#i want to find more but its late and i will end up waking everybody up
newtness532 · 11 months
this is from 5th grade (made at ολοήμερο), my favorite thing ive painted
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learning about perspective in 9th grade
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Charioteer of Delphi (Eniochus), a dude that i dont remember who he is, the different types of columns, a bridge that i believe is a real bridge but i dont remember where, a scene from odyssey and a collage that the teacher really liked. idk why, it wasnt even finished
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7th grade me predicting my love life
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piratefalls · 8 months
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“You are", he says, "the absolute worst idea I've ever had.” - me @ ao3 after watching the movie and thinking "there's probably fic for this."
i like lists. i've lost sleep reading fic like it's gonna disappear the second i look away. i'm making my problem yours. i'm sure a lot of these won't be new to people since they pre-date the movie and it's far from comprehensive but. i'm late to this party. i also can't make gifs, so enjoy the basic canva header.
(baby) don't make me spell it out by extasiswings
One night near the end of first semester 1L finals, just a few weeks before the two-year anniversary of their first kiss, Alex finds himself looking up from his desk with its messy piles of color-coded notes and tabbed textbooks to see Henry asleep on the couch, clearly having dozed off waiting for him to come to bed, and unbidden he thinks, God, I’m going to marry this man. It startles him, the spike of adrenaline that floods through him waking him up and bringing the parts of his brain turning over concepts like proximate cause and strict liability to a standstill as he stares at Henry. I want to marry this man.
God Save the Blessed American President Mom by zipadeea
["June stopped by at lunch; she showed me a delightful channel called Hallmark, which repeats the same story every hour after they swap one round of white, straight, small-town conventionally beautiful actors for another. It was entertaining.” “June and I used to play a drinking game with those. Take a shot every time someone goes ice skating, sledding, or leaves the big city for their tiny hometown.” “Good lord, you must’ve been sloshed in the first ten minutes.”] -- On December 4, 2021, an attempt is made on President Ellen Claremont's life. Alex gets shot instead.
Familiar Gravity by cmere
“Yeah,” Alex breathes, and he pulls back to look Henry in the eyes. “I’ve been fantasizing about you fucking me in this chair for, like, weeks. Every time you sit down here with your stupid book.”   Henry likes it when Alex speaks Spanish and Alex has a request.
Am I the Asshole? by everwitch
AITA for spending Valentine’s Day with my roommate instead of my boyfriend? It’s well past midnight on a Saturday and hardly the first time Alex has scrolled aimlessly on his phone instead of trying to sleep, but it’s definitely the first goddamn time Alex has discovered his roommate has made a lengthy post about last night’s curry debacle to r/AmItheAsshole — a post that’s apparently gone fucking viral. -- In which Alex and Henry are college roommates, and a few thousand strangers think they should fuck.
Everybody needs good neighbours by railmedaddy
To nora(9.37pm): So a funny thing happened My hot neighbour brought me the mcflurry i ordered and we fucked From nora (9.38pm): WHAT DETAILS NOW Which neighbour? Wait, you only have one hot neighbour. Alex, did you fuck a guy?!?!?! ALEX Or Alex meets a hot new neighbour. Shenanigans ensue.
A Picture on Your Corkboard by bleedingballroomfloor
It happens on a random morning in May when Alex, age fourteen, pads into the kitchen to greet his mother and steal a waffle from June's plate and sees a man sitting at their breakfast counter, reading a newspaper, a cup of coffee raised to his lips. Like he belongs. Like it's the most natural thing in the world. June doesn't seem to give the man a second thought. She merely flicks Alex on the forehead and takes back the waffle. Ellen isn't worrying, either. In fact, she's talking to him. Asking what his schedule is like. Making plans for dinner. Alex has never seen this man before in his life.
this is the worthwhile fight by dearhappy
It's not that Henry's scared of their future, he's never been more sure of anything in his life. The thing is they're still trying to figure out how that future is going to look. And he worries about how it'll affect Alex's career in politics.
Déjame Ver Cómo Es Que Floreces by 14carrotgold
Oscar gets in close and bluntly asks, “Earlier. In the bathroom. Did you do it?” Alex scoffs, “No. Don't be a perv. Why would you wanna know that anyway?” Oscar rolls his eyes. “Mind out of the gutter, chamaco. Did you propose?” Ah.  - Henry is introduced to the extended Diaz side of the family at their matriarch's birthday. Shenanigans (and romance and feelings) ensue.
Please Don't Let Me Be So Understood by chamel
“I’m glad you both see it that way,” Dr. Chen says. Then she closes her notebook and folds her hands on top of it. “I think I’m starting to get a sense of where the issues lie. The good news is that you’re both here, and you’re both willing to work on this relationship. That’s promising. Not all of the couples I see are even at that point.” “Sorry, what?” Henry says, voicing Alex’s stuttering thoughts as well. (After one too many fights at work, Henry and Alex are assigned mandatory reconciliation therapy by their boss. Except the therapist thinks they're there for couples therapy... and surely, a bet on who will break first makes more sense than actually correcting her, right?)
Such a Burden, This Flame on My Chest by allmylovesatonce
Alex Claremont-Diaz is relocating back to Austin to join his dad's firehouse. His days as a firefighter in Washington D.C. ended badly, but no one knows that, or knows why. And he plans to keep that close to his chest. He has to shove it back down if he wants to seem like a normal person, if he wants to do the job, if he wants to get along with his new crew, and most of all, if he wants to get to know the hot British firefighter on the squad. No one can know what really happened.
thinking (about last night) by rhosyn_du
“I hope you know that I am literally never going to stop reminding you that you said that. I’m going to, like, take out an ad in the student paper. Maybe hire a skywriter or something. I am definitely telling Pez." "I hate you," Henry tells him. "Lies," Alex says, still laughing. "You know you love me." Henry lets out a heavy sigh. "Well," he says softly, "that's rather the problem, isn't it?" “What, you think we’d be better off if we still hated each other?” “I think," Henry says slowly, "I’d be better off if I could figure out how to stop being so stupidly in love with you.” It takes a few seconds for the words to really register, as distracted as Alex is by the heat of Henry’s breath and wondering how much it would cost to actually hire a skywriter. Once they do, it takes a full minute before Alex can move. Can breathe. Can think. Finally, he forces out a whispered, “What?” When that gets no response, he tries again. This time, his voice actually cooperates. “Wait, what?” The only response he gets is a soft snore and Alex realizes that Henry, the utter fucking asshole, has passed out on his shoulder.
you're the reason i let myself fall by perfect-porcelain (tedddylupin)
Alex doesn't quite know what to expect when he walks into a room with a glowing screen separating him from the person in the other pod. The entire experience makes him skeptical. How can you fall in love with someone you've never met? Or: Love is Blind AU
Sharper Head, Wilder Heart by Dawg1515
"This could work out,” Henry offers. “It could,” Alex replies. “That’s good, then. Someone’s going to have to walk me through the brilliance of Empire Strikes Back, after all.” “Sweetheart, if we’re legitimately dating now, I’m forcing you to watch every movie that has Harrison Ford in it.” “Duly noted.” Or: When the Queen decides it’s time for Henry to settle down with a woman, she arranges a courtship between him and Alex Claremont-Diaz, closeted political powerhouse. Alex secretly tells Henry he’s trans, and Henry tells Alex that he’s gay. To say they become an amazing couple would be an understatement—but nothing is ever that easy for a prince and a president’s son.
every version of you (i love) by coffeecatsme
“So,” the voice narrates as the man squishes the dog’s cheeks and laughs at himself. “There’s this guy that lives next to me with the cutest beagle in the world and this little guy climbs to the fence every day to drop his toys off at, like, 5:30 on the dot, I’m not kidding.” The camera shows the man boop the dog’s nose and press a little kiss to his forehead. There’s a ball in his hands that he hands to the dog, but it slips from his mouth all over again, making the man reach down to grab it. He glares at the dog, but even then he’s still smiling. “And this guy always walks by and picks up the stuff and it’s the cutest fucking thing ever you have no idea.” The camera zooms in farther into the man’s smile, genuine and wild, as he pushes his wild curls away from his face. His eyes flicker up when another figure walks into the frame, his blonde hair falling over his forehead in waves. The man’s smile, impossibly, widens. “Oh. I’m also pretty sure he has a crush on my neighbor.” Or, 5 times David greets Alex with something that belongs to Henry, and 1 time he greets Alex with something that belongs to both of them.
The Duke Who Loved Me by annesbonny, Inareskai, schmulte
This Author knows as well as anyone how much you, gentle readers, enjoy a scandal and a love story. And what could bring more delight that two young gentlemen who bring both of those wherever they go? Join the Duke of Mountchristen and the, untitled, Mr Claremont-Diaz as they attempt to find a Love Match amongst the gossip of the ton.
The Edge of Glory by politics_and_prose
Subject: CD-10 To: Alex Claremont-Diaz ([email protected]) From: Natasha Wallace ([email protected]) Alex - You know how you jokingly told me to let you know when Mayfield was vulnerable and/or not seeking re-election? Tash
lying in the low light by smc_27
The thing about having a one night stand with the guy your sister is close friends with and gatekept from you is that it becomes really fucking important that she never knows. Or, Alex and Henry have a one year stand. Or, Alex and Henry are in a relationship, only they’re the only ones who don’t know it.
what we might do (if we stop keeping a secret) by indomitablelove
'This isn't how I wanted to tell people. I thought we'd get the chance to do it right.' - Red, White and Royal Blue, Casey McQuiston, p.327 --- or, in another world, Alex and Henry get to do it right.
Who Could Love You The Same as I by MariaDmitrievnaLikesSundays
Inside was exactly what Alex had found himself dreaming about ever since that night at Kensington. The kind of dreams that he forced himself to forget once he woke up, but dreams all the same. A gold band, simple and smooth, with a single square diamond embedded on top. It was small, modest, exactly to Alex’s taste. ”Holy shit,” he said again. “Holy shit.” That was a ring. That was, unmistakably, an engagement ring. Hidden in his boyfriend’s coat. And he had just found it.
—— Or, Alex finds the engagement ring that Henry had hidden, and does exactly what you’d expect him to.
As the World Falls Down by 3bowtruckles
So while we all knew that the 2020 written in the book would be glorious fiction, we didn’t realize that reality would throw us something to take 2020 even further away from the book’s events. This story is where I attempt to merge our 2020 reality and the fiction of RWRB, using research (a LOT of research) to try to figure out what the trajectory of reality might have been. The story starts picking up the timeline after their late-February trip to Paris. After that, it's strictly AU, but I try to keep a lot of the intents of the events in the book (for instance, Alex's trip to confront Henry in Britain after the lake) while still making them fit the narrative I've created.
We'll Change the World Yet to our Dessire [sic] by cresswells
Alex and Henry are engaged and ready to share their announcement with the world, but after the media circus surrounding their forced outing Queen Mary wants them to do things properly this time. To Alex’s surprise, ‘properly’ apparently means taking a Royal Tour around Europe as an official couple. Ten days, five countries and lots of unnecessary wardrobe changes. What could possibly go wrong?
where clouds look like mountains by weather_stained
Four months after the election, while still learning to navigate the complexities of being in a public relationship, Alex finally has the chance to show Henry around Austin.
We'll Invite Something In by smc_27
Alex is grinning a little too hard.  This is absolutely idiotic and pointless and fun.  The cover of Hello UK with a photo of him pulled out and a photo of His Royal Highness Prince Henry Fox-Mountchristen whatever the hell the rest of his names are (Alex knows; he being a dick) with the admittedly stupid but flattering headline which reads: His Royal Highness: He’s just like us and crushes on Pres ACD.
Henry's Cold, Empty Tower by DracoWillHearAboutThis
“I want you,” Henry said, slowly but clearly, “to leave.” When Alex storms Kensington Palace, Henry sends him away. Then, their relationship gets leaked, and it's Henry's turn to fight for Alex.
behind the diamond-shaped glass by Celaestis
Five times Alex and Henry used tea and biscuits to communicate, and one time they don't need to.
The Byline by rosetintednerdglasses
Press Secretary Alex Claremont-Diaz serves at the pleasure of the President, and he does it excellently until a new White House correspondent darkens his press room: Henry Fox, The Guardian.
we've been here forever (here's the frozen proof) by r_holland
Objectively, I am aware that you – a stranger – cannot tell me my own sexuality any better than I can, however... Can you, please? Tell me? It’s 4am and I have been thinking about this for hours, and I can’t sleep. Warmest regards, ACD *** It’s four in the morning, and Alex Claremont-Diaz has managed to follow a research spiral straight down into a personal crisis. It isn’t the first time.
words on the tip of your tongue (but please don't say them) by viciouslyqueer
So close. He was so close to saying those words that have lived inside him for so long, and now it's gone, a moment that slipped right between his fingertips before he could grasp it. Now he’s floating in the middle of the lake alone, the ghost of Henry’s touch still lingering on his skin and an unknown, heartbreaking feeling in his chest. — Or: canon-divergence where Henry doesn't leave the lake house.
The Grand Tour by lucky (revolutionbarbie)
When Henry returned from an audience with Queen Mary looking stony faced and grim, Alex had immediately feared the worst. She had requested to see Henry – and Henry alone – the moment their plane had landed at Heathrow on a visit to Pez’s new shelter in London.  Alex had suggested that they go to see her together just to spite the old hag, but Henry wanted to keep the peace. Since moving to Brooklyn, they had entered into an uncomfortable détente with Queen Mary and Henry was loathe to be the one to break it.  “She wants us to go to Australia. It would be an unofficial Royal Tour, of sorts, with stops in several cities and a short visit to New Zealand. Three and a half weeks in total.”  “She wants to send us on an all-expenses paid Australian getaway? Count me in.”
come and get me by rizcriz
The email arrives 8 days after Henry left the lake house. He contemplates deleting it without reading, but it sits in his Alex inbox, where there are over seventy emails favourited, and somehow it feels wrong and weirdly impersonal. As if leaving without a note were any different. He stares at the from line with an aching longing that seeps into his veins. It settles on his heart like a tangible thing; something warranted and cruel that casts shackles around the aorta and locks them tight so that he might never love again. -- or, alex sends an email instead of flying to KP.
Never Did Run Smooth by clottedcreamfudge
"You and me? Best friends. Stellar. Love that for us. But we could absolutely fake being in love. Dating. Whatever. I know literally everything about you—" (No you don't, Henry thinks firmly) "—and you know everything about me. We would absolutely fucking annihilate the other contestants.” "You're too drunk to apply," Henry points out, like he himself isn't about as wasted as it's possible for him to be without curling up and going immediately to sleep. "I doubt you could spell your own name right on the application. Or mine." Alex grins and pulls something up on his phone; it looks like it takes him a few tries. "Wanna fucking bet?" *** Or: Henry's life is a comedy of errors; a patchwork of oopsie-daisies; a quilt stitched together with hauntingly terrible mistakes. And at the centre of it all is his best friend, Alex Claremont-Diaz; director of said comedy, threading together his oopsie-daisies into a flower crown, rolling around in the quilt of his own making, and this analogy is going to shit because Henry's so in love with him he wants to die.
idk I'll do a part two if anyone wants.
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lost-in-sokovia · 1 year
Gather around the fire, children. It is time for Rosie Ro’s headcannons. • Peony and Jay have the most special relationship, but it has its trials. I feel like during her teenage years, she might have some pent up angst about Jay being absent and unreliable. She had the reader, sure, but her dad is so smart and caring and she really looked up to that—she wanted him around more often. But also, she’s a smart girl herself and comes to understand why he made the choices he did.
• Ariel believes in unicorns. Like, really believes in them. Fairies, too. She weeps like a baby when Klitz tells her that they’re fake. (It would probably be Klitz, he’s like “well they’re not scientifically correct honey! 🤓” and reader’s like “shut up let her dream.”)
• Speaking of the Klitz family, Tim can only produce girls. Like no matter how many Klitz babies happen, he’s a chronic girl dad. (I feel like he wants a million kids with the reader but she’s like “alright slow your roll bud we can only afford so many.”)
• Peter (he’s a Soph deep cut) and Genevieve are super close. They’re like the good ending version of Annie and Ellen.
• Annie makes Joby a lot more soft. He thinks he’s all rock and roll and no feelings, but he finds himself crying just thinking about her. (Fun fact: my dad used to be in a band and he kept baby pictures of me and my brother pasted to his instrument cases. Joby vibes for sure.)
• All of the Bezukhov babies would be progressive little boys and girls. Both Pierre and reader would instill more “out there” values in them for the time period and they all grow up to be outspoken in their opinions. (Pierre has that “he’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit” allyship energy about him haha.)
WOO, yippee! Feel free to agree or disagree with any of these, just my silly little thoughts. Love always! -🥀
oh i’m so excited for this okay
i totally 10000% agree with this. i think you’re spot on. i haven’t published a fic i started like six months ago yet, but like, it touches on jay being absentee and whatnot. those two are so strongly bonded though that yeah, they always work through whatever quarrels they have with each other.🤍
YES OH MY GOD. i used to love unicorns even when i knew they weren’t real. i just thought the idea of them was cool. but entirely, and ari won’t let her dad spoil things for aurora and she entertains her little sister’s love in magical beings for as long as possible :)
this man is fertile and he only makes girls amen in the name of the father, son, and timothy klitz amen
PETER OH MY LORD I LITERALLY NEVER TALK ABOUT HIM. okay this is the one headcanon i sadly have to deny because @spicedchaiandromeda and i have discussed in extent that like ginny HATES peter. she’s so jealous of him when he’s little and thinks her dad loves him more, which isn’t true of course. maybe one day i’ll touch on it but yeah, peter and ginny have a bit of a rocky relationship being half siblings and whatnot
OH A BILLION PERCENT. cause at night when he gets home late from a show and goes into her room to kiss her head, she’ll wake up and make him pull her into his arms and just rock her for a bit. she doesn’t care if he’s still a bit sweaty, she just wants her daddy. and he’ll hold her and look at her sleepy little face and sniffle because damn, what did he do to deserve this?
oh entirely!! dimitri is gay, so i mean it only makes sense!! you and pierre had always taught progressive and accepting beliefs to your children from the beginning, and when dimitri came out it became much more important. and the whole “he’s confused but he’s got the spirit” thing wipes me out because it’s totally true. pierre said “ally!🏳️‍🌈”
roro THANK YOU for the headcanons🥺 you give me motivation to complete my drafts and keep up with these babies. to everybody reading this, i apologize for the lack of interaction lately, i do love you all though and think about you🤍
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dewdrop-writes · 3 years
Can I request a oneshot with Xiao who turned his back against Rex Lapis and Liyue for God Reader who was deemed a fake by everybody except him because he can feel the pain from his karmic debt lessening when he approaches the reader and recognized them the moment he laid eyes on them? So now Xiao becomes a fugitive and runs away with reader to protect them. I also would really appreciate it if you can put Qiqi into the mix? The little zombie becomes Xiao's and readers intel in liyue.
I hope that wasn't too confusing and if you don't want to do it, it's 100% alright.
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OHHH I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! Xiao love forever i love him so much pls i need a rerun of his banner pls mihoyo
Xiao being on the reader's side in the imposter sagau is just. chefs kiss
Length: 4. 7 k
cw: injury, reader being hunted by people, blood
Genre: uhhh a bit of angst but also some fluff
Of gentle breezes and tough hearts
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The Vigilant Yaksha, as he had been dubbed, was nothing if not dedicated to his duty of protecting Liyue. His duty of serving under the command of Rex Lapis.
Perhaps the years had not been kind to him, wearing and tearing at him until he was frayed at the edges - but he was forged into a fighter, and that was the burden he had to bear.
The burden of his suffering under his previous master - his acts as a Yaksha - all of it had added up over the years to forge an armor of callousness around him.
His burden of Karmic debt was something painful, weighing him down each day as he fulfilled his duties - on the worst of days he wondered, if that would be the day he'd succumb to it and cease to be - torn apart from the inside out in the throes of it.
Not that he'd ever voice his concerns or pains. He was above that. He was a powerful Yaksha and he had earned his lot in life, after all. And, he had you.
Your gentle light, distant guiding presence, you who would lift his debt and ease his pain - it was all he could ask for. It was more than he deserved, even.
The winds swayed angrily as news of an imposter spread through Teyvat like wildfire - igniting all along its path with a sense of burning vengeance and desire to avenge their Creator. To put an end to the sinner's sacrilegious crimes.
Of course, Rex Lapis, one of your oldest and most devout followers and acolytes, was bound to hear of this. And hear of it he did. His eyes burned with the flames Xiao had not seen since the Archon wars of times long gone - bringing forth the god of war that Rex Lapis had once been regarded as.
His orders were absolute - to find and slay the imposter on sight. To honor the Creator by offering this imposter's blood to you, to fertilize the earth with it and snuff out any flicker of life.
He, as one of, if not the strongest of the adepti under his command - and certainly the fastest - flew through the airs like a whirlpool of vengeance. He owed all he was, to you - and lately, his Karmic debt had grown in its panful, overbearing weight - you being nowhere to be found to lessen it.
Was it your fury at the gall of this imposter that made you stray from him and the people of Teyvat?
He would assure your return - he would become a weapon once more, all to honor you.
Perhaps it was his dedication to you - or maybe the force of anemo cursing through him, but he was quick to pick up the trail of the imposter. They weren't exactly great at hiding their tracks, or even if they were, they certainly couldn't deceive the Vigilant Yaksha.
Strangely enough, as he neared the location of the imposter, he found the painful pressure threatening to crush him every waking moment easing away. He took it as a sign. A sign from you - that he was heading the right direction. That he was doing the right thing.
But how could he bring down his spear to pierce the line tethering your life to this world when you looked up at him with the face of his beloved Creator? With tears unshed still lining the corners of your eyes as you stared at him in frozen fear, quietly accepting your doom as you closed your eyes.
His spear slipped from his grasp as he staggered backwards, feeling like any burdens his shoulders carried - any fragment of his Karmic debt - it was all lifted when he neared you - the lightness and sudden reprieve from his pain was enough to make him see stars.
He stared down at you once more, fear now in his eyes as he came to a sobering, horrifying realization.
He felt tears spring in his eyes - a foreign sensation to him that burned.
"You'r grace...it's you..." he whispered.
You shook, your arms still up defensively.
"Xiao..?" you whispered.
He fell to his knees before you.
"I'm so sorry," he mumbled.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.
The words kept falling from his lips in a prayer as he allowed the tears to slip down his face in turmoil, washing away the layers of armor and walls he had built up over millennia.
You watched his stone façade crumble, the fragments being crushed to dust and flowing away - leaving behind what looked like a lost, confused boy.
Slowly, you rose to your feet, quiet as a mouse. The Yaksha made no move to stop you, his lips moving wordlessly as his mind raced with the thoughts of what he had almost done. He could already picture it - you being gone - Teyvat would be in more pain than it has ever been - no archon wars, no vengeful gods could compare to it.
You bent down and picked up the polearm he had discarded, holding it in your unsteady hand as you attempted to balance it in your hand. The green jade glowed faintly as your fingers danced across it, emitting a soft warmth. The weapon you had worked so hard to attain and build up in strength.
Finally, Xiao seemed to snap out of his daze, staring up at your form - positions now reversed as you towered before him, holding a glowing weapon in your shaky hand, still unable to find the proper balance.
He attempted to push himself up, filled with the need to apologize.
"Don't come any closer," you warned, attempting to threateningly jab the weapon at him, only for the tip of it to crash into the ground as it wobbled in your hand.
So much for being intimidating.
"Your grace, I have no intention to hurt you," he attempted to soothe your worries, but the sharp and aggressive edge to his voice that always seemed to linger lent no credibility to his words.
"That's not what I saw just a few minutes ago."
His teeth dug into his lower lip.
"I know. But I was mistaken."
Your eyes bore into his and he could not help but allow his heart to soar - light and floating without the insufferable pain of his Karmic debt. Yet, he clutched the organ tight and pulled it back down to the depths of his core when he saw the mistrust painted over your face - the letters in the form of dark bruises and scrapes, dirt and exhaustion.
Still. He thought you looked divine.
"Well," you stammered, still attempting to aim his own weapon at him, "if you claim to mean me no harm - then let me go."
His eyes met yours, and he was ready to serve - ready to agree to any wish you voiced. He deserved not to enjoy your soothing presence when he dared to raise the very weapon you gifted him at you.
But he recalled he was not the only one in pursuit of you.
"Your grace, you are in danger. I cannot accept the possibility of you getting hurt while I'm not here," his words were pleas, his hands shaking ever so slightly as he spoke.
You could not help but believe him. There was something so earnest about his concern.
"Why is everyone after me?" you demanded, brows furrowing as you lowered the spear. "And what's with the sudden 'your grace' this and 'your grace' that?"
He blinked up at you in surprise.
"Well - you are our divine God. The Creator. As to answer your first question..." he trailed off.
"There's been a misunderstanding about your identity. Everyone is convinced you're an imposter."
A shocked, desperate bark of a laugh escaped your lips.
"Right. That's just perfect." You ran a dirty hand through your messy hair.
"Any other life-changing news you wanna drop on me while you're at it?"
He stared up at you in silence.
You sighed.
"Okay, well get up, Xiao. This whole kneeling thing is weird," you said, your voice rising in pitch as your exasperation cracked through it. The adeptus was quick to obey, keeping his back straight as he stood before you dutifully.
"Well, how do we fix this whole 'misunderstanding', then?"
Apparently, you don't.
Xiao had eagerly rushed to Liyue - to end this foolish hunt for your head, with you in tow. All caution had been thrown to the wind as you wandered into the city - the one Xiao had sworn to protect but rarely ever dared to enter - mortals were much too complicated and exhausting for the ancient adeptus, after all.
Xiao could feel any semblance of respect and loyalty towards the Lord of Geo smash into smithereens as the ancient archon refused to believe the truth right before his eyes - refused to acknowledge he had been wrong.
What use was there in serving a god who was so blind in his devotion that he'd willingly send the true Creator to their death?
What use was there in protecting a city that was willing to hunt down their God, each eager to claim their life with their bare hands barbarically?
Rex Lapis was no better than the god he had been enslaved under, forced to perform the cruelest acts of violence.
"We have a contract, Xiao."
"My contract does not involve allowing you to order me to kill the Creator."
"You are blind, and a fool, Xiao."
"It is you who is a fool."
No matter the contracts he needed to break - none of it mattered in the face of the one divine being that held power the entirety of the universe. Held that power and still clung onto their kindness stubbornly.
He stood watch over the little camp he'd set up for you, his polearm clutched tight in his hand as his golden eyes scoured the darkness surrounding him with the precision of a panther ready to pounce. He felt his muscles tense at every noise, the familiar feeling of doom that he though he had escaped so long ago with the help of Rex Lapis washing over him.
"Hungry?" you asked from your seat by the modest fire - where you had been preparing a meal to soothe your aches.
He glanced at you, his sharp features softening for a moment.
Too kind.
He stared a moment longer, a brief rest from his lookout duties.
"No thank you, your grace. Adepti have no need for food."
You frowned.
"But you can enjoy it."
How could you say something like that to him? He who had done so many unspeakable things over the thousands of years he had spent in this world?
He simply looked away, wishing to tear his gaze from the flame lest they ignite his heart on fire, engulfing it in its painful embrace. Lest it burn away the last of what was good inside of him to nothing but cinders to be scattered in the wind.
Despite being declared a criminal - despite severing ties with the god to whom he owed his freedom - despite all that...
Living life on the run was far from unpleasant.
He took his duty as your guard seriously, never venturing out into areas he deemed too dangerous, never letting his focus falter.
Still, he was acutely aware that it was not only mere mortals that were chasing after him and the Creator.
"Xiao, are you alright?" you asked, tenderly approaching him despite his orders for you to stay in your small tent. He turned to face you, his weapon tight in his hand by his side, ready to attack at any moment's notice.
"Of course, your Grace. There's no need to concern yourself with my wellbeing," he lowered himself to one knee and lowered his head.
"I am but a weapon to you, your grace."
As soon as those words slipped out of his mouth, he was yanked to his feet by you, gripping onto his shirt, a frustrated, yet melancholy expression upon your divine face.
"Absolutely not, Xiao."
His body tensed and he lowered his eyes to his ground.
Had he disrespected you?
"You are not just some weapon, Xiao! You're not even just a guard, either!" your hands clenched the white fabric of his clothing tighter as you stared into his eyes with a determined glint in yours.
"You are a person and to be frank, the only person in Teyvat I could even call a friend."
His hands shook, and for the second time in your divine presence, his weapon escaped his grip as he felt something heavy - not his Karmic debt. Something more emotional than that, being lifted from his shoulders.
He stared at his shaking hand and the discarded weapon in shame, not saying anything in return.
You sighed and picked up his weapon for him, only to snatch his wrist when he went to retrieve it.
Your eyes met once more, yours burning with a determined flame.
"You are not just a weapon. And you are not just your past." You released his arm and allowed him to take the polearm.
"You better remember that," you called over your shoulder as you headed back towards your shabby tent to attempt to get some shut eye.
Your words left Xiao lost in a void of swirling emotions he had no idea how to even begin to address.
Perhaps, for now - all he could do was fulfil his duty to you and...try to sort out his confusion at a later, safer time.
He put out the last remains of your campfire and began his vigilant watch. It was all he could do.
Sometimes, you would simply stop to gather plants - flowers you found pretty, or berries you recalled from recipes. Xiao watched in bewitched silence as you recognized every tree, plant and animal you came across - the way the world bloomed around you. He could not help feeling like one of those wilted flowers you touched - his petals suddenly coming to life and straining towards you.
"Hmm. This should work for the mint salad," you muttered to yourself as you plucked jueyun chilies off of the small bush, gathering them upon the palm of your hand - not caring if it would stain them. After all, a life on the run had lead to your standards of appearance dropping significantly.
Xiao glimpsed at you, a fulfilled sigh escaping his lips as he saw you smiling gently while gathering supplies. Honestly, seeing you do anything was fulfilling for the Yaksha.
Suddenly, his head snapped towards a faint rustle nearby, his serenity ebbing away as he readied his weapon to pounce upon whatever danger may be near.
Noticing Xiao's sudden change in demeanor, you frowned.
"Stay here, your grace. I will deal with whatever it is."
You simply rolled your eyes and followed him quietly as he approached the sounds. He was tense, eyes narrowed as he scoured the area.
Suddenly, seeing movement, he raised his spear to strike down whoever the figure was. His arm shot up as he prepared to launch himself, only to be stopped by your hand gripping his arm.
Confused, his eyes flickered to yours.
"Stop," you whispered - and all he could do was obey, lowering his weapon.
You smiled as you watched a pale, familiar girl quietly gathering herbs, her movements a little stiff as she immersed herself in her work.
"Qiqi," you spoke, unable to restrain yourself as the recognition washed over you.
The girl, upon hearing her own name, froze, looking around aimlessly for the source of the noise.
You gently pushed past Xiao, who was still gripping his weapon tight, cheeks tinged a delicate pink from your touch. Approaching Qiqi with a concerned expression, you caught the little zombie's attention.
"Hello, Qiqi - what are you doing so far out from Liyue?" you asked carefully, crouching before her.
She stared vacantly at you, before looking around hesitantly, as though finally taking in her surroundings. Slowly, she reached for her little bag and pulled out a small notebook, flipping the pages until something akin to realization flickered in her eyes.
"I am looking for herbs," she replied, voice flat and quiet as she looked up at you with an unreadable expression.
"Oh? What herbs?" you asked, your voice perking up as you spoke to the girl - the one upside of her foggy memory would most likely be that she probably wasn't even aware of your status as a wanted criminal.
She slowly listed off a couple, and you listened patiently, paying no mind to Xiao who was stood nearby, watching the interaction awkwardly.
"Well, I think I should have some of these," you told her, plucking them out of your little makeshift bag and holding them out for you.
"Thank you...but I ordered myself to gather them..." she mumbled, lowering her gaze.
Right. She worked on orders.
Your gaze landed on the setting sun. Zombie or not - capable in combat or not - you felt uncomfortable allowing the young girl to be out that late all by herself.
Then, you recalled your knowledge of the girl.
Hesitantly, you reached your arms out and pulled the girl closer. She stumbled into your embrace, making a surprised noise.
"I love you the most, Qiqi," you said softly, closing your eyes and meaning every word you said.
The girl slowly placed her hands on your cheeks, and you opened your eyes, a smile still upon your lips.
"Thank you...kind traveler," she spoke softly.
You chuckled and offered her the herbs once more. This time, she accepted them with a gentle thank you.
"How about we get you back to Liyue, Qiqi?"The
The Yaksha followed quietly, still on his guard, as you gently held the undead girl's hand in yours despite the coldness of it. She occasionally gazed up at you with a strange expression - one that could almost be read as fondness. Xiao supposed he shouldn't be too surprised - you were the Creator, after all. Of course your warmth would call forth love for you.
You escorted the small girl to the edge of Liyue, before coming to a halt.
"I think you can find your way home from here," you ruffled her hair gently and she stared up at you.
"Why are you not coming to the city?"
"Well..." you glanced at Xiao. "We aren't welcome in Liyue."
She lowered her gaze, seeming a little befuddled.
"I see...But how will I be able to meet you again, then?" she asked, her voice earnest despite its flatness.
You all but melted at her words, tears brimming in your eyes.
"You want to meet us again?"
She nodded.
"Well..." you bit your lip. You were constantly on the move, after all.
"Just call my name, whenever you wish to see us," Xiao spoke up, breaking the silence. Your eyes widened as you stared at the adeptus.
Qiqi allowed him to take her notebook and write simple instructions for her, his brows furrowed, but you could tell he was trying his best to not come off as intimidating.
Soon, you bid Qiqi farewell and were on your way again. You couldn't help the smile stretched upon your lips as you walked beside the Yaksha.
"That was sweet of you, Xiao."
He glanced at you from the corner of his eyes, and despite the darkness falling upon the earth and hiding his features, you could tell his cheeks were burning up.
"Just doing my duty."
You chuckled and shook your head.
"If you say so."
Over time, you grew used to life on the run. Every now and then, you would meet up with Qiqi, who you pampered with affection she clearly wasn't receiving from Baizhu. She began writing more about her days in Liyue - something you and Xiao found most useful when avoiding the milileth and other forces of Liyue sent to hunt you down. You felt a sense of ease around Xiao - and he had to admit that during all his years upon this land, he had never felt quite as free and even...happy as he did when with you.
However, all good things must come to an end.
The ground below you erupted - pillars of stone bursting out and cornering you and Xiao as the Geo archon glowered down at you in distaste.
"Any final words?" he spoke, his low voice rumbling with an anger akin to earthquakes. Xiao pushed you behind him as he clutched his weapon, glaring back with a fiery fury of his own.
"I will not allow you to harm the creator!" he spat, any loyalty to Morax long gone with the winds that carried him to his journey with you.
Zhongli simply scoffed.
"You have been led stray, Xiao. Led astray by the deception of this imposter." He aimed his weapon at you, causing you to flinch. It only made Xiao shake with anger as he did his best to shield you from Zhongli's view.
"You're wrong, Morax."
"I will admit, the disguise is quite convincing. If I wasn't as knowledgeable and loyal to the true Cretor - I may have fallen under their spell too, Xiao." He smirked coldly.
"Xiao. Step aside and allow me to end this preposterous farce, and you will earn forgiveness. I am sure the Creator will be kind enough to forgive you your sins."
Xiao bared his teeth.
"Over my dead body," he spat.
Zhongli sighed, a glimmer of regret flashing across his face as he stared down at the two.
"Very well, Xiao."
His polearm came down with the swiftness of a rolling stone, gaining momentum as it plummeted downhill.
Your lips parted in a soundless scream of agony as you watched it mercilessly pierce Xiao.
You could barely see his limp form slump onto the ground through your tears as you sank to your knees beside him.
"How could you?!" you spat angrily, tears flowing across your face in angry rivers as you cradled Xiao's bleeding body.
The blood.
So much blood.
"He used to look up to you! Worship you for saving him!" your voice was raw and filled with emotion that ricocheted off of the pillars surrounding you, sending wide cracks through them.
Zhongli - no, Morax, stared at you, stared at the weapon in his gloved hand, and said nothing.
What could he say, when the Creator themselves was before him, crying shimmering tears brimming over with the stars of the galaxy?
He had been blind, after all.
Your shimmering tears fell in raging fury, never-ending as the rain that took over the clear blue skies of Liye. Your heart heavy, and cracked as the earth below you when you held Xiao's limp form close.
"Xiao, please..." you whispered, shaky fingers attempting to stop the bleeding - attempting to ease the pain he was undoubtedly in without bringing any more to him.
You ran a bloody hand through his hair, brushing aside the strands as you gazed at his face - growing paler by the minute as blood seeped from his wound.
You choked back a sob and gently laid him down. You could see the way his chest was rising and falling - but it was growing slower and more strained with each passing moment.
"You idiot," you muttered, voice hoarse from your emotional outburst. You tore at your clothes, barely able to rip off pieces to attempt to bandage him up.
Your furious eyes burned at Zhongli, who was frozen in place, drenched from the sudden onslaught of rain.
"Do something!" you shouted, cut off by your own sob. "Get a healer - do something useful!" you clenched your fists as you received no answer and simply stared at the unconscious man before you, tears unceremoniously dropping onto his form - not that you cared to pay it any mind as your own wet hair clung to your face. It was cold. It was all so cold and lifeless as your heart raced but left your mind empty of nothing but pain.
You watched Xiao take one more shaky breath, before his chest stopped moving.
You screamed. At Zhongli. At Teyvat. At everything that had lead to this injustice being allowed to occur. Screamed until your voice was raw and you could taste blood in your throat - and then some more.
Finally, you clung to the bloody and damp shirt clinging to Xiao's form, burying your face in it - allowing the coppery scent of blood to wade into your nostrils as you choked out wails.
It was all so cold.
And then, suddenly - it was warm.
You looked up in surprise - only to see the wound soaked in crimson blood just moments earlier - starting to close rapidly. You slammed a hand in front of your mouth as you watched it close up and leave behind only a golden mark in the shape of a diamond where it had been.
Your hands, still soaked with the red blood, move to cup his face, staining it - not that you cared at the moment. Your eyes stared at his face in desperation.
For any sign of life.
"Your...grace?" he mumbled, slowly opening his golden eyes. Eyes that shone much brighter and more golden than ever before.
You choked out another sob and pulled him closer, pressing your forehead against his - not caring that your drenched hair clung to your face and that your hands were still dirty. You stroked his cheeks, shedding tears of joy as he stared up at you.
"Have I finally reached the afterlife?" Xiao murmured, his own hand weakly brushing against yours.
"No, you idiot!" you tried to scold, but the smile on your cracked lips gave away your true feelings.
Slowly and gently, still unaware of how healed he truly was, you aided him to his feet, allowing him to lean on you. You could see Zhongli on his knees, a horrified expression etched onto his features.
You'd deal with him later.
"How could you say something so stupid?" you whimpered, holding the adeptus close. "I thought you were dead!"
"I was fulfilling my duty to protect you, your grace."
You stared up at him in exasperation.
"What about your duty not to break my heart?!" You clutched his shirt, glaring up at him.
"What do you mean, your grace?" he looked confused and ashamed nonetheless, for upsetting you.
"If you had died - then how could I have gone on? I love you, you stupid, stubborn, edgy Yaksha!"
He stared at you in awe, tears shimmering in his own eyes.
Your hands crept into his hair - crunching under your fingers from the dried blood within it - and you gently pulled his face closer, your eyes clashing as both of you stared into the other's soul.
"I love you too, your grace," ha managed to say, voice barely above a whisper.
You laughed, before giving his lips a gentle peck.
"I'm glad that we see eyes to eye on that."
You allowed yourself that moment of peace, embracing Xiao, before turning back to Zhongli.
He was still on his knees, his eyes staring up at you in shame.
"You are...god. Such an asshole!' you sputtered, your anger resurfacing.
Zhongli lowered his gaze without daring to say a word.
"I expect you to...call off your minions from chasing us. And to leave us the fuck alone after that!"
He nodded quietly, his shoulders tensing.
You paid him no further mind.
You held Xiao close, allowing his weakened form to lean on you as you carried his weapon for him.
"Would you like to see Wangshu Inn again?" you asked gently. "We could get some almond tofu...and some rest.."
He sighed.
"Adepti need no-"
You cut him off.
"No. You will have a nice long bath. Have Almond tofu. And get some damned sleep, you stubborn Yaksha."
He sighed.
"Yes, your grace."
You simply smiled and pecked his cheek.
Perhaps life would become a little easier now - for both you and Xiao.
You could hope for nothing more.
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ok i really rushed the end cus i was. REALLY STRETCHING IT OUT. but anyway as an afterthought...imagine reader and xiao adopting qiqi basically <3
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skrunklybf-archived · 2 years
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peek; reiner x f!reader x bertholdt
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summary: he should've turned around. he should've closed the door. but bertholdt couldn't pass up the scene unfolding right before his curious eyes, right on the living room couch...
tags: smut, mfm threesome, oral (f and m receiving), face riding, voyeurism, established relationship (reiner), praise, creampie, cum eating (f and m), unrequited feelings, bittersweet ending, subby bertholdt
wc: 3.2k
notes: hehehe <3 reiner brain rot too real lately
taglist: @arminfj | @thicc101q
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sleep clings to bertholdt's eyes, threatening to drag the heavy lids down and end the netflix marathon earlier than he'd like. only a few more episodes to go before he's finished with the season -- before he's caught up enough to watch with his roommate and his girlfriend, who had strong-armed the brunette into watching in the first place.
"we'll wait for you," she had thrown on a pair of puppy dog eyes, "then we can all watch together!" bertholdt sheepishly agreed, unable to turn her down, swallowing the lump in his throat with practiced precision. he always had a soft spot for reiner's girlfriend; a soft spot he tucked away for everybody's sake.
you. in all your sweet, glowing glory... why did he have to think about you in such forbidden light?
reiner had always been a good friend to him. understanding, compassionate, brotherly. signing a lease together took less than a minute of thought. still, bertholdt wondered if he was torturing himself by doing so. everyone knows that with reiner comes reiner's girlfriend -- he's a doting and loving partner, utterly obsessed with you in ways that occasionally left a sour tint in the brunette's throat. you deserved all the praise, all the attention, all the sickeningly sweet affection reiner loved to rain on you. an outsider could look upon your relationship and coo, swoon at the way you loved each other so openly and endlessly.
bertholdt wanted to. he just couldn't, sometimes.
rubbing his eyes, he stands and stretches his long limbs with cracks and pops. staying curled in bed for hours is fun until it isn't, he decides, and pads quietly into the hallway. the apartment felt dark and cool. it's late, he thought, i'm probably the only one still up right now. the low glow of some late night talk show gently illuminates the end of the hallway, serving as a beacon on his journey to the kitchen. only as he draws closer does a peculiar sound tickle his ears.
"mmf, taste so good..."
a small hum, followed by a shaky breath. bertholdt feels his heart thump harshly once before pausing its rhythm completely. that had to have been the television, maybe an ad that only rolled in the evening hours. curiously, the brunette slowly tips his head around the corner.
you. your head is lolled back, oversized tshirt tugged up to expose one of your tits as you sit on your knees on his couch. thick thighs encompass and shield the seat you dutifully grind on in hypnotizing rhythms. below, reiner is stretched out on his back, thick cock freed from his sweats and bobbing underneath your backhanded grasp. he's grabbing your hips and rolling you over his tongue, earning hushed gasps and mewls as you try to contain your excitement.
bertholdt swallows thickly. guilt and arousal kick up a dangerous storm in his stomach. he quickly ducks back into the lonely hallway.
"you like it when i ride your face, rei?" barely above a whisper, bertholdt bites his lip as your decadent voice still finds him.
"pussy's so sweet baby," reiner is even more muffled, face still stuffed into your cunt. "yr'so wet for me."
this is wrong. the brunette feels the confusion scrambling around in his tired body. blood doesn't know whether to settle in his tensed face, or his twitching cock. he can't do this, he can't invade your privacy like this.
"oh, fuck," a particularly sharp moan from your pretty lips forces his eyes shut.
"shhh, baby. you'll wake up bert."
he chokes on a sigh when you giggle and apologize. bertholdt's chest tightens dangerously as his mind jumps. you giggled, what does that mean? did you want him to hear? you were fucking on the couch, in the living room... where he could come out at any time and catch you both in the act, much like he just did. but... you don't know he's there. reiner doesn't know he's there. how would reiner feel if he did?
"just like that, keep licking rei," around the corner, only feet away, you whisper desperate praise to your boyfriend lapping away at your pussy. the sounds of his tongue sliding over your slick folds are lewd and sloppy. bertholdt absentmindedly palms at the tent in his pajama pants, back pressed firm against the cool wall.
he needs to turn around. he needs to go back to bed and forget this ever happened.
"mm'gonna cum,"
he needs to go.
"please don't sto-- ah, ah!"
he's squeezing the pulsing prick in his pants, eyes screwed shut so hard he's unsure if he can open them again. your breathy moans are cut off, like something's been shoved in your mouth to conceal the mounting pleasure. deep hums mix in the air with your obscene sounds. the couch creaks, nearly beckoning bertholdt to peek around the corner again.
reiner's large hands are guiding your glowing body, squeezing the supple meat at your hips and thighs as he commands you. head thrown back, you're caught in a state of bliss with your hand clamped over your own mouth. the movements are rough and desperate as you hump reiner's tongue, your other hand clinging to the arm of the couch for stability. bertholdt's widened gaze fixes on your plump ass, shaking and gyrating so feverishly on his roommate's face. he fists his aching cock and pushes aside all the fear and guilt in favor of soaking in this devious moment.
slowing, twitching, your body eases into a gentle rocking motion and heaves a sigh. a bell-like giggle falls from your lips when you look down at reiner between your thighs. bertholdt can't see the blonde's expression. he swallows again, hand shoved down past his waistband.
reiner mumbles something against your sex that makes your gaze flick upward, instantly sealing the tall brunette in place.
he stops breathing.
a shy smile creeps across your flushed face. "well, i guess you're right," you coo, "i think we were too loud, baby."
he was dead. bertholdt would never see the light of day again -- images of reiner beating the shit out of him for creeping in on his sex life burn vividly into his panicking brain. the brunette quickly withdraws his dampened hand and clears his throat. "i-- 'm sorry, i was just... kitchen," squeaks out, anxiety bubbling once you begin to dismount with shaky legs. reiner meets his gaze as soon as his face is freed. a slick sheen over his mouth catches the light of the television.
the blonde tugs his sweats back over his cock, but doesn't look away. bertholdt can't force himself to look away either, even with your wide-eyed form glancing between the two men.
"it's okay bertie," you say suddenly, breaking the silence with sweetness. "i'm sorry i woke you up."
the brunette clears his throat again but the nerves don't budge. he tries to angle his body away to hide the tent in his pants. "it's fine," he feigns coolness, trying and failing to read his roommates expression, "s-sorry to interrupt."
"maybe sorry you got caught." the ghost of a grin flashes across reiner's face for a split second -- so fast, bertholdt wasn't sure if he imagined it or not. he goes to speak with reddened ears but you chime in first.
"don't be mean!" after scolding your boyfriend playfully, reiner sits up and wipes the cum from his mouth. "he lives here, too." the shirt you're wearing (reiner's old college memento) makes you look so small, so innocent and naive as you look over at bertholdt again. your eyes fall down to the bulge outlined in his flannel pants. bertholdt feels scrutinized by the world's most perfect couple.
"he's a big boy hun, he can handle it." reiner's voice feels so gruff, even as he jokes and pulls you back down to sit on his lap. a small squeak slips out of you, undoubtedly adjusting to the erection pressing against your lower back.
the brunette feels stuck, bolted in place. his brain scolds him, telling him to retreat back to his room with his tail between his legs -- but a naggy voice points out how nobody has yelled at him. neither of you had shouted, panicked, ordered him to leave. the living room air feels electrified as he and reiner continue to lock eyes, a myriad of unclear emotions swirling between them.
"um... yeah..." bert mumbles, watching reiner whisper something along your ear. he feels out of place when you shoot a puzzled look back over your shoulder. after a moment, he watches you nod, face flushed and looking almost nervous from his position in the doorway.
strong hands glide up your naked thighs, dip under the cotton tshirt, and cup your tits with a gentle squeeze. reiner barely arches a brow as he watches his friend over your shoulder. it almost feels like a game of chicken; if bertholdt looks down, he loses. so he fights to hold the blonde's gaze, heat still radiating off of his entire face.
"you can look, bertie," your lips curl so sweetly over his name, even with the low tone you let drip from it. bertholdt feels his cock pulse. reiner dips a hand down to spread your legs. with your pussy so puffy and wet, bertholdt loses the staring match and the last shred of his dignity. "do you like it?" he can't help but slowly nod when you speak. your boyfriend's fingers swipe expertly over your pussy lips, gathering slick and juices up to spread over your swollen clit.
"is this... umm. are you...?" berthold feels tiny when he speaks, despite towering over both your seated forms. he isn't even sure what he's trying to say -- lust, confusion, anxiety all washes over him in unforgiving waves. still, he can't look away from reiner groping you, spreading his angelic girlfriend open just for bertholdt to see. reiner offers a short nod, instructing his friend to come closer; and he does, feeling like a newly trained puppy as his long legs drag him across the living room.
"everything's up to you, baby." the blonde breathes into your ear, sounding oddly neutral about another man being within arm's reach of your half naked body. bertholdt doesn't want to question how he's not caught in a headlock at the moment.
"up to me? are you sure?"
"mhm," he trails kisses along your neck, "we talked about this before... besides, if it's gonna be anyone, it might as well be bertholdt," he stops for a second to eye his friend, "right?"
an unspoken conversation seems to pass between them, searching each one another's gaze for a few moments as you agree sheepishly.
"whatever [y/n] says." reiner says again, dipping two fingers into your slippery cunt. "if she says stop, you stop." bertholdt finds himself nodding feverishly, entranced with how your pussy sucks on reiner's large fingers. he can't believe this is happening. he can't hear much over the heartbeat in his ears.
a delicate hand reaches out and pulls him forward. bertholdt follows obediently, relishing at the feather light touch you trace down his thighs. he pulls sheepishly at the taut fabric around his aching cock. eyes half lidded, he feels his throat close as you look up at him through thick lashes.
"can you take these off, bertie?"
reiner's motions below your waist slow, simply stroking along your entrance, curious to see what happens next.
at first the brunette feels hesitant, thumbing the waist band sitting at his hips, but swallows down the anxiety and abides to your request. his dick nearly slaps up against his toned abdomen once it's free. flushed, long, dripping a bit at the tip. bertholdt holds his breath as you trace the shape with wide eyes.
almost as if it all clicked into place, a sweet smile spreads over your lips. you hovered, freeing reiner's cock beneath you, and slowly eased down onto the familiar prick. bertholdt gnaws at his lip -- he wonders how tight you felt, wonders how reiner squeezed his fat cock into you without passing out. reiner pulls your shirt over your head and tosses it to the side. he grasps at your hips, rolling you over him, groaning into your shoulder. leaning back into his strong hold, you began to grind, eyeing the nervous man in front of you.
"kiss me."
he wouldn't say no. he glances at reiner briefly for approval, but the blonde simply arches a brow in response. bertholdt cups your face with clammy hands and gently presses against your lips, cautious, unsure if you'd change your mind after contact. you don't -- actually, you lean into him, sucking in a long breath through your nose.
it feels so odd, making out with you while you ride your boyfriend, but bert enjoys the sensation. something about how scandalous the situation sits in his mind makes his cock twitch. he lets you guide his large hands down to cup your tits. little moans rumble into his mouth as reiner ruts up into your cunt, smacking against your gooey center. berthold pulls away just enough to gingerly ask, "can i...?" with a pinch of your nipple.
giggling almost drunkenly, you guide his head down and hold his face against your tits; the heat from his cheeks could nearly burn you. bertholdt drops to his knees like he's ready to pray.
"t-touch me, lick me," you purr, leaning your head back to moan into reiner's ear. he traces loving kisses along your cheekbone and reaches down to press a finger against your clit. bertholdt grips his touch-starved cock with one hand and your tit in another, slicking a tentative tongue over your hardened nipple. the men work in tandem, fucking into you and sucking your sensitive spots, earning a string of honeyed moans and praises.
reiner loved fucking you like this -- slow and sensual, massaging his dick into your gummy walls while he kisses you. the feeling of you writhing under his grasp sends his heart pounding no matter how long you've been together. he peeks over your shoulder, over the tiny love bites he's left on you, to watch bert suck your tit into his mouth. the brunette pumps his own cock with closed eyes, slipping out little moans and grunts as the air around you three loosens even more.
reiner knew bertholdt was wrapped around your finger. he knew if he could trust anyone to help fulfill the fantasies you sheepishly talked about late at night, it would be him. the thought of his best friend touching you was a curious one; reiner found himself more okay with the action than he initially thought; knowing you were enjoying yourself, knowing you were still his. some protective pleasure bubbled into his chest seeing bertholdt meekly obey your mewling requests, but still looking to him for another stamp of approval.
"can you bend me over rei?" your request is so breathy, so laced with want and need that both men groan against you. "... and can i maybe suck your dick, bertie?"
maybe he was dead. maybe this was his own weird version of heaven, with a soft hand holding his eager cock so close to your plump lips. reiner has you draped over the arm of the sofa on your knees, one of his legs steadying himself on the ground and the other pressed into the couch. he's rutting into you, heavy balls slapping against your pussy lips with every hungry thrust. bertholdt watches your pink tongue dart across his flushed cockhead with burning desire.
he carefully combs a hand through your hair, heart fluttering when you glance up at him. your eye contact sends shivers down his spine -- the brunette moans brokenly as you allow his length into your throat in one smooth motion. he throws his head back, working hard to keep his hips from jutting forward and seeking more stimulation.
the way you slobber on his cock leaves bertholdt dizzy, vibrations from your muffled moans tickling his sensitive prick. he pries hazy eyes open enough to watch his dick disappear into your mouth over and over again. he's rocking into you, working with the rhythm reiner sets at your backside. the blonde opposite of him gushes with praise, leaning in to rub practiced circles over your throbbing clit.
"my pretty baby," he massages your ass with his free hand, "you look so good stuffed with dick."
your motions grow sloppy, desperate, a chorus of sweet hums and choked mewls escaping around bertholdt's dick shoved down your warm throat. he feels his stomach tightening each time your nose brushes against his pelvis.
"f-fuck, that feels so good," the brunette breathes heavily, seeming to spur reiner into a faster pace behind you. "thank you-- fffuck, ah! --t-thank you s'much--" waves of pleasure and satisfaction threaten to crash over bertholdt at a dizzying speed. he grips your hair a little harder than intended, "i'm g'na... w-where can i... fuck, m'gonna cum," he finds himself flicking his gaze up, catching eyes with reiner momentarily. some insane shred of him blared with an alarming reminder that you are reiner's girlfriend -- and he had his dick shoved in your pretty little mouth.
your eyes are screwed shut, too buried in your own world of pleasure to give a verbal answer. with a few bobs of the head, bertholdt's cock throbs and releases in your throat, his body locking up and stomach muscles flexing with a long moan. he tosses his head back again, ears fixed on the sounds reiner coaxes out of you as he bullies his dick against your cervix. your second orgasm of the night follows close behind, your plush pussy walls cinching around reiner's thick meat. he groans out swears and praises, gripping your ass with one hand, effectively pussydrunk and riding it out as long as he can.
"that's it baby, cum for me," the blonde rumbles, swirling quick shapes over your clit, "you've been such a good girl sweetheart. making us both cum--" the words seem to simply fall out of reiner, quickly becoming the next one to lose himself in a fit of bliss.
bertholdt isn't sure what comes over him when he kneels down to kiss you. your moans feel so sweet filling his mouth; he can taste himself on your tongue, which comes as a stark reminder that you just let him cum in your throat. you.
with your hot cunt busy milking reiner for every last drop of cum, bertholdt relishes in possibly the last few kisses he can get. he holds your cheek in his hand and presses your foreheads together, trying in vain to steady you against your boyfriend's impressive hip strength. reiner eyes this, but simply continues to shower you in praise as he slowly descends from the breathtaking high.
"fuck, i love you so much," he breathes, pressing against your ass and running his large hands down your back in a soothing motion. your eyes flutter open again, locking with bertholdt's for a second. he feels his chest tighten and his stomach drop when you look away and over your shoulder, tossing reiner an affectionate gaze and sweet smile. "i love you too, baby."
bertholdt pretends you were still looking at him,
i love you, too, [y/n].
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jingyismom · 3 years
Thanks everyone for the prompts! I decided to try and knock these all out in one go:
@thegirlwhotrashcans: remember, you asked for it. au, nobody dies, wwx and yanli bodyswap. they're married to lwj and jzx. 100% crack. bonus points if jin zixuan completely loses his shit and lwj looks very calm but loses his sh*t after everything is back to normal
@alightbuthappypen: Competency kink! One or both of them (when I say 'them' I mean wangxian obvs, I know what I'm about) getting hot and bothered about the other being amazing. On a nighthunt maybe? Or anywhere else that strikes your fancy!
@hearteyeswangji: WRITE MORE P*RN
I think I can manage that. With a few tweaks, accidental seriousness, and broad, ridiculous fix-its tacked on. I have no idea how long this might be. Let’s try it in installments? I’ll reblog and add on as I go. Maybe it’ll be fun. We’ll find out.
Disclaimer that this is just gonna go for it with no revising and no beta readers, so pls do not hold me to any conceivable standard of coherency thx
WILL INCLUDE: wangxian, xuanli, let jyl and lwj be friends agenda, canon divergence, fix-it, everybody lives, arranged marriage, bodyswap, light angst, getting together, Attempts at Comedy, eventual (light?) wangxian smut
The Sunshot Campaign has just been won. Everyone goes over to Jin Guangshan’s house after the Nightless City banquet, to Negotiate Stuff, and some hasty political marriages happen resulting in Xuanli Wedded Bliss and Wangxian Un-confessed Wedded Tension. Then, suddenly...a curse befalls our brave heroes.
Wei Wuxian wakes suddenly, feeling odd. He’s sleeping on his stomach for one thing, which is not his usual, but he feels warm and comfortable enough that he doesn’t think it strange. But then there is the scent of peonies and gardenias, which is both familiar and alien, somehow. It makes him open his eyes. 
Which is when he sees the hand before him on the bolster. It is slender and elegant. Small. Pale. Familiar? Wearing a jade bangle. He pushes himself up a bit, startled, only to see the hand move when he does. 
The hand. Is his hand. He stares at it. The shock of it, coupled with the early hour, leave his mind working very slowly.
At length, he becomes aware of an odd weight across his back, which then shifts. Wei Wuxian turns.
He is met with the sleepy, moon-eyed stare of one Jin Zixuan, still cradling him in his arms.
“What the fuck,” says Wei Wuxian. His voice is. Soft. And high.
He would think this was all some messed-up dream if not for the fact that his dreams of late have all been messed up in an entirely different way. He’s also certain, in an odd, detached way, that he never would have imagined the battle scars that mar Jin Zixuan’s distressingly visible skin.
Jin Zixuan’s brow furrows, and he blinks. “A-Li?”
“...What the fuck.”
When Lan Wangji wakes at his customary hour, he is just slightly more tired than usual. The coverlet over him is oddly heavy, but he does not give it any thought until light from the rising sun slips over an unfamiliar sill and into his eyes. His entire body goes tense as he remembers. 
Jinlintai. The long hours of debate, of negotiation. The hasty marriages. 
He sits up in his strange bed and turns. There, in the bed opposite, is Wei Ying’s sleeping form. Close, yet still distant. Safe, at least.
Lan Wangji relaxes, and takes a breath. It was a near thing, keeping the sects from demanding more and more from Wei Ying, from treating him like a criminal instead of the hero he is. But somehow, Jiang Wanyin and Xiongzhang ended up on the same page, defending him, working tirelessly toward a compromise with the more critical parties. And now Lan Wangji has the dubious honor of ‘keeping Wei Ying in check,’ as Yao-zongzhu so inelegantly put it, through marriage. 
A strictly political marriage. A convenient solution. To bind them together, to keep Wei Ying tied under the umbrella of Lan Wangji’s rigid honor. 
It is unclear, as of yet, if Wei Ying resents this arrangement. He has not been himself since Nightless City, and the destruction of Wen Ruohan’s forces. First his long coma, then a lingering tiredness that he has not seemed able to shake, which dampens his normally-vivid expressions of feeling.
Lan Wangji is worried. But this, at least, Wei Ying has made clear is unwelcome. He seems to want to pretend that nothing has changed. Not about himself, and not between the two of them. Lan Wangji has done his best to honor his wishes, despite everything.
Now, he rises and dresses before sinking into his morning meditation. It is still strange to do so fully dressed, weighed down by the propriety required for the public, but it has felt necessary, now that Wei Ying shares chambers with him. A physical manifestation of the barrier between them, more important than ever now that they are, bizarrely, married. 
Before his meditation is finished, he hears Wei Ying stir. It is unusual for him to wake so early. Lan Wangji’s eyes snap open, immediately searching him for signs of pain.
Wei Wuxian turns over, then goes very still. He sits bolt upright, searching the bed with wild eyes, then turns them on the room at large. When they land on Lan Wangji, he curls in on himself, the fingers of one hand tightening at the collars of his sleeping robe, clutching it closed.
His voice is oddly breathy, and his eyes...they are wide with confusion, with just the slightest tinge of fear. Lan Wangji is struck nearly senseless by the term of address, aberrant in Wei Ying’s mouth.
“What is wrong?”
Searching the room again, Wei Wuxian moves toward the edge of the bed with a strangely graceful modesty. It looks alien on his long limbs. “My...my husband. Where…?”
The word jolts through Lan Wangji’s entire body. He has never heard Wei Ying say it before. He has...wanted to hear it. Dearly, he realizes suddenly. But it sounds wrong. Distressed. Everything Wei Ying says sounds wrong.
“Wei Ying,” he says. 
Wei Ying’s eyes snap to his. “A-Xian? Where is he? Is he with A-Xuan? Are they alright?”
Lan Wangji blinks at him, uncomprehending, for several seconds. Then he begins to understand.
“You are not—”
The doors to their chambers burst open, and Jiang Yanli rushes in. The tasteful purple and gold robes she has adopted in the few days since the weddings are loose, uncharacteristically askew—not impreprietous, but verging on it. She spots Lan Wangji and her stormy expression clears.
“Lan Zhan,” she says, and her shoulders droop. 
Lan Wangji blinks at her, thrown by her use of this name, then glances at Wei Ying, who has gone completely still, his mouth open in a small, shocked ‘o.’ Jiang Yanli follows his gaze and freezes.
Just then, Jin Zixuan comes barreling into the room, significantly more unkempt than his wife. He has not even tied back his hair. 
“A-Li,” he implores, “what’s happened? We can’t just go barging into our guests’,” he pauses, and bows awkwardly, hastily, to Lan Wangji and Wei Ying in turn, “rooms like this. Please,” he takes her arm, but she shakes him off. 
She’s still staring at Wei Ying. “Sh...Shijie?”
Wei Ying startles, and looks down at himself. He holds out his arms, his hands, and looks at those too. Then he looks up at Jiang Yanli. “A-Xian?”
“Shijie,” Jiang Yanli says, and slumps over to the bed, embracing Wei Ying.
“A-Li,” hisses Jin Zixuan, scandalized. 
Lan Wangji glances at Jin Zixuan’s wife embracing his own husband on the bed, and rises. He walks briskly past them all to shut the door. Then he returns. 
“Wei Ying,” he says again. Jiang Yanli looks up at him.
It is obvious, now that he has realized it. Her face, animated by his personality. The soft warmth of her eyes sharpened just so. The deliberately graceless way she threw herself—himself—into Wei Ying’s—no, Jiang Yanli’s—arms.
Lan Wangji takes a deep breath. “Is this a curse?”
“Yes,” Wei Ying says with Jiang Yanli’s face, but his own certainty.
“How can we break it?” Lan Wangji asks.
“I”m not sure, not yet. I need to try a few things—or—having the original curse would be safer.” He looks at his sister in his own body. “I...don’t really want to experiment with this.”
Jiang Yanli tsks and bumps his shoulder a little too forcefully, jostling Wei Ying in her currently slight form. “Vain,” she says, teasing.
“Shijieee,” he whines. It sounds bizarre in Jiang Yanli’s voice. “I don’t want to accidentally hurt you.”
“I know,” Jiang Yanli says, soothing. 
“Do you feel alright?” Wei Ying goes on, urgent.
“Perfectly alright, now that you’re both here,” she says, smiling at the newcomers in turn.
Something sharply acidic surges in Lan Wangji’s stomach at such a look on Wei Ying’s face, directed at...Jin Zixuan.
“Really, though,” Wei Ying presses, “any nausea? Dizziness? Pain? You’re not worried?”
“Not at all. Our A-Xian will figure it out.”
Lan Wangji watches as the appearance of Wei Ying’s knuckle affectionately brushes Jiang Yanli’s nose. 
Strange. It is all...so strange.
“What is happening?” Jin Zixuan interrupts.
All three of them look at him. He stares between them, wild-eyed and desperately askew. Lan Wangji has never considered him to be particularly slow on the uptake, but he supposes allowances must be made for the stress of waking up with a stranger in one’s bed.
He does not care to investigate the perverse pang of jealousy he feels at the thought.
“A-Xuan, it’s me,” Jiang Yanli says. Jin Zixuan stares at her in Wei Ying’s body, uncomprehending. She goes on slowly, but not unkindly. “A-Xian and I have been cursed into each other’s bodies. He’s in there, and I’m in here.”
Her husband blinks several times, very quickly. Lan Wangji recognizes the moment it sinks in by the deep flush that rises across his entire face, and is certain he does not wish to know what precisely inspired it. 
Jin Zixuan takes an involuntary half-step back, then forward again, as he speaks with renewed urgency. “Why has this happened? Can it be undone?”
“Great questions,” Wei Ying says, falsely encouraging. Lan Wangji exchanges a glance with him, and it almost feels natural, to share such a thing with either Wei Ying or Jiang Yanli. “Someone was clearly either targeting me—that’s Wei Wuxian, that’s me, in here—or you...whom you know to be Jin Zixuan. I hope.”
Jin Zixuan turns a deeper shade of red. “Obviously,” he bites out. “But why?”
Wei Ying rolls his eyes dramatically. It is not something Lan Wangji ever imagined Jiang Yanli doing.
“We don’t know yet, but we will once we find and question the person responsible,” Wei Ying says. Jiang Yanli grips his arm suddenly. Wei Ying looks at her. “And yes, it can be undone. Of course it can. I’ll figure it out.”
“Cast a rebound,” Lan Wangji says, brisk. The more quickly they are done with this, the better.
Wei Ying’s face falls. “Ah,” he says, “well, we…”
“My cultivation is too weak for him to reliably use,” Jiang Yanli says suddenly. “And I’m not very good at the method, I’m afraid.”
Lan Wangji nods. Steps forward. Then hesitates. “If the curse was cast in such a way, one of you may end up in the caster’s body. And they in yours.”
They all look at Jiang Yanli. Her expression grows grim. “Alright,” she says, then looks to Lan Wangji. There is something steely in her expression that is familiar on Wei Ying’s face. “Thank you for the warning. Go ahead.”
Lan Wangji hesitates only a moment longer, expecting protests from the other two. But Wei Ying is wearing a small, knowing smile, and Jin Zixuan merely nods at her, reassuring. Lan Wangji senses his esteem for the Jin heir rising at such solid trust in his wife. 
He steps forward and casts the rebound. They all hold their breath. 
Wei Ying glances around, his wry expression entirely foreign on Jiang Yanli’s face. “Anything?”
“No,” says Jiang Yanli.
Wei Ying sighs. “More work for us, then.”
“A-Xian,” Jiang Yanli says, taking gentle hold of his wrist. “You know what this means.”
“You’ll have to be me.”
“Ah. No, I—”
Wei Ying scratches his head, a not-at-all ladylike gesture. “Or we could just stay in here and let these two investigate?”
The smile Jiang Yanli turns on him is tender, and knowing, and indulgent. “I’d like to see you try to sit still when there’s a puzzle to solve.”
He sighs. “Alright. But you have to be me, too.”
She nods, and theatrically slouches into a sprawling, sloppy posture. Wei Ying laughs, his head thrown back, a hand on his stomach. Jin Zixuan turns around, looking almost ill. 
Lan Wangji understands, and he doesn’t. It is dizzying, and distinctly wrong-looking, to see both of them this way. Yet there is also something endearing about it. About the parts of them that do overlap, and fit into each other better than one would expect. 
“A-Xuan,” Jiang Yanli calls softly, noticing her husband’s distress.
Lan Wangji gets the distinct impression that that tone in Wei Ying’s voice is not helping the situation.
“Jin-gongzi,” he says. “It would be best for all of us to go about our days as normal, and not to arouse suspicion. Wei Ying sleeps late, and will not be missed for the morning. Jin-shao-furen may claim mild illness until the afternoon. But you and I must behave as normal. There are still the other sects to host.”
“Yes,” Jin Zixuan says absently. He runs a hand over his face. “Yes. You’re right. A-Li—” he turns and looks at the pair of them on the bed, and pauses. He shakes his head as if to clear it. “I’ll go back and dress. Join me when—or—Wei—” he stops. “I will be attending my duties. Please let me know what else I can do.”
“Remember to act natural,” Jiang Yanli says. “When A-Xian joins you later, try to look less like a roasted tomato, hmm?”
Jin Zixuan’s mouth twists into a wry smile, and he nods at the floor, then flees the room. Jiang Yanli and Wei Ying turn their eyes to Lan Wangji.
“I shall also depart,” he says. He circles his arms to bow to Jiang Yanli, but Wei Ying stands and pulls him over toward the door. Lan Wangji lets him, and tries not to pull away from the improprietous touch from a married lady. 
“Lan Zhan,” he says, hushed and urgent. “I’m not...you don’t think I’m hurting her, am I? Just by being in here? Can you sense any resentment?”
Lan Wangji feels something tighten in his chest. Wei Ying has not let Lan Wangji so much as examine his pulse since he roused from his coma, but the idea that he is so constantly steeped in resentment as to cause worry that his very soul may be harmful...is distressing. He takes hold of his slender wrist carefully. It is still Jiang Yanli’s body, and he will treat it with the respect it is owed. 
“I cannot,” he says. The only energy in Jiang Yanli’s body is generated by her own small but steady golden core. “I sense nothing that may be harmful.”
Wei Ying lets out a relieved breath. “Alright. But, um. What about the other way? Is her...is my body harming her?”
Lan Wangji turns to go back and perform the same examination, but Wei Ying stops him. “No, that’s alright. I’ll. We’ll just get this over with, and we can. Between the two of us, we can fix whatever...whatever damage I do.”
Lan Wangji stares at him, but Wei Ying refuses to meet his eyes. At length, he nods. “We can.”
“Alright. Ah, thanks. You should go.”
Lan Wangji goes.
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redheadsinmybed · 3 years
Wanda x Natasha x Reader
This is part of the Loving a little series Reader is little, light angst, happy ending
Summary: Wanda and Natasha are training. What happens when you’re left alone???
Notes: Sorry it’s been so long guys I hope you enjoy this one :) Let me know what you think of it!
You are all alone in a lonely bed with your lonely self. You were lonely because Wanda and Natasha are training. They got up at 6 waking you up and they’ve been training for 30 minutes now. 30 minutes of sleep that you’ve lost. Sure you tried to go back to bed, but you were having trouble without them.
Wanda and Natasha were training with each other. They had woken up early so they could have the training room all for themselves. They heard something in the hallway, assuming it was just some of the other avengers they kept training.
You hear the door open to you room, your eyes are closed and you don’t open them, assuming its Nat and Wands you say
“Mmm come back to bed.”
“I don’t think that will be happening anytime soon,” Says a strange voice. Your eyes fly open, but it’s too late, you scream and the stranger injects something into your arm.
“Miss Y/N is being hurt in her room by a Hydra agent,” Friday says over head. Suddenly red lights are being flashed everywhere, a loud beeping noise is being broadcasted all over the compound, and Friday is locking down the compound. It’s too late though.
“Where is she Friday?!” Wanda and Nat say panicked.
“They are already outside.” Friday says. Wanda and Natasha run outside to see you being carried by the Hydra agent. The stuff she injected into you had made your mind fuzzy, and you watch as red blurs your vision.
“Mama!” You say as loud as you can. Wanda flies up, but she can’t shoot down the plane that you went into without the chance of hurting you. She flies as fast as she can but she can’t keep up, and suddenly it disappears blending in with the clouds and she can’t tell where it is. She falls to the ground slowly landing on her knees crying. Natasha catches up with her in a vehicle.
“I-I couldn't he-lp her. I heard her sc-scream f-for me.” Wanda says crying. Natasha picks her up and puts her in the car.
“I know baby, I watched you. You did the right thing, you couldn’t shoot down the plane. It’s gonna be okay we will find her,” Natasha coos as she gets up and drives back to the compound. The lights and beeping had stopped and everyone was up and ready for a fight.
“What happened, are you hurt?” Steve says as he sees Wanda crying.
“T-they took her, they t-took Y/N '' Wanda says, breaking down again.
“Who?” Tony asks.
“Hydra,” Natasha says holding Wanda and rubbing her back.
“Last time when Y/N first got her powers Hydra found out she was little, and that she has powers,” Natasha says.
“We won’t stop until we get her back,” Bucky says, putting a hand on Wanda’s shoulder.
When you wake up you are in a cold dark cement cell and you’re still little.
“Hello little one,” You hear a male voice say coming from the other side of the bars.
“Ware my Mama?” You ask.
“You won’t be seeing your Mama for a while. I heard you have special powers is that right?”
“I fink so,” You say back. The man comes where you can see him, he’s old, has grey hair and a lot of wrinkles on his face.
“You wook old,” You say with a giggle. Clearly not knowing what kind of situation you are in. The old man unlocks your cell and grabs your arm.
“Listen here you little tot, I don’t know where you think you are, but this is not a place where laughter is to be heard. Maybe I should teach you a lesson.” He drags you out of the cell and brings you to a better lit room. He’s a very fast walker so he’s kind of dragging you across the floor by your arm. Your bottom lip starts to wobble and tears flood your eyesight. He stops dragging you and picks you up and sets you on a stool. You feel him grab your wrist and attach it to a handcuff on the top of the ceiling. He does the same to your other wrist.
After he gets your wrists hooked to the ceiling he kicks the chair out from under your feet. You scream in pain as you hang from the ceiling, the cuffs digging into your wrists. He watches as tears stream down your face while you whimper.
“Oh we are going to have some fun,” He says with a chuckle.
All the avengers are on a quint jet to the last and final Hydra base location that they know of. They’ve gone every other base that was within 300 miles of the compound. They landed in a spot of openings in the trees far enough from the Hydra base that they couldn’t be seen.
“What if she’s not here?” Wanda says with grief written all over her face.
“Hey,” Natasha says cupping Wanda’s face, making her look over at her.
“We are gonna find her, we aren’t gonna stop til we do,” Natasha says, rubbing her thumb on Wanda’s cheek. Wanda places her hand over Natasha’s.
“Promise?” She asks.
“Promise,” Natasha says back. Everyone gets out of the jet and starts towards the base. When they see the base in sight they hear something.
“Mama!!” Wanda and Nat instantly recognize your voice. Everyone takes off towards the base. There’s four guards blocking the entrance, Steve uses his shield to take out two of them. Iron Man uses his energy beam to knock out the one firing at Steve. Clint takes out the last one with his bow.
You hear ruckus outside and the old man hears it too. He runs off somewhere. When the door opens you expect it to be him again, but it’s not.
“Mama?” You say with tears in your eyes. Wanda catches sight of you and her heart breaks. You’re naked and there’s angry red cuts on your body and purple bruises everywhere.
“Yes baby girl, it’s me you’re okay now, Mama’s here,” She says as she uncuffs you and holds you to her. She holds you for a minute while the tears in her eyes drop down onto her face.
When she pulls away she wipes the tears away from your face and hers. She takes off her long red jacket and puts it over you. She picks you up, careful not to hurt you. You suck on your thumb and hold onto her tightly not wanting to ever leave her arms. You walk out to where everybody is standing waiting for you, you stop Nat and she quickly makes her way over to you.
“Mommy,” You say sadly.
“Hi baby girl, are you okay?” Natasha asks, you shake your head.
“He hurt me Mommy,” You say, you can see the anger boil up in her.
“Baby he will never hurt you again, I promise. I will never let you get hurt again.” Natasha says to you.
“Can we go?” You ask a little bigger, just wanting to get out of there.
“Not so fast,” You hear someone say. Wanda whips around to see an old man standing with more than 20 Hydra agents.
“I think you have something that belongs to me,” He says with a sneer.
“Baby go with Clint to the jet okay,” She says as she sets you down. You shake your head.
“It’s okay I wanna help you fight,” You say now big. She sighs but lets you.
The Hydra agents come at you. You set yourself aflame and shoot fireballs from your hands at them. Steve and Tony work together to take out the agents on the left and Clint and Bucky take the ones on the right. You see Natasha fighting an agent twice her size. You see Wanda helping her by using her powers to fling him to the side of the building. You watch as your family takes down the bad guys around you.
You see the old man start to walk away and you chase after him. You shoot a fireball at him and he dodges it.
“Is that the best you can do?” He mocks with his arms in the air. Wanda comes up to you.
“I wanna try something,” You say to her.
“I want you and I to combine our powers to make one.” You say to her. Wanda starts with a red ball of energy in her hands. You place both your hands in her energy and act like you’re about to shoot a fireball but instead just keep it in your hands.
“You ready?” You ask Wanda, she nods her head. You both aim your powers at the old man.
“Three” You say.
“Two” Wanda says.
“One” You say together. You shoot your powers at the old man. It tangles and dances with each other beautifully. It knocks the old man out and the fire burns his body.
“Yesss!” You say jumping in the air. You hold your hand up for Wanda to highfive and she does with a laugh. You walk back hand in hand together to see that everyone has taken out all the agents. You grab Tasha’s hand.
“Can we go home now?” You say.
“Of course baby,” Natasha says. You and your family walk back to the jet. When you get home you, Wanda, and Nat go straight to your room. You take off the jacket that Wanda had given you. You hear Natasha gasp.
“Oh baby,” She says as you can see the tears well up in her eyes. You walk up to her and wipe the tears that fall on her face away.
“It’s okay, I’m okay now that I’m here with you,” You say and give her a kiss. She smiles but stands back so she can examine you. Most of the cuts Wanda had seen were small and healed now, but the purple bruises that mark your body are not.
“I’m sorry,” She says to you.
“What are you sorry for?” You ask.
“For not finding you sooner, for letting them do this to you. It’s all my fault, I was the one who suggested that Wanda and I train early if we didn’t do that then none of this would’ve happened.”
“Baby, this was not your fault, or Wanda’s fault,” You say as Wanda comes out of the bathroom.
“I’m fine now, I promise, what happened was nobody's fault and I don’t blame either of you.” You say as you kiss each of them.
“Okay,” Natasha says, dropping the subject. You yawn and it cracks your jaw and your eyes water.
“Looks like someone needs some sleep,” Wanda says as she gets into bed. You crawl in beside her and Natasha gets on the other side of you. You throw the sage love blanket over Wanda and Natasha making sure that it covered them equally. You had to lean over Wanda to unfold the blankets corner.
“What are you doing baby,” Wanda asks.
“Mm want to make sure you are nice and warm.” You say after you deem that everyone is covered by the blanket you lay down. You snuggle yourself into Wanda’s arms and lay your head on her shoulder. You sigh as Natasha holds you from behind.
“Love you guys, goodnight.”
“Love you too,” Natasha says.
“Goodnight,” Wanda says. That night you swear they hold you tighter.
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wwalkingdread · 3 years
AHHH I LOVE WHAT YOUVE DONE WITH YOUR ACCOUNT !!! i'm so excited for you to get more recognition !!
actually,, i do have an idea ! what about a louis x reader ( best ) friends to lovers ? just very very soft and fluffy and secret crushes that come out before it's too late !! <3
❥ Blood Trail
Characters: Louis
Description: A hunting accident leads to Louis revealing his feelings.
Warnings: Gorey descriptions.
Notes: AHHhh!! Thank you so much!! <33 Sorry if the story layout above looks too similar to yours, I wasn’t really sure how to make it look!! Also… I mayyy have realised that I might not actually know how to write Louis, BUT I hope it’s at least somewhat like you’ve hoped for… I haven’t written an x reader style of thing since I was, like, eleven. Sorry if the pacing is all over the place, I have a weird method of trying to organise my writing. ANYWAY I hope you enjoy it at least a little <3
I also realised I took the end completely wrong and it’s definitely more angst than fluff… If there was an option for a refund you’d get it… Hehe… Hopefully I’ll manage to write something more fluffy in my own time to make up for it!! I’m rambling because I am nervous, is it obvious.
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You and Louis were getting ready for another hunt. As fun as it was to play catch with a Walkers’ caved in skull, you realised that your disregard for the hunt itself was affecting everybody back at Ericson. You were getting tired of Aasim’s disappointed glances and everybody trying not to express their annoyance, instead just forcing a smile and making small comments about just how little they’ve been eating. You couldn’t slack off forever, not when this was the world you lived in, where forever was crawling with rot and death. You needed to care more, and Louis wanted to care more with you.
“If you want to shoot an arrow through the neck of an animal then I’m all for it.” He said. Supportive as ever. You laughed at him, gently knocking into him.
“Shut up, you know I hate doing this shit.” You remember how angry you were when Marlon suggested to start hunting for food. You cried the first time somebody brought back a rabbit, its neck cut open. You begged to not go fishing with the others, feeling bad about spearing fish from the river. It still makes you feel a lump in your throat, but you realise you need to do this. This is your life now. You’d die otherwise.
Louis bent down so he was next to your ear, noticing your soured expression, “We can always bail.” He looked toward Aasim who was fiddling with his bow string, “It’s not like anybody actually expects us to help.” You scoffed at him,
“That’s the problem. People think we’re useless.” Your grip tightened on your own bow, “And I’m going to prove them wrong.” Louis whistled at your determined tone and you laughed, slightly embarrassed, telling him to shut up.
After ten minutes of silently trying to stalk a rabbit family, you drew your bow and managed to shoot the rabbit right in the head. Louis looked at you, a huge grin on his face, “look at you. Our little sharp shooter.”
You could feel your chest fill with pride as you went to fetch the rabbit’s furry body, gritting your teeth at the feeling of it’s warm and limp form and the blood coating your fingers.
“Yeah, well…” You shrugged, thinking over your words, “Marlon taught me really well.”
You hated bringing him up. Marlon was there for both of you, only for his brain to be shot out into the dirt and rain. You helped to make his grave, using bowls to shovel the dirt out. You worked throughout the night, determined to let Marlon have his place of rest. It took you a lot longer than Louis to find forgiveness in AJ, and at times you still feel like you haven’t. When you look at his grave and see Rosie perched there, almost as if she’s waiting for him to wake up, it hurts all over again. Louis was hurting too, but mostly for you.
You always hurt for the both of you, when Louis would use jokes to keep his feelings away, you let the feelings in.
Shrugging the tears away, you looked up and through your blurred vision you saw the faint silhouette of a deer.
“No fucking way…” you whispered, crouching and moving behind a tree, “Oh, I am killing that thing…”
“I’d like to see you try.” Louis teased, knowing you were definitely going to. You sucked in a breath, holding your bow steady. Your eyes were glued to it’s every movement, waiting for the perfect moment. You haven’t tried to catch something this big before, you weren’t really sure what to do. It felt so much different than killing a rabbit. It was bigger, stronger and might even fight back, you weren’t sure. You didn’t know what to expect. You couldn’t imagine everybody’s surprise if you brought home something like this.
Maybe they’d finally be proud of you.
Louis, sick of the anticipation, clamped his hands down on your shoulders. In surprise, you yelped out and shot prematurely, shooting the deer in the thigh.
“Louis!” You scolded, glaring at his shit-eating grin,
“I thought it’d be funny!”
“Ugh!” You took off after the animal, trying to follow the shallow trail of blood. Louis considered staying with Aasim, but he quickly decided against it. Louis was a few feet behind and, admittedly, didn’t tend to be the one running. He struggled to keep up with you. You on the other hand were trying your hardest to catch up with the deer again, already have shot another arrow in it. The least you could do is get those arrows back, but preferably with the deer still attached.
Louis, clutching his chest and completely out of breath, staggered his way through the woods. The trees clambered together thickly, the leaves clustering and shutting out the light. Leaning against a tree for a brief second, he huffed air back into his lungs. That was when he caught a glimpse of you. You were sitting down, slumped against what appeared to be a deer carcass. Louis jogged up to you, yelling out in celebration.
“Hey, you did it!” He said, a bright smile masking his whole face. He then heard a ragged breath and crouched down, assuming you were exhausted. Your eyes were half shut, lagging behind when trying to follow him. Maybe it was the lighting, but your skin looked a shade paler.
“Hey, are you…?” you were bloody, but only on your sleeve. It soaked right through the cloth. Did that… Come from the deer? Why only there of all places…? Louis’ breath hitched in his throat, he crawled toward you, his hands hovering over your body.
“No, no, no…” Louis whispered the words over and over, his voice quivering. His hands shook in place. The thought of holding you, the thought of bringing you close, he felt as though you’d break away.
“Please be okay…” His fingers, shaking, made their way to your sleeve. He wanted to close his eyes, picturing your skin without even a mark, but his eyelids etched the image he dreaded into his mind. Once the fabric was to your forearm, he saw it. The perfect mould of human teeth cutting right through your skin. Louis shook his head, cheeks wet, stained from the tears he hoped he’d be able to keep in, “Oh God. Fuck, no, no…” His head fell to your chest, his hair swaying from your ragged breaths, “I can’t lose another friend, I can’t. Please, I can’t lose another friend…” His hand made his way to your shirt, clutching it like you’d disappear, “I can’t lose you… Please, I love you too much… Please. I love you so much. I don’t… I can’t…”
“Louis, you fucking idiot.” You hissed out through clenched teeth, “I’m not fucking dead yet.” Your voice made Louis sit up. Your voice was weak, but he could see it. Your eyes didn’t lose their shine, their life. He didn’t want to see the light go out. His might go out too.
“I know, I know… I…” he wiped his eyes with his coat sleeve, using this as an opportunity to stop looking at your paling arm, “W-what happened!?”
“One fucking snuck up on me… When I was trying to find where the blood trail went…” your throat felt tight as you pushed the words out, “but hey, I still managed to catch it… Imagine the looks on everybody’s faces when they see this.” You tried to smile, but you felt too tired. Too tired to do anything. Louis sobbed out, grabbing your hand and holding it in his. He stared at it, almost like he didn’t believe it was you. His eyes were wide as he intertwined his fingers with yours, skin to skin.
“Louis…” You wheezed out, “You’re going to have to cut it off, Louis.” He looked into your eyes, seeing how tired they were.
“No, I-“
“Louis…” He looked toward the deer’s bloodied neck. He stood up and tugged on the handle, but it didn’t budge. He shuddered, planting one foot on the deer’s body as he pulled the axe out of the thick, furry flesh of the dead deer, a small spray of blood splashing his jeans, staining him red. Your axe. He felt the weight of it in his hands and through his glossy eyes he looked at the slight glint of the blade, the edge was caked in blood, shiny and wet. He slowly rose his head to look at you and you silently pleaded with him. He closed his eyes, raising your axe over his head, his breathing quickening it’s pace.
He wasn’t going to let you turn.
You weren’t going to turn.
You weren’t.
But he froze, his grip loosening. This was going to save your fucking life, why wasn’t he moving? Louis felt as though time completely froze around him as he stared at those fresh bite marks and felt the weight of the axe he held above his head. He looked into your eyes, but you weren’t looking back.
“Move out of the fucking way!” Aasim grabbed the Axe from Louis’s hands. Aasim was watching from a distance for only a brief moment, completely still, but he quickly understood the severity of the situation and just how fast they had to act. He sent a look of sympathy your way, gently apologising to you before mimicking Louis’ actions before, except he did it. Aasim brought the axe down on your arm, a sickening and wet crunch rang without, Louis’ eyes clamped shut at the noise, but he didn’t have the time to block out the sound of your pained yell and your sobs.
Louis wanted to be alone. He almost lost his other best friend, and he was going to let it happen. He felt bad hardly being able to chew the food you could’ve died trying to get, but his throat felt tight. He stared into the bowl, picking at the meat with a fork. Everybody was concerned. This was Louis being quiet. Usually this would’ve been a blessing, but there was a thick tension in the air that was choking everybody.
Louis felt a presence next to him, and he turned his head in that direction.
“I’m really glad we were able to recover that deer.” You said, grinning, “I mean, it almost cost me and an arm and a leg.” You waved around your bandaged nub, trying not to grimace. You nudged him with your elbow, and Louis forced a weak smile and a shallow laugh. He straightened his back when you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Dude, what’s your problem? I’m okay.”
“I know, but… You were going to turn. You were going to die and I still couldn’t…” he sighed, his eyes going blank, reliving the event in his head once again, “I didn’t even help you. If you turned it would’ve been all my fault.” He bit his quivering lip, “I’m fucking useless.”
“Nobody gets to call my best friend useless.” You forced a harsh tone, but you held a sad smile on your face, “Hey, if it were you… I don’t think I could’ve done it either…” It hurt to think about. You truly did love Louis, but you knew the pain it would cause him. You didn’t want to hear his screams, it would’ve been… Too hard.
“Walker Louis wouldn’t be able to play the piano anymore…” you added, hoping Louis would perk up, and he did. He laughed under his breath, resting his head on yours.
“Did you mean what you said out there? Or was that just more of… You being stressed out and just saying whatever because I was dying…?” Your face flushed asking about it, trying to ask about it as causally as possible. You were barely even conscious, but you remember watching him cry against you, professing his love for you. You wanted to reach out for him, you wanted to squeeze his hand to tell him you were okay, that you were going to make it out of there. That you loved him too, but moving felt so hard.
“Oh! Uh, that…” He coughed, clearing his throat. He lifted his head up from you, but you didn’t move yours. Scratching his neck he said, “I… Didn’t even think you’d remember that.” He mumbled. You chuckled,
“Dude, of course I’d remember that. You told me you loved me.”
“I thought you were going to die! I thought that was the last chance I’d get to tell you!” Louis could feel his entire face burn up, and you laughed at his awkward expression.
“If that was all it was going to take, I should’ve gotten bitten sooner…” Louis gently slapped the shoulder of your good arm, playfully scolding you for your words. You didn’t acknowledge the confession after that, both of you understand each others feelings pretty clear. He held a large grin on his face, that alone was enough to tell you that he understood what you meant.
“Louis…?” You asked, your hand slipping into his under the table. His eyes went wide for a brief second and he looked off to the side, too nervous to make eye contact,
“I never want to go hunting again.”
“Oh, yeah, no. Fuck that. Fuck hunting.”
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kirishimaswife2819 · 3 years
Relationship Firsts || Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Kaminari  (500 Followers Special)
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500 Followers Special
Pairings: Izuku Midoriya x Reader, Katsuki Bakugou x Reader, Eijiro Kirishima x Reader, Shoto Todoroki x Reader, and Denki Kaminari x Reader
Summary: How all the ‘firsts’ (first date, first kiss etc.) of your relationship happened
Word Count: 5.3k
Notes: All of the ‘first dates’ occur before they move into the dorms
A/n: I hit 500 followers a few days ago and I want to thank you guys so much, I really didn’t think I would even hit 100 in this amount of time and it means a lot. I didn’t really have any good ideas for what to do for it, so I just did this set of headcanons about all of the ‘firsts’, it was the best thing that I could think of. Again, thank you for all of the support! -Danielle <3
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Izuku Midoriya:
First Date
Your first date happened a few days after Izuku confessed his feelings for you, outside of U.A., after class, and you two exchanged numbers
He decided to go kind of classic and take you on a date to a cafe that you had mentioned you liked
To say he was nervous would be an understatement, he was terrified
What if he messed up and said something dumb? What if he got food all over his face and looked dumb? What if you didn’t like how he dressed?
He met you at your house and you two walked to the cafe together, the whole time you were going on about something, since Izuku wasn’t really saying much
He kept responding with nervous smiles, and short answers, and his face kept turning red
Just as he was about to open the door to the cafe, you stopped him to say something first
“I just wanted to tell you that you don’t have to be so nervous, I’m not going to judge you or anything.”
With that, you opened the door the cafe and held it open so that he could come in
Lunch at the cafe went pretty good, with your reassurance, Izuku was a little more confident and you two ended up having a good time, laughing and even making up your first inside joke together
He walked you home afterwards, where you asked him if he wanted to be your boyfriend, since he was obviously too nervous to ask you
First Kiss
If you think that there’s any way that Izuku is initiating the first kiss, then you are one hundred percent wrong, he’s way too nervous to do anything like that, he could barely even hold your hand without turning into a blushing mess
The two of you were on a stargazing date, and you two were sitting in a field, on a blanket, sitting up and pointing out constellations
Izuku was going on about the history of some constellation, and he just looked so cute rambling on about how it got its name, and some old tale about how it happened, and you decided that you wanted to kiss him, so you did
He sat there in shock for a minute, before coming to his senses and lightly kissing you back
His face was red as you pulled back and gave him a small smile, blushing slightly, before speaking again, “What was that you were saying about the stars?”
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
You were over at his dorm, late at night, and he was helping you study for a test
He took note of your tired expression, and the fact that you had yawned ten times in the past half hour, before deciding you two should call it quits for the night
“Okay, I think that’s enough, you can go back to your room, Y/n.”
“But I’m too tired to walk there,” you complained, moving from your spot on his floor, to his bed. You pulled the fluffy All Might blanket, that you had gotten for him a few weeks ago, over yourself before speaking again, “Can I stay the night here?”
“But, Y-Y/n, if we get caught-”
“We won’t, besides it’s not like we’re doing anything like that,” you replied, before pulling your arms from under the blanket and holding them out to Izuku, “Please?”
With a sigh, he shut your textbooks and sat them on his desk, he tried to hide his blush as he shut off the light and turned his lamp on, before crawling into bed with you
You immediately latched onto his midsection and buried your head in his chest
“Do you want the lamp off? Or are you scared of the dark? Are you too cold? Too hot? I can turn a fan on, or I have more blank-”
“Izuku, I’m fine, just go to sleep, baby.”
First “I love you”
He said it first, but he wasn’t really paying much attention to what he was saying to you
You two were in the kitchen, baking a cake for one of his friend’s birthdays, when you needed to leave to go to your door and grab something
“I’m going to go grab something, be right back,” you said, leaning in and leaving a kiss on Izuku’s cheek. He was rereading over the cake recipe on his phone, as you began walking away
“Okay, I love you,” he said, and you stopped dead in your tracks
You noticed he wasn’t freaking out and must not have realized what he had said, as you smiled to yourself, “I love you too, Izuku.”
He had picked up his juice box to get a drink and he almost spit the juice right back out at your words. He swallowed, before turning to you, eyes wide and face red
“You what!?”
First Anniversary
Izuku started planning for your one year anniversary probably two months in advance
He was planning on taking you to the cafe you went on your first date to, but he wanted to spend the whole day with you, so he had a bunch of other stuff planned
He made a list of all the places you two had your best memories at, before scheduling a whole day for you two to do stuff on 
He told you in advance not to plan anything for the two of you to do, since he was planning a whole day, and at first, you objected, but you eventually agreed when he promised you that you could plan next years anniversary
The first thing he did was wake you up and the two of you made your favorite breakfast together, before getting ready for the day
He took you to a bunch of places where you two had good memories at, and then you went to the cafe for lunch, then spent the rest of the day doing other fun things that Izuku had planned
The night ended with you two in his dorm room, cuddling, right after you two gave your gifts
Since Izuku banned you from planning anything, you made up for it by getting him a bunch of All Might merch, a cute little collage with photos of you two on it, and a basket with his favorite candies
And he got you a few things that you’d been wanting, along with matching rings, they were simple bands but his was green, with your first name carved into it, and yours was f/c with Izuku’s first name carved into it
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Katsuki Bakugou:
First Date
Your first date with Katsuki was sort of an accident
You had went out with the whole Bakusquad, but they all ending up ‘having something come up’ and they had to leave, leaving only you and Katsuki (You later found out that they set the whole thing up but that’s a story for another day)
You two ended up going to the arcade together, and Bakugou accidentally blurted out that he had feelings for you before you two went inside, so he decided to turn it into a date
You two spent the day playing games together, before he eventually convinced you to let him take you out for dinner that night
You two went to your favorite restaurant
During the date, the waiter ending up flirting with you the whole time, which pissed Katsuki off
He ended up going off on the waiter, and the manager ended up giving you your meals free after a huge argument (Katsuki doing a lot of the yelling)
During the whole ordeal, Katsuki ended up referring to you as his ‘significant other’ and you asked him about it afterwards
“Well, are you not? I like you, you like me, are we not dating?”
You were in fact, not dating, but you were dating twenty seconds later
First Kiss
Your first kiss happened during a little argument
It wasn’t too bad, and you weren’t really that mad, but you were still ranting to Katsuki about something he had done wrong and how ‘he better not do it again or you would beat his ass’
He ended up finding you going off on him, very attractive, since it was obvious that you really weren’t too mad about whatever he did
So, he leaned in and kissed your lips
You jumped in surprise, from the sudden feeling and impact of his lips on yours, but you got over it quickly and kissed him back
The kiss was kind of rough, and Katsuki really didn’t know what he was doing, but it wasn’t absolutely terrible
You two pulled away, and Katsuki smirked, “You’re hot when you threaten to kick my ass.”
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
You hesitantly made your way down the hallway and towards Katsuki’s dorm room
You had a blanket draped over your shoulders as you knocked on the door and hoped that Katsuki would answer it for you
You had a nightmare and really didn’t want to be alone right then
You heard some fumbling inside, along with a string of curses, and then the light flicked on, before the door opened
“Why the hell-” Katsuki stopped, when he saw how upset you looked, “Woah, hey, what’s with that face? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just had a nightmare, can I sleep with you?” You asked, looking at him with pleading eyes
“Dumbass, you know I-”
“Please, Katsuki,” you begged and he sighed, putting away his soft and concerned voice, and opening the door before speaking
“Go lay down, I need to make sure nobody saw your dumb ass.”
You laid in his bed and patiently waited
“Everybody’s still asleep, you’re lucky,” Katsuki said, grabbing his pillow and going to sleep on the floor
“No, sleep beside me,” you said, and he was about to protest, but instead he sighed
“I’m too fucking tired for this shit.” He crawled in bed, beside you and pulled you up against him, making sure you were comfy, before closing his eyes and trying to get some sleep
First “I love you”
You said it first, while you were apologizing for starting a fight with him over something dumb
You had just had a bad day and snapped at him and yelled at him for no good reason
“Look, Katsuki, I’m really sorry, I just had a bad day. You know that I love you and I didn’t mean what I said, and-”
“What?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow, his cheeks were slightly tinted red, “You love me?”
“Shit,” you said, your eyes going wide when you realized what you had admitted, “Sorry, that was too soon and sudden and I-”
“Don’t be a dumbass, I love you too.”
First Anniversary
Your first anniversary was one of the only times that Katsuki had acted sweet and caring
You had stayed over the night before, so you woke up in his arms, and he cuddled with you for a while, before he finally let you go and get breakfast
You brought the food back to his dorm and you two ate together, before he made you get dressed, and you two went out
He took you to see a new movie that just came to theaters, and then you two got lunch, before going back to the dorms
When you got there, he let you get dressed in to comfier stuff, before the two of you binge watched your favorite show together
Katsuki wasn’t a huge fan of the show, so he complained every once and a while, but he didn’t totally refuse to watch it, but only because you wanted to watch it
But if you asked him why he still watched it, he would have claimed that you would have complained a ton if he didn’t watch it with you
Then for dinner, you two made a meal together and ate together, before going back to his dorm, where you two just hung out together for the rest of the day
For gifts, he got you some chocolates and a new outfit, and you got him a gift card that he can use anywhere, along with a framed photo of the two of you on a date somewhere (Katsuki wouldn’t admit it, but he keeps the photo of you two in his closet, because he doesn’t want somebody to accidentally break it, and he’ll take it out whenever he misses you)
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Eijiro Kirishima:
First Date
For the first date, Kirishima took you to the zoo
As far as confessions, and asking you out went, he just pulled you aside after class and nervously admitted that he had a huge crush on you and wanted to take you on a date
You agreed, before you two exchanged numbers, and he told you that he would text you with all of the details and he did, later that night
When the day came, he met you outside of your house and you two walked to the zoo
He brought a backpack with tons of water, since it was hot out that day, along with snacks and lunch for you two, since the food at the zoo was pretty expensive (He asked you what snacks and food you liked prior to the day)
He also low key saved up his money for months to be able to take you on this date and pay for the whole thing, and he refuses to let you pay for anything because “It’s not manly to make your date pay for themselves”
He asks to take various pictures of you two throughout the day, because he wants memories, but if you don’t like photos he’s not going to make you feel bad for not wanting to take any (He’d like if you would take at least one with him tho)
You two ended up in the gift shop, where he insisted on buying you two some stuff, so you both ended up with matching shirts that had the zoo’s name on it, along with matching reusable water bottles, and he also bought you a plushie of your favorite zoo animal, as well as a little key chain with zoo’s name on it for himself
After you two got done at the zoo, he walked you home, and offered you the leftover snacks, before giving you a kiss on the cheek and offering to take you on another date
You two went on a few more dates, before he worked up the courage to ask you out
First Kiss
Your first kiss happened when the two of you were having a little date night in his dorm
Whenever you two had ‘at home’ date nights, you two normally just got takeout together, and did whatever you felt like doing, whether it was cuddling and watching something, or playing video/board games together, you two just did something that was easy, cheap, and fun to do
This particular night, the two of you had played some video games together (or if you’re not into video games, you just watched him play them, and you two talked while he played them), before you started watching Kirishima’s favorite movie, since you had watched your favorite, last date night
You were laying up against a pillow, and resting your legs over Kirishima’s lap, and you were beginning to fall asleep
Kirishima had been wanting to kiss you for a few days at that point, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or go too quickly for you, since you had only been dating for about three weeks at the time
“Hey, babe?” Kirishima spoke up, causing you to open your eyes slightly, before yawning
“Yeah, Kiri? What’s up?” You asked, obviously trying not to fall asleep
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, causing you to wake right up, your eyes went wide and your face began heating up, before you finally found your voice
“Sure, if you want to,” you replied, and he wasted no time in leaning in, he brought a hand up to cup your cheek, before finally kissing your lips
When you pulled away, you were both blushing, but Kirishima still pulled you to his chest and cuddled you, while continuing to watch the movie
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
Instead of you having a nightmare, like in Bakugou’s, Kirishima had a nightmare, about losing you
So, the first thing that he did when he woke up, was quietly (or try to, at least), run to your dorm room to check on you
He knocked three times, very quickly
If you’re a light sleeper, then you got up and let him in, but if you’re a heavy sleeper, he used the key you gave him to open your door and let himself in
Either way, somehow he ended up in your bed, with you gently comforting him and running your hands through his hair, trying to get him to calm down, since you were clearly doing just fine
“Shh, it’s okay, Eijiro. I’m right here, baby. I’m not going anywhere,” you said, pressing your cheek up against his head, as he let out a few tears
He pulled away after a while, and apologized for bothering you (and wetting your night shirt)
You told him it was fine, before asking him if he wanted to stay the night with you
And there was no way in hell that he was refusing that offer, so he shut off your lamp for you, before cuddling up beside you and falling asleep with you
First “I love you”
He realized he loved you and he wanted his confession to be absolutely perfect
So, he took you out for dinner, before the two of you ended up, in a field, looking at the stars
“Hey, Y/n?” Kirishima hesitantly asked, causing you to look from the stars to your red haired boyfriend
“Yeah?” You replied and before he could say anything, you frowned and spoke again, “Is something wrong? You look nervous.”
“Oh, no,” he replied, giving you a reassuring smile, “I am nervous, but nothing’s wrong. Everything’s pretty good actually, but I have something to tell you.”
“Go ahead,” you said, wanting him to spit out whatever he needed to tell you. He took your hands in his own, before taking a deep breath
“I love you, Y/n, I have for a while now.”
You smiled, and leaned in, giving him a kiss before speaking again, “I love you too.”
First Anniversary
Like the other boys, he wanted the first anniversary to go perfectly, but he didn’t want you to be unhappy with the day that he had planned so he asked you ahead of time if there was anything specific that you had been wanting to do
After telling him a few things, he added them to the list of activities he could plan for the day
He added most of what you had asked to do, but he put in a few surprises that you two hadn’t discussed as well
That day, he let you sleep in as long as you wanted, before taking you to get breakfast somewhere
After you two got done getting breakfast, he took you somewhere that you wanted to go for a few hours and then you two got lunch at a fast food restaurant
You ate the food as you walked to your next destination, which was the mall, and threw your wrappers away when you got there
After that, he took you to various shops that you wanted to go in, but he surprised you, by bringing you into Build-a-Bear with him
The two of you split up, and you each made each other a bear and each put your voice into them
After that, you two got dinner together, at where ever you wanted to go, you two went home and spent the rest of the night together
Along with whatever you two got at the mall, Kirishima got you a bottle of whatever perfume/cologne you wore, as well as some candy, and something that you had been wanting
You got Kirishima a new hoodie and a little handwritten note, because you knew he liked hand made stuff more than actual gifts
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Shoto Todoroki:
First Date
He asked you out by just walking up to you after class ended and saying with the straightest face ever, “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
He was low key really nervous about your answer, and he had been since he realized his crush on you and he was thrilled that you said yes
He told you that he would pick you up that Friday around seven and to dress nice
So, that’s exactly what you did
He picked you up from your house, right on time, and you two went to a fancy restaurant together
He was dressed all fancy and you thought that he looked absolutely perfect in something other than his school uniform, even if it was just as formal
The two of you had a pretty good night, and he made sure that you liked the food and that it was good enough for you
If the food wasn’t good enough, and you didn’t like it, but you didn’t like speaking up about stuff like that, he wouldn’t hesitate to speak up for you and politely ask them to remake your food
This man tipped like one hundred dollars, and the waitress was like freaking out
Then you went home, where he said goodbye to you, before asking if you wanted to be his significant other
First Kiss
In the beginning, Todoroki was very awkward with physical affection, so your first kiss is probably going have to happen a few months into the relationship
You two were pretty open about physical affection at that point, and he had no problem admitting when he wanted your affection and he would even initiate it himself, at certain times
And Todoroki was the absolute cutest when he would ask for your affection
The the day that you had your first kiss, he was sitting on your bed, waiting for you to get back from your training session with one of your friends
You came in, and your boyfriend looked up from his phone, before immediately setting it down and holding his arms out to you, before saying one word, “Cuddles.”
“Sho, not right now, I need to go shower first. I’m all sweaty,” you replied, setting your water bottle down, and walking over to your dresser to get clean clothes out
Shoto stood up, and grabbed your wrist, ignoring your protests, knowing that you really didn’t mind, before dragging you over to your bed and forcing you to cuddle with him
“Now I’m going to have to wash my sheets,” you mumbled, accepting the affection. Shoto ignored the statement, and sighed in contentment
You thought he looked very cute, so you leaned up and kissed his lips, before pulling back and burying your face in his chest to avoid his surprised eyes on you
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
It happened one night when you two got back from a long day and neither of you felt like walking to your room, so you both just crashed on the couch
“Shouldn’t we go to our rooms?” Shoto asked, as you and him had been laying there for about five minutes
You two originally planned to just take a small rest there, before going to your rooms, but you two really didn’t feel like getting up
“No,” you replied, “We can just sleep here.”
“Okay,” Shoto replied, closing his eyes and going to go to sleep
The next morning the two of you woke up to various members of class 1-A snapping photos of you
First “I love you”
He’s very calm about it, and he doesn’t think that saying it’s a big deal
So, he said it the very moment that he realized he loved you
He realized it during a cuddle session, so he said it, “I love you.”
“What?” You asked, head shooting up from his chest to make sure that you had heard him right
“I love you.”
You tried to put down the internal feeling of freaking out, before speaking, “I love you too, Shoto.”
First Anniversary 
He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do for an anniversary, so he asked Midoriya for advice on what he was supposed to do
Midoriya just told him to take you on a date and get you a gift, so that’s exactly what Shoto did
He took you to the mall to have a ‘shopping date’ as he called it, and he bought you whatever you wanted
But he knew you wouldn’t get every single thing you wanted, because you didn’t want to waste his money
So, he started paying attention to everything that you looked at and your face when you saw the price tag
He knew if you were looking at the price tag, that you probably wanted it, but he only grabbed it to buy for you if you made a weird face when you saw the price tag, since he could tell that you only put it back because it cost too much
After your shopping trip, the two of you got lunch together, before going to the ice cream shop together and getting ice cream
After that, you two went back to the dorms and spent the rest of the day together
You made him soba for dinner, since you felt bad for spending so much of his money, even if he was alright with it
Then, after dinner, you two exchanged gifts
He gave you all the stuff you put back because it was too expensive as well as some type of expensive jewelry, and a card with a cute little note
And you got him a photo album of the two of you, since buying him a gift wouldn’t make much sense, since he could pretty much buy whatever he wanted
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Denki Kaminari:
First Date
Denki flirted with you CONSTANTLY, before he finally asked you out an actual date
This was mostly due to the fact that you were always so sweet when he was flirting and sometimes you even flirted back, but he highly doubted that anybody could like him back, so he was scared that your whole flirting thing would go away once he asked you out
But after getting talked to by Kirishima, about how he should just tell you how he feels, Denki finally asked you out on a date
He was pretty surprised that you actually said yes, but he wasn’t complaining
You two ended up going to a movie together
During the movie, he kept ‘accidentally’ brushing his hand against yours whenever you put your hand into the popcorn bucket, and eventually towards the end of the movie, he actually held your hand, since it was obvious that you wouldn’t mind
After the movie was over, you two ended up going into the gaming store at your local mall and you guys looked at all of the stuff, but you didn’t end up buying anything, since you were both broke and could barely afford the movie (Even though he was broke, he insisted on buying the tickets, but he let you pay for the popcorn)
During your walk home, he admitted that he had a lot of fun, as well as admitted that he wanted you to be his significant other and he got really surprised when you actually said yes and said that you wanted to date him as well
First Kiss
Denki has no self control (unless you tell him to stop), so he’s probably going to kiss you pretty early on in the relationship
It wasn’t really anything special, you and Denki were on your second date
You two were in the park, just as it was getting dark, eating ice cream together as you watched the sunset
You were sitting side by side, when Denki spoke up
“You have something on your face.”
“Oh, do I?” You asked, going to grab some napkins from your bag, but you were interrupted by Denki smashing his lips up against yours
You made a sound of surprise, but you kissed him right back
He pulled away, licking his lips, and spoke again, “Got it.”
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
You two were in his dorm and you were waiting for him to finish playing his video games so that the two of you could cuddle, before you went back to your dorm
“Are you almost done, Denki?” You questioned, laying on your stomach on his bed, glancing over to see him still playing a game on his computer
“Yeah,” Denki replied, “You can just go back to your dorm for the night, if you want.”
“No, I want to cuddle,” you replied, with a yawn
“Okay, one more round,” Denki responded, going back to focusing on his computer screen
He finished the round and took off his head set, before turning to the bed, “Okay, I’m all-”
He paused when he saw you fast asleep, your head resting on his pillow
He smiled, before turning the light off and crawling into bed beside you, “Night, Y/n.”
First “I love you”
He said it first, but he was pretty nervous about saying it
Sure, he flirted with you and showed physical affection to you all the time, but he’s never admitted that he loved somebody before (unless they were family, of course)
He knew that he loved you for a while, he just had to work up the courage to say it to you
So, he would practice saying it to you after you fell asleep, which was sort of dumb on his part but he never thought that you would be awake when he said it
And you were just about to fall asleep in Denki’s arms when you heard him say, “I love you, Y/n. Goodnight.”
“What?” You asked, your eyes opening when you realized what he said, you felt him jump from behind you as you readjusted and turned to your other side, “What did you just say?”
“Um, I love you?” He asked, sounding unsure of himself
You smiled at his works, before leaning in and leaving a kiss on his forehead, “I love you too.”
First Anniversary
He planned probably like a week in advance what you two were going to do
He asked his friends for advice on what to do and one of them said that he should take you to see the movie that you saw on your first date, but obviously since it’s been a whole year it’s not in theaters anymore, so that wasn’t an option
Instead, he planned a whole day of you two just hanging out in his dorm and ordering take out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
The two of you exchanged gifts first thing in the morning
He got you some type of jewelry, some chocolates, and a new hoodie, and you got him a new (and expensive) video game that he wanted but didn’t have enough money to buy
Then you two just spent the rest of the day inside, doing whatever you felt like
You two ended up watching movies, T.V. shows, you two played video games for a while, cuddled, and just basically hung out
He also refused to let anybody interrupt the whole day, so if any of his friends knocked on his door, he told them that you two were having a day together, before slamming the door in their face
Finally, at the end of the day, you two cuddled up and recounted all of the memories of the past year, before finally, falling asleep next to each other
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I turn and reach for you
Summary: Three months after Hankel, Spencer starts getting terrible nightmares that keep him up at night. He tries desperately to keep his secret until one day when it's all too much to bear anymore. Luckily, Derek Morgan is there to hold him together as he falls apart.
Tags: nightmares, hurt/comfort, ptsd, angst with a happy ending, fluff, literal sleeping together, getting together, post-revelations TW: past non-con drug use mentioned once in passing
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid
Word Count: 2.1k
Masterlist // Read on AO3 // Bad Things Happen Bingo
This feels the "Nightmares" square on my Bad Things Happen bingo card, and was written for this prompt by @i-write-whump. Title from a poem by Devon Strang.
After Spencer is kidnapped by Tobias Hankel, he stays with Derek. Nobody on the team wants him to be alone, and he’s always felt the most comfortable with him, so it makes sense. Besides, he’s got the space.
Spencer sometimes wonders whether the team pushed so hard for it because they genuinely believed that, logistically, Derek was the best option, or because they could also see the slow-burning romance simmering under the surface of their relationship. They’ve always had a special friendship, but Spencer can feel the growing tension: the deep and intense looks they share mid-case, the lingering touches on backs and arms, the affection leaking into each ‘pretty boy’ and every ‘Der’.
Perhaps if Hankel never came into the picture they’d already be together — it really had felt like they were on the precipice of something special — but it’s three months later and Spencer’s still sleeping in the spare room; there’s still just as much will they, won’t they lingering in the air between them.
He tries not to mind too much. After all, he’s never had so much free access to the man he’s pined after for years now, and they’re living in each other’s pockets. Almost every waking hour is spent in one another’s company: they cook together, eat together, watch films together, and neither of them are showing any sign of getting sick of it. But every time they’re cooking pasta and Derek says something ridiculous, Spencer wishes he was allowed to lean in and kiss the tip of his nose; every time they sit down to watch something together, he wishes he could burrow into his side and rest his head in the crook of his neck.
(Sometimes, Spencer wishes he could rewind to the weeks immediately after the Hankel incident when Derek would carry him around the flat to keep him off his broken feet; when he could press his face into his shoulder and inhale the scent of complete and utter safety.)
It’s almost torturous, being so close yet so far.
He isn’t quite sure why the nightmares start so late. The nights during the first couple of months are blissfully dreamless, so exhausted from the physical and emotional trauma that sleep was a tantalising escape, but once he’s back in the field, once normal life resumes, everything changes.
The first time he wakes up sweating and panting, heart pounding as he tries to convince himself that he’s no longer in Hankel’s clutches but is safe and sound in Derek’s apartment, he dismisses it as a one-off. He hasn’t had nightmares yet, so why should they start now? He doesn’t go back to sleep that night, too shaken to relax back into the comforting embrace of sleep, too afraid of deception: that he wouldn’t sleep dreamlessly but that the nightmare would be waiting for him once again.
The second time worries him. He gets up this time and gets a glass of water as quietly as possible, leaning with his back against the kitchen counter as he ponders what this could mean for him. The thing is, they’re so incredibly vivid. It really feels like he’s back at the mercy of a three-in-one torturer armed with drugs and belts and guns, genuinely unsure of whether he’ll ever see his family again. He doesn’t go back to sleep this time, either, instead pacing around the living room until Derek wakes up. He lies that he’s only been up for half an hour, and Derek believes him.
The third time solidifies for Spencer the fact that this is a problem. Three is a pattern, everybody knows that, and Spencer spends the rest of the night scouring the internet for studies conducted around delayed trauma responses and discovers the prevalence of delayed-onset PTSD. He’s tempted to contact a professor he met during his third PhD who specialised in the psychology of trauma, but he thinks better of it. Admitting these nightmares would be admitting defeat.
This is something he has to deal with alone.
(He ignores the truth that it’s more fear than anything else that keeps him from telling anyone: fear of being seen as weak, fear of nothing changing, fear of voicing his trauma out loud. It’s easier to pretend it’s about independent agency.)
It doesn’t affect him too much at first. Sure, he’s scared to go to sleep and he sweats so profusely that it soaks through his bedsheets almost every night, but he’s managing. He’s okay. He contributes just as much to their profiles and takes down unsubs without flinching. He dances around Derek like they have done for over a year, and he sits through Dr Who marathons with Penelope just fine. So what if he’s a bit tired? He’s stared down some of America’s Most Wanted and interviewed famous serial killers, he can cope with a little fatigue.
It doesn’t stay that easy for long.
Soon everybody’s asking about the bags under his eyes, his slower reaction times when they visit the gun range, his twitchiness around the team.
“Are you sleeping okay, Spencer?” Penelope asks him one day, brushing a curly lock of hair behind his ears as they sit side by side on the sofa next to a conked out Derek.
He can’t nod his head quick enough. “Yeah! Yes, uh. Yes, Penelope, I’m sleeping fine, I promise,” he says as convincingly as he can, flashing her a smile. He hates lying to her, but he can’t let anyone find out, he just can’t.
Slowly, he begins losing his grip on reality. He’s almost delusional from the sleep deprivation, and he starts seeing Hankel everywhere he goes. He’s stood behind the fridge door, in the foyer of the FBI Headquarters, in the toilets of a local police station, stood right behind the unsub they’re currently trying to talk down, goddamnit.
He’s beyond exhausted, but some nights he still refuses to sleep, too afraid of what awaits him in his dreams, too afraid of the fear he knows he’ll carry into the next day, too afraid of feeling weak again. Helpless. Completely and utterly without agency.
He sits up with his back against the headboard, the main light off but the lamp switched on, scrolling through as many scholarly articles as he can read in a night, drinking cup after cup of steaming black coffee. Most nights he makes it through till morning without sleeping a wink, but sometimes he can’t stop himself from drifting off The nightmares on those nights are the worst.
He isn’t okay and people are starting to notice. Everyone’s walking on eggshells around him right now, but he knows it won’t be long before Penelope organises an intervention that Hotch hosts and Derek directs. The worst part about it is that he feels like a trainwreck waiting to happen. He’s headed straight for complete and utter collapse, and the only possible way to stop the train in its tracks is to reach out and get help, the one thing he can’t get himself to do.
And he isn’t even really sure why.
It all comes to a head on a warm night in July. He’d fallen into bed that night deliberately, actually intending to sleep for once. The bone-deep tiredness had finally caught up to him and he didn’t even care that he was walking straight into the arms of Tobias Hankel, if it meant he got even an iota of refreshing sleep, then it would be worth it.
But he isn’t quite of the same mind when he wakes up at two in the morning like he does almost every night: soaked in sweat with his heart going a million beats per minute, with only one difference. Tonight, he’s crying.
Maybe it’s the emotional turmoil of the last few months catching up to him, or maybe it’s just the severity of this particular dream, but whatever it is, he can’t seem to stop even once he’s awake. Sobs wrack his shoulders as he cries miserably into the pillow, finally letting out the emotions he’s kept bottled up so tightly, and he’s almost wailing after a couple of minutes of anguish.
All he can think as he cries helplessly is how badly he wants Derek. He wants to be wrapped up in his strong and safe embrace, he wants to feel the movement of his soft goatee against his cheek, he wants to inhale the comforting scent of his sleep t-shirts, he wants the warmth and solace that only Derek Morgan can give him, and in that moment, emotionally distraught and so incredibly sleep-deprived, he decides to get it.
He stumbles out of his bedroom and down the hall, stopping once he reaches Derek’s door. He hesitates for only a second before he pushes it open slowly, allowing the light from the lamp they keep switched on in the hallway to gently illuminate the shadows of his bedroom.
“Spencer?” Derek asks groggily, immediately sitting up and wiping his eyes. “What’s wrong? Are you crying?”
At the acknowledgement of his tears, Spencer starts to cry harder, and as embarrassed as he feels, he can’t slow the steady stream of tears rolling down his face as he stands in the doorway like a child in their parents’ room.
“Spence,” Derek says again, gentle and sympathetic, “come here.” He lifts the duvet up and scooches over slightly as if to make room for him in his already spacious king-size bed.
He doesn’t need to be told twice, though, and he stumbles forward, collapsing into bed and wrapping himself around Derek instantly. His arms come up to circle Spencer’s waist, caressing him gently as he holds him close to his body, shushing him quietly.
“It’s okay, Spence,” he murmurs. “I’m here now, alright? We’re gonna fix whatever it is, I promise you. We’ll get through this. You’ll get through this.”
He lets himself cry and cry and cry until his tears are dried up and he’s hiccupping from the force of his sobs. He would feel terrible about the damp spot left on Derek’s t-shirt, but he simply doesn’t have the energy. Instead, he continues to lie there on Derek’s chest, listening to his softly spoken assurances and losing himself in the sensation of Derek’s fingertips caressing the skin of his waist.
After a couple of minutes of silence, interrupted only by the odd hiccup from Spencer’s tired lungs, Derek finally asks the question. “What was that all about, pretty boy?” he asks with a tenderness Spencer isn’t sure he’s ever heard before. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Been having nightmares,” Spencer whispers, keeping his eyes closed against Derek’s imploring gaze.
He feels Derek tense beneath him, his fingers briefly pausing before resuming their comforting patterns on his waist, and a heavy breath escapes his lips. “For how long?”
“Last couple of months,” he mumbles, and somehow another tear manages to escape Spencer’s screwed up eyes.
“Well,” Derek sighs, “I suppose that explains a lot. We’ve been so worried about you, Spencer. We had no idea what was going on but we could all see you withdrawing, and it wasn’t exactly a secret how exhausted you were.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry,” Derek says sadly. “I should’ve pushed harder to figure out what was going on with you. I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with this all alone.”
“I didn’t know how to tell anyone,” Spencer says, suddenly desperate to explain as he shifts slightly to look Derek in the eye. “I was so scared and I didn’t want anyone to think that I was weak or I couldn’t do my job anymore, and I just didn’t know what to do.”
“I know, Spence,” Derek says soothingly, “but you’ve told me now, haven’t you? And I’m going to do everything I can to get you some help. We’ll fix this, baby. I promise you, I’m going to make sure you’re happy and healthy again if it’s the last thing I do, okay?”
Spencer sniffs a little, wiping tiredly at his eyes as he blinks up at the sincerity on Derek’s face. For the first time in far too long he manages a smile. “Okay.”
Derek runs a hand through his hair before dropping a kiss to the top of his head. “Do you want to sleep here tonight?”
Spencer’s smile widens and he buries his face in Derek’s chest again as his cheeks flush red. “Please.”
Months later, they’ll realise they never officially asked one another to be in an actual, exclusive relationship. Months later, they’ll know instinctively and with absolute certainty that this night was the night that changed everything for them, and exactly one year later, they’ll celebrate their first anniversary on that date.
Tonight, though, they sleep curled up next to one another in Derek’s bed, and although Spencer doesn’t fall into the same dreamless sleep he grew used to immediately after Hankel, for once he isn’t haunted by nightmares, but dreams inflected with hope for what the future holds for them, and he’ll take that over dreamlessness any day.
taglist: @criminalmindsvibez @lesbiantodds @suburban--gothic @strippersenseii @takeyourleap-of-faith @negativefouriq @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @livrere-blue @hotchseyebrows @enbyspencer @reidology @transhanniballecter @spencerspecifics @bau-gremlin @hotchedyke @tobias-hankel @ @marsjareau @garcias-bitch @oliverbrnch @im-autistic @anxious-enby @kuolonsyoja @reidreids @ropoto @thosecriminalminds (add yourself to my taglist)
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hello! if this isn’t too weird, i’d like to request nagito and his fem s/o being heard having...seggs...... (maybe? possibly? perhaps? you can include the seggs scene?? if it’s not too much..) and the next morning their classmates are literally like 🧍‍♂️🧍🏻‍♀️ and it’s so awkward 😭😭 I CAN JUST IMAGINE HIYOKO AND MAHIRU LIKE 😀🤬 and everyone else like 😅😐please don’t feel obligated to do it but if you do then thank you so much!!! have a great day/night
Nagito and S/O being overheard
Anon, you're a genius. Absolutely, this is my favorite request I've gotten so far I had to do this first (even... if I'm... really late) It kind of spiraled into a little fic with smut and fluff but eh, the more the merrier right?
-Mod Usami
Word Count: 1.9k
Content Warnings: Island Mode AU! Some smut at the beginning, the rest is pretty fluffy. If you don't wanna read it, skip to where you see *****
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“Fuck! Oh, fuck, yes!” Nagito’s hips hit yours with a fervor that was unfamiliar but completely welcome. His long, bony fingers held your waist tightly to hold himself steady as he fucked you while you lay on your back. Above you, he had a look of complete focus as he worked to keep up his pace. Usually he was quite gentle with you, making you take the reins if you wanted something rougher, but tonight he touched you with a drive you couldn’t place.
It had been much the same earlier, when he brought you off the first time eating you out; however, you had grown accustomed to Nagito’s eagerness when his face was between your legs. You’d been much too distracted by that very tongue laving your clit to notice any difference. When his hips slotted between yours though, the difference was so clear.
One of Nagito’s hands moved from its place on your torso to the back of your thigh, pushing it back towards you gently. His eyes remained locked on yours, and though his pace didn’t relent, his eyes were soft and questioning. When you could moaned in response, he couldn’t help but grin to himself a bit. The new angle allowed him to go even deeper,
“My hope...” He choked out, obviously attempting to remain steady even while he was so pleased. “I- you- you sound beautiful already and- and I know this is a selfish request-”
“Wh- What do you want, Nah- ah! Nagito!” You’d meant to continue on, but it was rather difficult. Your fingers dug into the sheets. Nagito moaned aloud at his name, his brows furrowing.
“Yes! My- my name! Just like that!”
“Of course, my pretty boy.” You managed to give him a sloppy half-smile. You let your head fall back once more as he continued. “Nagito! Oh, ah, Nagito! Fuck, baby you’re- you’re so good!” Your hand began to reach down to your clit, but his voice interrupted you.
“P- please, allow me-” He adjusted himself so he was pressed further down into you, one arm supporting himself on the bed and the other beginning to rub circles around your clit, one of your legs over his shoulder. All at once you were enveloped in how good he was making you feel, and knew you weren’t going to last long.
“Oh, Nagito, Nagito, Nagito!” Your voice was almost a whisper, chanting his name like a prayer. The leg not already against him came to wrap around his waist, pulling him closer, deeper. “I’m- I’m close-”
“Yes!” He moaned. “Please, please cum for me- I want to see you, I wanna see you-”
“Nagito!” A particularly electric motion from his hands caused your own to fly into his hair. “Nagito, Nagito- ah!” Your legs shook as you came, left trembling in his hands, and he didn’t last much longer. As he came, he leaned down as much as he could while still pumping into you to kiss and bite down on your neck. He peppered kisses all over you as you both lie in the aftershocks, panting in between nips and kisses. At last, he sucked hard on a spot by your pulse point, making you shiver while he marked you. “Nagito...” You whined. “You’re gonna leave marks...”
“Forgive me, my love, I selfishly crave nothing more than to see you completely marked up by my hand.” He murmured, his voice breathy and sleepy. You giggled, a bit out of it yourself.
“You talk funny.” You nudged him to move and he finally stood back up and wiped the sweat off of his brow. After cleaning up a bit and hitting the light, the two of you crawled back into bed to finally get some rest. You held his head close to your chest and played with his hair, and you were quickly asleep. Nagito needed to try a bit harder to fall asleep. He was facing the window he’d noticed he’d left open earlier, and tried not to laugh too much and make you stir.
“Good morning everyone! It’s another beautiful day on the island! Please eat breakfast and do your very best today! Love, love!” Usami's voice crackled through the tv in your room. You internally groaned, upset that you could never find a way to turn that damn monitor down, until the events of last night came back to you. You smiled to yourself as you pulled Nagito closer, right while he was in the middle of a yawn.
“Morning breath.” You grumbled, moving to kiss him on the cheek.
“Nobody made you kiss me in the middle of my yawn. Least of all me.” He protested, but he sounded pleased. “Good morning.” You simply grumbled in response, tucking your face into the crook of his neck. “We’re expected at breakfast eventually.”
“So what?” You grinned deviously and peeked open your eyes just enough to press hot, open-mouthed kisses to his neck. He made a little squeaking noise and tilted his head to give you more access.
“Ah- as much as I- oh- enjoy your intimacy...” He swallowed hard, as if he was preparing himself for what he was going to say next. You didn’t relent. “We really shouldn’t do this every time we wake up together- we end up la- hah- hmm.” His voice died down into a hum as you began to suck on his neck. “Didn’t you complain about marks just last night?” His voice was strained. His hands found your sides and held on tight, despite his hesitant words.
“Yeah, but they’re probably already there, so it doesn’t matter now, does it?” You said in between your kisses. You pulled away just for a second to see that you were in fact leaving red marks something deep within you hoped would bloom into something darker. My precious boy… maybe they’ll all stop being so rude to you if they understand you’re mine.
“Well, there wouldn’t have been anything to connect it to me.” He said seriously. A laugh bubbled up out of you. “What?”
“Nothing.” You lied. Nothing would connect it to you except all the time we spend together, the way you cling to me when other people are around, those puppy-dog eyes you give me in front of everybody whenever we’re sent to collect in different areas… “But your logic is flawed.” You argued, moving to straddle his hips. He looked awestruck under you, something that made you falter for a moment. “Everyone else would know it wasn’t them, and that would likely narrow it down because...”
“You’re not the best liar when asked something directly, Ko-chan.” You giggled, tapping him on the nose. His eyes crossed trying to follow it.
“You’re probably right.” He beamed. You rolled your eyes. He seemed like he was in too good of a mood now to disagree with anyone. You leaned down to kiss his forehead and your feet finally found their way onto the floor. You felt much more energized now. You and Nagito began to get ready for the day. Nagito had begun to keep clothes in your cabin at your insistence and desire to have as much time with him in bed in the mornings. Still, between your conversations and extra kisses you both snuck, you found yourself late to breakfast.
“You don’t want to walk in separately?” He asked. “It might be rather… suspicious if we walked in at the same time. Especially with… these.” He gestured at your necks, which were marked up in matching fashion, though yours were a bit darker due to time. Despite his words, you’d seen the way Nagito smiled when he caught sight of himself in the mirror earlier, something you hadn’t seen him do… ever.
“I don’t mind, really, Nagito.” You took his hand and kissed his knuckles, making him blush once more. His face was already almost permanently red around you. “Besides, it’s not like anyone actually cares if we’re fucking… they probably won’t think at all about ”
“Ah...” Nagito pursed his lips as you finished climbing the stairs to the hotel’s restaurant. “About that...” His words fell on deaf ears however, as you pushed open the doors. All your classmates were already there, and though you expected to be able to slip in without much notice, all conversation paused as the two of you walked in. Everybody’s eyes turned to you at once.
“Good mo-or-orning lovebirds!” Ibuki sang, waving her utensils and accidentally splattering some of her food onto Byakuya. You froze completely, your eyes widening.
“Good morning, Mioda-san.” Nagito said from behind you. You turned to him, but he seemed most unfazed. There was still a light blush on his cheeks, but you couldn’t tell if that was from earlier or now.
“Mioda-chan!” Mahiru said crossly. “We agreed I would talk to them about it first!”
“Oh, fuck.” You covered your face with your hands. “Oh my fucking God. They all already knew.”
“Well… if it helps, we- we didn’t know until last night.” Mikan laughed nervously, before her own eyes widened. “Oh no! That probably doesn’t help! I’m so sorry, Koizumi-san!”
“Last night? What- oh no.” You could feel your face begin to burn. “Did.. did you...”
“A lot of us… heard you last night, yes.” Chiaki nodded. “Though I believe it was mostly the girls, as it came from the girls’ side of the dorms.”
“Komaeda, my man, I never thought I’d say this but like… how’d you do it?” Kazuichi asked.
“Now is not the time Soda-san!” Sonia chided. “(L/N)-san, did he at least pay you first?”
“I’m gonna do it.” You whispered to yourself. “I’m gonna walk into the ocean and never come back-”
“It’s somehow not that sort of deal. I keep trying but-” Nagito shrugged. You turned and glared at him furiously. “I sense I’ve made a mistake of some sort.”
“She doesn’t make him pay!” Hiyoko smirked, and just from the look you knew you wouldn’t like where this was going. “We all heard last night how much of a cum dump you are!” Several people gasped. Your face froze in what must have looked like a delirious grin. Your mind wouldn’t even register the words she was saying.
“I wish I could have heard.” Teruteru whined. “I’m sure the lady sounded… orgasmic in more than one sense of the word.”
“Haha!” Nagito said the words instead of actually laughing as he stepped out in front of you. He was smiling, but his eyes were cold. “I believe, besides last night, those sounds are usually reserved for me.”
“Whatever, weird choice aside, if she’s getting it from who she wants it’s cool!” Akane said around a mouthful of egg. “As long as she keeps it down! I almost didn’t make it to my early morning run today!”
“Thank you for getting us back to the point, Owari.” Byakuya sighed. “I hate this conversation with a newfound passion. Keep it down, please. Make sure your windows are closed.”
“What? But my windows are almost always closed!” You protested, thankful for the further change. “We’ve got AC, why would I-”
“It doesn’t matter!” Fuyuhiko groaned, shoving his chair away from the table. “And now I’ve completely lost my appetite. Can we go, Pekoyama?” She gave a curt nod, and they left to clear their plates.
“That’s cool! I’m gonna throw myself off one of the bridges today anyways!” You waved at them all. “Toodaloo!” With that, you began to walk away.
“She’s joking… I think.” You heard Nagito say behind you.
“I’m not!”
“...I’ll go with her. Ah, we’ll see you all at morning delegations- hey, wait up!”
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Tame the Beast
"But there’s something off when Raine comes inside tonight. The first thing they notice after closing the door behind them is something glowing, which they recognize to be a bottle of Eda’s elixir on the bedside table, completely full. And then there is a growl."
Raine meets the owl beast.
Read it on AO3 Here:https://archiveofourown.org/works/34020355
There’s always something strange going on at the owl house these days.
Hooty loves chattering everybody’s ears off and he is often swallowing up or breaking things he shouldn’t, Luz and King’s comedy hour somehow turned into Luz and King and Hunter’s prank each other hour somewhere along the way, and more often than not it is Raine and Eda who become their victims. You could say that not even at night the house is fully asleep, and so the constant noises, weird ones at that, are the norm.
Which is why Raine didn’t even flinch when they came up at the door of what now is their shared bedroom with Eda late at night and heard what sounded more like a monster snoring. Eda surely has always sounded like one when asleep.
But there’s something off when Raine comes inside tonight. The first thing they notice after closing the door behind them is something glowing, which they recognize to be a bottle of Eda’s elixir on the bedside table, completely full.
And then there is a growl.
When they look up, what stares at them is not the is not the playful glint of Eda’s beautiful golden eyes; but the void, pitch black of the owl beast’s angry gaze.
Raine startles so that their knees give out under them. They stumble backwards and fall on their butt, their back hitting the wooden door. The beast steps out of the nest, not at all happy at being taken out of its slumber, and slowly creeps towards them, head hang low and teeth bared.
Raine just stays where they are, shaking and paralyzed in fear at the sight of those huge sharp claws that could easily tear them apart. They feel a lump forming in their throat as they remember holding a crying, desperate Eda, after she accidentally hurt her father with those same claws. “It was to protect you!” is how she justified closing off, lying and pushing them away all those years ago. “I was terrified of what the beast would do to you if I ever lost control!” Even though it still hurts that Eda wasn’t able to trust them, Raine definitely understands what she was so scared of now.
Last they say it, when Eda was first cursed, the owl beast was different, smaller, and its mane was fiery gold like her hair. As the beast comes into their personal space, Raine shrinks into themself, whimpering “You’re a lot bigger than I what I remembered.”. The creature comes to a halt in front of them, and Raine closes their eyes and braces themself for a hit that never comes.
After a few seconds, when all they feel is the owl beast’s hot breath on their face, they open their eyes, and to their surprise, the beast doesn’t look angry anymore. It steps carefully around Raine, almost tiptoeing, and starts sniffing at them. “What are you doing?” they ask, mildly amused, even though they know it won’t answer, being too busy sniffing at their neck, their hair, their clothes and whatever it can finds. “Do you like my new cologne or something? That’d make sense, Eda likes it too.” They joke.
The beast reaches a particular sensitive spot at the back of their ear, and Raine lets out a high-pitched squeal. It startles for a second, but something left of Raine’s face seems to have attracted its attention. Raine sits perfectly still as the beast comes really close again. First there’s only the tickling sensation of its mane nuzzling their cheek, and its really stinking breath filling Raine’s nostrils, but suddenly there’s a painful tug at their ear “Ah! No! no, no, no! Don’t do that!” they yell and put their hands up, trying to move the beast’s face away from their own so it stops tugging at their earing. “Okay, okay, I’ll get it, I’ll get it for you, stop that!”
Owl beast Eda huffs, looking mildly offended at Raine’s resistance. They sigh, carefully removing the little piece of metal from their ear, and offer it to the owl beast with an outstretched hand. “Here. Is this what you wanted?” The beast cocks its head and gazes adoringly at the small shiny offering. It gently picks up the earing from Raine’s hand in its mouth and takes the treasure to its nest, along all the others, for safekeeping.
Now that the adrenalin is over and the beast is busy with its new toy, Raine takes a moment to really look at it.
The owl beast overall resembles a lot a gryphon, but half owl instead of the more common half eagle. Even though it is, unarguably, a beast, Raine can recognizes little bits of Eda in its face, in the silver of its mane, in how the ear tuffs frame its head just like Eda’s loose hair strands fall around her face. Its wings, even folded, are obviously very large, to be able to lift such a big creature into the air, (though Raine guesses the sheer amount of fur and feathers makes it look even bigger than it really is). Its appearance is very strong and brutish, but it walks and moves around with what Raine can only describe as cat like grace.
And to be fully honest, the way she looked at the earing and nuzzled Raine with such care was pretty adorable.
The beast finishes stashing its treasure and once again walks towards Raine, who gives it a confused look, right before being scooped by the back of their collar and taken to the nest, where they are very gently placed down. It takes them a few seconds to process what just happen, by the end of which she has already laid down and made herself comfortable, surrounding Raine with its strong paws.
The beast just cocks its head and quietly stares at Raine, as if trying to communicate something with its eyes alone. Against their better judgment, Raine outstretches their hands, and without hesitation, she butts its head against it, leaning into the warm touch of their hand. The silver fur is surprisingly soft against their skin, and just under their fingertips, Raine feels a slight vibration and realizes that she is purring. Loudly.
“Heh, you’re just a really big cat, aren’t you?” they whisper, voice filled with endearment, and slowly stroke the creature’s mane. “I would have never guessed.” The beast leans even further into Raine’s touch, who now has a lapfull of owl beast, and in turn, Raine nuzzles against the beast’s fur. It feels weirdly comfortable.
What a contrast this is to the tales Raine’s heard of the wild witch of Bonesborough, who, when angered or startled, would turn into a giant owl like violent and bloodthirsty monster who hurt countless citizens in its moments of rampage. Raine counts themselves lucky that the beast didn’t immediately pounce them; but then again, Eda said she had made a truce with the owl beast and that they both even talked sometimes. Raine guesses that, since they are Eda’s spouse, the beast must have recognized them as their mate. How cute.
After a while just sitting there, Eda looks a little tired, and Raine wonders how she would feel about a little lullaby. They draw a spell circle in air and summon their violin; and the creature’s eyes, which were half lidded, are now wide open and gazing at them with curiosity. The beast coos at the slow, sweet melody that comes out, its feathers puffing out in contentment. Raine can feel the beast’s loud purring against their back, just in time with the vibration of the strings. At one point in the middle of the song, the beast pulls back a little, just enough to nuzzle Raine’s cheek with its nose and lick them, and Raine’s heart soars. “Feels like sandpaper” they say, chuckling at the ticklish feeling the beast’s tongue left behind.
Raine keeps playing until they feel Eda’s body limping out with sleep. They dematerialize the violin and try to find themselves a comfortable position against her huge fluffy body. They lean against her mane, cradled between one paw and her face, surrounded by her warmth and comforted by the sound of her heartbeat and her steady breathing. Raine’s pretty sure tomorrow they will wake up with the worst back and shoulder pain ever, but tonight is the most comfortable they have been in a long while, the most safe and sound they have slept in their whole life.
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naalbinder · 3 years
phoebe bridgers // elliott smith parallels
E - Riot Coming - “Sat down in jail with this friend of mine/Who'd never close both his eyes/But one was shut all the time/To cover the thing he was scared of”
E - Stupidity Tries “To sail across the sea of trash”
E - Going nowhere - “The old records are sitting on the floor/The ones I can’t put on anymore”
E - Clementine - “Anything to pass the time/And keep that song out of your mind”
P - Smoke Signals - “One of your eyes is always half-shut/Something happened when you were a kid” - “burning trash out on the beach” - “You said that song'll creep you out until you're dead”
E - Miss Misery - (music videos on the same street)
E - Easy way out - “While I watch you making mistakes/I wish you luck I really do” “I heard you found another audience to bore”
E - Looking Over My Shoulder - “Another sick rock ‘n’ roller acting like a dick”
E - Placeholder - “I'm the person you'll never need/The biggest loser on sixteenth street” - “Just like my favourite song/Some pretty words that didn't last that long”
P - Motion Sickness - “I'll be glad that I made it out/And sorry that it all went down like it did” “You said when you met me, you were bored” - “Hey, why do you sing with an English accent?/I guess it's too late to change it now”
E - Some Song - “Help me kill my time cause I'll never be fine”
P - Funeral - “Jesus Christ i'm so blue all the time/And that's just how i feel/Always have and i always will ”
E - Bled White - “Happy and sad come in quick succession/I’m never going to become what you became”
P - Demi Moore - “I got a good feeling/It doesn't happen very often”
E - St Ides Heaven - “With an open container from 7/11”
E - A Fond Farewell - “A fond farewell to a friend”
P - Scott Street - “With an open heart, open container” - “Anyway, don’t be a stranger / don’t be a stranger”
E - Last Call - “And I think I’m all done, you can switch me off safely/While i’m lying here for sleep to overtake me”
E - Roman Candle - “I’m a roman candle/My head is full of flames ”
P - Killer - “But when I’m sick and tired/And when my mind is barely there/When a machine keeps me alive/And I’m losing all my hair/I hope you kiss my rotten head/And pull the plug” - “Tame the fire in you”
E - Georgia Georgia
P - Georgia - “Georgia, Georgia, I love your son”
E - Twilight - “That you are already somebody’s baby”
E - See you later - “Made out of a night train”
E - King’s Crossing - “Instruments shine on a silver tray”
P - Chelsea - “You are somebody’s baby” - “For a chemical imbalance/You sure know how to ride a train” - “With a needle on a tray”
E - Christian Brothers - “No bad dream fucker's gonna boss me around/Christian brothers gonna take him down”
P - Would you rather - “Quarantined in a bad dream/He's half the man and you're twice as tall”
E - Son of Sam - “Son of Sam, son of a doctors love a nurses touch/Acting under orders from above”
P - You Missed My Heart - “A feeling of relief came over my soul/I couldn't take it any longer, and I lost control”
E - Bye - (instrumental)
E - New Monkey (Instrumental)
P - DVD Menu - (instrumental)
E - Coming up roses - “And you're coming up roses everywhere you go/Red roses follow”
E - Rose Parade - “Said, Won't you follow me down to the Rose Parade?”
P - Garden Song “They're gluing roses on a flatbed/You should see it, I mean thousands”
E - Condor Ave - “I don’t know what to do with your clothes or your letters”
E - Baby Britain - “Fights problems with bigger problems/Sees the ocean fall and rise/Counts the waves that somehow didn’t hit her/Water pouring from her eyes/Alcoholic and very bitter”
E - Say Yes - “I'm in love with the world/Through the eyes of a girl/Who's still around the morning after”
E - Seen How Things Are Hard - “You just didn't care/You were off getting drunk instead”
E - The Biggest Lie - "Oh, I just told the biggest lie/ I just told the biggest lie/The biggest lie"
P - Kyoto - “And you wrote me a letter/But I don't have to read it” - “I wanted to see the world/Then I flew over the ocean/And I changed my mind” - “I wanted to see the world/Through your eyes until it happened/Then I changed my mind” - “I'm gonna kill you/If you don't beat me to it” - "Guess I lied/I'm a liar/Who lies/'Cause I'm a liar"
E - Memory Lane - “Your little house on memory lane ”
E - Angel in the Snow - “Angel in the snow/all crushed out on the way you are”
E - Last Call - “And I wanted her to tell me that she would never wake me”
E - New Monkey - “For the millions of fans ignoring the bands”
E - Waltz #2 - “I'm never gonna know you now/But I'm gonna love you anyhow”
E - Amity - “I'm a neon sign and I stay open all the time”
P - Punisher - “The house where you lived with Snow White” - “But never not sweet to the trust funds and punishers” - “What if I told you/I feel like I know you?/But we never met” - “The drugstores are open all night/The only real reason I moved to the east side”
E - Some Song - “Yeah it's halloween tonight and every night”
E - Pitseleh - “I got a joke I've been dying to tell you/A silent kid is looking down the barrel/To make the noise that I kept so quiet”
P - Halloween - “Baby, it's Halloween” - “I hate living by the hospital/The sirens go all night/I used to joke that if they woke you up/Somebody better be dying”
E - Shooting Star - “So bad, so far/You made me sad/Shooting star/You're distant and cold/And a sight to behold/Everybody just sighs”
E - Satellite - “When they call it a lover's moon, the satellite/'Cause it acts just like lovers do, the satellite/A burned-out world you know/Staying up all night/The satellite”
E - Everything Reminds Me of Her - “Why are you staring into outer space, crying?/Just because you came across it and lost it”
P - Chinese Satellite - “Took a tour to see the stars/But they weren't out tonight/So I wished hard on a Chinese satellite” - “Sometimes, when I can't sleep/It's just a matter of time before I'm hearing things” b- “Instead, I look at the sky and I feel nothing/You know I hate to be alone/I want to be wrong”
E - Coast to Coast - “Still you're keeping me around/'Til I finally drag us both down (Gonna drag us both down)”
E - Little one - “The moonlight tonight/Seems to belong to me” - “One more/Little one, I love you”
E - Coming up Roses - “The moon is a sickle cell/It'll kill you in time” “While the moon does its division/You're buried below”
E - Everything Means Nothing to Me - “At attention, looking backward in a pool of water/Wishes with a blue songbird on his shoulder/Who keeps singing over everything”
E - Pretty Mary K (Other Version) - “oh Mary K, I can see your face/down there in the waves, painted and erased/but I know it's just a reflection of the moon”
P - Moon song - (52) “You asked to walk me home/But I had to carry you” - (53) “And if I could give you the moon/I would give you the moon” - (54) “You are sick and you're married/And you might be dying” - (55/56) “And you pushed me in/And now my feet can't touch the bottom of you” “But you're holding me like water in your hands/When you saw the dead little bird”
E - New Disaster - “Everybody is the same in this long no-win game/Where every new blood/Gets time to become resigned” - “Until everyone knows that your smile is just a ghost/The ghost of your smile was seen on a body in the park”
P - Savior Complex - “Baby, you're a vampire/You want blood and I promised” - “All the bad dreams that you hide/Show me yours, I'll show you mine”
E - Oh well, Ok - “If you get a feeling next time you see me/Do me a favor and let me know/Cause it's hard to tell, it's hard to say 'oh well, Ok'”
E - Last Call - “You're a tongueless talker/You don't care what you say”
E - Angel in the Snow - “Only a cold still life/ that fell down here to lay beside you”
P - ICU - (58) “But I feel something when I see you now/I feel something when I see you” - (59) “I hate your mom/I hate it when she opens her mouth/It's amazing to me/How much you can say/When you don't know what you're talking about” - “laying down on the lawn” “if you’re a work of art/I’m standing too close/I can see the brush strokes”
E - Happiness / The Gondola Man - “What I used to be/Will pass away and then you'll see/That all I want now/Is happiness for you and me”
E - Whatever (Folk Song in C) - “Whatever you're doing now would probably suit me fine/If you're all done, like you said you'd be/What are you doing hanging out with me?”
E - Big Ballad of Nothing - “You can do what you want to whenever you want to/You can do what you want to there's no one to stop you”
P - Graceland too - “Said she knows she lived through it to get to this moment” - “Whatever she wants (Whatever you want)”
E - Bottle up and Explode “Bottle up and go/I can make it outside”
E - A Distorted Reality is Now a Necessity to be Free - “God knows why my country don't give a fuck” - “Shine on me baby, because it's raining in my heart”
E - Alphabet Town - “Alphabet City is haunted”
P - I Know The End - “There's no place like my room” - “To some America First rap country song” “Driving out into the sun/Let the ultraviolet cover me up”- “I'll find a new place to be from/A haunted house with a picket fence”
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dancingamongstdust · 3 years
Creepypasta Scenarios - First Meeting (Part 3)
I’ve opened requests now, if anybody is interested. Here’s the post:
Lost Silver
As stupid as it sounds, the game didn’t scare you.
It had started as a joke, something passed around your friend group after it had been discovered. The cartridge was just a janky version of a Pokémon game that was apparently spooky and so, everybody had taken turns messing around with it. They all said creepy things started happening but nothing too bad.
When it was your turn, you had been fully expecting something out of a horror movie. Instead, you had gotten a game that just had audio cut offs and weird notes warning you to stay out. It wasn’t all together scary.
You mentioned this to the next person you gave the game to in your friend group and they had laughed, saying it would probably ring true for them also.
But for some reason, your ally didn’t manifest.
Less than two days later, they practically threw the game at the rest of you and ran away sprouting things about curses. After that, the appeal of playing it kind of went away.
Nobody wanted to buy it and apparently throwing it out wasn’t a suggestion. So you ended up getting it.
Curiosity soon got the better of you and you booted up the game again, really sure that it would do something absolutely crazy but it never did. It ran like it always had with only that one file being completed.
So you deleted the file.
And nothing happened.
The next day, when you booted up the game, the file had simply returned as though you hadn’t deleted it in the first place. A similar thing occurred the next time. And the next.
Eventually you gave up and just started your own game. There, everything ran like it was meant to and you were beginning to think that your friends had all been imagining stuff. Maybe their paranoid got to them or something like that?
But eventually, the nightmares started. And they were bad.
You couldn’t remember exactly what happened during them. They were a swirling mess of games and glitches, horrible things spelled out in letters and blood covering everything. You would always wake up right when they seemed to be coming to a pivotal point. You’d find yourself dragged into a graveyard and then you’d wake up screaming
It was awful. You hardly got any sleep during them and they seemed to haunt you every night, keeping you up until the early hours of the morning.
But the worst only came when you didn’t wake up.
When you were dragged to the grave and looked down to see the ellipsis where the name should be. A punch to the gut that reminded you of what the game file was called. A confirmation of what was causing this dream.
You stared at it for ages before your eyes drifted up and you met his gaze. He was covered in blood, it leaked from every orifice and limb. It stained his dirty clothing even worse.
While you were staring, the world seemed to distort even though he didn’t. The game world melted away and your bedroom slowly reappeared.
It wasn’t until you saw car headlights move past your window – casting awful shadows across the room – that you realised you were no longer dreaming. He wasn’t a figment of your imagination.
The temperature in the room plummeted and you began to slowly reach for a weapon of some kind. He turned to look at what you were watching. His head tilted to the side and a glitch raced across his body before he vanished into thin air. Flicking on the lights didn’t show him hiding or cowering.
Perhaps your friends weren’t crazy after all.
“You know, if we had been a little more patient, none of this would have happened,” your sibling lectured. “We could be relaxing inside the car without having to worry about a bloody flash flood coming down from the sky.”
You shoved their back, forcing them to stumble a little as they went through the door. “Chances are the river’s going to burst its banks anyway. We would have been stuck in traffic for hours because the bridge is blocked off.”
“At least we would have been dry,” they muttered, running their fingers through their hair. “And not trapped inside an abandoned building.”
You rolled your eyes and made your way over the rubble to settle down on a camping chair. “Don’t even start. This place has been a hangout for my friends and I for ages. There’s never been a single problem bigger than a few spiders.”
“Till a landlord shows up,” they scoffed.
“Then we’ll move to the forest,” you joked. “I’m sure there’s a good bear cave we can use.”
“I’m going to be an only child,” they said, rolling their eyes. Still, they made their way over and sat. “How long do you think we have until the storm dies down?”
You relaxed back into the chair and smiled up at the asbestos-filled ceiling. “From the sound of it, a while.”
It wouldn’t have been the first time you had taken a nap in the building. You were scared of giant cockroaches coming to eat you once. You had gotten used to it since then but this time when you woke up, you were uneasy.
Glancing around, nothing was out of the ordinary. Your sibling was snoring in the chair next to you and outside the rain was pounding the roof.
You sat upright. Sometimes was definitely wrong.
Pulling your phone from your pocket, you got up from the chair and began walking as quietly as you could through the house. It had always been tiny and practically void of furniture, but the few rooms provided ample hiding spots.
Nothing but rubble was in most of the rooms but, in what you presumed had once been a bathroom, you found a person.
He had his back to you but when you pushed the door open to peer in, he spun around, his hand flying to his side. He was wearing a white mask, dark features etched onto it, and an orange jacket. A dark stain ran up the right side of it, emanating from under his hand. The oddness of his clothing made you immediately back away from the door, finger twitching on your cell phone in case you needed to call for help.
The two of you stared at each other in silence.
You were lost about what to say or do. The stain on his jacket was spreading and the more you stared at it, the more you became convinced it was blood. “Are you okay?” you finally managed to ask.
It took him a while to respond but then he nodded. The mask was unnerving you. You didn’t like not being able to see a person’s facial expressions.
“I don’t mean to pry or anything, but it really looks like you’re bleeding,” you said. “And quite badly. I can call for an ambulance or something although…” you turned your attention to the window behind his head. “I’m not sure they’ll be able to get anywhere with this weather.”
He stepped backward. “I’m fine,” he said, so soft you barely caught it. “I thought this place was abandoned.”
“It normally is,” you answered. “But we had to avoid the storm. I’m guessing that’s why you’re here also?”
“Yes,” he responded.
You waited or him to say something more, but all you got was silence. He had moved further away and now he had his back against the window. Part of you wanted to turn around and go back to your sibling but you were unsure about turning your back on the strange man.
The mask made you scared he could stab you or something.
Somebody calling your name made you turn your head on instinct. Your sibling must have woken up and realised you were missing.
Quickly, you turned back to the man, but he had disappeared. Rain spat through the now open window.
Nurse Ann
Everybody always warned you about exploring old buildings. They would yell about how many things could injure or kill you. Stray animals, drug addicts, old equipment, and all that. You had heard just about every warning imaginable. Ghosts were pretty commonly mentioned also.
But killer nurse was a new one.
“Come on, just give me a little more information,” you nagged. “I’m going there whether you’re with me or not so you may as well just tell me what you’ve heard.”
Your friend (and partner in crime for most ventures) groaned. “It’s not much. They just say that she guards the place and if you get too close, she’ll run you off with a chainsaw. Some people have died from injuries they got while there. Let’s just give this one a miss, alright?”
But you were not in agreement at all.
“Maybe she’s cute though,” you teased.
They didn’t find that funny and you didn’t push them to come with you. So later that evening, you snuck in by yourself.
The hospital was old with crumbling walls and smashed windows. It was hidden from the public by means of a tall barbed-wire fence and a substantial distance of open garden. Nothing too extreme for you and definitely worth the potential items you’d find inside. When hospitals went under, they often left tons of awesome stuff just scattered around.
You’d never sold anything you found in your abandoned building dives. They were more collectables than anything else but they meant quite a bit to you.
There weren’t any signs of crazy nurses as you approached the place. Nobody came running at you with a chainsaw at least. You didn’t even find evidence of squatters who could sometimes pose some danger.
After deciding it was safe enough, you lifted yourself through one of the windows and began to explore.
Honestly, it was creepy. Everything was way too old to be worth collecting and there were too many unidentifiable stains for your liking. The water damage was bad. It looked like the ceiling was there for aesthetics only and several rooms creaked too much for you to comfortably cross them.
And that was even without the awkward feeling of being watched.
You told yourself that it was just superstition but you couldn’t shake it. Every few seconds saw you looking over your shoulder in anticipation. It distracted you from keeping your eye on the path in front of you and the loud crack reached your ears too late.
The floor gave out and you fell through. Your shoulder hit some kind of metal object as you landed in the room below. Painful shocks ripped through your body and your head knocked against the floor with a heavy thud.
Stars danced in front of your vision and you raised your hand to the top of your head. Blood coated your hand when you lowered it to look.
Shakily, you tried to pull yourself up but quickly found that your arm was too sore. Instead, you pulled your phone from your pocket and sent off the emergency text to your friend.
The world faded to black not long after that.
When you woke up next, you were in your room with a bandage wrapped around your head. You had felt like absolute crap but still gotten up to thank them for the save. They had nodded and warned you to be more careful, happy that you had been outside the hospital so they didn’t have to look for too long.
Before you could even think about how you had crawled there, they asked how you had managed to do your own stitches so nicely.
Your camera was on 10% battery.
Grumbling, you shoved it into your bag and cursed your past self for forgetting to put it on charge. In order to get the best sunrise photos, you had found yourself waking up earlier and earlier. It was tiring but it was worth it… most of the time.
You just hoped that at least one of your pictures was usable but you could only check on them once you got home.
The streetlight above your head flickered as you walked past. It wasn’t unusual but when you were the only person awake for miles around, it was awfully creepy.
Putting your hands into your jacket pockets, you continued strolling back home. The neighborhood had never been dangerous and despite living in the area for your entire life, no incidents made you want to stop walking around at night.
Deciding that you wanted to take a precautionary shot, you headed for your neighbour’s house first. They had an arch covered in jasmine flowers that made for some perfectly safe photos and they never minded your presence.
After making your way there and getting a few photos, you were treated to the fright of your life when their began howling and barking. It wasn’t aimed at you but you didn’t like the noise regardless.
As you rounded the corner of the house, planning on racing back to your own home, you encountered the dog’s target.
A man – cloaked in the darkness and barely illuminated by the streetlight – opening one of the windows with ease. Irritated by the dog, he didn’t notice you until your finger twitched around the shutter of your camera. There was a flash.
His head snapped up and you screamed.
The man’s complexation was literally grey. He wasn’t just ill, he was the colour of storm clouds. Golden eyes with no pupils glared at you and froze you in place. Whatever he was, this man was the furthest thing from human.
Your scream woke your neighbors. The sound of movement began coming from inside the house.
He abandoned the window, stalking towards you. The air tingled like it was expecting a lightning storm. Golden tendrils grew from his fingertips and shot towards you. They had you pinned in an instant.
You struggled against them and opened your mouth to scream again but they wrapped around your head, forcing your jaw shut.
This was how you died… tears spilled down your cheeks at the realization. You were going to be an unsolved murder. All you hoped was you got a good picture of him.
Your neighbor’s front door opened and great dane let out an ear-splitting bark as he raced toward you.
The man, or creature, or monster, or whatever he was, released you to face the dog. He let it approach before vanishing into a cloud of smoke as its jaws reached him.
“What was that?” the timid voice brought you back into reality.
“It was trying to get into your house,” you said. “I screamed when I saw it and then it grabbed me.” Your voice changed to a whimper as reality hit you. You nearly died.
The small child of the house came over to hug your leg. “I’m sure Puppet didn’t mean to scare you,” she said. “He always comes to visit but he doesn’t like it when people make noise. You shouldn’t scream when you see him again.”
You made eye-contact with the parents and they wore expressions of horror at their daughter’s words.
“Puppet?” you asked in a small voice.
She nodded rapidly. “He says he stops by because he likes watching people. I think that he’s watching us all right now! But he can hide in the shadows too well.”
“I’m going to go and call the police,” somebody said.
You weren’t all too focused. The feeling of being watched grew heavier and you clutched tightly at the camera in your hands.
You couldn’t tell if they were being serious. You hoped that they were joking. They weren’t genuinely going to…
“No,” you stated.
The two younger children both turned to look at you simultaneously. Guilt flashed across their faces as though they weren’t aware you were listening. It was as though you were asked to babysit them because you didn’t pay attention. These two should have realised that by now.
“Do you think all the stories are true?” the boy asked. “I think that they are. One of my friends said she saw a huge dog in the forest and then it ran away after eating a whole cow!”
“No way!” his twin sister shouted. “Dogs don’t eat cows, so it can’t be true!”
You put on your best intimidating expression and crossed your arms. “I don’t care if they’re true or not. There is absolutely no chance that either of you are going to go running off into the woods with bears, wolves and all kinds of other creatures.”
The two children glanced at each other and bolted for the tree line before you could grab their shirts.
Thankfully your legs were longer even if they had a head start and you managed to catch up pretty quickly. Once you caught the boy and picked him up with ease, the girl dashed behind a tree.
“Can we please just leave?” you asked nicely. “If we forget about the forest adventure thing, I promise I won’t tell your parents and I’ll get you ice cream.”
The boy was trying his hardest to get out of your hold. You were starting to think babysitting didn’t pay enough.
“I don’t want ice cream,” the girl said. “I want to go and find a unicorn.”
She darted off into the forest and you let out a deep groan. Shifting the boy’s weight over your one hip, you started walking after her. If you wanted to give chase via running, you would have to put the kid down and trust him to follow or stay.
It was obvious that wasn’t happening.
It didn’t take you too long to find the girl. Mostly because she had stopped in the middle of a weird grove in the trees. She was just staring off into the dark shadows beyond it.
As you approached her, static popped in your ears. You shook your head in an effort to displace it but the closer you got, the louder it became.
The child in your arms whimpered, clutching his head.
You softly called her name and then it appeared. It was a man-like monster, standing just in the shadows of the trees. Easily over 7ft tall and insanely thin with no facial features. Your heart jumped into your throat and your stomach tied itself into a knot.
Without taking your eyes off it, you reached out a hand and fumbled around until you grabbed the girl’s shirt.
The static was getting louder and louder. You tried to shut it out as you started moving backwards, tugging the child along after you. She wasn’t willing to move her legs. She was entranced but whether by fear or magic, you couldn’t tell.
And then it was much closer.
You stumbled in fright, letting go of the girl’s shirt and landing on your ass. The boy fell on top of you but scrambled away and hide in the bushes within the blink of an eye. You sent a silent prayer to him to run back home to the other adults.
Once again, the creature was stationary but now the static was growing to such a volume that you could imagine your ears were starting to bleed.
You reached out for the girl again slowly, but something wrapped around your leg and yanked you into the air.
It took almost a full second for you to realise that the screaming ringing in your ears was you. Whatever was holding you tightened and whipped your body through the air. It was like your leg was being ripped away.
Then you were falling.
It was some feat of luck that you managed to twist your body, so you didn’t land on your head. You lay there for a while before something poking your back made you unbury your face.
The twins were staring at you with wide eyes and the monster was nowhere in sight.
“What was –“ you couldn’t finish.
“Slenderman,” they said in perfect sync.
Another stop…
You couldn’t help yourself. Every time you walked past one of the posters fluttering lightly in the wind you had to stop and stare at it.
A few days ago, your dog, your beautiful and sweet puppy, had disappeared from your house without a trace. The missing posters were depressing reminders that he wasn’t home. It hadn’t taken long for your mind to spiral into the negative thoughts about how close the road was.
Damn your coworkers. One of the had suggested the road in the first place and while they hadn’t intended anything malicious, it was definitely not helping your fears.
The dog had been with you through thick and through thin… if it was dead, you may as well have lost a close family member.
Hanging your head, you dragged your eyes away from the poster and kept walking.
People bumped into you, but it was your fault. You refused to look up in case another poster distracted you. Getting home before the sun set was your only focus now.
You had tried going out and searching in all the places where your dog once spent time to no avail. Always willing to try again, you chose to drop off your bags and head out later that evening when you ran out of distractions.
As you walked through the gates in front of your house, a gust of air gently messed up your hair. A gust of wind suspiciously similar to a laugh.
Your logical mind told you it came from the street, but something made you stop in your tracks.
The walls around your property towered. There’s no possibility that somebody could be in your garden. To try and scale one of the walls, they would have been in full view of your neighbours who would have undoubtedly called the cops.
“You’re sad,” the wind whispered before you could brush off your suspicion.
Spinning wildly, you searched around for the source. You backed up until your entrance gate was behind you. You could run down to the main street with ease if you could just get your fumbling fingers to unlock things.
“Don’t run,” the wind said, this time blowing from a separate direction. “I promise I’m not going to hurt you. I just wanted to know why you’re upset.”
Is this what going insane was? Nobody around and the wind was talking to you. You had always feared losing your mind and now it was happening.
“I’m real,” the wind said. “I’m hiding because I’ll scare you if you see me.”
“I’m going mad,” you muttered, shaking your head. “If this is somebody pulling a prank on me I swear….”
The wind quietened for a bit and then it picked up again, ruffling your hair as it spoke. “If I show myself, it’ll prove that you’re not going crazy, but I don’t want to make it worse by frightening you… you’re so sad already.”
“I lost my best friend and people have been telling me he’s most likely dead,” you hissed. “Obviously I’m not in the best mood. Now I’m losing my fucking mind and talking to air.”
The atmosphere around you dropped, like it does moments before lightning strikes. You glanced at the sky in confusion. As expected, no clouds in sight.
You lowered your gaze and a 7ft tall creature covered in bright polka dots stood in front of your house.
Once you screamed, it disappeared.
“I’m sorry,” the wind said. “I knew I would scare you, but I had hoped it would show you that I’m not imaginary. I’m just trying to help.”
The gate finally opened behind you and you stumbled backwards through it, your heart sitting in your throat. A monster was in your house and it was probably going to kill you. Spinning on your heel, you took off full speed back towards the main street.
You were fully expecting it to give chase now that you hadn’t fallen for its claims of harmlessness but it didn’t.
Instead you reached the main road and only got a few strange looks because of how much you were shaking. Nothing followed you.
The wind picked up once more. “I’ll try and help,” it promised.
People walking around you should have heard it as well but none of them so much as blinked.
Ticci Toby
While you had been told that a noise limit for the forest existed, your laughter refused to cooperate. It rang through the trees and probably chased off all the animals nearby. A picnic out in a national forest was a fantastic way to reconcile with nature and to scare it all away.
With eleven people in your picnic party, chances of any creatures coming into view were already slim though so you didn’t worry too much.
“We didn’t bring nearly enough fruit,” you muttered as you dug in the basket.
“Excuse you, I brought a whole watermelon but you ate it,” somebody answered your grumble. “If you want fruit, it is spring. Go and forage for some berries.”
You snorted. “Yeah, right. I’m going to go out by myself in the middle of the one season where bears are irritable as fuck. I know I sometimes act a little impulsively, but I don’t exactly have a wish to die at the claws of a grumpy teddy.”
Your friend leaned towards you. “Is that so? What if we split into teams and made a bet? Loser has to take a dip in the river.”
“A bet?” you asked. “I’m interested.”
She grinned and snapped her fingers. “Okay, there are eleven people so I’m feeling groups of two with one impartial party as a judge. We should be fine if we make enough noise and stick within close vicinity to each other. See how many berries we can gather?”
Tipping out the picnic basket’s contents, you smirked and pushed it into her chest. “Oh, I hope you brought a swimming costume.”
Everybody teamed up with ease and grabbed one of the many containers lying on the blanket. You headed out with your partner and gave a wink to the other teams. All you needed was to find one good bush first and you had it won.
“We should split up,” your partner said. “Cover more ground.”
You nodded. “We meet up back here once we’ve found a good bush,” you agreed. “And we shout if we find any animals.”
Obviously, your plans hadn’t involved losing your footing almost directly after the two of you split.
Tumbling down the small hill, you tried your hardest to protect yourself from the bushes as you went through them. At some point, you lost your basket and by the time you had finally rolled to a stop, you had no idea where it was.
Grumbling, you stood up and started searching until something dark caught your eye. Thinking it was your basket, you made your way over.
The clearing you walked into housed a scene you could never have imagined.
A dead bear lay slumped against a tree, its fur being what had caught your eye earlier. A hatchet buried in its neck was spilling blood onto the floor around it. All that hardly compared to the man leaning against a tree.
“Oh my god!” you exclaimed. “Are you alright?”
His head immediately snapped up, allowing you to see that he was wearing a mouth guard and a pair of goggles. Blood seeped from between his fingers where they clutched against his chest, but he hardly noticed. A hatchet was hanging from his belt.
Suddenly, you were wishing you had kept your mouth shut.
He stared at you blankly for a while, an occasional twitch minorly affecting his body. Reaching up, he took off his mouthguard. “I can’t feel any pain,” he said. “So, I’m fine. Why are y-you out here? The hiking trail is far.” He struggled with one of the words, seeming to hiccup a little on it.
“I was searching for berries and I slipped down a hill,” you answered. “Are you sure you’re okay? It looks like you got into a fight with a bear. Your shirt is all bloody.”
“I did fight a bear,” he laughed, gesturing to it. “I won.”
Your eyes grew wider. “I think you should get to a hospital. What’s your name? I can call somebody for you and we’ll get you medical attention.”
“Toby,” he said. “That’s my name. What’s yours?”
You gave him your full name and pulled out your phone. “My friends are close by,” you said. “Don’t worry, they’ll be here to help soon.”
When you raised your attention from your phone, he had disappeared and so had the hatchet from the bear’s neck.
Work was hard. It made your feet ache, it made your back click and crack, and it felt like the problems would never end.
Would you give up working in the fashion industry? Not a chance.
Your boss walked past where you were calming down an irate customer over the phone and dropped the keys to the front of the building in front of you. “Close up for me,” she mouthed as she left.
Nodding, you moved them to the side of the desk where they couldn’t be lost.
Once you had finished calming the customer, you glanced around to check how many people were left in the room. Three still working and one in the process of leaving. You were technically going into overtime at this point, but you didn’t mind.
There was a reason you were promoted so quickly.
“We need to set up cameras!” one of the floor managers snapped, storming into the office. She marched straight over to your desk and glowered at you. “I put this request in a week ago.”
Scrolling through the documents, you quickly opened the file. “I see but it looks like it’s been bumped due to a shipment malfunction, I’ll flag it. What’s the problem?”
“Customers or members of staff are moving items around and throwing things out without warning. We need to catch the culprits!” she snapped.
“What has been thrown out?” you asked. “I’ll add it into the information.”
The woman started listing quicker than you could type. “I’ve found crocs, toeless thigh-high boots, bellbottomed jeans, coloured faux fur jackets, luminous lipstick, w-necks, and jeggings all in vast numbers in the trash can. Every time I put them out on shelves, they disappear again.”
It took everything in you not to snort. “I’ll mark this vital.”
She stalked off and you went back to inputting the shipping requirements. You were meant to be organising what was coming in for the latest line and subtly omitting anything that wouldn’t sell well enough.
Slowly but surely, your co-workers trickled out of the office after finishing off their daily tasks. You kept going, trying to make sure you could have a longer break the next day.
Finally, when the sun had already set, you relented and started getting ready to go home.
You sung as you finished packing up for the day. Being the last one in the building (thus having to lock up) made you a little more confident as you danced around getting everything together. You slung your bag over your shoulder and happily trotted over to the door.
It made you so happy that your boss entrusted you to be the last one around. She was so hyper-protective of company secrets that you were proud of yourself for winning her over.
Your talent with people was something you attributed to dealing with painful customers.
As you passed through the store-part of the business you stopped to rearrange a mannequin. Every morning when you came in, you always noticed something had been changed with this specific one. You figured you could move something small and see if it would be a good place to set up a hidden camera.
Though you weren’t expecting it to suddenly grab your arm.
“You may be one of the few workers here with good taste, but I advise you don’t try and change my outfit,” it said. It didn’t have a mouth, but the words rang in your head, nevertheless.
You screamed and pulled away, tearing your arm from its grip. Shelves were knocked over and clothing was sent flying as you tried to escape.
The mannequin just watched you as you fumbled madly for the door.
The glass rattled in the frame from how hard you slammed it shut behind you. You sped off down the street, moving faster than you ever had before. You collapsed on your lawn by the time you reached the house, taking deep breaths.
Nothing had followed you. Everything was okay.
With shaking fingers, you dialed your boss’ number and told her you would be taking a sick day. There wasn’t a chance in hell you were going anywhere near there again.
Not to mention the mess you made… you were definitely getting fired.
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neonponders · 3 years
This isn’t what @memes-saved-me had in mind for this post but lol (read their tags, they’re delightful) 
Thinking about a younger Billy and an older Steve today ✨
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
Billy scratched at the hair on his nape. He wanted to grow it out; really had always wanted long hair. And now, as he peered at the other sophomores trying to fluff themselves bigger to match the juniors and seniors, he just might.
Long hair was in. Mullets, rock star manes, extensions - even the opposite. Women with buzz cuts and pixie faux hawks. Pleasant little surprises in Hawkins, Indiana, and Billy might finally indulge in that.
Plenty in this town was backwards as all hell. Girls wearing white stockings like it was the fifties. Boys and girls alike clearly letting having learned hair styling from their out-of-date parents. Two girls with beehives sat in his English class.
But it was fine, because there was plenty of present-day styling, and Billy wouldn’t get any shit at home for matching his peers.
Cherry Lane. The most backwards spot in Indiana.
But that’s okay, too, because small town people need occupations. Parties.
A cool senior with teased, black hair walked right up to him and handed him a neon orange sheet of paper. He saw others holding similar invitations all day. 
Party on Friday night. Address, dress code, and everything.
Caught him by surprise, that a dress code would be needed for one of these things, but the invitation just said ~casual attire~ and someone in his Advanced Biology class told him that Tina hosts the best shin digs, often with costume themes.
So he went. The late summer evening was still humid as all hell, making the party split between the massive house and the matching yard a convenient way to start a weekend.
He’d had alcohol before. Enough to know he preferred tequila drinks over vodka and gin, but the safest way to wake up the next day was to just stick to beer. No matter how bitter or sharply carbonated some of it was made.
Maybe that’s why he heard people hollering about King Steve.
Keg stands weren’t original to Hawkins, but Billy preferred them next to a bonfire on a beach. But people were really yelling for this king to do the damn thing - 
“Steve, why are you even here? You graduated in May,” Tina’s voice cut through the din.
“I live down the street! You really think you’re making this much noise without me noticing? And all of you shut the hell up! I’ll do a keg stand the day one of you dip shits can actually beat my record.”
Another surprise:
Steve Harrington.
Billy’s dumb luck had him three years behind, so he couldn’t look at that face in the hallways. Sit behind that head of glossy, bouncy hair in European History. He still lived in town, apparently. Right down the street. Billy asked around and discovered he worked at the mall and attended the community college -
“Heard you been asking about me.”
Billy stared wide-eyed over his beer. He recovered quickly, but not before Steve bounced on the balls of his feet, smug. That hair was really distracting.
These people really gossip about everything.
“I didn’t think anybody actually went by a title like that.”
“I didn’t put it on my resume, that’s for sure.” Steve’s smirk grew into a smile. Christ, the guy really had that Indiana, home town handsome thing to his face.
That was dangerous. Billy’s gut told him so, the way it bruised like someone had poked it. And wanted to be poked again.
“Let’s do this properly. Steve.” He held his hand out.
It wasn’t queer to accept a handshake. “Billy,” he replied.
“Jesus,” he scoffed involuntarily, releasing Steve’s large hand. His weight shifted over his feet. “Everybody knows everything here.”
“Not everything,” Steve said. His voice sounded...reassuring? But the way his eyes blinked...and a darkness slipped behind his eyes like a curtain. Adults liked to call it maturity. Wisdom beyond years. Billy called it ghosts. Everyone had ghosts behind their eyes. But...he had a hard time imagining what ghosts this pretty senior in suburban America would already have.
Then again, Billy knew better.
Except, as the party progressed and the weekend flowed into a new week, Billy really couldn’t imagine what made Steve slouch a little, and what made his eyes fade out of a conversation. Billy probably should have put more attention into how much he’d begun seeking the guy out.
He worked in the ice cream parlor at the mall. The uniform was equal measures ridiculous and hilarious, but his coworker was cool as hell. Robin. Not Steve’s girlfriend, even though they carpooled to work and community college.
Steve’s house proved just as luxurious as Tina’s, with a pool to boot. A house which supposedly stayed empty more often than it hosted its own family. Steve notoriously didn’t host parties, which....seemed uniquely odd.
Apart from Billy visiting the ice cream shop, it seemed Steve’s only other visitors were high school freshman. Which was weird. That’s weird, right? Then again, Billy was ball and chained to eight hours a day, five days a week to high school. There was plenty of time for Steve to be with friends his own age.
Except he showed up at the next party on Halloween.
Tina’s house boasted a surprising number of Hawkins graduated seniors, forcing the party all the way out onto the street.
Just like before, Steve manifested beside Billy, announcing himself with fingertips brushing his slowly growing, weak little mullet. “Growing that out?”
Steve’s already heavy eyelids were heavier with alcohol. Billy had his customary cup of beer, but his cheeks flushed for a different reason. He had to rub the back of his neck to make the tickle stop.
“Yeah. Maybe it’ll touch my shoulders next year.”
“Have you trimmed it?”
Billy frowned at him. He’d heard some things come out of Steve’s mouth that were endearing in a ‘bless his heart’ kind of way, and this was among them. “No, that defeats the point of making it longer.”
Steve shook his head and waved for him to follow. “Come here. I’ll trim it.”
“You’re not cutting my hair,” Billy scoffed. And followed.
Billy did his best not to look around the living room; to see any eyes apart from the ones he imagined on his backside. He followed at a leisurely pace. Not eager to be with King Harrington anywhere...
The guy walked right into the closed master bedroom. Billy stood outside of it, stunned at his audacity and the fact that no one was inside it already - 
“You coming?”
Billy’s not a coward -
Actually he is. But he’s an overeager sophomore with a dangerous crush even more.
Steve dug through the master bathroom’s drawers until he found a pair of scissors in their own case. “Sit on the tub.”
By tub, he meant jacuzzi edge. Billy perched. Steve gripped his shoulder to step into the tub with a comb that smelled of foreign hair product and aftershave. Billy’s nose wrinkled. “Wash that first.”
Then he jumped at the tub faucet turning on right beside his ass. Steve laughed. “Chill out. I’m washing it.”
Billy settled with a disgruntled shake of his head. “My hair is curly. You’re not supposed to brush it at all.”
“You’re in the hands of The Hair Harrington, sweetheart. Just relax.”
His shoulders sagged right underneath the weight of sweetheart.
I’m so screwed - 
Of all people to show up in the doorway, Robin from Scoops showed up with an energy that insinuated more sobriety than the guy wielding scissors.
Her mouth hung open like she had come with something to say, but then she sputtered through laughter. “Oh shit. Are you consenting to this?”
Billy rolled his eyes. “If he cuts my ear, I’m beating his ass.”
“I’d appreciate more faith from you, Buckley. I cut your bangs for you.”
Billy chirped, “Really?” admittedly feeling a bit better.
Steve intercepted with the order, “Are you gonna play music or what? I’m so tired of Tina’s music.”
That’s how Billy wound up in a bathroom with college freshmen trimming his ends and styling his hair while Steve and Robin shout-sang to Whitney Houston.
It was great.
Steve curled the top of his hair so he had ringlets falling over his bold brows. Steve, who had his hands all over Billy’s head until he washed the hair down the drain and filled the tub for a bubble bath. Billy scrutinized himself with a handheld mirror until Steve wrapped his arms around him and they tumbled backward into the wet landing.
Tina was hardly pleased to find the three of them making a mess of the jacuzzi, but she sassed a quick thank you for warding off people trying to fuck in her parents’ bed. Billy didn’t have words; only laughter at Robin putting her hair into a wet mohawk and Steve piling bubbles onto his head.
Steve insisted they go back to his house afterward. “It’s November and we’re soaked. Your car will be fine. I can come back and park it in my driveway if you’re that worried.”
That wasn’t the problem.
“It’s fine that your parents are never home, but mine will only recently lifted my curfew for good behavior.”
Somehow, he convinced Steve and Robin to drive him back to his house, at the expense of letting them change at Steve’s first. Billy had his eyes on a beautiful Camaro and was just a few more months of allowance and part time jobs away from having her.
It was his first time in Steve’s house. He had to admit, he preferred Tina’s layout and decor, but he got to wander around. He saw Robin use one of the guest rooms. He saw Steve’s....incredibly boring room. And said as much.
“A prison cell has more personality.”
Steve laughed. “Yeah, you’re right. Are you ready to go?”
It wasn’t until Billy lay in his own bed that those words tumbled through his brain. His fingertips moved through his still-styled hair. It felt better with those dead ends gone. Steve did a good job. Steve liked Whitney Houston and Blondie and a little of everything, really. Steve cared about his appearance enough to be a self-taught stylist.
Steve didn’t have a lot of furniture in his room. Clutter on the dresser and desk, sure, but all of it monochrome or neutral colors. Steve who had an old BMW, house, and surely a bank account to match, but didn’t buy anything in excess. Like he wasn’t allowed to, or something. Billy indulged every scent he got on things he wanted, but Steve didn’t.
Steve had a nailed bat in his trunk. Billy heard it rolling around on their way back to his house, and finally bent over to look under the seats and saw it.
Steve was a walking contradiction. A contradiction who smelled good but didn’t say much when Billy and Robin talked about history. Who started giving Billy free ice cream but never asked about Billy’s stepsister. Who gave Billy rides and gave him the hookup to the high-paying neighbors of Loch Nora for mowed lawns and dogs walked.
Steve helped him get his car sooner than he would’ve otherwise but didn’t ask for anything in return.
Steve, who was always available for a good time, but looked sad when left with his thoughts.
Billy didn’t take well to not being the center of attention. He’d grown up with an interrogation lamp over his head, and sought positive interaction everywhere else. He got so much of it from Steve, that the occasions where Steve bumped against him...refused him, or ignored him, or reminded Billy that he was a rinky dink sophomore lit a match in his belly. And he’d swallowed gasoline for too much of his life.
“That’s something a virgin says.”
Billy couldn’t even remember what he’d just said. He was already, instantly, seeing the glow of embers on the fringe of his vision. “Excuse me?”
Steve shrugged as he got up from his couch. “It’s whatever. It’s fine. Just showing your hand, is all.”
Billy couldn’t believe it. Steve was either the biggest idiot in Hawkins - which he knew wasn’t true considering there was a real cesspool that smoked underneath the bleachers - or he was so far in denial that Billy had a whole new reason to be pissed.
An involuntary sound left Steve when Billy came up behind him and pushed him against the wall underneath the stairs.
“You don’t know anything about me.”
Billy wasn’t some cute sophomore. He stood toe to toe with Steve, barely an inch shorter. If this is what it took for Steve to realize that, fine.
To realize that Billy wasn’t some teenager scared shitless of a girls’ bra -
Steve regained his footing, and closed the distance between their mouths. It was small, soft, and brief. Rationality should have made Billy step away. Punch him, maybe. But Billy wasn’t rational. His shock held him statuesque, barely breathing while Steve moved a hand to cradle the side of his head and neck -
A sound left Billy this time, as Steve angled his mouth over Billy’s. Where he learned Billy was scared, so scared of Steve. His body dashed rationality against the wall and kissed him back tentatively, and then earnestly, just trying to keep up until Steve’s other hand framed him in. As Steve pushed against him until Billy walked backwards to have himself pressed against the wall.
He felt drunk as his hands let go of Steve’s shirt to hold onto the curvature of his ribs. He panted while Steve kissed his throat and washed Billy’s senses with his warm, sweet fragrance; his hair brushing Billy’s face and inspiring him to turn his face into Steve’s scalp. Inhale him into his lungs.
Billy didn’t know what game they were playing. But Steve outplayed him.
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safetyrat · 3 years
Hiiii maybe LL!Ren for the character headcannon thing?
hey!! yes!! im really glad i get to talk abt ren bc he lives in my head rent free At All Times :) ty very much for requesting him
Realistic: While Ren did want to win, i mean thats kind of the whole point of the game, he never was truly passionate about it? Like, he saw how it was a hollow victory last season and being a natural two lifer, he didn't see his chances as too great. The driving force for making alliances and gearing up was mostly survival instinct. He would try, of course, but he woudn't go as far as betraying allies or doing anything else crazy like that, this game wasn't worth it.
Well, he used to think so. But BigB saying that if they win, a part of his queen wins with them? That stuck with him, for some reason. He is willing to go far futher, now. A far lot futher.
He needs to win, after all.
Funny: He still is very much a werewolf, but he does not transform on full moons (bc server power supression, regulation to make the game more fair etc. etc. whatever, he just naturally is a bit dogboy anyways). Instead, he just kinda,, goes crazy goes stupid? think this post without the transforming basically.
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It is especially incredibly inconvinient as this is Very Likely To Happen during the mysterious and very important meetings with Martyn/the Shadows. Sometimes this just makes him get into their weeb roleplay even more, more likely than not it ends up with furniture being nibbled on and everybody else incredibly tired with how much affection he demands. Usually Martyn has to console him bc he is very embarrassed afterwards. This is a routine they have developed in Dogwards. They Are Used To This.
(And yes, this is the reason he set himself on fire and we didnt see it in his episode. Fuck You if that wasnt even a full moon. It's also why Martyn insists on teaming with him afterwards, he clearly needs somebody)
Sad: He made a grave for his queen. Well, not a grave grave, her body is with the Joel and the other reds, and Ren doesn't think he even has half the claim to it as they do, but as close to closure as he could get. He gathered every trinked and item he could find that felt connected to her (I headcanon time to be much slower for them, so the recordings take a few days and there are days of down time between the recordings. You would be suprised how much Stuff piles up when you live with somebody for a few weeks) and burried it in the ashes of the fairy fort. Despite everything that happens late game, he always makes sure to go there and take care of it a bit, restore parts of the fairy fort maybe. He feels a bit silly, doing so in a death game, but he feels like its part of his duty to her. Like he owes it for not being able to protect her.
Canon who: OK SO this isnt entirely original, but!!!! do u know the post thats like "3rd life happend in a millisecond on the hermitcraft server, and when everybody returned they werent even sure it actually happend? and ren didnt even know if martyn actually exists?"
PLEASE if somebody knows where to find that post send it to me, its a banger and i wanna credit it properly
So take this and extend it to Last Life. Imagine Ren waking up after being killed, having watched first Lizzie, then BigB, then Martyn die, die, die. Imagine him opening his eyes in a panic, ready to scream for help from his allies, only to see... Doc? Looking concerned at him? Asking "Are you alright, man? You blanked out for a second there."
He is in a meeting. Doc looks expectantly at him to explain the new developments of the octagon. His whole life has just changed.
But it has been just a second. And every other second that passes, his memory gets more blurry. Did he really imagine that? Was he going crazy? Did he make them up? Make up three whole new people important to him? After all, most of the other players in that game had been hermits, except the ones closest to him, for some reason.
But no matter how much time passed, he could clearly remember their faces, and you know how they say that you can't make a new face up in a dream? He hung onto that.
Weeks later, and he doesn't remember why, but he metioned it to Pearl. And she told him about a little server she was on once called Evo, and that she had known Martyn and BigB there. She admits not knowing where they are now, but it is enough to make Ren determined to find them.
She also mentions another server, one she still frequents today, and while it doesn't usually have visitors, she promises to arrange something.
Time passes again, then Ren finds both Gem and Pearl at his front door and they take him on a journey to a world of empires.
It's where he gets to see his queen again, and this time, she is more royal then she has ever been before.
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