#i would post this to main however im shy
mechawolfie · 2 years
i think vash would be a service top but im too embarrassed to elaborate. but could you imagine..........
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poopingonthefloor · 1 year
Davesport is Toxic NOT abusive
(((WARNING: PRETTY LONG POST UNDER THE CUT.))) I've seen some people making the claims that Davesport is comship/proship (ok well i've more seen people bitching about it) and im tired of the Davesport slander so this will be an analysis of their relationship. My motive isn't to force anyone to ship it or anything- i really dont care what you do with your life, my frustration is just when people try to make up REASONS why they don't like the ship, even though its literally canon (and not badly written). My main point is -- You can hate what you want. You don't need a reason, and it doesn't need to be bad just because you don't like it. But I will not take any slander on their ship nor any slander of people who like davesport. Davesport is absolutely toxic-- No DSAF fan would disagree. They are literally child murderers with little to no souls and literally are physically disfigured to the point they don't have the capacity to feel proper humanity anymore. You cant expect 2 men who live their lives willingly murdering and then partying in vegas to celebrate on repeat to be gentle and kind to themselves or anyone else.
However, its NOT abusive. I've seen multiple people (mostly from twitter screenshots) claim that Davesport is abusive or the way people portray it is in a fetishy or romanticizing way of abuse, when that's just not the case. I don't blame a lot of people, since a lot of it comes from reading context and intent of the artist, which not everyone is good at-- BUT I'm here to assure you that MOST people don't intend to do that much and just like to portray how their dynamic is canonically like or portray Daves obsession with Jack. Another argument I've seen (by a twitter screenshot...) is that people are comshipping Davesport because people draw Jack annoyed a lot at Dave when...thats not true? That's just Jack's personality, first off:
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(From the Dave x Reader fanfic by Directdoggo)
"Jack is a bastardman not very touchy-feely. We can see this in many scenes, where Dave more or less says “I love you” and Jack responds with deflecting humour, or outright scorn. When Dave says it for the final time, this time, Jack tries to say it back, but can’t outright, only getting out: “Why is this so hard?” and “I hope you can find peace with what you’ve done.” Which Dave understood the meaning of. (Hey, better than Henry (LEGACY Jack) hearing “I love you” and proceeding to tear Dave limb from limb, huh?"
(Directdoggo describing Jack's personality)
I know it can be a little confusing to some people, but as someone who struggles with similar issues, just because he struggles to express intimately doesn't mean he can't love anything. Sometimes people are just different and communicating like that doesn't come as easily, even to the people you're closest to. To make it as easy as possible to comprehend-- He's quite literally a tsundere. (Minus the exaggerated ridiculousness in anime) He loves Dave, he just cant bring himself to say or act like it. The dismissiveness or rudeness in response to Dave's affection is not abuse, it's just a defensive response since he doesn't know how to say it back. (His way of being "shy") -- Also note its important that Dave UNDERSTANDS this about him by that point.
However Jack isn't the only thing I've seen regarding the claims that their ship is abusive-- and to debunk all of those I'm going to explain the three points that keep Davesport from being abusive, and I'll use Henry x Dave (which is what I'll call it to prevent it getting confused for FNAF willry) as an example alongside it since its super obvious why that one is messed up. Firstly, They are both bad people. By this point, Dave and Jack are murderers. It's just not surprising that they will be willing to kill each other at at least some point, considering they are willing to kill 5 year olds without remorse- and they'll both deserve it. It's only their own faults that they teamed up with the other, and it's meant to be the ultimate irony when Jack becomes even worse than Dave by "An ending". My point is- they're bad people. It's not like they're owed perfect company or would choose wholesome people to hang out with when they're literally both child murderers. Dave wasn't evil and didn't want to kill by the time he teamed up with Henry (and even after it was Henry's fault), so by that point his suffering was absolutely undeserved.
Secondly, They're lacking any specific power dynamic. Unlike Henry and Dave- whom have several levels of "Age, Father figure, and Employer", the most important one is that Henry is Dave's abuser. He manipulated him and purposefully harmed him both mentally and physically, whereas Dave never had any intention of doing either because Dave loved him and didn't want to lose him (because he had nobody else) This obviously much different with Dave and Jack, whom other than being taller and several years older than (which you can argue their 6 year age gap is weird but they didnt get to know each other till they were both older than 30 so by that point age difference doesnt rlly matter and (also theyre "mentally" like 24 and 22 canonically anyways (as much as I usually hate that argument)) Other then that they are only co-workers. This is a bit more arguable during DSAF 1, where Dave comes across more threatening and comes across like he's manipulating Jack, but I don't exactly count that because I wouldn't say theyre "shippable" or in their "situationship*" by that point (but also because them even being a ship was barely considered by the creator at that point obviously)-- whereas Dave is certainly more easily recognized as sincere to Jack in DSAF 2. Jack also is not someone who is afraid to defend himself against Dave, as shown by the fact he's willing to call out Dave's ridiculous behaviors (which is reasonable of him to do).
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(Also from the Dave x reader fanfic) (I just think this specific screenshot debunks any sort of "power dynamic" claim)
My Third and Final point: There is a CHOICE involved I haven't really done much Dave defense in this post, but his defense is very simple: He is literally physically unable to comprehend guilt or conscience. Dave didn't want to murder anyone in the first place, but it was Henry who fucked with his (literal) head so much to the point he stopped being able to feel guilt. He doesn't care about murder and doing wrong because he CAN'T care. You can't really let that reflect Dave as a character when he's really not in control of himself in the first place. Now with that, that doesn't change the fact he could certainly affect and hurt people, and it's fully up to Jack as to whether or not he wants to deal with this purple man's freakish life choices and hobbies or not. And that's honestly super dependent on the ending you decide to base Jack on. Most people see the 'canon' endings to be: Gnarly ending (DSAF 1) -> An ending (DSAF 2) -> Good ending (DSAF 3) Where in all of these, Jack DOES choose to deal with Dave and basically is completely cool with murder. You don't have to follow those endings if you don't want to, but that's just typically what the modern "Davesport" is known for, but its what I'm using for my defense (considering this is a defense of both fandom and canon Davesport.) Though as opposed with Henry and Dave- Dave had no choice. Henry only ever manipulated him into thinking he did, and Henry made sure to feed this whole 'we will be a family' ideal into Dave (who never had one) so that Dave would be terrified to lose him. Jack never manipulates Dave (when teamed up with him), and Dave never manipulates Jack (tho arguable in DSAF 1 as well). They stay with each other despite all of their issues, and I believe its due to some co-dependency (imo I think Jack is also obsessed with Dave just in a different way before DSAF 3) Which isn't healthy, but not...inherently abusive.
I believe my main three points kind of cover the most of why I dont consider Davesport to be inherently a bad ship, but like I said- if you don't like it, none of that matters anyways. You dont NEED a reason to like something, and I wont try to convince you why you should ship something because I like it. Just don't hate it just because of what someone else says-- 90% of the dsaf fandom aren't comshippers, and Davesport isn't gross or "toxic /neg" just because it's not healthy. I think "Don't fetishize/romanticize literal abuse like its normal or sexy" and "We should explore more complicated and unhealthy dynamics" can and SHOULD coincide with each other!!!! I think Davesport is great because of how bittersweet it is that these two people finally found solace and acceptance in each other but couldn't get past the self-sabotaging nature of what Henry turned them both into, ultimately making it impossible to work out forever. I think embracing the Davesport makes the (kind of aged) trilogy a lot more enjoyable of an experience and I DO encourage any davesport skeptics to keep an open mind. [Pretend I wrapped this up super nicely I can never do that--- Also this is open for conversation and/or debate, and also yada yada my bad if i said something randomly terrible I have extremely poor social skills lol let me know so I dont do it again yada yada] *Also if anyone doesnt know a situationship is (at least in the context im using it in ive heard other definitions for it but its not a real word so i actually dont care) when 2(or more) people basically treat eachother like lovers but they never communicate this outright and dont technically officially date but like they treat and commit to eachother like a partner would) (So its kind of what all those people who playfully flirt and call each other their spouses as a commited running joke are in)
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utahlive · 2 years
This ask isn't directly for Wilbur or the blog, but rather the person who runs this. A bit of an ooc ask about world building and expanding this universe since I'm invested
Are we as the audience perceived as people in this universe watching this show/documentary about Utah at our homes, sending in questions via telephone. Or are we just random people that show up in the gas station and keep coming back one by one at random times to talk about the "Dabi cosplayer". (I'd like the imagine the second one; just a but of faceless people pressed up against the glass outside asking the weirdest questions. Fits the vibe)
Do you, the owner of this blog, have a part to play in the universe? Are you the director to the show, a main camera man, or something else.
The fanart that's made for this blog, I'd like to imagine it's—again—just faceless people running up and slapping drawings they make on the convince store windows and running off, leaving the producers and Wilbur with it. Stuff like that :]
Im gonna be honest I said I was gonna do author q&a today specifically so I could answer this ask because I feel weird just answering it willy-nilly
I tend to be... pretty bad at storytelling. I always get wayyy too into my own head, and things get so complicated to a degree where only I can understand whats going on, which is something im obviously trying very hard to avoid. However I don't wanna sacrifice the story I want to tell, so I'm just doing my best here.
One of the biggest limitations right now is that I'm just struggling to explain exactly how the world works/the translation between "Utah" and irl/us. The biggest ones are time and what exactly is being aired, because obviously it doesn't take one whole day to answer two questions, but I don't have the energy to answer more than two q's per day. And of course the 'film crew' arent actually filming Wilbur while he's sleeping or anything like that, but it's hard to tell the story I want to tell without having scenes like that. Im hoping that things will get smoother as we go, but for now I've just been making it so that episodes that dont have 'transcript's in them aren't filmed (or have "artist rendition" notes), and lets say that even though its been over a month of answering questions for us, it's only been two or three weeks for wilbur.
As for what you guys are, you're viewers who are calling in from home! Kinda like a radio show. No one is physically showing up to the store or his house (that would be really funny though). I did have some scrapped ideas that I may bring back later about the film crew, but for now "they" dont have any deeper place in the story. I'm the camera man, I guess! I've been imagining it as just some guy with a camera in one hand, a headset to listen to calls, and a little paper pad to write down answers.
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There are 886 asks in the inbox right now! Not all of them are asks, some of them are just comments about whats happening (which I love, I <3 hearing what you guys think) but unfortunately I can't answer all of them. I have a general outline so whenever I do pick story/plot asks, its ones that fit that outline, and every other time I just try to be funny.
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nor/mal (jk. he/they/xe)
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I was typing out the whole story and reasoning behind the pictures I chose but it was getting way too long (because I ended up going down a rabbit hole). Basically I found an old blog from 2010 where a girl had posted a picture of her room, it was a very positive post so I didn't think it would be offensive to use it (also there's a comment from 2016 on the blog post asking if the image can be used as reference, no reply, the author of the blog has not logged in for years). The bathroom was made in the Sims 4/I used pictures of my own dorm bathroom
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smoked a blunt in the woods and thought about cwilbur's character arc a little too hard
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im shy 👉👈
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fucks me up that people continue to think about this blog after liking/reblogging
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lab-sycamore · 2 months
(in a shared universe with: @guzmabuglord , @number1houndoomfan , @burgundy-twice , @geosengespiral , @sillydex45)
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My name is Augustine Sycamore, the Regional Professor for Kalos! This blog is for me to talk about my life, from things such as my work to all the cafes I frequent. This account is not for professional matters, however I do encourage my colleagues to talk with me! I don’t specialize in Pokemon behavior, but much of my work overlaps with it, so if you want to get me to ramble, feel free to ask. (Although i would recommend going to someone much more equipped when it comes to more pressing questions.)
Mega evolution is a temporary state of evolution, most records of it dating originally to the Hoenn region, with mega evolution having become more frequent in Kalos. While it can happen sporadically, much of the way we use it now is in a controlled state.
I originally thought mega evolution came from just stones, but recent knowledge has proven me otherwise. Such is the curse of pursuing science! (If you cannot tell, I am being lighthearted!)
This is the most simple answer I can give to my work, unfortunately I do not want to go on for too long, as I’ve been advised not to do so. But it is an interesting phenomenon, and I highly encourage you to ask me about it!
If you would like to know, the most recent cafe i went to is the one in Anistar.
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HI it’s finch! My awesome Professor Sycamore rp blog … main blog is @axe-cution . Sister blogs are @burgundy-twice , @sillydex45 , and @geosengespiral
Apologies for any cannon divergences (or lore inaccuracies bc there’s just so many retcons and inconsistent lore throughout pokemon lmao) this is my first time properly playing her!! I’m a bit nerves. My lore will be specifically cannon divergent though—more on this in!!! A bit. And by a bit i mean a seperate post. This takes place about a few months after the events of pokemon x/y however, the memory is very fuckin fresh in their head! Lmao!
Pelipper mail is ON! Magic anons are ON but i will be a bit picky. Sentient pokemon / legendaries are open to interact but I’ll also be a bit selective. Not too selective im a very open person but! :D
Also if your character has connections to sycamore DO LET ME KNOW it’ll have to depend on WHERE they stand bc there are some things im not too comfortable with. (<- BUT DONT BE SHY TO TELL ME REGARDLESS) but I’d love to have them interact on a pre established front :3
#lights of lumiose- main tag
#conference call - ask tag
#pkmn: (insert pokemon name here) - post specifically about sycamore’s pokemon!!! He has a garchomp, gogoat, sylveon, and bulbasaur. You will learn their names in due time aka i only have a name for his garchomp /SILLY
ALSO sycamore is gonna be a lot more emotionally open than I usually portray him as bc he operates this blog under the notion that it is not being seen by a lot of people (which he isn’t). He isn’t open that much but shhh
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aemiron-main · 11 months
I dont mean to be rude, but why are you so against Henry being George? in the audition tapes "Betty" that you admit is probably patty, is seen interacting with George the whole time, in his tape, he only interacts with her too, and in the promo shots Louis is always with Ella, so what would be your explanation for that? I know we will know everything in exactly one month but I always see you saying that and it's been bothering me, im just really curious, could you explain?
Hey there, anon! No worries about being rude at all, I’m more than happy to explain and clarify! <3
So, it’s not really a matter of me being “against” Henry being George- it’s simply a matter of me thinking that the evidence doesn’t fully support him being George. It’s like. I’m not *against* the idea that dragons exist and are secretly living underground in cool dragon cities- hell, I’d love that! But I don’t see the evidence to support said underground dragons, and the same applies for George being Henry.
So, I’ve talked in a bunch of posts about why I don’t think that George is Henry, but I’m going to summarize the main reasons right here for you:
1.) The Ages
This collider article talked about TFS leaks & the fact that Patty had romantic feelings for George:
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And that article describes both Patty and George as being at least 14 years old.
And when we look at the audition tapes, we can see that Patty is at least 15 years old, because she mentions that the confession booth has been her hiding place for the past 15 years:
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However, Henry Creel is canonically 12 years old:
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And even if you don’t think that the newspapers are reliable/somehow think that’s a production error, THIS is not a 15 year old boy- even his actor was 12 at the time:
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So, this means that in order for Henry to be George, they’re either a.) going to do a romance between a 15+ year old girl and a 12 year old boy, which would be like S1 Nancy dating S1 Dustin for context & I think that’s extremely unlikely or b.) they’re retconning Henry’s canon age in the play/ignoring canon, which makes absolutely no sense and is extremely unlikely because the play has been confirmed repeatedly to be canon:
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So, unless they REALLY pull some timeline weirdness with Henry’s age, there’s not really any possible way for him to be George AND for the play to be canon- unless they have a 15+ year old dating a 12 year old, which I really don’t think they’ll do.
2.) The Personality
George is absolutely nothing like Henry personality- wise. Based on what we see in the audition tapes, George is snarky and opinionated, whereas Henry, as a child, is shy and silent.
George is a loner, much like Henry, but that also fits with Allen Munson (who we’ll come back to later), and being a loner also applies to characters like Hopper, and even Bob- being a loner isn’t something unique to Henry. Hell, even being a “pale, moody, new kid loner,” like the description from that Collider article isn’t unique to Henry. That could apply to both Allen and Lonnie.
George snarks about Betty being “prom queen,” and dramatically tells her “that’s your cue”- you have to watch the audition tapes to see/hear what I mean, but the way he speaks and the way his lines are written is such a far cry from Henry- hell, Henry doesn’t even talk that way/his dialogue isnt written that way when he’s giving a dramatic monologue in the show in 1979- and Henry as a child is silent every time we see him and doesn’t have any of the same mannerisms as George.
3.) The “Powers”
Something that people love to cite as evidence that George is Henry is the idea that George has powers based on some of his scenes in the auditions. However, those scenes are actually great evidence that George isn’t Henry, because when you watch those scenes, the way George describes what’s going on is polar opposite to the way Henry describes his powers & the way we see Henry’s powers working.
George, for example, talks about hearing voices in his head telling him to do bad things/hurt people- something that Henry never mentions, not even during his 1979 monologue. George also seems to be afraid of his supposed powers, whereas Henry seems to see them as something natural/as a tool/as part of him realizing that it was other people who were broken, not him.
I actually think that the voices that George is hearing are the result of that weird radio broadcast that’s supposedly killing people that’s mentioned in TFS. And I think that his experience with Patty/seemingly seeing eachother in the void/teleporting/whatever that was is far more likely to be tied to Patty having powers, especially with all of Patty’s El parallels (the scenes where Patty talks about her mother), and with how frequently articles about TFS talk about how important Patty is going to be to the plot:
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So, again, it’s not a matter of “oh I really HATE the idea of Henry being George, so I’m going to pretend it’s not true even though it is,” it’s instead a matter of “if Henry is George, I’m fine with it, I’m just really not convinced that he Is George & am somewhat frustrated by people acting like it’s confirmed that he’s George when it’s not confirmed at all and when there’s multiple aspects of George that don’t align with Henry & contradict Henry’s canon lore such as the age stuff”
Also, I’ve never denied that Patty and Henry are going to have scenes together- I figured they’d have scenes together even before the audition tapes, because they have that parallel at the Crele house window vs the church window in the TFS animated teaser trailer! And Louis and Ella being together isn’t really something that I need to explain, because I’ve literally never denied that Henry and Patty are going to have scenes together & all of my analysis re: Henry and George and Patty has been done with the assumption that Henry and Patty are going to interact frequently regardless of who George is. Now, like I talked about in this post, regardless of whether Henry is George or not, I don’t think that Henry and Patty are going to be a romantic couple. My thing is that I simply don’t agree that it’s firm/clear-cut that Henry is George. Me not agreeing that Henry is George doesn’t mean that I think that Henry and Patty won’t interact- it simply means that I don’t think that the George that we saw in the leaked audition takes is Henry/I don’t think that George was the code name for Henry.
And to more specifically answer your question about the connection between George and Patty’s interacting mostly with eachother in the audition tapes vs Henry and Patty being put together in promo stuff:
First of all, the reason why Patty and George seem to “only” interact with eachother in the audition is because the scenes chosen for the audition happen to be with eachother- both of their auditions read the same two scenes, just different sides of it.
So, Patty could have 500 scenes with other characters and those two scenes could be the ONLY scenes she has with George in the whole play (I’m not saying that’s the truth, but just as a hyperbolic example), and we would have no idea because we’re only seeing the tiny tiny snippet scenes that were used for auditions.
Second of all, like I said earlier, Patty and Henry interacting frequently in the play is not news to me.
Like, I just don’t really see the firm link between the auditions and the promo stuff/I don’t see how that points to Henry being George. Patty and George interacting frequently and Patty and Henry interacting frequently doesn’t mean that Henry is George. It just means that Patty (as we know) is a core character who’s going to be interacting frequently with multiple characters.
Third of all, regardless of how often they put Patty and Henry together in promo stuff, and regardless of how often George and Patty interact in the audition tapes, that still doesn’t change all of the issues that don’t align with George being Henry (all of the stuff that I mentioned earlier), especially since the play has repeatedly been confirmed to be canon material & the Duffers have even been talking with the TFS team while writing S5 & making the TFS team change things so that everything aligns lore-wise:
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So, all of the evidence that points to Henry not being George isn’t something that can just be overlooked because it’s a separate play/they aren’t just taking creative liberties with ages etc because it’s all canon & they’re working hard to make sure that it all lines up lore-wise with the show. And lore-wise, Henry is 12, which doesn’t line up with Patty’s age (based on her comments in the audition about how long she’s been hiding in the confession booth throughout her life), and also doesn’t align with George talking about prom and prom queen etc.
Hopefully this answers your questions, anon! :DD
It’s not a matter of me not wanting Henry to be George- it’s simply a matter of me not believing that he is George. I’m far more inclined to believe that Allen Munson is George, especially since the auditions didn’t use codenames for characters who aren’t brand-new characters (such as Hopper, his audition didn’t have a codename), so it wouldn’t make sense for them to use a code name for Henry. But it WOULD make sense for them to use a code name for Allen Munson, because he’s technically a new character, just like Patty.
If I seem particularly annoyed about the whole thing/about Henry supposedly being George, it’s not actually because I despise the idea- I’m annoyed a.) because the evidence doesnt support it and b.) because people are acting like it’s confirmed canon that Henry is George & trying to dunk on me for being wrong about him not being George when the reality is that it’s not confirmed whatsoever. The casting announcements didn’t give us ANY new information about who George was- all the casting did was tell us that Henry was going to be in the play- something we already knew! None of the code names have been revealed. There’s nothing in the casting that proves that George is Henry, and yet, for some reason, people are acting like it’s confirmed, which is where i get frustrated. I’m not even frustrated that people disagree with me, just frustrated that they’re acting like it’s concrete confirmed canon when it’s absolutely not.
Anyway, thank you again, anon! :DD If I seemed annoyed with you at all, I’m not, that’s just how i talk/I’m slightly frustrated with Other People acting like it’s 100000% confirmed that Henry is George.
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kurjakani · 5 months
hey I'm too shy to ask off anon but do you have tips on finding illustrator work in finland. I have zero marketable skills besides drawing but I have NO idea how to find people who want to hire me
(Im gonna answer in eng since you msgd in eng but im gonna tag this w fintags in case someone has extra tips- im a super beginner in my work area so im sure there's other more compitent ppl out here who might wanna add answers etc? :0)
OK SO IM SUPER W U im like ass at anything that isnt art, like, i tried a lot of other stuff before i succumbed to doing graphic design/art as a job bc i just did so bad at everything. Which, im sure ill be doing a bunch of other stuff on the side throughout my life because IT. IS NOT EASY!!! ITS A SUPER HARD JOB TO GET WORK IN!!! I mean im on the medicore side as an artist so it might just be me but LMFAO. I dont wanna scare you off but it is tough HOWEVER. yes there are things you can do ill readmore this tho
I think the easiest to get into IS like. private commission work. The usual "drawing ocs or fandom stuff" for people. It requires a lot of self marketing- building a platform, making your art a desirable object. Im planning personally 2 open comms again after my current gig is done, and ive been hearing good stuff about the small business options osuuspankki offers- re: being able to do the billing via paypal &helping w the taxing which makes overseas work a LOT easier to figure out. I cant swear on them personally tho since i have not used their services before, but i can give more info in abt a month when Im planning on looking into them more! So. Online market yourself. (you can ask further on this but this post would be too long if i get into that, also im not like a master of this), commission work. PRICE YOUR STUFF RIGHT, Look into how long it takes you to make your pieces and create an approx. price based on your hours spent working. And then price higher.
As for a lot of the stuff i do&post about here. I personally DID start w education, which, i am incredibly lucky I could. I studied graphic design/illustration in Ikaalinen, its a really great school which i can recommend if that is an option for you. I could talk abt it more but I think the main things i got from that education was a) making connections b) learning how printing works which is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT. If you want to work in book illustrations which i have done, I recommend looking into the technical aspects of printing on your own. You can learn it online definetly. As for connections, thats a little tougher, but really anything beyond for me has been. Just making a portfolio & CV and emailing and asking for work. Its tedious and annoying but yeah.. Other options im aware of for illustration work is like. in advertizing (though its kinda rare to do ILLUSTRATION), game companies (theres a lot of other stuff you need 2 learn there tho)... Ik some ppl sell their illustrated products eg. stickers, prints etc, but idk anything abt that section. In finland its rly tough bc you rly dont. I like got curious and just googled "kuvitus töitä" and yeah theres just Nothing. It is abt looking for where illustrations could be (looking for small book publishers, looking for childrens books writers specifically and reaching out to them, etc etc) and reaching out and being a pushy bitch its AWFUL its my least favourite part of this job but it is. Yeah..
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tizzymcwizzy · 1 year
I've read through what a few others have said and I hope you dont mind someone else chiming in as well-- It started out as a comment reply on the post but it got too long ;;
Alongside being a retelling, Stampede, or at least S1, is technically a kinda-sorta prequel sort of situation, since the final event of Stampede is something that happens before the main story of '98 and the manga.
The characterisation in Stampede isn't exactly inaccurate to the manga per se, but since it is a retelling that recontextualises and restructures a ton, it's definitely not 1:1. But for that matter the 1998 anime is also not 1:1 with characterisation, and I'd argue that it's just a bit farther off due to some of the comedy choices that were made, which were rather OOC in comparison to the manga, and also because of some of the plot changes due to the manga not being finished, as you previously mentioned.
Many of the more serious themes present in the manga also come through much stronger in Stampede, so far, than in 1998 despite the greater deviance from the manga's plot right off the bat. But I would say the first part of the manga is a lot easier to read through if you've watched 1998 first, since beat-for-beat, there's generally more similarities between the two, which makes sparsing out what's happening less of a task. The manga's pacing however, imo, is actually more similar to Stampede's (fast, a lot happening) ironically. 1998 has a lot of filler very early on which makes it the odd one out in terms of pacing.
The manga is definitely darker than the 1998 anime, and Stampede seems to, so far at least, not be shying away from those darker elements. While there is some of the same fun in the first portion of the manga as in 1998, the latter portion is very much a seinen, and Nightow takes full advantage of the ability to explore more mature themes that being under this demographic label offers.
Also, as a side note, some of the production team for Stampede actually hadn't watched the 1998 anime prior to making Stampede, and had only read the manga, which is part of why there's such a stark tonal difference between the two anime specifically. It's very hard to pit them against each other in any definitive way, so I definitely second that it's worth experiencing each iteration!
YEAH!!! i really appreciate it this!!!! yeah, i know fuck all about what the manga has and doesn't have cause ive been trying to avoid as many spoilers as i can for it so this is really helpful, i didn't know that the characterization is so different within 98 and the manga, that's gonna be fun to explore lol, also that the tone was pretty different! i know trigun is lighter than trigun maximum so im also interested to see how that plays out
and also yes! i do know stampede is a prequel, retelling, sorta thing,, it just rolls over a lot of the character introductions and like, early storybeats within it's prequel to the main storyline while also including flashbacks and shit that happen later in the 98 anime so it's confusing to classify
thanks so much for your input! i really appreciate it cause i have no clue abt this stuff, again, haven't read the manga yet :)
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freebooter4ever · 9 months
I think a lot of the dweebyness came from his early years during his shy, awkward, aww-shucks era. once he got more confident with english, he shifted to a more jock-y vibe
Haha, sorry yall are never gonna convince me that malkin was ever dweeby. Jock is winning the poll btw:
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I do, however, totally buy that an american audience mostly comprised of sports fans would look at a teenage boy struggling with a language barrier and immediately label him as 'different' and 'awkward' and 'quiet' and 'dweeby' and a whole bunch of other labels that shoves him into a box and then expect him to stay in that box because they've already decided on what kind of person he is.
We know how our (US) culture works, there's hundreds of american high school movies testifying to the sports/popularity hivemind.
But thats a temporary ostracization. It doesn't feel the same as the more personality-based, more permanent ostracization of the stereotypical 'dweeb' in high school. It's very different to grow up with a bunch of kids in the same neighborhood and watch yourself slowly become excluded and ignored as you get older. that wasnt me - my mother was my bully and from elementary school on she forced me into a form of social normal that made me invisible rather than a target for school bullies. (I dont know if i would reccomend this parenting style though). But i was friends with most of those kids - the ones who nobody would talk to and everybody would make fun of behind their back (we were post c*lumbine so outward bullying was frowned upon). That boy in my square dancing class was one of the few male dweebs, his name was yusef - like joseph but with a "y" and "you" sound. And im not kidding, i dont think the poor kid ever had any friends? Even i couldnt get him to talk, and ive always been pretty good at drawing people out of their shell. Most of the dweebs were girls - colleen, diane, stephanie, alicia - all my friends, all of whom i remember better than the jocks at our school. And absolutely a conscious choice on my part, i remember the point in elementary school when i was walking home with a few girls i knew and they saw colleen and diane a half block ahead of us (within hearing distance), and immediately started pointing out everything that made the two 'dweeb' girls weird and what was wrong with them. And i didnt even say anything i just glared at the girls i was with and ran ahead to walk with colleen and diane instead. And that was that, i knew i had picked sides, i wasnt ever going to join in with the people who make fun of those that are different \o/
aaand now im dealing with a total new form of social ostracization here in LA that feels eerily familiar, but whereas in school you could ignore the social game playing and succeed in spite of them, here suddenly what job you get hangs on who you know. Everybody always used to bug me like 'why are you staying in pittsburgh so long, why havent you tried to make it in the real industry yet' and my answer was always a) i loved my team and they needed me and b) i was art director so had more creative freedom (and my own office) than i could expect to have anywhere else. But i think truthfully in the back of my mind i kinda knew - there were enough hints over the years - what this city would be like and that i would be abysmal at fighting to survive in it.
Anyway im just sayin i dont think malkin - or any of these hockey players - has ever dealt with that level of social ostracization. Its nice watching these guys be nice to other people they consider on their level, and really cute and enjoyable. But for me at least there's always that awareness that if any of them met me, im not the type of person they'd consider worthy of time or attention - probably wouldnt be outright mean, but absolutely would be trying to avoid any lengthly association lol. I think its one of the main differences between being in sports fandom vs books or movies.
ALTHOUGH god, i will never ever forget the day i met one of my biggest childhood heroes - an author about my age 24ish. Who i idolized because she was living my dream - getting to write and create for a living and starting at such a young age. And she was mostly indifferent to me, didnt say much, didnt interact, just signed the book. And i shrugged it off. But then this teenage girl came up, just radiating what we'd call dweebiness. Her hair was a mess, face full of acne, awkward, but loud and really enthusiastic about the book, and desperate for someone to share that enthusiasm. And the author was mean. And cold. To this teenage girl who obviously idolized her and would have killed to have some sign of approval even if it was faked. Anway, instead this teenage girl latched onto me and i had to try to make up for the bitchy author but i knew my approval wasnt worth nearly as much and it broke my heart. I havent read or bought a single one of that author's novels since.
so yeah, its not just jocks, but they have the worse reputation in media.
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linklethehistorian · 1 year
hi linkle,
i just want to say you're my favorite writer, that one scene in chaper 6 made me explode!!! literally, im in recovery rn!! (just kidding haha!!!! 🤣🤣) anyway, i was wondering if i could make a request for the next chapter. if verlaine could... just once... use the nickname "pookie" for rimbaud it would really make the story. i think it really captures how the characters feel and its so romantic 🥺💖💞. thank you for reading, keep up the good work!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ✨🌸✨🥺✨💖✨💐✨🥹✨💞✨🌷✨😭✨💜✨🪷✨🥰✨💝✨🌺✨🥺✨💙✨🌼✨🥹✨🤍✨🌸✨😭✨💕✨💐✨🥰✨💛✨🌷✨🥺✨💚✨🪷✨🥹✨🤎✨🌺✨😭✨🖤✨🌼✨🥰✨❤️✨
I’m your favorite writer?!!! 🥺💓💫 That’s so sweet, oh my gosh! 😭💖💞 Thank you so much, that really means everything to me to hear! 🥹💗💝⭐️🌟
I’m glad you enjoyed Chapter 6 so much! I’m curious which scene precisely you mean. 👀 The whole thing where Paul and Arthur are talking for the first time? Or just a certain part in particular? Ahhh, either way, I’m glad! I wish you a speedy recovery. 😔❤️‍🩹 lol
(Sorry for all the emojis! I don’t usually go overboard with them but just — ahhh I’m so happy 🥺💖💖💖💕💕💕)
Arthur and Paul won’t be interacting next chapter unfortunately, and even if I’m usually super happy to hear people’s requests and accommodate them as best I can because I love my readers dearly, I don’t intend for anything explicitly and strictly romantic to be happening between them within this arc (nor can I really picture Paul using that particular pet name, personally, but I’m happy for you that you can ^-^).
However! I can still write a little side drabble for you in which he does at some point, for your personal satisfaction, and I’ll post it in a reblog for this ask. I will try to have it completed by the time the next chapter comes out so you can know to look for it around then. Eventually, probably mostly after Cherish (although I’m undecided about when rn, could be sooner or later), I’ll be posting a bunch of little side stories and side gags to AO3 revolving around them that don’t fit into the main fic, so I’ll include it in there as well. 💖💖💕💕
Thank you for the lovely ask!!! Have an amazing day, anon! I love you so much! 🥺🥺💕💕💕✨✨⭐️⭐️🌟🌟 Thank you for supporting Cherish! I hope you’ll continue to enjoy it all the way through! And don’t be shy to come by again if you ever feel like it!
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just-before-dawn · 2 years
Plz info dump about ur human au!!!!
okay so i posted chapter one already, im currently writing chapter four (i like to write ahead lmao). i have the concept planned out already, ive been planning this fic since like september or something dkdndkdk
so basically, it's a human, high school setting au where tugger is the main character and most of the POVs focus on him, however other characters, especially misto, will have their times to shine and stuff like that
tugger is 17 in age, a junior in high school. his basic mindset is that he feels like it doesnt matter what his future looks like because what's the point? (he struggles with that burnout yknow). he fucks around a lot, he has a habit of appearing at schools at the most latest times (like period 2 would be starting) or he doesnt even show up at all. he flirts with like literally anyone who wants attention from him. he doesn't give attention to anyone else, people have to come up to him. he never does his assignments, barely pays attention in class, he just doesnt care anymore and he's fine with that mindset. munkustrap is the one who succeeds so what's in it for him? he doesnt wanna become a carbon copy of munk or his dad.
misto is 16 years in age, he's a new kid in the school. victoria is his sister who's a year younger than him. he's shy, quiet, prefers to be alone and feels uncomfortable if a group of loud people are surrounding him. he has trouble reading social cues and doesn't really have much feeling for conversation (very much deadpan humor for him). tugger immediately finds him interesting. is it the eyes? is it the fact that misto literally did not notice tugger's presence for like 5 minutes? tugger knows that there's some secret that he's hiding. how come this kid who went to one of the top private schools in the county is now attending a public school? there's a certain something about misto and tugger can't put his finger on it.
later in the story, the plot will progress to the production of the spring musical which is run and directed by munkustrap with alonzo as the choreographer and demeter as the music director. at the same time, tugger's feelings about misto will progress and eventually, misto will fall for him too. i really want to focus this fic on bonding and getting together, really forming a close relationship before the feelings really start to show, im so excited to write about tugger and misto's story in this fic! there will also be side plots about bombalurina and cassandra getting together, munkustrap and demeter's relationship, victoria and plato getting together, hidden feelings from tumblebrutus, hidden feelings from alonzo, and much more!
macavity will also be a crucial factor in this fic in regards to both misto and tugger's past and present. there's also some things im keeping secret for later chapters!!
(please be warned though that later chapters will be heavy in terms of dark topics, suggestive themes, of course, i will put the warnings ahead of time. i always love to sprinkle a bit of angst into my silly little stories)
i plan to post chapter 2 soon! and i hope you all like the character designs i made for them, ive been so excited to post this fic, tuggoffelees is my entire brain rn and i cant think of anything else.
also, for reference:
tugger, bomba, cass: 17 years old, juniors
misto, plato, tumble, jerrie, teazer, tant, cori: 16 years old, juniors
vic, etcetera, electra, pouncival: 15 years old, sophomores
jemima: 14 years old, sophomore (she skipped a year, shes too good for this world)
munkustrap, alonzo: 25 years old
demeter: 23 years old
jenny, jelly, and asparagus are teachers in the school, gus is the principal. old deuteronomy founded the school and also owns the community theater in the town. jenny and skimble are married, jerrie and teazer are their kids. skimble is a traveling train conductor, we'll see him later in the fic. bustopher jones is misto and victoria's father, he owns several country clubs. old deuteronomy travels around the world to help produce shows and to spread the love and joy of performing arts, tugger and munk barely get to see him.
other characters like bill bailey, george, gilbert, and so on are also present in this fic but theyre more or less in the bg
i do have tons more i want to say about my au, but i dont wanna spoil the surprise in my fic! stay tuned!! (and thank you for asking ahhhhdnekdkdkd)
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puppywawa · 2 years
Hello everyone !! My name is AD, 18 and my pronouns are she/her!! I am a multi muse, filipino roleplayer/writer!! I am quite new to the rp community in tumblr so please understand that I'm inexperienced. This blog is mostly to find more reigen rp partners who can giggle and ramble with me about serirei Currently, i am into mp100!! i love the anime with all my heart, have finished the manga and currently consuming anything reigen and serizawa related LOL My current muses right now are Serizawa Katsuya and Kageyama Ritsu; I am more experienced with Serizawa but i also do love writing Ritsu! I have a few set of rules i would also like to make as a seperate post but as of right now, i will be writing them here so please take the time to read them in case you ever want to write or just simply chat with me about anything!!
• Main muses are Serizawa and Ritsu!
• I usually write on discord and prefer to have a server for all the rps. I draw, write and speed out ideas a LOT btw so please be warned. I’m a rambler and I really love Serirei a lot and want to interact with people who love it or just generally love mp100 as much as I do!
• I write mostly romance for adult characters ( between Reigen and Serizawa ) but I can indulge with some Ritshou but I will not write anything nsfw of them; the most I can do for them is soft feelings and pecks but other than that, I am not comfortable writing anything else between the two. I am, however— very indulgent with Serirei ( as long as I can have Serizawa smothering love towards reigen ) and will bend myself for the ship.
• I can word vomit and write long replies a lot- it’s how I usually write so please don’t feel pressured to write the same length as me!! • Via discord rp; PLEASE tell me if I write something that ever makes you uncomfortable- I can edit it out and such, I don’t mind as long as everyone feels safe.
• I’m really biased with Serizawa. I can be ooc with him a bit so please do not attack me if you have any problems with my mischaracterization of him. I am only here to have fun and write, to indulge myself with people.
• I’m also a little bit biased with ships. Im very serirei but I’m open to ideas like dimple x serizawa as long as my rp partner is indulged!
• I have school and responsibilities from my parents so if I don’t answer, I’m probs asleep, working or @ school • Lasty; Dont be shy with interacting with me! I am always happy to make mutuals and friends around here! I would love to answer any questions- either in character or just questions you would want to know about me!! So please dont be shy :D &lt;333 ------
• I usually just write doms/tops and I can get pretty hardcore with smut writing— please tell me if there is any kinks or stuff in smut you don’t want to read! I also like dark topics but absolutely no adult/kid. That shit is not allowed in my rp blog. I’m very into some dark serizawa content and such but if that’s not your cup of tea, please avoid the " DARK TOPIC // " tag. • I only write nsfw of characters and ocs; cant do erp via me. I will only do them via discord as I am way too shy to write them publicly. PLEASE NOTE THOUGH that i will not just write on a whim. I will be able to make headcanons and such but i need to get to know you and feel comfortable enough to write it. I do write suggestive content here and there so my tags here will be " NSFW // " in case you ever want to avoid it.
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lupuslikethewolf · 1 year
We see him calling out Phineas for calling Hermione a mudblood. I'm also curious to know how true what Lily said is. Severus doesn't deny it, nor does he say it's true either.
okay so apparently i am now talking about snape to procrastinate revising for my gcses so please keep it coming chemistry makes my brain hurt!! (send help. or a hitman. im not picky.)
just a warning: this is a long post, sorry :D
Yes, we do see him calling Phineas out for referring to Hermione as 'mudblood'! According to tone and language, it is Snape talking, as Dumbeldore tends to talk in a more fantastical, upbeat and softly condescending way and we have no indication of any other portrait saying anything.
And now Snape stood again in the headmaster’s study as Phineas Nigellus came hurrying into his portrait. “Headmaster! They are camping in the Forest of Dean! The Mudblood--” “Do not use that word!” “--the Granger girl, then, mentioned the place as she opened her bag and I heard her!”
But! It is important to take into consideration the fact that this moment takes place during the time of the books, not during the 70s/Maruaders Era, which was when the incident with Lily takes place.
According to Snape's story, by this point he had actively been working as a spy to dismantle the Death Eaters (DEs) for years now, and in this discussion we are taking this as an objective action not including any interpretations of motivation and reasoning. So if we compare this moment to the 'mudblood' incident, we are comparing pre- and post-redemption arc Snape, which is always an interesting comparison and I could write a whole fucking essay and a half (note to self: write snape essay and call it english lit revision) on that topic, but what I was doing was talking specifically about pre-redemtion arc young!snape and his actions.
Basically, yes he did, and my original post isn't trying to discredit that, because the whole point is that by the time we actually meet Snape he has gone through his redemption arc and is actively working against the DE/Blood Supremacy movement, which shows his growth and development as a character! It shows that, at the very least, he has grown out of mindlessly perpetuating anti-muggle and anti-muggleborn ideology using rhetoric that has been historically blatantly racist (though i blame J*R for that one).
Regarding your second point, I think we have to do a bit of a dive into each character's personality and situation at that point in time to understand what went on in that conversation:
Lily Evans has historically been the person to see the best in Severus at each point in time. She is willing to stand up for both herself and Severus (i.e. against James) but that hasn't stopped her from noticing Severus' growing facination with the Dark Arts and his budding relationships with Blood Supremacists/Death Eaters (Lucius, Mulciber, Avery, and canon!Evan Rosier). Lily is smart and witty, brave and compassionate, and definitely outspoken. She would not shy away from speaking her mind and saying what she sees, especially in front of someone she has known and been best friends with for years, whether they are arguing or not.
Severus Snape, on the other hand, is quiet and reclusive and an introvert (same bro). He only really seems to let himself be himself around Lily. However, he is also not afraid to fight back, and he definitely has no qualms about 'holding his tongue' or not saying what he is thinking, i.e. first meeting James, where his initial reaction was to call Gryffindor the House of the Himbo ['sure, if you'd rather be brawny than brainy']. But his main motivation is to stay with Lily. Whether this is platonic or romantic or obsessive is up to interpretation (personally I think it was obsessive, but it only started to become so after Lily's death, because of grief and the stress of war).
Thinking about this, he would never outright admit to Lily that he is a Blood Supremacist and she is his 'exception to the rule' because he is smart enough to know it would not go down well for him. But he also doesn't want to lie to her and deny it because (a) she wouldn't really believe him and (b) he doesn't really lie unless it is under Dumbledore's instruction or as part of his work as a spy, though feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
Also, Lily Evans wouldn't tell an outright lie about Severus to Severus' face. She is also too smart for that, and she has spent years seeing the best in Severus, and likely still wants to which is why she went to speak with him.
It does a disservice to each character to think they will lie to each other, even at this moment.
I hope this helps you see my thought process here, and how I interpret the character! I'd love to see other people's responses and interpretations, but please don't scream at me.
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jazzynuts301 · 3 months
Ended up finishing the route but posting all of my thoughts on my whatsapp status instead of here lol (still very shy on tumblr ahh >.<)
Okay!! Ruki's le route completed!! What did i think of it? Well, after suffering through the slog that was kino, ayato, kanato and laito's le routes, i must say... THAT I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!
I was beginning to think that i wouldnt find a route in le that i would like but nooo this route is absolute peak. The last time i felt so hyped up watching and invested was when i watched laito's df route, which is my absolute fav route in dl!! Ruki isnt my favourite diaboy but i do really like thinking about him and his story a lot so i am just so glad that this route addressed so many things that was constantly on my mind; The main one being the whole "overly devoted to karlheinz" debacle.
I think i might want to take more time to think about everything cause i really do want to write a more comprehensive analysis that can describe this route's brilliance with justice. In the mean time, however, if you are a big ruki fan, I do implore you to check out this route!! Its filled with a great overall plot that ties together nicely, well written internal conflict, painful yet subtle emotional scenes ( i cried 3 separate times;-;), and all in all just a wild hurt/comfort rollercoaster ride. I really do love it!
And if you arent the biggest fan of this route, id totally like to hear why! Im always eager to hear different perspectives
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maidenkissed · 3 months
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# 𝑴𝑨𝑰𝑫𝑬𝑵𝑲𝑰𝑺𝑺𝑬𝑫 is a 𝐛.𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐣𝐨 𝐬.𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐬.𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐦.𝐨𝐨𝐧 roleplay blog for 𝐡.𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐬  /  written by jenny ( 25+ ; she/her ) ✧ low activity due to life. established in february 2024. originally a sideblog, but now remade into a real blog on june 2024.
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𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥: ragingfists​​  ✧ asphodelius​​ ✧ ednaeflowers 
𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬: lunarnoire ✧ parallelunarian 
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✧ about/verses/headcanons + relations ✧ i like both the 90s anime and the manga, but my portrayal will be based off the manga.
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i ran out of free carrds and i don't have carrd pro plan, so my rules are underneath:
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✧ I tend to be shy with following first, but I typically follow upon interest.
✧ I only ask of a detailed about page for me to grasp a general idea of your OC. 
✧ I unfollow as I see fit. It’s usually because people didn’t really interact with me, or they were inactive for a really long time. If I unfollowed by accident, I will refollow you and IM you a message of apology.
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✧ This is merely a hobby, so please don’t pressure / rush me with replies. Little reminders = okay! I am an art graduate trying to pursue work in the illustration field, in between a process of doing art commissions and finding jobs to apply for (as of 2024). As such, I am a private and low-activity blog.
✧ I track #𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 in case you tagged me in something! If you want to start interacting, you are absolutely free to tag me in a starter or send an ask! (ノ*゜▽゜*)
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✧ Please trim your replies. If you don’t have xkit, then I can do it for you.
✧ I answer all in-character asks on a new separate text post in case you ever want to continue the interaction as a thread. I absolutely do not mind if you want to continue them!! In fact, I highly encourage it!!! 💗 
✧ You can format however way you like; I don't mind how you format as long as I can still read it. I also format my replies because it’s what I’m comfortable with doing. Please go with whatever you’re comfortable with too! However, if you specifically state on your rules that you do not like small text due to eye concerns, I will understand and refrain from using it to accommodate.
✧ While I do not mind how you format your text, I do mind what size icons you use. If you use inconsistently-sized and uncropped screencaps that stretch out to the full size of the post, or if you use large gifs in your replies, I will be less inclined to follow you since I prefer my dash to be orderly and neat.
✧ No godmodding, please.
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✧ I will be honest: I cannot see H.elios being shipped with anyone who is not C.hibiusa. That aside, please don’t worry because I will not and never forceship on you if you roleplay C.hibiusa. H.elios is fond of her and has kissed her before in canon material, but I will not force random romance on you unless we both mutually agree to ship them. I firmly respect it if my roleplay partners do not ship what I ship.
✧ Once I ship H.elios in one verse, I will not ship him with anyone else in that same verse.
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𝟎𝟓. → 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑.
✧ I’m open to having mains, exclusives, and ship exclusives! I’m willing to be mains with anyone I’ve interacted IC with at least 3 times, but I prefer close friends I talk with often for exclusives + ship exclusives. 
✧ For triggers and warnings, I would really appreciate it if you guys tag:
tw; bees (irl)
tw; body harm / tw; body injury / tw; stitches (irl for all three)
tw; spiders (irl)
tw; gore (irl)
any NSFW material.
I am fine with everything above if it's fictional within animanga and video games, though. If you have any triggers and warnings mentioned on your blog, I’ll be using 3 different tags just in case. They are:
tw example
tw; example
example //
✧ Regarding duplicates: I will not follow any duplicates, but I will make sure to peacefully stay in my own lane and mind my own business. I just want to have a quiet, peaceful, and fun time when I’m on this blog. If anything, I’m glad lots of people love H.elios because he deserves love! If you’re a multimuse with H.elios in your roster, I will follow back if you have other muses I can work with. Due to sour past experiences that made me uncomfortable, all I ask is that you respect my decision to not interact with your H.elios muse. 🙇♀💦
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𝟎𝟔. → 𝐓𝐘𝐒𝐌 ♡
THANK YOU IF YOU HAVE MADE IT THIS FAR!!!!! I’m not new to the RP community, so I know that people have rules for a reason. I’m honestly just here to have a good time, so I’ll assume that you have read over my rules at some point, and that’s good enough for me. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to interactions with you! ♡♡
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𝟎𝟕. → 𝐌𝐔𝐍.
Hello! I go by Jenny, my pronouns are she / her, and I’m currently a 20+ year old illustrator. Nice to meet you! As an illustrator, I like to draw in my spare time, so please don’t expect me to be here on H.elios often. I may be slow, but I will try my best to get back to any interactions we will have! If it is needed, my timezone is PST. 
Please do not follow this blog expecting frequent activity because that's unfortunately not going to happen here. My activity for H.elios will most likely be extremely casual and lowkey, so if you ever need to contact me for anything, Edna is my most active blog to find me. 
My discord is a private discord for all of my friends, not just roleplay partners, so I don't really hand it out first. If you want to add me to chat OOC, please just ask me! I usually say yes because I like making new friends 🤍 Sometimes, if you interact with me via Tumblr IM, I might not answer back immediately since I am not always on this account. Due to adult life, I don’t think I will ever be too active on this site tbh, but if you don’t mind that, then I’d be happy to rp with you! Sorry in advance! 🙇‍♀️💦
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𝟎𝟖. → 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓.
I used all official artworks to make my graphics. Of course, those are © to Naoko Takeuchi. I also used scans from missdream to make my manga icons. My friend also helped me with gathering screencaps and other official resources.
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ohlympns · 8 months
                        ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʀ ɪꜱ ᴡᴏɴ, ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ɪᴛ'ꜱ ʙᴇɢᴜɴ
               Hello   and   welcome   all   to   ohlympns!   This   is   an   independent,   private,   and   selective   Percy   Jackson   and   the   Olympians   &   The   Heroes   of   Olympus   multi   muse.   I’ll   be   combining   sources   from   the   books   and   my   own   headcanons.   Please   see   any   information   about   this   blog   down   below.   Rules   will   be   under   the   cut.   If   you   have   any   questions   or   concerns,   please   feel   free   to   message   me!   I   promise   I   am   very   friendly!
                AJ.   She/her.   25.                   muses.   interest tracker. promo. headcanons. leo.
                                             ʀᴇʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴠᴇꜱ, ꜱᴜʀʀᴇɴᴅᴇʀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ
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               Rules to follow! I'll keep it simple: Mun: My name's AJ! I love characters, love talking about them all the time. I love to read and write. I mostly read horror, and recently found it's actually a favorite genre of mine. I'm a nerd, a dork, hella shy, and would love to be your friend!
Please be kind and respectful! If there are any issues with me, please come to me in an appropriate manner. I don't bite, I promise. We all know we can't read each other's minds!
The Gods and Goddesses. As someone who is a devotee to one of the Greek Gods, I may have a different approach with how the children interact with their parents. I'll try to balance canon and how I view it.
Muses. As it goes, my primary muses are ones I probably will have most muse for, and will be my go to muses for starter calls or unspecified memes (but pretty please specify muse). Primary & Secondary muses can shift position or be removed depending on interaction. I may add muses as I see fit in the future. I will make any posts indicating any updates.
NS.FW. Will not be present on this blog. Even though my main verses are post the book events when all of them are a little older.
Shipping. I love to ship. I'm opened to it as long as we both are good with it, and talk about our muses to see if they click. Annabeth, Nico, Clarisse, Frank: They will be hinted to be in a relationship with their significant others, however that doesn't mean I will automatically ship with their significant others unless a partner wants to or if I'm shipping with another character. Piper: Same thing applies somewhat but with Jason. However, the time during TMOA my Piper won't be in a relationship with Jason unless my partner wants them to be. Leo: I don't ship Leo and Calypso, so he won't be in a relationship with her.
Controversial characters. Totally down to write with any type of character. I won't limit myself. If this bothers you, please do not follow.
Triggers. I'll tag what I can/remember. I will NOT write with drunk muses. This doesn't need to be tagged for your threads, I just don't want to deal with it one-on-one.
Formatting. If there is anything about my formatting for writing that bothers you, please feel free to message me. I'll be happy to change it for our threads.
OCs/Fandoms. Totally chill with OCs, just have some type of an about page. I can try and fit my muses into anything, and will follow blogs I can see working (even if I don't know the fandom).
Be patient! I have a full time job and a few other blogs I hop on. I usually go with the flow, see what muse I have. Plus please be aware that I struggle with depression. Some Days are good and others not so much.
OOC. I love to chat ooc. Through IMs or discord. Whatever works for you. Although, discord is only open to mutuals.
Icons. I don't use icons as of right now since I'm slow at getting FCs. However, if I ever find FCs I like to make icons- just know we don't HAVE to use them. That being said, if you use icons feel free to use them as you wish.
Movies & Show. I'm opened to discussing a way to flow them together since I base most of my blog around the books. Don't feel as though you can't approach me!
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floscaedis · 1 year
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o human race, born to fly upward, wherefore at a little wind dost thou so fall?
independent, private & 18+ sylvestre lesage of ffxvi. spoilers present but tagged. beta editor only, iconless temporarily. please read rules & about before interaction.
[ carrd ] | [ main ]
Rule. 1 . This is an independent, private & adults only rendition of sylvestre lesage from ffxvi. This portrayal will contain mild spoilers - all will be tagged. All work here is penned by me, Han - all graphics, PSDs, code, etc., you see are my own. :)
Rule 2. mun's name is han, im 29 & pretty chilled. this blog is low-activity because i work full-time & am usually preoccupied by various things. i like openness and communication but can be super slow with messages. please never take my silence as an insult or anything; always feel free to message me and i will get back. discord is available on request, ims will be slower to be answered.
Rule. 3. i do suffer with migraines so would prefer text to be minimally edited; i don't mind small-text or how you curate your experience at all and you don't, by any means, have to change things for me but i am less likely to be drawn to heavily edited text, purely due to the headaches. i hope that this makes sense.
Rule 4. as stated, everything made on this blog is made by myself - i do have a commission blog where i create things for people - that can be found at beargraphs. my other main blog is cwarscars & a multimuse @ mencnfire.
Rule. 5. i am open to shipping and love all kinds of shipping from romantic to friends to enemies, comrades, colleagues, forced friends, rivals~ i love exploring them all! however, i don't like being forced into shipping and i do ask for a degree of realism when it comes to shipping. i write sylvestre as (of course) married, but a man with a wandering eye! i am entirely open to shipping romantically with him.
Rule 6. i enjoy plotted threads the most but also enjoy threads made from ask/ rp memes just fine too! sometimes i'll post little cracky things on the dash. if it's tagged 'open', anybody can reply~
Rule 7. i am open to darker themes & do not shy away from the darker sides of fiction. on this blog - themes of violence, sex, coloniolism & general adult themes will be present. if you are easily upset or prefer to avoid darker content - it's best you don't follow. it should go without saying but i will not write sexual scenarios with minor muns/muses.
Rule 8. you can approach me whenever for whatever! im very laid-back and generally quite chilled out; i like a nice, casual zone. you wanna send an ask? do it. you wanna write with me? go for it. if i don't follow you back it's more than likely you don't have a rules page or you don't cut posts / post excessively - please understand. you're more than welcome to approach me if you wanna chat or rp.
Rule 9. do not block evade or pretend to be someone else on another blog when talking / communicating with me. it's concerning behaviour and i don't like it; if you want to talk to me after a block, do so on anon - i'll unblock and speak to you. but no block evading, that unsettles me.
Rule 10. finally - just to stress again - i am low activity; i usually have a million and one things going on (as well as a bunch of blogs) - never take my silence personally; thank you~.
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