#i told you guys its gonna be a slow burn
youandtom2 · 2 years
An Avenger's Revenge (dark!Peter Parker)
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Summary: Spider-Man was just one of the mighty, powerful Gods that rule the Earth. A night of death, betrayal, war and defeat turns him into a myth, a memory to be forgotten about by the other Greedy Gods that share this planet. Without his generosity, the world takes a turn for the worse and the people are desperate for a solution. With a rebellion on the horizon, it may be your only chance to rise up against the Greedy Gods and restore Spider-Man's legacy.
Themes: dystopian, futuristic, smut, angst, death!, dark concepts**, a tad bit fluff :) **T/W: will be specified per chapter - none in this one
Everything did not go according to plan. Not one bit. 
The slums of Captain America’s faction has its stench wafting in through your nose, chilling you to the bone as you walk your way towards the water hole. It’s merely a poorly constructed circle of bricks that surrounds a puddle at best that refills itself every six hours. If you get there early enough, you’ll be lucky to get a bucketful that doesn’t have any dirt in it. 
A cautious eye keeps you protected, carefully watching the many sleeping bodies camped in the town square. Miners who are too injured to work, criminals who have been caught stealing, elderly too frail to move, all types of rejects out here in the outer slums left to rot. 
How the hell did you end up here? This time two years ago you were sitting by Tony’s side in a magnificent palace, eating breakfast with him on his final day, talking of a future that was meant to be, a time where optimism existed. 
What Tony feared the most came true; the Avengers were beyond furious with Tony’s decision to make Peter Parker his beneficiary, declaring that it was an act of the utmost betrayal. In their eyes, he wasn’t worthy of such responsibility, questioning ‘who was he to take over? Who was Peter Parker to be the first God amongst the elites to own two factions? Who even was Peter Parker?’
You didn’t get the chance to find out. You vividly remember the morning after Tony’s death, the morning Peter Parker was supposed to arrive, waking up in a pool of sweat that had soaked through your sheets. Initially, you thought it was a result of a bad dream but as soon as your eyes spotted the black smoke piling into your room you knew something wasn’t right. Panic fuelled your limbs, jumping into action and frantically trying to find an escape. The same 3 flights of stairs, quickly burning, were black with soot and you coughed and wheezed your way to the upper floor where things weren’t much better. Paralysed with fear, you barely had time to fret over the complete destruction of the palace, fire climbing up the golden walls and melting away the remnants of Tony’s memory. If it wasn’t for the sun’s beams peaking through the thick black smoke, you might’ve never crawled your way outside. 
You will never forget seeing the armada of soldiers congregating outside Tony’s palace as it burned behind you. Who’s soldiers - you didn’t know. You barely had time to think. The heat was unbearable, the smoke still scorched the inside of your lungs and screams flooded your ears. Only when you thought you were safe were you truly able to process the depravity of what was now your reality and you couldn’t describe the despair, the anguish that wounded your heart as it pounded in your chest, endless tears trickling down your red cheeks.
The image of Tony’s palace engulfed in a ploom of flames and smoke became tattooed into your mind. It’s there when you close your eyes and with every blink, you ask yourself…why did it have to end that way?
You are lucky to have survived but it seems that your luck ended there; trapped and captive in Captain America’s faction, you fight to meet dusk at the end of every day.  
“Is that you, dear?” Alma shouts from her corner. 
“Yes, it’s me. Are you alright?” 
“Yes, yes, just a little cold is all.” You immediately empty the water into your dispenser before tending to the old women gently rocking away in one of the four corners of your shared shack. You know Alma from Tony’s faction, a retired cook also kidnapped from her home and dragged to Captain America’s faction, and you were happy to see a familiar face. Injured on her way here (completely not her fault), she was thrown into the slums. It was a fate that most of Tony’s population sadly faced; workers, mothers, children, the elderly ripped from their homes by soldiers of different coloured uniforms. Golden, navy, black, green, purple, yellow, each representing a different Avenger. It was a free for all, like a pack of wolves tearing away at the one slab of meat, desperate to snatch themselves more workers to bring into their operation and feed their greed. 
“The water should last you until I get back. I need to go into the factory a little earlier today. There’s still a surplus of infinity stones left over from yesterday and someone’s got to polish them.” 
“I don’t envy you, I’ll tell you that much. Be careful!” 
“See you later, Alma.” 
The day is dull. The faction sits under a dark looming cloud that looks like it will release a downpour any minute. You just hope that you catch the train cart before it does; being cold and wet for the rest of the day won’t do you any good. Ahead of you is a long line of workers; miners, factory workers, machine operators, all ready to catch the train into the inner city for a long, laborious day. Working for Captain America isn’t nearly as pleasant as working for Tony was. Lost in his unethical ways, Captain America keeps production going as often as he can because watching his income turn from dirt to treasure from on high was his drug. Like Tony, Captain America chose the podium for his palace with precision and purpose. The grand white building proudly sits atop a hill, overshadowing the faction. Facing east, his palace is the first thing sunrise’s glow hits and the last thing it sees before it dips below the horizon, creating a magnificent backdrop for all of the faction workers to worship. Little does he know, most spit at the sight.
A forty-five minute journey later, you enter the factory. You are greeted by some of your colleagues, some of which you get on really well with; it’s the only thing about your job that you can appreciate. Albeit, nobody can quite fill the missing piece of you that was left behind in Tony’s faction. After the fire, you lost all contact with other staff, your mother too. To this day, you still don’t know if they made it out alive, and if they did, what became of them? What of Ginny? There’s no way of knowing, but for now you find solace in the women in the factory.
Although Tony lost everything he had worked for in one day, he can thank his lucky stars that the invasion was posthumous, because if his illness didn’t kill him, the sight of his faction being destroyed certainly would’ve done the job. Despite all of his losses, there was only one person that suffered more than anyone else that day. One who had lost not only the inheritance of Tony’s legacy, but his own too. Wealth, status, power, control, gone within a matter of hours. No one else but Peter Parker. His short-lived rule came to a bitter, devastating end, one that even the Godly power yielded from his infinity stones couldn’t prevent.
After all, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. 
“It was terrible!” A voice exclaims just a couple of yards down the conveyor belt. “The whole faction was up in flames in seconds, explosions everywhere, destruction around every corner - utter chaos. There’s nothing left of it now, just dust and rubble. Before I could even make an escape I was grabbed by Captain America’s men and thrown in the back of a truck. Next thing I know I’m thrown an apron and shoved in here.” 
The conversation reaches your ears and you can’t help but eavesdrop. She must be from Tony’s faction, just like you are. Finally someone else that could share your pain. 
“Sorry…you're from To--I mean Iron Man’s faction too?” 
The girl stops polishing the stone she’s working on and looks at you blankly. She swallows thickly before answering. “Um, no. Spider-Man’s.” 
“What? Spider-Man’s faction is destroyed too?” 
She nods her head. “The day after Iron Man’s death we were…we were invaded by e-everyone, Captain America, Black Widow, The Hulk, Doctor Strange, Hawkeye and Thor, everyone. We…we didn’t know why, we just tried to escape, but they were everywhere just grabbing who they could. Like it was planned.” 
“Because it was,” you mutter dejectedly. The girl from Spider-Man’s faction and a few others around her gasp, murmuring unintelligibly. “Spider-Man was to inherit everything of Iron Man’s, including his faction and I guess the other Avengers weren’t too happy, jealous even. They would’ve done anything to stop that from happening.” 
“Holy shit, holy…shit! Spider-Man was going to have two factions?! How much richer can these bastards get? Wait, how do you know this?”
“I was one of Iron Man’s maids. Told us we were going to be taken care of--”
“Yeah, Spider-Man told us all the same thing. And we believed him.” Her voice is downcast, eyes sinking low. She mindlessly fiddles with the stone in her hand, thoughts of betrayal running through her mind. “Guess we just shouldn’t trust anything the Gods say, huh?” 
“Yeah.” You sigh. The conversation fades into silence and suddenly no one knows what to do, too downtrodden to carry on their work. You would hate to leave the conversation on such a bitter note, so you swiftly introduce yourself with what smile you can manage, one that tells her that you share her pain.
She smiles back. It’s forced but at least it’s something. “I’m Mina.” 
That conversation you had with Mina two years ago is what brought you two closer, and for the first few weeks at the factory, you felt like hot shit. You were Iron Man’s maid. Everyone wanted to know what that was like, what inside an Avenger’s palace looked like, what he was like, and although you enjoyed feeling special enough to be at the centre of everyone’s attention, you were just as desperate to find out what Spider-Man was like. Two years ago, you hotly anticipated meeting him and that feeling has yet to be fulfilled. All you're left with is a craving that you suspect will never be satisfied. 
Mina doesn’t exactly have much on him, but she gives what she can. 
“He wasn’t much, honestly, and we didn’t have much either but we got by. It’s sure as shit better than being here. Our people loved him though, like…properly adored the guy and I could see why--” 
Helena steps in, a Captain America original. Her boisterous voice takes over the conversation with a devilish smile lacing her words. “Oh, I think we all know why.” 
“What? Why?” You ask.
“Are you kidding? Have you seen the guy? If his sculpture at the temple is anything to go by, he’s fucking gorgeous--”
“Was.” Mina rumbles.
“Yeah, alright, alright. Was gorgeous. But he was a god I’d happily sell my soul for. I’d climb him like a tree--” 
“Jesus, Helena. The guy’s dead. Give it a rest. Anyway, yeah he was stunning and I think -- I think he cared about us…it’s just that sometimes you couldn’t tell if he was being genuine or whether he was just up Iron Man’s ass and following his footsteps.” 
“Could you blame him if he was? I mean, he was just about to become one of the most powerful Avenger so maybe sucking up to him did the trick. That was Cap’s mistake. That rival they had decades ago fucked him and us over completely.” 
Mina whips around to face Helena with a hand glued to her sashayed hip, an eyebrow cocked high on her forehead. You suddenly feel like you’ve become a spectator in the conversation despite having initiated it. “We’re two Avengers down, two factions have been burnt to a crisp and no longer exist leaving millions unemployed and homeless, we’re stuck with Captain Ass, and the world is at the mercy of six of the most insane Avengers - so I wouldn’t exactly say what Spider-Man did ‘did the trick’. If anything, we’re more fucked.” 
“Yo, shut the fuck up! If you get caught saying that kind of stuff, you’ll be put against the post!” 
Mina rolls her eyes as a subtle ‘bite me’ leaves her lips and you do what it takes to suppress the giggle. The soft rustling of the polishing brushes fills the silence once again, scraping away the dirt and stone that clings to the infinity stones before preparing them for shipment straight to Captain America’s palace. The stone’s sheen hits your eyes, reflecting the overhead lamp as it spotlights its iridescent ruby red colour to reveal a potential within. What you would do if you had the strength to yield its power, what you would change about the world and how you would change it for the better, and in that moment of thought you look to your hands. They are red raw, blistered and torn apart with the roughness of it all. Further below you, your feet ache, pleading with you to give them a rest but the conveyor belt never stops moving, never stops bringing in more stones and there’s no time for a break. This has been your ‘everyday’ for the last two years, a lifetime for some and you’re not sure how much more of it you can take.
A laugh suddenly erupts from your throat, almost hysterical because realistically you know you don’t even have the strength to fight the exhaustion. It’s absolutely ridiculous that you have the audacity to think about changing the world. 
Well, if not you, then who?
Out of nowhere, your body convulses with a shiver as a tickling sensation feathers across your arm. Eyes snap to the miniscule spider tiptoeing across your skin. It was completely red, all but the small black dot on its hind. 
“Mina?” You blurt. “Did…did Spider-Man really die?” 
“Pretty sure. There’s no way he could’ve survived the attack. Like you said, the other Avengers would’ve done anything to stop him rising to complete supremacy, right?” 
A wistful sight seeps from your lips. “Um…yeah. Of course. You’re right.” The small, harmless spider continues to stumble across your skin and with the gentlest of touches, you scoop up the little creature, placing it gently on the floor under the machinery where it scuttles into the shadows. 
That’s probably the closest you’ll ever get to meeting Spider-Man, huh?
Chapter 2 coming 8th of July
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oopsdevil · 7 months
COD + Tropes
which trope do they fall into when it comes to you.
i have said it before but simon really struggles when it comes to relationships.
he insisted that this was a casual thing but soon realized that's not true. from the way his heart beats faster when you rarely cuddle, to his trouble sleeping wondering if maybe you were with some other bloke. his insecurities got the best of him and he would end up saying something mean out of jealousy. when he saw you took offense to it he decided in four seconds that he was not gonna lose you. he confessed his feelings (in a sentence or two) and since then he has no problem with everyone knowing you are his.
kyle was always a romantic. outspoken, proud romantic. you guys probably met in high school and just fell in love. you both knew you were it for each other but everyone kept insisting it was just a first love kind of thing. it was not.
circumstances brought kyle into the army and leaving you was the hardest of it all. you both also decided staying together was just gonna be painful so you broke up.
a couple years later kyle came home and got his life together as an adult. after seeing the reality of bills, rent, taxes and just life, he realized maybe he doesn't wanna do it at all without you. a call and a few tears is all it took for admitting you are still each others soulmates.
look at me in the eyes and tell me this is not HIS trope. it was simply meant to be. maybe he saw you in a bar and some guy was being too insisting for his liking, maybe johnny got sick of his family asking about a future wedding or maybe gaz told you guys you couldn't pull it off and you took the bet. doesn't matter, but it happened.
after months of intense eye contact across the room, flushed faces when realizing you were holding hands but there was no one around and holding you by your hips for group pictures, johnny felt his stomach turn when you mentioned something about going on a date with some other soldier for real.
next thing you knew he was kissing you against a bathroom door. really kissing you, not like those pecks for the public that always left you wanting more. in breathless sentences you both decided to be together like you always wanted (probably in a quick to be continued kinda way so you could keep kissing)
it took him years. years.
from the moment he saw you in base he was thankful his hood could hide his red face when he developed a crush in about 15 seconds. he was also very surprised when you just talked to him.
könig kept you as a friend for years and himself busy with missions, it wasn't until you were thinking about transferring when he decided you wouldn't do it. you can't just go, right?
the only condition to staying was a very long conversation with him, where you admitted being in love with him for the longest time, and thinking maybe he felt the same way. but after that many years you needed to have him now, or just try to move on.
i don't think könig ever felt that relived. he mumbled something in german, suddenly ripping his hood off and kinda tackled you to the bed in a hug. you laughed and decided yeah, this is gonna work.
having a new secretary in his office was the last thing john needed.
he was sure it was about the fact that it was someone new in his personal space, someone who knew nothing about his routine.
it obviously had nothing to do with the fact that he looked at you longer than he looked at papers. or about your accent being so distracting to him that you had to say most things twice.
being trapped in an elevator with him was the last thing you needed.
again, its about the fact that you have so many things to do for your impatient boss (not about his cologne being intoxicating and his shoulders looking a little too big right now)
neither of you knew how it happened, but it did. and you were sure he pressed you against every inch of the elevators walls while kissing you like a mad man.
the truth is everyone else on the team knew the reason why you drove each other crazy, and john was more than grateful when the person who opened the elevator doors and saw the state of you was simon.
after fixing your clothes and an awkward apologize to simon, you talked about it.
having a secret relationship with him didn't last long, this man likes to move fast. but after the elevator incident, you were more than okay with that.
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sweetlyskz · 7 months
Emerald Gem||Chapter Four
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Chapter one|Chapter two|Chapter three|Chapter four|Chapter five|Chapter six|
Pairing: Hybrid!OT7 x fem!reader
Overview: Living away from society has its perks. All natural food from your thoroughly cultivated farm, no nosy neighbors, and peace and security with your animals. But sometimes you did get lonely, having no one the talk to but the pigs. However, when 7 extremely wanted hybrids stable upon your deserted farm, everything changes.
Genre: Hybrid Au, Strangers to lovers, slow burn, smut, fluff
Warnings: Suggestive themes, language, mentions of abuse and trauma
Word count: 1.4k
Little hops make their way to your bedroom door. Your personal alarm clock. Slowly, the door opens and a ball of fur jumps on your bed, tapping your leg with its foot.
"a couple more minutes please", you groaned, flipping your pillow to the other side. The bunny huffed, tugging on the blanket. He continued to kick until you gave in.
"Fine, c'mere Koo..." his face beamed. As soon as you sat up, leaning against your wooden bed frame, Jungkook hopped in your lap and rolled over.
You happily gave him what he wanted, gently rubbing his belly and patting his head. "Are you gonna do this every morning?"
The bunny shook his head and put his paw on your hand, never wanting it to leave his fur.
"Alright, enough. I have to make breakfast", you said, scooping him up in your arms and heading downstairs. He blissfully laid his head in the crook of your neck, enjoying the ride.
Downstairs was quiet, a little too quiet. Usually, the guys always woke up before you, shifting into their animal form. However it seemed no one was here. "Kook, where is everyone?"
He shrugged. You put him down so he could take a look around, but something told you they weren't far. Then you heard a couple of coughs come from their bedroom. You knocked on the door lightly.
"Come in", you heard a hoarse voice say. The door slowly creeked open.
Joon, Jin and Yoongi were laid on the bed, flat on their backs. Jimin and Tae sat uselessly on the couch and used tissue paper all over the floor.
"Hey, Y/n", Jimin smiled weakly. His voice was raspy, scratchy. The others looked pale, like they had just seen a ghost. Jimin however, was red as a tomato. He was burning up.
"You guys..." you pouted. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick?"
Jin tried to get up but the pack leader quickly eased him back in bed. "Didn't wanna bother you... it's nothing, really."
You walked around the room, picking the tissues up off the floor and into the trash. "This looks like something, Joon! When did it start?"
"...A couple days ago, maybe?"
"A couple days! You guys waited a couple days to tell me you were sick?"
Taehyung raised his hand. "Actually, we weren't gonna tell you at all but-"
"That doesn't make anything better, Tae", Someone said, sounded like Hobi.
"...Hoseok?" He wasn't on the bed and he wasn't on the couch...
After some searching you found him in the bathroom, laying on the cold floor tiles. He had a roll of toilet paper in one hand and a thermometer in the other.
"I'm alright", he promised. "Feeling better already. I was actually gonna-"
"No. I don't want to hear anymore", you shook your head, grabbing Hobi and helping him to the bed. It looked like a storm had hit their room. For a good minute, you stared, wondering why in the world they couldn't come to you. Maybe they weren't as comfortable as you thought. Maybe they still didn't trust you. They all falter under your gaze. They're not sure why but every time you stare at them with those eyes that light up the room, they falter.
You don't seem to notice it though.
"We're so sorry! We'll get better", Tae pleaded.
The packer leader vouched for him and the others. "It's my fault. I wasn't paying attention. I swear, we are really feeling better."
Now you're the one that doesn't feel well. You're the one feeling sick to your stomach. Not for the same reason they do, but because they easily sit and lie to your face.
You hate lying.
"How do you guys do that?"
"Do what?" They all tensed, in hopes of the worse. Everything was going well- at least you thought so. Can a little thing like this really mess everything up for them?
"How can you guys be in pain, physical and mental pain... and lie about it?" You were confused. You were fed up. You had questions, and needed answers. You just wanted to be trusted for once in your life. "You know what? Don't even answer that. I'll be back with some soup and hot tea. Don't move."
With anger, you cut the carrots. With hurt, you chopped the celery. And with love, you made the noodles, shaping each dumpling into a heart. Cooking was a big stress reliever for you. Luckily, you have seven more mouths to feed, They could keep you cooking for the rest of your life- if they decide to stay.
As you stir the pot, you think. It's what you're best at, besides cooking. Your mind moves a mile a minute. And right now, your mind was telling you somethings off. Something is wrong.
"Y/n?" Jungkook, now in his human form, shuffled behind you nervously.
"Yes? Are you not feeling well?" You put your hand to his forehead to see if he had a fever. He then moved your hand to his cheek instead, pushing his face into your palm for comfort.
"I'm sorry", he whispered. "For not telling you about the others. I didn't want to betray my pack. I t-tried go get them to tell you but they can be stubborn sometimes.
You sighed. "I know, and it's okay. Don't worry your pretty little head, okay?" You took your hand away, earning a whine from kook, and patted his head.
You filled six bowls with chicken noodle soup and brought it to their room, with the help of Jungkook. They scarfed down every last drop, leaving nothing in the bowl. Then you brought them each an herb tea with honey. One by one, you went around the room, checking their temperature and looking for anything serious.
"Okay, I'll be tending to the garden. Kook, they stay in bed at all times. Come get me if you need something." Jungkook shook his head, ready to complete any task you assign him. As soon as you left, the room was more relaxed, but a cloud still loomed over them.
"We messed up", Yoongi confessed. "She must feel like we don't trust her."
"We don't. We don't trust her." Joon's voice was stern, assertive. It made the others cower in fear- except the youngest. Jin hoped to settle the pack leader before the conversation turned sour.
"Namjoon, please don't start-"
"I don't trust her! You know what she might do to us knowing we're sick!" He tried to get up from the bed but Yoongi quickly laid him back down.
"She's not like that", Jungkook seethed. "If you just got the chance to know her, you would know that. You're too busy comparing her to the researchers to realize that she's nothing like them!"
"Kook, wait-"
"Jungkook is right", Jimin agreed. "It's never gonna get better than her. I... I want to stay."
Namjoon was practically fuming by now. "You want to what?" Jin took it upon himself to calm Him down, whispering sweet nothings. But the others had no intentions of stopping.
"Y/n has been nothing but sweet to us. I-I mean she is really just trying to understand and get to know us. Why can't you just do the same?"
It was a question that Namjoon didn't have the answer to. Why couldn't he just give in? Why couldn't he at least put in a little effort? He didn't know, but he just knew it couldn't happen...
"Everyone pack your things. We're leaving."
For dinner you made all of their favorites. In your family, it was a way to apologize, to make amends. For you, it was a way to start friendships-- and say sorry. You may have been a little harsh on them, but you couldn't help yourself.
"Dinner's ready!" You took your usual spot at the table and waited for the others to come. Once they sit down and eat, then you make your plate.
A few minutes had passed with you sitting at the table. No one left the room. Actually, the house was unusually quiet.
"Guys? The food is gonna get cold!" Maybe they're too weak to get out of bed, you thought.
You knocked on the bedroom door as to not invade their privacy. With no answer, you knocked one more time before opening the door.
"Oh, god-"
They were gone, vanished. It looked like they were never even there. After a while of staring at the empty room, your rumbling stomach told you to come back to the dinner table. Sitting in the dining room, eating Tae's favorite Mac &cheese, you pondered.
I'm alone, you thought. I'm all alone again...
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ohtobeleah · 5 months
Was It Over? // Jake Seresin
-> Chapter Eight: [Oh, Honeybee]
Summary: Jake can’t accept why you’d keep such a life-threatening situation a secret and you can’t accept why he suddenly seems to care.
Warnings: Sick!reader. Breast cancer diagnosis. Jake Seresin x F!reader. Angst, hospital & medical inaccuracies. SLOW BURN ROMANCE/ Inaccurate medical information. Relationship turmoil.
Word Count: 4K
Author Note: Smaller chapter, but still the same level of pain. Let me know what y’all think about the confrontation of it all.
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“The fuck?” Bradley Bradshaw hated the festive season. He wasn't a Christmas guy. He didn't have an awful lot of family to celebrate with over the consumerist holiday that was shoved down your throat before mid November. He just wasn't the kinda guy who wanted to get involved in the festivities. 
“Who's calling you at ten at night?” Natasha Trace would probably end up regretting her decision to sleep with her co-worker and friend, but the drunken antics she and Rooster had gotten up to earlier in the afternoon ended up with a trip back to his house. 
“Its Hangman–” Bradley answered the naked woman beside him as he sat up in the bed he truly never should have brought her back to. He knew Phoenix would end up regretting her decision to sleep with him. A pity fuck they’d both end up calling it. “Hello?” 
“Are you busy?” Jake asked as he continued to watch you sleep. It had been a few hours since he got to the hospital and about two since he told your mother to go home for some much deserved rest. 
Bradley looked over his shoulder to see Phoenix rolling over, her chest laid flat against the mattress that smelled so much of Bradley. He sighed, peeled the covers up from over his legs and swung them over the side. 
“Nah, what’s up? Everything good?” The pair hadn’t always been on good terms, but ever since Jake had ultimately risked his own life to save Roosters, the two had been able to put their differences aside and let bygones be bygones. 
“I don’t think I’m coming back after Christmas.” Jake started as he let his head lean against the far too uncomfortable hospital chair he’d been sitting in for the better half of four hours. “Somethings’ happened and I dunno what I’m gonna do man.” It was the tone Jake was using that made Bradley frown as he slipped into his sweats. 
“Something happen to one of the kids, man?” Rooster has never heard Jake sound so defeated before. But as he padded down the hall Rooster had to stop in his tracks as Jake explained your current situation. He read the notes right from your chart, from the type of cancer to the stroke you had, how he tried to tuck your hair behind your ear and it fell from your scalp. How he’d tried to win you back, how you’d slept together, how you told him you still loved him yet thought divorce was the best way to go about things. Jake emptied his heart on Bradley sleeve and Bradley didn’t know how to process the pain and anguish Jake was obviously feeling. 
“Are you at the hospital right now? With Y/n?” 
“Yeah—yeah I just sent Maz, Y/n’s mum home to rest and shit.” Jake ran his hand across his face as he watched the IV bag containing your sedative get smaller and smaller. He wasn’t sure how you were going to react when you woke up and saw he was here. “I’ll probably go between here and her house, the kids are at mum's place and I can’t imagine what they’re thinking knowing that we’re both not there.” 
“I could uh—“ Bradley Bradshaw wasn’t a Christmas guy, but he was a family first person. “I could fly out? Maybe get the kids from your mum's house and get them back to Rhode Island? I’m not doing anything this Christmas so I’ve got time.” 
“Bradshaw,” Jake nearly sobbed. “I couldn’t ask you to do that for me.”
“It’s nothing, really, you’re one guy man, stay with your wife, or ex wife? I don’t really wanna get into your business but just text me the details when you can and I’ll organise your kids.” 
“I’ll text you my sister's number.” Jake replied. “She’ll help you out.” There was no real reason to argue, Jake knew that once Rooster had his mind set on something he was gonna do it. 
“No worries, I’m uh—I don’t even know what to say man, I’m so sorry, no one deserves to go through this.” It hit Rooster too close to home, his mother died when he was seventeen from Breast Cancer very similar to yours. It took her quicker than doctors had ever anticipated. 
He just hopes you wouldn’t meet the same untimely fate. 
“Anything man, anything you need, I'm there.” 
Time seemed more like an artificial construct as Jake watched Lydia disconnect the line that had been slowly feeding your body with a moderate range sedative. The young nurse looked guilty as she tried to avoid eye contact with the man she had accidentally told private patient information to. 
“She’ll slowly start to wake up over the next hour now that she isn’t slowly taking on the sedative.” Lydia explained. “She might be quite irritable and loopy but I’ll have her surgeon come by for assessment once she’s up.”
“When I was about your age I accidentally hit one of my commanding officers' car while pulling out of the car park at the Naval Base I was stationed at.” Jake mentioned as he let himself curl up in the world's most uncomfortable chair. “Point is we all
make mistakes, don’t beat yourself up about it, but I’d definitely be a little more cautious when reading patients emergency contacts.” 
“You’re wife’s a pretty strong woman Mr. Seresin.” Lydia smiled. “I hope that despite whatever reason she was keeping all this from you, that she’s happy you’re by her side when she wakes up.” Jake chuckled as he slightly readjusted himself and pulled his hood over his head. There were a plethora of ways you could react to his presence running through his mind, he hoped though, that the young nurse who’d accidentally filled him in on your current fight was right. 
“I hope so too kid, I hope so too.”
The slow steady rhythm of the many monitors currently tracking your vitals were the first sounds you heard as you slowly but surely woke from what you could only describe as one of the deepest states of complete and utter rest you’d ever experienced. 
Next it was the multi coloured Christmas lights that were hanging around your room. The reds, greens, yellows and blues that reminded you of nineties joy were the first things you noticed in the dimly lit hospital room you knew you were in. 
The third thing you noticed wasn’t a sound or an object, but it was the all too familiar sleeping man curled up in the most awkward position imaginable next to your bedside. Jake, your Jake. Sleeping with his mouth open wide and his arms crossed over his chest. 
“Woah—“ You groggily cooed as you felt the presence of another man checking your vitals beside you. “Whatever the hell kinda drugs you’ve got me on right now Doc has me seeing my ex husband.” You smiled ear to ear as you kept looking at Jake, sleeping, a little bit of drool even tainted his chin as his arms remained crossed and his hood covered his head. “This shits strong as.”
Doctor Ignatii continued reading and recording your vitals the more you came to, he knew, judging by the time you’d finished your dose of intravenous sedative and how cognitive you were, you’d come to realise in about two, maybe three minutes indefinitely that it wasn’t the drugs making you see the mirage of a man at your bedside, but in fact the real deal. 
“Mrs Seresin, can you follow the light for me?” Doctor Ignatii asked with a smile as he clicked on the small but effective flashlight at the end of his pen. He was gentle with the way he handled your head ever so cautiously, holding your eyelids open one by one as you followed the light accordingly. “Can you count to five?” 
“One, two, three, four, five—“ You mumbled out. Jake heard your voice as he stirred next to you and shot up with a gasp that startled you. He looked like a deer caught in headlights as he sat upright and wiped the dry drool from his chin. 
“Welcome back to the land of the living Mr Seresin, I've seen a lot of ways people have tried to sleep in those horrid chairs but I’ve never seen that particular position before.” Doctor Ignatii chuckled to himself as he clicked his pen light off and placed it back in his top pocket. “Alright Y/n, wiggle your toes and touch your nose for me.” All you did was stare at your husband. Why was he here? Who told him? “Mrs Seresin, wiggle your toes for me please.” Doctor Ignatii was a little firmer in his request, he wasn't sure if you were just distracted or if you simply couldn't comply with his request because you couldn't feel your toes.  
But when you finally did wiggle your toes, when you finally brought your index finger up to your nose and when you finally spoke, Doctor Ignatii knew that in the next hour or so when he got you up and walking, that you were going to be just fine.  
“What are you doing here?” Your voice was rather horse from the sedative but you were able to ask Jake that all too powerful question that sliced his skin clean open like one of the sharpest knives never could. Doctor Ignatii knew that he had to give you some space when he was finished assessing your ability to wiggle your toes he cleared his throat. “What the hell are you doing here?” 
“I'll give you two a moment alone, but Lydia will be in shortly.” He explained before making his way out of your hospital room. The silence was deafening as Jake cleared his throat and looked anywhere but in your eyes to begin with. 
“Jake–” You immediately asked again as you tried to sit up a little straighter. “What are you doing here?” Jake ignored your initial question and instead pressed his tongue into the middle of his cheek. His blood was boiling, he was so full of rage that you hadn’t told him you were sick that he couldn't think straight now that he knew you were awake and talking. You were supposed to be the mother of his children if at the very least. He felt like you had an obligation to disclose medical diagnoses that could alter the course of your children's lives. Right? 
“You have cancer and you didn't tell me?” Jake frowned as he spoke through a tired growl. “You have cancer and you didn’t think to mention it at all, not even a downplayed version of the truth? You just–” Jakes reaction wasn't something that surprised you, but his anger did. That anger was something you hadn’t seen in a long time, anger born from love and compassion. An anger so pure it rivalled empathy itself just in a different font. “You just negated the entire thing? Jesus Christ Y/n! You have–” 
“Stage three A, triple positive grade three invasive doctoral carcinoma.” You interrupted Jake as tears welled in your eyes. “I know, I found out back in November, I hadn’t been feeling all that well since around March.” You kicked yourself everyday for not getting yourself to a doctor sooner, but with your separation, work, the kids, you just decided to self diagnose yourself as an overworked mum who had little to no time for herself. Finding the time to see a doctor was nearly impossible, it was only when you found that lump in the shower you panicked. “Jake I–” 
“You–” Jake clenched his jaw as tight as he could, you swore he could have chipped his bottom teeth he was clenching that hard trying to control his frustration. “You don’t get to fucking do this to me do you understand?” 
“Excuse me?” You questioned as Jake stood up from the chair he’d been cramped in for the better half of the last twelve hours. “I didn’t choose to do this willingly Jake are you fucking kidding me?” It may have come out more aggressive than Jake had intended it to, but his heart hurt so much he swore he was having a heart attack the more he looked at you in the hospital bed connected to machines and wires that told him what your heart was doing and what your blood pressure was. “I didn't choose to get fucking cancer!” 
“No, no you didn’t Y/n but you chose not to tell me about it.” Jake sighed. “Am I really that bad of a person that you can't tell the father of your fuckings kids that you might be dying? Stage three!? I'd understand if you had a scare and didn’t mention it or a bad rash but stage three?” Jake spat as he walked around your hospital room like he was looking for a way out of this whole mess. “That’s closer to a death sentence than it is to a malignant mass!” 
All you could do was listen, you couldn't run this time. You had to face the man who broke your heart more ways than one as he raised his voice and walked around your hospital room with his hands on his hips. 
“You, you had a stroke too.” Jake's voice softened as did his eyes, the realisation had hit as the immediate love filled anger that clouded his judgement faded. The misguided anger that he might truly be losing the love of his life had begun to wash away as the sadness crept in. 
“Yeah–” You didn't hold it against Jake, you'd had more time to process this than he did. “Apparently the chemotherapy was just causing havoc to my nervous system and caused a clot that travelled from my leg to my brain.” You said it with a shrug, like it was no big deal. Jake's eyes widened at the idea of something that was meant to help you had done so much damage. “I was given a pamphlet, strokes were a side effect, but I just didn’t think it would happen to me you know.” 
“Honeybee–” Jake cooed as he came back over to your bedside. “I–” There was a distinct tentative pause in the way his hand automatically went to slip into yous, but even though Jake second guessed his own judgement there for a split second, he still placed his hand in yours and reveled in the way you squeezed him back. “I can't understand why you wouldn't tell me about this.” Jake had tried to understand, truly he did. He thought about it alot on the plane–all the ways in which he’d ever let you down. He understood he was a shitty husband, or had been, but this was life or death. 
Jake almost wished he never asked why and had instead just silently accepted the fact you decided not to loop him in on what was probably your biggest health complication since Samuel was born. He almost wished he hadn’t asked because the way you looked right into his eyes as your bottom lip quivered and your eyes watered with such a heartbreaking cry of anguish that ripped through your chest, Jake wished he hadnt fucking asked. 
“I didn't tell you because I just didn't think you’d care.” You cried violently as Jake helped you sit up. “I didnt–I just didnt think youd, you'd care about me.” Your cries were muffled into Jake's shoulder as he held you, he wanted to climb right into the hospital bed with you, but he couldn't. So Jake compromised and leaned over just enough to wrap you in his arms and rub small circles into your back as you buried your face in his chest and shoulder. “I didn't think you’d fucking care–because you haven’t cared about me in years!”
“I have never stopped caring about you.” Jake cried too, he couldn't hold it in any longer. “I have never and I will never stop caring about you Honey.” It was a hard statement to believe especially with what the past four years had been. “I promised you in sickness and in health, I'm here, I've got you.” Jake cooed as he tried to soothe you, your cries of pure anguish for your own situation made him want to die. What more could he possibly do to ease this burden from you, what could he possibly do to take the pain away. “I'm here, I'm right here.” 
“You don’t have to pretend.” You tried to calm yourself down as much as you could. “Please Jake you don’t have to pretend to care about me anymore, I’m not yours.” 
“No you’re not—“ Jake nodded in agreement as he pulled away to wipe your tears, you looked like hell but he wasn’t about to tell you that. To Jake you were still the most beautiful woman in the entire world, the only woman he ever needed, wanted. “But I’m still yours alright, you have me and I’m not pretending.” Jake wiped the pads of his thumbs across your cheeks, he tried not to tug at the oxygen tube feeding into your nose. “I’ve got you yeah? You don’t have to do this alone.” 
“I never wanted to do any of it alone.” You sobbed again, it was all too much. Jake knew what you meant by all, you never expected your marriage to fall apart. Neither did he. “I can’t do any of this, I’m so fucking scared.” If someone had asked Jake three years ago if his marriage would fall apart around him, he would have stood up and punched whoever had said such blasphemy in the mouth. But here he was. 
“You’re okay.” Jake tried his best to console you, he did know what else he could do in the moment beside to hold you. The kiss he left atop your forehead was so pure and full of love you swore it sent an electric shock through your body, the same kind of electricity you felt when you slept with Jake the night before you said goodbye to your kids. “I'm not leaving your side alright, “I’m here, I've got you, I can't lose you this way– I wont.” 
Jake knew this love was a burden that you both shared. The both of you were just two sinners who can't atone from a lone prayer. Two souls tied, intertwined by pride and guilt. 
Jake was true to his word, he didn't leave your side for the rest of the day. He stayed right by your side hand in hand, just sitting there, talking, not talking, sleeping. All that mattered was that he was there. 
“What do you mean Bradley Bradshaw offered to get the kids from your mum's house?” You thought for a split second that perhaps you hadnt woken up. Or maybe you'd actually woken up in some parallel universe where your husband never forgot how to love you and he didn't have a disdain for the man who gave him his Call Sign out of rage. “Bradley Bradshaw? As in Rooster?” 
Jake couldn't help but to smile, there was so much he had to fill you in on, the two of you hadnt really sat down and spoken uninterrupted without the kids since January. Sure there were family functions and times where you and Jake had to coexist and coparents. But he never really saw a reason to tell you all about his time in North Island. You were with him when he was called to Togun the first time, there wasn't any need to really rub your nose in the fact he was called back again. After all, a part of the reason you left was because Jake prioritised his work life over his home life, more specifically, you. 
“Would you believe me if I told you I saved his life?” Jake couldn't erase the grin that grew ear to ear from his face as he watched your eyes light up with shock and excitement. He missed this, the gentle moments. 
“You did not–” In all the time you had known Jake while he was a loyalist to the United States Navy, he had never once put a toe out of line. Never pushed back, never rocked the boat. He had a goal and that goal was to reach the top. You couldn't do that while drawing unwanted attention to yourself. 
“I did,” He chuckled through that very grin that you swore was permanently pinned to his cheeks. “Even went against orders to do it.” The look of pure shock on your face told Jake all he needed to know, you didn't believe what he was telling you. 
“Who are you and what have you done with Jake Seresin?” You chuckled softly as Jake ran his thumb across your hand. “You? Going against the brace? Unheard of.” A lot of what made Jake, well, Jake–was that he loved his job. 
“Trust me Honey I never thought I'd see the damn day either.” Jake sighed, he still couldn't believe how much his time in North Island had changed him. How it broadened his perspective on all the things that made him simply him. “But he was stuck in a pretty tight spot, so was Mav, our Captain.” 
“Well–” You smiled as you readjusted yourself in your bed. Unbeknownst to both you and Jake, Lydia was watching just out of frame from her spot at the nurses station. She couldn't help but to notice the loving, all encompassing look the two of you shared. Perhaps her small mistake that usually would have been a carrier ending HIPAA violation wasn't so bad after all. “Look at The Hangman go huh, who says he's always leaving people out to dry.” 
“Oh I could still name a few–” It was organic the way you and Jake fell into a rhythm with one another when the pair of you allowed each other to do so. “But yeah, he's gonna fly in, get the kids for us because I really don't want them there for too long without at least one of us there and bring them back to your mums for us.” 
“Is she alright with that?” As always Jake knew you would think about everyone but yourself when the only person you should have been thinking about right now was you. “What if she–” Jake cut you off with a simple shake of his head.  
“I already organised it.” Jake explained softly, his thumb never stopped stroking your hand as he held it. “Your mums gonna take the kids while we figure all this out, I don't want them with mine.” It wasn't that Jake didn't love his Ma, he did. But the idea of her having the kids for an extended amount of time gave him stomach issues he couldn't handle. “I saved his life, I trust him to escort our three terrors back here.” 
“Have you met our kids? You asked with an all knowing look that Jake caught right away. Maybe Rooster wasn't the best person to call on, he had zero experience with kids, let alone Jake's twins and two year old. 
Jake knew that you knew there was a darkness in the distance, but in the moment while everything felt normal, you both laughed together knowing exactly how the flight with your kids would go for Bradley Bradshaw. 
“You’re totally right–” Jake cooed. “He might need to bring his flight helmet as a safety precaution.”
Tags: @blindedbythelightt @starset21 @tayl0rhuynh @mamachasesmayhem @marvelogic @itsmytimetoodream @maverick-wingman @kodzukenmaaa @eternalsams @seitmai @nota-professional @jessicab1991 @hardballoonlove @senawashere @lafrone @fanficfandomlove @withahappyrefrain @dizzybee03 @maisie-rebloging-blog @goldenseresinretriever @a-reader-and-a-writer @sunlightmurdock @shelbycillian @memoriesat30 @accioprocrastination @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer @athenabarnes @eternallyvenus @emma8895eb
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jo-harrington · 4 months
Leave of Absence (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie has royally fucked everything up and he needs to fix it. But after an unexpected emergency back home, he steps up to be there for Reader, just like she's always there for him.
Previous Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.05
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Slow burn, mutual pining, angsty, emotional, fluffy, family problems, death in the family, loss, grief, pain and comfort, road trip, avoidance of feelings, Minor religious themes, mention of Catholic Church/Reader's family is Catholic but no overarching catholicism (that's what my other story is for)
Note: Woof ok this was an uphill battle FOR A YEAR. I'm gonna say the reason that Store Manager Verse exists in its present form is because of THIS CHAPTER RIGHT HERE. Before I could bring my two silly babies here to this moment, they needed to have some serious foundations laid down. Is it the best chapter? Probably not. But I'm incredibly happy that it's here and it's done.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other Eddie stories.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
He was nervous.
Of course he was nervous.
And what did he do when he was nervous? He talked.
"Hey now, I'm wounded," Eddie laid a hand across his chest, trying to keep the cool guy exterior. "Calling me a freak? Did I or did I not just help you with that flat tire last week?"
He was surprised when Stacey paused, a barb surely caught on the end of her tongue. She even looked a little embarrassed for a moment before her own frosty expression returned and she had the decency to look down her nose at him.
Sticking to the status quo.
"I know you're trying to put my boss under a love spell or hypnosis or something," she rolled her eyes. "So don't act like you would have helped any other time if she hadn't asked. Gotta keep her buttered up so you can get in her pants. Gag."
The typical stab of insult was welcome; the rest of it...wasn't. Not when it came to you. Not after what happened on Sunday. Not when he was nervous.
What started out as a normal night for the two of you had quickly become a nightmare. For him at least.
Well...it had been a dream at first. Hanging out. Food, laughter, music; it was nothing out of the norm for a Sunday night together. But then he had to go and suggest a little weed, where you had some kind of...bad reaction. To try and get your mind off the panic that had quickly taken over your body...he'd done the first thing that came to mind.
The only thing that came to mind lately when you were around.
He kissed you.
And he kept kissing you because you hadn't pushed him away. In fact, you’d kissed him harder.
For minutes or hours, he couldn't quite tell, he was overjoyed and he basked in being surrounded by you, in finding pleasure with you.
Finding pleasure. God, there was that poet's heart Mrs. Mills always told him he had. Almost fucking. Grinding one out on his couch. But yeah...finding pleasure worked too. Because it wasn't just a meaningless romp; he was kind of crazy about you, so of course it was gonna be special. Poetic.
How long had he been on the edge about confessing his feelings and ruining your friendship? He was the only one to blame when it came to keeping his mouth shut; Kyle had been telling him to just ask you out and plant one on you forever. And then Eddie did and it was perfect.
Until it wasn't. Until Wayne came home and Eddie had seen the panic and the fear and the...realization in your eyes, and he knew how badly he'd fucked up. Let alone the fact that you immediately ran away.
You’d been avoiding him for a few days. “Avoiding him,” as though school and work hadn't been putting you on opposite schedules. Still, there were no phone calls. No waiting to take your breaks with him. Only awkward glances as he passed your store on the way to start his shift, or a strained smile as you passed each other in the parking lot as he was coming and you were going.
And now Stacey was…being Stacey.
Had you told her? Complained about him? Made it known to your employees that the two of you had made a huge mistake.
No you would never…
Still, his nerves got the better of him and although he didn’t want to seem desperate, especially around Stacey of all people, he was.
"...did she say that or..." He paused and shook his head. "Where is your boss anyway? She’s supposed to close tonight right?”
Stacey looked a little unsure again and this time it made his stomach turn.
People were usually nervous around Eddie, but he had grown plenty used to that reaction from a wide array of classmates and neighbors.
Once again, when it came to you, especially given the circumstances, things were different. Maybe that's what was happening here? Maybe Stacey knew something he didn't, and you'd told her not to say anything so you could let him down easily.
Eddie was generally a level-headed guy but sometimes...sometimes...it didn't matter if he had a level head because the entire world was tipping on its side.
Who had you told? Stacey for sure...maybe Chrissy? Chrissy always avoided him at school thanks to his resident freak status, Starcourt Mall be damned. What about Mindy? Mindy was your only other confidante outside of him; what did she know? Had she convinced you to...to what? Dump him as a friend? Take the time you needed to avoid him? Somewhere between Sunday and today, had you finally come to the realization that he had been dreading all along. That he wasn't worth your time?
"Um, yeah,” Stacey finally replied and Eddie blinked himself back to reality. She picked at her cuticles and avoided his eyes. Never a good sign. “Well she was supposed to but Mindy was here when I clocked in. She's sick or something, I don't know. Mindy wouldn't say exactly...but she never calls out so..."
“Well where’s Mindy now?” he asked, almost desperately.
“She’s finishing up her break in the back,” she explained with a nod. “I can go see if she’s done.”
She disappeared into the stockroom, leaving him alone in the store.
He was unsure how to feel. Relief coursed through him; you weren’t avoiding him, you were simply not here. But on the other hand, what if you weren't here because you were avoiding him?
What if Stacey didn't know anything but Mindy did. Because no, you never called off. Ever. A fact that you had told him when he suggested playing hooky one busy Saturday when you were overwhelmed by a never-ending mid shift.
“I never leave early. I never take a sick day.”
“Well, shit, did you have perfect attendance in school too?”
“Uhm,” you hesitated, biting your lip naughtily. “I’m not at will to say.”
“Oh, you bad girl.”
"If it isn't our resident Van Halen impersonator," Mindy greeted as she walked out of the stockroom. Her usual sing-songs mom voice replaced by a gentler one as she smiled at him solemnly. "She's taking a few sick days. Should be back in time for your night out on Sunday, I hope."
"She's sick?" Eddie asked skeptically. "Wasn’t she here yesterday, she looked fi--"
"Why don't you give her a call," she insisted. She glanced over to the stock room door and as Eddie tracked her gaze, he saw Stacey eavesdropping. "Actually I was gonna stop by after work. Why don't you go? That way it's not a game of telephone.
"I'm sure she could really use a friend right now."
Eddie had never been inside of your apartment before.
He knew where you lived, sure; he'd dropped you off or picked you up a few times, especially once the two of you started planning dates outings outside of the usual Sundays. He'd never even rang the bell, if he was being honest. You usually watched out the window eagerly when you were expecting him to arrive.
The realization hit him as he stood there at the little residential door between the bakery and the furniture store, staring at your name on a little Dymo punch label next to the buzzer that he'd just jammed his finger into, and it filled him with doubt.
You'd been to the trailer a few times. Seen all of his favorite places, tried all of his favorite foods. Listened patiently to his insecurities and issues. Still, you seemed to keep him at arms length, if he didn't even know what your apartment looked like; did you have posters on the walls or pictures of your family? What color was your couch? Or the towels in your bathroom?
He knew so much about you but did he really know you, and did you even want him to?
The door buzzed open and Eddie took the stairs up to your landing two at a time, all the while worrying and overthinking: You weren't expecting him and he was beginning to doubt that you even wanted him here in the first place. Sure, Mindy told him to go over...but was this taking it a step too far?
He started preparing an apology as he closed the final few distance to your door and it swung open--
"I'm sorry I fucked up, I didn't mean to break your trust. I'll do anything...anything...if you'll just forgive me. If you just give me another chance."
--and he saw the sorry state you were in.
Hair and clothes mussed, eyes bloodshot and puffy, a bundle of black fabric clenched tightly in your hands; the shine of tears and snot was accentuated by the incandescent lights in the hallway.
"Eddie," you whispered in a strained, broken voice, then you dropped the fabric to cross the threshold of your apartment and bury your face into his shirt. He panicked for a moment, arms held uselessly at his sides as your tears penetrated the worn fabric at his shoulder, but he quickly engulfed you in a hug.
"I'm sorry," you both spoke over one another, then you pulled back and stared him straight in the eye. "You're sorry? I'm sorry."
"No," you shook your head. "I'm sorry. I...I should have done better, I shouldn't have--"
"I crossed a line and I ruined our friendship and--"
You both continued talking over one another, each half-listening to what the other had to say as you got your own apologies out, until you both synced back up again.
"I fucked up and I'm sorry."
Your shoulders and chests heaved from the cacophony of emotion and a tense laugh was shared between the two of you. Then Eddie came to a realization.
"If you're sorry..." he frowned and let his eyes rake over you again. "If you thought that you hurt or scared me--which you didn't, by the way. It was...it was me, my mistake--why are you crying?"
You worried your lip for a second and a lone tear escaped your eye and trailed down your cheek; his hand immediately came up so he could thumb it away.
"Mindy told me you were sick," he muttered, taking advantage of the proximity to be a little gentler, a little smaller than he was used to being, so you could put your trust in him again. "What happened?"
"Uhm..." you croaked. "I'm not sick. I'm just taking a few sick days. Bereavement days...actually. Little leave of absence. Just through the end of the weekend."
The word was distantly familiar to him; the memories, though, would stay with him forever. Rick picking him up from school, a phone call from Wayne to his boss. An appointment for all three of them to get suits rented...and then some flowers ordered. Shiny shoes that he could see his teary-eyed reflection in.
He swallowed painfully and watched you do the same as you prepared your confession.
"My...uh...my grandpa died last night."
And before he knew it, it was 12 hours later. 12 hours that he spent relatively quietly.
He let you fill the silence; let you talk and cry, only opening his mouth to comfort you when the realization hit again and it got to be too much.
He helped you pack your bag for the trip back home. That was when your grief finally turned into anger.
Towards your family. Towards yourself.
"I feel like it's my fault," you sighed as you showed him how to find a pair of tights that didn’t have runs in them, whatever that meant. "I was the only one who took care of him. Doctor's appointments, took him on walks, made sure he didn't have the food he wasn't supposed to. The works. And I left. It's my fault he's gone. At least, that's the way Michael made it sound on the phone."
Eddie almost didn't catch the last part, said under your breath as you stuffed a shiny pair of shoes into your duffel bag, but he did. He wasn't going to let you do this to yourself; how many times over the years had he questioned how he might have been able to keep his mom from dying? On those days where he needed her most. He knew he couldn't stop you from those thoughts, at least not now but he could do his best to fight them away until you could do it yourself.
"Michael," he spoke up, startling you with the realization that he heard. "That's your brother right?"
"Older brother," you nodded slowly.
"Sounds like a shithead."
"Yeah," you let out the briefest laugh and then fiddled with the zipper tab. "He kind of is."
You complained about perfect Michael and his perfect life until your stomach rumbled and Eddie offered to order dinner for the two of you. When you mentioned that you hadn't eaten all day, he made sure you had more than your fill of beef lo mein and garlic string beans as Monty Hall played on the television.
At a certain point, your takeout carton made it to the coffee table and you started to doze off as your head rested on his shoulder. It was a relief, but only for a second, because you startled back awake and dumped all the clothes out of your bag again.
"I didn't pack the right dress," you muttered. "Aunt Amelia's gonna say something about it. I just know."
So Eddie stayed up with you all night as you packed and unpacked and packed again, uncaring that he had school in the morning or Hellfire that night. Fuck it all. It didn’t matter. None of the doubts and self-hatred and worry that had plagued him all week since Sunday night even crossed his mind. All that he worried about was making sure you weren't alone.
When dawn came, and you tiredly tried to wave him out of your apartment so that he could get ready for class and you could hit the road, he pulled you into his arms and just...held you.
He closed his eyes and rocked you back and forth as you hummed softly and gripped the back of his t-shirt tightly beneath his jacket.
He thought of all the things that he could say in that moment...
Drive safe, call me tonight so I know you got there, I'm sorry, take it easy on yourself, it's not your fault.
...but none of them were able to fall from his lips.
"Welp," you sighed. "This is it."
But neither of you moved.
"Thank you for coming over Eddie. I really really appreciate it."
Still nothing. No forward momentum, no motivation to move on to the rest of the day without one another, no reassuring words from him to give you the strength you needed to go forth alone, and no will for him to leave you.
You'd both be ready when you were ready, it seemed.
But as you finally pulled away from him, and he thought about you getting in your car and driving for what might be one of the toughest weekends of your life, all he managed to say...
"Why don't I come with you? I know it's not a road trip or fun or anything. I know I have school and work but...fuck it. We can stop at the trailer, I'll leave a note for Wayne and grab the nicest clothes I own, and...I'll come with you. I just...I don't want you doing this all alone."
...resulted in him sitting in the passenger's seat of your car for 5 hours as you zoomed down the highway away from his whole life in Indiana to the great unknown of Chicago.
You talked for a majority of the drive.
Eddie already knew some things about your family—strict parents, pesky brothers, too many cousins than he could keep track of—but you seemed to want to prepare him because he would effectively meet all of them.
"Big Catholic family and a funeral," you glanced at him from the corner of your eye and shot a tense smile. “It's a lot. You sure you still want to come?”
You’d done that throughout the drive too, asked him if he was sure he wanted to come with you. He’d joked several times already that you’d have to leave him on the side of the road, which you wouldn’t, or turn back altogether if he chickened out.
Besides, he already called Jeff when you stopped at his place to let him grab some clothes, and canceled Hellfire; he wouldn’t chicken out for anything. He needed to be here for you.
If he was being honest, yes he was nervous. He hadn’t met any girlfriends' families before or anything, and this whole situation wasn’t exactly the way he’d ever imagined meeting yours. As you crossed the state border into Illinois, though, your breath got shallow and your hands gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, and Eddie wondered if you were looking for a way out because you never wanted the two parts of your life—family and friends—to clash.
“I don’t, uh,” he scratched the back of his neck nervously. “I know I’m not someone that…families approve of or anything, if that's why you keep asking if I want to be here.”
"It's not that--" you tried to interject.
"And I know we're not dating or anything but..." he trailed off awkwardly and then cleared his throat.
Well that was one way of sticking his foot in his mouth.
Your head was half turned towards him, jaw dropped, eyes darting back and forth from the road to him.
The thought of opening the car door and bailing as you zoomed down the highway briefly crossed his mind because he fucked up. Why would he say something like that? It was because he was a big dingus, actually, the biggest.
"Uh, Eddie listen--"
"No," he interrupted you again. "Sweetheart I'm sorry, that's...that wasn't fair of me. I didn't mean...I just..."
"No it's ok, we should ta--"
"I just thought that...I know I pretty much intruded on this trip, but I wanted to be here for you. But if me being here is gonna cause more problems for you...I mean damn, I don't mind taking a Greyhound back to Hawkins even. But more than anything, I want to make sure you're alright."
He nervously picked at the loose threads on the holes at his knees and was surprised when you took a hand off the steering wheel and grabbed his.
"Do you know," you whispered, voice barely audible. "I think I would have turned back by now if I tried to come alone. Michael on the phone...god I don't know how my dad's gonna be...or my aunt. I don't want to have to deal with all of that. But I know I need to be there...it's for my Papa, I have to be there.
"It's hard to go home when you've moved someplace else. When you've started to find home somewhere else. And I wasn't gonna say anything. I wasn't gonna ask you--it's too much to ask--but I secretly kind of hoped that you would ask to come along. And I'll never be able to really thank you, Eddie, for wanting to be here. For me.
"But thank you," you shot him a smile and squeezed his hand tightly.
He swallowed thickly and squeezed right back.
"I'll be here for as long as you need me to be, sweetheart. As long as you want me to be."
The weekend was a whirlwind, and honestly, Eddie knew he wasn't going to be able to make heads or tails of it until the two of you got home on Sunday night.
The first surprise, shortly after your heartfelt moment in the car, was the fact that you didn't actually live in Chicago. You'd been approaching the city on I-90, you even pointed out the Sears Tower to him. Then you got on an exit and drove for another 20 minutes down North Avenue.
"I feel like I've been lied to," he sniffed petulantly.
"I told you I'm from the suburbs before," you chuckled at his antics. "And it might as well be Chicago, it's all Cook County."
"We're not even driving North, how is this North Avenue?"
"We don't have time for a history lesson, we'll be there soon."
Still, it was exciting. Not exactly what he pictured in his head from watching shows on TV or seeing news reels about the city, but nonetheless different from what he was used to in Hawkins and that was the part he liked.
At a certain point, you reached a stretch of road that featured certain destinations that would live in Eddie's imagination until he could ask you about them--KiddieLand Amusement Park, Riviera Lanes, and Winston Plaza--and Eddie noticed your hands started to shake.
"You ok? There's plenty of places to pull over," he suggested. "I can drive the rest of the way."
"No it's ok," you said and swung a left-hand turn onto a residential street with houses that sort-of all looked the same, sort-of all looked different. "We're here."
You parked on the street in front of a house that you noted belonged to your aunt, and then led him down a narrow sidewalk to the backyard of the neighboring house, where a kid gangly enough to rival Mike Wheeler sat in a plastic lawn chair with headphones on, arms crossed over his chest, and his eyes closed.
"Jimmy," you called to him and then kicked his foot. "Jimmy. James Joseph, wake up."
"I'm awake," he startled, knocked the headphones down so they sat around his neck, and stood up. Even with one hand rubbing his eye, your brother's resemblance to you was obvious, and a sense of dread washed over Eddie.
And so it began...meeting your family.
Jimmy was probably the best introduction of them all--there was an ease between the two of you, even with the snide jabs and banter back and forth--and that extended to Eddie. Especially when Jimmy realized that he and Eddie were wearing the same shirt.
"Don't let him fool you, he's a dweeb," you announced when Jimmy got excited over a shared love for Judas Priest, and Eddie hoped you meant your brother, but he couldn't be too sure you weren't referring to him.
There was a brief respite as you both rested for a minute, changed clothes, and ate a plate of some sort of casserole from the packed shelves of the avocado fridge in your grandpa's kitchen. Then it was an onslaught, a domino effect of faces and names that gradually got more important as you got back into the car to head towards the funeral home.
A sea of strange faces that smiled and hugged you and then looked over at Eddie in question, but not in an unwelcome way, and he was glad he'd pilfered a black scrunchie from your bag to tie his hair back respectfully.
You introduced him to this old coworker of your Papa and that great-aunt from Minneapolis and this cousin. He even got to meet your old store manager--a stern, short, blonde woman with victory rolls and shimmering black eyeshadow--who'd come to pay her respects after she saw your Papa's obituary in the newspaper; she honestly scared Eddie a little, but she made him laugh, which meant she was good in his book.
It was all reminiscent of meeting people after his mom died once upon a time, the only other funeral he'd ever been to. When people called and came out of the woodwork in an overwhelming number to offer their condolences. He had been young and sad then, but he was older, wiser, and tougher now. He shook hands and said "nice to meet you" and when people questioned whether he was a boyfriend, Eddie insisted he was just a friend who wanted to be here for you.
It wasn't a lie; still he got a skeptical gaze from at least two elderly women who tutted once they were out of earshot.
Eventually, you got to the front of the room, to the row of chairs that held your immediate family, and after a few tearful hugs, Eddie finally met your parents, your aunt and uncle, and your older brother.
He was surprised to hear "I've heard a lot about you" come from your mother's mouth, but was not surprised to hear the "no funny business under my roof" from your father after a clap on the shoulder. Your uncle said nothing after a short “hello”, just let your aunt do all the talking, and all she could talk about was your appearance.
"What are you doing, honey? What is this you're wearing? For Papa's wake? I hope you plan to wear something a little more modest for my father's funeral tomorrow. And your friend? A leather jacket? A little casual don't you think? What's that dear? Yes, nice to meet you too Edward. Thank you for coming."
Your brother Michael, though...Michael was a douchebag to put it in polite terms, and Eddie could tell that, unlike with Jimmy, the relationship between you was tense.
"You're late" he sniffed judgmentally instead of a greeting.
"We hit traffic and needed to change," you snarked right back.
"So you stopped off at home? Where's Jim? Why couldn't you get him here?"
"You know how he is at these things, he'll show up before they close up for the night. You remember how he was when Nana died. And now he's Mr. Tough Guy. He doesn't like to cry."
Back and forth the two of you went, Michael's accusations and your tense responses. Eddie could feel himself get more and more irritated the harsher it got, the angrier he felt you become. If it was anything other than a funeral--a wake, what was the difference--he would have started in on your brother several minutes ago to protect you.
And he was still tempted to.
But it was like a switch was flipped as someone else approached, and he watched as you changed right before his very eyes. As all the irritation and vulnerabilities left you, and in their place...was the Store Manager version of you he knew and sort of despised. Cold and stiff and everything he knew you weren't by the grace of becoming your friend.
Regardless, it was startling to see.
At the end of the night as Eddie settled into the second twin bed in what used to be Michael and Jimmy's shared room, Eddie realized that your customer service persona had been present for most of the evening, and had only slipped in the presence of those few family members that could see right past it.
Could they see past it? Or was it that you simply couldn't hide behind it with them?
For the whole time he'd known you, Eddie had often wondered what had driven you to Indiana. The job, sure, but...you'd left everything you'd known behind. And hell, for all the times that he wanted to get the hell out of Hawkins, he knew he couldn't leave Wayne or Rick for very long. In his heart he knew the day he finally left, he'd need to be back quite often to see them.
Now, though...when it came to you, he started to understand.
The next day, the day of the funeral, you couldn't stop shaking.
Eddie had been nervously second guessing the black jeans--the only non-ripped pair he owned--and Wayne's borrowed dress shirt when he saw you digging through your bag, trembling. It seemed like you were trying to hide it, kept your body moving and grabbing for something, but he noticed immediately,
He snatched the car keys out of your hands before you could get a solid grasp on them when it was time to go.
"It's alright," he reassured you. "Just tell me where I'm going and I'll get us there."
He thought it would be back to the funeral home, but instead you gave him directions to the church. A big old building with stained glass windows and a large statue of the Virgin Mary out in the front.
He could hear the organ music of the hymns emanating from within, and on the hour, the bells from the tower beside the chapel became deafening. For all the Catholic school girl jokes he made at your expense, he didn't realize you were Catholic Catholic.
"You sure I'm not gonna burst into flames if I set foot inside?" he joked to try and ease your nerves and his, but you just shook your head. He watched and suddenly felt helpless, as you began to shake more and worry your bottom lip with your teeth; he was supposed to be here to support you, to reassure you, and instead you looked ready to keel over. "Hey, it'll be ok."
"Yeah," you nodded tensely. "Yeah, let's just go inside."
You didn't make a move though, just rocked onto the toes of your shiny Mary Janes and looked on as tons of people filtered into the church.
Tons of people that, once again, reminded him of the people that had come to pay their respects for his mom. Eddie remembered being there, shaking in his shoes, trying to keep a straight-face, to be strong. To not be a baby because he was 10 years old.
It was just like you said about Jimmy the previous night; big tough guy, didn't want to cr--
Realization hit Eddie. The culmination of all the other realizations that had been mounting over the past what? 48 hours? Maybe the past week? The two of you were more alike than he realized. Eddie had just noticed how you'd put up this strong front since you'd been home; the comfortable, safe Store Manager facade was starting to crack. Hadn't he just told you the story about his mom's funeral? How he'd fallen in love with metal because Rick had realized that he needed to process his grief? That he needed to lash out? To cry?
Here he was, trying to get you to laugh, when instead he should have been doing the opposite. But how was he gonna get you to cry? You didn't even cry much at the wake when you'd placed your hand on top of the shiny casket that held your Papa within.
Maybe it just hadn't hit you yet?
Alright, change of plans.
"Your Papa knew a lot of people," Eddie noted, gesturing towards the funeral-goers.
"He did," you agreed, and he watched as your shoulders lost the slightest bit of tension. "He was...I mean you met my cousin last night. The one who wants to run for Mayor."
"Yeah, he's got that yuppie thing about him."
"Well, my Papa could have been Mayor if he wanted," you said with the most conviction he'd ever heard in your voice. "He just didn't want to. Which means he deserved it even more. He was the nicest neighbor, the best friend. He went and played competitive Bocce at the civic center and fundraised for charity and canned his own peaches to give to people."
On and on, you talked about Papa's recipe for this and his idea for that and...
"And the way he fucking chain smoked god damn it Eddie," you hit his arm as he pulled his cigarettes from the back pocket of his jeans.
Eddie thought that, at the very least, an emotional story would be the thing that would set you over the edge. Instead it was the pack of Marlboro Reds that he'd picked up when you had stopped for gas about halfway through the drive.
You hit his arm a few times, as you often did when you tried to playfully admonish him for this or that, then your face crumpled. Your shaking ceased as you collapsed against him and buried your face against his shoulder once again, just like you had when he first arrived at your apartment on Thursday night.
He dropped the cigarettes and folded his arms around you, pulled you into the safety of your friendship when it seemed like there wasn't anything safe out there for you right now; when you'd just lost one of the safe places you had in the world.
He whispered sweet words--comforts and reassurances--and he made you laugh once by threatening to punch your brother if he tried to make a scene.
"I'll do it," he goaded you. "I don't care if he's in mourning too. He's insufferable. Hate that guy. Never coming back to Chicago ever if he's still in town. You hear that? I might have to leave right now."
"No," you tugged him closer to you, and he reveled in the feeling. "You're staying right here. You promised."
"I did," he agreed.
The tense hold you had on him got looser and you hiccuped the last few tears you had.
A few yards away, a hearse pulled up to the curb in front of the church, and your brothers and several of your cousins went to start hauling the casket inside.
"You ready to go in?" Eddie asked. "You don't have to...but..."
"No," you shook your head and pulled back from him. "I'm ok. I'm ready."
He waited for you to make the first move once again, but before you did, you took his hand in yours and squeezed.
"He would have been...so happy to have met you, Eddie," you looked at him earnestly. "I told him all about you. I think it hurts a little more...knowing that he didn't get the chance."
He squeezed your hand right back and smiled.
"I'm sad I didn't get the chance either. Guess I'm gonna have to work extra hard not to go to Hell so I can shake his hand in Heaven."
You snorted and pushed him away with a soft jackass then pulled him into the church with you saying he would have made the same joke.
The next morning, you and Eddie made a stealthy getaway.
Your father had tried to get you both to go to church with them again and you politely declined.
"We need to get on the road so we don't get back too late. I have to open tomorrow," you made the excuse.
Honestly Eddie was grateful; all the sitting and standing and kneeling...he hadn't gotten that much exercise since gym class Freshman year.
But as you soared back down North Avenue, you made a detour.
"I know this wasn't supposed to be a fun trip," you explained. "If you're up for it, we can make the drive back whenever...maybe during spring break or something? The least I can do before we head back to Hawkins, to thank you for coming, is give you a taste of good Chicago food. Especially after casseroles and funeral home sandwiches all weekend.
"It is Sunday, after all."
And that's how Eddie found himself having his first authentic Chicago style hot dog. Sitting on a picnic bench outside, under a red and yellow striped umbrella, the ambient sounds of cars zooming and your banter back and forth the perfect backdrop.
"No ketchup, are you kidding me right now Eddie?" you swatted his hand.
"Why do they have ketchup if they don't want it on the hot dog," he argued.
"It's for the fries and the fries only. You need to have the whole experience. A hot dog with everything, and ketchup on the fries only."
He watched as you unwrapped your hotdog and began picking through the toppings. Hypocrite.
"Wait, I thought you said you needed to have the whole experience, why are you taking the peppers off."
"I don't like the peppers."
"Are you kidding me right now?" Eddie scoffed. "Gonna have to take your Chicago Card away. Oh wait, I'm sorry. Suburb card."
"Oh my god, just eat. Before I leave you here."
He took his first bite and his tastebuds sang, as you munched on a French fry with a cheeky smile.
And Eddie was happy. Happy to be here with you. Sundays were his favorite days, hands down, and he would do everything in his power to keep them that way.
It might not have been the happiest weekend, there might still be some unanswered questions between the two of you. But you were here with him and you were still friends, and after everything that had happened, that's all Eddie could ask for.
Next Part: Closing Time
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koqabear · 9 months
2KKKKK!!!! Congrats! I have a song equation!
Tinnitus BUT (demo ver) + enemy!Tae + angst + smut + slight fluff well since they do fuck- but they're still enemies on end.
♫: TXT, Tinnitus (Demo Ver.) // join the 2k event and request something!
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"You always tried to tell your friends you don’t get along with Kang Taehyun. Did it work? Absolutely not. Now you’re stuck with him again, and there’s no telling what insanity will take over you tonight."
taehyun x fem! reader // wc: 2.6k (everyone cheer i’m getting the hang of it) // enemies to enemies, hinted fwb (the term friends used loosely), smut, MDNI.
warnings: tyun is an asshole sorry guys. slight hard dom!tyun, a bit of switch!mc, semi-public sex(?), unprotected sex, hair pulling, marking, biting, handjob, slight strength kink, hand restraining, degrading, creampie, slight cockwarming
notes: i’m so close to finally following my own rules abt the word count limit…! (i can’t keep getting away with this 😔)
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Kang Taehyun was the bane of your existence— that much was obvious to anyone that spent any time around you.
He was arrogant, cocky, and overall an eye-sore; the first time you met, you actually gave him the benefit of the doubt, getting introduced through mutual friends and eventually forming a group that (unfortunately) included him. 
It was bad from the start. He was a complete smart-ass and had a knack for making casual, blunt comments that would immediately put you down; you’re not even sure what the fuck you did to him, but you do know that you never let a single one of those snide remarks slide— jabbing back just as hard, showing that you weren’t all bark and that your bite hurt more than one would expect— it got to the point where your friends knew that they should hold you back on a leash when you were around each other. 
Sometimes, you couldn’t even look at him; which is why you preferred to go to group events if you were explicitly told that Kang Taehyun would not be there, knowing that you would only ruin the night if you tagged along, more likely to start a fight than to try to actually enjoy yourself.
So to say that you were currently angry as you sat at a random table of a club, gritting your teeth and tapping your fingers against the table as you stared out at the dance floor, unable to look straight in fear of catching a glimpse of Kang Taehyun, was a severe understatement— you were fucking fuming. Your jaw aches from how hard you’re gritting your teeth together.
“Are you gonna dance, or are you so up-tight that you can’t even do that?”
“Leave me the fuck alone. I don’t wanna hear it.”
You’ve been dealing with his witty remarks all night. He’s just come back from the dance floor, hot and sweaty as the sight of a random girl getting all up on him practically made you gag; if you hadn’t been chosen as the designated driver tonight, you would’ve left long ago.
What’re friends for… you think bitterly, staring down at the water you only got to keep yourself occupied— you can feel Taehyun’s stare burning into the side of your face, and it only serves to make you more irritated as time goes on, hoping that he’ll stop being such a creep and look away.
“What is your problem?” you hiss, finally having enough after approximately one and a half songs of him doing this. Like expected, your eyes meet his, and a slow smile creeps its way onto his face as he leans his head back, resting against the booth as he looks at you with low-lidded, hazy eyes— he’s having fun getting under your skin, that much you can tell. You resist the urge to reach over and slap the stupid look off his face.
“Am I doing something wrong?” he asks, and you’re forced to lean toward him slightly from how quietly he talks, barely hearing him over the loud music that blasts all around you— you scoff at his words. 
“Don’t act stupid, you’ve been giving me problems all night— even now, don’t think I didn’t feel the way you were looking at me all weird.”
“I feel bad,” he confesses, ignoring the way you give him a scathing look as he continues, head lolling to the side lazily to watch the packed dance floor, “You looked so pathetic over here by yourself— someone would think your friends ditched you.”
“I’m the designated driver,” you point out through gritted teeth.
“Doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.” he glances back at you, and you jolt slightly at the way his gaze rakes over you slowly, “‘Cause this…? It's just sad.”
“And what exactly would fun be to you? Practically fucking some other girl on the dance floor to the rhythm of some shitty pop song?” Fuck, he’s done it again. He’s got you riled up and it’s only making you even angrier that he’s able to get you to this point— it doesn’t help that he’s laughing condescendingly at your sudden outburst, shaking his head and muttering something that you’re unable to hear from the obscene volume of the music. 
“Why are you here then?” he asks, tilting his head slightly and raising that stupid brow of his, a habit you’ve quickly come to hate, “To have intellectual conversations with other patrons?”
You don’t know what takes over you. Maybe you’ve finally been pushed to your limit, pent up and frustrated with the fact that your friends continue to brush off the fact that you and Taehyun simply do not get along— your fingers might just break your glass from how tightly you’re gripping onto it, standing up so suddenly that your chair slides away from you— but you do know that this was long overdue and well-deserved, throwing the rest of your water straight at him; a smile twitches at the corner of your lips as you take in the way his eyes screw shut and his brows knit together, left frozen as you take this moment to walk away, before you decide to say fuck it and really show him your bite. 
You walk mindlessly— the dance floor is too packed, and you feel as though your body is way too lit up and restless to try and join in— so you’re making your way to the bathrooms, the hall lonely and poorly lit as you open the women’s restroom, slipping inside and ready to lock the door so you can finally take a moment to compose yourself—
“Are you fucking insane?” you don’t think you’ve ever seen Taehyun like this, eyes alight and livid as he stops you from closing the door, slipping inside and slamming it behind him, taking in the way you only take a step back and yell at him to get out, “You need to start controlling that little temper of yours, cause you’ve really been getting on my nerves recently.”
“Oh really?” you laugh out, incredulous as you take a step toward him, pushing his chest roughly and forcing him to stumble back against the door, “Because you’ve been a total fucking angel, haven’t you? All pretty and proper, such a good boy, right?”
“Not my fault you’re such a wound-up bitch that doesn’t know how to take a joke and have fun,” he spits out, unfazed by the way you corner him and send him a nasty glare, refusing to back down even though you seem like you’ll get physical any second now.
“Take a joke? Have fun?” you seethe, poking his chest as you speak, “Everything that comes out of your mouth is a pathetic attempt at low blow disguised as a joke. So forgive me if I don’t find you funny.”
For once, Taehyun doesn’t know what to say— all he’s able to think of is the way you’ve practically pressed him against the door with your own body, the way his chest dully aches from the way you’ve been poking at him, and the way your own is heaving slightly from how angry you are, lips parted and eyes blown out with rage as they flicker up to take in his expression. 
A moment passes; then, your lips are on his, and his hands are on your waist, jerking you forward and forcing you to close any space left.
What possessed you to do this? You’d rather not think about it, choosing instead to get lost in the feeling of Taehyun and push past the fact that it’s him, the man who likes to degrade others for fun— actually, you think you will think about it, digging your nails into his shoulders and taking in the way he groans slightly against your mouth— and you quickly take this opportunity to take the kiss further, tongue eager to taste him as his hold on you tightens slightly.
“Fuck,” he mumbles against your lips, feeling the way you refuse to part for longer than a second; he frowns, a hand going up to grab at your hair before he’s tugging at it— using it as leverage to pull you away from him, watching the way your head slowly tilts back before your eyes are fluttering open, looking at him with such anger he can’t hold back his breathy laugh. 
“I can’t believe you, you…” he mutters out, and you can already tell he’s about to say something that will morbidly sober your clouded mind. 
“Shut up and put those lips to use,” you sigh, fingers tangling in the nape of his hair before you’re tugging him back toward you— you’re holding back a smile at the way your hands smooth over his shirt, the material slightly damp under your skin and his hair pushed back from how much he ran his hands through it.
Besides the fact that your hand is currently undoing Taehyun’s zipper and his lips have begun to suck and bite at your neck, nothing has really changed; you can still hear him cursing you under his breath, feeling the way he lets out a shaky sigh the moment your hand wraps around his length— teasingly stroking him, making sure to lead him on but not give him enough.   
It’s all a game of cat and mouse, judging by the way he’s just as eager to try and pull sounds out of you. Though, when he sees his current efforts aren’t working, he decides to take a different approach.
One thing you’ll never be able to deny about Taehyun is that he’s strong; he’s proving himself now, pushing you back and making you sit on the sink counter with ease— his hands are rough as he pulls up your dress, sloppy kisses still being laid out across your neck as he huffs slightly at your wandering hands; pulling away before he’s stepping back, slipping his belt off with ease and restraining your wrists with them— quietly, you muse about him being oddly skilled at it, but you’re quickly quieted by the way he tugs at the belt again, tightening the item around your wrists and listening to the way you whine at the feeling.
“Such a smart mouth,” he mumbles, pulling his cock out as he takes a look at you, eyes drinking in your dazed eyes and fucked out appearance with delight, “Too bad you’re too dumb to know when to shut up.”
He’s grabbing your waist before he’s tugging you forward— you slide slightly across the counter, legs spread open as Taehyun stands in between, feeling the way one of them hooks around his waist before you’re tugging him in closer, eyes challenging as you raise a brow impatiently. 
“Don’t give me that look,” he scoffs, allowing his tip to run teasingly along your slit, feeling the way your walls flutter around him in response, “Or I’ll leave you here and make you wish you begged for me while you had the chance.”
“Oh really?” you tilt your head, tugging him closer and feeling the way his tip breaches your entrance for a moment— your breath hitches, and though Taehyun pretends to remain unaffected, you can feel his cock twitch with anticipation. “I’m sure you’re all talk.”
This, Taehyun decides, is about as far as allow you to continue to provoke him; he’s pushing into you with one swift motion, watching the way your voice breaks and your mouth falls open at the feeling of him inside you, thick and warm and full as you clench around him, your pussy already wet from the way he simply couldn’t take his hands off you earlier; you hope he doesn’t notice it, but the way his lips quirk to form his usual arrogant smile definitely isn’t a good thing. 
Taehyun doesn’t give you a chance to adjust. He doesn’t take it slow, doesn’t ask you what feels good or what you like— he simply gauges your reaction and begins to fuck you, grinning at the way you whimper and whine that it feels good, throwing your head back and giving him access to mark your neck and collarbones, making sure to leave enough that you’ll remember this for a long time— after a moment, you realize what he’s doing, cursing under your breath and pulling at your restraints as he simply responds by sinking his teeth into the delicate flesh.
“Gonna make sure you remember this. Make people ask who you got these from,” he whispers, laughing mockingly at the way you whisper out a fuck you, retaliating by sucking harshly right at your jaw, just under your ear, “Feels good? Like knowing it’s me making you feel like this?”
You can barely process what he’s telling you; not when he’s grinding into you so good, his breaths heavy against your skin as he leans back up to kiss you once more— it’s a mess of tongue and teeth as you both fight to remain on top, the only thing you can still have control over as you sink your teeth into his lip meanly; he only reciprocates by fucking you harder, a hand reaching down to rub at your clit as he smiles against your lips, trying to keep control with the way you clench around him.
You’ve realized reluctantly that Taehyun is not all talk— he’s found the spot that has your body tensing and your sounds becoming louder, undoubtedly beginning to filter out the bathroom as Taehyun slaps a hand over your mouth; sending you a harsh glare, his brows furrowing at the way you tighten around him and your mouth falls slack against his palm.
“Be fucking quiet,” he hisses, letting out a hitched breath at the way you only buck your hips in response, your leg locking around his waist and bringing him impossibly close as you look up at him, your eyes dazed and glossy as you feel the way his cock twitches inside you at the sight— his pace picks up, and Taehyun can feel his high approaching, swollen lip bitten at and stuck between his teeth as he takes in the way you squirm under him, tears swelling at your waterline as you whine and moan against the palm of your hand.
Taehyun is the first to unravel; filling you to the brim, the feeling of his warm cum and thick cock that continues to rut into you enough to have you following soon after, chest arching toward him from the way he leans down in a sudden attempt to muffle his sounds, cruel mouth biting at the junction between your neck and shoulder as you merely curse at him in your mind. 
He doesn’t pull out— if anything, he’s still fucking you slowly long after, a slow pace as he mumbles something about keeping you filled; you don’t even have the energy to roll your eyes, resting your head against his own that is still buried in the crook of your neck, attempting poorly to catch your breath. After a moment, the reality of everything seems to set in, and your wrists ache.
“If you tell anyone about this, you’re dead.”
He huffs in amusement. 
“This is embarrassing for me too, you know,” he mumbles, turning his head so you can feel the way he noses along the column of your neck, sighing slowly before he says, “But I wouldn’t be against it happening again. You know, just to put you in your place.”
The moment Taehyun takes this stupid belt off you, you’ll show him what it means to be put in place. 
But for now, you’ll settle with the feeling of his cock still inside you and his arms wrapped around your waist. (For another thirty seconds, it’s been long enough and you’re sure there are others waiting outside by now.)
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ilwonuu · 4 months
𖦹 ࣪˖ drunk on halloween. x.minghao
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“on that halloween, you told me you weren’t drinking. i believed you.”
summary- your best friend seokmin told you not to mess around with minghao. even if it was only one time. now you’re avoiding minghao and all the feelings he gives you. when jun invites you to his halloween party how can you avoid minghao when he’s jun’s best friend. it’ll hopefully be fine. wrong!!
warnings- angst, smoking weed, alcoholic consumption, slow burn kinda???, sorry if this is long, smut with plot, doggystyle, softdom!minghao,sub!reader, dirty talk, pet names- baby, love,pretty, creampie, makeup sex, kinda mean reader, lmk if i missed anything
authors note- hello!!! people are really be so nice about my works im gonna cry i hope you guys like this one<3
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you couldn’t have asked the universe for a better best friend. seokmin was so sweet to you and would drop anything if that meant you needed him. he knows you like the back of his hand. he is the best friend anyone would love to have. you appreciate him and all of his kind gestures. he would walk you to class and walk you home. he would grab you food and get you snacks without expecting anything in return. you were happy to be living with seokmin. the only con about seokmin was his friends.
not that you didn’t like them or anything they were great. you loved seokmins friends. just not who they bring over sometimes. which is fine you and seokmin live in a shared dorm so it is his space too. the first day you met minghao you told seokmin immediately after that he was cute and asked if he single.
seokmin seemed uncomfortable with your question. “yes he is single. but that is because he chooses to be. he has a lot of people interested in him. he doesn’t necessarily choose one..” he says kinda sounding uneasy. “okay thats fine he’s literally so hot i’d fuck.” he shakes his head. “i don’t think thats a good idea.” you ignored him. you shouldn’t have but you did.
you got with minghao the next week. he fucked you at his house and paying no attention to you ever again. you kinda expected that but what you didn’t expect was to never stop thinking about him. you would do anything to stop yourself from thinking about him. how could you? hes seokmins friend and he is always invited over to the hangouts at the dorm. minghao never saying a word to you other than a quick greeting when he arrives with the others. you tried not to let this hurt your feelings. you don’t know why you cared as much as you did. seokmin told you multiple times that it was a bad idea. you fucked yourself over. feelings were never supposed to be involved. but they always get involved with you. you fall quickly and for the wrong people.
if you would’ve just listened to seokmin you wouldn’t be crying in your room while him and all his friends are downstairs drinking. you don’t even know why you were sobbing in bed at 7:30pm when you could easily be drinking.
hearing a knock on your door. “y/n you gonna come down? i miss you.” you hear seokmim say thru the door. “i-i think im gonna pass tonight seok. im not feeling good.” you say trying to sound as normal as possible through your tears. “are you okay? can i come in?” he says a little louder through the door. “no!!! its okay seokmin i think im just gonna sleep it off. go have fun!!.” he sighs and says okay before heading back downstairs.
this occurred every time the guys would hangout at your dorm. you would have an excuse not to hangout with them. like “oh no i have homework.” “can’t i have work.” “going over to my friends tonight.” seokmin caught on pretty quick. he is not stupid and his is your best friend after all. so he stopped having the guys come to your dorm so much. wanting you to get the space and time you need. he would always go to their place. never forgetting to invite you of course.
always politely declining telling seokmin you’ll see him when he gets home. seokmin asks if the guys can come over later saying that minghao wouldn’t be there. giving you a feeling of relief you agree quickly and watch as he leaves for the day. you’re expecting them to come later in the night so you buy yourself sometime to get ready and cook some dinner. not paying attention to the short shorts and tank top you’re wearing without a bra. you’re in your dorm why wouldn’t you be comfortable.
not checking to see that seokmin sent you a text saying he would be home early with minghao included with the rest of the guys. you continue to cook your food sitting down to eat as the front door opens. you immediately see him cursing at yourself forgetting what you’re wearing and what you’re listening to. quickly turning it off. greeting all of the boys that came over. getting up to hug seokmin. he hugs you back quickly whispering to you “i’m sorry i sent you a text saying he was gonna come late but he showed up with jun i hope it’ll be okay.” you nod smiling at seokmin. “it’s okay i can just go up to my room.” he shakes his head. “please don’t i want to hangout with you too i don’t want to have to choose. come onnn vernon brought over some weed. come on lets smoke a little and then you can decide if you want to leave.”
you sigh before deciding you didn’t want to watch love island in your room alone right now and follow seokmin into the living room. “y/n is joining us tonight boys.” you hear him say smiling before sitting in between vernon and soonyoung. “damn im surprised you never want to hangout with us.” vernon says side hugging you slightly. “not true im just- busy.” you hope they believe your terrible lie knowing that you are not busy at all. very much the opposite. watching the other three boys pass the joint slowly making its way to you. you take a couple hits catching a few glances from minghao. you choose to ignore him as a whole like he does to you. “what about tmr? you coming to my halloween party?” you hear jun say causing all the boys to look at you waiting for your answer. “u-uh maybe we’ll have to see. i don’t even have a costume.” you quickly look at seokmin who is just listening to you. “just be like a cat or something.” minghao blurts out. “how original thank you minghao.” you say sarcastically not even looking his way. “just a suggestion.” he says going back to look at his phone. you roll your eyes taking a couple more hits of the joint before turning on the movie for the night.
you enjoyed hanging out with them tonight. the extra company is nice and you always enjoyed smoking with them. they are pretty funny while high. waving them goodbye as they are leaving around midnight after seokmin ordered them a uber each of them too high to drive. heading up to your room to lay down. hearing a slight knock on your door. “are you going to sleep? do you want to cuddle?” you hear seokmin ask quickly getting up to let him into your room. “of course.” you pull him into your room and lay in your bed laying down with him in your arms. “can i sleep here i don’t wanna get up.” he laughs and pulls you closer. “mhm.” you respond falling asleep in his arms. him falling asleep shortly after you.
the next day consisted of seokmin taking you shopping to get a costume for juns party. you have decided to go with a pirate to match seokmin. arriving back at home a little bit before 5pm. you finish getting ready 30 mins after hoping into the shower. “seokmin what do we think?” you ask walking into the living room where he’s waiting for you. he looks at you up and down. “okay im not trying to be weird or anything but you look really fucking hot.” he doesn’t take his eyes off you. “its not weird seok i don’t mind but are you serious does it look good?” he nods “if you weren’t my best friend-“ you cut him off “okay thats enough you pervert lets go.” he laughs at you and grabs his keys and your hand heading to his car. “okay are we going straight to juns?” seokmin nods starting the car. making your way to juns.
arriving 15 mins later. “okay!!! we need to set some rules.” seokmin says turning to look at you. “rules? seokmin why do i need rules.” he laughs “the only rule is you can’t leave me.” he says getting out of the car after you. “okay deal.” you guys head into juns house looking around knowing little to no one.
this is gonna be a long night. you thought to yourself making your way over with seokmin to greet your friends. “guys!!! im so happy you made it.” jun pulls you both into a hug. “most of the guys are outside by the pool or probably getting a drink. ill let them know you’re here.” you smile at jun. minghao walking up with vernon to you three shortly after the encounter. “wassup guys. dang y/n your costume looks very good.” vernon say slightly eyeing you receiving a mental glare from minghao and a real glare from seokmin. “and she is off limits okay. you guys have hurt her enough.” seokmin doesn’t know why he said this receiving a weird look from minghao. “uh im gonna go find soonyoung.” minghao says quickly walking off. “sorry.” seokmin whispers to you then going back to talking to jun.
the night feels like a blur. not because you’re intoxicated. you’re in fact very sober. sober to the point where seokmins screaming the music is making your head hurt. “seok im getting some fresh air.” he nods not paying anymore attention to you as you walk through the crowd. one things you didn’t want to see is minghao tongue deep in one of your friends mouth. not even paying attention to anyone else around them. you know you shouldn’t be watching this but it’s hard to look away. you don’t know how or why but not you were full on sobbing. you push your way out of the house to the front lawn. you sigh hearing someone call out your name. “y/n! what are you doing outside? its fucking cold.” minghao says coming to sit next to you. “what do you want?” he laughs “what’s wrong? you seem upset.” you look at him intensely trying not to burst into tears again. “minghao can’t you just leave me alone? go back to getting drunk and fucking random girls.” you say looking away from him. “actually im not drinking tonight. im perfectly sober.” he says getting up and walking away without another word. leaving you with your thoughts.
20 mins later you finally decide you should probably go back inside. walking in eyes immediately looking for minghao. seeing him being led into one of the rooms by a different girl. you scoff immediately heading to get a strong drink. you take a couple shots and get your drink searching for seokmin now being stopped my soonyoung. “if you’re looking for seokmin im pretty sure he’s fucking a girl.” he says casually smiling at you. “oh thanks. when you see him will you tell him i walked home?”
“wait ur leaving? how come its only 10:30.” he says looking confused. “i just am not feeling great actually. so ill be leaving now bye soonyoung!” you wave quickly before walking out of juns house. starting your drunk journey home. it was a long but much needed walk. you have cried the whole way home.
how am i sitting here drunk still think about him. he is fucking sober and im not in a single thought in his mind. you think to yourself using your keys to open your front door. quickly heading to the bathroom for a much needed bath. locking the bathroom door behind you.
it is has been 20 mins of you sitting in your bath tub listening to your music quietly. still slightly drunk. you have decided you were in the bathroom long enough. just wanting to sleep. quickly getting ready for bed. “i really hope seokmin doesn’t come home all loud.” you think out loud before climbing in your bed at instantly falling asleep.
you wake up feeling like absolute shit. only remembering seeing minghao with those girls. its all thats been on your mind. he is all that is ever on your mind. you really wish he wasn’t. all you can do is sit and think about him with others. he wasn’t even drunk. he just doesn’t care. it is too early for you to be crying over this. you sigh getting out of bed to brush your teeth shortly after heading to the kitchen for water. immediately heading back to your room not even looking for seokmin.
your phone vibrating when you get back into your room.
seok💖- hey u ok? soonyoung said you went home early. i stayed over here over night. ill be home in a few ok<3
you- yup im great. and its fine no rush
you turn off your phone crawling into your bed immediately falling back asleep for a couple more hours. waking up slightly hearing the front door open downstairs. getting up to see him. “seok??” “yea its me.” you hear him come into your room beating you on your way out. “hi missed you.” you say giving him a hug. “i missed you too. you okay? you seem off.” he says taking in your exhausted appearance. “just didn’t have much fun last night.” you try to lie to him but you know he will get you to tell him anyways so might as well tell him whats wrong. “you sure?” he says moving some hair out of your face. “u-uh actually its minghao.” his expressions shifts to a more serious one. “what the fuck did he do this time? im gonna kill him.” he says sitting both of you onto your bed. “he didn’t necessarily do anything. im just fucking in love with him and he doesn’t even bat an eye at me. when i went to get some air he followed me out and talked to me for a bit and i told him that he should go back to drinking and kissing whatever girl he was kissing. he walked off and then i saw him with another girl when i was looking for you.” he sighs “y/n im so sorry you had to watch him with two girls i know that must’ve hurt. is there anything i can do to make you feel better?” he rubs your shoulder kissing your forehead sweetly. “no no its ok seok im just glad you’re here.” you smile at him “but enough about me!!! soonyoung said you were with a girl last night um hello tell me the details!!!” you say pushing him playfully.
“shes in my theater class. her name is iya and i think im gonna ask her to be my girlfriend. last night was actually crazy. i have never had my dick sucked so good.” he laughs
“okay first of all! cute i like iya shes nice and let me help you plan a way to ask her!!! last part was not needed but thanks for teling me.” you laugh with him. “i really like her. she slept over with me but i had to leave early to check in on you.” you scoff. “seok what the fuck why would u leave her for me rn you know im just fine rotting in my room. you better go back and hangout with her or i will kill you.” you say pulling him from your bed pushing him out of your room. “okay okay fine! you sure you’ll be ok here all alone?” you nod quickly pushing him more. “go go!” he laughs walking downstairs waving before leaving the house again. you smile walking back to your room turning on a show to pass the time.
you were so invested in love island that you didn’t even realize minghao has sent you a text. which is weird because he never texts you or talks to you at all.
minghao- hey are you home?
you- um yes why?
minghao- can i come over?
you are panicking. why would minghao want to come over? you swear if he wants another quick fuck then to blow you off again you’re not having it.
you- look im not in the mood for sex right now especially not with you.
minghao- uh ok. i was asking because i wanted to talk to you about something. if you don’t feel like it thats ok
what could he possibly want to talk to you about?
you- what do you want to talk about? why can’t we just do it over text?
minghao- i would rather tell you in person. just let me come over i won’t stay too long.
you- okay but don’t judge me im not getting ready for you.
minghao- ok thats fine. i bet you still look cute.
what the fuck? you thought to yourself. y/n this isn’t real. you have to be seeing things because this is the most minghao has ever said to you since you fucked him. you’re beyond confused and scared to see what he has to say to you.
some time passes with you nervously waiting upon his arrival. you hear a slight knock on the door immediately running to open the door. “hello.” you say letting him walk in. “hi.” he laughs at you and sits on the couch waiting for you to join.
sitting beside him on the couch. “so uh what did you want to talk to me about?” you shift nervously fulling looking at minghao. “this is gonna be kinda a lot.” he says sighing “y/n i think im in love with you. i think i have been since we had sex. i have been thinking about you everyday and seeing you with seokmin all the time. fuck it drives me crazy. i have never caught feelings for anyone like this before y/n. you are all my thoughts consume of.” he looks at you waiting for you to say something, anything. “minghao i’m in love with you too. i know i am but im sorry i cant stop thinking about how you probably fucked those girls you were with last night and the fact that you were sober it just doesn’t sit right with me.”
he sighs “y/n i wasn’t sober. i was drunk. i dont fucking know why i said that to you. i just wanted to make you jealous but when i saw you didn’t care i just said fuck it and went with that girl. but she will never be you. none of them will. i swear it didn’t mean a single thing.” he is holding your hands now.
“you told me you weren’t drinking and i believed you.” you say kinda laughing at yourself. “i don’t know how i clearly was drunk. but i swear i only want you okay? i want to be with you i don’t want to be with a different girl or guy every night okay? i want to be with you every night. i want to wake up and see you. i want you.” he says pulling you into a kiss. you kiss him back feeling him pull you onto his lap. moaning into his lips slowly grinding down onto him. “fuck im hard do you want to go to your room?” he asks marking you with hickeys as he talks. you shake your head no. “mm cant wait just fuck me here.” you say pulling off your shirt. him copying your movements to remove his shirt as well. “shit okay.” he groans at the feeling of you still grinding on his cock. “baby let me finger you so you won’t be so tight for me.” he says tugging your shorts down your legs. moving you so your back his against his chest slowly moving his hands down your thighs. “please hao.” he moves your panties to the side sliding his fingers over your folds slowly. “hao huh? i like that nickname. baby you’re fucking soaking through your panties.” you nod grinding down onto his fingers. he pushes a finger into you quickly pumping it in and out of you. the noise of your wetness, moans, and his grunts being the only things heard. “hao im ready! please fuck me i can’t wait i n-need it.” now fucking yourself onto his finger. “yea baby? you sure? don’t want to hurt you..” you nod quickly grinding harder onto his finger.
“ you sure my love?” he asks you again pulling his finger out and bringing it to his mouth. “y-yes please!.” he kisses your cheek. “you taste so fucking good love. you’re so good for me. let me give you what you want.” he shifts from under you. “ass up face down baby.” he states you quickly complying. “condom baby?” you shake your head. “just fucking put it in minghao!” hes taken aback “shit you sure? are you on the pill?.” you nod your head looking back at him slightly wiggling your ass towards him. watching his pull his pants and underwear down letting his dick free lining up with you.
he pushes inside you without warning groaning out. “hao! fuck you’re so fucking big.” you start to fuck yourself back onto his dick. he pulls your back up against his chest. and starts to fuck you deep. you’re immediately gone in the feeling all thoughts leaving you feeling how deep he is. “most perfect pussy huh darling?” he groans kissing down your neck. no words are even thought at this moment. you hope he isn’t expecting you to talk because you actually can’t. “hmm my baby can’t form any words am i fucking you too good?” he says teasingly fucking you rougher. still no response. minghao doesn’t mind tho he just continues his movements moaning into your ear. “h-hao im coming!” you say clenching against him. “cum for me pretty.” he said coming immediately with you following after him. he doesn’t stop his deeps thrusts are more shallow and rough now. “t-too much minghao.” you voice yourself to say causing him to hum slowly pulling out of you. “m’sorry baby. i got kinda carried away it felt so good.” he says before pulling you to kiss him. suddenly the front door is opening to reveal a shocked seokmin. “um what the fuck.” he says covering his eyes. “SEOKMIN OH MY GOD.” you quickly pull your shorts on and grab minghaos shirt sliding it on. “you’re home so..soon.” minghao is laughing at you putting his pants back on. “yes but why is he here.” he says not looking minghaos way at all. “he came and talked to me and confessed.” you smile at seokmin. “and we’re dating now.“ minghao says pulling you into a hug. “we are?” “if you would like that.” seokmin just witnessing the whole thing. “okay okay whatever but if you hurt her again i will actually fucking cut off your dick off and feed it to you.” seokmin says while smiling at minghao. you just laughing rolling your eyes at your best friends remarks. “i promise.” minghao says pulling you into a kiss.
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theywantedplayer · 1 year
Can I request a Jack hughes smut where it’s on his NHL draft day? And it’s really sweet as you both haven’t slept with anyone yet?
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Part 2 for the after care?
Jack was a little shocked when he heard you say you were “ready” not meaning he wasn't. He just didn't think you’d say it, you too were making out in your hotel room and when you both broke away you told him you were ready.
“Are you sure?” Was all Jack said
“Yes Jack i'm sure” you laughed lightly 
“I mean if your not its ok w-we don't have to right now” he rambled on 
You smiled softly kissing him on the lips softy
“I'm sure Jack, I've been sure for a little while now”
Jack was hovering over you smiling, it was both your guys' first time. Jack had an idea what to do but not a physical idea. Most of the stuff he knew was from the internet and when he asked Quinn. Which was a very Uncomfortable conversation for both of them. As you and Jack kissed he pulled away looking at you 
“Y/n…I dont have a condom” he admitted 
You giggled as you answered “Look in the back pocket of my bag”
Jack quickly got up and Rummaged through your bag, when he found the box he opened it and grabbed one and walked back over. His eyebrows shut up at you.
“Someone can prepare” he laughed
“ you bet I did”  you laughed
You loved the way Jack joked with you, it made the Situation just a little more familiar and lighter  from you since you both were a little nervous.
Before Jack climbed back on top of you he took his shirt off throwing across the room.
“Lovein the show” you laughed
“Happy to know” he winked
He climbed back on top off you smiling leaning in to start kissing you again, you could feel Jack playing with the hem of your hoodie not knowing if he should, So Decided To do it for him. You pulled off your hoodie and the cold air hit your Nipples. You knew Jack was a little shocked to see you right away without a bra on.
“What I thought we were coming back to the room to hang out” You laughed
“So this is what hanging out is?” he joked 
You laughed again and pulled him into another kiss, he started to trail down to your jaw then to your neck. He leaned back onto his legs and started to stare at your tit’s.
“Stop starting and get your pants off” you laughed 
Jack laughed back as he took off his pants and you did the same. Jack started to run the condom and put it on.
“Don't watch me put it on weirdo” he joked
 “Ok i'll just watch next time” you smiled 
When you both were done Jack stared down at you 
“You ready?” he asked wanting to make sure
“Yes i'm ready” you answered
“Are you sure, because if your not that’s ok we can do something els-” he tried to say
You pulled Jack into a soft kiss “Yes Jack im sure” You kissed him again running your hands threw his hair. You could feel him lineup his cock with your entrance. It burned when he bottomed out your nail’s digging into his shoulders trying to calm down. You squeezed your eye’s shut.
“I know, I know ims sorry” Jack said trying to make you feel better “Tell me when I can move”
You too a deep breath to try and collect yourself
“Im ok, i'm ok,you can move” you reassured 
Jack had his hands on either side of your head as he slowly started to move. The pain started to turn into a soft pleasure, you looked at Jack his eyes were closed and his eyebrows crossed clearly in focus. You knew it was Jack’s first time too so you figured he was trying not to cum before you.
“Fuck y/n” he gasped as his arms gave out, he buried his face into your neck and hands on your hips pressing you into the mattress. “Fuck you feel so good” he mummbled into your neck
You moaned his name in response, your hand coming to pull at his hair making him groan. As he moved his pelvis rubbed up against your clit suddenly making you close
“Im gonna cum y/n i c-can't” Jack warned 
“Keep going please Im gonna cum” you told
Jack did his best to keep his pace but it started to become hard and slow, losing his rhythm. It didn't matter because you reached your breaking point, your legs started to shake as you came.
“Jack Im cumming” you whined out 
With that cue Jack let go with a groan into your neck as he came. You could feel Jack's breath on your neck as you tried to catch your own. Your eyes were closed when you felt Jack kiss your shoulder as he came to kiss you on the cheek. 
“How ya feeling?” He asked
“Great” you smiled, opening your eyes to see him looking down at you.
“Good to hear” he smiled, pulling out and getting off the bed to discard the condom. He walked over to where you were laying in bed.
 “Shower?” “ he asked “Get ya cleaned up” he smiled
You nodded Tiredly
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violetsiren90 · 4 months
All I Haven't Said | Namjoon/Reader
💜 Chapter 3: Part 2 💜
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Table of Contents: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 (part 1), Chapter 3 (part 2)
Pairing: idol!Namjoon/f!Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU; idol AU; chapter fic; strangers to lovers; a bit of idiots to lovers, tbh; slow burn; eventual romance; eventual smut; angst (life is messy & hearts are complex); OT7 featured
Summary: You found your soulmate - or rather, he found you. Turns out he's an idol of much acclaim who needs you for very real and unglamorous reasons. What could become of two hearts so used to giving of themselves when they are confronted with needing each other?
Chapter Word Count: ~7k
Chapter Warnings: This fic is 18+, as is all my work and my page as a whole; depictions of cancer and its treatment; secondhand embarrassment; awkward situations; soulmate skinship; loss of consciousness; dudes dude-broing a bit lol; mentions of minor character death (in past); cursing; chemo therapy and its symptoms; nausea and vomiting; characters eat meals; Reader is starting to grapple with some difficult feelings; Hybe kinda sorta depicted as being collective assholes in responding to this situation (gonna be a theme, guys)
Author's Note: Here comes part two! I know this is months coming (again), but I've finally found my stride with writing and work. I had this mostly done, and then redid some parts and finished editing, and well...I just hope you all enjoy it! My hope is to post part three in two weeks - I really want to get into a groove with plot progression here!
There is a lot of content in this chapter about medical procedures and treatment. I tried my best to represent these as accurately as possible with what information I could acquire, but if there are any misrepresentations, great or small, please don't hesitate to let me know!
Thank you again to all who have stuck with this story! I continue to be blown away by how much love you have all showered upon it, and I'm so excited to walk the path I intend for these two and have you all along for the ride!!
P.S. If you want to join the tag list, drop me a comment or an ask!
P.P.S. If no one has told you yet today, you're loved and worthy of love! 🧜‍♀️💜
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"Out of sheer taciturnity the ceiling listens To the fall of ancient leafless rain, To feathers, to whatever the night imprisoned." ~Pablo Neruda
Chapter 3: My Windows Ache
Namjoon's labs had come back with even more promising numbers. A radiology scan had shown no shrinkage in his tumors, but the doctors commented that these were early days, and that the effects of the bond might even be keeping them from inflaming due to the chemo. You had watched him, smiling as the doctor reviewed the result, and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Your soulmate was on the road to recovery. 
     Nurse Cha quickly checked both of you over before initiating another skinship session.
     "I saw you out on the grounds earlier, and for the first time in weeks," she said, shooting Namjoon an approving grin. "Keep that up. He needs sunlight and fresh air," she remarked to you, flustering you even as you nodded in agreement.
     Why was she telling you that? Were you his keeper?
     Actually, you supposed, in fact, you were.
     You peeked back up at him and found him regarding you with a small, amused smile, which disconcerted you further. You shook your head, shooting him an eye-roll as you made your way into the bathroom to disrobe.
     After your first few experiences with skinship, you had asked Matt to acquire you some sporty, conservative sports bra and boy-short sets, and you slipped into one, pulling a hospital gown over it. After the way your conversation with Hyung-seo had unfolded you were glad to have them - the practical underwear felt far less intimate and flirty than your typical bras and panties, giving you much more peace of mind. 
     As you left the bathroom and made your way back to Namjoon's half of the suite, you noticed him sitting on top of the covers, long legs stretched out in front of him, in nothing but a black tee and blue boxers. He had a drip attached to a tube that ran under his shirt. When Nurse Cha glanced up from her touchscreen tablet to see you approaching, she waved her hand for you to come around to the other side of the bed, which had been adjusted to accommodate Namjoon's upright position.
     "We’re going to try this sitting up today," she explained as she typed. "He's on a chemo drip right now, and the doctor wants to see if the bond will help ease the nausea and some of the other side effects. I heard you just had a nice lunch, so it would be wonderful if Namjoon could hang onto his."
     She shot him a rueful smirk and he let out a chuckle. You smiled in turn and nodded as you slipped off your hospital gown and draped it over the end of the bed. You glanced up at Namjoon who had cast his eyes down at his hands, folded in his lap. The huge apparatus was lower than usual, so you slipped rather easily into it and against Namjoon's side. He raised an arm to drape over your shoulders and you settled against him, pressing your bare leg against his. It was comical how much shorter yours were, but you could only think of that for a fraction of a second as every other thought in your mind melted at the feeling of the man beside you.
     Butter. Warm, melted butter. It was as if every single muscle group in your body had suddenly released every bit of tension it had been holding. So many sensations at once, but this was the one you felt like leaning into at the moment. You felt like collapsing against him.
He sighed deeply through his nose. Yeah, you felt that on a spiritual level. Mmh. 
     Your melty, bond-induced reverie was broken, however, by a dissatisfied noise from Nurse Cha as she stepped toward the bed. You looked up to find her expression matched her tone. 
     "You're not really getting much contact," she said, scanning her eyes over everywhere you touched...and didn't. 
     You raised your arms slightly and a bit uselessly. You felt Namjoon lean forward.
     "Should I...like..." you looked to her for direction, but she was already in motion. 
     She grabbed your arm, guiding you off the bed and motioned for Namjoon to scoot back to the middle. She said something to Namjoon in Korean and suddenly he was tugging his shirt over his head. You felt your cheeks getting hot. Social norms had not prepared you for this amount of casual nudity. You stood there, eyes glued to Nurse Cha, hugging your arms over your middle and hoping that Namjoon was playing his usual blessed game of "look anywhere but soulmate". The nurse took your arm again and guided you back toward your previous perch.
     "Sit between his legs and lean back against his chest," she instructed, nudging you to join him.
You looked up at Namjoon. His face looked like you felt. And then it was just too much. You were standing in a hospital in South Korea in your underwear being asked to sit in a practically naked celebrity's lap so that he wouldn't die.
     You busted out laughing.
     Nurse Cha jumped, surprise clear in her features as she regarded you. 
     "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" You gasped, bending over to support yourself against the bed as you continued to chuckle, "This is just..."
     You snorted. Mortified but still attempting to swallow your giggles you clapped a hand over your mouth and looked up at Namjoon whose dimples were out and whose shoulders were shaking with his own silent amusement. Nurse Cha's lips curved up a bit to one side, but her narrowed eyes spoke of far less hilarity felt.
     "Here's the thing," you said, turning to the nurse while still biting back your laughter, "Namjoon is spoken for, and...well...I have a pretty nice ass."
     The nurse's eyes widened.
     You were probably being really impolite. That would have been borderline in the States. You weren't sure about here, but you felt like that might have broken some unspoken rules. Or, maybe spoken ones because there were a lot of formalities, you were learning. But you had reached your limit with all this. The awkwardness levels were at maximum, and you were gonna cope the only way you knew how - with humor.
     When you hazarded a look at your soulmate, he had drawn his knees up, grabbing them with his hands, his head dropped between them and his shoulders shaking as he badly repressed laughter of his own. You could see those dimples again. They were even deeper than before.
     "We need to get maximum skin-to-skin contact during these sessions," Nurse Cha insisted indignantly, clearly a bit flustered. 
     "I know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you offered her a contrite smile as you rocked back on your feet. 
     "Ah!" Namjoon drew your attention as he pointed behind you. "Throw me that pillow?" 
     You grabbed the little green cushion from the corner of the couch and tossed it to him. He lowered his legs and placed it over his lap.
     "How's that?" he asked with a closed-lip smirk.
     You gave him a thumbs up and clambered back onto the bed to situate yourself between his legs. You looked back over at Nurse Cha. 
     She raised a brow as she handed you a blanket. You thanked her quietly and cleared your throat as you fanned it out over your legs and Namjoon's, tucking it up to your waist. The nurse checked Namjoon's vitals and said that she would return in an hour to take him off the drip.
     You sank back tentatively against your soulmate's chest, careful to avoid the little port below his sternum. There it was again. Butter.
     Somewhere above and behind you, Namjoon chuckled. You smiled knowingly.
     "What?" you asked indignantly.
     "Did you see her face when you said that?"
     You shrugged against him.
     "Hey, it's true!" you insisted.
     "Sorry if this is uncomfortable for you," he murmured.
     You could hear that he was still smiling, but he sounded serious all the same. You let your head fall back.
     "Honestly, I felt bad for you," you huffed in another laugh before sobering. "And, thank you," you turned, casting your eyes up over your shoulder, "For always being so respectful. It's made this a lot easier."
     "Oh," Namjoon responded softly, "Of course." 
     You looked at his arms resting at his sides and thought of what Nurse Cha had said. You slowly picked up his hands in yours, raising them slightly.
     "May I put them around me? For more contact," you asked.
     You asked it boldly, but you felt shy. You wanted the chemo to work. You wanted it to stop hurting him while it did. When Namjoon let out a low hum of assent you drew his forearms around your waist and laid your own over them.
     Your eyes slipped shut. So euphoric but it always made you feel like sleeping. You weren't going to give into the urge, though, not just yet. There were conversations to be had.
     "Tell me about Hyung-seo," you prompted softly, shifting against him to get comfortable. 
     He was quiet for a moment.
     "Well," he responded slowly, "what do you want to know?"
     "How did you meet her?"
     He went quiet again. Then he sighed a small sigh. You wondered what that little breath carried.
     "She debuted in 2019. A buddy of mine - Seo Jungkwon, he goes by Tiger JK in the industry -  had signed her to his agency. Bangtan was just taking off, things were blowing up. I actually collaborated with him which is when I met her."
     He silenced for a moment.
     "We had a lot in common - how we approached life and music."
     "Had?" you asked, gently.
     He heaved another sigh. 
     "The last few years have been really tough on her. I mean, she hasn't had an easy life to begin with, but..."
     He paused, as if deciding whether or not to utter the words he wanted to say next.
     "Anyway," he redirected himself, and you wondered what thought he had dismissed, "Preparing for a tour is grueling, and this is her first one. I think the stress is really getting her."
     You hummed in acknowledgement. You recognized it in his voice - you should after all, as the same sound had echoed so often in your own - the hollow clemency of lying to yourself on someone else's behalf. 
     "Well," you offered, "She's lucky to have you supporting her, especially when you're going through such a difficult time yourself."
     Namjoon scoffed.
     "I mean, yeah, I'm sick, but...I don't know. In a lot of ways my life has been a lot easier these days. A lot simpler."
     "Really? In what way?"
     He huffed out a wry laugh.
     "I have so much time to just do whatever. Read, write...I've been learning a couple of languages. I get to do v-lives with ARMY pretty regularly, as the company allows - Jungkook went kind of crazy with it before enlistment so we have to go through them for access now."
     You had no idea what a v-live was, but from what little you had seen of Jungkook, you could imagine it took very little for him to get up to a significant amount of shenanigans. You smirked.
     "Did you have so little time for those things before?" you queried.
     "No! No way. It was like running non-stop for ten years. During my time in the military, I got a bit of a break and a change, but then I got sick and had to be discharged early, so...well, I didn't even get to experience that like I should have."
     You felt your hands tighten in response around his forearms. His life hadn't been cake-walk either, that was clear. You wondered if he knew that, if he acknowledged it.
     "Well, I'm glad you have more time for those things. You should keep as much time for them as you can, even when you're better."
     He paused for a moment before whispering agreement into your hair. You felt it even though he didn't say it, the caveat - if he got better. He would. You'd never make him a promise you couldn't guarantee, but you could make one to yourself. So you did.
     For the rest of the session you talked about Bangtan, and the recent history of the group's situation.
     You learned about conscription and that it applied to idols as well. You learned the members had decided to enlist pretty much around the same time so that they could reunite to tour again after being discharged. Namjoon had been released ahead of schedule when he had fallen ill, and at this point most of the members had followed, save Yoongi who was set to be discharged the following week. He fondly reported that they were all anxious to meet you, and that Jungkook and Jimin hadn't stopped pestering him with all manner of questions in your regard since their visit the previous day.
     Every time you had heard him speak about his members, the deep brotherly affection that permeated his words was incredibly evident. 
You asked him to tell you about each one, and he did.
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     You blinked your eyes open as you felt Namjoon shift you in his arms. You slowly pulled yourself forward, struggling to focus.
     "I...I'm sorry," you murmured, "I fell asleep on you again." 
     Namjoon chuckled and assured you it was quite alright. As you wearily slipped off the mattress to stand, you suddenly felt the room tilt and your knees buckle. Namjoon's reflexes were quick enough to catch you in his arms. He stood to pull you up and hold you against him.
     "You okay?" he asked in concern.
     "I...I got dizzy..."
     You attempted to put your weight into your legs, but failed, sagging weakly against his broad frame.
     Nurse Cha was already in motion.
     "Help her to the bed," she ordered, striding across the room. 
     Namjoon wasted no time in scooping you up in a bridal carry to follow her. You gasped despite yourself, the sudden movement and his strength equally surprising. But every thought was fleeting as you found yourself struggling to maintain a grip on consciousness.
     You felt Namjoon lay you gently on the bed as cold, sticky monitors were pressed to your skin; heard him ask the nurse what was the matter, his voice tinged with anxiety. 
You heard him say your name.
     And then you heard nothing.
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     You groaned as you came to. Your throat felt like the Sahara and your head was pounding. Pushing yourself to sit up, you became aware of the sound of voices on the other side of the curtain. Carefully drawing your legs to the edge of the bed, you clutched your IV stand as you struggled to your feet.
     Pulling back the hanging divider, you were surprised to see Matt occupying the little couch, a cup of coffee on the low table in front of him. Namjoon sat in the opposing chair, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees in rapt attention as the older man spoke. It was dark out.
     "Matt," you croaked, shuffling forward.
     Namjoon's head whipped around at the sound of your voice and he sprang up, just a moment faster than his guest, striding over to take you by the arm. You faltered just a moment in your steps as his hand cradled your elbow and you felt it - his touch and what it did to you. You wanted to curl into him. You wanted him to hold you.
You gently tugged your arm away.
     "You're awake - let me call the nurse," he said, almost to himself as he moved to press the red call button. 
     You sank down beside Matt.
     "What time is it?" you asked in a husky murmur. Your friend checked his watch.
     You frowned, blinking blearily.
     "What the heck are you doing here at the hour?"
     "Well!" Matt laughed before taking a sip of his coffee, "It's nice to see you too."
     "You know what I mean..." you grumbled, rubbing your eyes.
     "He called me," he said, gesturing with his raised mug toward Namjoon, who had returned to the armchair. "Said you'd had a fainting spell."
     Your eyes followed his motion to your soulmate, who was already scanning his over you, brow furrowed and full lips pursed pensively.
     "How are you feeling?" Namjoon asked.
     You huffed out a mirthless chuckle.
     "Like I got hit by a freight train."
     The worry lines on his brow deepened.
     "Hey, look..." you held up a hand to wave it weakly between both men as they regarded you in apparent concern. "I'm probably just adjusting to the bond or something. Cancer isn't contagious, you know," you ribbed, shooting a tiny smirk at Namjoon who attempted to return the expression though the smile didn't reach his eyes.
     The night shift nurse and an aid entered the room to assess you. Namjoon asked to speak with a doctor, and was told that Dr. Na would be checking in first thing in the morning. The nurse had very little else to report other than that your blood work had been sent to the lab and that they would be able to determine more once your results were available. He informed Matt that some charts would likely be available in twenty-four hours, but that your CMP could take up to three days. The aid urged you to try to get some more rest. Before departing, the nurse removed your spent sodium chloride drip and said that a meal would be sent up which you were advised to eat if possible, but to be sure to report any signs of food-rejection should they appear.
     Namjoon stood and sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he gazed at your little portion of the suit.
     "They want you to rest, but how the hell are you supposed to sleep with me over here snoring? It's keeping you up, right?"
     You smirked.
     "Well, most of my rest over the last couple of days has been due to a lack of consciousness, but I do have to admit that you woke me up a couple of times last night."
    Namjoon groaned discomfitedly.
     "It really isn't a big deal!" you reassured him, "I'm a pretty sound sleeper."
     "And still I woke you up."
     "Don't worry about it..."
     "It's not just that, though," he insisted, hands in the pockets of his sweats and head cocked to one side as he continued to consider the small space across from his. "You don't even have a window. If you want privacy, you have to sit behind that curtain in the tiny bed -- I hate it. I've hated it since they were first preparing for you to arrive. I'll make some calls tomorrow. You need your own room," he stated decidedly, returning to the chair across from you.
He fished his phone out of his pocket and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees as he fired off a message.
     Namjoon did have a point, it was a pretty meager space you currently occupied. But they must have had a reason, you thought, for wanting you to share a room with him. And you didn't want to cause any kind of fuss in the name of personal convenience that might detract from his treatment or recovery. 
     "Namjoon, it's fine..."
     He looked up at you, his brown eyes assured and determined.
     "Just let me handle it. I've got you."
     A sudden warmth spread through your chest like the rising sun on the frost of your anxieties, his gaze melting away the familiar worry of burdensomeness. You looked away shyly.
     "Good man," Matt said to him with a nod, and they shared a look as your soulmate nodded in return that seemed to be one of mutual masculine respect. You wanted to roll your eyes a little bit. You also felt pretty damn grateful.
     Matt stood to leave, pressing a kiss on your temple and promised that he'd return in the morning. He paused to shake Namjoon's hand.
     "If there are any further developments, don't hesitate to call me," he said, to which the younger man nodded in agreement.
     "Or I can call you!" you rasped after him as he raised his hand in one last gesture of farewell while shutting the door.
     You huffed.
     "Smart guy," Namjoon remarked, sitting back down in his chair. "You know he's read Toegye exhaustively?"
     You raised a brow at him, your lips quirking with a wry grin.
     "Two peas in a pod. He's probably going to be coming around here nonstop until he leaves just so you two can gab in genius."
     Namjoon smiled and touched his fingers absently to his jaw, his eyes trained on the linoleum.
     "Are you bothered that I called him?" he asked abruptly, glancing up at you.
     "What? No, of course not," you reassured him with a shake of your head. "I just..." You rolled your eyes and smirked. "I'm not used to sitting around while boys decide what's best for me."
     "Aaahhh," Namjoon responded with a nod, interlacing his fingers, "Well, you've been looking out for me since you walked through that door back there, and honestly, I could get used to that..." he leaned forward a bit, "But only if I get to return the favor. You said we don't owe each other, but that doesn't mean you get to be the only one doing the giving."
     You stared at him. The only one to do the giving. The words jarred something loose inside you. You swallowed the strange feeling that threatened to well into your throat.
     Before you could respond, an aid entered with your meal. A tray loaded with dakjuk, rice, and several banchan was placed before you. It smelled fantastic, and you actually felt you could eat. You moved to take the tray to your side of the suite but Namjoon stopped you.
"Hey, wait. I'm hungry. I'll eat with you."
He crossed to the other side of the room to pick up the telephone.
"Go ahead," he said with nod of his head a little grin, "Don't wait on me."
     He didn't have to twist your arm. The chicken porridge was steaming and savory, warming you up within just a few bites. A similar tray soon arrived for Namjoon, and you found it did feel far nicer to eat with someone than alone.
     Between bites he asked you about Matt.
     "He's my dad's best friend. When he died - my dad - Matt and his wife Rebecca helped to take care of us for a while. They've been really good to my family."
     Namjoon's face sombered.
     "I'm sorry about your father."
     You smiled softly at him.
     "It was a long time ago, when I was ten. He was a firefighter."
     He nodded quietly, giving you the opening to continue. You decided to take it.
     "A fire broke out at a high-security prison. The situation got really bad with a lot of people still inside - prisoners. They told the team to stop attempting rescues, that it wasn't worth it, for people like that. But my dad kept going. Alone. He saved seventeen more lives before...well, he couldn't make it out."
     When you looked up at Namjoon again his eyes were locked on you, his chopsticks resting idly in his hand.
     "Wow," he murmured after a pause. "And you were ten years old? That must have been so hard."
     You dragged your spoon through your dakjuk.
     "It was. But managing things after he was gone...that was harder, I think."
     Namjoon's brow knit in question but he didn't press you further. For the second time that night, you were grateful. Death was easy to explain, other things were much more difficult.
     You finished the rest of your meal chatting about Matt, Neo-Confucianism, and unequivocal humanism between mouthfuls of rice and porridge.
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      The next day, you were moved into your new suite a few doors down. Namjoon had received no resistance from the hospital in procuring you the space, as apparently Hybe's representatives had been the ones to originate the request that you be at the idol's immediate disposal.
     Your room mirrored the setup of your soulmate's, being on the same floor but across the hall, and Kang Dae had dropped in with a catalog stating that you could select whatever you wished to make the space more comfortable. You had circled a few things and he had departed to procure them. Matt had brought the bulk of your luggage, which meant a good portion of books, your art supplies, and finally more clothes which you would blessedly now have no worries of mixing up with Namjoon's. You changed into jeans and a comfy Nirvana graphic tee.
     You were busy unpacking when a knock came at your door. You called for the person to come in while you continued to stack books onto a small set of shelves. The doctor had cautioned you and Namjoon against further skinship sessions until your blood work had come back, so you were anxious for the results, not wanting him to go through another bout of chemo without the aid of the bond. 
When you glanced up expectantly, however, you found your curiosity would have to wait - at least, concerning your charts - as in the entry stood none other than Kim Hyung-seo.
     She lingered in the entryway at the mouth of the space, her arms wrapped around her middle. She looked much more casual today in a pair of big baggy camouflage cargo pants, a tight black crop top, and chunky white sneakers. Her hair was pulled up into a bun, and she had black mask pulled under her chin. She was bare-faced, save for two small red dots under her right eye.
     You stood from your crouched position, trying your best to keep the surprise from your face.
     "Hi," you greeted her with a small smile, which she returned remorsefully, still hugging herself as she glanced around the room. "Would you like to sit down?" you offered, motioning to the furniture beside you. 
     She nodded, crossing over to take a seat in the little arm chair. You moved to sit across from her. Your first instinct was to offer her something to drink, only to realize you were in a hospital room with no way to deliver, at which you both laughed awkwardly. After a moment of tense silence, she looked up at you, gnawing her bottom lip.
     “I owe you an apology," she sighed. 
You gave her an encouraging smile.
     "Fuck..." she dropped her head in her hands, and you waited for her to collect herself. Finally, she raises her eyes to yours, interlacing her fingers with their long white nails in her lap. 
     "What I did...what I said yesterday...I was cunt. I'm sorry." 
     You let out a little laugh at her choice of words.
     "Well, I do accept your apology...but, don't be too hard on yourself. It was a really bizarre and unprecedented situation for all of us. I'm glad we're moving forward, and in a better direction."
You smiled again at her reassuringly.
     She nodded, her lips pursed and quivering slightly. You could tell she was blinking back tears.
     "Me and Joon...we'd only been engaged for a few weeks before we found out...you know, that he had a match. That it could be his only option to live - bonding. With you. It's just all really fucking scary."
     You nodded sympathetically. She released another sigh as she continued.
     "He had to decide so fast, they pushed him to just make this huge life commitment as fast as they fucking could and now..." She raised her arms, looking around the room in resign, "Here we are. And we have to figure everything out, and I'm about to leave and..."
     "I'm sorry," you murmured sympathetically.
She looked down into her lap, worry still twisting her features.
You wondered why she was leaving, now of all times - when things were the way they were. But that wasn't for you to judge.
"You know," you offered hopefully, "At least he's on the mend. At least you know he'll have someone to look after him."
     She hummed. You wondered if it was an agreement as her eyes flitted over your face searchingly. Anxiety from the previous day's encounter began to seep into your chest as you considered if you had chosen your words poorly. You had said what would have comforted you in under the same circumstances. But maybe you were different - too different.
You softened your heart, determined to reserve judgement. Life had given Hyung-seo had her own shoes, and you would do everything you could to understand what it was like to walk in them.
     "Can I add you on KakaoTalk?" you asked, realizing you were still clutching a book, and setting it onto the low table to pull your phone from your pocket.
     She was chewing on her lip again when you looked up. She stared down at the hardback. 
     "You read a lot, huh?" she asked, though it didn't sound like a question.
     "I do," you answered slowly, wondering where her train of thought was headed.
"All that stuff you said yesterday, you seem, like really in tune with people. And smart. You guys are, like, the same."
She pressed the words out in a strained voice. She looked so small and so sad. Your heart sank for her.
"Namjoon actually said that very thing about you yesterday."
She glanced up at you in surprise and confusion. You smiled.
"He said that when you met he was struck with how much you shared in how you saw the world, and how you approached music."
She regarded you silently as you continued.
"And that's your life right, your great love? Music? What a wonderful thing, to base your life with a partner in a love you share."
She nodded slowly, her eyes watering.
"Thank you," she finally whispered, and you nodded in understanding.
You reached out to take her hand and she squeezed yours. After a few moments of silence, she rose and wiped her eyes.
     "I'm leaving tomorrow and I want to see Joon again before I go," she explained. 
     You nodded.
     "Thank you for coming to talk to me and for sharing about how this has been for you. I really appreciate it."    
     She smiled - perhaps genuinely for the first time since you met. It was a lovely smile.
     You sighed as she left. It wasn't much, but it was progress. Maybe she would let you in. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard after all.
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     When several hours had passed with no updates on your lab results, you decided to take a walk down the hall to see how your soulmate was faring. You knocked on his door, but received no answer. 
     "Namjoon!" you called softly with another rap of your knuckles, but were still met with silence.
     Just when you were about to turn and go, the door creaked inward on its hinges, slipping open to reveal your soulmate's tired face.
     "I just came to see how you were doing...are you okay?." 
     You followed him as he slumped back into the suite, but before he could even reach his bed he turned and pushed past you to hurry into the bathroom. It caught you a little off-guard and you stumbled, catching yourself on the opposing wall, but quickly realized the reason for his urgency when sounds of retching followed.
     The bathroom door was cracked open and you could see him hunched over the toilet, breathing heavily as his body wracked with each attempt to expel the contents of his stomach. You hesitated a moment, then pushed the door in slowly, coming to kneel beside him and gingerly place a hand on his back.
     He raised his head, eyes fluttering when you touched him. You gently pulled your palm up and down his spine, feeling the warm surge of the bond even through his shirt. He reached for a piece of toilet paper to wipe his mouth.
     "You don't have to do that..." he murmured, resting his forehead on his arm propped on the porcelain rim.
     "I know," you answered quietly, continuing to slowly rub his back. "Can I put my hand under your shirt?"
     "You're not supposed to be touching me until we know what's going on with you." 
     You slipped your other hand out to curl your fingers around his exposed bicep below the sleeve of his tee. He sighed, shoulders sagging as the comfort and warmth of the contact soothed his aching body.
     "Can I?" you softly persisted, and he nodded his head where it laid against his forearm.
     Slipping your hand beneath the baggy cotton you ran your fingers over his soft, taut skin, heart squeezing at the definition of his spine and the ghosts of his ribs. 
     "Did you do chemo without me?" you asked.
     “I've been doing it before you got here, you know,” he retorted weakly.
     "How are you supposed to gain weight if it makes you this sick? Please don't do it again without me."
     "You passed out, Y/n," he shifted his head to look at you.
     "We'll figure that out," you smiled, "But you need to be as agreeable to these treatments as possible, right?" 
     He nodded.
     "Hyung-seo paid me a visit this morning," you remarked after a moment of silence.
     "She told me."
     "Said she leaves for her tour tomorrow. When does she get back?"
     "Of next year?" You paused to temper your shock, "That's a long time."
     "It's a world tour. That's how it goes."
     You realized for the hundredth time in as many hours that there was so much about their lifestyle to which you were ignorant. You had so much to learn, but one thing you did know: he needed you right now, so you stayed by his side until the sickness had subsided.
     Nurse Cha arrived shortly after to conduct routine checks on Namjoon, and you sat by, thumbing through the latest issue of Batman and Robin which Matt had been kind enough to drop off with your things.
     "Your initial blood work came back with some concerns," she said, turning to you and picking up her tablet to access the results. "There are signs that your body's nutrients are being depleted. Since your fainting spells have been occuring during skinship, we ask that you refrain from touching until your CMP comes back."
     Namjoon glanced over at you, a chiding expression on his features. You flatly ignored him.
     "I need to be able to touch him, especially if he feels ill. He needs to keep down his food, right?"
     Nurse Cha hummed, pursing her lips.
     "Well, I'm going to run this by Dr. Na, but if absolutely necessary, keep it light and brief. And please be sure to document even the smallest instances of skinship so that we can track the effects."
     You agreed readily, and she left to continue her rounds. 
Glancing out the window, you noted that the evening was mild, and the gardens were aflutter with birds and awash in soft late-afternoon light. You thought about what the nurse had said before about the fresh air.
     "Hey," you remarked, still looking out the window, "We should take a walk - it looks so nice out. You up for it?" 
     "Great idea," he replied, joining you to look out across the greenery. "I'm definitely feeling up for it." He huffed out a little chuckle.
     "What?" you asked suspiciously. You were beginning to recognize his different laughs - this particular chuckle was always at your expense.
     "Gonna keep pushing it with the poor nurse, huh?"
     You scoffed.
     "Well, if I hadn't would you be feeling well enough to go out right now?"
     When you glanced up you found that he was gazing raptly at you, his face filled with unchecked thanksgiving. Your witty response faltered on your tongue. 
     His touch, you were pretty damn sure that for the rest of his natural life you would never grow used to it...but his eyes? It was almost the same. Was this part of the bond? Or was it just...him? Did everyone feel this way when he held them in those eyes? When he looked at them, really looked...
You couldn't tear your eyes away. You couldn't find words.
     When Namjoon's phone suddenly buzzed you thanked almighty Samsung and sagged against the window pane. 
     "Damn," he muttered. 
     You looked at him questioningly.
     "I have a consultation with my radiation oncologist in ten minutes. Go ahead! I'll meet you down there right after."
     He pulled a sweatshirt over his head and changed his slippers out for his shoes.
     You returned to your room to grab outerwear as well. The evening was temperate enough to go without, but you were feeling chillier than usual. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket.
     Mom flashed across the screen.
     Your chest tightened and you silenced the ringer. You'd call her tomorrow, you told yourself. Besides, she had already spoken to Matt. 
     When you reached the garden, you decided there was someone you should call while you waited. Ambling down a gravel path, you held the phone up to your ear, stuffing your other hand into the pocket of your jean jacket.
     "Matt told mom that you passed out - are you okay?" Diana's voice on the other end registered genuine distress.
     You rolled your eyes and sighed. 
     "I'm fine. My body is just adjusting to the bond and probably jet lag and whatnot."
     "You better fucking be fine or I'm coming out there to make sure you are."
     You laughed. 
     "To South Korea? On a Wednesday?"
     "You know what I mean, god! You're so - hey! How did the fiancee thing go?"
     "I knew you'd want an update."
     You sighed.
     "Uh-oh," she hummed, "That was your, things-are-an-effing-disaster sigh."
     "It was no- why do you keep trying to divine my air flow like they're casting-runes or something? Will you just let me tell you?"
     "You don't always say."
     You huff in exasperation.
     "Okay, well, I won't tell you what that sigh is," she mumbles in trepidation, "But I will tell you that I know enough to shut up and let you continue. Go on."
     "It didn't go swimmingly."
     "Yeah,” You lifted your fingers to absently stroke at the petal of a rose. “She seemed very frightened by the whole situation, which is completely understandable. But then...she also kind of came at me. She started asking pretty intimate stuff about the bond right off the bat. When I tried to redirect by suggesting we get to know each other better she started saying all this stuff she already knew about me. About Dad and Mom."
     "What?!" Diana gasped incredulously.
     "It was almost as if...I don't know, I could have been reading her incorrectly, but it was almost seemed as if she was trying to bring things up that might knock me off my footing. Make me...insecure." 
     You suddenly remembered your conversation with Namjoon the previous night. He hadn’t let on that he had already known your father passed when you were a child...but he had known. Passing out during skinship had gotten in the way of the conversation you had intended to broach with him about knowledge of the other. You had done research before meeting him, but only the basics. You had felt that as much should come from him as possible. Clearly you hadn’t been given that opportunity.
     "That bitch," Diana seethed, pulling your mind back into the moment.
     "Hey, hey, hey," you cautioned her, "She's in a extremely difficult situation. And that was just my biased impression of her intentions. Don't be too quick to judge her, Di."
     Diana hummed discontentedly.
     "Also, she came to apologize to me today before she leaves on tour. We made progress, I think."
     "Apologizing? Bare minimum," Diana said with an air of dismissal. "What did you say her name was?"
     "Kim Hyung-seo. Her stage name is Bibi."
     Diana was silent for a moment. 
     "Found her," she declared. 
     You smiled to yourself - of course she had found her, the woman was famous. It wasn't as if stalking measures were necessary (though you had no doubt of Diana's abilities should that have been the case).
Diana clicked her tongue in disappointment.
     "She's hot."
     "She is very pretty," you agreed.
     "Yeah, but you're hot too. And, y'kow, you're you. Bet you're smarter..."
     "Di," you said, stopping to pinch your brow, "We're not in some kind of competition. We're both just human beings navigating pretty uncharted waters, okay? We both have our strengths and weaknesses. She's going to be part of my life as Namjoon's wife, so not only is building a good relationship with her important to me, I have a responsibility to her as well. We all do. To each other."
     Your sister paused on the other end before relenting sullenly.
     "Yeah, yeah. I guess you're right - you do need to make nice with her...as long as they're married, that is..."
     "Okay! Geez!" Diana cleared her throat. "How is the soulmate doing?"
     "He's getting stronger every day," you answered, happily moving the topic away from Hyung-seo.
     "That's great!" she crooned. 
     "It is."
     "Are you smiling? You sound like you're smiling."
     "How are you doing, Di? Classes are starting soon."
     You smirked as your sister's attention surged in a new direction, and for the next half an hour she regaled you with tales of her new housemates, and the smarmy and unseemly Johnnie (who had come crawling back, as predicted, upon returning to the States). 
     Upon hanging up with Diana, you checked the time, and discovered that it had been nearly an hour since you left Namjoon. You were starting to feel weak, and a bit cold - hunger, you told yourself - so you decided to return indoors for dinner.
     You called Namjoon on the way up to the fifth floor to inform him if your change in plans. He apologized profusely, saying that the doctor had been detained, and asked you to join him for dinner.
Letting yourself into his suite, you shrugged your jacket off as you headed for your usual spot on the couch when, suddenly, you froze.
    A man was rising to stand from where he had been seated on the sofa. He was clad in a dark blue button-down with a golden emblem on the shoulder and black slacks. He wore a black cap which bore a similar insignia to the one on his shirt and fit snugly over his short dark hair. He wasn’t as tall as Namjoon, though his shoulders were nearly as wide. His features were soft but arresting, and his deep brown irises, you thought, seemed to hold a bit of everything a pair of eyes could. Your comic book was in his hand.
You crossed the room toward him.
     "Hi, I’m sorry, Namjoon will be here soon - oh, I'm his soulmate, Y/n," you stammered, before catching yourself.
     The young man's sharp eyes widened, his lips parting as you bowed.
     "Je ireum-eun Y/n imnida," you started over in Korean.
     He bowed in return, raising his dark brown eyes to you again as he responded in a soft deep voice.
     "Annyeonghaseyo, je ireum-eun Min Yoongi imnida."
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p0rkbun · 6 months
APACHE TEARS┊❝Happy Birthday.❞ Chapter 01
─ Sam Carpenter x OC
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Synopsis: Alexis forgets her birthday, but she didn't forget to visit her childhood best friend.
Content warnings: bad writing, slow burn, mention of being chased by a dog, original characters, not proofread, other than that there's nothing too serious.
Word count: 3.4k
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Before Alexis left Woodsboro, she lived her childhood in the town that was known for its murders in the 90s. Something like that—you don’t expect to live an ordinary life, would you?
A very slim chance you would have a life with no mishaps in a town like that. Even though it has been eleven years since the last murders happened, some crimes occur every now and then. People doing drugs, accidents, assaults, attempted murder, and more. Despite these occurrences, Alexis had gone on with her life, trying to avoid anything that might make her life miserable, and she did. She was smart enough to avoid anything suspicious, including not answering calls from strangers, not going out late at night, having protection, and knowing when someone is planning to mug you.
It was common sense; even a half-brain would know this!
But Alexis wasn’t lucky. Her efforts were all in vain, because not even intuition could stop any misfortune sent to her. Not only did she never felt safe, but she never had any expectations for her own solace.
One day, she caught a blue butterfly around the playground when she was a young girl. The insect had beautiful blue wings—not something you’d see every day—along with its rapid wings that Alexis almost failed to keep up with. The young girl stared at the insect with interest and fascination, wanting to take it home. She didn't, since she knew keeping a butterfly would not last, so she released the creature.
It wasn’t long until a stray and horrifying dog plunged its canine teeth onto the butterfly, ripping its small wings in an instant. The wrecked beauty was nowhere to be seen, already evaporated and chewed by the rabid animal.
Alexis only stared in shock before she took off, frantically fleeing from the dog chasing the poor girl.
Before she knew it, the memories of her first sight of horror were nothing but a faint memory that left her story of how she has cynophobia. Thinking about it now, she thought about how easily a dog can rip a small creature to shreds, thus scaring another one. It was the same thing with humans.
You can easily take someone’s life; for what cause? For your own survival? Pleasure? Revenge? A relief for your buried anger erupting within yourself?
No matter the reasons, the act of killing someone was immoral and will always be something that’s kept with you until the day you breathe your last breath. Even after death.
Years went by in the blink of an eye. Alexis was no longer a little girl but a drowsy looking freshman in college in Modesto, California. She felt like going back to her dorm to sleep, feeling regret seeping in after she accepted the offer from a friend to hang out.
“Aw you already cut your hair? Lame, I already miss your long hair." The charming-looking boy gives Alexis a teasing grin. “You told me to do something new for myself, didn’t you?” Alexis replies with a sigh to Jesse.
Jesse was the first person she met when she moved to Modesto for her college, he was smiley and handsome-looking, and he knew how to dress neatly even for casual hangouts. Coincidentally, the boy was assigned as her roommate. If you met him, he’d be someone with a bit of an obnoxious exterior, but he’s not a bad guy. He’s pretty considerate, Alexis honestly had thoughts of him liking her because of how abnormally nice he is, the other part is him possibly being an asshole underneath that grin. Not the case; however, he's just... slow sometimes.
“Yeah but I didn’t know you were gonna cut your hair!” He exclaimed, “Dude, everybody was literally telling you how long and pretty your hair looked, they’re gonna be devastated if they see you now.” Alexis glances at Jesse “I’m sure it’s not that serious. It’s a matter of time anyway. I don’t know why I kept my hair that long, I feel so much light now.” 
“Really? Did having long hair feel heavy?” Jesse asks with genuine curiosity.
“Of course it does,” Alexis said, her face contorted with irritation. “Could you leave the questions later? Where are we even going?” Jesse lets out a sheepish chuckle at the girl’s response.
“Okay, alright! C’mon grumps” He held Alexis’ sleeve and led her to wherever their destination was.
She didn’t pay attention to where Jesse led her; in an instant, they were at a small shop. The sign was detailed in black, and the exterior was full white. They both stepped in and met with the sight of accessories and items. All of them are for school, studying, or just for looking nice via keychains, pins, desk lamps, and more.
“Woah, i didn’t know they had something like this here,” Alexis says with surprise. She looks back up to Jesse “Is this some kind of thing you’re doing to get a date with me?” Jesse snorts. “No way! I know you’re not into me.” 
“Then what’s the occasion?”
"C'mon, Al, it’s your birthday!” Alexis blinks at him.
“....It is?” The younger girl thinks, and finally realization hits her. "Shit, I forgot...”
Jesse lets out a small laugh and nudges her arm “That’s kinda funny, how’d you forget your own birthday? Did you not celebrate a lot?” Before Alexis could answer him, Jesse drags her to a shelf and picks out a keychain of a cute looking brown bear. “Cute, right?”
She stares at the pin, rubbing the surface a bit as she inspects it. "Yeah," she mumbles, a wave of nostalgia washing over her. “Weird…I remember getting something like this on my birthday.” The taller boy hums. “A pin?” Alexis shakes her head lightly. "No, the bear.” Jesse stared at her with a perplexed look before he spoke, and his words made Alexis laugh. “You got a bear for your birthday?”
“No, it was a..." Her voice trails before she hums as she tries to recall what it was that reminded her of years ago. 
"Actually, I’m not so sure.”
“Happy birthday!” A young girl exclaims with a small gift box in her hands. Ten-year-old Alexis accepts the gift by taking it in her hands. She lifts her head to look at her friend. “You remembered my birthday?” The girl nods and smiles.
Tara was Alexis’ friend, her first and best friend, and she still is as she grows older. She met Tara at the playground when they were about six or seven. Alexis was a year older than Tara, but that didn’t change their close relationship with one another. Tara was the only friend who wanted to talk to her and hang out with her almost every day. 
“How could I forget?” She giggles; she holds Alexis’ hand while walking her back into the house. “You got me a bracelet a few months ago when it was my birthday; I wanted the both of us to match!” She beams with happiness when she sees Alexis’ small smile. “But that bracelet was pretty expensive; how’d you manage to buy the same one?” This causes the shorter girl to stammer a bit. "Well….I kinda begged Sam to buy it."
“What?” Alexis sighs at her. This girl…
“Why’d you have to bother your sister?” She puts the bracelet on her wrist. The bracelet had small fake pearls on it, along with the green-colored string. Honestly, Alexis would consider it a scam since it was too expensive for its looks; it looked pretty, but it didn’t match the price. She only realized that after buying the thing. “It’s fine! Sam didn’t mind, i think...  besides she likes you; she even bought you your favorite soy milk on the way home.” Tara says this and hands her friend a soy milk box.
Alexis looks at the box and feels a small burst of joy in her heart. She rarely gets to see Sam, her best friend’s older sister, but she always made her feel comfortable when they were together. She found the older girl cool and sweet; she was a little quiet and scary at times, but it felt nice knowing Sam didn’t mind her. Things have been different for the last year for some reason. She was more distant, but that wasn’t weird for Alexis; she knew people change and get busy sometimes.
Alexis sends Tara an appreciative look before speaking “Could you tell her thanks?”
Tara frowns at the girl. “Hey! You didn’t say ‘thank you’ to me!” She huffs.
“Thank you, you brat.” Alexis rolls her eyes and receives a pinch from Tara for her response. “Ouch stop!” She hisses and pinches Tara back, earning a squeal from the shorter girl. “Ow! I got you a gift and this is what you repay me?!” Alexis dodged Tara’s hand when she tried to pinch her again.
The two ran back to Alexis’ house while giggling and squealing; it wasn’t rare when Tara visited her house. She seems to like being there more than her own home, especially nowadays. Alexis always got her to watch movies or play together.
Alexis snaps out of her daydream and finds herself resting her head on the desk. Memories of her childhood lives fresh in her mind; the ones she could remember vividly were with her best friend. The only memories she wished she could have visited again, being a kid again at least. Everything used to feel so much lighter. Only now, Alexis didn’t wake up and rode her bike around the neighborhood without any worries. Everything was so different; she feels like it was yesterday when she was spending most of her time watching horror movies and hanging out with her best friend. Crazy huh? You never thought time would pass so fast.
The next thing you were a happy kid, not knowing much about the world, until you grew up feeling bitter about things. Sometimes you wish you were a dumb kid who doesn’t know any better again.
Tara sent you a message.
Tara ♥️: Happy birthday lexi
Tara ♥️: I wish I got you something :( I know you’re busy and stuff. You gonna come to visit?
Alexis smiles at the text.
Lex: Yeah I will dw
Lex: Now stop being sad, be ready tmr Im gonna visit my dad first before you
Tara ♥️: Im not first? Wowww i thought im your first in everything. Finally over your best friend huh
Lex: Cmon you know I love you, I just love my dad more
Tara ♥️: You’re an asshole come quick before i hate you forever
Lex: You won’t
On the other side of the screen, Tara's lips curled into a bright smile. After a few months, she finally got to see her best friend again. It hasn’t been long, but it felt like a while for Tara, and it made her anxious. Alexis knew Tara wouldn’t like this distance between them, especially after…
No, let’s not.
But Alexis didn’t have a choice nonetheless; her dad didn’t want her in that town, and deep inside, she agreed with him. She could have brought Tara with her, but she doesn’t really have the requirements currently. So they both settled, visiting Tara once or twice every few months until she could kidnap her and put her in her pocket to live with her in Modesto. Doing it in a friendly way, of course.
Before leaving, Alexis decides to take a trip to the convenience store to buy some things for her ride. Driving came to mind, but she brushed it off, thinking it was too much of a hassle, and decided to take the bus instead.
Upon arriving at the store and stepping in, her mind wonders as she browses through the shelves, picking up a drink and a small snack. She thinks about how Tara’s been doing without her for the past few months. Alexis had the tendency to worry about the younger girl, even if she had others with her back at Woodsboro. Her thought was cut short when another person came to mind.
“hm…I wonder where Sam is and how she’s doing now.” She mumbles to herself; eventually, she purchases her drink and snack before exiting the store to wait for the bus.
How long has it been since Alexis saw Sam? She doesn’t know; she forgot when the older girl disappeared so suddenly. How did she even feel? She doesn’t remember.
With each passing day, Alexis would sometimes wonder what Sam was doing. Probably living her life peacefully without any disquietude. Or not.
The sound of a text message makes her stop halfway to the bus station. Alexis pulls out her phone to see Jesse’s message pop up.
Hey sorry but I left something somewhere and I’m a bit busy right now to get it.
I know you’re going to visit your family today but could you get my headphones and hold on to them for a while until you get back? Its at the bowling alley, you know, the one next to the gas station. Thanks 😀
This little…
Whatever, only 15 minutes remain until the bus arrives. This wouldn’t be so bad; make it really quick.
Alexis jogs to the bowling alley and enters through the door while receiving a greeting from a tall girl at the desk. “Welcome to Cardinal Lanes; how may I help you?” As Alexis approaches the desk, she takes in the tall girl’s appearance for a moment.
She was tall and had her black hair with brown highlights tied into a bun. Her eyes were dark brown, and she had tan skin, along with a rather expressionless face when Alexis entered, but a small smile formed on her face to be appealing and polite.
"Hi, sorry, a friend of mine left something here. Headphones with light-green and grayish colors?” Alexis rushed, not wanting to miss the bus; her voice was breathless from running.
The tall girl nods. “Oh yeah sure, I think I know what you’re talking about. Wait for a moment, miss.” She disappears into the back room for a moment before coming back with Jesse’s headphones.
“Here–” Alexis cuts her off, “Thanks so much—sorry I’m in a rush." She takes the headphones from her and pauses to look up at the woman.
Alexis can’t help but feel sympathy for the stranger; she looked tired as if she’s been working all day every day. Yet she tried to put on an expression to look winsome for the place’s policy and pleasing customer service—something like that.
A rush of thoughts swirled in Alexis’ mind. Funny how she was in a rush, but for some reason she wanted to make this stranger’s day a bit better. This always happens; at the most critical moments, most times, Alexis has this thing of wanting to cheer a stranger up when she sees them down. She knew she needed to mind her own business about whatever miserable thing was going on with somebody unknown to her in their lives. But would you cheer up this tall, pretty, and downhearted-looking girl even if you’re in a rush?
Shit what the hell do I do? What am I doing? I don’t have any time for this. But she looks kinda sad. What the hell…okay stop staring at her like a weirdo.
The tall girl furrows her brows in confusion at Alexis, feeling a bit anxious and flustered at this random Asian girl staring in silence.
“Is there something wrong, Miss?” She asks while her dark brown eyes linger on Alexis.
Alexis blinks and averts her gaze for a split second. “Um yeah, sorry uh…” She stammers before swiftly pulling out a bear pin that she bought that morning and placing it firmly in the stranger’s hands. “Sorry uhm, here’s something of my gratitude for your service—thanks again, bye!” Before she could reply anything back, Alexis had already bolted out of the bowling alley.
The bowling alley attendant frowns at what just happened. She looks at the pin in her hands, her expression puzzled. Weird girl…. she thought. Unknown to Alexis, she probably made someone’s day a little better with her small act of kindness.
Upon arriving at Woodsboro, Alexis feels a sense of familiarity with the town. As much as she doesn’t like it, she misses some of the aspects of the place.
Throughout the ride, Alexis felt the need to jump out of the bus and into a ditch because of her awkwardness earlier. Being back at the place where she grew up took her mind off that for a while.
“Hey dad,” Alexis says to the phone with a bright smile, feeling excited to see her father again after months.
“Lexi? Honey, hey, how are you?” Dewey’s voice was heard through the phone, his soft tone making Alexis smile wider.
“I’m doing fine; I’m visiting you today.” Silence fell momentarily; this made Alexis a little nervous before Dewey spoke again.
“Honey…I told you not to come here.” He sighs through the phone, making Alexis feel a little guilty. “I know but I just wanted to see you." She responded as she walked along the sidewalk; it still brightened out as the sunlight hit Alexis’ face, causing her to squint. “I’m only visiting for a few days; I’m planning to stay at Tara’s house.”
“Oh Alexis…  you know I don’t like that.”
“What’s wrong? I thought you like Tara?” Her response causes him to exhale deeply. "You have to understand that even though I like her and she’s nice for you, I find it difficult to get a good night's sleep knowing that you are here at someone else's house." Alexis lets out a small sigh as she listens to her father’s words.
“I’m not staying at ‘somone’s’ house,” “I know, I know." "Dad, c’mon...”
Dewey goes silent for a bit, waiting for what his daughter has to say. “Dad… I know a lot has happened here, and a lot has happened with you and me as well, but things aren’t like that anymore. It’s been ten years, and nothing strange has happened—no ghostfaces, no killers. I’m not blaming you for being paranoid, but I want to spend time with you without the thought of another murder happening.” 
“I just wanted to see you. Don't you miss me, dad?” Alexis’ words hit Dewey like tree logs crushing a brittle shed. He lets out a sigh before chuckling a bit.
“You didn’t have to say that to your old man; of course I missed you.” He smiles on the other side of the phone before continuing, “Alright, I’ll let you stay, but you’ll leave first thing in the morning on your last day, and make sure to see me.”
Alexis hums. “I will. I’m going to go see you right now, later, Dad.”
“Stay safe, sweetheart.” With that, Alexis hung up and was about to continue walking until she was met with familiar black hair in her sight.
The girl stood in front of her with a grin—Alexis could recognise that smile everywhere. She didn’t expect her to be the first face she'd see once she stepped into this morbid town.
“Well, look who’s back in town.” She laughs, grinning wider, and steps closer to Alexis. “Haven’t seen you in a while; it’s nice seeing you again.” She said in a low tone, her voice sounded sweet.
Alexis gave Amber an acknowledging and surprised expression. She feels a tingly feeling in her stomach—not a good one. It’s a feeling similar to when someone you aren’t that fond of meets you on your way to your destination. Or when a teacher calls your name to ask a question about the lesson you learned but didn’t bother to remember, feeling like your heart stopped for a second. She feels dread for some unknown reason; she always has bad energy whenever she’s with Amber. It’s not because she’s sort of got this bad girl's agenda or that she has a violent way of expressing anger.
Amber is awfully nice to Alexis, and she doesn’t like that. 
If somebody is nice to you, you wouldn’t be feeling a sense of dread. So, why?
It’s always been like this with them; Alexis always felt something was wrong with that girl, and it’s a little messed up to think that.
“What’s with that face?” Amber tilts her head, her eyes lingering on Alexis.
Alexis needed to make this quick before she vomits from anxiety.
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— Note: thank you if you managed to read this whole ridiculous thing 🥹 You're probably wonder about Amber and Alexis, they have a complicated relationship which will be revealed more into the story. I'll have to make a new character biography for Alexis soon lol.
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Best and Worst of both Worlds (part 1)
Tw: yandere oc guy, but i dont think this chapter shown that yet, but readers a fuckin stalker loser this time, university horrors
Okay guys so this story im literally pitting Yves and Montgomery together, gonna be a little slow burn but we r gonna get 2 da conflict like eventually
Also da settting in university cuase its da most relevant 2 me 💯
He's so beautiful and ethereal. The man has been plaguing your mind for the entire week, you're being distracted from your assignments just because of this unbelievably gorgeous man with silky, long hair and dressed to the tens.
You grinded your teeth and scratched your skin, you know where he frequents. The university's library. And you obviously want to get closer to him after he caught you from falling. You slipped on a sheet of paper that you dropped and this mysterious stranger was there to catch you by the waist before your body could make any devastating impact. Unfortunately, your stacks of textbooks and other miscellaneous documents were scattered to the ground.
"Are you alright?" He asked, his voice was smooth and pleasant with a unique, suave accent to it.
You were reduced to a nervous, stuttery mess. He gently brought you back up to your feet, he helped you gather your things and even arranged it by size and weight, so that it would be less likely for it to topple over. The man took a further step to smoothen the frizzles of your hair, fix your collar and sleeves. He even zipped your backpack up, you were unaware that it was open in the first place, adding to your embarrassment. You couldn't really push him away because your arms are occupied with your belongings.
It was hard to look into those stunning emerald eyes without flustering yourself even further, so you looked away while you stammered a "thanks" to him.
"Be careful." He said as he tilted your head by the chin to make direct eye contact. You know that you're as red as a tomato, but he didn't comment on it. The man lets you go before walking away, he fixed the handles of his luxury bag on his shoulder. Luscious curls bouncing with every step.
You felt like you wanted to explode right there and then, it took you a while to regain composure, other university personnel wondering why you're just standing in the middle of the path like that. Aren't you tired of holding all that stuff? It looked heavy.
You were snapped back into your senses when someone who you assumed had a bad day, told you to get out of the way. You scurried along the traffic, having the incident fresh in your mind.
You wonder who that man is, a student? A professor? A staff member?
You came to know that he's in the library for a few hours every weekday afternoons. He doesn't have a particular spot, the mystique spontaneously appears in random but fairly secluded reading spots in the library.
You felt like a stalker, but that's what you are. Too shy and afraid to talk to him, yet content with watching from afar. His ears are covered by his hair, so you don't know if he had any earbuds in. Fuelling your hesitance to make any contact first.
He could be reading a thick novel, handwriting something down on his notebook, or he could be typing away on his sleek, black laptop. In either instances, you have no idea what he's doing, it's either in a foreign language, full of numbers or completely made up of technical jargon.
You don't know why you're doing this instead of studying for your midterms. You're never like this to any of your crushes, not this obsessive over a real person, so why now? What compelled you to become this... creep? It's like you can't stop. You're scared of rejection but you can't get rid of the butterflies in your stomach.
You had no one to talk to about it because university is a very lonely place. At least, for personality types like you. You didn't want to bother your other friends, they have their own problems to worry about.
It reaches a point that you tried following him out of the library, wondering where he will go next. Before you could step past the automatic sliding doors, you looked at the book in your hand.
'Wait a minute, this is fucked up.' You thought to yourself. This isn't like you, exams are in spitting distance and you're subjecting this poor person to this harassment just because of a singular interaction.
You made a 180⁰ turn and marched back to your all-time favourite seat. Which happened to be occupied by the stranger earlier, maybe that made you a little peeved because you "claimed" it first at the start of the year. But he took it for the day.
To your surprise, there lies his notebook on the ground. He must have accidentally left it. You picked it up and looked around to make sure the coast was clear, then you flipped through it.
You were blasted with numericals, diagrams, words you weren't sure if it was written in English or otherwise and even floorplans of a building of some sort. You couldn't understand anything.
"Excuse me."
You whipped your head to the whisper. It was him! Your blood ran cold as he caught you snooping through his item. You opened your mouth, but no sound came out.
You struggled to form a coherent sentence as you pointed at it, you're done for, you're going to be confirmed a creep. But he only watched you with the utmost patience.
There came a point where you gave up, placed the closed book on the table and pushed it towards him.
Luckily though, you didn't have to say another word.
"You found my notebook. How careless of me to have dropped it." He pulled a chair opposite of you and sat down. You watch him place his handbag on another chair.
He elegantly picked the journal up and slid it into his bag. You were sweating at this point, the dread is about to make you vomit on him and that's not great. You wished that he would go away now, but seeing that he's locked onto his seat, it's highly unlikely.
You prayed hard for it though, he finished his business for the day. There shouldn't be any reason for him to linger.
"Thank you for keeping it safe. I hope you found whatever it is you were seeking from me." He continued, crossing his legs and resting his hands on the table.
You asked what he meant by that.
A teasing smile made its way to his rouge lips.
"You were watching me." You grew pale and you scrambled to explain yourself, but he raised his index finger to signal you to let him continue.
"Your tact could be improved upon; I could see you trying to hide behind the shelves, I could hear you mumbling to yourself, and you shouldn't think so lowly of yourself." He propped his head up on one elbow.
Your cheeks felt hot. That is true, you were berating yourself for being too wimpy to go ahead and talk to him. You just didn't think you were that loud.
"I would have enjoyed having a chat with you. I wouldn't have thought that you were-- and in your own words, a 'creepy, loser-freak'."
Oh. He heard that too. You wish that you could disappear this instant.
"I'm flattered that you thought highly of me. However, I was disappointed that you thought that I was intimidating." He pouted playfully. "I won't bite." He twirls a lock of his hair around his fingers.
Your nerves are frazzled as he leans in. You didn't know what to say or what to do. He seemingly picks up on that and continues leading the conversation.
"Let's start with names. Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine." You felt his shoe brush against your leg.
You almost forgot your own name as you watch the bead of sweat drip down your nose in horror. He must think you're a stinky slob.
But all he does is stare straight into your soul while drumming his fingers against the table.
You told him your name, with a severe stutter. Each passing second felt like a serrated knife slicing through your flesh.
He repeated it, syllables rolling through his tongue wonderfully. He pronounced it correctly on the first try despite your cripplingly anxious enunciation.
"Yves." He replied. Finally, you have his name. You're totally not going to use that to dig for more information on him.
"You have a beautiful name." He complimented.
You nervously returned the compliment and let out an awkward laugh. Trying your best to ignore the growing sweat stain between your pits.
"How charming of you, (name)." He stood up and pushed his chair back under the table. Yves collected his bag and turned his attention back to you.
"I'd love to talk longer, but I must go now. I believe you have an exam to prepare for. Best begin your revision now, I hope our brief conversation has helped to quell your worries."
...and you mumbled that part about yourself too. It's pretty safe to assume he heard all your thoughts.
Yves extended a manicured hand to you. Taking this as a clear request for a handshake, you accepted it.
Only for him to bring it up to his lips, tenderly and fleetingly kissing your knuckles. This entire time, his piercing gaze never left your eyes.
You wanted to claw yourself out of your flesh and die out of embarrassment.
"Study well."
He lets your hand down and presses it momentarily with his larger ones.
You watched him saunter away with his back turned against you.
You brought the back of your palm to your sight.
There is a faint, reddish tint on it. It must have been from his lipstick.
You're not sure if you ever want to wash your hand after this.
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xoxo-sarah · 11 months
I Wanna Be Yours || Part 1
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Series Masterlist | Part 2
↝a/n: my first Robin Series. Set in season 4.
↝pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!Wheeler!reader
↝ Warning: not proof read. Possible spoilers if you still haven't watched season 4, everything that happens in stranger things, slow burn, Vicky doesn't exist here, not because I don't like her, but because it's easier to write for Robin when she's not madly in love with another chick.
↝⎙ 6.24.23
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Nancy jiggled her keys, annoyed with the mop headed boy. "Mike! Let's go." She turned, looking at you with an irked expression. "This kid." She opened the door, walking past you as you put your backpack on.
Mike rolled his eyes, hunching over the toaster, impatiently waiting for the pop tart to pop any second. "Jesus. How am I gonna survive a whole week without you guys?" You grinned as he walked past, handing you one of the warm pop tarts. "Besides you. You're cool." He whispered before practically jogging to the car, where Nancy sat with her head thrown back in annoyance. You bid your parents goodbye before following him to the car, deciding you didn't have time to argue over who was getting in the front.
"So, Cali, huh?" Nancy glanced at you from the rearview mirror, a small grin making its way onto her lips. You two have tormented him for weeks over him going all the way to California for spring break. You did it more than Nancy though, only because you loved his grossed-out reaction when you'd turn around, acting as if you were making out with someone, hinting at the two.
"Yeah." Mike grumbled, looking out the window from the passenger seat.
you nodded, not bringing it up for the rest of the car. Atleast, until you got to school.
"And then there's Heidi tomorrow night, but the problem with Heidi is that she's going out of state for college. So, it's like, do I really wanna start another relationship that has no point other than sex?" Steve continued to rant to deaf ears. "I mean, i don't know. Does that make sense to you?" He rubbed his forehead, glancing to his side, where Robin was putting on mascara, solemnly paying attention to the mirror and not to the man who was ranting for the whole car ride. "Robin, are you listening?"
"Uh, yes. I-I'm lis-"
"What did I just say?" Steve threw his hand up, shaking his head, unimpressed.
"Something about sex with...Linda."
"No! I'm talking about Heidi."
"Cut me some slack, please!"
Steve bit his cheek before rubbing his forehead again. "Well-"
Robin began to rant, "Your love life is one of labyrinthine complexity. And it is 7:00 in the morning, we have this stupid pep rally and i woke up looking like a total corpse." She stretched her hands on the sides of her face, surely not looking flattering at all.
"Oh, you're worried about a pep rally? You expect me to believe that?" He glanced over again, his expression showing he absolutely did not believe that, not one bit.
"Yeah? So?"
"So, we both know what this is about. Okay, I'm not buying that bullshit. This is about Y/n." He had met you a few ties, when he was with Nancy and when you guys had to fight some ugly parasite looking monster. You were quick to catch Robin's eye in school, which, in turn, made her turn to Steve and tell him all about this girl. There were a few characteristics that lead him to know she fancied you before she even told him your name.
"Absolutely not." Robin couldn't help the blush that painted her cheeks, moving to do anything with her hands. She began applying lip balm, staring back into the little mirror in the vizor.
"Yes it is. You know what else I think?"
"I really don't care-" Steve could go on and on. If you were to ask Robin what he said, she's surely say blah blah blah with a roll of her eyes.
"I think you gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you're around her. You just gotta be yourself." He had his hand out, motioning around absentmindedly.
"You're literally quoting me to me. You do realize that, right?"
"WELL maybe you need to listen to yourself. Ever think about that, smarty-pants?" Robin stared at him with a look that could kill. Was she this annoying when she scolded him, telling to get his shit together? "I listened to you and look at me. Boom. Back in buisness.
"It's not the same thing, okay?"
Robin made a sound of disagreement at that, not letting him finish that thought. "You ask a girl out and she says no, big deal. nothing happens. Maybe your ego is a little bruised." Robin looked at him with false pity, before moving her hands around again. "But I ask out the wrong girl, and BAM! I'm a town pariah."
Shaking his head, Steve understood where she was coming from, but disagreeing with how she was going about it. "Yeah, okay, I'd buy that, except Y/n is defiantly not the wrong girl."
"We just don't know that do we?"
"She returned Fast Times at 53 minutes, 5 seconds. Do you know who paused Fast times at 53 minutes, 5 seconds?'
"People who like boobies, Robin!"
"Ew! Gross! Don't say boobies!"
"Boobies. it's not a big deal, okay. I like boobies. You like boobies. Y/n likes boobies. Definitely."
Clinbing over the seat after Nancy parked, you patted Mike as he held the car door open. "Use protection atleast." Before he could reply or grumble, you were jogging towards the gym, finding some of your friends in the process.
"Got any plans for spring break?" Chrissy asked, trying to keep in stride with you.
"Not really." You hadn't made plans, but you'd probably end up staying at one of your friend's house. After walking in, you turned towards her, grinning to ease her nerves. "Have fun. You'll do amazing." She smiled back, giving you a quick hug before running off.
Turning back to the bleachers, you tried to look for an empty seat, which was becoming harder with the people trampling into the double doors.
Hearing your name being yelled, you looked around, stopping when you see Steve. He motioned you over, making sure no one sat down beside him.
With the glare he could feel on the side of his head, he'd definitely be getting an earful from Robin.
He held his hand out, helping you step up the stairs with all the people walking around you to take a seat. "Thank you."
"No problem." He turned to face Robin, mouthing '53 minutes, 5 seconds'. She rolled her eyes before looking forward.
When everything started, he cheered with you as you not only cheered on your school, but your friends and all the work they put into the moves.
"And of course, I have to give a special shout-out." Steve glanced over at you when he heard you scoff at Jason Carver.
"What? You not like Jason?" His words were playful, already knowing you despised him for some reason, hearing it from Robin.
"I dunno. He loves Chrissy and shows it, but he's just a dick to everyone else."
Jason continued to speak, "Chrissy..." He stared at her as they were they only two in the room. "Chrissy, i love you, babe."
You made a gagging sound, only loud enough for Steve to hear it.
Jason went on to make another speech. "You know...I think I can speak for all of us when I say it's been a tough year for Hawkins. So much loss. And sometimes I wonder 'how much loss can one community take?' In dark days like this, we need something to believe in. So, last night, when we were down by ten points at half to Chrisian Academy I looked at my team and I said, think of Jack, think of Melissa, think of Heather, think of Billy. "
Both, you and Steve looked down, searching for the red head you had seen climbing up the bleachers to sit with your brother and Dustin. You both looked back at each other, taking pity in the poor girl.
Sure, you never got along with Billy. But you would've never wished that kind of death upon anybody, including him. Especially with the way if effected Max. You could tell she felt guilty. It wasn't fair for her; she was just a kid- a good kid at that.
"-Think of our heroic police chief, Jim Hopper. "
"Yeah, people died so they could win a basketball game. That's the reason." You rolled your eyes, grumbling as you glared at the man screaming into the mic. "For a stupid trophy." Sure, you will still congratulate Lukas if they do, indeed, win the trophy. But to say many people died for that was just ridiculous. Honoring the people who have fallen is different, but that's not what he's doing. Maybe Lukas would play in honor of them, but not Jason.
"You alright?" Chrissy almost walked past you in the hall, looking a little uneasy.
She blinked a couple of times before trying to smile. "Yeah- yeah. of course. Just had to go to the counselor. I'm alright." You slowly nodded, before wrapping an arm around one of hers and walking towards class. She had been acting weird lately. So you made sure to stay close to her, making sure she didn't do anything. "Would you like to do something for spring break?" You brought back the question she asked earlier.
"Like what?"
"I dunno. We could hang at your house-"
"No!" You looked at her, confused by her outburst. "Why would we do that when we have your house?"
"I mean, Mike's not going to be there so sure." You gently smiled at her, squeezing her arm effectiontly when she stopped by the bathrooms. "I'll talk to you about it later, yeah?" She nodded before pushing the door open.
You began walking towards class, trying to wrap your brain around what is going on with her. She obviously wasn't okay.
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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buckybarnesss · 7 months
What Sterek 'canon rewrite' fics would you recommend?
i often don't go for outright rewrites. i tend to stick more to au's or fix it's. canon divergence is my jam lol so here's a few i like.
burn with hellfire in the blue of midnight by babisays
Stiles met the Hale siblings when he was eleven years old. Now it has been six years since he lost his best friend Cora in the fire, and Derek and Laura left Beacon Hills. Six years was a long time, so he didn't think he would ever see them again, but now he was wondering what the hell was Derek Hale doing back in Beacon Hills.
rearrange by imnotahero
Derek crouches down in front of him. “Hey, look at me,” he says softly. Stiles huffs pathetically to camouflage how thrown he is by all of this, but finally obliges. “I’m not gonna disappear into the night without a trace. We’ll keep in touch, okay?” “Sure,” says Stiles sarcastically. “When have you ever returned a text? Called unless your pants were on fire? Excuse me for being skeptical.” __________ Season 5B and beyond told through Stiles' and Derek's off-screen interactions, inner musings and personal discoveries. A little bit angsty with a dash of fluff and a pinch of plot. Slow burn, so wear sunscreen.
way down we go by wolfspurr
Set during 3B and its aftermath. The blacklight party at the loft leaves Stiles with more than one revelation playing on his mind. He's losing time, and apparently he might be more than just a little bit interested in Derek Hale. By the time he's fought off the Nogitsune and somehow lived to tell the tale, the rest of Stiles' sanity might just rest on Derek, the Camaro, and a few hundred miles of Pacific Coast Highway. It's going to be one hell of a road trip.
in the afterimage by clotpolesonly
Jackson sat heavily on the riser beside Scott, knocking their shoulders together. “This is weird and I hate it.” "What's weird and why?" “This whole situation,” Jackson said. “With the Ghostriders and the missing dude you’re so obsessed with.” “And why do you hate that?” “Because now I can’t stop thinking about it!” Jackson bit out, and he really did sound supremely irritated by that. “I keep thinking that if even Danny’s forgetting shit because of this guy, then I must be forgetting shit too, and that is so not cool. So now I’m running over everything that’s ever happened in my entire freaking life looking for moments when the Ghostriders could’ve fucked with my head.” Scott had to admit that Jackson had a point. He’d been doing the same thing ever since that first memory with obvious pieces missing. Honestly, it was hard for him to find a memory that did feel whole. Even sitting on the bench alone didn’t feel right.
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satugoo · 6 months
Ieriri Shoko
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pairing : shoko ieriri x Fem!Reader
contents : just some cute fluff, squint to see some angst, shoko just needed some help and confidence.
summary : “shoko ieriri is a bad kisser and knows it. reader gives them a tutorial on kissing.”
authors note : I hope you all enjoy this, i'm gonna try and post a lot of things, next fanfic will be on both Tumblr and my ao3, its gonna be a college/roommate shoko au its going to be slow burn 🤭
ao3 profile , twitter , discord
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you and shoko were having a home date at your apartment, watching movies and also baking some cookies since it was Christmas season and of course you two wanted to bake, making cute designs with shapes but also making some yourself, with the little tool you two had.
you put them in the oven once you two were done with the shapes and put your head on shoko's shoulder "so I wanted to talk to you about something.." you asked shoko while putting your hands around her, hugging her from behind "what did you wanna talk about babe?" she asked as she grabs your hands and turns around to put her arms around your waist.
"I've noticed you never kiss me, like ever.." you said with a sad pout on your face as you put your arms around shoko's neck, she looks down at your lips and back up your eyes "well....." she trailed off, she has always known she was a bad kisser or better said never was properly teached on how to actually kiss someone. You raised an eyebrow and looked at her with a questionable look, before she continued speaking "I've never been teached on how to actually kiss someone" she whisper told her girlfriend, feeling like a fool but also relieved she finally told them.
you smiled feeling relieved that it wasn't because she didn't love you or that you had a bad breath or something, you looked at her lips and get an idea in your head, since she now had told you her reason, you had a reason to help her and maybe also show her how to kiss you properly "sooo does that mean you never kissed anyone before?" you asked her curiously. She looked at you with wide eyes before she answered back with a little laugh "no no, I have kissed people before but.. they always told me I sucked at it and then broke up with me" she told you, looking disappointed in herself and scared you would do the same thing.
"well one thing is for sure, I would never leave you" you told her and gave her a peck on her cheek "let me teach you how" you told her and she nodded, grabbing her chin you leaned in closer "close your eyes" you whispered sweetly and pulled on her bottom lip, pulling her in closer and slowly putting your lips on hers, swiping your tongue over her bottom lip, she slowly opened her mouth and you slid your tongue a little inside, moving your lips with hers. you slowly pulled away and smiled, feeling proud to have finally kissed your girlfriend and teached her a little too.
she carefully opened her eyes and looked at you with sparkles and pulled you in for a small peck and held your cheek "I love you.." you giggled and gave her a peck on her forehead "I love you too, now lets get dressed and take a quick smoke!" you said with excitement and pulled her with you to grab a coat and scarf and some warm shoes, quickly grabbing her cigarettes and going outside, shoko now felt so much better, and felt also more comfortable to kiss you now.
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authors note: it's been awhile since I've written something, I hope you guys enjoy this.
additional note : show support by liking, commenting and reblogging !
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superstar-nan · 5 months
Fight Tooth and Nail: Ch 1
Summary: Your best friend goes missing after working a shift as an overnight security guard for the upcoming horror attraction Fazbear's Fright. You masquerade as a journalist to investigate their disappearance and find yourself with more questions. Questions that only a murderous animatronic intent on killing you has answers to.
Words: 3,586
Fun stuff: Springtrap/Reader/Michael, gender neutral reader, cannon typical violence, vv slow burn and romance is more implied kinda?? I'm very aromantic and the characters have complex relationships. william and michael are very much corpses and very much gross. Uploaded from my Ao3.
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Your eyes flitted from the hastily scrawled note in your hand to the crumbling building in front of you. You knew it was supposed to look rundown to add to the scare-factor, but even from the back Fazbear’s Fright seemed more likely to receive several health code violations over screams. Maybe it was the broad daylight, or maybe it was the metal beam that collapsed in front of you right at that moment, but you couldn’t imagine the horror attraction gaining as much attention as the newspaper clipping led you to believe.
You hesitantly opened the back door, praying another metal beam wouldn’t collapse on top of you. It was unlocked, just as the man on the phone said it would be.
“Hello?” You said, before reeling back into the fresh air outside. The stench coming from inside wafted in a plume of rotten eggs and sweat. You gagged, taking in a couple gulps of fresh air, and then steeled yourself as you entered the building. The door shut with an uncharacteristic soft click behind you. 
“Hello?” You called out again. You blinked a few times, trying to adjust your eyes to the dark interior. 
“Over here!” A hand waved out of a room to your right with a dim, ghastly yellow-green light spilling from its doorway.
You walked into the room; an office filled with grime (possibly decorational), loose wires (hopefully decorational), and trash (definitely not decorational). A young man with a nonchalant grin swiveled on his chair to face you. He said your name and you nodded. 
“Awesome,” He held out his hand in a wide, informal handshake, which you returned. His grip was loose and a bit sweaty. “I was the guy on the phone.”
“Oh,” You said as you distractedly looked around the office. There were big boxes filled with Fazbear Entertainment merchandise along with character posters plastered on the walls. “It’s nice to meet you in person.”
“For sure, for sure,” He started clicking through security footage, drawing your attention. 
You noticed there were quite a bit of people throughout the building, all splattering blood stains or grimming-up corners to make the attraction just a touch more spooky. You bit your lower lip. Would any of them be willing to reveal some information to you, or would they keep you from investigating anything useful? 
“Welp,” He clapped his knees and stood up, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Why don’t I show you around? You can get the gist of all the best scares of the place for... uh, who’d you say you write for again?”
“Scary Attractions Monthly,” You said, taking out a pen and notebook. It was a fake name for... something. Maybe a magazine or blog. You didn’t put too much thought in it and apparently neither did he.
No, you weren’t here to write a glowing article on a mediocre, somewhat distasteful, and very unsanitary hazard of a horror attraction like you said you were. 
You were here because of a call. A call you received at four in the morning. A call you didn’t pick up, but you wished you did. 
“Right, that,” He said in a way that told you he was going to forget it again. “Well, you’re gonna love the place, we found some real legit relics!”
You just hummed as you followed him out of the room. 
“The attraction opens in like a week, so everyone’s been working extra hard to make sure everything works, and nothing catches on fire.” He stopped in front of a disassembled torso of Freddy. “Uh, not that anything would, that was, uh, “off-the-record” .”
“Right.” You said, pretending to cross something out. 
“Yeah, so when the place opens, people will come in at the opposite end of the building, and work their way towards where you came in; that’s the exit. We’ve got some totally vintage relics, man. Like this foxy head, super authentic.”
You squinted at it. 
“Like, it’s not a crappy cosplay for sure .”
That made you think it was a crappy cosplay.
“But it’s not just these totally authentic pieces that make the place, the whole place is rigged super vintage.”
You stepped to the side as two employees rushed past you, holding a heavy box of miscellaneous mechanical parts, “What do you mean?” You asked.
“Like, the whole place is built like it’s 1987, just like from the missing kids stuff,” It felt a little insensitive to refer to that tragedy as the ‘missing kid stuff’ . “The ventilation, the electronics, even the cameras and stuff, all for that authenticity.”
You swallowed, “So there’s no security footage?”
“Nah, but we’ve got a guard on around-the-clock, even overnight, so it’s perfectly safe.” You already knew that. Your best friend was an overnight security guard.
Suddenly, a pipe burst, spewing some white, cloudy vapor rapidly at an employee who was struggling to get the pipe under control.
“And is the ventilation perfectly safe?” You asked.
“Heheh,” he started to sweat. “Basically, I mean. He’s probably fine. Here,” He turned you around to a different hallway, “Let’s go this way, you gotta see the coolest part of the attraction.”
You followed him to an area with no one present. It was an odd feeling going from a busy part of the attraction to this place of complete emptiness, and you finally found the creeping horror of the attraction. With the molding tiled floor that was once bright, the low-ambient lighting flickering on-and-off, and the decades-old child’s drawings interspersed on the walls, the place really felt haunted. 
Then, the smell of rot and decay hit your nose in a crashing wave. You held your nose and gagged. It was worse than when you walked into the attraction, and then you knew why this area was so empty. 
“You gotta get that pen out because you’re not gonna believe this,” He said. “We got one, a real one!” He looked back at you gagging and coughing. “Oh. Yeah, the smell is, like intense , but you get used to it quick.” 
“What do you mean...?” Your sentence was lost on you as your entire focus was drawn to figure in the corner. 
A very large figure in the corner. A rotten bunny animatronic that towered in the shadows. 
Chills danced up your spine in your visceral fear. You were stalled by some animal instinct you didn’t know you had. 
It was large and lumbering and fully intact—ruined and soiled with time. It had to have been nearly seven feet tall, even as it stood motionless in its hunch. It looked almost half a century old, and even in its decayed state you could still see the design of what it once was: a golden Bonnie suit now corrupted a dingy green by age and rot.
Your heart beat slowed when you realized it wasn’t moving. It was just an animatronic; part of the attraction. Even as you followed your guide towards it, its eyes flashed with reflected light in a way that was perfectly terrifying. This really was a great find for the attraction. 
“So cool, isn’t it?” He said, knocking on the animatronic’s mildewy chest, and though logically you knew that wasn’t dangerous, you couldn’t help the drop in your gut as he touched the thing. “It’s like it was made for this place.”
“No kidding.” You said, and you meant it. Honestly, that animatronic might’ve been the scariest thing you had ever seen, let alone the scariest part of the attraction. You dared to take a few steps closer to it. You weren’t able to pull your eyes away from it, almost as if you did it would lunge at you. 
Its eyes looked too human. You wanted to throw up.
“Yeah, so spooky.” He also was transfixed, but not for as long as you were. “You wouldn’t believe how long it took to find it! We found some vintage audio training cassettes with it. We’ll probably have them playing, like over the speakers while people walk through the attraction. It’ll make the place feel legit .” 
The cassettes didn’t even cross your mind, “Does it still work?”
“Uh, yeah, probably.”
You were finally able to pull your eyes away from the rotted Bonnie. “Probably?”
“Well, I’ve never seen it move, and no one else has either, but nobody moves it and sometimes it’s not in the same place so probably. The cassettes mention something about the suits following kid noises, but I haven’t seen that either. And uh, we’ve got a guard checking the cameras all the time, so it's not dangerous.” 
He said that so nonchalantly you were baffled, “Are you sure about that? Didn’t somebody get bitten by one of these things years ago?”
He started to sweat, “Oh ye-yeah, that’s something uh, we’re working on this week. We’re grabbing a mechanic or... There’s a week until the place opens so, you know.” He trailed. 
Your face blanked. Well, it wasn’t any of your business how dangerous these things were anyway. You were only here for one reason. “Right,” Your eyes wandered back to the animatronic.
Your heart dropped. You held your breath.
Its eyes were looking at you. Eyes that were too human. 
It wasn’t looking at you before, was it? You would have certainly remembered it looking at you. You swallowed as you took a step out of its sight. Its eyes didn’t follow you. You must’ve imagined it.
Turning away from the rotted Bonnie, you put your pen to your notebook, “Having overnight guards is a good safety precaution.” You said, and his shoulders visibly relaxed when you said it. “And it’s pretty authentic to the original Pizzeria.”
“Oh, for sure, for sure,” He said. “That’s what we’re trying for, authenticity and all. Plus, they’ll also be a part of the show to really get that feel of a pizzeria!”
“The place hasn’t opened yet, but do your guards run into any trouble at night?”
“Nah, or at least I don’t think so.” 
His nonchalance irked you, “You don’t think so?”
“Well, nobody’s mentioned anything to me yet, so.” 
“Hmm.” You tapped your pen on your notebook before setting it back down, “I heard a rumor that one of your night guards disappeared on the job, is that true?”
“What?” He started to look nervous again, though whether it was from the pressure of saying the wrong thing or the guilt of having done something wrong, you didn’t know. “Oh uh, I don’t really know anything about that, where did you hear that?”
“Somewhere online.” You said, casually. 
“Well, it’s not true, somebody would’ve said something or—”
“But if there’s only one person on the night shift, how would somebody be able to say something?”
A click was heard behind you. Almost like the sound of a gear. Both you and the man you were talking to turned toward the rotted Bonnie suit. It didn’t move, or at least it didn’t look like it moved. It was still. That didn’t matter. You and the man you were with were deadly silent for a few moments. 
“We should, uh, we should talk in the office, right?” He said, and it wasn’t a balm that he was anxious as well.
“Yes, that’s a good idea.” 
The two of you left the area with the animatronic, and you felt the air around you lighten. It seemed he was right when he said you’d get used to that rotted smell, because you didn’t notice how much it was a relief to get away from that thing. 
“Anyway,” He said as the two of you walked. “I don’t know anything about a night guard disappearing. Yeah, a night guard quit suddenly without any notice a few nights ago.” The two of you ducked as a vent dropped nearly on top of you, barely being stopped by two employees who grabbed it just in time. It didn’t slow either of your gaits, “And yeah, this is not the first time that’s happened and is eerily similar to events that happened thirty years ago. But there’s always a bad string of luck before grand openings, typical exciting attraction stuff. So...” The two of you slipped into the office as a group of employees brought in a string of large boxes, “Probably don’t mention any of the rumor stuff in the article.”
You eyed him head to toe as he sat in the office chair. He was sweating a little under your scrutiny. He wouldn’t give you anything if you antagonized him, so you smiled and he relaxed, “Of course, it’s typical. Especially for haunted attractions.”
“Heheh, yeah, ‘course,” He swallowed and sniffed. “Well, uh, what other questions can I answer?”
“Tell me a bit about the security guards' role in the show.”
He leaned back slightly in his chair, “Oh yeah well, this is where they will be, in this office. When the place opens, people will come in where I told you before, and work their towards this office, and pass them, and out the exit.”
You wondered if your faux-enthusiasm was believable enough, because it felt as stiff as the disassembled animatronic pieces, “Oh, very cool.”
“Yeah! Just like a real security guard from a pizzeria.” He said, “Or well, they are real security guards, but you get what I mean.” 
“Absolutely,” You said. “Can I see the cameras? They’ve got such a neat 80s vibe to them.”
“Oh yeah, for sure,” He rolled his chair over so you could look over his shoulder. “I just click the camera here and... one sec.” He pulled an old panel with a few technical reboot options on it, before clicking one. You leaned your arms on the back of his chair as you watched the cameras fizzle from white static to a poor resolution of video footage. “There,” He said. “Pretty legit, huh?”
“Very legit.” You paid very close attention as he flitted through the different cameras, or rather what the cameras didn’t catch. 
“Yeah, in trying to make the place feel more vintage we have overdone it a bit, heh heh. Some of this equipment is barely functional!” His eyes widened slightly as he held up his hands, “But still functional, of course.”
“Of course,” You said. “Well, I thought I might take some more notes on the attractions and then I can let myself out in the front?”
“All the way to the other end of the building? Sure, if you want.”
“Thanks,” You held out your hand. “It was great meeting you.”
He smiled and shook your hand, and you almost felt bad for lying to him. He was just a guy excited about horror attractions doing his job. Even if he was brushing the dangers of this place under the rug; brushing your best friend's disappearance under the rug... No, nevermind. You didn’t feel even a little bad.
“It was awesome meeting you too,” He said. “Can’t wait to read about us in...” He forgot your fake journalism blog/magazine/whatever. “A few days or whenever you get around to writing it.” What a save.
You threw him one last smile before making your way through the busy preparations. You pretended to take a few notes, gave your best impression of someone interested in an empty Chica head, and attempted to talk to a few employees. Talking to the people who were working was more fruitless than you hoped. They either were too busy to talk to you or were skirting around certain subjects like the man who’d shown you around had. You attempted to find real evidence and real clues as well, but that was just as fruitless. Fake blood and artificial claw marks fooled you every time and you had to pass it off as admiration and journalism.
No, if you wanted to know what really happened, you would have to get into that office. Look at it more closely and see if there were any traces or clues left by them. Or even if you could take a look at the cameras more closely, see if a bird’s-eye-view gave perspective. You could only hope that maybe there would be an hour between the day shift and the night shift that you could look around and do some real investigating.
First, you needed to find a good place to hide. Somewhere the cameras couldn’t see, but employees wouldn’t spot you either. From what you saw, the cameras even extended to the vents, which was insane to you. However, not all of the vents were monitored. In your mind, you imagined some big locker or box you could hide in, but there was nothing like that, so the vents would have to do. 
Your stomach dropped. Hiding in the vents also meant you couldn’t be seen tampering with them, which meant you had to go to the area with the least amount of people. You rubbed your eyes. You were an adult. You shouldn’t have been so hesitant to be around what was basically a giant toy, a decoration. A nearly seven foot, moldy, possibly dangerous decoration that could crush you just by falling on you. You swallowed.
Steeling yourself, you walked toward the area with the rotted Bonnie.
There it was. Unmoved in a way that mocked your fear. Just as horrible to smell (was it really that ruined by mildew? Did someone stuff food in there? Did some poor animal die in there?), but you were getting used to it quickly. After a quick moment of choking. 
You wondered briefly what it must’ve looked like on stage, alive with music and light, warm in color and a delight to children. That must’ve been such an exciting thing thirty or forty years ago. Now it wasn’t even a shell of what it once was, it was a perversion. Twisted and moldy in such a way that its wires looked like guts and its endoskeleton was dulled like bone. Its smile that must’ve been cheery at one point now looked like a permanent, malicious grin. Its eyes—ever too human for your liking—and teeth were nearly the same dingy color of its mildewy fur. You realized this Bonnie was missing his bowtie, and that made you sad for some reason. 
You cursed under your breath, “What happened to you?”
You hadn’t realized how close you had gotten to the rotted Bonnie. Not unlike the sickening smell that you had adjusted to, you seemed to have adapted to the initial fear the animatronic instilled in you. Suddenly in a morbid curiosity, you were wanting to poke and prod at it; to test how rusted its joints must’ve been or to try peeking for rot inside. You shook your head of the impulse. 
You turned your head to look at the way you came. There wasn’t anybody passing by just yet. You looked at the camera, which didn’t seem focused but you couldn’t be sure. Lastly, you looked at the vent against the wall. 
In an effort to alleviate the tension beating against your chest—caused by a fear of getting caught, a fear of not finding anything, and a fear of the rotted Bonnie themself—you threw the animatronic a wink and said, “Keep an eye out for me, will you?”
You hurried to the vent, throwing a cautious glance behind you. You knelt in front of it, fully prepared to use a piece of shrapnel you found to undo its screws. However, you found the screws had already been pulled loose, interestingly enough. You briefly wondered who could have the strength for that as you quietly shifted the vent open and slipped in, gently and silently putting the vent back. 
You laid there on your stomach for a few moments as your exhilaration began to calm down. You hoped this place’s ventilation system wasn’t so “vintage” and “legit” that you’d suffocate or get some noxious gas spewed into your lungs.
As your heartbeat fell slower and slower, you cast your eyes downward. You had a long evening of waiting ahead of you. You shuffled quietly until you could get a hold of an earbud in your pocket. You took it out along with your phone, putting the earbud in your ear. You tapped on your most recent voice messages. 
Maybe you’d be able to recognize something in the voice message... or maybe you just wanted to remember why you were doing all of this.
You tapped on your phone until their voice message began playing in your ear.
Heavy, muffled breathing.
More silence.
Your name in a shaken whisper.
“...Come...” Their voice was hushed so so quiet. “...Come to...”
A child’s laughter, not quite right.
The sound of the phone dropping.
Your finger hovered over the option to play the message again. Your best friend was working at Fazbear’s Frights the night you got that message. They were supposed to meet you the morning after. They didn’t. After giving the message to the police, Fazbear Entertainment reported that your best friend had clocked-out at 6AM that morning and that there was no incident during their shift. You didn’t buy it. Whether there was some big corporate conspiracy, or whether something happened and Fazbear Entertainment just didn’t want to delay the attraction’s opening, you didn’t know. But a body hadn’t been found and that was something . Something to hold on to. 
You would get to the bottom of it.
You rested your head on your arm as you played the message again.
35 notes · View notes
pimosworld · 10 months
The story of us chapter 6
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Pairing-Triple Frontier boys x f!reader
Summary- Set before you and the boys are officially together and how it all came to be.
CW-18+,MDNI, angst, fluff, comfort, illusions to sex,mentions of ptsd, slow burn, mutual pining, eventual poly relationship. No further warnings as to not spoil the story.
Chapter summary- Will gives you a hand and Santi wrestles with his angsty brain.
Notes- See Masterlist for full story notes. This is definitely Wills chapter but you can’t spell Santiago without a.n.g.s.t.
[Series Masterlist][Main Masterlist]
Not beta read
Chapter VI- I can fix that
You never thought you’d say it was a relief to get back to work, being a trauma nurse meant most days weren’t easy going. Work was definitely easier than navigating the thoughts in your brain about your new relationship, relationships?
  You had promised to call them but all of you were so busy you didn’t have a chance to. You managed to send a few texts, Frankie was busy with his first week back and Benny and Will were busy training for Benny's fight out of town this weekend. 
  You did manage to confess to Frankie about your sex dream, you couldn’t resist and you felt bad for leaving him high and dry the day he took you flying. You were sure It would make its way back to Benny. It was all but confirmed when he texted you later that week. 
  Benjamin: I guess I’m the man of your dreams 😜
  I guess catfish truly has a big mouth
  Benjamin:I assure you sweetheart he does 
  Sounds like you know from personal experience 
  Benjamin: Sounds like someone is jealous 
  Maybe you were a little jealous but you didn’t have time to think about that right now. 
  You hadn’t heard much from Santi since that night other than to call him if Mike tried to bother you. You hadn’t so much as heard a whisper of him. You don’t know what they said to him but you could imagine it was enough to keep him far away from you. 
  You knew that it got bad but you didn’t realize how bad until you told your coworkers you broke up with Mike and the collective cheers from the break room echoed through the hallways. 
  “Are you finally gonna make a move on one of those guys attached to your hip?”  Your coworker Angela had no idea how ironic her question truly was. 
  It had only been three days and you somehow managed to accomplish that ten fold. Your body and your heart were telling you to go for it but your brain was still on the fence. Society was so unforgiving to anything different. But when did society ever grant anyone any favors? 
  Golden Girls
  How are things at the commune?
  The kid 🥊: Never better 
  Will: We’re good here haven’t heard from you though? 
  I’m fine So things haven’t come to blows yet?
  The kid 🥊: Maybe for Fish
  🐈🐠: Shut up Ben
  I see Will is the only voice of reason
  The kid 🥊: He’s going to patch her holes tomorrow 😜
  Will: You’re disgusting 
  🐈🐠: jajajajajajaja
  I had faith in you Will
  The kid 🥊: You’re the holy man among us 
  Will: That asshole put a hole in her wall I’m just going to fix it. 
  🐈🐠: Don’t explain yourself to this pendejo who can’t return any calls. 
  Sorry been busy let’s get drinks after you fix her wall we need to celebrate fish getting his license 
  The kid 🥊: Finally you’re making sense 
  See you fools on Friday
  The kid 🥊: Fools in love 
  After a busy but short work week you found yourself nervously cleaning your house in preparation for Will to come over. You spent most of the morning and afternoon trying not to overthink things. He was always handy around your house, helping out wherever he could. 
  You knew he liked to do these things to keep himself busy, it’s why his house was so meticulously maintained. It was the only way to calm his racing thoughts. 
  Your Will, the man who always needed to be in control. Some part of you knew he needed that to keep himself from losing grip again. 
  His life slowly fell apart before Colombia when his fiancé Amanda abruptly left. You always asked what happened and he always told you it wasn’t meant to be. You tried getting to know her but it seemed she never wanted to reciprocate. 
  Even more questions were stirred when she stormed out of the annual 4th of July barbecue screaming about not being able to compete with her. The guys all exchanged knowing glances when he returned to the backyard looking like he saw a ghost. 
  You didn’t have time to unpack what that meant when days later Santi came to you all with a proposal that would change all of your lives. Change your lives. 
  A knock at the door brings you back to the present moment as you make your way to the front door to let Will in. He’s standing there in a white v neck and paint stained jeans slung low on his waist. You don’t realize you’re gaping at him until he clears his throat. 
  “I promise I have a change of clothes.” He awkwardly scrubs the back of his neck revealing the toned curve of his arms.
  “Oh…it’s not that, you look great. I mean you like fine…” Okay you were officially losing it as you feel the heat creeping up your neck. You don’t miss the smirk as you step aside to let him in. 
  He sets down his backpack on your loveseat and brings you into a hug as he kisses the top of your head. You linger in it longer than necessary as you take in his scent, his musky cologne mixed with a hint of sweat. You can feel the way his back flexes under your touch as your hand instinctively slides up between his shoulder blades. 
  “I missed you.” It slips out before he can second guess himself. You don’t think he’s referring to the 3 days since he’s seen you last. There’s a deeper meaning behind it. It’s the first time you’ve been alone with him in months. 
  “I missed you too.” You look up at him, willing your eyes to say everything your mouth can’t. He can sense it and reluctantly pulls away. The struggle is piercing through his blue eyes, grappling with the inner workings of his mind that says he can’t lose control again. 
  As he turns to walk towards your garage knowing full well that whatever he needs is there because he brought it at some point and left it to do various repairs and updates to your home. It was so domestic that it takes your breath away. 
  It takes you a moment to gain your bearings as you head to the kitchen to get some water to try and quench your thirst. You pour him a glass for good measure assuming he’s having the same predicament as you. 
  He returns from the garage tool belt on and bucket in hand as he sets everything down by your front door next to the dreaded reminder in the wall that was your awful ex. He picks at the drywall with his fingers as he stares at it like it personally offended him. 
  You slowly approach with the glass of water and he turns to look at you, he couldn’t school his expression in time for you not to see the regret burned through his pupils. You know he’s found someway to blame himself for not being here or for not noticing the signs. He happily accepts the glass from you as he tries and fails to smile, his lips pulled into a grim line. 
  “You read my mind sweetheart.” He tips his head back and you can see the way his Adam’s apple bobs with each drink. Suddenly you’re feeling parched again. 
  “I can in fact read your mind and I need you to stop beating yourself up.” 
  “Is it that obvious?” He sets the glass down on the side table as he resumes his stare off with the hole.
  “Well I know you like the back of my hand and yes…it’s that obvious.” You place your hand on his arm gently, still giving him space but steadily grounding him. 
  “It’s not your fault, we all were in a bad place.”
  He can’t help but think how much it was his fault. If he had told you a long time ago how he felt about you none of this would’ve happened. Amanda was right. She can’t compete with you. If he had told you before going off on that suicide mission to Colombia maybe you would’ve come back different. Here you are still looking out for him despite it all. 
  “Hey…what’s going on behind those eyes again?” Everything. 
  “Nothin’ sweetheart…just thinking how lucky I am to have you and how we’ll never get out of here if I don’t get to work.” The pet names they all call you have perpetually driven you to insanity and yet you’d be lost without them. 
  You plop down in the loveseat with your legs draped over the side facing the back of it, watching him work was better than anything on your tv and it would give you a chance to catch up. 
  He gets down on one knee to get a closer look at the hole perfectly level with the door handle. If you weren’t watching you would’ve missed the precise square he makes with his knife around it to clean the edges. 
  You watch as his deft hands make steady work of the sandpaper. So precise and sure of his movements. You wonder what it would feel like to have his hands all over you, his hand behind your neck while the other grasps your waist pulling him into you. 
  “Honey?” Was he saying something?
  “Yes.” His back is to you but you can see him laughing at your expense. 
  “I asked you how work’s been.” 
  “Oh it’s been great actually.” He stops what he’s doing to look at you with a quizzical expression on his face. 
  “Oh the trauma unit has been great?” 
  “Well, yes and no. It’s been great being able to focus on doing my job again.” You always took pride in your work and lately that’s been slacking. You can’t properly take care of patients and have a tumultuous home life. 
  “I still think you could use a vacation.” He’s resumed his almost complete  work and you aren’t sure if he’s very quick with his hands or perhaps you were daydreaming about them for longer than you thought. 
  “We all could use a vacation, just don’t let Santi plan this one.” You let that last part slip and instantly regretted it until Wills booming laughter filled the small living room. 
  “I trust your planning skills honey so just let me know when and where and I’ll be there.” There’s a seriousness to his tone that you don’t miss. You certainly all could use a break. 
  “I’m pretty much done, we just need to let this dry overnight. The paint in your garage is too old so I’ll pick some up this week and finish it.” He stands from the ground dusting the drywall off his jeans.
  “Will I can paint…” He cuts you off as he stands over you on the loveseat with his hands on his hips. The look in his eyes is daring you to challenge him again. 
  “I don’t do anything halfway.” There it is again, that double meaning that you can’t possibly miss. You know deep down you’re not reading into this the wrong way. 
  Unlike Ben, the man of many words. Will communicated so well non verbally, he was a man of action. So much can go unspoken between the two of you and yet things still felt normal. 
  “Why don’t we head to the bar early before those knuckleheads get there.” That sounded perfect and you didn’t want your one on one time to end just yet. 
  “Why don’t you get cleaned up while I sweep this stuff.” Gesturing to the drywall on the floor, he moves to clean but you hop over the loveseat before he has a chance. 
  “No way William…bathroom, now.” You shove his backpack into his chest and usher him down the hallway as you both giggle at the absurdity. 
  You quickly clean the remnants of the last pieces of your ex and breathe a sigh of relief. You can hear the water running as you run down the hall to change out of your leggings and freshen up to meet your boys. A warm feeling you haven’t felt in a while working its way through your chest as you swell with pride taking in your appearance in your floor length mirror . 
  It’s not what you’re wearing or how your hair is done but the way you’re carrying yourself again. The brightness has returned to your features, your smile reaches your eyes again and you're standing a little taller. You went months avoiding your reflection not fully recognizing the person looking back at you. 
  Not wanting to waste anymore time you spritz some perfume and head out of your room to find Will in the kitchen rinsing your glasses of water. The sleeves of his gray Henley are rolled up to the elbow and he has on a pair of dark blue jeans. How he managed to make washing glass look sexy is beyond you. 
  “Ready sweetheart?” He turns to you as he dries his hands on the dish towel and you know he’s asking if you’re ready to leave but your answer means so much more. 
  “Yes I’m ready.”
   You slide into your booth as you wait for Will to bring your drinks. He insisted on getting them and at this point you should just get used to doing whatever he says. 
  He makes his way over with something that doesn’t look like your regular beer, two short glasses with a honey colored liquid inside. He’s got this mischievous look that you’ve only seen reserved for Benny in his eyes and it makes you slightly nervous. 
  “I hope you don’t mind, I got us something a little stronger before the guys get here.” Liquid courage
  “I don’t mind, but can I ask what it is?” He holds the glass out to you while he holds the other up in a toast. 
  “Whiskey and what?” You sniff the glass immediately regretting that decision.
  “Just whiskey babe.” That babe shoots straight to your core and you have to clench your thighs as you adjust in the seat. 
  You clink the glass and down the liquid before you can second guess yourself. It’s sweeter than you thought it would be and it warms you from within as you feel it travel down and settle deep in your stomach. You notice he didn’t finish his but it’s too late now. 
  “So…your dates have gone well.” So this is why he got whiskey. 
  “Oh god you know?” You groan, placing your head in your hands. 
  “I’m just teasin’ sweetheart.” Will always gave the best advice so you might as well use him while you can. 
  “Can I ask you something?” You would feel a little shy asking him but whatever was in that glass has you feeling bolder than usual. 
  “Sure, pretend I’m a therapist.” He puts his arm around you as he relaxes against the booth. Again with the pretending. 
  “This is weird right? He half chuckles to himself as his thumb rubs mindlessly on your arm. 
  “Weirder than putting your life on the line for the US government everyday for little to no pay.” Okay he had a point there. 
  “I just don’t want to be judged.” You pick at the old grooves in the wooden table, anything to distract you from this conversation. 
  “It seems like you’re judging yourself. I think you deserve a break so why don’t you cut yourself some slack.” If there was a word for relief and frustration that’s what you would be now with all of his perfect answers. 
  “How do I choose?” He takes a moment not having an answer prepared and you think you’ve finally stumped him. 
  “What makes you think you have to?”  Your heart flutters in your chest at the deeper meaning in his tone. He’s so close to you now as you turn to look into his pale blue eyes, his pupils so blown you can barely make out the color. 
  “If it feels right just go with it.” The last words ghosted over your lips as he leans in waiting for you to pull back, but you don’t. He places a gentle kiss on your lips, almost experimenting with what you want. 
  You would have gladly accepted that as the one and only but you don’t have a chance as he deepens it,placing his hand behind your neck to tilt your head up. He’s kissing you like it’s the only thing he’s ever wanted, stealing any breath you might have. 
  You knew he was precise in his everyday life, right down to the kiss that would’ve had your knees buckling if you were not already sitting. 
  Either this was an invasion of the body snatchers or Will…your Will just kissed you in a public bar. 
  “William Miller what has got into you.” You’re panting against his lips as you try to catch your breath. 
  “I’m done running from something that feels right.” Your hand is resting on his chest and you can feel his rapidly beating heart. 
  He kisses you again somehow already learning what drives you crazy as his other hand grips your exposed thigh under the table. You can taste the honey sweet whiskey as his tongue gently prods your mouth for entry. This is certainly too hot for the public but you could care less. 
  “This is an inappropriate patient-therapist relationship.” 
  “I resigned 5 minutes ago.” His soft pillowy lips meet yours again and it’s dizzying the way you feel all consumed by him. He’s a drug you’re having for the first time and you know you won’t be able to quit. 
  “Oh how convenient for us.” You say in between kisses as you bite his bottom lip gently pulling it between your teeth. 
  The growl that leaves him is faintly interrupted by the tell tale sound of Benjamin Miller entering the bar. He doesn’t pull away quickly, setting your heart at ease. He places one last kiss to your cheek as a to be continued.
  Benny is practically skipping towards the booth with Santi in tow. Will gives your thigh one more squeeze before tipping his chin at his brother. 
  “You better get up and hug him before he has a meltdown.” He whispers a little too close in your ear sending shivers down your spine. 
  You slide out of the booth before he all but pulls you out and scoops you up into a hug. Your eyes go wide as Santi chuckles from behind him. 
  Frankie makes his way in and can’t help but laugh at the sight of you hoisted several feet in the air by the human golden retriever begging to be put down. 
  You see Frankie approaching and thank your lucky stars since Santi and Will seem to be no help, completely amused with the entire situation. You mouth help me as he taps the younger man’s shoulder. 
  “Put her down Ben.” He dramatically lets you slide down, knowing full well what it’s doing to you and your shorts. He seems so much taller than you as you're placed gently on the ground. A quick kiss to your forehead before he turns to slide into the booth next to Will. 
  “What was all that?” Benny gestures to you while you hug Frankie and Santi.
  “Relax bro I’m just teasing…you deserve to be happy too.” He’s heard that before 
  Benny slides out of the booth not wanting to be left out of any interesting conversation for too long. Not wanting to be far from you. 
  Maybe he should take a page out of his own book and relax a little. Frankie didn’t mind and his brother didn’t seem to mind. He’s trying hard to force back the intrusive thoughts creeping in of what would people think? What would they say?
  Honestly who gives a fuck what people think. As many times as the group of you have almost lost your lives it shouldn’t matter what he does going forward. 
  Santi uses this opportunity to occupy his brother's seat next to Will as he watches Frankie and Benny leave dueling kisses on your cheeks. Your squeals of excitement make him feel something akin to happiness with a tinge of jealousy.
  “So you’re fine with all this.” Will still hasn’t looked away from you. The way you’ve always opened your heart to them suddenly filling his chest with pride.
  “Ya man…I’m fine with all this.” 
  “Te has vuelto loco.” Santi chuckles as he crosses his arms. 
  “I don’t know what you said but it’s probably true and I could care less.” Will eases back into the booth smiling at the three of you telling some secret he wishes he was in on. 
  You turn and plop your hands on the table “I’m buying the first round and I don’t want to hear any grumbling from any of you.” You point to each of them. 
  “Yes ma’am.” They all say in unison.
  “Wow… I didn’t actually think that would work.” You hold the back of your hands dramatically to Frankie and Bennys  foreheads. 
  “You must be sick to agree that quickly.”
  “Ya they’re sick all right.” Santi mutters under his breath as you walk away towards the bar. Narrowly missing the middle finger Frankie shoots him.
  You can feel their eyes on you as you walk to the bar. It’s a little unnerving but exhilarating knowing how you can captivate them by simply walking away. You might as well sway a little since they obviously want a show. 
  You lean a little against the bar while you wait, drawing your jean shorts a little higher to show off the swell of your ass. The drink you had with Will giving you a boost of confidence,emboldening you a little more. 
  “Jesus Christ, how is she gonna do that after dropping that bomb on us?” Ben adjusts a little in his seat to get a better view.
  “What bomb?” Santi looks at Ben who has yet to meet his gaze.
  Frankie seems just as transfixed on you and he raises an eyebrow at Will who takes the final sip of the whiskey in the glass. 
  “Oh nothing…she just had a sex dream about me and Fish.”
  Will sputters across the table as Frankie pats him on the back trying to contain his laughter. Santi gapes at them eyes wide in utter shock. 
  “What did she say?” Santi almost whispers as he turns to look at you not so innocently leaning on the bar and now is definitely not the moment to be adjusting himself under the table. 
  “Sorry,hermano, no details for you.” Frankie winks at Benny as you make your way back with a pitcher of beer and 5 glasses. 
  Several rounds later you made your way to the makeshift dance floor with Frankie and Benny. 20 dollars in the jukebox went quite a long way as you alternated spins and dips between the two men. The three of you blissfully unaware of the conversation being had about you just a few feet away. 
  “Admit it.” It’s almost as if Will can feel the envy radiating off his body. 
  “Admit what?” That he loves you.
  “You want her…what they we have.” Santi clenches his jaw at the thought. 
  “Don’t try and shrink me Will, I don’t want any of this, it would never work.” 
  “Oh is that why you haven’t been on a date in months.” Fuck he hated how observant he was sometimes. It was very useful in the military but very annoying when you’re trying to hide your true feelings for your best friend. 
  Maybe if he let that part of himself go he could see how badly he wanted this but he knew inevitably he would mess it up just like everything else. 
  You were too perfect, too good. He almost broke you once and he vowed to never let himself be so weak as to do it again. 
  “I'm not trying to pressure you, I’m just saying you’ve wasted enough time not telling the person you’ve been in love with for the last ten years how you truly feel.” Santi looks at him as if he’s told some deep dark secret and not stated the most obvious thing a blind man could see it. 
  “We all do.” 
  “We all do what?” You slide into the booth next to Will obviously tipsy as you lean into his shoulder reaching to steal the rest of his beer. 
  “We all love the way you dance when you’re drunk.” He holds his beer just out of reach as you pout up at him. 
  “What… like she has two left feet.” Benny slides in next to you and pours you another beer much to your approval.
  “Unless you plan on spending the night with us I suggest you slow down sweetheart.” Will slides your fresh beer to Santi and you scoff in his direction. 
  Frankie slides in next to Santi as a smug grin crosses his face. 
  “Oh…now this is interesting, where will you sleep?” He’s too proud of himself to notice your lack of awareness of the question. He could be very annoying and borderline mean when he was being smug. 
  “Well I usually sleep in Frankie’s bed.” You start to play with the hem of Benny's shirt completely oblivious to the brewing heated conversation.
  Santi looks at Frankie as he scrubs his palm across his face. 
  “So where’s Benny in this scenario?” Santi crosses his arms leaning back in the booth.
  “I’ve shared a bed with Fish, it's not a problem.” Benny is doing his best to ignore him as he continues the innocent game with you, tracing his thumb along your jaw. 
  “So Will…where do you sleep?” They all look to Santi as you are too distracted by Benny playing with the hair at the nape of your neck. 
  Frankie leans into him so only he can hear. “I know what you’re doing so I suggest you knock it off before she figures it out.” 
  “Don’t worry boys, I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself.” You look Santi directly in the eye as he averts his gaze to the table, slightly embarrassed at the way he was goading them on.
  You were very much aware that he was acting like a petulant child but you weren’t gonna let him rain on your parade. If he wanted to be a dark cloud he could do that on his own.
  You all finished your drinks and began your goodbyes. Will took Benny home to get some rest for his fight out of town the following evening.
  Frankie offered to take you home before dropping off Santi. He had several flights booked for the next day so he didn’t have much to drink that night. 
  The drive was mostly in silence as you hummed innocently along to some tune on the radio. 
  There was however a silent war brewing in the front seat amongst the two men that you were completely oblivious too in your happy,hazy state.
  Frankie pulls up to your home and hops out to open the truck door for you (always the gentleman).
  Before getting out you lean forward towards the front seat behind Santiago. “I hope you sleep well now that you’re not worried about my sleeping arrangements.” You plant a kiss on his cheek and slide out, not noticing the way heat creeps up his neck. 
  If it was his plan to make an ass of himself tonight, he definitely succeeded.
  “Goodnight cariño.” He knows you can’t hear him anymore as you and Frankie make your way up the path to your house, hands interlocked. He still has to say it all the same.
  He watches as Frankie leans down to plant a kiss on your lips which you happily accept. Something deep in his chest stirs as he watches his two best friends embrace. 
  Frankie makes his way back to the truck with a bounce in his step. He missed seeing him this happy, it’s been so long for all of them. The energy in the truck has shifted during the short drive to Santi’s house as Frankie nervously taps his fingers on the steering wheel.
  He pulls into the parking lot of his apartment and turns the truck off as they continue to sit in awkward silence. 
  “Just say it Pope.” Santi finally turns to look at him and open the floodgates but instead he takes in his odd appearance with his standard heating oil cap missing. 
  “Where’s your hat Fish?” Frankie narrows his eyebrows at him as he pats his head oddly feeling his hair. 
  “That little brat took my hat.” He’s grinning to himself while muttering curses in Spanish under his breath. 
  As if you knew what could break the tension between the two of them, Santi finally laughs and Frankie can’t help but join him at the ridiculousness of it all. 
  “Look Fish, I’m sorry I just wonder how it’s all gonna work. What if someone gets jealous? How is she gonna split her time? What are people gonna say?” Frankie is sarcastically nodding his head at each one of his questions seemingly waiting for him to finish spiraling. 
  “You done hermaño?” He asked himself all these same questions and still couldn’t come up with a reason to not take a chance. 
  “I don’t have any answers for you. All I know is we love that girl, we’ve never been jealous of each other, she seems to be splitting her time just fine seeing as we all hang out almost everyday and who gives a fuck what other people think.” It’s the first time he’s really said it out loud but Santi is speechless, maybe for the first time in his life. 
  “You deserve to be happy.” Suddenly everyone is so concerned with his happiness. 
  “You may be right… That scares me a little.” Frankie flips him off playfully as Santi opens the passenger door. 
  “Have fun getting your hat back.” 
  “I’ll get it in a few days, I don’t trust myself to go back right now.” Santi closes the door and pats the hood as he walks toward his apartment.
  Ya I wouldn’t trust myself either. 
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