#i was gagged when she reveals herself to be the witch at the end
annamariemir4ge · 1 year
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chevelleneech · 2 months
The Acolyte ep7: The Bad…
Not to act as if I know more than professional writers and show runners, but I must say… episode seven was not my favorite. For the exact reason I assumed they’d do half and half. The flashback did not hold enough shock to be dragged out for an entire ep, and should have taken up ten, maybe fifteen minutes at most.
Viewers already guessed the Jedi killed the coven, so it’s not that we needed something shockingly different, but something worth the flashback being the full runtime would have made more sense. Now, I will not pretend like I am not gagged at Sol choosing to kill Mae to save Osha just because he wanted a Padawan, and Indara killing the entire coven just to not have to kill Kelnacca. They both made extremely selfish choices, but again… it could have played out in about a dozen minutes.
They could have shown us the four Jedi on the planet scouting, shown Sol find the girls and tell Indara, then jumped to the scene when Osha reveals herself and Mae to the Jedi. Following that, their Jedi tests as quick clips so we’d see Mae tell them about the sacrifice, then skip to Osha telling Aniseya she wants. Next we’d see Torbin realize the twins were the proof of vergence and skirt off to play captain save a hoe, capped off with Korril telling Mae to stop Osha (but skip all the door smashing and Korril talking to the other witches). We’d also need to see Mae realize she started the fire and try to stop it, and after that they could have proceeded with Sol killing Aniseya which sparks the fight.
We did not need all the filler beforehand, we didn’t even need to see council saying no to the twins. A better justification for the Jedi team lying, would have actually been them acting without knowing if the council wanted the twins or not. That way once back on the ship with just Osha, Indara could tell Sol and Torbin: “The council wanted both twins, so now we must figure out what to say as to why they’re only getting one.” or “The council only wants one twin, so I guess you got what you want.”
Both to me hold more weight, because no matter what, they went in there and caused chaos and death when they didn’t have to. And the reason this episode wasn't able to carry that gravity imo, is because they took too long to tell us and didn’t end with a single drop of emotion.
The episode should have went back to present day and had Mae crying and furious. Or even better, use the fact that they just told us the twins are literally the same person in separate bodies, as a way to unblock Osha’s connection to the Force. Imagine us going into such a big reveal, knowing it was being told to Mae, only for the episode to end with Osha pulling off the helmet and being pissed, because Mae’s emotions allowed her to unknowingly tap into a shared consciousness with Osha. So now Osha knows the truth as well, since she was in a state of complete sensory deprivation when Mae found out.
Again, I’m not trying to dog on the show or act like I know better, but I don’t feel this episode hit it’s mark as well as it could have. Because at the very least, we should have seen present day Mae’s reaction so that episode eight could focus either fully on Osha finding out somehow, or on Mae getting away from Sol and hunting down Osha herself. It doesn’t make sense that we’re going to have to dedicate even a minute of ep8 to Mae’s reaction, when it is the last episode and should be reserved for chaos and calamity, the way ep5 was the fallout of ep4.
Anyway, if you read this post, please stay tuned for my positive thoughts in another. I’ll come back and link it, but yeah. I still am enjoying the show quite a lot, but this episode was not what I was hoping for. I wanted a bigger reveal or a reaction to the reveal, and we got neither. Which tells me the finale won’t be handling what it needs to handle, because we still have to wrap up Osha and Mae’s reactions, Sol and Mae likely confronting Osha and Qimir or Vernestra, Qimir’s plans for Osha, and Osha’s decision on what she’ll choose with Qimir. Too many moving parts, not enough time.
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vnderoos · 4 years
staring ✷ draco malfoy
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(gif is not mine, credit to the owner) warnings / language(?), draco being a cocky little bugger word count / 2.7k
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"'MIONE, HAVE YOU cut the daisy roots, yet?" Y/N asked in a quiet voice as she stirred the cauldron with slow, clockwise movements. She and Hermione had been sitting at a workbench in Professor Snape's classroom for some time now, working together on the shrinking potion that he'd assigned for the period. Snape had performed a demonstration in the class prior, but this time, they were responsible for brewing the substance themselves. "I think it's almost warm enough to drop them in," she hummed, continuing to heat the cauldron gently.
Hermione turned to look at the girl and she managed a strained smile. "Yeah, they're all cut up," she explained. She cupped her hand and slid the pile of finely-chopped roots into a small bowl, figuring they'd be easier to dump in that way. She pushed then to Y/N over the tabletop before her gaze flickered elsewhere. "Have you noticed that Malfoy's been staring at you all class?" she muttered out of the blue, tearing her eyes off of what Y/N assumed was the platinum blonde's table.
Y/N offered her friend a gentle shake of her head and she tapped the rim of the glass on the edge of the cauldron, watching as the pieces of root fell into the thick bubbles in the cast-iron pot. "If he was staring, I'm sure I would've noticed by now," she replied, earning a heavy sigh and an eyeroll from Hermione as she peeked into her notebook to see what she needed to add next. She plucked a green bottle and the bowl of caterpillars up off of the table. "Shake the wormwood for me?" she asked, holding the bottle out to Hermione.
Hermione nodded and gently took the bottle from Y/N. "Sure." Pressing her index finger down on the cork at the top, to keep from spilling it everywhere by accident, she began to shake it vigorously. Her brown eyes seemed to trail off again as she shook the wormwood and she found herself narrowing them when they landed on Draco Malfoy for the umpteenth time that class. She was anything but surprised to find his icy gaze locked on the girl beside her. "My God, he's foul," she hissed.
"He's just sitting there, 'Mione," Y/N laughed as she dropped five hairy caterpillars into the pot. It was satisfying to watch them to sink into the purple sludge, but she didn't dwell on that long, as Hermione handed her the bottle of wormwood. "No offense, but can he not just breathe without you insulting him for once?" she questioned with light-hearted intentions as she popped the cork off of the small phial and poured it all into the potion. She watched as it's rich, purple color simmered into a dark green, and she looked over at her frizzy-haired companion.
Hermione stared back at her with a dumbfounded look. "You're joking," she stared and she slipped behind Y/N. The next step was to add the juice from four leeches and it could almost be considered law for the two witches to switch places when anything to do with leeches was involved. Hermione hated the bloody things. Y/N wasn't a fan, either, but she seemed to stomach them better.  "Look, he can't keep his eyes off of you, Y/N/N," she hummed, starting to stir the potion rapidly. "It's sickening."
After Y/N lifted the leeches from a jar with her wand and set them into a mortar, she let her eyes flicker up from what she was doing for the first time. She'd almost been nervous about what she might've seen, but her nerves were calmed when she was met with the back of his head, her eyes locking onto tufts of white-blonde hair. "I wouldn't say sickening," Y/N defended quietly as she squished the leeches with a pestle. Her eyes had left the Slytherin boy for a simple second, to check on what she was doing, but when she looked back up, her heart fluttered in her chest. Her eyes were met with the gray-blue color of his own and she could feel the heat sparking beneath her cheeks as she looked at him. She couldn't seem to read Draco's expression as he stared at her, but she also couldn't seem to take her eyes off of him. Something about him was entirely too captivating. "I think he's rather handsome, actually," she stated matter-of-factly, her eyes still locked with his, and he flashed her a small smirk. A gentle smile eased onto her face in response and she turned away from him shyly, directing her focus back onto her smushed leeches.
"You can't be serious," Hermione said as she stirred, looking over at her. "He's such a rat," she argued and Y/N shrugged her shoulders.
It wasn't her fault that she was attracted to him. He was tall, mysterious, and he had skin as smooth as anything. She wouldn't even get herself started on his hair or the color of his eyes or the confident aura he oozed. "I can't help it, 'Mione, he's cute," Y/N told her, pouring the juice from the leeches into the cauldron. "Even if he does have his head up his arse half the time."
All of her classes after Potions had seemed to fly by that day, until Y/N was sitting next to Hermione—once again—in their last class of the day. She was never really fond of Transfiguration, as it wasn't one of her strong suits, but having one of her best friends there to offer her pointers didn't hurt. She looked over at Hermione to check the page number on her textbook, to make sure they were looking at the same material, but she found the girl glaring daggers at someone, instead. She furrowed her eyebrows and followed her gaze to the desk sitting diagonally in front of their own, where Draco and Crabbe were leaned over the top of it.
Draco was looking at Y/N over his shoulder and his eyebrows lifted slightly when her eyes met his own. Trying to pretend like Hermione wasn't ready to pounce beside her, she flashed the blonde a gentle smile. In place of smiling back, he offered her a smirk and sent a little wink in her direction, before turning back around in his seat.
Her heart jumped in her chest for the second time that day for the same reason and she looked to Hermione with a giddy smile on her face. "He just winked at me," she hummed, tilting her head bashfully as she did, and she didn't miss the way that Hermione rolled her eyes.
"Bloody hell, Y/N," Hermione cursed, clearly having spent too much time with a certain redhead lately. "Don't tell me he's actually catching starting to catch your interest," she pleaded.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders at that and she gestured to the boy in a subtle manner. "'Mione, have you seen him? How could he not?" she argued quietly and she watched her friend gag mockingly. "He's not even that bad, you're just dramatic," she concluded with a small laugh and she bumped Hermione with her elbow.
The girl scoffed and shook her head, her untamable hair swaying along with the gesture as she did. "Merlin, I really don't know what I'm going to do with you, Y/L/N," she admitted, jokingly for the most part, but she didn't say much else before a soft psst broke their conversation.
"Y/L/N," the voice hissed again, and since Professor McGonagall had her back turned on the class, Y/N looked around, only to find her eyes fixed on Draco's once more. Catch, he mouthed, lifting his hands to reveal a small crane, neatly folded out of parchment paper, and he blew a gentle puff of air onto it. With a single breath, the parchment crane fluttered to life and her eyebrows quirked upwards as it soared her way. She held her hands out to catch it carefully, ignoring a judge look from Hermione and the way Draco's eyes lingered on her as they watched her unfold it. Her eyes flickered over the paper, following his handwriting, which was tall, messy, and very fitting for someone like him.
Wait for me after class? – D. M.
Y/N grinned to herself as she took in the message and she looked up at him. He raised his eyebrows as if to repeat his question and she nodded her head. Seemingly satisfied with her response, Draco mirrored her nod, poking his tongue into his cheek as if to hide a smile, and he turned back around.
Hermione tapped the note with the feathery end of her quill and Y/N looked over at her. "You're not actually going to meet him, are you, Y/N?" she asked quietly, her tone flushed with something comparable to worry.
Y/N almost felt bad for continuing to fight her on it when she knew that Hermione was only looking out for her. "Of course, I'm going to do it," she paused, "I mean, what's the worst he could do, you know?" she finished.
Hermione sighed softly, but ultimately, she decided to give her a nod of approval. "Not that you need my permission, anyways, but fine," she agreed reluctantly. "Just be careful, please. You know I worry about you and the other two," she hummed, in reference to Ron and Harry, the missing pieces of their little group. "I'll hex him out of the castle if he tries anything slick, alright?"
She knew that she was lucky to have someone as supportive and protective as Hermione Granger in her life, so she smiled, placing a hand on the girl's arm affectionately. "Alright. Thank you, 'Mione," she said and Hermione nodded, giving her a small smile.
"Alright, everyone. I think that's enough for today," Professor McGonagall called out when the class had finally come to a close. "Class dismissed." She clasped her hands and returned behind her desk as the students began to gather their belongings. Hermione was one of the first ready to leave, with all of her notebooks stuffed into her shoulder bag and her textbook cradled in her arms.
She turned to Y/N as she stood up to leave and she set a hand on her shoulder. "First, remember what we talked about earlier, please," she started, pausing to flash Y/N, who nodded in return, a supportive grin. "And second, I expect all the details when you get back to the dorm. Good luck." Hermione sang the last word as she pulled her hand from the girl's shoulder.
Knowing how strongly Hermione felt with her dislike for Draco, it meant a lot to Y/N that she put her happiness above that. "Thank you, I'm sure I'll need it," she joked, stuffing the last of her books into her bag. "I'll see you when I get back," she promised on a more serious note and the Gryffindor pivoted on her heel, hurrying towards the door so that Y/N might get to meet up with Draco sooner.
Y/N smiled to herself when she was alone, standing up out of her seat and slinging her bag over her shoulder. All of the other students had left the room by then, leaving her, Draco, and McGonagall as the remaining trio. Deciding it was time to approach him, she made her way over to the blonde and crossed her arms over her chest when his eyes flickered up to her. "Hi, Draco." She managed a smile at him, a certain kindness settling in on her features, and he gave a quick jut of his chin in greeting.
"Hello, Y/L/N," he addressed her with a teasing lilt in his voice and she would be lying if she said that it didn't make her the slightest bit nervous. "I wasn't actually sure if you'd stick around," he admitted through a smirk, flipping his bag shut and securing the clip, before he slipped the strap onto his shoulder.
She gave him a weak shrug and she matched his pace as they started towards the exit. "Well, you've been catching my eye all day. I was too curious to ditch you," countered Y/N, jokingly of course, and she stepped out into the corridor with Malfoy at her side. "Why'd you want me to wait up for you?" she questioned as she decided to turn in the direction she'd take to the Gryffindor commons. She figured if he wanted to talk so badly, he'd follow her.
And he did, of course.
Draco didn't even seem to notice as his steps mimicked her own. "I just wanted to get you away from Granger," he explained with a smirk on his lips and she furrowed her eyebrows at him in confusion. Maybe he really was going to hex her or something. "I wanted to tell you that you look nice today without her biting my head off," he elaborated, quick to dispel her doubts in him, and she was almost relieved.
As his words settled in, Y/N could feel herself blushing and she grinned, looking down at her shoes as she walked. Draco's compliment was sweet and all, but it seemed like it had come out of the blue. The two of them never harbored any bad blood towards one another, but that didn't mean they talked all the time. In fact, they hardly spoke at all unless it was necessary.
"Pardon my curiosity, Malfoy, but why are you suddenly so interested?" she found herself asking, turning her head to look back up at him once her initial sheepishness had subsided.
Draco looked over at her as soon as she turned away again, his eyes lingering on the side profile of her face while hers were directed at the empty corridor in front of them. "Well, winter's coming up. I figured I'd have to act quick if I wanted to keep you company in the cold, yeah?" He hummed confidently and he fought a laugh at the face she mad when she shot him a look. Clearly, she didn't buy that but. He settled for a shrug instead. "I don't know, Y/L/N, I just— I guess I never looked hard enough before," he confessed for real, his eyes never leaving hers as he said it.
Y/N's eyebrows quirked upwards in surprise. "So, you're serious, then? I thought this was all a bloody setup," she shared.
"No, I'm quite serious," he reassured her.
At that, she couldn't help from letting a small smile slip onto her lips. "In that case, you look nice today, too, I suppose," she returned his compliment with a cool tone of voice, hoping it would seem more nonchalant. She noticed the way that her words were like fuel to his smirk, as it grew after she spoke.
"Let's go to Hogsmeade together later. We can get something to eat and walk around," Draco suggested, waggling his eyebrows down at her. "And maybe, if it's cold enough, you'll want to hold my hand," he teased with a wink.
Of course, Draco would skip the formalities if making a date a question, but she should've expected this sort of straightforwardness from him. She didn't mind it, though. She'd always found it attractive when boys knew what they wanted. "Malfoy," she hummed through a small laugh. "You know, I don't have to be cold to want to hold your hand, yeah?" she confessed, slipping her fingers into his own as they walked, and he spared her a cocky glance.
She knew that would go right to his head. "So, it's a date, then?" he questioned and she nodded.
"It's a date," Y/N affirmed
"Alright, well, I hope you're buying," Draco said nonchalantly and her head whipped around so she could face him. The look she shot him was almost comical and he fought a laugh as she flicked him in the arm. "I'm pulling your leg, Y/L/N. I might be a prat, but I have some manners. I am walking you back to the Gryffindorks, aren't I?" he pointed out and her eyebrows lifted. She remembered how she'd assumed he hadn't noticed when she'd deliberately set them on a path back to her room, but of course, he had.
After all, he was a Slytherin.
It shouldn't have come as any surprise.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "Echoes of the Past" from The Owl House
Salutations, random people on the internet who most certainly won’t read this. I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
What probably gets debated the most in the fandom is the legitimacy behind King being the King of Demons. Some believe that there's truth to his statement, while others, like me, like to think that he was just some stray Eda picked up off the streets. Either option seemed likely, especially since Season One never gave an answer that leaned one way or the other.
Then here comes the writers finally answering the question of who King is in episode THREE of Season Two! Because, again, they don't waste time on giving fans exactly what they want.
Fans wanted answers behind King, we got 'em, and analyzing what those answers mean requires going deep into spoilers. So if you haven't checked the episode out yet, I highly recommend that you do. Trust me, it's worth seeing.
Now let's review, shall we?
Luz Experimenting with Spells: Hey, look! More proof that Luz isn't an idiot like some people flanderize her to be!
But, seriously though, this is a perfect little thread to introduce into the story. Luz collecting knowledge from Lilith's old books and past work she and Eda made adds to Luz's intelligence while also providing a believable explanation for how she gets new spells. It's also nice to see that she has this little notebook (or spellbook) to help see what works and what doesn't. It's a level of experimentation that proves her dedication to becoming a witch while also exemplifying how she isn't stupid. Occasionally reckless, sure, but you can't say that the person who figured out an invisibility spell through showing her work is also an idiot.
Francios with a Knife: How did Francois get a knife? I don't know. But the fact that a random knife plopped out behind him with little to no explanation is funny, and I will not hear otherwise.
I don't make the rules. I just abide by them.
Luz’s Invisibility Spell: I breezed past this, but I honestly love this invisibility spell. More specifically, I love that there's a limiter. It can turn you, objects, and people you're in contact with invisible, but only as long as you can hold your breath. It helps make the spell something the characters can't always rely on, which is appreciated. Because if it works as long as they concentrate, what's stopping them from sneaking into Belos' castle and assassinating him in his sleep? It's a smart way of explaining why they can't always rely on something, despite how insanely useful it is.
Luz: Let's gush about Luz some more, shall we!
"Echoes of the Past" is another episode that has Luz on top form. She is constantly supportive of King, even if Lilith has a point in the dangers of indulging his fantasy as a powerful tyrant. Doing so would cause more harm than good, especially when King finds out Luz doesn't believe him, but her going along with it was all done with the best of intentions. Luz doesn't want to hurt her friend, and even if she did in the long run, she still makes up for it by helping King learn more about his past.
And, as another reminder, Luz isn't stupid. She's the first to say they should leave when it's clear how dangerous the castle is and is quick to figure out there should be more at the top. Luz is a loyal and caring friend who's also guarded and intuitive when the situation calls for it. This episode understood that, so here's hoping other fans will too.
Lilith: Yeah, she's still growing on me.
I feel like this episode shows a better idea of Lilith's place in the group more than the past two. She's a person who's obsessed with knowledge and learning but considers herself above the jovial nature of King, Luz, and definitely Eda. Therefore, she acts as the perfect catalyst for what jumpstarts this week's adventure. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that she almost instantly dismisses King's claims due to considering herself more knowledgeable than everyone else. Still, I like how she's willing to believe King once she finally sees evidence that seemingly proves he really was the King of Demons, to the point of referring to him as "her lord." Hooty does the same thing, but it comes across as him fearing for his own life and choosing to be friends with someone who could maybe kill him in an instant. For Lilith, her newfound respect comes from the desire to learn more, and it's that desire that makes Lilith an enjoyable character to me. It's adorable to see, and it has some comedic flavor in moments like when she dismisses everyone else and their emotional revelations to take pictures of the carvings around her. I'm sure she'll cause some controversy like other characters with rushed reformations, but for me, I'm more than ok with her addition to the main cast.
More of Lilith’s and Hooty’s Friendship: HOW DOES THIS WORK!?
And where can I get some for my stories...just asking.
But seriously: HOW?!
Hooty Making Himself Portable: Ah, yes. The classic bit where a character does something horrifically grotesque off-screen, and we have nothing but character reactions and sound effects to imagine what happened between shot A and shot B. It's an oldie, but given how hard I was laughing (mostly because of Luz's gagging), it's still a goodie.
Eda’s Portable Bathtub Boat Thing: I mean...I was expecting Eda would use something to catch up with the others, but...that thing...well...I mean, I'm still laughing just by thinking about it. That should tell you how well executed this joke was.
John Luke: ...I'm gonna go ahead and add him to the list because HOLY S**T was this guy disturbing! From his design to his movements to even the sounds he makes when moving, everything about John Luke screams as something that will stay in kids' nightmares for a while. Now, this might seem like a complaint, but to be honest, I'm more than alright with how creepy John Luke is. I highly doubt adult viewers will consider John Luke scary, but I guarantee he'll terrify some of the youngins that this series is aimed for. And that's fine. It's good to creep kids out a little bit with something somewhat scary, as it might introduce them to more good horror stories later in life.
Plus, the reveal that John Luke was only a guard for King is pretty solid narratively speaking. You can see how John never really meant to hurt King aside from one accident when Eda escaped with him. If you want to read into it, I guess it might be questionable to tell kids that something that looks dangerous is secretly nice, but that's really nitpicky, in my opinion. John Luke was a fantastic threat that is designed and animated well, with a solidly executed twist. Some might hate what he presents, most will fear him, but we can all agree on one thing: His theme is awesome (can I get the track for that, please)!
King’s Backstory: Finally, at long last, we know who King is, thus putting an end to a year-long debate. And I fully mean it when I say that the writers gave the best possible answer. Because in a way, everyone was right. Yes, King was just an animal that Eda decided to adopt, like the nature-loving hippie she is inside (She's got the hair for it). However, while he may not be the King of Demons himself, he is still the son of someone who deserves that title. So while he isn't the King, there's a chance he might be the Prince. Once again, there's no direct answer, but given how the writers came up with something that pleases everyone while still providing more questions for debate, it acts as a brilliant move, in my opinion. So whatever answer we get next, I'm sure it will be just as perfect.
Baby King:
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My heart was not prepared for that level of cuteness!
But in all seriousness, a HUGE round of applause to Alex Hirsch for his performance in this episode. He expertly captured the raw emotions of shock, anger, betrayal, and sadness that King must have felt when finding out that everything he believed he was is a lie. It's one of those moments where I don't hear a person voicing lines in a booth (or wherever the hell VAs are voicing characters nowadays), but instead hear a living person being emotionally torn apart. It was heartbreaking seeing King so vulnerable as he's so guarded with his emotions. Seeing him like this adds so much more layers to a character that many would mistake him as a cute, comedic animal sidekick. But just like with Luz, there's more to him than people will tell you.
“I don’t even know what’s real or fake anymore!”: I'm just pointing out this line because I believe it's what convinces Luz to help King learn more about who he is. Hell, not knowing what's real or fake is the main reason why Luz got sent away in the first place, so I feel like she can relate to King when he's in a similar predicament.
Hooty and Lilith vs John Luke: This was just a cool scene with some epic moments of dodging John Luke's attacks and some funny ones, like how Hooty said the word "pain." It's a ten out of ten that I would rewind to watch again.
King’s Other Horn: I'd question the logistics of how a horn that got broken off when he was a baby still manages to fit perfectly in the present...but it is neat symbolism of King accepting his past and letting it be a part of him, so who cares?
(The fact that the colors of the broken-off piece don't match the rest of the horn is nice attention to detail as well.)
It's a Little Too Predictable: I pretty much figured almost every little twist the episode offers. But, I'm willing to say that's because I'm in my twenties, and I've seen enough stories similar to this one, so I'm more likely to know what will happen. The little monsters watching this will see it for the first time, so they'll most likely get more surprised than me...And that was my only complaint about the episode...which is more of a personal problem than an actual issue...I guess that means it's perfect.
"Echoes of the Past" is an easy A+ in my book. It gives lore and backstory that furtherly develops the characters that episodes like this should. It also tells a tragic story about King that still sprinkles in a few good jokes every now and again to lighten up the mood. Sure, there are some nitpicks I could mention (how did King remember his own birth?). But when the good stuff is done so well, what's the point of dwelling on small, insignificant issues? This is still a phenomenal episode that flew past all expectations I had for it, and it continues the winning steak this season is having so far.
(But that's still three home runs in a row. Meaning that a stinker is coming. Ooiee, is it coming!)
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sostanotes · 3 years
Symmetry in the Owl House
Dana Terrace loves her narrative symmetry. We've seen it play out large scale and small scale, short-term and long term.
Consider the three times we've heard the line, "Now eat this, sucka!" In the cold open of 1.1, A Lying Witch and a Warden, during Luz book report. Again at the end of that episode, as she uses Owlbert on his staff as a baseball bat to hurl fireworks into Warden Wrath's mouth. And now again in the cold open of 2.1, Separate Tides.
And that cold open as a whole also has callbacks to other early season 1 elements. The intimidating voice and shadow of Garlog (and the ultimate reveal) reflect the original entrance of King. The "King as Dog" gag recalls Eda eating Adegast at the end of 1.2, Witches Before Wizards.
You get the idea. Callbacks and Parallels have always been a thing in the Owl House. But certain things about the new season started gnawing away at my brain yesterday after watching 2.1, Escaping Expulsion, and I wanted to get them down.
The A-plot, B-plot structure of 2.1, Escaping Expulsion, is entirely parallel; something we don't usually see. Luz and Lilith both feel guilty about the impacts of their actions on the people they care about (in this episode, specifically Eda); they both throw themselves recklessly into a quest hoping to atone and are quickly taught a lesson about the value of relying on and helping each other.
Lilith, in her B-plot, learns this lesson; we get the delightful friendship of Lilith and Hooty out of it, and that seems to be something that will be running strong throughout the rest of the series. Luz, maybe hasn't gotten it yet. She, even before this, had a tendency to through herself headlong into helping and didn't always get or rely on help, even when it was available; but she did do it sometimes, and I want to look at why.
That'll be a bit later though, since we need to look at 2.1, Escaping Expulsion, first. The A-plot, B-plot this time isn't as obviously parallel, but its still there; let's hope that the B-plot foreshadows somethings for the A-plot parallels.
In the A-plot, Luz and Co. fight against expulsion; after the initial group attempts to get back into the school, once Willow and Gus are dragged home, Luz goes it solo. Some might say she *tried* to get help, but I'm not so sure. She knew Willow and Gus, in addition to being grounded, wouldn't help her negotiate with Odalia and Alador (Willow very specifically said so); and yes, she went to Amity for help, help getting a meeting with Odalia. Luz acknowledges that Amity is scared of her mom; given what she'd seen up to this point, she likely knew that Amity wouldn't be able to stand up to her mom in the conversation. She likely just wanted the moral support of Amity coming with her, even just to the door of the manor.
So Luz makes the deal on her own. She fights alone. When Amity realizes whats happened, she immediately runs off to find Gus and Willow (in that order, we'll get to that). The three of them then rush to the warehouse… and bicker about how to get in. They have very different personalities and approaches to problem sovling. Amity's and Willow's are effectively opposites; Amity is direct and quick, Willow's is discrete and slow. I'm fairly sure that Gus chiming in with his ostentatious but ultimately misdirection-based plan is what stopped the two from getting into a fiercer argument; instead, we simply got the three trying to talk over each other.
The twins show up and give them another way in. Inside, Amity effectively goes with her plan, leaving Willow and Gus to get caught by the guards. Amity gets her big damn hero moment, stands up to her parents, gets Luz blushing (I'll come back to this in another post), and the Abomoton 2.0 shuts down.
Over in the B-plot, we get to see Eda and Lilith regress to their teenage years and bicker like schoolgirls. Like with Amity and Willow, this comes down to their opposite approaches to a problem; Lilith likes order and structure, Eda prefers freedom and creativity. Both are valid, in fact Eda's in closer to modern teaching practice; but you need some foundation (best learned by Lilith's method) to understand what kind of innovations its possible/safe to try. In the end, the sisters work out their differences: Eda is willing to take a bit of time and learn the basic rules, and Lilith is ready to take her basics and begin innovating.
The Clawthorne sisters still approach problems differently, I'm sure we'll see that in the future; but they understand the others point of view, and are willing to compromise and work together now a bit more than before. Amity, Willow, and Gus… not so much. They haven't learned that lesson yet; Ed and Em cut them off from the argument, and once inside, Amity bulled ahead on her own. It worked (and it was glorious) but the issue is STILL THERE.
Really, that's the whole issue of the season, I think. Learning when (and likely when not) to set aside differences, compromise, and work together. Belos talks about the "Day of Unity", but I'm getting the vibe that his idea of "Unity" is total subjugation under a single command, his; the best way to combat that is ACTUAL unity: teamwork and friendship and love.
And Luz. Luz needs to shake off her funk. She's getting there, but she's much more a lone problem solver than she was in Season 1.
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ladyloveandjustice · 4 years
Fall 2020 Anime Overview
I started out watching the a ton of anime for the Fall 2020 season, but then ended up not being caught up with most of them by the the time the end rolled around. I still pretty much intend to catch up with Yashahime Princess Half Demon someday (I do like the three leads, it just the plot’s been dull as dirt and the fights aren’t very inspired either) and though I dropped Wandering Witch after bad press started rolling in (I CANNOT deal with pointless tragedy in my current state of mind) I might check out a few more episodes someday just to from my own opinion. For now, let’s just quickly review the anime I DID manage to finish on time this season.
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle
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Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle is exactly what it says on the tin: Princess Syalis isn’t too bothered about being captured by demons and locked in their castle, but she does value a good night’s sleep, and she is absolutely ruthless when it comes to getting it- so ruthless, in fact, that the demons realized it might not be that she’s trapped in here with them, but that they’re trapped in here with her.
Sleepy Princess is top tier comedy comfort food. It rarely got a huge belly laugh, but it always but a smile on my face and was a great thing to watch before going to bed. Syalis’s single-minded search for some shut eye is a joke that could have gotten old very quickly, but the show consistently found creative ways to expand on the gags and build it’s world and a fun cast of characters along the way. 
Though Syalis is downright brutal to the demons when it comes to getting what she wants (and has a knack for getting herself killed at well), thanks to a demon cleric that offers easy resurrections, you never feel too bad for anyone involved. In fact, the demons and Syalis form a strangely heartwarming bond over the course of the show , and it’s clear by the end that Syalis definitely has the ability to come and go if she damn well pleases and just finds this castle a fun place where she can find respite from her princessly responsibilities. 
A nice bonus for those of us who like a little subversion is that the show has a lot of fun playing with standard adventure tropes- the demons often lament that Syalis is not at all what they expected from a captive princess, for one, but my favorite fun little twist is how Syalis feels about the hero currently on a (seemingly endless) quest to rescue her- she manages to both hold him in contempt AND consistently fail to remember his name. That level of disregard takes some impressive effort.
The show has the same director as the Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun anime and as such has a similarly nice comic and visual flourishes throughout. It definitely gets two sleepy thumbs up for me.
Jujutsu Kaisen
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Jujutsu Kaisen follows a young man named Yuuji Itadori who, after tangling with a demon, ends up with one inside him. With a death sentence hanging over his head, he’s inducted into a school for “jujutsu sorcerers”, and begins training to use his newfound powers to defeat demons and curses.
Jujutsu Kaisen quickly tells you on no uncertain terms it is Action Shonen, introducing a huge cast of a characters and powers and super high stakes and hey there’s even gonna be a tournament arc soon. It is really, really pretty to look at, with a killer opening and ending, some seriously great animation and cool visuals for the fights especially. But is it particularly memorable otherwise? Noooooot really, so far. The sea of technobabble it tends to descend into when trying to explain how the various powers work often has me zoning out and wishing they’d just let me watch the pretty punches. The villains and the general plot isn’t particularly compelling. The characters are nice enough, but haven’t given me much to be attached to so far. Though I do appreciate this one dude who is the embodiment of millennial ennui:
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I’ll keep watching though, because it is a visually stunning, action-y thing to my turn your brain off to and god knows I want to turn my brain off all the time lately. 
And the characters do have potential- the One Girl of the main group, Nobara, has a really fun personality in that she’s a total shitlord doofus brawler who can thus doof around with our equally dumbass protagonist, which is an pretty fun, unusual personality for the One Girl to have! Her interactions with Maki, the weapons expert senpai girl, are promising too. I’m just waiting for her to actually, you know, DO something that really shows off her skills- I’m told she DOES eventually get to (gasp) win fights on her own and do cool stuff, but so far show has kind at that of failed miserably and underused her like most action shonen underuse their girls. Plus, taking Yuuji out of the group for such a long stretch seems like a weird choice, we’ve been deprived really seeing him for relationships with his peers. The pacing seems off. But maybe the upcoming tournament arc will make up for that and actually be worthwhile!
Talentless Nana
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In a world where kids with superpowers are sent to island schools to fight mysterious “enemies of humanity”, one class of such kids is thrown into chaos when they find themselves targeted by a deadly force.
It’s pretty much impossible to talk about Talentless Nana without discussing how it deviates dramatically from what its premise appears to be in episode one, so I’ll just say if you like stories with superpowers and intrigue, you should definitely sit through that first episode and see if the plot that’s eventually revealed is something that you’re here for. But if you want to avoid spoilers, DON’T GO BELOW THE CUT, because I’m about to get very spoilery.
Basically, Talentless Nana pulls a bait and switch, starting it’s first episode posing as generic superhero anime where the protagonist appears to be your standard meek-but-powerful anime boy (Nanao) who just needs some support and encouragement from a pink haired mind reading manic pixie dream girl (Nana) to unlock his self-confidence and ~true power~ (ugh)...only to take SHARP swerve when  Nana ruthlessly murders Nanao and reveals she’s been sent by the government to take out the superpowered kids one by one because THEY are the considered the true enemies of humanity. Oh, and she doesn’t have any superpowers, or “talents”- she was just able to sus out everything Nanao was thinking through basic deductive reasoning because he was so flippin’ obvious and basic.
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As my love for a certain character in a certain game may have clued people into, I am ALWAYS delighted when what appears to be a generic, underwritten girlfriend character is then revealed to be an interesting, ruthless mastermind. And having an anime appear to be about a bland boy with a Dream Girlfriend but then actually turn into a show about a deeply cynical, morally dubious girl who’s clearly holding down a lot of messy feelings as she considers everyone her enemy...well, it may be a cheap trick to some, but it also feels a little bit like justice for all the underwritten female characters sacrificed to bland male leads. It’s still rare enough that I dig it when it happens. And the metatext of Nana zeroing in on this kid as the most standard of main character boys, assessing him as the biggest threat because of it and knowing the perfect way to take him out, is pretty inherently funny to me.
But if the show JUST banked on that twist and was about Nana brutally and cynically slaughtering these kids, it would get boring quickly and Nana would be a bland character herself. Fortunately, it doesn’t go that route. Nana struggles and grows a lot over the course of the show. She finds opposition in transfer student Kyoya, a stoic (and socially awkward) young man who pretty quickly becomes suspicious of her. A lot of the tension from the early episodes comes from her sweating as she tries to outmaneuver him and she makes plenty of mistakes along the way. She also slowly but surely starts to question her mission, and we get an idea of her backstory and how the government specifically has groomed her into believing people with powers to be evil. That belief is one that’s challenged by her friendship with another girl, and it’s pretty rewarding to watch Nana’s feelings and world expand little by little.
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The show is definitely a little schlocky-some of the plots (as well as the general premise of the government thinking this is the optimal way to get rid of their superpowered kids problem) fall apart if you think too much about them, and some of the kids Nana goes up against are sleazy and unlikeable in over the top ways (which makes it easy for her to stick to her convictions all these kids deserve to die at first). In particular, I have to give a heads up for some sleazy guys doing and saying sleazy things, though the show never gets too overbearing or graphic with it (and the gore is generally PG-13 level as well). 
Basically. There are some truly ridiculous happenings in this show. But how ridiculous and pulpy and over the top it is can be part of the appeal, and it’s fun to just sit back and watch the spectacle of Nana and her peers head-scratching machinations. 
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So, while certainly not an anime with airtight construction or flawless quality and depth, I found Nana an overall entertaining watch, especially as a fan of cat-and-mouse murder-y shenanigans, and thought it has a very compelling main character and managed to end on a heartwrenching (but earned) note. I definitely wouldn’t say no to a second season and would be interested to see where things go from here.
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gabenathreversebang · 4 years
GabeNath Reverse Bang 2020 Masterpost
Lady in Blue
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When Gabriel akumatizes Audrey again, it goes awry and backfires on him. When he, Ladybug and Chat Noir are compromised, Nathalie decides it’s time for her to take matters into her own hands.
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Changing Hearts and Changing Tides
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The Agreste boys and their plus one, Nathalie, have decided to spend the week in a cabin by the coast. While Gabriel tries to mend his fractured relationship with Adrien, Nathalie is more or less there to keep the peace, but she soon finds herself out of her depth. With emotions shifting as frequently as the tide can the trio band together and take strides towards the future, or will they be swept out to sea and left hanging?
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Your Sword and Shield
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The last time the Graham de Vanilys showed up to the Agreste mansion, they proved they are not to be trusted. Nathalie should have known Amelie would go to treacherous lengths to get under her skin. After a tense confrontation and the shocking reveal of a new villain, Nathalie must step into a new role to protect the one she loves.
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A Moment of Reflection
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After a particularly upsetting defeat, Gabriel is feeling like it might be time to throw in the butterfly brooch and move on. Nathalie tries to encourage him to continue but even she has some reservations about the idea. The two have a heart to heart over some brandy and learn things about each other.
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well, of course i’ve tried lavender
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K O E L N @archekoeln you think, i didn’t know mayura was the type to resort to something like this? but you’re wrong, because now you’re being carried like a sack of potatoes above paris and, 3/11
K O E L N @archekoeln well, the view’s nice and all but you’re also in the arms of a villain??? 4/11
K O E L N @archekoeln you also think, how is she so strong??? because you know you aren’t as light as a feather (haha i’m funny) and her arms are skinny af, but you know, magic i guess 5/11
An online thread about Mayura sparks something in Gabriel. And as her boss (and friend, and villainous partner, and her something), isn’t it his job to… to do what exactly? Well, even he doesn’t know.
Fanfic, archived Art, archived
Not All Heroes Wear Capes
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Superheroes, in daily life, usually remained hidden. Men and women, bestowed with god-like powers, living among those whose only powers remained in their knowledge and talents. One of these heroes was Mayura, a peacock-themed superheroine with the power to create new life. As more laborers were going on strike, Mayura’s efforts to keep the economy from deflating were more crucial than ever. Because of her, livelihoods were kept intact for the destitute. For the corporate overlords, however, she was the bane of their luxurious existence. But what does this mean to Gabriel Agreste?
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Broken Arrow
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Ordinary innkeeper Nathalie is plagued with visions of a captive Gabriel, begging for help. She sets out to recruit his son Adrien, the Demigod of Love, to aid her in freeing Gabriel from Emilie, the goddess of beauty. But Nathalie doesn’t know the secret that Adrien keeps from her that may tear them all apart.
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Gabriel’s Inferno
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Nothing seemed to predict how it all would end, and yet it had to have been obvious. It had been weeks since Mayura’s last appearance and he didn’t even let her go out to fight in person, but a broken miraculous doesn’t get carried away by precautions once it’s activated. With Nathalie balancing between life and death, Gabriel will have the opportunity to fix things or lose himself forever in a hellish battle that will overcome all nightmares.
Fanfic (English), archived Fanfic (Spanish), archived Art, archived
If I Could Turn Back Time
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Gabriel and Nathalie obtain the rabbit miraculous and travel into the paths of time as Velveteen and Mayura, with the goal of preventing the chain of events that would lead to Emilie’s death. But on their way to Tibet, they encounter surprising visions of possible futures that leave them questioning what is possible and what they really want.
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This is Hallowe’en
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With All Hallow’s Eve hanging over their heads, the Agreste household gets wrapped into celebrating Samhain. With Gabriel and Adrien following Nathalie’s knowledgeable path, they can not fail, probably. This moderately functional family will honor Emilie Agreste in the best ways they can.
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Malleable Fates
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A red thread starts materializing around Gabriel’s finger nearly two decades after he’s already found his soulmate. As he and Nathalie devise a faultless plan to finally win Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculous and bring back his wife, Gabriel fights the onslaught of confusing feelings brought about the mysterious reappearance of his soulmate string - including the sneaking suspicion that his soulmate maybe isn’t who she used to be.
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The Splintered Soul Staring Back At Me
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In the aftermath of the battle and a brief hospital stay, Nathalie is safe at home. Her recovery has been a bit stagnant, but she’s been granted leave from work and the miraculous is finally fixed. Things can only go up from here, right?
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With the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wing
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It only took one little thing, the barest of moments, for Duusu to feel their love, and decide that they had to do something about it. Which was how Duusu ended up roping Nooroo into trying everything under the sun to match up their two stubborn holders.
Fanfic, archived Art, archived
The Orders He Defies
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After her husband’s death, Nathalie Sancoeur fell into deep despair. Determined to bring him back, she set her goal on obtaining the Black Cat and Ladybug miraculous, using the power of her own one. All her attempts for the last year, however, were futile. Should she remain careful? Or should she let it all burn, as her assistant Gabriel suggests she should? And is the goal even worth its price?
Fanfic (English), archived Fanfic (Ukranian), archived Art, archived
Royal Pain
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Nathalie liked to think that she would make a pretty good king. If she had been born as the opposite sex, anyways. But as the facts were, Princess Nathalie Sancoeur had a duty thrust upon her that she would rather have not, all things considered: to be married to a foreign prince, in order to bring good fortune to her family and kingdom, and bolster their strength should the rapidly-cooling relations with one of the neighboring countries turn into a full-blown war. It was enough to make her gag every time she thought of it.
Fanfic, archived Art, archived
Dancing on Broken Glass
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It was Lila that almost reduced Paris to rubble.It was that conflict that caused an irreversible change to two miraculous holders.It was that change that brought them together.
Fanfic, archived Art, archived
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«Define Hubris»
Gabriel never considered how much a Deus Ex Machina would cost.
Fanfic, archived Art, archived
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It’s been seventeen years since Nathalie and Gabriel sat in the cramped studio working hard to get the brand off the ground, and now he can’t help but reflect on those long-forgotten years.
Before Emilie. Before Adrien. Before the money and fame.
As he looks at her across his desk… he wonders if it was all worth it.
Fanfic, archived Art, archived
A Witch’s Desire
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Gabriel Agreste was a peculiar man, who was known around town both as a famous fashion designer and a powerful witch who was able to read and control minds, though he never used that second power unless there was a real emergency. Heck, he barely even used the first. But after losing his wife, Gabriel becomes desperate to do anything he can to bring her back, even that means using his powers for evil, or tracking down a mysterious powerful witch who had disappeared many years ago, with the power to bring the dead back to life.
Fanfic, archived Art, archived
Not a Minute of Peace
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Even though the akuma wants to shackle them, the Collector and Catalyst have more freedom than Gabriel and Nathalie ever had. They may be criminals turned into prey, but they enjoy the hunt. There is only one thing they are running from.
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Nathalie made the wish.
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The Woman With The Golden Feathers
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The annual Bourgeois masquerade comes at the right time for Gabriel. In a moment of personal uncertainty after his discreet divorce, he will find the possible answer in a mysterious lady with golden feathers.
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Time and Time Again
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The stress of being a young designer trying to make it in the fashion industry is taking its toll, and Gabriel’s and Nathalie’s marriage is slowly unraveling.
They’ve stood the tests of life since their first year of university, but when everything comes crashing down, Gabriel finds himself stuck reliving the day it happened. Failing and falling, time and time again with every passing ‘day’. Why is he here? How can he stop it? The answer lies in a choice as to what matters more: his career or the woman who has stood by him through it all.
Fanfic, archived Art, archived
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A year after Hawkmoth’s surrender, Gabriel asks Nathalie to join him to gaze at the stars. While she waits for him, she contemplates the empty space left by the removal of the portrait from the foyer hall. Growth ensues for them both as they learn to just be by each other’s side.
Fanfic, archived Art, archived
C’est la Vie; C’est le Ballet
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After the death of his wife, upstart choreographer Gabriel Agreste is looking for a new star for his ballet, Miraculous. Hard to please and willing to do whatever it takes for the sake of the show, none of the auditionees fit his artistic vision…
…except Nathalie, a former prima ballerina turned ballet instructor. She’s stoic and very dedicated to her craft, but there’s a reason she stopped performing four years ago and it has dangerous potential.
Through the trials and triumphs and betrayals that run hand in hand with the world of ballet, Gabriel and Nathalie begin to find something more in each other’s company, and perhaps the seeds of new beginnings.
Fanfic, archived Art, archived
I’m Praying (There’s Saving)
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It was to be Gabriel’s first party on Olympus, but little did he know it would also be the last. Not only for him, but for everyone. In the blink of an eye everything changed, sending the god of nature and his newborn son to take refuge with the Queen of the Dead. They thought they were safe, but even the depths of the underworld couldn’t escape the King’s wrath forever.
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wheres-sam · 4 years
I binge-watched the spn anime because of the brain rot
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It’s bad except for the parts that are good, and it’s pretty to look at. Here’s a comprehensive list of pros and cons. Spoilers ahead!
- more psychic kid backstories: Max (Nightmare), Lily (Darkness Calling), Jake (Loser)
- more psychic Sam
- more Azazel
- basically if you want more about the psychic/demon kids, watch the anime
- more young Winchesters
- the monsters, the superhuman abilities, the fight scenes, it all looks really cool animated. (But PSA it’s violent. It doesn’t shy away from blood and gore.)
- Sam and Jessica backstory
- more of the brothers being cute and funny together
- Missouri isn’t forgotten
- includes some Japanese legends/mythology
- the impala looks great in every scene. They did Baby good
- the “Supernatural” intro title
- the outro sketches of the boys hanging out with Baby
- Episodes adapted from the original show are different, but I like some of the changes? It’d be boring if it was an exact retelling and the visual medium wasn’t utilized. (I know I said spoilers before, but this is when they get detailed. If you wanna skip over, I’ll tell you where they STOP.)
Nightmare goes more into the abuse Max has suffered. Instead of locking Sam in a closet, Max sends Sam through the floor and covers the hole by breaking his bed in half, and it’s extremely sexy how Sam shoves the 2 halves apart with his mind. Later on Dean puts bandaids on Sam and they talk about demons loudly in front of a fast food intercom.
In My Time of Dying highlights the guilt Sam feels over Dean. In both the og and the anime John verbally blames Sam for not shooting Azazel, but where in the og Sam goes right on arguing, in the anime he reels back for a moment like he was slapped. Dean’s spirit touches Sam’s shoulder, and Sam knows immediately that it’s Dean. He doesn’t even question it. Instead of “Are you here?” it’s “I know you’re with me. I can feel it.” And I love that. Dean figures out right away he’s dealing with a reaper, and the reaper takes on the appearance of Mary to convince Dean to move on to the afterlife. Instead of a Ouija board, Sam uses a laptop to talk to Dean, and the first word Dean types is “Sammy!” Dean is so fond of his little brother and Sam is so baby.
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Rising Son is an anime only episode, but it draws inspiration from John’s journal. Dean has a proper breakdown over his dad’s death and the possibility of having to kill Sam. Ms. Lyle, Sam’s favorite teacher who turns out to be possessed, is explored. John takes Dean hunting, and in the journal Dean hesitates to shoot a buck, and little Sam shoots it thinking it was endangering Dean. In the anime, Dean’s cornered by a moose and Sam makes it explode with his mind and it’s so !!! How little Sam’s first words are, “I’m glad you’re okay. It didn’t hurt you?” The boys are covered in blood and guts and Dean’s like 👁👄👁 “Why are you here? Did you do this?” And then Sam starts freaking out a little, the shock sets in. “I don’t know. I don’t know, honest.” And he’s staring at his hands, and I am a big fan of Sam showing superhuman signs as a kid. Like in the journal, Ms. Lyle tries to take Sam. She gives Sam the illusion of a choice to come with her or stay with Dean, and Sam chooses Dean. This ep is pretty much when John figures out Sam has demon blood. He kills another hunter that wants to kill Sam.
Crossroad is based on Crossroad Blues, and I love how the crossroads demon shows up. It’s hard to describe, but it’s so neat, like she’s walking underneath Dean in this mirror world, and then the mirror world takes over the regular world, so you really get this sense of otherworldly seclusion, existing outside of time.
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What Is and Should Never Be shows Dean is a firefighter in his ‘Mary never died’ world, and Sam got to play soccer growing up like he wanted. The brothers hold each other after Dean is saved from the Djinn.
AHBL part 1. When Azazel shows Sam that he fed Sam his blood, Sam gags and slaps a hand over his mouth, and I like that reaction more than the live action. The psychic kids get to go more anime with their powers, and that’s a lot of fun. They don’t need weapons. Ava slams Sam into the brick side of a building and cuts him without touching him. Jake snaps Ava’s neck with one hand and then catches Sam in his arms. When Jake attacks Sam, there’s no gun or knife. He’s relying on his super strength, his fists. Sam throws his arms up to protect himself, and (accidentally?) pushes Jake back with his mind, and the collision creates a crater in the ground. Jake puts his fist through Sam’s chest to kill him. It’s brutal and it’s rad as fuck. These kids are terrifyingly powerful.
The Sam and Dean reunion before Sam is killed is not as emotional as the live action imo, but what the anime does intrigues me. Hurts in a different way. Because Sam is stunned after he uses telekinesis again, on Jake, and when he hears Dean behind him Sam freezes. He doesn’t look relieved to see Dean, but wary and weary. It’s Dean taking steps towards him, not the other way around, and it has to be because Sam doesn’t know if Dean saw him push Jake back. Sam doesn’t know how Dean’s going to respond to all this, to him, having powers that come from a demon, the demon, Azazel. Sam hasn’t had a chance to process anything. He’s scared. He’s tired. And the way the anime focuses on Sam’s eyes here. Gah. “Dean. Dean, I’m...” I’m sorry. I’m all right. I’m glad you’re okay. I’m a monster. There’s also this one shot between Sam and Azazel that sends me because of how anime it is.
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AHBL part 2. I love how Sam brought back to life is animated, with all the color returning to his face and a light wind rustling his hair and his lips parting to indicate his soul returning to his body. Jake attacks Dean, and, a lot like how Sam activates telekinesis to save Dean from Max in Nightmare, Sam gets a burst of superhuman strength. He rips Jake’s arm off and tackles him to the ground and beats him to death, punches holes into his body, and it’s so savage and bloody and scary, and I love it. The Devil’s Gate opening looks so cool animated. Same goes for Dean shooting Azazel with the Colt.
Not to turn this into a meta post, but I also noticed how the last couple times Sam uses his powers they’re colored green-yellow, the same colors as Mary’s ghost when she reveals herself in the anime’s Home, and I don’t know if that’s intentional, but it’s neat how it draws a connection to Sam’s biological family instead of Azazel’s blood.
The Spirit of Vegas is like Bad Day at Black Rock, but Dean has all the bad luck instead, and it shows off the silly cartoony physics that make animation fun. The boys sleep outside and split a chunk of bread for dinner. Also this lil bit of Dean’s hair tied in a bow.
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- (STOP) the brothers are pretty. I am not immune to animated Sam and Dean Winchester.
- Jensen doesn’t voice Dean until the last 2 episodes
- The English dialogue is really bad sometimes. I wish I could’ve watched the sub, but I couldn’t figure out how to change the language
- Some character designs are really different from the live action, and maybe that’s petty, but if you’re gonna change the characters diversify them? Don’t just make them unrecognizable white people
- Missouri’s design as a stereotypical witch doctor is racist
- Gordon is replaced by some British guy named Jason?? Why
- There’s an LGBT character who is not accepted by her family and, while that bigotry is always shown to be negative and she dies the hero of the episode, she still dies ://
- In the English dub Lily’s gf is made into her roommate instead. Idk about the sub
- Bobby’s pretty much a totally different character
- Sam and Dean are OOC sometimes
- Dean’s hair usually looks darker than Sam’s and it drives me crazy
- The storytelling is, overall, not nearly as good as the live action
- The non-Japanese lore in some episodes makes no sense. Sometimes it’s just plain ridiculous?? Like there’s a giant robot made of cars and scrap metal controlled by a demon? ? I wish I was making this up
- Meg’s role is severely reduced
- No Harvelles or Roadhouse
- Shadows are overused, but maybe that’s because the og show is so dark?
- I don’t mind the art style. I like the aesthetic, but I wish it was a little more expressive. It doesn’t do Sam’s puppy eyes justice.
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- Idk why they mashed season 1 and 2 together? The story feels rushed
- there’s not as much chemistry between Sam and Dean, but that’s a given without J2 on screen
- Nobody tells you!! That there’s scenes after the credits!! And some of them are important! Why are important scenes after the credits??
The anime would not be good on its own, without the heart and depth the live action brings, but it works as supplementary material you can cherry pick from. I would watch more if there were more episodes.
It hasn’t turned me off from wanting an spn anime. I’d like to see it continued or redone, with updated animation and better scripts. There’s a lot of potential in exploring more about the psychic kids and Sam’s powers, storylines that were cut short in the og show. Animation is a great medium for showing off the supernatural, getting creative and creepier with the designs, dramatic with the fight scenes, without having to worry about bad CGI. I don’t want a live action reboot, but I think a redone animated series could be a lot of fun! (As long as it’s not an excuse to make any romantic ships take over. SPN is a platonic love story, and I like it that way.)
If you made it to the end here and are interested in watching the spn anime, you can watch it for free on the CW Seed app! You can probably stream it elsewhere, but idk where!
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hellishhin · 3 years
The Deal
Taerand’s angular features were unyielding as he stared at the elf and two dragonborns standing on the other side of his ornate wooden desk. Kireen stared back just as hard, her arms folded. It was clear none of this sat well with her. As stark contrast to Kireen’s moodiness, K’lai’a’la stood partially behind Kireen’s arm, peering out at the domineering high elf with wide eyes. She didn’t like him and she especially did not like being contained in his room.
“I will not be doing this for free, as you know. In exchange for fetching Sadie’s soul, I simply require the three of you to be available when I need you,” his voice was smooth and carried a business-like quality but Kireen had spent enough time around nobles to know that disrespecting him would reveal a darker side she wasn’t eager to see.
“So you are asking for an open ended promise of service?” Kireen failed at keeping the annoyance from slipping out through the frown on her scaled face and her furrowed brow.
“No. I am asking for a single favor, the nature of which I am unsure of at the moment. I just know that all of your skills will be useful to me sometime in the near future,” Taerand seemed unconcerned with her hesitancy, clasping his hands loosely in front of him. His surety that they would accept made Kireen’s sword-hand twitch.
“In the near future? Sounds like you already know what you want us to do and just don’t want to tell us before we agree. What’s the point of bringing Sadie back if you just send us to our deaths again?”
Taerand quirked an eyebrow, his only sign of amusement. “Again? I had nothing to do with your friend’s death. I believe it was your decision to set the forest alight as you stood in it. My terms are final. If you wish to see your friend alive again, you will agree to owe me a simple favor. However, as a sign of good faith, I will agree to call upon it within the month. But that is the only concession I will make.”
The sound of Kireen’s teeth grinding together made K’lai’a’la glare at Taerand from her shelter behind Kireen’s back. Donar, who was stoically silent during this discussion stepped forward.
“I have no connection to the halfling and I have no interest in owing you anything. I will take my pay for the return of your emerald and be done with this business.”
Kireen’s head whipped toward Donar and she bared her teeth. “You’re going to leave us like this? You were the one that failed to save Sadie when you had the chance and now you are stopping us from bringing back our friend?!” her voice grew louder as she spoke until the last word bounced off of the walls back at them. Taerand’s face grew dark and he spoke directly to Kireen,
“You will keep your tone civil in my home or I will rescind the deal entirely and dispose of the corpse sullying my basement,” the sudden authority in his voice made even Kireen take a step backward. “Good. Donar, I will give you your pay and you may leave. For you two,” he gave Kireen and K’lai’a’la a pointed look “the deal still stands if you wish to take it. You may have a few minutes to discuss.” Taerand opened a drawer in his desk and removed a small leather bag that jingled softly. He wordlessly held it out to Donar who stepped forward and took it. Without another word, Donar left the room, tucking the bag into his pocket as he left.
The study was silent. Kireen did not know what to do. She needed to get Sadie back. She swore a silent oath to herself when they entered the forest that she would protect the members of her group and she failed. Sadie was left to fend for herself as the fire chased them. Kireen didn’t even think to help her but she should have, it would have been nothing to pick her up and take her to safety but she simply didn’t and that fact had been eating away at her for days. Perhaps they could return to the witch but they already knew the price. It was steep enough that maybe bringing back one life would cause others to lose theirs. This seemed the safest option but this elf was so smug. She would hate knowing that she was bound to serve him even if it was just one favor. As Kireen mentally chewed on her thoughts, she heard K’lai’a’la’s timid voice.
“I will give you favor if you give us Sadie.”
A smile spread across Taerand’s face that was neither friendly nor outright malicious but it certainly did not inspire confidence. “Done. And you?” He looked at Kireen as though he knew he had won and he had. Kireen couldn’t let K’lai’a’la serve this slimy elf by herself. “Fine,” she spat and spun around, making for the door with K’lai’a’la at her heels.
“You will have your friend back in three days time,” his self-satisfied tone made Kireen want to gag.
[next post]----[previous post]
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evanthenerd83 · 3 years
“How To Lose Your Arm—Yet Again”
“Uh,” the witch muttered.
The new girl kept on walking. She held several textbooks—thick as encyclopedias—in both arms.
“Uh,” the witch tapped her right shoulder. “S-Serafina?”
Serafina froze, turning a slender neck. Her eyes were both bright and dull. A smile played across her pale lips.
A sad, little smile.
Emmy pointed a shaking finger at the ground.
Serafina followed.
When she saw it, her smile fell.
Heat flushed down her face. The flesh took on a tone of printer paper. Veins were visible, still, blackened with decay.
A look of absolute horror…
“Oh,” she gasped. “Oh.”
An arm.
Her arm.
Her left arm, hand and elbow and the part that had been connecting it to the shoulder. Bolts, too.
It was laying with the palm facing up. A finger twitched. Coagulated blood spilled out, forming a small puddle around the limb. Flies landed.
Emmy felt like gagging.
Emmy did gag, covering her mouth. She looked away.
“I’m so, so sorry!” Serafina screamed, tears welling. She dropped her textbooks, letting them tumble down, down, down.
They all fell in a pile.
She dashed forward, reaching out her remaining arm.
She neared it, close enough to grasp the shattered end of a very, very, very brittle bone.
Then, she saw—
A blur.
A black shape crossed her field of vision.
Everything moved in slow motion.
Jaws opened, revealing millions of serrated teeth, and Serafina suddenly smelled something.
Something absolutely horrid. Meat. Rancid meat.
Dead meat.
Emmy fell backwards, recoiling, raising both hands in front of her face.
But the shape ignored her.
It instead went straight for—
“Noooooooooooooooo,” Serafina sounded like a giant.
But the shape didn’t listen.
It clamped down.
It ran off, down the sidewalk.
A brown-haired witch shrieked, then pressed herself against the side of the building. She gave the shape a wide berth.
It turned a corner. Vanished.
“No,” Serafina wheezed.
“What was that?”
Emmy helped Serafina, who was leaning on her shoulder.
“A hellhound,” the witch sighed. “Her hellhound.”
Serafina wiped her eyes. She sniffled. A glob of snot dangled, pulling a dangerously thin string even thinner.
The sound broke Emmy’s heart.
“Rose’s,” she answered.
Rosarie Northstone was beautiful, as well as obnoxious. She constantly teased her classmates for things outside of their control.
She came from a wealthy family. Apparently, her father worked for the Underground Circle, cleaning up beast attacks. Her mother owned a side business.
“What kind of business,” Serafina asked as Emmy sat her down.
Emmy plopped down next to her. She took a deep breath.
She felt winded. Didn’t help that her shoulder ached. How could she weigh so much?!
“Love potions.”
Serafina blinked. “But aren’t those banned? Or something? Mrs. Rodone said—“
Emmy waved her hand dismissively.
It also served as a fan.
“Lust potions have been banned,” she laid back. “Too many cases of stalking, accidental pregnancies, people using them to force their partners into staying.”
Serafina blinked again.
She blushed.
They sat on the bench for what felt like an hour. Neither of them said a thing. For what could they have said?
The weather was okay. A little warm, but whatever.
Their grades were the same. As and Bs in textual studies. Lower Cs and Ds when actual magic was concerned.
They shared a dorm.
Emmy watched as the clouds floated by. She counted several cats, fewer dogs, and a bunch of marshmallows.
She could hear Serafina sniffing. Rustling as the new girl dabbed at her eyes. The sounds eventually grew so intense that, if she had cast a Muting Bubble spell, they would’ve bled through.
“We need to find your arm.”
Serafina stared as Emmy stood up, straightening her skirt. Her cheeks were stained.
The witch extended her hand.
She smiled.
“Come on. Wanna get your arm back or what?”
A beat of silence.
A sudden gust of wind blew through, sending Serafina’s hair fluttering. It whipped.
And then, the new girl smiled.
She leaned on her friend’s shoulder. “Yes. Yes, I do.”
Someone screamed.
Serafina and Emmy froze. They glanced at each other, eyebrows raised.
“Was that—“
Emmy nodded her head. “Rose? Yep.”
They resumed hobbling down the sidewalk.
They eventually reached the source: A blonde, fair-skinned witch.
Her uniform was customized, with the vest unzipped, the skirt trimmed. It ended above the knees. Seeing such pale skin made Serafina gasp.
Emmy only snorted.
Rose had her back to them. She held an arm up.
She was trying to shoo away her hellhound, but not having any luck. The beast had sat down in front of her. Its tail wagged from side to side.
It stared with blank eyes, smiling dumbly. A chalk-white tongue licked at its own snout.
And laying before it…
They approached.
“Hey,” Emmy yelled. “Rose!”
The witch spun around, and she bunched her hands into fists.
But the surprise instantly drained. As did the fear. Something else took their place. Something that Emmy recognized.
Rose glared. “What do you want, Jaophon?”
Serafina glanced between Rose and Emmy.
The way this Northstone person spoke to her friend… it wasn’t very nice. No. It wasn’t nice at all.
She frowned. A burning sensation, faint like a prick from a sewing needle, flared up.
Somewhere in her gut.
Somewhere inside her gut, a voice cried out.
Serafina found herself staring at Rose’s legs.
The voice called out once again.
She began to drool.
Rose saw this, and her face wrinkled. She sneered in disgust.
“What’re you lookin’ at?”
Emmy glanced.
Her eyes went wide. Her grip on Serafina’s waist tightened, and she leaned over, whispering into the new girl’s ear.
“You’re drooling.”
Serafina licked her lips.
“L-l-legs,” she looked at her shoes. “Like chicken legs—“
Rose paled. The color drained from her face, the malice melting in an instant. A giggle nearly left Emmy’s chest.
Almost. She had a reputation to uphold.
She began to back away, then thought better of it. Her hellhound growled. It put a paw on Serafina’s arm.
Protecting it from would-be thieves.
Or an unaware owner.
She stood still, stiff as a telephone pole. Emmy could see beads of sweat cascading down her neck.
Rose cleared her throat.
“Wh-what do you want, Jaophon? Why aren’t you in class?”
Emmy leaned to the side, stealing a glance at Cerb.
The hellhound was big. Like a golden doodle, only neither golden nor a doodle.
A collar was attached to its neck, and she could just barely make out the words printed across its circumference—
“Cerby, huh? Cute name.”
Rose blushed, cheeks turning bright pink. She crossed her arms over her chest.
“Tell me what you two freaks want. Or else, I’ll—“
Emmy smiled. A strained smile.
“Talk to me like that again, and I’ll let Serafina here…” she gestured. “… make you her lunch.”
Serafina continued to stare at her legs. The front of her uniform was now damp with drool. She didn’t blink.
Her hands clenched into claws.
Her teeth gleamed.
The voice squeaked.
Rose sneered. Or tried to sneer. She looked sick.
“You… you wouldn’t.”
Emmy suddenly loosened her grip, and Serafina instantly lurched forward. It was only an inch. But it was enough.
Her claws dug into empty air. She giggled and struggled, trying to pull herself free.
Rose screamed.
She jumped. Her foot landed on Cerb’s paw. The hellhound didn’t so much as whine.
Emmy laughed, wrangling Serafina, holding her tighter than before.
The look on Rose’s face had been priceless. And her scream?!
She’d never heard Northstone scream. Ever. Not even during magientomology 101, where a fleshbeetle had once popped. In her hand.
“Ok! Ok! Ok!”
Rose gasped, arms crossed over her heaving chest. Tears were welling up.
“Just tell me what you want!”
Emmy pointed.
“Funny you should ask…”
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thelaughingstag · 3 years
I’ll go first!
Words: 868
Content warning: talk of death, resurrection
Summary: Sadie’s friends are using Taerand as a last resort to return Sadie’s soul to her body.
Taerand’s angular features were unyielding as he stared at the elf and two dragonborns standing on the other side of his ornate wooden desk. Kireen stared back just as hard, her arms folded. It was clear none of this sat well with her. As stark contrast to Kireen’s moodiness, K’lai’a’la stood partially behind Kireen’s arm, peering out at the domineering high elf with wide eyes. She didn’t like him and she especially did not like being contained in his room.
“I will not be doing this for free, as you know. In exchange for fetching Sadie’s soul, I simply require the three of you to be available when I need you,” his voice was smooth and carried a business-like quality but Kireen could had spent enough time around nobles to know that disrespecting him would reveal a darker side she wasn’t eager to see.
“So you are asking for an open ended promise of service?” Kireen failed at keeping the annoyance from slipping out through the frown on her scaled face and her furrowed brow.
“No. I am asking for a single favor, the nature of which I am unsure of at the moment. I just know that all of your skills will be useful to me sometime in the near future,” Taerand seemed unconcerned with her hesitancy, clasping his hands loosely in front of him. His surety that they would accept made Kireen’s sword-hand twitch.
“In the near future? Sounds like you already know what you want us to do and just don’t want to tell us before we agree. What’s the point of bringing Sadie back if you just send us to our deaths again?”
Taerand quirked an eyebrow, his only sign of amusement. “Again? I had nothing to do with your friend’s death. I believe it was your decision to set the forest alight as you stood in it. My terms are final. If you wish to see your friend alive again, you will agree to owe me a simple favor. However, as a sign of good faith, I will agree to call upon it within the month. But that is the only concession I will make.”
The sound of Kireen’s teeth grinding together made K’lai’a’la glare at Taerand from her shelter behind Kireen’s back. Donar, who was stoically silent during this discussion stepped forward.
“I have no connection to the halfling and I have no interest in owing you anything. I will take my pay for the return of your emerald and be done with this business.”
Kireen’s head whipped toward Donar and she bared her teeth. “You’re going to leave us like this? You were the one that failed to save Sadie when you had the chance and now you are stopping us from bringing back our friend?!” her voice grew louder as she spoke until the last word bounced off of the walls back at them. Taerand’s face grew dark and he spoke directly to Kireen,
“You will keep your tone civil in my home or I will rescind the deal entirely and dispose of the corpse sullying my basement,” the sudden authority in his voice made even Kireen take a step backward. “Good. Donar, I will give you your pay and you may leave. For you two,” he gave Kireen and K’lai’a’la a pointed look “the deal still stands if you wish to take it. You may have a few minutes to discuss.” Taerand opened a drawer in his desk and removed a small leather bag that jingled softly. He wordlessly held it out to Donar who stepped forward and took it. Without another word, Donar left the room, tucking the bag into his pocket as he left.
The study was silent. Kireen did not know what to do. She needed to get Sadie back. She swore a silent oath to herself when they entered the forest that she would protect the members of her group and she failed. Sadie was left to fend for herself as the fire chased them. Kireen didn’t even think to help her but she should have, it would have been nothing to pick her up and take her to safety but she simply didn’t and that fact had been eating away at her for days. Perhaps they could return to the witch but they already knew the price. It was steep enough that maybe bringing back one life would cause others to lose theirs. This seemed the safest option but this elf was so smug. She would hate knowing that she was bound to serve him even if it was just one favor. As Kireen mentally chewed on her thoughts, she heard K’lai’a’la’s timid voice.
“I will give you favor if you give us Sadie.”
A smile spread across Taerand’s face that was neither friendly nor outright malicious but it certainly did not inspire confidence. “Done. And you?” He looked at Kireen as though he knew he had won and he had. Kireen couldn’t let K’lai’a’la serve this slimy elf by herself. “Fine,” she spat and spun around, making for the door with K’lai’a’la at her heels.
“You will have your friend back in three days time,” his self-satisfied tone made Kireen want to gag.
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innocentbi-stander · 4 years
just stumbled across your blog in my conquest to consume all feral and bamf Jaskier content within 24 hours, and i read your headcanons for necromancer Jaskier and was wondering if you had anymore, or if you had a small ficlet involving some sort of necromancer Jaskier?? (i also saw your demigod Jaskier, where he was a son of Hades, and LOVED IT) if you don't, or aren't into that trope, that's okay. i absolutely love what you've already written. god-tier writing, truly
Hi there! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my writing! I do have a small little ficlet that I wrote that I posted on ao3 featuring necromancer Jaskier, I’ll link it below! However I’m also never above writing more necromancer Jaskier content, so here you are:
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25272997
Sometimes Jaskier cursed the day Death had made a pact with his unborn soul, tying him to the immortal life of a necromancer and all of the bizarre powers that came with it.
Today was not one of those days.
Because when you’ve been locked in a cage in the depths of some decrepit castle after being ambushed on the road with your witcher boyfriend and badass witch friend, those powers really come in handy. 
The bard pulled himself up into a sitting position on the cold stone floor, taking a look at his surroundings.
He was clearly in the dungeon of a long forgotten keep, by the look of the worn stone walls and rusted bars. The room was dark, and shadows flickered in the light of the few torches along the wall.
Jaskier cursed to himself as he felt the ache of his head, where he had been knocked unconscious during the attack.
The attack. The attack on the path that he had most certainly not been alone for.
A look around the cells confirmed the location of Geralt and Yennefer, each located in their own cells across the room. Clearly their attackers had deemed them the more worthy threat, as Geralt was weighed down in chains and Yennefer sported her own pair of silver cuffs decorated in runes. Magic suppressants. 
Jaskier scoffed. They hadn’t even bothered to use rope to bind his arms, too confident that the supposedly human bard would be little more than a nuisance. It was their mistake.
The pounding of his head moved into the background of his thoughts, and Jaskier became increasingly aware of a pain in his stomach. His fingers that caressed the area came away covered in blood. Shit.
Flashes of memory reminded him of the man who had run him through with his sword when one hit to the skull hadn’t stopped him from fighting back. On any other human this wound would have been fatal. For Jaskier, it meant a bothersome hole through his torso for a few days, and a very fussy witcher poking at his bandages and offering bowl and bowl of soup.
Yay necromancy powers. 
The bard lazily scanned the inside of his cell, looking for anything that might aid them in their mistake. Not that he necessarily needed any assistance, but Jaskier wasn’t fond of revealing the true depths of his powers to anyone, much less some low budget crew of hired bandits. He preferred to keep his abilities known to the few, better to be underestimated than overtaken.
He spared a glance over to the corner where Geralt and Yennefer lay. Jaskier sighed, a long and bothersome sound. For such a great witcher and even mightier witch couldn’t they wake up a little bit faster? He’d prefer being able to break them out when they could walk on their own, Jaskier didn’t think he could haul either of them back to their campsite. 
As if on cue a small moan sounded from the other side of the dungeon.
Jaskier glanced up to meet violet eyes blinking at him. 
“Ah, Yennefer, welcome to the land of the living! Or should I say ‘land of the living, also occupied by me’?” 
“Jaskier?” Yennefer’s brow furrowed, “What happened?”
“It appears as if we were attacked by bandits on the way back to the campsite, and not even clever ones at that. Hired men. Probably from that lordling Geralt and I pissed off a contract back. He seemed like the type for stupid baseless vengence.” Yennefer sat up, pulling herself to her feet to pace her cell. She jangled the cuffs on her wrists.
“Magic resistant cuffs. They must have been fairly well informed.” Jaskier laughed.
“Not well informed enough it seems. They haven’t bound me at all.” He flashed his unbound arms at her along with a smirk. A stupid mistake really, he had forgotten the blood that streaked his hands and forearms from his middle. Maybe Yen wouldn’t see.
Yennefer, clever witch that she is, noticed immediately. She crossed to the front of her cell, narrowing her eyes at him through the darkness.
“Jaskier, are you hurt?” 
The look on Yennefer’s face had killed better men than he. 
“We’ve talked about not covering up injuries to look braver. That includes you too.” Jaskier had a will as strong as a limp noodle when it came to his witcher and his witcher. So he fessed up immediately.
“One of the men may have poked me a little with his sword when they nabbed us on the road.” 
“Fine, he ran me through like he was intending to make the most musically inclined shish kebob known to mankind. Happy?”
“Ecstatic. Are you still bleeding?”
Jaskier sucked in a breath as he peeled up his blood-soaked shirt. Even though he wasn’t technically dying, that didn’t mean it didn’t still hurt like a bitch. He winced at the blood running down his stomach in little rivulets.
“Yeah, it’s still bleeding a little.” Yennefer cursed.
“Fuck. We need to get out of here as soon as possible or you’re going to have to end up taking one of my blood replenishing potions again.”
Jaskier resolved to leave immediately. Those potions were fucking disgusting. Luckily, Geralt seemed to sense the urgency and chose that moment to reawaken.
“The fuck?” Geralt threw himself to his feet at the ready as quick as one wrapped in chains possibly could. Yennefer clapped her hands together, drawing his attention to her.
“Fantastic Geralt, you’re finally up. It appears we’ve been kidnapped, you’re covered in chains, I’ve got magic suppressing cuffs, and Jaskier’s been run through with another man’s steel.”
Nothing got Geralt furious quicker than hearing of harm done to his bard.
“Jaskier?” The witcher pressed himself against the bars of his cell, eyes searching to meet Jaskier’s own. He raised his arm in an awkward wave, trying not to flinch at the steadily increasing pain.
“Hello Geralt. Lovely day to get stabbed, isn’t it?” Geralt wasn’t amused.
“Are you okay?’
“I’ll be better as soon as we get the fuck out of this awful, disgusting dungeon. I feel like I’m going to catch a disease just from brushing up the wall in here. Now how about I get us the hell out of here?”
The look on Geralt and Yennefer’s faces was one of intense worry as they watched Jaskier heave himself to his feet, almost gagging at the pain that flared throughout his stomach. Geralt barely stopped himself from reaching out to assist him, realizing that he’d never be able to help through the iron bars between them.
“You don’t have to Jaskier. You’re hurt, you need the energy to heal, not drain it summoning the undead. We can find another way.” Jaskier laughed.
“Another way? You’re covered in chains and Yen’s locked off from her magic. I can get us out of here, and then take a nice long nap.” 
He met Geralt and Yennefer’s eyes, waiting for each of them to nod their assent before his next actions.
The bard held out a hand in front of him, closing his eyes and letting his subconscious drag down into the earth below. He could feel his power begin to condense in his fingertips, creating a soft blue glow. His power sent a call out to the underworld, and a smile crossed his face when he felt something answer.
Jaskier opened his eyes to see a skeleton pulling itself from the earth in front of his cell. As soon as it stood in front of him, it swept into a low bow and hissed words in a language foreign to all living beings except those with a connection to Death. 
Jaskier grinned.
“Hello there! As you can see, we’re in a little bit of a predicament, if you wouldn’t mind it would be great if you could release us?”
The skeleton spared no second thought before enacting Jaskier’s wishes, ripping open the bars of his cell like they were made of paper, and proceeding to do the same for Yen and Geralt and their bonds. 
Just as the skeleton was finishing up with Geralt’s chains, a troop of bandits swarmed into the dungeon, a man dressed in red at the head.
He was no doubt the leader of the crew, and was understandably shocked to see all of his prisoners standing free. 
“I hate to interrupt the part of this whole ordeal where you’ve undoubtedly come down here to tell us all about your evil plan of capturing us, who hired you, and what’s going to become of us, but I’m afraid we simply must go. Places to be, and all that. Luckily you won’t have to go explaining to the lordling who hired you why we’ve gone missing, because you’ll be a little preoccupied dealing with some of my dear friends!” Jaskier performed a lazy wave of his hand, his fingertips resuming the familiar glowing blue hue. The bandit seemed to be having trouble processing what exactly was going on.
“What-how,” he sputtered, but was interrupted by the screams of his men in the halls behind him. The clickity clack of bone on the stone floors brought a smile to Jaskier’s face, and the tears of flesh and ligaments being torn away filled the dungeon. The men spun around, attention taken by the new imminent threat, swords raising in shaking hands. Too easy.
Jaskier felt a hand tug on his shoulder, and was pulled through a door into a forgotten corridor after Yen and Geralt. They traipsed down hallway after hallway, collecting Jaskier’s lute and Geralt’s confiscated swords. 
After a few minutes Jaskier’s steps became less steady, and his knees began to feel more like jelly. The third time the bard had to grab the wall for support Geralt lifted him into his arms seamlessly, making sure he was comfortable before ambling on. 
It wasn’t long until they reached sunlight, but by then the world had already begun to go hazy for Jaskier. He had used up too much of his energy summoning the undead and he had lost too much blood. 
Jaskier allowed the gentle rocking of Geralt’s pace to lull him to sleep, his eyelids drifting shut against the midday sun. He knew that when he woke he would be safe and the campsite, protected in his lover’s arms and soon to be met with his overbearing fussing. There would be a warm bowl of stew, a roaring fire, and plenty of blankets. There would be laughter as Yennefer told the tale of the most recent fool who had dared to cross her, and Geralt would bury his face in Jaskier’s hair to disguise his amused smile. It would be home.
Jaskier closed his eyes, and allowed himself to dream.
Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to send more prompts!
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Blood for Blood: An Owl House Story Chapter 1 Part 5
Here’s part 5! Everybody clap your hands!!
Thunder and lightning crashed, illuminating the ominous visage of the building known only as The Conformatorium. Just the name made Luz want to retch.
Luz turned to Eda, a flat stare on her face. “You lied.” She should’ve known this was gonna happen. It was so obvious! The ominous name, the implied danger, it was all there! Eh, she would’ve done it anyway. 
“You said this would be a fun place, and you lied.” Ordinarily the bark of laughter she got from Eda would’ve served to annoy her, but right now? All Luz could think about was the thrill, the rush of the heist. “Alright, so what’s the game plan?” 
She drew back both arms and stretched them out, idly taking notice of the nearby bounty poster of Eda and- WOW that’s a lot of zeroes. Hmmm.... no, bad Luz, no contemplating turning in the nice witch lady for the reward money and breaking her out later. It never works.
“Well, kid.” Eda began, deftly snatching the poster off the wall and smugly stashing it in her nest of hair. She twirled her staff, generating a glowing platform before them. “You and King are gonna use this platform here to get to the top of the Conformatorium and make your way to the vault. I’m gonna go and cause a distraction so the two of you don’t get caught.” 
Luz nodded, it was a good plan, if a little basic, but Eda definitely had the look of experience that said she had done this sort of thing before. The huffs and grunts behind her, and Eda’s muffled laughter, caused Luz to turn her head, taking in the frankly, adorable sight of King struggling to lift himself on to the platform. 
With a snort, Luz flipped on her hood, best not to let anyone peg on to her being human right now, and smoothly lifted herself and King onto the platform.
With a flick of the wrist and a cheery salute, Eda sent them on their way. As the window that would serve as their entry point drew nearer, Luz tucked King under one arm, ignoring his protests of course, and prepped herself to jump. 
As the platform reached its apex, predictably just out of reach of the window, to Luz’s deadpan, Luz sprung into action. With an expert flip, and a self-reminder to thank Mami for insisting on Parkour lessons, Luz leapt through the window and stuck a three-point landing on the other side.
King blinked, struggling momentarily forgotten. “Huh. Gotta say, you got some good moves human.” What else could he say? King of Demons or not, he knew skill when he saw it, and this human girl had it in spades. He wondered where she learned though.
With a cheeky grin, Luz headed deeper into the prison. As she analyzed the environment around her, she never knew when she might need to know the layout of this place after all, Luz’s attention was drawn by a shout to the side.
“Hey, Cat Lady?” Did this vampire looking chick call her a- oh, wait, her hood. Right. “How’d you get out of your cell?” 
Eh, fair question, and she probably had a little time before Eda got a big enough ruckus going anyway. Even if King moved on ahead, it wasn’t like his tiny legs could carry him very far.
“Oh, I’m not a cat.” Luz replied, lightly tugging on her hood to show. She then made a move to take a closer look at the cells. “I’m not a prisoner either. I gotta ask, what did you guys even do to end up in a lovely place like this?” She made sure to inject enough sarcasm into her voice so that it didn’t go unnoticed, and by the smirks she got, the prisoners got it too.
The vampire-looking one let out a huff of bitter amusement, the kind you here from someone who’s so used to the crap life throws at them that they start to find it funny. 
“We didn’t fit in.” 
Whoa, back up. Her shock, and most likely anger must’ve shown on her face, ‘cause the prisoner elaborated. 
“Heh, you must be pretty new around here if you don’t know things work in Bonesburough. Me? I got locked up for writing fanfiction about food falling in love with each other.” There was no mistaking the bitter sadness in her voice, and on a side note, Luz was very interested in reading her work, but now wasn’t the time. 
The multi-eyed prisoner spoke up next, “I’m here because I like to eat my own eyes.” He liked to wha- oh, he literally popped out his eyes, swallowed them, and they grew back. Huh, a little creepy, but harmless, apparently. A muffled yelling could be heard coming form the last cell, which turning to revealed a small white creature that seemed to be all head. 
The fanfic prisoner piped up, dry amusement in her voice, “Yeah, she’s big on conspiracy theories, and really hates the government. She got so loud the guards rigged up a gag connected to her cell; it only opens when it’s time to eat, or the cell opens.” Now that? That was just cruelty.
“Yeah, none of those things are actual, you know, crimes, right?” The solemn nods she got cemented it. No way was she leaving these guys here. When you ran outside the law, you always accepted the risk that you would end up behind bars. 
These guys? They did NOTHING that would justify keeping them here, and there was no way Luz Noceda would stand for it either! With a grunt of anger, Luz rushed for the nearby switch to the cells, panting and yanking at it, silently cursing herself for neglecting her muscle training lately. Before she could make any headway, an ominous thumping started coming her way.
Luz quickly ducked into the nearest cell, shooting a grateful glance at the Fanfic Writer as she lightly pushed Luz further into the shadows to hide her. As the hulking, massive figure of what could only be Warden Wrath himself stepped into view, Luz felt a surge of blistering rage at the person responsible for these guys being stuck here. 
“I can hear you.” Jeez, even his voice sounded sadistic. What did this guy do, gargle hot lava for effect every morning?
“What are you fools whispering about? Ah... the Owl Lady.” Her murmured, catching sight of one of Eda’s posters on the ground, crushing it in his grasp. 
“She escaped me before, but she won’t this time.” Oh boy, this guy had it out for Eda specifically, meaning this whole thing was starting to feel a little trap-like. At the muffled shouts of the gagged Conspiracy Prisoner got louder, Wrath calmly stepped over to the switch for the cells. Luz didn’t like where this was heading.
Her fears were proven right as, upon being released, both from the cell and the gag, Tiny Nose instantly rushed Wrath and started feebly pelting his leg. In response, Wrath calmly bent down, and crushed Tiny Nose in his grip. 
As her stomach churned at the sadistic act, Luz idly noted his control to be able to leverage just enough force to hurt Tiny Nose without killing her.
“Let this be a lesson to you, there is no place in society if you can’t fit in.” And there was that blistering rage again. Hi Rage! Yeah, this guy had just upgraded himself from threat to someone who she was going to have to hurt. Sorry Eda, but there was no way Luz was leaving without giving this freak a lasting reminder of herself.
“Go on kid.” With the warden gone, the prisoners finally found their voices again. “Enjoy freedom for us.” With a sad smile, the Writer Prisoner insistently sent Luz on her way, adding yet another reason to put the hurt on Wrath before she was done. 
Sending one last sad glance back herself, Luz made her way over to a slightly worried King up ahead. She wasn’t having fun anymore. She just wanted to get this over with.
I was gonna make this the last part of chapter 1, but decided to split it into six instead. Everybody clap your hands!!
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theresebelivetirl · 4 years
Galentine’s Day
note: [ hi there, everyone ! this is a madame spellman fic, in which Lilith is jealous & possessive over Zelda. This was a request by @fionaloover​ ! i hope you enjoy, dear ! 💛]
warnings: [light mentions of smut]
words: 1200
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“Aunt Zee, will you please come to the Sweetheart’s Dance? We only need one more chaperone! Ever since Principle Hawthorne left Baxter High, they’ve been looking for someone to fill his spot.”
Zelda scoffed, taking a puff of her cigarette as Sabrina pleaded with her.
“Sabrina, you know very well that I do not attend mortal events. Especially for a holiday that is to celebrate a false ‘saint’.”
She practically gagged at the idea. Zelda was not one to say no to her niece, who managed to achieve world’s hardest-to-refuse puppy eyes. However, this was the mortal holiday of which she most despised.
“Besides, Sabrina, Lupercalia coincides when mortal Valentine’s Day. You know I simply cannot miss that ritual. Tonight, is the matching, the commencement of the Lupercalian celebration.”
“But, I—“
Before Sabrina could protest, Zelda cut her off by saying, “Why don’t you ask your Aunt Hilda? She does not participate in Lupercalia and I’m certain that she and her mortal will gleefully take part in your debacle.”
Sabrina gave a childish “hmph” in return, and stormed off to her Auntie Hilda, arms crossed over her chest.
Zelda’s eyes lingered on her niece as she left, the tiniest bit of guilt written across her features.
She shook her head free of this unpleasant emotion, however, and ambled up the stairs to her room.
As discussed with Sabrina, the events of Lupercalia were to begin later that night. She and Faustus had been mutually flirting with each other for quite some time, which was fueled by Zelda’s lust for power. She had nearly secured Faustus under her thumb, and tonight, she planned, would seal the deal. She abhorred the concept of love, especially the likes of Father Blackwood. But the promise of power had Zelda lusty and ardent.
As Zelda stood in front of the body length mirror in her room, changing out of her day attire, Lilith appeared before her, a trail of flames in her wake.
Zelda gasped in embarrassment, picking up the closest article of clothing and covering her chest.
“Lilith, I-I. This is—“
“Oh, please,” the demoness said coolly, sauntering over to her with sashaying hips.
“It’s nothing I haven’t seen before,” she purred. Extending a slender finger, Lilith ran a red nail over the witch’s jawline. Zelda’s eyes fluttered closed, the witch lowering the garment to the ground.
“To what do I owe this Lupercalian pleasure?” the demoness inquired, taking a step back to admired Zelda’s alabaster frame.
“Actually, Lilith, I—“ she cleared her throat, in an attempt to steady herself. “Tonight, I will be hosting the event at the Academy. Along with Faustus Blackwood.”
This caught Lilith off guard, her eyes going dark in response.
“You’re,” she gave a scoffed chuckle, “you’re going to celebrate Lupercalia with that peccary, Blackwood?”
“Well...” she swallowed thickly. “Yes. Besides, it is my duty.”
The mother of demon’s stepped closer Zelda again, nearly nose to nose with her now.
“Do you forget yourself, dearest? That pale little flesh suit of yours belongs to me.”
Zelda’s chest puffed out in defiance, and she straightened up, backing away from Lilith in protest.
“Lilith, I know that we have been...seeing each other for some time, now. But I crave power. And Faustus can give me that.”
Lilith scoffed again, eyes flickering with growing contempt.
“Ah, I see. Well, the only means of attaining the power from Blackwood is by marrying him. So, that is your plan? Which, in turn, must mean that you love him?” she asked, tauntingly, in hopes to rile Zelda up.
Zelda’s jaw clenched, her teeth coming out to chew on her bottom lip.
“That is neither here nor there, Lilith. What matters is that I am very quickly moving up the ranks at the Academy.”
“So, if it’s power you’re after, kitten, dear...why hadn’t you asked sooner?”
At this, Zelda nearly broke with ridiculed laughter.
“Are you proposing that I ask you for power?” Zelda jeered. “Satan’s concubine? Please, Lilith. If there’s anything that you could give me, power is certainly not on that list.”
Lilith expression fell, her air of confidence and pride faltering.
“What?” she asked meekly, attempting to hide her aggrieve.
“You know exactly what I mean. And, while our time together rather licentious, it must come to an end tonight.”
Lilith attempted to open her mouth, but she had lost all resolve, Zelda’s words hitting her like a ton of bricks.
“Fine,” Lilith seethed, coolly. “Enjoy your ravenous endeavors, my pet.”
With that, she burst into flames, teleporting back to whence she came.  
Later that night, after the matching, each witch and warlock pair were to go off in ‘unholy abstinence’. After every pair had flocked off into the woods, there was one basket left over. With a smirk, Zelda held the extra basket up in Blackwood’s direction.
“There appears to be an extra basket, Faustus,” Zelda said, a smirk playing upon her lips.
“Shame to let it go to waste,” he replied, just as darkly as she.
She grasped his hand in her free one, and the two of them followed their younger charges into the woods.
Once settled, small talk was made amongst the two- a weak attempt at the abstinence that was so encouraged before the hunt. Before long, though, the two of them were entangled in each other, Faustus’s fingers combing Zelda’s long, strawberry blonde hair.
After a few moments of venereal acts, though, the witch heard Lilith’s dark laughter ringing in her ears.
“Faustus,” she began fervently, breathless. “D-did you hear that?”
“Hear what, my pet?” Zelda attempted to blink the confusion out of her eyes. Before her was Faustus’s body, but the voice of Lilith was speaking through him. Before Zelda had a chance to quiet her racing mind, Blackwood’s body transformed into Lilith, revealing the glamor that Lilith had cast.
“Lilith,” Zelda muttered, face stone cold. “A glamor? Where is Faustus?”
The demoness tutted. “You needn’t worry about him. He is safely tucked away until I have had my way with you. You are my Lupercalian pleasure, and I plan on making the most out of this night.”
Lilith grabbed a fistful of Zelda’s hair and tugged hard, causing Zelda to hiss. Just a beat later, Lilith had smashed their lips together in a fervent fashion, tongue roaming over her lips and into her mouth, hungrily.
“I said that-that our acts of coitus ended tonight.”
“Need I remind you again, my dearest? You. Are. Mine,” Lilith reminded, hands untangling from Zelda’s hair, and squeezing her breasts with the same intensity. After a few moments of foreplay, Lilith pulled away, practically jeering at Zelda. “I sense no form of protest.”
“My arrangement with Faustus still stands,” the younger witch stated, simply.
“I will allow you to continue seeing him, simply because I love and adore you. And you should have everything your heart desires. But first and foremost, you must know that you are mine. That Zelda Spellman belongs to me.”
The witch nodded again in agreement; a weight seemingly lifted off her shoulders. She had wished, so badly, that pleasure and power could go hand and hand.
“We shall talk later, my pet, about our earlier conversation. But, tonight will be spent on your pleasure.”
Madame Satan licked her lips hungrily, her eyes roaming Zelda’s slender, pale body before continuing their libidinous desires. 
“My Zelda.”
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missjosie27 · 4 years
Year 3 Part 10- Defending
Hello, everyone.
Welcome back to another chapter. As we last left off, Barnaby officially joined David's side and we get to see some of the ramifications of that today. Wonder what poor Merula thinks of that XD
Elora Dunn I made a Hufflepuff in this version as opposed to Gryffindor. Seemed redundant with a character like Ben already in that house.
Also in this chapter I will feature a small cameo from Chester Davies. My character is a Gryffindor so of course we don't see him that much but I head cannoned him to show up at some point so I hope I did him justice. It is a small bit of filler in here today but as with everything in my story, it's all about the small details and development. Two more to go for Year 3! Enjoy!
If it were any other Slytherin, the new addition to the cursebreaking squad might have been quite awkward. With Barnaby the fit was so seamless, it was though he’d already known everyone for years. Despite his reputation as being one of the toughest kids in school with a penchant for dueling, winning him over revealed a key aspect of his character: that in reality he was just a big softie.
Barnaby loved to duel and learn new spells, his physical strength was immense (as evidenced by being able to lift Rowan off the ground using one hand with ease) and he was already quite tall for his age. But he also carried many other previously unknown attributes, the first of which was that he had a way with animals. He took particular interests in bowtruckles and nifflers, being the only person who knew how to tame them. Professor Kettleburn was so impressed, he made him a full time protege in handling more dangerous creatures such as hippogriffs and even the invisible thestrals.
He also loved to eat and would consume so much food in one sitting that one of the prefects at the Hufflepuff table actually had to ask him to save some for the first years. But above all else, Barnaby Lee at his core was a kind person and despite not being academically inclined, had a simple way of expressing things that put a problem into perspective. Perhaps most telling was that he never truly desired to hurt anyone and would defend those he cared about with vigor.
He explained all of this to Penny in Herbology, who giggled at some of the stories.
“Honestly, I’m actually really glad you introduced him to us the other night, even if he consumed half the food on the table,” she laughed. “I know most people think he’s slow, but he’s so sweet. Chiara went redder than a strawberry when he complimented her necklace.”
The aforementioned girl proceeded to flush the same color.
“I did not!” she protested.
David rolled his eyes as he tended to his dried nettles.
“That’s just because you girls think he’s handsome.”
Penny gave him a playful swat on the head.
“It is not...okay maybe a little.”
David clutched his hands together in a girly, romantic gesture and began speaking in a mock feminine tone.
“Oh Barnaby Lee, he’s ever so dreamy with his green eyes and enormous jaw!”
That earned him a triple swat, this time from Penny, Tonks, and Chiara.
“Focus on your dried nettles, dears!” Professor Sprout called out spotting the mischief from her place at the center of the table.
“Sorry, Professor!” David called out and he added some water to his pot.
“He’s handsome don’t get me wrong, but he’s not my type,” Tonks commented.
“What is your type?”
The pink haired witch shrugged.
“Don’t know really. Haven’t thought about it much.”
“I know Penny and Chiara have been thinking about Madam Puddifoot’s tea shop,” David joked as he falsely gagged, while ducking another swipe from a giggling Penny. “Anyway, the point is, Barnaby is a good bloke. And he’s dead useful to have around.”
“I’m surprised you of all people have accepted someone from Slytherin so readily,” Rowan teased him, coming up behind him to borrow some soil.
“Hey I’m a pretty easy going bloke, I can admit when I’m wrong.”
“Except when it comes to Slytherin apparently,” Tonks teased, which earned her a splat of dung on her robes.
Despite the jokes, the more David was able to get to know Barnaby the more he could feel his animosity slip away. In fact, he almost didn’t mind when the Slytherins became the favorites to win the Quidditch Cup after trouncing Hufflepuff 400-70, the key word being ‘almost’. But there was a practical side to it as well. Upon learning her former minion switched sides, Merula was beside herself with rage and began embarking on a campaign to make both of their lives as difficult as possible. Her taunting became subdued but she constantly attempted to blow up his cauldron in potions, put a flobberworm down the back of his pants, and tried hexing him on more than one occasion in the corridors. It was a mark of frustration; she was no closer to finding the vault but the constant attempts at sabotage began to wear thin.
“You need to learn how to properly defend yourself,” Barnaby told him one day after potions class, a session in which Merula caused the fire underneath his cauldron to flare, which singed off his eyebrows.
“I already know how to defend myself, I’ve beaten Merula in every proper duel we’ve had,” he argued keeping his head down, trying not to let passerbys witness his eyebrow less state.
“Most duels aren’t ‘proper’, Dave. Especially not if Merula is the one starting them. It’s better to be prepared for all kinds of ways people will try to attack you.”
“How come she leaves you alone?” he bemoaned.
“Oh, she doesn’t,” Barnaby admitted. “First she yelled at me and told me I was a traitor so I don’t sit with her anymore. Then she somehow snuck into my dorm and put bulbadox powder into my sheets. I was itching for days after that...”
“-that’s good to know-”
“But you still have a lot to learn. Especially defense.”
“Bill Weasley taught me a few things,” David offered.
“Did he?” Barnaby asked with wonder. “I’ve always heard the Weasley family loved the color orange. Don’t know much about their dueling, though.”
“Er right...well Bill’s definitely talented there’s no doubt about that. Perhaps we could work together on improving.”
Barnaby puffed up his chest with pride.
“If there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s how to fight and teach others how to do it. Also I’ve always wanted to duel a fifth year!”
“We’ll get a spar going soon, mate,” David promised. “In the meantime, I need Madam Pomfrey to regrow my bloody eyebrows.”
It turned out to be solid advice. Though his offensive prowess was high, especially for his age, it turned out the third year Gryffindor did not know much about spells that would protect him from harm as well as cause it. This became apparent when both Bill and Barnaby bested him by simply using shield charms to block whatever he cast. In an effort to improve and become more versatile, he began learning defensive strategies and the application of the shield charm itself. The burly Slytherin also warned him that Merula and Ismelda were constantly studying in the library and by the fireside in an effort to gain an edge when the inevitable rematch occurred.
With Merula Snyde, it’s more like a never ending rematch
However, what he didn’t know was all of this was about to come in handy in a most unexpected way.
It all happened quite suddenly and quite by accident.
On an average Saturday morning in early April, David was walking back from his brother’s room after another planning session with Tulip when he noticed Argus Filch prowling along the usual route past the Transfiguration classroom. Though he technically wasn’t doing anything wrong, he still didn't want the caretaker to cast a suspicious eye towards him anywhere near the secret location. So he took a detour through the gardens instead.
Inside the viaduct architecture, he was idly wondering to himself how close Rowan was to breaking the final bit of code inside his brother’s notebook (as well as how pretty Penny looked in her new jumper dress and spring boots) when he noticed something peculiar and also a bit disturbing. Over by the large tree where some the older students liked to hang out, he noticed five of them were standing over a smaller, terrified looking girl who was practically trembling with fear.
Part of himself told him that it wasn’t his business and it was best not to get involved. But the sense of justice, always strong in his persona, prevailed and he made an abrupt perpendicular cut across the grass and towards the commotion. As he drew closer he could hear the dialogue, which only served to feed his temper.
“...didn’t mean to. Please, I don’t want to fight.”
“Shoulda thought of that before you nosed into an area that you don’t belong in,” one of the lead bullies said harshly.
“B-but it’s not your area,” the little girl argued. “It’s for everyone who goes to Hogwarts!”
By now, David had a better look. The girl in question was a first year Hufflepuff who definitely fit the part of someone traditionally ‘uncool’. Thick glasses, short, copper colored brown hair, an oversized sweater to couple with several books clutched in her small hands. There were five who were currently bullying the poor first year, three boys and two girls, at least half of which were from Slytherin and the other two appeared to be Ravenclaw. The leader was a sixth year he recognized as Hadrian Flint, a member of a prominent family of the same name, a brown haired, freckle faced boy with poor teeth and an upward nose that reeked of arrogance. Also present was Ismelda Murk for some reason, who looked as though she happened upon the scene and was along for whatever kicks she could find.
“Just beat it, kid,” one of the Ravenclaws said. “This is our spot. Don’t make us do this the hard way.”
“And besides, Hogwarts doesn’t belong to people like you,” Flint told her nastily while his Slytherin companion nodded in agreement.
“And who would that be exactly?”
His unannounced presence caused Hadrian to spin around and face his challenger. His face immediately became a pronounced sneer.
“Get lost, Gryffindor. This doesn’t concern you.”
“Don’t be shy, Flint. Let the whole world know what you were about to say. I’m sure it will be most enlightening.”
Flint took a step forward but was soon informed by his companion who exactly this Gryffindor was with a whisper to the ear.
“Ahh...the cursebreaker. Well how bout I cut you a deal since I’m feeling right generous today. You go back to your curses and I’ll go back to this curse. Sound fair?”
“She didn’t have any idea this spot is where the older students hang out. Let her go.”
Though Hadrian was taller, David was not about to back down. He knew the reason he was picking on this poor girl and despite being outnumbered was not about to let her become the victim of a borderline torture session like Diana Blishwick the previous year.
“Mudbloods like her don’t deserve anything except learning their place,” Ismelda spoke now, a vicious gleam forming in her cold, gray eyes.
“Shut your hole, Izzy. I’m not even sure what you’re doing here but I do know that Merula’s boots need polishing. Give them some extra shine, will ya?”
Ismelda pulled out her wand in retaliation for the remark but Flint told her off in equally harsh fashion.
“Stow it you greasy giraffe neck. Honestly you could be Snape’s daughter with that hair.”
David might have laughed had the older Slytherin not been as equally reprehensible. The Ravenclaw girl and boy (which were evidently a couple) didn’t seem as perturbed anymore, but the rest of the group was hellbent on doing something awful to the muggle born Hufflepuff.
“Last chance. Leave or you suffer just as she does,” Flint told him menacingly. Again, David did not back down, instead he crossed over and put the much smaller girl behind him.
“Don’t make any sudden movements,” he told her. “And stay behind me. What’s your name?”
“Elora...Elora Dunn,” came the frightened reply.
“Well, Elora...brace yourself.”
He turned his attention back to Flint, Ismelda, and the other three students that were there. The Ravenclaws did nothing but the other two Slytherins withdrew their wands and Ismelda’s evil smirk grew wider.
“Have it your way then,” the tall Slytherin shrugged. “Immobilus! ”
“Protego! ”
It was his first attempt at using the spell in an actual battle and the results were quite effective. An invisible, reflective shield formed in front of himself and Elora Dunn, causing the spell to ricochet and deflect right back at its owner, freezing his body in place. Within seconds, Hadrian Flint toppled over in a heap on the grass.
It was a victory but a short lived one as the other two Slytherins readied their wands while David still guarded the first year girl. Given his narrow position and the fact that he was protecting someone else he doubted he could fend off two more opponents at the same time. Thankfully, it was not required as suddenly a prefect arrived at the scene, recognizing him to be Chester Davies, who was also head boy.
“Enough! You will stop this now!”
The Ravenclaw couple hadn’t drawn their wands in the first place, but Ismelda did not comply, sending a common cold hex towards David which missed, though the other Slytherin did heed the order.
“I said that’s enough! Five points from Slytherin!” Chester shouted, pointing directly at the third year Slytherin, who reluctantly relented, her pale expression now extremely sour.
“What in Merlin’s name is happening here?” he continued to inquire. “Dueling is forbidden.”
His gaze settled on David and he knew the time to explain was now. He had never interacted with Chester before though there was a chance he knew of his cursebreaking exploits. Either way it was best to act quickly.
“I didn’t start whatever you witnessed,” he told him. “Flint and his goons were attempting to harm Elora here.”
The first year Hufflepuff peeked out from behind his back at long last.
“It’s true. He defended me when I thought I was about to be hexed. They called me a uh…”
The poor thing, David thought sadly. She clearly had not heard that word used against her yet. Anger flared within him knowing it wouldn’t be the last.
He mouthed the word ‘mudblood’ to the Head Boy, who’s face reeled in horror. Chester Davies, known for his mellow, taciturn demeanor then unleashed quiet fury, first on the Ravenclaw couple.
“But we didn’t do anything!” the fifth year boy protested.
“You still threatened her,” Chester said coldly. “And by standing by and allowing the other three to do harm you have disgraced yourself.”
“The little brat wouldn’t leave!” the girl shouted back.
But that only served to further their scolding
“You claim to be part of our house and yet have the wit and foresight of a damp rag. I will be reporting this to Professor Flitwick and I will recommend detention for a week. Five points from Ravenclaw.”
Chester then took the time to reluctantly unfreeze Hadrian Flint, who immediately leapt to his feet and tried to spin a tale.
“You all saw it! He attacked me!”
“Stuff it, Flint,” the Ravenclaw immediately shut down. “I saw you cast the first spell and I know the word this one used to describe Miss Dunn,” she said, indicating Ismelda, who looked as though she wanted nothing more than to kill everyone present. “Rest assured, McGonagall will be informed as will Professor Snape.”
Furious and belligerent, Flint spat on the ground, uttering, “Blood traitor.”
David thought Chester might blow a gasket (he knew he would have) but instead he coolly regarded him as though he were simply another stone inside the Hogwarts walls.
“Better a blood traitor than what you are, Flint. Now get out of here.”
The tall, lanky Slytherin heeded her this time and shuffled away with his companion. Ismelda had seemingly skulked off as well.
“I’ll handle these two,” Chester told him, as he too ordered his housemates away. “You see to it that the first year gets back to the Hufflepuff common room. You did a good thing today.”
Admiration increased for the Head Boy as David nodded and looked over to Elora, giving a kind look.
“Come on, let’s go.”
As they walked back towards kitchens, he noticed Elora fidgeting as though she wanted to say something. Eventually, she mustered up the courage.
“Um...what’s your name?”
“David,” he replied simply.
“Thank you, David for saving me back there. I wish I was brave like you.”
He stopped just before they reached the barrels leading to the Hufflepuff common room and knelt down to make proper eye level contact with her.
“Elora, you’re already brave. At no point in time did you move when those gits asked you too. There wasn’t a braver person today in all of Hogwarts.”
She beamed so much David thought she might shed tears over the books she was carrying. Then, her face became puzzled.
“What was that name that girl called me?” came the innocent but horrifying question.
David sighed, he’d hoped it wouldn’t come to him having to explain something like that. But he wasn’t going to pull punches either. Someone like Elora needed to know the intentions of people such as Flint, Ismelda, and others.
“You come from a family with no magical background. Therefore some that do think you aren’t as good as they are,” he said sadly.
“But why?”
Therein lay the crux of the issue: why . Truth was, he could give many reasons why but none of them could adequately explain prejudice. It was something you lived through, but nothing about it was logical.
“It’s complicated,” came his reply. “Just know this: you are just as worthy to study magic as anyone else here. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise….also learning a few jinxes wouldn’t hurt either.”
“Can you teach me?”
Though he was a bit surprised, the innocent eyed look of this first year softened the dubiousness of his answer.
“Sure thing. We can find the time.”
Elora nodded and suddenly gave him a big hug, unexpectedly throwing off his balance.
“Ack! He...thanks kid.”
The first year tapped second barrel from the bottom in a distinct rhythm and skipped her way inside, but David didn’t immediately leave leave the area. He paused, willing himself not to drive himself into a fury over what just occurred.
Not all Slytherins are bad
Not all Slytherins are bad
David thought of Barnaby and how he was able to persuade him to change sides and the difference it made in his character. Or the eccentric Liz Tuttle helping him with potions ingredients. Then he thought of people like Ammon Lucian, Hadrian Flint, Ayla Yaxley, and Ismelda Murk and the pit of black vengeance returned, bubbling like tar ready to consume all who became entrapped in it.
As if to punctuate the conflict, Merula Snyde popped into his mind as did Liz Tuttle’s words regarding her
“Merula’s not all bad…well she’s mostly bad. But I know for a fact she’s had a hard life and she’s not always what she seems.”
He shook his head. What did she mean by that? He knew Merula’s parents were locked up in Azkaban but by all accounts she lived like a queen in Hertfordshire in the Snyde Manor. At no point in time had she ever apologized or bothered to show there was anything lurking beneath except vicious arrogance and deceit.
So why was there pain in her lavender eyes every time he beat her in a duel? Why was she so obsessed? What was it about him and his brother that Merula couldn’t let go?
David pushed those thoughts aside for now, having little time or patience to figure out the psychological ramifications of the house of snakes. There was homework to finish and another vault to find and break its curse.
If it took a few Slytherins, whether enemies or friends, to get there he would do so.
David never expected much to come of his deeds the previous Saturday. As far as he was concerned, the act of aiding Elora suited him just fine. They’d even scheduled a time to meet where he could show her a few spells. Come Monday, however, that changed.
While at breakfast with Ben, Charlie, and Jae (the latter of whom was chugging multiple goblets of milk on a bet) he was called to the head table by Professor McGonagall.
“David Grant!” she called out. “Please step forward.”
By this time, he temporarily forgot about what had happened and assumed whatever his head of house wanted was nothing good. Usually when they talked outside of class it was due to some trouble he’d been up to or the cursed vaults...oftentimes both.
“Yes, Professor?” he asked as he reached her place at the faculty chair.
“It has come to my attention that you were involved in an altercation last weekend involving a first year student and five others.”
David felt his heart quicken. Was she really about to punish him for doing the right thing?
“Yes...I was.”
But he need not have worried, for in the next moment she gave him a rare smile.
“Do not worry yourself, Mr. Grant. I know you were attempting to protect Miss Dunn from those who sought to make her feel unwelcome and unwanted.”
Her nostrils flared showing a subtle moment of anger before it vanished and she continued.
“Your actions are to be commended. Twenty points to Gryffindor for your courage and defense of those younger than yourself.”
Fear instantly turned to immense happiness as he reciprocated the smile.
“Thank you, Professor.”
“You are welcome. And do tell Mr. Kim that he will likely vomit if he continues in his high consumption of milk. I do not want a mess in the Great Hall nor in my classroom when it occurs today.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“I expect nothing less from one of my best Transfiguration students.”
He was sent on his way feeling considerably proud of himself for getting the normally strict and reserved Professor McGonagall to show not only a positive emotion but pride in him. And there was more yet to come. Before he could retake his seat, another familiar face confronted him, this time in the person of Angelica Cole.
“I heard what happened as well, David.”
“In case you were wondering, I earned twenty house points out of it so by your standards I should be showered with roses, am I right?”
Angelica rolled her eyes but her mouth twisted upwards in a smile all the same.
“Incorrigible as ever. But I want to echo McGonagall’s sentiments. Chester told me everything and what you did is precisely what our house is supposed to entail: courage, protecting those who cannot protect themselves.”
She paused before continuing.
“When we first met I thought you were going to be another troublemaker. But I was wrong. And I want to apologize.”
David was surprised, not necessarily by the apology (he and Angelica had gotten on fine this year) but the sentiment she was showing. There was a heavy amount of emotion in her eyes and an acute sense of something bigger at stake.
“Angelica, are you alright?”
“Do you know why I’m saying these things?” she asked him point blank.
“Because I’m just so naturally charming?”
“Because I’m leaving,” Angelica corrected, ignoring his joke. “I have less than two months left at Hogwarts before I graduate. And whether you realize it or not, you’re rising in seniority. David, I want you to take my place after I’m gone.”
He blinked a couple of times, hardly daring to believe his ears.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I know it isn’t coming for at least two more years. But before I leave Hogwarts I’m going to recommend to Professor McGonagall that you be made prefect when your time comes. Through everything there is a quality you have that stands out: leadership.”
David couldn’t help but remain shocked at the ringing endorsement but there it was. He had gone from pain in the arse to leadership material in the span of two years. Nevertheless, he thanked his prefect sincerely.
“Angelica...this means a great deal. I can’t thank you enough.”
“Thank yourself,” she said smiling. “I told you at the beginning of the year that you were worth more than wisecracks and being Jacob Grant’s younger brother. You’ve earned that distinction and much more.”
The conversation ended as the seventh year was forced to quell a potential food fight at the end of the Gryffindor table and David rejoined his group but with positive thoughts to enjoy for once.
“What happened with McGonagall and Angelica?” Charlie asked. “You certainly seem pleased.”
“I dunno mate, they’ve appeared to take a liking to me all of a sudden.”
“Everyone likes you, Dave,” Ben reminded him.
“Thank you for the vote of confidence, Ben. But even my popularity has limitations. In particular with a brown haired, deriding, boot wearing, Slytherin girl.”
“Wouldn’t worry about her so much,” Jae replied, by now having stopped chugging milk though he still sported a white mustache as a result. “She ain’t exactly popular among her own house anymore. Most people find her insulting and cruel.”
“She can sit on a pin for all I care,” David shrugged. “Maybe I’m just becoming a little more mature.”
“That’s hilarious,” Charlie laughed.
“So is your bloody snoring even though it keeps me up at night.”
They continued to banter like this for the rest of breakfast when Rowan happened on the scene and right away everyone could tell he had stumbled upon something quite important just by the look in his eye.
“Rowan, you’re just in time to see whether or not Jae can light a fire from his wand with a fart."
But the joke either didn’t register or it paled in comparison to the news
“I need to speak to you,” he said directly to David. “Alone.”
Shrugging but also silently recognizing that something big was going on he played it off as though it were nothing to avoid arousing suspicion.
“Alright then. Lead the way.”
As careful and inconspicuously as they could, Rowan and David exited the Great Hall and into a private column within the corridor. Upon making sure no one was watching, the former of the two boys pulled out a familiar, leatherback, brown notebook.
“I did it,” he whispered. “I finally managed to match the half page to another message in the book and decipher it.”
This was indeed wonderful news and David could hardly wait to hear it. Excitement pulsed through his veins, barely being able to contain it.
“Rowan that’s amazing! Go on! What does it day?”
Proudly and pompously flipping to the correct page, Rowan read the information aloud but also in a hushed tone so no one would hear them.
“‘The entrance is the Restricted Section of the library. That is the source of the fear and the vault itself.’ ”
David ran a hand through his hair, ecstatic but also mentally kicking himself. Of all the places they looked, the one place they forgot was the restricted section?
“I know that look,” Rowan told him seriously. “Don’t beat yourself up. None of us here had any idea where the entrance was, even with your brother’s notes. But it doesn’t matter now.”
Drive and passion drove David to new levels of happiness and determination. They had managed to navigate through all manner of blockages, dead ends, and run arounds only to finally come through in the end. They knew where the vault was and now it was time.
“Time to break into this latest cursed vault,” he spoke aloud.
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precuredaily · 4 years
Precure Day 186
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 38 - “Precure 5′s Cinderella Story” Date watched: 15 May 2020 Original air date: 28 October 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Sc5B6vA Transformation Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/6k6SzS0 Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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Glass slippers: not even once
This episode introduces an idea that will get explored a fair few times in series down the road: the fairy tale episode. Cinderella is a particularly popular one, because it’s a simple story that little girls can imagine themselves in and there’s a lot of room to play with the narrative. It’s hardly a revolutionary idea for fiction, but it’s still fun to see how Precure plays with it, and the spin in this episode is particularly unusual for manifesting in two different ways. Let’s explore!
The Plot
Milk decides to try copying down the story of Cinderella for writing practice, as she plans to write her own novel a la Komachi, and copying a book is apparently a good way to study story structure. However, she gets bored copying it verbatim, so she decides to put her own spin on the narrative, portraying the cures as the characters. Nozomi is Cinderella, Komachi is the evil mother, Rin and Karen are the evil sisters, and Urara is the witch (no fairy godmother here). Coco fills the role of the prince at the ball and Nuts is another nobleman. All of the characters are strangely self-aware, except for Nozomi. They know the story of Cinderella, they know they’re characters in it, they’re basically going through the motions as the story dictates. When Urara shows up to give Nozomi her magical makeover, she winds up transforming her into other fictional characters first before she gets it right.
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this dress should look familiar
Once she’s at the ball, Nozomi trips and falls, getting the attention of Prince Coco, who in turn dances with her. Nuts also approaches Komachi and asks her to dance, commenting that it’s just the kind of story they’re in. Karen and Rin have an exchange where they ask who Coco is dancing with despite both of them knowing exactly who it is. Urara shows up in a gown, and everyone knows she was supposed to be the witch. Did I mention it was weird? And to reiterate, Milk is writing this, these aren’t the real Nozomi and co. transported into the story. Milk has written them to be self-aware. What a strange book. Anyway, she has Nozomi trip and fall and they all end up in a pile on the ground and that’s where her story leaves off when she’s interrupted by the real girls knocking on her door. She hides her writing from them and tries to find somewhere more private to write, but as soon as she steps outside, Bunbee confronts her and decides to suck everyone into the world of her story.
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Darkness imprisoning me, all that I see - wait have I used that joke before?
The next thing they know, they’re inside Milk’s Cinderella! But they don’t bother acting out the story, they see Bunbee holding Milk hostage and he turns the chandelier into a Kowaina, so they transform as well.
The Kowaina is able to use reflected light as laser beams to attack the girls so the team scatters. Dream and Rouge focus on fighting Bunbee to try to rescue Milk, but the kowaina keeps getting in their way, so Lemonade, Mint, and Aqua manage to hold it off while the other two get the jump on Bunbee. They free Milk, and then get upset at collateral damage to the castle being caused by their fight. Bunbee taunts that he’ll destroy this world like he destroyed the Palmier Kingdom, but all the girls respond by kicking his ass and the kowaina’s ass and then Dream performs Crystal Shoot to defeat it, and Bunbee flees.
After they detransform, the clock strikes midnight and they realize they’re still in the story, so they all run to get “home”. On the way down the stairs, Nozomi trips and one of her glass slippers flies off, opening a portal back to Natts House.
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Somehow the glass slipper came back with them, and they remember that whoever it fits is supposed to marry the prince. Nozomi and Coco share a glance but before she can put it on, Milk LEAPS into the air and lands inside the shoe, claiming it as a perfect fit. Nozomi starts to chase her, demanding her shoe back, while Karen, Komachi, and Rin pick up the scattered pages of Milk’s manuscript. They take umbrage with her portrayal of them in the story, and the episode closes on Nozomi, Karen, and Rin all chasing her up the stairs.
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The Analysis
It’s certainly a fun episode, a nice uptick from the last few. The spins on Cinderella are clever and funny, and this cast really makes it work. I do find it weird just how self-aware they seem to be in Milk’s story. One time in high school (probably around the time this show aired actually) I did a creative writing assignment which completely shattered the fourth wall, but my jokes were more absurdist than this. The characters act as though they’re the real Nozomi, Rin, etc who have been transported into the story and know they have to act it out, rather than like they’re characters within the narrative watching as the events unfold. I don’t really understand why it was composed this way, it doesn’t make sense from Milk’s perspective to have them be self-aware and make comments on their knowledge of the story, that sort of gag is much more suited for the characters being sucked into the story, which they did in the second half of the episode anyway. Structurally it may have been better to have them absorbed into the story early in the episode, play out the tale of Cinderella until the mid-point, and then Bunbee reveals himself or something and the rest goes as normal.
Regardless of whether the gags make sense in context, though, they are hilarious. The wicked stepmother being played by the nicest girl of the bunch is peak irony, and Rin and Karen the frequent head-butters as the stepsisters makes me laugh, although they didn’t really play up their little rivalry. None of them take their roles very seriously, which adds to the comedy. The highlight for me has to be when Urara shows up and transforms Nozomi. She cycles through a couple different outfits before she gets it right:
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The most notable ones are Momotaro and Princess Kaguya, who are the subjects of famous Japanese fairy tales.
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She also gets turned into a bear, a clown, and even a monster! I enjoy the self-awareness as well. Urara showing up at the ball despite and being called out by the others as the witch, the frequent comments about this all being “how the story goes” or what have you. My favorite exchange is when Karen asks who’s dancing with the Prince and Rin tells her it’s Cinderella, the title character, and Karen responds that she knows but she has to stick to the script. I don’t know why but this is peak comedy to me, and my greatest wish is that it be the actual characters who are saying this and not just Milk writing.
The payoff to this, however, is the revelation at the end when Karen, Komachi, and Rin look at Milk’s manuscript and realize exactly how she’s cast them. Even if Karen and Milk have a good relationship, she doesn’t like being exploited in this way, and when Milk remarks that an angry Karen is scarier than an evil sister, she and Rin lose their minds and start to chase her. Komachi, in typical fashion, is upset but not angry. I have said it before but I love the character interactions in this show. They always manage to play off each other wonderfully, and they seamlessly and believably transition between comedy and seriousness.
Curiously, Milk doesn’t insert herself into the story for whatever reason. You would expect her to place herself in the role of Cinderella so she could get the handsome prince, but she seems more content to play god with her friends, and especially to make Nozomi suffer.... although the worst thing she actually does is have her trip and break things a lot. Considering she says she wants to be with Coco romantically, she doesn’t show it much. She fantasizes about it a little bit when she’s in his presence but on some level she seems to realize he’s a better match for Nozomi. I think it’s telling that she automatically pairs up Coco with Nozomi and Komachi with Nuts even in her fantasy.
The villain plot of this episode is rather lackluster. Sucking the girls into the world of Cinderella and then destroying it isn’t as effective as sucking them into Komachi’s novel, which was an actual dangerous setting that Arachnea enhanced in that instance. It doesn’t benefit Bunbee in any way to have them in this setting, and that’s disappointing. I wish they could have better justified it. It does allow for a pretty good fight, but it’s not any better than battles they’ve fought in the real world. My favorite part is when Cure Rouge mule kicks Bunbee, and then a sequence where everyone gets single or pair attacks in on him where their animation is really warped because it’s going fast.
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It’s not bad, you can only see this if you freeze-frame, but boy is it weird. And there’s some other animation oddities in this episode. I’m not sure if I’ve brought up before their habit of drawing a shot from far away that has low detail, and either zooming in on it or starting up close and zooming out, but the point is, when they do this, it really enhances how low-quality the drawing is. And there’s a shot of Bunbee that’s drawn this way for some reason. It’s zoomed in on him as a person, he transforms, and THEN the camera zooms out. I can only assume they originally blocked this shot out as being zoomed out always, because otherwise there’s no reason that his human model should be as low-res as it is.
Here’s a fun little bit of continuity I picked up on that relates to Bunbee as well. If you remember way back in episode 14, he used a missile attack that broke Mint Reflection, and they had to team up to deflect it. Well he uses it again here, but this time, Komachi has Mint Shield at her disposal, which we know is stronger, and it’s able to block the missile completely without anyone else’s assistance.
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Additionally, one little oddity I picked up on is, of all things, a reused piece of background music! During the scene where Urara-as-the-witch appears to Nozomi-Cinderella, they cue her in with the track “Strange Occurrence” from the FWPC soundtrack. I haven’t noticed any other instances of them using backing tracks from outside this season’s OST, so this sticks out to me.
I want to say a quick piece about these ball gowns that they’re all wearing and then I’ll wrap this up.
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If you have a keen eye and a good memory, you might remember Nozomi’s dress and Coco’s suit as being first seen in her brief fantasy in episode 34:
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The others are new.... sort of. Chronologically speaking this is their first appearance, but they also show up in the movie which premiered a week after this episode’s broadcast, and I’m reasonably certain, because of how long movies take to produce, they were designed for that first and then incorporated back into the show. Reusing costume designs isn’t a new phenomenon, I pointed out way back in FWPC that they reused the Romeo and Juliet costumes in the dream episode, I just wanted to point it out.
This was a fun episode with some great gags in it, but while they tried to put an original spin on the concept of placing your characters in another established fictional work, the execution fell short of its potential and keeps the episode from being as good as it could have been.
My next review will be the Yes! Precure 5 movie! I always allow myself to indulge on movies, and this one will be no exception, so in order to make it the best review possible, it’s going to take several days of work to get done. I hope to have it out within a week, and I’ll make progress announcements about it on PCD Status, so please be patient and look forward to that!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0 kettei!
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