#i’m not gonna keep reading but i was just genuinely wondering if anyone else has read this or heard similar things?
smoft-demons · 4 months
Hey, I've been reading your post for a while now andi absolutely love them. Before I got into OM I was already a big D&D person and love fantesty-romance novels. Although, that's besides the point. I was genuinely scared to ask this until I saw your headcanons, there so wholesome<3
But I was wondering if you could do a brothers + the others react to MC getting there period? I was planning on doing it on my own page but I'm a bit scared to publish my own stuff. Although, thank you if you do.
Yeah, sure! As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I love writing all the comfort and fluff prompts. It’s like catnip to me lmao
This is gonna be pretty long, so I’m only gonna do the brothers.
Thanks for requesting!! I hope you like it :)
MC is on their period
You’ve been living in the House of Lamentation for a while now. You are, at this point, thoroughly and inextricably part of the family.
As a member of their family, your demons have no problem with helping you out. They can’t help but fawn over you a bit, as well—this wasn’t a familiar problem to them before meeting you, as none of them menstruate. Plus, any human condition of yours that highlights vulnerability and pain on your part makes them all get a tad protective.
In any case, they make sure to be helpful!
Lucifer: responsibility -> rest
With your permission, Lucifer notes your cycle on the calendar he keeps on the kitchen wall. Tactfully, of course. It’s just a little red X in the corner of the box that marks the day you start until the day it ends. It ensures no one in the house forgets to be extra nice to you on those days. Plus, it serves as a way to remind you, in case it sneaks up on you.
In the week leading up to it, he checks up on your stock of human world products (and devildom ones too) for it. Painkillers, chocolate, tea, hygiene products, a heating pad, everything. If you’re running low, he will either take you to get more or take care of it himself, depending on how you’re feeling.
If you’re irregular, he takes extra care with tracking your cycle. Having records is important!
He takes you off the chore rotation while you’re bleeding. He wants you to rest. He will not make you expend your energy on chores while you’re in pain.
If you WANT to take some chores though, he understands and will let you, as long as you don’t make yourself suffer unnecessarily. He understands that some people cope worse with stress, illness, and/or pain when their routine is interrupted and they have no task to distract themself with. He would know! He’s one of them! So if you are too, he won’t force you to give up your tasks.
He does very strictly instruct you not to push yourself, however. You are to let him know immediately if you need to stop, so he or one of his brothers can help you out.
If you want somewhere quiet to hide, he’s got you. His study is a great spot for that! He won’t let anyone else in.
His room is another great spot for that, if you want a softer surface and dimmer lighting. You’re allowed to be in there without him if that ends up working out best (and he hopes you understand the level of trust in you he’s displaying by allowing that), but he has no problem with bringing his work out of the study and into his room if you want his company.
If he’s not on a time crunch, he won’t bother bringing any work with him though. Unless he has reason to expect you to feel guilty for taking up his time, in which case he will bring some and finish it in the room with you and then tell you he’s done for the day.
You end up lying on his bed with him, contorted in whatever weird position makes your cramps hurt the least. It’s the middle of the day, but for once Lucifer doesn’t seem to mind. He’s just lying next to you with his hand splayed over your uterus or lower back, applying light pressure and warmth to help the pain go away. Quietly talking to you about stuff that doesn’t matter.
There’s no concern for productivity. Nor for terrorizing his brothers into order. It seems the key for making Lucifer take a day to just relax is to request his company while you’re in pain.
See, Lucifer’s driving force is how much he loves his family. He will go to ANY lengths to keep them safe and happy. It’s his main priority. You’re part of his family now. You’re the youngest, even… and you’re in pain. So, he’s okay with pushing off the work Diavolo gives him for a day. For you, it’s worth it.
There’s no paperwork in any realm that he would prioritize over comforting you when you’re in pain. He hopes you feel all the love in that sentiment.
You know how huge a declaration that action is, because there is NO other way to get Lucifer to voluntarily lie around in the middle of the day.
Mammon: devotion -> generosity
Mammon was the first one you went to for help during your very first period in the Devildom.
After a short, frantic conversation about what happened to you, why, and how you normally deal with this, he set you up in his room with some towels, a spare set of his own comfortably worn in clothes, and a movie as he rushed out to find some Devildom substitute for the hygiene products you’re used to. Just, SOMETHING to absorb the blood in the meantime before he can get you products from the human world!
He would have gone to the human world immediately, but he’s not allowed and he doesn’t have time to talk Lucifer into letting him up there yet!! You have NOTHING to work with right now, he’s gotta figure something out ASAP!
He didn’t even think about the amount of money he’s willing to spend, or how else he could be using it. He may not have been willing to tell you how much he cares for you at that point, but he has always come through for you when it matters. Even in the early days.
You find yourself contemplating Mammon’s contrasting demeanour while he’s out. This isn’t the first demonstration of his responsible mode that you’ve seen. It’s fascinating, the way he acts so careless and tsundere until someone needs him—at which point he drops that image like it’s nothing, revealing the softhearted and protective big brother he really is.
In those moments, you can see in his personality that he helped raise 5 little brothers (and one Lilith, though you don’t learn about her until later) and is actually pretty damn good at it. It’s clear that he loves you more than he’s willing to admit in those rare moments, when showing it genuinely matters.
Anyway. He came home with an assortment of items for you. No medicine yet because he doesn’t trust that Devildom painkillers won’t harm you, but he brought a BUNCH of snacks, and a collection of things that can be used to absorb the blood for now, until he can get Lucifer to let him go get the stuff you normally use from the human world. You can take your pick.
He even commissioned an enchanter to make you a custom heating pad, because he doesn’t trust the ones meant for demons to not burn your skin. He didn’t think about the price. Frankly, he doesn’t care. Maybe he’ll remember to complain about it to save face later. Maybe.
His main concern—making sure you’re okay—left no room to think of that in that moment. He waves off your concern about bloodstains on the stuff he lent you before he went out. Being reassuring in his usual irreverent way, saying something about how he’s a demon, and demons don’t tend to be squeamish about blood. Hell if he cares, he says.
While you’re in the bathroom washing up and dealing with the bleeding (with a SECOND set of Mammon’s worn-in, comfy clothes that he put in your hands before shoving you into the bathroom, not giving you a second to refuse), Mammon is texting Lucifer to find a way to get you proper period supplies from the human world.
When you come back to him, he tells you that you’ll have what you need before you go to bed, but in the meantime you should sit, because he’s putting on another movie.
He watches you shift around uncomfortably over the next few minutes. Cramps, you know. You’re not exactly comfortable sitting the way you are. Without a word, he pulls you to lie down with your head resting on his leg. He’s looking away from you, indistinctly mumbling something about “so lucky I’m lookin’ after ya” and “what would ya do without the great Mammon” and “MY human, damn it” as he carefully rubs tension out of your back.
“What was that?” You ask him.
“Shut up an’ watch the damn movie!” He splutters.
You stay like that until Lucifer shows up with your requested items. Pads, tampons, a menstrual cup, painkillers, whatever it is you asked for.
Later that night, as Mammon persists in rubbing your back as another movie plays, you find that your trust in him is stronger than it has ever been before. You understand exactly why Mammon is the best demon to be in charge of your well-being. Lucifer chose him for a reason, and it’s impossible to miss. Mammon is so damn caring under the tsundere façade.
You feel so loved. You ARE so loved. The pain fades away under the warmth of his hands. His lap makes a good pillow, and Mammon makes a great guardian.
(Every month after this, he leaves his door open for you in case you want a distraction from the pain. He’s ready with snacks and a movie. He’ll happily do this for you every time.)
Levi: passion -> gentleness
Whatever it is that Levi notices first—be it the blood, the worse mood, the regular time spent with Mammon every month—he freaks out. He’s like “AAAAWTF WHY ARE YOU BLEEDING ARE YOU DYING???” Or like “oh noooo are you mad at me why are you randomly sad do you hate me now??” Or like “why can’t you reschedule with Mammon and do this time limited event with me, do you not wanna play with me anymore???”
Either way, bro is suffering.
Eventually, either you or one of his older brothers explains to him, and he feels bad. He didn’t mean to stress you out worse! Also, periods are real?? He thought it was just some creative plot point in the occasional anime! That’s crazy, why are humans built like that??
Anyway. Levi’s nothing if not passionate, and he’s gonna turn some of that passion towards finding ways to make you more comfortable.
He will find a way to order all the human world snacks you crave while you’re bleeding. He will be on the lookout for gifts, like games and merch and manga you’d want. He stockpiles them so he always has something ready to cheer you up when you need that.
He will even do his best to redirect the envy he feels towards Mammon and his established routine of movies and snacks in his room with you lying in his lap and getting free back rubs on the first day of your period each month. He wants that to be him, damn it! But he’s not gonna disrupt that for you.
He WILL claim hanging out with you on your day 2 though, AND will fill in every time if Mammon’s not available. The only thing that can beat out his shyness at the idea of having you using his lap as a pillow is the raging envy at knowing MAMMON gets to have that every month!
(Eventually, once you figure out that Levi wants to be invited so bad, you just invite him. It’s not like you don’t want him there! He’s very happy to sit next to you with your legs in his lap while he ignores Mammon’s stupid movie and plays a game on his phone. It’s nice to have two demon pillows. This one’s got built-in cooling!)
Levi understands not wanting to deal with lights and noise and craziness when you’re in pain. He will prevent any of his brothers from bringing any of that around you with all the determination and passion he brings to everything he cares about.
He is remarkably gentle, for someone who is usually so excitable. So considerate! You can see in the way he forces everyone to only argue over text, in the gentle movement of cool, nimble hands over sore calves and hips and ankles, in the presentation of snacks and gifts determinedly brought to you from the human world, how much he cares about you. He loves you, he loves you, he loves you.
Satan: research -> comfort
The first order of business for nerd boy here is, of course, research. He is gathering information from all his relevant contacts—every human sorcerer and witch he knows, every demon with a pact-bonded menstruating human they care about AND the aforementioned human, every healer, medical researcher, librarian…
Yeah, he’s gonna end up knowing more about it than you do.
He comes back home after a few days, mumbling about human endocrine systems and nutrition and medical malpractice of menstruating patients and the mechanics of blood production and every phase of a menstrual cycle and how pain works on a chemical level. He’s got notebooks and everything. He’s got the whole history of menstruation since the beginning of humanity summarized in one of those notebooks.
… Maybe it’s a bit overkill. But you know how he gets when he’s curious, especially about something that hurts you! He’s gotta know everything!
So now he’s infodumping to you about every symptom you mention. If you’re the sort of person who finds that interesting and helpful, perfect! If you’re not… well, he won’t be offended if you get mad at him for effectively mansplaining your own body to you. Demon-splaining? Whatever, either way he will take that correction with grace and only tell you information you directly ask for. He’s learned enough about menstruation to be very sympathetic and patient while you’re in the middle of it. It seems awful to him, and he’s not about to make it worse!
He’s wise enough to know that he should ask before ACTING on any of that information though. He won’t try to optimize your nutrition or your painkillers or anything unless you ask him to. He knows that would be too far. He’s not prideful enough to override you like that, he’s not Lucifer.
If you get really angry when you bleed, he’s got you! He understands, he encourages you to yell and rant in front of him all you want. Throw around some destructive spellwork or just break stuff if you need to, he’s got a room for that. It’s all good!
Satan is so good with practical comfort. He’s big on venting for your health and sanity. He knows what buttons not to push, they’re obvious to him as wrath incarnate.
Of course, he’ll also give you hugs and drive off his crazy brothers if you need peace. He’ll bring you to the cats when you get sick of people. He’ll find you any answer you need. If your cycle is irregular or in any way atypical, there’s no better demon to have searching for answers for you—and he’d NEVER let no medical malpractice happen to you. Doctors are GOING to take you seriously, damn it!
To him, there’s no such thing as too much hassle to help someone he loves so much as he loves you.
Asmo: luxury -> selflessness
As the Avatar of Lust, there’s no way Asmo doesn’t know the basics of how menstrual cycles work. No way. Even if demons don’t get them, it’s relevant to his whole domain.
Asmo’s got you. He’s gonna spoil the hell out of you. Massages with fancy oils, hot baths with magic muscle relaxant products added, masks to prevent any skin issues from fluctuating hormones, everything he can think of.
If anyone even tries to make you do anything you don’t want to, he will destroy them. This is a time for rest, he insists!
He relishes any opportunity to relax with you, have a self-care day, just chill and recharge together… but he’s prioritizing you. You get to see the rare responsible Asmo during this time! If you have non-negotiable responsibilities, he’s helping you. He wants you to get done faster!
He’s actually got a pretty great strategic mind when he’s incentivized to use it! He’s so efficient! Only because he wants you to be in his room relaxing as fast as possible, but it’s totally there!
At the end of it all, it’s completely possible that he forgets about spoiling himself too, just because he got so focused on trying to take as much of your pain away as possible. It’s wild that he doesn’t think he has any capacity for selflessness. Good thing you know better.
Beel: perceptiveness -> caring
Beel smells the blood. Immediately. At first he’s concerned but minds his own business, trusting that Mammon’s taking care of you. But after you’ve pacted with him? Not anymore.
Beel becomes your warning system. He will notify you as soon as the hormonal shift starts to happen. Days before you even start bleeding.
You know it’s because he cares, and that he can’t avoid noticing the change in your scent whether he wants to or not. You choose not to think it’s weird.
He gets worried once he learns about what happens to you every month. His first priority is making sure he doesn’t eat everything that’s high in iron, folic acid, vitamin C and D, and omega-3s. All very good for you when you’re on your period. He makes sure that stuff remains available to you.
He invites you to exercise with him too, because he heard that can be helpful. He won’t STOP you from lifting if that’s what you want to do, but HE is choosing to focus on stretching and moderate cardio for now (stuff that should be more helpful for you) and if you want to join him, well… that’s what he’s doing. What do you mean he changed it on purpose? He just felt like yoga and a nice jog today! Don’t think about it too hard!
Beel is actually the best one to go to for massages. Sure, Asmo knows what feels good and he’s phenomenal at that. True. But Beel is the one who understands every muscle and tendon in a body, so if you want a full, functional reset, in which all the tension and soreness in you gets methodically, optimally pressed out, you go to Beel. It might not feel quite as nice—in fact it might hurt a fair bit—but it’ll be so effective. You will have no pain at all after. Plus, he’ll teach you stretches to prevent some of that tension coming back later, too. He’s so helpful.
Belphie: laziness -> service
We all know Belphie is the number one advocate for rest. He will encourage you to sleep through as much of it as possible. Why would you want to be awake to experience pain? Screw that. He will actively keep you asleep as long as possible—unless you tell him in advance that there has to be limits so you don’t bleed on everything you’re touching. Even so, he doesn’t quite see the problem. He’s a demon, he’s not squeamish about blood. What biohazard?
But no, he’ll respect that. If he’s a lil shit about it, all you have to do is pull the “remember that time you killed me” card and he’ll do whatever you want lol
In the biggest twist of irony since The Incident, Belphie actually finds himself serving as your alarm clock. It has to be him, you see, because he insists on sleeping next to you. He wants to be there to ensure you sleep through the night, and don’t ever get woken up by cramps. So it’s gotta be him to wake you up when it’s absolutely necessary. Because you see, he does not trust anyone else to understand what’s absolutely necessary. Only someone who loves sleep as much as him gets it, he insists.
Belphie is nothing if not lazy. Obviously. But… he’s actually voluntarily doing work on your behalf?? He’s concealing bloodstains on your sheets from you so you don’t feel uncomfortable, and washing them for you. He isn’t even telling you about that, so he isn’t even getting any thanks for it! How very kind and un-demonic of him!
(Of course, he’s mostly doing it because he doesn’t want you to feel embarrassed and stop sleeping next to him while you’re on your period. He’s got selfish reasons. But… really, it’s not very selfish at all when you look at how that benefits you too. How could he be so surprised to hear that you think he can be kind and sweet when he wants to be? How’s he not seeing it??)
He may deny that he’s actually a sweetie, but you know the truth. When sloth incarnate is voluntarily doing secret chores for you, you KNOW he loves you. It might as well be spilling out of his soul, it’s so undeniable.
You’re bleeding. It’s miserable. No one likes their period. It’s made much more bearable for you, however, now that you have this ridiculous family falling over themselves to make your life easier. All the pain, all the hormonal fuckery, all the bullshit your body puts you through is… well, actually quite tolerable when you’re loved this much.
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luffyvace · 8 months
Hey there brook! I hope u having a nice day! Can I ask for a luffy x heroic fem reader headcanon? by heroic I mean that she completely dedicated her life to help and save ppl and that her purpose in life, she's strong and seems cold but when u get to know her she has empathy more than anyone else, I feel like this is the perfect character that luffy would fall in love with, pure kindness hiding behind a tough facade, she doesn't even like being called a hero, yet she is willing to do anything for those in need, slaves, poor villages, she goes against anything unjust without any fear, cause thats her purpose in life (sorry if that was too long 💀)
Hi anon <33 (it makes me so happy that someone finally addressed me as that💗)
today was a very chill day 😊 thank you! How’s yours?
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Reader sounds so genuine with such a good background for a op character!!
(Don’t worry it’s not too long—I love to read:3)
Ngl luffy subconsciously sees a little bit of himself in you!!
like your hearts are so similar—gold!
of course he doesn’t directly think that way- but he feels the connection!
which is through helping!
you two never turn your backs on those who have never wronged you
its not even about if they’re on your side or not, as long as they haven’t wrong you? and they need help?
the both of you are on it 🤜🤛👍
you wanting to save others becomes admirable to more than just him, to all of the straw hats—chopper and usopp especially!
I’m gonna go ahead and say it here and now you remind both Jinbe and luffy of whitebeard and fishman island type thing
Y/n is just her tbh 🤷‍♀️
and if the ops don’t like that? 🤨
how you like that? >:)
your strength may or may not be hereditary but either way if you don’t continue training or working out your gonna loose that strength eventually
which shows just how hard you train everyday!!
bro works harder than zoro 🗿
and we all know he don’t sleep on workin out
so y/n is a gorilla the og
its no wonder you be cookin the ops like breakfast👩‍🍳👍
this is literally turning into a rant about me being (name)’s biggest fan ok let’s move on
luffy saw you cold exterior and was like
LOLOLOL no but fr he looked straight past that
he always does- he ignored law’s and zoro’s why wouldn’t he with you-
and once he sees your true kindness???
Locked in like a booty hole 🔗
yeah he pretty much busts right through that
he pretty much instantly demands you already are is nakama after that
Your empathy is what really swoops him off his feet tho
like luffy has a good sense of empathy so much so he can hear the voice of all things
and you probably can too! It’s highly likely!
(y/n could have her own anime at this point 🤷‍♀️😚)
But seriously the way he can just feel the way you long for others when they’re in pain just gets him right at the heartstrings you know?! 🥺❤️‍🩹
you comfort them so assuredly and keep your promise to win every time !!
luffy would admire himself more than he would know if he realized how alike the two of you are
tbh you probably admire luffy!!
like it’s a mutual thing, where you pretty much don’t see your own coolness you only see the other’s
so you admire each other unaware that your the same 😂💗
he absolutely adores and admires that empathetic part of you thoo!
he loves how your kind and tough
he wholeheartedly believes the strong should protect the weak, cuz that’s what a man does.
especially with nakama.
so he definitely understands your need to protect those who can’t do it for themselves
there are many times he can recall where he had to rely on others
so he loves that your the one who does that for people
and you don’t do it for the money or fame!
you don’t even view yourself as the hero and savior that bystanders see you as!
that’s so cool to him!
you background/past might’ve caused it! Like maybe you had no superhero! So you decided to become one!
he kinda looks up to you in a way 🤩
as someone who has also helped slaves and the poor he completely understands where you come from in your kindness
and it’s even cooler that you charge head on into battle for others without a second thought
that’s just how tough you are ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
not an ounce of fear in your eyes as you walk up to someone 20x the size of you to simply get back the bread they stole from a poor little child
your a super hero!! Dundun duh-duuuuuun!!
you have a goal just like him!! He wants to be the king of pirates and you wanna help others!
With the type of pirate he is?, those things go hand in hand 🤝
says the pirates who know they’ve done wrong doing!! 😎
also excuse (name)’s lame pirate alias i couldn’t think of one 😊💖
(Name) is so cool 😎 I admire her 💓
hope you enjoyed your hcs anon!! *super heroes away🦸‍♀️🚀*
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johnnycakesswitch · 3 months
hi!! I love ur headcannons :D I was wondering if you can do some jally headcannons? <3!
Thank you so much that’s so sweet!! Of course I can <3 I’m assuming you mean like jally as a ship so that’s what I’ll do but if you didn’t mean it that way, the majority of these can be read as platonic as well :)
Tw for suicidal thoughts
• literally the definition of that song where the line is like “I just can’t come between them, they got their own thing”
• no one will ever truly understand their bond, it’s just a known thing that Dally and Johnny are the most important people in the world to each other
• they honestly can’t even pinpoint when they developed feelings for each other, they’ve just always felt so much love and affection toward each other so strongly, they just didn’t know it was mutual for awhile
• one night Dally and Johnny were taking a walk because Johnny had been down all day and even though he didn’t say it, Dally just knew and was determined to get him talking. So they’re walking in silence for awhile until Dally asks, “so are you gonna tell me what’s the matter, johnnycakes?” and Johnny just breaks down. He hadn’t let himself cry in a long time before that and the way Dally spoke to him was so genuine and concerned that he couldn’t hold back anymore. He told Dally that he didn’t know how much longer he could keep living like this and that everyone would probably just be better off without him and Dally is livid, not at Johnny, but because he doesn’t deserve to feel this way. So he tells him that he better not hear him say that ever again because he can’t live without him and “if you go, I’m coming with you.” And Johnny just looks at him for awhile because Dally makes him feel more wanted than anyone ever has. And in the heat of the moment, they share a kiss. That night they talked and while they both knew they wouldn’t be able to publicly be together, they only wanted each other, so they would take what they could get. No one else mattered to them anyway as long as they have each other
• Johnny will stay with Dally at Buck’s a lot and they’ll both squish into his twin bed. The only problem is, Dally moves a lot in his sleep, so Johnny has to be sandwiched between Dally and the wall or else he’ll accidentally be pushed off ✋😭
• they love going on drives together when Buck lets him have the car. Dally can do a really good Elvis impression and Johnny will take that to the grave because he knows if he tells anyone Dally will stop doing it
• speaking of Buck, he knows about jally because he walked in on them making out one time. That was one of the few times that Dally was genuinely scared, not even for himself, but for Johnny. He didn’t want to put Johnny in any type of danger ever. But Buck actually likes Dally a lot and cares about him, so all he said was “make sure to lock your door if you don’t want company” and they could both breathe again
• the gang was like. Not surprised whatsoever. They didn’t even rly tell them formally, they just figured if anyone reacts badly they’ll cross that bridge when they get there. So they just started being physically closer and kissing and stuff around the gang and they’re all like “about time”
• around the holidays at the Curtis house they always “coincidentally” wind up under the mistletoe. Total coincidence. Not because Soda keeps moving it.
• Johnny calls him Dallas when he’s exasperated with him 😭 so like at least a few times a day
• speaking of exasperated, the gang cannot stand playing football w them anymore bc they’re on opposing teams and literally can’t keep their hands off each other. Jally will tackle each other when it’s not even necessary just so they can be touching. “Oh wow Dal like how did I end up on top of you sorry about that 🤭” Ponyboy mad as hell because Johnny isn’t paying attention and Darry is carrying their team 😭
• will share clothes without realizing it bc a lot of their stuff looks the same. Like they’ll both have the same black shirt and sometimes they’ll be out wearing each other’s and the only way to tell is because Dally’s is a little big on Johnny and Johnny’s is tight on Dal but they never seem to notice
• Dally gave Johnny his ring and he wears it on a chain as a necklace
• cleaning each other up after rumbles 🥺 and Dally’s always like gushing over him like “glory John I didn’t know you had all that in you you looked so tuff out there” and you can hear Ponyboy like gagging in the background
• he’s a hater as if he and Curly aren’t the absolute worst either
• always napping together. Just laying in bed or on the Curtis’ couch or wherever honestly next to each other and just sleeping 😴
• Dally’s always trying to make sure Johnny gets enough to eat
• when Dally jockeys Johnny will come hang out with him when he cleans the stables after and tell him how good he did. He always comes to watch Dally, he never misses a rodeo 🥰
• Johnny likes to play with Dally’s hair since he canonically doesn’t grease it. He thinks is so soft and fluffy and Dally’s just like “my hair’s tuff Johnny 😒” and Johnny’s like “whatever you say Dal”
• modern day Pony would record himself third wheeling jally and make a TikTok to that sound that’s like “mama y papa”
That’s all I have for now!!
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crguang · 16 days
haven’t read kafka’s voice lines in a minute, but I just reread them, and like I need to know more. like her being a devil hunter. why were there devils on her planet in the first place, was it bc of the stellar on or just like smth else. why’d she become one. and it was always interesting to me that it seems like she kind of didn’t like her home planet, obviously she could be lying. ig she wasn’t that close to her family and she probably didn’t have friends bc she’s a loser and isn’t good at connecting w people. And I’m curious abt where and when she started saying "When making friends with someone, keep the right distance, in order to maintain a long-lasting relationship." and firefly thinks she doesn’t believe that? if Kafka didn’t care abt anyone on her home planet ig that would make sense? idk hsjjghsh I’m not coherent enough but I need more Kafka. I do wonder abt how people who can’t feel fear yk survive and all, but idk. Her sea voice like is also interesting like why was that such a personal place?
Also my fighter between the two kafcats os probably the happy one bc she’s just so cute…I want to a symphony a few days ago and I couldn’t stop thinking abt Kafka, like violin=kafka for me. She def would liked it, trust me. On a side note, do u think she’d be concert master? it’s like the best (violin I think) player and everyone tunes to them bc, and they usually get all the violin solos.
and I’m gonna have to clear out some stuff bc I don’t have enough storage for ptn…don’t ask. I know I’ll like it bc women, ugh I should just get more storage.
less than 24 hours til the banners come out im actually terrified, but umm we’ll see. And I have a quiz ig but you def got me covered fr (didn’t know you take comp too)
now that ive read AND listened to her voice lines i find it curious that she seems to have a bit of nostalgia in her tone when talking about the destruction of her planet. like you can tell whenever she has a smile on her face as she says certain lines and she’s always so playful (spent a whole hour just listening to her yesterday im ill) but this line was one of the serious-ish ones. she could be acting all mysterious on purpose but i guess we won’t know until more info comes out…. i really wonder if she had friends or something before because she says she rarely ever saw the same person twice due to her work.
THE SEA VOICE LINE. HELLO. WAS NO ONE GOING TO TELL ME HOW EXCITED SHE GETS?! THE CUTE EMPHASIS ON “fiercest”?!?!?! YOU ALLLLL FAILED ME. she speaks so genuinely as if reminiscing that place then she composes herself after a pause… wow. my baby. she’s so cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i also go violin = kafka and omgg going to a symphony sounds so nice i hope u had a great time. straight up unbiased thoughts i think she would get the solos because she seems really rigorous in her practice of the violin despite having a very unstable job. she doesn’t strike me as the type to go for easy to play pieces either, especially when you consider what kind of music she’d like. so she’d work for that solo!!
hope your pulls went well i thought i was gonna be devastated if she came at hard pity but turns out im too happy that shes home at all🥹
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theory-basket · 8 months
Look me in the fucking eyes. You’re getting a
Sporadic explanation of why cursebearers have either a Spanish or Italian set of aesthetics
And you’re gonna fucking like it
1. Welcome to the Black Parade
Why’s Charlatan’s parade a parade? It’s Carnevale. The masks, the costumes, the insanity, it’s all Carnevale. Which also translates directly as “remove meat” by the way. Authorities are mocked. Social norms out the window. Grotesque and entertaining depictions of the human form and death are shown.
It’s meant to celebrate before Lent, time of giving up a lot of animal products and specific desires, and people indulge. Blood in this universe is also considered an indulgence.
Carnevale is often associated with Italy and Hispanic areas.
2. Dirty Dancing Patrick Swayze
If you’ve listened to the anime’s soundtrack, you’ve heard how sick it is. If you’re someone like me, you listened to Jeanne’s theme and went “Something about this is different and I don’t know what.” Then you listened to ‘he met her and she met him’ and went GIRL YOU SURE YOU’RE FRENCH??
For ‘look here comes the parade,’ it just sounds medieval until the drums kick in. It’s always the drums I swear to god.
Personally, I think the electric and Spanish sounds are symbolic of cursebearers or Charlatan. I’m more primed to hear Latin music because I’m Latina, I can SMELL Spanish influence. I’m not as good at discerning other influences, but I find these sounds in Jeanne and the cursebearers’ music.
3. Vocabulary and Names
Miel is, say it with me now, a SPANISH word. It’s honey in Spanish. It’s also said to have cause a cursebearer incident. Point for Spain.
Naenia sometimes spelled Nenia, was an ancient Roman funeral deity. Like, a funeral rites deity, the protection of those funeral rites. A Naenia was originally a dirge praying for the peace of the dead, and that’s how she got her name. They may have been likened to lullabies. Point for Italy.
Altus is Latin, and has a few possible etymologies. One is ‘alo,’ for deep, profound, or tall. One is ‘alta/altum,’ for nourished or fed. So Altus Paris might be thematically read as “The Paris in the Deep” or “The Paris That Can Indulge Freely.” Point for Italy.
Vanitas and all of the true names are Latin. Point for Italy.
Mikhail and Johann. Point for… Literary references
4. What Are You Fucking Talking About
I like to keep track of underlying themes a lot. Aesthetic senses that are attached to particular factions, things that are never mentioned but subtly indicate a certain narrative role.
The implications of cursebearers having Italian or Spanish aesthetics is very interesting.
If it’s Italian and looks Spanish cause of cultural similarity, then that’s implying something very old about the entire concept. It’s old enough to be Latin, old enough to probably go back to the Babel Incident.
If it’s genuinely Spanish amongst a lot of other influences, then that makes cursebearers something incredibly novel. Separate from everything else. Spain isn’t a country we see references, nor does its influence appear anywhere other than in this context.
If it’s both, then this post is still noting a distinct aesthetic. It’s possible that the Spanish is all Jeanne, which would have possibly even wilder implications. Who knows? This is just a collection of things I’ve noticed triggered by seeking a Spanish word.
I wonder if anyone else has thought of anything.
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Hey! I’m really enjoying “nothings wrong with dale”, so we’ll written and compelling!!! Though I feel like I would have blurted to him I knew he was a demon the second we had a moment alone—anyway! I was just wondering if the story is going to end with pregnancy, discussions of future pregnancy (that will be gone thru with not like people outside the relationship expecting it), or children in any capacity im sorry to say that I won’t want to finish it if that’s the case. But I would really really appreciate the warning!! And even if it does you are very talented and will get kudos from me, I just won’t keep reading 😓 thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!
thanks for saying you're enjoying Dale - I'm glad!
its so hard to figure out the exact moment to confess to your fiance that you know he's a demon ;)
i'm happy to answer your main question, but since it's spoiler-ish, i'm gonna put the answer below the read more - always happy to answer any sort of general warning-esque questions!
there is no confirmed pregnancy in this story or attempts by any characters to make someone pregnant against their will (or rape/dubious consent especially)
i think i'm mostly following the intent of your question, but i admit the parenthetical part is a bit confusing to me so i'm just gonna give a few more details in case the above didn't cover what ur after to cover my bases
given the nature of the story and their position as nobles, for whom continuing their bloodline is super important as that's how this whole system works, it is the intent of both the reader and Dale to have children - that's just the name of the game. the reader in this story does plan to have children, both because its expected and because they genuinely want children
currently, i don't have any plans to discuss this in detail (future children plans that is) and while the story ends in unprotected sex, there isn't going to be any sort of breeding kink or specific discussion around hoping said sex will result in pregnancy specifically (and lasky's mostly done being gross and he certainly can't b a problem by the end of the next part)
i have not written the rest of the story yet, so its possible some of the following might be included: maybe some characters might make offhand remarks/jokes about the honeymoon resulting in children? maybe the reader speculates if there will be any negative side effects from dale's demon condition/nature on a future child? maybe the reader interacts with their nieces/nephews and thinks vaguely of their own future children?
overall, i'd say pregnancy is not a key part of this story but neither is it specifically avoided
if i misunderstood or that wasn't what you were looking for - just send in another ask! if anyone else has similar general 'what will and will not be in the story' questions in terms of warnings or squick etc, feel free to send them in
thanks for reading!
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sessakag · 2 years
Hi! I just got done reading Butterfly and it’s literally 5:07am😭
It made me tear up reading it. Currently, I don’t like how Naruto is using Hinata but hopefully little by little he’ll stop caring about his main plan and genuinely starts to like her, even as a friend. Slowly letting her in his heart. Opening up to her and her to him. Enjoying her company more than anyone else’s. I kinda see it with how patient he’s trying to be with her, how every little movement and expression she makes, he takes note of it and is curious about her even more. How she’ll make him stop and think and take time to appreciate the stuff around him. Him introducing her to gaming and things she never got to experience.
I’m hoping he’ll invite her to his house to study and she’ll meet Kushina and Minato. See how loving his parents are and Kushina ends up really liking her and they cook together. Minato being kind to her more than her father ever was. Making Hinata open up even more. Show her how family is supposed to be. Her making friends with Naruto’s friends especially Shino and Kiba. Them realizing that Naruto stopped hanging with Hinata just for the sake of his plan. That he genuinely likes her and is an idiot to even realize it yet. How Sakura will take it when she finds him slowly moving on and Kurenai seeing Hinata’s progress.
I’ve been wondering if Sasuke’s ever gonna show up? Are his parents alive? Are they in the police force? Is that how Naruto will find out what happened to Hinata? Will Sasuke and Hinata meet in this? Be friends? Unintentionally make Naruto feel jealous? Will Naruto remember her even if was a fleeting moment? Will he remember her eyes? Her lack of shoes? Giving her a sandwich? Will the continuous attention she gets for hanging with him, make her have another attack? Maybe even worse? Will he realize that Hinata really isn’t okay but is trying her damn best? Will she smile and laugh like she wishes she could? Talk more? Will she share her story with him? Will she find out that he was using her and she’ll think every kindness and gesture he has done for her wasn’t real? I think it’ll break her, make her spiral. There’s so many questions I have.
I’m sorry this’s long. I just really really really enjoyed Butterfly a lot. I see why you have the title as that. Can’t wait to see Hinata grow and heal!
Oh wow! Sorry to keep you up that late 😂 but I'm glad you enjoyed reading Butterfly. It's very dear and very personal to me out of most of my fics ❤️ I love that story and have so many plans for it.
Naruto's actions aren't exactly noble right about now, he's got a lot to learn about the world around him and himself, things Hinata will indeed teach him directly and indirectly, he just needs a little time 😊it's going to be a journey with those two for sure.
Based on your words, I know you'll enjoy the interactions and reactions of the Uzumaki family and Naruto's friends to this new dynamic.
You'll learn more about Sasuke as time goes on, I usually have those two as buddy buddy friends at the jump but I wanted to do something different this time around 😊hopefully his place in the story is interesting for you and everybody reading.
You certainly have quite a few questions and they shall be answered over the course of this trilogy 🥰
I don't mind the length at all, I actually enjoyed reading through this! Thank you for reading and letting me in on your thoughts about it! :D
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
I think being able to critique the art takes it more seriously than just putting it all on a pedestal. - THIS. I remember listening to the Popcast review of the album and I was still in the honeymoon phase and had read nothing but 5 star glowing reviews and was surprised at first by what they said but then realized I agreed with a lot of it. They made the point that it is the critics responsibility to not treat everything your fav does with rose-colored glasses. That you are actually doing the art and the artist a disservice. And I completely agree. I also listened to the Rolling Stone podcast review and damn, it is embarrassingly sycophantic. I believe art criticism is important or else artists would have zero motivation to try and grow. Taylor took the criticism of her voice and did what? Became a great singer. She took the criticism of Red and did what? Came out with 1989. I wonder what would have been her journey if people had been blindly praising her since the beginning. And now with all the blind praise of Midnights, I kind of worry about what might follow. Are we going to get more of the same for TS11?
No I completely agree, that rolling stone 5 star review where they gave it an ‘instant classic’ title was way too much. I’m genuinely worried that Taylor’s too big now and that everyone’s just gonna always love what she puts out because her fans will attack anyone who has anything slightly constructive to say. I think that’s what’s happening with the re-recordings, no one’s telling Taylor they’re bad so she’s gonna keep the cheap, rushed production.
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lightlycareless · 1 year
OUGH CHAPTER 33,, this ones RICH theres so much here all of y/ns letters,, i wonder how hinata would feel if she actually got to read them?? not that she'd get through all of them before trying to break in there herself to get y/n out i imagine
NAOAKI,, calling y/n cute straight up now?? we're just straight into it there's no denying anything anymore. full on flirting out there-- good for them. and the GRAPE,, feeding her the grape,, im obsessed. hinata turning naoaki away bc of his resemblance to naoya-- i get why girl but also MAN you are missing out on the sweetest man in the world. n also the possibility of the zenin's getting pissy over hinata and naoaki talking to each other?? they are DERANGED for real its unbelievable.
mariya and tatsuro,,, i really do think she COULD tell hitomi i like to think she'd understand. and also backing herself into a corner w lying about to everyone i just can not imagine that ending well at ALL somewhere down the line
THE BOXES FULL OF RECORDS MY GODDD,,, naoya is going to give y/n a HEART ATTACK. its a thoughtful gesture but she is so (understandably!!) put off anything to do with him she just finds it creepy as fuck. it is so funny tho "there has to be another reason for his actions,, but what,," girl,,, hes trying to be nice for once this is not a murder attempt,,
and the idea that naoya's gonna eventually try to ask how she liked the gift oh MAN-- he's already gonna be torn up beyond belief over that last chapter ending (must be why we don't see him this time he's too busy crying) and to see her respond cold to like... what's probably the first real big thoughtful gift he's tried to get her?? devastating. obliterated.
this chapter is driving me insane and up the walls (in a good way) i am SO ready to see whats coming.. ur setting up for somethin big i know it,,,
Hello!!!! I’m glad you liked the bit of… lore I guess? I don’t know how to call it lol regarding Y/N’s letters! I only went through them briefly, in the aspect of what she must write and what not to keep a low profile, but never really showed what she was writing… and boy, was it sad.
Hinata would be very, very sad. Definitely. She’d first be upset, angry, quickly identifying that her letters are to set up a façade that everything is right, when it’s not. She’ll also be able to find some traces of Y/N being genuine whenever she speaks of the twins or her staff… perhaps. But overall, those clues end up being irrelevant to the fact that Y/N is in danger and needs to be taken out of there as soon as possible.
And her not caring for Naoaki…. Hahahahahah it made me laugh and a bit frustrated tbh, but how is she supposed to know?! yet OMG he's RIGHT THERE.
I did think on various occasions that her acting that way with him might’ve been... reckless, like it could’ve raised some red flags from him and be like “Hinata is acting weird” subsequentially, leading the clan to be further vigilant of her. However, Naoaki doesn’t know what’s up with his clan, and his priority is to help Y/N above anything else so… yeah. I wish she would’ve given him the benefit of the doubt and approached him, doing so on any other occasion I think, when she isn’t there for work and isn’t overworked either lol.
But yeah, she’s tired of all she’s been put through and couldn’t care less of engaging with other people as of right now. To Naoaki’s defense… Hinata didn’t talk to anyone else either, so there’s that 🤭
I’m still surprised the Zen’in weren’t lil bitches about it, they probably didn’t consider their interaction to be that important anyway—since their secrets are safely guarded… at least for now. Kind of. Hinata is still not out of their radar. Hmm. They’re probably thinking on how to not get involved in the crisis since they think so little of non-sorcerers lol.
Now onto Mariya…. I just love causing conflicts with her lmao. You could argue that she’s not doing anything… wrong per se, but man, lies and lack of communication can lead to some pretty terrible misunderstandings and that’s the least of the things I want happening between Y/N’s staff 😭 But essentially Mariya is afraid that speaking out loud of this situation might lead other members of the staff overhearing this, rumors begin to circulate around the house, and she loses her job 💀 It’s not that she doesn’t trust Hitomi, but she’d rather keep it hidden from everyone to avoid these risks. (also, the pain of having disappointed her is too much for her to even contemplate 😭 she cares too much for the sisters, and already gone through something like that with Y/N... no, I can't have her suffering 😭😭)
As for Naoaki… that freaking scene with the grape was like omg…………………………………………………… I wanted to go heavier on the subtle implications, but I was like no ma’am, Y/N pulled away from that one and I don’t think Naoaki would insist after seeing her reject his advancements sooooo maybe for another time 😊 This was also a way to show just how… bold the two had become after the whole Naobito/Naoya/Y/N thing went down, had this been before that, Naoaki would’ve never done something like that.
I can imagine Ranta watching the two from some undisclosed corner frantically hoping that Naoya won’t come out and see them lmao.
Finally… the mystery of whatever Naoya was shoving inside his pocket the chapter before is revealed!
Guess he was listening to what Y/N was telling him, however, for him to suddenly go out and buy them implies another motive behind them… or at least that’s what I intended to write 🤭 Naoya is trying something, to be nicer I guess, but without him taking accountability I don’t think there’s going to be any advancements soon. 😫 He’s still out there having some kind of war with Naoaki, when he should be focusing on Y/N and his marriage!!!!! Well, best wishes to him I guess lol.
Now… I won’t say much outside of that hehe because it will be expanded on the next chapter, it's a Naoya-centric one where we'll see what he was doing while this went down, as well as a bit of—
Anyways, thank you so much for tuning in for a new update!! The build up for the next chapter has me at edge, nervous… but excited too and I can’t wait to show you!!! (let the hype be appropriate) But for now, I shall take it easy, I got my birthday to enjoy (and this annoying cold out of the goddamn nowhere!!! To overcome)
Have a wonderful weekend, take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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so, my dad had some doctors appointments yesterday so we can just kinda see where he’s at with all of this and what the next step is and i felt pretty confident based on everything we’d been seeing and everything i’d heard from my therapist as well as reading about this that the next step was going to be to order in home hospice care but apparently!!!
we’re doing physical therapy
i guess we’re...gonna see if he can get a little stronger, maybe then see if he can do some more infusions i guess and just go from there?
i dunno
i just feel confused and maybe this is just like...his denial about the whole thing powering him through this because i’m looking through the list of “what it looks like when someone with cancer is dying” and he’s checking several of the boxes but instead of preparing for that i guess we’re just going to push it to the absolute limit, i guess ??
and it sucks because i was just seeing on facebook someone from high school who’s also going through this with a parent and like...hers is at the point where her mom is having to have fluid drained off her lungs every week and she’s absolutely miserable and it’s just awful for everyone involved, especially her mom, but like....i get why she’s trying to power through it, because she’s still fairly young
my dad turns 77 this year
and we’ve asked him over and over again, “is there anything else you want to do before it’s time? any trips? visit with anyone? anything?” nope!!
he’s already done everything he’s wanted and lived a wonderful life
and by no means am i saying, “okay, great, so get the fuck out of here, then!!!” but like...he’s said over and over again he wants to keep his dignity intact and not have it be a miserable march to the end and i can’t help but feel like that’s what we’re signing up for here
i know my mom said emotionally she’s not ready for this to happen right now and i think he’s in denial as well, but like...guys, that’s not going to make it stop, i’m so genuinely sorry about it
and it sucks because it’s at the point where this 24/7 caretaking is taking its toll on my mom (and me, but to a much lesser extent) and it’s like...she goes back to work in a few weeks and i’m the one who’s having to pose the question, “are we at least going to consider getting home healthcare to come in to help him while you’re at work or am i supposed to do it?” and there’s no plan of action for that, but yeah, let’s have a dying man push his body physically and i guess that’ll magically fix everything? 
it won’t
i’m not saying it won’t be nice for him to at least be able to walk by himself (because he can’t right now) or that it wouldn’t be of any benefit for him to do a few arm curls with a 5 pound dumbbell but it just feels like denial is winning the war on reality and i’m the one person who sees it and it’s making this whole thing even more confusing and frustrating
maybe i’m wrong, maybe this will help and he’ll get strong enough to go back on his infusions and then he’ll go back to how he was before which was yeah, still stuck with this shit unfortunately, but like...more or less “normal” and able to like....walk from one side of the room to the other without immediately needing his oxygen and an inhaler and a breathing treatment, y’know?
i dunno.
i guess we’ll just see what happens and figure something out as far as getting him help, because regardless i just don’t feel comfortable being the only person here to watch him while she’s gone
i’m not a nurse and i have a physical disability; if he were to have some sort of medical emergency or fall down i don’t know what i would do and i think the closest medical facility that has an emergent department is at least 30 minutes away so like...i would really prefer having someone here who could help with that
literally the other day he asked me to hand him one of his medicines to take and like...i don’t know what the fuck this shit is or what it does or what can mix with what and fortunately my mom was there to be like, “hang on a second, you don’t need this right now; this is going to do such and such” and had to explain to him that it would cause him more problems than what it would have fixed so like...i almost wrecked his whole fucking day and he asked me to!!!! he didn’t know, but neither did i so like....please
we’re supposed to have a family friend and his wife that are going to move their camper onto our property so they’ll be close by if we need extra help, but they both have jobs as well and ones that take them outside the house and one of the friends has already offered to amend his work schedule and cut back his hours just to help us so there’s that, but still, neither of them have the medical know-how to help with this and one of them has serious health issues herself so she doesn’t need to be stressing herself out because she could literally die so like...yeah
it’s just a lot and i love my dad, i do, god fucking knows i am torn up about the possibility of losing him, but at the same time it’s like...we have something many people (and in my own history especially) don’t get which is the gift of time and awareness
we know that this is happening and we can prepare for it because we know
i didn’t have a chance with Ashley, but i get a chance to prepare for this one and accept it with as much peace and grace as possible while also doing everything in my power to help him go the way he wants to with his dignity and in as little pain as possible and yet it’s like....mmmm, no Anna, everything’s fine, we’re just going to continue on!!!
like okay, but....he’s never going to go back to the way he was before. even with treatments, even with physical therapy, i can see it. even if no one else can or wants to, i can see it. quite frankly, i can smell it, too. it’s not strong and i know the man showers, i’m not saying “ew, he stinks!” but like...death does indeed have a smell and when i get next to him or hug him i can smell it
maybe i’m wrong, maybe he’ll make a miraculous turnaround and kick stage four lung cancer/COPD/emphysema in the ass and live for another ten years!!!!
but i don’t think i am and i really, really need everyone else to get on board with me and accept that because the sooner they do, the easier this will be even if it’s still the hardest thing in the fucking world
i’m sure at some point i’ll have to do what i always do and play the role of truth coming out of her well to beg everyone around me to accept reality and there will be the resistance that there usually is and i’ll be told i’m wrong like i usually am and then when things play out almost exactly the way i said they would and we end up almost exactly where i said we would we’ll have the exact same conversation of, “you were right and you tried to tell me” once again but i’d love if it we could skip that part and just....all get on the same page because i am so fucking tired of carrying grief by myself
it’s like that one quote about how pain gets passed around a family until someone is finally ready to feel it
i’m usually that someone and i think Ashley was that someone before me but neither of us has to be and i hope to god that’s not the case here 
all of that said, my therapy is indeed paying for itself because i am taking care of me today
i slept in pretty decent, i went and got some yummy food and a fun drink and dessert and i’ve just taken some good edibles and will make my way out to the pool in a little bit
today’s a self care day and i will continue to if nothing else prioritize my mental health and physical well being and lean into those who support me and are there for me and will accept reality even if i fucking hate it because i’m taking care of me and i think i kinda like me a little bit so there’s that !!
also, i finally have a week off coming up soon which is my first vacation in like 8 months that i won’t be dog sick during so whatever happens i will at least not have to worry about clocking in and out and goddamn referrals and stupid emails and whatever else!!
hope if you’re reading this you’re having a good weekend and doing something nice for yourself today <3
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aspiringtrashpanda · 2 years
(CONTINUED AGAIN HELP) Can't blame tumblr for putting word limits at this point. Someone @/Ash: "You're a pure-hearted trainer." Cue flashback to other-world!Leaf throwing breadcrumbs at Latios/Latias in Kanto when Steven comes by looking for them and they're like *nudge nudge chirp* *looks at Steven* "ok, he seems like a pure-hearted trainer. if that's really the one you're choosing...protect your new friend too." *Steven gets killed a month later* WAIT NO- (a bit jokish than what fully happened, she also kinda stole his wallet but sshh details) She hates those words, "they're like a curse." It's what got Ash in this Chosen One mess with Arceus and Ho-Oh.
I sometimes wonder if I should convert Pokeverse education to some type of Magnet Program/Technical school sometimes. Just to cut down on time/specialized education. Go on a Journey, speed through classes online at the PokeCenter, have a panic attack because Steven accidentally woke up Groudon and Kyogre because a suspicious man said he could help him find the famed giant rainbow rock. ("Why is it that every time I open the news, you're making headlines for almost dying?! Why is it always Hoenn???!") Fun fun. (No but genuinely, Hoenn really gets put through the wringer with the Titans, the Meteor, the many dark secrets in the region, etc.)
Throw in some real-world influenced mythological trivia about Legendaries and coffee-reliant study sessions in Libraries with Cynthia. Alola vacation? You're discussing lore and having a mental breakdown as Cynthia drops something you've never heard of before (yay for our resident Hisui expert but also ???! WHAT-) that changes everything you ever knew about reality as Steven comes in excited about the field trip to Akala Island because it has rocks and special rock ice-cream and he wants to know what kind of flavors they have in mind for his favorite minerals. ("Oh...is this a bad time?" "Nope. Just Cynthia casually shattering everything I ever knew about the world." "Ah. So the usual.") Every time Steven does something shifty and clever with that smirk on his face from the anime, you know the one, she's like, "did you learn that from business school." Other times it's like, "Do me a favor and maybe don't scream bloody murder at 6 in the morning?" It's 10am, and poor Steven found a Sableye eating his rock collection. A moment of silence please. Really thought someone was attacking him for a sec *insert nobody likes the Kalos Crisis.* You're in your 20s, hypothetically older than Leon by a few months or a year but still get mistaken for a 15 y/o (eyy just like me lol.) He tries to give you an autograph and has to kneel down to your height as Ash and Goh are laughing in the background. #MaybeIShouldWearHeels.
Will Steven ever stop finding himself in hot water? No, but he's too nice to stay mad at. All you can do is cry because you thought he was gonna get himself killed. Can anyone match Cynthia's level of nonchalance? "I didn't take Galactic seriously because of how they dressed, oh cool let's go visit the Distortion World-" Thank god Diantha is normal and best aunt- oh righto, history with Lysandre and Malva...we can keep that hush hush, you fit right in with the rest of these chaotic people. Lance is capable of being just as bad as them but got stuck with "responsible team dad" by default and necessity as nobody else can do it. (He's a wannabe superhero, he def got stabbed by a knife from a Rocket member at some point.)
Heh, whoops. I talked more than I intended, I just couldn’t help myself keeping this story inside for years 👉👈 Hope I didn’t bother you coming into your ask box with all this. Thank you very much but also I’m so sorry omg if you read all this. May Dawn Stones Light Your Days 💎✨
CYNTHIA DESTROYING EVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER KNOWN JUMP SCARE. Love it. Okay, for real, the love that you have for this story is evident in even these messages. I can tell it's a passion project and a work of art, of love. The characterization of your Champions are amazing, and if you ever feel comfortable going off anon (literally NO PRESSURE), I would love to pick your brain about personalities and dynamics for an upcoming fic. If you do consider posting, just try to remember that a) you can't please everyone, but b) you will please someone. Try not to worry too much about what is considered commonplace in fanon and such, because if you build your world and story up the way you think it should work, then it will make sense to most readers. Leaf makes perfect sense to me, for example, just because of the little you've told me about the story. If someone tells you it "should" be May, they aren't reading the same story, and again, that's on them.
I think you're on to something great here, and I would love to take this deep dive into found family and friendship in the world of Pokemon with you. My DMs (and askbox for anon) are always open <3 Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your beautiful thoughts with me <3
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star-girl69 · 2 months
this is more of an opinion based post so if any1 is looking for more drama updates from me TRUST they will be coming but this one ain't it </3
imo q is well and truly cooked unless she can find a way to properly refute everything w/ evidence (which I don't think is gonna happen considering the fact she had to jump to say that the receipts were 'ai-generated')
-> the fact that she lowk has been telling lie after lie is also not helping her case
im not gonna outright jump to accuse her family but the way they've been acting (leaving victims on read + literally threatening Mariah by saying she was gonna catch a fade?) it's honestly not looking too hot for any of them either
I rlly hope q faces serious consequences (potentially getting kicked off the team? jail time?) cause the amount of ppl she's negatively affected w her bs is literally insane
I might watch some of the live later tn and gather some main points (MAYBE), but I think they covered most of the main points in the first live (unless someone else comes forward w more stuff)
hoping that nobody harasses paige, azzi, and kk (Harvey) about all this cause it's not on them to deal w q's crazy ass-
love your opinions queen no worries 🙏🙏
no i agree. her reputation is genuinely not coming back from this but honestly @cosmopretty and i were just talking and unfortunately geno and the other adults/people in power may not believe things that just come from tik tok and dismiss it as “haters just be haters” and other stuff- and besides this may not even get to the uconn girls themselves
but i honestly think that if people KEEP bringing it up and KEEP pushing for some sort of consequences that eventually they will have to take notice of if. i said it in my last post but i’ll say it again: mariah and the other victims need to collect their evidence and send it to the authorities.
q NEEDS consequences for her actions
i unfortunately just saw the video her sister posted and i am SO incredibly disappointed but i also cant help but wonder if q is perhaps lying to her family too? i mean we know how much she likes lying so… but maybe i’m just looking for the good where there is none lol.
no pressure to watch the live later tonight sweetheart if you have to go to bed then pls go to bed!!!! again, we appreciate you SO much but don’t tire yourself out 😭😭😭 it probably will just be the same points from the first live but again if someone major comes out we will hear about it, and i look forward to hearing your opinion on it!!!
if anyone harasses my girls i will literally fight to the death.
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two-sides-samecoin · 1 year
i just spent however long reading all of your st posts and you're so right all the time! i adore steve and robin (and vickie). steve is my guy, my bitchy baby girl, my badass loser. robin is my girl, my awkward polyglot, my annoyed loser. stobins dynamic is top notch, they are soulmates, they're drift compatible, they want to combine into one person. and i'm so tired of people acting like anyone else can have this dynamic. i've seen too many posts (which any in the first place but it's been at least 6) in which people put eddie and nancy into the bathroom scene and it makes me want to pull my hair out. and there's so many things i want to put into this post ab how the fandom and st canon treats steve (overall, within his relationship w everyone, how they treat the concept of popularity (bc people like steve! he's a person people enjoy being around! he wouldn't be popular otherwise.), his intelligence (he's framed as stupid but his intelligence hasn't changed and he is, in fact, smart! and he's so emotionally intelligent and aware of everything) and how people say they love him and robin and stobin but don't actually like or understand any of them, etc.) and how vickie is amazing and vibes so well w robin and that she understands both robin and steve bc she has some similarities both personality wise and w her interests, and how people reduce robin to nancys (fanon) love interest or to bitchy autistic lesbian. (extrapolating on any of that would be like 6 asks and you've talked ab a lot of it already). and now i've decided that steves never done anything wrong bc he was genuinely in the right 98% of the time in s1, but people are acting stupid, so now he was always right. and honestly, i consider his s3 actions of letting erica and dustin go w them ooc bc in s2, he absolutely would've never, and nothing that happened between then and now would've changed his feelings on that. maybe i'm wrong on that, but it feels ooc to me. and he hasn't done anything wrong in any other season. also, i loved your post ab how steve became the person he is bc of trauma, how he doesn't freak out bc he knows he can't, he's the one stepping up to protect everyone and if he falters, he dies and everyone else is gonna be in more danger. any posts ab any of this make me go feral, so. anyways, sorry for ranting in your asks, i just kinda lost it a bit as soon as i started typing lol ✨️
thank you so much for taking the time to read all of them that’s so sweet 🥹
also this is long so going to put it under read more! :)
aww i’m so happy that you love these characters! they really are so wonderful and i love how you’ve described steve and robin <3 legit stobin means so much to me and you’re right i’m so tired of people acting like any other dynamic can have their friendship. ahh i hate when people put eddie or nancy in the stobin scene. or like even mention them because no no no you’re totally forgetting the purpose of this scene. which is funny because people have complained about steve stan’s not being respectful of this scene but like we high key are. but people want to make this scene about one of their ships when the whole point is about robin deciding to come out to steve. it has nothing to do with who her crush is on it’s about her own sexuality. and i’m sure you’ve seen me say this lol but it’s funny how the fandom wants queer representation meanwhile they completely bulldoze and ignore the wants/needs of queer characters. just to fulfill a ship they want.
everything you said about steve! i’ve even seen people legit put stars in steve’s name like this: st*ve which i guess do what you want but why can’t you even type a character’s name? i don’t want to keep repeating what you say so yes agree everything you said about steve’s treatment in fandom! i also 100% about vickie! ohh i need to talk about what you said about season 1 steve! people love to act like he was a devil or something but my dude just reacted to the fact that someone took pictures of him and his friends and girlfriend without his consent! then reacted to the fact that he believes his girlfriend cheated on him with the dude that took pictures of them when being a creep. like i would not act in a good way either. also like steve’s actions are on the same level as some of the other main character’s actions yet stan’s of their characters don’t have to say 24/7 the fact that their fav is an asshole.
about letting dustin and erica do that in season 3: i think it may be slightly ooc but also he’s faced against a kid who did go his own demands in a dire situation. i think after that he would realize that he can’t stop dustin from doing this so i think it may be easier to go along with it and steve can try to keep dustin and all of them safe. also we don’t know what happened between season 2 and 3 so i wonder if steve and dustin got caught up in shenanigans before
ahhh i’m so happy that you love that post <3 and yes yes exactly what you said about steve there. don’t say sorry because i love this rant! i love when people rant as i do it a lot lol and i love hearing people doing it. thank you so much for this!! :)
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Janis & Casey Pt.5
Casey: [it was the drunk lady Ms Burke hence him not even being mock offended and genuinely being like excuse you ‘I had the one drink’ like she’s just out here always slurring cos probs, like the high school headteacher I used to have ‘never even finished it’ finally remembering and getting up to retrieve it from the garden, as he goes tossing the words ‘I might now, like’ over his shoulder cos obvs would’ve loved lads starting on him before but now he’s got something to lose cos he has her and this bub and Chubby ‘good shout, that’]
Janis: there’s going to be bugs in that
Janis: make me the other one you said about and yourself a new one, boyo
Casey: [immediately comes back, downing the drink that may or may not have bugs in, in front of her very eyes because the definition of swallowed worse and does not care lol like 😏 but goes to make them both the order she just put in, of course]
Janis: [wrinkling up our nose like eww disgusting but doing our own 😏 ‘cos if anyone knows that about you, it’s us, and also shares in it for the same reasons]
Casey: [playing like he’s gonna spit it at her but not actually because he’s going across the room to bartend and we don’t actually need to be trashing the place, thank you]
Casey: Come here, I’ll teach you to make one of the first drinks I learned
Janis: [literally running ‘cos that’s too pure of an offer and we must, looking so eager ‘never rushed to her classes like that’ not even if she was sharing her stash vibes lol]
Casey: [gathering all the weird and wonderful ingredients he needs for her non alcoholic but tastes alcoholic drink and spreading them all out near her like have a look ‘When both your parents are massive pissheads, pays to work out how to do this sooner rather than later’ because gotta trick them into thinking he’s making them drinks he won’t get hit for is the vibe]
Janis: [raising our brows at all these ingredients like what the hell and then even higher in disbelief that it could work that well ‘you’ve always been smart’ quietly as we’re reading the back of something we’ve just picked up]
Casey: [a shrug as he’s just showing her what to mix with what ‘I’ll give you more of what she always asked us for, not him’ because shamelessly loved his mother more and Ian has shit taste in all things, obvs he’s gonna put a twist on it just for Janis though or who is he]
Janis: [just following instructions then watching him when we need to ‘have to ask mine what drugs she reckons are fine and dandy to have with a kid in you’]
Casey: [saying the era trendy drug slang for things like e lsd and magic mushrooms because he’s got Ali’s number and it’s 0800 hippie haha, like that’s what she’d probs suggest]
Janis: [‘can’t risk a trip right now, the universe would deffo be telling me all the truths I don’t wanna hear’ like that’s the opposite reason of why I’d wanna get smashed so no thank you]
Casey: [‘have to keep to what the dickhead doctor orders in a bit then’ cos deffo not what he’s prescribing, but obvs finishing this drink and giving her that]
Janis: [🙄 like yeah, yeah, taking your drink]
Casey: [shamelessly and not at all subtly waiting for a review of said drink because he wants to know what she thinks]
Janis: [we’re genuinely shook like ‘how does it work then?’ ‘cos we don’t understand this magic lol]
Casey: [a shrug ‘took ages of trial and error’ like all I know is it did work idk why]
Janis: [just sipping contentedly ‘so what are you having?’]
Casey: [‘I’m alright’ because like I said earlier does not need a drink when he has the bae]
Janis: [offering yours like you can share then ‘no bugs but’ like soz, wasn’t on my ingredients list]
Casey: [have a sip, of course]
Janis: [‘you wanna watch another film?’ we mean like an actual one, like what else do people do at sleepovers]
Casey: [😏 like she absolutely just means more porn, fair because y’all are insatiable on this day and lowkey every day since this properly started]
Janis: [when the video you was barely watching is probably still on the TV, just looking over like whoops]
Casey: [just going back over to the sofa and getting comfy like he’s watching an actual film instead of whatever feral content this is]
Janis: [just shaking our head like oh you but coming back too and sitting at a ‘just friends’ distance like ahh yes, casual night in for us]
Casey: [scooting close enough to do the big cliche OTT fake yawn that turns into putting your arm around a gal that he’s seen in american films when they’re on a date for the absolute bants]
Janis: [😏 ‘such a romantic, you’ but we’re obviously snuggling closer]
Casey: [just loling because it’s a silly thing to do and it’s put you in a silly mood now]
Janis: [tickling him under his chin to get him to laugh more]
Casey: [he is but then putting a finger to her lips like shh as if she was the one loudly loling there like it’s cinema rules]
Janis: [‘you who started it’ like I’m behaving SO well thank you, folding our arms and legs like this is a primary school assembly like see]
Casey: [whispering ‘how was it?’ across the gap like you are whispering in assembly]
Janis: [‘you always do’ in the same whisper energy, absolutely not true and we know it lmao]
Casey: [‘and you’re always such a good girl, yeah?’ with his hot raised brow and even hotter smirk]
Janis: [😳 ‘ain’t that what you’ve heard?’ as if that’s how the rumour mill was churning back in the day]
Casey: [‘I don’t listen to none of that bollocks, just you’ because too true]
Janis: [can’t help but genuinely smile at that ‘only you who really knows, now’]
Casey: [can’t help but genuinely smile at that ‘our secret? Now it’s a sleepover from what I’ve heard’]
Janis: [put your pinky out to pinky swear on one hand and your finger to your lip with your other like a little secret handshake vibe]
Casey: [looking at her like ? because when would this boy have done a pinky promise before in his life he’s simply not that sort of lad, like what do you want me to do here]
Janis: [take his hand and show him how to do it ‘if you break it I get to break your pinky, like’ but kissing his hand actually in the now]
Casey: [‘so violent, you’ in the exact same tone she called him such a romantic a second ago]
Janis: [‘be a good mate and I won’t be’ still holding your hand]
Casey: [‘I’ll be your best mate’ like a vow in itself]
Janis: [‘I need one’ LOOKING at you]
Casey: [LOOKING back as always ‘me an’ all’]
Janis: [‘I’ll be yours’ duh but still, has to be said]
Casey: [kissing her because the feels are high]
Janis: [closing the gap between yous here in this kiss]
Casey: [have a soft little makeout sesh again, it’s been a minute since the last one]
Janis: [‘you taste like [an ingredient from this drink]’ as one of those things you just think and then say by mistake]
Casey: [‘you taste like [something that is not an ingredient from this drink and thus an even weirder and feelsier thing to blurt out]’ because clearly just something that’s part of her vibe]
Janis: [‘I do?’ because always wild to hear things about yourself that you don’t know, kissing him some more about it]
Casey: [obvs telling her what she smells like as well in the same vein, whether that’s a shampoo ingredient or again just vibes]
Janis: [telling him how he feels, from the very literal of how soft, how he’s taller and bigger and how hard his muscles are, to being more explicit about it]
Casey: [you can join it with that easily enough too, telling her exactly how she feels]
Janis: [making noises like and here’s how I sound shamelessly]
Casey: [again, you absolutely gotta respond like here’s how you’re making me sound with what you just did]
Janis: [goes without saying we’re LOOKING at you so that’s all the senses covered there ‘I want you in my head’ like there isn’t enough ways to experience you]
Casey: [putting his tongue in her ear and kissing her forehead indecently and all the things we can do to try and make that feel like a thing]
Janis: [‘stay there, I can’t think of anything else’ ‘cos atm whenever we do it’s just bad and sad so understandable]
Casey: [‘okay’ pressing his forehead against hers and keeping it there forever]
Janis: [just being really still and quiet like you can just stay like this and nothing has to change or happen]
Casey: [likewise, other than pressing harder occasionally to really make the point]
Janis: [‘we can’t stay here’ meaning the lounge here and now not the house in general]
Casey: [‘Where else do you wanna go?’ not yet moving remotely]
Janis: [‘just don’t let us fall asleep here’ also not moving because you aren’t falling asleep you’re just thinking about having to at some point and the AM and the rest]
Casey: [‘we’re not going sleep’ because he said staying up all night and he meant it, impossible as that may be to actually achieve after the day you’ve had]
Janis: [‘alright sleepyhead’ and a mhmm sort of noise like he’s falling asleep on us right now to try and bants this situation up]
Casey: [STARING at her with OTT wide eyes like look how awake I am, but still that close to her so it’d be a lot]
Janis: [licking his eyeball like a insane person just because you don’t honestly know how else to react]
Casey: [dramatically closing his eye like Clove when you’re getting her grumbles as if he’s been blinded because can’t deal with how unexpected and hot that is]
Janis: [holding either side of his face like oh no like you think you’ve actually hurt him ‘is it okay, lemme see’]
Casey: [kissing her as dramatically and with as little warning just like !!]
Janis: [when you realise pretty quick that he was into it so then you’re like OH OKAY, kissing you back harder]
Casey: [blatantly pushing her down with the force of these kisses, soz not soz]
Janis: [we’re so about it it’s fine ‘you don’t have to be embarrassed, I’d let you do anything to me too’ between these kisses, even if we have to fight to get the words out]
Casey: [‘there’s no need to get embarrassed round you’ like I don’t, because I trust you with my whole heart ‘I can tell you owt’ because true, there’s nothing you can’t say to each other either at this point]
Janis: [nod like you are correct boy and we’re so happy you feel like that ‘best fucking friends’ talking in your mouth for that one because can’t stop ourselves from making out with you]
Casey: [‘like, what went on in the kitchen before, if I wanted- a pause that’s for more kissing but also because we don’t need to elaborate when it’s obvious af what we mean ‘you would’]
Janis: [‘of course I would’ but it’s not just said that casually because incapable when we’re having to bite our lip to not fully make it clear how we’d feel about that when we’ve already bucked our hips involuntarily at you]
Casey: [when you’ve clearly wanted to broach that subject the entire time because 1000% wanna do it but cannot because Ian’s your father and it feels too gay but she gave you that in and is as buzzing about the idea so you’re so !!!]
Janis: [!!! is too real we’re so overwhelmed ‘I love you so fucking much’]
Casey: [‘I’ll not put in the vows but’ like let’s never tell anyone but just know how buzzing I am by my every gesture, sound and action rn]
Janis: [‘no one needs to know everything’ ‘cos can hardly call yourselves secretive after today but we’re obviously not gonna broadcast this to the world and we know what you’re saying boy ‘did it look like it felt good?’ like when you did it to me]
Casey: [such an enthusiastic nod as we remember exactly how it looked and therefore can’t do words]
Janis: [‘it felt SO-’ closing our eyes like we literally cannot ‘you’d be stupid to not want it too’ ‘cos can be even better for you so why would you not, lads]
Casey: [kissing her closed eyes but not softly like he usually does because we’re too overwhelmed right here and right now, to be like open them and look at me so you can LOOK at me and see how much I want it too because have been thinking about it since and reminded just now of their actual antics as well as]
Janis: [open your eyes as dramatically as he’s kissed them, the GASP is unavoidable as you make eye contact, sitting up from under you to kiss you and hold your throat, squeezing it with more force as you carry on]
Casey: [making iconic sounds and vibrations for her to feel because always dying when she does that move]
Janis: [just choking you now as we’re LOOKING at you so intently, taking our other hand and starting to really gently massage the area we did earlier again, starting slow]
Casey: [saying so much with his eyes atm because obvs beyond here for all of this]
Janis: [‘you’re so gorgeous’ because he does have v intense dark eyes so with all this going on we’re beyond sent ‘you know all the things we can do…’ because thinking about every possibility at this point here]
Casey: [signing ‘you’re so-’ but we can’t think of the words with everything that’s occurring ‘and there’s nothing I wouldn’t have a go at with you’ giving her his phone like check out all the weird shit in my history and just know I’d do any and all of it]
Janis: [taking your hand away from his throat to take his phone ‘cos not stopping what we’ve started there ‘there’s a few ways I could do this… do you wanna be on your back, bend over, get on all fours or sit on my face?’ really has thought of everything lol but it’s important to us it’s exactly how you want so we’re not presuming anything]
Casey: [we all know he’s picking an option that allows them both to see each other’s reactions as much as possible for the first go at this and we also know that all of those possibilities will be explored at other points now they’ve been put out there and he’ll be telling her that, however indecent his voice is from all her previous antics]
Janis: [doing a little laugh but a ridiculously hot one because we’re saying obviously ‘we’ve only just started’ the amount of time y’all have actually been together is ridiculous, and you only had your own anal antics when y’all got home from the park vibe today so there has been no time remotely; at least as we sat up to kiss you, we can very easily from his position push you onto your back, taking our time to work down your body with kisses, licking and sucking]
Casey: [being like ‘hang on’ and telling her to go and get the mirror she mentioned earlier like this will help us to see even more, and also putting music on because there’s no way the TV will be loud enough for how extra he’s gonna be unless they put a horror film on that literally had someone screaming the entire time and that’d simply be too distracting]
Janis: [skeddale up them stairs as fast as you can without stomping about because can’t do that either but we’re so !!]
Casey: [down here waiting feeling like she’s taking a thousand years even though it’s literally a sec because y’all are too feral and can’t cope]
Janis: [get back down here gal, don’t want anticipation to turn into nerves, passing this mirror to him and getting between his legs so he can work out where he wants this mirror]
Casey: [positioning it, and then doing such a mischievous lil smile at her like okay go for your life]
Janis: [literally all the encouragement we need, obviously we’re starting with our tongue how he did, teasing it loads before attempting any kind of entrance, even with the tip of said tongue, can also give him a handjob above this and suck his balls whenever you please to make sure he’s beyond relaxed and turned on for it]
Casey: [getting all the encouragement ever, as per, when she starts, in every possible way, compliments and saying her name like it’s his job, SOUNDS and pulling her hair when it’s in reach etc etc]
Janis: [humming and breathing on the skin so much, as well as excessively licking and drooling so it’s really lubricated, not to mention how blatantly into it we are too, spurred on by your reactions and making our own]
Casey: [absolutely dying about every second of it and letting you know every second, that music really is saving y’all hardcore]
Janis: [like to think that when we got the mirror we also picked up some moisturizer/lotion of some description because you don’t have the natural lubricant also coming from the front so we got you because never trying to make it hurt unless that’s explicitly the vibe that we’re going for, covering our first two fingers and just tapping circles closer and closer to the actual hole each time]
Casey: [v thoughtful and necessary, thank god she isn’t one of those girls with utterly insane nails]
Janis: [oh god, no one needs that, those ladies can’t live any life, never mind all this]
Casey: [truly, it’s impractical on every level not to mention gross all the stuff they are collecting in there, even without this kind of behaviour]
Janis: [nasty nasty gals; but back to y’all being your own nasty, making sure we look up from where we have been SO focused on our task to see your face when we put a finger inside you for the first time]
Casey: [and what a face it would be, because however much you’ve thought about it there’s no way of knowing what that’s gonna be like until you actually do it]
Janis: [letting you get accustomed to how that feels, however shallow we’ve realistically gone before moving in further and then back to being almost out, working out the rhythm we wanna do this, probably copying the song that’s currently on, without realising you have because not paying attention to anything but your reactions]
Casey: [the feralness of his reactions cannot be overstated from the first initial GASP to the moans she’s then getting because never felt anything like this in his life and here for it is not enough of a !! way to phrase that]
Janis: [matching the thrusts inside of him to the strokes you can do outside too, leaning forward so we can kiss you because can’t even carry on looking at you because of how blatant it is and how much we love it ‘how does it feel, baby?’ barely a question because of how much we already know from what you’re giving us and yet we must, right in your ear]
Casey: [putting EVERYTHING into that kiss when he kisses her back because cannot, the boy has malfunctioned, there’s no hope of forming a coherent sentence, definitely will try to form a sentence for her since she asked, that makes absolutely no sense]
Janis: [the most 🥺 face we have ever in our lives because it’s so sincere in this moment ‘you want more?’ as if that’s remotely what he said because we can take what we want from it and we did lube up two fingers and you’re well used to how it feels just getting fucked with the one, putting both your index and middle finger on the outer edge, gently pulling apart and then closing over and over, then running a spiral ‘round until you’re fully in with both]
Casey: [the most intense ‘fuck!’ that has ever been uttered by this man, no notes]
Janis: [‘you’re so good for me’ because we almost can’t believe this is a thing we’re doing and a life we’re getting to live, curling our fingers up inside you to hit the prostate for the first time, making sure we’re back down here to also deepthroat at the same instant]
Casey: [saying ‘baby’ the most indecently he has ever said it or anything else ever in that moment because damn]
Janis: [doing your own moan particularly loud because that was the hottest reaction of all time, cannot focus on the blowjob of it all because we just have to look at you so we’re not maintaining that the whole time, lifting your legs onto our own so you’re slightly elevated to us and your head is more down ‘cos ‘I wanna make you cum on your own face’]
Casey: [‘you’ve proper pictured this too’ because it’s clear she’s thought about this as much if not more than us and we love that]
Janis: [do your own devilish smile about it because have ‘I don’t know when I’m going to stop picturing all the ways I can fuck you’ very much with the energy of I hope I never find out]
Casey: [‘you’re not’ flat out like nope you won’t ever stop]
Janis: [going harder as a result, relentlessly hitting against your g-spot here ‘gonna have to buy some new toys before this baby is here’ because we really wish we had a strap-on right now but you have no reason to own that sadly]
Casey: [being absolutely killed by not only what she’s doing but what she said and then thinking about all the things you could hypothetically buy on this fantasy shopping trip, doing his best to tell her about it as well but how coherent he can be is up for serious debate here again]
Janis: [we pick up what you’re putting down though, sir, you know our head is also there, and we can be more coherent, telling you everything we wanna buy and how we wanna use it with you, we’re moving our body as if we do have the strap despite not needing to purely for the visual for you right now]
Casey: [get you a girl who’ll go that extra mile with the visuals to get you closer than you already were to that full body orgasm lol]
Janis: [‘good boy’ doubling over from our own feelings right now, never mind how this is getting you, grabbing our boob and pulling the nip really hard and giving it a slap]
Casey: [when you just know about how anything nipple related makes her feel so that really sends you even more because love it for you girl]
Janis: [picking up the pace because you’re so turned on yourself, you know how on the edge he has to be, crossing and uncrossing these fingers inside of him, then really curling in and under, squeezing around the prostate and milking it ‘let me fuck the cum out of you’ very much NOW about it]
Casey: [it’s SO gross it’s called that but I guess what else would you tbh, but that happening at least means he’s really close to having that insane orgasm so you’re welcome, sir ‘do it’ because of course we will always encourage feral behaviour, however ridiculously impossible speaking even 2 words is]
Janis: [keep this up, really acting on his reactions, going in harder and then teasing when we need to build you back up to your peak ‘when I have something bigger, I’ll give it to you’ like I KNOW you could take a whole dildo, teasing a third finger as we’re saying this like hmm]
Casey: [it goes without saying he’s telling her to go check the kitchen as if enough crimes haven’t been committed there today because that close to losing it now he’s at the point of having 0 filter and being cray]
Janis: [‘I love how needy you are’ blurted out but no regrets about it, though we aren’t rushing to the kitchen ‘cos we know you’re close and we’re not trying to lose this, the third finger is being introduced though, pulling it apart as wide as we can, which is obviously so much wider than when we started ‘get your mirror’ like look at yourself]
Casey: [do obvs and do another GASP because again damn, we really got here and we’re really doing this, deal with it Ian you hater]
Janis: [obviously have to put our tongue back in because can fully be up in there and make EYE CONTACT with you in this mirror and who are we if we don’t]
Casey: [the EYE CONTACT is really gonna end this, how could it not, and what an end it will be because from what I’ve read his whole body is gonna be shaking, sis]
Janis: [mhmm, I’ve seen it and it’s the o face on acid ‘cos some people really look like they’re having a seizure about it but obviously as you both watch enough porn you’re not gonna freak out girl ‘cos mood killer lol, are going to be fully watching you just !!! though until we have to kiss you, even if we lowkey have a headbutt moment because of how unpredictable your movements are, we don’t care if we clank teeth or whatever the fuck, holding you without hindering all this movement because casually the best thing we’ve seen]
Casey: [thank god you’re not gonna think he’s dying and can both just enjoy this for everything it is, he’ll make sure you’re alright later if he does headbutt you or anything, we all know it]
Janis: [we have to let him fully experience this and we’re not letting a thing get in the way, even if we had to cover his mouth if the volume got out of control, it’s fine, it’s everything]
Casey: [looking at her so wide eyed and saying the shakiest and most breathless ‘well, shit’ when it’s finally over because truly wtf lads, you’d be asking yourself why you weren’t just doing that this whole time]
Janis: [immediately being so soft with you, turning this holding you to cuddling you and giving you little kisses, doing a lol ‘I know’ because honey, don’t we]
Casey: [as immediately checking she’s alright re possible accidental headbutt or whatever by looking how they do and then kissing better anywhere he might have to, despite the fact he can barely move, because that important to him, always]
Janis: [letting him ‘cos important even though you feel so fine because on this high you could be injured and not know, but let’s be kind and say you’re good, just rubbing his body very methodically to loosen all those muscles back up that would’ve been tensed to hell with all that shaking ‘I-’ and faltering ‘cos you don’t even know what to say]
Casey: [casual massage cos it is her job lol ‘I love you’ because he do and it’s all that really needs to be said]
Janis: [‘I love you too’ nodding because yes that is the long and short of it, using your index finger to wipe up a some of his cum and lick it]
Casey: [‘and I’m really gutted for you you’re not a lad’ because devvo you can’t experience that ‘chuffed to bits for me you’re still a lass though’ like no gay rumours @ this basically empty house]
Janis: [‘I ain’t’ ‘cos you can still have it, just different ways and means and we just loved going through that with you, rolling your eyes but at the idea that that could make you gay, not at you in the now ‘any straight lad would die to have a pretty girlfriend who can fuck as good as me’ so humble lol but you’re not wrong]
Casey: [‘any lad who’s even thinking about it is dead’ like I shall murder them honestly ‘you’re mine’ because we love saying it and it’s also true]
Janis: [such a happy smile ‘cos can’t say we’re not the bitch who encourages all sorts of slightly problematic behaviour and we’re very jealous so we like it returned, thank you ‘I’m yours’]
Casey: [pulling her into his body so ridiculously close and in such a tight hug like some lads are gonna appear rn to snatch her]
Janis: [a happy noise to match, still finding a way to look at you even if we are this close ‘no one’s allowed to touch you again’]
Casey: [putting her head on his chest like listen to how cray my heartbeat is because have not had chance to calm down remotely yet and stroking her hair like exactly, you’re so right, nobody else ever thank you ‘I’m yours’ because gotta]
Janis: [just listen to this and be so 😳 about it ‘don’t die’ more genuinely than you want it to sound, but lay here and let him and yourself calm down until you can do a big breath out like that’s better]
Casey: [‘if anyone could’ like if anyone is gonna kill me it would and could only be you, full shade to Ian and anybody else who may have tried, quietly and almost to himself but she can clearly hear it because proximity, do your calming down just snuggling though, please, it’s v necessary]
Janis: [find a blanket from wherever it’s fallen off this sofa and cover y’all up like this is what time it is; after a while, ‘you can shower again if you wanna or-’ looking like do you want to go to bed because you can’t tell me you wouldn’t be snoozy sir, I know you don’t wanna go but being like we can, whatever you said before]
Casey: [definitely is tired but nevertheless shaking his head and burying it into her like no no because just wanna stay here with you forever]
Janis: [just laying back down more so than you had been to say that like it’s okay, we don’t have to because ultimately if he fell asleep in this snuggle, we’d just have to make sure we went upstairs to sleep]
Casey: [doing the softest little kisses everywhere on her he can reach like relax again gal]
Janis: [get yourself comfy and for the love of god disconnect these phones and turn this music off, putting whatever boring TV on quietly instead]
Casey: [yes please do because they’d blatantly forgotten about that music til now and it can’t be blasting all night]
Janis: [thank god it was but now it’s just very jarring lmao ‘do you want anything to eat?’ because honestly, you’ve earnt a snack lads]
Casey: [‘now you fancy having a look in the fridge’ for the pure bants like not when I said it in my moment of sauciest need, but we’re amused af and doing the biggest smirk at you]
Janis: [butting him in the chest with our head ‘I wanted you to cum’ like excuse me, priorities ‘not trying to murder you with a cucumber’ because not as if we’d done that before either, could’ve gone very badly lol]
Casey: [just lol cos too happy in this moment to do anything else ‘alright, we’ll steady on a bit, be too much like being at school, any road’ like what a mood killer having to remember putting a condom on a banana and the fails of some people lol]
Janis: [‘are you disappointed?’ like you didn’t just have the most mind-blowing orgasm of your life]
Casey: [‘mate’ so affectionately like oh you don’t be silly, cos of course not]
Janis: [🥺 but putting it on for effect and also putting out your pinky like promise?]
Casey: [doing a pinky promise and then kissing said finger on her knuckle just cos]
Janis: [‘would be well ungrateful’ like don’t let me catch you acting like that lmao but we only fake punching you with the pinky knuckle you kissed so there we go]
Casey: [‘gotta set a better example than that’ to this bub and to Chubby, doing a dodge of her fake punch and then having a lil mimed boxing match because he defs did it when he was younger as we said he did when he was still Cass]
Janis: [it deffo would’ve been something you did together once you were friends and could bond over it, as well as the gym vibes in general so good mems for you both ‘he’s fast asleep, daddy’ like don’t worry, ‘cos Chubby really sleeping through everything and it’s amusing as well as like THANK GOD ‘cos no plans on not being feral ever, soz baby boy lmao]
Casey: [bless Chubby he’s had such a strange few days, looking at her stomach lowkey accusingly like what about you baby Jac lol, and just having a think like I wonder how long you’ve been in there gal and how big you are rn and what you’re doing but we’re not saying anything because the JJ hookup is a touchy subject for everyone]
Janis: [‘it’s just a blob of nothing right now’ ‘cos true however far along you are, for longer than people wanna admit, trying to act like we’re being faux shady like don’t worry about her lol but it’s always going to be awkward]
Casey: [poking her like hmm still not sure you’re not misbehaving in there gal because gotta keep it light and bants]
Janis: [turning so you’re little spooning because definitely in our head now but don’t wanna try and talk about it]
Casey: [snuggling her because not a convo either of y’all need to force having at this moment in time]
Janis: [just big sighing]
Casey: [when you really wanna say something comforting but what is there to say so can only be here and hold onto her]
Janis: [after a while but probably not all that long because you can’t hack it ‘I’m really knackered’ and making moves to get up and untangle yourself here]
Casey: [‘don’t go’ not in the !! Jimothy way but a more matter of fact one cos we know what this really is and we’re not just gonna let you walk off and angst about it]
Janis: [ruffling your hair like it’s fine but pushing ourselves up using your shoulder ‘have to be up soon anyway’ however late it is now, we have no actual idea, like won’t be gone long]
Casey: [pulling her back down but again not like !! just like nope soz you’re not going]
Janis: [‘stop it’ in that half amused but get off me sort of energy ‘you’re tired’]
Casey: [looking at her like you stop it, it’s me you’re talking to and dealing with rn you can’t do the Jimothy avoidance tactics because they simply will not work ‘I ain’t that tired’ because not leaving it like this]
Janis: [‘we aren’t going to achieve anything right now, I’m talking to the doctor tomorrow’ like what more can I do]
Casey: [‘What do you reckon you’re achieving pissing off upstairs to toss and turn for however long with all this going round your head?’ because tea]
Janis: [‘It’s going ‘round there whatever and at least if I’m alone that’s the only place it’s going’]
Casey: [shaking his head because 1. It won’t if they keep it off each other’s minds the way they have been and 2. It’ll be going around in his head too if she leaves regardless of if they talk about it or not, we all know that]
Janis: [‘I think I want to get rid of it’ really blurting that out like okay fine, let’s have this convo now then]
Casey: [waiting like okay let’s hear why you think that]
Janis: [‘it’ll be better for everyone’ like a fact, not very helpful but not in the mood to be now lol]
Casey: [a look because that has contradicted literally everything that’s been said so far]
Janis: [‘he can actually move on and be allowed to get away from us, not be tied to this fucking mess by a kid he’s obliged to care about, which would be great for that kid, whilst we’re at it’ counting these things off on our fingers ‘and I’ve already seen what rushing things does before, it’ll ruin this’ gestuing between y’all]
Casey: [do a nod about the jimothy side of it because okay yeah, valid point maybe that would work better, the whole clean break of it all, ‘that’s him sorted then, have that’ dismissive tone almost like yep that’ll be the cure for this depression hole, but gesturing between y’all the same way ‘but this ain’t rushed, nor is owt gonna ruin it’ because this has been lowkey a decade coming]
Janis: [‘don’t you just wanna keep doing this, having fun, when there’s less…’ gesturing like what’s the word because what even truly ‘sneaking and guilt and whatever else about it?’ looking at him like I know I’m not insane for feeling like this ‘we’ve had no time together’]
Casey: [‘it’s a kid growing in there not a massive cancerous tumour’ because he is not Jimothy and all doom and gloom and he never shall be, firmly believes y’all can and will still have fun and that you have forever to be together]
Janis: [tutting like yes I know that ‘it’ll be different’ like you can’t say it won’t be]
Casey: [doing his own tut like yes I know that ‘if you’re not ready to have this kid, don’t, but that’s about you and your headfuck not mine and not his’]
Janis: [‘Thanks, for all the blame’ getting up like cheers and walking upstairs]
Casey: You know what I’m saying and that weren’t it
Casey: it’s your decision
Janis: yeah it is
Casey: I’ll try not to be a dickhead about which one you make and just be here
Janis: it’s stupid pretending you don’t have an opinion, everyone does
Casey: you’ve heard it
Janis: yeah I’ve heard how it’s my decision like that’s some great fucking honour and priviledge when it’s just a fucking burden and something you’ll never have to do
Casey: nah, you’ve heard me go on all day about how I reckon all of us can do this, even him
Casey: though yeah, you’ve got a point that maybe now he shouldn’t have to, but maybe he should’ve thought of that before he said he’d have a kid with you when he did
Janis: he didn’t know it would be like this, he had no fucking clue ‘cos I didn’t say anything
Casey: not exactly like this, but he ain’t thick, he’s got every clue going that he wouldn’t be able to hack it
Casey: leaving me out of it, shit between you pair weren’t right and hadn’t been for ages
Janis: not him who suggested it, so where’s that leave me on the wrong side of thick
Casey: he went along with it
Janis: ‘course he did
Casey: I get it, he ain’t go no opinions of his own so it’s down to me
Janis: he does, I told you what he said
Casey: when he thought you and him was gonna get back together and raise this kid, yeah
Casey: might be he’ll agree with you if you have another chat, like
Janis: it doesn’t matter either way
Casey: ‘course it does
Janis: it’s my choice
Janis: what either of you wants is irrelevant, yeah
Casey: I never said that
Janis: fuck it 
Casey: fuck’s sake
Janis: I need to hear what the doctor says
Casey: yeah
Janis: there’s no point us talking about it ‘til something moves forward, that’s why we’re talking in circles
Casey: how are we, I’ve said my piece and told you that once you have spoke to the doctor you should give Jim another chance to say his
Janis: that’s how it feels to me
Casey: ‘cause that’s how you feel, you dunno what you want and that’s alright, you don’t have to at this very minute
Janis: there’s a time limit
Casey: but it’s not tonight or right after you’ve been tomorrow
Janis: it’s still important
Casey: I’m not saying it isn’t
Janis: I can’t just stop thinking about it
Casey: none of us can do that
Janis: I know
Casey: just come and have something to eat
Casey: you was trying to chuck it at me before like some sort of cure
Janis: I don’t need anything
Casey: I weren’t trying to make it sound optional, more like if I have to come up there and get you it might wake him up
Janis: why are you so annoying
Casey: I can’t have you up there on your own, be enough of that when you’re off to your mum’s or your sister’s
Janis: you know I have to though
Casey: so humour us, dickhead
Casey: you don’t wanna see me right now, alright, close your eyes when you’ve done the stairs, but I need to see you
Janis: thanks for not telling me to chuck myself down the stairs
Casey: I never went along with what you said about wanting her just ‘cause you said it first, nor would I tell you to get rid soon as the idea was brought up
Casey: I’m not him
Janis: I know what you want
Casey: yeah, you do
Janis: [come downstairs again]
Casey: [I imagine him drinking juice or something out of the carton or bottle like this is any other casual evening nbd]
Janis: [when you’re lowkey like think where your mouth has been but saying it only with your eyes like excuse me sir]
Casey: [the kind of shrug where it’s like I’ll have to drink it all then not like fully idaf]
Janis: [shaking your head but not the hill we’re dying on so carry on]
Casey: [a look like what can I get you cos stood at this open fridge]
Janis: [shrug because we can’t remotely give any thought to that]
Casey: [closing said fridge because he gets it, we’re all just trying here]
Janis: [really just here lurking looking at you because don’t know what to do or say remotely]
Casey: [not at all casual staring contest happening, it’s FINE]
Janis: [when you’re gonna crack in one way or another so you may as well pull a stupid face at him so it’s not sobbing or something]
Casey: [defs gonna lol and almost spit juice across the kitchen at you, it’s not that funny, but that’s how edge you both are]
Janis: [we’re TENSE girls but at least we can go find a tea towel like must clean up the mess you really didn’t make there]
Casey: [the way he really would open his mouth a million times to try and say a million things while she’s doing that]
Janis: [‘it’s-’ going to say fine but like not really but also what else can you so just finishing there like you know]
Casey: [‘bollocks’ like he’s finishing her sentence for her, cos yeah soz lads, we’re really putting you through it]
Janis: [half smile ‘something like that’ just putting our head in our hands because ffs]
Casey: [‘I wasn’t trying to-’ send us down this path and ruin our excellent mood, make you feel bad, do your head in, any and all of those, take your pick really]
Janis: [‘it weren’t you’ ‘cos it wasn’t ‘it just is’ because it’s unavoidable thinking about it when it’s happening, obviously]
Casey: [a big sigh because true and what a rollercoaster of emotions to go from such a dramatic hookup to this tension]
Janis: [‘I wish I could make my mind up’ as a sorry without saying the word]
Casey: [‘you will do’ with conviction but also with the unspoken but like I said you don’t have to rn immediately it’s okay]
Janis: [‘it isn’t fair’ ‘cos we truly hate how flaky it seems to be like yes 100% on one decision one minute and then like actually the next but it’s so hard]
Casey: [‘on you neither’ because it isn’t fair on her most of all that she’s the one who has to make the final decision and that she’ll be the one who gets shit on hardest for the consequences either way if these lads don’t love said decision ‘on you the most’ like a *]
Janis: [such a sad face ‘it’s all my fault’]
Casey: [the sad face breaking him and he’s gotta hug her ‘fuck that, it’s all of ours or none of ours’ because these lads are to blame too]
Janis: [hug him back even though you feel beyond pathetic for this moment and all of it honestly because you need comforting like it or not ‘it’s mine, I did it’]
Casey: [rubbing her back and trying to be comforting here ‘me and him did it an’ all’ cos not letting you take sole responsibility when it’s fucked because of all 3 of you]
Janis: [‘I don’t wanna stop this, it’s not fair’ thinking about life with a baby like ugh]
Casey: [taking her head in his hands and moving it so her face is level with his and they are looking at each other like listen to me ‘we don’t have to stop nothing’ because convinced that y’all will find a way to still live your best lives, soz but he’s determined about it everyone]
Janis: [‘you sound like my mum’ but then you realise how that sounds in this weird context so you have to mildly headbutt him like ew stop as if he said it ‘you really think so, and not fuck it up?’]
Casey: [a face like excuse you but we’re more amused than actually offended or grossed out obvs ‘unless it’s twins, we’re fucked then’ for the bants but also because twins are hard work af for real]
Janis: [just rolling your eyes like OH THANKS ‘not like I’ve got higher odds of that or anything’ but we’re being more faux upset/pissed off than actually rn]
Casey: [‘is this the right time to mention if they’re both lads I’m off, or what?’ again purely for the bants like 2 kids at the same time that could turn out to both be dickheads like I was, no thank you]
Janis: [‘better to know now than look even more of a twat later’ like no tah for letting me know actually]
Casey: [😏 no notes]
Janis: [pushing his chest, but v gently ‘dickhead’]
Casey: [‘least you’re well fit when you’re fuming’ like she’s really pissed off rn instead of faux]
Janis: [‘you’ll know all about it when you piss off’ like you wait and see how fuming I can be]
Casey: [‘you’re alright, she’s not a little lad or got a twin I don’t know nowt about’ like baby Jac is my bestie and I talk to her all the time, don’t worry about it]
Janis: [‘how do you know?’ Raising a brow in humour like what are we basing this on]
Casey: [‘we’re mates’ like duh she is my bestie]
Janis: [nodding like oh right, of course ‘must be nice’]
Casey: [‘she’ll be yours too, if you want’]
Janis: [shake your head ‘I tried to kill her’ like you really came for her]
Casey: [shaking his own head because no you haven’t]
Janis: [just looking as if to say not yet but I’ve thought about it and that’s bad enough, because we all know you don’t want to despite having made some valid points for]
Casey: [a look back like I’ve said, done and thought some really bad things but you still love me]
Janis: [‘she can hate me’ shrugging like you aren’t remotely phased by that at all]
Casey: [‘she can’t’ because he can’t hate his however much easier that would be ‘and more important, she won’t’ because soz but you’re gonna slay this even though you don’t believe it now ‘she’ll love you’]
Janis: [‘shut up’ very no she won’t childish vibes]
Casey: [kissing her before she’s fully got her words out to shut her up like no you]
Janis: [kissing him back ‘you didn’t know just how annoying I can be before, did you’ like lol, bet you wish you had]
Casey: [‘Why else did you reckon I fancied you, girl?’ because he is also annoying also that’s just funny because she’s a model and has many great qualities]
Janis: [‘sums up your type’ like yes, I remember that stream of annoying girls]
Casey: [pushing her but as gently as she did to him]
Janis: [‘go on, tell us I’m most annoying’ 😏]
Casey: [‘you’re so fucking annoying’ but said so indecently and so in her grill]
Janis: [‘what do you wanna do about it?’]
Casey: [100% pushing her up against the fridge and then some ice falls out of the thing at the front and onto the floor, reminding you both of the day of icecubegate]
Janis: [the NOISE of satisfaction when we hit this fridge but then we’re just transfixed by this ice on the ground like OH]
Casey: [using the tea towel from earlier to tie her to the handles of said fridge because one article I saw on one occasion during my many incognito searches literally called it a beginners s&m dungeon waiting to happen lol, they said use cling film but idk if that’s just chilling on the counter rn waiting for its time to shine so]
Janis: [if that ain’t y’all lmao, the better kind of tension is so real now, here !!!! ‘then what’ in a really quiet whisper]
Casey: [you gotta get some ice and recreate everything you did on that fateful day sir, I don’t remember but you would, obvs going way harder than wherever we made you stop then though, that goes without saying]
Janis: [just telling him in as vivid detail how you was feeling the first time before Bibi walked in and we had to cockblock you]
Casey: [likewise and you can also tell her everything you’ve added in the many times you’ve thought and dreamt about it since because for a sec there that was really all you had to keep you both going]
Janis: [‘should’ve just fucked me anyway’ like oh the things that could’ve been avoided if we just went there there and then]
Casey: [obviously then just talking about all the times they should’ve because we know damn well there’s been more than just that day]
Janis: [‘when you phoned her, I should’ve given her something to hear instead’]
Casey: [taking an ingredient of whatever food they just eaten as meal together that day immediately pre-phone call because they were at the table and she made lunch of some description, and doing the most with it now in every possible way, depending what it is, lol, to make her make as much noise as he can, rubbing it on her so he can eat it off and vice versa, you know the vibes]
Janis: [honestly being riskily loud about it ‘cos in the mindset of we should’ve been together and here’s what I would do to show you ‘call someone’ not saying her ‘cos really not the idea even in our current mindset you don’t need to be suggesting that]
Casey: [god knows what random girl from his contacts he’s calling but he is, soz to you hun, but not before he has untied her from this fridge and moved her onto the kitchen table to make it accurate, try not to break it please]
Janis: [and you’ll need your hands free to be on this phone like you’re literally having a conversation so she can’t even just think it’s a very awkward buttdial ‘hey baby’ obviously talking to him but love to know what this gal is thinking lmao]
Casey: [this poor gal you two are just shamelessly using to distract yourselves from Winnie’s evil]
Janis: [you’ll either hang up or be curious enough to stick around I guess]
Casey: [I’m so nosey I simply could not hang up]
Janis: [we’ll carry on the same regardless but obviously more of a buzz if you actually stay miss, just pushing his head down like you know what I want]
Casey: [cannot and will not ever refuse this gal and her demands, so that’s just a thing that’s occurring while she’s on the kitchen table, yet more disrespect to this house and the other peeps therein haha]
Janis: [honestly so rude but we really do not care at all right now, moaning his name ‘he’d say hi too but he’s busy’ pushing his head down by holding his hair]
Casey: [trying to be loud enough that this poor girl can hear him despite the limitations of the task at hand, we know you can do it, boy]
Janis: [putting the phone down there for a sec because that will sound entirely indecent ‘did he get you like that?’ when we’ve got this phone back ‘did you moan his name too?’ giving you further examples]
Casey: [I’m cackling imagining this from this random person’s POV don’t mind me]
Janis: [lol if you’ve got her number she must’ve been entertaining enough to not be too phased by this ‘bet he never said yours’ like hmm I wonder why that would be]
Casey: [that probably touched a nerve regardless though, didn’t it, poor cow, cos we all know he probably doesn’t even know what your name is and you’re saved as something shady/convenient]
Janis: [‘it’s not your fault’ as if we’re comforting her like there there ‘I’m the only person he’s thought about since he was 12, right Case?’ LOOKING at him waiting to make eye contact]
Casey: [oh the eye contact though, made while his hands are still doing the most, god only knows what nearby thing he has grabbed cos the point is he’s very much not looking at it rn, shamelessly could be anything ‘yeah’ because one word should not be able to be that indecent and all encompassing but it is and here we are]
Janis: [biting our lip and making all the sounds because he’s too hot ‘I’m so glad you can’t see how good he looks right now, it’s not even fair’ 🥺 ‘just listen to how good I feel and remember’]
Casey: [doing everything and anything he can with whatever mystery object the kitchen table has provided because that face has absolutely killed him as it always does]
Janis: [just purely being so unholy about it because working whatever it is ‘I want him in every hole, will you listen and learn to suck dick properly?’ because we want him to get on the table properly too]
Casey: [0 hesitation even if it does break the table, no fucks ever given, the only thing he cares about rn and ever is giving her everything she wants as soon as she wants it]
Janis: [just going in like it’s been 500 years and you really do need to do this perfectly like you’re teaching a class, obviously involving playing with your butt now too as standard]
Casey: [it’s always gonna be a thing from now on, we know that about y’all, but it’s fine because it’s mutual, just don’t get cross contamination happening thank you sir]
Janis: [you better put this phone down next to y’all so you don’t accidentally facetime or something lol because we’re fully in this now]
Casey: [and try not to knock it onto the floor with how feral you’re both being]
Janis: [mhmm, there is truly no stopping this so let’s not break anything too important lol]
Casey: [it’s bad enough you could wake Jimothy up with how loud you’re being without destroying the gaff as well]
Janis: [in the nicest possible way I’m glad you’re so depressed ‘cos finding this would be so much worse so just don’t even]
Casey: [literally, I can’t cope as it is, that simply isn’t happening, thank you, stay put even if you are awake, you don’t need to see this]
Janis: [that would be bad and there would be no coming back from it, which on some level you obvs know because we’re all in crisis idk what to do for the best mode so like well if we get caught our hand is forced, like obvs you also just want to but it’s clearly part of it]
Casey: [mhmm, we see you trying to force him to make decisions for you and we get it]
Janis: [ah lads, still, in the here and now we have to make an absolute scene about begging you to fuck us instead ‘right through this table’ can’t help who we are]
Casey: [don’t worry gal, he’ll be making as much of a scene doing it and making sure to let the poor girl who I’m sure hung up forever ago know that this particular one can have anything she wants in words and actions both]
Janis: [just making sure she knows that he wants you and always has, don’t mind us]
Casey: [soz not soz it’s VERY important and he’s very enthusiastically agreeing]
Janis: [fully like ‘tell her what you was thinking about me when you fucked her’ as if you expect him to remember anything about this hookup lmao]
Casey: [doing it though because all these girls were basically the same girl and the hookups were all basically the same so it wouldn’t be hard]
Janis: [we all know that’s the vibe, it’s not like we even really know who we’ve called here, just wanna hear it and can tell him all the times we’ve as shamelessly thought about him after hearing something]
Casey: [there’s no way that girl is still there anyways, it’s all for y’all at this point]
Janis: [mhmm, it never was for you sorry lol, hope you enjoyed it anyway miss ma’am but we’re only focused on each other]
Casey: [lowkey should say you break this table somehow and he has to fix it before we let bibi back home because frankly there have not been enough repercussions so far for how feral you’re being in this house]
Janis: [tbh, like maybe it’s just one leg so you don’t come crashing to the ground because that’d be a terrifying way to wake up for Jimothy but you have to get off to finish and yes, sort that out lol]
Casey: [yeah, nothing that’ll kill you or cause Jimothy to have a heart attack but a DIY job for Casey to have to do, even if you cba to do it when you’re done with all your feral antics]
Janis: [if you’re so concerned you can do it yourself, Bibi, jk jk, but we can put books under it for now it’s fine, so fine]
Casey: [they’d just think he got angry and broke it that way, we’re all aware, don’t get me started on that rant again lol]
Janis: [mhmm, like y’all are very out of the loop rn but still]
Casey: [what fun it’s gonna be when poor Janis does have to have that convo with you both]
Janis: [truly… yikes, idk what you’re even going to say]
Casey: [won’t make you do it unless you wanna boo, don’t worry]
Janis: [we could do, now we’re thinking about Bobby more as a real character]
Casey: [I’m down to try, but for now, you two better clean yourselves up again, from all the food as well as the other grossness you’ve been up to]
Janis: [‘the doctors gonna be such a cunt’ as we are having to look at the state of ourself rn]
Casey: [‘he’ll have a job to be more of one than I can’ like don’t worry girl if he starts, I’ll start, I’ve got your back]
Janis: [a noise like I guess so ‘good point’ like lol you’re the worst, obvs]
Casey: [putting his arm around her like yep and I’m on your side]
Janis: [‘you’re-’ looking up at him but then wiping something non-existent from his face like there you go]
Casey: [getting something that may or may not be non existent out of her hair like and there you go]
Janis: [‘I don’t wanna go’ like a pouty child like no thank you as if you don’t know you need to]
Casey: [‘it’s 10 minutes’ to be comforting like doctors never give you any longer what’s the worst that can happen, but we’re looking at her seriously and with love as he does the thumb over her bottom lip move so gently like it’ll be okay]
Janis: [really gently nibbling said thumb ‘don’t make me go’]
Casey: [‘I’ll take you [somewhere she likes, probably to run because she’ll be stressed af lbr] after for being so good’ as if he’s bribing a kid or a dog that’s been to the vets lol]
Janis: [‘alright but we’re not friends no more’ like don’t think I’m that easy, sir, tapping your nose like excuse me]
Casey: [🥺 as hell @ her ‘Oi, no, that’s not alright’]
Janis: [‘you can’t make me feel bad’ crossing her arms and turning a full 180 like I shan’t look at you]
Casey: [spinning her round in a hot move, obvs, looking like y’all are about to dance in this kitchen]
Janis: [just LOOKING at you]
Casey: [‘please be my mate again’ the please is indecent, of course it is]
Janis: [‘even though you have terrible priorities?’ then doing a BIG sigh like ugh fine ‘suppose I’ll have to’]
Casey: [picking up and carrying her over to the sink which he’s sitting her next to and then so gently washing her like yes my terrible priorities of wanting to take the best care of you ever, mhmm]
Janis: [‘I don’t know how to do it’ basically speaking on an intake of breath]
Casey: [‘you do’ cos simply not true, soz]
Janis: [shake your head ‘only when it’s a game’]
Casey: [shaking his own head and telling her literally every instance over this decade she has taken care of him for real because it is etched in his memory, however small and insignificant it may have seemed at the time, like a look or a single touch he needed at said time, because simply must]
Janis: [just holding his hand wherever it currently is on our body because a lot of emotions ‘but it’s this way ‘round I can’t handle’]
Casey: [‘it’s okay, you know I get it’ because he finds it hard to be taken care of too]
Janis: [nuzzling our head into the crook of your neck ‘I feel stupid’]
Casey: [putting his arms around her even though they are probably wet because gotta hug ‘I’ll not let nobody make you look or feel it, don’t matter how many years of uni they’ve done’ we’re coming for this doctor’s life]
Janis: [do a little lol thanks laugh but it’s not fully hitting ‘I’d let you do anything to me and I let him too and I think maybe I’m no better than any of my sisters’ ‘cos we love HARD and makes us a bit sick actually]
Casey: [‘I’m no better than my mum or dad for it neither, but all we can do is try’ because the chaos that is the notp of Ian x Debbie hangs so heavy over this boy and every relationship he tries to have]
Janis: [‘what if-’ but we don’t wanna put words to what if we’re like them because we don’t actually think it we’re just scared about everything rn, just shaking our head like nope, no what if about it]
Casey: [‘you’re safe with me, and if you ever weren’t-’ we don’t just mean physically we mean in every sense of like we’re not letting this turn into a JJ sad sad situation]
Janis: [‘yeah’ because we know you mean it and we can’t do it again, actually]
Casey: [‘how you love is why I love you’ blurting that out cos even though how hard she loves is hard on her, we’re not trying to change anything about it]
Janis: [‘just don’t do what he did’ as equally blurted out like sorry but that’s all we ask]
Casey: [the kind of lol where it’s not amused remotely it’s just like no worries there we both know I could never even if I tried]
Janis: [just squeezing your shoulder ‘cos this whole situation is horrible]
Casey: [playfully flicking some water at her to be like 1. See, I’m bad at being comforted too, told you and 2. Because it is horrible and we just wanna distract and try and make her as happy as is possible]
Janis: [have a little water fight that you will then inevitably also have to clean up but not right now]
Casey: [soz not soz that they’re trying not to fall apart here, all 3 of them can’t]
Janis: [‘I trust you’ again just out of the blue seeming ‘cos we need to let you know]
Casey: [just the biggest most genuine smile because he knows that but it’s always nice to hear it]
Janis: [😍 ‘fine, you’re pretty’ as if you were really pushing for that]
Casey: [will be batting his eyelashes at her in an OTT fashion as he’s giving the heart eyes back like oh why thank you]
Janis: [‘stop it’ in the most do not tone ever even if we are 😳]
Casey: [is not going to and shall instead be using this kitchen as a pisstakey runway and trying to get her to as well like come on, show me how to do it properly]
Janis: [do show him, despite being unable to stop laughing about it, get into cunty photographer mode telling him what poses to hit and being like not like that, like this]
Casey: [doing them all the silliest way possible but in the middle of one blurting out ‘it were mad how much I missed you then’ because when she was doing her modelling thing he just realistically wouldn’t have seen her as much]
Janis: [doing such a little sad face about this ‘I missed you too, it was hard work, harder than people reckon’ ‘cause you’re always bebopping here there and everywhere ‘couldn’t leave you that long now’]
Casey: [‘glad to hear it, like’ because yeah please don’t ever leave me, thanks]
Janis: [‘good thing having a baby will dash those chances’ like we don’t need to worry about that ‘stick to footballers’]
Casey: [‘no need for her to’ because you’ll look fit af still and he will lovingly care for this child for you anytime and anywhere]
Janis: [‘I can’t remember if I liked it or not, when I was proper doing it’ ‘cos you would’ve been missing Jimothy loads is the obvious tea so you’re like did I or not]
Casey: [a shrug like there you go then all the more reason to have another go if you wanna]
Janis: [just looking at you like oh you ‘cos we think you’re just being biased about it ‘don’t you wanna see me off the side of buildings?’]
Casey: [‘yeah, but that’d be a right dickhead thing to say’ like excuse you I’m trying to be nice and supportive not a jealous bastard rn]
Janis: [‘you’re my dickhead’ ‘cos we like it ‘no need to fight who you are, babe’ 😏]
Casey: [‘I need you to pay for me and this kid to piss about all day though, so’ 😏 soz can’t work my bestie needs me haha]
Janis: [widening your eyes like OH, I see how it is, ‘you should’ve said before’]
Casey: [‘bit of an awkward one to bring up, as you’re already a milf and well older than us’ like entering full sugarmama territory how could I possibly haha]
Janis: [‘no one can say you won’t work for it’ giving you an OTT suggestive LOOK about it before breaking into a smirk and pushing him ‘twat’]
Casey: [pulling her in as soon as she pushes him, just cos, like she said the nicest thing to him ever]
Janis: [just in his ear ‘cos you’ve been pulled in and thus you must ‘I’ll look after you, baby’]
Casey: [going in on her earlobe the second after she says this because it’s too hot always]
Janis: [keeping away from the broken table but pushing him into one of the kitchen chairs so you can sit in his lap rn ‘you’re so nice to me, how could I not be to you’]
Casey: [‘we did go through the table, near enough’ like yes that was so nice of me to give you exactly what you asked for there]
Janis: [just looking at it so unrepentant I’m sorry like heheheh ‘anywhere’ with a shrug as if it’s a casual challenge you can do it anywhere and everywhere you want]
Casey: [‘depends how long the dickhead doctor’s on about keeping us waiting’ imagine LOL, y’all would but don’t actually for the sake of the other patients, thank you]
Janis: [‘beats the decade old copy of OK mag’ as if it’s only just but then we’re kissing you so you can’t protest and ‘cos we also must]
Casey: [doing into a smirky smile into that kiss before he’s just fully dramatically kissing her back]
Janis: [making out like it’s a sport and we’re trying to win, obvs, just acting out what you won’t be doing in this waiting room]
Casey: [it’s gotta be done, whenever you stop you both start thinking and stressing and freaking out]
Janis: [and why would you stop when you really don’t have to at this point in time]
Casey: [exactly dr phil]
Janis: [‘I can’t think about nothing else when I’m with you’]
Casey: [a forehead kiss because we’re so glad and that’s all we want]
Janis: [press where he kissed you into the same spot on his forehead like you too]
Casey: [‘we’ve got so much time, you know that, don’t you?’ because need you to know it]
Janis: [‘swear’ like if you say it I’ll believe you]
Casey: [doing the pinky promise like yes I shall now I know what the hell that is]
Janis: [‘okay, so tell me about missing me’ doing love bites on your neck whilst we cuddle you on this chair]
Casey: [I won’t commit us in case that’s something we wanna go back and do some time but we know the vibe of how drama it’d be because they are really close and then she’s just not around as much and he’s like oh, actually heartbroken and devastated brb]
Janis: [when you’re like oh yes that’s actually TOO sad and have to do the thing where you’re trying to live inside him with how close you’re getting ‘I’m not going nowhere’]
Casey: [almost tipping this chair over with how hardcore he is also hugging her back rn nbd ‘nor me’ nodding in the direction of her pinky ‘you heard’ because we just promised]
Janis: [casually putting said pinky in his mouth like there you go, comforting]
Casey: [v gently biting it, simply must]
Janis: [doing some mirroring on his hand ‘cos we stan]
Casey: [a sigh but a happy one for a change lol]
Janis: [doing one back like you really are a child here playing a full game of simon says]
Casey: [resting his head on her chest to listen to her heart for a bit because also comforting]
Janis: [stroke his hair, doing little scratches too from his temple to the base of his neck, then check his pulse on his neck because you’ve never done that to him thus far]
Casey: [when she has never done that before so it’s absolutely gonna make his pulse jump]
Janis: [grazing your teeth across this vein because that was so cute and we are about it]
Casey: [rewarding you with a great lil noise for your efforts]
Janis: [moving in your lap because can’t help it ‘can you be quiet?’ as a genuine question ‘cos you weren’t before and y’all never last long if you bother attempting it]
Casey: [signing ‘I don’t know’ because trying but can’t lie about it]
Janis: [signing back ‘you don’t need to find out’ because we love it, not asking for the opposite here]
Casey: [‘alright, do it again’ like okay I can be even louder this next time about it]
Janis: [being more firm about it because always gonna follow an instruction]
Casey: [being louder about it because that’s the easiest thing in the world for this man]
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bajisbabe · 3 years
[author’s note] I rewrote this post THREE times...
“I don’t trust nobody, not even her.”
they accidentally hit you | Yandere!Mikey, Ran, Wakasa
warnings: accidental violence, brief mention of actual violence, implied kidnap, yandere, Mikey kicking reader, Ran hitting reader, Wakasa kicking reader.
anon said: “Request for a Yandere ran, Mickey and Wakasa where they accidentally hit you? Like they accidentally slap or kicked u too hard for any reason”
song: trust nobody, love nobody the same by sagun (feat. shiloh dynasty)
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— is probably beating tf out of someone who thought they could get between you two; maybe someone who came to rescue you or tried to help you escape.
— he is about to end them with that legendary kick of his, but his foot catches your jaw because you thought it would be a great idea to jump in front of whoever Mikey is beefing with in a pathetic attempt to save their miserable life.
— and Mikey is able to slow the kick just enough so that you don’t get the full force, but you still get hit as it was far too late for him to stop when you suddenly jump in front of him like that.
— and you go flying.
— like you’re literally knocked off of your fucking feet.
— and he watches your body crumple on the floor as you land.
— you let out a lil’ yelp as you hit the ground.
— suddenly, he forgets all about the loser he’s beaten bloody and runs over to check on you.
— he kneels over you, tugging your limp body into his lap.
— he smooths back your hair, rubbing his thumbs over your temples as he softly calls your name.
— and when you don’t respond, he gets panicked and begins calling your name louder and louder until you answer with a groggy, “what?”
— he gets so angry at himself that he has to take it out on something, or rather someone.
— so he moves as though he is going to go back to kicking ass, but you weakly tug at his wrist and beg him not to.
— and he sees how weak and vulnerable you are at the moment, and how you’re begging him so sweetly for someone else’s life.
— he hesitates, but in the end, he gives up and leaves that person alone. even though he has already given them the beating of a lifetime.
— and he does his best to help you get somewhere safe where you can be treated without alerting the authorities of course.
— he feels really guilty about it and keeps apologizing.
— and if you ask him not to go after that person again, in this moment, when the guilt is eating him alive, he won’t.
— but only if you ask him now, while he still feels like shit about how things ended up.
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— he’s not as smart as people give him credit for.
— he really is quite a brute.
— he swings on kids with bricks and batons in parking lots for fun.
— he is most likely testing out his new weapon, whatever it may be.
— maybe a brand new shiny, steel bat that’s sole purpose is to beat in the faces of anyone who tries to take you away from him.
— he had it custom made to ensure that it’s got the right weight to it.
— and he is just swinging it about when you happen to pop up out of nowhere.
— maybe you had heard all the swooshing and just wanted to see what was up.
— but you happen to come too close and Ran doesn’t even see you, having way too much fun testing out his new weapon.
— and Ran is just swinging, swinging, swinging.
— and then he turns and you’re right fucking there. but it’s too late to stop it.
— luckily enough for you, he is able to lift his hand just enough so that his fist hits you rather than the bat.
— but it still hurts.
— you’re not necessarily knocked off your feet, but you get hit and become dizzy.
— your legs give out and you fall to your knees, cheek aching.
— he immediately collapses to kneel in front of you, hands hovering in front of you.
— he’s too afraid to touch you. he thinks he might hurt you again.
— “sorry.” he blurts, mouth dry.
— this means a lot because Ran never apologizes.
— but he feels so fucking sorry.
— your eyes are glossy, your lower lip pulled between your teeth as you fight back tears.
— I don’t blame you. I KNOW that shit hurt 🤕
— “I’m sorry,” he blurts again. “Can I—is it okay if I—uhm, what do you want me to…?”
— He can’t figure out what to do or how to help you.
— he feels like shit, and he thinks you’re gonna hate him even more now.
— you just sniffle, taking a deep breath as you blink back tears.
— “can I… Is it okay if I…?” His hands jolt as though he’s trying to stop himself from touching you.
— he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable. He doesn’t want to see you scared, or see you flinch.
— and you don’t really have much of a choice because he might have broken something in your face and you need some kind of help, so you take him up on his unsaid offer.
— you nod softly, swallowing a sob as your cheek aches painfully.
— he slowly tugs you into his arms, soothing his large hands over your back.
— he cups your face gently in his hands and tilts your face to get a better look.
— your eyes are stinging as he asks you where exactly it hurts.
— “Sorry,” he murmurs again. “I’ll get Rindou to check on you,” he says. “He’s good with medical shit.”
— actually thinks you look rather nice when crying but won’t mention it because he can read the room.
— coddles you and calls you all kinds of nicknames.
— “baby, I’m sorry.” / “it won’t happen again, sweetheart.” / “I didn’t mean to, honey.”
— sits there while Rindou patches you up, holding your hand (if you let him) and telling you that you’re doing so good whenever you clutch his hand hard or when you squeeze your eyes shut in pain.
— promises to buy you whatever you want to fix it.
— even if you insist that you don’t want anything, he’ll still get you something.
— probably still tells you that he’s sorry under his breath.
— he is so pressed about the situation that he doesn’t even use the shiny, steel bat he bought.
— it’s expensive and custom made, and he’s not gonna use it at all solely because he almost hit you with it.
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— he thought you were someone else.
— when he heard someone creeping out of the hideout, he assumed it was an outsider who stumbled across the place and was trying to escape.
— and his reflexes are fast.
— so without thinking, he clocks you upside the head from behind.
— he most likely noticed that it was you he was about to hit but by then, it was too late to stop.
— but he doesn’t even try to hold back or slow the punch at all.
— he lets you take it full force.
— you are quite literally knocked off your fucking feet.
— and when you hit the ground, you’re gasping for air because you’re winded thanks to the impact of the fall.
— and he just peers over you, watching you with that resting bitch face of his.
— he doesn’t even apologize.
— he quietly asks you where you were going, knowing damn well you can’t respond because you cannot breathe.
— and he doesn’t help either.
— he just watches you sputter for air.
— your ribs could be broken.
— and if you get upset and scream about how he could have hurt you, he’ll just shrug and say that he pulled the kick so that you wouldn’t get hurt as bad.
— liar. 😔
— if you need any kind of patching up, he will help.
— but he will probably have something backhanded to say about how if you didn’t try to escape then this wouldn’t have happened.
— is a lil’ insensitive.
— your body is probably sore and aching and he doesn’t even care.
— might purposefully run his hands over the place where he knows it’ll hurt most just to watch your pretty face contort with subtle pain.
— might even take his fingers and dig them into the sensitive skin that suffered from the impact just to see if you’ll yell or cry.
— he finds you interesting and wants to see you make as many expressions as possible.
— expressions of pain are not excluded.
— would be a lil’ hurt if you flinched away from him after the whole ordeal.
— but he isn’t stupid, he could understand why you’d fear him. he just can’t find it in himself to care.
— not that he would intentionally hurt you.
— but if it happens, if happens 🤷🏾‍♀️
— might feel guilty if you show that you’re genuinely upset.
— if you want him to stop poking and prodding at your bruises, you’re gonna have to cry.
— he might go easy on you then, but that’s a might, not a will.
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catelyngrant · 7 years
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