#i was scared because he seemed really traumatized from his stay at the hospital but he was more himself today
lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Brokenhearted (Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon Modern AU) (18+)
Read Chapter 13 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 14
Summary: Samantha finally takes what she wanted but it might just be not enough for her.
Warning: 18+, Smut, Angst, violent thoughts, stalking, Discussion of mensuration and Pregnancy, bloodshed, Abusive relationship, mention of rape, toxic masculinity, gender norms, sexual abuse, Samantha, traumatic distressing content, Daemon is a big time smoker so if it’s something triggering don’t read it, alcohol drinking, mention of past trauma and therapy, cigarette smoking, possessive behaviour, violence, baby needs therapy, baby is trying
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There was a palpable tension in the room between you, Daemon and Viserys, you knew you should have told him what Samantha wanted from him but you felt scared of losing him and your worst nightmare was about to come true. The only thing you could do was sit and watch as your world crashed and burned right in front of your eyes.
Samantha found him during his run that morning and had revealed to him what she had against him that could ruin his Life, his career and what she wanted from him in return.
Eight years ago during her last birthday party with Daemon, Samantha had laced his drink and under the influence he had not only indulged in several prohibited drugs under the federation but also participated in an orgy where he could barely keep his eyes open. She had planned all of that, once he was intoxicated she got his blood taken, and then she got his pictures and videos taken for further leverage, she wanted him to lose control so she'd have something against him whenever he'd plan to leave her but before she could use all that against him things ended rather drastically between them. You still had no idea what Viserys had told her that night in the hospital to make her leave him.
But she kept everything because she knew she'd never let him go completely.
Daemon remembered that birthday party really well, she was pregnant at the time so he wanted to be extra careful with her but he didn't remember everything from the night, he just remembered waking up the next morning with his cock in her mouth, he remembered feeling safe for once as she made love to him without wanting to hurt him, he really thought that the child would turn her, change the way she chose to love him.
He remembered it as one of the better days of their dysfunctional relationship not knowing what had happened the night before but now he did and he was ashamed of himself.
He was ashamed of how he'd be perceived if such things would make their way to the public.
"Daemon we can get the best of lawyers..we can-" Viserys spoke but he was interrupted immediately.
"Nooo" Daemon raised his voice at his brother and your eyes welled up. Why didn't he want justice? Why was he so adamant on not wanting to take any action against her? You didn't understand.
"Daemon –" you spoke but he cut you short as well.
"I'll come to you as well y/n" he said to you sternly. He never called you by your name so it was already an indication that this conversation won't end well, he seemed furious and you felt worried about what he was going to do. Your gut feeling told you that it was going to end terribly for you two.
"Go call her.. I'm sure your bitch of a wife stays in touch with her..tell her I want to meet her in the evening.. I need to talk to y/n now" Daemon told Viserys so the latter sighed and stepped out of the room to give you two privacy. This wasn't going to end well for you, he knew that and as much as he wanted to save your relationship with Daemon, he knew his brother far too well.
As soon as Viserys was gone Daemon looked at you, he was leaning against one of the bedposts just staring at you,
"Daemon –" you walked closer to him so he looked away. What he was going to do with you would make you hate him forever, and he would deserve that. He never deserved a woman like you in the first place, the selfless love you had for him, he was unworthy of it, he was too weak of a man to treat you better than this "I'm sorry I didn't tell you..I wanted to..I just"
"You have to go"
As you heard those words you could feel your heart stop for a moment . What did he even mean?
"Wha..tt?" Your voice cracked as you questioned him, you placed your hands on his forearms and stepped closer to him, he can't just ask you to leave this way, you were there for him.
"I'm going to give her what she wants, she wants me right? Then she can have me.. and for that to happen youuu need to leave y/n" he said nonchalantly, he pretended as if saying such cruel words to you wasn't affecting him at all but the reality was much different. He had never felt such intense debilitating pain as he did in that very second and he sure as hell knew a thing or two about pain.
"Don't say that, i know you're upset–" you tried to get through to him but he cut you off mid sentence. He can't have you arguing with him because he knew he'd get convinced easily.
"I'm not upset, not with you, I'm just done..I'm done trying to ignore the inevitable, she'd never let me go ..can't you see?" his eyes teared up, they seemed vacant and hopeless so you cupped his cheeks and kissed him softly, he didn't stop you either, he'd never get to hold you like this again or feel your tender kisses against his skin ever again so he wanted to relish your touch, live an eternity in those very few moments because a life of hurt and regret was waiting for him.
"There are other ways baby..don't do this please..i love you ..i love you so much..stay with me, let me be here for you please.. please" you cried as you clutched onto him, you can't lose him, especially not to her, you can't even imagine him getting hurt again.
"Please don't make this harder, darling" he said to you so let go of his shirt, he was just going to give up on this relationship and there was nothing you could have done to save it.
"So you just leave me to go back to her..that's your plan?" You looked him in the eye but he wasn't able to hold your gaze, he was truly ashamed of himself. "Why are you doing this dae?" You didn't understand his reasoning, why didn't he want to get rid of her? Have her punished for what she had done to him? What was compelling him to not drag her abusive ass to the court?
"Because I don't want the world to know me as the man who was too delicate to defend himself. That is not the legacy I want to leave behind"
You stepped away to look at him as he said that. He was worried about his past getting out because he was afraid of judgment from other people, he was afraid they would think of him as weak and unmanly, as someone who took it for years and said nothing.
"You can't think like that Daemon, nobody is going to judge you for being hurt by someone you loved so deeply" he snickered as you said that to him.
"Really? Look at me ..how does a man like me get abused by a woman? Tell me?" He gestured towards his physique and you opened your mouth to say something, to tell him that he was wrong about his own judgement but then did you know any better? You were in no position to judge him for his thoughts, he had suffered hell on earth and you weren't going to question the way he chose to cope with it.
You wished you had an answer for him but you didn't, you had a feeling nothing you could say would change his mind now.
"Daemon…don't leave me baby..i love you..i can't watch you go back to her and get hurt again" you whimpered and cried, the sight of you being so broken only fueled the hatred he felt for himself.
"I won't let her hurt me this time..I'll take care of myself" he said to you calmly and whatever hope you had dissipated along with his words. You stepped away further from him, shock was evident on your features that he was letting you go so easily.
"So that's it..you're going to let me go like i meant nothing to you?" He finally looked you in the eye as you said that.
"You mean everything to me ..you have no idea what I'm feeling at the moment ..you think this is easy for me?"
He asked you but you didn't have a response. It wasn't easy for him but it was definitely more difficult for you to be on the receiving end of this. Silence fell between you two after that, you asked to leave so he got your ticket booked immediately.
No questions asked, no resistance shown.
You couldn't even believe that this was happening, last night you slept in his arms, cuddling him like never before, he seemed so happy and so were you then why did your world turn upside down today. Why were you losing him now?
You were almost out of his hotel room when you turned around to look at him one more time, you couldn't help it, the thought of him returning to that monster only made you feel helpless but you couldn't help him if he wasn't willing to be helped.
He had his back against you, he couldn't even look into your eyes after this, he needed you right now more than ever but he had no right to ask you to stay. He had to let go of the safety of your arms and that was the hardest thing he'd ever have to do, he knew he had broken your heart and your trust and he also knew that you'd never forgive him for this but then he felt your arms around his waist as you sobbed against him and that's what made him give up the facade and have a breakdown.
You turned him around, cupped his cheeks and got on your tiptoes to place your forehead against his, one last moment of comfort, in that moment he knew you'd forever be his angel no matter what he does.
"Someday and I hope you'll see that day sooner than later Daemon.. someday you're going to realize that you're not a victim, that you're a survivor and the world will see you as such if you decide to tell them all about it.. whenever that day comes or whatever the reason will be for it.. I hope you'll build the courage to fight against her instead of allowing her to win again.. i love you..more than anything, i always will" you mumbled softly and kissed him one last time before you turned around to leave.
That would be the last Daemon would see you for a while. As soon as you had left his room he was reduced to his knees and in tears, he wanted to run back to you and tell you that he was ready to fight the world for you but he wasn't, he was too vulnerable.
He was a coward and he deserved a woman like Samantha, not you.
In the evening he met Samantha and she hugged him so tightly as she cried and then cried some more, there were tears in his own eyes but they weren't for her or because of her. Those tears only concerned you.
"I have changed Daemon i promise, I have grown in our time apart ..i only did all of this just to get you back, that's how much I love you my sweet boy"
She cooed in his ears as she clung to him. She got what she wanted and you lost everything you had when he was yours. He didn't say a word, he felt completely numb and he figured that's just how it will be for him moving forward.
Four days later, the day of the championship, Daemon stepped into the octagon with a defeated attitude. He didn't fight back, choosing instead to take the beating and stand there as his opponent pummeled him. He didn't deserve a win after what he had done to you, he wanted to feel the pain. He would have won the championship if he had you by his side, but now he no longer felt worthy. He felt weak and pathetic, just like how he had felt for the past seven years
Your eyes were glued to your tv screen, tears never stopped rolling as you watched the love of your life losing on purpose. Why would he do that? You didn't understand, did Samantha ask him to lose? Was he getting manipulated again? You hoped not.
Hours turned into days and days turned into months, he lived just a few steps away from the diner but you couldn't go see him. You couldn't go hug him or kiss him, he wasn't yours anymore to do so. A part of you wanted to hate him with passion for abandoning you like this but you couldn't hate him after everything he had been through, all he needed in his life was love that was safe and secured but he no longer had it. Samantha didn't love him, she just wanted to possess him like an object, a trophy to show off.
One evening, as Daemon returned to his condo after work, he was greeted by a box on his door. He opened it up and found all the gifts he had given you. All of the valuables, you didn't want to keep them anymore. He could feel the pain in his heart as he rummaged through the box. He always knew that his precious girl only loved him and didn't care about the materialistic values of the items but it still hurt that you didn't want to keep his gifts. When he didn't find the case of knives he had given you, he took a deep breath and let out a sigh. At least you kept what mattered to you.
As Daemon walked inside the apartment with that box, Samantha's eyes followed him. She didn't work, she spent her days just lounging on the couch all day long and spending his money like there was no tomorrow, that's all she did. It had been two months since they got together, but he wasn't ready for intimacy with her. He felt like he was cheating on you, like he was tainting the pure relationship he had with you.
A few weeks later as daemon got ready for bed Samantha turned up in the skimpiest nightie to turn him on but he only felt disgust and contempt for her.
"Come on love me tonight..i have had enough of your nonsense" she cupped his cheeks and kissed him against his will, the warm blooded man in him wanted to give in but he couldn't, there was no love in his heart for her, he hated her and he couldn't get himself to forget what she had done to him. After being doused in your love from head to toe he could clearly see that she had never loved him at all.
"I'm not in the mood" he grabbed her shoulders to pull her away but she wrapped her hands around his throat and began to choke him,
"Stop with your drama you idiot, you're mine now and you're going to be the man I want you to be. And as a man I want you to please me. What's wrong with you? Does your cock not work anymore?" She taunted him so he pushed her away with a force, sudden action made her lose her balance and she fell on the bed.
"Daemonnnn..come back'" she yelled his name but he grabbed his pillow and went to the other room to sleep.
As he laid down on the bed he heard the sounds of a vase crashing into the mirror in his room but he put his earbuds in and turned the music on to zone out.
Three months had passed since that god awful day and his fingers itched to touch you, to have you touch him in ways that brought him pleasure. His eyes longed for a gaze of yours, there was a ringing in his ears that only your voice could have shut down.
He opened his gallery and went through the pictures he had taken of you and with you on his phone, he had to save them all in a private folder so Samantha wouldn't see them, he wanted to keep you safe from her prying eyes.
A moan escaped his throat as he came across the pictures he had taken of you in his bedroom, with all the jewelries he has gifted you, you adorned nothing else but those jewelries and the sultry little smile on your face, your beautiful bare skin glowing in the dim yellow light of his bedroom was all he needed to get through this night.
He scrolled through the countless pictures in countless poses he had made you do, some lewd enough to work him up that his hand began to move of its own accord but some so innocent that it made him want to hold you right that moment. He worked furiously over his own length as he went through the pictures and then he stumbled upon the video he had taken of you some other night.
It wasn't just you though, it was you underneath, both of you were drunk and figured it would be scandalous to make a sex tape but the next morning neither of you could build the courage to watch it, the sight of your moans and groans and sweet whisper of his name as he fucked you senselessly was the push he needed to crumble into an orgasm.
He always thought he was being mechanical with you during sex, that he didn't give you enough tenderness but the evidence in front of him made him see otherwise, his eyes teared up as he looked at the way you held onto him and the way he'd pull you closer to him to latch his mouth with yours between thrusts, your eyes never leaving one another.
He was high on the much needed euphoria but as the feeling died down the guilt began to sink in, he had no right to keep these souvenirs, you were not his any longer but he couldn't bring himself to delete them either, your memories were all he had now.
Next morning on his way to the center he stopped right by your diner and looked in from the glass window, he had no intention of getting in but it felt comforting to just stand there knowing too well that he could just walk right in and see you. He was about to turn around and leave when the kitchen door opened and you stepped out, you were going into the employees room but you spotted him on the other side of the window, your heart skipped a beat as you noticed what he was wearing, a black hoodie with a black trouser, a sight too memorable.
His hair was braided from the sides, the rest of the mane was down below his shoulders, it had definitely grown longer. He looked as pretty as you had remembered, it's been just three months but it had felt like years to you.
You stepped out of the entrance, looking at him standing across the window. He gave you his typical look, narrowed eyes and non-existent brows scrunched all the way down. You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your chest at the thought of him staring back at you so intensely as if you still belonged to him
"Were you planning to come in?" You broke the ice first so he took a few steps towards you,
"Not really..no" you nodded as he said that.
"Come on in..I'll fix you a sandwich" you went inside as you said that, squeezing your eyes at your own eagerness to invite him in. As the bells on the door rang you couldn't help but smile that he had taken you up on the offer.
He sat down on one of the booths wondering what the hell he was doing. He knew he was being selfish, you didn't deserve this, you didn't deserve him disturbing your peace this way.
A few minutes later you placed the plate down in front of him and sat down on the other side, your arms situated on the table itself as you tried to decipher the look on his face. His skin was free of bruises, which was a relief, but it still didn't erase the pain of not knowing what he may have endured in the past three months. You hoped she hadn't hurt him the way she used to.
"How are you?" He asked you so you smiled,
"Kay..I guess ..work has been good?" He asked you so you nodded. Neither of you could deny that this was as awkward as it could get, none of you knew what to say to each other, the way your relationship ended wasn't exactly mutual, you didn't want this and you knew he loved you so it's not that he wanted it either but how the world perceived him was more important to him than you and you didn't blame him for that.
That is how he was conditioned to believe, the scars she had left behind were permanent, as a man he didn't want the world to think of him as someone so frail that he couldn't defend himself against a woman that was physically weaker than him, it wasn't true, of course not, but he had to realize that himself. You just wanted him to stop thinking of himself like that.
He was nibbling on his sandwich like a bird and it made you smile, gods you have missed him and all his quirks, he smelled good but you could also smell the cigarette on him so that worried you, why was he smoking first thing in the morning?
You had to go back to work so you got up and as you were about to walk past him he grabbed your arm so you turned around to look at him, his puppy eyes melted your resolve instantly, you knew you had to be the one to remember that he was the one to let you go but perhaps a momentary lapse in judgment won't kill you right? Or so you had thought.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his head down on your torso to hug you the way he used to whenever he seeked comfort from you, your fingers ran through his scalp and as soon as he felt your soothing touch his hold only got tighter around you.
After a while as he pulled away so you immediately turned around and left, you didn't want him to see you cry again. What was the point really? However that wasn't the last you had seen of him that day, he turned up at your door with the box of gifts that you had returned to him a few days ago.
"Why did you give this back to me?" He asked you as he entered your apartment and your eyes welled up.
"Why not? Last time i checked i wasn't' your girl anymore" his jaw clenched as you said that. Well atleast you were showing him the anger he deserved instead of being a fucking angel about it, he needed your anger, he needed you to tell him that he had ruined your life, he wanted you to hate him in the hope that it would lessen the guilt and regret he felt every waking second of his life..
"It was a gift, you shouldn't return the gifts like that..you silly stupid girl" you scoffed as he said that. Oh how you wanted to be his stupid silly girl at that moment.
"Get out .. okay? Don't do this to me now..I want to move on but I can't if I keep seeing you like this ..stop looking at me like that you hear me?" the pain in your voice was transparent, countless nights you had cried yourself to sleep just thinking about him and how different your life could have been with him.
"What if I don't want you to move on?" He questioned shamelessly, he couldn't bear the thought of another man being lucky enough to earn your love and then be blessed enough to keep it at the same time.
"You can't expect that from me, you made your choice, you chose her" you raised your voice and he snickered in response.
"No i didn't choose her, i chose hell.. that's what I did..I chose misery, I let go my darling angel and picked a witch that is going to torment me all my life, don't act as if you're the only one that has been hurt here"
Tears rolled down his cheeks, his voice broke with all the pent up emotions that he was hiding underneath that cold hard exterior.
"You have no right to be upset with me dae..you have no idea how hard it was for me to let you go that day, to watch you go back to that woman that had ruined you.. how would you have felt if the situation was reversed? Would you have sat idly and watched me go back to my abuser?" Your voice trembled as you spoke so he walked towards you and cupped your cheeks, placing his forehead down on yours he closed his eyes, just having you this close to him again felt surreal. If the situation was reversed he never would have allowed you to do this.
"Why did you ever love me so deeply you sweet sweet angel of mine..I don't deserve it"
You wanted to hold him and tell him why, you could have described a million reasons why you loved him but then you knew at the end he'd hurt you again.
"I told you I was afraid of losing you and then you abandoned me the next day. You can't be here Daemon you have to go..you need to leave.. please just go"
He let go of you as you said that and turned around to leave. He knew neither of you would be able to control yourselves if he had stayed any longer and he didn't want to use you like that, he had caused you enough pain already.
When he came back to his condo that night Samantha was just glaring at him with a look of suspicion on her face.
"Where were you?" She asked him as she walked towards him,
"Work stuff" he walked past her to go to his room. He wasn't in the mood to deal with her today.
What he didn't know was that Samantha had followed him that morning and she had watched him meet you in the diner and then the apartment, she couldn't have that now could she? She had to make sure he was all hers now but she also knew that it won't happen as long as you were still here in this world. He'd always run to you as long as you were in his reach.
A few days later after work you were crossing the street when a car came speeding towards you with no time for you to react. The impact caused you to fly through the air before crashing onto the pavement.
As you laid there, stunned and disoriented, the last thing you remembered was the feeling of being pulled onto a stretcher before the darkness consumed you
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just-walk-around · 1 year
I know the "No one knows au" but I need to know if there exist a "Danny not knows au".
During the accident Danny faints tranformed but is just for a moment he reverted to human form fast, Sam and Tucker are in shock, Jazz was in her room studying but Danny dying scream was loud enough to be heard in the upper room, she goes thinking that they are messing around just to see her little brother with burns and unconscious in the floor with his friends crying asking him to wake up, she calls for an ambulance, in the hospital the doctors said that his injuries are better that they seem to be so he is discharged quickly. Jazz can't believe it and demands for him to stay in observation but Danny is awake and he really hates hospitals he just wants to go back to home (safety a part of him whispers softly) . Jazz seeing him overwhelmed accept it, when her parents come home she scold them really bad and she tell them:
"Danny could have died I know is your work but please keep away from home"
"If Danny had respected our instructions he wouldn't have gotten hurt"
"what if one of your inventions fail? What if there is a explosion that you can't predict? What if there is a short circuit that start a fire while we are sleeping? What if is to late?"
"we have protocols!"
"what if is that not enough? You are scientifics you know that there is always a possibility for errors , you will betting in your lifes, in your children's life"
In the end they accept it, they rent a warehouse and move the laboratory out of their home. Danny go every night to watch the stars and nobody have the heart to keep him away not when they seem him look at his scars that cover his arm and part of his face with a lost and helpless look, not when they remember hearing him scream in his sleep the first days of his discharge trashing his bed crying for the pain to stop.
Danny have to go back to school, Sam and Tucker feel guilty as fuck and the shock of seeing and hearing their friend dying traumatized them beyond belief make them forget of Danny sudden palette change, all of them try to act normal to forget about the accident and it works. Until the first ghost appears a violent one, Danny feels cold and is shocked when his parents theory comes true Ghost exist, and if that is true what else is? They said that ghost are cruel and vicious and this one is not helping to challenge that idea so he grabs his friends and run away. His parents come and drive away the ghost. In the night he say he wants to have a sleep over in Tucker house, his parents are inmersed in their investigation so they are not in home and jazz think that it will help him.
They actually go to the park, Danny can't deal with the pity looks anymore, but a ghost appears and in their escape Danny ends knocked out and suddenly there is light and a phantom of memory appears, Sam and Tucker are frozen because all they can see is the cold body of their friend in the floor. Phantom wake up disoriented he don't knows what is happening, where he was going? Where is he? Who is him? The ghost attack him and he barely avoids it and he feel fear ("danger " a part of him whispers" run) but he see two scared teens, he tried to talk but he don't know how to do it, they dont move they look beyond him, the ghost is ready to attack again he needs to escape but he can't let them alone,("protect" a voice scream full of despair" protect, PROTECT) and he is tackling the ghost he bites and punchs and kicks and someway he wins the ghosts runs away. He get close to the teens that are finally looking at him and he faints and Danny is there again. The Fentons found them, they were searching for the disturbance that they detected, they take them back to their respective houses, Danny wake up screaming for his friends, jazz is there telling him that they are okay, that he is okay, he has a horrible headache so his parents let him stay in home.
The next day, Sam and Tucker are trying to process what happened. And they get to the conclusion that Danny is actually dead, and his ghost is possessing his body, Tucker think that they should tell the family to give him a proper burial and let him rest. Sam thinks that they should stay silent and let him *live*like this, she already took his life one time she can't do it again. There is a part of them scared of what the Fenton parents will do, will they even believe it? They don't say but since the accident they are acting colder to them, and if them believe it will they help Danny or Will experiment with his body thinking that a ghost enter in their son? They don't know the answer so they keep silent and make the promise to keep Danny safe and let him live the life he wants so desperately to live.
They want to talk with him but are scared of his reaction. What if is the last thing they need to do to screw him up completely? Maybe is a one occasion thing. When they see him fly in the night they know that is not a occasion thing, since the attack in the park Danny had been transforming in his sleep replacing his screaming , they try to talk with him but he can't speak in English he speaks in ghost language. Still he stays close to them ("friends" a voice inside of him said "together, safe") they tried to get him to react but he has no memory, before the sun is out he goes back to his house,"lair" he whisper("home" said a voice back). In the school is the same he acts like is an ordinary day not recalling anything that happened while he was transformed, and they can't tell him.
As Danny he avoids ghosts seing the destruction they cause but as Phantom if he is close to one he would fight ("PROTECT" In his chest the words resonated constantly). Phantom learns and get better at fighting ghosts, some traces of his personality shine through, he get stronger but as Danny he is tired and with constant headaches, his family thinks is a side effect of the accident. So he gets consideration with his school work, and dash let him alone because hitting the sick boy is a serious offense. Jazz can found out and after going through the stage of grief, try to help him to complete everything he needs to cross to the other side( and if takes months or years that is good for her) . He lives a double life without knowing it.
Vlad could be like him without memories of his human life or not. He could still be a bastard try to use Danny amnesia and "sickness" to trap him as his son or maybe he get over the grudge against jack and his crush on Maddie in his human form just to be bitter, angry and jealous in his ghost form, being the villain that is tormenting his friends and not knowing it.
There will be a point where either :
-Danny becomes too sick and his parents take him to the hospital (let's say the doctors don't detect anything anormal because the ectoplasm hasn't stabilized yet.)
-Danny ends in the Ghost zone without way out.
-The Fenton parents find Danny in the middle of his transformation (How the react is a gamble, this phandom love the angst so probably really bad)
-Another shitty thing happens to this poor boy
So Danny have not fucking idea of what is happening between his friends and sister or what the Ghost always go for him speaking and that weird language of them.
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cetirizhane · 5 months
Just got the news that the most senior in our residency decided to quit. For circumstances beyond his control, he is now in his 5th year in the department then one day he woke up and that's the only thing set in his mind.
That scared me, to stay for that long and just abandon it like you haven't given your effort, sweat, and tears on that training/job for the past, hello? Five years! But I admire his courage for doing that, perhaps he felt like whatever he is doing does not serve him anymore and does not contribute to his growth as a person, or his career and he just cut it out of his life before it will exhaust him.
Which then brought me to my quitting ideations, ever since 3rd month of residency I wanted to quit already, because of an issue that was blown up into something big and everyone somehow got involved that I had to write a letter of explanation, and breaking down in front of everybody in the residents room, and in front of that junior consultant who made me a bait for her gambiting. I broke down for weeks. Core memory event right there. For some dumb reason I stayed. I loved working with my other senior friends, I loved the interaction I have with patients, I loved the place, and I took pride to belong. (Actually, I was scared to go back in my hometown and be a disappointment to everybody who supported me in my journey all the while I haven't gotten any salary YET from that hospital) Everyday thereafter was a journey to prove myself that I wasn't the person they judged me to be based on my psychological exams. That fucked me up. To be judged based on the things I wrote there.
Even when things got okay somehow, it seems like I am becoming the boy who cried wolf to my boyfriend's eyes because everyday was like "mag quit na ko, ayaw ko na" and still be there the next day doing my shit like I just did not have a panic attack the night before that. Even considered speaking up about it to my seniors but I have this thing with proving myself and having tough persona in the department.
It was tough being the only legit first year doing admin work because my batchmate allegedly is bad with computer stuff and half the year she was gone for a training and basically, I was the only one doing the first year stuff (nothing new, felt like that even when she was there anyway). Wanted to get out of there so bad, I talked to a friend doing PGIship in a davao hospital to ask about psych residency there, but found out I have to do first year all over again if I wanna transfer, which sucks because I don't want to do that shit for another year (but I'm still seriously considering even when I'm halfway thru 2nd year and just done with my training in military) but it will also be sad to leave the work friends I made along the way who made residency life so much easier. Letting go seems like something out of my niche jud HAHA or maybe staying in a traumatic environment is something is my learned helplessness kicking in (my childhood saying "you're welcome" in the background)
I did not have my salary until November of that year which really broke me because I can't even do the things that make me happy or eat the foods that will rejuvenate my spirit. Which got me dependent on my boyfriend A LOT. He was like basically taking care of a kid, me, the whiny-angry-irritable-needs-comforting-a-lot kid. Maybe that's why he got tired of me and then the self-pity kicked in and I was just lost and autopilot was on. my patients going back to being psychotic like I am close to being one or was one. (Disoriented? Hearing voices? Wanted to jump off the seventh floor while interviewing an ongoing referral? Yup, that me.)
I'm staring at everything that happened for the past year and so and it kind of made me glad I survived that shit. I remember jokingly voicing out everyday I wanted to quit whenever I am in the residency room and one time I got super late for two consecutive days (when I found out my boyf was cheating on me) with swollen eyes and all. The second day, my seniors clapped when I entered the residents room and gave me man a small hug congratulating me for not giving in to my quitting ideations. Which was comforting even when they did not know the personal stuff I was going through. That gave me the energy to face my patients for that day. Rhose little inside jokes with them "see u tomorrow... I guess?" "Congrats, di tayo nag quit today" "see you in hell" "those kind of humor we get to do made somehow my life a little lighter. To know we are all in the same fucked up hell of a training and still staying for the sake of taking care of other people and proving people that we are capable of the things they thought we can't do.
My residency is bittersweet. I stayed there for a stupid reason-I want to have a proper and not LDR kind of a relationship with someone I was just starting to know. Now, I'm staying there because I want to help people I am just starting to know and want to know about.
What do I know? I'm barely just scratching the surface. I barely just started 2nd year. I hope I don't lose the tiny spark I have. The fact that I'm still afraid of losing that means I still want to continue doing this despite how exhausting this thing is.
0 notes
shxdowsofombra · 2 years
Asking for Advice
Charlie had been looking on the island for his mom and heard about everything that happened. When he finally tracked her down, he called out to her. “Mom!” He ran over and hugged her. “How is Hallie doing?”
Misty sat in the waiting room and saw Charlie. She stood up and hugged him. “The cuts were pretty deep. But they think she will be fine. She’s resting. David is in there, probably sleeping.”
“Why would she do that? I thought things were fine between her and David?” He asks in confusion. 
“Um…she…she has been sleeping with Emmett. Apparently he loves her…David thinks…I don’t know.” 
“That sounds…um how are Hope and Zach handling it?” 
“Well Zach apparently pushed Emmett against a wall. I have never seen Hope so mad at him. I mean you know, he did whatever with Hope, but Hope…she left. She will be back, hopefully. But Zach is in the hospital room. He had a mini heart thing. Henry is with him.”
“He what? And then he had a heart attack? Zach doesn’t seem like the kind of person that has those types of things…” 
“Well his son told him he loves his only daughter. He just lost another daughter. Hallie is the only daughter he has and he is just scared he is going to lose her. And he almost did because of these two boys.”
“Yeah that seems like a lot…and you said that Hope is still being tracked down? Does she know that he had a heart attack?” 
“No, I said she left. She knows, she was the one that got the doctors. She stayed with Henry for a while but…I told you I have never seen her that mad before.”
“Well there was a lot going on clearly so it’s understandable to be mad. Even if you are mad if something happens to your spouse you aren’t really supposed to run away from that. Dad never ran away when you got hurt even when you two were mad at each other.” 
“Your dad also never put his hands on any one of you. And no, I am pretty sure with everything going on, the smartest thing for her to do was to leave. Honestly they should all probably stay away from each other for a while.”
“Yeah but even Tommy and Ellie weren’t like that. Everyone knew right off the bat about them basically. I never thought that Emmett and Hallie would…you know. I am sure that made him act out since he isn’t the best at expressing his emotions. We both know that.” 
“I never did either, but the first reaction shouldn’t have been anger. Not when Hallie is already in the hospital, Emmett probably already felt like shit, and now David…hearing your kids are…it’s not easy. Of course there are a million things you want to say. That you want to do. You know there are things that they will never be able to do now, but…there are other ways to behave Charlie. Zach knows how much Emmett looks up to him. He probably broke Emmett more than either of them are ready to deal with.”
“Didn’t dad do that to Hope at one point? The whole I am disappointed in you and my daughter wouldn’t do that blah blah thing? She still is his favorite and considers herself his favorite so..maybe it won’t turn out that bad. I mean was Zach the one who found Hallie? Was it like the time when…I mean I am sure that is traumatizing and not being able to control your feelings in that type of situation…that’s a lot for anyone. Basically everything has happened within a few days of each other…it’s a lot even for me to procses.” 
Misty just smiled, “Your father and Hope have a different connection. That’s not his favorite, but after multiple miscarriages…yeah Hope being the first makes things a little different. But you know your father loves all of you very much. And I don’t think that’s why Hope is mad at Zach. It’s okay to be disappointed and angry and feel whatever you are feeling, it’s what you do with that that matters.” 
“Hallie will be fine. I know she will, and Zach will be fine. And then they can talk. Hallie isn’t a stupid girl. If she is in love then she’s in love. It’s not something we can change because we don’t like who it is with. If we could have done that Ellie and Tommy wouldn’t be together.”
“This is also an assassin that was taught to deal with his anger with violence. I am surprised that he didn’t do more than whatever he did. It seems pretty tame compared to what he is capable of.” He shrugged. “Weren’t you not supportive of them at first though? Didn’t dad have to convince you?” 
“Of course I wasn’t supportive. Ellie wants to have children. Both of them wanted to get married and I know Tommy isn’t going to ask her and I know Ellie will have to adopt if she even thinks about it. They both hate being so far away, but they have to because people will judge them. There are so many things wrong with it. But…I love them and they love each other. And if they are happy then I am happy. And I can’t sit here and say if your father was my brother that we wouldn’t have done the same thing because I know Nibs. So I am not going to judge them.”
“As far as Zach…I am sure he will need time. But he is well aware that handling things the way my father taught him how to isn’t the right way. It’s been long enough for him to start making better choices. But Zach is an idiot sometimes, so I am not surprised.”
“I mean past royalty used to do that to keep the line pure so it’s not that much different from what people used to do. I am sure other kingdoms do that normally. So technically if they wanted to have kids they can. It just might be a bit harder for them. I read that in one of my books.” He tells her. 
Misty smiled, “You are right baby. And Tommy says Ellie makes him incredibly happy and vice versa. That’s all a mother could truly want. I mean seeing them more would make me happier, but I understand as well.”
“Well as long as they are happy and since they are in a different kingdom technically anything goes there. They could get married and have kids without people judging them. It’s all about the perspective you take when thinking about the situation.” 
“Very true.” She nods before sighing. “But yes, all of this is a lot. It’s just…a lot.” She says as she lays back against the wall.
“And here I thought I was having problems.” He joked to try to lighten up the mood. “I mean this family has been through worse I think…it’s just going to take some time. A lot of time.” 
Misty looked at him in confusion, “What do you mean you were having problems? I thought you moved to the camp? Are they not treating you right there?”
“No, I mean. It was pointed out to me I am too ‘sheltered’ and I have been coming up with excuses for how I am. So…I have decided to get some books and try to educate myself on e’s and the history of them as well as camps. I feel so stupid for not knowing these things. So I am trying to teach myself since um…Tate and I had a fight a few days ago. I haven’t really heard from him..” 
“What?” She asked before listening to him and nodding. “Charlie, it’s not your fault for not knowing. Yes, you were sheltered because we are privileged to do so. All of your siblings are sheltered. They were the ones that went out and got the experiences they wanted. You didn’t want to do that, but now you do. You aren’t going to know everything. Give yourself some grace.”
“Well that’s not what it feels like. He told me I could have asked questions about it and everything whenever I wanted but I didn’t even know of some of the things existing on that part of the island but apparently that is just me coming up with excuses.” He sighed. “So I am going to teach myself.”
“I mean yeah, you could have. But Hope could have told us about the guards. TJ could have told us how angry he was. Tommy and Ellie could have told us the truth earlier. Hero could have told us how much he hated the castle. There are so many could haves. You aren’t a terrible person because you didn’t.”
“That’s not what everyone else seems to think though…it’s fine I guess. I am learning now and that is all that matters I think.” He tells her. 
“I know you like this boy, but don’t let him feel bad for you being you. Because who you are is pretty special.”
“I mean I guess. Still I could have done more.” He tells her. “I should get back to camp though. I need to get back to reading. I am not really sure what I can do to help with everything else going on and I am sure that they don’t want to add another person to the chaos.” 
Misty nodded as she stood up to hug him. “I love you very much Charlie. Please don’t forget that.” She said before kissing his forehead. “Ellie is watching Luna and your brother and I think DJ, if you want to help her and Tommy that would be great.”
“I love you too mom. Yeah I can go and help them.” He tells her before hugging her back. “I will see what they need help with.”
0 notes
emelkae · 2 years
Happy venting in the tags! Basically my dog wasn't doing well but he's improving fast, and I have nowhere else to talk about it.
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Messy Gifts
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AN: Hi, lovelies. This is my entry for the Happy Hoelidays challenge by @navybrat817 @stargazingfangirl18 ad @drabblewithfrannybarnes. At the bottom you will find my recipe card. Dialogue prompts are in bold.
This is my first time writing for Andy, and in fact my first non-Marvel fic since I recommenced fan fiction earlier this year.
Beta'd by the wonderful @christywantspizza who appears to be beta-ing nearly everything coming out of the Thot Neighbourhood Discord Server
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Find my Masterlist here
Not suitable for minors, as usual.
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Andy Barber x Reader
Wordcount: 2.6k
CW: Cheating (technically), Angst, Needy Andy, Smut (inc unprotected sex, although Reader is probably on birth control, but not explicitly stated), unrequited love, hopeful ending.
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Messy Gifts
“Hey sweetheart. What’s going on here?”
A deep, syrupy voice broke through your concentration, making you jump. You span around, clutching the piece of card to your chest, like it could shield you, but you relaxed when you saw who it was. Your boyfriend, Andy.
“Jeez, Andy, you scared me!”
He moved towards you, looping his arms around your waist and drawing you in close, unheeding of the gold glitter on your cheek that rubbed off onto his tie.
“I’m sorry, but you did leave the door unlocked.”
He looked at you with a slight frown, his thumb coming up to swipe away a smear of red paint off your nose.
“You really should be more careful, baby girl. Anyone could walk in.”
“I’m sorry. I swear I’ll be more careful.” You reached up, on your toes, and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, feeling the tickle of his full beard against your chin and cheeks. “And as to what I’ve been doing, just some festive crafting.”
You moved to the side, so he could see the fruits of your labour. Card, glitter, and pom-poms littered the table. As a kindergarten teacher, you always had to try out your various projects for the kids at home before carrying them out with your class. And, to kill two birds with one stone, you had more decorations for your house.
Andy took a step forward, lifting up a star headband made from gold card and covered in glitter. He had a small smile on his face, but it didn’t meet his eyes. You pressed up behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
He was thinking about Jacob. You remembered when the boy had been in your class, all those years ago. He had played the Angel Gabriel in the school Nativity that year, wearing a similar headband to the one in Andy’s hand. And now he was lying in the hospital, still comatose from the accident with Laurie.
And Laurie herself. She had physically recovered, but all of the stress has caused some kind of mental break within her. Andy had tried, he really had, but in the end the best thing for her, and for him, was to place her in an institution. The prognosis wasn’t good. It was unlikely that she’d ever fully return from whatever mental space she now occupied, which led you to your current quandary.
In the wake of all those traumatic events, you’d stopped by the Barber house to offer a friendly face. You’d always remembered Jacob, he’d been a joy to teach. So you’d offered Andy a few kind words, brought him a lasagne so he’d have something easy just to heat up, and then made your good-byes.
But the universe had a strange sense of humour, because from that point on it seemed as though you were always running into him. In the grocery store, in the coffee shop, in the library. The stares from other people made you mad. The judgement, and the ‘holier than thou’ attitude levelled at a man who had gone through something so awful. So you’d always made a point to sit with him, or at least pass the time of day. You wanted him to know he had a friend.
Then came the night that he’d popped by to return your lasagne dish. You’d invited him in for a coffee, which had turned into him staying for a takeaway and some wine. Which had transitioned into watching a film together, and then the next moment he had been kissing you. And you knew it was wrong. He was married, but he’d never divorce her, nor would he ever really be with her again. He visited Jacob every day, but from your previous conversations you knew his visits to Laurie were much less frequent. You’d never probed much, but you knew he was lonely in that big house all on his own.
The kiss hadn’t lasted long. He’d pulled away, mumbled his excuses and left. You’d thought that was it, the end of your fledgling friendship, but, like the plot of a cheesy rom com, he’d returned to your house a few nights later, the rain pouring outside and him, soaked to the skin. When you opened the door, Andy had stared at you for a couple of heartbeats, eyes dark, water dripping down his nose, his hair and beard plastered to his face. Then he took your face in his hands and kissed you again.
But this hadn’t been the kiss of a man who was lonely and confused about his feelings. This had been the kiss of a man feral with need and when you’d grabbed onto his sopping shirt and pulled him in closer it was like a dam had burst. He’d pressed you backwards, kicked your front door shut and eased you down, taking you right there on your hallway floor. And you wouldn’t, couldn’t, regret it.
The pair of you had been more circumspect since. This town didn’t need any more fodder for the gossip mill, and it wouldn’t look good for the kindergarten teacher to be dating a married man, despite the extenuating circumstances. Still, Andy still came over nearly every night, sneaking in to avoid prying eyes, and you were thankful that you lived on the edge of town, in a less densely populated area. You’d offered to come to him, but he’d told you he preferred it at yours, and you understood what hadn’t been said.
Here, in your house, he could forget for a bit. Not be constantly reminded of the trauma he was suffering. Over the last few months a lot of his clothes had migrated here, taking up half your meagre closet space, but you didn’t mind.
Returning to the present, you pulled yourself away from Andy’s back and started to clear up your mess. He moved, absent-mindedly, to sit on your couch, still holding the headband, lost in his memories. You didn’t disturb him. He’d come back to you at some point, he always did.
That moment came about half an hour later. You’d started to prepare dinner, when he came up behind you, arms around your waist and his head resting on your shoulder.
“Mmmmm, smells delicious baby.”
“Just doing a meatloaf.”
“I didn’t mean dinner.”
He pressed a kiss behind your ear, before giving a small nip to your lobe. You giggled and playfully swatted at him, making him laugh, before he untangled himself to get a beer from the fridge and set the table.
That night he made love to you sweetly and gently, a touch of melancholy about him, and a plan started to form in your mind as to how to cheer him up.
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A week later, 7 days before Christmas, your plans had come to fruition. You’d always been artistic, a skill that served you well in your job, but this was your best work yet.
Upstairs, in your guest room-come-painting studio, you’d once again had not heard Andy enter the house.
“Sweetheart, you did it again, you left the door unl-”
You turned, a cry of surprise leaving your lips as you tried to shield the canvas with your body.
“No, you can’t see, it’s not done yet and it’s for Christmas…”
Your efforts to hide his gift were fruitless as Andy easily moved you out of the way.
And just stared…
The scene on the canvas had not come from a specific photo, just your memory and snippets of all the pictures you could find. A younger Jacob, in his nativity outfit, being held aloft by Andy, both of them smiling and laughing.
Andy clamped a hand over his mouth, and you could see the tears swimming in his blue eyes as he turned to look at you.
“You made this for me?”
“Merry Christmas?”
You were hit with a wave of uncertainty, now unsure as to whether this had been a good idea or not. Would it actually make him happy, or would it make him feel even worse? You watched him carefully, trying to gauge his reaction.
“Look… Andy, I’m so sorry. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but…”
You tried to apologise for your completely off base gift idea, but your words were cut off, suddenly, by Andy’s mouth on yours, his large body crushing yours up against the wall. The kiss was demanding, Andy taking from you what he wanted, what he needed. And you let him. Because it was what you did. Giving him solace in a world that appeared to have taken everything from him. The last time he had been like this was that very first night, driven by pain and barely the restrained undercurrent of violence, seeking something to cancel it all out.
You opened your mouth to him, letting him inside, hitching a leg over one of his thighs so he could press in closer. He hands scrambled at your flannel shirt desperate to remove it, some of the buttons falling victim to his haste. You helped him, by pulling it down your arms, discarding it to the side. His lips never left yours as he pulled off his tie and unbuttoned his own shirt, whilst you pushed down your yoga pants.
You pulled at his belt, unzipping his fly, and you were glad he had already removed his shoes at the door. With the pair of you now clad only in your underwear, Andy gripped the backs of your thighs, lifting you with ease, and you clung on with your arms and legs. He rushed through to your bedroom, still kissing you like he would suffocate if he stopped, crashing down onto the bed on top of you.
Your legs were still wrapped around his waist and your hips jerked up to rub along his length, despite the two layers of clothing still between you. His hands palmed at your breasts through your soft cotton bra, and his lips finally left yours, but only so they could trail down your jaw and your neck, nipping and sucking with aggressive need. You arched up in response, offering yourself to him, mewling his name, nails digging into the muscles of his shoulders.
His mouth trailed down your skin, sucking at one of your breasts through the fabric, pushing the cup down on the other side so he could pluck at and roll the nipple.
He pulled back with a shout, tugging at your bra, until he managed to remove it from you, before latching back onto your breast. A hand, large and calloused, stroked down your ribcage, across your abdomen, and eased under the elastic of your panties. His fingers slid into your folds, smearing around the evidence of your arousal, before he pressed two of them, so thick, inside your pussy. His rough thumb settled on your clit, rubbing practised circles onto it.
It never failed to amaze you how this man had easily found every sweet spot on your body. He could play you like an instrument and you knew he revelled in watching you fall apart under his touch. So you never tried to fight it, just gave into the pleasure spiralling through you, until you were writhing and screaming as your muscles clenched and your mind soared.
Given the mood he was in, the lust that had taken over his mind, you knew bringing you to one shattering orgasm wasn’t going to be enough for Andy. You were still recovering, panting and shaking, as he slid down your body, pulling your panties off as if the fabric offended him. Despite your sensitivity, he latched his mouth over you, sucking your clit into the wet warmth of his mouth and you almost came straight away, given how you still throbbed.
His fingers dug into your upper thighs, and you knew you would have bruises in the morning. Only the pair of you would know they were there and that knowledge sent a thrill through you, making you jerk your hips.
“Fuck sweetheart!”
His voice was muffled against your cunt.
“Do it again, fuck my face! I want you to take what you want from me.”
His beard burned your thighs and your pussy lips as he continued to suckle on your nub, and the friction was delicious. Your hands made their way down so your fingers could tangle in his hair, pulling tightly to give you the leverage you desired. You could feel how wet you were, how your juices were soaking into Andy’s beard. And it was intoxicating. You didn’t think it could get any better, and then he slid one of his fingers back inside you, pressing on your g-spot from the inside, and torturing your clit on the outside.
“Shit! Andy! Fuck! Gonna cum…gonna cum again!”
You could feel the pressure building inside you and you screamed as it burst. You felt a rush of fluid between your legs, heard a grunt of surprise from Andy before he moaned and sucked you harder through your climax.
As you collapsed back on the bed Andy surged up your body, beard drenched with your release. He captured your mouth again and you could taste yourself on his lips, on his tongue.
“Look at that mess you made….”
His voice was deep and gruff.
“You’re so fucking perfect.”
He kissed you again, deep and passionate and you felt his cock, thick and heavy on your thigh as he shimmied out of his boxers. You slid a leg up one of his, hooking it over his hip.
“Andy, baby, please.”
“I know, honey, I know.”
He took hold of himself, guided his way to your entrance, and sank in with a groan. You enjoyed the stretch, every single time. No-one had ever made you feel the way Andy did. Your other leg came up, drawing him in closer, no space between to show where you ended and he began.
He pressed kisses to your neck as he started to move, rocking into your sensitive body, whispering endearments to you, telling you how happy you made him, how wonderful you were. His movements sped up, but he still maintained that precise angle, the one he had perfected to ensure you could come when he’s inside you like this. And you knew he could feel you clenching him, from the punched out moans that made it past his lips as he rambled his feelings at you.
His hips ground in circles, his groin rubbing over your clit, bringing you to your third orgasm, and through the dizzying sensations you felt him swell inside you, his movements stuttering before he spilt into you, a sound almost like a roar leaving him as he buried his head into the side of your neck.
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You kept him enfolded in your body, stroking his hair and pressing kisses to wherever you could reach as he came back to himself. You loved him, you’d known it for a while. You didn’t know if he felt the same, although it was evident that he cared for you very much, at least. So you would continue to hold him, love him, be there for him, through this most difficult stage of his life.
You may never get exactly what you’ve always dreamed of, but you would accept that, for now at least, he needed you. That no-one else could do this for him. Be this for him. It was a gift you were allowing yourself, this feeling of being wanted and needed, and you tried not to think of how messy the inevitable end would be.
You realised Andy had fallen asleep, his body half covering yours, arms tight around your waist, head resting on your shoulder, and you let yourself believe that all this was enough.
Before succumbing to sleep yourself, you pressed a final kiss to his temple.
“I love you, Andy.”
Maybe, just maybe, you saw him smile in his sleep.
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sunflowerharrington · 2 years
stitches: chapter 4
004: magical thinking
fandom - stranger things (2016-)
rating - mature, for now
pairing(s) - eddie munson x reader, steve harrington x reader, billy hargrove x reader
stitches taglist - @vingtetunmars @dallysnecklace @preciousbabypeter @eddiebillysteve @taecube @quickiesgirl @will-byers-is-my-boyfriend dm or comment to let me know if you would like to be added or taken off!
stranger things taglist - @eddies-bat @friendly-neighborhood-ghoul @sympathyforher dm or comment to let me know if you would like to be added or taken off!
word count - 3.4k
warnings and tags for this chapter - threats, trauma, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), billy’s past is mentioned, papa is mentioned, billy being an asshole, the mind flayer, mention of what happened to chrissy in chapter two/three, vecna, implied death, vecna’s curse, telekinesis, my shitty latin.
author’s notes - i tried a hand at latin in this chapter, it’s really fucking terrible, i’m so sorry. translations at the end of the chapter! and sorry for like, disappearing for two weeks, i promise i have a good reason why!!
can also be found on my AO3, @/sunflowerharrington
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“Y/N?” Billy called, stopping to catch his own breath for a second before taking off in the opposite direction of which he was running, back in the direction he thought the trailer was. “Y/N? Where are you?!”
“Billy! Billy, I can't see you! I can’t—”
“Y/N, stay put, I’m coming— Shit!” He shrieked, tripping over a tendril on the ground that had wrapped around his ankle, pulling him deep into the shadows as he cried out for help, for mercy, anything. He was desperate.
It reminded you of the times when you ‘misbehaved’ in the hospital; when they would drag you into your own special room, keeping you hidden for days on end. No windows, 107.6 square feet of space in total, enclosing you in the white-painted walls, one crack on the floor from when you tried to free yourself from the shackles before.
And one inmate. You. In your very own prison; your mind, stopping you from performing acts that the human race shouldn’t be capable of, as did the metal that had been released from your neck moments ago. You didn’t expect much of your new life in the underworld, in fact, you thought your corpse would be burning in a pyre right about now, or buried six feet under next to your friends from the ‘hospital.’ But that wasn’t how this world worked.
But one doesn’t simply become an immortal when they die. You were supposed to be in Hell, but maybe you already were; even though nothing could be worse than being sat in the electric chair awaiting your death, silently pleading for Peter or one of your friends to come save you since you were unable to scream; the makeshift gag in your mouth making it almost impossible to make any sounds other than short little whimpers. It was torture like nothing else imaginable, barely even fathomable. And what they did behind those closed doors in the lab… that was a sin like no other. Unforgivable, unforgettable. Pure and utter evil—
“Shit, Y/N! Why the fuck did you not follow me?” A familiar voice called, out of breath and panting from running, it seemed. “You told me that we’ve gotta stick together and you didn’t listen to yourself! You scared the shit out of me! I was all alone when it happened!”
You didn’t want this. You hated when people yelled at you for something out of your control. You had no idea where he had gone, and you wanted to stick with him but your separation was not your fault. Was he throwing the fact that he was in the wrong onto you because he didn’t want to admit that you were right and he was wrong?
Both of your deaths were unlucky in the fact that you both had received eternal life, or so it seemed. And it made you want to grab a pillow and scream into it for that eternity until there was no more air in your lungs, just heaviness and despair.
You couldn’t even die like a normal person. Instead you were thrown into your second chance at life on a lifeline; you just didn’t know it yet. You didn’t know what that lifeline was yet either.
And you still felt that weight of the world you had on your shoulders to become the new version of Hawkins’ residents, just as you did two mornings ago, a week ago, a month ago, a year ago. Almost two decades ago.
“Y/N? Did I do something wrong?”
“Billy… You’re scaring me.”
He walked over to you, running his hand through his curly hair, before pressing his body against yours. Tightly wrapping his arms around your shoulders, your head against his rapidly rising and falling chest, you could hear his heart beating at a rapid pace. “Jesus, I’m so fucking sorry! I thought I’d lost you for good. I was so worried, Four.”
You took in his embrace carefully, burying your face in his neck, your tears staining his skin like acrylic enamel paint to a windowpane, hoping he wouldn’t notice your reddening eyes. Your breath stuttered as you felt Billy’s fingers caressing the nape of your neck, repetitive hushes leaving his plush lips.
As you looked up, you felt his breath ghosting your lips, sending even more goosebumps prickling over your skin. He took his time studying your face in the silence, the only sound being your heartbeats beating in sync with one another.
“You’re so beautiful, do you know that?” He whispered, caressing the side of your face with his thumb.
Blue stared into (e/c), a fusion of bright colors, and four pupils began to dilate more than they already had, both yours and Billy’s eyes almost fully black like the midnight sky on a summer night.
His tanned skin radiated warmth between you, and Billy went to pinch himself, dreaming about you. But this was no dream, and he was really in the Upside Down with the most beautiful person he had ever seen. You wrapped one of your arms tighter around his waist, bringing your other hand to mirror his actions, cupping his strong jawline.
He leant into your touch, smiling down at you, taking a gentle hold of your waist this time. “You mean that?” You asked, a small blush of peach creeping onto your cheeks. Hair prickled on the back of his neck as you stood on your tip-toes, bringing your face even closer to his. He gulped loudly when these next words left your soft, kissable lips;
“Can I kiss you, Billy?” You asked, voice low with want. This new feeling felt… weird. Anticipating what could potentially come next.
Billy couldn’t look at you the way you were; lips parted ever so slightly, pupils fully blown. He couldn’t look at you like that. You were a stranger he met only two days ago, and even though he felt attraction, he couldn’t let himself get lost in your sparkling (e/c) eyes.
Not yet.
His heart was beating so fast he couldn’t get a decent breath in. His head was pounding. He felt your breath on his cheeks. And he felt something stirring in his stomach; a feeling he hated like no other.
You watched as his eyelids began to flutter, then close, letting the sounds and visuals in his mind carry him to what he could potentially call his euphoria. And then you leaned in, cautiously brushing your lips against his, catching him in a slow, sweet kiss.
His breath stuttered in the process, flinching at the contact you made, your movements so caring and kind it hurt like hell.
“You need to go,” he said, mentally kicking himself into Hell for ruining the moment. “Go. Without me. There’s something I need to take care of.” He took your shoulders in his oddly strong grip, pushing you away from him. “Find a way out and come back to me.”
“Billy, I—” You began, but as you did, he started walking away.
You blinked once, twice, three times, and as you did he vanished into the darkness, black veins running up his legs and arms as he did. You tried to come up with a rational explanation as to why that happened, but every reason you thought of was impossible. The mind flayer vanished into thin air when it threw you onto the trailer, appearing as a shadow in the purple and red sky, surrounded by harmonious screeches from the bats that had circled around you and Billy earlier.
You let out a short sigh before the breath in your chest hitched, leaving you to choke on the toxic air as a voice began to boom through your surrounding area. It was a lot lower and authoritative than Billy’s, if that was even possible, speaking to somebody. Probably Billy.
And you began to repeat three words in your mind over and over:
Billy shuddered as he begrudgingly trudged away against his own will, trying to stop his feet from moving him, trying to hold himself back, but it was no use. When he opened his eyes wider, his heartbeat began to slowly pick up in pace as he averted his strong gaze towards the red and navy blue skies, a giant spider-like creature emerging from the shadows.
As the creature set its gaze on Billy, the latter’s irises glazed over, their color morphing into that of glacial icebergs, almost white with a tinge of cobalt blue. The color of the flames of a bunsen burner, fluttering around like the wings of a butterfly.
From then on, were you to roam around this world alone? Were you meant to be alone forever, trying desperately to get Billy to come back to you?
That’s what it felt like.
As fresh tears pricked your eyes, you felt a body barrelling into you, a strong hand grabbing you by the wrist before you could even comprehend what had happened.
“Y/N, we have to go. Now.”
“What—? Billy, you’re not making any sense! What is going on?” You fumbled through your words, stopping when you felt a strong hand clasp your shoulder, almost breaking it in its almost superhuman grip.
“I’m so glad you followed me, because now we might be able to make it.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, following his movements with your eyes until he turned to directly look at you, grazing his lower lip between his teeth in thought. Or what you thought was thinking, when in reality it was the complete opposite of that.
But you didn’t need to know that. Not just yet. It would take time for him to come around and realize what had happened to him too.
And you didn’t even follow him.
Something felt… wrong.
You began walking alongside him, through the depths of the underworld surrounded by floating clocks and ancient-looking buildings that, in your mind, should have crumbled into miniscule little particles centuries ago. You walked and walked, subconsciously taking a hold of Billy’s hand as you did, your eyes finally falling upon a stairwell leading to… somewhere.
You started climbing the stairs when Billy finally spoke again. “How fast do you think time flies in here?”
You blinked at him. Of all things to say at that moment.
“You want to know what time it is?” You asked slowly, and he nodded. Unbelievable.
“Are you serious right now? Of all things you’d want to know right now, you chose the time?”
Billy’s face changed into a deep frown immediately. “Of course I want to know what fucking time it is. I’m bored as shit and I just wanna go home! So shut the fuck up, yeah?”
“I feel like… Something’s wrong,” you said, ignoring him. “That— That time has stopped here. Did you see those floating clocks earlier?”
“Of course I saw the fucking clocks, Y/N. They’re everywhere! Did your ‘Papa’ erase your stupid memory too? Or were you just this dense to begin with?” He asked, his voice seething as he pushed you backwards off the stairwell with both hands, your back hitting the ground. “Hm, yeah. That’s what I thought.”
“What happened to you?” You asked, slowly getting back to your feet, as they almost slipped out from beneath you on the wet, slimy ground.
He didn’t reply with words, instead choosing to take a few steps away from you up the stairs. You grabbed his wrist, pinning him with an unmistakable glare. “Who hurt you?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Who the hell hurt you?” You demanded to know through your gritted teeth, each word coming out of your mouth crystal clear as day.
“I said it doesn’t fucking matter, alright?” He shouted back, releasing himself from your grip, pushing you away from him again.
You smiled internally. It seemed like the real Billy had returned. Anywho, you bit hard on the inner side of your cheek, almost drawing blood, holding back from snapping at him. But that didn’t work. You won’t let him tell you what to do.
You grabbed his waist with all the strength you had in one arm, pinning him against the door with his wrists in the grip of your other hand. You stared him down, smiling as you saw a hint of a peachy blush creep onto his cheeks, giving his tough-guy act away.
“Listen here, Hargrove. I keep telling you we’re all each other has in here, so you gotta start listening to me and quit acting like a five year old who isn’t getting their Mommy’s attention,” you said, your voice seething with venom. “We have no other option than to ascend these stairs, Billy. Stay in line and don’t cross me like that ever again, or what happened to Chrissy will happen to you in the hands of myself. Got it?”
You let go of Billy’s wrists with a forceful shove and he gulped, concealing it by rolling his eyes, though not fully angry as he kept a hold of your hand, beginning to ascend the stairwell closely behind you.
“We’re all each other has and if we lose our heads now there’s no way we’re ever getting out of here. Keep your head straight. I don’t need you going insane, okay?” This time your voice had softened, like fluffy clouds, like the tears of an angel.
When you finally reached the top, a door stood on its own before you. Billy tried to tug on your arm but you didn’t move, too captivated by the stained glass rose in the centre of the door.
“There’s nothing here, Four, we have to keep moving.”
“You can’t see this door?” You asked, trying the door handle before pushing the door open, and you walked inside, pulling Billy in with you.
You also tried to ignore how much he sounded like Peter when he said your number at the same time. Pushing that to the back of your mind in the only safe place left in your head. Something about the way Billy moved reminded you so much of him.
“See? There was a door here,” you chuckled. “Silly Billy.”
Saying the inside of this room was small would be the understatement of the millennium. It was tiny. With four white painted concrete walls, an equally as uncomfortable looking floor and a metal framed bed with the thinnest mattress known to man. Two pairs of handcuffs that looked the same as those in that trailer hung from the bedpost’s metal backboard.
There was no bathroom. Just a sink next to the bed and a small hole in the floor.
Billy’s disgusted gaze averted towards you, pale faced like you’d just seen a ghost. He bumped your shoulder with his, causing you to gasp and turn to him and he could practically hear the whiplash.
“What’s wrong, sweets?” He asked, the sudden softness in his voice confusing you. One moment he was the most angry, mean person you had ever met, other than Two and Three, the next moment he was the most caring.
“This… looks like my room. My old room, from the lab,” you revealed quietly, anxiously knotting your fingers together, not looking up at him, avoiding all eye and body contact.
“Are you fucking serious right now?” He suddenly felt grateful for everything he ever had in his life when he inhabited the overworld, and regretted being violent towards you. This looked like a worse hell than you were both in right now. His mouth had dropped open in sudden shock.
He rested his hand on your shoulder, this time his grip soft, not trying to break your collarbone this time. Billy gave your arm another little squeeze of reassurance, though he was just as, if not more terrified than you.
“Where are you from, Billy?” You asked out of the blue, causing him to do a double take. How were you so calm?
“California,” he sighed, running his fingertips along one of the walls. “I miss the beach.”
“Cal…ifor…nia? California,” you sounded out. “There is a beach there? What is at the beach?”
“The beach reminds me of someone who I used to be close with. There’s seagulls and all the ice cream you could ever want nearby. Much better than that Scoops Ahoy shit at the mall.” He pressed his full body weight against you as he engulfed you in an embrace, kissing the top of your forehead in another act of reassurance.
“Billy, what are all these words? What do they mean?”
You didn’t know these words:
Ice cream.
Scoops Ahoy.
Billy wondered how you didn’t know these words; one minute he thought you were speaking like Shakespeare, the next a toddler who was just starting to learn how to speak. He didn’t know how this was possible.
“I’ll tell you later. Now, come on, doll. Let’s go somewhere safer than here,” he whispered softly in your ear, his breath leaving goosebumps on your skin in its wake, placing his hand on the small of your back to guide you towards the door. “It’s not good to stay here any longer.”
“You’re right, California. Let’s go.” You watched as Billy smiled at the nickname, lacing his fingers in with yours, his others curling around the door handle.
The door opened with ease, and Billy took a deep breath as he looked into the darkness before you both. And even after all things had been considered, he felt happy, for once in his fucked up life he felt that euphoria circling his being, the same feeling that would be felt when doves are released at weddings, because that is one of the most beautiful things on Planet Earth. And he felt that same feeling when he looked at you.
“After you, Y/N,” he said as he looked at you with those doe eyes you grew to appreciate more and more each day that passed, taking your hand in his.
Until one of you slipped, breaking that bond forever.
“Billy?” You called out. “I lost you again? Goddamn it!” You tried looking around for those beautiful doe eyes, to no avail.
Panic set in immediately, and you couldn’t help but let a little laugh of desperation out.
And you couldn’t stop laughing, because if you did you would start crying. And you weren’t going to cry. You weren’t going to spend your days here just the way you had spent your life in the overworld, choking on your own tears in your room that felt more like a jail cell. The only difference was that now you were choking on the spores in the air and the fingers that had started to wrap tightly around your neck, metaphorically, squeezing the last of your life out of you.
You opened your eyes, and then it hit you, like a tonne of bricks being swung from a crane as you were by the Mind Flayer only a few days ago. You were awake at your own funeral.
Peering down into the coffin shaped box in front of you, horror washed over you like a seven foot tall wave as you saw your own body laying in the casket, faceless entities surrounding it. A low chant emitted from the backs of their throats in a language that wasn’t English.
“Ave umbra monstrum**,” they repeatedly chanted in unison in Latin. “Debemus simul venire ad finem vitae Four.**”
You circled around the casket to look into your own eyes, which were being forcefully kept open by hooks, the strings of the hooks had been sewn into the skin beneath the hair of your eyebrows. As you looked down you felt the very same sensation in your eyelids and brows, and you stumbled backwards, your chest heaving. This couldn’t be the end… Could it?
After all you had done, all you had worked for, all you had planned for the future. It didn’t feel like your time was up. No, this was just the beginning for you.
You felt your body getting lighter as your feet left the ground, slowly being turned around to face something before you. A half-human-looking creature with tendrils all over its body, staring at you with a creepy glare.
“It’s time, Four. Time to end your never ending suffering. Once. And. For. All.”
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- Ave Umbra Monstrum: Hail the Shadow Monster
- Debemus simul venire ad finem vitae Four: We must end the life of Four
sorry if it’s shit, i don’t speak latin but i wanted to add it anyway to challenge myself
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sakis-sweets · 2 years
Can I get a platonic Sakura x Otohiko please? By the way your writing makes me very happy.
🥺🥺🥺 omg ;-;-;-;-; i'm so glad you like my oneshots!! thank you for the request, i don't usually get platonic ones, so this should be fun :D heartbreaking because omfg, but fun all the same
Otohiko looked up from his phone at the sound of a soft knock on the door. “Come in.”
The door opened a just crack, but a crack was enough for Sakura’s small body to slip through. “Surprise!” she whispered.
Otohiko smiled brightly and put his phone down. “Sakura! Thank god you’re here. I’m bored to tears.”
“I’m sure you are. I brought you some of your favorite books and your Miyuki collection. We can marathon until visiting hours are over.” Sakura walked over to the bedside table and set down the large stack.
Otohiko looked at his friend with admiration. “You’re the best.”
Sakura giggled. “It’s the least I can do! Usually you’d be the one visiting me after an attack.”
“Yes, well, it seems that rock had different plans for me. Was it funny watching me tumble down the hill?”
“Only after you got checked into the emergency room. How’s the leg feeling?”
Otohiko winced at the mention of his leg, glancing at the plaster cast wrapped around it. “The painkillers are helping, but it’s still really uncomfortable and sore.”
“I’ll bet. Let’s take your mind off of it already.”
Sakura slipped the first disc of Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki into the hospital room’s DVD player and sat at the chair next to Otohiko’s bed. After a couple of episodes, Otohiko sighed. “Remember watching this together as kids?”
Sakura laughed. “Oh yeah. If the nurses knew at all what was happening in this show, they never would have let us watch it.”
“They finally figured out that it wasn’t for kids after that ending traumatized us!”
“Gosh, don’t remind me!” Sakura had to pause the show so they could get over their giggle fit. However, the moment was short-lived; a wheezing cough soon erupted from Sakura’s throat. Otohiko tried not to panic; it would upset her more if Sakura thought she was distressing him. She reached into her bag and pulled out a specialized inhaler, trying her best not to cough so she could use it. After a few moments, the fit subsided.
“Do you want me to call a nurse for you?” Otohiko asked.
Sakura shook her head. “That was nothing. I should have been more careful, anyway.”
“Still, if you need treatment...”
“If I do need treatment, I’ll tell you immediately, okay? But right now, I promise you that I’m alright.” Sakura smiled as if nothing had happened. “Want me to unpause the show?”
Otohiko set his mouth into a tight line and nodded. It was hard not to worry about Sakura when something happened; no matter how many times he saw it, it scared him. That fear was what inspired him to approach her in the first place; they happened to be hospitalized at the same time as children, and when he noticed her suffering from a fit by herself, he was the one who called a nurse over and stuck by her side. He became obsessed with the idea of saving her; if he just clung to her side tightly enough, then the universe would stop making bad things happen to her. But his prayers went unanswered. Even after he was discharged, Sakura stayed in the hospital for many more months.
Growing up together, Otohiko slowly realized that no amount of hope or determination could save her. Someday, maybe not even a decade from now, their days of visiting each other in the hospital would end. Years ago he might have been embarrassed at being visited by her now; all he’d done was not pay attention, but she was looking after him despite having a chronic and fatal illness. But he knew now that Sakura didn’t want to be viewed like an hourglass, with each second representing a grain of sand closer to heartbreak. She didn’t want to be pitied or babied; she just wanted to live her few years on this earth as a normal girl. Otohiko tried his best to let her do that; that was why they were best friends. But his empathy only made it more difficult.
The rest of the visit went on without incident. A nurse knocked on the door and informed Sakura that visiting hours had ended. Sakura paused the show. “I’ll leave your stuff here. Is there anything that you want me to bring you tomorrow?”
“Um... I really can’t think of- oh! Can you bring some of my hair stuff? There’s no conditioner here.” Otohiko held up a frizzy curl and pouted.
Sakura gasped. “Oh no! I was wondering why your hair didn’t look brushed. I’ll make sure to bring all your products. You’re still using the same stuff, right?”
“Yeah, but you don’t need to buy anything. My mom knows where I keep anything; she can give it all to you.”
“Why hasn’t she brought it to you herself, yet? Is she too busy with work?”
“Yeah... it hasn’t been long since the last time something like this happened, so she has to work overtime now.”
Sakura frowned. “Hey... don’t be too hard on yourself. You know it’s an accident.”
“That’s what she said, too...” Otohiko looked up and smiled. “Don’t worry about me; I’m too stupid to be harsh on myself like that.”
Sakura’s frown deepened, and she threw her arms around Otohiko’s neck. Otohiko simply froze. “I have to go now... but tomorrow, let’s talk about it. I’ll visit you after school.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m doing it for my sake, too. I can’t get stuck in here with you after worrying too much.” Sakura smiled.
“That’s why I said not to worry!” Otohiko exclaimed with a grin.
“Don’t give me a reason to worry, then!” The two laughed at each other. They’d always cared too much about each other. There’d never been any expectations for something more, just endless concern. For people with uncertain futures, it was a perfect arrangement.
Sakura said her goodbyes and left. Otohiko imagined what tomorrow might look like. Maybe they’d forget about their conversation and go back to watching anime. Maybe they’d both break down about the unfairness of it all and cry together. Maybe Sakura really would get hospitalized. But no matter what happened, at least they would have each other. Otohiko was happy with that, even if it meant they’d eventually have to part ways.
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dreamsy990 · 2 years
Soooo like... Rudy is def gonna die before the end of deltarune right? I mean. Yeah sure it'll be. Traumatizing or whatever. But theres way too much, what's the phrase... narrative momentum to be gained for toby to NOT do it y'know? In fact I could go on a whole rant about how I'm pretty sure Rudy KNOWS hes gonna die and is prepping susie to be a replacing support beam in noelles life. (See also: "Kris and Dad are the only ones I can say no to") and the SNOWGRAVE INPLICATIONS. ANOTHER RANT ON ITS OWN!! Anyways your thoughts?
consider: rudy isnt gonna die and toby just made it look like he was to make it shocking when he didnt die by the end
but seriously, i think rudy dying is PROBABLY going to happen, but i kind of hope it doesnt. noelle's home life is garbage and i get it honestly. like, rudy blantly says that he's not there to protect noelle from carol (idk if thats her name but ive been calling noelles mom that soooo), implying that she can and WILL hurt noelle, and has almost definitely done that in the past (emotionally, probably not physically). noelle has a TEXTBOOK broken home and i really hope the game ends with her out of that house or with a confirmation that her mom isn't going to hurt her anymore, because oh my god her situation is terrible. her sister is either dead or out of the picture, her father is in the hospital and probably going to die soon, and she has a most likely emotionally abusive mom.
oh yeah her mom is almost definitely emotionally abusive like. as someone whos been in a similar situation to her, just her being too scared to ask for a key to get into her own home and preferring to go OUT OF HER WAY to stay with someone else than ask for something is a textbook sign of it. rudy says that he has to protect her from carol. noelle is upset that it's just "her and mom" now, and while that's clearly meant to be referring to how rudy isnt at home, its also probably a hint that she doesnt like being alone with her mom. she's also just a people pleaser, implying she's afraid of the consequences of not being seen as "good". whether that's because of a fear of reputation her mom mightve given her, or an avoidance of conflict she's developed after living with her for a while i cant really say. ALSO YOUR POINT OF "kris and dad are the only ones i can say no to" NOTICE HOW SHE SAYS 'dad' and not 'my parents' BECAUSE YEAH HER MOTHER IS EXCLUDED.
no matter how you slice it noelle's home life is just terrible and rudy and dess seemed to be the only reason it was functional for as long as it was. and with dess out of the picture and rudy probably going to follow, i dont have very high hopes for their relationship. i really hope toby handles this well, and the story doesn't end with noelle and carol living alone together. i also dont hope it ends with rudy, dess, or both back in the house with her, because their household isnt sustainable. as someone who's lived in a house like this, it's going to break down one way or another. dess and rudy cant always be there to defuse situations, and they shouldnt HAVE to.
the ending i want is for carol and rudy to split up, and have rudy live with noelle without her. carol may be a good wife and a good mayor but she is not a good mother, and i don't want noelle to be stuck in a house like that.
i may be misjudging carol because we haven't seen her in the game yet, but i just. dont think she's going to be any good. this game definitely seems like its going for giving all their characters bad home lives. like,
-kris's brother is away, their mom seems a bit overbearing and like she's not quite sure what kris needs, and their dad, while caring, isn't the best at. being a parent.
-susie so far has been implied to have some sort of shitty home life but we're not quite sure of the type. we know she's always hungry, but whether thats because of negligence and potentially fear to get food on her own or financial problems is unknown.
-ralsei's been alone his whole life, so his family is just. out of the picture. he's completely isolated and if his parents were around for at least a little, i dont think they were very good.
-berdly felt like he needed to be smart to be recognized, implying that his family might just not care that much about him or really pay attention to him.
it's a theme of this game for characters to have weird or bad home lives and i dont think noelle would be an exception. so yeah, her mom is probably emotionally abusive. with all the evidence in game and just. generally how all the mcs have bad home lives i think its the most likely situation.
back to actually talking about rudy though, yeah he's probably going to die. i really hope he doesnt, because while realistically things dont always work out, having rudy there and maybe moving out with her would definitely make it better. it just feels uncomfortable for her to be stuck in a household like that.
noelle is kind of lonely too. like, her sister is gone, kris and her grew apart, and berdly is really fucking flirty, and probably not that close with her really, since she doesn't include him in the group of people she can say no to.
noelle's list of people she can say no to is just kris and rudy. that's it. her estranged childhood best friend and her dad. not berdly, seemingly her only current friend and the one she's probably the closest with out of the whole class, or susie, her crush (although that might just be because it was before they really started to understand each other more as people and really be friends). her list of people who "know how weird she is" is just kris. not even her dad is included. the only person who might be missing on both of those lists is dess, and she's just out of the picture and thats probably why shes not included.
so as to the idea of rudy trying to set up susie as an emotional support for noelle, yeah i think he'd do that. he definitely has seen that noelle's running low on people she relies on and wants her to have someone else in her life. he really encourages her to get to know susie and just be honest with her. it's cute and wholesome and just. a good dad moment. he's a great father, or at least one who's trying his best. a top tier dad.
i do think thematically that rudy is going to die. its set up that way from the very start, and i think its sort of being hinted at. like, noelle remarks that the dark world is better because 'everything can be healed with a little spell', implying that rudy's in too bad of a state to recover very easily, and "your choices dont matter" could also be saying something like "no matter what you do, he's going to die". idk thats just my take.
but i really dont want this game to end with noelle and carol alone. i've lived in families like that and it's horrible, and it just feels uncomfortable and bad that noelle's stuck in a situation like that. i want carol to have an arc where she starts being a better parent and actually trying, but more importantly i want noelle not to forgive her. abusive parents can change as people but they cant change what they did. noelle's mom has hurt her and she shouldn't just be forgiven immediately. she needs to make an effort, and noelle doesn't even have to forgive her after that. she deserves to have a home life where she's not so afraid to ask for a key to her own house that she goes to stay with a friend instead. get noelle out of that house, or have carol change.
i realize that i talked way more about noelle and carol in a post about rudy, but honestly i relate a lot to noelle's situation and i dont want her to be stuck in a life like that. its bad and i want toby to handle it well. if the game ends where i think it will, with noelle still living at home alone with carol, maybe with dess there, i'll just be sad. like girl, get out of that HOME!!!!!!! it's toxic as SHIT
also i know that some people are going to say "oh her mom isnt trying to hurt her, maybe she just did [x] and thats why noelle is how she is." to which i say, not all abusers have malicious intent. maybe shes just doing it because thas how she was raised and she turned out fine, or maybe she's just kind of negligent and doesnt pay enough attention to noelle to realize how she's being hurt, or maybe its something else entirely. but no matter what her intentions are, its still abuse, and whether she likes it or not, she's hurt the only daughter she has left. the truth is we don't know all the details of what's going on, and we probably won't know for a long time, or maybe ever. but no matter what, this relationship isn't healthy, and it doesn't matter what everyone's trying to do, all that matters is what they did do. and what carol did was emotionally abuse her daughter.
anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk. also the deltarune ending i HOPE happens is rudy gets out of the hospital, gets a divorce and marries asgore, then goes and moves out with noelle. thats only half a joke.
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Red of Overly Sarcastic Productions once said :"If you can imagine your Batman comforting a shared child, then congratulations, you're righting Batman. If not, you're just writing the Punisher in a funny hat". This got me wondering: could the Shadow comfort a scared child?
Could he? You forget who was there to lift young Bruce to his feet at his first brush with death (sadly far from his last).
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But it's an interesting question to pose still, because children were straight up not in the pulps, not in any I've read, and I can't recall any episodes of the radio show that feature them much (there's gotta be at least a few, because they had everything in that show). The most interaction I think The Shadow's ever had with children (from comics that I can discuss here, because Marshall Rogers' "Harold Goes to Washington" is way, way too much for me to go into right now, and the less I talk about some other DC comics, the better) is in the Street & Smith comics.
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There's Jerry from the Devil Kyoti arc, a kid who was traumatized by an encounter with the villain who Sayre's looking after and who ends up having some kind of hidden power that allows him to see The Shadow and defeat the villain. There was a blonde Jerry who showed up later in the Monstradamus arc, but he isn't a kid so much as he's diet Jimmy Olsen or a replacement for Harry, but he had weird eyesight-based powers and a familiarity with The Shadow, so I assume it's the same character.
There was also Donald Jordan - Shadow Jr, and okay, I may have to talk more about this weird little failed experiment some other time, but the basic gist of it is that The Shadow had a friend in Tibet named Harry Jordan (and someday I'm also gonna write about the weird prevalence and significance of the name "Harry" in The Shadow's mythos in and out of universe) who was murdered, leaving his son orphaned and with nowhere to go. And, I'll admit that I have a real weakness for The Shadow calling people "son", which he does a lot in this story.
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And as you can expect, it then turns out that the kid's also learned how to cloud minds and has basically the same powers The Shadow has in these comics, and they solve the mystery of his dad's murder together, and yeah, you can absolutely tell that they are setting up this kid to be The Shadow's Robin. Although, interestingly, they don't have The Shadow actually recruit the kid, instead it's Jordan who asks The Shadow if he can go with him and join his mission, and Cranston even states he's going to have to "earn" his way
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"Must I stay here, sir? It will always remind me of dad - I'd like to devote my life to your fight against evil and evil doers!
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Now, "Shadow Jr's" career was incredibly short-lived, it only lasted for about two other issues, and I have no idea what happened in his final appearence called "Snake Eyes" in Shadow Comics #77, I cannot find that issue anywhere and I really want to. But the one other solo story of his I've read was...well, I think it kinda illustrates why the idea of The Shadow having a Robin was doomed from the start.
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...Yeah. Even The Shadow at his most sanitized and family friendly is still The Shadow, and there's no room for children in his network, obviously he shouldn't and wouldn't have children be in those positions or make decisions expected from grown-ups who have already had encounters with death and danger, why would anyone do that-
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The only instance I can think of The Shadow interacting with a child in the pulps was during The Prince of Evil, when he has to rescue a young boy from Stark's thugs.
Cranston, dazed, tried to stagger to his feet. Before he could do so, the thug had picked up the limp figure of the boy and was darting out into the street. There was a scream of horror from pedestrians.
A heavy truck was racing at top speed along the avenue. Straight into the path of the truck, the thug threw the senseless boy!
The driver of the truck jammed on the brakes. But it was too late to halt the heavy vehicle. The broad-tired wheels rolled toward the limp head of the lad on the pavement.
An instant before it could crush out his life, Lamont Cranston dived headlong into the path of destruction. His shoulder struck the boy, rolling him toward the curb. A quick wriggle, and Cranston swerved aside from the grinding death that loomed over him.
He picked up the boy. One glance and he knew there was no time to lose. The attempted killer had leaped into a waiting sedan and had already made his escape.
The boy was all Cranston could see or think about. Brass knuckles had fractured his skull. He had suffered a concussion of the brain. A glance at his bluish lips and the fixed glaze of his staring eyes told Cranston that unless the boy was operated on immediately, he would die.
A leap, Cranston was in his car. He laid the boy gently on the seat beside him, then headed the car toward the nearest hospital. Traffic lights were ignored.
The boy was taken to an emergency operating room and a skilled surgeon went to work. When it was over, Cranston asked only one question: "Will the child live?"
"Hard to say. We'll do our best."
"Spare no expense. Put him in a private room. Engage day and night nurses."
Cranston's face was pale. He knew that he himself was indirectly responsible for the boy's attack. A supercriminal had made a prompt answer to Cranston's message over Jackson's telephone. That telephone must have been tapped. The attempt to kill the boy was a vicious warning for Lamont Cranston to mind his own business about the Harmon family. It was a follow-up of the attack on Jackson's dog.
Cranston felt a surge of hot anger. He kept it under control while he answered routine police questions. He told all he knew - which was nothing.
He had only one angry thought. He intended to drive straight to the office of David Chester. He'd get the truth out of the sleek Chester, if he had to batter him with vengeful fists!
Cranston was actually halfway to Chester's office before common sense returned to him. He realized he had lost his sense of balance. He was behaving exactly as the crooks wanted. He was playing their game, not his!
He parked, and the hot rage drained slowly from him. He stopped thinking about the limp figure of a young lad on a white operating table.
This is definitely because Tinsley writes the character differently than Gibson, but I actually cannot think of another occasion where we got to read about The Shadow actively wanting to hit someone with his fists. It's very, very rare to read about The Shadow actually getting mad in the first place in such an undignified way. And I think with this passage, you'll start to notice a pattern.
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The problem isn't that The Shadow cannot interact with kids or that he can't comfort them, he does it to his agents and adults he wants to help just fine, he knows how to address people in their language, or any language. The problem is, The Shadow is constantly surrounded by danger everywhere he goes, because he is The Shadow. He can be any number of things at any number of occasions, but usually, when The Shadow shows up, it's usually because people are going to die, and people are going to kill, and it's his job to address that and work the scales.
Children should not be anywhere near this, and if The Shadow's interacting with a child, it usually means that some grave danger or tragedy fell upon them, and he's here to either prevent greater tragedy or address the fall-out, and he'd be the first to agree that neither of these options should be happening at all. It doesn't mean he's not gonna do what's right and give life and limb to protect them, but, it shouldn't be up to the Boogeyman to look after them in the first place. Maybe it shouldn't be up to the Boogeyman to protect us.
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But then again, as I mentioned when I talked about my own reasons for liking The Shadow so much, there are many kids who would like nothing more than to have the Boogeyman by their side to protect them. There's comfort in knowing that the scariest man in the room is unconditionally there to protect you, and that is the comfort that The Shadow gives best. Not as Cranston, not under a friendly face, but as what he is.
Due to a lack of scenes from the pulps or satisfying scenes from elsewhere, I will instead be pulling one from a fan story written by Kimberly-Murphy Smith, editor and writer of The Hot Cornerm where The Shadow rescues a child who was kidnapped for blackmail. I couldn't care less that it's fanfic, and if you do, come back in 20 or so years after The Shadow's been made public domain and it's gonna be just as official as anything licensed (on my “to write about” list: how fickle the separation between “official” and “fanfic” is, and the many times it plainly didn’t exist). There’s aspects of her writing I don’t care for, but I really like this scene and I do think The Shadow’s more gentle interactions with people are necessary to getting the character.
She stopped crying for a minute. "Who's there?" she said, her voice choked.
A friend. Your mommy and daddy sent me to pick you up.
"Mommy? Mommy's here?"
Sh-h-h. Annabelle felt a gloved hand gently stroking her hair. She's waiting for you at home. So, we need to hurry up and leave.
"'kay." She looked around. "Where are you?"
It's kind of hard to see me. It's dark in here, plus you've been crying so much your eyes probably hurt.
Don't be afraid. I'm here to help.
The implicit trust of children was simply amazing at times. Adults trembled in fear of The Shadow's wrath, but children somehow seemed to understand that he was there to help them, even if they couldn't see him.
Sit up, Annabelle. I'm going to pick you up. Be very quiet.
One hand took each of her arms and guided them around a neck she could not see. "Why are you wearin' a blanket?" she asked as the fabric of his cloak brushed against her shoulders.
Sometimes I get cold at night.
"Even in the summer?"
Even in the summer. He gently stroked her cheek and wiped away her tears. Now, you need to be very quiet so those bad men in the next room don't hear us. I'll bet you're tired.
She nodded.
He rocked her on his arms, projecting a very gentle hypnotic relaxation into her with his powers as he did. You probably didn't get your nap, either. Poor thing. Lean on my shoulder and go to sleep. And when you wake up, you'll be back with Mommy and Daddy.
She yawned, then snuggled against his shoulder and went to sleep.
The Shadow sighed with relief. Now to get past the men out front. He gently pulled the pistol out of its holster under his left arm and slipped it into the belted waist of his overcoat within easy reach, then secured his grip on Annabelle and draped his cloak over her.
She clutched the edge of his cloak in her hand like a security blanket and snuggled against his shoulder again.
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(Art by Jill Thompson)
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qslovebot · 3 years
Nobody: Spencer Reid
Summary: After an accident on a case, the reader is left with trauma and anxiety. A miscommunication between her and the person she needs most (Spencer Reid) begins to eat her alive and he just so happens to be the only one there when she breaks again.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings/Includes: mentions of kissing, mentions of traumatizing events (not specified), depictions of anxiety, fluff, miscommunication, angst to fluff
A/N: The song is Nobody by Mitski. Read with this for the ultimate experience.
Sometimes things felt too literal. Words start to sound weird and feel weird when you say them, clothes feel too much like clothes against your skin, the texture of any food in your mouth becomes too prevalent while eating.
These things started happening after you witnessed and endured something awful on a case. You wouldn't dare bring up the full memory in case it took over and killed you all over again. It wasn't PTSD, but it was the cause of your anxiety attacks most of the time when they occurred.
After that case, you spent a week in the hospital where they happened nearly every day and the doctors weren't much help, to be frank. The only people who really ever helped were your friends and the person you were so close to dating, Spencer Reid.
It was a long story. To dumb it down, the case event happened and you and Spencer thought you were about to die so he confessed his feelings for you and of course they were reciprocated. He asked, then and there through stuttering words, 'If we make it out of here please go out with me?" As his last bit of hope, and he kissed you before you were taken away by the unsub. He didn't endure nearly as much as you did which was why he wasn't as affected. But you had said 'yes' to that question and three weeks later, you still hadn't talked about it.
When the anxiety attacks happened, you often felt like you couldn't breathe, like the walls were pressing in on you. Sometimes you'd be with JJ when it happened. She would immediately ask you what you needed and often that would just be a hug.
Emily witnessed one at your house when she came over to check on you. She rushed over, caring voice and soft hands and told you to put your head between your knees, stroking your hair until you felt better.
Penelope made the 30-minute drive from her house every Friday night she wasn't working on a case to bring you dinner she had made and chat with you about anything you wanted.
Your friends cared for you, it was so prevalent. It was almost always that fact that was getting you through this as you continued to get better. You would return to work in two weeks because now the anxiety attacks were only once in a while and better controlled by you and Spencer still hadn't spoken to you since.
It was now nearly two weeks later. You would go back to work on Monday.
"He did come to visit you in the hospital before you woke up," Penelope said, stirring her cup of ramen. It was just another Friday and she sat across from you in your chair, cross-legged. "I don't know what's up with him if he isn't speaking to you, he seems fine at work."
You sighed, swallowing your bite. "I'm just scared that he regrets what he said and did before I was dragged away. It was those words and that kiss that got me through what the unsub did and I keep thinking about it and him..."
"It was romantic," she noted, waving her chopstick in the air. "I think you should call him, rather than just text him. It'll catch him off-guard and in-the-moment."
"Yes, so I can listen!"
You smiled a little, pulling out your phone as your heart began to race. What if he did pick up? What if it was awkward? What if he somehow didn't remember?
You pressed on his name, then pressed call. It began to hum quietly with pending rings. One ring, two, then five, then seven, then there was a small beep.
'You've reached Dr. Spencer Reid, uh, leave a message,' his voice said through the machine, still as sweet and youthfully scratchy. You bit your lip and nodded.
"I should have known that he didn't want to talk. Penelope, I can't stop thinking about him and he keeps ignoring my calls and I'm... frankly I'm afraid that nothing will ever happen and he'll ignore me forever."
Penelope cringed, "(Y/N), uh... there's... it's gone to voicemail and you're recording."
"Shit!" You panicked, looking at your phone. "How do I stop it?!"
"The red button!"
"That's the end call button I-" you pressed it by accident. Oh my god, the message went through. You just sat there with Penelope, both of you frozen in shock. That did not just happen... did it really just happen? Your one moment of self-pity and worry was one moment that Spencer would hear if he touched his phone on a Friday night.
The rest of the night was spent with you fighting off panic, pacing your room. Penelope agreed to stay overnight, but you could not handle the fact Spencer would hear what you said. It was humiliating to think about him hearing you stress over something like that.
This is what nagged at you all weekend, threatening the impending anxiety that was building up. Every second was agony, spent pacing and overthinking. Sleep was hard to get, so you took melatonin and your dreams taunted you with it all over again.
Monday morning you rushed to get dressed. You needed to see Spencer, no matter how hard it was to face him. You pulled on dress pants and a navy blue cotton v-neck shirt with bell sleeves. Laundry was forgotten through two days of panic, so this was pretty much the only shirt you had.
You brushed through your hair and applied your regular makeup and there, you were presentable and didn't look like you'd lost your mind over the weekend. You were going back, finally. It was somewhat refreshing if you dismissed the Spencer ordeal.
The drive there was fine. Music helped to calm you down and you listened as long as you could. Stepping into the BAU was different, it felt like you were being crushed the moment you stepped in.
"There's my girl!" Derek Morgan was the first to notice you walk in and he greeted you with open arms and a crushing hug. You smiled, letting him. It had been a while since you last saw him. He let you go after a few seconds, but his hands stayed on your shoulders. "We missed you here, things weren't as fun without you."
"I bet," you grinned, heading to your desk. You could hide your freakout well. "I missed the smell of coffee and paper in the morning."
"(Y/N), glad to have you back," Hotch said, walking down the steps. He did seem honestly glad to see you as there was a small twitch of his mouth when he approached you and Derek. "You're sure you're alright to work again? I assume today is a file day, but we'll be back out there soon."
You nodded, smiling back. "Getting there, but it's controllable now," He narrowed his eyebrows. "I'll be fine for the field and if I'm not, I can always stay at the precinct to work things out there."
Hotch looked to Derek, then back at you. "Sounds good. Again, glad to have you back, agent." Hotch shook your hand and passed you, heading into JJ's office.
"Morgan..." You started, fiddling with your fingers. "Have you seen Spencer?"
"Yeah, he just went to the washroom, why?"
"I need to talk to him..."
The day went on and of course, you saw Spencer, but he paid you no mind. Not even a 'welcome back' or anything. You were just there and it was like you never left, except Spencer didn't even look at you. He was busy with his work and you constantly found yourself watching him. Maybe he'd heard your voice mail, maybe not, but either way, he didn't seem to care anymore.
That month and a half you spent recovering- was it possible that he used that time away from you to get over you? The idea was haunting and tugged at your heart. To be the only one all-in was such an incredibly painful idea. What he said before you were dragged away into the depths of hell meant something to you and it kept you alive... and to think he probably didn't mean it...
You needed to stop thinking about it before it made you burst into a million pieces. To be surrounded by everyone who you loved and loved you back wasn't enough if you couldn't have Spencer, too. Selfish, it sounded so selfish, but it shook you to the core that he wasn't amongst them.
The day continued and more pain was endured. More overthinking, more fear, more insecurity. The day was nearing its end.
Everybody seemed like nobody when Spencer was out of the picture. You had spent so much time thinking about him in the hospital and at home in recovery, who were you without wondering you could make it work? Nobody. Without the fantasy you could be his, you stranded on some sort of island. You were nobody if not Spencer's.
So you were nobody.
It was that thought that keeled you over the edge in the parking lot of the BAU. So much fear, so much pent-up emotion, it was too much to contain and just... spilled over onto everything as your hands began to shake, followed by that godawful feeling in the pit of your stomach. Your knees gave out and you fell conveniently onto the curb next to your car.
There was nobody there, either. You were alone on the concrete curb, face in your shaking hand and the other shaking hand gripping the curb so hard your knuckles turned white. Too much, too little, everything was wrong and you couldn't face Spencer.
You looked up for a brief moment and there was a brief look at someone in a beige cardigan and khaki pants and your heart fell to the pit of your stomach- as if you were humiliated enough. Footsteps, closer.
"A-are you okay?" His voice was a little panicked, definitely not as bad as yours, though. Overall, you were just glad he was within six feet of you.
Of course, you were pretty much unable to reply. Your face stayed in your hands and you felt light fingers on your shoulder, his, and they were somewhat grounding. God, he was here and you couldn't even talk to him, you couldn't even raise your head.
"What do you need, I- what happened?" He cared. But to what extent? His hands felt frantic- they shook a little (again, not nearly as bad as yours) and they moved from your shoulder, to upper arm, to near your neck, to the side of your head. "If this is my fault, I-"
He stopped himself. How could he possibly know that it was the thought of him that sent this into motion? The voicemail didn't entail much other than he was on your mind. You hardly even noticed that you were crying from the anxiety attack until you felt how wet your hands were. Your words kept piling on your tongue and the panic rose again in an entirely new wave.
"Do you- do you need help? I can get Hotch or... Derek, Derek knows, I know, but I don't- I don't think you like me very much and I won't be of help-I-I-I-" His voice continued to ramble and you were flooded with new thoughts. How could he possibly think that you didn't like him? In those moments before you were taken, you had said yes to going out with him if you both made it out. You kissed him back then before the arms grabbed you and dragged you off. Where did the idea of you not liking him come from? It was you who was afraid he didn't like you back.
You wanted to speak, you wanted to say something but you were stuck in your own mind, desperately trying to fight this off, trying hard to calm your breathing. The most you could do was take your hand off of the curb and frantically grab his. You took his hand and you held it tight, trying to slow the sharp intakes of breath. That's when Spencer squeezed your hand and you began to feel better.
And when you did start to feel better and your breathing was still harsh, but better and you could finally move a little more, you did what you had wanted to do every day in the hospital. You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around Spencer, your arms resting around his shoulders. You needed it and apparently so did he, because he squeezed you back the same. Either it was that or he knew pressure helped. All you could do was hope it wasn't the latter.
Spencer of course buried his face in the crook of your neck like he had before and you knew now that this feeling was coming to an end. The tide was washing out and there was calm after the storm. No words, just your breathing becoming more natural and the wind over your ears. This was all that you needed.
He stayed like this with you for a good five more minutes before you could finally release him, pulling apart and your hand coming up to wipe under your eyes. He didn't speak then, either- he just watched, his face furrowed in concern.
So you spoke, "Spencer wh-" your voice cut out from still being in that state of anxiety. You coughed into your arm, tried again. "Why would you think I don't like you?"
"I-I- don't think that's the question, I- are you okay?" His hands went back to your shoulders bracingly.
You smiled a small smile, "I'm better, it's passed, but Spencer...' You slid into a whisper with the crying coming back. Had it really passed?
"Yes?" His reply was wary. As if afraid to break you, he tiptoed.
"Answer me, please."
He bit his lower lip into his mouth, sighing. "I don't know if I should, you're- you're upset."
You looked at him, dead-on, determined. "Please."
"You didn't call. Not once and I-I-I was worried and then I started to think about it and everything t-that happened before you were taken and that you probably only said and did that because you were about to-to-uh, die." He rambled, words spilling out. "So I thought maybe you didn't really like me and-"
"I was waiting for you to call, too," you actually let out a laugh. He smiled in realization. "Because I was afraid of the exact same thing. I was afraid you didn't mean it and I worked myself up- I called Friday night, though-"
"I didn't- I didn't know that-" he fumbled to bring his phone out of his pocket and he must have seen that he had a voicemail from you and nodded, a little smile appearing on his worried face. "So you did mean to say yes?"
"And you did mean to ask?" You inquired, head tilted.
"Y-yes, of course."
"Then yes," you replied, smile widening to a grin. "How is Saturday night? I think I'll be better by then."
He was positively beaming as he helped you back to your feet. "Saturday is... great. Are you sure you're alright?"
"Much better.... truthfully." You nodded excessively and Spencer began walking back to his car, but then came back quickly to kiss your cheek.
He was like a child excited to go run and tell friends, "Goodnight!"
"Night, Spence." You stood there, basking in the glory that was solved miscommunication. You weren't nobody, you were in fact, somebody. And you were soon to be Spencer's.
Tags: @ellyhotchner, @softhairedhotch, @laurakirsten0502
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Bnha dad scenarios: Child default names and background stories.
[Tw: mentions of abortion.]
Dabi's kid/Ayane Name meaning: Kanji (Aya) meaning "Color" and (Ne) meaning sound.
Don't need to tell you that his little Firefly wasn't exactly planned, in fact he was completely blindsided when he found his FWB (now common law wife) was pregnant, he ran away! but, not from her... He disappeared for a couple days then showed up a while later in disguise duffle-bag in hand telling her to hurry and start packing up whatever she can carry; cuz they were leaving! Dabi and your mom relocated to a very small town in the countryside where the population is very small.
(like you could fit the whole township into a Boeing 737 small, and your nearest neighbor was 15 minutes away....)
From there they opened and run a roadhouse bar/motel. Dabi didn't marry his Fairy just because she was pregnant, he caught the feelings a long time ago and had been planning to runaway with her way before Ayane was even a distant thought, her impending arrival just pushed his plans forward. Ayane looks like her mother but her [y/hc] hair has little red streaks and she has partial heterochromia in her eyes, they look like someone colored them cerulean, but remembered halfway through that they were supposed to be y/ec, she also has Dabi's cocky smirk.
Katsuki's kid/Haruka name meaning:  Distant blossom: Uses the Kanji "Haru" in the word "Distant"  combined with the kanji "Ka" in "blossom".
 Having kids was very distant thought in the back of Katsuki's mind not that he didn't want any, He just thought he wouldn't have any, so then his wife told him that they were having a baby. he was over the moon, he didn't care if it was boy or girl just so long as they were happy and healthy, however as soon as it was confirmed that the the baby in his wife's belly was a girl.
Katsuki went scorched-earth on any boys that went near his little girl and Haruka has him wrapped around her little finger. She's his spoiled princess. Haruka looks like a carbon copy of her mom, but has her dad's temperament and potty mouth, she has partial heterochromia both eyes they're half red-half [y/ec]. 
Shigaraki's kid/Kururi name meaning:  Black Emerald: "Ku" from the kanji "Black" and "Ruri" meaning "Emerald". (Ngl she was also named after Kurogiri)
 He was completely blindsided when he found out his queen was having his child, he didn't know what to do with it, he considered having it "taken care of" but his queen threatened to leave him if he ever suggested that again! he was huffy and pouty during the whole pregnancy.  
He was also very protective, usually lingering near by or stalking his wife when she was out and about being careful of in case any heroes or lesser NPCs messed with her, then when the baby was finally born... and he held her for the first time, it was like "Holy crap! I made this...!" and suddenly the world wasn't looking so bleak anymore... and now that his wife is gone (rip) Shigaraki's main focus (as aside villainy) was on his daughter and making the future bright for her.
Kururi though not touch starved she is a bit wary of physical affection, and very socially awkward often preferring to read and or play videogames over socializing with other humans, her only friend seems to be Ayane (their friendship is similar to Orin and April from Parks and rec), They hang out mainly because Shigaraki wanted her have some sense of normality that he was deprived as child. however due to her quirk's nature and the guilt she feels over her mother's death, she has a complex over her hands, she doesn't like it when people try holding them or touching them, often seen wearing gloves or keeping them in her pockets. 
Kururi looks like her mom but has a little mole under her chin and has heterochromia her left eye is red while her right [y/ec] and her [y/hc] hair has a single blueish-white streak in it.
Hawks-Keigo's kid/ Griffin or Finny: as in Griffin the mythical creature.
Keigo and his late wife chose that name because of their respective quirks, His wife had some feline traits cat eyes, and cat ears, it was kind of joke between their two names [Cheshire cat and a Hawk] then they first met, Keigo wasn't really interested in his wife at first, but that didn't stop her! so Keigo said if she could get Endeavor to laugh he'll take her on a date!
So she goes up to Endeavor and says "What happens when a hawk mates with a cat?..." The current number 1 looked at her bemused. "The English call it a Griffin, but I call it a cawk!" Hawks winced It was soo cringy, obscene and made no sense!... But it worked! Endeavor's lips twitched and he snorted! before breaking out in low chuckles, the rest is history.
Though his avian traits seemed to have overrode his wife's feline traits, I.e. {Finny has little red wings on her head instead of cat ears, and Keigo eye brows, However everything else is from his wife. the reality slip quirk {y/hc} hair and {y/eye} etc.
Kirishima's kid/Akara: Name meaning "Red Lightning" {Aka} meaning Red and [Ra] from the word Rai meaning lightning.
Eijirou and his wife thought they were having a boy so Akara's name was originally going to be Akahito "the red warrior" so when the baby that came out was obviously a girl, he and his wife panicked and couldn't figure out or agree on a new name, until Mina suggest a holding raffle everyone wrote a name down and put it in a hat. and the first name they pulled will be their daughter's name, they pulled out Denki's choice and settled on it and considering Akara's quirk: Hard-charge. it fits pretty well. 
(She can harden her skin like her dad. however, with every hit she takes, she can absorb kinetic energy from it, the energy turns into electricity which she can use to deliver powerful electric discharge attacks.) 
Her mom is Denki's cousin by the way... Her mom's Quirk is called Static pinch, she can store small amounts of static electricity and release tiny zaps from her thumb index and middle finger, if she gets close enough to an enemy she use the stored energy in her body like a taser via "Vulcan nerve pinch".
  Akara looks like her mother but has her dad's sharp teeth.
Shoto's kid/Koyuki name meaning "Little snow" kanji [Ko] meaning little and [Yuki] meaning snow.
Much like Katsuki children were a very touchy and distant subject for him, He was was always scared that he'll end up just like his father, he was adamant on having no kids, so when his wife announced that she was pregnant and keeping it, Shoto had a panic attack and ran off  for a couple days, until she calls Dabi who tracked him down and talked some sense into him...
(after punching him in the face for ditching his pregnant wife.) The his older brother pretty much told Shoto he's letting Enji win running off like that, and reminds him that they're both Endeavor's sons, but they are not their father, and will never be their father, they're better than him... and with that Dabi send his younger brother back his worried wife, Shoto apologizes and is working to prove he's not like his father. 
He keeps his daughter away from her grandfather who keeps badgering Shoto for another grandchild as he doesn't see Koyuki's quirk (Frost-breath) taking her anywhere in the future, Shoto has more or less politely told his father to go and pound sand.... as it was very difficult for Shoto's wife to conceive children and her pregnancy and birth was very stressful and traumatic for them, Koyuki was born prematurely and his wife had to stay in the hospital with a severe case of the flu.
Koyuki like  Shoto has bi-color hair on the left it's red and on the right it's [y/hc] she has her mom [y/ec] eyes she’s very happy and but timid child and often seen clinging to one of her parent's legs when stranger approaches, though she get's a bit more confident with time.
Izuku's kid/ Hinamori Name meaning: "sunshine forest" combines the kanji [Hina] for sunshine and the kanji [Mori] for Forest.
Not a surprise when he the number 1 hero's wife started showing a baby-bump a year and a half after their wedding, however what came as a surprise was how protective Izuku became when Reporters and his more eccentric fans didn't know how to keep their boundaries, they would not stop staring at his wife's boobs and trying to touch her belly, Izuku would block their view or slap their hands away and repeat. "Your not my mother or her (Relative.) Don't touch my wife..." he'd discharge his quirk a bit showing that he wasn't kidding around... 
The attention seem to blow over once Hinamori was born mainly due to Izuku buying a house in a gated community so the press couldn't get in so easily and bother the new family, Hinamori looks like her mom but she her y/hc hair is wild like Izuku's and she has his freckles, she likes reading and is often found in Izuku's study reading his old hero observation books. and has actually been working on some of her own, as Izuku has found her little dinosaur notebook with observations on Haruka, Koyuki and Akara. 
Denki's kid: Raika name meaning: Lightning flower uses the kanji [Rai] for lightning and the kanji [Ka] from flower. 
Raika wasn't exactly planned... See Denki and his little lady were on vacation see? there was this music festival in Niagara-falls, and well...He and his wife had few too many and well details are bit blurred, but... Raika may or may not have been conceived in a handicap stall, but if she ever were to ask everyone's been told to say it was after Denki recued his wife from a villain holding her hostage and Raika was the end result of his reward, luckily she doesn't seem really interested in knowing her parents sexual history.
So there's a good chance shell never know! Raika has her dad's quirk, her hair is y/hc with a yellow/black lighting bolt streaked into it and her y/ec eyes flash yellow when using her quirk. 
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Walker 2.06
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The holidays have arrived, decisions were made, and by the end we were all left crying. Or at least I was 😭
This ep not only marked the midseason finale but it was Micki's last episode meaning when the show comes back in January it will be without our beloved Ranger Ramirez. From the very first episode of this series the character of Micki, and her and Walker's relationship has been the biggest highlight for me. I have loved all of her scenes, her character was such an integral part of the show and her absence will be felt. But before we get into how she was written off, let's quickly talk about what happened in the rest of the episode.
There is a case in this ep but it takes a back seat to what’s happening with the characters. Some dudes in deer masks hijacked an evidence transport truck that had a ton of evidence on the Serano case so Denise asks Liam and Walker to help her out cause everyone knows her in the town where it happened. The brothers set off to investigate and the very first person they interview leads them to Dan aka Denise’s husband turns out Dan has a past and this suspect who is a known hijacker and him used to roll together; now at first Walker thinks he doesn't have anything to do with it cause Dan is in Austin and this happened Thalia (another part of Texas for those who don’t know) but it turns out Danny boy is actually there, and he’s acting fishy and has a shotgun.
Now Liam thinks Dan has something to do with it, thinking him a dangerous man, which he is right about, and he even opens up to his brother about how he has been struggling after his traumatic near death moment. As they are having this convo, Gayle walks into the dinner they were at, being her usual bitch self, to talk to Walker and tell him where he can find out who hijacked the truck because…the clerk at the hardware store conveniently shared the information that he had sold blowtorches to some “meth heads” (blowtorches had been used in the hijacking) and then she even comes up with an alibi for Dan saying he was only there because he had a fight with Denise, she spins a whole tale. Her tip was right, they find the guys, they get the truck and Dan is seemingly not involved but her timing is so suspicious; it’s like he called her up to clean up his mess.
Speaking of messes, Liam, because he’s so sure Dan is a bad guy, broke the taillight of Dan’s truck and then called in a false report. This leads to a big fight with Walker- they run into Dan and Gayle being stopped by the cops on their way home and Liam confesses what he did, and Walker is really pissed off. But honestly I side with Liam. Was what he did smart? No, but he told Walker he was struggling and it’s clear he’s not doing well and he is genuinely scared of this guy, but Walker rather play peace maker because of his own issues than listen to his own brother who clearly needs help and needs his big brother to offer some comfort and support. And then Liam decides to speak to Denise, we don't know what he tells her but it couldn't have been good. This poor boy is a mess.
Not a lot goes on with the kids this ep but August does come clean to his dad about the ban incident and shows him his bruised up shoulder. I don’t know why Walker chooses to stay looking at the Christmas tree rather than rush the kid to the hospital but he’s had a long day he’s allowed a moment of “this is fine 🙃”.
And then: sadness.
Earlier in the ep Micki finally opened up to Trey, told him about Garrison and what happened and even that they used to be engaged. And Trey is really understanding and it seems like things are going to work out, they even go to a school activity together but eventually his true feelings come out. He is having doubts and questioning the timing of Micki taking on an undercover assignment just as the two of them were getting serious and wondering if maybe her problem with commitment has to do more with him cause she used to be happily engaged to another man. At the end they decide to part ways, they still love and care for each other but they want different things and Micki has to deal with what happened and that’s not something she can do in Austin.
Micki decides she is going back to San Antonio to heal and focus on herself. Her final scene is in the precinct, she’s leaving her gun and badge, and a letter for Walker thinking she’s gonna sneak off like a thief in the night but Captain James shows up and they have a little exchange. And then Walker shows up and we get one last beautiful scene between him and Micki as they say goodbye to each other. I was crying by this point, I’m so happy we got a last scene between them; in my opinion it was a beautiful goodbye, the music, the acting, the way she was written off felt very organic- even the way the set was staged because the main lights were off, it was just christmas lights and computers it all added to the moment. And again the acting, just a beautiful job by Jared, Lindsey, and Coby Bell.
I’m really going to miss this character and I hope to see her one day return, at the same time I’m happy for Lindsey that she’s taking care of herself. She seems to be doing well and I wish her the best in both her personal and professional life.
Micki is a character that we didn’t get to know for very long but she quickly earned our hearts and that’s in large part because of Lindsey’s work and talent 💖
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
🔪: <3 thanks for all the support so far
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter Thirteen
“Kuroo-San I’m very flattered but in reality I’m seeing someone.” You chuckled awkwardly as you both walked to the lounge after today’s game. “Really?! Since when! About a month ago during the black Jackals game you just said you were a single mom!” He exclaimed. “Well..in reality..I’m trying to make amends with the father of my children. We were both dumb and immature but now since we’re older, we can have a decent conversation. And I still have feelings for him in a way and he’s already confessed..so...” you scratched the back on your head. “Have you accepted his confession..?” He asked. “Well..I mean I kind of changed the subject..” you replied awkwardly. “Poor guy..” he put his hand on his chest as if he felt the pain. “Well it’s not right to pressure someone into going on a date with them so I’m sorry. I was out of line. And I hope everything goes well between you and Rintarou.” He said with a soft smile. He patted your head and walked away down the other hall, you just stood there dumbfounded. How does he know Rin is the dad..?
You haven’t checked social media or sports news so you’re not sure if people already know. You made you way into the lounge and opened your small locker. You took out your purse and walked to your car, you tried walking as fast as possible to avoid talking to people and when you were in the comfort of your car you took out your phone.
Your eyes widened at the amount of phone calls and messages Rin sent. You didn’t even have a chance to read the messages since you decided to call back Rin and wonder what is going on. “It’s about time you answer.” He immediately gritted, he obviously sounded pissed. “Excuse me?” You immediately said with such confusion.
Does he seriously think he can get away with talking to you like that?
“I said it’s about time you fucking answered. Why weren’t you answering my calls or messages?” He asked. “I was obviously working.” You said in a duh tone. “Is something wrong?” You asked. “YES something is wrong! My son almost died and I didn’t know what to do!”
Your heart dropped. He almost...died..? “W-wait—“ you shook your head. “What do you mean he almost died?” You asked. “He had an allergy attack and I had to use an epipen. I didn’t know what to do at the hospital. I rarely had any information. You never told me if the kids had insurance or anything.” “Is Rini okay?” You immediately asked. “Yes he’s fine. But you didn—“
“I’m on my way. For the next eight hours, think before you speak, okay? Don’t say anything you’ll regret.” You warned. “Whatever.” He muttered and hung up. Immediately your heart clenched and you threw your phone at the passenger seat. You rubbed your face and leaned forward and gripped the steering wheel.
“What the fuck.” You sighed. Throughout the drive back to Hyogo your hands began shaking thinking about your kids and Rin. The kids went through something traumatic, and you weren’t there to help them or to protect them. What kind of mother are you? You wanted to slap yourself so hard, jump off a cliff. Receive some sort of punishment for being such a stupid mother and trusting Rin with your children.
After a few hours, your makeup needed a touch up, your hair was a mess for running your hands through your hair hoping your son is okay. Your eyes felt droopy. You’ve only slept a good six hours between drives and it’s way past midnight. The sun began to rise and you finally passed the billboard welcoming you to the hyogo prefecture. You went to the hospital Rin said they were at and you quickly parked and made your way inside.
The poor lady in the office seemed startled at your appearance, your clothes were wrinkled, and your shirt was untucked and unbuttoned from the top, you had bags under your eyes, you were a whole mess. When she gave the room number you slipped off your heels and began jogging to your location. The door was opened so you peeked in and saw your daughter playing with her fox plush on the uncomfortable couch chair.
It was like she sensed you so she looked up and you made eye contact with your little girl. Her eyes immediately watered and she hopped off the chair crying. “Mommy!” She sobbed and you immediately bent down to pick her up. You held her close and her grip tightened around your shoulders. “Rini doesn’t feel good..” she mumbled in your ear. “I know baby, I know.” You answered and dropped your heels by the entrance.
You made you way inside and saw Rin hunched over on the bed sleeping. He was holding Rini’s hand who was also asleep. He looked alright and you sighed in relief. “Have you slept, Akira?” You asked and she nodded. “I slept with Rini, but grandma wanted me to go back home with her. But Rini needed me. He’s my twin.” She wiped her eyes and slightly pulled away. You neared the other side of the bed and pulled the lounge chair closer so you can sit. Akira was on your left thigh with her head still on your shoulder. You looked at Rini sleeping and you brushed some hair out of his face. He slowly opened his eyes and he smiled lazily, “I missed you momma..” he mumbled. “I missed you too. I came as fast as I could.” You assured. “I was so scared.” He admitted. “I know..and I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you.” Your eyes began to water. “Don’t cry mommy.... then I’ll cry..” Rini held your hand with his free hand.
Your wiped under your eyes with the sleeve of your blazer to stop the tears from falling and you smiled again. “Okay I won’t cry.” You said and released a breath. “Can you sing me a song?” Akira asked in your neck, “Yeah I want a song too, please.” Rini pouted and you nodded. They had a favorite song from a certain show that they enjoyed the most. You began to sing softly and Rini squeezed your hand and Akira began to fall asleep again.
I always thought I might be bad
Now I'm sure that it's true
'Cause I think you're so good
And I'm nothing like you
Look at you go
I just adore you
I wish that I knew
What makes you think I'm so special
You saw as Rini’s eyes began to close so he could fall back to sleep, you heard snoring right in your ear and realized Akira knocked out as well. “You have a beautiful voice.” Rin said softly as he rested his head on the side of his arm. “Sorry that I woke you up.” You quickly apologized. “No it’s fine..” he yawned and slowly sat up. He winced slightly, “Damn I need to see a chiropractor.” He muttered and you released a small chuckle. “Me too.” You said.
“So is Rini okay? What happened?” You asked and he sighed and looked into your eyes. “My mom got some burgers from a restaurant where peanut oil is used. She didn’t know Rini was allergic and I didn’t check the bag.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” You raised your voice and his eyes widened. “Your mom almost killed our son and you blame me for leaving you without any information?” You asked and he looked down guilty. “She didn’t kn—“
“Of course she doesn’t know because all day she was acting like a conceited bitch instead of being a grandmother to her grandkids. She even called me a whore—“
“No she didn’t.” He immediately interrupted. “She didn’t because you stopped her. But that’s what she thinks right? I model for Hana’s company to support her and to build up my self esteem and now I’m a whore? And you had the audacity to talk to me so rudely when I didn’t do anything. If you’re going to be treating me like that then there’s the fucking door. You understand? Never again will I be disrespected by a man.” You said and he had no words.
“You make it seem like I did it on purpose. I was sleep deprived and scared. I felt like I was going to throw up.” Rin squinted his narrow eyes.
“Do you have any idea what I felt when I got a call eight hours away that my son almost died? Imagine how I feel when he calls out to me and I’m not there. I feel like I failed them as a mom, my chest hurts and I’ve always been there. Always. And now I leave them in your hands and something happens and I can’t get there soon? I almost had a panic attack on the drive!” You exclaimed and he stayed silent. He didn’t want to continue fighting. He’s sure the kids are awake and listening to everything.
“I’m sorry.” He said and looked at his hands. He felt defeated and disappointed. You shouldn’t be so hard on him, it’s been less than a month since he took on this role. “Hey look at me.” You called softly, he looked up and you made eye contact once more. “I’m sorry for going off on you like this, I’m just as upset and afraid as you are and I’m sure you haven’t slept much.”
“I could say the same for you, you look like shit.” He cracked a tiny smile and you rolled your eyes with a giggle. “So did your mom eventually decide to be a grandma or she still hates me so she’s not getting close?” You asked. “She went back home to bring some clothes and then to get us some breakfast. I sent her a screenshot of my notes.” He said and you nodded. You obviously still felt uneasy with her, but they deserve a grandma and if she’s being civil you have no reason to take them away from her.
There was a knock at the door and you and Rin immediately turned your heads. “Oh you must be mom..” the doctor said. “Yeah I’m mom.” You said. She explained that Rini stayed longer than usual because he is a child. After a severe allergic reaction there can be aftershocks hours after the person receives treatment and that can lead to a seizure. She praised Rin for quick thinking and following proper steps to insure his child’s safety.
When the doctor left, Rin’s mom waltzes in and she freezes when she sees you. You take a deep breath and release and decide that it’s best to keep quiet. You wouldn’t want a clique animosity between you and your maybe future mother in law.
“I brought Rini some spare clothes.” She said as she opened Rin’s old gym bag. “He doesn’t own that jacket.” You pointed out. Her face flushed slightly, “I know..but this was Rintarou’s favorite jacket when he was his age..I thought it would be nice to wear. I have a lot of Rin’s old baby and child clothes.” She admitted softly, almost scared that you would snap any minute. And you would, so she was wise to walk on eggshells.
“Okay that’s fine.” You gave in. You helped Rini get dressed while Rin was talking to the doctor and getting ready to check out. You walked barefoot down the hall with your pink heels in your right hand, while Akira held your left hand. Rini was holding hands with Suna and Rin’s mom was holding their stuffed animals. She trailed behind you four and saw how you and Rin swung akira with you arms, her little giggles filled the hall releasing serotonin to the patients and nurses nearby.
“Momma aren’t you gonna put your shoes on?” Rini asked, “My feet hurt and I don’t feel like falling.” “But it’s hot outside, you can burn your feet.” Rin spoke up, “I think I’ll be fine.” You assured. He rolled his eyes and let go of the kids. You were about to step on the asphalt of the parking lot after checking both sides and all of a sudden you’re being knocked back from your legs and carried bridal style. “RINTAROU PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT.”
The kids giggled at their parents funny behavior, you kicked the air and squirmed but his grip tightened. “Do you really wanna get down?” He asked and you said yes. He pretended to drop you and you gripped onto his shirt for dear life and he started laughing. “I swear to God I am going to kick you where the sun doesn’t shine.” You muttered. He finally put you down but you were so distracted you were already at your car.
Karin took the kids to her car since the car seats are in there, so now it’s just you and Rin. “You give me a headache.” You told him. “But you love this headache—“ both your eyes widened and he stopped, “—sorry.” He immediately apologized.
You turned away to yawn and you muttered an it’s okay. He opened the car door for you just like old times, much to your dismay and he closed it when you entered. You put on your seatbelt and he fixed the seat and complained at how tiny you were. He was expecting you to fight back and bicker but you were already asleep.
He leaned forward and fixed your head so you wouldn’t hurt your neck. He started the car and began driving back home. He saw the two empty cups of coffee and some energy bar wrappers on the floor. The phone wasn’t playing any music but the volume was up to 20. You must have been so tired driving all last night and the night before for nine straight hours. No wonder you blasted music to keep you up and drank coffee.
He soon made it home and tried waking you up, but you didn’t budge. Not even shaking you work. You were a muttering unconscious mess when he helped you out and carried you bridal style once again. His mom let him in and he told Akira to unroll the futon in the living room since he couldn’t take you upstairs. He successfully placed you down and helped take of your blazer, he thanked god you were wearing an undershirt thanks to akira checking (no somnophilia shit here atm) and he helped unbutton your dress shirt so you wouldn’t feel hot. He put a light blanket over you. “Can’t believe I have to get you ready for bed like a child.” He muttered with a shake of his head. “Silence bottom, it’s mimi’s time.” You said in your sleep.
The kids ate their breakfast in the car as well as Karin. They were already awake and playing with Chewy outside again. “Mom.” He called, “Yes?” She asked from the kitchen. “Can I borrow your makeup wipes?” He asked. She smiled softly, looking out the window to check on the kids. “Yeah go ahead, they’re in the bathroom.”
Rin came back with the wipes and began wiping the makeup off your face. He didn’t want to press too hard to hurt you. But damn, this makeup was hard to take off. Finally you slept comfortably without makeup, without any interruptions. “Sweet dreams, love.” He smiled and moved the hair away from your face.
He stood up and grabbed the bag with all the kids school stuff and sat in the picnic table outside. “Alright you rascals time for school!” He yelled and the kids yelled an okay and went to join their dad.
“Hey dad..” Rini said. “What’s up?” Rin looked at his son, “I love you a lot. To infinity and beyond. Mama says that’s called unconditional love.” He said and Rin smiled with a nod. “Exactly, and I love you two unconditionally as well.” He said and Akira peered up from her work sheet. “Do you love mom unconditionally?” She asked Rintarou.
“Yeah. Yeah I do.”
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Fun facts:
Someone asked me to do fun facts and if I had any for future chapters so here I go
The song YN sang is love like you from Steven universe but this is my fav version.
‘Mimi’s’ means sleeping time, Akira didn’t know how to say sleeping when she was a toddler so she would say Mimi’s cuz uncle Oikawa would say “es tiempo de dormir.” Which means ‘it’s time to sleep’. So MIMIS is taken for the ‘mir’ in dormir. (Sorry that was a long explanation) (if you live in a Mexican household then u might usually hear this)
YN drives a Black Honda CR-V (nice mom van) ☺️ while Rin has a White Nissan GT-R but he’s thinking of trading it in for a four door sports car to take the kids and yn along
Rin still has his old black mustang in a garage rental back in Tokyo where he would drive with YN everywhere. He wants to fix it up and gift it to one of his kids when they’re older 🥺
Idk why I’m talking about cars
Rin was a blushing mess when he was getting yn ready for bed and his heart stopped when she snuggled into him
After he admitted he loved YN unconditionally, Akira called him a simp
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @atsumusdomain @ohrintarou @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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shorkbrian · 4 years
I’ve noticed a shortage of yan! Shoto :0 Whilst Kiri is my absolute fave, Todoroki needs some love too! Could I request some Yan! Shoto being absolutely touch starved and obsessed with a sweet, loving, motherly and smol reader? (it can be nsfw if you so wish!) Thank you!! (Btw, I love reading your stories, it’s a blessing in my day, even just looking at your shitposts/memes. And if you ever want to talk, jus say so. I hope you have a good day!! 🥺💞) - Sugar Anon 🧚‍♀️
Sugar anon! That is such a cute identifier and I hope to see you in my asks again!! Hopefully this is along the lines of what you were thinking!!!
It’s a very good concept btw cause like mhm him getting completely overwhelmed and overstimulated during diddly times cause he’s never had anyone be intimate with him.
Like moaning and his cheeks are flushed and oh
(Y/N) is a new doctor  at Shouto’s agency in charge of patching him up between missions and basically being his doctor. Shouto likes her gentle hands and soft touches, lets himself get a bit more scraped up then he would normally.  He’s just so touch starved and she’s so motherly and its such an intimate setting and he’s never had feelings like this before and he doesn’t know what to do.
Has yandere tendencies but tries to squash them down or hide them, tries to be normal.
One day gets hit with an aphrodisiac quirk, stumbles into her office and she’s immediately worried, once she figures out what’s up she tries to get out, lock him in there until someone stronger than he can come escort him home but he grabs her before she can get to the door. 
He’s crying cause he’s so horny it hurts (he’s never been this aroused in his LIFE) and he wanted everything to be perfect and he wanted to woo her but now he’s forcing himself on her and he can’t stop his hips from moving and he’s confessing all the bad things he’s done while he’s known her and she’s absolutely horrified, traumatized.
Warnings - NSFW, noncon, very hard noncon. Aphrodisiacs (spelling?) and a low-key weird comment about Shouto’s mommy-issues at the end. Dude is so twisted and sad and touch starved.
“Todoroki-san, I have had to patch you up six different times in two days.”
Shouto cocked his head, staring at you with his bi-colored eyes, studying your face as you tended to the wound on his shoulder. The lilt to your voice suggested you were teasing, making small talk to distract the man as you swiped a disinfectant pad over the cut. You knew what you would be expected to do when you applied for this job, knew that heros were often injured. 
He had overseen the hiring process himself, his last doctor had left the agency for a job in a different country. Shouto held no hard feelings for the doctor, knew that as a hero he often got himself into trouble, needed a lot of attention and care. Not everyone could be expected to spend so much time with him, attending to his health - even if he was paying them a more-than adequate salary.
Most of the candidates had bored him when they came in for their scheduled interviews. Too many of them were looking at this position as a way to launch them into a nice comfortable position in a prestigious hospital. They seemed… uninterested, or too interested, some of the candidates invading his space when they came for a handshake, babbling about how much of a fan they were.
  You weren’t like that. There was a professional distance when you shook his hand, smiling at him pleasantly as you introduced himself. Then you sat down, waited for him and his team to begin asking you questions. Shouto couldn’t keep his eyes from straying to your hands, letting himself wonder whether those hands would be the right ones for the job. You looked so delicate, at least to him, a pro-hero.
But he already liked you better than any of the other candidates.
So you were hired, on the condition that you would be on a trial period for the first two months, with halved pay. It was still far above minimum wage, but Shouto was weary of hiring seemingly-normal employees only for them to turn out to just be trying to get to know him, whatever their reasons. The trial period was for his own sanity.
Currently he was sitting in your office, perched on the edge of the exam table tucked into the corner. Today he had managed to escape his most recent fight with only a few mild scrapes and bruises, but as his doctor, you needed to make sure he was okay, clean his wounds and patch him up before letting him go home for the day. It wouldn’t do anybody any good if one of the top pro heros collapsed on the job because of a lack of medical care. 
Your office was stocked with everything a doctor of your caliber could possibly need. Your “office” was really a mock hospital room, in a medium sized room located at the back of the agency. Having you on site meant that Shouto never had to bother with trips to the hospital, being swarmed by fans when he wasn’t feeling good or having someone who didn’t understand the capabilities of his quirk try to treat him.
It also meant he could relax, know that he was being taken care of. With you being so new, Shouto still had his guard up, ready for any-and-everything. So far you had been nothing but gentle.
You had hardly talked to him, other than the expected “This might sting” or “Deep breath in”. You warned him before you touched him,  but otherwise were very quiet, working diligently and professionally.  Shouto enjoyed it honestly, being able to step away from the buzz and hubbub of his agency and into his doctor’s office, where it was quiet and calm and peaceful.
Being with his mother had felt like this. Felt safe and refreshing and like a secret haven tucked away from the rest of the world.  
Clicking you tongue, you gave the pro hero a thumbs up as you stepped back. “Alright, you’re good to go! Please be safe on your way home Todoroki-san.” Shouto nodded, a stiff smile passing his lips as he rose to his feet. You were a good doctor, always took the best care of him.
“You as well Y/N.”
The next visit to your office revealed that you had added a few personal touches. 
A cheesy poster on the wall, directly across from the exam table, a single plant on your desk, A bowl of mini lollipops on the shelf by the door.
Today was a short visit, just a quick once-over to make sure there weren’t any cuts or wounds that he hadn’t felt, the normal questions any quirks used against him during the day.  Shouto found himself wishing the visit had been longer as you gave him the all-clear,  moving away from the exam table so he could stand up. Before he walked out the door, you stopped him, silently handed him a lollipop. He took it,  noticing how soft your hand felt against his as he withdrew.
Shouto didn’t like sweets, but he didn’t mind accepting a lollipop from you. He could just offer it to his secretary when he passed her desk, no biggie. It was easier to do that than hurt your feelings by refusing.
Well, he knew it probably wouldn’t hurt your feelings.  He just liked seeing the little twinkle in your eye when he accepted it. He assumed the lollipops were a gag, something usually given to small children for being brave at their checkups.
He wasn’t your only patient, much as he would’ve liked. His agency had several other up-and-coming heroes, and several sidekicks, and you tended to all of them. Shouto liked to think that you saved the majority of your tenderness for him.
One time he had come in while you were setting one of the sidekick’s shoulders. You had asked him to sit down in your office chair, to give you a minute so you could finish up with his coworker. Shouto had done exactly that, watching as your soft hands gripped the sidekick hard, fingers digging in. 
“One, two, three.” You gave a countdown, forcefully jerking the shoulder back in place on “three”. The sidekick groaned at the pain, head shaking as if to clear his head from the intense sensation. You went over to your lollipop bowl, ignoring Shouto as he sat in your chair, returning to the sidekick to give him the sugary treat.
The sidekick sucked on the lollipop while you bandaged his arm into a sling, immobilizing it so it could heal. When you were done, you sent him on his way with a soft smile, before turning to Shouto.
“Todoroki-san, thank you for waiting.  How are you feeling today?”
Todoroki moved to the exam table when you motioned for him, immediately stripping off one of the boots of his hero costume.
“Hello (Y/N), it’s good to see you. I’m feeling good, got nicked by a spike during a fight today. Luckily it hit my ankle, and it’s not very painful.”
“Mm, let’s have a look.”
You kneeled down,  giving him a small warning before pulling his foot towards you, examining the tiny cut gracing his ankle. Shouto paused, closing his eyes as he relaxed at your touch. He didn’t remember the last time he felt this at-ease with another human. He didn’t know what it was about you; maybe your gentle, soft demeanor? Perhaps it was your kind touch, how you never pressed too hard and always respecting his personal space.  
Even as your fingers prodded at the cut, feeling the bone underneath, Shouto felt relaxed, content. He liked being around you, being with you. Even if the two of you hardly conversed. Maybe he could change that?
“(Y/N), how have you been finding working here?”
You looked up at him, bright eyes warm and kind. Shouto felt his chest tighten. “Oh, it’s very nice Todoroki-san! I hope I’m doing a good job attending to everyone.” With a smile, you returned to his ankle, producing an alcohol wipe from seemingly nowhere.
Shouto nodded, hands gripping the edge of the exam table. “I certainly appreciate your service. You have very tender hands.”  Just like his mom.  When he was younger, before his scare… Shouto remembered the care his mother would give to a scraped knee or a bump on his head. The soft touch, the kindness, the gentle hands - Shouto didn’t want to insult you by comparing you to his mother, so he stayed silent.
With a start, the man realized you were beaming up at him, wrapping a bandage around his ankle. He smiled back, felt his cheeks flush a little. What was this?
“Thank you! I know how important my patient is to the world.”
Ah, yes, his job. 
His job that he should probably getting back to.
Reluctantly, Shouto accepted the usual lollipop from your hands, wishing you would linger so he could feel the brush of your skin against his own.
Was he developing feelings for you?
It was a startling idea. Shouto never thought himself the type to have /feelings/ for someone else. When he thought of his future, it never involved another person. He didn’t want a family, didn’t want the opportunity to make the same mistakes as his father.
But as he gave the idea more thought, Shouto realized that he was feeling… something towards you. It was different to what he felt for Izuku, for Bakugou and Kirishima. He didn’t crave their touch like he did yours. Had physical contact always had such an appeal?
His last doctor had touched him, it was necessary of course to patch up his various wounds from fights. But somehow it wasn’t the same as when you touched him. 
Shouto spent each exam studying you, your features, the way you moved, how you almost skipped over to the lollipop bowl to retrieve him one at the end of the exam.  He felt drawn to you, wanted to touch your hair, hold onto your hand when you handed him the lollipop. Would you touch him if he asked? A hug maybe?
In his penthouse, Shouto mulled over his feelings, his wants and needs and how you fit in. Would it be prudent for him to start a relationship at this point in his life? Would you even consider him as a partner? No, probably not. You were much too professional, wouldn’t even think of starting a relationship with your boss. 
Maybe he could fire you.
No, no, Shouto couldn’t do that, it would make you hate him. Plus, he wouldn’t be able to see you as often. And Shouto was quickly becoming of the opinion that he wouldn’t mind seeing you more often than he did now.
He wanted more from you. He didn’t know what he wanted, but… maybe he could learn. 
If you noticed how frequently Shouto seemed to be visiting you, compared to his usual once-daily check up, you didn’t say anything.
Tabloids were beginning to comment on how eager the pro hero seemed to engage in hand-to-hand with villains. His usual strategy involved using his quirk, only getting his hands dirty if absolutely necessary. But now? He was constantly looking to get hit, kicked, clawed, wounded.
He had to come see you after every over-dramatic scrap with a villain.  You didn’t seem to notice, nor mind seeing his face pop around the door 3-4 times a day, sheepishly asking if you could patch up a new cut, check out a new bruise, make sure his nose wasn’t broken.
Shouto could feel himself falling, further and further into the rigid embrace of love, or at least, his version of it. Did other people experience attraction this vividly? 
He had come to terms with the fact that he was attracted to you, not just your body but your mind, your personality, your very existence.  He wanted to stay in your office, lingering after every visit and awkwardly attempting small talk just so you would interact with him, just so he could be with you a little longer. 
In the privacy of his own apartment, Shouto found himself researching on his laptop. “How to get the girl” “Ways to let her know you like her” “What does love feel like”. He felt so juvenile,  but the man was genuinely at a loss for how to deal with his feelings for you. Telling you outright wouldn’t be appropriate. You would never enter a relationship with your boss, Shouto knew this, you were too good of an employee. Flirting was not his forte, and was completely out of the question. 
So he stuck to what he knew how to do - keep his mouth shut and watch. You never turned him away from your office, never showed irritation when he showed up, never gave any sign that you were becoming tired of his presence. Shouto took this as an invitation, a sign that maybe, just maybe, you had feelings for him too. He found himself bringing his lunch down to your office, asking if he could eat there, just to get away from everyone for a little bit. You always let him, nonchalantly scrolling through your phone as you ate during your lunch break. 
Shouto was a bit embarrassed of himself when he pulled your file from the employee records. If anyone asked why, he would just tell them that he was considering giving you a raise, but wasn’t sure. That’s a valid reason to bring out an employee’s file, right? He just wanted to know where you live, if it was far from the agency. The man couldn’t stomach the thought of you, gentle, little (Y/N)  having to walk home alone at night, or take the train with all the creeps that could be there. 
When he came upon your address, Shouto made a note to ask if you’d like him to drive you home. It was at least a thirty minute drive, he didn’t want to think about how you usually got home. What if something happened to his doctor? When he broached the subject, Shouto thought he did pretty well at acting nonchalant.
“The weather’s getting colder, isn’t it?”
You nodded, wrapping gauze around a nasty gash on his calf.
“I feel bad for anyone who has to walk during the evenings.” He stated.
“Aw, it’s not that bad in my opinion.” You took the bait “I walk home from the train station every night and the weather isn’t awful. It’ll probably get nasty as winter comes though.”
“You have to take the metro to get home? Where do you live.” As if he didn’t know. But you’d recoil if he offered just yet, probably be weirded out that he knew your address.
“Yeah, I live over in the Shikuyu district. It’s a really pretty walk in the fall though, all those trees turning different colors.”
Shouto wrung his hands, taking a deep breath. “Let me drive you home tonight, there’s been some criminal activity going down over there and it’s not one of my sectors. I need my doctor safe.”
You tried to protest, and Shouto let you, but ultimately pulled the boss card, insisting that he needed to take care of his employees, especially one that he bothered so much.
“You never bother me Todoroki-san.” You laughed, dropping a lollipop into Shouto’s lap.
Shouto kept his face from souring, missing the usual contact of your gentle, silky-soft hands as you handed the treat to him. But it was fine, he would get more time with you. In his car, just the two of you, outside of work.
Then he registered what you said, and his head snapped up, eyes wide and roving over you as you turned away, cleaning up the exam table and messy supplies. 
It was all the confirmation he needed.
After the first time Shouto drove you home, you refused to let him go out of his way to help you out. Still, he was your boss and he could insist that you at least call an uber, or a cab. He didn’t feel comfortable sending his little doctor off onto the train every night after work. Shouto even upped your pay so you could afford it easier, saying there was no reason to be unsafe.
It was hard for him to know if he was being too suffocating.  He didn’t want for you to regret your statement about him never bothering you.
So he had his agency install new security cameras. 
One was placed in your office, where there hadn’t been one before. You weren’t too pressed when Shouto asked you what you thought of the upgrades, said you could see the sense in making sure the building was safe, especially the doctor’s office, where the heroes would be at their most vulnerable. 
Shouto agreed - he was always at his most vulnerable when he was around you.
But now he could stop letting his body take a beating in order to see you. He could sit in his office, busy himself with paperwork and have the security feed from your office pulled up on his laptop. Half the time Shouto got distracted, abandoning the paperwork in order to watch you work, treating sidekicks and heroes-in-training and anyone else the agency had hired. 
He tried to ignore the bitter pang of jealousy that reared it’s head.
Shouto knew jealousy, knew anger and negative emotions very well. His childhood had been littered with nothing but bad memories and negative moments. The only time he felt at peace was when he was curled in his mom’s lap, the woman running slender fingers through his bi-colored hair. Sometimes, when he was still very small, she would have the time to read him a story before bedtime. 
She was such an amazing woman. 
Shouto saw her in you.
The way you tended to him so gently, delicately treating his wounds. How you carded through his hair, just like his mom used to, when you were checking for head wounds. The way your lovely hands pressed against his back when you felt to see if a rib was cracked, rubbing each rib slow and soft, pressing. It was just like how his mom would rub his back.
The man swore your touch was addictive. He wanted more and more and more and he didn’t have a clue as how to get it.  Shouto had to be satisfied with fleeting brushes when he moved before you were ready, accidentally jostling you against his body. Or telling you (lying) that his body was hurting, sore, it didn’t quite feel right. You would do your best to check for any injuries, asking where it hurt (usually his torso “hurt”) and then skimming your hands very carefully over the skin there.
Shouto imagined how nice it would be to fall asleep with your hands on him. He wasn’t stupid.  He was getting too attached, too invested, was practically stalking your at this point. He shouldn’t be doing this, lying to you, watching you. But he didn’t know what else to do.
Guilt was beginning to take root in his mind.
One day he knew he would have to tell you, confess his feelings and deal with the outcome. You would accept him, hopefully. Shouto felt afraid for what he would do if you didn’t.
Shouto felt hot, disoriented, thirsty. He was pretty sure he was in your office, had gotten hit with a villains quirk during a fight. Apparently it had knocked him out, as he didn’t remember even coming into the agency.
Muffled voices could be heard past the closed door, and Shouto winced at the noise, at the light, at the feelings of his clothes against his skin. Everything felt  too much.  He stumbled off the exam table, yup, your office, and moved towards the light switch, stripping off his shirt as he did so. 
The voices outside were still making noise, but with the light off Shouto felt a little better. His remaining clothes were still bothering him. His head felt fuzzy. His boots came off, followed by his pants. He wanted to take off his boxers, but his rational mind supplied how bad of an idea that would be. What if you came in?
At the thought of his little doctor, Shouto’s stomach jolted in arousal. Confused, the man peered down, surprised to find himself completely hard in his boxer briefs. He knew he considered you very attractive, but it usually took a fair bit of stimulus before he found himself aroused. 
Shouto gulped as he climbed back onto the exam table, immediately curling onto his side towards the wall. He was practically panting with the heat of the room, sweating and drooling. Wait, drooling?
The door opened.
“Todoroki-san, I have bad news.”
Your voice was so sweet, like warm honey. Shouto shivered when he heard it, his cock twitching between his legs. He wanted to turn to you, stand up, pull you close. But he… he shouldn’t.
“You got hit by an aphrodisiac quirk. It’s going to take a bit to leave your system, and will probably be uncomfortable until then. I’m going to leave some supplies in case you would like to use them, but I will be taking my leave after getting you settled. The rest of your team and I have decided it’s safer for you to remain in this room than attempt to move you back home. We will be locking the door so no one can come in.”
And you can’t get out.
You didn’t have to say it,. Shouto heard you shuffling around the room behind him, he was so hot, sweat was beading all over his body.
“(Y/N), Why am I so warm?” Shouto groaned out, trembling. It felt like he was sick but with… arousal.
Objects were set down on your desk, before Shouto heard you step towards him.
“The quirk is going to make your libido hyperactive for the next twelve hours or so. It’s very likely that you will be aroused and craving stimulation.”
You sounded so clinical, so robotic, none of the usual warmth in your tone when you talked to Shouto. He wanted to whine, cry that you weren’t treating him the way you usually did.  And when he needed your help too! His rational brain was telling him that you were trying to be professional, give your mostly-naked boss privacy. 
HIs rational brain told him to stay still, wait until you left the room to grab whatever you had left for him on the desk.  It was entirely possible that he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back from grabbing your hands if he turned. He wanted to feel your hands on him, running over his torso, rubbing his back, cupping his cheek. He wanted your touch, so, so bad. 
Shouto decided it was time for his rational brain to shut up.
When he turned over, sitting up, you looked like a deer caught in the headlights, already halfway to the door.
“(Y/N)” Shouto rasped, rising to his feet unsteadily. The arousal pooling in his gut was overwhelming - he couldn’t remember a time when he’d been so hard.  His penis was so rigid that it hurt, throbbing in his boxers.
You took a step back, eyes trained firmly on Shouto’s face, determined to not let them stray below the belt.  
Shouto didn’t know what was happening, couldn’t rationalize any of it. The man wasn’t even in control of himself, feeling as if some demon from hell had invaded his body, taken his dirty thoughts and insisted that he act upon them right now.
The pro hero didn’t even know when he had grabbed you, but then he was pressing you up against his body and it felt so good that the man whimpered. A low, needy sound, softer than the spluttering and shocked noises tumbling from your mouth as you pushed against your boss, trapped in his grip.
“Todoroki-san! Please let go! The quirk-!”
Shouto didn’t listen, didn’t want to. He started grinding his hips against yours, breathing hard through his nose at the pleasure roaring into his veins at the simple contact, his dick pressing into your stomach. 
It wasn’t enough though, he needed more.
Shouto dragged you to the exam table, manhandled you up against the flat surface and bent you over despite your struggling, the shouts of “No! Stop!”. Should he stop? Probably. But he wanted this. Had ever since he realized that he loved you, although it hadn’t been this intense before. With one quick movement, Shouto pulled off your scrubs, discarding your underwear in the same movement. He wasn’t concerned about foreplay - he needed, he needed all of you right now.
But the man couldn’t resist falling to his knees behind you, hands moving their iron grip from your palms to your thighs. His fingertip dug into your flesh, dimpling up your skin as he leaned forward, your pussy exposed oh so prettily for him.
Shouto didn’t know if you were screaming or crying or begging for more. He was too focused on the juicy flesh in front of him, leaning forward quickly to greedily slurp at the pink slit. He felt you jump, try to straighten your back but he let his hold on his quirk weaken, simultaneously heating and freezing each thigh held in his grasp. 
You quickly resumed the position he had put you in.
The pro hero couldn’t get enough, licking and sucking with fervent desperation at your folds, no rhythm or technique whatsoever. He couldn’t think, not with his face buried between your legs, your thighs shaking in his hold, your sweet little cries (“Todoroki-san /please/! Stop!”) filling the air. 
It could have been seconds, or minutes, Shouto had no concept of what was happening, only that you were the best fucking thing he had ever tasted in his life, and he needed everything you had to give him. He couldn’t stop himself from trying to burying his face closer, trying to spread your thighs further and further so he could reach deeper into your puffy pussy.
Your cum gushed onto his tongue, and the man slurped it up, reveling in the stick, wet sensation. 
He couldn’t ignore his dick any longer.
Letting go of your thighs, Shouto stood, pushing his boxer briefs down his legs as fast as he could, desperate to sheath himself inside your cunt. He could barely breathe, was so aroused he was light-headed with need.
With his boxers off, the man pressed close to you again, lifting one of your legs to brace it on the table, forcing you to go on tiptoe. When the head of his dick met your folds, Shouto felt his cock jump, the strange sensation making butterflies rise in his stomach. 
“Mmhm, (Y/N) I don’t know-I don’t know what’s happening.” Shouto confessed, one hand on your hip, the other guiding his thick cock into your pussy. “You just-oh, you look so good, always - always do. I need to feel - need to feel you so bad.”
He could feel your body trembling, and it briefly crossed his mind that you were probably crying. But his arousal slammed into him like a truck the moment he let his hips twitch forward, sliding his length into your wet pussy. “Oh god, oh-oh god, oh!”
Shouto came, crying into your neck, saliva dripping from his mouth and onto your heated flesh.
To his surprise, his dick was still hard, and the arousal was still pushing, urging, needy.
“(Y/N), I don’t - I’m so sorry.” Shouto stuttered, pulling back just to have his hips plunge forward again. You were so warm, so wet from your own orgasm and from his cum sliding inside you. It was heaven. 
Shouto had never touched, nor been touched this much in his entire  life. He didn’t know what to do, how to feel; it felt like his brain was on fire, and with each desperate snap of his hips, he was throwing on more and more gasoline. He had longer stamina this time, pounding you into the edge of the table for what felt like forever until his hips stuttered, his legs shaking as he orgasmed inside you.
When Shouto felt himself steady, he was horrified to find himself /still/ aroused. “I’m sorry (Y/N), This isn’t - I didn’t want to do it like this.” He was crying as he rutted against you, tears dripping hot onto your back. “I’ve been trying to be perfect, plan - plan dates, a relationship, anything, as long as it’s you.”
The man buried his head into the crook of your neck, inhaling raggedly. “It can only ever be you.”
His clarity was returning, each orgasm making him feel less and less feverish. At this point, his cock hurt, and he was too sensitive, but still, his hips wouldn’t stop. 
“I was going - going to ask if we could go out.” A lie, but it felt like the right thing to say. You were definitely crying underneath him, Shouto would be lower than trash if he didn’t try to comfort you. You didn’t need to know that the pro hero would rather have made you his home-doctor than ask you out. That way you’d be at his house, waiting for him, just like a pretty little wife, like a mother.
“I love you… think I always have.”
It felt good for Shouto to admit it out loud.
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shinsorokiri · 4 years
Can we have a headcannons of shinso,hawks, aizawa, and dabi finds out their female s/o (s/o has a really powerful quirk) was badly injured by an unknown villain and s/o were not going to able use her quirk anymore. By the time their s/o wake up, s/o Actually lost all of her Memories, please?
Shinsou, Hawks, Aizawa, and Dabi HCs
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of stab wounds, sad bois
A/N: This was a trip to write! This was the first time I ever wrote for anyone other than Shinsou, so I hope I did okay! I changed it a little so the reader lost all/most of her memories in regards to her s/o because I didn’t want to go so far back as to take away absolutely everything including her memories on how to walk, talk, etc. because could you imagine how genuinely traumatic that would be? I would have no idea how to properly write about that. Also, the villain is similar to Ty Lee from Avatar: The Last Airbender. They’re able to block someone’s chi flow, and in doing so are able to take away a quirk and people’s memories. I hope this is to your liking, and thank you so much for requesting!!
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shinsou hitoshi | mindjack
After graduating UA the two of you immediately became underground heroes
And of course who better to train under than Aizawa
But in all seriousness
You two were a force to be reckoned with
The mix of your insanely powerful quirk and his with his top notch physical combat skills really came in handy for catching and apprehending criminals
The only problem was that you two constantly tried to save each other
If anything went wrong
One of you guaranteed would sacrifice yourselves to save each other
And so far it hadn’t been anything too bad
A few broken bones
A couple of scars
Lots of reprimanding on both ends
But today was different
You and Shinsou were fighting a new villain
And his hand to hand combat rivaled Shinsou’s
And while they were fighting
You saw him about to strike Shinsou on the back of his neck
You being you
Jumped in the way
Instead getting whatever punch that villain was about to throw
You thought that was it
Until you felt the villain hit you a few more times
And you fell down on the ground
But hey that’s nothing
You can still defend yourself with your quirk
But wait
Why isn’t your quirk working?
What is going on?
You keep trying to activate your quirk but literally nothing is happening
Which is not good
Especially considering the villain has his attention focused all on you now
“Hitoshi! He-”
You can’t even finish your sentence before the villain is hurting you
And they’re hurting you bad
Hitoshi catches him in his binding cloth as fast as he can
But not before the villain knocks you unconscious
The craziest thing Hitoshi noticed was that the villain knocked you unconscious with just one hit to the back of the neck
The one he tried to use on him earlier
Hitoshi keeps him trapped in his binding cloth
And is high-key glaring at this dude
“What did you do to her?!”
The villain just laughs
No response
And Hitoshi can’t help it
His anger overtook him
And next thing he knew
The bad guy was also unconscious on the ground
He runs over to you
Saying your name to see if your responsive
Which you aren’t
Which scares him
He notifies the hero agencies in the area about the villain
And waits until some of them show up before hurrying you to the hospital
Luckily you have a pulse
You’re just very beat up right now
And for some reason you weren’t using your quirk earlier
Hitoshi noticed that
He also noticed the fear in your voice when you screamed his name
That was uncharacteristic of you
Regardless he gets you to the hospital
And they take you back right away
The best healing quirks in the place get to work on you as soon as possible
All the while Hitoshi just waits
He’s absolutely terrified
He can’t lose you
You’ve been the best thing in his life since high school
There’s absolutely no way he can lose you and make it out okay
He’s notified that you’re in stable condition
But probably won’t wake up for a few days
And that when they did a scan of your brain to see if you had a concussion or brain damage
Something seemed wrong with it
Parts of your brain that should be working just weren’t
And of course that freaked him out
But he pretended like he understood everything
In front of the doctor at least
When he was in the room with you alone though?
Boy was sobbing
He was a mess
All he wanted was to turn back time and make sure none of this ever happened
He blames himself
Of course he does
He was there
And he still couldn’t save you
He stays by your side for the next multiple days
He will be there when you wake up
And every day you’re getting better
And eventually
You wake up
now he’s ecstatic when you wake up
Even though you look very confused
You’re awake
That’s the best thing ever
“Oh my god (Y/n) you had me so worried I thought you were never going to wake up again and I was just so freaked out and-”
“Shinsou? Why do you look, like… older…?”
Two things
You haven’t called him Shinsou in years
The last time you did was probably a few weeks into you two dating
Then you made the transfer to Hitoshi
Because you were his girlfriend
Granted you started dating your third year at UA
But you were friends for a year before that
And older?
What was that supposed to mean?
“Uh… what do you mean…?”
“You don’t look seventeen anymore… you look like… a little older? What’s going on?”
Did you think that he was seventeen?
He must have look confused
Because you started blushing
He always found it cute when he made you blush like that
Not making sense in front of him was something that you hated because he would turn it around and make fun of your for it later
But he didn’t like it right now
“(Y/n)… have we graduated UA yet…?”
“What? No… we’re in our second year… right…?”
Big fucking ouch
You think you’re still in high school
And to make matters worse
It’s the year before you two started dating
You don’t remember anything you two have done together
At all
“Shinsou… are you crying?”
He didn’t even realize there were tears coming out of his eyes
“Uh… yeah. Um. We’re not in high school anymore. We graduated.”
He presses the call nurse button
And then a nurse and a doctor come in the room
You look at him with a confused expression as he just stares at the ground
The best parts of his life are gone from your memory
That’s what the doctor meant by parts of your brain weren’t working
And he was devastated
And maybe this had something to do with you not using your quirk during the fight
The only thing he could think about was going to the prison that villain was in
And he didn’t care what he had to do
He would get answers from him
He would find a way to fix this
He had to
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aizawa shouta | eraser head
Workplace romances are such a cliché
But that didn’t stop you and Shouta
I mean how could it when he looked like that
Y’all had lowkey crushes on each other ever since you first met each other two years ago
But it escalated into something much more intense
Not that either of you were complaining
And yes
The kids did ship you two
And yes
The kids were scared of both of you
But they loved how strong and how protected they felt with both of you around
And they loved how strong and protected the two of you were over each other every time ether of you saw any danger
You were there to save him
And he was always there to save you from whatever was about to happen to you
He only didn’t make it in time the one moment it mattered the most
The League of Villains infiltrated the school again
And this time at night
When all the teachers were supposed to be sleeping
But fortunately for your students
You and Aizawa had been on edge and taking shift staying up all night to make sure they were safe
And you were awake the moment the League popped in
You immediately got to work
Easily taking down many of the villains
And in the commotion
Aizawa woke up
Along with many of the other pro-hero teachers
So everything should have been fine
That is until a new villain appeared
No one has seen this person before now
And they took no time in fighting you
You were the one who stopped all the others after all
And they were very agile
Very good at hand to hand combat
Aizawa saw what was happening and tried to rush over to assist you
But before he could get there the villain grabbed you
And hit you in multiple points of your body
Aizawa saw panic flash through your eyes as you fell to the ground
You held our your hand to use your quirk
But nothing happened
You tried again
But there was nothing
And that’s when the villain started mercilessly beating you!
Love it
And Aizawa couldn’t even help
Because another villain started going after Aizawa
Which meant he couldn’t get to you
All he could do was hear you getting hurt
And see it out of the corner of his eye while fighting off the villain
It didn’t take him long to capture the villain
But it took long enough
When he ran over to you
You were on the verge of being unconscious
And the villain hit you in the back of your neck
And a weird light thing emitted from their fingertips
And you were knocked out
The villain was about to attack Aizawa
But before they could they were pulled back into one of Kurogiri’s portals
And then they were gone
Aizawa picked you up
Wincing at how bloody, bruised, and broken you looked
Genuinely very panicked
He rushed to the infirmary
And Recovery Girl was woken up in the commotion
Waiting to heal a broken bone or two
She was not expecting to see what Aizawa brought to her
She went to work as soon as you got there, though
Healing most of your injuries
But she could just
Sense that something was wrong
Something was very unnatural about you right now
She let Aizawa know something was wrong
And he started panicking right away
What did she mean something is wrong?
What could that possibly even mean?
He found out that one of the things that meant
Was that you weren’t going to wake up for a few days
Recovery Girl would help heal you every day
Constantly trying to help you wake up
But that weird off feeling never left her
And then you woke up
And after talking with you for five minutes
She knew exactly what was wrong
And then she asked you to use your quirk
And she realized just how genuinely bad this situation you were in was
She went to Aizawa’s class
Calling him out to the hall
He was in the middle of lecturing 1-A
But he left without hesitation
“Did she wake up?”
“Yes… but-”
“But? There’s a but?”
Now Aizawa usually never interrupts Recovery Girl
But this was about you
And she knew that
So she didn’t sass him for once
“She doesn’t remember the past few years of her life.”
“She… she doesn’t know who you are, Aizawa.”
He’s quiet
You didn’t know who he was?
“And she still can’t use her quirk… I don’t know what that villain did to her, but she’s showing no signs in regaining anything. Besides, she didn’t even have a concussion or anything and I’ve never seen a quirk like hers just… get taken away like this.”
Aizawa still says nothing
He’s hearing everything
But he doesn’t really feel like doing anything right now
He just wants to zip himself up in his sleeping bag
I mean
He truthfully just wants to hold you
But now that you don’t know who he is?
That probably wouldn’t go well
And he is not taking it well
He goes back in his room
But he doesn’t resume the lecture
He just says that they’re going to study quietly for the rest of the day
He doesn’t care right now
Besides they do have exams coming up and knowing over half of these kids they could use some goddamn study time
But they can tell something is just wrong
Especially when he just curls up in his sleeping bag
He makes sure to face away from them so they don’t see his tears
Of course after around fifteen minutes of this
Present Mic comes in
He heard about what happened
So he told Aizawa he was there to take over his class
Aizawa left without a word
And beyond his better judgement
He went to the infirmary
He stood outside for a few minutes before Recovery Girl came to the door
“If you want to see her you can, I’m sure she’d love to know who she’s been intimate with for the past year and a half of her life.”
He nods
Making sure he doesn’t look too much like shit
Then walking in
Sure enough you’re awake
But when you look at him he doesn’t see the usual sparkle you get in your eye
And instead of the smile that screams ‘that’s my boyfriend!’
It’s just a polite smile
“Hi… I’m sorry, but do I know you?”
His voice comes out quieter than he intended
It’s hard to hear that come from you
And he isn’t necessarily happy that it’s coming from you
“Oh… well, um… this is awkward but-”
“I know you don’t remember. And that’s okay. I just… wanted to see you.”
He doesn’t really want to come out and say ‘hey! you’re my girlfriend! we’re in love! i love you!’
But he knows he’ll have to
He could stay quiet
But that wouldn’t be fair to you
And he hates keeping things from you
“Oh? Would you mind telling me who you are?”
He takes a deep breath
Clearing his throat to fight back the tears threatening to start again
He won’t cry in front of you, though
He won’t let himself
He doesn’t want to make it worse for you
“I’m Aizawa Shouta, and we’ve been a couple for the past year and a half. I don’t know if I should have told you that, but honesty is just really important to me and well… I never lied to you or kept anything from you before and I’m not about to start doing that now.”
You stare at him without saying anything for what feels like forever
Until you finally speak again
“Could you… tell me about our relationship…? I have to admit, you’re a very attractive man, so… I’m willing to try if you are.”
Now he’s crying
And as much as he wants all of your memories to come back
He doesn’t care if they do
He doesn’t even care if you want to actually take him back
All he knows is that you’re never getting hurt again
No matter if it kills him
He’ll keep you safe now
No matter what
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keigo takami | hawks
Keigo always worried about you
He couldn’t help it
It’s just the way he is
But no matter how much he worries he always knows that you’re strong and you can defend yourself
I mean, you were one of the best pro-heroes in the field
And yes
He did constantly brag about how you were amazing
He just preferred when you were amazing with him
That way he can assist in making sure you are okay
And in his worrying he may sometimes fly around where you’re patrolling just to check in
He also just misses seeing your face sometimes
Someone is whipped
But yeah he was flying around where you were on patrol today
Just looking to see you and maybe swoop down and annoy you for a bit
But for some reason he can’t??? seem???? to find you????
And now he was concerned and alert
It’s very unlike you to not be where you’re supposed to be
You’re very passionate about helping people after all
He circles keeps flying around until he spots on of your sidekicks
Who admittedly looks very stressed
He lands next to them
Scaring the shit out of them in the process
“Hey kid, any idea where (Y/n) might be? Haven’t seen her and I circled this area like seven times.”
Your sidekick doesn’t say anything for a second
Because they’re thinking of how to phrase what happened
And that extra moment of silence just proved to Keigo that something was definitely wrong
“Where is (Y/n)?”
Keigo’s fun loving demeanor everyone loves s completely gone
He looks very serious
It’s only to cover how scared he is though
Doesn’t mean your sidekick isn’t intimidated
“We were all fighting this villain who made their first appearance today and uh… they kind sorta maybe did something that may have taken away (Y’n)’s quirk and then they kinda ‘made an example of her’ and now she’s in the hospital…”
Keigo immediately takes off for the hospital
He doesn’t even say anything else to your poor sidekick who now thinks Hawks is going to hate them for not helping you
When his phone was constantly buzzing he just assumed it was the Hero Commission getting on his ass for posting that picture of you and him kissing on instagram
So he just let it buzz
He never even looked at his screen
Until now of course
And just as he expected
All the buzzing?
Actually missed calls from you
If he would have checked, then maybe you wouldn’t be hurt
He’s at the hospital in like
Five seconds flat
Don’t underestimate his already speedy self when it comes to you
He hurries in and sees another one of your sidekicks about to leave
“Where is she?”
Your other sidekick points in the direction, telling him your room
He’s about to sprint there when suddenly your other sidekick stops him
“Hawks, I just need to warn you. It’s… pretty bad. Not only did the villain beat her within an inch of her life but she wasn’t able to use her quirk at all after he did this weird hitting pattern thing. She’s probably not going to wake up for some time.”
Keigo just stares at them
And they hurry away
Which causes him to deadass RUN to your hospital room
Sure enough you’re lying there
Lots of machines hooked up to you
He expected it to be bad
But he didn’t expect it to be this bad
He hurries over to you
Grabbing a random chair and sliding it so he could be at your bedside
And he carefully grabs your hand
He doesn’t realize he’s crying until he tastes his tears
He could have prevented this
If he would have just come to see you a little bit earlier
If he would have just checked his phone
This is how he feels about the entire situation for the rest of his life
Especially for the two weeks you were unconscious in a hospital bed
Luckily, you were a graduate from UA and when Recovery Girl heard what happened she began helping your healing process
It definitely sped up your recovery a lot
And Keigo was very grateful
He just wanted to talk to you again
Maybe even hug him if he weren’t in deep shit for unintentionally ignoring your calls
So imagine how sad he got when he came to the hospital after his patrol (like he did every day) only to find out you woke up without him being there
Bird boi did a big sad
But he was anxious to finally talk to you again
At this point he would be genuinely happy if you started yelling at him
He missed you 🥺
He made his way to your room
Nervous but excited to see you again
When suddenly
A doctor stops him
“Oh, it’s okay! I’m her boyfriend, I’ve been coming here every-”
“I know. I just need to prepare you for what you’re about to see. Something that that villain did cut off her connection to the part of her brain that has the knowledge and information of her quirk, meaning she has no recollection on how to access it. Now she remembers having a quirk, and not being able or knowing how to use it has been very upsetting for her... how long have you two been together?”
“One year.”
“How long have you known her?”
“We met two and a half years ago when she first became a pro... why?”
Keigo isn’t stupid
He has an idea why the doctor is asking this
But he doesn’t want it to be true
“The villain also cut the connection of her brain that consists of her long term memory. Fortunately, it didn’t make her forget too much...”
Oh thank god, for a second Keigo though that you wouldn’t remem-
“Just the past two years... but I’m sure she’ll still be happy to see you.”
Keigo stares at the doctor with a blank face
The past two years?
That means that you’ll barely know him
Yeah you guys got along before you started dating
Obviously you were friends
Keigo doesn’t trust easily so entering a real relationship with someone he just met is a no go
But this means that so much of what you two have is just
“Uh... Hawks?”
The doctor is looking down at his arm to which Keigo follows the gaze
Somewhere in his thoughts he latched onto this man’s arm
To be fair he was doing everything in his power to have a mental break right then and there
He let go
“Sorry. I... can I still see her?”
“Yes, just try not to confuse her, please?”
Hawks nods
He walks in the room and sees you sitting up
You’re gazing out the window when you turn your head to look at him
The shock is evident in your face
“Hawks? What are you doing here?”
Two years was before you knew his real name
“Thought you could use the company. After all, not many heroes get attacked by an unknown villain and survive.”
“Did Miruko set you up to this? Really, it’s okay, you don’t need to-“
“I’ve had my fair share of close calls, dove, but... I never had to go what you’re going through, and I need to be here to help. Helping people is what I do, after all.”
He sees a small smile break out across your face
“Thank you.”
The two of you talk for a few hours
He catches you up on everything he can
But he can’t bring himself to let you know about your relationship
Or maybe he just can’t say out-loud that you don’t remember who he really is
Maybe it would just hurt too much
Regardless, he has to leave eventually
And when he does he makes it a point to find out who this villain was that just uprooted yours and his lives
And he knows just the person to ask
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todoroki touya | dabi
Heroes destroy everything
That’s what Dabi has always thought
And he’s not about to change his mind any time soon
Especially after what happened to you
He normally doesn’t get attached to people
But your annoying ass somehow managed to cling to him
And after about six months he didn’t mind it
He actually really enjoyed it
Not that he’d ever tell you just how much he enjoyed it
But you were the first and only person he’s even let near the real him
So even though he’s a little shit who pretends he doesn’t care about anything
When it comes to you
It’s very obvious just how much he gives a fuck
Which is why the series of events that happened to you absolutely destroyed him
It was just a normal day like any other
He was at the hideout while you and a few others were on a mission for the League
Now was he okay with you going on this mission without him?
Not necessarily
But it turns out that’s what happened anyways
To be fair Dabi did go a little too hard on his last mission and he’s still recovering
But he was still pissed he couldn’t go
Regardless, Dabi was waiting for you and the rest of the League to come back
Casually sitting on the couch
Smoking a cigarette in solitude
When suddenly
The rest of the League burst through one of Kurogiri’s portals
And to say they were frantic was an understatement
Dabi looks over
His usual uninterested expression present on his face
Until he sees who Magne is carrying
Spoiler: it’s you
And you’re unconscious
And you lowkey look dead
And that is the reason his cigarette literally bursts into flames
He’s snatching you from Magne before any of the other villains even have the chance to start speaking
“What the fuck happened.”
He doesn’t necessarily ask
He more demands to know
Shigaraki walks past him, obviously annoyed because he’s scratching at his neck again
“There’s a new Underground Hero after us.”
“Don’t you fucking walk away from me right now, why does my girlfriend look fucking dead you fucking-“
“She threw herself at the hero because unlike you, she somewhat understands that me ending up like how she is right now would put an end to this entire thing.”
Dabi glares at Shigaraki
So the reason the only person he’s ever trusted in this world is severely injured is Shigaraki
“Why wouldn’t you-”
“She’s faster than me. Or she was. Whatever the hero did took away her quirk. That’s why she’s like that. Now leave me alone, I need to reevaluate everything now because of this little incident…”
Shigaraki starts muttering as he walks to his room
Dabi glares at the others before taking you into his room
He lays you on his bed and assesses you for injuries
He isn’t the best at treating things
But the deep cuts where it seems like you could bleed out at any second?
He can help with those
You’re probably going to kill him for the scars, though
He doesn’t really have time to think about that though considering you’re dying on him
He immediately begins cauterizing your wounds
For like the first time ever the familiar scent of burnt flesh makes him frown
But it’s only because he knows that it’s your flesh that’s burning
He carefully removes your destroyed villain costume
Placing you in one of his hoodies
Specifically the one he knows you love
Even though he barely lets you wear it because he knows you love it and he loves to piss you off
You always say it smells like him and you like it
Which he doesn’t really understand because he doesn’t wear cologne and he’s pretty sure he reeks of cigarettes, burning flesh, and alcohol
But you say there’s a comforting kind of campfire smell mixed in there too
Plus, he wears deodorant so there’s that smell too
He figures you’ll appreciate it when you wake up
If you wake up
He begins bandaging you up
He’s very careful to clean everything to ensure nothing becomes infected
Of course he’s just recalling what you do for him from memory
He’s hoping he’s doing well
After he finishes all that, he checks to see if you have any broken bones
Much to his relief, it doesn’t seem like it
Just a lot of bruises in random places
And y’know
Several severe puncture wounds
At least none of them were in lethal places
Damn heroes and their ways of not killing unless absolutely necessary
Just severely injuring
It’s obvious that that hero was trying to prove a point in hurting you like this
But how did he even manage to get you?
You’re usually so quick in fights because your quirk
Shigaraki said something about your quirk being gone or something?
Dabi is sure it’s only for a day
Maybe two
It’s not for good...
He sighs, getting into his bed with you
He gently pulls you against him
He wants you to know you’re safe when you wake up
As safe as you can be in a bar full of villains and with one of the most dangerous and angry ones holding you in his arms of course
He also just wants to know that you’re here
And you’re okay
Because you have to be okay
He glances at the clock in his room
And sees that it’s late
He should sleep
Key word should
But he’s a little preoccupied in his mind going through the ways he’s going to torture and kill whoever did this to you
And this goes on for a week
He doesn’t sleep
He barely eats
He spends all his time with you
Anyone who gives him shit gets a new burn mark on them
Sorry not sorry Twice
He makes sure to change your bandages and check in on your every day
Which is very unlike him
And he knows it
And honestly he hates it
But you’re special to him
And even though he’s a heartless piece of shit who loves to make fun of you and pretend like he doesn’t care
He does
He really does
So imagine how happy he feels when one day he’s holding you
Like he always does
And then you twitch
He immediately sits up, staring down at you
And sure enough, you open your eyes
He can’t hide the small smile that spreads across his face
“Looks like someone’s lazy ass decided it was time to finally wake up.”
He expects to hear one of your sarcastic quips about how you were just brutally beat and how you don’t need his snarky comments at a time like this
But you just stare at him
And you look... confused?
“What’s wrong, doll?”
His voice changes from sarcastic to concerned
Why were you being quiet?
You were never quiet with him
“I’m sorry it’s just... who are you?”
He genuinely feels like his heart stops beating
That’s not a cute thing to do to him
“Very funny, (Y/n). Can you see how amused I am? How much I’m laughing at this shitty attempt of a joke.”
“I’m being serious, asshole. Who the fuck are you, where the fuck am I, and why does everything hurt so much?”
He freezes
“You really don’t remember me...?”
“Should I?”
“Considering I’m your fucking boyfriend, yeah. You should.”
“Oh. Well, sorry. No idea who you are. Don’t even know your name and, wait boyfriend? I have a boyfriend?”
Okay this is officially not a joke now
He tries to get what happened out of you
But, as he expected, you have no idea
He clenches his fist
A flame appearing
“Woah there, hotshot, calm down. You’re still sexy as hell even if I can’t remember you, so you have a good chance with me again. Just... tell me where I am? What’s going on? Your name...? Why the eerie smell of deaht mixed with a campfire is actually very soothing to me right now?”
He tells you everything
And that campfire comment low-key made his heart swell because awwww his little crazy doll is just genuinely crazy and enjoys the smell without even knowing it’s his how sweet 🥺
But he has to ask Toga for help to explain what happened to you
And he realizes that wow
If your memory is gone then your quirk is probably definitely gone too
He leaves you with Toga so she can tell you all about how good of friends you two are
And goes to Shigaraki’s room
He doesn’t even knock before entering but before Shigaraki can scream at him Dabi asks a simple question
“Where can I find this new hero?”
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