#i’m making this bigger than it is because i literally don’t have a diagnose yet i have to wait max 3months to be called for the tests
I’m hesitant to call myself disabled
Or even refer to my frequent joint problems/ pain as chronic. I mean, yeah, I have been wearing my wrist splint the last 6 weeks + and my wrist hurts when I pick up something heavier than a water bottle. But does that count, though? Does it?
And my knees are currently fine because I have been wearing my orthopaedic insoles. So I’m technically not hindered by my knees.
My migraine and occasional headache comes and goes, that’s neither here nor there. – I did have mild headaches for almost 20 months straight in 2021 & 2022
As for my orthostatic intolerance, yeah, that’s been a bitch. (Probably worse than before ever since I had Covid beginning of November 2022) But I also feel like I just drink too little. And if that’s it, do I even have orthostatic dysfunction? Sure, it’s too warm for me already and I’m about panting when I took two flights of stairs at 25°C. But is that orthostatic intolerance or am I just lazy and unathletic?
I have had most of this shit (joint pains, back pain, orthostatic intolerance/ cardiovascular weakness, migraines) since my mid- to late-teens.
And yet
Jury’s still out on whether I genuinely have any form of dysautonomia and what’s up with my joints, whether that’s some rheumatism
Like, I got myself a cane to try out whether that can help me. I’m used to just… coping with shit. I have a whole drawer of splints and support bandages. I started wearing compression stockings back in 2021.
I… I cope and I feel like no doctor will diagnose me with shit but I also feel like I couldn’t accept hearing “no, you’re healthy and just need to work out more”. So I’m not exactly eager to see a medical specialist although I really want to know what’s wrong with my body and I want it acknowledged. But that’s also the thing, I want acknowledgement and assistance with coping rather than a cure and… I feel like that’s also… like, if it was “bad enough”, if it was genuinely disabling, I would want it gone, right?
But I have already accepted that living with these issues is fine, that it’s not going to be curable and that I’ll cope and that’ll be my life. Which, I know that sounds stupid and I understand if someone called me a faking attention seeker. Not getting help at all seems… not even trying to get help, maintaining my status quo, seems easier than to struggle with medical professionals.
I’m 24, I’m too young for this shit and if it was chronic it would have been a problem for years so why didn’t I go see a doctor when it started?
Plus I always felt like my mental illnesses and my neurodivergence are the bigger hinderance in my life.
Well, at least during school they were. Unmedicated ADHD-PI, major depression, generalised anxiety, avoidant personality disorder, rejection-sensitive dysphoria, complex trauma/ CPTSD, trauma regarding specific events, and I’m very likely also autistic.
And let me tell you, my RSD and AvPD are pretty rough on literally any social interaction. I refuse to ask for help because I don’t want to burden people. I refuse to ask for accommodations I’m entitled to because I’m worried someone might question my right to accessibility. Generally, anxiety controls every aspect of me being a member of society and I think some demand-avoidance might also factor in because I’m just so scared of fucking up that doing nothing and getting yelled at seems less stressful than putting in work and getting yelled at none the less.
And “very likely” is putting it mildly, I very much fit the described experience of AuDHD folks. But technically it could also just be my anxieties making it look like I’m autistic. Which I doubt but since I was also told I’m not depressed, it’s just AvPD, eeeeh… yeah.
I’m pretty confident with my self-assessment even though I have had people laugh in my face when I told them about self-diagnosing.
Idk man, I just live here.
And I sometimes feel like I’m faking it…? Even though from my experience acknowledging stuff like my autism only got me snide comments to not be difficult and just push myself to comply. So idk which benefit I would gain from faking any of these issues. But the imposter syndrome is still there.
Further self-conscious identity struggle under the cut.
And while you can pry “queer” from my cold dead hands, I don’t feel entitled to refer to myself as gay
I’m aroace but in terms of queerplatonic/ alterous attraction I would date someone regardless of gender BUT I have a definite preference for femboys, femme men, non-binary men and AMAB* non-binary people
I myself am a transneutral-transmasc person and never connected with “being a woman/ girl”. I have always felt more comfortable being a guy but I acknowledge I’m not a man. I’m an agender guy and I’m a genderqueer guy and I’m masc transneutral. I consider the terms masculenby and MINgender also correct descriptors but only in reference of me being agender-genderqueer. Like, that’s the focal point, the frame of reference. I’m agender and genderqueer first and foremost, only within that is my gender experience masc-in-nature and vaguely aligned with masculinity.
So my attraction to queer men and my gender being masc-aligned… I don’t feel like I’m allowed to call myself gay. Because I don’t make an effort to look masc/ genderqueer/ agender
I want to make it clear I would never judge or discredit someone in my exact situation for calling themself gay or a fag or whatever they want to use to describe their achillean attraction.
I just don’t feel like I’m allowed to because I get treated and pass for a tomboy cis-woman. I firmly reject the notion of being a woman, I am not woman and never was a girl. But I still appear to be one so I feel like I can’t raise a stink around it.
Which is also why I don’t think my ideal relationship has any chance of happening.
I want to be with an AMAB* non-binary person who is feminine. They don’t need to be transfem but my attraction is certainly geared towards flamboyant and effeminate men and AMAB* enby people. Could probably be simplified to femboys. *I feel weird referring to this as a genital preference but I acknowledge that that is part of it and hence saying AMAB is not entirely correct. Because I’m sex-averse and would rather not but I can see myself having sex again with a future partner who happens to have a penis. I can not picture myself having sex with someone without a penis. And that genital preference kinda makes me feel icky because I’m agender myself and I feel like it shouldn’t matter but…
If I were to find a partner like that, chances are they would understand and accept my own complex relationship to gender and how I feel about myself in relation to being masc, being a guy, not being a man, being agender-genderqueer.
But even if that was to fit, I doubt I would be lucky enough to have that same person be understanding and supportive of my aroace-ness. It’s unshakeable I’m aroace and that can’t be removed from who I am. Much less in a relationship. I’m proudly aromantic and I’m a sex-averse asexual. Wouldn’t want to chance either of those aspects. (Although I could do without the sexual trauma.)
Actually, regarding tertiary attraction. I don’t feel romantic or sexual attraction as a blanket statement. But I do experience physical attraction, the want to be close, the tactile attraction to cuddle and kiss someone, I crave domesticity and to have a person I can call my home. My person, my home, my domestic bliss. And I don’t know whether what I experience – what I want for my ideal relationship – is actually alterous attraction. I think it is because it goes beyond queerplatonic, even, and it’s more than queerplatonic but the exact mixture it is is individual to the partner I’m with. Which is why I chose to use the term idemalterous; I don’t know whether it really is that different from queerplatonic attraction but I choose to define it as alterous attraction.
I don’t think there is a chance of me finding a person who accepts and supports my identity even if they are the one stuck with me for a partner. My relationship to sex/ my asexuality is a bit layered and I dare say contradictory. I want a partner who finds me sexually attractive and is, uhm, sexually available…? for those few rare once-in-a-blue-moon occasions I would like to sleep with them. With how inherently queer my attraction is, with how inherently queer my “type” is, I do have some ideas about sexual activity tbh. Like, it’s queer sex between queer people anyway, why bother simulating heteros? Although I do have my sexual trauma to consider and I know it’s a huge turn-off for many people that even if I’m interested I wouldn’t be as available as someone without trauma around sex.
Although I partially think my huge trauma around kink is a bigger hinderance than my asexuality/ sex-aversion. A lot more people are a lot more kinky than they give themself credit for and I’m someone who can not “give it a try”. Which disqualifies me for a larger demographic of potential partners than one might think.
I would like to have someone to love, to be domestic with, to hype each other up, care for and support each other because we want to. Yes I would like if that person found me sexually attractive even if I can’t return that, and them being aromantic is somewhat implicit because I need them to understand how attraction and relationships work for me. I would very much like to find my queerplatonic “one and only”, to find someone who can in return also put the work in to make us become that “the one” for each other. But I know my preferences are too specific.
And to have that supportive, accepting, queerplatonically-loving person be an alt/ punk/ goth/ emo femboy? Yeah, big chance that’ll ever happen to me. (Sarcasm.)
So settling with the thought of my ideal relationship being unachievable is easier. I’m not saying a person like this doesn’t exist, I’m not saying people like me can’t find happy relationships.
I’m just saying I don’t believe in myself ever getting that. Finding that. Which is why I refuse to call this hopes or expectations or anything more concrete than preferences and dreams.
Because my wishes are a great deal above someone just treating me well and respecting me. And I know I just don’t get lucky like that so there is no point in calling this a hope when I know full-well it’s an unrealistic dream.
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andreycoded · 2 years
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abbybubbls · 4 years
Nothing is Wrong, Doc, Trust Me
    “Thank you for coming here today,” Dr. Iplier said, in his spot on the table. Dark just sat down on their spot, seeing that the rest of the seats were empty.
    “It’s… just me,” Dark awkwardly said.
    “I know,” Iplier replied, smiling for a second before having a serious face. “We need to talk about Wilford.”
Just at the tone of his voice, Dark knew that this had to be one of those conversations.
    “What about him,” Dark asked flatly. “He seems perfectly normal to me.”
This was usually Dark’s go-to sentence; something quick and dismissive, which would get rid of something quickly without much thought. Sure, Dark would say it whenever the topic of Wilford is brought up, but nobody has really caught onto it yet.
    “That’s what you say all the time,” the doctor said. Well, shit. “There’s no other way to put it, but Wilford is not normal. In fact, he’s the most… mentally unstable person I’ve ever met. And I’ve met a bunch of wackos ever since we came here.”
Dark frowned.
    “I don’t see how you think he’s worse than anyone else,” they said.
    “No, I don’t suppose you would,” Iplier replied, scratching his chin. “I was able to meet up with him a few days ago, and… well, I think you may need to see this.”
The doctor pulled out a piece of paper from underneath the table, and slid it in front of Dark.
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Name: Wilford Warfstache (that can’t be his real name…)
Birth date: 11/9/????
Age: ???
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel (with a hint of pink?)
Height: 5’10
Weight: ???
Other: Pink handlebar mustache, no idea if it’s dyed - Forgets to wear pants most of the time - Carries a knife and gun everywhere, even when nothing bad is happening.
Story: Something bad enough to make him like this, I’m sure…
Now: A TV show host, even though he’s killed multiple guests… Talks to Dark… a lot. A hopeless romantic. Cheerful, friendly, but can be intimidating when he doesn’t know he is. Dismissive over time, and pops in and out of nowhere when we least expect it. Everybody suspects he has no laws of physics. He causes trouble when he says it was an accident, or he’s dismissive of it. He takes certain things too seriously, and ends up getting himself in trouble for it. Spontaneously shoots in random directions and excuses it for “target practice”. Can get very violent and easily offended. Mood swings, random violence, gun and knife handling, random bursts of singing… possibly more than that.
Likes: Dark (literally the first thing that came to his mind), fidget toys, TV, collecting weapons, vintage clothing, helping, storytelling, dancing, colors, music, straws for drinks, creativity, distractions, Bubbles™, himself
Dislikes: Interruptions, feeling alone, sitting still, too much detail, loud people, losing motivation, being lied to, smoke, thunderstorms, himself (???)
Diagnoses: Anxiety, Astraphobia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autophobia, Mania, Memory Loss, Schizophrenia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Treatments: Will talk to Dark about it. Medication, therapy, or both.
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Dark paused for a while after reading the paper.
    “You’re actually serious,” they said, staring at the doctor.
    “Dead,” he crossed his arms. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed what’s been going on with Wilford lately. He’s been very trigger happy this past year.”
    “He’s always trigger happy,” Dark said. “He just needs a reminder every once in a while to stay out of trouble.”
    “He almost shot Captain Magnum over choosing a song for Yancy’s karaoke party!” Iplier exclaimed, but trying to keep his voice down.
    “And?” Dark asked. “Magnum is a pirate, he’s been through worse. He lost his legs for crying out loud.”
    “He shot multiple guests on his show!”
    “He didn’t mean any of it. It was an accident every time.”
    “He almost killed our creator!”
    “Mark insulted him, he deserved it.” Dark almost sneered by saying Mark’s name, even though they knew it wasn’t the right Mark… probably.
    “He ignores his problems and blows those stupid Bubbles™ everywhere!”
    “Wilford needs a good distraction. Besides, he said those things solve all of life’s problems, why stop him?”
    “Because-!” Iplier tried not to raise his voice. Instead, he tugged at his head mirror. “Why do you always have to defend him when there are clear issues?”
    “Because Wilford has no idea what he’s doing,” Dark said, plain and simple. “He told me so. I see an innocence in that, so it’s justified, right?”
The doctor stuttered. “I- you- he- no! No, it’s not!”
Dark’s eyes narrowed, and Iplier stood up from his seat.
    “Dark, I know that you have the best intentions with him,” he said. “But you need to recognize that there are so many things wrong with Wilford! He’s traumatized for God’s sake!”
    “Wilford is fine,” Dark said through gritted teeth.
    “Have you read the paper?!” Iplier asked loudly. “It’s right in front of you!”
Dark didn’t bother to look down at the paper in front of them. “I don’t care what a piece of paper says about Will.”
    “I wrote it all myself,” Iplier said, pointing an accusing finger. “Papers don’t write themselves down.”
    “He is innocent,” Dark almost growled under their breath. “You’re lying.”
    “Dark, I’m a professional!” Iplier exclaimed. “I notice when somebody is acting unnatural, and Wilford is anything but natural!”
Dark tried not to clench their fists. “He is when he’s with me. He tells me anything and everything. Wilford is happy.”
    “I’m not stupid, Dark,” Iplier said. “I see the way you are with him, and it’s clear that you really want him to be safe. If you really care about him, why don’t you just do something about it?”
Dark breathed in. They wanted to scream. They wanted to punch a hole through the wall. Instead, they kept their voice calm and steady.
    “I’m doing what I’m doing because I know him the most,” they said. “I’ve already done so much to make sure that Wilford is alright. He’s too far gone to even try to get professional help, even from someone like you. It’s the best I can do right now.”
Iplier’s shoulders slumped. He looked like he was at a loss for words, as if Dark had won this argument. The corner of Dark’s lips crept up to make a smile, but they paused as the doctor opened his mouth. Dark quickly interrupted.
    “If you’re going to suggest we’ll go ‘Of Mice and Men’ on him, that for sure is not going to work. Wilford is far too clever to fall for something like that.”
Iplier froze, with his mouth agape. “I wasn’t going to suggest that at all.”
    “It wouldn’t matter anyway,” Dark rested their chin on their hand, looking down at the table. “He’ll always get back up.”
The doctor looked like he was at a loss for words again until he glanced to the desk at the other side of the room. Wilford’s gun resided there, right next to the TV remote. Iplier froze, having no idea if it was there the whole time he and Dark were talking.
    “Wilford left his gun here,” he said.
    “I know,” Dark replied with their eyes closed. “I’ll give it to him once I see him.”
Iplier turned to them. “He killed people with that thing.”
    “I know,” Dark repeated, quietly. “To him, it doesn’t matter. He’ll forget anyway.”
    “Then give him more reminders,” Iplier said, sitting back down in his seat.
Dark kept a glaring look at the doctor. “What?”
    “Give him more reminders,” he repeated. “Make sure he does something he’s supposed to do; drink water, take vitamins, when it’s time to eat, having time away from weapons, going outside, all that…”
    “Wilford is not a child,” Dark said, almost bitterly.
Iplier defensively put up a hand. “I know that, but just… give him some kind of schedule. At least something to give Wilford something that affects him mentally in a healthy way. Teach him grounding, suggest he goes to therapy…”
    “He already goes to the Host for that,” Dark said matter-of-factly.
    “The Host isn’t a therapist,” Iplier replied. “He’s a radio host, it’s literally in his name. He knows a thing or two about mental health, but he’s not a professional.”
He shook his head to quickly change the subject. “Look, the point is, just give him a new routine so he can have something to look forward to. Something that’s positive, and won’t be so dangerous. It can’t be that bad for him.”
Dark exhaled slowly, as if releasing an angry ghost from their nostrils. “Alright… I don’t like it, but you may be right.”
They eyed at the gun across the room.
    “Thank you very much, Dark,” Iplier said, standing up from his seat. “I know this isn’t a very fun topic for you, but I just wanted to address some concerns.”
Dark silently pursed their lips. “You’re welcome.”
The doctor nodded goodbye with a small smile, and nudged the paper closer to Dark before he turned to leave the room.
Dark sat still in their seat, staring at the TV screen. Then the gun. Then the paper.
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Diagnoses: Anxiety, Astraphobia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autophobia, Mania, Memory Loss, Schizophrenia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Dark’s mind was blank as they read the list of diagnoses over and over and over again. Mental health issues, Wilford has always had them. His brain just works differently because of them. Not better, but different. Dark was pretty sure that Wilford would be aware that his problems would be a bigger deal to other people than to himself.
Wilford would get in trouble, apologize or dismiss the problem, and go on about his day. None of it would really be a big deal, right? It was just something that happened, just another thing to be anxious about. Wilford was only human, after all, and humans make mistakes…
Still, it’s not a bad idea to have some type of safe routine, for Wilford, and for everybody. It can’t hurt to try. They’re just rules, like no shooting indoors. It’s not even a real punishment; it’s just grounding. It doesn’t have to be so bad.
Dark pondered to themselves… There was that one ukulele that Wilford kept begging for that one time he and Dark went on a walk around the town. Now that Dark thought about it, they could get that for Wilford the next time they go out. It’s something that Wilford wanted. It’s a positive thing to look forward to, at least.
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
SO! I wrote this a few weeks ago, and I wanted to make a series with this, but then I quickly lost motivation and decided to keep this as a oneshot. This is a new headcanon of mine where Dark and Dr. Iplier befriend each other by keeping Wilford in check in terms of his mental health.
I hope you enjoyed reading this! Reblogs and likes are always appreciated! 💗
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monkberries · 3 years
So here goes: Personally I find Paul to be hot with a beard. But it annoys me because there’s always some Paul stan who’s like “he was super depressed during that time you know” anytime someone says how hot he looks with a beard. Like first of all, I don’t think we should go around diagnosing people and assuming how he felt 24/7 just based on a couple of quotes when we don’t know him, and second of all I was just saying he looks good. Also idk why Paul stans want to pretend like Paul is STILL a victim when he’s definitely not. He’s a super successful billionaire musician. He’s fine.
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I'm going to assume all four of these were from the same anon; I received another along these same lines that seems to be from someone else:
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OKAY. There's a lot here.
As I've said before, I think the concept you are both talking about - that Paul is the favourite, that people will attack you if you criticize him, that people are vilifying John more now - is true, but is also a matter of perspective. I think sometimes we perceive the whole fandom as just the people we're surrounded by; that can be true in smaller fandoms, like for obscure shows or whatever, but for the Beatles, the fandom is so much bigger and more spread out across generations, social media platforms, and works of literature than almost any other fandom. There are literally thousands upon thousands of books either about or tangentially about the Beatles; there are pockets on every platform from tumblr to twitter to podcasts to instagram to facebook etc., and it branches off even more niche within those to like, facebook groups specifically for podcasts about the Beatles, or discord servers, or livejournal threads, or music forums, or fics on ao3. There are fansites with thoughtful speculative articles like heydullblog and blogs specifically reviewing Beatle books like beatlebioreview and sites cataloging every bit of minutiae like the Beatles Bible, all with their own flavor of comment sections. And not only that, the Beatles fandom spans generations and cultures in a way that almost nothing else ever has or ever will.
And this is not even going into the shifting narratives that have been in play over the years surrounding Paul specifically, and the huge, huge difference between the perceptions of him by the authors and the Counterculture People, the perceptions of him by regular ass Wings fans who have only idly flipped through Rolling Stone while waiting in line at the local bodega, and the perceptions of him by everyone in between, who may or may not have been unconsciously influenced by the wider narratives about him.
All that is to make the case that the fandom that you are experiencing on tumblr/twitter is an extremely small fraction of The Fandom at large. For every Paul stan on twitter that yells at people for not believing that Paul literally invented music, there is a John stan in a facebook group going on about John's supposedly tireless peace efforts. For every nuanced, well sourced post on amoralto's blog, there is someone in the Beatles Bible comment section saying that John and Paul hated each other. For every fan who's read the major Beatles bios with a critical eye towards bias, there are plenty more fans who just absorbed them as straight fact. This is not to say that your experiences are not real or valid! They absolutely are! What I am saying is that there are infinite permutations of infinite Beatles fandoms out there, and the people you see who insist that Paul is still treated worse than John, I would imagine, are occupying various permutations of the fandom where that is more true, alongside the one they share with you. It's not for me to say whether the Paul or John people have the upper hand on the whole - truly, I don't think anyone has enough perspective on the whole fandom to make any judgment on that, no matter what general Grand Pronouncements anyone may make about The Fandom.
As I've said before, any overly defensive "stan" behavior, whether it's for John or Paul or George or anyone, is exhausting to me, so I definitely understand where you're coming from re: him being supposedly underrated. He is literally one of the most successful musicians of all time; as of the beginning of this year, he is worth 1.2 billion dollars; and, thanks to his own efforts and the efforts of quite a few fans and writers out there over the decades, he now enjoys an incredibly positive "granddude" reputation. There are ways in which it can be exasperating to read yet another indignant refutation of music reviews for RAM that came out fifty years ago, when his last three albums have hit the top 3 in the charts in both the US and the UK and have gotten great reviews. I have seen people wonder, honestly wonder, how much more money Paul could have made, how much more respected he could have been, if the rock press had been inclined to give RAM good reviews. When I see that, it does start to feel like fans of Paul, at least the defensive ones in the fandom permutations I occupy, are arguing with the author photo of Philip Norman in the book jacket for Shout!. It's not that I think those arguments and discussions are not worth having; I do think they're worth having because I believe that the only way we can continue to grow is if we grapple with the mistakes made in the past. But there is a strange kind of disconnect that happens when you read about someone indignantly defending Wild Life as though the members of Wings are currently, actively having eggs and rotten fruit thrown at them, and then you remember that Paul is currently, and has been for many years now, one of the richest men in the entire world.
As for the misogyny thing, I'll copy and paste a quote from Erin Weber which may explain a little better than I can:
"Where it starts entering into serious discussion for me is when you have professional grown men (Schaffner would be the most glaring example of this, but not the only one) repeatedly using the term “pretty” or “pretty-faced” to refer to another grown man. (Norman does the same). Schaffner doesn’t only do that once or twice, he uses one of those exact words at least fifteen times in his references to McCartney. “Pretty-boy” is also a term that at least one journalist has used to describe Paul, and that’s not a stealth insult: that’s an overt one. (My husband, who hates the Yankees, routinely used the term “pretty-boy” to insult Alex Rodriguez. And it wasn’t meant as a compliment).
My reaction to this is based both on studies that I’m aware of (I’d have to hunt them up, but I’ve seen them referenced before) which argue that the use of feminized language can be a method of stealth insult/diminishment when used by men to describe other men, and my own personal experience. It is difficult to see a situation where a grown man using the term “pretty” or any variation of the word “pretty” to describe another grown man means it as a compliment. Even if its purely meant as a descriptive term, it is a descriptive term that is weighted with significant meaning and is feminizing. And given the rock press’s obsession with masculinity and its insistence, as noted in other studies, of using masculine terms to portray a song as good and feminizing terms to describe them as weak or inferior, I don’t think its a coincidence that a rock press that knew well the power of masculine and feminine language commonly used feminized language, particularly in the 1970s and 80s, to describe McCartney."
I personally see this more as pseudo-homophobic than pseudo-misogynistic (like, when I see a man called "pretty" by another man in an insulting way, I immediately think "oh, that author wanted to say a gay slur but he's too Professional"), but the two things can get muddled together, I suppose.
Anyway, actionable items:
Diversify Your Fan Experience. More perspectives can really help gain a fuller understanding of not just the fandom but the Beatles themselves. Don't be afraid to be wrong, and don't be afraid to be right; always be open to learning new things and hearing new insights.
If All Else Fails, Block 'Em.
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captain-aralias · 3 years
Life stuff
this feels kind of weird, because i’ve never used my tumblr like this, but i would have written something on my livejournal, and i want people to know - i just dont want to have to tell people about it, or really talk about it at all. 
but i also wanted to write this, idk. 
(TW: impending death of a parent)
my mum has cancer. 
it’s a rare form of cancer, called peritoneal cancer, which is similar to but different from ovarian cancer - i think it mostly gets diagnosed (like my mum’s) when it’s too late to do anything about it. all the treatment has been palliative only i.e. letting her live as long and as comfortably as possible.
she was diagnosed in september last year - about a year ago, a few months after running the ‘virtual’ london marathon on the isle of wight, where she lives, and obviously deep in lockdown. 
as someone undergoing chemo, she was deemed extremely vulnerable to covid, and so she spent most of the early pandemic isolating. she also said she didn’t see any point in my brother and i visitng her, particularly given the risks, because we could talk via facetime - which is fair enough - all of which meant my brother and i didn’t go to visit her until May this year, after she’d done the first lot of chemo and was already doing much better again. 
a few months after that, we found out that while she’d responded really well to the chemo, her cancer wasn’t responding at all to the maintenance drugs that were suposed to stop it coming back, so she came off the drugs completely. medical advice was basically chemo is as effective whenever you do it, so you might as well enjoy your life for a while, we’ll monitor it every month, and when things start to get too bad, we’ll put you back in chemo. 
it’s friday tomorrow - so two fridays ago, i saw my mum in london after she’d just seen hamilton with her partner, graham. both of them loved hamilton. her hair had grown back, she seemed pretty normal. about a week later, she was in A&E - and she’s been in the hospital all week. she’s got a total bowel obstruction, which means she can’t eat and hasn’t eaten since last week.
now in a weird situation where there are a few tricky, difficult options (including being moved off the island back onto the mainland to a bigger hospital) that will mean that she stays alive long enough to get the chemo, which will probably get her back to hamilton-watching strength, or ... she could die really soon. like, in a few days. 
we can’t visit. her partner can’t visit because covid - there’s this really sad-making photo of him looking happy on the phone through a window to my mum, also on the phone, inside the hospital. 
i feel...
???? :( :( :( ....
i guess this is the main point of the post. i’m not writing this crying, i’m writing it pretty neutrally - because my brain isn’t really processing it right now, and mostly doesn’t process it. 
i did cry earlier today while on the phone to various people, and then i went back to work. i hate crying, i hate being sad, and i dont like people comforting me, because it makes me realise that i have something to be sad about. 
i’ve known she had cancer for a year. i haven’t been able to hang out with her most of that time. i would say, we are fairly close, although not nearly as close as some families. we don’t talk every week, but we talk regularly, and have seen each other regularly. 
i’m so incredibly privileged that nothing that bad has ever happened to me, even though i’m 35. i’ve never been to a funeral, which seemed like a major life win and now i think was a mistake, i should have gone to funerals for people i card about less to help get used to it. 
the literal only comparison i have to how i feel is when my cat Anton died suddenly  about 3 years ago - i handled it with a mix of not thinking about it, being intensely sad for as brief a period as i could, and probably by thinking about how sad my girlfriend was about it, and sort of sidestepping my own feelings in comparison. 
i remember when my last remaining grandparent died - and i was about 14 or something - i wasn’t sad for myself, i was only sad for her my dad being sad. for ages, i worried that i was not going to be sad enough about this - and i still sort of am. 
but i also passionately hate the idea of being sad and i know i’ll look to avoid it as much as possible, and try and get on with my life. 
i know my mum dying isn’t about me - when people write after death it’s about the person who died, obviously. that makes sense. but this post isn’t about my mum, who is a very cool person, much cooler than me - it’s about me. because i am self-obsessed and this is going to wreck my life for a while.
it’s weird, because i can see it on the horizon but it’s not happening yet. and i dont know whether that’s good or bad - i feel like it’s good, in a way. someone ages ago told me that the grieving period starts when you get the news. that seems very true to me - but also, i know that it’s going to ramp up, and so i’m like in the expectation of true grief right now. 
it’s sort of like she died, but also is still going to die, but also i can magically still talk to her. which is really nice, in a way, it’s like a second chance, because i know i didn’t reach out enough before she had cancer. and i’m aware enough of my own actions that i know this is what’s been going on in my head the past year - i should reach out more, because she has cancer, but i dont want to make it seem like i’m reaching out because she has cancer, even though she knows i know she has cancer....... and also, i’m busy writing this fic. /o\
the fact that she seemed to recover (even though my mum insisted on saying ‘i am not recovered, i’m going to die soon’ like several time as a day as a disclaimer) also totally messed with my head, because i knew logically - ok, it’s happening. but also, things seemed so normal when we speak. even when i called her today, and she hasn’t eaten for a week, it seemed normal. 
btw - i realised this week i had no idea how cancer killed people. my mum is a scientist and has looked up all kinds of things about what’s killing her; i’m clearly a simon snow and didn’t want to think about things i can’t help. if you’d asked me, i’d have said like... it poisons you or something, or blocks bloodflow to your brain. not what i think will actually do it which is.... starvation. or being too weak to survive being pumped full of the poison that is intended to kill the cancer. (that one i guess i could have predicted.) man - cancer sucks. i mean, we all knew it. 
(i failed to get into cambridge university at interview stage, many years ago. the man who interviewed me gave me some extremely memorable feedback, which is that i needed to dial back the ‘defensive irony’ - which i thnk in that context meant i put myself down and tried to make a joke of everything. i remember when i got the phonecall to say Anton, my cat, was dead, i literally did not know what to do with my voice - because my instinct was to try and make the vet feel better, and also to present myself as bright and capable, and yet this unexpected and devasting news had just come through. rainbow wrote something sort of similar because she’s a good writer, for shepard as he tells penny about his curse. i feel like that.) 
what else did i want to say? 
i thought i had more time. ‘hamilton’ will probably always be tied to this moment in my mind, because of how much i’ve spoken to my mum about it in the past few weeks (i sent her the remix - she liked it, she listened to it in hospital while trying to drink more than 100ml of fluids) but yeah - this is basically a line from hamilton here. whatever. don’t make me feel my own feelings, let me just quote things. i dont like my own feelings. (no, i dont want to go to therapy - they’d make me talk about my feelings all the time, i’m british for god’s sake.) 
i’m 35 - my mum is 68. i didn’t think she’d die this early or that i’d have to deal with this yet. but then i also don’t think bad things are ever going to happen to me - because mostly they haven’t, see above. i wear a mask and am double vaccinated because i’m not an asshole, but i dont really believe i’ll get covid because bad things don’t happen to me. i didn’t think my mum would die - maybe ever, but definitely not yet. she’s been retired a decade after teaching (science) and has enjoyed it. 
i thought i had time to not have kids yet - which is the other thing (like hamilton) that this moment is really tied up with for me. i feel like 35 is getting quite old, but also not that old to still not have kids, but intend to maybe have them. my feelings about kids were basically like - up until like 25, i thought, yes, definitely. i mean, before i had a realtiosnhip (22-ish), i just assumed i would probably have a het marriage and have kids etc, like people do, but after that we were still talking, yes, children at some point. 
didn’t prioritise it for a few reasons - none of my close friends had children until quite recently, so it just didn’t seem like an urgent thing in the way that it probably does for people with different friendship groups. waiting to be settled enough in a job to be able to take maternity leave without it feeling like a rip off for my employer. waiting for a good time in erin’s PhD writing cycle. and then pandemic. and then a few years ago, maybe as i turned 30, i thought - maybe we won’ have kids, because we still haven’t - and i vocalised that to erin. 
also, i know a lot of people are gay and have children, so it’s not like it’s a thing that is impossible at all, but it’s much much harder if you have to leave your home and your relationship in order to get a child. it has to be a very very conscious decisions. i have friend who are men who have good genes, but we’re not so close i want to ask them for their sperm/to be involved however remotely in making a child - and (i was surprised to discover) (what a lot of things i dont know anything about) you an’t really just buy sperm, it’s not truly legal except through a clinic. and it’s extremely expensive to get inseminated in a clinic, and the NHS don’t really do that, so you do have to pay it. i thought kids would be expensive after they were born, but not before. and i REALLY wanted a house, much much more than - i think even today - i’ve ever wanted a child. i REALLY wanted a house - and now we have a house, and it’s pretty good. but - that’s where the money went, until the pandemic - thanks pandemic - so now we do have some disposable cash at last, because i didn’t commute. 
but now erin is worried about climate change - and wheher it’s right to bring more children into the world, and other things. and.... i think i do want to be pregnant, it’s what i’m planning for - don’t leave this job (which admittedly i also really like, and pays me well - i dont thin i need to leave) because next stop maternity leave, but..... 
i don’t know whether i am thinking, time ot have kids because my best friend just had a baby (the baby’s name is horatio - for real, i actually love this name) (i also haven’t seen her or the baby except over skype, because anna - my friend - is, like my mother, also scared of pandemic) and my brain is like - ok, well, if anna is doing it, i guess the time is here 
AND - i know there’s a large part of me that was like, gotta be pregnant and ideally have the baby before my mum dies so she gets to see that she had a grandchild. my brother and i are both queer, btw, in case you were wondering - he’s considering whether he wants to transition right now (but is still happy with he/him pronouns) and - you may find this astonishing, but i genuinely don’t know whether he’d consider himself ace, or has been in relationships. he’s very private, he has OCD and is in therapy - but anyway, he’s probably not having kids anytime soon (i think!) and graham - my mum’s boyfriend/partner of 10+ years. -has grandchildren, but my extremely middleclass white (but definitely not conservative voters, always 100% not-tory) parents ended up with me and my brother.... and i don’t know, as i say, i don’t know whether my brain is saying ‘have kids before it’s too late’ - although i know by now that it will be too late. even if my mum recovers from this, this time, i don’t think i can produce a child before she dies - and she isn’t asking me too, she’s not like that, but i would have liked her to be there. i thought she would be. 
so - i’m thinking about that. also, about getting a dog. i really want a dog - although i don’t want to upset the three cats (one we’ve had for eight years or so, the other two we got after Anton died). it’s ALSO really hard and expensive to get a dog. you’d think with all these ‘a dog isn’t just for the pandemic, a dog is for life’ type adverts around, that it would be easy to adcidentally get a dog - i’ve looked! you ccan’t get a dog unless you have no cats and you’re super experienced and can take a dog with lots of trauma or medical problems, or you’re willing to pay thousands of pounds. like - even for a regular not even pedigree dog - at least a thousand. pedigree dog - several thousand. i dont want a puppy either - i want a dog. 
and - this is embarrassing to admit, but i’ve alrady told erin - i genuinely had a phase of being super annoyed when i’d read fics where someone just ‘got a dog’. it’s not that simple!!! it’s fiction, it doesn’t matter - chill out. the baby thing too - although weirdly not fics where magic meant it was possible to get a baby, weirdly it was smut. i had a brief week or so of crazy (and i don’t think i am that crazy) where i’d read about fictional semen and just be like - wtf, it’s so hard to get hold of that shit. (it’s not real, this isn’t real semen being wasted, calm down - and i dont even really know if i want kids, i might just think i do.) 
the other thing about the bad thing being soon but not yet (but also being all the time, but not if you dnt think about it) is that i’m thinking - should i prioritise writing my remix now, in case my mum dies and i’m too sad to do it, and then i didn’t do my remix? i was definitely thinking this while writing classroom politics (i hope my mum doesn’t die becaue i dont want to be too sad to miss the deadline) and in the run up to AWTWB .....
today i wrote a list of things for work that would need to be picked up if i have to unexpectedly stop working, either because i’m too sad, or because i have to do funeral stuff, or .... i guess legal stuff about settling the estate. (i guess this happens to a lot of people, too, but it’s also a bit of a mindfuck that my brother and i will inherit her house and a bunch of cash when she dies - i’m pretty well off, my brotehr does virtual reality theatre stuff so really isn’t - we’ve talked about how much easier both of our lives will be with a huge injection of cash, and how we dont know what to feel about that) (great news, dogs and kids are really expensive! time to find out whether i really wanted to spend my money on those.) told people i like at work that it’s coming, and that i dont want to talk about it. and mostly just... carrying on with life, really. until it happens. 
it’s so weird how easy it is to carry on most of the time.i know my mum’s partner is not doing nearly so well - he has to cope with an empty house and he’s retired. i’ve had periods - including right now - where i wake up every morning and check my phone to see whehter someone called me or texted me to tell me it’s over. but most of the day i’m actually really fine. i even had an ok day today. and i don’t know whether i want that to be the case, or whether i shouldn’t let myself do that. i dont know what i should prepare for in terms of where i’ll be - will i want lots of stuff to distract me (this is my guess) and work is very good for that, or i will want to clear time and space because i can’t operate and dont want people to offer me comfort. (FYI - this post isn’t written to make people say anything to me, i definitely dont want to talk about it, so please don’t feel you either have to comment or check in on me - i don’t really want you to. it’s enough to have written it, in my own time, in my own space.)
i think i wanted to write this post in a way because i thought i probably wouldnt want to write it after my mum died - because i probably wouldn’t want to say anything about it at all, for a few years. 
my mum keeps telling me about the show ‘jane the virgin’ - which she’s half way through. shhe asked me to give it a try, so i did (she often tells me about shows on radio 4, which i rarely listen to. i thouht i had more time.) i’ve watched an episode (because she has cancer, i should listen to her recommendations)(but i dont want her to know that’s why i did it) and i do quite like - it’s light and frothy and well cut together (although about kids and artificial insemination, of course). i guess in a worse case scenario where i’m too sad to work or write, i will probably watch a lot of this show - which is incredibly not sad - and feel sad about how my mum never finished it. 
BUT ALSO SHE MIGHT BE OK. for a while. 
i dont know how i feel, blargh. anyway. this was a long post. i think i wrote it mostly for me. feelings are weird. covid really sucks and so does cancer. 
going to order some chicken and watch inuyasha.
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do-not-eat-the-dove · 4 years
I need to write this, I need to write this because I am so fucking angry. I am so, so fucking angry, and every problematic shipper I want you to read this. Read it, all the way through, because if you don’t then you are ignoring children you might have harmed.
Tw’s for: beastiality mention, sexual abuse mention, paedophilia mention, typical darkfic trigger warnings in essential
When I was nine, I moved into the Aphmau fandom. Earlier than that, I was an avid reader of Harry potter. Earlier than that, I was into stampy cat and iballisticsquid and skydoesminecraft. I have been in fandoms earlier than my body can remember, and I started in on wattpad when I was very, very young. Just writing, only writing. I had a vague understanding of what sex and smut was as a child, because of unmoderated youtube thumbnails. I ran into sexual themes online, because that is what a child does okay? I will admit that I knew about sex as a child if only barely.
As a kid in fandom, you don't know how to moderate things. As a literal fucking elementary schooler who doesn’t know how to differentiate “Their” “They’re” and “There”, you do not know the difference between right and wrong. You do not understand what an 18+ warning is, and you don’t know what the fuck a dead dove is and why anyone would want to eat it in the first place. You do not understand, and i think that this is something that problematic content creators expect of literal fucking children, and i also think that it is extremely irrational and condescending for you to do so.
When I was a bit older, maybe twelve/thirteen, I found ao3. I found twitter, tumblr, bnha and anime. I was excited because it was a community, so I became super involved as fast as I could. I had still not hit puberty yet. I hadn’t even learned the pythagorean theorem yet. I didn’t entirely understand variables and I had no clue that washing your face was basic hygiene. I am bringing this up to display to you that I. WAS. A. CHILD. A kid. Five years ago at this point I still had trouble jump-roping. I was a kid who had average decision-making skills for their age and who found the idea of boys gross, crushes were based on who was fastest in gym class.
I let go of tumblr because I couldn’t grasp what on earth it was supposed to be used for and how it was supposed to be used, I posted shitty depressed memes on reddit because I thought I was edgy. And then I got involved in fandom twitter.
Me, my friends, we recommended each other cute ship threads and discussed Notps and did “toxic fandom stuff” because we were children who still celebrated valentines day with sweet-tarts and holographic paper cards. I still knew jack shit about sex and relationships because as a child sex education is just “this is a penis, this is a vagina, this is how you don’t get pregnant, any questions?” 
So when one day, i decide to type “BNHA” into the search bar of twitter, intent on finding cute things to share with my online friends and instead am greeted with a picture of a character raping another character, I don’t know exactly what to do.
Let me repeat that; I looked up JUST the word “BNHA”. Just that. Nothing else. 
And I, a child, who has no decision making skills, clicks on the post. Because it makes me feel funny, and children are curious.
As a middle schooler. As a child who had the average physical and mental capacity to resist impulse, aka none, as someone who used Uwu and OwO unironically, who thought spelling “as” with a Z made me quirky and fun, discovered a main-tagged post of a character being nsfwed in a sexual assault.
From here, I explored. What you people don’t get is that is what children do. That is what children DO. And you, in all your wonderful wise ways, decide that it is on ME. On someone who had no understanding of what this was, to be the adult and say “I do not think this is right.” You, the thirty year old woman who maintags, are saying that to me, who was a twelve year old. 
I think the most traumatic thing I read during that time was an aged-down character, who went from fifteen to five, being sexually abused and pimped out by his mother and forced to have sexual contact with dogs.
Today, I suffer from intense intrusive thoughts that I do not think I need to be diagnosed for, because constantly wondering if you’re going to be sexually assaulted by every single man you come in contact with, having to shoo away evil disgusting thoughts that have made you involuntarily gag and nearly vomit, having to deal with these awful things in my brain is proof enough. Today, I have such a deep-rooted fear of sex and men and relationships that despite me being entirely Heterosexual, wanting children in the future, having these ideas of a family, I feel incapable. 
Today, I saw a fic saying that it was my own fault if I found their problematic fic, and today I raged for every child that is going to be messed up by people who choose to blameshift just because they want to use maintags. 
As fandom spaces get younger, and the fan age range grows bigger I have noticed a distinct uptick in who is reading and consuming fan content on social media. I know eleven year olds, ten year olds, I have met a nine year old child who messaged like they were twenty. All of these children read fanfiction of characters that they adore, and click on fics that include those characters because they adore them.
I’m going to share another experience that I’ve had with sex and sexual abuse that was self-inflicted, but normalized by the content that I had consumed. As a child, a thirteen year old, I messaged adult men. I went on omegle text chat, I found forums for sexual roleplay, I talked to probably a dozen adults in sexual manners without them knowing or realizing. Even a few women, and I am completely certain this experience is going to scar me until the day that I fucking pass. It makes me feel empty inside, but you know what? Your fics normalized that for me. I read a tweet from an adult, someone much older than me, who talked about having gone into adult spaces as a child. They did the same thing as me. It is a trend, but while I recognize that I was too young to know what I was seeing, reading, hearing from people who were older than me and therefore authority figures, they blamed themself. And that is the most heartbreaking fucking thing.
When you maintag. When you use a main tag, that a child who does not know how to filter out scrolls down on, and they decide that this will be an okay thing for them to consume because adults know better, will you look them in the eyes and tell them the fear of things they don’t understand and haven’t even been introduced to yet is their fault? Will you tell them that ao3 is an adult site for adults and it’s their fault for being stupid enough to read it? Will you tell them that the images that will play in their minds for years until they’re desensitized and so so scared that they’re now a bad person because of it, will you tell them that it was their fault for clicking on it when they were seven, eight, nine? 
Frankly, I do not give a shit about what you write. If it is in rpf and you still push it i will think you are a bad person, but other than that I could never care less. But I do care what you tag, because If you write the word bnha on twitter with an image of a young child's favorite character being sexually brutalised? If you maintag a fic where someone is starved till they are nearly dead, infantilised, sexually abused during all of it, and leave it out in the open on a site you know has children, in a fandom you know is targeted towards kids. If your tags leave a child open for attack, harm, mental scarring? I care, because I will not let another child be blamed for something they themselves did not fully understand the weight of.
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marculees · 4 years
Epilepsy Awareness Month💜
I recently seen this post by @interstellix  who made great points about epilepsy for Epilepsy Awareness Month. It sums it up really well so I suggest you give it a read and reblog! Its nice to find another photosensitive here too because we’re such a small group within the epilepsy community. I deal with anxiety on top of my epilepsy and while they aren’t always related to each other, I don’t hear enough about the day-to-day worries of epileptics. Things that seem completely normal or fine to some people can be dangerous for me, which is why stuff like giving trigger warnings are much appreciated. But often, non-epileptics don’t know about what its like to actually live with epilepsy - not just having seizures. I want to add on some of my own experiences with a funky clickbait title, below the cut. Anyone who reads this all is a star and ily⭐️
10 Things Non-Epileptics Don’t Get (Yet)
1. That moment in movies when the character wakes up and a bunch of faces are gawking down at the camera uncomfortably. Always have someone to stay with the person having a seizure. But out of care for both that person and the people around, its best to get everyone else away. No one enjoys watching someone have a seizure - it’s scary and knowing you can’t stop it can ignite feelings of guilt or panic. For the person having the seizure, its embarrassing - they aren’t even conscious of what’s happening and for all they can remember, they were minding their own business and now they’re waking up and barely able to move their body without wincing in pain.
*TW: BODY FLUIDS* I’ve literally puked, shit and pissed myself all at the same time unconsciously in front of a room of people. I’m lucky these people were my family but it doesn’t make it any less embarrassing or upsetting knowing that everyone there saw me in such a state. A fear I had growing up was having a seizure in front of my class and the students making comments about it, thinking it was funny. In today’s age, filming seizures is something to worry about too because of how easily it can be shared to others online. Even if you aren’t an arsehole like that, try to be as respectful as possible and get everyone else to evacuate the room. At most, have three people to stay there: one person to stay close and time the seizure, one person to move furniture away and find something soft to lay under the epileptic’s head, and one person for crowd control who is keeping everyone else out and reassuring them all it’s okay.
Whatever you do, don’t make the epileptic feel bad for having a seizure. They can’t control it. Afterwards, comfort them and let them know its all over and you’ll stay with them until they feel better (unless they say they would rather be alone). Most of the time, the epileptic will be so tired and sore after their seizure that they’ll fall asleep. Let them; they need it. I’ve woken up on a couch, in my bed, the back of an ambulance or in a hospital bed and sometimes I was laying there for half an hour, sometimes a whole day. Knowing someone was there is relieving. Knowing everyone was there is shaming and it doesn’t make you feel any better when they’re all in your face afterwards too. Don’t be the camera crew.
2. Travelling alone is either a dream or everyday reality for a lot of people, but its a no-go for some of us. I was raised in a very overprotective household and still today, I don’t have a lot of freedom. Driving is usually one of the first bits of independence you get, but not for me. I’ve had seizures while out travelling because of the SUN. The sunlight flickering through trees, railings or bouncing off surfaces have triggered seizures in me where my family have had to pull over. The thought of being the one driving in such a scenario is terrifying to me, my loved ones and everyone else on the road. Driving is such a normalised thing for people my age that I’m embarrassed to bring up my own case unless someone specifically asks.
Then you have public transport. The sunlight issue is also here but this time, you’re with a bunch of strangers (see Point 1 again). Something my mum drilled into my head since I was younger was that if I ever got public transport by myself, then I could have a seizure and someone would film it and another person would rob me (and then you wonder why I have an anxiety disorder). I got my first bus by myself when I was 19 and for something so mundane to most people, it was like a little adventure to me. My mum didn’t approve but she complained about having to drive me everywhere too. While its fun to get the bus into town every now and then though, it becomes a bigger issue when travelling is a daily requirement and you aren’t able/allowed to drive yourself.
Free public transport doesn’t always include those with epilepsy, depending on which country you live in. What do you do when an employer asks if you can drive? What do you do if you have committments to go to and no one is around to drive or come with you? Or you need to explain why you’re going out, every single time, because someone else has to decide whether its worth the risk. Sunny roadtrips? Want to be a pilot? That last one isn’t a joke, by the way! I used to get a coach/private bus to college and if it was sunny, I’d pull the curtain over, wear my sunglasses and try to nonchalantly cover one eye to help. You can’t really get a curtain while driving your own car though and driving one-handed is not cool, its irresponsible.
3. Staying up all night talking with someone you love isn’t as romantic as we’d like it to be. All-nighters, i.e. lack of sleep, are a huge trigger for many epileptics. I wasn’t allowed to go to sleepovers with friends as a kid until I was 13, and at that sleepover I ended up having a seizure in the middle of the night after waking up to use the bathroom. Not to flex, but I had a seizure on the toilet. Where’s the weirdest place anyone else has had a seizure?. As a result of that, I was put back on medication after being told I was growing out of my seizures and had been med-free for one whole year. I’d love to stay up with a loved one and spend the night talking or watching movies, but I think a seizure would be more of a killjoy than going to bed early.
3. Unless you’re the paparazzi, camera flashes won’t give photosensitive epileptics seizures. Its a small gesture and I do appreciate it, but don’t worry - one small flash from a camera will not send my brain into override. Just don’t be taking photos from 5 different phones at the same time for more than one pic. Standing and waiting for people to take a photo all at the same time is awkward already because you don’t know who to look at, what to do with your hands, if you should change pose, smile or not, etc. Just take one flash photo and be done, or don’t use the flash at all if you don’t need to. Ring lights are a common thing now, by the way and I love them? Bye-bye camera flash!
I don’t blame anyone for having these types of concerns though. The only time you’re probably warned about flashing lights is when you’re about to watch a news report or awards show where there will be paparazzi and performances will be aired. Concerts are another thing that can be risky depending on the genre, size of the venue, whether its indoors or outdoors (if you’re like me and enjoy EDM music, you’ll have a very low chance of actually attending or watching anything live fdkslbjfdhb). Those things we avoid. But you taking a photo with a once-off flash will be okay, don’t worry. Seizures aren’t triggered by a single flash, but rather multiple flashes in a short period of time. They’re called Hertz and that shit hertz when its between 3-30 flashes per second. Also, fuck strobes, the Incredibles 2, Into The Spiderverse and any other movie that uses these for unnecessary effect.
4. Not everyone is diagnosed with epilepsy in their childhood and though some might grow out of it as they get older, not everyone will. I thought I had been growing out of it on two occasions (see point 3 again and point 9). Some people only get diagnosed with epilepsy later into their life. If you’re diagnosed while young, its easier to adjust your life because you’re growing up with it as your norm and its something you’ve just learned to live with. But for some people, they suddenly have to change their entire routine that they’ve established since they became an adult. Be sympathetic to those with epilepsy in their adult years, especially those who only got a diagnosis. Its not just a disability for children.
5. There are different types of seizures and one that’s commonly misunderstood is the partial seizure. These types of seizures have been mistaken for people being drunk or high (i.e. slurred speech, difficulty standing up or walking in a straight line, etc.), which has led them to getting kicked out of venues for something they have no control over. Swimming pools seem to be a common place for these bans, as well as gyms. Sometimes, these people are still somewhat aware they are having a seizure but cannot control them, which is really scary to think about. I don’t have them myself but I cannot imagine how frustrating they must be to not be taken seriously and instead as someone being high or intoxicated and then being punished for that. Alcohol is usually avoided as it can trigger seizures but when these seizures happen at social events, people can get the wrong idea. If you know someone who has these types of seizures, keep an eye on them if you’re out together. We’re usually only allowed one pint and hardly anyone gets that drunk after just one, so be aware that its likely they aren’t actually hammered but having a seizure instead.
6. Nobody likes being overworked but school, college, jobs and sport can very hard on us. Unless you’ve had a seizure, your teacher or boss probably won’t extend a deadline for you. The latter might even fire you. Chronic fatigue isn’t taken seriously. School is one big memory test in most countries, but for those with aura seizures, their ‘spacing out’ can affect how information they are actually taking in. Side-effects of meds can also make concentration and memory tough, and I hate how forgetful I can be because then I feel like I’m unreliable even though I push myself to give 110% anyway. Some activities like sports and physical education can be more draining than they would be for the average person, and sometimes I’d have to sit out during these activities because I felt an aura coming on after overexerting myself. I wish I could sit out having multiple assignments and group projects due in the same week, but college doesn’t work that way. I wish I could tell employers that I might not have that presentation done by the end of the day, but that wouldn’t go down too good either.
If you know someone who takes longer to complete tasks that might seem simple to you, ask yourself if you’ve ever considered they might have epilepsy or another chronic illness or disability. Don’t assume they’re lazy if they need to take an extra day or two to complete their final essay or have to stop their beep test earlier than the rest of the class. I didn’t know a good average for the beep test was 8-9, because no one ever told me. I pushed myself to 16 because I was scared people would think I was lazy and that I was dropping out to be with the other girls who agreed beforehand. I then ended up having an aura that almost slipped into a full seizure. I also almost had a seizure an hour before my religion exam in my Junior Cert at school. My mum even insisted I stay home and miss my State exam because of it. I still went though, took a bathroom break because I had another aura, and finished with an ‘A’ but had it been a different day, I might not have been so lucky. Its about knowing yourself and your limits, but we aren’t always informed that they should exist and then you end up doing stupid things like me that could hurt you. Likewise, its important to be understanding that not everyone can work at the same pace as you. It doesn’t make the quality of our work any less even if we need more time or energy to do it.
7. Side-effects aren’t always in the short-term. My own meds are advised to not be taken long-term as they weaken my bones over time. I’m 21 now and I’ve been on meds since I was 8. I wanted to reduce my dosage and eventually become med-free last year but the neurologist told me I still had brain activity and needed to stick with them. In fact, they almost ended up prescribing me more even after I had told them I was five years seizure-free. Why? See point 9. I’m lucky though because I’ve only been on one type of med. Some people can take years to find what works and their neurologists will prescribe them all sorts and leave them with awful side effects. Only last year I was chatting with a woman whose meds had caused sudden depression and fits of anger in her after she had been diagnosed and given her prescriptions. She eventually got brain surgery instead.
8. If you have a uterus and/or want to have children, do your research and a LOT of it. Birth control is usually a tough decision to make and often times, it can feel like you have no choice. Its so important to check with multiple neurologists and doctors which form of birth control is the best for you with your medication, because even the slightest new introduction to your meds box can have unpleasant side-effects. With the current medication I’m on, I can’t take the pill unless I want to increase my current dosage of meds as the pairing cancel each other and make me more vulnerable to seizures and other side-effects. I’m not pregnant and yet I have to take daily folic acid supplements because my meds cancel that out too. Every month or two, I will faint or almost faint on the first day of my period and I’m more vulnerable to having a seizure during that time. If I ever want to give birth, my children can possibly inherit my condition or be stuck taking care of me when I should be caring for them. I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone.
This is not to say that people with epilepsy can’t have fulfilling sex lives or raise families. But we just do it at a greater risk that even some neurologists aren’t aware of. I had to tell my neurologist last year why I didn’t want to go on the pill because HE didn’t know it interacted negatively with my meds. I’ve known women who were prescribed the pill or meds BY A PROFESSIONAL that interacted negatively with each other and gave them seizures as a result. It takes ‘find the right method for you’ to a whole new level. If your partner has epilepsy, its so important to discuss birth control and take their condition into consideration. I hear men telling their girlfriends to go on the pill so that they don’t have to use a condom, which is really selfish for a start and also disregards other forms of birth control. Do your research but let them and their own trusted neurologist decide which form is best. You should still be using a condom to protect yourselves anyway! And if you and your epileptic partner decide you would like to have children, do the same process and make sure that they are in a safe position to do so.
9. *TW: DEATH* Threatening (even ‘jokingly’) to trigger a seizure in someone is playing with that person’s life. SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy) affects roughly 1 in 1000 people each year. Even if that person doesn’t die after their seizure, you may have just broken a record they set for days, months or YEARS without a seizure. You just revoked their driving license and they weren’t even behind a wheel. You just prescribed them new doses of medication without any years of medical school.
Growing up, I had countless incidences where classmates would joke about making me have a seizure. If the teacher left the room for anything, the first thing they would do is run up to the lightswitch and fuck around with it. In secondary school, I stopped using the bathroom at lunch because one of the girls thought it was funny to deliberately flick the lights on and off anytime I was inside. She would snicker and call out to me while I was in the stall, asking if it could make me have a seizure. Even after saying yes, she continued to do it. If I did end up having a seizure in that bathroom, god knows what could have happened. I had a seizure in a bathroom before and was lucky I only hurt my jaw as my head slammed against the wall. Others aren’t so lucky. Injuries from seizures can be brutal, just like OP said. Yeah, you might not kill them by triggering a seizure, but what injuries do they have to deal with after?
Imagine playing a game for years and you spent ages collecting all the items, defeating every boss and proudly showing off the trophies you won. Now imagine someone suddenly pulls the cord as you’re playing; your game freezes, the screen shuts to black and when you try to frantically start it up again and see where you had remembered to last save, it says your data is corrupted and deletes everything without your permission. It doesn’t matter where or when you saved. You have to start your progress all over again. You can try memorise the strategies from before but the game switches things up and suddenly you’re hit with a difficulty spike out of nowhere. The person who joked around and pulled the plug doesn’t have to do anything. And if they wanted to, they could do the same thing again and again. Don’t be that person. Be their Player 2 and help them. If they need to go into a dungeon but they’re scared to be alone, offer to cover their back. If their health is low, find them a safe spot and let them heal. The same goes for appointments and seizures. Its not a multiplayer game by default and while they can power through solo, that doesn’t mean they don’t need help if they’re ever stuck.
10. To end on a more positive note, there are lots of successful people out who have/had epilepsy and you probably never even knew. Cameron Boyce’s passing brought attention to SUDEP and celebrities with epilepsy but did you also know about these people and their own cases and seizures?
Elton John
Lewis Carroll
Danny Glover
Lil Wayne
Neil Young
Hugo Weaving
Charles Dickens
Julius Caesar
Vincent Van Gogh
Theodore Roosevelt
Adam Horovitz
Susan Boyle
Rick Harrison (the Pawn Stars guy!)
And some who are not confirmed (due to medical practices of the time) but are suggested as a result of numerous seizures:
Leonardo da Vinci
Edgar Allen Poe
Agatha Christie
Napoleon Bonaparte
Alexander the Great
Epileptics are humans, normal people just like you. And like you, they’re capable of great things too. If you think about making a crude comment to someone with epilepsy, think about these people and ask yourself if you would say the same things to them. 
If you read all of this, comment with a ⭐️ and please reblog to spread awareness. Whenever we talk about epilepsy, we start and stop the conversation at seizures. Its good to bring awareness to the other things too because its something that affects every part of our lives. Its an invisible disability but that doesn’t mean we are hidden from the disability community and discussion!
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misssophiachase · 4 years
With or Without You
For Klaroline AU Week - Day 4 - Enemies to Lovers
Rebekah is diagnosed with a virus and sent to the hospital for observation. To help stop the spread, the two people closest to her in the past two weeks need to self-quarantine. The problem is her best friend and her brother can’t stand each other. Forced to live in the same house, will they kill each other or do something entirely different before 14 days is up?
(Please note: I realise this is a difficult time and the subject matter is serious but this drabble is designed to be just a bit of fun during a tough time.) 
“I can’t live with or without you.”
Day 3
“Honestly, Kat, I’m not sure if I can last much longer,” she groaned. “He sings in the shower, badly. he leaves the toilet seat up constantly and don’t get me started on his remote control form. He switches channels that fast I feel like I’m at a rave.”
Caroline lived in Los Angeles with Rebekah Mikaelson, they’d been friends for years. Her brother had shown up recently from London, where he was based, only for Rebekah to develop the virus. She was going to be okay but had been sent to hospital purely for observation purposes meaning they were imprisoned together as a precaution for fourteen whole days. 
To say she wasn’t coping was an understatement. 
“So, you haven’t had sex yet?” She asked matter-of-factly. Even though she was currently staring at Caroline through a computer screen, she still had the annoying ability to cut straight to the awkward part.
“Kat! She hissed, looking down the hall to check he wasn’t listening. “Your inappropriateness knows no bounds even via Skype.”
“The way I see it is the sooner you have sex, the frustration you feel towards each other and the situation will dissipate. And who knows? If the sex is good you’ll not only have something to do to pass the time but you’ll also be getting your required cardio.”
“Seriously,” she growled. “Is sex all you think about?”
“About 90 per cent of the day,” she quipped. “Tell me you have a better idea?”
“Ah, not to sleep with him because he’s an arrogant asshat who thinks the world revolves around him?”
“I don’t think, love, I know,” he called out. Unfortunately, she chose that exact moment to turn around and copped an eyeful.
“Wow, does he work out?” Kat cooed, obviously she’d had the privilege of seeing him too dressed only in a white towel tied low on his hips, his bare chest and six-pack on full display. Caroline felt her mouth go dry and was struggling to form words he looked that delicious. 
“If you use all of the hot water again, Mikaelson, I swear I’ll come in there and..” she paused, realising what she’d alluded to.
“By all means, love,” he murmured, the dimple in his left cheek making an ill-timed appearance. “Maybe that way we can conserve water.”
“You are unbelievable,” she muttered. “Not if we were the last two people on the planet and we had to repopulate the earth.”
“Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me, Forbes,” he chuckled, shutting the bathroom door behind him.
“You are so screwed figuratively and literally, ” Kat laughed. Caroline didn’t respond knowing her friend was right. 
She should have hated him, in fact she had since they met eleven years earlier. Caroline had befriended Rebekah during sophomore year at high school. They were both cheerleaders and had bonded over music and drama club. 
Rebekah was new to her school, so too her brothers Kol, Elijah and Niklaus. The first two were polar opposites personality-wise but she got along with them famously. The problem was with Niklaus, or Klaus as he liked to be called.
They’d clashed from the outset. It started with a few stray insults and developed into more insults and pranks. Apparently everyone thought it was a passing phase but it wasn’t ending anytime soon. 
However, being locked up with him in quarantine was doing all sorts of strange things to her. In fact, she was experiencing all these not-so innocent urges. She wanted to blame it on Kat’s innuendo or that fact he swanned around the house barely clothed but there was definitely something bigger at play here.
Day 5
“She keeps making me watch all of these bad movies, only cooks meals with weird and unidentified grains and apparently the living room is her personal gymnasium,” he complained. 
Klaus Mikaelson didn’t do roommates and there was a very good reason why. He liked his space and he liked walking around partially naked but suddenly he was thrown into this quarantine situation which was a complete minefield. 
“I said I’d only take this Skype call if you didn’t complain about Caroline Forbes, Niklaus, but yet here we are again,” Enzo growled. “You two need to get a room and pronto.”
“We have rooms, in fact, we have a whole house of rooms and yet that still isn’t enough distance between us,” he muttered. “I am going to go crazy locked up in here with her.”
“And the best dramatic Oscar performance goes to...”
“You would feel exactly the same way, Lorenzo,” he argued. “Caroline Forbes is nothing but a spoilt princess who thinks the world revolves around her.”
“I don’t think, I know, asshat,” she drawled finding her way into his room while repeating his sentiments from two days earlier. No doubt just to push his buttons that much more. 
What Klaus wasn’t expecting was for her to look so wet doing it. Yes, she was wearing yellow, rubber gloves but her white t-shirt was soaked through revealing a very lacy bra and some rather pronounced nipples no doubt due to the temperature. 
“Holy...” Enzo murmured before Klaus shut his laptop with a bang. He figured it was the least he could do to protect her innocence and it had absolutely nothing to do with jealousy whatsoever. Or that’s what he told himself.
“You’re here in my room...wet,” he mumbled, trying to look anywhere but exactly where his eyes wanted to go. 
“I’m trying to clean up after your lazy ass,” she groaned. “You do realise how germs spread right? Maybe if you took better care to clean up after yourself then we wouldn’t be experiencing our current predicament.”
“I’m aware of our current predicament, trust me,” he shot back. “Since when did cleaning end in a drenching. I know you like me, Forbes, but I can see everything.” She looked down in complete shock, his comment having the desired effect.
“Unbelievable,” she muttered, pulling off her wet gloves and throwing them in his direction before leaving his room, no doubt to change her top. 
“I’m the one who’s spreading germs?” He cried out, attempting to remove the dirty gloves from the bed. 
Klaus and Caroline had never gotten along in the eleven years they’d known each other. Klaus decided from the outset that Rebekah truly was evil bringing her into his life and home. Caroline had this annoying ability to get under his skin and Klaus unfortunately let her.
His friends and brothers told him it was because he liked her deep down. Sure she was hot. there was no denying that, but he’d prided himself on maintaining his distance. Well, that was until he was forced to live in such close quarters for two whole weeks. 
His willpower was waning and Klaus wasn’t sure he could go the distance.
Day 7
“Would you stop switching channels so fast, it makes it a little difficult to see what’s actually on,” she offered, rolling her eyes as she said it. 
They were seated on the couch, the long, uneventful days were taking their toll and the fact they still had another week to go wasn’t doing much for their morale. 
“There’s nothing on so it doesn’t really matter,” he replied in frustration. “I’m so bored! And if you dare suggest cleaning again I will confiscate your rubber gloves.”
“Well, what else is there to do?” She mumbled. “And please spare me from running around the place half naked again, I’d like to keep down my dinner.”
“Come on, you secretly love my naked form,” he smirked. Her tell-tale blush was giving her away instantly. “You know I’m not that bad once you get to know me.”
“Funny, the past week hasn’t unearthed any new or redeemable features that I can tell,” she answered. 
“Just so you know those little insults of yours don’t offend me in the slightest bit so please just give it a break, Forbes.”
“Well, what do you suggest we do to pass the time?” She asked, obviously not realizing just how loaded her question was. 
They were seated on the couch, only a few feet apart, if either of them were to just lean forward they could do something really stupid. Or really fun, depending on who you asked. 
“Fine,” she said, reading his mind. “But if we do this, don’t think this means I like you in any way, Mikaelson,” she clarified.
“The feeling is mutual, trust me, sweetheart,” he agreed. They paused momentarily almost as if they were thinking about the very prominent line they were about to cross and weighing up the pros and cons. 
It didn’t take much consideration as he pulled her greedily towards him so she was straddling his lap. Caroline never knew just how crimson his lips were from this vantage point, Klaus was thinking the same about her blue eyes.
He ran his hands along her cheek, his thumbs rubbing circles over her skin. Her heart was racing and given she was practically touching his chest she knew his was too.
There was no going back.
His lips found hers, slowly at first almost like he was taking his time to discover every inch of her mouth. She moaned against him as his tongue dipped into her warmth. She tasted like a heady mixture of mint and chocolate from dessert and now Klaus had tasted her once he wasn’t ready to give her up anytime soon.  
Caroline grasped his neck, her fingers playing with the stray curls at the nape as she melted into his kisses. Klaus knew it wouldn’t be long given just how much he’d wanted her all these years.
He stood up, and wound her toned legs around his waist, careful not to break contact. They made their way quickly to the bedroom excited for what was in store. 
Turns out the sex continued longer than seven days and also out of quarantine. In fact, the sex turned into dating and the dating turned into an engagement. At their wedding, Kat, Rebekah and Enzo regaled the guests with stories about how they got together when they were forced together in lockdown. 
Who said quarantine was necessarily a bad thing?
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ofmelodys · 4 years
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[ 𝐉𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐈 // 𝐂𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍 // 𝐒𝐇𝐄/𝐇𝐄𝐑 ] – oh my god, is that [ 𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 ]?! the tabloids can’t seem to stop buzzing about the [ 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘-𝐎𝐍𝐄 ] year old [ 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑/𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄𝐑 ]. the industry has dubbed [ 𝐡𝐞𝐫 ] [ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐄 ] and sources say, [ 𝐬𝐡𝐞 ] is [ 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐃 ] and [ 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 ], yet also [ 𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐕𝐄 ] and [ 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐄 ]. yet, with all this gossip, who really knows?! one thing’s for sure, though– queen bee has it out for [ 𝐡𝐞𝐫 ]!
my lovely bbs , i know already that i love u all KJNJSKNJ . hi friends ! i am s, i reside in the cst timezone, im 21 and my pronouns are she/her. although classes have just started for me, i think this semester will be pretty easy so i’ll be around to develop melody! ok, i’ll stop ranting. below you will find mel’s bio and wanted connections! please like this post and i’ll hit you up to plot or reach out to me on discord at L𝐚𝐮𝐯, 𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐯, 𝐋𝐚𝐔𝐯 😩✨#5550. 
☽˚。⋆. 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 𝐁𝐈𝐎 !
melody haneul park was born and raised in toronto, canada. her father, park kyungsoo, was originally born in busan, south korea, and her mother, susan park, was also born and raised in canada. her parents had met at work after kyungsoo had transferred to toronto for his new job. they quickly fell in love, didn’t hesitate and got married. soon enough susan was pregnant with their little melody.
after mel was born, her parents decided not to have any more kids. one was enough for them, especially because neither of them wanted to stop working-- kyungsoo was due for a promotion to a senior position role in this corporate org, and susan was too. because of this, melody quickly fell into the world of daycares and nannies.
throughout elementary and middle school, melody was an extremely shy kid. she didn’t have many friends and kept to herself.
in high school, she tried to open up a little more-- she joined the anime and video games club, since she was absolutely obsessed with everything technology-- her parents gifted her a pc gaming set-up and she fell in love with the world of gaming ever since. her first game was mortal kombat and from there on she played every type of game you could imagine. realistically, she had more friends online than she did at school, so her video games were her escape.
throughout high school, she learned some basic coding skills (and also how to hack certain systems, but that’s lowkey a secret) and realized that she eventually wanted to work in the world of it or some form of technology, maybe video game design?.. 
her father was all for it, but her mother was skeptical. even though she was, melody still graduated and decided to major in video game design at her local college.
in her freshman year, she was semi bored of her classes-- so she joined extra curriculars, like the gaming club, anime club again, etc.. but she was still bored, so she then decided to start up a twitch streaming account. she would stream gameplay of an abundance of games, but the video game that got her the most views and caused her to go viral was overwatch. 
once her following was getting bigger and bigger (on both twitch and youtube), and she was gaining a large amount of income from it, she started to wonder if video game design was still what she wanted to do..
after some thinking, she decided to drop out from college after her freshman year. while her parents were both extremely disappointed in her decision, they didn’t fully understand how much money she truly could make from streaming and making youtube videos. 
after dropping out, she decided to pack everything and move to la. again, of course her parents were disappointed, but they tried their hardest to support her.
flash forward about two years, and melody aka melodiesgaming, is now in the top ten channels with the most subscribers, and top ten in twitch as well. right now she is streaming a lot of animal crossing new horizons gameplay, along with silly games like fall guys and overwatch every now and then. most of her youtube videos are about playing obscure small games that people had never heard of. 
one thing about her and fame that don’t mesh well is that she’s.. not very good at socializing lol? like in interviews and at big events its so obvious shes uncomfortable and anxious and her agent tries to help her with it but ... eh lol. she was diagnosed with anxiety at a young age which also contributes. 
but when she’s streaming or interacting with her fans, she’s super outgoing and hilarious!
she is also lowkey naive, falls too fast, all that jazz... 
she claims that she is straight but she is a closeted bisexual. she has no idea when she’ll be comfortable enough to come out to the public but hopefully that’s soon.
also, she’s insecure about not being a good enough streamer/youtuber when she clearly is because why would she have this many subs yknow?? also, esp bc she lives in la she feels like she has to keep up with appearances and that’s a big insecurity as well.
- best friend (0/1)
- best friend/streamer youtuber buddy (1/1) taken by noemi
- friends she met online (1/?) one spot taken by venus
- childhood friend if anyone is from canada (1/?) one spot taken by tarik
- first love (0/1)
- first (secret) time with a girl (1/1) taken by poppy
- first time (general) (0/1)
- rival/enemy/bully (0/?)
- ex ** must be a man unless the relationship was secret ** (1/?) one spot taken by baz
- summer fling (0/?)
- sister bond (1/1) taken by annie
- skinny love (0/1)
- close friends (0/?)
- clout pal (0/?)
- unrequited (0/1)
- confidant (1/1)
- fwb, one night stand etc **must be man unless secret hookup which would also be fun** (0/?)
- enemy with benefits **see above** (1/1) one spot taken by sienna
these are all simply ideas and i’m open to literally anything!
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thanksjro · 4 years
Spotlight: Orion Pax - Because Hasbro was Getting Antsy About Their Golden Boy Having Faffed Off into Space
Oho, you thought we were done with Optimus Prime, did you?
You fools.
This is Transformers- we’re legally obligated to have Optimus Prime in some form or fashion running around at all times. This is just Hasbro catching up.
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Fun fact: this was published on December 12th, 2012!
Our issue opens up with Orion Pax strapped to the top of a shuttle that’s careening towards a city.
But that’s the hook, so we won’t get to see what that’s all about just yet. No, first we’ve got to see just what all led to this point.
Earlier in the day, Orion Pax got refitted with a hot new bod, courtesy of Wheeljack, and now he’s showing off his new look to historical constant Rung and Kaput, who are here to assist in acclimation.
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This is Kaput’s first appearance in the comics, but it’s not his first entry into the IDW continuity. He was introduced in the  Last Stand of the Wreckers prose story Bullets, where he diagnosed Ironfist with dead, in so many words. Kaput’s here currently because he specializes in sparks, and he’s going to make sure that Orion’s doesn’t explode in his chest thanks to the frame change. No word on whether the wheel was something he came into the world with or a modification.
But enough medical nonsense, let’s see the star of the show.
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That’s not how reflections work!
Orion’s first point of contention is the fact that his lucky faceplate is missing. Wheeljack replaced it with a proper face, because that’s the new hotness right now. I guess when you’re a race of space robots who can change their bodies the way humans change their clothes, fashion is a lot more work. I wonder if faces out out of vogue in the present- there’s a lot of guys without one on the Lost Light.
Rung offers Orion some reading materials to help him cope with the sudden change, but it isn’t necessary. Orion fully intends to switch back to his old bod after his mission is over.
If you couldn’t tell by this point, this whole “frame change” thing is a plot contrivance to explain away some of the design clashing between comics set during this time period.
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This is Zeta.  
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Yes, really, they’re the same guy. I don’t think Senator Shockwave would have had him modified for Matrix carrying if he’d known how tacky he was going to be about it.
Zeta Prime seems to think that haute couture is exploding a Galapagos turtle and then strapping the smoking remains to your back.
Zeta leads Orion over to where Nightbeat’s waiting with a slideshow he spent hours on. Nightbeat, at the time of this story, is a hostage negotiator, and today his mission, as well as Orion’s, is to retrieve our beloved Ratchet from a Decepticon terrorist cell hiding somewhere in the Rust Spot. The Rust Spot’s some heavy duty danger, hence the reformat for Orion.
They’ll also be bringing on Alpha Trion, #1 Rust Spot navigator, philosopher, polymath, polyglot, historian, and all-around grandpa.
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His beard gets a D+, however.
Note the quotation marks on “he” here; it looks like even Roberts was sick of the Furmanism that is “genderless robots that all appear to be male”. We’ll get more into that sticky situation later on. What I want to focus on right now is our artist for the issue, Steve Kurth.
Kurth is from Wisconsin, and doesn’t have a ton of pencil credits to his name in the Transformers franchise. He mostly does work for Marvel, and while it appears his art blog hasn’t been updated in a few years, the publishing company still has a tag for him. He’s done the Avengers, if that’s your thing.
Anyway, so nobody knows who’s in the back.
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I gotta say, Alpha Trion, you got some brass fucking balls to insinuate that the cops forgot to put the hostage tradeoff in the trailer, in front of said cops.
The fellas transform and roll out, Orion pulling the trailer because anything else would be blasphemy, as Alpha Trion guides them to the meet up point. As they drive, the old man regales the young whippersnappers with his tales of friendship and adventure alongside Metroplex the Titan. They were, like, best friends. Seriously.
Storytime gets interrupted however, as our heroes are attacked from beyond the mists.
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You know, when I was a kid, my mom had a car that looked exactly like Nightbeat here, paint job and all.
Alpha Trion got so wrapped up in blathering away, he forgot to mention that they were in Slicer territory, and might want to be on the lookout. Thanks, Alpha, way to be a pal.
Nightbeat refers to the creatures as “throwbacks”, something that’s never elaborated on, but I’m going to guess it means something along the lines of being primitive, or perhaps animalistic.
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Holy fucking shit, that’s terrifying.
These awful things start swarming Orion, Nightbeat, and Alpha Trion, who all start punching and shooting with wild abandon, making short work of the mass. Orion gets a few paper cuts for his troubles, but they’re all more or less alright.
The trailer can’t say quite the same though; the door’s popped off, and the contents have either escaped or never existed in the first place.
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Schrodinger wept.
Alpha Trion pulls the prisoner out of the fog… and then so does Nightbeat.
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It’s a two-for-one sale at the Hostage Emporium.
Rack and Ruin haven’t really done anything to warrant being worth a whole entire Ratchet, so Orion decides to have a little chat and see what’s up.
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Oh, that’s what Nightbeat meant by Ruin being the ugly one.
Orion’s chat reveals these two chumps to be even bigger losers than they first appeared to be- their only talent seems to be instantaneous conversion, which involves shutting off all the safety protocols for one’s transformation cog for a faster switch.
Orion switches trains of thought, asking about the Decepticon cause and its whole deal. This is a bit after the events of the heist, so the rhetoric has become a bit more violent by this time, and he wants to know what the hell happened.
But there’s no time for philosophic musing, because that’s when the Decepticons show up. Thundercracker escorts our group to the hideout to meet Bludgeon, and the exchange is made, albeit with a pro bono thrown in.
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Well, shit.
This was why the Decepticons wanted to meet in the Rust Spot; because they knew only Alpha Trion would be able to guide the cops to the tradeoff point. But what are they going to do with robot grandpa? Why, use him to find Metroplex, of course!
There’s a rumor that Titans have the capabilities to create space bridges inside them- we as the reader know this to be true thanks to the 2012 MTMTE Annual, but let’s not tell Bludgeon about all that, yes?
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Orion, please, this is hardly the time.
Luckily for Alpha Trion, Orion stuffed some guns into the bottom of the trailer, as is made apparent when he starts throwing them to his buddies. Why he and Nightbeat weren’t carrying any weapons on their person isn’t addressed, but at least the idea here is kind of cool.
Alpha Trion  easily escapes his bonds, because a noose isn’t really worth much to a species that doesn’t breathe and can literally survive not having a head.
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We are just laying it on THICK today, aren’t we?
Rack and Ruin lead the other not-Decepticons into the tunnels towards safety- not sure how exactly, considering they’ve got their sensory deprivation helmets back on- as Orion Pax is dogpiled into submission.
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Bludgeon might need a hobby. Might I suggest jigsaw puzzles?
Orion’s about to hit the loop that was created by the first page of this issue, so he tries to stall for time to think of a way out of all this. He halfway succeeds, in that he gets a little more time, but doesn’t come up with anything. Down on the ground, all his friends watch the shuttle shoot into the sky, probably wondering what all that’s about.
Bludgeon was aiming for this shuttle to hit a populated area, but it would appear that he’s an idiot and overshot by a wide margin. Cool beans.
Ah wait, we still have another three pages of story to this.
Hey, y’all remember Hoist’s tragic backstory, where he wandered the Rust Spot alone until he almost died of exhaustion?
Yeah, that was Orion’s fault.
The Fault of Our Star, if you will.
(I’ve never read anything written by John Green, what the hell am I doing?)
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Because he just bounced off the underside of Hoist’s shuttlecraft, Orion’s hurtling towards the downtown section of Iacon, which is absolutely a populated area and exactly what Bludgeon was going for. Orion’s going to have to think fast if he’s going to get out of this one. Good thing Rack and Ruin told him their super secret transformation technique.
Thinking quickly, Orion transforms into a truck, breaks his bonds, somehow manages to not fly off the side of the shuttle due to wind pressure, transforms back to root mode, shuts off the autopilot, slams into a wide open field just outside of town, and survives well enough to be more concerned about Wheeljack being mad he scuffed up his new body than his own safety. Good on you, Orion! You saved the day!
To celebrate, he takes an old hubcap or something and shoves it over his face, because I guess only he gets to know how he’s feeling.
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Don’t look at me like that, it’s not my fault the story just kind of ends here.
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tslasvegas · 4 years
Episode 10: “I ain't gettin fooled a third time.” - Jeff
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Darn it. That vote hurt. I mean it's a game, and there's only one winner, but Steph and I had a great time the last time we played, and we played well here too. But our Final 2 tag hurt us. I mean, yes, we had that agreement, but it hurt us. I had to vote her, as there was no other way forward. Even if I used my Steal a Vote, it would not have been enough. Good thing Kailyn spoke up after the vote, so they know it was her who voted with Steph and not me. Hopefully that lessens me as a target. How does Ben have so many advantages. He will be out to win immunity next for sure.
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I am actually really sad that we voted Stephanie out. I think there were better options but I guess it had to happen. It’s interesting that is spread so rapidly to everyone else in the game. I didn’t speak to really anyone and yet everyone knew what was happening. There’s definitely some connections going on that I’m unaware of. But also! One step closer to making it to single digits! I just have to survive two more tribals and I’m officially a flop no more! With the Super Idol, technically I can be “voted out” once before leaving the game, if Liv still decides to play it on me. So I’m feeling pretty good about my chances moving forward. The meninist group is a solid 5 I think. That’s almost half the tribe remaining. At this point, I really don’t think there’s a path for me to actually win the game. Unless I take control and start some big moves right away. But we will see. 
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Okay so it's been a while, and there's a lot to unpack. Merging: In regards to the merge itself, I have very mixed feelings about how the people in the merge are, and how things generally shook out in regards to the tribe divisions. Getting sent in with an instant 7-3-3 should, in normal circumstances, be pretty damning in how an early merge goes. People have a tendency to play safe, lay low, and just ride out the game a little bit before really going for anything. As far as the people we merged with that I had not met yet: Jaiden - Really cool guy, I spend all day talking to him, shooting the shit, just having a good time. Easily top 3 people this season for me. I want to go far with him. Xavier - Kinda neutral on him. I speak to him sometimes, but the conversations do not really have much in the way of depth to him. John - Meh. Doesn't speak a ton, just kind of minding his own business. Kailyn - Doesn't speak to me much at all. We've exchanged a couple of messages, but nothing too substantial. Whatever I guess. Ben - Literally refuses to speak to me. Not sure what his deal is or why he acts the way he does, but whatever I guess. So as a basic assessment, pre F13 tribal, the people I feel best about are Jake, Jaiden, Keegan, and Joey. These are the ones that I should be able to trust, that should be able to get me farther into the game. I feel with this that I'm in a better spot than I was in my previous 2 seasons, because I seem to have alleviated the issue of only having real connections to people on "my side". In Svalbard I was very isolated with Nathan/Rachael/John, and got burnt because the rest didn't want to play with me anymore. In Finland, it felt like more of a dice roll really, but I never got going with Tom/Drew/Bodhi/Zoe, so I was the first to get burnt because my connections just weren't good enough. But now, I should have the means to protect myself on both sides, and make it farther based on that. First tribal comes around, Palazzo has numbers, things should be simple. Ben doesn't talk to people, no one has a problem if he were to get sent home. Easy enough. Andrew makes people a bit wary, but its first tribal, he's not causing any particular harm, and we can deal with that issue later. But then Andrew slips up, he tells Jake that Keegan is the one pushing his name. I'm not sure why he did this, but he did. I confirm with Jake that it was actually Andrew that threw his name out first, but Keegan and I shifted it on to Ben. Whatever, mess is made, but no one says anything, vote should still be Ben. Get to tribal.... Andrew, 9-4. Not one, not two, but three people flip on us at the first tribal, sending Andrew home, and blindsiding myself, Pat, and Stephanie. With this, we're clearly on the outs, and Keegan/Liv/Joey blatantly lied to us. We confront them about it. Get some stories of, "weren't sure how people were feeling, didn't want anything to go wrong with the vote. Andrew was causing problems". Like yeah, okay, I know that that happened, but I had already expressed to both Keegan and Joey that I had strong reservations about how Andrew was approaching the game, and didn't want to have him be in long. I didn't think he's go right away, but clearly I was alright with the idea, yet they let me out. Fool me once, shame on you. Next time, okay votes gonna be simple. No one likes Ben, he doesn't talk to anyone, he just ignores me, he's gonna go home. Fine, everyone's happy. Well of course, we get to tribal, and he plays SWOP. I knew something was up, the way he was acting just wasn't right. Andrew said he was a good player, and I knew something was up when he was just giving up and having needless outbursts. Not the type of play that you'd expect from a "good player". So okay, we go back to OG Palazzo chat. Everyone says "lets vote John". Okay fine. Pat and I get to talking, because we're both close with Jaiden and Jake, and entertain the idea of voting Steph. Figure that we can get ahead of the curve because Palazzo is a mess, set ourselves up for the future. Pat can't change his vote cause he already casted, oops. I vote and play an extra vote because I thought a tie could be risked because I can't count. Vote goes 10-2 on Steph. Yet again, Joey, Keegan, and Liv opted to not say a word about anything to Pat and I. They don't care about us. They expect us to just do what they say, go along with whatever story they tell us before bed, but I ain't havin it anymore. Fool me twice, shame on me. I ain't gettin fooled a third time. These fuckers ain't gonna walk all over us and act like we ain't actual players. If they don't want to work with us, tell us anything, then I don't need them. I'll go with Jaiden and Jake, who are much more fun to talk to anyway, and curbstomp all of them. People already took Rachael from me, I ain't lettin them get any more W's on me. 
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Stephanie is gone! I can't believe I made it through that cracked ass tribal council, but I used the limited information Ben was providing to me to my advantage. The moment Ben told me what was going on, I swooped to Keegan and John and told them to prepare for the worst - tbh I thought he was going to have an idol or something and we would need to throw votes elsewhere. I think Keegan was the one who said he thought Ben's got a safety without power from his statements and it made so much sense to me. When it came time to scramble, obviously I didn't wanna be the first person to throw a name out there, but once the opportunity presented itself I tossed Stephanie's name out and it basically caught on like wildfire. I told Joey first, then the Meninist alliance chat. There definitely was some push back at first from Keegan, which I'll get to in a bit, as well as I think Livingston a little bit. Then it just caught on FIRE. Suddenly Stephanie's name was going through everything it felt like and every single person was down for Stephanie. For a minute there was a brief insurgence of John names, but I think me throwing Stephanie's name out first was the best thing to happen because once a name was out there, it basically ignited the power keg and there was no way to stop it. I think it could've gone the other way had John's name gone out first tbh... It is just such a relief to have some sort of affirmation that my targets are going home. I feel a lot stronger now than ever before, almost like allowing Andrew to go over Ben last round is giving me an edge like I've never had before. Tbh as much as I dislike Ben as a player, I do kinda hate this circlejerk kind of group hate for the guy because I don't think he's done anything so bad that it makes him a bad person... maybe not the kind of guy I'd associate with in real life... but I'm sure he's chill outside of this. I also don't wanna come across like on this moral high ground where I'm better than anybody because I definitely talk a lot of shit about everyone else, but as somebody who was in the same shoes as him once, I can empathize with how it feels right now. I can empathize because when I played Tumblr Survivor starting out I definitely was really messy for the fun of it and it slowly started to become un-fun when everyone made it their mission to kinda be shitty to me. I don't know what Ben's goal is here and I'm not a specialist trying to diagnose him, but... yeah. I just feel bad that he's being dogpiled by all of us with hateful attitudes is all. ANYWAYS, back to something that matters - me! I finally survived the dreaded second tribal council of the merge. I've already beaten that part from India, now I just need to make it past the next two votes and I've made it to my first goal - single digits!! I know that I'm competing with a lot of people for single digits right now lol but I hope that people wise up and start taking care of the real threats in the game, namely Livingston, John, Kailyn, and Joey. Getting a dark round, I think this is the best thing we could've asked for because like I said before, I think Keegan was holding himself back from really pushing his agenda. I think Keegan is aware how big of a threat John is in these games, so if I can sort of use Keegan's mistrust in John against him, I might be able to swing for a much bigger target this coming round - Livingston. I kinda feel like Livingston is REALLY well-connected on this tribe, he's basically best friends with everyone from Jake to Joey to Keegan to Pat. If I want to free some of those bigger names up, I really need to go for Livingston because his position is SO desirable right now. I think people are cognizant to the danger posed by those four guys, but no one is really looking at Livingston because they love him so much. If I can somehow convince John that getting rid of Livingston benefits both of us, I might take that shot. It's going to come at a huge fucking risk though, but doesn't everything when you're playing in the dark have a big risk associated with it? Then it just kinda takes getting Ben, Kailyn, and Xavier on my side as well and then the shot is literally so close I can taste it. HOWEVER! Before I start hyping myself up right now, I have to focus on what really matters to me - getting to the end. Resume building doesn't need to start at the final eleven. My biggest error in all of my past Tumblr Survivor games is that I start playing the game REALLY hard way too early. I've learned maybe a couple lessons in subtlety along the way, so planting seeds is gonna need to be the way to go. If I start saying things like, "isn't Livingston so cool? He's basically friends with everyone" and "I would like to see Livingston win if I'm not in the end, he's a really cool guy" it'll 1) be super obvious that I want to make a move against him and 2) maybe start giving people the idea that their best friend is their biggest competition in the end. Something doesn't need to happen tomorrow. It's about the long game, too. I just hope for my sake that I'm doing enough to keep my head above water. If tonight was proof of anything, it's that this game is going to get a lot more difficult. 
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I can't believe that worked so perfectly. Ben does everything I tell him to do, even down to interrupting me during the challenge. He's public enemy #1, and that's another meat shield for me. Stephanie goes - truthfully I feel horrible because she is so sweet - but that's the last person who I wasn't directly aligned with. Also, the Dark Round couldn't have come at a better time. If Ben or I win immunity, I have a plan to get out another big threat. And this is one of my favorite flash games. But at this point I need to act like Ben and I aren't tight. If I make it to the end everyone is gonna hate me. Oof.
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andonutty · 4 years
a fool’s guide to coping w bpd
ok so for the record im NOT a mental health professional, im just... someone with bpd who’s coping and thought i’d share my tips. i think making a post like this will a) reach more people, and b) help my friends more than me just offering advice when they come to me for help. bpd affects everyone differently, and i can’t claim to totally understand the struggles of everyone who has it, but if you’re struggling right now and you just don’t know what to do or where to go, i gotchu fam. so without further ado... a step-by-step guide for coping with bpd
tw for mentions of emotional manipulation, self-harm, and suicide. none of it is in-depth, but i figured i’d warn anyway.
1) decide that you want to cope in a healthier way.
this seems kinda strange as a first step, but to me it really is the most important step. living with bpd all my life and being in therapy since i was 10 taught me a lot about willingness. saying “i want to be healthier” sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s actually really difficult. you have to sit yourself down and ask yourself: do i really want to fundamentally change the way i think about situations, about myself, and about other people? am i willing to work on this, even though it’s hard? and am i willing to give up on the unhealthy coping mechanisms i’ve been clinging onto?
i’m being totally genuine here: it took me years to get to the point where i could say: yeah, i really, really want to stop emotionally manipulating people to get what i want. i’m so sick of basing my self-worth on what other people say and do. i’m so scared that i am my bpd, and that there’s nothing else inside me; i don’t want it to be that way anymore. i want to have healthy and fulfilling relationships with other people. i want people to stop being afraid of me. i want to love myself. i really and truly do. and only when you come to that (awful, gut-wrenching) revelation can you actually start helping yourself. if you’re not at that point, that’s totally fine. i had to go through a hell of a lot to get there, and i understand not everyone is there. i wish everyone who can’t make this decision yet the best, but i really don’t think this post will be the miracle cure you’re hoping for. you can still read it for sure! i’m just saying that this first step was an extremely necessary one for me, and the next steps get a lot easier once you make this decision.
okay, so you’ve come to the realization that you really, really want to learn some new coping mechanisms. where do you start?
2) look into dbt (dialectical behaviour therapy).
ok. i’ve been going through dbt for a while, and i swear to god, it’s good. dbt was made for people with bpd, and it’s different from cbt in that the skills aren’t just cognitive. there are four sections of dbt skills: mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. it may seem overwhelming, but all these skills are very practical and don’t just focus on “hey you’re thinking this? stop it.“ if you have access to a counsellor or therapist, ask them about dbt. if you don’t have access, try to find some stuff you can work on online. i did a quick search and found three sites (one, two, three).
if you have a therapist or counsellor that you can talk to about this, feel free to skip the rest of this section (or read it so you can surprise your therapist with your knowledge). for those of you who don’t have someone to guide you through this, i’m aware all these skills seem incredibly daunting. my recommendations for beginner skills are the following:
PLEASE skill, or reducing vulnerability to emotions (under emotion regulation)
nonjudgmental stance (under mindfulness)
stop, tip, distraction, or improve skills (under distress tolerance)
dear man or myths about interpersonal effectiveness (under interpersonal effectiveness)
reducing emotion vulnerability was the first skill i started working on. when i was first diagnosed with bpd, i was working at a restaurant without any meal breaks. i’d have meltdowns at work and after work, and it took this skill for me to realize that i needed to pack a snack or eat right after getting off my shift, because i was most vulnerable to my emotions when i was hungry or tired. when you understand how food, sleep, exercise, mood-altering substances, etc. all play into how vulnerable you are to your emotions, you can start thinking more clearly about situations and you can start coping ahead to reduce that vulnerability ahead of time. you’d be surprised how much this one helps.
nonjudgmental stance is probably one of the most helpful skills i learned. one of my therapists put it this way: if bpd is an allergy, then invalidation is the allergen. meaning: the thing that’s going to irritate your bpd and trigger problem behaviours is invalidation of emotions. it’s shame, and judgment. everyone judges themselves (which isn’t really healthy, but it is a part of our societal structure), but for us? that shit hurted. i can’t count the amount of times that i’ve been crying and then thought something like “god, you’re just so pathetic“ and started crying even harder. our impulsive behaviour and the decisions we regret almost always stem from a core feeling of being invalidated. remember that time that you were talking about your feelings to someone and they seemed dismissive, so you decided you hated them with every fiber of your being? yep, me too. that’s us reacting to invalidation. in general, we don’t really validate ourselves. quite the opposite! most of the time, we tear ourselves down and expect others to fill that void for us. (a lot of people do this, but it’s really problematic for us in particular because of our generally self-destructive behaviour.) so learning to be compassionate with ourselves is a really important step to take. if you like meditations, look up loving kindness and self-compassion meditations. rain is also a really good meditation to do, but i think it can be really painful to do when you’re just starting out. i’ve linked it at the bottom if you want to check them out, but try not to overload yourself! just stick to one you really like.
stop, tip, distract, and improve are all really good skills to start out with because they’re skills you use for when your skills run out. if you find yourself really struggling with crisis situations a lot, these are good to start out with. they’re specifically meant to calm you down, to get your emotions and adrenaline to a manageable level. if you struggle a lot with engaging in problem behaviour under stress, this one is golden. i used to struggle a lot with substance abuse, and these skills were lifesavers. instead of going right for the substance, i’d use stop. i’d distract myself for a while, surf the urge until the wave of emotion passes. then i could use skills like please by getting something to eat, or dear man by addressing the interpersonal problem with a level head. and on that note...
dear man / myths about interpersonal effectiveness, which is a great skill if your main problem is about asking for help or establishing boundaries. i used to have a lot of problems about asking for things properly (hence my habit of emotionally manipulating others to get what i wanted or needed), because i felt that if someone said no to me, i wouldn’t be able to handle it. or that people would hate me if i asked for things, or that i should be able to handle things on my own. in a way, it felt easier to rely on making others feel bad for not doing more for me rather than to ask outright. these myths are hard to unlearn, but it’s a good place to start if your main trigger is about boundaries or asking for help.
ok, so you’ve started working on a skill. a skill. don’t burn yourself out here, it’s okay (and more productive) to just focus on one instead of trying to change yourself overnight. and on that note...
3) be kind. remember change won’t happen overnight, and keep going.
this one is difficult, because... like, it’s not gonna be easy. i remember i used to have meltdowns and think, “no. i’m tired of being skillful. i’m tired of being the bigger person. i’m sick of this.” and that’s why the first step is so important, because you’re going to need that resolve to say, “hey, i haven’t engaged in my problem behaviour for so long. let’s not start now. i know it’s frustrating, i know it’s so easy to go back to what we know, and at the same time, i want to be better. i know i can be better.”
and even if you do engage in that problematic behaviour again (which, let’s face it, you probably will, because no one is perfect and everyone messes up, and that’s 100% okay), you need to remember this and be compassionate with yourself. everyone messes up. everyone says things they don’t mean to. everyone does things that they regret. everyone falls into old patterns from time to time. what’s important here is to stop beating yourself up over it and start doing something different. if you went back to self-harm, if you started calling up everyone you know and threatening to kill yourself, whatever it is — don’t conflate yourself with the behaviour. instead, take ownership of it. make amends with those you hurt instead of running away or self-sabotaging, think about what happened and try to make sure it doesn’t happen again. slip-ups happen to everyone. literally everyone. so please try not to be hard on yourself if it happens. be disciplined, but not harsh. i promise, beating yourself up over mistakes is only going to hurt you and everyone around you.
if you’ve read this far, thank you so much for doing so. i know that when you’re in the thick of it, it’s so hard to imagine yourself having a future, to imagine that you can make friends, keep people around, be anything but the sum total of your perceived failures. but you can. it’s difficult, believe me, it’s difficult, but it’s possible. and i believe you can do it. and trust me, there’s no way you’re going to disappoint me, no matter how much you feel like you’ve fucked up. if you can, just try it out, and i’ll be cheering you along every step of the way.
more resources, if you’d like them:
in general, this site is pretty good for handouts. and again, here are the three sites i linked above (one, two, three) that i found through a cursory search. 
also, look into unhelpful thinking styles if you want. this is the worksheet i have, and it’s genuinely really useful. i keep it in my workbook and look at it to remind myself of when i’m unintentionally using them.
russ harris, who talks a lot about living a fulfilling life. here are some videos of his that i really like (internal struggles, the choice point, the struggle switch).
jon kabat-zinn and mbsr (mindfulness-based stress reduction). seriously if you’re into mindfulness this guy is so good. 9 attitudes in particular is a video i personally really like.
the aforementioned rain meditation, by tara brach. this one is all about learning what you need and providing it for yourself. it’s part of the larger loving kindness and self-compassion umbrella.
kristen neff has a website with self-compassion exercises, as well as books and such that she’s published. if she’s not your style, search up loving kindness or self-compassion meditations and i’m sure you’ll find other people that you might vibe with more.
i know brené brown deadass exploded in popularity a while back, but there’s a reason she did. all of her stuff about shame is incredible. here are two of her ted talks that hit different for me personally (listening to shame, the power of vulnerability)
also, if you can... maybe invest in a dbt skills workbook. i use the actual marsha linehan dbt skills training book, which can be a little complicated, but it works for me because my therapist is there to explain it. i’ve heard good things about the dbt skills workbook by matthew mckay, but i’ve never used it personally so i can’t attest to how comprehensive it is. if you can go to like, an actual bookstore and flip through the pages, that’d be ideal. but since we’re in a pandemic, idk how feasible that is. i’m not really a self-help book kind of person, but i’d recommend authors like pema chödrön, brené brown, kristen neff, and russ harris (and jon kabat-zinn? does he publish books? if he does then i rec them). if you’re in a post-secondary institution, try checking your school’s library! i’ve found a few books there. also, public libraries tend to have some of these books too. so if you don’t have the money to actually go out and buy these books, i’d suggest borrowing books from libraries and photocopying the pages.
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fanficnewbie · 5 years
“Fighting for Forever” - Chapter Ten: Open Heart Fanfic
This is my first story/series. The first 5 chapters are adaptations from the first 4 parts of “A Weekend with Dr. Ramsey” series with permission from @alwaysmychoices and then I continue my own original work in chapters 6-14.
I start this adapted storyline during Chapter 15 of the original OH series. There is a bit of AU, where I play around with the storyline a bit and insert two days between MC leaving the country club and returning to her apartment to find Landry packing. Some situations have been changed to keep with the original vision of @alwaysmychoices and make the story work in the direction I wanted it to go. However, I find my way back to the original in Chapters 6-8 and then move on past the ending of Book One during chapters 9-14.
My MC is female, Francesca Houseman, who has only had eyes for Ethan Ramsey from day one.
@msjpuddleduck I hope you don’t mind me tagging you for this one. If anyone else would like to be tagged, just let me know.
Chapter Ten: “Midnight Confessions” 3284 words
This entry finds Ethan and Francesca 6 months into the relationship and gives some background on Francesca and why she made some of the decisions she did in OH. It also sets Ethan up for a surprise.
He tried to think about how long they’d been together, counting back to the day of the Ethics hearing, he was shocked to realize they were almost six months in. Half a year since Naveen took over as Chief of Medicine, a role that Ethan had to admit, was the perfect fit for him. For that same amount of time, he’d been leading the Diagnostics Team and maintaining their status as one of the best in the world. It made him proud. It was everything he had worked his whole life for, and yet, he also knew he wouldn’t cherish it half as much without her at his side. Ethan still struggled to understand how one person could come into his life and suddenly make everything about the world better. He used to scoff at romance movies and love stories as pure exaggerations sprinkled with a heavy dose of make-believe. But somehow, she made all of it suddenly plausible. 
They sat on his living room couch, Jenner snoozing at their feet while classical music played through Ethan’s sound system. Francesca sat across the length of the cushions, her feet perched against Ethan’s thigh while he sat upright, his feet propped up on an ottoman, utterly absorbed in a novel. A partially eaten pizza was left forgotten on the kitchen counter while half-filled glasses of red wine sat on the coffee table. Francesca shrugged out of her sweatshirt, suddenly feeling warm. She was supposed to be researching cutting edge treatments for a patient the team had recently diagnosed, but instead, her iPad was idle on her lap, momentarily abandoned as she watched Ethan read.
“I’m all in.” Part of her could scarcely believe it had almost been six months since he had spoken those words to her. She marked that day as one of her best, it was the day she landed her dream job and the man of her dreams. They had succeeded in keeping their relationship private, the handful of people who knew about it all readily agreed to keep their secret and guarded it well. At the hospital, with the exception of that one steamy afternoon in his office, their relationship was strictly professional. It actually wasn’t even that difficult of a situation to maintain. With him leading the Diagnostics team while continuing to teach and torment interns, and with her finding her way as a Junior Fellow along with the additional duties of a Senior Resident, there was no time to do much of anything else. During their work week they rarely saw each other outside of meetings, patient consults and every once in a while, a quick bite in the cafeteria. She could easily count the number of times they had been able to steal away to “Derry Roasters” to enjoy a good cup of coffee and a short break together.
The only manner in which Ethan showed his hand in favoring her was that he always scheduled their off days together. Usually, she’d spend work nights at home, too exhausted to do much more than eat a quick meal with whichever roommates were around and go to sleep. However, her days away from work were strictly reserved for Ethan and Jenner. Francesca would spend those nights at his apartment and they started a routine where they’d take turns planning dates for each other. Every week they’d trade-off. He usually chose to take her somewhere such as the Opera, a Michelin rated restaurant or a lauded museum exhibit; whereas she would opt for an adventure at a Farmer’s Market, a local festival or a dinner from a popular food truck. 
Francesca smiled remembering the look on his face at one such truck when he was handed the greasy pastrami burger. He looked up at her, silently asking if she seriously expected him to eat it. She nodded in response because she was laughing too hard to form the word “yes”. Ethan picked it up muttering how she was trying to kill him or make them go to the hospital on their day off to get their stomachs pumped, then he took a bite. She would never forget how he tried to hide his obvious delight and instead mumbled, “I guess it’s not that bad.” He then proceeded to finish off the entire thing without pausing, even licking some of the secret sauce from his fingers.
“You’re staring.”
Ethan raised his eyes at her and she grabbed her iPad as if she was going back to her research, but he knew better. He figured she was probably online looking for some ridiculous activity to drag him to for her next date. The night before he had taken her to a private wine tasting with one of the most preeminent Sommeliers in Boston. The previous week she had taken him to a pop-up Carnival and made him get on a Ferris Wheel that he was certain hadn’t been inspected since the Reagan administration. He was still slightly surprised they had escaped the ride unscathed. For him, the best part about that night was winning her a teddy bear that she wanted at one of the Midway games. It wore a white lab coat and a stethoscope around its furry neck. He had laughed at the way her face lit up when he handed it to her. He’d given women jewelry worth thousands more than that teddy bear and their excitement hadn’t even come close. 
Arguably though, nothing could compare to the moment when two days later she had handed him a wrapped package with explicit instructions for him to deliver that same teddy bear to baby Ethan. Just when he thought he couldn’t fall any deeper...
He tried to think about how long they’d been together, counting back to the day of the Ethics hearing, he was shocked to realize they were almost six months in. Half a year since Naveen took over as Chief of Medicine, a role that Ethan had to admit, was the perfect fit for him. For that same amount of time, he’d been leading the Diagnostics Team and maintaining their status as one of the best in the world. It made him proud. It was everything he had worked his whole life for, and yet, he also knew he wouldn’t cherish it half as much without her at his side. Ethan still struggled to understand how one person could come into his life and suddenly make everything about the world better. He used to scoff at romance movies and love stories as pure exaggerations sprinkled with a heavy dose of make-believe. But somehow, she made all of it suddenly plausible.
“Okay, now you’re staring.” Francesca looked at him, meeting his gaze, thinking how sexy he looked in his reading glasses.
“You’re an easy distraction, especially in that tank top.”
She chuckled, knowing she wasn’t wearing a bra and that the thin material left little to the imagination. She placed her iPad on the coffee table and stood up, careful not to disturb Jenner. 
“It’s obvious that we’re both a bit distracted so I suggest we do something about it.” Francesca shimmied out her sweatpants and stood before him in only her skimpy top and thong. Then she stretched lazily, purposefully putting on a show as she raised her hands over her head and arched her back. The action caused her breasts to push out and allowed for her top to ride up and expose part of her abdomen. 
“I’m going to the bedroom. You may want to come with.” She gave him a mischievous grin as she turned around and walked away.
Ethan dropped his book and got up. He gingerly stepped over Jenner and followed.
Much later, they both lay on their backs, naked and sweaty in his darkened bedroom. Their breathing slowly returned to normal as they gazed at the patterns a few rays of moonlight made on the ceiling as they filtered through his bedroom windows.
Francesca took a deep breath and shrugged her shoulders, allowing the last of her post-orgasm tingles to radiate throughout her body. She absolutely loved having sex with Ethan, to hold him within her body and literally become part of him, to know exactly how to make the man who prided himself on control, completely lose control, and to be able to push him to the highest peaks of ecstasy... it was intoxicating.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of doing that.”
Ethan looked her way, “I sincerely hope not.”
She giggled and then turned towards him, barely able to make out his face in the nighttime blackness. “Not to give you an even bigger ego but, I’ve actually never had it be like this before, with anyone... The last guy I seriously dated, I mean, sex was almost like getting a medical exam. It was very,” she struggled to find the right word, ”… perfunctory.”
Ethan laughed. As much as he wasn’t enthused knowing about other guys she had been with, it gave him a huge boost that she considered him to be in a league of his own. 
Suddenly curious about her past he asked, “How long were you guys together?”
She weighed how much of the story she wanted to tell him. “Just over two years. I met him towards the end of my first year of med school and broke up with him right before our senior year.”
He frowned, “Why so long? He must have been a helluva guy to put up with two years of bad sex.”
She rolled onto her back and studied the ceiling again as if the moonlit patterns held the answer to his question. “I dunno. I mean part of it was easy, we were so busy studying that it’s not like we had all of this quality time to spend together. We were both locals at UCSF, he was in my class and we had a lot of the same friends. His parents loved me and mine loved him. We both wanted our residencies on the East Coast, he was more interested in John Hopkins, but it was close enough that we had already committed to the long-distance thing if I matched with Edenbrook. It was easy to go along with, it looked great on paper and it was basically all planned out. At some point though, I realized that it just wasn’t what I wanted.”
Ethan propped himself up so he could see her face more closely in the dark. “So you finally ended it. I can completely respect making that choice for yourself.”
The memories and emotions of the past flooded her brain. “Probably one of the hardest things I’ve done. It caused the mess that I absolutely knew it would. I immediately became a villain to his family and most all of our shared friends. I was the heartbreaker, so I was automatically in the wrong, and obviously a callous person for not having strong enough feelings towards him to stay in the relationship. My own parents just couldn’t believe I would walk away from such a ‘good man’ and waited months for me to finally come to my senses, but I never did.”
She turned her head to him, earnest. “That whole experience is one of the reasons why I almost didn’t join the diagnostics competition. I already knew what it was like to lose a bunch of friends at once and I didn’t want to experience it again.” She stopped and then continued using the darkened room as the perfect concealment for her confessions.
“It’s also why I refused to let you push me away. That feeling that I never had with Christian, I felt it every single time we were together. At first I didn’t know what it was, but eventually, I recognized that it was like, like this magnetic connection, an attraction that I couldn’t escape. Then in Miami when I realized that wasn’t only me… I just couldn’t accept the idea that since it didn’t look good on paper, we couldn’t be together. I had already gone the course of what looked right and it had amounted to nothing. I needed to know what would happen if I went with what felt right.”
Ethan stroked her cheek, “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For not giving up on me.”
She laughed, “That was definitely one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but you were totally worth it.”
He kissed her, “Of course I was.”
She laughed again as she pushed him away. He turned on his side to face her and she turned towards him, meeting his gaze through the murky shadows that surrounded them.
“You mentioned your parents, I just realized you’ve never told me much about them.”
Francesca thought for a moment, she hadn’t. When she was in Ethan’s bubble, nobody from the outside world seemed to exist.
“Well, in case you hadn’t noticed by now, I’m biracial.”
“Biracial? I always thought you were Polish.”
She laughed as she playfully smacked his arm.
“Yes. My mom is Black, but she was adopted as a baby by a white family, so that was a bit unusual. My dad is actually Jewish. They both grew up in a small town in Idaho where residents were predominantly white, Christian and conservative. They met in grade school and bonded over being different, forming a friendship as children that turned into a love affair as adults. Once they were married they left Idaho and settled in the San Francisco Bay Area. That’s where my brother and I grew up. They wanted their kids to be surrounded by diversity and cultural immersion.”
“You guys are all still close?”
“We are. I miss them but we text and I video chat with them once a week. My brother is in tech and lives relatively close to my parents, so they always Facetime me when the three of them are together for Sunday dinner. With my schedule and the time change, it’s hard some weeks, but more often than not, we manage to make it work.”
Ethan tried to visualize her in the context of her family, “It sounds very loving.”
“I hope you’ll get to meet them one day, I mean they know about you.”
He was glad that she couldn’t see the apprehension on his face, “They know about me?”
“Of course. But only that you're my boss and that we’re good friends. I think my mom suspects there’s more to it but she has never asked. They know how much I idolized you as a teen so they all think it’s rather cool that we hang out now.”
He let a sigh of relief that they didn’t know about their romantic relationship, “Okay.”
Oblivious to his hesitations, Francesca continued, “I think they’d be okay if they knew the whole story with us, I think they’d like you. It’s just so hard to explain over a 5-10 minute video chat with everyone trying to get a word in edgewise. And it’s not exactly something I want to send in a group text.”
Ethan thought about the potential trauma of meeting her parents, “How can you be so sure they’d like me?”
She giggled, “I’m not, I said I think they would. My dad respects self-made men. He’s in Sales, one of the top guys at his company for more years than I can count. He appreciates people who succeed in life by putting in hard work. He’s the one who taught me how to handle myself in almost any situation and he’s the reason that Edenbrook now receives that cardiac kickback I negotiated with Banner Health. That ‘get them right before the deal closes’ move, that’s classic Jacob Houseman.” She laughed, “I think he was prouder of me when I told him about that than when I matched with Edenbrook.”
Ethan remembered how confident she was with the health insurance executives and now understood the full picture. “Tell him we said ‘thank you’”.
“He’d appreciate how you worked hard and sacrificed to become the best.” She thought for a moment, “ My mom is a total people person. She loves helping others and is on the board of half a dozen charitable organizations. I cannot even tell you how many clothing drives and soup kitchens and other volunteer activities she’d have us at as kids. She’s the reason I care about helping people so much. She’d love the way you care for your patients.” Francesca reflected for a second, “Actually, I think I already sold her on you ages ago when I told her how we rent to rescue the toy frog for Dolores.”
He smiled wistfully, “Alma tells me baby Ethan won’t go to sleep without it.”
She reached for his hand and squeezed, “I hope he has it forever.”
Ethan paused, absorbed in her family life, one so different from his own. He was slightly surprised at how hard it was for him to ask the next question, “And your brother?” 
Francesca sensed something in his voice, a sadness, it confused her. 
“Jacob Jr. but we call him ‘Jay’. Sometimes I call him ‘Jakey’ but I’m the only one allowed to do that.” She chuckled thinking of how her brother would roll her eyes when she called him by her childhood nickname. “We grew up super close, he’s only two years older. Leaving him behind was actually harder than leaving my parents. I think that’s why I attached to Bryce so quickly, he reminds me of Jay a bit. They both have that instilled confidence that they use to be charming rather than arrogant. Jay would like you simply for the fact that there’d be another guy in the room. You know enough about sports to win him over. He doesn’t require much.”
Ethan smiled, “They all sound lovely Francesca, they really do.”
She took a deep breath, hoping that her full disclosure would get him to open up.
“And your family? You’ve never said much about them either.”
Ethan shifted uncomfortably. “Nothing to tell. I’m an only child.” He sighed, “I had a good childhood followed by a shitty adolescence and then I went to medical school. You know the rest.”
“But I don’t. Where are your parents? Do you speak with them? Do they know about me at all?”
Ethan paused, mulling over his answers before responding, “They don’t live in this country. No to the rest of it.”
He suddenly sat up, “We’re done here. I have to take a shower, feel free to join me.”
Francesca was pensive as she watched him get up and walk across the room. The light from the bathroom spilled into the bedroom and instantly shattered the illusion of their nighttime cocoon. She moved to follow him but heard her phone dinging. Grabbing it she read the text from Sienna, “Have you asked him yet?” She typed back, “Not yet, almost.”
She looked to the bathroom, knowing she had to make her move and praying that he’d accept her proposal. As much as Francesca loved her bubble with Ethan, at times it felt restrictive. She was missing the presence of her friends in this part of her life. She had tried on multiple occasions to get Ethan to join them for group activities but he was always firm in his response, “Not a chance in hell Rookie.” After a couple of months of failed attempts, she realized she was going to have to do what she did best, force the issue. 
She walked into the bathroom admiring him through the shower door. “So I’ve been thinking…”
He looked up, “You know, you always scare me when you start a sentence like that.”
She opened the door and stepped in, “Next week is my turn to plan our date and we have the actual weekend off. I want to leave town, take you somewhere.”
She bit her lip, “It’s a surprise. You’d have to trust me.”
He watched her thoughtfully, he could see that it was important to her that he agree but he also knew there was likely more to it than she was letting on. “I hate surprises.”
“I know, but Jenner can come too. Does that help?” She looked at him hopefully, practically holding her breath as she waited for him to respond.
He sighed and decided to appease her as recompense for not opening up about his family. “I know I’m going to end up regretting this, but okay yeah, surprise me.”
She flung her arms around him and gave him a big kiss. “Thank you! I promise it’ll be a great time.”
He kissed her back, wondering what the hell he had just gotten himself into.
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aurora-daily · 5 years
AURORA’s Q&A during Spotify Listening Party
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Q: Hello Aurora. Is „In Bottles“ related to „In Boxes“ because in „In Bottles“ you are singing underneath her bed and when she is lying in bed maybe she is laying on her spine. Is that the story behind that phrase ? ❤ You are the Best and i Love you ❤
A: they are both about the same lady... that is really well spotted. It has a really strange meaning to it. she wants to be close to people in a very strange way... !
Q: Aurora what is your favourite song on the album?
A: it changes from day to day.. right now its Soulless Creatures. because of its meaning.
Q: Where do you record the álbum?
A: i did it in bergen last november with Magnus <3
Q: Can we expect Step 3, or it's the end of "A Different Kind" era?
A: this is definitely not the last step... but i cannot tell you yet when it will be released.. !
Q: when is the time of day/night you write music the most?
A: i definitely have the most ideas at night, or when im about to fall asleep, sometimes it can keep me awake for hours later than i should stay awake.. but its worth it.
Q: Will you travel to Vietnam???
Q: Are you singing in Frozen 2?
A: i might be heard in the wind…
Q: your birth name represents just your music, the universe, peace ... have you thought how would you call yourself artistically if you had another birth name? Which one identifies you?
A: ive always felt that my name fits me so well, and i remember when i learnt what it meant when i was young that i took it like a little mission in life. to create a little light in the world, in one way we all should
Q: Aurora, I meet you the last month and I gave you a skirt, I just wanna say sorry cause it was too big, And I send you a message in your private (sorry)Facebook horse account, I need and advice
A: i love it!! im going to make it a bit smaller, haha !thank you so much!
Q: Do you make your own clothes?
A: yes i make them with my sister Viktoria who knows how to sew!!! i like to know where the clothes comes from, and with her i know the source of the clothes, which feels very good! i like to wear whatever feels good, so its good to have someone who can turn my dreams into real clothes!
Q: Tell us about your language in ADKOH single... what does it mean?
A: its my own language, and one day i will tell you. its based around its core which is human emotions. i want to make it easier for us to discuss our emotions with the world!
Q: Thank you for supporting us - LGBT. I must admit that it is very useful in Poland. We fight a homophobic government and you give us power
A: that moves my heart so much to hear. im sending you so much love. and that is just the beauty of love - it is so much bigger than us. anyone who dares raise a fist against it will always loose the fight. love will win <3 always.
Q: I have found that this album is best fully realized while being outside. I've been running and interpreptly dancing around my neighborhood everyday and it's transportive
A: i love this so much `3
Q: What was your favourite song to produce?📝🤔
A: i loved producing Soulless Creatures and Appletree. ADKOH was also a journey of its own kind. very lovey. Ive used samples from my life, and mixed them with the beauty of electronic music. A bit of both worlds, living in harmony.
Q: How long did it take to right this album? Where did you write?
A: ITs taken me two years to work on all the songs from both Step I and II. and producing Step II took a whole month, with no sleep and long days me and Magnus Skylstad made the whole thing with some help from a norwegian artist called Askjell (on Daydreamer and ADKOH) we cried so much. and laughed. so many emotions. very very beautiful.
Q: Why is 8 your favourite number?
A: i cannot really explain it. i just feel its right. i have a very strange relationship with numbers, i need them to be right. and 8 and 11 have always made me feel so good. their both the same when upside down and mirrored which i love. very reliable.
Q: Can we expect some songs in Norwegian?
A: yes...!
Q: We know in AMDGMAAF you had a sample of you hugging a tree, have you sampled anything unusual/interesting and put it in this album?👀
A: ive sampled all kinds of stuff, my breath, rain, steps, books, washing machines, crushing things, animals, chewing... etc. its so fun. i love working that way. On soulless creatures i have the sound of me tapping my own chest to my heart. <3
Q: "fear not, fear not when you go" that part gets me every time (and i have listened to this song like 100 times)
A: <3 <3 <3 !!!
Q: how do you keep up with all the questions? hahah
A: i dont!! hahaha
Q: do you write lyrics for other artists?
A: yes sometimes i do!!
Q: The symbols in adkoh are a new language right? But are they letters, more like a code, or it's literally a new language where symbols can be a entire word?
A: their all a part of my own language, one day i will show you all of it.
Q: I think your albums are literature, it is really interesting how there is a connection between all of them. From awakening to mothership, is there any plans of releasing a book some day?
A: i will x !!
Q: are there any more music videos coming?
A: Y to the E to the S
Q: I know some people in Tromso but theyre a bit strange. Is everyone from Tromso strange?
A: yes.
Q: Everyone is talking so quickly, I guess I'll shout into the void :p If you get a chance to read this Aurora, I know that you know how many lives you've touched so I'm not special for saying that you as a person, as well as your music, have saved my life. You're so good at making us all feel like your best friends, but I know what it's like to not be a very social person and it's scary. You're so brave and wonderfully peculiar in your heart. please stay true to yourself.
A: thank you so so much for these beautiful words x i promise i will. forever and ever.
Q: the choir goes SO GOOD with in bottles YOUR MIND
A: !!!!!!!!!
Q: Your numbers are 8 & 11? Very cute, in spirit these are good numbers, one means positivity and the other is financial abundance
A: i dont believe any human being could know the true spiritual meaning of them, they belong with the gods, or the trees. everything that we dont know x
Q: .I want to know about that percussion sound that's in a different kind of human...it sounds so different but really "authentic", I know that sounds weird
A: i am really into strange percussion. and im a percussionist myself so i tend to focus a lot on the rhythms. i had the beat for this song in my mind days before even writing it. and i wanted it to sound like something that doesnt exist from before. like ship. the mothership.
Q: What's your patronus?
A: a big wolf. <3
Q: I feel like an ant!
A: me too.
Q: Which song are you most excited to play live that you haven’t already?💃🏼🎶
A: appletree and daydreamer. so full of energy.
Q: Hei Aurora ^_^ En hilsen fra *nesten* nabokommunen din, Kvam! Jeg så deg for første gang på Bygdalarm i 2016. Jeg lytter til musikken din hver dag, den åpner dører, gir meg friske pust. Jeg ville egentlig bare si at jeg er så stolt over deg, selv om jeg aldri ordentlig har "møtt" og snakket med deg. Jeg føler du lager sanger som representerer en helt spesiell del av det å være menneske. Å ha et åpent sinn, se ting som andre ikke ser. Vokste selv opp midt i en skog, tekstene går rett til hjertet!
A: tusen tusen takk. dette var helt nydelig.
Q: Where did you get the inspiration to make "Apple Tree", not only the lyrics, but the sound of it since it's different from anything you've ever made.
A: i dont really like to put any walls around myself, so that day i felt like i wanted to do whatever made me feel nice. and i felt very playful! i have always liked to make different kind of music, like The seed and animal, it happened quiet and under the water etc. its nice to try lots of different expressions. thats what its all about.
Q: I just want to thank you. I've recently been diagnosed with ME, also known as chronic fatuige syndrome. Your songs fill me with strength and energy when I listen to them<3
A: that is so good to hear. I am so sorry youve gotten this extra thing to deal with in your life. im sending you lots of strength. and love.
Q: Do you believe in aliens? I do!!
A: of course!!!!
Q: Have you ever listened to a Black Metal band?
A: yes i love it so much. i love Gojira, Mastodon, Tool, System of A down and Perfect circle too. very nice.
Q: what do you think is the most important message behind your album? <3
A: I think all of them are. The fight for love, the fight for nature. the whole thing about our consuming, and the way we dont appreciate what we have. about having respect for eachother and mother earth. its about so many things that i care about. maybe the environmental focus is one of the most important message right now, and that we all can save the world together. In appletree its all about that. We. can. save. the. world.
Q: Is your language an alien language and are you actually an alien?
A: i am an alien yes, but i belong here on earth too. my language is al alien language that i have made x
Q: Just want to let you know that your music is well-loved in Asia even many of us don't speak English,your music is no boundaries,can we except your Asia tour soon ?
A: my dream is to go to asia. so yes. YES
Q: i don’t use spotify and i couldn’t get this stream to work so i deadass created an account and bought premium for this smh i love u aurorie
A: Oh My GOD!! really!_! that is amazing. thank you for doing all that to be here with us !
Q: Mothership is so important and special to me because last year my best friend committed suicide and it makes me feel like she's gone to a safer place ✨🌿💗
A: i am so sorry to hear. The Mothership will take those people, who felt like the world was a too dark place to be. Its a horrible thing when people think that is the only way out. Sending love to you and the family who lost a loved one. She is in a safe place now.
Q: Have you ever attended piano lessons, can you read notes, or rather you are self-taught
A: i dont know anything about music theory, im self taught!
Q: Aurora, I'm a painter. And I can not get my paintbrushes and paint something without listening to their songs. You inspire me a lot. That's the reason I can do everything I do. Thank you for that.
A: aaaaahhhhh. thank you so much for letting me inspire you. thank you. keep painting!
Q: aurora do you sometimes feel like talking to trees and plants? cause i do sometimes and they are beautiful creatures! they have a very caring and loving energy!!
A: i do too!!!
HEllo hELlo you lovely people. I am really trying my best to answer all of you. but its as difficult as building a castle of melted chocolate. Soon the chat will close, but before i go. i want to say thank you to all of you. you are such great people, and i am so happy to share this album with you. thank you for diving into it <3
thank you all for coming!!! will stay for 11 minutes more until the chat closes!!! JUST HAD TO SAY THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU
Q: What is the emotionally hardest song for you to sing from your new album?
A: i think Dance on the moon. x
Q: I seen in a fanwiki page that you like minecraft, DO YOU PLAY MINECRAFT???
A: i love it so much. i always play on creative mode though!!
Q: Do you intend to write a book someday? We would love to read it!🥚
A: i will, and i think its so nice that you are all interested in me doing so!
Q: The beat from apple tree has any inspiration from olodum ? (A Brazilian type of beat )
A: YES! and hip hop too. i felt it deserved a very alive and bad-*** groove.
Q: Have you dealt with anxiety and/or depression?
A: Yes i have. its a long time ago since i was depressed, its so strange how ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************!!
Q: Are there any songs that almost didn’t make it to the album?👀🎶
A: actually daydreamer and dance on the moon just barely made it!!!
Q: what helped you get through the lows of your life?
A: making music. and giving myself time to heal. ive never felt guilty for being a bit out of ... tune with myself. being an emotional human being is hard, but at least you can always make yourself feel better by finding an outlet. or talking. or crying. just let yourself feel, dont escape from it. then suddently youll feel better one day.
Q: AURORA THE FATE OF THIS WORLD DEPENDS ON YOUR ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION!!!!!!! what is your favourite primate? is it the humble chimpanzee which would align with my favourite? or perhaps the solid orangutang. i am curious to see
A: haha this is so funny. i love the orangutang.
Q: You’ve talked sometimes about there are some things on the industry and big companies that you don’t like. How do you deal with it? How is your relationship with big production companies?
A: just remember to always follow my instinct. <3
and thank you for all the birthday wishes!!!!
Q: Aurora, Is Star wars still on you phone ring?
A: hahah yes!!
Q: Do you read the messages we write on instagram
A: yes <3
Q: Aurora your a inspiration and a safe place for a lot of LGBT+ that listen to your song, especially me, thanks for all the love you spread across the world
A: thank you so much! <3 sending you love. love love love love love
[credits for this recap!]
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thedivinemissema · 5 years
3, 5, 11, 13, and 22 for the WIP Asks?
I’m gonna talk to you about Anything But Holiday because I’ve been picking at the next chapter lately. I’ll start with the caveat I fucked this chapter up at some point, rushed points that need more explanation and unpacking the mess I made is taking more time then I’d like.
Don’t make a summary paragraph and rush into the action is just some advice I’m throwing out there.
3. How has the WIP changed between starting it and where it is now?
I’ve read so many more books from the same period. I have so much more background to call upon now. One of my favorite stories about this is recent: I was watching Finding Your Roots and Queen Latifah was on exploring her family tree. One of a great grandfathers (or great great, I can’t recall) was married to a white woman, and Skip Gates literally handed me a gem because he said “New Jersey was one of the few states that never had miscegenation laws.”. I had to look this up, because this means in her home state, Elle could marry Troy, and guess what, New York never had such laws either. Now, I’m sure it wasn’t great socially, but it’s good to know where the law stood when writing a historical.
5. Where did you draw inspiration from?
Sometimes fic is practice for my bigger personal projects. When I first wanted to learn to write novels, I was lucky enough to be in big bangs and write longer stories. I wanted to write this because I wanted to work in the time period for a personal project, and this seemed like a great setting for guns, violence, sex, revenge and forbidden love.
11. How do you structure your plot?
Generally, I do a three act structure that’s pretty basic. For fic, sometimes I don’t because there are times that you want to see the characters interacting more than you want to see the end of the story, if you get what I mean.
When I write my own projects now, outside of fandom, I write a lot of short stories. I had a character that wasn’t talking to me until I put her in a story with a character I knew really well, just to see them butt up against each other and start drawing the outlines of who she was. Then I put her in another story with her love interest, and gave her more definition. I feel like this happens in fic a lot in the chapters, because I don’t have to paint as much of the background. You know who Troy is and that they have certain character traits. What you want to know is how Troy, who works with the uncle that Elle is determined to take down, is going to react to falling in love with her, and what it’s going to mean for his life.
13. Are there scenes that you cut already?
Not cut so much as changed. I usually don’t cut scenes unless they really don’t make sense. I’ve changed a few scenes, and there are  few written that don’t have a home yet, but will get placed in the story because they’re plot important.
I did have scene that I rewrote completely because it was from Dexter’s POV when it should have been from Elle’s and I’m not sure why I wrote it like that in the first place. I really liked them interacting together, but there was no reason for me to head hop into his mind.
22. How many projects do you usually have going at once?
A lot. So a funny thing happened in my mid-thirties, I was diagnosed with ADHD and actually had it treated in a way that worked for me. I was able to finish a lot more things once I had medication. But that meant I was also able to give my attention more to things that I struggled with as a professional, like hit deadlines for anthologies or work on contest entries. While I always pick at my old stories, updates wind up taking more time because I’m not just starting projects now, I’m trying to finish many of my old ones.
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mulderitsme · 5 years
Essence / Existence recap (i’m finally done with season 8!), and after a pompous and wordy introduction about the meaning of life (i think?), we open with...
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some quality mother/daughter bonding, YES PLEASE. margaret is adorable, look at that megawatt smile!! she’s so happy her daughter is finally getting some semblance of normalcy and happiness, and that she gets to share it with her. the whole scene is cute af. and scully wouldn’t be scully without her fond annoyance for the whole thing. the baby shower was margaret’s idea, wasn’t it. 
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so much heteronormativity i’m suffocating. scully is right, it is a conspiracy. 
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she boops him on the nose! mulder is goofing around!! she’s taking care of him and he’s loving it!! i love them!!  
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mulder knows about as much as scully does on this pregnancy, i.e not much. they were told it was impossible, and yet there’s a baby growing inside of her against all odds. he’s pretty sure he’s the only non-alien and/or non-implant option - whether or not they talked about it, although i do believe they did. he and scully are in this together. their main question now is “how a woman who was diagnosed as infertile and unable to conceive is about to give birth in a couple days,” and that is scully’s question too. even if he is the father, it’s not for him to say. this is scully’s business and scully’s alone. when pressed by skinner, he is the one volunteering to call her. he won’t let anyone ask that question but him. 
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i just love this shot. did i mention i love it when scully touches her belly? because i do. 
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it’s in scenes like this i am reminded how much scully loves her mother, yet can’t tell her anything about her fears and traumas. first because margaret wouldn’t understand, and second because it would mean putting her in danger. “you keep everything so bottled up” and she does. she has to. the minute she opens up and trusts someone it backfires and she’s either in danger or her baby is. which is exactly what happened here. 
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scully has sacrificed a lot for this job. she’s become an x-file herself. but her absolute worst fear would be to be convinced that this is all what mulder sees in her. all that he is here for. but scully has always been bigger than everything to him. he only ever sees her. it’s only ever about her.
“you’re never just anything to me, scully”, echoed here, over 15 years earlier.
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if someone says “barren” one more time i’m going to fling myself out of the window. 
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scully, it’s a nice sentiment, but i really don’t think that’s a good thing. i am very worried. why isn’t she more worried about this?? giving birth is no joke and routinely kills people. like, what kind of plan is “i’m a medical doctor i can coach you through it”? i think she’ll be a little more preoccupied with pushing and breathing and trying to stay alive while giving birth without any medical help or staff around her than giving pointers. this is a terrible plan. 
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i just like this shot. also, when did reyes start calling her “dana” and not “agent scully”? while scully insists on the formal “agent reyes”, even in the more pressing situations. 
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you guys, i love reyes sfm. she knows it sucks and it’s not what scully hoped for but she’s going to scrub and clean that house to make it feel homey and comfy for the woman in her charge. her shy little smile when she invites her in, waiting for her reaction... adorable. she did her best to make this place look good and it’s not too shabby, tbh. bless her heart. 
and i have to say, my little bi heart is very happy with the reyes x scully content. this episode is so full of little gems between these two. i know the fandom is all over mulder and scully (rightly so), but i’m digging the badass FBI ladies team up. where are the fics of these two?? 
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do not touch her squishy or she will end you. 
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this ship ships itself monica, that’s really gay.
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i don’t even care what’s happening with the guys and all the car chasing, this is where the real action is. the determination. the righteous anger, the protectiveness over this child she hasn’t even seen or held yet, but whom she loves so much already. the fear and the despair, begging monica to protect her baby when they are powerless to stop them and she knows this. all they can do is have her deliver this baby safely. 
i love that they showed the birth as messy and ugly as it can be in real life - i mean, as much as TV allows it. she’s grunting, sweating, her hair is sticky, her face torn into a grimace because fuck yeah birthing a child is no small feat. too often on TV we see clean, perfect births that are over in an instant and the mother doesn’t even break a sweat. i love that they allowed scully to look ugly here. it makes the moment all the more raw and human, all the more desperate. 
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and there he finally is. this is doing things!! to my heart!! seeing scully in her PJs and holding the baby she fought for so much. her little smile. the joy radiating from her face. “how is everybody doing” mulder is going to be the dad with all the embarrassing and corny jokes, isn’t he. 
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scully literally can’t stop looking at mulder as soon as she sees him with the baby. mulder is entranced, giddy and awed, happy to finally meet their son. william, “like your father” also like your father, scully, and your brother, but ok, let’s say it’s because you want to make it very clear that mulder is the father of your child. anyway, i could watch these two making eyes at each other for hours.
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here is the show dropping yet another plot point because it doesn’t know what to do with it. why didn’t the super soldiers take william? is he normal? scully doesn’t understand, mulder doesn’t understand, and i sure af don’t understand. do the writers? i doubt it. 
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EXCUSE ME WHILE I SCREAM SOME MORE isn’t this the first “real” kiss in 8 seasons of this show?? and with a decent lighting, no less?  
“the truth we both know”. the truth is that this show is all about the love these two have for each other and the uniqueness of their bond. forget about aliens and conspiracy and mythology that makes no sense. the truth is in them. they truth is them. we been knew. 
can it end here? 
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