#i wanna write some poison babes!!
paladinncleric · 7 months
Kitchen Capers.
Pairing(s): Jenna Ortega x fem!reader
Summary: Jenna and R's attempt at 'cooking'
Warning(s): fluff
Words: 1k+
A/N: Not a big fan of this, but kinda enjoyed writing it. Hope you like it!
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"Babe." Jenna poked my cheek as I concentrated on beating my highest score on Flappy Bird.
"What?" I said giving her a quarter of my attention.
"Babe." She poked my cheek again.
"Babeeeee" She said as she repeatedly poked my cheek.
I groaned as I stared at the 'Game Over' on my screen just a few points away from my top score. I looked at her sitting beside me on the couch giving me her best innocent smile as I glared at her.
"Now what exactly do you need me for, Your Highness?"
She climbed up on my lap, straddling me, as she squished my cheeks together causing me to look like a duck, she repeatedly pecked my squished-up lips as I sat there with my arms crossed, which I eventually melted into cause who could resist her kisses? Certainly not me.
"Stop being cute and tell me what you want." I said as I caressed both her thighs exposed from her shorts while she caressed my neck, still in my lap.
"I was thinking we could make pasta to take to my mom's tonight."
"Okay...that sounds easy enough?"
"It's not."
"It's not?"
"I was thinking of making it from scratch..." Said Jenna trailing off absentmindedly playing with my shirt.
"Oh like not the store-bought kind?" I asked and she nodded.
"Well...can you?"
See, after recently moving in together we realized neither of us are all that big into cooking, with me lacking the skill and Jenna's career keeping her away most of the time. So, I've taken up some cooking classes to at least be able to feed both of us. But it's only been like a week so my skills are nowhere near good enough, I don't wanna accidentally poison someone. That's why we've been striving off of takeouts and dinners in her parent's place every once in a while.
Which is also why we've been invited to her family's house tonight for dinner, and Jenna being Jenna was determined to show them that she's capable of living alone without their help.
"Of course I can, I've watched my mom make it a hundred times." She said as she looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.
I chuckled and said to her, "Babe I'm sure you're aware that there's a difference between watching someone make it and making it yourself."
She stared at me annoyed, "Obviously, but how hard can it be right? I'm pretty sure I know all the stuff that goes in there."
"Are you actually sure? Cause we can call your mom an-"
"No! I want to do it all by myself and without her help for once."
I sighed at her stubbornness and said with my eyes narrowed "If I die tonight because of your food, I'm haunting you for the rest of your life."
"Wouldn't want it any other way, baby." She said with a chuckle and a quick kiss to my cheek and got up from my lap already on her way to the kitchen.
I sighed as I fall back on the couch and I pulled out my phone again to try and beat my score for the 5th time, but as soon as I got comfortable Jenna's voice boomed through the house.
I groaned as I got up and made my way to the kitchen with slumped shoulders and mumbled a quiet "Yes mom."
Jenna immediately turned towards me again and asked with a glare "What was that?" Making it clear she heard me.
"Nothing." I said avoiding eye contact with her.
"That's what I thought. Now, get to work." She said then went back to taking out all the ingredients, which I followed to do after dramatically groaning.
"Uh babe are you sure we added the right things?" I said as I looked at her trying to massage the watery dough.
"I mean, yeah, I'm pretty sure." She said with furrowed eyebrows and flour covering almost every inch of her face. I chuckled as I took a towel and turned her face towards me as I gently cleaned her face. After I was done, I gave her a kiss on her nose as she smiled at me softly and I smiled back.
"Thanks." She whispered.
I caressed her cheek with my hands as I replied, "You're welcome, gorgeous." She kissed my chin then went back to her work.
I watched her struggle for 10 more minutes as I say, " Uh we can check google if you want?"
"No! Nope! I said I'm not taking any help tonight. I'll figure it out myself." Jenna's stubborn ass said.
I sighed as I leaned back against the counter knowing it's gonna take a while. I would try and help her normally, but in these situations I'm even worse than her.
I watched her for a while, now with an hour and a half till we need to leave. When finally, she groaned and pushed away from the dough. She turned around almost into tears. I open my arms for her as she stumbles into it, her holding the back my shirt as I rub her back while trying not to instinctually move away from the wet dough smearing on my shirt from her hands.
"I really thought *sniffle* I could do this."
"Hey it's ok babe, don't be sad. I can totally become the perfect housewife/trophy wife for you after I'm done with my course. I mean, c'mon, at that point I'll almost be a professional chef."
"Shut up." She said with a giggle as she backed away from the hug and wiped under her eyes with her dough hands as she froze.
I saw her analyzing everything with wide eyes, to my dough-covered shirt, to her dough covered clothes from vigorous stirring of the dough, to her face now filled with dough to her hair and the kitchen floor covered in flour. Then finally, her eyes landed on the clock above my head which read exactly an hour left to leave.
"Shit!" She exclaimed as she ran for the bathroom.
"Hey! I need to shower too!" I yelled after her.
"Join me!"
I smirked at that and was about to respond, when she said, "Without your unholy thoughts!"
I laughed to myself, as I quickly cleaned the floor and threw the dough away while trying not to touch it. After about 10 minutes I was done, as I stripped my clothes along the way to the bathroom and threw it on the floor of the laundry room.
I finally got in the shower, as I saw Jenna washing her hair butt naked. I smirked and went to slide my hands around her waist, when she abruptly turned around and said with narrowed eyes.
"Don't even think about it."
I threw my hands up in surrender as I exaggeratedly looked her up and down with a teasing smile on my face. She groaned and went back to showering as I joined her under the water.
After showering, I wear some slightly baggy jeans with a button-up and my converse, while Jenna wears something similar too.
We both nod at each other with an approving smile, as we run towards the door with us already being 15 minutes late.
We enter their house with Nat standing and pointing at her watch at the entrance. We both sheepishly smile as I give her a quick hug and Jenna gives her a kiss on the cheek as we both move on to greet the rest of the family.
"So, how's everything going back home? Settling well?" Jenna's dad, Ed asked us after we all finally settled on the table for dinner.
"I'm sure they are, was probably too busy 'unpacking' to get here on time." Aliyah said while quoting 'unpacking' with her fingers.
I coughed as I picked up my glass to drink my water so I didn't have to reply, while Jenna subtly kicked her under the table. I saw Aliyah wince as I struggled to hold my chuckle in.
"Everything's going great Dad." Jenna clarified.
"Except." I said as Jenna's head snapped towards me as she threatened me with her eyes.
"Don't you dare."
"Her attempt at spaghetti ended up failing so bad, it was hard to distinguish the edible part."
Aliyah and her parents burst out laughing, Jenna glared at me and smacked my shoulder with her hand as I stuck my tongue out at her.
"You could have asked for my help mija.”
I saw Jenna’s shoulder slump and she pouted at the table.
“I know but I wanted to prove a point.” She grumbled as she shoved bread in her mouth.
“Yea you proved it very well.” Aliyah said sarcastically.
“I’m still proud of you for trying at least, God help me I don’t wanna step foot in a kitchen anytime soon.” I said exasperatedly.
“You ever plan on cooking?” Asked Aliyah.
“Of course but only when I have the assurance I can cook something decent and won’t burn the house down.”
“Take all the time you need, Y/N. At least in this way I get to see my daughter more often.” Said Ed taunting Jenna.
“Daaaaaad.” Whined Jenna
“What?” Said Ed laughing at his daughter as she sat pouting again.
“Okay that’s enough, let the poor girl eat.” Said Natalie as she shook her head smiling.
I unlocked the door as Jenna stomped in and went straight to our room as I sighed at her child-like antics. How can a person be so poise and yet childish? Fuck if I know. I locked the door behind me as I approached our bedroom slowly dreading what I’d have to face. I get in the room to see her getting ready to wipe her makeup already in her sleeping clothes. I stood there staring at her through the reflection of the mirror. Her eyes caught mine as she raised her eyebrows at me as I squinted my eyes at her.
“Do you have something to say?” She asked.
“Uh no…do you?” I replied as I stared at her confused.
“Oh okay great!” I brightened up significantly as I thought she had forgiven me.
I happily walked to the bathroom. Did all the necessary things, emptied my stomach, changed clothes, brushed. I happily trudged back into my room to see Jenna taking up the whole bed and my pillow nowhere to be seen.
Uh oh.
“So uh dumb question but where’s my pillow?”
“Oh they’re on the couch.”
Well, shit.
“My I ask why…?”
She just stared at me blankly as she faced away from me. I sighed and groaned as I flopped on the bed, half on her and half on the bed.
“I’m sorryyyy, we just always joke about your culinary skills and I thought you wouldn’t mind.”
“I told you I was trying to prove my independency to them, but you saying that proved the opposite.”
“Jen I’m pretty sure they know you’re independent, you literally travel country from country shooting films, most of the time alone.” I said as I looked at her quizzically.
“Well…yea but they were still reluctant with me moving in with you.” She countered back.
I laughed as I pull my head up to look at her and say “That’s because you’re their little girl and of course they’re gonna be sad and kinda worried about you moving out of their home for the first time.”
Jenna groaned as she put a pillow on top of her face and said “I knowww it’s just them being so, I don’t know, over-protective this way makes me feel like they don’t trust me with taking care of myself.”
“At the end of the day, they still let you right? focus on that. I think they let you ‘cause they know I’ll be here.” I said with a smug smile as Jenna rolled her eyes at the bullshit I just spewed.
“Also I think you’re parents think we’re like, some sort of, sex crazed people...oh my god is this why they were reluctant?” I said as I made a ‘mind blown’ face.
“No, of course not why would they think that?” Jenna said as she looked at me confused.
“Well with the way your mom makes sure we have weekly check-ups and your dad’s The, by the way very terrifying, ‘Talk’ he gave me I’m pretty sure they do.”
“Oh my god, shut up you’re being ridiculous.” Jenna said laughing as I smiled finally hearing it.
We laid there for a while, me half on her and half on the bed as she stroked my hair. After a while, she stops and says.
“I’m still mad at you though.”
“Oh please, woman you’re not fooling anyone.” I say as I get up to get my pillow back.
“Ugh you’re lucky you’re cute." She said and I responded with a 'duh' face.
"The lower half of my body is numb because of you asshole.” Jenna said as she wiggles her toes in my face as I stand in the doorway of our bedroom and smack her feet away.
“This is what it feels like being the bigger spoon most of the time, except it's the upper half, so now YOU deal with it.” I say as I quickly stick my tongue out and move out of the way as a pillow comes straight to the door. I stuck my head in again as I look at the pillow and her on the bed with deadpan eyes and say.
“Hahaha you miss-“ a pillow smacks against my face.
“Now go get your pillow and hurry up I’m tired.” Jenna said as she situated herself on the bed again.
“Yes ma’am.”
“Does it actually feel bad to be the bigger spoon?”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“But you just said.”
“I like it as long as you’re my little spoon.”
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cinnamon-girl-writes · 5 months
sweet nothing . . . eren yeager x reader
y/n gets food poisoning, but luckily her knight in shining armor (sweatpants) is there to save the day
sickfic, modern au, emetophobia, hurt/comfort
by @cinnamon-girl-writes!
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You flushed the toilet and watched the former contents of your stomach disappear.
Pushing your h/c hair out of your eyes, you sighed heavily. You had had a miserable past two hours, being able to keep nothing down, not even soup.
It had all started that afternoon when you and some of your friends (not including your boyfriend, Eren) had eaten at a taco truck on the beach that Armin had sworn would be delicious. You mentally cursed the blonde man as you rinsed your mouth out in the sink.
“How’re you doing?” you hear from behind you. You turn to see Eren leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom.
“Terrible,” you respond gloomily. As you try to pass him to go lay back down, he pulls you into a bear hug. 
“I’m sorry, mama. Do you want something to eat?” Eren said apologetically. You shook your head, burying your face in his muscled chest. You absolutely hated being sick.
“All I really wanna do is sleep,” you said plainly. Eren could see the exhaustion behind your eyes, so he helped you to the couch so you could lie down for a while. You turned on your favorite movie, Howl’s Moving Castle, and promptly fell asleep twenty minutes in.
Eren was by your side the whole time, giving you enough space to breathe but also being there to comfort you. He sat beside you on the couch (you decided that sitting up was the best approach due to your queasy stomach) with his arm slung across the back of the couch behind you to support your head. Once he noticed you were asleep, he pressed gentle kisses to your forehead, whispering sweet nothings even though he knew you couldn’t hear them. Maybe they would help you have peaceful dreams, he thought.
After a few hours you started stirring. You woke up drowsily, asking what time it was and how much you had slept. Eren informed you that it was five thirty and you had been out for three hours.
You grumbled, laying your head against your boyfriend’s chest.
“You need something to eat, mama. It’s almost time for dinner and you haven’t eaten since you’ve been sick.”
After a drawn-out sigh, you agree. Eren tucks you in and gives you the remotes as he goes to the kitchen to prepare you some food.
He’s decided to make you miso soup since it’s one of your favorite foods and it’ll be easy to keep down, hopefully. He carefully prepares the dish, adding in just the right amounts of each ingredient how he knows you like it.
Meanwhile, you sat on the couch idly watching the evening news, your movie having ended long ago while you were asleep. Not much has happened lately in your city; a new restaurant opened, another class of seniors graduated from the local highschool, there was a parade downtown this weekend.
Finding yourself bored, you turned around to see what your boyfriend was up to in the kitchen. You found him shirtless, wearing only a pair of gray sweatpants with his long dark hair pulled into a bun behind his head. You smiled to yourself, hiding your face behind the couch cushions. Silently, you admired Eren from afar: his chiseled abs, defined arms, and-
“Enjoying the view, babe?” Eren teased as he turned off the stove, pouring hot golden broth into a bowl. 
You blushed, turning back around. He came around the couch and set the steaming bowl in front of you on the table.
“Y’know, I’m beginning to think that you don’t hate being sick after all . . . “ your boyfriend joked, pulling you in for a hug. He pinched your sides playfully, pressing sweet kisses to the side of your head.
“I hope you feel better soon, baby,” he said solemnly.
“Yeah, me too,” you dejectedly responded.
You ate your soup, opting to lay in bed after you were done. Eren stayed by your side, as always, pulling you close and smoothing your hair as you fell asleep.
“Sweet dreams, baby.”
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sinner-sunflower · 5 months
Lucifer AU idea- Rabbit Hole
Y'all know that Rabbit Hole by Miku song with the animation trend? Imagine Luci doing that dance ugh
The song is Angel Dust's first official music video that he wrote after breaking free of Valentino's deal.
Ozzie had offered him a job to Club Ozzie's first Pride ring branch and Angel never felt happier.
He got into music as an outlet for his emotions, releasing 'Addict' and 'Poison' to the public via Al's radio show. (He managed to convince Alastor to do it cos it would make his ratings skyrocket past Vox and Alastor loves nothing more than kicking Vox when he's already down)
After the success of his first 2 songs, Angel decided that maybe the 3rd one should have a music video.
With the help of Ozzie as his producer, the project is a go.
Writing the song was the easy part. Angel wanted it to sound fun but also resonate with his past experiences (just read the translation of the lyrics! The one angel wrote is from this Cover!)
One day, he and Ozzie were brainstorming at the Sin's office at the Pride branch.
Ozzie: Angel, this is your first music video! It must be grand! Showstopping! Jaw-dropping! Never before seen! Revolutionary!
Angel: But how do I do that, big dick boss man? I don't think even being greatest porn star Hell has ever seen will wow people now. I've done lots of things and I can't think of anything else.
Ozzie: Hmmm
Just then, Lucifer enters the office.
Lucifer: Ozzie! Just who I'm looking for. I need you to do some inspection regarding your crystals. I just talked to Belphagor and she said that her team just confiscated a whole ton in some imp warehouse in Greed. I know I don't need to meddle but I wouldn't be worried if it was anywhere else. Who knows what Mammon is doing with those and- oh! Angel!
Angel: Heya, Short king.
Lucifer: What are you doing here?
Angel: I work here, baby~
Lucifer: Oh! I knew that haha. And what's this?
The King of Hell gestures to the board they were using for notes.
Angel: Don't tell anyone, but I'm gonna be releasin a new song and it's gonna have a music video!
Lucifer: Really?! That's great! It hasn't been that long too since Poison, wasn't it?
Angel: Yeah, but we wanna catch these motherfuckers off guard
Ozzie: That's why we're brainstorming how we can wow these desensitised demons. I still think we can do-
Lucifer: Why don't I do it?
Angel and Ozzie blink in surprise at the King's words.
Angel: Do what?
Lucifer: Act! In your music video! You know, instead of you, I'll be the uhhh 'rabbit girl'? Not that- you're uh- not enough I just mean that uhm- I think the last thing they'd expect is the King of Hell a sinner's music video.
Angel: Babe, you do know this would be a not safe for work type thing, right?
Lucifer: Yeah? I know? I know you better than you might think, you know.
Ozzie: You sure? Cos Charlie might see this.
Angel: Yeah. I know I don't wanna see my dad basically naked dancing to music.
Lucifer: You can go through it with her if it makes you feel any better. But I'm up for anything.
The two others in the room just stare at him with their mouths wide open.
Lucifer: But if you don't want I...
Angel: Hell no! We are doing this!
Ozzie: Hell won't know what hit em.
Charlie gave it a green light cos she's so excited about her dad finally socializing and breaking out of his cocoon to really realize what everything is about. Angel wants to record a reaction of the hotel for research purposes.
A few weeks later, the video is done and it's dropped out of nowhere.
Ozzie invited the Sins to the hotel for an exclusive live viewing (he and Angel ofc knew what time it would be released and set the whole thing up)
Everyone sat in the lobby in front of a giant projector (No, Alastor, you can't watch a video on the radio!), and as the clock struck at 9:13 AM on a random Tuesday, the video played.
Let's just say that it certainly did leave mouth agaped and caused mass panic.
Ozzie anonymously sent a copy to Heaven and somewhere in a bright glowing building, 6 archangels lay unconscious at the ground due to shock,
If you guys want me to write some dialogue for that first reaction in the hotel, drop the comment!
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phinkslave · 3 months
Could you do #1, 11 and 12 with phinks? You don’t have to do all of them but I loveee the prompts
Unbreakable bond
1: “I want to hear you beg.”
11: “Don’t close your eyes. Look at me. “
12: “You’re mine.”
Of course! I truly hope you like this aha since it is my first ever piece of writing. I tried my best, and if u think I need any tips or so on let me know! I didn’t make it as dark as I would have hoped for but please enjoy. 🫶🏼
Warnings: Smut, minor violence, noncon (sort of), yandere behavior
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It’s been around two months since he’s taken you. You’ve dreaded every moment. Simple things like watching movies or even reading books didn’t interest you anymore, but you had to pretend. You were scared to show any protest against him. He was dangerous. He was strong. You wanted was freedom, but the question was how? How would you get away from him. He’s stronger, faster, and just more able than you’ll ever be. Knowing that just made you feel hopeless. You’re trapped forever.
“Listen, me and the troupe got a mission. It’ll take at least a whole day so, if you want any take out or such, let me know.” Phinks said as he entered your guys’ shared room.
Well you insist to sleep on the couch but, he’d never let that slide.
You could only manage to mumble a little “okay.” In his direction, not even looking him. Which he seemed to have expected. Phinks has always been a patient man, and as much as you hate to admit, he was trying his best to treat you nice, be all sweet, to tend to all your needs. You sort of appreciated how kind he was, especially after hearing how his friend feitan broke his girlfriend’s legs. You shuddered at the thought. It reminded you just how much you needed to get out of this place. Phinks had enough strength to break your fingers with a pinch.
“I think we’ll be heading someplace near Yorknew. I heard they got great snacks. Ya interested?” He said in an attempt to cheer you up a bit.
Phinks saying that shook you out of your thoughts, he distrupted your mental plan on how to get the hell out of his little apartment he keeps you in meteor city.
“Really? Nothing at all? Heh fine, starve for all I care.”
Then there it was. His annoyed side. Phinks can be a sweetheart, but he can also get upset just as fast.
After spending a few hours in the room, you left. Heading to the kitchen since you finally started feeling the hunger in your stomach. You can only resist food for so long. In the kitchen was a troubled looking phinks who was on the phone.
“I just don’t like this ide-…ima have to call you back nobu.” Is what he said as soon as his eyes laid on you.
“Hey babe, ya hungry?”
“Sorry about earlier……do you want anything specific? I’ll bring it to you.”
He just watched you as you grabbed an apple and started heading back to the room.
“Hey hey hold on..” grabbing your forearm.
“What.” Poison lacing your tone.
He made an audible loud sigh.
“Listen. I get your upset, I know you wanna go home, but you got to give me more than that. Come on, i just want you to forever be protected. I love you.”
“Well I don’t.” Snatching your arm away with much atitude.
Before you could turn around again he slammed you against the wall, shaking some famous art pieces he stole that were hung up the wall. The slam didn’t hurt, but it was just so aggressive. Tears started to immediately form.
“Listen.” His tone being the most angry you’ve heard so far. “I am trying my best to be the good guy here. Do you know how fucking hard you’re making this for me?”
At this point your tearing up.
“I might as well let it out now. You’re not leaving me. Ever. Okay. Understand that, this, this place is your new home. Understand that, because I won’t have the patience to explain it to you again. You’re mine. Nothing you do will change that. If you think you can leave. Understand that you won’t ever. You love me. And I love you. Do I make myself clear?”
“Y-yes.” Trying not to let sobs spill.
“Good.” He said smiling, wiping your tears. “Now none of that, you know I hate it when you cry.”
He hugged your shaky body.
That was just 3 weeks ago, but all this boredom being in the house made it feel like a few days back.
Since then you and phinks have made lots of progress. Him being the only person interaction you get, sort of made you have no other choice. If you didn’t treat phinks like a friend, you think you’d truly go insane.
Relationship progress wise, the farthest you and him have ever gone was just a measly makeout. Each time sitting on his lap, facing him, you could feel how hard you’d make him. Which boosted your confidence. Slyly rocking your hips to get him more worked up.
It was amusing. You tried to tell yourself it was okay, making out and basically riding your kidnapper shouldn’t be okay, but overtime you’ve began to like phinks, besides he was pretty handsome, and his little jokes he’d make every now and then, or even how on every mission back he would bring you a stuffed animal or some chocolates.
Thankfully for yourself, he’s never gone as far as you’d like. Limiting himself to only where you’d start and stop. Knowing full well he could pin you down and take whatever he wanted was a thought you’d resurface every now and then, but you trusted him more and more.
Time went on and the more needy you got. Makeouts werent satisfying you enough.
Phinks just got home from a mission.
“Hey, I was hoping we could watch a movie tonight or something.” You said greeting him at the door.
“Yeah, whatever’s fine.” Giving you a worn out smile and a peck on the lips. “I’m just gonna tidy up a bit.” Clearly dirty from whatever fights he got into.
“Okay! I’ll set up.” You said all cheery.
The thing is, you were hoping to have sex tonight. Being a virgin you want it to be special, but of course phinks didn’t know that. You put some snacks on the table as well as some drinks. A little alcohol won’t ever hurt. Dimming the lights putting some fluffy blankets on the couch and now all that was left to do was click play for the movie.
Around 10 minutes has passed and you got bored having to wait on him so long.
“Phinks! You’re taking so longggg.” You said in a whiny voice.
No response.
“ugh! Phinks.” Getting up you checked the bathroom, and he wasn’t there. So you went to your guys’ bedroom and there he was. Laying in bed, not even under the covers, as if he fell asleep as soon as he made contact with the bed. Wearing nothing but some sweats and a grey tank top.
You were a bit frustrated, but then again it was so adorable seeing his chest rise up and down so slowly. You had an idea.
Walking up to him, you got on top, straddling his waist. His eyes opened, all droopy.
“Sorry sorry, I swear they were just shut.” He said all groggy.
“It’s okay, we can do other things….” Leaning down to kiss him, trailing down from his jaw to his neck.
You felt his jaw tense up a bit under your kisses, and soon feeling his hands grip your wait somewhat harsh.
“This is better than a movie.” He thought he could be subtle about it, but you felt his tiny grinds against your clothed core. But you played along, grinding against him as needy as ever, letting a few whines drop from your lips, he got the memo.
“It’s like that?” He said smirking up at you, all you managed to do was let out a few huffs, getting tired already dry humping him.
He got up, you still straddling his waist. Turned around and laid you gently on the bed. Hearing a few silent protests from you due to the lack of contact.
He took his tank top off, you finally realizing just how built this man was. It looked like his abs had abs, he had such a prominent v-line, and his arms were bigger then your remember. “Like what you see?” He said all cocky, clearly noticing how in awe you were. But it didn’t do nothing but make you nervous. What if he didn’t like your body?
“Just touch me already?”
“Oh it’s not as simple as that, ya know how long you’ve made me wait? I want to hear you beg.”
“I am not begging.”
“That’s a shame….” He leaned over picking up his tank top, but before he could put it on again,
“Okay okay fine….please….just touch me.”
“Boringgg, that’s the best you can do?”
“I will bite you.”
“Yeah yeah, your lucky your cute.” He leaned down taking your tshirt off. “No bra?” Bending down to suck your nipple, causing you to get out some more moans. Geez, he knew how to work his mouth. He got up again from leaning down, this time taking his and yours pants off, being left in nothing but your underwear’s. First, he took yours off, clearly noticing your embarrassment “you’re so beautiful.”
Using his hands to open your legs more apart allowing his fingers room to gently start caressing your clit.
“I wasn’t kidding when I said I need you begging.”
This time you didn’t care, you needed him, you had to.
“Please phinks, please I need you so bad, I crave-“ before you could finish you yelped, feeling a finger enter you, causing you to squirm so much he had to hold u down a bit with his other hand.
“Tell me how much you love me.” Adding another finger.
“I love you! I love you so so much.”
“Geez, this wet for me babe?”
“Mhm all for you-“ you stopped talking, being to focused on his fingers in you. And he let you, silently smirking to himself, letting you to enjoy the feeling. As soon as your legs started shaking, he moved his fingers.
“Can’t have you finishing already now can we?”
You looked at him all teary eyed due to your almost orgasm, cheeks all red.
“Keep looking at me like that I’ll finish before you.” He said in a chuckle, racing to let his cock free.
You watched how it sprung against his stomach as soon as he let it out. Kind of scared and regretting all of this. What would he think when he knew you were a virgin? Would that even fit?
He gave himself a few pumps, “we don’t need no condom.” He said, approaching you again, but this time you scooted yourself across the bed a bit, giving distance between you two.
“I don’t think it will fit.”
“Of course it will, c’mere babe.”
“What? What’s wrong? You being f’real right now?”
You looked at him all nervous before he let out a sigh. Grabbing you by your ankles causing you to be as close as he needed.
“Don’t be silly, we were doing so well.” Aligning himself with your entrance.
“Stop phinks I’m serious.”
“Nah. Don’t worry you got this alright?”
Trying to scoot away again he held your wrists down.
“I’m a virgin!” You yelped out.
He looked at you. Chuckling.
“Is that what’s got you so worked up? Sweetheart, if anything that’s better, anyways I’ll be gentle yeah?”
“Please phinks….”
“You know you wanted this so bad, I’m just tryna give you what you what.”
Despite your protests, he held your wrists above your head with one hand in order to have his other free to guide his tip inside. You shut your eyes. He stopped as soon as he saw.
“Don’t close your eyes. Look at me.”
When you didn’t listen he got frustrated. He gave your face a few light but harsh taps, and then grabbed a hold of your neck.
“Listen to me.”
Your eyes opened. But this time you were sobbing uncontrollably.
“Good girl. Hey hey, none of that just let me take care of you baby.” Wiping some of your tears.
“I don’t want this.”
“Sure you do, you just don’t know it yet.”
And with that, he slowly entered, he made no effort to hide his grunts, holding eye contact with you as his hand around your throat didn’t allow you to move your head around.
As soon as he felt him ease into you, he let go of your wrists and neck allowing you to grip the bedsheets freely and him holding your hips.
“Feel better now?” His head in your neck, rocking his hips at a painfully slow pace. He wanted you to adjust first for a few minutes. It took all of him to not just start slamming into you.
“Nhm hm.” You said, holding your moans inside, your arms wrapping around his neck.
Eventually his pace fastened, and you couldn’t hold your moans in anymore, his thrusts getting harder since your moans were encouragement to him.
“ ‘m bout to phinks-!”
“No, not yet.” He said and he started to rub your clit. He knew you’d cum, but he liked the thought of him fucking your overstimulated body.
“Is t’much!” You squirming trying to push him off.
“Almost baby, almost.” And with that you came undone under him, shaking vigorously, cumming on his cock. That sight alone was enough to almost have him undone.
“Stop! Stop!” You screamed out, pushing against him but he just grabbed your wrists, pinning them on your tummy with your arms crossed.
“A bit more.” He said through his teeth, as he finally came undone inside you. the feeling of his cum still causing you to shake. After a minute of him laying on you, both of you out of breath, he finally pulled out, you shuddered at the feeling of cum dripping out of you. He left, and came back with some napkins, wiping you clean.
“Sorry about the mess….” He broke the silence.
“Can we sleep now…” you confused on the whole situation. You didn’t know if you liked what had just happened or if it was against your will.
“Sure.” He said, lifting you up so he could pull the covers down, and climbed into bed next to you.
Letting your thoughts drift you to sleep as he kissed your temple, the last words you heard was a cheeky I love you.
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lindszeppelin · 2 years
The Things Left Unsaid
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Pairing: Austin Butler x Fem!Reader
Prompt: You and Austin were old flames many moons ago, but when he wrote you a letter to come and visit him a lot of feelings rise to the surface.
Rating: Mature. 18+. Bye-Bye Minors, peace out
Warnings: this is basically a repurposing of The Notebook but slightly different lol, fluff, smut, probably inaccuracies of country/farm living, oral (f and m receiving), a lot of pining, some angst, handjob, squirting, swearing.
Word Count: 15k.
a/n: Hey babes! So, since Austin and I both love The Notebook with every fiber of our beings, I wanted to try my hand a writing a sort of Notebook-esque story. It needs to happen and I wanna give him his Notebook fantasy lol
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This can't be happening. Not now, and certainly not like this. A letter had appeared in your mailbox. Who the hell writes letters anymore in this day and age? Only one person you knew would be sentimental enough to take the time to write a letter and mail it out, and that was your ex Austin Butler.
It seemed like dogs years since you and Austin were so head over heels in love with each other. The cutthroat California lifestyle led by the rich and famous was something that you and he detested to your core. But you somehow found a little pocket of paradise in a Spanish style villa out in privacy of the Hollywood Hills where you created a blended home.
He was in the throws of a blossoming acting career, having already played a couple of tv roles and small time film parts that he secured under his belt. And you were following your passions all the same. Young love was so good, so innocent. You both were absolutely positive that you'd be together forever. At one point you had even talked about the possibility of marriage and children. But all things must come to and end. The reality of a white-picket fence with a golden retriever and kiddos attached to your hip was now something that had to be confined to living in your daydreams.
Maybe it was the stress of his budding career that poisoned the sanctity of your relationship. You still aren't really sure of the exact reason why the two of you called it quits. It just sort of happened, and you force yourself to forget the pain of that day. But at any rate, the loss of him in your life was too much to bare. In one last ditch effort to show his love, Austin offered you the Spanish villa for yourself while he would look for lodgings elsewhere. But you declined. All of a sudden, California got too claustrophobic for you to handle. If you didn't break free from it's vice grip on your throat you would surely suffocate.
Moving across the country seemed like a harsh way to part. In your dazed and confused mind you thought that it was the best choice to make. The jarring juxtaposition of your old life in LA versus the new one you're trying to form in the chilly Boston city sometimes made your head spin. But your family lived here, and putting as many miles between you and your used-to-be soulmate was okay with you.
You climbed up the social ladder at your prestigious career, and Austin had landed the role of a lifetime in securing the Baz Lurhmann picture about Elvis Presley - Austin naturally played Elvis in the film. You knew he was just born to play that role.
Unfortunately, the success of your ex's monumental accomplishment was tarnished. Even in your little studio apartment on the east coast, you simply couldn't stop seeing his face everywhere. He was haunting you like a nightmare you couldn't wake up from. All of your coworkers and friends were buzzing around you about his incredible portrayal as The King of Rock and Roll. Even hearing Elvis Presley's music could sometimes trigger a near anxiety attack.
Pangs of resentment filled the pit gnawing away at your stomach as you had no choice but to look at posters of Austin's chiseled face with striking blue eyes and his newly fashioned black tresses as you thought back at the love you and he once shared.
As time went on, you thought you had gotten over him. Finally, maybe now that the pandemonium from the Elvis movie had died down after a few crazy months, you thought you were free from the nagging thoughts about your old flame. You thought you were safe from his reach.
That is, until a letter addressed from the actor to you was nestled in your shaky hands.
A thousand and one different thoughts were flashing through your mind. You just knew that when he settled on the idea of reaching out to you that he was sitting down at his desk, fumbling around for his favorite pen that has the perfect amount of flow to the ink, hunched over the parchment and wracking his brain on what the hell to write down.
A part of you imagined the scenario - that he ruminated over every single word. How many drafts of this letter did he go through before sending this final one out to you? Two? Five? Ten? You thought about him crumpling up each written attempt and throwing it into the trashcan, dissatisfied with his efforts. He knew he could do better. And this was his one chance to bridge the gap between you two. It had to be perfect.
You thought about how he clutched the letter close to his heart before finally mustering up the courage to slide the letter through the post office drop-off box. He knew that once it was gone from his hands that he couldn't take back what he wrote. And your reaction to such a letter scared the shit out of him.
Was this the right thing to do? Should he just go home and try to forget this is even happening? 'Get back in the car and leave, now. What the fuck are you doing, Butler?' He'd berate himself.
But the thought of your beautiful face raced through his minds eye once more, and that was that. Fuck it. What's done is done.
As you hold the note in your hands you can tell that in his usually neat penmanship are telltale signs of nerves. He veers off the page and curves his sentences at a slight upwards angle with the occasional janky letter as he scribbled. Your body was overcome with cold sweats as you scanned over the letter, reading it again for what felt like the hundredth time.
Dear Y/N, I hope this letter finds you well. Forgive me if perhaps I'm overstepping a boundary by writing to you. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable. My intentions for sending this to you are nothing short of respectful. I simply just wanted to extend an olive branch.
Firstly, I sincerely hope that you're enjoying your life out in Boston. My genuine wish is that you're thriving, doing whatever it is that makes you happy. I'd sleep easier at night knowing that you're satisfied. Things on my end have been insanely busy. If I'm being forthright, I'm just not used to my life being made a spectacle for the media. As I shield myself away from the world and come to terms with the advancement in my career, I think back to us and what we once shared. I cannot feign ignorance in the way that things dissolved between us. My head was not in the right frame of mind as I was trying to simultaneously juggle our relationship and my career. For that, I am overtly apologetic from the bottom of my heart. You deserve more than that. The young guy that I was all those years ago is not the same man that's writing to you now. I've changed for the better. With time, perhaps I can prove myself to you. As you can tell by the return address on the envelope, I'm not writing to you from California. Like you similarly expressed, the city just got to be all consuming. Miraculously, I found a little farmhouse out in Georgia that was going to be demolished. But I bought it and fixed it up. Most of my time is spent here when I'm not working. If I may be so bold, I would like to extend to you an invitation to come down here and visit - if you'd like. It's very quiet so we'll have the lay of the land to ourselves, no media or cameras in sight. If you'll have me, I would be honored to show you around and have dinner with you. How does the 13th at 6pm sound? You are under no obligation to respond back to me. All you have to do is simply show up, or not, and I'll have my answer. Yours, A. To say that receiving this letter was a lynch pin in your plans, or lack there-of, would be an understatement. You've spent the last few years trying to move on from the heartache, and then out of the blue a letter like this appears in your lap.
Logistically, this whole scenario just doesn't make sense. The 13th is only 3 days away. How the hell are you going to explain this to your boss? Oh hey, sorry but I need time off. Why? Because my super famous ex boyfriend wants to wine and dine me in the Georgia countryside for reasons I can't really explain. Yeah right, sounds totally believable...
You're not even sure that it make sense to yourself. The undertones in this letter give off the impression that Austin still has some kind of romantic interest in you. Why would that even be the case? You've been broken up for years and he's chasing a career that takes him all over the world. I'm sure he's in the arms of gorgeous models every night. What would he want with his ex girlfriend?
God, if you're gonna be forced to think about this any more then you need a strong cup of tea, and soon. It's too early in the morning to be pondering about a hypothetical rekindling of a long lost love affair. And besides, you have to get ready for another day at work. As you put the kettle on the stove to boil, you toss the letter onto the dining room table and put it out of your mind.
Two days went by and you still hadn't made your mind up about what you were going to do. To be honest, you were rightly annoyed that the letter didn't walk itself off of the table and into the trash so you didn't have to think about it anymore.
As you took off all your makeup, brushed your hair, and slipped on one of your comfy nighties for bed you spotted the letter out of the corner of your eye. It was taunting you now, you were sure of it. His words lifted off of the paper and floated their way into your brain, stirring your emotions.
Listen, just give him the benefit of the doubt. He wrote you because he obviously wanted to reach out to you in a more personal way. Just read the fucking letter again and decide once and for all. Keep an open mind.
Sighing in defeat after the losing battle with your own subconscious, you make your way over to the letter waiting expectantly for you on the table. As your eye scans over his proclamation one final time, you latch onto the last sentence he wrote. "All you have to do is show up, or not, and i'll have my answer."
Goddamn it all to hell.
No more procrastination. The decision was made. You knew all along that this was the choice you were going to make, and you just had to put it off until the last conceivable moment - for dramatic effect obviously.
With the letter in your hands, you open up your laptop and purchase a roundtrip ticket to Georgia before you have the time to change your mind. I guess this meant that you had to pack, you have a plane to catch at noon tomorrow.
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Well, there was definitely no going back now. Today is the 13th, and you landed down in Georgia at roughly 3pm. You were lucky that there was a nice 4 star hotel in the area that had a room available for you to stay in at very short notice.
The excuse you gave to your boss that morning was that you had a family emergency and you wouldn't be back for a few days. It was a miracle they bought it and didn't ask questions.
You got yourself settled as best you could in your room. The time was ticking, you knew you had 3 hours until you would be face to face with the man you once considered your everything. Heat rose to your face, causing a hot flash that made you fan yourself. You tried to reason with yourself that it was the southern heat that has you in a tizzy. But the butterflies were creeping into your stomach, threatening to fly away the closer the clock neared 6pm.
In your haste to book a flight the night before, you didn't think too much about what you were going to pack for outfits. As you pulled your suitcase out and placed it on the bed you crossed your fingers that you managed to pack something nice for this meeting.
Thank the high heavens that in your stupor you did throw in there one of your favorite dresses as of late. It was a gorgeous silky A-Line number that flattered your curves and flared out in all the right places. The shoes you gave yourself to match were some cute nude sandals with a chunky high heel, perfect for walking on the grass.
You fluffed your lashes with a few coats of mascara, drew on some eyeliner, and applied a soft rose lip stain to doll up your face. Using the hotel hairdryer and a round brush, you attempt to make voluminous bouncy curls that softly frame your features. And the finishing touch before you headed out the door was a few spirts of your signature floral perfume.
Well, it was now or never.
The car ride over was excruciating. Every minute your nagging thoughts coupled with the impending notion that you're going to be spending time with your ex nearly sent you over the edge. A long and winding dirt road brought you directly to one solitary white farmhouse with a detached shed at the back. There was nothing around as far as the eye could see, just a vast lush landscape sprinkled with dandelions and sunflowers. Right next to the side of the house stood a beautiful peach tree, and you could even see the makings of a small garden with tomato plants and various herbs sprouting tall and proud. You never took Austin to have a greenthumb, but then again it's like you're re-learning everything about him from scratch.
As you got out of the car, making sure to park a little bit away from the front door as to not rouse Austin's attention just yet, you surveyed the quaint lodgings for a few moments.
He told you in his letter that he had fixed up the near demolished house. You had no idea he was such a handyman either, because it looked beautiful. A crisp coat of white paint with contrasting blue shutters stood out among all the greenery like a Monet painting. There was a little front porch that had a swinging chair that looked so inviting to sit on and get lost in thought. It was positively charming.
As much as you tried to distract yourself from the inevitable, you simply couldn't faff around anymore. You filled your lungs with the fresh country air and steadied those butterflies that felt so close to erupting from your uneasy stomach.
You didn't even realize that your feet had betrayed you and moved on their own accord, climbing up the steps to the front door. It all happened so fast in one swift motion. No sooner that your hand reached out to knock on the screen door that Austin was right there. He must have the eyes of a hawk and spotted you approaching from a mile away. Regardless, he was standing right before you. You had to question if you were dreaming or if this was actually happening.
The warmest grin was spread sweetly across Austin's face. As he learned his tall body against the doorframe, you both eyed each other from head to toe. You almost couldn't believe the man standing before you was the same person you had dated all those years ago.
He had longer hair and a noticeable beard defining his sharp jawline which gave him an effortlessly rugged appearance. His classic old Hollywood looks were still ever present, and not a damn hair was out of place. One of his favorite canvas Carhartt jackets was sitting perfectly on his broad shoulders, even in this godawful heat he still wore them like a security blanket. Your eye traveled down the length of his legs in the Levi's he had on. He aged like fine wine, and a part of you hated yourself that you still found him handsome.
The two of you just stood there, not saying a word. His crystalline eyes wandered eagerly down your feminine curves that were accented by your silky dress. It really is so true that men are such visual creatures. Austin's carnal desires overtook his brain momentarily as he thought about ripping that dress off of you, revealing what you were wearing underneath. But he had to stop himself from thinking any further. Pull yourself together.
He shifted his weight and cleared his throat as the awkward silence rang loud in both your ears. I mean, what the hell can you even say in this strange scenario anyway? Someone had to be brave enough to speak up, and not one of you had moved their proverbial chess piece on the board yet.
After what felt like an eternity of just standing there on his porch and your skin crawling with anticipation, you couldn't take this anymore.
"It's nice to see you." You blurted out. Your fingers fumbled as you interlaced your hands loosely Infront of you. It was strange that you found yourself reverting back to girlish inclinations in front of him.
He sighed longingly. "Yeah, it's so good to see you as well. Thank you for accepting my invitation." Austin softly spoke. His voice reverberated low in his chest, sounding equal parts soothing and sexy. He got out of your way and held the door further open, gesturing with his hand inside.
"Please, come on in."
Nodding your head, your heals click on the hardwood floor as you step into Austin's living space. It was simply decorated with just the necessities like wooden tables holding up vases full of wildflowers, a fabric sofa that looked comfortable enough, shelves packed tightly with different sizes of leatherbound books and vintage records, and the kitchen was neatly organized with copper pans hanging from hooks on the wallpaper, with a cute yellow antique fridge and matching stove.
You spun around slowly and took it all in.
"Wow, Austin, you did a really great job of making this place a home. I wasn't sure what to expect when you said you rebuilt it."
He shut the door and shoved his hands in his pockets nervously, making his way over to you. "Thank you. Yeah, it's been a really fun project that's for sure. All the furniture I got second hand from vintage spots, and anywhere else that I could get my hands on nice accent pieces. I've only been actually living here for a little while, so it's not as homey as I would like it to be. But it's mine."
A shy smile crept up the corners of your rosy lips. "This house definitely suits you. What you lack with the furniture you make up for with books."
Austin chuckled at your noticing his obvious book collection, running a hand through his blonde waves. "I probably have more books than the local public library."
"You always were a bookworm." You teased lightly.
He shrugged his shoulders playfully, "I figure ones life is enriched the more that you pick up a book and read something. Can be whatever genre you want. But I don't know, books are my happy place. It's the smell of the vintage leather. The worn-in paper. The slightly smeared ink that stains my fingers with each flip of a page. I find solace in it."
"I know you do, Aus." His old nickname just rolled off the tip of your tongue with ease, a little too much for your own liking. You haven't been around him for more than maybe five minutes and already your mind comfortably reverted to your old girlfriend tendencies. You hoped that Austin didn't catch what you said, but he certainly did by the way his eyes lit up at his name falling from your lips once again.
You bite your tongue in your mouth, chastising yourself for faltering so soon. But there was nothing that could be done about it now. For Austin this was good news. Could a possible spark be reignited? It gave him a little hope, and he clung to it desperately. But, on the outside he remained calm and collected. The night was still young. Who knows what will happen.
Austin tried his best to curve around the tension that hung in the air. "I'm sure you're tired from your trip. We've got about half an hour until 6pm, so if you want I can make us dinner while you go relax."
Maybe that was a good idea after all. Giving you guys some much needed space after your fatal flub seemed enticing. "Sure, that sounds good."
"Great. How does a glass of peach tea sound? I made a pitcher this morning."
You knew Austin took cooking as a serious hobby, but peach tea? For some reason that impressed you. "Sounds delicious actually. Thank you."
"Alright, wait right here I'll pour you a glass." He clasped his hands together and took a couple long strides before he went into the fridge and put some ice cubes in a glass, pouring you a generous helping. Goddamn him for being so polite and gentlemanly.
"Here you go, Y/N. I hope it's good, I'm still perfecting the recipe." As he carefully handed you the beverage, the shock of the icy glass helped to ground you and put your nerves at ease as you were flustered under the collar, still trying to grapple with the fact that you were here in Austin's kitchen.
He watched intently, focused on your reaction, looking for any tiny micro expression that could tell him if you're satisfied by his concoction. That was another quirk of his that he seemingly still kept. Austin relished in preparing something he worked hard on, and then seeing what the reactions to it will be - Ever the people pleaser. His stare on your lips as you took a gentle sip of the refreshing liquid was a little unnerving for so many reasons that you didn't want to entertain right now.
The fruity taste lingered on your palate. "Mmm. Very good. Just the right amount of sweetness." You say, delivering your final verdict. This pleased him, as his eyes got all squinty and his nose crinkled a little when he gets jovial.
"I'm glad you like it. Now, go get comfortable. Dinner will be ready in 30."
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As Austin prepared dinner in the kitchen, you chose to sit on the swinging chair outside, peach tea in hand, just absolutely reeling.
You didn't want to start thinking about how gorgeous he looked. You also did not want to remember the fact that he couldn't take his pretty eyes off of you. And under no circumstances did you want to ponder the mere thought of how you were staring right back at him.
That internal battle was still raging inside of you, and you had a bad feeling it was only going to get worse as the night wore on. You had to face the facts. This was your reality. Instead of trying to make it worse for yourself in the long run, you have to just chill out.
This is simply two long lost friends that are coming together for a nice meal and a chat. And at the end of the night you go your separate ways, probably never to see each other again. Whatever false narrative you needed to spin to get yourself through this one night had to be enough.
Whatever he was cooking smelled delicious, and you hadn't eaten since breakfast so you were famished. As you finished the last remnants of your peach tea, you closed your eyes and just let the wind wash over your frazzled mind. Nothing good ever comes from heated emotions. To make the best of this situation, you had to relinquish all control and give in fully to the unpredictability.
The sounds of birds chirping in the distance filled your ears the more you sank into meditation. With one deep breath, the waves of anxiety and dread rolled through you and dissipated with the gentle breeze. The lightness you felt afterwards was welcomed.
You were so beyond gone in your mind, out in the vast blankness of space, that you didn't hear the screen door open beside you. A breath was caught in Austin's throat as he saw your long locks flow around you carelessly. To him you looked so serene and beautiful like a goddess. His arms were itching to reach out to you and wrap you up in a warm embrace, to remind himself of what it felt like to hold you close to his chest. But he knew that he couldn't look at you for too long. He didn't want to ogle, plus the more he looked at you in this way the more his heart ached. Austin committed this moment of peace to memory before he had to make himself known.
Clearing his throat gently to get your attention, you slowly opened your eyes and caught sight of him. He had changed out of his jacket and into a white cotton button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up with a few of the buttons undone, revealing a weft of curly blonde chest hairs. Classy, casual, and so sexy without trying to be was his forte. Damn, he looked good.
His lips quivered as he struggled to try and form the words to speak, but his mouth suddenly feeling dry. "Dinner is ready, Y/N."
With a renewed energy, you threw him a soft smile and made your way inside.
While you were outside calming yourself down, Austin threw together a really beautiful dinner spread. The large dining room table was adorned with two plates on opposite sides. In the center was a mason jar filled with a random assortment of flowers from his garden, and two long candles that he quickly lit with his zippo created a lovely ambiance.
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence as you ate this wonderful homecooked meal Austin worked so hard on. You have to admit to yourself that he really did put in a lot of time and effort into this dinner for you. Everything was not overly done, like he was trying hard to impress, but it was simply him.
Austin was on one end of the table, and you were on the other side. It seemed like a rather massive distance was keeping you so separated, but it was better this way. You both occasionally passed satisfied glances to each other in between bites of food and sips of pinot grigio. When you completely inhaled every last bit of food from your plate, you sat back in your chair totally stuffed to the brim.
"I have to say, that was really delicious Austin. I'm so full I can't eat another bite."
He chuckled and finished off the last drop of his wine. "Good, i'm happy that you enjoyed it. I can't remember the last time I made a proper meal, especially with company."
"Do you not have many people over?" You asked.
He shook his head solemnly. "No not really. I uh, kind of keep a low profile around here. What with all the..." he waved a lackadaisical hand in the air, "...you know."
You weren't entirely sure what he meant, but you assumed he was talking about his newfound celebrity status. Does he really get mobbed all that often? You hadn't the faintest idea of what he actually has to put up with in his daily life. But you can only imagine the strain that takes on his mental health.
"Yeah, I'm sure that it can be really hard to deal with sometimes." You fiddled with the hem of your dress, looking down and suddenly overcome with a bout of shyness. There was a question you had put on the backburner since the moment you saw him this afternoon. But you weren't sure if you should leave it alone, or find the right time to ask. Now that you had settled more with this situation you find yourself in coupled with Austin's naturally easygoing energy drawing you out of your shell, you felt comfortable in bringing it up.
Obviously it had occurred to you that since your breakup, Austin has probably been in other relationships. Or you assumed so anyway. You weren't one to pry, but you couldn't deny that it was a burning question that you wondered to yourself.
If Austin tells you he is currently seeing someone, what would that change in the way you view him? The romantic undertones that were left between the lines on the letter he wrote you seemed clear as day. But who knows. Austin is kind of that way with everyone. Maybe he was just being nice. Maybe this really was just two friends getting together, and not two exes with an undoubtable spark.
Your eyes looked everywhere but his, too afraid that his oceanic eyes will suck you in and see through the veil to your subconscious thoughts. The question was on the tip of your tongue, it was no use trying to stifle it down.
You smoothed down the front of your dress and regained some composure. "Have you been seeing anyone in particular these days?" You spoke, trying to sound put together. With just enough courage you finally looked him in the eye.
Maybe it was the way the candles flickered in the light, but you swore that you saw Austin's eyes sparkle again like they did not that long ago when you called him by his forgotten petname.
This was his big break into the conversation he was hoping to have. He chose his words carefully. "When you say 'anyone in particular' I presume you mean, am i seeing any 'woman' in particular?" He clarified.
Biting your bottom lip, you simply nod your head.
He shifted slightly in his chair, leaning forward. The floor creaked beneath his boot heels. "No. I haven't been interested in dating for a little while now. Nor have I had the time to allocate to forging a romantic bond with a woman. But as of late, I've been thinking about maybe opening up that part of me again. For the right girl."
Austin held prolonged eye contact with you as he let that last sentence fall from his lips and onto the table. He hoped that you picked up on his meaning. Dating any other woman except for you was completely out of the question. He prays he's playing his cards right.
"What about yourself? Has there been a special man in your life?" He asks, throwing the ball into your court now.
You also lean forward in your chair, mirroring his body language. "No. I've kinda been busy just focusing on my career and healing myself. But who knows what the future may hold..." You leave your comment purposely open ended, leaving it up for him to extrapolate whatever he wants from that breadcrumb you left behind.
"Hmm." Was all he managed to hum under his breath. He broke eye contact with you as he sat back in his chair yet again. His thumb and forefinger stroked his bottom lip, like he usually does when he's overcome with racing thoughts.
You could tell he was ruminating over something and wasn't willing to share. Noticing his lack of an answer, you prod a little further. "What's going through your mind?" You carefully asked.
After a brief pause, his lip sprang free from his fingers and he placed his hand on his thigh. "Do you know why I asked you to come and visit me?"
"Because you wanted to show me around your new place."
"While yes that is true, that wasn't my only reason."
"Then enlighten me, why did you invite me here?"
"Because I missed you." He said plainly.
His words hung thick in the air like a suffocating fog causing you to hitch your breath. That was part of the truth, but there was definitely more he wasn't saying. Whatever it was, you were gonna yank it out of him. "That's it? You write me out of the blue, haven't spoken to each other years. You invite me all the way out to your farmhouse in the middle of Georgia, make dinner and offer me peach tea just because you miss me?"
Austin fully leans forward in his chair, elbows folded and resting on the table. A match was struck and a flame grew behind his eyes, but it wasn't from sexual desire. He was growing irritated. "What are you trying to infer here?" He asks, totally bewildered by your sudden bite.
You crossed your arms in front of you. "I think we both know that there's more to your plan than you care to let on."
He scoffed "Is that so? Well, since you seem to have it all figured out, why don't you fill me in." He's trying but failing to remain levelheaded. And so are you. All common sense leaps out the window.
You let out an exasperated sigh. "Austin, please be serious." You roll your eyes.
"I'm afraid you're gonna have to do better than that, Y/N." He tisked.
"Fine. Let me be clear. We broke up and you haven't said a word to me in all these years. Now all of a sudden you just, miss me?" You hissed.
Austin raised a quizzical brow. "Is it so wrong for me to miss you?"
Annoyance flooding your senses, you doubled down. "It's not that it's wrong, you just kind of left me high and dry and now we're in this situation." The words flew out of your mouth at warp speed.
A dry chuckle filled the air from the other side of the table. "From my recollection, you were the one that flew all the way across the country to get as far away from me as possible. Remember?" Austin said.
Fuck, that's it. Any chance of having an adult conversation was long gone by now. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you could feel the pump adrenaline rush to your brain, shutting down all logical rationale.
"And from my recollection, you were the one that ended the relationship in the first place without any good reason." You raised your voice.
"Aaah." Austin pieced the puzzle together. "So that's what this is all about." He nodded to himself, saying matter-of-factly. Now it all made sense. He genuinely didn't realize that you harbored negative feelings over the way things ended. It was all being laid out on the table.
"Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that once we split I wanted my space. So yes, I did fly across the country. But it was to get away from the reminder of what we had." You huffed.
"Do you loathe me that much that you had to up and leave? I offered you the villa. You didn't have to move coasts." He asked, there was a twinge of hurt to his question. It was a tough one to ask you, but he needed to know.
You shook your head, astonished. "How could you seriously expect me to stay when that house held every single memory of what we shared all those years ago. Do you think I actually wanted to stay in the place where we were building a life together? And then it was all ripped away. It was painful for me." You trailed off. In an attempt to self-soothe, you stroked one of your arms comfortingly as those difficult memories from your past love flickered through your mind. Some of these sentiments you hadn't even expressed to yourself, let alone to Austin. You wished that the floor could open up and swallow you whole.
Austin's jaw clenched. He was fighting back the urge to break down in this very moment. Seeing you open up a part of yourself that's been closed off of all this time was hard to watch. It was a tough pill to swallow to think that he had caused you to feel this pain. And he mentally kicked his past self for it. He truly never wanted to hurt you.
He let out a long sigh, lowering his tone and stripping away his ego. "Listen, Y/N. I take accountability for how things ended between us. That wasn't the plan for the future that I wanted with you. I envisioned a beautiful, harmonious coexistence with you by my side. Like I wrote in my letter, I was having a hard time coming to terms with my privacy being stripped away the more that my career took off, completely out of my control. Maybe deep down there was a part of me that knew that the more I was getting pushed into the spotlight the more that the public would sink their claws into you, stripping away your innocence. A-and, just knowing that you were in the crosshairs of it all, i simply couldn't allow you to get hurt by my lifestyle. No way..." Austin shook his head and trailed his wandering eye away from yours as he got lost in the thought that tormented him the most.
There it was. There was finally the answer that you have been searching for this whole time. A lot of emotions were rising to the surface and you weren't sure you knew how to process them.
With this important piece of information dawning on you, you bravely express the most important takeaway from this entire ordeal that's been left unsaid. "So, you broke up with me to protect me?"
Your fatal question was followed by a long break of silent reflection. You could cut the tension with a knife. In your heart you knew this was the answer, and he knew it too. But to hear the truth being spoken out loud was cataclysmic.
Finally, Austin returned his azure orbs to you, glazed over with an emotion that you can't really read. His voice waivered as he somberly spoke. "They say that if you love something you set it free. If it comes back, then it's yours to keep..." He swallowed thickly, "If it doesn't, then it never was."
The realization of what he just said hits you like a ton of bricks. He loved you enough to let you go, to shield you from the hardships of his new life. And in writing you that letter he was testing the waters to see if that philosophical phrase was right. He wanted to see if the love was still there, if this could be remedied with time. If you came back to him, then he would have his answer. Just like he said in his letter. And you yourself denied your bodies natural inclinations to fall right back in line with him for all these years. Even when you were on differing sides of the continent, that thread that attaches you together at a soul level never withered away. It remained intact. You both could never properly move on from your romance. Nobody else could come in and replace the love that you two share for each other.
As much as you were angry and bitter with the breakup, this clarity shot down any last resentment you were holding onto.
Only one thing mattered. You were his to keep.
Suddenly you feel dizzy, the room began to spin all around you with your onslaught of sudden vertigo. Everything that you forced yourself to bottle up was now backfiring on you. It was bubbling to the surface like a bottle of coke that was shaken for too long - the pressure escaping through the cracks.
You found yourself being drawn to Austin's body like a moth to a flame. To fight the forcefield would be a fruitless endeavor. To think that you wanted nothing to do with him would be a fools errand to believe, because you know that's not true. It became all too clear to you that you still loved him. And while it scared you to admit that, your body gave in to the overt sexual desire that was churning inside you. That all too familiar coil in your stomach tightened with desire.
You forcefully stood up from your chair, and it nearly toppled over as you rose to your feet. Taken aback by your outburst, Austin planted himself firmly on the ground and stood up from his seat as well. Did his confession upset you? If you were about to storm out of the house he was prepared to run after you. While he was deathly afraid to lose you for a second time, he had to be ready for anything.
Both of you were in the height of your flight or fight response, standing at the dinner table, caught in a fiery glare. If looks could kill, you'd both be dead on the spot.
Austin trembled as he tried to find steady ground beneath him. He wanted to cut through whatever it was that you were thinking in your mind - to explain himself and put you at ease. He wasn't giving up on you without a fair fight.
"Y/N?" He tested the waters, his voice shaking.
Without hesitation, you turned on a dime directly towards him, skirting around the table. His eyes widened in trepidation as you approached. He stepped to the side of the table in preparation to get in your way and stop you from fleeing.
But what he didn't know was that you weren't leaving at all. No sooner than you got within arms reach of Austin that you grabbed his shirt collar and pulled his body towards you. A colliding of lips was harsh and unexpected to both of you, you weren't aware of your own strength. You felt as if you'd fall at any given moment, but he swiftly caught you and wrapped his long arms around your waist - pulling you impossibly close to his chest.
This wasn't the sweet, innocent kiss you both had thought about when you pictured this reunion. It was one that was oozing with so much longing, pent up aggression.
You initiated the kiss, snaking one hand into his sandy mane that clung for dear life, and the other now grasping at his flexing bicep. His strong mouth was hot, burning for you. The natural scent of him wafted through your nose as you breathed in his musky pheromones. He clashed his lips again and again against yours, probing your bottom lip with his tongue and your greedily sucked him in.
Austin growled low in your mouth, and he swallowed all of the whimpers that came pouring out passed your lips. One of his hands trailed down your ass, palming you through your dress and squeezing a large handful of your flesh roughly, his fingers sure to leave bruises on your backside by morning.
The feel of you in his hands once again felt like home. And as his tongue worked with yours in a sinful display of carnal lust, you drank him in happily once more - as if you had never broken up in the first place.
Austin's hand on your waist snaked up your spine, catching the zipper of your dress between his fingertips. He toyed with it though, never daring to pull it down just yet. That was enough to set you off. You needed out of the dining room and into his bed or else you'd implode.
Your swollen lips parted from Austin's roughly, but he went on the attack and planted hungry kisses down your neck - his growing appetite for you seemingly insatiable. Remembering that one sweet spot that made you putty in his hands, he latched onto that place on your neck and sucked the delicate skin until it left a purple bruise. You mewled, gripping stronger onto his arm and further tangling your fingers into his blonde tresses.
Releasing your neck from his mouth, his tongue licked over the area, soothing the irritated skin. You felt your knees practically give way.
"Austin," You sighed wantonly, "Please take me. Now." You begged.
You didn't need to tell him twice. "Yes, ma'am." He cooed, panting in your face as his lips captured yours once more for another searing kiss before his hands went to the backs of your thighs. Instinctively, you jumped up into his arms, wrapping your legs high around his waist and your arms around his neck as he held you firmly in place within his embrace.
How far away the bed was from the dining room table you had no idea. You hoped it wasn't a long journey, because you were both getting antsy for more skin to skin contact. As he cradled you in his strong arms he walked the both of you through a narrow corridor and turned a corner to the staircase. How he managed to carry you all the way up these stairs without getting winded turned you on even more than you thought possible.
You weren't done having your way with him though. As he made his way through the second floor, your lips placed gentle kisses along the bulging veins of his neck. He hummed lowly at your efforts to distract him, fully basking in the way you payed extra attention to every single inch of skin you could get your mouth on.
Finally, at the end of the hallway was the final destination. With one of his feet he kicked the door of the bedroom wide open. It nearly cracked the door hinges it was that forceful. He just simply couldn't wait any longer to have his way with you.
Making his way to stand at the foot of the bed, he braced his body weight on the plush comforter with one of his knees, and bent forward to place you in the center of the bed. You sighed at the loss of contact from Austin, but it wouldn't be for long.
You sat up and watched as his electric blue eyes glazed over with lust bore into yours as he quickly removed his shirt, throwing it somewhere he'd forget about later. And he toed his boots off, now leaving himself in nothing but his jeans.
It had been way too long since you've seen Austin like this. In the years apart you can clearly tell that he's put on some muscle definition. A shy whimper left your lips as you fully took in the sight of his broad chest, heaving with exertion and glistening with sweat.
Even with his tanned skin you could tell a faint blush was creeping onto his cheeks in the way that you stared at him like he was a full course meal. He exhaled deeply, a cheeky side smile was plastered on his face. Here you were, his dream girl, in his bed like he fantasized about for years, begging for him to take you. Austin was on cloud nine, and he wouldn't hide his obvious insatiable urges any longer.
And honestly, neither could you. Why the hell have you been tormenting yourself, trying to pretend that you didn't love him when you clearly still do? It was stupid, and after what you said to him downstairs at dinner you wanted to make it up to him.
As Austin was about to climb onto the bed to join you, you held up one of your hands, "Wait, Austin."
He stopped dead in his tracks. He prayed to God you didn't just all of a sudden grow a conscience and change your mind. "Everything alright?" He asked, concerned.
You nodded, shimmying your way down the massive king sized bed and leaping down to the floor below you. Your eyes met in a meek moment of hesitation. You allowed your fingertips to softly twirl around his chest hairs. You could feel his heart pounding like a drum beneath your hand, he drew in his lower lip and bit down in an effort to stifle the tiniest moan that wanted to escape. His hands tenderly cupped either side of your face, waiting expectantly for your instructions.
"I just...I want to please you first." You spoke softly. Your idle hand beside you burned hot against his skin as you let you fingers do the talking. Eyeing him fully, Austin gasped when your hand trailed over the waistband of his jeans as your fingers circled the faintest of touches along the rock hard outline of his engorged cock.
"Oh, God." His eyes closed, savoring this small touch, moaning breathlessly as you traced around his swollen member through his jeans, his hands clutched harder around your waist.
Swallowing thickly, he opened his eyes which were completely blown black, and shook his head. This wasn't usually how things went. He was the man, and he wanted to please you first. But how could he deny himself when you had him literally in the palm of your hand. "Baby, you don't have to."
"I know. I want to." Feeling bold, you went on your tiptoes and steadied yourself with a hand on his shoulder. His arms pulled you flush to his hard body. In an ultimate power move, your tongue slips past your lips and licks the shell of his ear. He throbbed in his pants, whimpering at the sudden contact.
With your lips still pressed to his ear, you breathed hotly, "I want to remember what it feels like to have your cock in my mouth."
Emitting a deep growl, Austin harshly grabbed your ass with both hands, forcing your stomach to press right against his erection. You writhed in his grasp, sighing deliciously as he rocked his length into your pelvis.
"You're a goddamn vixen, you know that? Miss me that much you wanna suck me off, huh?" He gritted through his teeth, getting high on your breathy moans that fill his ear. He ground his cock harder against you, drunk on the friction.
This now marked the start of your mission to treat Austin like he deserved to be treated. With everything he's done for you, you feel like he's earned this, and his efforts will be heartily rewarded. You reluctantly detach your mouth from his ear and place both your hands on his chest, pushing him back against the bed playfully. When you don't immediately climb onto the bed after him, he sits up on his elbows, watching your next move intently. The unpredictability is what keeps him on the edge, wanting so much more.
You make sure Austin has his undivided attention you as you reach behind your back, unzipping your summer dress all the way. You teasingly push the fabric down your shoulders and shimmy it slowly down your body until it pools into a heap on the floor - the whole time never breaking eye contact with him. You slip out of your heels and discard them to the side.
Austin bites his lip at the sight of you in your matching white lace panties and bra. This confirms to him all the same that you are in fact his angel. He thought God definitely took his sweet time in making you. And he made you just for him.
Now finally, you rose up onto the bed. On your hands and knees, you swayed seductively over his long body. You settled to straddle his lap with your legs on either side of his hips. His large hands smacked your ass, and you moaned fully right into his face at the delicious sting. He chuckled devilishly before he rose his back off the bed, bringing your lips back where they belonged. His plump mouth nearly engulfed yours as he ravenously devoured you, his strong tongue lapping back against yours in a fight for mutually assured dominance.
You wouldn't let him have his way, not yet. Taking his lower lip in your mouth, you bite down softly. He wined, and he let his hips rise off the bed as he rolled himself directly into your soaked pussy that was barely hanging on by the lace panties that covered them. With his hands still firmly on your ass, he pushed you down on his dick as you rode along his impressive length.
"Aus." You moaned. Hold on a second, this was all too much, you have to remember the task at hand before you let yourself come all over his jeans. You reluctantly pry yourself away from his firm grip on your ass, and traveled down his lower half, placing wet kisses along his chest and abs.
Looking up at him through your long flirty lashes, you unbuttoned his pants and unzipped the fly. Hooking your fingers in the waistband of his jeans and underwear, you pull both of them down his legs at the same time, discarding them into the distance behind you.
Finally, you were met with the glorious sight of Austin's naked form. He looked like a Greek God, sculpted by the most talented hands on Earth. His cock lobbed back against his stomach, the tip angry and red and dripping already with a bead of pre-cum. You haven't had Austin in so long that you weren't sure if you could be relaxed enough to fully take all of him into your throat. But you sure as hell were gonna do your best, and make him feel amazing.
He wined impatiently as you licked your lips in anticipation for his cock in your mouth. But you were gonna have your fun with him first. You peppered his inner thighs with chaste kisses, making him writhe beneath you. He already could tell you were gonna torture the daylights out of him and leave him begging for more. But honestly, he didn't care.
Austin left one of his hands idle on the bed beside him, while his other hand made its way into your soft hair. He wasn't forcing or guiding you anywhere near him, he just lovingly tangled his fingers through your silky strands as you took your time in making your way over his aching cock.
You made sure your hands were sufficiently warm to the touch as to not startle him with possibly cold fingers by blowing hot air onto them. And then you took your left hand and gave it a generous coating of your spit. When you hand wrapped firmly around the base of his cock Austin let out a soft moan, his brow furrowing already and you barely touched him. He was watching everything, not daring to miss a move you'd make.
Slowly but surely, your hand began to squeeze and stroke up and down on his shaft. You expertly rotated your wrist in small circles around his length and paid special attention to his swollen tip before making your way back down to the base - repeating this motion.
"Lord have mercy." Austin mewled in his newly acquired southern drawl that you haven't heard before. It seems like playing Elvis Presley has left an impression on him, and he took those little bits of his accent with him. It was fucking hot.
Austin was gone to lunch, totally transported to another planet at the feeling of your warm hand jerking him off. He wasn't at all prepared for what you were about to do next, though. With your left hand working his cock you lowered your mouth down to his aching balls. Your tongue licked one long fat swipe across the left one before you took it into your mouth.
Austin shivered, his grip on your hair tightened and his mouth hung open in awe, a drawn out ragged moan leaving his lips.
You released him from your mouth and repeated the action to the right one. Drool was dribbling down your mouth and making a mess as you were lavishing his balls, Your left hand then began to swirl around his tip just a bit longer, applying the right amount of pressure to elicit the sexiest noises coming from Austin's mouth. "Goddamn it, Y/N." He groaned thickly.
Satisfied that you gave plenty of attention down below, you now focused your efforts on his cock. With your hand still firmly around him, you parted your eager lips, allowing your spit to drip down his dick and coat him further, fully slick and ready for you. Your hot breath pooled over his tip before you finally lowered your mouth onto his needy cock.
Austin threw his head back against the pillows, the feeling of your hot lips wrapped around him was overbearing in the best ways. "Fuck yes..." He bellowed.
This spurred you on, seeing him come undone with barely just one swipe of your mouth on him. You were already soaking, this was turning you on like no other. You felt your wetness seep out from your panties and onto your inner thighs as you clamped them shut, trying to create friction for yourself as you worked wonders on his cock.
You weren't about to deepthroat him right away, not now anyway. You were just focused on taking in a much of him as you could comfortably allow, and using your hand to pump the rest of him in tandem.
The slurping noises your mouth made as you bobbed your head along his cock, strings of spit cascading around him, was salacious. You set a steady rhythm, milking his shaft and swirling your tongue along the underside of his cock as your mouth took him in. You moaned around him in your mouth, sending a sinful vibration along his shaft.
Austin's hand gripped even harder on your hair as you worked him, and again, he was not pushing or guiding you anywhere. He allowed you to set the pace and do whatever you wanted. However, his hips had a mind of their own and they rose off the bed, his cock going deeper into your mouth. A panic rose within you as you felt your inexperienced gag reflex activate, but you relaxed your throat as best you could to accommodate his length, gurgling around his cock crudely.
"Fuck, just like that baby. So fucking good." He moaned. You quickened your pace a little more, stroking his length and easing the rest of him into your throat. Austin was fully drenched in your spit as you sucked his cock. You hummed in pleasure at the sight of Austin in the throws of passion, the vibration making him groan louder and bucking gently into your mouth. You gagged a little more around him, but you tried your best to relax your throat.
"Such a good girl taking, my cock so well." He praised as he watched you with heavy lidded eyes. He knew you didn't really like to deepthroat, but he just couldn't help himself. He was dreaming about your lips around his aching dick for years, and now it was finally happening. If he wasn't careful, he could come at any second. And he wanted this to last.
He hated having to stop you mid sloppy blowjob, but he had to forego his enate desires and save his impending orgasm for later. Plus he had other things he wanted to attend to first.
"Baby," He sighed lustfully, trying to get your attention. His back rose off of the bed and you looked up at him with doe eyes. "You're gonna make me come if you keep going like that." He chuckled breathlessly at the lewd vision of his cock still deep inside your mouth. This was definitely a sight for sore eyes.
Catching onto his meaning, you released your hand from around him and you slowly removed him from your mouth with a wet plop. His cock fell back against his stomach with a thud.
"I just realized how much I missed this." You pouted.
Butterflies rose in his stomach at your confession. You really did want him just as much as he wanted you. The insecurities that plagued his brain in all this missing time without you insistently told him that you were better off without him. That some other man could take care of you better than he ever could. But in the recesses of his brain, he knew that was the worst lie. Sure, he had brief periods of imposter syndrome. And he worried if he would ever be enough. But the better part of him knew that he was. He was an idiot for letting you go in the first place. But he needn't try to concern himself with matters of the past - this was the present. And right now, he just watched you messily deepthroat his cock. If that didn't scream "love" then he had no idea what did.
He smoothed down your messy hair tenderly, a warm smile creeping on his gorgeous face. "You haven't the faintest idea of how badly I wanted this exact moment to become a reality."
"Oh no, I could tell." You teased.
Austin scrunched up his nose adorably. This was his happy place. You here in his arms, your body warming his bed. It was heaven on earth.
Seeing how badly you wanted his cock in your mouth gave him a second rush of adrenaline. While his weeping tip leaked even more pre-cum, he can't be focused on his release.
Austin cradled your face in his hands, rising you up from the bed below him. The faint saltiness on your mouth from his impending load lingered on your tongue as he kissed you passionately, adoringly.
It became all too apparent to you, now that you were back on your hands and knees, that your juices were practically rolling down your thigh. You have no idea how these panties haven't evaporated into nothingness from the vast amount of slick coating them. But Austin intended to rid them soon enough.
Pulling you against his chest, he smoothly rolled you over so that you were laying on your back. Your legs instinctively parted, beckoning for him to come in. And he took to settling between your thighs, contentedly. His hands nestled on either side of your head, steadying his body weight, as he took your breath away with strong longing kisses. You moaned into his mouth and he happily took them, giving his own moans right back to you.
As his tongue was swirling around in your mouth, you couldn't help but think about his mouth ravishing your lips down below. Your clit pulsed at the obscene thought. It was hard to kid yourself about the fact that you had thought about this many a time - him going down on you. No other man could ever eat your pussy the way that Austin does. He's like a master at his craft, and he's an overly generous lover. You need him in every conceivable way.
Needy for any kind of friction to soothe the ache between your throbbing core, your hips rose off from the bed as you captured his bare cock still drenched in your saliva in-between your clothed folds.
You whimpered wistfully as you worked your tongue against his harder in his mouth. "Austin, I need you." You said between steamy kisses.
Gripping onto your thighs, he splayed them open wider for easy access, and rubbed his cock along your pussy, hungrily growling into your mouth.
"How much do you need me? Tell me." He rasped huskily, his voice dripping with sex as he continued to grind himself against your soaked cunt.
You sighed raggedly against his open mouth. "So fucking bad." You begged.
That was all that he needed to hear. He attacked your neck with open mouth sloppy kisses as he made his way down to your breasts. You sat up quickly and helped him to unhook your bra, throwing it across the room. Your nipples grew instantly hard at the cool breeze hitting them, and under the devouring eye of Austin as he licked his lips eagerly. He bent his head down and trapped one of your nipples in his mouth, rolling it around with his warm tongue.
"Aus..." You moaned, rolling your head back as you basked in his mouth on your breast. In response, you lifted your hips higher off the bed and ground yourself harder against his cock. A low hum emanated from his mouth and sent a shiver down your spine.
After giving plenty of attention to your nipple, making it stand to attention just the way he wants it, he moved over to ravage the other one, his tongue flicked against the sensitive pert bud. You gasped as he rolled your nipple into his mouth, your hands flew to his hair and found purchase in his sandy waves. "Please..." You pleaded.
Giving you what you want, Austin snaked his way down your stomach, peppering chaste kisses along your navel. Finally, his face was directly in line with your slick heat. His azure sparkling eyes landed squarely on you longingly, as he placed one brief kiss over your clothed pussy teasingly before pulling down your panties. You gasped at how close he was to your sex as he played with you.
It was almost embarrassing how truly wet and ready you were for him. As he removed your underwear, a trail of your juices got pulled down along them from your oozing core. Austin threw you a coy smirk, amused at how the string of slick just kept going the further he brought your panties down your legs.
"Fucking hell baby, you are soaked. And all just for me." Austin cooed. With his index finger he pulled at the string of delectable wetness, twirling it around his finger as your slick finally pulled away from your panties. He brought his finger into his mouth and sucked in earnest. He closed his eyes and savored the first taste of you he's gotten in god knows how long. This got him impossibly hard.
"You taste just as sweet as I remember." He mumbled hoarsely.
Seeing him get lost in the taste of you from just this little gesture sent you careening over the edge. You squirmed against the bed, fully exposed to him and sopping wet for his viewing pleasure.
He practically salivated at your shimmering pussy as he took in the full picture of you spread wide, gushing and needy for him. Your pussy lips were flushed like a beautiful rose as they bloomed open for Austin's ministrations. Seeing your slippery juices spread across your folds and your inner thighs made his cock throb hard and proud against his belly.
He was definitely ready to dive headfirst, and so were you. This pining business was exhausting, but damn did it ever keep you both on your toes. And better yet, you both wanted to bask in the glory of each others bodies once more.
Austin got comfortable beneath you, the bed was big enough so that he could lay on his front while you had plenty of room as well. Like a serpent, he slithered his body up your legs, leaving smoldering kisses on your inner thighs in his wake.
You grabbed your breasts in your hands, gently kneading them as you softly whimper at his velvet lips against your delicate skin. Finally after what feels like forever and a day, his lips were tormentingly close to your weeping folds. Just like you had teased him before, he was going to return the same tenacity to you. You swallowed harshly as the building tension rose to the surface, waiting for him to take what's his.
In the most agonizingly delightful way, his wet tongue swiped one soft lick across your throbbing clit. The strangled whine that left your lips was music to his ears. He barely even started and you were a hot mess for him, yearning and writhing for him.
His tongue found it's way down to your gushing hole, collecting the succulent nectar, flicking a long fat stripe up through your folds and teased around your clit in a figure 8. He remembered exactly how to pleasure you to make you come hard and fast, it wasn't lost on him at all. It was complete muscle memory.
Austin was taking his time with you, enjoying every sound and movement you made while his tongue swiped deliberately slow kitten licks against your clit. "Austin!" You shrieked, his dirty blonde locks getting abused yet again as your dainty fingers wound around his tresses. He moaned against your folds, his hot breath spreading across your inner thighs and mixing with your slick.
Everything about your luscious pussy drove him crazy. His tongue probed your lips and savored in the feeling of them collapsing against his mouth. And your bulging clit stood to attention as he ran just the tip up and down languidly. He was awestruck how your body responded to him effortlessly, getting wetter for him by the second. He could taste you all day.
Soon enough, Austin spread open your lips even more with each rhythmic lap against your pussy. His entire mouth greedily engulfed your folds as he sucked, creating a vacuum against you, his tongue creating pulsing swipes and licking all of the sticky sweet slick you had to give him at the same time.
"Oh fuck, yes!" You groaned, your head fell back against the pillows. Your hips matched the steady pace he set as you fucked his face. He moaned, cajoling him to set his sights solely on your swollen bud. With a loud flop, he released your folds from the confines of his heated mouth and used one of his hands to spread your lips apart with two fingers, revealing more of your sensitive clit that's been so far left untouched by his tongue.
This nearly nocked the wind out of your sails as he set a devastatingly fast pace of sloppy, wet licks against your clit. He felt you pulse with gusto against his tongue as your engorged bundle of nerves gets battered, groaning against you. Your legs shake around him violently, your breath hitches in your throat, and you're just laying there unable to make any kind of noise from how completely blissed out you are.
"Ohmygod" You moaned helplessly, marveling in Austin's determination at skillfully eating your cunt. The feeling of his prickly beard scratches against your thighs as he consumes you. The burning sensation is a welcome addition.
After giving ample attention to your clit he dived back into your folds, collecting every single drop of your wetness and vigorously lapping, swiping, and licking you into smithereens. He was a man hellbent on making you come, and he'd stop at nothing to get you to your climax. He moaned huskily against your slick folds.
The sound of his powerful tongue macerating your juicy pussy mixing with his saliva filled the room. It was insanely pornographic. He ate you like he was starving - like you were the sweetest confection he's ever tasted. His swollen red mouth and wet muscle suckled on your heavenly nectar as if he could die at any second. He missed you so fucking much these last few years. To say he was making up for lost time was the understatement of the century.
As if he couldn't devour you fast enough, he somehow picked up the pace. He abruptly plunged his tongue deep inside your pussy, causing you to squeal his name loud enough for the neighbors to hear. He grabbed hold of your hips and bounced your pussy against his tongue roughly. The tip of his nose was grazing against your clit with fervor. This was it, this would be the end of you.
You conjured up enough strength to look down at the man before you, desperate for you to come, lapping up your slick, groaning hotly against your pussy. His bangs fell into his face, plastered to his forehead with a noticeable layer of sweat. This was the best workout of his life.
You rocked yourself hard against his mouth, your wetness coating his entire face and dripping down his chin. "Aus, I-I'm gonna f-fucking come..." You warned him, clinging to his hair for dear life. All he could afford to reply back to you with was a sexy growl of approval as he tongue fucked you. One of his hands wound their way around to your clit and spun fast circles, sending you directly down the one way street of your orgasm.
Within seconds, you were coming. Your hands clung onto the sheets beneath you, your back arching off the bed entirely, as you wailed Austin's name loudly. Your orgasm rushed through your body violently, making your legs tremble uncontrollably around Austin's head, and your slick coating his face even more. He slurped and swallowed up every last remnant of your climax, cleaning you up. You shivered as he gave your clit a few last generous kitten licks before he rose to kneel on the bed.
Austin heaved ragged breaths, looking totally fucked out with your juices blanketing his nose, mouth, and chin that he wore like a badge of honor. He proudly displayed a wide grin as he successfully brought you to your first orgasm.
"That was mind blowing." He said, accomplished about his fruitful efforts.
"Mmm." You nodded in agreement, totally unable to utter a single word as you tried to recover from your impactful orgasm, the wave of your release rattling you to the bone.
He crawled up your body, settling back between your legs. Seeing you reeling from the earth chattering orgasm he gave to you definitely stoked his ego, and endeared you to him all over again. His girl was back - just when he thought he'd lost you forever. As he put all his weight on one hand beside your head, his other hand held your chin, angling you down just enough to brush your lips against his in a loving kiss. You could taste yourself on his mouth, riling you up all over again and ready for climax number two.
As he deepened the kiss, his hand left your chin and gently squeezed one of your breasts in his large palm. You hummed into his mouth at the feeling of his fingertips drawing lazy circles around your now hardening nipple. The fact that he can manipulate your body with the tiniest amount of effort was maddening, getting you wet all over again in mere seconds.
He didn't stop there. His fingers then traveled further south until he took his cock in hand and stroked the tip up and down against your clit, causing the most intoxicating friction.
Your lips pulled away from Austin's kiss as you moaned softly at the feeling. He was so close to railing the life out of you, but it took a hell of a lot of willpower to keep that thought at bay as he teased you.
"You ready, darlin'?" He rasped, his voice slipping back effortlessly into his southern drawl. He let the tip of his cock slide down to your slick entrance, running circles around the tight ring of your walls, teasing you further and making sure you're primed.
Your bedroom eyes were in full effect when you caught him in a smoldering stare. "Yes, Aus. Please don't tease me any more. Take me." You sighed.
He nodded, having fully heard your plea. Your legs went to slide around his waist, pulling him close to you, coaxing him. Running his cock up and down your soaking folds a few times to coat himself with your juices, he eased into you.
The feeling felt oddly foreign to both of you, but at the same time it felt like returning back to creature comforts. You were both homesick for this primal necessity for his dick to be buried snuggly inside of your warm walls. No more did Austin have to jack himself off to this exact moment left to his own devices, nor did you have to miss the sweet sting of your pussy accommodating his girth. This was the reunion of a lifetime.
You both let out a primal groan in unison, the intermingling of your pleasure sounding like the most beautiful music. He stayed still inside you for just a minute, letting your walls fully relax around his cock, before he ventured on. In no time he completely bottomed out. You clung to him with all of your might, your hand grasping at any part of him that you could. And his free hand immediately went to find residence on your throat, not applying pressure yet, just simply resting there.
"Are you alright?" Austin inquired softly through ragged breaths. It had been far too long since you've been stretched to max capacity by his cock, so he was dutifully checking in on you. His baby blues flickered over your face, trying to gauge your comfortability and any signs of pain.
You smiled shyly at his sweet gesture in a moment of intense passion. "Yeah i'm okay, I promise."
He smirked. "Okay, good." His lips placed a delicate kiss upon your forehead adoringly, happy in the fact that he didn't hurt you - at least not right now. You knew in the back of your mind you would be sore as hell for a week after this.
You clenched your walls around him voluntarily, letting him know he was safe to continue on. He gasped at the feeling of the vice grip you already had around his engorged cock. In his mind, he made a silent vow that he would last long tonight - fore he knew he was already too far gone.
"Someone's eager," He growled, the hand around your throat constricting just the faintest amount. "You need me that desperately, babygirl?"
Oh god, he was gonna string this out. Just the dirty words pouring out of his mouth alone made your pussy clamp down around him, earning you another rumbling hum from Austin.
Showing him just how much you wanted him, you started to move your hips along his shaft as best you could, using your legs around his waist as an anchoring point. "Fuck me, Austin Butler."
His heart thumped wildly in his chest at your obvious show of depravity. And his full name falling from your lips as his cock was filled to the brim inside your slippery cunt was all the motivation he needed.
Trembling, he slowly pulled nearly all the way out of you, leaving only the tip inside. You wanted him to fuck you? Well, he hoped you were ready to live up to your words. Because no sooner that he pulled out of you, he thrusted his cock all the way back inside your pussy with a gutteral groan. And this time, he didn't leave room for you to adjust around him. He began to snap his hips against you.
Your head fell back against the pillows, eyes closed shut, his name falling from your lips in a high pitched wail. This was the moment you both were waiting for all these years. Finally you were connected mind, body, and soul - and quite literally joined as one with every deep stroke of his throbbing cock thrusting in and out of your dripping pussy. It was like every single drop of angst, anger, resentment, and past bitter feelings was getting fucked out of you both. Leaving nothing behind except your sweaty bodies, rocking back and forth in an animalistic showing of unification. You craved to be fused together as one entity, and with each long and masterful brush of his cock against your walls, it was starting to become a reality.
"Jesus fucking Christ, you're so tight." Austin moaned in your ear. "I've been dreaming of the day I could be inside your perfect pussy again." He sucked on the sensitive skin on the side of your neck, you moaned louder at the harsh contact of his lips against your flesh, your pussy clamping down around him.
Your arms hooked underneath Austin's biceps, slotting your nails perfectly into the contours of his shoulders as you used him as leverage to bounce yourself onto his wet cock coated in your juices, matching his fast pace. "You feel so fucking good." You mewl into his neck.
This spurred him on like no other. You brought out the uncontrollable wild man inside of him. His carnal tendencies that he usually pushed aside in favor harnessing his wallflower facade were rising. His inner savage was coming out.
As if he couldn't possibly get any deeper, he was about to prove you wrong. His hand left your delicate throat, which left a red imprint in his absence. He peeled his face from off your neck and rose up, putting more of his body weight onto his knees. His hot hands scorched your skin as he took hold of your thighs and pushed them both up into your stomach, spreading you further open. You were merciless to his sheer strength as he gripped your inner thighs and rammed into you at this unexplored angle.
"Austin! F-Fuck!" You moaned. Your juices squelched loudly around his thick cock that was sheathed in your slick. His leaking tip was puncturing your cervix with each and every sinful thrust of his hips. From this depth he was hitting that sweet spot only he can find as he dicked you down so good, delivering long and masterful strokes that struck you dumb.
"Look at me baby." He panted. You hadn't even realized your eyes were still glued shut this entire time, you were just getting lost in the feeling of him. This wasn't a harsh command. He wanted to see you unravel before him.
Your eyes sprang open upon his request, and the vision of the man before you was glorious. Your walls fluttered around his cock, gushing a new concoction of wetness around him, leaving you both messy.
He breathed heavily as he pummeled your divinely made pussy. His pupils dilated, totally shrinking away those beautiful ocean eyes you loved so much. His golden hair stuck to his face with perspiration, and his puffy bottom lip was drawn into his mouth.
Your incessant and needy moans cascaded around you both, bouncing off the walls and alerting every nearby neighbor to your sinful deeds. You couldn't believe this man was yours, right now in this moment. He almost didn't look real.
One of your hands unwound itself from his shoulder, and reached out to touch his face. Your thumb stroked his stubbly cheek adoringly. Which was an interesting contrast between the pounding your swollen pussy was receiving down below. This innocent moment of vulnerability made you both realize something - there was no way you could ever go another day without each other. You were bonded for life.
Austin's face lit up as he turned his cheek into your hand, his heart was melting for you. Releasing one of his hands from your thigh, he placed it on top of your hand and kissed your palm sweetly. "My darling girl." He praised between gasps of air as he plunged his cock deeper and deeper into the confines of your pulsing slick.
You probably could have cried from this heartfelt display of affection, but you cried all the same when he picked up the pace. You were both on the ride to the finish line to chase your orgasms together. It was only a matter of time.
Your hand slipped from his face and back onto yourself where you toyed with your nipples in your fingers, bringing you closer to the precipice. Austin looked down at you playing with yourself as he mercilessly snapped his hips vigorously against you. Your walls clenched around him, drawing him deeper as he repeatedly brushed against your g-spot. He groaned huskily at the sight of you.
He could tell you were close, and by god he was gonna get you there faster than you could imagine. Two of his long fingers disappeared into his mouth as he sucked on them, letting a bit of drool seep from his mouth and onto where your bodies were conjoined, adding to the juicy mess around his cock.
With just the right amount of spit coating his fingertips he made a beeline for your puffy red clit, painting spirals and figure eights at a steady pace.
You spasmed around his dick, throwing your head back and shaking at the newfound sensation. "Fuck yes baby, just like that." You shrieked. You tweaked your nipples harder in your hands as Austin sloshed around your delicious juices inside of you with every caress of his aching cock.
Austin had to control himself as he was on the verge of coming, but knowing you were so tantalizingly close, he was determined to carry you to the finish line. He played with your clit faster now as his lusty eyes burned into yours.
He completely let go of your thighs all together and fell forward onto his elbow, drilling the life out of you, as his one hand down at your clit was still assaulting you. "Allow yourself to fall, baby. I'm here to catch you. Give in to me, my angel." He moaned hot against your neck.
This was it, you were done for. As he masterfully flicked your swollen bud and fucked you into cloud 9, you could feel yourself falling from the sky and landing face first onto the ground.
"Austin!!" You whined breathlessly. Your legs shook around his waist, and you shuddered against his body as you felt a gush of hot liquid squirt out of you and splash all over Austin's cock. But you weren't close to finishing yet, your climax was creeping around the corner.
Realizing what had just happened, that you indeed squirted forcefully all over him, Austin bellowed gruffly. "Oh god yes. You're incredible. You're gonna make me come any second."
As your walls fluttered around him and his cock was pulsing harshly, his thrusts were getting sloppy. It was a rare occasion that both of you would come together, at the same time. But clearly tonight was a night for miracles to happen.
You wanted to see his face as he came inside you. So your hands latched onto his hair and you pulled his head back, forcing him to look you square in the eye as you both unfurled.
"I-I'm gonna come s-so hard." You pleaded desperately.
"I'm right there with you, angel." He lost it completely when you shuddered beneath him, your pussy milking his cock for everything he's worth as you start to come. You whimpered his name as you rode out your orgasm, squirming beneath his fingers as he still circled your overstimulated clit.
"FUCK. Goddamn..." He slammed inside of you once, twice, thrice...and then he joined you in an orgasm that rocked his world. Austin couldn't help hoarsely moaning into your face as his hot come spilled inside of you with a fury. Your swollen cunt hungrily drank every single ounce of his sticky seed as he coated your walls.
You collapsed back onto the bed, your tired legs splayed to either side of you as you tried to catch your breath. And Austin started to shake as the dead weight of his lean body failed to stay hovering over you any longer.
With his half hard cock still full to the brim of you, he took you in his arms and rolled over onto the bed, pulling you on top of him. You could hear the racing of his heart beating hard in his chest, as he tried to regain composure with shallow breaths.
His arms lazily draped around your waist, his fingers brushed tiny circles on your flushed skin. Finally, with enough strength, you placed your hands on his chest and rose up to get a good look at him.
You both smiled, beaming from ear to ear. And without warning, Austin giggled cutely.
"Oh Lord..." He trailed off, running a hand through his hair and down his sweaty face. A pink blush rose to his sculpted cheeks.
"What's so funny?" You ask playfully, still trying to get air into your lungs.
Giggling once more, he placed a hand over his heart. "I was absolutely certain that I ruined any possibility of getting back together with you. But hot damn, I sure as hell was not expecting his outcome." He chuckled, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he smiled brightly at you.
"Well, I'm sure I wasn't helping matters by being a total bitch at dinner." You countered, being able to laugh at yourself now.
Austin's face immediately fell. "Don't say that, baby. You had every right to act the way you did. I didn't properly communicate my thoughts and feelings to you. Can you forgive me?" He asked demurely, his brows raised.
"Austin," Your sticky body detached from his as you fully straddled his lap, sitting up with your hands still on his chest. You slowly rolled your hips back against Austin, causing him to moan. "Your cock is buried inside my pussy. There's nothing to forgive." You reminded him, grinding a little harder against his cock that's surprisingly hardening back up quicker than you thought was possible. He had an insane sex drive. Or, he just missed your pussy so bad. Honestly, it was probably both.
He bit down on his lip as his hands found their way to your hips, pushing you back onto his stiffening erection. As you rode him, his come and your juices poured out of your pussy, combining into an erotic thick sludge that trickled down your thighs and onto the bedsheets.
"Mmm. My little minx. Ready for round two already?" He winked, suggestively.
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FIN. (sorry to end it on such a cliffhanger lol)
tags: @aconflagrationofmyown @powerofelvis @harringrove-sketchbookpages @samfangirls @headfullofpresley @2lekk @moonchild-daniella @ggwritesstuff @plasticfantasticl0ver @austinbutlersworld @unadulteratedkingdomzombie @sapphirescripts
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ohforficsakelibrary · 9 months
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You Brought Me Poison Flowers
Chapter 8: Beet - If a man and a woman eat of the same beet, they will fall in love.
prev / series masterlist / masterlist / Lennie's shop ad moodboard!
Series Summary: Joel and Ellie settle into life in Jackson, one more easily than the other, until Joel is reminded of what normal feels like. The kind of normal that he perhaps never had. A series of one-shot glimpses into a relationship (no true plot here, people.) Soft!Joel. Two touch-starved babes.
Chapter subtitles taken from Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham. Although herbal preparations are consistent with historic uses, nothing herein is to be construed as medical advice.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Herbalist!OFC (age-appropriate age gap)
Word Count: ~6.2K (It's a hefty one, y'all)
Warnings: Discussion of past character death, descriptions of loneliness. Please read with care.
Rating: Explicit 18+ / oral (f receiving), unprotected piv, multiple orgasms (f), creampie. Minors DNI.
A/N: Lenora breaks a bit but Joel Miller was a contractor and he's good with his hands.
This took me longer than anticipated to write, but it's a bit of a longer one and it's definitely one that moves them into new territory. Thank you all so much as always for your lovely comments and reblogs. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love these two so much and I sincerely hope that you all enjoy!
A soft knock sounds on Joel's door at 7:30pm sharp on Saturday evening. 
Lennie is on his doorstep, blue linen dress and a soft smile, canvas bag slung over her shoulder. 
Joel grins, checks both ways behind her, and yanks her through the door. He has her against the wall and she can feel the smile on his lips as he kisses her.
And Joel can feel the exact moment she melts into his hold.
“You stayin’ the night?” He quips, relieving her of  the bag on her shoulder. 
“No, Mom just said never show up empty handed.
“You wanna stay the night?”
“Feed me and we’ll see.”
“Kitchen’s through here,” he points, “leave your shoes on, you’re fine.”
“Smells, amazing. Ellie home?”
“Nah, she’s actually at a sleepover,” his eyebrows are arched as he sets her bag on the kitchen island, “for a birthday. She has friends.”
“Shame you’ve just got me.”
“Not a shame at all,” he samples the taste of her again before she reaches into her bag. 
“I brought her this though, had a copy in my collection,” she pulls 2001: A Space Odyssey from her bag, “she’s probably read it already, but on the off chance she hasn’t.”
Joel fits in behind her, pressing his chest to her back. “Ohh, that’s a classic. She’s gonna love that. Thank you, Len.”
She pulls an amber dropper bottle from her bag next, “and Tommy stopped by, said you wanted bitters?”
Joel takes the bottle from her fingers, holding it up to the light. “Tommy did some meddling then. He dropped off a batch of maple whiskey this morning.” 
“Well then, it only seems right to make an old fashioned,” and she reaches into her bag for a bottle of gin, “and you can keep that for whatever you’d like.”
“How the fuck did you make bitters?” One hand rubs at her hip as he places the dropper on the counter.
“Gentian root, ginger, lavender, cherry bark, black walnut, you want me to keep going?” 
“No,” Joel’s hips are pressed against her ass, “I want to kiss you.”
"Kiss me then." 
Joel spins her around, hoists her up onto the kitchen island and fits between her legs, fingers skating up her thighs. She fits both hands to his jaw as he presses soft lips to hers.
Slowly, tenderly at first before he slips his tongue into her mouth, drawing forth a moan from the back of her throat.
And it’s nothing short of relief, this flood of affection from a granite man.
Being left to her own devices these past few days had caused slippage. Even with the rush of him still warm through her blood.
He could still change his mind.
Lennie swallows hard when his mouth moves away, fingers still drawing light circles on her thighs with the flats of his nails.
“Anything I can do to help?” She asks, tucking a curl behind his ear.
A need to feel useful.
“You can tell me how you like your steak,” Joel grins up at her. 
“Medium rare?”
“That a question or your answer?”
“Medium rare.” She says again and he steals another kiss before turning back to the stove. 
Joel doesn’t allow her to lift a finger. 
He fixes them drinks and ushers her to the dining table. 
He dishes out a salad topped with sliced beet and goat’s cheese. 
He places a perfectly-cooked medium rare steak in front of her with mashed potato and broccoli accompaniments. 
He keeps her water and whiskey glasses full.
He offers her strawberries and hand-whipped sweet cream for dessert. 
He doesn’t let her help with the dishes.
Instead, Joel again places her on the countertop, beside the sink this time, and Lennie swings her feet and laughs at his jokes and accepts the kisses he offers while dodging soapy hands.
And Joel thinks what a privilege it is to have a smart beautiful thing here purely to keep you company and not because your back needs watchin’.
“You want the tour?” Joel finally asks, crumpling a dish towel between his hands before he hangs it on the oven handle and dries the backs of his hands on his jeans. 
"You sure you're sure, you didn't sound sure."
"I am."
"Alright. Thought you'd say somethin' smart," he helps her down from the countertop and places her feet back on the floor, "like 'is this a ploy to get me into your bedroom, Miller?'" He pitches his voice up a hair and mimics her northeastern accent.
"Is it?"
"Do you want it to be?"
Lennie doesn't answer.
He refills their whiskey instead and starts with the bottom floor.  
Joel's home is still sparse because he hasn’t quite filled the space yet. The house had sat vacant for years before folks borrowed trinkets to adorn their own spaces and bartering for replacements had been too low on his list of priorities. 
The pictures of someone else’s family have been taken down and relegated to a box somewhere. 
Joel has none of his own. 
Lennie hangs back as he shows her Ellie’s ‘lair’ and ‘the good bathroom’ with the bathtub, her glass of whiskey clutched in both hands, always sticking to the doorway of each room as Joel guides her through. 
She never quite sets her feet over thresholds.
And Joel notices, but he can’t figure out why.
“You have a record player,” Lennie’s eyes light up when she spots it in the corner of the living room upon their return.
“Not sure if it works, haven’t tried it. But there are a few albums left,” Joel sets his glass down on the coffee table and slumps down on the couch, suddenly aware of the dull ache in his back from being on his feet far too long. 
He notices that she wants to check but it’s like she needs permission.
“Go on, take a look,” he urges her and Lennie sits on her heels in front of the media cabinet as she flips through the small collection. 
She hums to herself, “mm, we don’t have this one,” and he notes the use of the word but doesn’t ask, because she’s holding up a Diana Krall album with light in her eyes and asking if she can put it on.  
“Only if you’ll dance with me,” he stands, ignoring the way his back muscles protest because the need to hold her again is too strong. 
“Didn’t take you for a dancing man,” she takes his hand as the soft sound of jazz fills the room. 
He fits both hands around the small of her back as she encircles his neck.
He can feel the faintest tremor thrumming through her muscles.
And the way she's too conscious of her breathing.
“Hey, Len,” and she feels it rumble through his chest where she’s held tight there, “can I ask you somethin’?”
She hums.
“What’s up? You’re like a— a vampire.”
“Fuck, I’m sorry, Joel.”
“It’s okay if you are. Just. Warn a man.”
Lennie doesn't laugh.
“I’m sorry.”
“And stop apologizing.” She feels him smile into her hairline. “Len, what’s going on?”
“I’ll try. You made the most beautiful dinner, and damn good old fashioneds, and you have a beautiful house. It’s been such a lovely evening.”
“You leavin’?” Joel pulls back and stares down into her eyes because those are leavin’ words.
“Do you want me to leave?”
“Not even a little bit, baby,” he pulls her in close again, swaying her to the music, his tone suggesting what she’s just said is the most ridiculous thing in the world because it is. 
But she sniffs hard against his collar and he leans back again to get a look at her face.
Lennie’s eyes are swimming. 
The gold is lost. 
“Oh, Lenora. No, no, no, none of that. I ain’t kickin’ you out.”
He takes her face in his hands with all of the tenderness he’s capable of. 
Like clutching at a frantic sparrow with a broken wing.
And Joel briefly wonders if the kindest thing he can do is snap its neck.
He can’t. Its claws have already dug into his heart.
“You don’t have to leave, Len. Please don’t leave. Not yet.”
And gears gnash against each other in Joel’s brain because what he wants to say might lead to a flood.
Flood now and rebuild later. 
“I think we gotta clear the air on something though.”
She tenses in his hold even against the soothing of his hand down her spine.
“You gotta tell me what’s going on, baby,” he still soothes, keeping her head tucked under his chin.
“You closed up again tonight. M' glasses are gone.”
After a moment, “why the tears when I ask you to stay? And why don’t you ever ask for what you want, Len?”
She breaks from him to stare up into big brown eyes that are soft despite the firmness in his tone.
And the last thing Lenora wants to do is finish this evening by dropping her baggage off at his doorstep. But Joel can read in her expression that she’s about to deflect and his voice sharpens.
“Your honest answer, Len. We can’t do this if we ain’t honest. I may be out of practice, but I know that much.”
“Because I’m afraid to want things, Joel.”
Lenora answers quick because Lenora knows where all of her shit is. 
She just doesn’t know what to do about it.
“Why.” He presses again. Firmly, but far from devoid of compassion.
“Because I’m terrified they won’t want me back.”
“I think it’s pretty clear that I do, though.”
“That’s exactly it. You terrify me.” She’s out of his hold now and he thinks better of pulling her in again. “All of this is terrifying.”
“But why, Lenora.”
“Have you ever felt needed, but not wanted, Joel?” She snaps back.
And Lennie watches the consideration of it ping around his brain.
Sarah, his precious baby girl who needed him for food and shelter and comfort, wanted him for the same from the moment she could parse the two. She loved her daddy. Screamed her head off the entire first week of kindergarten because she wanted her daddy.
Sarah’s mom didn’t need or want him. She made that clear.
Tess didn’t need him. A guard dog has his uses but she could have found anyone. Tess wanted him. Even after they blew up that night. When he screamed “I can’t love you” so loudly that their mismatched glasses shook in their cabinets. Tess still held him at night. Because Tess wanted him.
And Ellie, now safe in the want from the need side of things, still seeks just him out for comfort. She’s fed all day by the folks down at Mess and Mr. Hayes at the farm, and Jess who makes those maple candies. She is safe, her Uncle Tommy sees to that. But she still curls up at his side in lamp light on chilly nights. She chooses him.
“I can’t say that I have.”
“Yeah. It’s all I’ve felt these last few years,” She’s taken a seat on the edge of the couch cushion like she’s afraid to settle in, gaze locked on the rug. Biting back tears. “Needed but not wanted. And not, feeling unwanted, just, not experiencing it—proactively. In the affirmative.”
“People here need me, but I’m a fixture.” Her voice is monotone as she continues. “Permanently cemented to the floor in my shop. They come and go, they take and they give you something material in exchange.”
“They look at me and see through me, Joel.” She gestures at her heart with her hands.
“They seek me out because they need me. But slot someone else with my knowledge behind that bar and really, there’s no difference. Occasionally someone shares a mug of tea or a glass of gin and I love that, I really do.”
She swipes the back of her hand quickly over her cheek.
“But the one person who ever wanted me died in my arms and he took it with him.”
“And I felt so empty, Joel.” Her fragile whisper cracks. “Everything just became so cold.” 
“Tommy told me what happened,” he whispers, “to Andy.”
Lennie looks up at him through tears.
“I didn’t have anyone, Joel. For years. And I forgot what that felt like.”
And in this moment, Joel realizes that he’s never actually been alone either.
He had Sarah.
He had Tommy. 
He had Tess.
He had Ellie.
You keep going for family.
She had no one.
And she kept going anyway.
He can’t say he would have been that strong. 
He wasn’t. That first night without his daughter. 
Without his heart.
“I forgot what it felt like to have someone spend hours talking to you because they want to. To have someone just to sit with in front of a fire. To share a sunset with. To make…fucking dinner with so you don’t have to do it all on your own.” She gestures weakly towards the kitchen.
“To be held and kissed and touched, Joel.” 
Her voice is so small now, rasped through the pain that crushes her from the inside out and Joel wants desperately to hold her again but he settles for clenching his fist and shoving his fingers in his pockets. 
He wants her to let it out.
"And I'm sorry that it breaks me apart like this," she swipes at her cheeks again, angrier this time. "It feels like something that shouldn't even matter, like I should be able to do this on my own."
“Andy left and touch went out of my life. Companionship. This feeling of being wanted. And I convinced myself I didn’t want it anymore. Didn’t need it.”
“And then you came out of fucking nowhere.”
Lenora holds a hand out and stares into her palm, “and to have it placed in front of you like food after famine.”
“Knowing that at any moment you could do something to have it snatched away.”
Her fist closes now. 
“And I feel like I have no right to exist in someone else’s space and I think maybe if I just don’t take up room. Maybe if I’m not too loud, or too headstrong, maybe if I don’t ask, it’ll stick around for just a little while longer. I’ll make that compromise.”
“Because it’s the only thing I want. To have someone want me.”
“And I am terrified of fucking it up, Joel,” her voice is low as she finishes, finally angling her eyes back up at him.
Cheeks wet with tears that flow too fast for her to catch.
And Joel steps around the coffee table to kneel in front of her, noticing how she stiffens with the action of it, not unlike she did when Ellie hugged her in the stables.
How she flinches when someone gets too close. 
Where she melted before, she freezes up again for fear of having said too much.
Of having been too much.
Felt too much.
Taken up too much space here in his home.
Her nerves are still terrified of affection, regardless of how badly he longs to give it.
How badly she needs to receive it.
And Joel pushes the boundary a fraction, brushing a curl that clings to his finger off of her cheek.
Running calloused knuckles as softly as he can down the salty streaks that mar her skin.
“Because it’s perfect?” He asks barely above a whisper, mouch catching on the syllables.
“Because it’s perfect, Joel,” she breathes, relaxing upon her skin’s recognition of his.
His heart jumps.
“Because it’s a taste of everything I’ve always wanted and the last time I had that, my entire world shattered and I’m afraid, Joel.”
“But for right now?” The pads of his fingers trace one tendon of her neck, as his eyes meet hers again, “it’s perfect?”
“Yeah,” she breathes, warm against his skin.
“Then let it be perfect, Lenora.”
And Joel closes the gap that opened between them with his lips. Feather-soft brushes at first before they feel the need to convince her more ardently.
He kisses her until she kisses back.
Until she winds her fingers in his hair and opens to let his tongue slip inside.
Until she lets herself feel his face in her hands and the taste of him in her mouth.
Joel only stops when she breaks for breath, chin reddened from the scrape of his beard.
“For as long as it is, Lenora” he whispers against her lips, “let it be perfect.”
And she clutches his massive face in her palms, searching his eyes.
Receiving nothing but sincerity in return.
She presses her forehead against his, “yeah.”
“Promise me, Lenora.”
“I promise.”
“You swear that’s the truth? The whole truth and nothing bu…”
“Stooop, Joel,” she chides weakly at his poor man's joke, touching the tip of her nose to his before kissing him again.
He smiles and hums from deep in his chest.
“Len?” He whispers against her lips.
“Yeah,” she sniffs, attempting to stuff it all back inside.
“What do you want?" Another kiss pressed to her mouth, "right in this moment, what do you want?”
“No thinking,” he adds, head spinning from having her this close. “What do you want?”
“I want you to touch me.”
“Where?” Joel breathes against her mouth.
Joel stands, uncaring of how his knees click with the motion, and holds out a hand.
Her small palm is skittish in his hold.
Joel laces his fingers with hers.
“It’s warmer upstairs.”
"Is this a ploy to get me into your bedroom, Miller?" Lennie sniffles and Joel looks her dead in the eyes.
"Yes. Yes it is."
Joel guides her to sit on the edge of the bed, kneeling before her again to slip her sandals from her feet, encircling her ankles gently with each hand before trailing his fingers up the backs of her calves. 
She shivers but not from the temperature.
Joel pulls off his socks before shedding his flannel and t-shirt, tossing both onto a chair in the corner.
He makes himself more vulnerable than she feels.
Her eyes track him around the room before he settles beside her on the edge of the bed, cupping her cheek and turning her face in towards him.
“Are you cold?” He presses a kiss to her lips.
“No.” Heat from the kitchen has risen, warming the whole upper floor.
“Are you sure? I can start a fire.” He nods behind him at the fireplace in his bedroom.
“I’m okay,” she reaches to run a hand down his forearm.
“Whatever you need. You tell me, okay?”
His mouth is a quick distraction before his tongue slips against hers. 
Joel's palm fits to her cheek, thumb tracing one cheekbone.
Fingers trail down the side of her neck and skate gently over the front of her throat before his hand flattens over her breastbone, tucking under the collar of her dress. 
His lips break from hers to kiss her neck and suck on her ear as he palms one shoulder.
Lennie reaches down to undo the tie of her dress before Joel asks if he can instead.
Chill bumps form on her skin when he unwraps linen, broad palm soothing warm over her stomach when it’s finally bare.
He shifts with her to help slip it from her form, mouth never far from hers before he lands the dress on the chair over his own clothes. Lennie's hands fly to his hair slipping soft strands between her fingers as she finally turns her body in towards him.
The warmth that radiates from his skin sets her head spinning.
He presses kisses to her collarbone before returning to her mouth. 
“Lie back, Len.” He whispers there.
Joel follows, fitting one knee between her legs. A palm on either side of her head, careful of her long hair.
“This okay?”
“Yeah,” she hums with arms around his neck when he tips his head to run his nose over the lines of ink on her left arm, licking at the sensitive ditch of her elbow before he nips at her bicep. 
The press of his bare chest against her skin when he mouths at one breast through her bra makes Lennie moan and arch up against the solid weight of him.
He shifts lower to trail his nose over her ribs. Inhaling the cedar scent of her soap and pressing kisses to every inch of skin, pulling soft gasps from her throat.
He notes what makes her breath catch. What makes her fingers tighten in his hair and nails sink into his shoulders.
Joel worships down to her hipbones before Lennie grows too impatient to allow him to continue. 
“Joel,” she pants and he angles big brown eyes up at her, “I need you.”
He wraps one hand around the meat of her thigh, shifting on the bed to settle properly between her legs, rubbing at her hips.
He mouths at her stomach before hooking fingers in the waistband of her underwear.
“May I?”
“God, please yes,” she pants.
Joel slips fabric down her legs and off of her toes, hanging her panties off the footboard before his lips trail up her inner thighs.
Lennie trembles.
"This okay?" Joel runs his palms over the creases of her thighs as she nods, thumbs brushing at soft fluff before spreading her open with a deep, needy groan.
One thumb gently starts rubbing circles over her clit and Lennie gasps.
“Mmm,” he growls as he lowers his face and breathes the scent of her deep, exhaling with a moan before his tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip.
She’s already slick with anticipation.
Joel tentatively trails the flat of his tongue over her slit and Lennie moans and writhes in his hold. He continues, thumbs holding her open, tongue learning what makes her cant her hips towards his face. 
What makes her moan his name.
His tongue dips inside of her and she keens and fists the sheets, tipping her head to the side as he curls the tip of it before one hand slings a leg over his shoulder.
Joel’s lips latch to her clit and she rolls her hips but one palm holds her firm, splayed against her stomach as two fingers tease before slipping into her heat, the slide made easy by her arousal. Joel quirks them, feeling for that spot where the silk of her gives way to texture before he beckons, coaxing a soft cry from her throat.
He presses his hips into the mattress in an effort to give his aching cock some manner of relief.
“Joel…oh fuu—” she whimpers as the tip of his tongue flicks against that sensitive bundle of nerves before he soothes with the flat of it and repeats. One of Lennie's hands tangles in soft ashen brown curls, raking, caressing, tugging when his fingers become more insistent. 
“Taste so fuckin’ good,” he murmurs against her, rubbing the high bridge of his nose where his tongue just left, fingers still building in pace.
Lennie reaches up with her other hand to clamp it over her own mouth when his tongue starts twirling soft circles around her clit before he sucks hard.
Her hips buck against him and his eyes flick up towards her face.
Cameras are a thing Joel misses.
Lennie’s head is thrown back, resting on a halo of black curls splayed against his pillows, palm doing a poor job of stifling the moans that come from her chest now. 
A chest that heaves for breath.
Breathlessness that he’s causing.
And so he stares for a moment, pressing the image into his mind like a wet flower between the pages of a book. 
One that succumbs to the weight but leaves an imprint of its own against the text.
“There’s no one here, baby,” he whispers, reaching his free hand up to soothe over her sternum, “it’s just me.” He laps at her again, “you can be as loud as you want.”
The hand over her mouth slips down to run across his, holding him holding her as her ribs heave.
“Joel?” She gasps in warning.
“Go on, beautiful,” he murmurs against her heat. “Come for me.”
And she falls apart between his fingers and his tongue with his name lodged in her lungs on an inhale.
She only breathes again when her muscles give up their grip. Joel promptly stuffs his fingers into his mouth, cleaning them with an audible pop.
Stuttering breath catches in her throat before she swallows hard. Joel makes his way up her body again until she tastes the tang of her release on his lips.
“I’m a bit out of practice, but I hope…” he starts.
“Jesus, Joel.” She laughs and rakes her fingers through his hair. “You were…that was.” A breathless whisper. “Perfect. That was perfect.”
He hums and nuzzles her jaw as she basks in the heat of him. 
Basks in his attention as plush lips suck at hers.
And as his tongue slips inside he feels it.
Feels her melting again.
“Joel,” her hand clutches the hair at the nape of his neck before he tips his face to look into her eyes.
“I need you inside me,” she whispers.
“Whatever the lady wants,” he mouths at the curve of one breast through the fabric of her bra. “the lady gets.”
She sits up as he leaves the bed for a moment to undress, propping herself up with hands behind her back, knees knocked together.
Watching as generous fingers deftly unlatch his belt. As he steps out of his jeans and hangs them over the arm of the chair, careful not to leave them lying on her dress where the weight of denim would cause linen to wrinkle.
She watches as he bends to slip off his boxer briefs, noting the hole in the hip just below the elastic band from where his thumbs have worn threads away. 
Lennie watches the breadth of his shoulders and the curve of his bum and the strength of his form and the smile on his face when he turns to her again.
She tucks her chin against her shoulder, staring up at him through big, bright eyes before her gaze slips lower to where his cock stands thick and proud against the soft swell of his stomach.
This man. 
This broad, rugged, brutal, yet tender-hearted thing.
Wants her.
“Hey,” the corner of his lips quirk as he settles back onto the bed to sit beside her.
“Hey,” she echoes, tipping her face towards him. His fingers find her jaw and his mouth finds hers again. He feels her smile and it makes his lips spread into a grin, teeth accidentally clacking against hers.
“Sorry, baby.”
She just wraps a hand around the base of his strong neck and pulls him down with her against the pillows.
Joel’s palm splays across her stomach, rubbing warm circles into her skin as his tongue slips against hers, cock pressed against her thigh.
“Skin ‘s so soft, Len.” Joel presses his lips to her collarbone, shifting to kiss down her sternum.
“Mm, you’ve said that before,” she runs a hand through his hair before soothing across the span of his shoulders, briefly fascinated by the size of him.
At how much space he takes up.
“‘Cause it’s true,” he drags his nose against where the underwire of her bra bites into her flesh, “I like it. I like you, Len.”
Joel rubs his bearded cheek down her stomach and she squirms.
“Jesus, Joel that tickles—”
He hums a laugh that turns to a low growl, big brown eyes angled up towards her for permission.
She parts her legs and he settles between them, palms dipping into the curves of her waist and smoothing low over her stomach.
Joel meets her eyes as he rocks his hips, tentatively sending his cock slipping through the slick at her core.
She gasps and reaches for his wrists as he continues coating his length to ease the slide.
Massive palms hitch at the creases of her thighs, one thumb guiding his cock to notch at her entrance.
Brown eyes lock and Joel slowly presses inside of her.
Watching as her lids flutter shut while his mouth falls open. Tongue tracing the inside of his bottom teeth.
He pauses until her grip on his wrists relaxes, starting up a slow rock of his hips as her teeth catch her lip.
He takes his time with her.
Time to adjust.
Time for her to sink into the feel of him. Into how he presses and stretches and pulls and grips.
Time to build. In pace, in pressure, in urgency until finally he lets the reins out.
The way Joel fucks is devastating.
Hard, driving strokes that move her to brace one palm up against his headboard. 
The roll in surprisingly loose hips that causes his cock to catch on her g-spot with every stroke before pressing farther against the deepest parts of her.
Palms that knead the flesh of her hips. Gripping to bruising.
A pace that builds in speed before slowing again when he presses himself deeper, grinding his pubic bone against her clit
Lennie twists in his hold, hands gripping at down and cotton as she sinks her teeth into a pillow that smells of woodfire and Joel and her ponderosa soap.
"Joel," she moans, "wait, I want—"
Immediately he stills, sucking in breath through his teeth.
"Y' okay?" He murmurs, watching her chest heave.
"Yeah," she rakes curls out of her face, "'m gonna boss you around for a minute though."
Joel bites his bottom lip and gently bucks his hips against hers. "Good."
"Move for a second?"
Joel pulls out and they both whimper at the loss as he sits back on his heels.
Lennie turns to lay flat on her stomach before casting an expectant look back over her shoulder.
Joel let's out a soft "oh fuck" and she arches her back slightly, accentuating an ass that Joel just has to touch.
She hums as he palms her flesh before fitting his thumbs into the dimples at the base of her spine.
"C'mon, Joel," she moans, tucking her nose back into his pillow, "don't keep a girl waiting."
"Yes, ma'am," and he shifts to straddle her form before sheathing his cock inside of her again, moving slowly, testing the angle. His fingers dig into her hips as he alternates between hard thrusts and a slow rock that grinds the head of his cock against the mouth of her womb.
And Lennie can't keep quiet now even if she tried.
He smirks when one hand again reaches to steady herself against the headboard and takes it as license to hook a hand over her shoulder to pull her against him when his hips slam forward.
"Oh ff—" She moans from her chest.
“Still with me, Len?” he growls over the staccato of skin on skin.
"You're too far away," she pants and Joel folds to brace his palms against the mattress and press his chest against her back.
The soft swell of his stomach fits perfectly to the curve of her spine.
He envelops her in his breadth and his weight and his heat and finally the wet of his mouth where he sucks at the delicate skin just behind her ear.
"Better, baby?"
“God yes,” she moans, “don’t stop, Joel.” Lennie’s head falls back against his shoulder and he grins.
“There she is.”
And she comes white hot with his name on her lips and his nose buried in her hair.
Joel presses deep for as long as he can before he feels himself hurtle towards the inevitable brink.
The moment he moves to pull out, Lennie reaches to catch a scruffy cheek that's burning with heat.
"Joel, stay," she moans, turning her face towards his.
"'Y— fuck — y' sure—" he grits out, panting frantically against her cheek.
"Want you inside," she gasps against his lips and it sends his hips slamming against hers as he comes with a shout, cock throbbing as he spills himself deep, weight briefly collapsing against her.
"Lenora," he whispers when his senses return.
She hums, boneless underneath him, basking in the way one palm trails down her ribs as he shifts to pull out and settle to one side of her.
Fingers skipping over the damp skin of her back before engulfing the base of her skull.
"Lenora, look at me."
She does, hazy and molten, eyes glittering with low lamp light.
"Can you stay the night?"
And her face splits with laughter before he pulls her in against his chest.
"Yeah, Joel," she nuzzles his collarbone, "I'd like that."
“God she’s such a fucking bitch!” Ellie screams when she bursts through the front door just after 8 o'clock the next morning.
Lennie immediately stiffens, looking to Joel for all the world like the panicked deer that’s jumped out in front of a car. He holds up a hand in her direction and Lennie has no idea what the fuck that’s supposed to mean because she’s sitting at Joel’s kitchen table in nothing but his brown flannel shirt and her come-damp panties and by all accounts she’s not supposed to be here.
“Hey, don’t slam the door,” he calls in Ellie’s direction, her heavy footsteps getting louder as she makes her way towards the kitchen.
“She tore up my fucking book, Joel!” She’s rounded the corner now, “she tore up Will Liv—heeeyyy, Lennie.”
Fucking caught now.
“Hey, Ellie,” she tugs Joel's shirt further down over her bare thighs.
Ellie’s eyebrows are in her hairline, eyes flitting between the pair of them before she speaks after what feels like an hour.
“Good job, old man. You bagged the prettiest girl in town,” Ellie slaps Joel on the back before moving to grab a plate from the dish rack.
“Oh shit,” something connects for her as she takes a seat, “that’s where you were the other night. When you came slinking in at like four in the morning.” She locks eyes with Lennie, “your house.”
And Joel’s been struck dumb because “Ellie” with varying degrees of annoyance seems to be all he can bring himself to say as she dishes out bacon and eggs.
“Honestly, though, it’s about time he got laid.” This to Lennie, who’s wide-eyed, red in the face, and certain that she wants to die.
“And there are worse people I could be forced to sit across the breakfast table from,” she shovels a forkful of scrambled eggs into her mouth. “You know Martha has a crush on him right?" She throws a thumb in Joel's direction. "The school teacher? The ditzy one.”
“Okay, Ellie, room, now.” Joel grinds out.
“What, she does! Everyone in town knows that.”
“Ellie, wha…who is Martha? What are you talkin’ about?”
“Actually, everyone in town does know that,” Lennie murmurs.
“See?" Ellie gestures towards Lennie. "Thank you.”
“Hey, Joel?” Tommy calls as the front door slams behind him. “Jimmy wanted to see if we could help with the barn today and I told him—heeeyyy, Lennie.”
“I suppose this is the first and last time you’ll ever spend the night,” Joel looks over to where Lennie’s clutching the sleeves of his flannel in her hands and covering the bottom half of her face.
“It’s the first and last time I don’t leave before sunrise.”
“Alright, look,” Tommy reaches over Joel’s shoulder for two strips of bacon, “I’ll get outta here, you swing by whenever and we’ll discuss the barn, Ellie, you’re with me kid. Len?” He grins. “You enjoy your morning.”
“I’m not finished breakfast,” Ellie protests.
“Bring the plate. I don’t care. It’s across the way. I got a kitchen table too, c’mon, hustle.”
And to their surprise she grabs her plate and heads for the door. Tommy follows, throwing a wink over his shoulder before they hear the front door swing shut.
Keys jingle and the lock latches.
Lennie’s eyes are wide when she finds Joel’s stare again.
And to her surprise, he bursts out laughing.
The way it shakes his shoulders and rounds out his cheeks is contagious and she can’t help but follow suit. 
When the mirth calms he reaches out for Lennie and encourages her onto his lap. 
“‘M so sorry about that, Len.”
“It’s—" she rubs at his heart over the fabric of his t-shirt, "it’s okay.”
She means it too.
“You know," she wraps an arm around his neck, "I’m actually just fucking you to get back at Martha,” she teases, sucking languidly on Joel’s bottom lip.
And it drags another laugh from his chest.
“Is that so?” Joel nuzzles her neck before kissing a path down her skin. “Sounds like you’re puttin’ a target on your back being here.”
“Make it worth my while then, Miller.”
And he does.
He eats her out again on the kitchen table, right there between the bacon and eggs. Has her coming on his tongue with one of her hands tangled in his hair and the other clamped over her mouth lest anyone hear. 
He’s tempted to rip it away.
Let this Martha know exactly who Joel Miller is fucking.
The prettiest girl in town.
At least the door's locked.
And Lennie's safe here.
She's wanted. Right here.
Taglist: @iamskyereads @harriedandharassed @jessthebaker @anoverwhelmingdin
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ahonice · 1 year
Paper Rings
Paper Rings 
Mark Estapa x Fem Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: cursing, underage drinking, smoking weed, some sexual jokes, fluff (Who am I??? A fic that is only fluff, someone check on me) 
Note: this is my second installment of fics based off of my favorite Taylor Swift songs, paper rings is next because I am a lover girl just as much as I am a speak now girl <3. Enjoy, leave feedback (if my writing sucks tell me I need to know lol) Have a great day babes!!
*italics are song lyrics* (I recommend you listen to the song while reading)
“The moon is high, like your friends were the night that we first met. Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet, now I’ve read all of the books beside your bed.”
Like every other Saturday night since I started college I found myself with a twisted tea in one hand and a blunt in another. The only difference tonight had with the one that occurred one hundred and sixty eight hours ago was the scenery, rather than getting crossed in the safety of my friend's backyard I found myself in a lawn chair in a backyard that belonged to my roommate's new boyfriend’s friends. 
The conversation was hard to follow. I quickly found out that the drinks and weed I was consuming were being provided by hockey players, making me a little on edge because as much as I don’t wanna be that person, I have no idea where they got this weed. I used the guy who sat next to me as my guinea pig, like how in the olden days where royalty would have someone try all their food and drinks to test for poison, he hit everything before I did. 
Soon enough it was time to leave. I bid the boys a half hearted farewell, as I had only spoken to two of them, Johnny, my roommate's friend, and the boy who I sat next to who’s name I never learned. 
“Hannah how the hell are we getting back to the dorms?” Johnny had driven us there, but he also participated in the activities of the night leaving him unable to drive us all back to campus. 
“Good question. Johnny, is anyone not impaired here?” Thank god one of the seniors didn’t smoke or drink because he was kind enough to drive us back to campus.
During the car ride I sat in the passenger seat, as Hannah and Johnny wanted to sit in the back together and I wanted no part in that. Looking at the two in the back I saw how distracted they were with each other. I decided to ask the question I had been wanting the answer to all night.
“Hey, sorry if this is an odd question, but who was the guy I was sitting next to all night? Tall, blonde?” I asked a guy who’s name I didn’t know the name of a guy who’s name I didn’t know. I really need to start introducing myself to others. 
“Oh your taste tester? That’s Mark Estapa, and I’m Eric by the way. I know you never got my name either.” I smiled at his answer, typing Mark’s name in my phone before looking back up at Eric to inform him of my name. 
“I’ll be sure to tell him your name when he asks me tonight.”
Once I was in the comfort of my own dorm room I pulled out my phone to look Mark up on instagram. Quickly finding his account I spent more time then I had meant scrolling through his posts, his tagged posts, and a little bit of his following just to see what was up. An internal battle was occurring in my head as I tried to figure out if I should follow Mark or not.
“Hey Hannah, do you think I should–”
“Yes you should follow him.”
“The wine is cold like the shoulder that I gave you in the street, cat and mouse for a month or two or three. Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe.”
It wasn’t on purpose, I was too distracted by the essay revisions my professor has just given me to see Mark waving at me. 
“Ouch dude that was brutal, didn’t you say she followed you on instagram. Isn’t that like a sign that she is interested?” Ethan said, giving his buddy a pity slap on the back.
“Just because she followed him first doesn’t mean she likes him, she could’ve just wanted to follow him. Stop being so delusional Edwards” Mackie said, “Also, that was tough to watch. Sorry Mark.” He added, commenting on the way I had completely ignored him. 
That Saturday Hannah and Johnny had somehow convinced, well more like threatened, me to come to the party the hockey team was throwing to celebrate their season starting earlier that day. 
Entering the house Johnny and Hannah immediately ditched me to go somewhere more private, much to my distaste I begged them to get a room while they were making out on the walk here, regretting that request because they were now doing just that. 
“Need a drink?” A voice came from behind me, I turned around to see Mark smiling at me with a twisted tea in his hand. “Saw that you were drinking a twea last time you were over so…” He trailed off as I reached to grab the can.
“Thank you Mark.” I smiled at him, his expression mirroring mine.
“You wanna smoke?” 
“Kiss me once ‘cause you know I had a long night. Kiss me twice ‘cause it’s gonna be alright. Three times ‘cause I waited my whole life.”
That same scene happened over and over again. The hockey team would host a party, I would attend and find Mark, more often than not he would find me, and we would go smoke. 
I was starting to get annoyed with how slow things were progressing between us. I followed him on instagram, the ball was in his court now and it had been for nearly a month now. Surprisingly enough over the past month I became close with Eric, the guy who drove me home the night I first met Mark. 
Tonight when I arrived at the party I made a beeline for the couch that Eric was sitting on, ignoring Mark’s wave again. 
“I need to talk to you.”
“I’m trying to enjoy my time here Y/n, go bother Mark.”
“Cicc this is about Mark.” 
Nodding silently, Eric stood up and allowed me to lead the way. Bad idea considering I had no idea where I was, this was a new house that I hadn’t been to before.
“Eric, I don't know where I’m going.” 
“Oh shit yeah, sorry.” He said laughing. “Give me like a minute I’m gonna go see if anyone is in my room.” I nodded, making a mental note that this is where Eric lived so I could bother him in the future when he would ignore my texts, which he did all the time. 
“Hey Y/n.” Mark said from behind me. I turned around giving him a quick greeting before recognizing the drink in his hand.
“For me?” 
“Always is.” He smiled, handing me the drink. “Look listen I was wondering, if you don’t wanna do this it’s fine, but I was wondering if you wanted to–”
“Y/n some couple is going at it in my room, but I think Moyle’s room is open.” Eric said coming down the steps, interrupting Mark. “By some couple I mean Hannah and Johnny, we gotta put a muzzle on them or something.”
“It’ll do. Mark, we can smoke later, once I’m done dealing with that idiot.” I said motioning towards Eric who made a face of shock before laughing. “I’ll find you, okay?” Mark nodded, I noticed the way he looked a little defeated but I decided to ignore it and blame it on the lighting.
“So we’ve been hanging out together at parties and talking constantly during the day, but he won’t ask me out. Is he not interested in me? He won’t even ask me to just plain hang out as friends outside of parties.” I rambled to Eric once we made it to Nolan’s room. 
“Wait what was he saying before I interrupted him?”
“He was just asking me to go smoke.” I said before realizing Mark was probably not asking me to smoke because he always just says “wanna smoke”.
“You idiot Eric.” I yelled.
“What did I do?”
“You interrupted him while he was asking me out, and then made it seem like we were going upstairs to do stuff.” I said, reaching over to smack him on the back of his head.
“Oh shit, yeah that probably doesn’t look too good in his mind.” 
“I’m leaving, goodbye, I’ll find you when I want to go home.”
“Why do I always have to take you home?” Eric asked, but I was already out the door. “Good luck Y/n.”
It took a little bit, but I finally found Mark sitting outside in one of the chairs placed around a firepit. Making my way up to him I saw that he had already smoked most of his blunt.
“Started without me?” I asked, laughing at the way he jumped in surprise.
“You snooze you loose.” Mark said, chuckling, but I could tell it was fake. I sat down in the chair next to him before speaking.
“Is everything okay? You seem a bit off.” I asked, a little afraid of how he might react to my question. We hadn’t been friends for very long, if we were even considered that.
“Yeah, I’m great.” He said, smiling for some reassurance, I don’t know if it was for me or for him. “What’s going on with you and Eric?” I had a feeling the question was coming, but it still took me by surprise.
“Nothing, we’re just friends. We’ve gotten really close over the past month, in a strictly friends way. Just friends…” I trailed off, hoping Mark would get that I’m being so adamant on us being friends and friends only. When Mark only nodded in response I let out a sigh. “Earlier, before when you were asking me about something…what was it that you were asking?” 
“Oh just to see if you wanted to smoke.” That was a lie.
“That’s a lie, what were you really gonna ask me?” I pressed on the subject because I hated when something was being kept from me, secrets, lies, anything being hidden from me.
“I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with me, outside of a party and not just smoke weed, but I get it if you don’t, or if you’re too busy–”
“I’d love to.”
“I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings. Darling, you’re the one I want. I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this. Darling, you’re the one I want.”
The night was going great, it wasn’t a date Mark hadn’t asked me on a date, he asked me to hang out. We went to a diner for food, it was a cute mom and pop shop. While we sat waiting for our food, the waitress brought over our milkshakes. 
“Give me your hand.” Mark told me after the waitress had walked away. Skeptically I reached over and gave him my right hand. “No the left one.” I switched hands, looking at him even more confused now.
He works silently, wrapping my left ring finger in the paper wrapping of the straw he put into his milkshake moments ago. I smiled once I realized what he was doing, making me a paper ring. I quickly took a picture of my hand with Mark smiling in the background and sent it to Eric.
To: Eric🥱
He is already buying me jewelry 🥰
From: Eric🥱
Thought this wasn’t a date?
From: Eric🥱
I better be giving you away at y’alls wedding.
To: Eric🥱
You’re gonna be my flower girl Cicc 
To: Eric🥱
ALSO it’s not a date asshat🙄
I put my phone down as our waitress brought our food over, immediately diving into both the food and a conversation with Mark.
“In the winter, in the icy outdoor pool. When you jumped in first, I went in too. I’m with you even if it makes me blue.”
“This is a bad idea.” It was. Mark found out, much to my dismay, that I didn’t know how to ice skate, in return making it his mission to teach me. 
“No it’s not, I promise this is safe.” Mark reassured me, well attempted to.
After finding out that our hometowns were just a few miles apart we spent a lot of winter break together. For Christmas he got me ice skates, and a personalized bong but I couldn’t open that in front of my parents, who were spying on our gift exchange earlier that week.
“Mark I can’t accept these, they’re way too much money.” I felt bad, I had gotten him some lulu shorts, which were heavily discounted thanks to me working there, and his favorite munchie snacks. 
“Y/n please, I need to teach you how to skate and how can I do that if you don’t have any skates. Think of this as an investment, I’ll be getting my money back in no time.” By money back he meant that he would be rewarded with spending time with me, teaching me how to do something he loves. 
“This is a frozen pond, no way I’m going on this, it is not safe. Have you ever seen The Good Son.” I was not going onto the ice, I had a fear of drowning ever since I watched the movie when I was a little girl.
“No I have not seen that, but I promise it’s ok. Look they marked that the ice is thick enough and it’s cold enough out to be on here, we just have to avoid that small patch in the middle.”
“If I drown you’re going to jail for my murder.” Mark laughed at my joke, that wasn’t completely a joke. I had some truth behind my words.
Eventually I allowed Mark to lead me to the small bench so he could help me get my skates on, I took a quick picture as he put my foot between his thighs to tighten the laces. I smiled down at the picture as I sent it to Eric.
To: Eric🥱
He got me skates…
From: Eric🥱
He got you nice ass skates*
From: Eric🥱
Photo is cute, Mark looks extremely happy for someone who has a blade to their crotch.
To: Eric🥱
I hate you. 
“You ready?” Mark brought my attention back to him and I smiled nodding.
“You better not let me fall Estapa.” I said, pushing his chest lightly with my finger. He laughed in response and promised me he would never.
“Can I hold just one hand now?” Mark asked me. 
We had now been on the ice for about fifteen minutes, the whole time he skated backwards, holding both my hands, and I wasn’t really skated, I was more being pulled along, I don’t think I picked either of my feet up once the whole time.
“Yeah sure, just don’t go too fast.” He nodded and shifted over to the left side of me, holding just my left hand. I decided that I would start moving my feet rather than just being dragged. 
“Don’t look down at your feet, you’ll mess yourself up.” Mark gave me the piece of advice after noticing my eyes were trained on the ice below me. 
Soon another fifteen minutes went by before I decided to try skating without him holding me steady.. 
“Let go of my hand, I wanna try it on my own” I said with the most confidence I could muster up.
“Are you sure?” Mark asked, raising his eyebrows at me.
“Yes, keep skating next to me, just don’t hold onto me anymore.” He nodded at my request and let my hand go.
I definitely stopped skating as fast, but I was still doing it on my own. 
“Think you’re ready for me to give you some space?” Mark asked, I nodded quickly before I realized what that meant. My safety net would no longer be there in case I fell. I hadn’t been close to falling yet, the whole time I was out there was going very smoothly, but before I could take back my nod Mark had already sped up and went to the other side of the pond.
“Skate towards me.” He told me, after planting himself about thirty feet away from me. I managed to gain as much courage as possible and started skating towards him. The skating itself went well but there was one thing that Mark hadn’t taught me yet.
“Mark, I don't know how to slow down, or stop.” I yelled. It felt like I was going forty over the speed limit, in reality I was probably going five miles an hour. 
“Just shift your body to the left, turn your feet.” Mark yelled at me but it was too late, I closed my eyes and I came flying and ran into him, somehow knocking his body to the ground, me quickly following after.
After opening my eyes I saw Mark staring back at me with a smile on his face, he was laughing at me and I joined in. Once the giggles settled down it was like a staring contest, neither of us wanted to break, or maybe knew how. 
“Can I kiss you?” It was insanely cliche, I wanted to roll my eyes at the thought of how predictable this was, but I still nodded my head at Mark’s question and smiled as he leaned in.
“Which takes me back to the color that we painted your brother’s wall. Honey without all the exes, fights, and flaws, we wouldn’t be standing here so tall.”
It was our first fight. Mark began getting upset with how much time I was spending with Eric about three months into our relationship.
“I am your boyfriend, not him.”
“You don’t think I’m aware of that? Eric and I have been friends for quite some time now, why are you getting upset?” I didn’t understand why Mark was so angry, it wasn’t like I was flirting with Eric, or even ditching Mark to hangout with him, or doing anything that would cause Mark to be skeptical over me and Eric’s friendship.
“Y/n, you’re not viewing this from my perspective. You constantly talk to Eric, you text him while we’re on dates or just hanging out, you facetime or call him a couple times a week, you hang out with him just you two multiple times a week, he takes you home from parties and kickbacks, and you have never been to one of our hockey games but you said that when you did that you would be wearing one of Eric’s jerseys.” Mark’s words began speeding up as more and more spilled from his mouth.
He had a point though. I did text Eric during our dates, always pictures I took of Mark doing whatever I found endearing and asking for advice on how I’m supposed to function properly around this boy who makes me feel so many things. I had weekly phone calls with Eric, sometimes text messages weren’t enough and I needed to rant about how much I liked Mark verbally. We hang out a lot, we get lunch together every Tuesday and Thursday because we have the same break in classes on those days. He takes me home from parties, he was always the designated sober, Mark couldn’t take me home if he wanted to because we always got crossed together. I said I would wear one of Eric’s jerseys before me and Mark started dating, obviously now I would wear Mark’s jersey.
So that’s what I told him. I said those exact words to Mark, maybe a few differences here and there but still the same points being made. We discussed everything more, I had to reassure Mark that there truly was nothing going on between me and Eric, and that there never had been in the past, a couple of times but I didn’t mind. I wanted Mark to know how I truly felt about him, even if we had only known each other for a little over two months.
“Alright, can I see those photos you’ve been taking of me?”
“Kiss you once ‘cause I know you had a long night. Kiss you twice ‘cause it’s gonna be alright. Three times ‘cause you waited your whole life.”
That next weekend I found myself sitting in the stands of Yost with Hannah on my side, I was wearing one of Mark’s jerseys and Hannah was wearing one of Johnny’s. I made a mental note to get coffee with her soon so we could properly dish about our love lives and other things we can’t do around our boyfriends.
Michigan won their game, but it wasn’t a pretty win. Mark had gotten two penalties and it was a win in overtime. While waiting outside the backdoors with Hannah we noticed some of the guys trickling out, all smiling at us, some greeting us with words and asking us how we’re doing. It wasn’t until Johnny walked out that Hannah left me on my own. I was a little confused on what was taking Mark so long, had he walked past me and I didn’t even realize? I drove myself here so it wasn’t like I was waiting for him to drive me back or anything, he never explicitly asked me to meet him after the game. My thoughts were cut short by the sound of the door opening, the person walking out making me smile as I walked up towards them.
“Where is Mark? Did he leave already?” I asked Eric as I finally stood in front of him.
“Hello to you too Y/n.” I gave a fake laugh, urging Eric to tell me where the hell my boyfriend was. “He is still inside, should be coming out soon though. Want me to wait with you?”
I smiled at his offer, but declined it, telling him I would text him when I got back to my dorm for the night. There was definitely going to be a party thrown to celebrate the win tonight, but I didn’t feel like going and I was hoping Mark felt the same way.
After giving Eric a hug goodbye I waited about five more minutes before the familiar face of my boyfriend began to approach me.
“Hey babe, sorry for taking so long. Tough game, I’m really glad you were able to make it. Did you have fun?” He asked, wrapping his arms around me. The last question was slightly muffled due to his head being nuzzled into my neck. I didn’t answer though, well not immediately. I pulled away from his embrace and leaned up to kiss him, a sigh of relief fell from his mouth as he reciprocated the kiss. It wasn’t a heated make out, nothing scandalous, just an intimate and slow kiss that expressed the feelings we felt for each other. As I pulled away to catch my breath, which Mark quietly whined about, I informed him that I had a lot of fun and that I will definitely be attending more games of his in the future. Mark smiled at that and I couldn’t help but kiss him again, and once more when we made it to my car. 
“What’s with all the kisses? Not that I’m complaining.” He asked once I handed him my keys so that he could drive.
“I don’t know, I just feel like kissing you right now.” My answer was the truth, as embarrassing as it felt to say it.
“Well then let’s skip the actual party and bring ours back to your place?” I giggled at what Mark was implying, but nodded nonetheless.
“Hannah is gonna be with Johnny at the party for a couple hours.”
“Let’s go.”
“I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings. Darling, you’re the one I want. And I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this. Darling, you’re the one I want.”
“Mark, I told you that you didn’t have to get me anything for my birthday.”
“I know, but I wanted to. Now open it.” I glared at his attitude before going to open the small box. 
“Oh Mark, this is beautiful.” It was a ring, silver, but it looked like an origami heart. Lately Mark had been getting more creative with the rings he would make at restaurants, drawing hearts or writing cute little notes, about a month ago he began attempting to fold the straw wrappers into shapes. None of them ever turned out the way he wanted them too, so now he got me one that was perfect, even if he didn’t make it. “I love it.” I love you. “You’re really stepping up your ring game lately Estapa.”
“Just wait until I propose.” 
“I want to drive away with you, I want your complications, I want your dreary Mondays, wrap your arms around me baby boy.”
“Let’s just run away together.” 
“Mark, what? No.”
Things have been pretty stressful lately. My classes were whooping my ass, Mark was feeling a lot of stress while approaching the frozen four tournament. 
“I can’t handle the pressure of this. What if we get bumped out in the semifinals again, I want to win so badly Y/n.”
“Mark, all that matters is that you do your best. It’s a team effort, you can’t put all the weight on yourself. It’s okay to feel a little worried, but you can’t let it get to you, that will only affect your game and then your fears will come true.” I told him, reaching over to grab his hand from across the table we sat at and giving him a small, but reassuring, smile. 
“I love you.” 
I froze, I didn’t know what to do. I loved Mark, I knew I did and I had known for quite some time, but hearing those words come out of his mouth, to hear that the boy I love so much loves me as well was too much for me to handle. I wanted to yell, to scream out that I loved him too, but for some reason on this damn Monday afternoon I couldn’t speak. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I hadn’t realized how long I was silent until I fully looked at Mark, sitting there the most vulnerable I had seen anyone, and crying. Shit he was crying.
“Mark I–”
“No I get it, if you don’t love me back. That’s ok, we haven’t been together for that long.” A lie, we had been together for over a year. “-I’m sorry for saying that.”
“Mark, don't apologize for saying what you’re feeling.” Why the hell could I not tell him I loved him, it’s just three words, but they just couldn’t find their way out of my mouth. His crying increased, he was almost full on sobbing right now, it broke my heart.
“Please don’t cry baby.” I reached out for him, but he winced away. “I love you too.” 
“Don’t just say that, don’t lie to make me feel better.”
“I’m not lying to you, I love you. I have for a long time, since you got me my ring.” I sighed, reaching out for him once again, praying he wouldn’t shy away from me again, he didn’t. “Mark, I quite literally froze when you told me you loved me. To hear that you love me back, Mark, it makes me so happy. I’m sorry I didn’t say it back fast enough, I can’t imagine how you were feeling.” Mark smiled at my words, I could see the tension releasing from his shoulders.
“Say it again.”
“I love you, Mark.”
“I love you too, Y/n”
We both broke out into a fit of giggles, Mark made his way around the table and wrapped his arms around me.
“I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings. That’s right, you’re the one I want. I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this. Darling, you’re the one I want.”
Me and Mark were out celebrating my college graduation, he flew in from Vegas to watch me accept my diploma. The past year we had gone long distance, I went to Vegas for his NHL debut and we were both home for the holidays, but other than that our relationship took place through a screen. It wasn’t ideal, but we got through it. 
“Mark, can you order for me? Just my usual, I need to use the restroom.” Unsurprisingly we went to our favorite diner, the one we frequented a lot when both of us were living in Ann Arbor.
I came back to the table to see that our waitress had brought over the milkshakes we ordered. The scene was very similar, but one thing was different.
“No ring today Estapa? Are you trying to let me down gently?” I joked, a little confused seeing that the wrappers from the straws that sat in our drinks were crumpled up together 
“I thought you might like a ring made out of a different material.” Mark stated before moving out of his booth seat and shifting onto one knee. The confusion in my face faded once I realized what he was doing. Oh my god.
“Oh my god.”
“Y/n, I thank god everyday that you didn’t trust Nolan’s weed enough to smoke it without having a taste tester. I love you so much, I love everything about you, I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anybody but you.” Tears began to fill my eyes, I could see them filling Mark’s too. “Y/n, will you marry me?” I knew it was coming, but I still gasped. The ring was beautiful, an exact replica of the ring I designed for fun two years ago, telling Mark to take a mental picture of it for the future, I guess he actually did it.
“Paper rings, in picture frames, in all my dreams, you’re the one I want.”
“I can’t believe you kept all of these.”
Our wedding had just ended, I was officially married to Mark, Y/n Estapa. It was a beautiful ceremony, the reception lasted almost six hours. If asked what was my favorite part of my wedding, other than officially becoming Mark’s wife, it was the picture frames placed all around the venue with pictures of me, or Mark, or me and Mark, and along with it was a paper ring, dated from that same day the picture was taken. 
“You kept every single ring you made me?”
“I’m a little offended that you never kept them, but it made my surprise all the more better.” 
“I have a surprise for you too, but you can’t see it until we get to the room, which we can’t go to until everyone has left…”
“You’re the one I want.”
Note: Not proofread, because that's for losers. My brother graduated college today and I wrote this while sitting through that long ass ceremony so idk if this is good or not, tell me if it sucks tell me if you love it idc just any type of feedback is greatly appreciated. Also ik that Mark isn’t drafted (I don’t think he is, if he is then whoops) but I used Vegas because of that instagram post. Love y’all, have a great day. 
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mooncello · 6 months
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What a fun Sunday so far. ⚡ thank you for the tags @bookish-bogwitch (LOVE seeing some of your writing process), @shrekgogurt (still haven't recovered from ch 13 of ikabikam in the best way possible), @emeryhall (happy anniversary!) & @you-remind-me-of-the-babe (anguished Baz is such a vibe fr).
For today's update:
Enter Niall & Dev.
Truly one of the most unexpected delights of writing this fic has been the insistence of Niall and Dev to show up and take a prominent role in the story. I adore them. I adore them as individual characters, and I love who they are for Baz.
Here's a little from chapter 2 of lost boys. This chapter will publish next week! I'm traveling this week, so I'll post once I'm back.
Under the cut because of length. It's a 30+ sentence Sunday, y'all.
Baz POV, 16 yo, year 12 (school).
Towards the end of lunch, I hear a familiar booming laugh across the canteen. I figure I have two minutes until impact. I tuck my sketchbook and pencils away and twist the lid back onto my thermos of tea. “Just a head’s up,” I say to Niall, who is still contently working away, “we’re about to be interrupted by the demon of chaos hims—” “Bazza!” There’s the solid thump of a hand against my shoulder and the dramatic collapse of tall, muscular limbs into the seat beside me. “My favourite nerd. How’s it going, cuz?” Dev flashes his white, perfect teeth at me before snatching my remaining bourbon biscuit. His fingernails are painted turquoise today, his dark hair is swept away from his face, and he’s wearing eyeliner. The bastard looks amazing. Despite being cousins, we never really hung out as kids. Always kept to different social circles. Which is to say Dev constantly had a roving pack of friends, and I had nobody (save for the lost boys in my dreams). But when I got outed this past spring, Dev decided to take a more active presence in my life. He even convinced me to join the football team with him. He’s charismatic and popular in his own way, and so unabashedly and loudly himself that even the nastiest bullies don’t bother him. It's been nice, having Dev in my life. Even though it means I now deal with his chaotic, abrasive personality all the goddamn time. “Dev, this is Niall.” I make a small sweeping motion to the boy across from us. Dev raises his chin in greeting. “New kid. Hey.” Niall smiles faintly. He looks rather disoriented. Possibly awestruck. I don’t blame him. Dev tends to have that effect on people. I’m almost envious of it. Another smack hits my upper arm. “Did’ya hear about practice this afternoon? Thirty minutes later than usual.” “Yes, I received the same team-wide notification, Dev, thank you.” Dev is now peering at Niall’s drawing tablet without shame, while continuing to talk to me. “A bunch of us are getting ice cream after the match on Friday. Wanna join?” “That’s a very solid maybe,” I tell him in a tone that communicates I’d rather eat grass laced with slug poison. I like playing on the pitch, but I’m not about to huff dairy with a bunch of footballer lads. “Great.” Dev stands, all six feet of him, and squeezes my top knot. I sigh and bat his hand away. Clearly I need to have another conversation with him about acceptable physical contact. “See you at practice then. Nice meeting you, Niall.” He’s off in a swirl of flair and overpriced body spray. “Sorry about him,” I murmur to Niall. I really hope he’s not scared off.
hellos & tags! xoxo
@thewholelemon, @best--dress, @facewithoutheart, @cutestkilla, @whatevertheweather, @artsyunderstudy, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @fatalfangirl, @youarenevertooold, @raenestee, @orange-peony, @ileadacharmedlife, @nightimedreamersworld, @rimeswithpurple, @iamamythologicalcreature, @shemakesmeforget & @arthurkko (your merwolves ... still thinking about your merwolves)
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onetoomanyyy · 9 months
wake up babe new scarlet/violet oc just dropped
a few days ago I theorized about the character who was the first elite four member before Kieran became champion and Drayton got bumped down, (this post) and then I decided to just make an oc to fill that role!
So…here she is! Meet Courtney! I have some high quality art of her but this is all I got to show her full design so just…ignore how messy it is lol
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She’s a poison type specialist who was stationed in the Polar Plaza where she ran a dance-battle elite trial (she’s a dance fanatic.) After getting demoted from the E4, she didn’t come to the League Club anymore, especially after hearing from Drayton (who she’s close with) that things were going south. Courtney comes back to the League Club after every trainer around the terrarium are beaten, wanting to check out the “fresh meat”. After battling her, she can be found in the club room like the others. (I wanna write out her interactions with all the characters….) She’s got a wild side and a bit of a snark to her, but she is a good kid at heart. She’s also a hopeless romantic, kind of a kleptomaniac, and a big Iono fan. And yes, the pompoms on her arm and leg warmers are shaped like skulls
Actual art of her coming soon!
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bellysoupset · 4 months
sorry i’ve been AWOL, life’s been a bit chaotic and i haven’t had time to sit down and fangoirl the way i normally do!! i’ve still been keeping up w every single one of the things you post tho, even if i haven’t been commenting!!! your writing is still my all time fav OFC and RAH i appreciate you and your stories sm <3
i don’t remember what’s the last thing i commented on but AHHHH ive loved so many of the most recent ones!! vince’s flu on wen’s bday!! the bromance, the way luke took care of him!!!! jon and leo’s engagement!!!!! so fucking cute and exciting sob!!! jon taking care of angie filled my heart w joy 😭 the jon and leo food poisoning one was also TOP TIER and omfg the fic abt vin overeating did THINGS to me 🤭🤭
totally off topic but i’m so sorry to hear abt your health scare!! sending the best vibes and hoping everything works out for the best! manifesting health!!!!
also, very random but i wanna know if i’m crazy and just reading into things? is it just me or have you been hinting at wen’s ED kinda being back? like ofc not full force but i feel like there’s been little things here and there that kinda point to that and if this is the case,, gosh you know i’m one of the biggest angst enjoyers so i would love for you to explore it a bit more if that’s something you’re comfortable with!! (and i also think it’s good timing bc it would make sense for it to get bad again at this point in her life with everything that’s been going on)
anyways i’m excited to see what’s next for everyone!! i’m probs gonna send one or two different asks w some requests hehehe 🤭
🦦!! Hi babe!! So glad to hear from you, I was missing you! How's life been treating you?
Tysm for the well wishes, I'm keeping all my fingers crossed!
About Wendyyyy.... Not really, no! Full disclosure, there was a plan to have Wendy relapse, but that was when I thought Vince and her would stay broken up! Instead, they got back together and are going more strong than ever, so that also fell out of the window!
I think what you might be reading on Wendy is that I've brought up her ED a couple times, mostly because I'm writing her getting more and more close with the gang (in particular Bella), so I imagine she'd open up more too.
I got a request a billion months ago that asked for Wendy to be sick and Vince to overthink and assume its her relapsing and I'm very in love with that ask still. I think it fits their current storyline, since he's away and Wendy IS very happy atm so I don't see her genuinely relapsing, and I'm gonna write it, I just gotta write a couple other things first 🙈
There was also a request for Wendy to have a migraine (long time since she had one!) and Max be the caretaker, with Vince being very protective of her once he gets there! SO no ED relapse, but there are some Wendy stories in the makings 💛
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invisibleraven · 7 months
Fills for the Favourite Fic Trope Bingo Card!
Okay babes, here we go! I took it upon myself to write a ficlet for every square of the favourite fic trope bingo card. I only have a few written, but I'm going to start uploading the few I do have and strive to have one fill a week. Warnings and pairings will be in the chapter summary, so you can skip any fills you like.
Trope: Major Character Death <-AO3 Link!
Warnings: What it says on the tin ^
Pairing: Ray/Rose
Ray can still remember the face of the doctor when he showed them Rose’s scans-his grim optimism, assuring them that Rose could beat this thing but the inner sadness to his eyes that made Ray aware the chances were slim.
Yet they didn’t let that dissuade them, because cancer might be tough, but Ray was confident that his wife was tougher. Rose was the bravest, strongest woman he knew, so there was no way she was going down thanks to some mutated cells.
She was a trooper through the whole thing, going to each chemo session, even as they made her tired and frail. Sitting there with a weak smile on her face as they pumped her veins full of poison that was supposed to help. Ray was there every time, reading to her, talking to her, keeping her occupied.
When her gloriously thick mane of curls began to thin, to come out in clumps, Ray helped her cut it short, then eventually buzz her head, even offered to do his own in solidarity, but Rose had put the kibosh on that. “I like your hair, especially since you went all silver fox,” she teased, running her fingers through his now grey locks.
“Watch now yours will come back in as dark as ever,” he replied, pressing a kiss to her now smooth scalp.
“Until then, maybe I could invest in some scarves? Or a fun wig?” Rose suggested. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be a redhead.”
She made a devastating redhead, even though she was all skin and bones now, a dull grey pallor to her that made her seem so sickly. But her spirit never faded, always luminous and peppy, despite the tragedy that had befallen her.
That was until they did another scan, and the prognosis wasn’t good.
“It seems the tumor isn’t responding to the chemotherapy as we hoped,” the doctor intoned. “We can try surgery, then radiation to hopefully get rid of what that missed.”
“How successful is that course of treatment?” Ray asked.
“It’s greatly successful in most cases,” the doctor responded. “But I can’t make a promise that this will work-I don’t want to get your hopes up unnecessarily.”
“Can I take the weekend to think about it?” Rose asked. “This has been a very long day as you can imagine.”
“Of course,” the doctor stood, escorting them to the door. “But if this is what you want to do, it doesn’t do to leave it too long, we should schedule it for as soon as we can. Until then keep up the chemo-the tumor isn’t getting any bigger, which is the important part.”
They thanked him and walked to the car, the silence between them heavy and oppressive. Rose dozed off in the car, so Ray turned the radio off, taking the long way back. She slept so fitfully these days, even though she was constantly exhausted.
Ray didn’t know how to face Julie and Carlos when he pulled into the driveway-he already knew what Rose would choose. The cancer had done the unimaginable-it had beat Rose Molina.
He was tempted to shake her awake-she so hated looking weak and incapable in front of anyone. Instead he scooped her up, giving Victoria a weak smile as she held the door open, sure the truth was written all over his face.
They didn’t talk about it until they were in bed that night, the bedside lamp providing enough light to see just how tired Rose was, how draining this whole thing was on her.
“I wanna fight it,” she whispered. “For you, for the kids.” She coughed then, a wracking sound that rattled him. He helped her sip water once it was done, rubbing her back and hated that he could feel every rib, every knob of her spine.
“You don’t have to…” Ray gulped, the words caught in his throat. “Do it for you Rosita, if for anyone.”
She breathed, a rattling shaky thing now. “It is for me. Because I can’t leave you, the kids…”
“You won’t,” Ray assured her. “You’ll stay with us, no matter what. I just…worry that you’re fighting uphill for the wrong reasons.”
“I know,” Rose admitted. “But I can’t give up, not when I still have an ounce of fight left in me.”
So they sat down, as a family, to tell the kids what would be happening next. How it may not work, how they needed to prepare for the worst. There were a lot of tears and pleading, with Rose smoothing back her children’s curls, assuring them she’d rather take the chance it might work, than do nothing which definitely wouldn’t.
Victoria, all business helped Rose settle her affairs, just in case. Did all the research she could about the procedure-even though Rose forbade her from making suggestions to the medical staff.
Ray couldn’t remember much of the morning of the surgery. It was all agonizing waiting and trying to keep his mind on what was happening. It was the gray waiting room, terrible coffee, the hustle and bustle of a hospital.
Then the doctor came out, the expression on his face saying everything. His words were muffled to Ray’s ears, but the message was the same.
Rose was gone.
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dumdumsun · 1 year
Wax and Wane
A/N: Welcome back, my luvs! Long time, no see... Oops. So sorry for the long ass wait, babes. I had a lot (and I mean a lot) going on. Many not-so-great times, I'm still trying to sort myself out after several nights of absolutely no sleep. And now I'm back in college, yay... Another big explanation for the lateness is the unfortunate fact that I just don't like s3 all that much, so half the time I was writing this, it was a trekking. That doesn't mean I didn't want to write this, because I did. When I wasn't writing for this, I was thinking about it all the time. And now all I can think about is the s4 book XD.
On the note about Will. Yes, I know, he was confirmed gay. You will see changes in the second chapter, so try and bear through he and Doc being a couple in this first one. I didn't want to make his character gay in my series until it was confirmed by someone from the show. Unfortunately, it wasn't confirmed until after s4 came out so... yeah. You'll be happy to see some changes and I'll be happy to not be labeled as homophobic anymore ❤️
For anyone who was on the first and second taglist, but do not see their handle in this one, plz lmk because it didn't let me tag a lot of you. And if you wanna be added to the list, then also lmk. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this first chapter!
Warnings: non-permanent heterosexual relationship between Will and Doc, mentions of blood and death
Word Count: 5692
Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?
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Within the woods on a warm summer’s night sat a cabin belonging to Hawkins, Indiana’s finest police Chief, Jim Hopper. The Chief had been spending his evening as he usually did as of late, which consisted of Magnum P.I. episodes with some sort of snack clutched in his hands and shoved into his face in handfuls. His poison for this evening was a bag of Tostitos tortilla chips paired with a jar of salsa.
“Don’t look at the dogs, work the lock.”
He really did try to distract himself from the two teenagers in the other room. He promised that he wouldn’t watch their every move.
“Work the lock. Work the lock. Don’t look at the dogs.”
He was getting better at giving them space. At least, he was working on getting better. Glaring at the television, he threw another salsa-soaked chip into his mouth.
“You looked at the dogs.”
Hopper swiped up his beer can and took a hearty gulp of it. He shouldn’t even think about peeking at them. He promised himself that he would try to make this work. Setting his can down, he wiped his lips free of any alcohol before quickly glancing at the door to El’s room. And that was it. That was all it took. Very slowly, Hopper reclined his chair.
“Sometimes everything goes exactly as planned.”
The workings of his chair creaked the farther back he reclined. In the three-inch sliver between the door and the threshold, he could make out Mike Wheeler sitting on El’s bed, the sound of Corey Hart lowly playing from her radio. Curious, and maybe a bit accusatory already, he leaned back further.
“Sometimes it doesn’t.”
That was when he practically fumed at the sight of the Wheeler boy’s lips smashed against his daughter’s.
“Hey!” He shouted. Startled, the two looked up and El’s hand shot out, the door slamming shut. Angered even further, Hopper shot out of his seat. “Hey! Three-inch minimum! Leave the door open three inches!”
He went to burst into her room, but when he turned the doorknob, he found that it was locked. In disbelief, he jiggled the knob some more. “El, open this door. Open the-” He successfully threw the door open, frown deepening when he saw El sitting at the head of her bed with a look of feigned shock on her face, a book open in her hands. At the foot of her bed was Mike, a comic in his hands and wearing a smug smile.
“What’s wrong?” The boy nearly laughed.
After a hasty getaway, Mike was speeding down the street on his bike, his walkie wedged between his handlebar and his light. “My god, that was priceless! Did you see his face?!”
“It was like a tomato.” El laughed through the walkie.
“Yeah, a fat tomato.”
“I wish I was still with you.”
“I know. Me, too. But I’ll see you tomorrow, alright? First thing.”
With a smirk, he pedaled harder. After some time, he was beginning to see the neon lights of Starcourt Mall up ahead. The shopping center had become the ultimate location for the residents of Hawkins to shop, eat and seek entertainment. It was the usual spot for the Party to unite and spend time together. Minus El, for she was still keeping her head down for another six months before she was free to become a member of society.
At the sound of another pair of tires against asphalt concrete, Mike looked to his left to see his sister rolling up next to him on her own bike. Although it had been nearly seven months now, Mike was still adjusting to the changes he saw within Doc. Yes, she obviously was getting older, they all were; her hair had grown out even more over the months, her facial features were gaining structure and losing their babyness, she was definitely getting taller, though he did like to tease that in the future their height would settle and he would tower over her still.
“You’re late again.” He smirked, the girl widening her eyes with a grin.
“So are you.”
“Where’ve you even been?”
“Well, I was at the pool all day with the girls, but we went back to Brenda’s with her mom.”
That was another change Mike was getting used to. As if a flip had been switched, Doc had suddenly started spending much more time with Brenda and Sheriece. He noticed that in the past, she was so worried about being in the Party that the two girls would be sidelined and nearly forgotten, only receiving Doc’s attention when Mike would shove her aside and exclude her. Once she was welcomed in the Party, she spent even less time with her friends.
Lately, though, ever since the spring, Brenda and Sheriece were the only words coming from her mouth. Every weekend, she was either sleeping over at their house or Mike was covering his ears at night to muffle their giggles when she would host a sleepover. He was glad his sister was balancing her friend groups, but he wondered if she would be able to breathe air being away from the two of them. They had quite the influence on her as well.
Growing up, Doc never came across as the “girly” type, but now all she cared about were her looks. In the past, he could count on his hands how many times he’s seen her casually wear a dress and now, right beside him, she was wearing a denim overall dress on top of a yellow blouse. Instead of her signature black-and-red rollerskates were a pair of white converses, yellow socks peeking out. She hardly ever wore her skates anymore.
“I’ll race you there.”
“You’re on!”
He sometimes missed his sister, but he knew that she deserved this happiness. That wasn’t to say she never spent time with the Party. It was just that when she did, she was a bit distant. Mike knew that part of the reason Doc was pulling away was because of what happened last November. When Will had been possessed by the Mind Flayer, she used an excessive amount of power to save him, El closing the gate and ending it all. At least, that was the theory the two of them came up with. They couldn’t think of any other reason her power would vanish like that.
In the following months, whenever she was around the Party, it seemed like her smile stretched just a bit too far and that her laughs were a little forced.
Arriving at Starcourt Mall, the two rode through the parking lot littered with cars and moving people before they reached the bike rack near the entrance, Doc triumphantly reaching it first. Though, the victory was short-lived when she saw three figures standing there expectantly.
“You’re late.” Lucas crossed his arms as the two hopped off their bikes.
“Sorry.” She whispered.
“Sorry!” Mike sighed as Max came up behind her boyfriend.
“We’re gonna miss the opening.” Will chided.
“Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it. Let’s go!”
Lucas mocked his friend's words as the Party followed Mike into the mall. When she caught up to Will, Doc threw her arms around his shoulders and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Missed you.”
“Yeah,” He quietly chuckled, gently patting her hands. “Missed you, too.”
Doc giggled and pulled away enough for just one arm to be wrapped around him, Will moving a hand to the middle of her back as they tuned in to their friends’ conversation.
“Let me guess,” Lucas teased. “You were busy.”
Mike cringed at the kissy noises his friend made. “Oh, yeah, real mature, Lucas.”
“‘Oh, El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends’.”
“Lucas, stop.” Max sighed.
“Will thinks it’s funny.” He motioned to said boy, who was snickering next to his girlfriend.
“Because it is.” Will agreed, Mike rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, it’s so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend.”
Amused by his sarcasm, Lucas wrapped an arm around Max’s shoulders and pulled her close. “I’m spending romantic time with my girlfriend.”
Doc chuckled at Max’s attempt to keep her growing smile at bay, but it was no use. At her laugh, Will looked over at her, receiving a quick peck to the lips, the tips of his ears burning a bright red in response. As the five hurriedly moved through crowds of people with hushed apologies, Will tried desperately to keep up with Doc, who was pulling him along with her by the hand.
If tallies had to be kept, Will would have the most out of all the Party members to spend the most time with Doc. This was foreseeable since the two had been inseparable for the past year and a half. Through thick and thin, the two of them remained a couple. Even the moments when Will couldn’t even remember his girlfriend. When Doc wasn’t with Brenda and Sheriece, you could find her in Castle Byers with her boyfriend, the boy coming up with D&D campaigns while she talked his ear off about what new designs she was brainstorming. And yes, even those times were brief compared to what she gave the two girls.
“Hey, watch it!” A girl shouted when Mike stumbled into her.
“Yeah! Watch it, nerd!”
The Party’s attention was brought to Erica Sinclair, sitting and enjoying ice cream cones with her posse. Doc always did admire the girl’s spunk, which was much more than Lucas could say.
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
“Isn’t it time you died?”
“Mall rat!”
“Fart face!”
With nothing else to quip with, Lucas stuck his tongue out at her and blew a raspberry before Max grabbed him by the elbow. “Oh, now that was mature.” She scolded before pulling him with her and the others into the Scoops Ahoy ice cream parlor.
The place was full of customers, as per usual, but no line was formed at the register. Mike led his group right up to the very disinterested employee. She wore a red, white and navy blue sailor costume with an embarrassingly adorable sailor hat atop her light brown bob. With very intense eye contact, Mike annoyingly rang the bell at the counter repeatedly.
“Hey, dingus, your children are here.”
Behind her, the glass doors slid open to reveal The Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington in a similar costume, his luscious locs concealed by the sailor hat. With an unimpressed look, he leaned on the counter. “Again? Seriously?”
Mike rang the bell one more time in response.
Disgruntled, Steve led the five kids to the back of the parlor and opened the door for them. One by one, they all filed out and into the hall. “Come on, come on.” He urged them. “I swear, if anybody hears about this-”
“We’re dead!” They called back. With a heavy sigh and a shake of his head, Steve returned to work, the door closing behind him. Those kids would be the death of him one day.
Within the halls of the theater, the employee door opened, Mike peeking his head out and looking around. “All clear.” He nodded, pushing the door open and quickly leading his friends down the hall until they reached a theater next to a poster advertising Day of the Dead. The Party was lucky enough to find five empty seats in two of the middle rows. Doc, Mike and Will took the open three while Max and Lucas took the two in front of them. “See, Lucas? We made it.”
“We missed the previews.” He whispered back.
“Still made it. Fart face.” Max playfully snickered, her boyfriend making a face at her before they were shushed by a stranger.
As the movie started up, Will opened up his backpack and passed smuggled snacks to his friends in front of him. He then turned to his right to pass some to Mike, then to his left to Doc, earning a sweet smile from her. Silence fell over the audience as the screen brightened with the opening of the movie. Doc didn’t recognize the actress she was presented with, (her mother would easily tell her it was Lori Cardille) but the opening scene already disturbed her.
The way the woman sat alone in a white room, staring at a calendar, surfaced so many unwanted memories to Doc’s mind. Faint memories of a white room where she would color, or where she would perform tests for Dr Martin Brenner, or when the guards would punish her for failing. She tried her best to keep them at bay so that she could enjoy the movie, but the chilling music accompanying the film didn’t help. Absently, her hand found Will’s and their fingers intertwined and locked. Sensing her unease, he gave her a comforting squeeze.
Before the movie could progress any further, the audio slowed to a stop as the screen went dark, sending the audience into a fit of groans and dissatisfied exclamations. Unbeknownst to them, this had happened with every other theater and spread to the entire mall. Lights vanished, fountains fell, escalators and mini-carousels came to abrupt stops. When the power outage reached Scoops Ahoy, Steve snapped his head up.
“That’s weird.” He hummed, strolling over to the light switch and flipping it down, then up, then down, then up, then down, then up-
“That isn’t gonna work, dingus.” His coworker rolled her eyes.
“Oh, really?” He challenged, flicking the switch even faster, much to her annoyance.
The outage reached the rest of Hawkins, bathing the entire town in darkness. A presence loomed over them all. It was a presence that was banished, but not defeated. It promised destruction, it promised bloodshed, and it promised a meeting with a certain group of young teens.
It was a presence that Doc couldn’t feel, even if it was right in front of her.
Within seconds, Hawkins brightened and Starcourt was neon once again. The lights returned, the fountains sprouted, and people jerked forward with the sudden movement of the escalators and carousels. At Scoops Ahoy, Steve had just flicked the switch up when the parlor lit up once again. He smugly shrugged at his coworker and returned to the counter.
“Let there be light.”
In the theaters, the crowd erupted into cheers when the projector came to life and brought their movie back to them. Unlike everyone else, though, Will’s smile began to fade. That presence, though Doc couldn’t feel it, was still there. And he could definitely feel it. His body stiffened as he reached a hand to graze the goosebumps formed on the back of his neck. The cheering around him was swallowed by a memory of November.
He tried to run. The sort of shadow being, rising tall enough to tower over everyone, everything. The sky lit up in a frightening red as the storm brewed behind the creature. No matter how fast he ran, it was always right there. Even as he screamed, it came nearer. And nearer. Until it had nowhere else to go but within him, forcing its way into his being.
And another memory.
Will and Doc’s screams filled the room as the dark entity flooded out of every place in the boy’s face it had entered before. It swirled up to the ceiling as a way to collect itself, and when it was done, it bolted out of the cabin, crashing through the door.
Will let out a startled gasp and ripped his hand away from his neck as he turned to Mike’s concerned eyes. He gave his friend a quick once-over. “You okay?”
Will blinked. “Y-Yeah.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.” He nodded. Hesitantly, Mike turned back to the screen. Will let out a slow breath and moved his gaze over to Doc, who hadn’t even noticed his current state. She was just like that recently, very unaware, a bit inconsiderate. In this case, though, he was grateful for it. He didn’t want her worrying. She was finally happy.
So, he held her hand tighter and went back to watching the movie.
Nancy shot up in bed, heart hammering in her chest.
She hurriedly reached over to her wrist watch on the nightstand and widened her eyes at the time. “Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!”
“Wh- What’s wrong?” Jonathan sat up beside her, tired and discombobulated.
“It’s almost nine.”
“What?!” He moved his blanket to see that his alarm clock blinked twelve o’clock.
“We forgot to reset the clocks. The power went out last night, remember?”
Cursing aloud, Jonathan scrambled out of bed with his girlfriend and hurriedly got dressed. After slipping on his shirt, he dived across the other side of the bed to reach his pants, falling to the ground as he tried to shove his legs in. Nancy got dressed much faster than him and hurried to his window. Her purse flew outside, then her shoes before she hopped out the window to make an escape to the car. Jonathan was in the process of finishing the last couple buttons on his shirt as he walked out of his room.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Joyce rushed over to him. “Wait up.”
“Oh, no, I’ll eat at work. I’m late.”
“No.” She reached up and used her thumb to wipe away the kissy mark on his face. “Your cheek.”
With an embarrassed chuckle, he moved her hand away and backed into the living room. “Alright, alright. I gotta run.”
“Alright.” Joyce threw her hands up in surrender.
“See you later.” He called out before he disappeared out the door.
“Ugh. Gross.” Will muttered as his mother returned to the kitchen table.
Joyce snickered. “Oh, don’t be like that. You and (Y/N) can be gross sometimes, too.”
He stiffened as he twisted the top off of the syrup. “We are not like that.”
“You might be when you’re older.” She nudged him as she picked up her fork to resume her breakfast. Will irritably sighed.
“I doubt that.”
“Okay.” Her attention was brought to the mess on the floor in front of the fridge. “Hey. What happened here?” She asked as she rose to her feet and walked over to the papers and magnets in a pile on the floor.
“I don’t know.” Will shrugged and returned to his food. Joyce sighed and crouched down, sticking papers back onto the fridge. When she got to the last one, a bittersweet smile graced her features as her heart swelled in affection. Pursing her lips to suppress a tremble, she stood back up and hung the drawing Will had made of a true hero back in its rightful place.
Bob Newby. Superhero.
On the road, Jonathan drove as fast as he could with Nancy hurriedly doing her makeup in the passenger seat, eyes glued to her mirror. “Can you please drive faster?”
“Do you wanna break down?” He tried a smile as he patted the dashboard. “We’re lucky this thing still drives at all.”
“I’m serious, Jonathan, I can’t be late.”
“You mean we can’t be late.”
“No, I mean I can’t be late. They like you no matter what you do.”
“Hey, they like you, too.” He gently patted her knee.
“Yeah. They like that I’m a coffee delivery machine. They don’t actually like me or respect me as a living, breathing human with a brain.”
Once again, he tried gently rubbing her leg in a comforting manner as he gave her another smile. “Hey, you just gotta be patient, okay? They’re set in their ways, you know? But… once they realize what a gifted writer you are, they’ll come around.”
“I really don’t need a Jonathan Byers pep talk right now.” She snapped. “Can you just… please, drive faster?”
He sighed, speeding up the car the best he could. “Okay…”
Crossing their path on the other side of the road was a car belonging to Claudia Henderson. Beside her in the passenger seat was her son, headset on as he repeated the same phrase.
“This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over.”
Not even a second later, he tried again.
“This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over.”
His tone grew irritable and impatient.
“I repeat. This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over.”
Then, he snapped.
“I repeat. This is goddamn Gold Leader-”
“Dusty!” Claudia scolded.
“Relax! For goodness’ sake.”
“I’m in range. They should be answering.”
“You’ve been away a whole month, honeybun.” She shrugged. “Maybe they just… forgot.”
Just in her tone, he knew his mother didn’t want to say it. Maybe because she knew there was some truth to it. Mike and El were together, Lucas and Max were together, Doc had lots of exciting things going on, a new mall opened up. Everything was changing while he was gone, but he didn’t think it would completely wipe the memory of him from his friends’ minds. They had to remember he was coming home. 
They had to remember.
After his mother dropped him off at home, he made a beeline to his room. With a defeated sigh, he plopped his duffle bag on his bed and sat down beside it, burying his face into his hands. His first day back and he had no plans to spend time with any of his friends. His face brightened just a bit when he noticed his beloved Yertle, comfortably in his new terrarium.
“At least someone’s happy I’m home.” He quietly chuckled. Suddenly, a robotic voice startled him into a standing position. Every toy in his room that moved or made noise sounded and grouped together in the middle of his floor. His R2D2, his chimp that banged its cymbals, his toy tank that made shooting noises, all of them. He looked even mildly offended when one of his toys spit little rings at his chest.
This wasn’t right. None of this was. He began panicking, hoping that he wasn’t making yet another strange discovery having to deal with supernatural powers. He noticed that his toys were filing out of his room and into the hallways. So, quickly thinking, he grabbed his choice of weapon off his desk.
The Farrah Fawcett spray never failed him before, and it wouldn’t now.
Dustin let the weapon leave the room before him, stepping out into the hall and cautiously following his line of toys. “It’s just a dream.” He told himself. “You’re dreaming.”
Behind the wall that separated the living room and kitchen stood Max, her back against the wall as she stealthily watched Dustin follow the toys in the living room. She turned to Lucas, who stood next to her. He grinned and turned to Doc, who turned to Will, who turned to Mike, who turned to El.
“Now!” He whispered. El opened her eyes, blood dribbling from her nose.
All at once, the toys powered down in the middle of the living room. Confused, Dustin ran over to them and knelt down, lifting them up one by one to examine them. His friends silently crept up behind him, noise makers ready in their mouths, Lucas holding a banner they all made that read WELCOME HOME DUSTIN.
As Lucas properly held up the banner, everyone looked to Max. She excitedly held up her fingers to signal them.
At once, everyone happily sounded their noisemakers, but they immediately stopped when Dustin fearfully screamed and spun around, assaulting Lucas’s eyes with his hairspray.
Happy cheering, splashing of water, and chanting of ‘marco, polo’ brought the joy that radiated from Hawkins’s public pool. If there was any other place in town that was as lively as the mall, it was the pool. It was the perfect spot for parents to cool off while letting their children blow off steam, all while socializing.
And socializing Karen Wheeler did. She sat perched upon her lawn chair, a romance novel in one hand and a coke can in the other, the tip of her straw stained pink with her lipstick. On either side of her were some of the other stay-at-home mothers of Maple Street. She was so engrossed in her novel that she almost didn’t catch what the woman beside her said.
“Ladies,” She tilted her sunglasses to the edge of her nose. “She’s coming down.”
Upon seeing Heather Holloway descend her post on the lifeguard’s chair, the four straightened their posture, checked their hair, got into seductive poses, and turned to the pool shed.
The door opened to reveal Hawkins’s heartthrob, Billy Hargrove. His shirtless body glistened in the sun, his gorgeous blond curls moved with the very light breeze, his dazzling blue eyes were concealed by his sunglasses sat on the bridge of his nose. After discarding his cigarette, he began his stroll towards his chair. His gaze scanned the entire area in search of anything he had control over. It was his shift, this was his turf, and he called the shots.
He knew every girl in Hawkins had eyes on him, but that wasn’t his focus at the moment. There was something at this pool, something not quite right, that he needed to take into his hands. Catching sight of it, his whistle that sat around his neck and on his chest was lifted to his lips before he blew into it. Instantly, the entire pool went silent and everyone’s attention was brought to a chubby little boy who was caught red-handed, running around the pool. At the sound of the whistle, the poor victim froze in his spot.
“Hey, lard-ass!” Billy bellowed. “No running on my watch! I gotta warn you again, and you’re banned for life. You wanna be banned, lard-ass?”
Timidly, he shook his head.
“Didn’t think so.”
And, with a blow of his whistle, the pool unpaused. Only this time, the little boy walked away with his head down. Satisfied, Billy continued his stroll. When he noticed the Maple Street Mothers, he nodded to them in greeting. “Afternoon, ladies.”
“Afternoon, Billy.” They seductively responded in unison.
“Dig the new suit, Mrs Wheeler.” A small smirk quirked on his lips.
“Thank you.” Karen grinned.
Billy turned the corner before climbing the small ladder and taking place on his throne. It was a safe distance away from the mothers to gawk and drool over him without him noticing. But he knew they were, and they knew he knew, and they loved it. A nice piece of meat didn’t come often in Hawkins, so it was only logical that the eager women would feast their eyes upon him any moment they could.
The woman of the Wheeler residence was lucky enough to get him in her house last fall when he was looking for his stepsister. She had hardly been wearing any clothes upon their first interaction and the way he looked at her sent her skin blazing. She was never able to quite shake that feeling he gave her, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to. He was brilliant, he was beautiful, he was powerful and he knew it.
And Karen Wheeler was all in.
From in the pool, a head of chocolate brown hair surfaced from the water. Brenda wiped at her face to clear her vision. “How long was that?”
“Ugh, look, girl.” Sheriece mumbled, her eyes glued to the mothers. “That is so gross.”
“I know.” Brenda rolled her eyes. “Could you imagine the look on (Y/N)’s face if she saw the way her mom was staring at Billy Hargrove?”
Sheriece sadly sighed. “I miss my friend.”
“Me, too,” The brunette floated on her back. “But she can’t be here, she’s celebrating Dustin.”
A moment of silence sat between them before they started giddily giggling about the Henderson boy.
In a much quieter and vacant part of Hawkins was the downtown area. With the opening of Starcourt Mall, many small businesses had closed down, much to the townees’ distress. The only form of business that was lively in the downtown area was The Hawkins Post. Which was Nancy’s current destination.
She tried to calm her breathing as she sped down the sidewalk to her place of work, a brown bag clutched in one hand. She checked her watch again and again worriedly as she sped up her pace. She could not be late. She could not.
Entering the building, she quickly and politely set down sandwiches on the desks of the writers, the ladies thanking Nancy as their gazes hardly left their work. Her next stop was the darkroom. As usual, she completely ignored the warning sign and pushed the door wide open. Jonathan, bathed in red like the rest of the room, frantically turned to her.
“Oh, no, no, no, no! Nancy!”
“Sorry.” She whispered and set his sandwich down. With an eye roll at his dramatic behavior, she shut the door and headed for the lion’s den. Pushing open the glass door to the conference room, she began passing out sandwiches to her superiors all sat together at the table as they passed around ideas for the front page of the paper.
“How about a piece on Iran?”
“I want something local.”
“I hear there’s a beauty pageant at the fair this year.”
“Yeah, I’m looking for above the fold here, Bruce.”
“Then clearly you haven’t seen Lucy Lebrock,” Bruce cupped his hands at his chest to mimic breasts. “...because I’m not sure she’ll fit above the fold!”
The men erupted into laughter, Nancy cutting a look to Bruce as she set his sandwich down for him. “Fellas!” Their boss called out. “In six hours, we go to print. I need something real.”
“Oh, I think they’re real.”
As the men laughed again, Nancy paused at the door. She had no more sandwiches to hand out. She wasn’t needed here anymore. But she so clearly was. These men didn’t know the first thing about stories worth reading. At this point, she wouldn’t be surprised if the headline of the paper read about some missing dog on a cul-de-sac. Inhaling deeply, she dove right into untrifled water.
“What about Starcourt?”
The room went silent as all eyes were on her, some eyes on other parts of her. She tried to ignore it as she continued. “I-I was just… thinking…” A deadly thing for a woman to do. “I mean, I know everyone loves the mall, but… how many small businesses have closed since it opened? Like, five on Main, at least. It’s changing the fabric of our town in a way-”
“‘The Death of Small-Town America’.” Bruce pitched a headline idea, receiving a hopeful nod from her. “I like it. I like it a lot. But I think I’ve got something even spicier. It’s about… the missing mustard on my hamburger!”
Once again, the room exploded into laughter as Nancy’s eyes flitted away defeatedly.
“You think you can follow the clues and solve the case of the missing condiment, Nancy Drew?” He mocked above the laughter.
“Sorry.” She whispered and took the sandwich back. Breathing in through her nose and out her mouth, she threw the door open and hurried out of the room as Bruce taunted,
“Look out, Phil, she might be after your job!”
At the Henderson residence, Lucas had his head in the kitchen sink, warm water running over his assaulted eyes. He winced and hissed in pain as he slowly stood up straight, slowly blinking as he tried to regulate his sight. He’d kill Dustin for this.
“Better?” Max asked in front of him.
“Still stings.” He sighed out. Blinking some more, his vision began to clear as he noticed a red dot on his girlfriend’s forehead. “Is that a new zit?”
Max widened her eyes and grabbed hold of the back of his head. “What is wrong with you?”
“I was just asking!” He screamed out in pain as his face was shoved back into the stream of water.
In Dustin’s bedroom, the boy was excitedly showing off his contraptions he had gotten from camp. He was currently showing off a device that resembled a windmill, using his other hand to crank and spin it. “I call it the Forever Clock. Alright? Powered by wind. Very useful in the apocalypse.”
He handed it off to Doc, who held one side of it, Will holding the other. They both stared at it in wonder as Dustin took out another contraption. This one was a hammer with several objects stuck to its handle.
“Then I give you…” He pressed some sort of button that made the hammer shake. “...the Slammer.” He chuckled as El, attached to Mike’s arm, moved away from it. Doc and Will were only partially paying attention, Doc attempting to make the Forever Clock move by blowing on it, Will watching her in interest.
“Pretty neat, huh? But this…” He put the Slammer away and picked up his duffel bag, grunting as he plopped it on the ground. They knelt down with him, Doc putting the object in her hands off to the side. “...this is my masterpiece.”
He unzipped the bag with a grin on his face. “I would like you to meet… Cerebro.”
The four stared at the millions of pieces within the bag. Nothing was formed, which made it hard for them to understand what Dustin was showing them. “What exactly are we looking at here?” Mike voiced their confusion.
“An unassembled one-of-a-kind battery-powered radio tower.”
The room did not match the enthusiasm Dustin possessed. Will slowly nodded. “So, it’s a… a ham radio.”
“The Cadillac of ham radios. This baby carries a crystal-clear connection over vast distances. I’m talking North Pole to South.”
“That’s actually pretty cool.” Doc shared a nod with her boyfriend, who looked on his other side to see that Mike and El were still not impressed.
“It’s more than ‘pretty cool’, Doc. With this baby, I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever I choose.”
Now there was something that got their attention.
Taglist: @yurtletheturtlehenderson @sapphicsyn @alexa-j-f @inthemourninglight @that-one-multifandom-chick @ariyabella @lonelywitchv2 @bilesxbilinskixlahey @frogserotonin @mymomsdisappointment @hewwofriends @billieissad @get0ut0fmyr00m @143kae @satsuri3su @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived @unordinary-simp @raquel12 @roman0ffsheart @jjjennyxii @hereiamhereigo @wizardsgrace @meowiemari
If you want to be added to the taglist, lmk ❤️
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1,3,4, and 20 for the fic writer asks!!
Oh babes, you never fail to make me ramble on and on, don’t you …
1: what’s the fic youre most proud of?
Currently, definitely Academia AU, i am planning to continue that today actually, i miss it.
There’s also an idea sparked in my mind thanks to my current obsession: survivalism! I have been watching those surviving 7 days in the wild videos non stop so I’m thinking of doing a s12 survival AU … ya know, maybe they get stranded on an island or its a post apocalyptic world or something. I just wanna flex my knowledge on how to collect fresh water and build camps and foraging… featuring popular ships of course. Crygi collecting rainwater for the group, Jankie trying to make fire, Nicky loosing it because Rock and Jaida collected mushrooms but HOW WILL THEY KNOW IF SOME ARE POISONOUS?! And of course romantic nights under the open sky, having to snuggle up for warmth… I haven’t written a sentence for this but I’m so proud of the idea haha.
Also, another fic I’ll always be proud of, even tho it’s lost somewhere on here in the depths of 2010s marvel tumblr, is of course my first ever lesbian fic haha.
3: what fic are you emotionally attached to?
Definitely my old AHS fics, that was quite a time. Some last traces of that are on this blog too i think haha. Other than that i get more attached to fics i read than the ones i write, it’s the perfectionism in me…
4: what fic of your own do you read for comfort?
I don’t read my own fics for comfort, only for improvement… maybe I’ll give it a try tho? I like the philosophical discussions in Academia AU, maybe the chapter of Jan and Jackie studying would be comforting..
20: What’s the greatest gift you’ve gotten from your writing?
Definitely a creative outlet in a community of other people who have similar thoughts and ideas too! My favourite part os definitely chatting headcanons, interacting with others about ships and ideas, it’s wonderful!
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katsu28 · 3 years
HI would you be able to do like a mid/late 20s stiles and y/n where he takes her as his date to a wedding? 🤍
sorry this took a bit, but i love love loved writing this request so much!! hope you enjoy bestie! <3
wedding bells
pairing: Stiles Stilinski x reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of pregnancy, so much fluff
a/n: Some quick things before we jump into this—Scott and Kira are together, Allison is alive and dating Isaac, Thiam is also real bc I love it, and all characters have been aged up to like 25-26 except Liam who’s more early 20s bc of the age difference in the show
masterlist + taglist
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(gif found on google, credits to owner) (also i literally couldn't find any gifs of Stiles in formal wear, but this is basically what i had in mind for him!)
“Babe, c’mere! Hurry!” You yelled, eyes lighting up at the glossy card in front of you. There was a muffled thud from somewhere in the apartment, a slew of curses, then pounding footsteps.
“What—what’s happening??? Intruder???” Stiles blurted, sliding into the living room on socked feet with his baseball bat clutched in his hands as he looked around wildly at his surroundings. “What?”
“Put the bat down, Stiles,” You giggled, rolling your eyes playfully at your boyfriend. He frowned, but set it off to the side. “Look what came in the mail!”
He made his way over to you, squeezing in beside you on the couch and plucking the card from your grasp. “You are cordially invited to…oh, wow! Jackson and Ethan are getting married?”
“Isn’t it exciting?” You sighed happily, resting your cheek against Stiles’ shoulder.
“So exciting,” He chuckled. “We haven’t seen them in what, six, seven years?”
“Seven, I think. I talk to Ethan sometimes, but it’s tricky with the whole time difference thing.”
“Right, right, England is weird.”
“England is not weird!” You protested, craning your neck to look up at him. “England is great! Harry Styles is from England, Tom Holland is from England, Andrew Garfield—”
“Okay, alright, I get it. I don’t need to hear you swooning over all your celebrity crushes,” Stiles huffed, rolling his eyes. You laughed, reaching up to press a kiss to his cheek. “So, we’re going?”
“D’you wanna go? I know you’ve got that whole thing from high school about Lydia with Jackson, but—”
“No, no, it’s not a thing, it’s just,” He started, but at the hopeful look you were shooting him, he shook his head. “Never mind. It’s nothing. I’d love to go.”
“Yay!!!” You squealed, moving to climb off the couch and RSVP yes. But before you could, Stiles looped his arms around your waist, pulling you back down on top of him. “What?”
“Will you be my date?” He asked sweetly, offering you a toothy grin.
You carded your hand through his dark hair, smiling back at him. “I’ll always be your date, bub.”
The wedding was back in Beacon Hills, not too far from where you and Stiles had settled down, but to say it was stressful getting on the road on time the day of the wedding would be an understatement.
Stiles had insisted on bringing a million different things “just in case we need it!!!”, but you’d shot them all down. Neither of you needed a bag full of rain gear when it was forecasted to be warm and sunny, nor did you need the emergency jar of powdered wolfsbane when all it would do was poison most of the wedding guests, both grooms included.
But after literally dragging Stiles into his old blue Jeep, you were off, cranking up your road trip playlist and singing along horribly at the top of your lungs until he relaxed and began to sing along with you.
Now here you were, back in your hometown where it all started. The ceremony wasn’t set to start until noon, but you’d made plans to link up with some of your old high school friends beforehand to catch up. Some of them, you hadn't seen since a few years after you’d all graduated, others you’d kept in close touch with over the years.
“I can’t believe we’re here after all these years,” Stiles chuckled, pulling into the Beacon Hills High parking lot. You hummed in agreement, shooting straight up in the passenger seat when you spotted Scott and Kira at the far end of the otherwise empty lot. As soon as Stiles parked next to their car, you jumped out, letting out an excited squeal as you ran to hug Kira.
“Hi, oh my god, you look so good, Kir!!!” You exclaimed, holding your close friend at arm's length. Your gaze drifted down to the small bump under Kira’s dress, and you gasped, eyes widening as you connected the dots in your head. “Oh my god!!! No way, are you—”
Kira nodded, smiling widely. “We’re pregnant!” You brought your hands up to your mouth, stifling another excited scream.
“Congrats, guys, we’re so happy for you!” Stiles beamed, bringing Scott into a tight hug. You hugged Kira again, then switched to hug Scott while Stiles hugged Kira gently.
“We were gonna tell you guys sooner, but we figured we’d surprise everyone when we all saw each other,” Scott admitted, rubbing the back of his neck as he looped his other arm around Kira.
“I’m gonna cry!” You whined, waving your hands in the air frantically.
“Baby, you can’t cry, or you’re gonna mess up your makeup,” Stiles hummed, lacing his fingers through yours. “Remember how long it took this morning?”
“I know, I know,” You sighed, tucking yourself against his side with a pout. “I’m just so happy!”
Scott raised an eyebrow at the both of you, tilting his head. “What about you guys? What’s been going on in your lives?”
Before either of you could respond, there was a honk from the other side of the parking lot, causing all four of you to turn around and look. Another car was rolling in, and you could vaguely make out Allison’s head poking out of the passenger window as she waved wildly at you all. You waited for her and Isaac to climb out of the car before rushing over to greet them both. Kira joined you shortly after, and so began the excitement again.
Stiles, Scott, and now Isaac were watching amusedly as the three of you fawned over baby things, smiles playing at their lips as they did.
“So, Stiles,” Scott said seriously, causing Stiles to raise an eyebrow. “When are you gonna ask Y/N to marry you?”
“What?” The brown haired boy spluttered, eyes bulging wide. Isaac nodded in agreement. “What do you mean?”
“What do you mean, what do I mean? You guys have been together since senior year!”
“Yeah, and?”
“You love Y/N, right?” Isaac chimed in.
“One hundred percent, yeah. Of course.” Stiles replied instantly, nodding.
“Do you see yourself spending the rest of your life with her?”
Stiles cast a glance in your direction, and you caught his eye from your own conversation, beaming at him brightly. He returned your smile with a wink, turning back to the boys with a grin of his own gracing his face. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
“Well?” Scott prompted. “Are you gonna do it?”
“No pressure, or anything.” Isaac added hastily, nudging a very insistent Scott.
“I think I’m gonna do it.” Stiles said quietly, stealing another look over at you. The sunlight was hitting you at just the right angle, and he could swear you looked like an angel.
His angel.
After catching up with your friends, it was time to head to the wedding ceremony. The venue itself was absolutely stunning. The second you walked in, you were rendered speechless, tugging at Stiles’ hand excitedly as you took in your surroundings. Sunlight poured through the floor to ceiling windows of the vast hall, washing everything in a golden glow. There was even a projector with a slideshow of photos of Jackson and Ethan on their travels in the corner of the hall up by the podium, which you thought was absolutely adorable.
You’d signed the guest book with a small heartfelt message from Stiles and yourself, and now you were sitting in your seats, chatting with Kira, Allison, and now Malia, who’d shown up a little after you all did. Stiles was sitting next to you, absentmindedly fiddling with your fingers as he was half listening to Scott and Isaac talk in hushed tones about the next full moon, half getting lost in his own thoughts about the idea of proposing to you.
He was so distracted, he didn’t know you were talking to him until you tugged at his hand lightly. His gaze snapped to yours, eyes wide.
“You okay, babe?” You asked softly, tilting your head at him.
“Fine, why?”
“You’ve got that forehead crinkle.”
“Forehead crinkle?” Stiles snorted. “What forehead crinkle?”
“The one you always get when you’re thinking really hard about something.” You shot back, reaching over and tapping his forehead lightly. “What’s going through your head, Stilinski?”
Marrying you, he wanted to say. But instead he shook his head, lifting your intertwined hands and pressing a kiss to the back of yours. “Nothing important.”
Now, you’d been with Stiles long enough to know that he was obviously lying, but before you could voice your concern, soft music started to play throughout the hall, sending a hush through the room.
“Oh my god, shut up!” You gasped, batting Stiles’ hand lightly.
“I didn’t even—okay, okay!” He yelped, shooting you an exasperated look. You smiled sweetly at him, looping your arm through his and resting your head in the crook of his shoulder.
The rest of the ceremony went smoothly, although you were on the verge of being in tears for most of it. The now mascara streaked sleeve of Stiles’ suit jacket was proof of it, but it was black anyways, so it was okay. After the ceremony came the reception, which was held at an even fancier ballroom type venue than the ceremony.
“Oh my god, Liam! Stiles, there’s Liam!” You exclaimed excitedly, waving frantically at the younger boy across the room. Stiles followed your line of sight to see Liam hovering at the edge of the dance floor in the middle next to Theo, who was looking around impassively. When Theo spotted you, however, he perked up a little bit.
Stiles, on the other hand, stiffened when he saw the snarky Chimera. He remembered how flirty Theo used to be with you in high school, and although you always brushed it off as nothing but Theo being Theo, Stiles never trusted him. But he plastered a pleasant smile onto his face as you dragged him towards the two of them, biting his tongue when you hugged Theo tightly.
“God, it’s so nice to see a familiar face,” Liam sighed, clapping Stiles on the shoulder. “We don’t really know anyone here.”
“Yeah, what are you guys doing here? Neither of you knew Jackson or Ethan.” Stiles asked, raising an eyebrow. Your elbow jabbed into his ribcage sharply. “Ow! Jesus, Y/N, not in a bad way, I just mean like, how did you get an invite if you didn’t know them?”
“Not really sure. We just got home one day and it was in the mailbox.” Theo shrugged.
Stiles furrowed his eyebrows. “We?”
“Yes, we.” Theo replied, sliding his hand into Liam’s.
“You…and Liam?”
“Yes, me and Liam.”
“Yeah, Theo’s with me. I’m with him.” Liam said awkwardly, scratching his nose. Stiles squinted between the both of them for a few moments.
“Theo…and you.” He said slowly.
“Stiles, shut up.” You shot him a pointed look. “We’re happy for you guys, despite what my boyfriend says.”
“Boyfriend still? I thought you two out of all of us would’ve gotten married already.” Liam snorted, to which you felt your cheeks grow warm.
“We, uh, we’ve been kinda busy lately,” You chuckled nervously. “Moving into a new place and all. Not much time for that kind of thing.”
Stiles frowned at your response. “I mean, we could make time.”
Your head snapped towards him so fast, you almost gave yourself whiplash. “What?”
“Nevermind.” He muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“Would you excuse us for just a second?” You said politely, aiming a small smile at Liam and Theo, who nodded.
Grabbing Stiles’ hand, you pulled him along behind you, not missing Theo’s “This is why we don’t have any friends, Liam.” as you retreated to the hallway just off the ballroom.
“What is going on with you today, Stiles?” You asked incredulously, whirling around to face him once you were somewhere quiet. “Ever since we got to Beacon Hills, you’ve been acting weird. Like, weirder than normal. And what was that just now, ‘we could make time’?”
“Nothing. It’s nothing, don’t worry about it. I’m just—being back here brings up a lot of memories.” Stiles mumbled, shaking his head.
You frowned, but at his reassuring smile, you nodded instead. “As long as you’re sure.”
“I’m sure.”
“You’d tell me if something was wrong, right?” You pressed, reaching up to run your thumb along the apple of his cheek.
“Absolutely, sweetheart.” Stiles answered firmly, turning his head to the side and pressing a kiss to your palm, then grinning widely. “Now come on. Let’s head back inside, I wanna get you on that dance floor.”
“Oh? Gonna show me those patented Stilinski moves?” You hummed, letting Stiles lace his fingers through yours and pull you back towards the main room.
The two of you finally settled into your seats at a table with your friends, just in time to see the freshly married Jackson and Ethan Whittemore-Steiner lead each other onto the dance floor for their first dance. You watched them with happy tears brimming in your eyes yet again, reaching for Stiles and letting out a watery chuckle when he scooted his chair closer to yours so he could hug you more easily. There was just something about weddings and witnessing true love that made you so grateful that you had Stiles.
He was your soulmate—that much you’d known since you were eighteen and just a dumb kid in love with your best friend. You’d been in love with Stiles for so long, you’d forgotten what life was like without him, and honestly, you wouldn’t have it any other way. Life without Stiles Stilinski just wasn’t a life that you wanted to live.
Eventually, the time came for others to join the newlyweds on the dance floor for another slow song, and Stiles popped to his feet, turning to you and giving an exaggerated bow.
“Milady,” He said jovially, offering his hand to you. “Would you care to join me for a dance?”
“Why of course, good sir!” You giggled, accepting his hand and letting him lead you to the dance floor, where his hands found your waist and yours wrapped around his neck loosely. Gazing up at your boyfriend, you spotted something gracing his face that concerned you. “You’re doing the forehead crinkle again, babe.”
“I do not have a forehead crinkle, woman!” Stiles huffed.
“Tell that to your forehead.” You snickered. “Seriously though, I know something’s on your mind. I can see it in your eyes. Spill.” Stiles was silent for an unsettlingly long time as you continued to sway together, before sucking in a deep breath.
“Will you marry me?” He blurted. Your mouth dropped open, hanging slightly ajar as you stared wide eyed back at him. “I mean, I don’t have a ring or anything yet, and I know I’m kinda springing it on you right now, but I’m ready. I wanna take the next step with you.” When all you did was just blink at him wordlessly, he began to get nervous.
His fingers tapped erratically at your waist, growing more restless with every second that you gawked at him. “Sweetheart? I know you’re, uh, you’re processing right now, but I’m kinda shitting my pants here. Are you okay? D’you need to take five or something? Anything?”
“Yes.” You breathed.
“Yes? Yes like, yes you’ll marry me?”
“Yes, Stiles, I want to marry you.”
“Oh my god, really?”
“Stiles, yes! One hundred percent, yes!” You exclaimed, drawing him in closer by the back of his neck. His noise of surprise was cut off by you kissing him, hard. But as soon as he registered your lips on his, he melted into your embrace, kissing you back with just as much fervor, pouring all his love for you into his kiss. You were so overwhelmed by your emotions, you almost forgot that you were in the middle of the dance floor with people watching.
It wasn’t until you heard a hissed “Have some decorum, you two! There are children here!” from a teasing Isaac, who was swaying nearby with Allison, to which she smacked his chest lightly, that you remembered. Then the two of them danced away, leaving you slightly embarrassed, but Stiles strangely proud.
“I literally love you so much.” He whispered. “My perfect girl.”
“You’re pretty perfect yourself, my love,” You hummed, bumping your nose against his lightly.
“No, you’re way more perfect. Like on a scale from one to ten, you’d be at a gazillion.”
“A gazillion? I’m flattered.”
“I’m so excited to spend the rest of my life with you, Y/N.” Stiles insisted, squeezing your hip. “Really freakin’ excited. Like, if I could shout it from the rooftops right now, I totally would.”
“I’m excited too, babe,” You grinned up at him. “But we should probably play it cool though. Don’t wanna take away the focus from the newlyweds.”
“You’re right. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted to get up on that stage and tell this whole crowd that you’re gonna be my wife.” He sighed, lower lip jutting out in a signature Stiles Stilinski pout. “Holy shit, my wife. You’re gonna be my wife, Y/N! Wait, do you wanna take my last name? Y/N Stilinski has a nice ring to it. But I’m cool with taking your last name too, I like Stiles L/N. Or we could hyphenate like Jackson and Ethan did. Y/N and Stiles L/N-Stilinski. Stilinski-L/N? I like both, honestly.”
Stiles was rambling excitedly now, getting louder and louder with each word, and you had to nudge him to pipe down before he started drawing more attention to yourselves.
“Sorry, sorry, I’m just super excited,” He laughed, twirling you around smoothly. When you were face to face with him again, he pulled you flush against his chest, grinning down at you like he was the happiest man on Earth. “Also, just so you know, I’m so gonna propose to you again sometime soon. Like the right way, not whatever I just did. With a ring and everything.”
“I’m looking forward to it, Stilinski.”
“I’m looking forward to marrying you, L/N.”
@doublecrazyyymofo @unbelievablystillafangirl @wittiestrain184 @sk3lby @raajali3
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desiredcaramellatte · 2 years
Platonic request strawberry crepe cookie poison mushroom cookie choco chess cookie x parental reader who is really worry about them and they know all of them are being use like tools for dark enchantress cookie and pomegranate cookie so y/n try to convince to leaves the Cookies of darkness and be adopted by y/n and have a happy childhood and being friends with gingerbrave and the others headcanons if she’s thinks she can user this precious baby’s like tools she’s dead wrong
Hell yeah! Couldn’t have said it better myself! Justice for the poor little babes Dark Enchantress is manipulating!
I spent a few hours trying to think of things for Poison Mushroom and Chess Choco after writing Crepe’s, but I really just burnt myself out today with other things on top of writing this, so I figured I’ll do Crepe for now. I’ll post something for Chess Choco and Poison Mushroom later, most likely tomorrow, when I’m feeling a little less braindead!
Also can I just say for a moment how much I absolutely love and adore Crepe, would die for them, ok thanks for coming to my ted talk headcannon time now!
Contains ever so slight spoilers for episode 10!
Strawberry Crepe x Parental Reader
Fluff, Platonic!
~| Strawberry Crepe would be very hesitant, at first. All their wafflebot friends were here! How could they leave them behind?! You'd have to consistently visit them and befriend them, randomly appearing and just taking them in as your would not work. They don't trust cookies, they don't even trust Dark Enchantress, she had just promised them wafflebots and privacy.
~| Do not harm them or their wafflebots in any ways. They act very ignorant and apathetic, but if you do one wrong thing then you'll be lucky if you can get them to trust you again, if you aren't pummeled by their wafflebots.
~| When you do manage to get them to follow you, oh lord, you're in for a ride! They're a little troublemaker, no doubt about it. You'll have to constantly be dragging them out of fighting other cookies, even children! They do NOT like being told what to do, and are very rebellious. This, mixed with them being a prodigy, makes for some pretty entertaining but chaotic mischeif.
~| You're going to be in for the long run with Strawberry Crepe. Once they do accept you as their friend, they will not leave you alone. Always asking you to play with them, to help them clean their bots, help them with repairs, etc. In the moments you do get alone, you'll have to deal with Crepe's mischeif, especially cleaning it up.
~| Despite being a little hellion, Strawberry Crepe does have their golden moments. When they finally calm down, and go to sleep, they're a little warmth vampire. They'll snggle up to you and cling to you so tightly you won't be able to get them off until they wake up.
~| Very protective of their wafflebots, but they're even more so of you! Wafflebots can be fixed easily, you can't. They get jealous EXTREMELY easily, they have to have your attention and your attention alone 24/7. If you pay attention to another kid or a cakehound or even another cookie, they'll come up to you and start tugging on your clothing repeatedly, yelling "I'm hungry! I'm lonely! I wanna plaaaayyy!" Every single time, without fail. Don't tell them no, or to give you a minute. They will stomp off with an angry little face and sit on the ground, and they won't talk to you for hours. You're going to ignore them? Then they're going to ignore you!
~| It will take them a very, very long time, but when they do call you their parent, it'll feel so nice. Despite calling you classic parent names, they'll never tell anyone that you're their parent. Other cookies will have to figure that out by the both of you interacting. They had never had a parent that they remember, so they don’t know how this parent-child dynamic works. You’ll have to be the one to initiate affection, take them out for ice cream, and all-around show them how to have a childhood.
~| They’ll have to be constantly touching you, holding your hand, being held, having your hand on their head, etc. You may notice them brushing against you a lot or just touching you in small ways. Theres a large part of them that wants to constantly be as close to you as possible, but they don’t really know how to express that since they’ve been alone most of their life, so it often comes out as just small movements.
~| Often tests your authority. “Strawberry Crepe, you need to brush your teeth!” “Or what!?”, “Strawberry Crepe, you’re supposed to be asleep!” “So are you! You think I would have gotten up if I knew you were awake!?”, etc. You’re going to need to lay down the law with them, and even so they’ll get angry and, sometimes, won’t even comply.
~| Don’t you ever threaten to leave them, even if you don’t mean it. They have too much trauma from abandonment, they’ll literally break down. If you mistreat your Strawberry Crepe, I’ll come after you.
~| Overall a little mischievous hell spawn, but once you get close to them, they’ll become YOUR mischievous little hell spawn, and they’ll make sure nothing and no one drives you apart <3!
Thanks for reading! I’ll have one out soon for Poison Mushroom and Choco Chess as well!
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stealther-gurl · 3 years
Hey! I was wondering If you could do general relationship headcanons for Cassie from young justice with a fem reader?? No one ever writes for her and I’m a simp :)
Thanks <3
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So number one and most important is that Cassie will pick you up like you're a grape and carry you around
She is also in the habit of putting you on her shoulders and showing you off
Cassie will also drag you to every con the zeta tube can bring you to. No printer just fax
If you're lucky enough you will do couple's cosplays
Which include, but are not limited to, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel, Ladybug and Chat Noir, And Others
Cassie teaches you how to skateboard
She is a vvv good teacher
She makes you a playlist. You're welcome.
You occasionally have to text her to remind her to eat or get a glass of water. All those posts about taking a break and drinking water? You send them straight to her.
Whether or not you're up at two am, Cassie will text you something like, "Do frogs have feelings?"
You're like, "why am I dating her again?" and then you remember that you love this dork because she believes very strongly that frogs have feelings and You Need To Be Nice To Them (Y/N).
It doesn't matter if you're a metahuman or a bat-brat or whatever. Once you're Wonder Girl's partner, you are a superhero by association. If you bring your camera, maybe you can sell some of the pics to buzzfeed or the onion.
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