#i’m navigating the vibes rn
wrathofrats · 12 days
this isnt so much Writing based but just, general fandom vibes I get from you but I thought of this bcus of some of the responses I read lol
you give the vibe of that one cousin at the family get together who is like, only a year or 2/3 older and, whether you know them well or not you can go hang with them cus theyre really chill. also if you came out to them they're just like "nice" and high five you. and gives really good advice, not in a harsh way per se but a tough love "you need to hear this rn, its not fun, but its necessary" type of way
(this is in terms of like, vibes within the fandom, Im not saying this is how you actually are/are outside of fandom etc)
Lmao I know you see a lot of me so yeah HAHAHA.
The funny thing is is that this isn’t super far off from real life?
Idk life rambles under cut bc I doubt most people care but I enjoy yapping
I am the oldest cousin by like 7 years (besides some on my moms side but that’s a different story lmao, do love them dearly) but I have many many younger cousins and have been the black sheep since I was probably 9-10.
And ya know what? There’s embarrassment about it sure, there’s an awful feeling of having to be the black sheep but I hope that because I had to do it that means none of my other cousins will have to. I’m not out to any of my family besides my dad on this side of the family but like … I’m not hiding it. I have rainbow keychains and dress like an idiot and am openly very left.
And I hope so deeply that if any kids in my family turn out like I did and realize they were kinda odd and strange by the time they’re 12 or 13, I hope they know that I support them even if they’re scared no one else will. That they have someone to confide in if they’re queer or did drugs or are generally just rebellious or have failed at something. Idk I hope they find trust and solidarity in knowing I am too. And they don’t have to be the first, they don’t have to navigate being kinda odd alone they don’t have to be a failure like it’s ok I did it first, you can’t mess up much more than me kid! /lh
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
Fic raffle gift for @blarghy-blergh!!! Blargh, I'm pretty sure you can't interact on tumblr rn but I wanted you to see it anyway! If you need me to remove the tag I can also do that <3<3<3.
Summary: Wild has a chronic pain flare up while the group is separated. Legend helps, and then they have a conversation about internalized ableism and accessibility.
1572 words, hurt/comfort
I’m apparently vibing with chronic pain Legend and Wild lately (I started this one the day after I posted my last chronic pain one lol). This turned into Wild AND Legend hurt/comfort, I hope you don’t mind :D. I’m not sure about the end of this tbh, but I hope you enjoy!!!
Warnings: chronic pain flare up, little teeny bit of internalized ableism, discussion of pain but not in detail
Disclaimer: I do not experience chronic pain. I have some intermittent pains from my disabilities but not chronic pain itself. In addition to using my own experiences, I did some research so I could try to make this as accurate as possible :). I used info for myofascial pain/muscle spasm, hypertrophic and contracture scarring, and generalized chronic pain flare ups. Also fun fact: all the remedies Wild uses here are based on real world remedies. The jelly he has is basically magic icy hot XD
When Wild stumbled over nothing but dirt for the fourth time, Legend decided enough was enough. 
“Alright, that’s it,” Legend said. He turned around and put a hand out in front of Wild’s chest. Wild couldn’t stop himself in time and walked into it, then blinked in surprise when he felt the impact. 
“We need to stop,” Legend said. Wild’s eyes moved in Legend’s direction, but took longer than usual to focus.
“What?” Wild asked. His voice was quieter than usual. Legend frowned.
“We’re stopping,” Legend said. 
“We can’t,” Wild rasped. Legend huffed in frustration, crossed his arms, and stared at Wild. Wild held his gaze for a moment, then dropped his eyes to the ground. 
Legend took the moment of silence to study Wild’s body language. Wild’s shoulders were hunched and curled to the left, his skin was pale, and he was holding his left arm at an awkward angle, one fist clutching his shirt. He was leaning heavily on his right foot. Legend sighed in sympathy as he realized what was going on: pain flare up.
“I should have noticed,” Legend muttered. Then, louder, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Wild at least had the decency to look ashamed. “This is my Hyrule.”
“And?  We’re separated and no one else knows how to navigate here. It’s my responsibility to find everyone and keep us safe here. And…” Wild’s voice got quieter, and he sighed exasperatedly. “I was really hoping it would go away.” 
Wild brought his right hand up to rub his eyes, then let it fall gently to his side. Legend felt the tension drain out of him. He sighed and walked over to Wild, then put a gentle hand on his back. 
“Okay,” Legend said. He started to rub comforting circles on Wild’s back, the way Sky does sometimes when he’s the one stuck in a flare up. 
“Look, I get it,” Legend continued as Wild turned his head away so Legend couldn’t see his face. “I know you’re worried about the others. I am too. But you won’t be able to help if you overdo it and make the pain worse. You have to listen to your body.”
“I know,” Wild whispered in a shaky voice. 
“Are we close to a town or anything?” Legend asked. 
“No,” Wild muttered. “I was hoping we would reach Lakeside Stable before it got bad.”
“What about your slate? Can you, what do you call it, warp?” Legend asked, waving one hand aimlessly to help him remember the words. 
Wild shook his head and flinched immediately. “Makes it worse. Learned from experience,” Wild said through what sounded like gritted teeth.
“Alright, let's stop here, then. I’ll make sure the area’s clear once you’re settled,” Legend said. Wild nodded. 
Legend led him to the nearest patch of grass and let Wild lean against a tree while Legend quickly set up his bedroll. Wild had his eyes clenched shut and his breathing was carefully controlled. A small smile crept onto Legend's face. He taught Wild that breathing technique. 
As soon as the bedroll was set up Legend guided Wild to lay down. Wild put all his weight on Legend and on his right leg, and carefully avoided moving his left hip or shoulder as much as possible. Once Wild was laying down, Legend made sure there was enough padding, but not too much, underneath the worst of Wild’s scarring. 
“Just checking,” Legend said. “It’s the scars, right?” 
“Yeah,” Wild said as he threw his right arm over his eyes. “Scars and hip and shoulder. Same injury. And... everywhere.”
“I’m out of potions. You?” Legend asked. 
“I’ve got green,” Wild said. 
“That won’t help,” Legend said. “Unless you want to be awake and energized through this.”
“Definitely not.”
“Wars used the last of the valerian root last week, didn’t he?” Legend asked. “Got anything else to help you sleep?”
“Um,” Wild said. His fists clenched and a pained grunt slipped out of his mouth. Even beneath Wild’s clothes, Legend could see his muscles spasm.
Legend felt his own joints throb in sympathy. He pulled a few rings off his fingers, the ones enchanted to relieve pain, and gently placed his hand over Wild’s fist. 
“When you can, open your hand,” Legend said softly. “Remember to breathe.”
Wild’s breaths began to even out at Legend’s words. After a minute, His fingers uncurled enough for Legend to slip the rings on his fingers. Luckily, most of the group had small hands, so Legend could share his rings when he needed to. 
“Can I get the herbs out of your bag? I know the case,” Legend said. “Squeeze my hand once for no, twice for yes.” Wild squeezed twice.
Legend nodded and turned to Wild’s bag. He pulled out the leather case and opened the clasp. It unrolled to show numerous tubes and jars, all labeled in Flora’s pristine handwriting.
Dandelion and stinging nettle tea - Joint health 
Mint, lavender, and fire chu chu jelly - Scar gel
Willow bark - Pain relief
Chamomile - Calming
Valerian root - Sleep aid
The valerian root case was empty. Most of the group dealt with nightmares or insomnia at one point or another. Wild usually brewed the dandelion tea in the evenings and shared it with anyone who wanted some. Wild was always happy to share his supplies, but that meant they went fast. They stocked up as much as they could whenever they found themselves in Wild’s Hyrule. 
Legend pulled out the jar of the scar gel, the willow bark tea, and the chamomile tea. He quickly set up Wild’s travel pot and got water brewing for the tea. 
“Thank you,” Wild whispered. 
Legend glanced at Wild with a smile. “Of course. We’ll rest here until you’re okay to move, then we’ll get to that stable. I’m sure the others will be fine.”
“Yeah,” Wild said. 
“I’ve got water going for willow bark and chamomile tea. Does that sound okay?” Legend asked. 
“I got the scar gel out, too,” Legend said, with a glance in Wild’s direction. Wild’s eyes moved under his tightly shut eyelids, but he didn’t otherwise react. 
“If you want, I could help you apply it,” Legend suggested hesitantly. He didn’t want to seem overbearing. 
“If you don’t mind, that would be great,” Wild said. His voice was still strained, and it made Legend’s heart clench. 
“No problem. Let me get the tea going first,” Legend said. 
~ ~ ~ ▲ ~ ~ ~
It was nearly 24 hours until Wild felt alright enough to travel. It wasn’t the shortest Wild’s flares have ever been, but it was also by far not the longest. Legend was thankful it was on the shorter side since they were in the wilderness without backup. 
Getting to the stable was slow going. Wild still moved stiffly and slowly, but he could move. Legend would take what he could get. 
Legend has Wild’s good arm slung around his shoulder and was trying to take as much of Wild’s weight as possible. Wild, in his usual self-sacrificing manner, was trying to put as little of his weight on Legend as possible. Legend smacked him lightly on the arm whenever he thought Wild wasn’t leaning on him enough. 
By the time the stable was in view, Wild’s eyelids were drooping and his steps were becoming more and more uneven. Wind and Twilight were sitting outside the table at the cooking pot. Wind glanced up, then nudged Twilight and they both ran towards Legend and Wild. 
“What happened?” Twilight asked as soon as he was within earshot. He quickly took Wild’s arm from Legend and began guiding him towards the stable.
“Careful,” Wild said. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t look very fine,” Wind said. He was hovering anxiously beside Wild. 
“Pain flare up,” Legend explained. Twilight scowled. 
“I’ll be fine,” Wild said. 
“You will be. We’ll get you feeling better in no time,” Twilight said in a soft, comforting voice. 
“It seems to be getting better already,” Legend said. “We only had to stop for a day.”
Legend didn’t need to explain the details. The others have seen the effects.
“Come on, let’s see if we can rent the back room,” Wind said. He grabbed Legend’s hand and pulled him into the stable. 
“Are the others here?” Legend asked as he followed Wind. 
“Everyone’s accounted for! We’ve been taking shifts searching for you two,” Wind explained. Legend let out a quiet breath of relief, letting the stress flow out of him with the exhale. Wild was being taken care of and the others were all safe. He could relax.
“Good,” Legend said. 
Legend felt the exhaustion of the past two days hit him all at once. He let Wind take the lead on renting the room, then made sure to help Wild settle in the room. Wild was asleep as soon as he was on the bed. 
“Why don’t you get some rest, too, Vet,” Twilight said with a gentle hand on Legend’s back. 
Legend nodded his agreement. The room had two beds, but the thought of being too far from Wild right now was making him anxious. Twilight caught on and patted the bed next to Wild.
“He doesn’t take up much space. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind,” Twilight said quietly. 
Legend very, very carefully lowered himself onto the bed and slipped underneath the covers. He could feel Wild’s labored breathing through the mattress, and he let it lull him into a light sleep.
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bubblyernie · 6 months
Hiya! I notice you’ve played a lot of dnd rangers just like me! I wanted to ask what draws you towards the class? what do you enjoy about the class? And what do you think is the classes identity what makes a ranger ?
I’ve played swarmkeeper feywanderer horizon walker drakewarden and gloomstalker, I’m drawn towards the class in part because I’m a Ranger irl it’s my day job, but I also love the jack of all trades support vibe of the class it doesn’t excel anywhere but can help every class with a little bit of something and I view the classes identity as the professional adventurer someone who spends their life balancing the threats of the world whether that be the threats of the wild the monsters who inhabit it or the people who cross it, balancing their needs, kinda like Geralt of rivia balancing the needs of “monsters” and people, they work to make the world a safer better place picking up whatever skills and magic help them survive, I also note that every dnd class is either some form of Hunter or Tamer, the gloomstalker, horizon walker ,hunter and monster slayer, hunt the creatures of the wild, while the drakewarden, the swarmkeeper, the beast master and the fey wanderer spend their time befriending and taming the monsters of the wild. I don’t mean to answer my own question but I’m interested as someone who’s played the ranger just as much as me how your opinions may differ (I also especially love your borrower style ranger the little fellow is so cute and very well drawn)
Thanks for listening to my rambling and questions you can ignore this if it’s too much for whatever vibe you’re feeling rn have a lovely day !
hi!! Fun fact, i actually havent played any rangers 🥴 I'm the kinda dnd player who plays in like 2-3 campaigns but makes like 50 ocs. ASDFJKSDJF (I've only played a cleric and a barbarian in campaigns, but for oneshots I've tried every race) Id love to play one, but its kinda hard to do that for a oneshot since so much of the ranger class is dependent on favoured terrain/knowing your surroundings and levelling.
This is SUCH a fun ask because I LOVE the ranger class for its very niche yet versatile character archetype. I think if there's one type of word I could use to describe a ranger is a survivalist — the rangers that I do have, a handful of them are fashioned after Scouts/parkrangers (because....I was one.) or famous character types that do a lot of adventuring like cowboys, pirates, explorers etc. — if I'm being honest, ranger is the most 'adventurer' type there is!
(as a note here, i know pointy hat has mentioned a ranger's big thing was an animal companion -- i think?? IDR -- which is like a fun take. I really like his stuff, but i feel like a class shouldn't be bound to smth like a pet. any class can have pets!)
To use my own as an example, I have a bounty hunter devil cowboy (monster slayer), a princess-mononoke-ish Artemis huntress (hunter), a HouYi type ancient hero with 3-legged crows (swarmkeeper), an Indiana jones style explorerer (horizon walker) and a borrower (beast master). I really love the idea of all of them being really different but all being excellent survivalists and navigators!
Im a big fan of rangers that have fighting styles other than archery too. I think archery is awesome for the fighting style, but having duelist (like the borrower) or dueling (monster hunter) gives it an extra bit of flavour to just "class that wields a bow". it also sets them apart from a fighter bc in my head a fighter is more military while a ranger is more solitary. It establishes them as a martial class for sure, but its so versatile and has that edge that comes with dex-based instead of str-based.
I particularly like monster slayer bc to me that was very like...witcher-y. The cowboy is a monster slayer with favoured foes as humanoids bc he only tracks humanoids (bounties), which is some fun flavouring. There's a lot of customization! To clarify, there's a lot of room for flavour, but not as much choice for character builds (like, mechanically, at least compared to stuff like warlocks.)
The addition of magic also helps give it some class distinction :0
TLDR: mixes the best aspects of rogues and fighters with LOTS of room for flavour text.
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bylertruther · 1 year
Always been a girldad byler truther…but please broaden my mind tell me why I’m wrong
bsdkjfdbj feeling the #pressure rn, but it's just a Vibe that i feel in my heart and soul really.
boys are less likely than girls to get adopted and i think that's something that they (and the universe) would consider when expanding their family. having been lonely outcasts once, feeling unwanted and confused, and thus acting in ways that others couldn't always understand, i feel that their age-old refusal to stand by when recognizing that in others would jump out. they'd be able to relate in different ways and see themselves in a young boy that deserves everything they didn't get.
it's my hc that their first kid is one that's been through a few homes already, and that where others see a "flight risk," mike especially just sees his s2 self. this kid isn't standoffish—he's just afraid to let anyone in because he knows (read: fears) they'll leave again. he's not a problem child—he just craves attention of any kind, whether good or bad, because he never gets any. he's not a bad student—he's just never had anyone believe in him before and thus doesn't see the point. that kind of a thing.
people would write the kid off as a punk, but mike would recognize that that's just how he's learned to express and navigate his pain in a way that is considered acceptable for boys. no one ever heard his cry for help, but he hears this one and he's going to answer it.
hopefully that made sense. obviously this isn't a mike-only operation, nor is relatability or this trauma dependent on gender, but my point is they'd be in a unique position to break certain parenting cycles and do things for a young boy that people didn't do for them when they were his age.
i also enjoy the idea of them having a son as an incidental "fuck you" to the stigma of gay couples adopting same sex children. something about them being perfectly capable of raising a son, no matter what anyone has ever or would ever say, because there isn't a single thing about them that makes them unfit to do so. there will be no derision of whatever interests their son has or question of whether he's "man enough." it'd just be a man, his husband, and their son, all existing in harmony, trying every day to heal the wounds of the past together.
( until their daughter comes along eventually, bc i hc that, too, hehe. :3 )
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vohtaro · 3 months
pats ur shoulder. are u winning the gender thought wars son
i feel like if i had better personal fashion sense, i’d feel closer to genderqueer than i do nonbinary…. the terms kind of overlap in my head a lot too. i’m not entirely sure tho. i guess i currently don’t feel especially inspired by dressing like my dad but in jeans instead of cargo shorts LOL. i’ve undeniably fallen into the ‘dress vaguely masc since ur nonbinary’ trap. i’d like to read more about it all: the experiences ppl have w their genders (& maybe specifically where ppl draw al line btwn these two i’ve mentioned in particular). but i mean the lines are also personal and subjective right. the way i see it for myself, being one or the other doesn’t rlly change anything, bc gender =/= pronouns. perhaps genderqueer is something of a constant state of flux whereas nonbinary is an intentional choice to stand somewhere either at the center of, or outside of, the binary. i’m kind of a ‘labels don’t mean much to me’ kind of person, tho sometimes i find social situations get difficult to navigate when i don’t have an “easy” answer re:my pronouns esp since my pronoun are they rn.
anyways. i’ve been thinking about it for like months now tho i don’t feel in any kind of rush to have an answer. my gender is whatever feels right, and my pronouns being they is a good enough fit. really my issues are physical. i’m kind of glad i’ve taken time to be patient w myself w regards to my physical self, tho i still have desires to make a change one day. being cursed with dd’s/e’s has given me loads of dysohoria, as has being fat. that dysohoria has been fed by both societal expectations and personal life experiences too. it’s been easier to just dress baggy and dress casually than to explore expression while also having self confidence in my appearance, regardless of what vibe the appearance gives off. i’ve been trained into thinking that dressing femme invalidates my they pronouns in peoples’ minds. it shouldn’t, obviously, but the training tells me that dressing like a dad is a safer bet than allowing myself to wear something like a blouse or something colorful and cute.
happy belated father’s day from your local dad. i am currently wearing a Champion crew neck navy blue sweater and was considering getting a pair of New Balance shoes the other week. I bought a drill set from The Home Depot last week and i know where the water shutoff is in my place. but i think i need to engage in a different kind of fashion and have the trust in those around me that my pronouns won’t change unless i want them to, and to confidently correct people if they incorrectly identify me.
(tl;dr: to be clear fashion doesn’t identify gender and u should dress how u like and how u want and never let clothes define u unless u want them to. consumption (in this case, clothing) for validation is not the way. this is mostly me in a long-winded manner saying ‘brother u need a lil confidence’ to myself )
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maybeimamuppet · 8 months
favorite thing about them
heheeeeeehoooo i’m a lesbian but honestly she has so much like depth to her in a way that’s not immediately obvious and it’s really interesting as a writer getting to explore that beyond canon
least favorite thing about them
i don’t like that i relate to her!!!! i don’t like the idea of being mean and she is and i’m entirely convinced she and i have the same personality disorder and i am terrified that i’m like her. some people have said it and i just hate that it might be true
but like as a character in and of herself it’s how she uses people for her own gain. that’s not cool boo
favorite line
“boo, you whore” from the movie
“that’s what i keep trying to explain to the president on twitter but he blocked me” from the show
i can’t remember enough of what she says in the new movie rn but i’ll find smth later i’m sure lol
damian. she and damian both love taylor swift and they listen to every song together and fangirl together and also damian gets her into musicals. regina likes the dark gritty ones with good music like les mis and little shop and damian likes the classics (obvs)
post redemption arc i ship her with like every woman in this. like any combo of gretchen and karen, i’m an absolute SUCKER for cadina (like i’m literally on my knees begging for cadina fic prompts please), rejanis is. it has potential not my fav but i do partake from time to time.
but like aaron would just turn out bad nobody really likes shane or kevin and damian. is gay. so none of the men lol
this woman is GAY so again any of the guys lol. also if it’s done wrong rejanis can be real icky and i don’t like that
random headcanon
she can juggle. cady is the only one who knows and regina will absolutely kill her if she lets it slip
unpopular opinion
she is a victim who made the wrong choices and not the monster a lot of people make her out to be. she is not the villain of the story she is the villain of her own life by fault of her own mind which is the fault of her upbringing and she is making the only choices she knows how which just so happen to hurt a lot of people. she absolutely can be redeemed and she deserves it. which is why the bus doesn’t just straight up kill her.
song i associate with them
i think i said this for janis but monster from frozen has very much internal regina vibes to me that she like is terrified of letting anyone else see. also i know it’s about something VERY DIFFERENT but all grown up from bare seems like it would really speak to her. and also just all of renee’s songs bc duh
favorite picture of them
it’s a gif and this is how i lost the post last time but uh
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like. holy shit.
favorite thing about them
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again but that boy drinks his loving janis sarkisian juice every morning as part of a balanced breakfast. he knows they’re each others person and i think he navigates their admittedly strange relationship really well. 
and also i love that this ~17 year old fat openly gay kid has SO MUCH confidence in himself. could he be overcompensating and actually have a lot internally that he doesn’t like about himself? yes absolutely . but the way he chooses to handle himself with such grace and confidence as he navigates such a complex web of social issues is really admirable to me and i don’t think he gets enough credit :))
least favorite thing about them
some of the stereotypes aren’t like super cool but like they had to come from somewhere so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
favorite line
damian is what got me into this show tbh i have so many
but i thiiiiiink it’s gotta be either “and they are more addictive than opioids and girl scout thin mints combined” (also hot take but i’ve been a girl scout for 18 years and thin mints SUCK)
“did she just leave while i was actively caring about her? no. / she’s leaving! just like my DAD.”
honestly just like all of stop all of cautionary tale just him i love him yes
besides the obvious answer of janis again i would say regina. but also he and gretchen get coffee at least once a week and bond over dances and choreography and whatnot and he and karen are joined at the hip whenever they’re together and you cannot tell me otherwise. and cady is basically his little sister
THEATRE BOY FROM THE NEW MOVIE OMGGGGG but also like. i don’t really know lol
i usually write him as being with aaron but that’s bc when i was writing like three months in i asked and all my (four) readers at the time said they wanted damiaaron it was not my first pick. but it has grown on me a lot and i think they’re super cute together
i am terrified of the amount of romantic fic out there for him and janis?? like y’all ran face first into the point and hit ur heads so hard u still couldn’t see it huh
random headcanon
he kicked janis’ front teeth out in tap class when they were five and janis still has a small scar on her lip
unpopular opinion
i know i write about it a lot and stuff but making him trans feels really reductive of his personality sometimes. we need more trans rep obviously and i love people being able to take characters like him and feel seen but i question it with him in particular a lot. similar vibes to people who make matilda trans i just dk. lots of complicated feelings about it
also that he is the best goddamn character in the whole thing
song i associate with them
uhhhhhh for whatever reason 9 to 5 by dolly parton?? and jolene are the first two to pop into my head lol idk why
oh and also better work bitch by britney spears (i think??)
favorite picture of them
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sailor-aviator · 2 months
motherrrr hope that your cat's doing okay, my fam and i take care of a lot of cats and i get the feeling of having to round them up 😂
but onto a different thing today, i'm officially starting a sideblog! for my writing, which i'm very excited about, so excited that when my first post didn't show up in tags i got worried and began googling why. the first link was a tumblr support thing that DIDN'T help one bit, so i found a different link from a helpful tumblr-bean who wrote out troubleshooting for that.
do you know what i realized? my blog was less than 24 hours old, and when i read that post i realized that i should wait a few more hours... so i'm spending my time fixing up pages like faqs, guidelines, etc. I actually read up on your blog's navigation and saw some things i wanted to emulate!
anyway thanks for letting me ramble excitedly for a bit - i love the moodboards you made for Hatch! Personally haven't seen twisters yet (though they did do a collab with VCARB (an f1 team)) and.... glen's in it, that's all i know 😅 anyway... gotta go! sending lots of love <3 - 🧇 anon
Hey Waffle!!
She’s doing fine, just dealing with some allergies in her newfound old age lol She was surprisingly very cooperative today, but she’s still a little mad at me rn
What are you writing for?? I’d love to check out your work when I have some time!!
I’m really happy with my navigation page rn and it’s actually something I put together after looking at what other people have done too!!
I’m also in love with the moodboards for Hatch! I think I managed to capture the vibe I wanted in each of them, so that’s exciting!
Can’t wait for you to watch Twisters!!
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cringecrew · 1 year
(asking from arienmew) question...!! i saw a post from u mentioning ur like. altar and i was curious about that!! like if u dont mind sharing details.. what is the altar for and how do you use it?? i find the cincept very interesting and wonder if maybe itll be helpful for me too yknow!!! Christianity fucked with my spirituality too and im working on like.. accepting my spirituality as well!!! even if u dont feel like sharing thats ok im just like. pleased to know im not alone LMAO
HI!! I love talking abt my altar type things, lowkey I have no idea what post you’re talking about so I’ll just do a little run down of my different altar/altar type things!
Alterhuman Altar/Shrine :
So this is more of a comfort thing, I don’t do much witchcraft/spirituality with it as of rn but it’s a collection of things that “feel like home”!
This includes:
A spray/mist I made with essential oils
Plushies and prints of my kins/kinsidering
A little box of trinkets (sea glass, kandi, etc)
Other trinkets like dice, a fish sculpture, coins, seashells
Witchcraft Altar :
This is my stuff that’s more spiritual, crystals, tarot, herbs, candles etc. I basically use this for tarot reading (tho i often like to read outside because it feels more connected to the universe or whatever /lh) and making spells (like dressing candles, spell jars and other stuff)
This includes:
Herbs, candles, crystals, multiple tarot decks, etc. generally what you’d think of
Trinkets that hold meaning to me, this also extends to my alterhuman shrine because I borrow from there sometimes
Miscellaneous :
My whole room is pretty like witchcraft-altar vibes tbh. I keep lots of dried herbs around and I cleanse and bless the space with incense and herb bundles often. I have a lot of candles around for different things (calm/peace, uplifting and energy, protection etc) for whenever I feel I need it.
Basically! You definitely aren’t alone! I started looking into witchcraft about 5 years ago as apart of my rebellion from The Church™️ /lh. It’s definitely been a struggle to 1) go from Christian/catholic to what feels like the opposite and then 2) realize I ended up on the extremist opposite of before and navigate the feelings towards being neutral/more in the middle.
If you ever wanna talk about it feel free to dm me!! I’m not super active on here but I can also be reached very quickly through my discord server in my pinned post :]
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androidboy · 1 year
Unhelpful for you but for me this discussion has made me feel alot better about the dumpster fire of a summer fling ive got going on rn. You🤝me having to make a immposible choice between a relationship that youll maybe never be ready for or wait around for health that may never improve in time.
Its rough out here, sending supportive vibes
i’m glad me puttin everything out there had a positive effect for someone ❤️ we’re navigating some strange terrain
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teacuptoast · 2 years
Fluffy YJ Headcanons
Hey, this is the first time I've written in 6 months theses are more like headcanons. Just got to give me a sec to get back into the rhythm again. This is based on season 1 so don't come for me.
words: 0.4k
Warning: funny...Fluff (I know I didn't think I could do it either)
Summary: Idk just random headcanons
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2) what happens on the mind link  
Alright, the mind link sounds like a 2020 discord chat and you can’t tell me otherwise. With that being said, I think it would look something like this:
The-real-flash-not-fake: ughhhhh
Wally’s-left-sock: stfu
The-real-flash-not-fake: 👁️👄👁️
The-real-flash-not-fake: WHAT WAS THE REASON?
Kaldur1: It’s 2am. Can we discus this in the morning?
Wally’s-left-sock: BAHAHAHAHA
Dwyane-the-Crock-Jonson: JAIL RN
Greengirl: im so confused
     -Superman-128302: me too dw
5) how team members react to black canary randomly dragging one of them off to talk 
“OUUU SOMEONES IN TROUBLEEE,” every, single, time. Especially from Rob. When it’s Rob that's getting taken away. They HOUND him. Even Kaldur gets in on the fun. 
15) who are the teams favorite music artists
This but i’m Nuerodivergent >>>
Rob: Bo Burnham
Dying on the inside fr
Mad he can’t face time with his mom tonight.
Favorite song is welcome to the internet
He knows all the words and its kinda a problem
Trys to relate to unpaid intern…but it doesn’t really make sense.
This and mario cart music
Dosen’t openly listen to but it's always on the playlist. 
It’s giving, singing in the shower then i sliped
Favorite song is Jaws 
If he’s got headphones on, this is what he’s listening to
Artie: Harry Stiles
She loved One Direction so of course she loves Harry
Blasts it in the car
If she went to a Harry Stiles concert then she’d have 1 of 2 signs
“Harry how about I take you out to the cinema 😉” or
“You’re the only British person I like.”
Conner: Metalica (it’s really Taylor Swift but he’d rater die then admit it)
Survived the ticket master grate war, got tickets “for Meg”
His favorite song is Red (taylor’s version obvi)
New Romantics is a close second
“Hey Conner you’ve been on the computer all day? What are you even doing.”
“Take a step closer and you’ll hate you more the Jake Gyllenhaal
Kaldur: Mac DeMarco 
He like how slow the music is 
Allows him to relax
Cries to for the first time, every time.
Reminds him of home. That ether makes him happy or sad. :(
Megan: Lana Del Ray
Dosen’t understand half the lyrics but vibes anyway
Its giving, i can’t understand my emotions lol 
Another person that needs a hug
Fav song is Young and Bueatiful 
I’m not crying you are
A/N: Whoa you're at the end! If you enjoyed then please drop me some feedback so I can continue to improve. See you later!
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dulcewrites · 2 years
Hiiiii so I wanted to do a post to sort of explain my mini hiatus AND pick yalls brains about some ideas/update y’all on what I am working on. First I just want to say THANK YOU for all the support. I know I keep saying it but I truly was not expecting fool me once to take off the way it did. The amount of love, feedback, and followers I’ve gotten over the past like week and a half has been amazing!
Now my hiatus is going to be a short one. Starting on 11/16 to 11/26. I’m gonna still be writing and such, I just might not be on here a lot during that time. So if you send an ask or request know that I am not ignoring you if I don’t answer right away.
Ok since that’s out the way I want tell you guys what I am working on/will be. As you guys can probably tell I LOVE feedback. If you guys see an idea you like or have an idea send it my way (and I’ll see if I can do it). My inbox is always open or you can reply
Things I am working on
Request: Aemond comforting reader after a bad nightmare (there will be a fun twist in this)
Fool me one part 3. I’m banking on this being the last part but I have to plan this out and see. Also just a little hint: daddy lessons for Beyoncé is giving me inspo rn. Especially with reader’s dad possibly coming to court
Black alys x Aemond fic. I truly don’t know when this will be done lmao. Let’s just cross our fingers it happens
Little Bird: oc (name to be decided) becomes one of mysaria’s spies. In exchange for possible freedom, oc finds herself in the red keep as a servant, trying to get close the prince (y’all can tell me which but tbh I’m leaning towards this being for Aegon. I really want to a little character study on him)
Pursuit of Legacy (this is a fav of mine): Alaena (name might change) Velaryon is the younger sister of Corlys and Vaemond, and newly betrothed to Aemond. Once Corlys becomes sick, Aemond pushes to Alaena to contend to be next in line for the Driftmark throne (I want them to have similar vibe of rhaenys and Corlys. Like Aemond respects/loves alaena and thinks she’d be a great lady of Driftmark BUT he also want this in spite of Lucerys)
Till you come back to me: after the death of Lucerys, Aemond and you must navigate your changing relationship (Aemond had always been in love with you, his brother’s wife, and you always saw him a close confidant. now you’re queen and must reckon with him putting your children in danger through his albeit accidental actions)
Sink or Swim (working title): this will basically be a rhaena character study. I love her and feel like she (and honestly baela) need more love. Want to explore her relationship with her sister/father/new “blended” family. A possible rhaena x Aemond action 👀. Also one day we are gonna have a convo about how people will write these Rhaenyra’s daughter x aemond fics with ocs that have personality traits that rhaena or baela have… instead of just writing for rhaena/baela. All bc they’re allergic to writing black characters. If hbo casted white actresses y’all would be screaming about the enemies to lovers realness
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cosmicwitchcourtney · 2 years
I pulled the Christmas Cross spread for myself with the Yule Oracle deck as a little present to me🎄 Don’t mind the shiddy pic I don’t have a good spot to take pics rn
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1 Where are you right now? Poinsettia
Beauty in darkness, transformation, shadow work
True, I’ve been going hard on shadow work all year. I def want to keep at it, but it would be nice to change my pace in 2023 and move back outward with my energy. I also see this as strong self care/self love vibes. 
2 Winter Storm: What challenges are you facing? Mistletoe
Fertility, protection, spark of ideas
This made me laugh bc I’m supposed to be getting my period any minute basically, and it’s making me not feel my best. Kinda bummed about it. But overall yea having trouble organizing all of my business ideas for the new year!! As for protection— yes, I do still need to do some work on my boundaries.
3 North Star: What goal should you focus on? Chills
Wake-up call, awareness, warning
Listening to intuition and gut feelings. I have started shifting into relying less on books and resources and more on what’s happening in the moment. Feels good that I’m on the right track! Also, need to pay closer attention if there are any red flags around. Recently I ignored a red flag and ended up in a very uncomfortable situation with a client. Lesson learned! 
4 Traditions: What strength do you already have? Gratitude
Acknowledgement, appreciation
Finding the good in the negative. Also, this struck me as my reiki, because I always notice gratitude makes it so much stronger. 
5 Ghost of the Past: One thing from your past that is influencing your future. Squirrel Medicine
Planning, secrets, trust
Setting intentions. Another nice message of confirmation. And I agree, setting my intentions clearly helped me do so much more than I thought I could! Also the trust message— I do feel like I’m at a place now where I trust the people in my life and they trust me.
6 New Year: What can you look forward to? Feasting
Having enough, nourishment, providing
Took this very literally. Haha yup, we are going to be feasting. I’m so excited to have the yummy Christmas treats! Feels like a message as well about worrying less in the new year about resources.
7 Self-Care: The best way to proceed. Merriment
Happiness, following your Soul
Need to follow what brings me joy! I’m excited to do more painting and also to connect with more people. 
8 Wisdom: Advice to help you navigate your situation. Candle Magic
Intention, prayer, hope
The book says I am heading for peaceful times, that the cosmos and Spirit are answering my prayers. Beyond this though, I kept feeling drawn to light a candle to connect with my Spirits and lost loved ones. I will do this tonight. 
9 Light: What do you need most at this time? Light
Hope, return of light
Faith in better days to come. I think I’m doing well with this, so I’ll continue to keep it up! Also a sign to do more reiki healing on myself. And even beyond that— I totally do need return of light literally so I can get back out on my walks!! 
10: Long Term Outcome. Silent Night
Meditation, peace, stillness
Taking time to meditate and gain perspective. Nice confirmation that I’ll continue on this track, and that I’m doing the right things. Also nice that I’ll have peace.
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bitchlessdino · 2 years
Ok its almost the end of the year & i need to say some things before i get sidetracked (and yes im starting this w/ the same first bit for the couple ppl i am sending these to bc i am too tired to be creative with rewording rn, here's to more sleep next yr😣)
It's so frickin nice to be going into the new year NOT feeling like crap for the first time in yrs😌
Finding the 2 corners of tblr for svt & tbz things and my kpop PC collecting corner elsewhere, where i feel like i actually fit, has just made things so much better lately. And you especially have helped me so much, from being the nicest when helping me out as i learned how to navigate this hellsite to just being a friend who i have a habit of rambling to too much sorry btw
I started wanting to write again bc of you and you helped me to somehow be able to interact w/ others here more, and i just needed you to know how happy i am i found your blog
I hope your holidays have been great & the new year is for you too🤗
~a fellow dinonara who was overly happy over the 1st suggestion you made & changed her username in seconds w/o waiting to hear another option💖 (im highly attached to it now)
Hope 🥺💗
I’m just happy to have been part of your journey at all and if you ever need to talk regarding anything I’ll be here. I’m glad to not only be a source of content to enjoy but be a friend because that’s kinda what we’re all here for, to vibe together with our personal fixations. I care greatly about you will continue to see you flourish. I hope the holiday season has been great to you and let’s wish for an even better year next year 💕💕💕💕
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1d1195 · 17 days
The banter/dialogue that you write is really good! Especially with Niall bc I’m pretty sure we all know it’s really harmless so I’m constantly enjoying reading it! And had to look up that clip and I SEE THE VISION! LOVE IT HAHA!! honestly idk why I wasn’t a fan?! genuinely had nothing against them and I had a lot of friends who were into them plus I found them cute enough but idk WHY my brain couldn’t get into it lol also LOVE a good protective man trope, it just HITS when done right!
In that alternate timeline I would like to believe that Harry suffered a lot for being a dick! And he had to grovel a lot for making her cry! Idk I’m a simple girl I love when men suffer😁! And slow burns are my preferred vibe tbh lol I love the yearning and the pinning! ALSO that part 4 sneak peak, SO EXCITED!
Oh I support her being grumpy like you cannot make me hate her! Like I get it! VERY excited for when you decide to show us what’s you’ve been hinting! I just know you never miss!
Never been there since I haven’t been to the east coast but sounds like if I ever do visit I will NOT being going there bc that sounds like hell😭 theres many places here that are constantly so packed there’s truly never a break😭! The vibes are never good, so many people, and not enough cashiers/self checkout the lines are CRAZY😭
Wait that’s so cool that you did a research proposal for it!! But it’s sweet how you try to help your students with it! It’s sucks but it’s nice to know that your students have someone to help with that! AP anything was so bad😭 those crazy timed tests just made everything worse! So I don’t blame you!
It doesn’t make you sound old! And I understand what you mean! I think it’s a time thing too. Especially with how rn it feels like there’s no end in sight or how I fear I’m still going to feel this way. Time is something that allows for a better understanding, it’s just hard sometimes to remember when you’re deeply in it lol But I get what you mean about them feeling different! It would make sense due to you obviously changing in everyday aspect whether it be career wise or personal life!
Yay I’m so happy work went well! It’s the beginning of the year so it is a bit exciting since it’s kinda new with getting to learn about your students and stuff. But I’m hoping this can continue!
It’s so sweet of you to even notice my absence 😭 I’ve always told myself that if I were to ever take a long break or delete my account for good I would let you know so that there wouldn’t be any worry! Yeah it was not easy at all trying to navigate this episode on top with school. But it’s my last week FINALLY!! So I just have to push through this last bit!
It’s not lame! If anything I’ve always believed in that kind of thing! I definitely feel better with the shorter hair now but mainly because the heat is still so strong here and I don’t have to have such an extensive hair care routine! Plus I’m just so excited to change my hair color soon so shorter hair is better overall lol I’m trying to sleep and stay hydrated! I hope you are doing the same too! And you’re too kind!
It may be the same stuff that you’re aware of but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t still hurt when you’re feeling like this! I hope that you don’t get to that kind of low that you experience last week any time soon! I’m glad that you’ve started to have some better days/moments especially with reading your books! A good romance story is always a win! And you can truly embed go wrong with a good single dad and nanny trope! Love that for you! Also idk if you’ve ever mentioned it or not but do you annotate your books?!(Btw the fact that you finished honey already is so CRAZY in the best way!)
Omg Sam😭 no youre literally the sweetest!! The kindness that you have can be felt right through the screen! YOU are so loved!!! You also deserve all love and happiness too! I LOVE YOU!!! Wishing you the best as always!-💜
For the best you weren’t a fan. I was CONSTANTLY exhausted by them. I told my friend all the time how much I wanted them to just stop leaving the house because I couldn’t keep up. I was worried ALL the time about them ☠️
I’m glad you liked the sneak peek! I also love when men suffer HAHAHA perhaps I’ll add it to the check-ins and alt reality one like I did for Dolcezza 🤔
Market basket is old school so no self check out there. The cashiers are pretty efficient but there’s ALWAYS lines up the wazoo.
I’m glad you think it was cool because I did NOT think it was cool. In fact I HATED it so much. My math brain was not meant to write in that kind of capacity. I enjoyed reading about it though! Interesting stuff! I loved my basic psych classes I took so I always find reading how the brain works (especially in crazy teen heads).
LAST WEEK! 🥳🥳🥳 love that for you! I hope you get some time to relax and do fun things! I always miss you when I don’t hear from you but I always want you to prioritize your health first so if I end up missing you it’s okay 💕💕
Honey just came POURING out of me. I can’t explain it. I feel like I fucked up the last couple parts though and I refuse to look at them again so I don’t overthink it lol but 6, 7, 8 gave me a bit of trouble 😅
I do not annotate my books. I’m pretty pure about my books but I will ALWAYS highlight a funny quip about the expense of men. I don’t remember the exact line nor book but I def highlighted something that said “it seemed men were the cause of the issue” like that just BEGS to be highlighted and underlined. I think annotating is cute though. I borrowed a book from a friend who annotates and it was actually SO much fun to read because she noticed so many things that I did not. Plus she’s funny as fuck, so it was like bonus content reading her thoughts.
Love you! 💕 happy last week of classes! 🎉
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eternalbuckley · 1 month
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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ WELCOME TO THE FLOWER STORE, it's currently open!
my inbox | navigation | masterlists | taglist
first of all: thank you so so much for 1k followers ahhh!!! i’m so so thankful, words cannot describe how happy i truly am about this. knowing that there’s so many people out there in the world who enjoy my work and things i create. i never thought i’d ever find a place where i feel comfortable enough to share my written works. thank you so much for supporting my work, it means a lot to me!! ♡
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rules (please read through them before sending anything in)
› feel free to send in multiple things, just do it separately please. spam my inbox as much as you want!!
› anyone can participate (mutuals, followers, non-followers, anons) but please be patient, as i have many things going on in my private life rn! i’ll try to get everything done as fast as possible but i want to make sure to give everyone the best thing i can create ♡
› i write nsfw and sfw. please check my request rules before requesting, so you can find out what i write for and what i don’t write for. thank you :)
› if i don’t like a scenario, i have the right not to write it! i won’t write any smut/spicy things for luna or neville.
› all my works are 18+
› when is the flower store closed? — 10th september 2024
› all works can be found under — link (will be added soon, the rest of open requests will be worked on soon!)
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what am i offering you?
— 🌷 tulips :: i‘ll generate you a random chosen moodboard from my pinterest (6 pictures)
— 🌹 roses :: send me an aesthetic/trope + character i write for and i‘ll create a moodboard (either it will be 6 or 9 pictures)
— 🪻 hyacinths :: send me a character & scenario and i‘ll write a small blurb/drabble/headcanons
(feel free to use one of the following prompt lists, or send me your own scenario! — please specify if they're sfw or nsfw)
list 1 | list 2 | list 3 | list 4 | list 5 | list 6 — (if you use a prompt from these lists please let me know which one you used, thank you!)
— 🌻 sunflowers :: games — fmk, top 3, would you rather (the fandoms are listed at the end)
— 🌸 cherry blossoms :: choose one of my playlists and i‘ll randomly give you five songs
i‘m in heaven. // fairy garden. // cozy vibes. // 🫀. // 🎨🎬🎧. // 🌷🪴🤍.
— 🌼 daisies :: let's talk about a headcanon you have for a character i write for
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who am i writing for?
› HARRY POTTER UNIVERSE. mattheo riddle, george weasley, fred weasley, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire, blaise zabini, pansy parkinson, hermione granger, harry potter, ron weasley, luna lovegood, neville longbottom
› 9-1-1. evan buckley
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tv shows/movies you can send in something for the games:
› tv shows: 9-1-1, house of the dragon/game of thrones, the vampire diaries universe, outer banks, peaky blinders, chicago fire, chicago med (until season 5), peaky blinders, grey’s anatomy (currently on season 8), the rookie, bridgerton, the blacklist, billy the kid (2022), maxton hall, the umbrella academy
› movies: harry potter, twilight universe, the hunger games universe, mcu (i'm not up to date in this fandom anymore), scream
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just tagging some of my wonderful moots <3 :: @venuslore @nottsangel @oceandriveab @rafetopia @rafesslxt @buckleyx @leona-hawthorne @anawritez-posts @starkeysprincess @runningfrom2am @euphemiaamillais @chenslucy @moremaybank @ghostlyfleur @phefics @rafeandonlyrafe @ervotica @geminibsworld @rubiehart @rafescokewhore @damagdsnow @targaryenluvs @finalgirllx @pizzaapeteer @aligned-starz @theosfav @slytherslvt @saltwaterburns @fairyberkshire @that-bwitch @whorefordean @jjsmarijuana @moon-in-nostalgia @essienoe @axen-gers @buckleyverse
moon/butterflies divider by: xxbimbobunnyxx
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i’m venting below the cut
my brother is also disabled and he’s got schizoaffective disorder and he’s really disconnected from reality but convinced he’s fine, anyway when i moved back in with mom at the start of the summer i was looking forward to being able to build a community with him as two disabled sufferers of neuropathic pain. the issue is that he’s had cerebral palsy his whole life (he’s 11 months older than me) and he’s so adamantly convinced that because i’ve been suffering from crps for “only” 3 years and not my whole life that i cannot and will not ever understand what he goes through, even though crps is objectively more painful and disabling than cp, and he throws it in my face all the time saying that i don’t understand his pain and acts like whatever i’m going through is dwarfed by his shit, even though i have two (2) multimillion dollar lawsuits that i’m navigating and am trying to figure out what kind of long term care and treatment i’ll need for the next seventy years so i can adequately negotiate and sue these insurance companies that really just want me to kill myself so they don’t have to pay out. he almost physically attacked me tonight but i threatened to push him down the stairs if he laid a finger on me and then he called me ableist for doing that and said he was gonna call the cops so they would put me in a headlock, which he alleges a security guard did to him when he was institutionalized last year, although nobody at the facility says that actually happened to him and obv they wouldn’t but he also is delusional and ended up institutionalized because he was convinced his neighbors were stalking him and trying to kill him so he started screaming at their 14 year old kid that he was a fascist and told him he would kill the kid if he looked at his house again, which is actually my sister’s house that she bought so he would have a place to live because he had been kicked out of his previous apartment for threatening to rape and impregnate his roommate to have a child that he was convinced would be the second coming of jesus. he’s basically burned every bridge and keeps doing it and his care team thinks our mom (his legal guardian) is overreacting bc they only ever listen to him talk about what’s going on these days and all he does is tell them how our mom is a horrible person who just wants to steal his disability checks and lock him up forever, despite the fact that my mom has been letting him live in her house while he’s on a waiting list for assisted housing and if she didn’t he would be in an institution, in a shelter, or homeless. he’s also recently become convinced that our mom took money from strangers when he was like 5 so they could come to the house and sexually abuse him and keeps telling her that she “prostituted” him when he was a kid every time she asks him to take his recycling bags full of beer cans out. there’s just so much violence in the house rn and it’s making me so scared because i don’t have anywhere else to go because work comp is literally giving me less than $100 a week until we go to hearing in jan or feb and i would also be homeless if i wasn’t living here. i just wanna fuckin die but also not because i’m living spitefully to get a fat check from these bastard insurance companies, but i hate how things are right now. i’m really sad and feeling so small and infuriated and powerless. anyway send vibes.
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