#i was hoping for mummy's because his past is the one that is still ???? the most but at the same time
imyourbratzdoll · 5 months
I crave a good fluffy fic with wolverine, his wife is a badass and when someone threatens him she loses her shit and kicks their ass🫡 with so much disrespect.
hey baby, I'm so sorry for taking so long! I hope you enjoy what I did, it's a bit more violent than you probably wanted.
summary - a dumb 'bad guy' lures you and your husband out, things take an escalated turn when he threatens your husband.
warning - SUPER violent, like extreme level probably, swearing, mentions of sex, dude talks of touching what's his but nothing triggering, dick and balls suffer rip.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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You couldn’t believe this guy, he was really threatening your husband right in front of you. Thinking he was all tough because he could throw fire or some shit? You didn’t know what he could do, except talk a lot of shit. That was probably his power. What was his name again? Captain Talks Shit? Shits A lot? Little Fucker? Who cares, all you care about right now is that he’s threatening your man. 
You walk out of the shadows, having heard enough because honestly. Why do the bad guys always talk for so long? Have none of them realised or picked up from past bad guys mistakes? It was tiring and a waste of your time because you and Logan could’ve been gone by now, screwing each other silly, probably somewhere extremely risky. But, noooo. You had to listen to this jackass.
“Listen, dick licker. If you don’t stop threatening my fucking husband. I’m going to rip your arm off and beat you with it.” You growl, moving to stand in front of Logan. (Sure, he would have protected himself and it may look weak to the other guy that a woman is standing in front of an extremely large man, in more ways than one, wink wink. But you happen to know that this turns your husband on and who are you to deny him his fantasies?)
“Is that a threat?” Captain Dipshit sneers.
“Did it sound like a fucking compliment, Princess?” You watch as he eyes you, sizing you up and in his mind he’s probably thinking ‘yeah, I can take this chick.’ You hope his ego deflates before you kill him.
“Listen, Babe. This is between us men, now why don’t you run along and go make us a sandwich or something. Maybe put on some cute lingerie and wait for me in the bedroom ‘cause once I’m done with your husband here. You’ll be creamin’ around me.”
Logan shakes his head, stepping way back. He remembered when he accidentally said something similar and he was in a coma for a whole month, not even his fast healing could help him. 
It was like a switch turning on, the beast that lived within you had been released from its cage and not even God could save this man now. You stalked towards him, he still smirked thinking he was safe. You jump, wrapping your legs around his neck and twisting, bringing him down using a move your good friend Natasha had taught you. You move swiftly while he is down, sending a harsh kick to his face, hearing the satisfying crack of his nose and possibly jaw breaking. You grab him by his hair and lift him, a large grin covering your face as you bring him eye level with you. 
“You wanna repeat that, Princess?” You bring him closer, whispering in his ear. “How bout you go make me a sandwich, put on a cute set and I’ll bash your dick in with a baseball bat. How do ya like the sound of that? Cause I love it.” 
He struggles within your grip, trying to swing at you but with your other hand that isn’t gripping his hair. You snap his arms, relishing in the sound of bones breaking. His screams echo the warehouse, dumbarse had lured us in here without a backup plan or backup. 
You let go of your grip on his hair, immediately switching to gripping his throat instead. “You don’t like my plan, Princess? Rethinking the whole thing? Cause ya already pissed me off by threatening the man I love, but then you had the balls to say THAT? Tell me, Princess. Just between us girls. Did mummy not give you any hugs as a kid? Cause how did you think this was gonna go? You could’ve ‘killed’ the Wolverine, but he wouldn’t have stayed dead. No. But if he heard you touching me, touching what’s HIS. He would’ve torn you to shreds, but slowly. Very slowly. It’s what makes me love him.” You pat the man’s cheek, grinning as he winces. 
“How bout an apology and I won’t kill you.”
“F–fuck you.” He spits at you, SPITS. Not even clear fucking spit, this shit has blood in it. You lift your hand, wiping the spit with the back of it and then onto his clothes. 
Your face screwed up. “Well, that was stupid.” With quick movements, you throw him, watching him crash into a wall so hard that it leaves a dent. Your hand reaches out and a bat flies into it. “You’re not wearing that cute set and I don’t have a sandwich, but this will do.” He tries to shuffle away, his eyes wide. You stalk toward him and swing, smashing his dick and balls with one hit. Think Superman merged with Hulk strength, how do you think his twig and berries did?
A scream rips out of his mouth before his eyes roll back and he falls backwards. You frown and poke him with your bat. “Hey mista, you dead?” You look at Logan, “Bitch passed out.” He shakes his head at the pout on your lips. 
He walks over and places a kiss on your head, “C’mon, let’s go home now or better yet. You ready to do something real risky, Sweets.” Your eyes light up.
“Do you mean…?!”
Logan nods, smirking. “I’ll finally let you fuck me while I drive.” Your squeals escape as you jump into his arms, smothering his face with kisses.
“OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! You’re the best husband a woman could ask for!” And with that, Logan carries you out as you stare at him dreamily.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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kisskuni · 3 months
sleeping with him
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↳ how it would be to sleep with him. [all brothers x gn!reader]
tags: fluff, like one swear in beel’s
notes: anonymous requested sleeping with the brothers headcanons! i hope you enjoy :) i got carried away with lucifer’s i’m not sorry
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lucifer ━━━
i feel like he’s the most normal sleeper of the brothers. doesn’t toss and turn or anything, but he does sleep on his back in mummy position………..
anyway, i also feel like he’s really warm to snuggle up to — in part he because only sleeps in sweats pants.
convincing him to let you sleep with him is probably the hardest part. not because he doesn’t want to, but because he doesn’t want himself to be that vulnerable in the presence of someone
therefore, he’ll likely only sleep in the same bed with you if you’re in an established relationship or something close to it.
the actually sleeping with him part is peaceful
his bed sheets are silky and undeniably comfortable. his favorite cuddle position is for you to fall asleep laying on his chest, he’ll ignore his arm falling asleep and deny it happens every single night.
additionally, he sleeps very little. you’d think the nights of going to bed so late and waking up so early would send him into sleep debt, but no he just doesn’t need as much sleep apparently.
so, be prepared for his alarm at 6 in the morning. he won’t wake you up past the alarm, but it will go off.
if you do wake up to it, he’ll feel bad and attempt to tuck you back to bed, sweet little forehead head kisses and all included.
(if you don’t wake up to it he gives you the forehead kiss anyway)
mammon ━━━
10/10 a cuddler. it does not matter the circumstances; it can be the middle of a hot summer day and he is still going to be cuddled up to you
ok well he’s gonna try to anyway. he falls asleep cuddled up to you but by morning he is somehow spread eagle and lost a sock?
he kicked you off the bed once
i feel like he also has a mini fridge by his bed LMAO he uses it to store water in bc he wakes up thirsty in the middle of the night all the time..
he wakes up late, always. if you have an alarm set you have to drag him out of bed, or else he WILL be sleeping in.
there’s also a 50/50 chance that he’ll not let you get out of bed in the morning anyway.
leviathan ━━━
you’d def have to tell him multiple times that you want to sleep in his bed, established relationship or not. he just won’t believe you the first few times.
after u convince him… sleeping is strange.
he sleeps in a bathtub and it’s not much comfier than it looks. it is for him because he’s used to it, but not really for you.
he tries his best though! he puts down cushions and covers the sides in blankets.
i think therefore cuddling is kind of a given though. the bathtub is bigger than a normal sized one but it’s not big enough for two people to sleep comfortably, especially not without touching each other.
that means cuddling mostly looks like one of you sleeping half on top of the other :)
he sleeps late usually, but he’s not as bad about waking up early as you might think.
although if you asked him to come to bed early he would jump at the idea, he’s wasting absolutely no time
satan ━━━
satan ends up passing out on the couch in his room most nights, but he does sleep in bed occasionally lol
but! whenever you mention wanting to stay the night and sleep in his bed, he’s suddenly sleeping in his own bed every night. he always has, what do you mean you remember him sleeping on the armchair before?
he sleeps on his stomach or his side mostly. he doesn’t cuddle all that much but he does like touching you in some way, be it his hands resting against you or your leg thrown across his
that said, he’s not against cuddling if you want to
he sleeps very little as well, sleeping late and rising early. he’s careful not wake you up when he rises, though there is a 50/50 chance that he just lays back down and sleeps some more if you aren’t awake when he is.
he doesn’t toss or turn in his sleep much, but he does whenever he’s stressed or you’ve had an argument
also a light sleeper. please don’t kick him in your sleep; he will wake up and never tell you you’re half the reason he can’t sleep
asmodeus ━━━
he’s so excited!! makes you do his nighttime routine with him and everything.
his taste in bed sheets is luxury, of course. the sheets and pillowcases are silky, his blankets light but incredibly fluffy.
he definitely sleeps nakey if he’s alone but for your sake he wears shorts to sleep (they’re silky and match his bedsheets?? somehow???)
he has a pretty normal sleep schedule, sleeping and waking up at pretty reasonable times
that said, he’s not immune to when you roll over all sleepy-eyed and ask for five more minutes. he will thoroughly enjoy an extra hour or two of sleep.
he wakes up pretty and it’s almost sickening at times. where is his bed head. where.
side sleeper but will sleep in whatever position you want him to if you want to cuddle with him, he just likes being close to and being able to touch you :)
beelzebub ━━━
he sleeps like a brick.
he also sleeps on his back and would absolutely love for you to sleep on his stomach
don’t hit him with the “im gonna crush you” bullshit either i’m fairly sure he could get hit by a small car and walk it off
anyway! he also has a fairly normal sleep schedule, but if he doesn’t have any where to be, there’s a good chance he’ll turn the alarm off and fall back asleep
he’s weirdly clingy in his sleep as well? he could be passed out and still wrap his arms around you when you try to get up
sleeps in pajama pants but usually no shirt. if you want him to, he’ll gladly put on a t-shirt or tank top though i want to eat his biceps
he’s good about not tossing and turning in his sleep but it’s not an impossibility. u have been crushed by him on multiple occasions i am so sorry.
belphegor ━━━
ok i know ur thinking “ok he’s the sleep demon of course he’s the best to sleep with-“
WRONG. ur wrong. he snores like a fright train and sleeps like a zombie
he talks in his sleep SO bad. you have had multiple conversations with him that he just fully does not remember in the morning
that said, he’s so comfy to sleep on and he’s super down to cuddle in whatever way that you prefer to
because he sleeps at odd times, his circadian rhythm is messed up. however, since you’ve asked to start sleeping with him, he’s made an attempt to fix it to some degree to make sure you’re sleeping at the same times.
he’ll ask you to stay with him when he naps as well but he doesn’t always expect you to sleep
he sleeps in pajamas but if he’s hot he’ll lose his shirt sometimes
he also has some sort of control over dreams. it’s not every night, but he does make an effort to visit your dreams and keep your nightmares at bay on a regular basis :)
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
Hi inês, hope you are well, could a request a blurb where the reader struggles with her mental health and the driver of you choice helps her through that, if you want you can include their children, thank you kisses
Note: I hope you're well, too!
Cw: mental health struggles related to parenting, immunity concerns regarding premature babies
"We're okay, baby boy, we're okay", you cooed as you bounced Fraser, walking along the nursery to hopefully soothe him to sleep. It had been like that for the past two weeks and it was getting to you. Matilda caught some bug in school and the minute it entered your home, Fraser was the second victim and he was struggling with it too, barely being able to sleep for long before he coughed and needed his nose unblocked.
Because he was a premature baby, you had to be even more careful with these things, and even though you knew they happened and it was all part of life, you weren't sure you could go another day without telling this to someone. Lando had been incredible at making sure you were all taken care of, and Matilda was dropped off and picked up from school so you could stay home for your maternity leave.
"Love, are you on the nursery?", Lando called as he climbed up the stairs, following the small noise from your footsteps and Fraser's whimpers, "there you are, hey gorgeous", he smiled, kissing your cheek before rubbing Fraser's cheek as he laid on your chest, "look at you so comfy, little man, mummy's chest us the best spot for a nap, isn't it? Mummy is the best", he nipped a few kissed on the top of his head until he heard your sniffles.
"Love, lovie, hey", he cooed back at you, cupping your face in his hands, "what's the matter? Hey - breathe with me", he encouraged, taking a few long, deep breaths with you, "it's okay, everything is okay", he checked over.
"He's so little, Lando, and he needs to be kept safe and sound, but it's not like we can get Tilly out of school just for that, and he's bound to have to build an immune system, might as well be now that my boobs gave the good antibodies stuff but still", you babbled.
Lando took Fraser away from your arms with your consent, setting him on his cot for a little bit when the little boy was settled, "now tell me all of that without being so worried, okay?", he encouraged again.
"I can't stop worrying about him, thinking he has a deficient immune system to begin with and I can't seem to keep him healthy and happy enough - it all goes through my head so many times a day and I can't think about anything else. It's the same thing, all the time", you admitted.
"How long have you been feeling like this? You could've told me, darling", he soothed softly, "you're doing such a good job with him, I'm in awe of you every day, Y/N. Sure, he's been a bit cough-y and his nose his stuffy, but you're doing your best - we're doing our best! He's got a sister who adores him so much and plays with him - she's even helping with his immune system", Lando tried to bring a smile to your face, achieving it, "He's got me, who will physically shove you into bed no matter how many times you say that you'll get him from now on, and he's got a wonderful, superwoman like mummy who needs some rest and reassurance, and that's okay", he kissed your lips softly, "we're in this together, darling", he confided.
"I feel alone and like I'm a failure, but then he's such a happy little one, look at that!", you pointed to the smiling boy, happily biting in his stuffed koala toy as he looked at both of you, "it's such a rush of things and I'm already thinking of what I need to do in case he does come down with something else - fever, tummy bug, stuffy nose - anything really", you rubbed your forehead, letting your husband pull you to his embrace.
"How about we have a cosy night in just the four of us? Movie night with Tilly, and I can e the one keeping an eye on that little dude and you can just relax - I don't like seeing you this worried, beautiful", he brushed some hairs behind your ear, "sounds nice".
After dinner, Matilda sat with you on the sofa and as per Lando's request, she kept showering you with "extra love", meaning she was more attentive than usual, "you also always make me my favourite breakfast everytime I ask for it", she said as she kissed your cheek again.
"Thank you, Tilly", you smiled, "I'm not done yet, mummy! I love you because you always take care of me, because you let me stay up late to watch daddy's races when they're at night or wake up really early to see him race when it's very far away, how you always let me know you love me, daddy and Fraser", she continued as you felt happy tears brimming your eyes from all the love she was showering you with.
"Little man is down, was absolutely milk drunk and went out like a light", Lando said as he walked inside the living room with Fraser on his arms, showing you his pout and chubby cheeks before he put him in the small basket you had in the living room, still able to keep an eye on him.
"Did you tell her to tell me all the things she loved about me?", you whispered on Lando's ear once Tilly was focusing on the movie cuddled up to your side, "I have no idea what you're talking about", Lando shrugged his shoulders even though the smile was on his lips.
"Sure, you have no idea what I'm talking about", you kissed his jaw, "thank you for this".
"We're in this together, no one gets left behind and no one feels like a failure in this house, ever!", he whispered back, his hand happily playing with your fingers while Matilda giggled sweetly as she watched the squirrel trying to get the acorn.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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hellfirexclub · 2 years
i don't know if you're taking requests but i absolutely loved the 'calling them daddy' one of the boys. if you want, could you do one where they call the reader mommy or something during seggs time.
only if you want to, thank youu anyways!!
Hey thank you for the request!! This was actually lowkey a bit hard for me to write because I'm such a sub myself, so I really hope I conveyed it well and I hope you enjoy!!! also it pained me to write mummy with an 'o' every time but I knew I'd be rinsed by you guys if I didn't lmao
warnings: 18+, fem!reader, mommy kink obvs, p in v sex, riding, tittyfucking, titty sucking, overstimulation, edging, grinding, fdom/msub, blowjobs, light choking.
Steve looked so good under you right now, looking completely fucked out with his gorgeous locks stuck to his sweaty face, cheeks pink as you slowly ride him. You both loved it when you would take control, pinning him down and sinking onto his cock instead of Steve being on top. You had been edging Steve for a good while now, teasing him painfully by sliding off of his cock anytime he got close, and he couldn’t take much more of it. Steve squirmed and writhed beneath you as you teased him, loving the look on the pretty boys face when he’s this desperate to cum.
“Fuck baby, I can’t-” Steve groans, legs shaking as you continue to slowly bounce on him, hissing when you slip off of him again with a smirk, his soaked cock twitching in the air, hips desperately rutting to find more friction.
“You want to cum Stevie? Beg me.” You whisper seductively into the brunettes ear, biting the shell of it while he moans, face flushed as he looks up at you desperately. You sink back down on him, watching his eyes roll into the back of his head as you begin to bounce on him again, hearing nothing but the sound of your slick against his thighs as he ruts up to meet you. 
“Please baby. Please let me cum.” He moans breathlessly, eyebrows furrowing as you only tut and shake your head at him.
“That’s not good enough Steve. Beg better.” You coo darkly, loving the way he chokes out a moan when you slip off of him again, a frustrated grunt slipping past his lips as his hips buck up in desperate need of more friction. He grips the bedsheets hard enough you think him might rip them, strangled moans escaping him as precum leaks from his furiously red tip, showing how desperate he is to cum. You wrap a hand around his throat gently as you sink back down on him, drawing a frantic moan from the boy beneath you.
“Please let me cum mommy, I can’t take it anymore.” Steve whines desperately, not realising what he’d said until your amused chuckle makes his eyes shoot open in shock. His mouth opens and closes like a fish, face only getting redder as he tries to think of something to say, but he stops when he sees the glint in your eye as you lean down into his face.
“Mommy huh? Is that what you want call me?” You tease breathily into his face, loving the way his eyes flicker in pleasure at your words, biting his lip hard as your hips grind against him faster. “Beg Mommy to let you cum some more and then maybe I’ll finally let you fill me up, okay?” You tell him, biting his lip sensually before you move back and watch him writhe beneath you with his flushed face. You begin to ride him faster, holding back your own moans as Steve grunts under you and squeezes his eyes shut, trying to act like he’s still the tough guy and not an absolute desperate mess of a sub for you right now. “C’mon Steve, if I don’t hear you then I’m just going to stop.” 
“Please! Please let me cum Mommy, I need to fill you up so bad.” Steve practically sobs out, panting heavily as he stares up at you pleadingly.
“Okay Stevie, you’ve been a good boy so you’re allowed to cum in Mommy now.”
You and Billy had been ‘seeing each other’ a couple of months now. You were just another girl to him, another slut, he was only letting you sleep with him because of what he got out of it. That’s what Billy tells himself when he’s awake late at night missing you, wanting to have taken up your offer to stay the night and cuddle but letting his pride get in the way. Billy was confused by what he felt and was spitefully ignoring it in hopes he would just shake it and stop feeling his heart tighten with happiness every time he’s around you. It would take Billy feeling a lot of comfort around you for the words to ever slip out of his mouth, and you know that a part of him almost needs it, to just let go and allow himself to feel freely and without shame. You had him on his back, for once he was feeling lazy and just wanted you to sloppily ride him as he guides your hips with his hands. Billy’s head is thrown back in a long groan as you slowly tease his dick, almost letting the tip slide out of you before slipping all the way back down onto him. Billy’s grip on your hips tighten, holding you in place balls deep on his cock as he hisses at your cunt clenching around him.
“That feel too good Baby?” You coo teasingly, biting your lip at the weak growl Billy lets out to tell you to cut it out. “You’re being such a good boy, fucking me so deep like this” You coo again, making Billy shiver. You relish the way he bites his lip as his cheeks redden slightly, but he tries to keep up his act of dominance and bounce you harder on his cock.
“Shut up or you’re going to regret it” He threats in that deep, sexy voice of his, though theres a waver in his voice that you’ve never heard from Billy before. You laugh in response and Billy brings a hand to your throat, teeth grit as he pulls your face towards his. 
“What? You don’t want me to call you a good boy, Billy?” You whisper, watching Billy’s mouth fall open into a silent moan at you calling him good boy again. He stares at you almost pleadingly but he still shakes his head, releasing your throat as you smirk at the effect you’re actually having on him. “I think you like me calling you a good boy, don’t you baby?” You whisper into his ear, making his eyes flicker as he tries to keep them from rolling back into his head with pleasure. Your tits are in his face now and Billy groans, grabbing them both and kneading them roughly, his hips frantically rutting up into yours. He takes one of your nipples into his mouth as he plays with the other and you smirk, ready to break him. “Good boy, suck on Mommy’s tits just like that” You coo, and Billy actually moans around your nipple, unable to keep the sound in. He releases it with a pop and looks over you desperately, something unspoken having taken over his features. It’s not something Billy has ever thought about, or rather he’s not allowed himself to, but his cock gets impossibly hard at your words and he finds himself wanting to fucking beg you to say it again. “Tell Mommy you like it or she’ll stop” You tease into his ear, making him quietly moan again, ferocity in his eyes as he debates saying it, embarrassed to allude to how much he actually likes it. True to your words you stop moving, sitting still on his cock as Billy whines and finds your hips again while you cockwarm him. Your eyebrow is raised as you wait for his next move, he tries to move your hips but you refuse to let him and for once Billy obliges to that. He growls low as you clench tightly around him, overstimulated and desperate to cum inside you. 
“I like it” He growls, giving into you and trying to rut up into you again. You tut and shake your head at him, and he knows exactly why, exactly what you want to hear before you’ll let him cum. 
“I…I like it, Mommy” Billy drawls out quietly, breath heavy and eyes drowning in lust. Without a moments pause you’re riding him again fervently as Billy lets out a strangled groan, barely able to keep hold of your hips for how much he was shaking with his approaching orgasm.
“Good boy, you can cum for me now.”
While I see Eddie predominantly as a dom, I think he’s very switchy and would melt in your hands if you took charge of him. It all started because of your stupid, sexy elf costume. Eddie had been planning out the next part of the campaign ready for the following night when you’d told him you wanted to show him your costume for it. Eddie was super excited as not many people actually cosplayed, typically everyone just wore their hellfire club shirts for games. So imagine his shock when you walked back in dressed entirely in a skimpy Elven dress, your cleavage pushed up and straining against the dress as Eddie’s jaw dropped to the floor. You chuckle at his reaction, approaching him slowly, biting your lip as his eyes rake over your body. You can tell he likes the look of your elf ears too, his fingers brushing them gently when you were closer enough.
“Fuck.” Was all he could manage to say hazily, swallowing hard when you push him back down into his seat and straddle his lap. Eddie looks up at you wide eyed, biting his lip enough to draw blood when you move to grind against his already rock hard cock, his shaky hands frantically reaching round to grab your ass and grind you against him harder. Your tits, squeezed into the form of the most perfect cleavage Eddie had ever seen had his mouth watering as they sat in front of his face, desperately wanting to have them smushed into his face.
“Holy shit baby,” Eddie moans as his hands reach up to tease the exposed skin, “Your tits look so fucking good in this.” He breathes, panting as he watches them bounce while you continue your movements. All it took was you biting your lip seductively at him, reaching your own hands up to the top of the dress and slowly pulling it down to break Eddie, him panting heavily beneath you as you almost expose your nipples to him.
“Please Mommy.” Eddie moans breathlessly, hips rutting up into yours frantically as you tease him. Eddie quickly realises what he said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly as his cheeks go pink and he lets out a nervous chuckle. 
“Mommy?” You ask him, tease in your voice as Eddie splutters trying to bluff that it accidentally slipped out. 
“I uh- didn’t mean to say that.” Eddie says unconvincingly, his cheeks a dark red as you look down at him unconvinced. You smirk at him, eyeing his frantic features darkly. 
“Oh, so you’re telling me you don’t want to see Mommy’s milkers then?” You coo at him, knowing you’ve got him when he moans loudly in response to you saying those words, his eyes burning with pure desperation for you. “Guess I’ll just get off of you then…” You tease, trialling off for him to leap into action. Eddie shakes his head frantically, hands flying to your waist to keep you against him when you teasingly pretend you’re going to get off of him, looking up at you desperately.
“Please don’t, I’ll be a good boy now! I want to see them Mommy” Eddie moans, blissed out and in dire need for you to fuck the shit out of him. You smile at him softly, patting his cheek at his compliant behaviour.
“Good boy.’ You coo softly, running your thumb over his soft lips as he swallows and tries not to pant too loudly. His cock was now straining painfully in his pants, desperately in need of your attention. You pull your top down slowly, finally exposing your tits to him, which he almost drools at. “Suck on Mommy’s tits baby.” 
Jonathan as we know is a total sub and and would definitely have a very obvious mommy kink, which would be so fun to tease him about. Jonathan would be quite timid sexually for a while in the relationship, too focused on worrying about how he looks or how he’s performing. But you’d slowly help him gain his confidence and realise that you enjoying having sex with him as much as he does you. Once he gets more comfortable he’s more vocal about the things he likes, letting you know he much prefers to be submissive and have you in control of him. That’s what gave you the inclination that he would definitely want to call you mommy, but since he hadn’t mentioned it yet you decided you had to draw it out of him yourself. You had Jonathan laying on his back, his soft moans emanating through the room as you slowly suck him off.
“T-that feels so good baby.” He praises you softly, his hips slowly bucking up against your mouth as you bob your head on him. Your eyes twinkle as you take him down into your throat, loving the loud moan that escapes his mouth and the way his head falls back in pleasure. You slide your mouth off of him with a pop, meeting his heated gaze with your own. 
“Do you want my tits wrapped around it?” You ask him, pressing your tits together in demonstration of what you mean.
“I-I mean, only if you want to do that.” He replies breathlessly, very much wanting you to tit fuck him but not wanting you to feel forced to.
“Mommy wants to do it for you, baby.” You whisper into his ear, earning a strangled gasp from Jonathan. His face goes red, knowing you must have found the magazines he’d tried to keep hidden, eyes wide as he looks over you. “It’s okay baby, don’t look so worried. You can call me Mommy if you want to.” You tell him lovingly, brushing his hair from his face and placing a kiss to his lips as he nods frantically, almost wanting to cry at your acceptance. “So, will you tell Mommy want you want me to do with your words?” You ask him gently, moving back down to sit between his legs. He takes a deep breath, nervous to say anything aloud to you, only pants escaping his lips. You wrap your hand around his cock again, getting a moan out of him while you slowly rub it in your hand.
“Please.” He says quietly, making you raise a brow at him to continue. “I… I want you to titfuck me, Mommy.” He breathes, getting a smirk in response from you at his choice of words. Seems all it takes for him to get a bit filthy was for you to really take charge of him.
“Anything for you my darling.” You coo, spitting on your hand to slick up his cock before pressing your tits together, holding the cleavage together while you slip them down over his cock, earning a loud groan from Jonathan. 
‘Can I…” Jonathan trails off as he stares at your tits with pink cheeks. You’ve been in this position enough times to know what he wants.
“Yes, you can take a picture of me baby.”
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littlespacereader · 10 months
Is it the first of December? Yes. Is the Halloween fic finally finished? YOU BET! I apologize for the wait but here it the long awaited Moon Knight Halloween Fic!! I rewrote the story a couple of times but I hope you all enjoy the Fic!!🌙👻🎃
The Little Protector of the Night🌙
A Moon Knight Halloween Special🎃
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Caregiver!Marc Spector & GN Little! Reader (SFW)
Tags - Marc Spector saves the reader, some mean things said about regression, pacifiers, sippy cups, stuffed animal, pull-up (mentioned), dress up, hand holding, hugs
Nicknames - kid, kiddo, little moon knight
A month ago I was walking back from a night class when I came across a group of people. It was almost as if they were waiting for someone to stumble upon them so they could cause trouble.
I tried to just walk past them to no avail. They kept standing in front of me, trying to grab and push me around.
“Go away!” I yelled, looking for my chance to run.
“Aw! Come on! It’s not every day we get to see walking by this time of night.”
One of the members of the group grabbed my backpack and ripped it off me. “Well, well, well, what have we got here?”
“Give it back!!” I rushed forward to grab it back but one of them shoved me back onto the ground.
They proceeded to dump all of my belongings inside onto the alleyway floor. Scattered across the payment fell my school books and such but also my little things like my pacifier, my favorite stuffie, a pull-up, my crayons and coloring book, and some fidget toys.
The group paused only for a second seeing the items. Then they bursted into laughter.
“What are you three?”
“Awwww! Just a little baby are you?”
“Isn’t it past your bedtime baby?”
They inched their way back to me, though not without stepping on all my belongings. I started to crawl backwards and they started towards me.
“No! Stop! Please!”
Tears sprang my eyes as they approached. I just covered my face and wished they would disappear.
And in a way, they suddenly did.
I felt a gust of wind blow past me. Then the sound of the men falling onto the ground 5 feet away. I lifted my head to see, and what I saw widened my eyes.
This god like figure appeared from the night sky and started attacking everyone. One guy got hit into the alley wall, another smashed down to the ground.
I froze in place, watching the man dressed in all white take on the group of people. Where did he come from? How did he know I was in trouble?
Sure, I knew superheroes existed but they were mostly in America. Was he a superhero? He didn’t look like an Avenger. He looked different, but in a good way.
With the last guy taken care of, he stopped and looked at the scene, at all my belongings scattered around, my backpack thrown to the side and me still sitting on the ground with my legs pressed to my chest and on the verge of hyperventilating.
He looked almost like a mummy the way he was wrapped up. A long cape behind him, his face shielded with a mask and a hood. In his hand he held a crescent shaped dagger of sorts. He looked intimidating but so cool.
His mask disappeared and suddenly he was just real. More real than he was before. Before he felt like something from another world, almost god like. Without the mask he was just a person, just like me.
Once his eye caught my own and I think he could see that I was still in a bit of shock because he put the dagger away and held his hands up.
“Hey kiddo, it’s alright now. They’re not going to hurt you anymore.”
His voice sounded surprisingly calming despite being someone who just appeared out of no where and beat up a whole group of people. His voice also sounded surprisingly American.
“Are you an Avenger?” I asked before I even had a chance to think about it.
The man chuckled, “No. Far from it. But I’m a good guy, I promise.“
He began to walk over to me but paused. His eyes caught the sight of my stuffed animal bunny laying down on the gross ground. He picked the stuffie up and walked over towards me.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner. I’m sorry for what these people did to you and your belongings.”
He crouched down on my level and held out my stuffie to me. “But it seems like your bunny made it out unharmed.” He smiled.
I carefully took my bunny back into my arms and held it tight to me, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. What’s your bunny’s name?”
“Fluffy,” he smiled again. “That’s a nice name fluffy. Fits them perfectly.”
“What your name? I mean your real name and your superhero name?” I asked so curious to who the mystery man was.
“My superhero is Moon Knight, but you can call me Marc. I’m the protector of the travelers of the night just like yourself.”
He stood up and offered me his hand to help me stand. I gladly took it, standing up on legs a bit wobbly. He quickly realized and came over to my side, helping me for a moment till I was okay.
“Thank you. That was scary. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you…” the thought started to make me upset.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay! There’s nothing to worry about anymore. You’re alright and safe now.”
He held his hand in mine for a little comfort. “Let’s get your belongings and take you home okay? I don’t want you out any longer tonight. You shouldn’t be walking home at night by yourself.”
I nodded my head and squeezed his hand. He squeezed it right back before letting it go to help me.
He picked up all my belongings, well, the ones that weren’t destroyed and put them back into my backpack for me. My sippy cup and my pacifier were two of the thing that they destroyed but were replaceable.
Then with my backpack zipped he flung it over his shoulder and took my hand in his once again. “Now, let’s get you home.”
He held my hand the entire walk back to my flat. I thanked him again for everything and just like that he left. And I haven’t seen him since.
The only sign of him from that night was a package I received a few day later. Inside was a new sippy cup and pacifier. I looked at the box confused. I didn’t order anything. But then it hit me who sent it.
No note or anything, just a new sippy cup and pacifier wrapped in tissue paper. The cup’s had a beautiful moon and star design to it and the pacifier had a little moon charm on it.
That was a month ago and yet it feels like yesterday. I can’t shake the idea of him from my mind. He wasn’t like the Avengers, no he was so much cooler than them.
Yet he was so gentle with me. Unlike the group that was trying to hurt me, he didn’t judge me for regressing, in fact he didn’t even mention it. He just noticed and started to help me.
It was weird to say but I missed him. When he held my hand and walked with me back to my flat I almost wished that he was going to stay and make sure I got settled okay. He made me realized maybe I wanted a Caregiver in my life.
But I shook that thought away. No. He was just some guy who knew about regression and was kind to me. I mean that was a month ago! The chance of me seeing him again were slim to none.
Halloween arrived and everyone in London dressed the part…literally. Everyone walking around was wearing a costume and it was fun to see.
This year I opted not to buy a costume but make my own. With the help of some medical bandages and hot glue I made a replica of the costume I saw Moon Knight wearing. It wasn’t a copy of his costume but I think it was close enough. I even made his crescent moon daggers out of cardboard.
My friends invited me to their house for a costume party. I stayed for a little bit and hung out. Obviously no one knew who I was for Halloween. They just assumed I was a mummy and I was alright with that. The costume was for myself more than anyone else.
But as the night dragged on I could feel myself starting to get tired and starting to regress. So I said my goodbyes to everyone at the party and called it a night.
I don’t live far from them so it wasn’t a long walk. But my quiet night walk was interrupted by someone yelling behind me.
“Hey it’s that moon freak!”
I turned around to see who was yelling and my heart dropped. It was the same group as last time. How? I have no idea.
They must’ve recognized me too but I didn’t give them the chance to comment on it. I took off running. I was close to home, maybe I could make it.
But the group was fast on my tail trying to get me. My feet and their feet echoed down the alley way towards my apartment.
I grabbed the door and was about to enter when they grabbed me and pulled me off. The group pulled me away despite my struggles to break free.
“Can you imagine our luck! The baby from last time. And look, they’re dressed up as that crazy man with the cape.” One said.
I tried to pull my arms away from their grip but I couldn’t. “Stop!! Go away!!”
“It’s a shame he isn’t here to join us in our reunion! Oh well, guess we’ll just have to go on without him.” Another laughed.
Suddenly a mental crescent dagger hit the man next to me, then suddenly another.
We all looked up to see Moon Knight flying from the roof top down to the alley way. I stepped back as he started to take on the group for a second time. Like the last time it was interesting to see.
But as he was fighting I could see one of them grabbing something to hit him with. So armed with my two cardboard crescent moons I threw them at the guy. It did nothing to him, but it did distract him enough for Marc to take him down.
“Nice shot kid!” He yelled out.
I smiled back, proud to help the fight. Then, like the last time, everyone was laying unconscious on the ground. Then it was just Marc and myself.
“What did I say about walking alone at night?” His mask disappeared again so I could see the eyebrows raise.
“I was right around the corner! I didn’t know they would be here!” I argued. I’m
Marc smiled, dropping the tough guy act. “I love your costume this year. You look exactly like me. It’s almost uncanny. Did you do that yourself?”
“Yeah! I made it myself! I really wanted to be you for Halloween! You look so cool.” I smiled.
“Well I think you look cooler. Plus my costume isn’t homemade, making you’re the coolest.” He winked.
He walked over to me, “Where’s fluffy tonight? Didn’t join you for Halloween?”
I shook my head, “I didn’t want to lose them at the party.”
Marc hummed. He looked around and sighed, “Listen kiddo, I don’t feel safe with you going back to your flat with these idiots laying unconscious outside. But I also don’t want you to be alone with your headspace right now. So, if you feel comfortable with it, I can take you back to my apartment and keep an eye on you there. Sound good?”
I smile broke out across my face, “Yes!! That would be so much fun!!” I was practically jumping up and down.
Marc smiled back, “Alright good. Let’s go to your apartment and get your things and then we’ll head to my place.”
Running up the stairs of my apartment, I quickly brought Marc into my flat and introduced him to every stuffie I had, all of which he shook their hands, paws and fins. Then he helped me pack a bag and grab whatever I would need for the night.
With my apartment door closed and locked the two of us started walking towards his apartment, strolling through London together hand in hand.
Problem was his apartment was a bit of a walk across London. So as the walk went on I could feel myself starting to get more and more tired. At one point it felt as though he was dragging me along.
Eventually he turned and picked me up, holding me on his hip. “There we go. Tuckered out from all your crime fighting my little moon knight?”
My little moon knight. It sounded so nice.
“Can I be your little moon knight?”
My heart was beating out of my chest. It’s wasn’t just anything…it was asking if he was a caregiver and wanted me as his little one.
Marc smiled, “I would be honored to have you as my little moon knight. My little sidekick in both life and now crime fighting.”
I smiled back and rested my head against his shoulder. I can’t believe Moon Knight is now my Caregiver. I’ve never felt more safe and happy.
I drifted on and off while Marc walked through London. After the the third time waking up in his arms I lifted my head up and looked at him confused.
“Are you going the right way?”
“Yeah…yeah I think we’re going the right away…I have to ask Steven.” Marc said talking to myself more than me.
At first the comment went over my head, blame it on the tiredness. But then it hit me.
Who the hell is Steven?
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changingplumbob · 15 days
Knightstone Household: Chapter 9, Part 13
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Suzanna was out gathering minerals when she heard someone approach. Finishing off she stood up and dusted herself down. The voice behind her surprised her though.
Faye: Hey boss... can I talk to you
Suzanna: Umm, you want to talk to me?
Faye: Not really. I mean... this job is really important to me. I’ve dreamed of being a scientist since I could walk basically
Suzanna: I know what you mean, it was the same for me
Faye: I got defensive but... I thought about what you said. I did overstep with Shelley. It was unprofessional. I apologised to her
Suzanna: You apologised? That’s great
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Faye: I mean, if she had tried to give me commands I would have snapped. She had every right to be mad at me. I let my personal need for success win over the need to be part of the team, it won’t happen again
Suzanna: Does this mean we’re going to be besties now
Faye: Oh heck no. I still think you got your position because you're an alien rather than you have some great talent. But I’m going to try be more of a team player. I can’t promise to like you, ever, but I can promise to do my job and follow your instructions. I hope we can move past the simray testing now
Suzanna: *laughs* Definitely
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Back home Suzanna took some time to read while Silas relaxed. Eventually they got talking though and caught up on each others day.
Silas: The substitute said we were a good class. Normally she has to work out of town and teaches disguised but she was able to be in her alien form for our class. She said it felt natural
Suzanna: That’s good
Silas: I’m glad we moved here Mummy, it’s nice
Suzanna: Yeah I like it to
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Before bed Silas sat down with Suzanna to learn all he could about his new alien for show and tell.
Silas: If it’s a Red Coral why does it look pink
Suzanna: Things don’t always have fitting names, but in this case it’s genetic
Silas: What does that mean
Suzanna: So female Red Coral are red, and much smaller than this one. The pink ones are boys
Silas: They are? But how can you tell
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Suzanna: MRI’s of them show their insides and let us know
Silas: And why does it have the eye stalks
Suzanna: To see. Their home planet has lower gravity and their buoyancy allows them to sort of bounce around. They spend more time in the air than on the ground so they need to see more angles, so more eyes
Silas: They’re not hurt by the gravity here are they
Suzanna: No. Remember how we can read minds? I can tell that he’s not in any pain or discomfort
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Silas: I know you found him on Sixam so how’d he get there
Suzanna: With the amount of time they spend in the air it’s easy for them to knock against each other and be propelled upwards. Their planet as far as we can tell is along a well traveled route. When they get too high they’re drawn to the ships and stick to the outsides as they approach other planets such as Earth or Sixam
Silas: And they just fall to the ground
Suzanna: As far as we can tell, they’ve never been found in vessels. They are remarkably sturdy. Think that’s enough for show and tell
Silas: I suppose. I just need to think of a good name
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Fitting in a quick workout before bed Suzanna admired her art collection. Today at work she’d collected the last My Sims trophy she needed for a complete collection, and she wondered if she would get a plaque in the mail. She had recieved one for the aliens collection but not the geode collection so she was unsure what the humans counted for rewards. She hadn’t had much time to stargaze with the winter weather but hopefully next rotation.
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The next day Suzanna called work to have another vacation day. This time Faye was more civil and promised to share the command duties with Shelley rather than bossing her coworker around. Satisfied with that Suzanna decided to give Pollock a bath, he needed it with his food flying everywhere. Adam spent the morning at the computer working on his next sci fi novel and after cleaning up her son Suzanna headed out to the garden.
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While Suzanna tended her plants Pollock played in the snow, enjoying throwing it in the air and declaring he was making it snow.
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While Adam headed off to work Suzanna and Pollock had a chill afternoon inside by the thermostat. Seeing Suzanna reading Pollock decided to copy her and set about studying the pages of one of his books. Pollock was excited for Silas to get home but since the older boy had homework to work on Pollock spent his time playing with the ring stack toy.
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Once Adam got home the family had dinner.
Suzanna: How was show and tell Starshine?
Silas: Really good, everyone was impressed with the Red Coral. It’s funny, my class is half alien right
Adam: Yeah, and your normal teacher
Silas: But some of them hadn’t realised that other types of aliens existed. Small ones that is, they thought it was just us
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Pollock: We many Silas
Silas: Yeah we are. But they were interested in your other aliens Mummy, can I take another one next time
Adam: Depends if you look after the Red Coral
Silas: I will. If it can survive a fall from space to the ground I’m sure I can
Suzanna: Technically it didn’t survive the fall as I revived it but close enough
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Suzanna got the children to bed and cleaned the dishes while Adam made a final push on his book. The editor agreed that the manuscript was excellent and promised to forward it to the publisher as soon as the physical copy arrived. Heading upstairs Adam found Suzanna reading the book he’d gotten her for Winterfest.
Adam: Are you enjoying it
Suzanna: I am. There’s a gem seed in here that sounds fascinating. Of course it’s been too cold to plant anything
Adam: Not for much longer, the rain out there is melting the snow, we’re past the middle of winter
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Suzanna: *sighs* We’ve had a good holiday season though
Adam: We have. Care for one last gift under the covers?
Suzanna: *laughing* I’m not sure if I’m on the naughty or nice list
Adam pulled her close for a deep kiss.
Adam: Why not both? I love you Starlight
Suzanna: You’re my guiding star, always
After woohoo the pair snuggled close and fell asleep to the sound of gentle rain on the roof.
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Previous ... Next (Foster)
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
34 year old Daniel in the 90s is basking in his parents love and teasing Michelle. A part of him doesn’t want to return to 2024 because he hasn’t been able to be home like this since he was 17 and left for Italy
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Decided to hop to it lmao. for you bestie!
De-Aged Daniel | De-Aged Daniel Pt2 | De-Aged Daniel Pt3 | De-Aged Daniel Pt 4 | De- Aged Daniel Pt 5 | De-Aged Daniel Part 6 | De-Aged Daniel Part 7 | De-Aged Daniel Part 8 | De-Aged Daniel Part 9 | De-Aged Daniel Part 10 |
Daniel sat in the far corner of the breakfast nook watching with soft eyes as his mother went about preparing lunch. It had come as a shock; one minute he was putting on his race boots to jump into the sim and the next he was standing in the yard. 
His father had come running immediately, having seen it all happen. How his five year old self had been cycling around the yard before he– well no one really knew how it happened, but Daniel was standing there instead. He’d bitten back the joke about thankfully being fully clothed, he didn’t think his parents would have appreciated it.
It had been very emotional. Very surprising. Michelle had run away to her room– fair. Grace had cried immediately, pulling him into a tight hug. Joe had stared at him with something akin to pride. 
Now Daniel sat in the kitchen reeling off random facts about the future. Things he always told himself he’d remember to tell his parents if he ever got sent back to the past.
“Oh, invest in Apple. They probably aren’t on the stock exchange now but when they pop up– trust me.” He sipped his tea as Grace laughed.
“How about you tell us other things than insider trading.” Joe grinned.
“Well, what do you want to know?” Daniel put his mug down with a clank.
“I know there’s a bunch of shite you’re not allowed to tell us. But what’s there to know about grown up Daniel Ricciardo? Your accent is different, did you move away?”
“Actually,” Daniel smiled softly. “Yeah I did. I became a formula one driver. And I needed to move to Italy to do it.”
Daniel felt his chest warm at the shock on his parents’ face, how they looked him over carefully as if taking in this new information and trying to see how such a high paced career would have changed him from their precious baby boy.
“Well I’ll be damned.” Joe muttered, “thats fucking amazing. For which team? Ferrari?”
“Well no, they never officially gave me a contract. But– well my team doesn’t exist yet. But they’re fast, currently the world champions. I won 7 races with them.” Daniel smiled proudly when Grace came over to hug him tightly.
“I’m so proud of you baby waby.” 
Daniel felt his chest clench and tears spring to his eyes. He hadn’t heard that endearment in so long, it brought back memories of wonderful times.
“I love you too mummy wummy.” his voice cracked when he said it and Grace held him tighter. When she finally let go, Daniel got up to clutch Joe tightly. Not one to go without his father’s hugs, he didn’t see why he should start now.
“Gosh, I miss you guys.” Daniel muttered. Grace frowned.
“Do you spend a lot of time away?”
“Too much. You guys come to some races too, but– it's still a lot of travel at the end of the day.” He had to bite his tongue to keep from mentioning Isaac and Isabella.
“Where were you before you Exchanged?” Joe asked after a bit.
“Oh I was at work, so little me is probably with Blake right now. Poor sucker, he has to deal with adult me and little me. I hope I terrorize him a little.” Daniel giggled, thinking about all the chaos his small counterpart could be unleashing right now on his long time friend.
“Don’t be mean, you weren’t that terrorizing.” Grace would never hear a slight against her baby, not even from him himself.
“They say it's not always an even exchange, you seek out what makes you most comfortable. So if not Blake, where would you go?” Joe asked and they watched as Daniel grow soft and bite his lip.
“Max. Probably.” 
“Who’s Max?”
“He’s… everything.”
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y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
Hi. Read you post about the dead three's chosen, and I was wondering about the "We got the threat of sexual exploitation (assuming it didn't happen), there's a subtle undercurrent of incest to some interactions" part. Is this something in the game that I missed? Is it a dnd lore thing?
I also looked through some older posts about Bhaal/Durge stuff, and... Jergal is ruthless and manipulative?! How bad is he? Like, what can a Durge who is free of Bhaal and may be protected by Jergal expect, both in life and afterlife? Are there no good options for Durge (except maybe becoming immortal)?
Also just wanna say thank you for all your dnd lore posts. I've mostly just played in homebrew games, so wotc dnd lore hasn't come up much, and I'm learning so much from your posts!
The good news about Jergal is that he has at least shifted from Lawful Evil to Lawful Neutral, so he's probably somewhat less of a jackass...? We hope. He also tends to prefer subtler manipulation, and seems to let people's own personalities steer them (because they'll take them where he wants them to go naturally); Bane in particular is his unwitting puppet, apparently, but Jergal hasn't directly pulled the strings at all yet, for whatever reason. Jergal's faithful usually 'live' in the City of Judgement on the fugue, or he has them as undead scribes working in his temples on Toril (I imagine it's the same paperwork whichever plane you're on). It's a quiet, but not terribly interesting existence. I doubt he's steal Durge from Bhaal to use as a scribe though. Usually if he needs a servant on the Prime Material plane for some task or other he sends them back as an undead of some kind if/when they die (he likes mummies, usually). He might also be manipulating them into becoming some kind of powerful outsider he can subtly puppet like the Dead Three, or Kelemvor, or Cyric... I really don't know.
(Also I think we're supposed to take Jergal being the 'good guy' at face value in-game.)
Durge could move planes to escape the divine shenanigans. The Dead Three in current times are bound to Toril, and Jergal cannot directly bother you in the city of Sigil at the centre of the universe (which all gods are forbidden to enter on pain of total annihilation courtesy of the Lady of Pain. He can send pawns to bother you, but can't go there or do anything himself.)
No problem. (Unsurprising; homebrew is much easier to manage. I can't imagine how people who are obsessed with the lore of multiple DnD settings cope.)
And Durge's other 'duty' as Bhaal's Chosen, and their extremely normal relationship with their father is going under a cut.
There's nothing in tabletop lore, past a disturbing Bhaalist spell ('attraction') that can cause love/lust in targets, which is built into Bhaal's avatars and manifestations; some gods having a tendency to sleep with their followers; and a comment from Ed Greenwood that many clergy encourage people to have kids (more people raised from birth within the church = more souls and power for the deity). Also apparently having a tattoo of a god's holy symbol is often a turn on for that god's priests... for some reason...
This stuff mostly comes from the BG3:
The exploitation:
Durge is expected to provide more Bhaalspawn for Bhaal's plans, and always has been. It's most obvious in the feral ending, where Bhaal destroys their mind and puppets them directly, but it's still on their to-do list if they keep his 'love' and become his Chosen:
Sarevok Anchev: 'You failed to bring forth issue while you helmed our cult. It is a mortal sin for a Chosen. I even hoped you and my daughter might one day create a new blood-lamb for us, but it is not to be...'
Durge: 'When I bring ruin to the world, will Bhaal allow me to spare my beloved?' Sceleritas: 'Of course Master! We will always need to sire more Bhaalspawn! Although if they are not up to the task we may need to find you a breeding-mate. Or ten.'
As with anything else in Durge's life, they have no say in Bhaal's intentions for them. They start that conversation off by asking permission to keep their lover and don't even get to respond to being told that they're expected to be breeding stock, probably with a wider range of 'partners'. Just silent acceptance.
The incest:
As ever I could be reading into this, but I'm not the only person who picked up on it so maybe not.
The most overt instances of this implication crops up in the original feral ending and the current, where Bhaal is subjecting Durge to constant rape by inflicting sexual hyperarousal on them and forcing them to have sex in order to breed an army of Bhaalspawn by cross-breeding them with various monsters... which they don't actually remember, because it's not the monsters they're thinking of during the act, where it's implied that Bhaal is forcing them to think of him:
*Your memory of last night's act is absent. In the moment of mounting, your mind emptied itself, and you could think only of Bhaal. The gnoll's rump seemed to become his Temple's graven altar where you once led worship.*
"Father, I love you. I'm a good spawn. A good little spawn."*
Alternatively: "a good boy/girl."
And in one of the Bhaalist religious texts you can find in game that describes how Bhaal basically gives his followers orgasms when they murder:
"Once Bhaal's favour has quickened within one oh his beloved murderers, the bliss of his love is nigh-indescribable. For he blesses his loyal with a new sensation: a mindless, instinctual, primal sensation that comes within the bowels, an erotic spasm that washes over the killer, in the moment of murder. It is said that in that instant, his Divine Essence can almost be tasted. Forsake all other hedonisms, acolytes, for nothing can compare. Until the true ecstasies of murder wash over you, initiates, this scroll contains a prayer, you may say after a kill, calling for the Lord's disgrace to find its course in your body."
The Urge - which is Bhaal as much as it's Durge- does/can cause sexual arousal, which indicates that Bhaal does do this to them or is at least inflicting his own 'pleasure' on them by experiencing the kills through them.
*Your body feels aroused imagining a broken twisted neck, and a thrill thinking of a trailing intestine.*
'I feel the most intense pleasure [when killing]. Arousal, even.'
*The masterful painting [Minthara] depicts of the massacre awakens you hungrily.* Durge: 'Stop! I'm growing aroused!' or Durge: 'How delightful, I'm very eager to begin.' Nightwarden Minthara: 'Control yourself - you are as uncouth as the goblins.'
Notably Minthara responds the same even if Durge doesn't flat out say it, so I'd assume they're having the same response to that 'hunger' regardless.
In the same area you find that text, if you become the 'Chosen' of the Redcap masquerading as Bhaal to the kuo-toa, you get this:
*Mad guilt swills in your swooning, sick body. Today you became the tart of a false God, and your evil pride revolts.*
'Tart' being the polite way of saying 'whore', which on its own might just be a poetic way of calling them unfaithful to their religion, but with the extra context is beginning to form a potential pattern. I don't know whether Durge is referring to themselves, or if it's Bhaal calling them that. Or which is worse.
Similarly, the dream where Bhaal summons you to the duel with Orin to become his Chosen is labelled 'BloodWedding'. Again, wedding has more than one meaning, but it's most common usage is of the marital kind, and *gestures at the context of the fuckery above helplessly*
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And if you go through with the whole thing and accept Bhaal, Sceleritas will tell you this:
'You and the Urge are wedded, now. One body, one mind.'
Oh, and if you have a love interest they're your 'false bride.' Let's not ask who the real one is.
Also this is a possible dialogue option if you sleep with the drow guy at Sharess' Caress and is meant to be humorous, but apparently Durge does take their daddy issues into the bedroom:
Player: 'I'm a disappointment to my father. Maybe we can work with that.'
I feel like I've forgotten some parts, but that's the gist of it.
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lolathestoryteller · 5 months
This is a fun one I thought up. A jily lives Christmas AU, where young Harry thinks his mom cheating on dad with Santa(but plot twist, it’s James dressed as Santa😄)
*I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night
She didn't see me creep
Down the stairs to have a peep
She thought that I was tucked up
In my bedroom, fast asleep*
“*yawn* what is those sounds? A burglar?? I should warn daddy!*
*goes quietly downstairs and peeks*
‘W what? Mummy is kissing Santa?? Daddy will be so sad! Better tell him tomorrow morning’
Hiya there Anon! Sorry for my late reply, had a busy week! Anyways, this one made me smile haha — I hope it makes you smile too! :)
Potter Manor; the following morning…
« Hey! There’s my little man! » James calls out as he sees Harry walking into the kitchen.
He pulls back the chair next to his, inviting the six year old to sit down. « Sleep well, Snitch? » he asks, gently ruffling Harry’s messy curls.
Harry looks down onto his still empty plate, not meeting James’s eyes as he says very seriously: « Daddy…I got to tell you something bad. »
James raises a suspicious brow at his son, leaning closer to him. « Something bad, huh? » he asks, not entirely sure whether it’d be actually bad or rather just cheeky.
You really never know with Harry — he is the son of a Marauder after all.
« Yeah, » Harry replies, his voice barely above a whisper, before he finally looks up to meet James’s eyes. « But I don’t want you to be sad… »
Alright, this sounds like the bad bad type then.
James scoots his chair closer to Harry’s, bending low to be on eye level with his son. « What happened, Harry? » he asks, getting genuinely worried.
Harry bites at his lower lip, in the exact same way James has seen another person do whenever she’s nervous — it makes him smile a bit despite his worry.
Seems he’s just as much his Mother’s son.
« I saw Mummy last night…I— I thought I heard a noise, so I went downstairs because what if it was a burglar…? » Harry explains with all the typical childlike imagination.
James shakes his head at his son’s cheek. « You went downstairs past bedtime? » he asks with a falsely stern tone. « Better not tell Mummy that. »
« No, but Dad, I saw Mummy kissing Santa last night! » Harry suddenly blurts, his green eyes wide and his little hands now grasping onto James’s forearm.
Oh, that.
Seems they haven’t been as quiet as he’d thought.
James tries his very best not to start laughing, but when in that exact moment, Lily enters the kitchen, his resolve completely melts away. « Did you? » he asks, chuckling at Harry’s incredulous expression. « Did Mummy kiss Santa? »
He meets Lily’s confused eyes, which suddenly glimmer with embarrassment. « What? » she asks, looking from James to Harry and back. « James! Why would you—»
« Seems our son saw you and Santa beneath the Mistletoe last night, Lil. » James cuts her off amusedly. « Care to explain? »
Lily’s eyes narrow in a way that tells him he’d just dug his own grave, though James thinks it might have been worth the laugh.
« Harry, Mummy did not kiss Santa. » she explains with all the patience she can muster as she crouches down in front of the six year old.
Harry crosses his arms doubtfully. « But I saw you. » he replies matter of factly, causing Lily to sigh and James to bite back another laugh. « You said you loved his beard and then you kissed him! On the lips! »
James thinks despite her serious facade, Lily’s just as amused by this as he is. He decides to finally help her out of this, rather hilarious, situation. « That wasn’t Santa, » he explains, causing Harry to look up at him confusedly. « That was just Daddy dressed up as Santa. »
James thinks he’s never seen Harry look so flabbergasted before. « Why did you dress up as Santa? » he asks as though that was the most ridiculous thing ever. « Santa’s like, way older too. » he grimaces, turning back to look at Lily, utterly confused.
She chuckles discreetly into her palm, but James only smirks — he’s definitely going to sleep on the sofa for this one. « Well, Snitch, what can I say…your Mum just has a thing for older men. »
« James Potter! »
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lostfirefly · 2 months
In my midnight confessions, when I say all the things that I want to (Bedtime Story Series, Ch. 1)
Welcome to a new series (sorry not sorry) about Buggy and Catherine. This will be a short series of stories in the format of fairy tales that will be dedicated to Catherine's past. English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Masterlist is here
Description: Catherine shares her backstory with Buggy.
Warnings: Egyptiiiiiaaaaan nights, sadness, broken heart, mention of dead parents, I hope "1000 and 1 nights" vibes (@fanaticsnail, thnx!).
Words: 3320
Buggy x OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me” series.
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august, @yujo-nishimura, @emmiebugz-blog, @mydearlybeloathed , @cyberkittenduck
The title is taken from "Midnight Confession" by The Grass Roots.
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“Why doesn't he want to come to Loguetown?”
“I don't know, Jules. Every time I ask him to come with me, his face changes and he avoids answering. I don't want to pressure him.” Catherine sighed heavily and took a sip of wine. 
“Maybe he killed someone and is afraid to come?” Jules giggled, taking a bite of pizza. 
“What are you saying? You know, sometimes you talk about Buggy in a tone that makes me uncomfortable.” Catherine narrowed her eyes. 
“I'm sorry! I know you're head over heels in love, but I'm worried about you. I don't know, maybe because I don't know him well.” Jules shrugged. “I only talked to him when we spent the night at his place after the desert adventure, and even then he was reluctant to talk because he was busy looking at you.” Jules giggled and smiled mischievously. “God, I still remember you running out of the airport squealing. But, Cathie, even though you call me all the time, send me pictures, I still worry about you. You’re my sister.” 
Catherine laughed. “God, Jules, you remind me of our father right now.”
“Oh, yeah! He'd probably conduct a whole investigation to make sure that his beloved little Catherine was not harmed.” Jules laughed. “I can see that picture. He walks into the living room with a pen and a notepad with ducks and says: Evelyn, our daughter started seeing someone, not just anyone, but he's a clown it seems. I have to find out who he is because we trust him with our Cathie.” 
“And mom says to him, Dylan, stop it and put your notebook in a drawer and better read the newspaper. Our daughter is not going out with a complete idiot.” Catherine laughed and took a photo of them together with Buggy from the shelf. 
Jules put her hand on the table and rested her fist on her cheek. “Yeah, and then mom sits Buggy down to eat her carrot cake, and dad brings two bottles of beer. One for himself, one for your boyfriend. Dad sits down in his chair, crosses his arms, and stares at Buggy, barely blinking. Your clown is embarrassed and doesn't know how to act.”
“Hah, yeah. I think our parents would love him.” She turned the photo to the camera, trying to smile. “Look how cute he is.” Catherine put the photo aside and took a sip. “At least mom and dad had time to see your Ethan. He went on picnics with us, came to dinners. They got to know him. ” Catherine's tears flowed. “But they didn't get to see my Buggy. I'm so sad they'll never meet him, Jules. But you know.. I told them about him when I went to visit them at the cemetery on my last visit to Loguetown. Yeah, I told them about.. You know.. How.. I told them that I’m happy and safe now. I always tell them this so they don't worry.” Catherine wiped her wet eyes. 
“Cath…” Jules reached out to the laptop screen.
“I mis–” Catherine heard a noise in the hallway. “Quiet, I think Buggy is back. Wait!” She listened to the sounds. “Hmm.. No, I imagined it.” Catherine quickly wiped her tears. “I don't want him to see me crying.” 
“Make sure those Egyptian mummies don’t come to get you.” Jules cleared her throat. “Don’t get me wrong, Buggy may be a good guy, and I know you love him, but are you absolutely sure you're safe with him? In every sense, Catherine. I don’t want you to get hurt again. Remember what that bastard Flynnie did to you?”
“Jules, Buggy would never say or do something like that. He loves me.” Catherine took a sip. “Come visit us, and you will change your mind about him. I know that even with all my stories about him, Buggy seems like an asshole to you. But trust me, he's a different person when we're alone. He's kind and funny. He just needs some love and car–.”
The bedroom door swung open and Buggy shuffled into the room, looking upset. 
“Fuck, you scared me!” Catherine jumped out of her chair, startled. “I almost had a heart attack.” She laughed slightly. “Hi.” Catherine reached out, pulled Buggy closer, kissed him on the cheek and saw him become red. “I heard noises in the hallway, and then silence. I thought I imagined it.” 
“No, that was me. I was hungry and went straight to the kitchen.” Buggy glanced at the laptop. “Fuck, I didn’t know you were talking.” He tried to smile. “Hi, Jules.” Buggy quickly glanced at Catherine. “Should I leave?” 
“What? No! No! Don't go anywhere. I think we should wrap it up anyway, we've been talking for two hours. Okay. Jules, I’ll call you tomorrow. I have to feed my blue-haired guzzler. Say hi to Ethan. Bye!” Catherine blew a kiss to her sister. 
“Bye, guys!”
Catherine closed the laptop, leaned her head back on the chair, and ran her knuckles down Buggy's cheek. “You look sad. Is everything okay?” She watched as he nodded silently. “You must be hungry. Come on, let's go into the kitchen, and I'll make you some mac and cheese.” Catherine jumped up from her chair, grabbed Buggy’s hand and pulled him into the kitchen. 
“Give me ten minutes and…” Catherine opened the door and her eyes widened. “Oh, my God! Buggy…” Catherine squeezed his hand and looked at the table where there was a bouquet of blue roses, a bottle of her favorite wine, Chinese food and her favorite sandalwood candles burning. “What is this?”
“Well...” Buggy scratched his head. “I thought it was a while since I set you a dinner with your favorite stupid candles. What have you turned me into, woman? A grown man arranging fucking romantic evenings.”
Catherine stared at Buggy for a long moment, blinking silently. 
“Oh, fuck! That look!” Buggy rolled his eyes and prepared for what would happen next, spreading his arms. 
Catherine squealed, jumping on him, and hugging him with her arms and legs. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!” Smack. Smack. Smack. 
“I knew this was gonna happen.” Buggy wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed Catherine’s forehead. “You're welcome, cotton candy.” 
“Love.” Smack. ​​“Love.” Smack. ​​“Love, love, love you!” Smack. Smack. Smack. “You’re my best!” Sma-a-a-a-ack.
“Stop doing this, woman!” Buggy rolled his eyes. “Do you want Chinese food or not? See? It's your favorite. Fucking noodles with shrimp and a ton of sweet sauce.” 
Catherine jumped off Buggy, clenched her fists, squeezed her eyes shut, and started squealing and stamping her feet in joy. She sat down on the chair, picked up her box, and looked at the candles. Buggy sat down next to her and poured her some wine. 
“You still look sad.” Catherine stroked his hair. “Are you worried that you came while I was chatting with Jules? I only had nice things to say about you.”
Buggy exhaled heavily.
“What happened, little bear?” Catherine took his hand and began to stroke her fingers over his palm.
“The show last night. It wasn't perfect.” He pulled his hand away and picked up his beer. 
“What are you talking about? Everything was great. I've heard great reviews for every single act. People love your shows. I love your shows. And I love you. Don’t be sad, better tell me about your day.” Catherine kissed him on the cheek and twirled her noodle around her fork. 
Buggy gestured wildly as he recounted his day, not noticing how he was stealing shrimp from Catherine's portion and how she was eating all of his nuts from his rice. Catherine laughed at his every joke and with a story about Richie chasing the caterer all over the arena. Buggy asked how her day was going, and Catherine laughed even harder, joking that she was finally getting him to take an interest in her person. Buggy was upset, of course, but Catherine quickly solved the problem with an additional portion of shrimp and a kiss on the cheek. 
“You even got me a fortune cookie. Thanks!” Catherine sipped her wine and took one cookie from the box, breaking it open. “Let's see what's in there. Oh! Look! You're about to meet the love of your life.” She set the paper aside. “Meh! You're six months late with your fortune, stupid cookie. I've already met the blue-haired love of my life.” Catherine glanced at Buggy, who became even sadder. “Are you sure you're okay?” She watched him nod. “You're tired. You've been working hard these days. Here's an idea! Let's stay in bed all day tomorrow. We'll order pizza and watch stupid shows. And for now let's get my wine and your beer, and go to the bedroom? What do you think?”
Buggy nodded, took the glasses and went to the bedroom without saying a word. Catherine followed him, quickly changed into a pair of cow pajama bottoms, pulled on his t-shirt, and climbed onto the bed to hug Buggy laying curled up in silence. 
“My Buggy Bear, why are you sad?” Catherine asked softly, stroking his back. “Is something bothering you?”
“Cathie-pie.. Who... Who was with you yesterday?” Buggy asked in a sad tone.
“In the hallway. In the tent. I saw.. You were chatting with a tall handsome guy near the candy machine. I walked past and saw you together.” 
Catherine thought, replaying the day before in her head. “Oh, my God! Buggy! Are you upset because of him? It was some stranger who came to the circus with his son. They asked where their seats were and what the most delicious sweets were. They wanted to buy candies. Are you jealous of the stranger?”
“I’m not jealous. I just. I don't know.” Buggy shrugged and exhaled sadly. “You were laughing loudly. And looked happy. And the cookie.. the cookie said.. Meh, forget.”
“Of course, I looked happy. Because I came to see your show and you. Do you know how happy I’m when I see you on stage? I’m so proud of you at that moment. Although I’m always proud of you, but in those moments especially. Your fangirls sigh for you, and I know that you will go home with me. That's why I looked happy.” Catherine kissed his temple. “You're so funny, my flashy fool. And don't listen to the cookie, she doesn't know what she's saying.” She kissed him on the head a few times and hugged him tighter. 
“If you want to leave, will you tell me? Or.. What if I suddenly become the one to break your heart. Will you tell me?”
Catherine exhaled. “You will not be the one to break my heart, my Buggy Bear. You know, I think you’re in a down mood today, my love. How to cheer you up? How to cheer you up. Oh! I know how to cheer you up. Do you want me to tell you a bedtime story?”
“I don't know.” Buggy turned onto his back and laid his head in her lap. “I have never been told a story.”
“What do you mean never?” Catherine rounded her eyes. “And what about that man who raised you? You told me about him. He didn't tell stories?”
“No. Nothing like that happened.”
“No, no! Is that man still alive? I want to kick his ass.” Catherine started running her fingers through Buggy’s hair. 
“Oh, I'd like to see that.” Buggy giggled. “He would be very scared watching you yell at him from the bottom of your height.”
“Go to hell, I'm not afraid of him. And that gray-haired grandfather from the desert? Didn't he tell you any stories?”
“He’s not a gray-haired grandfather from the desert, Cathie-pie. Stop calling him that.” 
“I don’t care. What was his name? Mayli? Meh! Whatever. Every child deserves a fairy tale, Buggy. I wouldn't be surprised if that dude who raised you read fairy tales to that guy whose name is forbidden in our house.” Catherine started running her fingertips over Buggy's forehead. “No! I’ll tell you a fairy tale, and even you're almost 36 but who cares. Let's pretend your story was a little late on the way. Oh, you know, I know a good bedtime story.” She kissed his forehead, started stroking his hair and felt how Buggy snuggled closer to her. “Now close your beautiful green eyes and listen. A tale about how one girl's laughter was stolen.”
Buggy covered himself with a blanket, closed his eyes listening how Catherine began to speak in a half whisper.
“Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a sweet girl named Everlee. She was kind, cheerful and a laugher. Everyone in the village knew and loved her. In the evenings, after university, she helped her mother in the bakery. It was the best bakery in town, there was almost never a free space. In the morning, the premises were filled with the smell of fresh bread, buns and other goodies with crispy crusts and delicious fillings inside. People on their way to work or home always come in to get a bun with hot cheese and fresh coffee or tea.”
“I can even smell the smells you're talking about, cotton candy.” Buggy felt Catherine hug him tighter. 
“Oh, yes, I can smell them too.” Smack. 
“One day, a young man named Flynnie started dropping by the bakery. He came in every evening, hoping to see Everlee. And one day, he asked her out for a walk. Everlee had been on dates before, but this date seemed special to her. She was young, and she was impressed that Flynnie came to the bakery just to see her every evening.” Catherine gently stroked Buggy's body, feeling how with every movement of her hand he became more relaxed. “Flynnie brought Everlee magical flowers that changed their color depending on the time of day. He took her for walks in the forest, where they met the most magical animals. Antelopes from under whose hooves little marshmallows appeared, birds that wove decorations from candies. Everlee loved to walk in this forest. She continued studying, to help her mother in the bakery, spend time with her family, and it seemed to her that she began to fall in love with Flynnie. One day, Everlee's family noticed that she began to laugh less. Her ringing laughter always sounded in their house, but there was less of it.”
“What? Why?” Buggy opened his eyes.
“It turned out that Flynnie was an unusual guy, he was an evil wizard who decided to steal Everlee's laughter. She did not notice it until, one day, Flynnie cast a spell on her. He said that Everlee was too cheerful, and it irritated people and especially him, and she would not laugh until she met her true love. And she would not meet her, because she would lose her cheerful character forever. He snapped his fingers and Everlee stopped laughing. The wizard locked her laughter in a cage and turned her heart into stone.”
“NO!” Buggy blushed. “Sorry. I didn't think I would say it so loudly. What happened next?” 
“My little bear is intrigued.” Smack. “Everlee's parents tried to make her laugh, but she was afraid to do it. Because of the curse, she believed that she irritated people. Everlee’s family took her to different villages to good witches, who tried to cure her with decoctions of various aromatic herbs. Nothing helped. The sorcerer continued to return to Everlee's house, trying to strengthen the spell, but her family drove him away with magic water and special amulets. They hung them on the door so that Flynnie could no longer enter their house and torture poor Everlee, who spent her days cowering in her room. Everlee had a magic mirror that she looked into every morning and didn't recognize herself. She cried and asked the mirror to help her get back to her old self, but it said it couldn't help. The mirror only said that Everlee must find her love. But how? Everlee knew that Flynnie broke her heart by casting the curse. She believed in him, she trusted him. But he turned out to be evil, who tried to take away all the good that was in her and Everlee cried during the nights a lot because of it, because Flynnie took a part of her soul and her heart. But Everlee was lucky. She had a wonderful family. Their love and support helped partially break the curse.”
“Why partially?” Buggy asked quietly, taking Catherine's hand. 
“Because the curse was strong. After six months, many good guys have tried to resolve the spell by asking Everlee out on a date. But they weren't able to make it all the way to the end. Time after time, the spell grew weaker. Everlee felt she became old self, but she was afraid to laugh for a long time, although she tried. Her family brought toys and goodies that broke the spell a little at a time. But it wasn't enough. Over time, thanks to her family, Everlee began to laugh again, but it seemed to her that it was not the same laugh as before.”
“Cotton candy…”
“Yes, my love.”
“Is Everlee okay now? Did she manage to remove the spell completely?”
“Oh, yeah. Everlee was almost completely fine. And many years after those events, Everlee went to an amazing sand country, to change her surroundings, to have some rest and look at new amazing animals. But suddenly she met the one who finally destroyed the last little traces of Flynnie's spell. She met true love, even though the villain said it would never happen. And now Everlee is happy that she can not be afraid to be herself. She laughs again as before, knowing that the love of her life will not turn her heart into stone, because he makes her laugh every day. And she's happy every day when she wakes up next to him, and she loves him very much. She knows that his love will not allow Flynnie or anyone else to cast a spell on her again. Because he protects her and will drive away any villain from his precious Everlee. Every morning Everlee wakes up and realizes that she's finally cured. The end.” Catherine kissed Buggy in his forehead. “Did you like the story?” 
Buggy looked at Catherine for a long time. He sat down on the bed, leaned his back against the headboard and Catherine immediately curled up under his armpit, feeling Buggy hold her tightly in his arms. 
“Cathie-pie…” Buggy said quietly, as gently as he could, as if afraid to disturb the fragility of the moment. “How old were you?”
“If we ever meet this fucking Flynnie, will you tell me it's him?” 
Catherine laughed, “What, are you going to scare him with your chop chop thing?”
“We'll see.” Buggy kissed her on the head. 
“I can already see you…” Catherine placed her hand on his chest. “What do you call it when your parts spin? Chop Chop Flannon?”
“Sorry! You have so many of your chop chop things.” Catherine started smiling. “I even see this picture. Flynnie comes in and thinks he's dealing with a normal person, but surprise, shithead! My blue-haired hero split into pieces and kick Flynnie’s ass.” Catherine pecked Buggy on his nose. “Thank you, my silly clown.”
“For what?” 
“For breaking the curse until the end. For teaching me to laugh again, like I did before.” Catherine hugged Buggy around his waist. “I love you so, so much, my Buggy Bear.”
“I love you too, my cotton candy. And I promise I never never never hurt you.”
“I know, don't worry.” 
“And you know what? Let's go to the bakery? After your story, I wanted a bun with hot cheese.” 
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tedwardremus · 4 months
For the:
One Hundred Prompt Ask (it’s not a Rick Roll 😏)
I’m having difficulties trying to ask for one, not sure which one to pick. I’d love to see how you write my favorite GryffinDorks- Ron/Hermione for the prompt:
16. "You have really cute freckles."
62. "Your tattoos suit you so well."
I admire the way you write your stories 💕
(also, is it fine if I send another? And I haven’t forgotten about your ask, just so you know 😉)
Thank you for sending a prompt from this list
(Send me a number and a pairing and I’ll write a drabble)
I haven't written Hermione or Ron in ages, like over a decade. So, I hope I did them justice.
(and yes you can always send me more asks)
Hermione came home late. Too late. She always tried to be home for the bedtime routine: brushing teeth and reading a bedtime story. All the books said it was important to maintain a routine, and reading at bedtime was not just bonding but also increased reading comprehension and instilled an appreciation for learning.
But this week, Hermione had been working on a new piece of difficult legislation—Equal Pay for Elves—and had stayed late at the office well past bedtime. Last night, even Ron was asleep by the time she got home, which set a huge sense of failure in the pit of her stomach.
She was clearly failing at being a good mother.
But as she climbed the dark stairs, she was surprised to see a light peeking from under the doorway of the hall bath. When she approached, she heard some soft murmuring.
“You have really cute freckles,” Ron said in a soothing tone on the other side of the door.
Hermione gently knocked and opened the door.
Rose was standing in the middle of the bathroom, her face red and puffy from crying. Her arms were stretched out, covered in colorful patterns. Various potion bottles were open on the counter, and Ron held a hand towel in his hand, running it up and down Rose’s arms, attempting to wipe the colorful stains off.
“What’s going on here? Why aren’t you in bed?” Hermione asked.
“Mummy!” Rose cried and pulled herself from Ron’s grasp to give Hermione a hug. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to, and Daddy’s been helping take it off, but it won’t come off, and I made everything so much worse.” Rose hiccuped into Hermione’s robes, leaving tear stains and globs of mucus on the silk as Hermione knelt down to look Rose in the eye.
“What’s going on? What did you mess up?”
“Jamie said my freckles made me look dirty.”
“Which I said was stupid,” Ron interrupted, leaning on the sink with the towel now over his shoulder, “because the kid has just as many freckles as you. This whole family is spotted.”
Rose shook her head. “Not Mummy.”
Hermione pushed a bit of Rose’s hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. “No, I don’t have freckles, but you do, and they are very lovely.”
“Yeah, next time Jamie says something, just push him in the mud.” Hermione did her best to suppress a chuckle at Ron’s helpful suggestion.
“And the marks on your arms? You were trying to cover up your freckles?”
“I didn’t mean to.” Rose wiped her nose on the sleeve of her pajamas.
“A bit of accidental magic, that is,” Ron nodded toward their daughter’s arms. “I’ve been trying to get it off, but nothing is working.”
“That’s okay,” Hermione hugged Rose again and rubbed her back. “Your new tattoos suit you well, Rosie, but we’ll find a way to remove them. Accidental magic can always be reversed. Why don’t you go down to the kitchen, and we can look through my books together, and Daddy can make us some hot chocolate?”
Rose nodded solemnly and left the bathroom, slightly sniffling as she made her way out of the room.
Hermione stood up again and faced Ron, who was smiling endearingly at her. “What?” Hermione asked as Ron grabbed her hand and pulled her toward him.
“You are a very good mum, you know?”
“No, I’m not. I can’t even manage to get home in time for the bed routine.”
“Doesn’t matter. You’re still an amazing mum.” Ron kissed the side of her head as they made their way out into the hall.
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lunar-years · 1 year
what are your headcanons about tartt sr’s abuse? did it start when jamie was a teenager? was he always physically violent with jamie and maybe georgie too?
the s3 the finale is so disrespectful to georgie now that i think about it
Hi! This ones not super easy to answer because i think the show leaves the specifics largely up for interruption. My own thoughts on it are all over the map (and often change). I can basically see a lot of different avenues to getting to what we see play out in Man City, and I've seen a lot of differing thoughts on this topic; to be honest I find myself nodding along to most all of them even though all of them could definitely not coexist in the same universe, lol. So this is far from set in stone in my mind but here are my (once again quite long oops) general thoughts on how it might have gone (obviously TW for discussion of abuse below the cut):
the abuse canonically did start when Jamie was a teenager, because we know the Amsterdam trip happened when he was 14; whether the abuse also took the form of physical violence at that age I'm less certain, but I lean towards the bulk of that coming later. At this stage James was still in his "Stand Up Father" routine
I think the early relationship when James Tartt Sr. first came back into Jamie's life would've been a lot of false promises and the "Fun Dad" shtick Jamie describes when talking about Amsterdam. We also know James tried to get Georgie back at least once, and the way I interpreted the tone in which that was said was that the trip was neither the first nor the last time that happened. I kind of headcanon that James was in and out of rehab during that time, swearing to do better, making the same mistakes, rinse and repeat
Jamie's thoughts on James were a jumble of juxtapositions. James could always sweet-talk getting them an extra scoop of ice cream for free at the shop, he took Jamie to City matches and showed up all the time with cool or expensive gifts his mum could never afford - official kits and the like. He taught Jamie "life skills" like picking locks and petty crime tricks that, to a 12 year old were fucking cool! On the other hand he was also taking Jamie to pubs and making him try beer when he was like, 12 or 13. He made Jamie hang out with him and his friends - who were crude and brash and kind of scary. He arranged for Jamie to lose his virginity in Amsterdam because it was "past time for him to grow up and be a man."
All of those latter things made Jamie at best uncomfortable, but they were always balanced by the fun stuff. The good stuff. The problem was he never knew which version of his dad he was going to get on any given day, so he could never prepare for it.
I think the physical violence started off "small" - shaking his shoulder aggressively, keeping an ironclad grip on the back of Jamie's neck, etc. When he hit Jamie the first time he showed up the next day with a grand apology. He always used "getting too drunk" as his excuse and said "it won't happen again" and Jamie always believed him until the next time, because it really didn't happen that often, and anyway the bruises were never anything he couldn't keep hidden from Mummy and the teachers at school.
there were maybe one or two "Bad Times" when James "lost control" (in his own later words) and got Very Violent with Jamie whilst he was still a teenager. These are the times when Jamie learned how to hide substantial injuries and bruises from his team, his coaches, etc. and stared at his Roy Kent hoping by some miracle for the man to come out of it and save him.
I also think this is an instance where a young Jamie might have ~fought back~ and/or purposely said things to provoke his father, only to then have the resulting beat-down framed as a "punishment" by James, which scared him shitless (because canon Jamie does not seem afraid of most anything, but he is definitely terrified of his dad and that came from somewhere) and effectively prevented him fighting back in future. These occasions very much stand out as formative in his memory because the violence was so not constant at that time; the biggest thing to me is that James was incredibly inconsistent and that was part of his manipulation. Jamie started wondering if he was somehow at fault for the abuse, if it was his failure to be good that caused his dad to hurt him.
"say goodnight son..." when he goes to kill Beard with a lead pipe sure says a lot. I think that level of beating on Jamie and physically abusing him really began when Jamie was an adult playing for Man City. Both before he comes to Richmond and after he is sent back to Manchester in s1. He "restrained" himself during the season, to keep Jamie fit enough to play. But the off season has been a historically bad time for Jamie.
this is the timeframe where I think Jamie has a very tense relationship with his mother and isn't really talking to her about anything, let alone James. The distance between them started when he was teenager keeping secrets, worsened when she began things with Simon, and are by this point at an all time low, and he's fallen back on his father, spending more time with him than ever. He's essentially isolated himself from any support system and this is when things are really very Bad.
As for Georgie -
yes, i do imagine she also suffered from James abuse, though I don't think the abuse would have looked exactly the same for her as for Jamie
I think the bulk of it was emotional/verbal abuse. I can very much see James yammering on about he'd "never hit a woman." meanwhile he's spewing constant vitriol about her, calling her a bad mother, calling her slurs, and of course beating on their kid. But (in his warped brain) slapping Jamie around isn't the same as slapping Georgie around, because Jamie should be "able to take it" and "be a man." Just all kinds of ickiness exuding from that man.
"your father is never, ever going to change" is definitely the consensus (to me) of a woman who has been deeply manipulated by James in past and let down herself by his false promises. i would not be surprised if she HAD gotten back together with James once when Jamie was a teenager and he was on a longer sobriety stint from rehab.
I do think Georgie knew on some level that Jamie was being abused but I also really believe she did not realize the full extent. Jamie kept secrets from her (Amsterdam included). Georgie sensed there were secrets, but didn't poke into them, in part because of her own james-related trauma and in part for paralyzing fear of what she'd find if she looked deeper. It was easier to believe Jamie was still telling her only truths. So she comforted him the best ways she knew how, and she did her best to limit the time Jamie spent with James, but Jamie adamantly always wanted to see his dad, and she had to work so often and couldn't always be around to monitor him, and what was she to do, in the end?
Jamie does tell Georgie all of it after they repair their relationship circa/post s2/s3, and the resulting bond is stronger than ever.
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bunny-hoodlum · 6 months
Sharing this because I feel like it. ☺️ The first 900+ words of Idle Hands (rewrite) so far. 🥹 In case you didn't catch previous now deleted post, I gave up on the 'stressful childhood' direction. Now it's more of a retelling, but I'm still calling it a rewrite. This Naruto is interesting imo. Ahhhh, I hope I'm doing this right? I guess bear with me here. Contradictions may be inevitable, Idk. So, he falls under the Obliviously Evil trope this time around. I'm shooting for 'cheerful yet stressed (traumatized) and actually secretly crazy'. Doesn't fit the standard Dark Naruto depiction, so I can't really say one way or another which he leans the closest to. 😭 He hasn't broken yet, but he's going to get there, so we'll see. 🤭 Hope this instills some hype! :3 Becuz I'm making progress babyyyy~🎵
Idle Hands (2024)
Pairings: NaruHina, eventual NaruHinaSasu
Smut, Freeuse, Dacryphilia
cw: toxic behavior, dubcon, ijime
Summary: There's nothing to do in the sticks. There's even less to do when you're on probation. There's even less than that when: Your dad is the most popular man in town/You've been raised to be a boy and are invisible when you try to be a girl/When your exciting city boy lifestyle has been taken from you.
Or when two losers and a fuckboy choose all the worst ways to have fun. Not that one of them had much of a choice.
There in the middle of an overgrown clearing sat a rusted, abandoned car, wheel-less and sitting atop four cement bricks. The dense forest trees towered in the distance, their foliage deep green and billowing in the wind. Beneath the car, you can follow the remnants of a gravel path out of the clearing, towards an abandoned auto factory – you know, when having an auto factory way the fuck out here somehow made sense. Back before the bubble burst when everything went to shit. But what does he know? He was only six when it happened. Not like that shit ain’t affecting him well into the Y2K or anythin’.
Naruto lounged in the backseat with a nudie magazine and a sage green quilted blanket over his lap, his cheeky eyes devouring the curvaceous models on the pages. Oiled up, lips spread, pouty eyes peering and pleading for his cock.
He nudged his toe in the soft belly beneath the blanket, or maybe he threw it a little harder than he meant to, forcing a slight cough from her throat as her mouth retreated from his cock after gagging.
The blanket rose up from his lap.
“Hey, I didn’t say ‘stop’.” He cupped the back of her head and forced her lips to press against the underside of his rigid girth, teeth sliding and catching against his tender flesh. When the wet, warm vacuum pull of her mouth around his cock returned, he settled back into place, flipping pages like he was reading the newspaper.
Green eyes stared back at him. Earnest, yet cold. White skin framed by black hair. Her tits squished together in a string bikini as she bent forward, her arms crossed underneath their swell.
Shizuka. Didn't matter that she was twenty-four and he was sixteen. There were plenty of ways he could ruin her that life hasn't yet.
His breath quickened, shallow quiet pants puffing past his lips.
Her rich green eyes were growing on him.
Maybe his first girlfriend will have green eyes. If only.
Women like them didn’t exist out here. Not in this dying town of theirs, where their only market street was rows of shuttered-up shops, their storefronts heavily tagged and dirty with runny rust-stains.
Dsy by day, this place was turning into an old person’s home. Or a fucking casket.
Day by day he passed by a chain-smoking mummy, half-deaf and half-blind yet still nosy enough to cuss him out. Every day those same disapproving stares like he was some kind of disease, some kind of curse.
He wanted a woman like Shizuka. He wanted softness like hers to make him forget. He wanted eyes like hers fixed on him in every mundane context, like two lovers, their names signed on the lease just the day before. He wanted her silent worship.
God, he couldn’t wait to get out of here. Couldn’t wait to get a taste of real women.
He was wasting his fucking youth here. His mind too, not that anyone believed he had much of one to begin with.
He imagined someone beautiful, someone way, way, way out of his league taking him inside her, wanting him more than anyone else inside her. She would rewrite his entire history in a single night.
Excitement arced up his spine as pleasure pooled in his groin, building and building–
Naruto grabbed the back of her head. He thrusted into her hot, slimy throat, ignoring her startled whines, the gagging convulsions tightening around his invasive cockhead.
“Gotta train your throat again, huh, Hinata? C’mon, just endure it. I ‘ppreciate you not playing with other dudes while I was away, but you’ve really gotten sloppy. But that’s fine, too, actually. It’s kinda cute.” He threw his head back and closed his eyes, surrendering to the soft, clinging sensations thrumming around his cock. He was melting against her devoted tongue, so persistent to please him no matter what as she licked and laved the ridgid underside with broad sweeps that left echoes of each across his turgid flesh.
Knock knock knock!
A rhythmic tapping on the glass beside his head startled the lewd occupants and Naruto threw his toe into her stomach again.
He lowered the nudie magazine atop her head and turned his face out the window.
Bent over at the hip stood the thorn in his side that his dad personally stabbed in him the moment he found himself in front of the family judge again – no less than two months after his release from the Juvenile Training Facility.
The silver-haired man with the lazy, lidded gaze mimed cranking a handle backwards and Naruto sighed. He reached for the window crank, lowering the window just enough that he and Kakashi could properly exchange words.
“Go to school, Naruto.”
Naruto sank into seat, clearing his face of any hint of expression as he leveled Kakashi with a cold, ignorant stare.
His toe had other ideas, as he nosed around the convergence between her legs, finding the soft resistance of her panty-covered cunt. He idly teased her clit while he waited for the weary douche to give up like he always did.
Not like his father’s favorite student was all that invested in him, anyway. The dude was freaky smart and found ways to make his minor infractions such as truancy go away. Precisely to his father’s satisfaction, and not the system’s.
Obito told him someone like Kakashi would have proposed lifelong marriage to ‘The Rules’ if it had taken the shape he most desired.
The fact that he could give two shits about integrity these days convinced Naruto that his dad knew Kakashi’s state of mind. And that he was exactly what his dad was looking for in a probations officer.
Someone that would take Namikaze Minato’s side, always.
Someone that would protect Namikaze Minato’s image, always.
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Operation Sleepy Hollow
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(Dieter x horror loving female)
Words: 1, 789
Summary: you and Dieter go somewhere special for your two-year anniversary and Dieter has something extra special planned
Warnings: failed proposals but not what you think, body injury, crazy shenanigans, Dieter being Dieter and lots of adorable fluff and some fun history! I did lots of research but if I got anything wrong, please let me know!
Check out masterlist here
Dieter looked again at the small box made out to be the key from The Mummy. He’d lost count of how many times he’d sneak a look at it over the past year. He was hoping to go through Operation Sleepy Hollow: take girlfriend to a place she’d enjoy for anniversary, propose in romantic spot, spend the night making passionate love, best boyfriend award guaranteed.
For your second-year anniversary, you were going to a place you’d enjoy, somewhere you always wanted to go: Sleepy Hollow, New York. Originally called North Tarrytown, it changed its name to Sleepy Hollow in 1996. It came to popularity but Washington Irving’s ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’ where the author now lays to rest in the cemetery.
Still having time before checking in, you went to Tarrytown in order to just wander around the picturesque town. The Tarrytown Music Hall wasn’t open, but it was still beautiful in its exterior and Dieter adored any historic exterior and so adored this town. After lunch, you went to the Sleepy Hollow Souvenir Store and tried to not buy so much.
Dieter insisted you splash out for accommodation, so you were spending two nights at the Castle Hotel and Spa. The room was lavish with a four-poster bed and fireplace. Wrapping his arms around you, Dieter insisted on immediately trying out the bed.
As you had planned a few nighttime festivities such as the Pumpkin Museum of Art, the Pumpkin Carousel, the Pumpkin Windmill, and the Pumpkin Planetarium, you saw no problem in this.
The following morning, you had breakfast at the Headless Bagel, purely because of its name. After picking up some Halloween themed pastries from a bakery, came all the walking. Starting on Beekman Avenue, you made your way along the Hudson River to find the lighthouse which was built in 1883. You then made your way to the Sleepy Hollow, originally the Tarrytown cemetery which changed its name to the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery to honour author Washington Irving. His monument was protected from picky tourists, but you went to honour him in passing. You found the Headless Horseman sculpture before making your way to the bridge. It wasn’t the bridge that was in the film or from the folktale as that was now a modern bridge commissioned by the Rockefeller family and now has a placard stating its historic location. This bridge was a beautiful wooden one and hauntingly romantic.
This was the perfect location for Dieter to propose. It didn’t want to do it on the bridge as he didn’t trust himself not to fall into the river. He waited until you both crossed the bridge. Your back was to him the moment he got down on one knee, he moved to get the ring out of his jacket pocket when something caught his eye.
“Ah! A snake!”
It was at this point you turned around to find your boyfriend running towards you in fear. He sort of glomped you but had enough sense to not fall to the ground. He pointed to where he thought he saw the supposed snake. You looked over to where he was pointing but only saw a stick.
He felt embarrassed at the blunder but was soon replaced by sadness that he missed out on the perfect opportunity to propose but he shook it off.
The next location the Union Church of Pocantico Hills held the last works by Henry Matisse. Dieter was mesmerised by the stained-glass windows, and he quietly explained the story of how Nelson Rockefeller commissioned the artwork for his late wife, Abby in 1948. He pointed out the Rose Window, Matisse’s last work and the nine windows which were designed by Marc Chagill, a Belarusian-French artist you hadn’t heard of, but you certainly found the windows beautiful.
It certainly cheered Dieter up and he thought of going to Plan B of Operation Sleepy Hollow: propose over a romantic candlelit dinner followed by a night of passionate lovemaking, bagging best boyfriend award in the process.
After lunch, you went back to the hotel for a break before dinner. You had made your way to the bathroom, so Dieter knelt down to untie his shoelaces; he had the sudden thought of relocating the ring box, so he reached over to get it from his jacket but then something broke.
You heard a pained scream and rushed out of the bathroom. Dieter was on his knees unable to move with tears streaming out of his eyes. He was taking short breaths as moving any part of his body was causing immense pain.
“What happened?”
“My back!” he gasped. “My back!”
You put a hand to his chest, “Let’s try and get you up, okay?”
Putting hands under his armpits, you managed to get him sitting on the edge of the bed. You took his shoes off with no problem.
“I’m going to give you a painkiller, okay?”
He didn’t nod as he feared it would cause pain, but you gathered from his whimper that he consented, so you managed to administer it.
“Now I need to take your pants off.”
It was a gruelling experience for Dieter and the whole time he was whimpering in pain and mumbling how the removal of clothes should be sexy, but you managed to get him down to his boxers and lying face down on the bed. Leaving him for a few seconds, you came back from the bathroom with a hot towel and placed it on his back. He settled down after a few moans of pain. His back was very tense and twitched whenever you touched it.
The painkiller must have kicked in or the hot towel was working but Dieter was soon feeling less pain in his back. Soon after he felt a cooling sensation, the towel was removed from his back, and you were rubbing something in.
“What is that?” he asked.
“It’s Tiger Balm, it’s really good for muscle pain.”
He gave a groan of approval and soon you heard him snoring softly.
Dieter woke up sometime later, he didn’t dare try moving and he worried that his back would flare up again, so he stayed where he was. He managed to follow you with his eyes as you came back into the room.
“How are you feeling?”
“A bit stiff,” he mumbled.
“Well, you are going to have a deep tissue massage tomorrow morning. I went down to the front desk and booked you in while I cancelled out dinner.”
“You did?” you nodded. “But what about the Farmers Market?”
“I can do that on my own. I don’t think you’d survive all that walking.”
He grumbled in agreement, “Unless there was lots of sitting.”
“Do you think you could handle sitting now?” He gave a mumble in place of a shrug, so you managed to slowly get him to stand up. After putting on his teddy bear coat, you moved him to a chair with good back support and placed an ottoman under his feet. He grumbled his thanks.
“I’m sorry I ruined our anniversary.”
“You didn’t ruin it, it’s not your fault your back died on you.”
“But we were going to have a romantic dinner and…” he couldn’t finish his sentence.
“Have a night of passionate lovemaking?”
Dieter almost started crying at the thought of all that was being missed out.
“We could try,” he shyly suggested.
“Sex won’t fix your sore back; it might make it worse.”
“It might. If I lie down the whole time and you can sit on my-“
“We’re not risking anything,” he pouted. “We can do gifts?”
He wiggled his toes in excitement, “Yes, let’s do presents!”
You moved over to where your bags were. Pulling out your present for Dieter, you moved over to his bag. He stopped you opening it, just letting you carry the whole bag over to him. Pulling out a wrapped gift, he handed it to you while you put his bag away and put your gift in his lap.
He gleefully but carefully unwrapped his present to reveal the glorious tie-die beneath.
“I’m Kenough?!” he held up the hoodie. “I love it!”
It was now time to unwrap your gift; it was a book.
“Making the Monster: The Science Behind Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.”
“I figured you might want to learn all the history science stuff behind your favourite book.”
You hugged the book close to you and made your way over to Dieter in order to plant a giant kiss on his cheek. You gently hugged him.
“I love it! I’ll not to read it all in one sitting.”
“You want to read it now, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but how about some room service?”
“How was the massage?”
“Amazing! My back is still stiff, but it doesn’t hurt like hell anymore,” he was sitting in the armchair donned in his new favourite hoodie. “How was the Farmers Market?”
“Amazing! So much lovely produce! I could’ve bought one of everything, but I don’t know if I can bring back fresh produce.”
“We’re in the same country.”
“Yeah, but isn’t there a rule about bringing food across state lines?”
“I don’t think so.”
You hmphed, “I guess it’s just an Australian thing. But I got lots of other great things!”
You pulled things out of your tote to show your smiling boyfriend: jams, soaps, various baked goods as well as…
“You bet I got cheese! If I can’t bring it back with me, I’ll eat it all on the spot.”
“I think you can bring it with us.”
“I also got you a handmade heat pack. They told me that when it heats up, it smells like pancakes.”
“So I’ll smell like pancakes?”  he loved the thought.
You were surprised you still had room in your suitcase after all your purchases, but you managed to fit everything in. Thankfully, Dieter brought his trusty Crocs with him, so he didn’t have to endure the thought of how he was going to put his footwear on.
The hotel staff were very helpful in getting your luggage and Dieter into the car and soon, you were both on your way back to New York City.
As Dieter watched the trees go flying past, his mind began to wander; he was rethinking his proposal plan. Halloween was approaching and you were both heading to a fancy costumed ball. It would be the perfect opportunity to propose as it was your favourite time of the year so you would already be in a happy mood. So now it was Operation Halloween Proposal: dress up and go to romantic themed ball, propose in super romantic setting, spend the night making passionate love, best boyfriend award guaranteed.
Films referenced: The Mummy (1999), Sleepy Hollow (1999), Barbie (2023)
Book referenced:
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Lovingly tagging @boliv-jenta @simpingcowboy @ellenmunn @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @brilliantopposite187 @chaithetics @myloveistoolittle @cevans-is-classic @glshmbl
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changingplumbob · 4 months
New Goth: Chapter 4, Part 8
Ariadne's visit wraps up before James and Alexander spend time together.
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CW: Moderate sim spice and mentions of death Content Warning Guide
After the dishes are done Milton leads Ariadne to the library.
Ariadne: Woah. I... I thought Mrs Ali was expecting us to go to the actual library
Milton: *laughs* I think the actual library is closed by now. Want to play some chess. I can kind of move the pieces with my paws
Ariadne: since it’s not a video game, sure
Milton: You-you don’t like video games
Ariadne: Afraid not
The two play the opening moves in silence, unsure of what to say.
Milton: Ariadne?
Ariadne: Yes
Milton: Can you really speak to the dead
Ariadne: Huh? Sometimes, why
Milton: Alexander and Uncle James have custody because... my father died and mummy vanished. I'm used to everyone knowing but I didn't know if...
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Ariadne: No, Mrs Ali didn't mention it. She vanished?
Milton: *shrugs* I just woke up and she wasn’t there anymore. I don’t know where she is but... I worry sometimes that she’s dead
Ariadne: *sighs* I know exactly what you mean
Milton: Wait- how?
Ariadne: My parents. They left me with my grandmother and just... never came back. I don’t know where they are either. Sometimes I worry they're dead to
Again silence settles over the chess table while the two sims think.
Milton: Do you want to know where they are
Ariadne: Sometimes I think knowing might be nice, sometimes I think it would be too hard to have an answer
The pair carry on with the chess game. They may be different but having had similar struggles makes Milton hope she decides to give his brother and Uncle James a chance.
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Back in the dining room...
James: Did we do okay? I know we didn't meet in a conventional way-
Harper: Mr Goth, it is important for a potential adoptee to know you can be honest with them. If you had concocted a falsehood I assure you, she would have seen right through it. This wasn’t about my opinion, but yours and hers
Alexander: You know... I like her. I was worried she’d make fun of me for being so much younger than you but she didn’t seem bothered. She made zero jokes about our age or our marriage, and she didn't belittle Milton for his bear phase
James: That's true. She does appear rather generous of spirit. I like her to. I think she could keep us on our toes in a good way
Harper: Did her talk of auras and seeing the dead worry you
James: Oh I don’t think so
Alexander: If you look back every generation of Goths has at least one eccentric member
Harper: That's good. We don't want to find her a home only for the parents to want to change her. I guess the question is, are you still interested in adopting her
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The pair look to each other and nod.
James: We’re ready to expand our family
Harper: Wonderful news. I will have to speak to Ariadne when I take her back to the group home and see if it’s what she wants
Alexander: So If she says yes? Or umm... what happens if she doesn’t want to see us again
Harper: There are other children we can introduce you to. But if she says she felt good about this meeting we’ll look at moving her in and beginning the foster to adoption process. There’s a few more steps than if she was just an infant. I’ll let you know in the morning
James: Thank you
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When the guests are gone and Alexander has seen Milton to bed it’s time for the grown ups.
Alexander: Was she all you hoped then
James: Hard to say but I have a good feeling about it
Alexander: I think if we adopt her our life will be full of far more feelings and vibes
James: *laughs* I thought you liked her
Alexander: I do. It's odd- Harper said she could be competitive for attention. I didn’t get that feeling from her at all, perhaps family is exempt?
James: Maybe it was because the whole dinner was about her in a way? Or maybe Harper was just at the end of her rope having to relocate Ariadne all the time and didn’t have a clear answer as to why she could never fit with a family. Thank you for saying what you did about past Goth's
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Alexander: Hopefully she can fit with us. I know how much you want to be a father and I'll do my best to be one to
James: So I’ve not pushed you into a role you’re not ready for
Alexander: Mr Goth, I love you
He pauses and draws James close for a kiss. Moving gently Alexander gets his arms around his husband and lifts him off the ground causing the older man to laugh.
Alexander: James you have never pushed me into a role I haven’t been ready for. Please know that
James: At dinner I did worry…
Alexander: I pursued you. I wanted you. By the time you showed me affection back I was more than ready to be yours. And now, you’re mine. Truly and completely
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Hi friendly readers. Just wanted to let you know the rest of this part is the moderate sim spice so please feel free to SKIP reading, you will not miss any plot points. It's somewhat NSFW so I will not be offended.
James: It did take a while for you to have me honestly though
Alexander: *grins* That just made the chase more fun for me
James: *quietly* I figured
Alexander lowers his husband back to the ground then kisses their wedding bands in turn.
Alexander: Tell me, did you enjoy lying next to your wife and dreaming of me
James smiles and sits down on the sofa returning the mischievous glint in Alexander’s eye. James does love when Alexander goes down this path. For so long he wasn’t important to anyone, and thought no one would look at him like this. Alexander shows him his affection matters and makes him feel seen.
James: That never happened love. I did not dream of you while I was in someone else's bed
Alexander: No? *pouts* That is a shame
The younger man moves to stand over James and after delivering a kiss turns so James is looking at his backside.
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Alexander: You’re telling me you weren’t lying in your bed dreaming of seeing more of my skin up close
James chuckles and raises his hand to give Alexander a spank before caressing the sides of his hips.
James: I was not lying in bed imagining you in front of me like this *slap* I never once wondered what it would feel like for my skin to hit yours and-
James pinches Alexander causing him to gasp and almost break his composure.
James: I did not dream about all the sounds I’d get you to make if I had the chance
Alexander: Are you sure you didn’t imagine me, under you, squirming away
James: *heavily* definitely not
Alexander: *innocently* Oh? You might want to tell that to the equipment in your pants
He lowers himself onto James lap, lightly grinding to emphasise what he’s meaning. James kisses the back of his neck and reaches his hands around to carefully remove Alexander’s shirt. As Alexander slides to the floor he removes his own, he likes seeing Alexander ogling his tattoo. He got it to spite Ophelia but it's part of him now.
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While James thinks of this change Alexander open James pants, allowing his husband to be free, and moves on to massaging his thighs. When James eyes go hazy and he bites his lips Alexander knows he has him right where he wants him.
Alexander: Not one night was spent imaging me between your legs? You never thought about me in front of you, begging for it, while your wife lay snoring
James: *gruffly* You think you’re impossible to resist
Alexander: I just find it odd that you never imagined my mouth around you considering how much the idea ran through my mind
James grabs Alexanders hair and lowers his face signalling the younger man to begin his mouth work.
James: I… did not…
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Alexander: Never once… mmm… imagined my hands here
James: *breathlessly* No
Alexander: Didn’t wonder… how it would feel… for me to… suck like…
James: *breathlessly* Nope… mhmm… never
Alexander: Didn’t dream… of seeing… my mouth… full of you
James curses as he can’t hold it in any more. Gripping Alexander’s hair tight he lets it come and closes his eyes enjoying the sounds of his husband dealing with the aftermath with enthusiasm. Watcher he was lucky to get himself a youthful man. When he opens his eyes again he sees Alexander’s looking up at him with eyes full of lust. A glance down confirms the younger man is ready for his turn.
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James: Stand up and I’ll tell you what I think you imagined
Alexander complies and James pulls his husbands hips closer. Slowly he lowers Alexander’s waistband until the pyjama bottoms fall to the floor. As usual Alexander has opted not to wear underwear under his sleepwear.
James: I bet you imagined me impressed with this thing
Alexander: *breathlessly* yes. And your hands- mmm
James: Like this? Or… like this
Alexander jerks his hips in response and James chuckles.
Alexander: Yes… mmm… exactly that
James toys with him a bit longer and when Alexander peaks he falls into James’ shoulder moaning. When the younger man recovers he feverishly kisses James throwing his arms around him. James chuckles and speaks between kisses.
James: You knew I had a wife *kisses* and you still imagined *kisses* me doing that
Alexander: See *kisses* it was absolutely *kisses* me pursuing you. I love you *kisses* you never have to feel guilty about that
James: Thanks love *kisses* let’s get to bed
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crystal-lillies · 1 year
Okay okay okay first thoughts on the Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves movie, with my best effort to avoid spoilers this time.
I had a blast watching it. I loved seeing the practical costumes and makeup for the creatures and I loved seeing the different ways spells were interpreted. And I did tear up a few times! Nearly full cried, but definitely got emotional on several points which is almost always a good sign for me.
I did not expect how the story played out the way it did. It was marketed definitely as a GOTG-style movie but Fantasy(tm) which both is and isn't what we got.
The whole thing felt like a campaign, or maybe the first arc of a campaign, but squeezed into a 2 hour and 15 minute movie. That being, it felt like a fast pace mostly because they sped-run the traveling bits with some gorgeous montage shots. Mostly fine by me, but at some points, it definitely felt like the scale of the world and time was off. It's by no means unique to this movie, and definitely not unique to the movies this film is emulating in spirit.
It's got somewhat of an Indiana Jones/Goonies/The Mummy/even OG trilogy Star Wars vibe in that certain logics are hand waved in order to get to the good stuff (tm), but it isn't unforgivable nor a detriment to the enjoyment of the film.
The characters are all very enjoyable, each in their own ways. I wish we spent just a bit more time on each of them, but there's the rub with ensemble films. And truth be told, to no one's surprise, Chris Pine's character Edgin gets the most prominent focus. I was surprised, however, at the focus Hugh Grant's character Forge had, especially compared to Rege Jean Page's Xenk.
Forge is a very charismatic antagonist, who has a lot more to do in the story than I anticipated, and definitely is a delight to watch onscreen. Hugh Grant dips a bit hammy into his performance but it's in a fun way that reminds of a Saturday morning cartoon. Smarmy, not entirely serious, but occasionally shows a hint of the person beneath, good and bad.
I found myself a little disappointed that Xenk got a really interesting focus, with an emotional and engaging background, and then seemed to not get a satisfying conclusion to that focus. He felt like a guest player character, rather than a full time player character, like the others in the group. While it does still tie up in a self-contained story, I'm hoping this movie does well enough to maybe explore into his journeys beyond this one. They did say that he is the Archetypal Hero that doesn't really fit with the rest of the group, so I suppose that was their way of saying he isn't permanent, which is fair. And while watching I definitely felt it, and wondered how he would be past his point and if he would have dragged the story in a different direction than it needed. (Or maybe if he was too much of a higher level than they were to justify keeping him around.) But that still didn't keep me from wanting to see more of his character later down the line.
Justice Smith's Simon has a nice self-esteem arc, and I enjoyed watching his growth through the movie. He also has an interesting backstory that sort of gets played with, but has plenty more room to grow, and I also want to see more of him and his character.
Sophia Lillis' Doric is a lot of fun and strikes me as a Circle of the Moon druid. She gets a small, engaging focus of her own, but in keeping with the pacing and the ensemble directed at Edgin, I find myself wanting more of her as well.
Doric and Simon are paired up, sort of, and I'm not entirely sure if it works since they don't get too much time, but such is the curse of a fast-paced ensemble film. Hell, Casino Royale was barely an ensemble film, if you count the sidekicks and villains, and Bond got a life-and-sequel-movie-altering romance that was built through the whole thing and I didn't feel like the relationship had enough there by the time she was killed at the end of it, so mileage may vary I suppose.
Michelle Rodriguez's character Holga was also a delight to watch. She's not the lowest of Intelligence but she for sure rolled a nat20 on heart. (Yes I'm keeping that.) It may be since I've been watching a lot of the Mighty Nein campaign, but she reminds me a lot of Yasha. And given that this movie was filmed during the pandemic, and the people behind it are huge nerds themselves, it may be very likely they were in part inspired by Yasha when writing Holga. Who could say?
But Holga holds up the party with Chris' Edgin, and they have a great dynamic with each other. Edgin is the bard, and while he doesn't have his own colorful Bigby's Hand, he certainly and deftly weaves the story as his class is wont to do. And I worry for his lute because he swings it around like it's a sword sometimes and every time I think it's going to break.
The writing is fairly tight, fast pacing aside, and there are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments and heartfelt moments. I want to see deleted scenes for this movie because I just want more of this story and these characters. And I feel like some things may have been trimmed that might have bloated a scene or two, but also would have been good to see. Hard to say at this point, but that's the vibe I get.
Overall, this movie is so much fun and worth going to see in theaters, more than once if you can. There is so much love in this story and it is absolutely felt when watching. You can definitely have fun with it if you have no experience with Dungeons and Dragons, if you're only familiar with separate properties like Critical Role or Dimension 20 and not so much the Classic Stuff(tm), or if you're a hardcore fan. There's good content in here for everyone, and it's treated well, and it treats its audience well.
If I were to give it a score as a movie, I would err on the side of 8.5/10. It's far from perfect, but it's a hell of a lot of fun and really well put together. Seeing it with friends/family in an engaged theater I would bump it up to a 9 or a 9.5.
I will be seeing it again, so I am going to reserve any Spoiler/Context-Specific Thoughts for after that time comes, and I will be interested to see how my experience with the movie changes depending on the theater and who I see it with, as I went alone this first time. But I'm very glad I saw it and look forward to seeing it again, and I hope they do get more opportunities to tell more stories in this world and other of the D&D worlds.
Both this cast, and John Francis Daley and Johnathan Goldstein as writer/directors, and all the people who worked on this movie, hit one out of the park and I would be very excited to see what more they could bring.
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