#i was referring to yellow diamond steven universe
thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
SAGAU / Isekai Genshin:
You can still use your characters! ... as in possessing them 👻
(all art by me down below, hope its decent lol - did it for u guys and myself i mean what )
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Edit 9/7/23: 1,500+ NOTES??? BRO WHAT!! THABK YOU <3
Edit 12/24/23 + 4/5/24:
My dumbass forgot to put this here .-.
Anywya this is a full length fanfic now ;)
PART 1 (you're here!) / Part 2
You got sucked into a video game. 
Crazy, but it happens ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
yknow how it issss
...you very quickly discover that unfortunately video game rules still apply...
which wouldn't normally be an issue! like, needing to use the bathroom in the middle of a fight? Nope! minor cuts and bruises like papercuts, only actual enemies or fall damage counting? hell yeah that'd be great (theoretically no chronic pains if you got that?? hmmmm unsure)
see the issue comes when you realize, you as a player, don't have a "character" that's all your own
there's aether/lumine yeah.. but bc the game's real now, they're their own people, and you didn't wake up to find yourself as a blonde twin...
the closest you can describe your form as is .. like a seelie?
or like the way ghosts look in game?
but a lot more "starry"
like your specterlike, but you look like you got filled up with stars and the milky way, maybe a reference of you being from another universe/world? (aether/lumine/dainsleif/khaenriah star symbol reference secret thEORY-)
but yah.
you also got just, white eyes.
like, not iris, not pupil. like your pupil and iris got erased
you gotta admit, at least you look really aesthetic now.
(u also got a little cape and hood on at all times, and you cant take it off to see your starrified hair >:/ ,very Blue Diamond-esque, look up Steven Universe, Blue Diamond if you dont know who im talking about)
so needless to say, as soon as you sort of glitched your way into existence you were HYPE
...then you realize your a spooky-no-character-to-pilot-around-thus-no-character-model-body-for-you thingy
and that you cant touch stuff!! >:(
like wth!!!
thats just downright unfair.
so, you figure if you got no body to be.... you gotta find a new "character" to pilot >:)
I choose you, yellow fungi!
you're in the fucking woods (Sumeru somewhere obv, u knew that the moment you opened ur eyes),
what'd you expect?? an archon??
..wait a minute. can you possess an archon-
these kinda thoughts plague your first few days of irl genshin impact playing
a rishabold tiger? yep.
a sumpter beast? kinda slow and heavy feeling but yeah.
...you also try a ruin machine LOL
by far, the fungi and ruin machines are the best to possess, mostly because you can remain upright with those
(tho u did find some type of flying monkey that wasnt in game, but its like,, a real world and jungle now so that makes sense there'd be more complexity + stuff)
you do eventually think you should try and possess a person at this point... but ur kinda nervous 👉👈
its ur first time doin this okay nobody explained the basics to you youve been winging for a week now!
will your mind be replaced with theirs? it hasn't been so far with the creatures/bots
and as far as you can tell, they kinda just-
forget what happened or "wake up" after you possess them
(the tiger you were for a day looked confused as hell when it realized that there was a new pile of fruit next to it when it "woke up", it was your way of saying thank you to the animals of the jungle, u left them little piles of food you collected running around as them)
you should be good to go and possess a random poor eremite
... you figure you want to possess something human-like eventually even if you get a puppet body like wanderer/raiden so...
here goes nothing...
so it's been 2 weeks since you've been forcefully yanked into teyvat, and by the second week, you were trying to possess eremites
which! worked out!
you kinda convinced the entirety of two eremite camps that a certain part one of sumeru's forests is hella haunted bc ppl keep "blacking out" and doing things they don't remember doing, yknow... like possesssion LMAO
they kinda ran off to escape you but, hey!
experiment #2: people possession, success!!
now you were kinda convinced of this when you realized no matter the angle the animals and machines of sumeru didnt react to you getting super close to them (you dont have to touch something to posses it, just look at it really, but you wanted to test limits, so you walked up to sumpter beasts and fungi and ruin machines)
but no one can see you.
you don't have a "character" most of the time, you can float and glide around the ground like scaramouche lol
you cant touch stuff bc of this, you cant smell stuff (u saw the eremites campfires & couldnt smell the smoke until you were them)
you cant eat stuff w/o a body, so.. it makes sense that the eremites and passing merchants, cant see you when you float around, trying to reorient yourself after 2 weeks of experimenting
:( ur only a lil sad about it... but mostly not bc lol u got possession powers so trade off u guess
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the first time you see a vision-bearer you literally scream
ur so lucky u cant be seen or heard
bc Collei would have def screamed back lol
needless to say u stalk the forest ranger- ALL DAY.
Collei goes on patrol around the woods? you go on a patrol.
collei goes to visit other forest rangers? you "visit" other forest rangers at base (lol u def possess a guy who was asleep on a bench nearby & wake up to go talk to Collei "in-person", poor guy was so worried he sleep walked/talked so hard he went to see Tighnari an hour later lmao)
welp, you decide this is your life now, follow Collei everywhere, talk one-sided to Collei until you can possess a forest ranger w/o it being suspicious (dont wanna turn the poor rangers into the terrified eremites from a week or two ago...)
then, after you get the courage and erase the paranoia that tighnari can just... somehow hear your ghostly bullshit-
u do the same to Tighnari (then Cyno when he visits! no u didnt squeal, so what, nobody can hear you- )
Tighnari begins to get suspicious about 3 weeks into this routine.
he's been starting to collect and start a file on all the rangers or nearby villagers that've started randomly "blacking out/sleep walking" in the evenings usually
(u possess as close to nighttime as u can so it seems like sleepwalking)
So when Cyno comes back from a mission gone wrong,
having nearly been decapitated by a rogue flying ruin machine, only to black out and come to standing calmly 10 feet further than he remembered being 1 minute ago...
Tighnari's suspicions are confirmed, and he launches into researching this phenomenon.
his first thought is something like the aranara, but that doesn't account for the effect this thing is having on people
after all, what little forest spirit is strong enough to-
-control humans??
Tighnari begins to get the sense he's in over his head after he finds himself pushed into going into Sumeru City in order to collect more library books or ask around if the blackouts have spread to the city people
he answer is negative, on both accounts.
and he spends about one half of the day walking around, and the other reading up all he can on mythical creatures or ailments
Tighnari gives up for the day, and as he makes his way back to Ghandarvaville, he almost gets ambushed by some particularly nasty muggers
...and then he wakes up 20 feet away, his denro vision thrumming with power, full of worry and fondness for himself??, (just like Cyno said he felt happen to him..)
...Tighnari decides he needs reinforcements.
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uh cya ig!!
Safe travels lmao,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist @revonie / @hat-on-a-cat / @takottai / @sickly-falling (?) / @iruiji
(Sorry about the late tag! I forgot to update my taglist before i posted this 💀 my bad guys)
Also if the people who got put there who i couldnt find a blog for see this, idk what went wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - maybe check and see if ur setting for "being able to be searched/looked up" is turned on?? Idk man
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elliot-needs-sleep · 8 months
Big preesh man
Soooo I wanna request a cute lil comfort thing with my favorite girly pops, the diamonds. But not pink diamond cause she kinda gets on my nerves.
El oh el
Anyway, poly!diamonds cause they make me happy with a reader who’s just… sad. Like, they’re just really stressed out with life and whatever. You can add stuff as you so please
Big preesh my man
Referring to the Diamonds as your favorite girly pops is my favorite thing lol
Also I also don't like Pink-
Not my best work but it has been forever since I've written anything for Steven Universe-
Stressful Situations
Fic Type: Short Form
Characters: Bean's fav girly pops, Blue, Yellow, and White (I'm sorry it's just really funny to me-)
It was not an easy day.
Everything seemed to go wrong.
You were stressed, tired, and a mix of angry and upset, but you still sat in a garden on Homeworld, waiting for any one of the Diamonds to have the time to see you.
Being surrounded by dozens of plants you didn't recognize was slightly helpful at least, and you couldn't help but stare at the colorful leaves and blossoms that surrounded you.
"(Y/N)? Yellow is ready to see you now." A sharp voice spoke from behind you, and you turned your head over your shoulder to smile at her Pearl.
"Thanks, I'll be there in just a minute."
You sat quietly as Yellow worked on her reports, enjoying the company after the day you had, and when you spoke, it was hardly loud enough for Yellow to hear you.
"I like the flowers in the garden. They look really pretty." She raised an eyebrow at you over the screen she had in front of her, but smiled at you after a moment.
"Every species is from I world I'm in control of. They bloom at different times, so the garden is always full of them. They are quiet pretty, I agree with that."
You smiled at her, enjoying her company and going back to sitting in a comfortable silence.
On a different day, you found yourself sitting in the garden again, this time waiting for Blue. It wasn't your space, but it was beginning to feel like it was. You felt just as out of place as the plants, on a planet where you didn't quite belong, but grew anyways.
Blue's Pearl had watched you quietly for a bit, before deciding that Blue could take a break and sit amongst the flowers with you. You looked too at peace to bother.
And that's how you found yourself sitting across from Blue in the garden, where she quietly explained the different worlds some of them had come from. It was nice to be able to sit and talk about something that wasn't politics or daily life.
She smiled softly at you as you stared at a specific plant in wonder, and then spoke again.
"I don't know why we don't spend more time out here, this garden is beautiful and you seem to be the only one to use it. Would you mind if we sat out here next time as well?"
You weren't sitting in the garden this time. This time, you sat quietly beside White's Pearl, waiting for her to be finished with her work and quietly chatting with the Pearl next to you.
"I've been spending a lot of time in the garden, the one inbetween everyone. I don't really know why, but everything just feels... peaceful down there. It's like time stops, almost."
If White had heard you, she made no outward indication of it. What you didn't know however, is that both Blue and Yellow had mentioned your interest in that specific garden.
And if she had something planned for her starlight, then you'd figure it out. Eventually.
What you weren't expecting the next time you had entered the garden was for it to have changed.
The plants were carefully pruned and the weeds had been taken out. The walkways that were previously crumbling and missing parts had been carefully fixed. The benchs that had been covered in vines were now good as new, and in the centre of the circle they had created was a carefully created waterfall, you could feel the mist on you if you sat too close.
And on the base of the waterfall was an inscription, one you would've missed if you had been looking carelessly.
"Plants grow and bloom in places that are least expected. Here you can continue to grow and bloom even when things are at their worst."
You smiled softly at the words that your beloveds had written, clearly meant for you. And so you laid down on a bench, surrounded in a place that was now meant for you, waiting once more for the people you loved.
But you didn't mind in the slightest, not when they did little things that no one else would've thought of. Not when they showed their affection for you whenever they had the chance.
With their support, it didn't matter how difficult life was. Nothing mattered when you could sit here, or with them, and let time pass without fighting it for once.
It didn't matter how hard things were when you knew you had people you could count on to help make things easier.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Steven Universe Anon here
Y'know what's funny? Rebecca had the absolute guts to put in genocidal dictators/"space Nazis" in her CHILDRENS SHOW
And Viv does nothing but put gay people and sex workers in Hell 💀 She has murderers/cannibals/rapists/hardcore drug addicts down there, but those are the obvious, safe options. (I'd also say it's risky to put drug addicts down there too)
But she has no actual balls to tackle anything heavier than that. I know the argument is "God/Heaven are obviously massive dicks and who they pick and choose is unfair. Gay people shouldn't go to Hell and that's the whole point" but like... it's just a bad look.
And I have issues with the way the Diamonds were handled, but they were never forgiven. They're actually complex characters who are grieving from their loss, but they're also horrible horrible characters. But, at least Rebecca actually gave them SOMETHING to work towards being good. Like Yellow Diamond repairing gems, and White Diamond going down to those she used to deem as lesser beings. I feel those things were rushed (because of CN I'm sure), but at least Rebecca tried.
She also never flipped out at any critism and handled things far more maturely.
I don't see Viv doing anything of that nature in her "super mature R rated show".
Full disclosure, I've never liked when people refer to the Diamonds as Nazis. That's not cool, that's a real thing that killed real people. But yes, the Diamonds are genocidal dictators and complete monsters. They're alien rocks that carve up everything around them and take it for themselves. It's the only thing they've ever known how to be.
What Rebecca did with them was incredibly ballsy, because she allowed them to be monsters, and to explore why they are the way they are, and ultimately to have them make the conscious choice to try a better way of living, all without making excuses for them. They're capable of loving immensely, and it's that love that brings out the best in them, and they do put the work into changing, but Steven's never really comfortable around them at all.
Steven Universe was so ridiculously good for what it was. I don't think Viv's capable of creating something with that many layers.
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pocket-gems · 6 days
Hello! I saw this blog the other day, and I wanted to see if you could redraw my OC? Anyway, this is Melanie, a character in my AU who is the daughter of Greg and Black Diamond/Carbonado. I used a base by Artistic-Raven on DeviantArt that was derived from a piece by dreambigstars, since I can't draw worth a damn. I hope that's okay!
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As for color references:
Hair and Eyes: Same as Steven's
Skin: A little darker than Greg
Gem: Black
Shirt: Basically Greg's old Mr. Universe shirt (black with a yellow star)
Pants: Navy blue
Shoes: Black converse
A little more about Melanie:
She is Steven's older half-sister by exactly two years.
Unlike Steven, Melanie aged normally, which is why she looks like a normal 16 year old.
She's about the same height as Lapis.
Her weapon is a chakram.
In Future, her hair is now in a pixie cut, her shirt is now a deep purple, and she has a denim jacket tied around her waist.
If you are unable to do it, I understand. Thanks in advance!
• By submitting a gem I assume you have read the rules and agreed for me to judge •
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The base was traced by someone else other than the original artist right? I'm not sure if the artist consented to that, and I assume no. Consider this one done out of pity I guess? Because the whole "I can't draw" some people do is just tiring.
Do you think every artist starts drawing and starts drawing perfectly, do you really think art works like that? I started drawing veery poorly and if I didn't continue, I would not be able to draw this piece for you. Consistency and learning is important in something so subjective like art and if you get stuck on "I draw bad" you'll never get around.
A good idea is still a good idea regardless of the style, and the execution of that idea matters. If you excuse yourself on that, you'll never start. We have more information/help than ever before, people who do bases for free and tutorials!
A negative mindset is a snake that never stops biting itself. I wanna draw > I draw > It looks bad > I don't wanna draw. Art is a way to express yourself, not to repress.
You need to focus on what makes you happy. You don't wanna share it because you think it looks bad? Then don't. Keep it to yourself until you think it looks better and you're proud to share it. Wanna learn how to draw? Look of tutorials, seek help and information and DRAW.
Or if you don't wanna draw, then just commission artists! There are so many choices!
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toxiccrybabyart · 1 year
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More diamonds!
Behold, the small diamonds in another screenshot redraw
Lore and original reference below!
Please read it I liked writing this.
Pink Diamond (Steven Universe)
The excited one.
Everyone knows pink Diamond, the diamond who fell in love with her colony and tried to free it, and her pearl, who followed her out of love. Together they faked her shattering, and ran to protect Earth and the humans who lived on it.
Everyone knows the classic girlie, my beloved pink diamond. Pink is very princess themed, rose being a graceful elegant princess, and Pink, her jester like counterpart.
Blue Diamond (Sage Universe)
The more emotional one.
She discovered Earth and fell in love with its beautiful oceans and silly humans. She sobbed for the other diamonds to free earth, but they simply thought it was another tantrum, and dismissed her time and time again. So she faked her shattering with the help of her Pearl, a soft spoken gem who would do anything to make her diamond happy.
This cutie was so fun to do. Her theming is based off the medieval era, with a slightly more peasant dnd look to her design. I’ve struggled with this design for years, but she finally looks the way I want her to. I let her keep Blue pearl, I just can’t bear to separate the diamonds from their pearls. Blue Pearl is still very soft spoken and sweet, but she can still get angry in the way only blue gems do best, balancing the cute and the scary 💙 She still adores art, and will pursue that later in the “series”
Yellow Diamond (Stephan Universe)
The cautious one.
At first, Yellow didn’t see the appeal of her colony. But after observing the humans, and the strength they showed, she fell in love with the toughness of Earth. She demanded to free her colony, but her fellow diamonds didn’t listen, used to her spoiled behavior. So, with the help of her mischievous pearl, she faked her shattering, fighting for Earth with every fiber of her being. Her pearl was happy for the adventure, and the attention that came with it.
Yellows theming has always felt very war general to me, so I felt the need to keep that warrior, soldier type theming with how she looks. This particular look is, spoiled royal interested in fighting, if that makes sense. Yellow pearl is still in love with herself, but I gave her a bit more mischief. She’s a fan of drama and being sneaky. Of course she still adores modeling, how could I take that from her, come on.
White diamond (Scorpio Universe)
The curious one.
White was fascinated with Earth from day one. She’d never seen a planet so lush, with such thriving species of so many creatures. The way everything fell perfectly into place, and yet was so chaotic and strange, made White want to protect it. She tried to advocate for Earth, but her diamonds ignored her, building her a zoo to satiate her drive to have some of these creatures. But it wasn’t the same, it was too orderly, the organic chaos was gone. So, she faked her own shattering with the help of her pearl, fleeing to earth to study and protect its inhabitants.
Oh man, this one felt so easy and yet I feel like I have to explain myself here. All my White designs are themed after the 1950s, idk why, it just, feels right. So of course, baby White here is themed after the 1950s idea of what the future would be like, think, the Jetsons, or those pin up drawings of the space girls. Her pearl is entirely original, so I’m still working on her. I think she’s very sweet and interested in the scientific aspect just like White, though.
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blazenfire223 · 1 year
[ID in undercut]
Some non-ineffable doodles
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[Slide 1/10: A sketchbook page of Blue Pearl from Steven Universe. There is a colored, full body Pearl to the left of the page and in colored pencil, a smaller pearl on her knees looking up to the upper right side of the page, and a headshot of her to the bottom right. She is smiling, and there are hearts that float around her.
[Slide 2/10: A sketchbook page of Yellow Pearl from Steven Universe. There is a full body, colored version to the left side of the page. Her head is in profile while her body is in 3/4ths view. Her right arm is outstretched while her left is at her chest. Her right leg is lifted and pointed. In colored pencil is headshot to the top right, another headshot below the colored version's outstretched arm, and a smaller full body Pearl in a diamond salute pose.
[Slide 3/10: A sketchbook page of Pearl from Steven Universe. There is a full body, colored version on the left side of the page. She has her right arm extended and her left behind her back holding her spear. Her legs are crossed. To the top right is a headshot of Pearl smiling and blushing and to the bottom right is her in her Steven Universe Future outfit playing the guitar done in colored pencil.
[Slide 4/10: A sketchbook page of Pink Pearl from Steven Universe. There is a full body, colored version on the left side of the page. She is half pink on the left side and half black and white on the right. She has her hands up and out in her White Diamond pose, but her legs crossed. There is a smaller version to the top right, doing the full White Diamond pose, a headshot, and a small happy Pink Pearl done in colored pencil.
[Slide 5/10: A sketchbook page of a big fluffy squirrel done in gel pastels. Below it are sunflowers, a storm cloud, a mushroom, and a watermelon.
[Slide 6/10: A traditional colored pencil with graphite self portrait. Storm is in their dad's car after just getting their glasses fitted. One finger is on their face while their tounge sticks out cutely.
[Slide 7/10: A sketchbook doodle page of cubism self portraits plus a Aziraphale head in the same style.
[Slide 8/10: A colored pencil sketch of young Michael Sheen giving a thumbs up. It was a reference found on Pinterest.
[Slide 9/10: A sketchbook doodle page of Parrapa the rapper. Little doodles of him, his face, music notes, and microphones. In the top right corner he tells you to believe. Another doodle he has his hands in his pockets, another he is holding up a peace sign with a grin, a little spooked expression ovwr to the right, and the bottom left he takes up a small corner of the page he's looking up at the other doodles.
[Slide 10/10: A traditional colored pencil doodle of a pink furby saying "kay-may-may-u" which translates to "I love you". /End ID]
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revolver-d · 1 year
Quite unrelated to the bp comic; how would the Old World rebels (i presume thats their name bc bp refers to Jade as "the warrior of the Old World") how would they react to Steven estabilishing peace across the universe?
Well, it can be a complicated a bit but, in general, they wouldn’t really agree with Steven’s brand of peace across the universe.
Yes, they agree with that Homeworld’s terror across the galaxy needed to be stopped. But, as far as I understand, Steven made Yellow Diamond to disband the military entirely. Old World rebels would not agree with that.
Gold, the leader of the Old World legion, would especially butt heads with Steven on the topic if they ever come across that.
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artsygirl0315 · 1 year
i would like to hear more about your ocs
(I didn't know which ocs you specifically speak of so I'm gonna do all my KND ocs and just make them fun facts or just some background about them)
Melancholy Burnham:
-She oficially became a KND operative after the incident that caused her little sister's life and after that she cut all contacts with her mother. I was going to make her apart of Sector Z but I scrapped that idea considering the timeline, But instead she was put into Sector V and have only ever heard of Sector Z by stories or books she's read about them.
-She was raised by her dad and his side of the family "The Burnhams", The family consists of a Grandfather, Grandmother, Two uncles (brothers) and two aunts, Mella's father is the oldest son, the middle son has 5 children, and the youngest son has 2 children. Total of 7 cousins for Mella.
-All family members have a specific silhouette suit that reference the emotion or negative feelings triggered by a specific traumatic or life changing event
Ex: "Melanconly" was the name given to her because of her melancholic state after her sister's loss.
-Mella is supposedly the youngest Burnham, for her being around 10-11 years old.
The Wonderful Kids From Across The Street:
-The WKFATS are a similar group to the DCFDTL as well sharing only a father figure but their lives are more happier and free.
-All kids have a different personalities and traits yet they are inspired to be like the Delightful children from down the lane, The difference is that they have the ability to talk individually but it takes them along time to separate from each other.
-They are the adopted children of Dad, A man who owns a multimillion company but the only reason he kept working was because he cared about his children and their future.
-Their nicknames for each other are either what their shortened names or 'dear brother/sister, brother/sister dear'.
-The children are inspired to be the different taste buds of a human actually,
Caleb: Sour
Celine: Bitter
Phoebe: Sweet
Lucas: Salty
William: Savory
Diamantes Siblings:
-Very inspired to by the Diamonds of Steven Universe. Blue, Yellow, Red and White.
-No one really knows where they came from or how they got to the neighborhood but people still welcomed them like they were new neighbors.
-They were mostly seen as the 'sophisticated' family and were often looked at as rude and prissy rich people at first but they were actually the nicest neighbors! They were an energetic family that revolves around love and protection and won't hesitate to help a person in need.
-The oldest child; Colton (Colt) was inspired to be like a General. He was strong, courageous and most of all skilled at the battle field, when it comes to his sisters he always protects them and does only physical harm to his enemies.
- The middle child; Beatrix (Bebe) was inspired to be like an Entertainer. She was cheerful, energetic and very social, She won't hesitate to destroy someone's spiritual values and make fun of their existence making her enemies think too deep about their value with enough time so her brother dunks them.
-The youngest child; Amelie (Amy) was inspired to be an Empath. She was emotional, kind, gentle and more leaned to logic and intelligence. She uses her enemies' emotions against them, either to make them feel bad for her or degrade them to an emotional breakdown so her siblings can handle the heavy work.
-Of course they only fight when necessary, They aren't really much harm to people unless provoked to or at least one of them gets hurt.
-Their mother had passed away due to an accident and was gone for the majority of the children's life yet still lives on by their father telling stories about her.
-Their father was a busy man but will always make time for his children, he trusts them enough to let them out of the house on their own or let them stay out passed curfew but only with his knowledge.
-Their father was a man who learns people's mentality for his gain but only when strictly necessary, he also protects his kids with his life.
-All siblings were abnormally attractive by kid's standards and would often be mistaken as models by many, Their dad was a big shocker to many people as well.
(And I think that's it, I hope this is what you were referring to! Thank you for the ask and I hope this is much of a satisfactory answer. Don't hesitate to keep up with the questions!💙)
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flightyquinn · 5 months
brought this up in a recent reblog, but it got me thinking about it, so i wanted to go into detail on why i think that so many felt like the Diamonds in Steven Universe should have been treated as irredeemable villains.
it's not because they're genocidal, or fascist, in my opinion. stories have been redeeming characters like that for a long time. i think it's because they each represent another kind of evil, one that's a lot more personal and upsetting to people.
Yellow Diamond represents emotional neglect. everything is work for her. it's about doing the job and being efficient. she never has time for anyone, and certainly not time for their feelings. she has a schedule to keep, deadlines to meet, work to be done. and that makes her uncaring about the people around her, or worse, makes her lash out at those whose wants and feelings intrude on her work.
Blue Diamond represents emotional manipulation. she seems like she cares, like she's totally empathetic to everything. except that every little thing results in a big display of how hurt she is. she cries and bemoans everything, and makes everyone around her share in her sorrow. if something is wrong, it must be her fault, and just look how absolutely terrible you've made her feel. she's trying so hard, and it's just not good enough. isn't that just awful?
And then there's White Diamond...
White Diamond represents emotional abuse. she's more powerful than anyone. she's controlling. she's a perfectionist, and she only wants what's best for you. you should be grateful for everything she's done for you, even though you're not good enough. even though you never live up to her expectations. it's not her fault that things are bad, it's yours...but she forgives you. you'll learn one day, and she's being ever so patient with you. if you'd just stop being such a terrible disappointment, then things could be better
the diamonds are evil in the way Dolores Umbridge is evil (if you'll forgive the Harry Potter reference). they're the kind that we've seen. the kind you encounter in the real world. the kind people watching have been personally hurt by. so i think that when people don't want them forgiven, it's because they personally know someone like that who they would never forgive.
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randoeggmanfan · 1 year
Ok so I'm just gonna make a short little summary about my Steven Universe AU while I try to figure designs and drawings out
(Sorry if this is really long- (also the text below is pink so it's not as harsh on the eyes <3))
Alright, so the Au itself is called "Hues of Pink" and basically its normal Steven Universe except there was a deeper past to homeworld and the diamonds.
Basically, there was the diamond authority but there was a different white and pink (yellow and blue are the same just their mural designs) and pink had earth as a colony but as time went on she actually never used it for its purpose (to make gems) instead she used it as a garden for gems to go and destress or just take a breath of fresh air. One gem, however, didn't like that, so that gem made a plan to shatter her and succeeded.
This absolutely devastated the other diamonds and they even held a public shattering of the gem responsible. After that white tried to make another pink diamond (the one we know now) but she ended up being defective, so white destabilized her and put her in a fortified bubble. White then shattered herself leaving behind orders to form a new diamond out of her shards and the new white was created, blue and yellow were also destabilized since they didn't want to go through with shattering themselves.
And then the Era with the og white and pink were referred to as "Era 0" and pretty much all gems from that Era were shattered, some escaped though and became "off colors" and so the new diamond authority was formed and every gem thought that the new white diamond made everything on homeworld and the other diamonds so they didn't question why there was already stuff on the planet.
Flash foward, basically everything from canon Steven Universe happens but the shards the new pink uses to fake her shattering were actually the old pinks shards just eroded away from harsh weather and millions of years of just being there. Pink uses her healing to revert the shards back to how they were but doesn't know that and thinks she just made shards from dirt.
That's all for now, I'm really sorry about how long this is-
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ether-gearhead · 10 months
How I interpret the core series multiverse
Something I've been thinking over since, around the BDSP/PLA release cycle, is how many timelines exist in the Pokemon multiverse? Well, I think I've come up with about six different timelines, including the timeline Masters takes place in. If you'll all indulge me for a moment or two, I'll lay out the multiverse as I see it:
Classic Timeline:
Nothing more complicated here than putting the third versions together, because, let's face it, these WERE the canon versions back in the day! I want to make particular note of Platinum, as I believe Cyrus's actions at the Spear Pillar not only created two entirely different universes, but completely rewrote their histories, given that Dialga's power over time includes future AND past.
Diamond timeline:
Black 2
So named because this universe is most heavily influenced by Dialga, the Diamond timeline consists of whatever versions the male protags are named after in Adventures. However, Scarlet will be a constant across this and the Pearl timeline, for reasons we'll get into later.
Pearl timeline:
White 2
Being the Palkia-influenced universe, you'll find several connections to Palkia's Water-typing, mainly in Kyogre, Lugia, and Lunala. Aside from that, these are mostly the opposite versions to the Diamond timeline. Once again, Scarlet is constant between the two, which of course I'll explain.
Omega timeline:
Let's Go Pikachu
Omega Ruby
Let's Go Johto
Brilliant Diamond
Black remake
Black 2 remake
X remake
Ultra Sun
These games are largely alternate universes to the Diamond timeline, some of which haven't even been announced yet, so I guess I have to explain that.
As Mega Evolution was originally stated to be recently discovered in Kalos, that flies in the face of Let's Go Pikachu and Omega Ruby, which prominently feature Mega Evolution prior to the Kalos games, so I grouped them into a timeline together. Speaking of Let's Go, we can safely assume a version of the Johto story occurs three years after that.
Brilliant Diamond is grouped here mostly for its inclusion of the Fairy-type, but I'm willing to bet that when Unova gets remade, Cynthia will reference Dialga in Black, but Palkia in White. And Kalos remakes will most likely retconning the Fairy-type as a long-known commodity.
Ultra Sun is explicitly an alternate Sun, and is the whole reason this and the Alpha timeline are a thing in the first place.
The reason I put Scarlet in both the Diamond and Pearl timelines is because of the possibility that AI Sada travelling to the ancient past causing a butterfly effect that would cause Violet's events to play out instead of Scarlet's.
Alpha timeline:
Let's Go Eevee
Alpha Sapphire
Let's Go Johto
Shining Pearl
White remake
White 2 remake
Y remake
Ultra Moon
I won't bore you all by repeating the same logic behind the Omega timeline, just swap out the opposite versions other than Scarlet.
Masters timeline:
SoulSilver/Crystal hybrid
Omega Ruby/Emerald hybrid
Black 2
Ulltra Sun/Ultra Moon
Masters is somewhat less rigid with its timeline than the ones I've pieced together, but at least there's no need to fret over a Kanto title. Still, I'm going with FireRed just because Red picked Charmander.
I put SoulSilver AND Crystal, not because I believe they're both canon, but because Kris exists, and so I'm assigning her the Suicune sidequest. As for SoulSilver over HeartGold, Ethan seems to have caught Lugia, but not Ho-oh, so I think that settles that.
Similarly, I'm inclined to count Omega Ruby as the canon game because Steven's mindscape features the Groudon mural, and also Brendan as Norman's son has Latios, which would only be the case in Omega Ruby. However, I believe the Masters Hoenn story follows Emerald more closely, as if you look at the team admins' mindscapes, then Tabitha's is the mouth of Mt. Chimney, and Matt's is the remodeled submarine, both roles that Emerald assigned the two teams.
Platinum is explicitly canon to Masters, as Cheryl namedrops the Distortion World, with Cyrus even having both dragons before Dialga abandons him for Lucas.
Hilbert, portrayed as the canon BW1 protagonist, has his base unit's sync move as "The True Razor Shell," and N comes into the game with Zekrom as his base pair, so Black is almost certainly the canon version. Also, Nate recognizes Black Kyurem when Ghetsis tries to make Kyurem absorb Zekrom, so Black 2 almost certainly happened.
There are effectively zero indications of X or Y being the canon version. Lysandre doesn't even count since he wasn't believed to have survived Geosenge Town! That being said, most of Calem and Serena's Pokemon use the Dex entries from X, so until one version or another is confirmed, I'm rolling with X solely on that.
The Ultra games were confirmed since launch, but until Nebby makes an appearance, we won't know for sure whether it's Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon.
Gloria has Zacian, Hop has Zamazenta. Sword is canon, case closed.
Scarlet seems to be canon, based on Nemona wearing the Naranja Academy uniform, but I'd like to see the protags and Arven get added first before making a judgement call. Hoopa shenanigans, and all that.
So out of the natural infinity of multiverse theory, there are at least six timelines in the Pokemon core series multiverse. I mean, technically, there are ten bad timelines where the villains actually win, but those don't make for good worldbuilding (or, multiverse building. Building a multiverse, doesn't get nerdier than that...).
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rainbowquartz2-0 · 11 months
hi so earlier (a couple days ago) i made a edit to the song there right there from legally blonde the musical. If you haven’t seen it, it was everyone in steven universe calling steven gay and at the end hunter from the owl house comes out and has that he is gay (omnisexual) and that hunter is his boyfriend and in the caption i would explain the au and how they met so here we go.
Steven after Steven universe future when he is about 16 3/4 he leaves for the road. for the next 3 months on the road before his 17th birthday he travels around to different states seeing a bunch of bands and concerts making new friends and while that was happening the thing Steven was scared of happening was happening but it was surprising fine and it didn’t really stress steven out as much as he thought it would. Connie and Steven were growing apart from each other. Nothing bad happened between them it just started getting really awkward after the proposal and just rude distant overtime. Steven realize that the reason why him and Connie was so close was because they were the only person they had for each other for friends and now Steven has a stable friend group. He’s much closer to Lars and even looks up to him more as a brother figure.   Lars is aware of his mental health issues and has become a really good support system for Steven.  He still doesn’t have a good relationship with his mother, or the way that he looks at her but his therapist does want to work on that and will in the future and kind of brought some light in of some of the issues she might’ve been going through.
For Steven’s 17th birthday he decides to instead of going back to beach city. He’s going to visit the diamonds he hasn’t seen them since his corruption, but has stayed in contacted. Lars and the off color met Steven at the castle to also celebrate his birthday. Lars brought some really cool comics and a lot of cool action figures and the off-color, all made him handmade cards. Spinel Yellow and blue made him beautiful watercolor paintings for him but White had the biggest present of all. it was a secret that no other diamond knew. The portal of bridges. Very few people or entities in any alternate universe or any other universe has this power. To name a few Bill cipher, White diamond, Steven, The collector, Anne from amphibia but only when she passes away, and turns into like the carer of the galaxy to name a few.
What is the portal of bridges? so whenever a alternate universe, or separate universe with earth in it, or some kind of earth, has a reference to a other separate universe with a Earth, or some kind of earth, a bridge the more the reference and the more the connection, the stronger and more powerful the bridge gets, but that doesn’t mean anyone can access that only people who are able to control the bridges and be able to I guess break time and space to go to the separate universes with the separate earths. For some example amphibia and the owl house has not the strongest bridge, but a bridge is still there, and some of the most strongest collectors can use them but not the main one we seen a series. Steven universe and star wars/star trek (in Stevens room their were posters) that one is also pretty weak because it’s not very substantial in Steven universe but I wan, which is way more powerful is the gravity falls, and the owl house. Let me explain why the owl house was cut really short, and it is believed that if it didn’t get cut short that we would have a bill cipher arc of bill, cipher helping Belos create the portal. because he is known as the strongest entity in multiple universes, or multiple different earths that bridge is the strongest because he is able to control that because he has the most power.
White diamond shows him this, knowing after his corrupted form that he is definitely powerful enough to control these bridges.  this is not an easy task and actually he decided for a couple months to stay with the diamonds for white diamond to teach him how to control this power, and how to learn and it takes months for him to even be able to create a stable enough bridge for him to pass into a different universe.
Steven was about 17 3/4 when he was finally able to create a stable enough bridge to pass on to a different earth/universe. Which one was easy enough the owl house. he comes along the timeline, which is before the time skip in the last episode, but after they defeat Belos. Steven helps a bunch of rebuilding the city and even helping create a more stable government. he bonds really closely with Hunter, mostly because they share the memories of being only known as a clone, or in the shadow of someone from the past.. (for steven it was rose and for hunter it was caleb) Hunter was 18 and Steven was 17 3/4 when they met. When Steven was about 18 1/2 they started dating and during that time he didn’t stay in that room, but they definitely kept in contact us such Hunter cannot travel through those bridges because he does not have that power even though he has the power of flapjack, he doesn’t have enough powers he’s not that strong. White diamond frequently is in contact with Bill cipher so she has technology which can span across multiple different earths/universes. He’s also very close to other characters such as Eda, camila (he never had a really stable mother figure in his life because pearl was always in the mourning and when he found out about the fusion with Garnet, it got a little chaotic) vee, luz and gus. he does decide in the future for a couple years to actually move there to be closer to his newfound friends and boyfriend. and that’s really it repost if want more!!
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starblue2406 · 1 year
A month ago I was surprised that my mug suffered damage, it didn't break but it was obvious that something bad happened to it.It turns out that my mom slipped while washing the dishes, miraculously it survived but was damaged. My mom wants to make it up to me by having a mug made with the image I want or any mug of my choice.
Since then I have carefully thought about how I want a mug, from a Nicola Tesla mug to a huge pushen cat mug I saw in suburbia.I decided on an image of my own, I thought about various themes until I chose one in particular and today I finished with the drawing.
Surely in a year or even less this will make me very embarrassed, but it was either this or instead a drawing of Nicolas x Alejandra or an image I really like of Enstein x Newton (both in their version of the super sciencie Friends).
At least I can disguise this one by saying that my humanization of Arceus is female (since long hair always confuses XD), something I couldn't do with the Enstein x Newton; besides it would be weird if I had the drawing of two royal kings that were sent to kill them for being so bad in their position, at least these two are not real like Nicolás and Alejandra were.
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I tried to move away a little from the intention of shipearloa and do something more artistic, I was motivated to be listening to incredible analysis of series and movies that underneath its history keep great things that leave you in what to think...
In my case I wanted to make a lot of symbolism, references and base on other things to draw this. I'll talk one by one about those things because I feel like it jsjsj
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Obviously I based it on Michelangelo's painting, "the creation of Adam", but in my case it is a different meaning. It can be seen in two ways, the literal and superficial (the boat) or with the context of the characters which is that their union breaks two of the shiny and tight chains to give a nice green color when they unite.
The white of the shiny chains is the color that represents perfection in its pure state, the gold represents beauty and royalty; the shades of gray of the dolls that gradually fade convey that there is no definitive color and finally, the small soft green sparkle is the fusion of yellow, blue and white. Not only are these colors representative of the protagonists, but also for their psychological meaning, they convey harmony, inner calm and emotional balance.
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I will talk more in detail in a specific chapter, but I can say that for Damos' clothing (which was the one with which he was named priest of the Archestian religion) I based myself on the clothes that Nicholas II wore when he was crowned tsar. I will spare the details of the meaning of the colors and those details, but I will say that in general I decided to base myself on that specific moment because of what that moment meant in the life of both characters.
I've realized that they both share a lot; they both live in a fantasy, in a bubble of romanticizing their positions by the stories of their ancestors and both were chosen of god (so to speak) thanks to the lineage that ran through their veins. The only difference is that Nicholas already knew what awaited him and that he was not ready to be a tsar, unlike Damos who believed that being a representative of the gods was just a matter of being a good person and serving his gods with devotion. Poor asshole xD
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Surely you are thinking "Oh no, are you serious? White diamond? The utilitarian dictator who reformed her with a sermon and beautiful words in a minute or less?".
Yes. I was never a fan of Steven Universe and I'm not, but during its finale in the fifth season they began to recommend videos criticizing that series for its finale. I knew more or less what was going on and I decided to investigate his lore and as such his story. I didn't see many chapters, only the ones I considered important... But the concept of perfection and order of the mother planet and which had the great matriarch of the empire obsessed... Oh god.
Surely in my fic the way in which the so-called "perfection" is treated reminded you of the norms of the Christian god, it is a good comparison but it is not the only one. We can also compare it to the ideology of the diamond matriarch, in which everyone had to follow a hierarchical order based on the nature and purpose of each individual to make a system work harmoniously.
In the case of our favorite god, they were chains that he himself imposed and demands that others do so so that his creation is in order and saved from any failure that could harm either his children or the beings that inhabit his creation, himself or all his creation in general. That is why in one of his hands he has those chains between his fingers, because in any case he himself remains comfortable and attached to their use.
I will save myself more details about it because the subject will be deepened later, in fact in chapter 12 I am laying the foundations so that I can talk more about this later; Philosophically it is one of the themes that I like the most in this fic and something that I think I will take full advantage of the potential that I did not know how to take advantage of in the comic.
That is why I wanted to play with the use of gray and white on the wrists of the chains, later I will do something more focused on the perfection and divinity of Arceus, here I did not focus much on that anymore "wey, I just want a cup of one of my favorite ships, nmms" jshsjwjwu.
I'm sure in a year or two I'll be ashamed of this drawing and my future mug, but right now I love this drawing.The present is a gift and I want to enjoy it while it lasts.
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diminuel · 1 year
You know if it were for me I would’ve written Michael and Lucifer from SPN a little bit better. Like Yellow and Blue diamond in Steven Universe. Like maybe Lucifer not in the cage but is simply just a very high commanding individual who’s anger is not to be tested but demons already know that as they’ve seen a lot. And Michael being female (as in my opinion they could’ve made a good terrifying female villain in the early seasons) who is known to cry a lot and has pathokinesis. And as I said before if Sam was Michael’s vessel maybe he could tell when she’s nearby just by having tears leak out of his eyes. Or maybe Dean is Lucifer’s vessel and can tell him being nearby maybe has the urge just to hurt anybody think like mark of Cain but more silent and more deadly
I do actually think that the way early seasons SPN did Michael and Lucifer was amazing. I found Lucifer charming and creepy and just compelling overall! His way of manipulating, of raging against his father, but following the "narrative" anyway (i.e. he tried to talk Michael out of it, but it was half a sentence and then he went "welp, let's fight then").
And Michael was built up as a villain in its absence and through how we saw Zachariah act on Michael's behalf. And then when we actually got to meet him possessing young John? Ah, amazingly creepy bastard, I love him.
(I, once again, do not understand the reference and will therefore not try to offer any commentary on it *lol*)
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monmuses · 2 years
For the Muse Numbers meme:
hmmmmm 39, 46, and 87 o3o
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Little personal mun meme, but this is a chance for me to talk about my OCs! Send me a number between 1 - 140 and I will talk about said OC that falls under that number!
Feel free to specify if it’s about their lifestyle, their lore, their design, inspiration, etc.
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// *Fadiyah is my Roc OC. her whole concept comes from the actual DnD Monster called ‘Rocs’, which are MASSIVE birds from middle eastern mythology. i love her so much and her whole design i wanna end up drawing one day. her story is that she was apart of this major war in her story, fighting for the rights of monsters hundreds of years ago. she was a leading lieutenant, but was shot down with the loss of her wings. she lived and retired, but had gotten prosthetics in replacement for her wings which allow that flight!
// *shes a mom and i love her so much ;;
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// *Gemini is a newer OC that i have yet to make the page for, but she is what is called a Chimera! it’s not referring to the actual monster, but the term for when two zygotes end up merging together in an embryo. she looks the way she does BECAUSE of that sudden change. her story involves some inspiration from Amnesia: The Dark Descent, trying to find where her family had gone after she grew up in royalty.
// *though she lives with the lingering thoughts of another soul within her, presumably another child. i hope to draw her one day bc her design is gonna be SUPER cool!
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// *Nazaret is my Gem OC, made directly in the Steven Universe world. she is an Opal gem but is specifically a Mexican Fire Opal, being one of the major leaders for Yellow Diamond. shes one of a kind, and honestly?? shes firey and i love her. i have yet to write her with somebody bc i wanna develop her a bit more with her whole story. its not YET done but i do wanna design her more
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cugzarui · 5 months
i'm trying a method of controlling myself and improving myself that i based off the diamonds from steven universe. basically i noticed that to an extent, humans have the powers of each of the four diamonds - at least when it comes to themselves. so i've been trying to use those powers to basically change who i am based on what's most effective and useful.
for reference: what i call the diamonds powers is a type of control they have.
yellow diamond: a gems body
blue diamond: a gems emotions
white diamond: a gems identity
pink diamond: a gems abilities
the idea being that using all four powers at the same time turns the target to a different person entirely.
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