#i watched this movie like 6 years ago but i still remember it better than the other new age barbie movies
lesbiandatekaname · 1 year
barbie star light adventure was not the best barbie movie in the world but you also have to admit that it supremely fucks that the plot of the movie is that the stars are dying. and not like in the astronomy sense that stars do, stars are thinking, feeling beings in this world that are all dying one by one and as they die so does the universe.
and also sal-lee was real cool.
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rafesslxt · 8 months
🐰 secret bunny⎥ rafe cameron
part 1 ⎥"welcome back"
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「 ✦ 𝐇𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞.✦ 」
summary: Scarlett, JJ's cousin comes to visit him after 4 years, surprising everyone. But even than, what would be a day on obx without a fight between the Pogues and Kooks?
word count : 2436
warning: memory of losing someone, death, shooting,JJ pulling out his gun, English is not my first language
"So when did you want tell us that you - or should I say we - get a guest over the summer?" I shrugged my shoulders. "John B knew it." "Wow, so a complete stranger spends the whole summer with us and you don't think it's necessary to tell us?" Kie raised her eyebrows in a huff and pierced me with her gaze.
I looked at my watch and got up. " Yes, and I have to go now. By the way, you know her. It's my cousin Scarlett and I didn't tell you so you wouldn't make such a big fuss like last time until she felt uncomfortable."
"What? Scar is visiting us? Today?" Pope almost screamed. "See! That's exactly why I did not tell you!" " When was the last time she was in outer banks?", Kie asked. " I don't know, I think 4 years ago?" "I hope she hasn't changed and is still as cool as she used to be."
I left the house and took John B's Van to get Scar from the ship she came on.
Scar's POV:
It had been a long time since I've been here and yet the air smelled exactly as I remembered it. I had missed the warm weather and the nice people, but the older I got, the more and more responsibilities I had at home. Besides college, I helped my parents with the marketing of their company. They were markers in New York and I supported them with their website and Instagram profiles. In addition, I would occasionally take photos of the houses for sale.
As much as I loved helping my parents, I was glad to have a break from everything and finally visit my cousin JJ. I missed him from time to time, but we never had much contact when I wasn't here. As soon as I arrived, however, we were inseparable as children. Talk about the devil.
"Scarlett!"JJ yelled, who just got out of a van. "JJ!" I smiled and jumped into his arms. "How's my favorite cousin huh?" I laughed and hugged him tightly before letting him go. "Good, I'm your only one." I took a closer look at him now that he was standing in front of me.
He had grown a lot, his face looked the same as it did 4 years ago, just a little more mature. He looked more athletic and his style hadn't changed much either. He still looked like a typical surfer boy from the movies. The girls here had to kiss his feet.
JJ took my luggage and put it in the back of the van. "I'm surprised you didn't come on your bike." I knew he loved to ride his bike and I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd come on it instead of the van.
"We'll ride it soon enough," he winked at me and got into the van. " So? Go on, tell me. How are you little one?"
During the car ride, JJ told me everything that had happened in the last few years. His life hadn't really changed and his circle of friends was still the same as 4 years ago. I told him everything about home, how my family was and what I had been doing for the last few years.
We arrived at a small hut where John B lived, as far as I could remember. Excited, I got out of the car and helped JJ unpack my luggage before we brought everything inside. "This is where you're going to live for the next 6 weeks."
We went out onto the terrace where the rest of the Pogues were sitting. " Oh my god, hey." I felt myself getting a little emotional seeing everyone again after such a long time. "Scar!" John B was the first to ask how I was and hugged me tightly. Then I hugged Pope and after him Kiara. "Kiara. I'm surprised to see you here. Are you a Pogue now too?" I smiled and pointed at the others. Kiara was always better off with the Pogues than with the Kooks. Who on the island cared more about the turtles than her?
" I needed a change of scenery from all the glamor." she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly and smiled back. But as quickly as her smile appeared, it disappeared again when I asked my next question. "Do you know where Sarah is today? I wanted to meet her when I've settled in. Why don't you come with me if you want?" She just shook her head. "You know, Kiara and Sarah aren't really friends anymore. There was this thing..." Pope began. "This thing, exactly. That she's a bitch, you mean?" She looked annoyed at Pope.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that." Sarah had never mentioned anything. Back in the days, we spent almost every day together. Kiara, Sarah and me. I wondered what could have led them to no longer being friends. " But have fun with her anyway. Hopefully you'll see as quickly as I did that she's a snake."
"There's a party at the beach tonight, you'll definitely meet her there," JJ assured me. I exhaled deeply. I was beginning to get the feeling that a lot had changed in the time I had been away.
In the evening
I went to take a shower and changed into some new clothes as I was already sweaty from the warm weather and the trip here. "Hey John B, thanks again for letting me stay here with you. " I knew that his father had been gone for a long time now and probably couldn't imagine how hard that must be for him. " No problem, JJ's family is my family too. Well, except for your uncle. " My uncle was the reason I spent my time in the Outer Banks at John B's. My parents and JJ didn't want me to sleep over there because they knew what Luke was like. Besides, JJ assured me that he slept at John B's most of the time anyway.
I chatted with John B for a while until the Pogues arrived. Together we went down to the beach where I met many familiar faces again. Including Sarah's. "JJ I'll be right back." Before he could answer, I ran to Sarah. "Sarah?" A wide smile appeared on my lips as she turned around. " Scarlett!" I probably heard my name for the 1000th time today. Happy that she was as exited as I was, I hugged her tightly and closed my eyes. "Oh my God, I've missed you so much!" she murmured into my shoulder as she returned my hug.
"Look at you! You're even more beautiful than last time!" she said, making me spin around. "What about you! The boys here must all be after you, right?" Embarrassed, she looked down at the floor and something clicked in my head. "Don't tell me! Do you have a boyfriend?" " Yes, his name is Topper. He's over there with his friends." I looked in the direction she was pointing. A boy named Kelce was standing next to Topper with another guy. I couldn't tell who the third one was because he had his back to us.
Sarah waved Topper over and he followed her hand like a puppy until he stood next to us.
"Topper, this is my friend Scarlett. Scarlett, this is my boyfriend Topper." she introduced us. " Ah, Scarlett. Sarah has talked a lot about you, especially the last few days." "Scar is enough and I'm pleased to meet you. " I shook his hand. I wish I could have returned his words, but Sarah hadn't said a word about him, which surprised me a little.
Rafe's POV:
"Where is he going?" Kelce asked me. "What? Who?" I followed Kelce's gaze. Topper ran to my sister who waved him over. I wasn't really surprised at that. She had him wrapped around her little finger since day 1. What did surprise me was who was standing next to my sister. "Who's that girl next to Sarah?" I asked Kelce. "I think that's Scarlett. Topper had mentioned something about Sarah being happy because she was coming to Outer Banks today. " He shrugged his shoulders and continued. " You know I hardly listen to him when he talks about Sarah."
My eyebrows drew together. Scarlett? Why did her name sound so familiar? Kelce seemed to have noticed my look " Man, that's Scarlett! She used to play with Sarah and Kiara. It's been years since she was here. "
Suddenly I could remember her. Scar. Kelce was right. She used to play with Sarah and Kiara at our house.
I took a closer look. Her long blonde hair fell in waves over her shoulders. I could already see her curves from here. Damn, she's grown up. I licked my lips and took a few steps closer. "Watch out before something flies into your mouth." Kelce laughed loudly. I closed my mouth and punched him lightly in the ribs. "Shut the fuck up."
Scar's POV:
"I'm throwing a costume party at my house tomorrow. My dad and Rose are going to the Bahamas for the weekend. Why don't you come over if you want? Then I can introduce you to the rest of us.", Sarah suggested. "That sounds great. Is there a theme? Or a dress code?" I asked to make sure. "No. You can come as whatever you want." That meant I would definitely have to go shopping tomorrow.
We chatted a bit more with Topper when JJ and John B joined us. "Hey Sarah! Can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" JJ offered Sarah. Sarah looked at the beer and then at JJ " No, but thanks." " Oh sorry. Is it not fancy enough for you?" A little irritated, I looked at my cousin. "JJ, she doesn't want anything." Sarah smiled at me and said " No, we were just leaving."
Now I was even more puzzled. We had been talking normally. Why were they just leaving? The atmosphere quickly became tense. I wondered if Sarah already knew what was going to happen.
"Hey, you know what? I'll take it." Topper said and reached for the red cup, but JJ pulled his hand away.
"If you said pretty please, maybe. But you didn't." " Oh really pretty please? Pretty please?" " So Sarah, you can have it." JJ tried to give his cup to Sarah again but Topper interrupted him by tipping the cup into JJ's face. "She doesn't want it, you dick!"
JJ tried to reach for Topper but John B intervened." Hey JJ. Come on he's not worth it man." He pushed him back more while I ran to JJ's side. "JJ what was that about? What's your problem with each other?" Before I could get an answer Topper shouted "Dirty Pogues!"
John B let go of JJ, stormed towards Topper and pushed him back. It only took a few seconds for them to start punching each other. John B fell into the water and turned around. "Hey John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?" John B got up and rammed Sarah's boyfriend to the ground.
Slowly everyone gathered around and shouted: "Fight!Fight!Fight!"
"John B! Stop it!" I screamed, as did Sarah next to me. Kie joined in and yelled "Guy's stop it!" JJ and Pope cheered their friend on as he slammed his fist into Topper's face. "Stop cheering him on! Stop it you idiots!" I screamed into their faces.
They continued to fight and it didn't seem to stop until Topper got the upper hand and threw John B into the water and pushed his face under the surface. My stomach turned at the sight. Why didn't anyone intervene?
Sarah screamed Topper's name in vain. " JJ do something! He's drowning your best friend!" I wiped my face in panic. This was not how I had imagined my first day in Outer Banks. Suddenly JJ came up behind me and ran straight towards them. Just as the weight on my heart dropped, my eyes caught sight of something sparkling silver in JJ's hand.
He held a gun against Topper's head. "Yeah, you know what that is." Everyone started running away when they saw what JJ was holding against Topper's head. "JJ! Put the gun down." Sarah tried to speak calmly to him and took a few steps towards them. " Did you say something, princess?" " We're good! We're good! All right? Come on, man!"
" Kie! Can you check your psycho friend please?" Sarah called out to Kiara. My eyebrows drew together at her statement.
"Okay everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" JJ screamed and shot into the air. My whole body flinched at the sound.
"Aaron! Can you hear me! Please say something!" I shook his body as hard as I could but got no response. "Please please get up! We have to get out of here!" Tears were streaming down my cheeks and snot was coming out of my nose. "Scar, I love you. Tell mom and dad I love them too okay? Please. " " No! No! Get up come on! Please someone help us!" I screamed but no one came. Everyone ran like crazy through the streets and tried to hide.
" Scarlett! Are you okay?" Kiara brought me out of my thoughts when she touched me on the shoulder. I jumped and looked at her. "Scarlett, you're crying." She pointed at my face, which I wiped with my sleeve seconds later. I nodded and ran over to JJ.
Pope yelled at him and pushed him. "Are you crazy? What have you done you idiot!" "What did I do? I saved him!" They continued to argue until Kiara intervened. " Hey! That's enough guys!" JJ looked at us. I saw him look at me and recognize my red eyes. " Shit, Scar. I'm sorry, I- " " Can we please just go? Everyone's gone home anyway.", I said and went to John B who was still in the water. I helped him up and handed him to Pope.
After we had gathered all of our things, we walked to John B's hut. I changed straight away and layed down. Kiara and JJ stayed here too. Pope went home because otherwise he would be killed by his dad if he didn't show up. I had a hard time falling asleep that night with my hand around my pendant that was hanging from my necklace. Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day.
Let me know what you think 🫶🏻
part 2
Secret Bunny Masterlist
xoxo sarah
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sattlersquarry · 2 years
forget-me-not (steve harrington x gn!reader)
Summary: (Post Season 4) Steve Harrington broke your heart almost a year ago. You think it's only right to still hold a grudge, despite how good he seems.
Word Count: ~5.9k
Warnings: Language, alcohol, sex is mentioned and alluded to but not described, angst with a happy ending, this was originally inspired by Little Freak by Harry Styles but it got away from me and now it's a different beast entirely.
A/N: There are a lot of lovely fics out there where y/n gets stood up for a date and best friend Steve comforts them, but I'm evil, so in this one, Steve is the stander-upper 😈
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April, 1986
Hawkins is in shambles.
The earthquake ravaged the town, and now ash spews out of large cracks in the ground every few days. The military attempts to contain the strange, almost reptilian animals in the forests, but there are too many to keep up with, and all citizens are encouraged to be in their homes by 6 p.m. 
You don’t fully understand how it went down, how the sweet, small town you grew up in became such a nightmare. 
You’ve been spending your time volunteering with the relief effort. In doing so, you’ve gotten closer to people you’ve tangentially known all your life but never gotten to know that well. You’re also forced to spend time with people you’d never wanted to see again. 
One such person is Steve Harrington: former playboy turned into…you aren’t really sure yet. Despite your grudge, he’s better. Kinder. Softer around the edges than he was during your school days. During the days he broke your heart.
Perhaps that’s melodramatic. You hooked up once last summer, and then he stood you up for an Enzo’s date. You aren’t even sure he remembers doing it, but as you stand side-by-side folding donated clothes, the memory sears through your brain.
Summer, 1985
You try to contain your excitement as you enter Enzo’s. You’ve been on plenty of dates to cheap diners and movies, but this is your first real, official, proper “adult” date.  
So what if you’re doing things out of order? Sure, you’ve already slept with Steve. The two of you both worked at Starcourt before it burned down, and you spent all of June flirting on your breaks. You’d visit him at Scoops Ahoy, he’d visit you at Waldenbooks. He’d walk you to your car the nights you both closed, promising to provide free ice cream for you tomorrow.
After a particularly hard day and long shift, you’re easily enticed when Steve asks if you want to come over. 
“For pizza,” he says. “And a movie.” 
So you eat pizza, and watch a movie, and then you kiss him a little, and then he kisses you a lot, and the next thing you know, the two of you are in his bed. 
It isn’t the awkward one-night stand you’re afraid it will be. On the contrary, Steve is genuine and sincere the morning after.
“I really like you,” he says. He brushes a hair out of your face as you lay side-by-side, curled up under the covers. “I want to take you out.”
“To dinner?”
“No, with a sniper,” he says with a snort. “Yes, to dinner!”
So you agree to go to Enzo’s the following Friday night. 
After the mall fire, Steve calls and asks to postpone a couple weeks.
“I’m just in a weird place right now,” he says. His voice is a little hoarse.
“Is everything okay?” you ask, concern etched in your tone. “Do you need anything?”
“No, no! I just—listen, can we meet up in two weeks instead?”
You assure him that’s fine, and you spend the next two weeks preparing for the date. Your friends help you pick an outfit. You decide what you’re going to order ahead of time. You even pick a perfume that’s strawberry scented, since you know that’s Steve’s favorite ice cream flavor. 
The day of the date, the Enzo’s host leads you to the table Steve reserved. You wait, and wait, and wait, and after thirty-five minutes, the waiter comes around for the fourth time to ask if you’re ready to order.
“My date’s running a little late,” you say. Panic nests in the back of your mind, but you push it down. “Can I have a few more minutes?”
“You must order something to keep the table,” the waiter says snidely.
“Oh, right, sorry,” you say, snatching up your menu. “Um, can I just have two of the house special?”
The waiter gives you a prim nod and retreats. 
You beeline to the slew of payphones, hands shaking as you dial Steve’s number. You get his voicemail. 
“Hey, Steve,” you say, trying to keep your voice upbeat. “It’s me. Y/N. Um, I’m at Enzo’s and I’m waiting for you. Our table’s in the back, near the potted plants? I hope you don’t mind, I ordered for you. The waiter was about to blow a gasket. Anyway, I’ll see you soon, okay?” 
You return to your table. And wait. And wait. And wait.
The waiter brings you two plates of chicken parmesan. You eat yours and wait. Then, you eat Steve’s, and you wait some more.  
90 minutes after your arrival at the restaurant, you head to the payphones again. You suck in a shuddery breath and try to keep from tearing up as your fingers fumble over Steve’s number. Voicemail, again. 
“Steve, me again. Are you still coming? The wait staff are starting to give me pitying looks. I really, really had a good time with you this summer and want to see where this goes…it’s fine if you don’t feel the same. But, please, come to the restaurant so we can talk. Or, just call the restaurant and they can get the phone to me. Um, okay. Bye.” 
A full two-and-a-half hours after your arrival at Enzo’s, you’re a wreck. You’ve ordered five desserts to try and keep your table, on the foolish hope that Steve will arrive. 
He doesn’t. 
Your waiter has softened somewhat when he brings you the check. 
“Whoever they are,” he says in a low voice, “they aren’t worth it.” 
Your face burns hot with embarrassment as you hand him your credit card.
After getting a to-go box for the strawberry cheesecake you ordered for Steve, you slink to the payphones once more. This time, you don’t stop the tears from falling, but you compose yourself enough to keep the final voicemail from devolving into a blubbery mess.
“Steve. I just wanted to let you know I’m leaving. I waited for you for almost three hours.” You sniffle and add, “If all you wanted from me was a one-night stand, why did you make me think otherwise? Jerk. Have a nice life, Harrington.”
You slam the phone against the cradle and stomp out of the restaurant, waiting until you get behind the wheel of your car to let out a heaving sob. 
April, 1986
“Earth to Y/N!”
Steve snaps his fingers in your face and you startle. 
“Sorry, what did you say?” you say, shaking yourself out of the memories that makes you hate the boy next to you. 
“I asked if you had any plans this weekend?”
You resist the urge to scoff. Fun plans, amidst the disaster? And he’s trying to make small talk with you? That further confirms your theory that he’s forgotten all about you, or that he’s such an arrogant blowhard he doesn’t even realize how much he hurt you.
“I might go to Enzo’s,” you say, trying to jog his memory. “It’s one of the only restaurants still open right now, and I hear the chicken parm is really good.” 
You glance at him, but his facial expression remains unchanged: a contented smile as he organizes the clothes he’s folding into boxes for summer and winter. 
“Hey, that sounds fun. Oh, you should get the strawberry cheesecake. It’s delicious.”
You scowl, having hit your limit of being nice to him. 
“You’re such an ass,” you scoff, shoving a bundle of folded sweatshirts into his arms and storming off.
“Huh? What? Whoa, whoa, Y/N! Wait up!” 
You weave through the volunteers, heading toward the doors for a much-needed respite. Steve, however, won’t leave you be.
“Hold on!” he says, catching up to you and stepping in front, blocking your escape. “What’s wrong?”
“Are you kidding?” You bark out a humorless laugh. “Wow, you’re more of an idiot than I thought.”
Hurt flashes across his face, brow furrowing.
“Excuse me?”
“You seriously don’t remember?” you say. “Last summer? Enzo’s?”
Steve scrunches his face up with confusion. He rubs his eyes.
“Wait, hold on,” he says. “When did we go to Enzo’s?”
“We were supposed to, at the end of July,” you say. You jab a finger in his chest and push just a tad too hard. “But you fucked me and then stood me up, and you never even called me back. Steve, I felt used and I was mortified. And you have the audacity to ask me about my plans and recommend the Enzo’s strawberry cheesecake, as if I didn’t eat three slices waiting for your sorry ass to show up!” 
You start to storm off, but Steve grabs a hold of your shoulder.
“Wait, wait, wait,” he begs. “Please don’t go. I just—I can’t remember—when did we make the Enzo’s plans?” 
“Who cares when? What matters is you didn’t show—”
“Y/N!” Steve says louder, catching the attention of some nearby volunteers. He blushes and drags you to a secluded corner behind some old gym mats. Eyes wide with panic and shame, he repeats, “When did we make the plans?” 
You wrench free of his grasp.
“We originally made the plans a few days before the Fourth,” you say, voice cold, “after we slept together. You asked to reschedule. And I never heard from you again.” 
About seven different emotions flick across Steve’s face. 
“Oh, shit. I think I know what—listen, last summer I started having these gaps in my memory, and I—”
“Save it,” you say tiredly. “I don’t need your excuses, Harrington. It doesn’t matter anymore.”
Before he can say anything, you leave him alone with his thoughts and regrets.
Steve is starting to think the universe hates him. 
After his foray into the Russian bunker, he remembered about your date and that he needed to reschedule. He even called Enzo’s and changed the reservation. But the weeks following the drugging and the beating, he started to forget more and more things. 
He missed a dentist appointment. He forgot what day his parents were coming back into town, so he set the dinner table for the whole family six nights in a row until they actually returned. He unintentionally skipped a job interview at Bradley’s Big Buy with Robin. 
That night you waited for him at Enzo’s, he could tell he’d forgotten something. He assumed it was giving Dustin a ride.
“What are you doing here?” Dustin had asked when Steve parked his BMW outside the Henderson house. 
“Don’t you need a ride somewhere?” Steve had said with a frown.
Dustin, not one to turn down a free carpool, had Steve take him to the arcade.
Steve wasn’t home when you called from the restaurant. When he did return home, his mother had already deleted your voicemails, assuming they were all telemarketers.
Steve never got your messages, but he didn’t forget about you. He saw you in town a few weeks later and tried to go talk to you, but when you saw him coming, you glared and darted in the other direction. 
He tried not to be too hurt by that. His foggy memory made him wonder if he misread any signals. Maybe you had just been looking for a one-night fling. Maybe the sex hadn’t been good for you. Maybe you had moved on and found a new guy while Steve recovered from the Battle of Starcourt. He didn’t hold it against you if you had. 
Now, eight months later, Steve realizes he’s been wrong this whole time. 
“I messed up and Y/N hates me!” Steve groans, ferociously spreading peanut butter on bread. Robin works on the jelly sides as they prepare meals for the hungry of Hawkins. 
“It’s not your fault that you forgot the date!” Robin says. She drops her voice to a whisper and adds, “We were tortured. You were concussed.”
“But I didn’t even call,” Steve says. He slaps two slices of bread together harshly, angry at himself. “After I saw them looking so upset in town, I should’ve called to check in. To clear the air. If I had, maybe I would’ve realized what happened and could’ve fixed it.”
“You can think about ‘what ifs’ all day,” Robin says. “Or you can try to make things right.”
“I can’t,” Steve says. “They won’t even look at me anymore. I don’t blame them.” 
“I don’t get why they’d hold such a grudge,” Robin wonders, neatly packing their newest sandwich into a brown paper bag. “I mean, you missed one date. It’s not like you slept with them and ditched them. Unless…”
Robin narrows her eyes at Steve. Ashamed, he doesn’t look up from sandwich making. 
Robin scowls and smacks his shoulder.
“Ouch! Robin!”
“You are the horniest dingus this side of the Mississippi,” Robin says. “Of course they’re so angry! They think you used them for sex! Technically you did, since you never followed up.”
“What happened to the ‘it’s not my fault’ shit!”
“It’s not! But the unfortunate truth is that you look like a total ass. You need to apologize.”
Steve does. He’s fully vulnerable and partially honest, and spins a tale about how a new medication with unfun side effects, such as brain fog, is why he completely forgot the date. 
“I’m really sorry, Y/N,” Steve says, after he’s finished. He’s tempted to ask if you’d be willing to try again, but he resists. 
You study him, eyes scanning his face for any indication he’s bullshitting you. You don’t look angry, but you don’t look very forgiving either.
“It’s fine,” you say, after what feels like a millennia. Steve relaxes when you give him a small smile. “Let’s just move on. Hand me those sweatshirts?” 
And so you two continue to work together, nothing more than acquaintances at best. 
August, 1986
Steve almost dies in the final fight with Vecna. 
The battle causes more earthquakes that leave many in town dead or wounded. Eleven is finally able to kill Vecna and destroy the Upside Down once and for all—but not before Steve is severely wounded by Vecna’s army of demodogs. 
He doesn’t remember much after the attack. He thinks he remembers Robin and Dustin crying. Someone—Hopper? Jonathan, maybe?—carrying him out of the Upside Down. The paramedics asking him his name, the year, the president, to count backwards from 10. 
Then, it’s all a bit fuzzy, until he wakes up a few days later. He’s got a lot more scars than he did, but he’s alive and Vecna is gone, so that’s something. 
He doesn’t expect to see you in his hospital room when he comes to. 
“Y/N?” he croaks.
You whip around, eyes wide as if you’ve been caught doing something you shouldn’t. Except you aren’t doing anything wrong—you’re adding a stuffed bear to the collection of Get Well Soon gifts on the windowsill.
“Oh, shit,” you say. “Let me get your doctors.” 
When you disappear into the hall, he gets a better look at the teddy bear you’ve brought. It’s pink, with a strawberry-shaped nose. The mylar balloon tied to its paw says: Get Well Bear-y Soon! Steve’s heart swells at the realization that you remember his favorite flavor, that you went to the trouble to buy him a gift. He’s not sure he deserves it. 
He assumes you’ll come back in, but instead, a swarm of doctors and nurses encroach. Then, it’s Dustin and Robin and Nancy and Jonathan visiting him. Then, Hopper and Joyce and the other kids. 
By the end of the day, he’s exhausted from visitors, but he still wants to see you once more. 
He does, three days later.
He returns to his hospital room after physical therapy—the demodogs did a number on his shoulder. You’re there again, adding a Feel Better card to his stash. You startle when he walks in. 
“Hi!” you say, a bit louder than intended. You clear your throat. “Sorry. I don’t want to disturb you, I’ll just go—”
“You’re not disturbing me,” Steve says. “I could actually really use the company.” 
That’s a lie. Robin’s been in his room so much the nurses think she’s his sister. But you don’t have to know that. 
You relax and nod. 
“Sure, yeah, I can stay for a few minutes.”
Steve sinks onto his hospital bed and you sit in an uncomfortable-looking, plasticky armchair. 
Silence stretches between you two. It’s not tense, but it’s charged with something. 
The two of you start speaking at the same time.
“Sorry,” you say. “I just—I hope it’s not weird that I’m here.” 
“What? No, not weird at all,” Steve says. “We’re friends.”
And that’s true. The past four months, the two of you have become much closer. Still fully platonic, but on the cusp of something more. 
“Robin told me that you got hurt in the big quake,” you say, clueless to the true nature of the disasters. “She said—um, she said you almost didn’t—almost didn’t make it. And that made me feel horrible, because I really like you…r friendship. And I couldn’t imagine losing that. So I’m glad you’re going to be okay.”
You hesitate before covering his hand with yours. His hands are calloused and warm. Yours are icy cold. Steve represses a shiver at your touch.
“Thank you for coming,” Steve says. You squeeze his hand and his breath stutters. He recovers just enough to say, “And thank you for the bear. He rocks.”
“You like him?” you say, glancing over at the fluffy teddy on the windowsill. “You should name him Enzo. In honor of the strawberry cheesecake.” 
“I was actually thinking of naming him Beartholomew,” Steve says. “Beary, for short.” 
“That’s perfect. Or Beart, like Bart?” 
He chuckles. The sound of it triggers an incomparable feeling in your chest. 
“I like that. Beart Harrington.” 
The two of you smile at each other. It feels warm and easy, same as your flirtationship the summer prior. 
Your eyes flick to his lips. Is it weird to ask someone on a date in a hospital? you think.  
Before you can turn on the charm and see if Steve wants to join you for a cup of Jell-O in the cafeteria, the door swings open and his friends Dustin, Robin, and Erica rush in. 
You drop his hand on instinct. Steve misses the feeling of your touch. 
“Steve, Max is about to be discharged and she asked—oh, hey Y/N!” Robin says. “Sorry, are we interrupting—”
“I was just leaving,” you say, standing. “I have to head to the soup kitchen. Then I’m back to the high school for more donation work. But I’ll see you around, okay?” 
Steve wants to ask you to skip your shifts and stay. But the request dies on his throat. Instead, he just nods and says, “See you around.” 
You give a polite nod and smile to his friends before leaving. 
“Is that them?” Erica asks once you’re out of earshot. “The one you’re totally crushing on, like a weirdo stalker?”
“He’s not a stalker!” Dustin says. “He’s pursuing his Suzie.” 
Steve rolls his eyes.
“They’re not my Suzie,” Steve says, “as much as I want them to be. That ship sailed, ages ago.” 
October, 1986
When things in Hawkins are a little better, you’re able to start your second year at Roane County Community College. 
Steve and Robin enroll as well, and share an apartment off-campus. For Halloween, they invite you and half the student body to a rager.
You don’t want to go at first. Mainly because you’re afraid alcohol will spur you to do something stupid, like tell Steve that you want him.
You’re not sure why you do. You gave him the benefit of the doubt but still don’t fully believe his story about why he missed your date, and wonder if his recent kindness and friendship is a trap to lure you in and break your heart once more. 
But that seems too cruel for him. He’s not like that, you’ve learned in your six months of new friendship. 
Plus, he almost died over the summer, and while that kind of thing would’ve made you bitter and angry and terrified of the world, Steve doesn’t let it weigh him down. He’s still kind and empathetic, still loyal and bright. 
Fuck, you want him so bad. As a friend? No: as a boyfriend, as a lover, as everything all the time. 
You stand in the corner of his and Robin’s living room, nursing a hard lemonade and avoiding eye contact with the object of your affection (currently dressed as Marty McFly). 
Marty McSteve dances his way over during “Monster Mash.” You laugh at his chaotic display, trying to mentally murder the butterflies in your stomach.
“Hey!” Steve says. He adjusts his orange vest. “Wanna dance?” 
Friends dance with friends…right?
“I’d love to,” you say with a smile.
The two of you drink, dance, and drink some more. At some point, you and Robin do shots. After that, you stop resisting the urge to throw yourself at Steve. You boldly go up to him and ask, “Hey, you never showed me your new room. Give me a tour?”
The excuse is shoddy but works its magic. Two minutes later, you’re making out with Steve in his room, pulsing beat of the music reverberating through the thin apartment walls. 
His kisses are hot and heady, his hands wander your frame and make your skin burn. 
“I’ve wanted to do this again,” Steve murmurs between kisses. “For so long.”  
“Me too,” you say, breathless, pulling him even closer to you. The two of you drunkenly stumble around until he pushes you onto his bed.
He kisses your neck, and it feels so amazing, you want to live in this moment forever. But then you glance around his room and see Beart Harrington on his dresser shelf, and you’re taken back to that night at Enzo’s, eating strawberry cheesecake and waiting alone.
You don’t think he would do that again. But the tiny part of you that’s unsure panics.
“Steve,” you stutter out. 
Unaware of your inner turmoil, he moans your name and continues kissing your neck. One hand grips your waist, the other roams higher up your thigh. 
“Steve. Stop.”
At that, he immediately pulls away and off you, concern clouding his features. 
“Is everything okay?” he asks. His voice is so tender, you melt a bit. 
You’re not sober enough to properly articulate your feelings. To tell him that you like him so much and getting heartbroken by him again would destroy you.
So you simply sit up and say: “I can’t. I’m sorry.” 
“That’s totally fine,” he says. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” You don’t respond, just stare at your lap. Steve adds, “Do you need anything? Water, or something to eat?” 
You flounder, stammering something about how you don’t feel well and want to go home.
Steve nods. If he’s disappointed or upset, he doesn’t show it. “I can walk you home if—”
“It’s fine,” you interrupt. “I’m sorry, again.”
“You don’t need to apologize,” Steve says gently. “Seriously, it’s all good.” 
You mumble out a goodbye and practically sprint away, leaving Steve alone on his bed. 
“I don’t understand,” he says as he and Robin clean up beer cups after the party has ended. “They ran away so fast. Did I do something wrong?”
“People are allowed to change their minds about sex, you know,” Robin says. She tosses an empty cup at Steve. He fumbles and catches it. 
“I know! And that’s okay. But if I made them upset, I want to know why. Rob, I like them so much. I don’t know if I can just be their friend anymore. I want more. And sometimes it seems like they do too, but right before we cross that line, they push me away.”
“This is a conversation you need to have with them, not me,” Robin says. She pulls a pillow off the ground and groans. “Great. Molly puked on the carpet. Hand me a sponge.”
Steve calls you the next day to check on you. 
“I’m okay,” you say, fingers twisting in the phone cord. “Just tired.”
That’s not necessarily a lie. But you’re speaking in mistruths by not openly telling Steve how you feel. How you want him but are so terrified of what will happen. What is this effect he has on you? 
“That’s good,” Steve says. You can tell he’s nervous by the way his voice cracks. You can practically see him run a hand through his hair over the phone—an anxious habit he can’t seem to break. “Listen, I’m really sorry if I made you upset yesterday when we were about to…you know. I didn’t mean to cross any boundaries or make you uncomfortable.” 
“You didn’t,” you rush to reassure him. “It’s not you…”
You cut yourself off before adding the dreaded it’s me. Instead, you say, “I wanted to do it, but I just panicked.” You suck in a breath. “The truth is, I really, really like you Steve. A lot. Like, I like you way more than a friend should.”
Steve stops breathing for a moment. 
“You do?” he asks. 
“Yeah. And that terrifies me.” 
“What?” Steve says, holding the phone closer to his ear. “I terrify you?”
You laugh, despite the tension you’re feeling. 
“No,” you say. “You’re a gem, Steve Harrington. But the thought of getting heartbroken by you again…that’s what scares me.” You drop your voice to a near whisper. “I think it would ruin me.” 
Steve gulps. You had been forgiving about the Enzo’s thing when he cleared the air, and the two of you have become such good friends since then. Guilt gnaws at his insides when he realizes how much being stood up affected you.
“I’m so, so sorry Y/N,” he says, after a beat. “I didn’t realize—I mean, I knew what I did hurt you, but I didn’t know—”
“It’s fine, just forget about it—”
“No!” Steve says urgently. “Please. I like you too. I want to make it up to you. To take you out on a real date.” 
You pause, chewing your lip and pondering the idea.
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” you say cautiously.  
“Please. Just trust me.” 
Trust. You trusted Steve last summer, and look where that got you. 
But you don’t want to be afraid of falling in love with him. Not anymore. So you agree to go on a date with him, hoping for the best.  
Steve doesn’t give you any indication what the date will be. He just tells you to be ready at 7 p.m. sharp.
As the clock ticks closer to 7, you feel your anxiety spike. You’ve convinced yourself he’s not coming, that you’re being stood up again, until—
Knock! Knock! Knock!
You stand from the couch so fast you make yourself dizzy. 
When you open the front door, Steve is waiting. However, he’s not alone. 
“Oh!” you say, recognizing Steve’s friend Dustin from some volunteering shifts. “Uh, hey, guys. What—”
“Good morrow!” Dustin booms in a theatrical voice. Steve sighs and shakes his head. 
“Henderson,” Steve hisses. “I told you: no Shakespeare shit!”
He turns to you and beams.
“Hey, you look great!” he says. Steve holds up a bouquet of forget-me-nots, your favorite flower. The irony is not lost on you. “This is for you.”
“Oh, thank you,” you say, taking it. “You do too. Uh, and Dustin! Nice hat.”
The hat in question is some sort of computer joke, with lots of 1s and 0s. You don’t understand it. But Dustin preens at your praise. 
“Thanks, Y/N!” he says. “Now, are you ready for the date of your life?”
“I’m supposed to be the one to say that,” Steve says. “Henderson, just go wait in the car. In the back seat! BACK. SEAT.”
Dustin clambers into the back of Steve’s BMW.
“Steve,” you say, “did you invite me on a babysitting date?”
“I promise I didn’t,” Steve says. “But I did ask my friends for some assistance. You’ll see. Now, what did Henderson say—are you ready for the date of your life?”
He holds out a hand. You hesitate, but take it and smile. 
“I think I am. Rock my world, Steve Harrington.” 
He drives you (and Dustin) across town to the nature reserve. Dustin exits the car before Steve’s even fully parked, sprinting ahead into the forest. 
“Are we supposed to follow him?” you ask.
“He’s going ahead to set some things up. We’ll follow, just much slower.” 
Steve holds out an arm. You link yours in his, a bit flustered at the closeness. 
“Sorry if this is weird,” Steve says as the two of you leisurely walk on the reserve’s wooded trails. “I know it’s not your typical dinner date, but we tried that, and I fucked it up.” 
“It’s really fine, Steve,” you say. “You were on that medication that made you forget.” 
Steve bristles at the reminder of his shitty lie. He wishes he could tell you what really happened. Maybe one day. 
“It’s not fine,” Steve says quietly. “I hurt you, and that’s the last thing I want to do. So I hope this will make it up to you.”
You make it to a clearing and you gasp. A picnic table has been decorated with flower petals. Twinkly lights are strung on the tree branches and bushes, and around the nearby park ranger station.
Local rock band Corroded Coffin stands at the edge of the clearing, tuning their instruments. Robin, the new lead singer after Eddie’s passing, notices the two of you enter. 
“The lovers are here!” Robin says. “Let’s go, boys! 1, 2, and a 1, 2, 3, 4!” 
You’re expecting a heavy metal song, and are pleasantly surprised as they start to perform “Crimson and Clover.” 
“Do you like it?” Steve asks. He’s wringing his hands together and looking at you expectantly as you survey the picnic.
“It’s amazing,” you say, eyes shining. 
Dustin appears from the ranger’s station with his friend Lucas. They’re in matching bow ties. 
“Welcome to Chez Hawkins,” Lucas says. “Table for two?” 
The boys lead you and Steve to the picnic table. Dustin hands you two hand drawn menus while Lucas pours red wine into two plastic red cups. 
“These are lovely,” you say, fingers lightly tracing over doodles on your menu. “Did you guys draw them?”
“Will Byers did,” Steve says. “He’s, like, an amazing artist.” 
“May I recommend the house special: grilled cheese?” Dustin says. 
“Mainly because that’s the only thing we know how to make,” Lucas adds sheepishly. 
You and Steve “order” grilled cheese sandwiches and the boys disappear back into the ranger station. You can faintly hear them arguing with a third person about how much cheese is too much. 
“This is really thoughtful,” you say, gesturing to the decorations and the live band and the wine. “You didn’t have to do all this for me.”
“I wanted to,” Steve says with a shrug. “I want to show how much you mean to me.” 
Your insides turn to jelly. No one has ever shown you this much care or attention before. And to think, you wasted two-thirds of a year hating Steve Harrington when you could’ve been having these kinds of lovely date nights all the time?
You push away your regrets about your grudge to enjoy the date. The grilled cheeses Lucas delivers are delicious and pair surprisingly well with the wine. You and Steve talk about everything and nothing, and you thoroughly enjoy the music and the company. Corroded Coffin plays all love songs for you two, except for one or two Metallica hits. 
When it’s time for dessert, Lucas and Dustin return with their friend Max Mayfield. She parks her wheelchair next to the picnic table and plops a tupperware onto the table between you and Steve.
“Sorry for the lame presentation,” she says. “I hope you like them.” 
Dustin pulls off the tupperware lid and waves “ta-da” jazz hands, revealing four red cupcakes. Each is adorned with pink frosting and heart-shaped sprinkles. 
“Red velvet cupcakes with strawberry frosting!” he says. “A combination of your favorites.” 
You stare at the cupcakes, jaw dropped. Steve panics when you don’t say anything. He clears his throat.
“Sorry,” he says. “I thought you said once that you liked red velvet, because your grandma always made it for you. You don’t have to eat it! I think I have half a granola bar in my car if—”
“I told you that last summer,” you interrupt. 
“The thing about red velvet cake,” you say. “I told you that last summer. Hell, that was one of the first things we talked about, because I asked if Scoops had a red velvet flavor. And you remembered that? One passing comment from last June?” 
Steve swallows hard, nervous under your relentless gaze, and nods.
“Uh, yeah? Is that insanely creepy of me?”
“Kids,” you say, not breaking your gaze from Steve’s adorably flushed face. “Close your eyes.”
Dustin, Lucas, and Max voice their confusion, until you lean across the picnic table, pull Steve up by the collar of his windbreaker, and kiss him fiercely. When the kiss registers, Steve wraps an arm around your waist. 
The two of you look ridiculous, each half-sitting, half-standing on your sides of the table. Max snatches the tupperware onto her lap just as you pull a little too hard and Steve falls onto the tabletop. He winces and rubs his elbow, and you apologize profusely—but can’t stop smiling. 
“Disgusting,” Lucas says, shaking his head. “You two couldn’t even wait until we were gone.”
“Eat these before you make out,” Max says. “They took all day.” 
The trio of teens mumble about “gross adults” before retreating to the ranger station. You join Steve on his side of the table, not wanting to be even two feet apart. 
“This is the perfect dessert,” you say, “and this is a perfect date. Thank you, Steve.” 
“Of course,” Steve says. “I hope it makes up for last year. I still feel so bad about it—”
You place a hand on top of Steve’s. 
“You don’t have to be sorry anymore,” you say softly. “It’s all right, Steve. I fully and wholly forgive you. The past is the past.”
“You’re not just saying that because I gave you wine and cupcakes?”
“Nope. But I like wine and cupcakes, so you should do that again sometime.” 
“I think I can swing that.”
He takes a bite of his second cupcake just as you whisper something about a different kind of dessert you want to give him, if he wants to take you home. He almost chokes on sprinkles, face as pink as the strawberry frosting, before he grabs your hand and pulls you down the trail. You giggle as he calls over his shoulder, “Robin! Stay with Vickie tonight!” 
“Harrington! You paid us to play!” Gareth, the drummer, shouts after you two. “Not clean up!” 
“Oh, let them go,” Robin says. “They’re in love! Besides, we’ll make Dustin clean.” 
You and Steve spend a perfect night together. As promised, he rocks your world. 
Your boyfriend Steve is forgetful.
He misses doctor’s appointments. He forgets to pick you up from work sometimes. He gets schedules mixed up, and, yes, sometimes he forgets date night.
But you’re a patient person, now that you know he doesn’t do it intentionally. You love him with your whole heart, and you know he feels the same. And you couldn’t ask for anything more. 
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everythingne · 6 months
Out Of The Woods, 6 (ls2)
Logan and Dhanishka finally have the necessary breakthrough, Olivia delivers some bad news that Dhanishka already has a backup plan for. Logan just has a really good time at the end.
warnings/notes: panic attack in the beginning, mentions of alcohol, i don’t really think much else? ok i KNOW viscaal is an actual dude but like. i forgot. so just imagine he has a brother or smthn idk. bit shorter but hey. this is for logan bc fuck williams man
(series masterlist) (ch 7)
I, despite my best efforts, cannot get a solid breath in. Someone's hands are on my face, trying to rouse me from whatever's got my eyes squeezed shut. I gasp again and they're brushing tears off of my cheeks. When I hold my breath, choking on an inhale, the voice is panicked, telling me to breathe. Then blowing a gust of air on my face.
Somehow the air is what snaps my eyes open.
"Christ, Isa." Logan's saying, holding a phone to his ear as he presses my hair down with one hand, "hey, hey, it's okay..."
"Lo-Logan?" I rasp and he nods, a tiny, worried smile crossing his face as he turns to the phone and speaks in a hushed tone.
"I've got her, thanks Anya. I'll text you when I get her in bed."
When he puts his phone down, he hands me a water bottle but holds the bottom of it as I take small slow sips and try not to burst into tears yet again. He doesn't say anything, not even when I lower my hand from where it's been resting over his thudding heart.
"You called my sister?" I ask and he pauses, before nodding.
"Yeah. I figured Anya would know how to help you out of a panic attack." He says and I nearly choke on my water.
"I had a panic attack?" I ask and he stills, before he is everything around me. His hands are gentle, tucking me against his chest, one hand carding through my hair as the other holds me tight.
“Oh, Isa—“ He murmurs into my hair. I whisper out confusion, I had a panic attack? I never have panic attacks? Is that why I blacked out? When did he get here?
“Oh, Isa, I’m so sorry they’ve turned you into me.” Logan presses his hands to either side of my face, lifting me back so I can look at him. I remember how a week ago I was afraid of loving him, how I was terrified I'd lose him, and yet here he was as stubborn and comforting as always. As he had been in China. As he had been in Miami. As he now was in Imola.
"I can't do this Logan." I hiccup, letting him bring me into his arms once more, kisses trailing my forehead as he keeps me locked in tight, "I can't take another day of this comparing bullshit! They hate me, all of them in Ferrari. I don't even know if I still have Charles, and they keep pushing and pushing and I just wanna be good!"
"You are good. You are so good." He murmurs, "You're doing better than I did my first season. I had panic attacks almost every race, I still have them sometimes."
When I look at him in disbelief he sighs, "the difference between us is that you have Ferrari and I have Williams. Alex and I are actually cared for within Williams. They care about our health, our wellbeing. Ferrari always has and always will put you below Charles because he's the predestined or whatever. It's stupid. It's what drove Carlos out according to Oscar, who heard it from Lando so who knows--but my point still stands."
I sniffle, nodding, wiping at my face and huffing when I realize I had cried. Logan convinces me to swap seats with him, and he drives us back to the hotel. He follows the same procedures as he had with my migraine and we settle in to watch Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara-- one of my favorite Bollywood movies I'd forced him to watch with me before. Surprisingly, he remembers a lot of it and then embarrassedly admits,
"We watched it on your birthday every year, I kept up the tradition. Even though Dalton thought it was stupid I did that."
I can't help but kiss him then, fully of my own decision and his hands comes to my waist as he pulls me down to slot against him. I throw my right leg over when he bites my lip, groaning in the back of my throat. The Señorita scene is playing from his laptop, Hrithik Roshan is dancing his heart out, Logan's lips are soft against mine.
He pulls back.
"What are we doing?" He whispers, pausing Netflix by closing his laptop and leaving us in the soft ambient glow of Imola from the half curtained windows.
"What do you mean?" I say, because I know theres more weight behind his words. He just laughs when I press a kiss to his forehead, his arm secure around my waist like he never wants to let me go. I don't want him to.
"Do you love me?" Its so vulnerable it makes me stop and he brings his hand to my throat, but just to dance his finger tips along the side of my jaw until he takes my chin in his hand and pull me a bit closer.
"Because I've always loved you in the way soulmates love each other, but I think you love me like I'm just a casual fuck."
"If you always loved me like that why'd you break up with me?" I ask and Logan sighs, letting go of my chin to place his hand on one of my thighs, the right one I had thrown over his torso when the kisses got a bit more than playful.
Logan takes a long moment to answer, like he's picking each word with the upmost care, but he just says, "I was scared."
"Of you. Of racing. Of everything." He sighs and I go to slide off his lap when his fingers dig in, keeping me rooted in my seat. Just like earlier, when he was calming me in the car, just like when he had eased my migraine. He needed me.
I card my hands through his hair, being them to his shoulders and smooth the tenseness I can feel. He closes his eyes, leaning his head back as he just lets everything finally break and he hands my his heart once more.
This time, I cradle it to my chest, trying to heal it while his heart tries to smooth out the sharp edges of mine.
"I had been doing so well. I had everything in my finger tips, just within reach and then... fucking Trident rips it out from underneath my feet. I didn't know what to do, and as far as I was concerned, you were just as guilty as everyone else. I... I needed control."
I had been right when I guessed that?
"And control was breaking up with me because it was a decision you could make without having to consult anyone else?" I say and he nods.
"I regretted it every day after. There were so many times my mom had to stop Dalton from calling you or Anya." A light smile crosses his lips and I giggle, taking the hint of his slight pursed lips to press a gentle kiss to them.
"Anya was so mad at you when we broke up, she told me she was gonna go to BWT and cut your brakes." I murmur against his lips and he starts to laugh, his hands slide up to rest along my ribs as he smiles against my lips and innocent pecks.
"I wouldn't have been mad if she had. I beat myself up over it for weeks." Logan shrugged, "but uhm... I talked with Viscaal last week. He was at the race for some sponsorship thing and he stopped to congratulate me on my placement. I asked him of you were involved and he and I talked about the crash for a long time."
"And he convinced me you weren't."
The conversation hadn't been easy. Viscaal was sort of up in arms about the idea of even discussing it with Logan, but once let in on the PR nightmare the two were going through... he relented. But he wasn't easy on Logan, he hadn't been the whole time they stood in the blistering sun over the track.
"She literally was inconsolable, how do you think she had anything to do with it?" James Viscaal had said to Logan, eyes narrowing underneath his Formula E cap, "You seriously think Dubey had anything to do with it? She'd rather hurt herself than hurt you."
"I just... I can't shake the feeling--"
"Well you better figure out how, Sargeant, or you're gonna lose a perfectly good girl."
Logan sighs as he replays the conversation two or three times, then gnaws the inside of his lip before saying, "Sorry for saying that shit to you, about not trusting you... it was childish."
"I said stupid shit too, I'm sorry." I say and he presses a more firm kiss to my lips.
"Consider that an apology accepted." He says and I smile,
"Guess I'll have to keep apologizing--" I'm cut off when he sits up abruptly, pulling me to his chest just to lay me on my back under him as he cages me beneath him.
My phone vibrates. A few missed calls from Charles. I ignore him in favor of kissing my boyfriend.
I'll tell him I was sleeping.
Monaco is the race for publicity. Everyone knew Monaco, and if they didn't, they just didn't know it was called Monaco. I'm snuck into Williams the day before practice, when it's mostly just vendors setting up and some meetings happening in each paddock. I'm led by Logan to a back office, where I meet with two women, and JAmes Vowles.
Who... is sitting in on the PR meeting for some reason?
The woman who leads Logan's PR is named Astrid Marina, and while I fight to figure out while that name is familiar, Logan idly pokes at my leg. I look over to read what he's showing me and groan internally.
'Ferrari and Williams in talks over suing Sky News reporter Anthony Davis for blackmailing and harassment.'
"Too much is happening this season, I don't even wanna bother." I complain and Logan nods, coaxing me to rest against him as I yawn. It's been a long week of harrowing, exhausting training with Charles. Ferrari gives me no reprieve and as I work to show them I am a capable driver, they still beat me down. Still say Charles is better. It's grown to be annoying for both me and the Monegasque, and something we bond over now in the late hours between a bottle of wine.
"How has your season been with Ferrari so far, Dhanishka?" James asks and I give him a cordial answer that has him raising an eyebrow in question as he says, "Logan's told me otherwise."
I whack Logan's arm, making the Floridian laugh as he raises his hands in defense of his actions. Something in James' eyes tells me it’s alright to say, so I do.
"It's been a terrible time if I'm honest," I sigh, "Charles is praised, I'm ignored and blamed for every mistake, they barely talk to me on radios so I kinda have to figure it all out myself, I'm hardly given real strategy and kinda just make it up myself as I go."
"And with all of that you still place in the top ten every race, and have podiumed twice. That's an incredible feat, Miss Dubey, you should be very proud of yourself."
Somehow, James saying that to me makes it all click that, yeah, it was an incredible feat.
"Alright, Jasmine is here so lets get started." Astrid settles in her seat in front of us and Logan and I sit back up from our lazing positions as Jasmine--my PR manager of several years, takes her own seat next to Astrid. James leans back in his seat as well, taking on a more observing role to this. I wonder if its because he's worried about this, or if Olivia and Lando have told him to keep an eye on it. Not that they knew who Logan's manager was, as far as I was aware.
Jasmine shuffles her papers a bit before asking, "How are you both feeling? You're almost tied for points this season."
"Feeling pretty optimistic." Logan smiles softly in greeting to her, "The car has been preforming well and I've been doing better than where I started last year."
"I'd be a lot better is my damn car worked half the time." I mutter in complaint, making Logan laugh softly as he squeezes my knee.
"I'm glad you both are feeling better." Astrid smiles, "but lets not take up too much time here for small talk, you both have busy days tomorrow."
Yay. Qualifying.
"Dhanishka, social media is your forte here. Keep posting, keep promoting the relationship. You've been doing a fine job with that. Public appearances have been fine, though I've noticed a bit of tension? Is there anything we want to confirm or ask about..?"
"How long is this going on for?" Logan asks and I feel a weird pain settle in my chest. Why did he care?
"Uhm... well..." Jasmine hums, "I'd say you guys can decide when to call it off. Astrid wanted to make sure that, unlike with Lando and Olivia previously, you both have complete control of this situation."
"Oh, Dhanishka, work on befriending some of the WAGs. I know you and Olivia are decently close, but befriending the Lily's or even Carmen would be a good look." Astrid says and I nod, opening my phone to follow them on Instagram. I was already close with Lily Zneimer, she just needed to come to a race other than Australia.
"Logan, we need you to start posting Dhanishka as well." Astrid says and Jasmine nods softly, looking like she's a bit uncomfortable by how strict Astrid is being.
"Yeah, got it." Logan nods. Theres a few more formalities, some publicity things they want us to do and a joint 'couples trivia' gave they want us to play with a bunch of the drivers before the next race on the calendar.
We're dismissed with the promise of posting each other more on social media.
"Lets go to dinner tonight." He says, taking my hand in his and kissing the back of it. I smile and bump his shoulder with mine.
"Alright." I smile, its easy to be in love with Logan and he threads out fingers together and presses a soft kiss to the back of my hand.
Before I can leave though, James speaks, "Jasmine, Dhanishka, can we speak privately? I have Dhanishka's manager Lucille inside my office already.
And I nod, and follow James into his office after a quick goodbye kiss from Logan with his playful grin to match.
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dhanishkadubey: the muse and her artist 💙🩵
tagged: logansargeant
lilymhe: blue suits u sooo much wow
logansargeant: sei incredibilmente bella (i think.)
⤷ charlesleclerc: you think right?? wtf??
logansargeant: you in blue... woof or whatever. xx
anyadubey: blue has ALWAYS been ur color.
user2: dhanishka in blue?? williams dhanishka?? please james vowles.
williamsracing: wow. logan better know how to fight.
⤷ logansargeant: which intern is this i have WORDS.
⤷ williamsracing: LOL CATCH ME FIRST FLORIDA MAN !!!
landonorris: LOGAN TOOK THESE???
⤷ dhanishkadubey: hes an artist ✨
user3: oh to be someones muse...
I'm walking through the apartment building Lando had sent me the address for ages ago. Logan's hand is firmly tucked in mine as he idly talks about the desserts we'd brought for the little dinner we're all having tonight. Olivia had invited over quite a few people, her family (consisting of Oscar and Lily, Ophelia and her wife Rosalind, and Oaklynn), Lando's siblings, (sisters Cisca and Flo, brother Oliver with his wife Savannah and their daughters Mila and Athena), Max, Kelly, and Penelope, Alex and Lily, Charles, and me and Logan. It was some sort of dinner party, and due to Logan's training running a bit long we were late.
Which, wasn't surprising.
Olivia said they'd be out on the balcony, so we let ourselves into the spacious apartment. Logan helping me with my shoes while I joke about balancing the three plates, but Charles cursing in Italian sharply makes us both freeze.
"Relax." Olivia scolds, almost like a mother, "she's gonna be fine, I've been in talks with multiple teams and--"
"They're just dropping her?! For Lewis? She's been beating him every damn race save for Australia!" Charles all but roars and I can hear the balcony door slam. Logan tenses, his jaw setting firmly and he tries to coax me back outside but I'm stubborn, I won't move until I know whats wrong. But I have a gut feeling I already know.
"Charles, calm down," Olivia tries again and then there's an overlap of a few voices I can't fight through.
"It's nothing set in stone! Relax!" Max's voice chimes above everyone else's and the room quiets as a soft sigh escapes Logan's mouth. He draws his arm across my back and hushes me softly, pressing a kiss to my hairline.
"Checo's moving to Formula E. I'm taking his spot next season, or I'll go to RB if they choose to move Daniel instead." Alex says softly, "which means Red Bull is set for next season regardless. Mercedes is taking Carlos to race with George, so they're set as well."
"McLaren's got me and Lando, so they're set. Neither Haas or Aston Martin are gonna change." Oscar sighs, "safe bet that Alpine and Sauber will stay the same too."
Max asks, "Is Logan staying with Williams?"
"Can we stop talking about this, they'll be here soon. Dhanishka doesn't even know yet." Olivia complains, "I don't know why you're all so surprised when Ferrari's been treating her like shit! They could care less if she's dead or alive on that track as long as Charles comes out on top. Plus, the FIA is going to investigate them for malpractice."
"Oh, actually?" Lando hums and I hear Charles confirm, and I bury my head against Logan's chest where I can hear his heart pounding. I'm trying to fight back the sense of dread forming in my gut.
"I know Logan's been trying to get her to talk with James." Alex says softly, "As far as I'm aware, Williams is resigning him with the second seat open."
Logan's grip tightens when he realizes I've figured it out and I push past him to enter the main room of the Piastri-Norris apartment. The warm Monaco air feels unwelcome as it floats in from the open balcony door where I can see the kids are being preoccupied from the inside argument. But inside, all the drivers plus Olivia stare at me like I'm not supposed to be there. And then theres movement and--
"Dhaniska!" Olivia's voice chimes and the Aussie to wrap me up tight in her arms, "Oh, honey."
"They're dropping me?" I hate the way my voice sounds so broken and despite what I want, Olivia nods.
"Last week I got both Daniel's and Alex's data from last season to sift through to help the Red Bull team figure out which driver we want next season." She starts to explain, running her fingers through my hair, "I knew some big changes were happening when we also got files for Lewis and Fernando. But.. Lewis just announced he was racing with Ferrari next season, while Charles was here. No one knew except Lewis and Vasseur. I-I can try and get you with some other teams but--"
"Olivia, I love you truly, but that's not your job." I say softly, squeezing her forearms, "A-and besides, I... I might've made a contingency plan."
The whole room pauses.
"Huh?" Logan says, tightening his grip on my wrist and I laugh. It's so stupid, how he thought his and Alex's little plan to have me replace the latter Thai driver would've gone overlooked by James. Who bit down at the chance to have me.
James pulled me and Jasmine into his office, my manager Lucie already inside. When I give a confused look, both women are motioning for me to sit in the middle of three chairs. Lucie on my left, Jasmine on my right. When I do, James takes a seat at his desk and hands me a file in the beautiful William's blue. The logo stamped on front, with words written under that make my heart pause.
"Dhanishka." Lucie starts, placing a reassuring hand on my knee as she sets down an identical folder, "Ferrari isn't going to renew your contract next year. I've known since Miami. Lewis is coming to race for them instead, which I thought I'd be more surprised about, but it is close to his retirement I suppose."
"He did always say he'd retire in a Ferrari." James nods, and the conversation continues, still led by Lucie.
"So, I've been in talks with almost every team--thanks to Olivia, who has an almost... deus ex machina power within F1. She got me write up contracts from Mercedes, Alpine, RB, and Stake... but they've all backed out."
James, taking this as his cue, sits forward, "Williams is going to need a driver next year. Alex is moving to one of the Red Bull teams. We'll be resigning Logan."
"Me?" I ask, "you seriously want me? The girl who almost destroyed one of your drivers PR?"
"PR is repairable," James waves a hand, "Your skill on the track is something I can relate to a young Alonso or even someone like Senna or Vettel. It's talent like yours, Charles' and Max's we wont get again soon. To podium on your first race, to stay consistently in the top ten with no support? That's unheard of."
"Williams is offering a three year contract." Lucie says and I finally thumb open the folder and stare down at it. The weight of it all becomes real when I see it all printed out.
James stands to leave as he says, "I'll leave you to speak in private."
So I can’t hide my smile as I announce, "You are looking at the second seat for Williams in 2025!"
I don’t think in my time of knowing Logan had he ever hugged me as tight as this. I can’t help but laugh as his chest presses to my back, his lips finding my cheek and undoubtedly smudging my makeup. I can’t find it in me to care.
Alex decides to make a show of giving me his seat (which includes him physically handing me a chair) and when I turn to hug Olivia and Lando in celebration, Olivia whispers to me, “I knew you guys would figure it out.”
Charles just about squeezes the life out of me with his hug, thanking me for driving with him, and I thank him for teaching me. I know later on we’ll have a more in depth conversation but for now he allows me to celebrate with Logan’s arm tucked firmly around my waist.
Kelly ends up pouring us all shots to celebrate, and when I smidge my lipstick drinking various glasses of champagne and other drinks, Logan fishes my compact and my lipstick out of my purse.
It feels full circle to have him hold the mirror while I fix myself up.
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liked by dhaniskadubey, oscarpiastri, alexalbon, and 345k others...
logansargeant: heres to second chances 💙
dhanishkadubey: AAAA MERI JAANNN <333
- logansargeant: MERI JAAN????
sebvettel: looking good rookies 👍🏻
user1: dhanishka in blue pls be a sign. pls.
dhanishkadubey: i am going to kiss u on the mouth
user2: the girlfriend effect on logans insta shut upp
oscarpiastri: loganishka since day 1
f1 made a new post!
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liked by anyadubey, charlesleclerc, danielricciardo, and 783k others…
f1: Admist the starting investigation into malpractice within Ferrari's team following @ dhanishkadubey ‘s treatment over the past few months, Dubey released a statement about leaving the team.
“Ferrari was a dream, but the reality of Ferrari is that we are not compatible. I will continue to give my best performance for the team, wish them the best of luck next season, and send my love to the tifosi. Thank you for welcoming me.” - Dubey via Twitter this morning.
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tombstuck-writes · 3 months
Knucklehead: Part 1, Chapter 1
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Genre: Midwest Contemporary Young Adult Romance.
Word count: 27,615. Chapter 1/27.
Summary: “There was only one queer kid in town. That’s what he thought anyway, because it was him. If only his online almost-boyfriend lived nearby, things might be a little more tolerable.”
Content warnings: Graphic child abuse (it's not until part 2, and part 1 can be read stand-alone.)
Author's note:
This story is my baby! I've been writing it for almost 6 years, and it's finally seeing the light of day! A big thank you to anyone who reads it. I'll be posting one chapter every Saturday until it's done. Chapters will be under the #tombstuck-knucklehead tag, and I will also link them on the "Read Knucklehead" page on the header of my tumblr site.
Brandon Campbell got out of his car to start another shift at the grocery store. Brandon lived in Cohocton, Missouri, but the grocery store he worked at wasn’t in Cohocton, because nothing was in Cohocton. Nothing except homophobes and Baptist churches. 
And a high school. The very one that Brandon had graduated from earlier that month. He had done nothing since then except do his part-time job at the grocery store.
He went to clock in and saw a familiar face.
“Rodney, hey,” he said, a few different emotions running through his head. Rodney had been his best friend while he was still in school, and they were even on the basketball team together. But he was a year younger than Brandon.
Rodney looked up at him, nodding in greeting. “What’s up, Bran?”
“Oh, not much. Just making some money. You work here now?” He asked.
“Yeah, I just wanted to make some extra money. I’m saving to move out.” Rodney hesitated. “Um, you been pretty absent since you graduated. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, man. Sorry about that. I’ve just been hanging with Nat and she can get kinda…” He trailed off. In reality, he had been doing absolutely nothing except working and isolating himself.
“Yeah, I get it. Hey, at least you’re starting college in August, right?”
“Uhhhh, no.”
“Oh,” Rodney answered. “My bad, I assumed. Sorry.” 
“No worries, man. Anyway, we better clock in.”
He bought Rodney a coke on their lunch break to try to make up for not hanging out that month. He also received a text, from someone he wasn’t expecting.
Hey. Wanna hang out? It was from Norm, another one of Brandon’s friends from school. He had graduated at the same time as Brandon.
I’m at work. Later tonite? Brandon answered.
Hell yeah.
It was strange that Norm had texted him. Hearing from two of his old basketball friends on the same day a month after graduation was a big coincidence. He hadn’t been that close with Norm when they were in school, either. Well, close enough to have exchanged phone numbers, but still.
Norm texted Brandon his address, and after work, he headed over to Norm’s house.
He lived in Green Meadows, which was a small trailer park in Cohocton. He parked in front of Norm’s house after checking the number, then got out. A dog barked at him. He knocked on the door.
“Bran!” Norm yelled after answering the door, smiling. He looked about the same as he had a month ago. He was wearing an old Zelda t-shirt with a million holes in it, and sporting his same old mullet and septum ring. Brandon had kind of forgotten that he was attracted to Norm, but the feeling came back as he smiled at the greeting, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“Hey, man. What’s up?” he said.
“Dude, I watched this movie. Come in, come in— I watched this movie where these people went on a picnic,” He walked into the house, and saw who he assumed was Norm’s mom asleep on the couch. Norm was slurring his words a bit and his gait was uneven. “And I just had this real bad hankering to just like, eat a sandwich on a blanket outside.”
“Oh, wow,” Brandon said. He didn’t really know what else to say. He remembered Norm always getting drunk after basketball games, whether they would win or not. It seemed it had become a habit now.
“Bran, you gotta have a picnic with me,” Norm insisted. 
Brandon laughed. “A picnic? I guess so. That’s so random.”
Norm was running around his kitchen gathering items to make sandwiches. “No, it’ll be amazing, seriously.”
He made two bologna sandwiches and put them in sandwich bags. He dashed messily into the living room, and grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch where his mom still slept. “Come on!”
Brandon drove them and their picnic supplies to the nearest park. The day was extremely nice, with a light breeze blowing and the sun shining, and big puffy clouds floating through the sky. Brandon guessed he was happier to be here with Norm outside on a nice day than cramped up in his room at home.
Norm seemed to deliberate on the best spot for their picnic, before finally laying the blanket out on a nice patch of grass. He plopped unceremoniously down onto the blanket and Brandon sat next to him. The blanket wasn’t very big, so they were sitting pretty close.
Brandon ate his sandwich pretty quickly because he was hungry from work, but Norm didn’t seem too interested in his. He would take a little nibble now and then but mostly he was looking at the sky. 
“Not hungry?” Brandon asked.
“Oh, nah, not really. I just had to bring it to really evoke the feeling of a picnic.” He answered. “When I drink I don’t really get that hungry. I drink too much these days. That’s why I’m getting so skinny.” He felt at his ribs, no doubt feeling the bones underneath his skin.
“Have you ever thought about quitting?” Brandon asked.
“Oh, nah. I don’t really have any other way to cope with stuff, you know?” Norm answered, looking over at Brandon and shrugging.
Norm put his sandwich back in its baggie and laid down with his head on the blanket and his legs in the grass.
“Dude, you gotta see this!” Norm said and pulled Brandon down on the ground with him. He laughed and landed next to Norm with their heads together. Norm pointed upwards. “It’s a mermaid!”
Cloud gazing, Brandon thought with a rush. I’m cloud gazing with Norm while we’re on a picnic. What has my life become?
“I see a dog, I think,” Brandon said.
“What? No that’s definitely a mermaid. And look over there! It’s a little guy running,” Norm exclaimed.
Brandon was enjoying himself, for once lately. He didn’t want their picnic to end, but eventually they mutually decided to get up and pack up the picnic blanket and Norm’s uneaten sandwich and head back to Norm’s house. 
Norm was headed up the front steps of his house, but hesitated at the door and turned around. “I had a lot of fun today, Bran. Thanks for taking me.”
That’s similar to what Natalie said to me after our first date, Brandon thought, but didn’t say. 
“Yeah, man. Me too. No sweat. We should hang out again soon.” Brandon said, smiling. Norm waved cutely and smiled brightly. Brandon waved back.
Driving home, Brandon felt at once excited and uncomfortable about the time he had just spent with Norm. On the one hand, it was his first human contact besides his parents and coworkers for 2 weeks. On the other hand, he did have a beautiful girlfriend — Natalie— and spending time with someone else he found attractive felt a bit wrong.
He wondered, though. Is Norm still thinking about me too?
Author's Note: Thank you so much if you read this far! I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Please consider following the #tombstuck-knucklehead tag if you want to read next week's installment, and follow my blog for various writing-related reblogs, as well as behind the scenes stuff about my stories.
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acidmatze · 3 months
I’ll be there for you (Yes, like the Friends theme) Chapter 6
Summary: After being in a coma for two years Vash wakes up, not being able to remember Anything that has happened since he was “a teenager”. How is he gonna adapt to living in a world so strange and unfamilliar? (vaguely TriStamp timeline post ep 12) By watching a weird action movie and doing nordic walking. Warnings: None Word count: 4.1k Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5
Meeting the psychologist was relatively unspectacular.
Her office is in the hallway of group 3 as well and has a small space for couches and a bookshelf, kinda like a waiting room at the doctor's office.
Her name is Mrs. Fischer and for now she just wanted to get to know Vash better. Which was interesting since Vash barely knows himself.
„Sounds like a great goal for your rehab then! Getting to know yourself more. Im gonna write this down right now.“
Lunch was a bit awkward at first cuz Chelsea immediately yelled, before Vash could even sit down at the table: „Wait! How is he supposed to cut his meat? Should I cut it for you? I can do that!“
And then Vash had to awkwardly wiggle himself out of this but Nancy thankfully intervened.
„I'm just gonna call Villa Peony and ask if they got some cutlery left we can borrow and then later order our own. Oh man I can't believe I forgot to do that the whole time...“ In the hospital the nurses already cut his food before he got it which truthfully made him feel like he's already thousand years old and grey.
But he felt equally awkward when Nancy eventually returned and handed him a fork that was also a knife.
All while Chelsea was basically frothing at the mouth and vibrating on her chair from wanting to cut his food so badly.
Vash figured he would eventually get used to this and it was a hundred times better than having someone else cut his food. He wasn't a toddler anymore. And not an old man yet either.
Once Chelsea had calmed down lunch resumed like normal.
Steven asking Vash polite questions about himself and sharing a bit of additional information about everything that was going on today.
Melvin then told everything there was to tell about Deinocheirus.
This wasn't really something anyone else on the table was interested in but everyone nodded along anyway.
Physical therapy was quite okay.
Mr. Cruz („Oh no, please just call me Diego!“) had to admit that he didn't really had much experience with amputees but he would try his best to find some exercises that Vash can do.
He did however note that Vash's amputation must've been some time ago.
Since Vash's memories cut off at 15 and at that point he still had both arms it must've been after that but before he was done growing.
For today Diego showed Vash some balance exercises since Vash said he felt unsteady sometimes.
He wasn't really used to almost a whole arm missing and even though he obviously had mastered Walking In A Straight Line by now he couldn't balance on one foot.
Or stand with his eyes closed. Or put more weight onto one foot than the other without almost falling over to the side.
Diego also wanted Vash to build up strength on his left arm again so he tied one end of a rubber band around it and the other end around a balancing pole on the wall and told him to pull it back.
Vash felt a bit stupid doing that.
„I can't use my left arm much anyway. Why do I have to train it?“
„Because it's still your arm even if there's less of it. Also it's not just the arm there's also the entire shoulder and shoulder blade and your back. And it would look weird if one arm is muscular and one arm is skinny. But mostly it's because you will find uses for your left arm and it needs to be up for the task. I can tell that before your coma you were really fit and strong. That includes your left arm. Let's see if we can go back to that level.“
Whatever Vash had looked like before he now was rather skinny without either much fat nor muscle mass to him. Which is something that Diego expected.
How was he supposed to put on weight if he couldn't eat or muscles if he wasn't able to move?
Vash only remembered himself as being on the more skinny side so he had no idea what his adult body Used to look like.
He can't imagine himself looking any different than this.
And now he's back in his room splashing water in his face and hoping that he manages to cool down a bit before nordic walking.
Melvin, who has the room to the left, is listening loudly to music. Techno, or something.
Vash still needs to listen to more music to get a solid grasp on all the different kinds there are.
To the right of him is Steven's room who either isn't around right now or just super quiet.
He seems like someone who is just very quiet though.
He is also the oldest in group, having turned 35 just last week.
Then counter clockwise there is Anna's room who managed to not say a single word so far and then Chelsea's room.
When Vash came back from physical therapy he heard her talking to someone on the phone but now there also was silence.
The music stops. Melvin is walking around in his room.
And then gunshots but in very low audio quality.
Seems like he's playing a game now.
At least Vash Hopes that the noises come from a game.
Vash looks out of his window.
From here he really cannot see any desert, just buildings and trees everywhere.
It's as if he's in an entirely different world now.
The window is slightly open and a warm breeze is coming in but its not hot by any means. Vash cannot smell any sand in the air either.
His dorm is standing right next to the fence so he can see into the backyard of a house that doesn't belong to the organisation grounds.
He can see the building of the fire brigade. Further back there's a rather high apartment building, towering over the sea of small family homes and row houses.
Vash can also see the church way back.
Earlier he also heard its bells.
He has never been to church, as far as he knows and doesn't really believe in anything
and yet the bells had felt strangely familiar.
If he leans a lot to the right he can catch a glimpse of the electricity poles above the train tracks in the distance.
Trains are another thing he has never seen before.
According to Steven they are really new though. They showed up first when he himself was still a kid and then gained growing popularity in the past 5 years as a more reliable and faster alternative to the aging sand steamers.
Each sand steamer needs to be powered by a plant so only a very limited number can be produced and they can't operate as frequent as trains either in order to not to stress the plants too much while trains have none of these limitations.
Yeah they can carry fewer people each but unlike sand steamers they can go nonstop and several trains can be put on the same route so in the long run their capacity is dozens of times larger.
A sand steamer needs up to 4 days to cross the sand ocean while a train does it in one and a half so the remaining sand steamers are slowly being phased out in favour of trains.
Even busses seem like a more viable alternative despite taking just as long.
At least they dont use up all the plants.
„There will always be some sand steamers, I guess,“ Steven had said „Just for nostalgia's sake and also because they have become such an iconic image. But they will probably be used as tourist attractions and run on historic lines instead.“
So what should Vash do with his time now?
He has a tablet and a phone but it seems that many others here have a TV and consoles or a laptop and such things.
Or they collect other things to occupy themselves with when there's nothing to do.
Melvin told Vash after lunch about a few stores that are within walking distance and he mentioned an electronics store so maybe once Vash has gotten a bit of money he should pay it a visit. Someone knocks on Vash's door.
„Yo Vash it's me, Chelsea! We got nordic walking now! Come downstairs!“
Vash jolts.
Wow he really got into deep thought here for a bit. How did an hour pass this fast?
He quickly changes T shirts and then hurries downstairs.
Funnily, the nordic walking group is led by Mrs. Fischer.
Chelsea spots Vash and then drags him further outside into the frontyard.
Several others are already here and looking for the right walking sticks.
„Mrs. Fischer! Mrs. Fischer! How is Vash gonna do this?“ Mrs. Fischer looks up from helping someone else picking out the right equipment and putting it on.
Vash really doesn't like being in the spotlight like this.
Luckily most others don't care about The New Guy.
„Ah well we can just put the sling around your arm and make sure its nice and tight. And we just use the longest stick for your left arm then and a shorter one for your right. And then we'll see if that works out for you and if not then we will find another solution.“ Mrs. Fischer explains while doing exactly that.
„So how does that feel for you?“ „Odd.“ Vash answers „But I have no idea what its supposed to feel like so I guess thats normal.“
„Let's find out then!“
Mrs. Fischer then explains Vash what he has to do while helping him with his right-hand stick.
How walking can be so complicated is beyond him but who knows, maybe this ends up being fun for him? At least its outside and he has been itching to move around more which wasn't a possibility in the hospital.
„Okay now guys! Is everyone here? Where's Joe?“
Mrs. Fischer does a quick roll call.
Turns out, everyone is here except for Joe which no one has seen since lunch.
Mrs. Fischer lets out a sigh.
„We can't wait until His Highness graces us with his presence or we'll be standing here all day. Let's go! We take the route around the biodome today.“
To his great dismay, Vash has to quickly realise that whatever stamina he might have had before, there is not much left of it now.
It takes about two minutes until he's already sweating and it's not the heat of the two suns for once.
Two more minutes and he's lightly panting and to make matters even worse the road goes slightly uphill now.
He's almost at the end of the group, only a handful others are slower than him.
Chelsea joins yet again.
„Huh? You're so skinny I thought you would be way ahead of us.“
„I was in a coma for two years..“ Vash wheezes.
„Ah that explains a lot. I'm just really out of shape cuz I hate sports. 'But Chelsea' they say 'It will be so amazing for your mental health if you're outside more often.' they say. Blaaaaaargh.“
She badly mimicks Mrs. Fischer.
Can't be That out of shape if she can manage to talk so much without even breaking into sweat, Vash thinks.
They are out of the residential area mostly. Only a few houses here and there. The majority is pastures for Thomases and „fields“ where people try to grow grass until the soil is fertile enough to grow other things.
Then they arrive at the biodome which is an absolute massive structure that sticks out like a sore thumb between all the other more organic buildings and fields.
Vash can't see inside from here but he notices that the air around it seems so much cleaner than before. There's also a faint sweet smell, like flowers.
Well, there probably Are flowers inside so that explains it.
They pass the biodome after a minute and the air that was clear and cool now turns warm and a bit stuffy again.
Like a room that needs to be aired out badly.
But by far not as bad as the middle of the desert.
Vash remembers that sometimes when he was outside for too long he would blow his nose and find sand in the tissue.
Sand in his clothes. His hair. His room. His bed.
„I really wanna work at the biodome!“
Vash looks back at Chelsea.
„I always wanted to work at one. Maybe I can do an internship there. I keep forgetting to ask about it though. This one even has animals like cows and sheep!“
The good thing about Chelsea is that Vash doesn't need to verbally answer, just nod, so he can focus on breathing and not keeling over from the exertion.
„I worked at a Thomas ranch once but that wasn't quite the same and it was outside of the city and taking the bus there took so long I had to get up at 5am and was home around 6. Ugh... The Thomases were really cute though but one bit me once.“
Yeah, they tend to do that sometimes.
At least now its going downhill for a bit.
Mrs. Fischer has noticed that Vash is having trouble keeping up with the majority of the flock so she falls back a bit to meet up with him.
„Is everything alright with you?“
„Yeah..“ Vash says, clearly still out of breath, „I'm just really out of shape.“
Something is coming up in the back of his mind.
The sensation of sand going up to his ankles and walking for hours until the suns go down. Boots slowly filling up with sand. Casually talking to someone next to him as if this isn't one of the most exhausting things someone can do.
If he was able to do this before the coma he clearly couldn't do it now anymore.
At least for the time being.
„Just focus on breathing. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Keep a steady rhythm when walking. Maybe sing your favourite song in your head. We are taking the shorter route as well today and will be back soon.“
Once they are back Vash definitely needs to take a shower first.
And then find something to eat.
It takes another ten minutes to get back to the dorm and when they do Vash is ready to collapse there and then.
„Did you have fun?“ Mrs. Fischer asks.
„I don't know yet.“ Vash wheezes.
Two hours later and he has showered and eaten something and feels somewhat alive again.
Now Vash is lying on his bed and contemplating on what to do. How to spend the rest of his day.
Some people from his dorm, including Melvin and Anna, have gone to the local burger place in the neighbourhood but Vash doesn't have any money yet so he couldn't go.
The suns are already low above the horizon and douse the room in a warm orange colour.
Now that its getting cooler outside Vash could open his window fully and a nice breeze is coming in.
Some people from another dorm can be heard playing football outside.
Leaves are rustling in the breeze, which is a noise Vash still isn't used to.
Another noise he is even less used to is birdsong.
There's a bird sitting on the windowsill of the neighbour's house and singing it's little heart out.
Another bird from a bit further away answers.
Vash can also hear the faint rumbling of cars and someone is really revving their engine.
Someone is starting to mow their lawn.
There are so many noises going on at once.
And they are completely different from the hospital.
All those noises sounded hectic and unnatural.
And on the ship were barely any noises at all.
The machines were quiet the computers were quiet the Plants were quiet and even the people mostly talked in hushed voices. Luida and Brad were the two only ones who were openly loud and made attempts to make the place feel alive.
This changed when they got the first geodome going and also managed to get more people out of their cryosleep and some of these people were kids who looked like they were as old as Vash.
Or rather, he looked as if he was as old as them.
Things got a lot more lively on the ship then. The kids didn't even care that Vash was growing faster than them. They called him Brother.
They would play hide and seek together and tag and pick flowers and draw things and Luida would read stories for them under the trees even when Vash already could read himself.
Vash blinks.
He wonders what happened then. What happened and why did he leave the ship and how did he get here?
Someone is driving by on a motorcycle and somehow that piques his interest for some reason.
Does he have a connection to bikes?
„Jesus Christ, Spikey! You never got car sick so why does my bike suddenly make you throw up?“
„Maybe if you wouldn't drive like you drank all the whiskey on the planet I wouldn't be sick.“
„Well, do it yourself then. Let's see how that turns out.“
Huh. Where did that come from?
It certainly snapped Vash out of getting homesick, that's for sure.
Playing with the kids in the biodome feels like it was basically yesterday but also eons in the past.
After all, it was indeed almost 150 years ago.
There's so much stuff to catch up on.
For example, who was that guy in this sudden flash of memory? Is he still alive? It seemed like he was close enough to Vash that they could just bicker like that. They probably had spend a significant amount of time together.
What was his name...? Something.. with an animal. There was an animal in his name...
Someone suddenly knocks on the door.
„Hey Vash it's me, Melvin! Wanna watch a movie? You shouldn't be all alone in your room when you're new. Too many thoughts and all.“
Well, he is not wrong.
So Vash gets up again and decides that watching a movie doesn't sound so bad.
The living room is a slightly musty-smelling room with big windows a large table in the back a few cupboards with books and games in them and of course a large L-shaped couch a coffee table and a TV.
Boxes with fries and burgers are scattered across the coffee table. So are a few big cola bottles and red plastic cups.
Everyone from Vash's group is there plus a few from the other two groups.
One of them is lazily sprawled out in front of the TV and eating fries.
He has blue hair and for a second an exclamation mark goes off in Vash's head but vanishes immediately again.
„Just get cozy anywhere. We thought we bring burgers and stuff for everyone and have a nice movie night.“ Melvin explains.
Vash sits down next to Steven and feels a bit.. misplaced.
He never watched a movie. Well, as far as he can remember, which doesn't say much.
When was the last time Vash had a burger?
He and Nai had them for their first birthday and Luida also made them a few times but not very often.
Vash grabs a box and takes the burger out and takes a bite.
Huh that tastes totally different than the ones Luida made.
It tastes.. a lot better.
Not that Luida's were bad but this has much more flavour.
„I got my hands on the new Revengeancers movie. Has anyone seen that already?“ Melvin asks.
Everyone shakes their heads.
Steven groans.
„I was hoping you had a Good movie or something. I heard that one is pretty dumb.“
„Oh I'm so sorry, I will get one about quantum physics just for you.“
A few people giggle and Steven groans again.
„Just... just put it on. I will survive.“
Ten minutes into the movie as Vash unwraps and chomps down on his third burger (double cheese double beef) the blue-haired guy turns around and stares suspiciously at him.
Did he eat too much? Vash is surprised himself. He already ate dinner two hours ago and now he basically inhaled three burgers in barely ten minutes.
But that's not the reason the guy is staring.
„You look familiar. You look like Vash the Stampede.“
Now Everyone has turned around and stares at Vash.
„He sure does!!“ Chelsea yells and takes out her phone and then basically smooshes Vash's face with it.
„Look! Look!“
There's a wanted poster on the display. It already looks a bit yellowed and faded but it unmistakenly says „Vash the Stampede Dead or Alive 60,000,000,000$$“ Vash counts the zeroes.
„60 Billion???“ he exclains in shock.
„Yup. Levelled the entire city of July. It's a miracle anyone survived.“ Chelsea confirms.
„My uncle lives in one of the towns surrounding July and he said that night it looked like a spiral of bright light was going up to the sky and then a ball of the same light fell down and it was like ten thousand suns. And once the light was gone the city was gone with it.“
Vash can just blink in horror.
That was supposed to be him? Why would he destroy an entire city? He's not a villain!
The blue haired guy chimes in again.
„But it makes no sense. Why would he have done that?“ Yeah, exactly!
The guy digs in his pockets and also digs out a phone and shows everyone a photo. It looks even older than the one Chelsea has.
„My grandpa met Vash! About 40 or so years ago. He helped digging a well in his village so they wouldn't have to rely on other towns for water.“
On the photo was unmistakenly Vash standing next to a tall lanky guy with a ponytail in front of a well. Vash was flashing a peace sign and grinning.
„Huh? 40 years ago? Wouldn't Vash be like... 60 or whatever now?“ Melvin asks.
Everyone looks back at Vash who's just sitting there.
„You don't like 60. You look like... 22 or something.“
Vash rubs the back of his head nervously. Oh man, this is awkward.
„Well... ahah... ha... I suppose that could be me though. I don't think Vash is a super common name. But it can't remember anything past being 15.“ Chelsea scoots closer, so close that she's almost sitting on his lap now and stares at him.
„There is No Way that you are 60.“
Vash lifts his hand so she can't get even closer.
„I.. I have no explanation for this that doesn't sound insane. But I am a Plant.“
It's not like he could've hidden that forever. Better to say it right away. Then either everyone knows or nobody will believe him, think he's completely out there and beyond help and he has made his life here utter hell.
„Yeah sure. And I got a secret identity as a pop star. The name Chelsea is fake and I'm actually Tara Olson from November City and the leader of the girl group Twinkle Star.“
Steven who had been silent the entire time now gently pushes Chelsea away and also gets closer to Vash.
„It's not like we can't see for ourselves if he's lying or not. My father is a Plant Specialist and says there's a foolproof way to find out.“
And sure enough, he's shining his way too bright phone LED directly into Vash's eyes.
Everyone gasps.
Vash can only assume what they are seeing. He actually has never seen the markings in his eyes himself. For all he knows they could be spelling „Fuck you“.
„Holy shit what?? He's really a Plant!“ Melvin screams.
Chelsea wants to creep closer again but Steven holds her back.
„He's not some zoo animal you can just gawk at. Have some manners.“
Steven puts his phone back.
„So. This proves that he's saying the truth. Can we now focus on the movie?“
„Huuuuuuuh? But I have so many questions!“
„And I want to watch that movie now, so quiet please.“
Vash will be eternally grateful to Steven for keeping everyone from bombarding him with questions he probably wouldn't have an answer to.
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fanz-y · 8 months
So now that I've actually watched 10 anime I wanted to rank them from best to worst
1. MSG: the Witch from Mercury; I have not seen any other Gundam show but I don't think this one is leaving #1 spot ever, and Bandai were cowards and homophobic for not showing us either a kiss or the wedding even though they got married, also I'm so mad that I episode 11 during the hug they didn't even say "I love you". The robots became the least interesting part of the robot show (8th I watched)
2. Bocchi the Rock!; probably what I want most anime to be, can't wait for the movie('s), this, G-Witch and Your Name might as well both be #1, also I want a cute Bocchi plush but I can't find one that's affordable without a high delivery :< (7th I watched)
3. Your Name; A movie that I found on a trans subreddit about a year ago, I didn't think it'd be as good as it was or that it'd affect me as much as it did, but I was left in tears when the credits came on, the story went somewhere completely than I thought it would, 10/10. also tied for first place, it deserves to be watched in a movie theater so much (10th I watched)
4. Cowboy Bebop; twink and his bear friend go on space adventures oh and the twink has his own shadow the hedgehog (6th one I watched)
5. BNA: Brand New Animal; the one of 2 studio Trigger show I've seen but from what I've read and heard they have a pretty mid reputation, I really liked it tho, I watched it around the time I came out and it's a pretty good trans allegory (still feel a tad weird about the ending) (4th one I watched)
6. Neon Genesis Evangelion (and the 1st movie); (don't)Get in the robot Shinji, I had been interested in it a bunch, big robots and all that, but only just got to it. The self perpetuating loop of abuse and trauma that Shinji and everyone gets put through because Genduo can't get over the death of his wife is horrible and I can't think of a more despicable antagonist than him, the movie was so fucked up. I still struggle to get what Seele was supposed to represent. I loved every scene where the Eva's get shown as demons, those looked real cool (9th I watched) (watched it entirely cuz of Signalis)
7. Cyberpunk Edgerunners; watched this before I played the game, the abuse that David went through combined with the end that I miss interpreted put me a bit off and I missed the point, but I got it after a rewatch (3rd one I watched)
8. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; now that I've grown as a person I can safely say that it deserved to drift from spot 1, part 4 is still my fave. And it's still really really good in spite of how low it is (1st I watched)
9. Guilty Gear Xrd & Strive story mode; I am both counting and lumping them together, I liked the oversized Smurf with a gun, also Elphelt bby girl, still would've preferred an actual game tho(5th one I watched)
100000000000. Future Diary; I've watch this in a trade to get someone else to watch JoJo's, they came out better off with that deal, I am also no longer friends with that person (not because of the show but it's funny to mention) (2nd I watched) I still think it's missing some zeros, just add however many you believe it needs
Honorable mentions:
- Signalis; I know it's not an anime but it's anime adjacent and it's the best story I've ever played through, I don't even like horror games or gore at all that much but I will 100% this game and get all the endings, I wish I could talk about it more but spoiling ANYTHING about it feels wrong and making posts where half the words are censored just so fans get it isn't gonna work
- Pokemon; I loved the XYZ and B&W runs but I haven't watched it all and only remember catching it on TV
-Scott Pilgrim takes off, I watched the first few episodes, I don't particularly care for it, but it looks pretty good
Dishonorable mentions:
- Attack on Titan; I've had a run in with the series back when season 1 came out, back when I thought gore was cool, now I have negative interest in the series, I literally couldn't care less and I'm only putting it here to be fair
After the Witch from Mercury and Evangelion, I don't care for big robots as much as I used to.
Oh and I'm watching some more soon-ish gimme recommendations
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luffyvace · 8 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
No I don’t mind at all!! I’ve never been asked this question before and it’s really interesting so of course I’ll answer! <3
Btw this is anime only bc I only watch anime/read manga :)
1: Feitan
I love Feitan honestly bc he’s cool, hot, strong and just generally awesome. I love his personality and how fearless he is. He’s number one even though they’re were many before him because I’m crazy about him and he’s just generally my all time fav. He isn’t a “phase” I love him all the time think about him all the time..FOR YEARS.
2: Aizawa
I found out about him way before Feitan and was the original number one..BUT I don’t love him any less. He’s honestly just so cool and I thought he was as soon as I saw him. He has such a calm yet self assured and strong demeanor to him. I admire him in a sense, he has morals and sticks to them. He’s also once again, strong. He cares for his loved ones and manages to be cool and a green flag- not something all anime guys can do.
3: Izuku
Izuku is under Aizawa bc I literally started loving him directly after lol. I love him with all my heart. He’s just so determined and realistic/relatable in a sense. He strives for his goals and doesn’t give up. It’s admirable. He has such a kind heart and is a green flag. Tsu should honestly be up here bc she’s the first ever anime character I found out a about but I love izuku more- osusndkjnsjd-
4: Luffy
If I knew him for longer he would be higher. I got into one piece just recently but I still love him very much. He’s such a cool and silly guy he does no harm and is selfishly selfless. What an odd balance of getting what you want and bringing happiness. Essentially what he wants is for people (specifically his loved ones) to be happy and will stop at nothing to bring that to them. Truly only has good intent. Also who doesn’t like freedom and liberation?? This guy literally stands for that!! He stand for those who don’t have a voice and that’s so cool to me! I’m so proud of him in that sense. I also love his silly goofy vibe despite the worlds cruel ways. It’s refreshing and makes one piece a less depressing place since in a sense we’re pretty much seeing one piece from his prospective. If we saw things how zoro or law sees it, it may be a lot more realistic, a bit more drab and plain in sight. That’s my take on it anyway.
5: Katsuki
katsuki’s character development is top tier. (Spoiler) I’m not talking about him dying. I’m talking about how he went from telling Izuku to ky$ and mistreating him and others to viewing people as equals/something more than competition, apologizing and atoning for his mistakes. He did something even most grown men/women can’t do these days..smh. He even did it better than endeavor. 😂 I also like how strong he is and how much he believes in himself. It’s only a problem because of the way he expresses that but if he was simply confident I feel he’d have less haters.
6: Fyodor
honestly he just freakin cool dude! Like he’s a genius, he’s attractive and he’s got a cool/mysterious power. I like when anime characters are a different race in Japan, it just makes things more fun. I love him for his imperfections too. I saw someone talk about how (spoiler) Fyodor wouldn’t have died if he just trusted his friends/allies more. I like that about him too. It makes space for character development and realization if he lives.
7: Atsushi
I first started watch bsd a long time ago. I remember loving the first ep so much. I really like how atsushi met dazai- lol. It was all really unique and there was no overused troupes. New, fresh, stuff you wouldn’t expect. I mean unless it’s mc hating on themselves..but I didn’t dislike atsushi for it or anything. Idk why I just didn’t, I’ve loved him since he first appeared on screen. I’ve always thought he deserved better. He’s such a kind hearted character and his mental and physical strength developed well. He doesn’t have any love interests either! It makes me happy when it’s straight plot and no canon romance in anime. Honestly I just love how sincere and genuine Atsushi is.
8: Nikolai
At first I both liked and disliked him at the same time. But then again I kinda simped for him so I did research (fandom, and when he got animated) and now i love em. I really love silly characters with inner problems that they project onto different things (emotions; for Niko). It gives they’re character deeper meaning than just being a silly guy. Yeah that’s fun but it gives you more to think about this way. I think his design is very cute and fun! At first I did expect to have a higher pitched voice but as time went on I realized two things. One: his voice actually fit him and I only didn’t like it at first because it didn’t meet my imaginary standard. Two: he’s a grown man, and while it’s possible, especially with anime logic, it’s more realistic this way and I’m glad his voice isn’t high pitched now.
9: Portgas D Ace
now I absolutely love Ace and while I he’s my number 2 in one piece, over all anime’s he ranks a little lower but he’s def still up there. Again I’m still in the impel down arc so his backstory n stuff is coming up for me, so when I say he needs more screen time I mean besides that. He’s an attractive man who worked on himself from a young age to be polite and respectful, he’s very friendly as well. I love and respect all that about him. He’s another silly guy but in a different way. Idk I honestly just like him, idk how to explain it this time. He’s just cool!!
10: Saiki k
I didn’t know whether to put brook or tokito here. I would’ve gone with tokito because I’ve been watching kny longer but I feel I like him more? Saiki k is a really interesting anime. It’s a comedy anime in a regular and relatable setting but with a spin; superpowers. This gives the anime more chances for funny moments and comedy. With saiki’s attitude of wanting to be normal as well? Perfect! Saiki is honestly still relatable even with powers and is not a simp. Which I really like about him, He probably wouldn’t be on this list if he got with someone. In fact he avoids what could be love interests and that makes it even more funny. I’m glad he doesn’t give in and give us the traditional wife, babies and sunset ending. 🤦‍♀️
brook isn’t on the list but top 10 is NOT easy to choose..I also wanted to add tokito but again top ten is so limiting </3😔
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dijeh · 5 months
I got tagged in a fandom meme! I haven't done one of these in a lot of years, so thanks @endless-season
I'm putting my disappointing answers under the cut, so you can enjoy this photo of a snail instead and scroll along.
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3 ships you like: I'm... not the type to talk about that... They exist.
first ship ever: Oh man, no idea. Something from Greek mythology maybe? Or from one of those compulsory readings in middle school? Maybe earlier?
last song you heard: This. Also in French. It's apparently based on an actual love curse song and I can't stop listening to it.
favourite childhood book: Either a two-volume book on Greek mythology or the Mary Poppins series. I received the Greek mythology book when I was about 6 and it was the first "serious" book I managed to read all by myself (I'd only read some Bamse beforehand). I used to like the first volume, the one on gods, better than the second one which focused on the heroes, which I found sort of boring. I wanted to read about cool powers and the like, not guys doing things. I lent the books to a friend a few years ago and haven't seen them since, but I recently leafed through the volumes at another friend's house (every kid has them), and noticed my tastes have sort of reversed now.
As for Mary Poppins... I still remember that frustrating Midsummer Eve volume which created more mysteries instead of answering longstanding questions. Immortal Mary? ??? Also that Halloween chapter where I would mentally replace the park and lane with the park across the street and my own street. My mental image of the MP world was half whatever I read, half my own home. (I only watched the Disney movie much, much later and found it rather disappointing.)
currently reading: - A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. I had forgotten how verbose he is! I appreciate the irony/dry humour but there are so many unneeded passages. It's also quite quotable, in fact it contains my favourite quote ever that I learnt of before knowing the book.
Alamut by Vladimir Bartol. It's ok so far, I'm only ~70 pages in, so I can't draw a conclusion, but I can't say I'm awed or anything. I'd be tempted to blame the translation, but it might also be my expectations (cool assassin action yeah!) vs reality (newcomer learns about stuff in painstaking detail).
The House on the Borderland by W. H. Hodgson. Literally just started it, I'm looking forward to being spooked. I've only read two other things by Hodgson, The Voice in the Night, which I can't remember for the life of me, and The Night Land, which I read the only time I worked in an office and I still can't tell whether reading that book or working in an office was worse. I Very Much Dislike working in an office if you couldn't tell.
currently watching: The Last Kingdom. I quite like it, despite the biker vikings and the ridiculous premise that everything in (future) England worked thanks to 1 (one) guy™ and some REALLY unneeded character changes (historical power couple turned into lil bitch husband vs long suffering wife who fucks the protag of course). Can't talk yet about the writing quality after Netflix took over (started season 4), but I do appreciate the better costumes and accessories. People finally wear rings, necklaces, brooches, armbands etc! Wew. I do not appreciate the Middle Ages filter even though some colour does manage to make its way on screen from time to time. I also miss the battle tactics, but well, as long as the character interactions are nice...
currently consuming: Coffee in a coffee appropriate cup I randomly found in the kitchen. Where do all these cups even come from?
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currently craving: Infinite time to read what I want to read and enough money and warm sunny weather to travel. I miss Naples! My love 🥺
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My Top 10 Favorite Cartoons!
Number 10 Octonauts
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What attracted me to this show when I was ten was the lessons on animals since most shows for little kids are about shapes, numbers, letter, and other boring stuff. But not the Octonauts! They talk about two of my favorite things: science and animals. And sea creatures no less. When was the last time you’ve seen a show meant for young children that educated them on the ocean and everything in it? Maybe that one show on PBS with the Cat in the Hat? But I like Octonauts better. Just look at those designs. Absolutely adorable!
It’s simple, it’s cute, and it’s surprisingly interesting sometimes.
I used to be super embarrassed for watching a show meant for toddlers since I’m in my twenties, but then I found out that their are grown adults that enjoy wholesome shows too, like Paw Patrol and PJ Masks! It was a nice relief to know that I wasn’t the only one.
Number 9 Wander over Yonder
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This has got to be the sweetest show to every be put on Television. Most main characters have to be strong and cool and have an internal struggle to be impressing, but Wander doesn’t. He’s the cinnamon roll of all cinnamon rolls!
All he does is travel the universe with his bestie Sylvia (in a bubble!) and goes sightseeing. And if he happens to help people along the way, even better!
What gets me about this show is that Wonder’s optimistic and naivety doesn’t always lead to everything being hunky dory. Sometimes being nice gets him in trouble or makes even the simplest tasks harder than necessary. Heck, if Sylvia wasn’t there to have his back, his kindness would be a lot easier to take advantage of.
And I love that because it’s true that sometime being nice doesn’t feel as accomplishing as is should and can even backfire on us. But even though Wander’s experienced betrayal and hardships in his life, he still has enough hope in his heart to keep helping people.
Number 8 LEGO Ninjago
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I remember when this show came out all those years ago. Back when TV’s were these big, chunky machines and you had to prop them up on tables instead of mounting them on walls.
This show is full of so much creativity and lore. From the elemental powers, to Ninjago City’s history, to the characters, and even the ideas that were dropped, it’s no wonder why the show’s still going. It’s great watching Kai, Jay, Cole, and Zane make friends, battle enemies, learn life lessons, discover secrets about themselves, and go on the craziest adventures.
I ended up being too busy because of middle school after season 3 ended and missed out of the rest of it up until Sea Bound was announced. Thanks to the birthday specials LEGO did for Ninjago’s anniversary, I learned that the show was still running and on Netflix. So me and my sister binge watched the series from the start and we fell right back in love with it.
Number 7 Transformers Animated
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Out of all the Transformers series, this one is my personal favorite. Yes the other shows are pretty good too, but this one is different from all the other shows, comics, games, and movies. And I like different!
Optimus Prime has been depicted as a lot of things. A war hero that keeps his men’s spirits up with good humor and cheesy quips (G1). A powerful warrior who has become jaded after a millennia of war (Bay). A stoic leader and friend who won’t give up hope for a better future (Prime). But TFA Optimus isn’t any of that. If anything, he’s a little bit of everything but still his own thing.
And Optimus’s not the only one who’s different. Prowl is a nature loving ninja, Ratchet is a grouchy war veteran who cares about his team, Bulkhead is full of knowledge and creativity, and Bumblebee is the kid of the group with a lot to learn. The Decepticons are just as entertaining too with their own unique abilities and personalities.
All in all, there isn’t any other version of Transformers like this one and I wish more long time franchises would try something new from time to time.
Number 6 LEGO Monkie Kid
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Based on one of the four classic Chinese literatures, Monkie Kid is a wonderful adaptation of a four hundred year old book that’s had a crap ton of movies, shows, and even an upcoming video game inspired by it.
I’m very picky about shows and movies based on history, mythology, or folklore. I like it when it’s accurate, but understand when things have to be changed around. It’s why I’m not the biggest Disney’s Hercules fan since they got the mythology completely and utterly wrong.
But Monkie Kid is freaking amazing. The amination is so colorful and lively and exhilarating! MK, the Monkey King, and all of their friends are so much fun to watch and I love all of them. The story is wild and mystical, which is fitting since Chinese folklore makes little to no sense but is still entertaining as heck. Don’t believe me? Read the original Journey to the West novels and just try to make logical sense out of it. Like why the dragon stays a horse for 95% of the book when he can be a huge fire breathing dragon!
I used to bug my little sister to watch this show with me all the time. And her being the little sh*t that she is always said “no” just because she has this weird habit of turning me down. But I was finally able to tie her down and force her to watch the first season! And guess what? She liked it! All this talk about NoT bEiNg InTeReStEd and now she’s getting ready to go cosplay as MK for a convention!
Number 5 Gargoyles
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This has got to be Disney’s coolest show of all time. Disney usually sticks with cutey family friendly stuff like Duck Tales and Goof Troop, but they decided to take a risk and try to gain an older audience with Gargoyles. And they succeeded!
The show’s based on some of Shakespeare's books and has a good mix of fantasy and sci-fi. Especially when it takes places in 90′s New York. It also teaches a lot of mature life lessons like the importance of taking responsibility for your actions, the dangers of being stubborn and in denial, prejudice, gun safety, death, and so much more.
The characters are all lovable tropes of the 90′s, including the smart one (Lexington), the big eater (Broadway), the guy who wants to look cool but is actually a dork (Brooklyn), the dog (Bronx), the wise mentor (Hutson), the badass leader (goliath), and the girl of the group (Elisa). But their personalities and arcs are expanded on after the first few episodes. And the people they met also get a chance to shine in their own way and I appreciate that.
I’d recommend this to anyone who’s into Shakespeare or anyone who needs something to push their interest towards those kinds of stories.
Number 4 Arcane
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I’m not a gamer, so I have little to no information on League of Legends. I don’t know the characters, the landscapes, the items, the history, or the lore of this world. But you don’t need to be a LoL fan to watch Arcane.
The animation? Gorgeous. The music? Amazing. The action? Thrilling! The characters? Complex. The voice acting? Impressive. And the story in general? Captivating.
I like how this show demonstrates how everyone’s actions have consequences and that there’s more to people than meets the eyes. Humans (and whatever other creatures exist in this world) are complex being and the choices we make don’t just affect our own life, but the lives of others too. Seeing the domino effect of everyone’s actions is as entertaining as it is nerve wracking since no one knows what the end results will be until it’s too late.
Another thing I love about this show is that it’s a Netflix original so it’s translated in Spanish. I was able to watch Arcane with my parents and they loved it. It was so much fun watching their reactions to the action, the conflict, and the sisters’ relationship because the two of them are very vocal and expressive. When the season one finale ended with that jaw dropper of a cliffhanger, they were both waiting for me to put on the next episode. They were devastated when I told them that that was it and had to wait for season two.
Number 3 Final Space
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Like most animated series nowadays, Final Space is a mix of goofy, angsty, and lore heavy. But then, as the series progresses, the angst is doubled, if not tripled, and the side characters are given a chance to be fleshed out.
Everyone in the show has a story to tell. Gary, Mooncake, Avocato, Little Cato, Quinn, HUE, and everyone else have a past that ends with them being brought together to help each other reach their goals. Each with their own strength, weaknesses, and arcs to go through that make us love or hate them.
The first season is easily a fun space adventure with a few mysterious for us to look forward to and heart felt moments that have us sobbing. Then season two ups the stakes with the universe needing saving and more trauma for the characters to endure. And then there’s season three, which hits us in the feels in every episode and leaves us with an ending like no other.
If you're going to watch this show, then I’d advise you to prepare yourself emotionally.
Number 2 Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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If you haven’t guessed one of my guilty pleasures from my favorite Transformers shows, I like it when the usual formula is shaken up a bit.
The TMNT franchise has had dozens of shows, movies, comics, and video games dedicated to these guys. All of them about four mutant turtles in their teens being raised as ninjas by their rat father and using their skills to fight all kinds of evil lurking in New York City.
But Rise turns the sci-fi into fantasy and use that to give us something brand new. Not just rebooted, but reimagined! Each turtle is a different species, they have their own unique powers, they have different personalities from their previous incarnations, and the adventures they go on feel a lot more fun and sometimes grander than before.
And it’s not just the TMNT part that I love. The animation is jaw dropping. The voice acting is very fitting. The humor leaves me laughing every time. The action scenes are so fast and creative. The characters are likable and memorable. And the brotherly relationship of Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey are put front and center for us to gush over.
I know some people have a thing about changes, but if you give this show a chance, I swear you’ll love it.
Number 1 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart
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I have never related to a fictional character before, much less three, yet here they are in the form of a grumpy cat with big dreams, a cybernetic badger with a big imagination, and a chaotic bat with a big heart.
And if you’ve watched even one episode of the show and know what I mean when I say that I relate to them, then yes, you should be very concern for my mental health.
This show is truly a treasure. It has everything I love in a cartoon and more. It has fluff, angst, mystery, comedy, friendship, bromance, humor, hurt/comfort, sci-fi, fantasy, anthro animals, and the classic found family trope all rolled into one! What else is there to say other than this show is nothing less than amazing. The characters are charming, the world is interesting, the adventures are entertaining, the visual humor is hilarious, and the main trio have their own tragic backstories that make them easy to sympathize with.
Funny story: me and my little sister were watching it together and she started laughing her butt off when Badgerclops was complaining to Mao Mao and Adorabat about having too many chores. I was glad she was enjoying herself until it got to the part where Badgerclops was says something along the lines of “It’s always Badgerclops, fix the arocycle. Badgerclops, go get groceries. It’s overwhelming dude!” Then my b*tch of a sister turns to me with a sh*t eating grin and goes “Rose, do the dishes. Rose, clean the bathroom,” and laughed in my face!
It’s not my fault I live with a bunch of gluttons who can’t put their dirty dishes in the kitchen or wipe the bathroom sink after they splash water everywhere!
Wait a minute, why do a lot of of my favorite shows end in tragedy?! And I don’t mean the final episode or whatever, I mean the program as a whole! Final Space was canceled after giving us a depressing season three finale, Gargoyles had a terrible season three because Disney switched their writers with people who knew nothing about the show and had to wing it, Transformers Animated was cancelled when a season four was planned, ROTTMNT was “put on hold” for years until the movie came out with hopes of bringing it back, Wander over Yonder was going to have a season three with an ever bigger baddy but was shot down, and Mao Mao was promised a season two until a certain company that will burn in hell took that away from us!
Hopefully Ninjago, Arcane, Octonauts, and Monkie Kid aren’t hit with the same bad luck.
Just how many more amazing shows were screwed over and why are they always the ones I love?!
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dotspoetrycorner · 1 year
Rise of the Pink Ladies Cynthia X OC
Chapter 3: Summer Nights
Word Count (Accumulative): 1,895
“No seriously. Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” I found it really odd that Cynthia would come and save me. We haven’t even talked in years. “Yeah well… Hey, do you want come sit with us? You don’t have to if you don’t want-“  “Yes. I would. It’d probably be safer.” I knew that it would be safer, walking back to find my friends would be scary but also none of them would protect me. None of them even tried at Dot’s party. 
Cynthia and I walked over to a black car with the t-bird’s logo on it. She casually hopped in, sat on top of the back seat, and looked at me expecting me to do the same. This whole night has been full of things I couldn’t control: going out, being chased around a drive-in, but if there was one thing I was not going to do it was jump over a door into a strangers car, which looked to me incredibly messy, wearing a white skirt. After a moment, Cynthia leaned over and opened the car’s back door. I awkwardly stepped in and stood on the seat, fixing my skirt, before I sat down next to Cynthia. “Was that really necessary? It doesn’t have a top for a reason.” She said. “I’m wearing a skirt I can’t just jump into a car” “That’s ridiculous-“ 
“I’m Shy Guy” the boy next to Cynthia interrupted. Cynthia looked over at him like she had forgotten he was even there. “Oh. Yeah. Shy Guy, Ella, Ella, Shy Guy.” “Hi,It’s nice to meet you” I said smiling. “Hi” he replied, we all just looked at each other for a moment before he said “I’m gonna go get some snacks, you two want anything?” “I’m alright, but thank you” I replied. “Popcorn, chocolate bar, twizzlers, a coke, and a water” Cynthia listed off. Shy Guy simply nodded before walking away to the concession stand. “That’s quite a variety.” I wouldn’t have said anything if it hadn’t been for the coke and the water, it just struck me as odd. “Twizzlers and water are for you” She replied, still looking forward. 
I turned to her, “I said I didn’t want anything.” Still not Turning to look at my she said “I know you said that but you didn’t mean it, you just didn’t want to be an inconvenience to someone. And even if you didn’t want it you would never turn down a thing of twizzlers.” There was a moment of silence then she finally turned to me “Even after 6 years there are some things best friends don’t forget.”  
My friends now couldn’t tell me what my favorite candy is. They couldn’t even tell you what my favorite color is. Why did we ever stop being friends?
“Well, thank you.” We sat in silence for a while, staring at the screen before I finally spoke up. “You’re wearing a t-birds jacket, are you one of them now?” “Uh, no. Not yet. It’s Shy Guy’s” Cynthia replied. “Are you two going together?” I asked. She snorted, trying not to laugh, “No. I was cold and didn’t bring a jacket so he gave me his” “So he likes you and pretend not to notice?” “He doesn’t like me.” “He’s sitting with you at the drive-in” “We both just wanted to watch the movie” “No one goes to the drive-in to watch the movie. We are literally the only ones here watching the movie” “Maybe you and your people only care about gossiping or making out in the back of someones car but-“ 
I just remembered why we stopped being friends. “There it is” I said. “What?” She asked. “The reason we stopped being friends. You think that because I like dresses and makeup and want people to like me means I have no thoughts other than gossip and boys, and you’re so much better than me because you like cars.” Cynthia looked at me for a second before responding, “That is not what I said” “This is the same conversation we had 6 years ago. When Dot invited me to her first party-“ “You canceled our game night!” Cynthia yelled at me. “You could have come with me” I tried staying calm but I really just wanted to leave and find Dot and Rosemary. “They don’t like me!” I saw something in her break, “I don’t fit in with them. And I never would have.   I don’t get all the girl stuff.” “We were always so different. We weren’t good friends“ “We were best friends” she interrupted. 
“Ah man! The line was so long I missed half the movie!” We turned to see Shy Guy standing there, arms overflowing with treats, I then looked at the movie screen to see the credits rolling. I hopped out of the car to help Shy Guy so he wouldn’t drop all his stuff. Taking my water and twizzlers I said thank you to him and turned to Cynthia, “Thank you, again. I should probably go find my friends.” “Are you sure you’re gonna be ok?” She asked. “Yeah.” I answered, “I’ll see you around.” And I was off.
I knew I couldn’t ride home with Neil, so I found Susan and listened to her talk about her last ditch effort at a summer fling, which happened to be with Richie Valdovinos, and Dot seeing Jane and Buddy going all the way in his car during the movie. I didn’t really believe it but Dot wouldn’t lie so it must be true, not that it really mattered anyway.
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itsbowbi · 3 months
tagged by @penglue
Are you named after anyone?
A saint I think. Or my parents just liked the name and came up with that reason after.
When was the last time you cried?
I cry a lot I think I cried watching the new Godzilla movie because I'm easy and a sucker. Like CRIED cried? I think my birthday but it was actually a pretty great night.
Do you have kids?
Hell no.
What sports do you play?
None. Too busy and tired. Been thinking about finding a baseball league or something to play in because I miss it. I was a terrible hitter tho. I'm in better shape now and I learned about my fucked up eyeballs so maybe I'd be better.
Do you use sarcasm?
I don't think so. I have a very cynical sense of humor but sarcasm to me just comes off as being mean. Pretty sure I avoid it almost always.
What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
Looks? I mean literally first thing I notice is what they look like. And yeah I usually decide if I think they're hot right then but that doesn't change much about how I treat them. Otherwise just general vibes I guess. Sense of humor, manners, etc. Ooh I guess I really notice if someone is being at all superior or condescending. I fucking hate that immediately.
Eye colour?
Baby blues.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I like both, but I definitely watch horror movies more often. I think it's funny when movies get the super happy ending like Wayne's World, which seems to be happening more and more often in the movies I watch. I do think I've been avoiding dramas because they can be draining to watch and I don't feel like putting myself through that sitting here alone in my room. And bad horror movies are easily the best thing to watch with friends.
Any talents?
I'm very good at guessing people's middle name. Also I have insane memory when it comes to movies. You can name like one small detail about a movie you can't quite remember and I can probably name it. Good at trivia too.
Where were you born?
Bay Area. Zero memory of California since we left when I was a baby.
Uuggghhh this is where I really start to feel like a nolife degen. Video games mostly. I'm decent at overwatch. Have a quitar but haven't had the energy or motivation to practice in a while. I really want to pick it up again. Just got an iPad with the stylus so that's been fun getting back into art. People say I can draw good so that's cool. Also I technically got my first commission since my buddy gave me $10 to recreate a doodle I made for him at work in a full piece because he loves it so much. Gotta get around to that soon.
Any pets?
My leopard gecko Heybaby! I love her. Also my mom has 2 cats that I still consider mine and I love visiting them. Yoyo and Mimi.
Favourite school subject?
I guess history. I think history has better stories in it than any fiction so I love reading about it and listening to audiobooks and podcasts. Chose that as my major in college since I didn't know what to do with my life and it was the one subject I was able to tolerate. That was a very bad decision and I honestly should've never gone to college or just gone to a community college while I figured out what to actually do. Still waiting on that last part.
Dream job?
I really don't have a realistic one. I have hated every job I've ever had and any work that was assigned to me in school or therapy or whatever instantly made me hate it. I have crazy fantasies about what I could still do with my life but most of them involve doing little to no actual work. Like being a streamer. But I guess I'll go with what I would've said 20 years ago and say baseball player or rock star.
GET TAGGED @conkedcrete @spylarman (or don't sorry to bother u)
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lightofthemoonglow · 2 years
burning with the hope of insight
summary: Sam visits Stu in prison, in hopes of learning about her biological father and maybe even a bit about herself.
notes: takes place after Scream 6 but has no spoilers. past Billy/Stu. this is the first thing i have written in months
It’s kind of like in the movies. 
These days, that usually isn’t a comforting thought, but it kind of is right now. It helps her know what to expect. Sam moves through the process of visiting a federal prison with ease, able to just remove herself from the whole thing until she’s being led into the visitor’s room. It’s going to be her on one side of the glass and Stu Macher on the other, cuffed to a chair with guards that are going to shut anything violent or weird down before it even gets a chance to start. She’s got a list of questions, handwritten on an index card, because her phone was going to be kept up front until it was time for her leave. 
A part of her wonders why she’s even doing this. It’s not going to change anything. At the end of this visit, she’s still going to be the same person. The woman who doesn’t talk to her mother, with a dead biological father and a legal dad that hasn’t spoken to her in over a decade. He still talks to Tara sometimes, but never to her. Not even when her sister asks if he wants to. Sam gets it, kind of. She’s felt like she doesn’t want to be around herself a lot.  
All she had done was mention the mere idea to Gale a few weeks ago while they had been getting coffee. They all try to meet every now and then. Gale herself had said that she’s made friends with people who have punched her before, she can do it again. Which is what they are now, Sam supposes. Friends. Why else would Gale call in favors, pull some strings, so Sam could see the only person on earth who would say anything nice about Billy Loomis. 
Hank Loomis, who doesn’t feel like her grandfather even though he technically is, doesn’t speak to her either. He sends a check directly to her every month, that’s it. Sam doesn’t want to talk to him anyway. A part of her wishes he had kept it in his pants, because none of this would have happened. Maybe she wouldn’t exist and in her darker moments, she wonders if that would be worth all those lives being spared. Though even if he did want to talk to her, she can’t imagine he would have anything nice to say about his son. 
But Stu apparently remains loyal to his best friend, despite being the only Ghostface to face consequences. Billy gets to be immortalized and even though that’s way sick, it’s still probably better than being left to languish in a jail cell, forgotten to the point where people aren’t even sure if he’s dead or alive. And that is what a murderer like him deserves, no question. After today, Sam hopes she never sees him again and he will once more be forgotten by even the people who are still suffering because of choices he had made before Sam was even born. 
Recently, the desire to know about her father, about herself, won over than the desire to let him suffer in obscurity. All Sam knows is what she’s read and watched. No one talks about Billy the person, they talk about Billy the murderer, Billy the monster. She only knows one thing, her mom had let it slip a couple times and the first time, she hadn’t even been sure what she had meant. 
The first time, she had been ten or so. Tara had still been a little kid, so it had to have been around then. Mom had been day drinking, though Sam had only realized that years later. Sam had come in from playing with some other kids outside, having stormed away from people that would no longer be her friends in a few years. She had been upset over something she can’t remember now. As she had stomped up to the fridge to grab a popsicle, straining her little arms to reach the freezer, brows furrowed in anger, Mom had suddenly spoken. 
You have your father’s eyes. 
But the man she had called Dad didn’t have brown eyes. At the time, Sam had just shrugged it off, thinking her mom was just being weird, which had been the word for drunk until she had figured out what that was. 
The second and last time she had ever heard anything about Billy Loomis the person, Sam had been 17 and her mom had picked her up from the sheriff’s station after she’d been picked up for loitering and public intoxication, and not for the first time. Sam had still been high, drunk, and just fucking angry at having to keep so much locked up. They had wound up fighting in the car, downright screaming at each other. Sam had been tempted to smack her mom across her stupid, smug face because mom had been acting like she hadn’t fucked a murderer. But her mom’s words after a brief silence broke something in her. 
As they had waited at a red light, Mom had said that she had her father’s eyes. But it had been an accusation this time, instead of a resigned fact. It was like she was saying that eventually she would wind up like him.
Sam had nearly grabbed the keys so she could cut them out. 
Instead, she had waited the remaining months until she turned 18 and then left town, refusing to return until she had been yanked back. 
And now Sam is watching Stu Macher being led to the chair on the other side of the glass. 
“You look like your mom. I think. I don’t really remember her.”
Stu’s face is covered in old scars, from the TV’s glass. It had nearly killed him and Sam wonders if he hates Halloween now, because that would have been one of the last things he saw before the TV had come down on him. It had been the last thing he’d seen as a free man. 
“I don’t want to talk about her.” Therapy, venting to…. certain people and just in her own head, Sam has talked enough about her mom for a lifetime. And she’s familiar with her mom as a person, she has to live with the consequences of that every day. “I want to talk about…Billy.” It had almost slipped off her tongue.  I want to talk about my dad.
“He was my best friend. We met when we were kids, before I can really remember. Billy was just always there. We did everything together. I loved the guy.” Which is a given, but it’s still confirmation, another piece of the puzzle falling into place. Their friendship isn’t really talked about in any of the books or documentaries, they barely have any scenes together in Stab. Which is fine, because they don’t need anything more for their weird fans to grasp onto. “He came over to my place a lot. His dad was always away for work and his mom was kind of weird. She hovered all the time, even when we started high school.” Sam feels a twinge in her stomach, Tara’s anger over her smothering ringing in her mind. It’s not the same, you’re not the same, she tells herself.
“So, it was a surprise when she left?” It’s the second question on her list, he already answered the first one. That part is also something that’s glossed over, everyone is far more focused on Nancy Loomis after she had left, with only vague statements about her seeming to be a good mother coming out in the aftermath. 
“No way. Even after we found out why she left, it didn’t make sense. It really fucked Billy up. He just stayed in his room for days after it hit him she was gone, listening to the same tape over and over again. He wouldn’t even let me in for a while.” Stu still sounds hurt about being shut out, his eyes losing focus for a moment, as if he’s taken back to a different time.
“What tape was it?”  It’s not on the cards, but she has to know. Maybe it would help complete the picture despite how meaningless it seems.
“That Nine Inch Nails album with Closer on it. He fucking loved that song.” The guard grunts in warning and Stu finally turns around, telling him to come on and loosen up, it’s just one f-bomb. Sam is more focused on that one bit of common ground, remembering how her old iPod had more than a few NIN songs on it. The Hand That Feeds had been part of the soundtrack to her own downward spiral. 
“Was he as much of an asshole as the movie makes him out to be?” Sam reads from the card once again, forcing herself to keep her voice steady. 
“Not to me. At least not until…you know. But he was pretty cool most of the time.” Stu smiles, clearly thinking about better days. “He knew how to talk to people. People like him. I remember that there were these girls flirting with him the day after he’d been picked up by the cops. He was…it was hard to care about things when he was around.” Billy’s charisma has been well documented, it’s one of the few things most people agree on, but it’s still weird to see someone clearly still affected by it. 
Sam has a short list of less pointed questions after that, a suggestion from Gale, so she could lure him into a false sense of security. She learns that Billy was not much of a school guy, only really trying in English and certain electives, not even bothering to care about math and science. He didn’t have many career ambitions; he had said he’d figure it out when they got to college. His favorite fast food was pizza, he was a beer drinker, though he wasn’t picky about the beer. Typical for a high school boy, she thinks, because he didn’t live long enough to become picky. His favorite color was blue, another thing that she has in common with him. She picks off some of her nail polish at that revelation, though the polish could have flaked off because it’s cheap.
“He had a jacket a lot like yours.” Stu cuts off her next question, the words tumble out of his mouth like he’s just realized it. “I remember ‘cause I was there when he brought it.” Sam looks down at her blue jacket, something she’d found at a thrift store back when she’d first moved to Modesto. Considering Billy had his own cell phone in 1996, he’d probably gotten his brand new and it probably would be considered expensive even by today’s standards. 
“Did you know about my mom?” Instead of saying anything about her jacket, the question just flies out of her mouth as she drops her list of questions. Her heart is pounding, her mouth is dry, Sam can feel that rush of anxiety start to flood in as she waits for an answer. 
“Not her specifically. I knew that Billy was cheating on Sidney, because we were screwing.” So, the rumors are true, she thinks, but that’s not what matters. She had kind of suspected it, because of how Stu talks about Billy. It’s like he’s still in love with him and maybe he is. If her mom is any indication, Billy had a way of getting under someone’s skin and never getting out. “And I kind of suspected that there were other girls. I remember your mom, now that I think about it. She was kind of always watching him, staring when she thought no one was looking. I just thought she had a thing for him.” Stu frowns, that cheery façade breaking for a moment. “But Billy was good at keeping secrets from me.” And that hurts him the most, Sam realizes, and it reminds her of when she’d finally told Tara the source of their family’s now extensive problems. Stu had claimed he hadn’t known Billy’s motive until the now standard Ghostface monologue, which seems to be true.  
“Billy kept secrets from a lot of people,” Sam mumbles, unable to stop herself. Her mom hadn’t even been his biggest secret, she had probably been a speck in his life, while he’d been the center of hers. He probably wouldn’t have claimed her, 
The guard reminds them that their time is almost up, and Sam chooses her final question. It feels silly, but she still asks. 
“Did he actually like scary movies?”
“He loved ‘em. All of them. Even the shitty ones.” 
“What was his favorite?”
“…I don’t remember.” And it troubles Stu, she can see it all over his face. It’s an odd feeling, forgetting something that had been so important once upon a time. It’s like losing that person all over again, every time you forget something about them.  
“In the movie, it was Psycho” She can still hear Luke Wilson saying that he’s like Norman Bates. A boy’s best friend is his mother, and Sidney had taken his best friend. It had been cheesy, clunky, but maybe that’s how it had been in real life. 
The guard comes forward to take Stu back to his cell. As Stu gets up, he turns to face Sam one last time. 
“You have his eyes, y’know.” 
In response, she just nods, awkwardly waving as he walks away, not sure what to do with her hands. Leaving is much easier than arriving, she’s outside within minutes. For a little while, she just stands by the entrance, thinking about everything that she’s learned. 
In a way, she understands Billy. Abandoned, angry, feeling so alone in the world that you can’t even tell the person you’re closest to about anything you’re feeling. She had been the same age when the anger had started creeping into her bones, given her violent thoughts. Sam thinks about how at one point they both had sat in the back of a classroom, probably wearing near-identical outfits, with something simmering in their blood as they thought about how stupid and pointless everything going on around them was. But she’d turned it all inward, she had wanted to stab out her own eyes not her mom’s or anyone else’s. And now, she’s working on that part, so no one can get hurt. Not even herself
There’s one last question that she didn’t get to ask, but she doesn’t need to. The answer to do you think I'm anything like him doesn’t matter because whatever runs in their bloodline, it’s not going to do to her what it did to Billy. She’s making her own choices, just like he had. 
Sam steps into the sunlight, a little smile on her face as she moves forward.  
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deadpool1763492 · 2 years
Happy 20th birthday to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003!
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I remember around 15 years ago, when I was at the ripe age of 5-6 years old, someone gave me a TMNT DVD for my birthday. I wasn't exactly into action shows like that at the time and pretty much hated it, but my mom told me to give it a chance and put it on for my anyway. It was this show that made me realize just how much I love superheroes.
TMNT 2003 is something special. It's the most loyal show to the original Mirage comics, for one, with literal episodes taken directly from the pages themselves. Even the first lines of the show are from the first issue! Who can ever forget Leonardo's iconic line: "He's wrong. We're not wearing costumes." I still get shivers hearing the delivery of those sentences to this day.
And let's not forget that it was this iteration that basically confirmed the TMNT multiverse in dare I say the greatest turtle movie ever released yet: Turtles Forever. Because of that movie, we know that every past iteration and future iteration is connected to one another, and, whenever one version of the story ends, we have the hope in our hearts that it might not actually be the last we'll see of those specific turtles, whether it be in future references, actual crossovers, or something else entirely.
And, of course, we can't forget that this was the first cartoon version of the turtles that apparently swore, albeit it only in some of the few comic issues of the show ever released.
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Who doesn't love that? If you're a fan of 2003, by the way, you should definitely check out the comics they released of it. If not all of them, just check out issue #5. It's become one of my favorite comic books ever (of all time) just because of how absolutely raw it is. The comics really did not hold back at all.
Which, by the way, is true for the show, too! Who could ever forget iconic episodes like Same As It Never Was, which ended up literally scarring us as kids by showing a fascist, apocalyptic future that was supposedly indirectly Donatello's doing, where we had to watch three of our turtle boys literally die? I can never forget, at least. That episode gave me nightmares for a bit when I was a kid. Did I still end up watching it? Of course! I needed to see how the Shredder ended up getting defeated!
I could go on and on about this series (and I have, if you're someone I know in real life and are a victim of my ramblings of it), but I'll cut this short here for all of your sakes. I'll just end it with this: thank you, Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird— and 4Kids Entertainment—for giving us a show that would stick with me for so long. I don't know where I'd be without the teenage mutant ninja turtles. It's literally the show that became my gateway to Marvel! So, instead of arguing about which version is better than which, let's take today to celebrate these idiot turtle boys for what they are: an amazing, creative story that brings us all together with one universal truth: Things Change, but that may not always be a bad thing.
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Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day!
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minimooberry · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 (girl idk that many 😭) Mutuals
thanks @druidberries​ for tagging me!!!
Are you named after anyone?
i feel like this is the dumbest thing ever bc like technically I’m named after my mom, or at least inspired by it, but we have very different names I just have the tamil version and she has the hindi version. My name means sweet melody and hers means melody. The reason I think it’s funny is because when my parents were getting married my dad asked his old teacher to come to it and upon hearing my mom’s name the first thing he says is ‘Oh her name’s Hindi so you should name your daughter the Tamil version.’ and here I am 😭😭
When was the last time you cried?
I literally have no idea probably like two weeks ago though I always got some shit going on lmao
Do you have kids?
absolutely not I’m in high school 😭 I’m still kind of on the fence of if I want them but if I do decide to have them I want a twin boy and girl and then I’m done pjasdhad
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
life is better when you’re sarcastic
What sports do you play/have you played?
I’ve danced for like, ten-ish years but other than like, badminton (and literally who is bad at badminton) I hate doing sports mnskjdksj
What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Appearence wise I notice their eyes first, I don’t know if it’s because I draw a lot or wtv but I love looking at people’s eyes I’ve never met anyone without beautiful eyes. Aside from that I notice if they’re like?? comfortable talking to me because I hate the feeling of someone not wanting to talk to me I’d rather just back off first aksdjlasdj
Eye colour?
It’s the most boring colour of brown like it’s not even a cool type of brown it’s just. Desaturated brown 🙄
Scary movies or happy endings?
Horror movies with happy endings 🔛🔝🤭🤭 I watched this korean horror movie and they switched the ending from good to bad in the last five minutes and I hated everything about that decision tbh I’m a hurt/comfort girly till the day i die
Any special talents?
I don’t knowwww I don’t pay attention that but I am incredibly skilled at losing everything I put down ngl
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
the sims (obviously), drawing, writing, reading, I like knitting a normal amount, literally anything to do with biology, true crime, failing at playing horror games w/ my friends, andddd I think that’s it? I’ve been getting into blender recently tho!
Do you have any pets?
girl i WISH 😭 i’ve been asking my parents since literally before I can remember and their answer is always ‘we already have three dogs at home’ like bae it’s been over a decade pls get a new comeback 😒😒
How tall are you?
6 feet tall 🥱🥱
Fave subject in school?
i love Science when I actually understand it I’ve always been into it which is why I’m going into medicine after I graduate like women in STEM core is going so hard
Dream job?
UMMM I’ve always wanted to be in medicine(well, ever since I made the decision when I was 7) but I’ve kind of jumped in between a few paths. Like I wanted to be a midwife, then I wanted to be a neo-natal nurse (still debating this one tbh it’s mad interesting) and I also want to be an anesthesiologist bc it’s cool and they make bank but either way I have to take the same courses all the same so it’s fine
also don’t know if any of yall have done this so just ignore this if u have and spare me the shame 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️: @strangecowplant​ @crsentfairy​ @afrolotus​ @finnsim​ @sierraelil​ @simsyworld​ @shadezovgray​ @d4isy-nukes​ @buttertrait​ @izharza​ @helltrait​ @baersims @bnt0 @alt-simz @nooboosim
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bereft-of-frogs · 5 months
friday! and a nice friday too, the sun is out and everything!
(finished) This Wretched Valley - Jenny Kiefer: I maintain this would have been better/scarier if they had been good at their jobs lol, like I said last week. Like imagine how scarier if you're doing everything right and still can't escape and slowly realize there's some*thing* keeping you in the wilderness? Personal preference.
(finished) (phone book) Into the Dark - Claudia Gray: You know, I didn't love this one as much as I did on the first pass a couple years ago. A weird opinion shift: I really don't like Cohmac haha. I remember liking him before and this time I'm like...no you can't have custody of Reath, I don't like you. Ok, that's...not the most mature book critique but still. I wish either Jora hadn't died or Dez or Orla had taken custody of Reath :( But it does make me consider giving Midnight Horizon a second chance, because my opinions shifted so much, maybe the opposite will happen with that one. Or maybe I'll just be able to further justify my Cohmac dislike.
(in-progress) (phone book) The Rising Storm - Cavan Scott: Bell is back! I missed Bell and Ember. Not too far in yet but at least I am back on track. I feel like this is where things start getting sadder which makes me happy (sorry Bell) :)
(in-progress) The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien: I'm like 30 pages from the end lol, I only read this while I have my morning coffee, just to explain why it's taken me like three weeks to read a 250 page children's book.
(finished) Anthracite (Netflix): What an insane amount of subplots for 6 EPISODES?? Either Netflix needed to greenlight like...4x as many episodes or once they got their budget the writers needed to cut like half the subplots and tighten up focus. I'm still honestly reeling. It did do a good job getting you to care about the main characters despite all the insane plot stuff. Also this was weird: like 90% of it was really well shot, and then randomly there would be a scene that looked like it was shot by someone in high school. I don't know if they had to go back in for reshoots or what but occasionally it was like oof that's not good.
(finished) Baby Reindeer (Netflix): Everyone was talking about this so I had to check it out. It's very intense. Is it bad I found the comedy shows were the hardest scenes to watch, despite everything else?
(in-progress) Under the Bridge (Hulu): Seems like sort of a standard mystery but I'm really just here for Riley Keough and Lily Gladstone and the moody vibes and so far am satisfied.
(in-progress) Constellation (AppleTV+): Nice little bit of unreality/space horror so far. I actually got got by a couple scenes, I'm so desensitized to horror that it's nice when I actually get creeped out by something (the ARM in the second episode!!). Looking forward to seeing where this is going, judging by the first two episodes, seems like my pet conspiracy theory (the Lost Cosmonaut theory) is getting a high budget AppleTV adaptation, never thought I'd see the day. Also I got kind of hyped about the Canadarm cameo in the first episode. The shot panned over the space station and I out loud shouted 'it's the Canadarm!', startling the cat
The Apology (2022): Apparently this was the only movie I watched this week, it was ok, mostly just background noise for making lunch/writing. I wish it had leaned more comedic, which is not something I usually say but I think it would have fit if they'd committed to making a really dark horror-comedy rather than flipping between predictable melodrama and some pretty funny catharsis.
craft update: I am free of the tyranny of having to purl! I joined up the two sides of my sweater so I'm knitting in the round now yay! It turned out I didn't have a problem with needle size, the whole thing did fit on one circular needle so now we're cooking with gas.
to do:
finish the work day. ick. but depending on how long it takes me to get through actual work, I can probably get some writing done too
laundry, both clothes laundry on my lunch hour (now) and sheets/towels at my parents'
I'm through 8 out of 12 chapters of current wip! Unfortunately chapter 9 is SO action-focused. why did I do this to myself. I mean I know why because then chapter 10 gets to be angsty but damn I have to block out so many action scenes. why.
I ordered a filing cabinet. it arrived. most of the negative reviews were about how hard it was to put together. so I should put 'assemble filing cabinet' on this list but I think 'let filing cabinet percolate' is a more realistic entry
I might go to a local yarn store on my way up to my parents' tomorrow, because it's local yarn store day and I do not need any more stitch markers but BUT I want more stitch markers. don't @ me I know I have plenty of stitch markers.
pick a new book: I'm torn between giving Kill Show another shot, starting the other book I have checked out of the library (The Deep Sky) or a secret third thing
have a good weekend everyone!
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