#i would go so far as to say i really dislike most of these drawings. but i did work on them. so i must post them
colorful-horses · 2 years
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enwoso · 1 month
i have a request for awfc x teen reader
basically reader is quite a shy and anxious person who hates getting in trouble so they never speak up and always do as they’re told, even if it negatively impacts impacts them in some way e.g. helping clear up at the end of training even if it means they miss their bus home and have to walk. r also doesn’t talk much and therefore hasn’t made any friends on the team as they’re so shy. one of the older players (maybe kim or viv?) notice this and take reader under their wing to try and bring them out of their shell. basically just a very cute fluffy fic
YOUR NOT ALONE — arsenal wfc
i feel like this doesn’t really flow the way i wanted it to so soz if it’s choppy but enjoy!
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north london was were you lived, but it wasn’t home. home was in the north, nearly four hours away from london in manchester. that was home.
not london where you didn’t know anyone, where you were all alone at a new team.
and it wasn’t that you disliked north london, the people were actually quite nice and some days it was actually a lot warmer than living in the north. but nothing compared to being home in manchester. where your friends were, your family, your childhood club.
you in some way felt like you had been abandoned, you’d been let to go by man city your childhood club. a club you thought you’d be at until you retired but they didn’t even fight for you when arsenal put the deal in, they let you go as if you meant nothing to the club.
meaning when your first day at arsenal came around, you closed yourself off to everyone. you were already a pretty shy person to begin with but now trying to talk to you was like trying to draw blood out of a stone — impossible.
you kept yourself to yourself, and made sure you stayed out of trouble. helping the coaches tidy up after training even though it meant you missed the last bus that went past your apartment which would mean you would have to do the thirty minute walk back.
you would stay and watch were you could improve your game even though it meant you were pushing your self far too hard and then getting frustrated when you didn’t see the progress you wanted to see.
the team had began to notice your behaviour and had tried their best to involve you in everything possible but you were having none of it.
the most any of the girls had heard you talk was a light hum just acknowledge the person so it didn’t seem like you were being rude.
“we need y/n to be fully apart of the team as i think she feels like she is still and outsider” kim said thinking out loud as they watched you help the coaches pack up for the evening. picking up the coloured cones as you hummed on to whatever the coach was saying. you weren’t much of a talker.
“does she always do that?” leah asked as she looked towards kim and beth who nodded.
“she always offers, just like she always offers to fill everyone’s waters and other little things around the facility’s it’s like she does it just so she can avoid us” beth raised her eyebrows as the three took another glance over to you.
“i’ve tried just talking to her but she not really full of words” kim sighs as leah nods she had tried too along with a few others but nobody could seem to get more than a hum or a small smile out of you.
“she’s just a kid, it’s gotta be hard for her getting let go by her childhood club like she meant nothing and then to be in a place miles from her family, it’s natural that she’s not gonna be comfortable around us” viv butted in after hearing the trio talk about you, a few sympathetic nods being done from the three.
viv had been amongst those who had tried to talk to you, she hadn’t gotten many words from you but instead of asking the usual questions of how you finding london which made you want to scream every single time someone asked you as you had run out of ways to lie and say you were loving it.
instead viv asked about you wanting to know you on a personal level not just on the outside and what would be the obvious to ask.
“like leah cmon imagine how heartbroken you’d be if arsenal let you go after being here for so many years-“ viv pointed out as leah hummed feeling her heart pang a little. her blood was arsenal and she doesn’t think her heart would be able to handle if she was playing for another team.
“okay first of don’t put that in the open, but i can’t even begin to imagine what she’s feeling” a sad smile rushed over leah’s features as viv nodded.
“why don’t you take her under your wing vivvy, she’s said in countless interviews that she looks up to you. so i’m sure if there’s anyone who would be able to crack her shell it would be you-“ beth put the idea into the open, now viv wasn’t opposed to the idea but she also didn’t want to overwhelm you cause that could push you further from the team.
“i’ll try”
the next day had came and gone, viv had been watching you throughout the day trying to pick the best time to chat to you but a good time never seem to come around. viv telling herself tomorrow she would do it
viv had stayed late to chat with the physio about her knee, the rest of the team long gone as training had finished already. well so she thought.
“hey kleintje what you doing here so late? training finished an hour ago?” viv asked as you looked up from your phone, you were watching your few minutes from the last match you played. analysing each pass, each touch, each movement to see what you could work on next.
“missed my bus” you mumbled very quietly viv almost missed what you said. viv nodded to herself as she took a seat next to you on the bench peering over slightly at what you were concentrating so hard on.
“that’s a stupid thing to do” viv blurted out, immediately regretting it when your head snapped up with a puzzled look on your face, a frown flashing across your lips.
“well cause all you doing is focusing on the negatives” viv shrugged as you still held the same look on your face, “like don’t get me wrong it’s helpful but i bet you, you have twice as many negatives in your head than positive things you did in the match” viv continued as you slowly nodded, she wasn’t exactly wrong.
“but how will i know how to get better if i don’t focus on what needs to be improved?” you asked quietly, your phone falling into your lap. viv was a little shocked, not by the question but by the fact that you hadn’t just hummed at her.
“cause you end up focusing on trying to get the bad better that the what was good starts to get bad and you enter a cycle that you can’t get out of” viv explains as you do your signature hum, you weren’t just thinking about football now.
you were thinking about how your life had changed in the past months and how much you had focused on the bad and never gave it a second thought about what was good.
“so your saying i should focus on the positives?” you trailed off staring into the distance in front of you as viv nodded, not that you saw it.
“yeah, your not alone y/n. we’re a team. we’re here to help you” viv pointed out, “and that’s not just with your football skills either” she lightly bumped your shoulder with hers a smile tugged at your lips nodding alone to what viv was telling you.
“thanks viv” you smiled sincerely, you felt as though your eyes had really been opened and you hadn’t have your self a chance at your new chapter, you hadn’t gave london a chance yet.
“no problem kleintje, now come on let’s get you home. it’s getting late”
it had been a few weeks since the conversation between kim, leah, beth and viv and progress had definitely been made. viv had managed to take you under her wing, showing you the ropes introducing you slowly to others so that it didn’t overwhelm you.
you had started to come out your shell more, you didn’t sit by yourself anymore at lunch or on the bus.
instead you’d found yourself sitting steph and kyra for lunch as you discussed your dream holiday of one day going to australia as they gave you recommendations as well as promising that when you do finally go they will happily be your tour guides.
and on the bus during away day you’d found yourself sitting with lotte quite a few times, the way she spoke was similar to viv it was wise words and someone you could listen to for a while as well as lotte being able to sit and listen to you and give you good advice if you truly needed it.
it was game day today, as you walked into the ground with viv. having gotten a ride from viv and beth to save you from having to get the bus. beth had spotted steph and leah in front, running off towards them.
“so do you think london could start to be home?” viv asked, her heart beating a little harder as she asked the question. the topic of london being your home still being very raw.
“it’s becoming home, it’s not quite there yet-“ you paused as some worry came over viv as she began to stutter.
“-but i think it will be home” you finished with a smile as you looked up at viv a sigh of relief coming over her as she swung her arm around your shoulder pulling you in a little tighter for a side hug.
“kleintje you had me worried for a minute but i’m glad your starting to feel more comfortable here, just remember your not alone. we’re a team for a reason” viv nudged you as you nodded taking in every word viv told you as you walked into the stadium.
“got it”
“anyways are you excited about your first start? imagine you score-“ viv said with a hopeful look as you slightly shook your head. you were happy about the start but scoring wasn’t the main focus of today. you were just happy to be getting minutes instead of the scrappy ten final minutes you were used to at the moment.
“excited, nervous? the goal won’t happen though so don’t get you hopes up” you dismissed as viv rolled her eyes playfully opening a door for you to go through.
“gotta have the belief kleintje!”
and maybe somewhere you had some belief cause that’s exactly what happened. you scored your first goal for arsenal, when the ball hit the net you froze. you were expecting for it to go over but when it didn’t you didn’t know what to do.
reality was brought back to you when you were surrounded by your teammates who were lifting you up in a circle as the crowd cheered. a big smile on your face as you looked around spotting vividly on the bench and sending her a knowing look as you tapped the your chest where the arsenal badge was. viv giving you a knowing nod that she understood.
your teammates lifted you down back onto the ground as they all patted you on the back or the head as you soaked up the moment a little longer walking back to your starting position.
“we’re so proud of you, our superstar!”
“get in y/n”
looking around and seeing the fans chanting and having a good time it felt for the first time since you made the big move you felt like you weren’t alone, these people that you were lucky enough to call your teammates and friends were your new family.
and maybe just maybe arsenal and north london was your new home and you weren’t mad at the idea.
in fact you loved the idea.
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liked by bethmead and 629,015 others
yourusername forever grateful for my found family❤️🤍
viviannemiedema we love you kleintje!!
leahwilliamson our superstar ⭐️
kyracooneycross yeahhh for our very own 🌟
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I contemplated a lot whether to reblog that post because i think most of it was wrong, but the addition is so great and refute pretty much everything while raising some amazing points so if i could reblog only the addition without the original posts i would.
It’s just funny to me how every time i see ppl “here are Marika’s crimes” they list like 50% is what she actually did, and the other 50% are things that either was during Radagon time (when Marika couldn’t even have a proper statue that depict her as being the one in control), done by some other guys, or after she got strung up inside the Erdtree. Y’know, literally impaled and knocked out cold ?
The ritual sword and shield talisman (which depict sword and shield of Crucible Knights too btw) pointed at Radagon’s face to say by his time, all ritual combats in honour of the Erdtree had died out, but in LoS it was maintained and Messmer even had a talisman of Godfrey in his castle. A talisman depicting Godfrey accepting the duty to be his Mother’s Lord. Without wavering.
The ritual combat is just another thing that will remind people of the first Elden Lord’s devotion to his Goddess, which would do Radagon no good. so that, along with the Crucible Knights, gotta go.
All this just show how by Radagon’s time, the Golden Order’s ideal no longer reflects the Erdtree’s - another testament at how far from each other his and Marika’s will have diverged.
Also, i really like the fact that the Zamor and Ice Dragons allied with Marika to fight the Fire Giants who had chased them from their home, because to me that means at the start of her age, Marika was extending her help to people who needed it (with ulterior motives, yes).
Her age wasn’t built in a vacuum. She was a healer Godling with no offensive spells, Messmer’s health just got a bit better, Godfrey with all the implications in SoTe, was probably just a simple bear hunter? What on earth those 3 could even do in a land where the Hornsent royalty reigned supreme?
Go somewhere else, recruit as many people and make as many alliances as they could. I have no doubt the world under the Hornsent was a violent one (hell, it still is now, every time i went into a Gaol i want to go back and smack the Hornsent inquisitors a few more times). And for a new God to appear, and instead of stuffing people into jars, delivering Death, entrapping their followers into watching over some flame for eternity, running away and leaving their Lord to get backstabbed by a tyrant, this new God… healed people? Big shock!
So of course people would flock to Godfrey’s banner, believing in a Goddess that could barely fight, but soothed away all of their pain and sorrow. Sounds fucking familiar isn’t it.
Btw, why do people like to invent a bunch of authority and power for Marika then at the same breath will say whatever her kids do is to… spite her and show kindness to the oppressed?
So she is an all-powerful tyrant that could kill whoever she dislikes, and by some ppl’s standards she dislikes literally everyone in Lands Between (💀), but Godwyn could just befriend a dragon and spread a cult about them within the Capital, Messmer could have an albinauric as his Commander (to command an army that she paid wads of cash to and bless them with her hammer’s power???), Miquella and Malenia could go their merry way and build a whole ass tree castle (where is the fund. Where is the fund) and she couldn’t do anything to stop them? Even though those actions directly affect the strength of her army? What?
I swear i can’t even see other people’s Marika as Marika. Because their Marika sounds dumb as hell and a doormat too. Like what is this???? 💀 do you think i sacrificed my back and wrist to draw Elden Ring characters as beautiful as possible, so they could go be devote to someone like the Marika some of y’all envision? The bar was on the floor for you but not for me.
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saetoshi · 1 year
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you’ve lost track of the times it’s rained during the past few weeks. the amount of trials held by the chief justice have gone up, just like the chances of rain.
it was upsetting the first time it happened—your notepad getting soaked right after you’d finished getting information for your steambird column. the second time was more annoying, drawing your personal tea party to a close and leaving you drenched (and with a few soggy biscuits).
it’s a force of habit now—the familiar weight of your umbrella having become soothing rather than a burden. it almost feels like muscle memory, having to open your umbrella to shield yourself from the downpour as soon as the skies turn gray.
the rain does nothing but put a damper on people’s mood. or, at least, that’s what your neighbor tells you. you don’t dislike it, though. you don’t think you can bring yourself to do so.
there’s a certain stillness that comes with the rain. it’s calming, almost—most people who’ve forgotten their umbrellas at home seek refuge under the overhangs of the buildings, so it’s easier to navigate the streets of fontaine when they’re not so crowded.
it’s nice, almost. it’d be better if you didn’t have to work. (you’d give anything to stay curled up in bed during days like these. but you don’t think you can give yourself that luxury. at least, not when you’ve got bills to pay).
the way to the opera epiclese is nice. the aquabus is emptier when it rains. and, somehow, the landscape seems prettier with the faint mist the rain leaves behind.
it’s a little bit more crowded near the fountain of lucine. a few children run around while holding their umbrellas, jumping on some puddles before running back to their parents.
you’ve grown familiar to seeing the sight. sometimes you think this might be the reason you don’t resent the rain like most of your neighbors do.
or maybe, it’s just the sight of neuvillette standing just a few steps away from the stairs to the opera epiclese, his hand outstretched as he lets the raindrops fall onto his glove.
“you’re going to catch a cold if you keep standing under the rain like that, neuvillette,” you say, lifting your arm a little to cover him with your umbrella. it’ll do nothing, really—not when he’s already soaked to the bone.
he turns his attention to you, the corners of his eyes softening when they meet yours. he gently takes the handle of your umbrella from your hand, mindful to keep you covered from the rain more than him.
“i suppose that would be the case, yes,” he replies, his eyes focused on yours. he turns his attention to the fountain, his jaw tensing for a moment before it relaxes.
you still notice the faint crease to his brows, the slight downturn of his lips. it’s almost imperceptible—but it’s still there.
you’re not sure what to call your relationship to him. you’re not quite friends, but you’re far past acquaintances. you’re close enough to have dropped the honorifics, but not close enough to consider yourself important to him. close enough to recognize the subtle shifts to his expressions, but not close enough to pry about them.
perhaps just naming it reporter and chief justice would be better. reporter who got lucky enough to get the chief justice to open up about the court trials and proceedings, maybe. (part of you would like to ascend to reporter who gets to ask the chief justice out for a cup of tea when the rain stops).
“how was the trial today?” you ask, reaching into your pouch to pull out your notepad and a pen. part of you wishes you could feel bad for missing it, but you’ve never been one for the spectacle of the courtroom. it’s inhumane, you’d argue—how people’s grievances and crimes are exposed for the whole nation to see as if it was nothing more than a play.
neuvillette adjusts his grip on the umbrella, his eyes focused on you. “difficult,” he says, his tone measured. he blinks, and for a moment you think you hear the rain fall a little harder before it turns into a drizzle. “the evidence procured by the attorneys was not as sufficient as they had originally thought.”
the light, hurried scratching of the pen against the paper fills the air, barely audible with the sounds of the raindrops pelting down on your umbrella. you glance away from your notes to look up at him. “that sounds messy,” you muse, pursing your lips.
“quite so,” he solemnly nods, his grip tightening around the handle to keep your umbrella from swaying with the wind. his lips press into a fine line, “it ended up being far more complicated than i had thought it would be.”
you nod, acknowledging his words as you write them down on your notepad. he inches infinitesimally closer to you—enough for you to notice when a droplet falls from his hair onto the ground, but still far away enough for you to not consider burdensome.
it almost makes you smile, how mindful he is. always a gentleman, you think. it fits him—not as chief justice, but as neuvillette. part of you wishes you could write that in a column, if only for the rest of fontaine to be privy of the surprising gentleness the chief justice possesses. but you don’t think you will. (it’s a piece of information you wish to selfishly keep for yourself).
he angles the umbrella, his eyes focused on the top of your head as you organize your notes. the sun faintly peeks through the clouds, letting the soft orange hues of the sunset shine through the drizzle. his eyes study your face while you’re unaware, the corners softening the longer he stares at you.
“what did lady furina think of the trial?” you ask, your eyes drifting from your notes to his face. the troubled expression he was sporting when you first saw him is gone, replaced by some sort of warmth you can’t describe.
“she found it less entertaining than the previous ones,” he says, his tone losing that firm edge to it. he adjusts his grip on the umbrella’s handle again, making sure to cover you properly even if the rain is starting to let up.
“what about the attorneys?” you continue, tapping the tip of your pen against the paper. “what was their reaction when they realized they weren’t properly prepared to defend their client?”
“i will get you the court records for the full description,” he says, his eyes flitting to the people around the fountain of lucine. his grip on the handle eases when he sees the others start to put their umbrellas away. still, he makes no move to do the same with yours—not until the light rain stops completely.
his eyes flicker back to yours, the corners of his lips quirking up into the hint of a smile, “but, it seemed like steam was coming out of their heads.” he pauses for a second, a faint pink dusting the tips of his ears. “those were lady furina’s words.”
they’re not. you’ve interviewed him for long enough to tell when he adds an observation of his own. (still, you’ve never pointed it out to him. it’d be a shame if he stopped giving them out if he knew you were aware of this habit).
you softly hum, smiling in amusement, the corners of your eyes crinkling, “you want me to include that on the column?”
“preferably not,” he clears his throat, returning to his stoic façade. still, he can’t help the way the corners of his lips quirk up again slightly. “let that be our secret.”
“alright,” you whisper, the amusement in your smile giving way to a slight fondness. “it’ll remain between the two of us.”
“i’d hate for our dear lady furina to be branded as a gossip,” you add, your eyes drifting to the sky. a soft hum leaves your lips, your hand peeking out from under the umbrella. a hint of a smile tugs at your lips when you realize it’s no longer raining.
“it would be most unfortunate,” he says, his tone soft as he watches you. he lowers the umbrella, giving two firm shakes—the way he’s seen you do it before—before closing it.
“i will get you the finalized court records by sunset tomorrow,” he says, holding the umbrella out to you. “would that work for you?”
you nod, placing your notepad and pen inside your pouch. your fingers brush against his gloved ones as you grab your umbrella, a small jolt of electricity shooting through your hand. “that’d be great.”
neuvillette’s eyes soften once again, a soft hum rumbling in his throat. “i will give them to you over dinner, then.”
you blink, the tips of your ears burning at the implication of his words. your heart races in your chest, your eyes meeting his. “dinner?”
“if that works for you, as well,” he says, softly clearing his throat. your heart skips a beat when you take notice of the faint flush to his cheeks.
you can’t help the smile that grows on your lips, a pleasant warmth filling your chest the longer you gaze at him. (he looks unfairly pretty with the sunset framing his face, you think).
“it works perfectly well for me,” you say, your voice hushed. your smile widens when you recognize the relief on his face, your heart fluttering in your chest.
perhaps, your relationship of reporter and chief justice is not such a bad label. (at least not when it means you’re the reporter who’s going to get dinner with the chief justice).
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krispycreamcake · 2 months
If you killed someone in the Sakamaki household (part 2)
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Laito Sakamaki
🃏- Ok so Laito might be the most complicated to explain so far, so bare with me I beg
🃏- He'd find it amusing that you managed to actually bring yourself to kill someone, especially a vampire
🃏- He'd use this person's death to teach you a thing or two about "discipline"
🃏- And to further dig into that, he'd basically use it as a way to show dominance over you
🃏- An example of this could be him slicing your neck enough to draw blood but not deep enough to kill you, while simultaneously feeding off of you
🃏- Seeing as he's the closest with Ayato, compared to the rest of his brothers, I don't think it'd bother him that much to be honest
🃏- He'd definitely be taken aback but like I said, find it somewhat entertaining
🃏- And remember that thing I said about him disciplining you?
🃏- He'd make sure you remember your place as prey
🃏- But internally, he'd wonder why you didn't kill him, which in turn would bring up a lot of unwanted questions
🃏- He'd question whether or not you actually might have feelings for him because of this seeing as that's the only possible outcome
🃏- On the opposite side of things, he might think that you murdered one of his brothers just to torment and spite him
🃏- And I say this because it's canon that he does crave death
🃏- So he might think that you're secretly torturing him, playing mind games
🃏- And if we go back a bit to him questioning if you really do have feelings for him
🃏- He'll think your pathetic or slow witted seeing as how he thinks he's "broken" and no longer can be his authentic self
🃏- He'll also consider the possibility that he might also be next and question your motives
🃏- He'd slowly come to dislike you because of this and other factors as well
🃏-For one, he'd wonder why this was bugging him so much and he'd try to force your motives out of you and your true intentions
🃏- This will have a domino effect which will then cascade into him reevaluating himself and thinking about how you both may be similar in a sense
🃏- Give me like a quick second to explain
🃏- By him feeling the need to "reveal" yourself and why you did what you did, he's then hit with the realization that he too hides behind a facade to trick others
🃏- In any case if he finds out you killing his brother is as simple as you being driven past insanity like he originally thought, he'll find himself a bit pathetic for delving into something so trivial as deep as he did
🃏- If it was maybe Ayato that you killed by chance, he'd be a bit devastated honestly
🃏- Him and Ayato are definitely close despite their hatred towards one another
🃏- Would probably lock himself in his room but knowing Laito, he'd pretend to be okay even if he wasn't
🃏- He'd feel as if Ayato was still yet to help him from back then and now he'll never have the opportunity to prove himself as the big brother he once knew
🃏- If you killed Yui, he probably wouldn't care as much
🃏- Like I said many times before, this is highly dependent on their current relationship with her
🃏- Like Ayato, he'd feel the need to punish you for taking away something that was his
🃏- If his and Yui's relationship was well developed, he'd go into a depressive slump and kill you out of blind rage
Kanato Sakamaki
🧸- Wouldn't care honestly
🧸- I know that's a strong start but let me explain
🧸- Kanato doesn't really hold any strong ties within his family seeing as he often isolates himself
🧸- Like everyone else, he'd question how in the world you managed to pull off such a feat
🧸- In a similar sense to Laito, he'll use this as an opportunity to remind you of your place and reinforce the whole predator and prey dynamic
🧸- He might even think you did it out of love
🧸- If that was the case, he'd be literally overjoyed and encourage you to kill the others like he did to Yui in one of his route endings
🧸- I can't honestly say he'd act any particular way if you killed a specific brother
🧸- Might ask you how you killed them and even ask you to see the body
🧸- Would be shocked if you were still somewhat sane after that
🧸- And I say that because he's one to be perceptive of others, but just doesn't voice it until he needs it as leverage
🧸- So if he noticed you were still mentally intact, he'd be glad because he loves you
🧸- I'm joking, that's not the reason
🧸- He'd be glad because this meant he gets to try breaking you, seeing as you can withstand killing in cold blood
🧸- He's also curious as to what exactly your limits are and try different things to cross your mental line
🧸- Would subtly give you hints on how to kill the rest of his brothers
🧸- Might also get an erection
🧸- Who honestly knows
🧸- Okay but in all seriousness, wouldn't care that much and would rather dive into YOUR mind and figure out what made your gears grind
🧸- Super sorry his was so short, he's just a nonchalant dreadhead 😞
Subaru Sakamaki
🥀- Surprised honestly
🥀- As much as he hates his brothers, he does still see them as his brothers no matter how annoying they are
🥀- Which in turn makes that more annoying
🥀- He'd definitely be the one to give the eulogy and tear up a bit, just a bit
🥀- If you killed out of self defense instead of just plain murder, he'd 100% understand and wouldn't even be mad
🥀- He'd ask you the whole runaround with why and how you did it
🥀- "Heh, you're a lot stronger than you let on"
🥀- He'd think a bit more highly of you and say you have more sense than a lot of the women who came here as sacrifices
🥀- Like Laito, wouldn't be able to wrap his head around why you didn't kill him
🥀- You'll probably have to explain why though if you ever want him to open up to you
🥀- Would get frustrated with you because you didn't choose to kill him despite him being a "monster"
🥀- Due to his relationship with Christa, he has a beyond fucked up interpretation of death
🥀- Would get a little jealous if he thinks you killed them out of love
🥀- He'd never show it though (he would)
🥀- Speaking of never showing things, if he was even a tiny bit sad that his brother died he'd try his best to hide it
🥀- Might criticize his brothers for not caring enough
🥀- And I say that only because the only other brothers left are siblings
🥀- So he'd kinda question how shallow they really were if they weren't even the slightest bit affected
🥀- Since we know Subaru's favourite brother is Shu, he'd honestly be sad if he was the one who died
🥀- He'd probably think about him from time to time and be the one brother who references to back when he was alive the most
🥀- The others would pick up on this but never say anything
🥀- Except for Reiji
🥀- If it was Yui, he'd be so upset
🥀- Since we all know how Subaru is
🥀- He'd never show it in case of being embarrassed by his brothers
🥀- Would be mad at you but to keep up his facade, he'd need to avoid you so it looks like he isn't affected
🥀- If he already had a bond with Yui, yes you guessed it
🥀- Death, death, death, you die. I cannot emphasize this more, you WILL die
From author: Firstly, sorry this one was kinda late, we didn't have wifi😓 Secondly, I loved this request and I know I kinda went character analysis-y with this so I apologize for that😭 Anyways hope you guys are doing good!
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https-furina · 9 months
“your order is complete!” this order is for @jingyuansbird:
“heyo heyo ✌🏾 congrats on 500! so, for my order, it'll be for alhaitham, size medium, with a cappuccino, soy milk, and foam please, and thank you!!!”
alhaitham x gn!reader | fluff, college!au + established relationship | 1.1k words notes. thank you so much !! i hope you enjoy your order (it should be mentioned that alhaitham despite being a previous main of mine is not one of my strong suits so i apologise if it's bad...) <3
thirsty? see our café menu before you order! | order receipts
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with finals week drawing ever closer, it can sometimes feel like you're going insane with the repetitive revision and those god awful prep talks from your professors but adding onto that to make things worse, the most (seemingly) sane person in your circle really doesn't help the looming feeling of insanity. he seems to have no qualms with the endless academic revision thrown onto you for the sake of grades, his head always buried deep in a textbook that keeps him occupied whilst your friend circle do what they're best at… procrastinating.
"i'm really starting to think college isn't worth it," you mumble, highlighting another line in your notes - you're hoping the pretty colours will attract your attention more, "when am i ever going to use this in the 'real' world?"
your boyfriend makes an evidently amused noise from where he sits opposite you, his slim fingers working diligently at typing on his laptop; the one that you had snuck a cat meme sticker onto, much to his dismay but he is still yet to remove it. it is silent for a few moments save for the exceptionally fast clicking of laptop keys before your boyfriend presses the enter key, his turquoise eyes flickering up to meet your already staring gaze. you smile sheepishly and he rolls his eyes, a crack of a smile on the corners of his lips.
"we're almost finished and you're giving up now?" he mumbles back into the quiet of the library, almost filled to the brink with students and their numerous cups of coffee. you recognise that alhaitham has a point but all of this seems excessive when you glance around at all the dark circles under people's eyes, hair tied up in messy buns and stomachs full of leftover food because they're lacking time to cook. a frown adorns your face and alhaitham is quick to pick up on it, clearing his throat as he fixes his posture, sitting straight.
"it's all we've done for weeks now, haitham," you pout, jutting your lower lip out. without realising, you'd just made your boyfriend keen in a matter of seconds, his eyes quick to look away before he's caught slacking, "can we go for a walk? anywhere but… here."
alhaitham can't deny that the pair of you had locked yourselves away in the library for far too long to the point where his limbs have gone stiff and he's sure his knees might sound like he's aged beyond his years when he stands up. this means - much to his disliking - that he also cannot deny you, his darling partner, this walk you're requesting.
"alright, fine," he groans, slamming his laptop shut before he turns his body to slip the piece of technology into his worn leather satchel. he doesn't miss the way your face he adores so much lights up almost instantly, your eyes twinkling and wide, "but you have to promise to finish this chapter tonight."
you don't even reply to him under the premise that it'd be unwise for you to make a promise you may not be able to keep, not that it would be your fault. your friend group had tendencies to rope you into unwise things, to say the least. it could be any of them; kaveh, nilou, cyno, dehya… you have the inability to say no unless alhaitham is there to beat you to it. you're thankful for his input when it keeps you on the right track throughout college.
with your fingers laced with alhaitham's own, the two of you begin to make your way out of the jail that is the campus library. the spring sun beams down a hug of warmth on sumeru during these months, slightly sticky with humidity. alhaitham is always less than pleased about the heat, more so when he has tasks to do that require him leaving his accommodation. to quote your boyfriend, this weather in his eyes is good for nothing at all but here you was, removing him from the safe confides of an air conditioned building that was nonetheless silent - that's his idea of perfection! he bites back saying his complaints out loud, only because it's you.
"do we have a destination to this walk?" alhaitham breaks the silence first, slightly out of character for your boyfriend and it shows when you glance over at him in mild surprise, your eyebrows raised. he scoffs, looking away. you take this moment to trail your eyes over the beloved features of your partner from his silver locks and the pair of white bluetooth headphones that hang around his neck at all times. he never parted from them, almost like how he never parted from you.
you shake your head when you realise you never answered him, clicking your tongue to your teeth as you admire the bustle of the college campus - usually a little too crowded for your own liking but today it seemed to be just perfect, at least it lacked to feel like a sweaty tin of sardines, "nowhere in particular."
alhaitham appears to nod out of the corner of your eyes, his own gaze falling to a patch of empty grass on the green in the middle of campus. he squeezes your hand to catch your attention, beginning to lead you silently as you weave through the aforementioned crowds you'd been mindlessly watching prior. you didn't question his sudden change in directions, knowing alhaitham there was always a possibility the man had gotten overwhelmed in the current situation. he settles onto the lush grass first, pulling you down at his side due to your joined hands which only earns him a yelp of shock and a glare.
"that was unnecessary." you comment stubbornly and a small noise comes from your boyfriend as he watches you finally settle down, resting your head on his shoulder with a sigh.
"this walk was unnecessary." he retorts, earning him a slap on his leg that curls his lips as he looks away, squinting to watch other students.
"it's good to get outside and feel the fresh air, haitham," you muse as your eyelashes flutter shut, relaxing as you feel alhaitham's thumb brushing over your knuckles subconsciously - this is just one of his many habits he does without realising but you most definitely notice every single one, "y'know… photosynthesis."
alhaitham scoffs, suddenly turning his attention back to you as he glances over your face while your eyes are shut. he takes in the way you styled your hair today and the minor details of your face you think nobody notices. seconds pass with no more words said before alhaitham leans to press his lips to you, catching you off guard as your eyes widen. pleased with your reaction, he pulls away with the faintest of a smug expression on his face as he dares to utter a response to your earlier comment, "love, we're not plants."
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© https-furina 2023 | please do not copy, re-upload or translate my works on any form of media. heart banner by @/cafekitsune.
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alpaca-clouds · 4 days
Why I loathe CoD Hector
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Something I really wanted to write a proper blog on, is Hector. I answered on another blog on this before, and wrote a shorter thing about this before. But I really wanted to write something on its own. Because I will once again iterate: While Hector in the animated series definitely gets to finish out his character arc, he works a lot better as a character than his game counterpart. And that even though the game came out at the time, where Castlevania tried to go more for storytelling.
Yet, there is this thing, and that mostly comes from it still being an old action-centric game... How the need of making the main characters of action games until sometime in the 2010s into the stoic kind kinda made them worse characters.
I said it before: The Castlevania games for the longest part never really were that interested in telling characterdriven stories and focused more on the gameplay. Which is very much fine. But even when they tried to include more story, for the most part they still keep the brutish, stoic protagonist. Even Alucard, despite looking like a beautiful princess, is very much the stoic male protagonist. This is just a thing with action media that was going on for way too long. Sure, even stoic characters could make for good fan interpretation in stuff like fanfics, it often is an issue that the media itself does not want to actually explore the characters emotions.
Or, to make it fairly clear: This has very much to do with this idea of toxic masculinity. A lot of old action media (not only games, but also movies and such) will not allow male action heroes to show emotional vulnerability, because that would be unmasculine in the eyes of the writers. Which then boils the characters down onto the supposedly "masculine" emotions, like anger and the urge for revenge.
And this is kinda where we get to Curse of Darkness.
We have this whole backstory through the manga, that goes into Hector's background and all that. While I will say that here I prefer the animated version, too, I will fully admit that this is just a subjective thing (I like that the animated version draws some clearer cultural aspects into it, while also giving Hector the agency of killing his abusers, rather than having it happen as an accident), because I definitely can see why people would prefer the manga version.
Where this ends, however, is already at the moment when Hector joins Dracula. Yes, I will fully admit that I am not a big fan of game!Dracula in general, though I will not go into the why here. He works as a game villain, I will admit that, though.
No, what I dislike about Hector's story with Dracula is more the: "And he becomes like the best forgemaster. Like he is so amazing and so strong, and did we tell you how amazing he is?" It goes too much into the power fantasy to me. While I get that the game canon heavily drew on this idea of the main conflict between Hector and Isaac being one of jealousy... I will just say, that a conflict of jealousy is actually so much more boring than a conflict of ideals. And the backstory by far had enough going on there to make it a conflict of ideals, as Hector did still - like in the animated version - not like the idea of killing thousands. Which could have been used for a lot of conflict, but... yeah.
I will still say, that for the most part, the backstory works. While I roll my eyes already at everything with Rosaly, because Rosaly is very much the incanation of the trope where this pure hearted girl saves the soul of the corrupted man (I don't know how this trope is called, but it is for sure a trope), it does work so far.
No, where Hector as a game character stops working is... at the game. Or rather in the moment that Rosaly does do the thing that she as the sole female character in this entire fucking story has to do: She dies so that her death can motivate Hector. And that is to me where game Hector as a character does stop working.
They could have given Hector any motivation to face off against Isaac. They had put up more than enough story fragments in the manga that they could have build from. They could have made it that Isaac wanted to go for revenge and before he could do it, Hector tried to go in there to protect the people he had now learned to love. They could have made it that Isaac tried to ressurect Dracula. They could have made it that Isaac tried to continue Dracula's work until Hector decided that he could not let his former friend do this, because Hector now knows better. There could have been several interesting and good motivations.
But no. Instead they went with: "Girl dead. Boy sad. Boy angry. Boy wants revenge." The fuck?! This is just so bad in terms of storytelling. It is just the refrigerated woman trope, in its most lazy iteration.
They could have given Hector an interesting motivation and conflict. But no, instead they went for revenge. Ugh.
But that was not enough for the writers of this game. Ooooooh no. If it was just that, I would still hate it, but I would be fine with it. Because let's face it, a lot of games use the "revenge for loved ones" trope. Sure, this game is not using it in the most creative way, and it could have done a lot better from the backstory that was set up in other media, but... It is fine. This is fine.
What is not fine however is Julia. I hate Julia. I hate everything about her as a concept.
And again, mind you. I absolutely would not have a problem with Julia if she was just "some girl" or just "Isaac's sister". Then Julia would be fine. It would even be fine if Hector caught feelings for her, even though I would once again roll my eyes at this.
No, what makes Julia so offensive is the fact that she looks and sounds like Rosaly. Meaning, that she explicitly, not just implicitly exists to be a replacement for Rosaly. And that just makes it all so, so badly written.
Worst of all: This gets never explained. Julia just is Rosaly's doppelganger. Just because... Well, because the writers of this game wanted to have their cake and eat it too. They wanted to motivate Hector by revenge for a dead girl, but also wanted to have him end with the girl. And it is just... misogynic writing. I am sorry.
It portrays women as "things" that can be easily replaced. And I hate this so, so much. It is the reason why, even though CoD might not be the worst game in the series, it is by far the one I loathe the most.
And they could have so easily done it differently. Either by not motivating Hector through Revenge in the first place, or by just making Julia a different person from Rosaly. Make her strikingly different and then have Hector fall for Julia. That would have been fine. Just this: "I broke one doll, but I will just get a replacement" thing that game has going is... horrible.
And yes, additionally I will say that another reason why I do prefer the animated version of Hector is, that he is not the stoic kind of character, but he is actually fairly vulnerable. He is a bit of an idiot who easily fall for people. He definitely does not get to have his power fantasy. But it is exactly this that I like. Because it is a story we usually do not get with male characters.
The story of Hector in the animated series is very much a story that would have usually been given to a female character. And I adore this fact. I adore how they switched the gender stereotypes around for this.
Yes, I am well aware that some fans of the games hated this, too. But I honestly have to say: Look, the game characters might have some minor differences, but all in all they all fall under the stereotype of the stoic action protagonist. Yeah, the series needed to switch this around a bit, because it would have gotten boring otherwise.
And frankly. I am sooooo sick of protagonists being all stoic all the time. Give us some variety. It won't kill these characters to smile from time to time... Or, you know, be vunerable.
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bambiraptorx · 2 months
Not Quite Hidden AU: Part 10. Word Count: 692. Readers chose: Ask if he has questions.
Mildly infuriating as it might be that the child apparently thinks Draxum is weird, he’s got some rather more pressing concerns at the moment.  He crosses his arms behind his back.  “Surely you had your own questions to ask.  You must be observant if you knew that I recognized you.  Are you not curious?”
The boy looks around the study for a long moment.  “You have lots of books, Donnie would like that.”
A non sequitur.  Perhaps the child is hiding his motives for coming.  Is it possible his father sent him?  But that ferret obviously harbors a strong dislike towards Draxum, and no logical parent would send their child alone to gather information from someone they held a grudge against.  That said, the man had seemed rather… emotional, to say the least.  Most people avoided raising their fur like that, especially in public.  It was just as rude and aggressive as yelling, for some species even more so.  Someone who reacted with such volatility in a grocery store of all places seemed rather unlikely to behave rationally at other times.
Draxum rubs his chin thoughtfully as Huginn settles onto his shoulder.  “And which one of your siblings is Donnie?”  Perhaps he can use this opportunity to gather more information on the lives of his turtles.
The child tilts his head.  “Are those green crystal lights?”
“Ah—yes.”  What does that have to do with anything?
“Why green?  Blue's a way better color.”
“What, do you want the lights blue?  I can change them.”  It's simple to reach out towards the crystals and adjust their mystic output, and while it feels rather odd to have his study bathed in blue light instead of green, something about the grin on the child’s face is rather nice to witness.
“Woah!  I didn't thought you were so good with magic!”  The boy looks around appreciatively, scanning the color differences cast over the room.  He drums his fingers on the desk, pausing as his hand brushes against a few of the papers still resting there.  Just some notes Draxum had been writing down after today’s encounter, so why would they draw his attention?  
Draxum watches with a mild sense of amusement as the boy twists his head, frowning and mouthing the words as he reads off the sheet.  “My writing seems to have drawn your interest, child.”
The boy hums.  “You spelled Dad’s name wrong.  The P goes before the L.”
Draxum snatches the paper away.  “What are you talking about, I wouldn't have—” Oh, it looks like he did write Slpinter.  Oops.
“An’ you didn't get Donnie’s or Mikey's right, either.  They're really way longer.” The child then has the audacity to grin up at him, kicking his heels against the desk.  “Didja forget their names already?”
Draxum is not going to entertain this conversational thread any longer.  He leans around the turtle and slaps his notes down on the far end of his desk.  “My notes are personal effects and I'd prefer you not go through them any longer.”
The turtle reaches for the paper, and Draxum drags it out of his reach.  That isn't enough to deter him from making another grab, and another as Draxum once more pulls away the sheet.  The boy grunts something under his breath.  
“Speak up, brat,” Draxum snaps, and if it sounds a little more like an order than a request, at least it works.
The child huffs, looks him in the eye, and says with all the derision such a small face can muster: “You're annoying.”
“Excuse me?!”
The turtle reaches for the paper again, this time managing to latch onto it.  “You're annoying, and weird, and creepy, and I wanna go home!”
“You—what, you come here just to disrespect me?  Is that what you wanted?”  A growl builds in the back of Draxum's throat, barely restrained.  “You little—”
A small tap at his shoulder, barely noticeable. Just claws drumming against his armor.
“Boss, look, the kid’s not gonna cooperate much longer,” Huginn says.  “I'll just take him back now, hopefully his dad won't even know he was gone.”
Draxum bites back a sharp retort.  Inhales.  Exhales.
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luffyvace · 8 months
Obanai x chubby gn reader!!
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This won third place in the poll so here you go<3 enjoy kny/obanai stans!! I actually like obanai very much he’s one of my favs from kny i just don’t talk abt him often
also just for the record let’s say this is a au where obanai and mitsuri are close friends :)
In this you’ll be a hashira as well
I don’t think Obanai is one to judge
especially when he wears bandages since people do
if anything he’s worrying about his looks
so in this case it’s not that he dislikes it, it’s just that he saw through your physical appearance and went for personality
and if you have a crappy one?
well then he doesn’t know what draws him to you but somethin’ does!
he tolerates no disrespect from anyone.
like we all know how sharp tongued he is- 😜
and just because he’s one of the “weaker” hashira’s doesn’t mean he’s not one!
he is DEFINITELY above average and CAN do damage
so somebody would be a FOOL to see you with him and decide to screw around and find out
as well as you!!
your strong too!
and they’d better have respect for you!
getting one tapped by two hashiras don’t sound very fun to me..
but yeah if someone is like drunk off they’re end and tries to insult or harass you?!
obanai steps in before you can even do something yourself
depending on the level of what they said or did,
he either flames them so bad they can’t recover
or straight up punches them
maybe even beating them up
who’s going to stop him? The police? 😂
he calls it self defense
tbh it was like, that person was harassing you????
bro thought he was gon let that slide
this why you can’t pull up on everybody 🤦‍♀️
anyway if your feeling sad bc of what someone says
obanai gets you a gift to make you feel better
He’s really thoughtful and pays attention/remembers everything you tell him you like
which makes perfect gifts for situations like these
ngl this is like idk the year 1500?? IDK BUT ITS THE TAISHO ERA SO THIS WAS A WHILE AGO
which means beauty standards were 📈📈
but for obanai? You ARE his beauty standard 😍😍
everyone should strive to look like our majestic (name)!!
as far as the hashira’s opinions☝️
they don’t mind at all and are completely nonjudgmental
gyomei can’t see so when y’all described how you look it doesn’t necessarily make a difference 😅 although, again he doesn’t mind :)
mitsuri is literally the love hashira she adores you just as much as obanai does <3
shinobu is more mature than to make fun of someone over they’re appearance
now tokito will either
1) be rude at first (the hashira’s have to set him straight)
2) won’t care
3) likes you from jump so he doesn’t mind
sanemi would never judge a women like that (if you know what he did for mitsuri and shinobu and they’re uniforms yk what I mean)
Giyuu is completely unfazed
Rengoku loves you all the same
now uzui…….bc of his standards and 3 wives….it can either go one of two ways
1) him and obanai are now mortal enemies and he keeps you away from him
2) he thinks your THICC and FINE 💖 (dis one better fr)
Ngl it’s even worse if a demon insults you
bc now he gets to KILL them
He goin all out too
who are they to talk anyway demons be the most horrendous looking BEASTS-
fluff time~ 💕💗💖♥︎♡
obanai loves to cuddle!
he’s shy but once you get sometime into the relationship he likes gentle and intimate affections such as cuddling, hugging & hand holding
he holds you in his arms before falling asleep
and he makes sure you sleep first
If you have a nightmare he’s on it!
he’s got water, blankets, comfort food…what else you need??
on it! 🏃💨
That’s literally him
he’s always prioritizing your comfort and happiness in your relationship ★
Get this to the obanai stans, tumblr!! Go go go!!
;3 - Brook
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magoapple · 9 months
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Seungmin x Neutral Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Genre: kinda enemy to lovers fluff
Warnings: sassy seungmin but that's not a warning you know what you're getting into
Summary: Seungmin is sassy and looks like a puppy while you look sassy but are like a golden retriever. Do opposites attract or are you really opposites to begin with? And what happens when Seungmins sarcastic jokes go to far?
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When the guys first met you, they were positive you and Seungmin would get along because you just had this sassy look to you. They soon figured out they were very wrong. You and Felix were actually the ones to get along the most. The two of you would joke non-stop, and the guys learned you were nothing more than a golden retriever. Han would often make jokes saying you and Seungmin were a perfect match because he looked like a puppy but was super sassy, and you were the complete opposite.
The members loved when you would visit because they felt like they could just be themselves around you. Seungmin, however, disliked when you would come over. You were always joking and laughing with the members, yet it seemed you could never tell when he was joking or not. You being over always made his head hurt because he was constantly rolling his eyes. Today when Felix invited you over, things were actually peaceful for once, but that all started to change.
You and Felix were playing UNO and the game was getting pretty intense. You had just laid down your third draw 2 card, leaving Felix to pick up 12 cards in total. “Oh my god Y/N why would you do this?!” You didn't even need a second to think before spitting out the your mom card. Seungmin took in a deep breath and quickly got up. “You know Y/N you want to hear a joke?”
You looked suspicious but nodded your head. “Um, sure why not.” Seungmin gave a disappointed look before speaking. “You know, I really like walks, especially when they're taken by the people who irritate me.” You were straight up confused. Until his words registered in your mind. “Oh… Do I annoy you, Seungie?”
Seungmin would often make these sarcastic jokes with the members all the time. Felix placed his hand on your shoulder and shook his head. “He's just being sassy Y/N he jokes like that with all us.”
“Oh Seungmin is that true, for a second I thought I really bothered you, if I did, I'd feel bad.” You gave him a gentle smile and Seungmin felt a little bad but brought himself back to the present. “Yeah joking… Why don't you guys play this somewhere else, I'm trying to relax.” Felix rolled his eyes and helped you pick up the cards before heading to his room with you. “Don't worry about him, he's just mister grumpy pants.”
“Are you sure? He did seem really upset, I just don't want to be rude. I am a guest here, after all.” Felix comforted you for a few minutes before you guys went back to playing your game. You two only played for another hour before watching a movie. Halfway through the film, Felix had fallen asleep and you sighed. That left you and Seungmin as the only two awake and in the dorm.
You carefully walked into the living room and heard the soft sounds of voices playing on the TV. As you got closer, you saw Seungmin was on his phone and you smiled. He was actually adorable when not being a sassy pant. The moment was ruined as your foot stepped on a creaky board, sending his head snapping in your direction. “What are you doing?” You fiddled with your fingers before sitting on the couch. “Um, Felix is sleeping, and he's my ride so yeah.”
“Well, just get an Uber, I'm trying to enjoy my alone time.” You didn't say anything and just sat there. You knew how Seungmin was, but today it seemed like he wasn't joking. “Do I really bother you that much? So much that it's painful to just have me sit here, even if I was quiet?”
Seungmin rolled his eyes. “Well, you're not being quiet so… I don't know.” You huffed. “I'll never understand you, I try to be nice, and I understand you're the sarcastic one, but there are limits Seungmin limits.” You got up and grabbed your stuff, not even checking if you had everything. “When Felix wakes up, tell him I went home.”
Seungmin didn't bother nodding his head, he just went back to his phone. He did feel a little bad about how he worded his words. Then again, if you said you knew he was sarcastic, then you shouldn't have taken his words seriously. He sat for a few seconds before rubbing his hand across his face. “Ugh, why do I care.”
Seungmin was really questioning himself as he stood up and walked outside. He let out a thankful sigh when he saw you still standing by the bus stop. “Bus hasn't come by yet?” His force scared you and you jumped in place. “Geez next time announce your presence, you scared the living shit out of me!”
For the first time today, Seungmin smiled. “My bad, listen I apologize for earlier, I forgot you're not like the guys.”
“Well, what is that supposed to mean?” Seungmin sat down on the bench and ran his fingers through his hair. “I guess I just mean you're different, I didn't mean to make you think I was being serious.” You sat down next to him, looked his way. A blush spread across your face when his eyes met yours. “I just was convinced I was annoying you, and no one wants to be an annoyance to their crush.”
You dryly chuckled before realizing what you had said. There was no taking it back now because, sadly, life did not have a reset button. “You like me?”
“Uh, yeah, I really thought it was obvious.” Seungmin blinked. “I mean like why I'm like a sarcastic bag of sassy, and you're super adorable who gets hurt at my jokes.” You scoffed while hitting him with your shoulder. “Okay ouch, but I don't always get hurt, just here recently when I was catching feelings. I thought it was obvious and so when you kept making your jokes It seemed like you were being serious, and it hurt.”
Seungmin didn't mean to hurt you if he did. “Well, I'm sorry it seemed that way… Um, why don't we head inside and watch something, it's getting cold out here.” You nodded and agreed with him, as it was getting a bit chilly. “Yeah, I'd like that.”
As Seungmin got up, he held out his hand for you. This was like the first time he was being like a gentleman towards you. “Wow, Kim Seungmin, this is a new side to you.” He laughed, opening the dorm door for you as well. “What can I say, I'm secretly like the nicest person you'll meet?”
“Well, I'll be the judge of that if… You know you'd ever want to maybe spend time together just us not the other members.” Seungmin thought for a few seconds. “You know I might just enjoy that.” You both exchanged smiles and plopped on the couch, finishing the film Seungmin was watching. After a while Felix had woken up and walked into the living room.
He had to rub his eyes multiple times to see if what he was looking at was true. You were sleeping with your head on Seungmins shoulder, and Seungmin was fine with it. He was even laying his on top of yours. “Oh my God, what happened?" Seungmin gently shrugged his shoulders.
“We talked now shh Y/N is sleeping.” Felix was confused but also to tired to judge. After he left Seungmin rested his head back in yours and closed his eyes. He could definitely get used to this.
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zeroseuniverse · 1 year
Cat Lover
WC: 852
Pairing: San x reader
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Honestly, if San was ever asked who he saw in his life in 5 years time he’d say his family first, they support and loved him throughout his life and got him to where he is today, then he’d say his friends, he doubted they’d let him escape their chaos even if he wanted to, Wooyoung would track him down anywhere. Third? His lover, his compassionate lover who cares more about him than anyone had ever expressed, all of his likes and dislikes were engraved in their brain, along with all of his ticks and habits. 
His love for cats was almost always noted, dates to cat cafes, feeding strays, cat plushies. Honestly their shared adoration for the animals was what made him fall for them. Especially when two injured kittens were brought into their home and nursed back to health with the gentlest of touches, given the most love they had probably ever felt in their lives. And so their family grew, two became three, all of the kittens having a disability that shattered San’s heart, but it was repaired as the two humans showered their babies in all of the love. 
That wasn’t the point of this story though, coming home to an empty house had him spooked, not even the sound of the cat's claws pattering across the floor was heard. He pulled out his phone in a panic, dialling his partner’s number quickly. Only to panic further when the call went to voicemail.
It wasn’t on purpose, they hadn’t  heard the phone ring over the sound of the pounding hammer, so when they were getting ready to go home and saw the calls they immediately called him back in a flurry of panic, was he okay?
“Sannie, are you okay?” they said immediately as the call got answered.
“Where are you?”
“I was working on something, are you okay?”
“You took the cats with you to work?”
“No, it was a personal project.”
“What project?”
“Well that isn’t something I can tell you yet.”
“It’s a surprise Sannie.”
“For what?”
“Just for you, I’ll show you this weekend, okay? I’m almost done.”
And so they did, that Saturday, the lovers were in the car by 8 AM, driving an hour away to get to their destination. San had been quiet since the call, anxious really, so the atmosphere was a bit odd, his eyes glancing down at his lover's hands often, watching them clench around the steering wheel or armrest tightly, their nerves obviously eating them up as well. 
After the awkward hour long ride the two arrived at a house making San confused, why would his surprise be in a house? They turned off the ignition and turned to face San who was looking at them in confusion, “My uncle passed, and since I was his closest relative bsides his brother he left the property to me, along with some special guests to take care of. I’d like you to meet them.” was all they said before getting out of the car and walking up to the front door quickly, and as soon as he followed the two walked through the house and into the fenced in backyard, but that wasn’t what caught his attention of course, no it was the cozy shed that was once deteriorating  and decaying. It was rebuilt beautifully, the wood stained a golden brown and had multiple exit points far too small for a human.
“You did this?” San asked, confused, watching as his lover walked over to the human sized door and opened it, gesturing him to go in, and when he did? Man he swore he was in heaven. Cats were everywher cuddled up or playing with some toys.
“My uncle fed strays so much they came to stay, he couldn’t provide much but they all fell in love with the shed, despite it being rundown, so I slowly changed it, avoiding abrupt changes that may spook them off, I had someone come to feed them since I couldn’t leave often without drawing much attention, but these were his babies, most of them came from bad pasts, were super skittish the first few times they had met me but they came around fast, I brought our three here after making sure they were all healthy and flea free, and they all immediately fell for them too.” They explained softly, watching their boyfriend’s eyes wander the area slowly in awe.
“You made them a home and took care of them all alone? Babe, I would've helped.”
“I know but you had work and I wanted to do this for him.”
“Okay, that’s okay. So what’s the plan? We can’t drive an hour everyday to get here and feed them.”
“Well your job is only 30 minutes away, and mine can be transferred to online, I was thinking we could move in here, it would be cheaper than where we live now, and there’s more space.”
It didn’t take too much convincing San was more than okay with this life, and with his lover? He’d be insane to want anything else.
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haven-dark · 7 months
Idk what to do with this but it's gonna spontaneously combust if I just let it sit in my drive, so I guess I'm just gonna put it here for now?
A little scene(s) I whipped up after a discussion with some friends about the idea of middle-aged Stu and Billy moving into a picturesque suburban town and their neighbors slowly getting suspicious as people go missing.
The neighborhood’s newest resident easily has fifteen years on the most recent Mrs. Jones, but so does her husband, and Dennis doesn't have a smoothly sculpted jawline and lusciously thick head of dark hair. 
The moving truck is still mostly full when she comes by with her youngest stepson in tow. “Mason, leave the bugs alone,” she orders, taking his little arm firmly and dragging him away from a beached earthworm and towards the new neighbor's house. 
She fluffs her curls and double checks her lipstick in a car mirror before approaching the man from behind.
“I was wondering when the new family would arrive,” she says as a greeting. “The sign said sold for a little bit there.”
He glances at the lawn sign bearing the fake smile of the fake blonde who’d been responsible for selling the place. She’s one of those PTA bitches, but Cassidy is sure that she told them every charming story they could possibly want to hear about how great Arbor Village is. “Yeah, some stuff took longer than expected to sort out.” 
“Can we go home now?” Mason whines.
“It's not nice to interrupt grown-ups,” she reprimands. She looks to the man apologetically, but he seems unbothered. “Kids,” she chuckles. She bends to pick Mason up so she can sneak a look at the man's left hand. No ring. “Do you have any?”
“I've got these three.” He raps the knuckles of his right hand, which does sport a couple of rings, against the cab window. Three canine faces appear on cue, a small light one squished between the larger, darker two. 
She giggles at the reveal. “So no human children? How about a wife?” she ventures. 
“No wife,” he says. “And these three are more than enough.” His head is tilted toward the window, and she lets her eyeline drop to his lips as he talks. They look soft. 
He looks back to her more quickly than she’d expected and she’s sure that she’s been caught. She blushes slightly. He turns his full focus on her, looks her up and down. 
Having had no specific plans of running into a charming older bachelor, she hadn’t selected her outfit for Mason’s park day very intentionally. Her workout pants are visibly faded and she’s pretty sure this jacket has that collection of stains speckled along the bottom, but she doesn’t want to check and draw attention to it. 
His gaze is intense. It feels a little like he’s peering into her, breaking her into her components with his dark eyes so he can review each piece. Despite starting to overheat as she stands in a patch of sun in her sweats, she feels a little naked. She doesn’t dislike it.
If he concludes his assessment with a negative impression of her, he gives no sign of it. He rubs his beard and gives her a warm smile before offering his ringed hand for her to shake. “I'm Billy.” His grip is almost gentle for the rugged look of him, though it's strong. She doesn’t want to take her hand back, so she lets it linger as long as she thinks she can get away with it.
“Cassidy Jones. Although,” she offers, “friends call me Sid.”
His eyebrows go up slightly. “Sid,” he repeats, and she wants to melt at the sound of it. She loves the way it drips off his tongue, almost musically. “That’s great. It suits you.”
She blushes again, pleasantly this time. “Well, thank you, Billy.” Mason’s been patting and grabbing at her to get her attention, though he��s miraculously stopped talking, like he was told. She irritably sets him back on the ground. “You know, by the time you get all of this unpacked it’s going to be far too late to start cooking, and you should really have a home cooked meal on your first day in town. If you’d like–”
“Who’s this, Babe?” A second man appears by Billy, wrapping an arm around him from behind and setting his chin on Billy’s shoulder. He’s at least as attractive as Billy, but the way his eyes scan over Cassidy makes her feel like she’s being not just undressed but completely skinned. 
Billy smirks downward, to himself, then looks over his shoulder. “Stu, this is our neighbor from across the street. Sid.”
There’s something unsettling in the grin Stu responds with. “Nice t’meet ya, Sid.”
She wants to retract the invitation to the nickname, but she can’t just ask one of them not to use it. “You too,” she says, because it’s just the thing to say. She lifts Mason back up, ready to exit the conversation. 
But Billy continues it. “She was just inviting us over for dinner tonight, so we can have a home cooked meal on our first night in town.” Shit. Yet another invitation she’d offered too early and can’t rescind. “Isn’t that nice?” He looks at her again, even though the question is clearly directed to his partner. His smile is so kind that she wonders for a second if she really wants to take it back, but she hopes that they’ll make a polite attempt at declining so she can use it as a window to renegotiate.
“Oh, that’s really generous,” Stu says. “Putting yourself out like that for a couple of strangers.”
She feels like Mason’s worm, wriggling here in the sun, so close to safety, but unable to get out of this alone. The sad irony is the only ones who can release her are the ones who put her here in the first place. And at least one of them seems set on watching her squirm.
Billy’s turned to look at Stu on his shoulder again. “It might be late by the time we finish unpacking…”
Cassidy tries to wedge herself back into the conversation at that moment, but Stu’s too quick to close off the opening. “Don’t do that. Look how uncomfortable she is. You’re being so rude to turn down a neighborly welcome.” He gives a broad smile and tells her, “We’d love to come.”
Stu watches Billy, standing in the street in front of the moving truck, through the half-shut kitchen blinds as he sets a stack of boxes on the otherwise empty counter. He can tell by the body language that he’s talking to someone, but it takes a second for her to swoop into his line of vision as she bends to pick up a small boy.
Some neighborhood mom here to chat him up. Of course. What is it with moms and Billy? They’re fucking magnetized to him anywhere he goes. Stu had been inside for all of a minute and she’d just materialized.
She’s cute, too, with a mess of dark curls and a set of curves that aren’t completely swallowed up by the track suit she’s wearing. Billy’s probably going to flirt back just so Stu can catch him doing it. He’s such a little shit.
Billy makes eye contact with him through both of the truck’s windows just as he steps out onto the front porch. “No wife,” he says to the woman, with a smirk at Stu. 
Fucking asshole. Predictable but still infuriating. 
As soon as he knows Stu’s seen him, he turns back to the woman, angling his body so Stu can watch in profile as he roughly rubs at his facial hair, a move women for some reason seem to find charming.
Stu fumes for a moment before charging over to make his entrance and mark his territory. 
“Who’s this, Babe?” He adds the pet name with a slight emphasis as he slips a possessive arm around Billy’s midsection. He sets his chin on Billy’s shoulder as if in an affectionate embrace, but he lets its point and his fingertips push just a little too hard into Billy to make sure he gets the message.
He plasters on a friendly smile as his eyes devour the woman in front of him, not hungrily but angrily. Maybe a little hungrily. She really is cute. A little young for his taste, but definitely something he could have been into a decade ago.
When his eyes return to hers, he can see that she’s recalculated the scenario and realized her mistake. That’s right, bitch, he broadcasts telepathically. This is mine.
Billy’s looking at the ground, silently laughing to himself. Stupid asshole’s gotten exactly what he wanted. He turns to look at Stu and the broadcast changes to, You’re gonna fucking pay for this later, you dick.
“Stu, this is our neighbor from across the street,” Billy introduces, the stupid smirk still tugging on the corner of his mouth. He pauses, just slightly, and adds an emphasis that probably only Stu can pick up on as he delivers the name. “Sid.”
He’s still pissed at Billy, but he can’t contain the grin that splits his face at the coincidence. He’d thought he was so funny picking a town called Arbor Village because of its parallel to their hometown. But to have the first neighbor they meet be called Sid? That was too good. He couldn’t have scripted it any better.
“Nice t’meet ya, Sid.” He eyes her again and, maybe he’s imagining it, but he can even see a certain resemblance to the Prescott women in her face. Especially when her eyes widen and brow furrows as he smiles down at her. She looks enticingly like a spooked deer.
She picks up her kid as she’s returning the greeting like she’s about to make a run for it. Billy gives a watch this grin sideways at him before showing off the trap he’d built while Stu was away.
“She was just inviting us over for dinner tonight.” Stu shares his grin. The sentence shackles the woman to the spot in front of them. “So we can have a  home cooked meal on our first night in town. Isn’t that nice?”
Sid’s no longer merely spooked. When he looks back to her, she’s a caged animal, looking across the street to freedom through invisible bars. She, seemingly unconsciously, takes a step backward. There’s a plea in her eyes for them to let her go, but to uninvite them would be so impolite.
And to expect your captors to be your saviors is just naive. He can’t resist rattling the cage a little.
“Oh, that’s really generous,” he joins in. There’s a hint of mocking in his tone. He can’t help it. He’s having too much fun. But he’s sure to add a little earnestness, too, like he’s genuinely touched by her offer. “Putting yourself out like that for a couple of strangers.” 
God, she’s starting to look genuinely scared now and it’s delicious. He could almost salivate as the line about them being strangers registers in her eyes. 
The kid’s wiggling in her arms and she really looks like she could sprint away if the unanswered invitation wasn’t holding her in place.
Does he really want to go to her house for dinner? Who knows? Who cares? But he really fucking wants to keep playing with his prey.
Billy turns his head back to Stu. “It might be late by the time we finish unpacking…”
Sid’s muscles relax. Stu’s smile wilts. Billy’s just unlocked the door, unbound her, and offered up an escape route.
Is he the one Billy’s been fucking with this whole time? He’s been dangling her in front of him just to let her go at the last second?
But when he looks over, there’s a command in Billy’s eyes. He’s lining up Stu’s shot and ordering him to take it. Giving her a little false hope just so Stu can bat it away. How’s he such a piece of shit and also the perfect man?
She opens her mouth to respond, to dash through the open cage door. He cuts her off.
“Don’t do that,” he pretends to reprimand Billy. “Look how uncomfortable she is.”
He suppresses his smile as he does exactly as he’s just instructed Billy. She’s uncomfortable and now also confused. She doesn’t know which direction he’s moving with this. She's praying that he's about to show her mercy. 
Her prayers are going to remain unanswered.
He takes just a little too long to continue speaking, to let her suffer an extra half a second before he pulls the trigger. “You’re being so rude to turn down a neighborly welcome.”
Billy’s snicker is silent, but Stu feels the vibration against his body. That, along with the despair in their target’s eyes, warms his bones with sweet satisfaction. 
Maybe he’ll actually be thanking Billy later instead of punishing him. 
The smile on his face is completely genuine when he answers. “We’d love to come.”
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conchiferrous · 5 months
Tumblr media
im sooo smart i couldnt find the blank template but i have now but its fine . classic deviantart meme font.
[IMAGE ID: The fandom opinion meme, a template where you draw characters that correspond to the prompt, this one being themed around One Piece. The first one is for "favorite character" where Franky, Robin, and Usopp have been drawn. They're all close together with Franky in the back and Usopp doing a thumbs up. For "liked by everyone but me" is Sabo, whose burn scar is drawn more exaggerated. For "didn't like at first" is Orochi, who's head is tilted down a bit and is looking up, annoyed. For "would like to know more about" are Crocodile, Pudding, Kiwi, and Mozu. There's text above them reading "honestly I would love to know more about the franky family in general." For "least favorite character" is Orlumbus, who is annoyed and looking to the side. For "like the design, dislike the character" is Zeo, glaring at the viewer. Text next to him reads "unfunny as fuck but the most badass design in the goddamn shit." For "like the character, dislike the design" is a very small drawing of Usopp, as if he's standing far away. Text above him reads: "God I hate the donut lip thing." For "similar personality" are Pudding and Usopp. Pudding is grabbing Usopp's shoulders from behind and looking at him with her three big eyes and says "I can erase all scary memories." and Usopp responds: "Oh shit, fr?". He seems pretty okay with this ordeal. For "fav ship" The Going Merry is drawn in the foreground, with an expressive figurehead. She looks very excited and has a 1st place medal around her neck. And then in the background Franky and Robin are seen making out. For "least fav ship" are Buggy and Crocodile. Crocodile is blowing smoke on Buggy's face and Buggy keels over and hacks. For "would befriend IRL" is Kokoro, lazily looking at the viewer and holding a bottle of booze. Text beside her reads "would be chill as fuck". For "would not befriend IRL" is Sanji, who is laying tied up on railroad tracks while a train looms in the distance. Befriend is also spelled incorrectly, reading "befrined". /END ID]
explaining my self under the cut (EGGHEAD SPOILERS INCLUDED)
Favorite character: Franky, Robin and Usopp. Franky is my favorite but Robin and Usopp are the best characters. For Franky it's mostly that I like weird guys in hawaiin shirts and I also like inventor/engineer characters and he's both which is not fair to my psyche. And a lot of the shit he makes is so silly all those extra vehicles in the sunny all have to be cartoon animal themed and that's so cute. Silly guy making his silly machines, aww aww. I like Robin because she's a little weird a little offputting. Wish they went way further with that but I still enjoy that element of her character. And that she's the designated smart one but not in a killjoy way, and it's so sweet seeing her find happiness over time. I like that Usopp is the straight man or everyman type guy of the crew, and how most times the thing he chooses to do is the most "yeah i would have done that in this situation". I like that at no point he suddenly overnight becomes some brave boy and is a shounen anime badass now, but instead he's anxious about everything but pulls through regardless. He could have quit back in water 7 but he didn't !! New world scary as hell but he's still here having not given up or died !! There's something i really appreciate about having a character who isn't a badass or anything like that succeed too because its harder for him. And I lovee a good usopp fight, his fighting style is so fun and the usopp vs perona fight is one of my favorite of the whole series. I think it's fun that he was able to work around his fear of close combat by getting experimental. And of course the whole thing with how they make a point in Enies that Usopp doesn't have to be insanely capable and competant to have value and have his friends love him and i think that's nice. Everybody's valued on the crew even if their unique skills are more "niche" or whatever. :] .
Liked by everyone but me: Sabo. I think I would have liked him a lot more if he wasn't introduced immediately after Ace died as Luffy's secret brother he also has (anime adaptation is way worse for this because they can't even hide that Sabo didn't die !! It's so obvious !!) I know they have a whole passing the torch thing going on and the fire fruit thing is very cute but i feel it kind of takes away from the impact of ace dying to give luffy a different fire brother yknow ? either way though, he has the personality of a slice of white bread like i really dont find him endearing at all, all i get out of him is he's kind of fun to draw i like pulling a brightheart warrior cats fan design on him. as far as i can tell most OP fandom people generally like him i never see sabo slander LOL but that's just me
Didn't like at first: Orochi. Choosing him more out of what I felt was appropriate given some characters i.e. franky are clearly supposed to start off on a bad note then be likable later. Orochi never gets redeemed or even becomes particularly silly and charming in the ways many other villains do. Him being an over the top piece of shit who was also scared of everything then had beef with Kaido just appealed to me idk lol plus all the stuff with how he's doing all this out of some kind of paranoia/trauma response and like yeah fuck sure i'll take that some kind of a reason over nothing at all. he's a little like arlong if arlong was like really really lame. i think it's funny he fake dies like twice + his actual(?) death scene is honestly pretty badass that was a good ass scene. one of my more favorite villains tbh and he pleasantly surprised me because i really assumed he was just going to be another comically evil annoying lame guy in a different coat of paint. think again it's annoying lame guy but a little better.
Would like to know more about: Crocodile, Pudding, Kiwi, and Mozu. Honestly there's like 27 characters I could put here. Crocodile stands out to me because of the implied trans thing mostly but regardless, I am curious about his relationship with Robin and his run in with Whitebeard and the thing with going out of his way to stick his neck out for Luffy in Marineford. <- that was probably just Crocodile being grateful luffy busted him out of impel down and not wanting to say it, but i like to think there's some kind of "luffy reminds crocodile of himself when he was younger" type deal because yea croc wanted to be pirate king before whitebeard shat all over him, yeah? yeah i wanna know this guy's deal. and yeah what were the circumstances of him and Iva's initial meeting? Out of everyone I chose he's probably the mostly likely to get some kind of detailed backstory and such. I assume Pudding is probably going to be very relevant eventually what with the opening of the third eye or whatever the fuck. Excited as the prospect of more Pudding, really hope we do not get another hancock situation where her entire character devolves into being really obsessed with a guy. Low expectations for this one I just hope she gets things to do that uh . don't suck lol. i really like her a lot. I think I kind of already explained Kiwi & Mozu yeah, in general more of anything on Franky Family would be nice. I know they're not important like Croc + Pudding but I hope they at least get some silly mini story shit. Filler ep where Franky reminisces on franky family . i will take antyhing.
Least favorite character: Orlumbus. don't like the columbus cameo. that's it, this one isn't deep, the fact he's a character at all is just dumb to me. i do rank him lower than villains or intentionally annoying charatcers because at least characters like Spamdam you're clearly supposed to want him dead so he's doing his job as a character.
Like the design, dislike the character: Zeo. Wasn't huge on the new fishman pirates in general. Would have to reread Fishman Island to elaborate better. Zeo's design is badass though.
Like the character, dislike the design: Usopp. Looks like a caricature
Same personality: Usopp and Pudding. Only 2 I could think of that have made me think yeah, they're just like me for real on a regular basis.
Favorite ship: Going Merry. I love that the Merry is just the silly little boat that could held together by duck tape and how comically smaller she is compared to marine ships, really bringing together this idea that the straw hats are just some scrappy weirdos who have no business being alive this long- Oh. Oh that kind of ship. Okay. Frobin is like the most . Sounds like a pairing that would actually happen, makes sense for how I understand these characters to be, etc. I'm not in the camp of believing they're end game or canonically secretly in love, you just don't have to like . Conveniently forget things about either character to force it into making some kind of sense. More importantly though, I think it's fun how they're counterparts to each other. Robin is history/nature themed, Franky is futuristic/technology themed, but both are connected through the pluton thing. They're both "keys to the ancient weapon" but instead of being destructive evil characters they're more interested in building the other up. Something like that. And it's a weird girl + silly guy dynamic and I like these kinds of "met you in the worst situation but we made it out together and are now both enjoying ourselves" relationships. If I was spamdam bringing robin and franky together for my evil scheme only for them to not only both escape but end up on the same crew and become very close I would have to quit my job out of embarrassment.
Least favorite ship:Crocodile x Buggy.I don't care for most hate love type dynamics anyways but particularly don't enjoy this one because seeing Buggy in this toxic yaoi with my boss type situation doesn't appeal to me at all. (Obviously not the worst OP pairing in the world, just as far as pairings I actually see with my eyes every now and again I don't really care for this one)
Would befriend irl: Kokoro. I just like her. I would listen to her talk for a long time about whatever the hell.
Would not befriend irl: Sanji. I mean like more than half of all OP characters are people i would not stand but I have a dunking on Sanji quota to achieve.
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 11 months
First of all sooo excited for your blog! The one thing I don't like about digital circus is the complete and utter lack of Ragtha love! Lol
I know you said you prefer platonic relationships, and for my girl Ragatha, I think if her and Jax were secretly besties, it would add so much more to each other. Cause it means Jax does have a vulnerable side, and Ragtha has an unlikely ally perhasp willing to push things a little far for her.
Also just a personal headcannon since Ragthas been there the longest maybe she's actively helped some of the main cast figure out to cope and hold on to their sanity, because she did say their was still time to "fix" Kafmo. So that's implies someone can be brought back if their not completely constructed yet. I think there's so much potential in her doing that for Jax because their different morals and personality seems like the most interesting dynamic to me. Plus, gotta love that angst.
// yeah same ! ragatha quickly became my favorite - for several reasons that will be too long for this post - and it really saddens me that she's already getting pushed aside ...
like don't get me wrong , she gets more attention than gangle and zooble ( who are also characters i'm fond of that i wish gets the same level of analysis as jax and kinger ) , but there's so much to pick apart and analyze with ragatha that someone has to take the mantle ^^
besides uurgh i may love jesterdoll but ragatha has so much potential for interesting dynamics , not just pomni ! like her being very compliant towards caine , how she might've helped zooble considering they were the newest before pomni , the history she might've had with kinger , how she's the most suitable to comfort gangle , and just !! her entire thing with jax !!
like i can see why they can be an interesting dynamic - they're like two sides of the same coin in a way ( both are secretly terrified out of their minds and hides it by either servicing people or pushing them away . do you see my vision ) . i personally see them as begrudging siblings - really dislike each other but most likely won't be able to live without the other
( also a part of that may not be fueled by how ragatha's heavily inspired by raggedy ann and that jax's voice is a raggedy andy impersonation ... )
i will admit it's a bit too early to draw a conclusion on what's going on between them though since gooseworx keeps reiterating that no one likes jax and that he's an irredeemable asshole - but i know their dynamic won't just be pure , mutual hate . i personally love the thought of them being the only one who truly understands the other despite the vitriol lol
also ! i've always thought of ragatha as the group meditator in a way ! in my head , she's the glue that helps hold the group together - i don't think the current cast will survive even a single hour without the only person who isn't panicky and/or irresponsible . i won't be surprised if she actually saved someone from near-abstraction !
though i don't think it's a role that's doing her any big favors . do you think anyone ever asks how she's doing ? (: //
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aintgonnatakethis · 2 months
Writing Interview Tag!
Big thanks to @moltenwrites for the tag! I've seen this going around and was hoping to be tagged at some point. *rubs hands together* There'll be a readmore at the bottom with the templates for both desktop and mobile.
About me
When did you start writing?
Very young, around 5-6. I remember there was homework where the teacher gave everyone a list of words and asked us to write a sentence with each word. I would turn in a paragraph for each instead 😂 When I was 14 I was writing a lot of Doctor Who fic on FFnet (I can't believe that was 16 years ago 💀) and during the lockdown I started writing again for something to do.
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?
I don't think so? Sorry, that's a really unsatisfying answer, I know. It's like when you're asked what your favourite book is and you instantly forget every book you've ever read 😂
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?
Is this gonna be weird? Probably. Am I gonna fight through the anxiety anyway? Sure, you betcha! @septembriseur is one of the best writers I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Your Telford is second to none. Thank you.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
Just sitting in my bed cradling my laptop. Despite only being 3 and a half years old it's got a whole host of things wrong with it, the most problematic being a loose connection somewhere inside the charging port. To be able to charge I have to sit in a very specific position and stay still, with a metal water bottle braced against the charging cable to keep it pushed in, another cable tied around it with an elastic band and hooked over the opposite side of the laptop. It's... honestly not the best lol. But it's a gaming laptop so getting it fixed would probably be expensive and I just don't have the money.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Am I allowed to say drugs? 😂 I'm prescribed ADHD meds and Pregabalin for anxiety, and they both help me focus enough to get words down on the page. I'd be pretty screwed without them tbh. I had an appointment with a doctor today and am getting an instant release ADHD medication added to my prescription as the extended release wears off by mid-to-late afternoon, so maybe I'll be able to get another daily writing session in when I take that!
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about?
Hn. I want to say not really, but it must have influenced me in some way, right? Kids are sponges and will soak up and mimic the behaviours of the adults around them, and often people will reach adulthood with opinions and ideas that they don't even realise were created by an outside influence.
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?
QUEER! And no, it doesn't surprise me at all. 😂 I love writing about self-discovery, characters figuring out they can grow outside of the box society has built for them.
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
So, uh, I'm just gonna link y'all here, where I ramble on about David Telford from Stargate Universe for fucking ages. He's in my brain spinning plates as we speak. (He never stops.)
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
Well, in real life I wouldn't want to be friends with anyone in the military. While the US military is a special interest of mine because of Stargate, I am very aware that these characters are not realistic when compared to their real life counterparts. Realism in this area is one reason my favourite of the series is Universe, but even then these men aren't... Well, let's just say that - just like in politics - you don't get far in the military if you're a good person.
Which characters would you dislike the most of you met them?
😬😬😬 I mean, the fact they're dislikeable is part of the draw, ya know? I think irl-Young would suck absolute balls. 😂
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
Not super applicable as I'm a solely fandom writer, but the parts of the characters we're not given by the show come to me as I write, like puzzle pieces slotting into place. A good back-and-forth conversation is another excellent way to dig deep into them.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
QUEER! But being serious, I've given both Everett Young (SGU) and John Sheppard (SGA) intrusive thoughts...
My writing
What’s your reason for writing?
Escapism. Creativity. The characters are in my head screaming at me.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?
Ooh, the long back-and-forth conversations! I'm here to talk endlessly about these little fucking blorbos and I will ramble about them to anyone!
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Taking this very seriously: a man. I know that fandom is typically a woman-dominated area and I've met quite a few other trans people through Stargate, but yeah. I know there are cultural differences with what are generally considered gender neutral terms around the world, but I do not want to ever be referred to as a girl or with woman-coded terms. I've had to fight hard to be able to be myself: man, dude, bro, there are a lot of choices.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Hmm... consistency? I set the New Year's resolution to write something every day in 2022. That year I missed 2 and half weeks because I had top surgery and while beforehand I thought 'awesome, I'll have plenty of time to write!' it turned out that recent wounds almost in my armpits makes it quite painful to move my arms... 🤔 In 2023 I wrote every day and so far I've kept that up in 2024. It's not always a lot of words, but it's always something.
What have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?
Characterisation. I've been told I've got my SGU boys (Telford, Young, and Rush) down to a tee.
How do you feel about your own writing?
There's a cycle where I look back at stuff I've written and compare it to what I'm currently writing and think 'this new stuff isn't as good', but in 3 months the stuff I'm currently writing will be what I think is good so... There are pieces I'm especially proud of, of course. If you'd allow me to plug for a moment, I think a memory, a distant echo is one of the best things I've ever written. Mind the tags though.
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?
Yeah sure. I write primarily for myself so I don't see any reason why I'd stop. I wouldn't live long though lmao
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
First point of contact has to be with me, always. If something doesn't resonate with me, I can't write it. Forcing things is going to make writing unenjoyable and for me it's one of the most joyous things I do and I want to keep it that way. That said, if there's specific interest in a certain idea I have, that of course does motivate me. Feedback is the nectar of writers!
Tagging: @fortunatetragedy @bagheerita @frostysfrenzy @adriankyte-writes @frostedlemonwriter
@gioiaalbanoart @septembriseur @authorcoledipalo @anonmadsci @the-golden-comet + OPEN
@wolgerrswraith @chaniis-atlantis
About me
When did you start writing?
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about?
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
Which characters would you dislike the most of you met them?
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
How do you picture your characters?
My writing
What’s your reason for writing?
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?
How do you feel about your own writing?
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
About meWhen did you start writing?Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?can you tell me a bit about your writing space? What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about?Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?Characters: would you please tell me about your current favorite character? Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?which characters would you dislike the most of you met them?Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters? Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?How do you picture your characters? My writing: what’s your reason for writing?Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating? How do you want to be thought about by your readers?What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?How do you feel about your own writing?If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
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lady-margaret · 4 months
bridgerton season 3 part 1 opinion (as someone who has read all the books + is kathony biased so be warned)
after sitting and stewing on what i just watched for a few hours
i’d like to start this off by saying that due to my disappointment of the writing from the last season, i was way more gracious with this one. kate and anthony were great because of simone and jonathan; i’m not sure the writers had much to do with that.
anyway, what i’m saying is that i already knew not to expect the writers to be faithful to the source material (romancing mr. bridgerton), so i was able to enjoy myself more. additionally, polin’s book isn’t exactly a favorite of mine anyway, so there wasn’t a lot to be too disappointed with in my case.
what i liked:
penelope’s wardrobe; they hyped up the “transformation” so much and i’m glad it did not disappoint.
colin’s hot 😌
eloise’ wardrobe; someone pointed out that it had a lot of philip references, so yay 😀 (it has me worried that it’ll be her story next though, we need ben first)
eloise interacting with the other ladies of the ton was really cute and refreshing; she’s learning that despite them having different interests than her, they are still people of great value. the difference is eloise was raised in a loving and supportive family, unlike most of the others.
sibling’s g&h’s personalities coming through more (they are anthony’s children, truly).
featherington sisters as comic relief.
MARRIED KATHONY CRUMBS 💕💕💕 they carried episode 1 for me.
FRANCESCA 💕💕💕 gorgeous introvert representation.
FRANNY AND JOHN 💕💕💕 (i am both ready and NOT ready to get hurt 🥹)
book references (yay! the bare minimum!)
lord debling’s dope.
i actually do like that they gave cressida a legitimate reason to want to win the competition money to unmask LW in the second part.
the music choices haven’t disappointed yet!!!!!
colin’s line for the season is def the “well are you gonna marry me or not?” line HEHEHEHEHE i ALMOST screamed as loud as i did when john entered when he said that line to pen.
as an army, plus points for dynamite 🤭 i didn’t expect to like the orchestral version and didn’t see the vision of where they would even insert it, but i actually liveddd for it.
what i don’t really have strong feelings about:
mondrich plot; alice is beautiful but the addition of their family storyline didn’t make much of a lasting impact.
the queen; she was very meh so far.
the featherington storyline: the sisters are funny, but their whole situation mixed with the humor leads me not to take it very seriously.
violet x lady danbury’s brother: 🤷‍♀️ i don’t see it.
the “lady danbury’s brother” storyline in general is very forgettable.
what i disliked:
i think nicola and luke could use more chemistry; they fall short compared to daphne&simon and kathony (HEAVY ON KATHONY THIS IS WHY THEY REMOVED THEM FROM THE REST OF THE EPISODES SIGH)
they kinda mischaracterized colin (he spent the last two seasons being selfish and putting himself above everyone else violet, what the hell are you talking about “you never place yourself over others” 🤨)
the lack of ben time?? did he go back to the academy after taking over for anthony briefly??? what did he do besides dodging debutantes all season????
they glossed over benedict running the estate so quickly; this could have been an opportunity to draw out his storyline, especially since he mentioned that he liked having a purpose: WRITERS???? DO SOMETHING WITH THAT!
i also didn’t really care for the ben x tilly arnold plot; unless sophie’s actually a maid of her’s or something, i don’t see her point in the show besides just be another one of ben’s ever changing girl of the season.
im sorry but eloise would never SHOULD NEVER have befriended her (ex?) best friend’s bully, no matter what the circumstances. that is NOT eloise.
honestly, them revealing whistledown in the first season is really screwing with the writing; in this regard, i wish they stayed more faithful to the book and how colin finds out about LW. it all just seems so messy at this point.
so s3 starts when kathony end their honeymoon… how long was this honeymoon? math isn’t mathing cuz it couldn’t have been more than a week given that kate isn’t obviously pregnant yet in the first ep.
i know that colin and pen are longtime friends, but from how they’ve interacted with each other in the past seasons, it’s a bit harder to believe that they were close CLOSE friends; close friends to the extent of helping the other find a spouse through “lessons”? i don’t see it. that’s why i was a bit ??? when i first found out about the plot they were going with for the season (in the book, colin really just starts following her around cuz she was being sus)
i hate that they had to come up with an excuse to get rid of kathony for the rest of the episodes; i get that they’ve been running their separate households alone for most of their lives and want a break but… i don’t think they would abandon their responsibilities for an “extended honeymoon”. knowing them, running the estate isn’t gonna stop them from being wh0res!! they help each other out with the estate and are still sickeningly in love and have time for each other (in the books). i was also really hoping to see kate taking over the viscountess role. i swore they would have done something like that after that cute/awkward moment when they both respond to “lady bridgerton” in episode 1.
i get that it’s established that penelope’s one goal for the season is to get a husband, but as i know her character, she would NEVER get into races (?) or run just so she can talk to a suitor before anyone else does 😭 okay but it was funny.
i am kinda sad that they couldn’t have just let a mean character or a villain character be the villain character; yea sure, i did say that i liked that cressida had a legitimate and well thought out motive for wanting the LW reward money but, idk i could’ve lived without her storyline.
one of the BIGGEST THINGS for me is that i do not think they should have released so many clips/snippets of the show days or weeks before it came out. i understand like 1 clip, but i skipped SO MANY SCENES because i have watched them at least 5 times already on tiktok or twitter.
the two part season idea is dumb.
i’m scared for how messy part 2 will be (in terms of both writing and just how stressed i will be with the revealing of LW plot HUHU poor pen) but i’m still looking forward to it 😇😇😇 and despite all the things i didn’t like, i did still enjoy it. if i do rewatch it or not is still to be decided; s1 & s2 have such high rewatch value.
franny and john were TRULY a standout though. i cannot even begin to describe how loud i screamed when he finally said his name out loud 😭💕
verdict: the writing is getting messier, get jonathan bailey in that writer’s room ASAP
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