#i will start posting alot on Tumblr
anonymouscheeses · 4 months
Tw: themes of sa and alot of blood (Angel blood but still)
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They won't believe me. I didn't even understand what it was. I was so young and uncomfortable but I still didn't understand what was happening. I could have stopped it, they were in the next room, I could have told them. But it's long past me and the fact I just figured out what happened, I keep telling myself it doesn't count. I'm lying to myself. It didn't happen the same way here, but God i wish I was lucky enough to have someone to tell. And now it's happening all over again. With another family member. And I can't say anything because no one would believe me. It's not the same as before but he's my dad, my fucking dad. I see him everyday. And it's when he's drunk, he wouldn't even remember. I wish he would stop looking at my body like that. I'm his daughter. I wish he didn't touch me. I want it to be over. I want to go home. I am home. But I never feel like I am and I can't take it anymore. I want God to take me to heaven already.
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gen4grl · 3 months
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dad red! 🍎🍊
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big8cola · 1 year
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chenyann · 2 years
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bleuberrygliscor · 1 year
i love how everyone is hating on the new tumblr desktop setup, meanwhile im sitting here, chilling with my split windows on one monitor, noticing 0 changes.
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sparrovv · 2 years
I'm so tired rn I just read assess as asses
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italianventi · 2 years
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I posted 618 times in 2022
That's 530 more posts than 2021!
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I tagged 222 of my posts in 2022
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#bluey heeler - 15 posts
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#v talks - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 112 characters
#me when i make my brother sit in my room and talk about bluey or genshin characters and he talks about homestuck
My Top Posts in 2022:
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3 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
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4 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
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It came to me in a dream (the shower)
8 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
There are two wolves inside me, one is saying its Twistmas time, the other one is saying its Winter Wrap Up time.
I am autistic
21 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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*Again by Yui starts playing*
55 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
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pupkane · 1 year
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objectify me
minors dni
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doomwadz · 1 month
*this is a informational post!!*
this is my first iceberg, if theres ANY non-accurate information please put it in my ask or comment!!
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if theres a topic im unfamiliar with—or not alot of information on, i will put a “★” by the topic.
12.14.12 is the date of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut by the perpetrator Adam Lanza. Killing 27 people (including Adam). And wounding 2.
Adam was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome at the age of 13, which would have been 2005.
Smiggles was one of Adam’s many usernames on the internet, he used it on a Columbine forum called Shocked Beyond Belief.
Ryan Lanza is Adam’s older brother, born on 1988–he is currently 36 years old.
some people think Adam is a pdf file
There were actually 27 victims in the shooting, but 28 (because Adam killed himself).
also, this is just speculation; but alot of people thinks (majority of people) that Adam had cp on his smashed hard drive—?
 FORGOT TO MENTION: he did have gore! they also found porn (not cp.) but detectives never said anything else.
This is known to be Adam’s youtube channel started on September 7th, 2011
but it got shut down in 2021.
i think this was a time that Adam had a tumblr! These were his usernames. i have some screenshots and somebody’s folder made for his tumblr.
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and if you try to look for these links…they dont work (they work in the http/hmtl sense) they are people
who reuploaded his tumblr on their accounts and got taken down.
The Big Book of Granny refers to a book that Adam and a classmate did in 5th grade in Sandy Hook.
The book is basically violent (for a 9-10 year old) to make, and there is cannibalism in the book too.
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Adam is vegan, there are some posts talking about how he only ate organic food. which its probably 
not proven, he often spoke about not eating meat. There was a interview
with a woman and Adam Lanza, stating “He chose to be a vegan because people were 
‘needlessly cruel’ to animals. Also, a tumblr post (https://www.tumblr.com/introspectionissexy/708027966023663616) stating what Adam said on a video of his, stating
“The McDonalds corporation exploits animals. I’ve been a vegan since i was thirteen but its kind of…completely retarded to think that youre actually accomplishing anything by not…being a vegan doesnt mean that you do not harm animals, by living, by choosing life you are…its life is innately harmful, life is innately coercive to everyone else…”
heres a list of Adam’s diet before he died:
Green beans
Lima beans
Cherry tomatoes
Silk brand Soy Milk
Flax seed
Purified water (with a mix of salt)
Organic pasture butter
Organic cranberry-pomegranate juice
This saying refers to a post made by the Reddit user u/brubz89 with the title of the post being
“i grew up across the street from one of the most notorious mass school shooters” explaining
his move to Connecticut during the summer. As the title suggests, he was neighbours with Adam Lanza.
explaining when brubz89, his sister, and Adam.
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On december 20th, 2011–Adam called into Anarchy Radio, the host being John Zerzan, Adam had called
in using the name ‘Greg’. Adam called in to tell a old story (at the time) about Travis the Chimp.
This may refer to a 6-year old girl that was a sole survivor that played dead in the classroom,
found by the police. Once she got out she told her mom that “Mommy, im okay, but all my friends are dead.” and said Lanza was a “a angry man.”
(picture of Room 8)
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didnt Adam hack into some government stuff…and treated at Skull and Bones Yale? hmmm…
Antinatalism is a philosophical belief that having children are uneithical.
This stems from a video that Adam made on September 7th, called
“My Antinatalism” talking about his dislike for ‘culture’. with Adam stating 
 “I consider culture to be delusional values which humans mindlessly coerce onto each other, spreading it like no differently than any other disease.”
This refers to when the shooting ended (when Adam killed himself) when his body
was found, Adam had Ryan’s ID. So, media thought that Adam was Ryan, Ryan came out on Facebook that Adam wasn’t him.
idk…alotta people think hes gay—😟.
This topic refers to Adam’s post as Smiggles (i love that name) on
Shock Beyond Belief forum. the date when he started using SBB was
on December 20th, 2009. On Wednesday December 30th, 2009 he
posted the infamous oatmeal berry chip-nut cookies recipe.
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i think she volunteered at one point, but no she didnt work there—and i think this is a misconception by the media.
This refers to a thing that some people believed that they could hear a hum in the school after the shooting. The humming went away, so its just some stupid false claim that people made up
just to get a scare or a reaction out of people.
the final report is the final report of Sandy Hook—which it isnt because many changes had accrued over time.
This refers to Adam Lanza’s Wikipedia account that he used to edit
on—he created his account on june 7th, 2009. his activity on this
account was August 6th, 2009 - February 4th, 2010.
heres a list of he edited on Kaynbred:
Collier Township Shooting (talk)
Dawson College Shooting
Westroads Mall Shooting
Luby’s Shooting
Wedgwood Baptist Church Shooting
Kip Kinkel
Sello Mall Shooting
Sunnyvale ESL Shooting
This refers to 35 page essay that Adam wrote for a collage application about pedophilia.
RegalSin was a infamous user that used SydLexia and Shocked Beyond Belief (a forum that
Adam also used.) And he had the same beliefs as Adam about pedophilia. From some
sources it seems he (RegalSin) got banned from alot of forums at that time. Lanza (Smiggles) 
wrote on SBB 
“Say whatever you wish, but i know my love for RegalSin is real.”
“Gay marriage is legal in my state, i was just holding it out for RegalSin.”
Blarvink is Adam’s first Wikipedia account, created on
February 4th, 2007. His activity on this account would be—through
April 11th, 2007 - March 1st, 2008.
heres a list of articles he edited on:
Blue Clues (talk)
Rant (talk)
Ngorongoro Conservation Area
Fall of Saigon
1980 October Surprise theory
Newtown High School
Benjamin Pierce
Gas Constant
Alvin York
James Baker
Into the Wild
Darwin Awards
New Zealand
Barack Obama
This refers to Adam’s spreadsheet of mass murders/murders, there are four sheets; 
in total there are 395 mass murders on Adam’s sheet. (yes i spent 20 minutes counting that…)
Nancy Lanza owned astrology books
i dont know if Adam had a interest in them though.
This refers to 149 photos of Adam. (Alot of the photos you see
are his college ID and his picture with tech-club. There was some pictures
that were missing that made 142 pictures open, but a user found them.
mostly there pictures of when Adam was a kid.
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This refers to a user on tumblr by the name of Cryinghampster who would post
Adam Lanza related things.
there account isn’t available anymore.
This topic refers to a book/story by the author Matthew Nolan. you can find were to read it on the Internet Archive. the description reads:
“The true story of the man-made disaster that struck the village of Sandy Hook, Connecticut on December 14th, 2012.”
for me, it seems like a pretty good read from what others say, so give it a try.
This part refers to Adam’s second Youtube account called “fuckcomments”
His persona seems different on this one—a little more joke/troll-ish. (?)
here are some:
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yes, its little different than his more intellectual/philosophical style of writing.
i think this refers to a website/blog that has information on the Sandy Hook shooting.
Adam drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School and Adam fired his gun at a car at the front entrance parking lot.
He just wanted to make sure if his gun was working.
In Adam’s final months he did have anorexia-nervosa, even if you looked
at his diet list, he did not eat that much—(he most likely ate
frozen edamame because it has less calories.)
heres the list of calories (he probably) ate in a day:
Edamame — 130 calories (if frozen) if cooked is 189 cal.
Green beans — 31 calories
Lima beans — 13 calories
Tomatoes — 22 cal.
Cherry tomatoes — 25 cal.
silk brand soy milk (or just average soy milk) — SLIK BRAND (110 cal.)
Flax seed — 55 cal.
purified water (w/ salt) — 0 cal.
Celery — 15 cal.
Orangic Pasture Butter — 100 cal.
Orangic Cranberry-pomegranate juice — 130 cal.
In total the amount of calories he was eating was 631 cal. which at his
height and for a guy isnt good and make you seriously ill and have muscle loss.
for 6ft you should be eating around 2,200-3,000 calories for a guy.
so, autopsy reports show that he did in fact, have brain damage from anorexia.
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*i am NOT a medical expert…so take this with a grain of salt and this might be wrong but imma leave it alone.*
this part refers to on u/brubz89 story about being Adam’s neighbour. a user by the name u/NotMyMainCuzReasons said this: 
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Actually there was a post on Reddit saying that Adam referenced Daft Punk - Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger.
and Daft Hands played that song.
also, a classmate of Adam’s reported that he used to watch this with Adam and
ever since, could not watch it.
Some might say that Adam may have a undiagnosed Lyme Disease, which some sources bring up good points. Lyme Disease can be causer by Deer Ticks, which they live in woods. Adam’s house is near the woods. Also, lyme can also cause psychological/neurological affects. Many—like Adam has, panic attacks, major depression, anorexia-nervosa, and OCD.
Adam actually did have Lyme disease and some people said he had a goitre but it wasnt noticeable in pictures.
before the shooting, Adam hadn’t left his room in 3 months in…isolation. Not even talking to anyone expect for people online.
(A theory) That Nancy has Mauchausen Sydrome by proxy because she would occasionally tell people that she was sick even though she wasnt. And Nancy did nothing about Adam because she had some “gratification” for it.
this refers to ALL of Adam’s youtube catalog (basically his videos.)
(speculation) theres many sources that say Adam might have psychosis (which may be very possible not just because he shot up a school.) there was personal messages
that Adam has sent on (it said Shocked Beyond Belief because of Smiggles) 
heres a part that i found interesting that i do think he did
have psychosis: 
“i dont have a persistent sense of fear that you described, but around once every couple months when i gotten arbitrarily fatigued and its around 12:00 - 5:00 in the morning, i have images of distorted faces flashing through my mind. They’re similar sort of similar to the ones towards the end of Terror House, at about 75:00. When i first saw the scene, i mentally flinched for a moment because of its similarity to what i imagined in the past.” - October 23rd, 2010.
and heres a few sentences what i find interesting aswell: 
“Getting back to the subject of paranoia—those images were the worst ‘hallucinations’ i had experienced until a couple of weeks ago late one night when i was getting very tired. The incident was so surreal that i only remember a small amount of the details. Basically, i began to ‘see’ many different things. Although i knew that none of it was actually real, it came as close to being real as it could for me without it being physically tangible. I heard screaming around me, and i had overwhelming sense that there was someone dead behind me. I kept seeing silhouettes flickering people everywhere. I felt like i had to cry. The entire ordeal persisted for about fifteen minutes and sort of faded away. Prior to it happening i never had that sort of delusional hysteria before. It was possibly the strangest thing ive experienced.” - October 23rd, 2010
Also, i would like to note—that Adam also did have depression, and also individuals who have major/severe depression or depression in general can experience psychosis or psychosis-like symptoms. Now this is not saying HE DOES in fact has psychosis, i just think this is a symptom…? but this could be a mix of different things.
This condition is a disorder where you cannot feel pain, and many sources say Adam may have this condition. A Psychologist, Elizabeth Laugeson said that 
“People with Asperger's can be overly sensitive to things like touch, noise and pain, or sometimes under-sensitive,”
Also, a friend of Adam’s said he didnt feel any pain because he used to burn himself.
(this is just a theory)
okay, some sources say that (im going to assume safely) that there where some theories that Peter Lanza
was dead. But, this can be debunked by a picture of Ryan and Peter leaving the Hoboken NJ—police. (?)
This refers to a book by Dan Howitt:
This refers to a time when Adam actually played WoW, he never really gotten
to level 60. Also, he did have WoW video gameplay—saved on his computer but none were released. Little bit is known about his accounts on WoW or his time on WoW.
After the shooting, Ryan inherited Nancy’s house—the bank took control after Ryan agreed to sell it for $1. but there was pictures of the home being demolished.
Mary Sherlach was the school psychologist at Sandy Hook—she was one of the first people killed, while trying to rush kids to protection. Her death was while confronting Adam in the front hallway. She spent 18 years at Sandy Hook.
this refers to a playlist that Adam made under the “Knavesmig”
which, the name other this playlist was “Mass Murder Music”
(correct me if im wrong :3)
i think this used to be a article that (used to exist) explained Nancy’s life
through her emails that she sent to her friend (sorry if this is incorrect.)
i dont think he had this—i think this is just speculation (like FXS) but no records or when you search it up—doesnt say he has it on have any signs.
i think this refers to a search warrant conducted on December 16th, 2012 in Nancy Lanza’s house.
but this search document shows it was searched on january 7th, 2013.
but, on exhibit #608 on page 17, it states that
“Three (3) photographs with images of what appears to be a deceased human covered with plastic and what appears to be blood.”
also, in the fuckcomments account he did mention liking gore websites, linking a gore website (its possibly redacted for…obvious reasons). but i dont know if thats connected in the same way.
This refers to a time before the before the shooting happened that Nancy told a friend that
Adam was burning himself with a lighter. Nancy later told the friend that he burning
himself in “the ankles or arms or something.”
The friend of Nancy later told “The New York Daily News” that:
“She confided over a drink, “he was getting worse.”
not much known about this one, but i tried looking for the mentioned “nobadmemes” on the audio transcripts of Adam’s videos. But it is known that he did mention it. maybe im just blind…lol.
Paul Fox was Adam’s psychiatrist 
for five years before Adam shot up Sandy Hook. Paul Fox was 66 when he 
sexually assaulted a teenaged girl. He faced up towards 18 months in prison after pleading 
guilty to assaulting her.
This was a account that Adam had, nothing known about it because his father (Peter) advised 
authorities to delete his account. Also, if your familiar with Adam, you may know
that he had a known playlist on Rapidshare that was named “16 Hours of Mass Murder Music”
Which it was possibly filled with music that was about different mass murders.
take this with a grain of salt…
This was the last account that is known Adam had last used on Wikipedia.
His account was created on June 19th, 2012 and it was active through
June 19th, 2012 - June 20th, 2012.
He didnt really write or contribute to anything…but ill list it anyway.
Lord Gon (talk)
also! he had the last post of the discussion page, named “Hark.”
Which, ill leave some screenshots because i got way too happy when i found this!!
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This refers to the guns that Adam used during the shooting. 
ill list what he used (+ pictures) and ill explain this topic afterwards.
Bushmaster AR-15 Rifle.
Glock 10 mm.
Sig Sauer 9 mm.
But, i would like to clear things up that—Adam did use the Bushmaster through out the shooting.
He used one of his handguns to kill himself with, (most likely with a Glock 10 mm.)
Also, just to clarify he also had a Izhmash Saiga 12 in his Honda Civic.
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this was a girl that got investigated by the FBI and she said something on the lines of “killing children to ‘free’ them” (i cant remember and i dont have source for this…but it does exist!)
This is basically the belief that Adam “created” which, the term eulavism with -ism and value spelled
backwards. Adam used this term in this sentence which…he talks about his
most favourite thing! VALUE!
“So, instead of an Efilist, im more of a eulavist. Eh, i only oppose life because life is the source of value and its value that i really hate. And, well, i guess that just says it all: i have a vendetta against value.”
Also, Adam says this on his video called “Rambling vlogrant of a ruminative vagrant (part 2/2)”
made on September 8th, 2011.
This refers to the a 2010 video of a man dressed in a elf costume, Adam showed a online friend this video and Adam and the friend used to joke about the elf coming out at night to their house.
alot of people speculated that Adam had this, which…the size of his head—y’know…kinda explains why he looked like the way he did.
Sandy Hooked . net was a website that was explaining the Sandy Hook case and Adam Lanza.
and also talked about rumours of certain aspects.
This part refers to pictures that Adam took in his “suicide poses” which, i will share
screenshots and explain them.
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this was taken on July 18th, 2010 at 6:01 pm. This was found on Adam’s computer with a 
filename “Kaynsu2” which i think Kayn refers to his name that Adam used on Wikipedia
during 2009 - 2010 (same time). It was in a folder named “fun”. He is using the Izhmash Saiga 12
that was later found in his car during the shooting.
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this was also taken in July 18th, 2010 at 6:08 pm. This was also found on Adam’s computer
with the filename “kaynsu1” and was also in the same folder as “kaynsu2”.
A Youtube channel by the name “Miriam1” uploaded a video of a man driving up to 
36 Yogananda Street on on December 17th, 2012, stealing Lanza’s mail and opening it.
Adam used to be known as DDR boy and a girl he used to play with—staff only known her as DDR girl.
there was a blog that was talking about how Adam was SA’d by this catholic priest (?) and had multiple points why Adam didn’t really liked getting touched and certain things the way he did. (?)
☆ATF FORM 4473 ★
A form that is used if you want to purchase guns.
A creepy ass kids show that used to be on VHS tapes 1987 - 1988 and supposedly Adam liked this show…? (basically a bootleg sesame street.)
This seems like a blog created by someone named “Joel” that uses Cryinghampster evidence for Adam Lanza, the blog seems skattered all over place (imo) so…idk. (was also a channel as well).
From Adam killing himself.
this refers to Gary Inmendham, i think his a philosophy content creator on Youtube. Adam mentioned him on his video called “Rambling Vlogrant of a ruminative vagrant (Part 2/2)” uploaded on Semptember 8th, 2011. Which he mention Efilism, which is a philosophical belief that Inmendham created.
Also, Adam supposedly liked watching Inmendham.
This refers to post on Reddit talking about they almost played with Adam, and they mentioned
that Adam had a KiFFERSTUEBCHEN account. And in German this means “gameserver.”
This refers to Adam’s neighbour ended up killing people as well.
this happens to be a rumour of footage of Adam shooting at the front window, though some people say that they saw it, but the front of the school cameras werent recording.
Dawn Hochsprung and Mary Sherlach died in the hallway, people thought it
was Adam, but Adam died in Room 10.
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*btw the black part is his knees.*
☆9:46:54 ★
this refers to the time when the shooting ended. (which it actually ended at 9:40 am.)
but it could refer to the final shot.
The “hum” refers to a phenomenon that people consider “real” and it had reported cases that
some people could hear a persistent and invasive low-frequency humming—not not
everyone could hear it, and such cases where reported from the United Kingdom and United States.
Some people actually speculated it stopped when Sandy Hook happened, and teachers
reported cases of hearing it before the shooting—which again, this is proven false,
and a thing that some conspiracy theorist thought up…
this happens to be a time when Adam was on his “queerforkimveer” account of Tumblr, and he uploaded
gore pictures of the corpses of perpetrators (such as Charles Whitman from 1966), after they killed themselves or got shot. Also, the post labels who is who and what guns they used in their attack.
Newtown investigators found Adam’s Mediafire account—and the investigators claim
the content that was found on the account thought it was completely appropriate to delete
the account, Peter—signed a consent to assume online identity form to access rights
to the FBI and all data has been said to been erased. So, not that known about this
account—or even the name.
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this is kinda like the final report.
it was found out that Adam did have porn in possession but detectives said that there was no illegal content.
(as we dont know.)
i think this refers to a negative/narcissistic public presentation of his thoughts and beliefs.
this is a rumour that Adam wrote something in Nancy’s blood, but theres nothing that proves that.
congratulations! you made it at the end of iceberg! (ill link sources later…) thank you for
reading—this is my first iceberg, so sorry if my information is wrong. ill make more icebergs in the future. :)
also credit goes to @kaynsui for the iceberg chart :3
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pinkchrissysposts · 5 months
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Guys i have come to decide that my time have come to an end in this amazing app tumblr I feel honoured to be a part of this beautiful community but before I go I would like to give some tips to everyone who.are still in their void/manifestation/shifting journey.
So as we know this is your journey to seize your power no one is gonna be there to help you except yourself. If you have been in this journey for a long time the only thing you are lacking is trust with yourself. Start building trust with yourself,it will become easier to persist. Consistency and persistence is needed of course but also trust within yourself.
I was also someone who struggled alot as a beginner for years but I slowly learned different things that are key to manifest/enter void/shift. Now don't ask what is the key because it has been mentioned in almost every loa post you read.
Follow your own style of manifesting,if you feel frustrated over methods then choose one which resonates with you,what matters is you feeling satisfied at the end.
Now this is for my a+ p girlies, I know I said it multiple times but don't affirm to get in 3D,affirm to make it your dominant thought,your goal should be making the affirmation your dominant thought that's it. It becomes thousand times easier because you also start to detach from the old story,your attention will be more on believing in that affirmation rather then seeing it in the 3D. Like this😤🤌
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When we hear about horror stories,we don't see the ghost but we still believe it exist right? We start reaffirming unconscious like there is ghost in the kitchen stuff like that. (That was one shitty example ☠️💀)
I get a LOTS of ask about robotic affirming and saturation,guys it's simple they both quite similar. Well in robotic affirming you just have to chant it without really focusing on it as it saturate you and it's mostly helps with mental diet.
But during saturation try to be more focus on the affirmation,it like focus affirming.
Moving on to void,I will really recommend using the distraction method or zone out method they both are same nothing different. Also just read the masterlist from my old account @graychrissy it had mostly void post with my documented void journey. Also read rotten's shifting guide then use the gateway tape it is available in spotify too,it can be instant to reach the focus 10,but some may need practice but it's easy nothing overcomplicated just a hemi sync (Turing off left side of the brain).
NEVER BE AFRAID OF YOUR EMOTIONS,seriously it's something everyone dm me about it's really not important,your emotions are also 3D,it won't mess up your manifestation so just calm down.
Also since the link in master list aren't working I will make a new one,I will be changing the whole lay out of my blog then you guys can use it. Goodbye~~~~~~~;)
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genderkoolaid · 4 months
hey about that ask and post about how trans lesbians dont have any real in to the community to start figuring out their identies i think your missing a bit of the point because yes trans gay men dont have an automatic connection either and mlm and fandom spaces are pretty bad about 'cishet women' consuming alot of mlm content or relating to mlm ships and characters but while theyre there they are kinda (probably in a harmful way) learning about queer identites at least hearing the words to look up and research on their own but thats a different thing to trans lesbians not even having a space to get that close to queer people if at all without being kept out of conversation about queer identies and so never or much more rarely having space to find out about trans lesbians or given space to relate to wlw or queerness
of course most trans men in either of these spaces are celebrated for coming out unless they find groups of transmen in fandom even but i dont think that makes these experiences all that similar i think we should appreciate these as diffrent experiences without lessing eithers impact
I mean. there are closeted trans lesbians who have an awareness of queer identities through their friends or through online communities from the perspective of an ally. This is not the same as being able to identify oneself with queerness and feeling that you are accepted as an insider in those spaces, but that feeling isn't necessarily handed to closeted gay trans guys being read as heterosexual cis women either. And still, it's not as if there aren't any "straight" "cis" "men" who have queer friends or engage in communities frequently by queer people.
And I feel that having this conversation on Tumblr biases us, seeing as this is The Website for "straight" "cis" "women" who get really into MLM shipping. What about gay trans men who aren't chronically online in that way? Who live their lives as "normal" straight cis women, and whose only exposure to transmasculinity is the vague concept of "butch lesbian becomes masculine straight man"? Outside of Tumblr culture, I do not see gay trans men being given much visibility, with the "ex-lesbian" narrative still having a strong grasp over how most trans men are perceived.
I just feel like this argument is working off a very specific and local-to-Tumblr idea of the experiences of a gay trans man. Like, there are (in my experience), more gay trans men active in Queer Tumblr than gay cis men, and the same is not true for cis lesbians vs trans(fem) lesbians. But if you go to the vast majority of areas, where gay cis men dominate, gay trans men are not always being given space or visibility.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 9 months
💖💋🥂IT GIRL ERA 2024💖💋🥂
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💋1) Start putting yourself first . Choose yourself Put your own needs and wants first. What do they advice in flight ? First put your oxygen mask and then try to put others oxygen masks. It is not about oxygen masks.
💖2) Get a social media detox. Social media can be very toxic. We often get into fights with strangers or see toxic people in the comment section or compare ourselves with others. Get off Tumblr , Instagram , Facebook etc. It will help you alot.
🥂3)Get rid of victim mentality. Victim mentality can make things worse for you. You aren't a victim of your reality , you are the creator of your reality. Start taking responsibility and control of your life .
💋4) Believe in yourself . Like Elle Woods said , " most importantly you must have faith in yourself." You must have unwavering faith in yourself . It doesn't matter if others perceive you as less , make sure you don't perceive yourself as less. Your opinion of yourself matters the most.
🥂5) Start taking care of yourself. Self care will save you . Always put your self care first. Go to gym or workout at home. Do skincare. Take care of your hair. Get a mini hair spa. Self care will increase your energy and lower your stress levels. It will boost your self-esteem too.
💖6) Create a vision board. You can make vision board on Pinterest or make one in real life. Just make sure it inspires you and reminds you of your goals. Vision boards are very powerful tool.
💋7) Stop focusing on others. Focus on you. Don't think good or bad about anyone . Be focused on how you can make yourself better. If you don't get time to think about others , good ! Focus on yourself. Except the ones who are close to you , you shouldn't think about others or compare yourself . Just focus on how you can get ahead and make yourself better. I hope this made sense.
🥂8) Love yourself. Self love will save you. Listen , write or speak affirmations. Adopt the IDAF mindset , stop caring about others opinions. Don't compare yourself with others. Let go of toxic cycles and people. Be kind to yourself.
💖9) Remember what Jang Wonyoung said ? I DON'T CARE. YOU ARE YOU , I AM ME . ADOPT THIS MENTALITY. Enter your wonyoungism era !! Wonyoung said that if it's something she didn't do , then she doesn't care. That's where her iconic statement " you are you I am me " came from . Start being okay with people misunderstanding you. Don't try to explain yourself and waste your energy.
💋10) Give importance to your education . Education is the most powerful weapon. Read books. Watch documentaries. Study to learn , not just for good grades.
🥂11) Value your time. Realize how important your present moment is. Don't waste time on unproductive things. Do things that your future self will thank you for . Don't do things that your future self will curse you for.
💖12) Have different role models for different things. Let's say for developing a strong mindset , you can look upto Song Jia , Wonyoung or The wizard liz and for academics , you can look upto Hermione Granger , Elle Woods or Rory Gilmore .
💋13) Stop fighting with stupid people. Even strangers online ! Honestly , strangers online can be very toxic , annoying and stupid. Don't waste your energy arguing with stupid people or people who aren't willing to understand or listen .
💖14) Stop looking yourself through the lens of your past self. It's okay if you made some mistakes . Mistakes are the proof that you are trying. Forgive yourself and learn from them. Stop putting yourself down and keep those mistakes as a lesson. Yes you made some mistakes but after those mistakes , you learnt and made yourself better.
🥂15) No more self- depreciating humor. Your mind doesn't know the difference between reality , fiction or a joke.
💖💋🥂This advice is very basic and simple. But this advice will help you alot. Don't just read this post , make sure you follow this. Happy new year !!! 💖💋🥂
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cavernclaw · 10 months
Daniel Mullinverse Dashboard Simulator
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🎮 lionelsnill follow
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Walk WIP! Usually I don't share these for free but I've decided this would be a great way to give the game some publicity and promote my kofi
#rb #HOLYSHIT??? #super weasel kid
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🌵 ilovecowboys unpopular opinon, rust from waste world is a gilf
🌵 ilovecowboys
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I cannot believe you OP, rust is a fucking DILF not a gilf. get your fucking facts together
🌵 ilovecowboys
oh fuck you're right im sorry. rust from waste world is a dilf.
#ww rust #waste world
(200 notes)
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🃏 luckycarder
hey guys, sorry to have a serious video out of the blue but some important stuff has popped up. i'll keep this post pinned for a while since it's a big issue rn
#important #lucky card posts
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🔼 gamefuna-offical follow sponsored
merry christmas from gamefuna headquarters! as a little gift super weasel kid 09 deluxe is going on sale til january! #gamefuna #merry christmas (2 notes)
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🎣 carla51
merry christmas guys, remember to boycott gamefuna because they fucking suck and so do their games.
#carla goes fishing
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🎩 thedarkclown follow
:) #i see you (666 notes)
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💎 orbofpoweryum
#vallimar speaks #secrets of legendaria (170 notes)
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🎣 carla51
i saw the secrets of legendaria poll and HOLY SHIT THANK YOU for saying all that nice stuff about the fishing bit it genuinly means the world to me people found that and enjoyed it anyways im gonna go cry now :') #carla goes fishing (61 notes)
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🐹 weazelkid01 happy birthday super weasel kid! :D #super weasel kid #swk #super weasel kid: radical road (20 notes)
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⬛ bandito7
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(70,000 notes)
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🔼 gamefuna-offical follow sponsored we are sad to inform everyone that inscryption, a game that many have been talking about is not real. it's simply a rumor that some very rude people made up. if you have come across any sort of content of gamefuna without it being sold, please not that (read more) (10 notes)
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📺 t0theweb follow
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🎣 carla51
taking a break from tumblr, alot has happened in the last few days and i need some time to process it. i'll hopefully be back in a week or two, sorry. #carla goes fishing #important (30 notes)
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🃏 luckycarder
gonna start a gameplay series soon! i know most people probably only follow me for card stuff but found this neat little game in the woods and i wanna check it out, i'll upload the first video soon! (120 notes)
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kj0ne · 5 days
Nct fic rec’s
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A collection of some of my favourite fics i have read that are mostly nct but i may add some other groups!
Includes fics/series, smaus, oneshots,drabbles, headcannons and time stamps
S - smut | SG -suggestive | F - fluff
A - angst | M - mature
All credits to the writers! If you would not like your work on here please lmk!
*lm still new to posting on tumblr please lmk if anything is or looks wrong*
(Im a sucker for family au so please expect alot of that here 😅)
Nct wish are not included!
Nct 127
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Johnny Suh
Lee Taeyong
Little taste of heaven | M,F,A - @taelme
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3
R U Ridin? | F - @writemekpop
Taeyong is a mafia boss, and he hides it from you... but what happens when his secret gets revealed?
Nakamoto Yuta
Dad!Yuta | F - @jwirecs
Kim Doyoung
Heaven, fallen | M,F,A - @wincore
6-7am | F - @nctinthehouse
You were beautiful | F,A - @jaelvr
Jeong Jaehyun
Kim Jungwoo
Hard to say goodbye | F - @by-soleil
1:18pm | F - @gyeomsweetgyeom
Part 2 ⬇️
8:25pm | F - @gyeomsweetgyeom
Mark and Haechan in dream down below ⬇️
Nct Dream
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Mark Lee
4:26 | F - @gyeomsweetgyeom
Most couples use pet names for each other, some people would expect you and Mark to do the same, especially since you’re getting married
3:50 | F - @skyrohyucks
The cure | F - @mins-fins
mark shows up to your place bleeding red, and red is your least favorite color.
Madly in love | F - @p0ckykiss
mark had always been the hopeless romantic type
Huang Renjun
Beat you at your own game | F - @cafelattaes
y/n has a crush on renjun, who's not that great with people. despite his standoffish nature, she makes an effort to be friendly. but things take a twist when she starts to ignore him.
Lee Jeno
Glitter | F - @kyufessions
you walk in on your daughter giving your fiancé a makeover
All night long | F - @writemekpop
You’re pregnant, and the baby’s kicking makes it impossible to sleep. Luckily, Jeno knows just how to take care of you. 
Lee Haechan
Na Jaemin
Putting mascara on BF!Jaemin | F - @scarletwinterxx
Day in the life | F - @saturnznct
9:18pm | F - @gyeomsweetgyeom
In which jaemin does his own take of a trend | F - @lololololchips
in which jaemin does his own take of a trend that shows how he tried to confess to his crush over various instagram stories
One bed trope enemy!jaemin | F - @jenosbliss
Bittersweet | F - @polarisjisung
it's routine— you patch up his wounds and watch them heal, he salts your wounds but doesn't stick around long enough to watch them grow.
Love without labels | F - @mystverse
Zhong Chenle
Park Jisung
Naps with bf!Jisung | F - @ofdreamsnwishes
Motorbikes and melatonin | F - @polarisjisung
sleep doesn't find you in the comfort of your own home or under the covers tucked safely into your bed— sleep finds you in the warmth of park jisung's arms
BF Jisung text | F - @polarisjisung
Score that goal | F - @lqfiles
after your college had announced that all the students were required to join a club and attend it twice a week, you were planning on either a) dropping out, or b) join the art club and pretend to be sick most of the times. that was before you discovered that park jisung is a long time member of the football team. change in plans: you LOVE football.
or in which you mindlessly join the football club in hopes of catching your crush’s attention (and to maybe secretly check him out too) who cares if you can’t even kick a ball up in the air?
Sleepy Jisung talks | F - @wonbin-truther
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Qian Kun
7:16am | F - @theficblog
Ten Lee
In progress…
In progress…
In progress…
In progress…
In progress…
Nct 127
Baby 127 calling dad on tour | F - @phoxphenex
Nct dream
Moon and enthusiasm | F - @handlemehyuck
Baby dream calling dad on tour | F - @phoxphenex
Boyfriend texts | F - @handlemehyuck
Orange peel theory | F - @hyuckswoman
7dream nicknames for their partners | F - @swee7dream
Dream on dreaming | F - @diorcities
WayV reaction to a pic of them sleeping | F - @tigermark
70 notes · View notes
callsign-novara · 8 months
Valeria Garza HC's
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Hii so this is my first post on tumblr, and I know this..probably won't be the the best but we'll see 💋
☆content warnings: violence, foul language, Valeria garza (she needs a warning herself...that I'm gonna ignore.), NSFW, SFW, No use of y/n☆
•When you and Valeria meet she treats you like any other Cartel member, she's cold, tough, ruthless and pushes you to your limits. What truely makes her attracted to you is your willingness to do anything and everything to keep this cartel safe.
•it would take years for Valeria to actually trust you, and even then she would only act like a friend or a lenient boss. She'd let you get away with things she'd normally wouldn't let others get away with. (EX, being late, not doing exactly what she says to a t, bothering her while working, etc)
•Valeria probably has a deep routed homophobia towards herself because of her time in the Army and how she was raised. When she first figures out she's inlove with you, she denies it, ignores it and you, and tries her best to not fall further dor you...but there's something in your eyes, in your devotion to her that makes you impossible to resist.
•she also has misogynistic thoughts towards herself. Because of her time in the Army she doesn't think she could ever be femme and feels that she would be considered weak if she was dem presenting. She's trying to ease those thoughts out by painting her nails.
•When Valeria finally comes to terms that she's inlove with you she'll outright tell you straight up. Demanding, Asking you out directly.
•If you say yes, be prepared to be taken out to the fanciest diner, and being spoiled rotten.
•if you say no, however, well...then they won't find you or your remains.
•It takes her alot of time for her to say 'I love you' but when she does it makes you cry with how domestic it is. You both are sitting on the couch, her arms around you cuddling while watching your favorite TV show and you're starting to fall asleep. She'll smile at you, glad to have someone as loyal and sweet as you and she softly press kisses on your face and she'll whisper an 'I love you' thinking you were asleep.
•Valeria wast keen of giving physical affection until she met you- that's when she started dealing with it, loving it. Her main loge Languages are Gift giving and Acts of service. She loves to give you home made gifts, or pretty expensive thing for you even if you don't ask for it. She also loves making you tea, coffee, fresh juice, smooties and homemade meals for tourists when she knows you had a hard day. She'll massage your shoulders and kiss away your frustrations and give you anything you could ever desire.
•The first time is..unexpected. it's definitely in her office. She'd have a long, frustrating day,, and she'll call you to her office and dismiss her gaurds and men. She'll pull you into her lap and rest her hands on your plush thighs, kissing up your neck. She'll rile you up until you're silently pleading her for more.
*corruption kink to the fullest. You still have your V-card? She'll ruin you for anyone else because you're hers. And her little play thing should only want her, no?
•eats you out like she's a starved voman. Worships you in bed like you worship her in work...unless your bad. The loves wat hing would squirm and cry under her and beg for more and more until it's too much and you beg her to stop and stop.
•has a mommy kink.
•If you're a brat, you're in for a long night. She'll push you to the edge but won't let you finish until your fucked dumb and can only let out sweet broken whimpers of what sounds like her name, and pleas for more.
So this was my first post, I'm sorry if it's not the best! I prefer WLW stories and will mostly be focusing on that on this page but if requested I will do a collective HC where the boys are in it of whatever Fandom requests. Feel free to request some in the comments and I'll ltry my best. ♡♡ thank you all so much for reading if any of you see this!
238 notes · View notes
blazecatz27 · 9 months
possible art theft in COD community.
hi cod fan artists, just letting people known about an Instergram account that keeps being recommend to me, has reposted artworks of cod fan artists and they are not tagging the artist who drew theses works of art. their account name is irinawestart, the posts started back on the 24th of cotober 2023 and are still being posted as of 2 days ago but the person behind the acount has moved onto ai art.
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i have taking screen shots of the artworks and screen shots of their account. please help me let these artists know their artworks have been posted to instergram.
twitter users
@schizo_bbgs - babygirl connoissuer
@tobaccii - tobaccii
@AP_M123 -
tumblr users:
@stinglesswasp half of this comic: the Patience 💤 (Wasp on Tumblr), has been posted by this person
@rhymewithrachel this comic: the rip guys (Hands Optional on Tumblr), has been posted by this person
@yooo-lets-go alot of your roach artwork has been posted by this person
@sleepyconfusedpotato this comic: In a Constant State of Sleepiness and Confusion on Tumblr, has been posted by this person
@eclatdenoisette the first haft of this post; Loïs on Tumblr has been posted by this person
Unknow website users
@scentoflaven unsure if that is their username
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244 notes · View notes