#i want to say as well i told both my mom and bf about this
fakeoutbf · 1 year
#hi i’m gonna ramble a little feel free to skip over this#i’ve just felt so lonely these past few weeks#like the closest friends i had both went out of town and neither told me and i had to find out through instagram#and like idk if it’s my fault for always being so closed off and not reaching out to ppl more or if they just … don’t wanna talk to me#and i’m happy that they’re doing stuff that makes them happy and that they’re doing well but like#they both have bfs which is fine but that means that they almost automatically have someone else to do shit with#and they have closer friends too so they hang out with them more i guess#all this to say i don’t really have anyone i’m close with so i just … don’t have anyone to do that stuff with#like a coworker was saying they wanted to go to the beach with their cousins or siblings or they went on vacation with friends recently#and the only person i’d wanna do those things with is my mom … and then we can’t go bc we’re broke and have other things to pay#and i wish i could travel on my own but it’s not safe here and ngl i don’t have money to go out of the country besides needing paperwork etc#all this to say that: did i fuck up choosing a bsf in hs that was thousands of miles away that now i don’t have a genuine connection with#anyone in the same area i am?? should i have opened up more to ppl overall?? should i have tried harder??#or is it just fucked up that the only ppl i know who like the same things i like and who bond with me over them live so far away??#like is it me?? am i the problem??#i just wanna go to the beach man … i wanna go on vacation and relax and not think about fucking dying alone#no one even cares about me i swear#if i got fucked up in a car crash or something and landed in a hospital or fucking dead for all i know who would even care
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enamouredfae · 1 year
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little astro observations i've made based on my little chart collection and experience 🎀
honestly i've observed this only in myself but you have a natural pull to people who's sun is the same sign as your 5th house, mine is in pisces and my bf, my best friend and my cat are all pisces, not to mention that 90% of my crushes have been pisces as well.
there is something about pisces and bunnies, they will either love bunnies (have tattoos of them, make art about them, be their favourite animal), own or have owned a bunny or they look like one, (my bf is all of the above).
in synastry a north node over a person's mars may indicate the north node person taking the mars person's virginity.
in synastry a person's moon in your 9th house may indicate they understand/feel/empathize with emotions in a different way from you due to where they come from and how they were culturally socialized, i have this with my bf and he comes from a north american individualist country where your emotions are your responsibility and other's are theirs and i come from a post communist country where you are responsible for everyone's emotions, and ppl live for other people.
in vedic astrology i am a hasta moon, claire nakti made a video on hasta nakshatra and describes hasta natives as "fairy pretty" and i have a pair of dragonfly fairy wings tattooed on my back, plus ive been told (before my tattoo) that i give off fairy vibes.
saturn ruled 3rd house makes you have to spend a lot of time in public transportation, for example you might live far from where you need to go, for me it used to take me 1 hour at least to get to some places, sometimes i'd have to wait an hour just to then spend on hour on the bus. just overall imposes patience for transportation
a lot of astro observation posts say that an aquarius 4th house makes you feel like u dont belong in your family or that you're the black sheep of the family, but i dont find that accurate at all, i feel like it makes the native the one to challenge family values, they may be the one to make their family change for humanitarian reasons
idk if this is a real technique already used by astrologers but i have a wholesign MC theory. in wholesign the midheaven can fall in the 9th/10th or 11th house. my theory is that wherever it falls is the way you get ahead in life, the way through which u become publicly known or get your career. If it falls in the 9th your career is owed to ur studies/travel, 10th your hard work/experience/reputation, 11th your connections/social media/friends.
i think i have the most literal astrological placements being passed down from your parents example. obviously placements dont always get passed down, my sister has none of their placements, but perhaps being the first child may have contributed to this since the first child is when parents still have their personality not yet influenced by parenthood. so my moon and my sun, which we know symbolize the parents amongst other things, are at the same degree and they sextile eachother exactly, which I think is an indicator that my parents are very harmonious together; they are still together and in love even now. furthermore, my moon and sun are the same signs of my parents' stelliums, i have a libra moon and my mom has a libra stellium, and my sun is in leo and my dad has a leo stellium.
sibling's ceres in your first is feeling like a parent to them, i constantly tell my sister she's my daughter, we even have an inside joke that i gave birth to her at 5, and my ceres is in her fourth, the house of motherhood so she definitely sees me as a parental figure.
me and my bf have eachother's jupiter in our 7th houses, besides being in a serious committed relationship, we want to start a business together. so i feel this is a great indicator for great partnership in both regards.
i feel like this is also a technique but i haven't really heard much about it, generational planets affect us through societal conditions/problems whereas personal planets affect us through personal problems. for example: let's go with two malefics, i have pluto in the first house which i feel would be very different from having let's say mars in the first house. the first house is amongst many things our appearance which i am insecure about. i have never in my life been told i am ugly, i am actually constantly told i am beautiful, and yet it does not click. it isn't through personal experiences that i have problems with my appearance but through consumption of society ideals. this is of course an oversimplification but you get what i mean.
chiron retrograde in natal changes our perception on trauma. me and my bf have the same chiron, his is retrograde while mine is not. he constantly says he is not traumatized, whereas i can tell i am. he 100% has traumas, the thing is that it's like he's left them behind? he just says it happened a long time ago so it's done. my observation is that retrogrades in your natal may make u leave things in the past or have a "it happened a long time ago it doesn't matter" attitude towards trauma. the thing is he acts like a non-traumatized person which is crazy to me.
i have a skin condition called dermatographia, also overall very dry itchy acne prone skin, i also have scars. here are a few placements that i have that i feel may be an indicator for skin conditions: mars ruled first house (traditional rulership) mars is inflamation and scarring, saturn in seventh saturn is dry and some people consider that libra(7th house) rules the skin, saturn opposite ascendant, saturn square venus i see venus as clear skin due to its aesthetical perfection.
saturn in 1st, especially conjunct ascendant indicates identity issues. borrowing elements of identity from people you admire, not feeling like you identify with the gender assigned at birth, not identifying with your birth name, etc.
having a libra 12th house can indicate traumatic female friendship. the 12th house is the house of hidden enemies, so you perceive these people as your friends, sometimes even best friends, so when they betray you it is very jarring and traumatic. having female friends that are jealous of you, female friends that pretend to like you, female friends that talk shit about you and even sometimes lie about u, friends that purposefully hide information from you, that want what you have, sometimes sabotaging what you have or trying to make u lose the thing they want, etc. this is a very difficult placement, because you love these people so much that you would've given up things, changed things or shared things with them if only they were honest with you. in the best of cases the friendship is real and full of love but you grow apart, and this is also painful because you can't control it.
venus square ascendant is people telling you they love you and you not believing them. just overall hardships around love and seeing yourself as loveable. double points when it also squares saturn making u think that if u are loved it's hard work or that people had to convince themselves to, that you're hard to love.
people with venus conjunct mars in first are stunning and have an androgynous vibe to them. sometimes this is visual, strong muscular body with graceful posture, but it can reflect in their personality, just strength imbued with vulnerability, people that surprise you, that are balanced.
taurus 6th house can indicate finding romantic partners in the workplace.
having a stellium in the 4th and no planets in the 10th, can indicate a strong connection to your mom and a disconnect from your dad, especially when the sun is in the opposite sign of your tenth house(in your 4th) feeling like your dad is not the way he should be.
please let me know what you think, im very curious how they hold up in other people's charts, critiques are welcome and invited.
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luffyvace · 7 months
helooo can i request saiki x reader bf texts please? thank you so much !! anything is fine honestly as long as its saiki content i miss him 😭😭😭😭
ooooou I haven’t got a request like this yet and it seems very fun!! No problem hun <3
IKR after you finish the anime it feels like such limited content is left for the saiki k fandom!! 😭😭
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💓💗 Saiki and his boyfriend~ 💗💓
“Wanna go get some coffee jelly”
“This is oddly specific but can you tell the magician outside to leave please?”
”can you keep aiura and torisuka distracted so I can leave school?”
”thanks I’ll pay you back in (favorite thing)”
”let’s meet at the arcade”
”I’m annoyed my mom is forcing me to go outside but I know I’m gonna run into kaido”
”please come with me to make this more bearable”
”don’t forget to study for that test”
convos :3
”how do I make friends with that average guy from the other class without seeming weird”
”Kusuo idk just go up to him and talk to him 😭”
”yeah but if I don’t have something to talk about it’ll be awkward and my likeability meter will go down”
”can you figure out his interests for me so I can talk to him?”
”what? YOU do it 🤦”
”no i can’t the nuisances will find me”
convo 2 ;P
“Do you wanna come shopping with me?”
”your not gonna invite the nuisances too are you?”
”no kusuo 😭”
”oh okay well no”
“I'm NOT!”
“I know but nuisance number 4 just showed up”
”at your house?”
”no at the mall”
”ohh well fine 🤦”
convo 3
”can I borrow your bike nendo broke mine”
”idk he sat on it”
”I need it so I don’t have to go shopping with my dad”
”why is that so bad?? 😭”
”because he starts begging for things at the store”
“Isn’t he a grown man?”
”yeah I know that’s why I need to borrow your bike”
”sure babe..😭🤦”
convo 4
”my mom wants you to come over for dinner”
”oh alright!”
”say your sick”
”kuu why? 😭😭”
”can’t I come over??”
”no my parents are embarrassing”
”but I’ve come over plenty of times before tho”
”I know but, please just don’t come over”
”what’s happening??”
”fine. My dad wants to play a prank on someone because when he try to scare me it didn’t work. So I need you to come over and pretend to be scared so my mom doesn’t kill me”
”what?? So now I’m supposed to come over?”
”let’s just get it over with”
”you go through so much I swear 😭💗”
convo 5
”when you come over and my mom asks if you wanna meet my brother say no”
”whaaat but I kinda wanna meet him”
”say no”
”for both of our sakes”
”if you don’t go I won’t have to either”
”fine 😒”
convo 6
”goodnight kuu”
”goodnight m/n”
convo 7
“I hear nuisance number 4 isn’t showing up to school today”
”no she isn’t”
”rejoice. God is real.”
”KUSUO 😭😭”
convo 8
“your driving home today right? Can I hitch a ride? Nuisance number 1 is here”
”wait which nuisance is that again?”
”how can you forget? It’s the second most terrible one. Nuisance 1 is nendo”
”hurry he’s coming”
convo 9
”come with me to nuisance number 2’s house so I don’t have to go alone”
”kaido right? he’s not so bad right? I can’t I have homework”
”no he’s just really weird and cringe and awkward”
“I’ll wait”
”okay 😭”
convo 10
“can I come over and we can watch that show you recommended me?”
”yeah sure any time kuu”
”you really don’t have to ask, I could get you a spare key if you want”
”yes an emergency escape route in case of nuisance surprises”
”and you ig”
convo 11
”that was sweet. what you did for them”
“Yeah I guess they’re not so bad for now”
”for now Kusuo?”
”you sound like my mom”
”actually, that’s not an insult I love your mom”
”I know”
”WYM 😭”
”you hug her more than I do”
”well that proves smth 🤨🤨”
”eh. I’ll get her a gift”
”good cuz she’s awesome 😙”
convo 12
“let’s finish playing that game you have”
”you have never even played it he’s so annoying”
”you wouldn’t even think it’s funny if I hadn’t have told you”
”come on at least least me see the chapter you said you hated”
”you just wanna see me suffer”
”If I did I wouldn’t have distracted hairo for you earlier”
”LOL YIPPIE I’m coming over as soon as I’m done with my homework 🙂”
convo 13
“How do I transfer to class 2”
”you just wanna be with satou don’t you”
”you don’t know how?”
”no kuu, I don’t 🤦”
convo 14
“I have to go visit my grandparents and my granddad is really awkward come with me”
”why do you love my family so much?”
”they’re strange”
”I love YOU 😒”
”are you calling me weird”
”in what way are you normal mister magic powers with weird friends and family who also has to stop a volcano from erupting yearly”
”those are just ordinary daily tasks”
”now your coming right?”
”I should leave you”
”you wish you were normal so bad”
”when are we going”
”on second thought you can stay here”
convo 15
”let’s reschedule the coffee jelly date for Sunday”
”it’s too chaotic”
”it’s Friday”
”I know I’m dreading the weekend”
”my poor kuu 😭”
”you sound like my mom again”
*read* 1:39pm
LOL I LOVE CONVO 10-15 😊😈 (it got more chaotic as it went on- 😭)
muahahahahhaha hope you enjoyed! these were quite fun :3
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AITA for indulging in my boyfriend's cuck kink?
Alright, so for some background, both me (25, M, panromantic asexual) and my BF (28, M, bisexual) live in a VERY conservative rural area, literally NOBODY knows we're together even though we've been dating for years and the community is pretty tight-knit, that's how much effort we've put into hiding ourselves. We've thought about moving out but honestly other than the constant threat of being found out our life here is pretty great, we know everyone in the community and are on very friendly terms with them, we were both born and raised here so we're honestly kinda scared of losing everything and starting over in a new place, plus I really want to stay to support my dad because I know he can already get pretty lonely as is (mom works out of town, only visits for holidays if even that, plus I don't have any other siblings to keep him company) and me moving away would hurt him a lot.
Now, with that out of the way onto the actual situation: the cuck thing is something me and my boyfriend have discussed about at length, he's not shy about it to me and I'm always glad to make him happy so I'd be open to trying it if the opportunity arose. The thing is- I never really thought there WOULD be an opportunity for it due to the circumstances described above. Well, that was until a girl we both know confessed to me on Christmas Eve. That girl- let's call her Ellie (23, F, straight(?))- is someone I've actually had feelings for a while now (my BF knows and told me he'd be fine with me dating her as an 'official' relationship, but only if I keep us a secret), however I never did anything about those feelings. I was honestly kinda shocked when the confession happened, but in a good way, and I ended up accepting in the heat of the moment, so now me and Ellie have been 'officially' dating for about a month.
Here's where I think I might be the asshole: since that happened my BF has started to hang out with the two of us while we're acting like a very lovey-dovey couple and he's obviously been getting off on that (as in, it's obvious to me, doubt anyone else picked up on it) and I've been having mixed feelings about this. On one hand we did talk about it and agree to it, but on the other I do think this is unfair to Ellie in a way that I didn't realize previously because I never realistically considered this happening. My BF is reassuring me, saying that it's best we keep hidden anyway and that so long as nobody finds out no harm is done, but I still feel kinda bad about it, yet at the same time I don't really know what I should do in this situation to make it right. The whole thing only gets even more complicated when you account for the fact that Ellie is our pastor's granddaughter and as such comes from a very well known family in our community, a family that has a reputation to uphold, and if the thing about me and my BF came out it would surely impact her badly in that way as well. On the other, she really gets along with my son (8, M) and I really think that she'd make a great mother to him so I don't want to deprive him of that and break things off just because of my own personal drama. On the other OTHER hand I also don't want to break up with my BF because it would feel cruel in my opinion, especially when I very much still love him.
So, AITA for keeping my promise and just going along with this and keeping quiet to save myself and my BF?
What are these acronyms?
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neo404 · 5 months
Can you write about either nick with his bfs younger sibling or the other way around and it’s super fluffy, and they just look at each other like aghhh! Idk if that makes sense
Sisters’ best friend.
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Summary: in which Nick has a little crush on you and you have a little crush on him but both of you are unaware of it.
Note: Nick is mentioned to be taller.
“Why did you buy all of this?” I ask my sister while looking at the chocolates, drinks and chips on the kitchen counter. “Are you having friends over?”
“Yeah, I’m having a sleepover with some friend. I told mom to tell you.” She talks while texting someone on her phone.
“Oh, cool. She didn’t told me anything, who’s coming anyway?” I look at her, I don’t raise my head, just my eyes. She looks up from her phone.
“The people that always comes, you can have all the snacks you want, just don’t bother us a lot.” I pout and nod.
“Understood.” I grab a small pack of gummies and go to my room. It has been a while, it’s night already, I hear people talking and laughing on the living room, my sister has a lot of ‘girlfriends’, of course she also has a lot of guy friends but they don’t come to the sleepovers… except for one, Nick. Nicolas is fun, I like him, he is very kind to me and I really like his style. I hear his laugh, it’s loud and it makes my cheeks grow red, I’m so dumb but I can’t help it, he’s just so handsome and has pretty eyes, he also brings snacks for me sometimes so I kinda like him. The fact that I know he is gay doesn’t help, because I think I might have a tiny chance with him.
I sit on my bed scrolling on my phone and panic texting my friends that Nick is here and that I might die if I see him. So, I wait for the noise to come down, I hear them go into my sisters’ room at around 12:40, I go out to see if they left any snacks and to grab some water. As I walk past my sisters’ room, I can hear the muffled music and their gossiping, I roll my eyes and keep walking to the kitchen, it was dark and a bit cold. I turn on the lights and go to the fridge, I smile when I see my favorite chocolate right in front of me, I take it out and turn around smiling at myself.
“I see you found my gift.” Nick is standing in the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest, his hair a bit messy and with his pajamas on. I gulp and my cheeks blush a bit.
“I didn’t knew you bought it, thank you.”
“It’s nothing.” He says and walks over to me. “So, how have you been?” he leans on the counter and watches as I fill my bottle with water.
“I’m fine, hm, how about you?”
“I have been good, thanks for asking. Why weren’t you with us while watching the movie?” I turn around and put my filled bottle water on the counter right besides the chocolate.
“Well, I, I don’t know. I didn’t feel like it.” He hums, and I look away from him. Suddenly I feel small, his taller body making me feel tiny, his crossed arms showing off his big arms and broad shoulders. I try not to stare too much, key word = TRY.
“Interesting, you used to love watching movies with us. You love horror movies, don’t you?” I nod. “Well, at least you love curling up to me.” he grins and my eyes widen a bit.
“No, I-“ he talks over me.
“It’s okay, I like it.”
“Oh… cool. I don’t know what to say.” Nick unfolds his arms and walks slowly to me; I start taking tiny steps backwards until my lower back hits the counter. “Nick.”
“What are you doing?” he leans down a bit, one of his hands besides my body to cage me in, his other hand on my cheek.
“Nothing, just looking at you.” The tip of his nose lightly touches mine. “I really like your shirt, is it the one I gave you and your birthday?” he laughs a bit and I feel my cheeks burn.
“Nick, what if someone comes looking for you?” my chest feels heavy, my heart is beating fast.
“Let them.” he leans in, his soft lips touch mine for a few seconds. “I’m sorry, was that all right?”
My brain exploded, I can’t imagine how red I am right now, I nod quickly and put both of my hands on his chest. “Yes. I- Can you… please, kiss me again.’’ I see him grin, he kisses me again, this time it was longer, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and play with his hair, the hand that was previously on the counter goes to my waist. His lips move slowly and gracefully, it would be a lie if I said I know how to kiss, I am trying my best. I lean back a bit, looking up at his eyes.
“I wanted to tell you something.” He whispers. “I-“
“NICK!! COME HERE, CARLIE IS GOING TO CALL JAMES!!” Nick rolls his eyes when we hear the loud voice of my sister come down the hall.
“I’m sorry, I have to go. But, how about we go out tomorrow? Just the two of us.’’
“Like, a date?” it’s the first time I see him blush. He looks so handsome with his cheeks turning pink.
“Yeah, like a date. Sorry I have to go, I’ll text you” He gives me a quick kiss and fast walks to my sisters room, when I hear the door close, I let out a high-pitched scream and cover my face. God, what the fuck just happened? I think I’m dreaming.
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Taglist: @freshloveforthefit @shywolfapricotfan @sturnphilia @matty-bear @thenickgirl @stvrniolvsp @paige05 @soursturniolo @miloisdone1 @teenagetrash00 @lovely-calypso @h3arts4harry @malirosee
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thetriplets3 · 1 year
hi i have a request 😁
a slow dancing in a parking lot vibe
❝𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞❞
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warnings: swearing, shitty bf saying shitty things
shoutout to @emmssturniolo for editing go show her some love
matt and i have known each other for years before we started dating. he’s been there for all my shitty boyfriends who left me feeling like i wasn’t worthy of love and questioning if they loved me the way i loved them. matt knew all the cliché things i always wanted to do, but my exes refused saying i was embarrassing them.
i made my way through the dark parking lot, my head constantly checking around me to make sure no one was following me. i hate walking alone in the dark; it’s so much easier for things to hide i don’t feel safe. i make it Jake’s mom’s 2000 Toyota Echo and i can already hear the obnoxiously loud music playing on the radio. i know he knows i don’t like loud music or noise in small spaces, he chooses to do it anyway. opening my door and sitting in my seat, i cringe at the volume, reaching to turn the volume down to a bearable level.
“don’t touch the fucking volume” he snaps as he turns it back up.
slinking myself further into the seat, i roll my eyes at his behavior. the next song starts, and i can’t help but let a little gasp out.
“i love this song! let’s dance!” i suggest, excitement evident in my voice.
“stop with that shit; i’m not doing that with you; it’s embarrassing” he spits, turning the car engine on and driving out of the lot.
i’m used to it. it’s always the same thing every time i wanna do something “coupley” he refuses saying he won’t do it with me it’s embarrassing. i always had this idea of a fairytale relationship and this was far from it. i couldn’t deal with him anymore today; he was constantly shutting me down, dismissing me, or being snapping at me.
“can you drop me off at nick’s please?” i quietly ask, scared of his response
without a word, he turns onto the triplets street, stopping the car in front of their house. “get out” bitterness filling his voice. slamming the car door on my way out i storm up their driveway, filled with emotion. i turn around, raising both my arms in the air, and flip him off, finishing it with “fuck you jake” as loud as i can. the boys have always told me i don’t need to knock but i do except for today, i just needed to see someone who wasn’t jake. that someone was matt.
matt patiently listened to me rant about how shitty jake made me feel and ask what i did wrong.
matt knows me better than anyone. i feel stupid for not seeing it sooner; it would have saved me from a lot of heartbreaking relationships. on days i don’t feel well he stops what he’s doing to come be with me, stopping at the store to get my favorite things to cheer me up. whether a day is the worst day of my life, the best day of my life, or just a normal day, he’s there with my favorite flowers. knowing how much i love them he’ll find any excuse to get me them just to see the smile on my face. i never had to remind him of things; he knows me inside out; what music i listen to (he even has a playlist of all my favorite songs); he can sense when i’m getting overwhelmed and want to get away from whatever it is that we’re doing; he knows that i find his hand cradling my head during a hug to be grounding; he listens like actually listens; his eyes are so intently watching and hanging on to every word.
i always felt like i had to remind my exes to love me, but with matt he was the one reminding me i’m loved. he did everything no one else cared to do and he paid attention to things most people ignored. everything he does melts my heart because i’ve never been treated like this. like i deserve.
today was one of those days where everything just feels off and you can’t pinpoint why. facetiming matt in the morning, he seemed to have noticed i wasn’t my normal self. bringing it up in the most gentle way he suggested going for a drive.
“is everything okay sweetheart? you don’t need to explain, i just want to know if you’re okay. how about we go for a drive later tonight? clear your head. let me bare some of the weight from your shoulders” the love and tenderness in his voice is all the confirmation i’ll ever need.
sitting on the old wooden bench by the front door, i slip my socks and shoes on just as matt knocks on the door. opening the door i collapse into his arms before he takes my hand and walks me to his car. planting a soft kiss to the back of my hand before dropping it to open my door.
“my love” he says with a little bow, making me giggle.
our linked hands lie on the center console, matt’s thumb mindlessly rubbing the back of my hand. the smallest gestures make me feel so loved. tonight’s destination of choice was the empty parking lot of a frozen yogurt shop. our first date. our deep conversations are always my favorite, he’s so emotionally intelligent i love listening to him voice his thoughts, opinions, and advice. to lighten the mood after those deep talks he softly plays music. immediately i recognize the song, a smile toying at my lips.
“i-” my voice trails off, remembering what happened every time i mentioned a song and how some made me wanna dance.
“what? go on” he urges me to continue, turning his body in his seat to face me giving me his full attention.
another thing i love about matt is his patience. he knows i tend to bite my tongue when it comes to sharing my opinions because i was afraid of the response i’d get, so he encourages me to continue, in turn reassuring me that my thoughts and opinions are valid.
“i love this song it’s so beautiful” i say
without a word, matt gets out of the car and walks around the car, leaving me confused until my door opens and matt’s there with his hand out for me to grab hold of.
“may i have this dance, pretty girl?” he asks, letting a laugh slip through his serious façade.
“i’d love to” i whisper.
letting go of my hand for a second he reaches into the car and turns the volume up just loud enough for us to hear it. i smile to myself at his thoughtful gesture, making sure i was out of the car before turning the volume up. no one’s ever taken so much consideration to make sure i’m comfortable like he does.
my thoughts are interrupted by matt circling his arms around my waist, instantly my hands finding their home at the nape of his neck and in his hand. pulling me closer to him, i rest my head on his shoulder, the smell of his cologne bringing me even more comfort. our bodies sway to the music enjoying this moment.
matt gently pushes my body away from his and raises our joined hands, ready to twirl me. it wasn’t the most graceful twirl ever, filled with giggles at my lack of dancing skills. as i turn back to face matt i let go of his hand and wrap both my hands at the nape of his neck mindlessly playing with his hair. our eyes are locked on each other, having a conversation of their own. with watery eyes and a big smile, i’ve never felt so loved. he has done everything and more than anyone else has and he never lets me forget how much he loves me.
matt rests his forehead against mine, eyes starting into mine. softly, he whispers the lyrics to me, never breaking eye contact
❝𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞❞
a few tears escape my eyes. this isn’t his type of music at all yet he’s made the effort to listen to it and remember the words knowing how much i love this song. no one will ever love me more than matt, he’s it for me, he’s all i’ve ever needed.
“i love you thank you for showing me what it feels like to be unconditionally loved. i can’t wait for a lifetime of being loved by you” i gush.
“loving you was never something i had to think about; it’s just natural. how can anyone look at you and not see that you deserve every star in the universe? you shine so brightly that i can’t believe people made you feel like you should hide that light. you are worthy of love and i’m happy i get to be the one to show you. i love you sweet girl. i’ll love you for a lifetime and every one after that. you’re the sun to me” he confesses, placing a loving tender kiss on my lips.
taglist: @antisocialties @iluvmatt @dwntwn-strnlo @fake-coolbeans @opheliaofficial07 @angelcake-222 @oneirophobic @strniolo @lollibumblebee @ssturniolo @20nugs @abbie13sworld
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uluvjay · 1 year
Can I request List Eleven prompt 7, 10, and 15 with Nico?
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Nico Hischier x oldest hughes sister!
warnings?; yelling, talks of cheating, fluff?, a little angst
7. being overprotective of them in front of their prospective partners
10. telling them they deserve better (and silently wanting to be the one who gives it to them)
15. being distrustful of the others bfs/gfs
You and Nico had had been friends for a long time meaning you've both seen guys and girls come and go from each other's lives a lot over years. Nico had recently began to date a new girl named Emily and tonight he was introducing you and some of the guys to her at a dinner he was holding at his place.
You and Jack had rode to Nicos building together and your brother began to question you as you waited for the elevator.
"You sure you'll be okay tonight?" he asked
"As long as he's happy, I'm happy j" you told him forcing a smile
"Yeah but you love him Y/n and it's not fair that you keep putting yourself through these situations instead of just admitting your feelings" he told you as you both stepped onto the elevator
"I know" you sighed out and just looked down at the floor until you heard the bell dig and the doors open.
You walked down to Nicos apartment, the one you helped pick and knocked on the door. Nico opened the door and Jack pulled him into a bro hug before stepping into the apartment.
"Hi y/n/n" he greeted as he pulled you into a tight hug before pulling away as you greeted him back.
You both talked a little as you made your way into his kitchen where you could hear a few voices talking. As you entered you saw Miles, Jack, and Jesper talking with a girl that you assumed to be Emily.
"Hey! there she is" Miles exclaimed as he pulled you into a side hug
"Hi Miles" you greeted before saying hello to Jesper as well
you turned back to the counter to introduce yourself to Emily, "HI! I'm Y/n its so nice to finally meet you, Nico always raves about you" you said making a light blush show up on Nicos cheeks.
“Yeah, it’s good to finally meet the girl my boyfriend has pictures with all over his apartment” she snarled.
Jack let out an immature giggle and quickly covered it with a cough while you just gave an awkward smile in return. There was a small awkward silence before Miles broke it asking what Nico was planning for dinner.
A little over an hour later everyone was in the kitchen as Nico began to take the food out of the oven but a man being a man he decided to take the oven mitt off and attempt to push the hot pan further up on the stove top, burning himself in result.
“Fuck!” He cursed as he began to shake his hand in the air.
On instinct you jumped up to inspect the burn, you were used to this due to being the oldest and dealing with a bunch of your brothers idiot friends every summer. “Put it under cold water while I go get a bandaid and burn ointment” you told him as you pulled him to the sink and placed his hand under the faucet.
You didn’t spare anyone a glance as you walked out of the kitchen and down the hall to his main bathroom.
As you were heading back in you heard Emily ask the group if you were always that protective, “Well she’s the oldest of me and our brothers and we’re all idiots so it’s kind of a natural thing of hers” Jack told her.
“She didn’t mean to get in your way, that’s just how she is, Luke’s college teammates call her mom over the summer because of how she takes care of everybody” Nico defended.
“Yeah well I didn’t appreciate her jumping in before I could help my boyfriend” she sassed.
You heard Nico begin to try and defend you but you walked in before he could say anything, “Here’s everything” you said setting it on the counter and walking back to your seat and taking a sip of your wine.
Everyone just looked at you confused, even Emily who just said she wanted to help her boyfriend instead of you. “Your not gonna help Nico?” Miles asked.
You decided to play stupid, “Oh! I didn’t know if Emily wanted to do it or not, I didn’t wanna impose” you smiled
“Oh yeah I can” she smiled before walking over to Nico who was looking at you with a sad look in his eyes.
It was about two months later when Nico showed up at your front door unannounced holding a bottle of your favorite wine and take out.
“Hey? Everything okay?” You asked as he stepped into your apartment.
“You don’t have plans do you?” He ignored your question as he started placing everything on your coffee table and then headed to your kitchen for wine glasses.
“No, now are you gonna tell me what’s wrong” you asked sitting on your couch.
“Got into a fight with em” he said before he began pouring the wine.
“Can I ask about what?” You weren’t being nosy but you did want to know why your best friend looked so miserable.
“You know how I was gonna go back home for the all star break?” He asked and you just nodded for him to keep going.
“We’ll I asked her to come with me because I want her to meet my family but according to her Switzerland isn’t a good vacation” he told you.
You couldn’t lie, hearing him say he wanted to introduce her to his family did break your heart a little.
“But it’s not really a vacation, it’s more like a break” you shrugged.
“Exactly and I told her that but she didn’t want to hear it and I got pissed off and called my mom and told her I wasn’t coming home anymore” he said looking down at his feet.
“Nico!” You scolded him, his mom loved when he was home and it was hard on her with him being so far away.
“I know, I know she’s really upset with me now”
“I would be too, she loves having you home”
He just nodded in agreement before he started up again.
“Wanna know what Emily had the nerve to ask me?”
“If I didn’t wanna go to the Bahamas could I at least pay for her and her girls to go” you couldn’t hold in your word’s anymore at that one.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You asked but quickly covered your mouth.
“I’m sorry that’s non of my business but Nico you don’t deserve to be treated as a cash cow and if that’s what’s happening you deserve better” ‘and I intend to be that person’ is what you wanted to add but you didn’t.
He just looked at you with a sad smile and changed the conversation by asking what you wanted to watch.
By mid April Nico and Emily were still together but all they did was argue and have issues. The devils had recently clenched the playoffs and you, Jack, Quinn, and John had all decided to go to your favorite bar in New York.
After a few hours in you seen a familiar face over in the VIP lounge with a group of guys.
“Jack!” You called to your brother over the music
“Am I crazy or does that look like Emily all cuddled up with that guy?” You asked making sure you weren’t seeing things
“Uh no that’s definitely her” he laughed
“Should we tell Nico? I mean it looks like she’s cheating on him” you knew something was off about this girl from day one.
“We can when we get back to Jersey, for tonight just let loose and have fun” he said shaking your shoulders and you did go and join him and the guys but still kept your eyes on Emily.
When you had gotten back into Jersey on Sunday you shot Nico a text asking if you could come over and talk about something, and when he gave you the okay you told him you’d be over shortly.
When you arrived you didn’t have a chance to knock on the door before a crying Emily came running out, “This is all your fault!” She yelled at you.
You were highly confused as you made your way inside, “Nico?” You called.
“In the kitchen”
As you walked in you seen him sitting at the island with his head in his hands.
“Is everything okay? Why did Emi-“ you started but he cut you off.
“Because I broke up with her, because I’m in love with you and I’ve spent the last four years with random girls that don’t make me happy and I can’t take it anymore” he let out.
He didn’t let you speak as he continued, “I mean I didn’t notice my feelings until maybe a year after you being here but I never acted on them because your jacks sister and it would be wrong. So I kept you close the only way I knew how, as my best friend. But I don’t want that anymore i wanna be able to hold you, tell you how much I lov-“
He was stopped as you made your way to him and grabbed his face to pull him into a hard kiss. When you both pulled away for air he began to open his mouth but you beat him to it.
“I love you too Nico”
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chweverni · 9 months
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pairing; bf!woonhak x fem!reader synopsis; oh no! you and your boyfriend were cycling after school but then.. he scraped his knee. what do you do? don't freak out, please? warning; both reader and woonhak have the mental ages of 8 year olds, i don't make the rules (sorry) word count; 558 words author's note; its woonhak missing hours :( merry christmas to whoever celebrates it! listened to w2e while writing this aaaa woonhak come home to me :((((( </3
"AH- y/n! are you still following? i can't see you anymore, pedal faster please!", woonhak screamed from his bicycle, as he tried to slow down but struggled miserably. you, on the other hand found it difficult to catch up to him, because honestly, you didn't really cycle often. you loved walking more, because you could maintain your pace without having to worry about these stupid pedals.
"i'm right behind you, slow down! we're gonna go downhill from here, slow down! please!"
but woonhak was now confused. should he pedal faster, or should he slow down? i mean he wanted to pedal faster, and you wanted to slow down. gosh, why do you both never stand on a common ground? his legs began to wobble and before he could think, he lost balance and fell on the grass, his bicycle now dead, lying aimlessly on the ground. stupid bicycle.
"oh no! woonie, are you- are you hurt?", you shrieked, jumping down from your cycle, as it fell onto the ground with a thud. woonhak now sat on the grass, hugging his knee closer as he stared at his scraped knee. and it was kind of bad. his knee looked like some bear with fine nails scratched him. you were scared. "that's- that's.. a big wound. what do we do?", you asked, the question coming out quieter as tears welled in your eyes.
"you're hurt! i'm so sorry it's because i kept telling you to slow down and-", you began wailing like a toddler, because honestly, who would not when their adorable boyfriend literally is now wounded. woonhak on the other hand, was now freaking out even more. mostly because his knee was hurt, and because his other half was crying loudly like he lost an arm or something.
"baby, do you have your phone on you right now?"
you nodded weakly, sniffling soundly because now your nose was runny as heck. you took out your phone to phone your mom and you sat down beside woonhak as the phone began to ring. as your mom picked up, you told her about your situation and soon she rescued you both from the crime scene.
"are you okay now, woonie? it isn't bleeding now right?", you asked, your finger nervously twirling the telephone wire.
"yes, i am. don't worry, y/n-ie! i am your strong boyfriend, if i wasn't, i wouldn't walk out my bedroom, come downstairs just to pick your phone call, knowing that you, in fact own a smart phone too.."
oh. "i'm so sorry.. i completely forgot about that." you replied with a pout, and surely, woonhak knew so he chuckled from the line.
"i'll see you at school tomorrow, okay? i have to catch up on the homework. we'll study together after school too."
"are you perhaps planning a study date? and at my place please!"
"yes and yes. see you soon. l-word you so much!", woonhak replied, leaving a kiss on the phone as he quickly cut the call so that his mom won't hear.
your heart skipped a beat. did he say that he l-worded me? you skipped excitedly towards your room as you planned to text him from the smart phone, you definitely owned. you l-worded him a lot too, and you couldn't wait to show off your strong boyfriend to everyone tomorrow at school.
hes so cute bye
all creds to chweverni only on tumblr <3 byebyebye
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orikiys · 1 year
✿ ✿ 〞older brother skz finding you with a guy
✰ pairings : older brother ot8!skz x sibling! fem reader
✰ warnings : mentions of sex ed ( pretty short although), indirect mentions of violence, implied angst as well, cursing, reader's bf is an asshole, mentions of break up, mentions of cheating as well
✰ synopsis : your older brother finds you with a guy and well there could be various outcomes
✰ word count : 1.4k+ words
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౨₊ৎ chan
i feel like chan would be the chill bro
like he loves you, he does but he doesn't want to seem as those cliché annoying brothers so he'll act normal
BUT if the guy ever makes you cry, chan's on his way to the guy's house along with his members
chan would absolutely hate it when you cry because of a guy
he'll not give you space thinking you need a shoulder to cry on and would lay beside you and distract you by playing video games or simply talking to each other
he would find himself getting a bit sad when you're on the phone texting someone but would try to brush it off
everytime a guy even looks at you in a weird way he would glare at them
he even created a whole powerpoint with points and body language of guys. basically mentioning each and every single detail to keep you away from those toxic guys
being the eldest kid, he felt like he has responsibility to look after the younger ones
and he does that everytime. without failure.
౨₊ৎ minho
the moment he sees you with a guy outside the convenient store he would literally have to double take a look
his sister, HIS younger sister with a GUY ???
oh he is so going to tease the hell out of you
he would click a good amount of pictures and smirk like a devil
later on he would confront you about it and blackmail you saying he'll tell it to mom
would make you do every single work assigned to him
and the moment you hesitate he is almost about to fake call mom
would make kissing noises and hand gestures each time you're about to go on a date or facetiming the guy
but when he sees that you unhappy, he's going to have a little chat with the guy
let's say that it did not end well at all
would realize his mistake and mumble sorry everytime he sees you
would do anything to make you forgive him
though his ways were a bit more violent, he knew that the guy anyway didn't deserve you
and that minho is always right with his instincts
౨₊ৎ changbin
the type of brother to literally interrogate the guy
would ask the guy if he works out and if he says no, changbin would throw you a disappointed look telling you could do better
would scold you both and explain about sex education, embarassing the hell out of you
he loves it sm although !
but at the same time he can't help but think of how fast you grew up
would also help you with your outfits
he has the guy warned to drop you home safely and before 9 !!
if the guy ever hurts you, don't worry. changbin has your back
he's also the brother who would feel a bit awkward on how to approach you so he would just quietly sit by your side, watching your favorite movies with you
i swear the moment he sees you laugh it's like he can breathe normally now
he promised himself to never let you cry over a guy again !! must protect
౨₊ৎ hyunjin
the type of brother who would judge the guy and his choice of fashion
would fake gag loudly whenever he sees you blushing and would roll his eyes the moment he sees the guy's face
"please don’t tell me that frog is my future brother in-law"
would constantly spy on you both to figure out what you were both upto
the moment you two break up he would hit you with that "i told you" but when he realizes you don't even react, he would literally let you cry in his arms
would send you a sad playlist to help you let it all out
would sneakily take your phone, get the guy's number and would block him on all socials before sending an annonymous text to the guy
would make goofy faces while dancing just to make you laugh
would let you do his skincare for a month if it means he gets to see you move on from that asshole
౨₊ৎ han
the brother who's jealous that he's still single
would glare whenever you both show pda in front of him
so damn annoyed (x 100)
but at the same time he'll keep an eye on the two of you, especially the guy
the moment you two break up he's gonna be so relieved but ! the realization would hit him and he would walk up to your room and talk to you for hours, helping you get it all out
out of rage he would even write a few diss tracks for the guy and make you listen to it
the moment you start vibing or screaming out the lyrics he would feel like he won in life
the other members know about and would let him pull a taylor swift knowing very well that the guy deserves it
han would probably even post the song online and would anonymously troll the guy
what's a revenge without some fun?
౨₊ৎ felix
brother? no! he's your 4lifer
knows every single gossip of your college and your friends
so it's no surprise that he was the first person that go to know you were dating someone
will most likely start thirdwheeling on your dates
he would even invite the guy over to watch a match
and the moment you break out the news that you both broke up he's literally gonna be even sadder than you
would sigh out loud on purpose and hug you tightly mumbling that he was good company
but the moment you tell him it was the guy's fault, felix would switch up real quick
would throw insults and say speeches on how the guy was a dumbhead and all
jokes apart, he would actually feel guilty for mentioning the guy in front of you and would apologize to you and swears that he'll be careful from now
who needs guys when you have brothers like him?
౨₊ৎ seungmin
he IS the bully
would laugh mockingly at you both and make memes saying how he finds couples cringey
would literally yell out embarrassing things about you to the guy
would even show your baby pictures and snicker
there is no way in hell that he could get a better opportunity of revenge !!
but honestly he's gonna share the gossip that you're dating with the other members just so they can't keep flirting with you
he has grown kinda annoyed
he still can't digest the fact that people find his sister pretty
although, he thinks you are but he loves irritating the hell out of you
being seungmin's sister, he shouldn't expect any less from you
you would fake cry making him panic because if mom finds out it's over !!
and when you cry for a guy, that guy is over
seungmin is very protective when you get sad because of someone else
he would frown and his arms would find your sides, bringing you in his embrace since he knows how much you love his hugs
you're like his little star and he would absolutely feel his heart shatter seeing you sad
౨₊ৎ jeongin
the type of brother who would hate it when you started dating his best friend
would roll his eyes when you take his best friend/ your boyfriend away from him
it was irritating the heck out of him
how dare YOU date HIS friend?
but later on he kind of got used to it
and when the two of you break up it's like time stops for jeongin
not only did you lose your boyfriend, but jeongin lost his best friend in a way too
hurting jeongin's sister was a bad bad move
and poor jeongin felt helpless seeing you looks so miserable for a cheater like that guy
he would take you out to arcades or take you boxing because it's his way of taking his anger out and maybe it might help you as well?
little tmi, it actually did
you could feel yourself healing and getting over that guy and jeongin could feel his sister's crazy antics returnings
so suddenly he felt like he regretted it when you barge in his room wiggle your eyebrows for no reason
he's no less either. he would run behind you like a monkey and tackle you to the ground before tickling you hard
it's weird, how in many ways the annoying part of jeongin shows just how caring he is
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hey anon hope you liked this >< i changed the ending to angst although because i love angst (guilty) 🙏🙏
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
HS!Jack and FL, where Jack is sick and Clay is FL's stand in bf 🤭
“Umm, babe?” You asked as you heard a muffled groan from under the blanket that was currently housing your boyfriend. Urban had sent you a text and said that Jack was sick and you immediately went across the street to check on him since you were wondering why he wasn’t answering you all day. 
“I’m dying.” Was all you heard and you immediately rolled your eyes while taking a seat on the bed and trying to get the comforter off of him so that you could assess the damage for yourself.
“Jack, you literally just have a cold. I promise you that you’re not dying. At least that’s what Urban told me anyway.”
“Speak for yourself! Everything hurts and I CAN’T BREATHE” Jack exclaimed while throwing the blanket off of him and you finally came face to face with him seeing that his nose was extremely red.
“Uhh dramatic, much?” You said while trying not to laugh.
“Not you laughing at me in my time of distress. I was supposed to take you to the fair this weekend and now I won’t be able to.”
“I can take her!” You immediately looked to your left and saw Clay smiling at you while Jack looked as if he was about to tackle his younger brother.
“Over my dead fucking body.”
“That can be arranged, seeing as you’re almost there.” Clay fired back and Jack made a motion to get up, but you immediately stopped him.
“Jackman! No hurting little baby!”
“What the? I’m the one who’s sick, NOT HIM! And of course you ALWAYS take his side.”
“The only thing that you need to focus on doing is resting and getting better. The fair will literally be here for three weeks. We can go another day.” You said trying to reassure him, but he wasn’t having it.
“My mom made you her banana pudding cheesecake, but I won’t give it to you unless you comply with my orders.”
“Fine.” Jack muttered as much as he didn’t want to and Clay was still standing in the doorway smiling.
“So, Y/N, since your boyfriend is sick, you need a stand-in and I am definitely available.”
“What?! We look alike so there isn’t much difference!”
“I-...” You started to say, but was immediately cut off by Jack. 
“Stand in, MY ASS! And why are you even in here anyway?!”
“Because I heard my girlfriend was here, obviously. I didn’t come to check on you if that was what you were thinking.”
“I swear you two run Maggie and Brian up the damn wall with how you act.” You said but they didn’t seem to hear you.
“If I was an only child none of this would be a problem.”
“Well, that happened to stop at the perfect child which is me.”
“OKAY! I will be back to check on you later, but in the meantime try not to kill each other. And Jack take your meds and eat your soup.”
“I will if you feed it to me.” Jack said while sniffling and giving you puppy dogs eyes and of course he knew you would fold.
“Fine. Big ass baby.”
“But I’m your big ass baby.”
All you did was roll your eyes. 
Jack woke up around 10 at night to hear both your voice and Clay’s downstairs and went to see what was going on.
He looked to see you holding a pink and gray stuffed elephant and simply eyed Clay.
“Umm, Y/N, where’d you get that?” Jack curiously asked while coming over to hug you and kiss your forehead.
“Oh, umm….”
“I took her to Dave and Busters and won it for her since you were too sick. I think I got these stand-in boyfriend duties down pact, don’t you think? Only a matter of time before she leaves you for me.”
“What the?!”
“Urban was bored so asked me to come with and I brought Clay, but… Urban won it for me, not him.” You said while laughing.
“Clay, I suggest you start running and hope that I don’t catch you.”
“Won’t be able to catch me if you can barely breathe.”
“That’s it, imma kick your ass.”
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fleshengine · 22 days
K I need to type this up somewhere, I just need to talk about it. This is definitely vent-y so enjoy this cut.
Here's the story so far.
When I was a child my mother married a man with two kids. They were my step brothers and they both have some combination of adhd/autism. They were also both particularly high needs, largely because their mother was a massive enabler and didn't let her kids learn to do things for themselves. So my mom, when confronted with the fact that she had two kids that needed a lot of support, and two kids who she had raised well enough to be fairly self governing, decided to largely neglect her own kids in favor of the louder, more needy, children of someone else. Yes I hate cuckoo birds, I'm a victim of brood parasitism.
Because I found my step brothers incredibly annoying and they were also the reason I was neglected as a child, I internalized a lot and I mean a LOT of ableism. Between the faces of adhd and autism being my cuckoobrothers and the face of depression being my older sister, I was determined to be the normal and productive and "good" child of the family. I hated them, I watched them pop pills and continue to have problems and I fantasized about being a successful engineer someday and them coming to me for money and denying them. This was in no way healthy and I am ashamed of the things I thought but in younger me's defense he was a neglected, abused, and sad little boy.
Fast forward many years, my mom has divorced the dad of the cuckoobrothers, I haven't spoken to them in years, my sister has moved out. I find myself in online spaces that open me up to the idea that I could be neurodivergent, I could have adhd, autism, depression. It takes a while but I push through my internalized ableism and one night I sit down with my mom and I talk about how much ableism I internalized from hating my ex step brothers and how it had taken me a while to work up to talking to her about it. But I told her that I thought I had adhd and/or autism and/or depression and that I wanted to talk to a doctor about it. A major step forward in the life of anyone with a problem of some kind is admitting you have it. By all rights this should've been a turning point in my life.
She told me there wasn't anything wrong with me. She told me that she felt the same way all the time and that it was normal. Nevermind that I had evidence. Nevermind that she made jokes about being autistic. Nevermind all of that. There was clearly nothing wrong with me, so the topic was dropped.
It's been years. I don't have a diagnosis for autism, or take antidepressants or really consider that I might have ADHD. I can't bring myself to think of myself in those contexts. Yes, I admit that I'm likely autistic. Yes I admit that I am depressed. I say I could have adhd but I don't know for sure. I don't joke about depression or adhd and I get livid when other people do. I just refuse to admit that it's okay in my head. I cannot reconcile my feelings and reality and the cognitive dissonance tears me apart.
I'm entering my fourth year of college, I had my first day of classes yesterday. I have barely scraped by, through the generosity and understanding of professors and faculty. I failed over 3/4 of my classes in my first year. I had to write a plea letter to be allowed to stay. I have groveled and wrestled with my own mind every day and it has barely been enough. I don't talk to my mom much, I actually sort of actively avoid her. But she called me this afternoon.
The call was actually really nice, I got caught up on her life and I did a little catch up of my own. She talked more than me and interupted me and I did a good job of not getting angry. I had a good time, we laughed about things. I was considering coming up to her place on Friday to see her and her band perform somewhere. She started talking about her current bf, how he's the kind of ADHD where he has just a couple things that he really hyperfocuses on. Then she went to contrast that with herself.
And she excitedly told me that she was getting on ADHD meds soon.
You know, I want to be happy for her I really do. You're supposed to celebrate people working on themselves. You're supposed to cheer them on. I lasted less than a minute. I reminded her of how she had shot me down when I was a kid. She brushed it off with a quick apology and started explaining how my sister had helped her come to terms with it. I told her I had to leave the call before I said something hurtful. Which was true, if I had stayed much longer I probably would've asked to go no contact again and told her that I hate her and she let me be ruined and how much better of a person I could've been if she had had more than two braincells to rub together back then. I left the call. I cried. I sent a message to my dad about it. I talked to my best friend. I wrote this.
There's still a corner of my mind that hates people who openly admit they have adhd. It sees my ex step older brother in all of them. How he would constantly blame his problems on his mental illness. How loudly he would sing that one line in AWOLNATION's Sail. My friend asks if we could make an extra stop while we're out and about to pick up their adhd meds and I hate them. My autobiographical writing prof cracks a joke about having adhd and I hate him. Someone I know blames her not having done a task on her adhd and I hate her. It's a little, hurt, angry part of my brain and I know it's wrong and I tell it it's wrong every time it comes up and I don't let its anger show through. But every time I consider that I might have adhd it hates me too.
fin, done, the end, fuck this shit
ps if my friend who needed to pick up meds sees this I love you pookie, you're a real one and please don't misinterpret me talking about how my internalized ableism manifests as me expressing hatred towards you, you're genuinely one of my best friends and you have given me a couple of the best nights of my life, as well as by far the best birthday I've had. I don't know what I'd do without you.
pps if my best friend who recently got on adhd meds and loves them sees this... yes it was incredibly hard to hear that but at the same time I was so happy for you. The pain has mostly gone and the happiness has only grown. I love you so much.
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b00tyliciousbabe · 2 years
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Junior Johnson x Black Male Reader
I legit have the biggest crush on Marcus Scribner, the man’s eyes alone divorces my legs. But I actually wanted a storyline in this and not just my fantasies for this Adonis, so, I used the character Junior to explore my creative writing skills…
You and Junior had been dating for a couple weeks. You had met the entire family. When Junior came out as bi, they all accepted him with open arms. Though Earl made the joke about Junior playing for both teams because he couldn’t get any girls, he quickly changed his mind when he saw you. “Gosh, he’s beautiful” Ruby complimented. Everyone absolutely adored you. Every time you and Junior had to babysit Devonte and he’d fall asleep between your bodies, Junior fantasised about your future together. You exchanged fashion tips with Zoey, even designing some of her outfits. You choreographed dances with Jack that you guys would perform for the whole family. Diane was definitely the closest to you though. You understood how under appreciated she felt and the two of you bonded over so many things - music, politics, tv shows, celebrity culture, EVERYTHING. You were so happy to see that the relationship between your bf and his father improved. “Y/N is really something,” he praised Junior “I know, I’m so lucky to have him.” He remarked. You and Andre visited galleries all the time, loving how black artists like Kehinde Wiley and Titus Kaphar were finally getting the attention they deserved.
They all loved you. All except Bow. “Mom why can’t you just accept him, everyone else has,” your bf demands “Junior I love you and I love that Y/N makes you happy.” She tried pleading her case. “Then why , why don’t you like-” “BECAUSE I see myself in him,” Rainbow quickly interjected. “What?” Junior questions. His mother gets closer. “I know what it is like to marry a mama’s boy, I resented your grandmother so much because of it, and I don’t want that to rub off on you and Y/N’s relationship.” He hugged her, “Mom you have absolutely nothing to worry about, Y/N really wants to get to know you, he thought you hated him.” “No that’s not true, I love the way that he makes everyone in this house feel welcome even though he’s the guest, I love the kindness he shows to us all, and most, I love the way the two of you look at each other. “EW Mom that’s gross,” Junior backed up “Not in that way, the innocent love you guys have when you go up and hug each other and say the sweetest things to one another.” Little did they know you heard all of the conversation. After that, Rainbow became your biggest fan, being the first person you told outside of your family that you got into your dream school.
Junior has a snake. The boy carries 8 inches of thick sausage and it’s the way he doesn’t know the true extent to which he’s packing. When he took your virginity, as soon as you saw his rock hard cock painted right in front of your face. You exclaimed, “JJ, you are huge, do you know that?” You looked up at him with hungry eyes. “Thanks babe, but seeing you on your knees right now makes me wanna fuck your face.” “Go ahead,” he held your cornrows and eased the tip into your mouth. “FUUUUUCK, damn babe, you feel so good.” He moves his head back in pleasure. “Tell me when you need to take a break.” You both exchanged eye contact, it awoke something primal. You smacked your bf’s strong hand away from your head. You went ham on that dick, slobbering all over the shaft and sucking the tip really hard. “SHIT, “ junior fell onto the bed behind him. “Y/N how do you suck dick do well, this is your first time and you’re giving me the best head I’ve ever been given.” He praises you. You chuckled, “Thanks J, I just really love that cock, it’s so pretty,” you say fondling with his balls.
Junior is a moaning mess in bed. He has his mouth open a lot when he’s not talking but feeling his breath on your ear or your face turns you on differently. I’d want him to spit in my mouth and tell me how good I’m taking him. “Fuck baby, you feel so good baby.” “No one fucks you as good as I do, do they?” you were so cockdrunk, you couldn’t reply, “TWANGGG” Junior’s large hands placed a deafening slap on your bubble butt. “Use your words baby,” “Shit, your dick is the best uhhhh” You slurred as Junior pounded your prostate with his fat tip. I kinda just know that he would always bareback me and cum inside me. And as aftercare he’d fantastise abt knocking me up
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crypt-tids · 3 months
I was on semi vacation for about 10 days (basically I just stayed with my bf the whole time instead of going to Florida with my family.) the Monday after was chore day, deep cleaning Pretzels tank and getting her ready to go back into it (since I took her and my bunny with me to his place). I didn't finish in time to put her in her tank until Tuesday, which was all I had planned for that day and because my bf had the day off, I thought we would be hanging out, but when he asked what I had planned, I told him just putting pretzel in her tank (something that really wouldn't take longer than an hour). He was doing a couple chores and watching anime. I didn't get an invite so I just assumed he wanted some space after having me over for such a long time. I was pretty bummed about it, and already depressed which didn't help and at the end of the day I'd gotten pretty tired and hadn't allowed myself anytime to cry after falling down and hurting myself pretty bad the day before because I had too much work to do, so I ended up just crying over that Tuesday night. My bf offered to bring me stuff and hang out with me while I went through it, but it was nearly 10 pm and he usually falls asleep around 11 and it's a 35-40 minute drive from his house to mine. So I told him no because it was too far to go to not be able to see each other for more than a few minutes. He agreed. The next day he invites me over to watch a movie. I get in the car and he immediately hugs me and starts kissing me (full zoomies). And I'm just like "jeez, you'd think you hadn't seen me in like 10 years" and he's just like "it felt like it"
So I'm a little confused and I'm just like joking "well, who's fault is that?"
And he just gets really quiet and then says "I offered to come over yesterday but you said no"
"yeah, because it was 10 and it's an hour and a half round trip and you turn into a pumpkin by 11"
"I would've come anyways."
"you could've come over earlier, you know. I wasn't doing anything. I just had to put pretzel in her tank. I would've been done sooner but there was no rush because we didn't have plans."
"I thought you were catching up with your parents after the trip. I thought they'd want to see you."
"um... No we caught up on everything on Sunday night. My mom went straight back to work and my dad spent the whole day filling out disability paperwork. We didn't even talk really."
"I thought you wanted a break from dealing with me because I was there so long"
And he just looks at me like "what? Oh my God, no. I missed you."
And then he got real quiet again, like super bummed out that we didn't get to hang out on his day off because he didn't invite me and he's just like "I should've. I'll try to be better about that."
Like... Bless his heart, we're both fucking dumb.
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madmadmilk · 3 months
lol why else do i log into this account besides to complain? (idk if that sentence even makes sense lol)
but wedding planning rant below >>>>> ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
basic facts about us/the wedding: my bf and i have been together for 10 years, ya we've been talking about weddings but can't justify the $$$. then in feb we said fuck it, we'll never be able to afford a house lets just get married. sooo we've been cram planning through the year while doing comic/anime onventions for our wedding in august this year, yipppeee!!! we both have huge families, and tbh we don't have much drama between us but (of course) there's a lot of tension between family members everywhere. but main consensus is that we're both well liked and loved, so everyone is happy. (yay!) wedding planning has been stressful and fun, but also kind of made me conscious of things i literally don't care about.
the problem:
soooooooooo i don't want a big wedding party (but my mom wants me to give every single family member a role in the wedding -- no.). so i have a party of my sister, two close cousins, and a very good friend. yay? right!! should be, YAY, right???????
hm, so last week, i noticed that one of my cousins, we'll call her cousin A, hasn't really been replying or seen in a month? so that was like weird, and i've noticed some weird stuff but like... idk the world doesn't revolve around me (or my wedding) so I just assumed that life was being life, and gave space.
suddenly cousin A's mom blocks and unfriends most of my family across social media. (cousin A's dad is my mom's sister etc they have a lot of sisters) then everyone goes ???
even i'm like ??? cos i'm still on their friend list.
THEN, cousin A tells me she has to tell me something...
she says that her parents are struggling, and that she hasn't spoken to her dad in a month (my maternal uncle? idk if i phrased that right). and of course, life is life-- i have no judgment, only sympathy for everyone. BUT that means that she and her mom cut off everyone in my family..... because they don't want her dad to spread rumors etc, and don't know who has been told what...
cousin A and her mom wish to disappear from our lives.
like i said before, life is life, i can't understand their situation-- i dont' know all the sides, but i have immense sympathy for the situation. obviously i dont' want people to fight, i want people to be happy and able to live their lives to the fullest.
so---- though this is not the most important part>> she says that she and her mom and family will not attend my wedding. she's unsure of being there because she doesn't want to face questions and scrunity.
i understand.
i'm just horribly sad over it.
of course i didn't write all the details, but i'm just so sad over this. cousin a is like a sister to me, and i have a horribly hard time getting close to people. i'm so introverted and terrible at keeping up, and i haven't always been the most present for her but.. it just makes me really sad to watch her pull away.
a selfish part of me wishes she could just be there for me, but i understand she needs to go her own way and figure things out at her own pace.
just makes me sad.
and worse, i can't tell anyone about this because no one (on my side of the family) know why they've been distant. no one knows that she's said some bad things about them. no one knows the vague-posting they've been doing freakin facebook. it feels pretty irreparable to me, but no one has seen it all yet. then-- cousin A's family is going on a big trip together, just her, her parents , and her BF and she said who knows maybe they'll make up. maybe things will return.
i don't know what to say to that.
i'm grateful that she called me to give me an explanation instead of leaving me hanging, but it hurt my feelings to be told matter-of-factly. of course, this is something that her family has to work out but yeah.
i probably sound so selfish, but i can't even talk to my mom about this. there's too much of this that is not my story to tell or talk about. too many unkind words said, over something that might... return to "normal." kind of just feel miserable about it.
i wish there was an easy solution, i wish there was a way for ME to just.. be understanding and chill out but it's just sad. i'm not good at keeping secrets, or sitting still. but i'm trying to just focus on myself.
we'll see what happens.
people are going to ask me questions soon, idk what to tell them.
if things turn out to be "okay," then "great." i'll just have some lingering bitterness.
TL;DR: one of my bridal party (a cousin), is in the middle of excommunicating my family (over internal family matters)-- thus dropping out. of course it is sad and distressing, i'm trying to be understanding. i'm sad i'm losing a sister, and that she isn't choosing me.
^lol that makes me sound terrible tbh haha. like i said, lots of stuff can't be said but yeah... just sad. i'm literally not going to fill her spot, because doing so would make me feel worse. i'm too sentimental.
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kmze · 4 months
you know everyone's always like if nina had not left but why doesn't anyone point out the obvious callbacks to earlier seasons?Caroline in broadcast journalism,Julian,abusive bf of mom being equated with abusive dad Giuseppe both of who killed damon in front of Stefan and later get killed by stefan.Damon trying to murder caroline and stefan stopping him callback.Stefan-Caroline 2×02 callback.Stefan sacrificing for damon in 2×22 callback with stefan taking the mark.Klefan nostalgia s3 callback in the crossover where KC phonecall did a callback to their 5×11 convo.Damon napping beside Elena while Stefan's life was on the line=Damon sleeping with Elena while Stefan was drowning.Stefan leaving without telling caroline,callback to early s6.Caroline crying alone & ric instead of enzo telling stefan about it,Stefan having to earn caro's forgiveness same as s6.Callbacks to the day liz died with stefan visiting her grave on her death anniversary. 1/2
Stefan saying 'it didn't go how I wanted it to' in 7×19 callback to Stefan telling elena 'it didn't go down the way I wanted it to' in 6×19 when damon told her stefan slept with caro with no humanity,the whole ep21 having blatant parallels with s6,stefan telling caro 'it's not over yet' in 7×22 which is a line from the song Between the day & Between the night from 6×21.Their 7×22 kiss paralleling their first kiss.I remember Julie relentlessly tweeting tvd is going back to basics while CK said at SDCC from what she had read until then that the season would be like Back to the Future II without the hoverboards.So what was the theme in mind when they approached it?Were they doing like a play-within-a-play? 2/2
Of course not Anon because it's much cooler and edge-y to say the writing was terrible in the later seasons because they don't know what parallels, callbacks or foreshadowing is. I remember seeing so many tweets during 7x07 of people being like "Giuseppe was never this mean the writers are retconning" as if we didn't see this guy KILL BOTH HIS SONS! We also saw that he hated Damon and said all he's ever been is a disappointment but people were shocked Giuseppe was abusive like... I mean S7 was a very disjointed mess but it did some things right and specifically Defan's relationship and the flashbacks really helped explain who Stefan was so dependent on his brother, because Damon basically took all the abuse from their Dad to save Stefan. Other parallels I liked was the "run for the hills/were in this together" in 7x08 and 8x09 or "who are you right now/this quarter of a man sitting in front of me" in 6x05 and 8x10.
It's another reason why when people say Steroline is forced because Nina left meanwhile my steroline parallel tag has a multitude of gifsets parallel Stefan and Caroline with each other as well as their relationship. I also noticed during my rewatch how Elena would constantly add "for now" or "right now" when talking about her and Stefan but with Damon she never did that so I have a hard time believing the writers were always planning on going back to SE when they made it seem more finite. I agree with what Candice said about S8 I felt a lot of parallels to S1 when rewatching, the first episode specifically felt like I was watching a S1 episode. It had the pieces of the bell like the Jonathan Gilbert devices, Seline infiltrating herself into the twins lives by being the nanny was like Damon infiltrating himself into the Council. The Seline/Sybil flashbacks paralleled with the Defan flashbacks like the tone was definitely there.
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triviareads · 10 months
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so I was worried about what constituted a spoiler for my review of Mafia Virgin by Mila Finelli (here's my spoiler free review) so in honor of pub day, here's a compilation of all my notes:
Your benchmark for the Emma/Buscetta dynamic is Cross/Pippa from One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean (complete with some similar language to Pippa's "I'm fascinated by your BONES" except make it foreskin), except Giacomo isn't trying to be celibate in the least, and after he gets over his obligatory 10 seconds of guilt for wanting to fuck a 20 year old virgin (a precedent set by Fausto and utterly disregarded by Enzo lolol), he's all over Emma
So what I'm also saying is, as far as mafia romances go, this isn't super intense or out there. It's definitely not a dark romance despite how it was marketed (and a big part honestly is Giacomo is too nice), BUT it's a decent mafia romance and the sex stuff is equally solid.
The real horror, if there is any, is the classic mafia thing where it's the modern world and yet she's expected to get pregnant on an extremely short timeline; also possibly a commentary on the state of our reproductive rights?
Speaking of sex stuff— I thought it was hysterical that Giacomo actually chose to consult with a (mob) doctor on how to get his wife pregnant, and if Emma actually wanted that to begin with, I would appreciate it even more. Said doctor also tells Giacomo in the babylogue that sex can induce labor so you know what that means
Also I couldn't say it in my review but this...... was the hottest passage of Mafia Virgin. I hate to say it (actually who am i kidding i don't) but it's this not only because of the novelty but it ties excellently into their mutual breeding kink and Giacomo very early on being sad about the lack of women in his life who played with his balls:
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Second hottest was prob when he came in his pants after eating her out. The thing about Giacomo is that he has a few flop moments in a way that's still hot but also really funny (see: when his ex-ish mistress REJECTED him the second she found out he has a wife; like, Katarzyna and Mariella would NEVER) especially compared to Fausto, Enzo, and Giulio (well, Giulio has his own flop moments but they're mostly business related)
Also, I think everything about this exchange is just great and Giacomo is valid when he's annoyedly like "this is a me thing :/ "
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On a more random note, you can't tell me Giacomo Buscetta isn't an ally even if he is deeply unimpressed by nepo bby mafioso Giulio (who is now in charge of Málaga? lol) because he tells Giulio's assassin bf Alessio he's a fan of his work
The redemption arc I neither needed nor wanted was Roberto Mancini's— this is the man who inspired a great deal of (super valid) daddy issues in both Frankie and Gia, and you're telling me he's actually a doting dad (to Emma at least)?? I want to call bullshit. Yes, parental relationships are complicated and can vary by sibling and I totally understand why Frankie and Gia are estranged from him so why...... did we need this arbitrary redemption in book 5? And it's to the point where Roberto actually is like, "oh I never told your mom to give up her career after she married; she chose to!" and to me that invalidates so much of Frankie's conflict in the first book when she really wants to go to college and fulfil her mom's dream of having an independent career when her mother couldn't, but she's forced into an arranged marriage by her father who also disowns her once the news gets out that she's Fausto's mistress.
Anyway, I'm hoping there's a pegging bonus scene. Also, we WERE teased about potential period sex stuff which also never happened :(
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