people home. He cannot stand sleeping alone anymore, the silence causing his thoughts to spiral terribly.
So it doesn’t really matter who that warm body is, he’s content as long as he can nestle up to it at night. Sometimes it’s a good friend, drunk, like Fabian, who needs a place to crash, and sometimes it’s a stranger, who Edgar makes sure not to learn anything about, out of fear to fall in love again.
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Lavinya the Red Fox’s part in Soler’s story
This is for @solerwolf21​‘s story, where he was wondering if I’d let Lavinya have a cameo for it!
Here’s the scenario he gave me for my Sonic OC (Who is OP and basically Genie-like from Aladdin. Just a jester, comedy relief character to be honest, but as brilliant as Jack Sparrow’s accidental tomfoolery)
Our chat: 
solerwolf21 : Alright if your down theres two the first is like an intro to the character if you want but basically shes doing some task around the base (leave that up you) and she's about to bite it in doing the task but Soler comes to help her and we learn that they know each other (this definitely isn't the first time he's helped her)
The second is later on Shay escapes and Soler, Shadow and Sally are late to get there but someone is distracting him turns out is its our girly (again you can go nuts with whatever it is shes doing) but before Shay could get in a hit Soler comes in for the save again and though he tries to scold her slightly she feels she's saved the day (which she sorta did lol)
cutegirlmayra : Lol sounds legit how Lavinya behaves lol My first idea is that he's trying to get past her and she slams her hand into the wall to block him and looks up like, "Hey, you're hot." and he's like really confused. "I didn't say that out loud." And he's like, "Are you an idiot?" and she goes, "Wow, but you said that out loud." lolololol
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I wrote this immediately after:
First part:
It wasn’t long before the base was trying to recover, and work continued with only a minor set of hiccups…
“HYUK!” A red fox with strange blonde hair suddenly flung her back up from bending over to collect some files out of a cabinet. “Hyuk! Hyuk!” she seemed to have hiccups, and looked around for some water.
Not finding any, her tails suddenly shot her back and made her jolt towards what looked like a corner. “Ow! Hey!” the tail, as though having a mind of its own, felt around a moment before finding a cooler and began to pour a drink.
When it presented the drink to her, she sighed in relief, “HYUK!” she quickly took the cup and drank down the water, holding her breath to try and get rid of the hiccups while the tail seemed to ‘shake it’s head’ at her stupidity to even manage her own life.
“Office work…” she plugged her mouth to not hiccup, when nothing came out, she slowly opened the hand like a barn door… looked down to her mouth to wait… and then continued, “Isn’t really my forte…”
She was startled again when Soler walked by, seeming troubled and maybe focused on staying lost in his thoughts before his foot crinkled a piece of paper in his speedy walk.
“Huh?” He bent down and picked up the paper, amazed by it’s importance before examining the rest of the room. “Why are all these documents scattered everywhere?” He must have thought they were still being ransacked, so the Red fox girl quickly ran over to aid him.
“N-no-no! It’s just a light hurricane of hiccups.” She wagged her hands out in front of her as though to calm him, but he thought she was speaking metaphorically and sighed.
“Lavinya… why is it there’s always a hurricane of something when it comes to you?” He helped her picked up the papers, “You’re more suited for something where you can move around… maybe not something as delicate as… paperwork organizing.” he looked at the crinkled pieces of important papers and sighed again, ‘Who put her up to this anyway?’
“Hehe… yeah… well,... my portal hopping and poofing doesn’t exactly suit well with the princess…” She gulped, feeling her nicely cooled throat by the cold water as she did so. “They say I’m too dangerously unstable for a mission…. Since I could compromise things, and I’m not too good a messenger since I either forget or lose the message in the process. And last time, my brilliant tape recorder was almost stolen by Eggman’s forces too… soo…. I’m kinda here.” she looked around the office, showing her disdain but also sorrow at being so useless to everyone. “I can’t control my powers… so I can’t really follow directives.” she picked up another paper, and her tail swished to do the same, holding it up to her like a mouth of a creature.
She smiled sweetly and took it, “Anyway, that must be hard to understand, right?”
He looked down, thinking hard about what she said. “Actually? I completely understand.” he flopped the papers down on the desk and walked by her, patting her shoulder. “You’ll master your abilities in time. Keep at it. I know there’s a special word and symbol we can’t say or draw around you, but besides that, you’re kinda impossible to defeat, right?”
“Defeat?” She looked a little offended, “What am I? A monster to you!?”
“Well, you do say your tail is a evil mastermind.” he jokingly pointed to her tail, which at the time, was acting like a normal tail. “Who’s to say you aren’t just covering for your random tendencies to cause trouble?”
“I don’t mean too!” She slammed the papers on the desk and stormed after him. “Hey! Soler! Wait!”
“I’m leaving you in the hurricane.” he waved behind him, smiling slightly at how silly this crazy girl could get, but knew in his heart her circumstances weren’t so far off from his own… except, they were completely different, but the feelings and desires to be enough for others were the same.
Situation 2:
Shay flexed through the dust of his latest attack, brushing off the rubble and then cracking his individual fingers, “My poor neck…” He taunted, cracking it before rolling his shoulders as though just coming out of a leisurely spa-day. “Now… where is that charming brother of mine..?” he turned to what looked like an office, room with the wall crumbling away from it. “They don’t just kill themselves, now do they?” he continued to march with a purpose before seeing a blonde but red fox girl stick her head up, trembling, from below a desk.
He smirked, seeing the fear. He gestured for her to slowly withdraw back behind the desk, and her blue eyes just simply blinked at his gesture.
He held a finger up to his mouth as though she should remain silent, and continued towards the door.
However, before he could reach it, she slammed her hand into the wall just before the door, putting her elbow up to loop her hand behind her head, and pretended to seem like she was just chilling there.
She stuck up her lower lip and continued to play it cool… even seeing his eyes… slowly… narrow to a deadly, hostile glare of annoyance.
She thought fast, “You’re hot.” she slipped out, checking him out in a humorous way that was completely faked.
Confused, he just narrowed his eyes and slightly withdrew his neck back at her appalling display. “What did you just say?”
“Nothing out loud, I can assure you.” While her hand was behind her, she silently kept snapping it, waiting for something to randomly happen. A rubber duck poofed in behind her head and landed behind her. As it squeaked about hitting the ground, rolling till it’s head got in the way, he slowly turned to glance down at it, then raise an eyebrow.
“Eh heh, office decor. They say it’s like your home so…” she stopped herself from furthering that awkward sentence…
She kept snapping and many random items fell from behind her. A miniature rowboat, a toy snake, a slinky, a stuffed puppy, before Shay finally had enough of it.
“Are you an idiot?” he grabbed her hand that was--not so secretly--snapping and shoved her back against the door.
“Ow!” she flinched, her eye twitching slightly at the pain. “Well, you said that out loud.”
“I won’t say this again.” He leaned in and softly spoke out such harsh and cruel words, twisting his grip to really tighten and pain her arm further. “Get out of my way, witch.”
Her eyes widened slightly.
She flexed out her hand and fell back through a portal.
Out of surprise, he let her go, amazed as the vortex looked so incredibly pitch-black with other minor colors swirling around that he honestly thought she just did something magical. He felt around the space, unable to see anything, before the red fox girl’s head popped out from the ceiling.
“Yoohoo!” she called and he turned around to blast a Chaos beam at her, but she was already portaling to another spot in the office. She blew a raspberry as he suddenly was playing whack-a-mole with this strange fox girl.
“What kind of power is this!?” he stepped back and slid on the rubber ducky, causing him to fall on the rowboat which blasted a horn. He covered his ear and turned, but that triggered the toy snake which clomped on his nose. “AH!” he jumped up to his knees but the Red Fox girl grabbed the slinky by having her two arms stick out of the portals, making a pretty twisty bow as she locked his legs together.
He tried to get up but stumbled from the horrible knot and fell down again, unable to move much but he did struggle.
As he fell, she removed the soft puppy plushie as his head hit the ground hard, and then proceeded to look at the puppy as though not sure how this would help but started whacking him with it.
The door opened and seeing her friends, she held her hands up and swayed them over her face, “Hurricane~” she teased, knowing only Soler would get the reference.
She had stalled him just long enough, and that was honestly her goal.
“Lavinya…” Sally marveled, seeing him struggling to break the slinky and realizing that her power made it an unordinary slinky. “Did you do this?” she looked at her in awe.
Lavinya flexed like a strong man a few times, her tail joining her, “Well, ah-ha, yeah, I did~” she showed off, “But I was honestly going for a sword…” she deflated herself a bit and let her arms dangle down from her hunched back in front of her. Her head also seemed despondent.
“Hmph, maybe you’re not just a clown after all.” Shadow walked by her, rubbing her head as her entire character changed to sudden glee, and he went to finish the ‘rope-tying’ she had started.
“ENOUGH!” Shay blasted the room with a Chaos Blast that had each of them shoved up against a wall.
“Offph..! He hit the mole…” she joked, even while in pain, and slid to the ground. He was strong enough to finally break the strange alien slinky as the rest of Lavinya’s summoned objects suddenly poofed out of existence once she was hit and fell to the ground.
She gripped her head, and as he grabbed her tail--which mimicked biting him, as though it had regained it’s separate personality from her again--looked as though ready to rip her to shreds.
“I’m not very fond of games…”
“Lavinya!” Soler swung a punch to a--once again--distracted Shay and helped her up. “What did I say about trouble!?”
“Sally… S-Shadow…” Lavinya weakly pointed to them as Shay’s eyes shook.
“Oh no.”
-need more @solerwolf21​? lol it was fun xD- (This is based on my commission I made for him as well.)
Note: My spell check is the WORST on the planet, so if there’s some errors forgive me T-T
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theladylovingcrow · 5 years
High Sex is the Best (Just Don't Fall Asleep) - Sanny
Author (As known on Various sites): Lady Lover- Rockfic, luluthechoosingcrow- AO3, theladylovingcrow- Devianart and Wattpad
Fandom: Greta Van Fleet
Pairing(s): Danny Wagner/Sam Kiszka, Jake Kiszka/Josh Kiszka in background, slightly implies Danny/Sam/Josh/Jake
Warnings/Tags: Drug use, marijuana, shotgunning, making out, mild smut, gay, voyeurism, masturbation, first kiss, incest, twincest, some attempts at humor
Word Count: 3715
Summary: Sam figures out that he's attracted to his best friend after catching Danny jerking off in the shower. (BTW this story focuses on Danny and Sam, though Jake and Josh are definitely in there)
Author's Notes: Yes, I wrote incest/twincest. If it bothers you, don't read it. This is pure, ridiculous, speculative fiction. I was hesitant to write it, at first, but the twins are so cute and I think it fits well, at least with this story.
Also I kinda realized the title sounds a bit rapey? Its not, they just fall asleep before it gets to the sex because I lost inspiration. Sorry not sorry.
"Welcome to your room, Monsueir, I hope everything is to your pleasure," Sam said in an awful French accent, bowing as Danny walked past him into their hotel room.
His best friend giggled and surveyed the room they had rented for the next two and a half days. The boys of Greta Van Fleet had elected to go to a Motel 6 during their longer stay in Minnesota instead of sleeping on the bus. Overall, the room was plain and oddly sea themed, but it would do the job.
"I think it's lovely! Very nice view, here," Danny replied, opening the puke orange curtains to survey the parking lot and Kmart across the street.
"Yes, very cozy," Sam said in his regular voice, kicking their duffel bags to one side of the queen sized bed. "But no, honestly, the room sucks. I might go back and sleep in the bus."
"What? I thought you said you didn't mind? It was all about the music, and that we play better together because we're so close and in tune with each other. Change your mind?"
Sam snorted and looked back at Danny, still by the window.
"Oh, no, I still believe all that. I just have a headache and I don't wanna listen to whatever the hell Jake and Josh are doing next door. I'm kind of in a crappy mood, sorry."
Danny grinned to match the
bassist. That was the Sam he knew.
"What makes you think they're gonna be at it tonight? Josh was complaining about *his* headache from your snoring all the way here."
Sam looked affronted.
"I do not snore!"
"Nuh-uh, you totally do. Remember, we even video taped it that year we went to the cabin on the lake."
Sam just pouted and threw a pillow from the bed at Danny, who caught it and tossed it right back at his face. They both set to work unpacking a few choice items and familiarizing themselves with the motel room's meager offerings.
"Hey, mints!" Danny cried from the corner, bent over the rickety desk to inspect what was on it. "And menus. Wanna order pizza?"
"You know I do," Sam said, "but let's see if my brothers have plans to go somewhere, or if they already ordered something."
"Hmm, yeah, good idea," Danny replied, already immersed again in going through the contents of the desk.
Sam pocketed the key card, just in case Danny wasn't able to open the door again for some reason, and went to the room directly to their left.
Jake answered the door, cheeks flushed and expression annoyed at being interrupted in whatever he was doing. Peering past him, Sam could see his eldest brother Josh lying on the bed, looking pretty well on his way to being fucked (and not the drug kind).
Ah, so Josh was what he had been doing. Okay, cool, that was pretty normal. Well, most people would disagree, horrified, but Sam's brothers had always been like this, and he saw no problem with the love and understanding they clearly had. He was a little bummed that he most likely wouldn't be getting a good night's sleep, though.
"Hey, do you guys have dinner plans? Danny and I want to order pizza."
"Nah, pizza sounds good. We'll, uh, come by and get it when we're ready to eat," Josh said from the bed, his voice raspier and deeper than normal.
Sam noticed that Jake's pants were also undone and slipping off of one bony hip, having been pulled on in a hurry.
He smirked at his brothers, and said, "Okay, sounds good. Enjoy the blow job!" Before pulling the door shut himself and turning to his and Danny's room.
He knocked on the blue door, and waited for his best friend to come let him in. Danny didn't come to the door, though, and if Sam strained his ears, he could hear the faint sound of the shower running through the clanking pipes.
'Thank God I thought to grab the key card, wouldn't want to spend the next twenty minutes in the twins' room cockblocking them. They always get so cranky when they can't get it on, damn horndogs.'
He let himself in, ordering the pizza then sitting down on the bed him and Danny would share the next two nights. They were all used to passing out in a pile on the floor, or sharing tents and bunks when camping, or even hotel beds like tonight when they still preferred to save money by getting one queen. Basically, they all slept together all the time and thought nothing of it.
Other people probably thought it was weird. Weird that his brothers were fucking, weird that he lay snuggled up to Josh's back with Danny's arms around his waist while they did it. Sam pondered what an outsider's perception to his life would be. But it didn't really matter in the end, did it? Like he told Danny, he was in this for the music. And it really did make them play better, he thought, knowing each other so closely.
Speaking of Danny, he was taking a long time in the shower. He could be washing his luxurious hair, or he could be jerking off. Maybe he was listening to Jake and Josh through the thin motel walls.
Sam grinned, and stealthily tip toed over to the bathroom door. He turned the knob, and smiled even wider when it opened without a noise. Looks like hotel maintenance actually upkept this room.
Creeping over to the sea horse patterned curtain, Sam prepared to rip it open and hopefully scare Danny out of his mind.
With a sudden "Hyyahhh!", he tore open the shower curtain to find his best friend with his hand wrapped around his erection.
"Ahhh!" Danny screamed, higher pitched than Josh's wailing onstage.
"Gotcha!" Sam cried, curiously pleases that he caught Danny jerking off.
It was just that he'd caught him doing something embarrassing, right? But, no, not really. His brothers didn't really make any attempts to mask their sounds of pleasure and shifting movements in the dark, and neither did Sam when he felt the need. Once Danny had gotten used to that (and it sure was a shocker the first few times), he hadn't hesitated to take care of a boner either. Danny had even fucked a girl while sitting on a couch right next to Sam.
So, 'embarrassing' wasn't the reason he was absolutely gleeful at catching (aka seeing) this. Danny didn't seem to mind, either, as he'd gone right back to stroking himself once the surprise of Sam's sudden appearance wore off.
"Is the pizza here already? I swear it hasn't been *that* long."
"Nah, man. Still probably have twenty minutes or so."
"Okay, so, did you- uhhh- did you need something?" Danny asked, moaning softly as his hand sped up.
"I dunno, I was bored," Sam answered. What was he supposed to say now, especially with the way he was mesmerized with seeing the mess of soap suds Danny was using as lube slide down his balls?
"I'm pretty entertained now, though," he blurted out. Sam guessed his mouth had decided that flirty and playful was the way to go in this emotionally confusing but increasingly hot situation.
"Uh- okay, sure. Just don't pull the curtain back any, anymore or water will- *fuck*- go everywhere. *Shit*." Danny got out, sounding breathless and preoccupied.
Sam wasn't going to pass up this opportunity to really observe, not just listen, so he leaned against the wall and watched to his heart's content.
Danny was stroking fast, now, his feet widened so that he could thrust his hips in tiny circles and not slip on the slick floor. His balls, much darker than the rest of his body and still covered in soap, swung gently with the motion. Sam couldn't get enough of seeing his dark pink head poke out from the foreskin every time Danny's hand started on the downstroke.
Sam stood and watched as Danny threw his head back, groaning low at the back of his throat as cum fell onto his fist and the shower floor. His own skinny jeans were noticeable tighter, he realized, after awareness of what just happened came to him.
Ehh, whatever. This wasn't the weirdest thing they'd done, and he doubted that it would make things awkward.
Sam whistled. "Damn, dude, that was kind of impressive."
"Kind of? Fuck you, Kiszka, I'm hotter than a shish kebab."
Sam snorted at the odd saying, but had to agree with it none the less. Danny was *really fucking hot.* That was why he's so exited, then: He's attracted to his best friend. Oddly, the thought didn't cause him alarm or disgust, just a level of clarity.
"You are. That was great, and now we get to have pizza!"
There had been a knock at the door a few seconds before, which could only be one thing: warm, cheesy, greasy pizza. Okay, it could have also been one of his brothers, but he didn't think they'd come up for air for another hour.
Danny smirked at his boner, but said nothing. Sam went to grab the food, being the clothed one, while Danny dried off and slipped on a pair of boxers. Danny didn't seem bothered by what had happened, either, in fact he appeared to be in a great mood. And that was just fine with Sam.
They both settled against the pillows on the bed, Sam now in his boxers and a soft tee shirt. An old western that neither of them had ever heard of was playing on the TV, and a pizza box lay by their feet.
"Hey, Danny, what's the best thing about Switzerland?" Sam suddenly asked.
"Um, I don't know. I don't know much about Switzerland. The chocolate?"
"I don't know either. But, the flag is a big plus!" Sam said, obviously trying to hold back his giggles. An ugly snort broke loose, though.
Danny bit his lip in an effort not to laugh, but Sam's ridiculous face and noises were hard to ignore. And it *had* been kind of a funny joke, if a really corny one.
They laughed together at the stupid joke Sam totally got off the internet, and polished off their box of pizza.
Danny groaned and rubbed his full belly; Sam yawned and stretched.
"Man, that was great. I swear the Dominoes at home doesn't make it like that," Sam said, yawning again.
"Yeah, I don't know what it was, but that pizza tasted ten times better than it normally does. Maybe because we haven't had any in awhile?"
"You call three days a while? But, yeah, it does tend to taste better when you've been craving it. What do you want to do now?" Sam asked.
"I dunno, dude, it's kinda early to go to bed but there's not much else to do. This motel has shitty channels."
"All motels have shitty channels, Dan. Wanna catch a drink, maybe? Go out?"
"Hmm, not really in the mood to get dressed again. I just wanna chill, you know? But some beer would be good, or a joint. You got shit?"
Sam grinned at him. "Of course I do. Here, let me put some music on. Maybe Jake and Josh will join us, they should be about done and hungry now."
The twins were indeed done (for the moment) and ready to eat their dinner. Danny got up to let them in as Sam put on his favorite Miles Davis album on his phone and lit up.
"Alright, it's a party! Pass that over, Sammy," Jake demanded, plopping down on the bed next to him.
Sam took a hit, shot gunned the smoke into Danny's mouth, then passed the joint over to his brother.
There: that was practically a kiss just then! And neither of them thought anything of it! Maybe watching Danny jerk off was just the next natural step in their relationship. After all, they were already extremely close, and, some might consider, intimate.
They all bobbed their heads to the music and slowly got high together; Sam was sharing more stupid jokes while the twins snuggled and breathed smoke into each other's mouths in between lazy kisses. Danny was lying in the middle of the bed, his head in Sam's lap so his best friend could play with his hair. They talked and laughed for hours, about everything from their show the next day to that chick from their high school who was STILL trying to bang Josh, no matter how many times he said no.
Eventually, Sam's brothers said goodnight and left, whispering much louder than they thought about how high sex was the best and that they were totally going to fuck until they passed out.
Sam waved them out with one hand, the other still tangled in Danny's thick hair. He felt so relaxed and content in that moment that a landslide coming towards the hotel couldn't of made him move.
"They're right, high sex is the best. Every thing feels so much- so much *more*."
Sam looked down at Danny and nodded in agreement.
"Hey, we're high. Wanna have sex?" Sam asked. Would Danny say yes? There was actually a possibility that he would, but, if not, that would be fine, too. Just hanging out with his best friend was enough.
"Sure, why the fuck not?" Danny replied.
Alright! What's it gonna be like, Sam wondered. Hot? Probably. Awkward? Not likely, at this point. How far were they gonna go? Danny was a fine looking guy, and Sam trusted him, but he was not ready to take it up the ass if they lasted that long.
Sam sucked in another lungful of smoke and scooted down the bed so that he was lying next to Danny, arms around him and a hand still curled into his hair. He leaned forward to shotgun the smoke, but, this time, he didn't pull away immediately.
One of Danny's hands found its way underneath his shirt, smoothing over his flat stomach. Sam gripped the side of his best friend's face and breathed out, passing the high between them as their lips mushed together. It was nice.
Really nice, actually. Sam was feeling very calm about the whole experience, practically watching it from outside his body on another plane. Maybe it was the weed, maybe it was the comfort of being right next to his best friend, but Sam felt at ease.
Also pretty horny, because hot DAMN was Danny doing something with his tongue. He kept licking at the seam of their lips like he was trying to taste the smoke escaping from the sides of their mouths.
Sam sucked on Danny's lower lip, making it dark and swollen. He then pulled back to catch a breath and look at his bandmate.
What a sight Danny was, with his long hair flowing around his shoulders, kissed lips, and heavy lidded eyes. Not to mention the blissed out expression on his face.
"Mmm, that is nice, and all we've even done is kissed."
"No, I watched you earlier, remember? I'm pretty sure that counts towards the... the sex."
"Oh, yeah," Danny remembered with a dopey smile on his face. "I liked having you watch me, it was hot. I haven't cum like that in a while."
"Wanna do that again? I liked watching you. You can watch me too, if you want."
Danny nodded and leaned back in for another cannabis flavored kiss. They finished off the joint in between slow, heavy french kisses and dropped the roach in a marinara sauce container, now more occupied with making out.
Sam was in heaven, there was no other way to describe it. Danny's large, warm hands roamed all over his torso: pressing flat into his stomach, gripping his hips, smoothing down his shoulder blades and pinching his nipples. The feeling of his best friend's hair was smoother than silk in between his fingers, and it was so thick that he was able to grab handfuls of it just so he could hang on for the ride.
Sam should have known that, out of anyone, Danny would be the person who had him whipped. They kissed and they moaned and they dry humped, just a little bit, until they were so sleepy and contented that they passed out on top of each other. What a disappointment.
Sam woke up with a mothful of Danny's hair and a warm belly pressing on his erection. He smiled as hazy memories of the night before ghosted through his head: the pizza, the weed, the kissing, his newfound love interest.
He realized that he should probably spit out the hair in his mouth so that he wouldn't suffocate before him and Danny actually got a chance to have sex. Because he was pretty sure that hadn't happened last night. Pretty sure. It was kind of fuzzy.
"Hey, Danny, did we fuck last night?"
Danny groaned in response and pulled him closer, causing the drummer's own boner to rub against Sam's. How long had he been awake?
"No, no, I don't think we did. We could now, though."
Sam grinned. What an excellent idea! He rolled them over so that this time, Danny was lying on top of him.
They kissed, sloppy and sweet, musty breathes mingling in the air between them. Sam ran his hands up and down Danny's strong back, then traced the edge of his pants. He reached in between them to pull out Danny's co-
Jake busted through the door. "Hey! Which one of you took my sunglasses? I know you have them."
He paused for a minute to stare at their compromising position.
"God dammit! Josh is gonna be so fucking smug, you couldn't have waited another year to shack up?"
Sam and Danny just smiled at Each other and went back to kissing. They'd get to sex eventually. And Sam was looking forward to it.
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lunaraen · 5 years
Some Aidesse writing?
When it comes to the Order, veryfew things outside their personal rooms are really theirs, and even then, most things inside their rooms are fair gameat some point.
Prank wars typically know nobounds outside the most valuable or cherished of items.
Aiden’s stuff in general, theexception, tends to be left alone, if only because half of it’s somehow managedto find its way into Jesse’s room and because the others warming up to him hasbeen a slow process that mostly involves each side trying to not pick fights orreopen old wounds. Screwing around with what’s his might be well within theirrights, but it’s a risky move if they don’t want to deal with him or the chancethat either side’ll get testy.
But that’s hardly grounds for himto legitimately claim anything outside the shaky domain that’s his room andwhatever he’s left in Jesse’s (or whatever she’s taken from him, like too manyof his shirts and several of the books he’s nabbed from their own privatelibrary).
Aiden can try to stake those claims,maybe, but it doesn’t mean much.
It’s not really practical to tryand act like there’s a spot on the couch that’s his, not when it’s in the living room with several couches that getused regularly by everyone in the Order, those still living in the temple andthose just visiting.
But it’s totally his spot.
It’s cozy, to the far right sideof the couch in front of the fireplace, positioned next to the armrest andright by the small side table, the one typically covered in crumpled papers orwhatever books he’s brought from his room.
Given the trouble Aiden used tocause for nearly all of them regularly, and then the way he almost got Lukasand Jesse killed, it would be easy to steal the spot or rub in the fact thatit’s not his at all and can’t be stolen, that it was their couch first beforeit was ever his, just like this was their home first. None of them have triedit yet, and the more time passes, the less likely he thinks they are to try.
Not worth the time, maybe, or tooclose to stooping to his previous level of petty, but he’s comfortable anyway.
In all their daily chaos androutine, moving between adventures and disasters and even back and forthbetween cities, he’s carved out a little place for himself that feels more andmore normal by the day, a place outside his room or Jesse’s where he can justrelax and watch the chaos whirl by. It’s normal by this point; nobody questionsit anymore, what he wants or what he’s doing here of all places.
It’s nice.
“Hey.” Jesse’s voice isnice too, less startling than pleasant, and Aiden smiles when he looks up,finding Jesse leaning over the couch and smiling down at him through her bangs.
“Hey– oof.” Less nice is the way Jesse jumps the back of the couch,landing less than gracefully in his lap as one of her arms quickly wraps aroundhis shoulders to steady herself. Aiden’s attempts to adjust amount to littlemore than futile, and brief, squirming, one foot letting him know it’s lostcirculation. “Thanks for the warning. Really appreciated that.”
“It’s not my fault you’re sobony.” The wriggle is brief but exaggerated, feigned discomfort betrayedby her grin as she twists enough to wrap her arms around his middle. He’sskinnier than her still, but nowhere near as outright skeletal as he was whenhe first got here.
Jesse, soft as she might be, alsoweighs a considerable amount more simply for all the muscle from training,which is impressive and also currently somewhat unfortunate for his poor legs.
“And it’s not my faultyou’re built like a brick house, but my lap’s suffering for it anyway.”He’d like to consider himself lucky that he’d already set aside his notebookand quill, but Aiden doubts Jesse would have sat on him if it meant possiblyfolding the pages or screwing up his quill, and then they wouldn’t be here,with his knee digging into her side and back or all of her weight pressing downon an oddly turned ankle.
(He supposes he’s just luckyshe’s cuddling with him in the first place, but this position’s notparticularly comfortable and, way shorter than him or not, all that musclemakes her dense.)
“Alright, alright.”Jesse detaches, with a bit more reluctance and dramatics than are probablyneeded, and shifts off his lap, lifting him onto hers before he can adjust. Hisankle appreciates it anyway, half-numb as it dangles off the couch.“Better?”
“I’ll take it.” Hewraps an arm around her shoulders, comfortably loose as his other hand snatchesback up the journal and quill.
“How kind of you. It’s verychivalrous and noble of you to put up with me.”
He grins, feeling as cheeky andsmug as she looks and sounds.
“I know.”
She nudges his shoulder, doing abad job of hiding her smile before ducking her head and briefly nuzzling hisneck. It gets the reaction he knows she’s looking for, and she laughs at hisstuttering yelp, only barely not a laugh itself in a desperate attempt to wardoff more attention to an unfortunately ticklish area.
It works, mostly because Jesse’sattention is now on the words scrawled onto the paper, gaze jumping from theneater sections to the ones almost entirely sketched out.
It’s fun to watch her gaze shift,her head tucked onto his shoulder, and still his grip on the book tightens whenher brow furrows.
“It doesn’t look like yourusual writing.”
And even now, after everything,after years of regret and reform, part of Aiden wants to pull it close to hischest, to get up and leave, to redirect the conversation in some brusque butfinal way to keep her nose out of his business. That desperate, twisting partthinks of insults, cold comments, and the sorts of mocking he’ll be openinghimself up to by answering honestly.
Even if it weren’t Jesse asking,he hopes he wouldn’t listen to it, a remnant of a poor time and a poorerperson, worse in character if nothing else.
But because it’s Jesse asking,with all the curiosity she can have and none of the malice or even teasing he’dunderstand and expect from someone else, it’s an easy urge to shove down,because he never wants to be that person again and especially not around her.
“It's–” Aiden pauses,licking his lips instead of biting the lower one again and hopes it makes himseem more at ease, “it’s not. It’s a letter– well, maybe two. I’m tryingto draft it. I was wondering if you could, y'know, read it over. I want to knowif I’m saying it right; there’s still a lot I want to touch up, I’m just notsure how yet.”
He knows if he asked the twopeople he’s writing to, they’d tell him to forget it.
Heck, he fully expects Maya tojust storm the temple after getting hers to chew him out for not visiting andfor being dumb about it when they live in the same town.
(She gets grumpy enough as it iswhenever he rightly mentions that their years-long “exile” in SkyCity was mostly, if not entirely, his fault, along with all the emotional andphysical bumps that came with prison and reform; neither of them ever blamedhim then, and they seem more than convinced now that all of them getting homewas solely because of his letter.)
It’s a five minute walk to theirplace, and it feels more potentially daunting than any of the much longer walkshe takes every day to get to whatever build he and the rest of the constructionteam are working on somewhere in Beacontown.
He hasn’t been to their part oftown yet, luckily enough, for work or for his own curiosity since he went weeksago to check out their new house.
Aiden picks at the upper cornerof the page, already curling and creased.
Letters are easier than actualtalking. In theory.
They might think he’s dumb forit, but he knows they’d appreciate the thought behind the letters.
Well, if he splits the letterinto two. He wants to write them each their own letter, but he knows they’lljust read each other’s anyway. They live together, and while they’ll respecteach other’s privacy and let each read the letter meant for them, Gill sucks atkeeping things from Maya whether she’s trying hard or not to get him to spill.
She’s terrifying when she wantsto be, and Gill’s sappy either way.
And, as Aiden’s learned, ifeither of them are worried or annoyed with Aiden, they’ll be sure to let eachother know it through letter-sharing and ranting, because they’re the type offriends to worry like that when they don’t really need to and really shouldn’tbe concerned in the first place.
Still, they’re worth the effort.If they share theirs, that’s their right.
Jesse’s hand squeezes his arm,gently, and he doesn’t know if it’s meant to be reassuring or just supposed todrag him out of his thoughts.
It manages to succeed at bothanyway.
“I’d love to check it.”As interested as she sounds, she doesn’t make much of an effort to hide yetanother glance between the writing and him, mouth pulling into a frown.“Are you sure it’s okay?”
“I figure between me andLukas, you’ve seen plenty of bad drafts and more than enough trash writing. I know you’ve read worse from mebefore.”
Aiden’s letter to her, afterthey’d dealt with the Admin, read as desperate and awkward even when he wroteit, if significantly more mellow than anyone would have probably expectedbefore Sky City. Now it reads as even lousier than he remembered, too formal inall the wrong places and too informal simply because of their history.
With any luck, writing to twopeople who’ve been his best friends for almost as long as he can remembershould be easier, because and in spite of all their history and everythingAiden’s ever done.
“It’s never as bad as eitherof you think. That seems like a writer thing.” Aiden bites back a commentabout how it might be more about them, about their history where, even as Lukasstayed quiet, he was just as subjected to the Ocelot attitude of tearing peoplebesides themselves down for just about anything as Aiden was. If he staysquiet, they can avoid that conversation and Jesse can have more time to lookfor issues. Jesse tilts her head, eyes skimming the page for only a few momentsmore before she points at one line. “It doesn’t hurt to have a newperspective, though. I don’t think that’s supposed to be about theirhorse.”
Aaaaaaaaand maybe Jesse will justspot an obvious typo he should’ve caught in the first place, the scrawledsentence looking more rushed and oddly asking about their horse in a paragraphotherwise focused on their new garden and built home upgrades.
It’s the sort of thing that makesoutsider proof-reading valuable.
“Oh, bite me.” He huffsunder his breath as he scratches out the word, writing the slightly neatercorrected version above it. It’s why he has drafts, beyond his inability to besatisfied with a letter the first time. “I knew I missed something.”
“Only if you’reasking.” Her grin’s cheeky as can be, all teeth to let him know exactlywhat she’s responding to and accompanied by an over the top eyebrow waggle.
He loves her so much; it doesn’tmake her less of a dork. It’s just part of what he loves about her.
It doesn’t keep Aiden frompushing her shoulder, rolling his eyes as his tone goes dry, not monotone butas overtly sarcastic as he can make it.
“It’ll be hard for you toactually read if you’re busy gnawing on me. I taste terrible.”
“You’re not as bad as youthink.” He should expect the kiss on the cheek; he doesn’t. “In a lot of cases.”
Aiden could be sarcastic again,more biting or dry about how that’s not much of a surprise and how he’s good at being wrong, but the only thingdry is the inside of his mouth and he can’t help the lopsided smile.
“Good. That means there’shope.”
“There’s always hope.”
…that’s the sort of mindset hewants, and he hopes Jesse’s feedback will help let that bleed into the letter,spill over into whatever the finished products look like.
They all deserve a little morelight like that.
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anthfan · 6 years
S7-end of season fluff, hopeful, drabble
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Here’s a thing. That I wrote. Enjoy. 
~~“You’re sure you can’t see even a little?” Felicity asked for the fifth time since she’d approached her husband with a slightly nervous smile and a black blindfold.
“I can’t see anything.” he assured her, though he knew exactly where they were in the city from the direction they were heading, he counted turns and stops and calculated the speed of the car. What he didn’t know is why she’d taken him to a high rise half a mile from the newly built Smoak Tech building.
She hadn’t said a word when he’d obediently sat to let her place the blindfold, and when he’d told her that her silence was more worrisome than anything he could imagine she laughed and told him this was a good surprise.
He allowed her to take his hand when the car had been parked even though he could have navigated just fine without his sight, but the feeling of her hand in his was something he loved, his thumb finding the slim band around her fourth finger where he could feel the nervous anticipation flowing through her.
“Not much longer now.” she promised as she led him inside the building and into an elevator.
His curiosity was definitely piqued, and when a wicked thought entered his mind his hands flashed out, finding her hips to drag her towards him. “We’ve done the blindfold thing before,” he whispered low into her ear, making sure his lips dragged along the shell, “But this seems fun too.”
He heard a small gasp of air leave her lips as she clutched his forearms, then she was twisting to get out of his hold, “Oliver!” she half hissed, half growled, “We’re not alone! And this is not a sexy field trip!”
A not so discreet cough from the other side of the elevator let him know he’d become distracted and they were not the only ones in the enclosed space.
He cleared his throat, hands still gripping her waist as she turned. “Sorry,” she directed towards the stranger, “He doesn’t know why we’re here, hence the blindfold. It’s really not a sexy field trip, I promise.”
There was an awkward silence followed by the sound of the doors opening and the other person thankfully leaving. “Have a nice day!” Felicity called and as soon as they were alone she whirled on him, “Oh my god, Oliver! How did you not know there was someone else in here!”
“I’m wearing a blindfold!” he protested.
“Oh please! With your freaky ninja skills that doesn’t mean anything. Why did you think I kept asking if you could see?”
The elevator paused again, doors opening almost silently. “Well, we’re here.” That nervous, worried tone was back and a wash of guilt overtook him.
“Hey, whatever this is I know I’m going to love it.” he said gently, fingers trailing down her arm until he could twine his hand with hers.
“I hope so.”
There was one more short pause after they stepped out of the elevator, the sound of her keying in a code, and then they entered what he could feel was a large, mostly empty space.
Felicity dropped his hand, coming around behind him, hands smoothing over his shoulders before they went to the knot at the back of his head. “I’ve been working on this for awhile.” she said as she undid the blindfold. “Welcome home.”
He blinked twice as darkness gave way to light. They stood in the largest most open room he’d ever seen. There were soaring ceilings, dark beams easily thirty feet in the air that spanned the width of the space, windows that seemed to show nothing but sky and somehow enough of a mix of modern touches and bright splashes of color to know instantly this was their new home.
Felicity waited, strip of black cloth still clutched in her hand as she watched him intently.
“This is amazing,” he breathed out, taking two steps forward as he continued to look around. A large open kitchen took up one side while the center of the room held a curved brick structure. When Felicity saw him looking at it she grinned, pulling out her phone and after a few taps a fire roared to life.
“Isn’t it great! The whole place is automated. I can control just about everything from my phone.”
“When did you do this?”
She pushed her glasses up her nose and shuffled closer, “I’ve been working on it here and there, and when I read an article about this new building I got in contact with the agent. I know I probably should have waited for you, but we need a real place that's ours for good. William needs it and...it’ll be nice to bring this little one home to a permanent place,” she said with an absent wave across her middle, “It just felt like it was time.” She bit her lip as wide blue eyes stared up into his.
He knew what she wasn’t saying, that after being separated for so long, working so hard to be reunited, to have their family back together again, more than anything they needed what this home represented.
Her hand slipped into his once more, pulling him further into the room, “So, I bought it for two reasons. One because of the balcony and the view of the city. And...I can actually see it from my office.” she admitted with an almost shy smile, “And two, because of that fire pit in the living room. We can eat s’mores there, in our pajamas. Or naked.”
He looked at the fire pit in a whole new light as he wrapped his arms tight about her, drawing her into his chest, their hands automatically covering the small roundness of her stomach. “This is amazing. You’re amazing. Thank you.”
“You sure?” she asked, turning in his arms and resting her hands on the front of his shirt, “Because I tried to pick things I thought you’d like. The wooden beams and the fancy kitchen appliances. I was assured the stove will make excellent omelettes.” she said with a smile, leaning back slightly in his hold.
“It’s perfect.” he replied with a quick look again to the kitchen, this time noticing a large, professional quality range then gestured towards the balcony with his chin, “Can you really see the building from here?”
“Yep! It’s my favorite part.” her excitement shone through as she moved to what looked like a series of tall floor to ceiling windows. “The entire wall opens up here. So when the weather is nice it’s like having an even bigger space.”
Another couple of taps on her phone and he heard a series of clicks before the windows began to fold in on themselves like an accordion and move down a track in the floor. Oliver stepped over the threshold to the deep set balcony and glass railings that took up one entire corner of the building. He could see almost all of Star City from there.
“See,” she pointed toward the west, where the building proudly bearing her name sat, sun glinting off its steel frame. “This is currently the tallest building in the city so there’s nothing between us and the office. I might have to get some binoculars and see if I can’t catch you walking around in your underwear.”
Oliver laughed, moving behind her where she leaned against the railing, “You can see me in my underwear any time you want.”
“Yes, but it’s the being sneaky part that’s hot.”
“Being sneaky like buying a penthouse apartment without me knowing?” he asked softly, lips moving down her neck.
She let out a breathy gasp, “Uh, yeah, something like that.”
As his hands found the strip of bare skin between her top and skirt he continued to nip and suck at her neck, feeling her shiver against him. “So if the place officially ours?”
“Not...oh god, Oliver how do you always find that spot,” she said raggedly, “We sign the papers in two days but...the agent gave me the keys so that I could show you.”
“We don’t have to wait that long, do we?” he asked as his fingers slowly began to unzip her skirt.
All she could do was shake her head no.
“Good, because I haven’t seen the bedroom yet.”
“Or the office,” she countered as his hands scooped under her ass, lifting as he began to walk.
When her legs wrapped around his waist it was his turn to groan.
“Don’t forget the media room.” she said throatily, kissing along his jaw and causing his fingers to knead the soft flesh of her thighs.
“And the kitchen,” he threw back.
“We should probably stay away from the nursery though.”
But as he laid her down on the soft carpet in front of the fire pit they both smiled.
“Here. Here is good.”
His lips worked down to the valley between her breasts, fingers already undoing the buttons they found there. “Oh, and Felicity,” he murmured into her skin before he drew the two sides of her blouse apart, “This did end up being a sexy field trip.”
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Just story ideas I have and wrote about a little I guess
Just vote which ones you like xD
#1: Unnamed - unfinished not even 200 words of some sort au where yami is an animal
#2: King Yamir, King of illusions - unfinished Is a story where Yugi got kidnapped from his home and is now traveling back after 50 years with a dragon, a knight and two centaurs and their friend. However once he arrives, he realizes things have changed and he isnt sure if the life with the humans might have been better off, even if they got rid of his wings.
#3 Mermaids  - unfinished An au where Yugi gets himself into trouble by swimming too close to the surface and he ends up getting hit by the blade of a boat propeller. Kaiba ends up taking care of him but pegasus wants to put him on display. Atem meanwhile is furiously searching in every corner of the sea to find Yugi back and will stop at nothing to find him.
#4 Untamed  - unfinished Prince Yugi is in search of a mythical beast in the woods that bears the fruit of life on its antlers which can save his grandfather, and the current king’s life. if he fails however, his evil uncle Aknaheden will assend the throne and plunge the kingdom into destruction. Meanwhile he kidnaps a child, befriends the most sarcastic cook ever and insults a young prodigee mage along the way.
... tbh i think shiirojasmine would love what i have in store for that one but im too afraid to tag anyone in this long post.
#5 Aelves  - unfinished This story was created before King Yamir. It centered around Atem and his family which were orphans that lived on the streets before getting taken in by townspeople. Atem was the apprentice of a blacksmith bullied by a fierce adventerous knight who told him he would never make good swords, Timaël (Timaeus’ counterpart) was a sheperdboy who was afraid of sheep and Heba worked in a bakery. They find out their parents have been killed by Aelves and plan on finding these Aelves only to befriend Yami, Yugi and Timaeus because they saved one that almost drowned in the river while the other two were unnable to swim. 
This was the original idea, but there were too many characters and though i havent really written a good amount on it, this hasbeen revised into number 6
#6 Aelves  - unfinished Atem finds himself in a bind when he befriends a young Aelf when another thinks he is going to be Yugi’s candidate for the wild hunt. The wild hunt involves humans having to run as the Aelves chase them riding deer. And the human has the marry the Aelf that captures them. Also Yugi hits Atem with a frying pan because why not.
#7 The Time we Share -  finished Probably the only fanfic i have ever finished. Resolves about Yami, a social awkward young man that is in love with his introverted neighbor and has no idea how to handle it. A short oneshot. Nobody understands it. I dont even know myself.
#8 Words better left unsaid  - unfinished Another Neighbor Au Where Yami is a serial killer that partakes in weird human sacrifice rituals. Yugi is so dense however he doesnt notice it. Meanwile Yami keeps stalking him around, always knowing an excuse to be in the same place as Yugi. Eventually Yugi just takes him along because reasons he doesnt find suspicious at all. But having an infatuated serial killing stalker is a good thing when the world finds out you are in possession of an ancient artifact made of solid gold and everyone wants to kill you.
#9 Mirror Immage - unfinished (this is an old one) What if there was a life on the other side of the mirror that was the entire opposite of your own yet still looked exactly the same? And what if you fell through? What if your Mirror Immage was right beside you, instead of being a mere reflection? #10 We create this world - unfinished Based on an old fanfiction of mine called Need A Second to Breathe- basically it is a rewrite of this- In where Yami, Atem and the other egyptiantied cast are the incarnated gods of Egypt. Yami is not allowed to enter the Human world but does so anyway, finding Yugi. He uses his godlike powers to make Yugi happy and angers Atem further. However Atem once made the same mistake of falling in love with a human called Heba, and Yugi looking like Heba is not helping in the slightest. Yugi keeps having viseons of Heba, whos ghost has returned from the underworld, however at the terrible price of being possessed by an evil spirit. And yugi has to choose between giving up his body to save Heba, or not doing so, in turn losing Yami.
#11 A Shadow’s cast - unfinished I think I was either very tired or sick writing this one because it doesnt make any sense. Basically Yugi wakes to find a visitor in his home that is trying to hide from an organisation that is trying to hurt hus guest. Needs a desperate rewrite. 
#12 The Cecaelia - unfinished but up for reading Here What do you do when you find a little creature out on the beach being attacked by seagulls? Chuck it back into the ocean, or take care of it? #13 Mob Boss Yugi - unfinished This kind of was based on Shiirojasmine’s 3 gods au and it sort of formed into my own concoction I suppose. An au where Yugi often blacks out and becomes Yami, one of the greatest mob bosses the world has ever seen. Mai and Joey being undercover agents. Yugi gets scared and writes letters to his other self, finding out that he is a mere puppet that is to serve Atem. Atem is being captured by an evil organisation and has year to pay all his depts using Yugi, or he will be killed. A heist takes place at school and Yugi can no longer determine wether he is a high school student or a wanted drugdealer.
 #14 Beast Assylum  - unfinished  A creepy Au where Yugi and Atem have been subjected to Lycanthropy and are being locked away so they cant hurt any innocent people ever again. Instead they are being used to get rid of people society doesnt want and or need.  Atem is a crybaby. Yugi has been planning his escape for a long time now, why has he started to care for the other, this was not supposed to happen! #15 Baby And a Pharo  - unfinished A spoof fanfiction where Yugi solves a puzzle as a baby and somehow it is a portal to the past. The Egyptians think he is son or Ra and Atem takes Yugi under his wing. However Time in Yugis verse moves faster and He has to make the disission wether he wants to stay with Atem forever or not. #16 Two Necromancers - unfinished Two necromancers. A prince and a thief. They both get resurrected to life to stop big threat to the world.What the two necromancers didn't account for was that they were sworn enemies. #17 Darkness beast  - unfinished This one is too long to explain so enjoy the short version Kaiba and Dartz open up a portal to a knight-and-dragon Era and get the kings of the land they opened the portal on at their sides, Dartz tries to provoke a war, Yugi tries to stop him, Atem goes missing and then Yugi has to take care of a shadow like creature, until Dartz decides to put it onto the chessboard and use it as a threath to Kaiba and his alliences. 
#18 Demons - unfinished Demons. When the world discovered that demons could be summoned to do one’s bidding, they didn’t quite understand what that meant. People were naïve and greedy. And it wouldn’t be long before one would summon something that nobody could control. Basically Ludus’s origin story. Needs a good solid rewrite.
#19 Mewtwo Yami  - unfinished A stupid crossover where Yami ends up  being raised by Mewtwo, thinks he is a pokemon, meets Yugi and wants to compete in pokemon battles (bullies Yugi into being his trainer so he can compete) to prove he is the strongest “pokemon” to make Mewtwo proud of him.
#20 The Assylum  - unfinished Another one of these fics. basically what you would expect. Yami has the ability to see monsters that disguise themselves as humans and exterminates them, Yugi thinks he is just a mentally sick, cold blooded killer. Truth is Yami is also a monster.
#21 Chasing You  - unfinished Ai Atem gets the task to find Yugi, so Atem can hold him in his arms, but Ai Atem has his own sights set on Kaiba. Feeling conflicted because he is more than a mere replica. He is better than that real Atem! Yet he wants to know what Atem and Yugi’s relationship was like. Was it love? Is that what he is feeling?
#22 The God Bird Au - unfinished One Day Harpies descended from the skies to terrorize the little village that Yugi lives in. When one sets his sights on Yugi, the youngster ignores him. He has bigger problems than listening to the flirting of an overgrown bird. And who is this snowy owl-creature that sounds so familiar? 
#23 He’s not a retard  - unfinished What is it with me and Yami being a killer? oh dear... Yami is an intelectually impaired, wheelchair-ridden person however he is what goes bump in the night. Yugi is his caretaker and never bargained for any of his shit. Not the part where he saves a plane from getting hijacked, and not the part where they get stuck in a tomb in egypt!
#24 Yami’s Angel  - unfinished I think this was like my first Yugioh Au  Yami finds a small, unconcious Angel and befriends the little guy and takes care of him. Yugi loves strawberries and chaos ensues because Yugi ALWAYS gets lost in public places. Later in the story he finds out Ryou has the same problem. Except he has a little devil. #25 The Wheelchair Au - unfinished  A combination of the two ideas above. Atem, after a suicidal attempt which caused him to lose both his legs and a finger, refuses to undergo any opperation which could make him use prostetic legs in order to walk again. With nobody to care for him, he stays at the hospital. However one night he hearsa small voice, which is Yugi, his guardian angel, and if they fuse, Atem regains his legs. However if they remain fused for longer than 3 hours, Yugi will disappear.
#26 Dancing in Eternal winter Yugi gets stuck on a mountain with a jock who doesnt understand any language Yugi knows. Spirit Animals are there to help. Yugi then realises that Yami is unable to reintigrate into society, because he has been living on his own all this time, surviving, and his spirit Animal would be much too dangerous. No matter how nice Gulo is.
#27 The Levitated Mansion  - unfinished Atem Lives in a wealthy family and loves to look at the stars with his telescope. However one day he sees a levitated mansion, the owner of said mansion has an eye on him. #28 Shapeshifters  - unfinished Yugi is working at an orphanage when he meets an old Ijiraat, a shapeshifter that you forget after seeing him. However the more time Yugi spends with him, the more he keeps remembering. #29 Sphinxson Yugi  - unfinished Atem lives in a village that has deemed him crazy because he swears he sees monsters. Kaiba is a monster hunter and decides to exploit the scared youth. Yugi is a Sphinx that cant wait for his human grandfather to return, but how long has it been? Just a few days, right?
#30 Pokemon  - unfinished Another Pokemon Au. Yugi is an Eevee that has been taken in by the Kaiba brothers, but after a mishap in the trophee room and Evolving into a Vaporeon, What will happen to the young pokemon? #31 We Are Not Alone - unfinished An Alien Refugee gets mistaken by the Egyptian people as a god, and teach him their ways, however another of his kind is on their way to kill him. Can Atem and Yugi fight this evil Alien or not? And Where is Atem’s family?  #32 Safe and Sound - unfinished A comfort/hurt oneshot fic where Yugi scolds Yami for hurting people, even if it is for protecting him. Basically the idea was that this event is what made Yami stop his evil penalty games.
#33 On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red rose between his teeth  - unfinished Yugi is a werewolf that mistakingly kills a sheep of Yami and Ryou’s farm. However Yami and Ryou do not seem to realise who their guest is until Yami finds Yugi’s bloodied clothes on the floor one day as he returns home. thinking th beast that fled out of the window devoured him whole. Yugi tries to keep running, not wanting Yami to know he is a beast, but Yami keeps hunting, dead on bringing the beast down. #34 Bone Datem  - unfinished A schooltrip to Egypt turns into chaos when Yugi gets trapped into a tomb and tries to make his way out. However when he finds a living Mummy that follows him around and wants him to steal the millennium puzzle from the Museum, he finds himself in an even bigger hastle than he bargained for.
#35 Unnamed genderbend Yugi Blindshipping Au  - unfinished Yami and Atem are two gang members that hate each other. However yami is a playboy and gets cursed by a witch. Everytime the sun is down he transforms into a girl. But this girl doesnt remember anything and thinks her name is Yugi. One time, yami does not get home in time and this leads to yugi meeting atem who instantly falls in love with her. Theres little things though like yami being able to see everything yugi does and sometimes controlling her body or mind. At one point when atem tries to kiss him, she punches him bc yami in no way is gonna kiss that bastard xD atem mistakes it as hes gone too far and yugi is just superconfused why she did that xD I already know what i want the end to be but its kind of a sad part on yami's part? Also there is a part where atem finds out yugi is actually yami or something
#36 The Superhero Au  - unfinished Yugi is in a happy relationship with his boyfriend atem but what he doesnt know is that Atem is also the Supervillain Yami. And Atem himself has no control over it whatsoever. The rules of the world is that one who can summon strong monsters are either superheroes or villains. However Yami can only summon a small little Kuroboh, and giving Yugi more trouble than ever. Atem on the other hand claims he has never been able to summon a monster before.
#37 Demon boyfriend Atem  This was supposedly a parody idea where Atem lost his temper way too quick and started yelling in a demonic voice (ind of like Aggretsuko lol) And Yugi wasnt really phased by it at all because at the end of the day he knows atem loves him xD Even if it scares his friends a little.
#38 I wanna steal your heart (and eat your brains)  - unfinished Title was based on a song. Yugi is a zombie and has been dating Atem and chaos ensuess. Kaiba also is a zombie and has been experimenting on himself and discovered some odd perks of being a zombie. (honestlyno plot just shenanigans and lovers quarrels)
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lady-une · 6 years
Guys I am so damn tired, but I did it! I started the chapter earlier today and it just flowed right out of me. I dont really have much to say, its actually getting kind of hard to see my screen with how tired I am. As always, like, comment, and share. Help me reach someone else who doesnt know about me and my work! Comments really help me grow and fuel me to write more! Think of them as the batteries in the energizer bunny, they just help me keep going lol.
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He thought their love was eternal, that nothing would be able to break them apart. He put his trust and faith in the man he loved with all his heart. The one man he thought would never hurt him, did it in the most horrific way possible. How will he move on, having to see the man who broke his heart day in and day out. Having to see him smile and look at another the way he once did him. If had known this was his destiny all along, he would never had started on this path to begin with.
Word count: 4182
Theme: Angst
Rating: Mature, SMUT, Drinking
Pairing: Kwon Jiyong x Seungri
Master List
Chapter 1
The past couple of months since Seungri came home from the army were complete hell. He did his best to not let anyone catch on to his suffering but Seunghyun and Daesung could see it behind his fake smiles. They saw the way he always looked the other direction when Jiyong was with his girlfriend, the way he would leave the room when they would get too close for comfort. Seungri always found a way to dodge the many invites sent to him for dinner, he didn’t want to get to know the woman who had replaced him. He tried not to hold her responsible, he tried to like her he really did but he just couldn’t find it in his heart to be ok with how things were.
With the comeback set to release in a month the group was in full promotional swing, they were scheduled to appear on different variety shows and they were gearing up to record some music videos. The maknae was currently sitting in the back of the van on his phone typing out his feelings, the many nights of searching ways to get over an ex had turned him onto a discussion board where he read that if he wrote the feelings out it would be a way to purge said feelings. So, he had taken up to writing them out on his phone, sometimes the words would flow right out of him and sometimes they didn’t. The words didn’t always make sense, there were days where they were pure gibberish and other days they were almost like lyrics. The lyrics to the song of his heart, all the pain and anger was there and if he were to find the right beat they would be an amazing song.
The schedule for the day had them spending the whole day with the cast of Running Man, it had been such a long time since they were all together on a show. Yoo Jae-Suk announced them as the special guest and then came the standard questions about how excited they were for their comeback, they asked Seungri how things were for him in the Army, they asked Youngbae how life as a dad was treating him, and finally they asked the question on everyone’s mind, was Jiyong going to marry his current girlfriend. Seungri knew this question was going to come up and he did his best to not let them see how the question affected him but deep down inside he feared the answer. At night he would stay up tossing and turning in the guest room thinking about how that day was going to come. How he would handle it, some nights he imagined Jiyong coming to his senses and begging for Seungri to forgive him. Then other nights he would imagine Jiyong living happily with his wife and children, those were the nights he cried the most.
The episode today called for the cast to be split in teams, they had team lion being led by Jong-kook and team moth being led by Kwang-soo. The two cast members took turns picking members for their teams out of the remaining cast and the Bigbang members. By the end of the picking it was Seungri being on the same team as Seunghyun and Jiyong. The game was like capture the flag but with name tag ripping. Everything was going great until it came down to Jong-kook protecting their flag, and Jiyong and Seungri waiting in the dark for a member of the opposing team to make a move.
The two were huddled under a desk in a dark room with a perfect view of Jong-kook, both were breathing heavily and Seungri’s senses were on fire being so close to Jiyong. The scent of his body wash filled his nostrils, he was still using the same one he had bought for him years ago. His heart ached, his fingers twitched to just hold Jiyong’s hand. Shutting his eyes, he tried to take some calming breaths and to gain control of himself. It was of no use, he hadn’t felt Jiyong in so long that without him knowing it his finger had moved as if it had a mind of it’s own. It slowly brushed up against Jiyong’s soft skin causing the leader to damn near jump out of his skin. Seungri quickly moved his hand away and apologized, thankful for the lack of lighting because he was sure his cheeks were tinted a red shade.
Jiyong was embarrassed by the way he reacted, he just wasn’t expecting the maknae to do anything. Jiyong looked at the corner of his eye to watch the maknae move his hand as if it had caught fire from touching Jiyong. When in fact it was Jiyong who felt like he was on fire from the contact. When was the last time I had even touched him? Jiyong thought, the last time he saw him prior to his release was the night he broke up with him. The kiss on the cheek was the only contact he had with the maknae, he was a mess of emotions that night. Outside of that the last time he had touched Seungri was the day before he enlisted. The two had spent the whole day locked up in Seungri’s apartment. They laid on the couch watching their favorite movies. They took a long hot bubble bath together and shared a glass of wine. That night they made love until neither of them could move from their spots on the bed. For a brief moment Jiyong allowed himself to enjoy the closeness of Seungri’s presence, the maknae was doing everything in his power to never be alone or near Jiyong. Jiyong understood why, it was easier for him to stay away and it was better for Seungri to stay away. Jiyong’s heart didn’t ache like it did now to hold Seungri when he wasn’t near him. But Jiyong couldn’t do it, he was with Soo-min now and couldn’t do that to her. He had come this far and needed to stick to his decision, in time things won’t be this hard. That’s all they needed, enough time and things will go back to the way they were.
A commotion from the hallway brought both of the members attention back to the game. Jong-kook was currently trying to hold off Kwang-soo and Haha who were both trying to reach for his name tag and the flag. Springing to action Jiyong and Seungri rushed at the two opposing members and began to fight for name tags. Jiyong was laughing and it mixed in with Seungri’s laughs. The two members had succeeded in ripping off Haha’s name tag but were struggling to get Kwang-soo’s name tag. The tallest cast member was rolling on the floor with Seungri laughing and their bodies were a in a tangled mess on the ground. Seungri could feel Kwang-soo’s hand snaking its way up his shirt trying to grasp onto the name tag.
“Hyung help me! Save me!” Seungri called out to Jiyong who was standing there watching the two roll around.
Jiyong hearing his maknae’s plead for help he jumped in and grabbed onto the hand that almost had Seungri’s name tag. Kwang-soo yelled out for help but had no one left from his team to aid him. With Jiyong holding onto Kwang-soo’s hand Seungri was able to easily rip off his name tag ending the game and earing team lion the win.
Getting to his feet Seungri didn’t even think before jumping into Jiyong’s arms and Jiyong held him close as the two hopped around laughing. When Jiyong realized what he was doing he pulled away slowly while still laughing to not let on the awkwardness of the interaction. Seungri who was very much enjoying being in the arms of the man he loved felt another blow to his heart.
As the cast and production crew got ready for the closing scene Seungri reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone. He had received a message earlier in the game but was unable to answer it. Opening it up he saw that it was from Mino and he was wondering if Seungri wanted to go out for some drinks later. Drinks sounded better than going home and crying into his pillow again, plus it would maybe help him get over the pain he was filling from today. Being this close and having so many interactions with Jiyong was taking a toll on him emotionally. Send a quick response to Mino he let him know he was just finishing up with the running man cast and where they were shooting. Mino’s response was even quicker, letting Seungri know he was in the area and could easily pick him up.
Sitting in the dressing room the members began to change back into their clothes they wore to the recording. Everyone was in good spirits and tired, Daesung was laughing about something Kwang-soo had done earlier in the day and Seunghyun couldn’t help but get caught up in the laughter. Seungri smiled as he listened to the story and turned back to the counter for his phone. As he reached down he caught Jiyong staring at him but Jiyong quickly diverted his gaze.
It had been awhile since he had seen a smile like that on Seungri’s face, it was a smile he had missed. The smile of Seungri being content with how things were at the moment, a smile he often had when the whole group was together and able to be themselves. He couldn’t help but be captivated by the smile, Seungri the was the sun that drew Jiyong in after all. Soon enough the manager came in and asked if everyone was ready to head off and they all nodded. The van pulled up and Youngbae hopped in followed by Daesung and then Seunghyun. Jiyong looked back to Seungri and was about to ask him what he was waiting for when a black sports car pulled up. The bright lights flashed and Jiyong saw Seungri smile before walking towards it.
“Seungri!” Jiyong called out, “Where are you going? The van is right here.”
“I have another ride.” Seungri pointed to the dark mysterious car.
“You just got out, we don’t need any scandals right now! Especially with the comeback set to be released! Can’t you just stay out of trouble for once! I don’t have the energy to be cleaning up your messes!” Jiyong was pissed, what made Seungri think he had the luxury to go out making a mess.
Suddenly the driver side car door opened and out stepped a figure, with the way the lights were shining in Jiyong’s eye he wasn’t able to make out who the figure was until it stepped in front of the light.
“Ri-ah are you coming?” Mino called out to Seungri. There stood dressed to the nine’s was none other the Song Mino, the man had his hair slicked back and wore an all black ensemble with his shirt unbuttoned at the top to reveal some of his chest.
What did he call him? Jiyong asked himself as he glared at the man.
“Yes, I am!” Seungri responded before turning back to the glaring Jiyong, “Don’t worry about me hyung, I can take care of myself. Plus my messes are in fact now just my messes, you don’t have to worry about cleaning up after me. You dissolved that responsibility the night of Youngbae’s baby shower.”
“Seungri!” Jiyong shouted and moved towards the maknae to stop him from leaving.
A firm hand gripped on Jiyong’s shoulder stopping him in his place. Looking behind him ready to rip the limb from whoever decided to be stupid trying to stop him, he noticed it was in fact the eldest member. Seunghyun dug his fingers into Jiyong’s shoulder and glared at him before turning his attention to the younger men.
“Mino-ya, make sure you have our Seungri home at a decent hour. We have an early morning music video shoot tomorrow!”
“I will hyung!” Mino smiled up at Seunghyun before walking to the passenger door and opening it. “Your chariot awaits sweet prince.”
Seungri covered his face with his hands and laughed before walking to the car and getting in. Seunghyun didn’t let Jiyong go until Mino had driven off with the beloved maknae.
“What the fuck was that hyung!”
“I could ask you the same thing Jiyong! You have no right to be telling Seungri where he is allowed to go!”
“The hell I don’t!”
“You don’t! you lost that right when you broke that poor man’s heart! You continued to lose that right the more you flaunt your relationship in front of him!”
“I am still the leader!”
“That you are, but even the leader doesn’t get to control a grown man’s every move. You lost this one, it’s time for you to reap what you sowed.”
Seunghyun turned towards the van and climbed in leaving an angry Jiyong to watch as the tail lights of Mino’s car disappeared around the corner.
That night as Jiyong laid in bed next to his girlfriend he couldn’t shut off his mind, he tossed and turned thinking about Seungri and Mino. When did they become so close, close enough for Mino to come and pick up Seungri. For them to be joking around the way they were. Turning to the side he pulled his blankets up and clutched them close crossing his arms, just what were they doing right now? Where did Mino take Seungri? All the tossing and turning had woken up Soo-min, turning to her side she tossed her arm over Jiyong.
“Oppa? What’s wrong?” She asked in her tired voice dragging Jiyong from his racing thoughts.
“Nothing, just work. I’m sorry I woke you.” Jiyong turned around and pulled her close so her head would rest on her in his chest. Closing his eyes he pushed all thoughts of Seungri out of his mind and concentrated on the woman in his arms and his need for sleep.
The next morning Jiyong arrived on set and looked around, Youngbae was sitting in a chair chugging the coffee in his glass no doubt needing it after a long night recording and then going home to his son. Daesung was stretched out with his head in the lap of the eldest member, he had his arm thrown over his face covering his eyes from the bright lights. Seunghyun had his sunglasses on and his head propped up on his arm that was resting on the arm of the chair. Carrying his coffee and he walked around looking everywhere for Seungri, yet he was nowhere to be found. Sitting down next to Youngbae he turned to the tired dad.
“Where is the maknae?”
“Not sure, he hasn’t come yet.”
“I see.”
“Why don’t you call him?” Youngbae suggested as he let out a yawn.
Jiyong pulled his phone out, angry that Seungri was already causing problems.
“Put the phone away, Seungri knew we had an early morning shoot, he will be here.” Seunghyun said from his spot on the couch.
“This is why he shouldn’t have gone out last night!” Jiyong seethed through his clenched teeth.
The two were caught in a staring contest, neither one was ready to give it up until the door opened and in walked in Seungri’s manager with a bag of clothes.
“Where is Seungri, he told me to bring him some fresh clothes.”
“What do you mean fresh clothes? Didn’t he go home?”
Before Seungri’s manager could answer, in walked the missing man of the hour. He had his phone up to his ear laughing at whatever the other person had said. Jiyong stared him down, how dare he be laughing and smiling when Jiyong had no idea where he was or if he was going to show up.
“I’m not sure how long we will be shooting it today. Diner? Yeah sure I think we will be done by then. Ok I will call you then.” Seungri smiled at his phone before shoving it in his pocket and taking his sunglasses off.
Seungri looked around the room at his hyungs, all of them were smiling except for Jiyong who looked as if he was ready to fight someone.
“Morning.” Seungri said with a cheerful voice.
“Good morning indeed, did you have fun last night?” Seunghyun responded with a wide grin on his face.
“I did, we had a lot of fun.”
“Obviously since you didn’t go home last night.” Daesung added as he sat up on the couch.
“Stop, it wasn’t like that. We just went out for some drinks and went back to his place to watch a movie and share some wine.”
“Don’t be shy, Mino was dressed very handsomely last night.” Seunghyun wiggled his eyebrows at Seungri before giving him a wink.
Seungri covered his eyes a light pink blush crept up his chest. Jiyong hated it. Jiyong was angry before but now he was downright pissed! He stayed out all night drinking and didn’t even bother going home! He wanted to take the boy to a back room and give him a proper punishment. Jiyong sucked in his breath, where did that train of thought come from. Things weren’t that way anymore for him to be able to do that.
“Glad you could finally show up, we have lots of work to do.” Jiyong said before storming off into wardrobe.
The music video being shot today was for their flower road song they had released when Jiyong and the others were still enlisted. It was going to be a colorful music video with them dressed up and serenading their parts to girls as they each took turns in different gardens. Seungri being in a better mood thanks to Mino being a great friend and distracting him from the stress that was Jiyong and their failed relationship. Seungri was quiet the charmer when he wanted to be and was doing just that with his stand in girlfriend for the music video. When it wasn’t his time to shoot a scene Jiyong would catch glimpses of the two sitting with their head close together laughing and chatting. The girl had a permanent pink blush on her face being so close to Seungri. The stress from Seungri was causing problems for Jiyong, he was messing up his parts of the song and not following the director’s orders.
Seungri noticed that Jiyong was having problems and was confused why the almighty G dragon was having issues. Grabbing his fake girlfriend’s hand Seungri lead her away from the current shot and out of eye sight from Jiyong.
Jiyong wasn’t sure if Seungri had left due to the fact he knew Jiyong was struggling because of him or if he just got bored and wanted to move away from the constant shouting. Either way Jiyong was grateful and finally able to finish his portion of the garden scene.
The rest of the night was shooting group shots of them singing parts of the song. They each took turns performing their parts and it was as if nothing had changed, they were Bigbang again doing what they enjoyed the most. Jiyong danced around Seungri as he sang his parts, the maknae was dressed with black trousers and a see through black shirt that had specks of silver interwoven into the. Every time Seungri moved and hit a certain light his shirt would sparkle like little small diamonds were embedded in it. Jiyong felt his heart do it’s own little dance at the sight of Seungri performing. Spinning away from camera Jiyong let out a large sigh, he was going down the wrong path again with his thoughts.
Eventually the director called it a night and members thanked everyone for their hard work before going into wardrobe and getting undressed. Jiyong wasn’t in wardrobe when Seungri was getting dressed today for the shoot, it was when Seungri was pulling up his pants and turning away from Jiyong did he notice the purple mark on shoulder blade. Blinding red rage coursed through Jiyong’s veins. Grabbing his shirt from the hanger he pushed his head and arms through before walking towards the clueless Seungri and grabbing his arm.
Seungri was caught off guard as he was going to button his shirt when Jiyong grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the bathroom. Jiyong pinned him in between the sink and himself before spinning him around so his back faced him and pulled the shirt down.
“Hyung what are you doing?” Seungri asked as he looked in the reflection of the mirror to see Jiyong scanning his shoulder.
“I should be asking you that! Look at this mark on your shoulder! How could you let him mark you like that! What if someone else had scene? This would have caused problems for everyone! Didn’t I tell you that I don’t have time to cover your scandals up anymore?”
Seungri pushed back from the sink making Jiyong stumble backwards. Pulling his shirt up he looked at Jiyong who was scowling at him. Seungri began buttoning his shirt as he talked.
“Just as I told you before, you don’t need to worry about me. I can handle my own problems, they are my own and I don’t need your help fixing them. I am a grown man with my own businesses, I was doing fine without you the whole time you were gone and I will continue to be fine now that I am out and you have your new girlfriend.”
Jiyong didn’t miss the way Seungri said girlfriend, the way his said the title was as if it was a curse word, full of poison and hatred.
“So since you are a grown man you are just going to go whoring around town then? Just throwing yourself at any man or woman?”
“Do you really think that lowly of me? For all the years we were together do you honestly think that I would just chance it and sleep with anyone?”
“It wouldn’t be the first time.”
Seungri allowed his arms to drop to his side, so this is how Jiyong really thought of him. If he had thought of him this way, then how did he ever love him? I guess he never did love me, Seungri thought to himself. If Jiyong truly did love him then he would never had cheated on him nor left him.
Jiyong wasn’t blind, he saw how his statement had hurt Seungri. He wanted so much to reach out and to pull Seungri into his arms and apologize for saying such hurtful words. But that damn pride wouldn’t let hm. Before Jiyong could say anything else a large banging came at the bathroom door followed by Seunghyun’s voice.
“I swear to god Jiyong I will kill you if you are doing anything to Seungri! Let him out right now before I bust this door down!”
Just as Jiyong was opening his mouth to say a smart-ass response about how Seunghyun doesn’t have the strength a ringing sound came from within the room. Jiyong watched as Seungri pulled out his phone and read the text message before putting it back in his pocket and walking past him. Jiyong grabbed onto Seungri’s arm stopping him.
“Where do you think you are going we aren’t finished!”
Seungri shoved off Jiyong’s hold, “If you must know I have plans, and according to your thought process it’s a date with my new fuck buddy. So just leave me the fuck alone!”
Jiyong tried to grab onto him again but Seungri shoved him back and unlocked the bathroom door leaving a very pissed off Jiyong holding onto the sink for support.
“Hyung I am heading out first.”
“Ok Seungri, you and Mino have fun.” Seunghyun said as he waved goodbye to the maknae.
“Seungri stop right the fuck there!” Jiyong shouted as he made a move to run after Seungri.
Again, it was Seunghyun who stopped him blocking his path.
“I told you last night you lost any right to that man! Go back to your girlfriend and leave Seungri alone, let him find his own peace and happiness. The poor guy deserves nothing but that after everything you have put him through.”
Seunghyun turned and walked over to Daesung, putting his arm around the angelic man’s shoulder the two walked out of the dressing room. Youngbae came over to Jiyong and put his hand on his shoulder trying to comfort his best friend. All Jiyong could do was watch the two walk out of the room.
“That use to be me and Seungri.” Jiyong whispered.
“Yes it was, but you decided that wasn’t enough. You made your choice, now you have to live with it. Let the maknae go, he doesn’t deserve any of this. He never did.”
Youngbae moved away and walked out the door leaving Jiyong to think about the choices he has made.
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littlerose13writes · 7 years
Have I Mentioned That I Love You? by LittleRose13
Day 9, The 12 Days of Shipmas - Ice skating ⛸
In which Albus’ Christmas present for Scorpius is just as much a present for himself. 
Words: 2,035 Pairing: Albus/Scorpius
18th December, 2023
Scorpius felt incredibly content with life, sat in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express, on the way home for the Christmas holidays, no more Head Boy duties to do until the new year, the prospect of spending tomorrow flying with his father and his boyfriend leaning against him snugly.
Albus suddenly shifted and sat up, delving into his bag and coming back with something in both hands. “I almost forgot! Your Christmas present.” He showed Scorpius the gift he’d removed from his bag. “You have to open it now.”
Scorpius looked at Albus’ green eyes, shining with excitement. “But it’s a Christmas present, don’t I have to wait until Christmas Day?”
“No, you have to open it right now, here on the train,” Albus insisted and pressed the small, red box further into Scorpius’ hand.
“Okay.” He took the box and inspected it. “Well, it’s not heavy enough to be a book, and it’s too small to be a new quill.”
Albus shook his head at his boyfriend, smiling widely. “It’s better than a book or a quill!”
“Is it edible?” Scorpius liked to guess what his presents were before he opened them.
“Nope.” Albus shook his head again.
“Can I wear it?” Scorpius rattled the box beside his ear.
“Just open it, Scor.”
Scorpius smiled at his excited boyfriend and carefully eased the ribbon off the box, winding it neatly around his fingers and placing it on the seat beside him. Albus hummed impatiently to his right.
“Ooh, is it a-”
“Okay, okay, sorry. I’m opening it now.” He gently removed the lid and peered into the top of the box. Inside was a tiny glass ball which gradually levitated out of the box and floated in the air in front of them. Scorpius stared it in wonder and Albus was practically fizzing with excitement beside him.
“Watch, watch,” he muttered, his eyes fixed on the glass ball.
The ball glowed and grew bigger until a scene was visible inside of it, almost like looking into a crystal ball. He could see what looked like the skeleton of a huge dinosaur, and a large building with ornate pillars and then two tiny, indistinguishable figures skating across a frozen surface together.
“Is that… us?” Scorpius asked, watching the two figures skate together, their hands connected.
“It will be. I’m taking you to the Natural History Museum in London. It’s a muggle place but they have a hidden wizarding section, and there’s an ice rink at Christmas.” Albus was adorably pleased with himself and Scorpius felt emotion and love well up inside him.
“That’s a magnificent present, thank you Albus!” He threw his arms around his boyfriend and kissed him on the forehead. Albus adjusted his position so their lips could meet and he kissed Scorpius once then grinned at him.
“By the way, it’s tomorrow.” Albus kissed him again, drowning out Scorpius’ complaint.
His heart sank. Tomorrow he was supposed to spend the day with his dad; they were going to go flying and Draco had been talking about it since the beginning of December.
“Tomorrow? Albus, I don’t-”
“Your dad’s in on it, I wrote to him. He said he’d make something up to make sure you kept the day free.” Albus shrugged.
Scorpius shook his head fondly. “You think of everything,” he said, burying his face in Albus’ chest as his boyfriend wrapped his arms around him and held him close. “I love you, Al.”
Scorpius knew Albus was rolling his eyes lovingly like always but he kissed the top of Scorpius’ head and whispered “love you too.”
“This thing is incredible too!” Scorpius exclaimed, pulling away from Albus and picking up the gift box, where the glass ball had shrunk back down and returned to the wrapping.
“Isn’t it? It’s a new Wheezes product for Christmas this year. I helped Uncle George iron out a few problems with it over the summer, it’s powered by a potion, see.”
Scorpius nodded in understanding and listened intently while Albus explained the ingredients he’d had to adjust to make it work properly.
When they arrived at the platform, they found Scorpius’ father waiting with the Potters. As they wished each other farewell, Draco said “see you tomorrow, Albus,” with a wink.
“I can’t believe you knew,” Scorpius shook his head. “Can we still go flying another time?”
“I was hoping you’d say that. How about tonight?” 
They apparated together into a quiet street corner of London, not letting go of each other’s hands when they arrived. It was cold enough to snow, but so far no flakes had floated down. Scorpius was wearing a forest green bobble hat which Albus had already stolen from his head twice.
“This is why I don’t wear hats,” Scorpius complained the second time. Albus just laughed, causing Scorpius to employ his last resort tactic.
He threw his shoulders back and held his head up, so he was walking at his full height. He crept his hand up to pat the top of Albus’ own hat, reminding his boyfriend that he was shorter than Scorpius, something Albus hated.
Albus scowled up at him. “Okay, sorry, point taken. I’ll stop stealing your hat.”
Albus’ apology was cut off when they rounded a corner and Scorpius spotted the Natural History Museum in front of them. The building was huge, with bigger and grander steps than even Hogwarts castle, but it too had that timeless, magic feeling to it. The sun was setting and the museum silhouetted attractively against the dusky sky, where it was lit tastefully.
“Wow,” Scorpius involuntarily squeaked and grabbed Albus’ hand in excitement.
“It’s quite something isn’t it?”
Scorpius turned to Albus in utter delight. “Have I mentioned that I love you?”
“No, Scor. You never tell me that.” Albus grinned and pulled Scorpius along. “Skating first, while the sun sets. Then you can get your geek on.”
“I don’t know which I’m most excited for…”
By the time they arrived at the ice-rink, a few tiny snowflakes had started to flutter from the sky and they nestled themselves into the small amount of Albus’ dark hair peeking out of the front of his hat. Scorpius watched them, admiring the way they sparkled like crystals before melting and Albus smiled at him, reaching out to brush a stray snowflake from the tip of Scorpius’ nose.
The ticket collector cleared his throat impatiently and both boys jumped, not realising they were next in the queue. Albus handed their tickets over, they were given some kind of entry wristband and they swapped their shoes for ice skates.
“Wow, I feel more awkward than the time I grew eight inches in one summer.” Albus stood up experimentally in his skates, slightly unsteady as he balanced on the blade on the solid ground.
“You grew one summer?” Scorpius asked incredulously and Albus shook his head, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend.
“Come on,” he said, holding out his hand and pulling Scorpius to his feet. They shuffled to the edge of the ice rink, which was big enough to swallow the people already skating on it. There was a huge Christmas tree in the centre, and its lights gave the whole rink a soft glow.
Scorpius stepped out onto the ice first, gliding easily out a short distance and looking down at his feet, whizzing along smoothly across the ice. The cold air rushed past his cheeks as he looked up and everything sparkled as the ice reflected the many, twinkling lights. Scorpius felt lighter than air as he propelled himself gently forwards a few feet.
He hadn’t been skating in years, but the familiar feeling of floating along sparked memories of his childhood, gliding around the frozen lake with his parents either side of him. It had been Astoria who had taught Scorpius to ice skate, holding both his hands gently when he was little, and twirling him round and round when he was a bit older. Scorpius held onto these fond memories, remembering that he could share the experience with somebody else he loved too and turning back to look at Albus. He was still at the edge of the ice, an apologetic look on his face.
“I’m not very good at ice skating. I’ve only been a couple of times.”
Scorpius skated back over to him and leant on the wall of the ice rink. “You’ll get it, it’s like riding a broom really. You just have to keep your balance.”
Albus had been on the house Quidditch team since fifth year as Keeper and he’d helped Slytherin win the Quidditch cup last year. He’d never say it to anyone, but he was a great flyer and Scorpius loved the rare times between NEWT revision when they went flying together.
“Will you show me how?” Albus asked, adjusting his bobble hat with one hand.
Scorpius beamed at his adorable boyfriend. “Of course! Here, hold onto me.” He held an arm out and Albus took hold of him, taking a shaky step out onto the ice. When both his feet were firmly on the ice, he stood completely still and held tightly onto Scorpius.
“So, now I just move my feet?” He started a tiny shuffle but the ice exaggerated his movement considerably and his feet skidded back and forth, completely out of his control. Scorpius grabbed him round the waist to stop him falling.
“You need to get used to it a bit first.”
Scorpius showed him how to move his feet and keep his balance, and they started a slow lap of the rink. Albus was a quick learner and it didn’t take long for them to get into a rhythm, gently gliding around the ice with their arms intertwined.
“Do you want to try by yourself now?” Scorpius asked, even though he was really enjoying the contact between them.
“Maybe you could still hold my hand?” he asked sweetly.
“That’s the best idea you’ve had all day,” Scorpius unwound his arms and laced his fingers with Albus’.
“This whole thing was my idea,” Albus said indignantly, gesturing to the ice rink.
They skated slowly, gloved hands interlocked, and Albus gradually looking more sure of himself. He turned to Scorpius with a proud grin on his face.
“I think I’m doing it!” He looked down at his feet for a second, then up to their joined hands. “Not that I don’t love holding your hand, but can I try by myself?”
Scorpius nodded in understanding and let go of Albus’ hand, which he held out to steady himself as they continued to skate slowly together. Scorpius resisted the urge to do a little twirl on the ice.
“This is going surprisingly wel-”
In a heartbeat, Albus went from smiling proudly at Scorpius’ side to landing face first on the ice with an almighty crash.
“Sorry! So sorry! Elliot, come back!” A harassed-looking mother appeared from nowhere, pursuing her young son who had just gone careering into Albus’ back and knocked him flat down. The little boy looked like he didn’t know how to stop himself from skidding around everywhere and, as he whizzed away, his mother followed, casting an apologetic look in Albus’ direction.
Scorpius knelt down - a difficult task in ice skates - and held his hand out to Albus. He was face down on the ice, his arms and legs splayed out like a starfish. “Are you okay?”
Albus looked up at Scorpius; his wooly hat had been knocked askew and his dark hair was falling into his eyes. He blew upwards with a grumpy expression, making his fringe flutter away. “Yep,” he groaned.
With Scorpius’ help, Albus was upright again and clinging to his arm. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re not hurt?”
“Other than losing any scrap of dignity I had left, yes I’m okay.” Albus waved a hand casually with a grin. “You’re not laughing at me.”
Scorpius snorted. “I am now I know you’re okay.”
“Have I mentioned that I love you?”
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All Things Resolve Themselves In Due Time.
((this is just a little thing I wrote out of nowhere, I have this weird obsession with historically based stuff, so here we go))
    She had always been a child of the sea. She had grown up on its rocky shores, practically raised by the rough waves and salty winds.
    Lynne’s father was a fisherman, a trait that had seemed to run in the family. Her grandfather had been one, so had her great grandfather, so had her great great grandfather, and so on. Lynne was completely fine with the family tradition, as she loved the craft as much as her father did. For as long as she could remember, she had always followed her father down to the nearby coast, her father sometimes letting her come with him if he wasn’t sailing too far out.
    Of course, her mother had never approved of this, as “A lady shouldn’t be interested in a man’s job”, but she never seemed to heed any advice her mother had given her as it is, so this didn’t bother her that much either.
    On May 12, 1956, her parents got a package.
    There was a letter attached, her father seeming to recognize who had sent it, and the look that crossed his face after the moment of realization quite definitely wasn’t one of happiness.
“Lyn. Could you go out for a second? Me and your mother need to look this over alone.” Her father said, a significant look of distaste crossing his face.
    Despite being quite curious about the contents of this mysterious letter and box, Lynne nodded, a small sigh leaving her lips as she walked out of the room. She ended up walking out of the house entirely, venturing back down to the pebble-laiden sand of the coastline, walking out to the end of the small wooden pier and sitting down there, her legs dangling over the edge. The ocean’s waves crashed in her ears as the wind whipped her brown hair around her head, causing her to frustratedly push it behind her ears multiple times.
    She was so completely focused on the movements of the ocean, that she didn’t see someone else walk up the pier and sit down next to her.
“You looked lonely.” A voice said, startling Lyanne enough to cause her to nearly fall off the side of the pier, but she thankfully caught herself on the side, the ends of her dress and her feet dipping into the ocean, luckily nothing more.
“Jesus christ ya fuckin scared me there-” Lynne said as she pulled herself back up, her accent that her mother had taught her to suppress thickening as she got more irritated with this stranger.
“Wow. As far as first impressions go, you sure seem vulgar.” The stranger commented.
    Now that Lynne focused on his voice, it definitely sounded like he was from around here. But as she looked him over… she had never seen him before. He had bright flaming red hair and sharp blue eyes, freckles dotting his cheeks as well. There was something odd about him… like something about him was hazy or hard to make out.
    Despite her surprise at seeing someone new, as no one new ever comes to this shore really, she was quick to snap back at him for insulting her.
“I’m only vulgar when I get scared. You should have warned me before ya went and started talkin-” Lynne said, but then realized how much of a paradox that sentence was.
    She could see the man stifling a laugh as she got her temper and accent under control, and then switched her gaze back to the ocean.
“So, what brings you here anyways stranger?” She asked nonchalantly, a bit of silence following.
“Oh, I just wanted to say goodbye I guess… this is where I grew up after all.” The man said vaguely, a look of wistfulness on his face as he followed Lynne’s gaze out to the ocean.
“Goodbye?” Lynne asked, her curious nature getting the better of her, “You grew up here? Okay… I have never seen you around here before and you don’t really look that much older then me. And… why goodbye? Where are you going?”
    The man laughed, a smile on his face that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“You ask a lot of questions. Some that I can’t answer without you thinking I’m crazy.” he said, looking back over to her, “I… am really a lot older than I look… technically. And I guess I could say… I am going somewhere better. At least… I hope its better.”
“Oh… okay? I really don’t understand what you mean, if I am being completely honest here, but… it’s good that you are going somewhere better.” Lynne said, then realized something, “Oh! I’m Lynne by the way, Lynne Rees. Sorry I never covered that”
    She laughed, it coming out partially awkward.
    The man turned to her with a gentle smile.
“Ah, I never introduced myself either, I’m Tomi.” He said, the wind seeming to not affect him as it barreled down on them.
“It’s nice to meet you Tomi.” Lynne said, holding her hand out for a handshake.
    Tomi hesitantly shook her hand, his hand carrying an odd sort of warmth to it.
    They began to talk, Lynne happily talked about menial things with Tomi as they sat on the pier together, Lynne not noticing the sun steadily approaching the horizon as they spent hours going on. Tomi was apparently waiting for someone, so this was a good way to pass the time.
    As the last rays of sun were seeming to disappear into the ocean, that’s when another voice was heard from the beach below.
“Tomi! I finally found you!” It said.
    Lynne looked over to see another man standing on the shore a little ways behind the pier, his blue eyes looked weary, but still carrying a form of pure joy in them that Lynne had never seen anywhere before. His dirty blonde hair was tousled, his face wearing a smile that could rival the sun itself in its brightness.
Lynne tilted her head in confusion as she noticed something peculiar though.
    It was what he was wearing. He was wearing a worn down soldier’s uniform, like the kinds that soldiers from the Great War had worn.
    Tomi immediately stood, running over to the other man and hugging him tightly as soon as he was close enough. Lynne now noticed that Tomi was wearing a uniform that looked similar to the other man’s, only his had a few more rips and tears in it.
    Lynne approached the two, a bit confused.
“Tomi? Was this who you were waiting for?” She asked.
    Tomi nodded, proceeding to introduce the taller man.
“Lynne, this is Søren. And yes, he was who I was waiting for.” Tomi said, his smile finally reaching his eyes.
“I’m… so confused right now.” Lynne said simply.
    Søren laughed a bit, then giving Tomi a knowing look. Tomi simply turned to Lynne, giving her an all-too-vague explanation.
“Lynne, everything will explain itself in due time… especially if you look at that letter that your parents got today. Just... make sure to dump that box into the ocean for me, okay?”
    Tomi then started to walk away with Søren, but Lynne, now even more confused than before, stopped them.
“Wait!” She called, causing Tomi to look back over his shoulder at her, raising one eyebrow in curiosity.
“Will I ever see you again?” She asked, knowing she probably wouldn’t get an answer on anything else she asked him.
    She didn’t know why she was asking this, but the whole situation had an air of finality to it, like she knew that he was going away forever. Tomi seemed to ponder an answer to this, eventually responding.
“Not like this you won’t… but I assure you, you will eventually see me again.” Tomi said, giving her another reassuring smile as he began to walk away with Søren again.
    This time, Lynne didn’t stop them. She saw the two of them walk down the coastline to the point where they were merely silhouettes on the now star freckled horizon.
That’s when they simply just… disappeared. They didn’t turn a corner or anything, they were just… gone.
A little later that night, Lynne returned home, her parents already asleep.
Curiosity egged her on as she saw this as the perfect opportunity to see what was in the letter and package, and if it explained anything at all, like Tomi had claimed. Lynne cautiously creeped over to the table the package and now open letter were on, and picked up the letter first, beginning to read it.
Dear Mr and Mrs Rees,
The package that arrived with this letter contains the cremated remains of Tomi Rees, a relative of yours. They have been in my possession for some thirty-six or so years, as the department just rediscovered them when cleaning. His immediate family had refused to take the remains at the time of burial, so we cremated them and left them be. We do hope that you give this soldier a proper burial…
    Lynne continued to read the letter as her hands started to shake. The letter went on to explain that Tomi was her grandfather’s brother, a soldier who had died during the Great War. Lynne, after having put the letter down on the table, took a moment to just try to process all of this. She had been talking to a ghost on that beach. The ghost of who would have been her great uncle nonetheless! She had always believed in the afterlife, but now she had proof of it. She should tell her parents- wait, she shouldn’t, they would surely think she had gone round’ the bend- but before anything, she should give this man a proper burial. She remembered what Tomi had told her to do, and the pieces clicked together in her mind.
    Lynne gingerly picked up the box, carrying it back down to the pier.
“Thanks for letting me get to know you uncle… even if it was only for a bit.” Lynne said to the ocean as she tipped the box, sending the gray ash into the dark waters, which were reflecting the dark and starry sky that night.
    She still had so many questions that needed to be answered…
    But she decided to have patience just this once. All answers would probably come in due time.
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red-5 · 7 years
Dog Person - Derek x OC/reader(ish)
Summary: Derek and Parrish share an awkward moment, Stiles makes Derek’s life a living hell. 
Pairings: Derek x OC/reader, slight Parrish x OC/reader
Wrote it as an OC, but it can be read as a reader insert if you turn your head and squint. Slight AU. The idea came and I didn’t think too much about it.
Derek watched her through the small window leading to the back-treatment area, headphones crammed in her ears as she poured over the old books and ancient texts spread out across the exam table in front of her. A small cot had been set up for her in the corner, near the vent so it was dark and warm. It had remained untouched since it had been made, even her bag set in the chair next to her. It didn’t matter that it was 3 AM. It didn’t matter she hadn’t slept in days, the dark bags hanging under her eyes betraying her when she insisted she wasn’t tired.
His hard gaze followed her movements, sometimes collected as her eyes scanned a page or passage, sometimes erratic as she tracked down another leather-bound text, unmasking her otherwise concealed Stilinski heritage. His ears tracked her heartbeat, ebbing, and flowing with her motions, and the trace of the much too loud music blasting through her ear buds.
               She’s a little complicated
               Make her mind up just to change it
His eyebrows furrowed together. Country? His relationship with Stilinski spawn the elder had grown and evolved since their triumphant return to Beacon Hills to answer Scott’s call to arms, but even through their necessity based former relationship he had never known her to listen to country music. A voice sounding from behind him voiced his thoughts, breaking him out of his own mind.
 “Ten bucks says its country.”
Derek turned to face the deputy, out of uniform and nursing another cup of steaming coffee, the number undoubtedly unhealthy even for a hellhound. Confusion must have been written all over Derek’s face, as Parrish motioned through the window with his mug.
“Country music. I listen to it when I’m stressed, she picked up from me when we were, you know…together.” He finished with a bashful chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. He reeked of discomfort, and it took all Derek had not to turn up his nose at the stench.
“Yeah,” he mumbled after an awkward moment. “It is.”
Parrish nodded, blowing on the molten liquid more out of habit than necessity before taking a sip. They stood, side by side, watching the woman on the other side of the door scramble around in her sleep deprived haze. It wasn’t long before curiosity and need to break the uncomfortable silence got the better of the werewolf.
“Country?” Derek asked with a raised eyebrow.
Parrish released a genuine chuckle this time, taking a step back to turn to the larger man a fraction.
“Yeah, it’s all anyone listened to on deployment.” His eyes glazed over slightly as images only he could see flashed in behind his eyes. “It was…grounding.” His small, nostalgic smile didn’t reach the rest of his face, Derek understood instantly and Parrish must have sensed this. He broke out of his trance, clearing his throat with a grateful smile.
“Anyway,” he continued, less gracefully than he had intended, “she hardly needs a hound hanging around when she has a wolf. Not that a witch really needed either one in the first place.”
He answered Derek’s questioning eyebrow with a knowing smirk.
“She always was a dog person, if you know what I mean.” The grin that spread across his face and small bit of pride building up in his chest at his own wit faltered at the withering look Derek focused in his direction. He pinched his lips together, grip tightening on the handle of his mug as he moved backwards.
“Right. I’m just going to…” He averted his eyes, clearing his throat as he turned away and scurried out of Derek’s sight.
With a deep breath of long-practiced, all shall endure patience he turned his focus away from the retreating example of Beacon Hill’s finest back to why he was in this mountain ash trap of a building in the first place. He wished she would sleep, but the battle to get her to eat was still fresh in his mind. The remainder of the evidence of his victory was discarded by the sink, and he winced as he remembered what it took to get her to consume what she did. She felt responsible. He knew she did because he knew he would if he were in her position. The coven currently hunting down members of the pack had been drawn to her, to her power. Her deep connection to the werewolves and place in the pack had been viewed a personal offense, and now the people she loved were paying the price. A knot formed in his chest, he desperately wished he could make her understand the depths the pack would go, the depths he would go, to ensure her safety.
He observed her from bottom to top, her converse-clad feet tapping nervously on the floor whenever she remained stationary, her legs tense under her worn blue jeans, but her hips, her hips were where her body began to betray her. In stark contrast to her lower body, her upper body responded to the assault on her eardrums. Hips swaying ever so slightly, shoulders bouncing, head bobbing, lips moving along with the lyrics. His eyes froze there, becoming entranced with the way they moved, stretched, slid along her teeth as she lip-synced. The sudden wish to hear her voice, hear her sing to him as she threaded her fingers through his hair forced its way to the front of his mind and he found himself without breath for a moment.
The familiar, endlessly irritating, make the blood run cold ‘good God what now’ voice that rang in his left ear caused him to suck in a sharp breath, shoulders squaring as he snapped his eyes away and came to a crash landing back into reality. How many other people were still here? She was just so damn distracting.
“Enjoying the show?”
Oh, how he wanted to sucker-punch the smug smirk that had taken root upon the face of the one person that always seemed to make it his mission in life to sour the werewolf’s already foul mood right off his stupid, stupid face. He stared the bane of his existence down for a long moment before speaking.
“I’m here to protect your sister.”
Stiles raised an eyebrow.
“If she needed you to protect her, which at this point might actually be a reality because I’m pretty positive she’s gonna go down any second, is creeping really the best approach?”
Derek’s eyes slid closed, if for no other reason than to remove Stiles from his sight even if just for a moment.
“I wasn’t creeping.”
Stiles narrowed his eyes.
“You were creeping.”
Green eyes flew open, brimming with irritation that only grew like a wildfire sprinkled with gasoline at the twinkle in the younger man’s eyes. He knew Derek would endure whatever he dished out. To the massive misfortune of the former Alpha, Stiles had discovered his Achilles heel. The words had never been spoken outright, but there was much to be said about the Stilinski detective gene. While he had never mentioned his discovery to his sister, or anyone if they hadn’t already worked it out for themselves as Parrish seemed to, Stiles did not hesitate to dangle it over Derek’s head.
 “I could leave, if you think you could do a better job.” An empty threat, but the only one Derek could come up with.
That stupid smirk never faltered, never wavered as Stiles slid past him to grip the handle to the door he had been rooted in front of for hours.
“Whatever you say.”
With a wink, he slipped into the room, alerting his sister to his presence by reaching forward and plucking an ear bud out of her ear. Her look of agitation melted as she turned to her little brother.
“Hey monkey,” she mumbled as he gathered her in his arms, readying himself to give convincing her to rest another go.
The door shut with a click, once again separating Derek from the scene in front of him. The last waves of irritation faded away as he watched her face stretch into a sleepy yawn, feebly swatting Stiles away as he tried to drag her away from her fervid research to the cot. A new emotion surged through him. A new-found appreciation for the sheriff for not only surviving one Stilinski spawn, but two.
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