#i will be fending off bad takes with my gun<3
daryltwdixon · 8 days
The Ruins of Us: Chapter 3
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Summary: Drama continues at camp, following almost directly along with S1 E3
Relationship: Daryl & Reader, Shane x Reader
first warning of this multi-chapter series: Age gap relationship (not Daryl & fmc)
other notes: By now if you're still reading this, you've probably noticed I'm a heavy dialogue writer. I love dialogue. That's just my style and I don't plan on changing it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lmk your thoughts :)
The guys at camp are packing up the car, ready to head into Atlanta. Looking over your shoulder, the girls and women at camp are staring at you from the RV. Huffing, you turn back around to Daryl sitting at the fire pit, “What’s the deal with everyone here?” you ask.
Daryl just shakes his head back, mumbling that he doesn’t care. You look down at the firepit, staring at your feet digging around in the dirt.
It’s clear to you who likes who now after spending a few hours around camp. It didn’t take long to figure out who was family, who were friends and those who were outcasts. You glance up to see the woman you met, Carol, sitting with her husband and daughter. That man gave you the creeps and it wasn’t just his less than friendly hello. Carol seemed sweet. Maybe in time she’d come out of her shell to you. The sisters, Andrea and Amy were fine, just the fact that Amy retorted about Merle put a bad taste in your mouth, but you couldn’t blame them. Merle was a jackass. The way he spoke to people and how he treated them were just inconceivable to most, but you and Daryl knew him deeper. Well, as deep as Merle would ever let anyone in, really. As a kid he was funny, sweet even. His father ruined him for the worse. And then when he left as a teen, he left you and Daryl to fend for yourselves against their beast of a father. Your mom was so absent even when she was in your childhood home, so you found sanctuary in the Dixon house. Or maybe it was just a sanctuary wherever Daryl was. 
The person at camp you couldn’t quite decipher was the woman you found out was Rick’s wife. You were never really around Shane’s friends or spent much time around anyone he knew when you two were together. You might have seen a photo of Lori somewhere with their son Carl, but you never met them. She was…distant. Friendly to your face but short and tense from the few minutes of chatting with them while things got packed up. 
Rick calls out to Daryl, causing you to get up and brush off your pants, following him over to the van.
“You’re stayin here,” Shane says as you approach.
“Like hell I am,” you argue, “Merle is my brother just as much as he is to Daryl.” Your hands are on your hips.
“You are not leaving this camp for a douche bag like Merle Dixon,” he growls at you, pointing at Daryl with an accusatory finger. 
“You better choose yer words more wisely,” Daryl snaps.
“No, I did. Douchebag is what I meant,” Shane retorts.
You can’t help the small smile that threatens to break across your lips.
“I don’t want ‘er outta ma sight again, Walsh,” Daryl grunts at him. Shane looks at him, with an amused look on his face now. 
“Oh yeah, out of your sight, Dixon. When’s the last time you saw her anyway? How many years has it been? When she left for college?” he spits.
Daryl is charging over to Shane, fists ready to fly. You step in front of him, hands up in surrender.
“Daryl, please,” you plead him, “It’s fine, I’ll just stay. It’s not that big of a deal,” 
You’re kicking yourself hard for saying it. You know it’s safer here at camp but you wanted more than anything to go with Daryl. It had been so long since you’d seen him, since you were partners in crime. You didn’t want him out of your sight either, truth be told. But this trip for his brother was risky. Atlanta was bad now, and you knew you were no good with a gun anyway. You’d be a burden on the group if things went wrong. Rick catches up to the group as they start to gather others to join the crew heading out.
You turn your back on Daryl, facing Shane again. Your face is hard, “I’ll stay. But you–you have shit to explain,” 
Shane is angry at Rick for taking half his muscle to Atlanta, Daryl left angry–whether at you or Shane or just mad at the world. Everyone at camp is tense after they found the biter by the woods. 
“Them walkers are gettin closer and closer to camp,” Shane sighs, running his hands over his face.
“Walkers?” you ask, in stride with him. 
“That’s what we’ve been callin’ em” he grounds out. He lifts his head up with his hands on his hips. Looking away into the distance then down to you.
“Alright, spit it out,” he says, waiting. 
“Spit it out? Spit what out?” you demand, “How the hell did you end up here? How did you end up here with Daryl ? No one will tell me anything ‘cause I’m just some redneck girl who walked out the damn woods with an angry Daryl Dixon!” 
“Can’t we do this later, I–” he starts
“Shane! Show me how to find the frogs!” A boy’s voice calls out and you turn to see Rick’s son, Carl. He’s wiping his eyes, coming out of his tent where his mother is wiping her own face, watching him. Shane’s face softens when he looks over to him, then smiles a little looking back at you. “I got a date with the frogs,” he says, walking away.
x flashback x
Your first date with officer Shane was the most romantic date you’ve ever been on. Not that you’d really been on that many great dates before– other than to the lake with high school boys who’d stick their grubby hands under your shirt after a couple beers. Shane picked you up at 8pm one Saturday, a shy smile on his lips. You could swear there was a twinkle in his eyes when he looked at you. His truck was the shiniest, cleanest truck you’d ever been in before. You remember the new car smell hitting your nose when you got in that night. He leaned over and grabbed your hand, planting a kiss on the knuckles while looking up at you.
“I’m happy you came out tonight,” he said, his voice low and gravely.  “Got nothin’ better goin on,” you shrugged, blushing.
“I’m sure you and Dixon would’ve gotten up to some kinda trouble,” he chuckled, putting his truck in reverse and backing out the driveway of your childhood trailer home. 
He drove you out into Georgia farmland, where the night was quiet and the sky was clear. When the truck pulled off the side of the road into a field, you looked over at him with curiosity. He smiled broadly and opened his door. You watched him round the front of the vehicle and open your door. No boy had ever done anything like that for you before. You slid out the passenger side, your hand in his extended palm helping you out the door. 
Okay, a hot gentleman. You thought to yourself with a smile. 
He held onto your hand and brought you around to the bed of the truck. You stopped short and a smile split your face widely. He’d laid out a blanket on the bed, with pillows and snacks all around. A bottle of wine and two glasses sat in a basket in the corner, strapped down with bungee cords. You turned to him, your face lit up in happiness.
He was smiling down at you now, his warm hand still holding yours.
“Whatcha think?” he whispered.
“I love it,” you whispered back.
An hour later you sat between Shane’s legs while he leaned against the back of his truck, stroking your hair with one hand while the other had a glass of wine in it. 
“What’s your job like?” you asked with a playful smile.
“My job?” he laughed, “I’m the deputy for the King County State Police, little lady.”
“So what’s it like?” you asked again.
He pondered it for a minute, taking a sip of the deep red wine from his glass.
“A lot of it is pretty boring,” he said finally, “the serious stuff is just good judgment…making sure people are safe,” 
“I can’t wait to get a real job. A career ,” you sighed, staring up at the sky.
“What’s your plan?” He asked.
You thought long and hard for a moment. Obviously your first answer was to get the hell outta dodge. But when you think harder and really picture your life in the next five years, it’s more than that. 
“I want to help people,” you said, your voice low. Shane looked down at you, his wine glass set aside, the other hand still in your hair, gentle. He waited for you to say something else, his eyebrows furrowed in curiosity. 
“I would love to be part of the Red Cross,” you look back at him, “being sent out to disasters to help those in need. But first I want to go to college, if I can,”
“You can,” he says quietly, “you will.”
Your head leans back against his chest, and you’re looking between him and the sky. The stars are so bright here, with colors streaming through the black night. 
“So beautiful,” you breathe out.
“Yeah,” he whispers, not taking his eyes off you. 
Suddenly his lips are on yours.
x flash forward x
You were walking down to the quarry, the crystal blue water glimmering in the sunlight. Thoughts of Daryl leaving angrily in the van for his brother flashing in your head. He could barely look at you today. Something was different from the last time you saw him. Things were tough as kids, yeah. But you and Daryl never would turn his back on each other. Today he acted like he barely knew you. Like you were some nobody he found in the woods.
The ladies are gathered around the water with washing boards and Shane and Carl were over by the rocks, laughing and splashing around. The women are talking about the things they miss from before–cars, coffee makers…
“Hey,” you greeted quietly behind them.
Carol looks up, a smile on her face, “hey, come join us” she waves you over to sit by her. Jaqui, a slender woman with short black hair, warm dark skin and kind eyes, moves aside to let you sit alongside her and Amy. Carol gives you another small smile, handing you the last wash basin and board. 
You quietly sit with them while they chat nonchalantly. You keep sneaking glances at Shane over in the water, and every once in a while you catch him looking back at you with a wide eyed expression. Shaking your head, your ears prick at the sound of the ladies giggling around you. 
“I miss my vibrator,” Andrea says. The ladies stifle laughter and Carol looks sheepishly around, “me too,” you all start cracking up. You hear heavy footsteps behind you, and hear Ed’s voice, “What’s so funny?” 
“Just swappin’ war stories, Ed” Andrea casually calls back to him. Her eyes meet yours when she looks back down at her washing. Great, Ed isn’t really the company you had in mind when you came down here. You’re looking back over at Shane, distracted by Lori and him talking aggressively in hushed voices. The voices around you are escalating but you’re trying to hear what Shane and Lori are saying as she comes towards him and shoves. She’s clearly angry with him. What the hell is going on between the two of them? You’d think they’d be in better spirits since their best friend and husband has appeared–not to mention Shane’s girlfriend too. 
You watch Shane’s back as he is watching Lori turn away back up the hill. Your gears are turning when the women are getting up and clambering around Carol. You stand and Ed is threatening that they’re prodding the bull. Suddenly he slams his fist into Carol’s mouth and you catch her in your arms as she falls back. 
Shane is suddenly by you and ripping Ed away. His fists collide with Ed’s face multiple times before you’re running over, grabbing Shane’s shoulders, “Shane, please, Shane!” you yell and he pulls back, wiping his bloodied fist across his sweat slick forehead. 
You stumble back, wide eyed with shock. Ed's moans fill the air along with Carol's crying. 
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emptymasks · 11 months
so.. i sure feel like i invested a lot into a show just for them to not care in the end. and this isn't a 'wah they killed of my fave character so show bad'.
the pacing felt weird, right? i wonder if they wanted 10 episodes but the network only gave them 8? or maybe they just didn't know how to end the show. maybe they're scared they won't get a season 3 and so rushed the end of season 2?
but to build up izzy, to have him talk about belonging to something... only to have him die without anyone telling him they love him. yeah ed said they're family but like. the whole thing felt so sudden, from him being the one with richard to getting shot to dying and then to suddenly haha the silly guitar music is playing guys its funny joke time. like. ed was upset as izzy was dying but then it seemed at his burial that no one really cared. it would have been more impactful if his death had been the final scene of the season.
but wouldn't it have been much better to show izzy finding a family? to have him captain the revenge? to contrast with season 1 and how the crew hated him when he was in charge. to end season 2, end the show, with him captaining the crew and having their respect and their love?
because it really didn't feel like he died for the crew, for his family. because he push someone else out of the way to save them he just got outsmarted by richard (since when is izzy that stupid or not strong enough to hold onto a man?) and got shot. like idk you could have had him die protecting ed or stede or the crew. how on earth could izzy not hold onto a man who's physically weaker than him and how the hell did he let someone else grab his fucking gun. or wait im re-watching it looks like richard just.. grabbed a gun out of his own coat.. i.. did no one search this man and take his weapons off him.. what the fuck.. no im sorry there's no excuse that doesn't make sense for no one to have taken his weapons away that just seems like bad writing.
if you were going to kill him off he deserved a better death.
but he deserved a better ending than this. what's the point of him having this arc of finally caring about people if he dies and it seems no one really cared other than ed and fang?
omg i just read as i'm writing this that jenkins does have a plan for a season 3. okay so now it's only acceptable if con wanted to leave the show so they had to kill off izzy but they still should have done it better. have him fending off the english so the crew can escape. have him taking a bullet for ed. something that means something. omg.
and ed and stede... i don't feel like they're ready for this yet. the only way they should be living together is the end of the show. not the end of a season. they literally only just got back together they need time to grow together.
you really said its a show about people finding love and happiness and then killed off the queer disabled character who got to die while telling his abuser that he loved him. the ending feels like the show saying 'actually not everyone deserved love, if you were an izzy fan you were right to get hate' like. he deserved to be loved by the crew, to be told that they cared. but he didn't get that.
also um?? the crew dont love ed. he literally only just finished torturing them, some of them have ptsd and trauma from what he did to them, and even if they want to forgive him they certainly do not love him yet. they cared much more about you izzy than they did about ed.
and then to have him shot in the left side, the place that ed showed in season 1 was a 'safe place' to get injured i. what.
where the fuck was roach? just watching? not trying to help? does he either not care or not think it's worth trying to save him??
i love the crew, i love zheng. i like stede and ed's romance but they're never the reason i watched the show. but i found izzy's arc the most meaningful to me. and i. i really don't think i'm going to watch a season 3 if there is one. not just because izzy's not there, but that last episode just felt like they don't care or don't know how to write anymore in a way that i enjoy at least.
to see someone like izzy (who's backstory i thought we would get, at least who the ring belongs too that he wears around his neck but no okay) he disliked because he has to be, he doesn't know how to be soft and be loved or how to love others. to show that a person who has been hurt so much and built themself so hard and buried their real self so far below.. to see that person be able to find themself again, to love others, to let themself be loved, to others see who they are. that meant so much.
so much for this being a happy queer show. for a lot of people he felt like this representation of an older queer man who's just coming out of the closet, exploring himself, there's not another character like that. the disability representation with him this season i've seen has meant a lot of people. his arc isn't the same as any others and a lot of people have found something very personal to connect to in that and i think they have a right to be upset.
to say it makes sense for him to be killed off for the narrative because ed needed to let him go... sounds cruel? izzy is a person, he's not a narrative object to make ed feel better about himself. to have ed abuse izzy, physically abuse him, and then izzy's arc ending with him apologising as if it was his fault (yes he encouraged blackbeard, but please let's not victim blame, let's take male victims of abuse seriously) and saying he still loved ed i just..
to say it makes sense narratively for him to get killed off for other reasons i don't fully disagree, but i think it was too soon, and i think at least it should have been in a way that made sense like him protecting the crew, not allowing richard to STILL HAVE HIS GUN ON HIM DID NO ONE CONFISCATE HIS WEAPONS?? or did he take izzy's gun in which case HOW how would izzy allow richard to take his gun. he's smart and a capable fighter what is this.
i saw someone else say izzy's death had no meaning and no consequence. and they're right. the crew moved on straight away and forgot about him (apart from fang, shout out to fang), and seemed like they didn't care. they aren't seeking revenge. they aren't angry. so it's for.. ed and stede to get together? izzy deserves more than that. and they could have still gotten together anyway... if it's for ed to move on then fuck that. an abuser doesn't get to move on from the abuse he caused because his victim fucking died.
i'd been looking forward to this episode all week after i really terrible week and well. should have known nothing this week was going to plan.
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imkillerbae · 1 year
Enemies to Lovers Part 1 (Valorant Yoru x GN!Reader
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Heyooo! You ask, I deliver! Kinda :3
I took the ‘slowly’ from your request literally. I hope you still like it though!
Thanks for being my first request :DDDDD
CW: Yoru being such an asshole towards the reader, degrading language, bullying. Yoru being himself. The content warning can be summarized to: Yoru.
When you entered the protocol, you were nice to everyone. You wanted to make a good impression.
The agents who were social were properly introduced to you, while the others  who weren’t present were just given your files. They adored you.
Not everyone fell for that act though.
“Try not to piss yourself and run with your tail tucked between your legs while you’re here.”
Those were the very first cluster of words you’ve heard this asshole say to you.
First of the many.
Clearly he wasn’t fond of you. Mainly because he thinks the Protocol is overcrowded. Sometimes he’d pray to God Breach would be sent to wherever crevice of Sweden he’s from.
Seeing as that loud mouth is still alive, even Satan didn’t want him around, he thought.
He also didn’t like the idea of constantly having new agents to “get along with”, stretching that definition as thin as you can imagine.
As thin as his patience with the newbies.
He took the “I fight anybody, I fight everybody” too literally.
And alas, the hostility extended to you.
Yoru, was his name. Or at least you’ve heard. You were warned beforehand about him.
He was aggressive, sharp tongued and prickly, as Sage would say.
“Ah. You must be that Yoru guy then.” You stand firm, speaking monotone.
“It’s no surprise you know. I have a bit of a reputation, good or bad, decide when you eat dust during missions.”
He came up to you suddenly while you were taking in boxes for your room. Somehow you’d caught his attention with all the noise you’ve made.
Your first interaction with him was brief as he scoffed on his way back to wherever he was going.
Your blood simmered. You didn’t like his cocky attitude. What does he know? He wasn’t even present when you were in the training facilities, showing your moves for the familiarity of others.
To say that you got off on the wrong foot was an understatement.
Him being mean to you started off to be his petty protest at Brimstone for “constantly dragging in every single radiant he can pick off the streets.”
“We’ve got so many people here already, a few more and we’ll look like a clown car” He complained to Phoenix once.
Anytime you’d be in the same room, Yoru would either pretend you weren’t there (includes not valuing your opinions during discussions) or he’d find any chance he gets to berate you and take it.
“Try not to come back as a corpse” “That gun? Hoping that recoil sends you to space” “Go home new kid. Unless you wanna see me wipe the floor with everyone’s asses” were some of his favorite insults.
You shut up and ignored him most of the time, talking shit back only sometimes.
“Hey, at least I’m not tearing literal dimensional fabrics just so I can hide from my enemies, coward.”
He did not like it when you talked back. He didn’t like you, period.
Even in HQ, he’s butted heads with you. He can’t seem to shut up. It was starting to get boring, so you end up just giving him an unamused look most of the time.
“Yeah yeah eat shit,” you’d reply.
During battle, you both had a spat because Yoru was willing to chase down the enemy Breach while wounded, potentially leaving you and bleeding Raze to fend for yourselves. You stop him, knowing that the Breach had the advantage, but predicted that he would run away to his teammates to regroup. He curses at the you in Japanese, then yells “I had him! I had him and you let him escape!”
“You’d rather run off wounded to fill your ego than stay here and keep Raze safe while I finish the mission so we can go home? Are you nuts?!” You throw the defuse kit to the ground, shattering it.
“My ego?! Baka janai! Gunning them down is my job. You think we’re safe here while he regroups with intel of our location!?”
Thankfully the rest came. You were all safe now. But your bickering did not cease as you board the aircraft.
“The chopper was down before that could even happen. You jump in headfirst to every risk, minus the brain. If I hadn’t stopped you, you would’ve been dead by now.”
Yoru grabs you by the collar and growls. “Listen here, new kid. Fuzakeru na! Stay out of my way if you know what’s good for you.”
“Yeah? And what if I don’t?” You challenged, but Brimstone splits you up before it escalated.
“Enough. Both of you made a mistake. Yoru, you’re too consumed by bloodlust, you don’t think about anything else but hunting enemies down. That makes you a liability rather than an asset. You make impulsive decisions that could endanger others.
“And you. The reason why you were so worried about being in a vulnerable was because you left yourself in a visible position while defusing. It was good that you pulled Raze to a safe place but it’s not an excuse not to be aware of your surroundings.”
“Look old man, I know what I’m doing. It’s them you shou—” Yoru interjects but he is stopped. “Both of you are in suspension. No missions, no deployment, no leaving the HQ, not until further notice.”
Both of your jaws drop, and this time, it was your turn to speak. “But Sir I promise this won—” “I know this won’t happen again, rookie. That is what the suspension is for.”
The whole trip back to HQ, Yoru kept glaring at you unashamedly. And if looks could kill, your head would’ve been cleaved clean off your shoulders and tossed into another dimension.
What angered him most was your nonchalance. You were upset, but it didn’t show in your face. You simply held your wounded arm and looked away from him during the trip. You thought he was being an immature imbecile when he purposely bumped your shoulder harshly, whispering doke with so much poison in his voice as you left the chopper.
The staredown continued in the infirmary where you both sat across each other with a distance, sitting on the beds as you patched yourselves up. One consequence of that event was that Sage couldn’t heal you. You smirked at him. He was more wounded than you. Thankfully Brim was kind enough to let Sage stitch him up at least.
“Oh what I’d do to wipe that smile you’ve got on your face.”
“Charming. Imagine being that salty over someone who’s just happy they’re alive.”
He was doing a poor job patching himself up.
You swear he’d get an infection with those stitches.
You hop of from your seat and slap his hand away from himself. He then automatically grabs your wrists and raises them above your head. “Nani kore? Aho.” He squeezed your wrists threateningly. On the inside though, he was wincing in pain.
You wince but try and pull back. “You’re doing a shit job at cleaning those wounds. And as much as I hate you, I don’t want to see you amputated.”
He gulps. His glaring persisted while you kept your dismissive look. This close you could feel his breath, smell his cologne strong and musky, and metallic blood. The tension was rising until he dropped your wrists, groaning quietly.
Admittedly he really was doing a shit job. And maybe it was the bloodloss acting up, but he let you do as you please with him.
“Try anything suspicious and I’ll put a bullet through your skull.”
“Watch out I might just sneak a cartoon bandaid on you.”
You put a Spongebob one on his nose.
He was not whelmed.
As you dabbed iodine on his chest wound, he kept hissing silently. He hasn’t felt pain in a looong while. He was starting to appreciate Sage’s powers. Starting to.
Tagging: @swiftyangx12 Part 2 here.
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Hurt/Comfort Buddie fic recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Break In by soft_satan - Rated T
“9-1-1 what is your emergency?” “Break in,” he gasped as the rattling doorknob stopped. Buck gave their address quickly as he grabbed the bat he kept under his side of the bed. “I saw at least two men. No idea if they're armed.”
5-4-3-2-1 by elisela - Rated G
For all the times that Eddie has practiced getting into his turnout suit in record time, he never bothered figuring out how to get out of it just as fast. He would be regretting that if he could think about anything other than the fact that Buck went over the pier rail twenty-six seconds ago, and disappeared into the dark water seventeen seconds ago.
you know I wanna be the one to hold you when you sleep by ashavahishta - Rated G
He doesn’t see it. He barely even hears it, the sounds of struggle on the edge of his awareness as he and Hen roll the patient onto a stretcher. Bobby will tell him later that the guy had broken free from Buck, pushed him hard enough for Buck to lose his footing and trip backwards into the skate bowl. What Eddie does hear is the sickening dull thud of Buck’s head hitting concrete.
Snap, Crackle, Pop. by wolfypuppypiles - Rated T
Eddie pulled his phone out of his pocket, standing to answer its ringing call. “Hey, Buck.” “Dad.” Eddie spun on his heel, smile warming up his chest at his son’s voice. “Hey, buddy. Where’s Buck? You guys having fun?” “We fell.” AKA Buck gets hurt and its Christopher who has to save him
(hurt) thy neighbor by autumnchills - Rated T
“He’s armed,” is all he says into the phone before standing from his spot. He shoves his phone into his pocket and steps out, hands raised. Sure enough, the man has a gun pointed at him, but if he looks closely enough… Buck squints. Color him surprised. “Is that you—” “Don’t!” The man yells, jerking his hand with the gun aggressively. “Don’t you dare fucking say my name, Buckley.” In which things get bad fast when Buck's neighbor breaks into his apartment thinking that he isn't home.
The Blazin' Challenge by datleggy - Rated G
Buck has an allergic reaction at buffalo wild wings and the firefam is there for him. Also they finally realize Buck and Eddie are an item--by accident.
not ready to let go by theosbuckley - Rated G
"Hey, Eddie!" Chim calls him as he leaves the fire station, "This came in for you, there's no return address." Eddie's heart drops almost immediately and he rushes to Chim, almost ripping the envelope from his hand. "Woah there, this better not be some weird fetish thing." "Shut up Chim!" He snaps back. Edmundo Buckley-Diaz Firehouse 118, Los Angeles, California United States of America or in which i'm sorry for doing this (but not really)
It's Ok Now by datleggy - Rated G
On his day off, Buck takes Christopher to the doctor--just for a cold, no big deal--until it suddenly might be and Buck is alone and nobody is picking up their phone.
we're gonna be okay, kid by honestlydarkprincess - Rated G
The last thing Buck is expecting is to be woken up from his ill advised mid-morning nap with a call from Christopher's school, telling him that Chris is sick and should go home. He can't leave his favourite kid to fend for himself so even though Eddie might get mad at him, again, he's on his way to pick up Chris before he can even think about it. Set during the lawsuit, post-grocery store scene.
a leaf falls on loneliness by iimpossible_things - Not Rated
Buck doesn’t think that if he were to say, “I’m in a bad place”, that anyone would turn him away. Really, he doesn’t. The 118 has too many good, kind people for that. But every time he wants to open his mouth, to say something, to reach out to Eddie or Bobby or Hen or Chim, he hears Eddie yelling, “you’re exhausting.” —you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting— So each day he does his job and he laughs and he jokes and he pretends he’s the care-free goofball he’s always been. And each day he packs away his bruises and his worries, takes them home to his empty loft with its quiet rooms, and licks his wounds in silence.
Buy Back the Secrets by allyasavedtheday - Rated T
He casts his gaze to the right, to the voice he’d heard a minute ago and the hand still on his shoulder. And, well. Okay. So Buck may have just been unconscious for an indeterminable length of time but he doesn’t think he’s exaggerating when he says the guy leaning over his bedside is one of the most attractive people he’s seen in a long time. Especially when his face splits into a smile that rivals the brightness of the hospital lights that almost just fucking blinded Buck a second ago. “Welcome back, hotshot,” the guy says and it sounds fond – familiar – and Buck honestly has no idea who this guy is. His brown hair is dishevelled on top of his head and his eyes look tired but then Buck notices the LAFD t-shirt so- alright. Someone from the firehouse, maybe? But he’s pretty sure he’d remember a face like that. * After getting hurt on a call, Buck wakes up thinking it's 2018. AKA Buck can't remember who Eddie is but he's pretty sure everyone's lying when they say they're "just friends."
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by HMSLusitania - Rated M
“We’re here for our grandson,” Helena says. “Chris is still sleeping,” Buck says. “I meant, we’re here to take him back to Texas,” Helena clarifies. “Yeah,” Buck says. He’s too tired, way too tired to be tactful. “Over my dead body.” -- An accident on a call leaves Buck with custody of Chris after Eddie is... missing presumed. While they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite Eddie's parents' best efforts -- a John Doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named Christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home.
Of Bikes and Concussions by datleggy - Rated G
Buck gets into an accident on his way to work in the morning, and before he can explain why he's late, he gets thoroughly chewed out and the rest of his day goes way downhill from there.
it’s okay by itsmylifekay - Not Rated
Finally back with the team, Buck isn’t going to let anything tear him away again. He has to prove his place, his part in the family, even if that means smiling through the pain. Or, Buck gets hurt on a call and doesn’t tell anyone.
don't tell my husband (he'll kill me) by coupe_de_foudre - Rated T
All Bobby has to say, as Buck is hightailing it towards danger, is a low, threatening, “Don’t make me call Eddie.” and Buck will skid to a stop, pause, and eventually turn around and slink back towards the team like a scolded dog with his tail between his legs.
Frequent Flyer by red_to_black - Rated M
In his entire time being a firefighter, Eddie has never met anyone as accident-prone as Evan Buckley. And Buck - well, he's quickly becoming the 118's best customer. (Or - the one where Eddie is a firefighter, Buck isn't, and Eddie finds himself rescuing Buck from increasingly sticky situations. Sometimes literally.)
Love Language by red_to_black - Not Rated
The one in which there's too much pollen around, Eddie pines, and Buck is oblivious. Or - Eddie's love language is acts of service, and Buck doesn't totally get it.
17 Steps to Inevitability by allyasavedtheday - Rated T
“Thanks for clearing it with Cap,” he says lowly, feeling oddly self-conscious under Buck’s knowing gaze. Because just Buck shrugs like it’s not a big deal, claps him on the shoulder and squeezes once. “Of course,” he says earnestly. “I told you he wouldn’t mind.” Eddie swallows back an emotion he doesn’t know how to name and bumps their shoulders together as they head for the stairs. He’d forgotten friendship could be like this, forgotten what the unconditional support of having a team around him felt like. He’s not sure he’s ever had friends like this though. * Eddie doesn't plan for Buck to become part of his and Christopher's family; it just sort of happens. He doesn't plan to fall in love with Buck either; that just sort of happens too.
waiting on the sunrise by autumnchills - Rated T
When Buck left home, it was a rushed decision. He didn’t know where he was going or what he was going to do, but he had a high school diploma and enough street smarts to make it as far from his father as possible.
It's been nearly ten years since then, and now his father is in town. Buck quickly learns that some things haven't changed.
But other things have, and his family will help him realize that.
Whiplash by soft_satan - Rated G
She parked near him and got out, avoiding the puddle as she approached him. Hands on her hips, she shook her head in pity. “What on earth happened to you?” He looked up at her with a pained smile, his shoulders instantly sagging with relief at the sight of her. “I got carjacked.” ... Thanks to a lack of communication, a horrific accident leads the team to fear the worst.
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emberj-theotherfoot · 10 days
This is a bit of a strange ramble, but I wanted to get it out of my system, so...
Henry with a gun is so weird to me.
Like, yeah it's possible, it wouldn't be a topic for discussion if it wasn't. Henry is able to obtain a gun in ink machine and it's one of the most entertaining weapons in the game cuz it's the closest thing you can get to being a god down there. (The plunger is just hilarious, I love that thing.)
Back to the subject at hand: Henry with a gun.
It's a popular head canon that Henry was drafted into World War II because it would align with his age of 50 or older, and because of some of the posters in the studio encouraging people to "buy bonds". While Henry doesn't really react to the tommy gun when equipping, I still think the theory of Henry being drafted is plausible. I dunno if Joey knew if Henry was drafted or not, or if he cared, so I'm not positive if he added that potential factor of Henry's life to the Henry he created for the cycle, but even if Henry wasn't drafted, it still feels weird seeing him with a gun.
I consider guns to be really cold weapons. Their one purpose is to harm and hurt, so for such a warm character like Henry to carry around a cold weapon? It feels a bit strange to me. Not wrong... Just strange.
Same thing goes for the syringe. The syringe I consider a cold weapon because you're taking something medical and using it for harm or aiding experiments. (Taking thick ink from monsters.)
Fuck it, I'll talk about how I feel about some of the other weapons too.
The wrench isn't meant to be used as a weapon. Alice gave it to you for the sole purpose of collecting gears for her machines, but it's the only thing you've got on hand, and in a place crawling with monsters, you'll use anything to defend yourself.
I feel like Alice gave Henry the plunger for the sole purpose of fucking with him, but it's still a fun weapon to have in the game. If you're creative enough? Anything and everything can be a weapon.
The Gent pipe is a weapon I more associate with Boris, Tom and Audrey, but Henry does use the Gent pipe for a majority of chapter 3, so it's worth mentioning. His reaction to the Gent pipe says it all: "This'll do." If it'll fend off ink monsters, he'll take what he can get. Not a bad weapon overall.
The axe is a classic. This is the weapon that I feel is just Henry's weapon. It's been with us since the beginning, and it's the weapon that feels the most right in his hands.
I think my favorite weapon in the game is the scythe, but I actually haven't been able to get the scythe myself because I keep screwing up one way or another. It's... Not exactly a weapon you can just find and pick up, you gotta invest time, energy, blood, sweat, tears, and soul into getting this damn thing. I think one of the reasons I've memorized all the dialogue in ink machine is because of all my attempts at trying to get that stupid thing.
Does "the end" count as a weapon? Fuck it, let's say it does for the sake of this conversation. "The End" is what got Henry locked in the pit, so if it's considered a weapon in this context, it's another weapon that I feel is just Henry's and no one else's.
I don't know if I really went anywhere with this? It started as me feeling weird about Henry having a gun, and then just derailed from there, so. :P
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friendly-books · 2 months
Dresden files Comics live reaction
Welcome to the Jungle
Why are all these animals have glowing yellow eyes?
The shadow is definitely not human. With that habsburg chin. And there’s a secretary guard and he’s definitely a goner.
Oh I think that’s Murphy and Carmichael
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Harry looks less scruffy than I thought he would
Harry getting kicked like a soccer ball in his shield
Harry used electricity it was super efficient
The Blue Beetle!
Dana seems. . .intense
I like Reese
Oh flashback
I like Will
Lions and tigers and bears oh my
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A binding spell I hope the lion is ok
So cool that Harry used a filing cabinet to fend off a lion
Yes Harry use the sprinklers
Will are you hiding in a trash can?
“It’s mass confusion. The whole place had turned into dare I say it? A zoo.” Ha
Dana is up to something why all that blood?
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Yeah she differently did it. Look at that low angle picture of her.
“People suck. But persons are worthwhile, miss rogers. Always.” Interesting
Oh no ascension ritual
A hag
Ahh scary dog
Now we’re on a car chase
I forgot how hostile Murphy was to Harry in the beginning of the series
Oh no poor Reese :(
Poor Moe
Poor Will
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I love the picture of Harry using his magic in the circle
Oh the tracking spell is green
Is Harry in the Undertown? I thought he learned about that in Summer Knight. Ah he’s just in an abandoned subway.
“Fair fights are for suckers” Yep
I knew Dana was the bad guy
Oh no there’s three of them
Good idea using the environment to crush the hag
“I’ve taken your rod! I’ve taken your staff!
You should’ve taken my gun.” Ha
Oh no the Hag has Will
Yes Harry unlock Moe’s cage
Go Moe!
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Ghoul Goblin
Yep the British military person is entitled and raciest
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Fish monster I wonder if it’s a Formor or a different kind of fish monster?
Does a gun work underwear?
I thought wizards couldn’t get normal sick
Why does the picture of Justin look different than in the previous comic? Why are Harry and Elaine in uniforms?
Blue Beetle!
Those dark shadows around the sheriffs eyes are suspicious
Ancestors cures spooky
Oh no a goblin
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Oh dream catchers. I have a few (3)
Oh no a ghoul
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Ahh that tongue reminds me of venom :(
Oh no poor Joseph
Oh a soul gaze
Harry that’s so much blood on you
Cool nature spirit
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Big snake
“The worth of a single human life can’t be measured by its comparative brevity.” Yep
The goblin didn’t strike me as the well read time. Could be the ghoul
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Oh Ambre was the ghoul
Oh no poor Maddie
War Cray
Big battle
Too many mouths too many teeth
Harry’s gloved hand ouch
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Carlos and co.!
Yes Harry has a reputation
How are they going to last till sunrise?
Interesting seeing Harry take command
Ouch Will Bill got his hand broken
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Too many mouths too many teeth too big pink thing
“It’s a Shoggoth. The spawn of the outsider, drawn to sentience and able to consume only sentient beings.” Spooky
“Dresden you crazy bastard, this plan of yours just might work!” Ha and yep that’s a staple of Harry’s plan
“For the most willful, old-fashioned, stupidly courageous person I’ve ever known-my brother.” Aw I love Thomas narration and his love for Harry
“But he’s the first person whose example I’ve felt I needed to live up too.” Aw Thomas
“How in the world does my brother do this kind of thing constantly.” He’s a good person
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Cool that Wild Bill lifted the house up
“I’ve been here for less than an hour, and already I’ve seen the impossible-an army held off by a few inexperienced wizards and frightened scholars.
All because of Harry.
I’ve seen him in situations like this before, and yet, for a moment-just a moment-I think this is going to be the time when he runs out of ideas.
Then I see that look in his eyes-and I know what he’s going to do before he says it.
Harry Dresden plays to win.” Ha
Unleash the Kraken!” Ha
Justin looks different than the other two times in the comic
“Some distant part of my mind screams that it’s an illusion that my old mentor, Justine DuMorne was long gone, dead by my hand-but it’s like trying to hear the faint lyrics of a song lost amid a deafening roar of static.
Instead, instinct takes over as I’m swept away by a wave of fear and rage…” Poor Harry
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“…it’s the look of unshakable trust in my brothers eyes, even as my hands tighten around his throat.” Aw :)
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I love the picture of Harry and Thomas sitting down together
Down Town
Spooky throne
Oh telekinesis
I hope Marcone is in one of these comics
Blue Beetle in all its multi color glory
Who’s the old white guy?
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That’s Marcone! Him! No. Send it back. Not my Marcone. Begone imposter. My Marcone is @drawsdenfiles and @kaphkas fanart
“It’s been too long, warden Dresden.” Yes it has been too long
Molly why are you so hostile to Marcone and co.?
Ok I’ve accumulated to this Marcone
I love that Marcone came to Harry
I’m not sure if Marcone wants to Harry to investigate or not
What is that thing?
Oh Marcone’s perspective
I love how protective Marcone is of his people
“I know mister Dresden very very well. He is doing exactly as I intended he would.” Yes Marcone knows Harry
Molly I don’t see this going well maybe wait for Harry
Too many rats
That’s a big chain
Oh no the slime is suffocating Molly
Good teamwork Molly and Mister
Spooky guy
Oh Hendricks fun
“It’s me. I followed Dresden like you asked. Ended up at an abandoned factory on the south side. There’s something you should see.” Is this where people think Marcone has people follow Harry?
Oh a gollum
Oh Marcone in tactical gear. I’m looking respectfully
“John. What a surprise.” I love it when Harry calls Marcone John
Why are Marcone’s men shooting Harry and Molly?
“Well, Mister Dresden…it would seem we are trapped down here. Together” Marcone saying this as if he didn’t hurled himself after Harry and Molly
“Like I said, Marcone and I know each other well. Too well. I know how he thinks…but he knows how I think too.” Yep
I hope the kidnaped guy is going to make it out alive
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Marcone listen to Harry
“Harry what the hell just happened” I love it when John calls Harry ‘Harry’
“Harry! Are you okay?” I love that Marcone is concerned
Yay Marcone saved Molly
What why does the client need to die?
I love that Harry shields the client
That can’t be Marcone’s actual drivers license. It says his birthday February 2, 1962
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“Somehow, failing to keep Marcone alive was humiliating, a total gun shot.” I wonder why Harry
“Stars and stone, John what do you think you’re doing?”
I’m going to have fun with some of these pages
I’m glad the client is safe
Wild Card
Who is this acid trip of a person?
Massive owl
Murphy’s dad
Murphy wear a helmet. Ah Murphy lost the helmet
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Go Murphy!
Marcone brought flowers to Murphy
Oh no Lea got launched
Puck as in from Midsummer Nights dream?
Go Lea!
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Oh dear Marcone lost control
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Marcone is cool loved the finger snap and he swore
Oh no Hendricks
I love that Marcone saved Harry’s life
Come on Harry say thank you
Yes Harry’s under Marcone’s protection
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“Listen to you two! Like an old married couple. Can’t admit how much need each other.” Puck speaking the truth
“I’m not some half-drunk girl you followed home from the club. You don’t impress me. You don’t intimidate me.” So cool
“Don’t make me kill you Dresden. Stop this madness now!” Like you would actually kill Harry, Marcone.
Dog men
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Oh why are you having a nightmare about Marcone dying, Harry Hmmm Bi Harry 49
Whoa there Harry let’s calm down. They’re just people in masks
“An agency that doesn’t officially exist.” What
So cool that Listen-to-winds can animorph
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Oh no Ghouls
Oh no the ghouls hurt Mouse
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Oh no the Wolf People hurt Mouse
Uh no more nightmares
Go Mouse!
Oh no a ghoul
Oh no lots of ghouls
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Oh interesting with Harry facing and confronting his guilt
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I like the comic showing normal people banning together and fighting off the supernatural.
Final thoughts
I liked the comic books. I liked the fights. I like all the Marcone we got. We even got a Bi Harry moment 49. I had fun doodling my favorite parts. It was fun to Harry at different times of his life. I liked Thomas and his love for Harry. I loved how much saving each other and the use of first name Harry and Marcone do in Down Town and that Puck called them an old married couple. I do wonder if normal people will fight in Battle Ground like they did in Dog Men.
Onto the Big one Battle Ground wish me luck
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oliverreedmasterass · 11 months
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Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Interlude | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Second Interlude | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Epilogue
Chapter Summary: The group makes their way into Frankenmuth, ready to fight against the hunters to protect their nest and pack.
Words: 5.2k
Warnings: grotesque violence (more intense than in previous chapters), gun violence, blood, head injury, language, implications of death
Notes: I'm writing this to hold myself accountable: Chapters 12 and the Epilogue will be posted by Halloween. If that doesn't happen, I will deactivate my account (jk) (also thanks to @infinisonicosm for the fic idea!!)
Rae was sure she wasn’t the only one feeling the day weighing on her shoulders, but no one else showed it as they briskly moved through the woods back out to the residential streets. A part of Rae was relieved that her gut had been telling her the truth so they could get back to town faster, but she was also concerned. Where did this intuition come from? Rae had never noticed it before, and now it consumed her mind. 
The sun was just starting to make its way over the horizon when their feet met pavement for the first time in hours. Beside her, Morgan let out a sigh of relief. Jake turned around and looked back at Rae and Morgan, his face twisted with concern. 
“I heard your phone call with your mom,” he told Rae. “You and Morgan need to go home and stay safe. My dad said that Bri is in town, which is really bad news. Both of you go and let your parents know you’re okay. We’ll be able to fend things off.” 
“Look, I don’t know who Bri is, but we’ve made it this far, I don’t want to leave your side,” Rae tried to protest. 
“She’s a hunter. The best, actually. A vampire killed her parents and filled her with such an intense rage, she’ll kill whoever gets in her way, even if they’re human.” 
“People say she took out an entire nest in less than five minutes with nothing but a cheese grater,” Sam popped into the conversation, widening his eyes as he shared his story. “She kept one alive so he could tell the tale.” 
“I doubt that’s true,” Danny rolled his eyes at Sam. 
“No,” Karen countered, “It is.” 
Rae grimaced at the thought but held her ground. “This seems like an all hands on deck kind of deal.” 
She noticed that Jake was looking closely at Morgan, and then turned to her brother as well. In the fading sunlight, Morgan’s skin was entirely sapped of color. His rustled hair looked like it might never properly smooth down again. He was starting to fold in on himself like he couldn’t stand upright any longer. 
Jake caught Rae’s eye and Rae sighed. 
“Okay, Morgan definitely needs to go home.” 
“I can stick it out,” Morgan gave a weak protest. 
“Take one look in the mirror and you’re gonna change your mind,” Rae cut him off. She looked around at the group and wasn’t sure whether to smile or keep a straight face. She opted to let the side of her lip curl upwards slightly, and gave a joking salute. “Please be safe,” she told them. 
Josh gave Rae a comforting rub on the back. 
“What time is your chemo tomorrow?” he asked Morgan. Morgan looked caught off guard by the question, scrambling to come up with an answer. 
“10?” he guessed. 
“See you at 9 tomorrow,” Josh winked at him. 
Kelly and Karen gave waves to Rae and Morgan, and Danny and Sam called their goodbyes as well. As Josh rejoined his family, Jake remained behind, looking at Rae with those melancholy eyes. 
“Get some rest and lay low,” he told Rae. “I’ll swing by and check on you guys later.” 
“Don’t worry about us,” Rae shook her head, even though she did desperately want to see him later so she knew he was alright. “Watch out for Bri. If anything happens to you, I’m legally obliged to kick your ass.” 
“I’ve personally never felt more threatened in my life,” Jake’s face warmed slightly. 
“Now, go out there and get em, tiger,” Rae told him. Jake laughed, but he looked unsure. Rae watched him with interest, wondering what was going through his head. Before she could react, Jake stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close so she could feel his heart thundering in his chest. “Hey, hey,” Rae softly spoke. “It’s gonna be okay.” 
“Just in case,” Jake whispered back. Then, just like that, he released and took a step back, focusing his attention on Morgan. “No more running into the woods, okay?” 
“Trust me, I’m never going back there again.” 
Jake looked over his shoulder to see his family slowly disappearing from sight. 
“I’d better go,” he said. Rae saw a flash of fear cross his face. She wanted to tell him to sit this one out, that he had been through enough and should stay with her and Morgan, but her words stuck in her mouth. She knew he would never abandon his family when they needed him. Her heart broke that, at just 17, Jake already had to put his life on the line over and over again. 
“Be safe,” Rae reminded him, and then Jake was off. Rae felt a knot form in her throat as she watched him leave but, before the emotions could take hold of her, she focused her attention on Morgan. “Let’s get you home, bud,” she told him. 
All it took was crossing the street and walking half a block for them to make it back to their new house. Rae was in the middle of twisting her key in the lock when her mom flung the door open with a relieved cry. She engulfed Morgan in a tight hug, leaving Rae standing awkwardly to the side. 
 “Four hours!” their mom exclaimed into Morgan’s shoulder. “I thought you were dead!” 
“We’re fine, Mom,” Rae promised her, trying to hide her hurt that she hadn’t received a hug as well. 
“Where were you?” their mom had her eyes glued on Rae. “What were you doing that was so important you couldn’t answer your phones?” 
“I went into the woods,” Morgan cut in before Rae could think of an answer. “I got lost and Rae had to go in there and find me. Neither of us had cell reception.” 
Their mom held Morgan out in front of her so she could study him. “Why were you in the woods? You’ve heard all those stories about people going missing, Morgan. You know better than that.” 
“I was trying to clear my head,” Morgan levelly answered back, not breaking eye contact. “You know, before tomorrow.” 
Their mom let out an exasperated sigh and hung her head, unable to continue with her scolding. 
“Come on,” she told Morgan and Rae. “Let’s get you two inside. Dad has some dinner that he can reheat.” 
Rae took a look over her shoulder at the empty residential street before she made her way indoors. They were alone. 
The next hour and a half was torture for Rae. All through dinner and creating countless white lies about what had happened in the woods, she couldn’t stop thinking about how she was in the wrong place. She needed to be with Jake, Josh, Sam, Danny, Kelly, and Karen, defending their nest and pack from the hunters. They had been through too much for her to tap out early. 
Her eyes kept falling on the front door and, after probably her fifteenth time gazing longingly out the window, Morgan seemed to pick up on her thoughts. For a brief period where neither of their parents were in the dining room with them, he leaned across the table. 
“You want to go back out there, don’t you?” he asked. Rae could only nod. Morgan took another bite of his pasta and chewed thoughtfully. 
“I do too.” 
Even though the color had returned back to Morgan’s face and he looked more like a teenage boy than a ghost, Rae quickly shut him down. 
“I don’t think you really do,” she said. Morgan looked back at her in surprise. “You’re still recovering,” Rae continued. “You need to get your rest. Also, as your older sister, I can’t afford to see you endure any more of this violent shit.”
Morgan’s shoulders slumped. 
“I honestly do want to help, but I am feeling super gassed. I haven’t moved around this much in a crazy long time.” 
“You’re gonna stay here,” Rae decided for him. “And you better pinky promise you won’t come looking for me or do anything stupid while I’m gone, okay?” 
Morgan rolled his eyes, but offered his pinky out to her. “Promise,” he said. 
Rae took his pinky in hers and then stood from the table. 
“I’m gonna go out through the back,” she thought aloud. “Can you cover for me?” 
“I’ll tell Mom and Dad you’re in your room,” Morgan agreed. “Put on one of your weird folk albums super loud and stuff your bed with shit so it looks like you’re sleeping.” 
“You’re the best,” Rae grinned at him. She never had to sneak out of the house back in Folsom, but she and Morgan had had plenty of conversations over the years talking about how they would pull it off. She was so glad that Morgan had remembered their plan. 
Rae gave Morgan a kiss on the head which he returned with gagging noises, and then slipped out the back door and rushed through the side gate to return to the street. She wasn’t sure where to look for her friends, but heading downtown seemed like the best option.
Rae started to run down the middle of the road, her ponytail whipping behind her with each step. The streetlights were starting to flicker on overhead, and Rae sputtered as some gnats made their way into her mouth. The closer she got to downtown, the more Rae noted that things felt off in Frankenmuth. The streets that she and Jake had strolled down just a few days before when they first met were in disarray. Houses had their front doors entirely ripped off the hinges and their windows smashed. People stood, lost, on their porches, trying to make sense of everything. Off in the distance a werewolf howl rumbled. Rae couldn’t tell if it was Jake, but it made her run faster. 
She was moving quicker than she ever had before, but then skidded to a stop to clutch at her stomach, which was twisting in agonizing knots. 
“Oh god,” she groaned out. “This can’t be good.” 
While she held her middle, she heard footsteps rush to her side. She lifted her head slightly in the hopes that it was Jake or Josh to help her out, but was instead met with the boney face of a middle aged man who had a large scratch running from his forehead to his right cheek. 
“Gotcha,” he rasped. “Fuckin werewolf.” 
Rae’s stomach turned again and in a blur, she saw the man start to reach for her waist to hoist her up. She blinked and saw that the man was still standing over her, waiting to make his move. Then, his hands started to reach for her. Because she knew what he was about to do, Rae did the first thing that popped into her mind and jumped out of the way. The man turned around to look at her in surprise and she sent her foot flying up into his crotch. The hunter clutched downstairs and stumbled around in a daze, but then Rae saw him take out a large knife and slice at her. With another blink, she saw that he was still keeled over. After a few beats, he straightened back up, growled at her, and reached for his weapon. In a flash, Rae rushed to his side, snatched the knife out of his hand, went behind him, and held the sharp edge to his throat. 
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Rae hissed at him. 
“What the fuck?” the guy choked back. Rae saw a flash of him turning out of her hold and thwacking his hand through her arm so she dropped the knife. She waited for him to move and, as he started to shift on his feet, she sent the hilt of the knife into the back of his head. The hunter thumped to the pavement with a groan. Rae sent a few kicks into his side and head for a little extra insurance, and stole his leather knife holder to tie around her waist. She inserted the knife into it and then wiped her dirtied hands off on her jeans as she caught her breath. 
Something moved out of the corner of her eye and she felt the adrenaline rush back through her veins. The knife came back out in front of her and Rae turned to face Sam, who jumped with wide eyes. 
“Woah!” he called out. “It’s me!” 
Rae let out a hefty sigh and dropped the knife back down to her side. 
“I was gonna step in to try and help you but, Jesus, you handled that all on your own.” 
“I don’t know what happened,” Rae admitted. “It was, like, I could see what he was going to do before he actually did it.” 
“It sounds like you’ve got some tricks up your sleeve,” Sam nodded with a smile. “Speaking of tricks, look at this!” 
Sam squeezed his fists and let out a straining grunt which made Rae wince. This went on for an uncomfortable amount of time, but Rae caught sight of a nice set of fangs coming in from Sam’s mouth. He wiped some sweat from his brow when he was finished, and then flashed a wide grin at her. 
“I’m a hybrid!” he announced, opening up his arms like he was reintroducing himself. 
“That’s amazing!” Rae congratulated him.
“I still can’t turn into a bat or a full werewolf but, you know, baby steps. I was helping a nest move into hiding a few blocks over and one of the elders told me what I had to do to get the fangs. The guy was a genius or something because it only took one try!” 
“Those hunters better watch out,” Rae joked. 
“Right back atcha,” Sam nudged her side. Rae laughed, but was still filled with uncertainty about what had happened between her and the hunter. It was like she wasn’t herself for a second. 
Rae looked around and then back at Sam. “Where’s everyone else?” 
“My dad and mom are with the other leaders trying to put pressure on the mayor. Danny’s also there so they can prove they had nothing to do with his disappearance,” Sam shared. “I have no clue where Jake and Josh are, though. The last I saw them, they were by the river trying to get back some members of our pack who were taken by the hunters.” 
“I want to help,” Rae said without thinking twice. Her words seemed to relieve Sam. 
“Uh, yeah, I could use your help,” Sam nodded. “Don’t tell anyone, but being on my own out here has been kind of terrifying, even if I have my fangs now.” 
“Let’s find Jake and Josh so we have strength in numbers,” Rae suggested. 
Sam couldn’t argue with that, so he began tracking around, trying to pick up their scents. Rae followed behind him, putting every ounce of her energy into focusing on her stomach to see if it sent her any more distress signals. Rae didn’t know where it had come from, but she had total faith in the power of her gut feeling. 
Sam led them through more empty streets, which started to look familiar. Rae realized that they were moving closer to the high school and reflected on how confused she had been about Jake earlier during her first day. Ringing sounded loudly in her ears and her vision blurred, replacing the street in front of her with a disturbing scene. Rae saw Jake and Josh fighting in desperation against a staggering number of hunters who had them backed into a corner. It was dark and hard to see, but Rae could tell that they were struggling to defend themselves and growing afraid. 
Her sight returned back to normal and she immediately saw Sam in front of her with his hand on her shoulder. 
“What did you see?” he asked her with concern. 
“Jake and Josh,” Rae told him. “They’re in trouble. Somewhere dark, I don’t know where.” 
“I can smell them near the high school,” Sam replied. “Let’s go.” 
Sam started to run, and Rae followed behind him. With each step, Rae grew more anxious and worried. Considering all that they had been through, she had never seen such terror on Jake and Josh’s faces. It was as if they could see their end in sight. 
They made it to the front doors of the high school and Sam hurdled his body into them with all of his might. Rae watched in awe as the doors groaned at his weight and flung open. Sam let in another deep inhale and then looked back at Rae. 
“You said they were in a  dark place?” 
Rae nodded. 
“I bet they’re in the basement.” 
Rae started to move towards the staircase leading downstairs, but stopped in her tracks when she noticed that Sam wasn’t following behind her. Instead, he was glued in place, squeezing his eyes shut with his fists clenched, making more groaning noises. Rae watched in confusion, unsure what to do. The last thing she wanted was for the kid to pop an eye out. 
“Dammit,” Sam grunted. “I’m so close.” 
“Can I help?” Rae found her words, stepping back to join him. Sam shook his head and continued to strain. 
“AGGHHHHHH!” a voice bellowed with a crack from beneath their feet. 
“Jake!” Sam opened his eyes to shout. He then squeezed his eyes shut again and, in one fluid motion, transformed into a werewolf, fully equipped with bat wings and a set of murderous looking fangs. Rae took a second to gawk up at Sam, who had nearly doubled in size, but Jake’s screams were still sounding beneath them, so they headed for the stairs. 
Rae kept waiting for her stomach to kick into gear, or for her to see another vision, but her brain instead buzzed with panic. Sam led the charge downstairs with a low growl and immediately sliced through two hunters who had rushed to them to see what the commotion was. Rae had the knife out and pointed in front of her, waiting to see who would attack her. Finally she saw an image of a woman rushing behind her with a stake and then quickly turned, cutting at the woman before she could make her move. Rae caught a part of the woman’s arm, which made her cry out in pain, and then pushed her in Sam’s direction. In his monster form, Sam seemed to have lost every ounce of his human self. It was hard to believe that a fourteen year old was somewhere inside the terrifying monster that was fighting through a whole crowd of hunters with vicious strikes, bites, and blows. 
Jake’s screaming had stopped, which made Rae worried. Sam looked to be fending off the hunter with ease, so she rushed farther into the basement. Metal piping ran along the walls and her footsteps echoed in the space around her, lit only by a few dying light bulbs suspended from the ceiling. The farther she moved from Sam, the more she slowed her pace so she could listen for any signs of where Jake and Josh might be. After turning a corner, she heard voices and leaned against the wall, trying to stay quiet. 
“Bri should be here soon,” an unfamiliar man’s voice spoke. 
“She’ll be happy with what we caught,” a woman replied back. Rae could tell she was grinning from how she spoke. “Children of the Kiszka Pack and Wilson Nest, how lucky are we?” 
Rae thought hard about what to do. Jake and Josh were obviously behind the wall, but there were at least two hunters she would have to get through first. But she needed to make sure they were okay. Rae tried to force another vision to come to her, to no avail. Her mind remained blank, and she cursed to herself. Then, a thought ran through her mind: 
Just go in there. 
Rae felt like that was probably an incredibly stupid idea, but it was all she had. So, holding the knife firm and steady, she slipped out from behind the wall and took in the scene. The two hunters were facing away from her as they looked down at Jake and Josh, who were tied back to back on the ground. To Rae’s relief, they were both conscious, but the gash in the side of Josh’s head and Jake’s black eye left her concerned. 
“We use the children to get to their mommy and daddy, and Bri can finally get the justice she deserves.” 
Jake was gazing in front of him, looking like he wasn’t actively looking at anything, but he must have picked up Rae’s scent because he slowly rolled his head in her direction. She could see the surprise hidden beneath the wounds of his face, but he made no sound to give her away. Instead, he made brief eye contact with her, widened his one open eye, and nodded at the hunters. Rae nodded back and took in a deep inhale. 
Rae lunged forward and plunged the knife in between the man’s shoulder blades, immediately causing a waterfall of red to ooze down his back. He fell down hard with the knife still in him, and Rae moved onto the next hunter, who was coming at her with her gun out and ready to unload. Rae caught a vision of something, but it confused her. It was just a brown blur. 
The hunter started to press on the trigger but then, in a flash, Sam soared into the room with a blood curdling shriek and slammed straight into the hunter with his talons clawing into her chest. He lifted her from the ground and threw her at the wall so her head slammed into one of the rusty metal pipes. She fell to the ground in a lifeless heap. 
Rae pulled the knife out of the man, and then looked at Jake and Josh. Their mouths were both hung wide open. 
“Jake,” Josh whispered. “I think they did something really bad to my head. I just saw the craziest shit.” 
Jake was focused on Sam, who was examining his body to make sure he hadn’t gotten any serious injuries from his fight against the herd of hunters. Considering no one else was coming into the room for backup, Rae could only assume that he had entirely eliminated that problem. 
“You turned,” Jake breathed out, taking in his brother. “You’re a full hybrid.” 
Sam let out a few beastly huffs, transformed back into a human, and crossed his arms over his chest, as if he was trying to hide himself. 
“That was my first time fully changing.” 
“You’ve got a lot of power in you,” Jake told him. 
“I just wanted to make sure you both were okay,” Sam softly spoke back. 
“We will be once we’re untied,” Josh replied. “I gotta get away from this guy. He smells like a wet dog.” 
Rae came up to them and started sawing away at the thick ropes with the blood-stained knife. Josh caught the ropes as they fell from his wrists and dropped them onto the floor with haste. 
“You shouldn’t be surprised, that’s what happens when a werewolf is in a damp place,” Jake complained back, looking offended. 
“What happened to you both?” Rae asked as she helped them to their feet. 
Josh grabbed at his injured head and huffed. “Let’s just say I put a little bit too much faith into the guy with the supposedly good sniffer. The hunters set a trap and we walked right into it.” 
“We were able to get back seven families and I thought I had a lead on one of the last ones that’s still missing, but it turned out the hunters had just gathered their stuff to lead us here. It was stupid on my part.” 
“No, no,” Josh backtracked. “You had the right idea. I mean, how could you know?” 
Jake shrugged, unable to answer. 
“How many more families are missing?” Sam continued to press. 
“Three,” Jake said. 
“Fuck,” Sam cursed. 
“Language!” Both of his brothers scolded him. 
“Any updates from Dad or Mom?” Sam asked. Josh and Jake both looked down at the ground and shook their heads. 
“Nothing,” Josh spoke. Then, he looked at Rae and Sam. “I know this probably isn’t the time, but do you think I could get to Danny kinda quick? My head hurts like a bitch. I can’t see out of my right eye.” 
“A hunter hit him over the head with a pipe,” Jake explained. 
“We should go to City Hall,” Sam told them. “Danny might still be there with our parents trying to talk to the mayor.” 
They began to move towards the hallway leading back to the staircase when Rae was hit with an overwhelming wave of nausea and a vision. A tall woman wearing all black. Armed with a gun and stake. Moving fast. 
“Guys,” Rae choked out, trying to get the image out of her head so she could warn her friends. 
“What is it?” Josh looked at her, concerned. 
“I think it’s Bri,” Rae said in fear. Sam wore a large frown on his face. Across from her, Jake had gone more pale than he already was. 
“Where?” Sam whispered. 
A wooden stake came whizzing through the air and just barely missed Sam, clunking against the wall only inches from his head, and clattering to the floor. Sam’s eyes were bugged, and his breaths quickened as he looked beyond Rae at something. Rae turned and saw the tall woman, maybe a few years older than her, rushing toward them through the darkness. 
“Fuck,” Sam, Jake, Josh, and Rae all said at the same time. 
“You took out my hunters?” Bri barked at them as she neared closer. Without any struggle this time around, Sam transformed back into his hybrid form. Rae could tell that Bri slowed down at the sight of Sam, but continued to project herself forward. Even though Jake looked entirely sapped of energy, he sucked in a deep breath and turned into a werewolf. Josh let his fangs grow out and touched his head gingerly. 
“I’ll be okay,” he told himself. 
Sam pounced on Bri, knocking her to the cold pavement, and held her down by the shoulders, foaming at the mouth. Jake joined his brother and tried to put weight on her feet to keep her entirely immobile. Before he could secure his paws around her ankles, she kicked free, and twisted out of Sam’s grasp, rolling away from the brothers. With a crazed look on her face, she reached behind her and pulled out another wooden stake, tossing it from hand to hand. 
“Which one of you wants to go first, huh?” she asked them with a malicious grin. 
“Preferably none of us,” Jake said under his breath. Josh sped at Bri, hissing and attempting to swipe at her. Bri expertly dodged his blow and held the stake up, ready to insert it through Josh’s back. Jake rushed at her and smacked the stake from her hand so it rolled away. Sam booked it to the stake and threw it into the distance. While he did this and Josh tried to regain his balance, Rae was struck with another image. Bri had a gun and pulled it on Jake, pressing it against his heart. 
“No!” Rae shouted, throwing herself in between them right as Bri flipped the gun out from her sleeve. To Rae’s surprise, instead of Jake’s chest, the gun was forced against her head. 
“Oh Jesus Christ!” Jake cried out in surprise. The feeling of the cool metal just above her ear made Rae tremble. “Let her go! She’s not one of us!” 
“But she obviously means something to you,” Bri smirked. Jake’s face fell. “How about we strike a deal,” Bri continued. Josh and Sam were by Jake’s side now, gaping at Rae in fear, unsure what to do. “You three hand yourselves over to me, and the girl doesn’t get shot.” 
Rae knew that, no matter what happened, it wasn’t going to end well. She pictured the bullet waiting to launch from the gun and let out a shaky breath. 
“What do we do?” Josh whispered to Jake. Rae could see Jake deteriorating in front of her. 
“Any day now,” Bri called to them. Rae squeezed her eyes shut and saw Sam holding his hand out towards Bri, closing his eyes. Hypnosis, Rae thought to herself. As a hybrid, Sam can hypnotize Bri. She reopened her eyes and stared at Sam, meeting his gaze. While he first looked at her in fear, his scrunched face opened with recognition at what she was trying to tell him. Whether it be intuition or some kind of telepathic connection, Sam quickly shut his eyes and lifted his shaking hand towards Bri. 
“What’s he doing?” Bri stared at Sam. Jake and Josh studied their brother in confusion. 
“Close your eyes,” Sam hummed at Bri. While Bri first looked at him like he was crazy, Jake and Josh let out a collective gasp. Although the gun was still held against her, Rae dared to peer out of the corner of her eye and saw that Bri was standing stiff, her eyes shut. “Put the gun down,” Sam continued. The cylinder jutting into Rae’s skull was quickly removed. “Now sit.” Rae watched Bri drop herself to the floor, her face placid. Jake and Josh hurried to her side and used the ropes from the previous hunters to bind her in place with her arms behind her back. Sam took a brief pause and looked around at them. 
“Go,”  he said. “I’ll keep her in place here.” 
“What, are you crazy?” Josh shook his head. “Absolutely not. We’re not leaving you on your own. I’ll drain her and we can get a move on.”
“No,” Jake cut in. 
“No?” Josh’s voice rose in surprise. 
“We can’t,” Jake said down to Bri, who was sitting at his feet. Josh stared at Jake like he was out of his mind and threw up his hands in exasperation. “I can’t be responsible for taking another person’s life.” 
“Then leave the room, you’ll never know it happened,” Josh said. Jake frowned.
“How about this,” Rae proposed, “We’ll tie her up extra good and keep her down here where she can’t hurt anyone else. Sam, how powerful is your hypnosis?” 
“What do you need me to do?” 
“Tell her she has to stay down here until she hears some obscure word like, I don’t know, Raisin Bran or something.” 
Sam held his hand out towards Bri and began his humming sound again. “You must remain here, unmoving, until you hear the word antidisestablishmentarianism.” 
“That should do the trick,” Jake said, looking relieved. 
“Just,” Josh cut in, “let me tie her up a bit more. To be safe.” 
After ten minutes of tying knots that would floor a boy scout, they left the high school, en route to city hall. Bri remained behind, restrained against a pole in the far back corner of the basement, her head rolled down, still under Sam’s spell.
Taglist:@lvnterninthenight, @writingcold, @myownparadise96, @i-choose-the-road, @psychedelicsprinkles, @mama-likes72, @ascendingtothestarssasone
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mayoiayasep · 3 years
ah yes, the want for the blue period anime to be popular so there's more stuff in the tag vs the absolute horror of what having a big fandom is going to do to it
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Whacky Gotham, Goofy New York, and Chaotic Paris.
(part 1) (part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Chapter 1: Genius Little Ladybug
It all started when Sabine Cheng and her parents moved from China to America, where she met a rich boy named Tony, they weren't the best of friends at first, but they would always get into crazy shenanigans because of Tony. Sabine always finding a way to get them out of it. After a while they were practically inseparable, they had each others backs, both in the good times, and the bad.
So when Tony lost both his mother and father in a tragic car accident, and had to take over his parents company, she was there to try and ease the pain. It helped a little, but the boy changed and blocked out many people, only keeping a select few close to him. His personality changed, and he started to act differently, it saddened Sabine, but she knew it was his way of coping with his lose.
She would oftentimes find him crying silently in his office. When Tony opened a branch in Paris France, he was paranoid something would go wrong when he wasn't there, so he had Sabine become a sort of co-CEO for the Paris branch. Over the many years of her being a sibling-in-everything-but-blood to Tony, her intelligence was much higher than everyone in the company, other than said boy.
She moved to Paris not long after, always keeping an eye on both the Paris branch and Tony ( because god knows what would happen if she didn't do so). She even met a baker named Tom Dupain. Eventually dating, and marrying him. Tony wasn't the most eager when he heard of Tom, but he accepted him as family (not because if he didn't Sabine would knock some sense into him). He practically exploded with excitement when he heard we would be an uncle a few years after Sabine's wedding.
Tony was there in the waiting room with Tom, when Sabine was having the child ( Tony denies not having a mini heart attack when the nurse came in). Both men looked at the beautiful child through the glass. Tony was put to tears when he read her name "Maria Dupain-Cheng" and was comforted by a teary Tom.
When Maria was 9 months old, her Uncle Tony came to spend time with her, and talk business with Sabine. None of them expected Maria to crawl her way into their conversation and say "Uncle Tony" in the sweetest most adorable laugh both adults had ever heard. Tony had a massive grin on his face, and gave Maria a big hug and lots of kisses saying " I knew i was your favorite hahaha, and you're only 9 months old. Sabine I think we got a little genius on our hands." Sabine was just as happy and told Tom to hurry and grab the camera.
"Come on say it one more time my dear Maria, show your papa who your favorite adult is" Tony said with a very wide grin.
Maria giggled at her uncle's happiness, clapping her hands. "Uncle Tony, Uncle Tony" Tom just smiled giving his baby girl a kiss and handing Tony 10 Euros.
Tony continued to visit his little genius niece over the years. Maria ended up getting the best education a kid could get, becuase his logic was " If she is a genius (which she is) then she is going to have the best education money can buy, for nothing is to much for my Little Genius Maria!" and with that she could officially be called the smartest kid in all of Paris... heck probably in all of Europe even! So when she gained a passion for fashion at 4, Tony didn't hesitate to get her, her very first (kid friendly) sewing set. By the time Maria was 5 she already knew how to speak and write in French, English, Spanish, Russian, and is learning Mandarin.
Maria had met Chloé when they were both 6, although they weren't really friends, they were polite to each other, which surprised a lot of the other kids their age. She had met Alix a few months later. She spent a lot of the time she wasn't studying with her friends, Alix would get in trouble with another kid on the playground, Chloé would criticise the other kid, and Maria would talk to Alix and then apologize to the other kid. Overall, they had a good dynamic going on, and they (as 7 year olds) promised to always have each others backs to the very end.
When Maria was 3½ months away from her 9th birthday, Tony was kidnapped. Maria just broke down, she wanted to help her Uncle, but she didn't know where he was or how she could help if she did. For three months Maria would only speak to Chloé and Alix (they were kinda shocked to find out she was related to THE Tony Stark). A few days before her birthday, Tony came to their home, with rolls of fabric, flowers, and 'I'm sorry cards'. Maria jumped into his arms crying asking what happened, and "If you're the smartest man on the Earth, why the Heck did it take you so long? How did you get out? Are any of your vital organs hurts? Do you need to go to the Hospital? An-"
"Hey slow down My Little Genius Maria, I'm ok. 1, They didn't really give me much to work with at first, and there is only so much a genius like myself can do with so little resources, and time before your Birthday. 2, I made an anime mecha suit and flew out guns a blazing. 3, Nothing I can't live without. and 4, No because I'm spending the week with you lot before a conference I have in about 10 days." He said while holding his small little genius  in his arms.
Wiping away the tears she looked her Uncle in the eyes "Wait, you 'made an anime mecha suit and flew out guns a blazing?' How does it work? what's its power source? And why do you have a weird glowing device in your chest?!" He had a lot of explaining to do.
That week, in her words was 'The best week of her life.' She was really happy for the first time since the Tony-napping happened, although she was sad he had to go, she knew  he was safe, and that she didn't have to worry (as much) now.
When Maria was 13, both Tony and Sabine decided to have her go to public school with her friends. After hearing this Maria called for a meeting, her two commanders (Alix and Chloé) came for the meeting, and had a talk on how she should go about her first day of public school, asking questions like 'How do non-homeschooled kids act? What are their personalities like? What interests do they have? Are some barbaric like Alix is sometimes? Will they like me? Am I allowed to talk to Chloé in or only out of class? What are the seating arrangements? Who do I sit next to?' the list goes on. They were all excited to finally all be in the same study environment, now all they had to do was wait for their first day.
The night before her first day Maria may or may not have slept well due to her excitement, she woke up a little later than she ever would have preferred, getting breakfast, her clothes, the 'greeting sweets' (as Alix called them) and heading out in a slight panic.
On her way out she noticed an elderly man with a cain crossing the street, and a car coming a little faster than what was allowed, she pulled the man out of the cars way without losing any of the sweets, after making sure the man was ok, she gave him a sweet before saying good day and heading over to school. She never noticed the man walking away without the use of his cain.
She still got to class on time, when her teacher walked in she greeted everyone in the class "Bonjour, je m'appelle Maria Dupain-Cheng, c'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer! (Hello, my name in Maria Dupain-Cheng, it is a pleasure to meet you!)" after the introductions she sat down in the empty seat next to Alix, both giving a fist bump, and a smile to Chloé, who looked away as if she didn't care (the girl had an image to keep after all). When class was over she handed out the sweets and went with her friends to lunch. During lunch, one of the other students from a different class was mocking one of their classmates that Maria remembered as Ivan, for having a crush on Mylène and not saying how he really feels to her. Ivan ran off into one of the locker rooms, and Maria decided to go and comfort him, she explained that she overheard what happened and that he should try and tell Mylène about his feelings, listing many different things he could do or say, and that he should stay positive.
Ivan thanked Maria afterwards and went off to write a song for Mylène. Ivan later showed Mylène the song he wrote for her, but was teased by other students near them, Ivan ran away not wanting to be embarrassed more.
Back in the classroom Alix and Maria are sitting and talking when everyone hears crashing and screams outside, the class looked out to see a giant rock thing destroying everything  on its way to the school. The teachers sent the kids home in an attempt to keep them safe.
When Maria got home she noticed a small box with writing she didn't recognize, she carefully opened it, instantly releasing a glow of bright red-ish pink light.
"Greetings Maria Dupain-Cheng, I am Tikki, the Ladybug Kwami of creation and good Luck, it is a pleasure to meet you." Maria couldn't believe her eyes "Mon dieu..." was all she could say, before going full interrogation mode "You're a Kwami? What is that? How are you floating like that? How am I able to understand you? Do you have some sort of ability to communicate in any language?How did you fit in this box? w-"
"There is no time, Paris needs you! I can only explain the powers I grant and how to use them, so please listen carefully."
Soon Maria was running in a red suit with black spots and amor. She ended up facing the 'akuma' as Tikki called it in a stadium, meeting her partner (a blonde furry she decided) for the first time.
"Bonjour m'lady, so what's the plan to take this thing down?"
Without hesitation she explained her plan " The plan is for you to have your Cataclysm ready, I'll give you a signal when it's your-"
"Cataclysm!"  The boy proceeded to use his ONE attack on a GOAL POST!
"I said to wait for a SIGNAL! Now you only have five minutes before you power-off."
"Oops" The blonde was really wasting her more useful braincells. After the boy was thrown out of the stadium, Maria was left to fend for herself, and she did really well, considering this was her first non(but sort of) official villain fight, up until she lost her footing and was knocked into the side of the stadium. The akuma was gone before she could get back, more and more people were turned to stone, but it showed just where Stoneheart was heading.
She arrived at the Eiffel Tower, where blonde was fighting stone people, he just managed to get away and actually listened to the plan this time.
They defeated Stoneheart, Maria gave her speech to the villain, and did a fist bump (though at this point Maria just wanted to get some sleep), when a reporter came to interview them.
"What are your names, and where did you come from?"
"My name's Chat Noir an-"
"Ladybug, and we're hear to protect Paris from Moth-Man, as much as we would love to give you a bit more details, we don't have much time at the moment" right on que their Miraculous' beeped signalling they had 2 minutes left " Stay safe, and positive, Bug-Out. "
"Well done Maria!"
"Thanks Tikki." and with that Maria went downstairs to get something to eat, when she saw her parents watching the news.
"Earlier today Paris gained a villain and two heroes: Ladybug, and Chat Noir. Many of our viewers submitted pictures and videos, but only one of Ladybug came out clear."
Tumblr media
"Thank you Ladybug and Chat Noir for protecting us, bonne journée à Paris."
"Maria you're taking self-defense classes starting tomorrow" Sabine spoke, though Maria didn't have any complaints, plus it'll help when fighting akumas so it's a win win.
"Yes maman."
•~~~~~later in Maria's room~~~~~•
"Ok, so you're basically goddess of creation personified into a cute little Ladybug creature?"
"Kwami, but yes."
"And you've existed since basically the Big Bang?"
"... how are you able to float like that? How are we able to talk without any ancient god language in the way? And what other kinds of um kwamis are there?"
"I float with magic. Yes their is a language only for the Kwami, but we've learned every other language in existence, so there would never be an issue with communication. And to your last question, there are many different kinds of Miraculi all over the world, some even across the universe, so I am unable to list every single one in existence, but there are just as many Miraculi out there as there are starts in the sky."
"Impressive... does that mean I could learn magic?"
"As a human you are limited to what you can do with magic, but you have a strong creation soul. So yes it is possible for you to learn basic magic, I can teach you some life magic to help you heal quicker if you get hurt outside the suit. You can also learn other types of basic magic based on what Miraculous you are most aligned to. Surprisingly you have a close affinity to most of my brothers and sisters that are here in Paris."
"Are they in the hands of other Miraculous users?"
"... aside from Chat Noir, only two: one belongs to the Guardian, and the other to Hawkmoth."
"What are their names?"
"...Wayzz is Kwami of Protection, and is the partner of the Guardian. The other is Nooroo Kwami of Transmission, Hawkmoths Kwami.
"Ok, so then I assume the 'Guardian' is who you were with until now, right?"
"That is correct."
"And how was I chosen exactly?"
"The Guardian chose you because he saw your kindness in action, and sensed your strong Creation Soul, he has only ever been wrong once, but I can tell you will be a great Ladybug, maybe even one of the few who achieved a higher sence of life."
"... I feel like you kind of described a Sage, also how would he have seen an act of kindness, I mean, I got my things, went out helped an older man with a cain, wait."Maria squinted her eyes at Tikki as if looking for something.
"The elderly man's the Guardian isn't he?"
"I get it, you don't have to tell me, it's all apart of the 'plot' like some show, I get it. Welp, good night Tikki, have to get up early tomorrow."
"Good night Maria." Tikki never messed up so badly before, then again she never had a user with such a strong Creation Soul before either... Maria is something special.
And Tikki was right, she excelled at Life Magic, learning a fair bit of healing, luck and slight plant manipulation and communication magic. Tikki wasn't sure if she should be proud of her Bug, or scared at her fast learning skills.
A few weeks passed and Maria was thankful for the self-defense classes, she even started doing her own training routine with Tikki guiding her. She didn't like that her partner was a flirt, it got distracting and almost got Chat killed a few times. She often wondered 'what the hell did I do in my past life to get a partner like this?'
Tony Stark was called by Sabine to meet her earlier than they had planned, she informed him that Paris now has a villain and two heroes.
"Ok, so what's the problem? We agreed to put Maria in self-defense classes so she would be safe... is it a boy?! Don't tell me it's a boy, she's to young to be dating!"
"It's not about a boy."
"Then what is this about?"
"She's Ladybug, *sigh* I swear she gets it from you Tony. She learned it from your dumb@ss, and it didn't help the need to protect people she loves when you got kidnapped. I need you to teach her how to be a good hero, good combat strategist, and to give her your support. She already has a tactical mind, I'm proud in a way that she shares your bravery."
"Ffffffffudge... ok, where is she?"
After a slightly awkward conversation Maria started to get even more training, and became a pretty much badass on the field, she incorporated the known fighting styles of: Black Widow (her favorite hero), Captain America, Deadpool (favorite hero to some degree), Daredevil, Wolverine, and some moves from famous villains like, Kraven The Hunter, Red Skull, Doctor Doom, Scorpion, Shocker, and Taskmaster ( her favorite villain). And she used ALL of those skills in battle, it was damn impressive to watch, and then Sabine had a talk with Tony.
"Ok Tony wtf? I asked you to teach her how to fight for protection when she's out there, But you turned her into a complete badass, I mean none of the akumas have lasted more than 10 minutes with her! I want to hug you and kick your @ss at the same time."
" Sorry not sorry Sabine, but she is our Genius Little Ladybug after all."
First fic, wahoo (mario stile), hope you're all having an Absolutely wonderful day, stay safe, and stay positive, BUG-OUT!🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Tag List 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st place★: @animegirlweeb ☕
2nd place★: @jumpingjoy82
3rd place★: @zalladane
4th place★: @jayjayspixiepop
5th place★: @arty-shadow-morningstar
6th place★: @smol-book-nerd
7th place★: @irontimetravelflower
8th place★: @fandom-trapped-03
9th place★: @meme991001
10th place★: @buginetye
11th place★: @blackroserelina
12th place★: @jessigurl-design
13th place★: @adrestar
14th place★: @moon5608
15th place★: @little-bluestar
16th place★: @batgirljr72
17th place★: @myazael
18th place★: @our-preciousss
19th place★: @wolf2118
20th place★: @nyx-in-line
21st place★: @kking13
22nd place★: @lunerlover2024
23rd place★: @moonlightstar64
24th place★: @corporeal-terrestrial
25th place★: @kashlyn
26th place★: @tbehartoo
27th place★: @heart-charming
28th place★: @solangelo252
29th place★: @t1dwarrior-of-earth
30th Place★: @lady-phoenix-of-tardis
653 notes · View notes
Hi love, pretty sure you're requests are open (if not just ignore this) n e ways what about Inarizaki with manager who's like intimidating (i've been told i am intimidating lol) and very sarcastic, much Tsukishima Kei vibez cuz that's basically me😃
Just like how would our boys react, very curious and take your time btw don't have to rush it, do it whenever you feel like :D
Oh my gosh Nat, it's literally my honour to write this for you. You can request anything, anytime, and you'll be a top priority (ily<3)
Inarizaki with a tsukkishima-ish manager.
Specially dedicated to @sunasthing <3
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So first of all, if you think that's gonna stop the boys from simping over you, you've got it wrong 😖🖐️
The boys would literally take it as a challenge to get your softer nature out, especially Atsumu.
I GENUINELY think he'd find it really hot whenever you snap back at him, or tell him off. (maybe he's like Nishinoya and Tanaka in that sense 🙄)
Constantly pesters you, and although you don't give him a reply often (because he's annoying as fuck), if you ever acknowledge him slightly, he WILL flirt with you.
Beware tho, even if he comes off as flirty and charismatic, he's literally just a dorky small baby and genuinely wants your attention because he thinks you're the coolest person ever.
And if you're ever nice to him, you can best bet he'll replay that moment in his mind before sleeping EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.
Y/n, earlier that day: don't get hurt. I don't want to have to deal with anyone on this team being injured
Atsumu at 3 a.m: s-she cares about me 🥺🥺
I think Osamu would vibe really well with you. He's not annoying, he's really really chill, and he has a pretty sharp tongue himself.
Judges people as an attempt to make you laugh, and he sees it as a personal victory if he can get you to crack a smile or smirk. He just doesn't make a big deal about it, unlike his twin xD
Osamu: y/n look at that guy. he's totally crushing on his brother's best friend, could he not be more obvious about it??
Y/n: *cracks a smirk* yeah, it does seem so.
Osamu, internally: ✨v i c t o r y i s s w e e t✨
He also cooks for you pretty often, and even if you protest against accepting it, you'll usually find a bento hidden in your locker or bag.
He knows you might not accept it straight, so he finds other ways to get it to you. Osamu actually thinks of you as a cooler sister that he says "he'd trade Atsumu for"
In general, the twins are the life of Inarizaki and although they're sometimes annoying, they mean well and it's plain to see that they love you.
Kita loves how smart and analytical you are. I've said this before, I'll say it again— Kita thinks brains are sexy 😤
Especially when you call the team to give your insights about their opponents, or give them ideas on how to improve their play, Kita is literally there like “I'm so glad she's ours”
Because you would be a dangerous asset to other teams, and Kita is the most thankful that you're with them.
He's also a really good leader and although the two of you don't have heart-to-hearts or conversations like the twins, you know he'll ALWAYS be there for you.
Like once, it was raining and practice was cancelled, so you decided to wait in school until the rain subsided (because you didn't want to get wet), and our sweet Kita searched for you in every single classroom until the finally found you and walked you home. That's just the dynamic you had with him
He also often checks up on you, even when it's unrelated to volleyball. Have you done your homework? have you ate breakfast this morning? although you're usually sarcastic with the twins and most of the other members of the team, you can't bring yourself to do so with Kita.
The respect you guys have for each other is unmatched and that's probably why you're such a golden duo in Inarizaki. The leader and the analytical manager.
And now Suna. I think Suna would be the member you have the deepest bond with. you truly allow him to see who you are inside, and he does the same. You guys really just click.
It started with him complaining about Atsumu, and slowly progressed into you letting Suna be the only member to have physical contact with you, but only when the others aren't looking.
Sometimes, if you guys are the only two people in the gym, he'll nap on your lap or lean on your shoulder.
If you didn't already know, like everyone else in Inarizaki, he has a crush on you 😖🖐️ like damn you thought Atsumu had it bad? nah, Suna has it the worst.
He literally asks his little sister to let him practice braiding her hair, just so he'll be perfect when he someday asks to do yours.
But he always chickens out because he's scared you'll say no 😭😭 he's internally very shy, okay? 🥺🥺
He's literally your best friend. You guys have study sessions together, anime nights, literally anything, he's right there with you. The rest of the team are literally not aware of how close the two of you are.
Until one day, Atsumu tries daring you to kiss Suna on the forehead, and instead of flat-out refusing (like you've done before when he's dared you to kiss him, or Akagi) you shrug and gently kiss Suna on the forehead, causing Suna to smile and ruffle your hair.
The rest of the team is just shocked.
Atsumu: what is this FUCKERY?? is y/n literally WILLINGLY touching someone ??¿¿
Y/n and Suna: *smirks*
Atsumu, close to tears: okay
But the rest of the team soon accept you and Suna have a pretty special bond, and that you're genuinely softer when it comes to him.
You don't snap at him much, and as they've noticed, Suna has started being more brave about leaning on your shoulder or sleeping on your lap.
Of course, the rest of the team (with the exception of Kita) is jealous. But hey, they just don't have Suna's charm, okay? xD
You make Suna want to try harder, and he's way more motivated to give it his all in every single game. Mostly because he wants you to be proud of him.
He definitely has a nickname for you, but he will only use it when he's sure you guys are alone. And in return, you call him "Rin" which makes his heart flutter 🥺🥺
Now onto Aran !! Aran is a softie who (like Kita) respects you a great deal. He'll fend Atsumu and Osamu off if he senses you aren't having a great day.
He's also pretty good at giving you your space but he checks up on you every once in a while if anyone is bothering you.
Although he's shy about it, Aran actually comes to you when he doesn't understand a homework question. You're super smart and he knows you won't make him feel bad about not knowing.
And it makes you feel happy to know he trusts you, so you help him as best as you can. It's a little secret of yours that the other members don't know about.
It especially lights your day up when he gets a good grade and whispers a silent "thank you" to you in class.
In return, will help you with anything you ask for. No questions asked.
And now, last but not least, sunshine Akagi!! I think he's a total Hinata Shoyo, so he might annoy you a bit at first because of his bright personality.
But deep down inside, you love how easily he gets people to smile and slowly find yourself warming up to him.
And Akagi is really determined to get you to smile (at least once a day) so he cracks the corniest jokes or makes puns.
It has become a thing between the two of you, where Akagi tells you a joke a day, and you rate it out of ten.
Gone are the days when you found him annoying. And now, even if you won't tell him outright— you really do think he's one of the brightest people in your life.
Additional headcanons
CHEERING YOU UP— whenever you feel quieter than usual, or a bit more sarcastic, the boys immediately know something is wrong and rush over to make you feel okay. Literally, it's almost like they've abandoned practice. And eventhough you tell them to get back to it, they refuse to leave until you're feeling better. Suna usually gives you a hug and kisses your forehead, whilst Akagi cracks jokes. Then, (and eventhough you protest) Atsumu lists off all the things you should love about yourself, whilst Osamu buys you ice cream (food is, after all, the best cure for anything). Aran is literally ready to HUNT the person who affected your mood down, and kill them, whilst Kita is literally just holding him back and making sure things don't go overboard. Even if you aren't fully cheered up by then, you'd have laughed a whole lot and know how much they care for you, so honestly... how could you stay sad?
REACTING TO YOU TELLING THEM OFF— Suna is literally just meh about it. He can't take you seriously because he's a dork who thinks he's not included in the list of "idiots" (but no Suna, u mf, you ARE included -_-). Atsumu thinks it's hot 👀 (as I mentioned above), Akagi is genuinely upset/ready to sob and vows to do better. Kita is proud of you for telling them off before he could do it (Kita is not included in the "idiots". How could he? he's PERFECT 🖐️). Osamu and Aran have similar reactions, because they end up apologizing and try to change tactics and do better.
HOW THEY'D ACT WHEN YOU START DATING SUNA— (because this is honestly inevitable, wbk 😭❤️). Atsumu would be jealous. Petty and would call Suna "pretty boy" every chance he gets. Leave him, im sure he'll get over it 🥺🥺 Osamu is pretty jealous too, but he'll never show it and focuses instead on your happiness. Kita approves, and honestly thinks you're a good influence on Suna. Aran is protective of you, and would literally gun Suna down if he ever hurt you (but he won't. Suna loves you, he'd literally jump down a cliff before ever hurting you 😤🖐️) and Akagi is cheerful as before, but extra glad because you seem to smile a bit more often (and Akagi loves your smile).
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I took a lot of effort on this <3 hope you like it, bae !! Taglist— @dai-tsukki-desu @sunasthing @k-sakusa-old @tilli-san
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cordria · 4 years
Rewrite an episode: The Ultimate Enemy
While there is a lot of good stuff in this episode, there have always been three things that bothered me:
1. Nobody would cheat on a career aptitude test. 
2. Clockwork doesn’t have totally clear reasoning for pulling Danny in to do this. We’ve fanon-ed things in, but the episode sort of pulls a catch-22 on this. I realize they use the plot hammer of the observants thinking Danny will become evil, but let’s put some actual thought into the reasoning here.
3. Danny has little actual responsibility for the creation of Dan. This cuts down on the angst - and also how the episode hits in a moral sense.
So I wanted to ‘fix it’ while keeping the large brush-strokes the same. Read on for my thoughts.
(Assume proper foreshadowing of these, were I rewriting the entire series.)
Story opens with Danny struggling with frustration and anger that has been building. Not to a personality-change level, but more to a ‘there’s realistic consequences for his actions and he’s frustrated with it’ level. He’s frustrated about his grades and detentions. He’s angry with Val for continuing to hunt him. He’s tired and getting angry with his parents for not listening to him.
An actual high-stakes test is coming up - let’s make it a placement test for whatever the IB/College in the Schools this universe has. In order to even have a chance at being accepted into the astronomy program Danny’s been eyeing, he has to get into the honors-level science and math classes in high school. Which means he has to pass this test.
He comes up with a plan to study. Sam and Tucker and Jazz try to help. Whenever he gets a chance to focus and study, it’s clear he has the knowledge to pass. He’s acing the questions, quick answers, etc. But the ghosts are on a rampage, and Danny’s study times always get cut short. 
Morning of the test arrives and Danny is a mess. He’s exhausted from dealing with a ghost all night, his brain feels like mush, and there’s zero chance of him passing this must-pass test. Frustrated at the ghosts and angry about the situation (because he would have passed easily without the ghosts!), he makes a choice. He sneaks into the school using his ghost powers and deliberately steals a copy of the test. Not the answers, because that’s stupid. None of the testing companies would give a school a copy of the answers even with a gun pointed at their heads.
So he brings the test home and looks up the answers before school starts. He waves it off by saying if his ghost powers were going to cause him to fail, he should be allowed to use his ghost powers to pass.
Deliberate choice to cheat.
Enter Box Lunch attacking the school before the test starts (which delays the test to the next day) so Danny ends up with the time medallion, and Skulk-Tech shows up which clues Danny-and-crew into what the time medallion does. Head over to Clockwork as per the actual episode, and Danny sees his future. Sees Dan and the destruction that was caused. The fact that Danny is choosing to cheat and using his frustration to manipulate things makes his comment about Dan looking cool more ominous. 
Again, Danny-and-crew end up in the future and run into Valerie. Sam and Tucker head home and Danny gets tossed into the ghost zone. There, he confronts the ghostly results of his anger. They attack him and he can’t fend them off. But he’s listening, and he hears how he destroyed their lives, and he feels bad. He wants to go back and fix things - but he needs them to leave him alone to do that. So he finds his Ghostly Wail.
Yada, yada, he ends up at future-Vlad’s place. Vlad does the recap - only it’s a bit different. Instead of some freak accident, Danny ended up continuing to allow his frustration and anger to make bad choices. Danny slowly twisted into a person that freaks even Vlad out. Angry all the time and willing to use his ghost powers to subdue whatever caused that anger.
Vlad chose to remove Danny’s ghost when Danny is in his early twenties, in a bid to prevent Danny from getting worse, and with the assumption that Phantom would disintegrate without a body holding it in place. Phantom didn’t, and freed from whatever humanity Danny’s mind had left, attacked Vlad. So we, again, get a human-Vlad and creepy-Danny/Vlad ghost combo known as Dan. Begin epic destruction of both worlds for the next several years.
Vlad removes the time medallion, Danny ends up back in their normal time. Dan has been behind the scene orchestrating some destruction, setting in motion a bid to utterly destroy Danny in the present time and continue to wreak his anger-filled havok on this new world. While he was gone, Maddie, Jack, Lancer, Jazz, Sam, and Tucker ended up learning that Danny cheated on the test. 
They corner Danny (not at the Nasty Burger - it never made any sense for them to meet at the Nasty Burger in the first place) and Danny starts to react with frustration and anger. It’s not his fault he’s not getting any sleep, and didn’t get time to study, and it’s not fair that all his future dreams rest on this one test. 
Dan attacks. The humans are kidnapped and locked up at the Nasty Burger. Danny follows, trying to fight Dan. Angry at Dan, Danny isn’t able to access his new power. It’s not until he lets go of that anger (Star Wars reference, right?), and is attacking to save his family from destruction, that he can finally use it to subdue Dan and lock him away in a Thermos.
Of course, Danny is too slow, as per the show, and Clockwork has to step in to prevent the death and destruction and ends up resetting the time stream. 
It’s the morning of the test, Danny is still exhausted and a mess, and he gets to make a new choice. No cheating. Instead he goes and talks to Lancer about how he’s not been sleeping and didn’t have the time to study like he needed, and Lancer lets him take the make-up test the following week.
Lesson learned - talk through your problems, get help when you need, and don’t wallow in anger and frustration.
Oh, and Dan comes up again in some later episode. Because why create such a wonderful example of angst and never use it again.
Anywho, that’s my thoughts on how I’d rewrite this one. :)
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shofics · 3 years
So tumblr ate the ask (thanks! I hate it!) but @knifemartin sent the prompt 13. pirate au but make it... sky pirates with Earhart, Zolf, Sasha, and Wilde! This got frighteningly long so I had to put it under a cut, I hope you enjoy my ramblings. <3 They’re going to kill a dragon!!
I think I genuinely might clean this up and make it into a proper fic. Watch this space. 
Zolf Smith is a miner. Zolf Smith dreams of the sky. Zolf Smith kills his brother. Zolf Smith takes flight.  
The Meritocracy doesn't have air forces- don’t really need ‘em when you’re a huge fuck-off dragon who can fly- but they’re worried about the increased presence the separatists are having in the skies above their lands, so they’re building one. Zolf leaps upon it like a life raft.
When the ship goes down, there are two reasons he doesn’t die; his past, and his god.
The Reliant answers the emergency call, and that surprises Zolf- a known separatist vessel, making an attempt to save the crew of a ship in the Meritocratic Air Force- but a lot of things surprise him about Captain Earhart. It’s not the Reliant’s fault that he is the only survivor. It is due to the Reliant that there is an only survivor at all.
His family were Harlequins. Captain Earhart recognises him, visits him in the sick bay as her medics do their best to save his legs, asks after his father, asks after his brother. Gives an understanding nod when he refuses to speak about them. Offers him a job, because he desperately needs one.
It’s a lot all at once, and they can’t save his legs, but he finds he doesn’t need them. Dwarves don’t have the build that most of the Hermes lot have, but he’s never let not fitting in stop him. The feeling of the wind in the rigging is like wings on ankles he doesn’t have anymore. He’s freer than he’s been his entire life.
When he is thirteen years old, Brock Rackett successfully makes it out of Other London and out of the clutches of the Rackett clan by chopping off his ring finger and escaping on the first air vessel that will take him. At least, this is what Sasha believes. She’s sad he left without her, but she knows well that when an opportunity comes, you take it. She hopes he made it out safe.
Nine years later, at twenty-two, Sasha’s opportunity finally comes. She heads for the aeroport. Maybe she’ll be able to find him.
Barrett’s men are following her, she can feel them on her tail all through the crowd like a bad smell; she needs a cover, needs somewhere to hide. There’s a drunk in the corner of the bar, some once-foppish-looking dandy, and Sasha decides to make him her cover.
She slides into the seat next to him and tries to be as inconspicuous as possible, but the drunkard starts and leaps to his feet, swaying. “Keep your trousers on,” she hisses, jumping up to pull him back down in front of her- he’s tall enough, he should provide good cover.
The man staggers out of her grip and produces a dagger from nowhere. He tries to fend her off with it- poorly- and then his eyes roll up and he collapses. Sasha just barely manages to catch him before he hits the ground.
Wilde knows the Meritocracy is crumbling. He can feel it in the air; something big is coming, something very bad, and he really doesn’t want to be here when it finally arrives.
Though maybe the sense of impending doom he’s getting is just from lack of sleep. But he’s sure that’s fine. It’s fine. He’s fine.
So he puts his bardic talents and his espionage training to work, following the trail of the odd orders and the disappearing agents, and realises quickly that if he stays, he’ll probably end up disappearing as well- or worse, become one of the people giving the odd, conflicting orders. He doesn’t know what that’s about. He doesn’t want to find out.
Wilde fakes his own death in the hopes it will throw off the scent, and decides, like so many others seeking the separatists, to head for the Americas.
In a bar at the aeroport he is accosted by a mugger, and he knew he was being conspicuous, but with everything blurring and the ringing in his ears he’s in no shape to properly defend himself. Instead of killing him, though, the dark figure hauls him up and runs.
He’s not lucid enough to take in the scene of the room she drags him into, and so he doesn’t resist as someone snaps something cold around his wrist, and he at long last sinks into a deep and dreamless sleep.
Earhart knew the look of people like Zolf Smith- lost, angry, needing. She’s seen plenty of it, in her years as an airship captain, because there are only a few reasons why people set out for the skies. And so she took him on, and he proved a fantastic first mate, knew his stuff inside and out and indulged her more reckless tendencies.
Plus, he’d been fleeing the Meritocracy. That automatically put him in Earhart’s good books.
Famous (and infamous) Harlequin airship captain Amelia Earhart was, by that point, becoming famous and infamous enough to become a thorn in the Meritocrats’ sides. They decided to target her. The fact that they tried to take down the Reliant was not her fault. The fact that she turned the whole ship around to attack back, causing a wreck that killed almost all of her crew and blew the Reliant into unsalvageable bits… that was.
The only reason she hasn’t drunk herself to death by this point is her ‘fantastic’ first mate (she’s regretting that now, in an angry way), who for some unknowable reason is unwilling to let the guilt swallow her whole.
Zolf Smith was an airman. Zolf Smith dreams of gods and wings and roads not taken. Zolf Smith is given a choice. Zolf Smith chooses no.
Zolf Smith loses his magic.
Earhart is trying to die, and he’s doing his best without access to his healing magic, but it won’t work forever, not when she’s this determined to let herself waste into nothing. He’s not good at talking, and that’s what she really needs- someone to talk to. Someone to listen. But he’s got no legs, and he’s got no magic, and he’s got almost no hope left, and nowhere to go.
They take refuge in a seedy bar in the closest aeroport and report the crash; two survivors, him and Earhart. They’ve been there a month and a half when the door to their room bursts open and a terrified kid with dark shaggy hair and an enormous jacket practically falls through the doorway, lugging an unconscious man in a blue and green waistcoat.
For a split second they all just stare at each other- everyone except for the unconscious man, of course, being as he is unconscious (and bleeding, from the nose and from the ears, and Zolf may not have magical healing but he has medical training and he knows that’s bad)- and then the kid drops her charge like a sack of potatoes, slams the door closed, and dives under the bed.
“Are you in trouble?” is all Zolf asks, and the kid nods, petrified and utterly silent. “Fine. Stay there.”
The unconscious man begins to shake and cry out as Zolf manhandles him into his bed, as though having a nightmare. He wakes with a scream, eyes wide and terrified. Someone bangs on the door. “Do you mind?” Zolf yells. “Little busy in here!”
The door bursts open a second time- those poor hinges- and two men of the kind who aren’t holding knives until you look at them from the right angle, and then they definitely are, and they’re pointed right at you, appear in the doorway. They take in the sickroom and the man with the two prosthetic legs, look nonplussed for a second, and then one nudges the other and tells him to “get a move on, she’s in here somewhere,” and they disappear down the hall.
Zolf pulls the door shut behind them and goes back over to the man in the waistcoat. It takes a bit of figuring out, but eventually, in desperation- the man is obviously dying- Zolf fishes out the anti-magical handcuffs issued to him as soldier and medic in the Meritocratic Air Forces, and clips one around his wrist. He goes limp.
He turns around to find the dark haired kid staring at him with eyes as wide as saucers. “Were they lookin’ for you?” he asks, and her eyes narrow.
“Why do you want to know?” she asks defensively- as though they could be looking for anyone else. The kid has ‘runaway’ written all over her.
“‘Cause I’m tryin’ to save your life,” Zolf snaps, and that seems to shock her, “so if you could work with me here, that’d be great, I’ve got enough on my plate tryin’ to save her life-” jerks a thumb to Earhart- “and apparently this one’s as well-” to the now asleep man taking up his bed. “Who are you? Who’s he?”
“I dunno,” says the kid, “he just kind of fell over.”
Sasha does not make the decision to trust him then. She doesn’t even tell him her name. She makes the decision to trust him when he tells her, a day later, as they sit against the wall and watch the man in the waistcoat mumble in his sleep, that he used to work on an airship.
“I’m Sasha,” she says. “Can I come with you?”
The white-haired dwarf named Zolf Smith- he looks too young to have white hair, but Sasha knows not to judge from appearances- grimaces. “I mean,” he says. “Dunno why you’d want to.”
“I want to see the sky,” says Sasha, who has spent her entire life underground. Zolf looks at her and seems to see something in her that pains him.
“I dunno where I’m goin’,” he warns her mournfully, looking back at Earhart, who is also sleeping. “But you can come with if you want. ‘S your choice.”
He doesn’t ask Sasha’s surname. She decides to trust him.
The name of the man in the bed next to her is Oscar Wilde, and Earhart starts frantically reaching for a gun, any gun, forgetting in her automatic fury that Zolf had taken them all off her weeks ago. A Meritocratic agent-
“Ex-agent,” says Wilde politely. “Please don’t shoot me, Captain, I’ve almost died once this week and I’m not really eager to repeat the experience.”
Earhart feels more lucid than she has in ages as she listens to him describe the strange series of events that brought him there, how sure he is that something is brewing within the Meritocracy’s upper ranks, the disaster that is coming. She can feel Zolf’s eyes on her as all her grief and guilt and despair and boiling anger calcify inside of her.
Wilde is like her, like Zolf, like Sasha- lost, angry, needing.
Wilde has information she can use.
“Mr. Wilde,” Earhart says, her voice hoarse with disuse but filled with more fire than she’s felt since the crash, “you are going to help me kill a dragon.”
She didn’t like him at first- he talked down to her, and his posh affectations grated on principle- but Sasha has to admit that Wilde is smart. She stares in disbelieving wonder as he produces a bag of holding full to the brim with more gold pieces than she’s ever seen in her life. His Meritocratic funding, he tells the spellbound group, because he can spellbind even without his magic. He liquified as many assets as he felt he could get away with before leaving.
“Pick a ship,” he says, “any ship. We can buy it. No need to steal.”
“We’ll need elementals,” Earhart says. “At least two.”
Wilde turns to Zolf. “You’re a cleric, aren’t you?” he says. “You can summon elementals.”
“Not anymore,” Zolf bites.
Zolf makes a face. “I don’t- when- okay.” He sighs. “Look-” and casts Spark into the fireplace. He jumps back in shock.
“I… don’t see the problem?” Wilde says after a good minute of silence, looking from the roaring flames back to Zolf. Sasha gets up and goes to dry her hair by the fire; the weather around the ports has been awful lately. Zolf stares into the flames in surprise.
Zolf Smith was a cleric. Zolf Smith dreams of a new ship. Zolf Smith finds a team, full of people who need healing, the kind he can now provide. Zolf Smith has hope.
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sakura-83 · 3 years
Things from Anne with an e that I feel like writing down
Season 1 Episode 7: Wherever You Are Is My Home
⚠️WARNING!!!⚠️ this episode not only talks about suicidal thoughts but also a character trying to commit such acts, of you are sensitive to this I suggest you just skip this post or at least skip #75-77
1. Anne calling it comforting that no two snowflakes are alike, as well as calling snow a sign of gods forgiveness as he blankets the dead world in a beautiful frost
2. Josie gossiping about her while she’s RIGHT THERE
3. Her and moody just talking
4. “And I love Christmas, don’t you?” “I don’t know, but I plan to.” “Did you not have Christmas at the orphanage?” “There wasn’t much to it really. I’m not sure why Father Christmas wasn’t able to stop there, maybe the matron scared him off.”
5. “Do you at least know if they’re going to keep you?” “Keep me!?”
6. Anne trying to sing with the others but the other voices quickly fading out as she panics and rushes home
7. “They’re not going to send you back, you’re in the Bible and everything!”
8. Marilla has every right to be angry that Matthew rushed their home without even discussing it
9. “I knew you’d lose your head-“ “Oh, I oughta smack yours right off your shoulders!”
10. Matthew is prone to heart attacks, the very same thing causing his death in the books
11. “He’s had an episode of the heart” just a funny way to say heart attack, sort of long winded
12. Marilla not understanding the complex math because she had to leave school when she was young
13. Anne helping her with it because she’s top of her class
14. “Not keeping you? You’re a Cuthbert, for better or for worse! No getting out of it now.”
15. The awful bank not relenting on the payback schedule despite the fact that Matthew cannot work. Corporations are cruel and ungiving despite the human struggles and needs of its clients and it hurts. I know the bank invested that money and they need it back but Matthew was indisposed by a tragic event and to not only not extent but to SHORTEN the payback schedule is just unfeeling
16. Marilla putting out an ad to the mainland to take in borders
17. The terrifying idea that you must sell everything you have in order to survive
18. Marilla being desperate yet still too prideful to accept charity
19. The fact that it not only effects the family but also Jerry, as they can’t afford to pay him. It puts him out of a job and lowers his families income
20. A reoccurring theme I love in this show is the idea that the characters will give up their belongings, no matter how sentimental, in the name of family. Matthew selling his dead brothers watch, Marilla selling her grandmothers brooch, Anne selling the dress of her dreams, all because no matter how important these items are, they are just things. That family is more important, so even though it pains you to have to give those things up, you do it in the name of love for others
21. “Theyre just things.”
22. Anne feeling sorrow and yet being excited to stay at aunt Josephine’s
23. Despite being told she can keep the dress, Anne insists on selling it back because it’s a family effort
24. Anne being exited for a solo adventure and then getting stuck with jerry
25. Jerry has to be there to get money Anne his family is hungry :(
26. “I don’t actually need your help.” “When’s the last time you drove a sleigh? Auctioned a horse? Let’s go.”
27. Diana giving her things to sell as well
28. Jerry knows how to drive a sleigh?????
29. “It’s not so bad to ask for help sometimes, y’know?” “If I needed help I would say so.” “No you wouldn’t.” “Yes, I would.” “Wouldn’t.” “Would! Times infinity.” “What???”
30. Jerry singing in French
31. “No singing. I mean it. I’m serious, Jerry! This is an important journey! I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BEAR HANDS!”
32. Jerry grinning as she gets madder
33. Anne bring mystified by the dress shop
34. “I’m here to return a dress.” Is something wrong with it?” “Not a thing.” “Do you not like it?” “It is my very favorite thing that I have ever possessed in life. But I need to return it to help my family.” “You’re Anne, Matthew’s Anne!” “I am! How nice it is to hear it said that way.”
35. Anne being upbeat until Jeannie asks what’s wrong and then ask just breaks down
36. Poor Jerry waiting outside in the snow for her
37. Either Matthew spent some much money on Anne’s dress or Jeannie gave her extra, or both
38. “Did Matthew really spend this much?..” “You’re worth a lot to him.”
39. “I hate to say goodbye…” “😏 I won’t be so long~” “To the HORSE, Jerry. Why are you so annoying.”
40. “You’re a good horse Birdie, try to remember that. Someone will be very lucky to have you.”
41. Birdie really is a beautiful horse though
42. Anne’s little “my parents are spies” act she uses on the pawn broker
43. The pawn broker is so understandable rude because of his profession, it makes him equally annoying and funny
44. “What a piece of work you are.”
45. Anne is so good at making up stories on the spot
46. “If you can’t afford it I completely understand.”
47. I love how snide remarks of “being a good Christian” are frequent and effective insults in the 1800’s
48. Poor Jerry doesn’t just get beaten up and robbed, he gets brutally beaten by two grown men and there’s nothing he can do despite that being… his last paycheck. That was the last income he was going to give his family and he’s so ashamed of himself that he keeps apologizing for it despite most of the money being his. He apologizes to Anne, to Matthew, it bothers him for months to come
49. Gilbert’s back!!
50. “Still seems unreal. Even though I just sold all our… everything.”
51. “He’s a good man.” “I love him with all my heart. I don’t know what if do if…”
52. Them arguing over not arguing
53. Anne apologizing
54. “Anyway…” “Anyway..”
55. I genuinely didn’t realize that the men who beat up Jerry are the same men that took in borders at green gables, I got the same face blindness as Jerry himself
56. “I’ve missed you.” “Yeah?” “At school, theres.. no one to compete with.” “”You want to spell out a few words for old times sake?” “How about… truce?”
57. Jerry thinking Gilbert was going to hurt Anne and take her money and immediately jumping in to stop him despite swaying on his feet
58. When Anne asks him if he’s okay he immediately starts apologizing about the money
59. “I don’t like the city.”
60. “Just take care of yourself, and come home someday.”
61. Anne and Gilbert staring at each other quietly
62. “This is a palace, not a house.”
63. Jerry assuming that they’ll make him sleep in the stable instead of inside the massive house
64. “I’ll look after belle.”
65. “This city is rife with ruffians!”
66. Aunt Josephine insisting on helping
67. Matthew lamenting his own life, talking of how his life insurance will give them a sizable sum and how he drags them down despite them needing him
68. “Anne loves you, you have to remember that.” “But her future…” “Which do you think she would choose, this house or you?”
69. Jerry bring terrified to stay in a room by himself because he’s always had his family around him
70. Anne making room for him only for him to sleep upside down
71. “Don’t worry, I don’t kick like my sisters.” “Yeah, you’d better not.”
72. “Everything will be alright. It’ll be alright..”
73. Aunt Josephine helping by paying for Jerry to work at Green Gables, as well as giving Anne books
74. “We’ve been together all these years, thick or thin, so don’t think I’ll put up with you slipping away now. Anne will be home today, and she’ll be very happy to see you.”
75. Matthew trying to kill himself because the life insurance would pay off the debt he caused
76. Jeannie happening to show up and find Matthew with the gun just in time as he tries to hide what he’s almost done from her, realizing what he’s done
77. The way they stress how his passing would effect Anne the most because of what they mean to each other, that she will suffer without him despite what he’s trying to do
78. “Don’t ever get old…” “Too late for that.”
79. “You would’ve left us that way!? Left me?..”
80. “Give it back. I won’t take charity.” “But.. love isn’t charity.” “I won’t take it.” “Nay I ask why not?” “We will not be pitied! I don’t want people thinking we can’t fend for ourselves.” “Well at the moment we can’t, and I’d sure give my last bit of strength or my last dollar to help a friend. Then I know that friend would feel grateful and loved above all else. And I do. I feel very grateful to have such a dear friend as Miss Barry. Sometimes you just have to let people love you Marilla.”
81. Anne selling her cleaning services to make steady income
82. “We’re rich, aren’t we Matthew?”
83. Jerry carving a star for the Christmas tree!!!!!!
84. Anne’s friends coming to sing carols at their house
85. Anne helping Matthew walk outside
86. Not Nate :(
87. Nathaniel, the bane of my existence
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cowboymantis · 3 years
Let's talk about Kazuto Arase
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Yakuza / Yakuza Kiwami , Yakuza 3 side content spoilers. Later on Yakuza LaD too, but I'll give a warning before that especially since a lot of people haven't played that yet.
So I have a lot of thoughts about Yakuza on my mind and just want to scream into the void about it somewhere to write 'em all down somewhere! I'm starting with... Arase.
Yeah, I know, a mostly very hated character (personality and battle-wise) that has so little screen time on top of it all too, is the first thing I'll be talking about.
Hear me out, I actually really love this character and only really started to appreciate him after I went for the Yakuza 3 platinum trophy... I've replayed this game so many times, I didn't mind it when I played through it first but seeing all the hate it has gotten, I went to replay it just in case and with that replayed it again and again because I just somehow loved it so much-
And you know, one part of Yakuza 3, also completion related so there was no way I could've missed it, were the Hitman missions. In general, after playing through all the main games I started to come back to a lot of characters I didn't like or minded the first time playing that are now some of my favourites (other examples are Tamashiro or Lau Ka Long, hell even Katsuragi)!
To come back to Arase, let's start with, well, the start: Yakuza / Yakuza Kiwami.
Introduced already in the very first Yakuza game, Arase is just there for a brief moment in the game, yet has a heavy impact on the game's story and Kiryu. It starts with Arase's oath brother Shinji being shot by Arases subordinate, Mochizuki, at least it looks like it. Shinji came here to rescue Reina, whose corpse then gets dragged on the roof of the Dragon Palace by Arase, Sergeant of the Nishikiyama Family. Now that's a pretty... heavy and sadistic first image for a character introduction, and honestly, his strong personality like that seemed also to be the reason he wasn't exactly loved by other members of the Family.
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His battle theme in the first Yakuza game is called "Turning Point" which also puts more emphasis on how important this scene is, Kiryu breaking down, his scream when he sees Reina's body... It's really a turning point in the story.
In Kiwami, his new theme "Virtical Point" is also used as the intro song (or at least, the intro song "Vertical Point" is similar and shortened). Which also once again shows the importance of this piece.
Of course, he's not the most important character in the story, but it's still interesting to see how much there is around him other than his rather short appearance.
Then, his fighting style. Yeah, most hate this too and also the fact that starting from there, other bosses also sometimes use his moveset or a similar one. Like, take Jiro or Jo Amon or Andre Richardson... Basically just the usual dual wielding guns while being an athlete on crack - layout. It is actually not that bad, it's even less bad when you've got the right equipment but I have to admit I didn't really have that much good equipment when I first played all the games and basically just rushed through them because I just couldn't stop!
Arase's goal here of course was also to beat Kiryu but well, just like every other character ever, he couldn't do it and got beat instead.
And that's the end of that... The end of his part in the story and also the end of his part in the Nishikiyama Family, because he got disowned right after his failure.
Which is so... hmm... It makes me think. Many others have tried to take Kiryu down, too. And I mean, Arase was normally a very successful assassin, right? Yet this one failed attempt, at which everyone else too failed, got him disowned? Seems to me like they didn't like him and gave him an impossible task to have a reason to throw him out, huh?
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And with that wonderful transition, let's get into his appearance in Yakuza 3.
You get introduced to the concept of the Honest Living Association, in short the HLA pretty much after Kashiwagis death. An association, founded by Kashiwagi to help Yakuza / former Yakuza who weren't meant for this life or just wanted out but just couldn't do in it on their own. For some, all they knew was the criminal life, so having a thing like this is especially helpful. Although, I'm kinda sad this was never a thing anymore after Yakuza 3. The whole concept of it was very cool.
Kiryu gets asked by Ibuki to help the HLA because there is an organisation of hitmen, also known as The Reapers (or The Avengers on PS3) whose goal was a different one than the HLA's, it was to kill Yakuza. The Reapers consisted of former criminals, mainly Yakuza, who were wronged by their superiours and expelled, disowned, you name it. Basically what happened to Arase.
Apprehending those hitmen is a totally optional part of the game and I have to admit, I didn't finish it my first time playing. Which is such a shame because it goes by so fast too when you play it after finishing the game! And the individual stories are all so interesting too, I've really enjoyed this side content and also replayed those missions already. You don't really expect someone like Arase to be behind all of it when it turns out to be him who is the founder and the leader of it all. I was already taken aback by Shinzaki being the lieutenant, or part of it at all. I often stopped by to listen to his guitar playing and talked to him, often asking myself is there's anything else up with him.
And once this one hitman contract came in and guitar playing was mentioned, I was just thinking "It can't be him...?", god, this whole side storyline just was so good. And here people come and say Yakuza 3 was a bad game.
The whole build-up to then reveal Arase was just so cool, honestly. It made me start to look more into his character after this confrontation. The fight was really cool too, just having to fight Shinzaki so many times wasn't really necessary, but Arase seems to like to fight alongside others, so fair enough.
And his theme "End Point" is also just so good. It's more similar to Turning Point than Virtical Point was. The name is also again fitting, since this is the end for The Reapers and Arases power.
It is made clear here that Arase has a strong hatred against the Yakuza and especially holds a strong grudge against Kiryu. He sees Kiryu as the reason he got wronged and had to leave the Yakuza behind, while also seeming to be very aware of the fact that the others there probably didn't like him at all.
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He's so angry at him, he holds this whole speech and talks about revenge while Kiryu tries to talk some sense into him, eventually Ibuki also joins and tries to reason with Arase too. Telling him how that's what Kashiwagi wanted, even for Arase to find a new, honest life.
Arase is too strongly lead on by his grudges, so even though it seems like he might be thinking about turning his life around, he decided to not let them help him. Then he goes on about how he will definetly return to take revenge on Kiryu... Well. That's the end of that.
It becomes clear that Arases stubborn way of thinking is kind of childish. Not taking responsibility for any of his actions, thinking that his vile personality and actions are in fact the reason he got disowned. Failing to beat Kiryu was just the final puzzle piece to have a solid reason to throw him out. He's clearly unstable, doesn't think twice before shooting someone, he could turn on anyone and wouldn't be sorry for it. Just, he doesn't seem to really think about what he does.
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I guess he probably thinks he's strong enough, he doesn't need to be careful. Also fitting for that is his fighting style in Dead Souls, how when he gets low on HP, he pretty much fends for himself, disregarding orders and just charging head first with full strength.
His Dead Souls appearance is also interesting. Okay, we all know, this game isn't canon, it's a spin-off and just doesn't fit in to the story. But it is interesting how he teams up with Kiryu for a bit and then leaves again. The game itself takes place after the events of Yakuza 4, meaning at this point RGG did remember that hey, they have a rival that swore to beat Kiryu one day. But after that... radio silence.
Really, this is such a shame. Just alone from his short appearances I can talk so much about Arase because he really is an interesting character with so much more potential! The only thing that's good about it is that he didn't die, making him technically one of the longest surviving characters in Yakuza which really is a great achievement.
Okay, we don't exactly know that he's still alive, but assuming due to there not being a mention of him being dead, he's probably alive. He might be, might not. Schrödinger's Arase.
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One other thing I thought about is Jo Amon. I mean, his outfit and fight style is also similar to Arase, but that's not what I'm mainly thinking about. So the name Amon is for the greatest assassins, right? And they have a strong hatred against Kiryu at the beginning too.
So, putting those things together, Arase being a former assassin in the Nishikiyama Family, then the leader of a dangerous hitman organisation... Then, to fight Jo Amon in Yakuza 3 you also need to do all the hitman missions other than the substories and the IF7 fights. And to start the search for Amon, you also need to go to Ibuki again, where you got all the other hitman missions.
Yeah, it's a bit far fetched, but ... not too far fetched to think that maybe Arase and at least Jo Amon could know each other. I'd say, they could team up in a future game but. Well... Yeah.
Now some more things I thought about, I'll put a warning here though.
Yakuza LaD spoilers ahead!
Soooo, in this game we've gotten a couple of characters "back" ... Some more real than others... Thinking about Joon Gi's body double.
But one character that survived is Kashiwagi! Now the bartender of a bar named Survive. What a fitting name. After surviving such a heavy attack and believed dead by, well, everyone, it was the best approach to keep a low profile, start a new life. Also, he doesn't seem to be fit for any fighting after the incident.
So Kashiwagi is still there. And, now I just thought about, what if there was a possible redemption arc for Arase? Kiryu is believed dead now too, alone the fact that it seems that Kiryu never met Kashiwagi while being in the same area is kinda sad. I like to imagine they met each other...
I think it could go either way, Arase somehow got information on Kiryu being in Ijincho. He is a professional after all. Plus, by now Kiryu is also, well, not really working with... but. You know, not fighting with the Amon Clan anymore, even having Shin Amon to help determine Ichibans strength with the (True) Final Millennium Tower.
And, now, maybe there can be some other comnecting inside the Amon Clan and some info got out to Arase, ah, hell, I don't know, it's all so far fetched but I just like to have those possible headcanons of Arase somehow coming back!
Another possibility could also be Arase thinking Kiryu has died, just per chance being in the area and just going to the Survive bar? He'd probably be way more open about the thought of redemption and with Kashiwagi probably being pretty good at talking former Yakuza into that, given how the whole HLA was his doing.
Just... Thinking about possible things.
Yakuza LaD spoilers end here!
Well. That's that.
At the end of the day, the chances of Arase returning are pretty much 0, other characters you never thought of reappearing sometimes appear in one way or another, so it can be possible, but probably won't.
But one thing is clear, looking more into this character made me really appreciate him more. I guess that's the fact with a lot of characters, not just in Yakuza, but in general.
The characters in Yakuza are just so well written and even though it has some very weird and silly plot points and plot twists, I just love this game so much and looking more into it and replaying it is just so much fun.
I even started to like the minigames in Yakuza 3, even though I got very hopeless at the last pool opponent and the goddamn Mahjong completion, ugh. But at the end of the day it's all just really fun once you get the hang of it. It hasn't aged too well when you play it after the other Yakuza games, but replaying it on all the difficulties and then casually, then trying to beat it as fast as I can just made me love the game more and more every time.
So, uh... I don't know if it's a blessing or curse for me to often really like the characters that either everyone hates or have almost to screen time. Because well... there's such a lack of content and appreciation but hey that's what I'm writing this for!
I hope maybe someone starts to appreciate Arase more after this - if anyone even reads further after learning that I love this character. :D' I swear I tried to write it with as little bias as possible. I do know he's a morally very very grey character but after all, it's a video game character. (...There's no way I'll ever like characters like Yoneda...Ogita...Or Kume though... ugh)
Well anyway, with that, I go!
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ALRIGHT HERE WE GO! It's time to introduce my Wreck-it Ralph self-insert!! Okay so, here's the short version to start off with :3c
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From an arcade game titled "Undead Apocalypse 3", this is Dr. Ruby Redblood! She acts as the tutorial character who guides the player through the first level, and within the context of the game's plot, she was one of the head researchers working at the lab where the zombie virus first escapes containment. Because she's from a survival horror game, she had a tendency to be a bit skittish and paranoid, but despite that and her intense shyness, she still opens up to those she feels most comfortable around 🥺💖💖
Okay, now for the long version ;3c
So, when I first started brainstorming for my s/i, of course I knew I wanted her to be from a real game that exists in the movie's universe, and after a bit of thinking, I figured I could make her from the same game as that Zombie from the start of the film. So after a bit of looking around, I spotted this game next to Tapper:
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^^^ Right there! I figured that Undead Apocalypse 3 is supposed to be a House of the Dead-type shooter (which is evident from the fact that there are plastic guns mounted to the arcade cabinet), so here's the canon I have laid out so far: the player character would be a guard in the laboratory who's on duty when the virus first escapes, and both the lab and surrounding town would quickly become over run with zombies. Ruby would appear in the opening cutscene of the game, encountering the player character after escaping a horde of zombies, and she would guide the player through the entirety of the first level (which would be the lab) and help the player character shoot their way thru the zombie-filled lab. But here's the thing: there is a section at the end of the level where Ruby gets attacked by zombies, and the player has to be quick to save her. If the player succeeds, then they're rewarded with a surplus of ammo and extra health, but if they fail... well let's just say it's not fun for Ruby.
As for Ruby Redblood herself, her character is programmed to rely entirely on the player to keep her safe, and to accidentally get herself into situations that the player has to save her from because of her clumsiness, nervousness, or just plain bad luck. Because of that, as well as her role as a scientist, outside of the game she struggles to fend for herself and she's still very intelligent but very socially awkward, nerdy, neurotic, anxious, and clumsy, but dang it she's trying her best 😔😔
She tends not to venture out of her own game and into the Game Central Station too much, because meeting new people is scarier to her than the zombie apocalypse she's living in, plus she's self conscious of the judgemental looks she thinks she'll get from her messy, disheveled and somewhat bloody appearance due to the nature of her game. Occasionally, though, she does wander out into the station when she needs a break from all the blood and guts, and it was on one of these little excursions where she first bumped into Ralph. Quite literally, in fact: she wasn't watching where she was going, as she was looking down at a few of her research papers while walking through the game station, when she suddenly slammed right into Ralph when his back was turned. He almost didn't notice, but she was immediately knocked to the ground from the impact, but when the two of them locked eyes for the first time, well, it was practically love at first sight for both of them. (Although much more for her than him 😅).
After their first encounter, Ruby spent more and more nights around the station looking out for him, and every time she did see him she would find an excuse to bump in to him, although nowhere near as hard as the first time. Of course Ralph never really believed her when she said she "didn't see him there", cuz he's kind of hard to miss, but he really didn't care cuz he secretly enjoyed being around her just as much as she did with him, and it didn't take long for some strong feelings to form in the both of them 🥺💖🥺💖
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brain-deadx0 · 4 years
Virgil's Betrayal
Part 3 of New Big Brother
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Summary: Remy meets Patton’s brother and kids and proceeds to get murdered. 
Warnings: Food mention, play fighting including nerf guns, manipulation but for good stuff, let me know
Remy was not nervous. 
 When dad guy had asked him a few days ago if he would be ok with going to the man’s brother’s house for lunch that weekend, Remy had said, “Sure.” He’d agreed to it. 
 So no. Remy wasn’t nervous. Even as they pulled up to the frankly huge house in a neighborhood of huge houses. 
 Definitely not nervous. 
 Virgil was practically vibrating in his seat. He’d been telling Remy all about his uncle and cousins, and what games they could play together the entire drive. 
 “Everybody ready?” Dad guy asked as he turned the car off. 
 “Yep!” Virgil told him as he quickly unbuckled himself. 
 Dad guy sent one of his questioning looks to Remy via the rear view mirror. Remy ignored it and climbed out of the car to follow Virgil who had already ran for the front door. 
 Dad guy joined them at the door as Virgil rang the bell. Remy wasn’t trying to hide behind them. They just ended up closer to the door. There was the sound of a lock being turned before someone inside the house hollered for them to come in. 
 As soon as they walked through the door there was the sound of footsteps running down the stairs. 
"Virgil! Uncle Patton!” A pair of voices yelled before two young boys were launching themselves off the stairs towards them. Dad guy yelped in alarm as he attempted to… catch them? 
 “Jan, your boys are going to give me a heart attack one of these days!” The man yelled through his subdued laughter from his place on the ground. 
 “And I’ll help them get rid of the body.” The voice from before called. A moment later a short man appeared from what Remy assumed was the kitchen. He looked a lot like dad guy save for the fact he was definitely older than the man. And the mild scarring on the left side of his face. 
 “Alright boys, that’s enough abunculicide.” The man told the kids who were laughing in dad guy’s arms. 
 “Aw…” The pair said before releasing him. 
 Dad guy smiled before standing up and ruffling their hair causing one grin and the other to balk and try to fix it. 
 “You must be Remy.” The man said, “My name’s Janus, it’s nice to finally meet you.” 
 “Nice to meet you, sir.” Remy told him. 
 Mr. Janus smiled, “You can call me Janus.” 
 Yeah that was not happening. 
 “The two terrors who ambushed you all are my sons Roman and Remus.” 
 “I’m Roman.” “And I’m Remus.” The two introduced with matching bows, “And together we’re-!” They spun in opposite directions before striking poses back to back, “-the creativitwins!”
 Remy couldn’t help but laugh slightly at the theatrics as dad guy clapped excitedly, “Oh that was so cute!” Dad guy told them. 
“No it wasn’t!” The pair told him pointedly, “It was cool.” Roman told him. 
 “Yeah!” Remus agreed. 
 “Well whatever it was, I loved it.” Dad guy told them. 
 “Lunch will be ready in about a half hour,” Mr. Janus told them, “So you can all make yourselves at home.” 
 “Can we go outside?” Remus asked. 
 “Yes, but-” before the man could finish both boys took off running. 
 “Come on Virge!” One of them called. 
 The next thing Remy knew he was being grabbed by the hand and pulled towards the back yard, “Come on Remy!” Virgil told him. 
 Guess he was going outside. 
 “-Don’t get too dirty.” Janus finished lamely as all the minors fled to the backyard, “Well I tried.” 
 Patton chuckled, “Probably should’ve started with that part.” 
 “How many sons did you want back alive?” He asked. 
 Patton laughed, “Come on, I’ll help make lunch. 
 Remy watched the younger kids from his seat on the porch steps. Roman suggested playing super hero’s and was met with agreements until he suggested Virgil be the villain. Which apparently happened a lot. 
 “Come on, Virgil.” Roman whined, “We need a bad guy!” 
 “But I always lose when I play the bad guy.” Virgil told them, “Why can’t you be the bad guy and we fight you?” 
 “Because me and Re are the heroes.” Roman said as if it were obvious. 
 “We could be bad guys.” Remus told him, “The bad guys are cooler anyway.” 
 “Noooo.” Roman told him, “We’re the creativitwins! We’re supposed to be the good guys!” 
 “But we’re always the good guys!” Remus replied. 
 “Remy!” Virgil called, “Tell them we wanna be the heroes!” 
 “How about…” 
 Patton jumped when the mostly silent backyard suddenly erupted in gleeful screams. 
 “Welcome to the world of raising multiple children.” Janus told him. 
 Patton smacked his arm lightly before going to peek at the yard. The three younger boys were running around the yard at top speed as Remy made a grab for whoever got closest to him. Patton smiled as Roman yelled for a retreat before all three kids ran for the treehouse. Remy stalked after them, giving the twins enough time to make it to safety, but grabbed Virgil before he could climb high enough. 
 Virgil squealed as he was pulled away from the tree and yelled for help through his laughter. 
 Patton cooed at the sight before reluctantly going back to the kitchen. 
 Virgil laughed wildly even as Remy used him as a partially successful human shield. If he had known there were fully loaded nerf guns, Remy would’ve made it harder for them to get to the treehouse. 
 “Don’t worry Virge!” One of them yelled, “We’ll rescue you!” 
 “Dead or alive!” The other added. 
 Remy laughed, “It’s not a rescue if you kill him!” He told them as they continued to shoot.  
 “Silence feind!” The first one told him before firing more foam bullets at them. 
"Any ideas?” Remy asked Virgil quietly. 
 “I think there’s more guns on the porch?” Virgil whispered back. 
“Perfect.” Remy grinned, “Muwahaha! You can���t defeat me!” He told the pair in the treehouse before running towards the porch with Virgil. 
 Once there he put Virgil down and the kid directed him to where the extra nerf guns were. The ones in the hidden storage bin were much smaller than the ones the twins had. 
 “Virgil! You’re not supposed to help the bad guy!” 
 “Ha ha! I put him under mind control!” Remy told them, “Now I have a minion.” 
 Virgil snickered before rushing to grab a gun of his own.
 “You won’t get away with this, villain!” 
 “Let him go or face our wrath!” 
 “Never!” Remy called back, “Pick up as many bullets as you can, but don’t shoot too much, ok?” He whispered to Virgil, “When they run out we can go after them, cool?”
“Yeah!” Virgil whispered excitedly. 
 It took longer than Remy thought it would for the rain of foam to slow to a stop. “It’s over, heroes. Surrender peacefully and I might spare you.” He told them. 
 He could hear hushed laugher from the treehouse before one of the boys replied, “Okaay~ just a minuute~” 
 “Uh-oh.” Virgil said beside him. 
 He didn’t have to wait long to figure out what the kids were up to because a second later he was being pelted with various balls, ranging from ping pong to tennis. Before he even had a chance to recover, one of the twins was suddenly right next to him and whacking him with a foam sword. 
“What the- hey!” He laughed before trying to fend off the nine-year-old. While he was distracted, the other one had made their way to the ground as well and ambushed him from behind. “Oh shhh-!” He cut himself off as he fell. 
 The second kid had hit the back of his knees with a foam club. This was definitely not a fair fight. 
 While the twins were busy beating him to death he suddenly felt the familiar sensation of foam bullets. 
 “Wha-? Virgil! I thought you were on my side?” He asked incredulously, causing Virgil to laugh, “Betrayed by my own brainwashed minion!” 
The kid just giggled harder, “I was just pretending to be mind controlled!” He told him as he continued to fire the toy gun. 
 The kids screamed in delight as they assaulted him with their various weapons. Remy was ready to admit defeat and call them off when a voice interrupted. 
 “Alright, boys, that’s enough.” Dad guy said. 
‘Oh shit.’
 Patton’s heart broke a little as the joy on Remy’s face quickly melted away to something much more subdued. He sent him what he hoped was a reassuring smile but it didn’t seem to help any. “Lunch is ready.” He told them. 
 “Okay.” the younger kids chorused before dropping their weapons and racing inside. 
 “Are you alright?” Patton asked, “They might be foam but they can still hurt when the boys get excited.” 
 “I’m fine.” Remy said casually as he stood up and brushed himself off. 
 “Alright then.” He smiled, “Then let’s go eat some pizza bread.”
 "Pizza bread" as it turned out, was bread with cheese and pepperoni inside. So, more sophisticated than the rolled up pizza slice Remy had pictured. Apparently you were supposed to dip it in some fancy tomato sauce which is why Remy was surprised when Mr. Janus had them all move to the living room to eat. 
 "Dad, can we watch Avatar?" Roman asked. 
 "No, let's watch dirty jobs!" Remus told him. 
 "How about mythbusters?" Roman countered. 
 "Ah, ah," Mr. Janus told them, "what's the rule for guests?" 
 "Virgil," They chorused, "wanna watch-" "Avatar?" "Dirty jobs?"
 "Um… what about Most Extreme...?" Virgil tried. 
 "Two to one, we win!" Remus cheered. 
 "Boys." Mr. Janus told them, "We have more than one guest, remember?" 
 "Remy, say no!" Roman told him, "Then we pick a different show."  
 "I don't really have an opinion." Remy told him, "What's "Most Extreme"?" 
 "They take all the cool stuff from animals like eyes and teeth and show what it would look like if humans had the same ability." Remus told him, "It's neat!" 
 "Its freaky is what it is." Roman told him. 
 "That's what makes it cool!" 
 "I'm gonna pass on the vote." Remy told them. 
 "He's impartial so we win! The Most Extreme it is!" Remus turned to high five Virgil. 
 Roman seemed a bit miffed at losing the vote, but it wasn't long before he was staring at the screen with as much interest as the other two. And honestly? Remy got it. The show was actually pretty cool. 
 Patton smiled as Remy seemed to settle in again and get pulled into the show. He waited until the episode ended and everyone was done eating before moving to collect the empty plates. Unfortunately, the action quickly caught the attention of the teen. 
 "Don’t worry, I got it." Patton assured as Remy moved to start cleaning up as well. 
 "It's ok," Remy told him, as he paused somewhat hesitantly, "I don't mind." 
 Patton smiled, "I appreciate it, but you don't have to. Janus and I are gonna clean up and then we'll probably be heading home." 
 "Oh," Janus said suddenly, "while I'm thinking about it, we packed up some of our old clothes to donate. You guys can look through them for some play clothes." He told him. 
 "Sure." Patton told him. 
 "I'll be right back to help clean up." Janus said before leaving the room. 
 Remy wasn't sure why he was suddenly on edge. All he knew was something felt off and he didn't like it. 
 Mr. Janus came back a minute later with three large bags. "Ok," he said as he set them down, "look through and take anything." He told them before pointing to the twins, "No dress up this time." He told them. 
"Why not?" Roman asked. 
 "Because yesterday we had to cut your brother out of a shirt you both knew was too small." 
 "I was a mutant giant what was I supposed to wear?" Remus asked indignantly. 
 Remy bit back a smile. 
 "Preferably something big enough to get yourself out of." Mr. Janus told him. 
 "Boring~" Remus drawled. 
 Mr. Janus shook his head fondly, "No dress up." He told them again before leaving to help dad guy. 
 The second he was gone the twins shared a look before quickly opening the bags and digging through them. 
 Remy laughed slightly, "Didn't he just say "no dress up"?" 
 "He said no dress up for us," Roman corrected, "but nothing about us dressing up you or Virgil." 
 "And so long as he doesn't catch us too quickly we can do it too!" Remus grinned. 
 Remy quickly turned down any attempts to get him to play dress up, and delegated himself to watching as the older boys coerced Virgil into trying on just about every piece of clothing. They had quickly moved on from the kids clothes that Virgil could feasibly fit in, or at least grow into soonish, to going through Mr. Janus’s old clothes just to wear them. 
 Virgil was digging through the bag when he suddenly gasped, "Remy!" He said excitedly before pulling something out of the bag and bouncing over, "Look!" He beamed as he held up an old leather jacket, "It's like from the store!" 
 "Uh, yeah, kinda." Remy admitted. 
 "I don't remember that one." Roman told them, "It doesn't look like Dad or Noni's." 
 "Dad!" Remus called.
 "What happened?" Mr. Janus answered as he came around the corner before huffing a small laugh, "I see you ignored the dress up rule." 
 Remus ignored the last part, "Whose jacket is this?" He asked; pointing to the coat Virgil was holding. 
 Mr. Janus glanced at the jacket Virgil was holding, "That's my old one." He told them, "I haven't worn it since… probably since I was about twenty or so. That's when Noni gave me my other one." 
 "How long ago was that?" Virgil asked. 
 Mr. Janus laughed, "Long enough to know I don't need it, let's stick with that." 
"That's Dad's way of saying he's old." Remus whispered causing Virgil to giggle. 
 "I heard that." Mr. Janus told them with an amused eyebrow raise, causing the kids to laugh. Mr. Janus shook his head, "Anyway, like I said you're welcome to anything in the bags." He said with a glance to Remy, "Try not to smother your cousin in the clothes." He told them offhandedly as he went back to the kitchen. 
 Something was definitely going on. 
 "Try it on!" Virgil told Remy as he practically shoved the jacket at him. 
 "I don't know, kid." Remy told him. This whole thing felt like way too much of a coincidence. He wasn't sure how to feel about it. This had to be a set up, right? 
 "Why not?" Virgil asked. 
 "I already have a coat, remember?" 
 "Yeah but this one doesn't cost money." Virgil told him. Dammit. "And at the store you said these were cool." 
Stop making good points.
 "Oh! It could be part of your villain outfit!" Roman exclaimed, "All super villains need to look cool." 
 "Otherwise they're just regular villains!" Remus added. 
 "What's the difference?" 
"Presentation!" All three told him. 
 Ok, well he definitely ran into something there.
 "Pleeeease, Remy?" Virgil asked with wide eyes. 
... Fucking puppy dog eyes.
 Remy sighed, "Ok, fine." 
Patton peaked around the corner and smiled. For once he was glad Virgil had learned to weaponize his puppy eyes. 
 Remy made sure that when dad guy and Mr. Janus came back that he was not wearing the jacket. Just in case. 
 Thankfully neither mentioned it as they packed up the clothes Virgil. Or as they resorted the rest the kids had used for dress up. They all said their goodbyes, with Mr. Janus saying he hoped to see them again soon, and the twins telling Remy they wouldn't be going so easy on him next time. 
 If dad guy seemed extra smiley on the way home, it was none of Remy's business. 
 Remy was not smiling to himself either. 
 For anyone who was wondering, Virgil 100% knows what he's doing when it comes to puppy dog eyes. He was raised by Patton Can't-say-no-to-cute Sanders. And yes. He does use this for evil. 
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