#i very much think MoM has a magic system up in place so they can just pull hearts and bolster their ranks without manual oversight
amethystfairy1 · 5 months
✨Hello hello!✨
I'm Amethyst (she/her), and I'm your local fanfic gremlin. I've written a lot for a lot of fandoms, right now I am caught in the Hermit/Traffic/Empires brainrot, and if that's how you've ended up here, welcome welcome!
The tag for my random blog stuff is: #amethyst rambles
And I also always post here whenever I post on A03, be it with a new chapter or an entirely new story! #amethyst updates
Right now, I have two WIP AUs!
Through the Sky-Blue Cracks 🌤️
My Hot Guy/Cute Guy, Over-City/Under-City AU that has a lot more going on in it now, it's grown pretty big and is organized in chronological order, not by publishing order, so I write up and down on the timeline filling in parts and pieces as I go!
TTSBC takes place in a modern/slightly sci-fi AU with superheroes, biotech, secrets to hide, trauma to unpack, and as much humor as I can attempt to fit in as well!
Features the local superheroes crushing on each other, anxious writer meets intrepid reporter, the drama professors who can't keep their hands to themselves, penpals gone wild, resident middle-aged married couple who happen to be a mobster and a mad genius, the local cottagecore lesbians, bad boy butterfly and cat lady, protective big sister, Zom-Mom and Sentient Glowstick, a very tired Guy-in-the-Chair with a permanent headache, and more yet to be added! I've got lots of plans left for this AU, so if you're interested, please come check it out!
Tags for the AU are:
#through the sky blue cracks
#ttsbc au
#ttsbc ficlets
Traveling Thieves 🪽
My dark fantasy AU! This one has some heavy themes going on, so I'd encourage reading the tags carefully before jumping in! I'm very proud of how it is turning out, dealing with breaking out conditioned headspaces, survival in a sick system, negotiating power imbalance, the power of friendship (no, really), and of course we've got elves, mercenaries, magic, swords, sorcery, rogues, redstone, and lots more fun stuff like that! Also lots of adorable birbs, one traumatized fiery boy, a mer with an attitude, a good doggo, and hurt/comfort galore! Giving everyone a chance to believe that they've all got a shot at getting lucky.
Tags for the AU are:
#traveling thieves au
#traveling thieves ficlets
Amethysts Scribbling Corner 📝
A little side project of mine to try and stretch my writing style!
My prompt requests are always open! I do not promise to fulfill anything, nor do I promise to fulfill anything within a reasonable time frame, BUT if you have any sort of thoughts/requests/recommendations I absolutely love to hear them and engage with them!
They can be as broad as a simple one-word prompt, or you can even give a brief description of a couple of sentences!
Feel free to request where you want the fic to take place, too! Especially when we're talking Hermit/Traffic/Empires stuff, if you want it to be within the Minecraft server world of that specific series, within a certain one of the Life Series, a modern AU, a fantasy AU...or even TTSBC or Traveling Thieves if you have ideas for them!
Just know that if anything requested for TTSBC or Traveling Thieves contradicts or maybe overlaps with any future plans for those AUs, I might not be able to accept them 😓
As far as rules go...I do not write NSFW. I am happy to write romance and let things get a little spicy 🔥 but keep in mind I'll always end up fading to black...also no heavy gore, body horror, things of that nature. I am very much a fan of writing whump and hurt/comfort though, so please send those ideas my way!
When I need some inspiration I dip into the request bin, and I keep all the requests I receive stored for future reference!
Tags for the series are:
#amethysts scribbling corner
I think that's all that going on with me right now...so yeah! I use this blog for my scribbling corner prompts as well as asks about any of my AUs or writing projects! I love getting the chance to ramble about my worldbuilding, so by all means, give me an excuse and I will make entire posts about that sort of thing!
My DMs are open and I promise I'm not scary! I love rambling and making fandom friends, so feel free to reach out if you wanna chat!
Thanks for coming by! 💖
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elminx · 5 months
Energy Update: Full Moon in Cancer, 12/26-12/27
We are headed into an emotional Cancer full moon later this evening that is going to touch on the stressors of our retrograde Jupiter in Taurus which is about to station direct on 12/31 and Saturn in Pisces. We are also in the final third of our Mercury retrograde cycle (Mercury stations direct on 1/1). There's a strong push/pull element today.
Something is changing. I think that most of us know it and feel it as we wrap things up and prepare for the year ahead. A lot of toxic systems (governments, businesses, families, and relationships) are being exposed as Pluto eeks out these last few degrees of Capricorn. We all have to face the consequences of when and how we've played into these systems. How we've benefited from dysfunction. But also how we've been injured by it. It's not an easy or fun process. Now the Cancer full moon brings all of the emotionality of it to the surface. This is ultimately a good thing because things need to break free to be purged. But it may not feel very pleasant in the moment.
That's where the push of Jupiter and the pull of Saturn comes into play here. Some of us have paid the piper and are ready to move forward while others of us are still dragging our feet and in a deep state of resistance to the needed changes. It's worth noting that those who benefit the most from the dysfunction are the least likely to want to leave it behind. You can't change where you are in this cycle but you do have the capability to change how you approach it.
All of that said, the Cancer full moon holds the powerful energy of watery release which can be harnessed to help yourself along on the inevitability of this journey. This can show up (or be called in) in many different ways.
Water rules tears, the ultimate release valve of our emotional bodies. This Cancer Moon is a great time to cry it out until you have let all of this shit go once and for all.
Water can be harnessed through showering or bathing as a cleansing ritual. Today (and tomorrow) are great days to wash wash wash yourself and your space. A change often starts from within and cleaning yourself of what has held you back is a great place to start.
Water supports emotional releases of all kinds. If you're not the cry-it-out type - you can write it out in as much detail as possible and then burn it as a symbolic gesture to yourself of letting it go. The energy of the full moon in Cancer supports cord cuttings, banishments, and clearing magic of all kinds if that is what you need to start over. Emotions will run high so it might not be a great day to talk things out. Instead, focus on yourself and what you can do to release the situation. Beware of emotional manipulation and toxic family dynamics which are both found in the immature Cancer type. You cannot control how other people act, but you can control how much you play into their petty machinations.
Some people are looking for a fight but they are going to act like the victim if you respond by fighting back.
You don't need to play nice to appease Mom or Grandma. You don't need to stand in the stream of your Other's dysfunction. That's their shit.
If it's not yours, let it the fuck go.
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waywardsunlight · 2 years
I GOTTA SAY THIS but the way The Owl House deals with nostalgia is so interesting to me because it definitely buys into nostalgia but it also actively criticizes it. Eda’s nostalgia for her childhood, which she kind of misremembers and idealizes at times (not being aware of Lily’s struggle, seeing herself as always winning and having a great time, the idea that the facist government wasn’t a problem back then, and her relationship with Raine that she idealizes despite Raine breaking up with her because she wasn’t willing to be open with her emotions) is really interesting because there are elements of it actually being a better time in her life before Everything Went Wrong in her mind, but also she forgets that Dell wasn’t always around, that bad stuff was happening when she was a kid.
Philip is very similar but farther into that concept of Everything Was Good And Something Ruined It. In reality, he just got older and Caleb had other things he had to do and interests like starting a family so Philip just… shut down and even regressed later on because he couldn’t deal with the fact that Caleb would ‘ruin’ their lives by just growing apart due to age. Philip finds himself trying to stop Caleb from growing up which is why he always kills the Hunters when they’re teenagers/preteens. They’re just about to grow up and “betray him”, ruin that childhood nostalgia. The Hunters never work because Caleb was never who Belos wanted him to be; Caleb always grows up, always leaves.
Hunter has a bit of this with his perception of his own childhood. He views traumatic experiences and his own abuse as something he enjoys to look back on and he still loves Belos at the end of Kings Tide because he hasn’t let go of that idealized version of Belos and his own emotions where he was really happy. He copes with that trauma by remembering it fondly until he finally has to confront that Belos is just an abuser.
Finally and most important, Luz has a major amount of nostalgia for a time and place that has never existed. She has an idealized view of magic and witches, because she uses this world and these concepts to cope with the reality of late 2010s-early 2020s America, the struggle to conform to the American school system, the loss of her dad, and her struggles with her mom kind of inspire her to cope with her own fantasy which she slowly realizes isn’t an escape like she thought it was. Because no matter how many times Belos tries again with Caleb, no matter if Eda and Raine start over, no matter how much Luz wants to be in a fantasy world, nostalgia isn’t real. Everything is complicated, people don’t fit your expectations or ideal of them. There will always be struggles.
Luz realizes this and slowly lets go of the fantasy of being a hero and focuses on her love of Eda, King, and everybody else around her because that’s real, it’s now, and it’s real. Messy and complicated, but real. Raine confirms that they still love Eda, and maybe in the future they can try again, and this time Eda is going to be emotionally ready for it because she’s not in love with the fantasy of Raine, she just loves Raine. And nostalgia isn’t bad. It’s nice to think of times you felt happier but you have to understand that you’ll be happy again if you’re able to open yourself up for it.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 11 months
So I had this random idea for a P5/TWST au, where Riddle and Ren (the p5 protag) somehow become penpal. They're totally from different worlds. But they had meet a few times. Somehow.
In this random idea I made with my friend, they're bestie and have been influenced each other's lives that resulted in some changes in their future.
Riddle could or couldn't be OB, but if he do, he totally told it to Ren who know about magic and blots, but not overblot, and since he already encountered Kamoshida(?), he just assumed Riddle had a palace and managed to get his shadow self defeated. Riddle then share a photo of his OB self that Cater somehow find the time to take to Ren. Ren was angry that Riddle was slaying as a shadow, yet he has to fight a disgusting creature that was his PE's teacher shadow.
Anyway, the main point of this idea was that both of them have a big miscommunication problem in which both of them assume the other is living the same live as them.
:0 creative juices are going all over the place
Well... One thing that I imagine could link the 2 worlds together would be an intermediate world, such as the metaverse.
Under the cut I made the whole damn thing, because it's interesting to see what universe theories can connect the 2 worlds.
I imagine Mrs Rosehearts does get mail, so imagine little Riddle being asked to bring the mail for today, only to notice among all of those letters addressed to his mom, one little letter with some foreign coordinates:
From: Ren Amaya, *insert city* Japan
To: Pen pal :3
Ren was a kid and he had a project to make a pen pal(we can say it's an international project). He forgot that he had to write the country he would want to send the letter to. :v
Unfortunately, the letter gets lost via metaverse shenanigans and instead of returning to Ren's world, it ends up at Riddle's.
Of course. Riddle hid the letter from his mother and then proceeded to open it when he had that free study time. The letter had some sloppy and grammatical errors here and there, but it was in all sense, a legit letter, from a legit kid the same age as Riddle.
And you know... Riddle's tiny kid brain just makes the connection that HE is the pen pal that the letter was sent to. So in response, since he was excited, he used his free study hour to make a response letter. The same thing as Ren: a friendly introduction and some responses to some trivial questions Ren put in his letter, such as what's your favorite color or if he likes candy.
So because of the metaverse imprint the previous letter had, Riddle had that imprint transfered to him as well or developed some of his own, therefore allowing his own letter to be 'lost' again through the metaverse and end up back at Ren. This time, the mailman knew where to send the letter, since Riddle wrote the address on Ren's letter, adding his own at the 'from' category instead.
We can say that it is some wildcard thing, like both developing that metaverse imprint since young, which would allow them later on to have more than 1 persona. So the letters are basically taken from one wildcard imprint through the other via ✨magic✨.
So they start pen-paling. The letters follow the same route: Ren-metaverse-Riddle and vice versa. Sometimes Ren would send some Japanese treats, while Riddle would manage to snuggle in some little things, sometimes pressed flowers. Ren's letters are playful, full of stickers and doodles, while Riddle's are always elegant and with perfect grammar.
Since they both used English, at one point Ren teaches Riddle japanese basics via letters.
On one side, Ren thinks that the whole 'magic' thing is his pen-pal's spiritual traditions, as he doesn't mention it often. On the other hand, Riddle never heard of Japan, so he believes is some very very retreated foreign country.
They both start high-school around the same time. It was wierd since NRC went by the standard european school system, while japan had it's own. This didn't really affect that much their letters tho.
Since Ren had some sort of sense of justice as well as being mischievous, he does advise Riddle to not go to dormleader position right off the batch. He was the one who actually convinced Riddle that rules aren't the great sometimes. In twisted wonderland tho, Trey thought that he actually managed to talk sense into Riddle, so he took credit for it, since no one knew of Riddle's pen-pal.
On the reverse side, Riddle's more controlled nature, teached Ren about rules and more often than not, a lot about learning methods and fast memorising. Therefore Ren's grades suddenly skyrocketed and as if it was magic(pun intended), he became top of his class and very popular among his peers. He gave away homework and was helping others learn as well, hence his good reputation.
But things get to shit when one day. Riddle receives a letter from Ren, which is titles 'Urgent'. It doesn't have any stickers or doodles and in there, Ren explains that he got on probation and why that happened. He said that for the year, his address will be changed to Shibuya, Tokyo. And that was a prime example on how judgement doesn't need to be given so quick and rash. Riddle of course is very down because of it. Like his pen-pal was doing something morally good, but because of how rotten some authoritary figures can be, his pen-pal now is on probation.
Which wasn't fair at all. :v
But here we go to the real deal: because of alignment of mentality(both hating the rotten system), their metaverse imprints also allign, allowing to create a far stronger passageway to the metaverse, which was basically the bridge of the 2 worlds. This alligment only needed a tip to be fully stabilised.
And our Boi Ryuji is that tipping point.
So imagine the next scenario: Cannon P5(royale version) first interaction in between Ryuji and Ren. The metanav app was acting up and the 2 end up in the metaverse.
Except that they immediately meet up with a very confused Riddle, who initially just wanted to go to the dorm, since he had afternoon classes.
Cue the infamous spiderman pointing meme, but Ryuji is just there, confused on main. Ren makes a short introduction in between the 2. And together, the 3 explore the palace.
Except that when they get ambushed, Riddle initially tries to use his magic, only to not work. They get knocked out and brought into the dungeon.
Cue Kamoshida making the grand entrance and BOI does it go to shit quickly. Ren awkenes and Riddle does the smartest thing ever: borrow a halebard from a shadow guard and use it to knock some shadows off. Like... This is survival rn... Who cares if those things are alive or not? Riddle sure not.
And you know, Kamoshida was the 'king of the castle', but how he behaved sure sparked smth in Riddle's mind.
Cue another awakening. Ryuji had 2 almost heart attacks in a row today. Yay! :D
We meet ✨le cat✨ who gives us drugs medicine(that was one joke from a yt walk through that I found it hilariously funny)! Yay! It can't get more weirder than that! :3
They manage to get out, but unfortunately, Riddle was also with Ren and Ryuji at Shujin. And this was a panic moment, since this guy was supposed to be at NRC for f's sake.
Everyone except Morgana thinks they are tripping shit and it's beautiful. :'3
To blend in, Riddle tries again to use his magic and ya know? It works this time. He changed his NRC uniform to a more baisc one. Ryuji is baffled while Ren is all like 'oh so you actually were SERIOUS on the magic part'. Riddle gets confused and Ren explains that in here, magic didn't exist. A lot of back and forth before Ryuji draws the simplest line in between them over all this confusion.
Now Ryuji also realises that he could perfectly understand Riddle. He wasn't that good at English and the redhead spoke in very complicated language. Riddle also realises that he perfectly understood their japanese, even if he knew only the bare basics. It seems like the metaverse bridge altered their cognitions so they could understand each other.
That also explained the talking cat thing back there :v
So they get to Shujin. Ren invents a story about how Riddle is his cousin and he lives around in Tokyo. Using magic, these 3 also forge a small slip for the redhead to get in the school. Their excuse? They got on the wrong train and fortunately were in Riddle's aera, so he helped them walk to Shujin. That explained the big time gap.
Why did Riddle have a slip tho? Well because his 'cousin' was on probation, he was the only relative around here who could actually look out for Ren. He stood in a dorm, hence he couldn't have accommodated Ren in there.
Very elaborate lie aside, now these 3 had to retrace their steps. Riddle slept for the night at Ren's, after he sneaked off Sojiro's watch. (again, bless magic)
And the next day, the group returned to the metaverse, trying to retrace everyone's steps and all that(not before exchanging phone numbers in there :3). They re-meet Morgana and Ryuji also awakens to a persona because he is cool like that. >:3
Cue more shenanigans, but this time, when they return to the real world, Riddle was back in NRC and Ren with Ryuji were back in Tokyo. Their phones seem to have registered each other's numbers and so, they messaged. Like this shit was crazy. Crazy for Ren and Ryuji bc 'magic, shadows, their PE teacher in a speedo', But crazy for Riddle because 'It's a different magic world and I was burned alive and I might be possessed, also Ren's PE teacher in a speedo'.
Yeah... On both sides, that would sound crazy af, so better keep it to yourself Bois :'3
But since they have the same timezones, just different school periods, it was much more easier to synchronise and both meet up in the metaverse.
Ps: Ann absolutely adores Riddle, because he's small and cute looking like a dollie. She is surprised that he is a 2nd year just like them, but eh... Still cute boi.
Things get far more confusing when overblots get added to the mix.
Like in between Kamoshida and Madarame palaces, they discover Leona's palace, which varies significantly from Kamoshida, despite the distortion keyword being the exact same. They tried to change his heart and all that, but they were too late on it, since in twisted wonderland, already overBlot was triggered and this affected the palace by making it even more messed up and morbid. The palace still exists, no more treasure, becoming slowly weaker and more of a ruin. It was a sign that real life situations affected this palace to auto-destruction.
I just realized I missed the entire point of miscommunication theme :'(. But most of the miscommunication in this one is due to the fact that on both sides everyone keeps mentioning buddies from the other and so the people both in Tokyo and NRC just think that 'Huh, pen-pals from another country are wierd' :'v
One thing I would also find hilarious is their coping mechanisms and how they are relevant to the metaverse. It goes like:
Rando: how do you cope with anger?
Ren: Steal shiny shit :3
Riddle: Homicide :)
None of them mentioned it was in metaverse :v
For the overBlot part... We can say that since Riddle never became Dormhead, his overBlot could've been caused by something else, not necessarily having a palace(as overBlot basically just fucks up a palace entirely). I would personally put it in between chap 5-6, and make it as a result of peer pressure(mainly trey because I have a sadistical urge to antagonise him before making him better :'3). So imagine that the overBlot occurs and none of the Tokyo PTs find out about it, until Riddle comes to them, telling about everything that happened. It will follow with cuddles and a nice group time together. Cue Trey feeling murderous intents from 'miles' away :v
Which can also lead to sum fun chap 6 shenanigans. (let's assume that they do keep their phones, but without signal, which doesn't affect the metanav, so Riddle just messes up with Idia) :'3
Smol chap 6 spoilers:
But also since Idia was forced into overBlot, I see that him having a palace prior might not be affected that much as expected. Since it wasn't an overBlot that was caused from inside, rather external factors, Idia still would have his palace as normal, but it might evolve or get new aeras to explore. Possibly spreading more will seeds or making the palace ruler more volatile.
Spoiler free now :3
And also events! The Tokyo PTs would 100% get invited to NRC events like Halloween or Sports/culture fests.
Tbh, there is many more possibilities if other NRC guys also found about the metaverse. I would see Kalim be one, mostly since he's so social and friendly that he might just walk through the metaverse along Riddle without any of them realising it at first :v
But also rich guy who would go to Tokyo and pawn a gold bar for some 'pocket change'.
That's kind of all that I have rn :v
Tbh, there is a lot that can be done, but for now, I made some stable lore structures and I'm happy with that :3
Until next time! Buh bye!
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faemoona · 9 months
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i wanna post more on tumblr, its not a super active site anymore but i got friends on here so. I got a new story in mind! Meet the leads of The Dragon Prince's Daughter
" Little Luri lived a modest but happy life with her mom and aunt when one day when she returns home from school, she finds her home ransacked and her mom and aunt are missing. She ends up in an orphanage but a royal knight comes and takes her to a palace? Luri learns that her father is the warlord prince of princes. Luri has to navigate this new and quite odd world of nobles and etiquette while getting to know the father shes never met. Can she learn to get along with her dad and the rest of her new family and find her mother? only time will tell" 
ive always wanted to try writing one of those webtoon elevator pitches hehe. 
Left to right we have Kiara, Luri and Silas
Kiara is an orphan circus acrobat and singer. she lives with her found family and lives a nomadic lifestyle, traveling from city to city. Shes outgoing, confident, brave and strong. shes also quite impulsive and has a vengeful streak. shes fiercely protective of her people and especially of her beloved baby girl. Kiara and Silas courted in their teens and for a long time Kiara had no idea who Silas was. he was just some bashful but kind kid who she liked teasing and hey if you move all that hair out of his face hes kinda handsome. Kiara serves as a catalyst for Silas, where silas is a calming agent for Kiaras. She showed him how to be more confident in himself and to be proud of who he is and he taught her all sorts of magic and helped her tame her fiery temper. Even after she learned he was a prince, by that point the two were deeply attached to each other and neither could bear to break it off. it wasnt until Luri came around, (very accidentally) that they stopped seeing each other. She mises her partner but is very fulfilled as a mother to Luri and has a support system through her found family that keeps her happy and sane through the whole single parent thing. 
Luri is the daughter of silas and Kiara. shes a curious and sweet but very skittish child. to be fair though, shes only five and still figuring things out. She lived nomadically with her mother for the first fopur years of her life. traveling from place to place in  a caravan with the rest of the carnies who all treated her as a beloved daughter or niece. She got to see lots of things and she loves seeing her mom and aunties perform. She loved exploring in the woods and collecting her own littler treasures. Luri knows nothing of silas but everything of her mother. She thinks the absolute world of her mother as most children too and struggles a lot without her. Shres a fish out of water in the palace environment and it doesnt help that Shes absolutely terrified of Silas.  Silas is the eldest child of the current queen and king and the crowne prince. as he is now, in his mid twenties, Silas is a cunning and wise prince with a tactical mind and a reputation for brutally destroying a group of terrorists who threatened to harm the nation. Hes also got resting bitch face and tends to come off as intimidating due to his large stature but this is all a wall he puts up. Silas is actually a very nervous person whos dying for genuine connection and companionship. Neither of his parent gave him much of their time when he was young, and every time he met somebody they usually just wanted something out of him. In his late teens Silas was a scrawny, almost mousey and skittish person who stayed buried in his books, isolated and was considered an embarrassment. he turned all of this around in terms of his public image but hes still the same person on the inside. He wants nothing more than to be a good father to luri but he doesnt exactly haver the best role model and the little thing is too scared to even speak in front of him. whats a guy to do? 
These three are our protagonists, Luri and Silas being the more prominent characters out of the three since kiara is currently missing but theres a whole host of other characters im cooking up too. keep an eye out > : 3 
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himi-wiz · 1 year
Btw is no one talking about this on tumblr but Verbal Justice has been out for a week ago and I was waiting for a post to scream about it but no one made a post and I couldn't stand not talking about Nemu, Ichijiku and Otome-sama.
Immaculate vibes! Gosh the rhyming especially Otome's bars, I am worshipping. So. Hard.
Here are some thoughts on favourite parts and screenshot with gorgeous visuals.
Gosh her flower motive always gets me, such a beautiful world she strives for especially in comparison to her brother Samatoki's work as a Mafia Boss which is like, a life full of death, darkness and corruption.
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ICHIJIKU <3333 PLEASE STEP-- I mean, please continue to tell us how you'll wreck wretched men and put them in their place, yes ma'am. Lash out at the despicable patriarchal system you despise with all your heart's content, I'll support your ventures. Muah. 🥰❤💖💖
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THEY REALLY MADE OTOME A GOD AND I CAN'T I AM ON MY KNEES HELP-- Sorry Dice, your mom's way too powerful. Good luck, dude.😔
Jokes aside the visual editing for this is crazy good, especially how she's both coated in shadows and the amber glow of the sun while rapping about her rise to power? What a Queen. Urgh. 🧎‍♀️🙏🌅🔥🔥✨
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Admittedly Verbal Justice is not my fave melody line, the verses slap but the chorus is a bit slow with a haunting mantra-like repetition that can get grating unlike Femme Fatale. I understand it's intentional considering like saviour/path to God references though and it was fun though not something I'll slap onto a playlist I'll listen everyday unlike Magic Transistor or Hoodstars. Also Giga-P's never known for having a bad chorus so tough competition to beat there.
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If only I can figure out how to access the other composers too. Invisible manners for example are tad hard to find in English but they do have a tumblr and twitter updates at least.
Awich's recommended discography:
Queendom is an autobiographical song about Awich's life story here and it's well worth a watch, phenomenal storytelling and I adore it so much.
And so it's like doubly amazing they got the Queen herself to make lyrics for Otome who's in a similar position of climbing to power with her own smarts, resolve and words for a better world in her homeplace like Awich returning to Japan where she moves hearts with her voice too. But well, there are clear differences there storyline wise when Otome is set up to be one of the top villains/antagonists. Very understandable sentiment tho.
And speaking of origin stories, Awich did do a collab with some Oikinawan youths, SugLawd Familiar and CHICO CARLITO called Longiness Remix. comments say they're (I think SugLawd Familiar in particular) in high school? Seriously?? And it's a jam!
(Here's the full song MV, no eng subs yet tho.)
And an article briefly explaining the video details!
I might do a couple of explanation posts on hypmic producers I adore sometime.
With that I'm out, cheers and stan women with amazing music hehe~
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ghost-town-story · 2 years
heylo!! i saw your wbw post and i’m interested in the technology aspect of your world 👀 as well as the magic aspect!! feel free to ramble about it :D [@fiercely-raging-writer]
Hi! Thanks so much for the ask! <3
So before I get too far, I'mma quick define some shit. Since ASTHC is, in part, a portal fantasy, as well as a sci-fi adventure, there's a couple places I'm gonna give placeholder titles. So!
Place where Jazz, Jason, and Alex are from: Base Universe (or World)
Universe where they get dumped by portal: Adventure Universe
Planet where Jazz ends up: P1
Planet where Alex ends up: P2
Planet where Jason ends up: P3
Now onto the actual question :)
Technology in Base Universe is essentially whatever it was circa mid-2010s. That's the boring part of this answer lol
Now, for the Adventure Universe, here's what I have so far:
Spaceships and interplanetary travel/faster-than-light travel. How that looks is probably gonna depend by planet tbh. P2: super "outdated" (inefficient and such) bc they don't go anywhere. P1: Clunky but effective. P3: Essentially engineered to where they can use their powers as part of the propulsion system.
Holograms, especially tactile ones. I def have a vibe I wanna achieve with this lol
There's one city that I wanna make look like that bright shiny futuristic aesthetic, so hover vehicles, robots, the whole shebang
(Jason: *drooling over all the tech* Jazz, grabbing him by the collar: Keep walking ya nerd)
I think that's all the kids will interact with, but who knows, more stuff might pop up as I dive deeper into this project lol.
As for magic..... time for a read-more lol
In the Base Universe, magic is this sort of "in the shadows" type deal. It's pretty hereditary, but also pretty random. Jazz and Alex come from a family with a long history of magic, but it just completely skipped over their grandfather. Meanwhile Jason's family on his mom's side has 0 magic other than his mom and her brother. People with magic tend to have 1-3 distinct powers, and I'll list those out in a bit.
Also, because you're enabling me to ramble, I'mma mention something that's uh, not a thing that was created crucially for ASTHC, but is a thing in my own character lore and therefore does make an appearance in ASTHC.
So there's some people with magic that are (tentatively) called star-touched, and the difference between them and say, Jazz or Jason, is that their magic is dormant until awakened. Once awakened, they get 1 power, period. This type of power is way less random than typical powers and very consistently hereditary, leading to the star-touched being kinda a lil bit culty. This gets to be somewhat relevant because Alex's mom was star-touched who said "fuck your lowkey culty shit" and married his dad (not star-touched, but has powers), which therefore makes Alex a unique lil bean lol.
(I really like this bit of lore. And just the entire complicated Lunacen-Evenstar family drama lol)
Anyhoot, enough about Base Universe, that's just to set up Jazz, Jason, and Alex, let's get onto the Adventure Universe!
Functionally, it's mostly similar to how powers work in the Base Universe, with the same set of powers existing in each universe. The key differences are:
In Base, powers are random and are not necessarily related to what parents and/or family members have. In Adventure, kids always have the same powers as their parents.
1 power per person all the time.
Due to The War, all of the different powers have been split up and are now living on separate planets
Due to being allowed more openness/freedom about using/learning how to control powers, they are a lot stronger and better controlled in the Adventure Universe.
There are, as far as anybody knows, there are no people who don't have any powers anymore.
Now, I did promise a list of wtf types of powers people have, so *blows dust off the old Word doc* here's the incomplete list I have so far (incomplete bc I do want to add more I'm just... stuck on what else to add lol) (and, for funsies, I'm also including which of my OG characters has said powers so. That's who all the names are lol)
Shapeshifters: Can shift into 1 or 2 animal forms. (Melody (wolf and phoenix), Finn (wolf), Celia (dragon), Jason (fox), Alex (dragon))
Time control: As basic as it sounds lmao. Stop, slow down, or speed up time. (Was Jared's, may be his once again)
Elemental: Control over water, fire, air, and earth (yes, just like ATLA lol). (Melody, Jared, Jason)
Werewolf: .... Yeah lol. 1 key difference from typical werewolves though, it is the one power that is absolutely hereditary. Also there's typically only 1 per generation. (Will Hayden, Jazz, Will Daniel)
Telepathy: Another of those (hopefully) self-explanatory ones lol. (Will Hayden, James)
Telekinesis: Able to move stuff with just a thought. (Sasi, Hayden)
Seer: Able to see the future, often in dreams. (Jared, Alex)
Illusions: Able to create illusions. Stability of the illusion depends mostly on strength of the creator, but none are able to hold up to physical touch. (Jake, Hayden)
Storm Twisters: Able to control storms and electricity/lightning. May or may not have lore in Base Universe that Storm Twisters are always twins. (James, Will Daniel).
So, as a fun bit of knowledge about Adventure Universe: P1 is the planet where the werewolves live, P2 is the seers, and P3 is elementals.
So yeah! I believe I've rambled on enough about all this lol. Thanks again for the ask!!
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barnes-brain · 2 years
I love what you said about baseball and it being a romantic game cause yeah. YEAH. And there's also something so so special about it from a not so player based view, like, the long summer afternoons and evenings at the ballpark and the generally friendly, electric atmosphere at every game and all the traditions and just the everything about it that you just don't get at other sporting events, imo. Even watching from home, or listening to it on the radio like I kinda love to is just so much more intimate and lovely than other sports. I wish that I could explain it better to folks who haven't felt it themselves, but it feels like so much of our culture these days is so focused on faster paced, immediate gratification sports and just entertainment in general as opposed to the longer haul season that you kind of have to build a relationship with, as well as one with a team to follow, and this rising drama and (usually) excitement for the world series and idk. Baseball is just so personal and I love it but it can be hard to share. Plus, all the math probably doesn't help :/
Hey Rockies!
Exactly! With 162 games, and only 24 players on a roster? It’s like spending 8ish months at school, or when you’re a kid at summer camp. You might only get to know the baseball side of things? But you get to know those players, you cheer for them, celebrate their wins, feel their losses. Each player can and does contribute to the game. Like I might just not watch enough football, but I don’t see defensive ends getting interviewed after games (Again please someone correct me if I’m wrong) You don’t see defensemen in hockey getting interviewed often, but with 162 games? More than likely you’re going to have 5-10 interviews with every single player.
That builds an atmosphere of care and compassion that I don’t see in other sports (again fuck the dodgers because that stadium is DANGEROUS). And I think a lot of that is because of the age of the game. It’s not the oldest game out there, but it’s the oldest in the US (of the big four Lacrosse is actually older as it originated from the Native Americans) and having that tradition that you mentioned is built into the fabric of the game. I’ve been to Busch stadium once in the past 7 years because I don’t live close, but I’ve gone to my local stadium, and they welcome me in with a Cardinals jersey just as much as if I was wearing one of theirs. You make friends at the stadium, no matter who you root for, yeah there might be some joking around, but ultimately, there’s a very real risk that you could be sitting next to that person for 4 hours if it goes into extras. and there’s a bigger chance that for 6 out of the 9 innings nothing is going to happen.
As far as the math goes… I always suggest learn the positions, learn the rules before learning the maths. Get into the minor league system (at least AAA) get to know some oof the upcoming players, because if you know them, you’ll want to see them succeed, and watching them do so is… it’s pretty magical. Lars Nootbaar has a place in my heart because I started paying attention to the minors last 2ish years ago. And I told my mom last year I said “Ma, he’s going to be good, he’ll get called up this year.” And sure enough he did, and now he’s my little Nootsie and I would die for that cinnamon roll.
But if you’re not a huge baseball fan and reading this for some reason. Don’t be afraid of googling something (or reaching out to me) to ask what a stat is. And don’t worry too much about the math. I can look at a batting average and tell you if it’s good or not, but I can’t tell you how to calculate it, and this has been a part of my life forever.
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shallowseeker · 2 years
The positive meaning of 15x20
Lately, I've given you the evil versions of the finale filled with death and terrible views of the fractured self. Now, I'm going to give a more positive/thoughtful explanation.
Why did Dean die? "It was always going to end like this," because Dean died long ago, and Supernatural is Sam-Jack working out why and accepting it. Perhaps the trauma is just something awful like a car accident, or it’s something more difficult that would wound Sam badly and cause him to blame himself … like if Dean took his own life. A young child might easily view suicide as a sacrifice, and if that child is ill, that would compound the fracture. Sam telling Dean he can go in 15x20 is Sam accepting it. Sam leaving the bunker is Sam/Jack leaving his fantasy world. That's why the wife isn't Eileen. That's why they cut out all the hunter friends in the final episode.
The perspective of a child - So many of Sam/Jack's fears revolve around Dean giving up, and so much of the journey is Sam finding out stuff about his brother he didn't previously know, like that Dean always wanted to be a firefighter. This is why Dean is the most important person in Sam's life. Because he’s his parent. This is also why Sam fails to really know him. ❤️ Who did Dean point a gun at: Sam AND Jack. Who did Dean kill death protecting: Sam AND Jack. I’m not sure but Cas faces metaphorical mental brokenness and depression (the empty) for Sam-Jack. Whenever something bad happens to someone, Sam-Jack thinks it’s because he’s caused it. He thinks God let Jesus die, so maybe he’s supposed to as well.
The person behind the actual mask: Real Sam/Jack isn't good-looking or heroic, or the kind of guy who could wield Thor's hammer like in Last Holiday. He's just some guy. He might even be a very young person/teen! There's something about Sam needing blood to be stronger, going through trials, faith healing, etc that speaks to Sam having a chronic illness. Sam's later obsessions with healthy eating and parallel to Steve Jobs speaks to this as well. Purity culture and clean eating is a HUGE way to control illness. When you're sick, you often feel unclean, like it's your fault. My theory is that Rowena also likely has an illness but is putting her belief system in magic.
On illness: When you're ill, there's something horrific in being consumed by the illness. Sometimes you look around and feel like everyone is pouring their energy into you, and you haven't had time to learn the first thing about them. Sometimes you feel horrible needing basic things like blood infusions because that's someone else's life force. Don't even get me started on how our culture has up till now viewed organ donations. There's something really lovely in Jack eating angel hearts to "make his body strong," you see. It's a narrative tension about illness. With unclean blood, could be anything from thassalemia to cancer to Mary’s “demon” of doing drugs that passed on HIV-AIDS at birth. (What’d your mom die of. Oh, she had her demons. Where’s your dad? Oh he’s chasing his own demons, I suppose. Where’s Dean? Son, everyone has their demons.) A kid hearing that sort of talk might take it literally. Might even conjure up another hero self to hunt those demons.
Who is Dean: The Dean we see on screen IS a complex manifestation of Sam's memories placed in a heroic, monster-hunting setting. So what do we know about the real Dean? We know he was Sam's caretaker, and if Sam was really, really sick, then Dean likely gave up a significant part of his life to help him. John was absent. We don't really know why. Perhaps, Mary, Dean, and Sam even have a familial illness and that sent John chasing after miracles and mystery cures. Maybe he too was angry with God, the world, and lost himself to alcoholism.
The specter of drinking and suicide: We know that something terrible happened to Dean that caused Sam to generate this big epic love story to deal with it and try to solve the puzzle of his brother. Much of his logic throughout the narrative is like a child learning their parent is a *person.* We also know that Dean is HUGELY tied up in religion at some point, so I'm thinking that whatever happened, Dean sought absolution through church, and that introduced a whole 'nother dimension to sort through. What is a huge horrid thing religion says about suicide? That they go to HELL. That’s gotta be awful to deal with. Sam seems uncommonly afraid of Hell in general. 💔 And well, other reasons Dean might “go to Hell”? I mean, his dad sent him to a boys’ home at 16. One of the caretakers has rosary beads…
On the quest for the cure: Ezekiel/Gadreel wasn't a person. He was a treatment that went bad. Like chemo or other toxic therapy. He maybe got Sam's "permission" to treat him when Sam had given up, and Sam was so angry about that. So much of the boundary crossing in SPN can be re-imagined as various treatments for chronic illness. Just think about what eventually happens to Jack. Cas goes off on a quest to get a mystery “experimental” medicine...that makes Jack worse. It's heartbreaking, really. Cas is always searching for, "another way" for them in the last couple seasons. In fact, Cas and Dean together are constantly searching for cures, and that's...that's really something. Cas and Dean chase their own demons of purgatory and hunger, of depression, caretaker burnout, and incredible incredible stress over losing Mary, Sam, Jack, or Claire. Then they wanna kill themselves or god. It’s not fair.
On locking yourself away: The final seasons are haunted by Dean putting himself in a box. Putting Cas in a box and being separated from Cas. In drowning in alcohol. Being angry with god. Having versus being. Being able to say things. Like this is something Sam-Jack began to realize about the world and how relationships are perceived.
Who is Cas? Cas himself is complicated. Is he a doctor? A church counselor? A therapist? One thing we know is he's a constant presence, and he's constantly being taken away by work and church. His looming association to marriage and other children makes me think this was a constant source of tension and he may have been living as a closeted married man. Cas has/had obligations to previous families before tying himself to Dean (and taking on Sam-Jack's illness). Sam-Jack had a lot of trouble accepting the re-emergence of Cas into their lives initially (See: the specter of what Benny actually represents; “Not my Dean!” said Bobby), but nonetheless, Sam-Jack eventually chose Cas as his secondary father. That Cas said, "Nothing is worth your life," triggered a huge heartwarming hug from Sam. Like a kid, he picked Cas before he realized exactly why Dean needed him. Two of the most parent-iest things I can think of are “There’s nothing I’d put ahead of you,” and “Nothing is worth your life.”
Sam seeing the future: The Chuck-terrible future he saw where Dean gave up? It's because Cas died. The box is both a coffin narrative and depression and being closeted. Claire (Mary?) died. Dean lost hope. So, Sam had to deal with that too. In a way, that's the truth and a huge part of what happened to Dean. So Sam rejects it. I think Cas definitely really died. He symbolically died over and over when he left them to return to his Christian hetero-normative life. And Dean's "you're dead to me!" and the whole divorce thing that Sam-Jack saw in the beginning of season 15...that's complex. At some point, Cas chooses them, but marries that devotion to his previous obligations. Cas’s hallucinated death is a huge metaphor for depression because what disappears when you let yourself be happy? Sadness.
Who was Eileen? Disability narrative aside, I feel like Eileen was a fellow patient that Sam loved and could relate to. Maybe even one that he knew very young. One that loved popcorn and alligators and played games with him.
On Jack in the box: Putting Jack in a box is about not facing Sam/Jack's trauma and that this big story is just a fantasy. Letting Dean die and letting Cas die represent waking up. But the death of Jack or Sam represent death of the entire world/destiny etc. This is why I saw Jack-Sam is the self, and Cas and Dean's deaths are paths to accepting what happened in your life. Jack is the WHOLE self that worked through it all. Sam is the specific slice that repaired his relationship with his brother. ❤️
Maybe I'm not worth all this... We love you because you're you.
That's the most beautiful meaning of SPN. :D
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Wreckless - Two Options
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*Warning Adult Content*
Emmett had to work this morning so after going to the gym I came in to the office as well.
There's always more work to be done and I feel no need to sit in a hotel room and stare at those walls when I can be looking at these instead.
Besides, there's much better coffee here.
We didn't really settle much last night except now I know we're on the same page when it comes to how annoying this entire situation is.
I find myself spinning in my chair and transforming Bumblebee instead of looking over resumes.
I still need a new head of accounting.
The candidate I liked got a competing offer while I was in Michigan... one more annoyance.
I decide to call my mother.
She may be able to help or at least look at all of this from a fresh perspective.
I tell her everything, well, not about' Little Finn' but everything else.
The vacation house, wanting to buy a place, Emmett already owning, the break-in.
"I think you have two options, honey. You can stay in the hotel another night or week but give yourself a deadline. Then move back in with Emmett. The first night may be tough, sugar but you'll be alright. You're a Walker and you've done harder things than this. Or you start looking for a house and accept that you and Emmett may be apart longer than you want to be. He's gonna need time to get his ducks in a row and I don't blame him for dragging his feet, Finnegan. You haven't known each other that long and he has built a life there that you're sort of turning on its' head."
Why does she have to be right?
I was really hoping for a magic answer that I hadn't thought of but if she can't come up with it, there isn't one.
"I miss going home to him, mom."
"Then go home to him, Finnegan but insist on a security system. There's no reason to not have one, especially after a break-in."
We chat for a few more minutes and I hang up, thoughts of Emmett on my mind.
She's right, I need to face my fears and go back.
I can't be' Little Finn' but that's not happening at the hotel either.
At least I'll be with Emmett.
I may as well do it tonight.
I don't have to be in the office tomorrow so there's no better time.
Finnegan Walker: Mind if I stay at your place tonight?
Emmett Locke: Of course not. I've got somebody coming over this afternoon to put door and window alarms in. Gonna get a fancy doorbell too. That was quick, it's sweet of him to do since he's really only doing it for me.
Finnegan Walker: That helps, thank you. I'll text before I head over? Can we order pizza?
Emmett Locke: Definitely. See you soon, darling.
I don't get back to the hotel until about three o'clock and I get the joy of packing yet again.
I seriously want to burn my luggage.
That's not fair, going to the beach was very nice and I wish we were there this weekend.
Heck, if we'd stayed another week none of this would have happened.
Well the break-in still would have happened but I feel like I would be able to handle it better if I hadn't been there.
It might be a little less scary.
I decide to stop by the store and get another PlayStation.
I'm pissed that it's gone and losing myself in a mindless game sounds really, really good right now.
Of course now I'm thinking about the last time I played, when Emmett put me over the coffee table and that sounds really, really good as well.
I can not walk through Best Buy with a boner.
Um, my sister's best friend cornering me in the hall when I was younger and flashing me.
There, problem solved.
Finnegan Walker: Does soon work for you?
Emmett Locke: They're just about finished up, sure. Really glad you're coming over, darling.
When I pull up there's no truck on the street so I assume the system is up and running.
I grab the PlayStation and leave my suitcase because it's too much to carry.
He opens the door soon as I step onto the porch.
"You did not."
Um, yes I did.
"Guilty, I want to play."
He takes it from me and sets it down.
"Did you bring anything?  You're spending the night, right?"
"Oh, yeah, my suitcase is in the car."
"Keys? I'll get your bag and then hook that up while we wait for pizza."
He's way too good to me.
He comes back in and punches a code into the new little control panel by the door.
"Code is 6789. Not inventive but it'll do for now. We are all locked in now, safe and sound. You want extra cheese, right?"
"Yes please."
He orders, then hooks the PlayStation up in record time because all he has to do is plug the new box in.
The burglar left the old cords into the T.V. and wall so it's a breeze. 
"I wasn't sure if you were spending the night or coming back for good but I'm guessing the suitcase means you're staying?"
"That's the plan, if you don't mind."
He doesn't. 
He kisses me until I forget the question. 
Was it a question? 
Lightheaded and drunk on Emmett. 
It feels nice to forget about everything for a few sweet moments.
I'm playing, relaxing for the first time in days when the doorbell rings.
Emmett opens the door and of course the alarm starts beeping at him.
"Shit, one second," he tells the delivery person.
Once it's off he takes the pizzas.
"Reset it, Finnegan?"
That I can do, probably.
Yes, it's obvious and the code is easy enough to remember.
That done, I follow him into the kitchen to get myself two slices of pizza.
Everything is normal and everything is wrong but my mom is probably right and I will adjust.
The pizza is perfect just like always and it's really all I can think about at the moment.
"It's so good." 
I'm going to need two more.
"I'd miss the pizza, for sure."
If he moved... If he moved in with me.
"I can't believe you're really back. I didn't expect it, I mean it's great, Finnegan don't get me wrong but..." he steals himself another slice.
"Yeah, I figure I only have two options and I'm going to take the one that means I get to be with you. I miss coming home to you, Emmett."
I also miss stripping when I get here... wearing shorts in his house feels strange.
I miss being me.
I miss lots of things and I hate the thought of not getting some of them back but at least I have him.
That's enough.
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seafriendsandmore · 9 months
Safeplace Faction Masterlist + Info
Safeplace Faction (temp name until I think of something cool yaya)
Info - Members - Locations
“Everyone needs a place to rest sometimes.”
The Safeplace Faction governs over an area called “The Safe Zone.” In this area, no “violence” is allowed within reason (basically no violence with the intent to seriously harm or kill someone - scuffles are fine).
The members consist of a large variety of people but is relatively small in numbers due to the nature of the program. Too many people means too many uncontrollable variables. Every member and visitor is loyal to the Masters; if found otherwise, they are promptly stripped of their status and banished.
Not a strict system all considered. Just don’t break the key rule of trying to kill someone and you’ll be fine.
Visitors are only allowed to stay a week at a time. It is fine for visitors to visit every day but there are only so many rooms and so many supplies so staying is limited.
Visits are monitored through IDs distributed by the main building. You cannot enter the area without one. Counterfeits are nearly impossible to make due to the magic engravings individual to each one.
Once a month has passed, an individual can stay for another full week.
Big on no ask policies - basically don’t ask why someone is seeking refuge here, everyone has their tough times. However if they want to talk then by all means try lending them an ear.
Frowned upon to ask.
The territory is entirely neutral - any “political” campaigns will be promptly shut down.
Somewhat of a prejudice against the military but never really said aloud. (Many visitors come from military related trauma)
* By a character’s name means they are a side/low significance character but they are still open for questions!
Masters - Safekeepers - Shadow Members - Distributors - Servicers - Visitors
Masters - Highest ranking (includes the Faction Leader
Griselde M. Leuchtfeuer
Faction Leader
Old woman (can and will beat your ass though)
“Your ass will get the job done whether you think you have it in you or not” energy towards the members
Crazy old aunt type beat /affectionate
Has been through some hella shit, she knows the world is a tough place sometimes but also wants people to realize there are people out there who genuinely want to help
Avid swearer, swears profusely in German but really in any other language too
Pansexual (Lesbian leaning) - Poly
Hilde Odre
Leader of the Safekeepers
Trans buff woman!!! /slayyyy
Faction Leader’s right hand
Deals with most of the heavylifting (literal and metaphorical)
Puppy energy around Faction Leader - still pretty friendly to other people but there’s an obvious wall
Laughs a lot, drinks a lot
Lotta scars
Lesbian - mono
Cosime Aziendale
Tired old man energy (they/them) actually very young - just stuck with so much work that they’re constantly dying
Perfectionist, detail-oriented corporate slave (bro did this to themself) ((def has some OCD (organizational type)))
Deals with the menial bulk paperwork and manages the accounting for the area
Basically Griselde’s mom/schedule maker
Mega insomniac, keeps waking themself up when they randomly remember something they need to change on a document
Safekeepers - Simply put, the guards of the faction. Uphold the peace and police the area.
Sigurd L. K. Virki
Safekeepers Captain
Woman !!! Real and true
Strong sense of Justice
Kinda crass and naive at times but knows the ins and outs of fights and how to help others out
Always has a weird obsession with strong people
Honestly a great leader even if she’s childish sometimes - illy and erious ?!!
“I have little time to chat. Please only come to me if there is an issue.”
Aloof and stoic, not lenient
Dedicated to following orders and keeping peace in the faction
Pretty strong but not super
“I saw you with Mx. Nuit this morning… Did they mention anything about me…?”
Monitors the main lobby and front desk of the Safestay Inn
Head over heels for Nuit but doesn’t know how to express her love (Gives the player many quests regarding interacting with Nuit)
Very strong but does not resort to lethal violence if possible - only as a last resort
Doesn’t say much but has a lot to say
Shadow Members - Not registered on Record (secret members - sometimes entirely or just false identities). Usually houses the strongest/most efficient members.
pretty infamous peacekeeper
no one knows what their face looks like, only recognizable by the mask - not even other members know what their face looks like
typically serious while on duty - gets easily annoyed with how many people want to stir up useless conflict
Errr debating sexuality tbh - Demisexual fs - aromantic leaning - poly also
Bu Yu-jin (부유진) -> Family + Story Masterlist
Pretty boy (non-binary) - 5’9
Second eldest child and first in line to succession of the Bu Household
Hella rich - has a terrible reputation (it’s all rumors, he’s never done anything bad but people like to gossip)
Unnaturally good eye for people, can tell someone’s nature by instinct and is almost always right
Ends up fending for other people without realizing what he’s doing - people love him and he doesn’t understand why lmao
One of the biggest backers/providers for the faction - contract with Griselde
Self sacrificial while still thinking what he’s doing isn’t enough (it is more than enough and it stresses those that care about him out a lot)
Well known by the higher up members and some of the other members
Has the status of a Master but since he goes under an alias and isn’t technically a member on paper but a contractor, he’s considered a Shadow Member
Seems aloof and thinks he’s taking advantage of those by his side but the reality is is that he’s saved a lot of them from miserable lives and they care a lot about him.
Pansexual - Poly
“Dal” (달)
Handsome, toned but muscular
Bro is totally in love with Yu-jin (doesn’t understand these feelings - has never really been emotionally close to anyone before)
Kinda assassin type beat - one of the strongest safekeepers (top 2 at least)
Super loyal to Yu-jin and almost never away from him unless on his orders
Owes his life to Yu-jin (Yu-jin thinks anyone would have done the same)
Distributors - Gather, trade, provide and distribute supplies for the area.
“Ah… this is for the E.T. District… mm? Am I forgetting something?”
An airheaded delivery puppy
Seems to be distracted 99% of the time
“Your delivery is here.”
A serious and aloof wolf
Only talks as much as necessary
Interested in Chalk and is very soft around them
Facial expression barely ever changes
*Hazel (Is also a Servicer)
“According to the catalog this item is out of stock… but would you be interested in this instead?”
Chalk’s cousin
Easily frustrated but rarely gets actually angry
Very efficiency based, dislikes falling behind schedule
Actually cares for all the members quite a lot, just doesn’t usually express it
Servicers - Run the facilities in the area and fill misc jobs (includes medical care).
flirty guy yk how it is…
works at the pubs but also helps around wherever jobs need to be filled when he can
“Hiya! Welcome to the Grocer! Need anything? I can help you find it!”
An optimistic gardener
Always carrying around a 4 leaf clover
Safestay Inn Frontdesk
“Welcome to the Safestay Inn! Check in with me if you need anything here.”
A well-mannered greeter, arranges rooms for guests and gets people checked in and out
Despite their demure seeming nature, they are very strict with the rules and will have them followed.
Visitors - Those passing by or staying for a little while. There are no such things as permanent visitors (residents). You are either a member or a visitor.
Lives close to the area, convenient to visit
Saved once by Sylynor here
Main Building - The Hub, think of it as an HQ/Town Hall of sorts. Located just outside of the areas walls and must be passed through in order to get in.
Visitor IDs are distributed/checked here.
Heavily guarded
Magic scanner (fantasy metal detector but better basically)
Medical Center - A small hospital with very limited capacity.
Minor branches of pharmacies.
The main building is where the more serious problems are taken care of (surgeries, extreme sickness)
Staff have the right to reject anyone they say to (it is never prejudiced, it is done if they deem supplies unable to support the individual, reach maximum capacity, or know there is nothing they can do)
Marketplace - A bustling center lined with countless shops of distributor run businesses.
Any visitor merchants/tradespeople are supervised by a designated distributor.
Just about anything can be found here but the supply is limited. Each person is only allowed to buy so much of each product per visit.
E.T. District - The Entertainment District full of pubs, performances, and other places to take the mind off things.
Amphitheater is often lent out to performing visitors.
Pubs are open 24/7.
Music is always being performed on the street corners.
Very lively atmosphere
Safestay Inn - Where visitors, if lucky enough to grab a spot, are allowed to stay upwards of a week at cheap rates.
Labor is allowed as a form of payment.
Decent food is offered for guests for all meals (recommended to go out and check out the E.T. District or Marketplace for better stuff though).
Great Hall - Where gatherings are held to give out announcements or just hold large celebrations.
Hidden Basement houses the living quarters for the higher up members including the Masters.
Huge hall, extremely spacious
Connected to the Safekeepers HQ (kinda like a police station - no prisoners though, people are either exiled or killed)
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hclianthi · 5 years
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    ❝ Your Pursuit of Light Made You the Perfect Candidate                                   for a Keyblade Wielder. ❞
This is one of the first things you hear as you enter this place known as Daybreak Town, a realm of light and color who chose you out of thousands as one to bear the light of a guardian: a wielder of the legendary Keyblade. A grand honor falling to you to act as a defender of light, it’s your duty to chase away the shadows that would threaten the Light and its denizens. After all, the brightest lights dwell in the hearts of children. 
And yet, there is a ghostly imbalance to it all. It’s not a place familiar to you, and yet, at the same time, it is. The reason? 
This is not the first time your heart has seen the world.
The keykids of Daybreak Town arrive seemingly in a daze, uncertain of anything but the giant key in their hand and the need to defend themselves against the shadows that swarm upon them before anything else. They don’t know how or why, what this ‘Keyblade’ is, no word on their life before or what could have been, only that this is their life now. What else is there to do but to accept it as the norm? 
But the lack of a past and the open acceptance of such a life among children is an oddity if given any thought. It’s unlikely that such a large number of children, many of which appear well under 15, are active pursuant of Light, much less understand the concepts that surround it. And with not a single of these young warriors even offhandedly mentioning a family or home they left behind, accepting it all without question as though it was all the only thing they’d ever known, where are the Unions finding the numbers to fill their ranks? 
The answer lies in Kingdom Hearts, the heart of all worlds and the keeper of hearts lost. In an era where the light of all things -- though distant -- is not lost to the darkness, the hearts that sleep are an open book to the select few of this world who understand the paths between and the secrets therein. There, ones whose natures are familiar with the Light from their past lives are drawn back out of the embrace of Kingdom Hearts and brought back to the realms between. They are remade, hearts given new forms and with it their new purpose in the Station of Awakening - a manufactured realm not of their own heart, but one of forging, and there they align themselves to the Union their hearts feel most drawn to, emerging into this walled off society with only a keyblade in hand and a mind free of preconceptions to mold into defenders of the Light.
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izukus-sugar-baby · 3 years
Checked out!
WARNINGS: fluff-ish, eventually will be smut, mentions of getting sick twice
word count: 2k
Heres my first writing for tumblr! Hope you all like it!
Part Two, Part Three.
"Hey Miss!!" You peered down at the smaller voice, simultaneously feeling a book slip from your hand and onto the ground. The bookshelf was at least 5 rows high, and you had been standing as far as you needed to reach the top. You were dusting off and replacing the books on the shelf, which... hadn’t been so pleasant with children running around before their daily read. Regardless, you had a job to do. It wasn't gonna stop for a ton of kids. You had been rearranging the books in alphabetical order before the kid startled you. Thank god it didn’t fall on their head.
"Are you gonna read to us today? Or is Miss Maggie?" The kid didn't look over six years old, blue eyes and long brown hair with freckles littering her face in a wonderful way. She wore a small dress full of sunflowers with bright pink shoes on her feet. She had been here before... Although, her name wasn’t ringing a bell.
"I wanted to read one of those pigeon stories you read us last time!" You let out a sigh of relief that the book didn't smack the kid on top of her head prior to climbing down to the ground and leaning down be eye-level with her.
"Pigeon stories?" You've read dozens of books about dozens of creatures and characters. What on earth would relate to a.. pigeon? Leaning down a bit farther to snatch up the book you had dropped, she pushed another book into your arms. The title read The Pigeon Needs A Bath!
"This book is pretty thin, You sure you want me to read just this one book, sweetheart?" You stood up straight, handing the girl the book back before cocking your hip to the side and placing your hand onto it.
"Me and Emmie can go find some more!" She hurried off to find her.. friend? Knowing it had been a child, it could be a stuffed animal! But she sure did leave too quickly to ask any questions about it. You sighed, climbing back up to finish your organizing. Thank goodness I’m already close to being done. You thought to yourself, dusting top to bottom and moving onto the 4th row. Their reading wasn't for another.. what? 20 minutes? You had time to knock out another shelf. Time flew by as you finished the 4th row. It was already time to read.
"I have to stop by Goodwill and get some more books. I also gotta stop at the post office and some.. other errands? You got this reading?" The owner of the store, Maggie, looked over to make sure she had gotten your attention before naming off a few things that needed done in the shop before you closed up shop.
"Yeah! What time will you be back?" You climbed down the last step of the ladder, patting off the dust from the bookcase that had gotten on your apron. It was some cutesy hello kitty apron you wore so the dust wouldn't ruin your clothing but it really just made it look like it was some mini cafe. None the less, you wore it.
"I'll be back in time for that uh, Pro hero guy. I don't know- my wife wrote him in. Ask and she'll tell you!" You weren't too involved with all that hero bullshit, the whole who can save more lives?! You get the most money AND an award. The system in itself was ass and it wouldn't make a difference in your everyday life for one of those snobby people to stop by. You walked around the shelves, watching Maggie leave as you sat down on a small rounded couch. A small chime rang through the shop as it called the children over for their reading, a few already sitting and ready to hear you.
It wasn't a big library, it seemed like a corner store had gotten torn down and then completely renovated into a library for children. The second floor had been where the owner and her wife stayed. It was a cozy little place where about 8-12 kiddos would visit for a read. There were bookshelves in the walls for more book space and 5 separate shelves more towards the middle of the place. They held less books than the ones on the wall. Only two of the five reached over 3ft. Parents would come in just to rent a few books. But more often than not, the owner would go out hunting for new books for everyone to enjoy. Along with cute little toys and those foam floor mats to sit on. All of the children in the shop had sat right in front of you, including the girl from earlier who held 4 books in her hands. A few other kids held thin picture books in their hands as well, but only having 15 minutes to read to them, it might be hard to get around to all of them.
“Alright, Who's first?" You asked, smiling down at them. Every single child raised their hand, some even raising both so your attention was on them. Of course this wasn't going to be easy. You thought to yourself as you put a hand over your eyes, pointing to some random kid. He held a small book, standing up slowly and handing it to you.
"My mom reads me this sometimes.." Poor boy was only about 5, and seemed pretty shy. You gave him a reassuring smile before he went back to his seat. You began to read and in no time at all you finished reading the few books children selected. Thank god it was a Friday, Most children would be picked up right after the reading for afternoon preschool etc. But it seemed like no one wanted to leave. Was it that hero Maggie had mentioned? You sighed, hopping up and heading to the check out desk where you saw a few children wanting to check out their books you previously read to them. You leaned down over the desk to reach for the book, scanning it and doing so for each person. The store bell jingled, as if the creak of the door didn't give away someone walking in.
"Welcome to 'Children's Magical Bookshop,' You paid the person no mind as you spoke, handing the last child their book and letting your gaze fall upon the... very tall man in front of you. Noise filled the small shop, children running up to him screaming-
"Deku!" As loud as their little lungs could. He gave a flashy smile, leaning down to hug the children that ran straight for his legs. He laughed and lifted a few of them in his.. very strong arms. Was it hot in the bookshop? Was the AC fucked up? You force your eyes from the tall man.. Was he looking at you too? Your mind screamed at you to introduce yourself, Quickly walking towards a shelf to do something. Anything bust stand there and gawk at him.
"Are you Maggie?" There were hopping children behind him, playing with his gloves and such as you turned to him.
"No- I'm y/n. Are you that.. pro? She had been talking about.?" You huffed through your nose, turning to him. He extended a hand, nodding with a cheesy grin on his face as soon as you had taken his hand into yours. It wasn’t like you never saw him on the news, but you sure did skip the channel as soon as it was some bullshit hero chart over who had been number one. He was so much hotter in person..
"Yes! I'm sorry I'm a bit early, I finished patrol sooner than I thought! I hope I'm not interrupting anything? The woman on the phone said before six, I told her I was sure I could make it around five!" His eyes traveled to your lips for a moment, listening to you speak back to him.
“You’re fine, There’s plenty of time for you to hang out and sign all of their t-shirts and such. Make yourself at home big man. You can sit in the reading area,” The kids dragged him to where you were just moments ago.. But he couldn't get you to leave his mind. You were beautiful. He needed to make you his.
The poor hero stayed until about six o’clock to talk to you, since all of the kids finally left to go do their summer homework or whatever they had to do. Deku had been leaning over the counter for almost an extra hour to make some conversation with you, he just couldn’t help himself. You cant blame him either! You had this smile that he couldn’t resist. And quite frankly, he wasn’t used to this feeling of butterflies in his stomach. He fought some shit villain every day! What's a few butterflies? Especially as pretty as you. Why wouldn't he want to stick around?
“I really didn’t think it would be so chill this week! It feels like I've done nothing but catch up on papers!” Izuku scratched his neck with his index finger, shaking his head lightly. “I guess I really am doing a good job!- Of course other pros are doing their jobs as well!” He let out a relieved chuckle, looking at you with a big, sincere, smile on his face. “How has work here been? It must be so nice working with so many children!”
You feel your eyes involuntarily roll, shaking your head and leaning against the wall behind you. “It’s nice until some kid gets sick on themselves and their mother isn’t here to help. We have extra clothing in the back because it’s happened more than once.” You groaned as your eyes trailed to the door leading to lost n found, clothes, and other things. You had an unamused look on your face talking about it. He noticed and let his eyes follow yours until feeling your eyes rest upon him once more. Maybe texting would let you come around to him a bit more? Were you bored?
“Yikes- I’ve seen adults get sick after villains show up. But I probably should head back to my agency.” He looked out of the store window before right back to those beautiful e/c eyes of yours. “Do you have a number I can text? I would love to talk to you more y/n..!” He was already prepared for rejection. It was kinda weird to be hitting on you after dealing with kids wasn’t it? Maybe he should take it back. Was he coming off as some sleazy ass hero?
Your eyes widened in the slightest- Enough for him to notice. “Sure, Let me see your phone,” You stepped closer to the counter, seeing him fumble on the pouch of his belt before unlocking and giving you his phone. You went to his contacts, making yourself one of them and handing it right back to him. He had an even bigger, cheesier, grin on his face after he took it back.
“Thank you, y/n!” He bowed his head before quickly leaving out to his agency. Finally, you could go home as well. Not that he was a problem, but that man sure could talk. It was endearing. Maybe I can put enough of those stutters in mind tonight. You joked to yourself, grabbing your keys and walking out to lock up the small bookshop. There was no doubt that you were attracted to him. Every woman in America and Japan was attracted to him in some way.
You let out a small sigh, driving home and turning your radio up until hearing your phone ding. You glanced over at the screen to see an unknown number texting. Assuming it was Deku, you waited until you were home to answer him. By the time you had texted him back, he was quick to reply. You two made plans to hang out soon and have dinner together. You talked for hours until one of you had fallen asleep. He was ecstatic. You really enjoyed his company.
taglist: @tenyaiidasslut @hi-rubi @devilsbooksworld @flamingpastapotatoes @arleneeene @blacklotussai @akam4recs @prinvilmain
a/n: I fucking hate tumblr KWJCHDH ive had to re-write this more than once because they changed the layout if the save and post. Its not my best work and was mostly edited on here instead of Google docs. Learn to edit the first version first i guess 💀 The second part will be much better!
Please Reblog!!!!
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sscoutregimentss · 3 years
i know we as a collective society believe in gamer! eren supremacy. and yes, this is a good take. however, may i introduce to you: normie/fuckboy/jock eren with gamer/nerd gf. thoughts under the cut (safe for work, pg-13, also slight snk spoilers for season 3 and up!)
see, eren isnt necessarily a fuckboy. in fact, hes very loyal! he doesnt really think that way about any girls or guys except you. but hes popular romantically and had a reputation for sleeping around before he met you (not that theres anything wrong with that but ya know word travels fast across campus). plus, cmon the dude is in a frat, super hot and has a tongue piercing. he cant blame anyone for thinking he is a fuckboy bc he exudes the energy.
you are kind of the complete opposite. you dont really enjoy parties and you keep to yourself. you're a total wreck when it comes to flirting and your kinda oblivious to whenever people like you. you dont have many friends and are a bigger fan of 2d people than 3d.
either way eren finds you so so so cute. he first approached you at one of his frat parties. your roommates convinced you to come after she said that someone (read: connie) had a dance dance revolution mat, but you kinda just stuck around in a corner staring at your cup once you lost them. he looks you up and down-- your outfit was pretty cute, a short plaid orange pleated skirt, dress shirt, orange cardigan and black beret laying neatly upon your head. and your face... he couldn't help himself but try to talk to you. you were really anxious because wahhh scary sports guy you dont know but he was kinda instantly comforting? in a way? and he was freaking pretty. he looked like a final fantasy character--long haired characters were your type. the rest was kind of history.
a lot of people are shocked when they find out your dating bc you two are so different (some people are surprise eren “dates” at all) but no one dares question your relationship when they see how much eren dotes on you. he has so many polaroids of you in his wallet-- from the many arcade dates you bring him on where you decimate him at almost every game, you awkwardly posing in the hentai section of bookstores, or just candids of you being intensely focused on a puzzle in a game. whenever you guys go out to eat and somethings wrong with your meal, he'll send it back (in a polite way, of course, but hes still assertive.) or if you buy like a figurine and its misisng something hes marching up to the cashier stand for you. he always has an arm around your waist or is holding is hand in yours. sometimes you just cling onto his arm and rest your head on it (hes comfy!!!!! and you are always tired) your both pretty clingy, but you get kinda awkward when you two are around people you know so he just kinda subtly holds you as to not make a scene. its nice. hes comfy.
youve got dual monitors, a pc you made yourself, rgb keyboard, the whole nine yards. all your consoles are up to date and you keep a handheld system on you at all times. you spend most your weekends watching anime and movies and tv shows and your shelves are piled high with books and comic books. eren literally does not understand any of it. when you told him you built your pc he goes "you made all those microchippy things? youre soooo smart babe". when you talk about some of your weirder or more complicated animes he nods along but honestly he gets so lost ("so like, lemme get this straight, the kids dad's wife ate his mom?" "yeah but like she was turned into a titan so she didn't realllllly know it was the dads wife, but like she literally walks past this titan shifter so i think she knew." "thats crazy.") and he will never understand the point of otome games when hes literally right there. he actually has a really bad habit of getting jealous of characters you have a crush on but you just find it funny. sometimes he gets an ego boost when they look like him because even if they look like him he is actually real so they can suck it.
hes rlly supportive tho. erens a rlly passionate person and he loves you a lot so he pours a lot of passion into what you do. if you are into esports/fps games hes cheers you on all the time and does all the raging for you ("BABE THAT GUY IS STREAM SNIPING! HES STREAM SNIPING YOU HEY ASSHOLE STOP CHEATING OFF MY GIRLFRIEND" "eren he cant stream snipe me because i dont stream" "oh i thought that just meant cheating"/"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HER?" "eren its okay i can just report him" "NO NO LET ME AT HIM IF HE WANTS TO CALL YOU A BITCH I CAN CALL HIM MUCH WORSE" "um guys im gonna mute my mic for a second if you need me text chat") if youre into cozy games he likes to watch you play and gives you ideas on where to put things. like in minecraft he makes you put a second bed for him even though he doesnt play and he helps you name all your pets. you get a little less intense with cozy games so you sit on his lap and he lets his hair down puts his head on your shoulder and points at where you should place stuff. he still rages though? this is eren jaeger we are talking about. ("aw, she wont move to my island." "WHAT? who does that little ugly squirrel think she is? you think youre too good for MY y/n's island? i'll shave your unibrow off. then we'll see what island will want you" "leave hazel alone! shes cute!"/"dude that hamster guy with the glasses looks like armin" "graham? what? armin doesnt even wear glasses" "no no look at it more" "oh shit youre right") rpgs/otome games are kinda a wild card with how he acts. if its an otome game and the character looks like him he is more into helping you out because it reaffirms to him that you find him good looking but otherwise he is just sulking and calling them annoying ("princess y/n... i know im just a servant, but i want to be with you forever!" "pft. get a load of this guy. clingy much?" "its romantic! youre jealous.")
one of his favorite things to do with you is cuddle and watch anime. usually he lies his face on your thighs or chest while watching and you play with his hair or he holds you in his chest and you play with one of his hands while the other goes behind his head. he grew up on some of the classics like naruto sailor moon one piece pokemon and dbz but he never got super into it until he started dating you. you put him on to soooo many good shows (cartoons, anime, and live action) hes both a crier and he is a get-angrier(?). he gets mad on characters behalfs and you have to pause the show so he can rant about how annoying someone is or he feels so bad for someone so he has to take a minute because hes tearing up. he likes slice of life anime because the friendships <3 theyre so wholesome and they remind him of him armin and mikasa but he also likes shounen because it is entertaining to watch fights. he gets really into them actually. he also has this really bad habit of whenever there is a character with no parents or a dead mom he goes "oh same" or "welcome to the club buddy" under his breath. when theres a cute couple in an anime you both like guys get matching keychains of them unless one of them dies because he thinks its bad luck. his favorite animes are haikyuu, your lie in april and code geass.
you are equally supportive of erens volleyball career. you know all the rules because sports anime and you actually find yourself really liking it in 3d as well (it is lacking in bromance and screaming but you let it slide). you go to all his games and he always texts you before his practices. has a habit of kissing you before games and one day after he kisses you go "gg ez win" as a JOKE but then they like decimate their long time rival marley university and get into nationals (is that a thing for volleyball idk sports) so hes convinced its because you did your "gamer magic". now every time after getting his good luck kiss he interlocks your pinkies and you go "gg ez win" and he goes “yes.” because to this day he doesnt know what it means (he thinks googling it is like breaking the magic)
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skiyoosmi · 3 years
if fate permits
⤷ chapter thirty: the thief and the fool
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chapter notes. italicized texts are excerpts from the book yn is currently writing in the story
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The universe, no matter how I look at it, is like a cylinder filled with incredulity, with things that always leave me flabbergasted. I won’t consider it a wonder because some of it definitely won’t put me in awe, nor would it be something I will be curious about. If anything, I am afraid of the universe and of what else it can bring to my life. It was, after all, the one that gave us this soulmate system, the very reason why I have this ragged black thread barely hanging on my pinky finger.
This system was probably a devil in disguise, an ocean with waves that will drown us until we no longer have air to breathe in, or maybe, it’s a black hole bound to suck up everything. If we ever manage to escape its grasp, we’ll still be left with no memory of the person who used to be that “everything.” It’s neither a gift, nor a curse; and it’s definitely not the magic little old me thought it to be.
It’s simply a thief— a thief who stole my angel, my buoy that kept me afloat no matter how scary and deep that ocean was.
For the umpteenth time of the night, you sighed as you read the words you have typed on your laptop. Fingers hovering over the keyboard, you felt the frustration building up inside you once again. For what reason? Everything– being unable to come up with a good storyline, your supposed-to-be soulmate, your missing memories and even the apparently inaccurate ones, and add that to the migration to a whole new country itself. Everything just felt so out of place.
“Writing got a bit too personal? It’s kind of all over your face, dear sister,” a very much familiar voice jokingly speaks from your doorway. Before you knew it, your body jumped out of your seat and ran towards your brother.
He chuckles and due to the height difference between you, he manages to slightly lift you off your feet as he wraps his arms around your waist to return your embrace. He gives you gentle pats on your back like he once did when you were both still young, but all the sweetness comes to halt when he feels you beginning to shake. Releasing you from his hold, he takes a good look at your face, shushing you when he sees the tears cascading from your eyes, “Hey, hey. What’s wrong?”
“Everything’s wrong. I miss home and I just… I just want to remember, ‘Yoomi,” you replied to him, desperation evident in your voice. He only looks at you with sympathy, wanting so badly to just spill everything to you. But he was no god, he had no right to counter your fate. Even the simple action of coming here with Atsumu has already made him break the unspoken rule of going against the system.
“YN…” He trails off, “We already told you, there's a–”
“I know,” you cut him off, “There’s a reason why everything happened the way it happened. And I know you can’t tell me anything. Even mom refuses to do so and just keeps on saying that over and over again. But… don’t you think you’re all being too unfair right now? Just letting me be when clearly, I’m still suffering?”
But you were twins for a reason. If you were stubborn, it's only undeniable that Kiyoomi is too, if not much more. So without waiting for any of his replies, tired of hearing the same excuses you hear from your mother, you turn around and go back to your seat, “Sorry, ‘Yoomi. I guess I’m not really in the mood for some happy reunion right now. Maybe tomorrow. Please close the door once you leave.”
I wonder, what was it that was so wrong with me that we had to end up this way? Was I not pretty enough? Was the idea of being my soulmate so terrifying that you had to make me forget your entire existence? That you’d rather make me suffer like this?
It was foolish of me to believe this system in the first place. It said I wouldn’t be in agony anymore, that these feelings would be gone the same way as you and our memories.
But did you know? Did they know? Not being able to remember anything about you is much more painful than having an unrequited love for you. Because even if I know you will never look at me that way, I at least had our memories to cherish. So what am I supposed to do now that the only thing I had of you was taken away from me too?
After hearing the door shut, you bring your knees up to your chin, the cries you’ve been holding well just seconds ago finally escaping your lips, “You… just don’t understand.”
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As he sat on one of the seats around the dining table, Atsumu can feel his heart hammering against his chest, almost as if it’s about to punch a hole out of it just so it could go to you. He knows that the moment you enter the room, he’ll only be met with nothing but disappointment. He already expects the frown on your face due to last night’s events that Kiyoomi told him, along with the look you’ll give him, the one where it’s as if he’s a stranger. Because technically speaking, he really is nothing but a stranger to you now. The love and care you once bore from him is nothing but fleeting memories for him now. Instead, in your heart, there is only indifference.
He’s ready, he swears, or maybe, he tries to convince himself he was. But one thing he’s sure of is that no matter how ready he was, it won’t lessen the pain he’ll feel once it actually happens.
He perks up upon hearing the light footsteps that are currently descending the stairs. From his peripheral vision, he can also see your brother gulping and your mother sighing, probably too nervous of what will be today’s outcomes. Seconds later, you came into view and Atsumu, this time certainly swears you still look as heavenly as the day he saw you as Cinderella.
Growing up, he has heard a lot of murmurs from adults about how they fell in love with their significant other in exactly three seconds. He thought it was foolish, impossible because how can someone fall in love so quickly with a stranger?
But as he looks at you, despite being in that childish Mickey Mouse pajamas you loved so much, he feels himself falling in love with you literally every second that passes, over and over again.
A light cough resonates from your mother, who was eyeing Atsumu, before she calls you over to eat breakfast. When your eyes finally landed on his figure, he was sure that his soul ascended to the where the gods were and his thoughts flew all over his mind, or maybe out of it, at this point he no longer has any idea what is happening. The only thing he sees is how you’re slowly approaching him, a lone tear falling down your cheek before you engulf him in a tight hug.
His eyes widened because this was not how it was supposed to go. You were supposed to just maybe bow to him out of respect then move on like nothing happened. So why? Why was he in your arms? Why are tears falling from his eyes too? Why are his arms tightening around you? Why can’t he let go of you?
“Samu…” you say, voice muffled, “I missed you.”
I love you, is what he wanted to say but as he returns to his reality, he finally spots your brother who was also shocked with your actions.
Right, you don’t remember me. You're not supposed to.
“I’m sorry but I’m not Osamu,” he mutters after pulling away from the hug and quickly wiping his tears away. A look of confusion forms on your face, brows furrowing. Kiyoomi quickly intervenes, “He’s Atsumu. Samu’s twin brother. He had to do something here in California that’s why I brought him with me.”
Your eyes lit up in understanding, immediately bowing in apology, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I thought… I thought Samu just lost his mind and dyed his hair blonde, I’m really sorry. To think I almost made fun of your hair, good thing Kiyoomi s- oh, wait no, you didn’t hear anything from me about your hair, it looks good on you I swear.”
Atsumu only chuckles, “It’s alright.”
In the midst of your apologies though, a realization dawns upon you, “Wait... I’ve known Samu since we were like, ten. How have I never heard of you?”
The two boys freeze, thousands of excuses running through their minds but none escape their mouths.
“YN, come now. We’ve made the food wait for too long now,” your mother gently calls but you don’t miss the way she tries to discreetly glare at Kiyoomi and Atsumu. You squint your eyes in suspicion, what are you all hiding from me?
The rest of your meal went by in silence, almost as if they’re too cautious to even let a word out in fear of spilling something you were not supposed to know. You were not dumb, and Kiyoomi was nowhere near being a good actor. His usual demeanor is still present but you still catch the way he looks at Atsumu, checking on him closely. If this was any normal circumstance, you would’ve simply let it go and just pass it off as a sign of concern for his friend.
But even your own eyes find themselves drawn to his presence. Maybe it was because he was the replica of Osamu, a friend very dear to you, and that you were just homesick. Or maybe it was for a different reason. But whatever it was, the longer you looked at the blonde, the more you felt determined to go through with your decision.
“One year,” you suddenly speak up, getting the attention of the three, “I’ll stay here for a year more and finish school but after that, I’m coming back home to Japan.”
Your mother gasped, “YN! You said you’ll stay here for go-”
“Whatever it is you’re hiding from me, whatever it is that you don’t want me to remember, I’ll make sure to find out. You don’t have to help me. I’ll remember my soulmate, even if it takes me my whole life doing so.”
Coming here, Atsumu didn’t really have any expectations. He just wanted to see you, that’s all. He just wanted to apologize even if you had no idea why. Just one smile is all he needed to finally let go of you. But as you spoke your words, instead of a proper goodbye, he finds himself uttering a thank you to the gods for giving him another chance instead.
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The airport was as busy as the way it was when you left. Noisy chatters from different passengers were all over the place and while it was supposed to annoy you, it only brought a smile to your face and unlike the past months, you start to get filled with excitement once more.
You look up at the clear blue skies, trying to calm your heart that was rapidly beating, “Don’t be too happy yet, YN. After all, you’ve still got a soulmate to remember… or find.”
When I was young, I thought the consequences were just deserved. That it’s what you get for taking your soulmate for granted. But the more I mulled over it, the more I felt like the me who I have forgotten would think otherwise, that she’d think the same way I do now.
So even with these consequences, I refuse to concede with the fate that the universe gave me. No matter how many years it may take, be it a billion or even a gazillion, this heart is mine to control so, I’ll make it remember us. I’ll make it remember my love for you, the boy who once held my world, or rather, my universe. Because it’s you.
And because I’m a fool for you.
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stinkiesdraws · 2 years
C-can I have more Adalas, Celestial Realm, and Aether lore 👉🏼👈🏼
Oh absolutely !!!! I will break it off into the BASIC of the three worlds and you can also pick which one you would like to ask more questions about :3
Think of basic Earth, which a few differences. Like Adalas, use to have magic naturally spread throughout the world. However, during the Salem Witch Trials, is where one super powerful witch was pushed to her breaking point. She was sick of seeing her friends and family members get accused for being Witches and tortured, basically forces themselves to their end. So she invested her hatred into Dark Magic, which lead to the birth of The Celestial Realm, a place where witches and wizards could use magic without fear of being hunted.
However for this realm to be created, all the natural magic in Adalas would be drained away. While pursuing Dark Magic, the Witch that saved all the other ones from harm, ended up become corrupted and eventually titled "The Damned One." Who basically Damned all witches to be feared, trapped in the The Celestial Realm.
Fast forward a few hundred years after that, it would pretty much be modern day Earth! People live their lives as they do now, they have cellphones, cars, computers, TV, except they no longer have magic. Or so that the Witches think. For The Celestial Realm to stay up, it would constantly be draining magic from Adalas. Until there is a new type of magic that slowly starts leaking into the world, and it can only be found within the humans. There are still Mermaids/Vampires/Demons/Aliens, but since they are like a different species they also have their own systems. They are just very very rare or very well hidden.
Celestial Realm
After the witches were sealed into the middle realm, many of them grew overpowered due to all the magic in the area. They were able to basically start over to practice, study and grow as their own people now. Around 150 years of being sealed in this middle realm, the learned how to create portals. Their first few portals that where created, ended up taking them to Aether, since Aether also naturally has magic, it was just easier to make an entrance there. Thus allowing them to grown and educate themselves more. A few witches left to go live in Aether, but a lot of them like to keep within the Celestial Realm.
It doesn't really have morning or night there because it's the middle, it always either looks dusk or dawn with both the moon, the sun and stars out. After forming their own government system, they were eventually able to freely come to and from all three worlds with ease. Of course they come up with some ground rules like how you cant use magic in Adalas, since there is no magic there, it would cause a problem. Aether naturally has magic and is used in daily life so it isn't seen as a problem there.
So Nick normally likes to spend her days in the modern world because she isn't seen as the Princess Failure. She was born from a witch mom and a human dad. Normally when a witch marries a human, they have to give up their powers and live a normal life siding with humans. So marrying a human to a witch is like walking into a grave and killing your gene pool.
In the magical world of the Aether, there are many fantastical creatures that fill the land, the sky and the ocean, some more civilized than others...The settling of the Aether is very vast, having Elves, Dragons, Ogres, Fairies, Mermaids, Pantharian, Draconian you name it. They are all there, living life. Due to the ability for anyone to really use magic, technology didn't advance and their historical setting would be that of our 1300s/1400s. They have Kingdoms and their own history too that I have written out.
Ketlus, Raindol, Windin, continent is called Eznar /Eznari: This settling is very medieval Europe style. So there are Kings and Queens
Night Moon Valley - A special clan of deadly assassins that live in their own little island.
Kōilan/Korish - This is where most Snow Elves live, they have more of a Southeast Asian style of culture. (Yes there are different elements to almost every species)
Mermaids/Sirenese - Tropical, islands and sandy beaches. They like warmer weather, but there are probably a few small clans that like the colder waters.
Hinamiri/Hinamirese - East Asia type of settling, quite a lot of humans in this location.
That are just off the top of my head, I have a few more I think but still have to figure a few small details.
Anyways, Raindol is at war and it's some spicy stuff because they THOUGHT they killed off all of the royal family, but the Prince managed to get away. :3
Anyways, THANK YOU!!! For asking about my worlds Gabby!!! They are so much fun to think about and I put so much brain energy into thinking about it.
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