#i will be documenting my journey on tumblr lol
letusrollon · 1 year
Beginning to make my way through Sidney Crosby's NHL career so far. Going to be watching all Penguins games starting from his debut. Whatever game footage I can find anyway (if anyone knows where I can watch the first game Penguins v Devils Oct 5/2005 in full...please do let me know! Can't find it on YouTube so far).
I'd like to begin by saying...I, for no particular reason, just love that Christina Aguilera sang the anthem during Sid's debut game. It just gives me joy 😄
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ethanwylan · 1 year
writeblr intro!!!!!
hello hello hello!
welcome to my new writeblr!
i am not new to tumblr, i’ve been a user for many years but have never fully ventured into the creative/writer spaces of this platform. but i decided that now is the time to put my silly words out there!
my name is ethan, im a 19 year old english major and former freelance writer. i am queer and trans and would love to follow more queer writers!
- currently, i am trying to get back into writing (specifically fiction) because i am not very well practiced right now
- AND (!!!!) i recently began brainstorming what might become my very first novel! i am in the very very very beginning stages but yeah! i wanted to make this blog so i could document the plotting/drafting process of my first major project!
- the idea is very rough right now, but basically its gonna be a speculative fiction/fantasy about witches and magic and haunted mansions and talking to ghosts and such! its very very much in the ideas stage so nothing set in stone, but i think if i share updates and stuff on here i can hold myself accountable and find motivation to begin writing this book for nanowrimo! (thats my goal)
- i mainly write poetic prose and personal essays and such these days, though like i said im looking to get into writing fiction: fantasy/mystery/magical realism/romance…. just all kinds of magical and beautiful fiction! i have experience in technical writing as well tho so yeah lol
- as i work on plotting this idea, i also want to use all those lovely prompts that are so abundant on tumblr to practice my fictional prose and just writing overall.
- i will most likely be posting some bits of my brainstorming/drafting process as well as any random stuff that i write to practice. so if you want to see anything like that, follow me!
i am totally down to hear all about your current WIPs and would love to build a silly little community of creative people!
if you’re a writeblr, i will follow back! i really want this blog to be a space for all things writing, and i hope you will join me on my journey :)
until next time,
- eeefhan (092423)
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tinybed · 7 months
i rly wanted to vent about this because its getting on my nerves -_- tumblr is where i vent bc there’s no character limit. Ok so i just find it rly annoying how nothing is ever good enough for anyone online. thats a generality ofc and it’s been like this forever but i cant take it anymore! someone posts a poem that they made from the heart and everyone jumps on them saying i hate it Booooo!!! this is a bad poem and you wrote it too simply so its obvious you’re just trying to go viral!!
or someone else makes a tweet that sounds kind of flowery and “Cringey” and everyone’s like “wow you’re so pretentious” and “You rly thought you said something” and then you read the person’s replies and they admit it was actually just a real thought they had and posted offhandedly… not a big deal.
a youtuber who’s been documenting her journey from homelessness to having an apartment while maintaining sobriety introduces their bf who they admit their sponsor knows about, and says they’ve taken it rly slow, and then all of the comments are freaking tf out, mothering her, telling her either what she “needs to do” instead or accusing her of “lying” and denouncing her completely…
an old guy makes a video about something where he has to read from the script he wrote and top comment is “next time put the teleprompter 6 inches up so it at least looks like you’re speaking to us!”
those are just some examples but its sooooo fucking tiring seeing ppls cynicism, criticism, bad faith takes, entitlement, dogpiling, etc.
of course this is something i could avoid by simply putting my phone down forever. but im not going to do that LOL im just noticing it almost seems like its getting worse. i just dont like it and i wish ppl would give other ppl more grace…. we’re lucky when ppl share with us. we are lucky that ppl take the time to make art and “content” thats meant to connect to us and it bothers me a lot how unwilling people are to ignore something we dont like personally. not every poem can appeal to you. not every post can appeal to you. sometimes an old man isnt thinking about looking a camera in the eye to make you feel like he’s talking directly to you? so yeah i guess thats what i wanted to say :-/ if this seems like im freaking out about nothing then thats fine idc
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toteallychloe · 2 months
Hi Studyblr!
I wanted to update you all on my life as it's been a minute since I've posted.
First thing: I graduated !!
I have a BFA now which is insane wtf!! I'm so proud I actually made it cause my college journey was so all over the place in the first half.
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Second thing: Since I graduated, I have no more notes to share.
So as an alternative, I'm turning this into a personal blog. I'm going to change the name of this Tumblr and just document my daily life and if I keep up with bujo stuff I'll post it here too. But academic-related things won't be a thing on here anymore unless I go back to school for something new (which prob won't happen in this economy LOL)
I hope you guys will continue to support me regardless of this change and I will continue to reblog cool bujo and notes I come across since my love for studyblr is still there.
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malimaywrite · 1 year
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about me ✩
hello, hello my name is malika (she/her & an adult). a caregiver and aspiring author. i'm back on tumblr after a decade away (and a few years of burnout) to carve out a tiny, quiet corner here to document my writing journey and follow along with others' own journeys too.
my writing ✩
high fantasy (for teens & adults) remains my first love and i adore the kind that dips its toes into other genres as well (from epic fantasies with just a hint of romance to full blown mysteries that just so happen to take place in a fantastical setting). you're sure to find elements like morally gray characters on all sides of the conflict, enemies-to-[insert anything tbh], twists on classic fantasy tropes, friends-to-lovers, characters fighting like hell for their happy ending (or just a bittersweet one), friends-to-enemies, angsty angst, and analysis on the corruption of power and the pursuit of it in different forms all up in my work at different points as those are the things i love to read about too. i have completed manuscripts and have even queried two of them in the past (ages ago lol). i am currently in the trenches midst of a rewrite for a ya fantasy that i will be pursuing traditional publication with.
misc. interests ✩
i have an intense unfulfilled wanderlust lol and will have pictures of travels to share one day. i looove movies (films, ~the cinema lol) and will ramble at length about them given any chance (started a youtube channel to do so and to eventually discuss books & vlog my writing journey there as well). i will be very annoying during oscar season lol. i am a top chef & masterchef connoisseur despite occasionally burning premade bagels. hozier should be in the acknowledgments of everything i write. i am very much into interactive fiction (which is part of why i came back to tumblr). my favorites rn are wayfarer, infamous, when twilight strikes, and fields of asphodel. i have not been able to completely shake off my years-long kpop appreciation (taemin, nct 127, shinee, twice, nct dream, exo, bts). and i spend too much time on youtube in general (creators i watch the most: author liselle sambury, author lindsay puckett, withcindy, kennie jd, princess weekes, danny gonzalez, redacted audio, toonrifictariq, and j aubrey)
links ✩
about me | writings | youtube (movie talks on hiatus for sag/aftra strike)
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hibernatinglikeabear · 2 months
Day One (01) of thought dumping.
Today, just every other weekend that I have, I spent all day rotting in bed- doom scrolling. However, I always go back to watching videos on YouTube on how to earn money via side hustles. Why though? "Cause money is great!" /insert that Wired Emily Rudd clip.
Anyways, no, but an actual good quote that I heard today regarding money is that "Money buys you freedom", and that's so accurate. I want the freedom that money gives you.
Watching those 'how to earn six-figures via internet' videos, they always start with these questions "what are your skills, do you have hobbies, interests? why not start monetizing those."
However, that circles back to needing money. You want to learn and upskill? You probably have to pay for courses. You want hobbies? Yeah that also needs money... these are what I kept saying, when I compare myself to other people that I see on social media, "Because I do not have the money to invest in myself and upskill, I'm not interesting enough, I'm not artistic enough and I'm not smart enough. Which also means I have nothing to monetize in order to find my own side hustle niche."
What an excuse. Clearly, those are just excuses that I tell myself in order to get away from actually starting. There are ways around upskilling and making your life more interesting using basic internet connection.
All I have to do is start, but why is that so difficult.
But this is why this is here!
Well, I call it the "Adding Character Depth Project".
Correct, character depth, I believe that my life is not interesting like others who have the money to spend outside, my personality is also not that unique and I don't think I have any out of this world talent, magic, strength or brains. In short, if I am a character in a novel, my life story and personality doesn't have that flare that makes them really interesting. The maximum role I'll get is that one liner character.
But if character building and character development exist in novels, why can't it be done in real life??? There's no way this is it. The other side of myself can't believe this is my maximum potential, I'm not satisfied with this version of myself. There has to be more.
So how can I add character depth to myself? Since this is not research based, let's start with what I find interesting that other people do or the people that I aspire to be do:
Journaling. This is what this tumblr is all about. Thought dump and progress dump. (With my personality of referencing what other people do, I wanted to make an official website for a blog but that's too time consuming and I'll end up stopping before I even started writing. So good old tumblr it is.)
Reading. I like reading actually but need to diversify. But for the past years I got hooked on fluffy romantic mlm and wlw books and I haven't able to explore beyond that genre anymore. I would like to read books that would make me think, that would intrigue me, that would make me feel like life is really interesting.
Pursuing art at 20s. I saw videos like PewDiePie where he started documenting his art journey by drawing everyday for 100 days(?) and it looks promising. As much as possible what I actually find interesting in drawing is world building, I want to draw the world or scenery that is usually being describe in the books that I've read. I don't really know how to start that one though.
Films. The people that I find to have interesting takes on life and unique personalities are usually people who dabble on films and photography. I want to start on expanding my knowledge and "uniqueness" (lol) by watching more films with good writing, good plot, good acting, good music and not my comfort variety shows.
Actually upskilling. The internet have so much to offer I'm pretty sure I can upskill on YouTube and find ways to earn money with that. Though this is quite a goal on it's own.
I'm pretty sure there are more to add but my brain can't think of any. Anyways, there are more details to add in every single one of these projects or hobbies, but I think it's better to discuss them separately.
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adventuretolkienlover · 9 months
For the WIP Ask Game:
🦈 Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s)
🌍 What tags or warnings will your / one of your wip(s) need if you intend to share it?
🍄 Decriscribe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”  
💾 What is your document of your wip/ a wip called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
🖍 Post Any sentence from your wip
♻️ A scrapped idea for your current WIP
🛠 Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
❤️ Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
Oh boy! Thank Portal! So many fun questions! Let's see if I can say anything coherently while answering this.🤣
🦈 Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s): Well, the one I'm working on now is called The Journey's Just Begun. And it's a fan sequel to a Vat7k discontinued roleplay I loved. I was sad to see it end. So here we are!
🌍 What tags or warnings will your / one of your wip(s) need if you intend to share it?: My stuff not usually gory or scary. But there is a battle scene coming soon that will probably need warnings like tw: blood or tw: violence. Stuff like that. :3
🍄 Decriscribe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___” : Oh boy. Lol. Okay, it's Traumatized Boy + Traumatized Fam = ADVENTURE AND FLUFF! Yay! :D I probably did this wrong. Oh well!
💾 What is your document of your wip/ a wip called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as): Uuuuuuuh. Yeah, I kinda don't have anything saved on a file.... I just write in Tumblr drafts then post. I know. I'm crazy.
🖍️ Post Any sentence from your wip: Okie dokie!
Somehow, even though the notion seemed wild, hearing those word sparked a little hope in his heart.
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP: Oh! I got one! At one point in my story, Varian's family was gonna try and find the legendary wishing star, to reverse Varian's Moonpowers and turn him back to normal. It was cool, but it ended up being very complicated. So I scrapped it.
🛠️Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?: Does writing at all count?😅
❤️Not a question, just a second kudos to send.: THANK YOU!!!!🥹💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Thanks for ask! That was fun!
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aconfusedcorvid · 6 months
💫Why hello there💫
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(this is me realizing I never made an introduction post for this blog😭)
I suppose I should start with the formalities:
Hello! My name is Bea🐝 (they/them, 22), and I am currently a senior at Old Dominion University about to graduate with my bachelor’s degree in psychology! I enjoy baking, listening to music, and constantly finding new video games or anime to hyperfixate on for prolonged periods of time😃 (current hyperfixation: Genshin Impact).
I am also a lover of crows (in case it wasn’t obvious😳) and all things silly and whimsical. On that note, I also occasionally practice tarot and other forms of divination. I haven’t been practicing as often as I should as of late, but maybe this blog might inspire me to get back into witchcraft in general!
Speaking of…I’ll be honest, I have no idea what I want to use this blog for just yet lol. A few ideas I had were:
Journey to befriending my neighborhood crows
Documenting my practices of divination and journey back into witchcraft
A yapping corner for my hyperfixations (might make a sideblog for this)
Just a blog for random ramblings and documenting my studies/career path
but I have a feeling it may end up being a good mix between all of them haha
I haven’t been active on tumblr in a hot minute, so I suppose I’ll figure things out as I go! No matter what this blog ends up being, I hope everyone who comes across my page can get a little something out of it whether it’s just for the mystical birds, occasional rants, or all of it!
💫thanks for stopping by💫
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Firstly, thanks for giving me advice about the adhedonia not long ago, knowing how it's called the thing I tend to suffer (apart of the TDA, LOL) most of time helped me a lot —an also thanks to the other people to gave me tips in that post too. I'm feeling better because, well, Christmas vacations are coming! So that means I'll be able to recover more mental health and finally write again, even if it's just a month.
Now I want to ask for more tips that are... How can I organize longfics? I'm a messy person, like... I don't even write the ideas my brain vomit to me at random times, and even when I tell my friends about it that messages end up being buried alive. I kinda used to organize things when I was like, 14yo. It was still messy as hell but least so, now I'm straight up refusing to even do lists. But I feel that if I not know to organize some things I won't able to finish a longfic never ever never again.
I know that there are like, templates? For organizing plot-points and characters and all of that, but I can't recall how they're called. But more importantly than that, I want to know how other people like to organize their things and see if something clicks with me! (Specially because I recall seeing posts like this here on Tumblr but I can't find them)
Oh man, this is such a great question.
I'm all about structure. My plotbunnies tend to come with a lot of plot attached, and I like genres with defined structures (cozy mystery, crime procedural).
I use spreadsheets for everything, including this, but now that I use Scrivener, often, I just use a text document there.
I start by laying out all the parts of the plot that I already have, then I try to make them an academic outline like:
This helps me see where I have a lopsided structure with tons of detail one place and none another. I also look at the timeline as the characters experience it and adjust. If I. takes 24 hours and II. three months, that tells me something about how much detail should be in each, what the final page count should be, etc.
Generally, longer stories that are satisfying have a structure with multiple peaks and dips in action, and the later peaks are higher than the earlier ones.
I find this kind of chart or fitting one's story into a five act structure or whatever to be helpful when you have a good plotbunny that just isn't quite working for some reason, but you know at least parts of it are sound. It helps point out a spot you might be overlooking from familiarity.
I don't find most of these external structures at all helpful for generating plotbunnies. If you have an instinct for structure from years of consuming media, you'll come up with something that works better than following a formula you can't really feel.
Most structures exist to try to explain why some blockbuster movie works retroactively anyway. Unless it's literally theater and there are literally intermissions between chunks, little is set in stone. Even plays often have the "wrong" thing in Act I.
I'll see breakdowns of some novel and they talk about the "inciting incident" or whatever beat in the plot formula, and I'm like "You picked that part as that beat? Really?" Like... I agree the plot formula is basically sound and I agree the book being analyzed is great, but I don't think the formula applies to the book in a super straightforward way that everyone would agree on.
The hero's journey is so fucking general that you can retrofit it to almost any story that has any sort of physical or spiritual journey. But I don't find it inspiring on its own because it is so general. It doesn't actually explain why a particular subgenre's plots work without one adding a lot more detail and specificity.
I tend to put down all my notes on what should be in a story, then rearrange them in story order as I figure that out. I might have a section at the end for things I haven't placed yet or revision notes. I'm a very logical person and work in order a lot. Hell, I write in order, which is generally a terrible idea and even trips me up when I get to a hard bit and waste time instead of moving on. But it's how my brain mostly operates.
Out of the various canned methods, the one I adopted the most from was the Snowflake Method. I like the idea of outlining and then making it more detailed and then EVEN MORE DETAILED till the "first draft" is basically paint by numbers. Some people find that extremely limiting though.
Another thing I try to keep track of is some very basic "What's the point?" or "What's the big change?" notes. I don't do extensive character sheets or big writeups external to the main prose of the story. I don't do exercises where I interview my characters. None of that feels useful to me. It's too much, and I get lost in the weeds. God... I feel like I should be saving this for my patreon.
Uh... anyway, I try to have a big note to write towards that's like "Character X thinks they want A but it's really a symptom of needing B" or "The point of this fic is the big twist in chapter 11" (so I either need to set up emotions that really lay the groundwork for the twist to be a big deal or I need to lay the red herrings to make the twist a shock or whatever).
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lolathehuman · 3 months
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This is the first time I try a build a city challenge. I have read and watched a lot of this challenge journeys throughout many other players youtube channels, tumblrs and livejournals and was dying to try it. Now I finally gathered the energy to do it and I'm treating it as a bit of a creative outlet during my spare time. I created the terrain on sc4 and pookleted the settlers. I will also try to build everything, so let's see for how long I can keep this up lol. The set of rules I'll be using is a mix of Didly's, Katatty's, DeeDee's and MarmitePrinter's, in other words, a big mess of rules copied and pasted into a Word document. But all in a very loose way and always open to tweaking, so it's fun and makes sense to me. Also, English isn't my first language so please forgive any mishaps :)
All the way across from SimNation, far from the big city and between rocky green mountains, an old abandoned village which sprung many many years ago at the margins of a wide river that flows into the sea gets its train reactivated... now, sims can discover a beautiful land surrounded by forests and beaches and its neighboring island. Who will be brave enough to explore this far away land and turn it into a gorgeous thriving town?
A few things about how i play my game and some tweaks I've made to the rules:
1. My lifespan consists of each 1.5 sim days = 1 year (except for college, which is 2 sim days = 1 term, but I doubt I'll be playing college anytime soon), so it is long but I like to take things slow and love to play teens and children but do not like when their parents age unrealistically soon so this was the best solution for me.
2. My seasons last 7 days and I play rotations of 4 then 3 days, so its monday through thursday then friday through sunday.
3. I didn't like the "you can only sell stuff you craft because there's no way to stuff to get to the town" rule because the starting point of Moon River Island will be precisely the reactivation of a train line. Therefore I decided that the train arrives in the city once a week and that will be the frequency that the stores in the city that sells non-craftable items will be able to restock their items. Also, the type of items sold in the beginning rounds will be, like, "essentials", such as personal hygiene stuff, processed food, cleaning supplies and, during the first gameplay I figured that it'll sell hobby objects as well since they're kind of essential in a gameplay matter and it's just fun to have a Sim go out and shop for hobby supplies like I like to do in real life. I also decided to extend this rule to how many times a week residents can purchase items from the catalog and that's it, makes sense to me. Once downtown is unlocked this rule will be lifted.
4. I will try to use Beth's tax system that she shared on her discord server, but it is a bit complex so maybe I'll change it along the way. Already gave up lol I'm using the 10% over the household funds method. Might make it a little bit more complex in the future.
I guess that's it. Good luck to me :)
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gingersnapwolves · 11 months
🐢 People I wanna know better! 🐢
got tagged by @efkaservicegirl who tumblr isn't letting me tag back for some reason (only then it did)
Last song?
VAST, "Blue"
Favourite colour?
Currently watching?
One Pace, Taxi Driver, Mysterious Lotus Casebook
Last movie?
Probably Fire Island ... I don't remember watching anything since then though God knows my memory is shit these days lol
Depends on what I'm in the mood for! I do have quite a sweet tooth but there's a lot of savory stuff I love
Relationship status?
Married to my lovely wife
Current obsessions?
One Piece ... I'm so sorry lol ... why can't I be obsessed with the stuff I'm supposed to be writing right now
Last thing you googled?
"Owl-O-Ween Squam Lakes". Owl-O-Ween is an event held at Squam Lakes Science Center that I wanted more information on ^_^
I don't really take selfies but I'll post something much funnier - this face journey I made during an online meeting
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background: yes I knew I was on camera. yes I was aware I was not bothering to control my facial expressions. no I didn't realize how funny it was until I rewatched the meeting later to document the process we had been learning. no nobody called me out on making those faces. yes I made the screencaps specifically to show my wife because I knew she'd get a kick out of them.
it doesn't specifically tell me to tag anyone/how many people to tag so I'm not gonna lol. But feel free to jump in if you want to.
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semthescientist · 1 year
i normally don't write long posts on here but i've been bubbling from the seams with things to say as of late. back in september of 2022, i was towards the end of a cruise and my sister introduced me into Abraham Hicks. it wasn't new to me per-se simply because i always would have these expansive ideas, like i just knew i was supposed to be great and experience wonderful things. however, what was new was the fact it was so widely accepted. like i couldn't believe that people would actually tell abraham their problems and they would provide solutions. looking back, since Abraham talked about vibrations and vortexes so much, this may have been the law of attraction (not sure lol). and for a while, i grew so interested in the concept.
this journey happened so naturally though that i cannot pinpoint when i got into the law of assumption or started listening to Edward Art, but that is what came next. it went from there being an outside world i had to change to there being an internal world i had to change. now, for awhile i listened to Edward Art videos (haven't tuned into him in so long but i still adore him, he seems so nice!) only because i could not for the life of me, ever understand what Neville was saying. listened to Edward for awhile then stopped because i realized i was making him my God (though i didn't really know what that meant at the time), got on tumblr to consume more information and i did this months until i was sick of hearing what others had to say. however lol, i just moved to twitter and did the same thing. and of course, i got sick of that too--grew so tired of the fighting between loass and affirm and persist girlies, and whoever else wanted to be different so bad. and then i was introduced into nonduality.
now, it was so different from everything i had learned before that when i watched a video by Rupert Spira, i put it down and went back to loass. like, i literally said, "there's no way in hell i'm about to confuse myself with more shit." kid you not. like i refused to hop onto something else. so i just let it be but i eventually came back to it and it started to consume me and it was out of sheer curiosity. like i remember when i had put it down, just one random day i thought to myself "there is nothing else but consciousness. there is no separation." i wrote that in a diary entry on august 30th, 2023 and it really stuck with me because like...where the hell did that thought come from? especially because all of my old diary entries were how unfazed i was by the external world because i have what i want in the "one true reality" (i really had to laugh at those old entries.) and they were only from a couple days before i had this sudden realization.
but somehow, that caused me to get off of twitter and come back to tumblr and i eventually stumbled across 4d-barbie's account and some others too. i stayed up all night reading Ada's answers to submissions because this was unlike anything i'd ever heard. and it was there when i promised myself not to consume too much, to do things differently. and like okay, that didn't happen 'cause i consumed a lot but i'm happy it all happened because of what i found.
eventually, the same thing that happened with the law happened with nd. i got so burned out and i was so angry with hearing the opinions of others. like my brother in christ, i physically would be angry that i relied on others because i knew i could trust in myself but i wasn't. and like why?? why was i doing that? and because i didn't have an answer, i'd get pissed all over again.
and this probably went on for a couple weeks or so, i don't know entirely. i didn't document everything--and the things i did, i deleted because i was trying so hard to reach enlightenment. and it wasn't until i went on another cruise in late september 2023 that it finally clicked--a whole ass year later.
now i'm only saying the time because i find it so comical and beautiful. i'm gonna make another post which entails what actually clicked for me because i don't want this to be too long.
part two here. yay.
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genericpuff · 2 years
Any tips on writing a buffer? I'm trying to make a LO "fan" series too but i have no idea how to write one ;^;
So I guess like... I mentioned I mostly focus on writing when I do my 'buffer' in a previous post, but 'buffer' isn't really the right word for it, it's more just like... plan ahead, y'know? 😂 A lot of webtoon originals creators are great at drawing but painfully not great at writing and honestly, I can't really rag on all of them equally, many of them did just start off with a neat central idea that got picked up by WT and then they had to essentially pants the project. I think one of my favorite examples of a webtoon you can tell had a lot of writing and rewriting put into it is City of Blank. It's got a very interesting plot with very goal-oriented writing, especially by its 2nd-3rd season when the stakes REALLY start to get high. Highly recommend you go check that out if you want to see a serialized webtoon with a very strong narrative foundation.
Anyways, I'm getting off-topic, but when it comes to like, "planning ahead" with your writing, really all I can recommend is:
Have a goal in mind. Where are your characters starting and where do you want them to end up? Is it a physical journey, or an emotional one?
You don't need to have every single detail planned ahead, but you should, at the very least, plan out as much of a beginning, middle, and end as you can, with major events or plot points in between. I tend to write 'event by event' so I'll essentially plot out all my major plot points, make sure they all work together in the overall theming of the narrative (so that every plot point has an actual reason to exist) and then hone in on the smaller details to ensure all those plot points connect and work together. Some people tend to do this while also pantsing (i.e. 'writing as you go') which is what I also think RS does, but there's a difference between writing as you go in front of a live audience and just writing as you go while you're drafting. Until you have a solid plan, keep it in the drafts, read it, rework it, re-read it again, etc. Have a plan, especially if you're planning on doing a serialized (i.e. weekly, monthly, etc.) series where you release things on a schedule.
Get feedback! Find some pals or people in the community who would be open to reading over things with you and giving feedback. Be aggressively open to feedback. Even Rekindled isn't just the sum of my own parts, I've gotten so much awesome feedback and suggestions from people in the community, particularly in UnpopularLO as its the community who got to see me start Rekindled from the very beginning. Many of the people in there have gotten to see Rekindled stuff before it ever made it onto Tumblr and I honestly don't think I could have made it this far without a lot of them LOL
There is no "right" or "wrong" method to planning. I use a combination of Scrivener, Excel, and notepad files to write my stuff out in a way that's comprehensible to me. After all, whatever you draft, it's for you. There's no pressure to try and make your drafts look presentable, they're your drafts. Make a mess, write stuff down, talk yourself through the process even if you think it looks crazy to type at yourself in your documents. Get your thoughts and ideas on paper and out of your head, even if it's not meant to be seen by anyone else yet!
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raincoonparade · 2 years
My OCs list
I'm having a hard time sharing art here, not only cause I'm being indecisive but also I'm not sure how to present them, I want my Tumblr to look pretty vjkvf so, while I decide on that, I thought about sharing at least the fandom, names and some of my favs drawings of them!
I'll edit this post constantly whenever I have new art, delete or add OCs
Whenever you see TBN it means they don't have a name or I'm changing it so, heads up lol... Anyway, let's start:
Here's the full list! (March 2023):
Animaniacs - Zane
Art sona - Miss Disfortune
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3. Ben 10: Omniverse - Skylar 4. Boku no Hero Academia - Aki, Ha-eun, Hoshiko, Itsuki, Journey, Serena, Tomomi, Toshiko, Yuna TBN, TBN
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5. Brand New Animal - Cassie, Robin 6. Cannon Busters - Yazmin 7. Carole & Tuesday - Kora 8. Coraline - Zarina 9. Craig of The Creek - Anayance, Barbara, Melisa, Quetzali, Scooter, Tara, Ula
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10. CSI series - A.J. 11. Dr. Stone - Chie 12. DuckTales 2017 - Alana, Cambri, Lafayette, Luoana, Taumn 13. Encanto - Esmeralda 14. Fantasy/Ghibli OCs - Zephyrine & Minuette
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15. Fairy Tail - Erandi, Luna 16. Food Wars (Shokugeki no soma) - Ginko 17. Free! Iwatobi Swim Club - Violet 18. Galatea (my personal project) - Aisha, Allastor, Allister, Arturo, Beetlepache, Chenzira, Cherry, Kalem, Nisha, Nitzia, Raymundo, Pandora 19. Gargoyles - Altea 20. Ghostbusters - Jackie
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21. God of War - Zeltzin
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22. Goofysona - Blair, Oceana 23. Kaleido Star - Mirana 24. Kotaro lives alone - Vanna 25. Las leyendas Saga (Ánima Studios) - Iztli 26. Loonatics Unleashed - Hadley, Kit 27. Marvel - Donaji, H 28. Mexopolis media - TBN 29. Monster High - Jericho, Scooter, Winter 30. Monsters Inc. / University - Vesper 31. Music sona - Chia
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32. My Little Pony - Fawn Spellbound, Mind Dusk, Pumpkin Moon, Sugar Sprinkles 33. No Straight Roads - Zohnette 34. One Piece - Ginger, Senki, Preya, Yue, TBN
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35. Over The Garden Wall & Infinity Train - Ollie 36. Rain (hard to explain where she from) 37. Percy Jackson and the Olympians - TBN 38. Pokemon - Juliet, Patch
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39. Radiant - Nahia 40. Ranma 1/2 - Gumi 41. Shaman King - TBN, TBN 42. Shinbi: The Haunted House - Gumiho 43. Sing (Illumination movies) - Bia, Dawn 44. Sona - Scooter 45. Spiderman 2017 - Echo 46. Splatoon - Frizzy 47. Stardew Valley - Rain 48. Steven Universe - Moonstone, Yellow Amber 49. Tales of Arcadia - TBN 50. Teen Titans - Aura, Calliope 51. Teen Wolf - Jack 52. The Amazing World of Gumball - Pumpela 53. The Legend of Hei/Spirit sona - Qiu 54. The Muppets - Nehru 55. The Umbrella Academy - Quetzal 56. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 3n1d, Crystal, Draq, Frankie, Scooter, Tommy, Vivienne 57. Undertale - TBN 58. Victor y Valentino - Whisper (Jun) 59. Vocaloid - Dalia, Isabela 60. Young Justice - Liv, Razz
Yeah, I know... They're a lot haha. As you can see, I haven't draw them much... I'm still redesigning and creating some of them so, so far, I mostly just have half body references? And some information and facts on a private document and lots of notes... My OCs life is as messy as mine as you can tell ahaha
I have a Toyhouse page where, I hope, I'll be updating and sharing more of my OCs soon! All the redesigns and reference I've made so far are already there in case you want to check them out!
If you read everything, thank you, here... Have a cookie 🍪
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togenabi · 11 months
I love your fics! 💖
I want to start writing too and I have a question for you.
I saw that you shared a screenshot of the draft of the royalty story and I noticed that you are working with smaller margins in your document. I just realize that it would help me if I do the same (because of Tumblr's phone format). This is really clever. Can you tell me exactly what is the size of these margins?
Also, do you have any useful tips like that that could help me as a new author on Tumblr? What do you do exactly when you are ready to post a story? (Headliners, image, etc.)
Thank you so much! 💖💖💖
Hello, anon!
Thank you so much for enjoying my writing! May your journey here be fun and gratifying. It's always exciting to get into something new, I'm sure you'll do a lovely job. <3
I'd be happy to share more of my process in case it helps you with anything. Though just a quick disclaimer: this is how I do things, and isn't universal or for everyone.
With that being said, info dump under the cut!
1.) writing the thing✨
For brainstorming ideas, I use the notes app on my phone. For the fics themselves, I write on google docs! I like it because it works both on my phone and pc.
I have a specific format, but it's not actually the margins that I change. I write with the pages halved using columns! These are how my files look like on pc:
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You can do this by going Format > Columns > 2! I like to write in TNR 12 like a research paper lol. (Though, I can't remember if you can do the columns on the docs app, because everything looks like it's just one column there. But once you set a doc in this format, you can just duplicate the file and it'll still show up with columns on pc.)
Like you said, this helps me gauge how a fic will look like on mobile, since that's where most people are reading. It also helps my peace of mind since a full, blank page without columns can be a bit intimidating. It can feel like you have to fill up the entire thing, when you really don't!
Another brilliant thing about google docs (on pc) is that, if you use italics or bold in the file, when you copy paste it onto Tumblr, it retains those italics and bolds. This saves me so much headache and I consider it a lifesaver.
2.) formatting (and by extension, branding)✨
I feel like this is really vital on Tumblr, since an established aesthetic can help readers remember and recognize your blog better. My advice would be to pick one or two colors and always use them on your posts.
You can also pick an emoji and use that with your aesthetic! For example, I associate the sunflower emoji 🌻 with the wonderful @songsofadelaide. (hi Mari! hihi)
If you want to use them, have a default divider. Mine is just a png of a blue line haha, but you can get creative with it. Though I suggest you keep the photo thin so that it doesn't eat up too much space.
Off the top of my head, I think the most important things on a post are: the title, header, and preview. (I'll make a separate point for preview since it's a lot.)
TITLE : Self explanatory!
HEADER : A header does more than make the post look pretty, it helps you differentiate fics when Tumblr only shows you the fic thumbnails on archive or on notifs. I have a folder of manhwa screenshots that I save for headers, and I add an overlay with my blog's signature color using a drawing app. Gifs are also fine as headers, though I don't personally use them because gifs make Tumblr crash on my phone sfhlsdjfkl, but that's just me!
3.) the preview ✨
(I don't think preview is the official term for this, but it's what I've started to call it.)
When I say preview, I'm talking about everything below the header and above the fic. Mine looks like this:
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It's up to you what you want to add, but I would say to always keep the blurb/short summary, genre, and word count. Everything else is optional, and you can play with whatever suits your style best.
For the blurb, you can go one of two ways: keep it short, or go more in-depth with the summary.
If you keep it short: One sentence is the best, but two should also be okay. It doesn't have to summarize the whole fic, but give a preview of what readers can expect from your work. I use my blurbs to hook in readers, then use the content notes to make up for what I didn't add in the blurb. If you go in-depth: This would be a standard summary, and you can get away with not needing content notes.
AH. Can't believe I almost forgot, but always add warnings and MDNI tags if your fic needs them! (Some people also use a banner for warnings. Search 'mdni banner' on Tumblr and you'll see examples.)
Once you have a preview format you want to stick with, always use it and keep it consistent! I have a draft with just my preview format so I can just copy paste it whenever I post a new fic.
I'm sure you can find guides for anything specific you're curious about if you search here. But of course I'd be happy to answer more questions if you ask! Also feel free to shoot me a dm <3
I hope you don't mind that I went on a bit of a tangent haha! I wish you the very best with your blog!
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lostcorridordoors · 1 year
Uhmmm Introduction number 1
Hello Tumblr or Whatever. I Logged in this website and pretty much stole my friend's dead account for myself after being pressured to create one lol. Best I do a introduction if people actually start giving attention to this little thing. I'm Albert, More know as "Bestos" by most of my friends. I'm someone interessed in old things, But mostly interested in vintage animations, Shows and old cartoons. I like to search for old archives and documents about said things too, Like scrapped scripts (love those) or in general behind the scenes things. I'm doing a little journey myself right now trying to find more about some cartoons I liked. Honestly, Kinda hard to find something relevant for me enough. While that, If I do find something interesting here, I'll post here to archive! Who knows were this goes.
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