#i was hurting during stoick hiccup moments
jackshiccup · 9 months
darkest night being an episode about hiccup dealing with the guilt of following the path of protecting dragons (ultimately leading to a lot of people getting hurt, most importantly his family and his friends) while the rest of the dragon riders come up with AUs of berk if they never went to the edge
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000marie198 · 1 year
There is another artistically incredible thing I noticed abt the first Httyd movie.
The movie, it's from Hiccup's perspective. And it conveys his perspective throughout, in details both subtle and clear.
Like the Book of Dragons clip; Chilling and terrific with sound effects and feels induced exactly as Hiccup was imagining it. That scene alone gives me the shivers and the way it ends on Night Fury (I absolutely love the fear inducing Night Fury theme from the first movie). I've been noticing that every single piece of score fit the emotions and situation Hiccup was in, affirming his perspective, his experiences, conveyed through the movie as if they were the viewers' own. And that scene when Hiccup is listening to his father speak just before entering the arena to face Hookfang, the way the lighting and expressions and sound of Stoick's voice was set apart from everything and felt resonated, Hiccup's dread and anticipation and anxiety and worry and fear were palpable. He was planning to do the exact opposite of what his father, the one he's been trying to make proud his entire life, was hoping and oof that few seconds HURT!
And with how the background score and scenes were animated so splendidly, there's one very subtle but greatly well integrated detail I just have to mention
If we take a note of all the dragons throughout the movie, there's a gradual pattern. The movie starts and every dragon looks wild and dangerous and animalistic. Beastly and emotionless, except for displaying an urge to cause harm or look vicious.
Aside from Hookfang. Every other dragon didn't look nearly as expressive and clear in intention as Hookfang did. And if you notice, he was the only dragon in the beginning of the movie whom Hiccup made a direct encounter with and sassed at. We saw Hookfang being angry and vicious and even worried and scared when he ran out of firepower and got captured, he seemed to display emotions more clearly than any other dragon. But he was also the only dragon so far Hiccup had a direct communicative encounter with. The movie is from Hiccup's perspective and we saw Hookfang from Hiccup's perspective.
But! It gets better. If you notice or think about it, try to remember the details in the movie with respect to the dragons, all the dragons earlier on looked wild and deadly and nothing else. Just wild and dangerous and vicious, the opinion every viking has on them, the opinion Hiccup during those earlier moments had on them.
But then he met Toothless. And it all began to change. Notice how the dragons seem to become more and more expressive and emotionally intelligent or humanly as Hiccup and Toothless' friendship proceeds to grow. How the snappy Terrible Terrors would gradually start to look like small little dragons who are mischievous and naughty and silly little guys, how the quick and swift Deadly Nadder started to look like a playful and curious friend, how the once sneaky and scary Zippleback who seemed to set it's target on everyone and everything became expressive and displayed worry and fear, how the powerful and dangerous Gronkle gradually started to look more kind and friendly and sleepy etc.
This happened with literally every single dragon during the movie. The more Hiccup began to understand them and got closer to Toothless and realized they are living beings who have individual personalities and feelings and are misunderstood, the more these mighty creatures felt more alive and expressive to the viewers. And this was done without the slightest change in the dragons' models or designs. They conveyed Hiccup's perspective splendidly throughout the movie.
Point in case;
Httyd 1 is a cinematic masterpiece
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sweaterweather-247 · 2 years
Dating Hiccup Haddock Headcanons
Hiccup is the most caring boyfriend ever, his top priority is to make sure you’re safe and happy.
Toothless LOVES you.
You always go on romantic flights with toothless and Hiccup.
Hiccup can and will flirt with you all over berk, even if he’s a chief, he loves seeing you blush.
Hiccup doesn’t get jealous of Snotlout or Tuffnut flirting with you because you chose him and not them.
The only time Hiccup gets jealous is when you flirt your way out of being trapped by a dragon hunter, he knows you’re doing it to save yourself but he’s worried.
Constantly making out in the forge and you two being banned after a fire started.
Making out constantly in private and some in public.
Hiccup always plans a weekly date for the two of you, it can be a romantic flight or dinner in a peaceful area.
Hiccup will help you find the perfect dragon and help you train it and show you how to take care of it.
You two will go on adventures to find new land and new dragons.
He named a dragon after you and you blushed so hard.
Hiccup constantly worries about his enemies kidnapping you and is very protective of you.
Hiccup is the best cuddler.
He is the big spoon and will wrap his arms around you tightly and kiss your neck and whisper how much he loves you in his ear.
In the mornings he doesn’t let you go and wants to cuddle with you forever.
When Hiccup is upset or angry, you’re the only one who can cheer him up.
Hiccup makes you a suit like his so you can glide next to each other.
Hiccup is so protective of you, he knows people want to hurt you to get to him.
If you do get kidnapped, Hiccup will stop at nothing to save you. Though he’s told many times that he needs rest.
Once he saves you, you’re never left alone again for a while.
He makes sure everyone keeps an eye on you.
Hiccup is so protective of you.
He will hurt any man who makes you uncomfortable including Snotlout.
Astrid will also hurt anyone who hurts you, she loves you and Hiccup so much.
Astrid is always there incase you and Hiccup get into arguments.
When you two get into arguments, Hiccup leaves before he says something he regrets.
You try to not say anything you’ll regret and you go to Astrid for help.
After a while, you and Hiccup apologize to each other.
His nick names for you are: sweetie, love, honey.
Your nicknames for him are: handsome, dragon daddy, honey.
Hiccup always comes over to your house and your parents love him.
Whenever you are in pain or sick, Hiccup is there.
He will bring you to gothi and attempt to carry you anywhere, it’s usually Astrid who carry’s you.
Whenever you’re feeling down, Hiccup is there to cheer you up and make you smile or to just listen to you,
You helped him through the death of Stoick and the goodbye to toothless.
He couldn’t have made it without you.
You two always go star gazing together with your dragons.
Tuffnut and Gobber constantly ask when the wedding is.
Hiccup does have an amazing proposal idea for when you’re both ready.
Hiccup is the best at anniversary’s, he will wake you up with presents and kisses.
Hiccup is a really good kisser.
All in all, Hiccup is the best boyfriend and Husband anyone could ask for.
(NSFW, I’m gonna try sorry if it sucks)
Hiccup was a virgin before he met you and you two took the time to figure it out.
You had to ask Gobber and Gothi for advice and they gave you some.
Toothless is kicked out for the night. He stays with Astrid.
You two took it slowly.
Hiccup was on top and constantly asked if you were ok and wanted to keep going.
Hiccups dick is big (I said what I said)
You play with his hair while he kisses your chest.
Making out with him during these intimate moments is like a slice of heaven.
Constantly praising each other.
Hiccup might eat your pussy if he’s ready and if you want it.
Your first orgasm with Hiccup is fucking amazing, you feel so energized yet relaxed.
After your both done, Hiccup is the king of aftercare.
He cleans you up and cuddles you close.
He tells you that you did amazing and you tell him the same thing.
Hiccup might be inexperienced with sex but he is amazing at it.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 3 months
Movie Night
Finally posting the Percabeth fic!
“How to Train Your Dragon?” Annabeth read aloud, “Is this some kind of instruction video?”
“Nah, it’s a movie about vikings.” Percy explained, “It was either that or Hercules and that kinda felt a little too on the nose.”
Annabeth looked at Percy like he was an idiot (he was growing so fond of that look), but put the disk in the dvd player regardless.
“Also my mom bought us kettlecorn as well as popcorn cause she thinks it’s a crime you never had any before.” Percy informed, “I got a feeling you’ll like this movie, Wise Girl.”
“Don’t count on it, Seaweed Brain.” Annabeth teased as the movie began, “It looks like it’s for little kids….wow. A dark village at night. Never seen that before.”
Percy couldn’t help but snicker a bit, “Just listen to Hiccup’s narration.”
“I’m sorry, Hiccup??” Annabeth did a double take, “His name is Hiccup? Who names their kid that?”
“Shhh, watch the movie.” Percy giggled.
“There’s something wrong with the dragons.” Annabeth said a few minutes later, “Predators never attack villages this much unless they’re really desperate for food.”
Percy took a handful of popcorn to keep himself from smiling. Of course Annabeth would correctly guess the ending of a movie just five minutes in. Percy’s smile though once the great hall scene started. As Gobber and Stoick spoke, the two kids looked at each other in understanding.
“Wait, what is that?” Annabeth asked when Hiccup was in the woods and saw the broken tree, “Is that from the dragon he caught? Is it dead?”
“Nope.” Percy carefully answered.
Later during the training scene, the two of them couldn’t help but giggle at Hiccup’s struggles.
“Oh man, this reminds me of Capture the Flag!” Annabeth laughed.
“This is exactly how I felt when you guys dragged me into Capture the Flag.” Percy said between fits of laughter.
“Does that mean Clarisse is the Gronckle?” Annebeth asked, and Percy choked on his soda.
“See, I told you, it’s not naturally dangerous.” Annabeth bragged later on, “It just thinks he’s a threat. He has to gain its trust.”
“Oh here it is, here it is, this is the best scene in the movie.” Percy lightly tapped Annabeth’s shoulder to get her attention.
“Wait, are they finally flying??” Annabeth’s eyes widened in awe, “He actually did it?!”
Later, during the more romantic flight scene Percy couldn’t help but feel…a little bubbly and achy. Something about the scene made him yearn now. Maybe during his next stay at Camp Half Blood he could earn his pegasus and he and Annabeth could have a flight just like this.
Annabeth’s eyes widened in pure fear as the Red Death finally emerged from the smoke. After a moment the fear was replaced with a smile of vindication.
“I told you! See, that’s the alpha and it’s taking all the food for itself! It’s making them attack!” Annabeth cried out.
“Look it totally makes sense! It’s like a giant beehive. They’re the workers and that’s their queen. It controls them.” Astrid said as if on cue.
“THANK YOU, ASTRID!” Annabeth yelled at the tv.
“I swear, if Stoick hurts Toothless I will never forgive him.” Annabeth muttered.
“Don’t worry, Toothless live.” Percy reassured.
“The fact that you didn’t say what condition he’s living in concerns me.” Annabeth gave him a stick eye and he inconspicuously took a sip of his soda.
“Genius, of course! Instead of fighting with the dragons, now they can use them to help further build the community!” Annabeth began to rant, “They could help each other hunt, they can build taller structures!….why are you looking at me like that?” She began to trail off at Percy’s smirk.
“You enjoyed the movie.” Percy stated smugly.
“No, I didn’t, Seaweed Brain. I just…hated it less than I thought I would.” Annabeth crossed her arms, clearly in denial.
“….Is there more of this?” She asked after a moment.
“They got two tv shows and two more movies.” Percy answered smiling.
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k-x-tana · 1 year
'I see you'
Pairings: Merida DunBroch & Hiccup Haddock Horrendous III (mostly platonic)
Word count: 5,424
After reuniting with his mother during a crusade for magic, Hiccup is overwhelmed by the things that this event has awakened, however, he is not alone, a good friend comes to help him.
Or, where Merida and Hiccup tell each other parts of their lives that they hadn’t allowed themselves to share with anyone else.
(Most of this is just Hiccup and Merida telling each other how they viewed their stories)
Warnings: Abandonment issues, regret, insecurities.
Author's note:
Hi everyone! First of all, this is my first fanfic ever, I wrote this just to please my 9-year-old-self and she was obsessed with mericcup, but it has little to no romantic content, it's more of a character study, I needed to understand MY Hiccup, because I changed A LOT of the HTTYD plot, I really just stayed with the first movie, the rest it's just little bits of all of the other things, so keep that in mind. For me it's just the start on a slow burn but but you don't have to see it the same way.
Also, this is part of a RoTBTFD saga, and if you just like all of this people being friends, no shipp drama (not even the canon one), then the first book of said saga is for you, no shipps, just friends and bonding and a little bit of angst, after that, there willl be slowburn mericcup, so stay tuned! (The thing with Hiccup and Valka would be fixed eventually, it's in their nature to understand).
Thanks for reading!
Other places to read:
AO3 (english)
AO3 (spanish)
Wattpad (spanish)
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That morning, Hiccup discovered that her mother had not been killed by a dragon, leaving no trace behind, but left Berk, she had seen how a dragon showed curiosity for her son, saw that dragons are not bloodthirsty beasts, she thought maybe there was something else behind all this ridiculous war, but if so, in the village they would never listen to her, they would probably throw her overboard; being the village chieftess would not gain her any privileges. So she left her son in the care of her husband, and left the only home she had ever known.
When Valka and Stoick reunited, she was sure he would hate her; but her husband simply took her face, wiped her tears and welcomed her back into the family; turns out that Vikings don’t usually stop to think about the past. Or, well, most Vikings.
At first Hiccup was happy, but as the day went on, he began to think about what it meant for his mother to be gone, everything plummeted when in his mind a short, simple and hurtful phrase echoed: "So, that’s why she left me".
That terrible idea did not come alone, it took many different forms, but so far it had not left him alone. Hiccup retained his emotions as much as he could, it wasn’t something he used to do, but this time he didn’t really know how to act, so he kept a slight smile all day and just watched her parents dance, love and tell how much they had missed each other. During the night everything exploded. In his insomnia, Hiccup was scheming so many ideas and questions that he thought he would ignite at any moment. Then he began to feel that he was short of air and that he had a big, heavy lump in his throat, he needed fresh air urgently, so he began to walk towards the exit, and he inadvertently started running; he only stopped outside the ice cave, then the air began to fill his lungs again, but it was not enough to continue to hold the cry and fell on his knees. Shortly after that, Toothless arrived, he brought a boot and a blanket, the dragon had accompanied him for many nights where it was only him, Toothless, the fire of the chimney and his silent tears, today he did not care to let out sobs or gasps, he was tired of being silent.
The pair of friends were huddled together, until the sound of the iron falling interrupted them.
-Hiccup? Oh my, are you hurt? Is everything okay?
It was Merida, her hair looked even more agitated than usual and she had an untied boot. What they heard was the girl’s huge sword that she had dropped to the ground as soon as she saw Hiccup hugging Toothless and rushed over to make sure they were okay.
-What are you doing up?
-I... couldn’t sleep and I heard you running away, I thought something would have attacked you, besides, I don’t know if your sense of direction is as bad as Corona’s and I didn’t want you to get lost here by yourself.
She finished scanning them and their agitated breathing began to stabilize, apparently no one had hurt them. However, she noticed his friend’s wet eyes and the dragon’s sad look.
-Oh Hiccup, do you need anything? I can give you some space, or listen to you or just stay with you without talking or-
-Stay. Please stay.
The boy wiped his face a little, sat on the edge of an overhanging rock and pointed the place to her. She sat and then turned to him:
-Do you... want to talk?
-I’m not sure, but I’d like to try.
-Whatever you need.
She smiled at him, and he returned the gesture. Toothless moved a little so that Merida could reach his head to scratch it. Hiccup took a deep breath:
-These days have left me exhausted, but today more than tired, I am... confused, I think, a little angry even. Meeting your mother after 20 years shouldn’t be so painful, I should be happy, all my life I was imagining what my life would have been like if she had been with me at Berk. I thought that would have made the days where I haven't met Toothless yet, well, easier. I never imagined there would be a life with her away from the island, and now I’m not sure what I would have preferred, or why I care so much to answer that question.
-How did you imagine your life with her before?
-Well... I don’t know, I think that more than having her with me, I needed someone to keep me company, anyone. I know it’s hard to believe, but I wasn’t always "Berk’s pride".
In the last sentence Hiccup made his voice deeper and bent his arms showing his thin biceps. "At least he still maintains his terrible sense of humor," she thought. Then the boy returned to his hunched pose, resting his elbows on his knees.
-I tried to fit in as much as I could with the other Vikings, to be strong and big like them, but as hard as I tried I could never, not quite. You know? For the last attack before we faced the red death, my father needed volunteers to go on an expedition to find the nest, and nobody wanted to go until he said that whoever stayed would have to take care of me. Of all the adults in the village, only Gobber, the old woman and a couple of farmers stayed on the island. Maybe they didn’t see me as a productive member of the community, and I was always screwing up, but they didn’t gave me a chance to prove otherwise either, they’re too stubborn to do something like that. Before I understood that dragons are not enemies, I was always to be equal to others, or not to get in the way. I was so lonely for so long.
Merida thought of her father, he taught her that she had potential, to develop it, she couldn't imagine what life could have been in the castle without him. However, the walls of the castle were very lonely as well, more so when her brothers were not yet born.
-And today, to see her, to know her a little... We are very similar, now I see that all of this-
He pointed at all of himself.
-Didn’t came out of nowhere. I think having her would have made me feel accompanied, understood. And the worst thing is that she saw Berk, she lived there, Gods! She was the head of the village! , she saw everything that was wrong about dragons, and she saw me, she knew I was not as strong as the rest because I came early to this world and almost died in the crib. Still, I don’t understand what made her think Berk was a good place to leave me all alone. And I know it’s unfair to say that, I had my father and Gobber, but being the Chief while grieving her, I wasn’t his only responsibility, since I was 7 he left me almost totally in charge of Gobber, and neither of them ever listens to me. I don’t understand how anyone can make that decision... But I’m willing to listen, maybe I don’t like what she'll say, but I think I need answers.
The boy turned to see his friend, and was surprised to see her gaze fixed on him, it seemed that she was about to release an arrow, one would think that that expression would be intimidating, but Hiccup had seen her frown the same way when Jack showed her the way, or when Rapunzel explained to her how they had solved the whole matter of her hair, the sun and the moon; she was simply paying attention to him, only that he had never seen her so determined (and so close). The boy felt the heat running down his face to his ears and looked down, he thanked for his tan skin and Odin who hid the sun so she wouldn't notice. Even now that he was used to being listened attentively by the entire village, he had never talked about that part of his life with anyone, not even Astrid, because it was not necessary, she had seen it with her own eyes.
-What about the blonde girl? I thought you and her... Well, you have a very strong connection, I thought she would have been with you since the beginning.
-You mean Astrid?
-She’s the only blonde girl in the group, Haddock, I doubt you can mistake her for Gobber.
The boy smiled slightly, she was right, and he really needed sleep.
-Oh, well, she became my friend thanks to Toothless, like everyone else, although our story is a little more complicated than that. I remember when we were barely 10 years old I used to go out and walk in the woods as far as I could, and once I got lost, that time I thought the rest of my life I would live among deer and rabbits, but she found me, told me "no Viking should be left behind", then took my hand, guided me through the forest showing me in detail what was the way back. By the time we saw the village again, she had my heart in her hands.
-You really are easy to impress, huh?
-Hey, that was the first time someone from the village care to help me. And the first time someone called me a 'Viking'.
-As you say, lover boy.
-Well, after that, it was about four years of absolutely nothing, at best she scolded me, saying that I had to take my place among others, take things seriously or try harder. Today I understand why she told me all those things, she was one of the few who had a little common sense, and it was always central to her the commitment to Berk and the community, without blind trust, of course. She was the first to trust me and Toothless, the first to know about him, and the first to support me in the fight against the red death. But it was only until that moment that she really saw me, that she regarded me as more than just another child in the village. And after the battle with the dragons ended, she... Well, she fell in love with me, and she didn’t know what to do with that, so she acted like nothing happened, and when I tried to get close to her, she would get me away, usually with hurtful words.
-How did you solve that? You look so close now...- She had the same eyes a kid has when the bedtime story gets too exciting.
-Actually, we fixed it because I exploded and asked for an explanation
-Did you have to explode to ask for an explanation?
-Huh, I guess so.
-And did you told each other how you felt?
-It sounds easier than it is, but yes, long story short we did. Now that we knew that we loved each other, it seemed pretty easy to fix everything, right? Well, we tried to be together for a while, but we realized that we wanted different things, she wanted to stay and I wanted to leave, and that what was good for us was just to support each other and that made our friendship even stronger, she would make sure I don't lose the floor and I would help her... Well, I’m not really sure, but she likes me a lot so I guess I have to do something right. She’s like my soul mate and she’s one of the most important people in my life.
-So you’re not together now?
-Nope, this guy is single. Why? You interested?
Hiccup arched an eyebrow and gave her a smirk. A very dumb one. Merida let out a chortle, although it really sounded far away from a normal laugh.
-Okay, I have experience with rejections, but you didn’t have to make fun of me like that.
Hiccup’s remark only made her laugh more, and instead of feeling offended, the laugh became contagious.
-I guess I have a bright future, I have found my mother, new friends, a mission, an opportunity to learn more about dragons... Maybe I didn’t get a girlfriend with a stunning Scottish accent, but whatever.
-If you keep making me laugh we’ll wake up the others.
-It seems that I touched a nerve.
-You have no idea.
-I could, if you'd like to tell me...
-I would like to, but I’m not sure this is the right timing, you are my priority right now.
There was silence for a moment, a warmer feeling in Hiccup's stomach.
-Gods, you have no idea how much I like to hear that.
Hiccup smiled at Merida, and this time she was the one who suddenly had her face as red as her hair. She didn’t thank anything nor anyone, she was well aware that even in the dark night her carmine face was evident.
-I’d like to say that to you more often, but if you’re going to get all sentimental every time I do, then I think I’ll keep it for special occasions only.
-Ha ha, how funny, even when you blush for my charms you take advantage of my vulnerability.
-You’re not as charming as you think, Haddock.
-Ouch, okay. Thanks for your consideration, but I think a distraction might help, let me listen to you for a while, would you?
Merida sighed, took her hands to her face, hoping the cold touch would help lower the temperature of her cheeks.
-Okay, I’ll tell you.
Hiccup got up, moving a little away from the edge, Toothless accompanied him and settled down so that the two friends could lie down on him and look at the stars. Merida understood and settled down on the side of Hiccup, arranged the blanket that Toothless had brought to cover them both.
-You see, a few years ago, my mother sent three letters to the lords of the allied houses, Macguffin, Dingwall and Macintosh. I had already reached the appropriate age to make the traditional games for the heirs of each house to fight for my hand in marriage.
-Wow, do they really do that in your village?
-I’ll get to that. And actually, we are a kingdom.
-Alright new-world girl, get on with your story.
-So, all my life I lived inside the castle, I only went out to ride Angus or for some lesson; I do not know how my mother expected me to be ready to marry when I had only had human contact with my family and the people who work in the castle; or maybe that’s the whole point. Anyway, back then, my mom and I had a terrible relationship, she wanted me to become this perfect princess, a symbol of righteousness and grace that is always at the service of all and whose life is limited to tending the castle and the lands. And I’ve never wanted that, I mean, now I understand why all the boring protocols I’ve been taught throughout my life are important, and why I'm important. But at the time my mother only thought that this was the only goal of my life and I thought that nothing that happened made sense.
-I think I would have thought the same as you.
-It was difficult not to do so when no one ever explains you the reason for something but force you to obey it.
-When the lords and their sons arrived, my mother explained the rules "Only the firstborn of each clan can compete for the hand of the princess of DunBroch", and well, I am the firstborn of my clan. And, according to tradition, the princess chooses the activity with which the clans compete.
-Let me guess, you chose archery
-Duh. Nonetheless, when I faced the clans to defend my hand I almost started a war. My mother was furious, we had a big fight and I thought that the only way to achieve what I wanted was by changing my mother so that the thought that bethrothing me to some lord was not necessary. I took Angus and I rode into the forest, we reached some very old stone steles, in my kingdom we say that those stones were placed by benevolent trolls, and that there they wrote instructions to control magic, as a symbol of peace between the men and the creatures of the forest. It’s a very important magic center. When I got there, the first thing I saw was a path of little blue fire-like creatures, what we call Will-o’-the-whisp, souls that decided to stay longer on earth to guide the living to their destiny. They took me to a witch’s cabin and I asked for an enchantment to change my mother, I wanted her to stop believing that marriage was a good idea, but when I came home and gave the enchantment to my mom, she turned into a bear. Once again I acted without knowing the consequences.
"Magic really is strong in DunBroch", he thought while trying to hide his amazed expression. At the same time, he remembered having an encounter with something very similar to this souls Merida described, but kept it to himself.
-Then I had to take her out of the castle, and try to find answers. Meanwhile, my mom and I had the opportunity to get to know each other a little better, she listened to me and I listened to her, or something like that, she was a bear, she couldn’t communicate with anything but gestures.
-That explains why it is so easy for you to understand Toothless.- he said, althoug he didn't mean it to be outloud. He scolded himself.
-You think so? Corona is also tactful with animals and this boy gets along very well with Jack.
She said as she scratched the dragon’s forehead, he seemed very comfortable and happy.- He relaxed a bit, he hadn't lied anyways.
-Yes, but you listen more calmly and do it more often, I think you are the only one who "converses" with him besides me. I would even say you're his second favorite, after me, of course.
Toothless turned a little to lick Merida’s face.
-Toothless, I told you that doesn’t come off! Stubborn, giant lizard. Wait, I have a handkerchief over here.
-Don’t worry, that's how you show affection, don’t you? oh, poor boy, the bad Viking mistreats you?
Toothless nodded, feigning a painful scream as Merida scratched his chin.
-Great, another rejection.
-What can I say?, everyone wants a little of me, you should get used to it.
-And here I thought that this trip would lead me to make more friends, not to lose those I already have.
-Do you want to keep listening to my story or are you going to keep feeling sorry for yourself?
-Please continue, at least I will know well who is leaving me alone in the world once more.
Merida rolled her eyes, but she contained laughter.
-Well, we went back to the witch’s cabin, and it turned out she left us a message, said we only had two days to undo the enchantment or my mother would become a bear forever, and just recited a couple of rhymes as a clue.
The girl cleared her throat a little and gave a more mystical tone to her voice:
-’Fate be changed, look inside. Mend the bond torn by pride.’
Hiccup felt chills, sometimes he forgets that Merida can have visions and recite prophecies, when the girl’s blue eyes became glassy, as if looking at something in the distance, while speaking in Gaelic.
-That was really creepy.
-I think you’re too soft.
-Oh come on, attacking me again. Better keep talking.
-As you wish. The point is that it didn’t really tell us anything, so we left, frustrated. Well, before that we made a couple of weird mixes with the jars the witch had left and almost destroyed the whole cabin.
-I think we should reconsider entrusting you with the spell...
-Haven’t you just say you wanted a chance to prove yourself despite your mistakes and-
-Okay, okay, I get it.
-Better. Then we were discouraged and nervous, but once again the will-o’-the-whisp guided us, this time towards the ruins of an old kingdom. That’s where I had my first vision. I touched a broken carved stone, and I saw a man become a bear in an ancient throne room. You see, my mother always told me the story of an ancient kingdom, the king divided the kingdom among his four sons before he died, but the elder was superb, and proclaimed himself the legitimate leader of all the land above his brothers, The war on those lands continued until my father and the lords united to defeat a common enemy. Remember when I told you how my father lost his leg?
-He was attacked by a bear called Mort
-Mor'du, but yes. It turned out that in all that time, the greedy son who faced his brothers became Mor'du, he wanted the strength of 10 men and asked the witch for the same enchantment as me. When I returned to the present and saw the broken stone, I understood what the witch told me: during the fight with my mother, I cut in half a tapestry that she was making, the whole family was in it, I sliced my sword right were my mother and I held hands. That tapestry had to be mended. Suddenly, in the shadows I saw a huge beast full of arrows that pierced his thick skin, a blind eye, and a black and ruffled fur that was advancing dangerously towards me. Without knowing it, we had entered Mor'du’s home. My mother and I ran and we managed to lose him. Now that we knew what to do, we went sneaking to the palace. Meanwhile, in the castle, things were getting tense, the lords wanted to know which clan I was going to marry. My father defended me every second...
Merida smiled slightly, remembering her father's courage.
-Before mending the tapestry we had to avoid a war, so I went to talk to the lords while my mother explained to me with signs what to say, and against all odds, my mother asked me to say to break with tradition and give me and the young heirs, the opportunity to follow our heart and find love in its time.
-That's hard to believe, amazing.
-I know, I wouldn't have expected it, I was honestly about to pick one of those three before my mother stopped me to give a precious speech about making our own decisions.
-Really? Which one were you going to choose?
Hiccup's eyes were mischievous. In less than a second, Merida’s face was boiling.
-It is not important.
-Oh, come on, I don’t even know them.
-Most likely you will.
-Even if I have the pleasure of meeting then, I promise not to tell anyone.
-Hiccup, I trust you, I’m not worried that you’ll tell them, I’m worried that you’ll know.
-All right, I won't insist further.
Until then she had not wanted to tell anyone, but Hiccup had entrusted her with a vulnerable part of his life. It wasn’t that she owed him anything, but she wanted things to be reciprocal, so she took a deep breath and let go:
-Macguffin, I would have chosen Macguffin.
Hiccup seemed surprised, but ventured to ask more.
-What is Macguffin like?
-Well, today I know he’s kind, altruistic, sensitive and a great friend, but at the time I would have chosen him more than anything because the other two guys didn’t show their best side, Macintosh had a terrifying outburst of anger when his shot wasn’t perfect, And Dingwall just looked distracted and you could tell miles away that he was only there to do a duty to his clan, at least Macguffin seemed interested in me and not in my title. Although if we’re strict, I should have been Lady Dingwall, he was the one who hit his the bullseye, even if it was mere coincidence.
-Merida Macguffin... It doesn’t sound so bad. They match.
The girl hid her face between her red curls, and spoke to Hiccup in a very faint voice.
-For Gods’ sake, Haddock.
The boy laughed.
-Come on, Merida, I’m just messing with you.
-I know...
-Why don’t you finish your story instead? I suppose you managed to break the spell.
The girl looked up at Hiccup, nodded and came out of her hiding.
-Fortunately, although it was not easy, the will-o'-the-wisp led me once again to the stones, they were about to kill my mother, I had to fight with my father, and if it was not enough trouble, Mor'du decided to go out to greet. My mother and the devil bear had a gruesome fight, but Mom got one of the stones to fall on him. When Mor'du stopped breathing, his soul came out of his body and gave us a little bow, before turning into a whisp himself; it seems he just needed someone to free him from the bear skin he got himself into. When it was all over, the sun began to shine, I hurried and covered my mother with the tapestry, begging the gods and fate not to be too late. And for a moment it was it, I saw my mother lose the white in her eyes and become just a creature of the forest, and I felt the weight of the world on me. I thought I had lost her forever, and it was my fault. There are still days when I have nightmares where I really lose her like that, where i loose her because I was selfish and stubborn.- He saw something in Merida, something he thougt impossible: fear, regret.
-That day, life gave me another chance, and my mother returned to her human form, just like my brothers. After all the fuss, my mother and I really changed, I took her lessons more seriously, and she was more patient with me. Now we both hear each other, and we understand each other, we’re closer than ever.- Merida was watching something beyond the sea in front o of them, her eyes full of love and pain at the same time. She was far from home.
-Despite everything, I wanted to learn more about magic, how to use it, stop it, and mold it as much as possible. So without telling my parents, I went to take lessons with the same witch who gave me the spell that time, I mean, she just gave me what I asked for, and I know some problems would have been avoided if she had explained in detail what was going to happen and how to undo the spell, but she’s the only one who knew magic in the whole kingdom, and being something so alive and so present in our lives, it seemed wrong not to know anything about it, even if in doing so, I hurt the relationship with my family... My parents didn’t want me to go near magic again, but being in DunBroch that’s impossible.
-I think I understand you, the dragons were also as present in our life as the sheep and we never stopped to think why they attacked us. We just took the war for granted.
-You know? The relic I’m trying to save on this mission belongs to one of the clans, blesses them with good harvests every day of the year, and we all rely heavily on those harvests during the winter, if I didn't have asked the witch for help, right now we wouldn’t know what to do, chaos would ensue and everyone in the kingdom would be dead by next spring. I honestly think we all make a great team, I’m sure we’re gonna make it. I know that even after we recover the magic of the relic, we have a lot ahead of us. You don’t know how grateful I am to everyone for helping us with this and trusting me.
Merida tried to hide a yawn, and failed. Hiccup sneered.
-Don’t you think I should have been the one bored by your story? Or doesn’t Her Majesty usually sleep late?
-My story was not boring, Haddock. And, just so you know, I sleep a lot, sometimes in the castle, it is necessary for my mother to take the triplets to bother me to get me out of bed. And between my unexpected insomnia, Toothless and this delicious blanket, I’m more comfortable than you’d expect to be out in the open at midnight.
Hiccup realized that he was also starting to feel heavy on his eyelids. Finally, he was resting.
-Sorry I woke you up and worried you, but i'm thankful that you did.
-Hey, we’re more than a team, okay? We’re friends. The day you need me and I’m not there for you is the day my heart stops beating, I promise.
He took a moment to see the stars shining on him, and then to Merida and the kind smile she had over him. There was something comfortable in her, and not just that, she was amazing in all kinds of aspects; he found himself mentally listing all of them.
-Well...- She looked nervious and her cheeks were light pink, maybe he stared at her a little too long- I think it's time for us to go back before we fall sleep here, don't you think?
-Yeah, sure, you're right.- He got up in a jump. -Let's go.- He extended his hand to help her get up, she took it.
-I'll take the blanket!- She said in a playful tone, and hurried to cover herself with the thick fabric.
-How considerate of you...- He looked at her like she was dressed in jewels and silk. Fortunately, Merida was already walking back and didn't noticed.
That morning Hiccup thought that he would have a broken heart for the rest of the trip at least, but as he saw her leave, he realized that he wasn't so sure anymore.
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 8 months
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The Depths Are A Mercy
Summary: Written for AI-less Whumptober 2023 Day 6. Set during Httyd 2. Toothless comes to after Drago’s Bewilderbeast took his mind. He remembers nothing, but that isn’t a mercy.
Warning: Canonical character death, major character death, mind control
Rating: General
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless
Pairing: /
Words: 667
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: Mind control, Forced to hurt someone else
Whumpee: Hiccup, Toothless
Author’s Notes: Saw these prompts, thought of Toothless in Httyd 2, though I already had a fic like this, but apparently that wasn't true!
When he comes to, Toothless doesn't even remember the battle. The farthest his memory goes is the fun in Valka's den, but even that is vague. So when this strange veil lifts from his mind and the mental pressure lightens, he sits and tries to get his bearings. At first, he’s disoriented and confused, but not in any kind of distress. Why would he be? As far as he’s concerned, there was no battle taking place and the utter silence of the snowfield doesn’t convince him otherwise.
But despite his confusion, his immediate instinct is still to look for Hiccup.
Who runs past him, straight at the unmoving form of Stoick the Vast.
He lies in a pile of ice chunks and Toothless knows that should strike him as strange, but it doesn’t. Not immediately. It’s like he’s not entirely there yet.
It’s not until Hiccup is in distress and the other Dragon Riders are landing that he catches up completely, that he knows something is wrong.
“Dad!” Hiccup shouts as he rolls his father onto his back, Valka dives in and listens for a heartbeat.
All remains quiet for a second too long, the other Dragon Riders- both human and dragon alike- show a growing dread.
Toothless approaches in disbelief. The battle still rages behind them, but the Night Fury only has eyes for his family as Hiccup lies draped over his father. He’s sobbing, his shoulders shaking, and Toothless is afraid.
What happened while he wasn’t looking? He remembers nothing! One moment Stoick and Valka were singing and dancing and Hiccup was enjoying himself, the next moment there’s… this! All kinds of possibilities run rampant in Toothless’ head, but there’s one in particular that he fears the most. Just thinking about it shreds his heart to pieces.
Please, don’t let his worst fear come true. Don’t let that be it.
With a scared heart pounding inside his chest, thoughts a jumbled mess, Toothless warbles at the motionless figure of the mountainous man and nudges his hand with his nose.
Only for Hiccup to push his nose away harshly.
Immediate shock overcomes the dragon. It overcomes everyone, who weren’t expecting him to ever reject his best Bud. He and Hiccup could be rough with one another, but this didn’t feel rough, it felt angry. And looking up to his human’s face, anger is exactly what he sees.
No, anger doesn’t even come close. There’s rage in those eyes. Those familiar foresty pools that he knows as filled with such warmth are now cold and in pain. And all of those emotions are directed at him!
“No! Get away from him!” Hiccup shouts at his dragon with venom in his eyes.
Toothless recoils and then warbles up at him, confusion tears him apart. He’s never been afraid of Hiccup, he isn’t now either, but fear fills him either way.
“GO ON! GET OUT OF HERE! GET AWAY!” His soulmate shouts at him again, demanding that he disappear from his sight and Toothless doesn’t know what would’ve hurt more; being struck in his heart by a spear or this.
But he does as he’s told, shaken up enough by Hiccup’s out of character behavior that he doesn’t even try to fight it. Fishlegs tries to stop him from leaving, but Toothless avoids him easily.
Looking over his shoulder, Toothless finds Hiccup slumped over his father again and his heart breaks for him. He knows he loves his father from the bottom of his heart and losing him was always going to be devastating for him.
Somehow it’s happened and Toothless has a hard time grasping the fact that he has something to do with it.
Stoick is gone. Dead. And somehow it’s his fault.
He fought the Bewilderbeast’s control as hard as he could the last time it took him, but when it comes for him this time, Toothless welcomes it with open arms. Feeling numb and not in control is better than what his reality is now.
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#i waited to see if she'd figure it out but then she started making the 'actually starting to get distressed about this' cries so i helped
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I love having disabled friends because they’re so much more understanding when I say “my symptoms are getting really bad, I have to go”. Disabled folk are like “yes, please, shoo before you get hurt”. This is an appropriate response. A lot of non-disabled people act as if it’s a huge hassle.
26 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
I really wish people would understand that when it comes to LGBTQIA+ identities, "I don't get it but I respect you" is good??? Do not make fun of identities you "dont get". You don't *have* to get it. The human experience is weird and chaotic and that's why it's beautiful
28 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
Strange Gifts
Apparently I wrote a bittersweet Valentine’s Day Vigcup fic for @evilwriter37. Hope you like it!
Rating: General Audiences
Pairings: Vigcup, Hiccstrid
Characters: Hiccup Haddock III, Viggo Grimborn, Astrid Hofferson, Toothless
Warnings: None that I would have to mark on AO3, Not exactly HTTYD 3 compliant, Viggo Lives. 
Of course, it’s on Ao3 if you want an easier reading experience: Strange Gifts
But also under a read more if the hellsite is more your speed:
It was the winter after they left the Edge, Stoick had thrown Hiccup into the deep end. His days were filled with shadowing his farther in decision making, aiding repairs, wrangling Sven’s sheep that got out for the millionth time (and this time they were not allowed a dragon race). The moments he could get to himself during the day, used to take care of his leg and Toothless’s saddle and fin from the cold, weren’t enough to refresh his mind. As he shlumped into his room, body sagging from the exhaustion of the day, he almost didn’t notice the small bottle on his bedside table. He looked at it, not remembering putting it there, and picked it up, examining it. It was a nicer bottle of ink than he had ever bought himself, he could never justify the cost for a bottle this nice, let alone the quality of the contents. Suspicion grew when Toothless sniffed the bottle and the room, narrowing his eyes with a slight growl, but he never found the source, nothing else had been changed in his room.
A year later, he had nearly forgotten about the bottle of ink. His mind was on other things, mending the frayed edges of his and Toothless’s relationship-- it wasn’t his fault but they both needed to remember that-, making sure the tribe had enough rations to last the cold months that remained—especially if they ran long, getting Gobber to stop being pushy about his and Astrid’s relationship, building a relationship with his mother, keeping Ruffnut from harassing Eret too much, and more filled the list. But when he went to his room, still up the stairs—he couldn’t bear to take his father’s room even though he was told he could—on his table he found an intricately carved comb and case, laid out as if to show its impressive craftsmanship. Surrounded by patterns on the edges of the case, was a stylized Night Fury, missing the left tail fin. Yet, there was no trace of whoever left it. It raised his concerns for a few weeks, with the look that Toothless gave it after smelling the room, not quite furious, but definitely giving the item a suspicious glare.
Somehow, the gifts had followed him to New Berk, the same time of year, another obviously well-crafted item, a cloak pin made of gold that looked nearly woven into the shape of dragons curled around each other. This time, since in New Berk his sense of smell was better during winter compared to original Berk for some reason he couldn’t explain, he could smell a slight amount of ash and ozone. He took it to the other Dragon Riders, explaining that this was the third year in a row, that nothing else had ever changed, but Toothless had always seemed suspicious, and they had followed them. With the smell of ash, he was worried it was a threat, although it was rather expensive for a threat. For the safety of their people, they kept an eye out for clues for whomever must have followed them. They found nothing, not even any suspicious footprints outside of Hiccup and Astrid’s home.
This time, he had nearly expected the item on his table when he came back from his duties. A leather-bound book awaited him, the designed tooled into the leather made him feel like he was missing something, as if he knew what it was but couldn’t bring it to the front of his mind. Inside was details of some of the locations of useful herbs and plants within the woods and along the neighboring islands, although he was suspicious of the gifts still and the writing itself also triggered the nagging feeling as if he recognized it but couldn’t place it, he couldn’t say he was completely ungrateful. They still had much to learn about the area and knowing that Gothi and her future replacement would have the herbs she needed to take care of the tribe’s health took some of the weight off the young chief’s shoulders.
To the concern of the tribe, thunder-snow had come upon their new home, but it wasn’t the only commotion of the day. It had started slow, with Terrible Terrors flocking to Gothi all to familiarly, but over the day, the dragons had found them, as if they missed them too much to stay away even for their own safety. Toothless had greeted Hiccup with a lick all up his front, and Hiccup struggled to even pretend to be mad about it not washing out. The Light Fury had followed Toothless, but stayed away from the people, instead leading several other dragons into the woods. He couldn’t figure out what changed, or why they were back, but having his best friend back made him feel more complete, even as he argued with Toothless that they had to go back for their own safety. Toothless merely made a judging face, nudged Astrid’s stomach incredibly gently, before looking at Hiccup as if he was asking ‘You think we aren’t raising our hatchlings together?’ Hiccup stared at Astrid, question in his eyes, and grinned as she nodded back. It was only as he walked back into their room when he remembered the time of year, only reminded by the darkened silver and ruby pendant, that must have been custom due to its similarity to Toothless. He looked out the window, wondering if he could see any trace of who left it, and once again was met with nothing. But when he looked at the sky, he could have sworn he saw the shape of a Skrill with a person on its back illuminated by the lightning. The pieces clicked in his mind, the reason everything was so obviously expensive, well-crafted, the familiar handwriting-- if a bit changed, the familiar patterns, and why they had smelled faintly like ozone when he noticed it. He couldn’t be certain, he had never actually seen a trace of the man—he kept his word, but he knew.
44 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
Headcanon time!
I dont know how it works, but Titan Wing Skrills definitely can have storms following them.
52 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Twitter: Oh no! Musk is buying Twitter! We'll have to go back to ... *shudders* .... Tumblr....
Tumblr: Just some volcanoes sitting here
89 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Serotonin Booster :D 🐉
How to train your dragon edition
Here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Race to the Edge✨
Dagur and Hiccup working together.. That's crazy but we love to see it
Also Toothless' facial expressions on ep1 are so good
- and the way Hiccup screamed "I hate you" after Dagur abandoned him was so sad 🥺
I love how Hiccup and Fishlegs always reward their dragon
Cavern Crasher - scavenging mystery class, pushes dragon out of their home and takes over, extremely fast, it's mucus becomes flammable when it hits the air, feeds on the other dragon's eggs, collapses it's skeleton and squeezes through cracks.
Dude I remember when I couldn't watch the Crash Course ep(2) bc I thought it was boring but I've come to appreciate it more. IT'S JUST SO FUNNY! We have the twins being... Well the twins and then we have proud, overprotective Snotlout SINGING TO THE BABY FIREWORMS 🤩
No bro but the way Hookfang and the Fireworm Queen combined their firepower
And the lil Hiccup and Snotlout moment at the end🥺🥺🥺
They treated Fishlegs so harshly 🥺 like I get why Hiccup would be mad at him but still like 😞 [ep3 with the night terrors and the lost civilizations ]
- i love how Hiccup felt bad after he treated Fishlegs the way he did
Fishlegs hugs >>>
Snotlout: I'm having Asia Fondue. Something seems oddly familiar
Hiccup: Snotlout, are you trying to say "deja vu"?
Singetail - its first appearance was in ep4, can fire from almost any part of its body -> mouth, tail, & underbelly.
Both Snotlout and Spitelout are trying to prove themselves to Hiccup and Stoick
Even tho ep4 is not one of my favorite eps I really liked how Spitelout and Stoick were ok at the end
- bc of Hiccstrid ofcccc😭🤩
The Scourge of Odin - plague that tore through the Archipelago centuries ago, wiping out entire Viking villages. It moves swiftly, overtaking it's victims in less than 3 moons. Cure: green solution made out of the saliva of a Buffalord
The way both Hiccup and Snotlout seemed so worried🥺
Buffalord - all hunted to extinction during the Scourge's last outbreak, big, has ram- like horns and lives on the plains, extremely strong.
"I can't imagine a world without you in it"
THE WAY HE HOLDS HER🥺 nonono and the way he carries her and lightly touches her shoulder and holds her hand 🥺 I can't -
The way the dragons went crazy was kinda scary
Grimora - rare parasite that attach themselves to dragon and release a toxin that causes them to turn wild.
Stormfly loves bath time
Love how the water looked in this episode 🥺
Not all of them making fun of Fishlegs for having a girlfriend
Heather and Fishlegs 🥺🥰
Why is windshear kinda spoiled..
Hiccup was just kidnapped and Toothless is being forced to fight now
The way Astrid is so smart and gorgeous and beautiful and UGHHHH I love her 🥺
And Hiccup standing up for Toothless even tho he can't really do anything about it :(
I got chills whenever they freed the dragons and whenever they were shooting the ppl that paid for the dragon fights
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Do I love them? Yes. Yes, I do.
Tuff comes up with the craziest names, but Ig Garffiljorg the Deathsong has a certain ring to it 😩😶🤩😂
THE 🔥INFERNOOO🔥 OMG YESS and the way he got so excited to start working on it more 🥺
The Quakens feel the vibrations of the Earth and they're extremely strong
Dagur riding Toothless will never not be funny "why'd you do me like that bud?"
Just found a mistake! In ep11 Hiccup sends Snotlout and Heather out so he can teach Dagur how to ride a dragon without Heather killing him. Then, he has to go to his Hut to get a spare leg and leaves Dagur alone WHERE HE'S FOUND BY THE GANG INCLUDING SNOTLOUT-
Dagur and Fishlegs forming a friendship
Heather crying for Dagur is so heartbreaking dude like she's gone through so much 🥺
Sir Ulgerthorpe is hilarious 🤩
Astrid and Heather being extreme badasses👏🏼 we love to see it 😍
In ep12 whenever they get caught Astrid puts her hand on Hiccup's shoulder and Hiccup responds to this by putting his hand on top of hers AND I JUST CANT WITH THESE LIL MOMENTS! and the change in music too🥺
I love grump (Gobber's new dragon)
Gobber fighting Ryker- iconic
Astrid saving Hiccup and Meatlug saving Toothless🥺 I love them and the way Hiccup looks up at her with his wet hair 😩
Dude it's so like Astrid to not tell whenever she's hurt bro
SHE REALLY WAS LIKE "it just grazed me" when she had to pull the whole arrow out of her leg
Sarcastic Hiccup>>>>>
The fact that the twins can actually be super smart whenever they want to
Astrid is so badass bro like she really caught the darts that were abt to hit her and Hiccup plsss
Mala, Queen Defender of the Wing being voiced by Adelaide Kane reminds me of Reign so much like SHES AMAZING I LOVE HER
Eruptodon - The Great Protector
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fictionalnormalcy · 3 years
Watched Triple Cross today. And every time I see it, I always think the same thing. I know that HTTYD 2 came out before Race to the Edge, so Season 6 was really winding down the show while also providing lead-in for the movie. So there wasn’t an abrupt disconnect.
I gotta say, an element I am very glad they included, is what Viggo became just before he was killed. Redeemed before we’re left to assume he died. (I don’t believe he did, but that’s my bias.) He tells Hiccup:
“I spent my whole life hunting dragons. Killing them. Now I’ve come to respect them as equals. You taught me that Hiccup.”
Throughout a majority of Race to the Edge, there was a strong demonstration of how Viggo was a threat that couldn’t be swayed, and the only way the war would end was either the elimination of the Hunters, or the elimination of the Riders. Given the endgame was supposed to be what we see in the second HTTYD movie, we already knew how it would end. But the writers worked very well in keeping us reeling as to how.
Hiccup never expected Viggo to change. He never actively tried to convince him otherwise. As we see in RTTE, as well as RoB & DoB, the enemies the Riders engage, none of them ever considered that they would come to be on their side. No longer threaten dragons and instead accept them.
So we see Hiccup’s shock when he says that. That this enemy he was obsessed with eliminating for months that he drove his friends to the point of exhaustion, suddenly sees dragons as equals. The additional fact that Viggo credited it to Hiccup.
He ingrained in Hiccup’s mind, well I mean I guess you can take into account Alvin, Dagur, and even Stoick too but they vary, that it was possible to change someone’s mind if they’re antagonistic toward dragons. I guess I should explain why for the other three as well.
Stoick wanted to eliminate the nest, and Hiccup tried convincing him that the war wouldn’t end if they continued killing one another. Actively trying to convince his dad.
Alvin was a threat in that he wanted to tame dragons, but then use them for malicious means, and developed the inane belief that he needed Hiccup in order to do so. It wasn’t until a more larger threat, Dagur, stepped into play that he came to be on Hiccup’s side as well.
Dagur was part of a dragon-killing tribe as well, stubborn in accepting that dragons could be tamed and an enemy toward the Berkians because he considered them soft for befriending the dragons instead of killing them. He directly threatened the Berkians, and he remained a larger threat even after three years because he could continue to target the Berkians and other tribes. Dragon killing no longer a necessity, gravitating to the Hunters, yet still remaining an enemy to dragons. Yet it was after Viggo was revealed, that Dagur switched sides, another threat thereby cancelling him out.
I believe that it was because of the Riders dealing with Viggo, and just how much of a high-stakes war it was, that turned Hiccup into the pacifist we see in HTTYD 2.
He never looked for an opportunity of telling Viggo that dragons weren’t enemies and didn’t deserve to be hunted. For literal months, best I can a guess a freaking year, Hiccup and Viggo remained in that cycle of attempting to overturn the other. Viggo trying to get Hiccup and the Riders to back down, and Hiccup attempting to dismantle the Hunters which were an extreme threat to dragons. Even during Shell Shocked where they were temporary allies, Hiccup didn’t tell Viggo, “Hey dragons are friends, not creatures from which to reap a profit,”. All he cared about was making sure Ryker was defeated and the Shellfire liberated. Always too much at stake for Hiccup to realize he could try to change Viggo’s mind.
In Viggo’s last moments, Hiccup had been told that even after everything they’d been through, he’d changed his greatest enemy’s mind. Without actively attempting to do so.
In the second HTTYD movie, he hears of a threat, a man who’s created a dragon army and means to take over the Archipelago. His dad tells him of the deaths he orchestrated, and still Hiccup couldn’t be swayed. He was reminded of the threat they had faced a year before. I even get the feeling that if he knew the full extent of Drago’s threat, he still would’ve thought he could change his mind. Directly correlating to the fact that he had come to change Viggo’s mind. But in this circumstance, he feels more confident about it. Striving to delve straight into it instead of allowing this new threat to aim something against them. Believing that if he could change Drago’s mind, and he very nearly changed Eret’s too with those opportunities, he could prevent other tribes being hurt or other dragons being captured and forced under someone else’s will.
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How To Train Your Dragon Saga
In the beginning, I was never really interested in watching the movie and never even bothered to watch the trailer, since we thought it was one of those cliche failure movies (and Dreamworks hasn't really had a very good track record of good animated movies at the time), but after being bombarded with tons of Toothcup fanfics and fanarts and after very high recommendations by my friend Jello13 from dA, I finally got down to watching the movie. Boy, was I glad I took my friend's recommendation to watch this movie, and the subsequent sequels after that, because after 3, 4 friggin' times, I still fucking LOVE this movie!!!
Here's my findings of the saga:
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Apparently this movie was based on a children's novel written by Cressida Cowell which focuses on the 2nd book in a 10-volume book franchise. There are certain deviations between the real Hiccup and Toothless and the storyline as a whole, but after reading the summary of the original story, I think I like the movie version better. In fact even the writer said so in her blog that she likes the deviation as the movie captured the core essence of her story and it was amazing to see her story to be interpreted this way.
The storyline and the pacing is very good, and the sarcastic humour and slight optimism of Hiccup despite people thinking he's anything BUT a Viking is very intriguing. I love his catchphrases like "I'm way too muscular for their tastes. They wouldn't know what to do with all...this" and "Thank you for summing that up" and his famous line "You just gestured to ALL of me!" is just some of the LOL-worthy lines the talented Jay Baruchel who voices Hiccup does.
I was totally shocked to find out that Gerard Butler plays the role of Stoick, Hiccup's old man! I have never expect him, who is known for his brawniness and action-packed persona, made famous in the movie 300, would actually play a voice-over for a cartoon character. After finding out, spotting his voice and hearing the familiarity was much, much easier.
And of course, the creme de la creme of the entire movie: TOOTHLESS!! He is just so, so, so, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo uber cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute~~~~!!!!! When I read about him in fanfics and caught glimpses of him through fanarts, I was thinking, "Hey, this dragon is quite cute." Now amplify that feeling by a gajillion times more. That's how I feel about Toothless. He started off a little vicious with his snake-like slit for eyes, trying to act strong and tough like the dragon he was, but the moment he let his guard down a little, he got these pair of big doe eyes that is just so MOE and SQUEE-worthy. And of course I finally learn how he got his namesake: with retractable teeth that he can materialize at will
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My most favourite scene of the entire movie would be this scene where Toothless finally was at peace with Hiccup and allowed him to touch him. The way Toothless tried to copy his drawing, and then growled whenever Hiccup stepped on his drawing, then Hiccup moved to avoid the lines in tune with the music until finally they were so close they were allowed to touch was just so AWW-worthy. And the music score was perfect too, especially the title of that score: Forbidden Friendship. Isn't that just sweet?
The part where Hiccup and Toothless slowly develop that bond while trying to get Toothless back on his flight feet again was also very interesting as they slowly worked together and forget each other's differences to reach a common goal, while at the same time trying to learn about each other, and Hiccup using that knowledge to good use (the eel and the scratching of the neck part was really epic), making him the life of the team, much to his crush, Astrid's chagrin.
I also love the part where Hiccup tries to convince everyone during the final exam of killing a dragon that dragons are not what they think they are, and tried to pacify the Monstrous Nightmare only to be interrupted by Stoick and having Toothless coming to the rescue (damsel in distress much, Hiccup? XD) and revealed their relationship. It felt really sad and my heart just broke when Hiccup shouted Toothless for him not to kill Stoick and Toothless looked at him with his doe eyes, then Hiccup tries in vain to stop everyone from hurting Toothless, and that argument which led to his disowning, and earning back his role as a son by proving his worth and Toothless' reputation, though a cost of his leg. I was wondering where would be the scene where he looses his leg, since I read that he had a prosthetic in fanfics, but turns out it happened in the near end of the movie, and literally mirrored Toothless' missing left tail fin.
Ending is a bit cliche where he gets the girl, he is lauded as a war hero and gained the respect of everyone including his father, the dragons made peace with humans and all that, but still it was a very heartwarming cliche scene. One that leaves a smile on your face and a sigh of contentment in your heart.
Speaking of Astrid, not really sure it's because of that yaoi in me, but I never really saw Astrid as a suitable pairing for Hiccup. I know, I'm not usually one for bestiality, but seriously, can't you just FEEL the love between Hiccup and Toothless to the point where you can consider them as lovers? Toothcup (Toothless/Hiccup) pairings are in the rage right now since the movie has been uber popularize, and you cannot deny that sort of relationship exist, right?
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This one, personally I feel, is almost as par as the first one. Not better, not worse, but more or less par. Hiccup and Astrid are still together, but the Toothcup shipper in me just don't feel like they match somehow. Moreso, suddenly out of the blue, Snotlout and Fishlegs were heads over heels with Ruffnut, which I ABSOLUTELY have NO CHEMISTRY feel whatsoever! Even after I've watched their TV series that led to the second movie, I STILL don't get the vibe or the chemistry between those three people. It's like "Wait, what?" moment.
Although that moment when Ruffnut was just totally thirsty for Eret was absolutely hilarious though. I couldn't help laughing and cringing at the same time.
When the moment Hiccup's mom Valka showed up, I was not expecting her to be so... skinny. Stoick said that he made helmets out of Hiccup's mom's breast plate, and it seemed pretty big, but looking at her, she didn't look like someone who was close to being a big bosom woman, but what is continuity anyways? LOL Though Hiccup definitely has inherited her knack for dragons. Guess it's in the blood after all.
I teared up a little when Stoick died, and I felt so bad that their bromance was threatened by this, but thankfully Hiccup still loves Toothless and is willing to forgive him and try to bring him back to his side. Goes to show how deep their bond is, and Toothless ended up becoming the Alpha Dragon was one of the most epic moments in the whole movie.
It also kinda interesting that Hiccup has somehow became pretty hot in this movie. Was pretty surprised at how he transformed from the awkward tiny little runt of a boy to a strapping man LOL
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Plot feels similar to the 2nd one, but the ending was so so SO bittersweet. A fitting ending, but sweet yet painful for me to watch.
My heart broke at the scene wen Hiccup was complaining about Toothless being in love n said "Am I not enough?" and I was like internally screaming "YES! U ARE ENOUGH!! U TWO ARE ENOUGH!! FUCK THAT LIGHT FURY!!"
Throughout the courtship scene btwn Toothless and the Light Fury i was like internally screaming "NO, SHE'S A TRAP! SHE'S A FUCKING TRAP! HICCUP, WHY ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS?! I'M NOT HAPPY WITH THIS! I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS!!"
I cried like a fucking baby, especially at the end of the movie. It was like I knew it was happening, that they were gonna break up, but I was in denial, then when Toothless hugged Hiccup goodbye, I lost it, waterworks all over. In fact, waterworks all the way to the end at their final reunion ugly-cried like a fucking baby.
It did ended perfectly; perfectly bittersweet and perfectly heartbreaking and I was like "This is it. It's official. It's over. My Toothcup ship has fucking sank!!"
Fuck you, DreamWorks, you have killed my bromance!! Gahh!! I hate and love this movie at the same time!
Overall rating:
HTTYD: 9/10
HTTYD2: 7.5/10
HTTYD: 9/10
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strawberry-skies-xx · 4 years
a million reasons to let you go
word count: 3017
tags:  eventual hiccup/astrid, slow burn, fluff, angst, happy ending, feral hiccup, hiccup whump, bamf hiccup, protective astrid, protective hiccup, interrogation, aftermath of torture, implied/referenced torture, hurt/comfort, stoick’s a+ parenting, stoick’s bad parenting, hiccstrid fluff, hiccup and toothless friendship
author’s note: i present to you all one (1) dork.
main masterlist | story on ao3 
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Astrid waits in the cove, sharpening her axe. Stormfly is nearby, examining her reflection in the clear water of the lake, grooming herself as she does. The sunlight reflects off of her scales, glints off the edge of the axe Astrid sharpens.
It’s been two months since Hiccup rebuilt his sword and Toothless’s tail and both of them left to be away from Vikings for a while. Astrid doesn’t blame them; she knows that Hiccup is not adjusted to life with humans, and Berk hasn’t given him the best memories. She knows he’ll come back for her, and that’s all she needs.
Hiccup told her that he’d be back in a month or so, and Astrid had waited for a month before starting to visit the cove twice a week for three weeks. The fourth week, she’d started visiting three times a week, and now into the first week of the third month, she’s visiting every day.
No, she doesn’t blame them, but she misses them. She misses Hiccup.
She hears wingbeats above her, a familiar roar, and Astrid breaks into a grin, looking up as Toothless dives down, landing in the cove, giving his dragon-smile at her with a happy rumble. Hiccup, pressed against the saddle and barely noticeable until he straightens, jumps down and smiles at her, starting to walk towards her.
He glances towards Stormfly - Astrid pretends she doesn’t see the glance. Hiccup had barely relented on letting her train Stormfly, let alone Fishlegs, Snotlout, and the twins, not trusting Vikings in the least, and even now he can’t help but make sure that Stormfly is happy. She knows he has a much deeper bond with dragons than she does, having spent eleven years being practically raised by one. She can see it now, as he walks towards her and Toothless follows beside him, both of them swaying with the steps of the other so they don’t bump into each other, and when Hiccup stops Toothless stops, his tail curving in a wide circle around Hiccup almost naturally.
She sets the axe down and stands up, walking forward, Hiccup straightening from his slight crouch. He’d told her he’d try to walk more like a Viking when in Berk, if only because she’d told him it would lessen the stares he got, but with her and every other time the majority of Vikings can’t see him, he’s in that draconic half-crouch. Astrid doesn’t mind; it’s part of who Hiccup is, through no fault of his own, and she finds it kind of adorable. Besides, she’d be a terrible girlfriend if she tried to separate Hiccup from his draconic traits, or from Toothless. She’s pretty sure she’d get incinerated, by Toothless, Hiccup’s sword Inferno, or simply verbally.
Hiccup smiles and pulls her close, kissing her softly until she pulls away, breathless and grinning. She loves meeting him like this - one of his other draconic traits is touch. Dragons communicate love through touch, and so does he; by kissing her, by holding her close, by just brushing his fingers along her arm or her hip or her leg. Considering how he interacts with every other Viking, she doesn’t need the blessings of Odin or Freya if she has this blessing from Hiccup.
“I missed you,” Astrid says, a slight frown to her tone. She loves meeting him, but a full two months is a little far, even for him. Not without talking about it beforehand, and especially when they had just gotten into their relationship - though she feels like she’s known him forever.
His smile fades and he glances down. “I missed you too. I’m sorry, I just-” he runs a hand through his hair anxiously, “-it was all too much, and I needed to leave. I should’ve told you how long beforehand.”
“Yes, you should’ve. Or visited me between,” Astrid says firmly, and then her face softens and she puts a hand under his chin, lifting it so he meets her eyes. She smiles. “But I’m not going to begrudge you your time away. I know you’d go insane if you had to stay in a village of Vikings for months on end, especially after what they did to you. What I did to you.”
He pulls back, but his fingers trail down her arm until they reach her wrist and curl loosely around, as if subconsciously, and she smiles at the lingering touch as he starts pulling her to a nearby rock, sitting down and leaning against her when she sits beside him.
“I don’t blame you for that,” he starts, glancing over at her. “I know how Berk can be, and I’m not exactly the friendliest person they could’ve found. Especially with Toothless,” he says, and they both glance up to see Toothless rolling with Stormfly, batting playfully at her tail until it flicks and the spines stick straight out. Toothless yelps and flinches back, shaking his head and glaring without heat at Stormfly before pouncing on her. Stormfly chirps and slips out from underneath, standing up and giving small, playful jumps, lashing her tail. Toothless bows and lashes his own tail, growling in short, nonthreatening bursts. Stormfly raises her chin and Toothless’s paw flicks out, claw grazing along the underside of her chin. Stormfly drops with a chirp of pleasure and Toothless laughs, looking back at Hiccup for approval of the move he learned from him.
Hiccup smiles at Toothless, who turns back and meets Stormfly’s counter-attack, and then Hiccup’s smile fades. “They would’ve killed him,” he says quietly, and he looks back at Astrid. “You did your best to save both of us.”
Astrid smiles, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. She’d told him the whole story during the week he’d rebuilt his sword and Toothless’s tail; everything she’d done, said, everything she’d lied about and what she was planning. Hiccup had smiled and said he’d forgiven her, but he hadn’t talked about it much, and she’d lived with the remaining guilt and uncertainty for all the time he’d been gone.
She leans in to give him a short kiss. “You two are plenty friendly. The unholy offspring of lightning and death likes to play with your prosthetic like it’s a stick,” she starts untying the rope and his eyes widen in realization; she smirks, “and you set the forge on fire.”
He tries to stop her, hands moving down to retie the rope, but she bats them away and pulls the prosthetic off with a victorious grin. “Astrid-”
She throws the leg to the two dragons, above Hiccup’s reaching hand, and he groans. “I need that to walk!”
Astrid laughs and slips her arm around his waist, pulling him in for a long kiss. “And now you’re trapped with me. What a tragedy,” she says sarcastically when she pulls away, smiling.
Hiccup grins. “I’m truly suffering,” he replies, deadpan, and she laughs and kisses him again.
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Hiccup walks to the forge the next day, sticking in the shadows of the Viking buildings and slipping in unnoticed. He’d agreed to sleep with Astrid in her house at night, with Toothless safe in the cove, but that was as far as he’d go. Astrid was an exception; she’s the only Viking he feels truly comfortable with, and the only reason he’d agreed to stay in Berk at all. Before her, he’d been planning on leaving permanently soon, having stolen from the Berk forge and enhanced his designs enough to be able to survive by himself away from Berk, to get past Berserker and Outcast Island. That was what his plan had been when he left after Astrid had tried to get him to come back to Berk, and, well. That hadn’t exactly turned out well for him.
He slips inside quietly, closing the shutters and the open windows in the forge until he’s left completely alone, lighting the dark forge by a few candles and the machinery as he lights the fires of those and starts pulling out pieces of metal and other tools, lining them up to the sketches in his notebook and starting his new project - a shield that doubles as a crossbow and a bola.
He doesn’t know how long he works there, immersing himself in his invention, improving it as he goes and fixing the measurements when things don’t work. It’s faster now that he has free access to the forge and doesn’t have to steal from it, and though he’s fully against every other part of Berk, the forge is familiar and the one place he was allowed freely. It hasn’t changed much in eleven years, and he knows where everything is, his small area of the forge more organized, but the notes and sketches he’d made as a kid are still preserved. Gobber had taught him here, hidden just like he is now, with every window and door closed and locked, his area scattered with notes and pieces and tools.
Hiccup didn’t lock the doors, though, and he looks quickly up at the main door as the latch clicks, his hands stilling on the shield. A familiar humming comes from beyond the wood as it swings open and sunlight streams through. Gobber steps in, closing the door, and then he frowns, turning around. “Wonder why I’m closing the-”
He stops when he looks up, seeing Hiccup, and his eyes widen. “Oh,” he says eloquently. “That’s why.”
Hiccup’s body is tense, ready to flee, shield be damned. He doesn’t blame Gobber for what Stoick did - he couldn’t exactly protest - and he actually feels closer to him than the rest of Berk, having had him as a surrogate father for the first eight years of his life, and he wasn’t the one who had exiled him.
But he’s not Astrid, and he’s still a Viking of Berk.
It’s a long moment before Gobber starts walking forward, over to his rack of spare hands. “Ye know, ye don’t need to close the doors anymore,” he says, as if Hiccup being in the forge is entirely normal. He supposes it is, but not after eleven years, not after the past year, and yet Gobber isn’t making any kind of big deal about it.
It’s kind of… refreshing.
“Ye’re a Viking, now,” Gobber says, and Hiccup gives a quiet growl involuntarily. Gobber glances back, then back to his work. “Okey, not a Viking,” he amends, casually, and Hiccup’s body relaxes, mind focusing on analyzing this new reaction to him being here. No questions, no curious glances or disdainful looks or even glares, just… acceptance.
“But ye’re not exiled anymore, Hiccup,” Gobber continues, turning around and facing him. “If ye’re anything like the boy I taught eleven years ago, ye’re going to be in this forge a lot. Well, when ye’re not flying off wherever.”
He’s accepting Toothless too, Hiccup thinks, and he starts to think that Gobber is safe. He’s a Viking he can talk to, can trust. Not as much as Astrid, nowhere near as much as Astrid, but more than the rest of Berk gets.
“Mah point is, it’ll be a lot easier to do things with more light than just those few candles. It was hard enough teaching ye that way, no reason for ye to torment yerself further.” Gobber’s turned back to his work again, not looking at him, and Hiccup finds it somehow easier that way.
He frowns. “I don’t want to,” he says quietly.
Gobber nods. “Alrighty then. Mind telling me what ye’re working on? I’m sure it’s something new. Ye always had new inventions back in the day.”
Hiccup pauses, glancing down at the metal under his hands. “A shield.” He hesitates before continuing. “It doubles as a crossbow and a bola.”
“As long as it keeps ye safe out there. I don’t want ye to get hurt.”
That’s new. None of the other Vikings have said they want him to be safe, and Astrid - well, he knows she wants it. She doesn’t have to say it.
Hiccup glances down, feeling a slight warmth spread through him, and he nods. “It will.”
He turns back to his shield, starting work on it again, and he and Gobber work in a strange sort of relaxed peace, quiet as they move around each other and trade machines to use. He notices Gobber glancing at his designs, and oddly, Hiccup doesn’t mind. He just looks back at his work and stays quiet.
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Hiccup meets Stoick on the fourth day. He knew he wouldn’t be able to avoid him for the entire week he planned on staying, but… he had hoped.
Stoick’s many attempts at catching him alone were difficult to avoid in a town that he could walk freely in and Hiccup refused to go anywhere but six feet away from any nearby Viking, though, and he sighs when he hears Stoick call his name hopefully from behind him.
Hiccup glances at the forest, calculating if he’ll be able to escape and still have plausible denial that he heard him, but Stoick’s voice is far too loud to say that, and he’s right behind him anyway. He turns around slowly, meeting Stoick’s eyes as he crouches down to Hiccup’s level, body tense and not concealing the wariness in his eyes.
Stoick, on his part, doesn’t try to get closer or touch Hiccup, and he puts that towards his mental tally of trusting him a little more.
“Hiccup,” Stoick says, quieter. Hiccup nods in acknowledgment, and Stoick’s face falls slightly.
He seems to accept it, though, because he continues without pushing for a verbal answer. “I wanted to say…” he trails off, frowning a little as he thinks of what to say. “Sorry,” he adds suddenly. “And… that your room is- is still there, with all your stuff. That you didn’t take, uh, when I- well, you know.”
Stoick is shy, face going slightly red as he glances down at the ground and stumbles slightly over his words, the same way Hiccup does. It takes him off guard, and he tilts his head a little. He nods, seeing Stoick’s face fall a little more.
“I know you probably won’t stay on Berk,” Stoick continues. “I don’t expect you to. I just wanted to tell you about that.”
Hiccup is quiet for a long while, and Stoick nods to himself and turns away, glancing at Hiccup before realizing he isn’t going to say anything.
“Okay,” he says quietly, and Stoick freezes, turning around. He meets Hiccup’s eyes - nonjudgmental, clear, passive.
Stoick smiles and nods again after a long moment, and then he turns and walks away. Hiccup stares after him, then he flees to the forest and to Toothless. Stoick may not be able to regain his relationship with Hiccup as a father, but… he can be an acquaintance. Maybe a friend, in a long while.
Toothless pounces on him as soon as he enters the cove, and Astrid walks over to him, laughing as he fends off a licking attack from Toothless and rolls out from underneath him, indignantly chirping and clicking no-bad-clothes-wet-no-clean.
Toothless laughs, rumbling i-know-don’t-care, and Hiccup flicks the saliva stuck on his hands into Toothless’s eyes. Astrid laughs harder.
“Well, I’m definitely not kissing you this afternoon,” she says as she watches Hiccup wipe Toothless saliva off his face. Hiccup glares at his dragon, who’s gone over to Stormfly, but senses Hiccup’s eyes and turns to look at him.
Astrid-no-touch, he chirps, gesturing to her. Astrid watches the interaction, watches Toothless rumble another laugh before walking over. Hiccup rolls his eyes, and then-
Clean-now, Toothless warbles smugly as he tackles Hiccup into the lake and sits up, watching him stand up and groan at his now-soaked armor and hair.
Astrid grins and walks over, laughing at Hiccup’s long-suffering look at her, and she takes his hand, pulling him out of the lake. “You’ll be fine.” She gives him a quick kiss on the lips. “There.”
Hiccup glances back at Toothless with a victorious grin, and Toothless growls playfully and leaps at him. Hiccup yelps and hides behind Astrid; Toothless hits both of them and Astrid rolls out from underneath, glancing between the two.
She can barely speak through her laughs. “Toothless, quit bullying Hiccup. You already soaked him in saliva and water, I’m not sure how many other bodily fluids you can soak him in.”
Hiccup glances at her, a knowing smirk on his face, and she glares. “Don’t answer that.”
He stands up as Toothless lets him up, walking over to her, still smirking. “I wasn’t going to. But dragons do produce a lot of fluids that humans don’t.”
Astrid grins. “Like the flammable ones?”
Hiccup’s smirk vanishes. “Well… yeah. I’d really rather not get set on fire, though.”
“Don’t try to answer what draconic fluids you can get soaked in, then,” she fires back, and he sighs, but he’s smiling.
She pulls him in for a longer kiss, one that doesn’t taste of dragon saliva, and he wonders what he ever did to deserve her. She pulls back, smirking, then takes him over to the rock they like to sit by. Hiccup attempts to sit down beside her, but she puts her hands on his arm and holds him there. “Nope, you’re sunbathing. I did not come here to get soaked.”
Hiccup sighs, but he’s still smiling as he lays down on his back, staring up at the clouds. “Can’t believe my dragon is cockblocking me,” he says quietly, smirking, and he glances up to see Astrid’s murderous look.
“If you only wanted to sit beside me to fuck me, I’m going to stab you,” she hisses. Hiccup laughs, and she moves to crouch over him, starting to tickle him mercilessly.
“Okay, okay,” Hiccup gasps desperately between pants, squirming, “I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it!”
Astrid grins. “This is your fault, Hiccup!” she says, and then she starts tickling his neck and he yelps, twisting away from her hands - but they only follow him, and his laughs and yelps get more breathless and even louder as she continues relentlessly.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 4 years
How do you think Hiccup will feel about ever somehow getting pregnant by Viggo and having his child? How will he process that?
I’ll be taking Tiny as an example because I think you’re ask about him is what sparked this one?
Anyway, I think that is once again entirely dependable on the context.
More under the cut because this isn’t my whump blog and some things I will be discussing will imply some very heavy whump.
I do have an AU in which Tiny’s father is Viggo, but in said AU, Hiccup and Viggo are in a consensual relationship together. The biggest problem here is that it is entirely behind the Dragon Riders’ backs as they are still on opposing sides and this makes Hiccup feel guilty for keeping secrets and for lying. The only one who knows the full truth is Toothless.
In this particular context, having Tiny would still be a happy thing. But his pregnancy would cause some internal conflict within Hiccup and Tiny’s birth (or any baby’s birth) would probably cause some strain when the truth inevitably comes out as well.
And this is considering that Viggo lives and the Dragon Riders are hurt by Hiccup’s dishonesty.
But that is just this one fic. And I’m right to assume that this isn’t the kind of situation you’re referring to?
Now in a different context, if Tiny’s conception was discovered after Viggo’s death, for example, having him would be more bittersweet, in a way.
At this point Hiccup and the Riders aren’t on bad terms with him anymore and when they hear about his death, Astrid and Hiccup even agree that it’s almost like losing a mentor since Viggo did teach them a lot.
They were on opposing sides until that episode, but still, it seems like Viggo will be remembered. So one would argue that Tiny’s existence would be welcomed in this situation. Perhaps, they don’t go parading around with the news that Tiny’s other dad is Viggo, but they would definitely see it as a “he taught us a lot and he gave us Tiny” kind of deal. If that makes sense.
And then there’s a third situation we could think of and that’s if Tiny’s conception hadn’t been consensual. Which is probably the most likely scenario and I think the one you’re wondering about the most. And the short answer would be that it would be very hard to say. Especially when you’re as biased as I am whenever Tiny is involved.
Having him then could either be more bittersweet and cause for more conflicting emotions. Maybe not everyone would be on board with the idea of Hiccup having him and raising him either.
Upon first learning of his pregnancy, I don’t think Hiccup would be happy. At all. Especially considering what may have happened to conceive said child and who said child’s father most likely is and the fact that he’s basically tied to this child in some shape or form no matter what, even if he doesn’t keep the child. You don’t just have a baby and then forget about them. And what Hiccup will do entirely depends on how you see his character.
To me, Hiccup will do either one of two things during his pregnancy.
Either he will tell his friends and family once the news has finally sunken in for him. Or he would try to stay in denial and/or hide his pregnancy as best as he can until it’s just too obvious to hide for any longer or until the baby is literally coming.
The pregnancy, whether he’s going through it all by himself or with his loved ones by his side, won’t be easy or happy. There may be high points, but there will probably be a lot of low points as well. Pregnancies are already hard on their own without a scenario such as this attached to it.
This may be my bias speaking, but Hiccup would be the kind of person to see his pregnancy as a “we’re both on this sinking ship together” kind of thing. He didn’t ask to be forced upon and this baby didn’t ask to be put there.
I can see Hiccup being the kind of person to think that way, to be able to separate Viggo from this baby and then still be able to enjoy some part of it, at least. If not out of pure stubbornness alone.
The baby’s actual birth will probably be received with mixed emotions.
On the one hand, I can see Hiccup being happy to finally have this child. But on the other hand, I can see him be upset about it as well. I tend to lean more towards the former, though. And not entirely because I’m so biased towards Tiny.
Hiccup is an incredibly forgiving person. He forgives his father and Berk for the years they’ve cast him out. He gives Alvin a second chance and allows their tribes to become allies even after all Alvin has done. He eventually gives Dagur a chance to redeem himself even after all he’s done, including abducting his father and threatening to kill him over Toothless. He gives Valka a second chance after she misses 20 years of his life by staying away and letting him believe she was dead the entire time, …
Hiccup is an incredibly forgiving person.
This is why I don’t see Hiccup as the kind to look at a baby, a newborn little baby that came completely innocent into the world, whether it’s his own or someone else’s, and see someone other than this baby. He would be the kind of person to think that way.
Maybe he’ll think of the person who forced them inside him whenever he sees them, but I can see that make Hiccup even more determined to accept this child.
And if it is Tiny you were wondering about, that Tiny takes so much after Hiccup would certainly help. (And that he takes after Stoick. Tiny has red hair before it takes on a browner shade somewhere during his first year of life)
And a guest reviewer has suggested the Dragon Riders name Tiny “Hope” (his actual name, Vigi, hasn’t been revealed yet in the main fic) because he brings them hope in trying times and I love that sentiment. (The main fic takes place during the Dawn of Destruction - Wings of War three-parter. RttE’s lowest low, basically) So I would like to think that Tiny would give Hiccup hope in this scenario as well. Hope to one day be okay again.
Processing such a thing, an unwanted pregnancy caused by non-consensual circumstances followed by a birth, will be different for each character, but I can see Hiccup do it through sheer stubbornness. It won’t be easy, and it will probably backfire a lot before he makes actual progress, but I can see him trying to trudge through such a mess no matter how hard it’s going to be.
Life is daunting in that you’re forced to keep on going no matter what. The next day will come no matter how much you don’t want it to. I can only see Hiccup face this head-on, whether he has the strength to do it or not.
With that said, I don’t think his loved ones would be as easily convinced. The Dragon Riders would definitely back him up in any decision he would end up making, whether they agree with him or not, and I can see them accept the baby/Tiny (or try to accept) for Hiccup’s sake alone.
Gobber would probably stand by Hiccup’s side and do his best for both of them.
Stoick would be the hardest to convince and the last to come around. If Viggo isn’t dead already at this point, Stoick will probably go out and make sure that he is with his own bare hands.
Stoick is, like the tv-shows have shown, a very vengeful person. Almost nicknamed “Stoick the Vindictive”. He doesn’t want Hiccup to be tainted by a taste for vengeance, but Stoick would absolutely go out there and get it for him.
As for the baby, I can see him try to argue Hiccup’s possible decision to keep and raise them. Not just because of what’s been done, but also because Hiccup isn’t just anyone either. He’s a chief’s heir. And although I don’t quite know how the line of success works, Hiccup being heir makes this baby Hiccup’s heir.
Stoick won’t turn his back on Hiccup, of course, but it will take him time for the baby to grow on him.
In a Tiny-specific scenario, Stoick might soften up when he realizes Tiny is more Haddock than Grimborn from the very moment he’s born.
Anyway, I’ve been rambling on and on for way too long because I had way too many thoughts about this ask, but the gist is that I think it once again depends on the context. If it’s the third and last one I discussed, Hiccup would have a very hard time overall.
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the-dragon-central · 5 years
I would love to submit a prompt if you're taking them. I had an idea wherein Hiccup gets forlorn about the fact that his children will never know Stoick (and Stoick would never know his grandchildren), and he ends up discussing it with Valka, either because she overhears him talking about it or he confronts her about it. I realize this is kind of a heavy subject, but it was just something I was thinking about. Thanks, haha!
Hello Anon! @fan-writer02 here. I’m SO sorry this has taken as long as it has. I’ve been sitting on this request for weeks now and have just now had the time to get it written up. But I hope it’s enjoyable none-the-less, and is a satisfying answer to your request. Enjoy!
Hiccup was undeniably tired. His head ached, his chest hurt, and his hand was still bandaged from a few days prior when Astrid had squeezed it too tight. He’d felt something crack, though he’d never tell her that. He’d merely said it was a small sprain and he’d be right as rain in a few days (which he fully intended to be, healed or not).
Poor Astrid. She’d felt awful. “I’m so sorry, Hiccup, gods…“ 
He’d been quick to reassure her. Who was he to complain about a little pain in his hand, when she had just suffered through childbirth? He’d kissed her forehead for the utmost time that day, and smoothed her hair out of her face (with his good hand). “Ast, it helped you bring this little bundle into the world. Don’t apologize." 
The little bundle, of course, meant their newborn son.
Who had, for the past five days, wailed his head off every half hour or so during the night. Astrid was burnt out past exhaustion, and with her body still healing, Hiccup had tried his best to give her a little extra rest. 
Valka had offered to take over his duties as chief until she deemed Hiccup ready to return. He’d protested meekly, saying he was more than capable of deciding when he was healthy enough to resume his duties. She’d only given him the stink eye and looked past him at Astrid for support.
His wife had agreed. "She’s right, Hiccup." 
Of course they’d gang up on him. But, though he hated to admit it, the free time was very nice, and deeply appreciated. He spent a lot of time with Zephyr, who had adjusted amazingly well to the new addition to the family. She liked to hold little Nuffink, and would try to braid his short fluffy hair. She loved helping Hiccup with the meals. It was her special chore to set the table and sweep the floor, which she pounced upon eagerly. She said it was just like when she played house in the forest, only better because this was real. 
After supper one evening, Hiccup helped Astrid come outside onto the porch. She’d been bugging him for the past two days to let her at least poke her head out the door for some fresh air. But with the constant rain, he hadn’t wanted her to get sick. Was he being a little overbearing? Probably. But… he’d never be able to describe how terrifying it is to watch his wife go through… all of that. And have absolutely no control over what’s happening or what could happen. If something went wrong, he was helpless to prevent it. 
So, if he could keep her from falling ill, by Thor’s thunder he would. And Astrid would just smile and tilt her head, consenting all too easily. He knew she was letting him coddle her, not necessarily because she liked it- but because she knew him. She knew he needed that little something.
He helped her sit down on one of their dining chairs he’d pulled from the house. He plopped down on the bottom step beside her, before pulling off his cloak and draping it over her shoulders. In her arms slept little Nuffink. Looking at his pudgy pink face, Hiccup would never accuse him of being a little screaming nightmare at any given time of the day. But, of course, he knew better. As if his body was trying to remind him, he stifled a yawn.
"You should go rest while he’s sleeping.” Astrid said quietly, looking over at him with worried eyes. “Zephyr and I can handle him for an hour or two." 
Hiccup leaned back against the steps and closed his eyes. "I’ll be fine. I’d like to spend some time with my two girls.” He peeped one eye open and smiled. “But do pardon my yawning, milady." 
Zephyr rushed by, her hand clutching a stick with a scrap of fabric tied to the end; a makeshift flag she’d designed out of ‘Momma’s ol’ rags’. In the other arm she clutched her stuffed Nightfury.
Hiccup’s smile faded, and he closed his eyes again. As it often did in such quiet and peaceful moments as these, his mind wandered. Wandered to a past that was better off forgotten, but he just couldn’t seem to forget. 
"I wonder what Dad would say, if he were here.” He suddenly said, surprising even himself. It was something he’d thought too many times to count, but not once had he voiced it. There’d only been one occasion when Stoick had been mentioned, and it was after Zephyr’s birth. Astrid had smiled through her tears and replied strongly, “You’re Dad would be so proud, Hiccup. Proud of you. Proud of us." 
Maybe his Mom had thought he hadn’t noticed, but Hiccup had. He’d noticed how she’d fallen short, her breath had faltered, and how she had quickly slipped out of the room. He hadn’t mentioned it since.
"I’ve already told you.” Astrid’s voice interrupted his musings. “He’d be proud.” Her own voice carried said virtue, he tone warm. He looked up at her, and saw how she gazed at Zephyr, then at Nuffink. She wore a smile so soft, yet so strong; anyone could tell it spoke of a fiery love. Then she looked at him with the same look.
The evening wore on, and Hiccup must’ve fallen asleep, for when he opened his eyes for the second time, it was dark, and Astrid and Zephyr were gone. His cloak was sprawled over his chest and legs. 
He sat up and blinked. A figure was drawing closer until they were near enough for him to see. It was his mother.
She didn’t say anything, only came up to sit beside him. From within their hut, Hiccup could hear the faint sound of Astrid singing a lullaby.
“And what brings you out here, sleeping on the steps of your home rather than in your home?” Valka asked, her voice carrying laughter. She looked to him with a playful smile.
He smiled softly. “I suppose I was more tired than I thought.” He sobered. “I… I was thinking of Dad." 
Her playfulness wilted away, leaving only a weathered face and sad eyes. "Ah, yes. I was wondering…” she trailed off. “I was wondering when you’d bring him up. I’ve noticed how you look at Zephyr, and now Nuffink." 
"He’ll never meet them.” Hiccup said bluntly. He felt so tired. He didn’t have the strength to cry. He only felt… empty. “Dad would talk about Astrid and I having kids. He joked about it constantly, but, deep down I knew he’d give anything to have a grandbaby to bounce on his knee. And here he has two, and he’ll never meet either of them." 
He felt an arm wrap around his shoulder and draw him close, but he couldn’t bring himself to melt into the embrace. He was a man, he was strong. Or he should be.
"How is life so… so unfair?" 
"It’s the way of the gods.” Valka reassured softly. “Stoick is looking down from Valhalla, watching you raise your children. And I know- no, I can feel- how proud he is of you. He’s probably busting his buttons. Imagine him telling Odin about every little progress Zephyr makes. ‘Today me grandaughter broke her first tooth!’ ’T'day me grandbaby took a step! Was Hiccup ‘elping 'er? Bah, who cares! She lifted her own foot.’," 
Hiccup chuckled and fiddled with his cloak. Even though Valka’s attempt at Stoick’s voice was far from the truth- he could still hear him say every word.
She kissed his forehead. "Go rest, Hiccup, and don’t fret about it anymore.” She stood and straightened her skirt. “Tomorrow will dawn a new day, new beginnings. Think of the future and not the past.” She began heading towards the village. “You have two little bundles of proof to tell ye it’s going to be a bright one.” She said, more to herself than to Hiccup. 
He watched her grow further away, until the night entirely swallowed her up. The door to the hut opened, and Astrid whispered his name.
“Zephyr wants you to tuck her in bed.” She said.
Hiccup took one last look at the starry sky above, before telling her he’d be right in. He got to his feet and picked up his cloak, dusting off the few strands of grass it’d collected. He paused, then sighed before looking up again. 
“Dad, you have a new grandson.” He smiled, “A healthy boy. Nuffink. Named after Mom’s uncle…” He swallowed thickly, and tried to find something to say. Finally, he whispered. “You’d love him." 
The stars twinkled back, a silent answer.
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inkerii · 5 years
@hiccup-is-left-handed did a thing (which I cannot link because mobile) and I really don’t wanna hijack their post but credit where credit is due ok? Ok.
This got way out of hand, I apologize for the long post… Idk how to put it under a read more on mobile, heh <3
So. The Hidden World AU where Toothless and the Light Fury are friends/“just like me” sort of situation + Hiccup is the one captured:
• That add on where the beginning was dark and grimy, yes. • The Grimmel scene happens between him and a fallen drago. Drago desperately needs a new Alpha to control his dragon army, so he enlists Grimmel. • The Light Fury in the cage is not in fact our LF girl, but a young male, about Toothless’ age in HTTYD 1 • Grimmel’s comment about him is around the line of “Furies are social creatures”, so through that line we learn that Toothless would in fact crave a “pack” (I keep calling a group of furies a pack bear with me), except he doesn’t really know that yet.
• Toothless meeting this equivalent of yearling male would go the same way except the dynamic would be (as hiccup-is-left-handed mentioned) similar to spiderverse’s “you’re like me”– a connection but not a romantic one
• Grimmel would still attack Hiccup’s home, but his deathgrippers actually torch down a good deal of the village • Because of the grimy beginning we see this is just another attack and Berk’s people have been suffering (injuries, slings and stuff in the great hall scene) • a bigger deal is made out of them leaving, there’s probably a scene where Hiccup is sitting next to his father’s statue after the meeting and talking to it, asking for advice • Astrid comforts Hiccup there– you’d have time for this since we’d cut most of the Hesitant To Get Married subplot, it’s in fact treated as something to happen someday in the future but both agree with the current situation it’s best to postpone it • or maybe Valka, since because we’re removing the marriage subplot, she could still get One Good Scene with Hiccup. It would still be a little stiff between them, since she’s still relatively new at this mom thing, but they both try. It’s up to you. Either way, Hiccup is convinced they must leave now. • Personally, because I’m a nerd, I’d make the beginning of the scene about Hiccup telling one of them (Valka or Astrid, your call), about how when he were little he always wanted the glory, and to be a Hero to his tribe… But he has so many difficult choices to make and it’s hard. And Valka/Astrid comments that yes, indeed, some people win glory “easily”, how Hiccup would have gotten had he killed that Night Fury, others… Well, others like him need to become Heroes the Hard Way <3 • Probably a scene of the Berkians sadly looking back to their old island and and then forward to their new future
• The yearling doesn’t go back for Toothless, but (in Nova Berk) Toothless does pick up his scent and follows him to that beachy area Toothless tries to woo the LF in the actual movie • There we find out the yearling male has a sibling, a sister, and THAT would be our girl. He calls out to the mountains and she appears and makes a huge fuss about him being back (which gives them both some nice personalities as well as showing their devotion to each other)
• Toothless is in fact attracted to her, but it’s a very minor thing in the grand scheme of him meeting others like him • Toothless tries to join them, and like in the movie Hiccup tries to coach him through befriending these dragons which are so like him • LF girl still gets offended, Toothless still falls down from the tree. yearling LF is very amused at this but also very curious about the branch, so he picks it up and starts playing with it in a rather catlike fashion • Toothless decides to show them how HE plays with the branch, so he picks it up and starts drawing • It’s no big fancy drawing, just his usual scribbles, but both siblings are very intrigued and impressed by it • Toothless still growls at the LF when she tries to step on it, and she growls back (they do NOT get started on the best terms despite Toothless’ original attraction– it could even be read as him just being curious about the fact that she’s a female), but the young male does get it, so he hops around the lines like Hiccup did, grabs the stick and flies away • Following her brother’s example, the LF tries to get to Toothless by hopping around the scribbly lines • We’d get a similar scene to Hiccup hitting his back on toothless and looking up at him, except the LF just gazes at him and Toothless smiles a little at her • She in turn tried to copy his facial expression and smiles as well, and it’s -then- that they click • The siblings still find Hiccup, but Toothless stands between them and his friend so they just choose to leave instead • Toothless still falls on the water trying to follow them but he doesn’t glare at his lack of tail, just looks longingly up at them
• Hiccup does NOT make a new tailfin right away for Toothless. Instead, we get a very “See You Tomorrow” montage, except it’s with Toothless going between the dragons and Hiccup, and each time he learns something new about himself • You could also show Hiccup looking a bit down/feeling left off during this montage, but trying to be happy for Toothless • Eventually, Hiccup decides to make the new tailfin. The scene would go basically the same way except there’s a bigger moment for Toothless not wanting to leave Hiccup, he smells the old saddle and Hiccup comforts him, saying it’s okay. He would have explained to astrid the reason why he made the new tail is not cause Toothless “never had a reason to leave”, it’s just cause Toothless is discovering a new side of him and Hiccup wants him to be happy
• the “third date” scene would be mostly be a platonic scene between the three furies, where Toothless learns to harness lightning • The difference would be the young male gets separated from them for a bit, chasing after some bird or something (he’s young and excitable, also a personality point for him) • You’d then get a smaller version of a romantic scene, but you can clearly see that after that wrong first impression the LF and Toothless do seem to like each other. Still would get the scene of them flying up into the moon and Toothless kissing her, and the “wing holding”. That was cute, and I like that scene, but the romance would still be comparatively secondary • The young male would interrupt the “hand holding”, and that’s where they’d find the hidden world. Male goes in excitedly and toothless hesitates but LF cheerfully drags him down after her brother
• The Hiccup side of it remains the same. They go after Grimmel, there’s an emphasis on all the anti-dragon humans banding together to take down berk. • Grimmel’s villain speech gets a flashback in which we get a scene more akin to the one of the first Dragons movie, there’s a slight discrepancy compared to Grimmel’s words. In the flashback, Grimmel -hesitates- before killing a wounded, sleeping night fury (it could even be faking its sleep, kinda like how Toothless just closed his eyes and waited for death, but that might be too much for a kid’s movie), but eventually does kill it • All the riders make it out of Grimmel’s trap.
• Hiccup and Astrid still go after Toothless • the Hidden World scene is expanded upon. We actually get two things that Hiccup sees: one (and this is optional but a personal headcanon of mine) being the LF siblings introducing Toothless to small, wary, scarred group of night furies (complete with Hiccup’s awe at finding more of them but also his realization that HUMANS did that to those dragons, they’re scarred and crippled because of them) • The other would be that Toothless doesn’t have the time to meet them properly, he gets distracted by squabble between two groups of wild dragons over food. Toothless instinctively uses his alpha command to take one of the groups to another feeding location, avoiding a fight. • The dragons recognize Toothless as a benevolent Alpha, and bow to him. It’s then that Astrid says that “now that’s a king” line.
• Hiccup chooses to leave Toothless there (the shock and pain of the Night Fury survivors being a factor of Hiccup deciding Toothless is better off without him, and besides, we’ve been building up on that “Toothless prefers his new friends over me” issue Hiccup is dealing with) • The whole rumblehorn thing happens and Toothless still brings Hiccup home, but Toothless isn’t angry or anything. The two light Furies do follow them. Seeing them actually only hardens Hiccup’s resolve, and he essentially kicks Toothless out, but he’s lashing out out of hurt, worry, rejection, and overall being overwhelmed by his duties as a Chief (namely the very large group of vikings bent on destroying Berk due to their philosophy) and his love and worry for Toothless • Toothless does leave, looking hurt but he does. • Astrid tries to comfort Hiccup again, but this time he just wants to be alone. Once she leaves, Hiccup mourns a little, but then he’s suddenly shot with one of Grimmel's darts. Astrid sees him be taken, but it’s too late to rescue him
• Hiccup wakes up in a ship of the armada his mother had seen on Cloudjumper, and is surprised in a very angry way to see Drago there (we hadn’t seen him since the moment he lashes at Grimmel for letting the Berkians get away– but he does so in a logical and tactical way) • Drago wants the location of the Hidden World – something he probably got from Grimmel who overheard it during the raid on his lair – and he plans to use Hiccup for it • Remember when Hiccup was called a devil in the beginning of the movie? This scene would get its payback here!! In a very clear parallel to Dragons 1, Drago would shackle Hiccup and sail east, and in a very Stoick-esque way, tells him to “lead the way, [to the nest], little devil” • Y'know like what happened to Toothless in HTTYD 1
• Cut to Toothless in the Hidden World. He’s looking at his tail, rather forlorn and lost • The Lightfury comes to see him, looking rather affectionate- they’re a couple, it seems. Toothless looks to her and then to behind him, where the other Light/Night furies (and some other dragons in the background) are waiting for him • Toothless isn’t ready yet. He licks the LF (think of a “I have to” kiss on the cheek Hiccup gave Astrid in HTTYD 2), and flies towards the waterfall and out of the hidden world, back to Hiccup.
• Drago is sailing towards the general direction of the hidden world, guided by the direction Toothless flew off before he captured Hiccup • Hiccup is unable to free himself, but then he (and the antagonists) is surprised to see that Berk is flying towards the armada to free him, en masse. All seem determined to defend the Hidden World’s entrance from Drago’s fleet • It’s a nice shout out to both HTTYD 1, where that small team fought the read death, but also to how the vikings have changed, how Hiccup has changed them. A small team has become a whole village. • no one can quite get to Hiccup tho, but then Drago is surprised to find Toothless there, looking very very angry • Grimmel still threatens someone Toothless loves, but it’s Hiccup this time. For a brief moment, Toothless controls the dragons away from the fight, so Hiccup isn’t killed. Toothless cannot let Hiccup die. He can’t. He loves him too much. • Drago and Grimmel however, are distracted long enough for Toothless to grab Hiccup and flee– not by humans but by the whole group of light and night furies. It seems as though Furies are a very territorial species, and act as protectors of the hidden world.
• Grimmel still grabs the LF, Toothless still follows him with Hiccup. The whole thing that went down in the movie happens here. Grimmel dies. Toothless is rescued by the young, excitable LF Male, while our girl, who has always been more distrustful of Hiccup, saves his life. She does smile crookedly at him, that very Toothless smile she learned from him.
• Drago is still out there, though. Hiccup, Toothless and the dragon gang regroup while most of Berk still fights. Hiccup is alive, but feels lost, he always wanted to prevent a war and now a war has happened anyway • This is where Astrid comes in again, and where she repeats that “what are you going to do about it” line • The gang goes after drago– and surprise: Hiccup is using the old saddle, but Toothless still wears the new tailfin, one last big fight for the two of them: this time, while they’re still connected, they’re able to fight apart from each other– maybe it’s here that we get that sword/explosion/look between Hiccup and Astrid. Toothless is flying on his own, and Hiccup is fighting on his own as well. By mutual choice this time, knowing how their differences don’t affect their devotion to each other • The furies fight alongside Hiccup, Toothless and the Berkians, showing the beauty of cooperation and mutual respect between humans and dragons that do decide to work together… As well as allowing Hiccup one big flight with Toothless and other night furies, as was his dream for his friend. • Drago is defeated, and the army scatters (how it’s up to you, I’m still fond of the jailed idea, except Drago falls under water and drowns, or something. Idk. For a man who’s so determined to control and dominate, dying in a cage designed to control and rip freedom away would be pretty good poetic justice, but idk.)
• Hiccup and Toothless still part ways. Hiccup’s speech isn’t really about how his dream wasn’t the dragons’ dream. Instead, much like the books, he says that Humanity isn’t quite ready to share the world with them, and that Toothless needs to take them away for their own safety (basically the same message of the movie but sans the weird “hiccup is clinging to toothless” subplot.) • That heart-wrenching scene still happens pretty much the same way.
• The ending is also very much the same, the babies and stuff. We’d probably see more light furies and one or two night furies on the other rocks surrounding the hidden world– they still act as protectors. • the ending goes very much the same way: I’d just tweak the words a little to explain that this isn’t just about hiding the hidden world’s secret (though you do see that in a way, Hiccup and Berk = the Furies’ role, all are guardians of the Hidden World, kinda binding them together even if they are away), but also about spreading the message that one day humans and dragons (wildlife?) can coexist someday, and when We’re ready, the Dragons will one day return.
— ……. Well that was long. I’ve been furiously typing on my phone for a good hour and a half actually. My fingers are dead but I just love this idea so much.
Also very much Not Revised so forgive any grammar/spelling mistakes!
Sorry for like. Making this way too big, Hiccup-is-left-handed. I got way too excited about it :’D
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bbwoulfc · 5 years
Winning A Chieftess’s Heart - How It Starts
Alright, I had a few ask that wanted some more insight on this AU.  So here is a glimpse into how the beginning started.  I think I will write out the whole beginning as a chapter cause why not. Adding another fic to my list can’t hurt. Right?
Enjoy a quick summary of how things begin.
At age twelve, Hiccup Haddock is brought up to the council.  Some elders are also present.  Hiccup is brought upon the council from another incident of one of his inventions going off and destroy property/section of Berk.  It was bound to happen, Hiccup knew.  He knew he didn’t possess many Viking qualities but then again his father never took the time to teach him many Viking things.  So what else was a boy to do then try and help the best way he knew how.  Flinching at every hurtful words shouted by the council, some from his own father, the council vote to exile Hiccup off of Berk.  All in agreement that Berk will have a higher chance of survival without a spawn of Loki about.
As if the punishment couldn’t get any worse, all citizens of Berk were gathered and word of his exile is announced.  Seeing the glee in majority of the village stung Hiccup even further.  It shouldn’t be a big deal with how he was viewed among the village, but it still hurt to see people happy about it.  After the announcement, Hiccup was informed he had till the next morning to leave.  With that, Hiccup runs off into the forest to separate himself from the village where he takes the chance to break down and cry.  After a few minutes, Hiccup wasn’t prepared to hear footsteps approaching him.  He didn’t think anyone would find him in an unknown part of the forest.
Turning around, Hiccup wasn’t expecting to see Astrid come through the bushes, each finding the other’s gaze quickly.  He mumbled a greeting and turned away hoping Astrid would leave him alone.  Hiccup didn’t expect for Astrid to ask how he was and if he was okay.  Didn’t expect her to have a small glimpse of worry as she looked at him.
“Why does it matter? The village will finally get rid of Hiccup the Useless.”
“You’re not useless, Hiccup. Someone useless couldn’t create all the things you do.”
“Not to be rude, Astrid, but why do you care?”
“Because...I can’t stand seeing someone of value be ridiculed and shunned for something they couldn’t control.”
Seeing the lost and hurt in her eyes made him recall the incident two years prior with her Uncle Finn being shunned from the village after the night of the Frightmare.
“You think I have value?”
“Everyone is of value, Hiccup.  You just have to figure out how to use your gifts.”
Hiccup and Astrid stay in the forest a bit longer before heading back to the village. As they walk back, they could see in the distance by the pier of Stoick and other council members packing some supplies on a small boat that Hiccup could manage on his own.  While his father was busy, Hiccup disappeared into his house, Astrid following along to offer assistance.  Hiccup wanted to escape during the night while the village would be busy with their own things and at home.  He’d like to leave without a village cheering at his departure.
With Astrid’s help, they exit the home without being seen and quietly make their way to the dock once it was clear and the others were gone. Hiccup and Astrid place the small sacks of his belongings into the boat, the moonlight being the only light source.
Before Hiccup hops on the boat and leaves, Astrid hands Hiccup one of her best daggers.  He takes the dagger and looks at Astrid, surprised but curious.
“For protection or anything that might require a cut or two.”
Hiccup smiles as he tucks her dagger into his belt and gives her smile, thanking her for the small moments of support and care before leaving.  He becomes shocked when Astrid pulls him into a hug which he gladly returns after shaking the shock away.
“Promise me nothing will go wrong?”
He looks at her stunned.
“Promise me you’ll be safe?”
Hiccup gives her a smile and promises he’ll do his best to be safe.  Astrid looks away, a small blush on her cheeks.
“Will we ever see each other again?”
“Would you like to see me again?” He asked.
Hiccup gives Astrid a smile and tells her he’ll make sure they see each other again.  They give each other another hug before Hiccup jumps aboard the small boat.  If there was one thing he was thankful that his father taught him before they grew apart was how to sail. As the boat sailed out to sea, Astrid stood there watching and smiled when Hiccup looked back as he gave her one last Hiccup smile before disappearing into the night, and then returning home.
The next day, Astrid and her family are in the Great Hall the next morning for breakfast along with other villagers.  Stoick and the council stand before the villagers and announce that they have decided on a new heir.  At the sound of her name being chosen as the new heir, the village roars in excitement and clap for the new heir, cheers of “Chieftess Astrid” ringing through the Great Hall.  For her family, it was a start at a new beginning to bringing honor to their name after the Frightmare incident.
Yet, at that moment, with the announcement, Astrid wished she had Hiccup there to help her through this.  If there was anyone she valued for assistance and help, it was him.  She hoped that wherever he was, Hiccup was okay and safe.
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coneygoil · 5 years
The Home We Built Together, part 13
Two young Vikings. An arranged marriage. Hiccup always wanted to win the girl of his dreams, but not like this. Now he and Astrid must learn to live together and maybe one day, learn to love…
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9| Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
Writer’s note: Wow, this chapter clocked in 2300 words and the entire story so far is over 20k+ word count! That’s a big accomplishment for me :) 
He couldn’t kill a dragon. All these years of dreaming of killing a dragon and receiving the glory he longed for. The countless hours spent inventing dragon killing weapons that would help him obtain his goal. He’d failed at the one task he set out to complete!
Out of all the dragons he could have shot down, he aimed for the most prized. The elusive and deadly Night Fury. He would have been revered a hero. His father would have beamed at him with such immense pride that would last for weeks, maybe even months. Astrid would have planted a long-awaited kiss on his lips in front of the entire village. Everyone would have cheered. Hiccup Haddock would no longer be a useless loser.
But as he raised the dagger over his head, pumping himself up to kill the mighty beast…he couldn’t. No, Hiccup reasoned within himself, he wouldn’t. This dragon gazed into the depths of his soul. He saw himself reflecting from this dragon. The very thought stilled his hand.
I did this.
In that moment, he gave up all the glory and fanfare he’d strived for nearly half his life to accomplish. Within two seconds of cutting the rope, Hiccup found himself accepting his doom as the dragon pinned him to the ground.
I deserve this.
He feared dying, but he was prepared. The dragon’s mouth opened to, nonetheless, chomp off his head or blast him to bits. The mighty roar that followed engulfed Hiccup like a screaming wind tunnel and then…the Night Fury was gone.
There was no denying as Hiccup dawdled back to the village (with his ears still ringing) that he’d have to live with the consequences of his actions. No Night Fury meant no one would believe him, and that’d make him more of a laughingstock.
How could he burden Astrid the rest of her life being married to the most useless person in the known world? He had to do what was best for her. A gaping hole would be left if she accepted the offer, but Hiccup couldn’t live with himself if he kept their marriage selfishly for himself. He cared too much for her to keep her bound to him.
The morning sun had just begun to peek over the horizon when he’d set out on this epic fail of a dragon killing quest and was now crawling above his head. Late morning was approaching.
Hiccup paused at his front door. He leaned against the wood, shutting his eyes and sighing deeply within his lungs. What he was about to do would hurt more than anything he’d gone through so far in his young life. He pushed open the door with all his weight, his side lingering against the grain as he entered the house.
“Where have you been?”
Hiccup froze. After Astrid didn’t return during the night, Hiccup assumed she didn’t wish to come home and stayed overnight with her parents. Here she was, fierce and beautiful, before him. A hand was planted on her hip and her bright eyes flashed with ire.
“I…” He couldn’t bring himself to tell her the truth. That he had a Night Fury tied up like a bow on Snoggletog just for him. That he’d intentionally freed the dangerous beast to continue wreaking havoc on their village. What kind of future chief would do that? “I went to search for the Night Fury by myself.”
Astrid’s jaw clinched, but a tiny fraction of hope laced her words. “Did you find it?”
Hiccup averted his gaze, catching a glimpse of the white bandage wrapped on her injured hand. His chest ached. “No.”
A frustrated sigh blew from Astrid’s nostrils, but she remained quiet as she glared at him.
“How’re your parents?” he asked, weakly.
“They’re fine,” her tone was clipped, “Only a little roof damage.”
A tremble was rising from Hiccup’s stomach to the top of his head. He had to lay the offer down soon or he’d lose the courage to. He finally dragged his eyes up to look at her.
“Astrid, I know I don’t deserve it, but could you forgive me for what happened last night? I should have been worried about you, but all I could think about was finding that dragon.” Before he could stop himself, Hiccup reached for her injured hand and brought it to his lips to place a tender kiss atop the bandage. His heart began to thud painfully at his next words. “If you…if you want an annulment from our marriage, I won’t stop you.”
He awaited the hammer that would soon fall upon his head. The seconds of silence stretched out for days.
“Are you that thick?”
Hiccup raised his bowed head. “What?”
Astrid looked at him like he’d lost his mind. “I’m not leaving you and we’re not getting an annulment.”
“I don’t want you to be stuck with a useless husband all your life. I’d understand if you-OW!” Hiccup yelped as Astrid’s uninjured hand balled up into a fist to punch his shoulder – harder than she’d ever hit him. He really should have seen that coming.
The next moment Astrid’s palms were pressed onto his cheeks, hauling him into a kiss. It wasn’t the collision of a kiss they’d shared not long ago when he’d doubted her. This was slower, savoring the touch. Hiccup body melted in the palms of Astrid’s hands as he forgot all his troubles at the touch of their lips. His hands rose on their own accord to gently hold Astrid’s forearms.
She broke the connection, leaving Hiccup’s mind in a daze at the surprise show of affection. He blinked away the stars, focusing on the beautiful blues eyes that were still agonizingly close to his.
“I’m still mad at you.” Astrid’s breath mingled with his, causing a shiver to shimmy down Hiccup’s back. “But I made a vow to stand by your side for the rest of our lives, and I’m not backing out of that. I’m not backing out on us. From here on, try harder to not cause disaster.”
Hiccup swallowed noisily. “For you, milady, I’ll try.” He glanced down at her lips, wishing to press his to them once more. He leaned forward. She was so close he could feel her warmth…and he nearly toppled over as Astrid got to her feet. He looked up at her, a bit peeved at the tiny smirk she wore. He deserved the brush off.
The events of the evening and early morning had faded away into a hazy place in the back of his mind. He wouldn’t forget the epic fail that was his inability to kill a dragon, but Astrid was still here and committed to him. If all he had was her on his side, he would be happy with his life. With the life they were making together.
She was still mad, of course, but she had forgiven him. Astrid held out a hand to help him to his feet. “Come along, husband. Breakfast is waiting for us in the Great Hall.”
This wasn’t happening.
Hiccup stared at the mouth of the kill arena wondering why the gods were using him for a good laugh. Why would his father choose now of all times for him to enter dragon training?
The Chief had stopped by the evening before, and without any greeting, informed Hiccup he’d begin dragon training the following day. Hiccup barely got a word in during the drawn-out, one-sided conversation and by the time Stoick left, he’d given up even attempting to convince his father that killing dragons was not in his blood.
Astrid wasn’t too keen on the idea either. She knew how he handled a weapon and it hadn’t improved much since they’d began training in the forest. Sometimes it was downright terrible. But she’d stuck with him in weapons training. With the whole raid debacle, Hiccup killing a dragon was a sore subject.
“Remember,” Astrid prompted firmly with gentle undertones, “to grab a shield. If you have to choose between a weapon and a shield, take the shield.”
Hiccup nodded. His gaze lingered on Astrid’s injured hand, the reason she was sitting out on training for the next few days. “Got it.”
Astrid’s blue eyes pierced him with such intensity and concern. Her uninjured hand tangled in the ties of his tunic, drawing him closer as she planted a quick kiss to his cheek. The shape of her lips were increasingly becoming seared into his skin.
“Be careful, Hiccup.”
Her fingers loosed from his ties, leaving her palm resting on his slim chest. Hiccup was sure she could feel his racing heart. “You know me-“
“I do.” Fixing him with a sharp look, she spun him around and pushed him down the ramp toward the mouth of the arena.
Hiccup stumbled into the foregrounds, pausing to take in the massiveness of the structure. He’d had no reason to ever enter the arena before. Only a few times did he trail behind his equally massive father when the Chief had come to inspect the structure’s conditions. Most times, Hiccup would watch from above as a spectator. He’d witness enough guts being spilt and heads being chopped off to last him a lifetime. Once the gruesome images were something to look forward to, but now, the memories made his stomach turn.
How one moment - one decision - could change everything.
“Great, who let him in?” the first remark flew at him, thanks to Tuffnut.
Snotlout stabbed a hand in the air. “Hey, Hiccup has an unfair advantage since he already, y’know,” the brawnier boy couldn’t keep the sneer off his face, “killed a Night Fury.”
The twins joined Snotlout in a round of snickers.
Ignoring the teen’s comment, Gobber stung an arm around Hiccup’s shoulders. “Don’t worry. You’re small and weak. That’ll make you less of a target.”
Hiccup diverted his view to the dusty stone under his boots, wondering how he was going to make it through his first dragon fighting lesson. He’d watched many times from the spectator’s point and knew Gobber believed in “learning on the job”.
This was going to be a disaster.
Gobber pushed Hiccup behind him to join the rest of the teens in a clumsy line. “Today, we have our third lesson in ‘Survival’.” The broad blacksmith pushed down the lever of the pen and out shot like a battering ram, a brownish-green Gronkle. It slammed into the wall on the other side of the arena and eagerly gulped down several large rocks to replenish its firepower.
“I expect you sorry lots to be better at avoiding blasts this time!” Gobber shouted out from the side-lines.
Astrid’s advice leapt into his mind, and Hiccup dashed toward the closest shield lying on the floor. A worry whine escaped him as he fumbled to slide his hand into the handle. Gobber yanked him upright and pushed him back into the fray. Thankfully, the Gronkle was chasing a terrified Fishlegs around the encircled area. That is, until it flew over the twins and fired a blast between them as they fought over a shield.
The vague thought of how the new recruits could still be this lousy at dragon fighting crossed Hiccup’s mind. How did he miss such a bumbling spectacle all the times he’d watched the training when he could get away from the forge? Maybe he was so engrossed in watching his wife in all her vivid glory that he’d paid attention to nothing else.
A banging noise echoed across the arena, causing the Gronkle to shake its head, disoriented.
“It’s working!” Fishlegs shouted in triumph, throwing his arms in the air. As soon as the noise from his hammer against his shield stopped, the Gronkle fired a blast toward the sound of his voice. The shield flew out of Fishlegs’ hand and the burly boy ran off screaming.
“Looks like it’s you and me, cuz,” Hiccup remarked as Snotlout joined him watching Fishlegs high-tailed it.
Snotlout scoffed. “Nope, just you, loser!” He ducked behind Hiccup as the Gronkle buzzed toward its next targets.
Hiccup didn’t have time to move before the Gronkle’s blast knocked the shield from his grip. The shield rolled off as Hiccup tried desperately to chase it down. The shield switched directions suddenly and Hiccup couldn’t maneuver that quickly without the Gronkle catching him. He found himself between a rock and a hard place. The rock his back pressed against about to be splattered with his charred guts.
He was going to die. The Night Fury may have spared his life, but this furious, caged Gronkle would not. He shanked into the wall, clinching his teeth and preparing for the scorching heat of the blast. He hoped he’d find a little mercy if it would kill him instantly.
Hiccup jumped, covering his head as the blast fired just above him. Rocky debris and sparks rained down on him. He chanced a peek from behind his arms to find Gobber wrangling the beast.
“Not so fast,” the blacksmith’s hooked appendage yanked at the Gronkle’s mouth. “Go back to bed, ye overgrown sausage!” He swung the dragon back into its pen, slamming the lock shut.
Gobber hobbled back towards him. “Remember,” he leaned down closer to Hiccup, “a dragon will always - always - go for the kill.”
Hiccup stared up at him, speechless. His mind raced and his lungs burned from the exertion and unease of nearing dying – again. He didn’t even register Astrid’s voice until she was right in front of him.
“Hiccup!” her concerned face filled his view. She laid a hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?”
He nodded absently. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He finally made eye contact with her, surprised at the worry that clouded her blue eyes.
Astrid pulled him to his feet, and Hiccup allowing her to lead him out of the arena. He would have been delighted over her apparent concern if his mind would not have been on a certain black dragon and why it didn’t go for the kill.
@martabm90 @chiefhiccstrid  @justatranquilcloud  @saieras 
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