#i want more gren
voidendron · 2 years
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...It would appear I have more NPC clones than I thought I did.
the Exarchs are MINE, bioware, mine I say
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shencomix · 9 months
Could you talk more about leon
What happened there
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^ Leon, initial appearance
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^ Leon, post-Wheel-of-Gren
Leon (introduced as Leon LaFonte, Royal Cleric of the House LaFonte) joined the party under the guise of being a healer despite dealing exclusively in fire magic. However, he had a genuine desire to learn healing magic, and supplemented his lack of ability in it with potions and lying.
The party is a group traveling through space on a train that builds tracks in front of it as it goes. The goal is to connect space with a railroad.
I wanted to take a break from the campaign, and so Leon stayed on a (populated) lush, wheel-shaped comet they visited called The Wheel of Gren. There, he came in contact with deity outside of known space that spoke to him through spores he inhaled which infested his mind.
The deity reconfigured his magical abilities to grant him his wish of having the power to heal. It also gave him the ability to induce fear and hallucinations in anyone who inhaled the spores that surrounded him.
The branch horns do actually grow out of him, but they are just a result of exposure to the Wheel of Gren, which is populated by green tieflings with similar horns.
That's Leon!
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jpitha · 1 year
It is unlikely that humans are the only predator species to achieve sapience in the galaxy.
In order to be a successful predator one has to be intelligent enough to learn your prey's movements and be able to think ahead to what they're going to do next but also be flexible enough in your thinking that you can improvise if the situation chances. If you don't have this elasticity, you won't be a very successful predator.
Humans are very successful predators.
Greg bent down low and spoke as quietly as he could to the worried Sefigan next to him. "I need you to stay as still as you can. I'm going to go around, and try and surprise the Gren guarding the exit."
The three Sefigans, caught between wanting to obey Greg and staying silent but also trying to communicate that they thought it was suicide to do so started shaking.
"No, no, it'll be fine. I've been watching him. He's not really paying attention." Greg stood silently and put one finger to his lips, then smiled.
Moving much quieter than one would think given his mass, Greg crept away, hunched down just a little to keep motion out of the tops of the bushes they used to hide. The Sefigans watched in horrified fascination as Greg would take a few steps and then freeze, not even breathing while he watched the Gren.
As he walked, he made no noise at all over the soft sand, his feet finding purchase slowly. The Sefigans, a small furry prey species from a rocky mountainous world felt very old fears from the most early parts of their brains while watching him hunt the Gren.
The Gren guard was panning slowly as he guarded the exit, his fur flat, his eyes dull and his mouthparts drooping. If one knew a bit about Gren physiology one could easily see that he was bored and tired. His shift wasn't due to end for another 3 demi-cycles and nothing usually ever happened on this exit.
When Greg was no more than 2 meters away, he reached down and picked up a stone, no larger than a comm badge. He raised his arm and in one silent fluid motion, tossed the stone high and far over his head, to hide its origin. It clattered against the wall on the far side of the pen, opposite to where Greg was standing. The noise and motion caught the Gren's eye and his whole body swung over to where the stone landed.
His back was turned to Greg.
Greg bent his legs low building energy and took two steps and lept onto the Gren's back. His higher mass bowled the taller but much lighter Gren over and the Gren's head hit the stone with a hollow thwack.
Greg jumped up off the Gren and checked him quickly. He was dead. Trotting quickly over to where the Sefigans were still hiding he motioned for them to follow.
Still terrified, they followed this... ambush predator they were scared of and by the time they reached him, he had gotten the comm out of the Gren's pack and was fiddling with a ring that had complicated studs all around it, fitting them against the door until one clicked and the door hissed open.
Minutes later they were all running across the desert to the canal below where they had hoped to cling to the side of a barge and float to the spaceport.
"Human Greg! Human Greg!" The smallest Sefigan called as they jogged down the sandy hill towards the canal.
"What is it Li? Can it wait?"
"That was amazing! I've never seen a human hunt before! Is that how they all do it?"
"Not really? Humans developed as persistence hunters, not ambush hunters, but as you well know, skills can be taught."
"Persistence hunter?"
"Yeah, my ancestors would pick an animal out of a herd and run after it. As long as we didn't overexert ourselves we could just... run until it died."
The three Sefigans looked at each other as they jogged. Greg wasn't breathing heavily as they went towards the canal, but all three of them were nearly at their limit and would need a long time to rest when they were safe.
"Human Greg, you scare us." The tallest Sefigan looked back at the holding compound and then back at Greg. "But, not as much as we were scared of what the Gren would have done to us."
Greg smiled showing his wide, large, white teeth. "In this world, sometimes you need to be scary." He looked at the canal. "Come on, the water isn't too cold, let's get in and swim towards that barge. It's not too far."
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m4rs-ex3 · 1 month
so i finally finished the book 1 novelization. after owning it for 3 years. .............................................i've been busy. anyway, let the thoughts commence!
also i only started marking sections at like ep 5 don't ask why
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even CLAUDIA could tell that rayla was a cinnamon roll
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stop she's incredible
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a) he's a dork b) i think they should kiss
"this freckle-faced goof [gren] was going to be the easiest prisoner he'd ever encountered." is he right? yes. am i still taking offense to this? yes
"'i didn't kill anyone,' Rayla said. it surprised her that she was so proud of this fact." YAS YOU GO GIRL
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these additional details are incredibly necessary thank you so much Book
"Viren blinked twice, amazed at the folly of his own offspring." i know that it's incredibly sad but goddamn that is so funny
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STOPPPPPPPP I CANT 😭 the use of the word "adored" no one fucking talk to me
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"Rayla and Callum didn't know how easy they had it, what with their long legs and no heavy dragon egg on their backs."
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the way that even back then ez was already thinking like a king, even when the subject was so "not of a king's concern," for lack of a better term (why am i rhyming)
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what can i even say about this oh my god
"'no, not really, dummy.' sometimes, Rayla could barely believe the denseness she had to put up with."
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god i love him god i love him i l obe him i love him i love hiom oi love hiojm and everybody clapped
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sometimes these slight dialogue changes mean the world to me
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his autistic ass 😭
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"he turned and spoke only to her." i am dying
"i've always been different. it's hard for me to make friends with other kids. i just feel like i don't fit in." -> "i've always been different. i don't really 'get' other kids, and it's... so hard for me to fit in." this is AUTISTIC CODING he has AUTISM that is IT we have autistic claudia try and tell me that this child does have the tism and that they don't fucking know that
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this is Everything to me. i. a moment of all time. behead me
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i think they should kiss pt 2
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"Callum lingered" "for some reason, she wanted to share what she had seen with Callum, even is she didn't tell anyone else" i. think. they. should. kiss.
"Callum glared at his brother. there was a ginormous spider in their way. many things about this situation weren't right."
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shut the fuck up. buddy. i am gagged
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oh Him
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damn girl's always had a problem with Layla 💀
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dear christ. the matter of fact "no, this is not your fault" (4x06 "Rayla. don't."), "he couldn't let Rayla carry that burden alone" (5x04, anybody?) also i am 100% reading way too far into this but it's still callum's pov so he is the one who described her "violet eyes" and i just would like to state this for the record
and oh yeah i think they should kiss
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raayllum · 3 months
Amaya's arc (S1-S5)
On the surface, Amaya can come off as a very flawless character.
She's a total badass, she's gay and pretty, she sees through Viren's bullshit (er, droppings?), she's kind to those in her employ, she's loyal and forthcoming, she loves her nephews and her sister, and she's not unreasonable in her elf prejudice in addition to letting go of it fairly quickly. She's also Deaf / perceived as disabled (noted here as many Deaf people do not view themselves as disabled) and, in addition to being gay, that can sometimes make people overly sanitize a character due to notions of disability making someone (particularly women) more 'innocent' or 'pure' due to infantilization.
However, I've touched briefly on her main flaw of being callous and dismissive in the past, and I've always wanted to talk more about Amaya's general arc, specifically in how she grows in empathy throughout the seasons. So let's talk about it
Just a quick disclaimer: S2 will not be really touched on as she only appears in two episodes, and they mostly serve as plot set up for S3 rather than doing any real emotional work or characterization for her. Cool? Cool
Cyclical Limbo
Amaya in S1 both perpetuates the Cycle, and she doesn't. On the one hand, like Viren, she's deeply concerned with the safety of the Breach, enough so that she's willing to return to it and delegate the search mission to Gren rather than insist upon undertaking it herself.
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She hates elves and considers them monsters, much the way Claudia does in S1. In spite of a lifetime of fighting Sunfire elves at the Breach, she considers Moonshadow elves to be "the worst kind" of elf, like a monolith of loathing and fear (perhaps because of their sneaky ways or associations with death).
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At the same time, she's not purely an antagonistic force to anyone. Corvus, her trusted tracker, offers Rayla a deal that shows reason ("Give me the boys peacefully and I'll let you go") and, more importantly, she foils Viren's plans to be king with her entry and reaffirmation in 1x04 and 1x05. This leads to him not having the throne all the way until two seasons later, and is undeniably a good thing.
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So while Amaya is an ally to the boys and an antagonist to Viren, this plants her firmly in the middle, of both perpetuating the cycle and helping to stop others from perpetuating it. We see her increased antagonism with the Sunfire elves in s2 lean along the former vein as well.
Until of course, we don't, and we get to the heart of Amaya's arc:
Seeing Yourself In Your Enemy
This is most evident in some ways in season three and season five, with season four being an effective turning point in a dual sort of way. We see this most clearly in her bond with Janai, as Amaya sees a fellow warrior in her and that encourages Janai "to do the same" over warrior's honour. The show ramps this up in 3x07, as Amaya witnesses and comforts Janai through the most devastating loss in Amaya's loss: that of a sister.
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A: When I was growing up, my big sister Sarai was the smartest, strongest, bravest person I knew. When she died, I felt lost and weak without her. I hated feeling that way, so I learned to be strong alone. Stoic, strong, and lonely.
From this point onwards, her and Janai are allies in going to the Storm Spire and in fighting Viren. It's worth noting that Amaya had no knowledge of or reason to expect finding the boys when she arrived there, so she'd clearly decided to throw her lot in entirely with Janai and her troops and fight "until the last [person] standing" alongside them.
However, Amaya's expanding heart and loyalty doesn't mean all her elf related biases disappear overnight (the same Karim's reservations about humans don't), and this is where we get to season four. Much like in season one, Amaya here stands in a limbo position. She's marrying into the elven royal family, but isn't aligned with all their traditions, most notably the full significance of the Soul Candle and initially foreshadowed due to the messed up proposal dance.
Amaya is at first solely on Lucia's side, which makes sense; Amaya is more practical than not, and this is part of the reason she can make quick and fast but strong alliances and see through Viren's bullshit.
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However, her old flaw of being dismissive and sometimes insensitive also comes back.
A: What do you mean 'injustice'? All Lucia has done is put out a candle. And she was the one who was burned. K: She profaned a sacred rite. What would the punishment be in the human kingdoms? A: For blowing out a candle? Usually come clapping, followed by a slice of birthday cake. K: You see? This is the problem! Like all the other humans, even your wife-to-be thinks this is a joke.
That said, it's not as though Amaya is wrong; we are, of course, supposed to understand immediately as audience members that while what Lucia did was wrong, sentencing her to death over it is also wrong and to root for her to live (even if, at this point, she likewise doesn't think she's done anything wrong).
I think it's doubly worth noting then, her speech at the trial that she gives for Lucia, and about herself:
I came here to defend Lucia, but now I see that I cannot. She is not innocent. Prince Karim is correct: she had every opportunity to consider the pain she could cause, and she did not. She was callous. She was careless. She was cruel. And in truth...
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She places herself in Lucia's shoes. This is her amends to Karim for her insensitivity, and an extension of both support and consideration for the position Jana is in, as well as a plea.
But all I ask is that your justice is compassionate. Death is not the answer. We gain nothing if we throw away the chance to learn and grow.
This is, of course, a lesson Amaya has learned personally, through her relationship with Janai — first as an enemy turned friend, then as a lover turned wife — but, of course, through her relationship with Rayla, which she first hand acknowledges in S5:
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But her arc with this general theme of empathy doesn't stop there. Not only is there a nice piece of irony with Amaya initially not believing Rayla's assertion that she's alone (even when Rayla arguably does):
A: 'We'? How many of you are there? R: It's just me. I'm alone. A: Liar.
5x04 gives the two women a chance to talk and reconcile beyond that, with Amaya reminding Rayla that she doesn't have to be alone, and that she can rely on the people around her. Namely, the very nephew Amaya once attacked Rayla to protect.
A: Love and trust grow a kind of strength that is much bigger than we each possess. To have that kind of strength, it is not enough to love someone. You have to trust them to share the burdens you carry.
Likewise, this scene also brings Amaya's arc of seeing herself in others full circle, as this parallel makes plain, as well as it being a parallel that Rayla is not only able to acknowledge, but it gets through to her:
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R: That does sound like me sometimes. [...] Thank you.
While Amaya can still be coarse and is undeniably clever, she's softer, more open, and more compassionate than she was two years ago. Elves are no longer monsters. People are far more capable of change, herself included, her adaptability to life and its sudden swerves in many ways one of her greatest strengths. Amaya is a warrior yes, but more than that — like her friends and family, the people she surrounds herself with — she has an even bigger heart, when given the chance.
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idkjustletmescroll · 2 months
-Also, thank god Amaya finally got around to telling ezran she was getting married.
-Corvus x sunfire elf duet!!! And humans and elves chilling together in general!
-Amaya looking all nervous for a second as she steps out ughhh she's so cute.
-Kind of random but I love that janai doesn't have her queenly hairstyle (the bun) and just leaves it down? Something something symbolism something she's not the queen right now she's just janai? Also, I just think she looks so pretty with her hair down (she's always gorgeous tho).
-JANAI WINKING. It's so cute. It reminds me of that video of prince harry at the altar with meghan markle telling her she looks beautiful or smth before they say their vows.
"When Amaya and i first met, we had our differences." "Specifically, we tried to kill each other." Yes, we know, Amaya, and from that point on we knew you were endgame.
-Love the detail that vows are a human thing, not an elf thing. Cultural details!!! We love to see it.
-Stupid clouds. But it's fine! Tbh when i first saw Kazi's face drop i thought it was going to sol regem coming to crash everything and I panicked and threw my phone down.
"Now, that's poetry!" Kazi never change.
-The audience cheering. I love how it's not just clapping, and you can hear people genuinely excited to be there and see it.
-Gren bawling poor guy.
-Why tf was karim there omg he needs to chillll.
-Ezran really said you are NOT interrupting my aunts' wedding rn on my watch.
"If anyone objects to this marriage...well, what are they going to do, show up with an army?" I would've laughed tbh idc.
-NOT THE VOWS JESUS CHRIST. I'm emotionally unstable.
-I love that amaya apparently went to gren and was like "YOUR JOB IS TO TALK FOR ME WTF DO I SAY" and he was just like "just tell her why you love her! Simple!" and she was like "BITCH-"
"But that's hard to do, because it changes all the time. Every day, I find something new, and my love for you keeps growing...our love will change, but it will endure." Paraphrasing ofc but i just loved it so much.
-Also janai started crying and it was like me too babes me too.
"AND IT WILL BRING MORE LOVE INTO THE WORLD AS IT DOES" yeppp something something humans and elves something something!!!
-Not kazi having to push gren away bc he was crying too much.
-Note about the kiss: I was OBSESSED with janai's hand when i rewatched it like 5 times? Like yes i'm a sucker for tender face touching but the way you can see her thumb stroking amaya's cheek and her hand going down to amaya's shoulder and--
-Also, in the background, the standing ovation! Again, I LOVE that people aren't just clapping, they're cheering and laughing and being all "yeah!" "woo-hoo!" and seem like they actually want to be there.
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adashulaz · 26 days
A new AU because I'm a loser who desperately wants a tft relationship despite being cupioromantic, this one is silly I promise though
Leola lives because she isn't accused of teaching humans magic
There is no border so there are elves within the human kingdoms and humans within elven towns/villages
Callum, Ezran, and Rayla still meet because of Rayla, Runaan, and the other elves from the first episode going to Katolis(have yet to decided why)
Soren is still sick in this AU, this is due to his lungs not being permanently healed/fixed with dark magic, his spine is also a little messed up because he was doing some trick and fell on it weird
Soren is commonly seen with Mukho(Mushroom Mage) and the mushroom critters because they are his main caretakers as they help ensure he can still breathe properly and that his spine doesn't get worse
Viren and Lissa don't get a divorce since she doesn't end up seeing Viren as a monster
Claudia and Terry still end up together, they meet earlier though
Leola, Claudia, and Soren are all friends/siblings due to Aaravos and Viren being close, it's very hard to tell if they kiss romantically or not
Corvus and Soren do kiss romantically though, they also hold hands romantically, no one knows how or when it happened but it's a thing now and no one is questioning it
Harrow and Sarai live happily, along with Aanyas moms(I can't remember their names)
There is conflict but only because Sol Regam believes that Aaravos and Leola will end up teaching humans magic
This comes to a head when Callum ends up doing magic
It all goes downhill from here, Sol Regam is going after that boy because of it
That dragon will end up dead at some point but it will take a bit
Janai and Amaya end up together still, they meet while Sol Regam is trying to remove Callum from life
Kazi and Gren as well perhaps
Thats all I fear, this will seem much more interesting as a fic I swear
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bleach-is-yummy · 2 months
Okay was it just me or was the wedding between Amaya & Janai done really badly.
Firstly, I just like to say I’m not deaf but over the last couple years I’ve been trying to learn ASL, through college courses and personal research, as I think it’s a really important language for a lot of people to learn. I haven’t been the greatest at it but I’ve been learning more and more steadily as well as learning a lot about the culture through both my deaf professors and some firsthand experiences from other deaf people. 
Having said this watching Amaya and Janai’s wedding this season had me absolutely stunned by how terribly they did my girl Amaya. Don’t get me wrong Ive hardcore shipped both of them since they’ve met but the accessibly of that wedding was just awful. It was so bad I had to go back to Amayas Wikipedia page to make sure I didn’t misunderstand and she was just mute as it would have been impossible for her to have understood anything that was evening said throughout that entire wedding.
No one was signing to her! At first I thought maybe Gren was in her line of sight signing from the background, but then we saw him step out from behind her meaning no one was signing or interpreting for her that entire time! That’s not even to mention that her wife, the person that she is going to swear herself to didn’t even bother to sign her vows meaning that she had to lipread the entire time! I have learned from firsthand accounts that lip reading is an incredibly inconvenient and inaccurate way to have a conversation with people who cannot hear! For God sake, her own interpreter didn’t even sign his speech!! he even had to read out her speech to her wife meaning not only does Janai not speak sign language the primary language her wife uses, but also cannot read it for the most part as well.
Now I probably cannot sign or understand sign that much better than Janai can but then again I am not marrying someone who is deaf! Why did the show runners not have her at least get a rudimentary grasp on the language her wife speaks. If it was an issue with the audience understanding what was being said then why didn’t she just sign along with her speech? I’m am in absolute awe because they usually handled Amaya’s deafness really well but for this wedding it was handled so poorly. She was even facing away from most of the people that were talking making it impossible for her to have gleaned any amount of information from anyone. She had people talking in front of her and she had people talking to her while their mouths were covered or while they were looking down. 
I don’t know if I’m blowing this out of proportion or misunderstanding things, but I feel like this wedding could’ve been done so much better if they made it accessible for both parties involved. To me it didn’t feel romantic. It felt like something they put in because the audience wanted these two to get married. It wasn’t something that I was awing at despite shipping these two for so long I really wanted this wedding to be something great and beautiful but the whole time I was just yelling at the screen because how could this be romantic for Amaya, she probably couldn’t even make out most of the things being said. No steps were taken to make this feel like an accessible wedding and it just ruins that whole scene for me. 
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fritoley · 28 days
The Dragon Prince Thoughts 6x02 - Love, War, and Mushrooms
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Omg wait what does that mean
Like he did in s4 when he was using viren
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They’re so gay for each other lmao
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“Karim’s threats are no longer empty with General Miyana’s might behind them.”
Ok but did no one stop to think that miyana MIGHT be a little biased considering she’s karin’s literal girlfriend—
Like I would’ve kept a closer eye on her
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“Based on these claw markings, she was unsteady…”
I forgot how good of a tracker Corvus is it’s nice to really see him in action
Soren grabbing Corvus’s shoulder lol
Corvus being so done with Soren’s shit yet still humoring him is so cute
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OOH you can see Karim in the reflection of the crown I love that
I’m sorry the way Gren was waving that cape around trying to put out the fire is so funny—
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“You think it’s edible?”
“No, and please don’t find out.”
Their banter ugh—
Soren is literally a golden retriever it’s so wild
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“Why are we stopping? Do you not like my summer camp song?”
We NEED a short story of Soren at camp that would be soooo funny
I still love how Ezran and Zym can telepathically communicate it’s adorable
I hope they explain that later
Oop more mushrooms—
I swear Soren and Corvus argue like an old married couple lol
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“If I ever start to doubt you, I’ll know I am truly lost.”
See Amaya and Janai are such good examples of girlbosses who are still madly in love, want to get married, etc. it’s soooo cute
I’m not gonna get into it too much cuz i don’t like talking about politics on social media but you can still be a woman with a career and still want a to get married, still want a family and whatnot and even though amaya and janai aren’t a “traditional couple” it’s still a good example as far as feminism goes
Like this is how your portray a power couple this is the correct way right here
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Notice the difference between the responses in Janai’s and Karim’s audiences. Janai’s people cheer for her because they see her as more than a queen. They see her as more than just a leader; they see her as a friend or even a sister. 
Karim’s people bow in respect, but they only acknowledge him as a commander. That kind of “respect” always fades.
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“He’s got me. A good man with a big heart.”
They’re so just—
*dies of cuteness*
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“Your brother Ezran needs you.”
Considering zubeia was the one  who ordered Harrow’s and Ezran’s deaths in s1, she prolly had the most development, except we as an audience see the least of it.
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“It’s time to set a wedding.”
We’re FINALLY doing this
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Oh callum and rayla i forgot about them
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Aaaaalllllright it’s really picking up now. It’s good to know zubeia’s alright, and i’m excited to see how this whole thing with janai and karim carries out. Soren and Corvus are SOOO CUTE they need to kiss already. ALSO how DARE they leave off on callum with his little key of aaravos or whatever it’s called and him MAPPING THE COORDINATES of the lines on the floor??? They better explain that i swear imma be mad if they don’t—
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Hi Fen!!! Popping in to ask what you think the moon boys’ hobbies would be (if they weren’t so busy moon knighting). (For Steven, I feel like studying ancient Egypt is more like a passion, so like what else do you think he’d be into?)
K. Love you! Byeeeee.
IDJIDHVDHFH Oh my gosh, I love this ask so much! Thank you so, so, SO much for sending it! ❤️(ILY!) Did I think about this at work for a good 1 and 30 mins instead of working on a spreadsheet? No, of course not, I would never do that… 👀
I have narrowed it down to one each to save everyone from seeing my absolute madness.
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Moon Knight Boys Headcanons & Hobbies
Rating: PG  Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Warnings: Swearing
Steven: Cooking
Okay, here me out. So, I’ve seen opposite ends of opinion on this one (both are valid) but I’m going with Steven is a very good cook, and he likes cooking. 
He’s been vegan for a while and it’s only in the last couple of years that food places have really been trying with vegan and vegetarian options that aren’t salad… bread… (chips if you’re lucky) So, I think he enjoys making lots of different recipes. 
It started out with him just making vegan ones and then, over time, became him changing other recipes to make them vegan and coming up with his own. 
Absolute master at vegan cakes, no one can ever tell the difference, and, in fact, a lot of people compliment him on ‘the best cake they’ve ever had’, ‘so light and fluffy? How do you do it?’ “Well, that’s the secret, innit?” (whisk the aquafaba like your life depends on it and sweet potato) 
Steven is absolutely horrified by the food Marc makes himself. (Plain chicken, rice, spinach) 
“Where are the flavours Marc? At least some herbs? Spices for fuck’s sake? I can’t believe you’re eating plain steamed chicken?” (He doesn’t even care that it’s meat, it's just the lack of flavour.)
“It’s boiled chicken actually.”
Steven loses his goddamn mind. 
“I don’t care what bloody macronutrient you are monitoring, you are not eating that.”
It’s not that Marc can’t cook, he just doesn’t see the reason to put the effort in when it’s just for himself (doesn’t feel like he deserves it.)
Steven grumbles to himself and refuses to let Marc cook his own dinner if he can help it. “If you’re going to eat meat, at least treat it with respect, yeah? Bring out the flavour?” He usually preps something for Marc, so he can cook it quickly when he’s hungry. 
Makes so many cakes and pastries for Jake. Leaves them in boxes with ‘Jake :)’ written on a post stick note on the top. Jake is always so touched and surprised when he does. They have taken to playing a little game where sometimes the food is vegan and sometimes it’s not and Jake has to guess. He’s more accurate than most people, but it still only averages around 70% right. (69% if we’re being exact, and Marc is sure Jake’s messing with the correct statistics on purpose.)
Marc: Fantasy Baseball and Fantasy Football
Literally takes it so seriously. Has spreadsheets filled with information and pours over every single statistic like it holds the answers to the universe. It only got more intense when he found a forum for people with the same interest and he literally will spend hours talking online about it.
“It’s not about getting the best players, it’s about making the best team.”
Jake has joked that he puts Steven and his love for history to shame and if those spreadsheets weren’t saved on the computer Marc would have boxes and boxes and folders upon folders of printed out info and then there would be zero space in the flat. 
When Marc annoys Steven, Steven tells him to “go play with your pretend american cricket and american rugby” to piss him off. 
(Marc retaliates by incorrectly pronouncing UK places. 
“Steven, maybe we should take a trip to Ed-in-b-row” 
“It’s Ed-in-bruh.” 
“How about Sus-SEX or Es-SEX?” 
“It’s Sus-SIX and Es-SIX.” 
“I do love Green-WITCH at this time of year.” 
“IT’S GREN-ITCH! Jake, you're from New York, how is Greenwich pronounced?” 
“I’m not getting involved.” 
“Ha! That’s because he agrees with me!”
When things get really heated, Marc threatens to make a cup of tea in the microwave. Steven says he doesn’t care because he makes coffee in the microwave all the time and it’s fine. Jake puts an end to it by saying hot chocolate tastes best with water and then laughing when both Marc and Steven gang up on him. 
“I cannot believe you think that mate.”
“You know how many different types of milk there are?”
“Absolutely disgusting.”
“Cow, goat, soya, almond, coconut, literally any of them instead.”)
Jake: Knitting
Wanted something to keep his hands busy, that he could pick up and put down, and that he could take in his cab when he was stationary and waiting for fares. 
Took to it a lot quicker than he thought it would, and can just zone out and knit. It helps keep him grounded. 
He feels like he has spent a lot of his time destroying and there is something so satisfying about being able to create. 
Once he mastered the stitch he quickly moved onto making clothes. Before Marc and Steven knew about him he used to knit jumpers for Steven and hide them in the wardrobe. 
Jake makes Marc a cartoony style baseball jumper that he also loves, and a thick cardigan for Steven that is covered in hieroglyphics (he spends months researching the language to get it to make some sense, and works in a dig at Khonshu in there and has Steven crying with laughter.) 
When they know about him Steven excitedly requests the “most garish and over the top Hanukkah jumper anyone has ever seen!” Jake does his best, presenting it to Steven (and trying to hide how nervous he feels) Steven loves it and refuses to take it off all winter. 
Most people think Jake has a stern glare when he wants, but you can never be sure if he’s planning your destruction or trying to work out how many balls of wool it would take to make someone your size a jumper.
Thank you for reading!
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gren-arlio · 4 months
So. Let me tell y'all about a guy named Camus. And a girl named Lala. And other folk. Welcome to Episode 14 of Waku Puyo Extras.
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(Ah, back at it again writing these things.)
Hey guys, Gren here, and welcome to Episode 14 of Waku Puyo Extras, a series where I cover basically random stuff about Puyo and Madou as a whole. The Waku part is just because my brand is a single game I translate.
As my free time gets smaller and smaller, the drive to show off cool stuff remains about the same. Thank goodness school is over soon. I'm still alive, don't worry.
Finals and AP Exams are very much happening, so I'm spending that time studying. I'm hoping I pass.
Now, you would expect me to write about PPPP (P⁴ as I call it, Puzzle Pop in other locations) since it released and has a ton of stuff, notably well written characters. But alas:
I'm an Android user. Can't play it.
Frankly, at the moment, I'm not too interested in it right now.
So, the last episode was about Draco, that famous lass. What about this time? Well, since 80% of my work here is Madou related, why not give a showcase of some of the lesser known characters as a whole? Manga and novel stuff included.
With that, hope you enjoy. Also I said a bigger post is coming soon and drop it a literal month later. Damn.
So, Who ARE These Guys?
If you're not familiar with these characters, I honestly don't blame you. These guys are considered kinda niche in the franchise, but are more well known than some guys. I could mention Hanzo and no one besides people who played the game he's from or read the wiki would know him. Oh, or maybe Skeleton-D if we wanted to.
For now, I'll just cover the people have at the very least some stuff about them.
We'll begin with Camus, easily the most recognizable one that we'll be covering today. I swear if he was in Puyo now, he'd be so damn popular.
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(From the manual of the Mega Drive release of Madou 1. Notable for being one of the very few times Camus is drawn with the teenage Arle and Lala, both 16, making Camus 18 in this.)
The man, or rather boy, in that photo is the fabled Camus of the Sable Ord- I mean Madou Monogatari 1, both on the SEGA Mega Drive and Game Gear. Since this is a game where Arle is in kindergarten, Camus is her senior. Yeah, senior is the word for this one. He's notable for being the only person to get a perfect score on his exams, that lucky bastard.
Oh yeah he's also like 8 years old for the record in that
In the game, he's both helps you and hinders you for different reasons. Sometimes he's very nice and teaches you things, and other times he's taking stuff from you for playing the game for longer than three hours.
However, at the end of the game (Where he also might help you depending on some stuff), it turns out he was an illusion all along, which is always...fun, you know? That one guy who's been helping you out turns out to not even be real, least in the Game Gear version of things.
Honestly? He's a pretty interesting guy in the game. Arle holds him with some respect, and Lala quite literally has a massive crush on the guy that she's willing to show. Unfortunately.
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(Things are really serious in the Kindergarten Exam Fandom...)
He can come off as rude but at the very least he means well. And my goodness, his theme in the game is good.
Underrated gem.
Now, up until a while ago, I kinda thought that'd be the only games he was in, a grand total of 2 whole games. However, by doing this for...a year now, turns out that there IS one more appearance of Camus, presumably to be 18 in the game because...Well, Arle is a teenager there.
Arle Man'Yuki. Or Arle's Travel Log.
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Now if I'll be honest, I STILL dunno all too much about the game, despite doing an entire episode on it. The game is super text-heavy, so I don't know EVERYTHING besides some of the Japanese history involved with it. (Crazy how the Heian Era is now some JJK meme. Time is a fun concept.)
Here, Camus has taken the role of the leader of the Shinsengumi, Kondo Isami. It's a long story, so... I'll just link my own work here. (I FINALLY LEARNED HOW TO PUT LINKS IN MY TEXT...)
I never covered Camus extensively in that game due to his admittedly small role in that game, but he's a fairly upstanding guy. Schezo works under him as the vice leader. Ain't that cool?
Check it out if you're curious about that, some basic Japanese history that may be a tad inaccurate, or JUMP HERO.
And err...that's every game he's from. Yeah, he's in a grand total of what, three games? It's not much but it's still something. He's a very cool lad.
Wait, who's Lala?
I'm glad you asked, me. Lalah is a character from Mobile Suit Gundam that works with Char after he...well, this is a Madou blog. If only I could talk to you about Gundam. But alas.
Lala is ACTUALLY a girl who's the same age as Arle, and the girl who's madly in love with Camus...as I've told before. But she does have a little more than just that, don't worry.
In the Game Gear version at least, she sneaks into the tower Arle went into to graduate, upset that she wasn't the one to take the exam, but rather Arle. And yes. She broke a brick wall to get to her.
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(A 6 year old is stronger than any of us. LMK if you can run into a brick wall just fine.)
Now if I had to describe her, it'd be "Arrogant but funny as hell". Because she's arrogant but funny as hell. Arle calls Lala her BFF, to which she doesn't take that reply nicely and says they ain't BFF'S, they ain't even friends. Straight hater energy. (She wasn't able to take the exam due to a cold.)
Camus appears to stop her from interfering, and she goes on this tangent about how wonderful he is, and how he always eluded her... and chases him, as shown more above.
Things start to get funky when you get deeper into the tower, as Lala makes a literal trap hole, and Arle falls down. However, Lala is mad that she fell and NOT Camus, leading him to appear in the floor above and basically say "Idiot. I'm not falling for that." and she continues to chase him.
Her reign of terror ends when Camus SEALS HER AWAY for the rest of the game. But she's okay after it all don't worry. Arle summed it up the best way I could. She ends up fine after the end of the game, however.
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Lala also appears in Chaotic Final Exam too, now 16, but honestly...it's one of the games where I know next to nothing about it. Apologies. Just know that she's there and not Camus. (Though with the style of how the game looks...probably for the better.)
She's just overall what we call in the industry... a girlfail. She tries her absolute best but fails so, so much that I can't help but laugh at her and pity her at the same time.
I have no cool segway into this section. Introducing... Rasp.
You might've seen them around if you've checked my blog here or there as a front page image for my works.
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And you'd be right. Rasp is from the Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Manga, a brand new character just made for the thing. They're basically a minion who mostly impede the way for Schezo and Rulue. I say "they" because, well, Rasp is genderless.
Fun fact: Their salary is unknown, but they apparently get paid more than a Manga artist, so take that as how you will.
Rasp does appear frequently throughout the volumes, and does indeed fight Schezo. While they do lose, at least they looked pretty cool while doing so.
Lightning Round:
Now these devilish goofballs are folks I want to show...but don't have much info on them just yet. Or there wasn't that much to begin with.
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(Creatura...La creature 98...)
Septem is another genderless character from the series, coming from Arle no Bouken, a game I know next to nothing about. All I know from it is them and that they cling to Arle like a sister. I love them.
This is absolutely one character I wish I knew more on, since she's much more developed as a character...I just don't know much about Arle no Bouken.
Dark Witch:
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(What is this, a doppelganger bargain sale?)
Now she has a little more to her that I DO know but it's nothing spectacular.
Planned to be in Puyo N but was scrapped due to the idea of her being too serious, which is quite the reason for Puyo, but appears in Comet Summoner anyways as a final boss.
You can even play as her, and fight Witch herself and beat her... and possessing her. Kinda, sorta.
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(Dweeb appeared in one game and changed a man)
Runelord is an odd case, because some of his lore is stuck onto True Madou Monogatari, which in of itself...is kinda iffy lore wise. And also really long.
In Madou S? Wants Schezo to be the next successor, he says no, fight happens, Schezo wins but is affected anyways. Apparently he was beaten by Lagnus, but that comes from True Madou, so the accuracy of the Canon can be very much debated. It all depends if you think it's Canon or not.
And honestly, that'll be all for this time around. Apologies this took so long. Life's been quite the journey. Graduation's happening soon, and finals are happening soon. The list goes on. I'm hoping I get by through the school year, but alas, I'm happy you read this.
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colonelpancakes · 27 days
Watching The Dragon Prince Season Six Part Seven: The Red Wedding. The title of this episode makes me so nervous nothing bad better happen to Amaya and Janai at their wedding.
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Okay, first of all, that is NOT Rayla narrating I don’t know what the subtitles are on about, I’m 99.9% sure that’s Ezran.
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Skjfklsa I love Rayla, she has absolutely no intentions of getting up, she is way too comfy.
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Aww Sneezles.
Also “There’ll be more kisses later” I love how the second they officially get together, Callum and Rayla resume their status as world’s sappiest, most clingy couple.
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UHHH. Wait a second. Is Kosmo just. not telling them about the Pearl before they leave?
...That seems like a really bad idea. They’re going to find out eventually and it's a huge potential risk to, you know, have Aaravos’s magic prison in the castle basement and not know it?? Kosmo, telling Callum before the star-truth ritual was a bad idea but you gotta tell him EVENTUALLY. KOSMO!!
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I love themmmm 🥹.
Also, yeah, Kosmo just did not tell them. Um. That may become a bit of a problem later.
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Hello bitch. Nice to see you again.
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Do some of them not know the plan? They seem very surprised to see Sol Regem. Did no one tell them??
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Wait, shit, who the fuck is Pharos? I do not remember, I really should have rewatched season five before starting season six. Oh well, hopefully I’ll figure it out...?
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Karim, man, that seems like the type of thing you should NOT be staring directly into. That cannot be good for your eyes.
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Oh Dang. That was way more powerful than I thought it was going to be
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ON HER WEDDING DAY???? YOU HAVE TO DO THIS ON YOUR SISTER’S WEDDING DAY? You cant have a single modicum of politeness and at the bare minimum choose a day that your sister’s NOT getting married on? KARIM.
I also love the continuity of Corvus playing the cello from Breathtaking
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Aanya!! I’ve missed her!!
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God, I wanna try Sunfire wedding cake too. I want to know what fire tastes like. Also, I think Aanya’s voice has gotten deeper since her last appearance and I really love it. It’s just really melodic and nice to listen too.
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Amaya!!! Janai!! They look so good!!
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Sjalskfjl I love them.
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“Two very special people helped us bridge our differences and understand one another before we learned to do it on our own.” I love them giving Gren and Kazi parts in the wedding so much and how they’re doing both a traditional human wedding ceremony and a traditional Sunfire wedding ceremony.
Also, I know Kazi was confirmed to be nonbinary by the creators but I think this is the first time their pronouns are actually used in the show! Yay!
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BAIT! NOOOOO! The wedding food!! I really hope that didn’t include the Sunfire wedding cake
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“So, how are affairs in Katolis?” “Oh. Affairs are well, fair.”
This is the royalty equivalent of when someone asks you how it’s going and your life is on fire but you can’t say that so you just reply with “it’s going.” This is an SOS call, someone get Ezran a hug and like. Some cold apple juice. And maybe a therapist. Definitely a therapist.
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Aww, Aanya and Ezran’s friendship is so precious. I’m glad that they each have someone who understands what it’s like being a child ruler. They’re so cute.
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I love seeing the Sunfire wedding custom and I love Kazi so much.
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Zym stomping his little feet so that he can clap!!!
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Aww Grennnn. He’s so sweet I love him.
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COME ON! Really Karim?? In the middle of their WEDDING?? Let my girls have a nice wedding ceremony! Let them get married and not have to worry about the safety of their nation! Please!
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Poor Janai and Amaya but especially poor Janai. Imagine finally deciding to get married after putting off scheduling your wedding because Something is always happening in your kingdom, only to have your fuckass brother decide to take a sixth of your army and invade your fucking kingdom ON YOUR WEDDING DAY right as you’re about to start the vows. I deeply admire the composure of these women, I would have lit something on fire by now.
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Karim, shut the fuck up. You are one of the least righteous people out there. You have done nothing but be wrong for this entire arc.
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Okay, so I guess that guy is Pharos. I remember absolutely nothing about him I forgot he was a recurring character until right now skjfalskj
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OH WAIT, FUCK, What happened there???? I cannot remember for the life of me who this guy is gosh dangit. Curse my stupid gosh dang memory
(It should be noted that, although I haven’t mentioned it thus far, I am watching this season with my family. My brother says that he thinks maybe the guy got bitten by the dark-magic zombies at the great bookery in season five? That sounds like it could be right so I’m gonna go with that for now. I’ll check when I’m done with the episode.)
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Ough… My heart. I love the character growth Amaya has gone through so much.
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Okay, go, but maybe take Aanya and Zym with you. Just for safety. Also, nooo, this means Ezran doesn’t get to see his aunt get married. Give my boy a break! Please, just let him have a good time where nothing goes horribly wrong 😭
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Oh, Corvus and Aanya works too! I love Ezran so much. He’s hopeful and kindhearted but he’s not naive. He goes to negotiate with Karim using words rather than violence, but he takes Corvus and Aanya for backup in case things escalate.
Continued in reblogs!
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aviradasa · 8 months
Welcome to my masterlist
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{Picture from Pinterest}
The umbrella Academy
The walking dead
Miraculous ladybug
How to train your dragon (all spin-off shows)
The dragon Prince mysterys of Aaravos
Once upon a time
Tokyo ghoul
Death note
Van helsing 2004
Hellboy 1 and 2
Labyrinth 1986
The MCU as a whole (Marvel cinematic universe)
Same with the DC universe
Avatar 1 and 2
Pirates of the Caribbean (all movies)
Lord of the rings (lotr)
Sally face
Call of duty
Legend of Zelda breath of the wild/ tears of the kingdom
Assassins creed 2
Stardew valley
(Work in progress I’m reading a lot more recently so give it time any book suggestions are welcome.I’m a huge fantasy fan!!!)
David Bowie
(I’ll add more here once my will to live dies again.)
Characters I will write for:
The umbrella academy:
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
(I'm only on season 5 so if you want more characters let me know and I'll do my best!)
The walking dead:
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Miraculous ladybug:
Jagged stone
Meeting the kids jagged stone x fem!reader HC
How to train your dragon:
The dragon Prince, mystery of Aaravos:
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt 1
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt 2
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt3
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt4
The sight of two stars Aaravos x Startouched elf! Reader
Aaravos introducing you to his daughter pt 1
Aaravos getting ready to propose to you with the help of leola Pt 2
Teenage!leolas first partner is human! How do you and Aaravos react?
You and Teenage!leola sync up during that time of month. Aaravos is done
Once upon a time:
Mr.Gold ( Rumpelstiltskin )
Captain Killian ‘Hook’ Jones ( Captain hook)
Emma Swan
Regina Mills (the ‘Evil’ queen)
Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow white)
David Nolan (Prince charming)
(work in progress)
Van Helsing (2004):
Gabriel Van helsing
Anna valerious
Velkan valerious
Hellboy 1 and 2 (live action 2004-2008 movies)
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Prince Nuada
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Princess nuala
Labrynth 1986
Jareth the goblin king
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Dr, Stephan strange
Nick Fury
Bruce banner
Steven Rodger
Bruce Wayne
Barry allen
Oliver Queen
Clark kent
Poison Ivy
Avatar 1 and 2
Jake sulley
Miles Quaritch
Javier “spider”
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Captain jack sparrow
Captain Hector Barbossa
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swan
James Norrington
Bootstrap bill turner
Davey jones
Lord Cutler Beckett
Calypso ( Tia Dalma)
Lord of the rings/the hobbit (lotr)
Sally face:
sal fisher
Sal,Larry,ash (separately) x reader Makeout hc
Larry and sal (separately) x Chubby!fem!Reader Hcs
Larry johnson
Sal,Larry,ash (separately) x reader Makeout hc
Larry Johnson general hcs
Larry and sal (separately) x Chubby!fem!reader hcs
Sal,Larry,ash (separately) x reader Makeout hc
Call of duty:
Ghost Mw2 and 2009
Balgruuf the greater
Legend of Zelda Botw/totk:
Assassins creed 2:
Stardew valley (Sdv):
The wizard
Papa Emeritus 1 (primo)
Papa Emeritus 2 (secondo
Papa emeritus 3 (terzo)
Papa emeritus 4/cardinal copia
Aurora (we have the same name irl lol)
David bowie(going by era current stage persona):
Ziggy stardust
Aladdin sane
The thin white duke
Major tom
David bowie
My chemical romance
Gerard way
Party poison
Mikey way
Kobra kid
Frank iero
Fun ghoul
Ray toro
Jet star
I will add Other characters to any of these lists if you would like to request a character go on ahead!
What I will write/Rules:
No bullying or harrassment to anyone or groups of people in the comments. BE NICE TO OTHERS
No homophobia
No racism
No hatred
What I will write:
No self harm. I've struggled with it in the past and still sometimes do so I won't write for it
No Pe*o*hili* (this includes age play)
No R@pe
No Necro
No poop or pee shit
If there is anything else I find out exists that I don't like I will add to this list.
Anything you want I will add
I don't write for Male readers anymore. Due to some uncomfortable and unnessasary comments and requests. I apologize for this. I will write for trans folks though
PS. When requesting please be specific to what fandom/character you want(I will do crossovers.) just so I can make sure to get everything right for ya!
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jpitha · 11 months
They’ll eat what?
A Telmurian is walking around the promenade on the station, talking to their family on their pad.
What was that? Your signal is pretty weak. Oh! Yes, they have humans here.
I know. Their planet has a really big moon, they won’t stop telling everyone they meet. Yes, they told me about it at least three times. I saw the photos, it’s pretty big I guess.
Yes, they’re strong. I remember the time that human from the helm picked up two Sefigans and carried them around on his arms. I didn’t tell her, but I was impressed. Why didn’t I tell her? I don’t know.
They also have odd thought processes. Remember that story about the one that learned that the water filters were the same as the outer compensator on the FlashWarp drive? They still teach us to check other parts for commonalities like that. The Sefigans are building a whole reference of parts that can be exchanged for other parts.
They walk around, oblivious to everyone else on the promenade. A Gren glares at them, and clacks their mouthparts irritatedly. They are speaking loudly. They walk on, oblivious to the disruption they are causing.
I didn’t call you to talk about any of that stuff.
I just learned about their ‘food.’
Did you know they don’t have a specific food? They don’t have one or two or even three items that they consider food, they have hundreds.
Maybe even thousands.
They stop and stare out a window and are silent for a few moments.
Not only that, but they combine them in so many different ways. Even wilder, they have modifiers to their food. Can you believe it? They have things that aren’t technically food that they add to food to make it ‘taste’ different. They’re called spices or seasonings.
I know! Have you ever heard of such a thing?
They have this thing called ‘taste.’ It’s a whole sense for them! It’s what enables them to try and test foods and discover ones they like and reject ones they don’t like.
I have a hard time with it, to be honest. Imagine, food you don’t like. It’s food right? By its very definition it’s something you consume to survive.
They clack their wing covers together, like a sigh. A Sefigan sitting at a cafe near them makes a gesture, like they’re trying to shoo them away.
Not for the humans I guess. They have whole careers, whole philosophies, maybe even whole religions about food and its preperation.
I read about the first time some humans came onboard a Coalition ship. They asked where the kitchen was and when we said “the what” it was like you unplugged them. They just stood there with their mouths full of their scary sharp teeth open in surprise.
I imagine we had a similar face the first time they showed us a kitchen. Imagine, a whole room, a whole part of the ship that was turned over to their pursuit of food.
That’s another thing! They can get bored of food. Whoever heard of such a thing. It’s food! You eat it, you feel full, you continue with your day. That’s like… like being bored of breathing.
Have I tried any of it? I mean, so much of it is straight up poisonous to us. No, you’re right, some of it isn’t.
All right fine. Yes. I tried one. There was this one, it was something they called a cookie. It was made of something like ten ingredients all in very precise measurements, then mixed together and shaped into balls and cooked at a high temperature. How did they ever come up with that?
The cookie? I don’t know, it was fine I guess. I didn’t get sick. I guess I can’t taste like they can it wasn’t much of anything, just food. I didn’t want to hurt their feelings so I said I liked it. They gave me four more! I didn’t know what to do with them. They’re still in my room.
Okay, yes, I love you too. Tell the rest of the crèche I said good evening.
They disconnect the call and look up. There’s a group of humans sitting down at a human style cafe eating. One of them looks up at them. Their large wet eyes seem impossibly deep. In the corner of them, wetness wells.
“You didn’t like the cookies?”
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 3 months
Gren + Pip, Clear
Gren has an epiphany sitting in the dungeon with Pip, and maybe even a plan for a coup (that is not really a coup because Lord Viren is an illegitimate ruler, but he digresses).
An important fact about Commander Gren is that he was a teacher’s pet.
So of course he would raise his hand as best he could to be called on before speaking, chained up in a dungeon with the elf that had killed his king in a side chamber nearby, and said king’s bird stuck in his cage hanging from the wall.
Their imprisoner strode in, hands neatly folded on top of his staff, eyes shadowed and hanging heavily, bloodshot.
“No hot brown morning potion?” Gren asked, letting his wrists fall as limp as he could. It was hard to sleep standing up.
“No,” Lord Viren sighed, pinching his nose.
He kept on talking. “I have another-”
“Complaint? I’ll send a piece of paper. It will be promptly burned.”
Gren waggled a finger, grinning. “No! Not complaint- constructive criticism! We can all stand to do a little better, dontcha think?”
“If I humor you, will you silence?” Viren groaned, exasperated.
Gren was fairly certain the only reason he hadn’t done worse than chain him up here was because even the strongest mage would be helpless against General Amaya when she got wind of the predicament.
Still, he shrugged. He wasn’t the best at cards, but even he knew when to play an ace. He wasn’t commander to the revered general for nothing. “Sure!”
Viren mustered the most pleasant expression possible for him, one that was still the exact opposite of comforting, and smiled, though it came out a grimace. “Please do share your concerns, Commander.”
“Cool! I think…” He pondered for a moment. “I think it’s a little counterproductive- no, that’s not right. I think, yeah, I think it doesn’t make sense to keep the late king’s, may he rest in peace, bird in the dungeon.”
“And what would you rather I do with him?”
He pursed his lips. Gren hadn’t thought he’d get this far. “I dunno. Let me get back to you?”
“Yes, you ponder on that. Good tidings.”
Viren strode into the elf’s private cell, slamming the door behind him.
Gren leaned back against the hard, damp stone and released a long breath, looking to an oddly silent Pip in his cage hanging from the stairwell. “So. How are you?”
The bird squawked and ruffled his wings.
“Me, too, buddy. Hope you can get out of here, at least. No one’s built for this life.”
Pip tilted his head and picked at something under his wing.
“How long do you think we’ll be here?”
The bird moved his head in a little circle, and Gren chuckled.
“Hope it’s not long. If he cares this much about keeping me off the rescue mission, we could’ve compromised,” he mused. Gren had never been one for complete leadership, instead preferring to follow guidance and lead based on that. He would’ve been more than happy to co-lead the mission with Claudia and Soren, odd as they were. Just more opportunities to get to know them better, because one could never have too many friends.
Pip hopped forward on his perch, leaning his head so close to Gren that his beak poked through the bars. “Harrow,” he squawked.
Gren nodded. “I miss him, too.”
Pip shook his head, vibrant green plumage drooping and dirty. “Viren. Power.”
“I know he wants power,” Gren sighed in frustration, which was very counterproductive–and that was the right word this time–to what he’d worked on in therapy, channeling frustration and anger into productivity and paying things forward. But being productive in his current situation was very difficult, in his defense. No excuses, only doing, Ashton’s voice echoed.
 He gestured loosely to the door, taking a breath. “I don’t use the word lightly, but he’s cra-” He paused, the message the songbird was trying to relay growing more clear by the second.
“Are you telling me that Lord Viren let King Harrow die because he saw an opportunity to take power? And that’s why he’s keeping us here, so we can’t interfere?” He leaned towards the bird, struggling to keep his pitching voice from raising too high in excitement as the puzzle pieces fell into place.
Satisfied, the late king’s pet nodded. “Power-hungry fuckface.”
Gren burst out laughing. He had no doubt Queen Sarai had taught the bird that language that was quite accurate in describing the usurper.
“You’re not wrong, buddy. Hey”–he shot the bird appreciative finger guns–“you’re a good friend, Pip. Opened my eyes. But now I have to do something about it.”
Kick him where the sun doesn’t shine and chain him up in your place, Amaya would have said, but Gren didn’t possess her disregard for authority, nor her strength. No, Gren had to be more cunning about it. But how to outsmart a snake?
He thought back to the few words Pip had said, how Amaya had always complained, disgruntled, about the High Mage after every interaction with him.
“He’s manipulating Harrow,” she’d told him once in confidence after a few rounds of drinks, and Gren hadn’t breathed a word of it because not only would that have been treason, but betraying his best friend. “He’s selfish and you could swim in his sea of pride. I keep telling Sarai to work her way to getting him out by getting close to him, but she doesn’t listen. Tries to coexist.”
Pride. That was it.
Lord Viren couldn’t crack the Moonshadow elf who’d killed their king–who Viren might have let kill their king–and it was grating on him, breaking him down bit by bit until he’d do something less than humane- as if he hadn’t already.
Pride. He just had to play to his pride.
Gren had no more aces left. A king would have to do.
A voice echoed from the chamber, angry and piercing. “Would you stop talking to that blasted bird?!”
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raayllum · 2 months
I think one of the reasons the "TDP is too focused on Rayllum and/or I want to see Callum and Rayla interact more with other characters" critique (complaint?) falls flat to me is 1) Callum is the main character and Rayla is his deuteragonist, 2) the show justifies their journeys together because they're most relevant to what needs to be happening (Rayla needed to go home in S3 just as Ezran needed to turn back; they have to go to the Great Bookery and Starscraper bc the info and items there is most relevant to her and Callum's arcs), 3) nobody ever has the same complaints about Terry/Claudia or Janai/Amaya even though those relationships actually Are the embodiment of said complaint.
Amaya has not had a plot line at all left unaffected by Janai since S1; 90% of her scenes are with Janai with brief intervals of her and Gren or her and Karim in S4, and her and Rayla with one scene in S5. Terry is a great character, but he is there to flesh out Viren (S4) and Claudia (S5) in tandem, having all of his relevant scenes with either one or the other; we've yet to see Terry actually interact with literally anyone else.
Conversely, throughout S4 we get to see Callum interact with Corvus (4x01), Ezran, Soren, and various other characters we meet along the way (Rex Igenous, N'than). We also get a decent amount of Ezran and Rayla interaction and Rayla and Soren interaction in particular in S4, and she's the only one of the main trio to interact with Terry or Claudia; Callum likewise gets Opeli, Archmage Akiyu, and Finnegrin in S5. Meanwhile in S5 we get to see how Rayla interacts with Janai and Amaya in addition to her own view(s) of her family, and more smaller Ez&Rayla and Rayla and Soren dynamics.
So what the complaint boils down to is usually "I'm bored of Rayla and Callum's romance (because I feel like it got restarted in S4)" when even if they weren't having to work things out, they'd be getting these plotlines in S5 and S6 (the seasons apparently they spend the most one-on-one time in anyway) regardless because Plot Relevance. It also reads as boredom with Rayla's arc (to me) because learning 1) leaving has consequences (s4) and 2) to accept grace and support (s5) are all things she absolutely needed to have happen. Idk about you but I'd prefer that one of the main character's arcs and core conflict isn't resolved in 1-2 episodes max leaving her to just stagnate for two seasons, and that means letting her take up time and space in the narrative making good choices and bad
It also feels like people are misremembering earlier seasons because they've always primarily driven each other's conflict and growth even in S1 (1x03-1x06 is about their inter-group conflict) and pushed each other to new places and epiphanies (S2) while offering support (S2, S3).
Like to be clear — think and feel whatever you think and feel, I nor anyone else can necessarily change your mind let alone stop you. But if it's Only a critique levied towards them and not towards any other plot centralized dynamic in the show, you might wanna think about whether it's just because they're the two of the three Main Characters and you're tired of seeing them more than characters & dynamics that aren't as consistently featured bc they're not The Main Characters > the characters you want to see more of that aren't as relevant to core plotlines. Because if you're going to have a critique / complaint about something Structurally, you wanna make sure you're being consistent about said structural complaint, tbh
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