#i’ll probably just chicken out and build some lots. i really need some better dorms for my university
fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
Going to play the sims high, will report back
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bbugyu · 4 years
finding something to do + kim mingyu
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you had spent your better years bored with mingyu, and he thought holding your hand felt like holding his fleeting youth.
wc.4088 | almost smut, mostly fluff, friends to lovers/uni au, fem reader, that one trope where there is mutual pining but both of them think the other is gay, maybe like half an ounce of angst if you squint Really Hard, lots o swears
i usually make my fics hella neutral as far as gender and size and orientation goes but hahahaha this ones for the average sized bi girls! also just realized that i stopped using capitalization in my fics and yk what? im fine with it. this fic is based off of the song of the same name by hellogoodbye.
“stop honking, other people live here.”
mingyu grinned at you through the half-open passenger window, leaning over to pop open the door. the handle had never recovered from a giant cup of soda crashing into the side of his ride in the middle of a particularly rowdy summer shenanigan, the sticky substance soaking into the mechanics before he had gotten the chance to hose it down in a friend's driveway at 2am. now, you had to wait for him to open it from the inside on all future shenanigans, and you could only roll the window down half way, lest you have to laugh at mingyu aggressively pulling on the window between his palms as you pulled on the motorized switch to coerce it back into the closed position. you slid into the co-pilot seat and looked over to your best friend.
"if you answered your texts i wouldn't have to honk."
you rolled your eyes, tugging on the seatbelt. "go, gyu."
he laughed and shifted into drive, turning up his stereo as he pulled away from your apartment building, hand returning to the stick to shift up a gear. "thanks for coming."
"what else was i gonna do?" you slipped the slides off your socked feet and pulled your legs to sit cross-legged. "i finished rewatching avatar."
"study, maybe?"
you looked at him. he was right, finals were right around the corner, but you had an uncharacteristically light load this quarter (due to you not realizing you needed approval for one course before registration and it filling before you could sign up) and you weren't too worried about the three tests you would have to take in a couple weeks. "could say the same to you."
mingyu let out another laugh, suddenly singing along to the song as he ran a hand through his hair. you smiled at his profile, then pulled out your phone to update your instagram story. as you moved the camera over to mingyu from the streetlight-lit road ahead of you, he laughed midway through a lyric and practically yelled "mwoya" at you, gripping the wheel with both hands and jumping in his seat. 
you laughed hysterically, frantically saving the video before pointing the screen at him. he turned down the music to watch it, eyes flickering between your phone and the road. he laughed at the way it cut off on both of you screaming. "what was that?"
you giggled, swiping through filters. "you being dumb."
"you love me."
"you're right."
mingyu smiled at that, adjusting the stereo volume again, bobbing his head to the rhythm as he drove to the one convenience store in your town that sold his favorite mint chocolate chip ice cream, a mission he had called upon you for at 11:30pm. when it switched over to a song you knew, mingyu noticed your subconscious humming to the tune and a few lyrics falling out of your lips, the wind from the open window whipping through your hair.
by the time you reached a small parking lot across town, you had yawned probably half a dozen times.
"tired?" mingyu pouted as he rolled up the windows and unbuckled his seatbelt. "sorry for dragging you out."
you shook your head, following suit and pulling yourself out of the car. "i slept too late, i think. i'll be fine."
you followed mingyu across the quiet street to the convenience store the two of you frequented perhaps too often, finding yourself there after late night study sessions or mid-barhop for ramen, snacks, and most importantly, the mint choco ice cream bar of mingyu's affections.
after perusing the options as if you hadn't been there earlier in the week, you picked out an ice cream bar as well as a couple bags of chips. you walked up behind mingyu at the register as he was pulling out his wallet.
"i'll pay if you come over and play smash," he said, nodding at your hands full of snacks.
you eyed him. "what's the catch?"
"you can't be mad when i play meta knight."
you groaned, but put your things on the counter for the cashier that was likely the same age as you both to scan. "fine. i'll still beat you."
mingyu grinned at you, and you snagged your ice cream bar off the counter as he paid, the other snacks getting put in a plastic bag. you grabbed the bag and held it open as mingyu retrieved his own ice cream, both of you peeling them open as you exited the convenience store.
"mm," you let out, mouth full of ice cream as you leaned against the metal bar meant to lock up bikes on the sidewalk. "it's nice out tonight."
mingyu agreed, biting into his treat. "it's refreshing but not too cold."
you nodded, watching cars pass on the street. "i can't believe it's almost summer already."
"me neither," he said, squatting in front of you as he ate. "we're gonna be seniors next year."
you groaned. "have you decided if you're doing summer quarter?"
he shook his head. "i decided against it. i only really have to take one extra course next year so it didn't feel worth it."
you nodded, looking down at him. he was looking to his left, absentmindedly watching someone walk their dog across the street.
after the ice cream was finished and you threw away your wrappers, mingyu cursed slightly at the fact that he still managed to get his finger sticky despite doing his best to avoid meltage. after he popped open your door, he dug in the glovebox for some wet naps, playfully knocking your knees aside as you tried to sit. you laughed, waiting for him to be done so you could put the bag of snacks on the floor in front of you.
when you met mingyu sophomore year, your hair was shorter and he was blonde. he had sat next to you in your shared ecology lab and promptly fell asleep before the class had even started, and you had to nudge him awake when the professor was handing out the syllabus. 
"gah, fuck, i'm up," he waved a massive hand in your face, blinking away his sleep before focusing on you with furrowed brows. "you're not seokmin."
seokmin was his roommate, you learned, and also met a few weeks later when you went over to their dorm to work on assignments together. they've since upgraded to a compact but efficient three bedroom apartment and acquired another roommate. you stared out the window into the night sky as mingyu drove to said apartment, blinking heavily at the lure of a nap. you pulled your knees up to your chest and tried to listen to the song playing from the stereo.
only moments later, mingyu glanced over and noticed that your eyes had fluttered shut, your head lolling against the window. he wondered, staring at you in awe, how much longer he could pretend he wasn't in love with you.
when you and mingyu had first gotten to know each other, you admittedly had a bit of a crush on him, until you found out he had a boyfriend. even after they split almost four months later, and you had been there to bring him chicken and beer while he fumbled with the drawstrings of his sweatpants and rubbed his swollen eyes with the back of his hand, you decidedly resigned any feelings for him, knowing it was a lost cause for you to pine after a guy that didn't even like girls. hell, you barely even liked boys - you had gone on dates with six different girls, yet not a single guy since you came to university, and mingyu had sat on your bed while you tried to get ready, giving a concise "try again" when you showed him an oversized sweatshirt.
"why not this?" you asked, groaning.
"you have good proportions, bitch. show 'em off."
rolling your eyes, you rooted around in your closet for something less shapeless. your style had always skewed a little athletic, a little hip-hop. you bought mostly mens fit shirts, making the task slightly more difficult. you found a nice pair of high waisted jeans you hadn't worn in a while and paired it with a drop shoulder tee and a turtleneck, finally getting the approval of your best friend.
all of the facts laid in front of him led mingyu to believe you were completely and utterly gay, and even if you weren't, your taste in women suggested he was the exact opposite of your type. you liked petite girls. girls with long hair and that wore skirts and lots of rings. the kind of girls that you had to lean down to kiss. 
so he continued to try out the pool of eligible bachelors in your area that were within a respectable age range. he had even tried to date some girls, but every time they tried to suggest the dates go further, he would think of the way his best friend's fingers had sent electricity through his entire body just by brushing an eyelash off his lip, or how you would trace the veins that ran through his wrist as you watched a movie together on your couch. the way your touch set his skin on fire. the way he wished he could just admit the way he felt about you. 
he always smiled and said he'd call them sometime. he never did. it wasn't fair to them, but neither was him only ever asking them out because they reminded him of you somehow.
guys were easier, he thought. they didn't remind him of you.
mingyu was so caught up in the sight of you sleeping that he absolutely ran a red. he cursed under his breath when he realized the light he was passing under had been yellow for longer than he had thought, thinking how lucky he was that the cross street was empty. good thing he was almost home.
"hey, sleepyhead," he said when you stretched suddenly as he pulled into his parking spot. "do you wanna go home?"
you shook your head, yawning. "no, i need to eat chips."
he laughed and killed the engine. "you left a pair of house shorts here and you can borrow a shirt," he said, suggesting you crash in his bed when you got too tired for smash.
"what, you don't wanna carry me home?"
mingyu slammed the car door shut and shoved his hand in his pocket. "i'd rather not, no."
you stretched again, a hand reaching out to ruffle his dark hair as he tried to punch in the door code for you to enter his building. "mean."
he laughed at you again, leading you up the three flights of stairs to his apartment.
"hey, minghao," you said, waving at the shadowy figure that was seemingly melting into the couch, illuminated by the tv.
he raised a hand in acknowledgment, sitting with his neck at a 90 degree angle, a movie with subtitles on, and his phone face down on his chest. "yo."
"wanna play smash?" mingyu asked.
"no thanks."
mingyu dropped his keys on the kitchen counter. "we're playing smash."
"you're funny."
you laughed, and mingyu pouted. "please, myungho?"
minghao finally looked at his roommate. "i'm watching annihilation. the switch is handheld for a reason."
you watched mingyu roll his eyes with a smirk on your lips. he went over to the switch dock by the tv and grabbed the console, sticking his tongue out at hao. you giggled, following mingyu down the short hall to his room as minghao waved you both off.
"have i said that i like hao a lot?"
"yes," mingyu said. "like, every time you come over."
you smiled, throwing open his dresser and carding through the shirts that would surely be massive on you. "well i do."
the switch got tossed onto his bed and he sneaked around you to grab a pair of sweatpants from the drawer above the one you were looking in. he also pulled out the pair of shorts you had left, putting them on top of the dresser. "i'm getting naked now."
you shook your head lightly, knowing he was only changing his pants, but kept your back to him out of respect anyways. you picked up the shorts. "did you wash these?"
"yeah, i threw 'em in with my laundry last week."
you nodded, spotting the color you had been looking for. "aha!" you pulled on the ashy gray shirt, revealing one of your favorite things you had ever convinced mingyu to buy. an extremely soft, lightly distressed shirt with a tasteful rip along the neckline. "i'm getting naked now."
"clear," mingyu said, letting you know he wasn't looking as he flopped onto his bed, propping up the switch on his bedside table and setting up the controllers.
you pulled off your loose sweatshirt and swapped it for the borrowed shirt, then shoved the denim shorts down your legs, laughing lightly at how your sleep shorts completely disappeared under the shirt. you turned around, stretching out your arms to show how large the shirt was on you. "look."
mingyu rolled onto his back and propped himself on an elbow to look at you, giggling as you swam in his shirt. outwardly, he smiled, but internally, he thought this was simultaneously the worst and best idea he had ever had.
you looked absolutely stunning in his clothes, he thought, but only said that you were cute. he ignored the familiar feeling in his stomach and handed you a controller as you crawled onto his bed, settling on your stomach next to him.
he had to stop putting himself in this position. you were far too pretty for him to forget his feelings towards you.
but maybe that's what he wanted. maybe he didn't want to forget his feelings. maybe the few times you had told him his dates were attractive weren't just objective reassurances. maybe he held onto the sliver of hope that you could possibly be attracted to him, too.
you slammed your face into the bed as the game loaded. "why are all switch load times utter ass?"
mingyu adjusted so that he was laying on his side with an arm propping him up and flicked the back of your head. "because the console can fit in my palm."
your hand went up to swat at the culprit of the flick, and you pouted as you lifted your head to look at him. "that's not fair, your hands are huge." you wiggled onto your elbows to grab his wrist, pressing your palms together. "see?"
mingyu laughed, feeling his cheeks heat up. "well, you have baby hands, so." he punctuated his point by curling his finger over yours. you pouted again, then slipped your fingers between his, thinking about how nice his warm hand felt over yours.
you blinked, then pulled your hand away and grabbed the joycon as the game finally loaded the skippable intro, hoping you weren't blushing too much as you cleared your throat. mingyu stared at your pink cheeks for a moment, his mind reeling. was he seeing something that wasn't there? or was his hope in you validated?
you were clicking through the menu and felt his eyes on you, and all you wanted to do was hide behind your hair and avoid eye contact. you nearly jumped when mingyu cleared his throat.
"hey, i have something i've been meaning to ask you."
your eyes met his briefly. "shoot."
"do you…" mingyu paused, trying to think of the right way to phrase his question. "i know you have exes that are guys, but is that something you're, like… still into?"
your ears burned and you wiggled until you could sit back on your own legs, fiddling with the hem of the shirt you stole and hesitating to make eye contact. "you mean, being with guys?"
"yeah," he said, watching you intently with his brows furrowed.
"yeah, i mean, i guess?" you shrugged. "i like both."
mingyu nodded slowly, watching your eyes as they stared at the wall across his small room. your cheeks were a rosy pink, and you were chewing on your lip. "me too."
you looked at him finally, your eyes wide. "what?"
he gave you a crooked smile. "i like guys and girls, too."
if you were blushing before, now you were blazing. "oh, my god, i'm an idiot."
he laughed. "what, did you think i was, like, totally gay?"
"shut up," you threw yourself down onto his bed, hiding your face in the blanket. in your defense, he had definitely called himself gay before, but you definitely called yourself gay constantly, so maybe you shouldn't put so much weight in those words. "shut up, i'm embarrassed. i don't want to talk about it."
hearing mingyu laugh next to you made you feel like you were on fire, then you felt the ghosting of fingers on your arm. you froze. mingyu's voice was soft when he spoke again. "do you wanna talk about how i have a massive crush on you?"
you slowly raised your head to look at him, cheeks burning red. he gave you a small smile before you choked out a "huh?"
"i ran a red earlier," he said suddenly, his fingers moving from your arm to absentmindedly brush your hair out of your face, then to your shoulder, then back. it was a reassuring touch, one you had felt from him before, but you still were caught off guard by his sudden succession of confessions. "you were sleeping and i couldn't stop looking at you. i totally could have crashed the car."
"dude, what the fuck." you stared at him, then lowered your voice to imitate him. "'hey i have a crush on you and i almost killed us both because of it.' that's you, that's what you sound like right now."
mingyu laughed in your face and you couldn't help the chuckle that fell out of your mouth. "sorry i almost killed us."
"i guess i can forgive you," you said, picking at your nails suddenly despite them being clean. "especially because i might have a crush on you, too."
mingyu kept staring at you with a fond smile, and you wondered if he could also hear how hard your heart was beating. "can i kiss you?"
you looked at him, trying not to stare at his lips. you nodded, almost hurriedly. his hand pulled against your back as you rolled your body to face him, and your hand reached out for his jaw as he pulled you into him. and when his lips crashed into yours, you yelped slightly, melting into him almost immediately. they were plush against yours, and he was gentle as he pushed your back onto the mattress, adjusting to hover over you slightly. when you let your head fall back onto the bed, he grinned at your blown out pupils and swollen lips, buzzing at the way your hands curled around around his neck, fingers digging into the hair at his nape. he adjusted again, a hand finding your waist as he pulled back to let you swing your leg across his lap. you pulled him back over you, enjoying the way his hips hit the back of your thighs as he caged you in with an elbow by your shoulder. you stared up at him, heart racing, eyes flicking down to his lips too many times for him to not take the hint.
mingyu had always enjoyed pleasing you. this definitely felt like the next natural progression.
he dove into you, and your arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders. mingyu was a hugger, and he also liked wearing very little clothing when he worked out, so you knew what he looked like under the plain white tee. knew what he felt like. but suddenly - with his hands slipping under what was technically his shirt to properly feel your waist, with how his tongue fought with yours - you really felt him for the first time. the way his shoulder muscles rippled just beneath the skin as he adjusted, clearly trying to not make his growing bulge so obvious. you considered the fact that you might get to see how much leg day really benefited, considering how much he posted about it with sweaty post-workout pictures on his story.
mingyu felt your thighs squeeze around his hips, pulling back slightly. "is this okay?"
"is it?" you responded, a hand pulling back to fall on his jaw. "i've wanted you for ages."
he laughed lightly. "god, we're idiots."
you had no time to respond before he was kissing you again, his hips rolling into yours, pulling a surprised moan from you. he ate it up, his fingers gripping your waist tighter at the sound. you felt his girth as it pressed against you, and you gasped. when was the last time you had been with a guy? high school?
when mingyu's teeth bit down on your lip, you were really glad he was the guy you were unconsciously waiting for.
he tugged on your hips as he rolled onto his back, pulling you to straddle his lap. you giggled slightly, settling back into the open mouthed kisses as he ran his hands from your ass up your back, slipping under the sports bra you were wearing.
then there was a knock. you yelped, burying your face in his shoulder as you heard the door swing open. "make room for king k r- oh shit!"
you laughed into mingyu's neck as he yelled for seokmin to get the hell out, his hands tugging the hem of the stolen shirt over your butt in an attempt to shield it from view. you heard him squeak out an "i'm sorry!" as the door shut again.
"i'll kill him."
you exhaled, the laughter still on your lips as you looked at his profile from where your cheek pressed against his shoulder. "bet he thinks we're secretly dating."
mingyu laughed, scratching an eyebrow before returning his palm to your ass. "not a secret now."
"oh, so we're dating now?"
mingyu craned his neck to look at you. "is that not what was going to happen?"
you giggled, sitting up and putting your hands on his chest. you adjusted your knees, fully aware of how the movement would rub you against his still hard bulge. "we have both fucked people without dating them afterwards, kim mingyu."
"ah," he said, digging his fingers into your soft ass and rutting into you gently, making you gasp. "we're gonna fuck? i thought we were just joking."
you slapped his chest, giggling still as you rolled your hips. "if you don't wanna, i could ask hao-"
"oh, shut up," he said, pulling you down to kiss him. "if you liked myungho like that you would have tried it ages ago."
you smiled, your thumb running over his adams apple as you placed gentle kisses on his jaw. "sweetie, are we jealous?"
"i don't deserve this, you know?" mingyu pulled your hips against him again, a low grunt tumbling from his beautiful mouth. "i haven't put my dick in a girl since i met you and now i'm with you and you're talking about my roommate? this seems extremely mean."
you giggled again, then placed your lips on his again. he instantly kissed you back, one hand leaving your ass to go to the back of your neck. "you're the only guy i ever think about," you whispered, getting repeatedly interrupted by mingyu's needy lips on yours.
the wolf-like grin that broke onto his face sent chills down your spine. "let's keep it that way."
seokmin's hand was still on the doorknob, his wide eyes blinking, when minghao paused his movie and sat up to poke his head out and look down the hall. "the hell was that?"
he puffed out his cheeks as he walked back into the living room, his palms clapping gently. "i thought you said y/n came over to play smash?"
minghao's eyebrow quirked up. "she did."
the eldest sat on the couch. "i thought mingyu was gay?"
"what?" minghao looked down the hall again. "wait, what? were they-" he stopped when he heard a muffled groan that was far too familiar.
seokmin grabbed the remote and pressed play, scratching his cheek as he turned up the volume. "what are we watching? catch me up."
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lils-writes-stuff · 4 years
Self-fulfilling Prophecy
spencer reid x reader
Best Years Part two | Part one
summary: As the team investigates the mass suicides at Somerville academy, the tensions between the reader and Spencer rise. Ad the reader gets a note from a past memory. 
Warnings: normal Criminal minds things, more slow build up. 
A/N: based on season 7 episode 9 of criminal minds.  
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  Y/N sat in her swivel chair at her desk, blue pen in her hand lightly tapping as she was deep in thought. All different kinds of emotions hitting her brain as she tried to put them all together, not knowing if it was something she should worry about or push aside. Her thoughts were soon broken by the smell of a fresh cup of coffee filling her senses. She turned and looked at a smiling Dr. Spencer Reid holding out her mug to her. 
   “You are the best Spence, thank you.” She smiled at him while she took the mug from his large hand. 
   “No problem, really,” he responded with a small smile, leaning himself against the edge of her desk. “You seem like something’s bothering you, what’s up?” 
   His question made her stop. To be honest she didn’t really know what was wrong. One thing she did know was that she was developing feelings for the good doctor in front of her. Other than that, she didn’t know. 
   He watched her pause. Thinking he crossed a line he began to get flustered. 
   “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t-I mean,” he stumbled over his words. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he explained.
   She looked up at him shaking her head, “No, no you didn’t.” She reassured him before she paused again trying to think of how to explain her feelings. “I’m not really sure if I’m being honest with you Spence,” she said, placing her mug down on her desk before she crossed her arms. 
   A security thing, Spencer thought as he watched her fold her arms across her chest and lean forward. 
   “Oh, I’m sorry,” he said, not really knowing how to respond. Well, he knew how he wanted to respond but it wasn’t the most rational thing to say to someone who he didn’t even know if they had feelings for him also. “If there’s something you need or-or even someone you want to talk to, I’m here.” 
   Her heart fluttered.
   She smiled at him before she let her thoughts get in the way. “Thanks, Spence, I’ll keep that in mind.” 
   He gave a slight nod before taking a sip of his own coffee. 
   “You know I-” Y/N was cut off.
   “Guys,” Hotch said, getting the attention of the team down in the bullpen as he nodded towards the round table room. 
   “Somerville Military Academy, Oceanside, Florida. Five boys were found hanging this morning,” Hotch began as he and Strauss began to explain the case.
   “Five?” Y/N said, a worried tone in her voice.
   “Yes, five,” Hotch said, confirming her doubt. 
   “The bodies are at the medical examiner’s now,” Strauss explained.
   “There’s no photos?” Derek asked, eyebrows raised. 
   “School personnel thought they may still be alive,” Strauss began. “So they cut them out of the trees.”
Y/N let out a slight sigh, an uneasy feeling forming in her stomach at the thought. Spencer looked at her with worry, silently asking her if she was okay. 
All good, she mouthed to him which he responded with a nod.  
   “Jimmy Burbage, Phil Mumford, Jerry Bowden, Jack Briggs, Tucker Calhoun,” Hotch spoke, listing out all the victims in the file.  
   “So we’re walking into a contaminated crime scene,” Derek said, with a slight question in his tone. “We don’t have anything solid?” 
   “ ‘We’re sorry’, was carved in a tree branch nearby,” Hotch answered Derek’s question.
   “This happened on campus?” Emily asked, looking at Hotch. 
   “No, in the woods about an hour away,” he responded. 
   “How long were they out there?” Y/N asked.
   “Six days,” Strauss responded looking at her. 
   Y/N’s eyebrows raised, “Without supervision?”
   “It was an outward bound mission, for the upperclassman,” Strauss responded. She seemed slightly annoyed with her and Y/N just looked away without a question. 
   “What drove them to Suicide?” Spencer asked. 
   “Freshman cadet, Bailey Shelton, hung himself two weeks ago in his room,” Strauss explained.
   “Identical bed sheets, hangman’s knot,” Hotch said, giving more to the explanation.
   “Who takes sheets camping?” Rossi asked, the look of thought on his face showing through. 
   “They would if it was the plan,” JJ said, looking at those around the table.
   “Could be a domino effect,” Y/N said, adding more to JJ’s theory. 
   “Campus would have been on high alert after the first one, so the kids wait until they’re alone in the woods,” said Rossi. 
   “They must’ve made some kind of pact,” Derek agreed. 
   “And there’s something else,” Hotch began. “Six kids went on the trip. Only five were found.”
      Y/N let out another quiet sigh, this seemed a lot more complicated then the academy was probably going to let on. 
   “School officials confirmed Josh Redding is still missing,” Strauss said. 
   “Maybe he chickened out of the pact,” Derek said, trying to find a reason as to why he was missing. 
   “Or was never part of it,” Spencer added to Derek’s thought.
   “Campus is completely off the grid, no internet,” Hotch said. 
   “I can help with that,” Garcia said looking back at Hotch.
   “Which is why you’re coming with us,” Hotch said to her. 
   “Oh,” she responded not expecting that. 
   “And so am I,” Strauss said, causing everyone to look at her. Surprise all evident on their faces.   
   “Isn’t Somerville the director’s Alma Mater,” Rossi asked, to no one in particular really.
   “Yes. The academy has enjoyed a spotless reputation, so the hope is to keep the investigation in house,” Strauss explained.  
   “I imagine there’s a lot of concern for Josh,” Emily stated. “He’s been out there for almost a week.” 
   Everyone looked around at each other for a second.
   “So how’s he surviving?” JJ asked.
   “So, Somerville Academy was founded during World War II,” Garcia began. “It is a hard-core old school, they don’t even have a website.” She finished her statement with a slight mumble. 
   “Socioeconomic breakdown all over the map,” Emily said looking down at the file in her lap. 
   “Yeah so are the ages,” Y/N said as she looked at the pamphlet in her hand. “Students are 12 to 18 years old.” 
   “All on the same campus, in the same dorms,” JJ said, continuing to read what was in front of them. 
   “Same personnel has worked there for a lifetime,” Derek said looking up from his file. “Ron Massey has been superintendent for 30 years.”
   “He’s an alum, as is the majority of the staff there,” Strauss said, giving more detail as to why that was. “Lieutenant Tawes has been his second in command this whole time.”
   “These types of places have their own infrastructure,” Derek said. 
   “Yeah, if it ain’t broken, they ain’t gonna fix it,” Y/N said with a small chuckle evident in her voice.
   “That’s probably why they banned modern technology,” Emily added on to the profile of the academy.   
   “They didn’t need it back then, they don’t need it now,” JJ agreed.
   “Aggressive Motto-” Rossi began. “Vivere est vincere,” he read. 
   “To live is to conquer,” Y/N said as she recognized the phrase. “They raise soldiers, suicide isn’t a part of that mantra.” 
   “Bailey Shelton was only 13-years-old, he was one of the youngest students there,” Spencer said. 
   At this, Y/N wondered into her thoughts again. How could someone so young want to take their life? She thought to herself. Her mind got lost in her own theories while the rest of the team discussed. 
   The team arrived at the academy and all filed out of the SUVs. Spencer and Y/N going to the back to help Garcia with all the equipment that she had to bring with her. 
     “Colonel Massey, Erin Strauss,” Strauss introduced herself to the Colonel. “This is the team I spoke with you about,” she spoke, gesturing to her side. 
   “Agent Hotchner,” Hotch said, shaking the man’s hand. “This is Agent Morgan, Agent Jareau,” He said while the two shook his hand. “Dr. Spencer Reid, Agent Y/L/N, and Penelope Garcia,” the three by the car gave a hand gesture signaling they acknowledged the introduction. 
    Y/N looked at the Colonel for a second, glancing over his posture and facial expression. She got that gut feeling again, but she passed this one off as a wave of hunger.  
     The four with the Colonel began discussing what they were going to do, while the three by the car began unloading. 
  “Why does there have to be so much stuff?” Y/N said as she pulled another tub out of the back of the trunk. Spencer laughed as he watched her struggle slightly pulling out the tub. 
   “Because the Old-timer over there doesn’t allow new technology, we have to bring a whole database in,” Penelope said in a mumble so only the three of them could hear. The two others laughed at her statement while they pulled the last of the things out of the trunk. 
    “Any leads on Josh?” Derek asked as they began to walk towards the three by the car.
   “In that terrain,” the Colonel began. “He’s only capable of moving a mile an hour.” 
   “Puts him in a 60-mile radius,” Spencer said as he pulled a bag from the trunk. “That’s 3,600 square miles to cover.” 
   “Tawes knows those woods better than anybody,” The Colonel said. 
   “We’ve got two agents meeting and we’ll start the investigation here,” Hotch said, turning towards the colonel.  
    “Where’s the place with the most outlets?” Garcia asked, hopeful for a good answer.
    “Best bet is in the library,” responded the Colonel. 
   “Thank you,” Garcia responded. Her, Y/N, and Spencer grabbed the bags and some cadets grabbed the tubs and led them to the library. 
   “Still feeling a little off?” Spencer asked Y/N as they walked towards the library. 
   “Hm- oh yea, kind of,” She responded looking over at him. “I’m not really sure what it is, I think I might just be tired, and this case it just-” she paused, giving a slight shutter. “I don’t know, it just doesn’t sit right with me.” 
   “What do you mean?” Spencer asked eyebrows furrowed as he looked at her. 
   “I think this goes way deeper than a pact-acted mass suicide,” she explained. 
   “Come on, baby,” Penelope said, encouraging the machine in front of her. “Come on!” 
   “I don’t think calling a machine ‘baby’ will help,” Y/N laughed as she plugged in some wires to a receiver.
   “Boo,” Spencer said tapping on a globe in the library. Penelope and Y/N jumped as they turned to look at where the noise came from. 
   “Jeez, you scared me,” Penelope said turning towards him, Y/N doing the same. 
   “Yeah, no kidding.” Y/N said. “I thought he was a ghost.” She lightly laughed before turning back to what she was doing. 
   “You know, older buildings like this emit a low enough frequency that you can’t consciously hear. Because the sensory overload can’t be explained, it wreaks havoc with your emotions. Indicating fear, panic, and dread,” Spencer said. 
   “Hence the feeling of being haunted,” Y/N said as she came to the realization of what his lesson was leading too. He pointed at her nodding with a small smile. 
   “What about the visions?” Penelope asked in a concerning tone. 
   “Your eyes overcompensate for what your ears are missing,” Spencer explained. “That said, I do know a 3-year-old boy who once met a friendly apparition named Leverett Saltonstall.”  
   Y/N giggled at the last statement made by Spencer and also the fact of Penelope’s eyes lighting up. 
   “He was nice?” She asked in a child-like voice.
   “Very nice,” Spencer answered, making Y/N smile while she looked down at the map he just laid out. “You’d think the laundry room would be closer to the dorms,” Spencer said as he looked at the map along with Y/N.
   “It’s not in the basement?” Penelope asked as she typed on her laptop. 
   “It’s on the opposite side of campus,” Y/N said as she used her finger to follow a road. Her hand ever so slightly brushed against Spencer's. A blush formed on both of their faces as they retracted their hands quickly from the map. 
   Spencer cleared his throat, “That’s so strange.” 
   “Yeah,” Y/N said in agreement hoping to God that the moment wouldn’t create an awkward tension.  
   The small moment, they both hoped, went unnoticed to the woman beside them.
 But oh no it didn’t. 
She smiled excitedly at the thought of the two having feelings for each other and how cute they would be together. 
   “Leaves of three, let them be,” Rossi’s voice was heard as he and Emily walked into the room. Emily scratching her arm vigorously. The three turned their heads to look and grimaced at the thought of poison ivy.
   “Oh man, poison ivy,” Y/N said hissing after her words in sorrow for her friend. 
   “Alcohol swabs, stat!” Penelope said standing up from her chair to care for Emily’s needs.
    “Thank you,” Emily said to Penelope. “You know, if I’ve got it, so do you,” she said looking at Rossi. 
   “I’m Italian, it knows better.” He stated matter-of-factly. The three laughed at his statement. “Where’s Massey?” 
   “He’s meeting with the victims’ families,” Y/N said as she sat criss-cross applesauce in her chair.
   “They’re arriving now,” added Hotch as he walked into the room. “JJ, how are Josh’s parents?” 
   Y/N and Spencer turned their heads to see that JJ had entered the room from the opposite door, along with the rest of the team.
   “Upset,” She said. “They sent him here to keep him away from trouble.” 
   “Tawes made it seem like these guys are the only family they have,” Emily said, placing a cotton pad drenched in rubbing alcohol on her arm.  
   “You make it sound like a cult,” Strauss questioned. 
   “Uh, It kind of is,” Y/N said as she looked around at the rest of the team. Rossi nodding his head in agreement looking at Y/N.    
   “This is a well-respected institution,” Strauss responded strongly.  
   “They’re not on trial,” Rossi retorted.  
   “The integral part of this investigation is going to be understanding what these victims lived every day,” Hotch explained. 
   “And with who,” Y/N added. 
   “Bailey Shelton killed himself in Josh Redding’s room,” Derek said, adding to Y/N’s statement. 
   “Was Josh in the room that night?” Y/n asked looking at Derek.  
   “According to the records,” Derek confirmed. 
   “I will dig for dirt,” Penelope said typing away on her computer. Hotch then asked Rossi if he and Emily found anything in the woods.
   “Josh’s tent was secluded. His things were left behind, he just took off.”
   “Massey did say he didn’t get any respect from Josh,” Hotch said. 
   “His parents even said he was hard to control,” JJ added. 
   “His course load indicates increased isolation,” Spencer said looking down at the file in his hand. Y/N leaned over to look at the file he was holding. Spencer noticed this and turned it towards her so she could read it also.  
   “Isolated, smart, angry,” Emily listed off some of the traits they just picked up on. 
   “Sounds to me like it could be a budding psychopath,” Y/N said looking at Emily who nodded in agreement signaling that she was thinking the same thing.
     “What are you saying?” Strauss asked, ready to question what the two women were uncovering. “Josh Redding killed his classmates?”
    Everyone on the team looked at each other, all thinking the same thing now. 
  “Then he’s not missing,” Strauss continued. “He’s on the run.” 
   “And he has been for a week,” Derek added. 
   “One hell of a head start,” Rossi said. 
   “And he has all the skills he could ever need,” Y/n finished.  
   As the sun rose and a new day began and the team all gathered at the academy, the feeling filled Y/N’s stomach again. The feeling spread all over this time, and she didn’t know what it was. She came to a conclusion last night that it was probably about this case because most of the time when she didn’t think about it she felt fine. She needed to talk to someone about, her feelings were usually right and she wouldn’t tell anyone if she thought they were wrong. So as she walked into the library and set her bag down next to Penelope, grabbed her notebook out, and began writing her thoughts. 
   “What are you doing?” Penelope asked her as she looked over at the young woman writing vigorously in the small book. 
   “Trying to know why I have a bad gut feeling,” Y/N explained as she continued to write down her thoughts. 
   “Does this usually help you?” Penelope asked her as she turned back to her computer to type more. 
   “It helped me in school when I knew how to do something but I couldn’t explain to the teacher how I knew how to do it or why.” She remembered back to the times in high school and college when she would grab out her notebook and write so fast that the teacher didn’t even have time to react. 
   “Hey so yesterday,” Penelope said turning away from her computer towards Y/N. “I saw you and boy genius had some sparks fly.”
   Y/N blushed, stopping her writing in her notebook but not looking up. Damn it, I thought she didn’t notice, she thought to herself. 
   “Oh my gosh, you are so crushing on him!” She exclaimed softly seeing the blush on Y/N’s face. 
   “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said quickly as she continued to write.
   “Uh-huh, okay, keep your secret lover,” she said, giving her a silly name. The two went back to what they were doing and keeping quite. Y/N hoping she could talk about her feelings to her later at a better time. Soon Spencer, JJ, Rossi, and Emily walked into the room, breakfast in their hands. Giving everyone their food and all sitting down they began to discuss more into the theory that Josh did it. 
       “Okay, so how did he do it?” Emily asked. “How did Josh control five-strong kids?” 
   “I mean he did supervise the laundry room,” Y/N said as she looked down at her notebook seeing the notes she took about who was who and what they did. “That could explain how the sheets got out.”
   “Yeah, so what does ‘we’re sorry’ mean,” JJ asked, pulling the photo of the branch out of the file. “If it wasn’t for suicide? What if Josh wanted them to apologize for something.” 
    “For their sins?” Emily said, adding the thought of religion. “There's no record of bad behavior, but all these guys were alpha males.” 
   “They were all upperclassmen, might’ve even bullied Bailey,” Y/N added her thought before taking a sip of her coffee. 
   “The message was carved under Tucker Calhoun’s tree for a reason,” said Rossi before taking a bit of his breakfast. 
   “Yeah, we need to know more about that kid,” Emily added. 
   “I agree, I feel like he has more to do with this then Massey is going to let on,” Y/N said, agreeing with Emily’s statement. She looked back down at her book, underlining the name Tucker. 
   “What are you looking at?” Penelope asked, looking at Spencer on the right side of her. Y/N looked up from her notebook to listen to what was going on. 
   “The M.E.’s report,” He said while looking at the report. “Bilateral fracture of the pars interarticularis of the C2 vertebra.”
   “Uh-huh, what’s that?” Penelope asked looking down at the report. 
   “Classic hangman's fracture,” he explained. “But only one of the five victims had it.” 
   “Which one?” Y/N asked him, having a feeling that she already knew the answer. 
   “Tucker Calhuan,” he responded looking at her. 
   “Jeez, who is this guy?” Penelope asked everyone, turned their heads to the pictures of the victims on the board. 
   “The others suffered rotational fractures, hanging was secondary,” Spencer said with slight curiosity in his voice. 
   “Staging the crime scene?” Y/N asked writing that down in her book before circling it.
   “Josh is more sophisticated than we thought,” Rossi added. 
    “And vindictive, he wanted Tucker to suffer,” Emily said. “The question is why.”
   Y/N looked down at her book and let out a sigh. 
   “What is it, kid?” Rossi asked Y/N from across the table. 
   She looked up, “I feel like there’s a piece missing, but I don’t know what.”  
    “I think I figured out that piece you were talking about Y/N,” Rossi said walking into the Library. He and Emily went to talk to some cadets to get the 4-1-1 on Josh and Tucker. 
    “A point system,” Emily said. 
   Penelope began typing away on her computer to find all she can about this point system. 
   “Tucker Calhoun has the most points,” Penelope said going up to the board and pointing at him. 
   Y/N and Spencer sat beside each other turned towards the board. 
   “Who approves them?” Spencer asked. 
   “Massey,” Penelope responded quickly. 
   “Maybe Tucker was his little pet,” Y/N said. “Leader of Everything.”
   “That comes with an attitude, steamroller types like that, don’t let anybody get in their way,” Emily added. 
    “Nothing was nice about that kid,” Rossi said. “Sounds like he strong-armed everybody.”
   “Well, then the points are for bad behavior,” Penelope began. “Only they are not calling it that.”
    “We should look at the points of everyone who died in those woods, my guess is they were all bullies,” Y/N said standing up and going towards the chart on the board. 
   “Except for Josh,” Spencer said.
    Y/N walked into the library, three coffee in her hand, two for Spencer and Penelope. 
“The school does have a cell phone,” Y/N heard Penelope say as she walked into the room. 
   “No way,” Y/N said as she handed the coffees to her friends before she sat down. “I knew Massey wasn’t telling us everything.”
    “Only it’s not listed under Massey,” Penelope continued. “The account was opened by...Tawes.” 
   “If Massey’s lying about something as simple as a cell phone, what else is he hiding?” Spencer questioned. 
   “That’s what I’ve been saying,” Y/N said pulling out her notebook and pen. “From the day we got here I have had this feeling, I didn’t know what it was, but now I think I do,” she looked at the two beside her before she continued. “I think Massey is a bigger part of this then he’s letting on.”
   The three were soon joined by JJ, and then Rossi and Emily. 
  “Okay, I need to students who were having trouble with authority,” JJ said to Penelope who began typing on her computer. 
   “Okay, I can do that, but I got to tell you, they post rewards, faster than they do demerits,” Penelope explained as she types on her computer.  
   “Look for kids with issues before they came here,” JJ continued. 
   Y/N looked over to Emily and Rossi who just walked in with some things that she was assuming were left by Josh at the new victim site. 
   “Did any of them have a class with Bailey?” JJ asked, pulling Y/N away from what she was looking at and back to what was going on in front of her. 
   “No but each of the plebes had laundry duty,” Penelope said looking at the schedule. “Does that help?”
   “Their dorm is the farthest point from the laundry room, why are they so isolated?” Spencer asked.
   “M.E. said bailey had blisters and burns, fingertips were raw, his trachea had internal scarring,” Y/N said picking up the report sitting on the table.
   “That’s awful,” Penelope said. 
     “Guys that could be damage done in an industrial-sized dryer,” Spencer said turning to look at Y/N. 
      “Oh my god,” Penelope said in shock. 
   “That’s how Massey’s breaking these boys,” JJ said shock and sadness written on her face. 
    “No, in all the materials it says they don’t believe in corporal punishment,” Penelope said with a sad tone. 
    “Bailey wrote about how all those boys bullied him,” Rossi said holding up Bailey’s journal. 
   “His father must have read it and wants revenge,” Spencer said.
    “Does it mention Josh?” Y/N asked looking at Rossi. 
   “Not at all,” he replied. 
   “Then why would Chris Shelton go after him?” Y/N asked looking to JJ on her right then Spencer on her left.
   “What if Massey lied to Chris Shelton?” Emily questioned. 
   “And set Josh up,” Rossi added. 
    “And he convinced Shelton that Josh was responsible for Bailey’s suicide,” Y/N added, her theory about Massey being apart coming into play.  
   “Still doesn’t explain how he found the secluded woods,” JJ said. 
   “Wait, where’s Mr. Shelton’s phone?” Spencer asked, looking at Emily who was holding the items that were found. 
   “It’s right here,” Emily replied pulling the phone out. “It’s got a couple of contacts on it, Somerville Academy being one of them.” 
   “Any unknowns?” Spencer asked.
   “Tawes does have a cell,” Y/N said looking at Emily. 
   “No way, Lieutenant no tech?” She said with humor. “There’s one, it’s a text...looks like-uh- some phone numbers.” 
   “What are they?” Spencer asked, prompting Emily to reply with a string of numbers. 
   “Those aren’t phone numbers,” Spencer said standing us walking over towards the map of the woods. “That’s latitude and longitude.”
   “Right where those boys were camping,” Rossi said realizing where this was probably going. 
  The team soon realized that the reason for this whole happening was because when Bailey died, Josh was planning to escape because that was who he was protecting from Massey’s abuse. Massey then sent Josh into the woods because he wanted Christ Shelton to take revenge on Josh because he convinced him it was his fault for the suicide. Josh fought back though which was not premeditated. The mass suicide was Shelton’s way of getting back at Massey, taking away who he thought of as his sons.
 The team had discovered three possible places that Josh could be heading to find Chris Shelton’s truck. They split up Hotch, Derek, and Y/N in together, JJ and Spencer, and then Emily and Rossi. 
   Derek pulled up a little bit away from Tawes and Josh, seeing as the two were fighting and they wanted the element of surprise. Derek went around to the side of the woods, tackling Josh before he threw a large rock at Tawes. 
   “Don’t do it, Tawes,” Y/N spoke, her and Hotch standing side by side guns aimed at the man.
   He didn’t listen though, pulling a small pistol out of his bag. Hotch fired a shot at his leg before he could do anything that he would regret. They handled the two and brought them back to the academy and the next day, they were going to arrest Massey.  
   The team watched as Derek guided Massey down the stairs towards the car he would go in. Y/N sighed, a happy one this time as she saw Josh go over and salute Massey before he drove away. His parents stood by his side, mom hugging him and dad patting his shoulder. 
   “You okay?” Spencer asked Y/N as he leaned next to her on the black vehicle behind them.
   She turned her head to look at him, a small smile on her face, “Yeah, I think so, I’m just glad this is over. Hopefully, this feeling will go away after all this passes,” she explained to the man next to her. 
   “My offer still stands, if you need to talk, I’m here,” he said, nudging her arm slightly. She smiled nodding at him. 
   “Thank you,” she replied. 
   The team made it home later that day, going back into the office to finish up reports and such. Y/N walked up to her desk, head-turning to the side as she saw a small enveloped letter on her desk. She carefully picked it up looking at it then opening it.
  She pulled out the small card which read, Be wary of feelings within, they might be more than you think. Turning it over she looked at the back seeing an all to a familiar signature from her past, a silhouette of a bird. She put the card back into the envelope, ripping it up and throwing it in her trash can, hoping she won’t think about it again.
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thecaptainbriarrose · 4 years
The Game of Truth
Also available on my Ao3 account here
Summary:  With her secret relationship with Katsuki Bakugo, Ochaco Uraraka should have thought a little bit more about playing truth or dare before she agreed. She spent so much time with the girls in her class that they shouldn't need to ask any questions about a relationship status any ways right? RIGHT?
The girls were just sitting down in the common area of the dorms after a long day of class. They had each changed out of their school uniforms and into comfortable clothes. Many of the boys slowly came to the kitchen/dining area to talk as well. After a little bit of a gossip session between the girls Jiro decided they needed something else to do.
“Alright, that’s enough of that.” She said.
“Aw! Come on Jiro! We are just getting to the juicy stuff!” Ashido wined. Hagakure had been talking about the drama happening between some of the hero support classes which involved a lot of kissing and a fair amount of fist fights.
Yaoyorozu stood up from the couch. “Jiro’s quite right.” She stated. “We shouldn’t be involved in other people’s personal lives.” Ashido whined again but didn’t say anything.
“We could play a game instead.” Asui chimed in.
“That’s a wonderful idea Tsu!” Yaoyorozu said excitedly, as she sat back down.
“Let’s play truth or dare! I’ll start!” Ashido said, and just like that the game began. Ashido was already asking questions before anyone could oppose the idea so there was no stopping it.
“We’re playing truth or dare, would anyone like to come join?” Uraraka asked the few boys who were in the dining area.
“No way!” Kirishima replied. “The last time I played with Ashido I ended up out in the snow in my underpants for nearly an hour. Couldn’t feel my toes for a week.”
“I’m with Kirishima on this one guys.” Kaminari chimed in. “I trust the rest of you but Mina’s brutal.”
“And I must prohibit you from playing!” Ida stated, chopping the air as he rushed over to them.
“Idaaaaa!” Ashido whined as she fell dramatically over Uraraka and Asui’s legs, who were sitting next to each other on one of the couches. “You never let us have any fun!”
“Fine,” Ida stated as he pushed his glasses back up his nose, “but there must be some rules. You can not do anything that hurts any person or any school property. Personal property is fine as long as it’s with permission.”
Most of the girls nodded in agreement while Ashido whined again but didn’t debat the terms.
“Great. Now have fun.” Ida said as he walked back to the kitchen where he had been helping Midoria make something that involved chocolate chips.
The game started off slow. Most of the girls chose truth and the questions being asked were terribly boring. Hagakure had just answered whether she would rather steal Aizawas cat or Shino’s hair gel. She chose Aizawa stating that she was going to get a lecture from him either way.
“Okay, I’ll ask Uraraka.” Hagakure said. “Truth or dare?” Uraraka was about to answer but-
“Hey ladies! What’s up.” Mineta said, coming over to the circle.
“Oh, were just playing a game.” Yaoyorozu said cautiously.
“What game??” He replied, trying not to sound too eager.
Ashido jumped up from the ground where she had been sitting and said, rather loudly, “Truth or dare! Wanna play?!?”
Minetas eyes seemed to sink into his skull in horror. “Um, I uh.” He stuttered as he backed away slowly. “No!” He quickly turned and ran in the opposite direction.
“What in the world did you do to him, Ashido?” Yaoyorozu asked.
“I will never tell.” Ashido responded as she folded her arms and plopped back down onto the couch.
“We’ll see about that.” Jiro said slyly. “Now where were we?”
“It’s my turn to ask a question!” Hagakure said cheerfully. “Uraraka, truth or dare?”
Uraraka thought for a minute. She didn’t want to do dare if she could help it, licking gross things or doing something embarrassing wasn’t stuff she enjoyed and she knew she wouldn’t be able to chicken out. She decided that truth would probably be the better option since she only had one thing to hide, and doubted anyone was going to ask her if she was in a relationship since she was with her class basically 24/7.
“I’ll do truth.” She said with a smile.
“Okay, um.” Hagakure paused to think of a question. Uraraka almost always chose truth and she was so sweet and innocent that there really wasn’t much to ask her. “I’m sure I already know the answer to this one but, have you ever kissed anyone?”
"Oh sh**!" Uraraka thought. Bakugo, who was sitting at the nearest table with his back to the girls, began to cough profusely, catching everyone’s attention.
“Dude! You okay?” Kirishima asked, rushing over to him.
“I’m ef-ing fine!” Bakugo yelled as soon as his coughing fit was over. “Just swallowed wrong!” He reached for the glass of water next to him and downed the whole thing. “Stop staring at me like I’m going to die! I’m fine!” He said as he looked back down at the book he’d been reading, his face just slightly pinker than usual.
“Now that Bakugo’s done being a baby,” Mina said, and Bakugo gave a large HUFF in reply, “let’s get back to your question Uraraka.”
“Well, um,” she hesitated as her face began to go red.
“No way.” Jiro said quietly. Uraraka cupped her face in her hands and she slowly started to float towards the ceiling.
“The last time you played you said you hadn’t! That means it was pretty recently! Uraraka!” Mina was literally jumping up and down on the couch in excitement.
“Okay fine.” Uraraka said as she floated back down and tried to calm her nerves. “Yes, I have.”
“Really Uraraka? ribbit” Asui asked.
“Yes.” She responded as she lightly fanned herself.
“Oh my gosh! Who is it?!? Tell us!” Mina was shaking her so hard that Uraraka thought she was going to give her a concussion.
“That wasn’t part of the question.” Uraraka said, folding her arms. “I don’t have to answer that.”
“Oh but you will.” Mina said.
Uraraka knew that from this point on, she would have to pick dare.
*** “They’re still playing!” Sero said surprisingly as the girls ran out of the room giggling, likely to watch someone do the dare they’d been given. “It’s been like an hour.”
“I know! And the worst part is, they’ve started speaking a lot quieter so we can’t hear anything they’re saying.” Kirishima chimed in.
“Have they really gone this long without disobeying Ida’s rules?” Sero asked.
“No idea. I’m just glad they haven’t pulled us into it.”
“Speak for yourself,” Kaminari muffled. He was sitting at the kitchen table with six charging cables sticking out of his mouth, each one connected to one of the girls' phones. Jiro had been dared to convince him to charge all of their phones for them. She gladly accepted the challenge and in less than two minutes had all of their phone hooked up.
“You haven’t moved much either Bakugo. Is that book really that interesting?” Sero asked and Bakugo sent him a nasty glare from the top of the pages. Less than a minute later the girls came back into the room giggling. Asui was wearing an extremely large, fuzzy, purple hat that had likely come from Ashido’s room.
“We should finish up you guys. I’m getting hungry.” Uraraka said as they sat back down on the couches.
“We can’t finish yet! We have to get that secret out of you!” Ashido insisted.
“Come on! Is it someone we know?” Uraraka folded her arms and turned her head. “What color is his hair?” Uraraka pushed her lips together. “At least tell us if it was a nice kiss!”
Uraraka wasn’t moving. Over the last hour she had done a handstand on the roof of the building, stood in the dumpster barefoot and licked the bottom of Ashido’s shoe. The last two were both dares from Ashido. Yet, she hadn’t spilled even the tiniest detail about her kiss, or kisses because there had definitely been multiple but they didn’t have to know that.
“She obviously doesn’t want to talk about it, Ashido. You’ve put her through enough, just leave her alone.” Yaoyorozu chimed in.
“If you won't spill then at least let me give you one more dare.” Ashido said. “Then we can be done.”
“Ashio, no.” Jiro said. Jiro knew, no, they all knew that this was going to be the worst dare yet.
“You don’t have to say yes Uraraka, we can just be done now.” Yaoyorozu said, and honestly Uraraka was going to agree but-
“Unless you’re chicken. You coward.” Mina said in a tone that was sinister, serious and taunting all at the same time.
“I’ll do it. One more dare.” Uraraka said, her courage taking over. It can’t be that bad right? It has to be within Ida’s rules so it can’t be much worse then what I’ve already done. Uraraka thought.
“Yes!” Ashido shouted, making everyone in the common area jump. As Ashido paused to think, Uraraka looked around. She realized that everyone was in the common room. Every single person in the class could see them, this could possibly turn into the most embarrassing moment of her life. “I’ve got it!” Ashido yelled, startling everyone again. She waved her arm in a motion that signaled all the girls to huddle around her.
As the girls moved in to listen to what Ashido had thought of, many of the boys watched eagerly, some of them, like Todoroki and Tokoyami, trying to hide it. The only exception was Bakugo who wouldn’t look away from his book that was a little too close to his face to read properly.
“Uraraka,” Ashido said quietly. Uraraka gulped as the other girls looked between her and Ashio. “I dare YOU to…” Ashiso paused to create more suspense, “get Bakugo to leave the room.”
“That's it?!?” Uraraka replied. Uraraka laughed, and half of the other girls breathed a sigh of relief, this was going to be stupidly easy. All she’d have to do is say a couple of things to him, maybe just explain the situation, or, in the worst case, make some kind of deal with him. If it came down to it she could always try using her quirk to push him out of the room.
“No, that’s not it.” Ashido’s grin grew. “You have three minutes to do it, you can’t say a word to him, that includes writing, texting and signing, you can’t use your quirk on him and… if you can’t do it you have to tell us who this mystery kisser is.”
“Ashido! You’ve gone too far!” Hagakure whispered.
“She’s not gonna get hurt and let's be honest, she was gonna have to tell us about her kiss eventually.” Mina shot back, still keeping the conversation quiet enough for just their circle.
“Uraraka, you really don’t have to do this.” Yaoyorozu said, giving Uraraka a sympathetic glance.
Uraraka thought about it for a minute. She had an idea, and a half decent back up plan, but if that didn’t work… She was the only girl, besides Ashido, who hadn’t ever backed down from a dare during their time at U.A. She had to do this.
“I’ve never backed down before and I’m not going to now!” Uraraka said and then turned away from the group. She couldn’t see it but all of the girls were in shock, even Ashido seemed a little surprised that she agreed to it.
“Uraraka, I could just go over there and talk to him.” Asui said, putting a hand on Uraraka’s shoulder.
“No, that wouldn’t be fair. I have to do this myself.” She took a deep breath in and said, “someone start the timer.”
Yaoyorozu created a stop watch and clicked the button on top. As Uraraka walked towards the dining area, many of the boys tried to glance away, pretending they were minding their business but Uraraka knew they were all watching.
"Here goes nothing", she thought.
Uraraka walked to the edge of the table and faced towards Bakugo. “What do you want Round Face?” He said, refusing to look away from his book.
She stuck her hand in front of the pages, blocking his view. “Move your hand or I will.” He said, raising his voice so that everyone could clearly hear him. Uraraka did move her hand but not in the way he wanted. She grabbed the book from the top and sent it floating above her head. Bakugo stood up and looked her directly in the eye, he was livid. “Give me back my book and leave me out of your stupid game.” Uraraka pressed her fingers together and the book fell into her hands.
“Thank. You.” Bakugo aggressively said, holding his hand out for the book. Uraraka lifted a finger, signaling that she wasn’t quite finished with it and then threw it out of the room. One of the girls gave a soft, excited “yes!” and Bakugo glared in their direction.
“You wanna go Round Face??” He yelled. Bakugo stood up taller and started to make small explosions in each of his hands. "Please work with me here!" Uraraka’s thoughts pleaded.
Uraraka kept a serious look on her face as she shoved him and then motioned towards the hallway where she had thrown the book. “You want me to fetch? Like a dog?” Bakugo’s voice started to raise and at this point everyone in the room was staring at the two of them, many with mouths open. Uraraka knew that the time was ticking but let a small smile creep onto her face. She knew what she was doing.
“Let’s take this outside and go a few rounds! Then we’ll see who’ll be smiling.”
"Yes! That's what I need!" Uraraka thought as she shoved him again, trying to make him even angrier.
“You two stop this at once!” Ida yelled. “If you two fight I will go get Mr. Aisawa!”
Uraraka looked at Ida and shrugged. “Yes! Let's do this!” Bakugo said as he turned towards the door. “But first.” He paused, and then turned back, “apologize for taking my book.”
"Please Katsuki, don’t do this to me." Uraraka thought.
“Did you hear what I said to you?!?” Bakugo yelled.
Uraraka glanced over at Yaoyorozu. “45 seconds.” She replied.
Uraraka thought for a second. She had to weigh her options here. She didn't have time to try to push him out of the room, he would just dig his heals into the ground, so that idea was out. Everyone was watching but they also all knew that she was just playing a game. She could do what she needed and everyone would just think it was necessary to win. If she couldn’t do this she would have to tell the girls, she couldn’t just lie to them, they would know. So she made up her mind. It was the only thing that she knew would make him mad and embarrassed enough to leave the room.
"Katsuki, I’m sorry." Uraraka thought as she shook her head.
Uraraka grabbed the top of his t-shirt, pulled his face towards hers and kissed him. She kissed him and she didn’t hold back, and, for a moment, he didn’t resist.
She was still holding onto his shirt when he pulled away. His mouth open, as everybody just stared. Someone had dropped something in the kitchen, a pot maybe, but nobody moved until-
“WHAT THE HE** PINK CHEEKS!!” The look on Bakugo’s face was a mixture between rage, confusion, embarrassment and interest. He quickly turned red and continued to shout several curse words as he marched out of the room and headed straight for the boys dorms, ignoring his book.
After taking a moment to realize what she had done, Uraraka took a deep breath and turned back towards the girls. “Well?” she asked.
Yaoyorozu cleared her throat and looked down at the stop watch.“10 seconds to spare.” She stated.
Uraraka immediately walked towards the group of girls, stopping in front of Ashido. Uraraka stood her ground, looked Ashido straight in the eye and stated, “I am not a coward.” Then she turned and left the room.
*** Uraraka layed in bed with the lights off for several hours that night.
She thought about how the room went silent when she finally came downstairs to make herself dinner. She did her best not to look at anyone but kept a grin on her face. Ashido broke the silence by yelling, “There she is! The queen of Truth or Dare!” Some people applauded this while others just laughed. The girls all looked very impressed, a few of the boys did as well, but many of the boys had mixed emotions. Some looked almost embarrassed, others looked as if they were trying to act uninterested and some looked jealous? Uraraka just giggled it off and gave a tiny bow before going back to cooking her food. 
Everyone started talking again and the tension eased, that is until Bakugo entered the room. Everyone was already eating at this point except for the two of them. They made their food and both went their separate ways, back to their rooms, without saying a word. Uraraka didn’t need any more attention for the night, she had definitely had enough.
As she sat and ate her dinner that night she stared at her phone, wondering if she should text him. She knew he was mad, but she felt like she needed to make sure he understood why she had done it.
But now here she was, just lying in bed, wondering if she should text first.
She decided she might as well try, even though he likely wasn’t awake at this hour. He always went to bed so early.
As she reached for her phone, it vibrated. It was him.
“What you did tonight was ef-ing stupid,” the text read.
“I know.” She replied.
She watched the three little dots blink for what felt like an eternity, though it couldn’t have been for then a few minutes, before his next message came.
“Kirishima is never going to let me live this down.”
“I know.”
“You did it to save us from something worse though, didn’t you.”
He knew her too well. She figured he would have guessed as much, she’d still have to explain the whole story when she got the chance.
“I did,'' she replied.
The three dots appeared and then disappeared and then reappeared. The pattern continued for longer than 8 or 9 minutes until finally…
“I’m still pissed,” the message read. Uraraka smiled a little and shook her head.
“I know.”
She waited a few minutes for a reply but one didn’t come. No three dots, just a read receipt. He seemed to have gotten at least enough out of his system for the night.
“You love me though.” She sent. He read it immediately and she waited for the three dots to appear but they didn’t come. She probably stared at their conversation for nearly 15 minutes before giving up and plugging her phone back in.
Just as she rolled over to get comfortable in bed, her phone vibrated again. She rolled back to see his reply.
Two words,
“I know.”
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soldrawss · 4 years
Does Big Bro!Mikey AU have an april or no? I think it would be nice for Mikey to have a bff april!!
April is a part of this au, yes! She started out as just a classmate of Mikey’s, they had the same homeroom in high school before Mikey dropped out the summer before his Junior year. They hadn’t really kept in contact, mostly because she only knew him by proxy (Mikey was nice and friendly to everyone, April of course included, but they didn’t have much in common, and their main friend groups were different, so they didn’t hang out much) and when Mikey all but disappeared without an explanation, she kinda just figured he moved or something, and left it at that, not giving him any thought for the next three years.
That is, until she meets him again, in the halls of Hunter College, looking like he was gonna collapse at any minute, which he kinda does, into an empty bench at the schools outside cafe and lounge area. April waffles for a few seconds, because ‘holy shit is that Mike Hamato?’ before biting the bullet and making her way over to say, “Hey, Michael right? Hi, it’s been a while. It’s April, we had homeroom together freshman and sophomore year. I haven’t seen you since Savanti Romero’s pool party. How are you?” And his smile is a slow, automatic thing at first, more out of common politeness than anything else, but then it grows into something much more genuine and glacier melting when he responds back, “April, hey, yeah, hi! Wow, has it really been that long? Man, it seems like just yesterday you were fishing Mondo and me out of the pool after one too many chicken fights. It’s good to see you!”
And catching up seemed so easy, April was almost surprised they hadn’t been better friends in high school. Though, she suspected that was mostly due to Mikey’s incredibly easy charm and naturally inviting warmth. (Dude could make friends with just about anyone)
He was a little different than how she remembered, a little more weather-worn and tired, a kinda weariness that hung off his shoulders like heavyweights. But there was still a bright shine to those penny-colored eyes, and when he smiled, it was with all the dimples and joy that she remembers so clearly from when she was 15. Holding back a laugh at the Hamato kid that was preforming springing handstands across the cafeteria just to draw attention away from the impending fight between two of their more hotheaded classmates and ease the tension out of the air in a ridiculous but effective manner.
She doesn’t ask why he left high school, it doesn’t really occur to her to ask, but after 2 hours of talking (April not even realizing she was missing her history class because she was so caught up in their catching up) he offers the information anyway.
His dad died. When he was barely 16, and he was left alone with 3 baby brothers and no other family that could help take care of them, and oh my god, he just dropped out of school to get his GED like it was the most common thing in the world and he went to work, what, 2, sometimes 3 jobs just to make enough money to support them all and April didn’t mean for tears to start pooling up because that so wasn’t fair to Mikey at all, if anyone should be crying, it should be him, but Mikey just looks a little shy and bashful about it all. “It was hard, but we got through it. And hey, now I’m working at like, this really prestigious Italian restaurant, super classy and everything! And they pay me more than I’m probably worth, but I’ll get my culinary degree in like a year, and then after that, a lot of things will change,” He says like everything in the world is just that easy, handing April a few tissues from his book bag and giving her one of those genuine, if not a little crooked, smiles of his.
Mikey promises to have lunch with her again (because April absolutely refuses to let this dandelion haired lunatic walk away from her life a second time and practically demands that they hang out again) since they both have the same free time before their respective classes at the college, and makes a show of saving her number with probably a few too many emojis as a contact name just to make her smile.
And what turned into a promise for another lunch date turned into almost a daily routine, them having lunch together on the bench, talking about classes and teachers and jobs and April’s problematic little kitten she affectionately named Mayhem and Mikey’s little brothers who are probably equally as problematic but he doesn’t have a say in what their names are, and things are fun and casual between Hamato and her.
That is, until two months later, when April gets a call from Mikey at 5pm on a Saturday.
“Donnie’s sick,” Mikey says almost breathlessly, and even without the context, April was already springing to her feet just at the sheer tension and concern in Mikey’s voice, like a taught wire about to snap. “I can’t get off work for another few hours, but I don’t want to leave him by himself with a fever. And I know this is like, putting you on the spot and really awkward and you can totally say no if you want to, but I don’t know who else to call and,-”
“Mike, it’s ok. Breathe hun,” April is saying, not unkindly pushing Mayhem off her lap and reaching for her backpack off the floor in her dorm room, stuffing a few random things in it before grabbing her jacket and her car keys off the counter. “Text me your address. I’ll be over there in 5 minutes tops.”
And it’s more of a promise than a fact, because his building is technically 20 minutes away from hers, but April makes it in 10 just by spite alone (and maybe driving a little recklessly downtown) and knocks on the door of the little apartment on the 6th floor, unit 404.
It takes a hesitant second, but then the door lock clicks open and April is greeted by warm brown eyes and a freckled face that reminds April so much of Mikey that it takes her almost a full 10 seconds before she introduces herself with an automatic smile. “Hi sweetheart, I’m April. I’m a friend of your older brother Mikey.”
Raphael, if April remembered Mikey’s brothers correctly, didn’t really need much convincing to let April in after she mentioned he was a friend of Mikey's, and doesn’t hesitate to pull her into their little apartment, leading her to the bedroom that the twins share with a small but tight little fist around hers.
“Mikey called and said you were coming. Leo’s atah sleepover, but Donnie’s in here. His head’s still hot and his voice is all scratchy, even though I made sure that he took the medicine Mikey left out. And he won’t eat anything I give him,” the 7-year-old reports diligently, much more mature than April had expected from the young child. 
April’s been babysitting since she was 11, and considering how all the neighborhood kids around her block adore her, she likes to think that she’s got a pretty solid Ph.D. in knowing how to take care of a sick pre-teen who wants nothing to do with her. So the heavy-lidded and red-eyed glare that Donatello shoots at her from under his covers is duly noted but otherwise ignored as she gently knocks on the door and slowly follows a much less hesitant Raphael into the bedroom.
It takes a while, a long while, for Donatello, no, Donnie, to warm up to her, but he gets there eventually, with the help of Raphael, Raph, who’s hanging off of Aprils shoulders, having warmed up to her almost immediately simply because ‘any friend of Mikey’s is a friend of ours Dee! Don’t be mean and eat some soup!’
After realizing that Donnie just had a little cold, and was in no real danger even with a fever, Raph seemed to cheer up immensely, and was more than willing to help answer all of April’s questions about what medicine Donnie had taken, any allergies, the last time he ate, and even helped her make some egg drop soup since they didn’t have enough ingredients of chicken noodle, which Donnie put up a fight about, but eventually took after one look of Raph’s puppy dog eyes.
Donnie was out like a light 15 minutes later, after taking some night time cough medicine and April sent a reassuring text to Mikey two hours later when his fever finally broke, to which Mikey replied with an explosion of heart emoji’s that April couldn’t rightly decipher other than he was happy about it.
Mikey got home at 11 that night, and April had to flag him down quietly from where she sat trapped under a sleeping, pj clad Raph on the couch; a Jupiter Jim movie marathon playing on the tv. 
“Thank you so much, April,” Mikey said to her in the kitchen 20 minutes later, handing her a cup of hot tea. He had efficiently plucked Raph off of April’s lap like a pro with years of experience, putting him into his own bed before checking on a still sleeping Donnie, whose face was no longer a burnt red from his fever earlier. “I don’t know what I would have done without you. I don’t get my paycheck till next week, so I can’t really pay you right now, but I brought home some chocolate mousse cake from my work that you can have until I can-” “You didn’t tell me you worked at Huesso’s!” April didn’t shout, because there were two kids sleeping down the hallway, as she grabbed the bag Mikey had offered to her. “Dude, their deserts are like, crazy good! I love their cheesecake, but they’re stupid expensive and you have to get a reservation like, 4 months in advance to get in.” And April uses the change in topics as a distraction because there was no way she’d let Mikey try to pay her for helping out, she didn’t even want that to be an option. April didn’t do this for the money. She wanted to help out Mikey out. She liked Mikey. She thought he was funny and charming and had a heart big enough to cradle the entire world if he was as big as all the love he has. And she adored being around his baby brothers.
April grins at Mikey when she opens the box, and slides her finger over the glossy frosting of the cake and licks her fingers of the chocolatey goodness before she says, “Listen, if I could convince you to bring me home deserts from this place, then I’ll hang out with the boys anytime you want me too. You have my number, literally call me anytime, for any reason, and I’m here.”
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random-mha-thoughts · 5 years
Creep part 2 (Bakugou x Reader)
Pairing: Bakugou x fem!Reader
Genre: Spice!
Sequel to Creep (part 1)
Summary: Your roommate forces you to a dorm hangout with her boyfriend where you get hit on by a creep, only to have Bakugou come along and help you with the situation.
Word count: 2,835
Tags:  @yuki-osaki @liviitehe @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog
a/n: More spice than the first part ;)  This one took a different turn from the first part, so I hope you all like it!  The ending might be a little rushed because I’m really exhausted and I wanted to finish this before I pass out on my keyboard.
This part was inspired by a Tiktok that was going to be a completely different scenario, but it ended up fitting perfectly as a sequel, so I used it!
Also I hit 100 followers!?  In 2 weeks?!  What are y’all following me for, I’m trash!?  Nonetheless thank you for supporting my tiny blog out of the vast world of Tumblr, I really appreciate it.  100 followers may not seem like a lot for some of you, but I never expected this to happen and I’m so grateful for each of you 😘😘  Ok enough of the mushy stuff, onward to the sequel!
Maybe I was hit by cupid's arrow.  Or the devil's, considering the type of thoughts I'm having.
I'm not usually the kind of person who lusts over people or their appearances.  I'll at least acknowledge them as hot and then move on, but I don't dwell on them.  Until I went back to our shared dorm still wearing Bakugou's hoodie and started having flashbacks of our few moments together.  His scent coupled with the memory of his smirk and those intense crimson eyes left me with a lingering high.  We had left things unfinished, and that little nagging in the back of my head drove me to do something I wouldn't normally do.
And that was stalking him.  I ended up scrolling through Ochaco's following list for his profile, and finding it was akin to discovering a hidden treasure.  From the outline of his build in that long-sleeve shirt I last saw him in, I knew there was something there.  While his profile displayed mostly pictures of his friends hanging out, there were also clips of him training in the gym.  Only when I chose those to watch those and scrolled to the end of the set would I be gifted with a beautiful mirror selfie of him in a black tank top.  Even just standing there, hands in his pockets or arms crossed across his chest, the curve of his arms and veins straining underneath entice me.
But that wasn't what stands out to me the most.  It's actually his neck.  In the small amount of time I'd spoken to him, the moment that he removed his hood and exposed it to me is the image that replays the most.  The structure of his muscles and his collarbone melding together into a perfect sculpture of a man.  That's what mostly haunted me.  To think it's one of the more sensitive parts of him makes my heart pound a little harder.  In every picture, it was the first thing I looked for.
"You planning on taking that off anytime soon?"
I jolted when Ochaco's sly comment awoke me from my reverie.  "Yeah, I just needed to check something first," I tried to play it off before - reluctantly - ripping the hoodie off of me.
And now, the day after that, I have to give it back to him.  This morning, a rogue though flashed into my mind: instead of simply handing it to him, I could wear it to class and have him watch me peel it off my body.  Such a thought never occurred to me before, startling me for being brash.
I did wear it though. I told myself it was cold in the classroom and I would need it.
When I walked into the classroom, I didn't dare to glance at the back for him since my thoughts haven't been the purest and I think I might've choked if I didn't mentally prepare myself.  If he was nice enough, he would have respected that sign, but he wasn't.
As soon as I turned around from getting a pen from my bag, there he was leaning on my desk, earning an embarrassing squeal from me.
His head tilts against his arm.  "That's a lovely shade on you."
My breath stops for a millisecond.  Huh?
Bakugou twirls one of the strings on the hoodie around his finger.  "The black matches your nails."
Oh.  Duh.  "Yeah?  I might keep it then."  Just to make my point, I pull the hood up on my head.  "You're probably not getting this back."
"Hording my clothes now?"  He clicks his tongue, "Sounds like you're the creep now.  Or just a thief."
Haaa, you don't know the half of it.  From the position he's in, leaning down on the desk and resting his head on his arm, there's a very perfect view of his neck and collarbone right in front of my eyes from under his black shirt and denim jacket.  I try not to linger on it and force myself to concentrate on his face instead.  "I'll give it back after class, this room is always too cold for me."  But today it feels just a bit hotter.
We agree to get lunch and head to the library after class until the professor arrives and he returns to his seat, but not before sending a wink my way.  I clutch the neck of the hoodie, stunned as the gesture spirals be back to us almost kissing, before the fire alarm rudely interrupted everything.  For the rest of class, I'm more concerned with how to take off an oversized hoodie in a sexy way than any kind of modern British prose.
We decide on staying on one of the library floors where a moderate level of talking is allowed, taking over a small, private study room where the door is transparent and there's a rectangular glass window to see inside.  I'm partially thankful for the extra insurance keeping me from possibly jumping on him, but that doesn't keep me from staring and letting my mind run wild.
Bakugou chose the seat at the head of the table and I chose the seat adjacent to him.  "I can't get over how the old hag typed out an entire 7 page guideline on how to write this paper.  Does she expect us to write a dissertation or something?!"
I slurp my udon.  "She needs to chill.  I thought her sarcastic humor was funny the first week of class, but she's getting on my nerves now."
"Then why do you keep laughing at all her jokes?"
"Because I need to kiss up to her so she can at least remember me to give me a good grade for one."  I put a piece of chicken in my mouth.  "And also, I'm low key scared of her killing my first born child."
Bakugou almost chokes on his Mapo Tofu laughing at that, throwing his head back and slamming the table.  The image of me kissing his neck flashes through me and cuts my laugh short.  Calm yourself!  I clear my throat.  "Speaking of scary people, if I had met you at the party, I would've had a very different impression of you, since you were much more...aggressive there."
He has a confused expression before he looks down at his food.  "You mean how I was screaming playing that game?"
"Yeah."  I note how uncomfortable he looks on the subject.  "I guess people usually think that of you?"
"Something like that.  I was kind of a loudmouth in high school, I think I've gotten better."  He turns to me, twirling his chopsticks in his hand curiously.  "What was your first impression of me?"
I shrug.  "You're quiet, you have a brain in your head, and you like to sleep in class sometimes."
The blond snorts, "People don't usually associate me with 'quiet,' you'd be the first."
Should I be flattered by that? I wonder.
We finish our meals without another word.  I pull out my laptop and start looking through the guidelines for our paper again.  "I don't even know what book I want to write about, they're all so boring."
Bakugou shrugs, still peering into his laptop screen.  "I would just pick the one with a theme you can bullshit the most about."
"I guess," I slump down onto my arm.  I always liked reading growing up so I didn't think I would have a tough time in this class, but the professor really drains the energy out of me.
I feel a bit hot in his hoodie, perking up at the opportunity to pique his interest.  Maybe I can lift it up so my shirt underneath slides up and shows my stomach a little?  Would that be sexy?  How do I remove it casually enough in one swift movement without fucking it up?  Maybe he'll find any way I do it attractive, because hopefully that's how guys think.
I decide to just try it an see how it goes.  Lifting it with both hands from the bottom, I drag the hoodie up and almost get it over my head, feeling my shirt underneath lifting below it.  I try straightening my back to make my posture look a little more curvy than I probably already am.  The problem I face is getting it off my head, which immediately dampers my effortlessly-sexy act into an awkward one.  I have to slip my arms out from the sleeves and push it up from underneath, messing my hair up slightly in the process.
I sneak a glance out of the corner of my eye to gauge his reaction in case he saw it.  There is none, his eyes are still glued to the screen.
Well, that was kind of a fail, I think, throwing the hoodie onto the space between us.  I'm just a bit disappointed that I can't channel my inner flirt around boys I like, but it's not the end of the world.
"Too bad, I thought you look pretty good in my hoodie," he spares me a smug grin.
I freeze up at the statement, heat rushing to my cheeks.  "I think so too," I murmur, "Maybe I should steal your jacket too."
He stops tapping on his keyboard and stares at me with an unfamiliar emotion.  I'm about to ask what he's thinking before he removes his jacket and hands it to me.  "I'd like to see that."
I almost think it's a joke, but I take it from him anyway, draping it around my shoulders without putting my arms through the sleeves.  I get the sense that it might be too big on me if I put it on.  A fresh bout of his scent comes with it, sending me into another spiral of unhealthy thoughts.
"I think the universe is trying to tell me something, because you look good in all my clothes," Bakugou leans back in the seat, looking down his nose at me.
The implication makes my heart flutter.  "Yeah, they're actually mine and you'd stolen them from me before.  Or you just have a really girlish figure."  Like hell I believe that, you were probably sculpted from stone by the gods.
"Pfft, whatever you say," he rolls his eyes and looks back his laptop, scanning over the notes he wrote down.  "So, this is the list of themes for each of the books we read for class, wanna hear it just in case it triggers something for you?"
My mind is still hung on the sculpted from the gods thought, so I absently nod  while staring at him to make him think I'm paying attention.  In reality, my thoughts wander to the pictures I'd seen of him a few nights ago, the gym mirror selfies in his tank tops.  His arms are definitely just a teaser for what he probably has underneath that shirt, and I'm betting on there being a washboard waiting for me to run my hands over, judging by the brief glance I had down his shirt earlier.
Unconsciously, my eyes trace down to his black button down.  It practically teases me, his top 2 buttons undone to expose all of his collarbone and the top of his defined chest.  I don't have to go by the low quality mirror posts on his profile or the fuzzy memories from the party, it's right there for me to see.  Flashes of me running my fingers over his neck as I nibble on his ear, rogue noises of his hypothetical sighs of bliss, my hands spreading his shirt open to allow for more space to kiss down his muscular neck.  Each new image quickens my heart rate and sends a new tremor down my body.
I'd love to just devour him.
Both his voice and the rational one in my head snap me back to reality.  Did I really just-
Annoyance creases in his brow as I recompose myself and sit up straight.  "Sorry, I didn't catch the last thing," my voice comes out noticeably strained.
"What's wrong with you-"  Just like that, his face crosses with an awareness that only morphs into a smirk.  "I guess you're letting your mind wander."
My eyes widen.  Shit, he knows, I'm caught!  "No, I'm just-"
"We've only known each other for a day and you're already obsessed with me, aren't you?"  He leans forward, only to have me lean back, but he pulls the collar of his jacket on me to keep me in place.  "That might be a little unhealthy, don't you think?"
I'm staring at his descending lips, part of me holding a desire for them to quell the feeling I've locked up.
Bakugou hums low, breath caressing my face.  "I think we have some unfinished business from the other night.  You must've been thinking about that."  His gaze flickers down to my slightly agape lips before slamming his down on them.  Though it's not delicate by any means, it still feels like a tester.  Electricity shudders through me at our long-awaited reunion, and when he pulls away for a moment to look down at me with half-lidded eyes, I know he feels the same thing.
And something breaks free inside me.  I hurriedly press my lips back against his, catching him by surprise.  I take the lead, quickening the tempo of our kisses as one of my hands tangle in his soft hair, not giving either of us time to breathe.  Leaning forward into him, my stomach presses into the table corner between us, and I break away from him.  Allowing only a few pants, I jolt from my seat and round the corner to take the place of his lap and join our lips again forcibly, my knees on either side of him, pressing our bodies together against the back of the chair and swiveling into the table for stability.  He was caught off guard before, but he melts into me and allows his hands to grab my waist.
I trail my tongue onto his lower lip before tracing my lips across his jaw.  "You weren't expecting this, were you?"  I breathe against the shell of his ear, his natural musk filling my nostrils.
A low groan escape him.  "I didn't think you wanted me this much.  Must've driven you a little crazy somehow."
My hand tangled in his hair drags down his neck, my nails grazing it ever so slightly, eliciting another growl from him and his grip me tighter.  "I'll show you some of what I was just thinking about."  Starting at the base of his ear, I pepper more open-mouthed kisses down the same neck that's haunted me, sometimes tickling my tongue over the spots he  stiffens up at.
Once I reach the base of his neck, barely caressing that taunting collarbone, I move the opening in his shirt away to expose more of his chest to me, continuing up to where his shoulder and neck conjoin, remaining there to massage it with my lips and lightly graze my teeth on it.  "This little creeper wanted to taste this neck you love to flaunt."  I pull away and meet his wanton gaze.  "I wonder if I should mark it."
Calloused hands dig under my shirt as he catches his breath.  "Depends.  What kind of relationship do you want from me?"  He's holding himself back.
I never stopped to think about it.  He's a pretty great guy, we have pretty strong chemistry, and we bounce off each other really well, not to mention he's the only guy to have awakened such new feelings from me.  Looping my arms around his neck and joining our foreheads together, I mutter against his lips, "Let's go on a few dates maybe?"
He smirks and gives me another slow kiss before pulling away.  "Deal.  But let's take this slow.  I can very easily do something like this to you too, but then how will I get to know you?"
I sit back on his thighs.  "Fair point.  And, just an aside," my face gets warmer at my admittance, "I don't normally do this.  I'm usually more reserved, but you're different, I guess."
"I think you were just really thirsty for a real man," he winks, earning a shove in the chest from me.  "That was an impressive show though, I'll give you credit.  Maybe later, I can show you what goes on in my head.  Except, it's a lot more than just a few neck kisses."
I almost choke on that, my cheeks growing even hotter.
Bakugou's expression softens, the teasing disappearing.  "But before that, we can enjoy ourselves in calmer things.  Like dinner?  Or bowling?"
My chest swells with something lighter than desire.  "Sounds like a plan."
He plants a kiss on my nose.  "Okay, now get off before someone walks in on us.  It's a study room, not a make out room, creep."
I get off him and settle back into my seat.  "I think I prefer the term 'perv,' thank you very much."
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notalwaysthevillian · 3 years
My Whirlpool of a Life
Ships: Kaminari/OC
Word Count: ~2.4k
I will not be doing a tag list for this fic.
Chapter 7: Test Day
Exam day was here before we knew it.
“Alright! Everyone on the bus!” Iida called out as we staggered out of the dorms.
“Iida. Inside voice.” I shushed, rubbing my eyes.
Kaminari stumbled behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “‘M tired.”
“Me too.”
“You can nap on the bus!” Iida shouted, making the two of us jump.
Grumbling about how loud it was, I dragged Kaminari with me to the back. We collapsed into one of the seats, him letting me have the aisle seat.
I fell asleep almost immediately, using him as my pillow.
“ Dew Drop. Wake up. ”
I took a deep breath, stretching my arms. “We’re here?”
“Yeah, come on. They’re gonna think we’re up to something.” He teased, grabbing my hand.
We walked off the bus and gathered up with the rest of the class. The arena looked pretty cool, with a top that seemed like it could close if it rained. With my quirk, I hoped they would keep it open, but I was willing to bet that wasn’t the case.
“What if I don’t get my license?!” I heard Mineta panicking.
“Mineta.” Mr. Aizawa leaned down to his height. “Don’t ask if you can. Say you will.”
“Right! Sure! I’ve so got this!��
Mr. Aizawa turned to the rest of us. “If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks. You’ll be semi-pros. I expect your best.”
“Alright! I can’t wait to be a heroic chicken!” Kaminari yelled out, firing up the class.
“Let’s call out the usual you guys!” Kirishima held up a fist. “On my mark. Plus -”
I jumped as a boy yelled with us, appearing right next to me. His uniform was different. He must’ve been from another school.
“You know, it’s pretty rude to barge into other people’s conversations like that, Inasa.”
“Pardon me! I am so extremely sorry!” He bowed so deeply his head grazed the concrete.
“Who is this guy?” Kaminari pointed at him. “It’s too early for this much enthusiasm.”
I elbowed him. “Be nice! When we’re pros there’s a chance we may end up working with some of them. Not everyone comes from UA.”
“UA in the east, Shiketsu in the west.” Bakugo scoffed.
“I wanted to say it just once!” Inasa stood back up. “Plus Ultra!”
“Plus Ultra!” I echoed back, giving everyone from Shiketsu a friendly smile. “I look forward to competing today!”
“I’m honored to compete against such incredible students. I’m looking forward to it!”
The Shiketsu students continued on into the building, a few of them giving me a quick wave.
“Inasa Yoarashi.”
“Do you know that guy, Mr. Aizawa?” Hagakure asked.
“Yes. He’s strong. He’s the same year as you, and received the top scores for students admitted through recommendations. But for some reason, he turned down his acceptance to UA and went to Shiketsu.”
“Wait, he’s our age?!”
I nudged Kaminari. “I thought Momo had the top score.”
“Must’ve just been the top score for UA.”
Mina looked after the students, watching them walk off. “What a weirdo.”
“Maybe, but he’s the real deal. Keep an eye on him.” Mr. Aizawa looked at me then. “Nima, keep your quirk a secret until necessary.”
“Trust me.”
“Eraser?!” A female voice called out to us, making Mr. Aizawa cringe. “I’d know that scowl anywhere. I saw you on TV and at the sports festival. Been a while since we were this close in person!”
A realization hit me like a freight train. “Oh no.”
Mina and Kaminari both looked at me in confusion.
“Guys, your sports festival aired live.”
More confused looks.
“Which means that almost everyone here knows what your quirks are.”
Todoroki sighed. “We’re at a disadvantage.”
“Not entirely.” I crossed my arms behind my back. “I wasn’t at the sports festival. They don’t know what I can do.”
“You’re our only advantage then.” Mina pointed out. “That’s probably why Mr. Aizawa told you to keep your quirk a secret.”
“Over here everyone!” The woman who was talking to Mr. Aizawa waved some students over. “This is UA.”
“Whoa! It’s Class A!”
“That’s amazing! I’ve seen them on TV before!”
“Second years from Ketsubutsu Academy. This is Class 2. They’re my students.” The woman said.
One boy ran up to Midoriya. “Hey, I’m Shindo. Seems like UA’s had a lotta trouble this year. Must’ve been tough for you.”
“Uh, yeah.”
The boy moved to Kaminari, grabbing his hands. “But even so, you’re all still aiming to become pro heroes, despite those hardships.”
He moved to me. “It’s wonderful!”
Before he could grab my hands, I took a step back. “Thanks.”
“Hearts full of fortitude. I believe that’s what every hero in the world needs to have.”
He gave me a sparkling smile. Something about it felt off.
“This pretty boy is gonna steal our girls.”
I threaded my finger’s through Kami’s. “Not me.”
He gave me a kiss on the forehead. “You’re too good for me.”
I saw Shindo talking to Bakugo, who slapped his hand away. “Stop pretending. What you say doesn’t match the look in your eyes.”
“Man, don’t be rude!” Kiri called him out.
The others apologized to Shindo, but I slipped out of Kami’s grip and over to our resident stick of dynamite. “You’re absolutely right. He’s faking it.”
“Glad to know you have some common sense.” He huffed, glaring at Shindo. “Stick with me today. You’re strong.”
I was confused, but nodded before moving back to Kami’s side.
“Hey. Get your costumes on and head to orientation. There’s no time to waste.”
“Yes, sir!”
Jirou fell into step with me. “It’s weird. I always forget we’re famous to other schools.”
“We’re basically celebrities when it comes to hero course students.”
We got into our costumes and were briefed by the Heroes Public Safety Commisson guy. I tuned out most of it. We had balls, we had to hit targets. Easy peasy. My Tidal Wave would come in handy here.
The walls of the room we were in folded down, revealing the rest of the arena, covered in various terrains.
“Everyone!” Midoriya addressed us. “Stay close together. We’ll fight them as a group.”
“Yeah right. This isn’t a field trip.” Bakugo gave me and Kiri a look before running off.
I followed, knowing Kami would be right behind me.
“Idiot! Wait up!” Kiri called, chasing after us.
Bakugo headed to the city terrain. I knew he’d do well there, with so many buildings to use as perches. Hopefully there was a fake water tower or two I could steal from.
I heard what sounded like an earthquake behind us. “What the hell was that?”
“Doesn’t matter. Keep moving.”
I could hear people being knocked out of the running left and right. Further away, I saw an ice wall go up, and then heard some explosions.
“Looks like Todoroki is doing well.”
“Shut up!”
About half the spots were taken by the time we were climbing up a fire escape.
“Hey Kaminari. Why’d you follow us?” Kiri asked.
“You guys started running, and you stole my girlfriend. Of course I was gonna follow you. Where are we going?”
“Shut up!”
“Why do you always sound so mad?”
“I told you to chill out Bakugo.” Kiri sighed. “It looks like there’s a lot of people up there, so let’s work together.”
“Go die.”
I tapped on Bakugo’s boot. “Hey, you asked me to be here.”
“I didn’t think I’d get Spark Plug too.”
“Dude, we’re dating, what did you think was gonna happen?”
“Come on man.”
Something swung at us. Kirishima shoved me forward. “Look out!”
He was squashed into a little ball of flesh. I couldn’t help but gag. “That’s disgusting.”
“What the crap?” Kaminari pulled me behind him. “Did that really just happen?”
“All I know is that bastard looks like he’s to blame.”
A Shiketsu student stood in the road, tons of flesh balls around him. One of my hands rested on Kami’s back as I stepped closer to him. “Careful.”
“I’ll kill him!”
“I’m from Shiketsu.” The boy started, and I had to keep myself from rolling my eyes. Of course he would monologue.
“Please notice, my school keeps our hats on when we’re working. Why’s that? Because. Each and every one of our movements is crowned by the legacy and honor of our school.” He dropped Kirishima on the ground, making the worst noise ever. “This is a demonstration. Proof of the difference in level between my peers and your vulgar classes. We value obligation and dignity - things that appear to be sorely lacking among you.”
Bakugo laughed. “I really hate your type.”
“He’s hard to follow.”
“He’s saying he thinks he’s better than we are.” I explained. “How about we show him otherwise?”
“Maybe don’t provoke this guy?! Look what he did to Kirishima!”
I pecked Kami on the cheek. “Bug, we can handle him.”
“UA High. I have respect for your school. I take pride in the fact that our institutions are treated as equals. But your class is shameful. You act in ways that disgrace heroes!”
Giant fingers appeared from behind his back.
“He’s attacking again!”
I took a step back. “I don’t want to be gross!”
“Shut up!” Bakugo snapped. “Obligation”? “Dignity”? You just like to hear yourself talk. I don’t see any proof. Show us with your actions, not your cheap words! If you can.”
“You’re worst of all, Bakugo!”
The fingers separated from him, flying towards Bakugo. I pulled the water from my belt, ready to grab them with my whip and pull them away from us if necessary.
Bakugo ran forward, setting up for his special AP shot move. He shot the fingers out of the sky, before lowering his gauntlet.
“I had to make a weak version so I didn’t kill anyone.”
“You know, this is why everyone is terrified of you - you’re way too hardcore.”
The fingers started forming back on the boy’s arms. “Okay, so they float back to him. Disgusting.”
“I see now. I’ll teach you a lesson by breaking you. This will show you what it means to be dignified and behave like a hero!”
The fingers started coming at us again. I stepped back, knowing that someone from a place like Shiketsu wouldn’t just do the same move again.
“He thinks he’s better than us!” Bakugo started running towards him. He started taking out more fingers with his AP shot.
I jumped forward to help, keeping a small whirlpool rotating around me. I’d be able to sense something hitting me from the back, if that was the plan.
“Let’s just get this fight over with. Maybe this will speed things along!”
Two of Kami’s discs shot out, hitting the wall next to the boy as he dodged. “Crap!”
“Work on your aim, and your look. Maybe I can make you something more appealing!”
“Enough talk! Die!”
Bakugo shot out some explosions and smoke filled the area. Just as it cleared, I saw a finger come out from the side, inches from Bakugo’s neck.
I threw a wave forward but it was too late. Bakugo was grabbed.
“Once I touch you, you’re my plaything.”
“Idiots,” he grumbled as he was morphed. “Fix this!”
He threw something toward Kaminari, but the boy didn’t notice as I drew my wave back. I moved to Kami’s side, letting the whirlpool swirl around our feet.
“Can you make it bigger?”
I tried pulling moisture from the air, my heart pounding when I realized that it wasn’t working. “The air is too dry, and we’re not close enough to any other bodies of water. This is all I have.”
“This is a demonstration. The test has an unusually low passing rate. At first this seemed counterintuitive given our current world.”
As he started to monologue again, I whispered, “I can soak him, but it’ll leave us vulnerable.”
“Wait for my signal.”
“I decided to thin the herd myself.” The boy continued.
“You’re ignoring the test because you think you’re superior?”
I let the water swirl faster. “You’re crazy. The world needs heroes that can do as they’re asked, not do what they want.”
“I’m simply separating the mediocre from the extraordinary.” He stepped forward, leaning his weight on Kirishima. “By the way. Your comrades here still feel pain in this form. Your untamed electricity will torture your friends if you use it. And you don’t seem to have enough water to hurt me as well as you could. You’re stuck.”
“You’ve been doing nothing but hurling insults at us this entire time.” Kami put a hand to his forehead. I’m kind of starting to take it personally, ya know.”
“Then you’re more self aware than I thought. Take some time to reflect on your failure!”
Kami reached behind him, throwing something. “Reflect on this!”
An explosion rocked behind him, distracting the boy.
“It’s not just a fashion statement. He can use that gear along with his nitro sweat to create simple grenades.”
The boy’s eyes widened. “He tossed it to you.”
Kami nodded at me, and I wrapped the water around the boy, soaking him to the bone.
“By the way, big shot. You stumbled into a really killer spot!” Electricity arced off of Kami’s finger, straight toward the disc.
His electricity, combined with being soaked, shocked him worse than I anticipated. He gasped, falling to his knees.
“Listen up. Bakugo might seem like a jerk on the surface, but he’s actually trying hard to be a pro-hero. He threw that grenade to me while being attacked. That was a result of calm judgement and planning.”
I nodded, noticing our friends were starting to come out of flesh ball form. “And Kirishima is such a good guy that he shoved me out of the way, taking the hit himself!”
“You only know bits and pieces of information about them. Don’t insult what you don’t know!”
The boy stood, fingers appearing around him again. “I’ll teach you to be more aware of your place! You degenerate!”
Kirishima activated his quirk, punching him in the stomach as Bakugo came in and blasted him.
“The more damage he takes, the more people get released.” Kiri pointed out.
Bakugo stood in front of all of us. “No wonder he was only using long distance attacks.”
Kiri nodded at us. “Thanks for the save, you two.”
“What took so long?!”
“You’re so mean! No one’s gonna like you if you -”
“Sorry to interrupt, but could we get our points and get out of here?” I asked, gesturing to the many people that were coming out of ball form. “Before they get us?”
Bakugo licked his lips.
“We’ve got targets.”
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okskz · 4 years
Mia + Stray Kids
after leaving elsy’s apartment to go back to her dorm, mia gets an awful feeling that someone is behind her.
hope you guys like this! feel free to leave some feedback because it is always appreciated! requests are still OPEN!
[9th Member of Stray Kids]
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“‘Maybe a little to the left?” Elsy questioned Mia as she moved the portrait where Elsy had wanted it.
The two girls were currently fixing up Elsy’s spare bedroom in her apartment. At first she had it as her storage room but decided to make it into an actual guest bedroom. She felt bad when having any of the guys over and they either slept on the floor in her bedroom or the couch.
“How does it look?”
“Perfect.” Elsy beamed.
“The room is really coming together.” Mia laughed. “From what it first looked like.”
“Thanks for helping me, I wouldn’t have done it without you. And for that, I will order us some food.”
“Oh great! I’m starving.”
The girls walked out the room before grabbing the filled up trash bags and setting them outside the room. “Pizza and Chicken?” Elsy questioned.
“You know it.”
“All I need is to buy a bed and a few more decorations to bring out the room and it will be done.”
“When do you plan on getting the bed?” Mia questioned before taking a bite of the pizza. “Maybe I can come and help too.”
“Hmm.” Elsy hummed. “Probably soon. You ever built a bed before?”
Mia let out a laugh. “Definitely not, when I bought mine, Channie fixed it up for me.”
“Oh, Bang Chan.” Elsy grinned. “Still helpful as always. But I’m sure you and I can figure it out. Who needs men anyways.”
“Girl power.” Mia chuckled. She checked the time on her phone seeing that it was getting close to 7pm and knew she had to get going soon before it got dark.
“Well, Elsy. I had a lot of fun helping you today and thank you so much for the food.” Mia smiled. “But sadly, I must get going.”
“Aw, already?”
The two girls stood up from the floor. Mia grabbed her mini backpack and swung it over her back. “Yeah.” Mia sighed. “I hate walking alone when it’s dark out so I better get back to the dorms before it does.”
“You be careful out there then.” Elsy said, hugging Mia tightly. “Text me when you arrive home.”
“Will do.” Mia grinned.
After saying their short goodbyes, Mia walked out Elsy’s apartment building and began making her way back to the dorms. The walk was about ten minutes, and Mia took out her phone to shoot Changbin a text that she was on her way home.
About three minutes into the walk, Mia began feeling a little unsettled. She also felt the back of her neck suddenly get goosebumps. A bit confused as to why she was feeling like that, Mia took a small peak behind her only to see nothing. Just a whole bunch of pedestrians trying to get to their destination.
Shrugging her shoulders, Mia continued to walk, turning the corner. As she turned the corner she noticed there was a lot less people walking which she didn’t mind because that meant she wouldn’t be bumping into people. But shortly after, her unsettling feeling grew more intense.
This time, Mia kept turning her head side to side, trying to see why she was feeling so uneasy. But again, she saw nothing.
Shaking her head, Mia thought entering a small cafe to order a drink would help her feel a little at ease.
And after ordering and getting her drink, Mia stepped out, but stood right in front of the door to look from side to side.
Her eyes soon wandered off to look across the street, and right when she did, Mia’s stomach dropped almost making her nauseous. She was met with the eyes of her attacker, who had a disgustingly smile plastered on his face.
Getting into panic mode, Mia turned left and began to speed walk to hurry and get home before anything could happened. The second she bolted, her attacker was soon coming after her.
Mia could feel her heart thumping out her chest each second she walked. “No, no, no. This can’t be happening.”
Even though she only had five more minutes left to get home it still felt like forever. She looked behind her, which was a mistake because her attacker was getting super close to her.
Gasping for air, Mia began walking faster and quickly took out her phone to call the first person who came into mind.
Chan bolted up from the rolling chair after hearing Mia’s frantic voice. “Mia? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“No! Chan, he’s following me.”
It took a second to realize who Mia was implying to. “Shit.” He mumbled.
“He’s been following me from the moment I left Elsy’s apartment and Chan I’m scared he’ll catch up closer to me.” Mia could feel her whole body began to shake. “Please come get me.”
“I’m coming, Mia. Where exactly are you?”
“I’m about to pass that McDonald’s that’s close to where we live.”
Chan thought for a moment before speaking again. “Okay, Mia, whatever you do, don’t stop for absolutely no reason. If you feel like he’s getting closer, go inside somewhere where there is a lot of people. I’ll be right there.”
“Got it. Please hurry.”
After the phone call ended, Chan sprinted out the studio room to quickly get to Mia, while Mia only continued to walk. She felt her legs getting tired but that didn’t stop her.
Two more minutes passed and Mia’s attacker was still right on her tracks. She looked in front of her, realizing that she had to walk across the street.
Mia mentally cursed herself because that meant she had to stop and wait for the greenlight to let them walk.
Coming into a halt, Mia looked behind her and saw that her attacker was a bit far but still coming in pretty fast. She began to panic a little as she saw the seconds tick by.
On the other side of the street, Chan came into a halt as well, quickly noticing Mia from the other side.
Mia snapped her head to the direction where the voice came from. She felt a huge relieve when she saw Chan standing on the other side of the street. “Chan!” She gave him a half smile.
Although she was smiling, Chan could clearly see the fear in her eyes. “Just a couple more seconds don’t worry!”
Mia looked up at the seconds then back behind her, she felt her heart almost rip out of her chest once seeing how close her attacker was to her. The evil grin never left his face the more he got closer.
She felt her breathing shorten as she tried gasping for air. Mia looked back at Chan as she felt her eyes get watery and her lip began to quiver.
Chan could see how impatient Mia was beginning to get as she couldn’t stay still anymore. He looked up at the seconds, noticing they only needed ten more. He mentally cursed at how slow it was.
Mia choked up some tears as the attacker was soon only a couple feet away from her. She shook her head as more tears began to spill down her face. All she wanted was for all of this to end.
Right when her attacker was about to reach out and grab her, the light came on for the pedestrians to walk to street, and Mia was quick to run.
She met halfway with Chan, holding onto him tightly as she continued to shake with fear. Her attacker was about to follow her again, until noticing Chan which caused him to walk away. Mia looked back and saw no signs of him.
Chan could feel how bad Mia was shaking, so he began soothing her back to help her calm down. “It’s okay, I got you now.”
The two made it back to the dorms safely, everyone stopping what they were doing as they looked over at Chan and Mia. They could see Chan’s worn out face and Mia’s red eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Jeongin asked, but Mia only ignored him, not feeling in the mood to talk and walked straight into her bedroom.
“I wouldn’t try bothering her right now.” Chan sighed.
“What happened?” Changbin questioned.
“Her attacker began following her.”
The whole room gasped, and Changbin tried his hardest not to freak out. But all he wanted to do at the moment was to walk into his room and hold Mia closely.
“What are we going to do?” Jisung asked.
Chan let out a frustrated sigh. “There’s not much we can do. Her attacker is really sneaky. All that we really can do is to not let Mia out alone, she has to be with at least one of us.”
“And of course, look out after her a bit more. She’s beginning to be a little more fragile so let’s try to check up on her whenever.”
The whole team nodded in agreement as they went back to doing whatever they were doing before.
Changbin however went into his room and saw Mia laying down on her bed, facing the wall. He went to her, laying right behind her.
But he was met with a sleeping Mia. Smiling softly at her, Changbin gave her a small kiss on the side of her head, moving her hair out of her face.
“Everything will be okay.”
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rami-hoe · 4 years
Confessions Part 6
Pairing: Josh x Reader
Word Count: 4.5k
CW: smut, swearing 
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Josh had ended up deferring his acceptance to the film program so he could take his first year at home. It was a good deal- he was taking a full time psychology program, so when he transferred, he would have almost all of the electives he needed, and he could take some film courses on the side to get familiar with the subject. The best thing about it by far was that it gave us another year before he moved out of state. 
To be honest, I felt like one of those over dramatic teenagers who treat their boyfriends going to class like he was going off to war. I missed Josh like crazy. I was starting to feel a little co-dependent. I guess I was just spoiled; I’d spent our entire relationship seeing him pretty much every day. We spent at least six hours a day in the same building, stealing kisses in between classes, having lunch together, driving there and back in his car. I just wasn’t used to having to make actual plans to spend time with him. But since he was at the university most of the time, and I was working almost full time, I had to text my boyfriend in order to see him. It was horrible, really. 
I had been a little worried about Josh going off to college. I’d heard a lot of relationships didn’t make it through the transition. People changed, they grew apart, and before you knew it you were looking at an entirely different person, not the one you’d fallen in love with. But Josh was finishing up his first semester, and we were still going strong. He was changing, there was no doubt about that.  He was going to more than his fair share of parties, of course, but he was really taking the whole student thing seriously, becoming a responsible, self-motivating student. My goofball was turning into a goofman. But in all the ways it mattered, he was still my Josh: warm and loving, and so much fun to be with. I got the distinct impression his classmates had that same opinion, especially the female ones. I’d seen more than a few of them shooting some serious daggers my way when he took me to parties or just to hang out on campus. 
Josh was used to having plenty of women interested in him, and I’d gotten used to it as well. As far as I was concerned, they could look all they wanted- but I was the only one who got to touch. Josh made sure I knew he only had eyes for me. As nice as it was that he wanted me to feel secure, it felt pretty great to know I didn’t need the reassurance. It used to bother me when I saw other girls looking at Josh. I would ask myself if they were prettier than me, smarter than me, if they would put out for him. I would question whether or not I even deserved to be with a guy like Josh. But the first time we were sitting in the dorms with his college buddies and a woman with a short skirt and full lips walked past with a wink and a smile for Josh, I just felt… nothing. It was fine. I mean, I felt kind of bad for her. She was flirting with a guy who had his arm around someone else- she must not have much else going for her. There was no reason for me to be insecure because some girl thought Josh was hot and decided him being friendly meant he was into her. 
That was how I decided I was ready to have sex with Josh. You have no idea how good it felt to realize I was past that place of petty, immature jealousy. I was completely comfortable in our relationship. I loved him, I trusted him, and I couldn’t remember the last time I doubted if he felt the same. Maybe it was because we weren’t seeing each other as much- if we didn’t have faith in each other, our relationship would have imploded by now. However it happened, I was grateful for it, and I was ready to take the next step with him. 
I decided I was ready just as Josh was going into exam season- not stellar timing on my part. I didn’t want to distract him. I’d waited this long, a few more weeks wouldn’t kill me. Or so I thought. I didn’t know exactly what it was- it was like some kind of switch went off in my brain the moment I decided I wanted to have sex. Ever since then, everything Josh did was just so… hot. Not that he wasn’t hot before, but now I was getting turned on watching him eat chips by the handful. I found myself making full use of my graduation present. Josh liked to help out when I used it, but I got the feeling having him in the room would only make the problem worse. I was having a hard enough time not telling him to fuck me when we made out; I didn’t think I’d be able to stop myself if he was holding a vibrator to my clit. He always got hard when he did it… I could never do justice to how incredibly sexy it was to have Josh beside him, his hard on pressed into my thigh, while he worked the toy between my legs. 
Josh’s exams all fell in the first three weeks of the period, and they were the hardest three weeks of my life. Every time I went over to his place, he would be hunched over his desk, going over his notes. He was so damn sexy when he was concentrating. I just wanted to straddle his lap and beg him to take me right there on the desk. Josh definitely noticed something was up, but he didn’t push it further when I denied it; his exams were keeping him preoccupied. 
His last exam was scheduled for 9:00am this morning. I’d spent the last three hours waiting for him to call me to let me know he was finished. We had plans to go out for a celebratory lunch at Dairy Queen. Ice cream seemed like a bit of an odd choice, considering it was December, but it was Josh’s first pick. I’d seen how hard he’d been working the whole semester; he’d more than earned whatever lunch he wanted. 
My phone rang just before noon, and I picked it up embarrassingly fast. Or it would have been embarrassing if I had any problem with Josh knowing I’d been waiting by the phone all morning. 
“Hey! How’d it go?” I asked. 
“Pretty good! At least, I think so. I feel okay about it.”
“You’ve been studying all week,” I said. “I’m sure you did great.” I’d seen all the work he put into this. I couldn’t imagine that work would go unrewarded. 
“I dunno,” he said with a sigh.  “I’m just a little worried. Think I’m gonna go crazy waiting for the results.” 
I chewed my bottom lip. “You know… I think- it’s just, I have something to tell you… I think it might help your mind off things.” 
“What is it?” 
“I’ll tell you at lunch,” I said. This was really a face to face conversation. “Pick me up?” 
“I’ll be there in ten.”
Dairy Queen wasn’t as empty as I’d hoped it would be. Surprisingly, people craving terrible burgers and ice cream in the winter wasn’t that uncommon. Josh had been a bundle of nerves since he came to pick me up, no matter how much I tried to reassure him. It was getting me a little anxious too, to be honest. Josh wasn’t usually the worrying type. 
We ordered our food and found a table near the bay window. “Relax, babe,” I said, reaching over the table to take his hand. “It’s done, it’s out of the way; obsessing about it now isn’t gonna make it any better.” 
Josh sighed. “It just sucks… I know I could’ve done better if I had another hour,” he said. 
“Did you study?” 
“What?” Josh’s brow furrowed. “Yeah, you helped me.” 
“Did you answer all the questions?” 
“Yes, but-” 
“Then you did the best you could,” I said, squeezing his hand. “I quizzed you myself- you knew your shit.” 
“Being quizzed by my girlfriend in my room is different than taking an exam in a fucking lecture hall,” he said. “I know I left shit out.” 
“You can afford to leave a couple things out,” I said. “That doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail.” 
Josh groaned. “Why couldn’t it be a fucking scantron? Those take like two seconds to grade.” He sank down in his seat so he could lean his head against the chair back- no easy feat for a guy his size. His legs ended up on my side of the table. “This is fucking killing me. What did you wanna tell me? I could seriously use a distraction right now.” 
And just like that, all of Josh’s nerves slammed themselves right into my stomach. “Right… Uh, well-” 
“Here ya go!” A waitress who seemed far too perky for a fast food place put out food on the table. “Two mushroom swiss burgers, fries, and a chicken strip basket. Enjoy your meal!” She scampered back to the kitchen as Josh unwrapped the first of his burgers. The parchment was already covered in sauce, and my nose crinkled at the sight. Josh just laughed. 
“It’s better than it looks,” he said. 
“You say that every time.” 
“And it’s true every time.” He grinned. “If you’d give it a try, I think you’d like it.” 
I shook my head. “Chicken strips seem like a safer bet.” Why was this so easy? This completely unplanned conversation was effortless, but when I turned my attention back to the speech I’d spent the last month planning, I was tongue tied. 
Josh cocked his head to the side as he brought his milkshake to his lips. “You okay?” 
I managed a smile. “Yeah, I’m good,” I said. It was a struggle not to stare down at the basket, but I had a feeling I wouldn’t come across as a mature adult ready for sex if I couldn’t even meet his eye. I cleared my throat and took a breath. “I’ve been thinking-” Christ, my heart is pounding right now- “We’ve been dating for a long time-” My palms are sweaty. Is the rest of me sweaty? Can he see it?- “And I just feel so comfortable and safe with you now-” What if he doesn’t want to? Why the fuck would he not want to, idiot? You were dry humping last week- “I think we’re in a really strong place-” Does everybody get this nauseous when asking someone to take their virginity?- “And I’m ready. To, uh… to have sex. With you.” 
Josh was silent for way too long. It was probably only a couple of seconds, really, but it felt like fucking hours. I was trapped in Schrodinger’s box, simultaneously existing in a state of excitement and terror before Josh responded. 
He slowly put the milkshake back on the table. “Wow,” he said. Well. At least it was a word. That was better than complete silence. I resisted the urge to cry out my relief when he smiled. “I mean, I kinda figured we were going in that direction,” he said. “But still, that’s… big. Are you sure?” 
“I’ve never been more sure of anything,” I said. “Or anyone. I know it’s taken me a while to get here, but I’m ready. I love you, and I trust you, and I’m so fucking horny, Josh; every time I look at you my vagina hits me with a rolled up newspaper and demands to know why I haven’t fucked you yet.” 
Josh laughed. “That’s an… interesting description. But I think it was a compliment, so thanks for that.” 
“It’s an accurate description,” I said, popping a fry into my mouth. “I don’t know how I lasted this long. I’ve never been this frustrated in my life.” 
He couldn’t keep the grin off his face. That shouldn’t be turning me on as much as it was but that’s where we were now. “So, we gonna get a nice hotel? Cover the bed in rose petals, get a bottle of fancy champagne and chocolate covered strawberries?” 
“We could do that,” I said. “Or we could go back to your place and do it before your sisters get home.” 
Josh chuckled. “That doesn’t sound very romantic,” he said. 
“Yeah, but it means we get to have sex, like, now.”
“Don’t we have to talk about it first?” he asked. 
I shrugged. “We talk about it like every time we fool around,” I said. “I think I’ve got a pretty good idea of what to expect.”
“I just wanna make sure you’re comfortable, you know? Losing your virginity is a major thing.” 
“It is,” I said. “But I took my time. I waited for the right person, I waited until I was ready, I waited until your exams were over.” I reached over and ran my hand up his forearm. “I’m done with waiting. I don’t need it to be some big romantic thing. It’ll be perfect, as long as it’s with you” 
After the big confession, it didn’t take either of us very long to finish our meals. It was safe to say we were both pretty eager to get back to his place. Beth and Hannah usually got home around 4:00 and we wanted as much time to ourselves as possible. 
We got to the house and made a beeline for Josh’s room. My hand hadn’t left his since we got out of the car. The butterflies in my stomach refused to leave, but I didn’t mind so much anymore. They were kind of fueling my excitement. 
Josh’s lips were on mine the second we stepped into his bedroom. By the time he kicked the door closed, his hands had firmly planted themselves on my ass. I tangled my fingers in his hair as we stumbled towards the bed. We lost our shoes and jackets on the journey there. 
We fell onto the bed and Josh maneuvered his way on top of me. I instinctively spread my legs and let him settle between them. I could feel his growing bulge against my core as his lips trailed down my neck. I ran my nails down his back, gripped the soft fabric of his t-shirt and tugged on it. Josh pulled away long enough to yank it off and toss it to the floor. His lips reattached themselves to my skin, this time my collarbone. He sucked light bruises onto the sensitive flesh and I hummed my appreciation. 
“Josh~” I moaned as he slid his hands up my shirt. I lifted my back off the bed and he undid my bra. His hands moved back around to my chest and palmed my breasts. His thumb rolled over my nipple and I arched my back onto his touch. 
I pushed him back and sat up so I could pull my shirt over my head. Josh looked like a starving man staring at a turkey dinner. His pupils were blown bigger than I’d ever seen them, and I was sure I looked just as desperate. 
His lips were beyond excited to explore the newly exposed skin. He took his time, making sure to give each boob the proper treatment, dividing the efforts of his hands and his mouth evenly. 
I felt my stomach flip when he started moving further down. He kissed along the waist of my pants, pausing to suck on each hip bone. He looked up at me with dark, devilish eyes.
“You’re so fucking hot, baby,” he said as tugged the fabric down my legs. I kicked the pants off and leaned down to tug off my socks. My heart pounded as he spread my legs and laid down between them. He dragged his tongue over my panties, keeping eye contact as he did. I bit my lip and gripped the sheets in anticipation of what was about to happen. Josh grinned as he pulled my panties to the side. “Now, I know my tongue isn’t a Satisfyer, but I think you’re really gonna enjoy this.” 
My laugh turned into a gasp as his tongue delved between my folds. He spread my lips with his fingers and pressed his tongue into my entrance. We’d done our fair share of fooling around, but he’d never used his tongue before, just his fingers and the toy. As his tongue moved inside of me, his nose pressed against my clit. My hips bucked into his face, and he pressed one hand on my stomach to hold me still while he worked. His tongue slipped out of me and was quickly replaced by his middle finger as he licked up to my clit. 
I cried out when he curled his finger to hit my g-spot. His lips wrapped around my clit and he sucked on the sensitive bud. My hands flew to his head and gripped his hair. He slipped a second finger in as he swirled his tongue around my clit. There was just a little bit of burning as he added a third finger, but that was as far as the discomfort went. The pleasure of him massaging my walls as his tongue worked my clit far outweighed the pain. 
It was hard to believe it had been so long since Josh did this. Obviously he’d been keeping his skills sharp. I’d never been touched like this before- I didn’t even know what I needed, but Josh didn’t need any instruction. He kept going, three fingers fucking me while his mouth licked and sucked, until my back bent and I felt my soul leave my body. My fingers tightened in his hair; it had to be hurting him, but he didn’t let up. He refused to stop until I moved my palm to his forehead and pushed him away. 
Josh grinned and dipped his head down to kiss my stomach. “How was that?” he murmured. 
It took me a minute to register the question at all, then another minute to convince my mouth to move. “That was… that was fucking incredible.” I chuckled. My head was in the clouds as I fought to push off the post-orgasm bliss long enough to get my body working against. 
I pushed Josh off of me and very shakily crawled over to him. My hand drifted over to the bulge in his pants, which was now a full on tent. I ground my palm into his groin and Josh let out a low groan. I swear to god, that was the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard. I pulled his jeans and his boxers down, and his erection leapt out at me. I must have seen him hard at least a dozen times by now, but there was something different about it now that I knew it would be inside of me soon. 
I wrapped my hand around his cock and stroked his hot shaft. 
“You don’t have to do that, you know,” he said with a grin. “I’m pretty much ready to go over here.” 
“I know,” I said as I leaned down and licked his head. “I just wanna make you feel good.” I’d only sucked him off a couple of times, but I loved doing it. I was sure I wasn’t the best at it, but Josh was just so reactive. I loved feeling him squirm and hearing his groans as I took him into my mouth. The way he looked down at me with his mouth hanging open and his eyes clouded with pleasure… shit, even the thought of it sent shivers down my spine. I closed my lips around his tip and started bobbing my head, taking him just a little deeper with each movement. I still couldn’t take all of him without gagging, but I’d worked my way up to a little more than half. Josh pulled my hair into a ponytail to guide my mouth along his shaft. 
“God, I fucking love your mouth,” he groaned. 
I pulled back, stroking his cock leisurely as I said “I hope you love the rest of me too.” 
“You know I do,” he said. “But at the moment, your mouth’s the part of you I’m most focused on.” 
I sat up. “Really?” I asked. “There’s no part of me you might want just a little more?” I straddled his hips and ground my core against his cock. “Nothing at all?” 
Josh’s eyes rolled back as my wetness coated his shaft. His hand flew over to the bedside table, opened it, and groped around until he found the box of condoms. My hips continued to rock as he snatched one of the packets out of the box. They only stilled when Josh paused to scrutinize the back of the packet. 
“Did you forget how to put them on?” I asked, only half joking. 
Josh chuckled. “Just checking through expiry,” he said. “I’ve had these since we started dating.” He lifted the plastic square up triumphantly. “Still good!” 
“Woulda really sucked if it wasn’t,” I mused as he opened the packet and slid the condom onto his hard cock. “I mean, just imagine it. We’re here, I’m all ready to lose my virginity, and we get cockblocked by an expired condom.” 
“You know, as arousing as this conversation is-“ 
“Down to business, right.” I looked down at his covered cock and swallowed. This was it. I raised my hips up and positioned myself over his member. 
Josh grabbed my hips before I lowered myself down. “I just gotta ask one more time- are you sure about this?” 
I moved my hands up his forearms and nodded. “I am.” I kept my eyes locked on his as I sank onto his cock. His eyes widened and he let out a soft moan as my walls closed around him. I sucked in a breath at the feeling of him filling me completely. It was… different than I expected. It didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. Not actual pain, at least, but there was this weird pressure right at my entrance. It was strange. I’d never been this full before. 
I was so wrapped up in the sensation, I didn’t realize it’d been a full minute since I moved until Josh squeezed my hip and asked “you okay?” 
I adjusted my position and let out an entirely involuntary noise as I felt him move inside of me. “Jesus…” I took a breath. “I’m good,” I said. “It just… takes some getting used to.” 
“Take your time,” he said, his fingers caressing my waist. 
I rested my hands on his stomach. “Am I supposed to, like, bounce or grind or what?” I asked with a breathy chuckle. Maybe I wasn’t as well prepared as I thought I was. 
“Just do whatever makes you feel good,” he said. 
I lifted my hips until just his tip remained inside of me, then sank back down on him. That was… interesting. There was a spark of pleasure. Nowhere near as big as when he was going down on me, but it was there, and it was helping me forget about the pain. I braced myself on my hands as I started to ride him. Josh’s head fell back onto the pillow and he moaned. That sound made whatever discomfort this caused more than worth it. Josh’s tip just brushed against my g-spot and I gasped. I pushed my hips forward, simultaneously pushing his cock against that sweet spot and grinding my clit against his groin. I repeated the motion and moaned “fuck, Josh~” 
“You’re so fucking tight, babe,” he groaned. “I don’t- shit- I’m not gonna last very long.” 
“That’s fine,” I mumbled. “Want you to come.” He’d already made me feel so good- I just wanted to return the favour. I’d made him wait our entire relationship to get to this; I wasn’t about to ask him to hold off his orgasm too. 
I moved my hands to either side of his shoulders and leaned over him. His hands slid up my back, pulling me closer to him as my hips continued to roll. He leaned up to close the rest of the distance between us and captured my lips in a heated kiss. His hands clenched into tight fists and his hips bucked up into mine. He buried his cock fully inside of me and moaned against my lips. I broke the kiss so I could watch his expression melt into pure bliss as he came into the condom. 
Josh collapsed back onto the bed and I lowered myself onto his chest. We were both sweaty, sticky, and hot, but I didn’t give a second thought to rolling off of him and cooling down. He rubbed my back as his cock softened and slipped out of my body. 
“So…” Josh brushed my damp hair away from my face. “How do you feel?” 
I buried my face against his neck to hide my smile. “I’m, uh, I’m feeling pretty good right now.”
“No regret?” Josh teased. “Not feeling like a part of you is missing? Like you’ve been forever changed?” 
“I think you’re overestimating the power of your dick,” I said. 
Josh gasped and clutched his chest. “I’m hurt,” he said. 
I laughed and nuzzled into him. “I bet I can find a way to make it up to you,” I said. 
“Mmm~” He kissed the top of my head. “I’m sure you can,” he murmured. “What time is it?” 
I glanced over at the clock. “Two,” I said. “We’ve got time.” 
“Good,” he said. “Don’t wanna move.” That was fine by me. I didn’t feel like getting dressed right away. I wanted to stay here with him as long as we could. Just like this, skin to skin. 
“Josh?” I asked 
“Thank you.” 
“For what?” he asked. 
“For everything,” I said. “For being so patient with me right from the start.” 
“I was just trying to be the kind of guy who deserves you; you don’t have to thank me-“ 
“No, I do.” I pushed myself up onto my elbows so I could look down at him. “You were amazing,” I said. “You are amazing. I couldn’t ask for a better guy. I wouldn’t have wanted this to happen with anyone else.” I ran my finger down his cheek. “I’m just… I’m so happy I’m with you.” 
Josh leaned up for a soft kiss. “Since we got together, all I’ve wanted to do is make you happy,” he whispered. “You mean the fucking world to me, Y/N. And I’m glad we waited. This was the right way to do this.” 
I rested my forehead against his. “I love you. So goddamn much.” 
“I love you too,” he replied. That big, goofy smile I loved so much painted on his face. “And I always will.” 
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petri808 · 4 years
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TW: ghosts. Bakusquad (Bakugou, Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari, Hanta) 
For @bnhamonsterball​ 2020 Tumblr/Twitter main event piece 2. Based on a true story that happened to me (I’m Mina’s character). Beta’d by Imitationicarus. 2k words
“Come on, losers!” Bakugou stands up from a couch in the dorm’s common area. “You heard the teach. If this campus is haunted, let’s go catch a ghost!”
“I don’t know…” Mina pulls her legs onto the couch and wraps her arms around her knees.
Ever since she was a little girl, she’d always been sensitive to spirits and knew tempting them was a bad idea. The land indeed had a history, but one she wasn’t keen on getting acquainted with any time soon.
Seeing her concerned expression, Kirishima takes a seat next to his girlfriend. “Yeah Bakuman, that’s probably not a good idea.”
“Why, y'all too chicken shit?! It’s just bullshit they tell to keep us from wandering around campus at night. I’m gonna go whether you losers join me or not.”
The rest of the group looks around to each other in concern. Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina communicated without words. A nervous energy permeates their bubble because they know the blond is dead serious. Unfortunately, such concern took a heavier toll on Mina because she knew it would be a worse idea to let him go alone. She places her hand on her boyfriend’s knee, giving it a weak squeeze, eyes flitting to the front door.
He winces, groaning internally. “Alright.” With a sigh, the redhead looks at the piercing red gaze of their buddy. “Guess we’ll go with you.”
So, according to the folklore of their campus, the area was once inhabited by the Ainu people that were pushed out by new settlers. Some say burial grounds were even discovered and moved before the existing buildings were erected, and the spirits lingered, waiting to exact revenge.
Bakugou didn’t believe in any of the supernatural mumbo jumbo. If he couldn’t see it, it wasn’t real. End of story.
For the first hour, the group walks around the UA campus, encountering nothing more than shadowed silence. Amber emergency lighting made it possible to see along the walkways around buildings, most of which were locked due to the time of night. It was easy enough to hide from the occasional security guards roaming around as well.
“See,” Bakugou points out. “If it was as haunted as the teachers make it out to be, those wannabe cops wouldn’t stick around.”
Mina frowns at such a statement. She is certain those men have seen a few things and probably just learned to avoid certain areas. Up till now, she’s been able to steer them away as well, but they were running low on new places to explore, and Bakugou was too fired up to stop. ‘Why’d their teacher have to tell their class the stories anyway? If Mr. Aizawa hadn’t, Bakugou wouldn’t have thought up this idea in the first place! And of all the days to choose, he chose a waxing full moon.’
“If you think it’s a hoax then let just go back to the dorms,” Kaminari prompts the blond man. “We can just chill with a movie or something till lights out.”
“Fuck no, ain’t this fun?! And we haven’t checked the whole campus yet.” A collective groan ripples in the darkness. “Come on losers, time to hit the gym section. There’s gotta be something around, and I wanna find it.”
Kirishima looks down at his hand as it holds his girlfriend’s. She squeezes it tighter than usual. Her body has gone stiff, and the expression on her face is clearly worrisome.
“You okay?” he whispers.
“That’s not a good area,” she responds.
Mina holds out hope she was wrong and doesn’t want to panic anyone.
He raises her hand and kisses the back of it.
“I’ll keep you safe,” he teases, to which she returns a half-hearted smile.
They follow Bakugou a few paces behind, Sero and Kaminari, then Kirishima and Mina at the rear. Because of its size, the gym is toward the far edge and back of the campus, with an access road that goes around it to the parking lot in the rear. Along this road runs a small stream that, according to the stories, is part of an old irrigation system for the farms that were there at the turn of the century before the school was built. The only source of light along the road are dull lamp posts every ten feet.
Mina notices that Sero and Kaminari are uncomfortable, but they try to keep their cool through a quiet conversation. Every so often one or the other rubs their arms as if a non-existent chill crept over their frames.
She frowns at the sight, knowing the lurking spirits are watching them. Her own boyfriend exudes a calm-panicked energy as he strives to hold together his emotions for her sake. It is a disheartening feeling, and it was unnerving in the faux mellow evening.
Soft burbling of the water beside them mixing with crickets are the only real sounds aside from their footsteps against the asphalt. The closer they travel to the gym, the stronger her senses tingle. Mina’s fingers twitch, gripping to Kirishima’s hand as music wafts past her in spurts like a distant party beckoning one to join. Haunting drumbeats and soft woodwinds of ancient melodies eerily carry along the breeze and send chills all through Mina’s body. She shivers, knowing she is the only one hearing this melody.
Turn back, it warns. A full moon at peak energy allows the spirit world to shine with all its other worldly glory.
“Did you see that?” Mina whispers, tugging at her boyfriend’s arm.
Mina’s gaze tracks darting balls of light, to their left, the right, zipping overhead or off in the nearby tree line.
“Um— no, I don’t see anything,” he answers.
Of course, Kiri didn’t see anything, only she could. They looked like fireflies, except these don’t hover and don’t flash, always staying out of her direct sightline, curiously teasing the travelers.
Mina sighs and moves closer to the man. “Must’a been a bug.”
It was a lie, but again, better than making him worry.
But strangely enough, when they reach the back of the gym the music and lights disappear as if they too fear what is to come. It is dark, cold, and an odd pressure settles in her bones. Something even more sinister lurks ahead.
The road continues farther and away from the gym. To where, Mina isn’t sure. All she does know is something is screaming at her to turn back. The lamp posts also end in the parking lot, leaving the branch of roadway to fade into an inky blackness.
Bakugou stands at the head of the inclined roadway. “I heard there’s a maintenance shed up there. Let’s check it out.”
The others pause as a deeper fear creeps over each of them like waves of evil energy. Mina pulls back on Kirishima’s hand, shaking her head when he looks at her. She could only guess that they are as freaked out as she is. The pressure around them tightens its grip on her.
“Yeah, no way Bakubro,” Kirishima waves a hand adamantly.
“It’s too creepy,” Kaminari adds.
Sero nods with his buddies. “I got a bad feeling about it, man. Let’s just go back.”
“I’m taking Mina back to the dorms,” Kirishima speaks up, “so if you wanna check it out, you’re going by yourself.”
“Tch, losers,” Bakugou scoffs and walks up the inclined road. He isn’t afraid of the dark, and he certainly isn’t letting a ghost story stop him.
Kaminari yells at the man’s fleeting back. “Dude! Come on, this is ridiculous!”
But no matter how much they yell the man keeps walking until he disappears into the night. Mina hugs closer to Kirishima. This was bad... really, really bad. Her instincts are screaming, and every hair on her body tingles like right before a lightning storm is about to hit.
Something right at the point of light and dark moves from one side of the road to the other. No sound, not even the crunch of grass or shifting of stone. Just dead silence until the group watches with trepidation as a rock slowly rolls down the right side of the road’s incline.
Kirishima scoffs. “Not funny, Bakugou!”
Another rock, but this time on the opposite side of the road. Every tiny hair on the back of their neck stands at attention as the rippling chill grows stronger.
“What the fuck man! You trying to scare us?!” Kirishima finally snaps. Things have gone too far. He’s seen the petrified look on his girlfriend’s face. Bakugou is his best friend, but he has to protect his girl. “We’re going back to the dorms without you. Come on guys, let him be an idiot if he wants to be.”
They beeline it back to the dorms and hang out in the common area like they’d wanted to do all along. A few of their classmates were still awake, watching movies or chatting quietly, so they joined in.
“Better?” Kirishima checks on Mina.
“A little,” she responds and sidles closer to his side. “I’m just worried about him.”
“You know that stubborn ass as well as I do. None of us could have talked him out of it.”
“I know...”
Kirishima’s voice softens. “Hey, come on.” He wraps his arm tighter around her shoulder and kisses her temple. “Let’s focus on the movie.”
Mina sighs and gives in. He was right after all. There really is nothing they could have done, short of literally carrying him back with them. So, she does her best to push away the churning feelings brewing in her gut. What could the ghosts really do to him anyways? There was no history of anyone being physically harmed on campus, at least that she is aware of. And despite the power that area was giving off, she has hope all they would do is scare him away.
But those fears return, when thirty minutes later the front door opens, and Bakugou walks in. He doesn’t acknowledge them, doesn’t even look in their direction, just simply walks straight up the stairs to the second floor where the boys reside like a mindless zombie. All the creepy tingling sensations flood right back through Mina’s frame.
This was bad!
“Someone needs to check on him.” She looks frantically at her friends.
The three boys exchange worried looks and a silent hand battle, fighting to see who would make the ascent. There is no telling what they would find upstairs. He could be furious that he found nothing and take out his frustrations on the messenger.
“Ugh,” Kaminari groans. “Okay, I’ll go. Send a search party after ten minutes if I don’t return.”
The remaining trio gather at the foot of the staircase as their friend ascends it. Mina clings to Kirishima’s arm while they wait. She knows Bakugou is physically okay since he made it back. But her senses tell her he isn’t unscathed, and it is confirmed in less than five minutes.
Kaminari returns with a shocked look on his face, explaining the brief conversation he just had with Bakugou.
“Are you serious? He remembers nothing?” Questions Kirishima.
Kaminari shakes his head. “Nothing at all. He even snapped at me when I pushed.”
“Wow...” Sero cocks his head in confusion. “Baku really thinks he’s been studying all night?”
Kirishima scoffs. “Maybe he’s lying, you know, too afraid to admit he got scared of something.”
“I think he’s telling the truth,” Mina responds quietly. “At least what he thinks is the truth.”
Kirishima narrows unbelieving eyes at his girlfriend. “What, like the ghosts wiped his memory?”
“I don’t know.” She shrugs. “I just feel that he’s telling his truth.”
“Whoa, that’s... that’s just crazy.” Kirishima shivers. “Damn, I’m so glad we didn’t follow him.”
“So, what do we do now?” Kaminari asks the group.
“Nothing,” Kirishima shrugs, “there’s nothing we can do right now. We’ll just wait till morning and see if his memory returns.”
But it never does.
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lovelylunarwriting · 5 years
Soonyoung College!AU
Dance Therapy Major, with a minor in Astronomy (Astronomical Sciences)
He chose dance as a major because it’s his life passion and something he genuinely enjoys, and more specifically dance therapy because he wants to share dancing with people in a way that can positively influence them and strengthen their quality of life through self expression.
If you ask him about it, prepare for a powerpoint presentation and fifteen minute speech because this boy will go off on how important it is to express yourself.
As for astronomy, he thinks stars are the shit. 
At first he registered as an Astronomy minor because he misread it as “Astrology”
He has a tendency to read way too heavily into horoscopes and will explain in extreme detail how your horoscope relates to the stars. 
One time he told he told Seokmin that he was going to “meet an untimely end” because it said so for Aquarius on the horoscope blog he checks daily.
Seokmin spent the rest of that day following Chan “for security reasons”
Also, anytime Minghao says something snarky, Soonyoung is like “Omg you’re such a Scorpio” 
Soonyoung is very heavily involved on campus, especially with organizations revolving around volunteering.
He just wants to help out whenever he can and give back to the community, whether it be assisting the elderly, helping out with food drives, etc.
Although he enjoys volunteering, don't get the wrong idea- he’s no saint. 
He’s the life of the party everywhere he goes, which is mostly,,,, parties tbh.
And that’s how he ends up fracturing his foot.
After a night of drinking with some of the boys, they were making their way back to the dorms when they passed through the main courtyard, resulting in Seungkwan challenging the group to do something pretty stupid.
Seungkwan : “I bet none of you will jump into the fountain”
Chan: “Of course I won’t, I just bought these shoes?? Why would I ruin them”
Seungkwan : “Because it’s a (dare)”
Soonyoung: “A DARE, YOU SAY??”
Seungkwan : “yES it’s most definitely a dare. Unless you're too chicken...”
Seokmin : “Ooooooo Soonyoung’s a chicken!”
Soonyoung: “Oh yeah? Would a chicken do THIS??”
The boys gather around the flowing fountain in the middle of the courtyard, leaving space for Soonyoung to jump in.
But he doesn't jump in. He cartwheels in.
And slams his foot right on the edge of the fountain. 
There’s an unsettling crack and Soonyoung falls backward into the shallow water.
Seokmin and Chan pull him out and set him on the ground while Seungkwan calls an ambulance. 
When the paramedics arrive, they haul Soonyoung into the ambulance, Chan and Seungkwan jumping in after.
One hospital trip and an unfortunate amount of medical bills later, it turns out that Soonyoung fractured a bone in his foot and won't be able to walk on it for at least six weeks. 
Seungkwan feels terrible and literally w i l l  n o t stop apologizing. 
Seungkwan : “I'm so sorry about this. Had I known you would’ve gotten hurt, I never would have said anything-”
Soonyoung: “Dude it’s fine, it's not like you threw me in. I was the one being reckless”
Seungkwan : “So you're not mad? Our friendship is still going on stronger than ever??”
Soonyoung: “I'm not mad, but you do realize since it was your dare that got me in this position, you have to go explain to my dance instructor why I won't be able to participate”
Seungkwan : “...I guess that's fair”
Chan: “Didn't your instructor completely go off on a girl for walking on the dance floor while wearing stilettos?”
Soonyoung: “Yeah, she's terrifying. Which is why good ol’ Kwannie is going to be a dear and break the news to her for me~”
Seungkwan : “Can't you just break my foot instead?? An eye for an eye kind of thing?”
Soonyoung: “Nope. Next time maybe you'll watch your mouth”
Seungkwan: “And next time you'll watch your step”
Soonyoung: “I’m literally crippled dude, leave me alone”
The night ends with the boys taking an uber back to campus, and each person going to their respective dorms. 
Aka Soonyoung hobbling on crutches into the building (somewhat literally, he almost slipped trying to scan his I.D. card) and then to his room.
The next morning he gets a text from Seungkwan being like “I’ll go with you to tell your dance instructor but I'm not going in alone,'' to which Soonyoung is like “okay that's fair”
They meet up outside the Fine Arts building and brave their way through the halls to admit that They Fucked Up.
When Soonyoung hobbles into the dance studio she’s like “YOUNG MAN WHAT DID YOU DO” and Seungkwan is like “uhh he tripped down the stairs yesterday… real sad”
Soonyoung is like “It-takes-six-weeks-to-heal-bYE” and tries to bolt for the door but forgets the whole,,,, crutches thing,,,, and they slip out from under his arms.
Let’s just say that's not the first time Soonyoung has face planted in the dance room and it definitely won't be the last. 
The professor tells him that even though he can't participate, he needs to show up for class to watch and that he can make up whatever assignments he misses after he heals.
She’s surprisingly nice about it??? And is like “you’re dumb for getting hurt but take care of yourself, you’ll make us all worry”
Anyway, let’s move on to you~
You know who Soonyoung is because you've had classes with him before but you've never really talked to him??
He was always "that kid watching Netflix on his laptop in the back of the lecture hall"
Which is tempting but when you're paying to take these classes,,,, you don't wanna waste your money and time by not trying your best
His friends would frequently wait for him outside the building to grab lunch after their classes, since they all had classes in the same cluster of buildings at similar times
They're a difficult group not to notice,,,, such loud and rowdy boys are hard to miss 
This semester you don't have any classes with Soonyoung, and don't think anything of it until you barely hear someone over the roar of your earbuds shout your name and to hold the elevator 
Looking up from your phone, you're shocked to see Soonyoung on crutches furiously shuffling to get to the elevator before it closes 
You wordlessly mash the "open doors" button a few times, and he sighs, slowing his pace and trudging into the small space.
You consider just keeping in your earbuds but curiosity gets the better of you
"So umm.... what happened?", you ask, popping out a single earbud.
Soonyoung's face goes from tired to panicked real quick and at first you regret asking, but then he explains how he fell down a flight of stairs and you're more at ease, but not completely. 
Your dance major friends have dragged you to their showcases, and you've seen Soonyoung dance. it seems weird that someone so balanced and elegant could just fall like that. 
You: "Were you drunk?"
Soonyoung: "I- what? Why would you ask that?"
You: "Ahh, so you're not denying it. That makes a lot more sense, you're much too graceful to slip out of the blue"
Soonyoung: "...you've seen me dance?"
You: "Yeah, I've got friends who dance and I go to their recitals to support them. You're really good, by the way"
With that comment, Soonyoung turns to face away from you and you think you may have said something wrong on accident until you notice the tips of his ears burning bright red. 
"He's shy.... that's pretty cute", you think to yourself.
The elevator dings, signalling your arrival on the second floor. You step out and surprisingly, Soonyoung follows.
Apparently the "nani???" face you're making is a lot more communicative than you’d intended, because Soonyoung is like "I live,,,, across the hall from you...."
Now it's your turn to be embarrassed because,,,, how the hell did you not notice that
He goes on to ask you if you could help him get into his room- something about not being sure about balances crutches and keys, and before he can even finish asking, you’re like “yep! Gimme them keys” to try and move on from the “how could you not know I live right across from you” thing
You open the door and prop it open all the way so that Soonyoung can hobble on in, then you go ahead and help him get settled on the couch so he doesn’t topple over trying to stand.
You: “Okay, is there anything else you need?” you ask, handing him back his key and trying really hard not to blush when your fingers brush against his..
Soonyoung: “I mean,,,,, I don’t need anything, but if you want to stay and hang out for a while, that’d be nice. It’s no fun wallowing in self pity all alone and Seokmin won’t be here for like three hours”
Thinking about what day of the week it is and then checking your watch, you conclude that you don’t have any classes or labs left today and agree to stay for a bit.
You: “Actually, let me head to my dorm to drop off my bag and grab some snacks, alright?”
He nods his head vigorously at the mention of food so you make sure to come back with more than enough snacks for the both of you.
If someone had told you this morning that you’d spend your evening laughing and playing Wii Sports with Soonyoung of all people, you’d tell them they’re crazy, but here the two of you are, acting like old friends would.
After defeating him in tennis more times than he feels comfortable admitting, he checks the time on his phone and sees that it’s like,,, r e a l late.
Soonyoung: “It’s this late and Seokmin hasn’t come home yet?? What if something happened to him?”
Seokmin: “I walked in literal hours ago. I said hello to you. You said hello back. I’ve been in my room ever since???”, he says from the doorway to his room.
Honestly, you hadn’t noticed him either. Soonyoung is such a bright person inside and out that it’s easy to get caught up in him.
You: “Well since it’s getting late I should probably head back to my dorm. Gimme your phone real quick?”
Soonyoung: “You could at least ask me out before putting your number in my phone,'' he says, peering over your shoulder at the glowing TV screen.
You: “I’m putting my number in your phone in case you fall and need someone to help you. Since I’m right across the hall I’d be the closest person other than Seokmin who probably isn’t too pleased with you,,,, since we forgot he was here,,,,,”
Soonyoung: “Oh. Okay that works, too” he says sheepishly, hoping you’ll forget about the whole “ask me out” comment. 
He has to hobble around for the next six weeks so saving any fraction of pride that’s left is his main objective.
That and not dying of boredom. He has a feeling that the two of you will be playing a lot of mario kart.
Maybe next time you’ll let him win?? Odds aren’t for it though.
Seeing his frustrated little pout whenever you pass him and getting to see him get all mad when you blue shell him is just too impossibly adorable to pass up.
And you refuse to lose. But anyway-
The next few days pass by as they normally do, not particularly eventful in any way. 
That is until you get a text from an unknown number that creeps you out before you realize it's just Soonyoung.
Unknown Number: "hey boo are you home? ;)))))"
Your Phone: "I'm just walking in the building, why?", you text back, adding him to your contacts.
The Lovely Kwon Soonyoung: "oh thank goodness pleaSE come over, Seokmin put my laptop on top of the bookshelf as revenge and I have an essay due at midnight!!\(;´□`)/"
You Phone: "Okay, I'll be right there!" 
The Lovely Kwon Soonyoung: "THANK YOU MY ANGEL!!!~(^з^)-♡"
Reading that last text jump-starts your heart, and you almost drop your phone.
Stepping out of the elevator, instead of taking a right into your room, you turn to the left and knock on Soonyoung's door.
The door swings open almost instantly and you're met with a very pouty looking Soonyoung.
Laughing to yourself but mostly at him, you step inside and peer around for the bookshelf.
Once you spot it, you drag a chair over and begin to step up on it when Soonyoung interjects.
Soonyoung: "What are you doing??"
You: "I'm getting your laptop! I can't reach it without standing on something"
Soonyoung: "But that's dangerous!"
You: "More dangerous than cartwheeling into a concrete fountain?"
Soonyoung: "..."
You: "Chan told me. He's in my Sociology class"
Soonyoung: "So you knew and yet still agreed to help me?"
You: "Of course! That's what friends are for, right?,” you say as you step up onto the chair once again, missing the falter in Soonyoung's smile.
He doesn't say anything but you can tell that he's hobbling over to you due to the distinct clicking sound of his crutches hitting the hardwood floor.
When his hands find your waist, you forget how to breathe for a moment, looking down to him as he gives you a reassuring nod.
"He's just helping you balance. It's not a big deal", you tell yourself, and yet the warmth of his hands on your hips has your heart racing.
Focusing solely on the task at hand, you reach up, retrieve his laptop, and take the hand he offers as you step down from the chair.
The two of you keep your hands locked together longer than necessary, but don’t say anything about it,,,,
"Is that all you need?,” you ask, dropping his hand and setting his laptop down on what has to be his bed (the Shinee posters are a dead give away) 
You looking anywhere but at him, afraid that you'll accidentally reveal more of how you feel than you want to.
“That’s,,, that’s it. You can stay for a bit if you want, though? I found Seokmin’s snack stash”, he offers and as nice as it sounds, you decline.
“You have an essay to write and I have,,,, something I need to do so i’mgonnagonowbye”, you manage to say, power walking out of his dorm room and even more quickly into yours.
Your roommate takes one look at your wide eyes and obvious blush and is like “,,,,this is about a boy isn’t it”, to which you eloquently reply for them to “mind their own business and yeaH maybe it iS”
The next morning you jolt up in bed, breaking out of your dream somewhat forcefully.
It wasn’t even a bad dream- it was just you and Soonyoung hanging out like you did the other day but instead of being on opposite sides of the couch you were,,,, a lot closer, to say the least.
As soon as Dream Soonyoung leaned in for a kiss, your subconscious dragged you back into reality.
Why is it that dreams always end right before to good part?
Grumbling to yourself, but not too loudly so you don’t wake up your roommate, you grab your bag, swing it over your shoulder, and step into the hall.
So does Soonyoung. Who shoots you a smile and a wink, while you stand there looking like a deer in headlights.
“Something wrong?,” he asks with a confused tilt of the head.
“No no it’s just- those morning classes ya know? Getting up this early is rough, ahaha”, you say trying to play off your initial weirdness, and Soonyoung seems to take the bait, complaining about his early dance class all the way out of the building.
“I normally don’t mind getting up this early if I get my body moving but,,, having to watch everyone else dance instead is kind of torture”, he admits.
“That does seem like it would be tough. If it gets too frustrating and you need someone to vent to, send me a text alright? My next class is three hours long and super boring so I’ll definitely be on my phone anyway”, you say.
He agrees and the two of you go your separate ways, you heading to your class and him heading to his.
Throughout the whole dull lecture you can’t help but check your messages every so often, just hoping that he’s texted you.
1.) Because you enjoy talking to him and 2.) Because the class is really that dull.
Feeling your phone vibrate, you open the messaging app to see about exactly what you expected.
The Lovely Kwon Soonyoung: “It's been thirty minutes and I already wanna die”
Your Phone: “Please don't, who else would I destroy at Mario Kart??”
The Lovely Kwon Soonyoung: “(╥﹏╥)”
Your Phone: “I'm kidding~! And actually I have something that I think might help. When’s your last class of the day end?”
The Lovely Kwon Soonyoung: “Like 5:30 in the Science building. Astronomy lecture”
Your Phone: “I'll meet you there with take out, alright?”
The Lovely Kwon Soonyoung: “my angel leads me through these dark times once again (ToT)”
Your Phone: “stop with the crying emoticons or I'm not buying you dinner”
The Lovely Kwon Soonyoung: “SIR, YES SIR!”
You can’t help but let out a small giggle as you go back to playing solitaire on your phone. 
Soonyoung’s gotta be the most beautifully ridiculous person you’ve ever met, but at least there’s never a dull moment when it comes to him.
A promise is a promise!! Which is why you find yourself sitting criss-cross on one of the benches outside the science building at about 5:30.
“What kind of person signs up for classes so late in the day,,,,,” you mumble to the bag of Chinese food in your lap.
“THIS GUY!!”, an all too familiar voice shouts from behind you.
You turn to glare at Soonyoung but find it difficult once you see his signature cheesy grin.
A brief walk and much too crowded elevator ride later, you and Soonyoung sit on his bed as you explain your idea to him (and break into the lo mein)
"You're frustrated because you can't express yourself, right?,” you ask.
"Exactly. I don't know what to do with myself if I'm not able to dance"
"That's exactly it- dance isn't the only form of self expression. There's singing, art, photography, scrapbooking, instruments, graffiti-"
"I can barely stand on these crutches and you want me spray painting under bridges,,,," Soonyoung complains.
"You know what I mean. There are other things we can do"
"We?,” he says with a playful smile.
"I- I didn't mean like,,,, you can do whatever you want on your own, you don't have to include me-"
"Hey! Hold up, I was just playing around. I want to spend time with you. Who else will make fun of me when my stick figures end up looking like a bunch of random lines?", he says.
"That's true. Alright, I'll be right back", you say, getting up and heading to the door.
"What? Where are you going?"
"I'm going to go get some glitter pens and paper from my desk, geez. Clingy much?"
"I can't help it, I just want to be with you,,,," he says jokingly, but you blush regardless.
That comment sends you flying out of the room before your heart beats out of your chest.
Being around Soonyoung goes from "we're comfortable friends" to "ahahaha yeah but I adore him" way too quickly to be able to cope properly.
Taking a moment to recover, you wander back across the hall with paper and pens in hand, plopping them down on Soonyoung’s bed.
The two of you spend the night doodling poor renditions of each other and drawing whatever comes to mind.
Honestly, you can’t imagine any other way you’d rather spend your time. With Soonyoung, you have the most fun and feel the most comfortable.
Your other friends are great, don’t get the wrong idea, but with Soonyoung there’s just something,,,, different.
Like if the people in your life were cupcakes, he’d be the one with sprinkles and edible glitter on top. He’s that special.
The next few days, and before you know it- weeks- go by with you and Soonyoung exploring new crafts and spending every free moment together.
Your usual table and friends that you eat lunch with have been bombarded with Soonyoung and his gang of hyper boys (Chan, Seokmin, Seungkwan, and the occasional Mingyu)
Luckily they all get along, and are enjoyable to be around. Even if the table is much more cramped and significantly louder than before.
Most of your time is spent with one another though, whether it be trying and hopelessly failing to fold paper cranes or even looking up YouTube videos of “How to Mime Like a Pro”
The more time you spend together, the more difficult it becomes to deny your feelings for him.
Especially because he’s prone to saying flirty things in such a deadpan tone that it’s hard to tell if he’s joking. But he does it so frequently that you’re pretty sure he has feelings with you. He doesn’t flirt with anyone else like that from what you’ve seen.
He may seem like an open book, but a lot of the time it’s hard to tell what he’s really thinking
So you do the Logical Person thing and vow to never talk about your feelings for fear of making it Weird
Which wasn’t too bad at first,,,, but after spending an ungodly amount of time together, you’re so smitten for him it’s all you can think about.
And you need to think about your GPA. Emotions are becoming genuinely distracting.
But alas, your persist out of sheer stubbornness (and fear of rejection)
One day, you’re doing your usual “out and about, creative task” with Soonyoung and it happens to be photography, one of your personal favorites.
The combination of doing things you love with the person you’re crushing hard on has you smiley the entire time, and Soonyoung notices.
“You’re in quite a good mood today? Something I should know about?”, he asks.
“Things seem to be falling into place, ya know? The beginning of the semester was so hectic but now that I’ve gotten into more of a routine, everything seems,,, okay. Better than okay, even”, you answer, snapping a few shots of Soonyoung dramatically posting on a bench.
“Yeah, I mean you didn’t have me at the beginning of the year”, Soonyoung comments nonchalantly as you almost drop your much-to-pricey camera.
“I,,,, I mean yeah,,, there’s other things too though”
“Another man? Hmm… so I’ve got competition, huh?”
Heart feeling like it’s gonna burst out of your throat, instead of amused and flattered with his usual flirty nature, you find yourself frustrated. 
Unable to hide your change in mood, you lower the camera.
Soonyoung stands up off the bench and wobbles on over to you. Usually you’d try and meet him halfway but you’re too lost in thought. Perceptive as he is, of course he notices.
“Hey, are you okay? I’m just messing with you”, he says, probably trying to be comforting but it feels like you can’t breathe.
“Are you though? Just messing with me?”, you begin to snap, unable to keep how you really feel inside even a moment longer.
“What? I would never”
“Okay, then what’s your goal? To endlessly flirt with me but never actually make a move? What’s your end-game, here? To lead me on until you find someone better??”
“...there isn’t someone better. There isn’t anyone better”, he says softly, taking a few slow steps closer to you.
“Then do something about it”, you say quietly, looking up into his eyes with such ferocity it makes his own eyes widen.
“Fine! Maybe I will, then”, he snaps.
Soonyoung drops his crutches (practically throws them, honestly), swings one arm around your waist and pulls you towards him. More gently now, he cups your right cheek and kisses you with such passion that you kind of forget to breathe.
Much too quickly for your liking, he pulls away and lets you go. Neither of you say anything.
It’s the slightest bit awkward and a lot of things have been left unsaid,,,, but after that kiss you mostly get where he’s coming from
So you raise your camera and aim to take a photo of him. To your surprise, he bursts into laughter.
And so you do too.
For the next half hour or so, it becomes a game of camera tag essentially,
Soonyoung’s current state gives you an unfair advantage of catching up to him quite easily to try and snap unflattering photos of him.
At one point, he shuffles out of your sight. As you swing around a tree to continue your search, you end up crashing straight into him, sending both of you crashing to the ground.
If it weren’t for the autumn leaves, it probably would’ve hurt a lot more than it did.
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?”, you ask, laying on Soonyoung’s chest.
“Dude forget me- is the camera okay? It’s like 600 bucks!”, he says.
“I don’t care about that! You’re more important than a stupid camera”, you gripe and to your surprise, he starts blushing.
“I,,, didn’t realize I meant that much to you”
“More than 600 dollars?”
“No, I mean,,,,, I thought you were just spending time with me because you felt bad that I got myself injured”, he confesses.
“Wha- Soonyoung. We literally just kissed earlier today. I don’t kiss people out of pity”
Cue more blushing from both parties
“,,,well that’s good,,,, because I like you,,, and stuff”, he mumbles, making every effort to avoid eye contact (even though you’re literally On him).
“Well I like you too and stuff. So I’ll even consider helping you up”, you say, grinning so hard your cheeks muscles begin to ache.
The rest of the day with Soonyoung goes by mostly normally, not including the hand holding and even more blatant cheesy flirting.
You guys make it official a few days later after Soonyoung overthinks everything and texts you at 4 am on a Tuesday to Confirm that you actually wanna be his s/o
To which you reply “yea. now go to sleep loser<3”
Y’all have a very chill and sweet relationship.
You’re super duper comfortable, but like,,,, almost too comfortable in the eyes of your friends.
Soonyoung will let out the most mighty burp and instead of being grossed out, you just give him a score out of ten.
“What do you mean five?! Did you hear that??”
“Five and a half. You can do better and you know it”
And after a little while, Soonyoung gets his cast off!!
He goes back to dancing, and every day you text him “be careful you f o o l” right before his classes. Because even though he’s healed, that isn’t gonna stop you from worrying.
You thought that once he got back to dancing, he might not wanna draw and take photos with you anymore, but honestly it’s the opposite.
He’ll barge into your dorm room and say something along the lines of “if I have to do one more pirouette I’m gonna do a stag leap off the roof of the student union” and then doodle various farm animals with you.
This happens more often than he’d like to admit, but you thoroughly enjoy his company regardless.
He also gets to vent while drawing, so that’s a plus, too. He’s the kind of guy that has trouble telling people when he’s feeling down, so you appreciate that he’ll talk to you about it.
Overall, y’all relationship is cute and goals, even if it began in the most unconventional way.
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toysoldiers-rwby · 4 years
Deleted Scene
Show Your Teeth Ch. 3
A/N: I had to remove this scene because it derailed from the plot too much. its around 3k so I might touch this up as a oneshot, idk. unedited, unfinished
Rating: Explicit. Minors turn away! (tagged as thoorist)
Tags: nsfw, wet dream, sexual tension, praise kink, temp play, threesome
Dinner was… odd. For one they weren't up in Atlas Academy, eating a care package Klein and Weiss sent or causing trouble in the mess hall. They were on the floor of Robyn's apartment, surrounding a stained and uneven coffee table.
Eating food that was dropped off by a mysterious Thief capable of hacking into Atlas' network.
And it was peaceful.
With two of the hottest heads in Atlas Academy.
Fiona gave her elites worried glances. In her head she could hear Winter huff and puff about eating evidence. While Winter wasn't as by-the-book as Vine this was the only clue they had to find the Thief that *hacked into Atlas.* And as a daughter of one of the richest families she could be poisoned or drugged. May would normally be barking over every little thing, such as Robyn sitting too close or staring too long at Fiona. Instead they were… docile.
They lived up in Atlas all their lives. This was their second time in Mantle. Everything they wanted was at their fingertips while Mantle had to scavenge for their scraps. Including fighting for the attention for the people that was supposed to protect them. The Thief had to trick them in kill Grimm!
Fiona sighed and slipped another piece of stuff chicken into her mouth. She kept her worried glances on her teammates and listened to the only conversation. Robyn and Joanna was talking about logistics and timing, the planning it would have taken the Thief to make the food and deliver it.
"There's no way they made the food," Robyn said. She plucked a stuff mushroom from the center and held it out to Joanna. "This takes way too much time!"exp
"It's called meal prep. If you'd stop passing me all the cooking jobs you'd know," Joanna said with a slight grin. Robyn frowned, glaring lightly before tossing the mushroom into her mouth. Joanna held up an empty plate. She pointed to the restaurant logo on it. "These were stolen and the restaurants around here definitely don't cook like this."
"It is too good to not be homemade," Robyn gradually conceded. "But she must live-"
Fiona heard the sharp whine before everyone else. Her ears immediately pointed at May as she twitched a little. The noise completely caught Winter off guard. She nearly dropped the spool of fire Dust she was playing with, head jerking to look at May. The usually angry women whined again, pitching low into a groan as her eyes tried to fluttered open. She was awake long enough to snuggle into Winter's shoulder and immediately fell back asleep, mouth open and soft snores coming from her. Fiona grinned and giggled behind her hand. For such an elite she was wore herself on her sleeves.
"At least she finished her plate," Winter said with a soft sigh. She looked conflicted, wanting to relax but her guarded blue eyes wouldn't stray from the Mantle pair for long.
"Maybe you three should take my bed…" Joanna muttered. Winter's cold demeanor slowly shifted to Joanna in that calm furious way. The biggest tell this time was the bright heated glow from the spool of fire Dust. "I'm- I'm crashing with Robyn," the giant quickly explained. "My bed's bigger and I know you three are stressed right now."
"Plus you two are the most overprotective people we've met," Robyn added with her arms crossed. Fiona nodded in agreement before she could stop and stuck her tongue out when Winter frowned at her. "Would you two really let Fiona sleep in the living room in a stranger's apartment while you elites kick me out of my bed?"
Winter blinked. Fiona could sense the tension fading from the Schnee's body. Her body didn't actually relax but the dimming glow of the fire Dust gave the illusion of it. Winter ate one last stuffed mushroom. "Huh," She said. Robyn and Joanna waited for more acknowledgement or appreciation but Winter only closed her eyes. Signaling the end of that conversation.
Robyn scowled and Fiona stepped in to try and pacify her, "Thanks. It's… it's been tough but I'm sure it'll better now that we have a fourth member, right?" She looked at her teammates.
May was drifting into deep sleep and Winter was softly glaring at her partner.
"Ideally," Winter replied only after Fiona cleared her throat. Winter picked up May and Joanna guided the trio to her room. Fiona tried not to imagine all the hard muscles in Winter's back and arms as she set May on the bed. She just moved her partner around so effortlessly…
"Sorry we don't have any extra clothes or toothbrushes for you," Joanna mumbled.
"Oh, I think I have some actually," Fiona said. She concentrated and flexed her hand, recalling the memories associated with the object.
It was a conversation after a surprise trip out of the Kingdom when a Search and Destroy suddenly became a Search and Rescue. Thankfully it was a success but the elites would not stop complaining about their hair. Or maybe it was a break in the usual routine that pissed them off?
Fiona manage to exude two toothbrushes and… a hair brush with long blue hair. "Damn it, May," Fiona sighed. "I guess it's a good thing she's asleep."
"She usually doesn't tire so easily…" Winter said softly. Fiona leaned to the side to see her hand linger through May's hair as she brushed it out of her face. Fiona started her suspicion count then, even if she had several ones before it. "Maybe Weiss and Klein are right. We need a break."
"Or a date," Joanna mumbled too softly for the humans to hear. Fiona's ears perked up. She silently gasped up at Joanna who tried not to blush and fidget. Joanna cleared her throat, "Maybe you three can go shopping tomorrow? To blend in better."
"That's a good idea," Robyn said walking up and showing her Scroll. It was a map of the neighborhood. Specifically an oval encompassing the… street Fiona blew up and Robyn's apartment building. "The Thief had time to swing by their home and beat us here. They're fast but we should start our search here."
"Agreed," Winter said with a nod. She slipped her usual tie loose and undid a few buttons on her shirt and cuffs. Obviously undressing for bed.
Robyn smirked. Fiona could tell another sly remark was on her lips but Joanna quickly shoved her friend out of the room, "Goodnight! Bathroom is on at the end of the hall!" Winter sneered watching the pair retreat to Robyn's room and quietly closed the door behind them.
Fiona closed her eyes, ears wiggling in their direction, "I wasn't going to insult them," she could hear Robyn pout. "In fact I had very nice things to say."
"Do you really want to get between whatever those elites have-" Joanna cut herself off with a sigh. If Fiona's answer was 'Yes, I'd love to get between the pair of sexy elites' Robyn was probably in the same boat. She could imagine Robyn's smug face and Joanna's tired exhaustion. "I will kick you out of your own bed if you don't behave."
"Yes, ma'am," Robyn said with a laugh. The sound made Fiona's ears flutter and her eyes slowly opened. It was… soft and gentle in a way she didn't expect for such an arrogant women.
Fiona finally closed the door and when she turned to the bed she saw a nearly nude Winter hovering over May. This time Fiona treated herself to Winter's sculpted muscles, the old light catching her pale skin and highlighting all the right planes as she breathed and shifted. Fiona only wished she was in her usual night lace. Maybe had her hair down completely down but it gave Fiona odd butterflies knowing it was done by May.
Hearing the door clicked close Winter glanced over her shoulder, revealing a frown, "May still has dirt and rubble on her clothes." Fiona walked over and May's shirt and pants. She concentrated. Separating closely touching objects was always harder. She focused on the coat and shirt, the little bits of rocks and dirt. She imagined May out of the designer cloths- standing nude in their dorms.
Her semblance activated, clothes absorbing into her and leaving… May in her a simple bra and boyshorts. Fiona exuded May's clothes with a relieved sigh. She was _never_ doing that again... not while she was teased and pent up. Fiona tried shaking out all the small rocks before folding them neatly next to Winter's cloths and finally slipping out of her own thick clothing. Feeling the difference Fiona made a quick list of what shops to drag the pair to in the morning. Hopefully Robyn would have some proper coats for the pair. She closed the lights and finally got in bed.
Fiona didn't realize she was in the middle of her two elites until she was already settled in. She was sure Winter had a crush on May… if that was true wouldn't she want to sleep next to her? Winter caught her confused frown through her Scroll, "I'll be up a little longer and you get restless with stranger's scents, right?"
Fiona blushed and nodded. As a Faunus her senses were sensitive and she was just wired a little differently. Unfamiliar meant dangerous and dangerous sent her flight or fight intincts into overdrive. During a stay in a hotel she accidentally kicked May out bed in her sleep because it smelled of so many people. Joanna's bed was earthy and deep with hints of rain. It was nice but still unfamiliar.
There was a brief light and the sound of a Glyph being summoned. That finally stirred May enough, but only to turn away from it and drape an arm on Fiona. Winter smiled. A lot more open than usual in the dark and obscured through the hard-light screen. She always looked better when she wasn't acting like the perfect soldier. The thought stunned the little sheep long enough for Winter to wrap the scarf loosely around her neck.
Fiona closed her eyes and took a deep breath. May always smelled like flowers for some reason, fresh snow. Her ears wiggled happily.  "Goodnight, Win. Don't stay up too late."
"Goodnight. Don't let May drool all over the scarf." Winter said. Fiona giggled, nestling into the stranger's blankets and pillows with a warm and familiar arm comforting her and two blue eyes watching over them.
Even with the scarf Fiona didn't sleep through the night. Her sharp ears picked up noises from the window or a trip to the bathroom. Sometimes there was a small jerk, flight instincts kicking in.
The first time May grumbled and flailed for her hand to hold tight. The second time, Fiona kicked Winter causing her to drop her Scroll onto her face. The third time both her elites groaned and pinned her in. May spooned her tightly from behind and Winter threw a tired arm over the pair, finally giving up on her Scroll.
Fiona wasn't sure if she fell asleep after that. She did slip into a haze, just barely aware of Winter's lace bra against her smaller chest and her cool breath blowing across their shared pillow and into Fiona's cheeks. It created such a sharp contrast with May's warm body, nearly every inch of available skin pressed against Fiona.
Time was measured in breaths and with each breath it sent a shock through Fiona's system. Each breath May nuzzled closer, slowly pushing her to Winter's chest then firmly until they were nose to nose. Another deep breath and they were another inch closer.
Winter sighed, eyes slipping open. They were bright, glowing blue in the dim lights of Mantle. Fiona wondered if the human had enough light to see. Her eyes were wandering yet it always found Fiona's lips.
"Still can't sleep, Thyme?"
Fiona blinked. The aloof tone was far too hot to be real. This was a dream. Fiona closed her eyes and took a deep breath. May shifted again and Winter's cool lips were on hers-
Warm hands were suddenly heavy and wandering. Fiona whimpered as hot lips met her shoulders. Nibbles turn to bites as May's wandered up her shoulder to her neck. The hot and cold from her elites causing her head to spin and blood to rush down to between her legs. Winter stole every moan with a Schnee demanding kiss.
A kiss that so hot it caused Fiona's ears to fan back and forth and body to kneel and arch into her. So hot, her heart couldn't beat and even May's dull scratches were cool. For a moment Fiona only felt hot and wet. A low throb in her clit pulsing with every angry line May left on her hips and abdomen.
"Don't be selfish, Schnee," May breathed. Hot breath cooling the wet spot on her neck. Then it felt like electricity as her teeth sunk in deep. Winter pulled back, finally a moan with her partner. Hearing herself so loud after all the whispers… feeling herself drip and soak for her teammates dragged Fiona's mind deeper into a haze.
"Careful," Winter whispered into her cheek. She tried to push the words into her skin with a kiss there and another inching down her jaw. "Our host might hear you."
"I don't care," Fiona mumbled. May tore her lips away, pulling and pinching skin. Another jolt rocked Fiona's body. Her ass grinding back on May. The Marigold took in a shuddering breath, the hot and solid member taking them both by surprise. "Fuck, May…"
"Keep that up, little sheep," May husk. One of her wandering hands clawed a firm grip on her hips. Even through both their underwear, Fiona could feel a slick hot trail growing between her cheeks.
"And we'll do more than fuck you." Winter finished her hands finally on Fiona only to selfishly pull her away from May and onto her thigh by her ass. May followed fast and hard, being pulled into a kiss by Winter. Her teammate's dick grinded hard on her ass, pressing her wet clit hard on Winter's thigh.
Fiona was seeing stars. Specifically in her teammates bright eyes whenever they pulled away from a breath. Especially when her elites gazed down through long lashes. May growled, frustrated and low as her grinding increased. Winter's hand twisted around, cupping her partner through two pieces of cloth.
At first Fiona cried at the loss but then begged as Winter started slipping both their underwear down.
Then Winter pulled back from the kiss. The grin far too wicked, "Sorry Marigold," was the only warning Fiona had before long slender fingers pushed in-
"F-Fuck!" Fiona cried and arched. Her teeth sunk into whatever was in front of her. Winter's fingers curled and pushed with no resistant until Fiona was squeezing all three knuckles.
"Selfish as always, Schnee," May said. Her voice might have been even but she sounded content. Fiona almost wish she had a chance to catch her breath like May, but then Winter wiggled her fingers and she bit into her chest again, trying in vain to muffle her cry and to still her fluttering ears. She couldn't… not with Winter toying with her. Coiling the low heat in her belly like she was tuning a violin.
Fiona tried to keep track of May's presence. But her world slowly narrowed down to the slow thrusting and two fingers. In and out. Always hitting the front wall. Slowly picking up pace and power until the little sheep was straddling her hips and buckling to keep position.
May would suddenly appear. Hands peeling off their remaining clothing or just as a disembody voice whispering against the back of Fiona's neck.
"Look at her take it," May said. "Think she'll cum before I get to fuck her?"
"Maybe," Winter said. May was barely a presence. Just a warm hand that gripped Fiona's neck and pressed her face into Winter's exposed breast.
"Be good, and return the favor, Fi." May ordered. All three of them groaned when Fiona's tongue brushed over Winter's skin. The cool was a shock and Fiona clenched around Winter's fingers. Winter gasped, back arching into Fiona's mouth. "Good… She ready?"
"Fuck…" Fiona moaned around Winter's nipple. Suddenly all she could focus on was the stretch and soft burn as Winter scissor her fingers as she pulled out.
"Wet enough? Yes. Loose enough," Winter mumbled into Fiona's hair. Slow. Her finger's re-entered Fiona so fucking slow! She tried to buck down but a damn Glyph appeared around her waist to hold her still. "Maybe. You're surprisingly big, Marigold."
"Hm… how about it Fi?" May asked. Fiona felt warm hands spread her wet lips and search. Fiona cried, her clit finally exposed. Then she felt May's cock twitch and pulse against her lips. Up, head brushing against her sensitive nub and down her shaft. Down each vein, down and down until finally May's hips met her ass. Fiona was out breath, panting across Winter's flushed breast. "Too big?"
"I…" Fiona tried to look down but May's other hand tilted her head up. She was locked onto yellow eyes with their lips almost brushing. "Again- May!" Fiona threw her head back, jerking out of May's grip as the Marigold thrusted her hips again.
With impossible accuracy her head brushed against her clit. No matter how fast May was Fiona was breathless when their hips met. The dragging and soft veins, Winter's scissoring and fingering hands- suddenly pulled out.
"No! Please!" Fiona cried. Her hips chased those cool fingers but the Glyph didn't let her move.
"Aw, I think our little lamb was close," Winter said.
"Don't worry, Fi," May said with a growling chuckle. Her lips was back, hovering over her. Finally her dick was lined and pressing at Fiona's entrance.
"We'll always take care of you." Winter finished. Her lips sealed over Fiona's, stealing another moan as May finally-
Pushed in. Fiona's ears fluttered and her back arched. The stretch... it was a pleasent and burned all the air in her lungs.
pushed in.
With all the teasing the pair had done entry was smooth. Almost embarrassingly so but even with Winter's warning and fingers, Fiona wasn't expecting the feel of May's girth. May was panting above her. Fingers trembling on Fiona's hips as she kept the pressure consistent. There was barely a jerk when the head completely slipped past the entrance. Instead May had to take pause and gasp for air.
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uno-reverse-fic · 4 years
Chapter 21
A loud groan escaped Bakugo's mouth, waking you from a dreamless sleep.
"Tonight just isn't my night is it?" He sighed. The clock read 2:00 am, an hour had passed since you had first drifted off. Bakugo wrapped his fingers carefully around you and slid out of bed. He brought his hand up to his shoulder, placing you on it, you steadied yourself and slipped down to a seated position, holding onto his neck for support.
Bakugo didn't bother taking the elevator, instead he went for the stairs in an attempt to wear tiredness into himself. He trudged into the kitchen, towards the fridge. His hand gripped the cold metal handle and he opened the fridge door. Your stomach groaned loudly at the sight of all the food. Bakugo's eyebrow quirked, and although he couldn't quite see you from your position on his neck, he swore you were drooling. You were. His hand reached towards a container that held leftovers from what you assumed to be breakfast. Your stomach groaned louder. Bakugo looked somewhat surprised at the sound, but shut the fridge door and opened the lid of the container, placing it in the microwave. The smell of the food wafted through the air, making your stomach growl even louder, and earning a low chuckle from Bakugo.
"So about tomorrow." You felt his voice flow through his neck as he spoke.
"I was thinking we could head out around 11:00 pm. I'll probably have to set my alarm though, just in case I fall asleep, so don't let me forget about that." He was definitely a lot calmer in the middle of the night.
The beep of the microwave sounded, and once again so did your stomach. Bakugo piled some fried rice onto a plate, and grabbed a pair of chopsticks from the kitchen drawer. He set the plate down on the counter and pulled up a stool, then reached up to grab you off his shoulder and placed you on the counter as well. You stumbled over to the plate and grabbed a large piece of what looked to be chicken, but it was noticeably larger than your torso. You bit into it without a second thought, confirming your previous assumption with the fact that it was indeed chicken.
"Also one more thing." Bakugo said through a mouth full of food,
"I am aware that I'm not as much of a jerk at night, it's because I'm too tired to care. But, under NO circumstances are you allowed to speak anything of this. No jokes, no blackmail, nothing whatsoever, not even to me, got it?" You looked at him, slightly wide-eyed and surprised at the sudden force in his tone, but you nodded in understanding nonetheless.
The two of you ate in relative silence after that, exchanging glances every now and then at the most. You weren't even half done your piece of chicken before your stomach was full. You put down your leftovers on the edge of the plate and wiped off the sauce on your face with your shirt. Bakugo grabbed the plate and walked over to the sink to wash it off, with your silver eyes following him.
"So this is really it?" You wondered out loud.
"Huh?" Bakugo asked, confused at your comment.
"I mean this is the end. After tomorrow everything will go back to normal, back to how it should be. This nightmare will finally be over with." You sighed with relief at that thought.
"Nightmare? Seriously? You're exaggerating."
"Oh yeah? You tell me how it feels to be two inches tall for a week. I'm physically and emotionally drained in every way. My body is aching, I'm practically starving, I'm living on barely any sleep..." You trailed off, Bakugo rolled his eyes at you, pretending to casually dismiss the fact that the majority of your pain was due to him. He walked over to where you were standing on the counter and reached out towards you, wrapping your small body in his fingers and sliding you into his sweatpants pocket.
He trudged back to his dorm room, exhausted but not quite tired enough to fall asleep. Turning the door knob with one hand he reached into his pocket with the other, his fingers wrapping around you once again, once inside he set you on the desk, and sat down. Looking down at your feet you could feel his gaze on you. While you fiddled awkwardly with your hands you tried not to look up at how sickeningly huge he was compared to you. Bakugo lowered his head, trying to get a better look at your blushing face so he could make a witty remark about it.
And then an idea struck him, a stupidly embarrassing idea, an idea that would completely ruin his reputation if anyone heard about it. But you wouldn't say anything if he actually went through with it. He knew you wouldn't want to even talk about the past week after tomorrow. So as stupid as it was he slowly started inching his face closer to you, too close for comfort apparently though because your head snapped up and you took a step back. He kept moving closer, and you continued to backpedal, keeping a good distance between the two of you, out of the corner of your eye you saw his arm move, you didn't pay much attention to it until you backed into something.
You glanced behind you to see Bakugo's hand blocking you from moving any further, and that was all it took, a single glance. You felt something heavy push onto your chest, and when you turned back around you almost screamed. Bakugo's face was right in front of you. The tip of his nose pressed against your chest and pinned you to his hand. You felt your face heat up and you quickly looked away, hoping to stop your embarrassment from building too much.
Once you calmed down a bit you tipped your head back upward to meet Bakugo's gaze, which was locked onto you. His spiky bangs hung just above his gigantic, bright, scarlet eyes, they seemed to glow in the dark room. The only light was coming from a lamp in the corner, which was positioned in such a way that it casted a perfect dim, yet dramatic, yellow glow across the room. Bakugo could feel your tiny hands gripping the top of his nose, he could see your blushing face, and your silver eyes were wide with surprise. You could feel his warm breath on your legs,
"What's with the red face?" His voice was smooth, and laced with a mocking tone. He quirked his eyebrow slightly as the corners of his lips tilted into a smirk, and his eyes narrowed into a sly expression. You felt your face heat up again, you knew you looked like an absolute idiot, at least this was the last night you'd have to spend like this.
He sighed, and you felt the warmth of his exhale ghost over your body. His eyelids fell closed and his nose pressed harder into your chest as his muscles relaxed and he slipped into a deep sleep. With the extra weight pinned on your chest it became harder to breath, you had to put in a much greater deal of work just to fill your lungs with air. Although the extra pressure was uncomfortable and annoying, it wasn't quite suffocating. You struggled to free yourself, pushing as hard as you could against Bakugo's face, but no matter how hard you tried nothing worked.
After about half an hour you slumped forward onto Bakugo's nose, exhaustion draining your body. Your chest heaved, beads of sweat slowly rolled down the back of your neck and your forehead. A long sigh escaped your own mouth, with a mixture of annoyance and relief, once again at the fact that this was finally the end.
"Bakugo?" His eyes opened halfway, and his eyebrow quirked upward.
"Did I wake you?" You asked with a slight, worried tone. He closed his eyes and grunted, not completely answering your question.
"Could you move?"
"Why not?!" You protested.
"Don't want to." He argued.
"Come on! Please? I hate being pinned down like this!" You whined. After some back and forth of argumentation he finally gave in, in a rather spiteful way too. He raised his head and pushed himself away from the desk.
"Ya know what fine. I'll move. In fact because you want me to move so badly I'll go all the way over here." He walked over to the bed and flopped onto it. It was only a few steps away for him, but he knew it felt like a mile to you. Getting down from the desk alone would be quite hard, so you decided to spend the night on the hard, wood. At least it was better than being pinned in one place for the whole night.
It was hard to fall asleep at first and another half-hour passed by before you finally started to drift off. However with your horrible luck, just as you were about to fall asleep you were jolted wide awake once again by the ominous turn of the doorknob. The door slowly creaked open to reveal a baffled Todoroki who was staring at the doorknob with utter shock, clearly not expecting it to be unlocked. His face settled back into its monotone expression for a moment before his eyes landed on you. Surprise filled his face again, and he looked at Bakugo, who was lying asleep on his bed, before tiptoeing into the room and over to you. You shook your head at him, backpedaling towards a stack of textbooks. He continued to move closer and when he finally reached you he held out his hand, waiting for you to climb on. You shook your head,
"I'm not coming with you." His head cocked to the side,
"Why not." He whispered. You climbed onto his hand, and he raised it up closer to his face.
"Bakugo and I are going to find the villain who did this tomorrow night so he can reverse the effect of his quirk." You explained to him. Todoroki nodded, but you stopped him before he lowered his hand back down.
"I want to ask a quick favor of you. If anything comes up, cover for us please. And one more thing, tell Kirshima I'm alright. He'll freak out otherwise, and I don't want him to worry too much. You know how he gets." Todoroki nodded again, before lowering you back onto the desk.
"Just... Be careful." He turned and left, giving you a quick, yet hopeful glance before he closed the door. You sighed with relief, thankful at how understanding he was about this.
"Ok but seriously Bakugo needs to lock his door, and what is with people and kidnapping me today?!" You muttered to yourself, before laying down again and slipping off to sleep for the next few hours before Bakugo's alarm clock would go off.
Before you knew it the sound of the alarm clock was blaring in your ears. A loud groan came from the blonde gremlin across the room, and the shuffling of socked feet on the floor told you it was time to get up yourself. You yawned and looked over to see Bakugo yanking off his shirt and tossing it onto his bed.
"aaAAH! Dude!" You screeched, turning away and tripping over your own feet. Bakugo rolled his eyes and walked over to pick you up, not bothering to put a shirt on before he did so.
"What? Never seen a guy shirtless before?" He said plucking you up by the back of your shirt.
"WhA- no! I mean yea! But at like the beach, or the pool! Not like this!" You gestured towards him, eyes shut tight for fear of a red face.
"Your pathetic." He told you, opening the desk drawer and dropping you in it. You were shut into darkness, but at least it was better than watching Bakugo strip down in front of you. You shuddered at the thought. The drawer opened a few minutes later to reveal Bakugo, staring down at you with boredom.
"Up!" You said, sticking your arms up in the air towards him like a little kid. He rolled his eyes before lifting you out of the drawer.
"Demanding aren't we?" He said, sliding you into his blazer pocket. Grabbing his backpack, Bakugo slung it over his shoulder, careful not to harm the tiny person that resided in his pocket. He opened the door, and for once locked it on his way out. Not that it needed to be locked this time.
Ignoring all the banter of the morning, he silently continued on with his day, not interacting or conversing with anyone. You on the other hand were itching to return to your normal size, and join in with whatever was going on outside the confinement of Bakugo's pocket. You were never going to take being 5'5 for granted again. And you couldn't wait to take a shower, to scrub off the disgusting feeling that had been building for the past few days, and to wash all your worries away with a little soap and water. You were also quite grateful for the fact that your hair didn't tangle easily, so you wouldn't have to struggle through brushing out all of the knots that would have accumulated during the past week. That was one of the many traits you thanked your family for.
"my family..." You whispered out loud, lost in thought. That was another thing. You had to become a hero. For the sake of him. For the promise you made all those years ago. And you couldn't do that if you were 2 inches tall.
The amount of sleep you had last night was not going to sustain you for the rest of the day and tonight. You tried as hard as you could to fall asleep, but the suspense was killing you, and nothing was working. So you sat in silence and anticipation in Bakugo's pocket for the rest of the day, or at least until tireless finally overcame and you drifted off.
The lunch bell finally rang, releasing the students from the dreadfulness of their morning classes. Bakugo slugged towards a table in the back of the lunch room, hoping to eat in peace for once. He set the tray of food on the table, and let out a long sigh, before carefully slipping his hand into his pocket to pull you out. His fingers gently grazed over your tiny body, stirring you from sleep. He took one last careful glance around before curling his fingers around you and pulling you out of his pocket. He kept his hand just below the edge of the table, as to not draw too much attention to the situation at hand, or rather, in his hand. You looked up into his ruby eyes with drowsiness, still not fully awake. Your stomach groaned, as the smell of food filled your nose. Your head whipped around to see a giant tray of food above the horizon of the table's edge. Drool started to pool in your mouth, and to your dismay, you were lowered down to the seat on the other side of Bakugo. He sat you down next to him, before tearing off a piece of chicken and handing it you you with his chopsticks. You gratefully accepted the food that had been given to you, but you slightly longed for something other than meat. You quickly pushed those thoughts down as you bit into the food, and finally remembered the delicious taste of the school cafeteria.
Bakugo pulled the edge of his blazer around you, to further conceal you from view, he didn't need anyone further messing up his plans to fix this mess. But it seemed his actions were only in vain, because a certain red-headed classmate of his was already strutting his way in Bakugo's direction, with an entourage of course.
"Hey Bakubro!" Krishima called, Bakugo stiffened next to you, his muscles noticeably tense.
"What do you want dumb hair?" He said through gritted teeth.
"Weeeell, I was just wondering if we could join you— THANKS!" He said sliding next to Bakugo, and not giving him any time to object.
"Plus we wanna see how Surō's doing!" Kaminari added, earning glares from the other three.
"Who?" Bakugo asked, his voice cool, and unwavering, the trademark of a good lier.
"Uhm Surō, you know, your classmate? The girl you've been carrying around in your pocket for the past week?"
"I'm sorry what?" Bakugo asked giving the other blonde a confused glare.
You had tuned out of the conversation, too absorbed in eating to even realize anyone else had come along. You felt Bakugo's hand cup protectively around you, and only then did you notice the four other presences around the table. You inched closer to him, and finished off your last bite of chicken. Out of the corner of his eye, Kirshima caught the subtle movement of Bakugo's hand, but he didn't say anything about it.
"Come on dude, you gotta know something. Do you seriously not know who she is?" Kaminari pressed.
"Nope, unless your talking about that weirdo who left about a week ago." At this your head shot up, and you glared in his direction, making sure to elbow his thigh as hard as you could. You'd give him an earful for that later, he was not going to get away with calling you a weirdo.
"We're not going to get anything out of him Kaminari, come on lets go." Mina said, nudging the pikachu in the arm.
"Ugh, fine." He replied, finally giving in. As the three of them got up to leave, Kirshima lingered, telling them he'd catch up to them after lunch. He slid around to the other side of the table, giving Bakugo a bit of space, he looked around one last time before leaning in close to make sure no one else heard him.
"Ok dude, I saw that." He gestured towards Bakugo's hand.
"I know she's here, and I know your just playing dumb." Bakugo gave his friend a deadpan look.
"And I know she can hear me. I'm not saying I gotta see her, but I wanna tell her something. Hey Surō," your head perked up towards the direction of Kirshima's voice, ears intent on listening to whatever he had to say.
"Next time just tell me before you leave, I was really worried. And I'm not sure how you got word to Todoroki, but you should know he is NOT the inconspicuous type. He brought the subject up in the middle of a conversation with a bunch of other people. I had to drag him to the side before he said too much. So next time, try to avoid asking him to be your messenger, if possible." Kirshima said, worry still slightly laced in his tone. He gave Bakugo a pat on the shoulder before he left.
"Take care of her dude, I wish the two of you luck tonight. Oh and one more thing. Surō, I'm not mad. I just want you to be safe, thats all." And with that he left, leaving you and Bakugo alone once again.
You sat in Bakugo's desk, awaiting the ring of the bell that would announce the end of school. Bakugo's left hand sat comfortably around you, in a protective manner, as if he didn't want anyone else to come and take you from him. You were perfectly fine with that, the way his hand loomed over you defensively, it made you feel safe. Kirishma's words rang in your brain, as you contemplated his words. Now that you thought about it a bit more, you were slightly worried he was a mad about you leaving, but maybe it was just the anxiety kicking in. You leaned back into Bakugo's hand with a sigh, exhausted, yet still filled with anticipation. His thumb found its way to your head, and it rested there for a moment, before gently shifting its way down towards your back. He rubbed circles around your spine, in an effort to calm both you, and himself. You were glad he showed you this side of him, the caring and considerate part of his personality. It was nice, you liked it, and you think you were warming up to him too, just a bit though. You could feel your eyes falling closed, and before you knew it, you were falling asleep to the sound of Bakugo's pencil scribbling above you.
The gentle brush of fingers against your side stirred you from sleep. As Bakugo wrapped his hand around you, awareness slowly creeped into your brain.
"I didn't want to wake you, but I figured you'd want food rather than a few extra minutes of sleep." He explained, you nodded in agreement, confirming his assumption. He set you down on the edge of the plate, your drowsy eyes wandered around the room, and you took in the familiarity of his dorm. He nudged a piece of food your way, and without a second thought you grabbed it and bit into it, easing any hunger that had started to boil in your stomach.
As the two of you ate, bits and pieces of conversation were tossed lightly into the air. Throughout the past week the two of you had gotten to know each other a bit more, and Bakugo was no longer an explosive jerk to you. He could be quite charming at times, and although he got on your nerves, you learned to get along. He wasn't the most fun to be around, but he was all you had.
After the two of you finished eating he got up to go wash the dining ware and put it away. Not even five minutes after he left the room, the same ominous knock on the door, almost like a curse. This time though, the person behind the noise merely slid an envelope under the door. You could just barely make out your name written on the top, which clearly meant it was someone who already knew about you, or someone slipped up on your secret. You heard some yelling down the hall, before Bakugo opened the door, and slammed it shut behind him. There was no doubt now that the letter was from Midoriya.
"Damn nerd." Bakugo mumbled, as he picked up the letter on the ground almost expectantly.
"This is for you." He said as he tossed the envelope your way, before flopping onto the bed. It was a bit hard to tear open the letter on your own, but by some miracle, you managed to do so. You slid a folded piece of paper—which was just about the size of you—out of it and began reading.
"Hey Surō! Its Midoriya, just checking in and wishing you luck tonight, word got around to me from Kirishima. We'll try to keep Todoroki from revealing the ~secret~! Haha, see you soon!"
You smiled at the note, letting out a small laugh, and unknowingly perking Bakugo's attention. He glanced up from his phone to meet your gaze, you smiled at him, and you could've sworn you saw him sneak a smile right back. You slid the paper back in the envelope, and pushed it aside, leaning back against a textbook, you let out a relieved sigh.
After about a half-hour Bakugo finally grew bored with his phone and slugged over to you. He pulled the desk chair out and sat down, leaning over and resting his chin on his arm.
"YouTube?" You questioned, hoping he understood what you were asking. He nodded in response and pulled his phone out again. You trotted over towards him, and climbed up onto his arm. Sliding down next to his face, you leaned into his cheek, as he pulled up the YouTube app.
The next few hours blew past, as the two of you recited Vines, and laughed. The clock on his wall chimed, telling you it was 8:00 you turned your head towards him,
"Don't forget to set an alar—"
"Already did." He said, cutting you off. He turned his phone off and set it to the side, before shifting a bit to rest the side of his face on the desk, his right hand rested beneath his head, and the left one cupped gently around you. As his eyelids slowly closed, he rested his thumb atop your head, and you saw the corners of his mouth tilt upwards the slightest bit.
You started to drift off yourself, until you noticed Bakugo's face. It was contorted in a mixture of worry, and fear, his eyebrows were furrowed, and you could feel him twitching the slightest amount. You unraveled yourself from his hand and gently padded over towards him. Hesitantly, you reached up to gently stroke the bridge of his nose, trying to ease the anxiety out of him, all while trying not to stir him from sleep. His face immediately softened at your touch, and he leaned into your hand, letting out a deep sigh. It startled you at first, thinking you had waken him up, but after that brief moment of hesitation, you leaned into him, resting your arms on his nose, and gently stroking back and forth, in a calming manner. After a few minutes you pulled away and ran your hand up towards his forehead, walking slowly in that direction yourself. You pulled away before you reached his scalp, turning to walk back towards his hand, but you paused, as a piece of his hair brushed lightly against your arm.
You slowly spun back around, curiosity shoving it's way into your brain, as you pondered the light brush against your arm. It was so delicate, and light, you hardly believed it came from the same blonde spiky hair you saw. Slowly stepping forward, you reached out your arm to feel that again, just to prove it wasn't your imagination. And then you felt it. Your fingers entwined with the straw-colored hair, and you almost gasped. The last thing you were expecting was for it to be soft.
"What the hell... this is witchcraft. What kind of sorcery conditioner is this?" You pondered under your breath. You stepped closer, running your tiny fingers along his scalp. You took another few steps, burying yourself in his blonde hair. You slid down and pulled your knees into your chest, pressing your side against his head, and letting the soft, blonde spikes of hair surround you as you finally drifted off to sleep.
The blaring sound of Bakugo's phone pulled you into the false reality that it was morning. When you looked at the clock on his phone you were slightly confused as to why it read 11:21 pm, but you quickly realized that it wasn't morning, and that by the time it was morning, you'd be 5'5 again. You turned the alarm off, and Bakugo stirred from sleep himself. After rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes, he looked at you with a sly grin that told you he knew something he shouldn't.
"So... last night. How'd you sleep?" He said, the grin growing with each word. Despite his devious look, you answered truthfully, yet still skeptical of his behavior.
"Pretty good... why." You stated it more as a demand, rather than a question.
"I'll keep a mental note to buy the same conditioner next time I'm out." Your face dropped in horror as his snicker morphed into a cackle.
"How much did you see." You demanded, not wanting him to get any implication that you cared about him.
"Hmm where do I start? Oh, I know... I woke up to the feeling of your fingers tracing my scalp, and then I heard you start muttering about my hair products." He said, letting out another cackle. You couldn't hide the relief you felt, he had only witnessed that part, and not you comforting him. You didn't want him getting the wrong idea.
"Ok, ok, calm down. Lets go already." You said trying to hurry things along.
"Fine," he said, grabbing a sweatshirt, and the bag he packed yesterday with a portable charger, and a few snacks. He lowered his hand down for you to climb on, before slipping you into his hoodie pocket, along with his phone.
Bakugo slipped out of the dorms, silent like a cat in the dead of night, no one would even notice they were gone. Once they were off campus, Bakugo reached into his pocket to grab both you, and his phone. He carefully placed you on his shoulder, stoping to make sure you were steady, before he started walking again. A chill ran up your spine as a cool breeze blew past, you pulled the hood of Bakugo's sweatshirt around your shoulders, and slid closer to his neck for warmth. Bakugo checked his phone to make sure he was going the right way, sliding his phone back into his pocket and turning it off as to conserve it's battery. He had no idea how long both of you would be searching for, but if he needed to call someone for help, his phone would be the quickest way to do so.
As Bakugo walked, you continued fantasizing about normality, you were almost giddy thinking about being your regular height again. Bakugo, on the other hand, was secretly hoping that he wouldn't be able to find the villain who did this, for his own personal reasons of course. He wound through alleyways, and side streets, trying to remember where the police station was, the streets of Japan were slightly harder to navigate during the nighttime.
A few minutes went by, and then those minutes morphed into a few hours. It was currently 3:46 am, the two of you had been searching for the past 4 and a half hours. You were just about to give in, when Bakugo told you to hang on, and started sprinting. Confused, and slightly scared you looked behind you to see nothing, and then you looked ahead. The end was finally in sight, and you couldn't help the smile that spread across you face as the police station came into view.
After some explaining, and pleading, to many different officers, the two of you were lead into a nearly empty room, with nothing but a man, who was unmistakably the one you were looking for.
"How long has it been? A week? I was waiting for you two to show up." He said, an ominous and shady aura radiated from him.
"YOU!" Bakugo exclaimed, pointing a finger at the villain.
"Such an accusatory tone! I have nothing to do with the matter." He smiled, showing rows of yellow teeth, his expression told you that he knew he was lying, and he knew it wasn't a good one either.
"FIX THIS NOW! OR SO HELP ME I WILL BLOW YOUR ASS INTO A MILLION PIECES!" Bakugo demanded, clearly expressing the over confidence he had over his quirk, and his ability to kill someone.
"Ohoho, easy there. If you kill me then your little friend will be stuck like that for the rest of her miserable life." The villain was calm, despite the death threat from an explosive blonde. Bakugo glared daggers at him,
"Fix. This. Now." He said slowly, pronouncing each word with careful ferocity.
"Well I'll need her for that." He said pointing a cuffed hand in your direction.
"That's not how my quirk works. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. So hand her over and this will all be over soon." The villain smirked, once again scaring you half to death.
"Fine." Bakugo hesitantly scooped you off his shoulder and handed you to the man in front of him, clearly not wanting to give in. But he had no choice if he was going to help you. He gave you an almost apologetic look, before the villain's fingers enclosed you in a tight fist. A moment later he roughly dropped you on the ground, and thats when you felt the horrible nausea and dizziness from earlier in the week.
Bakugo quickly dropped to his knees beside you, his fingers started to curl around your tiny form, before he noticed you starting to grow. Within a matter of seconds his hand no longer dwarfed you, and about a minute later you were the size of his forearm. He held you against his chest, his hands wrapped around your back, he could feel your size increasing against his body. You looked up at him, his crimson eyes filled with worry for some unknown reason. You pushed away from his hold, for once able to break free of his light trap. You plastered your hands against his face, which to you seemed to shrink in your hold.
"Bakugo. Look at me." His sorrowful, ruby eyes turned up to meet your gaze.
"Thank you." You said, before lunging to wrap your arms around his neck, for once having to bend down—even if it was slightly—to reach him. He stood up, and you had to tighten your grip to keep from falling off. You heard him let out a light chuckle, and soon enough your feet brushed the ground. You unraveled your arms from his neck, finally reaching your normal height.
Bakugo stepped back and gasped in surprise. Now that you weren't two inches tall, it was easier to see how banged up you were, bruises littered your arms and legs, and the bags under your eyes were quite noticeable, and so was how pale and skinny you were, clearly having seen little sun or food within the past week. The worst thing to Bakugo was the realization the he did this to you.
"There it is. The look everyone has after I remove my quirk effect." The villain mused,
"The look of fear, and horror when they realize what they did." You were completely oblivious to whatever they were saying, instead too occupied with being normal sized again. Bakugo glared at him, and the villain just smirked back.
"What are you smiling about? Its over. Your games have ended. We won." Bakugo declared, almost proud of himself. Almost.
"Ohoho, you thought this was the end? Well lemme burst your bubble blondie... this is only the beginning."
End Of Part 1
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Park Jimin/Reader [F]
Genre: College AU, Enemies->Friends->Lovers, Fluff
Warning(s?): Mentions of Drinking/Smoking, Jimin’s Tattoo
Words: 9.7k
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Summary: Park Jimin was a hot topic name floating around campus on the daily.  Always seen with a girl at his hip with a different girl on his thigh just a few days later.  Rumor has it he’s never had a fling with one girl lasting longer than a week.  With your gossip-addicted best friend and his friendship with Jimin, Jimin comes to learn about you.  A week isn’t so hard sticking around one girl, the hardest part is when day 7 stars approaching. So, he decides he wants to make a wish instead. Wishing on a dandelion has to work. 
a/n: this is sloppy bc I did it all in one sitting and I apologize
“I heard Jimin broke up with his girlfriend!”  The first thing you were greeted with at lunchtime and it was your overly excited, sparkly-eyed best friend.  He was always the one to get any and all gossip he could just because he wanted to be part of the circle of gaudy gossip.  You could care less about half the bull that comes out of his mouth.
“And why would I care?  What, is it his longest lasting relationship or something.  Wow, 5 days with the same chick, whoop-dee-doo.”  You slid into a cafeteria, blue chair unloading the tray filled with two wrapped chicken sandwiches and a styrofoam bowl of strawberries.  
“Oh come on, you can’t deny that it’s odd.  There’s talk about him actually liking this one, maybe he’ll go back in for a double dip.”  
You gagged.  “Eugh, can’t you go and tatter off to your other friends?  I don’t wanna hear anything about Jimin’s sex life, Jackson.”
Jackson slumped over in the seat next to you as he sighed dramatically into the air. He would always act like you just kicked over a tower of legos he spent 4 hours building whenever you would blatantly refuse to care about his gossip. It was no surprise that Jackson knew all the haps of anything ever.  He was a people person, who knew everyone ever it seemed.
If you called some random number over in LA, you had no doubt if you mentioned Jackson, they would answer back ‘oh, yeah I know him!’.  He’s been everywhere and you were always curious as to why.  He wasn’t a homebody by any stretch.  
“I can’t talk to other people about his hips girl, all because they’ve all been with him before.  You- albeit- haven’t! So, I can talk to you about him with a clean slate honey.”
“That reasoning and your stupid use of pet names have no correlation of why I need to hear it and I’ve also revoked your drunk stay over privilege until next Monday.”
Jackson gapped at you.
“Your couch is my drunk home! Don’t evict me you, she-devil!” He whapped at your shoulder and swapped right back to the topic at hand.  “Besides, I’m his friend, why aren’t you?”
“Do you really have to ask?  He doesn’t know I exist for one and I’d like to keep it that way.  All he’s gonna do is try and wedge his half-dollar-coin-sized dick between my legs.”
“Sometimes, you really do need to get laid.”
“If you don't think I won’t knee him in the balls if he comes even within a 4-foot radius of me, you’re wrong.”
Sensing the conversation die, Jackson finally moved onto a different topic altogether.  Even if the topic shifted from Jimin, the conversation he yapped your off about how unsanitary the school campuses bathroom is, was still far from welcome.
Munching on your food, and nearly finished Jackson stopped his yammering when someone clapped his shoulder.  Looking over his shoulder, he busted out into laughter at the irony as you could see their figure in the corner of your eyes.  Only offering a small and short eyeroll.
Park Jimin stood behind Jackson, his hand on his hip with a pair of shades and a beanie on his blonde head. His leather jacket covered his yellow flannel that hid his white tee with his jeans that were ripped at the thigh.  His biker boots were worn and frankly needed some care to them.
You remain unbothered and silent as the two began to speak to another.
“I was told to pass along the message,” Jimin said as he held out a small scrap of folded paper.  Taking it with a pluck, Jackson flipped it open and scanned the words written along it.  
“Right on, right on. Whose place is this one at?”
“Jin’s setting us up.”  Jackson whistled with a smirk.
“Of course.  Mr. Connections, always pulling through.”
Jimin nodded, Seokjin always had connections.  Be it with a house to throw parties or what flower shop to go to when your little 3-year-old niece wants a bouquet of daisies for her birthday. He always had a go-to.  Perks of being a rich kid who knew any and everyone with the social skills to back you up.  You’ve even asked him once if he knew a place in town that sold old, used textbooks. He was cocky about it, but at least he gave you an answer and a promise to save some money.
“Friday at 8.  Don’t forget like last time and show up at 3 when everyone is already passed out or getting fucked in a room, yeah?” Jimin quipped with a smirk on his face.  Jackson only rolled his eyes as he swiveled around to you, shoving the paper in your face as you popped a strawberry in your mouth.
Reading the words in sloppy handwriting, it looked like a kindergartner wrote it.  It just showed a location, a time and date.  Probably all the for party that you assumed to two were fawning over.  You shifted your eyes to look over the paper into Jackson’s face.  A gleam in his eyes and a smile on his face.  Far too suspicious.
“Why am I looking at this?”
“You’ve gotta come with me!”  You rolled your eyes as slapped the top of his hand, making him retracted it and rub at the skin with a pout. “Rude,” he muttered.
“If you think I’d enjoy being in a loud, sweaty, drunken club with all your frat friends looking for a night less than 20$ and 5 shots, you really need to revoke your friendship with me. I’d rather stare directly into a high voltage flashlight for 2 hours and go blind, thanks.”
You popped another strawberry into your mouth as Jackson laid his head down on the table and looked at you.  Lips pouted and eyelashes fluttering like a damsel in distress.  
“Not happening.”
“Okay okay,” he reasoned before he sat up and snapped his fingers.  A stupid plan forming in his head, you could feel it. “How about it’ll be a favor for me?  I’ll owe you one!” You sighed as you rubbed your forehead.  He was such a headache.  “Please, I won’t ask anything more for the rest of the month plus I’ll even owe you a favor.  Any favor, you know I'm down for anything.”
“So long as it doesn’t end up with you sitting in a holding cell?” You quipped with a smile as you remember back in high school he was running around town, causing all sorts of trouble with beer on his brain instead of logic.
“That was a long time ago! Let it die!” He whined.
As the two of you bickered, the both of you had failed to register Jimin still stood at the table.  Jimin knew a lot of the student body, even if the campus and college were diverse and huge.  Though, he hadn’t seen you before.  Arguing with Jackson about not wanting to come to a world-class frat party was amusing enough.  The fact that you seemed to know Jackson already, only made it better.  You probably had so much dirt on him it was laughable.
You seemed stubborn, probably annoyingly so.  He moved to rest his rear on the table top, lounging with one leg propped up as he watched you two.  He wasn’t needed here, he wasn’t required to stay and listen in on a conversation that had literally nothing to do with him.
Yet, he was intrigued all the same.  Then, you noticed him.
You peeked around Jackson as you threw the last strawberry from your bowl into your mouth, the red from the fruit staining your lips in a way he wanted to forget, but somehow knew he wouldn’t.  
“Can we help you?” You asked in a spiteful manner.  He lifted his hands in defense.
“Oh no, carry on.  This is fun,” he replied as you rolled your eyes.  “Besides,” he started again, “it’s just a party.  There’s nothing wrong with that.”  
“Some of us have other things to do believe it or not.  Maybe I’m not into alcohol, or maybe I’m just not a party person.  Ever think of that genius?”
He hissed in a playful manner, dramatically clutching his chest.  
“That stings.  And to think I was inviting you.”
“No, Jackson was inviting me.”
“But, I invited him.  So through correlation, I am the mastermind.”
“Oh my god,” you sighed as Jackson bit his lip in amusement. He knew Jimin had no idea who you were, yet he was chatting you up like you’ve been talking for a week.  “I don’t really want to take an invite from some rando guy who hops from girl to girl like frogs from lily pads.  Please shut up.”  
Before anything else, you looked at the watch face on your wrist and pushed out your chair.  Loading the tray with your trash and empty strawberry-stained bowl, you slung your bag over your shoulder. Jackson stood up as well, taking the tray from you as you huffed.  
“I’ll take your trash,” he kindly said.  It was suspicious once again, but you’d allow it.  “You’re going to work on your camera right?  Didn’t you get a new one?” You nodded.
“I did.  I was going to go back to the dorms and fiddle with it.  I don’t have another lecture until 4, so I can afford some practice photos.” He nodded.
“Make sure to take a photo of a dandelion and show it to me first!”
“What if I wanted to show my roommate?”
“You know she won’t be there.  She’s always out late.”
“You’re right,” you added with a playful smirk.  She worked late and after that, she always had something to do. It was a good night when she came sauntering into the dorm at 2 AM.  
“Go on, shoo you, little photographer, you.” You shook your head with a chuckle and began to walk off.  Swerving around chairs and people, you plugged your headphones into your phone and placed your sound muffling cuffs over your head and toned out the world.  Leaving the cafeteria, the school and then to the campus grounds.  
Jackson as he said, dealt with your trash as Jimin hopped up from his seat on the table top and meandered his way back through the cafeteria to his mob of friends.  All talking about one thing or another.  
All Jimin could think about as he drummed his fingers on his arms was how to convince you to come to the party on Friday. He had something he wanted to know about and, quite frankly, he felt like you inadvertently challenged him.  So, of course, he had to prove a point now.  
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Having someone banging on your door Friday evening at 6 PM was something you surely didn’t want to deal with. Already cozy with one of your old hoodies and a pair of shorts with your hair a damp mess from your shower earlier on, you were lounging on your couch flipping through TV channels utterly bored.
Jackson had spammed you with text after text trying to convince you to come to the party.  He tried every bribe in the book, but you just would not yield.  You only assumed that Jackson was the one pounding down your dorm door, but when it didn’t stop and your phone never chimed with a text to let him in, you grew curious.  
Growing tired of the constant bangs that didn’t seem to stop anytime soon, you rolled off the couch and stomped to the door, swinging it open without even peeking through the peephole who is inside.  Ready to be met with your best friend's face, yet not so.
“What the hell?” You whispered to yourself.  There, in front of you and your dorm room who just shoved his way past your shoulder to saunter inside was Park Jimin himself. “Um, excuse me?”
He, with his hands shoved into the pockets of his mint green windbreaker, turned to you with his tousled blonde hair and dark eyes.  “Yes?”
“Get the hell out?” You questioned as you motioned to the door.  He untucked his hands as he cupped his chin and puckered his mouth and crinkled his chin in a false thought motion.  He was already trying your patience.
“I think I’m good. Thanks for the offer though!” You groaned as you begrudgingly shut your door, glad for once that your roommate never comes back until way later than 6PM.  When you waltzed back into your living room, Jimin had made himself comfortable on your couch with your TV remote like he lived here.  You were offended, obviously so.
You stood in the doorway of the room as Jimin waved you over as you took skeptic steps towards him and sat on the far end of the couch.  Clear away from his grabby fingers that probably need a sanitize or two.
“I don’t bite you know,” he chuckled as he dug his phone from his pocket.  He opened his messages and you watched his thumbs drum away on the screen.  Messaging, hitting send, opening a new conversation and repeat.  How many friends did he have?  “We’ll leave in an hour.”  He said without batting an eye.
“Excuse me?”
“Jin’s party? We’re going.” Who did this man think he is?!
“Says who?!  I’m not going, I’m pretty sure I made that obvious before. You were eavesdropping so you know this mind you.”
“I wasn’t eavesdropping, I was just listening.  It’s not like I was hiding behind a wall and listening in while you and Jackson bitch back and forth.  Which is funny, by the by.” He dropped his phone into his lap as he hiked his arm up on the back of the couch, looking at you, your knees pulled to your chest with your feet on the couch cushion.  “You’re actually quite cute.”
You quickly jumped up and sat perched on the arm of your couch, pointing a finger at him as you opened your mouth and furrowed your brows.
“Ah-ha! I knew it!”
“Knew what?”
“You’re just a sleazy, shady, horny college frat boy who is just following me around because you don’t know me!” Jimin offered an annoyed eye roll, his eyes sticking up to his eyelids before he looked back down with a snarky grin. “I’ve heard your resume from Jackson, and I know better than to throw myself at you.”
“Oh, so you know about me?  Well, that’s unfair as I know nothing about you.”
“In fact, come any closer and I’ll punch you in your stupid face.”  Jimin just shook his head as he huffed out through his slightly parted lips.  He watched as you sat perched on the arm of your couch like some sort of bird of prey, practically hissing at him. You had obviously heard all the rumors from Jackson, most of which are probably true.  Most.  Not all of them are true though, however, he won't deny that he couldn't count the numbers of girls he's 'dated' on his fingers and toes combined.
"You know, I'm not all that bad.  I'm not gonna just get you drunk and pull some cheap trick on you like some jock would." He slid his phone into his windbreaker pocket.  "How about we compromise."
"Sounds sketchy," you reply without missing a beat.
"Now, now, hear me out.  I can tell you don't like me much," you interrupted him with a sarcastic 'oh really' before he continued talking over you, "but I'm not so much as a horn dog as I am something willing to give someone something they want.  I'm not into sex if it's not consensual, so don't worry about me making any moves on you."  He spoke like he was being truthful, but you still weren't a hundred percent certain you could take his words at face value.  He sighed, "look, if you go with me, we don't have to stay the whole time," he tacked on.
"We? Makes it sound like you're expected me to tail you all night."
"Not exactly, I will be hanging around you though.  Jackson said parties aren't your scene, and I absolutely know that if you had the option, you'd be a wallflower all night." You squinted at him as you held your pinkie towards him.  He looked at it with ticked brows then back to you.  "And this is?"
"A pinkie finger," you answered.
"No shit genius, why are you sticking it in my face?"
"Oh please, it's like you don't know what a pinky promise is."  You rolled your eyes.  "I'll go to the stupid party if, and only if, you stick to your word and not abandon me to flounder on my own because I'm actually a big wimp and I will cry and I will cause a scene otherwise."
Jimin busted out laughing as he linked his pinky in yours.  Extending your thumb, you pressed it against the pad of his own and 'locked' in the promise.  Now he absolutely wasn't allowed to go back on his word.  Or else you'd probably throw a knife set at him.
Jimin shooed you off as you walked to your room, swaying and moaning the entire way before you shut it behind you.  So much for a boring, cozy night in.  For once, maybe you'd see your roommate if you weren't out all night.  You sighed as you sadly stripped out of your hoodie and shorts replacing them with skinny jeans with holey knees and a white shirt.  Fixing your messy hair and tying it back with a stretched out hair tie, you slipped on your worn out flats and grabbed your phone from the nightstand.
It was nothing glamorous, and you expected other girls to probably be dressed more... openly to put it nicely.  Though, you were only going because you were peer pressured into it, not to get laid and definitely not to get hit on.  If anyone even came close to you with a stupid, drunk pick up line, you're most likely to panic and flee the scene like you committed murder.
You sighed as you looked into your mirror.
"Why am I a pushover to some jerk who hardly knows me?"  Then, you gasped as you stomped your foot, finally registering that Jackson had blabbed to JImin about you. "That snake!!  I'm taking away his drunk couch privileges indefinitely!" All while Jimin sat on the couch in the living room, laughing to himself as you screamed at nothing and shot Jackson a text that you were coming with him to the party.
To say Jackson's reply back was overbearing was an understatement.  He acts like an idiot towards you, but the 'Don't you dare try anything with her, I swear to god,' text he received told him that the relationship you two have is more than just back and forth banter.
When Jimin's ears perked up at the sound of your door down the hall unlatching, he picked himself up off the couch and watched as you came back into the living room changed and much more party ready.  He let out a loud whistle as you adjusted your shirt, tucking it in and letting the boy see just the smallest sliver of your stomach and if he was being honest, it was more attractive than he thought it would be.
You were teasing him and you weren't even aware of it.  That was the most painful thing about you so far.  He cupped his chin as he looked at you.  Peeking up as you fumbled with getting your shirt just right, you caught him inspecting.
"What?" You bit.
"Something just seems, off?  Something is missing from this look."  He hummed as he walked around you.  The shirt was fine, the jeans were aesthetically pleasing and the small choker you hooked around your neck was a touch of college that worked wonderfully with the outfit in question.  He came back to your front as he scrunched his eyes and then shot them open with a snap and a small ah-ha moment. "I know! You need a jacket!"
"Because it's a staple in fashion to have a jacket with a look so simple.  Your shirt and jeans combo with a flare of the choker is appealing, but a jacket always seals the deal!  Or, if it's too hot than settle for a cardigan."
"What are you, a fashion guru?"
"No, but I do take a high deal of pride in my fashion sense."  You rolled your eyes as you crossed your arms.  Why white?  It was almost too transparent, your stupid yellow star printed bra was just barely visible in the bright lights of the living room.  Surely it'd be fine at the party, it'll be dark in the house, save for the random rave lights that Jin is bound to have.  He goes all out when it's his party.
"And I assume you'll want this jacket to be black?" He nodded, it would be just wrong to have a white jacket over a white shirt.  It would clash too much.  "Too bad, I don't have one.  I have a grey one?" He shook his head.
"Nope.  Monochromatic is good, but not with this look.  Black is the only option.  Ah, you know what, I have something at my house I could lend you.  It'd so perfect with you!"  He smiled as he grabbed your wrist.  "Come on, I live 10 minutes off campus.  We've no time to waste!"  He whined as he dragged you through the dorm and eventually out the door.
Soon, within the next hour, you found yourself climbing off of his motorcycle- that nearly frightened you to death with him as the driver- in his leather jacket outside a house too big to be real and almost envy-inducing.
The house was two stories and looked like a widened stock photo with how wide it was.  All the window shades were open and lights of blues, reds, purples flickered in uneven patterns through them.  The music was just bass boosted enough you could feel it in your feet when Jimin marched you both up the patio and through the door.  It was like walking into a speaker the way your body met with all the heat, lights and loud music.
You couldn't hear yourself think as you weaved through people, behind their backs and gasping when you nearly ran into a couple more than ready to take their lip lock elsewhere.  You shrunk in on yourself as you stumbled around before Jimin took your wrist again.
"Come on," he leaned closer to you and spoke loud enough you could hear him.  Letting him drag you off somewhere, he quite rudely pushed people away and maneuvered through the crowds of drunk college kids. He was definitely used to this- the way he moved through the masses was a clear indication of that.
Soon he had pulled you into the kitchen where it was much less crowded than you figured it would be.  You would think since all the liquid was stored here, it would be a madhouse, but only a few bodies stood around sipping from the typical red cup with rosey, drunken cheeks.  The music had dulled back in the kitchen, so a conversation wasn't totally out of the question.  You placed your hand on your chest and sighed at the room to actually breathe.
Jimin, beside you, chuckled as he rubbed your back between your shoulder blades.
"you really aren't cut out for tight spaces, doll."  You glared at him.
"Oh, so you just now realize that you moron?" He only chuckled as he whipped out his phone and sent a text to someone.  Just one text, as opposed to an hours earlier when he was texting anyone and everyone nonstop in sequence.
No soon was Jackson waltzing into the kitchen.  JImin watched as you seemed to lighten up at the face of someone so familiar to you.  Jackson sauntered out with a smile, nearly jogging at he bumped into your side with his own.  Wearing a snapback and some jersey with a pair of old, acid washed jeans, he looked like a jock ripped straight out of some gross teen-movie.
His breath stunk of booze, but he was still partially sober.  He could hold his alcohol better than you thought he could, to be honest. You pushed away his cheek that was far too close to your face to get the radiant smell of beer away from your nose.
"you're gross and smell, get away from me you sweaty-"
"Do not insult me when I know for a fact you're so ready to shit bricks."
You gaped at him as you smacked the back of his head, making him whine and wince as he rubbed it.  Sure you were nervous being here, but you weren't that nervous.  You crossed your arms as you pouted, Jimin once again finding a sense of adorableness between you and Jackson's interactions.
"I hate you," you muttered as Jackson feigned hurt.  He dropped his act as he playfully slapped your ass, making you squeak before he turned to Jimin.
"How'd you get Straight-Lace-Y/n out of her room on a Friday my man?  I gotta know, for future reference of course."
"You would never believe how easy she is to persuade if you say the right things."  Jackson gasped.
"You didn't make some sketchy deal did you?!"  You squawked as Jackson quickly pulled you against his chest, nearly knocking you over in his haste as he practically hissed as Jimin.  "Don't be touching my little Y/n! She's way too young!"  You whined.
"I'm only a few years younger than you!"  Jimin didn't know how old you were exactly, but if you were younger than Jackson, you were around his age then?  Jimin just shook his head as he slipped his thumbs through the front belt loops of his pants, leaning back just enough for it to almost be attractive.  Almost.
"I won't disclose our agreement with someone who didn't witness it.  Clients secrecy."
"Stop!" You grumbled.  "That makes it seem so bad!"  Jimin laughed as the three of you soon took to sticking in your little group and chatting.  Jimin had finally got you to loosen up enough to at least have one cup of something to drink.  Beer wasn't typically your thing, but after not being impressed with the rest of the liquor lineup, it wasn't so bad in comparison.
Eventually, you seemed to even start enjoying yourself.  Playfully quipping at anything Jackson or Jimin had to say and even smiling or laughing at some dumbass joke that came out of one of their mouths. Jimin laid off the alcohol for the most part, as he was your ride home and he may be wild, but drunk driving is definitely not his main game.
Soon, Jackson abandoned ship and Jimin had begun to wander around and meet of people he knew, all while you remain attached at his side with his hand over yours.  True to his word, he never once left you on your own the whole night and when Jimin finally suggested you go back to your dorm it was well past midnight.  You didn't want to stay out this late, but you weren't particularly fussed about it either.
Weaving back around passed out drunks, far too attached couples and still dancing troopers, Jimin and you ended up back outside and across the lawn to his motorcycle where it had sat parked all night.
As he placed his helmet on his head and climbed on, you followed he flipped up his visor to look at you.
"It wasn't so bad, now was it?" His muffled voice asked.  You rolled your eyes, hating to admit that anything Park Jimin did for you was actually enjoyable unlike you previously thought.
"It wasn't awful, but don't expect this to happen a second time, Park." After dropping you off and making sure you got into your room safe and sound at ten after 1AM, he drove back home.  He lived in an apartment off campus, well off enough to afford it before he needed to get back into the part-time job department of life.
Stripping free of his party clothes and swapping them out for sweats and a thin, stretched out grey shirt, he flopped onto his bed.  Realizing two things. One, you still had his leather jacket and two, he hadn't stopped smiling since you wrapped your arms around his waist on the way back to your home.
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You were rudely awoken the next morning at 10AM with your phone that blared for the 4th time beside your head.  Groaning, you grabbed the stupid piece of screaming plastic that continued to ring and finally looked at the screen.  Though it was sunny outside, your blackout curtains in your room made sure to keep that pesky sunlight out, so the screen brightness did little to no good on your retinas.  
Unknown Calling…
You squinted at your screen.  Who was calling you? Sighing, as soon as the call dropped for the 4th time, you noticed that the same number had been the same one to call previously.  Rolling lazily onto your chest, your blankets tangling around your legs as your you felt your hair tangled around your neck and around your ears.  You stared at the black screen of your phone, as you were testing a hypothesis. True to your suspicious, the screen lit up as your ringtone blasted for the 5th time.  
Answering it seemed to be your only option at this point.  Five back to back calls was way too excessive to be some random coincidence. Swiping to answer it, you pushed your hair out of the way and placed your phone by your ear.
“Hello?” You answered the best you could with sleep still thick in your voice.  
“Your sleep schedule is awful.  It’s been like, what? Nine hours and your ass in still in bed?” You groaned as you flopped onto your back.
“How did you get my number, Jimin?”
“Take a wild guess?” He teased.  Obviously, it was Jackson.  You muttered a ‘snake’ under your breath as Jimin chuckled into the line.  “Get up, we’re going out.”  You blinked at your dark ceiling.  
“And if I said no?”
“Then I’ll come bang on your dorm door again. I’m already sitting outside the campus dorms.  It’s not too long of a trip up the stairs Y/n.”  You groaned again knowing full well that Jimin absolutely meant it.  “No?”
“Fine, give me like 15 minutes.”
“Don’t push me,” you cut as you hung up on him. Tossing your phone aside,  you crawled out of bed with a whine as you wobbled around your room, trying to wake up enough to wash your face before getting dressed.  
Jimin stood at the curb of the dormitory, leaning against a light pole.  He watched as you cut the call off and your number faded from his phone screen.  Shaking his head, he pocketed his phone as he took a breath out.  Part of him was wondering what he was doing?
He could’ve made other plans today, but he didn’t.  Rather, he didn’t want to.  He fell asleep with you on the brain and woke up the same exact way.  After texting Jackson all morning, trying to pry information out of him and successfully doing so with the promise of a week’s worth of lunch on him, he finally got your number out of him too.  So, the calling began.  
He was rather shocked it only took 5 calls to wake you up.  He laughed to himself as he plucked his phone from his pocket and sent you a text before you came down.  
Jimin: Bring my jacket back, I miss it. :((
He laughed out loud when you shot back nothing but the middle finger emoji.  What a highschooler move.  It was chilly out today.  The clouds kept hiding the sun as they rolled under the light, only letting brief spots of warmth out at a time.  A small breeze was in the air as Spring had just begun with the promise of rain in the afternoon no doubt.  
His blue jeans and hot pink hoodie stood out, yes, but he was proud of that fact. His hair free of a cap lifted with each small gust of wind.  It was exactly 17 minutes when he saw you walking out of the dormitory, a red flannel purse on your hip. His jacket on your shoulders with a black shirt with the picture of a cat on the breast pocket and a pair of blue shorts.  Your hair was down, without anything covering or added to it.  
Part of him didn’t want the jacket back now.
When you got to him, the first thing you did was greet him with a harsh stomp on his foot with your shoes.  He whined as his thin converses did nothing to guard his foot against your heel.
“What was that for?!”
“Calling me five times and then proceeding to force me out of my dorm on a Saturday!”  You argued as you huffed and crossed your arms. “As punishment for stealing my lazy day, I’m keeping your jacket until I return home.”  He grinned, he wasn’t totally against that.  
“Have it your way,” he was easy to give him.
“What did you want anyway?”  He stood back up and swayed to your side.
“A week.”
“A little birdie told me that you can’t believe I can go a week with one person.  So, I’d be honored if you took me up on the challenge to so spitefully requested of me.” You shivered in mock disgusted.  “Hey!”
“Calm down, Queenie,” you teased with a grin of your own.  “I actually meant that towards all your flings, but sure.  If you think you can handle a week of me arguing leaving my room, by all means, give it a whirl.” Jimin looked at you with questions in his eyes.  “What now?”
“You gave in waaay too easy, Y/n.”  
“Yeah, well if I declined, I have a suspicion you’d whine to Jackson, who in turn would whine to me and I’m not really up for any more of that than I have to deal with on the daily.” He smiled as he pushed playfully on your shoulder, making you smile again.
“Look at you! Already guessing and knowing my habits.  We’re basically best friends already!”
“Don’t let Jackson hear you.  That will also result in whining.”
“Duly noted.”
Soon, Jimin had started walking around in random locations towards the city.  Something about wanting to window shop and making you come along with him.  You watched when he pulled out a Zippo lighter with a small, nearly empty pack of cigarettes directly off campus.  You rose your brow when you asked him about it.  He was a smoker, but he was in the middle of trying to quit.  He had slowed down from a pack in two days to only a few smokes in that time.  He wanted to pace himself until he cut them off completely.  Ht told you once this pack was done, he would try not to buy any more.
You then started offering him solutions to cravings.  Candies or small habits were a good way to get the urge to smoke off the brain.  Or, if he absolutely found himself not able to quit, e-cigarettes surely weren’t so bad.  Expensive, but not an awful half solution. He took your suggestions to heart, not actually expecting you to take that topic and run with it.  
He had snuffed out the bud when you both got closer to the shopping strip of stores after stores with a cafe on nearly every corner.  It was always busy during the weekend, and Jimin had a feeling you didn’t get to shop often.  The way you seemed to light up and become more bouncy at the idea of maybe actually getting something for yourself today was proof of that.
You both went to store after store with enough coffee breaks to power an engine.  Eventually, Jimin had walked into some indie store, more than curious about the odd patterns he saw in the display window.  You trailed after him, winding through aisles and stopped when you saw a small charm necklace.
The necklace itself wasn’t the best and the chain was weak enough that if you pulled just a bit too hard or it snagged in anything it would surely break. But, it wasn’t that which intrigued you.  It was the pendant itself.
It was a small dandelion. It’s small, metal puffs pushing out in the circle as it if you blew just hard enough the puffs would scatter. Jimin stopped when he noticed you weren’t tailing him anymore, turning to see you bent over and looking at it.  He backtracked to stand at your side, hands in his pockets as he observed it with you.
“You like this?”
You nodded.  “I do.  Dandelions are my favorite flower.  I don’t really like when they bloom into the yellow ones, Jackson used to pluck those and smear it’s pollen all over my arms when we met.  I do like the wish ones those.”
“Wish ones?”
“Yeah, the ones you make a wish on.  If you find one like this,” you poked at the necklace, “and you make a wish, you have to blow as hard as you can.  If you manage to get all the seeds to blow off, then your wish is supposed to come true.” You chuckled at yourself.  “It’s all fairy tale sounding, but you can’t deny its got its romantic side.”
“Huh, who knew an everyday weed is so meaningful to other people.”  You stood up as you huffed.  
“I’ve seen moms get mad at their kids for pulling dandelions and giving them to them as gifts.  They’re not weeds, so just accept them!”  You pouted as Jimin laughed.  You spun on your heel as you trotted off, Jimin watching your back as you disappeared behind some racks of clothing. He rolled his eyes at your dramatic march off as he stood up and followed you, not before grabbing the necklace though. 5$ isn’t too much to spend.
After he secretly purchased the necklace, he placed the small pouch it was in promptly into your purse when the two of you were at yet another cafe while you were in the bathroom.  Apparently, this specific cafe stop was for you to pee, as you had decided that a whole soliloquy about how your bladder was about to burst was absolutely necessary.  It wasn’t. When you returned, all you did two was chat like old friends who knew each other since you were in diapers.
Jimin wasn’t nearly as awful as you thought, and part of you felt guilty for judging him so quickly.  Sure, his reputation was a bit black, but the boy himself was a sweetheart, and you made sure to offer him an apology and a chocolate chip muffin as compensation for your rotten attitude.
Day by day went on and as classes rolled on, Jimin would walk you to and from class, pick you up from your dorm and drop you off and even bring you lunchtime coffee just because you couldn’t say no to something he already paid for.
Eventually, the dawn of day 6 in the week broke and Jimin had called up Jackson.  Telling you that he had something planned to do and that he would see you tomorrow.  He had grown so used to hanging around you, a stab of pain hit him when you replied back to him with an ‘ok :(‘.  You were far too cute he reasoned as he put the back of his hand against his mouth as you added on a ‘you owe me, Park >:(‘ to your message.  
Jimin: I owe you? For what spoilt brat
You: For leaving me alone to drown in boredom.  How dare you??
Jimin: It was literally just last week you were biting my head off for dragging you out of your room. Now your complaining that I have something to do without you?  My my my, how they grow up so fast. Bless
You: Choke and die.  I’m going to take a nap
Jimin: It’s 8AM don’t sleep and mess up your schedule!
Jimin: Y/N!
Jimin: Stay. Awake.
You: …
You: Fine.  Guess I’ll play Overwatch by myself
Jimin: Ew, who plays Overwatch?
You: yOU-
H laughed when you stopped replying.  Whether or not you actually started playing or went back to sleep was a mystery to him as he walked out of his apartment to meet with Jackson.  Jimin wanted to ask him a few things before the end of the week came.  He also had a few woes to lay on your best friend's shoulders.
A game of basketball was what Jimin had planned for the day with Jackson.  Going to the public gym and meeting Jackson with sports gear and a basketball in hand, the man-to-man day would begin.  
Jimin, walking onto the courts with his sports shorts and tank top watched as Jackson lazily threw baskets in a jersey and sweats. Dribbling the ball, he passed it to the smaller man who met him on the court.  Jimin, dribbling it around and getting a feel for it watched as Jackson crossed his arm before he stretched.  
“Really, Jimin? Basketball?” Jimin rolled his eyes.  
“Listen, I have a friend who aces in basketball, so shut up.” It started with the boy just taking turns shooting before a small match of one on one began.  Squeaking shoes on the floor with heavy breaths filled the nearly empty Thursday noon-time gym.  Lay-ups were shot left and right, 3-pointers and of course, the ever dreaded airball followed by laughing at the lame excuse of a shot all came with the game.  Soon, the two men were sat on the far wall, sweat covered and drinking out of water bottles purchased from the vending machine outside the doors.
“Now that the exercise part of the day is done, what is it you wanted?” Jackson asked. Turning towards Jimin taking a drink of water as Jimin craned his head up at the dim lights that definitely were going to go out soon.
“I think I have a crush on Y/n,” Jimin yelped when Jackson spit out his water on Jimin’s lap.  “Thanks for the shower, jackass!” Jackson coughed as he wiped at his chin while Jimin shook his shorts and his arms disgusted.  
“I can totally help you confess!” Jimin looked at his friend. “I’ve got this whole scene I’ve been cooking up for her lucky future boyfriend since like freshman year.  I’d spent a lot of time on this, and you- my lucky man- are gonna be the one to do it!”
“You’re okay with it?” Jimin asked, his voice skyrocketing as he barely spoke in a whisper. Jackson only shrugged as he put his back against the wall again and took a more steady drink since his last attempt ended covering Jimin.
“Yeah, why not?  Sure, you were a sleazy a week ago-”
“-But, it seems like you get along with Y/n. And she’s not just gonna snub you once the weekends because that’s what you said in the beginning.”
“She told you about that?” That was true, Jimin had only planned on staying with you a week, but now he wanted an extended date.  Permanently if he had the option.
“Of course she did dude.  Look, so long as she doesn’t call me up one day bawling because you did something to her, I have no reason to knock your lights out.”  Jimin shuttered.  He wasn’t unfamiliar with the strength Jackson possessed.  He didn’t fight often, normally pretty laid back and easy going, but he’s heard rumors.  All focus solely around you and how you were picked on freshman year of college.  He got suspended for 2 weeks, but you weren’t picked on anymore.
Jimin looked at his lap as he moved and stuck out his pinky.  He remembered the party night and how serious you were about a small pinky promise.  Then, that thought somehow shifted to how you seemed to take dandelions seriously.  Jimin sighed as he turned back to Jackson, sitting cross-legged and at the utmost attention.
“Alright, tell me what I’m gonna do about this.”  A grin broke out on Jackson’s face as he clapped Jimin on the shoulder.
“Buckle in, Park.  This is gonna be one romantic fuckin’ ride.”
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It was Friday as you sat in the library, reading and rereading the same paragraph in your textbook.  It was like your brain wasn’t registering the words, no matter how many times to read them over and over again.  You’d get halfway through, realize you clocked out only to repeat the process. You sighed as you slammed your head into the books fold and someone slid into the seat next to you.  
They rubbed your neck as you whined at your lame attempt at actually studying.  Turning your head and blowing your hair out of your face just enough to see who sat next to you, you weren’t entirely shocked to see Jimin. In his comfortable college dressed glory and his leather jacket, you had finally returned to him. His arm propped on the table as his palm held his chin. He was smiling, probably laughing at your obvious lack of concentration.
“Howdy, bookworm.” You rolled your eyes at him as you planted your face back into the book that smelt far too old to be a 2018 edition of World History. He chuckled again at you. “You know, you can always ditch the books?”  
“I’m so close to almost not having a B in this class it’s laughable.  I’ve never gone below that!” You whined, quietly of course as the librarian was a soundhound when it came to any loud noise ever.  She’s search out the source of the sound like a dog and quickly take to eliminate it.  You’ve been kicked out more than once in your attempts to studying turned to whines.
Jimin rolled his eyes.  Ever the drama queen.  His hand moved from your neck to treading through your hair and massaging your scalp.
“Let me rephrase,” he stopped and started again. “How about you stop for the day, hang out with me and then maybe I’ll help you study later.”  You sat up briefly, his hand remaining on the back of your head as you looked at him like a puppy dog would when offered treats.
“Can we get snacks?” You pouted and Jimin smiled enough his eyes began to close.  Patting your head, he nodded.
“Yes, we can get snacks, you big baby.”  You smiled as you sprung up and slammed your book shut, wincing on how loud the action was before you shoved it in your bag.  Jimin stole your bag before you could pick it up yourself and you pouted when he refused to give it to you. “Let me be a gentleman, Y/n.”
“You? A gentleman? Like you? As in Park Jimin who smokes and drinks?”
“I’m trying to stop smoking, you know that.”  
You nodded, pointing a finger at him.  “Ah, yes, good point.  I revoke that accusation then.” He just pulled up on his lips as he grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the library, stopping by your locker to ditch your bag inside it and then dragged you to a small convenience store to stock up on the snacks of your choosing.
However, you felt a bit bad when Jimin snatched your wallet from you when you went to grab your card and handed the cashier his instead.  You stomped and whined, but he was adamant that the bill was his to foot. You guilt was short lived when he placed the plastic bag of snacks in your arms though so you could offer him one of your marshmallowy-goodness cereal bars.  His payment for footing the payment.
Jimin gladly accepted this.
He convinced you to come back to his home so he could get out his bike, as he had told you he wanted to take you somewhere.  Not sure where he was going, you were half sure he was gonna take you someone and murder you with how sappy he’s been all afternoon, but also half as sure that he wouldn’t.  With a laugh and a promise to not kill you from his mouth, you decided to trust him.
“If you do kill me though, I’m so haunting you so think wisely,” you warned as you climbed onto his bike, your bag of snacks in a holding compartment under the seat as you sat behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist.  
You always just held onto his shirt, to offer him as much space as you could as you literally clung to him not to fly off while he zooms down the road. Though, before he even kicked up the stand, he pulled your hands from his shirt and tucked you close to his back.  He made you clasp your hands together at his stomach, saying it was ‘safe’ though he’s never said that before.
Taking a breath to cool down your heated face, you could see his stupid smile in his eyes as he flicked down the visor on his helmet and kicked up the stand before revving away.  
He took you down some country roads before an hour passed and he stopped when he was at an open field with a small farmhouse not too far off in the distance.  The cattle were off in a group as you could see their small black and white bodies look like ants from how far they were from the two of you.
“Are you sure we can be here?” you questioned when Jimin took off his helmet and ran his hand through his hair.  You hated when he did that, how dare he do that multiple times over and not be aware of it or his attractiveness skyrocket when he does.  Damn frat boy.
“Yeah.  I got a friend of a friend’s permission to be here.  It’s all cool.  We’re not trespassing so come on.” You swung your leg back over the motorcycle before Jimin linked his arm with yours and began to walk off, setting his helmet on his bike seat and not forgetting to grab your snacks either.  
The two of you just walked around.  Treading through the grass and making sure not to step on any flowers of innocent bees doing their hard work of collecting pollen.  Though, Jimin did wave and scare off a wasp once or twice. Which was dumb because that only resulted in the bug buzzing angrily after the two of you before it gave up.
Eventually, you both came to a grove of trees.  They were tall and proud.  You had no doubt they had taken years upon years to grow up to this level of brilliance.  It was just the right time in spring in flowers flew from the treetops and the green returned to the leaves. The wind that knocked the flower petals around was like a cinematic effect.  
Jimin was quick to plonk himself down at the base of one of the trees, sitting cross-legged while unloading your snacks.  Bags of chips, plastic bins of cookies, small individual wraps of brownies and of course some soda to tied you two over while you feasted.  Definitely not healthy, but oh so worth it.
The two of you sat under the tree as ate while you talked more.  It was strange that Jimin and you never ran out of things to talk about.  Any quiet gap between the conversation was quickly filled because all you two were doing was chalking up more conversations to have.  It was comfortable and the air around it made it seem like Jimin enjoyed it more than you did.
“Oh! I forgot, Jackson told me that you have a tattoo!” Jimin ticked his brow up at two things.  Yes, he did, but how did Jackson know that?  Then he remembered just who Jackson Wang was: Gossip Farm Member No.1. “How dare keep secrets in this relationship.  I demand a refund of time and lies.” Jimin shoved at your shoulder as he shrugged off his leather jacket, leaving him in a navy shirt.
“How about I show you and we can forget all about that refund?”
“If you whip your dick out and show me some weird cockring tattoo, please forget it.”  He laughed, nearly falling onto your lap as you braced his back. “I’m serious!” You cried in your own laughter.  He shook his head, putting the back of his hand against his face and looking at the sky through the tree’s leaves.  
“I cannot believe you sometimes.”  He swung his jacket around your shoulders.  “It’s on my rib cage, so hold my jacket for me.  I don’t want to get it all grassy.” You’d complain, but you did have a soft spot for this jacket. So, you slipped your arms through the sleeves and huffed in peace as the jacket warmed you up from Jimin’s body previous being in it.
Jimin slipped one of his arms back through the short sleeve of his shirt as it appeared under the bottom of it and pushed it up to reveal his torso.  The sharp, black ink of NEVERMIND engraved on his ribs. You awed at it.  It was something you wouldn’t expect to be on Jimin, yet the idea and the look of it suited him so well it was almost painful.
“Honestly, if you keep springing these attractive attributes on me I’m going to cry.” Jimin rolled his eyes as he- instead of putting it back on- removed his shirt altogether.  Showing you his back where a spade tattooed lay between his shoulders.  “Another one?!” He chuckled.
“You said not to spring it on you,” he slyly remarked as he watched your face heat up.  “What, too attractive?  Come to think, did you back-handedly compliment me a moment ago?”
“No. Shut your trap you stupid college frat.”
“You’re very good at sending compliments like insults.”
“Ugh, fine!  You’re attractive- is your ego gloated enough now?” He smirked as he took his shirt and threw it around your neck, dragging you closer to him. Your breath caught when he bumped his nose against your, scanning your face like a computer would a test sheet to make sure a No. 2 leaded pencil was used.
“It’s can be inflated a bit more, truth be told.” He watched your eyes switch between his own. “Remember what you told me about dandelions? How they make wishes come true?” You nodded. “Good,” he breathed before he kissed you.  He eased his shirt from around your neck when you didn’t fight or push him away.  He pushed down on you, pushing you further against the trunk of the tree as the sun made the shadows of the leaves dance.  
It was like the shimmering of the sea on your skin as he cracked open his eyes when he pulled away from you just long enough for you to grip the back of his head, entangling your fingers in his hair and pull him straight back.  He wasn’t complaining, smiling as the kiss became fervent.
He didn’t know how long he spent hunched over you in an intense lip lock, and frankly, he didn’t really care either.  Though, there is one thing from the Park Jimin a week ago that wasn’t snuffed out.  The playboy heartbreaker surely died, as you killed him within less than a week.  However, his tolerance and patience when it came to things that looked to become more heated than not, was still at an all-time low.  
He whined as he forced himself away from you, watching as your kiss-swollen lips breathed harsh air out in gasps and your face was as red as the blood rushing to them.  He chuckled as he kissed the tip of your nose and from previous knowledge of seeing it earlier, moved back from you and plucked a dandelion that sat behind him at the base of the tree trunk.
Jimin turned to you and held it in front of your face before he smiled and blew on it.  All the seeds scattering onto your face and into your hair as it left the stem bare. You blew out your lips, trying to make sure no seeds were unsightly inhaled at his assault.  
He laughed again.  “Wanna know what I wished for?”
You plucked seed after white seed out of your hair before you looked up at him as he tossed the stem over his shoulder. “You can’t tell.  That’s literally rule number 1 of wish making.  Telling someone the wish makes it void and it can’t come true!” You pouted.  “Though, I am curious.”
He smiled as he moved and pinched your side.  He kept pinching you until you got to your knees before he grabbed your waist and dragged you over to him.  You walking clumsily on your knees found yourself sat forcefully on Jimin’s thighs as he intertwined his fingers behind your back.
He pouted cutely at you as his blond hair was like that of the sun.
“I wished you would kiss me again.”
“You’re awfully cocky,” you replied with that same crimson on your face.
“I didn’t hear a no?”
“You didn’t, because you know damn well I’m not gonna say no!”
“It’s not nice to yell at your boyfriend who bought you snacks and only wants a kiss or two.”
“You’re actually the worst.”
“Kiss me!”
“Why should I?” You teased as he pushed his knees up, making you fall closer to his chest.  
“The dandelion said so,” so he laughed and kissed you again for certainly not the last time.
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bloodydamnit · 5 years
You went to MICA, right? I’m currently going there and it’s good (stressful as fuck, but good) and I wanna know; what did you hate and what did you love about it? (Oh my god I sound like those end of year surveys they give you)
Hello there!!! Omfg I’m literally on campus right now for pride!!! LOL just got myself a smoky burger from OTH what what. okay okay okay good questions. 
MICA has changed quite a bit since I was there. Like, my freshman year was fucking lit. If you take the shuttle and get Mr. Robert or Ms. Yvette, ask them about the nudists. Shit was wild. 
Our freshman/foundation year was different in general too? Like
Okay. So. lol. Our classes were:
Elements of Visual Thinking - Which was a chance to explore concepts, mediums, learning how to properly critique, etc. 
Critical Thinking - Which was just critical theory, but more on your own practice I guess? I don’t really know how to explain it. 
EMAC - Which was exploring different forms of digital media and how to use them (Premier, Photoshop, Audacity, recording devices, etc)
Sculptural Forms - Which was a chance for you to explore 3d media. So it was held in what used to be 15/15 and it was woodshop, plaster, 3d printing, and cardboard. 
Then, this is where I get pissed off and seriously fucking angry about this change. 
But we USED to have Painting and Drawing. Now, if you got a 5 in AP art, you gained an extra credit and could skip Drawing/Painting 1. HAH. IMAGINE THAT. HAVING A PAINTING AND DRAWING CLASS AS A FOUNDATION FOR YOUR ART. BECAUSE IT’S KIND OF NECESSARY. 
can you tell im a bit fucking salty?
They were separate classes and I think, they were extremely fucking important to the development of not only my art but my peers. For example, I fucking hated painting when I went to MICA. Literally fucking refused to touch the medium. 
I went to my first class with Latoya Hobbs, tried oil paint, and everything fucking changed. I was a GD major (or that was my plan) and I immediately switched to Painting and I never looked back. 
Unfortunately, yall don’t have that opportunity anymore. Especially since when you choose your major, you tend to stick with those classes. Which really fucking sucks, because you can tell the variety of art has gone down since this change happened. And I think that’s the thing that I dislike about MICA NOW the most. I had the chance to take things, was required to take them, and then I knew how to do a variety of things BECAUSE of those changes. And from what I understand, you don’t have those opportunities anymore. Which really fucking sucks. Because you also miss out on the amazing fucking professors in other majors as well. For example, Karen Warshal. I HIGHLY recommend taking her Portrait class and her Anatomy class. I swear to god, those were the best, more useful classes I’ve ever taken. Is she crazy? A bit. But she’s the most genuine, caring, supportive, and one of the hardest professors I’ve ever had. And thats what you WANT. You don’t want someone to butter you up, tell you your art is poppin when it’s not, and to try and let you off easy because you look upset. Karen tells you how it fucking is and that’s so god damn important. no matter what major you are, TAKE HER FUCKING CLASSES. They’re important and they’re necessary to your development as an artist. Even if you’re not into figural art. - also she makes food and brings it in. and if you’re sick she might make you chicken noodle soup. shout out to karen
Honestly, Karen was probably one of my favorite things about MICA. Along with Mark Karnes,  TONY FUCKING SHORE. LISTEN. YOU NEED TO TAKE A CLASS WITH TONY SHORE (PAINTING). I think he might be doing a class on race (which haha he knows hes white as fuck) and i think it will be fantastic. so keep an eye out, AND RUTH TOULSON THE ANTHROPOLOGY TEACHER. IT MIGHT STILL BE A REQUIREMENT. HER CLASSES HAVE AN 80+ WAITLIST. IF YOU GET ON. ITS SO WORTH IT FUCKING TRUST ME. SHES OUT OF THIS FUCKING WORLD. PAUL LONG, HE’S AN ACADEMIC TEACHER (TEACHES POETRY AND SOME OTHER SHIT. HE’S GREAT. BRINGS SNACKS EVERY DAY), and others?? if you want to know more, please message me and i’ll give you them!
Anyway, I havent really answered your question!
Dislike:Housing situation fucking sucked. getting a room was fucking ridiculous. They ran out of room for us because they started accepting more (this happened when sophomore housing was required. My year was the first year that went into effect and they had to buy out bolton hill apartments. people had to break leases, etc. it was fucking ridiculous). 
The MICA store is eh? It used really good and held in dolphin. But it was literally falling apart. Now its too.. idk. It’s fine. I prefer artists and craftsmen. 
Access to studios and equipment is eh too. Because of time constraints. 
How the student body treats the fucking faculty is DISGUSTING. One girl literally called one of the sweetest security guards the ‘help’. Ms. Gloria (senior in security) is fantastic, Officer Green is everything, Ms. Yvette is so fucking sweet, and Mr. Robert makes my heart sing. 
The student body in general LOLOLOLOLOL. ‘Surround yourself with good juju’ - Former MICA Grad (my best friend) The fucking student body mica page is a fucking dumpster fire lol. 
I don’t like how white MICA is and how entitled a good part of the student body is. The amount of entitlement is fucking ridiculous. And the amount of ignorance is astounding. Also the obviousness to what fucking city you're in, is so wild i cant fucking even. Like. MICA is deceptively beautiful (the MICA bubble). Which is why it is high in crime lol. Just be alert and don’t be a god damned dumbass walking around at 3 am with your fucking headphones in, smoking a cigarette, and acting like you’re fucking immune to being mugged. Just saying. Take the shuttles and you’ll most likely be gucci. 
I don’t like how MICA spends its money (our money). And what they choose to invest in - like buying random fucking buildings and not telling the students what it’s for, and fucking raising the price of tuition and living in order to compensate. 
The total and utter lack of transparency, etc. It felt eehhhh I don’t know how to explain it. 
But really. I loved MICA. I wish I could go back. I met so many amazing people, made great connections, and I don’t think I would have had the same love at any other art school. (I have friends in SAIC, Pratt, Parsons, FIT, SVA, RISD - they all complain about the same things. they in the grand scheme of things, are material. Which important because, hah, money. But, material nonetheless. If you have the means, I don’t think these things I explained are deal breakers)
Now what I loved about MICA. Because honey. I fucking LOVED MICA:
When I was touring schools, I was kind of eh about them? Not in the sense that I wouldn’t have a good time or be ungrateful, but I didn’t get that feeling. Does that make sense? For example, I took a tour at SVA and I have very very strong opinions about SVA, I had no feeling. When I stepped on MICA’s campus, that was fucking it for me. Not only was I comfortable there, but the professors that were at the tour, made it their duty and went out of their way to make myself and the other potential students feel welcome. They were personable, they were kind and welcoming, they were warm, and that continued even after I decided MICA was the place for me. 
My class at least, had no drama lololol. Again, my freshman year was a hell of a lot of fucking fun. We didn’t have any big racist shit going on like other years (ahem ahem 2018, 2019). INSTEAD, we had the nudists, we had carrot videos (ask around about that), it kind of felt less cliquey? Because everyone was generally interested in being friends? Idk. Like we definitely had groups and they became more evident as majors really clicked in, but in the beginning, everyone was pretty much together (this was the first year that the grill opened and leake was a thing. So we were all figuring out the dorms together). I mean we had drama but it wasn’t... idk. It wasn’t like mica student body (maybe its because we didnt have that to fuck shit up lolol). 
On The Hill was my shit. Still my shit. I fucking love on the hill with a fucking passion. Pom Iced Teas, where you at. The neighborhood in general was really nice. Baltimore is one of my favorite cities and the stigma of it will be broken as soon as you start exploring it. HOWEVER, BE FUCKING SMART. DONT BE A FUCKING IDIOT. IF YOU DON’T FEEL COMFORTABLE SOMEWHERE, YEET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE. TRAVEL WITH OTHERS. DON’T BE THOSE DUMB ASS WHITE GIRLS FROM RURAL FUCKING TOWNS THAT THINK THEY CAN WALK AROUND AT 4 AM OR JUST WHEN IT’S DARK OUT, ALONE, AND BE OKAY. TAKE. THE FUCKING. SHUTTLE. 
The studio spaces were really nice so as they’re taken care of. the equipment is really nice. take advantage of it while you can. because once you’re out of school. hah. you’re screwed. 
Networking was nice. 
Being close to the Walters was amazing and the ability to go to DC for the day only spending 8$ on the Marc train to get there was amazing. Having Penn right on campus. 
Again, the professors were in majority, fucking amazing. 
Some professors had classes outside of MICA (karen has model drawing classes at her studio) take them! They’re really worth it!
I actually didnt mind the dorms. 10x better than most colleges. 
Accessibility was amazing. Especially since its not a closed campus, but everything is in one place. That’s not the case with a lot of Art colleges. 
And most of all, I just loved being there. I loved learning. I loved the people. I loved baltimore, i loved the professors. MICA 10000% shaped how I am as an artist in the best way and I think it’s an amazing place to be despite the downfalls. 
Don’t take everything I said as gospel. like I said, these are just my experiences as well as a few of my friends in the same fine arts department. The others, I’m not sure about. But yeah. I hope this helps! You can always message me and I’d be happy to refer you to classes, professors, etc. Good luck with next year!
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maaaaaatryoshka0325 · 6 years
Why you? (Pt9) Bang Chan series
Description: You save a very important mans life and he decides to repay you to the fullest. But is this a little too much?
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“Who pissed in his cheerios?” Felix asked.
You just stared out into the hallway where Chan had walked off too.
“I don’t know, maybe he wasn’t hungry.” Jeongin said.
“Yea, ‘not hungry.’” Minho said.
After dinner, you started to wash the dishes, and Woojin stood beside you, helping you. He didn’t say much and you enjoyed the silence. When you had first met the members, you were actually quite intimidated by Woojin and Minho. Neither of them talked much to you at first, but then you all became friends. Woojin was a silent listener and could usually tell if something was bothering you. None of the members have ever seen you cry, as you were too awkward to show too much negative emotion in front of them, so none of them knew if something was ever hurting you. Except Woojin. He could usually tell if something was upsetting you or on your mind and would silently sit near you or start a small conversation and make you laugh. He gave you warm hugs here and there, knowing if you needed them.
“I wonder if Chan’s upset.” You said, breaking the silence.
“I think so.” He responded.
“Is he stressed about the comeback?” You asked.
He shrugged as he dried the last plate and put it up on the shelf.
“Not sure, I’ll talk to him and make sure he’s okay though.” He said.
You nodded and walked towards the living room, almost bumping into Chan as he walked towards the stairs.
“Oh- sorry.” You said.
“It’s okay.” He said.
“Chan, are you okay?” You asked.
“Hm? Oh, yeah. Sorry, I’m just a little tired so I’m gonna head upstairs and lay down.” He said, giving you smile.
“Okay, goodnight.” You said, smiling back.
He walked up the stairs and you sat in the living room alone with a book. You were reading a horror book that hooked you right away. You yawned as you picked up your cup of hot chocolate and took a sip. The weather was a little chilly, as it was only spring, and the warm drink, warm blanket, and light rainfall outside made you sleepy. You closed your eyes and fell asleep.
You jolted awake as you gasped for breath. Another nightmare. You felt yourself tremble and choke for air. This had been the realest feeling one yet.
You felt the couch dip where your head had been and jumped when you felt a warm hand touch you.
“Y/N, are you okay?” 
You turned your head and saw Chan looking at you, worry across his face.
“Y-Yeah, just a bad dream.” You said, looking away from him.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He asked.
You shook your head and you both fell silent. Rain still pattered on the windows and your half drunken drink still filled the room with a chocolate smell.
“You should go to your room and go back to sleep.” He said.
“Yeah, maybe I’ll be better in my bed.” You said as your body still trembled. 
You felt his warm hand on your shoulder as he sat closer to you. Your back hit the side of his chest as he rubbed your arm.
“It was only a dream, it’s gonna be okay.” He said. You both sat like that until your body stopped trembling. He rubbed soft circles into your arm with his thumb and you looked back at him and smiled.
“I’m okay now, thank you. You should probably go to sleep too.” You said.
He nodded as he stood up and got up right after, grabbing your cup and bringing it into the kitchen to wash. You heard the stairs creek as he walked up the stairs and you sighed in relief. Now your heart can return back to normal. Between Chan and the nightmare, your heart was beating out of your chest. You made your way into your room and washed your face. Before you climbed into bed, you heard a soft knock at the door. You opened it and saw a sleepy looking Jeongin. He walked past you and into your room, laying on your bed and getting under the covers. You followed after, laying down and feeling him hug you. You felt better, feeling someone laying next to you. 
You groggily got out of bed the next morning, the spot next to you empty as the boys had an early schedule that day. You washed up and cleaned the dorm up. Dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming. Although cleaning got boring, you had a lot of time to do what you wanted after. And JYP paid you BIG MONEY to do such an easy job. But cleaning up after 9 boys while also doing their shopping and errands can sometimes be a hassle. You were just glad they weren’t messy like most men. 
You finished around three and decided to visit the boys and bring them some food. You grabbed some of their favorite take outs and drove over to the JYP building. You walked down the hallway when you heard a familiar voice.
You turned around and saw Hyungsuk standing there, he had makeup on and his hair was parted.
“Hyungsuk?” You asked in surprise.
“It IS you!” He said with a smile, walking over and hugging you.
He hugged you so shamelessly despite the fact you two have only known each other for twenty four hours-tops. But you didn’t mind, he was genuine and sweet.
“I didn’t know you were a trainee.” You said, realizing why he was all done up.
“Yeah, we did a performance cover. Do you need help with those bags?” He asked.
“Nah, they’re not heavy.” You said.
“You seem like the type that’s strong enough to throw a grown man.” He said with a laugh.
“Yah!” You yelled, laughing with him.
Just then, you heard someone clear their throat. When you turned around, Felix and Chan were standing behind the both of you.
“Oh, hey guys. I brought you food.” You said.
“You know them?!” Hyungsuk gasped.
You nodded and laughed as Felix gave Hyungsuk a friendly smile.
“You were the guy she hung out with yesterday?” He asked.
“Awe, did you talk about me Y/N?” Hyungsuk asked.
“Pshh, yeah. In your dreams.” You laughed.
Hyungsuk looked at Chan and bowed deeply.
“You’re Bang Chan! I’m a huge fan!.” He said, grabbing Chan’s hand and shaking it.
Chan smiled and thanked him before walking down the hallway towards the practice rooms. You turned to Felix who shrugged.
“He’s been grouchy all day.” He said.
“Why? Is he okay?” You asked.
“I don’t know. I tried talking to him but he kept brushing it off.” He said.
“I don’t mean to interrupt,” Hyungsuk said suddenly, “But I have to get going. It was nice meeting you Felix.” He said bowing to Felix before turning towards you and giving you another hug.
“I hope we can see each other more often Y/N!” He said, letting go and waving at you before heading down the hall. 
You waved then turned towards Felix.
“He’s super nice.” He said.
“Yeah he is.” You said as you and Felix and walked towards the practice rooms.
When you walked in, the members turned towards you.
“Finally! I’m starving.” Jisung said.
“Sorry, Y/N’s boyfriend happens to be a trainee and we ran into him.” Felix said.
“WHAT?” Minho said, cracking up.
“Shut up, he isn’t my boyfriend.” You said.
All the boys took their food, besides Chan. You handed him his and he took it without looking at you.
“Chan, are you okay?” You asked.
“Yeah, just thinking.” He said with a smile.
You nodded and sat down to eat with them. They were all talking and laughing about stuff, but you kept looking at Chan. He was pretty quiet and not eating too much. Worry began to fill your stomach. You knew Chan was dedicated, but you didn’t want him over working himself. His eye bags weren’t extremely bad, but they were noticeable.
“So Y/N, when are we going to meet this boyfriend of yours?” Hyunjin teased.
You threw a piece of chicken from Woojin’s platter at him and he started laughing.
“MY CHICKEN!” Woojin yelled, the loudest you’ve ever heard him yell.
You all started laughing as Woojin stared at the small piece of chicken.
“THAT’S DISRESPECT!” He shrieked.
At this point, everyone was laughing now and you started to choke. Jisung patted your back as you wiped tears from your eyes from laughing so hard.
“No but seriously, when are we gonna meet him?” Hyunjin asked again.
“He really isn’t my boyfriend.” You said.
“Hmmmm I dunno, he hugged you pretty tight.” Felix laughed.
You rolled your eyes as the other boys laughed and continued to eat your food. You saw Chan close his food that he barely touched and get up to walk to the recording studio.
“Changbin, Jisung, I’ll be in the recording studio.” He said as he walked out.
“I don’t know what his problem is but he’s been like that all day.” Jisung said.
After they finished eating, Changbin and Jisung walked to the recording studio and you stayed to watch the other boys. You wanted to go with them, but you didn’t know how Chan would feel since he was in a bad mood. You watched the boys’ new choreo and smiled at Jeongin who had mastered a part he kept messing up.
“You’re doing great!” You said with a big smile.
His eyes brightened and smiled sheepishly.
“Thank you noona.” He said.
After a little bit of them practicing, it was almost time for them to head home. You were about to walk out and start the car to heat it up a little bit when you bumped into someone. The last time that happened in that building, things ended BADLY. You slowly looked up and saw Hungsuk’s happy face close to yours.
“Hey Y/N!” He said, squashing you into a hug.
“H-Hi Hyungsuk.” You wheezed out as he smooshed you.
“How was practice?” You asked.
“It was good. I don’t have to be in til late tomorrow, do you wanna hangout beforehand?” He asked.
“Sure, I don’t have to run the members dinner until around six tomorrow.” You said.
“Perfect, I have to be here by six.” He said happily.
He hugged you again and you laughed. You stopped laughing when you saw Chan standing there, his phone in his hand but his eyes on you. Jisung laughed as he saw you and Hyungsuk.
“Wow Y/N, you two really are dating.” He said.
“We are NOT.” You said, huffing.
Hyungsuk laughed and ruffled your hair. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
He walked away and when you turned towards Jisung and Chan, Chan walked right by you without saying anything.
“Sheesh, he’s still grumpy.” Jisung said.
When you all arrived back at the dorms, you all sat down to finish your leftovers. You saw Chan picking at his food still and you worry prickle at you.
“Hyung what’s wrong?” Felix asked.
“Nothing. I’m fine.” Chan said, giving a small smile as usual. 
He ate a little bit more before putting his food in the fridge and walking into the living room. You finished your food and walked into the living room, sitting on the couch. Chan was staring out the window, his chin on his hand.
“Chan? Are you okay?” You asked.
“Yeah.” He said, getting up and leaving the room.
You looked down at your hands. Maybe he was uncomfortable after hearing you say you liked him. But he had comforted you yesterday, so was that even a possibility? 
Jisung walked into the room and sat next to you and played a movie while the other members sat down to watch.
“Where’s hyung?’ Jeongin asked.
“He said he has stuff to work on.” Changbin said.
As you all watched the movie, you couldn’t help but think about Chan. He was acting weird. He wasn’t talking or eating much and he never missed movie night. Jisung pulled you into him and you cuddled into his side.
“You okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, just distracted.” You said.
“Are you worried about Chan?” He asked.
You nodded and he ruffled your hair.
“He’ll be okay, he’s probably just stressed.” He said.
After the movie you headed to your room. Chan came around the corner and walked right by you without saying anything. He didn’t even glance at you. As you laid in bed you tried to think if you did something wrong, or if any of the other members pissed him off, but you couldn’t think of anything. You couldn’t think of anything and fell into a restless slumber.
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