#i took all these photos myself when i could have. well. anyway.
glowingvenus · 1 year
why you should read FENCE
dear followers, you may be thinking "what is this obscure comic that you're suddenly full throttle obsessed with. i don't even know you anymore. i'm scared." and so i'm here to tell you what FENCE is and why you should read it
i'm not normally into comics, or stories about gay teenage boys doing sports. i prefer books about adult lesbians who can't do ten jumping jacks without getting lightheaded. BUT this series is magical, i swear. it takes a lot of tropes that are common to the genre and plays with them in such interesting ways.
here's our hero, nicholas, who has nothing but $2 and a dream of becoming a great fencer:
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and here's nicholas' father, who doesn't know he exists:
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and here's seiji katayama, ranked second nationally:
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and here's how it starts off for them:
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and here's where they're headed:
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and who's that blond guy? i hope it isn't jesse coste, top-ranked fencing royalty, nicholas' unknowing half-brother, and seiji's ex-"something"...
there's a diverse cast of other characters to love, more than i can list here (but special shout out to the adorably energetic bobby, sunshine captain harvard and campus heartbreaker aiden, his bff and secret admirer).
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this story truly goes beyond what you'd expect from the genre. it's fun, funny and super cute, but it's also got a real sense of tension, of rivalry, of steadily simmering romantic potential that puts it in a league of its own. and, it's not explicitly stated (yet?) but this is def def def an ADHD/autism romance in the making.
we fence fans are a small community but we're really worried about this series not being able to continue if there's not enough interest. so i can't recommend enough that you check it out, and if you like it, buy it and show your support!
so far there are 5 volumes (each consisting of 4 single issues), and 3 out of 4 of the next volume (fence: redemption) have been released. the next issue is out on September 13, 2023 and it's gonna be a fucking juicy one.
where to buy: preferably your local comic shop, if not then bookshop.org to support local bookstores, or any retailer of your choice!
*if you can't buy it or find it in a library, you can find it online for free pretty easily via google, but please do buy it if you end up liking it.
i'm out of room for pics in this post but i'm also gonna link you to the special pride edition cover of fence: redemption #1 because it's really good. thank you for your time. *ungrips your shoulders*
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bee-wg · 1 month
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Year 3:
Now that I think about it, football has been a constant in my life for five years now. I’m not sure if I enjoy football anymore; it used to be about the fun we have passing the ball, now it’s all about the stats or the perfect form. 
I stood up from the bleachers to hand Brad his towel.
“I’m going to leave the team, Brad,” I said.
“What? Where did this come from?” He said frantically.
“Everyone knows I’m still on the team because you’re the team’s captain now,” I said.
“I don’t want to cause tension between you and Coach. There’s nothing I could do wobbling around the field anyway,” I added.
“Dude, you know I started playing football because of you, right?” Brad said.
“Bradley, relax. I’m not dead. You can come over to my house whenever you want.” I said.
“Theo can make you some lemon pudding cakes if you want to come,” hopefully this will calm him.
“Fine. Just so you know, I’m not happy about this,” he said, sounding like a brat.
“Okay, got it. Have fun at the party,” I chuckled.
“I won’t. I’m going to make the DJ play Lana Del Rey,” he said before entering the locker room.
There might be an oversight of me quitting football.
It’s literally the reason why I quit. I don’t know why it never crossed my mind.
How the fuck am I going to lose weight now?
“Maybe I would’ve thought it if the word, “exercise” was anywhere on my to-do list this past year,” the voice from the back of my head said.
Shut up, rational thought. I was just a little too cocky, that’s all.
My mind spins around the paths I could take to shed the fat.
Back to the gym for the bodybuilders to laugh at me jiggling like a puddle of slime on the treadmill.
No. Hard no.
Stop eating whatever Theo puts in front of my face.
Productive, but I’d rather die than miss out on the joy of the world.
Post my weight loss journey edits on social media, reminiscing on my rock-hard abs like a depressed, fat person.
No? No, actually it might just work.
My thumbs got to work. It took me an hour to choose a profile picture that represents me. I could go for a vacation photo by the beach, or the classic black and white moody gym pic. Except, I don’t have a picture of myself on my phone, so I chose the picture of an orange cat eating a banana.
With my camera set up, in my favourite green tank top. I pressed record.
It was an embarrassing experience editing myself, watching my belly sway every time I made a movement. In the end, I closed my eyes and uploaded the video.
“Oh! First comment already.” I said.
“Look at those milkers spilling out the tanks!”
3. Post my weight loss journey edits on social media, reminiscing on my rock-hard abs like a depressed, fat person.
The following weeks consisted of me eating my feelings. At least half of my classes are online this semester. I can be embarrassed in peace.
The pounds kept creeping up with each spoon of ice cream down my throat. In the blink of an eye, I am dangerously close to 300 pounds.
I finally worked up the courage to ask during a normal family dinner.
“Honey, what happened? You’re not eating as fast as usual. Is Theo not cooking enough?” Mom asked.
“No, Mom, I just…I just hope you guys can ease up with your little cooking competitions.”
“Oh honey, you know Theo and I will stop with the food whenever you ask.” Mom tries to reassure me.
“No! Obviously don’t stop the food. It’s just that I’ve been blowing up like a pig and I don’t know what to do about it.” I said.
“I didn’t know you were sad about it. I just want my family to be happy, you look the happiest when you eat,” Mom said
“It wouldn’t have helped when you guys lost for the past two years,” Mom added.
“Well, Dad likes to eat better, and no one eats like him,” I replied. 
“I’m sure my cooking was the reason we won. David is a gym teacher, he walks off the food easily,” Mom said.
“Theo is a professional though, no offence but no one on the planet cooks like him. I’m sure football was the reason we lost,” I said, trying to talk some sense into her.
Theo stares at us with wide eyes.
“Jacob, I’m sure you didn’t mean it,” Mom said with a blank face.
“You know what? Keep doing your competition, this time again next year we’ll see who’s the winner,” I said.
I am clearly a failure at losing weight. The only thing I’m good at is eating. If I’m going to gain weight anyway, I’m going to go all out and win this shit once and for all. Once this is settled, I can get back to normal. Not wanting to disappoint Theo when we lose again was probably the thing holding me back. I can’t wait to eat all the delicious things Theo is- I can’t wait for this to be over.
“Alright, Jay,” she turned to Theo and said.
“Theo, my boy. I’m looking forward to seeing the results next year,” Mom said with a determined smile.
Everyone knows not to mess with Mom when she has that look. Even then, I feel like we could still win. Theo’s food is hypnotic already when I am restrained; imagine what it will do to me when I’m going all out.
“What’s going on again?” Dad asked with cheeks full of pasta.
“Don’t worry baby, you just need to eat a little more next year,” Mom answered.
“Okay, as long as I get my lasagnas,” Dad said.
Later at night, struggling to sleep, I contemplated on the bad decisions I’ve made. This one might take the crown to be the stupidest thing I’ve done. Yet, I don’t regret it.
“You didn’t have to stand up for me,” Theo said.
“It’s the least I can do when you wake up early to prep for my food, or go off on the weekends for groceries when you could’ve been doing anything else,” I explained.
“Thank you so much, Jay. You don’t know how much this means to me. My family wanted me to do anything other than cooking, but you guys have been nothing but supportive,” he said.
I smiled at the ceiling. The gremlin is nicer than I remember.
“Now, I won’t allow you to slack anymore with the amount you’re eating. Not until the competition ends.”
Theo had stuck to his word and increased the amount he was cooking. I am now eating the amount of three people in each spread-out meal, still lacking behind Dad’s impressive five person’s amount per meal. So I have been playing catch up with him this entire month.
I realized quickly that I had underestimated the gap between Dad and my appetite. In the last few years, for the most part, I have been eating whatever I want, leaving the rest to Dad. With the exception of eating for the team once a week, I have been slacking. That was quite a hard pill to swallow. I’m 300 pounds, yet not doing a good job as a fatass. How is that possible?
So far I have gained about 23 pounds in the past two months. Normally, I would freak out and have a breakdown in bed because I’ve gained more than my freshman year in two months. Right now with my messed up head, all I can think about is how far I am behind. If we lose this again, it would be once and for all, and I would never let myself live this down. Theo deserves better with how good he’s been treating me.
With my new bulk, the stairs have been an increasing challenge. So, a few weeks ago I moved downstairs to a tiny guest room that was converted to a storage room.
The moment I moved down, I could hear Theo’s voice yelling, “Yes, Finally! Goodbye insomnia,” In my old bedroom. Before, I would’ve yelled for the brat to shut up. Now, with my stomach full. I just wanted a nap in peace.
It took me no time to adjust to the new arrangement. With more time home from all the online classes, I get to be as lazy as I want. Dad has a similar arrangement at home. He retired from being a high school gym teacher and football coach, now he tutors history at home. He also abandoned his hobby of brewing in order to laze on the sofa all day.
On weekdays, Theo would leave an abundance of food for me to consume with a list of how I should eat them to expand my capacity. The weekends are like heaven. From the moment I woke up, Theo would prepare delicious appetizers and pancakes for me. From then on, I would have a constant stream of food flowing into my mouth every thirty minutes. Sometimes, I would move my hands and my mouth would start to chew unconsciously. Alarming, but helpful. 
My belly started to expand outwards on my lap each day as I sat in front of the computer. The arm rest would feel more snug when I move around.
I have now discovered the perks of being a fatass. I can explore things I never had time to do, like the anime Brad has been begging me to watch, games I always wanted to play. Best of all is to experience all of these without moving an inch. These are the things I would definitely look back on with fondness when the competition ends.
Today is my rare outing of the month; the bus is late again but I don’t blame them this time. The downpour of rain is gathering at the clogged sewer, creating a puddle. People are supposed to grow out of stepping in puddles when they’re kids. These undeveloped assholes apparently didn’t. Several cars saw the puddle and decided to splash it straight to my face.
It’s fine. It’s all fine. I will feel better later.
I walked a small trail after getting off the bus.
Great. The angels decide to stop peeing from the heavens when I’m about to get inside.
Dad is buying a new SUV, maybe I can drive it next time. It’s too big to sneak off though.
I thought as I skipped through the stone pathway. The usual grass is covered by the water, creating a small pond.
“Annyeonghaseyo,” I said to the door cam.
After pressing the doorbell several times, it replied.
"안녕, fuck boy. Back so soon?" Number Seven said.
“Yeah, yeah. Just open the damn door,” I said, trying to hurry the fucker.
Number Seven’s face appears in front of me.
“You’re soaked! Come on in,” he said.
His house appears to be orderly. Clean. He must’ve had another fatass here not long ago.
“Woah, you look—Wait, let me guess. Another fifteen pounds since last time?” He asked.
“Come on, let’s cut to the chase. I really need it right now,” I urged.
“Hahaha, not even a shower. Desperate much?” He said.
I walked inside his bedroom, dimmed the lights and took off my shirt.
He walked towards me. Grabbing me by the belly hang in one hand, he pulls down my underwear, causing my ass to vibrate.
“Fuuuuck, can you take it out first?” I asked, trying not to moan.
“Sure, you think you’re ready for me today?” He asked.
“Yeah, I think so,” I answered. 
He slid his hand behind, right down my ass crack and slowly pulled the vibrator off. I applied it before leaving home, without accounting for the possibility of the bus delay.
“Mmmmph, fuck,” I groaned.
I’ve been training towards today for a while. In the beginning, I would come to his house and he would suck me off. If I’m feeling experimental, I would suck him off. It stayed like that for about a year and he never complained. Then I asked him for more. He would start fucking me between my moobs or between my ass but never enter. One day, I told him I was ready for him to start fucking me.
Big mistake.
He’s a manwhore for a reason. I didn’t think an 8-inch would be so hard to take. How the girls and twinks take them in porn is beyond me. It was painful when he entered, even when he said he had “loosened my hole” with his fingers. I shouldn’t have believed him, the fucking thing was massive.
After the incident, he gave me small dildos and vibrators to get used to it. We eventually worked our way up the scale until the one he’s holding now. Why did I do all this work to have a men’s dick in my ass? Who knows. I have already accepted that I’ve lost it.
He sucked on my nipple suddenly. The sensation took me by surprise.
“Dude, some warnings please,” I asked.
“Yeah, sorry. Those tits are just so plumped. Your nipples have grown larger than my thumbs now,” he said, about to continue.
“OKAY, I get it. Can you get to work now?” I asked.
My boobs are what everyone thinks about when they see me these days. I’m sick of it.
“Hahahaha, can’t wait to be fucked, my pig?” He said before pushing me down the mattress.
I held my belly to stop it from jiggling. 
He raised one of my legs and opened the bottle of lube with his teeth.
“There’s something by the pillow. Put it in your mouth. It will distract you and dull the initial pain,” Number Seven instructed.
I reached out to grab a—frosted pound cake?
I’ve never seen people doing this in porn, but I’m smart enough to know not everything in porn is real. 
With my mouth full of cake, I spread out my legs, trying to relax so I don’t end up like last time.
He pushed two fingers in, slowly massaging me, then three fingers to stretch my hole. When the frosting melted in my mouth and I finished the chunk of the cake, he signalled me that he was done.
Another piece of the pound cake fills my mouth when he aligns his cock to my hole. He was right, I was fully consumed by the sweetness to notice any discomfort. I quickly swallowed the cake so he could proceed. 
It was unbearably slow as he entered. I don’t understand what all the fuss is about with people bottoming.
He kept asking for reassurance. At this point I just want him to st—
“A-ahhhh oh shiiit!” I moaned.
“Fuuuuuck, what the hell was that?” I screamed.
I must have been too loud and spooked him.
“Are you alright? Sh-should I call an ambulance?” He asked.
“No! Don’t stop, please,” I begged
“Okay, just so you know, I’m not all the way in,” He said.
How? This is already longer than any toys I’ve put in there.
“Gnghhhhh~” I moaned as he thrusts all the way to the bottom.
He kept a steady pace all the way in then almost all the way out, leaving me feeling empty.
“Hurry! Faster,” I asked, almost in tears.
He looked at me with a devious smile and thrust right into the spot.
“Mphn- Yes! Keep going,” I urged.
Every small movement rubbing my G-spot feels like masturbating for hours without release.
He thrusts quicker with more force, causing my belly and moobs to shake violently. 
I try to stabilize my belly with my hand before trying to reach my throbbing cock.
“Help, I-aghh fuck, I need to touch my dick,” I asked.
“Let go of your belly, fat boy. Or I’ll stop,” He said.
Immediately, my belly returned to wobble violently.
“I can’t believe you turned into such a pathetic horny mess in such a short time,” He said.
”Come on, Seven. I just need you to hit that spot. Please, I’ll do anything!” I begged.
He keeps deliberately missing it. I need to be fucked there!
“Keep your hands on your nipples,” he ordered.
The over-sensitive nipples drive my weeping cock into a frenzy.
Fuck, I need to touch my cock right now. If only my fucking belly is not on the way.
“You know, when I first saw you, I thought you were the kind of jock to gain a beer belly in college, and not get fat until you turn thirty,” he said, before ramming straight into my prostate.
“Fuuuuck yeahhh,” I said unintelligently. 
“You are much more of a pig than I realized,” he said, thrusting straight into it again.
“Helll yeahhh,” I said, trying to rob my ass to his dick.
“How do you feel seeing your bubble butt balloons four times the original size?” He asked, followed by another thrust. 
“I fucking love it! I love how it wobbles around whenever I walk!” I said, moving my jiggling ass back to his dick again.
“How do you feel seeing your abs growing before your eyes, knowing you could stop it if you just stop eating?”Another thrust.
“I can’t help it! I love eating too much!” Maybe I am meant to be a fat ass.
“Right answer. Now you’ll get your reward,” he said and sped up, hitting the spot perfectly every time.
I imagine his face to be someone else, someone far from my league.
My cock rubbed against my sensitive underbelly, and I shot out jets of cum for what felt like forever.
As white clouded my vision, a euphoric relief spread over my body, melting me into the mattress.
“You passing out again, fuck boy?” Seven asked.
“No, just enjoying the bliss. I can’t believe so many men in the world are missing out on this,” My hole already feels empty. How am I going to go back from this?
“Aww man, I’m all sticky and shit,” I examined my body, cum shots and rain definitely don’t mix well together. Some of them even got between the fat folds. I swipe my finger in between the fat. “Oof, I stink too.”
Seven looked at me and signed. “You’re somehow still a stupid jock inside.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” I asked.
“I got you the fast food you asked for,” he said.
“Yes!” I rushed to the kitchen.
Ignoring his stupid laugh, I microwaved the burger and fries.
The breeze of the air conditioning reminds me of something.
“Shit, I ran out here naked.”
When I ran back, he had already put my clothes in the dryer, and I got into the shower.
When I got out, Seven brought me an old shirt I left here. It fits me like a glove with half my belly exposed. He stopped laughing when I was about to throw myself on him, then brought out a shirt with the Flash’s symbol on. Probably from another fat ass he fucks. The shirt still looks painted on, revealing the shape of my nipple and the dent of my belly button. At least he’s driving me home.
Staying at home has been a life-altering experience. 
The only time I ever move is going out of the bed to the desk, or to the bathroom. All I have to do is sit back, relax, and eat some fried food. 
With more time with myself. I’ve realized how much I dislike all the people in school that only approached me because I was one of the football jocks. I could’ve been anyone. Now, I am me. Not a worry about whether or not I’m muscular enough like other jocks, just a bigger Jay.
Sitting beside me, Dad scratched his belly and released a belch without a care in the world. He has adapted to fat guy mannerisms quickly. I’m catching up too. Today is movie night, usually we have pizzas and beers. We started this when the football season came, he asked to skip it. It was the first time we’ve skipped watching a Super Bowl season. I guess I’m not the only one losing interest in the sport. We decided to watch the Lin-Manuel Miranda Monkey movie instead.
Being on the couch with Dad made me realize I was getting closer to my goal. I can’t wait to see the results.
“Hell yeah, my man, you can do it!” Brad said, slapping my shoulder.
“What are you doing here?” I asked
“You said I can come in whenever I like,” he replied.
He’s been breaking into my house for no reason, just to stay on the second floor the entire time doing god knows what.
“I’ve brought some beef jerky here to celebrate,” Brad said.  
The scale has been set up, we’re only waiting on Mom. They’re doing some last minute catch up; mom is using a funnel to pour some milkshake in him. I am not concerned though, sticking to Theo’s strict diet every day has not been easy. I have to eat until my stomach is fully bloated. Every morning, I watch my belly deflate a little less, every evening, it bloats even further. 
“Don’t worry, Jay. We’ve got this,” Theo assured me.
“By the way, what are we doing again?” Brad asked.
Dad came out, looking absolutely massive. With Mom on his side, he stepped on the scale.
The numbers keep going up and don't seem to be stopping.
Holy shit, Dad gained a hundred and forty pounds this year. 
With more uncertainty, I took my step on the scale.
“Woo-Hoo, Jay man, you got this!” Brad shouted quietly.
I try to look under to see the number, but my belly is too big for me to see the scale.
Theo stepped closer and read. 
“Four Hundred and fifty yes!” Theo cheered.
“I won? Yes, finally!” I said and did a little jump.
The scale made a “Pop” noise.
“Oh! Sorry, Mom. I know this is really expensive.”
“Don’t worry, sweetie. We need to upgrade anyway,” Mom said, then she walked towards Theo.
“Congratulations Theo, you made me pull out every trick in my book. It’s so nice seeing you improve so much in front of my eyes, in terms, you pushed me to improve too,” Mom said, then hugged Theo.
“I can’t believe my boy is bigger than me now. Excellent work, Jay!” Dad said and hugged me, too.
Last time I was bigger than Dad I had sculpted abs, the body I dreamed of. This time, I’m almost three times the size as I was, fully covered with fat. Yet, I feel less empty inside.
“Thank you Dad,” I said, hugging him back. 
After all this time, I finally have a body I like being in. The belly doesn't look so wrong on me anymore.
Chapter 4 ->
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epiicaricacy-arts · 2 months
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happy birthday to my guy ever. horrors time babey
not much process discussion but there’s a sketch and some rambling utc
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i struggle a lot with coming up for ideas for him cause there’s so much i wanna convey and so many ideas that i can never put down. i had a concept in mind but i ended up procrastinating and figured i wouldn’t have the time to execute it, plus the images i picture in my mind usually don’t end up being super correct anatomy/perspective wise so it’s hard to recreate what im thinking. it was much more complex than what i ended up going with and im trying to make some of my works simpler as well, as i feel like i tend to crowd a lot of imagery and symbolism together which makes it hard to digest.
i realized i haven’t done any drawings with strong yellow lighting before so i wanted to try it out. i think it turned out well but for some reason when i added the blood all i could think of was minions. its not even close to their kind of yellow idk what’s happening lmao. i’ve been having fun just letting my work be messy and it helps me loosen up and add more motion to the piece. the only problem is messy work = messy sketches and there were a lot of things i completely forgot when i did my flat colours on top of the sketch. like when i drew the hands he only had 4 fingers on each hand??? i even had a photo reference that i took myself LMAO but maybe i was just tired when i drew it. proportions were a real puzzle with this one, especially with the nose. i just couldn’t get the angle right… and dont even get me started on the teeth 😨 never drew those before!!
anyways i wasn’t thinking much on this one i just wanted to draw a gun. i’ve discovered i really enjoy drawing guns (at least revolvers.) so maybe more of those in the future
that’s it!! thank you for reading :]
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kuroppiii · 2 months
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  soft launch ᵕ̈        timeskip! sakusa kiyoomi x gn reader ˎˊ˗
⋮⋮ ˒ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ 𖥻 ⿻ : it's just a silly   ⋮⋮  little tiktok, nothing major ... ⋮⋮  right ?
📋 content     ♡ # 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 🐮     ♡ # 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 🥛     ♡ # 2.6k 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴
🎶 on shuffle “ never lose me ” - flo milli ( specifically the trending clip of " yeah he my man , he was never your type . if you try me , ho it ' s on sight " , but whatever tiktok audio you ended up using is up to you lol <3 )
🧸 directory ‹ ✩  like what you read ? check out more of my blog !  •ᴗ•
💬 kuroppiii ─ “ first time i ' ve pulled myself together to write about sakusa bc when i think about him , i simply can ' t think straight . an exaggeration ? man i wish !! ”
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you weren’t anyone special, really. you lived your life, pursuing your goals and hobbies, spending time with those you love. there were things you were good at, sure, but any sort of recognition or praise for those things only ever came from those closest to you. if you walked down the street, no one would bat an eye. "ordinary" couldn't have described you any better.
your boyfriend on the other hand, star wing spiker and outside hitter of the msby jackals, jersey number 15, sakusa kiyoomi certainly was a bit extra-ordinary in the public's eye.
if you took any of his official social media accounts, they easily skyrocketed ahead of any of your accounts in the sheer numbers of following or likes or views. but that's only natural, as the reasons you love your boyfriend–talented, cool, handsome–surely would be shared by the thousands he's subjected to by being in the limelight of the popular and successful pro-volleyball team.
but what else is natural, is that you've always wanted to be able to "soft launch" him, your boyfriend. you've scrolled through your tiktok "for you" page and your pinterest feeds and have undoubtedly saved every "soft launch inspo <3" post you've seen.
the idea was just perfect, you thought–sakusa often prefers not having his face in photos or videos anyway.
to sakusa, however, well... he didn’t really get it until you sat down and had to explain it. you always found it ironic he was never the most active online despite having the bigger following count between the two of you, after all.
“so you want to go public?” he asked, a bit of surprise in his voice.
"well, yes. but also no," you tried to clarify, leaving him with an even more perplexed face that tugged at your lips as you smiled and calmly continued with your elaboration.
you and him have discussed how to navigate your relationship with his volleyball stardom in the past before. it's not like your closest friends and family didn't know about your relationship, but granted, some of your more casual friends and acquaintances who followed your socials probably didn't entirely know either.
the general public definitely did not know, though, of course. but that's why you'd just post something on your accounts, significantly smaller than his.
“are you okay with that?" you made sure to confirm with him, after explaining your thought process on the whole idea.
he came over to you and placed his hands on your hips gently, a concentrated look in attempts to understand your idea adorning his features as he spoke, “i mean, i'd love to be able to finally let everyone know about us–but really it's up to you if you're okay with it. when it comes to things like this—always has, love.”
and what he said was true, from the moment you started dating he was always trying to protect your peace from the media and reporters and cameras. to him, you were like his private repose from all that. but admittedly, as time went on, you both came to realize keeping your relationship under wraps could get pretty hard at times, especially when you wished to go on normal dates out and about instead of resorting to small secluded get-togethers with the handful of people you who knew or nights spent inside your home.
you shook your head as you reached up to brush some of his curls out of his face, revealing his beauty marks above his eye—brows subtly knit together as he considered how your idea might play out in the longrun.
his arms lovingly pull you even closer as you reassure him, "it's just my friends and family who might see it, anyway. it's just a fun little thing to do, omi, that's all!"
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،   そ   ✧   の後    🌱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻 ...
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a few days later, you and sakusa had an event to attend with the rest of his team. it was a nice dinner so you were all dressed up–the perfect get-up to record a small tiktok or two to satisfy your boredom as you waited for your boyfriend to finish getting ready himself.
as you scrolled through your saved audios, you stood by the humble expanse of wall where sakusa had some of his volleyball medals and trinkets displayed in your shared apartment. then it hit you: this would be the perfect opportunity for that soft launch you were thinking about.
he didn't even have to be there, you could just have his framed "sakusa 15" jersey and recognitions with his name on it in the background as you sang along to a song. it was simple. a little ostentatious? maybe. but you thought it was subtle and fun enough to entertain the people who followed you and were going to see it.
so you picked an audio and started recording. your accessories for going out that night glimmered with the gold medals on the wall in the dim lights of the apartment as you lip-synced to the lyrics, showing off your outfit with a slightly sly attitude of making claim to your relationship with sakusa–claim to what rightfully was yours.
but just as the timer on your video was up, you hear sakusa’s voice approaching from down the hallway, his watch clattering as he's trying to put it on, "what are you doing?"
you break out into a sheepish smile as you rush over to end the video timer manually, "nothing! let's head out!"
in the car on the way to the event, you posted the video and thought nothing about it. no tags, no caption, no nothing–just something cheeky for your friends and family to see and hopefully get a small kick out of.
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،   そ   ✧   の後    🌱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻 ...
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late the next morning after you wake up, you stretch over to your bedside table to grab your phone to do a first-thing-in-the-morning doom scroll. sakusa's still peacefully snoozing away–head tucked under your jaw, soft breaths fanning your neck, arm secured around your waist, and legs tangled with yours under the sheets–when you open up one of your socials and realize you've gained thousands of followers overnight... literally.
you swipe past notifications of your friends texting you dozens of messages to see that hundreds of comments have flooded the most recent post you made–pictures of you and those same friends on a day out in the city–no sakusa in sight yet a lot of the new comments gave mention to him.
almost thinking you're still asleep and dreaming, you scroll through the words total strangers have left for you. it was such a mixed bag: some were mean, some were just confused, and some were even very nice, complementing you on your appearance.
there were a few, however, that mentioned a certain "repost".
"here from the repost"
"RAN to see this after seeing the repost"
"it's been less than a day and there's already so many comments about the repost lol"
and so you go to look up your name with the word "repost" attached to it, and are met with dozens of articles about your "viral tiktok reposted by msby's sakusa kiyoomi seemingly hints at volleyball star's secret relationship".
shocked, but still trying not wake up said volleyball star with your reaction as he clung to you on your shared bed, you quickly switch over to your tiktok to look back at the video you had posted just the night before.
surely enough as you let the video play out, the buttons on the right-hand side of your phone screen displayed astronomically larger numbers than that you've ever seen something you've posted in your life track before.
as the video plays the moment sakusa had called out to you–with you smiling to somewhere off camera before getting up close to the camera and cutting off the recording–you look down lower on the screen and see “msby sakusa reposted”. his official account. (you knew this bc he had you help him set up his personal one, the name of which you set up to come up as simply his nickname amongst friends "omi" with the cleaning sponge and bubbles emoji.)
hearing the audio of the video, you can feel sakusa stir at your side, his brows furrow against your skin as he peeks out from under his messy bedhead of curls to look at what you could be watching so soon after waking up.
after processing it was a video of you, one of his hands wordlessly part from where it was snaked around your waist and reaches up to tap on the little heart icon on the side of your screen.
then his hand returns to where it was, and he retreats back to the space between your collarbone and your jaw, hoping to quickly be lulled back to sleep just for a bit more before you two would have to get up and get on with your day.
but after a brief moment, you can suddenly feel the vibration of his voice against your skin, groggy and sloughed down by drowsiness to a deep treble as he lazily mumbled, “oh... that was your phone. was wondering why it wasn’t liked yet. i could've sworn i did already...”
his words set loose butterflies in your stomach, knowing despite his limited time spent online, he still does everything to let you know he loves you, even if it takes making a small heart icon light up on a video you post. but soon that warm feeling goes away, as your concern quickly overcomes it given the current situation at hand.
“omi," you coo, an attempt to not let on in your voice how you were slightly freaking out as to not disturb his peaceful state, "did you repost it? my video?”
“of course i did,” he replied in a heartbeat. you could feel his breathing start to slow down, him on the brink of slipping back into continuing his slumber.
you also felt he didn't quite realize the implications of what he did.
“you looked nice in it,” you hear him drawl out, after being met with your contemplative silence.
you hummed as you asked a follow up question, “did you do it with your personal account?”
“mhmm,” he sounds so content when he hums back in reply, bliss apparent as he spoke being tangled up with you as sunlight peeked in through the bedroom windows.
one of your hands paused the tiktok from playing and departed from where it clutched your phone to comb through sakusa's hair–partly to calm your nerves and partly in adoration at the realization he was so eager to show you his affection, that he didn’t check which account he was on before he reposted your video.
you tried your best to say your next words carefully and gently, “well i don’t think you did, babe."
trying to act nonchalant about it, you continue, "i gained, like, a thousand followers while we were sleeping.”
you no longer feel his curls under your fingertips as he retreats from his little hiding spot, now confronting your phone screen where surely enough, he caught a glimpse of the numbers your video was doing, as well as the little tag that, yes, it does look like he reposted your video using his official msby account.
he was wide awake now as one of his hands go to rake through his locks, and he starts rambling despite how his voice definitely wasn't caught up from his sleep yet, “y/n, angel, i'm so sorry. i didn't even check, i should've. i should've been more careful. now everyone know's about it, and it's all my fault. is anyone being mean to you about it? i can say something, or post something, right now, or—“
you cut his running mouth off with a kiss, dropping your phone in your lap to cup the sides of his face before you pull away.
"you're not... you're not mad at me?" he asks softly, eyes searching yours nervously.
a moment ago you were feeling a little more than uneasy at the thought that you weren't going to be just an ordinary person anymore. but now, seeing how much sakusa cared and doted over you, you realize you'll be fine. because you won't be dealing with it alone. you had someone extraordinary to be by your side each step of the way.
“no, omi. i'm not mad," you tell him through a warm smile, "at least we don't have to hide it anymore."
you feel him slightly nod in your hands, still on edge as he intently listens and hangs onto your every word. you could never get mad at that face. you can't resist the urge to brush your nose against his because of how cute you thought your boyfriend was.
"and besides, it still wasn’t a hard launch. we don't have to confirm anything just yet. so by social media rules... i can still post some more soft launches before we do that, no?" you say with a hint of mischief in your tone, making sakusa break out into a smile as he chuckles and places his hands over yours at the sides of his face.
"y'know what we always say," you continue with a more genuine voice, barely above a whisper, "we won’t let them get to us. we don't owe them anything–let them figure it out. what’s done is done, so let’s just have fun with it, okay?”
you're blessed with the sight of sakusa's dimpled smile growing even wider and before you know it he's all over you, on top of you smothering you with kisses, making you laugh as you try to pry him off of you.
he finally pauses to hover over you, his eyes with the slightest creases at their corners because of how he was smiling down at you, “thanks for bearing with me. not just my social media incompetence, but–for dealing with my… everything, i guess. i love you.”
the sheets ruffle around you as you gingergly wrap your arms up and around his neck, “i love you too omi. always will.”
you reach to grab your phone, buried somewhere in the blanket draped over the two of you, and sakusa rolls off of you as he finds it first and hands it to you. now it was your turn to ramble on, “how about we do the one where you stand behind me and hold the phone really high? or the one where you pick me up and spin me around in a random parking lot? or maybe i should make a video wearing your jersey–? oh my god that'd be diabolical, don't you think omi?"
he laughs into your shoulder at your eagerness as you spend the rest of the morning scrolling through soft launch videos online that you can save to copy later.
“i’ll do anything," he tells you, "i want to show you off–because now i can properly do it the way you've always deserved, love.”
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       ⇩  ⇩  ⇩ 𝘽𝙊𝙉𝙐𝙎 ::
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a few weeks (and a few more soft-launch tiktoks you both had fun with) later, although you and sakusa never publicly confirmed anything yet, his fans practically accepted that you and him were an item.
you even had the pleasure of seeing some fan-made edits of you come across your feed and appreciatively dropping a few likes on them yourself. but there was one in particular when you peeked into the comments of the video.
the original poster had commented on their own edit: "GUYS SAKUSA GAVE MY EDIT A LIKE WTF???"
you laughed out loud at the comment, considering as how your dear and darling boyfriend had never mentioned his apparent viewing and liking of these edits of you online as of late.
your boyfriend may have learned his lesson about public reposts, but it looks like his attempts at covering up what he hits "like" on needed a bit of work, too.
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
Carida One
“Is… something wrong, Lord Vader?” Commandant Vex asked, trying very hard not to swallow.
Or sweat too loudly.
Or give off any other indication of guilt, laxity, or something that would lead Darth Vader to decide to terminate his employment – and him – with a single gesture.
Vader didn’t respond, all his attention on a screen, and Vex took a deep and steadying breath before checking what was on the screen.
It… was nothing, really. The input report of one of the recent cadets. Joined up two days ago as part of a group from the same Outer Rim world, high aptitude marks in proprioception and the highest reflex scores Vex had ever seen… but it didn’t look like anything was strange about it. Except that Vader was reading every single line of data, examining every photo, like he’d found some kind of hidden source of truth that had been concealed from the entire galaxy until now.
“This cadet,” Vader said, abruptly deigning to take notice of Vex again. “Cadet 421. What is your impression of him?”
“Well – he’s…” Vex began. “That is, Lord Vader… he’s talented? A little quick on some of the answers, I suppose, at least that’s the impression my interviewer had – the man thought that perhaps Cadet 421 was lying about specific details of his past.”
“Which details?” Vader asked.
“Principally, that he had permission to leave his home,” Vex said. “It’s not a major issue. We deal with worse all the time, and with incoming cadets from the Outer Rim-”
“Enough,” Vader interrupted, only it didn’t qualify as interruption when it was Vader. It was simply a declaration that your sentence had reached a conclusion, and he was not going to take any discussion on that point. “You took a DNA sample, I take it?”
“Yes, Lord Vader,” Vex confirmed, nodding nervously.
“I will be leaving with it,” he said. “For clarity, that means I will be leaving with the DNA sample. I will also be leaving with all records of the DNA sample; the academy will not be permitted to retain the sample.”
The blank black eyes of his visor stared at Commandant Vex.
“Cadet 421 is under my personal protection,” Vader said, evenly. “If he dies, so do you. If he is severely injured or otherwise harmed in any way for which you or anyone in the Academy can be blamed in any fashion, you die. So will anyone responsible. I recommend putting a note in his file that you will take care of all disciplinary interactions with Cadet 421. You will not appreciate the consequences if you fail in any way. Have I made myself clear?”
In a great many ways, he had not.
But in one specific way…
“Yes, Lord Vader,” Commandant Vex said, swallowing again.
“Good,” Vader said, turning to sweep out of the room.
Then he paused.
“Which cadets did he arrive with?”
“420 and 419,” Vex answered.
“Darklighter…” Vader said, out loud. “Interesting.”
Then, with a swish of his cape, he was gone.
“This is getting ridiculous,” Luke said, with a sigh. “You’d think if the Empire was so good they could just rely on us realizing it, rather than telling us three times a day.”
Biggs winced.
“Shavit, Luke,” he said, much more quietly than his friend. “You know the academy proctors will come down on us like a ton of duracrete if any of us talk like that.”
“They will?” Luke asked. “Really?”
“Yeah, you saw what happened to Yancit, right?” Biggs said. “He got put on hard physical training for three days just for moderately defeatist statements.”
He shook his head. “You’ve got some kind of charmed life, man. I’m just glad to stay close enough that some of it rubs off on me.”
Luke chuckled, a bit nervously.
“If you say so,” he said. “What do you think it is, anyway?”
“Could be your sim scores,” Biggs guessed. “You’re doing even better than me behind the stick, and we’re both way ahead of everyone else… it’d be a weird thing to give you some kind of pass on, though. Like they’d want future ace pilots to be down on the Empire?”
Luke shook his head.
“I mean that… I mean that the Empire should just be obviously better,” he said. “And I mean obviously – it shouldn’t even be a question about whether it’s the best option. You shouldn’t have to tell people. It should just be obvious. Right?”
Biggs looked distinctly worried.
“That would be dangerous enough to say on Tatooine, Luke,” he pointed out. “That’s getting towards the kind of thing that would earn a visit from some kind of enforcer. They’d say the Empire is already that, and if you’re complaining about it, that’s the problem.”
Several months later, Commandant Vex felt like biting through his tongue.
Cadet 421 – cadet Skywalker – and his associated group of friends like Darklighter and Klivian were causing a lot of trouble. It was trouble that was… not the kind of trouble he’d feel comfortable telling a HoloNews channel was trouble, because it was all to do with the cadets earnestly saying that the Empire should be doing things the Empire was supposed to be doing already.
Under normal circumstances, he’d have gone ahead and placed the troublemakers into solitary confinement already – if not disappeared them, remanding them into the custody of Imperial Intelligence or the Internal Security Bureau to never again see the light of day.
The problem was, if that happened, Vex would never see the light of day.
He practically jumped out of his suit as the door to his office swished open.
“Commandant,” Vader said, without preamble. “I am taking several of your cadets for my own personal squadron. Effective immediately.”
“Oh, no,” Vex said, then remembered who he’d said that to. “I mean – just as you say, Lord Vader? Who?”
“Cadet Skywalker,” Vader said. “And anyone who he is closely associated with. Any friends of his. I will look over their scores myself before their transfer is finalized.”
Vex felt like sighing in relief.
He would have been considerably less happy about the situation if he knew that Vader’s reason for the transfer was to get the various cadets out of the academy before Imperial Intelligence or the ISB made the same connection he had.
But he didn’t know that, and what he didn’t know wasn’t going to get him sent to a black site for at least another three days.
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weirdkpopgirl · 7 months
Perfect | Mark Imagine #6
Title: Perfect
Genre: Fluff, slight angst
Warnings: mentions of reader feeling insecure
Word Count: 569
Author's Note: This was just a random idea that came to me today when I was scrolling through social media. But seriously why are female idols so pretty 😭. Anyway this story is for all the girls like me who might feel insecure and hopefully this cheers you up ^ ^
One of Mark’s favorite things was spending late nights with you. Those nights when he’d return from work and you’d bring over dinner. Then after sharing a meal, you would cozy up on the couch together. The atmosphere was serene, with his head on your lap and your fingers unconsciously weaving through his hair. Despite being in relaxation mode after a demanding day, he couldn’t resist stealing a few glances at you who was scrolling through Instagram.
A sudden sigh escaped your lips as you came across a stunning picture of Huh Yunjin. She was only a few years older than you, and for some reason it selfishly made you feel more depressed than you should while looking at the photo.
“She’s so pretty,” you mumbled absently.
Curious, Mark sat up to see what you were so fixated on. When he noticed you looking at Yunjin’s post, he let out a chuckle. “Well you’re pretty too, you know.”
“No, not really,” you frowned, setting your phone aside dismissively. “She’s like a goddess. I could never compete with that type of beauty.”
Mark’s brows furrowed in concern, and he touched your knee. “What? Babe, you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.”
You shrugged with a sheepish smile. “It’s not a self-hate thing. It’s just from an objective standpoint, I don’t consider myself very pretty.”
The way you said that so casually made Mark’s heart sink. He wondered how many times you told yourself that. Unwilling to withstand this negative self-talk, Mark took matters into his own hands. Your eyes widened in surprise when he gently cupped your face. 
Looking into your eyes, he expressed, “(Y/n), you’re beautiful just the way you are. I know it sounds cliché, but it’s true.”
Your mouth opened to protest, but Mark silenced you with kisses on your eyelids. “Your eyes are like pools of warmth. I get lost in them every time,” he said, then moving to kiss your nose. “And your nose is seriously the cutest.”
A blush appeared across your cheeks, and his compliment caused a small smile to form as he continued.
“Your smile,” he said, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. “Is something I look forward to seeing every day. It lights up the room and my world.”
His words were so cheesy, but they made you giggle and you forgot why you were originally upset for a moment. Mark wasn’t usually this affectionate, and you could tell he was putting effort into making you feel appreciated. Knowing that made your heart melt.
Happy that he had gotten you to smile, he tenderly brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “You don’t have to be a goddess. You’re already perfect to me,” Mark said in the softest voice that made you want to cry.
Shaking your head with a laugh as you blinked back tears, you whispered, “I love you so much, Mark.”
He smiled and told you he loved you back, before pulling you into his arms to cuddle properly. Now it was you laying in his arms, and you couldn’t be more content.
Mark always knew the right thing to say when you were feeling insecure, and it was always moments like these when you realized that you wouldn’t know what to do without him. Although you didn’t necessarily feel perfect most of the time, with him, you felt pretty close.
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arcanesea · 9 months
sparks fly
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PAIRING: yang jeongin x reader GENRE: best friends to lovers, jeongin has a f!fans that annoys reader lol WC: 1.1k WARNING: profanity, jeongin is a little mean:[
"Special delivery from your 'secret admirer'." You said, making an air quote after slamming the coffee cup with a little too much force. You took your seat across Jeongin, huffing.
He looked inside the cup, pushing it in your direction, "You drink first, it might be poisoned."
You flip the ungracious finger in front of his face. Throwing a mocking smile. His so-called secret admirer (who lives directly across your dorm) has been making some inquiries over the last couple of weeks. Coffee, bottled beverages, cookies, even sandwiches, only for Jeongin. She waited in front of your door every morning, requesting you to deliver the goods to Jeongin.
When asked why she didn't do it herself, she claims that she doesn't have the courage yet. Along with that, she also asks you to play matchmaker. You would've agreed if she's not actually acting so annoying, asking for a selfie or even a photo of Jeongin with the stuff she sends.
"What if he thought this was all from me?" you ask one day, holding the tuna sandwich in your hand. Jeongin hates tuna, he prefers chicken sandwiches or plain bacon.
"Why? Do you plan on tricking him into believing that?" she asks back, confused. "You're just friends, right? You always said so, Jeongin does too."
Right… Friends…
Today was probably your tipping point because she's in a hurry, and you don't have class until later in the afternoon so you planned to sleep in a little bit. But persistent as ever, she knocks violently at your door, waking your roommates who had the day off, basically pissing the both of you and now you're just cranky.
"Did she annoy you?" Jeongin asked. He swirls the cup in a figure-8 motion, trying to assess your mood this morning.
"You think?" you respond. You took out your laptop, trying not to be a pile of negative energy. "I don't get it why she's so persistent, it's not like you're going to date her anyways, right?" you ask Jeongin without looking in his direction. Truth is, you're afraid that he might've said that you're wrong.
"Well since she seems to be perceived in a bad way by my best friend? Yeah, I think I'll pass," he answers. Your heart sank at the word best friend, but that's just the way you are. His hands leave the cup, tousling your hair.
"It's not like that, it's just… she's hell-bent on sending you this stuff, through me, like I'm some goddamn owl." You press on your keyboards violently. "And I'm still nice for actually giving it to you. I could've eaten them all by myself!" You exclaim. You had, in fact, thought about that. But that would make you look so bad, that even your roommates vote against doing so in case of karma.
"Are you not going to drink it?" you ask, eyeing the coffee. "I haven't eaten anything and I feel I could eat someone right now."
"I'll get you a new one," he said, standing up from his seat. "Sandwich?"
"Tuna," you answered, offering him a smile. "Thanks, you're the best!"
He grabs the coffee cup with him and walks inside the cafeteria to order a sandwich. He looked around the room when his eyes caught a glimpse of the so-called secret admirer. Well, he found that bit by himself, taking notes from the description you gave him along the time. His eyes met hers and he dropped the coffee cup on the bin. Not even taking a sip from it.
Jeongin hesitates a bit before actually approaching her. She didn't notice him at first until one of her friends whispered in her ear, pointing at him. He leans on the table, throwing a vile smirk. Luckily the cafeteria is so bustling with people that no one even notices the scene.
"Listen," Jeongin said. "I appreciate your effort, but you need to quit."
"Why? Did your little friend say something bad about me?" She dared herself to ask. Jeongin clicks his tongue, unimpressed. "Am I wrong to try? You're single anyways."
"Wow, you really got some attitude," he responds with a smile. "I can't tolerate an ungrateful person," he expels, surprising her. He's not one to talk shit about someone else, but when they mess with you, they're looking for a fight with him too (even when you're capable of picking fights by yourself, it makes him feel much better if you don't have to).
"You need to apologize, or you don't have to. Either way, this stops now." Jeongin said, "I'll pay you back if you want. Let's not waste each other's energy on something impossible to achieve, and that means the possibility of you and me together."
Without waiting for her response, Jeongin walked out and took his place in front of you. Handing you the tuna sandwich.
"You don't have to do that, you know," you said, opening the paper wrap and thanking him. You saw him approaching her table earlier when you went in to wash your hands. From afar, you can see his cynical face contrasting her shocked expression. You don't even want to interrupt, letting him do what he feels like doing. You trust him enough to not do something stupid or say something harmful. Counting on him to stay on course, which he did, just the cold-hard truth is all that comes out of his mouth.
"What?" he asks back, eyebrows knitting together. Then it sets on his face, "Oh… Well." He shrugs nonchalantly.
"Why did you even grant her wishes? I thought you liked me."
You choked on your sandwich at his careless statement, grabbing your bottle before chugging the water inside, leaving him laughing.
"Excuse me? How did you even come up with that?" you ask. Though you act cool, your insides are trembling with fear.
"Well, because I like you, I just thought the feelings were mutual." He bites into his sandwich, looking at you with your jaw slightly dropped. "Was it not mutual?" he asks again when you didn't respond for a few minutes.
"Is this seriously how you're gonna confess to me? are you tricking me into confessing first? That's such a dick move, you know." You gulp your water again, trying to drown the nervousness.
"Well, what do you want me to do? Going down on one knee is definitely too early, right?" he asks, trying to play innocent. He puts down his sandwich, looking at you, seriously this time. "I like you," he started. "That should be enough confession, right?"
His eyes turned the shape of a crescent moon, a genuine smile on his face.
"Fine," you admit defeat, putting down your own sandwich before ripping the bands of friendzone by saying; "I like you too."
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look who's posting double due to technical error:/
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saey707 · 11 months
I SEE YOU HAVE ALREADY SEEN "HEARTSTEEL" I LOVE THEIR INTERACTIONS ON TWITTER AND EVERYTHING (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) It's cool, just cool :') Well, the point is... could you do a Yone x fangirl!reader? (I've been thinking about an anonymous online friendship and then a BIG surprise when they just meet face to face) Anyway, have a good day <3 -🍄
✿ Prompt: You have a chance encounter with Yone ✿
♡ champion focus: yone ♡ tw: none! ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author’s Note: YES HELLOOO! ૮₍´。ᵔ ꈊ ᵔ。`₎ა Thanks so much for requesting! I tried my best to get the premise of your idea in, but I did make some changes to improve the flow of the short and make it more authentic! Hope you enjoy! ૮₍˶ •. • ⑅₎ა ♡
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You and Yone met through an online board long before he went off the grid- hell, you met long before Yone even became legendary!
While it wasn't the conventional way to meet someone, you couldn't help but become fascinated by him and all the discussions he participated in. It's not every day you meet a (kind) man so invested in the history of Japanese warriors, DJ'ing, cold brew, and meditating!
You've never met Yone in person, but you figured from his messages alone he was either an old man or a kind soul... Even both. Every email Yone sent you was well punctuated and wise. He always knew exactly what to say, to an extent where you didn't know if he was just researching everything he was telling you or was telling you something based on his life experiences!
The day Yone sent a photo to you was the day you were convinced he was an old man now. It was clear that the photo was printed when he took a picture of it. His long, black hair was neatly kept, and he stood tall and sharp in a suit... Not to mention, there were orbs on the edge of the photo, and his eyes were as red as a demon!
You knew, eventually, your anonymous pen pal would stop replying one day, but it still hurt all the same. For years, you wondered if Yone was okay. You wondered where he was now, what amazing things he was doing. You wondered if one day he would ever email you back again... You wondered if he was dead.
"Hey, Warrior! I know it's been a few years since we last spoke. I know you won't respond, and I don't carry any grudges against you for it. I just can't help but wonder: How have you been? Were you ever able to get that red motorcycle you wanted? Are you still DJ'ing?"
That was the first email in years you sent to him... And you couldn't help but find some comfort in having a one-sided conversation. In a way, it felt like it healed the past few years you were left wondering and waiting.
"Hi, Warrior! You won't believe what happened yesterday: I finally got myself to meditate for 30 minutes straight! I'm still not sure how you can do it for an hour, but maybe someday I can get just as good as you. Hope you respond soon. I miss you!"
It became a regular habit for you to email him, even knowing you would never get a response. But maybe someday he'll be able to see what's going on in your life. Maybe someday, he'll open up his emails and respond to you... It's just wishful thinking.
"Have you seen the new band going viral? They're called Heartsteel! Their producer has the same name as you and even rides a red motorcycle in the music video! Isn't that cool? I know it isn't you, but at the very least I can imagine that it is you. I can imagine it's you out there doing great things with great people. And maybe it makes sense to me now why you won't respond. But just know I'm proud of you. No matter what you're doing out there. I'll email you again in a few days. Bye, Yone."
You sent the email, shutting your laptop now.
Waiting in line for a cold brew, it came as a surprise to you when you saw a man in front of you looking down at his phone, not even realizing that the line had already cut down to his turn to order.
You waited a few seconds... Then another. Then another.
Soon enough, you were annoyed. "Uhh, hey?! It's your turn to order..!" You tapped the man's shoulder, watching as he turned his head to you, confused as he shook himself from the alternate dimension his head was just in.
Your eyes widened as you stared at him for a moment, taking in the intricate details of his face. You recognized the sharp look in his eyes. You were familiar with the shape of his jawline. From the moment you got a good look at him, you knew it was him.
And while it seemed as if he didn't recognize you, the moment you spoke, his eyes lit up. It was you.
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cowboyjen68 · 10 months
I just wanted to ask some advice from one butch to another.
I recently got my dream job of being a warden on a nature reserve (and i love it!), while interacting with people there I get called a young man very often (i am 18 lol) and it gives me euphoria to know im masculine enough to even pass as a man. I've also had some volunteers ask if I was a man or not (despite my feminine name).
But recently I got called a "lady" outside while out with my mother. It drove me INSANE I cried alot.
Don't get me wrong I do identify as a woman but I hate being seen as a lady.
I've even thought about using he/him pronouns recently and changing my name but i'm too scared to as most people won't understand bc im still a lesbian.
Is this strange?
ps love u and ur blog lots xx
This is an easy answer because I was 18 once and looked enough like a teenage boy that I got "hey sport" and "hey young man" all the time, especially when in my work clothes. I worked for The Mayor's Youth Corp in Iowa City in the summers of my 15th and 16th year. Mom and Dad let me get a work permit AND bought me a used Datsun Pickup so I could drive myself the 20 miles there and back each day.
I was a volunteer with the Corp of Engineers youth from 14 to 16 and Dad knew I was super excited about this job. Mom was not thrilled that I wanted to cut my hair but my "grand mullet" was really hot under the hard hat in the summer heat of Iowa. (in the 1980's boys and girls had the short in front long and permed in back look) We compromised and I cut the sides really short. (photo of my me at 16 in my uniform for reference)
Using "he" would never have occurred to me because "EWWW Boys". This is not to say, however, that I hated being mistaken for a boy, on the contrary, it felt good. When someone thought I was a young man it meant they treated me as such. They didn't talk down to me, I knew they assumed I was capable and willing to get dirty. I knew unconsiously that along with the mistaken identity came many perks. This was nothing I analyzed but little girls see very early on the difference in treatment they recieve from their brothers, male cousins and neighborhood boys. This difference leads us to become negotiators to control our circumstances and not entittled to treatment based on our skills and actual personalies.
When an adult recognized me as a boy, even for a second at first glance, I knew I didn't have to prove myself. They, for an instant, assigned to me words like "strong, capable, demanding etc". No negotations required.
When someone realized I was a girl they literally had a change in their face. They smiled at me, softened their voice. When I was called "young lady" or "Miss" it always seemed to be backed my the worst assumptions (in my mind anyway). Lady is steeped in all kinds of traits I didnt want assigned to me. "quiet, weak, likes to dress pretty"OR "motherly, submissive, meek" Nothing good in my teen brain, that is for sure. Lady felt so OLD, so married to a man and reliant on him for survival, so polyster pants and ugly flats and scratchy blouses with a flower imprint. NONE of these things are inherent to being a woman or even socially forced on us but that is not how things work sometimes. Words that describe people get stereotypes and myths and traits attached to them all the time. Woman and girl are no different.
I can tell you, the best feeling in the world when I was in that job was when my supervisor, who damn well knew I was a young woman, trusted me with all the same tasks as the boys. Who valued my opinions and abilities equally to the young men. He took time to teach me what I didn't know, just like with them and didn't assume I couldn't or didn't want to learn things on the job. He didn't shame ANYONE for not being strong enough or for getting tired or needing a break.
Don't let the assumptions of others force you into another box of conformity. You don't need a boys name or to use any pronouns you don't feel connected to just to please others. In fact, none of that effort will change perceptions of those around you. I can promise that one day being called Lady will just be another word that you can hear and know it does not change your personality or your interests or control the hope you have for your future. What does waste a lot of time and energy is trying to adjust things in your life to fit incorrect or snap assumptions about you as a person. You can never control the thoughts of those around you but what you can do is stop worrying about it and enjoy YOU.
You have a job you love and are sure to thrive in. You are solid in your sexuality and love of women, you are in a unique position to possibly change the perceptions of others when they think of "young women". Your interactions with the public are sure to effect the assumpions of at least some people when they think of young women and their roles in our society.
Congratulations on your new career and I bet you rock that uniform.
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jlepixie · 1 year
Can u do a fake hickey  prank with bill or Tom ?
oh my lord! I love that idea, thank you for requesting it. and sorry for the taking so long to post it, it was sitting in my drafts for some time now. I hope you like it.
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╰ ୨ Bill - fake hickey prank ୧ ╯
༶⋆˙⊹。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ ✩ ˛˚.
you and Bill loved pranking each other, it made your relationship more lively, and hearing his laugh every time, it was feeling like a blessing, and he could say the same. this time you wanted it to be a little different, you really needed to get back at him for the last prank, and you decided that your silly idea involving make up would be perfect. at first his eyes widened when he saw you just passing by him so relaxed. you were trying to hold into your laugh when you saw him getting closer to you "where were you today?" Bill said with a confused look on his face. you smiled at him "just hung out with Tom, listened some music" his eyes were so big now, he couldn't believe it, his emotions run fast from shock to anger "did something else happened, did he touched you?" fake-surprised, you gasp, “what? no. why would you say that". pointing at your neck Bill said maintaining his anger down "if he gave you that hickey I will deal with him myself" you could see the actual worry in his voice, he was more scared to loose you, especially to his brother, than anything else. you could feel the goosebump so you dropped your acting "oh billy, my sweet love" you got your hands to cup his cheeks and look into his eyes "I'm sorry, it was just a silly prank, Tom didn't did anything to me" you took a small breath "it is just make up, look" you said while wiping clean the fake hickey. Bill's face started relaxing "no wonder it looked like that" he left out a small chuckle " I knew he was bad, but not that bad" you started getting embarrassed and pouting looking away "anyways, if you wanted hickeys that bad, you could just ask me" Bill started getting closer to you and grabbing your waist to close the distance "I could give you lost of them" you didn't mind at all what your silly prank turned into, so you smiled and let him do his job.
╰ ୨ Tom - fake hickey prank ୧ ╯
༶⋆˙⊹。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ ✩ ˛˚.
the only word that could describe you right now was stupid. oh but you were so stupid to think that Tom would not know about such a common prank. he saw that you were oblivious to his knowledge so he decided to play along. "I didn't know I bit you that hard last time" he chuckles and points at it "sorry about that, would try to bite into a non visible place" he winked at you. this was when it hit you, he knows, but you still wanted a reaction from him. so acting dumb was the best choice in your opinion "I have no idea what you talking about" he laughs, getting closer to you, Tom takes your face into his hands "you are so cute, but you are not fulling anyone with it" he gets one of his hands off your cheek, searching something in his pocket. Tom gets out his phone and without a warning takes a quick photo of your neck "would this help you remember" you feel the blood getting fast to your face, it was such a bad picture of you, the angle made it look so funny "delete it, right now" you can hear him chuckle "in that case" Tom brushes your neck with his thumb, right where you took time to get almost perfect the hickey "you should clean this up and let me show you how a real hickey looks like" he winks at you, grabbing the back of your neck to make space to get his head down brushing his teeth into your skin.
tags: @dilfverz ( ─ if you want to be tagged in the next post let me know, make sure to say the fandom as well)
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© 2023 jlepixie.  ─  please do not copy,  repost or translate any of my works on other platforms without my permission. 
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irishmammonagenda · 3 months
Hii!! 🧚‍♀️It's Wee Emo anon 🍾
Really liked your last work, so here i am again
Can i request brothers reaction on MC who cry over small things?
Like they see little kitten on the street and - WHOOP! - they're bubbling sobbing mess
I'm kinda can't cry (sounds dramatic lol) and wanna MC to feel it instead of me 😬
Love your works, keep going bestie💐🏃‍♂️
HI WEE EMO <3 please ignore the fact you sent me this on april 27th and its now june i had gcses to prepare for 😔✊
anyway, who let you into my house 😧🤨
no seriously i've cried at multiple south park episodes. south park. sometimes i wanna cry when i see my dog i cannot be trusted i tear up so easily especially when im writing🙁
for not being able to cry that is not very good for you fr:
i used to not be able to cry + still only really tear up, some tears drip down and let out like 2 sobbing sounds before im good again, i dont even have to try and stop crying, two sobs and im done, but my biggest tip is, get tired like really sleepy to the point where your eyes water bc of tiredness then watch something really sad.
i ha to literally train myself to be able to cry again bro dw, i wish i could have a big long cry but like 3 mins of crying is better than none, trust me wee emo you'll feel better
this was very hard to imagine their reactions to idk why, but i tried so 😔✊
grma wee emo for requesting <3 and grma everyone else for reading <3
Obey Me Brothers With a Sensitive MC <3
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It was safe to say you were sensitive, back when Melanie Martinez's music was a lot better, you really could say that the song 'Crybaby' pretty much encapsulated your entire being, it still did, but you liked to think you were more mature in your music taste now. (You weren't)
Being suddenly catapulted into the Devildom did a number on your emotions, and you found yourself quite numb. But as you adjusted, and bonded with the others, you found that you were back to your usual self, which was a crybaby.
So then how do the brothers react?
Great. Two Mammons.
At least Mammon No.2 (you) isnt a tsundere about it.
Lucifer does not like seeing you cry. Even if its because something is cute, (although he does find it quite adorable, not that he'd admit it)
This demon is of the opinion that tears should never disgrace your beautiful eyes.
He will invite you to listen to his records with him and purposely put on sad ones or really sweet ones so you grip onto him while you tear up,
He is a demon, after all. ;)
Finally. Someone who cries more than him!
It actually makes him feel safer around you, like you wont bully him for being more sensitive than his brothers.
Actually ends up dropping a lot of his tsundere act around you.
You watch movies together, but always have to check the Devildom version of 'doesthedogdie.com'
Idk, I feel like Mammon would give you a bit of bother for it at first but then slowly start to like, open up more, because he really does see himself in you like that.
He blanks.
One day you start crying because of how cute the anime you both were watching was, Levi thought you were geniunely upset, so he tried to cheer you up.
You end up thinking that its really sweet and start crying harder.
Leviathan PANICKS.
Even now, he still gets really nervous when you start crying, and has popped into his demon form more times than he can count when you grab onto him and sniffle.
Please he's already so awkward he can't handle how cute you are.
You might make him start crying as well :(
Satan 100% gets so angry he starts crying so he can kind of understand it.
He's just glad you cry over positive things :)
His favourite moment was definetly when you teared up over a small kitten. (He took several photos and also took the kitten home)
Like Lucifer he 100% invites you to read with him and picks the fluffiest most adorable romance he can find, or the saddest most heartbreaking romance he can find.
He likes when you cling onto him and look up at him with those big teary eyes.
He's a demon. What did you expect, ;)
He thinks you're adorable.
Any emotion on your face is adorable to him actually. <3
If you wear makeup he makes sure to get you waterproof mascara and other eye makeup so your beautiful tears dont ruin your beautiful makeup <3
If any of you remember that crying girl makeup trend? Yeah he deffo starts that up in the Devildom (a) to make you feel less embarrassed about it and (b) because he thinks youre so beautiful when you express yourself.
He doesn't cry a lot, it's not exactly something that comes naturally to him at all.
Its not that he CANT cry or that he holds his tears back, its just that he doesn't normally process or reaction to things with tears.
Only in serious serious situations will he cry.
So when he sees you crying over one of those little onigiri things that are literally adorable, he thinks that you've somehow hurt yourself. (i nabbed this off of pinterest)
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Beel panics, and mentally goes over the ingredients in his head, did he order something with an ingredient that was dangerous to humans?
He calms down when he realises that you're crying because it looks cute.
He feels you with that.
Makes an effort to take you to more places with food items displayed in cute ways.
Though you do have to look away while Beel cuts them up for you, otherwise you wouldnt be able to eat it.
He laughs at you.
Point blank.
Originally when he's in the attic he uses your sensitivity as a way to manipulate you.
But post lesson 16, he really starts to appreciate it more.
This bastard will use his powers as the youngest sibling against you, he'll dress up in cute onesies and give you puppy eyes, all to coax you into taking naps with him.
Which you do.
I have no idea how half of these fuckheads would react tbh
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mostly-marvel-musings · 4 months
Found my way back to you
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A/N: Something for our CACW broken and sad boi Tony? Written for @fandom-free-bingo Here ya go. Special mention to @nicoline1998enilocin for proofreading, love you girl 💛 Leave a heart, comment or reblog if you enjoyed the story.
Pairing: Tony Stark x Avenger! F! Reader (our reader has Falcon-like abilities and Red Wing as well)
Warnings: Angst, hurt comfort.
Word count: 4.3k ish
Square filled: “Please don’t go.”
Fandom Free Bingo Masterlist
“Please don’t go.”
You weren’t sure you heard it at first as the voice seemed fainter than a whisper. Collecting your forgotten phone from the conference table, you were almost out the door when you heard him speak. Tony Stark sat at the far end of the table, nursing a glass of whiskey, his eyes downcast and shoulders drooped. There was a pleading in his voice that you couldn’t turn down.
Ever since Pepper left him for good, Tony had been heading towards a steady downfall of self-destruction. He was never one to talk but the team knew it, you knew it. You silently prayed that he would seek help and not be so stubborn for once. But you knew better than to push your teammate.
“What happened today, Tony?” Grabbing the nearest chair, you slid into it and waited for Tony to speak. You frowned as he took in a deep breath, as if preparing himself to relive whatever he was about to say.
“I met a lady named Miriam Sharpe today at MIT. She had a son, Charles Spencer. Great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor. Guess where, Sokovia. He wanted to make a difference, I suppose. I mean, we won't know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass.” he raised his eyes to meet yours finally, guilt and regret swimming in them, almost drowning his soul with it. Pressing your lips in a thin line, you remained silent. How does one process this kind of information anyway?
“He would have been working at Intel come fall. And now…She blames me, Y/N. And she’s right. I blame myself. I created Ultron. It’s my fault.” his voice was so low, you had to strain to hear. You could see his guilty conscience eating him alive, and your heart broke for the man.
“It’s not all your fault, Tony. We all share responsibility for what happened in Sokovia. Could we have done without the blood-thirsty artificial intelligence that threatened an extinction-level genocide? Sure. But you have to stop blaming yourself for Ultron. We got him, he’s gone. The world is safe again, the Avengers made sure of that. You made sure of that, remember?” you reached out to place your hand over his, he didn’t resist, instead he gave you a small nod indicating he understood your point before offering you a small but grateful smile. Your words provided him comfort, temporary though, yet he was battling a world of obsessive thoughts on the inside.
Excusing yourself, you headed out the room once more, only for Tony to grab your attention once again.
“The world is only safe until the next big threat, Y/N. And then what? Another conference where I meet another parent of yet another child that didn’t deserve to die? We need to be kept in check.” he muttered assertively, downing the rest of his glass before heading out the door himself. Leaving you to ponder over his words that somehow rang true the more you gave it a thought.
“So you’re really going to leave huh?” Clint Barton knocked on your door softly before he made his way to your room, followed closely by Natasha Romanov.
“Yep. I’m really leaving.”
You were packing the last of your suitcases, cramming one of the many photo frames that held a picture of you with the team. A Midgardian suit-clad Thor stood tallest brandishing his humongous glass of beer, right next to Steve, Nat and Clint; Tony had decided to go for dramatics as he laid down in front of all of you, his suit jacket discarded as he laughed pointing at Bruce who had just spilled his drink down his shirt - all thanks to Red Wing - your trusted device that you secretly used for a jump scare. It was worth it. Taken at one of Stark’s parties, everybody looked happy, less frown lines, less stress. Good old days, you thought.
“That was a good night.” Clint chuckled, pointing at the picture and making you nod in agreement.
“I’m gonna miss you.” Natasha pulled you in for a hug, making you tear up in the process. She didn’t try and convince you to stay, she was probably the only one who truly understood why you chose to step away, even if she didn’t agree with the decision.
“I’ll miss you too, Nat. More than you know. You too Legolas. Don’t die on us.” you chuckled after hugging Clint. The nickname Tony gave just sort of stuck around, and it irritated Clint the most which is why you always chose to call him that. Both of them were the closest thing to family around here for you.
“I feel like I’m probably gonna be the only one who miraculously survives, Y/L,N.”
“Seriously though, be careful you guys. I have a feeling this is not going to end well.” you added, zipping up the last of your bags. Saying their final goodbyes, they left you alone.
Your room was now empty, all packed up into boxes, the space looked smaller somehow, even though it wasn’t. It was time for you to start a new chapter of your life and close this one. It came with unfinished business but you chose to move on. Whatever moving on from a superhero life meant.
“Please don’t go.”
Those three words rang in your ears months after they were uttered. As much as your heart wrenched, you had to leave, it was time.
The Sokovia Accords lay on the polished oak table, bringing dreadful silence across the room. It was hard to believe what your world had come to, and yet here it was. A choice. A choice that nobody benefitted from, except maybe the government. The accords meant that the Avengers would no longer function as an independent association, instead, the government would control and track their moves and influence their decisions. Not signing them would be considered as retirement, so there was no easy way out of it.
Did you agree with them? Absolutely not. Was it necessary? Probably. What shocked you most was that Tony Stark had agreed to comply, in fact he was coaxing each and every one to sign the papers. You knew what was about to happen. And you knew where you stood.
It didn’t make sense for you to stay anymore.
So you left. Retired as the government had you call it. And Tony tried to stop you, once. He assumed you would fight by his side no matter what. And for a brief moment, so did you. You wanted to be by his side, however, what Thaddeus Ross had asked of you was simply unacceptable. You could never live with your freedom taken away from you like that. It wasn’t regulation, it was manipulation and you couldn’t believe Tony for siding with it. It broke your heart.
And so with that broken heart, you fled town. Bought yourself a country home and a small farm with animals, you made a good life for yourself. A life so distinctly different from the one you previously had. No fights, no aliens dropping from the skies, no threats, but no Avengers either. And more importantly, no Tony.
It came as a huge shock the day King T’Chaka was killed in Vienna, and the terrorist later identified as The Winter Soldier only was going to make matters worse, you knew that.
A part of you felt guilty for leaving, while another part was relieved to be away from it all. The constant tug of war gave you several sleepless nights. The main cause for those was the fact that you left without saying goodbye to Tony. You wondered if he hated you for it. He probably did. The two of you were…complicated to say the least. The nature of your relationship was never clear, it came with baggage, one you were more than willing to carry before you were presented with the Accords. There wasn’t much left to say when Tony Stark became spokesperson for regulating and controlling the Avengers under the government’s shadow. Arguments seemed futile when the man was determined on what needed to be done to keep the team in check.
An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead. Forever. - Helmut Zemo
Tony Stark was a man left wounded by many battles, some he drew upon himself, others he didn’t. The Sokovia Accords had caused a schism in the Avengers, a public feud with Steve Rogers and those he trusted at an airport in Germany. He had now the burden of involving a child in the fight, and the fact that he almost lost his best friend. Rhodey was built an exoskeleton to aid him in walking after he recovered, that was the least Tony could do. Although James never blamed him for anything, deep down it cut him that he was responsible for most of mayhem caused.
And then there was you.
You had left the team, left him without a goodbye. Disappeared one night without a trace. Tony felt abandoned by the one person he had hoped would never leave, and yet you had. He had had many sleepless nights thinking about you, hoping that one day maybe out of the blue you would come back and explain yourself.
And now you were gone.
I’m glad you’re back at the compound. I don’t like the idea of you rattling around a mansion all by yourself. We all need family.
The Avengers are yours, maybe even more so than mine. I’ve been on my own since I was eighteen. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. My faith is in people, I guess. Individuals. And, I’m happy to say that for the most part, they haven’t let me down. Which is why I can’t let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn’t.
I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself, and I’m sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand.
I wish we agreed on the accords, I really do. I know you’re doing what you believe in, and that’s all any of us can do. That’s all any of us should do.
So no matter what, I promise you, if you need us—if you need me—I’ll be there. The team may be scattered for now but I believe if and when the time comes, we will assemble as one. And it’s probably not my place to say this but, Y/N stepping down certainly does not mean she’s no longer with the team. She is out doing what she always dreamt of, living a normal life. Something all of us wish for every now and then. I hope you guys work it out someday. Take care, Tony.
Tony stared at the letter after reading it for the fourth time, the flip phone that came with it still in his hands. His mind invariably wandered to the last bit of Steve’s message. You.
Over the past few years, Tony had come to realize how integral you were, not just to the team and your contribution but to his life too. He had on many occasions found himself seeking you out for a chat, it always made his heavy heart just a little lighter. From the moment you joined the Avengers, you had intrigued Tony Stark. He admired you for your abilities, you were more capable than you were given credit for, you were compassionate, kind and a team player. You never said much but whenever you did, you always knew the right things to say, especially to Tony.
He recalled many occasions where you had leant a listening ear when he had wanted to rant, provided a logical solution when things seemed to get out of hand. He would never forget the comfort you provided when Pepper left him. You were there, holding his hand, hugging him tight when he asked to be left alone, knowing how much he needed a human touch. He didn’t fight it, instead he had let himself be held by you, by arms that provided safety, touches that soothed him and words that rendered all the uncertainties silent.
And yet you had left the compound without a word, or maybe without a conversation with him. It angered and worried him in equal parts.
The more he thought about it, the clearer the picture became of your possible whereabouts. One particular conversation stood out indicating where he might find you, memories of that evening brought a smile to his face as he recalled.
“Farm animals, definitely. I will get myself an alpaca, call her Ms Brain.”
“Are you serious?” you giggled, looking at Tony incredulously. The man was always full of surprises. You were lying on your backs on the compound lawn, it had been a particularly eventful day. Tony found you out here all by yourself, staring up at the gray sky. Getting him to lie down with you wasn’t easy but you managed, bribing him with his favorite whiskey later.
“What about you, Y/L/N?”
“Hmm..Let’s see. I want a huge backyard where I will grow my veggie garden, make the most delicious foods, and have a cat since I’ve always wanted one. Somewhere peaceful and quiet, away from the city, of course. Some place that’ll show me actual stars instead of these twinkling airplane lights, you know?” you murmured, chuckling as a plane flew right above, its red lights mixing with the gray smoke and clouds before it disappeared, effectively making its point.
Tony remained silent, turning his head towards you so he could see your face, your eyes still focused on the sky, he gazed at you fondly. Admiring you for having the courage to dream of a different life so freely, something he used to be able to do but now it all seemed too far off.
“What’s going on in that mind of yours, Y/N?” Tony murmured, reaching his pinky finger out to entwine with yours.
“I’m just picturing you on a farm with Ms. Brain on a leash.” You smiled looking down at your hands.
“Do you think about running away from it all?”
“All the time.” Tony replied promptly, turning his body to face you as you did the same.
“What stops you from doing it then?”
As if on cue, his phone rang, disturbing the quiet of the moment. He murmured a ‘that’ under his breath before sitting up to answer it, thereby ending your little heart-to-heart.
It was a lovely spring morning when you awoke. Your usual wake up call was meowing his way up your bed, demanding to be fed. Once the cat had his fill, you made yourself a cup of coffee and breakfast and went about your day.
Your life out here was simple, just the way you wanted it to be. Your savings had bought you a decent sized house with a large enough backyard garden for you to grow your veggies - something you always dreamt of having. The difference was so stark, it took you a while to adjust to this new life. But eventually you did. The peace and quiet it brought you was indescribable. But that didn’t mean you didn’t miss your Avenger life. To be more specific you missed the team, mostly Tony Stark.
You felt horrible for leaving without notice, especially after finding out about the fight that took place in Germany. You often found yourself wondering how he was dealing with everything. Did he have anybody by his side? You knew the answer to that. Did he get back with Pepper Potts? You didn’t want to find out the answer to that.
As evening rolled by, you poured yourself a glass of wine and got started on dinner, hearing a sharp knocking sound on your door right after. Frowning, you wiped your hands on a napkin and went to open it. You weren’t expecting anyone.
On the other side of the door stood the man you least expected to find, and yet the same man you were hoping to find all this time.
Tony Stark.
He wasn’t the Tony Stark you recognized. No. He seemed different, and not in a good way. His face was still the same, handsome, striking and yet it lacked the usual charisma. There were several bruises decorated all over his face, some healed, others on their way but definitely promised to leave a permanent mark. Words had escaped your vocabulary as you stood there dumbfounded, until he cleared his throat.
“You’re um, you’re here.”
He gave you a nod, grateful that you stepped out of the way to let him in, still trying to process. Red Wing flew in after him, having scanned him for being a potential threat. It was a habit you couldn’t shake off, even in retirement, you were prepared for the unexpected.
“You turned Red Wing into a bellboy? You should’ve left with Dum-E, he would’ve been the perfect lawn mower.”
He made you chuckle, immediately reminding you of the Tony you had missed all these months. A part of you was relieved to see him, your heart beating with excitement now that there seemed a possibility that he was here to see you.
“Would you like a glass of wine?”
He shook his head in a no, explaining he had had too much coffee before, his trembling fingers spoke for themselves. Wordlessly, you made your way towards the kitchen, putting on a kettle of water to make him a cup of chamomile tea instead.
“Will you stay for dinner? I was only just getting started.” you offered, taking his noncommittal shrug as a yes.
He seemed to be busy digesting your new home, the surroundings that now glowed under the light of the setting sun. Your cat jumped out from his hiding spot, greeting Tony by walking between his legs, rubbing his scent over him, already claiming the man as his.
“He’s never that friendly with anyone.” you pointed out, smiling a little when Tony bent down to scratch him behind his ears, causing a cat to purr in appreciation. You brought him a cup of piping hot tea which he accepted wordlessly, taking a seat on your couch where you joined him. Several moments of silence passed where you watched him blow on the hot liquid before taking a small sip.
“You left without saying goodbye to me.”
Tony’s words fell on your ears but cut right through your heart. You should’ve been prepared for this to come up.
“Would you have stopped me from going, Tony?”
“No. Probably. I–I would’ve wanted you to stay and fight back, Y/N.”
You laughed humorlessly, shaking your head at the thought.
“Fight you, you mean? You know I was never going to sign those Accords. I was not going to fight by your side, Tony. You knew that.” your voice shook as you spoke, getting up from your seat and heading back to your kitchen, you put some distance between the two of you.
“Then you should’ve fought me! Anything was better than leaving unannounced, Y/N.”
His words made you turn around, his eyes shone under the candlelight, burning with embers of unanswered questions. You stood quiet, your breathing shallow now.
“Clearly I didn’t mean anything to you.”
“Is that what you think? You’re wrong, Tony. It’s because you meant the most to me, Tony. I couldn’t say goodbye to you because if I had, I wouldn’t have survived. And I couldn’t stay. So forgive me for running away, alright? I took the easiest choice at hand because the alternative was just too damn difficult.” you had a few tears strayed down your cheek by the time you finished, your heart now pounding wildly against your ears as you stood gripping the dining chair so tight your knuckles had turned white.
Tony sat still for a while, his brain comprehending your words before a hint of a smile made its way on his face, a sense of temporary relief - something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Something inside of him had led him here, the longing to see your face, questions that needed answers, the loneliness he felt that only grew more and more once everything that could go wrong went wrong. And yet, as he sat here after finding you, his heart felt lighter. Like he had made the right choice in what felt like forever.
“You haven’t asked why I am here.” he murmured, turning his attention back to the cup of tea in his hands.
“Wasn’t it to donate Dum-E to be my trusted lawn mower?” you jested, taking a seat on the chair you were previously clutching.
“I found out it wasn’t a car accident that killed my parents. They were murdered. By James Buchanan Barnes.” Tony stared ahead, gripping the cup tightly in his hands as he spoke.
“Oh my God, Tony…”
“And Rogers knew. He knew, Y/N.” he whispered, the anguish and hurt in his voice evident. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. The Avengers having a difference of opinion was one thing, but this piece of information was enough to cause a definitive crack, you knew that.
“It wasn’t Barnes, Tony. It was the Winter Soldier, he was being controlled.”
“They’re still dead.”
That made you understand he wasn’t looking for a logical explanation, at least not now. What he needed was comfort. Without another word, you made your way back over to the couch, placing your hand on Tony’s back to let him know you were there for him.
“I almost lost Rhodey. I saw him fall to his death from the sky, Y/N. I couldn’t make it to him in time. And now our team is scattered. Gone. All because I–”
“Because of the Accords, and a difference of opinion, Tony.” you shifted closer, placing the cup away to grab his hands in yours.
“But I signed them. I failed.” his words broke your heart, unshed tears now made their way into his eyes as he tried his best not to break down in front of you.
“Hey, it’s okay, Tony. We’ll figure it out, like we always do, right? It’s okay, come here.”
Wrapping him in a hug, you held him close to you as he broke down, finally allowing himself to be vulnerable. He held onto the light sweater you wore like you would disappear in his grasp, shoulders burdened heavy now shaking in silent tears as months, maybe years of pent up and unaddressed feelings resurfaced.
“Shh. You’re okay, Tony. Let it out, I’ve got you.” You carded your fingers through his hair softly, blinking your own tears away.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there, Tony. I should have been there for the team, for you. I’m sorry.”
He shook his head slightly, the movement a little difficult with his head safely tucked against your chest. After his tears subsided, you clasped his hand and led him upstairs to draw him a bath.
Tony Stark hadn’t known what it felt to have someone else care for him in a long time. He didn’t allow himself to be vulnerable the way he had now, because for the first time in forever, he knew felt safe. Safe enough to show his scars, his wounds. As you wordlessly undressed him, your eyes scanned the bruises littered across his skin, old scars and new. Your fingers traced them delicately before you nudged him to step inside the tub while you sat out. He needed this more than you at that moment.
The warm water healed his sore muscles, the ache that had settled deep within them slowly slipped out as your hands massaged the knots away. There was no way he could express how thankful he was for you in words. He chose to express it all with a kiss instead.
Right after you were done washing his hair, he held your hand to pull you closer to the edge of the tub, his gaze lowered as his face inched closer to yours.
As your lips met, you felt yourself melt against him. There was still a lot to work through but for now, you let yourself be lost in Tony Stark. All of him. You let him consume your senses. He was all that mattered.
“When was the last time you slept?”
Your question seemed irrelevant, you probably guessed it had been a while since the man got a good night’s rest. Now that you were out in your backyard, lying on a soft blanket you’d brought out to watch the night sky. Tony held on to your hand, placing it right over his chest where his arc reactor once was.
Several stars twinkled in the inky black sky, a visual you had missed in the city life. You remembered the nights you laid out here alone, rethinking past choices. You were content then, but you only understood peace now. There was no one else you would rather be here with than Tony.
His heart was beating steadily against your hand, his breath calm, features relaxed. This was the Tony you knew and loved.
“I’m glad I found my way back to you.”
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kpop-yes · 1 year
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Ryujin x male reader: Fan Favorite
Ryujin POV
It's been a few months since a group i've been in, Itzy, Debuted.
And I'd be lying if I said it wasn't stressful, because it was very stressful.
We had a strict schedule and had to practice on a daily basis with barely any energy.
And one way people like to get rod of stress, is sex.
But it's hard being an idol and trying to have sex.
It either ends up being a creep or some lowlife cheating behind my back.
Speaking of my idol life, that reminds me that I have a fam meetup in a few hours.
I haven't really been interested in having sex with any of my fans, except for one.
He's always at every concert or fan meetup, and he's always at the front row, having a t-shirt or sign of me on it.
With all the times we've interacted, He's single and most definitely handsome~
Anyways I might take him to a hotel, to talk, and maybe a little more than that... Okay maybe sex.
After entering our venue and meeting with security and staff, It was time for my plan to take action.
I've made a little note with my hotel address and room number, Then if he does show up, I'll get to know him a bit, then if does seem to be a good guy, then this night could take lust turn.
Another day, another Itzy fan show.
I decided to buy a little plushie to give to Ryujin, I hope she likes it.
Anyways, I better get going, the venue isn't far but I wanna get to my seat first before the venue gets crowded.
Ever since Itzy debuted, I've been in love with Ryujin, and she's been my bias ever since 2019 when they debuted.
- TimeSkip -
I arrived at the venue and sat down in my seat, noticing only that a couple people were here and they were taking pictures.
I looked up at the stage to see people setting up tables and chairs and getting everything set up.
That's when everyone rushed in and started taking their seats.
After a few minutes, Itzy walked and everyone started cheering, including me.
They were bowing and as soon as they were taking seats, I swear I saw her wink at me.
- Ryujin POV -
We all walked up to the front of the stage, bowed, and introduced ourselves to the fans, add as were walking to our seats, I spotted him, and I winked at him.
I felt so proud of myself for making the first move, hopefully he noticed.
Anyways, we sat down at our seats and explained how gifts and pictures worked, and after explaining some more rules, our fans started lining one by one for a signature and picture.
I looked to see where he was and saw that he was one of the first in line.
I got more nervous the more he moved closer, but why, if anything he should be the nervous one.
After taking a couple pictures and signing, It was his turn, what was his name again? was it y/n? might as well give it a shot.
He walked up to me and handed a little plushie,
"I hope you like it", he says.
"Like it? I love it! Thanks um... Y/n right?"
"Yes, you remembered my name!"
"How could I forget one of my biggest fans names! Anyways, Do you want a picture or an autograph?"
"Just a picture please!"
He handed me his phone and I took a photo of us, he looked very cute, but now it was time to give him the note.
- Y/n POV -
After taking a photo with Ryujin, I turned around and was about to walk off stage when I felt something in my hand.
I turned around to see Ryujin handing me a note,
The note said
-Meet me at (Random hotel address and room number) At 12:00 -
Is this really happening, has THE Ryujin invited me to her hotel room?!
I looked at her to see if this was some sort of joke but after looking deep in her sincere eyes, I don't think she's joking.
I nervously walked off the stage and back in my seat.
- Timeskip -
The rest of the fan meet was very awkward for me so much. I felt very awkward just looking at ryujin and couldn't focus on the fan meet and worried more about what she wanted from me.
Did she want to give me something? Was she going to do something to me? did she give me the correct hotel number?
So many thoughts and dirty thoughts running through my head the whole time.
I left instantly
when the fan meet ended and didn't look back.
I drove home, showered, and got ready to hopefully meet Ryujin at the hotel.
- Timeskip -
I left my house and got in my car, nervously I drove to the hotel address.
Never had I thought that I'd be driving to meet Ryujin at a hotel in private, One could only dream about this happening, but not me.
I arrived at the hotel, and it wasn't that big, Not I even I would suspect that an Idol was staying here.
I got out of my car and walked into the hotel, I asked the person at the desk where the room number Ryujin told me was at.
They gave me instructions and I was now taking an elevator to the room where Ryujin is supposedly at.
I got off the elevator and I found the room.
I nervously walked up to the door and knocked.
*Knock* *Knock*
Nothing, I guess she really did give me a random room number-
The door got unlocked, the door slowly opened and,
There she was, Ryujin, In front of me.
"Hey, you came! Come inside", she said.
I walked inside the room to see a bed, bathroom, and tv.
Nothing expensive just a normal room.
I sat down on the bed and Ryujin Closed the door and sat next to me.
"So, Why did you want me to meet you here?" I asked.
"Oh because I wanted to ask you some questions!"
And for the next 20 minutes Ryujin asked me questions like what I do on my free time and My hobbies.
Nothing seemed unusual until the final question.
"Anyways, I have one final question", she said while moving closer to me.
"Un sure, ask away".
She got closer to me until her face was right in front of me. She got closer to my ear and whispered,
"Are you a virgin Y/n?"
What, How am I supposed to answer that question?!?
If I say no she'll expect me to be experienced?  But if i say yes I'll probably look like a loser to her?
What do I say?!?
"Um, Y-Yeah Im a V-Virgin" I said nervously
"Perfect~ Take off your pants"
I did as she said and started unbuckling my pants.
But I guess I was taking too long because she got on her knees and started taking off my pants.
After struggling to unzip my pants, she roughly pulled them down and admired my member bulging through my boxers, then taking them off.
One thing I won't ever forget is the second when my member slapped a crossed face and her face admiring my member.
After admiring my member for a minute, she wraps her hands around my member and starts to stroke it.
I couldn’t stop myself from moaning.
The sensation was already amazing but knowing that Ryujin was stroking my dick the sensation was even better.
Going from stroking, Ryujin Puckered her lips as she slowly started to give me a blowjob.
Her tongue twisting in the inside of her mouth while moving her head back and forward was something that you could only imagine.
My head felt lightheaded snd I felt like I was about to blow my load.
I guess Ryujin could sense my load as she suddenly stopped what she was doing and stood up.
She looked me in the eyes while slowly stripping right in front of me.
After taking off most of her clothes, all that was left were her bra and her soaked panties.
She fell on the bed back first and seemingly waited for me.
“Come on, you’re taking too long. Woman also need some stress taken care of!” She said frustrated.
I moved on top of her and started moving her panties to the side snd admired her soaked Vagina.
But I guess I took too long because she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me in her grasp.
I lined ip my member to her pussy and slowly inserted my dick into her.
Her slow moans gave me more confidence to move more inside of her.
After being fully inside of her, I stroked back and forward slowly, Hearing her moans was a pleasant sound to hear.
My mind started to get foggy as I started to Stroke harder, My head felt dizzy but I kept stroking until I was about to reach my limit,
“Ah, Ryujin, I’m about to cum-“
“Do it, Do it Y/n, Fucking cum inside of me!”
After getting confirmation from Ryujin, I kept pounding until I blew my load inside of her.
I Laid beside her, Admiring her body.
Even tho I blew my load, My member was still rock hard.
Ryujin looked back at me and smirked.
And after what seemed like a looooong night, Ryujin gave me her number and told me,
“Call me if you ever fell stressed again”.
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delulujuls · 11 months
fuck, marry, kill | lh44, gr63
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hi! im sorry for not being on time but hey, no surprise to having the best ideas when its already too late. anyway please enjoy!
summary: the mercedes trio is getting ready for halloween party, lewis is being a total babygirl as always, georgie boy being unbothered king as always too
warnings: none, they are pure goofballs
pairing: lewis hamilton x fem!mercdriver x george russell
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George scrunched his nose, feeling the first stamp of paint on his cheek.
"I already don't like this."
Y/N rolled her eyes, putting more paint onto the sponge.
"I've just started, so please cooperate and let me work."
He squeezed his eyelids as he felt his face gradually being covered in white color. The atmosphere at the Mercedes headquarters that afternoon was very exciting, all due to preparations for the evening Halloween party.
"Is it at least vegan?" George asked again, nervously adjusting himself in his place.
Lewis sitting next to them couldn't help but laugh, tearing his gaze away from his phone.
"Give me one reason why makeup paint wouldn't be vegan" he asked.
"I have no idea, that's why I'd rather make sure."
Y/N shook her head and returned to covering his face with paint.
"And you, Lewis, do you have any ideas yet?"
She asked, glancing at the man who had been searching for inspiration for his costume for the past few minutes.
"I'd advise against anything with white paint and it's not just because it could be seen as racist."
George chimed in, trying to scratch his nose for which he immediately received a tap on the hand.
"Men in Black? The Weeknd?" the man shook his head while scrolling through Pinterest. "Everything is too simple and obvious."
"We could have some matching costumes," Russell suggested, feeling relieved as the girl put down the paint and reached for powder. "I'd feel better knowing that you guys are going through this as well."
"That's actually not a bad idea," Y/N nodded, looking at her friends. "The only question is, what kind?"
Lewis exhaled and focused on his phone again. The trio remained silent for a moment until the man showed them a photo with an potential inspiration.
"I think I have a favorite."
Y/N furrowed her brows, looking at the photo he showed. It took her a moment to decipher what the trio of girls in the picture was dressed up as.
"Fuck, Marry, Kill! Oh God, that is brilliant!"
"Let me be 'Kill' because I might as well kill myself if I have to wash this off" George said, adjusting the headband holding his hair.
"I'm fine with that" the girl assured, taking a brush, black eyeshadow and starting to paint skull elements on his face. "And what about you, Lewis?"
"I can let you have the first choice."
The man replied, resting on his hand and watching as George's makeup slowly began to take shape.
"Everyone thinks 'Fuck' when they look at you, so I guess we know the answer."
The girl said, giving him a meaningful look.
Lewis looked a little flustered, trying to cover his reaction with laughter. The three of them had been friends for almost four years, but Lewis was very easy to embarrass, even in jokes.
"You'd look good as the groom though, but I'm sure that everyone would probably point out that Y/N is being objectified for letting her being "Fuck", what about woman rights and all the other shitty nonsense," George added "PR people would have a busy evening."
"Geez Georgie boy, just say that I'm not attractive and no one would want to fuck me," Y/N interjected with feigned seriousness, struggling to hold back her laughter.
"Don't provoke me into this conversation, especially not now when I'm not at my best," he replied, trying to remain still as she painted his eyes.
Lewis returned to browsing his phone, this time with a clear idea of what he was looking for. When he found a specific photo, he hesitated for a moment about presenting his idea.
"Do you have red lipstick, Y/N?" He asked uncertainly, glancing at his friend. She nodded, not breaking her concentration. However, when he didn't expand on the topic, she looked at him.
"But what do you need red lipstick for, exactly?"
Lewis wordlessly showed her his phone with a picture where a guy was covered in red lipstick kisses. Y/N raised her eyebrows in shock, while George nodded approvingly.
"The idea is great and I truly love you, but don't count me as the one to give you those kisses,"Russell replied.
Lewis looked at Y/N, unsure if this suggestion wasn't too much and could potentially offend her in any way. However, she didn't react negatively at all; instead, she nodded and smiled enthusiastically.
"People on Twitter are gonna shit themselves."
When George's makeup was ready, the rest of the preparations went smoothly. Even getting the wedding accessories for Y/N wasn't as problematic as keeping Russell in one place with his mouth shut for more than five minutes during his make up. When the girl was ready, she took the red lipstick, which was the highlight of the program and found Lewis, who was already dressed in his dark red suit pants, perfectly matching his shirt. The man smiled at the sight of his friend, who had done a great job finding her costume at the last minute.
"How do you feel about the party?" the girl asked, opening a small mirror and painting her lips.
"I'm okay, and you?" the man replied, nervously adjusting the cuffs of his shirt.
"Me too, I must admit I like these kinds of parties."
Y/N closed the mirror and glanced at her friend, signaling him to sit down. He followed her command, getting nervous almost as if it were his first interaction with a girl ever.
"Do you have any specific idea about how to arrange these kisses, or can I improvise?"
"I trust you completely."
The girl nodded and without thinking too much just leaned toward him. Just then George entered the room, also dressed and ready to go.
"Thank goodness I found you in time," he said, closing the door behind him. "Now no one can accuse you of deliberate kisses."
"You're definitely taking this too seriously," Y/N laughed and leaned toward Lewis, pressing her lips to his cheek. The man smiled involuntarily and looked at her, slightly taken aback when she moved away and examined her work.
"One down, about twenty-nine to go," George commented, sitting in a nearby chair. "Don't fall in love with each other during this time."
Lewis sat still, even trying not to breathe too loudly. Y/N left kisses on his cheek, neck and chest like stamps. When she finished, she nodded approvingly.
"It turned out better than I thought."
"We all look awesome, but now get rid of the evidence and let's go because I'm starving."
The girl wiped her lips clean and the three of them headed to the company's party. Y/N secured seats, Lewis went for drinks and George immediately greeted the snacks. Toto holding a champagne glass took a big sip when he noticed Lewis's rather original outfit.
"I guess you're not the author of those kisses."
The man stated more than he asked, when he approached George.
"Come on, boss, I used my best lipstick for this. Huda Beauty," George said with utmost seriousness and holding three plates of snacks he returned to his friends, ready for the next adventures of the Halloween night.
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hannamoon143 · 1 month
Darkness is everything that remains
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ships: hyunjin x fem reader
Genre: heavy Angst, Hurt/no comfort
warnings: death,crying,kinda depression ig,denial,su!cide,drowning,
words: 1,5 k
a/n: since these are heavy themes please don’t read it if you are not comfortable with any of them,cause i don’t want to trigger anyone with my writing. I'm sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.Remember that you are a beautiful person,and never stop taking care of yourself.Drink enough,eat enough,sleep enough. I hope you have a great day. Enjoy <33
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I just wanted something. Anything. I had everything till four months ago. But now i had nothing anymore.
I was dragging myself out the bathroom, only changing into some different clothes and then laying down at the bed. Our bed. And i wasn’t wearing just some clothes. It was my sweater.My sweater with the acrylic stains on it.I was trying so hard not to look at the wall in front of the bed. But i did anyways. Of course i didn’t look at the wall, i looked at the painting.His painting.
6 months ago
„knock knock“ i said,smiling at him while my head peeked through the door. „Come in love“ he didn’t look up from his painting but he smiled too.I could watch his smile forever. The depth of his dark eyes,the way his lips slowly turned upwards.
I went inside his room and sat at the chair besides him. „What are you painting hyunnie?“ i said,peeking over his shoulder. „It’s for our anniversary love, but now the surprise is destroyed. It’s the day at the beach.A stranger that was a photograph was randomly making photos, and he had to make one of us cause we were looking so in love he said.and he gave it to me. See? We are sitting there, the oceans breeze was making our hair go all messy but you still looked so beautiful. And you are holding the single rose i gave to you.“
While he explained it i looked at the painting. It wasn’t even finished yet, but it was beautiful.The colours made it seem so alive and i could see a happy hyunjin smiling at me with a loving look in his eye, while i was looking at the rose with a little smile, like it was the most precious thing i ever got. Of course it wasn’t. He was the most precious thing i ever got.
„Well i won’t disturb you then my love,wanna watch a movie together later?“
„Sure, you pick“ he said,smiling at me. Then he gave me a soft kiss with a hug, the acrylic paint now on my sweater too,but i didn’t care.
I couldn’t look at it any longer. I got up, slipping my shoes on and left my apartment. Our apartment. Where was i even going? I didn’t know to be honest. That means i did know. As if my body was mechanical i sat into my cold car, driving to him.
I got out of the car,walking to the love of my life Then i was in front of him. The past five months i never cried a single tear,gone entirely numb.But now? I broke down to my knees,starting to sob. „Why did you do this? Left me just like that? You promised me! You promised me that we would be forever together, hyunjin!Tell me,why forever is so short.“ I looked at all the flowers. From his family.From his best friends.From people that knew him. And in the middle of all these way to colourful flowers was the rose. Our rose. It was dried,and looked fragile. I took it into my trembling hands. „When you gifted me this,you said it stands for us.For our love. Where did all this go? Where did you go?“
The petals fell down on the cold ground. „No no no. Is that you trying to tell me that it’s over?! Are you trying to tell me that hyunjin? Because i disagree! You can’t just leave me like this,i won’t accept it. Remember you always telled me i’m so stubborn?And you were right! So i won’t give up!“ I yelled between choking sobs,trying to pick up the petals of the rose.
7 months ago:
„But you said i pick the movie, so i pick 10 things i hate about you.“ i pouted.
„Everything but this!“ hyunjin whined. „We watched this movie over five times only in the past three years and if i may remind you that since i know you we watched it fourteen times wich is way too much, i think i am allowed to say that we will watch something else.“
„But i love this movieee.and we didn’t watch it in the past four months soo-“
„What about we just watch The fault in our stars? It’s also romantic, and you like it too“
„But i wanna watch 10 things i hate about you!“
„You get to see my current artwork tomorrow if we watch something else.“
„10 things i hate about you.“
„I will get you everything you want when we go next shopping.“
„10 things i hate about you.“
Hyunjin sighed.But after a bit silence when i almost thought about giving in, because he looked annoyed for real now,he started smiling and just suddenly hugged me.
„Hey,is that another attempt to not have to watch 10 things i hate about you?“ i said, but with a giggle now.
„To be honest you are adorable when you are so stubborn.“ He said,brushing my hair out of my face betweent the cuddles,that were almost choking me. I acted annoyed and looked away but just had to start smiling when he planted soft kisses on each side of my cheeks.
„I love you,pabo.“i muttered into his hair.
„I love you too,my muse.“
Was it smart to go to his grave in the middle in the night? No
Was it even more stupid to drive to the beach in the middle of the night, with only petals of a rose and a bottle of water that was laying in my car for a year now? Yes it was.
I got out the car, taking the petals of the rose, that i wrapped up in an old hoodie of him. I walked towards the water.My mind was blank.I walked until my converse were soaked up with water.Now i was simply standing there and looking at the ocean. Looking at his promise.
8 months ago:
He broke the comfortable silence,that was only filled with the sounds of the waves.
„Do you see the blue ocean,love?“
i giggled. „Of course i can see it jinnie.“
He looked at me with a little smile,laying his head on my shoulder.
„If i am ever far away,then look at the ocean. Look at the waves always coming back to the sand of the beach. They will remind you that no matter where i am, or how far away i am, i will come back to you my love. I will always come back, because i love you, i always will. Never forget that.“
I looked at him.I simply looked at him and he started smiling.
„I love you too jinnie. So, so much.“
He smiled even more,kissing my forehead softly,and pulling me closer.
„I’m looking at the waves like you told me jinnie.And now? When will you come back? Cause i saw you.Saw how they put layers of earth on you. It didn’t seem like you would come back jinnie!“
I didn’t notice that i started crying again, and almost yelling the words into the cold night. I looked at the hoodie in my hands,with the petals of the rose in it. The worst was,it still smelled like him.Without thinking i went further into the freezing water.My whole legs were covered in the freezing waves of the ocean now.I smelled at the hoodie.I wanted to feel like everything would be okay one last time.Cause i knew that it wouldn’t be. This time he wouldn’t come home, craddle me in his arms, and let me sob into his chest. This time nothing would be okay again. I threw the hoodie as wide as possible into the turbulent water. The petals of the rose seemed like they were flying until they hit the water surface. i watched them get carried away by the ocean. Was this really the end?
The answer was yes. Yes it was,because nothing would ever be okay again.I didn’t want to live in a world without him. A world without love, without care, without comfort.
So i went further into the ice cold water. I went so wide until i was underwater. The waves, and the water were turbulent, because of the storm, that i didn’t even acknowledge until now. And i felt that i got carried away. Further into the darkness,further down. But i didn’t fight the water. Because maybe there was a little hope,that maybe after the darkness he would be standing somewhere, waiting for me.
So i let the darkness come.Until it’s everything left. Until my shattered heart stops beating.Until darkness is everything that remains.
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a/n: if you know someone that might consider suicide or self harm help them. Sometimes a simple word,a text or a call can help.
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backtothe99 · 13 days
(18Trip Translation) Tao Kinouchi SSR: The Brave - Beyond the Invitation Lies...
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This translation uses the male protagonist’s name (Kaede), but the story doesn’t change regardless of the chosen protagonist
proofread by myuntachis, naginins77, jellyfish_apple and niri_riri
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Part 1
Location: HAMA House Living Room
Kaede: (Phew… I’m glad today’s job went smoothly.)
Kaede: (Not only was there interest in my proposal, I was also given an invitation to the pop-up store promoting the game.)
Kaede: (I may be excited, but I don’t actually know anything about this “Final Brave” game…)
Kaede: (Is it okay for someone like me to go there?)
Tao: Did you just get back, Chief?
Kaede: Hi, Tao-kun. Yup, I just got done with work.
Tao: Good work. I was just about to make some coffee. If you’d like, I could make some for you too—
Tao: Is this a ticket to FB’s pop-up store!?
Kaede: (FB… Oh, he’s talking about Final Brave.)
Kaede: It is. Our business client today was a game company, and they gave me an invitation to their upcoming limited-time store.
Tao: Huh, that’s like, some crazy luck!
Tao: This event is so popular right now, it’s been sold out for the next 3 months!
Kaede: I didn’t know that…! Was it really okay for them to give me something so valuable?
Kaede: I know that Final Brave is popular, not only in JPN but also globally, but I’ve never played it…
Tao: You’ve never played Final Brave!? How have you lived up till now!?
Kaede: I-Is that really so strange!?
Tao: Um, no– I’m sorry. That’s not it at all.
Tao: … If anything, I’m the strange one for acting like this over a video game at my age.
Kaede: Huh?
Tao: Uhh, it’s nothing. So… Will you go to that pop-up store?
Kaede: I’d like to go, since I was invited, but… I’m worried about whether I should, since I don’t know much about the game. Besides—
Kaede: You seem more interested in this, Tao-kun. So how about I give you the ticket so you can go, instead?
Tao: What, really!?
Kaede: Really. I don’t know much about it at all, so I think it’d be better if someone who can enjoy it properly goes instead.
Tao: W-Well… I am interested.
Tao: It says “Can bring a plus one” here.
Kaede: Huh? Oh, you’re right. I didn’t notice…
Tao: Then, since we can, how about we go together?
Tao: If I go by myself, you might get in trouble next time you meet with those company people…
Tao: And I’m sure you’ll also be able to talk about it to them next time!
Kaede: … You’re right. This will definitely be a good chance for me to learn more about FB.
Tao: Huh, you want to learn more about FB, Chief?
Kaede: Of course I do, since it’s that strange that I’ve lived up till now without playing it once.
Tao: Uuu… You took what I said to heart, didn’t you… I’m sorry.
Kaede: Hehe, I’m just messing with you. I’m really grateful that someone as knowledgeable as you will be coming with me, Tao-kun.
Kaede: It’s a plan!
Tao: Okay. I’m looking forward to it, too!
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Part 2
Location: Anime Store
Kaede: Wow… There’s a lot more merch than I expected there to be.
Tao: I know, right! I didn’t know there’s so much official FB merch out there—
Tao: Is that the Hero’s Sword from II!?
Kaede: Is this life-sized? It looks like you can take photos here.
Tao: There are customers of all ages here, and they seem to be pretty evenly split between men and women. Everyone looks like they’re having fun—
Tao: …
Kaede: Do you want me to take a picture of you, Tao-kun? The line’s a little long, but since we’re here—
Tao: No, I’m good!
Kaede: Huh? But there’s a lot of people having their photo taken…
Tao: Anyway, let’s go look further inside! I’m sure there’s a lot left to discover!
Kaede: O-Okay…
Kaede: Wow, the stuff here is cute, too!
Kaede: Little trinkets with monsters printed on them, chopstick rests shaped like castles… They all look like they can be used as normal items, it makes me want to buy them.
Tao: Right. But nothing else’s gonna fit in our basket.
Kaede: Woah, when did you get that basket, Tao-kun!? And it’s filled to the brim, too…
Tao: Well, when I saw them, I couldn’t help but get my hands on ‘em. The coaster with the hero’s crest is sorta cute, and the keychain is an amazing reproduction of a monster from III—
Tao: … That’s only part of it, though. More importantly, I want to get a little something for everyone!
Tao: Like, I think Natsume-san would love this Demon King’s Sword muddler. 
Kaede: (Would he…? It doesn’t really fit the image of Yodaka-san I have in my mind…)
Kaede: (Actually—)
Kaede: … Tao-kun, are you holding back for some reason?
Tao: Huh?
Kaede: I think you like FB a lot more than you let on, Tao-kun.
Kaede: If I’m right, I just wish you’d go on about it as you’d usually do. Unless… is there something bothering you?
Tao: It’s not that something’s bothering me…
Tao: I just figured you’d find it off putting if someone my age was so into a video game…
Kaede: Huh!?
Kaede: I don’t care about something like that at all! Your age has nothing to do with your interests, and I think it’s lovely that you have something you’re so passionate about!
Kaede: Besides, it’s fun hearing you talk so enthusiastically about video games, so I wish you wouldn’t let something like that bother you. 
Tao: Chief…
Tao: Thank you. … I think my attempt to act indifferent was so weird that it kinda backfired.
Tao: Alright! From this point onwards, I’ll be putting my all into having fun! Let’s go look into every nook and cranny of this store!
Kaede: Yup, that’s the spirit! I’d also be really happy if you could tell me lots about the series.
Tao: Of course I will! I’ll keep going until you say you’ve had enough! So–
Tao: I’ll go get another basket, too!
Kaede: Whaaa, you’ve got more you want to buy!?
Tao: Hoo… I enjoyed this to the fullest!
Tao: Delivery drones sure are convenient. They carry two full cardboard boxes like it’s nothing.
Kaede: You got two whole cardboard boxes!? … You really bought a lot of stuff.
Tao: Yeah. I kept thinking that I’ll definitely regret it if I don’t buy everything now!
Kaede: Right, a lot of these items are exclusive to this pop-up store.
Kaede: But I’m glad you enjoyed yourself till you were satisfied. Alright, let’s go home for today.
Tao: Oh… Can I say one last thing?
Kaede: Hm?
Tao: I know I said I was good before, but—
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Tao: I really want to take a picture with the hero’s sword after all…
Tao: So, could I ask you to take it for me?
Kaede: Tao-kun…
Kaede: … Sure thing. Alright, I’m taking it! Give me a smile!
Kaede: How’s this?
Tao: Thank you so much! Ummm…
Tao: Uh, Chief. Can I actually ask for one more thing?
Kaede: Sure?
Tao: I’d like to take a picture together. Is that alright?
Tao: It’ll be a memento of coming here together.
Kaede: Ah, yeah. That’s fine…
Tao: Let’s take a selfie, then. Chihiro taught me how to take one.
Tao: Uhhh, hold it up like this…
Tao: Sorry, Chief, could you come a little closer?
Kaede: O-Okay!
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Tao: And… cheese.
Tao: Yup, it came out alright. Thank you so much!
Kaede: (... I’m really glad Tao-kun’s having fun!)
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