#i would 100% understand if my doc was like hey
hazel2468 · 2 years
Ok I gotta bitch about something real quick here.
So, good news first- got a diagnosis. PCOS. I had a feeling (and several of my friend are now correct), but it's good to have a solid "Yeah, this is what's going on here".
But anyway. Kvetch time.
So, my endo is pretty great. She offered to hook me up with their gender specialist, so I might be getting the ball rolling on that soon, which is exciting and terrifying. But we had a call and went over everything. More good news- my levels look great. Everything is normal and my thyroid levels are, quote, "beautiful". But we started talking about PCOS, talked a little bit about HRT. And then she brought up diet stuff, which I imagine is standard.
But what annoyed me was that she was talking about how to adjust what I eat because of "health risks". And so I asked her to clarify for me- is there anything in my labs of concern? And she said no- everything looks fine and dandy. I asked if there is any indication that I should be making any kind of serious changes based on my labs. Again, no. Everything looks good.
So... The only "issue" there is my weight.
My levels are good. I've been in a bit of an experimental "what can I eat that won't upset the void where my gallbladder used to be?" phase, but overall I've been eating the same as I have for years. I did tell her I wanted to work out more and, now that I'm fucking finally fixing my sleep schedule I might actually be able to make time to lift in the mornings.
But what annoyed me was that all of that stuff- good stuff- eating in a way that doesn't upset my intestines, working out more because fuck it I wanna be a strong theydy, the fact that my labs are not only normal but look great... All of it just falls before the fact that I am fat. All of it.
And to be clear, I'm not pissed at my doctor, specifically. I'm pissed because all of it seems so standard. It's the "this is the PCOS spiel" kind of thing- the general stuff that you say. And the annoying thing is that, apparently (and I was already well aware of this but it always sucks to be reminded), it doesn't actually matter what my habits are, what I eat, if I work out or not, how my labs look, at least in the eyes of the general medical standards.
No, what matters is that I am fat, and therefore I am unhealthy and need to change everything- even though literally everything else speaks to the contrary.
And what's even MORE annoying is that... I have PCOS. I have hypothyroid. Those are BOTH conditions that cause weight gain. Those are both conditions that make losing weight even harder than it already fucking is for most people.
So the fact that the medical standards for diagnosing someone with PCOS involve looking at their BMI and determining that they need to change their whole lifestyle solely based on how they look- not on their actual habits, not on their ACTUAL LAB RESULTS, but their weight?
IDK that just annoys me. It pisses me off. It put a damper on the whole "You have an answer finally AND also you're doing really well health wise.... OH but you're fat and so we need to lecture you about your diet and exercise and imply that the reason you should do those things is to lose weight."
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lizzieislife94x · 9 months
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One Night Stand Pt2 (e.o)
Part 2 was requested hope you enjoy it 😊
Lizzie x G!P reader
the one night stand one shots are also 2 of my favourites haha
Y/ns POV:
It's been 3 month since I've found out I'm going to be a mom and honestly I'm so fucking excited I've been there for lizzie day and night she was hesitant at first but I assured her I wanted to be there even if it was something stupid like Mcdonalds cravings at 4am and she's had alot of them but I honestly don't mind its my fault she has the crazy cravings and honestly the look on her face when i turn up with her food is priceless shes so fucking adorable, I'm currently on my way to pick her up we have a 3 month scan or check up I'm not 100% sure I pull up outside her house and climb out of the car and head to the front door knocking after a few minutes a glowing lizzie opens the door with a smile "y/n heyyy right on time" she beams me a smile as she leans in to hug me "lizzie hey you look amazing, pregnancy looks amazing on you" I tease hugging her tight "shut up I'm in this position partly because of you" I giggle and take her hand "well gorgeous it takes 2 to tango you wanted me desperately remember " I smirk teasing her playfully, i open her door as we head to the doctors office chatting and laughing "you know I can't wait to find out what we're having so I can spoil my little Prince or princess" I say with a smile and she looks at me with a strange look it looks like she's admiring me "you're gonna be a great mom you've been nothing but supportive towards me and i appreciate you" she smiles placing her hand on my hand "I told you at the start I wanted to be here for you and our baby" I lift her hand and place a gently kiss on it as I park and we head into the doctors office.
 20 minutes later her name gets called "Elizabeth Olsen " the nurse yells and we stand up to head inside I take her hand to reassure her as we walk into the office "hey doc" I smile as I sit on the chair and lizzie lays on the bed "so you guys excited to find out what your having" she smiles bright and I nod excitedly "so excited I squeeze lizzies hand" the doctor does her thing and looks over at me "so are you guys together " she bites her lip as I look at lizzie confused then at the doctor "um no were not together but I plan on being there for her and our baby, why" she smirks as she looks at lizzie then back at me "well can I have your number I'd love to take you out for dinner and a few drinks" I feel a little awkward and rub my neck as lizzie looks at me with disgust "you can go out with her with you want y/n" she says with a hint of sadness to her voice I look at the doctor "I'm sorry I'm not really looking to date or hook up with anyone at the moment Elizabeth and our unborn child are my only priority for the foreseeable I'm sorry" she looks disappointed and then smiles "no I understand by the way you guys are having a baby girl " I smile and look at lizzie as she smiles "Holy shit were having a baby girl" my eyes start to water as the tears flow and I lean down to hug lizzie.
after i dropped lizzie home i went home to relax and look into buying stuff for my daughter im currently looking at cribs as my phone dings grabbing my attention as i grab it a smile appears on my face as i see lizzies name on the screen
 Lizzie: Hey thank you for being there today it meant alot youre an amazing human being and the doctor would have been lucky to get a date with you x
Me: My priority isn't to date someone at the moment you and our baby are my priority maybe in a year or 2 when we get everything sorted and know what we're doing with our daughter but until I know my baby is going to have a stable routine dating can wait 🤷🏼‍♀️ also why arnt you asleep lizzie it's almost 1am
I send the text and smile moving the laptop onto the couch as my phone dings again
Lizze: Well me and our daughter are lucky to have someone who's willing to put us first before some skank, and I um I can't sleep I have cravings I really want Mcdonalds and tacos
I giggle and put my clothes on grabbing my car keys and phone heading straight to my car without replying to her text I go to Mcdonalds and get her the normal cravings she's gross she dips the nuggets into the strawberry milkshake but it's cute after Mcdonalds I head to get tacos and drive to her house I get there roughly 15 minutes after she text me, I knock and step back waiting after a few minutes lizzie opens the door and instantly smiles wide "y/n omg what are you doing here" I pull the bags from behind my back and smirk "delivery for my baby mama"
I walk inside as she wraps her arms around me "god your fucking amazing and perfect thank you " we go sit on the couch and eat in comfortable silence I can't help but steal glances she's fucking beautiful "y/n..." she whispers looking at me "what's up gorgeous you ok" she gets closer to me and rubs my arm "I need something else that I don't want from anyone else except you" I look at her confused "and what would that be Elizabeth " she bites her lip and climbs on top of my lap straddling me, I bite my lip as I take in what's happening  "I need you inside me im so horny y/n and I want you I've tried to hold back for so long but I need you" I place my hands on her waist and lean in placing a gentle kiss on her neck as she let's out a content sigh and holds my hair "please I need you no teasing I'm to horny" with that I pick her up holding her by the ass and head upstairs to her bedroom I'm not gonna lie I'm so horny too I've not slept with anyone since lizzie and doing it alone isn't the same "such a needy little slut for my cock huh" she moans and nods as I smirk and place her on the bed gently as I start to take my clothes off and she does the same till we're both naked she lays back looking at me longingly biting her lip "fuck lizzie you looks so fucking gorgeous you're perfect " I take in her body as I step forward "Holy shit look at those tits" I say with a grin they're huge "well someone decided to knock me up now they're twice as big" she giggles as she plays with my nipples earing a moan, I lean down and kiss her as my dick rubs against her soaking wet cunt fuck she's dripping "your needy little cunt is dripping baby" I whisper into her ear as her nails dig into my shoulders "I think about you when I touch myself when I need to cum I think about your dick deep inside me" I let out a groan and slide my dick inside her slowly as she gasps digging her nails in more "fuckk I forgot how big you actually where y/n" her moans are music to my ears I start thrusting slowly looking deep into her eyes and smirk "shit should we use a condom don't want to risk getting you pregnant " we both laugh as I kiss her perfect lips thrusting a little faster as moans into my mouth "uhhh yes right there y/n right fucking there" I pick up my pace making sure to hit the spot that drives her wild over and over I feel the knot in my stomach as lizzie cums all over my cock panting breathing heavily "fuck baby give me one more"
I moan as I lean my head against hers and pick up my pace chasing my own high "so fucking tight for me lizzie" I moan fucking her a little faster as her tits bounce like mad  "all for you baby my pussy is yours no one will ever pleasure me like you" I bite my lip as her walls tighten around my cock and she creams all over me again her moans and screams are enough to send me over the edge I thrust a few more times as I cum deep inside her cunt "fuckkkk lizzie" I moan as I go to slide out and she whimpers "no y/n no please keep it in I wanna cuddle with you with your dick inside me i wanna feel your body close to mine i wanna feel close to you" i feel my dick twitch and get hard again as she moans at the feeling of my dick growing inside her, I lay on my side pulling her close to me with my dick still buried inside her and place a kiss on her shoulder "you know I think it would make more sense if you lived here instead of always travelling especially at crazy times of the night when youre always bringing my craving meals" she whispers running her fingers up and down my arm as I hold her "the only problem with that is I'd fall even deeper inlove with you" I whisper as she turns and looks at me "then its going to be perfect because I'm inlove with you too the way you're always there for me putting me and our baby first I couldn't help but fall inlove with you y/n" I smile and hold her closer "god I love you lizzie and if your being serious I'd love to move in plus gotta make sure you have my dick on call 24/7 "  i joke as we both giggle and spend the next hour talking until she falls asleep in my arms. 
AN: let me know your thoughts I've basically left this little story open for more chapters if that's what anyone wants haha requestes are open sorry I didn't post yesterday 😅 but I'll have a few for yall today word count is almost 1.7k (damn this having to repost is time consuming bruh) 😂
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puppypeter · 26 days
I kind of want to hear more about like Jamie trying to manage having a chronic illness while also being like a professional athlete. (although we are giving our issues with things to people I have a strong feeling Roy is prone to like tension headaches. )
You lot are feeding me well tonight :)))))
Listen - IBS Jamie is purely for my own joy tbh there is nothing in canon even if I did make a list of some things that could apply >>>> you can find it here
It's a bullshit diagnosis anyway, cause even doctors don't know what is wrong and say it to dismiss you. So I can see him having all these issues and when he does all the tests there is nothing wrong with him and they say it's all in his head and he has to learn to live with it and manage it (there are some studies that bring on the hypothesis that there might be a link to physical, emotional or sexual abuse in childhood and with trauma in general which fits the bill with him, but I am too dumb to actually understand them but oh hey this is fiction we can do what we want!)
From my experience, exercise can be both a very good and a very bad thing. Usually fine during, but when you push too much you might feel unwell and we know he 100% over-does it. I can see him struggling with accepting he needs to put limits in place, he has to allow his body to rest and has to have regular meals etc He would be very frustrated with it. Personally it's actually fucked up my confidence massively as my therapist put it "have you ever thought that your lack of confidence also comes from not being able to ever trust your own body?" funny lady isn't she my own Doc
I think Roy having his own chronic issues (that man hurts just look at him lol but I can see headaches for sure) is actually very understanding once Jamie manages to open up about it which takes a long time >> bootroom breakdown is so spot on for being in the middle of a flare when you are still expected to operate at 110% but you're exhausted, lack of sleep is making it worse, you're bloated as fuck and your tummy hurts and you can't bother with anything (hair, personal care etc) and you just want to curl up and cry >>> Roy helping him put things in place to help like making a meal plan with the doctors of low fodmap items and ensuring the canteen is aware, always having cozy clothing around that is loose around the waist and a heat pad ready to go in the office, well stocked cabinet of ibs friendly tea (he's a tea guy anyway!), he suggest a meditation/yoga session for the afternoons and he makes jamie keep a food/symptoms diary (which then he ends up keeping cause jamie is not organised at all and roy is sorting out 90% of hid meals anyway!!). He also makes him see Dr Sharon because stress can make it worse!
Oh and Roy does gift him this too:
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shrimp-writes · 2 months
reposting stitches here
Story time! I got attacked by a serial killer😱
Hey Guys! Hannah here, I've got another story time, yayyy! If you're new here, Hi, I'm Hannah, I tell stories, bake, vlog, do whatever i want , honestly my channel’s a mess so if any of that sounds up your alley please consider subscribing! And if you know me, then buckle up cause I've got one hell of a story to tell.
But before that, I want to thank squarespace for sponsoring this video! Squarespace is an online website builder that lets you create beautiful websites for your business, job, or hobby. There are a ton of templates for anything you need, and a ton of features to make it your own. Choose a domain ending in .com . net, or something fancy like .art! go to squarespace.com/hannahstory for 10% off your next website or domain. Thanks again to squarespace for sponsoring this video.
Alright, before we start I just wanna give a content warning, this video is gonna be way darker than my other videos, so if that's not your style, click off, okay? So, this happened about a week before I started writing the script for this video. Which, I know you’ve read the title so you're probably thinking “What?! Only a week?!? She's insane!” but guys i just HAD to get this story out. So, I assume you've all heard of the murders happening recently, the one where bodies have been found with their mouths sewn up? So, I think I had a run in with the guy that's doing them. I’m 100% sure and you’ll understand why when I tell you later.
So the story starts about a week before I began writing this script, so like. July 16th or 17th. I don't remember the exact date but it was one of the two. So anyways, a week before I started writing this, I was on a grocery run. And when I came back, I noticed my door was unlocked. I just thought I forgot to lock it but you guys know me, I'm paranoid like that, so I'm on guard.
So I sit down at my computer and start talking to my editing team like “hey I got the stuff for that baking video, after I record that which one should I do next” and they said “do another storytime people love those” and i'm like “okay which story i've got a ton” and Mark, my chief editor, said “the one from that collab you did with Jennifer last year” which you guys will be getting soon, that one's a doozy let me tell you. Anyways I say “okay, that's a good one.”
So I open up a doc to start writing the script for that video, and right as I'm about to start typing I hear a pot fall in my kitchen. I'm thinking “god dammit, Cola got into the kitchen again”, so I went to investigate. I'm not seeing Cola anywhere, and If you know Cola she likes to stick around the scene of the crime. So I start looking around and find cola locked in the pantry. She couldn't have gotten in herself, the door was closed and she can't squeeze under it, and then I remember my unlocked door, so I'm getting scared and thinking “oh my god, there’s someone in my house”. If y'all know one thing about me it's that I love horror movies and true crime so I’m thinking “okay im not sticking around long enough to find out who's here,” so I book it to the front door, and I shit you not there was someone standing in front of it.
He had this scruffy brown hair and brown eyes, he was wearing a black leather jacket and ripped jeans, he was honestly totally my type and I definitely would have been flirting with him if he hadn't broken into my house, but that's neither here nor there. Anyways, here’s why I think this is the same guy that's doing those murders; He had these markings on his mouth that looked like stitches, and if you remember the killers victims, their mouths had been sewn up. I put two and two together real fast and thought “oh my god, im gonna get murdered”.
So after a few moments of just standing and staring at each other, He lunges at me and tackles me, I'm talking full five nights at Freddy's jumpscare. He starts choking me, and my adrenaline is pumping, so everything I learned in self defense class is kicked into full gear. I wrestle him off me, and he's not making a sound the entire time, just completely silent.
I book it out the door and into my car, it's not starting. With the scary killer guy approaching, I get out and just take off screaming, hoping someone would notice and eventually I lose him. I'm not taking chances though so I go to a police station to report the whole thing. They search my house and find nothing, nobody there and no trace of a break in. So, like cops often do, just call it a day and forget about the whole thing. Honestly cops are some of the laziest people you will ever meet, it’s seriously astounding how little of their job they get right.
I've been SUPER on guard lately, thinking that guy's gonna break in at any time. I haven't left the house, I've been ordering all my groceries online, basically just barricading myself in my house like it's 2020 all over again. I've been having to do therapy and file police reports which is probably why this video has taken so long.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this story time, and if you did please consider liking and subscribing and comment below what you think! Thanks again to squarespace for sponsoring this video. I'll see you all next time, buh bye!
you didnt think id let one of my victims go did you? sorry but I cant have this stuff getting public. people like her talk a lot but they dont have much to say in the end.
XOXO - Stitches
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1. 2. 4. for the writing ask?
1. Do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just tumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
100% the latter, I am so bad at endings, which is probably why I don't finish anything D:
With spin wick au, I'm wanting to hopefully actually get an ending for the main plot figured out by thinking without properly writing anything, so...who knows how this will work out. I am still in world building phase for that though :P
I am also thinking of trying to do a silly with Soulless Sam (who I am so normal about by the way. I UNDERSTAND him, I have thought so much about the sort of thought process he follows, it's so great <3) in which rather than a story with proper endings, I do a series of oneshots that portrays elements of how I think he thinks. I think. I have a teensy bit written on a google doc :) Must write more
2. Talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said "frick your plan, here's what we're actually doing."
Let's talk about Sam goes to Doom hell though, in which, you guessed it, Sam goes to the hell set in Doom! :D I did not have a proper plan for what was going to happen, (this question has actually made me realize that I can totally continue my planning for it and come up with a proper ending since I'm done with s5 and don't feel like extending it through s6), but I had a part in which Sam was killing these zombiemen demons, and then he (thinks he) noticed that, hey, that's a person he just killed. And then that led him to thinking about burying them or whatever else he could do, which then he put their body against a wall with their gun, which then I realized hey, Dean could use that weapon! So now Dean will go to Doom hell too, as part of his end of s2 demon deal :D I did not choose this
Only tangentially related, but I also have a google doc called "Insert Tangoesque Description for the Game! + also my fricking [cyber security competition I did] notes for some reason"
4. What is the plot bunny you've been carrying around for the longest? Do you ever wonder why you haven't written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
OKAY HM. Most of the stuff that haunts me is stuff I've written a teensy bit of, but I am going to say for this question that plot bunnies are stuff you haven't written at all because that gives a more interesting answer that I otherwise would have never given
Word for word the way I have it written down is "The thing in the satanic bible that said you should have your body mutilated if you defile something and it happens to Dave because he's a satanist" (because of course band people destroyed a bunch of furniture in their careers as band people)
I think about it sometimes. It's kind of a terrifying concept, even if it's not like...full on furniture throwing or whatever, because everybody's "hurt" nonliving things by virtue of accident or "they're not alive to feel pain". Hm. Some sort of metaphor for accidentally hurting people because you just didn't think is in here. Insane fic concept though, just randomly getting psychically tortured for sins against table.
I don't quite experience deep existential dread because there are too many fic concepts for that though, and I am too powerful for evil emotions (telling myself this is how I beat them up :D)
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rodolfoparras · 11 months
First of all those Price headcanons are E V E R Y T H I N G and I want to tattoo them on the back of my eyelids and put them in a little box and have them with me :(( that's how much I love them.
Second, I totally agree that he wouldn't like or understand why people like horror and true crime stuff (and side note I think Ghost is the same) but it just makes me wonder how he'd react to his partner being into that stuff.
Maybe I'm projecting a little cause horror as a genre and death and funerary rights and everything related is my special interest but I can totally see him being all huffy about it and pretending to be annoyed but he'd listen to me ramble about it anyways <3
He just strikes me as a man who do anything for his partner, sure he might complain but he'll do it anyways if it would make you happy (especially if something is your hyperfixation or special interest).
Thank you sm for enjoying them!! It makes me so happy that someone even asked me about my silly little hc because at the end of the day who am I in the grand scheme of things but thank you sm for caring about my opinion 😭
Second of all I 100% agree with you, I think he’s the type of person where he’d lay down on the couch, prop his legs onto your lap and read his book while you’re watching a true crime doc or whatever it may, he doesn’t mind the fact that you don’t share interest he only wants to spend time with you and if he can do his own thing while you do yours all while doing it together then he’s the happiest man
If you needed someone to go and watch a horror movie with you at the theater he’d 100% suck it up and join you, he wouldn’t be the first person to ask because you know they aren’t his thing and of course you respect that but when he hears that there’s no one that can go with you because your friend opted out for whatever reason he’d join you
He’d def keep up with the plot because hey what if you want to discuss it with him? He wants to be able to do it with you, he’d even make comments if the characters were acting silly or making silly decisions
He’s also the type that sees something scary/ spooky or something similar and goes “hey don’t you like those creepy little dolls? They sell them in the stores now” (you have no idea what he talks about but the fact that spooky things reminds him of you makes you happy)
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Oh my god so I tried True Luna again and, I'm just gonna summarize the few chapters I've picked up
>quick recap: Protag Emma has been bullied for years by Sienna the best friend of her brother Andrew, who literally raised her after their parents died, and Alpha Logan. They never believe Emma and basically just tell her that she's jealous Sienna spends time with them. Sienna slowly escalates in aggression over time, and is literally in Emma's house insulting her daily but switching to "loving big sister" in front of Logan and Andrew. After turning 18, Emma is rejected by her mate, Logan, because he deems her too weak, too young, and not emotionally strong enough to be his mate and does not even give her a chance. Her brother even agrees. She literally overhears them talking about how she is not strong enough, when the truth is she's actually been training in combat in secret for years.l with one of the only people truly on her side, Jacob. Sienna even breaks her rib and eventually has her kidnapped and tells the lie that, Sienna will tell Logan and Andrew that Emma attacked her and ran away to be a rogue. Emma is being horrifically beaten and tortured and poisoned while Sienna goes to tell them, and they believe 100% never even doubting that Emma attacked her and plan to punish her. I dropped the story just as she was being rescued and came back bc I got another ad for it and dexises I wanted to see Emma responding to them after being rescues
So recap over, here's just, the bullshit:
>while Emma is getting medical treatment the story keeps cracking jokes about how, oh mates are so possessive of being touched by other males, even with doctors, but it's not fucking funny. Emma is literally needing medical treatment and Logan is growling because oh no men are touching her to. Hook her up to IVs and give her syringes of medicine.... At some point she needs a blood transfusion from Andrew, HER BIOLOGICAL SIBLING, and later on Logan is like "ugh I don't like that she smells like him 😤" like bro she isn't going to fuck her own brother what in the actual hell is wrong with you? This isn't attractive it is actually CREEPY
>speaking of creepy, despite Andrew being her family and blood and the man whonraised Emma, the doc is like, "hey we think there's a possibility Emma could have been raped, can we do a pelvic test and stuff, LOGAN? We need YOUR permission since you're her mate" HE REJECTED HER. Like I understand where they are coming from but, to me, this is the man who caused this entire scenario giving doctors the permission to, just, ugh. Touch her without even asking her, and the test is negative and uh, I bet they won't even tell her they took the test at all
-when she finally wakes up she thinks she is literally dead and in heaven because that is literally the only scenario she can imagine Logan and Andrew coming to save her and she even tells them that. Jesus Christ they hurt her trust so bad
-she has to literallt argue with then so she can have some time alone just to think because Logan for some reason says he accepts her as his mate and Luna and she says she wants time aline to rest and have peace and. Ugh. Later on she's in pain, from the torture she never would have gotten if they had just RESPECTED HER, and she wants to see Andrew, and she thinks "oh, maybe Logan can come too, when he touched me it made my pain go away, maybe I can ask him to hold me"
>SHE IMMEDIATELY follows this up with "oh no but I dared to ask him for some personal space! How awful how dreadful how terrible! I am just so UNGRATEFUL for asking one of the men who made this all happen and gave me trauma to give me some personal space while I'm half dead. I'll just ENDURE THE PAIN SINCE I DESERVE IT"
Now. The reason why this bothers me. Is because, Emma's reaction is kinda normal, she has a lot of trauma and feels silenced and unheard and isolated, but, as a reader, I can TELL Logan and Andrew are not going to face any sort of retribution for this. "Oh their real punishment all along was seeing Emma so hurt because of them" no I actually want them half dead if you want me to be perfectly honest. They face, no real consequences besides hurt feelings and now there are narrative plot points basically forcing Emma and Logan together? Oh we have to cuddle so your wounds heal even if you don't really want to touch me? I'll be blunt and say that's a really uh, rape fic-y concept. It's not even, like, enjoyable because Logan doesn't deserve her at all.
Like, you know what they decide to do? They choose to horrifically torture Sienna for what happened. They're literally going to barely keep her alive and toeture her over and over before they'll eventually kill her. And I found myself literally standing here wishing that Sienna would tell them to their faces "you hurt her so bad she immediately believed you would abadon her" but no, this is treated as Andrew and Logan "winning" and they literally leave rhe torture room "drenched in Sienna's fresh blood". To me, this serves no actual purpose to assuage their own personal guilt and deflect responsibility. Like I am literally sitting here thinking "if I was Emma I would legitimately want Sienna to be let go, not to help Sienna, but to punish Logan and Andrew with the guilt that they caused this"
It's just so unsatisfying to see people be blatantly shitty to someone they are supposed to love, like be literal actual soulmates with, and are still rewarded with that person and for all of this to be presented as like, romance goals. Am I supposed to be like, swept off my feet that Logan is suddenly so dedicated and wonderful where, whenever it shows his POV, he's literally violently jealous and wanting to hurt the ONE person who has truly been on Emma's side, Jacob. Like Logan even immediately accuses Jacob of the one who leaked that Emma is a white wolf just. Because? Like awww, is the little pup jealous he's a piece of shit and that Emma has actually been getting true love and support from other people? Awww, poor you, YOU'RE the real victim here. God it is legitimately so hard for me to find one of these stories where the protagonist actually has any choice or agency. I've been meaning to make a post about the stories I DO recommend though so, maybe soon. I just, know we all like to be angry at fuck ass whack ass men sometimes and just wanted to ramble a lil haha
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shackld · 2 years
✏️ with bai yi and / or enfer ! 😫💓
Send in ✏️ and I’ll use this (improved) incorrect quote generator featuring both our muses!
Jokes on you, I'll do both.
Bai Yi
Bai Yi: Damn, Chief, are you secretly cool? Chief: Well, poker is just math, so I guess it depends on if you consider the mathematician, Carl Friedrich Gauss, cool. Bai Yi: I do not.
Bai Yi: I found a note in one of my old word .docs that said Note to self: Get revenge on Chief. Bai Yi: Except I couldn't remember what I was supposed to get revenge for. Bai Yi: But I trusted my own judgment, so I went with it. Chief: Hmm... I don't know what you were supposed to get revenge for, either. Bai Yi: I can only assume you got what was coming to you. Not 100 percent sure, though. Chief: Well, whatever I did, I guess I deserved it. Bai Yi: Let that possibly be a lesson to you.
Bai Yi: Ah, Hello again. We really need to stop meeting like this. Chief: Maybe we would, if you would sTOP BREAKING INTO MY FUCKING HOUSE!!!
Bai Yi: Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don't want to sound mean. Chief: No, go ahead. I want to hear it. Bai Yi: It sucks. Chief: That's not constructive criticism.
Enfer, trying their first ever cup of coffee: I am ENERGY! Chief, an avid coffee drinker, on their twelfth cup of the day: Someone slap me awake or I am literally going to fall into a coma in ten seconds.
Chief, holding in their laughter: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing? Enfer: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it's incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic human language. Chief: Chief: Water you doing?
Enfer, putting their hands over Chief's eyes: Guess who! Chief: It's either Enfer or the cold, clammy hands of death. Enfer, putting their hands away: It's Enfer! Chief: Dammit
Chief: Enfer... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor? Enfer: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. Chief: Chief: I wrote sanitize, Enfer.
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thechaosmuses · 2 years
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Hey everyone.. I really have no idea where to start this and considering I'm babysitting my friends two kids atm it might be a little scattered but I need to get this off my chest while it's on my mind cause otherwise I'll forget.
I wanna start off by saying that I am really, really sorry for just disappearing on you guys for over a month. That was 100% not my intention but life just kept knocking me on my ass. I've had some health stuff, physical and mental, going on as well as just personal life stuff. With all of that I just haven't been in the headspace to roleplay and I didn't want to come on here and give you guys a half-assed version of myself and my muses. And I'm finally starting to get muse back thanks to my darlin' in the Discord server.
Secondly, I am gonna be busier than I was before I left as I'm not only babysitting my 9-year-old sister when my parents need but also my best friend's kids a few times a week since she was having issues with her old babysitter. I'll let you guys know in advance what my weekly schedule is gonna look like so you'll know when I'll have time to be on.
Thirdly, I am gonna go ahead and just delete everything in my ask box and drafts and start fresh because I feel like that's the easiest way to go about this but if there's any specific thread or plot you'd like to continue please let me know and I'd be happy to pick it back up or restart it. Also if you don't wish to rp with me at all anymore that's completely understandable. If you do though I promise I will be better at answering things and all that.
Fourthly, I have some more muses I'll be adding later once I'm home, mostly OC's but there's some canon as well. Also you may have noticed the theme change, it's kinda an Anti-Valentine's day thing and I'm just gonna keep most of my Google Docs things the old colors since they take a while to change and this theme probably won't be around for long after V-Day-
And lastly, I just wanna apolgize again for disappearing with basically no explanation. I really had no intention of doing that but as the days went on I just started getting bad anxiety about coming back and was worried y'all would be upset with me, which I'm sure some of you might be or are but I promise things are gonna be different this time. And if for some reason I need a break or whatnot I will be sure to let you guys know.
I think that's all I wanted to say, I've got about an hour and a half or so left of babysitting and then once I get home and unwind and eat I'll be ready to dive back on here. I hope everyone is having a great day/night and I promise I'll see you all soon 🖤
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j0kers-light · 10 months
Hi Chaos! MASSIVE FAN of your work!
A little headcannon/short story idea (If you find it suitable and to your liking, of course <3)
We keep on hearing of how y/n interacts on social media- but what about the Joker? Does he have a secret account for fun, does he stay away from it or is there a third alternative?
Bonus! (In honor of Spotify wrapped coming out): What type of music genre do you think the Joker enjoys listening to?
Hey hi anon!!! 🖤✨
wow, haven't had one of these in a hot minute. I miss answering anon... 🥺🥺ANYHOO!!!
THANK YOU FOR BEING A MASSIVE FAN! I LOVES YOU MUCH! *opens up my docs so I can work hard to make content for mi sweet loving anon*
Let's get into it! Straight to the point because I can go into heavy detail AND I WILL. I WILL GO INTO HEAVY DETAIL! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
First and foremost, Joker isn't addicted to modern technology like we are as a culture, this man is soooo old fashion it makes your eyes roll.
He doesn't see the appeal of TikTok or apps like Snapchat even if the filters make him all sparkly and look cool.
Joker will take silly selfies with you if you beg him to and he lets you save some on your phone however; if he sees them anywhere else-- say goodbye to fun selfies forever!
He can't have any evidence of his real face floating around. Phones can be hacked! So you suggest Polaroids and Joker breathes a sigh of relief.
Get it? Polaroid? Just like in the infamous photo Joker snapped in the chapter Push and Pull! 🤭
If Joker uses any social media platforms, it’s in an anonymous fashion.
Joker is on Twitch because he's secretly a gamer but he doesn't use a cam. He loves stalking your personal blog and he's always going down a rabbit hole on YouTube.
You won't find him anywhere that requires a legal profile. Anything that can be traced back to him and most importantly you is a no go. He won't risk you being used as blackmail or worse.
He'll check your Patreon from time to time if you're a digital artist or something of the sort but other than that, his phone is used primary for communication with you.
Joker would rather leave behind sticky notes or his signature playing cards than send a text. He scatters the apartment with little love notes; it’s so corny but sweet.
Now on the other hand if you need assistance whether it be for a skit, making a reel, etc., best believe Joker will hold your camera for you, he'll help you edit videos, he’ll even direct the content so its the best on the internet!
He'll be so supportive if you're a content creator. Scratch that. Joker is supportive in everything you do!
Granted he doesn't understands a lick of social media or its lingo, he will go above and beyond to make sure your content is phenomenal.
Need a nice shot of the Gotham Bridge or a background of somewhere cool? Its mysteriously empty for your use...
Need good lighting for a quick reel? Joker is setting off explosions in the background. Fire is really good natural lighting... far better than a ring light. 👀
Whatever you need, say the word and its yours. Joker will get anything for his Light.
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I think I answered a similar ask like this but I'll do it again because I love to answer questions!! (I have a confession to make. I do not have a Spotify... so I can't do the viral wrapped thingy but I'm aware of it!)
I fully support Joker being older than you (teehee we stan mature older men around these parts!!)
That being said.. Joker grew up with good music like back when music meant something—not just mindless noise to add onto a video for likes.
He has an ear for jazz, crooner, classic R&B, and the occasional rock, heavy metal stuff if it has relatable lyrics (it channels his inner psycho don't judge him)
He cannot stand pop music or anything that's featured on the top 100's or played on repeat in a department store. He will stab someone over it. No questions asked.
If his Bunny is singing/dancing along to it he might make an exception because your voice is so soothing to him, it puts a different spin to the song. There's still a fifty fifty change he's tuning it out.
But he strongly believes all boy bands should be executed, no exceptions. That's where he draws the line.
Totally forgot I made a oneshot about Joker and music too!
Slippery When Wet lol...
Hope that answered your ask beloved! 🖤✨
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Omg I love your Navy CIS request 😍 Can we have another one where Reader faints? It's your choice how your gonna do it :)
Fully equipped, McGee and you stood at the door of the house where your suspect lived while Gibbs ran around the house to secure the back area and keep an eye on the back door in case Mike Lander thought he had to leave. Guns drawn, he nodded to you once more before knocking and leaning his body against the wall to prevent him from being shot through the door.
„NCIS, open the door!“
When nobody answered and there was silence in the house, McGee kicked the wooden door in. While he walked in front of you and secured the left to the kitchen, you walked further in and secured the bedroom. Nobody was there, but the special agent and you noticed quickly that the pot full of coffee was still relatively hot and the smell of freshly burned wood and ashes stung your eyes and nose; a fire has definitely been kindled recently.
„Tim, he is still here.“ you whispered to your partner.
„Y/N!“ did you heard him scream before something hit you with full force from the side and you flew through the entire room only to come to a standstill on the little coffee table that collapsed under you.
The impact took all of the air you had from your lungs and you closed your eyes while grimacing in pain. Your head felt like a cinder block and you felt something run down the back of your neck. Your vision was blurry and the corners of your eyes darkened. At that moment you were unable to move, as if your body was paralyzed.
„Boss, he is out front.“ Yelled McGee from the balcony before running to you but Gibbs was already gone. He had probably saw everything that had just happened in the glass front from his position.
He was kneeling in front of you and wanted to help you get up, but you just raised your hand and pointed towards the door. „Go get him, I’m fine.“ You said in a hushed voice and even if you saw that he hesitated and wanted to stay with you, he decided to chase after this guy.
You were left alone and gathered all your strength to free yourself from the table. Standing up didn’t work, so you turned to the right and dumped yourself from the hard wood to the rug on the floor.  With a sigh you tried to support yourself with your shaky arms to get up but before you pulled your legs up to shift your body weight onto your knees, two hands grabbed your elbows and pulled you up slowly.
"Easy. Are you okay?" it was Gibbs looking at you worriedly and reaching under your arms, you still weren't in the control of your own body.
But that didn't work for him. "Let me see," he slowly tilted your head to the side to get a better view of the back of your head and neck. "The hell you are, you're bleeding."
You hissed at his touch and winced when the gray-haired repeatedly went to the wound. Another wave of dizziness settled around you and you fell back a little. If he didn't still have a firm grip on you, you would probably be back on the ground.
"Does Tim got the bastard?" you asked after you slowly moved in the direction of the exit, Gibbs being your support while having an protective arm around your back.
"It doesn't matter now, I will take you to the hospital."
Patiently, Gibbs waited in the emergency doctors waiting room until they were done with your tests and he was called in by a nurse. While he sat on the chair across from your bed and vigorously checked you from top to bottom, you sat on the edge of the bed with a stapled wound on the side of your skull and still a little dazed from the painkillers you were given before.
After a while, a younger doctor came into the room and introduced himself to Gibbs. "How is she doing, doc?"
"So.." he started and took the stool out from under the desk. "The tests are inconclusive, which is good. However, from the impact you described to me, she got two broken ribs and suffered a moderate concussion, which is why she will probably continue to complain of headaches for a while."
"I can handle the complaints, I just want to know whether my agent can go home." he laughed and looked over at you.
You rolled your eyes playfully and couldn't help but laugh. Even if he was a hard shell on the outside that was very difficult to see through, he was on the inside gentle with his family, almost overprotective.
"She can go home. I will give her a few more painkillers for the next few days." said the brown-haired doctor and immediately turned to the computer to enter the recipes into the system. "However, she should not do any field activity until she has been 100% cleared by the on-duty doctor."
"Desk duty? How fun." you said sarcastically and turned to the doctor, but your head got stuck in half, the pain was too strong that you still felt despite the painkiller.
"Sorry about that, Agent L/N." he said and handed the instructions for taking the pills to your boss. "If she complains of very bad headaches, dizziness, nausea or even passes out, bring her back to the hospital immediately."
Gibbs nodded in understanding and took a closer look at the discharge papers while the doctor talked to you. "You are not allowed to wash your hair with shampoo, initially for the next 48 hours. You can get the blood out with lukewarm water, but let someone help you and please don't comb your hair in that area to prevent removing the clips."
After this instruction, he wished you a speedy recovery and disappeared from the door.
It was the next day you worked off your old files that you still had to work on anyway. Other than that, you were not allowed to do anything other than put information you found on the screen and go down to Abby to see what she'd found for you.
You didn't want to admit it but you felt worse than yesterday. The waves of dizziness you felt when you moved too quickly and the nausea you felt since yesterday evening made it hard for you to concentrate. You had already two pills of painkillers and you wouldn't get a third one from Gibbs, he clearly told you and you didn't want to draw any further attention to yourself.
"Hey, look. I brought you your favorite donuts." did you hear  a male voice speak and you looked up. Tim stood in front of you with a pack of 12 donuts and a big grin on his face.
Smiling, you took the box over to you and placed it on the free side of the desk."Thank you, Timmy but you don't have to give me anything. It's not your fault."
"Yes, it is. I didn't offer you the protection a partner has to offer." before he uttered the last words of the sentence, you talked in between. "Tim, it's okay. This is our job. You did what you had to do, we just didn't looked clearer the first time we went in."
He nodded, the guilt was written on his face while he stole one of your donuts and walked back to his place. He was worried and even if you said it wasn't his fault, he felt more than guilty so he tried it with small gifts and gestures, like helping you with your old files in his free time when you needed a break.
Hours went by that you worked, Ellie, Nick and Gibbs had also returned from field work and now were back at their desks. Your otherwise so happy charisma was betrayed by your face contorted with pain. You felt the worried looks from the squad on you so you tried to get away from them by going down to Abbys.
At least for a few minutes.
Abby let you know every single detail she found and about the evening with her brother but it just didn't seem to get into you head. As soon as you walked out of her door, almost everything she said was forgotten.
The dizziness seemed to get worse and you just barely made it to the top. In the middle of the bullpen you came to a standstill, your breath shallow and heavy. "Abby found out that.."
You couldn't go on talking. Something in you refused to speak, this abnormal dizziness took away your sight and you couldn't see anything but a blurred vision. "Y/N, what did she find out?" Gibbs asked you in concern.
He already stood up from his chair when he saw that you came walking, your face almost paler than the walls of the hospital he had to stare at. Almost immediately, he knew that something was wrong with you so he rounded his desk if he had to intervene and be near you.
It took you a few seconds to form a normal sentence after trying to look through the sight of a swaying ship. "Call an ambulance." you could answer before the lights turned off and you collapsed in the office.  
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spenciegoob · 3 years
The 4 Types of Manipulation
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A/N: hey hey hey cuties... just thought I’d drop in to tell you I love you and Harry Styles at the Grammy’s, oh and Miley Cyrus in general. Okay that’s it.
Summary: Spencer has to interrogate an unsub, but she has a few tricks up her sleeve.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem Unsub!Reader
Category: Not fluff, but not angst... angsty fluff? fluffy angst?
Content Warning: mentions of murder, manipulation, mentions of sex in the form of flirting, mentions of drug use, mentions of emotional abuse
Word Count: 2.8K
Nobody dared to take a breath out of place, every profiler was packed into the room watching with careful eyes at the sobbing girl in the interrogation room through the glass. No one knew what their first step should be, but I guess there’s a first time for everything, right? Winging it was not something anyone in the BAU enjoyed doing, each case needed a thought out plan.
But they’ve seen this unsub before, they know the profile, the history, they know her. So why was she crying so hard that the weight of her head became unbearable, leaving her only option to sob into the crooks of her elbows as best as she could with wrists cuffed to the table?
Nobody knew, except for Spencer Reid.
Emily was hesitant, as expected, to blindly send in one of the best agents she’s ever seen into the room that with each tear shed slowly morphed into a lion’s den. Reid deserved better, she knew that, especially since the last time they dealt with an unsub like this one, Spencer had to be so far out of the loop that the case almost broke him.
He put up a good fight though, and if the determination set in his eyes wasn’t enough to inform the unit chief that she was not winning this argument, his deviance to storm through the door, startling the young woman chained down definitely did.
Why was it always Spencer?
“P-please, I didn’t do anything.” Those were the first words anyone’s heard her say since the arrest, even if they were separated by sniffles and choked out sobs. 
Spencer just stared down at her, not taking the risk to further entertain the stuttering girl with wet cheeks and tired eyes.
“I promise I’m not a murderer. You have to believe me, please.” That promise whispered so quietly made with unbreakable eye contact urged him to take a second to reevaluate the situation.
She was apprehended in place of Jacob Hughes, the man they had originally been looking for. There was a chance she wasn’t complicit, a chance she was innocent. Maybe Jacob placed a hair of hers at the latest crime scene because he knew they were closing in.
Or maybe she is just as sick as he is. 
“Prove it,” Spencer said, his tone loud and assertive, leaving no room for argument. She didn’t plan on fighting his demand anyway.
“I- I haven’t seen Jacob for days. He drugged those men, and did h-horrible things. Those poor men.” This struck a nerve, everybody could tell, even the one person in this interaction that wasn’t a profiler. 
Spencer’s shoulders tensed for a millisecond, but she saw it. She saw what her words were doing to him, after all, he used to be one of those poor men she felt so sorry for.
Another loud sob echoed off the concrete walls before she bit her bottom lip and took a deep breath.
“I can’t believe he mur... did that to them. H-how could he?” Spencer watched as the young girl looked up to him like he held the answer to the million dollar question. He studied the way her eyes bounced around his face, looking for something, anything to relieve some confusion when it came to her fiancé.
“Jacob Hughes is what we call a vindictive narcissist and a sadist. He receives pleasure from hurting others, and in this case, drugging and torturing men because he feels he’s been wronged his whole life. The question, however, is why. I know you know, just like how I know you’re aware of his crimes.”
It was a blow so low it could’ve come from hell itself. Spencer regretted it immediately when he watched the way her whole body stiffened at the mention of her knowledge, but he had to be certain no matter the fallout.
“I-I still don’t understand. I’ve never seen him hurt anyone.” Denial, guilt and fear all jam packed into 3 little words that had his heart dangerously close to breaking. The sorrow in her eyes believable enough that Spencer left his standing position between the suspect and the door to sit directly across from her.
She watched his movements with careful eyes, only stealing glances from her peripherals before returning to her cuffed wrists.
“Maybe you’ve never seen him physically hurt anyone, but we know what he does to you.” It was the first and only time Spencer let any emotion, as fake as it was, show in his responses. How could he not try when the girl resumed her sobbing at the implication of her past deception from the man she loves? 
“You know nothing,” she whispered back, her tone laced with defensive anger.
“I know everything.” Was he challenging her?
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Was she challenging him?
“You know what it means.” Yes, he was.
“Do I?” Yes, she was.
The two stared at each other for the entire tone shift in the stuffy interrogation room. The other profilers on the other side of the mirror had no knowledge of how thick the tension had just become because unlike Spencer, they weren’t standing in the middle of it.
Small sniffles were the only noise breaking through the quiet until suddenly, they just stopped.
“Ugh, fine! You win this round. My eyes are starting to hurt from all this goddamn crying. Do people actually cry this much when you arrest them?”
Spencer leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms to clearly convey just how unamused he was with the girl’s antics. She watched him intently, picking apart every move down to the muscle trying to search for any indicators that her little performance worked even a fraction of what she was hoping for.
And she got her wish in the form of the agent’s fingers tapping lightly at his sides under perfectly muscular, if she may add, arms, because any other movement would have been too obvious.
Spencer Reid was getting nervous, because the second her facade faded, he lost the upper hand. She just had to get him trapped in here.
“Oh come on. Not even a ‘good job’? I wasn’t expecting full blown applause, but some appreciation for that show would be nice.” Still, Spencer gave her nothing. He needed her to keep talking, and filling silence was a sure way to make certain she did just that.
“I’ll tell you what you need to know, but first you have to admit that I had you fooled for a second there.”
“No.” Unexpectedly, instead of getting frustrated with Spencer’s refusal to play along, she just smiled brighter. This was exciting to her, and it was getting on his nerves.
“What gave it away? Did I look to the left before I spoke or something?” Spencer kept his mouth shut. “Come on, what’s my tell? Enlighten me.”
She copied his movements as Spencer leaned over the cool, metal table slightly, eyes racking over her face, lingering on certain parts for longer than others.
“No.” At this, she huffed back in her seat, leaving the close proximity that would later be used as a secret tool against the doctor before he had the chance to catch on. 
“If you’re just going to shut down every single one of my proposals, then why am I here?”
“You’re here because you’re a suspect in a series of 7 murders in the past 5 weeks.” She perked up at his words, amusement dripping from her features.
“Finally, Doc has something more to say than just ‘no.’ Tell me, was that so hard?”
“Ugh!” Rolling her eyes would be giving ammo to the enemy, but the urge to do so was quite strong. In fact, she almost did until she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the one way mirror.
“I’m serious when I say this,” she said, looking directly into Spencer’s eyes so he couldn’t accuse her of lying. “If you take the cuffs off, I’ll answer everything.”
“Please! They’re seriously starting to hurt. I put 100% into that performance, and now it’s coming back to bite me in the-”
“Fine!” Spencer stood up carefully, not walking around the table until he was certain the girl wasn’t a flight risk, or worse. When he did finally make his way over, she sat completely still, not taking her eyes off where his fingers grazed hers as the handcuffs unlocked.
A breath of relief escaped her as she rubbed her wrists with the opposite hands, eventually feeling the blood fully return to all 10 fingers.
“Thank you.” It was so vulnerable and raw that it knocked Spencer back for a second. They locked eyes, and something deeper than he was ready for passed between them.
He didn’t know what it was, all he knew was that he hated it so much that he tore his eyes away immediately to return back to his original spot seated across from her.
“Answer me this-”
“I’m gonna stop you right there.” Neither of them spoke for far too much time, and Spencer was growing more annoyed by the second.
“What?” It came out harsh, and mean, and downright cruel, but he couldn’t care less.
“Oh nothing, I just wasn’t going to answer anything. I really just wanted to fix my hair.” And, in being true to her words this time, she secured her hair into a messy bun using the elastic Spencer didn’t even realize was missing from his wrist.
“I’m putting the cuffs back on.”
“No wait,” she pleaded, halting Spencer’s move to get up. “They really did hurt, I wasn’t lying about that.”
“I don’t care.” He made his way over, forcefully grabbing both of her wrists before securing the handcuffs back on. Spencer only regretted his actions slightly when she winced at the metal now back to pressing into her skin.
“Yes you do. It’s your biggest flaw.” Instead of answering, Spencer just returned to his seat, leaning back with crossed arms. He didn’t need to listen to a psychopath tell him his flaws.
“You care too much,” she continued, not minding if he was listening or not. “It gets you hurt, other people hurt. I wish that wasn’t the case. You deserve better, Doc.”
Spencer didn’t engage, opting to gawk tiredly at the suspect, and watch the way her eyes flicker across his features, gauging for a reaction. She wasn’t done.
“Hey, okay, fine. I’m just messing with you,” she laughed, finally breaking her serious facade. “What? A girl can’t joke around while she’s being accused of murder?”
“Accused? Or caught?”
“Accused.” It was final, her tone immediately dropping to a fiery rage. Her defenses were up, and Spencer was never really good at playing on the offensive team.
This time, it was Spencer’s turn to analyze, watching the way the blood rushed to her cheeks with her rising anger level. How all of a sudden her eyes lost their playful glint, giving him the chance to fully see the soul buried deep in them. For a split second, she was completely unveiled right before his eyes.
Spencer, clearly not anticipating just how long the girl in front of him could hold her own, used his last bullet.
He placed the crime scene photos in front of her.
“You know who did this.” It wasn’t a question, he saw it in her eyes. Spencer watched the way they remained stoic even after looking at the bloody walls, and vacant eyes of the deceased.
“No.” Oh, how the tables have turned.
“Who are you protecting?” Her head shot up at his question, eyes flashing red before she blinked it away again. Subconsciously, she started to pick at her fingernails.
“No one.” It was a lie if he’s ever heard one. 
“You’re lying. Who is it?” 
“I’m not lying.” She wouldn’t even make eye contact with him. Instead, she gave her undivided attention to her shaky hands confined to the table.
“Yes, you are.”
“No, I’m not!”
“Enough! Who are you protecting?!” At this, Spencer stood up and slammed his hands against the table with a strong amount of force that she flinched hard enough to further irritate her wrists.
He felt awful, the bouncing back and forth between them should have given him enough indicators that she wasn’t lying out of spite. But he couldn’t back down, he had her cornered and her only way out was to tell the truth.
“No one.” She wouldn’t look at him, even as she whispered. “Please stop.”
Spencer truly believed that he had her in a bind, an inescapable one at that, but it wasn’t the truth. Oh no, what the profiler failed to realize was she had him where she needed him.
“I have no information to give you,” she whispered before tagging along. “I’m sorry.” It was the first time she apologized for something Spencer could have seen as an inconvenience.
He believed her, too.
“I shouldn’t have yelled.” That was his form of an apology. Spencer wasn’t going to go any further with it, even if she was coerced into lying by whoever the true unsub is, she was still getting on his nerves.
Her hands were still shaking at this point, and she wouldn’t meet his eyes. Spencer just slumped back into his seat, settling into the silence between them until ultimately he was either called out of the room, or she gave him another indication that her game hasn’t ended.
A loud sigh bounced off the walls. “I don’t care that you yelled in my face. You think it’s the first time a man’s done that? You’re not special, Doctor.”
“I never said I was.” So the game carries on, but this time, she didn’t smile at his sarcastic response. Leaning back in her chair, she huffed a breath before continuing.
“You really want to be though, don't you?”
She was pushing his buttons, trying so hard to dig under his skin till she was unremovable. She wanted Spencer to leave this room with her on his mind for the rest of his days.
She was close too.
“No, I don’t,” Spencer deadpanned, trying to keep a cool tone. If he continued to hand her the ammunition she needed, he would be left defenseless.
“Oh come on, loosen up. I was just joking.”  A smirk grew across her features, a thought crossing her eyes. One Spencer knew would not be in favor of his win tonight. “I could help you with that, you know.”
“No, I don’t know.” He did. Spencer wasn’t going to lie to himself and say that the woman sitting across the table wasn’t extremely attractive; she was. He just would never admit it aloud.
“I have a feeling you like to get rough, don’t you, Doctor?” She asked, sitting up and crossing her legs. The stare shared between the two of them was a mix between passion and anger, meeting in the middle to create a new kind of emotion.
“Is this fun for you?” She left out bait, and Spencer was stupid enough to fall for it. Emily once said that a pretty face slashed his IQ in half.
He couldn’t help but agree.
“Undo these cuffs, and I’ll show you what fun is.” She was toying with him now, and they weren’t going to get anywhere, but Spencer couldn’t find it within himself to get up and leave. She had him by the...
“I’m going to get that confession.” It was like he was five years old again, arguing on the playground with the older kids about how their insults didn’t make sense.
“What’re you going to do, punish me?” She asked, the last words in a hushed whisper. When Spencer’s cheeks grew hotter, and his eyes darker, she knew she had him.
“You do like to get rough! My, my, Doctor, you're keeping me at the edge of my seat here.” She let out a boisterous laugh before really digging the knife deeper. “Is that why you kept the cuffs on?”
Before he could snap back, the door flew open and Emily stood there with a tablet in her hand. “You need to see this.”
Spencer got up to leave, thankful for the reprieve even if he did have to return to the interrogation after speaking with Emily. He almost made it to the door before a voice called out behind him.
“Wait!” She called after him, the cuffs rattled when she instinctively went to reach for Spencer. “Aren’t you going to answer my question, Doctor.”
Playing chess his whole life, Spencer had never once played a game where Checkmate presented itself unexpectedly. He was always at least three moves ahead in his mind, seeing the inevitable end before he even began his gameplay. There was a first for everything, because his last move suddenly arose.
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arcticfox007 · 3 years
Suptober Day 1: Harvest
This is my first time doing Suptober and I probably won’t do every day (and am already a day late) but I thought it would be a good creativity boost and looking through all the other work it seemed like a lot of fun! Thanks to @winchester-reload for organizing this :)
Check it out on AO3!
Castiel hadn’t meant to overhear the conversation. He was supposed to be on break, but had volunteered to reset room 5 for the next patient because he knew his friend Alex had been in dire need of a break. Cas was only a volunteer, spending his junior year of college shadowing various medical professionals to get a better idea of what a career in medicine would really be like. When Alex had suggested shadowing one of the doctors she worked with, he’d readily agreed, knowing that his friend spoke highly of both Dr. Barnes and Dr. Fitzgerald.
He’d already spent the past few hours shadowing Dr. Fitzgerald (or Garth as he insisted on being called) and had seen enough to realize that Family Medicine was understaffed and struggling to do the best they could for their patients given the absurd constraints on their time. Garth was currently seeing a patient who didn’t want a stranger in the room, so the doctor had told Cas to grab some lunch. Cas had intended to do just that when he saw Alex making frantic phone calls at the front desk. When she’d hung up, she’d looked at the end of her rope, explaining to Can that one of the other nurses called out and she couldn’t find anyone to cover for them.
Which is how Cas ended up in room 5 wiping down the surfaces and pulling a new paper cover over the bed. Cas knew all about patient privacy, but really, the conversation easily carried into the room when the man who must be one of Dr. Barnes patients had decided to continue talking to her out in the hallway. The man had a compelling voice and by the time Cas realized he was eavesdropping it was too late to avoid it as leaving room 5 now would have only made the unsuspecting patient realize he’d been overheard.
“Um, and, I’m really sorry about this doc, but I probably can’t afford the bill for today’s services right away.”
“Dean, just call Meg like I told you. Our pharmacy here is amazing at finding co-pay cards for these types of medications.”
“I will talk to her, I swear. It’s just when we had to switch insurance plans the new one says the co-pay for that grade of medicine is $100 a dose. I’m honestly not sure I can make that work Dr. Barnes.”
“I understand, but you need this medicine Dean. Your RA will flare right back up without it. If that happens you eventually won’t be able to work at all. Even skipping doses is ill-advised, letting the inflammation persist could eventually cause permanent damage to your joints.”
“I get it doc, I do, but $400 a month? It’s basically choosing between eating and my ability to move without pain.”
“Dean, just talk to Meg. We will figure something out. At least promise me you’ll take the Humira every other week. I know it didn’t manage your symptoms well at the lower dose before, but it was still better than letting the RA go untreated.”
Dean must have responded to Dr. Barnes in some way Castiel couldn’t hear, because after a few moments the sound of footsteps echoed down the hallway, fading as they moved towards the front desk. Cas hurried out of room 5, the trash bag hanging unnoticed from his wrist. His heartbeat sped up as he worried that he wouldn’t catch a glimpse of “Dean” before he left the office. Cas didn’t really know what he was planning on doing, just that he couldn’t stand the thought of this man resigning himself to pain all because the healthcare industry was such an awful mess that it would burden someone with choosing food over medicine. Something about the way Dean had sounded reminded him so much of his sister, Anna, right before she had left Castiel forever. That feeling drew Cas forward to meet a man he didn’t know. Cas couldn’t solve Dean’s money problems, Cas couldn’t force the government to change how healthcare was run in the country, Cas couldn’t even make Dean’s medical issues any better – but he could meet this man and maybe make him smile for a moment. Maybe, if he was brave enough, he could offer him some sort of friendship so maybe he would have one more person to help him through his struggles. Cas had been too young to understand how alone Anna must have felt but he knew more about it now. Helping people like Anna was what had drawn Cas to medicine in the first place.
Turning the corner Cas was startled to see what could only be a 6-foot flannel-wearing freckled god. The man was Hollywood beautiful and for a moment Cas forgot what had brought him rushing around the corner in the first place. The sound of Alex pointedly snapping her fingers brought Castiel back to reality as he broke of his inappropriate staring. He felt his skin heat up rapidly as he blushed.
“Did you finish room 5, Castiel?” Alex stared at him expectantly. Silently, Cas handed over the trash bag and muttered something about taking his lunch break outside. Too embarrassed by his very obvious admiration of the man that must have been Dean, Cas didn’t think he could talk to him in front of Alex. He rushed out the front door in the hopes that the autumn air would help him pull himself together. He didn’t know why he’d felt so compelled to talk to a man who’s private and very personal conversation he’d overheard. He was almost glad that his humiliating gawking had saved him from speaking to the guy. After all, what would he have said anyway? The air alone wasn’t helping Castiel’s composure, so he began pacing in front of the building.
“I mean how do you go up to a stranger and tell them they aren’t alone and that good things do happen? It’s not like it wouldn’t embarrass the guy to know I overheard him talking about his money problems…” Cas froze as he heard someone clear their throat behind him.
“Uh, hey man. I actually came out to ask you something else, but I think this just got awkward.” Cas took a deep breath already knowing it was Dean standing behind him. Cas’ habit of muttering to himself when anxious had gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion, but never quite as badly as this felt. Sadly, his fervent wish to turn invisible on the spot was being ignored by the universe and he found himself staring into striking green eyes while wondering how he could possibly salvage this situation.
“H-hello Dean. I’m Castiel, and I can’t apologize enough for overhearing your conversation with Dr. Barnes. I swear it wasn’t intentional, I was cleaning out the room you were standing near and – “
“Whoa, hold up buddy. I’m not mad or anything. I mean, it wouldn’t be my topic of choice to start chatting up the hot new guy at my doctor’s office, but you clearly work in healthcare, I’m sure you’ve heard the same thing from lots of folks.” Cas’ brain froze a bit when Dean referred to him as hot, but then it caught up with what he was actually saying.
“Er, actually I’m just shadowing Dr. Garth for the day, but yes, I have heard stories like yours. My sister, Anna, went through something similar. That’s why I wanted to say something to you but wasn’t sure what. Then I actually saw you and, well, you saw. I’m not really good with subtlety. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable.” Dean threw his head back with a barking laugh and Cas found himself staring at the beautiful man yet again.
“Having someone like you checking me out definitely doesn’t make me uncomfortable. If it makes you feel better, I came out hoping to ask if you’d be interested in going to the Harvest Festival tonight. I have to work for a bit at my store’s booth but if you were free around 7, I’d love to talk with you more. Even if it’s just whatever you wanted to talk to me about before.” Dean smiled flirtatiously at Cas, and there was no way to resist that.
“Yes, I’d love to! Where should I meet you?”
They exchanged information quickly, and parted ways with matching smiles. Cas would get his chance to tell Dean how his sister gave up her fight with cancer because she knew her treatments were bankrupting the family. He’d tell him how he’d was hoping to be a doctor himself one day to maybe help someone else like Anna win their fight despite the shitty healthcare system. He’d also tell Dean that he’d chased him down the hall because he’d desperately wanted to tell him that maybe they were strangers, but that he hoped Dean didn’t give up and that he’d be willing to be there for him if having a friend would help.
Now though, Cas thought maybe he’d already made Dean’s day a bit brighter, and he looked forward to getting to know the handsome man better. Maybe his impulse to offer his friendship to a stranger wasn’t as insane as it first seemed, and if Castiel was reading things right perhaps friendship wasn’t the only thing they had to offer one another.
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banannabethchase · 2 years
on A03
The time after surgery is painful and messy, but, sometimes, the pain medication reawakens memories in the darkness of sleep.
For my dearest Shannon @scribeshan, who shares wisdom in my most frustrated moments. Love you dear!
“Please, don’t leave me.”
Toby turns around from where he’s organizing Happy’s clothes. He'd hoped they'd be out of here sooner, but the surgery was longer and more complicated than they'd expected. “Hap? You okay?”
Her response is a quiet murmur, nothing quite like words, and it’s clear she’s still asleep.
“Shh,” he comforts, walking next to her bed. He rests a hand on top of hers as she sleeps, still hesitant to overstep. “Shh, I’m not going anywhere.”
“No,” she whimpers, “no, don’t – don’t go…” She trails off with a heart shattering sob, something ripping from so deep in her soul that it makes Toby’s eyes prickle.
“Nobody’s leaving you,” he assures her. “I promise you, never again.”
She pulls at his hand as she rolls over, and he gets tangled in the IV. He has no choice – he has to crawl his awkward way into the hospital bed, with the desperate goal of not yanking her IV out or breaking something. “Please.”
“I promise you,” Toby says, his lips close enough to her ear that all he has to do is whisper, “I’m never leaving you. Never.”
They continue like this for longer than Toby wants to consider, her broken, aching cries and his reassurances that he’s going nowhere, He soothes as best as he can, comforts with words he’s not sure she can understand, but it’s all he can do. He wishes he could pull these moments out of her mind, remove whatever memory was triggered by the pain medication and give her the rest she so deeply needs.
He doesn’t recognize when he falls asleep. He only knows it was after she calmed herself into silence. He can’t help the heartache that it’s just silence to him and maybe not in her own mind, but the possibility that she had solace was enough to allow him to sleep.
He wakes up instantly at his name from her lips, adjusts himself so he can see her face. “Hey, sweetheart, how are you feeling?”
“Like I got shot in the leg,” she grumbles. “What’s with the face? You look like you’re the one who got shot.” She narrows her eyes. “Doc, what’s wrong?” Her eyes widen in panic. “Holy shit did I lose the leg or something?!” She throws up the blanket and relaxes as she counts two legs at 100% coverage. “Oh, thank fuck, I was worried I would have to relearn how to walk or something.” She relaxes back against the pillows. “That’s a relief.”
He wants to feel relaxed, like she looks, but he’s still worried. Plus, she's awake with pain medication. She probably is as relaxed as she looks, at least right now.
“What?” she asks. “What’s – you look like someone died or something. Are you okay?”
“Do you remember anything from last night?” he asks gently. “Anything we talked about?”
“Honestly, I don’t remember anything since being shot,” she says with a shrug. But there’s something there – something just barely there in a frown that no one but Toby might recognize.
He waits. He’s learned that waiting will always give him more than pushing it. But it’s still so, so hard.
“I think I might have had a dream.” He waited seven minutes and fourteen seconds for that response.
“I thought you might have,” he replies. “Do you want to talk about it?”
She shrugs. “Not sure. How do you know I had a dream?”
“You were talking,” he says.
Happy stares at him. “I don’t talk in my sleep. That’s your weird thing.”
“Pain medication does weird things to the sleeping process,” he explains. “You should have seen Walter the night he got his appendix out. You were at home, but I was there listening to him babble about how he thought lemons were the foundation of all physics because of some weird chemical they had.” Toby shakes his head. “It ended with him saying, ‘just because the universe smells like raspberries doesn’t mean it can’t belong to lemons!’ It was nuts.”
“Did I rant about fruit?” she asks, with a the slightest of smiles.
He shakes his head. “Um, yours wasn’t as…” He trails off, looking for the right word. “Lighthearted.”
Her smile drops. “Yeah, I figured.” She’s quiet again. Such long, empty, aching quiet. Toby wants to dive in her mind, search for the memory and take it away from her so she doesn’t have to speak or hurt about it. He would hold it hostage so it could never get harm again.
“My dad,” she finally says. Seven minutes and fifteen seconds. “I dreamed about – about my dad. When he dropped me off.” Her eyes study her hands. “I have that dream sometimes, that day comes back as a nightmare every once in a while, but this time..." She shivers. "This time it was so – so real.” She looks at him, and he sees those tears brimming. He knows how the pain meds make you vulnerable, sensitive, weak to the things that may break you down. Happy Quinn hates to cry, but Happy Quinn is on dilaudid. “Why was it so real?”
“Pain meds are both a miracle and a curse,” he settles on. “Dreams can get incredibly vivid. I – I tried to help.” He leans in and kisses her forehead so she can’t see how disappointed he is in himself. “I don’t think it did much, though.”
“That’s the thing, though,” she says, and she winces as she moves her shot leg to cuddle up against him better, resting her head on his chest, “there was a point where – he didn’t look back, not him, but somebody else took my hand and told me it would be okay. And then the dream changed and it was our wedding again. I felt safe.” She burrows into his chest even further, yanking him close to her. “You made me realize everything was okay. That I was safe." She threads their fingers together. "You’re my safety, Toby.”
Something swells in his heart and he pulls her close as he can without hurting her. “You’re mine, Hap,” he says, speaking into her hair with everything he feels for her. “You’re my happy, Happy.”
“Oh, don’t make the moment dumb,” she giggles, but she slowly transitions the laugh into a yawn. “Why am I tired again?”
“Same reason as before,” he explains. “Plus, you got shot. The more time you spend asleep, the quicker your leg will heal.” He moves to get out of the bed, but she grabs his shirt.
“Stay,” she says. “I want to be able to find you if I have a bad dream again.”
“Okay,” he agrees. He presses a soft kiss to her lips, then arranges himself so she gets the most of the bed and her leg is in the best possible position for comfort and healing. “Goodnight, Bunny.”
“Night, Doc.” But her words are already thick with exhaustion.
She falls asleep, and, this time, there is nothing but soft snoring.
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Chaos Therapy
Session #4
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Summary: You were assigned to a field mission, with particulars co-agents, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. One mission turned into multiples. After each missions you are debriefed by a therapist, Dr Noach just as Sam and Bucky. Thing is, they don’t know that you are much more than an agent.
Warnings: pining, bit of angst, Buck/Sam bickering, violence (fights against enemies), mild swearing (still real bad at warnings)
Published: 2021-02-21 Completed: 2021-03-30
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“Lettonia?” You fastened your weightlifting gloves looking back at Bucky.
“We have a lead on Zemo.” his face fell a little
“Hey” you searched for his eyes “kick his ass for me,”
His smile returned a hearthy chuckle leaving his lips, hesitantly his hand reached your forearm brshing down to your fingertips, he took a step forward and pressed a kiss to your temple, your eyes closed on their own and you squeezed his hand in yours, he let his forehead rest against yours.
"See you in a few days," he whispered, you nodded and he took a step backward,
"Don't kill each other," 
You watch him go, his broad back passing the gym door. Your stomach immediatly churning, "Buck!" you ran out the gym, he was waiting at the elevator, "Bucky!" he panicked seeing you ran to him.
"Doll,"  your fingers interlaced with his dog tags, you stopped the motion your face inches from him, his eyes fall on your lips. A tug on his dog tags and your lips collided, his arms circled your back, a hand splayed on your waist the other   slowly going up your spine to your nape as your free one caressed his face, feeling the pricks of his beard under your delicate fingers.
“Bucky, I .. “ the ding of the elevator distracted both of you for a second “I’ll have to tell you something,”
“you’re okay ?” the worry in his eyes had you tongue-tied, your hands tightened on his shirt. “Yea, yea just .. be careful out there,” the smile you gave him unknitted his brows, his hands brushed your arms.  You couldn’t bare to tell him, not now, he will know the truth soon enough anyway. He hesitantly leaned in pecking your lips before getting on the elevator. 
“What’s going on ?” Sam squinted his falcon eyes at Bucky who did everything to avoid his scrutinous look.  “Oh, oooh you and Y/n finally!!” Sam let out a proud laugh, clasping Bucky’s shoulder.
  “Y/N what do you make of their duo?”
“It works somehow. I know it seems unbelievable especially when you see them from the outside. The thing is, they both lose Captain Rogers, the person that believe in them both and now they can only count on each other and believe in each other that’s why it works. Sam believe in Bucky being able to heal and get redemption, while Bucky believe in Sam being worthy of the Shield. The constant bickering is their way of showing their affection. They have a strong teamwork.” you conclude.
Noach nods, all the while analyzing your features.
“Thank you, they’re another mission coming up_”
“Yes ma’am. But I’m not allowed to join them for this mission,”
“I know, I’ve talked with the Director, that’s a shame, it’s a big one,” you both stand up and she walks you to the door “Y/N” she stops “I’m planning on ending the therapy when they come back from this mission.”
“What is it?” she says seeing your face fell.
“You know exactly,” you passes your badge on the elevator sensor. 
“It was necessary,”
“They won’t like it,”
“They? Or he?” you gave her a grave look, “You want me to say that I shouldn’t have engage anything with Bucky,”
“No, I don’t blame you, you’re both human attraction is normal. Though now a long discussion with him awaits you.” Your head tilt back knowing too well she was right.
Sam and Bucky were back from Lettonia, you had some undone work back in the cave you didn’t have the time to greet them yet.
“Now, in order to round off our work here, I needed a closer look at your teamwork and general relationship,”
“You bugged us, Doc?” Sam scoffed, you facepalm behind the one-way mirror.
“Not exactly. I need you to know it was necessary to prove that your duo was fit for combat,” she turned to the mirror behind her nodding. Your cue, clenching your hand on the door handle, the voices inside increased as you pushed it.
“Agent Y/F/N mission was to evaluate your compatibility and capacity to work as a team, outside those therapy sessions. Agent Y/L/N beside her I.T work is a trained therapist,” 
“That’s some fucked up therapy,”
“Mr, Wilson,_” you blocked their discussion as you were focused on Bucky’s reaction. His clenched fits on his thighs, his locked jaw and his gaze fixated on the wall before him. You jumped slightly as he stood up and left the room. Noach and Sam looked at you stopping their discussion. “I’ll be right back,” quickly walking out, you breathe in deeply. Bucky’s back facing you, the tension in his stance visible.
“Bucky,..” he glanced on the side
“I’ve been lie too for a longtime Y/n, ..” taking a step forward carefully you observed his side profile “I guess you can hurt me in the end,”  his voice melted with anger and sorrow stopped you, the lump in your throat getting bigger, the prickling in your eyes accentuating.
Biting your lower lip, you tried to find your voice back. Like approaching a wild wolf, you were on edge yet cautious, reaching his shoulder you softly pulled on it “Please look at me,” he turned around but his eyes never reached yours, his hands on his hips you took them gently, interlacing your fingers with his. Against what you thought he didn’t reject you. His eyes still cast away, you rested your forehead on his chest, closing your eyes, you felt his hands twitched in yours, his chest heaving a little faster.
“You have to understand,…” your murmured feeling your throat tightened.
“you could have told me!” he spoke quietly yet the tightness in his voice showed his anger.
“Really though,” an anxious smirk reached your mouth for a millisecond “it was my mission Buck. I .. I didn’t plan on falling for you, it changed a lot of things.” He stayed silent at your confession; panic took over, his silence giving you the chills. Clearing your throat after an odd silent long second, you let go of his hands, taking a step back, and took your most serious professional voice “Please come back in the room, Dr Noach has some more questions.”
Noach arched an eyebrow seeing you enter the room alone, you sat next to her, facing Sam. Like Noach predicted Sam was “easier” to get by, he was still reluctant obviously but not closed to discussion. Bucky never came back in the room, before leaving Noach gave you gentle smile squeezing your upper arm.
“You won’t have to see much of me now, don’t worry,” you said to Sam who slowed down to a stop next to the elevator.
“Well, we’re not through it yet, the director of intelligence asked to see the three of us,”  you stepped into the elevator with him.
 “As you know the image of super-heroes is not at his best. After the few events with the flag smashers and the chaos in Lettonia” he looked at the boys gravely “the governments are not willing to brush this away as nothing happened. Moreover, rumor has it flag smashers are still quite upset about the docks operation. I suggest you lay low for a few days, weeks maybe. I can’t have you fighting flag smashers around the country, and cause much more mishaps,”
Sam clapped is hand all of sudden, turning to you and the silent Bucky next to you “Mi casa es su casa,”
You look at them wondering, Bucky avoiding your eyes. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.” you left the room after the director dismissed you.
Starting your way to the elevator you paused hearing your name, “Sam’s house is safe, and you will be safer with us,” Bucky’s concerned warmed your heart.
“Hurts me to say it but tincan’s right,”
Although you knew they were 100% right, spending 24/7 with them, moreover around Bucky, it would have been great if it wasn’t for the fact that he totally despised you at the moment.
Passing by your place you grabbed a backpack and shove a bunch of random clothes in it. Sam and Bucky were waiting in the car. Seating down on your bed, the exhaustion caught up with you, your mind going blank, staring into the void.
Bucky look in the rear-view mirror “She’s taking too long,” Sam hummed. “Maybe we should check on her,”
“Maybe,” Sam looked at Bucky, pushing up his sunglasses onto his nose, reclining his seat and crossing his arms. Bucky rolled his eyes opening the door with a bit too much force that it cried out.
A knock on your door made you jump, blue eyes met yours, he was standing there at your bedroom door. He looked around taking everything in, if you were both in another mindset it would be thrilling.
“We have to go, the longer we stay here_ “ 
“I know, sorry,” grabbing your pack you slide down your bed, opening on your drawer near the door you grabbed the gun in it, slipping in your pants. Bucky eyed you, hands in his pocket. 
He didn’t budge as you passed by him. His aura embracing you, overwhelming your senses. Daring a glance behind at him, his eyes were lost on you, his lips moved as he was about to say something but as soon as he refocused his jaw clenched a second. “Let’s go,” he walked to the door, you squint your eyes unwilling to see him past you so coldly. A warmth enveloping the hand holding your bag brought you back, his flesh hand brushed yours as he grabbed your pack, then left without looking back.
“So, we’re just going to follow orders?”
“It cannot hurt,” Sam glanced in the rear-view mirror “we all need some time off...” The ride was so awkward Sam was trying to loosen up the mood every so often, you tried to keep up with him but at one point you were too exhausted and fell asleep.
Bucky kept glancing at your sleeping form curled in the backseat. “When we get there you two will talk!” I’m not spending a week or more with a depressed cyborg and a torned beautiful woman!” Bucky frowned at Sam, “I haven’t dealt with that kind of problem, in a while.” he sighed the all sentence.
“Well, get with it!” Sam’s voice woke you up, “Good timing, we’re here!” The light blue and white big house appeared before you. “Sam that’s a really nice place!”
“Thanks, in the family for generations!” he was rightfully proud of the building.
“Rooms are upstairs,” he turned around letting his duffle bag hit the ground, the both of you standing awkwardly 2 feet apart.
“I don’t want to hear anything…” his look paused on you then Bucky his look insisting. You rolled your eyes at the insinuation. “I’ll be upstairs if you need me.” You drag yourself up the wooden stairs.
“Dinner at 9, Everyone pitch in to cook, house rule,”
“Believe me Wilson, you don’t want me near fire and sharp knives.” You yelled from the landing, missing Bucky hiding a smile as he joined Sam in the living room.
“Here,’ Sam walked down the pier, handing a bottle of beer to Buck who was watching the sunset.
“You know she had to keep it from us,” Sam calmly said, his VA side resurging.
“I know,”
“And that she wouldn’t feel so bad if she didn’t care about you,” Seeing Bucky staying silent his brows knitted, Sam stood up “Man, you got to talk to her, she reached out it’s on you now,”
“You realized it’s not that easy,”
“It is, you walk up to her, show or tell her what’s on that cyborg brain of yours, and that’s it, avoiding her it’s not the right way to do it.”
After a good shower you sat by the window overlooking the pier, the boys were on the dock enjoying a beer. “It’s gonna be fine,” you pep talked yourself eyes trained on Bucky’s silhouette.
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Session #5
Published: 2021-02-21 Completed: 2021-03-30
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
“All you have to do is ask.” Chapter 6 - [Reid x Reader]
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Summary: After a long stretch of crimefighting, Reader and Spencer finally get a chance to spend some time together. Reader is ready to give Dr. Reid the proper introduction to female domination and BDSM he asked for.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x (Female) Reader
Category: 85% Smut, 10% Fluff, 5% Angst.
Word Count: 7.9k for Chapter 6
Content Warnings: BDSM, Femdom, thigh riding, pegging, orgasm denial, spitting, slapping, bondage, sub drop, aftercare, brief mention of menstruation (just in case that needs a warning). This chapter is filthy, y’all. 
A/n: Before we begin, I wanted to give a small warning. When I started this story, I wanted to give an honest portrayal of BDSM/Femdom. The before, during, and after are equally important. Sub/Dom drop is a very real and emotional thing. But don’t worry, Reader is always there for our nervous boy.
y/n = your name. y/l/n = your last name. Italicized text is Reader’s thoughts.
-- Chapter 6 – “Dirty thing” --
Things started to move so fast after Illinois. We arrived home late Sunday night only to be called back out on Monday morning to assist the Tucson Police with a child abduction. We were finishing up the paperwork when the call came in from Florida about a series of car-jackings that weren’t really car-jackings.
It had been more than 2 weeks since that night in the hotel room, and all I had since then were just moments with my Dr. Reid. He sat next to me on the plane sometimes, his hand resting on my thigh when he was certain no one could see. He had placed a kiss on the back of my neck while we were standing in the conference room in Florida. I was surviving on these stolen moments.
Spencer seemed to be happy with our first BDSM experience together, which was a relief to me. I had never had a submissive that was inexperienced before. I felt a great deal of pressure where he was concerned; I knew the toll one bad partner could have on a person.
Some nights Spencer would call me from his hotel room. I would give him instructions on how I wanted him to touch himself; listening to his desperation grow every time he brought himself to the edge and I pulled him back. We experimented a bit with degradation. Learning the complexities of Spencer Reid was quickly becoming one of my favorite pastimes.
After Florida we made a brief stop in Alabama; Hotch informed us that we were only spending one night here and that we would be departing at 7:30 am the following morning. Our unit chief also swore that we were going to have the weekend off; no interruptions. I’ll believe it when I see it, was all I could think. Glancing around to the rest of the team, I could see they agreed with me.
We all had separate rooms that night, thankfully. If I had to listen to Emily snore for one more night, I might lose my mind. I wasn’t sure how JJ did it. Coming into my room, I kicked my shoes off and headed for the bed. I pulled my phone out of my bag before I very unceremoniously flopped down on the bed. The pace of the last 2 weeks was starting to wear on me.
I brought up my text messages when there was a hesitant knock on my door. It was just past 8 pm; it was risky, but I knew it had to be Spencer. I hurried towards the door, throwing it open to reveal his sheepish face. Wasting no time, I grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him into the room.
“What are you doing?” I hissed. “Someone could have seen you.”
"I'm not allowed to go to my friend's room to hang out?"
He has a point. “Well, you never know! It’s better to be safe.”
His full lips turned down into a pout. “I just wanted to spend some time with you. I missed you, y/n.” Is my heart fluttering like that a sign of a medical problem? I wondered. “And not just the…stuff we do. I just…I just missed being with you.”
How could I stay mad at that? “I missed you too, baby.” I took his hand in mine, guiding him over to the bed. He propped up on the pillows beside me, both hands coming up to loosen his tie.
“Can I ask you a question?”
I snorted a bit. “Yeah, Doc, I think you can ask me anything you want at this point.”
“Well,” his cheeks were starting to turn pink. “We’ve been…” I wonder what he’s gonna call it. “…serious”Hmm, that’s fair. “for almost 4 weeks now, 27 days and 14 hours, give or take, depending on when you wanted to say this started.”
“Get to the point, darling.”
“Right,” he muttered. “Well, we’re supposed to have this weekend off. And I don’t have any plans.” He dropped his eyes to his hands which were twisting nervously. “I understand if you have plans, of course. Or you’re just not in the mood. Statistically speaking, given the time we’ve spent together,” your likely to have your period soon-“
“Woah,” I interrupted. “Let’s pump those breaks, Doc.” Spencer looked horrified that he had rambled on so much and equally relieved that I had stopped him. “First of all, I have an IUD. I don’t get my period very often.” I can’t believe he’s talking about my period. “And second, the only plans I have this weekend involve grocery shopping and laundry.”
“Oh,” he said quietly. “Me too.”
I pulled my lips together between my teeth to try and suppress my smile. “Are you asking about my weekend plans because you’re interested in being a part of them? Or just out of curiosity?” Come on, Doc. All you have to do is ask me.
“I was-I was wondering if you wanted to spend some time together this weekend? If you’re not busy.”
My sweet, sweet boy. I stretched my body up, bringing my lips to his. I brushed my mouth over his in a very sweet and unhurried kiss. “No, Doc. I’m not busy.” I felt his lips smile against my own. “And maybe we can try some new things if you’re interested.”
“I’m more than interested in everything related to you,” he breathed against my lips.
It was decided that Spencer would come to my apartment Saturday in the early evening. I left the exact time up to him, in case he had anything he needed to do on this rare weekend off.
It was around 2 pm when my phone chimed with a text message from him.
“What time is okay for me to come over?”
I laughed out loud; I should have expected this. “Whenever you want, Doc.”
His response was immediate, which was also rare. “Can I come over now?”
“Sure, Doc. But I want you to bring something with you.”
I pulled open the door a short time later to find a very nervous looking Spencer Reid. Even out of work, he was still dressed the same as always. He had dark slacks on, a navy shirt, and a cardigan, he had forgone the tie today, and he was clutching the strap of his messenger bag for dear life.
“Hi, Doc,” I greeted him with a huge smile before waving him in. I saw him taking inventory of my apartment. From the art on the walls to the rug on the floor to the books on the bookshelf. "You need a bigger bookshelf," he said at last.
He wasn’t wrong. “I suppose I do. But not all of us can have a whole wall as a bookshelf, Doc.” I put my hand on his arm, pulling him into my living room, then down onto my couch. His entire body was tense, his eyes moving around nervously. I leaned closer, putting my hand on the side of his face, drawing his gaze to meet mine.
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” I reminded him.
“I want to do this. I do.” He swallowed nervously, flexing his fingers. “I just…I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what’s going to happen. And I don’t want to mess up. And I’m so nervous that I’ll do something wrong.”
I leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Hey, hey. Take a breath. I’m serious. Take a deep breath.”
He rolled his eyes but complied.
“Spencer, I don’t expect you to just come in here and jump into a world that you’ve never been a part of before. I’m nervous too.”
That had his eyes widening. “You are? But why? You know what you’re doing.”
It doesn’t feel like I do. “Every person is different, Spencer, and I haven’t cared about a submissive the way I care about you in a long time.” My boy smiled at that. “Before we do anything, we’re going to let you get comfortable. I’m not going to do anything that we haven’t already discussed. If you feel uncomfortable, say “yellow” and I will pull back. If you don’t want to do anything more, say “red” and we will stop right then.”
He bit his full bottom lip, his eyes widening as he continued to meet my gaze. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”
Just when I think my heart can’t possibly handle another crack in it. I cupped his jaw in both of my hands. “You could never disappoint me, Spencer. Never.” I said the words with 100% sincerity and honesty. It was true. “Even if you decide this isn’t what you want and you walk out right now, I’ll never be disappointed.” If he left right now I would feel a lot of things, but disappointment in him wouldn’t be one of them.
“Okay,” he breathed. “Can…Can I kiss you now? I don’t know-“
I leaned closer, my lips hovering millimeters from his own. “Yes,” I whispered. “You can kiss me.”
His lips were tender as they brushed mine. It was like nothing we had done previously mattered, my nervous boy was still so afraid, but still so desperate and so curious.
I pulled back right as his tongue flicked over the seam of my mouth, resting my forehead against his. “Let’s not get carried away,” I chuckled. “I still need to talk to you.”
Spencer sat back, his hands folded on his lap, looking at me expectantly.
Forever the eager student. "The scene begins when I send you into the bedroom alone. It ends when you cum. That can always change if you decide you want it to stop." He needed to know that. “Since this is your first experience, I want you to be prepared for some pretty intense emotions once we’re done, I promise I’ll be right here with you to get you through anything, should you feel it.” My boy’s eyes were wide, but he nodded. Still so trusting. “I’ll be using toys on you this time. I ordered them a few weeks ago and they’ve all been sterilized.”
His brow quirked at that. “You had to buy them?”
It was impossible to contain my laugh. “I didn’t think you’d be okay with toys that had been used on other people, no matter how well I sterilized them.”
The horrified expression on his face did nothing to help me suppress my laughter.
“Anyway,” I went on, still attempting to get myself under control. “I have various sizes for different things. I assume you’ve never done any sort of anal play on your own?”
There’s that blush. “No, y/n, I haven’t. Does that matter?”
“No, sweet boy, not in the way you think. I just want to make sure you’re comfortable. So, we will start with smaller sizes. If you decide you like it, we’ll work up to bigger ones. Or if you like the small ones, we can stick with those.”
He was shifting his hips unconsciously. “You’d be okay with that?”
Moving quickly, I lifted my leg over both of his, my hands pushing his shoulders to the back of the couch, my heat settling over his cock. He’s already a little hard, I thought with a smirk. I leaned forward, my mouth finding the softness of his neck, my lips skimming down to his pulse point before placing a soft kiss there.
Spencer groaned softly, his hands resting on my hips. He knew our scene hadn’t started yet, which made him bolder with his touch.
Kissing my way up to his ear, I took the lobe between my teeth, tugging softly, before I spoke. "I just want to fuck you, Dr. Reid. I don't care what size cock I fuck you with." I don't know if he shivered at the feeling of my breath against him or at my words. Hopefully both. I placed one last kiss on his neck before I moved off of him.
His bewildered expression amused me greatly. “But, before any of that, did you bring what I asked?”
It took my brilliant boy a second to remember what I was talking about. He reached for the messenger bag beside him. “Yes,” he muttered, opening the bag to pull out several books. “But I wasn’t sure what sort of book you wanted me to bring. So, I brought a few different options.” He set 4 books down on my coffee table. “What are they for?”
“You’re going to read to me,” I said, not attempting to hide my smile.
"…I am?" At my nod, he said, "Oh..okay. Do you want to do that now?”
“Don’t look so disappointed, baby.” I held out my hand to him. “Come with me.”
Curious as ever, my boy followed me into my bedroom, his eyes scanning over the bed, resting on the small chest that sat at the end of it.  
“…Are we…” he trailed off.
"Sort of. I wanted to try something first before we officially start.” I turned to him, my fingers moving slowly up his chest until I reached his collar. “It will help me get you ready for later. Is that okay?” Still so nervous. Spencer nodded quickly; his pupils were already beginning to dilate. I rose up on my tiptoes to press a kiss to his pouty mouth.  "We're not really in a scene right now. I know that can be confusing, and it's not something I would normally do, but you've never done this, so I thought it would be best." I pressed another kiss to his jaw.  "You can touch me, just not under my clothes yet. Alright, baby?"
He mumbled his response while I pulled him forward until the back of my knees hit the bed, bringing him tumbling down with me. His hands tangled in my hair when my mouth found his. I didn’t pull away this time when his tongue flicked over my lips. I let him in with a soft sigh, moving my hands to tug on his soft, messy curls. I shifted until my pelvis was aligned with his, beginning to rock slowly.
This whole exercise was a bit of a tease, but I needed for him to be aroused for what I had planned. The more aroused he was the better.
I tugged his shirt out of the waistband of his pants, running my hands underneath the fabric. "Hey," he whispered, pulling back to smile at me. I ignored the way my heart fluttered at his tone. “You said not under the clothes.”
Smiling back at him, I hooked my leg around his hips, pulling him down further. I used that momentum to flip him onto his back while I straddled him. He looks so surprised, I thought smugly. He knows I help teach seminars on defensive tactics.  
“Wrong again, Dr. Reid,” I murmured, my lips moving down his cheek to his jaw, to his ear. “I said you couldn’t put your hands under my clothes, baby,” I whispered against his ear. “I can do whatever the fuck I want to you.” I brought my hand up to wrap around his throat, applying a small amount of pressure to each side. I pressed my still covered pussy against the bulge in his pants. “Isn’t that right, baby?”
Spencer didn’t even wait until the words were out of my mouth before he started to whimper. I lifted my body until I was sitting up then I brought my hands to his belt. My fingers were unzipping his fly before I spoke again. “I asked you a question, Dr. Reid. Or does that memory of yours stop working when you become a whimpering, needy little mess?” My words were harsher than they had ever been with him before; he’d really enjoyed the degradation we had done so far and said he was open to pushing it a bit further. Ask and you shall receive, baby.
I moved off of him then, rising to my feet at the side of the bed. First, I slid his shoes off. Then I reached up to pull his pants down. Then my thumbs hooked in the waistband of his underwear. I let out an exaggerated sigh as I climbed back on top of his body. My lower body was still completely covered but he was bare from the waist down.
He wasn’t prepared for when my right hand shot out and grabbed his face. My thumb digging into the left side of his face. “That’s twice you’ve not answered me, Dr. Reid.” I lifted my hand from his face and quickly brought it back down quickly. Not as hard as I had the last time we were together like this. Not yet.
“I’m sorry, Miss,” he whimpered. “I’m so sorry.”
“Are you?” I moved my hand down to grip his hard cock in my hand, squeezing him, enjoying the way his eyes fluttered at the action. “I don’t know if I believe that, Dr. Reid.” My hand was pumping him steadily now. “I think you need to apologize a bit better than that.”
His eyes shot open and he subconsciously licked his lips, causing me to chuckle and still my hands movements. “Oh no, you can’t have that. You haven’t earned that, my nervous boy. Look at you. Look how much your cock is leaking precum already.” I brought my hands up unbutton his shirt. “You’re just a needy thing, aren’t you? It’s almost pathetic.”
Spencer was shifting his hips again, trying to get some sort of friction. “I’m sorry, Miss.”
Once his shirt was unbuttoned, I brought my hands up to his throat, leaning down to kiss the tip of his nose. “I know.” I lifted up, raking my nails down his pale chest. “Which is why you’ll be my good boy now, won’t you?”
He nodded quickly, his eyebrows coming together when I moved off of him. I knelt in front of the trunk at the end of my bed. He propped himself up on his elbows as I opened the chest and pulled two items out before I moved back over towards him.
“Move up the bed, lay in the center.”
Crawling back onto the bed, I hovered above him, before I began to move down his body. I kept eye contact with him the entire time. It’s okay, baby. I would never hurt you. “Do you know what this is, Spencer?”
I think hearing his name surprised him; he forgot that we weren’t technically in a scene yet. I had only acted this way because I wanted to bump his simmering arousal up to a flaming inferno. I knew my boy would become more nervous if he wasn’t a whimpering, desperate mess. He nodded.
I pushed his legs up until his knees were bent, then I kissed up his right thigh, moving towards his cock. “I want you to be ready for when I fuck you.” I offered in way of explanation right before I moved to run my tongue up the underside of his cock.
Spencer threw his head back, tossing it against my pillows. I wrapped my fingers around the base of his cock while I moved him into my mouth. I didn't suck as hard as I normally did, instead of letting saliva slip from my mouth to coat him. After a few moments, I pulled off.
"I want you to touch your cock, Spencer," I said, uncapping the lube. "You're not allowed to cum. Remember that when you touch yourself. If you get so close that it's painful to stop, you have no one to blame but yourself. And if you cum, I will punish you."
His Adam's apple bobbed, his eyes moving from the butt plug to my hands then back to his cock. He wrapped his long fingers around it while I coated the plug with lube. Eyes fixed firmly on my hands; he started a slow rhythm. What a good boy.
I stroked his thighs as I moved the plug into position against his ass. His face was flushed with a mix of arousal and embarrassment, I think. I just smirked at him. “Don’t get shy with me now, baby,” I said as I slowly began to push inside of him. “I’m going to have you begging me to fuck your tight little ass before the day is over.” He whimpered, his hand speeding up slightly. “You do know that, don’t you, Spencer? I’m going to make you such a little slut for me.” The plug went in further, with almost no real resistance from him. “Jesus, it looks like you’re already a fucking slut.” His whimpers and groans were coming faster now. “Look at how you’re taking this plug,” I started to fuck it into him slowly. “I knew you were dirty, Dr. Reid. But I didn’t expect this.”
With one final small push, it was seated inside him. I reached to grab his hand, pulling it off of his cock. His lip was between his teeth, his forehead dotted with sweat. "You did so well, Spencer," I praised him. "You're more needy than I thought. I think I might make you bounce on my cock later." I moved off of the bed, reaching down to pick up his underwear before I tossed them to him. "I thought it would take some time to get you to ride me, but you're such a little slut, I'm sure you'll be begging for it soon."
He looked so confused, his fingers picking up his underwear. “Wha-“ he panted, his hips moving against my bed, already starting to be overwhelmed by the sensation.
“Put on your underwear, Dr. Reid; leave your shirt unbuttoned. Then come back into the living room.” I gave him a wide smile. “You still have to read to me.”
I sat on the couch, flipping through the books Spencer had brought, waiting for him to emerge from my bedroom. He really had done so much better than I expected. I wasn’t exaggerating when I said I was going to have him bounce on my cock. The thought of him moving over me, his head thrown back while I pumped his cock caused heat to pool between my thighs.
My eyes didn’t raise to look at him when he walked into the room. He sat to the left of me, where he had been before. His cock was still hard, his precum was leaving a damp spot on his underwear. “Which book do you want to read me, Dr. Reid?”
He groaned. “I-I don’t know if I can finish the whole book like this,” he mumbled, flushing a deeper red that went down to his neck.
“You don’t have to finish, darling boy.” I rose up from the couch then, undoing my pants before shimming them down my hips. “You just have to read to me until I cum.”
Spencer’s eyes went wide. Flickering from the books then back to where I was removing my shirt. I wasn’t paying attention to what book he picked; ultimately, it didn’t matter, I’m not sure I would be able to pay enough attention during this to even process what he was reading.
I stood before him in my bra and panties. He brought the thick book up to his chest, never so much as blinking while I moved over him. I put my thighs on either of his right thigh before I sat down, pushing the seam of my pussy against him through my underwear. I gripped his shoulders, moving my mouth to the tender area where his shoulder met his neck. Placing a soft kiss there, I moved my right hand down his chest, skimming over his stomach, then applying a teasing pressure to his cock over his underwear.
“Come on, Dr. Reid. You told me you’d read to me.”
His first few words were sure. I was almost positive this was one of the many books he had memorized, meaning he wouldn’t need to rely on the book itself to keep reading. This was probably good, as at the first rock of my pussy against his thigh, he released a soft groan, interrupting his words.
Smirking, I moved my hips more purposefully against him. My hands came up to grip his hair, pulling harshly. His moan once again made his words falter. “What’s wrong Dr. Reid,” I whispered sweetly against his skin. “Can you not focus on your book?”
“It’s…It’s so hard, y/n.”
I licked the vein running up his neck before I sucked on the skin. “I can feel just how hard it is, Dr. Reid.” I moved my mouth up to his ear again. “Take my bra off.” I expected him to fumble with this task, but he put his right hand behind my back and removed my bra in seconds. You’ve been holding out on me, Doc. Leaning back, I moved my hands to my own breasts, thumbing my nipples as I listened to Spencer read his book, his words barely registering in my mind.
“You don’t need both hands to read, do you?” He shook his head, his worlds never faltering from the story. “Good. I know how hard it is for you to sit here with that plug inside you. I know you’re thinking about how it will feel when I fuck you.” There’s that whimper, I thought. “I’m thinking about it too, Spencer.” My hips began to grind against him faster. “Put the book down but keep reading to me. If you stop your words, I’ll stop moving. The sooner I cum, the sooner you can get back into my bed.”
He placed the book down; his words a whisper now as he recited the book. “Touch me, Spencer. Make me cum like a good boy so I can finally fuck you like the little slut you are.” His hands gripped my hips, guiding my movements against his thigh, his mouth against my neck while he continued mumbling words I could barely hear against my skin.
"I've thought about fucking you before, you know," I said, my pussy becoming wetter and wetter against him. "The first time was on the jet. You had some book open in your lap. You were stretched out on the couch." I groaned as Spencer moved my hips faster and faster. "I thought about the look on your face if I just came over to you and sat on your lap." I moved to kiss his neck again. "I wonder what they would have said then." Dropping my hand down to palm his hot, hard cock over his underwear. "What would they have said if they saw Dr. Spencer Reid's big, pretty boy cock sliding down my throat?"
He was groaning now in between words, but the words were yet to totally falter. “I guess that would be better than them seeing you get fucked, right?” One of his hands moved up to my breast to pinch my nipple. “What would they think if they knew that their boy wonder, their resident genius, wanted to get his ass fucked and treated like a dirty little thing?”
I was so, so close. “Come on, Agent Reid. Make me cum. Make me cum all over your thigh so I can make you cum so hard you see stars.”
His words faltered then; his mouth moved to my shoulder, kissing it softly before he said, “I’d let the entire world watch anything if it meant I got to fuck you.” With that, he bit down on my skin. That small amount of pain caused my orgasm to break like a wave against me. Spencer kept moving my hips back and forth to help me ride it out.
The world came back into focus slowly, my breathing still harsh against Spencer’s shoulder. Gripping his shoulders, I pulled back to kiss him softly. He tried to turn the kiss into something deeper, his need making him desperate. I pulled back, looking in his eyes. “When you go into the room we really begin,” I whispered. “Green, yellow, and red. I need you to know I’m so proud of you, darling boy, even if we just end here. You’ve done so well.”
He whimpered again, confirming once again that he had a praise kink. “I want more, Miss. Please?”
I moved off of his body to sit back on the couch, picking up the book he had set down. “Go into the bedroom, take off all of your clothes. Lay in the center of the bed, hands by your sides. Do not touch yourself. If you do, I will punish you.”
When I finally made my way into the room a minute later, I found Spencer right where I instructed him to be. His cock was still hard; he was breathing rapidly. I stood at the edge of the bed, slowly slipping my panties off before I knelt down to open the chest again.
I had given this first scene a lot of thought. One day, I wanted to restrain him with my handcuffs when I fucked him. I could just imagine how he'd blush whenever he saw them after that. But, for this I had decided to use arm restraints that attached to the bars on my headboard, wrapping around his wrist with a Velcro cuff; he could open them if he needed to. I moved up on his left side, fastening one restraint to the bed, then walking to the right side, doing the same. His eyes were on my face, so expectant and so trusting.
I crawled on to the bed then, sitting myself on his firm stomach, my wet heat touching his skin. I leaned over to grip one cuff before I said, "Give me your hand, Dr. Reid." He complied without complaint or hesitation, then he did it again with his left wrist. I scooted my body down his until I felt his pubic bone brush against my still sensitive pussy. His breath hitched. "What's wrong, Dr. Reid?" I asked as I moved further down, my ass now resting over his cock.
“I-I can feel you. You-you’re so close.” His hands started to pull against the restraints, itching to reach out and touch me, push me back even further so his cock would finally touch the paradise that was my wet cunt.
I tsked at him, pouting my lips. “I know, darling boy. It must be so hard.” I moved my hands to his chest, bracing myself on one hand while the other reached up to wrap around his throat. “It’s so hard to so fucking needy, isn’t it, baby?” I moved back another inch.
He was whining under me now, shifting his hips relentlessly. Leaning forward, I placed my lips centimeters away from his own, my grip on his throat tightening just a bit. “It wouldn’t take much, Dr. Reid.” I brushed my mouth against his, laughing when I heard the restraints jerking against the headboard bars. “You know I won’t let you fuck me…but all it would take is just a shift of my hips.” I rocked back a bit, bringing my pussy right there, before drawing back up. “What would you give me for that, Dr. Reid? What would you do to feel my hot, wet, tight, little pussy rub against your pretty boy cock?”
“Anything,” his voice was so much higher than normal when he spoke. “I’ll do anything, Miss. Please. Please.”
You’re so good at this, baby. “You sound very pretty when you beg, Dr. Reid.” I placed one more chaste kiss on his top lip before I went back to a sitting position. Bracing my hands on his hips, I lifted my pelvis over his groin to settle on the tops of his thighs. His strangled groan was music to my ears. “You have been such a good boy…” I pretended to ponder this. “Tell you what, if you promise to ride my cock, to swirl your hips while you fuck yourself on top of me, I’ll let you feel me.”
He was nodding desperately, still pulling against the arm restraints. “Yes. Please. Please, Miss. I’ll do whatever you want.”
I moved his cock to lay flat against his pubic bone, the head pointing upwards towards his face. “I want you to watch, Dr. Reid.” I could feel myself dripping when I moved forward. Slowly, slowly, slowly, I placed the lips of my cunt around the width of his cock.
“Fuck." Spencer's eyes were glued to where my pussy was finally touching his cock. "You're so…fuck, you feel so good, Miss.”
This was the first time I had felt a man against me like this in longer than I wanted to admit. I should be scared, but I just couldn't be. It felt so right to be against him right now. I started moving my hips forwards and backward, much like I did when I rode his thigh. I looked down, watching his cock disappear as I slide my pussy over him. This wasn’t even sex in the way most people considered it, but being here, sharing this moment with Spencer was one of the most erotic and intimate moments of my life.
With one finally slide of my hips, I lifted off of him, getting off the bed completely.
“No, no, no, Miss, please come back.”
I looked back at him over my shoulder. His cock was wet with my arousal, his neck was flushed a bright red, his messy curls were sticking to his forehead, and his wrists were still pulling against the restraints. He is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
“My, my, Dr. Reid.” I moved back to the chest, reaching down to pull out my harness. “You might be the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen. Look at you,” I shot him a look of fake disapproval while I stepped into the harness, bringing it up to secure it around my hips. I had selected this strap-on for the specific reason that I could change the size of the dildo attached to it. So, for today I could use something smaller on my boy…until he was ready for something rougher, or bigger. Originally, I had planned on selecting the smallest dildo, but after seeing how easily he took the plug, I decided to move to the next size up.
Spencer watched with wide eyes while I pulled out my “cock”. I smirked at him. “Do you like it, Dr. Reid?” I slid the dildo into place, clip it into place. I moved closer to him, crawling up the bed, sitting on his right side. I brushed my fingers over his chest, feeling his racing heartbeat. Moving so quickly he didn’t have a chance to brace, I struck quickly, whipping my left hand up to backhand across the cheek. Rising up on my knees, I moved closer to him, gripping a handful of his hair with one hand, my other bracing myself on the headboard. “I am getting really fucking tired of not having my questions answered, Dr. Reid.”
He was positively squirming now, his pupils were huge, his mouth hanging open. “I’m sorry Miss, I’m so sorry. I can’t- I can’t think when you’re around me.” I had to fight very hard to stop my lips from spreading into a smile, but I think he saw my lips twitch anyway.
“Brat,” I muttered, yanking on his hair again, causing him to let out another whimper. “I think you need to apologize, Dr. Reid. You want to be my good boy, don’t you?” I tilted my head to the side, regarding him curiously. “Because, if you’re my good boy, I’ll let you cum. But…if you’re not,” I leaned down to whisper to him. “Well, bad boys get their pretty little asses fucked, but they don’t get to cum.”
“I’m sorry Miss,” he whined out. “I’m so sorry. Please let me apologize.”
“Open your mouth.” He did so without question, his arms pulling on the restraints harder when I spit into his mouth. “Swallow it.” Such a good boy. “Now, I want you to suck my cock, Dr. Reid. Can you do that? Suck my cock and get it nice and wet before I fuck you with it.”
His eyes were on my face; I could see just the smallest flicker of nervousness in those pretty golden-brown eyes. I’d never hurt you, baby. You know that. Almost as if he heard my thoughts, he opened his mouth for me. Releasing his hair, I brought my hand to the dildo, guiding it into his mouth. “That’s it, you’re doing so good, Dr. Reid.” I gave a few very shallow thrusts of my hips, watching his eyes flutter while his cheeks hollowed out. “I knew the first time you sucked my fingers that day on your couch that you’d be so good at sucking cock.” I moved my hand from the dildo to place it lightly against his throat. “You’re nothing but a cock slut though, right, Dr. Reid?” He moaned around me; I squeezed his throat in response.
Pulling out of his mouth, I smiled down at him while I moved further away. I placed a soft kiss on his cheek before I moved down the bed. “You know why I left your legs free, don’t you Dr. Reid?”
“I’m not sure Miss.” His response was breathy and immediate. You’re learning, my nervous boy.
“Oh, the great Dr. Reid isn’t sure? That must be first. I guess it’s probably hard for your big brain to work when all the blood is going to your cock.” I grabbed the lube from the side of the bed to place it beside his thigh. I pushed his legs up roughly, so his knees were bent again. “I left your legs free, Dr. Reid, so it’s easier to make you take my cock.”
I brought my right hand up to his cock, my grip not firm enough to be satisfying, but I wanted him to focus on that sensation, especially now. In reality, it probably didn’t matter, my boy looked too far gone to be embarrassed anymore. With my left, I grabbed the base of the butt plug, slowly pulling it out.
His breath caught in his throat, his top teeth digging into his bottom lip so hard it whitened. “What’s wrong, baby?” My tone was condescending as I worked the plug out a bit, before I pushed it back in a bit, fucking it out of him gently, much like how I fucked it into him. “What do you need, Dr. Reid?”
He knew what I wanted, I had told him multiple times, but will my boy be brave enough to give it to me. I pulled the plug out completely, tossing it to the side before I grabbed the lube. I squirted some into my right hand before I started to slick up the dildo, my eyes never leaving his.
“I-I want you to fuck me, Miss.”
“Hmm,” I acknowledged, my hands still moving up and down my ‘cock.’ “I’m not sure what you mean, darling boy. You’ll have to be a bit more specific.”
Spencer’s head thrashed, his thighs clenched, his stomach muscles tensed. “I need you to fuck my ass, Miss…Please. Please fuck my ass, Miss.”
My hand stilled. Goddamnit. Hearing those words out of him made my pussy clench, my own wetness starting to drip down my thighs. "All you have to do is ask, Dr. Reid.”
I moved into position between his thighs, bringing both of my hands up to grip his slim hips. Scooting forward, I lifted him up a bit until my knees were barely under him, just enough to tilt his pelvis up so I could see him. I ran one of my hands up his inner thigh. “You’re even pretty here, Dr. Reid.” I lifted my hips slightly, pressing the dildo against his asshole. “Hold still, baby. I know you’re so needy and that makes it so hard, but you can hold still for me, can’t you?”
He nodded rapidly, his hands fisted into balls, his wrists tugging against the restraints, his teeth still sunk into his lower lip. Usually, I would demand his words, but I understood how overwhelming this was for him. Free pass, my nervous boy. I slowly started to push inside of him. My gaze kept flicking between my ‘cock’ entering him and his face, watching for any reaction, any sign of hesitancy.  
“Please,” he whimpered.
I started making slow strokes, fucking the dildo into him in shallow, small thrusts. When I had about 4 inches inside of him, I put some more lube on my hand. I stroked some of it on the remaining 3 inches of the dildo, making sure I could bottom out inside him. The remaining lube I left on my hand…the same hand I brought up to grab his cock with.
“FUCK.” Spencer’s shoulders were raising off of the bed, his eyes locked on my movements.
“Does it feel good, Dr. Reid?”
"Green, green, green, fucking green," he muttered. Under normal circumstances, I would have laughed, but right now I just pitched my hips forward, burying the dildo inside of him. He let out a strangled moan that sounded like my name when my thighs hit his body.
"Look at that," I said softly. "Look at what a good little slut you are, Dr. Reid?" I started to thrust slowly, looking at his reactions to see which strokes seemed to have the biggest effect on him. Being a profiler comes in handy at the strangest times. “You’re such a pretty cock slut, baby.” The tempo of my thrusts sped up while I looked down to watch the dildo move in and out of his tight entrance.
“Miss, fuck,” he whimpered. “Miss, please fuck me harder.”
I moved my hips faster, watching as his mouth opened in a silent scream. I gripped his cock firmer in my hand. Building up a rhythm between jerking him off and fucking him. “Is this what you want, Dr. Reid? You want to be used like this? Like a filthy slut?”
“Yes, yes, Miss, please.” His eyes were fixed on my hand on his cock, on my hips moving quickly. “Miss, Miss, you’re so- Miss, I’m going to cum.”
“Oh, you are, are you?” I teased, slowing my hand slightly. My thighs still slapping against him as I fucked him.
“Please Miss,” he begged. “Please let me cum. Please, I’ll do anything. Please, please, I’m so fucking close.”
I gripped his cock harder, my pace never slowing. “Come on, Dr. Reid. Cum for me like the dirty thing you are.”
At my words, he let out the loudest moan I’d heard him make yet. His back was arching off the bed, as rope after rope of cum erupted from his cock. I slowed my pace, only giving a few shallow thrusts to work him through his orgasm.
Right as his orgasm started to end, I slowly withdrew the portion of the dildo that was still inside him.
I leaned over him to quickly undo the cuffs, freeing him. Moving off the bed, I unstrapped myself, letting the harness fall to the floor before I dashed into the bathroom connected to my room. Wetting the washcloth, I had already laid out, I grabbed my other supplies and hurried back into the room. Spencer was where I left him, his eyes fixed on the ceiling, unseeing.
I moved to sit between his legs. First, I wiped the cum and lube off his cock, murmuring my praises the entire time before I cleaned up the remaining lube from between his cheeks. Tossing the rag into the floor, I moved to kneel beside him on the bed. "Spencer," I whispered. "Spencer, you did so well. You were so wonderful."
His gaze fixed on mine, his eyes starting to fill with tears, his face a mask of confusion. “Y/n,” he said, his voice raspy. “Why-why-“
I pushed his hair off his forehead, bringing his arms in towards his body to check his wrists. “It’s okay, Spencer. It is fine. Your adrenaline and endorphins are hitting your body right now. This is what I was talking about that might happen. It’s called sub drop.” I cupped his jaw, my thumb brushing over his lips. “I’m right here, Spencer. I’m right here. And I’m so proud of you.”
I wanted to wait until he asked me to touch him, to be sure that was what he needed, but I just acted on instinct. I laid down beside of him and wrapped my arms around him. He turned his body to face mine, his knees curled up to hit my thighs. I stroked my hands over his back, murmuring softly to him the whole time.
After a few minutes had passed, and his breathing had evened out, I spoke again. “Spence? Do you think you can take a shower? The heat will make you feel better.”
He sniffled, his eyes never rising to meet mine. “I…I don’t know if I can leave you.”
In that moment, the tiny part of my heart that didn’t already belong to Spencer Reid, this marvelous, wonderful man, was cemented into his grasp. “Spencer, I need you to look at me, can you do that?”
His soft eyes finally rose to meet mine. They were wide and anxious and swimming with a much bigger and more frightening emotion. “Spencer, I’m not going to leave you. I’m going to take a shower with you. Then after we get cleaned up, we’re going to order some food and watch whatever you want to while we sit on my couch.” My words were hurried and dripping with honesty.
My darling boy’s face lite up with hope so bright it threatened to consume me. “You’ll stay with me?”
“You don’t even have to ask, Spence.” I pressed a kiss to his forehead.
The remainder of our Saturday went like I had planned. In our shower, I held his body under the warm water, I washed his hair, and I listened while he told me whatever fact came to his mind in that moment. After we were done, I got his messenger bag and brought him his clothes.  
Together, we cuddled on my couch. Him in his old Caltech t-shirt and sweatpants and me in loose t-shirt and leggings. We found some sci-fi show that he said was good that I had never seen to watch while we ate our takeout. I listened to everything he told me about the show, holding his body close to mine.
I felt the tension rise up inside of him the later it got. Which is why I turned to him with an over-exaggerated yawn and asked him the question he was too afraid to ask me.
“Hey, Doc?” I said softly. “It’s getting pretty late…and after…after everything we did today, I don’t really want to be alone. Would you mind staying with me?”
The relief I felt radiate off of him in that moment was so powerful I don’t know if I’ll ever forget the feeling. “Of course, y/n. I’d really like that.”
After I stripped and remade my bed and cleaned up any stray items that I may have missed earlier, I lead Spencer into my bedroom. I fell asleep that night with my arms wrapped around him, his back to my chest. I held my hand against his chest, feeling his heartbeat slow as he fell asleep in my arms. It took a long time for sleep to finally find me, but I didn’t mind. I was content to just feel the heart beating inside the chest of the best person I had ever known.
Series tag list: @abschaffer2​ @liaabsurd​ @brokenanxiety​ @thisiscalmandits-dr​​ @less-intelligent-spencerreid​​ @reidsmyhusband-emilysmymistress @cielo1984 @sarcasticsagittarius1998​ @101donuts​ @heyitssarahk @creepingfromthecorners​ @imjusthereformggcontent​ @fanfictionislifetho​ @annestine​ @boiled-onionrings​ @gublerspublers @dolanfivsosxox​ @lamusaeuterpe @publiusvirgilius​ @suzystuff
Permanent Taglist: @rachelxwayne​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @sickeninglyshoujo @justagirllookingforherplace​ @nanocoool​
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