#i used some pinterest bases to see if i could draw anything that i liked
disposal-blueeee · 10 months
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scriabin belongs to zarla-s
edgar belongs to jhonen vasquez
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esmiara · 1 year
How do you come up with your poses? They all seem so cool and I struggle with coming up with anything/finding references.
Posing huh? This is quite an interesting topic so let's have a real talk about it. Though it won't obviously cover every single details there could be and explanations may be sloppy, I am no real art teacher after all. By the way I apologize in advance if there is any messy spelling or grammar mistake as english is not my first language.
To begin with, let's say the key words here are force lines, simplicity and body langage. Anatomy is a whole another topic so I won't talk too much about muscles and bones, as we are mainly here for posing.
Firstly, what are force lines? To put it simply, a force line is the core line guiding the figure's movement but also the whole composition, thus also guiding the eye itself toward (or away) the most important parts. With shipping, Soukoku in particular (since they have different temperaments), I like to have two lines that complement each other, via either inner or outer curves.
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But those are whole compositions and we're not in a composition class either. However, when it comes to a single pose, the same principle can be applied. This force line can guide your whole body and even become your literal spine. As the spine is the most essential part of the human body (and non-human living body), it will act as the central part which the rest will follow naturally. Don't be shy and use a stickman for your overall structure! If you have a hard time simplifying the overall movement of your figure, try drawing it in a smaller size first. It doesn't matter if it looks ugly, you'll clean it up later.
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If you're still struggling with your understanding of structures, try to decompose a reference picture (go check Pinterest, it's a true gold mine) with simple lines to determine where and how are positioned the spine, ribcages and main bones then transpose it to your own drawing as a guide.
"But how do I get those dynamic lines and cool curves??", you may ask. Well, have you tried figure drawing and more specifically gesture drawing? You can of course take a class with a nude model (they don't bite don't worry and you will focus more on the art part than the nude one), but you can also do so with tons of videos, pictures and even websites such as Line of Action, which allows you to have a custom built-in timer when drawing. To have only a mere 30 seconds to draw may sound terrifying but trust me, it's not that difficult. The point of drawing a whole figure in 30 seconds (or more) is to force yourself to simplify and avoid to focus on unimportant parts that aren't essential to the overall understanding of the pose. This will put you in a focused state of mind as well as training your hand muscles (this is a great warmup exercise). Feeling a bit uncomfortable on your wrist or feeling like you can only do tiny strokes one at a time instead of big elegant lines? Well firstly... stretch your wrist regularly, drink water and stop drawing every once in a while, this is very important, may you be a beginner or a professionnal artist. Secondly, try drawing on a bigger format! It will train you to use your elbow and shoulders to draw big lines more easily, like getting a bigger compass to draw a circle. I for example draw mostly with my elbow and shoulders, even unconsciously, as this is way more comfortable for me.
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That's great we are talking about a lot of technical stuff. But what about the actual drawing you want to do? Well first, you need to decide which feeling you want to convey. Is it a scary scene? A gentle one? What do you want to depict? Is there something in particular you want to focus on? Something is needed to act as the solid base and this applies to everything, not only posing. Let's take a look at some examples with what we have seen with force lines and see more of the thought process behind my own poses.
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And that's about it of what I'll tackle in this single ask ahah. This is basically a lot of brainstorming and thinking as well as taking inspiration from how real life people move, especially when it comes to body language. I took it a bit too seriously but I do hope it was of some help!
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secondary-colorentimy · 7 months
Hi! I hope this is not offending you in any way but can you draw some basic anatomy without any details? (Like those pose guides you see on pinterest) I really REALLY love your artsyle and plan to study it and probably implement it on my art (obv crediting you ofc).
I hope you're not mad on this- stay safe and dehydrated btw!
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i will be honest my style kinda fluctuates based on the day or how im feelin (and honestly what brush im using <— you can usually see when i get into a new brush) LOLL but i will do my best 😤 (also tysmm!! :3 you can absolutely draw inspo from my art style!!! thats how all art styles are formed! :3 )
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honestly i find this style draws a lot from the fact that im a sonic artist first so i kinda think like draw a sonic character but like if they was people so extend it but keep the big hands and big feet (i be like could a sonic do this pose? 🧐 imma do dat)
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the cross on the torso?? it does nothing and yet everything, i cannot function without the cross on the torso but idk if its actually doing anything LOLL
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shout out to the sonic the hedgehog art style and the my little pony equestria girls art style for being my biggest inspos ‼️🗣🔥 im a big fan of long legs and chunky hands and feet/shoes
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miiukkaa · 1 year
How do you replicate the Rise style so well?? And animate so well??? Do you have any animation tips???
OOH POG POG, OKAY SO!! (also thank you ahh!!)
replicating a style
i feel the need to first point out that no one should do this to quote unquote steal someone's artstyle. being able to emulate a specific style is a good trick to learn for jobs in which you have to do just that (animation, comics etc.) i personally love being as canon compliant when it comes to fanart so i go crazy:
studying the source material! in general with drawing, you think you know what something looks like but when you draw it out, it may look weird and off!! this is when you're gonna want to hoard a lot of screenshots from the source material to study/draw over/redraw based on them. as you're drawing, you may realize that "WOW okay so i didn't know that part was so angled and sharp, i thought it was a near perfect circle!" (me when i first drew mikey's head fr).
repetition!! don't avoid drawing simply because you're thinking you're not good enough yet. art is something you get good at with trial and error so you'll only ever get better if you draw, draw and draw!!!! not only do you learn more with each drawing, you'll also get more comfortable with the overall process :)
(gonna throw in a mystery number three which is not really tied to replicating styles BUT!!! doing anatomy studies is a good way to improve your solid drawing skills fast!!! im linking my pinterest folder that i use for anatomy studies every now and then below the line to help anyone get started!)
animation tips
i'm like, 90% self-taught so i may not know the correct terminology for everything... but you're definitely going to want to study the 12 principles of animation!! there are a LOT of youtube videos available on this particular subject!! once you have gone through each principle, you may want to try and do little animation practices with these in mind!
i think ROTTMNT really kickstarted my personal learning curve as i'm just SO ridiculously eager to learn anything and everything i possibly can, i mean i have never in my life been so excited to just learn! i heavily recommend following the rottmnt animators' online profiles and go through their galleries/portfolios to study their work! it's all so amazing...
tldr, STUDY the source material and REPEATEDLY draw/animate and take active notes on what you could improve on, still. you got this!!! >:]
some links that other people have kindly compiled with lotsa references/tutorials and tips. i recommend eyeballing through them and checking out anything that interests you! :]
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simmila · 11 days
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Hello hi hi! I hope you are having a good day today.
-- tl;dr: Pack still in progress, but will be a large one. Still don't know when it will be finished/released.
For the ones that want more info:
As i said, this pack is something bigger than my previous ones. I wanted to divide it in more parts so i could release them more frequently, but in this case i feel that its not the ideal thing to do. I wanted to do a "museum" pack, but i don't want it to be just items that you can place in a museum, but a complete pack that has all you need for the museum itself (maybe not the bathroom or dining areas, but for exhibits and such). And its taking me a lot of time.
The dinosaurs themselves take a lot of time compared to clutter items or even furniture. I tried to make them simplified at first, but noticed that i can make these more complex meshes without making them hiper-high poly. And i'm really proud of the results! but of course, making them like these take more time than im used to.
Same as the signs and info displays. Could i use Ai or steal art from pinterest? yes, that would make it easier and faster. But i'm a person that is heavily against the use of Ai generated images (nop, they are not art!) and i also dislike when people just grab images from small artists and paste it on their work without giving proper credits to the artists. Thats not what i want to do with my cc, so im just drawing all my info signs with my wacom, and trying my best to give credits to the paleoartist im basing my work on (in a way thats not disruptive to the cc either) and using my own in-game edited screenshots from Prehistoric Kingdom. I know that some of you won't notice the difference or won't care in either case, and thats valid, i prefer to take a bit more time to work, in a way that aligns with my values.
This pack already has +20 items, but since this is a "dream pack" of mine, i just want to deliver the best i can. I'm still learning features and new ways to improve quality, and i really hope that you can see it while using my items in your game. Thank you for your patience, and i really think it's worth the wait!
If you've read this far i really appreaciate it, thank you for reading and for supporting my work. As always if you want to ask anything or share a comment feel free to do so, or if you want u can ask me! For now, i cannot assure you when this will come out, but i'm happy if you can stick around until its ready :)
Again, thank you so much for the patience, and i'll be here if you need to know anything!
With love, simmila <3.
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galaxies-and-gore · 2 months
Twst OC Bio: Victor Callahan
Time for some more RSA ocs! I've been stuck on this one for a while because I couldn't come up with a name I was happy with. I might change it in the future.
Name: Victor Callahan
Birthday: June 12th
Age: 18
Dominant Hand: Right
Unique Magic: Hindsight (He can briefly see into the immediate future. The catch is that the more this is used, the more unreliable it becomes due to all the possible futures blending together.)
Grade: 3rd year
Club: Fencing
Best Subject: History
Hobbies: Collecting knives, testing random potions
Pet Peeves: His intrusive thoughts
Favorite Food: Lemon cake
Least Favorite Food: Onions
Talent: Can tell the difference between almost identical shades of a color
Species: Human
Based On: The White Queen
Likes: Ducks, plushies
Dislikes: Dogs, overwhelming smells
Pronouns: He/him
Orientation: Aroace
Hair: White
Eyes: Greenish brown
Okay this is going to be a long ramble because I have a lot to say. This was another of my very early twst oc ideas that I never did anything with at first. I think around a year ago, I saw that an artist that I admire draw their version of the white queen in twst and I had to try to make a character from the same inspiration. The reason that I'm still not happy with his name is just that I put a lot of thought and meaning / symbolism into my characters' names. I wanted his initials to be "V" and "C" because of the vorpal sword and because of Lewis Carroll. This was the best combination that I've come up with so far, but I'll almost definitely change it if I think of something better. The vorpal sword is also the inspiration behind Victor enjoying collecting knives, and the scene in the 2010 movie where the white queen makes a potion to return Alice to normal size is the inspiration behind the random potion making and testing. Except Victor has no method behind the madness. He just throws whatever he has into a caldron and so be whatever happens. He lost his right arm in an accident when he was very little and has a prosthetic arm that looks like blue and white porcelain (I'm going to add an image of what I mean at the end). Victor is also albino. I have a hair style that I think suits him, but I have no idea what it's called. I'll put this first in the images, and I'd be grateful if someone could tell me what it's called. I'm trying to learn about black hair and hairstyles so I can properly draw some of my characters, but I'm still far from knowledgeable. As far as clothing ideas go, I really want to lean in to the impractical doll clothes vibe with his dorm leader outfit, there's also a little bit of a carnival vibe but Idk how to properly express what I mean. I found an image of doll shoes on Pinterest while looking for inspiration and I love them so much and I'm definitely making the part of his outfit. The heel of the shoe is an hourglass and I'm so obsessed with that design. Well I though that I'd have more time to talk, but I don't so I'm cutting myself off here.
Here's the hairstyle, porcelain, and doll shoes I was talking about (all of these are from Pinterest):
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cordcorvid · 2 months
hi! i hope this doesnt come off as a bother or anything . but do you have any mask making tips or tutorials you could reccomend ?? (like for materials, jaw movement, and how to see out of there) im planning to do a raven named Goose :D
ive been finding some resources here and there, but i thought it wouldnt hurt to ask !!!
Absolutely not! I'd love to answer all your questions. :D I have not looked at that many tutorials, I mostly looked at pinterest pictures of raven costumes to see what I can come up with. One that really inspired me to get things going is actually another Tumblr user I found on there who has posted some helpful tips that I followed along with! They too have a raven costume and they got their resin base from the same manufacturer (Crystumes, they have a website where you can shop for their blanks) Since this post is awfully long, I'll do a read more from here on:
The tutorials I followed the most is this one by Rah-Bop:
Rah-Bop has some tips about adding feathers, making foam-feathers, adding claws to your gloves, making gloves or feet. In terms of material: I used the hinged resin base by Crystumes which by itself cost me +/- 200USD, they sent me a pair of customizeable glass eyes and a tongue.
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Crystumes has some additional tutorials specifically regarding their masks on their website! Crystumes also lists some of the materials on their website that I used and where to get them (Like the apoxie clay to do the eyelids, the glass eyes etc.) I did mess the eyes up though the first time I did it so I had to order them from delviesplastics.com (As suggested by Crystumes) Since I ordered the base with hinges I'm not sure how to do them myself but I will have to figure it out for the second fursuit I'm cooking! In terms of other material I bought some long rooster feathers and hair jewelry off of Etsy. I bought a pair of long faux leather gloves from Ricardo (which is a swiss second hand online shop) but you can buy the gloves anywhere else or even sew them yourself by tracing your arm and hand on a piece of paper, then trace the pattern twice on any somewhat stretchy material like faux leather or spandex and sew those two together for one glove each. I bought black fur in another Swiss textile / sewing shop named Alja (not sure if it's actually Swiss) since it's cheaper (around 60$ for 4 yards) than to ship fur from America to Switzerland (Which amounts to 100-200 for the same amount). But if you can afford it: Take a look at Howl's Fabrics or Big Z Fabric. Both websites offer samples! I personally don't buy from them as the shipping costs for me are devastating. I suggest looking at general "furring" tutorials or "how to fur a fursuit head" tutorials on youtube. Most of them will tell you to make a duct tape pattern on your base, draw on the patterns then cut those patterns out on fur, sew the fur together then glue to the base. Crystumes once made a twitter post about it as well I think but I'm not sure I'll find it. When cutting fur in general just make sure you keep the scissors as close to the backing as possible to avoid cutting any fur fibers in the process, it will be visible otherwise. I made a fur top / shirt by tracing one of my long sleeve t-shirts onto the fur I bought and went with that. For the back of the head I used an 80s Mullet/Rockstar wig I bought from another Swiss online store. Other fursuit makers mostly sew fur even to the back of the head but my personal Raven fursuit is literally just a mask with a wig to cover the back. Which in turn makes the whole mask less hot. To keep the mask ON my face and to keep it from slipping down I used the adjusteable part of a biking helmet or climbing helmet. and attached it to the mask by using a lot of hot glue, I eventually had to use some stronger glue as it kept falling off. Since the mask was fairly big when I bought it and rather uncomfortable I used thick felt sheets and glued them inside the head as padding material! Foam works as well, whatever floats your boat. I went with felt since I could easily cut some feather patterns into them as a nice easter egg. Not sure anymore what exactly I used to cover the holes by the beak that I see out of, but it was some kind of very fine dark and flexible grid that I bought from the swiss equivalent of home depot. In terms of being able to see: The crystume base has holes between the beak and the eyes that you can look out of or you can even look through the mouth, both works pretty well and the mask allows for a lot of visibility from within- Out of all my fellow furry friends I'm the only one that doesn't necessarily need a spotter since I can see pretty well. In terms of clothing I pretty much sewed nothing by myself and only assembled a bunch of my own outfits that would fit the raven costume. Sometimes I did buy some costume specific stuff from online clothing stores or went into the thrift shop to buy some costume specific clothing pieces. In general, for your first raven costume just go with the flow and try to keep it budget friendly, as your first will unlikely be perfect. And that's about it! Not sure if I missed something but I tried to cover everything as much in detail as I could. Hope it helps!
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hoolay-boobs · 3 months
How do you get into the perspective of your OC(s)? What were the first few things you did to get into their character and understand them better?
I absolutely love this question bc it led to me re reading my own work 😂
I somehow got to my my characters very well without ever putting my book in first person. It’s all third person, sub for one character who breaks the fourth wall and sometimes speaks without quotation marks.
I was inspired by Shannon Hale’s run of Ever After High (Ever After High has at least three different book series by three different authors, plus a Netflix tv series- it’s like a miniature MCU but with better characterization lmao) and I can arguably say that Shannon Hale has the best material on all of Ever After High.
Here is an example (the image is sourced from Etsy) of how a character breaks the containment of using proper formatting of quotation marks and speaks directly to the narrator
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I do this as well. Different font, and then I write it like a text message going back and forth, disregarding quotation marks or proper formatting. However this only happens a couple of times per book for my character, and a handful (4-5) times in Ever After High.
I know my characters far too well. The main eight are like children to me, I know their deepest desire and darkest fear and coping mechanism and guilty pleasure. I have been with them for over 5 years without finishing my novel. The time has been spent with making playlists and drawing pictures and creating Pinterest boards and writing things that I don’t intend to publish or include in the final manuscript (hehehe fanfiction by the author) because I simply like to explore them in different situations. My books are going to be in third person, but I ocassionally write in first person, even if I’m planning on just deleting it, because I just like to practice getting in my characters’ heads when I have writers block.
I follow the “worst” writing advice ever. I base many traits for my OCs off of myself, which could be seen as making them Mary Sues. I write them like real people, adding in stupid dialogue of them stuttering or accidentally interrupting one another and then saying “oh sorry, you go first”. I write smut about my favourite OC ships knowing that I’ll never include it in the final draft of my book, just because I want to write about what’s happening “off screen” and what my characters are doing when the reader isn’t looking (although there are indeed some sex scenes in my book, I do like to write additional ones that aren’t nearly as eloquent or have any plans to include it in the published novel). I started my second draft before my first draft was finished, solely because I understood my writing style had improved so abruptly and the characters had evolved so much, I needed to start fresh. I look in the mirror and act out my character’s conversations with one another or their fight scenes or how they wave their hands around like Elsa conjuring magic. I take breaks for months and when I finally sit down and write, I’ll either write 5 words, or 2205 words in one sitting, and not often anything in between.
I have horrible writing advice, and I suggest you take any of it that you’d like or that resonated with you, because it has brought me so much joy in my life and has helped me gradually get to know my characters like new friends who become family.
I’ve been told that my writing “flows like butter” which is so odd because I juggle 4 protagonists, 2 antagonists, and 2 deuteragonists. They don’t “all fit”, but they all have a role to play. Like the delicious fries on the side of the burger, the whole meal. Your characters don’t need to be stars. They just need to be memorable. And I know they will be. Your mind is more capable than you think.
Like honestly, just word vomit on the page and write silly stuff. It will be the most human, glorious, flawed, messy, endearing, and passionate writing you’ll see. Just go create chaos. And play with your characters like Barbie dolls. In a little while, you’ll know them like you know yourself.
At the end of the day, anything you write will be an achievement because you took nothing and turned it into something, transformed a blank page into a series of words and letters. That’s god behaviour right there. Even if it’s shitty writing, you created it from scratch.
But also, don’t worry about setting deadlines and timelines. I’ve been at this since grade 10 and now I’m in university and I’m still not done. Let your characters marinate and soak and rest in your mind. Let them grow. There is no rush. All is well 💜 and one day your characters will grow like little plants from seeds 🫂🫂🫂💕💕💕 just be patient with yourself, and have fun with getting to know your characters!
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hehehehehenrik · 7 months
waaah hi!!! how do you draw old men??!! (and since you ar taking art reqs could you draw my termina oc??!! https://artfight.net/character/3925636.isko)
Heyy, hello!! Finally someone get to the ask box, thanks a lot, love contacting with people through internet y’know. Okay first of all here’s you’re guy just being clueless himself. Do the proportions and face in my way a bit, hope it’s ok, and made pompadour smaller because I’m not sure how to make hair physics on the bigger one?? Sorry 😔
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And now to the question, which I really like, ‘cause I honestly don’t know? It’s the way my hand draws, it just that I’m being into old men’s for, idk, 4 years perhaps and I fucking can’t draw anything else lol. Like seriously, now I think that young face without wrinkles looks incomplete and now that 11 yo kid looks like he’s fucking 20 or whatever, thanks God I’m not drawing kids that usually haha.
But anyway I can say few things that helped me understand something. Obviously the way persons face getting older is rooted in the genetics, they life style, health, etc etc, but I singled out some main wrinkles in different age, I usually see it in anime so I call it anime technique haha, here’s the visualization:
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I use it as a base wrinkles when I’m not sure about more unique details, pretty good way to handle it I think.
But the most important is to form the visual library in the brain, idk if that phrase is used in English art community, but in Russian it means to look at a lot of photos of things so that you wouldn’t need to look at the references, you have them in memory! For that I use Pinterest, just looking at actors, musicians, any other old people with a lot of photos of them and analyze the way their wrinkles goes.
Oh and also fun fact, let’s call it that, my mom once said that the most accurate way to understand the persona age is not by looking at their face, but it’s by looking at their neck and arms. The skin sags at neck no matter what, as much as I know, and hands also getting more dry and thin, also veins is more visible, while face wrinkles and skin sags different from person to person ‘cause genetics, health and other things.
And also a gray hair is pretty important, but this shit is even more personal and unique, some people may get first gray hair in the 20s, and some may not have a single strand of them at 40s at all! So yeah in that thing the best way is to read some medicine articles about it, and of course remembering the context of character background and life, yeah.
I can’t say many things about making unique wrinkles because there only two way that I do it; first, the character model or art already have all the needed details so my work is just to mimic it as close as I can(the way I drawing Caligura yeah); second, I just made it up based on the face silhouette I imagine character to have, in that case I just use my brain visual library(Domek moment because by some reason there barely any wrinkles in the game sprites and his portrait? Even thou the portrait description says that he’s face have wrinkles the way that it looks like he had the frown all his life, my brother in Christ, when person frowns a lot he’d get forehead wrinkles first of all! But nope, Domek don’t have any of it, ok?? And yeah I usually do the forehead wrinkles based on that fact of character).
Yeah, idk if there anything more I can say, nothing useful anyway so yeah thanks for the question and request!! (Ask box always open so feel free to write thing folks, I don’t bite. Usually.) Byee!!
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martuzzio · 1 year
Love your art and writiing!!!!
I really want to do some fanarts, but first I would like to know what amor references you use for them?? (The country, movie, year they came from! Anything to help me find references!!)
Thank you for the compliments! :D For armor-making references, based on the way you worded your question I feel like I'm going to let you down with my answer lol, but long story short is I don't really have any specific movies, countries, or years I draw inspiration from. Instead, I pull inspiration from a million random sources and combine them with ideas from my brain to make something I'm happy with.
For example, when I designed Soap's armor (the knight uniform), I probably used around ten different images of armor I found online, plus ideas from my head, and pieced elements from each inspiration source to make something completely new. Three important things I kept in mind as I designed the armor were 1) would Soap actually be able to wear this and move around, 2) would this actually protect him like armor should, and 3) is this armor/outfit appropriate for the climate he lives in? Other than that, I did basically whatever I wanted.
The easiest way to work in this manner (for me at least) is to use pinterest, because I can make specialized boards for specific things. When I design a new set of armor, I'll sometimes make a board, save inspiration images to that board, and then reference it while I'm drawing. Tumblr could be used in the same way I guess if you tag your reblogs or posts, but I personally prefer pinterest.
Here's some pinterest boards that might inspire you! Medieval armor (more realistic) Medieval armor (mostly photos) Fantasy armor
If this is like, completely not what you were asking about, feel free to send me another ask or a dm and I'll clarify more :D Or, if you want to see more of my inspiration sources, ask me about it and I can answer the ask or make a new post!
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spentimental · 9 months
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I’m doing the Alphabet Superset challenge by Struthless on Youtube. It’s roughly 30 weeks long, with a week dedicated to each letter of the alphabet. The point is to share your art for other people to see. The challenge involves setting parameters and restrictions for yourself so you end up with a cohesive group of works. I really like the way Struthless designed the challenge. It’s actually a lot easier to make art when you put yourself in a stylish box instead of saying, “Just make something! Anything!” Plus it gives you room to try out a medium or style for a while with a clear end date so you can say, “I tried it and it’s not for me, but it was fun” or “I want to do this forever! I’m so glad I tried it!” I found the style constraint section of the worksheet to be the easiest part. I love clear rules and expectations and have some aesthetics I’ve been wanting to try out. As for the theme (this is where you get your words for each letter of the alphabet)… In high school, I scoured wikipedia for every species of animal that had an article with a picture. I collected roughly 3000 images to use as references for a world building project I was ravenous about at the time. I also considered doing plants (desert plants in particular) because I’ve “collected” a bunch of those as well. Really, I just wanted an excuse to reference sea slugs. Picking the medium was a whole other matter. It took me nearly the whole week to decide what the heck I was going to make. The challenge is very flexible on the definition of art. It’s not just drawing or painting. There will be people baking, making podcasts… Yesterday I saw a wooden automaton/kinetic sculpture! So cool! I’m what is known as a “hobby hopper,” although I’d like to stick to one long enough to master it or at least finish something. I whittled my options down to “something I am comfortable doing/know how to do-” enough to know that I could do one a week. Basically, digital illustration or 3D modeling. I almost chose to do 3D modeling to make renders of collectible figurines. Thing is, I don’t know jack about lighting or textures in Blender. I went to the bookstore to find my mom a birthday present and saw a pack of Alice in Wonderland playing cards. Thank goodness! Turns out I like putting myself into smaller and smaller boxes until I can fit into a pack of cards. So that’s what I’m doing. Each week, I’m going to illustrate a character based on an animal. The format will resemble a playing card. They will be rendered in a frutiger aero style, wearing 1960s inspired fashion. The guide I’m using to pick my palette is actually for home decor. I’m so excited about this challenge! I’m looking forward to April so I can start all over again with something completely different.
~If you see what I make and like it, I will be posting on Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, and the Struthless Discord under Spentimental. Follow me wherever you like to spend time.
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seasidepierre · 2 years
heyyy, so I'm going to start posting my Charles Leclerc fanfic and I've been going through the writing process too. Since the Sunkissed Face series is one of my most favourite ones on this app, I just wanted to ask some tips (if you're comfortable with answering them) on how you stay consistent with maintaining the characters' personalities and how distinct they are and also, how to stay motivated since readers on Tumblr don't interact much. Sending lots of love to you <33
First of all: thank you so much for the kind words, they mean the world to me. I know I say it all the time, but you have no idea how much your kind comments boost my mental health. I'm a people pleaser, so Tumblr (when I'm not attacked by meanies) is my safe space and you guys made it so. So thank you so much, again.
Again, I feel like a complete fraud for giving advices because I don't think I'm good enough to be held to such a standard, but here you go.
I did have a couple of tips the other day, I went on a deep dive to get them back for you Nonie, so here they are again: some tips on how to get started on Tumblr
When it comes to my characters' personalities, I hate to say it but I legit pinball it. I don't outline, I don't have Pinterest folders, I don't create characters' cheatsheet. I just eyeball it and go for it. What I can say, though, is that if you're getting started on your writing journey, what I found the easiest for me (and it's for me, not for everybody, just speaking from my own experience) was to base the characters on something I already know. The drivers were easy, because with interviews and social media, we kinda have a general idea on how to write about them because we feel like we know them well enough (or at least, what they want us to believe/know). When it comes to your OCs, the best solution is to base them on yourself. You'd be amazed by how many details of my OCs are drawn from me haha, like the Sunkissed Babe is struggling with her social life in a city that is supposed to be busy. She feels quite lonely, even though she has friends that she sees quite regularly. This is something that I've taken from me. Our much beloved Queen from Pierre's fic is a lot like me too: her memory box is something that I have, I even have several because I'm a collector and I keep trinkets from everything and everywhere. Tink from She's Not My Girlfriend gets her nickname from the fact that she's constantly tinkering, solving smartphones and laptops issues and she's a tiny creature living for oversized clothing. That's me. So in a sense, I kinda scatter myself in my OCs, because it's easier for me to write about things I know and feel comfortable in. You won't find me writing about characters I don't relate to because I genuinely can't boost my imagination enough for these. And I learned that it's okay, that you don't have to write anything else but what you want, how you want it. I am tough on myself, the fics I post I generally don't enjoy to a 100%. There's always something that's bothering me about it and I can't pinpoint what. But I learned to let go of my perfectionism because I'm a one-woman show and I do my best with edits but when you've read the same thing 10 times already and can't figure out what to change, then maybe it's because there's nothing to change.
When you asked how to maintain them distinct, honestly, most of the time I feel like you could take all of my OCs and they'd blend into the same mold, so I'm genuinely surprised to hear that you see them very distinctly. When it comes to the drivers, it's a bit of a same. But I think the setting helps a lot and the relationships you build between the characters will help your readers draw a line between the versions of the drivers or the OCs. The Sunkissed Babe and Queen are distinct in the sense that they don't have the same dynamics between them and their significant other. Sunkissed is learning who Charles is and what makes him happy and how he operates. Queen already knows everything about Pierre and that's what makes her comfortable, even though she's always played the bestie card and now she gets to hold his hand. Other than that, they both are surrounded by friends but they both feel a bit lonely. They both have a nostalgia to them and they both are sweeter than the world deserves them to be. But because one is with Charles and the other is with Pierre, you seperate them well enough, I guess?
I wrote a novel on here and rambled so much.. I hope I answered your question, though!! Don't hesitate to come back to me about all of this, if I can help I will!
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jodilin65 · 2 days
If that was Abby on Pinterest with the Harry Potter boards who sent me that "Hey!" and then disappeared when I asked if it was her, I could totally kick myself for asking that. Totally! Once again, I scared off this person I've always been curious about. I should avoid her like the plague because we've had problems in the past, but I can't help but wonder about her, this much younger person in upstate New York who has read my journal religiously since 2017.
To recap the Abby story for my private blogs: she's a Potterhead who is also into the Pee Wee Herman movies, even though she's already 31. She's autistic, emotional, and moody, which is why I should stay away if I were smart. I think what draws me to her are two things: she's read my journal for so long, and she seems highly intelligent based on her writing. Where I would use Kate Jackson and Nane and other people as writing muses, she uses the Harry Potter characters.
The thing that annoys me about her is that while she does have some accounts that she's had for a while now, she constantly deletes and creates new accounts. I'm not sure if it's because she's that unstable or just wants to remain on the front page of the new user list. She calls it starting over, but all you have to do is delete your entries or books if you want to do that. There's nothing a new account can do that an old one can't. So, I think it's about remaining quietly in the spotlight. Sometimes, she doesn't even allow comments, as if she wants a one-way interaction with her audience.
She's incredibly shy and doesn't comment on my stuff, and if I ask too many questions, she deletes her account. One reason she is this way is that she got screwed over by some online trolls years ago. She's bisexual and has had abusive partners and family members and was going to hang herself one time when things got too much for her. When she chickened out, she was called a coward by some sick, twisted trolls.
One time she blew up at me because I gave her friendly suggestions for journaling. Because she won't contact me directly, she wrote in her bio that she didn't appreciate anyone “policing” her journal and how much that pissed her off. I wrote in my own bio that I wasn't telling anyone what to do with their journal but was merely making suggestions and throwing out ideas for her to take or leave. She apologized profusely, and while that right there is a huge red flag along with the constant deleting and creating accounts every few days and other things, it's hard for me to be smart where she's concerned. Anyone else and I wouldn't have anything to do with them. But this one definitely keeps my curiosity piqued.
I wish I could wind back the hours and respond to her message with a simple hello. It might have been fun to see what she would have said and take it from there. She started to journal in another account on PB, and I asked if it was her, and sure enough, it was, and she quit updating it. Sometimes I'm too smart for my own good. I've been very hesitant to contact her there because I don't want to scare her off and into deleting the account, knowing how shy she is. She's admitted that she avoids people to prevent conflict.
As I said, there are a handful of red flags that I should be mindful of. Recently, or at least recently enough, she cut herself. She said she did it on her stomach so her co-workers couldn't see. I guess she works in a cardboard factory.
I told her in a public blog that if it really was her and she wished to contact me anonymously, please don't give up. I told her it was the Potter pics that gave her away and to wait a while so it's not too obvious and create another account that's empty or at least with pins I wouldn't connect to her and message me again if she wants.
Now I'm left to forever wonder what she would have said had I not known it was her or at least played dumb. Funny too because I've noticed some Potter fan pages being suggested to me on Facebook. I thought Facebook didn’t recommend people who looked in on our profile but I also can’t be entirely sure that they’re connected to her any more than the Pinterest message.
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blackbunnyblobchara · 13 days
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[[Photo used is from Pinterest]]
Welcome to Gold Avion
Gold Avion is both a restaurant,bakery,cafe and bar.Below here are my menu and meals you can order,please read the instructions first to get a full satisfied time here in my blog,Enjoy and be full
Hi,Im blackbunnyblob here and in Ao3, my username could be either one of those.You can call me Bunny,Blob or Chara or just my full username if you want to.I use she/her and is straight as a ruler.I have autism, (mild-ish) ADHD ,and still going to school so my posts are pretty random and incoherent,please be patient with me. 
If by any chance meet or have seen post of another artist named ‘Multichara’,I’m sorry to tell you but she is now offline due to her account being deleted and cannot reset back all her work,All her AU’s are now mine and have given me full permission to have them as my own…Only because that person is actually ME,Hello~,I’m not actually dead
Food Category:
Here are different meal courses you can have in my blog,both daily and exclusive 
Major:(Currently in the menu)
Multi-flavored rainbow cake (ROTTMNT)
Chocolate digital swirl (TADC)
Minor:(Exclusive in the menu)
Extra pepperoni cheese pizza (FNAF)
Happy Velvet-filled Cookies (Poppy playtime)
Apple Cream Pie (Welcome home)
Angel Beef Ramen w/ spice (Genshin impact)
Sometimes my posts are dark and bloody (like blood and murder and all that icky stuff) so please be warned,and again, please be patient about me and my schedule, I’m sensitive on what I post and it will be very nice if you try not to give anything that might hurt my feelings or try to ask/say anything to me nicely.I am a human being ,so please, mind what you say.I am also not a Multishipper (I don’t support Leosagi,Kendratello or RaphCasey,I see them only as friends or BFFS,same thing with April x ‘any of the turtle boys’),please don’t attack me because of this,I just don’t see why shipping them with each other. This is an SFW blog but please be mindful that it will have many warnings of dark themes and whatnot,if you are a person who is uncomfortable with death and hurt/angst/anything in that bases,you can kindly leave and block me
Also…Drink responsibly and Eat with caution (I will have to see your ID to see if you can get a drink in the bar as policy stated,jk jk,just don’t drink too much)
Other things:
If anyone, -I don’t know why would anyone do this- ,tries to go to me and seek advice and vent and stuff.Please be mindful that I’m not a therapist,I have some experience with mental health but not into a full instinct that I can actually help you like a full psychiatrist would do.I could still give some advice and tips if I’ve already dealt from it before but other than that, I won’t really be much any help.But don’t worry,you could still vent in here but don’t get your hopes up, I’ll just give you some virtual flower and water to make you feel better, all my customers (followers) here are safe and cherished ,your safe here and your health matters the most. I will not also tolerate bad behavior or any sort of bullying,it’s either behave or kindly leave or get blocked immediately.I also do not support TCEST and proshipping so also kindly leave or else I will unfortunately have to block you as well,Siblings are Siblings,Lovers are Lovers,it is messed up if you put those two together,they stay separated.
Other other things:
Also…If you try to send an ask and I don’t answer or it takes a long time for you to have a reply from me…I’m sorry about that.I live in Asia so my time zone can be different from yours (depending on what country you live in), and school and work and all that.I’ll try my best to post at least something once a day but it would usually just be Drabbles or small writings,drawing can be pretty challenging for me since I still do traditional art….*cough**cough*because my parents still needs to think if I deserve an IPad *cough***cough*….so my drawings would be rarely seen here but I’ll post a doodle or wips and so.I would also post OC’s,Oc x Cannon content here so,yeah,also be mindful about that.And please,don’t steal my works and drawings or things that are rightfully mine.If you want to use my artwork or AU’s,that’s fine but it’s better if you credit me first 
My Homemade Creations
My more exclusive menu’s:
(Bloody Mary Punch) 
CCC - Experiments made to be weapons of war.There is more four of the main turtles made,older clones of themselves.They want freedom,they got it,but at what cause?
(Lemon curd sweets) 
Good Things Happened - Good future AU but things still never changed,life was still giving them a reason to hate it,they were still fighting enemies they need to end and protect earth like they have always have been since when they were still happy and young
(Strawberry Lemonade with lime tint) 
Happy Endings,Right? - My own version of the boys and having the more realistic injuries post-movie event,things are in shambles but their still together to mend things back to normal.Maybe,life would calm down for a bit
(Pork Stake with red wine)
Power and Ruins - Humans are in kingdoms,protected by walls and metal.Mutants and Yokais are in tribes,left to fight for their own.Hunting and Killing,Humans are the real monsters but if the yokais fight back and take what’s rightfully theirs,there the own being called that way.AKA,Yokais and Mutants are considered barbarians in this royal world.
(Spicy and Sweet Beef Stew)
TC:CR - Bad future AU but it stays like that,everybody lives but has a price,the world is still what it is when the sky turned pink,Mikey might knew how and why
(Blueberry Water Cakes with sprinkles)
What’s underneath? - April swore she lives alone in the isolated NY shoreline lands,just got a job by trying to extract good news in the town near the shorelines even if she was a rocky reporter,but things starts to get more weirder each time she gets close the rocky side of the beach near her home 
(Spicy and Sweet Fish fillet)
When worlds collide or MysticCoded - Yokais are now part of the human society,other dimensions are now known,a whole different world if curtain things in the Rise show changed earlier on.AKA,also my own take or iteration of TMNT but it uses Rise bases/basics.
(Riot Rum - Bloody Mary Vodka Mix)
Smoking Gunshots - To insure that peace stays still in the world,An unknown government official created the ‘Peace and National declaration of freedom on the earth’s race association’ or PANDORA after the yokai’s and mutants were able to go to the surface without war,it expanded till the whole globe was dotted with their secret operation.But when two enemy cooperation were against that law,the PANDORA had no choice but create weapons of their own,even if it’s inhuman and against moral code.
Edited:I only put my bigger projects in here to let you guys know this will be the only ones that are majorly served (active) in my posts,but it still doesn’t mean I won’t present (post) any other AUs other then this bunch,it just means it won’t be too active or frequently served (posted) that much.The whole list of my AUs came be clicked here if you want to check it out
Disclaimer:All AU’s are inspired either heavily or slightly,I did not copyright anyone and some of it are originally made by me.If you have any further questions,please do not hesitate to send an ask/question,I don’t mind.
Enjoy your Meal and have a great stay here in Gold Avion
And Remember,Drink responsibly and Eat carefully 
—— Yours truly,Bunny
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[[Photo used is from Pinterest]]
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lazybutsmexy · 1 year
Hey love, I've been re reading your Canary story and I find it really, really good. Every chapter is just chef's kiss. I love your writing very very much.
Excuse me if this has been asked before. I was wondering if you could tell more about how you write, your process. Some ideas of writing myself have been floating in my head but I am more of a visual person, i draw more and I have never written anything like that. (Only my university thesis 😭)
I am not sure where to start and if I should follow any guidelines or something. Any advice? 🫣
Hello sweet anon! You made my day with your kind words, and even more with asking me for advice.
I'm not an expert writer (if such a thing exists) but I can share my writing process with you. I will use some examples from BH since you've already mentioned it, and also because it's my most expansive piece so far. (Under the cut for length)
Ideas, ideas, ideas! Write down your first ideas anywhere. Notes app, Google docs, a notebook you've got lying around, anything goes. This is the moment when you put into writing any ideas you've got - no matter if you think they're silly, or need a whole plot for that one idea to work - write it down. How did the process of your uni thesis start? You came up with an idea and wrote it down. How did BH start? I opened Google docs and wrote "Ghost x Reader x Soap where reader gets kidnapped and her boys gotta find her FAST. Lots of bird references. Her name could be Canary."
Rough draft
Here's where you start putting those ideas into a rough shape. More than a story, you're aiming for a descriptive text, like a review or a report on what's happening to whom, who are involved, etc. This is the moment where you may add notes about your characters, reader and/or OC, and start playing around with their personalities, how they behave in certain situations, how they think, how they feel, how they connect to other characters.
If you are a bit of a perfectionist like me, and want your writing to feel like you're watching a film, research, investigate, study from different sources on how to create a more expansive universe in your writing. If you're a visual-oriented person, a pinterest board will absolutely help you describe settings, events and characters. (read more on my personal approach on character description below)
Your rough draft doesn't need to be too long. Each chapter of BH started out as a couple paragraphs long, just a summary of what I wanted to write in each chapter. You can add whatever you like, though, even dialogues you can't get out of your head. Johnny and Simon's last lines in Ch 8 were the central piece of my rough draft for that chapter.
Now here comes the loooooongest part. Here's where you fill in the blanks of your rough draft. This is the moment when you open up all your sources, your thesaurus and dictionary, and go wild.
Character, setting and scene description gets stronger here. You could've started this part in the rough drafy - now amp it up to 100. Use as many words as you like - you will edit it later, don't worry.
Start setting the tone of your story here as well. BH has LOTS of suspense-filled moments, POV changes, and cliffhangers, mostly because that's my personal preference in readings. This is one source on how to write suspense (can't remember all the ones I looked up). Definitely research about different writing genres to see which one applies the best for your story, and set up the guidelines based on the advice from different sources. If possible, read other authors' works on the same genre you're aiming at to get a full picture of the things you should try, or try to avoid.
Take your time, if you feel stuck in one scene in particular, go on to the next one and go back to it with fresher ideas.
I don't usually spend a long time editing, but it's different for everyone. I recommend you find yourself a beta-reader who can read your story with a fresh mind and point out inconsistencies, grammar/syntax mistakes, etc. Beta-readers are the unsung heroes of writing. A good beta-reader will not only hype you up about how good your story is looking, but will also objectively help you fix anything that needs fixing, and may have escaped you during writing.
Now a few notes about character description that no one asked but I can't help it:
Fanfiction is great for beginner writers because you've already got a cheat sheet with characters that have already been created by someone else, and a fandom that fills in the blanks via headcanons.
When describing characters, I personally avoid physical descriptions like a plague, especially if that character is a reader insert or an OC. Physical description can sometimes behave like a box or a label that you put your character into and once they're there, they can hardly get out. I focus more on personality, feelings and emotions.
I also expand the character building throughout the story. Take Canary for example - you don't stop learning about her, her feelings, her emotions, her desires, her regrets, until the end of the story, and yet so much more was left unsaid. Also officer Melanie Kirk, you keep learning about what was she like even after she was gone from the story. Doesn't that make them feel more real? You never start learning about a person's character in real life anyway.
It got much longer than I expected, but I hope it helps! Happy writing!
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hiroshikoi · 2 years
Why You Haven’t Manifested Your Dream Life Yet
Pick a Pile: Intuitive Reading + Shufflemancy
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this is based on manifesting with the law of assumption!
Btw!! I’m not a law of assumption blog so please don’t ask questions about that to me because I did this pick-a-pile 🤡 I am basing this on my intuition + what I’ve learned from reading about it here on tumblr.
some law of assumption blogs to get you started: @/cinefairy, @/pl6netgirl, @/sexyandhedonistic, and @/starliet
also, in line with this theme, here’s another pick-a-pile reading that may help you from spiritualbambi 🥰
How to Pick a Pile: Take the time to look at each picture above it is numbered piles 1-6 from top left to the bottom right. Which one sparks a memory? What emotions do you feel? Do you feel anything at all? If all piles spark a memory, choose which one is the strongest. If none, try to go with the one that draws you in the most otherwise, these messages are not meant for you (at this time).
Photos aren’t mine, got it from pinterest and all credits go to the owner.
1 • Pile One
You aren’t persisting. When you affirm your desires, you have to remember that you’re stating it as a fact. You don’t affirm to go from point A to point B. You’re already at “point B” or whatever point that may be.
🎶 Likey by TWICE || Again, persist in your assumptions. You went to your favourite artist’s concert and they didn’t even see you? (maybe because “you’re only in GA” or that “you’re too short in this horde of tall ass people” or that “you don’t have any distinct thing about your appearance such as your hair color or clothing”?) Uh actually, on the way to the venue you were the first person that caught their eye and they’ve been hoping to meet you all throughout the show. You’re family asks you if you’ve gained weight? Uh actually your clothing is just kinda bulky that’s why, you actually have a supermodel body now. You think you haven’t affirmed enough/you’re thinking of what affirmation is the best to use? Uh actually all you have to do is breathe and your desires just pop up mid-air in front of you. Remember the only thing that will ever be true in your reality is what you allow to be true. (Stop being logical when it comes to manifesting) You’re the operant power, focus on what you want to happen. Doesn’t it feel so much better thinking of what good stuff could happen in the blink of an eye?
2 • Pile Two
Do something fun. If you don’t like to script then don’t do it. If you don’t like to vaunt (consciously talking to yourself in your head or irl as if you’ve already had your desires) then don’t do it. Every method works, you simply have to remember to assume that you already have your desires and stick to that fact (that what you want to manifest is true/that you already have your desires because you do). Why must you make it hard for yourself and choose to do something that irritates you?
🎶 Pose by Red Velvet || Hmm this pile may be the ones that want glamorous careers such as becoming a supermodel, actress, singer… I’m getting that you should do whatever it is associated to your desires. Specifically if it is like what I mentioned above, dance in your house imagining as if you’re doing it in your concert. Walk, sit down, breathe, as if you’re doing a photoshoot (I’m also getting you should probably post these photos of yours online ((in a new account if you want)), you can put your ((im seeing instagram)) account on private for the mean time, since y’know you’re doing this for fun. If you want to become a detective/criminal investigator, then try to solve crimes or I’m getting try to predict what would happen in a series/movie by analyzation. Make your own method! All these methods were created by us to encourage us to assume that what we want is true (and it is), and that’s all you need to make it “work”. No effort needed if you don’t want to put any lol. (There are people who literally decided they’re a bad b*tch and woke up and became one). Your imagination is reality, 3D/the physical reality is the reflection of this (the 4D/your imagination). But also… don’t overcomplicate it, just because you imagined being in a zombie apocalypse doesn’t mean it’ll manifest when you didn’t want it to. You’re in charge, only what you allow to happen will the only things that will be happening. (Also if you have aphantasia, you don’t have to visualize. Assume!!!)
3 • Pile Three
You’re not doing anything. Yes, manifestation requires 0 effort, but if you’re not changing your assumptions and continuing to accept negative/undesired assumptions as true then what will happen? Exactly, the same 💩 you don’t want to happen will continue to reflect in your reality. Consciously thinking/assuming positively or in the way that you want to happen will make all the difference. For example, you’re just sitting down on your bed doing nothing and wondering what your dinner will be? Okay well then assume you’ll have your favorite food. You’re doubting if you passed your exams because you didn’t review that much? Okay well then assume it’ll be 100% fine anyway and that your scores aren’t based on how long you studied or understood anyway lol (its logical for manifesting to be illogical) in fact, you’ll get the highest score & pass. Again, assuming positively for “little” things such as this will make all the difference. Not only will you see how powerful you are and that the law really works, but everyday life will be so much better, you’ll feel so much better.
🎶 Cherry by Lana Del Rey || Each and every one your desires are attainable. There are no “big” or “small” manifestations. Pat yourself on the back for each of them, because from a logical/objective perspective, isn’t it so f*cking amazing?? All you had to do was change your mind, or not even change it, just assumed positively this time and there it was! What you thought of! I’m so f*cking proud of you, I’m so happy that you discovered this to consciously manifest your desires. So what are you waiting for? Not that people who haven’t discovered loassumption or consciously manifesting can’t or haven’t achieved their dreams but.. Are you going to use this knowledge, this discovery of such a thing and not use it? And not stick to it and make life (consciously through loass) work in your favor?
4 • Pile Four
I didn’t expect this to be long asf 😶 but hmm oh well..
You think you’re better than everyone in the sense that you’re drawn to do this, to use the law of assumption to consciously manifest but you don’t. You feel like this is merely an excuse for people who are lazy to (“maybe, in a slim chance” you think) get whatever benefits people who work hard, who shed their blood 🩸, sweat 😓, and tears 💦, without doing anything. Well guess what? Do you know that notion of “all you have to do is change your mindset” or “if you put your mind into it, you can achieve anything” is true, and deep down you know it. Yes, it is still very much possible regardless of your mental health or however way you think to practically accomplish whatever task you need to do… but at the same time you still know it affects your actions quite a bit don’t you? You believe it. Specifically in terms of people with low self esteem, it is already proof to you.
Again, not that people can’t achieve their goals or dreams without consciously manifesting, but you know what? This is your reality and you are the one in charge. Because it is YOU who are in charge, you can put however much effort you would like in the real world to achieve your desires, you can fail however times you would like to, you can do step 1, 2, 3.. but this time, even your wildest dreams and the most illogical things can and will (if you choose to) come true. (Things where you have to be “in the right place at the right time with the right people” can very much happen, again if you choose and assume to.)
🎶 positions by Ariana Grande || I feel like if I keep on talking you’ll keep on finding ways to twist this around and end up with an assumption or conclusion that wouldn’t be in your favour (its okay, that’s normal, that happens) so I will try to end the reading here. It is logical for manifestation to be illogical, because this is the case, you can make your reality still have logical elements (which then contributes to the specific circumstances of which you would like to achieve something. ex: You worked hard on improving your skills in a singing contest but you almost didn’t make it to the venue for the contest. With you assuming that everything will be fine despite things seeming to not work out before you get there, another contestant lives by your neighborhood which also turns out to be a good friend of your mother. Then you end up being able to go to the contest anyway because they offered to carpool. Did that make sense? 🤡 Just because its close to being “normal” doesn’t mean it was just a coincidence).
5 • Pile Five
You’re over-consuming information. All you have to know is that your assumptions dictate your reality and to persist in your assumptions. (Expanding on this…) Imagination is reality, the 3D/physical reality reflects your imagination. You decide what you want to be true or not (if you’re concerned about accidentally manifesting negative stuff).
🎶 Sober by Lorde || Stop thinking of the what ifs. You’re the operant power/everything goes through you first before they manifest right? So then you can easily assume that things you don’t want to manifest won’t manifest and that’s what will exactly happen. If you still can’t help it, rather than thinking of the what ifs in the negative sense.. think of what if it all works out in the end? What if it manifests faster than you expected it to? What if you actually already know everything you need to know about manifestation? (you do). Apply what you know, because it’s correct. Assume that you’re doing everything correct, because now you are. Have more faith in yourself baby.
6 • Pile Six
Ohmygod this is even longer I didn’t realize… once again oh well 🤡
Hmm this is kind of a weird pile but of course just pick a different pile if it doesn’t resonate. You haven’t manifested your dream life yet simply because you haven’t been trying to or wanting to/decided to anyway. Its not that you have to try harder, you simply may just be manifesting specific “smaller” stuff (which is amazing and you can keep on doing it of course. there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that). I’m getting that if you really wanna manifest your dream life (I feel like you already are anyway? I’m getting like if you want a unique flavored gelato right then and there then it’ll pop up in less than a second for you. if you want a new phone you’ll see it the next moment you open your bedroom. if you want more money, you’ll get more money in your bank account and suddenly have someone hand you like a thousand dollars or something LMFAOO what a manifesting queen/king wtf) then use more general affirmations. Like ‘I’m living my dream life’ ‘I have everything I want’ ‘I love my life so much’ or in a specific but “larger” scale… ‘I have my dream job’ ‘I’m happily with my romantic partner’ ‘I have my desired friend group’ (I heard someone might be wanting to manifest a bratz friend group lol. ayee)
🎶 On The Ground by ROSÉ and I Wish You Would by Taylor Swift || You haven’t manifested your dream life yet because you’re preventing yourself to. I feel like this may be a person (specifically an ex-lover, ex-friend, or even family that you’ve cut off in the past) that you’re wanting to manifest that you know is going to make you happy but you also might think you won’t make them happy. Listen, all these people in the world are real, sentient, have their own emotions, thoughts, opinions, and experiences but this is also your reality (we all have our own reality), and in your reality, because you are the operant power… Free-will doesn’t exist in your reality (so does in anyone else’s realities. In their reality, you and I don’t have free will either. But in yours, you can do anything you want, they can too in their own reality). It doesn’t make any of these people or these experiences not true or anything of that matter.
You’re allowed to take them back, to have them back in your life. Things can be worked out, you’re not violating anyones boundaries or something like that (i mean… just because you can, its still immoral to just k*ll anyone and you shouldn’t do it if that’s what you’re thinking). I feel like you’re already a master at consciously manifesting (everyone already is but you especially got it down like its just breathing at this point 👀), and so start small (for your own sake/sanity ig) maybe manifest getting a text from them or them simply liking a recent post of yours even. You don’t have to manifest having a completely repaired relationship right away, just… allow yourself to give yourself another chance. I really feel like, it will turn out well (for you emotionally, your overall quality/experience in life and theirs too) in the end if you do this 💕 (i mean unless you continue to assume it wont then… ofc lmao). Both parties would be happy to have given this another shot.
Oh and also, this doesn’t have to be a person. It also could be a childhood dream of yours. Maybe you wanted to do gymnastics or dance or whatever but you’re “too old” for it now. Revision (manifesting changing your past with your assumptions) also exists. But if you don’t want to do that, you can also manifest just getting it easily lmao. Alsoooo, even shifting to another reality to experience this again as a child (this activity of yours) can also happen, depending on your situation, you can also very much slow down time/not age for a while if you’d like lol. I just, I really feel like you should go back to this. Do ittt. You’ll be happy you did.
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