#i wish you the best on your journey
shineemoon · 6 months
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240401 TAEMIN • Big Planet Made 240403 ONEW • GRIFFIN Entertainment
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bloominginsilence · 24 days
"You can choose to believe in anything, and that includes believing in yourself."
- The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz
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doberbutts · 1 year
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🎶 It's been a long day without you, my friend.
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.
We've come a long way from where we began.
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again. 🎶
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that-red-bastard · 2 months
The tag system here is frightening and compelling at the same time. I wanna just scream my thoughts into the void to float along with whispers forgotten by time and never truly fulfilled dreams...
But I can't leave this empty, what if just one tag? Hell, let's put two to not make it so barren... what about three or fo-
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shabaababa · 1 year
gives u a banan
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holy shit a banan
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enyter · 4 months
Hey I just wanted to say thanks that you reblogged my drawing :) and I think your art looks amazing :D
I hope that you have a nice day!
Aww🥺🥹Thank you too!!
And wish you the same ^^
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theladyragnell · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask you some random thing? I used to love shounen and shoujo manga equally and I loved het romance so much.....But ever since I found BL manga 3 years ago, my interest in shoujosei (especially het romance) decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead...I don't want to read mc (female) and male lead or mc (male) and female lead...And what I want to read mostly are just mlm or wlw stories....
What do you think is happening to me? Is it really weird?
Hey, anon. I want to say, first of all, that I am just a random person on the internet, and you should never feel like you need some random person on the internet to weigh in on what is and is not weird or good for you to be doing! You are the one with experience of the inside of your head, and right now, you are experiencing a preference, which is a totally normal thing!
It seems like perhaps you want some validation from me, though, so this is what I will say:
I cannot venture to say what is causing you to prefer mlm and wlw books so strongly. For some people, when they discover queer stories it feels like coming home, whether that is because they are in some way part of the community themselves or because something else speaks to them in the way the stories are framed. I think a lot of people in fandom strongly prefer to read those kinds of stories, for such a vast array of reasons that I couldn't possibly list them all here.
Sometimes you crave a particular kind of story, or need a break from a particular kind of story. Wanting to read mlm and wlw more than anything else is no different than wanting to read books with lots of hurt/comfort, or with dragons or witches, or, on a more serious and relevant note, main characters who are BIPOC or disabled or anything else that feeds your soul. As long as you're enjoying what you're reading and being kind to people in the spaces you talk about those books in, you're just fine.
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kirimoochi · 1 year
the glorious revelation that is existing.
yes, there are millions of people in this world. so many that have done more than you. lived longer than you. know more than you. loved more than you ever did. wiser than you could ever be.
but you're here.
here when so many other people aren't. when there are people holding you down to keep you from moving forward. when words cut so deep like a knife you bare scars. when life beats you down so many times, you keep getting up to run.
as someone who has lived believing there was nothing after high school, i am here, writing to people who enjoy my works, to tell my story. to express feelings that have been buried underneath the rubble for years. to give hope and imagination. and i can't be happier.
so suck in a deep breath because there is a place in this world for you.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 5 months
thank you for your answer, it definitely gave me some things to think about. I do think my family has a great deal of respect for Jewish people at least. And they're not so interested in proselytising unless someone already showed interest on their own. I guess since I'm not american I might have a bit of a different experience to a lot of people since my family are also big proponents of allowing everyone to think for themselves and come to their own conclusion. Thank you again! reading your blog has been inspirational :)
Of course! I appreciate the vulnerability it takes to be open about this; I hope that, despite how general my thoughts were, that it gives you ideas at the very least. I don't ever want to assume things about others, which is a big reason I don't make more specific advice points. I truly wish you the best regardless of how your journey goes. We need more people like you - open to learning and investigating their feelings🩵
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Hi squiggly! I hope it’s ok that I’m asking this, but I’m in a bit of an artistic slump lately. An itch to create, but no ideas. I was just wondering if you had any fun suggestions! No pressure of course, I just figured why not ask. Have a great day! -⚡️
Hey friend! It's not a problem at all you're asking this- though I don't know if I'd be much help in art ideas hehe 😅
Let's see:
Art trends and memes are fun! The color wheel art challenge, The six characters fanart challenge, any one of those draw the squad memes can be really fun and challenging! (and of course there are tons out there to check out!)
Another idea is to try drawing your favorite characters/OCs in different art styles! Like- if you tend to draw more humanesque, why not turn someone into an animal crossing character or super cartoony? Or if you draw more loose and shapely, why not try drawing the opposite of that?
There are also other mediums to try! If you're used to playing around with colored pencils and such, maybe try markers or paints or even digital? You could also do collages of art in your sketchbook too- glueing things in and creating a sort of layered look to whatever artwork you're working on :)
Finally- I'd recommend checking out one of those art prompt lists or generators that give you a word or scenario that you have to expand on. They can be pretty fun to use- and you'd be surprised on what you might make with them!
Those are just a few thoughts; if anyone wants to add their own ideas, please feel free to do so! I hope this helped!
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Hi vault!! Do you have any other tips for beginner artists? I’m just now starting out and feeling very overwhelmed lmao
First of all. Anon, I am holding you tightly by the shoulders and looking you in the eyes. Whenever you see really good art out there that feels discouraging compared to your beginner art, remember that there is NOTHING you are incapable of creating with enough practice and patience. It comes easier to some, but I believe everyone is capable of artistic creation :)
That said, any artist on the planet will tell you: use references. Pinterest is my best friend. And follow artists with styles that resonate with you, pick up on stuff they do that you like and find your own ways to incorporate it.
And on that note, teach yourself to find beauty in everything. Learning how to draw means learning a llloot of fundamentals about a lot of things that you may not currently care about. But the sooner you learn to appreciate every aspect of what you're trying to draw, the easier to is to master those things.
For example, eyes. Eyes are beautiful and it's probably easy to imagine filling a page with them, chasing that beauty. But what about the smooth curve of a bent wrist? Or a toned forearm, or the collarbone when the light hits it just right- or dare I even say... a chair. The more you appreciate these things, the easier it'll be to want to master them. And with everything in art, ya gotta want it.
The alternative is forcing yourself to draw stuff you just don't care about, or avoiding a lot of stuff that is holding you back. That said, go at your own pace!
And find tutorials! I especially like the idea of finding a youtuber or two that you vibe with and watching a bunch of their stuff casually, and see what you pick up. Heck, I've learned a lot from guys like Drawfee that are more entertainers than teachers. Or more recently, watching art streams has taught me stuff too.
I'm gonna cut this off before I also become overwhelming. But to cap it all off, don't be afraid of burnout. Don't push yourself too hard, don't stress, etc. At the end of the day, art is for the artists own enjoyment. Do what makes you happy :D
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jeanmoreaux · 1 year
Hi, I love your taste in literature so I'm turning to you with a request (I hope I'm not bothering you, if so please ignore this). I've been trying to get more into poetry (quite successfully) because I see so many great poems here on tumblr but usually when I try to read more from the authors whose poems I liked, I am disappointed. Do you have any recommendations for poetry collections that are good all the way through? Where you don't feel like you were cheated into reading them by one beautiful quote?
you are absolutely not bothering me at all. it's cool that our taste in literature seems to overlap (feel free to share recs with me anytime!) i think with poetry collections of one individual you won’t find one that hits all the way through all the time with every line. there will be some poems that resonate more with you than others, even when all are great examples of the craft. here on tumblr, we're almost too used to consuming poems in small, juicy bites that highlight some of the punchier lines, not just in a collection but within a single poem. but the build up to these disembodied quotes can be so satisfying as well and often enhance the meaning and power behind them. and also, with poetry more so than prose, a lot of the enjoyment comes from sitting with a poem and thinking about what it means to you personally, what you see or hear in it. so i just want to have that out there before i talk about some collections i have enjoyed in the last couple of years. (here is my poetry shelf on goodreads if you want to see more.)
when it comes to collections by one poet, i found that i usually prefer the ones that have some narrative thread woven throughout to connect the separate parts. i think "war of the foxes" by richard siken does a great job of establishing themes, motifs, and symbols that tie the poems together and has them in dialogue with each other. the collection (to me) is all about the creative process, the (un)importance of art, the influence of art on the creator and the audience as well as the discussions that happen in between the space between them.
i also really enjoyed both of ocean vuong's most recent collections. the latest, "time is a mother", deals with the grief of losing his mother, while "night sky with exit wounds" is mostly about the immigrant experience, identity (particularly how 'otherness' in the form of ethnicity, race, and queerness play into it), familial relationships, coming of age, etc.
eye level by jenny xie and don't call us dead by danez smith are two other collections i really enjoyed. the first is a very observant look at the worlds without and within us (think of it as eye level but also capital i level, if you know what i mean). the latter deals with themes of blackness in america, race, queerness (including the author's aids diagnosis), etc.
if you're interested in reading novels that are written in verse, i can recommend the poet x by elizabeth acevedo (made me very emotional) and autobiography of red by anne carson (is super weird, but my brand of weird).
with none of these works—or poets for that matter—i ever felt like they delivered less than good writing.
another option could be to spring for a curated collection that includes selected poems from different collections (or even different poets). i don't have a lot of experience with either kind, but i recently bought mary oliver's devotions and penguin's poems for love, so we'll see how i'll like those. ((there is also some unread ada limon and wendy cope on my shelf that i want to get to this year!))
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renlo · 1 year
Hey! To the friend who sent a message a moment ago (I wasn't sure if you wanted it to be shared, I apologize if this is more awkward), I just wanted to thank you for sharing your experience. The process of being 'out' and the queer experience is a spectrum, and each experience is so valid. I'm so thankful that someone can resonate with my experiences and draw strength from them. I truly hope you are able one day to actualize into the true self you want to become and are able to love yourself even in the meantime, every step of the way.
Wherever you are in your journey, you matter so much, and your identity is valid regardless of whether or not you are out.
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mbspolls · 1 year
Nevermind, that WASN'T ME.
I might've possibly been an ass but I did not say that.
I can be overly critical but I would never say that I swear.
DFHFHFGH??? girl, i don't think i've gotten any other negative comments recently???
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coquelicoq · 2 years
Hiii I just want to say thank you for posting about Severance it's making me insane. I've been watching it whenever I have time and I just finished episode 7 and I'm losing it at the ending what the fuck!!!! Anyway that is all have a good day
what the fuck what the fuck!!!! isn't it just so good? thanks for coming to tell me this, i'm delighted to learn that my unhinged severanceposting successfully ensnared someone else in the net from which i have yet to be extracted. please suffer with me.
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clowningaroundmars · 2 months
yall idk wtf is biting me in the ass, maybe its bc i got financially spanked last month but holy shit am i ON TOP of my finances this month
#mine#august is abt to be so boring in the best possible ways lol#i just opened another savings acct with my credit union after i found out#that they have one specifically for compound interest on savings!!!!#3% apy yall..... THREE PERCENT!!!!#AND IT COMPOUNDS#and i didnt even know it but my regular savings acct has compounding interest too!#the way that i was so geeked to find that out was just.... i literally couldnt sleep last night i was so excited#lmfao#goddamn i really am growing up to be an adult huh 💀💀💀#excited over compound interest on my savings acct...... bruh#ALSO i bought my first share of an ETF last night :3#no index funds for me.... yet. vanguard's index funds are EXPENSIVE#lucky for me my brokerage acct also has compound interest so ✌️#gonna try and really be intentional with my money from here on out#i hear everyone online saying that if you start in your 20's youre already ahead of the game#esp on 401ks but.... i really wish i had started sooner ngl LOL#had i known abt compound interest and dcu's incredible apy rates i wouldve switched to them rather than fuckin SANTANDER#god#anyways#now i know better and i intelligently moved most of my money to dcu a couple years ago#BUT STILL#well now hopefully getting started on my finance journey today will be more helpful to me in the future#rather than starting in my 30's lol#im also gonna see abt opening a roth ira as well... if vanguard would like to work on my computer lol#but still. kinda proud of myself! mhmm
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