#Cancer full moon
sheismo · 9 months
The New Year Is OTW. Let’s Prepare! 🤎✨🤞🏾
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elminx · 9 months
Energy Update: Full Moon in Cancer, 12/26-12/27
We are headed into an emotional Cancer full moon later this evening that is going to touch on the stressors of our retrograde Jupiter in Taurus which is about to station direct on 12/31 and Saturn in Pisces. We are also in the final third of our Mercury retrograde cycle (Mercury stations direct on 1/1). There's a strong push/pull element today.
Something is changing. I think that most of us know it and feel it as we wrap things up and prepare for the year ahead. A lot of toxic systems (governments, businesses, families, and relationships) are being exposed as Pluto eeks out these last few degrees of Capricorn. We all have to face the consequences of when and how we've played into these systems. How we've benefited from dysfunction. But also how we've been injured by it. It's not an easy or fun process. Now the Cancer full moon brings all of the emotionality of it to the surface. This is ultimately a good thing because things need to break free to be purged. But it may not feel very pleasant in the moment.
That's where the push of Jupiter and the pull of Saturn comes into play here. Some of us have paid the piper and are ready to move forward while others of us are still dragging our feet and in a deep state of resistance to the needed changes. It's worth noting that those who benefit the most from the dysfunction are the least likely to want to leave it behind. You can't change where you are in this cycle but you do have the capability to change how you approach it.
All of that said, the Cancer full moon holds the powerful energy of watery release which can be harnessed to help yourself along on the inevitability of this journey. This can show up (or be called in) in many different ways.
Water rules tears, the ultimate release valve of our emotional bodies. This Cancer Moon is a great time to cry it out until you have let all of this shit go once and for all.
Water can be harnessed through showering or bathing as a cleansing ritual. Today (and tomorrow) are great days to wash wash wash yourself and your space. A change often starts from within and cleaning yourself of what has held you back is a great place to start.
Water supports emotional releases of all kinds. If you're not the cry-it-out type - you can write it out in as much detail as possible and then burn it as a symbolic gesture to yourself of letting it go. The energy of the full moon in Cancer supports cord cuttings, banishments, and clearing magic of all kinds if that is what you need to start over. Emotions will run high so it might not be a great day to talk things out. Instead, focus on yourself and what you can do to release the situation. Beware of emotional manipulation and toxic family dynamics which are both found in the immature Cancer type. You cannot control how other people act, but you can control how much you play into their petty machinations.
Some people are looking for a fight but they are going to act like the victim if you respond by fighting back.
You don't need to play nice to appease Mom or Grandma. You don't need to stand in the stream of your Other's dysfunction. That's their shit.
If it's not yours, let it the fuck go.
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turningwheeltarot · 9 months
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Full moon in Cancer (Dec. 26, 2023)
It's interesting that the day after Christmas -- when many of us will have spent/be spending time with our families -- we have a full moon in Cancer -- the sign most associated with the family.
For many of us, issues surrounding our past or families of origin will come front and center in a way we can't deny. This is a gift because it allows us to clearly acknowledge what it is we need to release and/or heal.
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2mysticmoons · 2 years
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Cancer Full Moon 🦪
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notdelusionalatall · 9 months
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sunshinesmebdy · 9 months
December 27 Astro Vibe Check
The energy of the full moon furthers the emotional excitement through the groundbreaking shifts Uranus is making in Taurus. Capricorn and Taurus Energy continue making their way through the ambitious pursuit to 2024 career and financial goals. This brings the abundance from Jupiter we've all waited patiently for. Taurus is quite the slow-to-change sign, but Uranus has shifted that narrative. Just be sure to stay on guard for the deceptive nature of the Mercury square Neptune transit as this may leave you wrapped up in fantasies and illusions. 
Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus: This sextile between two seemingly contrasting forces paints a fascinating landscape for emotional growth, creative breakthroughs, and embracing new ways of nurturing yourself and your surroundings.
Tips for this Transit:
Nourish your creativity
Connect with nature and get grounded
Embrace your sensitivity
Step out of your comfort zones
Celebrate your unique nature
Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces: Expect philosophical debates, spiritual inquiries, and a yearning for far-flung adventures that broaden your perspective. Discerning reality from fantasy becomes a tricky dance. Be wary of misinformation, deception, and escapism. Your sensitivity to others’ emotions intensifies.
Tips for this Transit:
Seek truth and clarity
Express yourself creatively
Listen with empathy
Embrace your intuition but stay grounded
Sun in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus: This trine between celestial titans paints a promising outlook for ambitious pursuits, grounded expansion, and building long-lasting success. Hard work meets opportunity, creating fertile ground for achieving tangible goals. our efforts are rewarded, attracting abundance not just in wealth, but also in stability, comfort, and security.
Tips for this Transit:
Set ambitious yet achievable goals
Develop a concrete plan
Embrace hard work and discipline
Practice responsible management
Savor the journey and enjoy the steps
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
Mercury in Sagittarius conjunct Mars in Sagittarius: This conjunction amplifies the Sagittarian spirit tenfold, igniting passions, fueling philosophical firestorms, and sending your thoughts and actions rocketing towards distant horizons. Be sure not to let blind optimism cloud your judgment or lead you into reckless situations.
Tips for this Transit:
Channel your enthusiasm into productive pursuits
Practice mindful communication
Balance action with reflection
Fuel your optimism with realistic plans
Express your passions creatively
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siderealmaven · 8 months
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"The only comfort within chaos is admitting you have no control." -- Amy Lee, 7H Sidereal Cancer Moon
Happy Full Moon in Sidereal Cancer!
This is the first full moon of 2024 and an important one, because it calls upon us to reflect upon all that has happened and changed since Venus retrograded through Cancer last summer. (July 22 - Sept. 3, 2023)
This transit asked us to slow down and reconsider our relationship to our bodies and what it felt like to be in that relationship. Are you someone who judges every emotion harshly, shoves them down without assessment, or critically pulls each one apart like a science experiment? Do you allow yourself to sit with your feelings and if so, at what point does it become wallowing?
Every time the moon has traversed Cancer since Venus entered the sign in 2023 has been an opportunity to pause and re-calibrate your relationship to your body. This required you to be real with yourself about how you really feel and what you want. It required you to let go your ideas of what your relationship to your body "should" look like and look at the body you have now for what it is. What does it need? What have you been denying it? What feelings of guilt and shame did you need to release in order to acknowledge those answers?
This Full Moon in Cancer is a time to celebrate all the ways you have committed yourself to anticipating and meeting your body's needs, as well as the boundaries you've had to put up in order to do so. How has letting go of what you can't control allowed you to have more space to focus on your body and your own vision for what living in it should feel like? What habits and routines have become vital to your sense of inner peace? What boundaries have protected it? What relationships have laid the groundwork for your success?
Today, be proud of your progress.
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1introvertedsage · 9 months
I need to be alone. I need to ponder my shame and my despair in seclusion; I need the sunshine and the paving stones of the streets without companions, without conversation, face to face with myself, with only the music of my heart for company.
~Henry Miller~
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esotericfaery · 9 months
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Cancer Full Moon - Dec. 26th, 2023
TLDR: Mercury, Mars and Neptune are all harshly active for the Cancer Full Moon on Dec. 26th.
During Capricorn Season this is an energy of balance between the home life and nurturing, and career along with reputation. We're encouraged to release what's best for us so that we can find balance between the home and work parts of life, making sure we aren't neglecting either side of this axis.
Over the next two weeks, as something is exposed or new insight is gained (which possibly began at the aforementioned conjunctions), we're prompted to make sure that all of our emotional needs are met.
As Mercury and Mars both square Neptune, and with Cancer being known for passive aggressive behaviour at it's worst, be prepared for people who play the victim, with whining and anger. Neptune adds confusion and possible illusions or delusions, so be careful that you understand the viewpoint of another before lashing out.
The ambition of Capricorn Season adds to this, as some people have something to prove through lies, gossip and desire for revenge.
With Mercury also conjunct Mars, there is the desire for extra aggressive communications added to pots boiling over.
As this Moon is in opposition to both Mercury and Mars, we have that extra push to find, and communicate resolution. Though they can be challenging as we often have to choose one way or another, as they're in the same polarity, oppositions can help us find balance and clarity.
Venus opposition Uranus adds a possible further emotional instability to events, as, though social occasions can bring excitement, they can also bring in those of crass behaviours, yet they can also get us in contact with someone who is unreliable or who we quickly lose interest in.
The Sun trining Jupiter allows us some easy energy to work with on expansion of harmonious energy, or at the very least if we can manage, in not expanding the difficult energies of the square and oppositions, avoiding making things harder for us than they need to be. We need not do anything in particular to benefit from trines, so as long as we work consciously with the oppositions involved around this time, we won't have the worst full moon.
This lunation most intensely affects people with particularly impactful placements at about 1° to 9° degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
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thedarkmaidenn · 2 years
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Cancer Full Moon Ritual - Rewriting your story ♋️
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sotisha · 2 years
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Tonight will be the first Full Moon of the year. It is called the Wolf Moon because at this time hungry wolves would howl up to the big bright January Moon outside towns and villages. It is also called the Cold Moon, Winter Moon and the Old Moon.
The word January comes from the Roman name for this month. It was named after the God Janus, who was the God with 2 faces. This was the God of the past and future, beginnings and endings. This Moon is a time of protection and strength for guarding ourselves. While it is the first Full Moon of the calendar year, in terms of nature it occurs in the middle of the cold winter season, a season of death and desolation. In these respects, the Wolf Moon can be seen as a time of both beginnings and endings. We have said goodbye to the old year and are now looking toward the new year in front of us.
This is not a light and casual Full Moon. It is kicking off 2023 in a big way, with focus on what needs to shift, change, transform, end and be released in our lives. We can use this Full Moon to get clarity on where we are holding on and what we need to let go of. This Full Moon is in the sign of Cancer which will give us great strength and courage to meet any new challenges coming our way.
This can be a loony lunar peak, stand by for moments of irrationality or lashing out. Your emotions will be on high alert for a while so watch what you say to people in heated moments. Try to find some time to relax and calm down and to soothe frayed nerves. It may feel hard to make decisions at the moment you may feel you're being pulled in all direction and are not sure which way to turn. Try to stay calm and the right decisions will come to you.
The Cancer Full Moon is reminding you to use your feelings to guide your life. What you think and feel matters. Feelings are your indicators in every moment. Feelings don’t lie. Feelings are never right or wrong. Feelings are the best part of you. Your power lies in what you do with your feelings. Watch out for mental obsession, when we worry we focus on what we do not want. Wherever your mind goes energy follows. Focus on what you want to happen, not on what you do not want to happen.
This Full Moon asks us to make a decision, we will feel at a cross road, to stay with the old familiar or to move into the unknown of something new. Try not to go to extremes, it is all about keeping a balance, the waters of Cancer may seem out of control now but they will calm and you will feel a clarity and see everything for what it is. This may bring up crisis points but also the potential for major realizations. Breakthrough moments and inner or outer shifts in our personal lives, relationships, home/family situations and career or life purpose. We are looking at big changes coming this year, steer the changes in a positive direction. open yourself up and allow love, support and happiness to enter you life.
Use the water element aspect of Cancer to wash away the old stuck and negative energy and cleanse your spirit, let the waves of energy heal you both physically and emotionally. Sometimes like a phoenix you have to die a little inside in order to be reborn and rise from the ashes a stronger and wiser you.
Have a blessed Full Moon, may the Goddess watch over you.
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turningwheeltarot · 2 years
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Cancer Full Moon (Jan. 6, 2023):
Healing is the focal point of this full moon in Cancer. We are being called to heal the wounds of our past so that we can create a new and better future. To do this, our focus needs to be on the present. When we find ourselves swirling in the pain of our past or in anxiety about the future, we need to pause and breathe deeply into this moment. 
Deeply rooted wounds related to childhood and family have been rising up from the depths to the surface of our awareness. Our wounded inner child may be crying out for our attention and loving care. Negative habits, patterns, and beliefs stemming from unconscious family conditioning may be getting too painful and destructive to ignore anymore. It’s important to be extra kind and gentle with ourselves in this healing process. 
Many of us will be feeling extra sensitive and emotional at this time. Feelings are prone to being hurt more easily right now and there is a tendency to take things personally. It’s likely we will experience some mental  resistance. It may feel like these big feelings are “getting in the way” of what we think we need to do. But we are being gifted with the opportunity to make huge strides in our journey of healing/releasing and growth – if we are brave enough to let ourselves fully feel whatever arises, instead of shoving it away. We are being pushed to get out of our heads, drop into our feelings, and to trust our heart and gut instincts. 
There is also a beautiful creative and visionary energy that we can tap into at this time. Magic is in the air; creative inspiration, epiphanies, and synchronicity may strike at any time in the days surrounding this full moon. Something solid is showing up to help us feel stronger in who we truly are and to support us in stepping into our unique self expression. 
Though there is some intensity to this full moon, it is also filled with blessings – simply remain open to receiving them ❤️
✨Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/turningwheel360✨ 
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notdelusionalatall · 9 months
Blessed be.
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Full Moon rituals. ♥
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Full moon on January 6th 
This upcoming full moon has the potential to truly open us up emotionally, on the deepest level. It may not feel like a crisis (to be honest full moons often do), but instead it may have more of a cathartic and ethereal vibe. On January 6th Neptune acts almost like a mediator between Cancer and Capricorn, which are naturally opposing energies. The axis of Capricorn and Cancer revolve around our private versus public selves, and the side of us that is focused on getting ahead, versus the side of us that is focused on empathy and emotional experience. Through Capricorn season we’ve maybe been learning about what it takes to ensure success, how we measure up to our own material aspirations, as well as what structures we align with in hopes of being able to achieve. 
The Capricorn sun brings an external focus that is readily committed and forward facing. With the Cancer full moon may come the culmination of all the emotions that have needed tending along the journey of goal-realization, and this is amplified through the Neptunian influence. With the Cancer moon opposing Mercury during its retrograde transit there could be themes surrounding the processing of emotion, especially as full moons are an emotional time anyway. We may have emotional reflections stirred up in the form of assessing what it is that is missing internally: what forms of deep connection are being neglected for the sake of tangible movement forward? Cancer moons are an important time to check in internally, as whatever is imbalanced emotionally will show up on the outside and hinder progress or stability. There is no way to exist without eventually experiencing the imbalances that exist between our inner and outer worlds. 
This particular full moon could be a time to examine our familial bonds and certain things from the past that have contributed to how we think and behave (Mercury) today, plus their potential effect on our future. All facets of the self stem from past influences, and with Cancer being the sign of the full moon we may notice our thoughts and emotions lingering on the past and we may feel greatly nostalgic. With the moon Trining Neptune the full moon has a chance to go really deep. There could be an opening up of wishful thought processes and hopefulness (much needed, I would say!), especially since Mercury is sextiling Neptune as well. This is a good time to indulge in the dreamier aspects of seeking success - to not allow self criticism (rife with Mercury retrograde in Capricorn) or the instinct of devaluing our efforts to derail our vision of personal potential. 
With Mercury retro conjuncting the sun during the full moon, there could definitely be a tendency to overthink the self in emotional ways - second guessing or feeling insecure about standing in the world could come up, especially with the moon in Cancer putting out a call to focus on emotional stability, and value the things that almost matter least in the current capitalistic environment of the world - things such as: emotional sensitivity, self understanding, depth and stability in an internal sense. The upcoming Cancer full moon sextiles Uranus, which brings a sense of feeling ready for a change - a shift in perspective as well as a rearrangement of our comfort zones. Uranus in Taurus shakes us up in terms of how we get stuck in ruts due to being complacent or overly comfortable, and so this energy is somewhat carried into the full moon on January 6th.
Overall this will be a time to focus on how we can become emotionally aligned and focused on the future in ways that are resonant with who we really are emotionally, and to try to move away from self doubt and cynical thought processes. By recognizing and not rejecting the past as well, we can better utilize our intuition in order to release what it is that no longer serves us.
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96% full moon in cancer🌑 cancer placements, how are you feeling tonight?
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wickedastrology · 2 years
Cancer Full Moon - January 6, 2023
The first month of a new year, and, astrologically, a good way to start out.
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key elements:
1. Sun conjunct Mercury Retrograde
Listen closely to Freudian slips, and even watch your own mouth so you don’t make the same mistake. This will specifically happen in connection to business and money. I’m sure Elon Musk will tweet something he’ll soon regret (shocker), and your manager might accidentally tell you something you shouldn’t know. Cancer moon makes emotions feel too big, and it will result in some accidental truth telling.
2. Capricorn Sun and Mercury trine Taurus Uranus retrograde
Go back to some ideas that you had a while ago but didn’t work out, they might be the key now. Also, take your time to make your plans, ideas, goals… you are in no rush. Put some more emotion in them.
3. Aquarius Venus trine Gemini Mars retrograde
The Gemini mars retrograde has really put people in a state of overthinking and overdoing. It seems like every time you think you have got a hold of everything, you discover a whole other list of problems. Aquarius Venus trine will hopefully give everyone some sense of ease. Aquarius Venus gives you the courage and excitement to really find out who you are and what you actually like to do. Don’t be surprised if you have an urge to get up and completely walk away from what you’ve been working on for the past months because you no longer identify it. Or, you see your passions through a new, individualized perspective. I mean, what you like to do is what you like to do, who cares what Tommy, Sarah, and Louise think? Some people will part from groups or other individuals that they’ve been sharing passions with. Some will be outcasted for changing up their wants. This can also manifest in a person with a new sense of identity speaking out against violent people they were previously involved with, a whistleblower.
4. Aquarius Venus sextile Aries Jupiter
A newfound freedom to express yourself fully!! Big ideas require big risks… and innovative thinking.
5. Cancer Moon trine Pisces Neptune
Look out for emotions that aren’t necessarily warranted. Get out of your head and your phone screen if you want to stop the emotional spiral you’ve been on. Everyone needs a break from the news.
ask yourself this:
what am I truly passionate about?
can I distinguish my actual feelings vs group think?
am I truthful to myself, or am I embarrassed of my feelings/interests?
how do I define success?
do I give myself enough time to complete the things I want to do?
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