#i won't lie i don't even know when i'll finish this draft
pandoa · 4 months
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ehlnofay · 4 months
working on my long project again. pray for me
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nylashimxari · 5 months
Redacted characters as songs
A/n: this would have been angsty if it wasn’t 7:02 in the morning where I live and I haven’t slept. I only done this with a few characters cause my brain is fried currently, I have like 10 drafts I need to finish and post.
David shaw:
Joshua - Dolly Parton
‘It growled at me and I swallowed hard, when he spoke his voice was low and deep but he just didn’t frighten me, ‘cause somehow I just knew he wasn’t mean’
Asher Talbot:
Harness your hopes - Pavement
‘Harness your hopes on just one person, You know, because a harness was only made for one. Cauterized in syrup and syrup's not molasses and I'm checking out the asses, the assets that attract us to anything that moves’
Milo Greer:
That’s what I like - Bruno Mars
Jump in the Cadillac, Girl let's put some miles on it, Anything you want just to put a smile on it, you deserve it baby, you deserve it all and I'm gonna give it to you. Gold jewelry shining so bright Strawberry champagne on ice Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like Sex by the fire at night Silk sheets and diamonds all white. Lucky for you, that's what I like’
Vincent Solaire:
Bring me to life - Evanescence
‘Wake me up inside, save me, Call my name and save me from the dark, wake me up, Bid my blood to run, I can't wake up, Before I come undone, save me, Save me from the nothing I've become. Bring me to life, I've been living a lie There's nothing inside’
Sam Collins:
Before he cheats - Carrie Underwood
‘I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive, Carved my name into his leather seats. I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, Slashed a hole in all four tires, Maybe next time, he'll think before he cheats’
Closer - Nine Inch Nails
‘I broke apart my insides, I've got no soul to sell, Help me, the only thing that works for me, Help me get away from myself. I wanna fuck you like an animal, I wanna feel you from the inside, I wanna fuck you like an animal. My whole existence is flawed. You can have my isolation, You can have the hate that it brings, You can have my absence of faith. You can have my everything’
Do I wanna know? - Artic Monkeys
‘Do I wanna know?, If this feelin' flows both ways? Sad to see you go, Was sorta hopin' that you'd stay Baby, we both know, That the nights were mainly made For sayin' things that you can't say tomorrow day’
Dark Red - Steve Lacy
‘I think of her so much, it drives me crazy. I just don't want her to leave me. Don't you give me up, please don't give up Honey, I belong with you and only you, baby. Only you, my girl, only you, babe (you) Only you, darling, only you, babe (you) Only you, my girl, only you, babe (you) Only you, darling, only you’
For the First Time - Mac Demarco
‘While she's been away, Living day-to-day has been tough. Without her at my side, Simply being alive has been rough and though she won't be gone forever, There are many times I find it feels that way and I'm not trying to forget her just understand how I'll be feeling on that day. It's just like seeing her for the first time again’
Pumped up kicks - foster the people
‘Robert's got a quick hand. He'll look around the room, but won't tell you his plan. He's got a rolled cigarette hanging out his mouth, he's a cowboy kid, yeah he found a six-shooter gun in his dad's closet, and with a box of fun things I don't even know what But he's coming for you, yeah, he's coming for you. All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, You better run, better run outrun my gun. All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, You better run, better run faster than my bullet’
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shiny-jr · 10 months
HOW DO YOU WRITE SO GOOD?? (tutorial/tips pls)
your writing is IMMACULATE AND SOOOOO, words can't even convey the feelings I get whenever I read your works
Lol, uh, brain makes things.
I got a similar message about characterization, so I'm going to try to include as many tips and personal tricks that I can in this post. I'll bolden the words that summarize each part, that way it's not too much of a mess and people can quickly find what they're looking for.
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I'll mention CHARACTERIZATION first, just to check it off the list. So, the only characters I write for besides my own personal ocs, are the cast from twst. Compared to other series, the cast isn't that big, but it's still a pretty sizable cast. You got a mysterious and ominous fae prince with a penchant for speaking in a refined manner that at times sounds menacing, with a model/actor/singer beauty that also speaks more on the elegant side of things, but on the opposite spectrum you have a beastman who's arrogant and has bouts of laziness but is in no way incompetent, oh and don't forget the gloomy shut-in that weirdly enough has strange boosts of confidence and is snarky in his replies at times despite being very introverted and lacking in confidence. There's so many different characters, but I see them get mischaracterized very often. Here are some of the things I do to try and avoid making this mistake...
Look at references. This one may seem obvious, but I feel like people may not do this and just write what they want in the moment without much consideration. Often times if I find myself stuck and wondering what a character might do in response to something, I'll put a pause on my work and look up references to look at. By references, I mean things such as real dialogue from whatever media they may be in. In the case of twst, I'll go back to chapters the character appears in, or even listen to their voice lines. If I'm really stuck, I'll resort to looking at other posts like fanfics or fanart, and by then I usually get an idea. (I take a lot of liberties as a yandere writer)
Similar characters. There are times when I see one character, and think that they act very similarly to another character from somewhere else. In that case, thinking of the other character may help as well, but you have to be a little careful here since there will be obvious differences that could lead to mischaracterization.
Compare. In this one, I think it's important that I highlight that I do not mean to compare your entire work to someone else's. What I mean here is, if you have a writer who you like and you think they write the characters very well, then look at their work. What exactly about their work makes it seem like the character is well written? Maybe they use certain words, or describe certain things? Try and take a note of that. Unfortunately there is a lot of mischaracterization, so if you see some, it might actually be worth taking a note of so you know what you want to avoid when you're writing.
Take a step back. When I'm done writing, I read over the entire thing. I actually do multiple rereads, sometimes in the middle of writing, but I think the most important one is when everything is completed. When you think the draft is finished and you're almost ready to share, just read over it. Try to imagine that you're someone else, a reader who just found the post and began to read it. If you were another reader looking over this, would you be content with the way the characters are written or would you think that it needs improvement?
WORDS AND GRAMMAR. Ah, yes, I still make mistakes here often, I won't lie. I don't use too many sites to help with this. Just two that I can think of off the top of my head.
WordHippo. My savior. I use this site for everything, from writing silly little posts to writing important essays for college. It helps with everything from synonyms, antonyms, definitions, rhymes, etc. But I mainly use it for synonyms. For example, when I write for a character that speaks more meticulously or elegantly, you know, like the type of character that uses bigger/uncommon words, I'll use this site. Like, I know what I want the character to say or do, but I only know a simple word that might be boring or repetitive after a while, right? So using this site, I just find synonyms that fit way better and match the tone I'm trying to use.
Autocorrect. So, usually I'll mainly write on google docs, but this feature is on most sites by now. The system will automatically correct a mistake or highlight it if it thinks a mistake was made, which has caught some errors I've made on multiple occasions. But it's not entirely reliable, because sometimes something you wrote might actually be right but it changes it to something else. So just be aware if you do use autocorrect and read over for mistakes anyways.
And now, for MUSIC. I always listen to music when I write, it's like a necessity now. But it's a bit of a double-edged sword for two reasons. One: songs with lyrics tend to distract me. This may not be the case for everyone, but most of the time if I play a song with lyrics, chances are that I'll end up focusing on the lyrics instead of writing. Not all the time, but most of the time. Two: just trying to search for good music to listen to can lead you falling down a rabbit hole, because then you're just there scrolling and deciding what you want to listen to.
Here's a sorta long list of some songs I've been listening to in the past few weeks that keep me focused. Yes, it's a mess of different songs. You can totally tell what I've been watching/like just by the songs alone. The two at the top when I heard them at full blast in an IMAX theater for the first time literally had me like–– (WHEN I TELL YOU LUDWIG G. MAKES THE BEST MUSIC THAT INSPIRES ME)
Can You Hear The Music - Ludwig Göransson
Quantum Mechanics - Ludwig Göransson
Destroyer of Worlds - Ludwig Göransson
American Prometheus - Ludwig Göransson
Teacher's Pet - Ludwig Göransson, Joseph Shirley
Mando Is Back - Ludwig Göransson
A Walk in the Skies - Joe Hisaishi
Sophie in Exile - Joe Hisaishi
The Boy Who Swallowed a Star - Joe Hisaishi
Deep Sea Pastures - Joe Hisaishi
Mother Sea - Joe Hisaishi
Town by A Cove - Joe Hisaishi
Fujimoto - Joe Hisaishi
Ponyo Flies - Joe Hisaishi
Across the Spider-Verse (Intro) - Daniel Pemberton
Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy) - Daniel Pemberton
Vulture Meets Culture - Daniel Pemberton
Guggenheim Assemble - Daniel Pemberton
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taradactylus · 3 months
I wrote this little one shot idea after Lunar killed Eclipse, just never finished it. So decided to share it here. I don't care about any of the mistakes because this is literally just copied out of my "Unfinished works" drafts. I don't think I'll finish it, so just enjoy this sketched out idea I had!
Warnings: suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, mentions of death, mentions of suicide attempt(?)
Just a step. Nothing more is needed. Making a hard decision always needs a bold, first step towards the goal you wish to reach. Everyone has a goal, no matter how benefitial or morally acceptable that goal is. We have goals we share with the world, steps we're not scared to take. Or maybe we're scared, but we take the step either way. Most of the times, as we slowly go on the labyrinth of decisions just to taste victory for a moment, wether to go on further after that or not, we can step back. Or just look back how far we've come, what paths we chose to reach our beloved destination.
Sometimes, when we're too scared to take steps forward though, the time as we stay frozen in place can be long. Sometimes, it's because we overthink the unknown, or the possible outcomes. Theories upon speculations, poured into worry, anxiety, and fear. Being aware how fragile the path we're on, too frightened to mess it up, so we drown in our desperate attempts in getting an actual answer before we make the decision.
But sometimes, the reason we stay frozen in place, thinking and waiting, is because we know what's coming with this decision. The consequences, the outcomes, the reactions. The knowledge of what's hand in hand with such a hard and drastic choise makes us stay in place usually. Maybe even pretending we are taking steps, but truly, we are not getting any closer to the goal we long for. Everyone has their reasons why they wouldn't take the step, why stay in place as everybody goes by. Why watching and waiting until the ones we started our journey with are long gone. Everyone has their reason.
For Sun, he was aware he won't be able to step back, or look back afterward. He knew how deep he was in the maze, and how lost he was. There was a path he knew he could take, a victory too tragic yet welcoming he could easily reach out to, but he refused. He hated to admit to himself how much he longed to take that step, how much he wanted to reach a goal not everyone would understand. Would anyone ever understand actually?
Why would they? They didn't even care to see if he is okey. They only reached out when they needed something from him. And sure, it was fine logically, there was enough of a mess around this family, he understood why everyone was dealing with their own problems, but it still hurted.
Sitting alone at home all the time when he is not in the daycare seemed like therapeutic from the outside view, everyone thought Sun was simply relaxing with his cats and having fun. But as Sun thought one night, during a lonely dinner because Moon was busy with Solar: "Everyone is blind to see the signs until it's too late. Not like I'm trying to show it," he said quietly to himself as he turned the tv off that night, petting Thunder on his lap with a sad smile "but I know my act sometimes slips. Yet here I am, and no one sees through my clear act. Nevermind it though.."
The truth is, that every day was a fight. A constant battle with emotions, nightmares, hallucinations, things he was glad didn't go on the channel anymore. The editor was probably too focused on everyone else that's more important than him. Him, who is technically the name of the channel.
He couldn't lie to himself, he was jealous. Mad too, and depressed day and night. Everyone was slowly moving forward in their lifes, yet he felt like he was stuck in place, and nobody cared enough to look back and see if he is still on their side. Why would they care after all? He is just Sun. Sun, the stupid one. The weak one. The clumsy one. The replaceable one. The one who watched everyone either die or be tortured and changed. The one who started all of this, yet no one seemed to care.
"Why would they care about a murderer?" A voice echoed in Sun's head, a way too familiar voice he couldn't get rid of no matter what. He thought it got better, and sure, he didn't see Bloodmoon every time he heard him, but it was still so hard to focus on anything when that bloody maniac was there, one way or another.
Sun just finished putting the cats down in the basement, and he locked the door. He didn't remember much of it, too deep in his own thoughts. But now that he stood there, his task finally done, he realized how... heavy everything felt. He was tired, yet almost fully charged. His hands were shaking, and when that voice spoke, it made things worse. Sun closed his eyes, sucking in a bit of air to not loose it just yet.
"Don't.." talking was harder than Sun thought, he surely had a headache, but the mental weight on his frame just didn't seem to make this easy for him "Don't make this harder..." Sun muttered, at the edge of crying, as he leaned his forehead against the closed door. He heard his cats meow and hiss in worry, definetly sensing Sun's breakdown, which just made Sun feel more guilt than he already was.
He had something in his head this morning. The lingering thought of the lighthouse being high enough for something he wished for so long. A step he could take into the thin air, feeling free for at least a moment, and ending this every day battle with himself. He didn't want to keep doing this. He could've just went up there any day and end this, but he knew no one would understand. He knew how guilty Moon would feel.
As much as depression tried to convince Sun nobody cared, Sun knew at least his brother would care enough he'd blame himself for Sun's decision. Depression's answer was always Solar and Earth, who seemed to be closer to Moon than Sun, which left an ache in Sun's code, but he knew Moon would still feel guilty. Solar and Earth could help him move on and cope, but he would still hurt Moon. This tiny, fragile thread of guilt and fear of hurting his Moon again gave enough strength to Sun to continue this never-ending battle. But this morning, something seemed to snap in him.
Appearantly, Lunar killed Eclipse. This was the first messages Sun was greeted with this morning. Granted, this was a horrible situation, and Sun was aware how damaging killing someone is. But... Lunar killed for revenge. Out of pure spite and hatred, in a situation where he wasn't even in danger. It was all on the YouTube channels.
Sun watched the two separate videos over and over again, not even bothering to dress up and get some coffee just yet. He had a day off, and planned on relaxing and playing with his cats, which seemed to all shatter when he saw the videos. Lunar enjoyed killing Eclipse. The only reason he seemed to feel some short of guilt was because Earth freaked out and left. But that guilt wasn't towards Eclipse. He saw how Solar scooped up and helped Lunar away from the scene, but there was something in both videos that made Sun feel an amount of different feelings he couldn't handle. His hands were shaking, and he didn't even realize how bad the videos affected him until heavy oil tears dropped on his phone screen.
Lunar killing Eclipse is okey?! Everyone seemed to be so calm about this situation and supportive towards Lunar. Why were they so supportive? Lunar JUST killed somebody! This wasn't even the Eclipse who killed him and hurted him!
And the worst part is, when Sun wanted to kill Eclipse, it was bad. The moment he tried to help his family, he was 'becoming just like Eclipse' as Lunar said. And now .. now its okey to kill Eclipse.
Why wouldn't it be okey for the family's favourite brother after all? The one who's trauma was recognized, taken care of. The one everyone was tiptoeing around to make sure he was fine. The one who had the opportunity to seek for help, get a second chance in life, have time to heal, and constantly distract himself. The one who became family the moment he turned his back on Eclipse, the one who only had to endure one hit in his life before getting blown up, the one who dared to say Sun is just like Eclipse for WANTING to kill him-
Sun snapped out of his thoughts when his phone shattered loudly against the wall. Did he just throw it away?
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metatronhateblog · 7 months
The Opening Sequence Pt 2 The Cemetery
Welcome back to the opening sequence breakdown. It only took me forever to get back to this thanks to con crunching (curse you Crowley's leather vest), split attention, and work. Today I will be, you guessed it cause you probably read the title, talking about the cemetery sequence.
Now there isn't too terribly much here, and I'm sure a lot of this has already been talked about. I've no doubt people were smart enough to already find all this.
But as I have no self control and am in fact procrastinating finishing my Crowley cosplay, here we are. I promise we'll get into some more....weird? Less noticeable??? I don't even know? Stuff as time goes on. We're just starting off with the basics cause it's easier on my brain.
So in the cemetery, we already know that Jim is hiding out behind some headstones next to the mausoleum they enter. Nothing too weird there, aside from the fact he's hiding. BUT WE'RE NOT HERE TO TALK ABOUT JIM.
Instead I'm here to talk about all the weird little things on the headstones. Again, I wouldn't be surprised if it's all already been found, I just personally haven't seen anyone talk about it?
We start off seeing this little mausoleum that says 'ARCHER' on it
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Which we also see make an appearance in episode 3, when our beloveds are in Edinburgh.
(Did I start this draft then immediately drop everything to lighten/color correct all of season 2 episode three so I could see if there was anything in the background? Maybe...)
Then we have our lovely statue of the one and only beloved yet self absorbed Gabriel. Again, nothing too fancy.
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And this little cross with an very interesting symbol on it right next to Gabriel. The symbol from a glance looks to be a money sign but when you take a closer look, I think it's actually three crosses? Or maybe one cross with two little lines on either side and a big 'S' slapped over top.
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Then we have our 'Everyday' headstone which is of no surprise due to reoccurring song appearances in the season.
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But then something else caught my eye while I was making this post that I didn't notice previously... See that little guy up in the corner of the everyday headstone?
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yeah well idk who he's supposed to be but he's not the only one...
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And then a third that is hidden behind a cross
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Perhaps important characters? Or maybe a little hint about something that I don't know yet. Or maybe even just put there to fill in the background with no meaning....who knows.
Either way these gentlemen (or ladies) appear in the actual episode behind the Gabriel statue.
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Then here we have two...stone caskets? Above ground graves? Where they both look the same, but one appears to be crossed out, maybe worn away with time, and you can't see the other because it's hidden by a headstone that says 'Peter Paintball.'
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I have no clue who Peter paintball is. Maybe it's a reference to Season 1, or maybe it's someone on the crew or something. But I have no Earthly clue.
Moving on. As our boys continue their cemetery date with a trail of people and creatures and...objects? Behind them. We see the mastermind behind our Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery. Miss Austen herself.
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I'm just as unphased at her name being in this cemetery as I am 'everyday.'
From here, I've had to do a lot of tweaking and playing with the lighting, and I won't lie, some things are still kind of...not quite able to be made out imo. So now we have...
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A two for one that kind of leaves my brain churning questions like butter. I'll start with the more legible one.
"Here lies the former shell of Beelzebub."
I mean 'they're just such a little ray of sunshine' so of course this headstone makes sense. But also...why? What exactly does this mean. Like what's it referring to? I get that demons are dead inside which...mood. But could this possibly be referring to whoever Beelzebub was before falling? Or maybe the fact that Beelzebub feels some sort of happiness after meeting Gabriel and therefore the shell has been buried? I don't know. I just sit here and mull this over sometimes and maybe it's not a detail I should agonize over, but still.
Then we have 'here lies...Adam...' with the words underneath that I can only barely make out some of. I have tried fixing this so many different ways, and maybe it's just my lacking photo editing skills but still. I believe Neil has said this headstone is referring to Adam as in Adam and Eve? (Correct me if I'm wrong.) And if I squint I can make out....(from my best attempt at cleaning this up enough to see it)
"I do not understand, surely your very existence requires....of the world..."
Some of the words I can't make out, and the whole bottom line is a mystery to me because it's blocked entirely by the shadow that I can't fix.
Buuuuuut using my skills of deduction I'm going to assume this is a quote from Adam in the show? Gonna assume show and not book all things considered. (Upon further investigation it's Death who says this to Adam.) I can't remember. But the quote is something like
"I do not understand, surely your very existence requires the ending of the world. It is written."
Which...well hell that's a very interesting thing to put on a headstone (once again questioning which Adam Neil said that headstone belongs to...)
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(Maybe it's a reference to Adam Young but Neil is saying he's not dead? Because he never actually confirms which Adam this is a reference to but I suppose it could be either considering it begins and 'ends' with an Adam.
But the thing I find really interesting is actually the headstone right next to it, also a take on something Death says in season 1.
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'Left early to beat the rush.'
Which. Hell this one took me by surprise the first time I read it. Death says it to the mail man in Season 1 'Think of it as leaving early to beat the rush.' And if I recall correctly (I don't know where the source is) Neil has said something similar about Terry? So for all I know this headstone could be a nod to Terry Pratchett....or it could be two very interesting Death quotes on back to back headstones.
Could the Adam one possibly be referring to the fact that Adam, by the end of season 1, technically reversed the end of the world? Or something along those lines? I just find it weird that amongst a bunch of (i'm using this word lightly) joke headstones we have two very intriguing Death quotes....
Finally, we have this little interesting bit on the side right here.
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We have that symbol from before but a little clearer now...and? A head? There's a bust here in the corner in front of Gabriel.
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At first glance it reminds me of the Gabriel angel statue...and maybe this is supposed to be Gabriel...But if you look a little closer...you can see a button up.
Now this is the best shot I can manage of it.
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This looks specifically like Jim. Not Gabriel, but Jim. It's dressed similarly and I think that's his hairstyle. The face looks similar. I momentarily thought it might be Aziraphale or even Crowley but that wouldn't make sense...right?
So for now, I'm thinking that this is a bust of Jim. Very interesting considering Jimbriel is hiding right in front of it and there's a different statue of the Archangel Gabriel earlier in the cemetery....So what the heck is this all about...
Now if I missed any, or if any of the headstones in the background have writing that is hard to make out, let me know and I'll update this post.
But as I said before, I'm sure someone has already done this. Consider this a reference post, maybe let your gears turn a bit about some of the epitaphs because they're certainly some head scratchers if you ask me.
Thank you for reading this, and keep a look out for more of the opening sequence breakdown series in which I slowly lose more and more of my mind staring at this thing and picking out little tiny details.
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
The finishing of this fanfic has left me with some pretty mixed emotions. On the one hand, I dont want it to end. It's such an incredible piece of work and even though I finally committed to reading it a few weeks ago, it already feels like such a significant part of my life. On the other hand, I'm a little glad that it's over. FAR from the sense it was bad (I'll steal your liver if thats how you interpret it) but moreso in the sense that it was like a good crying session. It's something that a lot of us (or I assume a lot of us) typically want to avoid even though we know its good for us, and satisfying after the fact. It's like catharsis in a way. Endings aren't always a great feeling in the moment, but it's something that we can look back on with a fondness.
I'm so glad I found this work. I'm being completely serious when I say that this fanfic, and the other content you make, has changed my life for the better. Its helped me reconnect with that love I have for creativity after nearly a decade of not making anything even though I wanted to. It's helped pulled me out of a few ruts of depression. It's helped me realize that I'm not actually emotionally stunted (per my own conclusions) and be more willing to cry instead of burying those feelings. In the past I would just, kill these kinda thoughts before they got far because of how much I wanted to avoid crying. Much less actually writing them down, or express them to someone else. But now, I've been crying the whole time I write this, and for the first time in, I think ever, I'm okay with that. I know we don't actually know each other, but you've genuinely helped me become a better person with the things you make. Thank you so much for everything you've done Sofie. hey look! I got your name right!
But enough about me. I feel like it's getting indulgent at this point. (I've gotten dehydrated with how much ive cried writing this and from what I can tell, you cry a lot more than I do. So go drink some water first, and then) I wanna hear your thoughts. What are your thoughts and feelings about your work being finished? Do you have plans to take a break from creative endevors for a while, or are you gonna keep going? Are you going to be expanding more on this and other au's, different fanworks or move into something completely your own? Whatever the case may be, I'm excited to see what more you are going to come up with!
From the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of everyone else, Thank you for everything.
It's so surreal to have posted that final chapter. I finished the first draft almost 100 days ago exactly, and I spent a number of days after completing it kind of adrift. I'd go to my computer every morning like I had during the month prior and sit down, ready to write, only to remember that I was actually supposed to be taking a break before I made the final edits.  It didn't click in my head that I had actually done it… until a couple weeks later when it hit me like a truck that I had an entire completed manuscript sitting in my Google Docs. I think I was making myself lunch at that moment, and I had to bolt to lie down on the floor and put my legs up against the wall because I was ready to pass out at the realization. 
This feels pretty similar. For me, The Present is a Gift— the main fanfic, at least— was finished in mid-January. But the process of uploading it and agonizing over what people thought of every passing update wouldn't be formally done until about 3 months later. It still hasn't clicked in my head that I won't be posting a new update once Tuesday rolls around. 
On the subject of taking a break— I've actually been taking a break, at least partway! I've barely written anything after I finished TPiaG's first draft, and I haven't drawn much “serious” art, for lack of a better word, since I started my blog. I've still been making things, yes, but scattered oneshots and sketchy pieces without solid lineart are not my typical fare. I'm usually a lot more “exact” with what I make— words fail me here— I hope I'm not being too vague! I might take a brief break as I finish up the winter semester, but that would be less a break from creating and more of an “OH MY WORD I NEED TO FOCUS ON NOTHING BUT PASSING THESE COURSES” kinda thing. 
TPiaG (along with its derivative AUs) is still very much a living project to me— there's a lot more stories the characters have in them, even if I struggle to envision a full-on sequel. I'm absolutely going to answer the asks relating to it that I've received over the months along with any I continue to receive, and if I get any ideas for comics or oneshots here and there, I'll make them. As for what's officially next up on the Sincerely Sofie menu, I'm planning to make a visual novel that's a lot more meaty than the last one I made. I'm not sure if it will be original or based on TPiaG— but a visual novel is the medium I'm planning on! 
I'm so overwhelmed by your kindness. I truly don't have any words. This project started off as something private to help distract me from a depressive episode and to process trauma, and it's become so much more. I'm so glad it was able to help you. Catharsis was the keyword for TPiaG— I wanted it to uproot difficult emotions and help people start to heal from them, but I never dreamed it would really help anyone but myself. So to hear it was able to provide you with that is unbelievably meaningful to me. 
I gave myself the goal somewhat recently to let myself cry whenever the urge strikes me. I used to go months without crying, and whenever I did shed tears, it was alone in my room while muffling the few sounds I accidentally let slip. I'm a natural crybaby, but I had schooled myself into thinking for a number of reasons that it was bad to cry— that it was selfish, or attention-seeking, or weak— so I've been trying to reclaim my teary-eyed identity. It's been difficult, but it's so freeing to let myself feel things fully. All of this is to say: let the tears fall. I've helped more people by crying than my stoicism ever did. 
Thanks again. I can't properly word my gratitude, but know that it's overwhelming :,>
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remnantsofthepast-if · 9 months
Monthly Update - September 2023
​Well, this month's been far more productive than I thought lol! I've been so distracted playing Baldur's Gate 3 that I thought I wouldn't get too far in chapter 8, but I managed to finish planning and even write the first few scenes :D! There's a lot to do though. I thought this one was going to be a rather short chapter, but now I see I was wrong! It's going to be a while, but I'll get there as always hehe :D.
With the planning I also got a few new ideas for chapter 9, which will be the last one of Act 1. It's good that I have the structure written down already. Hopefully that means it will be easier to write when the time comes.
The end of the first draft of act 1 is fast approaching, and I'm not going to lie, I'm quite excited about it :D. Act 1 is pretty much the prologue of the whole story, and I can't wait to show more! But first, there are a few scenes in earlier chapters that need further editing, and a few others to add in as well before I continue with act 2. I am hoping it won't take too long, and that I don't break any variables in the process lmao! The way it works on Twine... perhaps I'll have to make a special scene to summarise act 1 and let the players choose the variables in case it changes or I add new ones. That way you won't have to replay the whole story in order to make it work if you want to continue with a previous save. I don't know, I'll see when I get there.
And to finish this monthly update I want to say that I'm working on a new banner for the game, and I'm also making portraits of the main ROs! Maybe I'll show one of a certain 'nameless' character that some of you eagerly want to become a RO too ;). Although, just so you know, he won't stay nameless for much longer hehe ;D.
Have a fantastic month! See you at the end of October ;)
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💝, 📍,💋,🎉
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Goodness, I'm gonna have to talk about several right now lol. Honestly, I was shocked at the response to At Your Service. Just so many kudos and hits on the first couple of chapters (it's been such a long period since I last posted that I can't say about now, but that doesn't matter). IDK why I was so surprised, because porn with plot does well. It happened with Twenty First Times, which was my pet project but I didn't think it would be that popular either, and yet for a while, it was my most kudos-ed fic. Anyway, insert pikachu shocked face lol.
On the flip side, I was really surprised that Spirits and Specters flopped as hard as it did. I thought it was cute! But I suppose it sounded too bittersweet, and gen fics don't do as well. As far as ship fics, I was a little surprised High Tide didn't hit the same stats as my other PWP fics. At first, I wondered if maybe it was written worse than those, but then considering that the other PWP from Tomoe's POV didn't do as well as the ones from Nanami's POV, I think maybe we just all want the story to be told from the POV of the hot fox's love interest. 🤣
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
(Sorry! ;3; I couldn't find📍so I grabbed the closest one in appearance!)
I don't think it changes too much in style. Any adjustments are based on the genres I'm writing for, but I still have my quirks and I still have my preferred flows and syntactical structures. I have a few fics that I've tried to be more minimalistic about (which I struggle with, because I feel like I won't be understood if I don't beat a dead horse LOL). I think, again, it depends on the subject matter and genre, though. Like, for instance, Arranged Marriage is a much more complicated fic than Twenty First Times. Plus, I have multiple POVs in the former. It's going to be a lot longer.
For the future, though, I'd like to limit to one POV and that will affect it a bit. Mostly I need this change because the amount of editing I've been doing is unsustainable. I need shorter chapters to work with.
💋when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
Not gonna lie -- I do! It goes back to fostering community and opening dialogue with other fans. But I also understand if someone doesn't have the spoons or doesn't know what to say, and it's totally fine not to reply. I don't feel ignored if someone doesn't respond to me and I'll keep commenting. The only time I might feel a bit weird is if everyone else gets a reply but me. Then I wonder if I'm overstepping some boundary I didn't know about. I would 100% rather know if I've made someone uncomfortable so I can adjust my behavior.
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
Honestly? Not enough these days LOL. I don't think it's a secret that I've been very frustrated lately. And it's really no one's fault but my own! I have a tendency to chop things up because I fret over how it comes across, or if it's actually "bad" (even when I enjoyed writing it), and I've been putting unnecessary pressure on myself. I will say I have a huge sense of accomplishment and relief when I finish the first draft of a chapter fic I worked on, especially if it went on for a while. I typically enjoy reading the first draft way more than what ends up being posted (probably because I've read it to death by that point LOL).
Thanks for the ask, @liz8080 😁💕
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pumpkin-spike18 · 1 year
✨WEEKLY PROGRESS 2023 #5 & #6✨
I swear biweekly updates won't become a trend. 😥
Weekly Progress 2023 #5
Finished programing SYVNH Demo 2.0!
Finished first draft of EKL script
Updated CG Gallery
Went through lint failures and fixed those
Sent to playtesters, did some fixes
Drafted announcements and tweets
Weekly Progress 2023 #6
Updated screenshots
Released Demo 2.0
Scheduled a month of tweets
Advertised on discord/reddit
Added release to Yan Jam 2023
Answered a few comments
Whee~ I reached the lighted station in the middle of the tunnel 😌 I'll be taking a break here before moving on.
So what's next?
For Stuck in a Yandere Visual Novel... HELP!!:
First things first, I think there are a few things in Demo 2.0 that I want to update as soon as I can (which may be mid to late March, earliest). Things currently on my list is:
Updating the smaller sprites by the textbox to be on the right layer 😅 Have any of you tried to save when one of those were on screen? Don't, please lol The issue with fixing that is that I hardcoded that in and it's spread throughout the script so I'll have to manually go in and fix that.
Updating a new voice channel to separate the SFX and the Voice sounds. This one was a result of myself having a brainfart as I started coding and mixed up the channels. I also misunderstood how the built in voice channel is normally used so I'll have to do a bit more research/testing to make sure everything works right.
Adding in a quick way for the player to delete certain persistents.
Finishing that last BG that you didn't see updated compared to Demo 1.0. No not the one on the date.
Maybe a few art updates
And then after that, I'll make a plan for the release of the final part of the game. Or I might do that first next week since I like making guides. The general ending(s) for the full story had long been decided since I first came up with the idea for the game. However, the details and path to that has changed slightly. I did not think certain things through until I started writing the script in Demo 1.0 and Demo 2.0 so some details need to be ironed out.
I also might need to find an editor for the full story. I'm not sure yet. I'm actually not very confident in my ideas and Smoke really helped me out during the release of Demo 1.0. During Demo 2.0, Mamep was gracious enough to take time out to do proofreading, but no in depth editing was performed. So I don't know yet how that'll proceed for the full game.
For everything else:
It's still early in 2023, but I'm told myself NO GAME JAMS. Yeah, guess who was prepared to break that back in mid-January and finished writing a whole new script for a game? EKL (Exorcist Killing Lie) mentioned above in Weekly Progress #5 might be a project submitted for Battle Action Fantasy VN Jam, which I am also helping hosting! Let's get lots more shounen-esque battle VNs out there!
I also have a pre-existing project which I will be doing the programming for. We're hoping to work on that once again for Otome Jam. That will likely take precedence over any other VN jams I participate in.
Of course, alongside that are some paused projects I had on-going prior to working on SYVNH: Pre-Make and There's a Clown in my Attic!! All the sprite art for these two projects are already finished so I do hope to finish both games this year.
And like every good indie vndev out there, I have a 20 page list of games I want to make. Of those, I've two where writing has started. I don't plan on announcing anything for that until the scripts have finished. (One of them are already at 9k words... 😥)
...And for the far, far off future. I have two more ideas that would be the same genre as SYVNH (BL + transmigration/isekai). Though I haven't a clue yet if they'd be better as VNs, KNs, or even as a light novel. 2023 is still a long time. We'll see soon~
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villxinmiixx · 2 years
Your online again djudghdowizthdjxi by the way how are you?
hey! i know it's been awhile since i got on tumblr or posted an update or practically everything to be honest.
but i'm drained, i'm really sorry for not posting or finishing my drafts for you guys.
but right now i can't find any motivation, my life is a huge wreck right now and i feel like i can never fix it.
i can't tell when i can upload fics for you guys again but i'm still somewhat active, just not on tumblr.
i have about nine drafts (more or less) and two private/custom/etc drafts.
i won't lie i don't think i'll be able to do those two.
i'm in such a tired state, just about a week ago they told me i had a whole month off.
and as implied, IT'S BEEN A WEEK.
for the whole week i've done NOTHING but sleep, play games, cry, overthink and die inside.
it's tiring, even the most easiest thing such as breathing is already tiring for me.
i promise i'll continue making fics for you guys, but i can't promise i'll return very soon.
don't count on it.
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iron-parkr · 2 years
Hi, y'all.
Not sure if anyone'll see this or if anyone cares tbh. That's not me trying to get pity points or anything, I just know I've been gone for a hot second. I didn't mean to disappear for so long. This little hiatus was very much unplanned and unintentional but is not permanent. I'll explain under the cut.
You don't have to read all of this but long story short, the last couple of months have been A Lot.
Content warning up ahead for vague mental health stuff, animal death, medical stuff, broken bones, and religion (if anyone needs a warning for that)
I originally probably stepped away from Tumblr for a minute by accident because I got overwhelmed by the March OC Bingo stuff on top of my school stuff and whatnot. I'm hoping to maybe retroactively fill my Bingo card, but I honestly can't make any promises. The next few weeks are really busy, but I'll get to that in a second.
A big reason I accidentally pulled away is that my family had to make the incredibly difficult decision to put my dog to sleep in April. We'd had my dog for about 11 years and he literally felt like a third brother to me. Saying goodbye to him was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I was incredibly lucky that I was away at school and surrounded by friends on the actual day it happened, but I won't lie, it was fucking awful. My mental health was absolute shit. I got extra lucky that day because I was on a spiritual retreat that weekend and it helped guide me toward rekindling my relationship with God, which brought me a lot of peace exactly when I needed it. I'm by no means religious, even after the retreat, and I would never ever try to shove my nebulous beliefs down anyone's throat, but I personally have begun to find comfort in God again after years of struggling with faith in the wake of religious scandals and difficulties with organized religion, and I attribute that with keeping me sane after that weekend.
Reason #2: A little under two weeks ago, I had a little accident and ended up fracturing a bone in my foot and spraining my ankle (on the same leg). I was on crutches for a few days, but luckily I'm able to put weight on it in a boot, so I'm more mobile now. Overall, it's been genuinely one of the most frustrating things I've ever experienced. Not only are the broken foot and sprained ankle physically painful beyond belief, but it's just mentally and emotionally draining because I'm the type of person who hates having to ask for help and I've had to force myself to suck it up and ask for help so many times. I have no idea how long I have to wear the boot, and there's a chance I might need to do physical therapy after I'm cleared to take the boot off, it's all kind of up in the air.
Reason #3 is a bit more exciting - I'm graduating college! I finished my last semester of classes and exams this week and tomorrow (Saturday) I'll be graduating from my university summa cum laude with a 4.0 GPA in both semesters of my senior year (hopefully, still waiting on a couple grades but it's looking good) and making the Dean's List all 8 semesters of undergrad. So, yeah, the last few weeks have been hectic with senior events, finishing up classes, and getting ready for graduation. It honestly still doesn't feel real. When I was 15, in high school, I swore up and down I wasn't going to go to college because the future seemed so overwhelming and terrifying, and now I'm only a few hours away from graduating. It's just... absolutely insane and I can only hope 15 y/o me would be proud of 22 y/o me.
Even though I haven't been posting or creating any edits on Tumblr, I've continued to write this whole time. I created an OC for Dragon Ball Z because it's my current hyperfixation and I'm currently working on the first draft of her second chapter. I've also been spending a lot of time on Kate Winchester, my Supernatural OC, rewriting the chapters I'd previously written and outlining a roadmap for the portion of the story that takes place before Supernatural begins. And I finally started looking at and working on Maggie Stark's next chapter, which feels really good considering I have a better idea of how to connect the cliffhanger from Chapter 5 (which was unplanned, surprisingly enough) to the plan/roadmap I already had. As an aside, I have a feeling that I'll also end up semi-hyperfixated on HP and Aquila, Liza, and Gracie once I get down to Florida and visit HP World at Universal Studios, so that's another fun thing to keep an eye out for.
I'm hoping to ease back into posting here on Tumblr, but I can't guarantee that I'll have pretty edits and gifsets out the wazoo. The next month or so is hectic but really exciting. I'm home next week, then I'll be in Spain and Rome on a pilgrimage trip until the beginning of June. After I come home, it'll be prep time because I'm supposed to start my Disney College Program at Disney World in mid-June. The broken foot may throw a wrench in those plans, which is a definite worry, but I won't know for sure until I see the doctor next week.
All that to say, I'm sorry for disappearing. You know life, it kinda sucks sometimes. And if you made it this far, thanks for reading and caring. But I'm hoping once I'm finished with school, and then once I get settled into life as a Disney World cast member, I'll be able to be more present on here <3
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thompsborn · 2 years
Happy FFWF! Care to share a bit of/about what you've got in the works? An excerpt, an impassioned ramble, whatever you want
okay so this is a rough draft. like a ROUGH rough draft. like more of a concept scene where i'm just putting down ideas for how i want to write this fic while i plot out the actual fic and then i'll come back to this and see if i can work it into the real thing. but i still love it.
i've been wanting to do a storm chasers au for so long it's actually insane because i am a fucking huge weather nerd and i've already answered a ffwf ask rambling way too much about tornadoes and shit before (which you can find here if you wanna read it) so i won't do that here but just know i definitely could go on about it for a very long time but for context: storm chasers au.
here we go.
He's so absorbed in the video that he doesn't notice her standing there. At least, he doesn't notice until he feels someone kick at his ankle, managing to hit him right on the bone and making him hiss in pain as he whips his head up to glare at her.
She gives him a pointed look. With a huffed out sigh, he reaches up to tug his headphones off and asks an aggravated, "What?"
"Jesus," Michelle says, rolling her eyes as she plops herself into the chair across from her, looking mostly amused and a little bit confused. "Don't bite my head off, Parker. You're the one who asked me to meet you here." He slumps back in his seat, offering her a small apologetic smile, which she responds with with a half hearted shrug before eyeing his laptop warily. "Are you gonna tell me what's going on? Or maybe why I'm here in the first place?"
Immediately, he brightens, shoulders straightening as he leans forward. "Okay," he says, already reaching forward to spin his laptop around in order to show her the screen. "So, Ned and I found this video last night, and then we found out the guy who posted it has, like, ten other videos, and I've been watching them all day, and there are so many things I want to tell you about them, but just - look."
Curiosity overshadows that wariness as she leans closer, bringing up a hand to press play before watching with a furrow to her brows. It only takes a few moments before that furrow disappears, eyebrows instead shooting up, nearly disappearing behind the hair falling over her forehead, glancing over to Peter with slightly wide eyes. "That's..."
"Absolutely mind blowing," he finishes. "It's insane. And that person did it on purpose. Like, in the descriptions for his videos it says that he's working on getting a masters degree in meteorology, so he's either our age or, like, barely older than us, which makes sense because when you listen he sounds pretty young, and he's chasing after these massive supercells like they're nothing."
"Impressive," she murmurs, eyes returning to the screen once again, even more attentive as she watches. "
Peter nods, the action way too energetic for six fourty seven in the morning - he reaches for his coffee, but starts talking before he can take a drink, rendering the action useless. "Impressive doesn't even begin to cover it, especially if he really is our age. There's another video that I was watching earlier where he spotted a pretty strong rotation less than a mile away from him and drove until he was practically under the damn thing, which was honestly kind of stupid 'cause it could have turned into something pretty big and dangerous, you know? But he just kept saying that it was fine and that he had time before it was on the ground, and he drove off, like, a minute before the actual tornado fully formed. Whoever this guy is, he's not just smart, but he's clearly got plenty of experience being around these storms to make these incredible educated guesses about them, which is even more impressive considering how unpredictable they're capable of being. I'm a little bit obsessed, not gonna lie."
At that, Michelle looks away from the laptop, this time turning to Peter with something knowing and suspicious mixing together in her eyes. Cautiously, she asks him, "What did you do?"
"I..." Peter trails off, already looking sheepish, not even trying to hide the fact that he did anything at all. Averting his gaze, he takes a long drink from his coffee, glances back at her, and looks away again before reluctantly admitting, "I might have sent him an email. At, like, two thirty in the morning. And he might have already responded. His name is Harley, by the way."
Michelle sighs, shaking her head. "Of course you did."
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katsukikitten · 4 years
Tumblr media
Warnings College AU sexual and adult themes. Yall know the drill okay
Chapter 2
Bugzapper⚡💔: i have a proposition to make. 
Jiro flashes Mina her phone as she sips iced coffee in the blessed air conditioning of the cafe.
"That's never a good sign." She comments, moon bright eyes glued to the phone as she thinks. 
"What's not a good sign?" Uraraka asks from across the table, the two girls fill her in. 
"Oh." She racks her brain on what that could be, "Okay well I'm dying to know, now." 
🎵Music to my soul 🎶 : What do you want airhead? 
Jiro's text sent a surge of excitement through Kaminari. It was exactly what he needed after three hours of begging and bribing Bakugou to allow the sorority in or at least invite them. His fingers fly across the screen setting up a date and time for a "meeting over lunch" to discuss the proposition in further detail.  
Meanwhile across campus, you huff, eyes narrowed as a rare emotion is pulled from your fingertips in the form of deadly ice. Pulling the moisture from the air to freeze it or pulling any water towards you to keep your flank safe as your opponent rushes you at breakneck speeds. 
You hated this fucking guy, cocky, brash, so God damn arrogant in the way he held himself, in the way he spoke. It made you nauseous just thinking of him.Had you known he was the male star of this university you wouldn't have transferred, yet you still needed to transfer didn't you? Anything to get out from under the shadow of a certain Todoroki. 
No one cared to admit or to notice, that your quirk was different from Shoto's. You could manipulate water towards you to freeze, and manipulate whatever was already frozen. Your ice was denser and more durable than his and dare you say it colder than his too. Yet no one gave a shit, his was ice AND fire. You were just a one trick pony and a trick they already saw. Your opponent's taunting doesn't help matters much.
"I've already seen this before Ice Brat. Did ya forget where I fucking went to high school?" His hand heats the ice as he activates his quirk before three deafening blasts ring out. 
As you allow him to break down the ice you act on pure rage, securing some revenge from the first time he signed your hair. Pointed icicles lie in wait and once the wall is fully down you give him a nasty smirk before sending the straight his way. 
You're supposed to melt your weapons before they hit your opponent, neither of you are supposed to go all out per the professor's and college's strict rules in the athletics department but Bakugou always does. Somehow his big stupid mouth spews something that eggs you on. As if someone were shoving bamboo skewers beneath your skin, under your nails, sending you into an unheard of rage. 
Normally you were as your quirk, icy, unbothered by the world but Bakugou, God you could wring his neck. Freeze his hot blood as you watch him turn into slush beneath your feet. 
He expects you to abide by the rules, to splash him with glacier water but he realizes it too late. That you won't he let's off a quick blast, shattering two of the four deadly points. One grazes his cheek as he just barely dodges while the other lodges itself into his arm. 
You have half a mind to twist it. You pull at his blood bringing it into your arsenal. Blood red needles and bullets surround Bakugou. 
"I don't think you've seen this before.." You say darkly ready to release your hold and shred him into, give him a taste of his own medicine. Maybe he would see how bitter and nauseating he was. He smirks, opening his mouth to retort but you send your ice his way aiming for non vital spots although the ice creeps closer to your heart begging it to hit something vital. The inside of your ice palace begins to reek of burning sugar and spice, he plans to let out an explosion to bring this whole place down from the inside out. 
Just as he is about to detonate and just as the blood and ice are about to pierce skin the professor bursts into the gym.  
"I step out for five minutes and this is what happens?!"
The ice and blood return to liquid splashing across Bakugou as his skin pops. The professor takes in the damage from your ice and his explosions, still better controlled than most of his other students quirks. 
"I gotta stop pairing these two together." He murmurs to himself before dismissing class. With a flick of your wrist the ice fortress melts, returning to the reservoir below the gym floor, ignoring the molten glare that is sent your way.
"You're such a bitch." Bakugou growls as you pass, flinging blood from his fingers as he wipes at his face. You offer him a fake pitying smile before heading into the women's locker room. 
"Fucking asshole." You hiss, forcing the sight of his garnet gaze out of your mind. Instead turning your attention to your buzzing phone in your locker. It's a few missed calls and some texts in the girl's group chat. Briefly you wonder if you ever should have joined that stupid sorority, it was small, non toxic, and would look good should you need to transfer again. 
Not only did you somehow get elected the president but you also became friends with the three other ladies despite your best efforts not too. 
Mins: Prez we might have a way to save the sorority...lunch after you're done with training? 
IceQueen ❄: Hope it's good, the Dean already put the house up for sale. Let me get ready and I'll be there shortly. 
Mina presents her phone to the crowd around her, Kirishima, Denki, Sero, Jiro and Uraraka do a small celebration. Denki more so than anyone else, he knows the combined car washes will be more than enough to fix up the house, he also recently learned that you had the power of negotiation on your side. Having just listened to Mina retell the story of how you got free food for a month from a bar for yourself and your friends. And not from some sleaze who wanted to sleep with you either, no it was from the owner himself. 
Denki is hopeful and so are the ladies indicating that this may be his best idea yet. 
You arrive at the small bistro early, spying your party on the front patio. The three men had seen you in person before, they knew you were easy on the eyes but up close you were breathtaking. Manicured nails but nothing gaudy, normally nude or soft shades, light makeup, mascara at most as far as they could tell and your outfit was well put together. You were what the world called plus size but everyone else called thiccc. Your confidence oozing in your light blouse tucked into your black skinny jeans, uncaring that you had a pouch. 
You needed that extra fat to keep from freezing by your own quirk. The only thing you needed society to worry about was your intelligence and your power. 
Both were SSR ranked so what did you fucking care that your body was ranked lower. They were stupid in thinking you'd skimp power in the name of vanity. 
You recognize everyone at the table and internalize the dread you're feeling. Scheming is afoot and you're the last to arrive. You can tell by their half finished drinks and picked over appetizer, still you sit and act unaware. Denki goes to hold out his hand first for a formal introduction causing a sly cat smile to settle over your glossy lips. 
"No need, I'm aware of who the three of you are. Sero we share our lingual class, Denki, our chemistry class, and Kirishima we share two classes, world studies and villain hero theory. Truly a pleasure." You tell then your name before ordering something to drink from the lingering waitress. Sitting stick straight with your shoulders backs has the men mirroring you. 
"Well ladies I take it the plan to save the sorority involves these fine gentlemen." You ask coolly and they nod. After a moment of silence Mina and Denki go to speak. Awkwardly encouraging the other to speak until Minai clears her throat. 
"As you know they are a newly formed frat with Sero as their president. They moved into their house about a month ago and they say it is quite large. So they have invited us to move in." 
"How do you propose we ask the college to have a co-ed house? What does this fraternity home even look like?" They knew you would be quick to ask questions Mina answers the first while Denki provides the answer to the second. 
"Union and Diversity. Forming close relationships now to carry over into our hero careers." 
"The house needs some work but looks a lot better than what it did." Denki shows you before and after pictures as you gesture for his phone. He passes you his electric yellow case with nervous hope tingling beneath his skin. You swipe through the photos. 
"You boys did a great job on the outside. Inside needs a lot of work. Hardwoods will be easy to fix, they are original but don't seen to be damaged, a good scrub will spruce them up. Wait, are those?" You zoom in on the photo of the living room, "Are those foldable camping chairs and a VHS tv?" 
They gulp loudly as they nod, your purse your lips in disapproval. 
"I can fix that." You pass Denki back his phone, assuming that all the roommates will be present, "I see the main focus was the kitchen but some of the appliances seem to be on their last legs. I can fix that as well." 
"Soooo….So it's a yes?" Jiro asks, feeling relief for the first time in months since they received the letter of eviction. 
"Gotta get the college to agree first." You think on it a moment, "But I'm sure we can arrange that. Uraraka can you draft an email to the Dean requesting an official meeting regarding our sorority? Be sure to explain in detail our situation, how we are being forced to disband by their account and the solution we have. Make sure it's an afternoon meeting too. The dean hates to miss golf with our rival university's dean." 
With the plan set in motion all of you return to your evening classes. Jiro nudges Denki in the ribs, listening to his heart race from their closeness. 
"When are we going to tell her about Bakugou?" She throws her almost lover a look that he seems to wither beneath. His jaw tics before he retorts. 
"I think we should wait to see if this even works first." 
After a week the important meeting arrives and as you thought the Dean is already exhibiting signs of impatience. He is more than ready to wrap this up and you already know his answer is going to be no. Already trying to get it out before the four of you can even have a seat. 
Still you weren't the Ice Queen on campus for nothing. You saunter into the room, mineola folder filled with your copies of counterpoints pressed firmly to your chest, you can already see he doesn't have the copies you sent him. You place the folder down and open it, leafing through the pages as you speak. 
"This request is going to be approved and here are the reasons why. An example of sexism could be made that a new fraternity was approved housing, new housing, after a decades old sorority was deemed "too small" both parties are similar in count. Second funding and donations are easily influenced with letters to alumni and especially by attendees to this university. My transfer from YAU has brought in revenue of roughly 2.6 million dollars, increasing your diversity for women when this is normally a male dominated school. I am aware that my transfer had even encouraged other students from YAU to transfer here. Which I'm sure is one of your favorite bragging points to tell Dean Fraunk during your weekly golf trips isn't it? So it would truly be a shame if these points would come to light in the investigation of my return to YUA just months before the university sports festival. I do look amazing in Ice Blue you know. Matches my quirk a lot better than Maroon." You put the ball in his court, he is visibly upset, eyes flying to the facts that you've presented. All important, viable facts. You were right MMU was known to be a male dominated school and the media would have a field day if they uncovered a mistake he happened to look over. Not to mention you were his main bragging point, Dean Yuzi always talked about how he had stolen you, the female star of rising heroes, from YUA.  The silence in the room is amplified by the ticking of the clock, seconds accumulating into minutes as it counts down his T time with his old college buddy and rival. He gulps nervously, knowing what he has to do in order to keep both his bragging rights and a law suit under wraps. He looks up to you as you wear your stone cold face, making him think of a loan shark who hasn't been getting their payments on time. He is fearful for your future boss.  
"I believe I have no choice but to approve." 
"Correct." You respond, "Now we have a bit more to discuss. I noticed that classrooms 456 and 215 are being remodeled. Those gently used flat screens will be given to our house since it is technically college property. Common space 3 and 1 are being renovated in dorms A and B. We will accept the leather arm chairs as they are in good shape but we demand a new couch. I know it is in the budget as I help plan the budget. I also believe it is time for an allowance for our hybrid house." The Dean shrinks away from your tenacity, nodding as that is all he can do.  
"Well this is a generous offer and should cover most of the basic necessities such as a new fridge and mattress. The aesthetic we will be raising funds for. Kindly spread the word, we don't want to take up more of your time and be late with your 'meeting' with Dean Fraunk." You place a flyer on his desk as you turn on your heel. The rest of the sorority, mouth agape following suit. Yuzi looks down at the flyer, head hung in a mixture of disbelief and shame as he reads over the neon paper advertising a co-ed car wash. 
He just hopes you and Bakugou are worth the trouble. 
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clearcorona · 6 years
just a little support // bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
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I feel like this one is really bad since my first draft got completely deleted since Tumblr was being stupid. I also made Bakugou a second year in this. Hope you enjoy!
"I could tweak some things here and there. That could work, yeah. Nothing too major, it'd ruin the whole design," you muttered to yourself, gusts of wind carrying several books around you within enough distance for you to read them all. "It has to be efficient and easy to use."
You yelped as you felt yourself bump into someone, losing concentration. The books that were being carried by the gusts of wind fell by your feet.
"Oi, watch where you're going!" you heard someone yell and looked up, seeing an ash blonde boy looking like he was about to murder you.
You rolled your eyes and stuck your nose up in the air, annoyed by his attitude.
"I was going to apologize, but you don't deserve it," you said and he clenched his fists.
"Who do you think you are, dammit?!" he growled and you looked over at him, recognizing his temper from somewhere.
"Someone who has obviously grown up with more manners than you," you replied and he clenched his fists.
"Why you little-" he started, but was cut off by a perky redhead.
"Ah, sorry about him! You're (L/N) (Y/N), right? We just came to have some touch ups to our hero costumes done," he said and you hummed, focusing on the air around you to pick the books up off of the floor. "Wow, your quirk seems so cool!"
"My quirk? Oh, it's nothing. If it was anything special, I'd probably be in the hero course, but it is what it is. I just want to help people. Follow me," you said and started to walk on the direction of the support department.
It had been a few weeks since Kirishima and Bakugou had stopped by to give you their hero costumes to work on. Since then, they had paid frequent visits and Bakugou sometimes came on his own.
You let out a content sigh as you finished up your work for the day, hearing footsteps by the door.
"Baku- oh," you started and then stopped yourself when you realized it wasn't him, instead being another student from the support department. "What do you want, Daichi?"
"What? Expecting someone?" he asked and you rolled your eyes, starting to clean up your work station.
"If I was, what's it to you?" you asked and he leaned against the doorframe.
"Just curious. You thought I was that angry kid, didn't you?"
"You mean Bakugou?"
"Bakugou, right. That's his name. He's been coming and going a lot recently."
"Yeah, so?"
"He's got you wrapped around your little finger. You've been doing enough for him as it is. He's so annoying, too. He's always complaining, saying he only trusts you with changes to his costume and shit like that."
"What exactly are you getting at here?"
"He obviously wants something from you. Come on, (L/N), don't be so naive." You then let out a laugh and he looked at you in confusion.
"I can finally understand why you didn't make it into the hero course!"
"I don't think I understand..."
"Not only is your quirk completely useless, you're a giant prick as well! That's definitely not hero material. Bakugou is just misunderstood."
"Misunderstood, my ass! Are you actually standing up for him?"
"Yes. Do you have a problem? As far as I'm concerned, this is my work area and I won't hesitate to kick you out."
"Trying to scare me with empty threats?"
You sighed and shook your head, letting the gusts of wind swirl around you. You then focus it in Daichi's direction, letting the strong winds carry him out of the room.
"What a nuisance...," you muttered and rolled your eyes.
"Have to admit, that was quite a damn good show you put on," you heard and you didn't even have to look up to know who was standing there.
"How long have you been standing there?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Long enough," he smirked. "That was pretty badass. You sure know how to use your quirk."
"Did you need something?"
"Not exactly. Those extras at the dorms were annoying me."
"So, you decided to visit an underclassman? How sweet!"
"Shut up." You smiled in return, grabbing your bag. "You didn't have to say that."
"Say what?"
"That shit about me. I'm perfectly understood."
"Mhm... Sure, Bakugou," you said and walked over to him, placing a kiss on his cheek gently.
"I have to go. Bye!"
If you had stayed long enough, you would've seen the blush on his cheeks.
"Bakugou, wait up!" Kirishima called out and the ash blonde stopped, looking back at the redhead.
"What do you want?" Bakugou asked, letting Kirishima drape his arm across his shoulders.
"Are you going to see (L/N) again? You've been going there a lot recently. Dude, if you have feelings for her, just tell her!"
"I don't know what the hell you're talking about."
"Ah, come on! I'll go with you!" Kirishima smiled widely and Bakugou rolled his eyes, making his way towards the support department.
"Wow, that's amazing! I wish I could be as cool as you!" he heard you say the closer he got to the support department.
"What are you talking about? You already are cooler than me?" someone else replied. A deeper voice.
"No way! You're in the hero course now. You deserve to be there. You have an amazing quirk," he heard you say and Bakugou hesitated at the door. "Mine just has to do with controlling stupid air."
"It's not stupid, it's-" the other person who was speaking was cut off when Bakugou opened the door.
"Oh, hey. What's up?" you asked. Standing in front of you was Shinsou Hitoshi.
"Sorry for interrupting!" Kirishima said and you smiled, shaking your head. Bakugou noticed your eyes were slightly red.
"No worries. We weren't talking about much anyway," you assured him.
"I didn't even know that you two knew each other," Kirishima said and you and Shinsou exchanged glances before looking back at him.
"No one ever really asks," you replied with a shrug.
"Oi, did that bastard make you cry?" Bakugou asked abruptly and you looked over at him.
"What? Oh, no! He didn't... I um...," you trailed off and Shinsou sighed, ruffling your hair. He then leaned in close to whisper in your ear. Bakugou felt his rage build up.
"If you need anything, just call for me. I'll be right outside if he gives you trouble," Shinsou said and you nodded, watching him walk out of the room.
"So, how exactly do you two know each other?" Kirishima asked and you ran your fingers through your hair.
"Well, that's kind of a long story, but I'm his adopted sister. Anyway, did you guys need anything?"
"Sister?" Bakugou repeated, relaxing a bit. You furrowed your eyebrows and then started to laugh.
"What? Did you think we were dating or something?"
"Why does it matter to me?"
"You tell me. You seemed on edge just until Hitoshi left. Were you jealous?"
"Shut up!"
"So you were jealous! How cute!"
"I said shut up!"
"If you make her cry, I won't forgive you," Shinsou said, making Bakugou roll his eyes. He knew you were a bit sensitive despite how hard you tried to hold everything in.
"I won't," he muttered. This was the first time Bakugou had gotten Shinsou's blessing to take you out on a date, which was a very awkward experience. He liked it better when he'd sneak you out to places without his knowledge, but you seemed to hate keeping secrets from him.
"Good. She's been looking forward to this, so don't screw it up." Bakugou felt like laughing. He would never dream of screwing things up.
"Bakugou!" you called out and latched onto his arm with a smile. You looked up at Shinsou and waved. "Don't give him a hard time, Hitoshi. We'll be fine. I'll be back at the dorms before sundown."
"You better be," Shinsou replied and you stuck your tongue out at him before you grabbed Bakugou's hand, leading him away.
"Can you believe it's been over a year since we started dating?" you asked softly. You were laying beside Bakugou with your head on his chest, running your fingers through your hair.
"It hasn't even felt like that long," Bakugou admitted, closing his eyes.
"Yeah... You're going to be graduating soon. You're gonna be a hero and I'm going to be here for another year," you frowned and Bakugou opened one of his eyes to look at you.
"Oi, you'll be fine without me. You're more than capable of protecting yourself," he assured, opening his other eye.
"No, it's not that. It's just...," you paused and let out a sigh. "What if you find someone else? A year is a long time... You could probably become the top pro hero in that time."
"I don't want to hear you talking about shit like that. Look at me, (Y/N)." You obeyed, staring up into his crimson eyes. It was only the times that you two were alone that you truly got to see the soft side of him. "I'm not going to find someone else. You're the only one that I want."
"How can you be so sure? You never know, Katsuki."
"I know because no one else can be like you. You're mine and I don't plan on losing you, got it?" You laughed softly.
"Okay, okay. Fine. I'll miss you. We wouldn't be able to go on many dates and cuddle like this once you graduate."
"I'll make it up to you then, princess. Don't worry about that. To be honest, I don't really care about how long it takes for me to be at the top anymore. As long as you're there and I know I have a little support coming from you, it's fine."
"I think you and I both know that's a lie," you teased and he smirked.
"Maybe, but I want you to be my number one fan," he said and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"You don't even have to ask, I already am."
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