#i wasnt sure where he lived but i was like damn the size of his apartment i wonder if hes in rosedale
muirneach · 9 months
watching a movie set in your city will have you being like damn i wonder which jail this guy is in
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starzshopoflove · 1 year
Civil Duties (Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader)
needed a title i think
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Notes: fem reader! i hc ghost doesn't wear a mask when he's off duty, this is just whatever rot my mouse brain creates, age gap but not to crazy, sfw mostly ,size kink if you squint, literally just me projecting onto reader sorry i'm terrified of men irl, no smut guys simon doesnt fuck on the first date erm,,
You were probably gonna throw up out of pure anxiety texting him, not like you were scared but this wasn't some guy from school or a random guy who hit on you, this man was an actual man, like he's probably had real relationships and has his own health insurance (both false ahem). Of course you eventually bite the bullet and text him, exchanging basic information; your name, how old you were, what your hobbies are. 
After 2-3 days of consistent messaging mostly on your end with Simon preferring an actual phone call letting you do most of the talking assuring you he doesnt think your rambling and is in fact listening, he finally asks you out for a proper date because his mother raised a gentleman that doesn't call it grabbing coffee then tells you its a date.
I feel like simon would try and clean up a little bit for a first date, you're not some barrack bunny he fucks with a mask on and never sees again!! So he’ll get his hair trimmed, shave his stubble, wear his nicer slacks instead of his usual worn jeans and iron his shirt before seeing you. Checking to make sure he didn't look dirty or smell so you wouldn't make that face from what he was hoping wasnt from him.
He’ll call you from outside the bookshop were your family flat was above and let you know he's here while you basically stomp around upstairs running to do the final touches on your makeup, making sure the dress you decided to wear wasn't too short and your hair wasn't standing on ends while you held the phone between your ear and shoulder hopping on one foot trying to get your shoe while you told him you’d be right down. 
Simon, who checks his watch ( yes he has a watch this man is OLD) while waiting for you only turning his head when he hears your quick steps making way down the staircase in the back of the shop and patterning of your shoes across the store floor where you make your somewhat grand entrance out of the shop. He just kind watches you grip the door frame and place a hand on your knee to catch your breath because he doesn't know you basically just did 2 hours worth of hair, nails and makeup in 45 mins and still pulled it off.
“You look nice” was all he could choke out because he can't simply throw you over his shoulder and take you home and let you be his little live in girlfriend (dw give him time it'll happen) 
You straighten yourself swallowing silently to yourself basically eating him alive with your eyes praying he can't tell (he can't hes busy thinking about how your gonna be late for lunch and doesn't want the good tables to get taken) letting your lips pull that stupid smile you have when your reading the softest part of a book where the mc finally gets what she needs. 
“Really?” Of course when you said that it had to come with a little giggle that tickled his ears because that kind sound doesn’t come to often especially when he can see your face burning just a little and your fighting the fattest grin 
Simon seems like the kinda guy to take you somewhere family run for lunch, quiet but the best damn food you’ll ever eat. Course you chat and you nudge him some of your fries where he placing some of the meat from his plate onto your (THAT'S NOT THE MEAT WE WANT) and you share a little “oh thats good” over your conversation that ends with you both deciding to go on a walk around the square 
You’re just fucking eating up everything the whole time, actually hearing him talk more with that sweet deep mank accent while you explain the plot to some mystery book the shop stocked recently after he mentioned he liked the author, or when he picked his glass up for a drink and his arm flexed a little, oh my god you wanted to climb this man like a tree and pick his brain apart. 
Obviously Simons is a very attractive man but you like your men with some sorta substance, and he has plenty. The way he actually listened to you and had questions on whatever you were saying, not making you feel like you were suffocating him because he happily listened to your blabbering about the latest new installment in a series you've been keeping up with or when you had to explain the concept of reddit to him to explain a story. It was nice, like he didn't mind you had so much in your head and was happy to let you spill it out
You’re like a breath of fresh air for Simon, most of his time off a mission is spent reading anything in a park or at the gym just trying to make the time pass quicker till his next mission, he didn't know what made him give you his number but seeing you twice in one day didn't feel like something he could ignore. Your hands were as soft as they looked, and you didn't smell like smoke or gunpowder, you didn't care that he wasn't super talkative because that look in your eye told him you know he was listening, he especially liked how you didn’t push when he said he just did “contracting” for work 
When the date ended with you both walking back to the shop and you both stood in front of the big glass door quiet and awkward while you shifted from one foot to another not yet ready to leave. At Least not without a kiss, least you could do to say thank you for letting talk your ear off.
“Somethin on your cheek c’mere”
There's was literally nothing on his cheek but he still leaned down to you indulging whatever you had in mind, when you hooked a finger on the collar of his shirt tugging his face much closer 
“Still cant see it?” He gruffed out letting your eyes meet his while his hands made fists in his jacket pockets trying not to just jump out and hold you by the cheeks 
“Def can now ‘ts right here” 
You tugged the shirt a little closer, slotting your lips onto a small hum leaving you when his tongue licked your bottom lip with you happily obliging parting just enough for your tongues to slide over each other, before pulling away. 
“Did ya get it?” hes got a stupid grin now too not as wide and bright as your but its there 
You did you it *confetti*
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trash----panda · 8 months
Story pt 2
There was no way out, her new roomate was gonna kill her. She was frantically looking for a way to survive, anything that could save her, but this was the end, he'd dealt the final blow.
"DAMN IT" she kicked the joystick, it was bigger than most of her body "you only won cause this thing is huge!"
the bright red letters blinked on the screen 'player 1 wins', the larger male giggling a little as the pixie threw her fit. They'd only been rooming a week but were already quite comfortable together, Joey learning he was too much a push over to be a threat and Dendro just glad she wasnt scared of him. She'd started spending every day, 9am-4pm training, everything else was learning her way around the faucility and bothering her new partner.
"you cheated!" She insisted, the light fuzz of her body puffed up at the moment, her eyes giving away how she was thinking about where to bite him.
He was just glad she was hanging around "well you said the size of the controller didnt matter, that you could still win" he couldnt help it, a little bit of a cocky smirk escaping. He watched as she hissed and went to go hide under the bed, she didnt need much space so she was mostly living under there, except for the nights, she was usually gone before he woke up but the fuzz she left behind let him know she'd wanted some snuggles. He wagged his tail a little, getting up to turn off the system "how about this? We go get some snacks and try again later?" He watched the darkness under the bed for any movement, it took a moment but she did come out again.
"fine, but im not walking" she mumbled, waiting for him to put his hand down before stepping on "i hate you, you know that?" She glared up at him, even more moody when he laughed at that.
The canteen was in no way full, basically abandoned when it wasnt a meal time, to the left of the dining area there was a small shop where you could get more mundane items and even snacks. He headed inside and looked for anything they'd both like, though it was kinda hard picking anything they could agree on that wasnt candy. She liked meat while he prefered dried bugs, she like potato chips but he liked tortilla, he was so focused on searching that he didnt notice she'd gone off on her own to look.
Joey was in the candy, of course, looking at hard candies, they'd work as projectiles and as a snack. Already silently plotting her revenge for that loss. The both of them got startled when their wrist watches got an alert, a mission? Already? Ok whatever. She sighed, going to look for him, by now the dummy was looking for her, trying to call for her softly "Joey? Hey" she landed on his head, leaning over to look him in the eyes "i'm here" he visably relaxed, headed towards the garage.
The pixie was still kinda hungry but that had to wait at the moment, they'd met up with the chief, she didnt like him. It was cause he was human, humans were annoying and self-important, she could even hear it in his voice. Sadly that's all she was paying attention to, snapping out of it when Dendro started headed for one of the AATV(Armored All Terrain Vehicle).
"wait what are we doing?" She tapped his head, trying to make sure she had his attention.
".... Did you hear anything he said?" He picked her up and gently slid her down into her seat before going to his "it's just supposed to be recon, possible infectious disease, basic symptoms are the usual. Aggression, loss of inhibition, foaming at the mouth?"
She starred at him blankly, letting him know she heard none of it "like rabies... but 10x worse?" She shrugged, figuring she'd know when they get there.
He sighed and started up the vehicle, getting it out on the road before setting the auto-pilot. He needed to change, since this could effect him he needed to get a hazard suit on. Blushing a little when he felt the other's eyes on him
"what are you doing?"
"muscles" she kept starring
"im a bug" she gestures to her body "i cant build muscle the same way... it makes your body look.... interesting"
He just tried to ignore her, not wanting to think about it too hard, just going over the breif in his head over and over instead, hoping they'll get there soon.
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rqlaji2 · 3 months
Immediately before the second show i am on the hotel tv switching between the film fargo and episodes of wwe rivals. Latter had ads and the former didnt though so I kinda ditched austin bret for the last 45 minutes of fargo, even though ive seen fargo two times already. One thing on austin bret before I move on is they showed that clip where bret finally comes out end of sentence no when bret finally comes out and austin and pillman are backstage and bret is like ok fine lets have a mania match 🙄 and pillman looks sooo happy and austin looks at him like he is the stupidest son of a bitch hes ever seen and pillman is like oh ok sorry . Just all in facial expressions, so good. I love pillman so much, I wish he wasnt caught up in one of the worst angles ive ever heard of before he died. Im sure there are worse ones, just that ive heard of. I’m new here, I dont fucking know anything.
I was row 3 for this show, pretty much directly in front of linnell. I need to ask him if he was smiling at me forgetting the lyrics to fucking birdhouse in your soul or something else. Conflicting reports on whether danny was playing with a broken foot (show 1) or ankle (show 2), but ive always been enamored with his stage presence on synopsis for latecomers especially, hes kinda 😳 a little bit. Birdhouse second is..bizarre, I am aching pretty bad right now and I still wish I couldve jumped to the greatest song ever written. Moonbeam rays is so nice. Bangs is kind of rhythmically complex, awesome song and awesome that they played it, tune, etc. Man its so loud in here continues to be the greatest song of all time. Mink car song is so smooth, what a cool track. Marty triangle. Oghhhghgh dont even get me started on cyclops rock, it’s like the only reason I went to these shows. I’m just kidding id see them all the time if I could, but I FUCKING LOVE CYCLOPS ROCK, IT GOES SO HARD and I relate to the lyrics a lot and I literally TOLD YOU HOW TO CYCLOPS ROCK, AND THEN YOU GO AND TURN AROUND AND BREAK MY HEART. He did the original nixon line too which is so fucking awesome, best song ever methinks. I cant believe it took this long for me to hear older live, but it was almost worth the wait, what a cool fucking song, so good live. I wasnt at a great angle to see the Damn Good Times Dan Miller Balcony Guitar Solo but after it flans said “dan miller, the peoples guitarist” or something and I laughed really hard. Also incredible that theyre calling this show the big show sometimes . WEEEEEELLL
I hate bottled water so much but a tickle in my throat kept waking me up the night before. OH MY GOD, THEY PLAYED SUBLIMINAL AGAIN. Flans was actually a little far away but he came to the right for darlings of lumberland, oh god he was so close . Of all songs! Then I got to scream THE STICK at him, how surreal and also fulfilling. Dont lets start is the best song ever. Fuck, this famous polka had someone in the crowd strumming flansys guitar 😍. St paul fucking loves join us, apparently. Doctor worm is still the best song ever. Encore 1 started with istanbul just the two of them!!!??? They make each other laugh so much, I love them i love them i love them. I know i said spy gets better every time but this was the lesser of the weekends spies. I think he did the sound of the 30s bit last time at the fitz, lol. Did i mention that the end of the tour is the best song ever. SHES ACTUAL SIZE ON THE SETLIST BUT NOT PLAYED??? Also, im beyond just a little pissed off they didnt play bills bills bills. They did at the show i didnt fucking see.
But not to end on a bad note, I love they might be giants so much, I dont even care that it feels like my calves will never not be sore.
Actually im gonna end on the episode i got back to the hotel to was rock austin, and they had the clip where austins on the titantron like when your pager says 3:16 that means im about to whoop your ass, Or whatever tf and rock takes out his pager and does his stupid giant wide eyed rock look and turns around and does indeed get his ass whooped. Possibly greatest moment in all of television
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babyyweebbitch · 2 years
Hey! I really like your posts and stuff and I wondered if you could do a Yautja × Reader, any of them you want!
Maybe a what their reaction would be to the reader defending a Yautja Pup!
sure! thank u for ur request! also i have no idea what yautja call their or know what they look like, id imagine they all have their own big ass apartment with a whole back yard or something like that. also the size of the place depends if it’s a whole family or just one and since there are two (a yautja and a human) they have the big ass apartment with a back yard 😀 if that made any sense at all (this look a long ass time i’m sorry 🧍🏾‍♀️)
content warning : female reader (she/her pronouns used) ; HumanYautja relationship ; blood ; fighting ; limb being removed ;
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y/n has lived on the ship for quite a long time after being taken in by a group of yautja as a child, she wasn’t a hunter obviously but she did work with everyone there quite well. she had hall sorts of non dangerous jobs such as medical duty, working with the weapons and technology, helped raising the younger yautja there and more! she was a great help to everyone.
her mate had brought their mutual friends small yautja pup to her to watch over while his parents were out hunting together one day. the day was going very smoothly, she helped him with plenty of stuff and even played a few games with him, having a fun day babysitting him.
“his parents should be back any time soon, it was a pretty short hunt due to his mother getting injured pretty badly” your mate told her, she picked up the young yautja and let him play with her hair, her hair was pretty long, fluffy and smelled pretty good. there were some dreads in her hair she let one of the young put in her hair while she was babysitting them a few days ago. she loved them so much that it’s now apart of her new style and will get a lot more
“oh god…. okay — i’ll take him to their home and i can tend to her wounds once she gets back.. i hope she’s okay” she said as she let the young yautja climb to her back and latch on while she walked around her own home to gather all of his things he had scattered around the place. once she had everything she put it all into a bag and went on her way. her and the young were talking the entire time she walked all the way across half the ship. she felt the presence of another yautja who wasnt her mate behind her so she turned around and one about to take the young. she backed away and she stared at them
“he’s not yours…. what are you doing?!” she said, she somehow got the yautja pup to get off her back and stand behind her, standing in front of him as if shielding him from the big predator
“he isn’t yours either, human scum! you have another’s young and i will return him to them” they reached out to grab her shoulder and pull her away from the pup but she instinctively turned and hugged the pup, using her own body as a shield to keep the yautja from hurting the pup
“stop it! i’m returning him home!” she said, the bigger yautja obviously didn’t care and tried to pry her away from the pup. after a while they finally got her off him and pushed her off. she fell on her butt and was pretty hurt from being pryed off the young. she watched them try taking the pup but he bit the side of their hand, damn near taking off their pinky and out of instinct they smacked him, causing him to fall to the floor and he started crying. she watched as all this happened and out of no where she grabbed the closet sharpest object near her and stabbed the bigger yautja in the back. they roared out in pain and she crawled to the pup, picking him up and trying to stop him from crying
“why you little piece of human scum! i will have your skull added to my collection!” they yelled, all she remembered seeing was them about to run and attack her so she protected the pup once again with her body, rather taking any hit, cut, bruise or even die than ever have this pup hurt or even killed because another yautja wouldn’t listen. once she didn’t feel any pain or being hit she looked up, seeing her mate fighting the yautja. it looked like watching two very angry wolves fighting over food. there was growling, blood, roaring and even one picking up the other and throwing them down.
she watched in terror for a few more seconds before going to check up on the pup, making sure he had no injuries or something. she got him to stop crying after a while. he wasn’t hurt too badly, he complained the side of his face hurt and that he was scared of the yautja. she held him and told him everything was okay now and that he was safe. she stood up still holding the pup close to her and she went to see if they were still fighting. her mate had won the fight but spared the yautjas life. he ended up taking their arm as a trophy instead of their head
“do not ever! and i mean ever! hurt her or that pup ever again! or next time you won’t be so lucky!” he yelled to them. she went over to calm him down a bit and checked over him to see if he had any injuries, he had a few minor cuts on his person so she handed the pup to him and went to go check on the yautja he had fought. her mate was curious as to why she was worried about them, they had tried to hurt her! maybe even have killed her if he didn’t get there when he did so why was she helping him
“why must you tend to them? they could have killed you!” he asked, letting the pup play with a shark tooth necklace he had around his neck. watching as she helped the yautja up
“it’s my duty to tend to anyone’s wounds. i am a nurse on the ship after all. i’m gonna take them to the actual doctor, please take the pup to his parents and tell the mother i will tend to her shortly!” she said as she guided the yautja to the  infirmary and got him checked out by one of the fellow nurses there. she quickly explained what happened before she left to the pups home. her mate was very confused because they tried to kill her but yet she let herself over the pup and in the end even helped the yautja who attacked her…. he wish he was as kind as her to be able to help someone who just tried to kill him…
after a few minutes of walking she finally met her mate, the pup and the parents. the mother was sitting on the floor trying to stitch herself up but Y/N went to stop her and did it for her. the mother reached out for her son before realising something was off about his face, some side was red
“y/n…. what happened to my boy?” she asked before seeing how red her back was and there were a few cuts on her “what happened to you too?!” now she knew something was wrong…. she had a tendency to get very overprotective of her since they have known each other for a long time and have been through a lot together so obviously she grew protective
“i’m okay! i promise. these are just scratches but earlier some yautja thought i was taking him away but i was trying to explain that i was taking him home… they didn’t listen and attacked me, your son bit him which cause them to smack him, i stabbed them and then my mate came and took care of them — they’re in the infirmary right now” she explained “your son was very brave by the way! not even i have the confidence to bite one of you guys” she said, going on to take care of the next wound
“you stabbed them?” her mate asked…. he was shocked she did that, he knew she was a strong human but everyone he’s met before always ran away or something so he was shocked she did that “maybe you can start going on hunts with me, you have proven you are strong even with no combat training. i shall t—“
“i’m not hunting” she said, already knowing the lecture about going on hunts he was going to give her, he’s given her this lecture so many times she knows it word for word by now. after she had cut him off the father of the pup started to laugh very hard and loud, using a laugh he had memorised from a human
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” the father laughed with his arms crossed and everything
“she will give in one day! i just have to try harder and longer!” her mate protested, she shook her head and looked at him
“you’re not gonna convince me, dear” she said with a smile on her face. she went to the mothers back side and moved her long dreadlocks out the way to see a huge cut going across her back. she started to clean the wound and the mother would roar each time the cleaning stuff got inside her cut. “i know… i know it hurts…. just give me a few more seconds and i’ll stitch it up” she said in a calm and oddly comforting voice, the mother held in her urge to punch something until she was done with cleaning everything. after she was done and backed up a bit “okay now you can” she gave the mother the go ahead to punch the floor, which she did
she went to get the needle and thread and started stitching up the mothers back. while she did both of their mates watched this interaction between them…
“y/n is very kind…. is that usual for humans?” the mothers mate asked hers… he was confused as to why y/n was super nice even when she was threatened
“it’s usual for her…. other humans i’m not so sure about… she protected a young that wasn’t even hers… she risked her life for a child she didn’t even birth… she is amazing….” her mate said, not taking his eyes off her the entire time. he knew there was something about her he liked that he didn’t see up until that day…
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this is so bad, i rushed the end tbh. and this also isn’t proof read or edited at all. ALSO, i do have a job now so pls don’t be upset if i dont do ur request right away or it takes a long time. during october is when i should be working a lot more because halloween so yeah!
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Seeing you in a wedding dress for the First time
Fandom: Haikyuu
Pairing: Suna x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Format: Scenario
Warnings: None,just fluff :)
Word count: 0.8K
A/n: Been day dreaming about this scenario from the moment I was born. Not proofread
Oikawa Version
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You weren't surprised when your best friend A.K.A Osamu's girlfriend asked you to try her sister's wedding dress on,since your bodies were the same size and much alike.Her sister lived abroad an wanted to buy a dress from her home country,and thats why they needed your help.
But you were surprised when you found yourself looking into the mirror,looking Enchanting in that pretty,white dress.That dress was magical,signalizing every curve of your body in an Elegant way.
your friend seemed to be amazed too " well damn y/n! wanted to buy that for my sister but now im having doubts.maybe you should wear it instead of her.
you rolled your eyes at her,nervously chuckling as you observe yourself in the mirror for the thousandth time. "dont be ridiculous. your sister is way more attractive than i am,thats why shes getting married before me.im sure she'll look stunning when she wears it"
it was your friend's turn to roll her eyes now. "here we go again! why are you so insecure,bitch? wait till Suna gets here then see his reaction yourself" "yeah not happening,im going to change right n-"
you were caught off gaurd when your boyfriend and the younger twin suddenly opened the door of your apartment and came inside. "babe,do you have co-" Suna started talking,but went silent after he laid his eyes on you.
and suddenly the whole room was filled with a deadly silence.
Suna forgot why he came here.he forgot where he was,who else was here and what were they doing.all he could see was you,standing still, looking like a goddess.your dress was calling him in,telling him to come closer and merge his lips with yours.
your face,your eyes,your lips,your body...
breath taking.
you were nervous.youve been dating him for four years.sure! you wanted to take a step forward,but not like this.you didnt want to push him.and why was he still quiet anyway? why wasn't he saying anything? why wasnt he panicking like y-"
all of your thoughts got interrupted when you suddenly felt his lips being smashed to yours,tasting every cure of them,not wanting to let go.you were shocked,eyes widened,taken aback from receiving affection at this unexpected moment.
and ashamed of course.
you broke the kiss,shying away from him as you tried to hide your embarrassment by burying your face in his chest,surprised to feel his heart,racing so fast.was he...?
"R-Rin! i told you not to do it in front of your friends!" you whined as redness started spreading through your face,finding its way to your heated cheeks.He on the other hand,did not seem to be paying attention to your words.he was too fixated on how amazing you looks rather than caring about that right now.he was thirsty for you,and needed to taste you now.
therefore,he decided to ignore others presence as he lifted you up without warning,carring you princess way as he took the direction to the bedroom and smirked at your embarrassed reaction. "Rin! what are you- put me down! Rin!"
Osamu watched his friend clothing the door behind him with his foot, and chuckled as he laid his eyes on his girlfriend,who seemes to be enjoying the sight in front if her.He leaned toward her,putting his arm around her shoulder as he planted a small peck on her left cheek. "c'mon babe,lets give em some privacy,hm?" "ok..." your friend giggled,and grabbed her purse as she held her boyfriends hand,pressing it softly while closing the door behind her.
"ya know,maybe ya could borrow that dress from y/n afterwards... 'think it would look good on ya too" "no way Samu! thats my sisters wedding dress!" "well,not after tonight"
he had a point though; he knew Rin for a long time,after all.
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◆You did gave your friend the dress back,but your friend noticed a strong scent of laundry detergent that was not there before
◆Rintarou couldnt wait for the ring he specially ordered for you to be ready.the idea of proposing had been on his mind for quite a time,but after seeing you in a wedding dress? boy is in a hurry.he cant wait to make you his ;)
◆after that night,youre subconsciously waiting for him to bring the topic of marriage on,and he did notice this in your behaviour
◆He did "it" eventually :)
ok this is kinda self-insert,i guess.i mean thats what i could do if i was in that position...
reblogs,likes,comments or any type of interactions are wildly appreciated :D hehe
Hope you enjoy reading this!
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: August 8th
Well, doing big posts all together worked for a while but lately I’ve been putting it off because it takes a long time to get them done. I think I’m gonna try switching back to answering asks whenever I can fit it in and posting them one at a time instead of waiting until I’ve filled out one of these major collections.
But for now, here’s more ask answers! Thank you for the questions and for all the kind words along with them ^^.
Hello!! I'm here to ask if its possible to get  the game and its dlcs on steam and play it on android?
I’m afraid not. Steam doesn’t have Android builds on their own site and Steam is not cool with keys for other sites being given out for Steam purchases, so you don’t get the Itch version from buying on Steam.
Hello! Sorry to bother you but, I had a question, if we buy the Game on itchio do we get steam keys or would we need to purchase it twice? 
You would have to buy it twice if you want it in both places, I’m sorry. To repeat myself a little, Steam doesn’t like the key trading thing. Itch may support giving keys for another site, but the reverse isn’t doable with Steam and Steam doesn’t even really want you to get a Steam key for buying somewhere else either. So we just don’t mess around with that.
hey, sorry if this is frequently asked, but is step 4 free dlc or paid for? some of your sources are contradicting each other. 
It’s free! There’s a paid wedding DLC, but Step 4 itself is entirely unpaid.
Hello! I just had a quick question, for the Baxter and Derek DLC's will we be able to confess our feelings to them or let them confess to MC? or will it only be one way? (they confess to MC)
Both type of options will be available!
Hey there! I wanted to ask whether or not the Derek DLC is still on track to be released in August since on the steam discussion board it says it will be released mid 2021. I totally understand if it isn't, I'm just really looking forward to it! If you answer then ty! And keep up the amazing work :D 
It’s not, aha. Unfortunately, 2021 wasn’t easier than 2020 as we hoped so things are still slower than planned. It’ll come out late 2021 or early 2022.
Hi! Firstly I just want to say that I LOVE Our Life. I have played a bit of similar games but this one instantly wins for the best one! Everything about it is amazing! I just wanted to ask if Derek would ever lose feelings for MC, like if they make the deal and then MC gets with Cove would he move on? and even if you don't, after "losing contact" would his feeling fade or would he still like MC? 
If you don’t really keep in touch with him and clearly move on with your life, Derek will too and he’ll be over it. But if you are still close as best as you can be, he’ll still think the MC is special. Though, he’ll always support your relationship with someone else if that’s what’ll make you happy.
Hello! Sorry if you've answered this before but: 'How's Lee related to us? Though which momma? And does she share our player-chosen last names? Also, do you know if Noelani took Pam's last name or did it happen the other way round? 
She’s related to Pamela and Pamela’s last name is the one they use, so the MC has the same last name as Lee.
Will we be able to choose which (they or he) we tend to call Qiu by more often, or will it randomly change depending on the moment? 
Qiu knows which pronoun they’re comfortable with at a time and you’ll call them what they’re happy with. And it doesn’t change between lines, it takes multiple scenes or even full Steps for it to switch. So for extended periods Qiu will be totally a guy or fully agender.
Will Step 4 of OL2 have moments?
It’ll be an epilogue like it is in OL1, so it won’t have a bunch of different Moments.
Hello! Just a quick question, is Sunset bird from OL1 based on a real location? If so what's it called? I wanna visit it +_+
ps i love your games so much <3
It isn’t based on one specific town you can go to, but there are a lot of little coastal towns in Cali that have a similar vibe!
Heyaaa ( I hope you're all well ), umm… it might seem kinda stupid to ask but did Patreon members can have a key for the dlc's ( all the steps-released dlc ) even if they became a member this month or later ? (me? saying this cuz it's my case? maybe ;-;), and once again thanks for absolutely all the amazing works on all the games ! u-u 
You wouldn’t get the DLCs for backing there. The Patreon is for extra bonus content/early access, rather than being a storefront to purchase the normal DLCs. Rarely we give them out as a side gift, but it hardly happens and if what you want is the DLCs it’s best to ignore the Patreon and  buy keys for those directly from Itch or Steam. I’m sorry for the confusion.
Hey y'all, love what youre doing w/Terry. Trans rep outside of player customization is so rare and important to see more of so thank you so much. I do have a question and its that does he have a canon sexuality? I know Miranda was said to be straight ace but I dont believe anything was stated for Terry probably because he wasnt revealed to be a guy which changes things. Im also curious if well get answers on how long hes liked Miranda since he may have liked her in step 3 before she liked him 
Terry likes women and Randy likes men! And he did like Miranda back in Step 3.
Will the Wedding Dlc release at the same time as Step 4? 
They’ll come out separately with Step 4 releasing first.
I really love Our Life so much! I've spent over 20hours playing it even though I only got it a week ago! I was wondering if I could make a fangame for Our Life with a different love interest but same plot. Next-door neighbors romance, multiple steps, etc? I'll probably make it on Google Slides though- 
Sure! I hope you have fun with it and I’m glad you love the game.
How does Cove feel about poly relationships? 
He’s got nothing against them for the people they work for, but he’s 100% monogamous and would only be comfortable with a partner who was willing to be monogamous with him.
Idk if this has been answered before but will Step 4 include the option to advance your feelings towards Cove? 
Yep, you’ll be able to determine your feelings and what your relationship is.
In step 4 will there be a chosen to say we live with Cove even as just friends? 
Yeah, you can choose to live with Cove and that can be done when you’re friends.
I just played the game with the MC and Cove being best friends and omg it’s still so damn cute like the wholesomeness of it all is too much for my heart I swear ^.^  Now with that all said I was wondering can we still marry Cove? if we only love him as a friend like let’s say we’ve made deal with him similar to the one we can make with Derek because let’s real no one could compete with what the MC and Cove have even if they aren’t in love. 
It’s great to hear you enjoyed the friendship story! You can live with Cove, but you can’t marry him platonically. Cove has familial affection for the MC if they’re best-est friends. He wouldn’t think to marry someone he loves like family and even grew up with as though they truly were siblings.
Are you still going to be making a DLC for XOBD? :] 
Yes! We’re slowing adding voiced lines and fixing errors.
It makes me laugh that Shiloh's last name is Fields because that's what I put as my last name! So in Our Life when he talked about "Ms. Fields" picking him up I was extremely confused, lol. That dude mimics personalities so much that he stole my surname!
Oh, wow, that’s a very funny coincidence, haha.
hi !! i cant seem to be able to get the scene where mc is able to propose to cove despite being at the 'love' stage and telling him i'd want to get married, are there any other details that im missing out on? the options just dont appear at the end... 
Maybe you missed telling Cove you were in love with him even if you mentioned wanting to get married or you might’ve accidentally said earlier in the game that you don’t want to progress your relationship further with Cove. We haven’t removed them, so you can get the scene again. It’s just kind of easy to miss since there’s multiple requirements. You can read a little guide in the FAQ.
wait what di you need to do to be able to propose to cove? I've been trying but haven't had much luck 
You can check out the FAQ linked above!
does cove only develop a crush on the mc if the mc is also at crush/in love with him? 
Technically, yes. We treat the non-romantic relationship options as truly non-romantic since we don’t want to bait and switch people. But there’s nothing wrong with headcanoning that Cove does have feelings developing for the MC even before the MC has.
Is there a way to make/allow Lee and Baxter to date?
No, they just don’t have enough time together.
We also got a group of asks related to Tamarack in OL2, but I’m afraid the way they talked about people with larger bodies made me not want to post their words, even if the person didn’t say they’re trying to be hurtful. I will separate out the core question and answer it though, so people can know that info.
Does Tamarack lose weight in later Steps?
No, she doesn’t. As for the other questions included, to be honest, I don’t have to explain/defend having romance options of different sizes. I’m sorry if you’re dealing with unhappiness that’s connected to body image, if that’s where the negative emotions are coming from, but even so I can’t meet you on that level and pretend it’s a problem that needs an answer. A girl who simply isn’t thin being a main love interest is just not an unreasonable concept. Also, Tamarack isn’t a lesbian. Yes, she can date a female MC, but that doesn’t undo her actual sexuality, so I’m not sure where that one part at the end was coming from.
I wonder... can we "fight" with Qiu over leader status? 👀
Not really, haha. No matter how cool your MC is, they’re never gonna replace Qiu for the other kids around. So you can either partner up with him, follow him too, or not be a part of all that group politics stuff.
So when I play the game, sometimes I mentally call Cove “Covie/Covey” and that made me wonder, how does Cove feel about being nicknamed? Not like Romeo/Space Cadet/etc. but like pet names relating to his actual name
It’d depend on his age, personality, and your relationship with him! When he’s younger he’d probably be embarrassed, when he was grown he’d probably be more casual or happy about it.
will you be able to date baxter in step 3 while at crush with cove (but not dating him ofc) sorry if this has been asked already. i really love baxters step 4 design btw!! 
Yeah, you can be crushing on Cove and date Baxter if you weren’t already dating Cove. You just can’t be truly in love with Cove and then switch to Baxter.
I just got my friend into our life, and they adore shiloh and derek sooo will there be more of them in the second game? 
I’m afraid not. But you can see plenty more of Shiloh in XOXO Droplets/XOXO Blood Droplets, haha.
I see you haven't gotten any xoxo droplets asks recently but I'm still obsessed with these boys!! I was just wondering if Nate would curse under any circumstance? 
Yeah, Nate does use certain swear words (damn, hell, bastard) on very rare occasions.
Hi there! I have a question about the wedding dlc. Will we be able to plan a honeymoon during the planning stages of it or would it be something that Cove and the mc would rather plan later on? Thank you! Absolutly love the game by the way, definitely one of my favorite games! 
The focus will be on the wedding day itself. The topic of the honeymoon might come up a bit, but there won’t be any choosing of the exact location and such.
Hi! I have two questions and it's completely understandable if you only answer one/neither and I'm sorry if you've already answered either before! First, is there a set year in which OL:B&A takes place (ex: Step 1 being set in 2010 & Step 2 being set in 2016, etc.) or is it simply up to interpretation? Second, have you guys thought about doing a coming-of-age game where the MC has a tough home life or upbringing? (like one of their parents is an addict, a parent being transphobic whilst the player has the option to be trans, or having friends that are influencing them to do drugs, etc.) That's all! Thanks for making beautiful games. <3 
There is a set timeline!
Step 1: 2006 Step 2: 2011 Step 3: 2016 Step 4: 2021 
And we don’t currently plan on making a game like that. The Our Life series exists to be a safer environment for people to play around in and if we did do a brand new series that was harsher edged it’d be something more fantastical and/or plot-driven instead of a different type of modern day slice-of-life growing up story. I’m sorry.
i don’t know if you’ve already answered this, but do you have a guess on when phase 4 will come out? as well as ol2? i’m so excited for both of them, the inclusivity in this game is amazing, you guys should be really proud of it! 
Step 4 will be coming out very soon! OL2 is gonna take until 2023 to be anywhere near completion. But we might episodically release the Steps one at a time as they get done instead of waiting for three to be finished before launch like we did with the first game.
Hello, I was curious if there was an official or unofficial discord server for the game? 
We do have a discord! You can join by clicking this link HERE.
how long do you plan to keep ol's patreon running? 
Hopefully for at least a few more years.
Are you considering ever making merch? 
Yeah, but I don’t know when it’ll happen or what exactly we’ll make, aha. It’s something we want do, just nothing is set.
hi! i just found out about your game a couple of days ago on tiktok (so sorry if you’ve already answered this question) and i was wondering if y’all are ever planning to release it on iOS? 
I have no idea. It’s hard for a small group to get Apple approval and I honestly can’t say if it’ll ever happen or not. Maybe someday, though!
Hi, I love the art style of Our life and I would like to know if the artist has a Twitter? Also, could it be possible to fund more CGs for the game from him/her? So many times, I wish there was one like when the cutscene of the sunshower. 
That’s nice of you to offer. He doesn’t have a Twitter, at least not one that’s public enough to be shared with me. And I’m afraid not. The issue is that the CGs take huge amounts of time rather than there not being a budget for it. He’s gotta make CGs for Step 4, the DLCs, and new character sprites, too. There isn’t space in the schedule for even more. Sorry for that.
Hi, how are you?!
Are you planning on accepting new writers or is it always the same people who write your stories??
Our Life: Beginnings & Always won’t be getting new writers, but we will be hiring a new team of writers for Our Life: Now & Forever eventually!
perhaps this counts as nsfw and I'm sure it has been answered before but what does Cove prefer, chests/boobs or butts? or perhaps both :3c thank you for this wonderful game (and the patreon bonus moment, it was worth all the waiting and more ♥) 
He’s a “chests of all shapes and sizes” kind of guy, haha.
i was wondering- did any of the writers actually grow up by the beach? as someone who's lived in a beach town all their life it really did feel nostalgic to play through our life 1 
I was born and raised in Cali! Though, not right by the beach. We still had to make trips out, but the setting is based on my own childhood memories of small beach towns we went through.
In Derek’s upcoming DLC, will we be able to reference the pact we made as teens? (love olba and xod/xobd so much btw you’re literally amazing) 
Yep, you will be able to talk about that!
Oh, sorry about the Cole being secretly L ask, then!
If you wanted context: Death Note is about this one guy who finds a notebook that kills anyone who you write the name of in there. The guy eventually develops a God Complex and starts mass killing criminals and stuff. L is the one trying to find out who is killing all these people.
Me and my sister first joked about it because I couldn't remember how to translate a word about the way Cove was sitting, so I just did the pose, and it looked a lot like how L himself sits! Then we just snowballed from there, with more and more nonsense connections.
That’s okay! Thanks for explaining. I’m sorry I didn’t know what you meant.
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
Meeting everyone and Eggs •Part 3- M-Verse•
Warnings: eggs
Fandom: Marvel
●○●This is a Tickle Fic Story●○●
-This story may also include Gore in some chapters-
This knew man was the one from before, when you woke up. Only he seemed much more frantic and panicky. His body sweating as fear followed him dragging him down.
"Morning Steve" The ginger lady said smirking at his worried expression. His intense breathing patterns and loud banging on the compound floors as he ran.
His eyes locked with yours as time for a moment slowed down. His bright blue eyes, enchanted with opia emotions.
In a swift motion he ran over and held you close. You'd never felt something like this before. Like a string that had been slowly breaking just fell as though the rest of it had returned. The warmth that surrounded you in his arms, shock filling you but something else, this felt overwhelming, tears almost came to your eyes. You could never remember a time when you'd felt this. At least not in an incredibly long time.
"Woah woah, calm down there Steve. She's still warming up to the place." Sam chuckled with slight concern. It was a quick movement, they all thought you might have been very uncomfortable. But you werent, Steve- once realizing what he had done- lifted his arms to let you go incase you were uncomfortable. But you brought yours up and hugged him back. Hiding your face and taking in the feeling.
You were much smaller than him, so the sight was incredibly adorable, everyones faces weakened at the sight. Steve just leant down to hug you once more.
You'd never met this man, but he felt like the only one you truly knew out of them all. You never wanted to loose the feeling.
"Shh, its okay" he had noticed your tears and looked around to say he were going to take you for a bit, in which you agreed by your movements. He held your hand and brought you down a corridor so the others wouldn't see.
"I'm sorry dear, I didnt man to startle you" the blond man knelt down and held onto your shoulders, apologising for making you cry at your first meeting.
You shook your head and hugged him again.
"I really am sorry" he stated, hugging you. You knew he was sorry, but he had nothing to be sorry for. You were crying due to the overwhelming emotions of warmth and joy you felt.
You sniffles and wipped your eye, "i- you, i- sorry... thank you" you muttered, unable to respond properly.
"Dont be sorry dear! You have nothing to be sorry for, should we go get some breakfast?" His smile full of warmth enchanted you and your tears faded as you returned the smile with a nod.
"I'm Steve Roger's by the way" he said as he held your hand as you walked.
"I'm y/n y/l/n"
You both arrived back at the table with the others after calming down a bit. Both of you holding each others hands. You werent sure why, but there was an automatic connection between the two of you, something so familiar yet you'd never known possible.
"Seems like them two are good" Sam laughed nudging Nat, she rolled her eyes but laughed agreeing. Bruce sipping his coffee smiling at you.
"So y/n, would you care for some food?" Steve asked you looking down. It seemed strange but you shyly nodded.
"Ah making food already are we? Alright Rogers go ahead and serve us like the slave to America you are" a new man entered, confidence emitted off him and circled the room. His heels clapping the floor as he walked, his black suit button being popped off as he walked freely. He looked to be in some very formal attire, all designer and- well rich? He also wore some type if sunglasses even though you wrte all inside?-
You looked back to Steve as he raided his eyebrows at the new man, then beginning to cook ignoring his words. This new man walked over to you, you started to question how many men actually did live here- and how different they all seemed to be.
"Tony Stark, y/n y/l/n I know its alright dear. Alright look after the kid I've gotta go out" he pulled down his glasses while talking, his strange beard stuck out to you too. Like triangles at the edges? It looked oddly cool though.
Steve turned around with a smirk, "oh so that's why you're acting like this?"
"Acting like what Rodgers?" The two locked eyes, both having large smirks covering their faces.
"I'll just get you back later" Steve mocked in a teasing tone, making Tony blush and push up his glasses.
"I'll be back in an hour or so. Play nice" he patted your head as he walked off.
Damn. First impressions really did count here didnt they? You could bearly even get a word in. Yet he seemed so confident and important, and manly full of sass. Even you could tell the man was a diva.
You couldn't help but find yourself giggling at him, which made Tony quite happy indeed. He strutted off into another corridor, his heels clip clapping as he prodded along.
"Do you like egg's y/n?" Steve asked you caringly, though you werent sure how to answer. Confusion spread across your face, adorable as such.
"Oh, sorry I'd best explain" Bruce pipped up. "Y/n has no memory of her past. So the most she knows is her age and name, nearly. So she wont be able to answer any question. Stark will explain more later"
You looked at Bruce, grateful for his interruption, he nodded back to show he knew you were thankful.
"Oh okay, well would you like to try some?" Steve refrained his queston to make you more comfortable. You nodded slightly, still quite embarrassed to talk.
"So you don't remember anything then?" Sam asked gaining your attention, "makes sense how you didn't know what juice was then. Still, it's great ain't it?" He smiled at you laughed, you giggled slightly, his failed attempts at being funny actually seemed funny to you. He smiled at you in this heart breaking way at your giggles, he found it too adorable to handle.
"You alright there Sam?" Sam rolled his eyes at the voice as you both turned your attentions to a new man.
"How many men actually do live here?..." you whispered to Banner, he seemed to be the one you were most talkative with as of the moment.
"A lot" he whispered back, chuckling at your questions. He hadn't noticed it before but there were a lot of men in the avengers compound.
This new make figure was also build strong, he had blackish brown hair floating around his shoulders and a strong face structure with a stubby chin. He also wore a pinkish dull red shirt that covered all his arms and some black gloves on with ordinary pants.
"All googly eyes over what?" He teased, winding the other man up as he walked in. He then spotted you and looked taken aback and gave you this- strange smile. Seemingly forced yet a happiness spread from it, you smiled at him.
"Buck that's y/n, shes gonna be stating with us for a while" Steve called from across the counter while making eggs. Buck walked over to you and bobbed down to your size, crouching whikeleaning on his knees.
"Um, hi y/n. I'm Bucky Barnes" he seemed awkward but in a different sense to how Bruce was. Bruce seemed anxious and fearful while Bucky seemed awkward and trying. You gave him a small smile for his efforts.
"Now who's goggling?" Sam teased back, taking a sip if his coffee. Bucky drilled his eyes while moving upwards to look at Sam.
Sam almost spit out his coffee as an awkward wobbly smile snuck onto his face. You couldn't see what Bucky was doing whole starting at Sam but everyone else laughted at his sudden weakness.
"Barnes being childish?" Nat intervened, leaning on the counter behind her. She seemed intrigued by this, though it wasnt unusual for Sam and Bucky to act like 5 year old children.
"The two of them always act like two year olds" Bruce sighed, though slight chuckles were to be heard. They all did enjoy when the two of them would act playfully.
Bucky then began to walk over to Sam, making granny hands at his sides taunting his friend. Sam backed up into a wall as he watched his friend nervously.
"Why did you have to wake up playful when we got a new kid!" He whined. Bucky just smirked at him. Sam handed his Coffee to Nat who placed it on the counter top before he legged it down a corridor, in which bucky followed giving him a head start.
You giggled at their silliness, it seemed nice. The way they all cared about each other yet were all do different.
"They'll be back soon" Steve chuckled as he handed a plate to you with some eggs on. "These are eggs, see the yellow orange piece is the yoke and the white is- the whites-" he hesitated before chuckling to himself, Steve explained the egg to you before Bruce explained what they actually were to you.
"No! No"
Nat was now laughing at this new scene caused. You thought you were about to eat a baby chicken but the orgers tried to comfort you.
"Its okay, we eat these because they're good for us"
"So we eat- babies... because it's good for us?"
Even Steve had given up explaining and was just doubling down with laughter.
"No! No, they're okay, their not babies. The babies haven't grown yet, they-"
"Why are we eating it ?!?" You were panicking thinking you might kill it.
Even bruce began to give up hope and laughing.
"Y/n- it's okay to eat them, they arent babies" Bruce couldn't be bothered to explain it anymore, everyones laughter made you feel a little better but you were still worried for the egg. Steve convinced you to take a bite and cut it up for you. He handed you a fork with a piece on and you looked between everyone and the food.
"I'm sorry" you whispered to it, making everyone loose it before you are it.
Your eyes lit up because it did taste nice, and it didn't have that horrible wrong feeling when you've done something bad. You took another bite, and another. The others chuckling and eating their food while you finished up.
Just as you did Bucky walked in the room with a yelling and kicking Sam on top of him.
Bucky walked over to the couch and threw his friend down before climbing over his begging body. His gloved hands crawling up Sam's sides as he began to childlike giggle and slap Bucky's hands away.
"Is someone a little ticklish?" Bucky asked him as his fingers began to pick up pace and crawl up his friends ribs. Sam began to buck and squeal, rotating and doing anything to get his friend off.
"What are they doing?" You giggled, enjoying the scene with everyone else.
"Tickling, it makes people laugh"
"He looks silly" you giggled. You felt so welcome yet still so new but being as you were you couldn't help but giggle.
"BUCKYYYHEHEHE STAHAHAGAOPPPPO PLEASEEEEE" Sam begged as he tried to grab the super solider hands, he then retaliated and somehow got a hold of his hips, digging his thumbs in. Not Bucky's most ticklish place but good enough to make him loose balance and fall to the floor.
Sam sat above him and quickly began his attack on the soldiers ribs, staging for the gold. His laughter was deep and royal, it made you giggle even more, everyone in the room seemingly laughing harder at the tables turning in this tickle fight.
"Now whose ticklish buck? Redwing! Get in here and record this" Sam yelled as a red airplane mini like robot entered the room and flew over a screaming Bucky.
"SAMMMMM GET THAT SHIT OUTTAHAGA MY FACE! AHAH" he lifted his arms trying to cover his red blushing face as Sam's fingers coated his rib cage.
"SHUT UP STEHEHEVE! AHAHA COME HEHELP ME!!" Bucky was now howling with laughter, Sam knew that if he wanted any escape it would be to wear out his friend before escape. Only to his downfall the blond man walked over and pulled him off Buck's frailing body.
"STEVE YOU TRATOR!" Sam whined in the other super shoulders hold. They both watched over Bucky's worn out body giving off giggles not usually heard from the man.
Steve then threw sam onto the couch and came back to finish his food. Sam got up and walked over to you quickly,
"this, this doesn't count as our first meeting" He told you breathlessly, Bucky raised a hand and agreed. You nodded at them giggling away to yourself.
"Ughhh I'm gonna get you Sam" you all heard before Bucky began to rise.
"Oh what's that? Oh, oh that's uh- someone. Gotta go!" Sam bolted through the doors as Bucky swiftly followed him.
"Well that didnt takes long" Nat said after a while as you could all hear Sam begging and laughing in the corridors.
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devinescribe · 4 years
No Way
Chapter 5 to '100 Promises'
Chapter 4 | Chapter 6
Enjoy :)
"I am not wearing a bikini!" You shouted. "Well, just your luck, it's the only one left in your size, so unless you want to get shot, wear it," Niragi threatened, throwing it at you. You caught it with a huff, and sent a glare his way. He only sighed and rolled his eyes.
It was a simple, white, high waisted one. Nothing fancy, it was simple and you wouldn't stick out. You started getting undressed, and he laid back on his bed. He stared up at the ceiling, even though it's nothing he hadn't seen before. I mean, come on your two had lived together during and after college. As well as the multiple sleepovers in highschool. And the times you had to change quickly because of events... The point is, he's seen it before. You know, before he 'disappeared'. "So, anything new back in the old world?" He asked. You thought for a second.
"Well, I got the tattoo I told you about, the game you were working on before never got finished as you're one of their key programmers, your mom wanted to go through and delete things of your computer I stopped her don't worry, Mrs. Aiko got a new dog, our landlord is a bitch wich didn't change, just thought I'd give you an update, the coffee shop we went to gave me free coffee for a week because you 'died', I started playing Bendy and The Ink Machine like you told me to, and after you 'died' I got a goldfish- OH MY GOD I FORGOT ABOUT MY GOLDFISH!" You panicked. You had the bottom of the swimsuit on, and we're panicking. He looked towards you. "Finish getting dressed damn woman. Oh, and nice piercings, didn't know you had those," he said nonchalantly, nodding his head towards them. "Oh.. yeah I guess. Hurt like a bitch- stop distracting me from the fact that my son is going to die!" You went back to panicking as you put the top on. "Ok, ok, calm down. What's the fish's name?" He asked trying to distract you. ''His name is Tommy, and-and I got him when t-they pronounced you dead... I didn't wanna be alone," you answered back, stuttering over your words, the panicky feeling being a bit overwhelming for you. You finished getting dressed, picking up the clothes you had been wearing. He had seen that you were wearing one of his old hoodies, but said nothing, seeing as technically, back in the old world, he was dead. He didn't understand why you were so distressed over goldfish, but took 3 other human's lives only a few hours ago.
"Tommy?" He questioned. You nodded your head. "And our apartment was so quiet after you disappeared. I really thought you had died," you whispered. 'I hate that she's making me feel things... She can't get hurt because of me. Then I'll be alone again.'
"I'm sure he'll be fine. Why did you name him Tommy?" He asked, watching as you put on the hoodie you had been wearing. "Just because. I thought it was a cute name for a goldfish," you answered, calming down a bit. (Or, if you want, there's other reasons like let's say a certain... gamer? Mhm, that's what I thought. Simp.) You sat on the edge of the bed, fiddling with the sleeves of the hoodie you had in your lap "Also. If I'm not mistaken, that's my hoodie," he said, a smirk on his face. You looked down. "Yeah... it is. And what?" You answered back. "You can keep it," he said, going back to whatever he was doing. You sighed heavily, laying back on his bed. The second you did, your whole body felt the pain of the whole day. You cursed under you breath. "If I fall asleep, you are free to push me off the bed," you stated, laughing a bit. "You said you wouldn't bring that up," he huffed. "I lied~" you giggled. He could tell you were sleepy, but it didn't matter to him.
You two were over at his house, sitting at the kitchen counter. It was a few weeks after his mother had apologized for the things she had done, and life was peaceful for him when his dad wasn't home, which was a lot of time. His dad was out everyday at work and didn't come home till late. The other time his life wasnt peaceful was at school, where bullies tormented the both of you. "There's this new cafe we could go to?'' You suggested, looking at him. He had bags under his eyes, and was basically falling asleep on the chair. "Are you ok?" You asked, placing a hand on his forehead, checking for fever. He didn't seem to have one. "Fine... I'm fine, just tired," he muttered, pushing up his glasses. "Did you stay up playing that game?" You asked, pouting a bit. "No. I've been studying for a really big test coming up. I'm fine," he explained, yawning right after. "Come on, you need to go take a nap," you said, grabbing his hand and dragging him up to his room. "No I don't, I invited you over, it's rude of me to not spend time with you," he said, holding onto your hand, trying to pull you away from his room. "I don't care. You're tired, take a nap, I'll be right here when you wake up," you stated, pushing him onto his bed. He sighed, mumbling a thank you before falling asleep. You went to leave, but noticed his hand was still holding yours. You pouted, trying to get his hand off so you could sit on a chair in his room. "(N/N)... stay," he mumbled in his sleep.
You looked down at him, and smiled. You sat on the edge of the bed, and ran your hands through his hair, humming a song you'd heard. (I'd be humming Isabela's lullaby-) He had definitely fallen asleep a while ago, but you thought it would help. "You're an idiot sometimes, you know that?" You whispered. You knew he couldn't hear you, but a part of you said it would help him sleep. You took off his glasses, placing them on the nightstand besides his bed. You curled up besides him, hugging his face into you chest. To you, at that age, and with who it was, you didn't see a problem. . "I wonder what test you were studying for... I don't remember you mentioning a test before," you whispered, still playing with his hair. "Completely unrelated, but your hair is super soft," you muttered. You felt yourself drifting off to sleep.
You smiled, remembering that day. "You can go to sleep. I don't care. I won't be here in the morning though, I have patrols and stuff," he said, seeing you falling asleep. You hummed, and slid off the bed, and down to the floor. "What are you doing?" He asked, watching you curiously. "Going to sleep," you murmured, a yawn escaping your mouth. "On the floor?" He questioned. He heard you give a noise of confirmation. "Ok, but you can't complain about your back hurting tomorrow," he stated. "Mhm..." you muttered, sleep taking over your body.
It was early morning when you woke up. You sat up, rubbing the tired out of your eyes. You looked around, and stretched. Niragi wasn't in there and you sighed. Remembering what Niragi had said about patrols, you just decided to stay in his room. Not like you knew where anything was. Then there was a knock a the door. "Coming," you said, loud enough so they could hear. You got up from the floor, and walked over to the door, opening it. You looked down, seeing Chishiya. "I really don't like that you have to look down at me to talk to me," he muttered. "Get used to it, I'm 6'2 l, taller than Gi-Gi and... much taller than you," you stated with a grin. He looked up and smirked. "Gi-gi? Is that one of your nicknames for him?" He asked. You nodded. "You're not allowed to call him that though. That's my thing, got it? I'm the only annoying bitch he's allowed to have in his life," you joked. "Oh, I'm sure you'll be the only girl in his life," he whispered to himself. "Did you need something Chishiya?" You asked. "Well, yes and no. I was wondering if you would like me to show you around?" He asked, shoving his hands into his pockets. You thought for a second, before nodding your head. "Alright, let's go."
He lead you throughout the different rooms. As he was an executive, he had access to more rooms, but he couldn't go into an area with weapons or the underground. The hotel was quite large, your favorite part being the grand staircases and intricate pieces of decoration around certain places, as well as the columns "And my least favorite place is there. It's basically a club. People dancing, blaring music 24/7, people in general.... They all act so happy. It's weird," he shuddered, shaking his head. You laughed. He looked at you strangely. "Is there something wrong?" You asked. "Oh... no, I like your laugh. It's... endearing," he said, tilting his head down so his hair hid his face. You smiled, thanking him for the complement.
Little did you know, someone was watching from afar.
Later into the night, you heard a loud horn blaring. You had been out at the pool area with Chishiya, and a girl who's name you learned to be Kuina. She was a firecracker of a person, and you enjoyed it. She was fun, and you'd only known her for a few hours. "That's the alarm for the games. We all meet in the main hall, collect the papers, and go to the car with our number. You just need to follow Ann and Aguni, as they will assess you today, ok?" Chishiya explained. You nodded. A part of you was nervous because other people were going to be watching you do your thing, but another part of you was excited. Excited for the games. A part of you had enjoyed the thrill of risking your life in the last game. You were also extremely bored. You hadn't seen Niragi all day, and you knew you probably wouldn't see him till late at night. So, a full day of talking and walking around with Chishiya, and also later on, Kuina. Not that you minded their company, but you needed something to do. Something to give you that rush of excitement. Of being alive. Back in the real world, people saw you as fragile and weak. You were held back from excitement in your life because of your father, and when your mother came back into the picture, she became another anchor to your life.
Ann had found you in the swarming crowd of people, and grabbed your wrist. "This way," she said. You nodded, letting her lead you. There was a car with at least 6 other people in there. You guessed that they didn't exactly have to use normal road laws, so it didn't matter. Aguni and Ann sat in front, and you took your spot in the back. The ride to the arena was quiet. You could hear a few other engines, and maybe some shouting here and there. The games arena wasn't as far away as you thought. There were a few other people there, none wearing the wristbands from the beach. You went up and grabbed a phone, letting it do it's face recognition.
'8 players registered. 2 minutes to registration closing'
You stared at the phone, and back at the table where they were. There was 3 more phones left. You then saw three people come into the game arena. They picked up their phone with a sigh.
"Ann? Have you ever noticed that there's always enough phones for all the players?" You asked, looking at the woman. "Hm? What do you mean?" She questioned, crossing her arms. "Well, before those three came in, there was exactly three phones left. Meaning that there was enough phones for all the players. Same thing with my game from yesterday. There was 7 phones for 7 players. So, the game master hads an idea of who and where they're going. Have you ever noticed that?" You repeated, explaining in a bit more detail. She looked at you shocked. "... No, I can't say I have. Thank you," she stated. 'This is only her second game? And she's noticed something that we haven't in that little time? She'd be a great executive with a mind like hers. But, she'd also be a great milital with the capacity to think like that. Maybe with her, we won't have to worry about Niragi going rogue. I have a feeling he wouldn't dare hurt her.'
You nodded your head with a smile. "Oh... another thing, I apologize for bothering you again, but um... Did you see Niragi at all today? He told me about patrols, but I don't know," you asked. You were embarrassed to say the least, but you really wanted to know. "Since both Chishiya and Niragi suggested that you join the militals, we can't have them helping you. Niragi was off doing who knows what. He's always around somewhere," she explained. You nodded.
'Registration Closed. Game: Pick Your Poison. Difficulty 7 of diamonds. Rules: You must pick which plant is not poisonous to humans. There are cures to each poison, but you must know how to make it. Time Limit: 2 hours. Clear Condition: If players can't pick out the non poisonous plant in the time limit, venomous snakes will be released into the arena, and all doors leading out will be locked until all remaining contestants die. Game will commence in 5 minutes.'
You looked down at your phone. "What an interesting game this shall be," you said with a smile, walking off to where the arrows were pointing. "If you are unaware, the different suits represent what kind of game it will be. The number is the difficulty," Aguni said from besides you. You nodded, taking in his words. "Diamonds are a game of wit and intelligence, hearts are games of betrayal, spades are games of physical endurance, and clubs are games of teams," Ann added. "Thank you," you said, bowing towards them.
You reached the room, seeing it was more of a lab than anything. There were tables filled with different kinds of plants. Some looked like berries, others looked like normal vegetation.
'Game Start'
You sighed, walking over to a table, noticing some that looked almost like blueberries. "Those are blueberries right? Which means that one is the clear choice. Too easy," a guy snickered, picking one up and popping it into his mouth. You took notice of the shape of the leaves, and the coloring being different than most blueberries, as well as a few other key characteristics. Then it hit you. "Don't! You idiot... that's Atropa belladonna. Or, as you may know it, deadly nightshade," you scolded. He spat it out immediately. You knew it would do him not good as he had already chewed on it, and swallowed what he had crushed. He would die.
"You have knoledge of plants?" Ann asked. "Sort of... I got really into crime cases and stuff, so different kinds of poisons stuck with me. It's also what I studied in college. A major in forensics, and a minor in psychology," you explained sheepishly. A small smile made its way to her face. "Alright. Well, show us what you got."
There were ten minutes to go. You only had 2 plants left. One looked like a string of grapes, and the other like blackberries. Only 2 people had died, and that was because of their own idiocy. The one who had eaten the deadly nightshade, and another who'd eaten holly berries. She'd also trusted a girl, which is why she ate the berries in the first place. Basically trust and idiocy. Same thing, no? "So which one is it wise girl? We have ten minutes pick already," a guy angrily said. "Shut up, I'm trying to think," you stated, looking carefully. He huffed. "You're just a dumb girl. You've probably only been guessing and you're going to get us killed," he stated. You growled, picking up one of the deadly nightshade berries. You waited till he opened his mouth again, and threw it. It fell in his mouth, and he began choking, clawing at his throat. "Just guessing huh? Well, I'm guessing you're going to die," you taunted going back to look at the berries in front of you, ignoring the wheasing sounds behind you. "These aren't poisonous. They're mulberries. Blackberries have zero to none poisonous look alikes. Those, however are pokeweed," you stated, grabbing one of the blackberry look alikes. "I'll eat it, so if I'm wrong no one else suffers the consequence,'' you said, placing it in your mouth.
'Game Complete. Congratulations.'
The chiming voice startled you. You smiled once you realized what you'd done. "Well done. I'll report this to Hatter, and he'll decide what to do with you," Aguni said. You nodded. "Y-you killed him," a girl stuttered besides you. You turned to face her.
"H-he was my brother. You killed him!" She shouted. "Sounds like a you problem," you said. Aguni and Ann had already left the room. "You're heartless... you can't get away with this!" She screamed. "Listen here you self righteous little brat. If I remember correctly, you told one of the other players to eat the berry for you because you were scared you picked wrong. She took pitty, and did it. And she died. So you also killed someone. You also didn't help him when he was choking, so you have just as much blame. Maybe you wanted him dead? Oh, and another thing, who's going to stop me from doing anything? No one. There are no rules here. Murder, arson, fraud... everything's legal here. Back in the old world, we didn't do it because of other's moral compasses. We were scared of judgement. But here? Who's judgement are we scared of?" You said, glaring at her. "Plus, your brother seemed like a level 100 douche bag. If anything, I did you a favor. Good luck out there. You're going to need it," you said, walking out of the room.
"Sorry I took so long... She was so whiny," you apologized, muttering about the girl. They just shrugged as the drive back began.
"Oi, stay the hell away from her," Niragi threatened. Chishiya only laughed. "Why? She's just your friend, no? If I want to talk to her, I can. If I want to hang out with her, I can. If I wanted to get a little overzealous and do more... I can. And if I want to, I will," Chishiya smirked. "And trust me... I will."
Ahahahahahahaha, don't worry, it stays a Niragi×Reader, I just want drama :)
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exsqueeze-me · 4 years
Bleeding Heart (ch. 4)
(This chapter is longer than usual, mostly to make up for my lack of writing recently! The schedule for updates on this fic are just gonna be random from here on out cause I've been procrastinating on coming up with ideas for this fic lol. I hope you all enjoy!)
It had been a few weeks since you had found the three, and since then you somehow convinced Bardock to take occasional adventures to hunt. You had also managed to get the boy, who's name you soon learned to be Raditz, to help you out in the kitchen every now and then. The baby, or Kakarot, had warmed up to you, if only slightly. After realizing he would get in trouble with Bardock for quite literally biting the hand that feeds, he began to try to cause as much trouble as a strange, alien child could. He always somehow managed to wreck your kitchen and living room when he was left unattended, which was surprisingly easier to deal with than getting bit every time you neared the baby.
Raditz took a few days, but he warned up to you pretty quickly, especially in comparison to Bardock and Kakarot. It was clear from what you've seen in the past few weeks that he didnt have a very good relationship with his father, so any praise for a job well done in the kitchen and the occasional extra dessert when he was having a bad day went a long way. That's not to say that everything was hunky dory all the time, Raditz would still get defensive very easily with you. There had been several times where he had growled and bared his teeth because you moved just a little too fast for his liking.
Bardock was a different story. While he had accepted the fact that you weren't a threat nor were you trying to be, he still seemed to dislike your presence. Usually, it was just you and Raditz in the house, as Bardock would usually go out to train and you would call on your old master, Gohan to babysit Kakarot(which convincing Bardock to let that happen was a whole new argument. Although, he softened up to the idea when he saw how well Gohan handled his son despite Gohan's old age), but when Bardock was home, it was either awkward silence or constant snide remarks about how weak and pitiful you were. Raditz often got similar snide remarks, so that might have also been why the boy warmed up to you so easily. Despite being an all around ass, Bardock was extremely helpful. While it took a minute to explain human currency and why you couldnt afforded to constantly feed them, he began to hunt for meat and such every day and even dragged Raditz out with him to gut it and skin it all for you. Granted, you did have to get onto them a few times for leaving picked carcasses too close to the house or nitpick them what to keep and what not to keep, even if Bardock bitched at you for wasting the leftovers. If there was ever something that you couldn't open yourself, Bardock would(with complaints and insults) open it for you with ease. He surprisingly wasnt very content with sitting around and letting you do everything, so he occasionally would stalk you around the house, waiting for you to ask him to help with something. His helpfulness made it easier to deal with the fact that he seemingly couldnt stand you.
Today was one of those days where Bardock took Kakarot to try to 'train him'. You knew Bardock was a fighter through and through, but training a four year old seemed a bit much. When you tried to ask about it, he only ever told you that it's just how his race is, so you eventually let it slide. Neither of them ever came back hurt, so you just accepted it.
Looking at the clock, you decided now would be a good time to start dinner. Calling Raditz from his room to help grab the meat from the cooler(that you had to buy in the largest available size specifically for the copious amounts of meat that Bardock brought back) while you began to cut up veggies. Raditz always seemed pretty happy to help cook and you often wondered if he used to help his mother cook as well. Raditz dropped a few big slabs of meat on the counter before looking up at you expectantly.
"Anything else you need me to do?" Raditz asked. He seemed to be having a pretty good day today.
You thought about it for a moment. If these people really wanted to hurt you, they would have done so by now.
"Can I trust you with a knife?" You asked him.
He seemed to erupt with glee at the question. His tail swished back and forth behind him as a smile broke out on his face and he almost seemed to bounce in place.
You let out a sigh but you couldnt help but smile as well. Raditz had to be the most bipolar fourteen year old you'd ever met, but he was an overall good kid.. usually. He had his moments where he did everything in his power to get on everyone's nerves.
"Alright, but be careful, okay?" You handed him the meat cleaver.
As soon as the handle of the knife was in his hands, a switch seemed to have flipped. The smile dissapeared from his face and he stared down at the knife sadly.
"Raditz?" You carefully called his name out. It wasnt unusual for him to flip flop emotions, but he was rarely sad.
"My mom used to use one of these.." Raditz's voice was soft , much unlike his usual loud manner of speaking. His tail curled a bit and he shifted on his feet.
You both stood in silence for a moment before he shook his head and began to cut the meat into thick,even slices. You spared him one last, lingering look before continuing to cut veggies. You didnt know what to say, or if there was anything you could say.
The sun was meeting the horizon when Bardock returned with Kakarot. Although he was clearly curious, Bardock didnt question the strangely solemn feel in the house. He was used to hearing you go on about everything that happened, occasionally asking him about how his day went, even if he never responded. He was used to Raditz goofing around with Kakarot, trying to teach the kid all sorts of dumb things that would surely get on Bardock's nerves. Today, there was none of that. Rather than question it, Bardock decided it would be best to let this slide.
You wanted to ask Bardock what happened to Raditz and Kakarot's mother, but it wasnt your place to ask such questions. You doubted he would answer anyway. You decided to try and ask Bardock about it in a roundabout way after Raditz and Kakarot were asleep. You had been curious about their origins anyway.
A few hours after dinner and Raditz and Kakarot were asleep, you sat yourself down on the couch next to Bardock, where he was watching whatever was on the TV.
"What do you want?" He almost sneered.
"I've been curious. Where exactly are you from? You're clearly not from Earth so.."
"Planet Vegeta." He said simply. You had hoped you wouldn't have to ask every little question, but you also didnt really expect him to tell you more than what was asked.
"What was it like there?" You looked over at him. Maybe now wasnt an opportune time to take in his features, but you couldn't help but glance over him. It wasnt often you met someone as good looking as him.
"Why the hell do you want to know?" He finally turned to face you, his lips curling up slightly in a snarl.
"I already said! I'm just curious. You've been staying here for a while and I barely know anything about you three." You yelped and put your hands up in surrender. It was technically the truth. You didnt know much about them at all. You only really knew their names and little things you'd picked up on from the conversations they would have at dinner.
He glared at you for a few moments before huffing and turning back to the TV.
"How do I watch something different on this damn thing?" He gestured to the TV, completely ignoring your previous question.
You glanced at the TV and back at him. Maybe it was better to wait until another day to ask more. This was a good opportunity to try to make nice with Bardock. He had never outright asked you something like this before.
"You've.. never used a TV before?" It was a bit odd to think about. From how their little space pods looked, they were light years ahead of you.
"Low class warriors like me didnt have much use for this shit." He almost sounded like he wanted to complain more, but stuck with grumbling and thumping his tail against the couch.
You just gave him a odd look before reaching over him to grab the remote. You expected him to growl at you for leaning over him, but he was strangely docile right now.
"You change the channels with this button. If you wanna turn it off, then you press the red button up here." You explained the more important features before handing the remote to him.
His tail flicked curiously as he pressed down on the channel button. It was kind of amusing to see him try and effectively figure out how to work the TV. He sat there flipping through channels for a good few minutes before setting down the remote and turning to you.
"While you're.. here." He hesitated for a moment before getting up and walking to the kitchen. "How does this thing work?"
You couldnt help but let out a little laugh when he pointed to the toaster. You had a feeling you would be up all night explaining how things worked to him, but this was much better than having him glare at you. Maybe he actually was starting to warm up to you a bit.
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“The Barnes Special”
Summery- Bucky x Y/N. Bucky gets a craving... and he has your full support. Word Count- 1130
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"Fuck!" He hissed above you before collapsing over you, his words muffled in your shoulder, and you, with your ankles hooked together, heels digging into his ass cheek and purring underneath him, nuzzled his shoulder with a satisfied sigh, your hands smoothing up and down his back in a loving gesture, was how you found yourself in a slightly lightning room. Your Bucky Barnes was just as good a lover at 4 am as he was at 11 pm, but this wasnt anything you didn't already know.
He slid off you once you unlocked your ankles, after he had softened, a bite to your lip and a moan drifted from you, you already missed feeling him inside you. His arm stretched rather possesviely over your chest, cupping your breast, playing his fingertips lightly over the nipple. Enough for you to stay slightly on edge, the damn tease. Turning your head to face him you caught sight of his impish look peeking at you where he had his face pushed in a pillow.
"If your priming me for round three, I'm not gonna say no Buck, but give a girl a break" teasing, honestly say no to him? Never. You were as addicted to his touch asnhe was yours.
Pushing himself up to lean over you, his lips brushing over yours, tongue dipping playfully to brush along yours, he smirked down at you. "Actually I was gonna say lets go get breakfast, you make a man starving Doll." Rolling up to sit on the edge, he grabbed sweat pants and his shirt, going to dig into your dresser drawers, finding you a similar assamble.
Fuck if you were one to pass up breakfast, you wiggle yourself up out of bed and catch the clothes he tossed to you. Piling your hair up top lf your head in a messy bun and a look in the bathroom mirror showed well a natural not put together you. Your hand reaches for the makeup, but he catches you in time, tugging you away.
"Stop, after sex morning glow works for you" Bucky informs, hand in his dragging you through your living room, perfectly manuevering around the much darker room. You trusted him not to plow you into any furniture.
At least not by accident. On purpose, well.... There might have been a few (many) instances you could recall.
Out the door he has you, and if your small Brooklyn Apartment, you two were in walking distance to EVERYTHING. New York, the city that never sleeps. If you wanted it, it was to be had. You found out Bucky had very set destinations in mind.
Like the diner on the corner. "Best pancakes ever" he claimed, and he had a to go order made of golden fluffy stacks, loads of butter and gooey maple syrup to go.
3 blocks down, the two of you stood at a small counter, peering into the case at freshly made jelly, glazed, and frosted donuts. Long cream filled eclairs and bear claws the size of your face, dripping glaze and pecans. Of course you both needed a sampling of all of them. Bucky Barnes was hungry.
You also had two piping hot coffees made. A woman had needs to.
Next stop, across the street where a small food vendor set up. "Good morning Mr.Barnes, the usual?"
Bucky gave a nod and You were left maneuvering your boxes while he dug for his wallet. "Yea Sid! Hot sauce added to them eggs." The crack of fried eggs and sausage patties filled the air as Bucky took the boxes back. "He makes the best fried eggs and biscuit sandwiches." Your mouth was already watering while you watched Sid assemble. Toasted buttered biscuit, sausage patty, egg with a slightly gooey center, thick slices of American cheese and a dash of hot sauce to top it off, neatly wrapped in foil.
Last stop your told, and the mountain of food built up already seems enough, but no. Your super soldier had a need. A new york pizza pie to be exact, and edging on 6 am, he found it. Little joint near the park called Papa Murray's Finest. One large pepperoni pizza just topped off your hoarde. Paper plates and napkins collected, the two of you headed into the part to feast. Heartburn city? Maybe, luckily you kept antacids back at the apartment.
So watching him assemble this was something to behold. He flipped open the pizza box and rubbed his hands together while assessing the other contents of your mass collection. "So how you gonna do this Barnes?" You perch on the table edge and sip your cup of coffee, watching your boyfriend really study his choices.
"Oh just like this" and sure enough, he put everything on there. First the pancakes went on the pizza, he smeared butter on them, then in wavey golden patterns glistening in the early morning sun. The first jogger passed with a surprised look. You two ignored her.
Then a selection of donuts. Lined up along one side, here you plucked a glazed for yourself, taking a bite while you watched. "Oh dont forget that sprinkle one!"
"Thanks babe" he snatched and added to his pile, you were always encouraging whatever fuckery he wanted to do.
Next was his egg sandwich, and he ripped it in chunks to add to his masterpiece, you volunteered yours to, winking at him. "Gotta cover the pie after all" And this is where Steve jogged up, and Sam huffing a bit more, not far behind. Sam braced his hands on his knees and his face grimaced when Bucky folded the pizza and lifted it from the box. "What in the ever lovin' hell is that?"
"The Barnes Special." Bucky retorted, pushing half falling out donuts and egg back into the fold. Sam look disgusted, Steve look unsurprised, you looked like you were about to cheer him on.
"Your gonna make yourself sick Buck, remember that time you cleaned out half the vendors on Cooney Island?" Steve mentioned, a roll of the eyes from Barnes.
"Sick?! Hes gonna need his stomach pumped!" Sam all wide eyed and unbelieving at what he was seeing.
You said nothing, another bite of glazed donut and sip of your coffee. Bucky knew what he was doing.
Bucky glared at the twonin challenge and opened his mouth wide, taking the biggest damn bite youve ever seen, and smirked around his chewing, moaning out after he swallowed it. "Almost as good as sex"
Steve shook his head and bolted off.
Sam pointed a finger at Barnes and stated" your fucking crazy man" and he took off after Steve.
You snickered into your coffee and winked at Bucky "You showed them"
Ladies and Gentleman.... Thats your Bucky Barnes.
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darth-schism · 3 years
(Obligatory "I would like to see Mark/Luke in a more flattering timeline" ...that said).
I keep seeing posts about how Luke /tried to kill a child in TLJ, and it's what makes Luke "not like Luke" in the movie. However, this just isn't true.
- For starters, Ben was not a child in that scene. He was in his mid twenties.
- Next, Luke never actually tried to kill him. He thought about it, because he was under a major, and highly coordinated psychological attack. As a result, his cybernetic hand drew and activated the lightsaber at his side (not raised, not mid strike, just at his side). Luke later looks down at his hand in surprise and disgust, horrified and guilty over having just thought of doing such a thing. He deactivated his lightsaber, and only reactivated it when Ben attacked a moment later. This scene is almost identical to the one where Luke, after sacrificing so much to try and save his father, suffered a similar psychological attack, and considered killing him after brutally defeating him in combat. But once again, he looked at his hand, and put the lightsaber away.
So again, yes, Luke would never try and kill a kid. And in TLJ, Luke did not try and kill Ben...who also wasnt a kid.
- Next. I get that Luke is a cinnamon bun. But people act like this guy doesn't have an edge just because he wanted to redeem and save his child murdering father. The guy, for the greater good, blew up a moon sized space station. You don't think the janitors, kitchen staff, indentured workers, and families that lived there all happened to be super evil space nazis do you? When Jabba's guards blocked his path, and weren't even on the attack, Luke skipped all mind tricks, pushes, etc, and jumped straight to force choke. He was ready to shoot Jabba right in his fat fucking face ("Jedi don't kill unarmed enemies" be damned), and moved to cut down Palpatine in a similar fashion. Luke had a hella high body count and knows how to play hardball. He's also no immune to the urges of the darkside. He feels them, they affect his actions, but he always stopped just shy of fully giving into them.
- Finally, it wasn't emphasized very well. But Luke's thought to kill Ben was driven by the same, if not more, emotional force as when he tried to kill Palpatine (cause he was blowing up all the rebels) and Vader (when he threatened to turn his sister to the darkside). Snoke made sure Luke saw everything needed to break him. It wasnt just a mere nightmare or subjective vision. Luke saw it all clearly, and in horrific detail what would happen if Ben was permitted to live. But despite this, Luke still didn't go through with it.
The major character flaw of TLJ Luke wasn't the moment he ignited his lightsaber. It was when he "gave up" and left the fight against Snoke for seven years.
..... (still holding out for a tasteful retcon)
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
Dreams Come True ||| Johnny x MakeupArtist!Reader
summary: johnny is kind to all the members of staff, and so you believe that he thinks no differently of you genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst but you have to squint, some more heated elements its john warning(s): slightly more inferred heated elements than i usually make, but otherwise none word count: 2189  song(s): ambience an: sorry anon for the wait! this really wasnt supposed to be long, i literally wrote it in my drabble format, and throughout it genuinely felt like it was only 1k words but... yeah. im not changing the format tho no sir. i havent the patience lmao
the beat of the bass bounced from wall to wall, thumping over the air at the stage and all the way through to the small room you and easily twenty others were mulling around in. a long time ago, the inability to see around the throngs of people—no matter if you knew them or not—would have unnerved you. but now, despite the way you had to curl over the counter of a vanity to make space for the other stylists, you felt at home. because even with your back to the wall, the vibrations running their unnatural fingers along your spine, the gentle smile of an even gentler giant was mere inches from your own, and it left you no option but to be enthralled by nothing but him.
he was grinning despite your repetitive comments asking him not to, as you extended the brush towards his cheeks—probably because you’d said them through small giggles of your own. it wasn’t your fault that his jokes were funny. he had the comedic timing of a god, teasing the others in such a way that it was impossible not to smile... right? he was too gorgeous to block out, but there was no way in hell you would admit that. 
“what?” he enquired teasingly, eyebrows raising beneath the fluttering fingers of the hair stylist stood behind him.
you rolled your eyes, applying more colour to your brush just so you had an excuse to avoid his gaze. you knew full well he stared at people intentionally to make them nervous. you had no idea why he did it to you though. it made you take longer with his make-up and you were already falling behind—you didn’t even have to glance at the clock to know, the fact that you were working at the same time as another stylist was enough. you prayed the smooth breeze from the window was enough to cool the blush off your face as you attempted to focus upon your work, smoothing the rouge across his skin. but it was inevitable that he would capture your attention once again, and he did so with spending barely any effort. his chin tilted upwards for you to get a better view of your canvas, leaving you able to make sure everything was blended properly, but also very nearly unable to breathe.
johnny, the only man you were practically assigned to now after you’d proven your skills during a comeback late last year, was known for caring for the staff. holding doors, giving them space, sitting down so they can reach easier because it was his responsibility that he was a damn tree. since you were practically his personal make-up artist, it was thus no surprise that you were the focus of his caring nature. however, even you were beginning to question how far his gestures went. like now—now was one of those times.
“y/n,” he began, and you immediately caught onto that tone of mischief he always had when he was about to try and catch you off guard.
you sighed, biting your lip to try and remain serious in the face of what you knew would inevitably follow. “yes, john?”
he took that as his cue. “do you mind making my lips a little more red?”
glancing away from his eyes before you could get trapped in them, you stared intently at your handiwork instead. regarding his lips, you felt your eyes narrow. they were plenty bright enough, exactly how you’d done last time. ‘you sneak,’ you thought, ‘does he just find joy out of other people’s embarrassment?’ though you had to question yourself if you were really embarrassed, as a part of you was perfectly happy to bask in the opportunity of touching his plush lips. they were so full and soft that you couldn’t help but let your thoughts wander whenever you looked at them. 
when you peered up, searching for the clock on the wall, you caught the hair stylist’s stare. she’d slowed her ministrations, and was now eyeing you blankly. only below the surface was there a glint of warning.  you quickly glanced away, only to accidentally to meet johnny face on. he’d cocked his head on one side, brow creased in that way that threw your heart in a loop. 
“pretty please?”
caught up in his handsome features you could feel the heat rising to your face once again. as much as you willed it away, deep down you knew it was no use. you cursed at yourself in your head, why do you take everything he says so seriously. there’s no way you actually mean anything more to him than just friendly coworker. 
you swallowed with a nod, letting your fingers run aimlessly through your kit while you focused primarily on thinking about something else. dwelling on the impossible would do nothing but lower your mood and you knew that. still, it didn’t mean the tiny spools of daydreams didn’t occasionally slip through. they left you dazed when you came back to the real world, as if their tiny pinpricks of imaginary light grew to the size of blinding headlights in the pitch of night. upon your return you found that your gaze had barely left him at all—as soon as your eyes trickled away, they absently fled right back to him. a circumstance that he always looked so damn happy about. dreams don’t come true, y/n.
you hadn’t registered that the hair stylist had stalked away until johnny spoke up and his words left you fumbling in the mix of your own crush and the fear that someone had overheard.
“you look so cute when you’re focused,” he’d said, grin a hair-width from a knowing smirk, eyes curved in that gentle enticement. it was as if he wanted you to fall. had you not been reeling you perhaps would have scowled. you already had fallen, you didn’t need him to turn up the anti any more than he head—otherwise there would come a stutter that your heart didn’t recover from.   
“sh-shut up,” you stammered, trying to hide the jump of your heartbeat behind a smile. but as his plush lips parted into a chuckle, your mind just trundled straight back to the dreamscape it always visited when you thought of them. 
truly, no one would blame you, because kissing a man like that would be one of the true wonders of the world. the flashes of a possible time, where your lips melded with his and he held you close and safe, away from the rest of the world, where no crowd could ever hurt you, were tantalising to say the least. you bravely gulped them down. 
it would not last however, as johnny was on a mission, it seemed, to make you blush as much as possible. so much for feeling calm.
when you poised your hand by his lips again, he merely insisted, “how can i? with someone like you right here... i just can’t help myself.”
you very nearly choked on those threads of dreams as well as the corniness, whilst he underlined all his words with a sweet smile. the one that made you want to cup his cheeks and feel the gravity of such a person before you. 
you shook your head, to abandon the thoughts as well as shake him off. he’s just trying to make you laugh. “bleghh, now shush,” you managed, praying he’d take your simple response as a sign to quit.
alas, your poor heart, he did not.
“what? do you not believe me?” you didn’t peer up and instead took advantage of the tiny pause to brush more scarlet around the corner of his lips. it was short-lived however, as they then opened in exaggerated surprise, and you only just managed to pull away before you accidentally painted a faded gash across his chin. “you don’t believe me!” 
“i don’t know what you’re talking about, johnny,” you uttered, hesitantly peeking over at the clock to see the minute hand way too close to the hour for your liking.
he sighed, and had you actually regarded the entirety of his expression, you would have spotted how saddened he looked. “you don’t...? ah, y/n, how could you not realise just how beautiful you are?”
“johnny...” you tapered off. you had expected to come out in more of a warning tone, but with the seconds ticking by at an alarming rate, the elation at his words combined with the nerves and irritation at how you couldn’t do your job all combined to make it sound a lot more emotionless than its nature truly was.
“with your gorgeous smile, pretty eyes, adorable laugh, impeccable fashion sense...” he paused and you could have sworn his breath hitched in his throat, “really, it’s enough to ruin even the strongest of people around here, i w—”
in a desperate attempt to get your job done, without a single thought you raised your hand to grip his chin gently between your thumb and finger. and instantly, all the words he had been suddenly desperate to ramble in that moment were stolen off his tongue, the flirty smirk stilled. 
for a few seconds you were stunned too, before the two minute call rose throughout the room like a game of chinese whispers. in a moment of sheer reflex, you attended to a minuscule patch of faded vermilion and further highlighted an extra line of shadow that in all honesty didn’t need renovation, all while your head span as you interrogated yourself and the world on as to what the hell johnny was playing at. 
“there you’re done.” 
your hand jumped away as if shocked by static, and you began to clean up your cramped workspace. you didn’t give a final look over your masterpiece, you knew the man could pull off pretty much anything thrown at, or in this case upon him. but he didn’t respond, and it was the uncharacteristic silence that brought out just enough confidence within you to turn your head towards him once again. 
you find his honey eyes wide and a small and silent gasp upon those very lips that had said all those confident, sly things. his fingers were tentatively brushing against where yours had been, as if tracing the petals of a rose.
“i-i would know,” he finished out of the blue, expression still in his stupor.
johnny’s pout was truly something to behold, and it was now different now. as the light in his eyes softened, he murmured just loud enough to be heard only by you over the chatter of staff and bandmates alike, “weren’t you listening?”
tracing backwards through the amalgamation of chaos that had been the past five minutes felt like it would take hours. somehow though, as in the peculiar nature of all thoughts and memories, you managed to trace back just far enough, for enough to fall into place piece by piece. and as soon as a part of the jigsaw was revealed, the wider picture came into focus. despite your own sheer disbelief.
“i... ruined you?” 
he laughed sheepishly then, hand finally moving from his jaw to the back of his neck, the consideration of not ruining his hair style clearly skipping his mind. “well... in all the best terms of the word, yeah.”
silence filled the space between you, leaving the ruckus beyond to only grow and seep into your ears, like the cold of autumn through a forgotten window when the music stopped playing. instinct drew you forward then, as if it were pulling upon strings of fate. your hand twitched in your lap, ready to lift and hold him again, and it was as if both of you forgot where you were—johnny moved forwards in his seat much like you did. 
but then came the frantic yell from the doorway. “johnny, what are you doing?! you’re on stage in literally thirty seconds—!”
the man swept to his feet, making sure to draw his face as close to your ear as he could get away with under the suspicious eyes of the staff surrounding you. you would argue that there was no way that could ever be construed as meaningless, but in the moment there was no way you could care. 
“you’ll help me get this all off, right? after?” he asked, before he leant back. 
you had offered him nothing but a smile, but he knew the gleam in your eyes. it was one of intrigue, one of excitement. with a final glance down to your lips, your crush strode off and out of the room, leaving you with a dozen pairs of eyes all focused intently on you and the bright grin on your face. 
you cleared your throat, covering your mouth with the back of your hand as you nodded an apology to them, you hadn’t meant to make him late after all. but nothing could quell the joy that pulsed through your veins, and so you excused yourself for a small break outside to gather your breath in the cool night air. 
maybe dreams do come true after all. 
an: i dont like this. not one bit. i really struggled to write it bc creativity hates me so im really sorry :((  i hope ill edit it soon, for the benefit of everyone :/
also... im aware that the ambience isnt specific to the scenario right here, but—as much as i love the idea of the videos og scenario—this is the closest thing i could find to what i was after :(( please imagine more chatter with it 
also can you tell i know nothing about makeup? ha
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tsurangaconundrum · 3 years
honestly i think ive brought the mood down by talking about dead birds. but luckily i have a fun story about live birds! actually this is one that i find kinda strange myself.
im going to assume you know whatabouts the typical county fair looks like. actually you did say you dont have squirrels so mbby ur not american... it basically looks like theres this huge field and a huge barn and a rather decent sized inside bit and a few little wooden structures nearby to make shade. and pretty much all year its super empty, i think part of it becomes a dog park the rest of the time? i dunno. anyway, once a year a carnival will roll in and the ffa and 4-h roll in and the entire place is filled with trailers and tents and rides and, especially with animals. and it goes on for like a week, opens rlly early and closes rlly late. i know we had a rather large fair where i live. its a Big Deal.
now, if youre a regular person youll go to the fair maybe once or twice, look at some of the historical stuff or whatever thats in the building, maybe walk through the barn, go on a few rides visit a few vendors, and go home. if you’re participating in the fair its a whole nother story. ill spare you the details but it involves getting up early grooming a pissy animal that youve been raising all year specifically for this (or training for this, it depends on what you do. i wont be talking about my own experience because i’m pretty sure you’d be able to find out exactly where i live from it and im not too keen on that) getting dressed up (white buttondown shirt, wipe the mud off your boots, and new jeans) and driving down to the fairgrounds to set up in either a tent or a barn.
so i find the tent im supposed to be in and we start setting up. since we were a small group they stuck us in a tent with another small group, a handful of chickens, some fancy, some just regular hens, but all pretty. so anyway we get judged, my animal will only perform AFTER the judging when its not her turn so it didnt count (but she fucking nailed it). and apparently she wasnt a good example of her breed or whatever but idc how much experience this guy has she was damn cute and had straight legs and everything. (im not mad about not winning im mad that he went out of his way to be a dick). (also my sister won and she was also a dick.)
anyway, we start slowing down, its hot as the dickens, so im just trying to keep myself and my animal cool until we can leave. so i look over at the other side of the tent and youll never fucking believe this: these dudes are dressing up their chickens. IT WAS A CHICKEN COSTUME CONTEST. have you ever heard of such a thing???? so of course i stick around for the judging. and admiring these hand sown chicken garments. im talking dresses and little hats and even props, it was a damn beauty pageant. i kept expecting mama june to come through the door with her toddler. ok and this wasnt /just/ a chicken costume contest, oh no, i wasnt clear on if they have a theme every year or if this is just how they do it, but it was a historical chicken costume contest.
there were only a few chickens there. apparently runway training a hen isnt a popular hobby, cant imagine why, but oh boy were they fabulous. its been maybe... i wanna say six years so excuse me if my memory is fuzzy.
most of the chickens were dressed fairly sparsely, draping things, hats, etc. dont get me wrong these were still incredible (ex; chicken abraham lincon. chicken cowboy that i should probably reckognize. chicken union solider.) but compared to this one guy they were party city cuz this guy had sewn an honest to god suffragette costume for his lovely red hen. he blew the competition out of the water even though his hen wasn’t fancy and i think the moral of this story is that it doesnt matter who you are or how good at things you are if youve got great legs and know how to sew youll make it in life. pretty sure mark twain said that. i just- words cannot describe seeing this chicken in her blue dress and her sunhat with the sash and the “voting rights now!” sign. it was magnificent! i havent been able to find the chicken costume contest since and now the only proof that it ever existed is on my moms shitty old camera. i think.
why did the chicken cross the road? for women’s voting rights.
my ask box is now a bird confessional do not send asks unless youre talking about birds thank you very much. 
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Kids Getting Older (Sriracha, Part 30.)
Description: A problematic college student gets the worst summer job of the ‘83 - Jim Hopper, the Chief of police in your hometown will have you as his secretary since his old lady Flo has two months lasting holiday. It was agreed so Hopper could keep you far away from all the trouble.
Part Summary: Since you realized that Eleven is getting older and more distant from both you and Jim, you just seem to finally realize how quickly kids grow... And that maybe the kids are not just kids anymore.
A/N: I love this weird family dynamic so much. It is really relaxing to just write a... Normal family dynamic. But that is going to end with the next part. Stay tuned!
Word count: 1.7 K
Tagging: @nemodoren @creedslove @missdictatorme
Master list: H E R E
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Christmas holiday spent like a family? The Christmas of 1984 were the best Christmas you had lived through. You spent Christmas Eve in the house of your parents, cooking the dinner with El and mom, and Aiden's girlfriend - you couldn't believe she is real - while you let the boys talk about stuff and drink some Whiskey. Even Aiden got some - just a little, though.
The other day, when you opened all the presents you found under the tree, you left for Joyce's - and holy moly, that house was living. Both Wheelers were there, both Byers boys came along, there were Dustin, Lucas, and Max, even Steve came by. Joyce had a big heart and her house was big enough to take in so many people.
You forced both Hopper and Eleven to pose on a photo with you, having Jonathan taking the picture of you. Each of you had the most disgusting Christmas sweater, just because Aiden bought and gave you these bad boys - Hopper's was too tight, Eleven's too big and your, no matter the size, was just disgusting. After that, kids took their new toys and went to play outside while the adults, along with Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan, remained in the house and had a cup of the special Christmas hot chocolate from Mrs. Byers herself.
Then, each of the kids got dressed up and went out for a snowball fight, snowman building and some sledding in the forest behind the house. And bet Hopper’s best shirt that you made him go too. Soon enough, you were there with all the teenagers while he stuck some snow under your jacket, hearing you laugh and scream out loud, having Will and Mike in total terror when you jumped around, trying to get the snow out. In the end, you formed a strong alliance with Eleven and Max, giving the boys exactly what they deserved, winning the fight completely. Then, to calm down, you proceeded to make some angels in the snow while Hop went back inside.
As the year progressed, Eleven started to have a few sleepovers here and there - sometimes, she stayed at Karen’s when boys had a movie or game nights, sometimes you had Max over for dinner. And let me say, since she was living with an asshat like Billy, her older brother, she loved spending time at your place. Especially when Hop had to stay at the station.
When talking about Hop, that man was experimenting. And you didn't know if you liked what you had at home or if you're afraid of what’s he going to come up with next. First came the mustache. Okay, he liked Magnum P.I., you could understand. Then, he put on a bit weight - he appeared taller and more like a bear than ever before. You didn't mind that at all actually because at least, you knew that he's happy with you. And... After that... The wardrobe and cologne experiments came by. Sometimes he pulled out such an outfit that you dragged him to the restaurant’s bathroom to kiss the living fuck out of him and to have a quickie on the bathroom.
Yet, sometimes, he wasn’t looking his best. At those mornings, you stood there, watched him with gritted teeth and walked around with your eyebrows raised. You tried to tell him gently that these maybe aren't working for him the way he would like to and that maybe, you could visit Starcourt with him to pick something else. But Jim was Jim and completely ignored your opinion when it came to fashion.
Starcourt. One of the best Bloomington-Hawkins inventions ever. You loved that place - from the big cinema to a variety of shops it had. Sometimes, when you knew that El won't be misbehaving after, you took there with you so she could choose some new clothes, sometimes you bought her an ice-cream, other times you just walked around the place and talked about boys and stuff. Especially about Mike.
Oh, you remembered the day when the three-inch rule came to your house. You were just watching a movie, curled under Hopper’s arms, being caught up in the chase. That was when a sudden burst of Eleven’s laughter could be heard, making Hop alarmed in a second. You tried to calm him down around this couple - it was the first love and it sure as hell was an intense one. You knew that these two were having make-out sessions behind the closed door... But were you two, you and Hop, any different when you met? No. You were kissing the living hell out of each other when any occasion came by, even after you moved back with him again, and since you were both adults, you even fucked every time and on every place, you got the chance to fuck on.
You were just like them - even at that time. But Jim was able to see incredible differences between you and him and Michael, as he called him, and Jane. He wasnt giving them any actual space, so there was no wonder, why Mike thought that Hopper is an old, insane bastard. You and Mike got along since you were normal when put in his words, and let them close the door. You built bridges of trust between you, Mike and Eleven and as long as you trusted them that they won't do anything insane, you let them have their time.
"Okay. That's it. That's it." - Hopper muttered out and got up, walking to the door. You tried to stop him from basically storming into the room, but it was too late. - "This door won't be closed as long as I'm in the house, do you both understand? Three inches at a minimum." - Jim told them with a pretty damn scary face as he showed them how to do it. When he got a nod from both Mike and Eleven, he left them be, still checking the door.
"You're too paranoid, Jim, I'm telling you." - You whispered once he sat down next to you again, cuddling you closer again. - "They're just kids." - You smiled and kissed his cheek, concentrating on the movie again. But Hopper was still very cautious about these two - his eyes were turning into their direction all the time, he was checking what they were doing until the very moment when Mike had to leave.
Over time, when Hopper had enough of constantly opening the door and checking on these two, you let the gang wonder around Hawkins with El, taking hikes in the woods and around the city. Sometimes they went to chill at the old sawmill near the town, but the all-time favorite was the hill about five miles from the city. They hanged there most of the time when spring and weather came.
You also did your best to spend time with Hopper, sometimes taking him for dinner at your favorite Spanish restaurant, sometimes you went for a walk too. But your favorite thing to do was still just hanging out with him at El. Of course, your mom made you visit them at least once a week. She wasnt too good at handling having both her children gone - both of them for college. Even Aiden had a girlfriend and sometimes, you just all went to their household to grill something and to chat. You loved Lena and you couldn't believe that she’s real. Your small bro was manning up rather quickly.
It was so weird since you could say when he and Steve ran naked around the swimming pool and where did he fell from his bike, telling Lena everything in the process, embarrassing the living shit out of Aiden. Naturally, she was first rather surprised about you dating such an older man, but as the time passed by, she got used to that tough guy and his douche jokes.
And Eleven had to say that she had everything she had ever dreamt of in the lab - parents, a family, a boyfriend, and friends. She even wasnt tugged in as a little girl anymore, she was going to bed on her will, with you kissing her whole face with laughter, hugging her tight every time. Her life couldn't be better. She especially loved when you and Jim didn't know she's watching and you put the gramophone on in the night, quietly, usually playing Sam Cooke or Ben E. King to dance in the living room. Jim was always making you laugh, he spun you around, whispered something to your ear, making you biting your lip as you smacked his shoulder - but for Eleven it was of sing that she can count on you.
But then, summer came by. You hadn't got any idea of why it was so weird. Eleven asked you if she can stay at Max’s on the fourth of July and even if you thought you’d celebrate it together, you let her have her time. You didn't have any idea of what was going on when Hopper suddenly disappeared without letting behind any message. Nobody gave you a clue that there are Russians set loose in and under Hawkins and that there is a fucking D&D monster who was possessing people with the help of Max’s brother himself.
On day two of loneliness, that was the fourth of July precisely, you had enough - you left to your moms and stayed there, waiting for anything. A call, a sign, for one of them showing up. But there was nothing. So you left for the shift that day - and that was where everything was set in motion without anyone of you normal people knowing.
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imaconstantmess · 4 years
Until Part 3/?
Part 3 to this series, sorry it’s been a while but recently I’ve had tons of online work to do, as always this is my first story so thoughts would be appreciated ❤️
Steve x gender neutral! Reader
Steve’s mind has been occupied for the past few weeks, and it’s got something to do with the recruit he’s been assigned to train.
Bit more Bucky and Sam oriented
Warnings: mentions abuse, mild threats.
Bucky and Sam did one last final check of your apartment, just to make sure they hadn’t missed anything important. After they got off the phone to you, their attitudes dropped slightly when they saw the damage that had been done the night before.
“It’s a good job Steve didn’t see this, he might throw the guy out of the window” sam said as he was walking around the mess Tyler had made. “This could’ve done some real damage” he said as he heard a soft crunch under his shoe. He’d stepped on a little piece of pot.
“I know, look at the size of the hole in the wall” Bucky traced the wall, the hole was bigger than a fist. “But about Steve seeing the damage, he may or may not have already seen it.” Bucky said in a quiet tone.
“What you mean, already seen it?” Sam crosses his arms over his chest with his eyebrow raised.
“Had a few issues with the camera. Y/n didn’t seem bothered...” Bucky remarked as he adjusted the backpack on his shoulder.
Sam let out a small laugh “damn it Barnes, if Steve sees the guy he’s going to rearrange his face. Not like Y/n couldn’t, but Steves got that whole hero complex going on”
Bucky wished he could argue. Even before the serum Steve would always stand up for what’s right, which wouldn’t be a bad thing if Steve didn’t end up getting jumped in alleys for it. Little punk would never walk away, always tried to hit back. Before Bucky could come up with a decent remark, the men heard the door open.
“What the hell! Who are you?! I’m calling the police!” Tyler looked frantic as he fumbled with his mobile phone. Sam and Bucky gave each other a look before Bucky snatched the phone from Tyler’s hands, and gently threw it on the couch at the other side of the room. They both pinned Tyler down with a stare, but next to Bucky, with his murder face and metal hand on full display, Sam hated to admit he didn’t feel quite as intimidating as he would have liked. With both of them making eye contact with Tyler, he recognised them. He doesn’t know if he should feel relieved or worried, because he’s only a civilian and wasnt really an avengers level threat. But then again, he had not one, but two avengers in his living room looking like they wanted to choke him. With a shaky breath and a tense body, Tyler spoke again.
“Why are you here?” He looked between them and noticed they were holding bags. Your bags. Then it dawned on him where you worked, and the people you knew. He hadn’t really paid attention to what you were saying when you went on about work, he thought you were exaggerating your position to make yourself look good. He didn’t actually think you were on speaking terms with any of the avengers except Steve and Bucky, but that was because he assumed you were cheating. He saw the way you smiled at Bucky when you met him in the street one day. He figured it had to be either him or captain fucking America. In his mind, this just proved his theory. Before Sam or Bucky could reply, Tyler carried on.
“Come to get your lovers things? Fucking typical. I knew there was something going on...” Tyler spat, aiming his little jab towards Bucky.
“Wait hold up, lover? What the hell are you talking about?” Sam was very confused, and was done with this guys shit. “They ain’t lovers. Y/n’s been loyal to you for reasons I cannot comprehend” Sam sassily gave back while gesturing to the wall. “They’ve left your ass, and we’ve come to get their stuff because we’re tight like that. You give y/n any trouble, wether it be on social media, the press, real life or otherwise” Sam got closer to Tyler’s face, being taller than him by a few inches. Tyler gulped. “shield will rain down harassment and abuse lawsuits on you so hard it might as well have come from the Holy Ghost.” Sams voice was low, and Bucky smirked at the terrified look on Tyler’s face. Sam stood straight, and walked past him to the door, bumping shoulders with him so hard he nearly fell. Picking up another bag, Sam made his way out the door and down the hallway, leaving Tyler alone with Bucky.
Tyler turned to Bucky and expected him to follow after Sam, but was surprised to find Bucky leaning casually against the wall, not saying anything and staring. It’s a technique Bucky remembered from his winter soldier days, to use on weak targets. Silence and staring made people squirm, and Bucky wanted him to be as uncomfortable as possible. Then after about 2 minutes, Bucky suddenly got up from the wall and to his delight, Tyler jumped.
That was when Bucky finally spoke. “See, people like you boil my blood. Make me wonder if it’s worth saving the planet when there’s asswipes like you walking around” Bucky was circling Tyler, voice low and gravelly.
Saving the planet. Bucky slipped that in there to remind Tyler what he was capable of, if the whirring of his metal arm didn’t do the trick. He held back a smile when he saw Tyler start to break a sweat. Bucky stopped his circling, and stood in front of the shaking mess that was your ex boyfriend. Bucky leaned in close, voice low, almost whispering.
“I know a few people who wouldn’t care how they hurt you. They would make sure your body was never found. The list includes master assassins, half of shield, a genius..” the look on Tyler’s face was pure fear. Bucky thought how the team who had superhuman abilities would react. “Thor would kill you quick. Dr banner... well you know what he’s like when he’s angry with people. Wanda would keep you alive, messing with your head. As for me and Steve...”
Bucky rolled his shoulders, metal arm making a dangerous sound. Tyler looked ready to pass out. “We’ve been in the toughest war fronts you could possibly imagine. Steve has a habit of jumping out of planes with no parachute, and comes out without a scratch, and I have this metal arm. We’re super soldiers. And you pissed us off.” Bucky grabbed Tyler’s shirt with his metal arm and pinned him against the wall.
“You’ve personally pissed off Captain America. Not very patriotic is it?” Tyler didn’t dare say a word. “I asked you a question” Bucky stared him down.
“N-no.. it- it’s not.” He couldn’t get a word out. Bucky wouldnt usually do this, but he saw steves reaction on the phone. He’s only ever seen that look when they were facing the enemy, weather it be an alien or a scumbag on a mission. If Bucky did this, it would stop Steve from seeking Tyler out personally. And you were his friend, he was mad too.
“That’s what I thought.” Bucky let go of Tyler’s shirt and hap hazardly smoothed it down. “ we’ll be back. I don’t know when. Y/ns not coming back here. If any of their stuff is broken or missing... well I’ll leave that up to your imagination.” Bucky stepped back, and walked out the door leaving Tyler almost crying.
With a satisfied smirk, Bucky made his way to the car and put your bag in the back and got in the front. Sam turned to him with an annoyed expression. “You didn’t kill him did you? You were in there a while”
“No, just threatened him a little on behalf of the team. I think he’s crying” Bucky said with a shrug. Sam let out a small laugh as he drove towards steves apartment.
Steve hadn’t taken his arm from you, and you weren’t moving. The tv was on, and you were just chatting quietly every now and then, just being relaxed in each other’s presence. It was a nice, strangely intimate gesture from both of you, but still remaining platonic. You got up to grab some bags from Sam and Bucky, and took them into the bedroom to find a quick change of clothes and some deodorant. As you were getting ready, Bucky and Sam sat down on the sofa with Steve to wait. Sam spoke up
“So we ran into Tyler at the apartment” he said casually watching steves reaction. He stayed still. Unnaturally still. The kind of still you go when you’re trying not to give anything away.
“ yeah?” Steves reply was short. He wanted to be angry, but he was captain America. He needed to pull it together.
“ uh huh. Went through the whole ‘I’m calling the police’ thing.” Sam imitated in an unflattering voice which made Bucky chuckle.
Bucky piped up “so naturally, we threatened him. Sam went for the ‘say a bad thing against y/n and we’re gonna sue your ass’. I went for the more subtle approach of pinning him against the wall and telling him how anyone from the team could kill him and get away with it. You know, nothing too serious.” Steve let out a smile at that, and his posture became natural again. He felt a lot better now, knowing how intimidating Bucky can be. The only thing bothering him was how he didn’t get to do it himself. When you emerged from the bedroom, you smiled at the men who were now chatting amongst themselves.
“You guys ready to go?” They looked at you and smiled, getting up to leave. When you turned to get your jacket, Steve noticed what you were wearing. You wore a tight, crew necked black shirt which showed you off in just the right way, and some simple navy blue jeans. You looked... nice. That was the word Steve would use. Seeing you relaxed in normal clothing, fresh faced and not dishevelled from training was refreshing. It made you look more... civilian. Domestic. Like you were friends with Steve past being work colleagues. Seeing you like this, made Steve strangely feel normal. And he supposed that today, he was.
He wasn’t captain America when he ordered a burger that day. He was a guy who went out with his friends, missing brunch and settling for lunch instead. He wasn’t captain America when he laughed at Sam for spilling his dinner on his shirt, or when he was smiling at you when you were in a deep conversation with Bucky explaining the plot of starwars. He was Steve Rogers. He hadn’t felt that way in a long time, and he basked in the fact that he was Steve Rogers today. He never got time to be ordinary. That was until he laughed with you. He never got to show people his ordinary side, afraid they’d prefer the star spangled man.
Until a recruit showed him how to be himself again.
Until you.
A/n: made this a little shorter, and hopefully easier to read? It’s my first story so as always please give criticism, especially if there was anything you didn’t like. Thank you for taking the time to read it though 😇
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