#i was gonna put more of my favorite frames from the trailer but i got too impatient and ended up just staring at the shots again
solcarow · 6 months
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im shakigng
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cerastes · 3 years
I know its gonna be the hip thing to clown on malenia bc everyone is complaining about her boss fight as an outlet for it but im JUST saying she DID get cursed by an outer god and all and if you remember one of the early trailers of her fight with radahn, he smashes her prosthetic.
Given that 1. The arm socket is where Millicent inserts Miquellas Needle and 2. The broken needle is found in the heart of Aeonia. Its highly likely radahn smashed the needle in half with that strike, the sudden outer influence and her worn out state causing an inevitable dam burst (rewatching the scene, its a neat detail that she draws her own blood as a means of direct infection, given that the blade itself was immune to the scarlet rots decay).
I dont think it's really fair to call that "throwing a tantrum", and at the same time the worship of radahn reminds me that just bc he was benevolent to his own men doesnt mean that he couldnt be just as power hungry as any other shardbearer (sans morgott), as ranni already demonstrates the mutual exclusivity of affection, nobility, and morality
I'm at a bit of a loss regarding which angle I should be interpreting this from. It's an ask, as opposed to a post or a DM, so I'm assuming you want my take on it all? And at first glance I'd assume it'd be as response to me making funnies about Malenia yesterday, thus I should address it from that angle, but it could just also be your thoughts on the matter? I'll go with my gut and assume you want my take.
Ok, so,
"I know its gonna be the hip thing to clown on malenia bc everyone is complaining about her boss fight as an outlet for it"
As I believe you know by now, I like to clown on characters in general because it's fun, and it's definitely not me huffing on a copium life support tank since I beat her third try on my second run and I've expressed several times that I do love her fight, and the one thing I had a big issue with -- Waterfowl Dance -- I've come to not mind as much.
There's definitely people that are going to dunk on her as an outlet for frustration, though, I agree, but I don't think that's a bad thing, it's Video Games, that's just how it's been all the time. What does concern me about the way you are framing that, however, is that it is akin to saying that there's no other reasons why anyone would be dunking on her except because they are huffing copium, which is outright incorrect, even, I dare say, from a design perspective.
Elden Ring's lore is sports. You pick the faction/leader you think its coolest to you and that's your favorite. You like Malenia a lot. That's great! Other people think Radahn is the coolest. That's great! Like you can find a lot of reasons to dunk on any demigod, there's plenty of stuff that can be said to dunk on Malenia. I think I've also been very explicit in my thoughts on Malenia, but I'll put it in unalloyed words for the record: I think she's got an extremely cool design and her boss fight is immensely cool, but I find her characterization to be very boring, barebones, and lackluster, especially when compared to the two groups of characters one would normally compare her to, the Demigods (practically all of which have more characterization or at least quirks and details to them than Malenia does) and the Cool Fromsoft Late Game Female Bosses (of which Lady Maria and Sister Friede, imo, have a LOT more going to them than Malenia does).
I'll be fair and say that there IS a factor of Malenia's that I think is very cool and that isn't her boss fight or design: The fact that she and Miquella are foils to each other. While Malenia is a tall, nigh-peerless warrior, Miquella was cursed with the body of a child and is famously a renowned inventor, his Unalloyed Gold series of inventions being absolutely crazy good and advanced, ranging from extremely effective prosthetics to needles that can outright halt the advance of an outer god alien super anthrax (Scarlet Rot). While Malenia's domain is the Scarlet Rot, Miquella's domain is the lush evergreen. There's a couple more ways in which they are foils to each other and I think that's pretty cool, but at the same time, it's something that necessitates her to be associated to another character, her brother, in order to even be present as a factor, and unfortunately, it keeps reminding me of something I don't like about Malenia: "My brother my brother my brother my brother my brother I am my brother's blade where is my brother Miquella."
So, in short, yes, there's definitely copium to be found, but also, there's a lot of reasons as to why anyone would dunk on her regardless, and we shouldn't pretend or frame it otherwise. Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but that's how it came across.
Its highly likely radahn smashed the needle in half with that strike, the sudden outer influence and her worn out state causing an inevitable dam burst
This is a good theory that I like, because it accounts for details and a solid possibility, but there's also, if mind serves, several instances and accounts that mention Malenia having deliberately gone hog wild with the Scarlet Rot as a desperation move because Radahn was giving her so much trouble. I think Millicent herself said something to that effect at one point, though I don't truly remember her dialogue to the detail. Yes, it could be that one is meant to look for details in the way your theory does... Or It Could Also Just Be Malenia Doing That. Both are perfectly fine guesses. "Throwing a tantrum", in my opinion, is still an apt interpretation, if one that can be contested with what you said, but apt nonetheless.
"I dont think it's really fair to call that "throwing a tantrum", and at the same time the worship of radahn reminds me that just bc he was benevolent to his own men doesnt mean that he couldnt be just as power hungry as any other shardbearer (sans morgott), as ranni already demonstrates the mutual exclusivity of affection, nobility, and morality"
Which leads me to this point. I am going to assume you do not mean me when you say this because the only thing I've said as praise towards Radahn is that he learned turbo gravity magic from a scary tall man in a diaper all so he could keep riding his shitty beloved horse, but it's in the ask and it allows me to go back to something I believe is very important to consider:
Elden Ring Lore Is Sports. Like sports fans, some people will dunk on the others that aren't their favorite. That's completely fine, literally all of these demigods are power hungry. My favorite Elden Ring meme is that one that's like "mfers will complain about Queen Marika and then put a new dictator on the throne" with Ranni on the background, which is like, completely a possibility, even though I'm Rannisquad. Literally none of these people are altruistic. That's fun, narratively. Radahn gets brownie points for being benevolent to his men and due to how he vowed to keep the rot at bay, fighting it for a VERY long time (which gives him, unsurprisingly , good PR in and out of universe), but he's still very much a power hungry participant of the war of succession. Morgott, my favorite alongside Ranni among the demigods, is someone I fully do not agree with ideologically speaking, because he may not be power hungry, but he's still protecting a status quo that very clearly is not in benefit of anyone except his Golden Order peers and believers. Rykard, my favorite after Ranni and Morgott among the Demigods, has the right idea, going against the Erdtree, but the way he's going at it is the most fucked up and even self-destructive way, presumably because he's gone full hedonist, and yet, he's the one that is outright the closest to the mark out all of Demigods, because producing a single, incredibly powerful champion IS the right idea, even though he's methods of producing this champion are beyond barbaric.
This is literally just pick your sports team because you like them more than the others. There's no real cut and dry morality here, because everyone's vile to some degree. Malenia clearly inspired immense loyalty among her warriors as a powerful and charismatic, but her flaw is being incredibly narrow sighted and, if you subscribe to the theory of her having deliberately unleashed the rot, which again, is a valid theory to have, unconcerned with the long term consequences of her actions in the moment. And if I don't like that, I don't like that, Cool Female Character or not.
I think Elden Ring and its factions are far better enjoyed when you look at it through the lens of It's Sports: The fans of the other teams have their reasons, you have your reasons, now let's make Funny Content or lore posts or anything, because every Demigod has good things and bad things that can be said about them, and ideologies you can agree and disagree with. I think the purest form of this is Ranni, in order to help you or anyone understand where I am coming from: Ranni 100% is not a good person, she's done fucked up things, confirmed or implied or otherwise, and she explicitly wants to have power over the Lands Between. She's also someone that can become your personal friend and lover, and very very much adores those she loves, like the Tarnished if they side with her, her brother Blaidd, her uncle Iji, and her often forgotten beloved teacher and mentor, the Ice Witch. She's not a good Demigod, but she's your Demigod. I think that's the way to go about Elden Ring, personally.
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mamabearcat · 3 years
Body guard AU and sick/injured prompt with Inuyasha x Kagome pairing please! 😊
I LOVE your fics! Instinct is my all time favorite and my go to for an Inuyasha sick/comfort fic ☺️
Aw, what a lovely thing to say Nonny 😘 So I've gone starlet Kagome and bodyguard Inu for this one. If you like the idea of Hollywood couple inukag, you should read The It Couple by @meggz0rz
Okay, let's do this! I'm gonna put this one under a read more because there's mentions of stalking and shooting and suicide from a fan.
"I got a bad feelin' about this one Kagome. Stay close to me, okay?" he muttered. They could already hear the cheers of the crowd as they approached the theatre.
"Inuyasha, it's going to be fine", she whispered, squeezing his hand. "Besides, I'm always safe when you're around, aren't I?" She grinned at him, her face lit up with a teasing smile, blue grey eyes alight with mischief.
He let out an irritated huff, but squeezed her hand back, adjusting his head set, checking in with the other security staff, his eyes already scanning the crowds through the tinted windows of the limo provided by the studio.
As her personal bodyguard, he'd advised Kagome against coming to this premiere, but the studio had insisted, saying that they would work with the police and double down on security to make sure their newest star was safe.
For the past few months, ever since the trailer of the movie had come out, the fan mail she'd been getting from some sicko had been getting weirder and weirder. At first it had just been badly written poetry, then letters of adoration. When they'd escalated to dick pics he'd begun opening her fan mail for her.
He was glad she hadn't seen the last few letters. She was nervous enough without seeing the evidence of having a dedicated stalker. A slightly blurry polaroid of her out jogging, another of her laughing while she was out having coffee with her agent Sango, a third of her sunbathing out by her pool. And then last week, a press photo of her with the eyes stabbed out, with 'blind love conquers all' scrawled across it. The last one, received only two days ago, mentioned a suicide pact. All those letters had gone straight to the police before she saw them, even though he'd told her the situation was serious.
She never left the house now without him by her side. He wouldn't trust anyone else with her safety, he couldn't. He could tell she was frightened, even though she put on a brave face. The studio knew what was going on, that she had a serious stalker, but they still wanted the photo op, saying it was important for her to be seen on the red carpet with award nominations coming up.
At first Kagome, Higurashi had just been another job. But over the months they'd become closer. Shared secrets and stories about their childhoods. Bonded over both losing their fathers while they were only children. He'd grown to care for her so much that it frightened him a little. He didn't know what he'd do if anything happened to her.
With one last squeeze of her hand, he exited the car on the side away from the red carpet, helping her out as she adjusted her dress, a long sleeved, high necked sequinned shift dress, short enough so that those long toned legs of hers were on display, but not so short that her ass was hanging out. He was surprised the studio had let her get away with wearing something so conservative, but she'd said Sango had arranged this outfit especially for her.
He herded her along the red carpet, past the group of screaming fans as she smiled and waved, the flashes from the cameras reflecting of the bright white and silver sequins. Even though he wanted to be glued to her side, he could see the studio executives gesturing to him to move away so the press could get their shots without him in frame. Just a little bit further. He could see the spot where she was meant to talk to reporters just a little bit further up, a spot away from the fans. They were nearly there.
"Kagome, I love you!" screamed a voice. He heard a click. He was reacting before he'd even made the connection, his hand reaching out.
The bullet passed through the centre of his palm and straight into Kagome.
There was another shot, and more screaming from the crowd, this time full of fear. Before anything else could happen he picked up her limp form, crouched down over her as he ran towards the theatre auditorium, past the yelling reporters and the camera crews, past the studio executives. He could hear the police talking on their radios, saying the shooter had shot himself at point blank range, but at the moment all he cared about was Kagome.
"Here, over here!"
There was a paramedic over to one side, thank fucking Christ.
He gently laid her down. There was blood all over her. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe. He moved aside so the paramedic could cut through her dress to assess her injuries, using his uninjured hand to smooth the hair back from her pale face. She opened her eyes and his heart throbbed.
"Don't talk baby, just stay still. Don't move."
"Inu, it's okay", she whispered, and he realised he was crying. Her voice sounded forced, and she was taking shallow little breaths. He was amazed she was talking at all.
"Kagome, please, baby, just-"
"She's going to be okay", the paramedic said with a relieved sigh. "I don't know who insisted you wear a bullet proof vest tonight Miss Higurashi, but I'm pretty sure they saved your life. You've got some pretty bad bruising though, maybe even a fractured rib, so I'm calling an ambulance, alright? And sir, I'll need to attend to your hand, most of the blood was yours."
"Inuyasha, you got hurt?!" Kagome's eyes filled with tears, and she tried to sit up, both the paramedic and Inuyasha gently pushing on her shoulders to keep her down.
"It's okay", he said, his eyes shifting to the paramedic with a warning glare. "Just pack it a little and bandage it up." The paramedic's eyebrows raised slightly until Inuyasha muttered "youkai healing", and then he just nodded.
Inuyasha thrust his injured hand out, so Kagome couldn't see it, focusing all his attention on her. He could see she was in a lot of pain, and he wanted to distract her.
"So, we're gonna have to thank Sango once you're okay huh? She's the one that organised the vest for you?" Kagome nodded, blinking away tears. "I am so gonna pamper you when we get home", he said, kissing her forehead. "Anythin' you want."
She gave him a strained smile.
"What if... what if I wanted just you? Just my Inu?"
Her hand reached up to stroke his cheek, and he couldn't help the tears that he'd barely been able to keep at bay. He moved his mouth to kiss the centre of her palm.
"You sure about that sweetheart? Because, if you say that, I might never let you go."
She giggled then grimaced in pain, panting a little, then smiling.
"Sounds perfect to me."
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sweetsbfreex · 4 years
that’s daddy!
read the first installment here!
last fic of 2020! thank you guys so much for all the love and sweet messages, i’ve only been here for a short time, but you guys have rlly gotten me through being able to post my writing publicly 💕 
Summary: another mix up, but this time it’s 10x more embarrassing
Warnings: lil’ smut but not so smut
Pairings: Husband, Dad!Harry x reader 
You and Harry had woken up five minutes prior. Your mumbles in both your sleepy, raspy voices of good morning and your morning pecks out of the way. Now the two of you were cuddled up in bed. You were lowered in bed, on your side. Your head under Harry’s arm, one arm by your side, while the other was tracing the butterfly on Harry’s chest absentmindedly.
Harry was on his back; one of his arm’s brought down– his fingers caressing the side of your face. 
“Plans for the day?” you ask H, tilting your head back slightly.
He was blissed out and zoned out, his mind running a mile a minute. With that he had hummed, asking you to repeat yourself. 
“Plans for the day, H?” you asked again. 
“Oh, have to head to the set in a few. Are you and B still meeting me there?”
“Why? Do you want us to?” you tease. 
“What do you think” he imitated, pulling on the hand that was once on his stomach to guide you upward and closer to him. 
You smiled knowingly down at him, your body hovering over him. While he winds a hand to the back of your neck pulling you down quickly. 
“Frisky, huh” you joked, pulling away. But you were hastily pulled down– Harry  snakes his arm higher using his bicep now to bring you down all the way– your body now bonded to Harry’s. Your sleeping shirt rubbing against his skin.
Harry kissed you roughly and was rough during the time he rolled the both of you over, so you were encased in him. Your non-stop grinding figure causing the growling he was emitting. And it would’ve gone father if it wasn’t for the pitter-patter of small feet walking past your open door. (You had left open last night for Bia this morning.)
He pulled away, breathless. Looking over his shoulder, using the hand that wasn’t under your neck to hold his body up. Only to see the four-year-old bouncing at the end of the bed, her favorite stuffed animal (an off-white duck) clutched in both her hands in front of her. 
“B, remember what we talked about” Harry reminded her sweetly, laying on his back next to her mother. 
“Sorry daddy” she pouted, her figure still. “Morning!” she squealed, running till she was laying in between you and Harry. It was always so surreal how crazy her emotions had shifted, but not very surprising. 
“Morning bunny” Harry replied, kissing her forehead.
“Morning B” you replied, kissing her cheeks until she was laughed out, begging for mercy. 
“What? don’t like mummy’s kiss?” Harry had asked, tickling her side.
“No!” she quipped, a mischievous, a very Harry look on her face.
You gasped in make-believe at her statement, looking up at Harry a plan in your eyes that he had naturally understood. You were each assigned a cheek of B’s and at once attacked her with kisses.
She broke out into a fit of giggles, each of her tiny hands brought up to clutch onto each of your chins, trying with all her might to push the both of you away. 
“Okay! Okay!” she yelled, but it took her awhile with all the laughing she was doing. 
“You love mummy’s kisses?” you asked her
“Yes!” she screamed, adjusting herself so she was now laying on top of you. Her cheek rested against yours, which she had kissed before settling herself to down– to further persuade you. You wrapped both your arms around her instantly, one of hers coddling the lobe of your ear. 
Harry shuffled closer to the two of you. On his side he used an arm to support his head. 
“Angel, guess what?” he beamed.
“What Daddy?”
“You and mum are gonna be meeting on set today” 
She was confused, and you could tell from the lack of emotion she let out at Harry’s information. She was four, so you couldn’t blame her for not understanding how exciting it would be to see her father live in action. 
“B” you started, gaining her attention. “Me and you are gonna meet daddy at work and watch him act and meet everyone else...like Descendants how everyone is at the isle of the lost” you divulged, trying to make this exciting as possible for her. 
“We’re going to the Isle of the lost?” she interrupted, her head tilting slightly in confusion. 
“No no” you laugh “It’s like– you know what nevermind. Basically, we’re gonna go see daddy at work, but with movies”
“Were going to the movies?” 
“Kind of, but instead we’re gonna watch how movies are made”
“Ohh” she dragged, still a bit confused, but she really only understood that she would be meeting her dad at work. Harry laughed at your attempt, knowing you were shit at explaining things and trying to explain something like this to a toddler was only harder for you. 
“it’s okay B, you’ll see soon” Harry reassured her. “What do the two of you want for breakfast?” 
Peeling off the comforter, he got out of bed stretching his back out. A deep, pleasurable groan leaving his mouth. Causing a giggle between you and Bia. 
“Pancakes and strawberries, please” Bia requested.
“Can I have French toasts pleaseee” you beg.
“You got it” Harry replied, making his way out of the room after grabbing a shirt from his dresser. 
He could hear the whispering between the two of you, most likely scheming against him. But when he had started making his way to the door, he heard a shrill voice filled with cackles.
“Thank you best daddy in the world!” B had recited. Harry had shook his head a great smile on his face, close to tears. He raised his hands high, making a heart with his hands catching the eye of the two of his best girls, that were still laughing, in his bed.
Only a few hours earlier you and B had kissed Harry a see you later at the door. Now it was only the two of you in the parking lot of the set, one of the employees from the movie, sent to guide you and B to your location. 
You looked down at your little girl, who’s hand was pancaked with yours, skipping behind you. Her pony tails shifting and her shoes lighting up with each bounce. 
“You excited miss Styles” you ask.
She hummed an answer, toi immerse into the song she was singing.
“I was requested by Harry to bring some goldfish and strawberries for Bia. Is that okay?” she double checks
“That’s perfect. Thank you so much” you smile as she stops abruptly in front of you, tapping away at her tablet.
“No problem, they’ll be inside” she smiled back, looking up “Here’s his trailer, if you need anything I’m once again Ximena” she waved a goodbye to you and Bia. 
You climb up the steps, gently, Bia trailing closely behind you. Opening the door, you walk inside to see the spacious area. 
The first thing you see when walking in is the platter of Cut strawberries and packs of B’s favorite varieties of goldfish on the coffee table, catching her attention instantly as she sprints towards the snacks. Getting herself comfortable on the sectional sofa in front of the tv. 
You can see a counter, an array of cosmetic products settled on top.  One chair sat behind the counter, facing a wall with a large mirror mounted on the wall. You walk farther in the trailer to see on the counter, a framed picture of the three of you on an impromptu picnic, your heart filled as you eyed the picture. 
you loved that day
Lastly, all the way in the back you could see a large bed, probably a queen, which you could tell was laid upon earlier. 
You walked over to Bia, taking a seat next to her, who shoved yet another strawberry into her mouth. You chuckled lowly, grabbing the remote from the coffee table. Putting something on just for her. 
You were getting engrossed in the show when the door to the trailer flung open, Harry walking into his hands on his hips. 
Bia had jetted off the sofa, running towards her dad, who had crouched down to pick her up. Spinning her around as she giggled, twinkling.
You paced towards him, flinging yourself softly onto him, as he was still holding B.
“Hi love, missed you” he said softly, bringing his right hand up to secure the back of your head, bringing you into a kiss. 
“Why are you so out of breath” you asked, laughing. You could see the glimmer of sweat along his hairline. 
“Ran all the way over here. I just finished a scene when they told me you two were here” jostling Bia a bit. 
“You’re so cute” you said with a fond look, welcoming him for a quick peck. “And you look so handsome. Love when your hair is parted like this”
One of the first things that you had noticed was how dapper he had looked in the brown suit.  
You tell him getting a cocky smirk in response. You take your finger and gently move a strand of his hair that hung in between his eyebrows, moving it so it was flowing to the right– as it should be. 
“Thank you lovie, how about I show the two of you around.”
You were walking down the lines of trailers, The three of you linked together like monkeys in a barrel, Bia walking in the middle. As you walked down Harry showed her all the equipments, teaching her how things worked, helping her pronounce the tough words, and explaining what they were for.
“They’re shooting something right now. You want to watch?”
You crouch to pick up Bia, her short legs slowing the two of you down if you had to be honest. She sat on your hip, now a bit farther away from Harry. He had been quick to drape his arm over his arm over your shoulder, bringing you both closer. 
“Remember you have to be quiet” Harry reminded B, as you both walked closer to a scene that was about to start. 
“I remember” she whispered.
It was only a minute or two that went by, when Bia let out a quiet groan. Frustrated to no end. 
“Daddy” She had groaned again, her hand in a tiny fist. You looked down at her, face scrunched up.
“What is it baby?” he asked, grabbing her fist. Her hand now enclosed over his finger.
“My eyes. S’ too bright”
You and Harry smiled down at her, You watched as Harry opened one of the jackets. Slipping his hand inside one of the pockets, you assumed, pulling out a pair of sunglasses. He perched them gently on her face. So big they had slid down her nose. 
“Better?” you asked, kissing the top of her head
She nodded her head, turning her attention, so she was watching the extras move around and the actors/actresses recite their lines. 
The three of you stood there for another ten minutes, but had to go when Harry looked down at his watch. Smile falling not wanting to leave you both.
“I gotta go lovie, but I’m gonna drop off you both at the trailer first” he says grasping your hand, leading you both away from the ongoing scene.
“What?” you pout “I thought I would’ve been able to see you in action” you tease.
“I know, I know” he sighs, walking in front of you so he can clasp your face between his palms. Which were by now ringless, except for the wedding ring prop. His, from your wedding day, sat next to his journal on his night stand. 
“But I’d not rather kiss another woman in front of B...Plus you’ll make me nervous”
“I make you nervous” you keen
“Don’t act surprised” he quips “Remember the time I spilled my drink all over your lap on our first date?” he asks, you nod in confirmation. “There you go! Now let’s get you two back to the trailer” he ended the conversation swiftly, grappling both your shoulders gently. Squeezing them lovingly as he guided you back to the trailers. 
You and H had been entranced in a conversation when B had squealed letting out excitedly “Puppy!”
The sound of her excitement got both of your attention, looking down to see none other Dodger on a leash held by Chris freaking Evans. 
“Hey Chris!” Harry greeted, putting his hands out for a handshake. Harry had let go of your shoulder as Chris pulled Harry in for what you called ‘manly man shoulder tap’. “You’ve met y/n, this” he pointed to B “Is Bia, my daughter” Harry, properly, introduced the squirming girl in your arm, trying so hard to pet the dog, pinching her cheek. 
“Hi” you greeted Chris, clearing your throat afterwards. 
You met Chris when the cast had got together for a bonding moment at a very fancy restaurant. But god, could you ever get used to the fact that your husband worked with Chris freaking-hot- Jamal Evans and you basically had access to see him whenever? No. Never.
When the news had broke out that Chris would be joining in as a cast member, you were probably more excited than Harry, as you had ran around the room in twirls at the fact that you were going to see two of the most handsomest men in the world in one movie. And you were married to one of them. 
Harry could do nothing that day not wanting to burst your bubble with the slight jealousy he had felt as he laid back on the bed, watching your very familiar crazy behavior. A smile on his face. 
“Almost as if you were the one acting with him baby” he teased you, making his way hastily towards you, throwing you over his shoulder a quick smack to your ass. 
And the dinner was not any easier. Your hand in Harry’s hands, placed over the table. Which you was his way of slight possessiveness, while you sat across from Chris Evans himself, trying so hard not to act like such a fangirl. His eyes were so blue, so bright, it was hard not to get caught in those. 
But you were married and had to calm down. Letting Harry know multiple times if this were Jennifer Aniston he would have all the passes he wanted. 
“Hey how are you y/-” Chris had started, but the sound of an overly excited toddler had took all three of your attention 
“Daddy!” she roared, a smile on her face, pointing towards Chris’ shocked figure. 
It was like time stood, still at the tension–– mostly felt on you and Harry’s end. At the way Chris had dropped his jaw, eyes wide, his finger pointing at himself. 
Harry was nothing but embarrassed, cheeks and ears heating up. His own daughter called someone who wasn’t Harry her father for christs sakes. 
 And you were nothing but the same, as all three of you stood there moths dropped. 
“O- oh my gosh, Chris, I’m so sorry. I have no idea why she-” you started.
“It’s fine really” he chuckled. “I’m actually supposed to be on set in a few, so I’ll catch you guys later.” he waved, smiling, walking away from the three of you. 
“Oh my gosh, Harry! I just embarrassed myself in front of Chris evans” you whined. 
“This is your fault” he laughed “Told you I hated that joke, glad to see karma got you where it hurts”
“I hate you” you whine
Harry pays you no mind, a smug look over taking his face. 
“Where’s daddy going?” Bia asks, her head turning at Chris’ walking figure. 
if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback if ur up to it <3
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annie-mit-ie · 3 years
Glimpses: Part 14a (Kathryn Hahn x Fem!Reader)
Part 1 // previous chapter <<< >>> next chapter
Summary: The cast goes out for dinner.
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Well hello there again! I was scheduled for work today but my shift got cancelled, so I had some time to go on with the story. Today's story doesn't begin with a gif - but it ends with one. Additionally, I am very anxious for everyone's reaction. Please don't kill me. xxx A.
Tag List: @danvers97 @zafirosreverie @srtamercurio @wanatag @pulledbythestars17 @plantowl @spacehahn @sarahp-stan @agentbrownierso @our-blood-is-our-ink
Playlist! :)
On set has always been Kathryn’s favorite place to be. Ever since she can think, she wanted to be an actress. It’s overwhelming sometimes, that’s for sure. But watching the movies at the end, after the projects are done, is the most rewarding thing to her. 
It’s Wednesday afternoon, today was a short day because the director scheduled some night shootings at the beginning of the week and promised to give everyone off earlier on Wednesday so the cast could go out for dinner. That’s why Kathryn is sitting in her Trailer with manager Jennifer and assistant Agnes (Ben is already off for the day) as they enjoy a cup of coffee as they chat about the upcoming weeks.
Kathryn is sprawled out on the couch, propping her feet up on Jennifer’s lap who doesn’t mind to have a little less personal space. Jennifer is studying the week’s schedule on her iPad as Kathryn stares at the ceiling. 
“Do you know what you want to wear to dinner today?” Kathryn props her head up to look at Jennifer and tries to find a quick answer.
She hates questions about outfits because usually she just throws on a blazer to whatever shirt she is wearing that day and calls is a day. As if anyone cares what she is wearing. Also, with no social media she wouldn’t notice bad press anyway.
Realizing Kathryn hasn’t thought of it yet, Agnes gets up and walks towards her wardrobe. Kathryn’s eyes follow her.
“Thank you, Aggie, just a black blazer would be great. Did I bring one? I’ll just wear it with the shirt I’m wearing. No fuzz and all.” Kathryn says apologetically. She feels bad for not getting up and arranging her clothes herself, but she is completely exhausted and can’t find the strength to get up just yet.
The three woman chat for a little longer before Kathryn sits down to reapply her makeup and fix her hair. There’s a knock on the door. Once again, Agnes is the one who gets up to open it as Jennifer is on a call with a magazine who wants to interview Kathryn soon.
“Hello! Can I he-“ The redhead nearly falls out of the trailer as she is faced with one of Kathryn’s co stars. The actor smiles at her softly, offering a hand to steady her.
“Is Kathryn here?” He asks in a raspy, low voice and peeks his head into the trailer. Kathryn, who has turned around from where she is seated, makes eye contact with him and offers a slow wave to say hello.
“K! We’re slowly but surely getting ready to leave and I thought I’d give you a heads up and maybe even take you with me already.” Hearing this nickname from anyone but you makes Kathryn feel very uneasy and her whole inside flinches as she realizes that, if she doesn’t speak up about it, he will continue using it. But at the same time: what is she supposed to say? She can’t just call him out for something like that because that could make her seem extremely unfriendly right away.
Realizing an answer is long overdue, she nods and checks herself in the mirror. “Can I get… like 10 more minutes, Jeff? I’ll come find you immediately.”
He shoots her a bright smile “Don’t worry! Let’s make it 15 and I’ll pick you up again.” And with that he leaves the trailer again.
Jennifer, who ended the call just a moment ago, looks up from the tablet to grin at Kathryn. “What a gentleman.” She winks.
“Treating you just the way you deserve to be treated.” Agnes also winks at her and Kathryn wishes she could just slap both of them. Lovingly, obviously.
Jennifer gets her attention back. “So…. Are you gonna go with him?”
“IS IT GONNA BE A DATE?” The younger woman jumps in excitedly.
Kathryn turns around to actually face her two closest people again without a mirror being the transmitting point. “Guys, you know I’ve been spending time with Y/N. That would be extremely unfair to her. I couldn’t.”
Agnes starts nodding as Jennifer takes her attention off the tablet for a moment and fully faces Kathryn. “I know, but let’s face it. She is much younger than you, doesn’t know a thing about the business and she won’t be here for a long long time. And of she would be here then press would go absolutely wild and you know that!”
“But… she makes me happy.” Kathryn won’t let her manager talk for herself and over her feelings like that and smiles as she sees her assistant nod behind Jennifer’s back over the remark.
“Might be, but still. My point stands. As your manager I have to tell you that both could be an extreme distraction, but at least he is here and you don’t have to stay up extremely late to communicate.” Jennifer looks back at her tablet, where she furiously starts typing. “Also. He has a very clean record and seems genuinely nice.”
“Let’s put on the red lipstick you brought, Kathryn! I’ll help you.” Agnes smiles and gets up from where she is seated to step closer to Kathryn, pushing her red hair behind her ears.
As they look at each other in the mirror and Kathryn’s eyes meet hers, she realizes how emotional her boss seems to be over the whole situation. Realizing Agnes is about to make another remark, Kathryn slightly shakes her head as she keeps intense eye contact and reaches for the lipstick to distract herself.
Just a moment later, Jeffrey knocks on the door again.
“There she is!” He exclaims, reaching for Kathryn’s hand who is about to step out of the trailer. “The most beautiful woman on set.”
She blushes and slaps his arm that is intertwined with hers all while jokingly rolling her eyes. “Oh shush.” She laughs.
“Just spilling some facts. Let’s go, I’ll drive. The others left just a moment ago and I offered to bring you.”
It’s a short drive and the two hold a casual conversation about previous projects and the mood is good. He seems to actually be quiet the gentleman as he immediately walks around the car and opens the door for her to get out. It’s just now becomes clear that it wasn’t a smart idea to leave later than the others.
Word must have spread and paparazzi and a handful of fans are building a crowd in front of the restaurant. For aesthetic reasons, the restaurant’s entrance is made out to look like a red carpet - the perfect opportunity to shoot some pictures of the stars.
The whole cast is still outside, waiting for Jeff and Kathryn all while handing out autographs. Paparazzi line up to get the perfect shot of the whole cast. Someone from the restaurant seems to be outside already to organize and manage the situation and give the cast some space. He talks the paparazzi down to take a single picture of all of them together.
Kathryn gets seemingly uneasy. She never really does a lot of big press for her projects and events like the Grammys are so organized that she doesn’t get to experience chaos like this, especially with no security around. Jeffrey turns around to look at her. “Hold on to me, we’ll be inside in a minute.”
She smiles thankfully and intertwines their arms again on their way inside. As they are all stopped for the cast picture, the fans line up with the paparazzi to get some pictures themselves. There is a moment of silence as the hotel manager arranges everyone and clears the chaos. A random girl in the back of the people suddenly jumps up and, thereby, grabs everyone’s attention. “I LOVE YOU, KATHRYN.” She jumps again. “YOU’RE SO BEAUTIFUL, KATHRYN.” She yells, prompting Kathryn to break out into the most beautiful smile, a sight that doesn’t go unnoticed by Jeffrey who smiles back at her, creating a moment that is captured by a fan’s phone.
Dinner itself is calming and everyone has a good time. Kathryn loves to get to know everyone this way and they stay for multiple hours until the sun has long set and it seems like everyone is on their third desert, just to drag out the time.
Slightly intoxicated from all the wine she has had with the female co star next to her, Kathryn smiles at Jeffrey. “Thank you for offering a ride, by the way. I feel like I haven’t said that yet.”
“You are very welcome.” He replies and places his hand on her upper thigh for a moment as the two of them look at each other for a little too long.
“Kathryn! Another glass?” She actress next to Kathryn grabs her attention as the waiter offers to pour another one. Overthinking for a moment, Kathryn ends up declining the glass and asks for a water instead. She doesn’t want to be hungover tomorrow.
As it nears midnight, the cast slowly but surely makes their way back home and Jeff reaches out for Kathryn once again to help her up from the table. Just like before, he offers her a right back home to the hotel that she is staying in over night. They realize they are living on the same floor as they make their way back to her room. 
Kathryn, who’s red lipstick has already worn off from all the food and drinks she’s had, stumbles slightly. Not because she is drunk, but because of how tired she feels. There are no words to describe how glad she is that she doesn’t have to work early the next morning. Her first shoot isn’t until 3pm, so she will definitely be sleeping in.
Jeffrey guides her all the way to her room and watches her as she let’s herself in. He stays in the door frame, leaning against it as his eyes follow her every step. Kathryn takes off her blazer and ruffles through her hair after putting her jewelry on a plate on her table.
In her background, Jeffrey, who is still standing where she left him, clears his throat. “Come and spend the night with me.”
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fridayfirefly · 4 years
Two Birds [Part One]
Read Two Birds on AO3
Masterlist [All Works]
Masterlist [Two Birds Series]
Written for Maribat March Day 14 - Dead
Nine-year-old Marinette Dupain-Cheng peeked around the legs of her Grandma Gina to look up at the circus tent. Framed by the setting sun, it looked grand and magnificent, but Marinette still would rather have stayed at home. "We'll be staying here?"
"Not inside the circus tent, silly. There are trailers around back that the performers sleep in. That's where we'll be staying."
Marinette scuffed her shoes against the ground, watching the dust kick up. "Why couldn't we just stay at home?"
"We have to experience new things, Marinette - that's what makes life worth living when you're old like me."
"I don't want to try new things and I don't want to stay with strangers. I just want to stay at home."
"It's only three days, sweetheart. Just trust me. You'll have fun."
Marinette pouted but nodded anyway. "Fine." Marinette loved her Grandma Gina, who brought her gifts from all around the world and told her stories of her travels. However, Marinette didn't like when her parents made Gina babysit. Gina refused to babysit Marinette at home and instead took Marinette on her travels with her. Marinette didn't like traveling, especially when it meant she had to stay with strangers. She much preferred her own bed to the bed of a stranger.
"Gina Dupain!" exclaimed a smiling man, walking out of the circus tent.
"Walter Haly! How are things in the circus business?"
"Worse without you, my lovely Gina. Please tell me you'll perform while you're staying with us."
Gina smiled but shook her head. "I'm too old for the trapeze, Walter. But maybe I can convince this little one to try it out." Gina pushed Marinette out in front of her.
"Oh! Who is this?"
"My granddaughter, Marinette."
Haly knelt down to get to Marinette's height. "How old are you, Marinette?"
Marinette stared down at her shoes, scuffed up brown with dust. "I'm nine years old."
"Do you want to try out the trapeze?"
Marinette vigorously shook her head. "I'm scared of heights."
"Well, we'll see about that. A lot can change in three days." Haly got up and led Marinette and Grandma Gina around behind the tent to the trailers.
Marinette knew that if her mother was there, she would be scolded for being rude, but she couldn't help it. She didn't want to stay at the circus. She wanted to stay in her room, play Ultra Mecha Strike with Kim, and sneak cookies from the bakery when Gina wasn't looking.
Haly pointed to a baby-blue colored trailer. "Gina, you'll be staying on Clarise's couch - you remember Clarise, right."
Grandma Gina nodded. "Clarise was the redhead, right? The sword-swallower?"
"That's the one. Now, her couch only has room for one, so Marinette will be staying with the Graysons. They have a son - Richard - who's her age." Haly pointed out a trailer painted with green and yellow stripes.
Marinette grabbed onto Gina's hand. "I want to stay with you, Grandma Gina."
Gina shook her head. "You have to stay with the Graysons. But don't worry sweetheart, you'll have a lot of fun."
Marinette sighed and dragged her feet as she walked to the trailer. Of all the weekend that her parents left town to go to a pastry exhibition, it had to be the weekend that the circus that Grandma Gina once performed at was in town. Marinette knocked twice on the door and waited for it to open. A pretty woman with dark hair and kind eyes opened up the door and started speaking in perfect French. "Oh, hello! You must be little Marinette."
"Yes ma'am," Marinette mumbled.
"Come inside sweetheart." The woman led Marinette into the trailer. It was cramped and messy, but obviously well-loved. The walls were painted periwinkle and the curtains covering the window were orange with blue butterflies. "You don't have to call me ma'am, it makes me feel old. I'm Mary, and this is my husband John."
John was sitting on the couch, mending a tear in a crimson red leotard. "Hello, Marinette. Welcome to Haly's Circus."
Mary started leading Marinette to a door. "This is our son Dick's room, where you'll be sleeping. We set up an air mattress on the floor. You can drop your backpack off in there. Dick will be showing you tomorrow, keeping you out of trouble."
Dick was sitting on the bed when Marinette walked into the room, reading a comic book. Marinette waved shyly, "Hello, I'm Marinette."
"I'm Dick, Dick Grayson."
"Which comic book is that?" asked Marinette, leaning forward to get a good look at the title.
"It's an American comic book about this superhero named Ant-Man. He can shrink super small or grow super huge. He's really cool."
"Could I read it?" asked Marinette.
"Sure. I even have the first one on my bookshelf. I have comic books for nearly all of the Marvel superheroes."  As Marinette read, Dick explained the backstories of all of his favorite superheroes and why he owned so many of the comics. "I want to be a superhero someday. If I were a superhero, I would want to be able to fly for real, not just on the trapeze.
Just then, Marinette noticed a poster up on the wall. Visit Haly's Circus to watch the amazing Flying Grayson trapeze family. On the poster were three silhouettes of trapeze artists. "That's you on the poster, isn't it?"
"Yep. I've been doing trapeze since I was seven, and I'm ten now, so that's three whole years. I only got to start performing last month, though." Dick hopped off of his bed and sat down on the air mattress, facing Marinette. "While you're here, are you gonna learn how to do trapeze?"
Marinette shook her head. "I can't. It's too scary."
"But trapeze isn't even scary," protested Dick.
"Maybe not for you, but you do it all the time. I've never done it before and I'm scared of heights."
"Hmm. How about, if you try out the trapeze, I'll do something that scares me, too."
"What would you do?"
Dick stopped to think it over, his face scrunched up in a way that Marinette found both cute and worrisome, given that he was thinking over ways to get her to face her greatest fear of all time. "I know! If you learn trapeze, I'll learn to swim."
"No way! Swimming is way easier than trapeze."
"Not for me!" said Dick indignantly. "I've never been able to swim. But I'll learn how if you learn how to do trapeze."
"I don't know..." Dick was so enthusiastic about the plan that Marinette wanted to say yes, yet there was a lingering fear that held her back.
"Trust me, Marinette. In three days you'll be flying like a bird, and I'll be swimming like a fish."
"Oh, alright. I'll try it."
"Great! Now, I still have a question for you: if you could have any power, what would it be."
"Invisibility," decided Marinette, "That way when I'm late to school, I can slip into the classroom without my teacher noticing."
"Good choice. Now it's your turn to ask a question."
Dick and Marinette stayed up late that night, reading comics and asking each other questions. By morning, Marinette knew that Dick's favorite color was blue, his favorite cookie was chocolate with chocolate chips, his favorite comic book hero was Hawkeye (because he doesn't have any powers, but still manages to be a superhero), and his favorite circus animal performer was Zitka the Elephant. Dick was nine months older than Marinette, his birthday being October 2nd as opposed to her July 28th birthday.
"It's time to teach you how to do trapeze!" announced Dick as soon as breakfast was over.
"We offered to watch over you today while Gina catches up with her friends," explained Mary. "Now, I know that you're afraid of heights, and I'm not going to force you to do anything that you don't want, but I think it would be a good experience to try trapeze. I promise you, it's completely safe."
"I'll try it."
Dick grinned. "We made a deal last night. If Marinette learns how to do trapeze then I have to learn how to swim."
John raised one eyebrow. "I thought that you swore off swimming for as long as you live."
"I changed my mind. Marinette has to learn how to do trapeze."
Mary and John were both smiling as they exchanged a look. Mary cleared her throat, then said, "Alright. Marinette, I'll get you a leotard, and then you can get dressed."
Given that they were approximately the same size, Dick would be partnered up with Marinette to guide her through the trapeze while she was in the air. Dick and John went ahead to get Dick in position before Marinette started. However, by the time Mary and Marinette got to the circus tent, Marinette was having second thoughts. While her new white leotard was cute, the thought of plummeting to her death while attempting to do trapeze was much less cute. "I'm not so sure about this."
"Marinette, I promise that there is no way you can get hurt. We'll have you strapped into a harness the whole time."
Marinette looked up at Mary, "You promise?"
As she looked up at Mary, the one thing that Marinette's anxious brain noticed was that the older woman had very trustworthy eyes. "Yes, I promise."
Marinette took a deep breath. "Then I want to learn how to do trapeze."
Mary smiled. "Good. Now, the first thing we need to do is get you into your harness. It will be connected to lunge lines to keep you safe in case you fall off the ladder. Then you'll climb the ladder to the top, and we'll attach you to more safety lines. At any point, no matter what happens, you'll be safe if you fall."
Mary helped Marinette into the harness, re-explaining everything as she went along. "Once you get to the top of the ladder, John will guide you through. Dick will be on the other side, mirroring everything you do, and showing you what to do next if you need help. Got it?"
"Yep. Got it." Now, all Marinette had to do was climb the ladder - the extremely tall, extremely scary ladder.
Mary put her hand on Marinette's shoulder. "You can do this, sweetheart. There will be things in life that you're scared of, and sometimes the only way to move forward is to face those fears."
Marinette smiled up at Mary. "Thank you." She got up onto the first rung of the ladder, then the second, then the third, making sure to look up at her destination instead of down at the ground.
"Good job," said John, as Marinette climbed up onto the platform next to him. "Now I'm just going to clip you into the safety lines and unclip you from the lunge lines. There's a specific set of commands that will tell you when to go. Dick is catching you, so he'll say 'Listo' when he's built up enough height in his swing. You then will say 'Listo' when you grab hold of the fly bar. Dick will tell you 'Ready' when you need to prepare to jump, and 'Hep' is the command to jump. When you get to the peak of your swing, Dick will yell "Hep" again. That's your signal to let go of the bar. Dick will grab your hands with his, and swing you back over to the other platform, where Mary will be there to help you back onto the platform. Are you ready?"
Marinette nodded, gazing at the trapeze setup with determination. "I'm ready."
Marinette watched Dick as he took off, holding his fly bar. As he swung, he transitioned from being upright, holding the bar with his hands, to being upside down, holding the bar under his knees, his hands free to catch her. "Listo!" Dick called out.
Marinette grabbed onto the fly bar. "Listo!"
Marinette bent her knees and took a deep breath.
Marinette jumped off the platform, swinging on the fly bar as the wind whipped in her face. It was exhilarating. Her fear of heights was the last thing on her mind as she watched the colors of the circus tent fly by. Marinette suddenly understood what Dick meant, when he told her that he wished to be able to fly. She felt incredible, and she never wanted the feeling to end.
"Hep!" Dick called again as he swung closer and closer to her.
Marinette let go. At the same instant, Dick's hands clasped around hers, and she was swinging with him.
"How does it feel?" asked Dick.
"Amazing!" Marinette cheered as they swung back to Dick's platform.
Mary was there to grab Marinette out of Dick's grasp, pulling her firmly onto the platform. Dick flipped himself upright and did a backflip up onto the platform. "Ta-da! How did I do as my first time as a catcher?"
"The both of you did very well. You were an excellent catcher, Dick, and you were a natural flyer, Marinette. I can see the two of you being able to pull off some exceptional stunts someday, if you were to continue trapeze, Marinette."
"I want to. I really do."
Marinette was eager to get back onto the trapeze as soon as possible, but Mary insisted that they stop for lunch first. As they walked out of the circus tent, Marinette pulled Dick aside and whisper-shouted, "That was your first time as a catcher and you didn't think to tell me?"
Dick shrugged, a mischievous smile spreading on his face. "I thought it would make you more nervous."
Marinette spluttered, "You- you-"
"Dick?" suggested Dick with a straight face.
The pair burst into instantaneous laughter, so hard they were gasping for breath as they made their way back to the Grayson's trailer.
The next three days passed in a blur. Every morning, Dick and Marinette would start their day on the trapeze. Dick guided Marinette through more and more advanced maneuvers, working as a team to accomplish amazing feats. Every minute they spent together up on the trapeze, Marinette could feel the connection between them growing. After a few hours up on the trapeze, Marinette and Dick would get down, get lunch, and explore the campsite. Marinette got to meet Zitka the Elephant and her calf, Nadia, both of whom were rescued from a roadside petting zoo in Texas and given to Haly after they were deemed too domesticated to be released back into the wild.
Marinette and Dick would get back on the trapeze in the afternoon until Mary and John called them for supper. Then, the circus would perform. Marinette would watch The Flying Graysons perform, amazed by how effortless they made it look. After the performance, Marinette would shower Dick with praise as they walked back to the trailer. Dick pretended that he wasn't flattered, but Marinette could see how much it meant to him, to hear it from her. Though they hadn't known each other for very long at all, there was instant platonic chemistry between the two of them.
Grandma Gina made herself scarce over the weekend, spending most of her time with her old friends from her circus days. However, she always made sure to stop in to watch Marinette on the trapeze, taking pictures to show Tom and Sabine when the couple returned to Paris.
The weekend felt like it lasted both three years and three minutes at the same time; nevertheless, Sunday night still came, and Marinette had to say goodbye.
"I'll just run away with the circus," said Marinette, sitting on the air mattress, staring at her fully packed backpack. "Mary and John would take me in."
Dick shook his head. "They would never allow it, no matter how good you are at trapeze."
Marinette sighed. "I'm really going to miss you."
Dick sighed as well, leaning his head against Marinette's. "This really sucks." After a moment of silently commiserating their terrible fortune, Dick suddenly jumped up. "I know! We can send letters to each other to keep in touch. And I can send you comic books when you need new ones to read."
"But the circus moves around constantly. Where will I send the letters to?"
"I have the schedule of everywhere that we'll be for the next six months. You'll just have to send the letters so that they reach the right destination at the right time."
"That means I can still talk to you!"
And suddenly, goodbye was a lot easier to bear.
Haly's Circus performed in Paris twice a year - once in January and once in July - meaning that Marinette and Dick had very little time to spend together in person. However, they did write to each other. Dick would send postcards from all the places he visited and Marinette invested in good stationery to write her letters on. Dick would mail over American comic books, carefully folded and stuffed into envelopes. Marinette would send back handmade patches for Dick to sew onto his leotard. They would write about all the details of their lives that they never mentioned to anyone else. Dick told Marinette that sometimes he wished that he could have had a normal childhood all in one place, but then he would think about all the people and places he would have never met and regret ever wanting anything else. Marinette told Dick that sometimes she worried that no matter how hard she worked to be interesting and funny and worthwhile, she would never be enough for the people around her.
Worried that she would forget how to do trapeze during the six months before Haly's circus returned, Marinette convinced her parents to let her attend the one gymnastics studio in Paris that offered trapeze. They were reluctant at first, worried that Marinette could get hurt, but after a thorough overview of the safety precautions, they finally relented. It was a thirty-minute metro ride, but it was worth it when she got up on the trapeze. Marinette quickly became friends with the other students her age at the studio. Alan, Allegra, and Claude were all two years older than her and lived on the other side of Paris, but they still made time to hang out with Marinette both inside and outside of the studio.
As Marinette grew more and more skilled at trapeze, she decided to try some similar sports. She split her free time between the studio, where she worked on developing her skills at trapeze, gymnastics, and aerial silks, and home, where she worked on designing and creating clothes. It was ambitious for a ten-year-old, but Marinette was determined. She loved trapeze and loved making her own clothes, and she loved those two things equally. She could never give one up, and could barely bring herself to prioritize one over the other when her free time grew scarce.
Marinette had her purpose in life: chasing the feeling of flying as far as it could go and creating things out of nothing but her own imagination. She had all the friends she could ever need, but most important to her was Dick, who, despite their distance, seemed closer to her than anyone else.
It was a Thursday, the day that Marinette's world ended. It was sunny and unusually warm for October. For Marinette, the day started off entirely normally. She went to school, ate lunch with Kim and Alix, went to the trapeze studio after school to work on a new trapeze routine, got hot cocoa with Alan, Allegra, and Claude afterward, then went home.
It was the 31st of October, the day that Marinette learned of the deaths of Mary and John Grayson. Mary, with her kind eyes, and John, with his crooked smile, were gone forever. Dick was an orphan.
Marinette was only eleven years old, the day that she learned the details of their deaths. They were on the trapeze, performing the closing act of the Gotham show. Dick was up on the platform, too young for the stunt they were performing. The ropes were cut halfway through. John reached out to catch Mary, going through the motions of a trick they had performed so often it would have felt as natural as breathing for them. John caught Mary. John's ropes snapped. They both plummeted, clipped the edge of the safety nets, going too fast, hitting the ground too hard, dead before the ambulances got there. Marinette couldn't help but picture the bodies of mangled birds that died when they hit the window too hard. Marinette pictured broken bones and broken hearts and in her grief, the only person she wanted was Dick. As much as she was hurting, she knew his grief overwhelmed her. Marinette needed to comfort him. Marinette knew her friend needed her.
Yet, no matter how hard Marinette tried (and she tried so hard, because it was the only thing that gave her any relief from the burning pain in her chest) she couldn't get in touch with Dick. Haly told her that Dick was taken in by Gotham's CPS, and they refused to provide any information about him to the circus. Although the circus was his second home, Gotham refused to return Dick. Haly's Circus was deemed an unfit home. Dick would never be returned.
Every day for months Marinette called Gotham's CPS and begged for any information about her lost friend. She pleaded with them that all she wanted to do was be able to send him a letter. But each time, she was refused.
Three months passed, and by the end of those three months, Marinette felt like her heart had been drained out of her. She had lost Mary and John Grayson, who had taught her not only trapeze but how to overcome fear and be brave. She lost Dick too, but in a different way. There was no way to get in contact with Dick again, and Marinette knew that couldn't spend her whole life mourning the friendship she had lost. She knew that she had to accept it and move on. Still, Marinette never stopped missing him.
Marinette could never quite forget Dick. She remembered him every time she got up on the trapeze, every time she made a new patch that she couldn't send to him, every time she sampled a new pastry for the bakery that she knew he would have loved, every time something big happened and her first instinct was to send a letter about it to him.
Five years without him and Dick still lingered on the edge of her mind. Five years without him and Marinette knew that she would never be at peace until she saw him again.
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safertokiss · 4 years
There’s No One Else
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A/N: Heyooo! I loved this request so of course I had to write something for it. It’s my first MGG fic, but it was super fun to write and I plan to do more fics for his other roles. Thanks for the support and all the kind words!<3 P.S. I decided to try out 2nd person in this one.
Request: “Can you do an angst/smut with Matthew but it's the set of criminal minds and they are shooting a scene and reader likes Matthew but she is keeping it a secret? sorry if that didn't make any sense. I love your writing!!” ( @victomizedbyreginageorge )
Category: SMUT, slight angst, and of course fluff
Word Count: 5.2k
Ever since you were a child, you knew that you were destined to be on the set of a production studio, surrounded by the biggest stars the business had to offer. Granted, you had always assumed you’d be the one in front of the camera rather than behind, but I guess beggars can’t be choosers in this world.
 It’s not that you disliked being Khalia Dark’s assistant. She was a world renown celebrity, loved by all who were graced with her presence, from afar that is. Anyone who had the “honor” to get up close and personal with her, yourself included, knew she wasn’t the sweetest of the bunch. If you were to use your own words, she was a mythic bitch. Adored by millions, envied by more, which was pretty much the case for all of the A-listers out here anyway. Although you could do without the woman being in your vicinity, you didn’t mind being her servant most of the time.
More often than not you were certain she forgot about your existence all together, which usually gave you a chance to breathe for a bit. While your job brought about many positives for yourself, for example the extensive knowledge of posh coffees that you would have memorized for life, the highlight of the endeavor was without a doubt the exclusive access to the extravagant movie and TV sets that the queen bee happened to be appearing in each given week. Today, much to your excitement, was one of those days. Usually movies were more her forte so it was always a nice, refreshing change when she booked a role for the small screen. 
Her newest conquest in the industry just happened to be one of your favorite shows to have ever aired, Criminal Minds. Of course you were trying to remain professional, but it became increasingly difficult the closer you got to the studio lot’s entrance. The child in you was screaming with joy at the prospect of being there, surrounded by some of your favorite actors and actresses in the industry. You couldn’t even consider the possibility that you would get to meet Matthew Gray Gubler, the object of your affections for as long as you had been watching the show. That simply was a no go. You were positive that if at any point in time he was in your vicinity, you would simply lose consciousness, and that wouldn’t exactly be the best first impression. The further you walked onto the set, the more amazed you were. You were so familiar with it after years of watching, it just felt like a second home. After breaking out of your stupor, you quickly spun around to try and locate your boss, immediately colliding with whatever was in front of you, letting out a small “oomf”. Well. Whoever.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t paying atten-.”
You immediately froze mid-sentence when your eyes caught up with your actions. Fuck. This is not happening. It was him. Standing less than a foot away from you was the one and only Mr. Matthew Gray Gubler, live and in the flesh. Fucking hell.
“Hey it’s no problem, I promise. Don’t worry about it. I’m not exactly the most coordinated person on the planet either, trust me”, he said, chuckling lightly. Running a hand through his unkempt curls, he momentarily let his eyes roam your frame before seemingly snapping out of it, clearing his throat and extending one of his strong looking hands towards you.
“I’m Matthew by the way.”
You, however, were still frozen in place. Realizing how stupid you looked just standing there, openly ogling the man in front of you, you quickly met his hand, a nervous smile adorning your face. His hands were so fucking soft.
Chuckling once again, he seemed to be waiting for something.
“And you are?”
Oh shit. You hadn’t even introduced yourself yet! So much for first impressions you thought.
“O-oh right! Sorry. I'm Y/N. Ms. Dark’s assistant”, you stuttered out, entranced by the specimen in front of you. “Wow, that’s a beautiful name. Well I guess it’s fitting. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”
Wait a second. Had you heard those words correctly. THE Matthew Gray Gubler just called you beautiful? You must’ve been dreaming, there was simply no other explanation. But when you glanced at him he was once again trailing his eyes all over you. Holy shit. You thought you were going to implode on the spot.
“Th-thank you”, you muttered shyly, feeling the blush spread across your features faster than a wildfire in a dry forest. After your weak excuse of an answer left your lips, the two of you just continued to stare at each other for what felt like hours. Eventually you were broken out of your trance by the director calling all of the actors to their places across the lot.
“I-um-I gotta go do a scene, but it was a pleasure to meet you Y/N. I hope I get to see more of you around here.” With a quick wink in my direction, he was off in the direction of the other actors swarming to the set from their trailers. For the third time in the last five minutes you were frozen to the spot in which you stood on the pavement. What in the actual fuck just happened? He called you beautiful. He wants to see more of you. HE WINKED AT YOU. This time you felt like you were truly about to lose consciousness so you booked it to the bathroom to calm yourself. After splashing some water on your face, you felt your body temperature returning to a somewhat normal degree and decided you should probably go to the set in case the Queen of Hearts needed anything from you. 
When you approached the scene that was being filmed, you were able to deduct fairly quickly what the plot revolved around. Apparently Khalia had been hired as the episode’s damsel in distress victim, typical. She was definitely the type to rely on others for pretty much anything. That wasn’t what was catching your eye though. Even from where you were standing you could clearly see her making eyes at Matthew. I guess you couldn’t blame her, he was gorgeous, but it still made you feel so insecure. It really just served as a reminder that people like him would never go after people like you. They want the ones who count. They want Ms. Khalia Dark. In what world would someone like him want a nobody like Y/N Y/L/N? There wasn’t one that came to mind. And while this revelation was pretty damn heartbreaking, you couldn’t say you were shocked by the cold, hard truth.
Feeling like you had lost a war that hadn’t ever really even begun, you turned back to look at Matthew, deciding to make the most of however short the time was that you’d be here. However, he was nowhere to be seen. You quickly realized that while you had been distracted, the scene had switched to something else, one where Matthew appeared to be absent.
“Hey again!”
You literally jumped off the ground and let out a little yelp at the noise, you were so startled.
“Oops, I’m sorry! Didn’t mean to scare you, sweetheart,” he got out between adorable giggles. Damn, this man was gonna be the death of you. Literally. If he scared you like that again, you might actually have a heart attack.
“Jesus Matthew! A little warning next time!” You couldn’t help but join in his giggling after a few seconds. Returning his gesture just made the two of you laugh even harder until both of your chests hurt like hell. His laugh was angelic. Perfect. Just like him. For some reason, after you guys had calmed down a bit, you noticed him once again looking you up and down, admiring your body. You even swore you saw him lick his lips. You must be imagining things. Weird. Very weird. Bringing his wandering eyes back to yours, a goofy grin was plastered across his face. You hadn’t even realized you were biting your lip until he reached towards you, dislodging your teeth from the soft skin. “Don’t do that,” he said with a much more serious expression adorning his features. Before you really had the chance to decipher what had just happened, a loud voice cut through the air directed towards you both, causing you to put a bit of space between the two of you. You were able to easily recognize the sultry voice as Shemar’s, turning towards him, a smirk on his face.
“What’s going on that’s so funny over here,” he questioned before his attention shifted to focus solely on you. “My, my. And what’s your name sugar?” You were starstruck for what felt like the thousandth time that day, standing there with your mouth awkwardly hanging open.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. I work for Kahlia, her assistant actually. Nice to meet you”, you answered brightly, a polite smile gracing your lips.
“Trust me, the pleasure is all mine sweetness”, he concluded with a wink. While the action was endearing, it had nowhere near the same effect on you as Matthew’s did. You had always adored Morgan on the show, but you didn’t really know Shemar well enough to have any serious opinions about the dude. Matthew, however, you knew everything there was to be known, from his haunted treehouse to his love of Halloween. You weren’t proud of your obsession, but you couldn’t deny the unbelievably strong attraction you had for the man to your left. Regardless, the interaction caused a blush to spread, though this time it was caused more by being flustered rather than speechless. 
You were about to say something else to try and salvage some of the pride you had just lost, but you were beaten to the punch by Romeo himself. 
“Nothing’s happening over here actually, Shemar. I was having a private conversation with Y/N and I’d appreciate it if you let us get back to it. Thank you.” Matthew’s voice had picked up an edge and his eyes were dark. Like really dark. Although the situation was super uncomfortable and kind of unsettling, considering how feral he looked, you couldn’t help to think about how HOT it was. How hot he was.
“Woah, sorry kid. I didn’t mean to interrupt, just thought I’d introduce myself.”
Seeming to notice his mistakes, Matthew’s eyes quickly returned to their normal color and he stuttered out an apology, with slightly labored breaths.
“No, no I’m sorry man. I didn’t mean to snap like that, just been kind of on edge today”, he said, darting his eyes towards you quickly before redirecting his attention and clearing his throat.
“It’s all good Pretty Ricky, I get like that sometimes too. I’ll catch you guys later. It was nice to meet you Y/N”, he spoke before turning and retreating in the direction of the cast trailers. Shifting your focus back to Matthew, you could tell he was still a bit tense. You gently placed your hand on his shoulder to grab his attention, quietly asking if he was ok.
“Hmm what? Oh, um yeah. Yup. I’m-I’m good. All good. Like I said just a little on edge today. I haven’t had enough coffee”, he hastily responded. Before you could push further, the silence was broken by a shrill voice you were too familiar with, Khalia, unfortunately calling for your assistance at one of the most inopportune times. You turned back to him and gave a sad smile.
“See you around,” you asked, with just a little too much excitement laced in your voice.
“Y-yeah. Of course!” He seemed to have perked up a bit and gave you a wide grin. With a small wave, you were off to do whatever in God’s name the queen wanted from you now.
The week you were on set was surprisingly going by pretty damn quickly.
As much as you were anxiously awaiting the end so you could be free from Khalia for a bit of time, you couldn’t help but lament the fact that you would have to leave what felt like your second home. You would have to leave Matthew. That’s what hurt most of all. The two of you had become quite close in the short time you had been on set. Well, maybe not close per say, but comfortable? Sure. You guys were comfortable with each other, maybe a little too much on your end. Since that moment with Shemar and his outburst, the tenseness never seemed to dissipate completely. The two of you had shared some quick glances while he was filming a scene or while you were navigating the complex maze that was this sound stage. Whenever the two of you were near each other, he always appeared to go out of his way to get some kind of contact with you, whether it was his shoulder rubbing against yours or his fingers brushing yours as he passed by you. You, still in the mindset that someone as amazing and talented as him would never want anything to do you with you, didn’t really think much of his actions, simply playing them off as accidents and coincidences. 
Although you caught him staring at you on more than one occasion during your time there, you definitely spent the majority of your time ogling the fine specimen. You didn’t understand how a person could be so perfect. Seemingly no flaws. Sure, you had known pretty much every fun fact about the man when you had arrived on set a couple days ago, but now that you had spent some time with him, you were even more enamored. Matthew was an enigma and you wanted him. So fucking bad. Unfortunately, so did basically every other girl on the planet. You really shouldn’t be wasting so much time thinking about him, but at this point you were just in too deep. Watching him do his thing on the sound stage was like watching your own personal exhibition, so much talent pouring out of him he shouldn’t have even been allowed to do what he does. The world would certainly be a lot darker without his geniusness though so you supposed it was ok. As the scene you had been watching came to a close, you decided you really wanted to talk to Matthew again, missing the sound of his velvety voice as he focused on you and only you during the few conversations you’d gotten to have so far. Just as you were about to reach him, though, Khalia appeared out of nowhere directly in front of him with the same look in her eyes she had given him your first day on set. Hunger. You didn’t really know what to do now so you just kind of stood there watching the interaction. The conversation was just out of range, but you could tell she had said something that had made them both laugh. You also watched her place her hands on him in a very flirty way. And much to your dismay, he didn’t seem to be that bothered by it.
You knew that you had absolutely no right to be jealous of her advances, seeing there was nothing between the two of you, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit hurt. You had known all along that he didn’t have those kinds of feelings for you, but the cold, hard truth being presented on a silver platter right in your face sucked. A whole hell of a lot. Deciding to leave the two of them to enjoy their moment, you turned and made your way to the snack table on the opposite side of the room. As you got closer, you noticed Shemar lingering around it, seemingly snacking on something among the array of treats presented on the table.
“Hey. Nice to see you again”, you said with a small smile, alerting him of your presence.
You had gotten a bit closer to him over the last few days, getting to know more about him, rather than just his character. He was a really nice guy. Very charming, much like his TV counterpart. 
“Y/N! Hey! How are you today?”
“I’m ok. Not one of the best, but hey I’m alive I guess”, you said with a sad smile. Worry quickly spreading across his face, he pulled you into a hug, gently caressing your back.
“Hey don’t say that babydoll. It might not be the best of days, but everyday is worth living in my eyes. We’re all so lucky to be given the chance to be here so why not say fuck it and make everyday a party.” You pulled away from him chuckling at his words, feeling slightly better than you had before. You were grateful for Shemar helping you out when you needed a mood boost.
“Thanks Shemar. You sure know how to make a girl feel better.” 
“Anytime baby girl”, he said with a wink, making you giggle again at his silly nicknames and behavior towards you. A little bit more at ease, you let your eyes survey the room real quick, eventually landing on Matthew. A very angry and annoyed looking Matthew. He was staring directly at the two of you, his hands balled into fists at his sides, his breathing heavy, his eyes as dark as could be. Less than a minute later, he turned around and stormed off in the direction of what you assumed was his trailer. Quickly focusing on Shemar again, you excused yourself and then immediately ran off in the direction he had headed just moments before.
You were able to locate the trailer simply labeled “MGG” fairly quickly and you cautiously approached the steps leading up to the entrance. Would he even want to see you? Why were you special enough to even be this close to his trailer? Before you could second guess yourself anymore, you speedily climbed the steps and knocked on the door, an action based solely on the fact he was without a doubt upset about something and apparently it was your fault to some degree.
You heard some rustling behind the door before his voice rang out.
“Who is it?”
Shit. He sounded really upset. Pushing aside the anxiety bubbling in your chest, you decided that you were curious more than anything and wanted to know what you had done to get his panties in such a twist.
“I-It’s Y/N.”
Immediately the door swung open, making you jump slightly. Without saying a word, he grabbed your arm and dragged you over the threshold, handling you like a rag-doll. Once you were inside he released your arm and began pacing around the trailer, breathing pretty heavily. Maybe it was a mistake coming here. You thought you should probably go and leave him alone for a bit so he could cool off.
“I-I shouldn’t have come here. I’ll leave you be”, you sputtered out, quickly making your way towards the exit. However, before you could even reach the door, his deep voice echoed through the trailer.
“Why did you let him touch you like that?”
You froze mid-step, unsure of how to respond. “Huh?” Wow, nice going Y/N. Really scraped the dictionaries for that one.
“Shemar. Why did you let him put his hands on you and touch you like that?” As he spoke his question, he slowly moved towards you, like a predator eyeing its prey. What was he talking about? Why did he care that you and Shemar had shared a brief hug? And most perplexing of all, why in the hell was he looking at you with such fire in his eyes.
“I-I don’t know what you mean Matthew.”
After his name fell from your lips, you saw his mouth twitch as he moved to close the gap between the two of you, leaving just enough space that your breaths intermingled, but no actual physical contact was occuring. 
“You’re mine, Y/N. You. Are. Mine.” What did he just say? Were you imagining this whole situation in some sick dream of yours? Your brain was struggling to catch up.
“What are you even talki-.”
Before you could finish your sentence, Matthew had surged forward, clashing his mouth against yours, hungrily devouring your lips like they were his favorite meal. You moaned at the contact, letting the shock envelope your entire body. He was ravenous, tongue pressing against your lips, begging for entry. Finally processing what the hell was happening, your mouth quickly opened and welcomed his needy tongue, feeling it tangle with yours as he released the most delicious moan you had ever heard in all the years you had been alive. His hands moved frantically, hastily ripping at the clothes covering your body, desperate to feel any part of you that he could. 
You couldn’t even comprehend how this was happening. Matthew wanted you? Not only did he want you, but he was acting on it too. Fuck. He had said you were his. Did he really mean that?
Breaking away from your lips to pull your blouse over your head, you could’ve sworn you heard a growl escape his throat as his eyes hungrily drank in your appearance, left only in your bra and panties. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous. How are you so fucking hot?” Holy shit. The pure lust that dripped in his words made your legs feel like Jell-O, barely keeping it together as he shed his own shirt and began unbuckling his belt. Apparently that was what caused the wire in your brain to snap, your body surging forward to reconnect your lips and rake your nails down his chest.
“Please Matthew”, you whined, not even entirely sure what you wanted him to do. You just needed more.
Groaning at the desperation evident in your voice, he let his hand drift down your body, toying with the waistband of your panties. “Please what? What do you want from me, sweetheart?” His words made you whimper, grasping his hand to try and maneuver it underneath the damp fabric covering the place you needed him most.
“Uh uh uh. I want you to use your words princess. You can do that for me can’t you?”
Nodding your head fervently, you pushed aside any embarrassment you felt and answered almost immediately as the words left his mouth. “I want you to touch me! Please Matthew, I’m begging you!” As soon as you finished your desperate plea, his nimble fingers had ripped your panties down your legs and he was guiding you towards the couch conveniently located nearby. The two of you stumbled onto the cushions, Matthew hovering over you pinning you down, his large erection pressing into your thigh through his pants. You choked on a breath as one of his long, narrow fingers entered you swiftly, pumping in and out of you at a brutal pace, soon followed by two more. You were a whimpering mess as Matthew had his way with you, perfectly curling his fingers to hit your special spot over and over again. You needed him inside of you now or you were gonna explode.
“You’re so wet sweetheart. This all for me”, he questioned cockily, savoring the sounds pouring from your lips, cherishing the way your body writhed underneath his. 
“Yes Matthew! It’s all for you. Only you”, your words were accompanied by a long, drawn out moan. 
“Good girl”, he growled as his fingers picked up their pace, pushing you dangerously close to the edge. Matthew must have picked up on the fact based on the way your muscles were clenching around his digits and the way your breath was becoming more and more labored. 
“That’s it, baby. Come for me, little girl. Come all over my fingers.” His graphic words made your eyes roll back in your head as you felt your orgasm crash through your body, Matthew continuing his ministrations throughout the entirety of it. As you came down from your high and opened your eyes, you were met with the beautiful vision of Matthew sucking your juices off of himself, staring intently at you with lust-filled eyes. “Mmmm, so fucking sweet baby”, he moaned as he licked the last bit away. Realizing you simply couldn’t wait any longer, you grabbed onto his forearm, pulling him to you as close as physically possible. 
“Matthew I need you inside of me right now. Please. Please, I need you.” You felt like you were on the verge of crying, you were so damn desperate for him. You didn’t miss the way his eyes instantly darkened even more after hearing you beg him to fuck you so viscerally. 
“Baby, I really want to feel you bouncing on my cock. Can you do that? Can you ride me like a good girl, sweetheart?”
Not even bothering to answer his questioning, you mustered up all of your strength to push him up and off of you, allowing yourself to straddle him on one of the cushions. You made quick work unzipping his pants and signalling for him to lift up his hips, allowing you to hastily pull down both his slacks and boxers in one go. God, you were so fucking horny and needy for the man in front of you, you felt like you were going insane. Actually, scratch that. You were already long gone. Finally having removed the last barrier between the two of you, his strong hands grabbed your hips and positioned you over his throbbing cock, slowly letting you lower yourself down. Both of you released matching groans at the overwhelming feeling. 
“Fuck, princess. You feel so fucking amazing”, he moaned before gently grasping your hips, encouraging you to start moving. You couldn’t control the string of whimpers that escaped your mouth as you started circling your hips, gradually picking up your pace. It felt so fucking good, incomparible to anything you had ever felt before. As your speed increased and he began thrusting upwards to meet you, his hands reached behind you, finding the clasp of your bra, practically ripping the garment off of your body. Without any barrier blocking your breasts, he sat back and ogled you as they bounced in sync with your rapid movements, eventually needing more and grabbing the pillowy flesh with his wandering hands. The stimulation only made you move faster, desperate for the addicting friction that you could feel radiating throughout your whole being. You felt Matthew’s grip on your hips tighten exponentially, in order to get your undivided attention. 
“I bet you thought you looked real cute flirting with him like that, didn’t you princess”, he sputtered, his voice strained and hoarse. The sound of it made your insides quiver even more.
“I-I wasn’t f-flirting. I w-was just being n-nice”, you stammered, feeling your climax slowly building more and more with each thrust. He growled and immediately picked up the pace, speaking his next words clearly for you to understand. “That’s bullshit baby and you know it. Do you really think he could fuck you like this, sweetheart? Do you think his cock could fill you up this perfectly? Make you feel the way I do?” 
“N-Noooo! No, of course not. I only want you!” You were a moaning, whimpering mess as you gripped his shoulders trying to maintain your balance, his thrusts launching you into a whole other universe. “What was that, little girl? I couldn’t really hear you.”
“Fuck! Matthew! I only want you! There’s no one else!” You couldn’t control yourself any longer. You lost the ability to move as he wrapped his arms around your waist, slamming into you so fucking hard you swore you could see stars. 
“There better fucking not be, little girl. You are mine, sweetheart. All fucking mine. Mine!” His words make the chord in your stomach snap, your climax overtaking your body dangerously fast. “MATTHEW!” Your vision was spotty, muscles clenched incredibly tight, when you felt his cock start to twitch violently inside of you. 
“Fuck! Y/N! Oh my god!” As soon as the words left his mouth, you felt his cum fill you up completely, warmth radiating throughout your body as his dick pulsated inside of you. 
You collapsed against his sweaty frame, holding on for dear life. “Matthew, Matthew, Matthew”, you muttered as you fought to regulate your breathing. Both of you were shaking, thanks to the world-shattering orgasams you had just experienced, his hands gently rubbing your back, soothing you. “Shhhhhh, breathe little girl”, he whispered so warmly it made butterflies bloom in your stomach, a stark contrast to the way he was speaking moments ago. 
Pulling yourself upright, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his. After a few seconds had passed, a huge grin slowly formed on his beautiful face, letting out a light giggle. “Hey.”
Feeling a smile form on your own face from his silliness, you couldn’t help but fall for him even more. “Hi”, you shyly responded, reaching up to poke the dimple that was visible on his face, giggling when he playfully stuck his tongue out, trying to reach your finger with it. Completely absorbed in the moment, you had forgotten that he was still inside of you and you were probably hurting him, not that he was gonna complain. You slowly lifted yourself off of him, both of you wincing slightly at the sensation. He immediately pulled you back to him afterwards and continued to rub your back like he had before. It was so comforting, you were scared you were gonna fall asleep in his lap, which you pretty quickly concluded wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, noticing the way his eyes seemed to droop as well.
As you felt yourself starting to drift off, you heard his soothing voice near your ear. “I’m really sorry I got so rough Y/N. I didn’t mean to act like that. I just got so jealous seeing you with him and I didn’t know how to control my emotions. I didn’t know how to tell you how I felt.” He sounded genuinely sad when he spoke, the guilt evident in his quiet voice.
“Matthew, baby, don’t be sorry, ok? I really enjoyed every second of it, I promise. As for Shemar...you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I’ve only ever had eyes for you. You’re kind of stuck with me Gube.” You felt the chuckle vibrate through his body at your words and you lazily smiled against his chest.
“I know, sweetheart. I know.” You heard him hesitate and you wondered if he was going to finish his thought, hopefully before you knocked out cold. “Would you-would you maybe want to go out with me this weekend? Like on a-a date? You felt your heart swell in your chest at his question and slowly nodded against him. 
“I would love that, Matthew.”
Cherishing the feeling of holding each other in your arms, the two of you quickly succumbed to the drowsiness, falling into the most comfortable slumber you had ever experienced.
Tag List: @hopebaker​ @pastathighs​ @psychedellic-phase​ @gloryekaterina​ @sleepysnapesnake​ @racharr​ @etherealgubler​ @furiouspartyrebelhoagie​ @andiebeaword​ @liaabsurd​ @cielo1984​ @starkeybaby​ @rainsong01​ @moonlight-jukebox ​ @victomizedbyreginageorge
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lazyneonrabbitt · 4 years
Paintings & picture frames. [Pt. 2]
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Daryl Dixon x Reader [Pt.1] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6] [Pt.7]
Time for art college classes!
Your partner’s name was Daryl Dixon, a photography student.
After spending, in your opinion, way too much time looking for your partner and asking ever student with a camera their name you needed a break from people and went outside mumbling to yourself about how you were ever going to find your study partner. Being so deep in thought you didn’t watch where you were going and ran into someone.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” You exclaimed before looking up and seeing the guy that ran into you yesterday. You saw he also had a partner program paper sticking out from his bag. “You found your partner yet?” He shook his head and took a drag from his cigarette. “Nah, ain’t doin that shit.” He took the paper from his bag and crumpled it up into a ball before throwing it at you and walking off. “Let them know they’re gonna need a new one.”
Unfolding the paper you checked the name on his paper to see if you happened to know the student paired up with this asshole. You weren’t happy when you read your own name on his paper. “Ah great..” you sighed and ran after him. “Yo, Dixon! Wait up!”
He stopped and turned around. “The fuck you know my name? It ain’t on the paper” you stopped in front of him, holding your own paper to his face. “It is on mine. Now why aren’t you joining the assignment?” You weren’t gonna let this guy ruin your first week for whatever reason he was gonna come up with. He clearly got the hint as he sighed and motioned for you to follow him. You both walked past the building to the parking lot, past all the cars to the bike spaces where he stopped at one that was more of a pile of mismatched parts than an actual bike. “So, are you gonna tell me or what?” You asked as he tied his bag to his bike and grabbed another cigarette. “If ya were from around here I wouldn’t have to tell ya. Never heard o’ me before?”
Why wasn’t he just answering the question. “Well I’m obviously not from here so either you tell me or suck it up and work with me for two days.” You shoved your paper at him again. “After that you can go back to being your sad, loner self. Deal?” You had to make sure this worked and you had a good starting week. You weren't gonna let anyone ruin that for you. Daryl realized this and decided it would be for the best if he’d get this partner project done with someone who doesn’t think bad of him yet.
“Ya okay.” Was all he mumbled before grabbing your paper and pen from your hands and signed his name before holding the pen towards you. “C’mon. Ain’t got all day.”
You took the pen and signed your name on the crumpled paper. “Want me to go hand them in?” Holding out your hand, you were kind of expecting him to hand over the paper and leave without saying much more, but instead he kindly thanked you for offering and agreed to meet you back here in the morning to properly start the day.
Surprised you left for the large hall to hand in your papers and head back home for an early end of your day.
You spent the most of yesterday evening wondering what kind of classes you were going to have during your one day of studying photography since you never talked about it with Daryl. You thought of him on your way to college, wondering if he was gonna show up at all or if you were even allowed to still take your photography classes when your partner wasn’t with you.
Your worries were quickly dismissed when a motorcycle passed you at the school gate and you noticed a set of wings you caught a glimpse of yesterday as you followed he rumbling sounds to their destination.
Since work was on your way you picked up a large thermos of your favorite coffee, freshly brewed by your boss who had just opened up for the early customers. You offered Daryl one of the cups and he accepted it with a small hesitation and a confused look on his face. He mumbled a quick thanks before grabbing a cigarette and taking a swig of coffee. “Hm. ‘Sgood coffee.” He hummed happily.
You accepted the now empty cup back in surprise, all while you were currently trying not to burn your mouth with the hot beverage. You nodded in agreement. “My boss brewed it this morning, she makes it the best in my opinion.” He raised an eyebrow at you as to ask for more on the subject as he took a last drag of his cigarette and put it out on the trashcan outside the entrance.
“I work at that diner near the edge of town, the one at the trailer park entrance? I live on my own so I needed a job and this pays he bills plus extra.” You weren’t given much of a verbal response, just an acknowledging nod and a soft hum.
You walked the rest of the way to Daryl and your’s first class of the day in silence and only discussed the study material during the lecture. You had exchanged phone numbers over the course of the day and both went your own ways during lunch breaks. At the end of the day you said your goodbyes and went home without much friendly chatter.
You worked again that evening, serving all kinds of people and discussing with Tiana, the nice coworker, who the strangest customer of the day was. During cleanup you talked about school and how your assignment with Daryl was going. She questioned your head off about him, hoping to get some gossiping done during her shift but you explained that there wasn’t much to talk about since he barely spoke.
“Really, all I know is that he has amazing photography skills, drives a motorcycle to school every day and his last name’s Dixon.” She shot up from her seat at that name. “Dixon? As in that woman that burned down her entire house with a cigarette bud Dixon? Or the only person that got banned for assaulting a waitress here? Or maybe the old man that comes in to threaten our staff because our smokes vending machine ran out of his favorite brand..”
You weren’t sure how to respond to all of that. Was this why Daryl was so quiet and didn’t want to work with anyone before? There was no way you were gonna ask him about something so personal after only knowing him for such a short time. Honestly you were hoping you’d just forget about it all in the morning.
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crazymadredfox · 4 years
[crazyoverrecent tpn eps anon] i was really looking forward to seeing yuugo but then when i saw that THERE WAS NO YUUGO SITTING ON THE CHAIR i paused the anime and had to calm myself that he’s gonna show up e v e n t u a lly. Now, I am wondering what the heck did they (the studio or smth) //do//. I just saw you reblogging about the recent tpn episodes and I wanted to hear your opinions about it. Its nice to hear that I’m not the only one frustrated haha
Oh hell yes more dumping
anon i’m so sorry this got super super long
I was very excited with the trailers and everything before it came out, shit looked amazing, but I was expecting around 6 or so episodes before Yuugo even shows up cause of that plant(?)thing they got trapped in. So I waited a bit before watching.
And then last week I go to twitter and literally see the frame of that goddamn table AND THERE IS NO YUUGO. First they cut out that whole mini-arc of them learning to survive and went right in to Mujika saving them, which in my opinion is a bit of a copout, cause in that little segment you really saw how well the kids could adapt and learn on the fly and use their brains and whatnot. But whatever- if they came to the goldy pond arc faster I was willing to watch them speed through other things, because I believe that goldy pond arc really is the most important event in the manga. A turning point for the characters and their developments and that is when they truly grow with their views on the world and goals.
But all of that doesn’t matter now because Yuugo wasn’t in the Bunker,
And I disliked every single thing after.
First I miss my bunkerdad, he is my absolute favorite character and a fan favorite for a reason (i rly rly don’t know what will they get by cutting him out) but it’s all because of his growth. He is grumpy and mean and bitter and while we do learn about it later, at the start he wasn’t all that dear to me. But then his backstory happens, shit gets explained, kids find the room etc etc- his redemption happens slowly and he just grows from bitter sad angry man to a grumpy father who loves his children and wants to protect them at all costs.
Which is huge! Aside from Minerva (even he later disappoints) Yuugo is the only adult (w/ Lucas ofc) who these kids can look up to and count on.
Cutting him so early off, and even if he shows up alter under different circumstances in my opinion ruins the character arc he went through. As we later find out he was about to kill himself in the moment when Emma and the others stepped into the bunker, and rewriting that with them saving his life in ANY other way just won’t cut it. Them preventing his suicide, putting him to work and giving him a reason to live (as well as proving family is worth it all) and returning HOPE HE LOST by finding Lucas is a whole character arc that I can’t see being altered so drastically and still being impactful.
Especially with how mistreated he’s already being, without being present in the anime. While I was happy that the wall with his scribbles exists along with the notebook, the fact that he left a message that said “I’m going to the human world; don’t lose hope” is THE LAST THING YUUGO WOULD SAY AT THIS POINT IN THE TIMELINE. He went mad from loneliness and guilt as the only survivor, he stayed alive ONLY because he thought his whole family died and that it would be even worse if he went and died as well. He gave up on going to the human world, because he doesn’t see a point in doing so alone.
That’s why episode 4 ruined my hopes for Yuugo; even if he does show up later to me his character is butchered already. (I will be over the moon if he shows up, don’t get me wrong, but I deeply condemn current developments)
And this all is just about Yuugo.
What ep4 did to the narrative is so so dumb.
In the manga bunker is their grand gift for survival. For escaping GF, surviving the forest, finding their way, outsmarting the demons and whatnot. It’s their new home, a place where they feel safe and secure, and it takes years to establish that. When it gets attacked everyone is shocked and upset. I remember reading those chapters and being on the edge of my seat, actually feeling hurt, because I knew how much time and effort they put into making it a real home. Yuugo and Lucas giving up their lives in a grand gesture of love, ultimately showing that they’re ready to give up their all for these kids they come to see as theirs. It’s gutting and painful and heartbreaking.
In the anime it’s cheap and absolutely pointless. I would get it if it was just another disaster that just happens to Emma and the others to show how the world isn’t on their side, but THEY SPEND A YEAR THERE. A whole year in a goddamn flashback, unnecessary and boring, there is no emotional punch to it getting attacked, no true losses (because while we do see them getting settled down and living easily, it just goes by so fast and nothing new is shown except baths and the piano.) Bunker looses all its meaning, there’s no new emotional connections, Yuugo is badly set up (if you can even call it that) and that stupid call from Minerva just makes my blood boil.
The point is that the bunker gets so much setup, a long tour and it seems like a checkpoint, but it’s ultimately useless because we spend a single episode before it gets attacked.
With that it erases Andrew (at least for now, which is very unproductive if you ask me) and fucking destroys the security needed for the goldy pond to happen. Anyone can argue with me about yuugo’s character being rewritten and changed for the better but you can’t tell me the bunker plot point wasn’t a complete waste of time.
Alalala onto the goldy pond I’ll wrap this up soon I promise.
As I said, universally accepted as the best arc aside the first one. I went back to read it again at least two more times and to me it is as close to a perfect arc as you can get. I would’ve been happy if it stayed like it was in the manga. It handles a huge amount of characters so so well, they all feel important, the plan is very complicated but works out because it was brewing for such a long time, sets a power balance and HAS THE BEST SET OF VILLAINS IN THE WHOLE MANGA.
Pure strategy and tactic kept me coming back, as well as the fact that the main handicap (which is the impossibility of relying information between the groups) didn’t feel forced. But now it can’t happen because a)Yuugo is NOT HERE b) no bunker means no space for tiny kids to stay safe c)it wasn’t even mentioned??
And if they go and shuffle events around and crap I can maybe see it taking place in a satisfying matter, but the thing is that goldy pond was a big turning point because Emma learned she is able to win against demons, even as strong as those five, but at the same time realized that humans are her enemies as well. and as we saw that has already happened in the anime.
My view is that if goldy pond arc happens, it won’t be as impactful as it was in the manga, especially because so much time had passed, but I need it to happen because it was such a great arc.
All in all, this is my current opinion. I am disappointed and sad by the current flow of the anime, but willing to watch where it will go. In my opinion, so many changes were unnecessary, because where manga started going downhill is much much later, around the time Norman is introduced back. I get that they might be setting up other arcs and going for something completely original, but by god I don’t have to like it. They are cutting out so so many great things that would look sick animated, and in return giving us timelapses and cheap thrills. And I didn’t even touch upon villainizing Isabelle SO EARLY ON
Once again, just current opinions, and if by chance they somehow manage to turn this into something entertaining and fun, AND add yuugo and the goldy pond arc, I will gladly eat my words and praise them later. This has been going on for way too long and if anyone bothered to read all this bullshit pls don’t get mad; I’m glad if you like the anime as it is, I just can’t get over so many bad decisions and such a huge drop in the quality of storytelling.
[anon i hope this eases your mind, know that i’m just as frustrated as you, and that it’s justified i’d say]
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jawritter · 4 years
One Cold Day In Canada
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Summary: Jensen has a rough day at work, and Y/N is there to make him feel better.
Written For: @spnchristmasbingo​
Square Field: Christmas Proposal
Warnings: Written in Jensen’s POV, cold weather problems, language, cuddly Jensen, I think that’s about it. This one is pretty light.
Word Count: 1668
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
A/N: This fic is completely unbeta’d, so all mistakes are mine! Please don’t copy my work! Feedback is golden! Hope you all enjoy this one!!
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If there was one thing Jensen hated it was being cold. He couldn’t understand why in the hell did it seem like every role he was destined to land was destined to be filmed in Canada. He longed for the days of Texas summers and sun that was typical of his home state. This snow and cold were getting to be a little more than he could handle, and typically he could handle quite a good bit without complaining. 
Today had started off rough. The Uber he’d called to take him to set had broken down on the freeway in the middle of what seemed to be the blizzard from hell, so they had to sit in the cold car for almost thirty minutes before another Uber could get to them to not only help call a tow for the one that had broken down, but also to take him to set. 
Now he was an hour late, only to find out from the hair and makeup ladies that they were going to be shooting water scenes today. He wondered as he stood on the side of the pool of the barley heated facility if Kripke had finally lost his damn mind, but once he was in the water he was too damn cold to worry about anything but not freezing to death. 
Thankfully, he was able to get the shots they needed in maybe one or two takes, but that still kept him in the water off and on for most of the day. When lunch finally rolled around, he made his way to the food tent on set and was determined to just get a cup of coffee and then go to his trailer to warm up before having to continue with another scene after lunch. When he got back to his trailer, he quickly discovered that he had run out of the propane it took to keep the heater going, and he was only able to use the electric fireplace at the top of the trailer. It kept it bearable, but not as warm as Jensen wanted, and no matter how hard he tried, he wasn’t able to warm up or rest comfortably. 
When he finally walked back through the doors of the condo he’d rented for himself and Y/N to stay in while he was filming here, and the travel restrictions prevented him from going back to Texas, he made his way straight to the shower in hopes that the scalding spray would be able to warm him in a way he’d been craving all day long. 
It worked while he was able to stand there, and let the boiling water beat away at his muscles, but too soon for his liking even the water had started to turn cold, and he was forced to leave its warm embrace and dress himself. 
He knew he’d be struggling for the rest of the night at this rate, and he’d be shocked if he didn’t catch himself a good cold from today’s shooting. 
A deep sigh left his lips as he pulled his sock hat over his head and his cardigan over his shoulders. It was the warmest thing he had clean, and he knew what he really wanted to help keep him warm wouldn’t be home for a little bit. 
Jensen slowly made his way over to the sectional that sat in front of the TV in the center of the room, and flicked it to Netflix, scrolling mindlessly until he found something he could settle on and just let play to distract himself. He could still feel himself shivering, even though he had his favorite pj pants, cardigan, and sock hat firmly on his head. 
He cursed under his breath and grabbed the blanket Y/N kept on the back of the couch, pulling it over his body and up to his neck as the front door lock started to turn, and his eyes trailed to it. She was here, she was finally home.
“Jay,” she called, before turning around to find him curled in his little ball on the couch, a bag of takeout gripped in her hand. She smiled at him as she made her way over to him. Jensen knew he must look pathetic, but he had finally found a somewhat warm position, so moving just wasn’t gonna happen. 
“Hey,” he said, smiling at her and lifting the covers for her to crawl in with him. The smile she gave him made his heart flutter in his chest and a different kind of warmth started to stir just below the surface, the one he’d really be craving all day. The one he’d only ever gotten from her. 
She shook her head as she pulled his food from the bag and sat it on the coffee table in front of him within his reach, all-out laughing as he pouted at her when she didn’t crawl into the covers the way he’d wanted her too. He just knew if he could get her arms around him, it would chase this bone-chilling cold away from him he’d been battling all day long. 
“You eat, and when I’m done in the shower I’ll cuddle with you as much as you want me to,” she said, leaning down to press a quick kiss to his lips before scurrying off towards the bathroom to shower and get in her comfortable clothes. Jensen pouted even as he ate his meal she’d brought home to him. He knew he was being a big baby, but dammit all he wanted was her to snuggle with him and keep him warm. It was all he’d been thinking about since he’d got out of bed this morning and started this horrible day.
He finished his food quickly, growing more and more impatient by the second. He growled as he kicked the covers off of his body, and slumped into the kitchen to dispose of his leftovers before turning to go into the bathroom where he knew she’d still be. 
He leaned against the door frame and watching with his cardigan pulled tight around his body. She turned to see him with the toothbrush hanging out of her lips, and almost burst into hysterical laughter when she saw how pathetic he looked. 
Man, he loved it when she laughed. He could listen to it constantly and never get tired of it. He smiled in spite of himself. He just couldn’t help it.
“What’s wrong baby,” she said, rinsing her toothbrush and placing it in the holder before making her way over to him, and putting her arms tightly around him. Jensen melted into her hold almost immediately, burying his face in her hair and inhaling the scent of her shampoo that he loved so much.
“Bad day,” he said, kissing the top of her head and holding her close against him, enjoying the way she snaked her hands under his cardigan and pulling closer to her warm body. “First the Uber had car trouble so I had to sit in the cold, and then I had to shoot in the water most of the day. My propane was out in my trailer, so I had to just use the little fireplace in that big fifth wheel. I just can’t seem to warm up today, and I hate being cold.”
She never made fun of him, never laughed at him or poked fun at him for complaining so much about his day; she just stood up on her tiptoes and pressed a soft kiss to his neck before slipping her hand into his and pulling him towards their bedroom, throwing the covers back and allowing him to crawl into bed fully clothed, sock hat and all, before joining him; letting him wrap his arms tightly around her and curl himself as tight against her as he could. 
“Warming up any handsome?” she asked him after a while of just laying together in complete and utter silence, her hands trailing up and down his back as he nuzzled into her hold, letting his lips brush over her ever so often in a soft kiss. 
Jensen hummed in contentment, slipping off his sock hat finally so that she could run her fingers through his hair. He loved it when her nails scraped against his scalp when she played with his hair. It was so comforting to him in a strange way.
This was the part of the day he always looked forward to. No matter how bad the day had been, no matter what happened to him, or no matter what was happening around him he knew he could always count on her to be there for him with her arms open, not judging him or telling him to “man up” and deal with whatever his problems were. She loved him irrevocably and unconditionally, no matter how big of a baby he was being or how clingy he could get sometimes. She was there when he needed her, and he didn’t know what he’d ever done to deserve her but he knew he’d never let her go or take her for granted. She was it for him, and as he fell asleep in her arms, her fingers still lightly scratching threw his hair as he drifted somewhere between sleep and perfect piece, his mind thought back to the little black velvet box he had hidden, wrapped up in pretty Christmas paper to be placed under the tree in three days on Christmas morning. The one that held a single diamond ring, and his heart all in one. 
She had given so much of herself to support him and be there for him through the years and his ever-changing career moves. She had been there through the good times and through the bad. It was time that he gave all of himself to her, and on Christmas morning, he’d give her all he ever had to give, and if she wanted it, his last name.
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Forever Tags: 
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
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As all of you probably already know, Jared had a solo virtual panel last Sunday (on the 22nd). If by chance you haven’t seen it I highly recommend checking it out, as always I will be linking to it at the end of the post. For anyone curious, he did talk a bit about the final episode of Supernatural and about Sam’s ending. 
Y’all know the drill so let’s just jump into my thoughts:
- I’m still not used to seeing him with his new short hair, and I love his longer hair so I hope he grows it out again someday, but it looks so good on him! It makes him look younger and so cute 😍
- Speaking of his hair, he’s not used to it either! He was asking for hair advice at the beginning of the panel because he doesn’t know how to manage it yet 😂 
- He was asked what his 3 favorite episodes are and he said: the finale, Sacrifice and French Mistake. The Finale because he is a fan of storytelling and for him the finale answered a lot of questions and wrapped things up in a way that he found meaningful, poignant, and frustrating but in a wonderful way, Sacrifice because it’s another episode were we really get to see inside the boys and see their commitment to each other, and French Mistake because it was fun and it really stands out in his mind as an hour of tv that he doesn’t know if any other show could do. 
- He said Sam and Cordell Walker would be friends, I’m soft 🥺
- Was asked his fav HP book, movie and spell. Book and movie are pretty much the same: Deathly Hallows, pt 2 in the case of the movie. Spell he said Expecto Patronum...then he said Sam and Dean were each other’s patronus...because when Sam was in trouble Dean was there and when Dean was in trouble Sam was there...I’m fine.... JARED PADALECKI WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- I didn’t even have time to come down from those feels cause right afterwards he was asked his craziest, funniest bts moment he had on spn through all the years, and he gave two examples: when he was waiting for Tom to be born and when he and Jensen were waiting for the twins to be born.
I was not ready for this man to go into a full blown story about the day the twins were born. If you hear screaming, it's me losing my mind.
So, he mentions how when Tom was to be born he was anxiously waiting for G to message him and how after she did they filmed a couple more scenes before Clif drove him to Seattle. And he says that it was the same when Jensen’s twins were to be born, that everyone was glued to their phones and that it was a bit farther travel because D had the twins in Austin and so and I quote “we had to go way far away”. Then he told the story about how Jensen left his passport behind- I think this might be the first time we’ve heard Jared tell this story cause we’ve heard it from Jensen but I can’t recall Jared telling it by himself but basically for those that don't know the story goes that the day before D was to go to the hospital to have the twins, the boys were filming and Jared asked Jensen if he had his passport and according to Jared Jensen was all “I’m not the one who forgets things, of course I do” so Jared asked him as a favor that the next time they went to their trailers he just touch his passport, so they keep working and when they get a break they go to their trailers and when they meet back up...turns out Jared was right, Jensen did not have his passport.
They had been attending cons so he had left it in another bag thinking he was going to be taking that bag with him, which he didn’t, so they were stuck in Canada. Thankfully, they have friends who work in the Austin PD so they contacted them and they were able to help them deal with customs and immigration and everything, and Richard Speight who was directing the episode they were filming at the time was able to wrap up with them so it was hectic but they were able to get home in time which btw is exactly how he puts it “it was a pretty hectic moment but we got home in time.” 
There’s just something about him telling this story completely unprompted, and the way he tells it, and the look on his face as he’s telling it, and that he says it was a happy ending, and the “we got home in time” like you can just tell this was an important moment for him. And not important in the way of it’s important to him because of his friend or that his friend be there on time, no, no, it was important to him that they both be there, it was important to him that they both be home. Like, hearing him tell it you can tell that wasn’t a hectic moment for Jensen only, it was for him as well; and him mentioning the twins being born along with his first born it just gives me all the feels. (Timestamp)
- Moving on, when talking about how his acting career got started, he got up to get a Teen Choice surfboard he had won a couple years ago and we got a very nice glimpse of padabooty. I was staring appropriately 🍑👀
- He was asked by a fan from Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico! 🇵🇷) which country Sam and Dean would like to visit on vacation, and he said Puerto Rico!!!!!!! 😭 He said if Sam and Dean could have found a demon or something on the island they would have been here in a snap- Jared baby we got ghosts, aliens, el chupacabra they could have found something 😂 Not gonna lie every time he said Puerto Rico I squealed a little 💓
- He shared that there were some ad libs in the finale, and unsurprisingly they were the best scenes; there was some ad libbing in the barn scene when Dean dies and the boys greeting to each other in Heaven was also ad libbed. Bless this boy for trying to give Dabb and Singer credit but the little additions, the meaningful ones that had thought put into it, that called back to the Pilot they were all the boys and really by the sound of it mostly Jared. Like, even Sam’s son telling Sam it was okay for him to die like Sam said to Dean in the barn was Jared’s idea. 
Also this fucking softy, he started thinking about Dean’s death scene while answering this question and he got all emotional and misty eyed 😭
- Another Easter egg that the boys were the ones who added, was Sam keeping Dean’s watch, him and Jensen thought it would be something Sam would have kept and worn. 
When talking about that Easter egg he said him and Jensen are big watch fans, I don’t know why I found that so cute.
- He was asked his feelings towards Sam’s ending, and he said he had about a year and a half to think about it cause he had obviously found out way before we did, and that at first it was a little jarring and abrupt but then he says how would you feel about anybody’s ending? and that if you were told how you’re gonna pass whether you’d ever be okay with it so for him no matter how Sam ended it would have been difficult for him to wrap his head around, but once he did digest and spend over a year with it he, personally, feels it was the best way to tell Sam’s story and that Sam tried to live his life the way Dean would have wanted him too; he said that he’s passionate about Sam’s ending being appropriate and Sam got the ending Dean fought for so for him he’s as happy as he can be with Sam’s ending. (Timestamp)
So....here’s the thing, I’m happy that he’s happy with how Sam’s story ended but- I don’t know, y’all know I have my issues with the finale and Sam’s ending is one of the big ones so it’s probably my own issues coloring my view of this but it sounds like while he’s happy with the ending Sam got maybe it’s not the ending he would have wanted and like much like Jensen he too had his struggles with the ending like it sounds like a mild version of what Jensen has mentioned: he struggled with the ending at first but then after a year of thinking about it he accepted it and finds that he’s as okay as he’s going to be with it and it’s an ending that’s still appropriate to the character so he's happy with it. But like I said, I have my own issues with the end and that’s probably coloring my view. 
- He was asked about props that he kept and he shared that Jason, his stand in on the show made him and Jensen a very sweet gift. On the final day of filming he got two picture frames and made copies of the boys last call sheet, and framed them along with their tape marks. 
- When talking about what it’s like to be both an actor and producer now for Walker he mentioned how he and Jensen sort of became, especially in the later years, creative producers on the set of spn even though they didn’t have the title. I will, forever remain, of the opinion that they should have been named or given producer credits for this show and that they deserved a proper seat at the table. Honestly, the writers of this show had no idea the treasures that they had with these men.
- He was asked script changes due to covid and he said the biggest change he knows of is that originally they were going to bring back a lot of the cast to be in a scene or two in Heaven. But he also says that maybe it ended up the way it should and that it was pretty magical storytelling that it all came full circle to being about the boys because it was always about Sam and Dean. 
And I agree, it worked out for the best because I’m telling y’all I know it in my gut that if it hadn’t been for covid restrictions that ending would have been a carousel of characters and wouldn’t have been nearly as impactful or brother centered as it turned out to be. 
He also once again mentioned getting everyone together for a reboot in a couple years, I'm telling y'all I wouldn't be surprised if there was a reboot in a couple years. But I hope they don’t bring back everyone if there is one...🙃
- Because he's not done attacking me he said that Sam's Heaven is mostly Dean 😭
Another thing that was Jared's idea was having Sam dressed as close as possible to how he was in the Pilot because to him Sam's happiest moment was getting back on the road with his brother 😭
- He said he and Jensen will definitely work together again! He hopes sooner rather than later, and said that Jensen has a standing invitation to do whatever he wants on Walker. He doesn't know if he'll be able to go up to Toronto since he's so busy with Walker but him and Jensen will find something somewhere.
This man has my number, if he's not coming at me with the brother feels he's coming at me with the j2 ones; this made me so happy to hear, I'm not surprised in the slightest but it still made me so happy to hear him say he and Jensen plan to work together again in the future and it's so cute how he said sooner rather than later like he worked with that man for 15yrs you'd think he'd be ready for a break but nope he already wants to work with him again and is looking at his schedule like 'umm what week can I sneak off to Toronto?' ❤
Now, if I may take a moment to be petty and say suck it! to those who thought the end of spn meant the end of j2's relationship.
- The panel ended with him giving some advice for anxiety. He shared that something that has worked for him is accepting it ain't going anywhere but you can learn to live with it.
And that was the panel! Like I said if by chance you haven't seen it I highly reccomend it, it was a great panel, he was all in his brother feels and he was mentioning Jensen left and right, and he looked adorable- honestly, like it just made me happy and gave me a needed cheer up.
Jared Solo Panel November 22nd 2020
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Chapter XIV
Warnings: Murder, Mentions of Murder, Language, Death, Car Crash
Summary: Y/N is Andy and Laurie Barber’s 14-year-old daughter who is a high-grade student in Archer Middle School. Her best friend, Alice Miller had been gone for a while. They search for the lost student and find out that Alice Miller’s body has the prints of Andy and Laurie Barber’s daughter, Y/N.
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X Chapter XI Chapter XII Chapter XIII Chapter XIV
Last Chapter of Imprisoned Series
I want to thank for those who read through this journey and this is one of my favorite series because I love Andy Barber and daughter fics. It breaks my heart.
This is ending how it is. Different ending to Defending Jacob.  I’m sorry people...
From a time that felt like forever, the police eventually found Nathan. The boy was wrapped up in a blanket, shivering as they guided him into the lobby. “Nathan!” His mother called.
And that night, everyone was relieved. But Andy and Laurie had cut the trip short, skipping the last three days. So the family was free to go, packing up their things and left Mexico. Heading back to Massachusetts.
But Laurie had changed that day. Once they got home, she started to unpack, being quiet throughout the whole trip back. Andy came up to check on her, knowing that the night before she knew it all.
Andy leaned on the door frame and looked at her, he then lowered his head. “Do you want to talk about what happened?” 
“No,” She said. Andy looks up to her, “When then?” Laurie continued to pull out the folded clothes. “I don’t know. Maybe never.” Turning around, she headed for the closet, putting the clothes away as Andy stood there for a few more seconds before turning away.
Everything seemed to go back to the usual quiet mornings. Laurie’s usual jog around the neighborhood. Y/N with her teacher, learning ninth grade for high school. Who knew if Y/N could return back to school. They didn’t get a single call from the principal nor anyone in town.
That morning, Laurie returned after her morning run and Andy watched her come in from the upstairs window.
Milo hears the door open and shut close, jumping up to his feet he greets Laurie as she entered the kitchen. 
Not seeing that Y/N’s teacher had smiled up at her and watched Y/N write things down on her paper. Laurie didn’t greet either of them, instead she walked over to the fridge and took the bottle of water to drink.
Seeing Y/N from the dining table, she stared. Knowing Andy’s father had ask a man to kill Patz for him to take the blame for Alice’s murder. Laurie then had no doubt. Doubt that Y/N was innocent. 
Laurie imagine what they would do if they found out that Patz was murdered. The night when Y/N came up to the little girl at the bowling alley. Raising a ball twice her weight. The knife shown in court by Logiudice. The story Derek had read that was so similar to the murder.
Y/N raises her head up at Laurie and makes a sheepish grin before turning back to her work. Not a single twitch in Laurie’s face did she smile. It was a cold, longing stare.
Andy thought to finish packing up the books and games off the shelves in the living room. Slipping them into the boxes. He looks through them and slid them into the box. Taking a board game in hand, he stares at it. The memories with Chutes & Ladders he grins. 
His head turns to see Laurie stand, already dressed to go out. “I have to run some errands,” She mumbles. Andy looks at her attire and nods, “Okay.” He looks down at the board game, “Hey, remember this?” He shows her the game with a grin. Giving her some small memory to make her grin.
But Laurie didn’t.
“I’ll be back later.” Andy’s grin slowly falls as she turns her heel and walks out of the room. The sound of the door closing made him look back at the game. He placed the box on top of the bigger one. Taking another game in hand, it was the Othello. 
He softly grins and stands up.
“Have you just been secretly honing your Othello skill?” Andy asks, watching Y/N put down her disc and flips the others. Andy was leaning on his elbows, watching her fingers flip his over in defeat. He couldn’t do much. “It’s all about taking the corners. You taught me that,” She grins.
“Jesus,” Andy mumbles, taking a disc in his palm. Andy stared at the board, looking for a move. Maybe find some strategy. “Where’d you say Mom went again? I’m kind of hungry.”
Andy finds a spot and reached over, “She just went to grab a few things, she’ll be back in a few.” He flips over her discs colors. Y/N picks hers up and placed it next to his, claiming his color as her own. “What’s going on with her?” She asked.
Andy peers up at her, “What do you mean?”
He watched her shrug, “She just seems really... I don’t know. Quiet. It’s worrying me a little bit.” Andy takes his disc and sighs, “Well, she’s got a lot on her mind. You know, packing and the move.” He pauses for a moment knowing Laurie has been off since. He knew she would never talk to him. As if she took his spot from the beginning. Shutting him out now. Keeping things from him.
He shook the thought, “I think we just gotta give her time.”
Y/N peers up at him with worry, sitting there in silence as Andy lifts up his head to look at her. Seeing her worried look, “What?” He asks. Y/N shook her head and nods, “Nothing. It’s your turn.”
Andy twirls the disc in his fingers and looked at the board, searching for spots to beat the game. But he shook his head, “I can’t find a move.” Y/N looks up and inhales sharply, “It’s ‘cause you don’t have one.”
That night, Andy figured to help Y/N with dinner since Laurie hadn’t return the time they expected her, too. So he found something and Y/N went to bed. Andy took the rest of the night to pack in his office downstairs. Slipping things into the box, Milo had been sitting at his desk, watching him put everything in the dark boxes.
Andy reaches over and rubs Milo’s head. Suddenly, the back door opens and Milo rushes over, greeting who had came through the doors. Andy stopped and tried to peak over into the hall to see Laurie pass by, slightly pushing Milo away as she heads for the steps. “Laurie?” He called, standing up from his desk, he walks around and leans on the wall.
“I didn’t know you were down here,” Laurie says.
“Yeah,” Andy sighs, “Lot of stuff to go through.” Laurie nodded up at him and gestures to the stairs, “I was gonna go to bed.” Andy softly whispers an ‘okay’,  Laurie turns around.
“Y/N’s been wanting to get a haircut. If you want, I can take her tomorrow. Besides, I need to do something for Milo as well at the vet. Needed for shots,” Andy says.
“No, I can go,” Laurie says.
“You sure? I don’t mind doing it,” Andy asked. Laurie shook her head, “No, I know what to tell them.”
“Okay,” Andy said. Laurie takes a step towards the stairs till Andy spoke again, “I think she’s worried about you.” Laurie turns. “So am I,” He added. Laurie walks forward and slightly threw her arm out, “I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“Nothing. Just...” He sighs, “It’s like living with a ghost. I don’t know if you’re punishing me or--”
“I’m not,” Laurie says.
“Then what is it?” He asked, drawing his eyes back up to her, brows together in worry. Laurie’s fingers rub against each other sheepishly. Andy shook his head at the slightest, “The way that you look at her...” 
Laurie turns away form his gaze. “I’m just trying to figure out how to move on from here,” He says.
“Isn’t that what we’re doing?” She asks. Andy inhales softly, “Laurie...” He mutters, lowering his head, “If you just want to take some time... by yourself, the move can wait. Just want to get away and... decide what you wanna do.” 
“Maybe,” She mutters. Andy nods, “Okay. Whatever you need. I mean it.” Laurie takes this time to turn away, taking her feet up the stairs. 
“I love you, Laurie,” Andy says.
She stops.
“I know that might not mean much,” He says, looking up to her, “But I do.” Laurie didn’t look at him one last time and stood there in silence. Laurie takes the stairs up leaving Andy there to watch her go. With no return with the same affection.
Y/N jumped in the car with Milo in the back and her in the passenger seat. Laurie sat behind the wheel. It was raining in the morning and Y/N figured the ride would be a long but short ride, so she drew out her phone and played some videos.
Laurie shook her head, “I’m trying to remember.” Y/N tilts her head, not glancing up at her, “Hm?”
“Last year, when it was all happening... I don’t think I ever just asked you. Not directly.” Y/N didn’t seem to be phased by the ways Laurie spoke to her. A cold tone but Y/N managed to grin at the screen in her lap.
“I guess I was just scared of what they might do to you. But they can’t hurt you now. No one can,” Laurie spoke. A truck passes by and it makes a loud clank sound of its trailers crashing against each other as they pass.
Andy started to continue to clean up the place, taking books and DVDs down from the shelf in the living room. He tossed old papers and noticed that he missed the bag. He walks over and picks up the papers that had fallen. He tosses them in the bag and stops to see something familiar in the garbage. 
Taking it in hand, he sees the blue photo album with a picture of Y/N when she was first taken home. He wondered why this was in the garbage. He never would’ve thrown it in the garbage. 
Why would Laurie?
“Still, would you have told me the truth? If I promised to love you no matter what, would you tell me?” Y/N doesn’t respond and softly laughs at the video. “Y/N,” Laurie says. Y/N still doesn’t look at Laurie as she replies with the same hum.
“Did you kill Alice?” Laurie asks. Y/N lifts up her head and turns to her, completely taken by it, “What?” Laurie’s phone began to buzz and Y/N finally had her gaze focused on Laurie.
 “No. You know I didn’t.” Y/N sees her decline Andy’s call. “What if I said I don’t believe you?” She asked, not buying Y/N’s innocent look and her stare. 
“What?” Y/N mumbles.
“A man died, Y/N,” Laurie says, “You don’t know this, but a man was murdered so that you could go free.” Y/N sees Andy call Laurie again, “So I have to know,” She says.
“Know what?” Y/N asked, Laurie looked agitated, “Did you kill Alice? Just tell me the truth-”
“I did tell you. What’s wrong with you?” Y/N flips out. Milo began to growl and bark, making it ring in Y/N’s ears.
“-I will love you no matter what,” Laurie says, she shakes her head to his reply, “I don’t believe you.” Y/N heard her car was making a loud humming noise causing her to shake. “Mom… Mom, you’re driving too fast.”
“Why would you write that story?” Laurie asks.
“Mom, slow down,” Y/N says, the shaking was audible in her voice. “All the details, the little things,” Laurie completely ignores her pleads. “I made it up. Slow down!” Y/N replies.
She shook her head again, “I don’t think you did. I’m sorry. If I just knew the truth,” She said. Y/N held onto the door as she sees the miles go up.
“I made it up! Just slow down!” Y/N says, her eyes burning up with tears and stared up the road, “Mom, slow down!”
“If I only knew what happened!” Her eyes tear up. Y/N whips towards her, “Fine! I killed her, okay?” Y/N shouts. Milo barks like the sound of thunder, his stance was going back and forth in the backseat.
Laurie turns in shock, “You did?” Y/N turns away as the tears filled in her eyes, “Whatever you want! Just slow down, please, you’re freaking out Milo,” Laurie turns back to the road, not slowing down. “I want the truth!”
“Slow down! Slow down, Mom!’ Y/N screams.
Laurie never slows down and continues to floor the gas. “But I’ll never know, will I?” Laurie asks, “I will never know.” She shook her head. “Slow down, mom! Please, please, please!” Y/N tugs on her seat belt, reaching for Milo for some contact of touch.
Laurie sobs, “I can’t do it anymore, Y/N.”
“You sound crazy! Mom, you’re scaring me!” Y/N cries, “Stop!” Laurie chokes a sob, “I love you. I love you and your father both.” 
Y/N turns to her, “Mom!” Laurie sees tunnel come into view and Y/N watched as Laurie turns the wheel. And the car crashes into the wall. 
“I need to ask you again.”
Andy held his head in his hand, rubbing his temples.
“Why isn’t Laurie here today?” Andy doesn’t respond as Neal looks down at him. “On February 22, nearly six weeks ago, you received a call from the Massachusetts State Police. Is that correct? You were told that there had been an accident.”
Andy continued to rub his forehead. “That Laurie and Y/N were in a car that had gone off the road. That both mother and daughter had been rushed to the intensive care unit of Newton General. Your dog, Milo was included in that accident, they said he didn’t make it.” 
The images of the accident was not pretty. Neal didn’t want to push it, “The officer explained that there were no other cars involved. That there were witnesses, other drivers, who saw your wife’s car swerve suddenly off the road.”
Andy inhales shakily, “She was speeding...” He mutters.
“I’m sorry?” Neal asked.
Andy drops his hand, “I said she was speeding. It was raining, and she was driving too fast.”
Neal looks down confused, “None of these witnesses reported seeing any attempt by the driver to right the vehicle or apply the brake.” Andy needed Neal to stop with these statements and he needed to defend her. So he snapped, “She was speeding, and she lost control.”
“Did she? Lose control?” Neal asked.
“That’s not what I meant-”
“Joanna Klein, Y/N’s prior attorney told investigators that she received two missed calls from your wife between the hours of 4: 00 and 5: 00 a.m. on the morning of the crash. Both hang-ups. Why do you suppose she was trying to get in touch with Y/N’s attorney?” 
Andy shook his head, “I don’t know. Joanna is a friend,” He said. “Is Elizabeth Vogel a friend?” Neal asks, “Phone records show that there was a call from Laurie;s phone to Dr. Vogel’s office at 3: 18 a.m. This sounds to me like a woman who was distraught. Did she get any sleep at all that night?”
Andy doesn’t respond. “Andy,” Neal says sternly, “You said you wanted the truth to come out, but you’re not telling the truth-”
“Yes, I am. It was an accident,” Andy almost growls.
Andy kept his head low. “You would do anything for your daughter, I know that. No matter how painful. Help us,” Neal says, “Help us deliver justice. That’s all we want. Justice for Y/N. For you.”
“It was not an accident,” Neal said, “She tried to kill her daughter. Your daughter,” Neal leans forward and Andy turns his head to the jury,
I understand why you don’t want to help us. But Y/N is owed justice. Nobody here blames you, Andy. You’re a victim, but you need to be strong.”
Neal watches as Andy kept his eyes low on the table, “Andy.” The man’s fingers twitch and he never moved his gaze, “She was speeding. It was raining. And it was an accident.”
Neal leaned off the table and looked over to the jury. He ended it from there. Wanting them to vote.
That morning, Andy took his car to the Newton General Hospital. Signing in the paper, the woman hands him a tag and he heads on in. Watching as the nurse steps away from Laurie, he slowly walks over and pulls out a chair.
He gently takes her hand and held it, “So?” She asks. Andy softly grins, “They voted. No bill.”
“What does that mean?”
Andy sighs, “It means no indictment. They know it was an accident.” Laurie lets out a huff and Andy raises her hand and places a kiss on her knuckles. Laurie looks at him and shook her head, “I just wanted our family back.”
Andy looks up, stroking his thumb over her knuckles, “So do I.”
Laurie blinks, “I keep trying to remember that day.” Andy shook his head, “Don’t. It was an accident. That’s all it was,” He looks at her, “It was just an accident.” He raises from his chair and places a kiss on her forehead, gently stroking her hair. “Try to get some rest.”
Laurie watches him, “Will you go see her?” Laurie asked. Andy grins and nods. “I will. Always will.” He gives her one last grasp on her hand before leaving.
Andy walks down the hall and out to his car. He drove out out of the parking lot. Glancing over to his side, he sees the flowers that had laid on the passenger seat. 
He reached the field and takes the flowers. 
The cold breeze struck him as he come across the field. Flowers and green grass everywhere. He stops and looks down at the ground. A clean marbles slate on the ground with her name carved.
Y/N Barber.
Slowly, he took a knee and placed the flowers below her name. His hand gently touches the stone. Dropping his head low, he thinks of the conversations he had with her. The laughs and drives.
Pulling his hand back, he kneels there for the next hour. Until he headed back home with his own takeout. It was nighttime once he got there. Dropping his coat on the counter, he pours himself a glass of whiskey. 
Drinking that with his food at the table. In the dark. The silence throughout the house was depressing. Lonely. Andy took his fourth glass and walked upstairs. Stepping into Y/N’s room. The moonlight shined through her window as he entered her room.
He sat down on the edge of her bed and saw the dog toys that were still needed to be packed. Milo and Y/N’s things still remained in this room. Even her posters on her walls. Andy only stared in front of him. 
Andy pulls the glass to his lips. Taking the last drop of his glass before sitting in her room for the next hours.
Imprisoned Tags:
 @ssebstann @irishfaulk97 @avengerswon @wandascarlett @marvelouspottering @sophieelizebeth-01 
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mischas · 4 years
what do you think are some of the most underrated ryan and marissa moments? i think there are a lot of little things people forget from season 3, cos it's so bad as a whole
Ahh, okay, I’ll get emo over this for u
1x06 when Caleb’s girlfriend tells Ryan "I’d give anything to be that miserable. [...] That’s what it feels like to be in love”
1x07 Maybe this isn’t underrated but “Did you ever wonder why I came to the poolhouse to find you?” “Every day”
Their interactions in 1x12. They’re very sweet and very ‘together’ amid Luke’s heavy storyline. Even with their fight, and Ryan accusing Marissa of breaking his trust (oof), they’re in a nice place. I love the two seconds we see of Marissa’s habit of driving both Ryan and Seth to school. Love that they did that for months.
1x22 “You can be the beauty” I DIE
2x04 Seth says, right in front of them I may add, “Ryan and Marissa, that’s an epic tale right there”
2x05 “The penguin likes Marissa”
2x06 Two moments that are blink and you miss it. First in the poolhouse Marissa knows Ryan is sitting far away from her on purpose so she says something like “hey, I don’t bite” and the fact that he purposefully added distance between them always said something to me. The other moment is at the end of the ep in the left hand corner I believe. When Marissa is holding a tray of eggnog, Ryan puts a yamaclaus on her head. Maybe it was just Ben and Mischa fooling around but it’s super cute.
2x07 When he puts his arm around her in the Cohen kitchen. They already had bagels, but she brought some over as a peace offering for her behavior the night before. How Seth and Ryan both say their old ones were stale and Ryan says, “Almost chipped a tooth” it’s SO charming and sweet and the more I think about it, that’s one of my absolute favorite scenes of the show.
2x17 “I thought ugly hats were your thing”
2x21 they actually do have a phone call during this ep where he says he wishes he was home and she says the same and the way they can never fully say what they mean is VERY them lol
2x23 When he asks her to prom
3x01 Sandy says “You have a hell of a girlfriend. And if you two get married, you’ll have one hell of a mother-in-law.” I get chills from this line. This is what I DESERVED.
3x02 This is also probably not underrated but their scene on the ferris wheel. Love my reminiscent babes. “We’ve just got to find our moments” OH and earlier in that ep when Ryan apologizes to her at the lifeguard stand and plays with her fingers. It’s one of the few times in s3 I feel like we see them being fluid with one another. The way they talk with their hands held, talking about getting through this year together. Damn, that closeness was right there, and then it’s just thrown away. Another addition in this ep is when Sandy and Julie meet with the dean and Sandy remarks, “One Montague, one Capulet” referencing RM being Romeo and Juliet. A small moment but cute.
3x04 Before Forever Young, Marissa talks about the dance “I spent the whole time wishing you were there”
3x05 Marissa comparing Ryan leaving to Jimmy leaving and calling him a coward, and also when Ryan shows up to have lunch with Marissa at Newport Union. It’s very couple-y.
3x06 Summer says Marissa is busy and Ryan says “Is she studying? Because I’ve been known to get her to blow off some schoolwork”
3x07 Not sure these are underrated but the hug on the beach is perfect and their scene at the end in front of the fire is really nice too. There’s also a moment at the Bait Shop with Johnny when Marissa is saying something and she slaps Ryan’s arm (really lightly) to get him to say something too. It’s really subtle but cute.
3x08 When Ryan surprises Marissa at NU and they kiss. Also the end scene where they’ve basically made plans to go to Berkeley together talking to SS “We’ll be in Northern California, you’ll be in Rhode Island”
3x09 “You got a lap dance?” is really cute and I LOVE the talk they have at the end where Marissa is on the bed in the poolhouse and Ryan is in her room. You’d think the Johnny story would’ve been kaput at this point but no
3x11 When Marissa says she hasn’t seen Johnny in weeks and says she, Ryan, Seth, and Summer spent like a whole month hanging out, and later Summer tells Ryan about Marissa’s weird penchant for befriending strange dudes “It’s the way she’s wired. You wouldn't love her if she wasn’t” which says a LOT
3x12 In Marissa’s closet “I do have a great boyfriend” “You have a great boyfriend”
3x13 Kaitlin prods Ryan about Marissa and picks up a framed photo of them at the beach from 3x01. What was this doing in his room. On his bedside table. Did Marissa give it to him? Did he frame it???? Alright also when Kaitlin prods Marissa about Ryan she says “Yeah, you guys are soulmates, blah, blah, blah” as if she’s heard those words from her sister’s mouth a million times before
3x14 When they’re making out in the poolhouse and Marissa answers Kaitlin’s call “I’m busy” and Ryan says “Gettin’ busy” into her neck it’s very practiced and fluid in a way we never got to see them that season and I will rage forever. Also Kaitlin’s metaphor about Baskin Robbins ice cream basically saying Marissa was afraid of her love for Ryan and found other avenues to run away from the one thing she loved most. Very intense and never brought up again, so yeah.
3x17 I love the angst of this episode. They finally feel like teenagers again, awkwardly avoiding each other in the halls at school. The model home stuff is not underrated, but I love the angst of the moment Marissa turns away at the end of the episode, fully convinced she shouldn’t be in Ryan’s life. It’s sad and parallels to 1x02 so much. I love that she made him a copy of The Model Home Mix. I love the details they added that Ryan had always wanted another copy. Summer mentioning the romantic feel of the gesture. I love that Ryan was able to sit in her trailer and listen to it without her knowing. That tether of theirs still holding them together somehow. He’ll never tell her he listened to it and she’ll never tell him she made it. My babes.
3x18 This scene is more annoying than anything because of what we didn’t get to see or be aware of. When Marissa and Summer are at the Bait Shop talking about sex and Marissa basically says she and Ryan never had a problem with it, and that they were pretty heavily involved even during the Johnny era. What the hell, right
3x19 Ryan very clearly waiting for Marissa at her lifeguard stand
3x22 Every single scene of theirs is great but things I loved were Marissa asking about Ryan’s architecture lecture (ugh), their banter and awkwardness, and of course Marissa telling Ryan that she could see his happiness at Berkeley “I could see it on your face” and knowing he belonged there. 
3x23 When he puts his arm around her at prom
3x24 “Can I buy you breakfast?” and their SMILES. The growth, the maturity, the clean slate. God, I love this scene SO much.
I’m gonna stop now because it’s 1:30am and I typed this gibberish 95% from memory in one sitting which means I know way too much about this show and this couple. Also you were probably expecting like 5 moments not 29 sorry!!
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prairiesongserial · 3 years
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“Jo,” Enis said, slamming down the hood of the truck with as much strength as his skinny body allowed. “Can I talk to you?”
The caravan had stopped for the time being, with most of the circus choosing to stay put in their trucks rather than take their chances milling about in the heat. Or take their chances on muties - the road was surrounded by dense forest, and there was no telling what was in there. Johannes had gone down the line of trucks and instructed a handful of people to be ready with fireworks, just in case anything needed scaring off. Even anything mundane, like a bear.
“Sure,” Johannes said, leaning up against the side of the truck, perhaps inadvisably. It rocked a little on the jack, the metal creaking, and he leaned back.
“Away from everyone?” Enis asked, somewhat pointedly.
Johannes paused for a moment, looking Enis up and down. Enis had gotten to his feet, and was shifting his weight uneasily, hands shoved deep in the pockets of his coveralls. He couldn’t meet Johannes’s eye. His bottom lip was pulled between his teeth, and he kicked at the asphalt of the road with the toe of one boot, scattering loose dirt and pebbles. Enis had never had much of a poker face, but this was bad, even for him.
“Enis,” Johannes said, catching his gaze and holding it when Enis’s head snapped up to look at him. “Is it that serious?”
“Uh,” Enis said. “I think so.”
“Okay.” Johannes wrapped an arm around Enis’s shoulders, steering him by force away from the truck and towards the tree line. They could still be watched from there, of course, but at least it would offer a modicum of privacy - and with their backs turned to the rest of the circus, no one could read their lips.
“Tell me,” he prompted Enis, after glancing over his shoulder to make sure no one’s eyes were directly on the two of them.
“It’s the brake fluid,” Enis said. His voice had a nervous sort of shake to it, even when kept as low as a stage whisper. “Someone drilled a hole in the reservoir, Jo, I - that’s not the kind of thing that happens on accident. Not something that clean.”
“No, it doesn’t,” Johannes agreed, grimly.
Enis swallowed, Adam’s apple bobbing in his skinny throat. “It wasn’t me. I swear.”
“Why -” Johannes began, somewhat incredulous, then paused and started over. “Enis, what reason would you ever have to cut the brakes of one of our trucks?”
“I wouldn’t,” Enis hissed. “But whoever did this, and the thing that happened to the trailer - those are both things I could’ve done. Someone might’ve even stolen my tools to do it!”
“What, to frame you?”
“Yes,” Enis said. He squirmed a little in Johannes’s grip. “You’re not listening to me.”
Johannes squeezed his shoulder, gently. “Of course I’m listening to you.”
“You’re not,” Enis said. His volume had risen steadily from soft back to normal, and was rapidly getting louder. “Someone’s trying to hurt other people here and make it look like I was the one who did it, and I -”
“Didn’t do it,” Johannes cut in. “Obviously.”
“Nobody else knows that!”
Johannes thought of the self-sure conviction on Ezra’s face when they’d argued about Enis in the truck. There were potential implications there he didn’t want to think about yet, not when they were in the middle of another crisis. He decided to tuck the suspicion into his back pocket and keep it there, for the time being.
“Plenty of people know that,” he told Enis, instead. “Now. Can you fix the brake line, or is the truck a lost cause?”
Enis’s brow furrowed. “I don’t think I have the right parts. I was hoping to get some things when we stopped -”
“Okay,” Johannes said, running his hands through his hair, pushing it away from his face. It was a little greasy with sweat, and he grimaced at the feel of it. “There should be a town near here, we’ve been passing signs. If we can get the truck down there, maybe they’ve got a mechanic as well as strawberries, peaches, and corn,” Johannes said, hoping Enis would smile at the dig. He didn’t. “Or, if not, there might be -”
“Other cars I can strip for parts?” Enis suggested.
“Sure,” Johannes said. “Okay. Pipe down and let me handle this for a minute.”
Enis stiffened, then relaxed when Johannes let go of him and strode back towards the caravan. Enis didn’t seem to be any more relieved after the conversation they’d had - but Johannes could hardly blame him for that. Whether or not someone was actively trying to frame Enis for sabotaging the caravan, it had been a hell of a week for mechanical disasters almost getting people killed.
“Listen up,” Johannes said, loud enough to draw the attention of the circus, but not loud enough to attract anything in the forest. It was a hard line to walk, but he was used to it. “The truck’s brakes are fucked, but Enis can fix it if the town down the road has the right parts. We can’t all stop here in the middle of the road, or we’re sitting ducks. So the rest of you are gonna go on ahead -”
“Johannes,” Ezra hissed, a little dangerously. Johannes ignored him.
“The rest of you,” he repeated, “will go on ahead, and we’ll catch up. I’m going with Enis.”
Ezra seemed to be the only one perturbed by this. Or at least, the only one perturbed enough that it showed on his face.
“Who -” he started, and Johannes cut him off again.
“You’re in charge, of course. John, Cody, and Friday can ride with you.”
It was a snap decision. One that felt something like insurance, in case Ezra really did have something to do with the brakes being shot. Johannes still couldn’t prove that Ezra was involved, of course, but he knew that Ezra’s sense of self-preservation was at least strong enough that he wouldn’t sacrifice a truck with himself in it.
“Preacher,” Johannes said, meeting eyes with Val over several heads. “You’re with me and Enis.”
Johannes hated thinking like this. He hated placing himself one step ahead of Ezra, using the cunning that unclasped silver watches from the wrists of circus-goers against his own brother. But he didn’t have much of a choice. Ezra wasn’t giving him a choice. Johannes felt a wave of anger wash over him, buzzing underneath his skin, and had to take a second to breathe through it.
Val cut through the crowd, a frown on his face. And Friday was hot on his heels, surely about to share her opinion. Johannes forced an easygoing smile.
“Why does Val have to go with you?” Friday said, elbowing her way in front of the preacher to get the first word in. “What reason could you possibly…”
“There’s no reason for me to go with you,” Val told Johannes, cutting her off. “I’ll go in one of the other trucks. There’s room.”
That was a surprise. And a problem. Johannes couldn’t exactly admit that, while he couldn’t justify dragging all four of them along with him, he could at least make damn sure no one murdered his favorite while he was gone.
“I’ll go with you and Enis instead,” Friday said. “That shouldn’t be a problem.”
Johannes didn’t like how relieved Val looked. He didn’t like how his circus was completely out of control, and how there was a new problem every day, Enis was freaking out, and they’d all been sitting in the middle of the road for more than thirty minutes. 
“I’m thinking of converting to Catholicism,” Johannes said. Val’s eyes, which had been pointedly avoiding Johannes ever since he’d spoken, now locked on him in a glare. Johannes gave him the fake, toothy ringmaster smile. “I’m a poor sinner ready for the spiel. You wouldn’t deny me that.”
Val deflated, like Johannes knew he would.
“Fine,” Val said. He pointedly went to wait by the truck. Then Johannes’s other problem had him by the shirt collar, and suddenly his ear was on Friday’s level.
“You had better make sure he comes back in one piece,” she hissed.
“Believe me, I’m trying,” Johannes said, turning away to follow Val to the truck. “It’s harder than it looks.”
15.2 || 15.4
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Cliff Booth x reader
Word Count: 1,5k 
Warnings: insinuations to smut
Author’s Note: I have no requests and yet I’m still writing for brad which i suppose means i love him, damn. Also I have no idea what this is. 
Summary: A movie night
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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    “What do you mean movie night?” Rick yelled. Cliff wasn’t even standing that far away from him, just across the room outside the back door that was open. He turned around toward Rick holding his cool beer in his hand. 
    “When your girl says she wants to have a movie night,” Cliff walked into the house and slid the back door behind him and walked over to Rick, patting him on the back, “you have a damn movie night.” Rick rolled his eyes and started cutting up some more lettuce for his salad dinner.
    “You should know. How long you and Y/N been going out anyway?” Cliff shrugged and opened the door.
    “Longer than either of us care to remember,” he muttered. You stood outside the door, a smile on your face.
    “Sorry I’m late. Sharon held me up with some more drinks. I love her to death and all but she sure knows how to keep a girl from her duties.” Cliff rocked his head back a bit with a laugh.
    “I’m your duty?”
    “And I’m yours baby. Hey Rick.” You waved at him, hanging off of the door frame. He raised a hand to wave at you too, a cigarette hanging loosely between his lips.
    “Hey girlie. You be nice to my driver, yeah, he’s gotta take me to s-set tomorrow,” he told you, pointing at you with the knife he was using to cut the lettuce. You put your hand to your heart.
    “Scouts honor.”
    “You were never a scout,” Cliff pointed out.
    “Says who? You?”
    You grabbed his arm and gave Rick a salute.
    “He will be here at ten tomorrow on the dot,” you promised. Rick shook the knife in his hand and gave you a look.   
    “He's better. I’ll see the two of you tomorrow.” You nodded. Cliff waved goodbye to his friend and you did as well as you dragged him out the door. You got into the passenger seat of Ricks car and he slid into the seat beside you, starting it.
    “Which theater are we going to?” 
    “Just drive home.” 
    He raised an eyebrow but did as he was told. He took the regular twists and turns around the town to get back to the trailer you shared. You threw your arm over to Cliffs neck, playing with his hair. 
    It wasn’t dark yet. Although it was pretty late at night the summer air provided a bit more sun than there would usually be. Your hand was running through your boyfriend's hair and his hand was on your thigh and you knew that it was peace. 
    As he pulled into the area behind the drive in you sat up. When he parked you got out.
    “Fuck it started already. Come here.” 
    You grabbed Cliff’s hand and climbed on top of the car, making sure that you didn’t dent it.
    “I’m not getting up there, this ain’t my car.” You took both of his hands and placed them together, raising them to your lips where you littered kisses there. 
    You looked him in the eyes and he looked back at you and after a moment he let out a sigh and climbed up there with you.
    “I thought the drive in was closed until next week.” 
    You smiled.
    “It is.” 
    Cliff gave you a long look and then turned his head to the view the two of you had of the drive in. You couldn’t see the full screen but you could see enough to make out the picture. There weren’t any cars in front of the screen either, so it was really just the two of you looking at what was playing.
    On the screen was a clear picture of Rick. Your eyes went wide and you slid off of the car, turning the car radio to where it needed to be to hear it. 
    “Sorry, forgot to do that,” you laughed. “I have to run into the trailer for something, I’ll be right back.” Cliff nodded and you hurried through the door, meeting Brandy as you did so.     Through the car speaker Rick spoke, “Is this on? Is this how you use it?”
    “Yeah, here get out of the camera,” you said laughing on camera. Cliff looked for you but you hadn’t come out of the trailer yet. 
    “Okay okay. He’s gonna throw a fit if you s-show this on the b-big screen.” On camera you shoved Rick out of view so it was just you. He remembered that day. It was the day he had actually gotten a day on set when Rick wasn’t there. The day you had gone on your second date together. He loved that dress. It was his favorite.
    “Hey Cliff!” you asid on screen. He chuckled lowly, wondering what this was all about. “I got Rick to get me this, I’m hoping I hid it well up until this point.” You sat down on the floor in front of Rick's couch. He saw Rick walk outside the front door. “We’re having our second date tonight and I personally think you’re the best guy I’ve ever gone out with. I’ve never been known to jump the gun before but I wanted to today. Hoping that we stick around together long enough to show you this.” 
    He smiled sweetly, still unsure of your endgame here.
    “You never get shown on screen. I mean you do but it isn’t really you it’s supposed to be Rick. I wanted you to be on the big screen. I wanted you to be recognized for what you do and how fucking cool you are. Cue; a shitty edit of us. Hopefully.” 
    You moved forward to turn off the camera but as you did so you said one last thing, “If he breaks up with me I’m going to cry to this and that’s just that.” He laughed and the picture shifted to just him now. 
    That day had been so peaceful. You had dated for quite a long time when you took this. Cliff was sitting on the lawn of Rick's backyard. You were laughing and he was laughing.
    “I’ll spray you.” 
    “Don’t you dare.” 
    Through the chunky camera there was a shot of water coming from the hoose you were holding. 
    There were plenty of other things like that, a compilation of things that you and Cliff had done together that he had forgotten or just not realized that you were filming. They were all things he cherished close to his heart. All the best times the two of you had together. 
    One opened up to him screaming.
    “You know I can’t do that! You know I can’t just drop Rick and-”
    “Shut up Cliff. Just, just shut up.” You were near tears. It was such a change from what he had just been watching. Your first fight, the biggest you had ever had to this day. You walked away from that fight but not from him. He hadn’t known you were recording at all. You walked away and turned the camera to you, disheveled and tired and sad. “You better know I’m right. About everything.” He laughed. “And I still love you, even if you fucking suck sometimes.”
    The camera shifted one last time and then it was just you from yesterday he was pretty sure. 
    “Hey.” You whispered. “I love you.” 
    The camera shot out and it was just black. The trailer door opened and you walked out. You leaned against it.
    “You’ve been doing that since our second date?” he asked. You shrugged.
    “Ever since. It’s not weird is it? I thought you deserved your five minutes of fame.” He laughed and slid off of the car. You walked over to him and he put his hands on your cheeks, rubbing your cheek with your thumb. 
    “I love you too.”  You smiled in ease. You kissed him slowly and softly and you knew the world was seemingly perfect the way that it was. “Marry me.” 
    You pulled away, surprised. He had been thinking about it but tonight just cemented it.
    “Okay.” He smiled and kissed you again. You started to drag him back into the trailer. “Did you like how Rick acted like he didn’t know anything?” you asked, laughing.
    “I like how he asked you to have me there by ten because he knew I will not be.” 
Tag List: @tealaquinn​ @mychemicalimagines​
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 61 Poll Results (for Anime Only Watchers)
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The poll closed with 164 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Manga Readers’ poll, click here.
Anime only watchers, beware of spoilers if you venture over to the manga readers’ poll results.
RATE THE EPISODE 142 Responses
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Episode 61 received even better reception than episode 60 did for anime only viewers, with all votes leaning 3-5 on the rating scale, none of our respondents seemed let down by the episode! 
AMAZING!! not action heavy this time, but the information i gained  was a big insight on what’s to come! lots of things are gonna go down and i’m s c a r e d. ready for next sunday 😈🔥
It was fire 
I really loved this episode, better than the last episode. Animation quality was on par with movie quality. MAPPA is giving us their best, ALL HAIL MAPPA.
1 word. Awesome
I love the pacing on this episode and the small details in it. 
Give me more!!!
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Reiner monologuing about the 104th at the dinner table took front and center seat this week with 43% of viewers favoring this scene the most. Trailing behind, 16.9% enjoyed the scene where Reiner meets up with the Warrior Cadets, and 9.9% enjoyed seeing the human forms of the Cart and Jaw titans for the first time.
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Last week, the highest percentage of people (at 30.3%) enjoyed Reiner’s, “I’m sick and tired… of walls.” 19% favored the scene of Zeke’s scream turning Eldians into titans. 17.6% were most hyped up over Reiner and Galliard wrecking Fort Slava.
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Overall, 75.4% of the total vote went in favor of the animation this week, with 33.8% of viewers stating they felt as though they were watching a movie, 32.4% enjoying the fluidity, and 9.2% enjoying the upgrade from the stiffer animation in the previous season. 10.6% felt the rotoscoping and cinematic shots were a little too over the top for an anime, and 10.6% are indifferent. A small handful aren’t enjoying the cinematic animation at all. 
Hated the rotoscope, loved everything else.
It was a bit off-putting at first but I've grown to really like it
it was different but i liked it! it was cool. reminded me of some anime movies i’ve seen, though unique in it own sense
Thought it was great and fluid just at some points like the scene with udo on the docks felt a bit choppy.
Beautiful work, it honestly felt like I was watching a movie. From cinematography to shot framing to the animation. A dialogue heavy episode felt exciting, which is amazing.
I really liked the animation
The animation is so glowy
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People are overall enjoying the new music so far, with 41.5% feeling it really compliments the change in atmosphere and 35.9% REALLY enjoying the songs and finding their usage very good. 9.9% feel they’re just ok while 7.7% miss the music being composed solely by Sawano. A smaller handful aren’t enjoying the new music.
They DEFINITELY bring the right vibes lol. again, different, but i like it!
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In our first of a series of unnecessary crack questions, 31.9% find Zeke’s mouth closeup to have been pretty cool animation. 24.8% are very concerned about Zeke’s treatment of his lungs (do shifters get lung damage?). 20.6% didn’t care about Zeke’s mouth at aoo, while 14.2% would welcome a smooch from him. A handful of people just think it’s gross, lol.
Fucking hate zeke smh 🙄
He smokin a spliffy 😂 not no ciggy 
what chapstick using??lmao.  it was a cool scene
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Eldian asses didn’t turn out to be too controversial, with the majority (42.1%) just wanting to know the details of Zeke’s secret ass wiping technique. 10.7% just think Eldian asses are neat, and another 10% are more enthusiastic about some nice Eldian asses. 25.7% are confused about the question’s inclusion, and 11.4% don’t understand why this was asked at all.
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In a close race, 42.1% of respondents would be thrilled to get a nice head pat from Reiner! 41.4% apparently don’t, and just wanna know what the heck the pollsters are smoking while writing up these questions. 11.4% do NOT want Reiner head pats. :(
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Zeke, the “wonderboy” (as General Calvi puts it) who sold out his own parents, has never been doubted by Marley in terms of his loyalty. Yet, for some reason he seems to be keeping his royal bloodline a secret from them. When we asked why that is, over half of respondents (56.1%) state that they are suspicious of Zeke and his real motives, believing that he is plotting something under Marley’s nose. 25.2% feel that he doesn’t want them to know he’s royal so that they can’t abuse his power, and 12.9% think he simply doesn’t let them know so that they won’t kill him. 
I forgot he was royal 
maybe they will force him to continue the bloodline through children, or maybe he will get used or killed
Well if they dont know hes got a hereditary advantage over both his predeccesors and succesors, he'll always be recognised as the best beast titan and heaps better than my boy Colt.
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32.4% of respondents don’t remember anyone named Grice. To recap, “Grice” is the name of the person who recruited Grisha Yeager into the Restorationist group, and is the one who was kicked off the wall for the restorationist titans to chase after once they were transformed by Marley. For those that did remember this seemingly random person, 52.2% feel that this relation will be brought up again and have importance to the story, and 12.9% feel it doesn’t really mean anything other than being a neat little detail. 
I feel like you asking this implies that there’s something to it
Not sure yet. But, Falco and Colt seem to be really caring and aware of how the Marlyeans treat Marly-Eldians (at least compared to the other warrior candidates). Also, when we saw their parents they seemed kind too, showing lots of concern for Colt. Maybe they learnt what the former restorationist/other Grice was doing and his cause of death and sent their kids to the warrior program for the same reason Grisha and Dina did Zeke? My bet is Colt & Falco are the restorationist Grice's nephews?
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Pieck deserves a colorful pie chart, and she got one! 25.7% say she’s best girl, 22.9% think she’s utterly adorable. 13.6% of viewers already knew about Pieck before getting to this point and were unsurprised. At a tie, 11.4% of voters think that it’s amazing, or they were shocked to find out that the quadrupedal nightmare titan is really just a short, cute woman.
I worked it out last episode since the armbands appeared to indicate the 'type/status' of Eldians, but I was a bit surprised last episode I thought from the trailer the red bands may be special lineages i.e. Ackerman, Oriental clan, and Riess/Fritz. Still think she may be from the oriental clan though since the only characters we've seen with a similar appearance to her are Mikasa and her mother.  
she kinda shawty 👀 but she looks scary too
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Last week, Falco was the most favored of the new cast with only 40% of the vote. This week, he shoots up over 10 percentage points, with 50.3% of viewers feeling the most positively toward him. Pieck comes in second with 17.5% of the vote, and Gabi is hanging on with just 12.6% of the vote. Colt and Galliard are trailing just a little bit more behind them. 
Gabi best girl
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While we did get teased about Ymir’s fate in Season 3, seeing the scene in full can definitely have more of an impact. 37.5% of respondents have accepted the notion of Ymir dying, and feel that it was a decent end for her character, all things considered. 22.9% are in complete and total anguish over her fate, and 20.1% are simply just disappointed and had hoped to see more of her. A very small percentage think that this is actually a red herring, and that Ymir is somehow still alive somewhere.
Already saw this in season 3
Appropriately grim and realistic given what lengths Marley will go to in order to protect themselves 
I am in so much pain please euthanize me that’s my wife
i didn’t really like her anyway so it’s fine(but it was still a bit sad) 
Kinda hate crimey considering shes the only OUT (@jean) charcter. Nah jk. Like wasnt shocked tho coz we saw Galliard last ep
Let's fucking GOOOOOO
Galliard will NEVER replace Ymir, I already hate his bitch ass
So Galliard really is a replacement scrappy eh? I already hate him JUST for that.
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Over half of respondents (52.4%) believe that Galliard’s relation to Marcel will have significance at some point. 32.9% think that it might, but don’t want to say either way. A small percentage feel it’s just a detail that won’t matter. 12.6% have completely forgotten who Marcel is (to refresh your memory, Ymir ate him before RBA attacked the walls).
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At 73.6%, the majority of viewers are eyeing the random amputee soldier who Falco briefly helped out, believing that he will be important in some manner moving forward. 13.9% believe that it’s just a random soldier, and the scene maybe meant more in terms of showing Falco’s kindness. 12.5% aren’t sure what to make of the amputee soldier at all.
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Falco is still the most favored to inherit the Armored Titan from Reiner with the percentage of people believing he will jumping from 37.6% to 48.3%. 21.7% are still confident that Gabi will ultimately be the one who gets to eat Reiner. 28.7% believe that neither of them will inherit Reiner’s titan at all.
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The overwhelming majority of respondents don’t believe that Reiner really means what he says when he calls the Paradisians “savage, heartless devils.” Only a small percentage feel he does really means what he says, and a handful of others aren’t sure.
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The majority of viewers feel very positively about Reiner and are enjoying seeing more of him, with 46.2% stating that Reiner is really starting to grow on them, while 26.6% already liked Reiner from the start. 18.2% are beginning to feel more empathy for Reiner, although they still aren’t huge fans, and a smaller percentage don’t like him and haven’t been swayed by the narrative as of yet. 
Always seemed like there was lots to him, enjoying the furthered development into his psyche :) 
he’s so hot omg. i feel so terrible cause he’s clearly suffering from ptsd and his disorder too. he seems torn. i do like how he is playing a major role so far. 
I’m in love with Reiner and always have been
Reiner became 1000% hotter after his life fell apart
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36.6% of respondents were genuinely shocked to learn that Gabi and Reiner are cousins. 21.8% feel more invested in Gabi’s character arc after knowing this information. 19% were already spoiled on this, and 15.5% don’t really care about it at all. 
Kinda thought she wanted to fuck her cousin lmao
Makes me horrified how casually they talk abt eating Reiner
They had the same last name so I figured they must have had some relation.
Yee haw
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The majority think that there is a possibility for Gabi to see things from a new perspective over time. 40.6% aren’t completely sold on it yet, but also believe that it’s within the realm of possibility. 32.9% are very confident that this is the direction her story arc is going to take, and 26.6% think that nothing will be able to undo years of brainwashing for her.
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While we still don’t know much about the Tybur family, we thought we’d check in and see what preconceived notions viewers may already have about them. 27.3% believe the Tybur family feel the same as Marley and see Paradis as a threat. 30.2% think that the only reason they’d want to get involved in the conflict is if they get something about it. 41.7% think that the Tyburs are super sus and ultimately will have their own agenda for attacking Paradis. 
They got the good life already, why battle?
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We’ve seen Reiner struggle over the weight of his sins in previous seasons, with Ymir even pointing out that he has developed a type of “split personality” to cope with the horror he forced onto the people of Paradis. With the prospect of returning to the island, we asked how you think Reiner will handle the situation. With the highest percentage, 32.4% of respondents feel that Reiner’s mental state will make him completely ineffective if he returns to Paradis. 28.8% think he may even completely switch back to his “soldier persona” once he faces his former comrades again. 26.6% believe that he will keep himself together and stay focused on the mission handed to him. 9.4% think he will find a way to avoid going back altogether. 
Honestly, don't know.
I wouldnt say ineffective, probably just ina daze of sorts. Like hes not fully in the moment.
Idk if he is even gonna go
Not Sure
I hope my boi Reiner makes it through!
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The vast majority are happy to be finally getting the Warriors’ backstory in the next episode, with 69% feeling overwhelmed with excitement about it, and 19.7% just happy to finally be getting to this point. A smaller percentage don’t really care about learning their backstory and a handful of people are actually dreading it. 
I loved the baby warrior flashback and can’t wait for next week.
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While there is a handful of people who are enjoying the new perspective and getting to know these new characters in Marley, the majority of viewers are (unsurprisingly) eager to see what’s going on with the original cast after the 4 year time skip and the cliffhanger at the ocean in season 3. A message from manga readers: we know your pain, just hang in there!
This arc isn't really doing it for me. The story is only interesting when it focused on the 104th.
If their goal is to make me sympathize with the Warriors it ain't working, I frankly don't give a crap about their sob stories and want to see Eren and friends wreck shit for them
Animation and graphics quality is amazing. The sea was CGI too which feels a bit too detailed compared to other things. The plot and vibe is amazing. I like the WW2 style of things. There are so many interactions coming just the thought makes me hyped up. I can easily rewatch it and notice new details and i enjoy it too. Feels really packed and intense.
Solid, loved the animation props to MAPPA, cant wait to see Reiner's character development.
Kinda just people walking around with HELLA ptsd.  Overall kinda vibey Very reminiscent of seas 3 part 1. I will say kinda tgf about these knew kids accept Colt, just wanna see the ogs and Jeans side part. I also HATE Reiner but.........dare I say.....he's growing in me???? Not gabi tho 
Great episode, the trailer's beginning to make a lot more sense now. I didn't expect that guy with the long blonde hair declaring Eren as the enemy (from the trailer) to be part of the Tybur family (maybe I'm wrong here but he looked identical to one of the Tybur family members in the photo Zeke showed.) I assumed he was maybe the Marley leader haha. I think he may be the warhammer titan but it's hard to tell at this point. Regarding the Tybur family, another curious thing is how they are celebrated internationally not just domestically for their help during the great titan war. I am curious whether Marley only treat the Tybur family well because if they didn't that would create issues globally? It seems like the Tybur's have lots of power. But, I wonder if the war hammer titan will be a letdown... I thought it would be the 'big boss' of the titans but after learning that titan doesn't go through training like the other titan shifters and never fought I feel like it's a 50/50 on whether the shifter will be strong or not... I also feel like the guy Falco spoke to was Eren, and this could hint at Eren noticing and possibly trying to indoctrinate Falco? and he was possibly watching Reiner talk to the kids? That was probably Pieck though. Curious how Pieck's father was shown but not mother, he also didn't look like he was from the oriental clan maybe we have another Mikasa on our hands (half Ackerman/Oriental clan) that would be cool, maybe a little bit fanservicey tho.
I like that the focus is on world building right now
I’m just so excited to see what’s coming next
It was friggin awesome but I’m curious on who fell off the roof 🤔
Who is the guy who jumped and died ? :(
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Thank you again for participating! We’ll see you again next week!
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