#i will never leave toh fandom though
I am starting a new show! (I have been saying this a while now BUT COLLEGE IS GONE FOR THE YEAR SO FREEDOM!) plus its the last day of pride so I will start one
I am so indecisive I am putting: Gravity Falls; Deadend paranormal park; Amphibia; or Supergirl (the only non-cartoon and non-wlw canon show but shush katie mcgrath owns my heart), into a virtual spinning wheel to decide which to watch!
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sydthefrog · 2 years
Im honestly so so nervous for the final episodes of toh because i was so disappointed by amphibia's ending. Still excited, but this is definitely a sign that the fandom phase of my life probably needs to come to a close
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the-owl-house-takes · 9 months
I can't take Luz antis seriously I'm sorry but i am starting to hate them for numerous reasons
First of all, why do you ?? Care so much about this random fictional teenage character and the fact that she is imperfect ?? Like yeah I won't deny the owl house can get bad with it's writing at times but why are you so obsessed with hating it. if you don't like it why are you just filling your mind with more hatred and toxicity why are you s toh fan if you hate everything about it
Second of all a bunch of their arguments are useless. I most oftentimes see them ALWAYS bringing you her introduction and how she brang snakes to school. And let me tell you, in kids cartoons - character introductions are very much often exaggerated !!! All the time !! Oftentimes, characters in their introductions are exaggerated so the audience, usually being children, can easily get a quick grasp of who this new character is. Luzs introduction is meant to show us that she's the weird kid, people don't really like her, she doesn't fit in, she likes to have fun in weird ways. Her bringing fireworks,spiders and snakes into school, I believe is not meant to be taken extremely seriously, I believe it's a form of exaggeration, because fictional characters in their introductions are, like I said, exaggerated so they're easier to read
And honestly it seems a bit pitiful to always bring up the same scene over and over again even though it leaves little to no impact on the rest of the show
And don't tell me she is a Mary sue who's flaws never get pointed out. They literally do. Watch season 1. Also clearly she means no harm and she already feels such remote and guilt for things she has done but never has meant (helping belos w his plan). Are y'all trying to make her look morally bad? You're not doing a very good job
I've seen people say that she doesn't 'deserve' friends, her family, her girlfriend, or a happy life.
God that annoys me
You don't necessarily earn these things. Well, you shouldn't have to at least !! Everyone deserves a chance of a happy life, especially ppl like Luz who are just random teenagers who are struggling in their life due to various factors
Luz does deserve a happy life and a happy ending. Yes it might be a bit bland and boring in some people's eyes but that doesn't mean Luz as a person wouldnt deserve love and joy in her life
She continuously tries to "make up for what she's done" and she always blames herself too hard. Season 1 finale, season 2, season 3. It's shown constantly how do you miss it and how can you call her selfish
ALSO SHE LITERALLY LET HERSELF DIE ? And you're going to tell me that she's selfish even though she is literally anything but the things you try to make her be
Anyway I don't think Luz is actually that hated in the fandom, I just see very specific people hating on her and it makes no sense to me
Luz defender forever m💪
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raayllum · 1 year
it’s high key really annoying the attention toh gets on this website while no one acknowledges tdp exists
Yeah, sometimes I wish TDP got more recognition and appreciation in a fandom space for its storytelling (the parallels, the worldbuilding, the mature theme explorations) simply because we haven't had a western kids' show go this hard since TLOK (even if I think Korra stumbles in a lot of ways) and arguably ATLA in its explorations of war and morality, two things that TDP is obsessed with, as well as a sometimes overwhelming discussion of Grief.
However, to be frank, while many teen and adult fans of kids cartoons say that they want darker themes and storylines, what that usually means, I think, is more akin to something like TOH or She Ra, in which you know 1) your favourite characters will always typically survive with maybe one or two minor parental or villainous exceptions, and 2) one or two characters in an otherwise fairly cookie cutter 'good guy' cast will have a redemption arc or be quirky morally dubious in a way that's played for comedy, and there will be a handful of significantly "Oh Shit!" darker or creepier moments. The characters are mostly teenagers, the heavier plot stuff is regulated to a few standout episodes, with most of the other conflicts being things like figuring out how to make friends or struggling with not fitting in or deciding what you want to do with your life. And those are all good explorations, and it's not as though TDP doesn't touch on some of that (Callum is finding his place in the world, Rayla is 'changing careers', Ez struggles with his new responsibilities and not fitting in, Soren - like Hunter - leaves an emotionally abusive relationship with a parental figure).
But I think it's TDP's attachment of all of those things to morality that makes the emotional stakes higher and less comforting and/or comfortable for people who are, likely, going to fiction for escapism rather than exploration. (To be clear: one is not better than the other, I just know what my personal preferences are.) Rayla's 'career/schooling' change is whether she's going to kill people for a living; Callum deciding what sort of mage he's going to be is rooted in deciding how much he's willing to either slowly destroy himself or take on the impossible, both with some dire consequences; Ezran not fitting is is also tied to having mysterious, unknown magical powers the story still hasn't fully explained the root cause of. Yes, the three main kids are typically good people who want to do the right thing, but that's much easier said than done (Ezran burning the monster soldiers, Callum's ruthlessness, Rayla's self sacrificial tendencies manifesting in destructive ways). TDP is never going to have an episode of "I lied to my friends because I wanted them to think I was cool or not a nerd" or "I'm scared of them preferring someone else over me" or "I need to learn how to be a good friend" (hi TOH with like 5 episodes and She Ra).
Like Rayla lies to the boys, but that's because she isn't sure how to tell them that her father murdered theirs and made them orphans, and she's worried it will accordingly be a wedge between them.
Like, there's hardly any episodes of TDP that don't talk about grief or death or both in some manner. The show consistently explores unreliable narrators across all sides of its ethical spectrum(s). S4 has a subplot regarding religious traditions and the ethics of the death penalty. Most of Arc 1 and now into Arc 2 sees good people with good intentions or understandable motivations doing pretty terrible things to either themselves, the people around them, or both. The death and body horror imagery aren't one offs, but consistent series defining elements that are always treated seriously. Villains aren't people who don't love their families (or anyone) and good guys aren't good because they're good friends to one another. It's more complicated than that, from the body swap and discussions of the soul in S1, to the cycle of violence laid out explicitly in S2, to explorations of punishment and exile in S3.
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Overall, I'm fine with the success and appreciation that TDP gets; some of my students watch it, actually, which makes it useful in some of our lesson discussions. Because TDP is a good show for kids, yes, but it certainly never pulls its punches in forcing all of its ensemble cast through the wringer.
TLDR; due to age demographics and tonal differences, particularly in character conflicts, themes, and amount of Lore, I'm not surprised at all that TDP is pretty underrated on tumblr. Again, doesn't mean these elements of 'maturity' make it Better (although I do think it's written more cohesively than She Ra and more consistently than TOH in its set up and payoff), I just know where my (and many other's) preferences lay accordingly, and am not surprised at the split.
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sleepingdeath-light · 8 months
blind human s/o hcs ; hunter
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requested by ; 🍜 anon (09/01/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane
outline ; “Hello there! May I request hunter (toh) with a blind human s/o? You can choose if they were born blind or if it was an accident that happened in the demon realm for some of that sweet, sweet added angst.(≖ᴗ≖) — 🍜 Noodle Anon”
warning(s) ; references to injury, but mostly fluff!
note ; i am no longer accepting requests for this character.
if you were born blind…
it’s possible that hunter didn’t even notice your blindness until the two of you got extremely close or until you/luz brought it up around him — after all, as the golden guard he didn’t exactly pay attention to the intricacies of his enemies beyond what it took to fight you and, after that, you were so adjusted to it that he didn’t have much chance to notice it
(well, beyond maybe if you were reading a braille book or using text-to-speech on your phone around him and he realised — though, then again, hunter can be rather oblivious at times)
he still sticks close to you when you’re fighting or just out and about but his protectiveness and presence isn’t overwhelming or anything like that — he’s only really there to keep away any risks that you didn’t notice (e.g. a spell thrown your way when you were distracted by another person you’re battling, or a toddler running in front of you too quickly for you to course-correct around safely without his intervention)
though, still, he mainly just leaves you to your own devices (he knows you’re enough of a badass on your own — you beat him plenty of times, after all — so his only job is to be your backup or bag carrier)
if you became blind due to an injury in the isles recently…
hunter becomes much more protective over you than he would be otherwise as you learn to adapt to your new disability — never being too far from you as you adjust your routines, hobbies, and training to work better for you
he feels a great deal of guilt about not being there to protect you and prevent your injury and, as a result, becomes much shorter with people who treat you unkindly
(e.g. threatening a demon who scolded you for accidentally bumping into them or giving a very unsettling glare to some young witches who went to trip you when they noticed your cane)
he sticks beside or behind you at all times, even when you’ve had a cane crafted or a seeing-eye animal assigned to you, because he’s petrified of you getting hurt or targeted somehow — this fear slowly fades away as you become more confident and adjusted to your blindness, but even years down the line you’ll always find hunter close by when you’re out and about as a couple
he also looks into different accommodations from the human realm that luz has mentioned before — things like braille typewriters and label makers — and will incorporate them into your daily life to make things as easy as possible for you
either way / behaviours he adopts no matter the origin of your blindness….
though it’s a bit of a struggle at first (and he’s not the most fashion-conscious person out there), with the help of your friends hunter slowly becomes an expert at helping you construct the outfits you want to wear — describing each item in detail as he brings it to you, making sure that everything is being worn correctly (i.e. not inside out), and that it suits the style you want to go for that day
if you use a seeing-eye/guide animal then he’s going to make a habit quite quickly of carrying treats for them on him wherever you are — even doing as much research as he can to make sure that they can get a taste of whatever meal you’re both eating without getting sick (he spoils them rotten, quite frankly)
if you use a cane/other inanimate aid, then he’s going to make it his mission to carve/craft you the perfect aid — something that’s the perfect length (but that can also be extended when needed), that has a grip with a texture that isn’t off putting whilst also being difficult to lose grasp of by accident, that is designed in a way that is practical whilst also being suited to your personal style and the life you live, and that can be put away easily and that can be recalled by you when it’s needed (a simple enchantment or glyph or spell should do it — he’ll brainstorm a bit with luz and king the next chance he gets)
even though he knows well just how capable of a person you are, he’s still got a distinct protective streak that isn’t going away anytime soon and he will not tolerate anyone (be they human, demon, or witch) treating you poorly because of your disability — he doesn’t believe you should have to handle all of those conflicts, but he’ll back off if asked and hold your stuff while you give them a very stern talking to or a black eye
(that part is up to you but he’ll support you either way)
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mdhwrites · 9 months
I don't know if you've watched Gravity Falls or been deep in the fandom but I just realized how similar Luz and Mabel kinda are. They're both young quirky girls whose selfish actions helped the main villain achieve their goal (supposedly, in Luz's case) and learn the lesson of facing reality instead of being stuck in a fantasy world where they get everything they want (although Luz doesn't really learn this even though it was kinda set-up for her in s1) (they also have a girl rival with shit parents that the fandom ships them with but anyway-)
I'm not saying this to shit on Luz though, I like Luz. But it mind boggles me how Mabel gets shitted on way more than her does despite being younger, actually learning her lesson, and apologizing for it. It might because they're different shows but I know a lot of TOH fans were/are GF fans because of the creators' relationship so the fandoms aren't that different from one another. It MIGHT be because Mabel trusted Blendin so easily despite the situation being shady as hell (while Luz just thought Philip was a normal human in the demon realm) but to be fair, Mabel was cornered in a moment of vulnerability and she literally didn't even know what she was giving him. Abandoning her friends and family for her own fantasy land while an apocalypse going on was really horrible, I won't deny that, but Luz also pretty much did the same when she chose the demon realm (place she doesn't know anything about with STRANGERS) over her own world in the first episode. Sure there wasn't anything horrific going on in the human realm so her ignorance of it wasn't as bad as Mabel's– BUT THEN in TTT she thinks of leaving everyone behind by staying in the human realm while the Collector was doing who knows what???
I don't know, this might be kinda petty, I haven't rewatched GF in ages, but I just think it's unfair Mabel gets more hate than Luz. I feel she's had more character progression compared to the latter and at least she always got called out when she did something wrong and learned from it.
So take all of this with a grain of salt because while I've heard a little of this discourse, I haven't watched a lot of Gravity Falls (recently tried again and found myself not loving the first episode if I'm honest) and have never been a part of its fandom. However, this is a chance to talk about why Luz is so liked and 'relatable' to so many because it is not hard to figure out why people like Luz. Why? Well... A lot of it comes down to framing and how the two shows see the two girls.
Gravity Falls sees Mabel as a tweenage girl.
The Owl House sees Luz as the embodiment of what a teenage nerd wishes they were/could be.
Those are VERY different goals and framing.
One, Mabel, is going to be INCREDIBLY fallible. Neither her or Dipper are anywhere close to perfect people because... Well, they're teenagers. They get way too into certain things. They're awkward when it comes to those obsessions. They're awkward about how to deal with change, consequences, etc. like that because that's just the age they are. They're figuring out the world and are going to run face first into it and that will be awkward, clumsy and often destructive without any sort of excuse besides they didn't think the consequences through. That's kids for you.
The other is... More idealistic. Luz doesn't face real consequences for testing her boundaries and is always bailed out. When she fucks up, she always does it with the best intentions and/or no one actually gets hurt. People coddle her and always make concessions to her desires with minimal push back and always end up on her side unless they're just a REALLY big meanie head. She always makes peoples' lives better, she never gets real criticism or ridicule for her interests and is always accepted by the right people for those interests. Always given more and more for being her quirky self!
A lot of this for Luz is because she's an audience surrogate and TOH wants the audience to feel good about themselves. It knows that a lot of nerds will be the ones watching it and leans in. This is actually contrasted by the fact that, well, Mabel isn't the audience surrogate or the absolute primary character of Gravity Falls. Her role is more complicated versus Dipper who IS the nerdy one who's closer to being the audience surrogate.
Just to really drive this home: People on my Discord have talked about this and one of the biggest 'crimes' as seen by a lot of the fandom is that Mabel causes Dipper to lose out on his dream of researching with Ford and staying in Gravity Falls. I could even see some arguments of things like "He's planning a future!" or "He's making the world better!"
But... Let's shift the framing for a moment from "Mabel caused Dipper to give up on his dream" to "Mabel made sure Dipper chose reality over fantasy." After all, his desire was to throw away his friends, his family, EVERYTHING to just continue hanging out with this one old dude and studying the weird phenomenon of the world, an inherently isolating job. He gets to go on this big adventure and follow his intellectual drive... At the cost of reality and everything he has known.
So why don't people get upset at Dipper for trying to do this? Well, there's a lot of potential reasons that I can't really narrow down without watching the show. It may have just been framed as a positive while Mabel's is framed as negative. It could be that while Mabel's is just a generic, girly fantasy that not much of the core audience actually wants, Dipper's is the cool, smart fantasy that is totally not just a fantasy, but a CAREER. Or it could go back to the root problem: Because Dipper is closer to the audience surrogate, closer to the main character, there is a bias to inherently see his actions as good. We could literally watch two characters do the same thing and we will root for the main character simply because that is who we are trained to root for.
A great example of this from TOH is how Luz is allowed to get mad at people for lying to her but not the other way around. She literally attacks Eda and gets the two captured in Titan, Where Art Thou? because Eda lied to her and she is supposed to feel justified in this anger to make the tragedy angle work. Meanwhile, there is ONE time when anyone gets mad at Luz for lying and honestly, the framing and reactions cause it to end up feeling much more like it was just for a prettier scene change during Reaching Out. After all, Amity still wants to fix Luz's pain before Luz even apologizes for breaking her word by lying. So why doesn't anyone call out the hypocrisy here? Why is NO ONE allowed to get upset with Luz about this?
Because she's the main character. Because we are trained to root for her and, well, Luz also is the one we are told to want to be. She is the every nerd. She is meant to connect to a very wide net of outcasts who feel like they don't belong and wish things were different. Wishes people weren't mean to them or didn't get mad at them when they made mistakes. That just let them be the hero of their own story.
So of course, they don't want Luz to be yelled at, even when that is the actually human and reasonable thing for someone to do. They don't want to question what she does so when the show gives them an excuse, or they have to go to reality if the show itself doesn't give an excuse (This is why people emphasize Luz's age and nuerodivergence to excuse her while bluntly ignoring Mabel's age when it comes to her actions), so that they don't have to recognize that Luz does some REALLY shitty things, especially in the back half of the show. It is simply more convenient for the narrative they want out of the show for Luz to be this way.
And that is okay from a casual standpoint. A lot of fiction is escapist. There's nothing wrong with wanting to jump into a world where you're never actually wrong and never in trouble. Where your angst is always met with hugs and understanding rather than actual human emotion. That's how media works. Most mass appeal products are escapist. It's part of why the Isekai genre is SO prevalent right now because it is one of the purest forms of escapist fiction out there, especially due to modern isekai tropes.
But if you're going to talk critically about something, escapism is very rarely a good jumping off point for it. It will make you ignore a LOT about the work because it's uncomfortable for you to ask questions about it. I'm not talking about "Why does this world have magic" sort of things mind you. I'm talking about, say, "Why does this character get so many power ups, so easily, and with little effort in earning them?" When you want escapism, the pacing won't bother you. If you're actually looking at themes and payoffs, it will bother you a LOT. And yes, this does tie into TOH because if you want to be Luz, getting the glyphs feels great! If you actually interrogate the story, you go "Wait, they hadn't actually done like... ANYTHING with her not having magic in a magical world and she already gets a spell? And two of these spells she does literally nothing for. Arguably three since she is put into timeout as a punishment and gets the glyph I guess for being a bad person." That TOTALLY is good storytelling and makes sense with positive themes and proper explorations of its own ideas.
It's a rough push and pull and it can make it so people, even if they like the show, who disagree with the popular opinion, the one that usually lifts up the audience flattering elements the most, are just in a rough position where they hear the same opinions over and over again. All while knowing that if they speak up, they'll be stomped on.
Just like Mabel was while Dipper was raised into the spotlight. At least by the fandom.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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jinn-mori · 11 months
20 Questions For Writers
@pencilofawesomeness Doing this because why not
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 17 works as of this post. There is a good chance that there will be many more. Pencil, I envy you and all your brainchildren.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
I am at a grand total of... 119,898 words. Holy cow! I'm willing to bet most of that came from AHC.
3. What fandoms do I write for?
Whatever piece of media I'm hyperfixating on at that point in time, though I do try to keep myself from writing too many multi-chapters. My main fandoms are Bleach, Fairy Tail, and Jujutsu Kaisen with what I write though I do plan on writing some stuff for NNT and Hellsing.
4. What are your top fics by kudos?
5. Apocrypha (Bleach) - 98 kudos
4. Dear God (Bleach) - 121 kudos
3. Just In Case (Bleach) - 204 kudos
2. A Hollow Crown (Bleach) - 413 kudos
A Wisteria To Our Eternity (Jujutsu Kaisen) - 581 kudos
Three of my top five fics are AiIchi. Wasn't surprised that AHC would be up there since it's kind of my HTTYDS.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. There are times where I can't figure out how to respond to a comment to I just kinda leave it be. Other times, I could respond because I want to know the audience's thoughts on a chapter or they mention liking this or that and I want to know why. To me, what helps improve writing is understanding not only how something works but why it works. For example, why do so many people like my characterization of Aizen in A Hollow Crown? What about his characterization makes people like him? Or I go to the comments when I need ideas and running around in my own head doesn't do the trick. Hell, I'll even leave it in the author's notes if I'm having trouble with a plot point and could use some audience feedback.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'd say Ich bin verlore since it was a one-shot about longing for something you'd never have and wondering if what you did have was the real thing or not. Also, it's a Berserk fic so angst is inevitable.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
If we only include multi-chapters, then it could only go to A Hollow Crown since it's my only completed multichapter. And I'd say is a quiet sort of happiness, setting up for events to come and giving some characters a sense of hope. If we include one-shots, then I'd give that one to Dear God since it's an ending on a hopeful note where things can only really go up.
8. Do you get any hate on fics?
Nope! Hasn't happened to me.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
It's all yaoi smut. I tend to keep things from going into dub-con territory as smut where the consent isn't exactly clear is a squick for me. Any smut I write is between two or more adults, as I find writing smut of underage characters to be... ew.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I plan to write some. I've got an NNT x TOH fic I'm debating writing, one that's a big ol' fandom crossover inspired by Fear and Hunger 2: Termina. Another one I have in mind to write is this Bleach x Seven Deadly Sins that's moreso the world of NNT with the characters of Bleach (like pencil's Genshin x NNT fic).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope, and I hope I never get one stolen.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, though I'd love to take a crack at translating my own fics. Gotta get in that translation practice somehow!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I do have a lot of ships, but I wouldn't quite say I have a favorite. I've written the most for AiIchi but I'd love to write for some others. Also, I'm someone who is more on board for found family fics or fics just focusing on the bonds between people.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Someday, I will return to my WIPs and finish them! Or I'd like to. To be honest, I have sooo many in my head that I need to put to paper.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'd say character analysis. Several people have said that I'm good at breaking down a character and seeing what makes them work and then putting them into a fic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
This is more of a personal nitpick with myself, but I feel like I struggle with making my chapters long enough. How do I get myself to write longer chapters? I wanna write longer chapters, dammit.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
You're asking this from the world languages major! I love adding that in... well, when it makes sense. If I can use it to add some spice to a character or give hints about them *cough* AHC!Grimmjow *cough* then I'll go right ahead. Ya just need to do it in a way that makes sense both in and out of the story to where readers can get the gist of it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Fairy Tail! Demons x Dragonslayers is my oldest fic and first wrote it on Wattpad but started its rewrite on when I started cross-posting it on AO3.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
It'd have to be A Hollow Crown and by extension its series Hollow Moon . Yes, DxD is what started my fanfic journey but it was A Hollow Crown that really kicked it off. It also started my obsession of 'what if Aizen but good but he was still Aizen'.
Get tagged bozos: @johannepetereric , @averiina , @skullywullypully , @backwardshirt
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caresscoffee · 6 months
rewatching Secret Crush on You
Daisy & Som are much more precious the third rewatching than they were for the first two rewatches... like, can Daisy possibly get more precious babygirl? And Som is just the most perfect and adorable best friend any nerds can ask for...
Sky & Jao are the most beautiful and perfect pairing, so I have nothing to say about them... I will not be talking about the perfect in this series, I will be talking about the shit that kind of ruined my night while simultaneously making it better...
And also my favorite part of this entire series is when Toh exhibits the nuerodivergent urge to bite your love interest/significant other in front of a whole bar of people because I have never related to a feeling so well in my entire life
and it's more hilarious[but also not hilarious?] the third time around when Nuea feels the need to say that his name isn't shit... I think it just gets funnier every time because he's so hurt & confused by him screaming "Shia!" and Toh's just like, "I'm sorry, you just surprised me..." and he really doesn't mean to be rude, he's just so excited... I mean he was so excited about seeing Nuea shirtless the first time that he got a nosebleed and fainted... he's so into this man that his brain short-circuits
also also the camp episodes were full of hilarious moments where Nuea is just like, "Intouch is trying to steal my man!" And it's like, who would have thought that a lil nerd would be a hot commodity, but then you discover that Intouch has eyes for Daisy[duh, he only stared at her during every conversation with the 4 of them]
I feel like him seeing the picture wall on the third rewatch will be just as good, though and I'll cry again... I feel so sad for both of them because they're both insecure in this relationship for different reasons... Toh is just like, "he'll find someone better for sure and then he'll leave me." Toh doesn't admit that Nuea is his boyfriend because he secretly feels like he might not be for long and Nuea has actually heard Toh say things about their relationship ending, but he was meaning when Nuea moves on to someone better, though Nuea didn't take it that way and really Toh's insecurities just gave Nuea insecurities because he's just a regular man who fell for a nuerodiverse weirdo [whom I really relate to because I'm also a nuerodiverse weirdo and really related to him feeling all the things... I don't have a shrine to someone, though, just stickers all over my bed for my fandoms & 'ships [sometimes it kind of feels like Salad Fingers[if you know, you know]
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multifandom-but · 2 years
A TOH Vent
This thought has been brewing in my head for a bit so I’m just gonna say it and call it a day. This is just my thought though, feel free to be entitled to your own.
If The Owl House ending is rushed or hell- even just bad in general? The only people I will blame is Disney. I would never blame Dana or the crew.
The fact that Season 2B is some of the best work in the show and it was written knowing that the show would be cut just shows how much potential there is/was in TOH and its crew. They took the burden, the obstacles standing in front of them when Disney cut the show and are STILL producing banger after banger this season. At 10% of their power, the show is still incredible and yet it breaks my heart knowing that so much plot, development and even possible amazing fillers were lost with the cancellation. (Beach day, Darius and Hunter’s relationship, the previous G.G’s, everyone discussing how Luz leaving has been eating away at them and having a proper genuine discussion about it, learning about the other covens and their head witches, Amity and Luz’s relationship development, Hunter coping with his panic attacks and trauma, Willow and Gus continuously growing, etc.)
This show has filled my heart with such joy I cannot explain and there’s a genuine hole in my heart that it’s ending so soon. After all the media that I’ve watched, the fact that it’s still one of my favourite shows of all time pisses me off beyond words. Because I was robbed. This fandom was robbed. The cast and crew were fucking robbed.
“Didn’t fit the Disney brand”? Wth does that even mean?? This is a show I want my own kids to watch years later because it’s just that amazing. I would pass this show down for generations like a heirloom. Edit: If it didn’t fit the Disney brand why did they even green light it? Isn’t inclusion what you’re trying to promote? Just sounds like blatant homophobia to me.
So even if The Owl House’s ending ends up being lacklustre, disappointing, or down right horrendous, I can’t ever blame the team. After what they’ve done for us and what they’ve tried to save. I will only blame the mouse.
Screw the mouse.
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astriiformes · 3 years
Fighting at least some of the “I’m annoying about my interests and should shut up about fandom things” brain angst by finally digging up and filling out an old fic writer’s meme that I was tagged in by @raemanzu​ way back in the laptopless wilderness days (and thus never got around to at the time), so uh, here goes?
How many works do you have on Ao3?
31, although if I can battle some brains by the end of the weekend, it might jump up to 32.... 👀
What’s your total Ao3 word count?
221,102 as of typing this, although again, I actually have two chapters of two different things that? Might? Get posted in the next 24-48 hours, so it may jump a little extremely imminently, even.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
16 by Ao3′s count, but seeing as half of those are just different variations on Doctor Who, Star Wars, or LotR, the actual, like, diverse list is: Gravity Falls, Critical Role, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Pacific Rim, High Rollers, Hilda, Lord of the Rings, and The Owl House
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Gravity Calls (542)
To No Set Gauge they Make Us (510)
In Search of Antidotes (502)
Cups of Human Kindness (390)
Owl Whumptober 2021 (318)
Not wildly surprised that almost all of them are Gravity Falls fics; it’s one of the bigger fandoms I’ve written for. I’m actually not the proudest of most of the ones  that chart here, in part because they’re almost all 4-5 years old at this point and I’m a much better writer now, but I’ve been writing less and for smaller fandoms since then. I am actually extremely happy/proud of the fact that my collection of Owl House Whumptober prompt fills made this list -- for a random set of mostly-unconnected oneshots in a much more mid-sized fandom, that’s pretty decent. Makes me hope that if I can manage to actually write some bigger/more real TOH stories, they could get some attention, too. :0
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I’ve been getting back into the habit and it’s good! When people leave really short ones (”I love this!” “Great!”) I tend not to know what to say, because I feel weird just repeating “Thank you!” but when people make even slightly more specific ones and I have more of an idea how to respond it can be really neat to dig into meta thoughts or chat about characters (or even just general fandom talk). I was having a lot of fun in the comments of my Whumptober fills, in part because I had some pretty awesome commenters. It provided a lot of motivation to keep filling prompts while I could!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Not counting works that are just unfinished, probably “Dream-Land” which was peak mid-S2 Stanford Pines melancholy. I generally go hard on my whumpy fics being hurt/comfort proper, so most of the endings aren’t as angsty as the rest of them, but that fic was more like..... philosophical/existential hurt than physical, and is very much the kind of thing you write mid-season when you’re expecting the show to do the resolving for you. Angsty character study nonsense.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’re written?
I used to; I haven’t actually written one in ages. Hilariously enough, while the fandom being crossed into (one Pacific Rim, two Gravity Falls) changed, the one constant is that they were all Doctor Who crossovers. It uh, lends itself to that.
The DW/Pacific Rim one was going to be pretty wild (bizarre alien speculative xenobiology nonsense my beloved, plus crossing over with the weird non-TV interim Doctor Who content with Eight instead of one of the modern Doctors) but alas ended up being one of my big unfinished regrets. Had some fun things planned though (as you do).
Have you ever received hate on a fic? 
I don’t think so; I get the occasional weirdly lukewarm comment I never know how to interpret, especially if they critique one thing or another even as they compliment it, but I’m pretty sure all or the vast majority of comments I’ve ever gotten have seemed very good-faith, which I appreciate (especially as I often write on some fairly personal topics).
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Oh I am far too ace for that.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, and it’s wild to me that’s even like, a thing. Does it happen to anyone else frequently?? Unfathomable.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, which is so cool! Rainy_Elliot translated both Probably 100% Actual Biology and Siren Song both into Russian!
I could have sworn there were a couple more, but I may just be remembering some of FF.net holdovers (I had a few over there translated too, into a couple other languages iirc, but could not tell you any other details after all these years, and we don’t talk about those stories...)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Combustion, one of my Gravity Falls fics, was written with a then-tumblr mutual. Other than that I’ve mostly written my own things, although these days some of my stories go through a wildly interwoven beta process with @scribefindegil​ since we share a number of fandoms and I can usually just hand her my laptop from the other side of the couch! I owe her a lot of elements of their plots too, just because talking out my ideas at another person is exactly how I best develop them.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
This is obviously sort of a weird one for me; I haven’t really written any ships into my work (it’s the aromanticism -- I don’t even hate the idea with certain couples, especially canon ones, but I feel like I’d be so bad at it!)
Anyways I have two answers maybe. If I’m allowed to fudge the lines a little, I really love the way I’ve been writing Legolas and Gimil’s relationship in my massive aro!Legolas fic, I Breathed a Song Into the Air -- as a deeply close, committed platonic relationship barreling towards something queerplatonic ship-shaped, although with the messy hiccup that Gimli is romantically interested in Legolas, even if it’s not (romantically) reciprocated. It’s not exactly a classic ship dynamic, but it’s probably the closest I’ve come to writing one, and I actually really adore playing around with the boundaries of committed companionship like that, so if that makes me a “shipper” by proxy, there you go!
That said, I still super don’t see that one as a romantic relationship, so if you want me to pick one of those.... technically the only time I’ve intentionally written romantic interest between two characters has been with some of my really recent TOH stuff, and frankly, that might be the one that finally gets me in the conventional sense. I am in the process of plotting out a pretty long Owl House fic that would, among other character relationships, involve some significant Raine/Eda, which also feels like a fair answer -- although it seems really funny calling something I haven’t exactly written yet my “all-time” favorite! I do love them though. I can’t believe a romantic relationship finally properly lured me in. After all these years.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh boy. Often it feels like all of them. But I do have some pretty significant motivation for a lot of the in-progress ones in my drafts that I’ve started in the last year or two, even if some have been slow going. (Someday, I Breathed a Song will update again, I swear...)
I think my answer has to be all 4 or 5 different multi-chapter stories on Ao3 there’s little chance of me finishing. I often feel pretty bad that I started things people got excited about and won’t get to see conclude. It put me off writing fic for a while, because I felt like it always happened when I tried to write long things -- and what I really want to write are long things! -- although these days I seem to be tapping into some much deeper wells of motivation, which is good, even if I’m still a slow writer.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, for sure. It’s one of the main things I’ve always gotten compliments on, which makes me happy, because good dialogue is a hallmark of good fic, in my book. I think I also tend to be pretty good at plot, or at least the bones of it -- coming up with interesting directions for the story to go that are a little different than what everyone else writes, and and that tend to be really character-driven, and also at coming up with interesting symbolism/narrative metaphor and parallels like that. Together, that also makes me pretty good at foreshadowing, which is a LOT of fun when I can get it right and stick the landing.
What are your writing weaknesses? 
I write so slowly, and I’m such a perfectionist, so getting stuck on small things and agonizing over sections that are good enough already really hurts me. I tend to have weak spots with things like cohesion between scene transitions or pacing as a result -- I’ll either drag them out too long or rush them because I don’t know what else to write or how else to get past them. Plus, it also keeps me from getting things written at all :P
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it can be done well, definitely, and also that it often is not, but that the latter tends to scare people away from figuring out how to do the former.
There are different thoughts on what doing it well looks like, but for my part I like to try to scatter in small pieces for a larger impact that usually can be figured out from context clues, and add something else that can’t be accomplished just by stating the dialogue is in a certain language. I’ve messed around a little to that effect with Sindarin in Tolkien fic, although I’m still figuring out how best to use more than just a word or two.
That said. I do think it’s something you should always, always find a beta for. If you’re not fluent or confident in a translation yourself, finding another fan who is in order to make sure you’ve done it right/respectfully doesn’t feel like an optional step to me, even though people often treat it that way.
(For an example: my favorite messing around with language I’ve done recently was contrasting a “Dios mío” from Luz with an “Oh, Titan” from Hunter in an Owl House fic -- with the joke being that it was representative of their respective cultural backgrounds, even if one of them is decidedly fantasy and not an Earth “culture” at all!)
What was the first fandom you wrote for? 
Going to go with a graceful pass on this one, just because I find some of my earliest forays into fic a little too embarrassing to admit to in retrospect. The first fandom that crossed over from FF.net with me to Ao3 though -- and one of my earliest ones -- was Doctor Who.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? 
So far, it’s definitely I Breathed a Song Into the Air. It’s so personal, and has received such a phenomenal response -- and beyond that, it was my splash back into fic-writing that made me realize I still had it in me and that my skills had improved so much since I stepped away. I’ve also had the most fun planning it and giving it to Scribe to beta, and even just beyond that, I love writing the LotR characters and their relationships to begin with. I know it’s been a year since I updated it, which, oof, but I swear, I have a lot planned for it and it’s not tossed by the wayside. I hope people will still enjoy sticking with me for the journey with that one, because it means a lot to me.
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cartoonfan101 · 3 years
Yo okay I’m bored so here’s my take on the mcyt vs toh fandoms thingy.
So if you didn’t hear, a popular mcyt streamer recently announced they started watching the owl house. I believe it was Tubbo, but please don’t take my word for it because I’m probably wrong (I’ll change it if I remember who it was).
This is causing a lot of controversy in the toh fandom because while some people are excited for more people to watch the show, because if Tubbo (?) watches it, a big chunk of his fans will too. Others though, are more worried about the fandom itself watching. Not everyone, but a lot of people know the mcyt fandom(s) to be extremely toxic. They’re also worried that TommyInIt (lemme know if I spelled that right) might also be joining the fandom.
The second half of toh fandom has talked about how diverse the fandom is, and how diverse the show is, and they’re worried the fusion of the two fandoms will cause problems. They’re also worried because TommyInIt has said and done some concerning things like unironically calling himself a lesbian, making women uncomfortable, etc. Below I’ll put a link to a tiktok that features a compilation done by luzkinnies of a few of the things he’s said and done, so you can decide for yourself.
Now for my opinion.
While in a perfect world, everyone can just enjoy the show and leave personal race, sexuality, etc, out of stuff or whatever, that will never happen. Especially in today’s world. I’m not saying people are bad for coming out because that’s a hard thing to do, but I’m saying unless you want to or feel it’s needed, when you openly talk about that stuff, you will be made fun of by someone on the internet. Tbh we can’t really do anything about another group of people coming into the fandom and who knows? Maybe it won’t be as bad as we think. We should just accept them into the fandom, and correct them if they do/say something wrong. I really hope I worded this correctly, because I really tried not to offend anyone with this.
Anyways, that’s my opinion, and I know others have their own, so feel free to share!
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atomicblasphemy · 3 years
I was bored and decided to speculate on the upcoming Owl House episodes
Buckle up, this got way longer than anticipated.
Often I tend to have as much or even more fun with TOH’s b plots as with the main ones, and seeing the memes the fandom I guess that’s kind of a normal feeling. But this last episode didn’t really have one and I’m pretty glad it didn’t.
Here’s how I’ve been thinking of the show, specially when it comes to episode structure. Pretty much in the first few scenes they will go like “hey, here’s an idea.” Then they go on the rest of the episode showing why that is not such a good idea. Case in point, Understanding Willow’s “out of sight, out of mind” only for the episode turn out as an argument for therapy, or that grom episode with Luz unable to answer her mom’s messages only to do so by the end of the episode (even though that is not a full solution, but still, she’s the main character and that looks like it will a main source of conflict until the show’s end... probably). On today’s episode I feel like it came out in two ways: from Luz perspective it came in the form of her indulging King’s narrative and self-image; on his case, well, it pretty much boils down to that whole identity crisis thing.
In other words, although in a certain way there are two big stories being told they both are a part of the same plot line. Moreover, King is a part of the show’s main trio.
Now, this may just be my own perception, but I feel like the last five or so episodes were kind of meant to be some turning point for specific characters, in this sequence: King, Willow, Luz, Amity, Eda, Lilith. Those episodes seem, again, at least to me, to mark some form of shift in the characters story. For Lilith it was her betraying the Emperor, for Eda it was learning who cursed her and her imprisonment for Luz’s sake in a way (learning she grew to care for Luz over her own well-being), for Amity it was her taking a first tangible step towards getting out from her parent’s dominion (which culminates in the events of EE) and becoming her own person, for Luz it was confronting the fact her biggest fear is somewhat related to guilty about how she left her world and her mom and finding in herself (and the friends she made in the Isles) the fortitude to actually confront all that, for Willow it was what I said before (which, btw, ends her whole arc that started on the conjuring episode, the whole thing about her and Amity’s friendship). The only one of those I can’t really see clearly what the episode’s point really was is King’s Really Small Problems.
Again, going on a bit of subjectivity here but I feel like that episode was kind of the show’s lowest point so far. First of, there’s the fact that Willow, Gus, and especially Luz don’t apologize to King because, I mean, they were pretty much about as guilty for everything that happened as him. They did either hijack or forget his day with Luz, so you know... Buuut, still, if I were to hazard a guess as to what the point on that episode I’d say it circles around the line “The King of Demons misses nobody.” early in the episode being contrasted by “Demons do crazy things when they’ve been missing someone.” In other words, the point of the episode, to my best guess would be him starting to deal with a shifting sense of identity.
So, this brings us to the current season. If I’m right in my understanding of Really Small Problems, then that’d mean that Echoes of the Past is picking up on that episode’s thread. Likewise, the same can be said about Escaping Expulsion. And in a sense, both King and Amity’s (moreso in Amity’s case, admittedly) arc seem to have in a way concluded with those two episodes. Moreover, going by the episode’s synopsis the next upcoming episodes seem to also doing something similar: either picking up a previous storyline and finishing it, or starting new ones. Separate Tides would be a bit of an exception, since it was the premiere and had to reacquaint the audience with the world and characters, but even then I feel it sets up a potential point of conflict for Luz in the form of her guilt over Eda’s loss of magic.
Then, again, going off a limb here, but I’d guess that, from episodes 2 to 8 the main objects will be, in this order, Amity, King, Lilith (going by the trailer implying we’ll see her beast form), Gus (who thus far didn’t really have a longer story arc beyond The First Day), Luz, Eda (which, given how it introduces a new character from her past I’d imagine it would mark the beginning of a new arc for her). But I feel bored so I want to elaborate a bit further.
Episode 4: Lilith, maybe (this part is pretty esoteric, to be honest), possibly, starts to come to grips with the consequences of sharing the curse while, due to mamma Clawthorne’s visit, seeing their past in a more nuanced fashion. I mean, Mamma Clawthorne is in the beast keeping coven, her presence while her first born daughter literally turns into a best could make for some interesting potential stories. Anyhow, I think some other interesting thing will have to do with Eda. As I said I can’t really see an arc or something along those lines happening with her as of right now. Now, bare with me while I go on a bit of a tangent. So, in Understanding Willow Willow herself is the object of the story, however in that episode we also get to see the cause of them falling apart was Odalia and Alador threatening Amity indirectly. By doing that the upcoming conflict regarding her gets established. Then next, at the Grom episode, we as the audience learn that Amity is at least attracted to Luz. There’s no point on getting too deep into this beyond this: her crush on Luz works as a strong reason, from her perspective, to stand up to her parents. Then at the Grudgby episode we see her taking active steps towards getting more agency in her life from them when she chooses to play against two people her parents sanctioned as suitable companions. Eventually this would culminate in the EE episode as I already talked at length about. The reason I’m bringing all of this up is because I get the feeling Eda’s upcoming story will follow some similar lines, whatever happens here (and will either be developed or solved on episode 7) will be set up at this episode.
Episode 5: As I said, I don’t really see clearly what Gus’ main conflict is, and I would imagine that this episode will either make that more evident or outright introduce it, so I don’t feel I’m in the position to speculate the specifics. However, we do know that the B plot is Lumity and I’ll need to dwell on this one a bit longer. After season one, I had this guess that this ship would become cannon somewhere between episode 3 at the earliest and 7 at the lastest. The reason I thought so, and I still think there’s no solid reason to reject this hypothesis, was that after WiLW the only thing standing in the way from Amity coming clean about her feelings was probably her relationship with her parents. UW set that up, WiLW took a first step in that direction, EE went through with it. Moreover, I thought that’d be in line with what we had shown of the show’s pacing up until that point. So, basically the situation I see here goes along the lines of setting up a new source of conflict for Amity (in the form of Luz eventually leaving the Isles), and for Luz in the form of (if my guess of Lumity becoming cannon in this specific episode is correct) the start of a new relationship, something she never experienced before, which would make her question whether or not she actually wants to go back to the human realm, or at the very least muddy the water a tad. However, I am not so dead certain they’ll become cannon (and, btw, by cannon I mean simply an unequivocal sign that their relationship changed, however the showrunners decide that should look like.) Moreover, that only gets accentuated if the thing she’s helping Luz with is a portal. In other words, my “prediction” that it’d become cannon around this time was mostly due to me feeling that turning them into a will they won’t they at this point would be tantamount to the show chasing its own tail, but that’d feel uncharacteristic of the show, in light of the first season. That being said, if I’m right about there being this upcoming conflict about Luz having to decide between the Isles and the human realm (which may or may not keep on developing until the shows finale, but I digress), then it wouldn’t necessarily be a problem. If handled well her being uncertain as to whether or not to take the leap with Amity could potentially be an interesting way convey her internal conflict. Still, I think that having those two be together would be more effective in give her one more strong argument in favor of staying in the Isles. Besides, there’s my thoughts about the following episode which would make the will they won’t they approach redundant. Also, the fact Amity is the one
Episode 6: Pretty much would pick up on the place it left Luz in the previous episode, again, if and only if my speculations so far are right. Two things the synopsis doesn’t really make clear: why Luz is having problem hunting a palisman; and who the foe in question is. Now, I know we see her carrying Golden Boi’s staff. I’m choosing to ignore this for now because I would actually have Boscha (who we see in one of the teasers), and who would kind of go along with some hints at her redemption like that “you’re a really good friend...” line. Besides, if this palisman thing is a part of Hexside’s curriculum it would make sense that she’d be in the same situation as Luz. Not to mention that Golden Boi helping her gain access to a weapon she can and most likely will turn against him and his boss seems pretty odd. Ultimately, however, the identity of this foe is inconsequential. The main point of interest for me is the reason why she is having trouble finding herself a palisman. We don’t know the specifics of palisman adoption or creation, so I will try not to depend to much on it. But here’s the gist: getting a palisman as a commitment not only to the palisman itself but to the world. Whatever happens between her and Amity and going by the mad logic I’m using, her sense of belonging would probably be completely scrambled even before the episode starts. Being made to make a commitment like that in midst of an existential crisis of sorts as a means to create internal conflict in Luz, that’s what I’m trying to argue is the point of this episode. Also, before I move on to another thing I think is pretty important and I’ve decided to say it now because I don’t want to rework the structure of a rambling session that’s already way longer than I expected: we see Camilla in the trailer, I think this would be the best moment to put her. The reason for that is simple enough. In the A plot we see Luz trying to decide where she belongs to, and working towards becoming more and more part of the Isles figurative landscape; on the b plot however we would get to see in the form of Camilla that she still has a home in the human realm, that there’s still someone who loves her a lot and is doing everything within her power to get her back or at least to ensure she is safe and sound. Not to mention, it would be a great moment to bring up those letters we see at the end of the Grom episode, but I’ll get to that when I get to that.
Now, that important thing I wanted to talk about: the overall message of the show. I think I said this before but my favorite thing about Luz is the effect she has on the other character, essentially she is the catalyst to their growth. She is the one that ensured Willow would confront her past with Amity resulting in her getting rid of the hang ups that were holding her back allowing her to forge her own path. She is the reason why Amity chooses to stand up for herself. She is the reason why Lilith is capable of hope to rekindle her relationship with her sister thus empowering her to break away from the Emperor. She is the reason why Eda now has some reason to, as she put it herself, “stop wasting away her magic”, she gives her something to look forward to. Hell, even if we are just starting to see it, I’m positive we can make an argument that she’s why King became more open to the possibility he is not who he thought he was, making him see himself more as who he is to the people he cares about than a dethroned king of demons.
In a sense Luz seems to find all other characters in something of a stagnation point of their. A sort of fatalistic view of their own identities, be it in a more “ontological” sense, according to my interpretation, as in Lilith and Amity’s case, or as products of Lady Luck’s whims as for Willow and Eda. {Sidenote: For me at least Lumity’s mutual crush always made more sense on Amity’s end than on Luz’s and in a certain way it still does despite EE. Case in point, if I were to pin point the precise moment her feelings towards started shaping up in a way that makes infatuation possible it would that “I’m not a witch, but I’m working hard to become”. If what I’m saying is not absolute non-sense, then this would have been a “Holy shit. You can actually do that? You can actually have enough agency over your own life to that extent do something like that?”. I mean, their following interaction, at the library has her looking like “Ok, maybe I was just a wee bit of a needlessly belligerent dick just now” after she pushes Luz away from her offering to help when reading to kids.}
To put it succinctly: the message of the show is that your identity, who you are as a person, is not the product  of a pre-existent essence but of who you actively choose to be. That even if one is not capable of deciding their circumstances (like Willow, Eda, or Amity), that are the choices one makes as they go about living their lives that determine their identity. And by centering Luz’s core conflict now as where her belonging lies only for it to be solved at the show’s finale by having her, the main character, effectively having to make this choice, to realize she belongs to wherever she decides she belongs to would be a pretty poignant way to get this point across.
So yeah, if my guesses so far are right this may as well be one of the show’s most important episodes.
Anyway, back to my esoteric predictions about the upcoming episodes...
Episode 7: Eda and Rayne. Now, I don’t to sound like a party pooper or something, but we don’t really have a reason to predict those two having a romantic connection. There’s no reason to necessarily refuse this possibility a priori either though. I mean, the further I get into the future episode the less I have to work with in terms of speculation. We don’t really know where her story is heading, and I feel like I already covered it enough when I was talking about ep 4. But there are two things I want to point out. First, like Mama Clawthorne, Rayne is a figure from Eda’s past, so whatever conflict she may have to sort through from now on stems from her past. The specifics are up to anyone’s guess, so yeah, it is perfectly possible that those two were a couple or something along those lines at some point in the past. But other than that picture that shows that they were somewhat close, we really don’t have much to go by. Second thing, and this is not really all that important. If the foe from episode 6 is not Golden Boi, I think this will be the episode on which the two interact (again, that picture of Luz with his staff, we know they will get to interact at some point, and this seems to be the one episode out of all we have a synopsis for that depends the least on Luz for the main story).
Episode 8: Just imagine me blowing raspberries. I got nothing for this one, except that: a - I really hope Axel Rose does not get to be a guest voice acting role, same goes for Slash and that bassist I keep forgetting the name of; b - I hate this expression, but this really strike me as a “filler episode”, or a breather as I’ve seem someone put it. Still, as much as with anything else I could be wrong here.
But before I move on, there are three very important characters I haven’t talked about enough thus far at least in terms of speculation. Gus, Willow, and Bellos. So I’ll address the three of them just now. Bellos: he is the force that will ultimately make Luz confronting the question about where her belonging lies all but unavoidable; essentially - and I know I must sound like a broken record, but if and only if my take is right - his actions are not all that important to the story and its message because he is less of a character and more something akin to a force of nature. Gus: again, not so sure where his story will go or if he even has one in a more strict sense as the other characters. Frankly that’s one of the  aspects of the show I find the hardest to form an opinion on, unlike the others he sort of feels complete, that makes him pretty neat but also means that there’s less stuff you can do to him, less places you can take his character and develop it. That being said, I think he has a function in the show and he fulfills it pretty nicely. Besides, they can always just go and introduce new aspects to him we just can’t foresee as of now (which might as well happen in episode 5 for all we know). Either way, I have nothing but adoration for this precious boy. Now, Willow. As I mentioned, as far as I can tell her character got pretty much done with at Understand Willow. It was really weird for me when I watched that episode because it is until now my absolute favorite of the series (although Echoes fro the Past is putting up a pretty solid fight), the first thing I thought afterwards was “Idk how many seasons the show has left, but it feels a bit too soon for a defining moment like this and I don’t know what else they can do with her.” I mean, you could argue that the Grudgby episode seems to kinda sorta set up a conflict between her and Boscha, but that story seems to concern more Luz and Amity’s characters, especially the ladder. Willow and Boscha act more as a means to make Amity take that first step and for Luz to learn not to start a mosh pit in a Radiohead concert. That being said, I feel like she is now in a similar position to Gus’: either a new unforeseen source of conflict for her or they simply leave her to occupy a fixed role in the story. Personally, I’d much rather they introduce new stories and conflicts for them, not only that would help push for that overall message I was raving on about, but I also just wanna see more of them. I adore all characters in this show, I have fun with them and want to keep doing so until the show ultimately ends.
Almost done, I promise. Just a tad more of your patience, that’s all I’m asking. I will not revise or edit this so hopefully I’m still making a semblance of sense. I mean, if you’re reading this sentence then it probably means I am. Otherwise I can only ask you one thing: why?
Now, Eclipse Lake, or episode 9. As I said when talking about episode 7, we are now in too distant a territory for me to feel any confident as to my basis. Take all of this as more wishful thinking than anything else. So, you know, if you have a tin foil hat at hand now would be a good time to put it on.
Going by this episode’s synopsis as well as episode 5′s it makes it sound that Amity will become steadily a more central point to the whole portal conundrum. She is the one going on about it more than anyone else. There’s a first a fairly obvious reason why she put herself in that position: she has a gargantuan  crush on the girl and wants to spend as much time as physically possible with her. There’s also a secondary reason why she would want to do that, and for that I’d need to bring up those letters Camilla has or had been receiving.
Now, I’m aware I can’t really make an ironclad argument for her being the one writing them. However, it is more than a bit suspicious that those letters would be brought to attention immediately after we see a piece of writing that we know for a fact was written by her and seeing how closely those two handwrittings match. Not every piece of scenary put by an author necessarily be a Tchekov’s gun, but this one reaaally looks to be the case, still circumstantial evidence so tin foil hats or whatever. Moreover, as I on at length before, Amity’s story up to this point was that of someone learning to be her own person and aim for her own goals, in this sense I can see her decision for writing those letters as an early and not stellarly thought out way to do that even if well meaning. Like a poorly articulated if good intentioned act made by someone who doesn’t really understands why she’s doing what she’s doing, what it entails, or what the full length of the consequences could be. I mean, she is a kid after all, and she is bound to have a few hiccups along her way to self-discovery. Again, I’ll get to it when I get to it. Lastly, however, the second reason why she would have a reason to volunteer to help Luz with her portal situation: if she is the one sending those letters then she has access to some form of a portal herself, be it fully functioning like Eda’s or just capable to dispatch smaller objects that’s not really the point. The point is that, if all I’m saying is right she will be put in a very strange situation. If she is possession of a portal and is “helping” Luz find one, then she’d essentially be lying to her much like Luz herself is in a sense lying to Camilla. Moreover, she’d be at this point one of the characters with the largest amount of reasons to delay Luz’s return to the human realm as much as possible, meaning that the question she’ll have to answer would probably go along these lines: do I act in self-interest, lie or maybe even do some sabotage, and make sure I keep the person I’m growing to love next to me, ooooor do I act accordingly to this love and help her achieve her goal which could potentially mean I’ll never see her again?
Also, season one’s finale had an ambiguous title. Young Blood, Old Souls can just as easily be taken as referring to Eda as well as to Lilith, the two focal points of that episode’s conflict. Likewise here, “Yesterday’s Lies” could be taken as either a reference to Luz’s lies to Camilla, or these hypothetical lies Amity may be telling Luz. That means, in this hypothetical mid-season finale I’m conceiving here these two would be the focal points of conflict (maybe alongside Camilla).
In any case, a possible counter to everything I’m saying here is Dana stating that romance was not the show’s endgame, and that is not what I’m suggesting. I have more to speculate on Amity’s role, so going from that I can say that this would in a way be a continuation of what we saw in EE. Something like: Okay, so you want to become your own person, in order to do that I’ll have to make some tough decisions, here’s your first one. It’s like confronting this infant who just took its first steps with the knowledge she’s actually running a marathon.
Anyhow, I don’t really feel well equipped to speculate on how things would play out on Luz’s end so let’s shake things up a bit and try to see things from Camilla’s perspective before getting to the long awaited conclusion. And by long awaited I mean me, this was more tiring than I expected but what the hell, I’m almost done. I can see the finish line already, so yeah. 
So, Camilla. What we know given the trailer and the Grom episode is essentially this: she is most likely aware Luz never made to the Reality Check Camp in the first place, and that regardless of where she is there’s someone who (up until the Grom episode) was sending her these comforting messages. If and only if, all I’ve said is right then well have a line of communication between one of Luz’s big arguments for staying in the Isles and her biggest argument for coming back.
Hold on to your tin foil hats, y’all need it. Because my next point is: once Camilla finds out that the letters she’d been receiving up to that are more than a bit sketchy (her ooooohhhh face at the trailer could be that) and if she has some means of responding to them, which I mean... That’s the closest thing to a lead as to Luz’s whereabouts she has, she most likely would confront this hypothetical Amity if that’s the case. If the stars align just right there’s a pretty good chance Amity would give the broad strokes of Luz‘s situation in as much a cryptic fashion as she can, as well as start creating some form rappor with Camilla. Meaning that that choice she’d have to make as I mentioned before would get this extra layer of nuance, because now she knows beyond any doubt that if Luz does cross the portal she’d be with someone who deeply cares about her. Moreover, if I’m right about Amity’s upcoming conflict centering around her apprehension with Luz crossing the portal, her correspondence with Camilla could be a way for her to overcome this fear, for better or for worse. In other words, Camilla possibly unknowing giving her potential daughter-in-law the necessary tools for her to grow as a person. And honestly, I think that would be a pretty cool story.
And that could cause a pretty interesting dynamic between the three of them: Luz not sure as to who she wants to chose to become and most likely getting very upset once she learns of Amity’s lie, whilst still wanting (I don’t really have a defense for this I just think it’d be interesting) to keep her first romantic or potentially romantic relationship, while also being worried as to how things would be with her mother considering her own lie; Amity lying to Luz, while trying to balance out her on desires versus her loved one well-being; and Camilla having mixed feeling about Amity or whoever wrote those letters (they did lie to her after all), worrying like crazy about Luz and also feeling a tad upset at Luz’s lie. 
And holy shit I think that does it. I’m done.
Anyone, next finale is “Luz x Camilla x Amity”, that out of the way like Lilith x Eda and Lilith x Luz, my guess is that season 2.5 finale would be “Gus and Willow x Luz” or “Luz x Eda and King”, the finale finale therefore would most like be Luz x Luz.
Ci vediamo.
{Couple of edits I just thought would be important:
1 - I know that considering what I’ve said regarding the mid-season final may seem like a bit too much for a 20 something minutes episode. But I mean, this fandom and Amphibia’s seem to overlap quite a bit, and we all saw the metric ton of information they threw at us during True Colors. All that I’ve said seem to me well withing the realm of possibility.
2 - In the EXTREMELY unlikely chance I’m absolutely on point on everything I’ve just spouted (Despite being purposefully vague. But oh well. We can argue the semantics of vagueness some other time) I’ll consider this fandom as owing me a rendition of The Number of the Beast’s cover art (the album, not the single... not even I am morbid enough for that) featuring the Owl Beast, Belos and Kikimora or the Golden Boi. I call it the Owl Maiden. Will I go aggro if no one does that? No. Do I have means to demand it in any forceful way that would grant that I’d get to see said rendition? hahahaha I obviously don’t. Will I be poutty? Yes, that will 100% happen. But really, that would be for the benefit of us as a community. I mean, that look pretty awesome and you can’t argue otherwise.}
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peachpitmp3 · 3 years
bestie if there was a way to fight your sleep schedule i would do that for you >:(
oh wow yeah !!! lurking and typing in the chat is just. my entire vc experience shdklfjdsf. either that, or sitting entirely still and breathing as lightly as possible so i don't make any sound, but it still looks like i have my mic unmuted.
!!! right. "*waves goodbye like im some woman with a hat in the 1920's watching my lover leave on a boat* farewell jatp hyperfixation! may you return to me soon with many gifts including but not limited to a GODDAMN SEASON 2." FHSDKLFJLSDF I LOVE THAT. SO MUCH. that is exactly what i'm going to be thinking of if/when i ever change my pfp-
it's honestly a little scary how much some people write fhsdkljf. how??? so technically. i've published one (1) fic, for jatp. but unofficially, i have a bunch of google docs for a lot of different fandoms. i wrote stuff for jatp, tua, marvel, kotlc, and probably a lot more but i either forgot them or they're kind of embarrassing so <3 i swear though, i'm writing a marvel fic now-ish and i wILL FINISH THIS ONE. and i'm also planning a jatp x tsoa au, and then in general i'd just like to have more. substance fhsdkljf.
OH MY GOD !!!! DUDE DUDE DUDE. that sounds wonderful and the vibes !!!! incredible. "i'd definitely have a few bookshelves and i'd organize the books so they're not all vertical so they look *aesthetic* and then i'd put some lil fake plants everywhere and i'd put fairy lights EVERYWHERE" THIS!!! SO MUCH AESTHETIC. i love everything about your bedroom holy shit <3
i have never heard that motivational saying but good gOD that's stupid. jesus that's just ???? so stupid wtf.
YES YES YES YES YES !!! i love writing, i really do, and when you can just GO and write the hell out of something. even if you never publish it!! it's still just. so fun and cool.
hfsdljfskd that is certainly a list /lh. the only reason i can talk is that i never write tv shows down, i just forget them all *lip bite* (that was. something, and not a good something fjsd). !!!!! i've heard of all of those, except elementary, and they apparently are all very good! i'm going to write those down on one app and then forget where i put the list and. hence why i never watch anything lmao
i've been meaning to watch,,,, uhhhh. atypical, toh, criminal minds, finish b99. and a lot more i just can't remember them. are most of them just bc that's what my mutuals have watched? mAybe but so what- i swear i do have original ideas. sometimes. maybe.
oh damn,, idk. movies are really cool because there's more of a Vibe, and they're definitely easier for me to watch. and it's pretty incredible what people can fit into a one to two hour film. but tv shows are great for something more casual? and i feel like it's much easier to find a fandom for a show than a movie. idk. there's probably a limit, i'm just not sure what it is yet. something with over ten seasons would definitely be less appealing than something with 2 or 3. i'd say 40 min episodes, because it's easier to have a story with more time, and it hopefully wouldn't be rushed. and it feels more substantial? or less like "oh man i watched 30 episodes in one sitting jesus cHRIST".
i think a forest. the idea of being stranded in mountains feels a little scary ngl, and while there is a lot of shelter, that's also a lot of climbing. so maybe not best for survival, and i also don't know where to get food on a mountain. island sounds nice, but i think a forest would be cooler :)
if you could have any job, even if it isn't something that's an actual job (like tumblr blogger, etc) what would you choose? would YOU rather be stranded on an island, in a forest, or in the mountains? if you made a tone indicator that doesn't exist already, what would it be? do you have any pet peeves? - 🌵
hfsdfjsfl thanks you and me both bestie <3
oh my god no i do that too!! i dont want ppl to like. notice that im muted or anything so im just. silent like 'do not perceive me"
dude i've changed my pfp a bunch and it feels so weird like jatp i love you but- ????? sdfjejsdigisjkf
JATP TSOA ??? BESTIE YOU OWN MY HEART??? YOU WILL BREAK IT ???? you break jules heart?? you break it like the *shit whats a thing you break* mirror during an angsty movie scene??
thank you if only it could be a thing lmao <3
yeah it's real dumb. im very tired
yeah exactly!! like just the feelings of words pouring out of you so fast so fast is just amazing and so satisfying.
LIP BITE SDFGSGHSDLKJFSDKLFJSLDF PLEASE. ok no that's such a mood though, writing it down and then forgetting where you wrote it. literally i just remembered today i had a list of movies i've been meaning to watch. and then i found 3 separate notes because apparently i kept forgetting lol.
ahhhh omg cm!! criminal minds is pretty good and omg b99 my BELOVED!! can't really speak to the other ones but i've heard they're good so :D
yeah that definitely makes sense, tv shows are for sure more casual. in a weird way movies sometimes feel like more commitment? even though shows are technically longer lol. LMAO something over ten seasons... bestie do not watch criminal minds there are 15... yeah 40 minute episodes are great!!! i feel like also it really depends on the vibe of the show!! like if there was a 40 minute sitcom episode i don't think i'd be able to watch it.
oooooh omg forest yes that's so valid. a forest would definitely be cooler :D
i would choose to be an Emotional Support Jules™. my only purpose would literally just be to vibe around whoever hires me and give them hugs and positive energy. im portable and i can travel with them if they pay for my plane ticket :D batteries sold separately
huh idk being stranded anywhere is very scary but uhh. forest so maybe we could be in the same forest and we could find mushrooms together!!
ooooh a tone indicator that doesn't exist. hmmm. i don't know if this counts for tone but maybe just like /v and /a when venting about something, /v for just venting without wanting advice and /a for when you do want advice? just so people know how to respond.
dude i have so many pet peeves and uhhh. i forget every single one of them. im sorry bestie.
questions for you: what would your ideal job be, even if it's not an "official" job? would you rather have a mattress that is too hard or too soft? your thoughts on country music? do you enjoy icebreakers? if you didn't have to sleep, would you still choose to?
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cat girl reader angst hcs ; hunter
Tumblr media
requested by ; anonymous (11/11/21)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter-only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane
outline ; “Would you be willing to do headcanons for TOH Hunter x catgirl!s/o? Angst and/or NSFW please? Thanks in advance!!”
warning(s) ; objectification, references to kidnapping, angst, physical abuse (including belos teaching hunter to be cruel to the reader), reader is basically a pet, the witches can’t understand reader, potential stockholm syndrome, mean hunter (initially — he gets better i promise), hopeful ending as hunter drops reader off with the clawthornes/she’s free from the emperor, potential room to go in a platonic direction in the future but it’s up to interpretation
additional note ; this is much darker than a lot of the stuff posted to this account and does involve the idea of a demon species being treated as objects/belongings for their inability to communicate with witches and more humanoid demons. the original request did ask for a more relationship-esque dynamic but i felt like with the angsty angle that wouldn’t necessarily work here. but i did leave room for this to be interpreted either way at the end and you can have it develop whatever way you like after the last bullet point.
the first time you meet, you’re both children: him, the fresh faced golden guard to be, and you, the house pet taken from your home for the emperor’s amusement
they talk about you like you can’t understand them (calling you and your kin objects and unable to think, that you’re animals and nothing more) and belos encourages him to hit you — and he does, without hesitation
it’s painful and sharp, a sudden smack to the side of your head, and it has you flying to one side, mewling and whimpering at the feeling
and they laugh and he’s praised and they move on
you were both 7 then and things didn’t improve much as you both grew up
you were gifted to him when he was promoted to the role he was made for, the both of you just 14 then, whilst your mother and siblings had been kept by the emperor himself
you never heard about them — they could have been dead or alive for all you knew — and you were reliving your kidnapping all over again
your new home was just smaller: a single room with a single window that was too small to fit through and a single door that was always locked and a single bed with one creaky post that you were chained to practically 24/7
you were given food and water, barely enough to survive but it was better than nothing, and occasionally he’d put down a pillow for you or bring you some scraps from his food
you liked those times, longed for them
because you didn’t know any better
but for everything he was, hunter was generally nicer than his uncle and he didn’t hurt you as much after you started living in his room
yes he’d scold you when you cried and would muzzle you if you tried to talk to him — but he never beat you or threatened you like belos did so you found yourself liking him a bit more
even if he perceived you as dumb and as a pet that couldn’t take care of herself (he said as much and you’d have disputed it if you could speak his language)
because apathy was better than cruelty
but after a few years of this treatment, something changed
your ‘owner’ became more gentle, talking to you quietly and taking care to bring you more food and show you affection
he even got rid of the muzzle
he talks to you about his doubts, his fears, and he divulges the actions of the emperor to you — and you’re empathetic and try to comfort him as best you can
you and flapjack are the only things he can trust — and you share your concerns privately with one another
though through it all he still treats you like a pet, like you can’t understand and you’re working off instincts
and, whilst annoying, being a pet isn’t as bad as being an object so you don’t fight it too much
so you just let yourself go along with what’s happening — helping him through his panic attacks as they become more frequent and trying to do what you can with the sparse info the palisman gives you
and, eventually, once he’s fled the coven he takes you with him and leaves you at eda’s house — asking them to take care of you whilst he goes into hiding
leaving you somewhere far away from the emperor where he knows you won’t get hurt (guilty for his actions when he was younger)
and there you find someone who understands you — luz — and you feel more loved than you had done in the years since you were separated from your family
but you still find yourself worrying about him, whether he’s dead or alive, and asking the human if you can help her look for him
because he didn’t know any better when he hurt you, and when he learned he let you go — and that was far more than most witches would have done for your kin
because you knew first hand just how cruel and vengeful the emperor could be
because he didn’t deserve to die
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mdhwrites · 1 year
(Owl House question) What do you think of the fandom discourse around Hunter needlessly suffering? A lot of other toh critical posts have been pointing out how Hunter suffers so much but never gets to address any of it, he's just expected to be okay with it in time for the next traumatising thing to happen to him. And I agree. He is a child soldier who literally cut his hair out of a nervous breakdown to not look like Caleb in TTT and later that very episode, after he confesses to finally liking who he is, he gets possessed, gets more scars, loses his first and best friend, and his hair grows right back. And he's never allowed to mourn Flapjack or process any of that (love that the only time he's allowed to be angry about what he's been through is in a dream). Hell, the writers confessed to originally wanting him to be covered in Belos goop in King's Tide and have a breakdown there itself. It's just all suffering, no healing with him.
Plus, he ends the series with long hair, his classic hair noodle, a woodcarver, and possibly dating Willow. He literally just became Caleb. It's so ironic that the writers who made him have a panic attack over looking like Caleb in TTT just transformed him into Caleb so much more potently in the finale, complete with the fact that his personality has been diluted enough to be blank enough for people to just HC him as anything - just like Caleb. And I think that's just so funny cause now Belos got exactly what he wanted. Hunter truly lost himself to just become Caleb by the end. Which wouldn't be a problem if he had not been shown to want to distance himself from Caleb as much as possible.
It all just feels like the writers wanted to give Caleb closure and a happy ending THROUGH Hunter but they sacrificed Hunter's character for that to happen. Not to mention, Hunter has never expressed interest in woodcarving prior. And besides, there was a much easier way to give Caleb closure - just let him be a part of Belos's death. Make him and Evelyn appear even for just a little bit in the finale so they get their closure and so Hunter can remain as himself. Between him not being there for Belos' death and the fact that he never gets to grapple with how he helped Belos even more than Luz did, it feels like he just got done dirty by S3.
Sorry for the jumbled thoughts though, but what do you think?
So I think the first thing one needs to remember is that this show does not like the male characters in it. That's not me accusing the creators of anything or the like, it's just how their writing style comes off. Every male character is evil, was evil, or a joke/was a joke. There are very few exceptions to this, usually requiring them to be dead at this point or debates on if they ever counted as a villain, like Bump in his first appearance theoretically counting.
So, that's the basis for male writing in the show in general. They are not treated as human. Now let's also discuss how members, including ex-members of the EC, are treated. They are treated as jokes, with part of how the EC is portrayed as evil, especially in the long run, being that just joining up with them makes you look like a moron. As such, if you're kicked out of that group, you must be genuinely brain dead in the writer's eyes. The only one that escapes this is Steve... And he's the only who left by choice who gets more than one rant. He is made out to be better than the EC through this enlightenment process. Lilith though? Absolutely loses her competence and intelligence, except for the 'smart character' ways a lot of show do intelligence that fucking sucks once she leaves the Emperor's Coven. Even her trauma with Belos or what she used to have to do is a joke. Remember, 'I'm realizing I was bad at my job' instead of any form of sympathy for just how codependent she is for others approval.
At the intersection of these two problems is Hunter. You have a male character who has to be redeemed but also is too important to be purely a joke. You cannot make him comic relief like Gus, King or Hooty but you also can't make him enlightened eventually like King became late in the series because... Reasons. That's because he's ex-EC. He's a dumbass enough that he didn't leave Belos until his life was at risk which genuinely puts him WORSE than Lilith in the show's mind because Lilith at least did it for someone else.
So kind of the only thing that this writing team, with their skills and how they treat male characters/EC characters, has is to lean into the trauma both for spectacle and for comedy. Look how sad the boy is. Look how mad he is. Look how right Luz was when he pitied him by calling him a sad but mad boy (which sorry Lunter stans, is NOT an endearing term because he wasn't sad in Hunting Palisman. This is Luz just straight up calling him pitiable AT BEST.)
NOW I will actually be fair and say that a full S3 could have genuinely handled this better. It would have had the time to have two episodes, one in each half, about all that was hurting him, at least theoretically. Without making S3 literally only about Hunter (which is the show's own damn fault for S2 making it so only Hunter, Luz and Vee had narrative potential left for human realm stuff) during the three specials, you just can't cover his trauma properly. There's no time for it. One could argue they should have pumped the breaks on it some then but possessed Hunter was one of the few things the fandom actually seemed to like out of Thanks to Them as I saw art of that before Lumity FINALLY dressing up canonically as Hecate and Azura. People REALLY liked that twist and Flapjack's death at least gave a large amount of spectacle that was different from the last time the cast got their ass kicked by Belos ONE EPISODE AGO.
And frankly while I started this with one potential explanation for why Hunter ended up the way he did, narrative necessity could be it too. You have a final season with characters in a world very similar to theirs, who are OP because of their magic and all their loved ones are far away. Their character arcs are over or stupid so you have no drama to milk for the specials out of them without damn near completely fabricating them like with Willow who... Even if it's true, she's doing a real shit job at being everyone's rock.
Hunter meanwhile is both important enough lore wise to deserve attention and ripe for abuse for cheap, soap opera level drama that is actually befitting a fantasy story. He's even weak enough to actually be threatened unlike everyone else. But then you get TOH never cutting anything so they can't decide if Hunter should be inspired to follow in the steps of the good man he is based on or to try to be someone new entirely... But the first one is a FUCK TON easier to do, fits in with getting in Belos backstory and is easier to do visually so it's the one they leaned harder into despite it being against the core theme of the show that individuality is literally the most important thing on the planet.
Tie this together with how TOH treats male/EC characters and... of course the first mention of Flapjack's magic isn't him marvelling at the power and having a moment from realizing that he now has magic, what his friend gave him, etc. like that which would be reasonable for the excuse of mourning but instead "The Power of Friendship?" Because really, how different is that then the line targeted at Lilith about how warped her perceptions of reality and self worth were in the EC? And in most kid's shows, that'd actually be okay. However, this is the same show that a fandom meme of a quarter of S2 being the weekly trauma club meeting, inviting all new members. It wants to have its cake and eat it too, even when it comes to its progressive outlook.
It's how you get a very obviously Zuko inspired character who ends up feeling NOTHING like Zuko. Then again, that's The Owl House in general, isn't it? Wanting to be Avatar, or any other great kid's show, maybe even better, but in that ego and hubris crashing into something that makes you question why it was ever compared to it in the first place.
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badedramay · 4 years
I have seen a lot of Previous " Osmaya" fans has started hating on Maya. After people started to link her with sherry. I mean Maya and Obi were just friends. And they still are good friends. The hate they spew on both Twitter and Insta is so hurtful to see as her fan. Don't you think these people never were Maya's fan?
i don’t think i am in touch with any Osmaya fan right now precisely because of their inability to care for Maya beyond their ship. as the saying goes..once-fans are worse than anti-fans. though tbf i do think them dropping Maya wasn’t just due to the osmaya ship sinking (which OH MY GOD was never a ship to begin with like I am BAFFLED at how people really properly genuinely shipped them as anything more than friends???? did I miss a memo somewhere that these two had any such spark between them? i’ve followed osmaya’s growth since 2012..was my eyesight really during all these years that I failed to see any non-platonic chemistry between them offscreen which this fandom had latched on to? like????????????) in my opinion they just couldn’t support Maya, her decisions, her actions, her career choices when she decided to grow away from her Osmaya sphere. some couldn’t deal with Maya shed off her girl-next-door, bubbly, gharelu mashriqi avatar and some just couldn’t handle her not just being a part of  Teefa but also supportive of Ali Zafar.
Whatever Maya does just isn’t good enough. her bagging a film directed by one of the most well respected names in the industry isn’t good enough cuz oh Asim Raza toh makes shit films..usse aata hi kya hai kuch? her giving a blockbuster drama like Mann Mayal and winning an award for it isn’t good enough cuz oh her character was so weaaaakkkk and like a door matt. her being overtly fond of her co-stars isn’t good enough cuz oh my god kitna chipakti hai regardless of her having acted quite similarly with all her co-stars yes Obi included (celebrating Obi’s bday on her own is cute...kissing him on the cheek is cute..rampwalks and photoshoots with him are goals...lekin haww hayee her doing this with someone else? tauba tauba loose character hogayi hai ladki)
Maya isn’t aware enough, isn’t well spoken enough, doesn’t take the right stand, doesn’t know the right words to say. Oh she’s pretty but she’s such a paindu. Damn Maya Ali is properly styling goals and oh my god I wish I could raid her closet but ewwwwwww this woman can’t string two sentences in English well snort snort giggle giggle who’d wanna stan her? kitni patli hogayi hai but uff the way she carries all her dresses is major envy goals but hayeee kuch khati nahin? very wrong messages she puts out. so clingy she is..so desperate..gold digger kahin ki..bechare ladke ko phaans diya uski engagement bhi tudwa di? homewrecker!
I mean she gives so much CONTENT..makes it so easy to hate her!! i mean who CARES if she has struggled with mental health issues so severe half her life that it severely affected her physically? who cares that the lack of proper care and attention from her parents during her developing years have quite possibly made her into a person who feels like if she doesn’t go out of her way to treat people specially they’d leave her (and then they eventually do anyway because they find it so easy to use and leave her) Who cares if she worked her ass off to be where she is and made a home, A HOME, for her family all with her own hard work? who careeesssssss if any single who has every worked with Maya or even know her at some level have nothing but good things to say about her? “Maya has the biggest heart” “A constant source of positivity” “i am in awe of your strength”...these are just some of the compliments Maya have gotten from some of the Approved Favorites™ of stan twt/insta but lmaoooo who cares probably she blackmailed them to say it about her.
Who the fuck cares about all this and much more? She failed to get into the pants the ultimate Woke Feminist Who Is Literally the Only Goal To Ever Have and stay there. That makes her a woman just not worthy of attention.
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